Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen

English Balbharati Std 5 Digest Chapter 30 Be a Netizen Textbook Questions and Answers

1. List the words or phrases related with computers or the Internet.

Question 1.
List the words or phrases related with computers or the Internet.
The list of words or phrases related with the computer or the Internet are:

Internet Websites Text
Net Address Update
Network World wide web (www) online
System Programs e-mail
Log off Search engines Offline
Disconnect Browsing Chatting
Surfing Copy

2. Answer the following questions in one sentence.

Question 1.
Have you ever seen or used a computer?
Yes, I have seen and used a computer in my school.

Question 2.
What is the ‘Internet’?
The ‘Internet’ or the net is a network of computers.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen

Question 3.
What is a website?
‘Websites’ are places on the net where information is stored and made available.

Question 4.
What is the world wide web?
Thousands of websites on the net together form the World Wide Web (www).

Question 5.
What are search engines?
Special computer programs help us find the different websites on the World Wide Web, known as Search Engines.

Question 6.
What is meant by browsing or surfing?
Looking at various websites in computers is known as ‘browsing’ or ‘surfing’.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen

Question 7.
What is meant by being ‘online’?
Being ‘online’ means our computer is connected to the internet.

Question 8.
What is meant by being ‘offline’?
Being ‘offline’ means we are not connected to the net.

Question 9.
What is ‘e-mail’ or electronic mail?
The system of sending and receiving messages or mail on computers is known as ‘e-mail’ or electronic mail.

Question 10.
What is a password?
A ‘password’ is a secret word or group of letters and/ or numbers which will allow a person to use or see the email account on typing it.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen

Question 11.
Who is a ‘netizen’?
People who use the net are ‘netizens’.

Question 12.
Would you like to be a netizen?
Yes, I would like to be a netizen and explore this ocean of information.

3. Draw a diagram to explain the idea of Internet.

Question 1.
Draw a diagram to explain the idea of Internet.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen 1
Glossary to understand the diagram:

  • Satellite: A satellite is a wireless receiver or transmitter that is launched by a rocket and placed in orbit around the earth.
  • Downlink: The communication going from a satellite to the ground is called a downlink.
  • Uplink: The communication going from the ground to a satellite is called uplink.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen

4. Find a picture of a computer with the help of your teacher and label the different parts you see.
For example, monitor, screen, speakers, processor, mouse, mousepad, keyboard, etc.

Question 1.
Find a picture of a computer with the help of your teacher and label the different parts you see.
For example, monitor, screen, speakers, processor, mouse, mousepad, keyboard, etc.
Do it yourself.

5. List all the pairs of antonyms you find in the passage.

Question 1.
List all the pairs of antonyms you find in the passage.

  1. connected – disconnected
  2. online – offline
  3. send – receive
  4. sending – receiving
  5. different – same

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen

6. WWW is a short form of World Wide Web.
Find ten other short forms related to ICT (Information and Communication Technology).

Question 1.
WWW is a short form of World Wide Web.
Find ten other short forms related to ICT (Information and Communication Technology).

  • CD: Computer Disks
  • ROM: Read Only Memory
  • RAM: Random Access Memory
  • PPT: Power Point
  • e-mail: Electronic mail
  • IP: Internet Protocol
  • EC: Electronic Commerce
  • EDI: Electronic Data Interchange
  • E-Market: Electronic Market
  • VAN: Value Added Network
  • E-map: Electronic map

7. Choose a word that has at least four letters in it. Imagine that it is a short form. Write the name /phrase /words it stands for.
For example, STEP : Sunday and Thursday Evening Programmes.

Question 1.
Choose a word that has at least four letters in it. Imagine that it is a short form. Write the name /phrase /words it stands for.
For example, STEP : Sunday and Thursday Evening Programmes.
WITH: Walking Individually Towards Health

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen

English Balbharati Std 5 Answers Chapter 30 Be a Netizen Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Complete the web diagram.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen 2
text, pictures, images, sounds, speeches, music

Complete the following by choosing the correct alternative:

Question 1.
To log off the computer means to……………
(a) give instruction to your computer to get connected from the net.
(b) give instruction to your computer to get disconnected from the net.
(c) switch off the computer.
(b) give instruction to your computer to get disconnected from the net.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen

Question 2.
To display information on the net………….
(a) you need an e-mail id.
(b) you need a website.
(c) you need a password.
(b) you need a website.

Language Study :

Question 1.
Match the meanings of:

1. connected a. organized
2. systematic b. linked
3. gathered c. unparalleled
4. unique d. collected


1. connected b. linked
2. systematic a. organized
3. gathered d. collected
4. unique c. unparalleled

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen

Give one word for :

Question 1.

  1. To move from one site to another searching various topics on the internet
  2. Being connected to a network of computers –
  3. Exchange messages through computers with one or many users –


  1. surfing
  2. online
  3. chatting

Do as directed :

Question 1.

  1. It is so large that millions of people around the world can use it at the same time. (Pick out the adjectives in the sentence)
  2. The internet is like an ocean of information. (Pick out the articles)
  3. Websites are places on the net. (Pick out the preposition)
  4. It is possible to change the text. (Rewrite the sentence beginning with, It is not)


  1. Large, same: Adjective
  2. the, an
  3. on preposition.
  4. It is not impossible to change the text.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen

Complete the table.

Question 1.

Positive Comparative Superlative
1. many much more
2. small smaller smallest
3. difficult difficult more difficult most
4. Short shorter shortest
5. amazing more amazing most amazing
5. difficult more difficult most difficult

Question 2.

Noun Adjective Verb
1. Information Informative Inform
2. picture pictoral picturise
3. person personal personalize
4. correctness correct correct

Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar

Read the following passage and answer the following.

Question 1.
Complete the following:
(a) The system of sending and receiving messages or mail on computers is known
(b) No two …………………….. are the same.
(a) as e-mail or electronic mail.
(b) e-mail addresses

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen

Question 2.
What information is conveyed through the extract?
This extract conveys information about e-mail.

Question 3.
Write the full form of e-mail.
The full form of e-mail is electronic mail.

Question 4.
What is an e-mail account compared to? What is the difference?
An e-mail account is compared to our own letter box. The only difference is unlike our own letter box, we can use the e-mail letter box not only for receiving mail but also for sending it.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen

Question 5.
Give the noun form of:
1. Short
2. unique
1. shortness
2. uniqueness

Question 6.
You can receive messages on this address and also send them. (Pick out the conjunction)
Conjunction – and

Question 7.
How has e-mail changed the way we communicate? Give your views.
Due to e-mail, the ways we send and receive messages have changed in a big way. Now we can do it without any waste of time. The messages have become shorter too, unlike those times when we would have lengthy conversations or write long letters.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen

Writing Skills :

Question 1.
Write an e-mail to your friends inviting him for your birthday.
From : vinay@lycoscom
Sent: 18th July, 2015
Subject: Invitation for birthday.

Dear all,
It’s my birthday on 28th July, 2015. I cordially invite you to join my family and me in the celebrations at our residence and have a share in the joy.

The party begins at 6.00 p.m. The dress code is smart casuals. Blue is the colour of the day. Hoping to meet you at the party. Looking forward to having a great time.


Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen

Be a Netizen Summary in English

Summary :

‘Be a Netizen’ is an informative lesson about how computers, with its amazing features have brought about changes in the way we do things. It tells us about the internet network which is so large that millions of people around the world can use it at the same time. It also tells us how all the information is stored in places on the net called websites. It guides us how to browse or surf, that is visit various sites on the net. The lesson further elaborates about various terms related to internet like ‘update’ ‘online’, offline’ etc.

It also explains the ways to download information from the internet for later use and also how to send information on the net. The author shares information about e-mail, a system of sending and receiving messages or mails on computers. The author ends with a question. He says people who live in a city are citizens and people who use the net are netizens. He enquires whether we would like to be a netizen. Given the merits and advantages of computers and its uses, we should indeed become netizens.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 30 Be a Netizen

Meanings :

  1. amazing (o) – causing surprise or wonder
  2. features (n) : qualities or characteristics
  3. log on (pher) – to go through the steps to begin the use of computers
  4. text (n) – printed words
  5. disconnected (v) – break the connection or link
  6. browsing (u) – to casually look through data in the internet
  7. surfing (o) – to move from one site to another searching various topics on the Internet
  8. update (u) – to change by including most recent technology
  9. online (adj) – being connected to a network of computer
  10. offline (adj) – not controlled or connected to computer or internet
  11. chatting (u) – exchange messages through computer with one or many users
  12. download (v) – to copy data from one computer system to another over the internet
  13. address (on net) (n) – The Internet address is used for sending and receiving mails
  14. e-mail (n) – electronic mail
  15. unique (adj) – extraordinary
  16. password (n) – a secret word or group of letters and/or numbers that provides access to our email account
  17. citizens (n) – people who live in a city
  18. netizen (n) – people who use the net
  19. programs (n) – systematic instructions given to the computer for desired results

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 29 A Lark

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 29 A Lark Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 29 A Lark

English Balbharati Std 5 Digest Chapter 29 A Lark Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Guess the meaning of:

Question 1.
Guess the meaning of:

  1. weary
  2. dreary
  3. on the wing


  1. weary – very tired
  2. dreary – dull and gloomy
  3. on the wing – flying

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 29 A Lark

2. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Write what the lark does.
The lark soars high in the sky.

Question 2.
Write what the goldfish does.
The goldfish dives deep in the sea.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 29 A Lark

Question 3.
What does the poet want to know from the lark?
The poet wants to know from the lark if it is not tired of soaring high to the empty sky and if it doesn’t find the experience dull and boring. He further asks the lark if it doesn’t long to be a silent goldfish in the sea.

Question 4.
What does the poet want to know from the goldfish?
The poet wants to know from the Goldfish whether it is not sad when it feels the cold waves moving slowly and quietly over it. He further enquires if the Goldfish sometimes long to be like a lark bird flying in the sky.

3. Recite the poem.

Question 1.
Recite the poem.
Do it yourself.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 29 A Lark

4. Do you long to be something else? Write about your longing.

Question 1.
Do you long to be something else? Write about your longing.
Yes, I long to be a bird! If I were a bird….. the high flight and exploring the beauty of this wonderful world would be such a great feeling. Humming sweet songs, building, nests so beautiful atop the tree, living in the green forests, Wouldn’t that be wonderful?

English Balbharati Std 5 Answers Chapter 29 A Lark Additional Important Questions and Answers

Spot the words

Question 1.

  1. very tired
  2. a moving strip of water
  3. move slowly and quietly
  4. pleased and joyful

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 29 A Lark 1


  1. weary
  2. wave
  3. creep
  4. glad

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 29 A Lark

Language Study :

Question 1.
Complete the list of describing words from the extract:

  1. empty
  2. silent
  3. cold
  4. sad


  1. sky
  2. goldfish
  3. waves
  4. clouds

Match the rhyming words :

Question 1.

1. high a. dreary
2. weary b. creep
3. be c. sky
4. deep d. wing
5. sing e. sea


1. high c. sky
2. weary a. dreary
3. be e. sea
4. deep b. creep
5. sing d. wing

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 29 A Lark

Reading Skills :

Read the following extract and answer the question given below:

Question 1.
Choose the correct alternative and complete the following. Don’t you sometimes long to be a in the sea.
i. a silent mermaid
ii. a silent goldfish
a silent goldfish

Question 2.
Goldfish, goldfish ………….. are you never sad.
i. dancing is glee
ii. diving deep
i. diving deep

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 29 A Lark

Question 3.
What does the poem deal with?
The poem deals with one’s longing to be someone or something else.

Question 4.
Which are the two characters the poet has addressed in the poem?
The poet has addressed the lark bird and the goldfish in the poem.

Question 5.
Explain the line:
‘Don’t you sometimes long to be
A silent goldfish in the sea
The poet wants to know whether the lark is not weary and tired of the life it leads and whether it doesn’t long to be like a goldfish in the sea.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 29 A Lark

A Lark Summary in English

Summary :

‘A Lark’ written by Lawrance Alma Tadema is a poem which throws light on how we are not happy in the situation we are in, and long to be someone or something beyond what we are. There are times when we intensely wish to be something we are not. As the proverb goes The grass is always greener on the other side’. The poet has beautifully illustrated this through this poem where he asks both the Lark bird and Goldfish if they were really happy and not weary of the life they lead. Addressing the lark bird flying high in the sky, the poet asks the lark if he is not tired when he reaches the empty sky amidst the gloomy cloud.

The poet wants to know from the lark if there are times when he longs to be a silent gold fish in the sea The poet asks the goldfish diving deep in the sea that when the cold waves slowly and quietly creep over it, is it really enjoyable? The poet enquires whether he doesn’t long to sing and lead the life like a lark bird soaring high in the sky. A simple poem with beautiful illustrations i.e. examples, the poet has conveyed a simple truth of life.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 29 A Lark

Meanings :

lark (n) – A small brown singing bird
soaring (u) – Fly or rise high into the air
weary (u) – Very tired
dreary (adj.) – dull and gloomy
diving (u) – plunge head first into water with arms raised over one’s head.
creep (v) – move slowly and quietly

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 28 All about Money

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 28 All about Money Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 28 All about Money

English Balbharati Std 5 Digest Chapter 28 All about Money Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Write a short note on ‘money’.

Question 1.
Write a short note on ‘money’.
Money, a medium of exchange in the form of coins and notes are needed to buy goods and services. Coins and notes are different in different countries. In the United States dollars are used, while in England it is pounds. Long before paper money came into being, the barter system was followed, i.e. exchange of one thing for another. With the passage of time stones, bricks of salt, shells, and cowries were used as money. Grains, farm produce, cattle, goats, and chickens were exchanged for tools and implements or wages. Later precious metals and eventually paper money started being used. It is our duty to handle and spend money carefully, as earning it requires a lot of effort.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 28 All about Money

2. Look at the diagram on page 68. It is called a tree diagram because it has branches’. Now read the following and draw a tree diagram to show this information.

Question 1.
Look at the diagram on page 68. It is called a tree diagram because it has branches’. Now read the following and draw a tree diagram to show this information.
Things in our surroundings form two groups – living things and non-living things. Living things are of two kinds, plants and animals. There are two types of plants – flowering plants and non-flowering plants. If we consider animals, we see that some animals lay eggs. They are oviparous animals. Some animals give birth to their young ones. They are viviparous animals.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 28 All about Money 2

Find more topics from your Environmental Studies or Mathematics textbooks for drawing tree diagrams. Draw and label the diagrams.

Life on earth began with unicellular I organisms known as protozoa. The following are the stages of evolution of animals. Invertebrates are animals without a backbone, for e.g., a snail. The vertebrates are animals which have a backbone. E.g. Aquatic animals like fish. Animals which: live in water and also on land are called amphibians. E.g. A frog. A few invertebrates are worms and mosquitoes and a few I vertebrates are reptiles.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 28 All about Money 3

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 28 All about Money

3. Make meaningful sentences from the following table.

Question 1.
Make meaningful sentences from the following table.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 28 All about Money 1
Now try joining the sentences in the two columns using 1. and, 2. because.

  1. She was tired but she finished her homework.
  2. She wanted to buy a car but she had no money.
  3. He was angry but he did not fight.
  4. He did not know the answer but he did not copy his friend’s answer.
  5. They did not have money but they lived happily.
  6. He did not read the book but knew the story.

Now try joining the sentences in the two columns using and.

  1. She was tired and she finished her homework.
  2. She wanted to buy a car and she had no money.
  3. He was angry and he did not fight.
  4. He did not know the answer and he did not copy his friend’s answer.
  5. They did not have money and they lived happily.
  6. He did not read the book and knew the story.

Note: When we use the conjunction ‘and’ instead of ‘but’ the meaning either changes completely or makes the sentence meaningless.

Now try joining the sentences in the two columns using because.

  1. She was tired because she finished her homework.
  2. She wanted to buy a car because she had no money.
  3. He was angry because he did not fight.
  4. He did not know the answer because he did not copy his friend’s answer.
  5. They did not have money because they lived happily.
  6. He did not read the book because knew the story.

Note: When we use the conjunction ‘because’ instead of ‘but’ the meaning either changes completely or makes the sentence meaningless.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 28 All about Money

4. Ask your parents or other grown-ups to show you some used notes. Observe them carefully. Have they been used properly? Write your observations.

Question 1.
Ask your parents or other grown-ups to show you some used notes. Observe them carefully. Have they been used properly? Write your observations.

  1. Some notes are torn while others are dirty.
  2. People have scribbled their names and phone numbers on the notes.
  3. There are notes which are stapled or sealed with cello tapes making it invalid.
  4. The notes are crumpled.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 28 All about Money

5. Write an autobiography of a hundred-rupee note. (8-10 lines.)

Question 1.
Write an autobiography of a hundred-rupee note. (8-10 lines.)
Hello friends! I am a thousand rupee note, an Indian currency. I was born in the year 2000. Pretty and pink, I have a great value. The great leader of India’s freedom struggle, Mahatma Gandhi’s portrait on me is a matter of great pride for me.

Born at Currency Note Press in Nashik, Maharashtra, my journey has been a long one. From one person to another, poor and rich, young and old, I have been with them all, even though for a short while.

While some took care of me and worshipped me, others mishandled me. But that’s life! There will be good and bad experiences.

But my request to you, friends is: handle and spend me carefully. After all such a lot of efforts go into earning me. Hope you have made a ‘note’ of it.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 28 All about Money

English Balbharati Std 5 Answers Chapter 28 All about Money Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following in one sentence:

Question 1.
Why do we need money?
We need money to buy things and to pay people who work for us.

Question 2.
In which forms do we see money today?
We see money today in the form of coins and notes.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 28 All about Money

Question 3.
What are the names of money used in The United States and in England?
In The United States they use ‘dollars’ ($) while in England they use ‘pounds’ (£).

Question 4.
What was known as barter’?
Long, long ago, people did not use coins and notes but exchanged one thing for another and this was known as ‘barter’.

Question 5.
Name any two things used as money in the past.
Shells and cowries.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 28 All about Money

Question 6.
When was paper money first used?
Paper money was first used in China aboutn one thousand years ago.

Activities :

Question 1.
Complete the table of Dos and Don’ts which we should remember while handling money.

Do’s Don’ts
1. Use money carefully. 1. Spend thoughtlessly.
2. Should spend within your means and not be lavish. 2. Write, tear or crumple the notes or damage them in any way.
3. Spend mostly for your necessities and comforts. 3. Spend on luxuries if you do not have the means.
4. Cut your coat according to your cloth. 4. Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 28 All about Money

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Given below are a list of conjunctions. Use them in sentences of your own. If, and, unless, because, or

  1. I will forgive you if you promise to mend your ways.
  2. Ram and Shyam are hardworking and industrious.
  3. India will not progress unless we control population growth.
  4. I will be late because I missed the bus.
  5. She must work hard or she won’t excel.

Writing Skills

Read the following passage and draw a tree diagram to show this information

Question 1.
Write an essay on:
An autobiography of a thousand-rupee note. Hello friends! I am a thousand rupee note, an Indian currency. I was born in the year 2000. Pretty and pink, I have a great value. The great leader of India’s freedom struggle, Mahatma Gandhi’s portrait on me is a matter of great pride for me. Born at Currency Note Press in Nashik, Maharashtra, my journey has been a long one. From one person to another, poor and rich, young and old, I have been with them all, even though for a short while. While some took care of me and worshipped me, others mishandled me. But that’s life! There will be good and bad experiences. But my request to you, friends is: handle and spend me carefully. After all such a lot of efforts go into earning me. Hope you have made a ‘note’ of it.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 28 All about Money

All about Money Summary in English

Summary :

Money is a medium of exchange in the form of coins and notes. Currency is a system of money in general, used in a particular country. Even as the lesson takes us through different cash money, i.e., coins and notes we use in India, it also tells us that money is known by different names in different countries. The money used in the United States are ‘dollars’ (S) while in England ‘pounds’ (€) are used.

The lesson takes us back in time when the barter’ system was used. It was only about 1000 years ago that paper money first came to be used, first in China, Paper money or notes with no value of their own is a promise to give that much money. Only the government is allowed to print the notes. The lesson ends with two words of advice. handling money properly and using it carefully. After all it takes efforts to earn money.

Meanings :

  1. barter (n) – exchange for other goods or services.
  2. cowries (n) – a flattened yellowish shell of a marine animal used as money in parts of Africa and Indo-Pacific area.
  3. implements (n) – tools and other equipments used for a particular purpose.
  4. crumple (v) – crush something leading to creases and wrinkles.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 25 The Man in the Moon

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 25 The Man in the Moon Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 25 The Man in the Moon

English Balbharati Std 5 Digest Chapter 25 The Man in the Moon Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Read the following.

Question 1.
Read the following.
Skipper : captain of a ship or boat.
Dipper : This word has two meanings. Dipper means a container for taking out water. Also, there are two constellations called Little Dipper (Little Bear) and Big Dipper (Big Bear) in the sky.
Milky Way : The band of light consisting of stars that spreads across the sky at night.
Skipper: captain of a ship or boat.
Dipper: This word has two meanings. Dipper means a container for taking out water. Also, there are two constellations called Little Dipper (Little Bear) and Big Dipper (Big Bear) in the sky.
Milky Way: The band of light consisting of stars that spreads across the sky at night.

2. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What mistake did the man in the moon make?
The man in the moon made a mistake when he tried to take a drink of milk using a Dipper, dipped right from the Milley Way.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 25 The Man in the Moon

Question 2.
What did he try to take the milk from?
He tried to take the milk from the Milley Way using a Dipper.

Question 3.
Why did he spill the milk?
As he was trying to take the milk from the Milky Way using a Dipper, the Big Bear growled and the Little Bear howled which frightened him so much that he spilled the milk.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 25 The Man in the Moon

3. Read the following and tick whether the statements tell you about facts or whether they are imaginary:

Question 1.
Read the following and tick whether the statements tell you about facts or whether they are imaginary:There is a man in the Moon.
The Moon sails across the sky.
The milky way contains milk.
You can fill the Dipper in the sky with milk.
The Big Bear in the sky can growl.
There are a number of stars in the sky.

Statement Real Imaginary
There is a man in the Moon.
The Moon sails across the sky.
The milky way contains milk.
You can fill the Dipper in the sky with milk.
The Big Bear in the sky can growl.
There are a number of stars in the sky.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 25 The Man in the Moon

English Balbharati Std 5 Answers Chapter 25 The Man in the Moon Additional Important Questions and Answers

Language Study :

Tick the pair of rhyming words.
1. Skipper – Dipper [ ]
2. Sky – take [ ]

Reading Skills :

Read the following extract and answer the questions.

Question 1.
State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. The man was sailing with a big bear and a little bear : False
2. The little bear growled : False

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 25 The Man in the Moon

Question 2.
Who is the central character of the poem?
The man in the Moon is the central character of the poem.

Question 3.
What did he use the Dipper for?
He used the Dipper to take a drink of milk from the Milky Way.

Question 4.
Pick out a pair of rhyming words from the extract.
skipper – dipper

Question 5.
Pick out two words indicating sound.
growled, howled

Question 6.
Fill the boxes with any two describing words from the extract.
remarkable little

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 25 The Man in the Moon

Writing Skills :

Question 1.
Write a poem on any one element of nature given below:
Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 25 The Man in the Moon 1
The sun has bid adieu for the day,
The stars appear glittering all the way.
Twinkling high up in the dark sky,
The stars like tiny diamonds smile at those who look high.
On a beautiful night, they look so bright,
Sparkling with a hope, to make everything right.
With hope they sparkle and shine,
Assuring all every things fine.

The Man in the Moon Summary in English

Summary :

The Man in the Moon’, is a humorous and imaginary poem about a man who sails across the sky and reaches the moon. Like a good captain of a ship our man in the moon too, is remarkable, as he continues to sail across the sky. But alas! He made a mistake. When and how? Well he made a mistake when he tried to take a drink of milk using a dipper right from the Milky Way. He was caught doing this by the Big Bear who growled and the little Bear, who howled, frightening him so much that he spilled the milk he had filled, dipping right out of the Milky Way.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 25 The Man in the Moon

Meanings :

  1. skipper (n) – captain of a ship or boat.
  2. dipper (n) – This word has two meanings.
    • Dipper means a container for taking out water.
    • Also, there are two constellations called Little Dipper (Little Bear) and Big Dipper (Big Bear) in the sky.
  3. Milky Way (n) – The band of light consisting of stars that spreads across the sky at night
  4. remarkable (adj) – worth noticing.
  5. dipped (o) – immersed into a liquid.
  6. growled (o) – made a low sound of threat
  7. howled (u) – gave out a long loud wailing cry
  8. spilled (v) – to run over the edge of a vessel/container.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 24 Senses Alert

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 24 Senses Alert Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 24 Senses Alert

English Balbharati Std 5 Digest Chapter 24 Senses Alert Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Look at the photographs on textbook pages 60-61 carefully and imagine the following:

  • The colours, shape, size, actions, etc. of what you see in the picture.
  • The sound/sounds you may hear at the scene of the photograph.
  • How the different things, birds, animals, etc. in the picture feel to the touch.
  • The smell / smells you may smell at the scene of the picture.
  • The taste of what you see in the pictures.

1. The photograph shows a beautiful red rose. It looks bright and freshly bloomed. Its fragrance is divine. The flower adds beauty to the garden.

2. The photograph shows a cute, little squirrel. It is sitting on our window sill. It is sniffing at the food-stuff kept for it. It is furry and soft. It is light brown in colour with black stripes on its back.

3. The photograph shows slices of lemon. It’s bright yellow in colour. It is sour to taste. Its juice makes a refreshing drink in summer. It is used to make delicious pickles. It contains Vitamin C. I love to drink lemon juice.

4. There is a photograph of a small girl. Her school uniform is red in colour. She is carrying a blue school bag on her shoulders. She is sitting on a bench, waiting for mummy to come and take her home.

5. There is a photograph of a lantern hung on the ceiling. It is in shades of blue with wonderful geometrical designs on it. The dim light makes the designs look beautiful.

6. These are colourful porcelain (China clay) vases. The vases are of bright, blue, green, red and orange colour. I would love to have some of them, as it would beautify my home.

7. The ice cream cone is of strawberry flavour. It surely looks tempting and delicious. Eating ice-creams during the summer season is cool!

8. The photograph is of a soft doll, green and white in colour with beautiful black eyes and golden hair. I would love to cuddle it because it looks very soft and adorable.

9. This is a robin sitting on a branch. It seems to be chirping loudly. It seems quite chubby. I wish I could hold it in my hands and feel its softness.

10. This is a bitter-gourd. It is a vegetable which is bitter in taste. The outer skin of the bitter gourd is rough. It is green in colour. Its juice is given as medicine to people suffering from diabetes. Stuffed bitter-gourd is yummy. You should also try it.

11. The photograph shows rocks in the form of steps. They are like hard black stones, sloping down a mountain. During the rainy season, one can enjoy the beautiful sight of waterfalls, the water gushing down the slopes. It is also home to small creatures. One enjoys sitting on them when it is dry.

12. The hard, small ball, also known as the season ball is used to play cricket. I like bowling and I practise with it while playing at the nets. The bowlers like to rub it on their trousers to remove the shine and spin it more.
The small green grapes are sweet and sometimes sour. I like to keep two or three in my mouth and enjoy the taste. It is good for health. I also enjoy eating black grapes and also grape juice.

13. The picture of colourful balloons in different shapes and sizes. It looks so colourful and beautiful. How wonderful to send them flying in the air. Balloons are released on happy occasions. Children love to burst them.

14. During Holl, children fill the balloons with coloured water and throw them on one another. What fun!
The big black buffalo is also called bull. Its bellow is loud and harsh, which can frighten young and old. It is a strong animal. It feeds on hay. It is a wild animal like a large cow, with horns that curve upwards.

16. The picture of a chimney emitting smoke, such chimneys are seen in factories. The smoke causes irritation to the eyes, and also the throat. The smoke causes air pollution. It also makes the sky look black and dull.

17. The chilies are green and red in colour. It is very pungent, but it adds taste to the food. The strong aroma can make you sneeze especially when it is used as a food flavour for seasoning. My mother fills the chillies with masala and makes delicious pickles.

18. The beautiful sunset scene looks glorious. The rays of the sun are reflected in the water. The twilight sky fills you with a cool mind. I like to go to the sea side in the evenings to watch the sunset and the beautiful panorama.

19. The cactus is a thick flushy plant that grows in many hot, dry parts of the world. Cactus have no leaves but are covered in prickles or sharp thorns. Have you heard of aloe-vera products – creams, gels, ointments? All kinds of herbal mediums are prepared with cactus leaves. Not so beautiful to look at but it has many medicinal properties.

20. The picture of the eggs makes your mouth water. Itis said that the yolk of the egg (yellow part) is good for health. My mother gives me the yolk whenever I have a bad cold or cough. You can eat it boiled, fried, scrambled or as a pizza. It is tasty, yummy and crunchy. One also uses eggs to bake cakes and pastries and some sweets. There are also many people who do not eat eggs or any non-vegetarian food.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 24 Senses Alert

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 23 Write your own Poem

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 23 Write your own Poem Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 23 Write your own Poem

English Balbharati Std 5 Digest Chapter 23 Write your own Poem Textbook Questions and Answers

Activities :

Question 1.
Think and write down sets of rhyming words. Make meaningful sentences with these rhyming words. Arrange them to form a poem.
Wonderful World You and me should see,
What God wants us to be. Good,
kind and bountiful,
Making the world so wonderful.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 23 Write your own Poem

Question 2.
Describe the things you like the most with suitable adjectives, adverbs and comparisons. Arrange them to form a poem.
My Rabbit I have a fluffy rabbit,
So cuddly and so soft,
As pure and urhite as show,
With a big red low.

Question 3.
Use your live senses and describe what you see, hear, feel, smell and taste. Use short sentences to describe your observations. Arrange to form a poem.
My Garden My garden is full of flowers,
Roses and lilies in its bowers.
The sun shines nice and bright,
Making it such a wonderful sight.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 23 Write your own Poem

Question 4.
Describe your feelings and emotions of happiness, sadness, anxiety or anger in short lines. Arrange them to form a poem.
How could I?
Do you ever think why?
Birds fly high in the sky.
I too wish to do the same
But don’t know how would I?

Write your own Poem Summary in English

Summary :

The activities in ‘Write your own Poem’ encourages us to be a poet. Each of us has a poet in us, it only needs to be brought out. With a little bit of help and encouragement from teachers and parents we could have many budding poets among us. Let us see how to go about doing it.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 23 Write your own Poem

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 27 The Legend of Marathon

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 27 The Legend of Marathon Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 27 The Legend of Marathon

English Balbharati Std 5 Digest Chapter 27 The Legend of Marathon Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Show the major events in the story of Pheidippides on a ‘time-line’.

Question 1.
Show the major events in the story of Pheidippides on a ‘time-line’.

  • Persians get ready to attack Athens.
  • Messenger Pheidippides sent to seek help from Sparta but Spartans unwilling.
  • Battle between Persians and Athenians begin.
  • Athenians emerge victorious.
  • Before the news of victory reaches Athens, Persians plan to take over Athens.
  • Athenian Generals plan to defend Athens by letting Athenians know of the victory.
  • Pheidippides entrusted responsibility.
  • Braving all odds, an exhausted Pheidippides completes the journey.
  • Delivers the message but collapses due to exertion and loses his life.
  • Marathon included in the Olympic Games – (the games which were stated in Greece) in honour of Pheidippides.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 27 The Legend of Marathon

2. Activities :

1. Prepare and present a short speech on the following.

Question 1.
An inspiring incident in the life of a great leader.
Do it yourself

Question 2.
How I accomplished a difficult task.
Do it yourself

2. Write a short essay on the following.

Question 1.
My favourite sports event.

My favourite sports event

My favourite sport is cricket, one of the most popular games in India. I am interested in one-day matches, test matches and twenty-twenty matches. The just-concluded World Cup showed how a team which shows consistency, determination and dedication can emerge a winner.

I am a member of the school cricket team. I love this game so much that I don’t miss even a single practice session. I have won several inter-school competitions along with other members of my team. – On two occasions, I have also won the ‘Man of the Match’ award. I excel in batting and I am very good. in fielding too.

Playing cricket has developed qualities of hard work, determination and team spirit in me. I would like to scale the heights achieved by my favourite cricketer Sachin Tendulkar and become a world-class player. I have a long way to go but I am sure I will excel in my favourite sport.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 27 The Legend of Marathon

Question 2.
What I would like to do for my country.

What I would like to do for my country

Everyone loves his motherland and likes to serve it. But very few people know how best they can do so. I have various choices before me. If I want more exciting work, I may join the Army, the Air Force of the Navy. By doing so I shall strengthen the defense of the country. I may thus get a chance to lay down my life for the sake of the country. No service can be greater than the sacrifice of my life for the protection of our freedom. A place among the immortals is assured into those who die for the defense of the country.

Less glorious,l but not less important is the service to the country done by a teacher or control or a farmer or a worker. Every man in his station of life can serve his country doing his duty to the best of his ability So whatever be my occupation in life. I c can serve my country by doing my duty well. However, I am only a student at present. How can I serve my country best as a student? I can serve my country in many ways. I am a student of science and therefore I should prepare myself to become a true scientist.

Our country needs a number of scientists. By preparing myself to become a scientist I can do a very useful service to the country. Secondly, being the son of a shopkeeper I can explain to my father the need to hold the price line. If I can bring him round it will be not nor mean service to the country. Thirdly, I own a house which has a garden around it. I can grow more vegetables in my kitchen garden thus add my mite towards the solution of the food problem. Along with this at the end of the months at the end of the month and thus can serve the country by saving some food.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 27 The Legend of Marathon

English Balbharati Std 5 Answers Chapter 27 The Legend of Marathon Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer in one sentence:

Question 1.
Who were getting ready to attack the city – state of Athens?
The army of Persia, which was a mighty kingdom, was planning to attack the city – state of Athens.

Question 2.
Why did the Athenians decide to send a special messenger to the neighbouring Kingdom of Sparta?
The Athenian soldiers decided to send a special messenger as they needed help from other Greek Kingdoms to fight the Persians.

Question 3.
Who was sent as a special messenger to Athens?
Pheidippides was sent as a special messenger to Athens.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 27 The Legend of Marathon

Question 4.
Why did the people of Sparta refuse to join the battle?
The people of Sparta were busy with some ceremonies and so they did not want to join the battle immediately.

Answer briefly.

Question 1.
Write in short about the battle between the Athenians and the Persians.
The Athenians decided to launch a surprise attack on the Persians.The Athenian soldiers penetrated the Persian forces like speeding arrows. Taken aback, the Persians too showered arrows on the Athenian soldiers. But their arrows fell off the helmets and strong armours of the Athenian soldiers. The familiarity of the Athenians to their sea shore and the fact that Persians were on a new terrain too helped the AtheniAnswer: Lots of soldiers died, many were injured, while some got lost in the marshy area. The battle was over when the Athenians successfully drove back every single remaining Persian soldier back to the ships anchored in the sea.

Question 2.
What was the plan that the Persians formed to take over Athens?
The entire army of Athens had rushed to the sea-shore with only the aged people, women and children left in the city. Taking advantage of this, the Persians decided to take the sea route. The Athenian army had no ships and they would take a very long time to travel back to Athens on foot with their heavy armour and weapons. Seeing the Persians, the defenceless people in the city would think that Athens had lost the battle and it would thus become easy for the Persians to take over the city.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 27 The Legend of Marathon

Complete the web diagram :

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 27 The Legend of Marathon 1

Match the meanings:

Question 1.

1. penetrate a. start
2. launch b. fall
3. boost c. pierce
4. collapse d. increase


1. penetrate c. pierce
2. launch a. start
3. boost d. increase
4. collapse b. fall

From words.

Question 1.
Give one word for :

  1. A high steep rock face especially seen at the edge of the sea
  2. The route of a journey from where we start to its end
  3. Keep in memory by a celebration or memorial


  1. cliff
  2. course
  3. commemorate

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 27 The Legend of Marathon

Language Study :

Question 1.
Give the noun forms of:

  1. mighty
  2. compared
  3. brave
  4. strong


  1. might
  2. comparison
  3. bravery
  4. strength

Question 2.
Adjective forms of:

  1. reach
  2. mountain
  3. hunger
  4. event


  1. reachable
  2. mountainous
  3. hungry
  4. eventful

Question 1.
Complete the table:

Positive comparative Superlative
1. young younger youngest
2. heavy heavier heaviest
3. fast faster fastest
4. weak weaker weakest
5. short shorter shortest

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 27 The Legend of Marathon

Do as directed:

Question 1.

  1. Persia was a mighty kingdom. (Pick out the adjective)
  2. They were getting ready to attack the state of Athens. (Underline the compound word)
  3. They did not want to join the battle immediately. (State the part of speech of the Underlined word and state its kind)
  4. They had a strong cavalry and skilled archers. (Pick out the conjunction)
  5. The Persians were new to the terrain. (Forma wh-question to get the underlined words as the answer)
  6. Only the aged people, women and children were left in the city. (Pick out the Noun)
  7. Marathons are arranged in many countries. (Separate the subject and predicate)
  8. Joy to you! (State the kind of sentence)


  1. mighty
  2. city-state
  3. immediately Adverb
  4. and
  5. Who were new to the terrain?
  6. Nouns: people, women, children, city
  7. Subject : Marathons, Predicate : are arranged in many countries.
  8. Exclamatory sentence

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 27 The Legend of Marathon

Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar

Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

Question 1.
Who said this to whom:
We won! Our army will be here soon.
The above words were said by
Pheidippides to Athenians

Question 2.
What does the extract tell us?
The extract tells us of the efforts taken by Pheidippides to reach Athens to deliver the message of their victory thereby saving Athens from being taken over by the Persians.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 27 The Legend of Marathon

Question 3.
What was the distance which Pheidippides had to cover?
Pheidippides had to cover a distance of more than forty kilometres.

Question 4.
Pick out a line to prove that Pheidippides was determined to reach Athens.
He just ran and ran.

Question 5.
What happened in the end?
In the end, Pheidippides collapsed after delivering the message, never to rise again. He had laid down his life in the service of Athens.

Question 6.
Make sentences.
(a) Heart began to beat faster:
(b) To lay down one’s life
(a) As the teacher started announcing the results my heart began to beat faster.
(b)We should be ready to lay down our life for our country

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 27 The Legend of Marathon

Question 7.
Are you inspired by Pheidippides? Justify your answer.
Yes, I am inspired by the patriotism displayed by Pheidippides. He safeguarded the security of his country at the cost of his life. His determination to fulfill the responsibility assigned to him shows his love for his country.

The Legend of Marathon Summary in English

Summary :

The legend of Marathon is an inspiring story of a young man of twenty-two, Pheidippides. There was a battle between the Persians and the Athenians but the former refused to accept defeat. They saw that the entire army of Athens was far away from their city with only aged people, women and children back home at Athens. The Persians made a plan to take the sea route and reach and capture Athens before Athenians returned to the city to celebrate.

Luckily the Athenian Generals, being good strategists could foresee this situation. The message about their victory delivered before the Persians reached Athens. Pheidippides, the fastest runner who could travel faster than the Persian ships was entrusted the responsibility. A true patriot, he accepted it happily. That he had already completed a run of more than two hundred kilometres, just the day before, when he had been to the neighbouring kingdom of Sparta did not deter him from the task given to him.

He did his best; braving all odds and difficulties he tirelessly kept running. He was weak with hunger and thirst, his heart was beating faster but he continued the mission of reaching the city. He informed the people of Athens that they had won and that their army would be there soon. But Alas! After doing the duty assigned to him he collapsed. He had sacrificed his life in service to Athens, thus setting an example of selflessness and courage, patriotism and devotion to one’s motherland.

His willingness to do anything for his state and his historic run from Marathon to Athens is unforgettable. The sporting event of the Marathon which we witness in Olympic Games was started in Greece in the memory of this great young man Pheidippides.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 27 The Legend of Marathon

Meanings :

  1. mighty (adj) – very strong and powerful.
  2. city-state (n) – an independent state consisting of a city and its dependent territories
  3. messenger (n) – the one who communicates a spoken or written message
  4. ceremonies (n) – an occasion which is grand and includes rituals.
  5. response (n) – answer.
  6. launch (v) – start.
  7. penetrated (u) – pierced.
  8. cavalry (n) – troops of soldiers with armour
  9. archers (n) – one who shoots with bow and arrow
  10. terrain (n) – land.
  11. anchored (v) – a ship held firmly in a particular place by a heavy device attached to the ship by a rope, chain or cable.
  12. devised (v) – planned.
  13. armour (n) – a protective covering made of metal used in battle fields.
  14. strategists (n) – experts who plan and direct the war operation.
  15. boost (u) – increase.
  16. morale (n) – confidence.
  17. delivered (v) – handed over.
  18. mission (n) – an important task.
  19. historic (adj) – relating to ancient past.
  20. commemorate (v) – keep in memory by a celebration or memorial.
  21. marathon (n) – a sporting event first introduced in Olympic games started in Greece.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 22 A Book Review

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 22 A Book Review Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 22 A Book Review

English Balbharati Std 5 Digest Chapter 22 A Book Review Textbook Questions and Answers


Write a short book review of any one of your favourite books. Your review should include the following things.
Title of the book

Question 1.
Write a short book review of any one of your favourite books. Your review should include the following things.
Title of the book
Name of the author/ authors
Name of the illustrator (artist)
The central idea of the book (what the book is about)
The important characters in the book and what they do
What you like about the book
Why you want others to read the book/what you learn from the book
Title of the book – ‘George’s Secret Key to the Universe’
Name of the author/authors – Lucy Hawking and Stephen Hawking
Name of the illustrator (artist) – Garry Parsons
The central idea of the book (what the book is about) –
The story revolves around an environmentalist and a scientist. The environmentalist feels that modern inventions of science and technology are damaging the Earth and he wants to save the Earth. The scientist has built an intelligent computer named Cosmos which has incredible powers. A selfish scientist wants to steal Cosmos so that he can establish his rule on other planets. George, the son of an environmentalist is the only one who can stop this from happening. But how …………….. ?

The important characters in the book and what they do –
(a) George’s father – environmentalist
(b) Annie’s father (Eric) – scientist
(c) An odd, angry scientist – Villain of the book.
George’s father wants to save the earth from science and technology.
Annie’s father Eric – has built a super-intelligent computer named Cosmos.
The odd angry scientist – wants to use science for his own selfish means.

What you like about the book –
(a) It is a book of adventure, full of imaginary actions, adventurous trek to the universe
(b) Book also has plenty of charts, photographs, fact strips about our solar system, galaxies, space, and the whole universe, attractive and expressive sketches.
(c) The book is presented in a very simple, easy to understand manner.

Why you want others to read the book/what you learn from the book –
It has a very convincing message. Advance in science and technology is necessary – more research, more studies and a commitment to use them not for selfish gains but for the welfare of the entire living world!

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 22 A Book Review

English Balbharati Std 5 Answers Chapter 22 A Book Review Additional Important Questions and Answers

Writing Skills :

Question 1.
Write a short review of ‘Cinderella’
Cinderella: Cinderella was a beautiful, kind girl who had lost her mother at a very young age. Her father had married again and Cinderella’s step-mother had two daughters. Cinderella’s step mother and her step sisters were very cruel to her. She was made to do all the house-work. She was happy doing it. Most of the time, she was covered with cinder (ashes) and that is why she came to be called Cinderella. Once the prince of the kingdom threw a ball (party).

All the young girls were invited. The prince had decided to choose his bride from among them. Cinderella’s step sisters were dressed for the occasion. Cinderella also longed to go for the party. After her step-mother and step-sisters had left for the party, Cinderella sat crying. Suddenly a fairy appeared and asked her why she was sad. When she told the fairy the reason, the fairy decided to help her. She moved her magic wand and Cinderella was transformed into a beautiful looking lady.

Using her magic wand, she changed a pumpkin into a golden carriage, two mice into horses, a rat into a coachman and two wizards into footmen. The fairy warned Cinderella that she could go to the palace and enjoy the party but should return home before the clock struck twelve. The fairy told her that as the clock strikes twelve, the magic would go off and everything would change back to what they were. Cinderella attended the party and was the most beautiful girl out there.

The prince danced only with her throughout. The step-sisters were very jealous. They could not recognize Cinderella Cinderella remembered what the fairy had said and left the hall before twelve. She promised the prince that she would be at the party the next day too. When the step sisters returned home all they could talk was about the beautiful lady at the party. The next evening Cinderella was present at the party looking as lovely as ever.

The prince had eyes only for Cinderella. Cinderella forgot about the fairy’s words and as the clock struck twelve she ran out of the hall. You want to know what happens next and how Cinderella marries the prince, you have to read the fairy tale Cinderella.

Book Review:

The title of the Book : Cinderella
The name of author of this magical story : Charles Perrault.
The illustrator of the book : the well known fantasy artist Kinuko Y. Craft.
Central Idea : The story revolves around Cinderella a beautiful kind girl who lived with her father, stepmother and two stepsisters. Cinderella was always ill-treated by her stepmother and stepsisters. Seeing her in dustness, a fairy comes to her resque. The fairy godmother uses the magic wand and changes Cinderella’s life, thus bringing joy and happiness in her life. Read on.
The important characters : Cinderella, the Fairy godmother, the stepmother and stepsisters.
What you like about the book? I liked the way the Fairy godmother used her magic wand and changed things to make it possible for Cinderella to attend the party and make her look so beautiful.
What do you learn from the book? Why do you want the others to read the book? I liked the way the story ended with goodness winning over cruelty. This is something all of us should remember.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 22 A Book Review

A Book Review Summary in English

Surrunary :

What is a book review? A book review is nothing but the views of the reader about a certain book read. The reader judges the book on its content and style and gives his views about the book. A review may be very short or may be lengthy. Viewers read the review and decide whether they have to purchase a book. If they like the review, they buy it. Review is just a summary of the content of the book, wherein the end part is left out to arouse curiosity in the reader.

The book reviewed is ‘George’s Secret Key to the Universe’ authored by Lucy Hawking and Stephen Hawking. The book has beautiful sketches by Garry Parsons. The main characters are George, Eric, Annie and Cosmos and a selfish angry scientist. The book is written like a story for children to enjoy. The book opens the doors to the treasures we have in the universe. It tries to tell us that science and technology has its disadvantages but has a lot of advantages too.

The story revolves around George whose parents are environmentalists and are of the conviction that modern inventions of science and technology is damaging the earth and they want to save earth. George thinks otherwise.

He befriends his new neighbours, Annie and her father. Annie’s father is a scientist who has built an intelligent computer named Cosmos, which has incredible powers. The story also has a selfish scientist who wants to steal Cosmos so that he can establish his rule on another planet. George is the only one who can stop this from happening. How does he do it? Read the book and you will know.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 22 A Book Review


  1. environmentalist (n) – taking measures to protect the ecosystem
  2. ban (o) – to prohibit, to forbid
  3. jeering (o) – mocking, passing ill remarks
  4. ridicule (o) – to make fun of
  5. incredible (adj) – unbelievable
  6. astounding (adj) – astonishing
  7. ailments (n) – sickness
  8. commitment (n) – promise or agree to do something
  9. ardent (adj) – having strong feelings

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz

English Balbharati Std 5 Digest Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Read the words. Write other words which have the same ending.
eventful (- ful), travellers (- ers), despairingly (- ly), carefully (- fully).

Question 1.
Read the words. Write other words which have the same ending.
eventful (- ful), travellers (- ers), despairingly (- ly), carefully (- fully).

– ful – ers – ly – fully
potful singers sharply beautifully
dreadful dancers slowly gracefully
forgetful hawkers quickly awfully
merciful sellers clearly boastfully
bagful foresters softly colorfully
delightful photographers scarcely dreadfully
boastful potters surprisingly fruitfully
beautiful keepers amazingly forcefully
meaningful encroachers centrally dutifully

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz

2. List the characters in the story and write a few lines about each of them.

Question 1.
List the characters in the story and write a few lines about each of them.
1. Dorothy is the girl who was whisked by the cyclone. She is whisked along with her dog Toto. Both of them land in the wonderful Land of Oz. She is friendly by nature. She is sweet and simple.

2. Tin Woodman has come to the wonderful Land of Oz. He needs a heart. He knows that only the Wizard of Oz can help him out. He helps in the journey to the land of Oz. He uses his axe to chop a tree to create a bridge for his friends. He also helps in putting an end to the snarling brutes.

3. The Scarecrow wants brains from the Wizard of Oz. He feels he lacks brains. He proves to be intelligent when he gives ideas to escape from difficulties.

4. The cowardly lion makes friends with Dorothy. He says that he lacks bravery. He wishes the Wizard of Oz to give him courage. Though he is a coward, he proves himself courageous in many situations and helps the others with him.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz

3. Write in short how the travellers crossed the first ditch.

Question 1.
Write in short how the travellers crossed the first ditch.
The travellers walked for an hour in the forest when they came across a great ditch that divided the forest. They could not proceed. The ditch was wide and steep. It had jagged rocks at the bottom. Scarecrow comes up with an idea. He requested the lion to carry everyone one by one on his back and jump to the other side of the ditch. The lion was successful in doing this. In this way the travellers crossed the first ditch.

4. Write how the travellers crossed the second gulf.

Question 1.
Write how the travellers crossed the second gulf.
After crossing the first gulf I ditch, the travellers travelled some distance and came across another gulf which was broader and deeper than the first ditch/ gulf. It was impossible for the lion to jump across. The Scarecrow came up with an idea. He asked Tin Woodman to chop the tree near the ditch, in such a way that it fell across the gulf creating a bridge. The travellers successfully crossed this gulf too.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz

5. Which event in the story tell us that –

Question 1.
the scarecrow was intelligent.
When the travellers came across the two ditches it was scarecrow’s idea which helped them cross the ditch. It was because of the Scarecrow’s timely advice that the snarling brutes/beasts were put to death.

Question 2.
the lion was brave.
The lion very bravely jumped over the first ditch taking each of the traveller on his back one by one and landed safely to the other side of the ditch.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz

6. Imagine you are Dorothy and write about the day’s events in 5-8 lines in your (Dorothy’s) diary.

Question 1.
Imagine you are Dorothy and write about the day’s events in 5-8 lines in your (Dorothy’s) diary.
Dear Diary,
22 May, 2015
I had a very eventful day today. I made three new friends. The cyclone which whisked me to the wonderful Land of Oz is where I met them. They had come to this land because they wanted help from the Wizard of Oz. We had to journey through a forest before we reached this wonderful land. We came across a lot of difficulties. Each time my friends helped me out of it. We have finally reached the wonderful Emerald City of Oz. I will let you know what happens as we have to go in search of the Wizard of Oz.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz

7. Imagine you are the lion and someone is interviewing you. Write the answers to the following questions

Question 1.
Who were your companions on the way to Oz?
How did you take the others across the ditch? Were you afraid?
Were you afraid of the Kalidahs? Why did you decide to fight with them?
What did it feel like after you were out of the forest?

Interviewer: Who were your companions on the way to Oz?
Myself: Dorothy and her dog Toto, the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow were my companions on my way to Oz.
Interviewer: How did you take the others across the ditch? Were you afraid?
Myself: After measuring the distance of the ditch, I felt I could jump over it. Then as suggested by Scarecrow, I took each one of them one after the other on my back and safely landed on the other side of the ditch. Yes I was scared the first time, I jumped across the ditch with Scarecrow on my back. But when we reached the other side safely my fright disappeared.
Interviewer: Were you afraid of the Kalidahs? Why did you decide to fight with them?
Myself: Yes, I was afraid of the Kalidahs. Anyone would be. They were so dreadful and fierce beasts. I loved my friends dearly. Among my friends I was the one who looked big and ferocious. I felt that my friends believed in me and that is why I decided to fight the Kalidahs as long as I could.
Interviewer: What did it feel like after you were out of the forest?
Myself: It felt wonderful and great. We had actually reached the beautiful city of Oz and all of us were delightful.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz

Language Study :

Question 1.
Read the following note and then highlighted the conjunctions.
“I am terribly afraid of falling, myself,” said the Cowardly Lion, “ but I suppose there is nothing to do but try it. So get on my back and we will make the attempt.”
The Scarecrow sat upon the Lion’s back, and the big beast walked to the edge of the gulf and crouched down.
“Why don’t you run and jump ?” asked the Scarecrow.
“ Because that isn’t the way we Lions do these things,” he replied. Then giving a great spring, he shot through the air and landed safely on the other side.
“I am terribly afraid of falling, myself,” said the Cowardly Lion, “ but I suppose there is nothing to do but try it. So get on my back and we will make the attempt.”
The Scarecrow sat upon the Lion’s back, and the big beast walked to the edge of the gulf and crouched down.
“Why don’t you run and jump ?” asked the Scarecrow.
Because that isn’t the way we Lions do these things,” he replied. Then giving a great spring, he shot through the air and landed safely on the other side.

English Balbharati Std 5 Answers Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following in one sentence:

Question 1.
Name the travellers.
The travellers are Dorothy and her dog Toto, the Tin Woodman, the Scarecrow and the lion.

Question 2.
Who is whisked by the cyclone?
Dorothy and her dog are whisked by the cyclone.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz

Question 3.
Where did Dorothy find herself?
Dorothy found herself in the wonderful Land of Oz

Question 4.
What did Tin Woodman, Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion need?
The Tin Woodman needed a heart, Scarecrow needed brains and the Cowardly Lion needed bravery

Question 5.
Who would help the travellers get what they needed?
The Wizard of Oz, was the only person who could help the travellers to get what they needed.

Question 6.
What did the travellers see after walking for an hour?
After walking for an hour, the travellers saw before them a great ditch that crossed the road and divided the forest.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz

Question 7.
Who helped the travellers cross the ditch?
The cowardly lion helped the travellers cross the ditch.

Question 8.
What added to the discomfort of the travellers?
The strange noises that the travellers heard coming from the depths of the forest added to the discomfort of the travellers.

Question 9.
What did the travellers see when they started crossing the bridge?
The travellers saw two great beasts with bodies like bears and heads like tigers running towards them.

Answer in a few lines:

Question 1.
Describe the ditch.
There was a ditch that divided the forest. It was very wide and very deep too. There were many big, jagged rocks at the bottom. The sides of the ditch were very steep.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz

Question 2.
Why did the Scarecrow decide to try the jump across the ditch on the lion’s back first?
The Scarecrow decided to try the jump across the ditch on the lion’s back first because if Dorothy sat first and the jump was not successful she would be killed. If the Tin Woodman sat first and the jump was not successful he would be badly dented on the rocks. But if the Scarecrow fell it would not be hurt at all.

Question 3.
What are the Kalidahs?
Kalidahs are monstrous beasts with bodies like bears and heads like tigers. Their claws are so long and sharp that they could tear anyone into two easily. The travellers were terribly afraid of Kalidahs.

Question 4.
How did the travellers cross the second gulf / ditch?
The Scarecrow asked Tin Woodman to chop down the great tree standing close to the ditch so that it would fall across the gulf and the travellers would be able to walk across it easily to the other side.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz

Question 5.
How did the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman put an end to the brutes?
The Scarecrow asked Tin Woodman to chop the end of the tree that rested on their side of the ditch. The Tin Woodman began chopping the tree and just as the two Kalidahs were nearly across, the tree fell with a crash into the gulf along with the ugly, snarling brutes. Both the brutes dashed to pieces on the sharp rocks at the bottom

Question 6.
What could the travellers see on the other side of the broad river?
On the other side of the broad river, the travellers could see the road of yellow brick running through a beautiful country. The green meadows were dotted with bright flowers and the road was bordered with trees bearing delicious fruits.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz

Question 7.
Give a short account of how the travellers crossed the first ditch/gulf.
The travellers walked for an hour in the forest when they came across a great ditch that divided the forest. They could not proceed. The ditch was wide and steep. It had jagged rocks at the bottom. Scarecrow comes up with an idea. He requested the lion to carry everyone one by one on his back and jump to the other side of the ditch. The lion was successful in doing this. In this way the travellers crossed the first ditch.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz

Question 8.
Give a short account of how the travellers crossed the second ditch/gulf.
After crossing the first gulf/ditch, the travellers travelled some distance and came across another gulf which was broader and deeper than the first ditch/gulf. It was impossible for the lion to jump across. The Scarecrow came up with an idea. He asked Tin Woodman to chop the tree near the ditch, in such a way that it fell across the gulf creating a bridge. The travellers successfully crossed this gulf too.

Pick out the conjunctions from the sentences.

Question 1.

  1. He was punished because he did mischief.
  2. My friend and me went to the garden.
  3. I had an umbrella but I was completely wet.
  4. We had pizzas and burgers at the party.
  5. It was hard to say whether Mumbai Indians or Chennai Super Kings would win.


  1. because
  2. and
  3. but
  4. and
  5. or

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz

Do as directed:

Question 1.

  1. ……………… Taj Mahal is one of ………. wonders of the world. (Fill in with articles)
  2. Ramu was not only known for his honesty but also for his wisdom. (Pick out the nouns and state their kind)
  3. The train went ……………. the tunnel. (Fill in with a preposition)
  4. The lion jumped upon the deer and killed it. (Pick out the verbs)
  5. The sky was filled with stars. (Identify the kind of sentence)
  6. Seeing the cat, the rat ran quickly into its hole. (Pick out the adverb)
  7. Add proper prefixes to form the opposites of –
    • unity
    • conduct
    • developed
    • educated
  8. The scarecrow fell backward into the ditch. (Pick out the compound words)
  9. I have a pet cat. …………….. colour is light brown. (Fill in with it’s/its)
  10. She is a …………. girl. (Fill in with an adjective)


  1. The, the
  2. Ramu – Proper noun, honesty and wisdom – Abstract Noun
  3. through – preposition
  4. jumped, killed – verb
  5. Statement
  6. adverb – quickly
  7. unity – disunity, conduct – misconduct, developed – undeveloped, educated – uneducated
  8. scare + crow = scarecrow, back + ward = backward
  9. its
  10. beautiful/ hardworking/sincere/good/naughty

Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar

Read the passage and do the activities given below.

Question 1.
Who was the first to cross the bridge?
Dorothy, holding Toto in her arms was the first to cross the bridge.

Question 2.
What made the travellers look up when they started crossing the bridge?
A sharp growl made the travellers look up when they started crossing the bridge.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz

Question 3.
Why did the lion begin to tremble?
The lion began to tremble because he saw the Kalidahs running towards them.

Question 4.
Pick out a word from the passage which means ‘strange’.

Question 5.
Pick out two words from the passage to form opposite by using a prefix.
like – unlike, certainly – uncertainly, afraid – unafraid, even – uneven.

Question 6.
Frame sentences with the given words –
1. fierce
2. surprise
1. I was scared to see the fierce lion at the zoo.
2. Mohan was in a surprise when he saw a brand new cycle at home.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz

Question 7.
Dorothy screamed and the Scarecrow fell over backward. (Pick out the conjunction.)

Question 8.
Pick out a sentence which is in the exclamatory form.
They are the Kalidahs!

Question 9.
They had just started to cross the queer bridge when a sharp growl made them look up. (Pick out the adjectives from the sentence.)
queer, sharp

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz

Question 10.
What would you do if you were confronted by a barking dog?
If I was confronted by a barking dog, I would stand quiet without moving because I have heard that when dog barks and if there is no reaction from us they would go away.


Question 1.
Try to add more to these lists of words. Let us try some more endings –

-ors -ness -ment -tion
sailors sickness achievement subtraction
vendors cleverness government addition
mirrors cleanliness ailment multiplication
jailors backwardness agreement conjunction
visitors calmness development absorption

The Journey to the Great Oz Summary in English

Summary :

The Journey to the Great Oz’ is a classical novel for children, written by Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919). This classical novel was also made into a movie. This story takes you into a world of fantasies of witches, wizards, monsters and magic where one imagines the impossible.

The story revolves around Dorothy and her dog Toto who are carried away by the cyclone to the Land of Oz. There she meets Tin Woodman, who needs a heart, the Scarecrow who needs brains and a lion who needs bravery.

The one who can fulfill their needs is the Wizard of Oz, who lives in the Emerald City of Oz. The four travellers begin their journey and soon come to a great ditch. The lion carries each of the travellers to the other side of the ditch on his back.

They continue travelling and soon come to a deeper ditch. The Scarecrow comes out with an idea to chop down a tree near the ditch. Tin Woodman chops the tree letting it fall across the ditch.

Somehow the four travellers reach the other side with the help of the tree bridge. As soon as they reach the other side they are chased by some great beasts, the Kalidahs, with bodies like bears and heads like tigers. Scarecrow puts on his thinking cap and asks Tin Woodman to chop the end of the tree resting on their side.

The tree crashes into the gulf putting an end to the snarling beasts. The travellers resume walking and soon they come to a broad river and across the river they can see the beautiful country of Oz.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 21 The Journey to the Great Oz


  1. fantasy (n) – imagination dealing with magic
  2. literature (n) – written work
  3. whisked (v) – to move something without any warning with a quick, light, sweeping motion
  4. eventful (adj) – having memorable/ wonderful memories
  5. ditch (n) – a long shallow depression
  6. jagged (adj) – unevenly cut, rough and pointed
  7. despairingly (adu) – to give up hope
  8. faintest (adj) – weak sound
  9. shaggy (adj) – rough, long, thick hair
  10. mane (n) – long hair on the back of the neck of an animal
  11. crouched (o) – bent down
  12. gloomy (adj) – depressing
  13. monstrous (adj) – imaginary monsters which are large and frightful
  14. dreadful (adj) – very bad
  15. queer (adj) – strange
  16. brutes (n) – ferocious animals
  17. anxious (adj) – filled with worry
  18. delicious (adj) – very tasty
  19. delightful (adj) – very pleasant
  20. with all his might (phrase) – with all his strength

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 26 Water in the Well

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 26 Water in the Well Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 26 Water in the Well

English Balbharati Std 5 Digest Chapter 26 Water in the Well Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Find a word that has a similar meaning.

Question 1.
Find a word that has a similar meaning.

  1. sorry
  2. whole
  3. happily
  4. unfair
  5. remove


  1. pitiful
  2. full
  3. joufully
  4. unjust
  5. draw

2. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What does a farmer need most for his fields?
A farmer needs a good source of water for his field.

Question 2.
Where was the well situated?
The well was situated just outside the boundary of Kasim’s field.

Question 3.
What did Ahmad tell Kasim when he dug a channel and began to draw water?
When Kasim dug a channel and began to draw water, Ahmad questioned him about what he was doing and asked how he dared to touch the water in his presence.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 26 Water in the Well

Question 4.
What did the Judge tell Ahmad?
The Judge told Ahmad that he had no right to keep his belongings in Kasim’s property and that it had to be removed immediately or else he would have to pay a daily rent to Kasim, only then he would be allowed to use the well.

Question 5.
How do we come to know that Kasim was a generous man?
Despite the Judge giving the judgement that Ahmad would have to pay a daily rent to Kasim, Kasim never troubled Ahmad for the ‘rent’ that was due to him. In this way, we come to know that Kasim was a generous man.

3. Find the meaning of the following phrase and use them in your own sentence.

Question 1.
again and again
again and again: repeatedly.
I could not believe the bad news, so I read it again and again.

Question 2.
thought over
thought over- consider.
Ivan thought over the suggestion made by his friend but was not convinced.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 26 Water in the Well

Question 3.
in his mind’s eye
in his mind’s eye- in his imagination.
He could see the scene and the events in his mind’s eye.

Question 4.
in store for…
in store for- awaiting for something to happen in future.
The thief did not think of what was in store for him if he got caught.

Question 5.
(his/her) …… heart sank
(his/her) heart sank- to be disappointed.
His heart sank when he heard that he was not selected for the match.

Question 6.
heart of hearts
heart of hearts: know something but not admit it
I knew in my heart of hearts that something was wrong.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 26 Water in the Well

4. Group work:

Question 1.
Form groups of 5-8. In each group, rewrite the story in the form of a play. Present scenes from your play in the classroom.
(Ahmad and Kasim are standing near Ahmad’s well).

Ahmad: Why do you come begging for water time and again? I feel sorry to turn down your request every time. I have a suggestion for you, collect some money and buy the whole well from me.
Kasim: (thinks to himself) Ahmad would ask for a lot of money but the channel of water which will come running from the field will indeed change my fortune. (Next day)
Ahmad: So you have come again!
Kasim: I bring to you all my savings. I have decided to buy the whole well from you.
(Next day Kasim is at the well digging out a channel)
Ahmad: What are you doing Kasim? How dare you touch the water in my presence?
Kasim: What do you mean? Haven’t you sold this well to me?
Ahmad: Ah, I sold the well all right, but not the water in the well. The water still belongs to me, you can’t use it. If you needed the water along with the well, you should have said so. I have a suggestion for you, pay for the water separately and use it. You can buy freshwater every day. I don’t mind.
(Kasim rushes to the Qazi and tells him the whole story. Ahmad is summoned to the court and the Qazi hears his argument patiently and then…..)
Qazi: Hmm, I see that you are right. What you have sold is the well, the water is all yours. Isn’t that so?
Ahmad: My Lord, I am so grateful you understand the fine points of this case. The water does indeed belong to me.
Qazi: In that case Ahmad, why are you keeping it in Kasim’s well? You have no right to keep your belongings in his property. You must remove the water immediately or else, you can pay a daily rent to Kasim. Then he will allow you to use his well.
(Ahmad is dumbfounded, people present in the court laugh)
Kasim: (thinks to himself) I will never trouble Ahmad for the ‘rent’. After all I got justice.
(Curtain falls)

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 26 Water in the Well

English Balbharati Std 5 Answers Chapter 26 Water in the Well Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following:

Question 1.
What does a farmer need most for his field?
A farmer needs a good source of water for his field.

Question 2.
Do you think Ahmad was right in what he did? Why?
Ahmad was not right in what he did as he had sold the well to Kasim. Later he claimed that it was only the well and not the water in the well which he had sold. It was indeed unfair and unjust.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 26 Water in the Well

Activities :

Question 1.
Give one word for:

  1. The limit of an area or line marking it
  2. A conclusion reached after consideration
  3. Make known to public
  4. A reason put forward
  5. A place where legal cases are heard


  1. boundary
  2. decision
  3. announce
  4. argument
  5. court

Question 2.
Spot some describing words used in the lesson and fill in the blank.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 26 Water in the Well 1

  1. good
  2. whole
  3. some
  4. fresh

Language Study :

Question 1.
Find a word that has similar meaning:
1. cunning
2. proposal
1. crafty
2. suggestion

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 26 Water in the Well

Find the meaning of the following phrases and use them in your own sentences.

Question 1.
again and again : repeatedly.
I could not believe the bad news, so I read it again and again.

Question 2.
thought over : consider.
Ivan thought over the suggestion made by his friend but was not convinced.

Question 3.
in his mind’s eye : in his imagination.
He could see the scene and the events in his mind’s eye.

Question 4.
in store for: awaiting for something to happen in future.
The thief did not think of what was in store for him, if he got caught.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 26 Water in the Well

Question 5.
his/her heart sank: to be disappointed.
His heart sank when he heard that he was not selected for the match.

Question 6.
heart of hearts : know something but not admit it
I knew in my heart of hearts that something was wrong.

Do as directed :

Question 1.
What a farmer needs most for his fields is a good source of water. (pick out the nouns in the sentence given above)
farmer, field, source water

Question 2.
Ahmad, the man who owned the well, was a crafty old man (Pick out adjectives from the sentence given above)
crafty, old. – adjectives

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 26 Water in the Well

Question 3.
Kasim thought over the suggestion and liked it. (State the part of speech of the underlined Trond)
and – conjunction

Question 4.
What are you doing Kasim how dare you touch the water in my presence said Ahmad (Punctuate)
“What are you doing Kasim? How dare you touch the water in my presence?” said Ahmad.

Question 5.
Pay for the water separately. (Pick out the adverb)
separately – adverb

Question 6.
But Kasim was a generous man. (Add a question lag)
But Kasim was a generous man, wasn’t he?

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 26 Water in the Well

Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar

Read the following extract and answer the questions given below:

Question 1.
State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. Ahmad had always thought that the Qazi would side with him.
2. Ahmad was a generous man.
1. False
2. False

Question 2.
Write about the setting of the above given extract.
The above extract was set in the court.

Question 3.
Why was Ahmad overjoyed?
Ahmad was overjoyed as he thought that the Qazi was speaking in his favour.

Question 4.
Kasim’s heart sank (Explain the words underlined above)
Being a simple man Kasim thought that the Qazi was on Ahmad’s side, and that he had lost the case, so he was disappointed.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 26 Water in the Well

Question 5.
How did the Qazi prove his wisdom?
Since Ahmad maintained that he had only sold the well and not the water to Kasim, the Qazi said that Ahmad had no right to keep his belongings in Kasim’s property. A classic example of ‘Tit for tat’. He also passed an order that either he had the water removed from Kasim’s well immediately or pay a daily rent to Kasim.

Question 6.
Give a suitable moral for the extract.
A suitable moral for the extract is ‘you can fool some people some time, but not all the people all the time.’

Question 7.
(a) Give the adjective forms of :

  1. right – righteous
  2. thought – thoughtful

(b) Give the noun forms of:

  1. allow – allowance
  2. laugh .- laughter

Maharashtra Board Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 26 Water in the Well

Water in the Well Summary in English

Summary :

‘Water in the well is a story which revolves around two main characters, Kasim and Ahmad. Kasim was a farmer and he had an eye on Ahmad’s well as that would help him to channelise water to his fields. Each time Kasim would beg for access to Ahmad’s well his request would be turned down by Ahmad. Finally one day, Ahmad suggested to Kasim that he could buy the well from him. Kasim who liked the idea, which he considered beneficial, bought the well at the cost of all his savings.

The next day Kasim went to his own well (or so he thought) and dug out a channel to draw water. Ahmad questioned him how he dared to touch the water in his presence and further continued that he had only sold the well to him and not the water in the well which still belonged to him. He even put forward a suggestion that Kasim could pay him for the water separately on a daily basis and use it A shocked Kasim rushes to the Qazi who heard the argument patiently.

The Qazi’s wisdom comes to light when he tells Ahmad that he had no right to keep his belongings, i.e. the water in Kasim’s property. He also instructed him to remove the water immediately or pay daily rent to Kasim after which Kasim would allow him to use the well. A confused Ahmad was left speechless. But Kasim who was a generous man never troubled Ahmad for the ‘rent’.

Meanings :

  1. boundary (n) – the limit of an area or the line marking it .
  2. crafty (adj) – cunning
  3. access (n) – approach or enter
  4. suggestion (n) – a proposal
  5. decision (n) – a conclusion reached after consideration
  6. channel (n) – passage or a stretch of water
  7. announced (o) – make known to public
  8. presence (n) – being present
  9. argument (n): a reason put forward
  10. court (n) – a place where legal cases are heard
  11. summoned (v) – send for
  12. patiently (adv) – calmly endure
  13. Qazi (n) – one who dispenses justice (here)