Maharashtra Board Class 11 Economics Solutions Chapter 1 Basic Concept in Economics

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 11 Economics Solutions Chapter 1 Basic Concept in Economics Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 11 Economics Solutions Chapter 1 Basic Concept in Economics

1. Choose the correct option:

Question 1.
Statements related to Economics:
(a) Economics is a social science.
(b) Concept of economics is derived from the Greek word ‘Oikonomia’.
(c) Economics is related to the study of human economic behaviour.
(d) Economics is related to the management of the household.
(1) a, b and c
(2) a and b
(3) b and c
(4) a, b, c, and d
(1) a, b and c

Question 2.
Statements incorrect with reference to Adam Smith’s definition:
(a) Adam Smith is a classical economist.
(b) Wealth of Nations is authored by Adam Smith.
(c) Economics is the science of wealth.
(d) Economics studies common man.
(1) d
(2) a, b and c
(3) a and d
(4) c and d
(1) d

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Economics Solutions Chapter 1 Basic Concept in Economics

Question 3.
Key points in Lionel Robbins’ definition:
(a) Wants are unlimited
(b) Means are limited
(c) Wants are not gradable
(d) Means have alternative uses.
(1) a and b
(2) b and c
(3) a, b and d
(4) a, b, c, and d
(4) a, b, c, and d

Question 4.
Statements related to wealth:
(a) Wealth means anything which has market value and can be exchanged for money.
(b) It is external to a human beings.
(c) Wealth has no utility.
(d) Wealth is scarce and exchangeable.
(1) a, b and d
(2) a, c and d
(3) b, c, and d
(4) None of the above
(1) a, b and d

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Economics Solutions Chapter 1 Basic Concept in Economics

Question 5.
Aspects considered in National Income:
(a) Final goods and services are included in national income.
(b) Produced goods in a financial year are included in national income.
(c) Double counting is avoided.
(d) Value is considered as per market price.
(1) a and c
(2) b and c
(3) a, c and d
(4) a, b, c, and d
(3) a, c and d

2. Complete the correlation:

Question 1.
Natural sciences : Exact sciences : : Social sciences : ___________
Abstract/Inexact Sciences

Question 2.
Physics : ___________ : : Psychology : Social Science
Natural Science

Question 3.
Arthashastra : Kautilya : : Wealth of Nations : ___________
Adam Smith

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Economics Solutions Chapter 1 Basic Concept in Economics

Question 4.
Necessity : ___________ : : Comforts : Washing machine

Question 5.
Free goods : Value-in-use : : Economic goods : ___________

3. Identify and explain the concepts from the given illustrations:

Question 1.
My father purchased a two-wheeler vehicle. This helps to fulfill my travel needs.
Comfort Want.
Comforts are those wants that make our life comfortable. In the above illustration, the purchase of a two-wheeler vehicle will make my travel easier. It is not a necessity, it is for my comfort.

Question 2.
A study of the annual income of the family of Ramesh.
Micro Economic – Personal Income
Microeconomics is the study of particular firms, particular households’ individual prices, wages, incomes, individual industries, particulars commodities. In the above illustration, since it is a study of individual families, it will rightly be said as microeconomic and form the part of Personal Income.

Question 3.
As per the data for the financial year 2018-19, the country’s production of goods and services increased by 20%.
Economic Growth.
Economic growth means an increase in the real national income of the country. In the above illustration, since the country’s production of goods and services has increased, it is rightly said to be economic growth.

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Question 4.
Karuna’s mother saves ₹ 1000/- every month out of her given salary.
Saving is a part of income, which is kept aside to meet future needs. In the above illustration, since Karuna’s mother is foregoing her current consumption, it forms part of her savings.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Economics Solutions Chapter 1 Basic Concept in Economics

Question 5.
Ram’s father utilized his provident fund amount to set up the grocery store.
Investment refers to the creation of capital assets through mobilisation of savings. In the above case, Mr. Ram’s father mobilises his savings of provident fund into a business of grocery store, which is called as Investment.

4. Answer the following:

Question 1.
Explain the features of wealth.
In economics, wealth is anything that has market value and which commands a price.
Wealth is a commodity that can be exchanged for money.
A commodity must possess the following features to be considered wealth.

  • Utility
  • Scarcity
  • Transferability
  • Externality

(i) Utility: Utility means the capacity of a commodity to satisfy a human want. A commodity must have to want satisfying power. E.g. books, calculators, etc. have utility. So they are regarded as wealthy.

(ii) Scarcity: A commodity is called wealth, if it is scarce in supply then its demand. All economic goods are considered as wealth because the price is paid for them due to scarcity.

(iii) Transferability: A commodity is called wealth if it can be transferred from one person to another. It includes material or tangible goods. E.g. furniture, car, etc.

(iv) Externality: A commodity is regarded as wealth only if it has externality i.e. it must be external to the human body. E.g. computer.
(In the case of transferability, Physical transferability means the actual transfer of goods from one person to another. Whereas, notional transferability refers to the transfer of ownership rights. E.g. land, building, etc.) Internal qualities of human beings like voice, beauty, etc. are neither external nor transferable. So they are not wealthy in an economic sense.

Question 2.
Explain the characteristics of human wants.
In the ordinary sense, the word, ‘want,’ and ‘need’ are considered as same. But, in economics, a need is something that is necessary for survival whereas, want is the expression of lack of satisfaction. It enables the person to satisfy his want.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Economics Solutions Chapter 1 Basic Concept in Economics

Characteristics of wants are as follows:

  • Wants are unlimited: Wants are multiple. They are never-ending. They arise again and again. When one want is satisfied another arises. Wants go on increasing.
  • Wants are recurring in nature: Some of the humans want to occur again and again. They arise even if it is satisfied once. E.g. We take food after a certain time interval to satisfy hunger.
  • Wants are complementary: Some wants are complementary to each other. Sometimes, two or more goods are required to satisfy single want. E.g. the want for mobile can be satisfied only when we fulfill the want of a sim card.
  • Wants to differ with gender: Wants of men and women are different, as per their needs. E.g. a lady may take Saree while a gentleman wants a Shirt and Tie.
  • Wants to differ with age: Human wants to go on changing as age differs. E.g. a baby wants a doll whereas a student wants a book, etc.
  • Wants are competitive: We cannot satisfy all our wants at a time because means are limited. So there is competition among wants. That want is preferred first which is most urgent.
  • Wants are alternative: Some wants are alternative. E.g. having tea or coffee, using an umbrella or raincoat, etc.
  • Wants to differ with culture: Human wants to vary with culture. E.g. an American wants a coat and hat while an Indian wants a kurta.
  • Wants to differ with climate: Wants to go on changing with the season. E.g. a person who wants woolen clothes in winter and Ice-cream in summer.
  • Wants to differ with preferences: Human wants to differ according to tastes and preferences. Wants are also influenced by the habits of the people. E.g. Person ‘A’ has a preference for books, while Person ‘B’ has a preference for clothes.

5. State with reasons whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Question 1.
All wants can be satisfied at a time.
No, I do not agree with the statement.

  • Human wants are unlimited.
  • They are unending. If one want is satisfied, another want arises and this goes on to increase.
  • Some wants occur again and again even if satisfied once.

Question 2.
Human wants change as per the seasons and preferences.
Yes, I agree with the statement.

  • In the economic sense want means a feeling of ‘lack of satisfaction,
  • This feeling enables the person to satisfy his want.
  • Human wants to differ with seasons.
  • E.g. a person requires woolen clothes in winter and an umbrella in the rainy season.
  • Wants also differ from preferences, i.e. they are influenced by individual habits and tastes.

Question 3.
Value-in-use and Value-in-exchange are the same.
No, I do not agree with the statement.

  • Value-in-use refers to the usefulness of a commodity. Air, Water, Sunshine, etc. have high value in use.
  • They are basically free goods.
  • Value in exchange means the value of a commodity expressed in terms of money that is the price of a commodity.
  • E.g. Car, T.V., computers, etc., have value-in-exchange as they command a price. They are called economic goods. Thus, value in use and value in exchange is not the same.

6. Answer in detail:

Question 1.
Explain the basic concepts of macroeconomics.
Macroeconomics is the study of aggregates covering the entire economy like total employment, national income, national output, total investment, total savings, total consumption, aggregate supply, aggregate demand, general price level, etc.

Concepts of Macro Economics.

  • National Income: It is the aggregate monetary value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a year.
  • Saving: It is that part of income that is not spent currently as consumption in order to satisfy future needs.
  • Investment: It means the creation of capital assets through mobilisation of savings, e.g. investment in machinery, equipment, etc.
  • Trade Cycles: Fluctuations in business due to inflation and deflation in the economy are called trade cycles.
  • Economic Growth: It means an increase in the real income of the country, over a larger period of time It
    is a quantitative concept.
  • Economic Development: It means economic growth along with progressive changes in the well-being of the people of the country. It is a qualitative concept.

11th Economics Digest Chapter 1 Basic Concept in Economics Intext Questions and Answers

Do you know? [Textbook Page. No. 1]

Who was Kautilya?
Kautilya was a great statesman, philosopher, economist, and royal advisor during the Mourya period. He is also known as ‘Chanakya’ or ‘Vishnugupta’. He wrote a book called ‘Arthashastra’.

Do you know? [Textbook Page. No. 2]

(a) Who contributed to the field of Environmental Economics?
Mr. Nordhaus contributed to the field of Environmental Economics.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Economics Solutions Chapter 1 Basic Concept in Economics

(b) Who won Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for 2018?
Paul Romer and William Nordhaus won Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for 2018.

Find out: [Textbook Page No. 2]

Other Nobel Prize winners in Economics.
Nobel Prize Winners (2010 – 2017)

Year Noble Prize Winners
2010 Dale T. Mortensen, Christopher A. Pissarides, Peter Diamond
2011 Thomas J. Sargent, Christopher A. Sims
2012 Alvin E. Roth, Lloyd Shapley
2013 Robert J. Shiller, Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen
2014 Jean Tirole
2015 Angus Deaton
2016 Bengt Holmstrom, Olive Hart
2017 Richard Thaler
2018 William Nordhaus, Paul Romer
2019 Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, Michael Kremer
2020 Paul Milgrom, Robert B. Wilson

Do you know? [Textbook Pg. No. 2]

Name the economist belonging to:

Classical School of Thought of 18th century Neo-classical School of Thought of 19th and 1st half of 20th century Modern School of Thought from 20th century till date.


Classical School of Thought of 18th century Neo-classical School of Thought of 19th and 1st half of 20th century Modern School of Thought from 20th century till date.
Adam Smith, David Ricardo, J. S. Mill, T. R. Malthus, etc. Alfred Marshall, A. C. Pigou, Irving Fisher, etc. J. M. Keynes, Lionel Robbins, Paul Samuelson, etc.

Find out. [Textbook Page No. 4]

Which of the following is ‘free good’ or ‘economic good’?

  • Water in river
  • Oxygen in cylinder
  • Sunshine
  • Water processed for drinking
  • Air


Free Good Economic Good
Water in river
Oxygen in cylinder
Water processed for drinking

Do you know? [Textbook Page No. 5]

What do you mean by Physical transferability and Notional transferability?
Physical transferability: When goods can be actually transferred from one person to another and from one place to another place it has physical transferability. E.g. Motor Car, Furniture, Machinery, etc. Notional transferability: When goods cannot be actually transferred physically it has notional transferability. E.g. Land, Building, etc.

Try this: [Textbook Page No. 5]

Prepare a list of commodities that satisfy the condition of physical transferability and notional transferability.

Commodities having Physical Transferability Commodities having Notional Transferability
Motor Car
Consumer goods

Do you know? [Textbook Page No. 5]

Why are inborn qualities not considered wealth?
Inborn qualities like beauty, melodious voice, etc. are not considered as wealth because they do not possess all the features of wealth like – externality and transferability.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Economics Solutions Chapter 1 Basic Concept in Economics

You Should Know? [Textbook Page No. 5]

Explain various types of income?

  • Fixed income: Income that remains stable over a period of time is called fixed income. It is always positive. E.g. rent, wages, etc.
  • Fluctuating income: Income that is not fixed but keeps on changing is called Fluctuating income. E.g. profit. It can be positive, negative, or zero.
  • Money income: Income received in the actual currency of the country is called Money income. It is the income in cash, E.g. ₹ 70,000.
  • Real income: The purchasing power of money income is called Real income. E.g. Commodities purchased out of money income.
  • Contractual income: Income paid as per the terms and conditions of the contract is called Contractual income. E.g. rent, wages, etc.
  • Residual income: Income that is left over after making payments to all factors of production is called residual income, E.g. profit.
  • Earned income: Income obtained after participating in the productive activity is called Earned income. E.g. rent, wages, interest, profit.
  • Unearned income: Income received from all sources without indulging in any productive activity is called Unearned income. E.g. windfall gains, lottery prizes.

Always remember [Textbook Page No. 6]

What activities are considered ‘unproductive’?
Activities that are carried out just for sake of charity or hobby or where no monetary exchange takes place are considered as ‘unproductive’ activities.

Do you know? [Textbook Page No. 7]

What is ‘Cyclical Unemployment’?
Unemployment created due to the impact of cyclical fluctuations is called ‘Cyclical Unemployment. It occurs due to inflation and depression in the economy.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Economics Solutions Chapter 1 Basic Concept in Economics

Find out: [Textbook Page No. 7]

Which of the following terms is a part of microeconomics or macroeconomics?

  • Global poverty
  • Price of a commodity
  • Balance of payments
  • Profits of a firm
  • National income


Micro Economics Macro Economics
Price of a commodity
Profits of a firm
Global Poverty
Balance of payments
National Income

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Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9

Balbharati Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solution Book Pdf Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9

Question 1.
A man buys a house for ₹ 10 lakh and rents it. He puts 10% of the annual rent aside for repairs, pays ₹ 1,000 as annual taxes, and realizes 8% on his investment thereafter. Find the annual rent of the house.
Let ₹ ‘x’ be the annual rent of the house.
The man keeps 10% of the annual rent aside for repairs.
i.e., \(\frac{10}{100}\) × x or ₹ \(\frac{x}{10}\) aside tor repairs.
In addition, he pays ₹ 1000 as annual taxes.
After incurring these expenses he is left with an amount which is 8% of his investment for the house.
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9 Q1
∴ The annual rent of the house is ₹ 90,000.

Question 2.
Rose got 30% of the maximum marks in an examination and failed by 10 marks. However, Lily who appeared for the same examination got 40% of the total marks and got 15 marks more than the passing marks. What were the passing marks in the examination?
Let maximum marks be x
Rose scored 30% of maximum marks
i.e. Rose scored \(\frac{30}{100}\)x
Rose failed by 10 marks
∴ passing marks = \(\frac{30}{100}\)x + 10 …..(i)
Lily scored 40% of maximum marks
i.e. Lily scored \(\frac{40}{100}\)x
Lily scored 15 marks more than passing marks
∴ passing marks = \(\frac{40}{100}\)x – 15 ……(ii)
equating (i) and (ii),
\(\frac{30x}{100}\) + 10 = \(\frac{40x}{100}\) – 15
∴ 10 + 15 = \(\frac{40 x-30 x}{100}\)
∴ 10x = (25)(100)
∴ x = 250
From (i), passing marks = \(\frac{30}{100}\)(250) + 10
= 75 + 10
= 85
∴ Passing marks for the examination were 85.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9

Question 3.
Ankita’s Salary was reduced by 50%. Again the reduced salary was increased by 50%. Find loss in terms of percentage.
Let Ankita’s initial salary be ₹ ‘x’.
Her salary was reduced by 50%.
∴ Ankita’s salary after reduction = x(1 – \(\frac{50}{100}\))
= x(1 – \(\frac{1}{2}\))
= \(\frac{x}{2}\)
Ankita’s reduced salary was then increased by 50%
∴ Ankita’s final salary after the increase
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9 Q3
∴ Loss in Ankita’s salary after the decrease and increase = x – \(\frac{3 x}{4}\) = \(\frac{x}{4}\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9 Q3.1
∴ Ankita lost 25% of her salary.

Question 4.
By selling 300 lunch boxes, a shopkeeper gains the selling price of 100 lunch boxes. Find his gain percent.
Let ₹ x be the selling price (S.P.) of one lunch box.
∴ S.P. of 300 lunch boxes = 300x
and S.P. of 100 lunch boxes = 100x
Gain = 100x ……[given]
C.P. of 300 lunch boxes = S.P. – Gain
= 300x – 100x
= 200x
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9 Q4
∴ The shopkeeper’s gain percentage is 50%.

Question 5.
A salesman sold an article at a loss of 10%. If the selling price has been increased by ₹ 80, there would have been a gain of 10%. What was the cost of the article?
Let ₹ x be the cost price of the article.
S.P. of the article = x – \(\frac{10}{100}\)x = \(\frac{9x}{100}\) …….(i)
Given that, S.P. increased by ₹ 80 would have given 10% gain
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9 Q5
∴ The cost price of the article is ₹ 400

Question 6.
Find the single discount equivalent to a series discount of 10%, 20%, and 15%.
Let the marked price be ₹ 100
After 1st discount the price = 100(1 – \(\frac{10}{100}\)) = 90
After 2nd discount the price = 90(1 – \(\frac{20}{100}\)) = 72
After 3rd discount the price = 72(1 – \(\frac{15}{100}\)) = 61.2
∴ The selling price after 3 discounts is ₹ 61.2.
∴ Single equivalent discount = marked price – selling price
= 100 – 61.2
= ₹ 38.8
∴ The single equivalent discount is ₹ 38.8 on ₹ 100.
i.e. The single equivalent discount is 38.8%.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9

Question 7.
Reshma put an amount at simple interest at a certain rate for 3 years. Had it been put at 2% higher rate, she would have received ₹ 360 more. Find the sum.
Let P and R represent the principal amount and rate of interest p.a. respectively.
Given duration = T = 3 years
Simple interest = \(\frac{\mathrm{PRT}}{100}=\frac{3 \mathrm{PR}}{100}\)
Given that, had the amount been kept at 2% more, then the gain would have been ₹ 360 more.
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9 Q7
∴ The sum of money is ₹ 6,000.

Question 8.
The compound interest on ₹ 30000 at 7% p.a. is ₹ 4347. What is the period in years?
Given that,
Principal (P) = ₹ 30,000
Rate of interest (R) = 7% p.a.
Compound interest = ₹ 4,347
Amount after compound interest
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9 Q8
= \(\left(\frac{107}{100}\right)^{2}\)
= (1.07)2
∴ T = 2
∴ Amount is invested for 2 years.

Question 9.
The value of the machine depreciates at the rate of 15% p.a. It was purchased 2 years ago. Its present value is ₹ 7,225. What was the purchase price of the machine?
Rate of depreciation = r = 15%
Number of years = n = 2 years
Present value of machine = P.V. = ₹ 7,225
The purchase price (V) of the machine can be found using
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9 Q9
∴ The purchase price of the machine was ₹ 10,000/-.

Question 10.
A tree increases annually by \(\frac{1}{8}\) of its height. By how much will it increase after 2\(\frac{1}{2}\) years. If its length today is 8 m?
The height of the tree today is 8m.
The height of the tree increases by \(\frac{1}{8}\)th of its height every year.
At the end of 1st year, height of the tree will be = 8 + \(\frac{1}{8}\) × 8 = 9 m
And, at the end of the 2nd year, height of the tree will be = 9 + \(\frac{1}{8}\) × 9
= 9(1 + \(\frac{1}{8}\))
= 9 × \(\frac{9}{8}\)
= \(\frac{81}{8}\)
After six more months, the height of the tree will be
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9 Q10
∴ Increase in the height of the tree after 2\(\frac{1}{2}\) years = 10.75 – 8 = 2.75 m.

Question 11.
A building worth ₹ 1,21,000 is constructed on land worth ₹ 81,000. After how many years will the value of both be the same if land appreciates at 10% p.a and buildings depreciate at 10% p.a.
Value of the building = V.B. = ₹ 1,21,000
Value of land = V.L. = ₹ 81,000/-
Rate of appreciation of land = rate of depreciation of building = r = 10%.
For the value of building and land to be the same.
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9 Q11
∴ n = 2 years.
∴ After two years value of the building and land will be the same.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9

Question 12.
Varun invested 25%, 30%, and 20% of his savings in buying shares of three different companies, ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ which declared dividends, 10%, 12%, and 15% respectively. If his total income on account of dividends is ₹ 6,370/-, find the amount he invested in buying shares of company ‘B’.
Let ‘T’ be Varan’s total savings.
∴ Investment of Varan in:
Company A = 25% of T = \(\frac{25}{100}\) × T = \(\frac{T}{4}\),
Company B = 30% of T = \(\frac{30}{100}\) × T = \(\frac{3T}{10}\),
Company C = 20% of T = \(\frac{20}{100}\) × T = \(\frac{T}{5}\)
Company A, B and C declared dividends 10%, 12% and 15% respectively.
∴ Dividend from company A = 10% of \(\frac{T}{4}\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9 Q12
∴ Varan invested ₹ 21,000 in company B.

Question 13.
Find the annual dividend received from ₹ 25,000, 8% stock at ₹ 108.
Amount invested = ₹ 25,000
Dividend = 8%
Assuming face value F.V. as ₹ 100
Annual income per share = \(\frac{\text { Dividend }}{100} \times \text { Face value }\)
= \(\frac{8}{100}\) × 100
= ₹ 8
Market value of the share M.V. = ₹ 108
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9 Q13
Annual dividend on amount invested = Rate of return × amount invested
= \(\frac{7.4}{100}\) × 25,000
= ₹ 1850
∴ Annual dividend of ₹ 1,850 is received from 8% stock at ₹ 108.
Alternate approach
Assuming ₹ 25,000 as the total face value of all the shares.
Since the dividend is 8%,
Annual dividend = \(\frac{8}{100}\) × 25,000 = ₹ 2,000

Question 14.
A, B, and C enter into a partnership. A invests 3 times as much as B invests and B invests two-thirds of what ‘C’ invests. At the end of the year, the profit earned is ₹ 8,800. What is the share of ‘B’?
Let ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’ be the amounts invested by A, B and C respectively.
Given that, A invests 3 times as much as B and B invests two third of what ‘C’ invests.
∴ a = 3b and b = \(\frac{2}{3}\)c
∴ \(\frac{a}{b}=\frac{3}{1}\) and \(\frac{b}{c}=\frac{2}{3}\)
or \(\frac{a}{b}=\frac{6}{2}\) and \(\frac{b}{c}=\frac{2}{3}\)
∴ a : b = 6 : 2 and b : c = 2 : 3
∴ a : b : c = 6 : 2 : 3
Given that profit earned = ₹ 8800
∴ Share of ‘B’ in profit = \(\frac{2}{11}\) × 8800 = ₹ 1600
∴ B’share in profit is ₹ 1600.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9

Question 15.
The ratio of investment of two partners Santa and Banta is 11 : 12 and the ratio of their profits is 2 : 3. If Santa invested the money for 8 months, then for how much time did Banta his money?
Let ‘x’ be the time in months for which Banta invested his money
Santa and Banta invested their money in the ratio 11 : 12.
Santa invested his money for 8 months and the ratio of their profits is 2 : 3.
∴ 11 × 8 : 12 × x = 2 : 3
∴ \(\frac{88}{12 x}=\frac{2}{3}\)
∴ x = \(\frac{88 \times 3}{2 \times 12}\)
∴ x = 11
∴ Banta invested his money for 11 months.

Question 16.
Akash, Sameer, and Sid took a house on rent for one year for ₹ 16,236. They stayed together for 4 months and then Sid left the house. After 5 more months, Sameer also left the house. How much rent should each pay?
Let ‘R’ be the rent per month to be paid to the landlord.
Given that, Sid left the house after 4 months
∴ Rent paid by Sid = \(\frac{R}{3}\) × 4 = \(\frac{4R}{3}\)
Sameer left the house after another 5 months,
∴ Rent paid by Sameer = \(\frac{R}{2}\) × 5 + \(\frac{R}{3}\) × 4
= R(\(\frac{5}{2}+\frac{4}{3}\))
= \(\frac{23R}{6}\)
Akash stayed in the house for the entire year.
∴ Rent paid by Akash = 3R + \(\frac{R}{2}\) × 5 + \(\frac{R}{3}\) × 4
= R(3 + \(\frac{5}{2}+\frac{4}{3}\))
= \(\frac{41R}{6}\)
∴ The rent paid by the three of them, over that period of one year must be in the proportion.
\(\frac{41 \mathrm{R}}{6}: \frac{23 \mathrm{R}}{6}: \frac{4 \mathrm{R}}{3}\)
i.e. in the proportion
41 : 23 : 8 …..(multiplying throughout by \(\frac{6}{R}\))
Let x be the constant of proportionality.
Rent to be paid by Akash = ₹ 41x
Rent to be paid by Sameer = ₹ 23x
and rent to be paid by Sid = ₹ 8x
The total rent for the house was ₹ 16236.
∴ 41x + 23x + 8x = ₹ 16236
∴ 72x = 16236
∴ x = 225.5
∴ Akash should pay 41x = 41 × 225.5 = ₹ 9245.5
Sameer should pay 23x = 23 × 225.5 = ₹ 5186.5
and Sid should pay 8x = 8 × 225.5 = ₹ 1804

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Miscellaneous Exercise 9

Question 17.
Ashwin Auto Automobiles sold 10 motorcycles. Total sales amount was ₹ 6,80,000. 18% GST is applicable. Calculate how much CGST and SGST the firm has to pay.
Given, total sales amount for Ashwin Automobiles was ₹ 6,80,000.
18% GST is applicable.
∴ GST payable = 18% of 6,80,000
= \(\frac{18}{100}\) × 6,80,000
= ₹ 1,22,400
Now CGST = SGST = 9%
= \(\frac{\text { GST payable }}{2}\)
= \(\frac{1,22,400}{2}\)
= ₹ 61,200
∴ CGST = SGST = ₹ 61,200

Question 18.
‘Sweet 16’ A ready made garments shop for Women’s garments, purchased stock for ₹ 4,00,000 and sold that stock for ₹ 5,50,000 (12% GST is applicable) Find,
(i) Input Tax Credit
(ii) CGST and SGST paid by the firm.
Given that, stock purchased by ‘Sweet 16’ was worth ₹ 4,00,000
GST applicable is 12%.
∴ Input tax = 12% of 4,00,000
= \(\frac{12}{100}\) × 4,00,000
= ₹ 48,000
∴ Input tax Credit (ITC) = ₹ 48,000
The garment stock was sold for ₹ 5,50,000
Output tax = 12% of 5,50,000
= \(\frac{12}{100}\) × 5,50,000
= ₹ 66,000
∴ GST payable = output tax – ITC
= 66,000 – 48,000
= ₹ 18,000
∴ CGST = SGST = \(\frac{\text { GST payable }}{2}\) = ₹ 9,000

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7

Balbharati Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solution Book Pdf Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7

Question 1.
Shantanu has a choice to invest in ₹ 10 shares of two firms at ₹ 13 or at ₹ 16. If the first firm pays a 5% dividend and the second firm pays a 6% dividend per annum, find:
(i) Which firm is paying better?
(ii) If Shantanu invests equally in both the firms and the difference between the return from them is ₹ 30. Find how much, in all, does he invest.
(i) For firm 1:
Face value of the share (F.V.) = ₹ 10
Market value of the share (M.V.) = ₹ 13
Dividend = 5%
∴ Annual income from the share = \(\frac{5}{100}\) × 10 = ₹ 0.5
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7 Q1
For firm 2:
Face value of the share (F.V.) = ₹ 10
Market value of the share (M.V.) = ₹ 16
Dividend = 5%
∴ Annual income from the share = \(\frac{6}{100}\) × 10 = ₹ 0.6
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7 Q1.1
Since, the profit percentage from firm 1 > profit percentage from firm 2, the first firm is paying better.

(ii) Let ‘X’ be the amount Shantanu invests in each of the firms.
Given that difference between the return from them is ₹ 30, we have
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7 Q1.2
In all, Shantanu invests = 2X
= 2 × 31,200
= ₹ 62,400/-

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7

Question 2.
A dividend of 9% was declared on ₹ 100 shares selling at a certain price in the stock market. If the rate of return is 7.5% calculate
(i) The market price of each share, and
(ii) The amount to be invested to obtain an annual dividend of ₹ 630.
(i) Given that,
Face value of the share (F.V) = ₹ 100
Dividend = 9%
Rate of return = 7.5%
Annual income from the share = \(\frac{9}{100}\) × 100 = ₹ 9
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7 Q2
∴ The market price of the share is ₹ 120.

(ii) Let ‘X’ be the amount to be invested to obtain an annual dividend of ₹ 630.
∴ 7.5% of X is ₹ 630
∴ \(\frac{7.5}{100}\) × X = 630
∴ X = \(\frac{630 \times 100}{7.5}\)
∴ X = 8400
∴ ₹ 8400 need to be invested to obtain an annual dividend of ₹ 630.

Question 3.
Nilesh has the option of investing his money in 8% ₹ 10 shares at a premium of ₹ 3.50 or 7% ₹ 100 shares at a premium of 20%. Which of the two investments will be more profitable for him?
For share 1:
Face value of the share (F.V.) = ₹ 10
Premium = ₹ 3.5
∴ Market value of the share (M.V.) = 10 + 3.5 = ₹ 13.5
Dividend = 8 %
∴ Annual income from the share = \(\frac{8}{100}\) × 10 = ₹ 0.8
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7 Q3
= \(\frac{800}{135}\)
= 5.93%

For share 2:
Face value of the share (F.V.) = ₹ 100
Premium = 20%
∴ Market value of the share (M.V.) = 100 + (\(\frac{20}{100}\) × 100) = ₹ 120
Dividend = 7%
Annual income from the share = \(\frac{7}{100}\) × 100 = ₹ 7
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7 Q3.1
Since, profit percentage from share 1 > profit percentage from share 2, investing in the first kind of shares will be more profitable for Nilesh.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7

Question 4.
Sudhakar invests ₹ 1344 in buying shares of face value ₹ 24 selling at a 12% premium. The dividend on the shares is 15% per annum. Calculate
(i) The number of shares Sudhakar buys, and
(ii) The dividend he receives annually.
Given that,
Face value of the share (F.V.) = ₹ 24
Premium = 12%
∴ Market value of the share (M.V.) = 24 + (\(\frac{12}{100}\) × 24) = ₹ 26.88
(i) Sudhakar invests ₹ 1344 in the shares
∴ Number of shares purchased by Sudhakar = \(\frac{1344}{26.88}\) = 50
∴ Sudhakar buys 50 shares.
(ii) Dividend on the share = 15%
Annual income on one share = \(\frac{15}{100}\) × 24 = ₹ 3.6
∴ The total dividend he receives annually = 50 × 3.6 = ₹ 180
∴ Sudhakar receives ₹ 180 as his annual dividend.

Question 5.
Sameer invests ₹ 5625 in a company paying 7% per annum when the share of ₹ 10 stands for ₹ 12.50. Find Sameer’s income from this investment. If he sells 60% of these shares of ₹ 10 each, find his gain or loss in this transaction.
Face value of the share (F.V.) = ₹ 10
Market value of the share (M.V.) = ₹ 12.5
Amount invested in shares = ₹ 5625
∴ Number of shares purchased by Sameer = \(\frac{5625}{12.5}\) = 450
Dividend = 7%
Annual income from one share = \(\frac{7}{100}\) × 10 = ₹ 0.7
∴ Sameer’s income from this investment = number of shares × annual income from one share
= 450 × 0.7
= ₹ 315
Sameer sells 60 % of these shares = \(\frac{60}{100}\) × 450 = 270 shares
Sameer purchased these shares at ₹ 12.5 per share.
∴ Purchase price for these shares = 270 × 12.5 = ₹ 3375
If he sells these shares at ₹ 10 per share, he would receive 270 × 10 = ₹ 2700
∴ In this transaction, Sameer would incur a loss of 3375 – 2700 = ₹ 675

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7

Question 6.
Geeta buys ₹ 100 shares of a company that pays a 15% dividend. She buys the shares at a price from the market that gives her a 10% return on her investment. At what price did she buy each share?
Given that,
Face value of the share (F.V.) = ₹ 100
Dividend = 15%
∴ Annual income from the share = \(\frac{15}{100}\) × 100 = ₹ 15
Rate of return on investment = 10%
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7 Q6
∴ Geeta bought each share from the market at ₹ 150.

Question 7.
Tejas invests in 9% ₹ 100 shares at ₹ 145 but Shail invests in 7% ₹ 100 shares at ₹ 116. Whose investment is better?
Investment of Tejas:
Given that, the Face value of the share (F.V.) = ₹ 100
The market value of the share (M.V.) = ₹ 145
Dividend = 9%
Annual income from the share = \(\frac{9}{100}\) × 100 = ₹ 9
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7 Q7

Investment of Shail:
Face value of the share (F.V.) = ₹ 100
Market value of the share (M.V.) = ₹ 116
Dividend = 7%
Annual income from the share = \(\frac{7}{100}\) × 100 = ₹ 7
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7 Q7.1
Since the rate of return for Tejas’s investment is greater than that for Shail’s, Tejas’s investment is better.

Question 8.
A 6% share yields 8%. Find the market value of a ₹ 100 share.
Given that,
Face value of the share = ₹ 100
Dividend = 6%
Yield = 8%
Annual income on the share = \(\frac{6}{100}\) × 100 = ₹ 6
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7 Q8
∴ The market value of the share = ₹ 75

Question 9.
Ashwini bought ₹ 40 shares at a premium of 40%. Find the income, if Ashwini invests ₹ 14,000 in these shares and receives a dividend at the rate of 8% on the nominal value of the shares.
Face value of the shares (F.V.) = ₹ 40
Premium = 40%
Market value of the shares (M.V.) = 40 + (40 × \(\frac{40}{100}\))
= 40 + 16
= ₹ 56
Ashwini invests ₹ 14000 in these shares
∴ Number of shares bought by Ashwini = \(\frac{Amount Invested}{Market value of one share}\)
= \(\frac{14000}{56}\)
= 250
Dividend = 8%
∴ Annual income on one share = \(\frac{8}{100}\) × 40 = ₹ 3.2
∴ Income of Ashwini on 250 shares = 250 × 3.2 = ₹ 800
∴ Ashwini earns ₹ 800 on her investment.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7

Question 10.
Mr. Rutvik invests ₹ 30,000 in buying shares of a company that pays a 12% dividend annually on ₹ 100 shares selling at a premium of ₹ 50. Find
(i) The number of shares bought Mr. Rutvik and
(ii) His annual income from the shares.
Given that,
Face value of a share (F.V.) = ₹ 100
Premium = ₹ 50
∴ Market value of a share (M.V.) = 100 + 50 = ₹ 150
Dividend =12%
Mr. Rutvik invests ₹ 30,000 in the shares.
(i) Number of shares bought by Mr. Rutvik = \(\frac{Amount invested}{Market value}\)
= \(\frac{30000}{150}\)
= 200

(ii) Dividend on the share = 12%
∴ Annual income from one share = \(\frac{12}{100}\) × 100 = ₹ 12
∴ His annual income from shares = number of shares × income from one share
= 200 × 12
= ₹ 2400

Question 11.
Rasika bought ₹ 40 shares at a discount of 40%. Find the income, if she invests ₹ 12,000 in these shares and receives a dividend at the rate of 11% on the nominal value of the shares.
Face value of the shares (F.V.) = ₹ 40
Discount = 40%
∴ Market value of the shares (M.V.) = 40 – (40 × \(\frac{40}{100}\))
= 40 – 16
= ₹ 24
Rasika invests ₹ 12,000 in these shares.
∴ Number of shares bought by Rasika = \(\frac{Amount invested}{Market value of one share}\)
= \(\frac{12000}{24}\)
= 500
Dividend = 11%
∴ Annual income on one share = \(\frac{11}{100}\) × 40 = ₹ 4.4
∴ Rasika’s income on 200 such shares = 500 × 4.4 = ₹ 2200
∴ Rasika earns ₹ 2200 from her investment.

Question 12.
Nisha invests ₹ 15,840 in buying shares of nominal value ₹ 24 selling at a premium of 10%. The company pays a 15% dividend annually. Find
(i) The dividend she receives annually, and
(ii) The rate of return from her investment.
Given that,
Face value of the share (F.V.) = ₹ 24
Premium = 10%
∴ Market value of the share (M.V.) = 24 + (24 × \(\frac{10}{100}\))
= 24 + 2.4
= ₹ 26.4
Dividend = 15%
∴ Annual income on the share = \(\frac{15}{100}\) × 24 = ₹ 3.6
Nisha invests ₹ 15,840 in these shares.
∴ Number of shares bought by Nisha
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7 Q12
(i) Annual dividend received by Nisha = Number of shares × annual income from one share
= 600 × 3.6
= ₹ 2160

(ii) Rate of return from the investment
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7 Q12.1

Question 13.
Ashutosh buys 80, ₹ 100 shares at a discount of 20% and receives a return of 12% on his money. Calculate
(i) The amount invested by Ashutosh.
(ii) The rate of dividend paid by the company.
Face value of the shares (F.V.) = ₹ 100
Discount = 20%
∴ Market value of the shares (M.V.) = 100 – (100 × \(\frac{20}{100}\)) = ₹ 80
(i) Amount invested by Ashutosh = number of shares × market value of the shares
= 80 × 80
= ₹ 6400

(ii) Ashutosh receives a return of 12% on his money.
∴ Ashutosh’s income from shares = \(\frac{12}{100}\) × 6400 = ₹ 768
∴ Ashutosh’s annual income from one share = \(\frac{768}{80}\) = ₹ 9.6
Annual income from one share = \(\frac{\text { Dividend }}{100} \times \text { Face value }\)
∴ 9 6 = \(\frac{\text { Dividend }}{100} \times 100\)
∴ Rate of dividend = 9.6%

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7

Question 14.
Vaishnavi bought 1000, ₹ 100 shares from the stock market carrying 8% dividend quoted at ₹ 130. A few days later the market value of the shares went up by 10%. Vaishnavi sold all her shares. What was her total income from this transaction?
Given that,
Face value of the shares (F.V.) = ₹ 100
The market value of the shares (M.V.) = ₹ 130
Dividend = 8%
Income from the each share = \(\frac{8}{100}\) × 100 = ₹ 8
Number of shares bought by Vaishnavi = 1000
∴ Vaishnavi’s income from dividend = 1000 × 8 = ₹ 8000
The price of the shares went up by 10%
New market value of the shares = 130 + (130 × \(\frac{10}{100}\)) = ₹ 143
Vaishnavi sold the shares at ₹ 143 which she bought at ₹ 130 each.
∴ Vaishnavi’s profit on one share =143 – 130 = ₹ 13
∴ Vaishnavi’s profit after selling all her shares =1000 × 13 = ₹ 13,000
Vaishnavi’s total income from this transaction = Income from dividend + income from sale of shares
= 8,000 + 13,000
= ₹ 21,000
∴ Vaishnavi’s total income from this transaction was ₹ 21,000.

Question 15.
Mr. Dinesh invests ₹ 20,800 in 6% ₹ 100 shares at ₹ 104, and ₹ 14,300 in 10.5% ₹ 100 shares at ₹ 143. What will be his annual income from the shares?
For 1st kind of shares,
Face value of shares (F.V.) = ₹ 100
Dividend = 6%
∴ Annual income from one share = \(\frac{6}{100}\) × 100 = ₹ 6
Market value of the share (M.V.) = ₹ 104
Total amount invested = ₹ 20,800
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7 Q15
∴ Total income from 1st kind of shares = 200 × 6 = ₹ 1200
For 2nd kind of shares,
Face value of shares (F.V.) = ₹ 100
Dividend = 10.5%
∴ Annual income from one share = \(\frac{10.5}{100}\) × 100 = ₹ 10.5
Market value of the share (M.V.) = ₹ 143
Total amount invested = ₹ 14300
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7 Q15.1
∴ Total income from 2nd kind of shares = 100 × 10.5 = ₹ 1050
∴ Total annual income of Dinesh from both these shares = 1200 + 1050 = ₹ 2250

Question 16.
A company declares a semi-annual dividend of 5%. Daniel has 400 shares of the company. If Daniel’s annual income from the shares is ₹ 1,000, find the face value of each share.
Given that,
Semi-annual dividend = 5%
∴ Annual dividend = 10%
Number of shares with Daniel = 400
Daniel’s annual income from the shares = ₹ 1000
∴ Annual income from one share = \(\frac{1000}{400}\) = ₹ 2.5
But annual income from one share = \(\frac{\text { Annualdividend }}{100} \times \text { Face value }\)
∴ 2.5 = \(\frac{10}{100}\) × Face value of the share
∴ Face value of the share = ₹ 25

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7

Question 17.
Bhargav buys 400, ₹ 20 shares at a premium of ₹ 4 each and receives a dividend of 12%. Find
(i) The amount invested by Bhargav.
(ii) His total income from the shares.
(iii) Percentage return on his money.
Given that,
Face value of the shares (F.V.) = ₹ 20
Premium = ₹ 4
∴ Market value of the shares (M.V.) = ₹ 24
Dividend = 12%
∴ Annual income from the share = \(\frac{12}{100}\) × 20 = ₹ 2.4
Bhargav buys 400 shares
(i) The amount invested by Bhargav = number of shares × market value
= 400 × 24
= ₹ 9600

(ii) Bhargav’s income from the shares = number of shares × annual income from one share
= 400 × 2.4
= ₹ 960

(iii) Percentage return on Bhargav’s money
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7 Q17
∴ Bhargav gets 10% as the rate of return on his money.

Question 18.
Anil buys 350 ₹ 100 shares of a company at a premium of 20% from the market. The company pays 12% dividend annually. Find
(i) the investment made by Anil,
(ii) his annual income from the shares, and
(iii) the rate of return from the shares.
Given that,
Face value of shares (F.V.) = ₹ 100
Premium = 20%
∴ Market value of shares (M.V.) = 100 + (\(\frac{20}{100}\) × 100) = ₹ 120
Dividend = 12%
∴ Annual income from one share = \(\frac{12}{100}\) × 100 = ₹ 12
Anil buys 350 shares.
(i) Amount invested by Anil = number of shares × market value
= 350 × 120
= ₹ 42,000

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7

(ii) Anil’s annual income from the shares = number of shares × annual income from one share
= 350 × 12
= ₹ 4200

(iii) Rate of return from shares
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.7 Q18
∴ The rate of return from Anil’s shares is 10%.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.6

Balbharati Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solution Book Pdf Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.6 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.6

Question 1.
M/s Janaseva sweet mart sold sweets of ₹ 3,86,000. What CGST and SGST he will pay if the rate of GST is 5%?
Given that M/s Janaseva sweet mart sold sweets of ₹ 3,86,000
∴ Bill amount = ₹ 3,86,000
GST payable at the rate 5%
∴ CGST and SGST applicable is 2.5% each
∴ CGST on the bill = \(\frac{2.5}{100}\) × 3,86,000 = ₹ 9650
and SGST on the bill = \(\frac{2.5}{100}\) × 3,86,000 = ₹ 9650

Question 2.
Janhavi Gas Agency purchased some gas cylinders for ₹ 5,00,000 and sold them to the customers for ₹ 5,90,000. Find the amount of GST payable and the amount of ITC. 5% GST is applicable.
Given that, Janhavi Gas Agency purchased some gas cylinders for ₹ 5,00,000 and GST applicable is 5%.
∴ Input tax (ITC) = 5% of 5,00,000
= \(\frac{5}{100}\) × 5,00,000
= ₹ 25,000
Janhavi Gas Agency sold the gas cylinders for ₹ 5,90,000
∴ Output tax for Janhavi Gas Agency = 5% of 5,90,000
= \(\frac{5}{100}\) × 5,90,000
= ₹ 29,500
GST payable = Output tax – Input tax (ITC)
= 29,500 – 25,000
= ₹ 4500
∴ GST payable for Janhavi Gas Agency is ₹ 4,500 and ITC is ₹ 25,000.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.6

Question 3.
A company dealing in mobile phones purchased mobile phones worth ₹ 5,00,000 and sold the same to customers at ₹ 6,00,000. Find the amount of ITC and amount of GST if the rate of GST is 12%.
Given that the rate of GST applicable is 12%.
The company purchased mobile phones worth ₹ 5,00,000.
∴ Input tax (ITC) = 12% of 5,00,000
= \(\frac{12}{100}\) × 5,00,000
= ₹ 60,000
The company dealing in mobile phones sold the same to customers at ₹ 6,00,000.
∴ Output tax of the company = 12% of 6,00,000
= \(\frac{12}{100}\) × 6,00,000
= ₹ 72,000
GST payable for the company = Output tax – Input tax (ITC)
= 72,000 – 60,000
= ₹ 12,000
∴ The ITC for the company is ₹ 60,000 and GST payable is ₹ 12,000.

Question 4.
Prepare business to customers (B2C) tax invoice using given information. Write the name of supplier, address, state, Date, Invoice Number, GSTIN etc. as per your choice
Supplier: ___________
Address: ___________
State: ___________
Date: ___________
Invoice No: ___________
GSTIN: ___________
Particular: Rate of Sarees – ₹ 2750
Rate of GST 5% HSN 5407 – 2 pcs
Rate of Kurta – ₹ 750
Rate of GST 12% HSN 5408
Supplier: M/s Swaglife Fashions
Address: 143, Shivaji Rasta, Mumbai 400001
Mobile No. 9263692111
State: Maharashtra
Date: 31/08/19
Invoice No: GST/110
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.6 Q4
∴ Rate of 1 saree = ₹ 2750
∴ Rate of 2 sarees = 2 x 2750 = ₹ 5500
∴ GST on sarees = 12% of 5500
= \(\frac{12}{100}\) × 5500
= ₹ 660
∴ CGST = SGST = ₹ 330
∴ Rate of 1 Kurta = ₹ 750
∴ GST on Kurta = 12% of 750
= \(\frac{12}{100}\) × 750
= ₹ 90
∴ CGST = SGST = ₹ 45

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.6

Question 5.
Heena Enterprise sold cosmetics worth ₹ 25,000 to Leena traders, a retailer. Leena Traders sold it further to Meena Beauty Products for ₹ 30,000. Meena Beauty Product sold it further to the customers for ₹ 40,000. The rate of GST is 18%. Find
(i) GST Payable by each party
(ii) CGST and SGST
The trading chain,
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.6 Q5
∴ Output tax for Heena Enterprises = 18% of 25,000
= \(\frac{18}{100}\) × 25,000
= ₹ 4,500
∴ GST payable by Heena Enterprises
Now output tax for Leena traders = 18% of 30,000
= \(\frac{18}{100}\) × 30,000
= ₹ 5,400
∴ GST payable by Leena traders = Output tax – Input tax
= 5,400 – 4,500
= ₹ 900
∴ Output tax for Meena beauty products = 18% of 40,000
= \(\frac{18}{100}\) × 40,000
= ₹ 7,200
∴ GST payable by Meena beauty products = Output tax – Input tax
= 7,200 – 5,400
= ₹ 1,800

(ii) Now, CGST = SGST = \(\frac{\text { GST }}{2}\) = 9%
∴ Statement of GST payable at each stage can be tabulated as:
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.6 Q5.1

Question 6.
‘Chitra furnishings’ purchased tapestry (curtain cloth) for ₹ 28,00,000 and sold for ₹ 44,80,000. Rate of GST is 5%. Find
(i) Input Tax
(ii) Output Tax
(iii) ITC
(iv) CGST and SGST
Given, that ‘Chitra furnishings’ purchased tapestry (curtain cloth) for ₹ 28,00,000 and rate of GST is 5%
(i) Input tax = 5% of 28,00,000
= \(\frac{5}{100}\) × 28,00,000
= ₹ 1,40,000
The tapestry was sold at ₹ 44,80,000

(ii) Output tax = 5% of 44,80,000
= \(\frac{5}{100}\) × 44,80,000
= ₹ 2,24,000

(iii) Now ITC = Input tax = ₹ 1,40,000
GST payable = Output tax – ITC
= 2,24,000 – 1,40,000
= ₹ 84,000

(iv) CGST = SGST = \(\frac{\text { GST Payable }}{2}\)
= \(\frac{84,000}{2}\)
= ₹ 42,000
∴ CGST = SGST = ₹ 42,000

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.6

Question 7.
Two friends ‘Aditi’ and ‘Vaishali’ went to a restaurant. They ordered 2 Masala Dosa costing ₹ 90 each 2 coffee costing ₹ 60 each and 1 sandwich costing ₹ 80. GST is charged at 5%. Find the Total amount of the bill including GST.
Aditi and Vaishali ordered for 2 Masala Dosas, 2 Coffees and 1 Sandwich
∴ Total price of their order = 2 × 90 + 2 × 60 + 80 = ₹ 380
GST is charged at 5%
∴ GST on the total order = 5% × 380
= \(\frac{5}{100}\) × 380
= ₹ 19
∴ Total bill amount including GST = 380 + 19 = ₹ 399

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.5

Balbharati Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solution Book Pdf Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.5 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.5

Question 1.
Three partners shared the profit in a business in the ratio 5 : 6 : 7. They had partnered for 12 months, 10 months, and 8 months respectively. What was the ratio of their investments?
Let the ratio of investments of the three partners be p : q : r.
They partnered for 12 months, 10 months, and 8 months respectively.
∴ The profit shared by the partners will be in proportion to the product of capital invested and their respective time periods.
∴ 12 × p : 10 × q : 8 × r = 5 : 6 : 7
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.5 Q1
From (i) & (ii), we have
p : q : r = 50 : 72 : 105
∴ The ratio of their investments was 50 : 72 : 105.

Question 2.
Kamala, Vimala and Pramila enter into a partnership. They invest ₹ 40,000, ₹ 80,000 and ₹ 1,20,000 respectively. At the end of the first year, Vimala withdraws ₹ 40,000, while at the end of the second year, Pramila withdraws ₹ 80,000. In what ratio will the profit be shared at the end of 3 years?
Given that, Kamala, Vimala, and Pramila invest ₹ 40,000, ₹ 80,000, and ₹ 1,20,000 respectively.
The ratio of profits is to be calculated at the end of 3 years.
Vimala withdraws ₹ 40,000 at the end of the first year.
∴ Vimala invested ₹ 80,000 for one year and 40,000 for 2 years.
Pramila withdraws ₹ 80,000 at the end of the second year.
∴ Pramila invested ₹ 1,20,000 for two years and 40,000 for one year.
Kamala invested ₹ 40,000 for all the 3 years.
∴ The ratio of profits to be shared at the end of 3 years will be
= 40,000 × 3 : 80,000 × 1 + 40,000 × 2 : 1,20,000 × 2 + 40,000 × 1
= 1,20,000 : 1,60,000 : 2,80,000
= 12 : 16 : 28
= 3 : 4 : 7

Alternate Method:
Given that, Kamala, Vimala and Pramila invest ₹ 40,000, ₹ 80,000 & ₹ 1,20,000 respectively.
Given, information can be tabulated as:
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.5 Q2
∴ The profits to be shared at the end of 3 years will be
= 1,20,000 : 1,60,000 : 2,80,000
= 12 : 16 : 28
= 3 : 4 : 7

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.5

Question 3.
Sanjeev started a business investing ₹ 25,000 in 1999. In 2000, he invested an additional amount of ₹ 10,000 and Rajeev joined him with an amount of ₹ 35,000. In 2001, Sanjeev invested another additional amount of ₹ 10,000 and Pawan joined them with an amount of ₹ 35,000. What will be Rajeev’s share in the profit of ₹ 1,50,000 earned at the end of 3rd year from the start of the business in 1999?
The given information can be tabulated as:
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.5 Q3
∴ The ratio of profits to be shared at the end of 3 years will be 1,05,000 : 70,000 : 35,000
i.e. in the proportion 3 : 2 : 1
Given, profit earned ₹ 1,50,000/-
∴ Rajeev’s share in the profit = \(\frac{2}{6}\) × 1,50,000 = ₹ 50,000/-

Question 4.
Teena, Leena, and Meena invest in a partnership in the ratio: 7/2, 4/3, 6/5. After 4 months, Teena increases her share by 50%. If the total profit at the end of one year is ₹ 21,600, then what is Leena’s share in the profit?
Investment of Teena, Leena and Meena are in the ratio \(\frac{7}{2}: \frac{4}{3}: \frac{6}{5}\)
After 4 months, Teena’s share increases by 50%.
i.e. \(\frac{7}{2}+\left(\frac{7}{2} \times \frac{50}{100}\right)=\frac{7}{2}+\frac{7}{4}\)
i.e. \(\frac{21}{4}\)
The profit will be shared in the proportion of product of capitals and respective time periods in months.
i.e. \(\frac{7}{2} \times 4+\frac{21}{4} \times 8: \frac{4}{3} \times 12: \frac{6}{5} \times 12\)
i.e. 56 : 16 : \(\frac{72}{5}\)
i.e. 7 : 2 : \(\frac{9}{5}\)
i.e. in the proportion 35 : 10 : 9 …..[Multiplying throughout by 5]
Given that profit at the end of one year = ₹ 21,600/-
∴ Leena’s share in the profit = \(\frac{10}{54}\) × 21,600
= 5 × 800
= 4000
∴ Leena’s share in the profit is ₹ 4000/-.

Question 5.
Dilip and Pradeep invested amounts in the ratio 2 : 1, whereas the ratio between amounts invested by Dilip and Sudip was 3 : 2. If ₹ 1,49,500 was their profit, how much amount did Sudip receive?
Let the amounts invested by Dilip, Pradeep and Sudip be ₹ ‘d’, ₹ ‘p’ and ₹ ‘s’ respectively.
Given that, d : p = 2 : 1
∴ d : p = 6 : 3 …..(i)
and d : s = 3 : 2
∴ d : s = 6 : 4 …..(ii)
From (i) and (ii),
d : p : s = 6 : 3 : 4
∴ The ratio of profits to be shared among Dilip, Pradeep and Sudip will be 6 : 3 : 4.
Given, profit earned = ₹ 1,49,500/-
∴ Sudip’s share in the profit = \(\frac{4}{13}\) × 1,49,500
= 4 × 11,500
= ₹ 46,000/-

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.5

Question 6.
The ratio of investments of two partners Jatin and Lalit is 11 : 12 and the ratio of their profits is 2 : 3. If Jatin invested the money for 8 months, find for how much time Lalit invested his money.
Let ‘x’ be the time in months for which Lalit invested his money
Jatin and Lalit invested their money in the ratio 11 : 12.
Jatin invested his money for 8 months and the ratio of their profits is 2 : 3.
∴ 11 × 8 : 12 × x = 2 : 3
∴ \(\frac{88}{12 x}=\frac{2}{3}\)
∴ x = \(\frac{88 \times 3}{2 \times 12}\)
∴ x = 11
∴ Lalit invested his money for 11 months.

Question 7.
Three friends had dinner at a restaurant. When the bill was received, Alpana paid \(\frac{2}{3}\) as much as Beena paid and Beena paid \(\frac{1}{2}\) as much as Catherin paid. What fraction of the bill did Beena pay?
Let ‘T’ be the total bill amount at the restaurant and ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’ be the share of Alpana, Beena, and Catherin respectively.
Given, that Alpana paid \(\frac{2}{3}\) as much as Beena paid
∴ a = \(\frac{2}{3}\) b …..(i)
Also, Beena paid \(\frac{1}{2}\) as much as Catherin paid.
∴ b = \(\frac{1}{2}\) c
∴ c = 2b …….(ii)
∴ Three friends paid the total bill amount.
∴ a + b + c = T …..(iii)
Using (i) and (ii) in (iii), we get
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.5 Q7
Thus, Beena paid \(\left(\frac{3}{11}\right)^{\text {th }}\) fraction of the total bill amount.

Question 8.
Roy starts a business with ₹ 10,000, Shikha joins him after 2 months with 20% more investment than Roy, after 2 months Tariq joins him with 40% less than Shikha. If the profit earned by them at the end of the year is equal to twice the difference between the investment of Roy and ten times the investment of Tariq. Find the profit of Roy?
Given that, Roy starts the business with ₹ 10,000.
Shikha joins him after 2 months with 20% more investment than Roy.
∴ Shikha’s investment = 10,000 + (10,000 × \(\frac{20}{100}\)) = ₹ 12,000
Tariq joins after two more months with an investment 40% less than Shikha.
∴ Tariq’s investment = 12,000 – (12,000 × \(\frac{40}{100}\)) = ₹ 7,200
Now, the profit will be shared in the proportion of product of capitals and respective periods in months.
i.e. 10,000 × 12 : 12,000 × 10 : 7,200 × 8
i.e. in the proportion, 25 : 25 : 12 …..(i) [Dividing throughout by 4,800]
Given that, profit at the end of the year = twice of the difference between investment of Roy and ten times the investment of Tariq.
∴ Profit = 2 [(10 × 7,200) – 10,000]
= 2[72,000 – 10,000]
= 2 × 62,000
= ₹ 1,24,000
∴ Roy’s share of profit = \(\frac{25}{62}\) × 1,24,000 …..[From (i)]
= ₹ 50,000/-

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.5

Question 9.
If 4(P’s Capital) = 6(Q’s Capital) = 10 (R’s Capital), then out of the total profit of ₹ 5,580, what is R’s share?
Let ‘p’, ‘q’ and ‘r’ be P, Q and R’s Capital for the business respectively.
∴ 4p = 6q = 10r
L.C.M of 4, 6, 10 = 60
∴ We take 4p = 6q = 10r = 60x
∴ p = 15x, q = 10x, r = 6x
∴ p : q : r = 15 : 10 : 6
Given that total profit = ₹ 5580
R’s share in the profit = \(\frac{6}{31}\) × 5580 = ₹ 1080/-

Question 10.
A and B start a business, with A investing the total capital of ₹ 50,000, on the condition that B pays interest at the rate of 10% per annum on his half of the capital. A is a working partner and receives ₹ 1,500 per month from the total profit and any profit remaining is equally shared by both of them. At the end of the year, it was found that the income of A is twice that of B. Find the total profit for the year?
Let ‘x’ and ‘y’ be the profits earned by A and B respectively and let ‘z’ be the total profit for the year.
A is the working partner and receives ₹ 1500 per month from the total profit.
i.e. 12 × 1500 = ₹ 18,000 at the end of the year.
The remaining profit is shared between A and B equally.
∴ y = \(\frac{z-18000}{2}\) …..(i)
Thus, profit earned by A at the end of that year is given by
x = 18000 + \(\left(\frac{z-18000}{2}\right)\)
∴ x = \(\frac{z+18000}{2}\) ……(ii)
A invests the entire capital on the condition that B pays A interest at the rate of 10% per annum on his half of the capital.
∴ At the end of the first year,
A will receive \(\frac{10}{100}\) × 25,000 i.e. ₹ 2500/- over and above his share of profit.
∴ A’s income = Profit of A + 2500 = x + 2500
Given that,
income of A = twice the income of B
∴ x + 2500 = 2y …..(iii)
Using (i) and (ii) in (iii), we get
\(\frac{z+18000}{2}\) + 2500 = 2\(\left(\frac{z-18000}{2}\right)\)
z + 18000 + 5000 = 2(z – 18000)
z + 23000 = 2z – 36000
∴ z = 59,000
∴ The total profit for the year = ₹ 59,000/-

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.4

Balbharati Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solution Book Pdf Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.4 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.4

Question 1.
Kanchan purchased a Maruti car for ₹ 2,45,000/- and the rate of depreciation is 14\(\frac{2}{7}\)% per annum. Find the value of the car after two years?
Given, purchase price of the car = V = ₹ 2,45,000
Rate of depreciation per annum = r
= 14\(\frac{2}{7}\)%
= \(\frac{100}{7}\)%
∴ Value of the car after two years = \(\mathrm{V}\left(1-\frac{\mathrm{r}}{100}\right)^{\mathrm{n}}\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.4 Q1
∴ The value of the car after two years is ₹ 1,80,000.

Question 2.
The value of a machine depreciates from ₹ 32,768 to ₹ 21,952/- in three years. What is the rate of depreciation?
Given, initial value of machine = V = ₹ 32,768/-
Depreciated value of the machine = D.V. = ₹ 21,952/-
Numher of years = n = 3
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.4 Q2
∴ r = 12.5%
∴ Rate of depreciation is 12.5% per annum.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.4

Question 3.
The value of a machine depreciates at the rate of 10% every year. It was purchased 3 years ago. Its present value is ₹ 2,18,700/-. What was the purchase price of the machine?
Given, the rate of depreciation per annum = r = 10%
Number of years = n = 3
Present value of the machine = P.V. = ₹ 2,18,700/-
∴ Purchase price of the machine
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.4 Q3
∴ The purchase price of the machine is ₹ 3,00,000.

Question 4.
Mr. Manish purchased a motorcycle at ₹ 70,000/-. After some years he sold his motorcycle at its exact depreciated value of it that is ₹ 51,030/-. The rate of depreciation was taken as 10%. Find out how many years he sold his motorcycle.
Given, purchase price of the motorcycle = V = ₹ 70,000/-
Depreciated value of the motorcycle = D.V. = ₹ 51,030/-
∴ Rate of depreciation = r = 10%
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.4 Q4
∴ n = 3
∴ Manish sold his motorcycle after 3 years.

Question 5.
Mr. Chetan purchased furniture for his home at ₹ 5,12,000/-. Considering the rate of depreciation as 12.5%, what will be the value of furniture after 3 years.
Given, purchase price of furniture = V = ₹ 5,12,000/-
Rate of depreciation = r = 12.5%
Number of years = n = 3 years
∴ Value of furniture after 3 years = \(\mathrm{V}\left(1-\frac{\mathrm{r}}{100}\right)^{\mathrm{n}}\)
= 5,12,000 \(\left(1-\frac{12.5}{100}\right)^{3}\)
= 5,12,000 \(\left(1-\frac{1}{8}\right)^{3}\)
= 5,12,000 \(\left(\frac{7}{8}\right)^{3}\)
= 5,12,000 × \(\frac{343}{512}\)
= 3,43,000
∴ The value of furniture will be ₹ 3,43,000/-

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.4

Question 6.
Grace Fashion Boutique purchased a sewing machine at ₹ 25,000/-. After 3 years machine was sold at depreciated value of ₹ 18,225/-. Find the rate of depreciation.
Given, purchase price of sewing machine = V = ₹ 25,000/-
Selling price of machine = D.V. = ₹ 18,225/-
Number of years = n = 3 years
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.4 Q6
∴ 100 – r = 90
∴ r = 10%
∴ Rate of depreciation is 10% per annum.

Question 7.
Mr. Pritesh reduced the value of his assets by 5% each year, which were purchased for ₹ 50,00,000/-. Find the value of assets after 2 years.
Given, initial value of assets = V = ₹ 50,00,000/-
Rate of depreciation per annum = r = 5%
Number of years = n = 2 years
∴ Value of assets aftertwo years = \(V\left(1-\frac{r}{100}\right)^{n}\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.4 Q7
= 12,500 × 361
= 45,12,500
∴ The value of assets after two years is ₹ 45,12,500/-.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.4

Question 8.
A manufacturing company is allowed to charge 10% depreciation on its stock. The initial value of the stock was ₹ 60,000/-. After how many years value of the stock will be ₹ 39366?
Given, rate of depreciation = r = 10%
Initial value of stock = V = ₹ 60,000
Depreciated value of stock = D.V. = ₹ 39,366/-
By using,
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.4 Q8
∴ n = 4
∴ The value of the stock will be ₹ 39,366/- after 4 years.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.3

Balbharati Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solution Book Pdf Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.3 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.3

Question 1.
What would be the simple interest on an amount of ₹ 9,600 at the rate of 6% per annum after 3 years?
Given Principal P = ₹ 9600
Rate of interest R = 6% p.a.
Number of years = T = 3
Simple Interest I = \(\frac{\text { PRT }}{100}\)
= \(\frac{9600 \times 3 \times 6}{100}\)
= 96 × 18
= 1728
∴ Simple interest after 3 years would be ₹ 1728

Question 2.
What would be the simple interest at the rate of 9\(\frac{1}{2}\)% per annum on ₹ 6,000 for 2\(\frac{1}{2}\) years?
Rate of interest per annum R = 9\(\frac{1}{2}\)% = \(\frac{19}{2}\)%
Principal P = ₹ 6000
Duration T = 2\(\frac{1}{2}\) = \(\frac{5}{2}\) years
∴ Simple Interest, I = \(\frac{\text { PRT }}{100}\)
= 6000 × \(\frac{19}{2} \times \frac{5}{2} \times \frac{1}{100}\)
= 15 × 19 × 5
= 1425
∴ Simple interest would be ₹ 1425.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.3

Question 3.
What would be the simple interest on ₹ 8,400 in 9 months at the rate of 8.25 percent per annum?
Principal P = ₹ 8400
Rate of interest R = 8.25%
Duration T = 9 months = \(\frac{3}{4}\) years
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.3 Q3
∴ Simple interest would be ₹ 519.75.

Question 4.
What would be the compound interest on ₹ 4200 for 18 months at 10% per annum compounded half yearly?
Principal P = ₹ 4200
Rate of interest R = 10%
Duration T = 18 months = 1.5 years
compounding is done half yearly
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.3 Q4
= \(\frac{4200 \times 9261}{2000}\)
= 4862.025
I = A – P
= 4862.025 – 4200
= 662.025
∴ Compound interest would be ₹ 662.025.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.3

Question 5.
Find compound interest on ₹ 10,000 for 2 years at 8% per annum compounded half yearly.
Principal P = ₹ 10,000
Rate of interest R = 8% p.a. compounded half yearly
Duration T = 2 years
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.3 Q5
I = A – P
= 11648.58 – 10000
= 1698.58
∴ Compound interest is ₹ 1698.58.

Question 6.
In how many years ₹ 1,00,000 will become ₹ 1,33,100 at compound interest rate of 10% per annum?
Principal P = ₹ 1,00,000
Amount A = ₹ 1,33,100
Rate of interest R = 10% p.a.
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.3 Q6
∴ ₹ 1,00,000 will become ₹ 1,33,100 after 3 years.

Question 7.
A certain sum of money becomes three times of itself in 20 years at simple interest. In how many does it become double of itself at the same rate of simple interest?
Given that, sum of money triples itself in 20 years
∴ P + I = 3P
∴ I = 2P
and T = 20 years
Now simple interest I = \(\frac{\text { PRT }}{100}\)
∴ 2P = \(\frac{\mathrm{P} \times \mathrm{R} \times 20}{100}\)
∴ R = 10
∴ Rate of interest = 10% per annum
The time period is to be calculated for the condition that the sum doubles itself i.e. for the condition
P + I = 2P
i.e. I = P
\(\frac{\mathrm{P} \times \mathrm{R} \times \mathrm{T}}{100}\) = P
∴ \(\frac{10 \times T}{100}\) = 1
∴ T = 10
∴ The sum will become double of itself in 10 years.

Question 8.
A person borrows 10,000 for 2 year at 4% p.a. simple interest he immediately lends it to another person at 6.5% p.a. for 2 years. Find his total gain in the transaction.
Person borrows money at 4% per annum and lends it at 6.5% per annum.
∴ His gain is (6.5 – 4) = 2.5% on ₹ 10000 for 2 years
i.e. gain = \(\frac{1000 \times 2.5 \times 2}{100}\)
= 100 × 5
= ₹ 500
∴ The person will gain ₹ 500 in this transaction.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.3

Question 9.
A man deposits X 200 at the end of each year in recurring account at 5% compound interest. How much will it become at the end of 3 years?
At end of 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year ₹ 200 were deposited.
Rate of interest R = 5% p.a.
At end of 3 years, amount
= 200 + \(200\left[1+\frac{5}{100}\right]+200\left[1+\frac{5}{100}\right]^{2}\)
= 200 [1 + 1.05 + (1.05)2]
= 200 [2.05 + 1.1025]
= 200 [3.1525]
= 630.5
At end of 3 years, the account will have a balance of ₹ 630.5.

Question 10.
A man gets a simple interest of ₹ 2,000 on a certain principal at the rate of 5% p.a. in 4 years. What compound interest will the man get on twice the principal in 2 years at the same rate.
Let Principal amount = P
Simple Interest I = ₹ 2000
Rate of interest R = 5% p.a.
Time duration T = 4 years
I = \(\frac{\text { PRT }}{100}\)
∴ 2000 = \(\frac{\mathrm{P} \times 5 \times 4}{100}\)
∴ P = 10000
Twice the principal was invested for compound interest with the same rate of interest for 2 years.
Here, P = 2 × 10,000 = ₹ 20,000
∴ Amount received,
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.3 Q10
I = A – P = 22050 – 20000 = 2050
The man will receive ₹ 2050 as compound interest.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.3

Question 11.
The difference between simple interest and compound interest on a certain sum of money is ₹ 32 at 8% per annum for 2 years. Find the amount.
Compound Interest = A – P = \(\mathrm{P}\left(1+\frac{\mathrm{R}}{100}\right)^{\mathrm{T}}-\mathrm{P}\)
Simple interest = \(\frac{\text { PRT }}{100}\)
Given R = 8%, T = 2 years and
compound interest – simple interest = ₹ 32
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.3 Q11
∴ The man will receive a compound interest of ₹ 5000.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.2

Balbharati Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solution Book Pdf Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.2 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.2

Question 1.
Mr. Sarad purchased a laptop for ₹ 24,000 and sold it for ₹ 30,000. What was the profit percentage?
Cost price (C.P.) = ₹ 24000
Selling price (S. P.) = ₹ 30,000
Profit = S.P. – C.P.
= 30,000 – 24,000
= 6,000
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.2 Q1
∴ Profit Percentage = 25%

Question 2.
Shraddha purchased a mobile phone and refrigerator for ₹ 18,000 and ₹ 15,000 respectively. She sold the refrigerator at a loss of 20% and the mobile at a profit of 20%. What is her overall profit or loss?
C.P. of mobile phone = ₹ 18,000
Profit percentage on mobile phone = 20%
Selling price (S.P.) of mobile phone = 18,000 (1 + \(\frac{20}{100}\))
= 18,000 (1 + \(\frac{1}{5}\))
= 18,000 × \(\frac{6}{5}\)
= ₹ 21,600
C.P. of refrigerator = 15,000
Loss percentage on refrigerator = 20%
∴ Selling price (S.P.) = 15,000(1 – \(\frac{20}{100}\))
= 15,000(1 – \(\frac{1}{5}\))
= 15,000 × \(\frac{4}{5}\)
= ₹ 12,000
∴ Total gelling price for the transaction = 21,600 + 12,000 = ₹ 33,600
Total cost price (purchase price) for the transaction = 18,000 + 15,000 = ₹ 33,000
∴ Overall profit made by Shraddha = Total S.P. – Total C.P.
= 33,600 – 33,000
= ₹ 600
Thus, Shraddha made on overall profit of ₹ 600.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.2

Question 3.
A vendor bought toffees at 6 for ₹ 10. How many for ₹ 10 must he sell to gain 20%?
Vendor bought toffees at the rate of 6 for ₹ 10
∴ Cost price of one toffee = \(\frac{10}{6}\)
i.e. C.P. = \(\frac{10}{6}\) …….(i)
Let x be the number of toffees he must sell in ₹ 10 to gain 20%
i.e. S.P. = \(\frac{10}{x}\) …….(ii)
Profit percentage = \(\frac{\text { S.P. }-\text { C.P. }}{\text { C.P. }}\)
Using (i) and (ii) we have
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.2 Q3
∴ 30(6 – x) = 6x
∴ 180 – 30x = 6x
∴ 36x = 180
∴ x = 5
The vendor must sell 5 toffees for ₹ 10 in order to gain 20%.

Question 4.
The percentage profit earned by selling an article for ₹ 2,880 is equal to the percentage loss incurred by selling the same article for ₹ 1,920. At what price the article should be sold to earn a 25% profit?
Let x be C.P. of the article
Let y % be both, the gain and loss made when article is sold at ₹ 2,880 and ₹ 1,920 respectively. Then
x + \(\frac{y}{100}\) x = 2880 ……(i)
x – \(\frac{y}{100}\) x = 1920 …..(ii)
Adding (i) and (ii), we get
2x = 4800
∴ x = 2400
i.e. C.P. of the article = ₹ 2400
Required profit percentage = 25%
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.2 Q4
∴ The article should be sold at ₹ 3000 to earn 25% profit.

Question 5.
A cloth merchant advertises for selling cloth at a 4% loss. By using a faulty meter scale, he is earning a profit of 20%. What is the actual length of the scale?
Let the cost price of the cloth be ₹ ‘x’ per meter
He claims a loss of 4%
∴ Selling price of the cloth
S.P. = C.P.(1 – \(\frac{loss%}{100}\))
= x(1 – \(\frac{4}{100}\))
= 0.96x …..(i)
The actual cost price of the cloth is lower as the cloth is measured by a faulty meter scale.
Given that shopkeeper’s profit = 20%
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.2 Q5
∴ The actual cost price is 0.8 times the cost price as advertised.
In other words, the meter scale used for the fraud is 0.8 times the meter scale that should have been used.
∴ The length of the faulty meter scale used = 0.8 × 1 = 0.8 meter
∴ The actual length of the scale is 0.8 meters.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.2

Question 6.
Sunil sells his bike worth ₹ 25,000 to Rohit at a profit of 20%. After 6 months Rohit sells the bike back to Sunil at a loss of 20%. Find the total profit percent of Sunil considering both the transactions.
Sunil sells his bike to Rohit at 20% profit.
So S.P. of the bike for Sunil
= 25000 + \(\frac{20}{100}\) × 25000
= 25000 + 5000
= 30000
∴ Cost price of bike to Rohit = ₹ 30000
Rohit sells the bike back to Sunil at 20% loss
∴ S.P. of the bike for Rohit = 30000 – \(\frac{20}{100}\) × 30000
= 30000 – 6000
= 24000
∴ In second transaction Sunil pays 24000 to Rohit
In the first transaction, he had received 30000 from Rohit
∴ Sunil made a profit of ₹ (30000 – 24000) = ₹ 6000
Sunil earned this profit on the bike which costed him ₹ 25000
∴ Total profit % that Sunil makes = \(\frac{6000}{25000}\) × 100
= \(\frac{600}{25}\)
= 24
∴ Sunil makes 24% profit considering both the transactions.

Question 7.
By selling a book at ₹ 405 bookseller incurs a loss of 25%. Find the cost price of the book.
S.P. = ₹ 405
Loss% = 25
S.P. when there is a loss is given by
S.P. = C.P. × \(\frac{\text { Loss } \%}{100}\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.2 Q7
∴ The cost price of the book is ₹ 540.

Question 8.
A cloth costs ₹ 675. If it is sold at a loss of 20%, what is its cost price as a percentage of its selling price?
C.P. = ₹ 675
Loss% = 20%
∴ Loss made in selling = \(\frac{20}{100}\) × 675 = ₹ 135
S.P. = C.P. – Loss
= 675 – 135
= ₹ 540
Let C.P. be x % S.P.,
Then 675 = \(\frac{x}{100}\) × 540
∴ x = \(\frac{675 \times 100}{540}\) = 125
∴ Cost price is 125% of the selling price.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.2

Question 9.
Ashwin buys an article for ₹ 500. He marks it for sale at 75% more than the cost price. He offers a 25% discount on the marked price to his customer. Calculate the actual percentage of profit made by Ashwin.
C.P. = ₹ 500
Marked price = C.P. + \(\frac{75}{100}\) × C.P.
= \(\frac{75}{100}\) × 500
= 500 + 75 × 5
= 500 + 375
= 875
25% discount was given on marked price
∴ Discount = \(\frac{25}{100}\) × 875 = \(\frac{875}{4}\)
Selling price = marked price – discount
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.2 Q9
∴ Ashwin makes 31.25% profit.

Question 10.
The combined cost price of a refrigerator and a mixer is ₹ 12,400. If the refrigerator costs 600% more than the mixer, find the cost price of the mixer.
Let ₹ x be the cost price of the mixer.
The cost price of the refrigerator = x + \(\frac{600}{100}\) x
= x + 6x
= 7x
Total cost price =12400 …..[Given]
i.e. x + 7x = 12400
i.e. 8x = 12400
∴ x = \(\frac{12400}{8}\) = 1550
∴ The cost price of mixer is ₹ 1550.

Question 11.
Find the single discount equivalent to the discount series of 5%, 7%, and 9%.
Let the marked price be ₹ 100
After 1st discount the price = 100(1 – \(\frac{5}{100}\)) = 95
After 2nd discount the price = 95(1 – \(\frac{7}{100}\)) = \(\frac{95 \times 93}{100}\)
After 3rd discount the price = \(\frac{95 \times 93}{100}\left(1-\frac{9}{100}\right)\)
= \(\frac{95 \times 93 \times 91}{100 \times 100}\)
= \(\frac{803985}{10000}\)
= 80.3985 ~ 80.4
Selling price after 3 discounts is ₹ 80.4
Single equivalent discount = Marked price – Selling price
= 100 – 80.4
= ₹ 19.6
∴ Single equivalent discount is 19.6%.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.2

Question 12.
The printed price of a shirt is ₹ 390. Lokesh pays ₹ 175.50 for it after getting two successive discounts. If the first discount is 10%, find the second discount.
Marked price = ₹ 390
After the first discount of 10%, the price of the shirt
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.2 Q12
∴ x = 50
∴ Second discount is 50%

Question 13.
Amar, a manufacturer, gives a discount of 25% on the list price to his distributor Akbar, Akbar sells at a 10% discount on the list price to his customer Anthony. Anthony paid ₹ 540 for the article. What is the profit percentage of Akbar on his cost price?
Let ₹ ‘x’ be the list price of the article.
Amar gives a discount of 25% on the list price.
∴ Selling price for Amar = \(x\left(1-\frac{25}{100}\right)\)
= \(x\left(1-\frac{1}{4}\right)\)
= ₹ \(\frac{3 x}{4}\)
Amar sells the article to Akbar
Cost price of article for Akbar = ₹ \(\frac{3 x}{4}\) ……(i)
Akbar sells the article to Anthony at 10% discount on list price
∴ Selling price for Akbar = \(x\left(1-\frac{10}{100}\right)\)
= \(x\left(1-\frac{1}{10}\right)\)
= ₹ \(\frac{9 x}{10}\) …..(ii)
Profit percentage = \(\frac{\text { S.P. }-\text { C.P. }}{\text { C.P. }} \times 100\)
Using (i) and (ii), we have the profit percentage for Akbar as,
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.2 Q13
∴ Akbar gets a profit of 20% on his cost price.

Question 14.
A man sells an article at a profit of 25%. If he had bought it at a 10% loss and sold it for ₹ 7 less, he would have gained 35%. Find the cost price of the article.
Let ₹ ‘x’ be the C.P. of the article
∴ Article was sold at 25% profit
∴ S.P. of the article = \(x\left(1+\frac{25}{100}\right)\)
= \(x\left(1+\frac{1}{4}\right)\)
= 1.25x
If the article was bought at 10% loss
i.e., the new C.P. = \(x\left(1-\frac{10}{100}\right)\)
= \(x\left(\frac{9}{10}\right)\)
= 0.9x
and sold at ₹ 7 less
∴ New S.P. = 1.25x – 7
Then, the profit would have been 35%
Using profit percentage = \(\frac{\text { S.P.-C.P. }}{\text { C.P. }} \times 100\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.2 Q14
∴ Cost price of the article is ₹ 200

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.2

Question 15.
Mr. Mehta sold his two luxury cars at ₹ 39,10,000 each. On one he gains 15% but on the other, he loses 15%. How much does he gain or lose in the whole transaction?
Let x, y be the C.P. of two cars.
S.P. of both the cars = 39,10,000 …..[Given]
∴ One car is sold at 15% loss
∴ S.P. of the first car = x – \(\frac{15}{100}\)x
∴ \(\frac{85}{100}\)x = 39,10,000
∴ x = \(\frac{39,10,000 \times 100}{85}\)
∴ x = 46,000 × 100
∴ x = 46,00,000
Other car is sold at 15% gain
∴ S.P. of second car = y + \(\frac{15}{100}\) y
∴ y + \(\frac{15}{100}\) y = 39,10,000
∴ \(\frac{115}{100}\)y = 39,10,000
∴ y = \(\frac{39,10,000 \times 100}{115}\)
∴ y = 34,000 × 100
∴ y = 34,00,000
x + y = Total C.P. of two cars
= 46,00,000 + 34,00,000
= 80,00,000
Total S.P. = 39,10,000 + 39,10,000 = 78,20,000
∴ S.P. < C.P.
∴ There is a loss of ₹ (80,00,000 – 78,20,000) = ₹ 1,80,000
∴ Loss % = \(\frac{1,80,000}{80,00,000} \times 100\)
= \(\frac{18}{8}\)
= 2.25
∴ Mr. Mehta bears a 2.25% loss in the whole transaction.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.1

Balbharati Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solution Book Pdf Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.1 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.1

Question 1.
Find 77% of 580 + 34% of 390.
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.1 Q1

Question 2.
240 candidates appeared for an examination, of which 204 passed. What is the pass percentage?
We find the pass percentage using the unitary method
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.1 Q2
∴ The pass percentage for the examination is 85%.

Question 3.
What percent of 8.4 kg are 168 grams?
Let 168 gms be x% of 8.4 kg
i.e., let 168 gms be \(\frac{x}{100}\) of 8400 gms
∴ 168 = \(\frac{x}{100}\) × 8400
∴ x = \(\frac{168}{84}\) = 2
∴ 168 gms is 2% of 8.4 kg.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.1

Question 4.
If the length of a rectangle is decreased by 20%, what should be the increase in the breadth of the rectangle so that the area remains the same?
Let x and y represent the length and breadth of the rectangle respectively.
∴ The original area of the rectangle = xy
There is a 20% decrease in length.
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.1 Q4
Let k % be the required increase in breadth
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.1 Q4.1
Given that the new and old areas should be equal.
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.1 Q4.2
∴ 100 + k = 125
∴ k = 125 – 100 = 25
∴ Breadth should be increased by 25% so that the area remains same.

Question 5.
The price of rice increased by 20%, as a result, a person can have 5kg rice for ₹ 600. What was the initial price of rice per kg?
A person can buy 5 kg of rice for ₹ 600 after the increase in price
∴ New price of rice = \(\frac{600}{5}\) = ₹ 120/kg …..(i)
Let ‘x’ be the initial price per kg of rice.
There is a 20% increase in the price of rice.
Thus the new price of the rice will be given as
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.1 Q5
∴ The initial price of rice is ₹ 100 per kg

Question 6.
What percent is 3% of 5%?
Let 3% be x % of 5%.
Then \(\frac{3}{100}=\frac{x}{100} \times \frac{5}{100}\)
∴ x = \(\frac{3 \times 100}{5}\) = 60
∴ 3% is 60% of 5%.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.1

Question 7.
After availing of two successive discounts of 20% each, Madhavi paid ₹ 64 for a book. If she would have got only one discount of 20%, how much additional amount would she have paid?
Let the price of the book be ₹ x.
After the first 20% discount, the price of the book becomes
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.1 Q7
After another 20% discount, the price of the book becomes
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.1 Q7.1
This price = ₹ 64 …..[Given]
∴ \(\frac{16}{25}\)x = 64
∴ x = 4 × 25 = 100
Thus, Amount of the book after one discount = \(\frac{4}{5}\)(100) = 80 …..[from (i)]
∴ The additional amount that Madhavi would have paid = 80 – 64 = ₹ 16

Question 8.
The price of the table is 40% more than the price of a chair. By what percent price of a chair is less than the price of a table?
Let ₹ x and ₹ y be the price of a table and chair respectively.
The price of the table is 40% more than the price of a chair
∴ \(\frac{x-y}{y}\) × 100 = 40
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.1 Q8
We need to find by how much percent is the price of a chair less than that of a table.
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.1 Q8.1
∴ The price of a chair is 28.57% less than the price of a table.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 9 Commercial Mathematics Ex 9.1

Question 9.
A batsman scored 92 runs which includes 4 boundaries 5 sixes. He scored other runs by running between the wickets. What percent of his total score did he make by running between the wickets?
Batsman scores 4 fours (boundaries) and 5 sixes in 92 runs.
Number of runs scored by fours and sixes = 4 × 4 + 5 × 6 = 46
∴ 92 – 46 = 46
Let 46 be x% of 92.
Then 46 = \(\frac{x}{100}\) × 92
∴ x = \(\frac{46 \times 100}{92}=\frac{100}{2}\) = 50
∴ 50% of the total runs were scored by running between the wickets.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8

Balbharati Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solution Book Pdf Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8

Solve the following system of inequalities graphically.

Question 1.
x ≥ 3, y ≥ 2
To find a graphical solution, construct the table as follows:
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q1
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q1.1
The shaded portion represents the graphical solution.

Question 2.
3x + 2y ≤ 12, x ≥ 1, y ≥ 2
To find a graphical solution, construct the table as follows:
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q2
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q2.1
The shaded portion represents the graphical solution.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8

Question 3.
2x + y ≥ 6, 3x + 4y < 12
To find a graphical solution, construct the table as follows:
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q3
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q3.1
The shaded portion represents the graphical solution.

Question 4.
x + y ≥ 4, 2x – y ≤ 0
To find a graphical solution, construct the table as follows:
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q4
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q4.1
The shaded portion represents the graphical solution.

Question 5.
2x – y ≥1, x – 2y ≤ -1
To find a graphical solution, construct the table as follows:
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q5
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q5.1
The shaded portion represents the graphical solution.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8

Question 6.
x + y ≤ 6, x + y ≥ 4
To find a graphical solution, construct the table as follows:
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q6
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q6.1
The shaded portion represents the graphical solution.

Question 7.
2x + y ≥ 8, x + 2y ≥ 10
To find a graphical solution, construct the table as follows:
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q7
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q7.1
The shaded portion represents the graphical solution.

Question 8.
x + y ≤ 9, y > x, x ≥ 0
To find a graphical solution, construct the table as follows:
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q8
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q8.1
The shaded portion represents the graphical solution.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8

Question 9.
5x + 4y ≤ 20, x ≥ 1, y ≥ 2
To find a graphical solution, construct the table as follows:
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q9
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q9.1
The shaded portion represents the graphical solution.

Question 10.
3x + 4y ≤ 60, x +3y ≤ 30, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
To find a graphical solution, construct the table as follows:
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q10
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q10.1
The shaded portion represents the graphical solution.

Question 11.
2x + y ≥ 4, x + y ≤ 3, 2x – 3y ≤ 6
To find a graphical solution, construct the table as follows:
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q11
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q11.1
The shaded portion represents the graphical solution.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8

Question 12.
x – 2y ≤ 3, 3x + 4y ≥ 12, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 1
To find a graphical solution, construct the table as follows:
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q12
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q12.1
The shaded portion represents the graphical solution.

Question 13.
4x + 3y ≤ 60, y ≥ 2x, x ≥ 3, x, y ≥ 0
To find a graphical solution, construct the table as follows:
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q13
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q13.1
The shaded portion represents the graphical solution.

Question 14.
3x + 2y ≤ 150, x + 4y ≥ 80, x ≤ 15, y ≥ 0, x ≥ 0
To find a graphical solution, construct the table as follows:
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q14
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q14.1
The shaded portion represents the graphical solution.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8

Question 15.
x + 2y ≤ 10, x + y ≥ 1, x – y ≤ 0, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
To find a graphical solution, construct the table as follows:
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q15
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Linear Inequations Miscellaneous Exercise 8 Q15.1
The shaded portion represents the graphical solution.