Vandya ‘Vande Mataram’ Question Answer Class 9 Marathi Chapter 1 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Marathi Solutions Kumarbharti Chapter 1 वंद्य ‘वन्दे मातरम्’ Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 9 Marathi Kumarbharati Chapter 1 वंद्य ‘वन्दे मातरम्’ Question Answer Maharashtra Board

वंद्य ‘वन्दे मातरम्’ Std 9 Marathi Chapter 1 Questions and Answers

प्रश्न 1.
हे गीत विद्यार्थ्यांनी समूहाने तालासुरात मोठ्याने म्हणावे व त्याचा काव्यानंद अनुभवावा.

वंद्य ‘वन्दे मातरम्’ Summary in Marathi

कवितेचा आशय:

राष्ट्रभक्तीने प्रेरित होऊन ज्या शूर राष्ट्रभक्तांनी मातृभूमीच्या स्वातंत्र्यासाठी प्राणांचे बलिदान दिले, त्या देशभक्तांच्या गौरवाचे हे गीत कवींनी लिहिले आहे. या गीतात कवींनी वीर भारतपुत्रांविषयी कृतज्ञता व्यक्त केली आहे.


  1. वंद्य – वंदनीय, आदरणीय.
  2. वन्दे – वंदन करतो.
  3. मातरम् – मातृभूमी,
  4. माउली – आई, (येथे अर्थ) भारतमाता.
  5. मुक्तता – सुटका,
  6. यज्ञ – अग्निकुंड (इथे अर्थ) स्वातंत्र्यसंग्राम.
  7. भारती – भारतात.
  8. जीवित – जीवन, आयुष्य.
  9. आहुती – प्राणार्पण.
  10. सिद्ध – तयार.
  11. मंत्र – श्लोक, सुवचन, घोषवाक्य.
  12. मृतांचे – मेलेल्या शरीराचे, कलेवरांचे,
  13. जागले – (विचारांनी) जागृत झाले.
  14. शस्त्रधारी – हत्यार बाळगणारे,
  15. निष्ठुर – कठोर, क्रूर.
  16. शांतिवादी – शांतता रुजवणारे लोक (भारतीय),
  17. झुंजले – लढले.
  18. शस्त्रहीनां – ज्यांच्या हाती हत्यार नाही असे लोक.
  19. लाभो – मिळो.
  20. निर्मिला – निर्माण केला, तयार केला,
  21. आचरीला – वर्तनात आणला, वागणुकीत आणला.
  22. हुतात्मे – वीरमरण लाभलेले राष्ट्रभक्त.
  23. स्वर्गलोक – देवांचा रहिवास असलेले.
  24. तयांच्या – त्यांच्या.
  25. आरती – प्रार्थना, आळवणी करणारे भजन.

टीप : वेद : प्राचीन काळी ऋषिमुनींनी लिहिलेले जीवनस्तोत्र.

कवितेचा भावार्थ:

राष्ट्रप्रेमाने भारलेल्या व भारताच्या स्वातंत्र्यासाठी प्राणार्पण करणाऱ्या राष्ट्रभक्तांबद्दल कृतज्ञता व्यक्त करताना कवी म्हणतात – वेदांच्या मंत्रांपेक्षाही ‘वंदे मातरम!’ हा जयघोष आम्हां भारतीयांना वंदनीय आहे, आदरणीय आहे.

(स्वातंत्र्यपूर्व काळामध्ये) या भारतवर्षात भारतमातेला पारतंत्र्यातून मुक्त करण्याचा धगधगता स्वातंत्र्यसंग्राम (यज्ञ) झाला. त्या स्वातंत्र्याच्या अग्निकुंडात लाखो वीरांच्या प्राणांची आहती पडली. लाखो देशभक्तांनी बलिदान दिले. त्यांच्या या पवित्र बलिदानाने ‘वन्दे मातरम्!’ हा मंत्र निर्माण केला. सिद्ध केला. ‘वन्दे मातरम्!’ या मंत्राने त्या वेळी मुर्दाड झालेली व स्वाभिमान हरवून बसलेली राष्ट्रीयता जागृत झाली. सारे भारतीय खडबडून जागे झाले, कायम शांतीचा पुरस्कार करणारे भारतीय, संगिनधारी सशस्त्र, क्रूर इंग्रजी जुलमी सत्ताधाऱ्यांशी लढले. त्या झुंजीमध्ये निःशस्त्र असणाऱ्या भारतीयांना ‘वन्दे मातरम्!’ हा एकच महामंत्र शस्त्रासारखा लाभला होता.

स्वातंत्र्यलढ्यामध्ये ज्या देशभक्तांनी ‘वन्दे मातरम्’ हा मंत्र निर्माण केला व तोच वर्तनात आणून परकीय सत्तेशी झुंज दिली. जे राष्ट्रभक्त या रणकुंडात प्राणार्पण करून हुतात्मे झाले ते देव होऊन स्वर्गलोकी गेले. त्यांना देवत्व प्राप्त झाले. त्यांच्या बलिदानाची आरती म्हणजेच हे ‘वन्दे मातरम्!’ गीत आहे. आपण ते गाऊ या.

9th Std Marathi Questions And Answers:

Sarvatmaka Shivsundara Question Answer Class 9 Marathi Chapter 1 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Marathi Solutions Aksharbharati Chapter 1 सर्वात्मका शिवसुंदरा Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 9 Marathi Aksharbharati Chapter 1 सर्वात्मका शिवसुंदरा Question Answer Maharashtra Board

सर्वात्मका शिवसुंदरा Std 9 Marathi Chapter 9 Questions and Answers

कवीचा परिचय :

नाव : विष्णु वामन शिरवाडकर
कालावधी : 1912 – 1999

ज्ञानपीठ पारितोषिक विजेते, प्रसिद्ध लेखक, कवी, नाटककार. ‘जीवनलहरी’, विशाखा’, ‘समिधा’, ‘स्वगत’, ‘हिमरेषा’, ‘वादळवेल’, ‘मारवा’, ‘किनारा’ इत्यादी काव्यसंग्रह; ‘वैजयंती’, ‘राजमुकुट’, ‘कौतेय’, ‘नटसम्राट’, ‘वीज महणाली धरतीला’, ‘विदूषक’ इत्यादी नाटके प्रसिद्ध.

प्रस्तावना :

‘सर्वात्मका शिवसुंदरा’ ही प्रार्थना कवी कुसुमाग्रज यांनी लिहिली आहे. या प्रार्थनेत परमेश्वरास वंदन करून अंधारातून उजेडाकडे नेण्याची, संकटातही सामना करण्याची शक्ती देण्याची विनंती कवीने केली आहे.

A famous poet Kusumagraj has written the prayer Sarvatmaka Shivsundara’. In this prayer, the poet is seeking guidance from the almighty God. He is asking the Lord to bestow upon him the strength to survive in all tough, difficult situations. He is asking the God to transport him from the darkness of everyday life to enlightenment

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Marathi Aksharbharati Solutions Chapter 1 सर्वात्मका शिवसुंदरा

भावार्थ :

सर्वात्मका शिवसुंदरा …………………….. आमुच्या ने जीवना।।
हे सर्व प्राणीमात्रांच्या ठिकाणी असलेल्या शिवसुंदरा परमेश्वरा, तू आमचे वंदन स्वीकार कर. हे परमेश्वरा, तू आमच्या जीवनाला अंधाराकडून प्रकाशाकडे घेऊन जा. आमच्या जीवनाला योग्य मार्ग दाखव.

सुमनांत तू गगनात …………………….. चोहीकडे रूपे तुझी जाणीव ही माझ्या मना ।।
हे परमेश्वरा, सुमनात म्हणजेच प्रत्येक फुलात, गगनात तूच सामावलेला आहे. तान्यांमध्ये देखील तू फुललेला म्हणजेच भरलेला, व्यापलेला आहेस. या जगामध्ये जे जे सद्धमनि वागतात त्या सर्वांमध्ये तू राहतोस. या सृष्टीमध्ये चोहीकडे तुझीच रूपे आहेत, याची मला जाणीव आहे.

श्रमतोस तू शेतामधे ……………………. तिथे तुझे पद पावना ।।
हे परमेश्वरा, शेतामध्ये त्या कष्ट करणाऱ्या लोकांबरोबर तू स्वत: मेहनत करतोस. या जगामध्ये जे जे दुःखी, कष्टी जीवनाने त्रासलेले आहेत, त्या लोकांची आसवे तू पुसतोस. म्हणजेच या सर्वांचे दुःख, त्रास तू दूर करतोस. जिथे कोणत्याही स्वार्थाशिवाय तुझी सेवा केली जाते, तिथे तुझे पावन चरण पाहायला मिळतात. तिथे तुझे अस्तित्व जाणवते.

न्यायार्थ जे लढती रणी………………….मुनी होतोस त्यांची साधना।।
पुढे कवी सांगतात की, जे लोक अन्यायाविरुद्ध लढतात, न्यायासाठी तलवार हातात घेऊन रणांगणावर लवण्यासाठी जातात, त्यांच्या हातातल्या तलवारीमध्ये परमेश्वरा तू राहतोस. तसेच जे लोक ध्येयवेडे असतात. जे आपले ध्येय प्राप्त करण्यासाठी अंधारातून (संकटातून) ही मार्ग काढतात तू त्यांच्यामध्ये दीप बनून राहतोस. त्यांच्यात आत्मविश्वास, हिंमत निर्माण करतोस. म्हणजेच ध्येय प्राप्तीचा योग्य मार्ग तू त्यांना दाखवतोस. तसेच जे ज्ञानाची लालसा मनामध्ये धरून त्याची कास धरतात, त्यासाठी तप करतात, त्यांची ज्ञानसाधना तू होतोस.

करुणाकरा करुणा तुझी ………………. नित जगवि भीतीवाना।।
कवी परमेश्वराला सांगतो, हे करुणाकरा तुझा आशीर्वाद पाठीशी असताना मला कुठलीही भीती नाही. त्यामुळे आयुष्याच्या वाटेवर चालताना माझ्या प्रत्येक पावलाबरोबर तुझे पाऊल असेल, याची मला पक्की खात्री आहे. त्यामुळे माझ्याकडून नेहमीच सूजनत्व मणजेच नवनिर्मिती होईल. माझ्या मनात त्याविषयी कोणतीच भीती असणार नाही.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Marathi Aksharbharati Solutions Chapter 1 सर्वात्मका शिवसुंदरा

शब्दार्थ :

  1. ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार – साहित्य क्षेत्रातील सर्वोत्कृष्ट पुरस्कार
  2. सर्वात्मका – सर्व प्राणिमात्रांच्या ठिकाणी असलेला जीवात्मा, परमेश्वर (the soul of all, the entire self)
  3. शिव – शंकर (God Shiva)
  4. सुंदरा – सुंदर (beautiful)
  5. स्वीकार – अंगीकार (acceptance)
  6. अभिवादन – वंदन, नमन (salutation)
  7. तिमिर – अंधार, काळोख (darkness)
  8. तेज – प्रकाश, लकाकी (brightness)
  9. प्रभु – ईश्वर, देव (God, Lord)
  10. जीवन – आयुष्य (life)
  11. सुमन – फूल (a flower)
  12. गगन – आकाश, नभ (the sky)
  13. तारा – चांदणी (star)
  14. सद्धर्म – चांगला धर्म, सदाचार (good quality, good conduct)
  15. जग – दुनिया, विश्व (the world, the universe)
  16. वसणे – राहणे, वस्ती करणे (to establish, to stay)
  17. चोहिकडे – सभोवार, सर्वत्र (everywhere, all round)
  18. रूप – आकार (form, shape)
  19. जाणीव – बोध, आकलन (consciousness, realization)
  20. मन – चित्त, अंत:करण (the mind)
  21. राबसी – राबतोस, भरपूर कष्ट करतोस (to work hard)
  22. श्रमिक – कामकरी, कष्ट करणारा (a labour, a worker)
  23. रंजले – त्रासले (to be harassed)
  24. गांजणे – त्रासून जाणे, सतावले जाणे (to be harassed)
  25. आसवे – अश्रू (tears)
  26. स्वार्थ – स्वत:चा लाभ, मतलब (selfishness)
  27. पद – पाय, पाऊल (a foot, a foot step)
  28. न्याय – नीती (justice)
  29. रण – रणभूमी, युद्धाची जागा, रणांगण (battlefield)
  30. कर – हस्त, ह्यत (hand)
  31. ध्येय – उद्दिष्ट, साध्य (a goal, an aim)
  32. तमी – तम, अंधकार काळोख (darkness)
  33. अंतरी – आतमध्ये (in interior)
  34. ज्ञान – माहिती, प्रतिती (knowledge)
  35. तपती – तपतात (experience burning, blazing, heat)
  36. मुनि – ऋषी, साधू, तपस्वी (a holy sage)
  37. साधना – तपश्चर्या (penance)
  38. करुणा – दया (compassion, mercy)
  39. भय – भीती, धास्ती (fear, fright)
  40. मार्ग – रस्ता (way)
  41. सदा – नेहमी (always)
  42. तव – तुझे (yours)
  43. पावले – पाऊले, पाय (feet)
  44. सूजनत्व – नवनिर्मिती (creation)
  45. नित – नेहमी, सदा (always, daily, everyday)
  46. जगवि – जागव (to wake up)

9th Std Marathi Questions And Answers:

Std 9 English Poem Life 1.1 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions Kumarbharati Chapter 1.1 Life Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 9 English Chapter 1.1 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Life Poem 9th Std Question Answer

Warming Up:

1. There are many popular lines like:
‘life Is a game – play ft well’.
‘life Is a Journey – keep going ahead’.
Discuss and write down a few such metaphorical lines about ‘life’. You can make them up yourselves.
1. …………………………….. .
2. …………………………….. .
3. …………………………….. .
4. …………………………….. .
5. …………………………….. .

Question 1.
Discuss and write down a few metaphorical lines about life, like the two lines given on page 2 of the textbook.
(Some examples)

  1. Life is a movie – enjoy it to the full.
  2. Life is a short picnic – relish it.
  3. Life is a see-saw – sometimes up, sometimes down.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.1 Life

2. Prepare as many ‘acrostics’ using the word LIFE, as you can. Two examples are given below.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.1 Life
You can turn it into a game, using a time – limit. Make sure your acrostics are related to ‘life’.

Question 1.
Prepare as many acrostics as you can, using the word ‘LIFE’.
(Some examples)
1. Love

2. Lively

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.1 Life

3. Listen carefully and write the word in the appropriate column.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.1 Life 2
Teacher: hopeful, lonely, happy, jealous, surprised, shy, loving, proud, cheerful, anxious, nervous, excited, embarrassed, scared, silly, comfortable, peaceful, depressed, enthusiastic, motivated, inspired, threatened, crushed, angry Note that it is possible to feel both kinds of emotions at the same time. Have you experienced it? Try to describe the situation in short.

Question 1.
Listen carefully to the words spoken by the teacher and write them in the appropriate columns :
(The answer is given directly.)

Positive Feelings Negative Feelings
hopeful, excited, happy, surprised, loving, cheerful, comfortable, peaceful, enthusiastic, motivated, inspired. lonely, jealous, shy,  proud, anxious, nervous, embarrassed, scared, silly, depressed, angry, threatened, crushed.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.1 Life

English Workshop :

1. Pick out from the extract two lines each that reflect an optimistic (positive) attitude and pessimistic (negative) attitude.

Optimism :
1. …………… .
2. ……………. .

Pessimism :
1. …………….. .
2. …………….. .

Question 1.
Pick out from the extract two lines each that reflect an optimistic (positive) attitude and pessimistic (negative) attitude.
Optimism :

  1. Foretells a pleasant day.
  2. But these are transient all.

Pessimism :

  1. Oft a little morning rain.
  2. Sometimes there are clouds of gloom.

(Note: These lines cannot actually be called pessimistic. The poetess looks on problems as temporary and feels that any difficulties we face always foretell a happy future. There are no lines that are absolutely pessimistic.)

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.1 Life

2. Give other ‘-ly’ adverbs of similar meaning for the following. Use a thesaurus if needed.

(a) rapidly → ……………… .
(b) merrily → ……………… .
(c) gratefully → ………………
(d) cheerily → ……………… .
(e) manfully → ……………… .
(f) fearlessly → ……………… .
(g) gloriously → ……………… .
(h) victoriously → ……………… .

Question 1.
Give other ‘-ly’ adverbs of similar meaning for the following. Use a thesaurus if needed :
(The answers are given directly.)
(a) rapidly → swiftly
(b) merrily → cheerfully
(c) gratefully → thankfully
(d) cheerily → happily
(e) manfully → bravely
(f) fearlessly → courageously
(g) gloriously → wonderfully
(h) victoriously → triumphantly

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.1 Life

3. Pick out three examples of interrogation (rhetorical questions) from the poem.
a. Explain in your own words the point that each one makes.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.1 Life 3

b. Explain the metaphor in the following lines :
1. Oft a little morning rain ………………………………….
Foretells a pleasant day ……………………………………
2. Sometimes there are clouds ………………………………….
3. … the shower will make the roses bloom ………………………………….
4. Life’s sunny hours flit by ………………………………….

c. Pick out four examples of personification. Write what is personified in each :
1. ………………………………….
2. ………………………………….
3. ………………………………….
4. ………………………………….

d. ‘And calls our Best away’ is a gentle way of expressing the unpleasant idea of a loved one dying. It is an example of euphemism. Think and write down 3 or 4 ways in which we can express the idea of ‘death’ in a tactful and gentle manner.
1. ………………………………….
2. ………………………………….
3. ………………………………….
4. ………………………………….

Question a.
Pick out two examples of interrogation (rhetorical questions) from the extract. Explain in your own words the point that each one makes.

Interrogation Explanation
1. What though death at times steps in, And calls our Best away? If death, at times takes away the people we love most, we must accept it and hope for better times.
2. What though sorrow seems to win, O’er hope a heavy sway? It does not matter if we are overcome by sorrow and hope seems to be far away.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.1 Life

Question b.
Explain the metaphor in the following lines :

1. Oft a little morning rain ………………….
Foretells a pleasant day …………….
2. SometImes there are clouds……………..
3. … the shower wifi make the roses bloom …………..
4. life’s sunny hours flit by ……………

Question 1.
Oft a little morning rain
Foretells a pleasant day.
If we have difficulties at some stage, there will be joyous times following it. Difficulties are implicitly compared to rain and joyous times to a pleasant day.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.1 Life

Question 2.
Sometimes there are clouds.
Sometimes there are problems. Problems are implicitly compared to clouds.

Question 3.
……. the shower will make the roses bloom.
The problems we face will make for better times ahead. Problems are implicitly compared to the showers of rain and better times Eire implicitly compared to roses blooming.

Question 4.
Life’s sunny hours flit by.
The happy times of our life go by very quickly. Here, the happy times are implicitly compared to sunny hours.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.1 Life

Question c.
Pick out four examples of personification from the extract. Write what is personified in each.

  1. ‘Death steps in.’ Death is personified.
  2. ‘Sorrow seems to win.’ Sorrow is personified.
  3. ‘Yet Hope again elastic springs, Unconquered though she fell.’ Hope is personified.
  4. ‘Can courage quell despair!’ Courage is personified.

Question d.
‘And calls our Best away’ is a gentle way of expressing the unpleasant idea of a loved one dying. It is an example of euphemism. Think and write down 3 or 4 ways in which we can express the idea of ‘death’ in a tactful and gentle manner.

  1. The person has left for his heavenly abode.
  2. He/She has gone to meet his/her Maker.
  3. He/She has become the beloved of God.
  4. He/She has completed his work on this earth.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.1 Life

4. ‘…………. and that’s how I realised that courage and hope can help me overcome any major mishap/problem in life.’ Write an episode/experience from your own life that leads to the above conclusion.

Question 1.
‘…… and that’s how I realized that courage and hope can help me overcome any major mishap/ problem in life.’ Write an episode/experience from your own life that leads to the above conclusion.
I am a lover of sports. My favourite game is football. I wanted to play in my school team, and right from the age of eleven, I had been practising very sincerely.

Then one unfortunate day, when I was twelve, I fell down the stairs of my building and fractured my leg , badly. I was devastated. How could I play my favourite game? How could I make it to the team? Would my leg ever become completely alright again? Would I be I able to run around and kick the ball as before? I felt that my world had ended.

This was the time when my family gave me their full support. My grandparents helped me to while away the long hours; my parents made nutritious food for me and saw to the medical treatment. My sister, who is four years older than me, gave me sound advice and courage. She understood what I was going through.

She told me of various people who had suffered terrible disasters and had risen I above them. She brought me videos of umpteen cases where the mind had won over the body. She made me read biographies of achievers like Wilma Rudolph and Sudha Chandran. She made me do my exercises regularly and keep in touch with my sport. Slowly but surely, I regained courage and confidence.

Believe it or not, two years later I made it to my football team! My doctor and my family said that it was optimism and a positive attitude that had helped me recover completely. And that’s how I realized that courage and hope can help me (or anybody) overcome any major mishap/problem in life.

5. Read: ‘The Psalm of Life’ – a poem by H. W. Longfellow.

English Kumarbharati 9th Digest Chapter 1.1 Life Additional Important Questions and Answers

Warming Up:

Question 1.
It is possible to feel both kinds of emotions at the same time. Have you experienced it? Try to describe such a situation in short.
(An example is given below.)
Yes, I have experienced it. Once, when I stood first in class and got excellent marks in Science and Maths, my parents gave a party. All my friends were also present. My father gave a speech praising me. At that time, I was happy as well as embarrassed.

Read the following extracts carefully and complete the activities :

Simple Factual Activity :

Question 1.
Say whether the following statements are True or False :

  1. The sages say that life is a dark dream. True
  2. The clouds of gloom are permanent. False
  3. We must enjoy the happy hours of our life. True
  4. Life’s sunny hours flit by quickly. True

Complex Factual Activities :

Question 1.
What do the sages say?
The sages say that life is a dark dream.

Question 2.
What does the rain often foretell?
The rain often foretells a pleasant day.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.1 Life

Question 3.
What should we do during joyful times in life?
We should enjoy the joyful times of our life gratefully and cheerfully.

Question 4.
Complete the following :
We should not be unhappy when we have difficulties because
We should not be unhappy when we have difficulties because these difficulties are temporary. If we have difficulties at some stage in our lives, there will be joyous times following it later.

Activities based on Poetic Devices :

Question 1.
Pick out an example of interrogation (rhetorical question) from the extract. Explain j in your own words the point that it makes.

Interrogation Explanation
If the shower will make the roses bloom, Oh, why lament its fall? If a little rain helps the roses to flower, we should not feel unhappy about it. This means that we must not express regret for the difficulties we face in life.

Simple Factual Activity :

Complete the following :
(The answers are given directly and underlined.)

1. One should bear the day of trial courageously and fearlessly.
2. The wings of hope are golden and buoyant, (strong, elastic)

Complex Factual Activity :

Question 1.
Does sorrow actually win over hope, according to the poet?
No. Though hope is temporarily defeated, it springs up again and helps us to bear the days of trials.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.1 Life

Question 2.
Who does ‘Our Best’ refer to?
‘Our Best’ refers to those whom we love and cherish the most.

Question 3.
Why are the wings of hope ‘golden’?
Gold is the colour of optimism. The wings of hope are golden because hope helps us bear up with
our problems and suppress despair.

Activities based on Poetic Devices :

Question 1.
Write an appreciation of this poem. With the help of given points in paragraph format :
Note: The point format given for Appreciation of Poem is for easy understanding. However, it is to be written in I the form of a paragraph in the examination.
Point Format
(for understanding)

  • Title: Life
  • Poet: Charlotte Bronte
  • Rhyme Scheme: abeb in the first stanza, and abab in all the remaining stanzas.
  • Figures of Speech: ‘What though death at times steps in’. The figure of speech is Personification, Death is given the human quality of ‘stepping in’.
  • The other important figures of speech are Metaphor and Interrogation (Rhetorical Questions).
  • Theme/Central idea: This is a motivating and optimistic poem. The poet says that the bad things of life are transient, and good things invariably follow them.
  • Hope will rescue us and help us to bear our trials, even during times of great adversity. We must be optimistic, and have the courage to overcome any mishaps or problems.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 1.1 Life

Paragraph Format:

The poem ‘Life’ is by Charlotte Bronte. It is a motivating and optimistic poem. The Rhyme Scheme is abeb for the first stanza and abab in all remaining stanzas. There are many figures of speech e.g. Personification ‘What though death at times steps in’. Here, death is given the human quality of ‘stepping in’. The other important figures of speech are Metaphor and Interrogation (Rhetorical Questions).

The poetess says that the bad things of life are temporary. Good things invariably follow it. Even during times of great adversity, hope will rescue us and help us to bear our trials. We must look at the positive side of life, and have the courage to overcome any mishaps or problems. The poem makes one feel good and is easy to understand.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions

9th Std English Questions And Answers:

Our Earth And Our Solar System Class 5 Questions And Answers EVS Chapter 1 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

5th Standard EVS 1 Lesson Number 1 Question Answer Our Earth And Our Solar System Maharashtra Board

Std 5 EVS 1 Chapter 1 Question Answer

1. What’s the solution?

Question 1.
What’s the solution?
One of the asteroids have fallen out of its place in the asteroid belt and is hurling towards the sun. Our earth is in its way and there is all likelihood of a collision. What can be done to prevent this collision?
Use the shock wave to deflect it away from earth. Which means attach three large remote controlled rockets to the asteroid turning it into a large space vehicle and move it away from a dangerous collision.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System

2. Use your Brain Power:

Question 1.
What will happen to our solar system if the sun were to suddenly disappear?
1. If the sun were to suddenly disappear all life forms on earth will cease, because the sun is a source of light and heat.
2. There will be complete darkness on all planets.
3. The planets will move from their orbits and may clash against each other.

Question 2.
Suppose you want to give your address to a friend you have on the planet mars. How will you write your address if you want them to understand exactly where you live?

3. Look at the picture of the solar system and answer the following questions:

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System 1
Question (a)
Which planet is nearest to the Sun?

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System

Question (b)
At what position is the earth from the Sun?

Question (c)
Which planet is placed between the earth and mercury?

Question (d)
Name the planets beyond the orbit of Mars in serial order.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Question (e)
Which planet in the Solar System is furthest from the sun?

4. Who am I?

Question (a)
You can see me from the earth but the lighted part of me that you see changes every day.
The moon.

Question (b)
I have my own light. It is only from me that the planets get light and heat.
The sun.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System

Question (c)
I turn around myself, around a planet and also around a star.

Question (d)
I turn around myself and revolve around the Sun.

Question (e)
No other planet has a living world like mine.

Question (f)
I am the nearest star to the earth.
The sun.


Question (a)
For what purpose are rockets used in space travel?
1. Very powerful rockets are used to send a spacecraft into space.
2. A tremendous quantity of fuel is burnt in rockets so that spacecraft weighing thousands of tons may be launched into space.

Question (b)
What information do man-made satellites provide?
1. Man made satellites provide useful information on agriculture, environment, weather, forecasting, making maps and searching for water and mineral wealth on the earth.
2. It is also used for telecommunication.

Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question 1.
The heavenly bodies that twinkle are called ……………………. .
(a) earth
(b) moon
(c) stars
(c) Stars

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System

Question 2.
Satellites and planets get their light from the ……………….. .
(a) asteroids
(b) pluto
(c) sun
(c) sun

Question 3.
The heavenly body closest to the earth is ………………. .
(a) sun
(b) moon
(c) mercury
(b) moon

Question 4.
…………………….. is an important Indian space mission on Mars.
(a) Chandrayaan -1
(b) Mangalyaan
(c) Marsyaan
(b) Mangalyaan

Question 5.
Scientists who travel in the spacecraft are called ……………….. .
(a) astronauts
(b) researchers
(c) engineers
(a) astronauts

Question 6.
…………………. became the first Indian astonaut to go in space.
(a) Kalpana Chaivla
(b) Rakesh Sharma
(c) Sunita Williams
(b) Rakesh Sharma

Question 7.
………………….. have their own light.
(a) Stars
(b) Planets
(c) Asteroids
(a) Stars

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System

Question 8.
The Sun is a …………………. .
(a) planet
(b) star
(c) satellite
(b) star

Question 9.
The heavenly bodies that do not twinkle are called ………………. .
(a) planets
(b) stars
(c) rockets
(a) planets

Question 10.
………………… do not have their own light.
(a) stars
(b) planets
(c) bulbs
(b) planets

Question 11.
Plants get their light from the …………………… .
(a) rockets
(b) asteroids
(c) stars
(d) sun
(c) stars

Question 12.
Our earth is a ………………….. .
(a) satellite
(b) moon
(c) planet
(c) planet

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System

Question 13.
The earth’s movement around the sun is called the ………………. of the earth.
(a) revolution
(b) rotation
(c) motion
(a) revolution

Question 14.
Besides earth, there are ……………. other planets which revolves around the sun.
(a) two
(b) one
(c) seven
(c) seven

Question 15.
The pathway along which the planets move around the sun is known as the planet’s
(a) track
(b) orbit
(c) asteroid
(b) orbit

Question 16.
The sun and the planets that revolve around it are together called the ………………. system.
(a) satellite
(b) solar
(c) universal
(b) solar

Question 17.
Some heavenly bodies that revolve around the planets are called ……………….. .
(a) sun
(b) moon
(c) satellites
(c) satellites

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System

Question 18.
The ………………….. revolves around the earth.
(a) sun
(b) moon
(c) planets
(b) moon

Question 19.
The moon is the satellite of the ………………….. .
(a) Mars
(b) Saturn
(c) Earth
(c) Earth

Question 20.
The planets revolve around the …………….. along with its satellites.
(a) earth
(b) sun
(c) solar system
(b) sun

Question 21.
……………….. is a well-known dwarf planet.
(a) Pluto
(b) Jupiter
(c) Saturn
(a) Pluto

Question 22.
Asteroids also ………………. around the sun.
(a) rotate
(b) move
(c) revolve
(c) revolve

Question 23.
Due to the earth’s ………………….. all things on the earth remain on it.
(a) gravity
(b) rotation
(c) revolution
(a) gravity

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System

Question 24.
Very powerful rockets are used to send a spacecraft into ………………. .
(a) planets
(b) asteroids
(c) space
(c) space

Question 25.
Our country is well-known for the development of its ……………… launch technology.
(a) Space
(b) Astronaut
(c) Asteroids
(a) Space

Question 26.
Scientists who travel in spacecraft are called
(a) astronauts
(b) asteroids
(c) rockets
(a) astronauts

What is the full form of:

Question 1.
M. O. M.
Mars Orbit Mission

Question 2.
Indian Space Research Organisation

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System

Question 3.
Match the following:

‘A’ ‘B’
(1) Rakesh Sharma went to space (a) 2008
(2) Chandrayaan I launched (b) 2014
(3) MOM launched in space (c) 1984
(4) MOM established in an orbit (d) 2013


‘A’ ‘B’
(1) Rakesh Sharma went to space (c) 1984
(2) Chandrayaan I launched (a) 2008
(3) MOM launched in space (b) 2014
(4) MOM established in an orbit (d) 2013

Name the following:

Question 1.
Two heavenly bodies.
The sun and the moon.

Question 2.
Planets in the solar system.
Mercury Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter/Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System

Question 3.
Heavenly bodies between Mars and Jupiter.

Question 4.
A dwarf planet.

Question 5.
Technology that helps us to travel in space.
Rocket technology or space launch technology.

Answer the following in one sentence:

Question 1.
What is the solar system?
The sun and their planets, their satellites, dwarf planets and asteroids that revolve around the sun are together called the solar system.

Question 2.
What is known as planet’s orbit?
Every planet in the solar system revolves around the sun along a specific path which is known as planet’s orbit.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System

Question 3.
What are satellites?
Some heavenly bodies which revolves around the planets are called satellites.

Question 4.
What do you mean by the force of gravity?
All heavenly bodies exert a force of attraction or a pull on one another, this is called the force of gravity.

Question 5.
What are heavenly bodies?
The sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, etc. are all heavenly bodies.

Question 6.
What are stars?
Heavenly bodies that twinkle are called stars.

Question 7.
Which star is closer than any other star?
The sun is the star that is closest to us.

Question 8.
What are planets?
Heavenly bodies that do not twinkle are called planets.

Question 9.
What are the two movements of a planet?
Planets revolve around a star, even as they rotate around themselves.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System

Question 10.
What is the revolution of the earth?
The movement of the earth around the sun is called the revolution of the earth.

Question 11.
How many planets are there in our solar system?
Our solar system has eight planets.

Question 12.
Name the planets of our solar system.
The planets of our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Question 13.
Which is the satellite of the Earth?
The moon is the satellite of the earth.

Question 14.
What are dwarf planets?
Some smaller heavenly bodies that revolve around the sun are called dwarf planets.

Question 15.
Which dwarf planet is well-known?
Pluto is a well known dwarf planet.

Question 16.
What are Asteroids?
A band of numerous small heavenly bodies are called Asteroids.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System

Question 17.
Where are the Asteroids situated?
The Asteroids are situated between the planets Mars and Jupiter.

Question 18.
Why do all the things on the earth remain on it?
All things on earth remain on it, due to the earth’s gravity.

Question 19.
How do we send some object to space?
To send some object from earth to space, it must be given power against the force of gravity.

Question 20.
Which technology is used to send objects into space?
Rocket technology or space launch technology is used to send objects into space.

Question 21.
What are used to send a spacecraft into space?
Very powerful rockets are used to send a spacecraft into space.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System

Question 22.
What is our country well-known for?
Our country is well-known for the development of its space launch technology.

Question 23.
Who are astronauts?
Some scientists who travel in spacecraft are known as astronauts.

Question 24.
Who was the first Indian astronaut to go into space?
Rakesh Sharma was the first Indian astronaut to go into space in 1984.

Question 25.
Name two astronauts of Indian origin.
Kalpana Chawla and Sunita Williams are two astronauts with Indian origin.

Give geographical reasons:

Question 1.
During the day we cannot see other stars, besides the Sun.
1. The sun is a star.
2. It is closer to us than any other star.
3. It appears big and brilliant.
4. Therefore, due to its bright light during the day, we cannot see other stars.

Question 2.
The moon is called a satellite of the earth.
1. We see the moon at night.
2. It revolves around the earth.
3. Therefore, it is called a satellite of the earth.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System

Question 3.
Our Earth is an invaluable planet.
1. Space scientists have not yet been able to find a single other planet which has life on it.
2. Therefore, our planet is an invaluable planet.

Question 4.
Though the sun is a star it does not twinkle.
1. The sun is a star and it is closer to us than any of the stars.
2. Hence, it appears big and brilliant and does not twinkle like the distant stars.

Question 5.
The moon appears to be very big.
1. Compared to the sun, the other heavenly bodies in the solar system are much smaller.
2. As the moon is closest to the earth, it appears to be very big although it is actually very much smaller than the sun.

Question 6.
Satellites revolve around their planets.
1. The sun exerts a gravitational pull on all planets whereas the tendency of the planets is to move away from the sun.
2. As a result of these two forces, a planet keeps revolving around the sun at fixed distance, in a fixed orbit.
3. In this way the satellites revolve around their planets.

Question 7.
Even if we throw something upward with a great force, it finally falls to the ground.
1. All things on the earth remain on it due to the earth’s gravity.
2. So, even if we throw something upward with a great force, it finally falls back to the ground.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System

Answer briefly:

Question 1.
What happens to the spacecrafts after the mission is over?
1. Some spacecraft remain in space.
2. Others are brought back to earth.
3. Some land on other planets or satellites after the mission is complete.

Question 2.
Describe Rakesh Sharma’s mission to space.
1. Rakesh Sharma became the first Indian astronaut to go into space in 1984.
2. He spent eight days.
3. It was a joint mission of the ISRO and the Soviet Intercosmos.
4. Seeing India from space, he said it looked: ‘Saare jahan se achha’.

Question 3.
How are spacecraft launched into space?
1. Very powerful rockets are used to send a spacecraft into space.
2. A tremendous quantity of fuel is burnt in these rockets so that the spacecraft weighing thousands of tons may be launched into space.

Question 4.
What are the uses of man-made satellites?
1. Man-made satellites provide useful information for agriculture, environment, weather forecasting, map making and searching for water and mineral wealth on the earth.
2. They are also used for telecommunication.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System

Write short note on:

Question 1.
Dwarf planets
1. Dwarf planets are smaller heavenly bodies that revolve around the sun.
2. The most well known is Pluto.
3. They revolve around the sun independently.
4. They have their own orbit.

Question 2.
1. Small heavenly bodies between the planets Mars and Jupiter are called asteroids.
2. They move in a form of a band and are numerous.
3. They revolve around the sun.

Question 3.
Distinguish between stars and planets:

Stars Planets
(a) Stars twinkle. (a) Planets do not twinkle.
(b) Stars have their own light. (b) Planets do not have their own light.
(c) For e.g. The sun. (c) For e.g. The earth.

Question 4.
Give details of Mangalyaan on the basis of the following points:
(a) Another name of Mangalyaan,
(b) Date of launch,
(c) Date of orbiting,
(d) Attempts made to achieve success,
(e) Type of mission,
(f) Objective of the mission.
(a) Mass Orbit Mission
(b) 5 November 2013
(c) 24 September 2014
(d) one
(e) unmanned
(f) Deeper study of the moon and mass.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Our Earth and Our Solar System

Question 5.
Through your observation:
In which direction do leaves from a tree, rocks from a hillside or rain from the sky fall?
Due to earth’s gravity all things fall down to the ground.


  1. heavenly – cosmic/celestial.
  2. dwarf – small and insignificant in comparison
  3. gravity – force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth.
  4. tremendous – very great in amount, scale or intensity.
  5. disappear – create to be visible/cease to exist.

Class 5 Environmental Studies Questions and Answers:

Std 8 History Chapter 1 Questions And Answers Sources Of History Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 8 History Chapter 1 Sources Of History Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board

Sources Of History Class 8 Questions And Answers Chapter 1 Maharashtra Board

Class 8 History Chapter 1 Sources of History Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Rewrite the statements by choosing the appropriate options: 

Question 1.
Among the historical sources …………….. sources are based on modem technology.
(a) Written
(b) Oral
(c) Material
(d) Audio-Visual
(d) Among the historical sources Audio Visual Sources are based on modem technology

Question 2.
The ……… is a museum in Pune which gives information about the history of Mahatma Gandhi.
(a) Aga Khan Palace
(b) Sabamiati Ashram
(c) Cellular Jail
(d) Lakshmi Vilas Palace
(a) The Aga Khan Palace is a museum in Pune which gives information about the history of Mahatma Gandhi.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History

Question 3.
A unique discovery of modem technology in 20th century is …………. .
(a) Powada
(c) Interviews
(b) Photograph
(d) Films
(d) A unique discovery of modem technology in 20th century is Films.

2. Explain the following statements with reasons.

Question 1.
During the British period. newspapers also acted as sources of social reformation.
(1) Newspapers like Amrit Bazaar Patrika. Deenbandhu, Dnyanoday Kesari, etc. acted as an important source to awaken the minds of the people.
(2) Newspapers in the British period not only opposed imperialism but also educated the masses and created awareness among the people.
(3) The Nibandhmala by Vishnushastri Chiplunkar and Shatapatre written by Lokahitawadi alias Gopal Hari Deshmukh published in the weekly Prabhakar commented on various social and cultural issues.
(4) Newspapers threw light on ill customs like sati, child marriage, ban on widow remarriage, etc., and awakened minds of the people.
(5) We came to know about various policies of the British towards India and their effects on India.
(6) Thus newspapers were not only source of political events but also acted as a source of social reformation.
(Note: Information given in the textbook is insufficient.)

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History

Question 2.
Audio-visual recordings are considered as the most trustworthy source for the study of Modern Indian History.
Audio-visual recordings are considered a trustworthy source for study of modem history. Because –
(1) Important events during the freedom struggle could be seen in reality.
(2) Audio-visual recordings of Dandi March, Quit India movement, Salt Satyagraha and other historical events are available.
(3) Films also dealt with subjects like social problems, superstitions, practices. They reflect contemporary social, religious. political issues. Therefore, audio-visual recordings are considered as a unique discovery of 20th century.
(Note: Information given in the textbook is insufficient,)

3. Write short notes.

Question 1.
(1) Before the invention of photography, paintings were an important source of history. But the authenticity of such paintings is doubtful.
(2) Photographs are considered more reliable, as the lens capture the persons. events and objects exactly as they appear.
(3) The photograph of a person gives information about the physical features, dressing style, etc.
(4) Photographs enable us to recreate visual image of an event. The photograph of an object or structure helps in understanding its nature.
Hence, photographs are important visual source of modem Indian history.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History

Question 2.
Museums and History:
(1) A place where ancient artefacts, paintings, photographs, tools, coins, documents, clothes, etc. are exhibited is known as Museum.
(2) Ancient artefacts give us information about the economic, social, political and religious conditions of the respective periods.
(3) The metal and the inscriptions on the coin tell us about the economic conditions of that period and the metals used.
(4) We come to know progress in art of making tools, paintings, sculpture and metallurgy.
(5) History and museums are related. They are important source of writing history

Question 3.
Audio Sources:
(1) Recording is a form of audio source in history.
(2) The discovery of technique of recording was very important.
(3) Akashvani, audio tapes are considered important audio sources.
(4) Jana Gana Mano sung by Rabindranath Tagore, speeches of Subash Chandra Bose, Mahatma Gandhi, speeches of leaders and personalities are broadcast from Akashvani.
(5) We get to know about prevalent social, cultural, intellectual and educational history of a particular period from audio source. It is helpful for students conducting research in history.

4. Complete the following diagram.

Question 1.
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Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History

Do You Know?

Museums and History:
1. Museums preserve objects, paintings, photographs, tools, etc.
2. These material sources are very helpful for researchers of history.
3. The ancient monuments are related to the kings, leaders residing in it.
4. Museums of modern period:

  • Andaman Cellular Jail: V. D. Savarkar
  • Mani Bhavan in Mumbai: Mahatma Gandhi
  • Sevagram in Wardha: Mahatma Gandhi
  • Aga Khan palace in Pune: Mahatma Gandhi

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History 3

Do it:
Trace out the statues and memorials in your neighboring areas. Note down the information, of an event or personality, that you obtain through it.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History

Written sources:
The following aspects are included in the written sources of Modem Indian History.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History 4

Let us know:

Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar and Newspapers:

  1. Dr. Bcibasaheb Ambedkar started the fortnightly ‘Mooknayak’ in 1920.
  2. On 4 April 1927, he started the newspaper ‘Bahishkrut Bharat.
  3. He also started newspapers namely ‘Janata’ and ‘Prabuddha Bharat’.
  4. The aim of his writing was to reform common people and bring unity among them.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History 5

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History


Question 1.
Collect the photographs related to the Indian Freedom movement with the help of the Internet.

Question 2.
Gather information about the important leaders of Indian freedom movement and their biographies and read aloud.

Class 8 History Chapter 1 Sources of History Additional Important Questions and Answers

Rewrite the statements by choosing the appropriate options:

Question 1.
When we visit Cellular Jail in Andaman we get information about the revolutionary work of ………. .
(a) Vasudev Baiwant Phadke
(b) Umaji Naik
(c) V D. Savarkar
(d) Bhagatsingh
(c) When we visit Cellular Jail in Andaman we get information about the revolutionary work of V. D. Savarkar.

Question 2.
………….. were composed on freedom struggle of 1857.
(a) Music
(b) Songs
(c) Powadas
(d) Bhajans
(c) Powadas were composed on freedom struggle of 1857.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History

Question 3.
We find comments on various social and cultural issues in Nibandhmala by ………. .
(a) Krishnashastri Chiplunkar
(b) Vishnushastri Chiplunkar
(c) Lokmanya Tilak
(d) Gopal Hari Deshmukh
(b) Vishnushastri Chiplunkar

Question 4.
Shatapatre by Lokahitawadi were published in the weekly ………. .
(a) Dnyanoday
(b) Dnyanprakash
(c) Prabhakar
(d) Deenbandhu
(c) Prabhakar

Question 5.
In India, …………. laid the foundation of film making in 1913.
(a) Gopal Hari Deshmukh
(b) Aga Khan
(c) Dada Saheb Phalke
(d) Rabindranath Tagore
(c) Dada Saheb Phalke

Question 6.
………. sung by Rabidranath Tagore is used as audio source of history.
(a) Jhanda Uncha rahe hamara
(b) Vande Mataram
(c) Saare Jahan se accha
(d) Jana Gana Mana
(d) Jana Gana Mana

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History

Question 7.
In April 1927, Dr. Ambedkar started the newspaper
(a) Kesari
(b) Bahishkrut Bharat
(c) Mahratta
(d) Mooknayak
(b) Bahishkrut Bharat

Name the following:

Question 1
Famous prison in Andaman:
Cellular Jail

Question 2.
Mahatma Gandhi’s Memorial at Pune:
Aga Khan Palace

Question 3.
Ashram of Mahatma Gandhi at Vardha:
Sevagram Ashram

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History

Question 4.
Mahatma Gandhi’s memorial in Mumbai:

Classify the following sources of history into Material sources, Written sources, Oral sources and Audio -Visual sources:

Newspapers, memorials, inspirational songs, forts, coins, correspondence, powadas, jail, palaces, films, statues, dailies, inscriptions, maps, folk tales, documentaries, autobiography, fountain, books, travelogue, owees, roads, Doordarshan, factory records, folk songs, bridge.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History 6

Complete the graphical description:

Question 1.
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Answer the following questions in one sentence each:

Question 1.
Which period is considered to be the period of modern Indian History?
The period of Europeans, especially British rulers and period of governance of princely states in India is considered as period of modern Indian history.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History

Question 2.
Why did Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar start the newspaper ‘Bahishkrut Bharat’?
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar started the newspaper ‘Bahishkrut Bharat’ for the reformation of common people and to bring unity among them.

Question 3.
What was the reason behind establishment of ‘The Survey of India’ during the British rule’?
The Survey of India was established during the British rule to survey various provinces and cities of India using scientific method to prepare maps.

Question 4.
Which department prepared the original maps of Mumbai port?
The original maps of Mumbai port were prepared by the Department of Mumbai Port Trust.

Question 5.
What is included in the material sources of history?
The material sources of history includes various objects, monuments, places, coins, sculptures, etc.

Explain the concept:

Oral Sources:

  1. The compositions which are passed on from one generation to the other by way of information or rote learning and which are not in written form are called the ‘oral sources of history’.
  2. Folk songs, powadas, ovees, inspirational songs, folk tales, etc. are included in oral sources.
  3. The creators of the oral sources mostly remain unknown.
  4. We come to know about prevalent social life, traditions, customs, language, etc. through oral sources.
  5. The aim of oral sources was to entertain, inspire and create vitality in the society.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History

Explain the following statements with reasons:

Question 1.
We should preserve historical monument s.
1. Monuments cire witness to our glorious past. Many monuments are connected to freedom fighters and their work.
2. Sevagram Ashram at Wardha and Mani Bhavan at Mumbai give us information about the Gandhian era.
3. The cellular jail at Andaman is a witness to the sufferings of V. D. Savarkar and his revolutionary work.
4. We get information about contemporary history architecture, nature of the monument, and the economic condition of that particular period.
5. We get to know our history because of monuments and they invoke nationalistic feeling among us.

Question 2.
Statues are considered important for the study of modern history.

  1. Memorials in the form of statues were erected of many personalities who influenced a particular period.
  2. We come to know about those great people because of statues.
  3. The display plaque on the statues give information about the name of the concerned person, his work, date of birth and his death.
  4. We get information about important events in his life, brief information about his contribution and a biographical sketch.
  5. We come to know about contemporary rulers and eminent personalities.
  6. The memorials are erected in the memory of various events also.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History

Question 3.
Maps and drawings are important sources of history.
(1) We come to know about changing nature of a city or a location from the map.
(2) They are important from the view of study of architecture of a building as well as phases of development of a particular area.
(3) The development of Bombay city can be understood through the plans drafted by architects and engineers who made the original plan of Bombay Port Trust. Therefore, we can say that maps and drawings are important source of history.

Question 4.
It is comparatively easy to study sources of modern history.

  1. History writing is based on evidences and proofs. It is difficult to obtain ancient and medieval sources of history but sources to study modern history are available in abundance and in variety.
  2. There are many material sources available in museums and documents in archives.
  3. Through the audio-visual source we can see the historical event in reality. Thus, to study sources of modern history is comparatively easy.

Question 5.
It is required to verify the written sources before they are used.

  1. We have to be careful while making use of written sources. The authenticity of the documents needs to be verified.
  2. We need to see the ideas suggested through them.
  3. Before making use of the document it is necessary to know the perspective of the writer, his ideologies and opinions about a particular event.
  4. If all the angles are not considered the writings become one-sided. Hence it is necessary to verify written sources.

Answer the following questions in 25-30 words:

Question 1.
Which monuments are considered as historical monuments?
The following monuments are considered as historical monuments:

  1. Palaces of rulers of princely state, residences of officers, leaders and revolutionaries, forts, bridges and government offices.
  2. Buildings, water supply system, fountains, roads.
  3. Prisons, national monuments, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History

Question 2.
Why is it important to preserve sources?

  1. Museums, Archives preserve the sources of history.
  2. This sources give evidence of our rich cultural heritage.
  3. There is a great need to preserve this sources, as it is through them, that the rich tradition of history can be passed on to the next generation.

Question 3.
Why are films considered effective audio-visual source of modern Indian History?
(1) Due to technological development there was development in photography, recording and film making.
(2) Dada Saheb Phalke laid the foundation of Indian Film Industry. Many movies were made on historical events and personalities.
(3) Audio-visual recordings of Dandi Yatra and on Salt Satyagraha movement are available.
(4) We get information of social, political condition, dress, traditions, language of particular period from the films and audio tapes.
(5) The events happened in the past could be seen in reality. Therefore films are considered as an effective audio-visual source of modem Indian History.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History

Answer in detail:

Question 1.
Write about the work of newspapers in pre-independence period.

  1. Newspapers like Amrit Bazaar Patrika, Deenbandhu, Dnyanoday, Kesari, etc. acted as important source to awaken the minds of the people.
  2. They criticized the anti-India policies of Britishers.
  3. Western education and knowledge reached people through them.
  4. Newspapers and weeklies were the source of various political, social and cultural events.
  5. They commented on ill customs and practices in our society and thus were the source of social reformation.
  6. They discussed various policies of British rulers and their effects on India.
  7. The work and ideas of leaders and reformers reached people through them.

Question 2.
Write about the importance of the following as sources of history:
(a) Inspirational songs
(b) Powadas
(a) Inspirational songs:

  1. Many inspirational songs were written during the period of freedom movement.
  2. Many unpublished inspirational songs were memorised by freedom fighters.
  3. We get information about the prevalent conditions during pre-independence period.
  4. We come to know about our heritage, work of great men, injustice done by the Britishers.
  5. They gave inspiration to the society and infused spirit in the freedom movement.
  6. As they convey information about the place, person and his deed they are useful in writing history.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 1 Sources of History

(b) Powadas:
(1) Powadas were a dramatic narration by alternatingly reciting poetry and prose extract. It is a source to get information about a historical work of a person or an event.
(2) Powadas were composed on the freedom struggle of 1857 and valour of revolutionaries during the British rule.
(3) Powadas were composed on work of Satyashodhak Samaj to awaken the oppressed classes.
(4) During the Samyukta Maharashtra movement, Powadas were composed to inspire people. They used to create motivation, spirit among the people and infused enthusiasm and vitality.

Question 3.
Is there any need of statues and memorials?
Recently there had been quite a few incidents and politics on statues and memorials. But still, I feel they should be there for the following reasons:

  1. Statues are raised in memory of those people who had contributed for the welfare of the society.
  2. Memorials are raised of events which are inspirational.
  3. A Memorial is a testimony of the work done, in adverse conditions. Statues give us inspiration to have ideal morals.
  4. They are testimonials of our rich heritage and as heirs what have we inherited.
  5. They need not be raised in large numbers nor should there be statues of common people and of criminals.

8th Std History Questions And Answers:

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