Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 14 मैं सड़क हूँ

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Sulabhbharati Chapter 14 मैं सड़क हूँ Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Hindi Sulabhbharati Solutions Chapter 14 मैं सड़क हूँ

5th Standard Hindi Digest Chapter 14 मैं सड़क हूँ Textbook Questions and Answers

1. अंत्याक्षरी खेलो:
सड़क….किनारे….रास्ता….तकनीक….काम….मकान….निकिता…. ताँगा….गाजर…..रश्मि।

2. सड़क कैसे साफ-सुथरी रख सकते हैं, बताओ।

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 14 मैं सड़क हूँ

Hindi Sulabhbharati Class 5 Solutions Chapter 14 मैं सड़क हूँ Additional Important Questions and Answers

निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक वाक्य में दीजिए:

प्रश्न 1.
जिस सड़क पर चलते हुए पैर मिट्टी से सन जाएँ, वह सड़क कैसी होती है?
कच्ची सड़क।

प्रश्न 2.
पगडंडी किसे कहते हैं?
असमान, संकरी और कच्ची डगर को पगडंडी कहते हैं।

प्रश्न 3.
सड़क किन चीजों से बनती है?
सड़क सीमेंट, रेत, गिट्टी, सलिया एवं कोलतार से बनती है।

प्रश्न 4.
कच्ची सड़क कहाँ पाई जाती है?
गाँवों में।

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 14 मैं सड़क हूँ

प्रश्न 5.
हम सड़क को साफ-सुथरा कैसे रख सकते हैं? बताओ।
सड़क पर कचरा ना फेंकें। यहाँ-वहाँ ना थूकें। जगह जगह गड्ढे न खोदें।

निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए:

प्रश्न 1.
सड़क पर क्या-क्या चलता है?
सड़क पर मानव, ताँगे, मोटर, बस, साइकिल इत्यादि चलते हैं।

प्रश्न 2.
लोग सड़क के किनारे क्या बनवा लेते हैं?
लोग सड़क के किनारे मकान-दुकान बनवा लेते हैं।

प्रश्न 3.
चौराहे पर वर्दी पहनकर कौन खड़ा रहता है?
चौराहे पर वर्दी पहनकर पुलिस का सिपाही खड़ा रहता है।

प्रश्न 4.
लोग अपनी ज़रूरत से सड़क को कैसा बना देते हैं?
लोग अपनी ज़रूरत से सड़क को टेढ़ी, कभी नीची, कभी ऊँची बना देते हैं।

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 14 मैं सड़क हूँ

प्रश्न 5.
ज्यादातर सड़क किस चीज़ से बनाई जाती है?
ज्यादातर सड़क कोलतार डालकर बनाई जाती है।

प्रश्न 6.
यह आत्मकथा किसकी है?
यह आत्मकथा सड़क की है।

प्रश्न 7.
सामान बेचनेवाले अपनी दुकान कहाँ लगाते हैं?
सामान बेचनेवाले सड़क के दोनों तरफ अपनी दुकान लगाते हैं।

प्रश्न 8.
चौराहे पर पुलिस का सिपाही क्या काम करता है?
चौराहे पर पुलिस का सिपाही यातायात को अनुशासित रखने का काम करता है।

प्रश्न 9.
सड़क को दुख कब होता है?
जब लोग उसे गंदा कर देते हैं, तब सड़क को दुख होता है।

प्रश्न 10.
सड़क का क्या फायदा है?
सड़क के कारण देश में दूर-दूर रहने वाले लोग एक दूसरे से आसानी से मिल पाते हैं।

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 14 मैं सड़क हूँ

प्रश्न 11.
सड़क सदा कैसी रहना चाहती है?
सड़क सदा साफ-सुथरी रहना चाहती है।

प्रश्न 12.
सड़क क्या चाहती है?
सड़क हर गाँव को एक-दूसरे से जोड़ना और लोगों में मेल-जोल बढ़ाना चाहती है।

प्रश्न 13.
सड़क कहाँ खुशहाली लाना चाहती है?
सड़क पूरे देश में खुशहाली लाना चाहती है।

निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक शब्द में लिखिए:

प्रश्न 1.
सड़क, घर और विद्यालय के बीच क्या है?

प्रश्न 2.
अब कैसी तकनीक आ गई है?
नई तकनीक।

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 14 मैं सड़क हूँ

प्रश्न 3.
नई तकनीक से सड़क किससे बनाई जाती है?

प्रश्न 4.
गड्ढों के कारण क्या होता है?

प्रश्न 5.
सड़क कैसी रहना चाहती है?

प्रश्न 6.
सही विकल्प चुनकर रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए:
(वर्दी, सड़क, गड्ढे, गंदा, निश्चित)

  1. मैं ………………. हूँ।
  2. सिपाही ………………. पहने खड़ा होता है।
  3. जब लोग मुझे …………….. कर देते हैं।
  4. मेरे शरीर पर बहुत से ……………. हो जाते हैं।
  5. एक दिन मेरी इच्छा ……………… ही पूरी होगी।


  1. सड़क
  2. वर्दी
  3. गंदा
  4. गड्ढे
  5. निश्चित

प्रश्न 7.
रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए:

  1. …………………… , …………………….., …………………….. सभी के काम आती हूँ।
  2. लोग मेरे किनारे ………………. बना लेते हैं।
  3. लोग अपनी ज़रूरत के अनुसार कभी मुझे ……………… , कभी ………………. और कभी ……………… बना देते हैं।
  4. मेरे शरीर पर बहुत ………………. हो जाते हैं।
  5. इन ………………………. के कारण अनेक ……………………… होती हैं।
  6. मैं सदा …………………… …………………… चाहती हूँ।
  7. मैं जहाँ जाती हूँ, वह ………………. विकसित हो जाता है।
  8. पूरे देश में ……………… लाऊँ।


  1. बालक, जवान, बूढ़े
  2. मकान-दुकान
  3. टेढ़ी, नीची, ऊँची
  4. घाव
  5. गड्ढ़ों, दुर्घटनाएँ
  6. साफ -सुथरी
  7. परिसर
  8. खुशहाली

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 14 मैं सड़क हूँ


प्रश्न 1.
समान अर्थ वाले शब्द लिखिए:

  1. जवान
  2. घर
  3. विद्यालय
  4. सेतु
  5. दोष


  1. युवक
  2. गृह
  3. स्कूल
  4. पुल
  5. गलती

प्रश्न 2.
विपरीत अर्थ वाले शब्द लिखिए:

  1. इधर
  2. आना
  3. जवान
  4. ऊँची
  5. अच्छा
  6. सुख
  7. देश
  8. विकसित
  9. इच्छा
  10. निश्चित


  1. उधर
  2. जाना
  3. बूढ़ा
  4. नीची
  5. बुरा
  6. दुख
  7. विदेश
  8. अविकसित
  9. अनिच्छा
  10. अनिश्चित

प्रश्न 3.
लिंग बदलिए:

  1. आदमी
  2. बालक
  3. बूढ़ा


  1. औरत
  2. बालिका
  3. बूढ़ी

प्रश्न 4.
वचन बदलिए:

  1. बूढ़ा
  2. बैलगाड़ी
  3. साइकिल
  4. ताँगा
  5. गड्ढा


  1. बूढ़े
  2. बैलगाड़ियाँ
  3. साइकिलें
  4. ताँगे
  5. गड्ढे

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 14 मैं सड़क हूँ

प्रश्न 5.
नदी की आत्मकथा लिखिए:
मैं नदी हूँ। पहाड़ों से उतर कर नीचे ज़मीन पर बहती हूँ। गाँवों, खेतों के पास से होकर जाती हूँ। बच्चे मेरे पानी में डुबकी लगाते हैं। मैं सभी के काम आती हूँ। कुछ लोग मुझे गंदा भी करते हैं। इससे मैं दुखी हो जाती हूँ। फिर भी सब कुछ सहती हुई आगे बढ़ती – रहती हूँ। मैंने रुकना नहीं सीखा। मेरा काम है हमेशा बहते रहना। आज के युग में यदि मेरा ध्यान न रखा गया तो मैं एक दिन समाप्त हो जाऊँगी। मुझे हमेशा बहते देखना चाहते हो तो मेरा सही उपयोग करो, क्योंकि मैं हमेशा सभी को आगे बढ़ने की प्रेरणा देती हूँ।

प्रश्न 6.
उद्यान की आत्मकथा लिखिए:
मैं उद्यान हूँ। जब मुझे नया-नया बनाया गया था, तब बहुत-से पेड़ लगाए गए थे। बैठने के लिए बेंचें थीं। बच्चों के लिए झूले थे। लोगों का आना – जाना लगा रहता था। बच्चों की आवाजें आती थीं। परंतु आज कल अधिकतर कोई नहीं आता, क्योंकि मेरा सही तरीके से ध्यान नहीं रखा गया। बेंचें टूट गईं, झूले टूट गए, पेडों के सभी पत्ते झड़ गए; इसलिए मैं उदास हूँ। कोई मेरी तरफ ध्यान देगा तो मैं फिर से पहले की तरह बन जाऊँगा। मैं सभी को खुशी देना चाहता हूँ। सबके साथ मिल-जुलकर रहना चाहता हूँ।

मैं सड़क हूँ Summary in Hindi

पाठ का सारांश:

प्रस्तुत पाठ एक सड़क की आत्मकथा है। सड़क खुद अपने बारे में बता रही है कि किस तरह लोग उसका उपयोग करते हैं।

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 14 मैं सड़क हूँ


  1. महामार्ग – हाइवे (highway)
  2. सेतु – पुल (bridge)
  3. द्रुतगति मार्ग – चौड़ा रास्ता (express way)
  4. किनारे – आसपास (surround)
  5. चौराहा – चार रास्ता (crossroads)
  6. वर्दी – गणवेश (uniform)
  7. यातायात – परिवहन (transportation)
  8. अनुशासन – शिष्टता (discipline)
  9. कोलतार – डामर (tar)
  10. ताँगा – घोड़ा गाड़ी (tonga)
  11. पगडंडी – चलने के लिए बना कच्चा रास्ता (crooked)

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 13 पहचान हमारी – भाग (२)

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Sulabhbharati Chapter 13 पहचान हमारी – भाग (२) Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Hindi Sulabhbharati Solutions Chapter 13 पहचान हमारी – भाग (२)

5th Standard Hindi Digest Chapter 13 पहचान हमारी – भाग (२) Textbook Questions and Answers

1. देखो और सुनो

प्रश्न 1.
देखो और सुनो

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 13 पहचान हमारी - भाग (२)

Hindi Sulabhbharati Class 5 Solutions Chapter 13 पहचान हमारी – भाग (२) Additional Important Questions and Answers

प्रश्न 1.
निम्नलिखित शब्दों को वर्णक्रम के अनुसार लिखिए:

  1. गढ़
  2. कैकेयी
  3. खरबूजा
  4. घड़ी
  5. एक
  6. ऐनक
  7. औरत
  8. झरना
  9. छाता
  10. टमटम


  1. एक
  2. ऐनक
  3. औरत
  4. कैकेयी
  5. खरबूजा
  6. गढ़
  7. घड़ी
  8. छाता
  9. झरना
  10. टमटम

प्रश्न 2.
निम्नलिखित शब्दों में से भिन्न शब्द पर गोला बनाइए:

  1. कैकेयी, वैदेही, कैनेडी, कचौड़ी
  2. अचरज, अनपढ़, कुतुहल, जगमग
  3. काला, पपीता, ताला, माला
  4. जल, चौकोन, नल, हल
  5. तौल, दौड़, झाड़, प्रौढ़


  1. कचौड़ी
  2. कुतुहल
  3. पपीता
  4. चौकोन
  5. झाड़

प्रश्न 3.
उचित जगहों पर अनुस्वार (-) और विसर्ग (:) लगाइए:

  1. गगा
  2. झडा
  3. नम
  4. रग


  1. छ:
  2. गंगा
  3. झंडा
  4. नमः
  5. रंग

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 13 पहचान हमारी - भाग (२)

प्रश्न 4.
अर्थपूर्ण शब्द बनाइए:

  1. नी ढ़ ओ
  2. र झ ना
  3. न ज हि स
  4. ज्ञा त अ
  5. त चा क
  6. पी ता प


  1. ओढ़नी
  2. झरना
  3. सहिजन
  4. अज्ञात
  5. चातक
  6. पपीता

प्रश्न 5.
निम्नलिखित चित्रों की उनके नाम के साथ जोड़ियाँ मिलाइए:
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 13 पहचान हमारी - भाग (२) 1

  1. ऑक्टोपस – ख
  2. अँगूठी – ग
  3. श्रवणयंत्र – क
  4. धनादेश – च
  5. अंडा – घ
  6. कंधा – ङ

प्रश्न 6.
रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए:

  1. ……………… तपस्या करते हैं।
  2. मुझ पर ………………………. करो।
  3. घर के पास एक ………………. है।
  4. ………………. यहाँ पर बैठिए।


  1. ऋषि
  2. कृपा
  3. वृक्ष
  4. कृपया

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 13 पहचान हमारी - भाग (२)

प्रश्न 7.
निम्नलिखित शब्दों का उपयोग करके अर्थपूर्ण वाक्य बनाइए:
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 13 पहचान हमारी - भाग (२) 2

  1. घर जा
  2. फल खा
  3. पानी आया
  4. पानी भर
  5. गढ़ पर चढ़
  6. नल पर आ
  7. गढ़ पर मत चढ़
  8. खाना ला
  9. ऊपर चढ़
  10. मत आ

प्रश्न 8.
निम्नलिखित में से सही शब्द को चुनकर लिखिए:

  1. वृक्ष, वृश, वृष
  2. सूरय, सूर्य, सुरय
  3. ओरत, आरत, औरत
  4. पैसा, पेसा, पसा
  5. गुबारा, गुब्बारा, गुबर


  1. वृक्ष
  2. सूर्य
  3. औरत
  4. पैसा
  5. गुब्बारा

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 13 पहचान हमारी - भाग (२)

प्रश्न 9.
कोष्ठक में से चुनकर, चित्र पहचानकर उनके नाम लिखिए: (मेज, तिलचट्टा, घर, अमरुद, साँप, छत्ता)
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 13 पहचान हमारी - भाग (२) 3
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 13 पहचान हमारी - भाग (२) 4

  1. छत्ता
  2. घर
  3. साँप
  4. तिलचट्टा
  5. टेबल
  6. अमरूद

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions पुनरावर्तन ४

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Sulabhbharati पुनरावर्तन ४ Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Hindi Sulabhbharati Solutions पुनरावर्तन ४

5th Standard Hindi Digest पुनरावर्तन ४ Textbook Questions and Answers

1. सुनो, और दोहराओ:

प्रश्न 1.
सुनो, और दोहराओ:
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions पुनरावर्तन ४ 1
(अ) 1. मैं जा रह्य / रही हूँ।
2. हम जा रहे हैं / रही हैं।
3. तू जा रहा है / रही है।
4. तुम जा रहे हो / रही हो।
5. आप जा रहे हैं। रही हैं।

(ब) 1. यह जा रहा है। रही है।
2. ये जा रहे हैं / रही हैं।
3. वह जा रहा है / रही है।
4. वे जा रहे हैं / रही हैं।

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions पुनरावर्तन ४

2. तुम्हारे मित्र के पास कॉपी खरीदने के लिए पैसे नहीं हैं । तुम्हारी माँ ने मेला देखने के लिए तुम्हें तीस रुपये दिए हैं। इस स्थिति में तुम्हारे मन में कौन से भाव जागते हैं ? बताओ।

प्रश्न 1.
तुम्हारे मित्र के पास कॉपी खरीदने के लिए पैसे नहीं हैं । तुम्हारी माँ ने मेला देखने के लिए तुम्हें तीस रुपये दिए हैं। इस स्थिति में तुम्हारे मन में कौन से भाव जागते हैं ? बताओ।
उन तीस रुपयों में से अपने मित्र को कॉपी खरीदकर दूंगा तथा बचे हुए पैसों से मेला घूम लूँगा।

3. पढ़ो, और समझो:

प्रश्न 1.
पढ़ो, और समझो:

  1. जहाँ विद्यार्थी पढ़ते हैं – विद्यालय
  2. जादू दिखाने वाला – जादूगर
  3. खेल खेलने वाला – खिलाड़ी
  4. सच बोलनेवाला – सत्यवादी
  5. चित्र बनाने वाला – चित्रकार
  6. मूर्तियाँ बनाने वाला – मूर्तिकार
  7. सोने के गहने बनाने वाला – सुनार
  8. जो कभी न हारा हो – अजेय
  9. जो साग-सब्ज़ी खाता हो – शाकाहारी
  10. जहाँ अनाथ रहते हैं – अनाथालय
  11. जो रोगियों का इलाज करता है – डॉक्टर
  12. जो लकड़ी का काम करता है – बढ़ई
  13. जो मिट्टी के बरतन बनाता है – कुम्हार
  14. जो जूते सिलता है – मोची
  15. जो कपड़े सिलता है – दर्जी

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4. सड़क पार करते समय तुम क्या सावधानी बरतते हो? लिखो।

प्रश्न 1.
सड़क पार करते समय तुम क्या सावधानी बरतते हो? लिखो।
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions पुनरावर्तन ४ 2
सड़क पार करते समय जेब्रा क्रॉसिंग पर से जाना चाहिए।

5. पढ़ाई करने के बाद भी तुम्हें परीक्षा से डर लग रहा है, तो तुम क्या करोगे? बताओ।

प्रश्न 1.
पढ़ाई करने के बाद भी तुम्हें परीक्षा से डर लग रहा है, तो तुम क्या करोगे? बताओ।
(क) बड़ों से बातचीत करोगे ।
(ख) खेलने जाओगे।
(ग) गाना सुनोगे अथवा गाओगे ।
(घ) आराम करोगे ।
(क) बड़ों से बातचीत करेंगे।

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions पुनरावर्तन ४

Hindi Sulabhbharati Class 5 Solutions पुनरावर्तन ४ Additional Important Questions and Answers

प्रश्न 1.
चित्रों को देखकर नीचे दी गई शब्द – पहेली बूझो; (एक अक्षर का एक से अधिक बार उपयोग कर सकते हैं।)
फूल: कमल, हरसिंगार, गुलाब, गुड़हल, डहलिया, रजनीगंधा, बेला, सूरजमुखी, सदाबहार।
फल: केला, अमरूद, अनार, चीकू, अंगूर, सेब, पपीता, आम, अंजीर, संतरा, सीताफल, अनन्नास।
अन्य शब्द: नीम, पीला, ताला, अंदर, चीता, कान, पतला, खीर, गेंद, जल, दानी

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Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Sulabhbharati पुनरावर्तन ३ Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

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5th Standard Hindi Digest पुनरावर्तन ३ Textbook Questions and Answers

1. अनुस्वारवाले (-) शब्दों को सुनो, समझो और दोहराओ:

अङ्क-अंक, चञ्चल-चंचल, झण्डा-झंडा, सुन्दर-सुंदर, मुम्बई-मुंबई; टंकी, पंख, पतंग, कंघी, कंचा, पंछी, अंजीर, झंझावात, घंटी, कंठ, डंडा, पंढरपुर, संत, पंथ, बंदर, कंधा, पंप, गुंफन, कंबल, खंभा ।

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions पुनरावर्तन ३

2. रास्ते में घायल पक्षी को देखकर तुम्हारे मन में कौन-से भाव आते हैं? बताओ?

प्रश्न 1.
रास्ते में घायल पक्षी को देखकर तुम्हारे मन में कौन-से भाव आते हैं? बताओ?
रास्ते में घायल पक्षी को देखकर मुझे उस पर दया आ जाती है। मैं उसे उठाकर उसका उपचार करती / करता हूँ, ताकि वह फिर से आकाश में उड़ सके।

3. पढ़ो, समझो और रेखांकित शब्दों पर चर्चा करो और दोनों अक्षरों से नए वाक्य बनाओ

प्रश्न (क)
मैं पाँचवी कक्षा में पढ़ रहा हूँ।
‘मैं’ का उपयोग हम अपने लिए करते हैं। ‘में’ का उपयोग किसी ओर वस्तु के बारे में करते हैं।

प्रश्न (ख)
मृणाल ने पूछा “उदय! कहाँ गए थे?” उदय ने कहा, “मैं भोपाल गया था।”
कहाँ – किसी जगह के बारे में पूछते हैं।
कहा – मतलब ‘बोला’ या ‘बताया’।
(अ) तुम कहाँ जा रहे हो?
(आ) राम ने कहा, ‘मैं बीमार हूँ।

प्रश्न (ग)
रौनक बिल्ली की ओर लपका और वह भाग गई।
ओर – उस तरफ (की तरफ)
और – दो शब्दों अथवा दो वाक्यों को जोड़ने वाला शब्द
(अ) सीमा पाठशाला की ओर जा रही है।
(आ) सीता और गीता जुड़वा बहनें हैं।

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प्रश्न (घ)
राजू खेल रहा है। उसके साथी बैठे हैं।
है – केवल एक व्यक्ति के लिए लगता है।
हैं – बहुवचन या अनेक के लिए लगता है।
(अ) राम बाहर खड़ा है।
(आ) बच्चे खेल रहे हैं।

प्रश्न (ङ)
सोहन की बिल्ली इतनी प्यारी है कि सब उसे उठा लेते हैं।
की – पहले शब्द की व्याख्या करता है।
कि – दो वाक्यों को जोड़ने का काम करता है।
(अ) राम की बहन सीता है।
(आ) पवन ने कहा कि मैं बीमार हूँ।

4. उचित शब्द बनाकर लिखो:

प्रश्न 1.
उचित शब्द बनाकर लिखो:

  1. ख ओं
  2. र पै
  3. न का
  4. ठ हों
  5. ज ग का
  6. ट ना घु
  7. र द बं
  8. त र भा
  9. ई र पा चा
  10. व ली दी पा
  11. ला शा ठ पा
  12. वा ल री फु


  1. आँख
  2. पैर
  3. कान
  4. होंठ
  5. कागज
  6. घुटना
  7. बंदर
  8. भारत
  9. चारपाई
  10. दीपावली
  11. पाठशाला
  12. फुलवारी

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions पुनरावर्तन ३

5. वर्ण के अवयवों का उपयोग करते हुए अपने मन से चित्र बनाओ।

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions पुनरावर्तन ३ 1

Hindi Sulabhbharati Class 5 Solutions पुनरावर्तन ३ Additional Important Questions and Answers

प्रश्न 1.
आपकी पाठशाला में मनाए गए किसी एक कार्यक्रम पर पाँच वाक्य लिखिए:

  1. हमारी पाठशाला में हिन्दी दिवस मनाया गया।
  2. सभी बच्चों ने इसमें भाग लिया।
  3. बच्चों ने भाषण, कविता, नाटक प्रस्तुत किए।
  4. पहली कक्षा की एक छात्रा ने बहुत अच्छी कहानी सुनाई।
  5. अंत में सभी को धन्यवाद दिया गया।

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions पुनरावर्तन ३

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 12 Count your Garden

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 12 Count your Garden Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 12 Count your Garden

English Balbharati Std 5 Digest Chapter 12 Count your Garden Textbook Questions and Answers

1. The following things are mentioned in the poem. Classify them as happy and sad things.
flowers – falling leaves

  • golden hours – clouds
  • stars – shadows
  • smiles – tears
  • friends in your life – passing years.

Question 1.
The following things are mentioned in the poem. Classify them as happy and sad things.

Happy things Sad things
1. flowers 1. falling leaves
2. golden hours 2. clouds
3. stars 3. shadows
4. smiles 4. tears
5. friends in your life 5. passing years

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 12 Count your Garden

2. Name a few other things that people often count. (At least 5.)

Question 1.
Name a few other things that people often count. (At least 5.)

  1. Parents’ help
  2. Teacher’s guidance
  3. Loyal friends
  4. Our inner strength (confidence)
  5. Faith in God.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 12 Count your Garden

3. Group Work

Question 1.
Discuss how you will measure the worth of –

  • a book
  • a sports event
  • a friend
  • a journey.

1. A book:
A book is a storehouse of information. It helps us to know the meanings of difficult words. It tells us interesting things and provides us happiness. It is an ideal companion/friend especially when we are lonely. A book’s worth can be measured on the basis of the
knowledge it has and the joy it provides

2. A sports event:
A sports event provides us different/varied experiences. It sometimes brings forth our competitive spirit. We witness joy in victory and sorrow in loss. We learn to be humble in victory and take defeat with a smile. We learn to give our best. The worth of a sports event can be measured by the enjoyment it provides and the lessons it imparts.

3. A friend:
A friend is a gift from God. Someone who is
by our side through happy and sad times, through our smiles and tears. A friend’s worth can be measured when he/ . she displays the values of love and care and never leaves our side when we are in distress
and helps us in every way he/she can.

4. A journey:
A journey can teach us so much. As we travel, we see various sights and scenes which encourages to think, learn and understand… A journey is worth the effort if it is interesting, educative and enriching.

You may find the following pairs useful in your discussion.

difficult words – interesting things/knowledge
defeats – enjoyment
quarrels – sharing feelings and thoughts, problems
obstacles – learning new things, seeing new sights.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 12 Count your Garden

English Balbharati Std 5 Answers Chapter 12 Count your Garden Additional Important Questions and Answers

Activity :

Complete the web diagram using

Question 1.
Complete the web diagram using
(a) naming words i.e., nouns from the poem
(b) words associated with emotions
Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 12 Count your Garden 1


Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 12 Count your Garden 2

Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar

Read the following poem and answer the questions given below:

Question 1.
Complete the following:
(a) Count your garden ………….
(b) Count your life by …………….
(a) by the flowers
(b) smiles, not tears

Question 2.
What is the central idea of the poem?
The central idea of the poem is that we should learn to look at the brighter side of life and always count our blessings,

Question 3.
According to the poet, how should we count our garden?
According to the poet, we should count our garden by the flowers in it.

Question 4.
What should we not remember at all?
We should not remember the dark clouds at all.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 12 Count your Garden

Question 5.
What should we do joyfully on every birthday?
On every birthday, we should joyfully count our age by friends and not by the years that pass.

Question 6.
Explain the line: Count your life by smiles, not tears.
The above line means that there will be happy times and sad times in our lives. We should count our blessings by the happy times and not those which moved us to tears.

Question 7.
Match the rhyming words:

1. flowers a. all
2. tall b. hours
3. tears c. shadows
d. years


1. flowers b. hours
2. tall a. all
3. tears d. years

Question 8.
Give another title to the poem.
‘Count your blessings’.

Question 9.
How do you react when you are disappointed?
When I am disappointed, I think of the times when things were good. I speak to my parents and share my problems with them. I try to smile and face the situation bravely.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 12 Count your Garden

Writing Skills :

Question 1.
Your friend is disappointed that he/she is not selected in the school sports team for an inter-school competition. Write a letter to motivate her/him.

A/1 Delta,
90 Feet Road,
Ghatkopar (W),
Mumbai – 400 086
2nd July, 2015

Dear Ram/Rama,

We haven’t written to each other for a long time. How are you doing? Hope you are fine. Aunty told me that you are upset that you were not selected in the school cricket team. Remember my friend, small disappointments are just that, ‘small’. We should not get upset about little things.

Why don’t you look at the brighter side? The match schedule is clashing with the school picnic. Imagine the fun we will have at the picnic. You can utilize the time to work on your game too. Take help from experts if need be, so that the next time you cannot be ignored by anyone.

So cheer up and smile. Count your blessings.
Be happy always my friend.
Give my love and regards to all at home.

Yours lovingly,

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 12 Count your Garden

Count your Garden Summary in English

Summary :

‘Count your Garden’ is a beautiful poem which inspires us to look at the brighter side of life and be happy instead of looking at anything negative and regretting or feeling sorry for the same and at the same delve time not dwelling in the past. The poet has explained this by giving some beautiful examples.

The poet encourages us to count our garden by the beauty of the flowers and not by the falling leaves. In our life, there are happy moments and sad moments. The happy moments (golden hours) should be cherished while the unhappy moments should not be remembered at all.

At night, we must admire the starry sky and not the shadows on the ground. We should count our life by the moments which brought a smile on our face and not those w to tears. The poet finally says that on our birthday, we should not count our age by the passing years but the number of friends we have. We should learn to count our blessings and be grateful for all the good things we are blessed with and consider ourselves lucky for having what we have.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 12 Count your Garden

Meanings :

1. golden hours (phr) – happy moments
2. shadows (n) – gloom/something producing unhappiness

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 12 बचत

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Sulabhbharati Chapter 12 बचत Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Hindi Sulabhbharati Solutions Chapter 12 बचत

5th Standard Hindi Digest Chapter 12 बचत Textbook Questions and Answers

1. सोच समझकर दैनिक उपयोग करो:

प्रश्न 1.
सोच समझकर दैनिक उपयोग करो:

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 12 बचत

Hindi Sulabhbharati Class 5 Solutions Chapter 12 बचत Additional Important Questions and Answers

1. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए:

प्रश्न 1.
क्या आपके घर में बिना ज़रूरत के भी बिजली पंखा चलता रहता है?

प्रश्न 2.
क्या आपने भोजन बर्बाद होते हुए देखा है ? कहाँ ?
हाँ! शादी, उत्सव, मेला इत्यादि स्थानों पर।

प्रश्न 3.
क्या आप दाँत साफ करते समय नल खुला छोड़ देते

प्रश्न 4.
क्या आप कभी अपनी कॉपी के पन्ने फाड़ते हैं? क्यों?
नहीं, क्योंकि हमें कॉपी की बचत करनी चाहिए।

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 12 बचत

प्रश्न 5.
क्या आप पैसे जमा करते हैं? यदि हाँ, तो उसे कहाँ रखते हैं?
हाँ, गुल्लक में।

प्रश्न 6.
पानी की बचत कैसे कर सकते हैं? कोई दो उपाय बताइए?
1. जब आवश्यकता न हो तो नल बंद कर देना चाहिए।
2. बोतल में बचे हुए पानी को फेंकने की बजाय पेड़- पौधों में डाल देना चाहिए।

सही विकल्प के सामने ✓ और गलत के सामने ✗ का निशान लगाइए:

प्रश्न 1.
आपकी कॉपी में लिखते हुए गलती हो गई तो ……………………
(क) पन्ना फाड़कर फेंक देंगे।
(ख) गलत शब्द काटकर, आगे लिखेंगे।
गलत शब्द काटकर, आगे लिखेंगे।

प्रश्न 2.
आपको रूमाल धोने के लिए कहा जाए तो ……………….
(क) एक बाल्टी पानी का उपयोग करेंगे।
(ख) दो मग पानी में धुल जाएगा।
दो मग पानी में धुल जाएगा।

प्रश्न 3.
आपका घर ऐसे स्थान पर है, जहाँ पर प्राकृतिक हवा खूब अच्छी बहती है तो …………………
(क) खिड़की दरवाज़े खुले रखकर पंखा बंद रखेंगे।
(ख) खिड़की दरवाज़े बंद करके पंखा चलाएँगे।
खिड़की दरवाजे खुले रखकर पंखा बंद रखेंगे।

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 12 बचत

प्रश्न 4.
यदि आपके पास पैसे आते हैं तो ………………
(क) आप अपनी मनपसंद चीज़ खरीदेंगे।
(ख) अपनी गुल्लक में डालेंगे।
अपनी गुल्लक में डालेंगे।

प्रश्न 5.
आप अभ्यास – कक्ष में पढ़ने के लिए ………………..
(क) टेबल-लैंप का प्रयोग करेंगे।
(ख) ट्यूब लाइट का प्रयोग करेंगे।
टेबल-लैंप का प्रयोग करेंगे।

प्रश्न 6.
निम्नलिखित परिस्थितियों के लिए दो चित्र दिए गए हैं, अनुचित चित्रों पर × का निशान बनाइए:
1. कार धोने के लिए
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 12 बचत 1
2. एक जगह से दूसरी जगह जाने के लिए
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 12 बचत 2
3. खाना खाते समय बच जाने पर
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 12 बचत 3
4. स्कूल से लौटते समय बोतल में पानी बच जाने पर
Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 12 बचत 4

  1. बाल्टी और मग
  2. साइकिल
  3. कुत्ता
  4. गमला

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 12 बचत

एक वाक्य में उत्तर लिखिए:

प्रश्न 1.
अनाज की बचत कैसे कर सकते हैं?
जितनी ज़रूरत हो, उतना ही खाना परोसें। बचे हुए खाने को गरीबों में बाँटा जा सकता है।

प्रश्न 2.
अन्न कौन उगाता है? और कहाँ ?
अन्न किसान खेतों में उगाता है।

प्रश्न 3.
घर में पानी की बचत कैसे हो सकती है?
दाल, सब्जी, चावल धोने के बाद निकला पानी पौधों में डालने से पानी की बचत कर सकते हैं।

प्रश्न 4.
पानी का उपयोग कहाँ होता है?
पीने, कपड़े धोने, नहाने और खाना पकाने में पानी का उपयोग होता है।

प्रश्न 5.
अगर पानी न हो तो क्या होगा?
जीवन मुश्किलों से भर जाएगा।

प्रश्न 6.
पैसों की बचत कैसे होगी?
बच्चों, अपनी जेब खर्च से कुछ रुपये रोज़ बचाकर गुल्लक में डालकर पैसों की बचत कर सकते हैं। फिजूल खर्च कम करके पैसे बचाए जा सकते हैं।

प्रश्न 7.
कागज़ के क्या उपयोग हैं?
कागज़ लिखने के काम आता है। कागज़ के छोटे बैग बनते हैं।

प्रश्न 8.
कागज़ की बचत कैसे होगी?
नोट बुक पूरी भरने के बाद ही नई खरीदें। जितना कम कागज़ का उपयोग होगा, उतने अधिक पेड़ कटने से बच जाएँगे।

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 12 बचत

प्रश्न 9.
बिजली के क्या उपयोग हैं?
बिजली के कारण हमें पंखों से हवा मिलती है और बल्ब से रोशनी मिलती है।

प्रश्न 10.
बिजली की बचत कैसे होगी?
दिन के समय लाइट बंद रखें। खिड़कियाँ खुली रखें। सूरज की रोशनी अंदर आने दें। वॉशिंग मशीन में कपड़े न सुखाएँ। धूप में सुखाएँ।


प्रश्न 1.
निम्न कोष्ठकताले शब्दों से वाक्य बनाइए:
(अन्न, पेन्सिल, पत्ता, बच्चे, प्लास्टिक, भविष्य, सब्जी, स्कूल, विभिन्न, बल्ब)

  1. हमें अन्न की बचत करनी चाहिए।
  2. पेन्सिल से कॉपी में लिखो।
  3. पत्ता पेड़ से गिरा।
  4. स्कूल में बच्चे हैं।
  5. मेरे पास प्लास्टिक की बोतल है।
  6. भविष्य के लिए पैसों की बचत करो।
  7. राम को कोई भी सब्जी दो, वह खा लेता है।
  8. बच्चे रोज़ सुबह स्कूल जाते हैं।
  9. बगीचे में विभिन्न फूल हैं।
  10. बल्ब से रोशनी मिलती है।

प्रश्न 2.
समानार्थी शब्द लिखिए:

  1. अनाज
  2. दुनिया
  3. जीवन
  4. समय
  5. बारिश
  6. स्कूल
  7. विभिन्न


  1. अन्न
  2. संसार
  3. ज़िंदगी
  4. वक्त
  5. बरसात
  6. विद्यालय
  7. अलग

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 12 बचत

प्रश्न 3.
विपरीत अर्थ नाले शब्द लिखिए:

  1. आबाद
  2. छोटा
  3. अँधेरा
  4. दिन


  1. बरबाद
  2. बड़ा
  3. उजाला
  4. रात

बचत Summary in Hindi

पाठ का परिचयः

प्रस्तुत पाठ के द्वारा अन्न, जंगल, बिजली, पानी और पैसों के महत्त्व के बारे में बताया गया है। साथ ही यह भी संदेश दिया गया है कि हमें इन सब चीज़ों की बचत करनी चाहिए। अपने जीवन को सुंदर बनाना चाहिए।

Maharashtra Board Class 5 Hindi Solutions Chapter 12 बचत


  1. बचत – बचाना (saving)
  2. बरबाद – खराब करना (waste)
  3. महत्त्व – अहमियत (importance)
  4. गमला – (flowerpot)
  5. समीप – नज़दीक (near)

మంగళ హారతి పాటలు

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

5th Std EVS 1 Digest Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy Textbook Questions and Answers

1. What’s the solution?

Question a.
We need to make a sherbet quickly for some guests. But we only have sugar candy in the house.
We can pound sugar candy into a fine powder. When the powder is fine, it will quickly dissolve in water. Therefore we can make sherbet quickly.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question b.
We need to rub salt on a corncob but only salt crystals are available.
We can pound salt crystals. Either we can use mortar pestle or we can also crush the crystals of salt in a grinder. Such powdered salt can be easily applied on the corncob.

2. Use your brain power!

Question a.
Why do tablets of camphor decrease in size day by day ?
Tablets of Camphor are in solid state. Camphor has a property to turn into gaseous state directly from a solid state. Therefore, camphor decreases in size gradually. One can also notice the fragrance of camphor as it turns into vapour.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question b.
How do we save fuel by using public transport ?
Each automobile vehicle needs fuel either in the form of petrol, diesel, or CNG. If all the people use a separate vehicle, the amount of fuel consumed would be much more. If many people start using public transport, fuel consumption would be reduced. A single bus or a train can carry many people and thus it can save lots of fuel.

3. Answer the following questions.

Question a.
When and why do clothes smell of naphthalene?
The naphthalene balls are continuously converted into small particles in the gaseous state. These particles settle down on the clothes in which they are kept. Therefore if naphthalene balls are kept for a long time in the clothes, they smell of naphthalene due to these particles.

Question b.
In which states is water found in nature?
Water is found in all three states in nature, solid, liquid and gaseous state. Ice is the solid state of water. Water in lakes, sea etc. are in liquid state and steam or vapour is the gaseous state of water.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question c.
What is the difference between the solid, liquid and gaseous states of a substance?
The differences in the solid, liquid and gaseous state of substances is given in the table below:
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy 1

Question d.
What is meant by energy?
The capacity to do the work is called energy.

Activities :

Question 1.
Make different kinds of articles from clay.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 2.
Visit a wood workshop and observe the work being done there.

Question 3.
Obtain some information about the power generation plants in Maharashtra and present it in the classroom.

Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blank with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question 1.
All substances we see around us are made up of very tiny ………
(a) dust
(b) particles
(c) mud
(b) particles

Question 2.
…………….. of particles of any substance must come together to form a particle that can be visible to our eyes.
(a) Lakhs
(b) Thousands
(c) Hundreds
(a) Lakhs

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 3.
Naphthalene balls which are kept open are continuously converted to small particles in the …… state.
(a) liquid
(b) solid
(c) gaseous
(c) gaseous

Question 4.
Different substances have different …………..
(a) material
(b) properties
(c) code
(b) properties

Question 5.
…………… is required to do work.
(a) Energy
(b) Strength
(c) Health
(a) Energy

Question 6.
When something burns energy is released in the form of …………..
(a) heat
(b) rain
(c) cold
(a) heat

Question 7.
Energy in the form of motion is called ……… energy.
(a) Kinesthetic
(b) Kinetic
(c) Solar
(b) Kinetic

Question 8.
Stores of …………….. and ……. which are used as fuels, on earth are limited.
(a) mineral oil
(b) uranium
(c) coal
(a) mineral oil, (c) coal

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 9.
Energy obtained from sun is called …………… energy
(a) lunar
(b) solar
(c) tidal
(b) solar

Question 10.
Energy obtained by breaking the tiniest particle of a substance is called …
(a) solar
(b) atomic
(c) kinetic
(b) atomic

Question 11.
Sunlight, wind and water are ……………. sources of energy
(a) exhaustible?
(b) depleting
(c) non-exhaustible
(c) non-exhaustible

Question 12.
When iron or copper is made smooth with a file, we get …………….. of iron or copper.
(a) particles
(b) soil
(c) saudust
(a) particles

Question 13.
Liquids are also made of small…….
(a) droplets
(b) particles
(c) dust
(b) particles

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 14.
…………… is found in three states – solid, liquid and gaseous.
(a) Mineral oil
(b) Carbon
(c) Water
(c) Water

Question 15.
In nature, every substance occurs in a………… state.
(a) special
(b) specific
(c) partial
(b) specific

Question 16.
Aluminium and coal are is. ………. state.
(a) solid
(b) liquid
(c) gaseous
(a) solid

Question 17.
Kerosene and petrol are in ……
(a) solid
(b) liquid
(c) gaseous
(b) liquid

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 18.
Nitrogen and Oxygen are in … ………….state.
(a) solid
(b) liquid
(c) gaseous
(c) gaseous

Question 19.
The capacity of a body to do work is called
(a) work out
(b) energy
(c) exercise
(b) energy

Question 20.
When petrol or diesel burns in a motor vehicle, …………… gets released.
(a) fire
(b) fuel
(c) energy
(c) energy

Question 21.
Machines can be run using ……………….
(a) energy
(b) fuels
(c) water
(b) fuels

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 22.
Coal, diesel, CNG, LPG, petrol are all substances from which energy is obtained in form of
(a) heat
(b) rain
(c) cold
(a) heat

Question 23.
When a person or vehicle moves, heat energy gets converted into …….
(a) electricity
(b) rain
(c) motion
(c) motion

Question 24.
Electricity is also a form of ………….
(a) machine
(b) energy
(c) heat
(b) energy

Question 25.
We use ……………. to run the T.V.
(a) wires
(b) plugs
(c) electricity
(c) electricity

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 26.
In a solar cooker …………………. energy is used.
(a) solar
(b) electricity
(c) L.P.G.
(a) solar

Question 27.
Plants use……. to prepare their food.
(a) LPG
(b) induction
(c) sunlight
(c) sunlight

Question 28.
When we burn substances like coal or mineral oil, the …………………. energy, they contain is converted into heat energy.
(a) solar
(b) stored
(c) lunar
(b) stored

Question 29.
Stores of coal and mineral oil on earth are
(a) unlimited
(b) limited
(c) plenty
(b) limited

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 30.
………… batteries produce electricity using sunlight
(a) Water
(b) Solar
(c) Tidal
(b) Solar

Name the following:

Question 1.
Any three substances found in solid state.
Iron, copper, aluminium, wood

Question 2.
Three substances found in liquid state.
Water, milk, cough syrup.

Question 3.
Three substances found in gaseous state.
Naphthalene balls, iodine crystals

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 4.
Substances which goes into gaseous state directly from solid state.
Naphthalene balls

Question 5.
Properties of substances.
Transparency, hardness, colour, smell, solubility in water.

Question 6.
Fuels used for running machines.
LPG, CNG, coal, diesel, petrol.

Question 7.
Examples of kinetic energy.
Moving wind mill, sailing boats, running water, moving car etc.

Question 8.
Forms of energy.
Sound, heat, light, electricity.

Question 9.
Main source of energy used by us.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 10.
Energy sources which do not cause pollution
Wind energy, solar energy.

Answer in one sentence :

Question 1.
What are all subtances made up of?
All substances are made up of fine particles.

Question 2.
Why do naphthalene balls grow smaller in size and gradually disappear?
Naphthalene when left open continuously gets converted into small gaseous particles, so, as these particles leave the naphthalene balls, they grow smaller is size and slowly disappear.

Question 3.
Which substance is found in all three states?
Water is found in all three states – solid, liquid and gaseous.

Question 4.
What are the different properties of substance?
Different substances have different properties, like hardness, transparency, colour, smell, solubility in water etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 5.
What is ‘energy?
The capacity of a body to do work is called energy

Question 6.
How is energy released?
When petrol or diesel burns in a motor vehicle, energy gets released.

Question 7.
Name some substance from which energy is obtained.
Coal, diesel, CNG, LPG, petrol are all substances from which energy is obtained.

Question 8.
What is Kinetic energy?
Energy in the form of motion is called Kinetic energy.

Question 9.
Why should we find alternate sources of energy?
Stores of coal and mineral oil on earth are very limited and fast depleting therefore we must find alternate sources of energy.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 10.
What are solar batteries?
Batteries which produce electricity using sunlight are called solar batteries.

Question 11.
Why should we make a habit of using minimum amount of electricity?
In any method of electricity generation, resources from the environment have to be used. Hence, we should make a habit to conserve electricity

Use your brain power!

Question 1.
What uses of heat energy do we see in our daily life?
We use heat energy to cook food, to heat water, to press our clothes, to keep us warm during cold winters in areas where temperature is very low, etc.

Question 2.
Why do tablets of camphor decrease in size day by day?
Camphor particles present in the tablets escape by getting converted directly to gaseous state. Therefore the tablets of camphor decrease in size day by day.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question 3.
How do we save fuel by using public transport?
If people drive car instead of using public transport while going to work, more fuel will be burnt, as each car will burn the fuel to release energy and work. However if public transport is used. We need to use fuel, only for one transport vehicle. Hence it will save a lot of fuel if people use the public transport.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What is meant by energy? Name the sources of energy
The capacity of a body to do work is called energy. Energy is obtained by burning fuel is in the form of heat. This heat is used to do work. The sources of energy are the sun, coal, diesel, CNG, LPG, petrol, wind, moving water and electricity

Question 2.
What is the original source of energy for the electricity produced at a thermal power station? How is electricity generated?
In a thermal power station coal is the original source of energy. Here coal is burnt to release heat. The heat generated is utilised to convert water to steam. Then steam is used to rotate the turbines. As the turbine rotates electricity is produced.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Can you tell?

1. Write a few lines on the black board with a chalk. Now observe the chalk.

Question a.
What change do you see in the chalk?
The chalk becomes smaller in size, after writing.

Question b.
Why did the chalk become smaller in size after writing on the board?
When we wrote on the board the pieces of chalk stick to board, therefore the chalk became smaller in size.

2. Wipe the board with a duster and then tap the duster against the table.

Question a.
What do you see?
A fine white particles of chalk fell of the duster when we tapped it against the table.

Question b.
From where did these white particles come?
When we rubbed the board, the chalk particles from the board stuck to the duster and when we tapped the duster these chalk particles fell.

Question c.
If there is a sudden shower, we take shelter under a roof on the road side. Even though the rain does not fall on us directly we get wet to some extent why?
The raindrops slow down the roof and fall on the ground. They break into fine droplets when they fall and bounce off the ground. These droplets make us wet. Hence though the rain does not fall on us directly we get wet to some extent.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Question d.
Asmita went to buy an earthen pot. There she saw many things kept for sale. How did she identify what she needed? From what substance had the potter made all the things?
Asmita identified the things kept from their shape and colour. The potter had made all the things using clay.

Question e.
What is the difference between a substance and an object?
Difference between substance and object is given below:

Substance Object
1. Substances are made up of tiny particles. 1. Objects are made using substances.
2. Substances may or may not have definite shape. They occur in a specific state. 2. Objects have definite shape. Their parts are put together in a particular way.
3. Wood, aluminium, coal, iron etc are examples of substances. 3. Table, chair, flower pots, lamp etc. are examples of objects.

Question f.
There is a car. Its tank is full of fuel, but it does not move. Why is that?
The energy has to be released from the fuel to make the car move. The energy is released when the petrol burns. The petrol starts burning only after we turn on the car engine. Since the engine is not on, the car does not move even when its tank is full of fuel.

Question g.
When we have run a long distance, we feel tired. We have to stop. Why is that?
We need energy to run. Hence when we run a long distance, the food present in the body is continuously burn to release energy. This energy is used to do the work of running. After running a long distance the food gets exhausted and the energy released decreases and therefore we feel tired and we stop.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 24 Substances, Objects and Energy

Glossary :

  1. fossil fuel – fuel formed in the earth o from plant or animal remains
  2. exhaustible – the resources which can not be renewed or recycled
  3. depleting – reduction in quantity
  4. corncob – core of Indian com.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them

5th Std EVS 1 Digest Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them Textbook Questions and Answers

1. What’s the solution?

Question 1.
You are hungry, but the food has been left uncovered.
Heating kills all the disease germs present in the food. So if food is uncovered then one should heat (warm) the food and then eat it when hungry. Eating warm food is always good for health.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them

2. Use your brain power!

Question 1.
Which method of preventing the breeding of mosquitoes will you recommend for your surroundings – not allowing water to stagnate or spraying insecticides on the water? Why?
First of all it is better not to allow water to stagnate. Hence I would recommend this method for preventing breeding of mosquitoes. However if there are nullahs or gutters in the surrounding area then spraying insecticide on water will be recommended to kill the mosquito larvae growing in water. Therefore both the methods need to be applied sometimes.

3. Answer the following in one or two sentences:

Question (a)
What is an infectious disease?
When diseases spread from one person to another person, they are called infectious diseases.

Question (b)
What are the mediums of the spread of diseases?
Diseases spread through mediums like food, water, air and insect bite. Sometimes it also spreads by coming in direct contact with a diseased person.

Question (c)
What happens when there is an epidemic of disease?
When many people in one area get the same infectious disease at the same time, we say there is an epidemic of the disease. During an epidemic air and water gets contaminated with the disease germs and the disease spreads rapidly. Contaminated water also contaminates the food. If the epidemic is severe many people become serious and need to be hospitalised. To control the epidemic one needs to maintain hygiene and a clean surrounding.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them

Question (d)
What is vaccination?
When a person is given a vaccine against a specific disease, he develops resistance to that disease. This process of giving vaccine is called vaccination. Whooping cough diphtheria and tetanus called triple vaccine is given.

Question (e)
Make a list of the vaccination given to a new bom baby.
The table given below shows the list of vaccinations given to the new bom baby along with the schedule of when the vaccination is given:

Vaccine given Disease against which it is given Age of the new bom baby when it is given
BCG Vaccine Against Tuberculosis within 15 days after baby is just born
Hepa B vaccine Jaundice caused by Hepatitis B vims As soon as the baby is born
Oral Polio Against Polio Within 2 weeks
Triple vaccine Against Diphteria, whooping cough and tetanus After 6 weeks baby is born

Triple vaccine is repeated twice again after 10 weeks and 14 weeks after the baby is bom. Hep. B vaccine is also repeated twice after 4 weeks and 8 weeks after birth. After completing a year the baby is given vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella. It is called MMR vaccine.

4. True or False:

Question (a)
Intestinal diseases spread though air.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them

Question (b)
Some diseases are caused by the anger of gods

5. Classify the diseases given below as diseases that spread through food, through water, and through air:

Question 1.
Classify the diseases given below as diseases that spread through food, through water, and through air:
Malaria, Typhoid, Cholera, Tuberculosis, Jaundice, Gastro, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Conjunctivitis, Chickenpox.

Through Food Through Water Through Air
Typhoid Typhoid Tuberculosis
Cholera Cholera Diphtheria
Jaundice Jaundice Conjunctivitis
Gastro Diarrhoea Diarrhoea Chickenpox

6. Give reasons.

Question (a)
When there is an epidemic of cholera, we should boil water before drinking.
Sometimes water gets mixed with faeces of person who is suffering from the cholera and it gets contaminated. When people drink this contaminated water an epidemic of cholera spreads.
Boiling the water kills the germs causing the disease and hence one is prevented from getting cholera.
Therefore during an epidemic of cholera one should boil water and drink.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them

Question (b)
We should not allow puddles of water to stand in our surroundings.
When water stagnates in a puddle, mosquitoes lay eggs in the water and they increase in number. Mosquito bite spread malaria germs and people suffer from malaria. To prevent people from getting malaria mosquitoes should be stopped from breeding. To prevent mosquitoes from breeding we should not allow puddle of water to stand in our surrounding.

Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blank with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question 1.
……………….. cause diseases.
(a) Microorganisms
(b) Bacteria
(c) Germs
(a) Microorganisms

Question 2.
Every …………………. is caused by a specific microorganism or germ.
(a) illness
(b) disease
(c) flu
(b) disease

Question 3.
The germs of disease like influenza are present in the spit or ………………… of the person who has the disease.
(a) tongue
(b) nose
(c) saliva
(c) saliva

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them

Question 4.
When diseases spread through food it is called ………………. .
(a) food poisoning
(b) viral
(c) infection
(a) food poisoning

Question 5.
Malaria is caused due to bite of a certain kind of ………………… .
(a) animal
(b) mosquito
(c) bird
(b) mosquito

Question 6.
Germs of diseases like conjunctivitis spreads through …………………. .
(a) air
(b) water
(c) faces
(a) air

Question 7.
Cholera spreads when people drink ……………. water.
(a) good
(b) contaminated
(c) bottled
(b) contaminated

Question 8.
People who have a serious infectious disease like tuberculosis or swine flu are ……………….. .
(a) hospitalised
(b) educated
(c) quarantined
(c) quarantined

Question 9.
As soon as the baby is born it is given ………………. vaccine.
(a) tuberculosis
(b) triple
(c) polio
(a) tuberculosis

Question 10.
The …………………. vaccine is given orally.
(a) conjunctivitis
(b) polio
(c) malaria
(b) polio

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them

Question 11.
When the germs of a particular disease enter the body and begins to grow, the person gets the …………… .
(a) food
(b) disease
(c) cough
(b) disease

Question 12.
Disease of the throat and the chest spread through the ………………. .
(a) water
(b) faeces
(c) air
(b) faeces

Question 13.
People get ………………. or diarrhoea after eating contaminated food at a function.
(a) flue
(b) gastro
(c) viral
(b) gastro

Question 14.
Maintaining ……………….. everywhere is beneficial for our health.
(a) food
(b) cleanliness
(c) disease
(b) cleanliness

Question 15.
It is important to always keep our food ……………….. .
(a) covered
(b) uncovered
(c) uncooked
(a) covered

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them

Question 16.
Insects like mosquitoes, lice and fleas spread …………………. .
(a) beauty
(b) health
(c) disease
(c) disease

Question 17.
Ringworm, scabies are disease that affect the …………….. .
(a) head
(b) skin
(c) bones
(b) skin

Question 18.
Germs of disease like the flu or conjunctivitis spread quickly through the …………….. .
(a) air
(b) water
(c) fire
(a) air

Question 19.
If, at some place, mosquitoes ……………… in large numbers then many people there can get malaria
(a) beautify
(b) breed
(c) creed
(b) breed

Question 20.
Air, water, food and insects are the ……………….. through which disease spread.
(a) mediums
(b) area
(c) report
(a) mediums

Question 21.
It is possible to ……………….. a disease from ecoming an epidemic.
(a) familiarize
(b) prevent
(c) breed
(b) prevent

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them

Question 22.
To prevent disease from spreading through water, it is ………………… at the water works.
(a) diluted
(b) polluted
(c) purified
(c) purified

Question 23.
When there is an epidemic of gastro or jaundice, people are advised to ………………. water before drinking it.
(a) cook
(b) steam
(c) boil
(c) boil

Question 24.
To prevent mosquitoes from breeding, we must ensure there is no ……………… water in the surroundings.
(a) stagnant
(b) flowing
(c) rippling
(a) stagnant

Question 25.
Clothes and utensils used by patients are washed with ………………… .
(a) pesticides
(b) germicides
(c) fertilizers
(b) germicides

Question 26.
Our body develops …………….. to a particular disease due to vaccination.
(a) resistance
(b) persistance
(c) deliverance
(a) resistance

Question 27.
The vaccines for diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus are combined into a ………………. vaccine and given as an injection.
(a) single
(b) double
(c) triple
(c) triple

Question 28.
Polio Vaccine is given …………………… .
(a) verbally
(b) mentally
(c) orally
(c) orally

Question 29.
Primary Health Centres have been established at the ……………. level.
(a) urban
(b) village
(c) grass root
(b) village

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them

Question 30.
It is in now forbidden by law to ……………….. in a public place.
(a) spit
(b) sit
(c) stand
(a) spit

Question 31.
………………….. media are also used for raising public awareness about health and hygiene issues.
(a) Mass
(b) Public
(c) Home
(a) Mass

Question 2.
Match the columns:

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Ringworm 1. Contaminated Air
(b) Jaundice 2. Direct contact
(c) Tuberculosis 3. Open wound contaminated with soil
(d) Dengue 4. Contaminated food and water
(e) Tetanus 5. Mosquito bite


Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Ringworm 2. Direct contact
(b) Jaundice 4. Contaminated food and water
(c) Tuberculosis 1. Contaminated Air
(d) Dengue 5. Mosquito bite
(e) Tetanus 3. Open wound contaminated with soil

Name the following:

Question 1.
Insect that causes Malaria.
Female Anopheles Mosquito

Question 2.
Insect that causes Dengue.
Aedes mosquito

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them

Question 3.
Vaccine for diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus (Given as injection).
Triple vaccine

Question 4.
Microorganisms that are useful to us.
Microorganisms converting milk into yoghurt or microorganisms fermenting batter for idlis.

Question 5.
Germicide used to kill microorganisms in the spittle of a person having tuberculosis.
Phenyl or dettol.

Question 5.
State whether the following statements are True or False:

  1. Vaccination helps our body to develop resistance against diseases.
  2. Community programmes are being undertaken every year at the National level to eradicate (put an end) polio, by giving oral vaccine of polio to children below five years.
  3. On television people are educated about right methods of handling, drinking water so to make them aware of how diseases can be prevented.
  4. Insects like lice and fleas spread diseases.
  5. Cancer is an infectious disease.


  1. True
  2. True
  3. True
  4. True
  5. False

Answer the following in one or two sentences:

Question 1.
Name the disease that has been completely eradicated (that is it has completely disappeared) by vaccination.
The disease called small pox has been completely eradicated by vaccination.
(Note : Now no one in the world is gets the scare or is suffering from small pox.)

Question 2.
Which disease spreads through flea’s bite?
Fleas spread diseases like plague when they bite.
(Note : Fleas are found on the bodies of pets like dogs, cat and also on rhodents like rats.)

Question 3.
Why should we cover our nose and mouth when we cough or sneeze?
Disease of the throat and chest spread through the air. When other breathe the same air, germs enter their bodies. That is why we must cover our nose and mouth when we cough or sneeze.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them

Question 4.
What is ‘food poisoning’?
Gastro or diarrhoea spreads through contaminated3 food. When we eat this food the disease spread is called food poisoning.

Question 5.
Why should food always be kept covered?
When some flies sit on our food, the germs enter the food. Later when we eat this food the germs enter our body, so we must always cover the food.

Question 6.
What is an epidemic?
When many people in one area get the same infectious disease all at the same time, we say that there is an epidemic of the disease.

Question 7.
What precaution can be taken to prevent the spread of tuberculosis?
The spittle of a person who has tuberculosis is collected in a vessel and covered with a germicide like phenyl. Such precautions can help to prevent the disease from spreading.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them

Give scientific reasons:

Question 1.
Doctors give tetanus vaccine after getting a cut or wound while handling a sharp instrument or after falling down and getting bruised badly while playing.
Tetanus germs are present in the soil, dung and dust. The sharp instrument may be dirty, so it may carry the tetanus germs. These germs may then spread though the wound and cause disease. To prevent tetanus germs from spreading doctors give the vaccine which help us develop resistance against this disease.

Question 2.
A person suffering from a disease should cover the mouth when sneezing or coughing.
Disease causing organisms are present in the spit or saliva of the person. When they sneeze or cough these gems spread in the air and cause disease in other people. To prevent the spread of disease through the air a person suffering from a disease should cover the mouth while sneezing or coughing.

Question 3.
Before eating or handling food one should wash the hands using soap and water.
Soap kills the germs which cause diseases and water washes them away. If our hand is dirty then they may contain disease causing germs. If we handle food, or eat food without washing, the germs will enter the food and contaminate it with these germs. This can cause intestinal diseases or food poisoning. Hence it is advised that one should wash the hands using soap and water before eating or handling food.

Question 4.
People who are suffering from tuberculosis or swine flu are quarantined and kept in hospitals.
The diseases like tuberculosis and swine flu are infectious. They spread through air easily. Also the germs spread cause disease in a healthy person if the healthy person comes in contact directly with the diseased person. In hospitals there are separate wards for such diseased people, where extra care and precautions are taken to prevent spread of diseases. Therefore patients suffering from these diseases are quarantined and kept in hospital.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them

Can you tell:

Question 1.
When your friends fall while playing and get hurt, does anyone tell you ‘Don’t go near them. You will also yet hurt’?
No, no one tells us like that because we will not get hurt because the friend is hurt.

Question 2.
Suppose your mother has a headache. Do you also get a headache if you go near her?
No, I do not get a headache if I go near her.

Question 3.
When is it that you are told not to go near a sick person, not to use their utensils for eating or drinking; not to use their hankies, towels or clothes?
We are told not to go near a sisk person when the person is suffering from cold, flu, is having high fever, or if the person is suffering from chicken pox, measles, mumps etc.

Question 4.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them 1
What different activities are going on in the above picture.
Women are washing clothes in the river. A boy is urinating in the water. A man is washing utensil and filling it with water. Buffaloes are being washed in the water. Children are swimming and a lady is filling pots with water to use for drinking purpose.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them

Question 5.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them 2
What do you see in the picture below above?
Food is kept open. People are being served this uncovered food and they are eating it. The man serving the food is wearing dirty colthes. There is no cleanliness maintained in the restaurant.

Question 6.
What steps will you take to ensure that dust and flies do not settle on the food in your house?
The food will be covered properly to see that no dust and flies settle on it. It will be kept in clean and closed utensils in the kitchen. Care will be taken to see that the kitchen is kept clean. So that no flies will sit there.

Question 7.
Why should you not go to school if you have conjunctivitis?
Conjunctivitis causing germs spreads through air. If we go to school many other children will also get this disease. To prevent the spread of this disease, we should not go to school when suffering from conjunctivitis.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 23 Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them


  1. conjunctivitis – sore eyes, which causes irritation.
  2. forbidden -not allowed.
  3. contaminated – to make impure by adding some substance.
  4. stagnates – gets collected.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 20 Our Emotional World

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 20 Our Emotional World Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 20 Our Emotional World

5th Std EVS 1 Digest Chapter 20 Our Emotional World Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question (a)
Just as man is able to think, he is also …………….. .
(a) emotional
(b) sensational
(c) fascinating
(a) emotional

Question (b)
We must always think about the …………………. in our friends first.
(a) vices
(b) virtues
(c) abnormalities
(b) virtues

2. Answer in one sentence.

Question (a)
How does a balanced personality develop?
A balanced personality develops, when we learn to cope with our emotions.

Question (b)
Why does our attitude of co-operation and understanding decrease?
Our attitude of co-operation and understanding decreases when we become short tempered and stubborn.

Question (c)
What must we do after we have found the flaws in our nature?
After we have found the flaws in our nature, we must try to correct them ourselves.

3. Answer in short.

Question (a)
What is meant by ‘coping with emotions’?

  1. If someone does something wrong, we get angry.
  2. We must not lose our temper.
  3. We must be able to keep a balance between our thoughts and emotions.
  4. If we think properly, we can control or cope with our emotions.

Question (b)
What are the harmful effects of anger?
The harmful effects of anger are:

  1. It affects our body and mind.
  2. We become short tempered and stubborn.
  3. Our attitude of co-operation and understanding decreases.
  4. We hurt others.
  5. We face consequence such as headaches, loss of sleep and dullness.

Question (c)
Why must we know our flaws?
We must know our flaws so that
(a) We can improve upon them.
(b) Just because we are unable to do something, it does not mean that we stop trying to excel at what we can do.

Write how you will react:

Question (a)
Your teacher does not listen to you.
I will be patient and wait for an opportunity to speak to my teacher.

Question (b)
Your parents ask for your opinion while making decisions.
I will think on the matter and try to give my opinion.

Question (c)
Your friend got a big prize.
I will be happy and congratulate him for his success.

Question (d)
Your classmates praise you.
I will thank my friends.

Question (e)
Rohan insulted you in class.
I will feel sad. But wait for the correct opportunity to speak to him about his behaviour.

What will you do in this situation?

Question (a)
Rohini won a prize in an essay competition.
I will be happy and congratulate her for her good work.

Question (b)
Kavita refuses to eat her tiffin because she was angry.
I will speak to her and tell her to control her anger and eat her tiffin.

Question (c)
Veena keeps herself to herself at school.
I will try befriend her and make her involve in school activities.

Question (d)
Makarand says, “I can’t help it if I have a stubborn personality.”
I will make Makarand understand that being stubborn leads to misunderstanding and hurting others.

Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 20 Our Emotional World Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question 1.
……………… adjustments involves coping with your emotions, controlling and impressing them in a reasonable manner.
(a) Psychological
(b) Physical
(c) Emotional
(c) Emotional

Question 2.
………………… is an emotion just like happiness
or sadness.
(a) Happiness
(b) Anger
(c) Sadness
(b) Anger

Question 3.
If we speak about our flaws as openly as we speak about our talents, it will be to our ……………… .
(a) disadvantage
(b) advantage
(c) control
(b) advantage

Question 4.
Human nature has many ………………….. aspects.
(a) similar
(b) different
(c) equal
(b) different

Question 5.
Anger, joy, sorrow, jealousy, disappointment, fear etc. are all …………….. .
(a) emotions
(b) motions
(c) demotions
(a) emotions

Question 6.
We should be able to strike a ……………….. between our thoughts and emotions.
(a) difference
(b) match
(c) balance
(c) balance

Question 7.
If someone does something wrong, we get …………………. .
(a) angry
(b) happy
(c) sad
(a) angry

Question 8.
It is natural to desire something but we must not be ………………… for it.
(a) hungry
(b) greedy
(c) emotional
(b) greedy

Question 9.
If we think properly we can control our ………………….. .
(a) emotions
(b) hunger
(c) thirst
(a) emotions

Question 10.
We get angry if we see someone being
(a) angry
(b) cursing
(c) ill-treating
(c) ill-treating

Question 11.
We may be good at some subject, art or sport and just as ……………….. at another.
(a) good
(b) bad
(c) ugly
(b) bad

Question 12.
Just because we are unable to do something it does not mean that we stop trying to ……………… at what we can do.
(a) learn
(b) excel
(c) diminish
(b) excel

Question 13.
We must help each other to get rid of our ……………… .
(a) flaws
(b) friendship
(c) goodness
(a) flaws

Question 14.
Once we know the flaws in our nature, we must try to …………………. them ourselves.
(a) try
(b) improve
(c) correct
(c) correct

Answer in one sentence:

Question 1.
What is the adverse effect of anger?
If anger cannot be controlled it will have adverse effect on our body and mind.

Question 2.
Name some human emotions.
Anger, joy, sorrow, jealousy, disappointment, fear are some of human emotions.

Question 3.
What is emotional adjustment?
Emotional adjustment is coping with our emotions, being able to control them and expressing them in a reasonable manner.

Question 4.
When do we become free from faults such as blaming other unneccessarily?
When we learn to cope with our emotions, our personality becomes balanced, we are able to understand others and overcome difficult situations. It is then that we become free from faults such as blaming others unnecessarily.

Question 5.
Why is it necessary to know our flaws and talents?
We must know our flaws and talents so that we can improve upon them.

Question 6.
How must we always think about our friends?
We must always think about the good qualities or virtues in our friends.

Question 7.
Why must we know our flaws?
Once we know the flaws in our nature, we can then try to correct them ourselves.

Question 8.
Why should the aspects of our nature that bothers us and others be changed?
We must try hard to change this aspect as it may take the shape of flaws in our personality.

Can you tell?

Question (A)
Are the following persons coping well with their emotions? Put (✓) if they are, put (✗) if they aren’t.
1. Ramesh told Suresh that Amit had said something bad about him. Suresh decided to react only after confirming the facts. (✓)
2. Chhaya and Meena usually make equal progress in their studies. The teacher praised Chhaya’s essay. This made Meena angry and she decided not to speak to Chhaya. (✗)
3. Dinesh took Manoj’s pen and pencil from his bag and hid them. Later, he said, ‘Sorry’ to Manoj and promised not to do it again. (✓)
4. Sunita wanted to go to the market with her mother, but for some reason, her mother had to leave early. Sunita was angry with her mother. But later, she asked her mother the reason why she had to leave early. Her anger subsided when she learnt the reason. (✗)


Question 1.
Manoj says, “I’m going to school!” and instead goes to the playground to play. Is this correct?
No, what Manoj has done is incorrect.

Question 2.
What will you tell a friend who has a habit of borrowing things and not returning them on time?
I will tell my friend that borrowing things from friends is not a good habit and even if any thing is borrowed it must be returned otherwise it is just like robbing.

What would you do?

Question 1.
Ranjit and Abhay are fighting over who gets to sit on the first bench. They are both very angry. They are close to throwing each other’s bags.
I will try to make them understand that they can take turns to sit on the first bench instead
of fighting.

Question 2.
Hemant wants to take part in the kabbadi competition, but he is shy. He is nervous about telling it to the teacher.
I would take Hemant to our sports teacher and tell him about Hemant’s desire to join the Kabaddi team.

Question 3.
Rekha accidently took Nisha’s notebook home.
Rekha can call Nisha and inform her that the book is with her and promise to bring it the next day to school.


1. short-tempered – to get angry quickly
2. flaws – weakness.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

5th Std EVS 1 Digest Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development Textbook Questions and Answers

1. What’s the solution?

Question 1.
What’s the solution?
Kabir wants to be a professor of zoology. What can he do today to prepare for that?
Kabir should study regularly and sincerely. He should read various books on animals. He should learn to speak in public by participating in elocution competition. Also he should do the project work given by the teacher and explain it in the class to his friends. By doing all these things he will develop all the skills necessary for becoming a professor.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

2. Use your brain power!

Question (a)
What skills do we already have before we leam to ride bicycle?
Before riding a bicycle we know to walk, run, jump, climb, skip and hop. Hence we are able to climb and sit on the bicycle and balance it by touching the ground with our legs.

Question (b)
Suman wishes to run a restaurant of her own in the future. Which of the skill she is learning today will be of use in her future occupation?
The following skill mentioned below which she is learning today will be of help to Suman: The skill of cooking meals, writing down the recipe, keeping an account of the money spent, making the list of grocery item needed, serving food, packing food, cleaning the table etc. are some of the few skills which will help her to run a restaurant in future.

3. Answer the following questions:

Question (a)
What is meant by heredity? (Explain)
People of one family show similarities in physical characteristics in many ways. Some features or traits are like our grandparents, some like our parents and some like our brothers and sisters. Being bom with certain features or traits in common with the members of our family is called heredity.

Question (b)
What differences do we see between children in preprimary classes and children in standard?
Preprimary children are not able to read and write. They cannot dress on their own, they cannot tie shoe laces, comb their hair etc. They are dependent on their mother, teachers, and Aya for everything. Whereas a standard child can read and write, dress on his own, he can do most of the routine work independently.

Question (c)
What changes take place in us from birth till adulthood?

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question (d)
Name any three skills you have acquired.
The skills that I have acquired are skipping, jumping, reading, writing, cycling etc.

Question (e)
What is meant by physical growth?
Growing in height and weight from childhood to adulthood is called physical growth.

4. True or false?

Question 1.
State whether the following statements are true or false:
(a) A baby gradually learn to perform newly learnt tasks without making mistake.
(b) At, birth we already learn all skills.
(c) We cannot manage all our tasks entirely by overselves.
(d) Our height manage all our tasks entirely by oversieves.
(a) True
(b) False
(c) True
(d) False

Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blank with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question 1.
All living things eat grow ………………… .
(a) physically
(b) spritually
(c) mentally
(a) physically

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 2.
Human beings grow in height and weight from birth to ………………….. .
(a) childhood
(b) adulthood
(c) teens
(b) adulthood

Question 3.
When a person begins to do a task more easily without doing mistake his ……………… increase.
(a) inefficiency
(b) practicality
(c) efficiency
(c) efficiency

Question 4.
The greater the number of skills we learn, the less is our …………………. on others.
(a) independence
(b) effort
(c) dependence
(c) dependence

Question 5.
We must all learn to take ……………….. for doing our personal tasks ourselves.
(a) responsibility
(b) jobs
(c) irresponsibility
(a) responsibility

Question 6.
The features and traits that we possess right from the time we are born are known as……………….. traits.
(a) inborn
(b) inherited
(c) physical
(b) inherited

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 7.
Our personality develops through our …………………. and ……………….. .
(a) efforts
(b) strength
(c) interest
(c) interest, (a) efforts

Question 8.
Only when ………………….. are put into practice, we can say the personality developed in excellent.
(a) good thoughts/values
(b) vices
(c) bad thoughts
(a) good thoughts/values

Question 9.
Lack of …………….. also affects growth adversely even if we take nutritious food.
(a) money
(b) exercise
(c) jewellery
(b) exercise

Question 10.
We can live an independent useful and enriched life with the help of ………………. .
(a) property
(b) skills
(c) vices
(b) skills

Question 11.
Small babies ………………. do anything for themselves.
(a) can
(b) cannot
(c) able to
(b) cannot

Question 12.
Achieving control of one’s …………………. or learning to do something new is called ‘learning a skill’.
(a) limbs
(b) movements
(c) arms
(b) movements

Question 13.
Everyday, we keep …………….. .
(a) repeating
(b) walking
(c) learning
(c) learning

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 14.
With age our ……………… strength also increases.
(a) spiritual
(b) mental
(c) physical
(c) physical

Question 15.
Animals learn only a certain number of ……………….. in their life.
(a) skills
(b) hunting
(c) steps
(a) skills

Question 16.
Our height grows till we are about …………………. years old.
(a) 15
(b) 18
(c) 20
(b) 18

Question 17.
People of one family show ……………….. in many ways.
(a) similarities
(b) dissimilar
(c) bonding
(a) similarities

Question 18.
No one has any …………………. over which traits we will inherit and which we will not.
(a) tolerance
(b) control
(c) hand
(b) control

Question 19.
We …………….. the ability to learn many skills.
(a) inherit
(b) remember
(c) copy
(a) inherit

Question 20.
………………… our skills helps us to live an independent, useful and enriching life.
(a) Working out
(b) Practising
(c) Developing
(c) Developing

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 21.
Food is necessary for ……………….. .
(a) body
(b) growth
(c) diet
(b) growth

Question 22.
Along with nutritious food, adequate ………………….. is also necessary for growth and development.
(a) skills
(b) cycling
(c) exercise
(c) exercise

Question 23.
Lack of exercise ……………… growth adversely.
(a) effects
(b) affects
(c) defects
(b) affects

Question 24.
Each person has every right to get the opportunity to make progress and ……………. their own life.
(a) bench
(b) prosperous
(c) enrich
(c) enrich

Question 25.
Our physical and mental make up is not the ………………… as that of anyone else.
(a) different
(b) same
(c) similar
(b) same

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 26.
Our ……………….. develops through our interests and efforts.
(a) personality
(b) excellence
(c) exercise
(a) personality

Question 27.
Our personality can be said to be …………….. only when we put good thoughts into practice.
(a) weak
(b) average
(c) excellent
(c) excellent

Question 2.
State whether the following statements are true or false:

  1. The child is motivated to practice an activity again and again when he is praised for trying to carry out the activity.
  2. Animals go on learning many skills throughout their life.
  3. In a family all the brothers and sisters are identical.
  4. A baby learn to walk and run only after his parents teach him.
  5. If a baby is not able to walk and talk by the time it is two years, then growth and development of the baby is not taking place properly.
  6. Learning various skills makes us independent as it helps us to do various tasks on our own.


  1. True
  2. False
  3. False
  4. False
  5. True
  6. True

Answer the following questions in one sentence:

Question 1.
What do you mean by ‘inherited’ traits?
The traits with which we are bom, and are common with members of our family are called ‘inherited’ traits.

Question 2.
What things would you like to do just for recreation?
I would like to play football, cricket or do drawing, painting, or read a story book.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 3.
Which are the skills that a child of Std V should learn so that he can get ready for school without depending on his mother’s help?
He should leam to wear his own tie, tie his shoes laces, wear shoes and socks, comb his hair, wear his clothes on his own. So that he can get ready for school without depending on his mother for her help.

Question 4.
What is meant by addiction?
When a particular skill or activity increases our dependence on it, by making us crave for repeating it again and again it is called addiction.

Question 5.
Name a few activities which lead to addiction and affect development of a child.
Playing video games, eating gutka, paan masala, playing games on mobile, eating chocolates etc. are a few skills or activities which lead to addiction and have bad effects on the development of a child.

Question 6.
What is learning a skill?
Achieving control of one’s movements or leam to do something new is called ‘learning a skill’.

Question 7.
What is development?
As we grow, our height, weight and physical strength increase, also we leam a lot of new skills. This progress we make is called development.

Question 8.
What skills do animals learn from their mothers?
Animals learn from their mother, skills to obtain food, protect themselves from the sun, rain and from enemies.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 9.
How do people sometimes recognize us?
People of one family show similarities, some of our features or traits are like those of our grandparents or our parent’s siblings. That is why sometimes people who know them recognize us.

Question 10.
What is heredity?
Being bom with certain features or traits in common with the members of our family is ‘heredity’.

Question 11.
What leads to good development?
We must study well, avoid addiction, develop hobbies, take part in sports, learn new skills. This way of life leads to good development.

Use your brain power!

Question 1.
Sayali is in the sixth standard. They are going for a picnic. Sayali’s Aai is going to make ladoos for the whole class. But she needs Sayali’s help. What can Sayali do to help?
Sayali can make a list of the ingredients needed to make ladoos with the help of her mother. Sayali can assist her mother to give shape to the ladoos. Sayali can pack the ladoos in a tiffin box. This is how Sayali can help mother.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 2.
Many skills have been mentioned in this lesson up to now. Can you do without learning some of them? Which ones are necessary for any person?
Yes, it is not necessary to leam all the skills. Everyone need not leam the skill of playing football, cook a meal, write a story, press clothes etc. However everyone should be able to eat with one’s own hand, wash one’s own face, have a bath, dressing oneself, reading a book, writing answers, communicate his thoughts etc.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
How many years does it take the young ones of the tiger/elephant to start living independently?
The cub of a tiger starts living independently after 18 months. However sometimes it takes 2 years to 2 1/2 years also. The calf of an elephant starts living independently after 6 years. However sometimes they may become independent after 8-10 years also.

Question 2.
Explain what do you mean by development.
As we grow, our height and weight increases. With age our physical strength also increase. We also keep learning more and more new skills. In this way every individual makes progress. ‘This is called development’.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 3.
Describe the factors that affect growth and development.
The factors that affect growth and development are the food we eat, exercise and our values and behaviour.
1. The food that we eat: If we have nutritious food we gain strength and ability to learn various skills. We also grow tall and develop a good personality. If food is not nutritious we become malnourished and development and growth gets affected.
2. Exercise also brings about proper growth and development. Lack of exercise affects growth adversely.
3. Along with food and exercise it is important that we have Food values and we put it into practice. Our values and behaviour also affect development. Good thoughts put into practice make us an excellent personality.

Give reasons:

Question 1.
Always playing video games or games on mobile is not good for development.
Always playing video games has an adverse effect on personality.
Always playing video games and games on mobile makes a person addicted to it. The person cannot think of anything else and looses concentration in other activities. The child playing these games cannot concentrate in studies, nor is he able to develop new good skills.

Seeing the violence in the video game the child does not get good thoughts. Hence due to all this, good development does not take place and it affects the child’s growth and personality adversely.

Can you tell:

Question 1.
Can an infant feed itself?
No, the infant cannot feed itself. The mother has to feed the infant.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development

Question 2.
Can a two years old child fold clothes neatly?
No, a two year old child cannot fold his clothes neatly. However if taught he can try to fold his handkerchief.

Question 3.
When do they learn to these task?
The child learns to feed himself a when he is one year old. However he can feed himself properly without spilling after two years. The child can fold his clothes after he becomes five years old.

Question 4.
Which of the following things have you learnt to do? Which Ones have you yet to learn?
The tasks which a fifth Std child can do are skipping on a rope, writing an essay, combing his hair, telling a story, using a computer, etc. The child may not be able to give a speech, riding a bicycle, swimming, counting money, climbing a tree etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 22 Growth and Personality Development


1. traits – genetically determined characteristic
2. addiction – to become dependent on something.