Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Marathi Yuvakbharati 12th Digest Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी

12th Marathi Guide Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी Textbook Questions and Answers


1. अ. कृती करा.

प्रश्न 1.
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उत्तर :
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आ. चौकटीत उत्तरे लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.

  1. तोलोलिंगच्या पायथ्याशी असलेले स्मारक [ ]
  2. भयाण पर्वतांवर चढणार [ ]
  3. मृत्यूलाच आव्हान देणारी [ ]
  4. कारगिल युद्धाच्या आठवणींना उजाळा देणारी [ ]
  5. चोवीस जणांची लडाख भेट [ ]

उत्तर :

  1. तोलोलिंगच्या पायथ्याशी असलेले स्मारक – ऑपरेशन विजय
  2. भयाण पर्वतांवर चढणार – आमचे धैर्यधर सैनिक
  3. मृत्यूलाच आव्हान देणारी – 22-23 वर्षांचे तेजस्वी तरुण
  4. कारगिल युद्धाच्या आठवणींना उजाळा देणारी – ड्रायव्हर स्टानझिन
  5. चोवीस जणांची लडाख भेट – मिशन लडाख

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी

इ. कारणे लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
थरथरत्या हातांनी आणि डबडबलेल्या डोळ्यांनी ‘ऑपरेशन विजय’च्या स्मारकाला सलाम केला, कारण ………
उत्तर :
थरथरत्या हातांनी आणि डबडबलेल्या डोळ्यांनी ‘ऑपरेशन विजय यांच्या स्मारकाला सलाम केला; कारण ते स्मारक होते हुतात्मा झालेल्या 22 – 23 वर्षांच्या कोवळ्या तरुणांचे!

प्रश्न 2.
‘मिशन लडाख’ साठी ‘राखी पौर्णिमे’चा मुहूर्तनिवडला, कारण ……………
उत्तर :
‘मिशन लडाख ‘साठी ‘राखी पौर्णिमे ‘चा मुहूर्त निवडला; कारण आपल्या रक्षणकर्त्या प्रत्यक्ष भेटून राखी बांधली, आशीर्वाद दिले, तर आपली कृतज्ञता व्यक्त होईल, असे लेखिकांना वाटत होते.

प्रश्न 3.
लष्कराबद्दलच्या आत्मीयतेच्या, अभिमानाच्या पोतडीत आमच्यावरील ॠणाचं एक एक गाठोडं जमा होत होतं, कारण…
उत्तर :
लष्कराबद्दलच्या आत्मीयतेच्या, अभिमानाच्या पोतडीत आमच्यावरील ऋणाचं एक एक गाठोडं जमा होत होतं; कारण लष्कर म्हटले की रुक्ष, भावनाहीन माणसे या कल्पनेच्या अगदी विरुद्ध असे त्यांचे वर्तन होते. अत्यंत प्रेमाने ते सर्वांचे आतिथ्य करीत होते.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी

प्रश्न 4.
लष्कराबद्दलच्या आत्मीयतेच्या, अभिमानाच्या पोतडीत आमच्यावरील ॠणाचं एक एक गाठोडं जमा होत होतं, कारण …………..
उत्तर :
लष्कराबद्दलच्या आत्मीयतेच्या, अभिमानाच्या पोतडीत आमच्यावरील ऋणाचं एक एक गाठोडं जमा होत होतं; कारण लष्कर म्हटले की रुक्ष, भावनाहीन माणसे या कल्पनेच्या अगदी विरुद्ध असे त्यांचे वर्तन होते. अत्यंत प्रेमाने ते सर्वांचे आतिथ्य करीत होते.

प्रश्न 5.
समाजात होत जाणाऱ्या बदलांबद्दल कर्नल राणा थोडे व्यथित होते, कारण ……
उत्तर :
समाजात होत जाणाऱ्या बदलाबद्दल कर्नल राणा थोडे व्यथित होते; कारण समाजात वाढलेल्या उथळपणामुळे नवीन तरुणांमधून खरा सैनिक घडवणे जिकिरीचे बनले होते.

ई. पाठाच्या आधारे खालील वाक्यांचा अर्थ स्पष्ट करा.

प्रश्न 1.
एवढासा भावनिक ओलावाही त्यांना उबदार वाटत होता.
उत्तर :
आपली माणसे, आपला गाव सोडून सैनिक हजारो मैल दूर वर्षानुवर्षे राहतात. आपली माणसं, नातेवाईक, मित्रमंडळी यांच्याशी वागताना मिळणारा भावभावनांचा गोड अनुभव त्यांना मिळत नाही. म्हणून लेखिका व त्यांच्या सोबती यांचा अल्पसा सहवासही त्यांना सुखद वाटतो.

प्रश्न 2.
‘सेवा परमो धर्म:’
उत्तर :
लेखिका कारगिल-द्वास येथून परतत असताना घडलेला प्रसंग आहे हा – रात्रीचे साडेदहा वाजले होते. मिट्ट काळोख पसरला होता. खल्सेचा पूल कोसळला होता. मागे-पुढे कुठेही जाण्याची सोय नव्हती. कर्नलना फोन लावला. विशेष म्हणजे ते फोनची वाटच पाहत होते. कर्नल लष्करी अधिकारी. कार्यव्यग्र. पण तशातही त्यांनी आठवण ठेवून लेखिकांसहित सर्व 34 जणांची खाण्यापिण्याची व राहण्याची सोय केली. दुसऱ्या दिवशी सकाळी भेटण्याचे आश्वासन दिले. सेवावृत्ती असल्याशिवाय इतका प्रतिसाद मिळालाच नसता.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी

प्रश्न 3.
गालावरती वाहणाऱ्या अश्रूंच्या माळा एका क्षणात हिरेजडित झाल्या.
उत्तर :
लडाखच्या दऱ्याखोऱ्यात, मिट्ट काळोखी रात्र. पावसामुळे जमिनीवरून पाण्याचे ओहोळ वाहत होते. खल्सेचा पूल कोसळला होता. काळजाचे पाणी पाणी करणारा प्रसंग! अशातच लेखिकांनी कर्नल राणा यांना फोन केला, तेव्हा त्यांचा आशादायक, दिलासादायक स्वर लेखिकांच्या कानांवर पडला. त्यांनी सर्व व्यवस्था आधीच केली होती. लेखिकांचे मन भरून आले. त्यांच्या डोळ्यांतून कृतज्ञतेचे, आनंदाचे अश्रू येऊ लागले.

प्रश्न 4.
लष्कर आणि नागरिकांमध्ये तुम्ही एक भावनिक सेतू बांधत आहात.
उत्तर :
लष्कराबद्दल सर्वसाधारण नागरिकांत गैरसमज फार असतात. लष्करातील जीवन अत्यंत खडतर असते. तेथे सुखकारक काहीच नसते. संपूर्णपणे बंदिस्त जीवन असते. सतत घरादारापासून दूर राहावे लागते. म्हणून बुद्धिमान तरुण लष्कराकडे वळत नाहीत. मुली सैनिकांशी लग्न करण्यास राजी नसतात. एक प्रकारे लष्कर आणि सामान्य जनता यांच्यात फार मोठी दरी निर्माण झाली आहे. ही दरी भरून काढण्याचे व दोन्ही बाजूंमध्ये संवाद निर्माण करण्याचे कार्य लेखिका त्यांच्या उपक्रमांद्वारे करीत होत्या.

2. व्याकरण

अ. खालील वाक्प्रचारांचा अर्थ लिहून वाक्यांत उपयोग करा.

प्रश्न 1.
जमीन अस्मानाचा फरक असणे.
उत्तर :
अर्थ – खूप तफावत असणे.
वाक्य – सुशिला समंजस व सुनिला हेकट आहे. दोघींच्या स्वभावात जमीन अस्मानाचा फरक आहे.

प्रश्न 2.
अंगावर काटा येणे.
उत्तर :
अर्थ – तीव्र मारा करणे.
वाक्य – भारतीय जवानांनी शत्रूवर तोफांतून आग ओकली.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी

प्रश्न 3.
आग ओकणे.
उत्तर :
अर्थ – भीतीने अंगावर शहारा येणे.
वाक्य – जंगलातून जाताना अचानक समोर वाघ पाहून प्रवाशांच्या अंगावर काटा आला.

प्रश्न 4.
मनातील मळभ दूर होणे.
उत्तर :
अर्थ – गैरसमज दूर होणे.
वाक्य – मनीषा पटेल असा त्याच्या वागण्याचा खुलासा केल्यानंतर सुदेशच्या मनातील मळभ दूर झाले.

आ. खालील तक्ता पूर्ण करा.

प्रश्न 1.
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उत्तर :

वाक्य वाक्यप्रकार बदलासाठी सूचना
जमेल का हे सारं आपल्याला? प्रश्नार्थी वाक्य विधानार्थी – हे सारं आपल्याला जमेल.
तुम्ही लष्कराचं मनोबळ खूप वाढवत आहात. विधानार्थी वाक्य उद्गारार्थी – किती वाढवत आहात तुम्ही लष्कराचं मनोबल!
यापेक्षा मोठा सन्मान कोणताही नव्हता. नकारार्थी वाक्य प्रश्नार्थक – यापेक्षा मोठा सन्मान कोणता होता का?
पुढील सगळे मार्ग बंदच होते. होकारार्थी वाक्य नकारार्थी – पुढील कोणतेच मार्ग खुले नव्हते.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी

इ. खालील तक्ता पूर्ण करा.

प्रश्न 1.
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उत्तर :

सामासिक शब्द विग्रह समासाचे नाव
बावीसतेवीस बावीस किंवा तेवीस वैकल्पिक द्वंद्व
ठायीठायी प्रत्येक ठिकाणी अव्ययीभाव
शब्दकोश शब्दांचा कोश विभक्ती तत्पुरुष
यथोचित उचित (योग्यते) प्रमाणे अव्ययीभाव

ई. योग्य पर्याय निवडा व लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
तुम्ही गाडीतच बसा. या वाक्यातील प्रयोग-
अ. भावे प्रयोग
आ. कर्तरी प्रयोग
इ. कर्मणी प्रयोग
उत्तर :
तुम्ही गाडीतच बसा. या वाक्यातील प्रयोग – कर्तरी प्रयोग.

प्रश्न 2.
त्यांना आपण जपलं पाहिजे. या वाक्यातील प्रयोग-
अ. कर्तरी प्रयोग
आ. भावे प्रयोग
इ. कर्मणी प्रयोग
उत्तर :
त्यांना आपण जपलं पाहिजे. या वाक्यातील प्रयोग – भावे प्रयोग.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी

प्रश्न 3.
पुढीलपैकी कर्मणी प्रयोगाचे वाक्य-
अ. त्यांनी आम्हांला दृक्-श्राव्य दालनात नेले
आ. भाग्यश्री जणू आमच्यात नव्हतीच
इ. आम्ही धैर्याचा मुखवटाच चढवला होता
उत्तर :
पुढीलपैकी कर्मणी प्रयोगाचे वाक्य – आम्ही धैर्याचा मुखवटाच चढवला होता

3. स्वमत.

प्रश्न अ.
‘जिस देश पर मैंने अपना बच्चा कुर्बान किया है, उस देश से थोडासा प्यार तो करो ।’ असे शहीद झालेल्या वीराच्या आईने का म्हटले आहे, ते स्पष्ट करा.
उत्तर :
जेव्हा जेव्हा देशावर शत्रूचे आक्रमण होते किंवा अतिरेक्यांचे हल्ले होतात, तेव्हा नागरिकांची देशभक्ती जागी होते. सैनिकांबद्दलचे प्रेम उफाळून येते आणि वीरमरण आलेल्या सैनिकांवर फुलांचा वर्षाव होतो. त्याच्या अंत्यदर्शनासाठी हजारोंनी लोक उपस्थित राहतात. एरव्ही सर्व नागरिक आपापल्या सुखात मशगुल असतात. देशावर प्रेम करायचे म्हणजे नाटक, सिनेमाच्या वेळी राष्ट्रगीताला उभे राहायचे किंवा १५ ऑगस्ट – २६ जानेवारीला झेंडावंदन करायचे. शेवटी, मूठ वळलेला हात हवेत उंचावून ‘भारतमाता की जय’ असे जोरात म्हणायचे! हीच देशभक्ती! आपली देशभक्ती कल्पना एवढ्यापुरतीच मर्यादित आहे.

वीरमरण आलेल्या सैनिकाच्या आईचे उद्गार सर्व देशवासीयांच्या डोळ्यांत अंजन घालणारे आहेत. ती आई सर्वांना देशावर थोडे तरी प्रेम करा, असे विनवीत आहे. देशावर प्रेम करणे याचा खरा अर्थ आपण नीट समजून घेतला पाहिजे.

देशावर प्रेम करायचे म्हणजे देशाचे भले चिंतायचे, देशाचे ज्या ज्या गोष्टीत भले होते, त्या सर्व गोष्टी केल्या पाहिजेत आणि ज्या गोष्टी देशाला हानिकारक आहेत त्या सर्वांचा त्याग केला पाहिजे. आता हेच बघा ना – काही काळापूर्वी कोरोनाचा कहर चालू झाला होता. लागलीच नाक-तोंड झाकायचा पाच रुपयांचा मास्क पंचवीस रुपयांना विकला जाऊ लागला. ताबडतोब काळाबाजार सुरू. काही समाजकंटक वापरलेले मास्क इस्त्री करून विकत होते.

दुधात भेसळ, अन्नधान्यात भेसळ, भाज्या तर 150 200 रुपयांना किलो अशा सुद्धा विकल्या गेल्या होत्या. लोक लाच घेतात. कामात घोटाळे करतात. कोणतेही काम प्रामाणिकपणे करीत नाहीत. त्यामुळे उत्पादने वाईट निर्माण होतात. सेवा चांगल्या मिळत नाहीत. हे सर्व देशाचेच नागरिक ना? असे केल्याने देशाची प्रगती कशी होईल?

सगळ्यांनी प्रामाणिकपणे उत्कृष्ट काम करणे ही देशभक्ती आहे. हेच देशावर प्रेम आहे. विद्यार्थ्यांपासून ते मंत्र्यांपर्यंत सगळ्यांनीच सचोटीने कामे केली तर देशाची प्रगती होईल.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी

प्रश्न आ.
ब्रिगेडियर ठाकूर यांनी शहरातील कुशाग्र बुद्धीच्या मुलांना मार्गदर्शन करण्याची विनंती लेखिकेला का केली असावी, ते स्पष्ट करा.
उत्तर :
सर्व लोकांच्या मनात सेनादलांविषयी गैरसमज फार आहेत. परकीयांचे आक्रमण होते त्या वेळी सेनादलांबद्दल अफाट प्रेम आणि अभिमान उफाळून येतो. पण गैरसमज वितळून जात नाहीत.

सेनादलातील जीवन खूपच कष्टाचे असते. ते नियमांनी करकचून बांधलेले असते. त्यात वैविध्य नसते. म्हणून ते कंटाळवाणे असते. सेनादलांविषयीचा हा दृष्टिकोन वरवर पाहिले, तर बरोबर आहे, असे वाटेल. पण हे गैरसमज आहेत. अगदी घट्ट रुतून बसले आहेत.

मुलांनी आपले शिक्षण पूर्ण करीत आणले की भविष्याचा विचार सुरू होतो. कुशाग्र बुद्धिमत्तेची मुले MBBS, IIM, B.Tech, M.Tech, BE, ME या अभ्यासक्रमाकडे डोळे लावून बसतात. बाकीचे विद्यार्थी आपापल्या मगदुराप्रमाणे अभ्यासक्रम निवडतात. पण कोणीही अगदी कोणीही, ‘मी सेनादलात जवान म्हणून जाईन, अधिकारी म्हणून जाईन,’ असे म्हणत नाहीत. हे कशाला? मुलीच्या लग्नाच्या वेळी कोणीही सेनादलातील मुलांचा नवरा म्हणून विचार करीत नाही. यामागे खरे तर गैरसमज आहेत.

कष्ट काय फक्त सैन्यातच असतात. सध्या आयटीमधील मुले 12 – 12, 15 – 15 तास काम करतात. घरी आल्यावरही ऑफिसचे काम असतेच. हे काय कष्ट नाहीत? वास्तविक लष्करातील कष्टाची व शिस्तीची शिकवण मिळाली, तर माणूस जीवनातील कोणत्याही क्षेत्रात सहज यश मिळवू शकतो. तसेच, लष्करी जीवनात प्रचंड विविधता असते.

किंबहुना लष्करातील थरारक अनुभव अन्यत्र कुठेच मिळू शकत नाही. शिवाय, लष्करात गेले की लढाई होणारच आणि आपण मरणारच असे थोडेच असते? नागरी जीवनात अपघाताने मृत्यू येत नाही? मुले आयुष्यभर कुटुंबापासून दूर राहतात, हेही पटण्यासारखे नाही. अलीकडे मुले अमेरिका, युरोप, ऑस्ट्रेलिया असे किती तरी दूर दूर जातात. त्याचे काय?

सगळ्यात महत्त्वाचे म्हणजे लष्करात फक्त पाच वर्षे नोकरी केली की मुक्त होता येते. ही सोय इतरत्र असते का? लष्कराचे अत्यंत मूल्यवान प्रशिक्षण मिळाले, तर नंतर कुठेही चमकदार जीवन जगता येऊ शकते. पण हे कोणीतरी जिव्हाळ्याने समजावून सांगितले पाहिजे आणि हे काम लेखिका अनुराधा प्रभुदेसाई करू शकतात, असा विश्वास ब्रिगेडियर ठाकूर यांना वाटत होता.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी

प्रश्न इ.
‘आम्हांला सैनिक नावाचा माणूस कळू लागला’, या विधानाचा तुम्हांला कळलेला अर्थ लिहा.
उत्तर :
कर्नल राणा लेखिकांशी अत्यंत आत्मीयतेने बोलले. त्यांच्या बोलण्यात रूक्षपणा, परकेपणा किंवा केवळ औपचारिकपणा नव्हता. त्यांच्या मनात सेनादलाविषयी विलक्षण कळकळ होती. ती कळकळ लेखक समजून घेऊ शकत होत्या. याचा कर्नल राणा यांना खूप आनंद झाला होता. त्यांच्या मनात सैनिकी जीवनाविषयी ठाम धारणा होत्या. त्या धारणांना अनुसरून सैनिक घडवायला हवा, असे त्यांना मनोमन वाटत असे. तसा सैनिक घडवणे आता जिकिरीचे बनले होते. राणा यांना ही स्थिती तीव्रपणे जाणवत होती.

सध्याच्या तरुणांवर टीव्ही व सामाजिक माध्यमे यांचा फार मोठा प्रभाव आहे. टीव्हीवरील कार्यक्रम बहुतांश वेळा वास्तवापासून दूर गेलेले असतात. किंबहुना प्रेक्षकांना वास्तवापासून दूर नेणे हेच त्यांचे उद्दिष्ट असते. त्या कार्यक्रमांतील सामाजिक समस्या या वास्तव नसतात. त्या काल्पनिक असतात. एखाद्या कार्यक्रमातील कथानकात वास्तवाच्या जवळ जाण्याचा प्रयत्न असतो, नाही असे नाही.

पण ते वास्तव खूप सुलभ केलेले असते. त्यातले ताणतणाव अस्सल नसतात. ते सुलभीकृत असतात. त्यामुळे त्यातील चित्रणात, जीवनाच्या दर्शनात उथळपणा असतो. सैनिक घडण्यासाठी ज्या धारणांची आवश्यकता असते, त्या धारणा तरुणांना परिचयाच्या नसतात. त्यामुळे त्यांना सैनिक म्हणून घडवणे जिकिरीचे बनते. सेनादलातील वास्तव हे रोकडे, रांगडे असते. तर टीव्हीमुळे सैनिकांविषयी रोमँटिक कल्पना निर्माण केली गेलेली आहे. सेनादलाला रोमँटिकपणा, हळवेपणा चालत नाही. तेथे रोखठोक, कठोर वास्तवाला सामोरे जावे लागते. हे नवीन तरुणांना जमत नाही.

नागरी जीवन व सैनिक जीवन यांच्यात अंतर पडलेले आहे. चांगला सैनिक होण्यासाठी हे अंतर दूर करणे आवश्यक आहे. तरच देशाला चांगला सैनिक मिळू शकतो. त्यासाठी आपण प्रथम सैनिक समजून घेतला पाहिजे. लेखिकांना कर्नल राणांकडून हा दृष्टिकोन मिळाला. या जाणिवेमुळे सैनिकातला माणूस समजून घेणे आपल्याला अधिक सोपे जाईल, असे लेखिकांना वाटले. ही भावना व्यक्त करण्यासाठी त्यांनी ‘आम्हांला सैनिक नावाचा माणूस कळू लागला,’ असे विधान केले आहे.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी

4. अभिव्यक्ती.

प्रश्न अ.
सैनिकी जीवन आणि सामान्य नागरिकांचे जीवन यांची तुलना तुमच्या शब्दांत करा.
उत्तर :
सैनिकाला स्वत:चे जीवन हजारो मैल दूर अंतरावर, कुटुंबीयांपासून लांब राहून जगावे लागते. आपल्या माणसांत राहून, त्यांच्या सुखदुःखात सहभागी होत रोजचे जीवन जगता येत नाही. कष्टमय दैनंदिन जीवन त्याच्या वाट्याला येते. आरामदायी जीवन जवळजवळ नाही. दऱ्याखोऱ्यांतून, वाळवंटातून, जंगलांतून किंवा हिमालयासारख्या बर्फाच्छादित पर्वतातून हिंडावे लागते.

तासन्तास एकाच जागी उभे राहून पहारे करावे लागतात. आज्ञा आली की सांगितलेले काम निमूटपणे करावे लागते. हे असे का? ते तसे नको. हे मला जमणार नाही, ते मी नंतर करीन, मला आता कंटाळा आला आहे, असे काहीही बोलता येत नाही. सैनिकाला संचारस्वातंत्र्य नसते. कुठेही जावे, कोणालाही भेटावे, काहीही करावे किंवा काहीही करू नये, असले कोणतेही स्वातंत्र्य सैनिकाला नसते. खरे तर अत्यंत खडतर, कष्टमय जीवन सैनिक जगत असतो.

याउलट, नागरिकांना दैनंदिन जीवन जगण्याचे पूर्ण स्वातंत्र्य असते. नागरिक कुटुंबीयांसोबत राहतो. सुखदुःखाचे सगळे क्षण तो कुटुंबीयांसोबत अनुभवतो. त्याला कुटुंबीयांचा सहवास मिळतो. कुटुंबीयांना त्याचा सहवास मिळतो. नागरिकाला पूर्ण संचार स्वातंत्र्य असते. तो कुठेही, कधीही, कोणाहीकडे जाऊ शकतो. कोणालाही भेटू शकतो; हवे ते करू शकतो.

कोणत्याही प्रकारे तो मनोरंजन करून घेऊ शकतो. असे स्वातंत्र्य सैनिकाला नसते. त्याच्यासमोर एकच काम असते – देशाचे रक्षण करणे. त्यात तो हयगय करू शकत नाही. त्याच्या जीवावर आपण सुरक्षित आयुष्य जगतो. त्याच्या भरोवशावर आपण सण-उत्सव साजरे करू शकतो. आपण नेहमीच सैनिकाचे ऋणी राहिले पाहिजे.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी

प्रश्न आ.
कारगिलमधील पुलावर पहारा करणाऱ्या सैनिकाच्या, ‘सिर्फ दिमाग में डाल देना है।’ या उद्गारातील आशय तुमच्या जीवनात तुम्ही कसा अंमलात आणाल ते लिहा.
उत्तर :
सिर्फ दिमाग में डालना है!’ हा मंत्र मला खूप मोलाचा वाटतो. हा मंत्र मला खूप आवडला आहे. तो मी प्रत्यक्षात अमलात आणणारच आहे. मी काही वेळा असे केलेलेच आहे. फरक एवढाच की, त्या वेळी हा मंत्र मला ठाऊक नव्हता. मी धडाक्यात काही गोष्टी पार पाडल्या आहेत. मी दोन उदाहरणे सांगतो. त्यावरून मी काय करणार आहे, हे लक्षात येईलच.

गेल्या वर्षीचीच गोष्ट आहे ही, मला निबंध लिहिणे अजिबात जमत नसे. लिहायला बसलो की सुरुवात कशी करू?, या प्रश्नावरच गाडी अडायची. एकदा मी झटक्यात ठरवले.. निबंध लिहायचाच. आता वाट बघत बसायचे नाही. मी लिहायला सुरुवात केली. पहिली दोन तीन वाक्ये लिहिल्यावर पुढे लिहिता येईना. विचार केला. तेव्हा लक्षात आले… माझा मुद्द्यांबाबत गोंधळ उडतोय. मग मुद्दे लिहायला घेतले.

सुचतील ते मुद्दे लिहून काढले. मग त्यांचा क्रम लावला. दोनतीन वेळा ते मुद्दे नवीन क्रमाने वाचले. प्रत्येक मुद्द्याबाबत मी काय विवेचन करीन, याचा मागोवा घेतला. … आणि सरळ लिहायला सुरुवात केली. न थांबता लिहितच गेलो. निबंध पूर्ण झाला. तो मी सरांना दाखवला. सरांनी ‘उत्तम’ असा शेरा देऊन शाबासकी दिली. मी खूश!

दुसरा प्रसंग. मी सकाळी सकाळी टीव्हीवर मॅच बघत होतो. सहज माझे लक्ष गेले. आईने बादलीत गरम पाणी काढले होते. त्यात साबणपूड मिसळली आणि बरेच कपडे जमा करून त्या पाण्यात तिने ते कपडे भिजवले. बादली उचलून बाजूला ठेवतानाही तिला खूप कष्ट पडलेले मी पाहिले. मला कसेसेच वाटले.

मी इथे आरामात टीव्ही पाहणार आणि जेवढे तिला उचलायलाही झेपत नाहीत, तेवढे कपडे ती धुणार! मनात आले… आपणच का धुवू नयेत? पण शंका आली… आपल्याला झेपेल? किती वेळ लागेल? हात दुखतील? पण तत्क्षणी विचार आला… आईला हे प्रश्न पडतात? ती कशी धुणार? ते काही नाही. मी ठरवून टाकले… आपणच धुवायचे. मी न्हाणीघरात गेलो. एकेक कपडा नीट पाहून, मळलेला भाग लक्षात घेऊन कपडे ब्रशने व्यवस्थित घासले. एकेक कपडा घेऊन हासळून घुसळून सर्व कपडे धुवून टाकले. माझे मलाच आश्चर्य वाटले.

हे मला कसे जमले? आता माझ्या लक्षात आले. हाच तो मंत्र ‘सिर्फ दिमाग में डालना है!’ आता मी ठरवून टाकले आहे… मी माझ्या कामांचे नियोजन करणार आणि हे असेच नियोजनानुसार पार पाडणार… असे… दिमाग में डाल दे दूँगा! मला खात्री आहे मी यशस्वी होणारच.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी

उपक्रम :

अ. रजा घेऊन गावाकडे आलेल्या एखादया सैनिकाची किंवा माजी सैनिकाची मुलाखत घेण्यासाठी प्रश्नावली तयार करा.
आ. पाठात आलेले ‘आर्मी’शी संबंधित शब्द शोधा व त्यांचे अर्थ जाणून घेऊन ते गटासमोर सांगा.

तोंडी परीक्षा.

अ. ‘विजयस्तंभासमोर लेखिकेने घेतलेली शपथ’ हा प्रसंग तुमच्या शब्दांत थोडक्यात सांगा.
आ. ‘मी सैनिक होणार’ या विषयावर पाच मिनिटांचे भाषण दया.

Marathi Yuvakbharati 12th Digest Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी Additional Important Questions and Answers

कृती करा.

प्रश्न 1.
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उत्तर :
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प्रश्न 2.
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उत्तर :
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प्रश्न 3.
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उत्तर :

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प्रश्न 4.
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उत्तर :
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चौकटींत उत्तरे लिहा :

प्रश्न 1.

  1. कारगील युद्धाचे वर्ष [ ]
  2. कारगील युद्धाच्या स्मारकाचे नाव [ ]
  3. 14 कोअरच्या कर्नलांचे नाव [ ]
  4. ‘मिशन लडाख ‘चा चमू आणि सैनिक यांना बांधणारा [ ]
  5. ‘मिशन लडाख ‘चा शेवटचा टप्पा [ ]

उत्तर :

  1. 1999
  2. ऑपरेशन विजय
  3. कर्नल झा
  4. राखीचा धागा
  5. द्रास-कारगील

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी

प्रश्न 2.

  1. कधीही पाऊस न पडणारा प्रदेश [ ]
  2. लेहमधील लष्करी अधिकारी [ ]
  3. खल्सेचा पूल कोसळल्यामुळे प्रवाशांना आसरा मिळालेले ठिकाण [ ]
  4. कार्यतत्परतेमुळे लेखिकांनी सैनिकांना दिलेली उपमा [ ]
  5. वेगवेगळ्या रेजिमेंटला जाण्याची परवानगी देणारा विभाग [ ]
  6. समाजातील बदलांमुळे व्यथित झालेले [ ]
  7. “या वातावरणात भारतीयत्वाचा सुगंध आहे,” असे म्हणणारी [ ]
  8. रक्षाबंधनासाठी लडाखला नियमितपणे ग्रुप घेऊन येणाऱ्या [ ]
  9. ‘शहरातील कुशाग्र बुद्धीच्या मुलांची आम्हांला गरज आहे,’ असे म्हणणारे [ ]

उत्तर :

  1. लडाख
  2. कर्नल राणा
  3. ट्रॅफिक चेक पोस्ट
  4. कामकरी मुंग्या
  5. 14 कोअर
  6. कर्नल राणा
  7. भाग्यश्री
  8. लेखिका अनुराधा प्रभुदेसाई
  9. ब्रिगेडियर ठाकूर

वर्णन करा :

प्रश्न 1.
1. शपथेनंतरची अवस्था : ……………………
2. मिशन लडाखचा हेतू : …………………….
उत्तर :
1. शपथेनंतरची अवस्था : शपथेनंतर भावनिक आवेग ओसरल्यावर मनात शंका आली की, आपल्याला हे जमेल का? मन अस्वस्थ झाले. पण काही क्षणातच लेखिकांनी निर्धार केला.
2. मिशन लडाखचा हेतू : सर्वस्वाचा त्याग करून आपले सैनिक देशाचे रक्षण करतात म्हणून बहीण या नात्याने त्यांना राखी बांधून त्यांच्या असीम त्यागाबद्दल कृतज्ञता व्यक्त करावी, हा मिशन लडाखचा हेतू होता.

पुढील वाक्यांचा तुम्हाला समजलेला अर्थ लिहा :

प्रश्न 1.
मृत्यू समोर दिसत असतानाही त्याच्या जबड्यात हात घालून मृत्यूलाच आव्हान देणारी बावीस-तेवीस वर्षांची तेजोमय स्फुल्लिग होती ती!
उत्तर :
कारगील युद्धात हुतात्मा झालेले सैनिक २२-२३ वर्षांचे कोवळे तरुण होते. पण त्यांची देशनिष्ठा देदीप्यमान होती. शिखरावरून येणारे तोफगोळे कोणत्याही क्षणी आपला घास घेतील, हे उघड दिसत होते; पण त्याला ते घाबरले नाहीत. त्यांची निष्ठा ढळली नाही. ते मृत्यूला आव्हान देत पुढे सरकत होते. त्या वेळी त्यांची मने म्हणजे तेजस्वी ठिणग्याच वाटत होत्या.

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प्रश्न 2.
ज्यांना आशीवाद दयायचे, त्यांच्यासमोर नतमस्तक होऊन सलामी देणं किती कष्टप्रद आहे, याची जाणीव झाली.
उत्तर :
कारगील युद्धात हुतात्मा झालेले सैनिक २२-२३ वर्षांचे कोवळे तरुण होते. हे त्यांचे वय त्यांना आशीर्वाद प्यावे, असे होते. त्यांचे संपूर्ण आयुष्य अजून घडायचे होते. त्या वयात त्यांना मृत्यू आला होता, ही जाणीवच वेदनादायक होती.

प्रश्न 3.
सैनिकांच्या रेजिमेंटमध्ये जायचं, सैनिकांना भेटायचं; म्हणजे जणू सिंहाच्या गुहेत प्रवेश मिळवायचा होता.
उत्तर :
सैनिक म्हणजे भावभावना बाजूला सारून कर्तव्य कठोरतेने कृती करणारी माणसे. ही माणसे भेटल्यावर प्रतिसाद कसा देतील, आपल्याला समजून घेतील का, अशा अनेक शंका लेखिकांच्या मनात होत्या. त्यामुळे सिंहाची भीती वाटावी, तशी त्यांना सैनिकांची भीती वाटत होती.

प्रश्न 4.
सिर्फ दिमाग में डाल देना है।
उत्तर :
सैनिक दिलेली आज्ञा पाळतात. सांगितलेली कृती जमेल का, त्रास होईल का, काही नुकसान होईल का, यश मिळेल का, वगैरे कोणतेही प्रश्न विचारण्याची, मनात आणण्याचीही त्यांना सवय नसते. फक्त ‘हे हे करायचे आहे’ एवढेच ते मनाला बजावतात.

गेल्या वर्षीचीच गोष्ट आहे ही. मला निबंध लिहिणे अजिबात जमत नसे. लिहायला बसलो की सुरुवात कशी करू?, या प्रश्नावरच गाडी अडायची. एकदा मी झटक्यात ठरवले… निबंध लिहायचाच, आता वाट बघत बसायचे नाही. मी लिहायला सुरुवात केली. पहिली दोनतीन वाक्ये लिहिल्यावर पुढे लिहिता येईना. विचार केला. तेव्हा लक्षात आले… माझा मुद्द्यांबाबत गोंधळ उडतोय.

मग मुद्दे लिहायला घेतले. सुचतील ते मुद्दे लिहून काढले. मग त्यांचा क्रम लावला. दोनतीन वेळा ते मुद्दे नवीन क्रमाने वाचले, प्रत्येक मुद्दयाबाबत मी काय विवेचन करीन, याचा मागोवा घेतला. … आणि सरळ लिहायला सुरुवात केली. न थांबता लिहितच गेलो, निबंध पूर्ण झाला. तो मी सरांना दाखवला, सरांनी ‘उत्तम’ असा शेरा देऊन शाबासकी दिली. मी खूश!

दुसरा प्रसंग. मी सकाळी सकाळी टीव्हीवर मॅच बघत होतो. सहज माझे लक्ष गेले. आईने बादलीत गरम पाणी काढले होते. त्यात साबणपूड मिसळली आणि बरेच कपडे जमा करून त्या पाण्यात तिने ते कपडे भिजवले. बादली उचलून बाजूला ठेवतानाही तिला खूप कष्ट पडलेले मी पाहिले. मला कसेसेच वाटले.

मी इथे आरामात टीव्ही पाहणार आणि जेवढे तिला उचलायलाही झेपत नाहीत, तेवढे कपडे ती धुणार! मनात आले… आपणच का धुवू नयेत? पण शंका आली… आपल्याला झेपेल ? किती वेळ लागेल? हात दुखत्तील? पण तत्क्षणी विचार आला… आईला हे प्रश्न पडतात? ती कशी धुणार? ते काही नाही. मी ठरवून टाकले… आपणच धुवायचे. मी न्हाणीघरात गेलो. एकेक कपडा नीट पाहून, मळलेला भाग लक्षात घेऊन कपडे ब्रशने व्यवस्थित घासले. एकेक कपडा घेऊन हासळून घुसळून सर्व कपडे धुवून टाकले. माझे मलाच आश्चर्य वाटले.

हे मला कसे जमले? आता माझ्या लक्षात आले. हाच तो मंत्र – ‘सिर्फ दिमाग में डालना है!’ आता मी ठरवून टाकले आहे… मी माझ्या कामांचे नियोजन करणार आणि हे असेच नियोजनानुसार पार पाडणार… असे… दिमाग में डाल दे दूंगा! मला खात्री आहे मी यशस्वी होणारच.

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लेखिकांना जाणवलेले कर्नल झा यांचे व्यक्तित्व गुण :

प्रश्न 1.

  1. ………………………….
  2. ………………………….
  3. ………………………….

उत्तर :

  1. प्रसन्न व्यक्तिमत्त्व.
  2. लेखिकांच्या कार्याचे मोल जाणणे.
  3. लेखिका आणि त्यांचे कार्य यांची आठवण वर्षानुवर्षे जपणे.

एका तरुण सैनिकाला लेखिकांमध्ये त्याची मावशी दिसली, तेव्हाची लेखिकांची प्रतिक्रिया :

प्रश्न 1.

  1. ………………..
  2. ……………….
  3. ……………….

उत्तर :

  1. “खरं की काय? बरं ती मंगल मावशी, तर मी अनु मावशी!” असे उद्गार लेखिकांनी काढले.
  2. त्याला गळाभेटीची अनुमती दिली. .
  3. अन्य सोबत्यांचीही गळाभेट घडवून आणली.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी

कारणे लिहा :

प्रश्न 1.
कर्नल झा यांना भेटायला जाताना मन धास्तावले होते; कारण –
उत्तर :
कर्नल झा यांना भेटायला जाताना मन धास्तावले होते; कारण सेनाधिकाऱ्याला भेटण्याचे खूप दडपण मनावर होते.

प्रश्न 2.
एक तरुण सैनिक सगळ्यांची गळाभेट घेत होता; कारण –
उत्तर :
एक तरुण सैनिक सगळ्यांची गळाभेट घेत होता; कारण त्याच्या मंगल मावशीच्या मुलीच्या म्हणजेच मावस बहिणीच्या लग्नाला त्याला हजर राहता आले नव्हते. लेखिका व त्यांच्या सोबत्यांमध्ये तो मंगल मावशी व नातेवाईक यांना शोधीत होता.

प्रश्न 3.
लडाखी मुलांना हे सगळं अप्रूपच होतं; कारण –
उत्तर :
लडाखी मुलांना हे सगळं अप्रूपच होतं; कारण तेथे कधीच पाऊस पडत नाही.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी

प्रश्न 4.
थंडीमुळे चेहरे झाकलेले तीन जण टॉर्चच्या प्रकाशात, भयाण वातावरणाला अधिक गडद करीत आम्हाला परत जायला सांगत होते; कारण
उत्तर :
थंडीमुळे चेहेरे झाकलेले तीन जण टॉर्चच्या प्रकाशात, भयाण वातावरणाला अधिक गडद करीत आम्हाला परत जायला सांगत होते; कारण पुढे खल्सेचा पूल कोसळला होता.

पाठाच्या आधारे पुढील वाक्यांचा अर्थ स्पष्ट करा :

प्रश्न 1.
या वातावरणात भारतीयत्वाचा सुगंध आहे.
उत्तर :
कारगील परिसराच्या वातावरणात भारतीयत्वाची भावना भरून राहिलेली आहे. जात-पात, धर्म-पंथ, भाषा-प्रांत असल्या कोणत्याही भेदभावाचे दर्शन घडत नाही.

प्रश्न 2.
‘आपली माणसं’ भेटल्याचा गहिवर दाटून येतो.
उत्तर :
दऱ्याखोऱ्यात भन्नाट एकाकी, रौद्र आणि जरासुद्धा हिरवळ नसलेल्या प्रदेशात आपले सैनिक राहतात. तरीही ममत्व, बंधुभाव जपतात, नाती जोडतात. म्हणून सैनिक ‘आपलीच माणसे’ वाटतात.

वीरांना सलामी Summary in Marathi

पाठ परिचय :

लेखिका 2004 साली पर्यटक म्हणून लेह-लडाखला गेल्या होत्या. त्या पर्यटनात त्यांना सैनिकांचे खडतर जीवन व सर्वस्वाचे समर्पण करण्याची वृत्ती यांचे दर्शन घडले. लेखिका भारावून गेल्या, सैनिकांच्या त्यागाबद्दल कृतज्ञता व्यक्त करण्याचा एक भाग म्हणून सैनिक व सामान्य नागरिक यांच्यात प्रेमाचा पूल बांधण्याची कल्पना त्यांच्या मनात आली. आपला तो सर्व अनुभव या पाठात त्यांनी मांडला आहे.

एक वेगळी सहल म्हणून द्रास-कारगीलचा प्रवास सुरू झाला. लेह ते कारगील प्रवास, सोबतचा ड्रायव्हर कारगील युद्धाची थरारक हकिगत सांगत होता. ती हकिगत ऐकत ऐकत मुक्काम गाठला.

प्रत्यक्ष रणभूमी पाहिल्यावर 1999 सालच्या कारगील युद्धाची भीषणता लक्षात आली. उभ्या चढणीच्या पहाडावरून शत्रूच्या तोफा धडाडत होत्या. त्याच स्थितीत आपले जवान उभी चढण अथक चढत होते. स्वत:हून मृत्यूच्या तोंडात शिरण्यासारखा प्रकार होता तो! बावीस-तेवीस वर्षांचे कोवळे जीव स्फुल्लिंगाप्रमाणे चमकत होते. त्यांच्या स्मारकाला वंदन करताना या आठवणी मनाला वेदना देत होत्या.

दृक्श्राव्य केंद्रात कारगील युद्धाची फिल्म दाखवण्यात आली. सैनिकांच्या त्यागाची कल्पना लेखिकांना आली. संपूर्ण जीवनच देशासाठी अर्पण करणाऱ्या सैनिकांच्या त्यागाचा परिचय देशवासीयांना घडवण्यासाठी त्यांना इथे आणण्याची प्रतिज्ञा लेखिकांनी केली.

जवानांना राखी बांधण्याचा उपक्रम अनेक वर्षे सलग केला. या प्रसंगी अनेक सैनिकांच्या व्यक्तिगत जीवनातील हकिगती ऐकायला मिळाल्या.

लेह-लडाखच्या भेर्टीमुळे लेखिकांच्या स्वत:च्या मनातील अहंकार, बडेजाव, प्रतिष्ठितपणाच्या कल्पना गळून पडल्या. सैनिकांच्या उदात्त भावनांचे दर्शन घडले. ब्रिगेडियर कुशल ठाकूर यांनी सेनादलाशी निर्माण झालेली जवळिकता कमी होऊ देऊ नका, अशी लेखिकांना विनंती केली. तसेच, निदान पाच वर्षे तरी कमिशन्ड ऑफिसर म्हणून सेनादलात दाखल व्हावे, असा निरोप तरुणांपर्यंत पोहोचवण्याची विनंती त्यांनी लेखिकांना केली, ती विनंती परिपूर्ण करण्याचा निश्चय करून लेखिका परतल्या.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 5 वीरांना सलामी

शब्दार्थ :

  1. उत्पात – ज्यात फार मोठा नाश आहे असे संकट.
  2. स्फुल्लिग – ठिणगी.
  3. विव्हळ – यातना, पिडा यांनी व्याकूळ.
  4. सपक – बेचव, निसत्त्व.
  5. भाट – स्तुती करण्यासाठी नेमलेला पगारी नोकर.
  6. भेंडोळी – लांबलचक कागदाच्या गुंडाळया.
  7. कॉम्बॅट वर्दी – वंद्व युद्धाचा गणवेश.
  8. पुनरागमनायच – पुन्हा येण्यासाठीच.
  9. नीरव – आवाजविरहित.
  10. समर्पण – संपूर्णपणे अर्पण.
  11. याच्यापरता – याच्यापेक्षा.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4 रे थांब जरा आषाढघना

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Marathi Yuvakbharati 12th Digest Chapter 4 रे थांब जरा आषाढघना Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4 रे थांब जरा आषाढघना

12th Marathi Guide Chapter 4 रे थांब जरा आषाढघना Textbook Questions and Answers


1. अ. कारणे शोधा.

प्रश्न 1.
कवी आषाढघनाला थांबायला सांगतात, कारण …………….
उत्तर :
कवी आषाढघनाला थांबायला सांगतात; कारण आषाढघनाच्या कृपेने निर्माण झालेले निसर्गसौंदर्य त्याच्यासोबत कवींना डोळे भरून पाहायचे आहे.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4 रे थांब जरा आषाढघना

प्रश्न 2.
कवीने आषाढघनाला घडीभर उघडण्यास सांगितले, कारण ……………..
उत्तर :
कवींनी आषाढघनाला घडीभर उघडण्यास सांगितले; कारण आकाशातून नवीन कोवळी हळदीच्या रंगांची उन्हे धरतीवर यावीत.

आ. खालील वर्णनासाठी कवितेत आलेले शब्द लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.

  1. शेतातील हिरवीगार पिके [ ]
  2. पोवळ्यांसारखी लाल कणीदार माती [ ]
  3. वेळूच्या बेटांचे वर्णन करणारा शब्द [ ]
  4. फुलपाखरांच्या पंखांवरील रत्नासारखे तेज दर्शवणारा शब्द [ ]

उत्तर :

  1. शेतातील हिरवीगार पिके – कोमल पाचूंची शेते
  2. पोवळ्यांसारखी लाल कणीदार माती – प्रवाळ माती
  3. वेळूंच्या बेटांचे वर्णन करणारा शब्द – इंद्रनीळ
  4. फुलपाखरांच्या पंखांवरील रत्नासारखे तेज दर्शवणारा शब्द – रत्नकळा

इ. एका शब्दात उत्तर लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.

  1. रोमांचित होणारी
  2. नव्याने फुलणारी
  3. लाजणाऱ्या

उत्तर :

  1. रोमांचित होणारी – थरारक
  2. नव्याने फुलणारी – नवे फुलले
  3. लाजणाऱ्या – लाजिरवाणे

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4 रे थांब जरा आषाढघना

ई. कृती करा.

प्रश्न 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4 रे थांब जरा आषाढघना 1
उत्तर :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4 रे थांब जरा आषाढघना 2

2. जोड्या लावा.

प्रश्न 1.

‘अ’ गट ‘ब’ गट
1. काळोखाची पीत आंसवें अ. पाऊस उघडला तर पाण्यातील चंद्रबिंब पाहत
2. पालवींत उमलतां काजवे आ. ओलसर वातावरणातील मिट्ट काळोखाचे दुःख अनुभवत
3. करूं दे मज हितगूज त्यांसवें इ. वृक्षपालवीत उघडमीट करत चमकणाऱ्या काजव्यासोबत
4. निरखीत जळांतिल विधुवदना ई. मला गुजगोष्टी करू दे

उत्तर :

‘अ’ गट ‘ब’ गट
1. काळोखाची पीत आंसवें आ. ओलसर वातावरणातील मिट्ट काळोखाचे दुःख अनुभवत
2. पालवींत उमलतां काजवे इ. वृक्षपालवीत उघडमीट करत चमकणाऱ्या काजव्यासोबत
3. करूं दे मज हितगूज त्यांसवें ई. मला गुजगोष्टी करू दे
4. निरखीत जळांतिल विधुवदना अ. पाऊस उघडला तर पाण्यातील चंद्रबिंब पाहात

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4 रे थांब जरा आषाढघना

3. खालील ओळींचा अर्थ लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
कणस भरूं दे जिवस दुधानें
देठ फुलांचा अरळ मधानें
कंठ खगांचा मधु गानानें
आणीत शहारा तृणपर्णा
उत्तर :
पाऊस थांबल्यावर जराशी उघडीप होऊन कोवळे ऊन जेव्हा धरतीवर येईल, तेव्हा पौष्टिक दुधाने भरलेले कणीस दिसते. फुलांचा देठ अलवार मधाने भरलेला असतो. पक्ष्यांच्या गळ्यातली गोड किलबिल – स्वर ऐकून गवताच्या पात्यांच्या अंगावर शहारा फुललेला दिसतो.

4. काव्यसौंदर्य.

प्रश्न 1.
आश्लेषांच्या तुषारस्नानी
भिउन पिसोळी थव्याथव्यांनी
रत्नकळा उधळित माध्यान्हीं
न्हाणोत इंद्रवर्णांत वना, या ओळींतील काव्यसौंदर्य स्पष्ट करा.
उत्तर :
कवी बा. भ. बोरकर यांनी ‘रे थांब जरा आषाढघना’ या कवितेमध्ये आषाढ महिन्यात धरतीवर पडणाऱ्या पावसामुळे निसर्गसृष्टीत झालेले सौंदर्यमय बदल नादमय व ओघवत्या शब्दकळेत चित्रित केले आहेत. वरील ओळींमध्ये भिरभिरणाऱ्या फुलपाखरांच्या थव्याचे वर्णन केले आहे.

आषाढातील पाऊस थोडासा थांबल्यावर खाली येणाऱ्या कोवळ्या उन्हाने सृष्टी लख्ख झाली. आश्लेषा या पावसाळी नक्षत्रातील पाऊस पडताना त्यांच्या टपटपणाऱ्या थेंबांची आंघोळ फुलपाखरांना होत आहे. त्या थेंबाना भिऊन फुलपाखरे थव्याथव्यांनी भिरभिरत फुलांवरून रुंजी घालत आहेत. माध्यान्ही म्हणजेच भर दुपारी आपल्या रंगीबेरंगी पंखाची रत्ने प्रभाव उधळीत त्याच्या निळ्या रंगात साऱ्या रानाला जणू भिजवीत उडत आहेत.

फुलपाखरांचे अतिशय प्रत्ययकारी चित्र डोळ्यांसमोर उभे राहील, असे ओघवते वर्णन उपरोक्त ओळींत कवींनी शब्दलाघवाने केले आहे. पिसोळी’ या ग्रामीण शब्दांने फुलपाखरांचा इवला भिरभिरणारा देह डोळे दिपवणारा ठरला आहे.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4 रे थांब जरा आषाढघना

5. रसग्रहण.

खालील ओळींचे रसग्रहण करा.

प्रश्न 1.
रे थांब जरा आषाढघना
बघु दे दिठि भरुन तुझी करुणा
कोमल पाचूंची ही शेतें
प्रवाळमातीमधली औतें
इंद्रनीळ वेळूची बेटे
या तुझ्याच पदविन्यासखुणा
रोमांचित ही गंध-केतकी
फुटे फुली ही सोनचंपकी
लाजुन या जाईच्या लेकी
तुज चोरुन बघती पुन्हापुन्हा
उत्तर :
आशयसौंदर्य : कवी बा. भ. बोरकर यांच्या ‘रे थांब जरा आषाढघना’ या निसर्ग कवितेतील या उपरोक्त ओळी आहेत. आषाढ महिन्यात धुवाधार पाऊस पडतो आणि सृष्टीसौंदर्य फुलून येते. या नयनरम्य दृश्याचे वर्णन करताना कवी आषाढमेघाला थोडेसे थांबून हा सौंदर्यसोहळा पाहण्याची विनवणी करीत आहेत.

काव्यसौंदर्य : आकाशात आषाढमेघ दाटून आले आहेत. त्या आषाढमेघाला उद्देशून कवी म्हणतात – हे आषाढमेघा, जरासा थांब आणि तुझ्या कृपेने नटलेले निसर्गसौंदर्य मला तुझ्यासोबत डोळे भरून पाहू दे. कोमल नाजूक पाचूंच्या रंगाची ही हिरवीगार शेते, पोवळ्याच्या लाल रंगाच्या मातीत चालणारे नांगर, ही इंद्रनील रत्नांच्या प्रभेसारखी बांबूची बेटे या सर्व तुझ्याच पाऊलखुणा आहेत. तुझ्या आगमनाने रोमांचित झालेली सुवासिक केतकी, नुकतीच उमललेली सोनचाफ्याची कळी आणि जाईच्या लाजऱ्या मुली, तुला पुन्हा पुन्हा चोरून बघत आहेत. अशी ही तू निर्माण केलेली किमया पाहा.

भाषा वैशिष्ट्ये : उपरोक्त पंक्तीमध्ये कवींनी संस्कृतप्रचुर नादमय शब्दरचना केली आहे. आषाढाच्या आगमनाने भवतालची नटलेली सृष्टी नादमय शब्दकळेत रंगवलेली आहे. विशेष म्हणजे ‘आषाढघन, केतकी, सोनचाफ्याची कळी, जाईची फुले’ यावर मानवी भावनांचे आरोपण करून कवींनी

अंत : करणाला भिडणारे सौंदर्य प्रत्ययकारी रितीने मांडले आहे. निसर्ग आणि मानव यांतील सजीव अतूट नाते लालित्यपूर्ण शब्दांत चित्रित केले आहे. ‘लाजणाऱ्या जाई नि रोमांचित होणारी केतकी’ यातला हृदय भावनावेग रसिकांच्या मनाला भिडतो. नादानुकूल गेय शब्दकळेमुळे या ओळी ओठांवर रेंगाळतात.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4 रे थांब जरा आषाढघना

6. अभिव्यक्ती.

प्रश्न अ.
आषाढातील पावसाचा तुम्ही घेतलेला एखादा अनुभव शब्दबद्ध करा.
उत्तर :
आषाढाच्या पहिल्या दिवशी कवी कुलगुरू ‘कालिदास जयंतीला’ मी माझ्या गावी होतो. त्या दिवशी सकाळी सकाळी मी एकटाच गावाबाहेरच्या टेकडीवर फिरायला गेलो होतो. ‘शिवानी टेकडी’ ही खूप निसर्गरम्य आहे. माथ्यावर दाट झाडी आहे. मी झाडाखाली बसून आकाश न्याहाळत होतो. अचानक चोहोबाजूंनी काळ्या ढगांची फौज आकाशात गोळा झाली.

आभाळाची निळाई दाट जांभळ्या रंगात झाकोळून गेली, झोंबणारे गार वारे चोहोकडून अंगावर आले नि टपटप टपटप टपोर थेंब बरसू लागले. मी छत्री नेली नव्हती, त्यामुळे यथेच्छ सचैल भिजायचे मी ठरवले. आषाढ मेघांचे तुषार झेलत मी मस्तपैकी निथळत होतो. झाडांच्या फांदया घुसळत जणू झाडे झिम्मा खेळत होती. घरट्यांतले पक्षी पंखावर थेंबाचे मोती घेऊन चिडीचूप होते.

पावसाची सतार डोंगरावर गुंजत होती नि आषाढमेघ मल्हार राग गात होते. मी डोळ्यांत ते अनोखे दृश्य साठवत आत्मिक आनंद घेत होता. सडींचा तंबोरा लागला होता. मला वाटले मीपण त्या वृक्षराजीतले एक झाड आहे आणि मला आषाढमेघाचे फळ फुटले आहे. सारा आसमंत ओल्या समाधीत बुडून गेला आहे.

प्रश्न आ.
‘आषाढघनाचे आगमन झाले नाही तर…’ या विषयावर निबंध लिहा.
उत्तर :
आषाढघनाचे आगमन झाले नाही तर?
मध्यंतरी कोरोनाने अक्षरश: हैदोस घातला होता. जगातली सर्व कुटुंबे आपापल्या घरात कोंडून पडली होती. माणसाच्या गेल्या दहा हजार वर्षांच्या इतिहासात पहिल्यांदाच घडले हे. निसर्गाने माणसाला शिक्षाच द्यायला सुरुवात केली नसेल ना? गेली दहा हजार वर्षे माणूस स्वार्थासाठी निसर्गाचा ओरबाडतो आहे. पर्यावरण उद्ध्वस्त करीत आहे. त्याचा बदला तर नाही ना हा? आणखी काय काय घडणार आहे कोण जाणे! सध्याचाच ताप पाहा आधी. तापमानाचा पारा 40° ला स्पर्श करीत आहे. आता पाऊस येईल तेव्हाच गारवा. त्यातच पाऊस या वर्षी उशिरा आला तर? अरे देवा! पण तो आलाच नाही तर?आषाढघनाचे दर्शनच घडले नाही तर?

परवाच बा. भ. बोरकर यांची कविता वाचत होतो. वाचता वाचता हरखून गेलो होतो. या पावसाळ्यात जायचेच, असा आमच्या घरात बेत आखला जात होता. गावी जायला मिळाले, तर आषाढघनाने नटलेले निसर्गसौंदर्य डोळे भरून पाहता येईल. कोमल, नाजूक पाचूच्या रांगांची हिरवीगार शेते, पोवळ्याच्या रंगाची लाल माती, रत्नांच्या प्रभेसारखी बांबूची बेटे, सोनचाफा, केतकी, जाईजुई यांचे आषाढी स्पर्शाने प्रफुल्लित झालेले सौंदर्य अनुभवायला मिळेल, हे खरे आहे. पण पाऊसच नसेल तर?

आषाढ महिना हा धुवाधार पावसाचा महिना. गडगडाटासह धो धो कोसळणाऱ्या पावसाचा महिना. कधी कधी हे आषाढघन रौद्ररूप धारण करतात. गावेच्या गावे जलमय होतात. डोंगरकडे कोसळतात. घरे बुडतात. गटारे ओसंडून वाहतात. सांडपाण्याची, मलमूत्राची सर्व घाण रस्तोरस्ती पसरते. घराघरात घुसते. मुकी जनावरे बिचारी वाहून जातात. हे सर्व परिणाम किरकोळ वाटावेत, अशी भीषण संकटे समोर उभी ठाकतात. दैनंदिन जीवन कोलमडून पडते. रोगराईचे तांडव सुरू होते. पाऊस नसेल, तर हे सर्व टळेल, यात शंकाच नाही.

मात्र, पाण्याशिवाय जीवन नाही. आणि माणूस हा तर करामती प्राणी आहे. तो पाणी मिळवण्याचे मार्ग शोधू लागेल. समुद्राचे पाणी वापरण्याजोगे करण्याचे कारखाने सुरू होतील. त्यामुळे प्यायला पाणी मिळेल. काही प्रमाणात शेती होईल. पण हे जेवढ्यास तेवढेच असेल. सर्वत्र पाऊस पडत आहे. रान हिरवेगार झाले आहे. फळाफुलांनी झाडे लगडली आहेत, अशी दृश्ये कधीच आणि कुठेही दिसणार नाही. बा. भ. बोरकरांच्या कवितेतील रमणीय दृश्य हे कल्पनारम्य चित्रपटातील फॅन्टसीसारखे असेल फक्त.

समुद्रातून पाणी मिळवण्याचा उपाय तसा खूप महागडा असेल. त्यातून सर्व मानवजातीच्या सर्व गरजा भागवता येणे अशक्य होईल. उपासमार मोठ्या प्रमाणात होईल. दंगली घडतील. लुटालुटीचे प्रकार सुरू होतील. थोडकीच माणसे शिल्लक राहिली, तर ती जगूच शकणार नाहीत. इतर प्राणी त्यांना जगू देणार नाहीत. माणूस फक्त स्वत:साठी पाणी मिळवील. पण उरलेल्या प्राणिसृष्टीचे काय? ही प्राणिसृष्टी माणसांवर चाल करून येईल. वरवर वाटते तितके जीवन सोपे नसेल. माणसांचे, प्राण्यांचे मृतदेह सर्वत्र दिसू लागतील. त्यांतून कल्पनातीत रोगांची निर्मिती होईल. एकूण काय? ती सर्वनाशाकडची वाटचाल असेल.

पाऊस नसेल, तर वीजही नसेल. एका रात्रीत सर्व कारखाने थंडगार पडतील. पाणी नसल्यामुळे शेती नसेल. फळबागाईत नसेल. नेहमीच्या अन्नधान्यासाठी माणूस समुद्रातून पाणी काढील, इथपर्यंत ठीक आहे. पण अन्य अनेक पिके घेणे महाप्रचंड कठीण होईल. या परिस्थितीतून अल्प माणसांकडे काही अधिकीच्या गोष्टी असतील. बाकी प्रचंड समुदाय दारिद्र्यात खितपत राहील. त्यातून प्रचंड अराजकता माजेल. याची भाषण चित्रे रंगवण्याची गरजच नाही. अल्पकाळातच जीवसृष्टी नष्ट होईल. उरेल फक्त रखरखीत, रणरणते वाळवंट. सूर्यमालिकेतील कोणत्याच ग्रहावर जीवसृष्टी अशीच नष्ट झाली नसेल ना?

नको, नको ते प्रश्न आणि त्या दृश्यांची ती वर्णने! एकच चिरकालिक सत्य आहे. ते म्हणजे पाऊस हवा, आषाढघन बरसायला हवाच!

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4 रे थांब जरा आषाढघना

उपक्रम :

अ. पाच निसर्गकवितांचे संकलन करा आणि त्याचे वर्गात प्रकट वाचन करा.
आ. पावसाशी संबंधित पाठ्यपुस्तकाबाहेरील पाच कवितांचे सादरीकरण करा.

तोंडी परीक्षा.

रे थांब जरा आषाढघना’ या कवितेचे प्रकट वाचन लयीत करा.

Marathi Yuvakbharati 12th Digest Chapter 4 रे थांब जरा आषाढघना Additional Important Questions and Answers


वाक्यप्रकार :

प्रश्न 1.
क्रियापदाच्या रूपानुसार पुढील वाक्यांचे प्रकार लिहा :

  1. मुले शाळेत गेली. → [ ]
  2. ती खिडकी लावून घे. → [ ]
  3. विदयार्थ्यांनी वर्गात शांतता राखावी. → [ ]
  4. मला जर सुट्टी मिळाली, तर मी गावी जाईन. → [ ]

उत्तर :

  1. स्वार्थी वाक्य
  2. आज्ञार्थी वाक्य
  3. विध्यर्थी वाक्य
  4. संकेतार्थी वाक्य

वाक्यरूपांतर :

प्रश्न 1.
कंसातील सूचनेप्रमाणे वाक्यरूपांतर करा :
1. किती गडगडाट झाला ढगांचा काल रात्री! (विधानार्थी करा.)
2. तू नियमित अभ्यास करावास. (आज्ञार्थी करा.)
उत्तर :
1. काल रात्री ढगांचा खूप गडगडाट झाला.
2. तू नियमित अभ्यास कर.

समास :

प्रश्न 1.
‘विग्रहावरून सामासिक शब्द लिहा :

  1. ज्ञानरूपी अमृत/ज्ञान हेच अमृत. → [ ]
  2. जिंकली आहेत इंद्रिये ज्याने असा तो. → [ ]
  3. तीन कोनांचा समूह. → [ ]
  4. क्रमाप्रमाणे. → [ ]

उत्तर :

  1. ज्ञानामृत
  2. जितेंद्रिय
  3. त्रिकोण
  4. यथाक्रम

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4 रे थांब जरा आषाढघना

प्रयोग :

पुढील वाक्यांतील प्रयोग ओळखा :

प्रश्न 1.

  1. शेतकऱ्याने कणसाला मातीतून उपटले. → [ ]
  2. कवी पावसाचे वर्णन करतो. → [ ]
  3. केशवने गाणे गायिले. → [ ]

उत्तर :

  1. भावे प्रयोग
  2. कर्तरी प्रयोग
  3. कर्मणी प्रयोग

अलंकार :

पुढील ओळींमधील अलंकार ओळखा :

प्रश्न 1.
1. आहे ताजमहल एक जगती तो तोच त्याच्यापरी → [ ]
2. हे नव्हे चांदणे ही तर मीरा गाते. → [ ]
उत्तर :
1. अनन्वय अलंकार
2. अपन्हुती अलंकार

रे थांब जरा आषाढघना Summary in Marathi

कवितेचा भावार्थ :

आषाढ महिन्यातील पावसामुळे चोहीकडे बहरलेल्या निसर्गसौंदर्याचा आस्वाद खुद्द आषाढमेघाने घ्यावा, अशी विनवणी करताना कवी म्हणतात – हे आषाढ मेघा, जरासा थांब. तुझ्या करुणेमुळे निर्माण केलेले सृष्टिसौंदर्य तुझ्यासह मला डोळे भरून पाहू दे. कोवळ्या नाजूक पाचूसारखी दिसणारी ही हिरवीगार शेते, पोवळ्यासारख्या लाल मातीमध्ये चालणारी नांगरणी, इंद्रनील रत्नासारखी ही बांबूची बने, हे सर्व सौंदर्य म्हणजे धरतीवर उमटलेल्या तुझ्याच पाऊलखुणा आहेत. तुझ्या आगमनाने ही सुवासिक केतकी रोमांचित झाली आहे. नव्याने फुललेली सोनचाफ्याची कळी झुलते आहे. तुला पुन्हा पुन्हा चोरून बघताना या जाईच्या मुली लाजून चूर झाल्या आहेत.

थोडीशी (न बरसता) उघडीप करून हे सूर्याचे घर उघडून खुले कर, हे आकाश स्वच्छ दिसू दे. तुझ्या जादूने नवीन कोवळे हळदीच्या रंगाचे ऊन धरतीवर येऊ दे. ताटावर झुलणारे कणसाचे दाणे तुझ्या पौष्टिक दुधाने भरू देत आणि फुलांच्या देठात अलवार कोवळा मध साठू दे. आनंदाच्या गोड गाण्याचे बोल पक्ष्यांच्या गळ्यात येऊ देत. पक्ष्यांच्या किलबिल स्वरांनी गवत पात्यांवर आनंदाचा शहारा फुलू दे.

आश्लेषा नक्षत्रातील पावसाच्या अमाप थेबांची अंघोळ करणारी फुलपाखरे थव्याथव्यांनी भिरभिरत राहू देत. भर दुपारी रत्नांची किरणे उधळीत ही एकत्र भिरभिरणारी फुलपाखरे या वनराईला निळ्या रंगात बुडवू दे.

काळोखाचे अश्रू पिऊन, ओलसर वातावरणातील मिट्ट काळोखाचे दुःख अनुभवत झाडांच्या कोवळ्या पानांतून उमललेल्या काजव्यांशी मला गुजगोष्टी करू दे. पाण्यात तरंगणाऱ्या चंद्रबिंबाचे सौंदर्य न्याहाळीत मला काजव्यांशी हितगूज करू दे.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4 रे थांब जरा आषाढघना

शब्दार्थ :

  1. घन – ढग, मेघ.
  2. दिठी – दृष्टी, नजर.
  3. करुणा – दया.
  4. प्रवाळ – पोवळे; (एक लाल रत्न).
  5. औत – नांगर.
  6. वेळूची बेटे – बांबूचे वन, पदविन्यास
  7. खुणा – पाऊलखुणा.
  8. रोमांचित – शहारलेली, सुखद शहारा आलेली.
  9. गंध – सुवास.
  10. सोनचंपक – सोनचाफा.
  11. लेकी – मुली.
  12. तुज – तुला.
  13. गगन – आकाश.
  14. घडिभर – थोडा वेळ.
  15. आसर – उघडीप, पाऊस थोडा वेळ थांबणे.
  16. वासरमणी – सूर्य.
  17. तव – तुझ्या.
  18. किमया – जादू.
  19. हळव्या – हळदीच्या पिवळ्या रंगांचे.
  20. कणस – कणीस.
  21. जिवस – पौष्टिक.
  22. अरळ – अलवार, कोमल.
  23. कंठ – गळा.
  24. खग – पक्षी.
  25. मधुगान – गोड, सुरेल गीत.
  26. तृणपर्ण – गवताचे पाते.
  27. तुषार – शिंतोडे.
  28. स्नान – अंघोळ.
  29. पिसोळी – फुलपाखरू.
  30. रत्नकळा – रत्नाचे तेज.
  31. माध्यान्ह – भर दुपार.
  32. न्हाणोत – भिजवत.
  33. इंद्रवर्ण – निळा रंग.
  34. वन – बन, रान.
  35. पीत – पिऊन.
  36. आसवे – अश्रू.
  37. हितगुज – मनातील गोष्ट, मनोगत.
  38. त्यांसवे – त्यांच्याबरोबर.
  39. निरखीत – न्याहाळत, पाहत.
  40. जळ – पाणी.
  41. विधुवदन – चंद्रबिंब.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4 रे थांब जरा आषाढघना

टिपा :

  1. आषाढ-चौथा मराठी महिना.
  2. पाचू-हिरवे रत्न.
  3. प्रवाळ-(लाल रंगाचे) पोवळे (रत्न).
  4. इंद्रनीळ – निळ्या रंगाचे रत्न.
  5. केतकी-केवड्याचे झाड (फुले).
  6. चंपक, जाई-फुलांची नावे.
  7. आश्लेषा-एक पावसाळी नक्षत्र.
  8. पालवी-कोवळी पाने.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 आयुष्य… आनंदाचा उत्सव

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Marathi Yuvakbharati 12th Digest Chapter 3 आयुष्य… आनंदाचा उत्सव Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 आयुष्य… आनंदाचा उत्सव

12th Marathi Guide Chapter 3 आयुष्य… आनंदाचा उत्सव Textbook Questions and Answers


1. अ. कृती करा.

प्रश्न अ.
कृती करा.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 आयुष्य आनंदाचा उत्सव 1
उत्तर :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 आयुष्य आनंदाचा उत्सव 2
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 आयुष्य आनंदाचा उत्सव 3
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 आयुष्य आनंदाचा उत्सव 4

आ. खालील विधाने योग्य की अयोग्य ते लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.

  1. यश, वैभव ही आनंद अनुभवण्याची निमित्तं आहेत.
  2. पैशाने आनंद विकत घेता येऊ शकतो.
  3. शिकण्यातला आनंद तात्पुरता असतो.
  4. यशामुळे आत्मविश्वास वाढतो.
  5. ज्यात तुम्हांला खरा आनंद वाटतो, तेच काम करा.

उत्तर :

  1. योग्य
  2. अयोग्य
  3. अयोग्य
  4. योग्य
  5. योग्य

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 आयुष्य... आनंदाचा उत्सव

इ. हे केव्हा घडेल ते लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.

  1. माणसाला आनंद दुसऱ्याला वाटावासा वाटतो, जेव्हा …….
  2. माणूस दु:खातून बाहेर पडत नाही, जेव्हा …….
  3. आनंद हा तुमचा स्वभाव होईल, जेव्हा ……..
  4. एका वेगळ्या विश्वात वावरता येतं, जेव्हा ……

उत्तर :

  1. माणसाला आनंद दुसऱ्याला वाटावासा वाटतो, जेव्हा त्याच्या मनात आनंद मावेनासा होतो.
  2. माणूस दु:खातून बाहेर पडत नाही, जेव्हा तो दुःखाला स्वत:च्या मनाबाहेर जाऊ देत नाही.
  3. आनंद हा तुमचा स्वभाव होईल, जेव्हा आनंदातच राहायची सवय तुम्हांला पडते.
  4. एका वेगळ्या विश्वात वावरता येते, जेव्हा आपण एखाद्या कलेशी दोस्ती करतो.

2. अ. खालील शब्दसमूहांचा तुम्हांला समजलेला अर्थ लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
मनाची कवाडं-
उत्तर :
मनाची कवाडं : मनाची कवाडं म्हणजे मनाची दारे. घराचे दार उघडल्यावर आपण बाहेरच्या जगात प्रवेश करतो. घरातले विश्व चार भिंतीच्या आतले असते. ते संकुचित असते. बाहेरचे जग अफाट असते. दार आपल्याला अफाट जगात नेते. मनाची दारे उघडली, तर म्हणजे मन मोकळे ठेवले, तर आपण व्यापक जगात प्रवेश करतो.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 आयुष्य... आनंदाचा उत्सव

प्रश्न 2.
आनंदाचा पाऊस-
उत्तर :
आनंदाचा पाऊस : मनात दुःख, चिंता असेल, तर आनंद मनात शिरत नाही. आनंदाचे खुल्या मनाने स्वागत करावे लागते. मन मोकळे ठेवले तर आनंद भरभरून मनात शिरतो. यालाच आनंदाचा पाऊस म्हटले आहे.

आ. खालील चौकटी पूर्ण करा.

प्रश्न 1.

  1. आनंदाला आकर्षित करणारा – [ ]
  2. शरीर आणि मन यांना जोडणारा सेतू – [ ]
  3. बाहेर दाराशी घुटमळणारा – [ ]
  4. आनंदाला प्रसवणारा – [ ]
  5. आनंद अनुभवण्याची निमित्तं – [ ] [ ]

उत्तर :

  1. आनंदाला आकर्षित करणारा – आनंद
  2. शरीर आणि मन यांना जोडणारा सेतू – श्वास
  3. बाहेर दाराशी घुटमळणारा – आनंद
  4. आनंदाला प्रसवणारा – आनंद
  5. आनंद अनुभवण्याची निमित्तं – यश वैभव

3. व्याकरण.

अ. खालील वाक्यांचा प्रकार ओळखून लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.

  1. एवढं मिळवूनही मी आनंदात का नाहीये? …………………….
  2. ‘गोडधोड’ हे सुद्धा पूर्णब्रह्मच असतं की! …………………….
  3. आनंदासाठी मन मोकळं असावं लागतं. …………………….

उत्तर :

  1. प्रश्नार्थी वाक्य
  2. उद्गारार्थी वाक्य
  3. विधानार्थी वाक्य.

आ. योग्य पर्याय निवडा व लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
माणसं स्वत:चा छंद कसा विसरू शकतात? या वाक्याचे विधानार्थी वाक्य
(अ) माणसं स्वत:चा छंद नेहमी विसरतात.
(आ) माणसं स्वत:चा छंद लक्षात ठेवतात.
(इ) माणसं स्वत:चा छंद विसरू शकत नाहीत.
(ई) माणसं स्वत:चा छंद किती लक्षात ठेवतात.
उत्तर :
(इ) माणसं स्वत:चा छंद विसरू शकत नाहीत.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 आयुष्य... आनंदाचा उत्सव

प्रश्न 2.
हा आनंद सर्वत्र असतो. या वाक्याचे प्रश्नार्थी वाक्य
(अ) हा आनंद कुठे नसतो?
(आ) हा आनंद कुठे असतो?
(इ) हा आनंद सर्वत्र नसतो का?
(ई) हा आनंद सर्वत्र असतो का?
उत्तर :
(अ) हा आनंद कुठे नसतो?

प्रश्न 3.
किती आतून हसतात ती! या वाक्याचे विधानार्थी वाक्य
(अ) ती आतून हसतात.
(आ) ती फार हसतात आतून.
(इ) ती आतून हसत राहतात.
(ई) ती खूप आतून हसतात.
उत्तर :
(ई) ती खूप आतून हसतात.

इ. खालील तक्ता पूर्ण करा.

प्रश्न 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 आयुष्य आनंदाचा उत्सव 5
उत्तर :

सामासिक शब्द विग्रह समासाचे नाव
झुणका भाकर झुणका, भाकर वगैरे समाहार द्वंद्व
सूर्यास्त सूर्याचा अस्त विभक्ती तत्पुरुष
अक्षरानंद अक्षर असा आनंद कर्मधारय
प्रतिक्षण प्रत्येक क्षणाला अव्ययीभाव

ई. खालील वाक्यांतील प्रयोग ओळखा व लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.

  1. स्वत:च्या आवडीचे काम निवडा ………..
  2. लोकांना पेढे वाटणं वेगळं ………..
  3. कष्टाची भाकर गोड लागते ………..

उत्तर :

  1. स्वत:च्या आवडीचे काम निवडा. कर्तरी प्रयोग
  2. लोकांना पेढे वाटणं वेगळं. भावे प्रयोग
  3. कष्टाची भाकर गोड लागते. कर्तरी प्रयोग

उ. ‘आनंद’ या शब्दासाठी पाठात आलेली विशेषणे शोधा व लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
‘आनंद’ या शब्दासाठी पाठात आलेली विशेषणे शोधा व लिहा.
…………. ………… ………….. ………… …………
उत्तर :

  1. खरा (आनंद)
  2. आत्मिक (आनंद)
  3. अनोखा (आनंद)
  4. वेगळा (आनंद)
  5. टिकाऊ (आनंद).

4. स्वमत.

प्रश्न अ
‘जे काम करायचचं आहे, त्यात आनंद घ्यायला शिकणं हेही शक्य असतं’, या विधानाबाबत तुमचे मत सविस्तर लिहा.
उत्तर :
शिक्षण घेताना आपण आपल्या आवडीचा विषय घेऊ शकतो, हे खरे आहे. काही वेळा आईवडिलांच्या आग्रहाला आपण बळी पडतो किंवा आपले सर्व मित्र जिकडे जातात, ती शाखा आपण निवडतो. कालांतराने आपली आपल्याला चूक उमगते. पण उशीर झालेला असतो. त्यानंतर काहीही करता येत नाही. निराश मनाने आपण शिक्षण घेतो अणि आयुष्यभर तशाच मन:स्थितीत जीवन जगत राहतो. त्यात सुख अजिबात नसते.

शिक्षणानंतर नोकरी-व्यवसाय निवडताना तसाच प्रश्न उद्भवतो. इथे मात्र आपल्याला निवड करण्याची बरीच संधी असते. या वेळी आपण आवडीचे क्षेत्र निवडायला हवे. क्षेत्र आवडीचे असल्यास आपण आनंदाने काम करू शकतो. मग काम कष्टाचे राहत नाही. आपल्या कामातून, कामाच्या कष्टातून आनंद मिळू शकतो.

मात्र इथेही एक अडचण असतेच. पण आवडीच्या विषयातील ज्ञान मिळवलेले असले, तरी नोकरी-व्यवसाय आवडीचाच मिळेल याची खात्री नसते. शिक्षण घेतलेले लाखो विद्यार्थी असतात. पण नोकऱ्या मात्र संख्येने खूप कमी असतात. त्यामुळे आपल्या आवडीची नोकरी आपल्याला मिळेल याची खात्री नसते. उपजीविका तर पार पाडायची असते. त्यामुळे मिळेल ती नोकरी स्वीकारावी लागते. अशा वेळी काय करायचे?

अशा वेळी वाट्याला आलेली नोकरी किंवा व्यवसाय आनंदाने केला पाहिजे. पण आनंदाने करायचा म्हणजे काय करायचे? कसे करायचे? तोपर्यंत आपण जे शिक्षण घेतलेले आहे, त्यातील सर्व ज्ञान, सर्व कौशल्ये पणाला लावली पाहिजेत. मग आपले काम आपल्याला अधिक जवळचे वाटू लागेल. तसेच, एवढे प्रयत्न अपुरे पडले तर आपले काम उत्तमातल्या उत्तम पद्धतीने करण्यासाठी गरज पडली, तर नवीन कौशल्ये शिकून घेतली पाहिजेत. काहीही करून आपले काम सर्वोत्कृष्ट झाले पाहिजे, असा आग्रह हवा. मग आपोआपच आपले काम सुंदर होईल. आपल्याला आनंद मिळेल आणि आपल्या कामाला प्रतिष्ठाही मिळेल.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 आयुष्य... आनंदाचा उत्सव

प्रश्न आ.
‘सौंदर्य जसं पाहणाऱ्याच्या दृष्टीत असतं, तसा आनंद घेणाऱ्याच्या वृत्तीत असतो’, या विधानाबाबत तुमचे मत स्पष्ट करा.
उत्तर :
एखादी व्यक्ती काहीजणांना सुंदर दिसते. तर अन्य काहीजण ती सुंदर नाहीच, यावर पैज लावायला तयार होतात. हा व्यक्ति – व्यक्तींच्या दृष्टींतला फरक आहे. कोणत्या कारणांनी कोणती व्यक्ती कोणाला आवडेल हे काहीही सांगता येत नाही. त्याप्रमाणे कोणाला कशात आनंद मिळेल, हेही सांगता येत नाही. आनंदाच्या तऱ्हा वेगवेगळ्या असतात. प्रत्येकाचा आनंद वेगळा असतो. पोस्टाची तिकिटे किंवा नाणी गोळा करण्याचा नेहमीचा छंद असलेली माणसे आपल्याला ठाऊक असतात. पण एकाला लोकांकडची जुनी पत्रे गोळा करण्याचा छंद होता.

एकजण आठवड्यातून एकदा आसपासचा एकेक गाव पायी चालून यायचा. एकच सिनेमा एकाच महिन्यात सात-आठ वेळा पाहणारेही सापडतात. सिनेमातले सर्व संवाद त्यांना तोंडपाठ असतात. ते संवाद ते सिनेमाप्रेमी पुन्हा पुन्हा ऐकवतात. यातून त्याला कोणता आनंद मिळत असेल? यावरून एकच दिसते की, प्रत्येकाची आनंदाची ठिकाणे भिन्न असतात. आनंद शोधण्याची वृत्ती भिन्न असते.

व्यक्तिव्यक्तींमधला हा वेगळेपणा आपण लक्षात घेतला, तर समाजातील अनेक भांडणे संपतील; समाजासमोरच्या समस्यासुद्धा सुटतील. प्रत्येक व्यक्तीची प्रकृती भिन्न असते. आवडीनिवडी भिन्न असतात. हे वास्तव आपण ओळखले पाहिजे.

व्यक्तींची ही विविधता ओळखली पाहिजे. या विविधतेची बूज राखली पाहिजे. मग समाजात विविध प्रकारच्या रंगीबेरंगी वस्तू निर्माण होतील. रंगीबेरंगी घटना घडत राहतील. समाजजीवन अनेक रंगांनी बहरून जाईल.

प्रश्न इ.
‘आनंदाचं खुल्या दिलानं स्वागत करावं लागतं’, या विधानाचा तुम्हाला कळलेला अर्थ स्पष्ट करा.
उत्तर :
एखादया दिवशी आपल्याला नको असलेला माणूस भेटतो. “कशाला भेटली ही ब्याद सकाळी सकाळी!” असे आपण मनातल्या मनात म्हणतो. तरीही आपण तोंड भरून हसत स्वागत करतो. आपल्या बोलण्यात, हसण्यात खोटेपणा भरलेला असतो. हे असे बऱ्याच वेळा होते. आपण खोटेपणाने जगतो. भेटलेल्या व्यक्तीमुळे आपल्याला आनंद होतच नाही.

आनंदाचा, सुखाचा अनुभव आपल्याला मिळतच नाही; कारण आपले मन आधीच राग, द्वेष, मत्सराच्या भावनांनी भरलेले. अशा भावनांच्या वातावरणात आनंद निर्माण होऊच शकत नाही. मन ढगाळलेले असले की तेथे स्वच्छ सूर्यप्रकाश येऊच शकत नाही.

आनंदाचा, सुखाचा अनुभव मिळण्यासाठी आपले मन निर्मळ असले पाहिजे. कुत्सितपणा, द्वेष, मत्सर, हेवा असल्या कुभावनांपासून मन मुक्त हवे. जेथे कुभावनांची वस्ती असते, तेथे निर्मळपणा अशक्य असतो. निर्मळपणा असला की मन मोकळे होते. स्वच्छ होते. अशा मनातच आनंदाचा पाऊस पडतो. आपल्याला खरे सुख, खरा आनंद हवा असेल, तर मन स्वच्छ, मोकळे असले पाहिजे; कुभावनांना तिथून हाकलले पाहिजे.

आमच्या शेजारी सिद्धा नावाची बाई राहते. सिद्धाच्या मनात समोरच राहणाऱ्या अमिताविषयी दाट किल्मिषे भरलेली आहेत. अमिताविषयी बोलताना ती सर्व किल्मिषे जळमटांसारखी सिद्धाच्या तोंडून बाहेर पडतात. सिद्धा निर्मळ मनाने अमिताकडे पाहूच शकत नाही. साहजिकच अमिताच्या सहवासाचा सिद्धाचा अनुभव कधीही सुखकारक, आनंददायक नसतो.

ज्या ज्या वेळी अमिताविषयी बोलणे निघते, त्या त्या वेळी सिद्धाचे मन कडवट होते. मनात कुभावनांचे ढग घेऊन वावरण्यामुळे सिद्धाला आनंद, खराखुरा आनंद मिळूच शकत नाही. लेखकांनी ‘आनंदाच खुल्या दिलानं स्वागत करावं लागतं,’ असे म्हटले आहे, ते खरेच आहे.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 आयुष्य... आनंदाचा उत्सव

प्रश्न ई.
‘प्रत्येक माणसाला आपल्या अस्तित्वाचे भान असणे अत्यंत गरजेचे आहे’, तुमचे मत लिहा.
उत्तर :
प्रत्येकाला आपल्या अस्तित्वाचे भान असणे आवश्यक आहे; हे अगदी खरे आहे. आपण हे भान बाळगत नाही. त्यामुळे आपले नुकसानही होते. आपल्या साध्या साध्या कृतींकडे लक्ष दिले, तरी हा मुद्दा लक्षात येईल. रस्ता ओलांडताना भरधाव येणाऱ्या गाड्यांना आपण लीलया चुकवत चुकवत जातो. खो-खोमध्ये किती चपळाई दाखवतो आपण! आपण सवयीने या हालचाली करतो.

त्यामुळे त्यांतली किमया आपल्या लक्षातच येत नाही. ‘चक दे इंडिया हा चित्रपट पाहताना है खूपदा लक्षात आले आहे. सर्व हालचाली करताना आपण आपल्या शरीराचा उपयोग करतो. ‘हे माझे शरीर आहे आणि या शरीराच्या आधाराने मी जगतो,’ ही भावना सतत जागी असली पाहिजे. मग आपल्या प्रत्येक हालचालीचा आपण बारकाईने विचार करू शकतो. शरीराला प्रशिक्षण देऊ शकतो. अनेकदा आपल्याला नाचण्याची लहर येते. पण पावले नीट पडत नाहीत. आपण मनातल्या मनात खटू होतो. पण शरीराची जाणीव असेल, तर नृत्यातल्या हालचाली शिकून घेता येतात. तिथेच आपली चूक होते.

खरे तर प्रत्येक पाऊल टाकताना आपण आपल्या शरीराचा डौल राखला पाहिजे. कोणाही समोर जातो, तेव्हा हेच लक्षात ठेवले पाहिजे. आपण इतरांसमोर स्वत:ला सादर करीत असतो. ते सादरीकरण सुंदर केले पाहिजे. आपल्याला लाभलेले अस्तित्व प्रत्येक क्षणाला साजरे केले पाहिजे. तर मग आपण जगण्याचा आनंद घेऊ शकतो.

अभिनेते, खेळाडू अनेक कसलेले सादरकर्ते डौलदार का दिसतात? एखादी अभिनेत्री फोटोसाठी उभी राहते, तेव्हा तीच लक्षणीय का दिसते? ही सगळी माणसे आपल्या देहाचे, आपल्या अस्तित्वाचे भान बाळगतात. आपले अस्तित्व देखणे करायचा प्रयत्न करतात. ती स्वत:च्या अस्तित्वाचा आनंद घेतात आणि दुसऱ्यांना देतातही. हेच सुख असते. त्यातच आनंद असतो.

5. अभिव्यक्ती.

प्रश्न अ.
खरा, टिकाऊ आनंद मिळवण्यासाठी करावे लागणारे प्रयत्न तुमच्या शब्दांत लिहा.
उत्तर :
टिकाऊ आनंद मिळवण्यासाठी सर्वप्रथम टाकायचे पाऊल म्हणजे स्वत:च्या शरीरावर प्रेम करणे. आपण स्वत: असे प्रेम करायचेच; पण इतरांनाही तो मार्ग शिकवायचा.

स्वत:च्या शरीरावर प्रेम करायचे म्हणजे काय करायचे? शरीर नीटनेटके, स्वच्छ व प्रसन्न राखायचे. आपल्याला पाहताच कोणालाही आनंद झाला पाहिजे. त्याला प्रसन्न वाटले पाहिजे. त्यासाठी स्वच्छतेच्या सवयी अंगी बाणवल्या पाहिजेत. आहार विचारपूर्वक घ्यायचा, व्यसने करायची नाहीत, दरोज नियमितपणे योगासने किंवा अन्य व्यायाम किंवा रोज तीन-चार किमी चालणे. कामासाठी चालणे यात मोजायचे नाही. काहीही करण्यासाठी नव्हे, तर चालण्यासाठी चालायचे. चालणे हेच काम समजायचे.

मनात ईर्षा, असूया, हेवा, मत्सर, सूड अशा कुभावना बाळगायच्या नाहीत. आपले मन या भावनांपासून दूर ठेवण्यासाठी म्हणजे चांगले होण्यासाठी स्वत: कोणत्या तरी एका क्षेत्रात, एखाद्या कौशल्यात प्रभुत्व मिळवले पाहिजे. स्वतःच्या कर्तबगारीवर विश्वास ठेवायचा. त्यामुळे अन्य कोणाहीबद्दल मनात कुभावना बाळगण्याची इच्छाच होणार नाही.

यश, वैभव मिळवण्याचा प्रयत्न करण्यात गैर काहीच नाही. मात्र यश, वैभव या गोष्टी बाह्य असतात. आत्मिक समाधानाशी संबंध नसतो. म्हणून यश, वैभव मिळाल्यावरही मन अशांत, अस्वस्थ होऊ शकते. अशा वेळी आणखी यश, आणखी वैभव यांच्या मागे न लागता आपल्याला नेमके काय हवे आहे. याचा शोध घेतला पाहिजे.

मात्र, एक गोष्ट कायम लक्षात ठेवली पाहिजे. पैशाने खरा, टिकाऊ आनंद कधीही मिळवता येत नाही. आपल्या मनाच्या सोबत राहण्यासाठी आवडेल तेच काम करायला घ्यावे. आवडेल त्या क्षेत्रात नोकरी, व्यवसाय पत्करावा. अर्थात, प्रत्येकाला स्वत:च्या आवडीप्रमाणे नोकरी, व्यवसाय मिळेलच असे नसते. अशा वेळी मिळालेले काम आवडीने केले पाहिजे.

एवढी पथ्ये प्रामाणिकपणे पाळली तर आपण खऱ्या आनंदाच्या जवळ असू.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 आयुष्य... आनंदाचा उत्सव

प्रश्न आ.
तुमचे जीवन आनंदी होण्यासाठी तुम्ही काय काय कराल, ते लिहा.
उत्तर :
जीवन आनंदी होण्यासाठी आवश्यक असलेल्या अनेक गोष्टी मी करीन. त्यापैकी काही कृती शारीरिक पातळीवरील आहेत. तर काही मानसिक पातळीवरील आहेत.

शारीरिक पातळीवरील कृतींपैकी सर्वांत महत्त्वाची कृती म्हणजे स्वत:च्या शरीराची काळजी घेणे. स्वत:च्या शरीराची काळजी घेण्यासाठी प्रथम स्वत:च्या शरीरावर मनापासून प्रेम केले पाहिजे. स्वतःचे शरीर नीटनेटके, देखणे राखायचे, इतके की कोणालाही भेटल्यावर ती व्यक्ती आनंदित, प्रसन्न झाली पाहिजे. शरीर फक्त बाह्यतः सजवून ते देखणे होणार नाही. ते सतेज, सुदृढ व निरोगी राखले पाहिजे. त्या दृष्टीने मी योगासने किंवा व्यायाम सुरू करीन. नियमित व जीवनसत्त्वयुक्त आहाराचा अवलंब करीन. व्यसनांपासून चार हात दूरच राहीन.

शरीराबरोबरच मनाचे पोषण करण्यासाठी मी कलेचा आश्रय घेईन. मी अत्यंत चिकाटीने गायन, वादन, नर्तन, साहित्य, चित्रपट, नाट्य यांपैकी एका तरी कलेचा जाणतेपणाने आस्वाद घ्यायला शिकेन. शक्यतो एखादी कला आत्मसात करीन. माझी स्वत:ची बौद्धिक, शारीरिक व मानसिक क्षमता लक्षात घेऊन माझे यशाचे लक्ष्य निश्चित करीन आणि त्याचा पाठपुरावा करीन. अर्थात मला हेही ठाऊक आहे की केवळ यशामुळे उच्च पातळीवरचे मानसिक समाधान मिळू शकत नाही. साफल्याचा आनंद भौतिक यशाने पूर्णांशाने मिळत नाही. म्हणून कला क्रीडा-ज्ञान या क्षेत्रांत उच्च प्रतीचे कौशल्य मिळवायचा प्रयत्न करीन.

नोकरी-व्यवसायाच्या बाबतीत आवडीचेच क्षेत्र मिळेल असे सांगता येत नाही. मी माझ्या आवडीचे शिक्षण घेईन. आवडीच्या क्षेत्रात उपजीविकेचे साधन मिळवायचा प्रयत्न करीन. तसे नाही मिळाले, तर मिळालेले काम अत्यंत आवडीने करीन. मी घेतलेल्या शिक्षणातून मिळालेले ज्ञान माझ्या नोकरी-व्यवसायात वापरीन.

मला तर खात्रीने वाटते की माझा हा बेत यशस्वी झाला, तर मला सुखीसमाधानी आयुष्य मिळेल.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 आयुष्य... आनंदाचा उत्सव

उपक्रम :

प्रस्तुत पाठात आलेल्या इंग्रजी शब्दांची यादी करा. त्यांसाठी वापरले जाणारे मराठी शब्द लिहा.

तोंडी परीक्षा.

अ. खालील वाक्प्रचारांचा अर्थ सांगून वाक्यांत उपयोग करा.

1. आभाळाकडे डोळे लावणे.
2. विसर्ग देणे.

आ. ‘माझ्या जीवनातील आनंदाचे क्षण’ या विषयावर पाच मिनिटांचे भाषण सादर करा.

Marathi Yuvakbharati 12th Digest Chapter 3 आयुष्य… आनंदाचा उत्सव Additional Important Questions and Answers

कृती करा.

प्रश्न 1.
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उत्तर :
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प्रश्न 2.
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उत्तर :
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प्रश्न 3.
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उत्तर :
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प्रश्न 4.
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उत्तर :
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पुढील चौकटी पूर्ण करा :

प्रश्न 1.

  1. एक अद्भुत सत्य [ ]
  2. आनंदाच्या झऱ्याच्या उगमाचे ठिकाण : [ ]
  3. आनंदाच्या चक्रवाढीवर फिरणारे [ ]
  4. एखादया ध्येयाने, स्वप्नाने झपाटणे [ ]

उत्तर :

  1. एक अद्भुत सत्य – आपले अस्तित्व
  2. आनंदाच्या झऱ्याच्या उगमाचे ठिकाण – आपले मन
  3. आनंदाच्या चक्रवाढीवर फिरणारे – आयुष्याचे चक्र
  4. एखादया ध्येयाने, स्वप्नाने झपाटणे – माणसाचे जगणे

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 आयुष्य... आनंदाचा उत्सव

प्रश्न 2.

  1. मनाची कवाडं कायमची बंद करणारा [ ]
  2. निरागस, आनंदी वृत्तीची [ ]
  3. आनंदाची इस्टेट [ ]
  4. आयुष्यभर न संपणारा [ ]
  5. शहाणंसुरतं करणारा [ ]
  6. कलेच्या मस्तीत जगणारे [ ]

उत्तर :

  1. मनाची कवाडं कायमची बंद करणारा : – दुःखी माणूस
  2. निरागस, आनंदी वृत्तीची : – लहान मुले
  3. आनंदाची इस्टेट – शास्त्रीय संगीत
  4. आयुष्यभर न संपणारा – शिकण्यातला आनंद
  5. शहाणंसुरतं करणारा – वाचनाचा छंद
  6. कलेच्या मस्तीत जगणारे – कलावंत

योग्य की अयोग्य ते लिहा :

प्रश्न 1.

  1. मनावरचे ताण नाहीसे होणे हे आनंदाचे लक्षण [ ]
  2. आपल्याला दृष्टी लाभली आहे, हे आपण विसरतो [ ]
  3. आत्म्याच्या भाषेत गाता आले नाही तरी ऐकता येऊ शकते. [ ]
  4. वाचन माणसाला शहाणे करते. [ ]

उत्तर :

  1. योग्य
  2. अयोग्य
  3. योग्य
  4. योग्य

पुढील वाक्याचा तुम्हांला समजलेला अर्थ लिहा :

प्रश्न 1.
आपल्या अस्तित्वाच्या आनंदाचं भान हवं.
उत्तर :
आपला श्वास, आपला दिवस-रात्र, सूर्योदय-सूर्यास्त वगैरेंकडे आपण लक्षपूर्वक कधी बघतच नाही. म्हणजे आपले अनुभव आपण लक्षपूर्वक घेत नाही. आपण ते सर्व गृहीतच धरतो. आपल्याला दृष्टी आहे, याचेही आपल्याला भान नसते. त्यामुळे आपल्याभोवती पसरलेल्या सुंदर सृष्टीचे आपल्याला कौतुक वाटत नाही. ही सृष्टी जिच्यामुळे आपल्याला दिसते, त्या आपल्या दृष्टीचेही आपल्याला कौतुक वाटत नाही. साहजिक आपले अस्तित्व आणि त्या अस्तित्वामुळे लाभलेला आनंद हे दोन्ही दुर्लक्षित राहतात.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 आयुष्य... आनंदाचा उत्सव

चूक की बरोबर लिहा :

प्रश्न 1.
1. खरा आनंद दुसऱ्याच्या दुःखावर पोसला जात नाही. [ ]
2. खऱ्या आनंदात असलेल्या व्यक्तीला जग सुंदर दिसतं. [ ]
उत्तर :
1. बरोबर
2. बरोबर

हे केव्हा घडेल ते लिहा

प्रश्न 1.
दु:खासाठी आपण भरपूर कारणे शोधतो, जेव्हा …………..
उत्तर :
दुःखासाठी आपण भरपूर कारणे शोधतो, जेव्हा आपल्याला आनंद दयायला वेळच नसतो.

प्रश्न 2.

  1. माणसे स्वत:चा छंद कधीही विसरत नाहीत, जेव्हा …………
  2. तुम्ही स्वत:च्या अंत:करणात हलकेच डोकावू शकता, जेव्हा ……….
  3. तुम्ही वर्तमानात जगू शकता, जेव्हा ………….

उत्तर :

  1. माणसे स्वत:चा छंद कधीही विसरत नाहीत, जेव्हा त्याचा उद्देश केवळ आनंद मिळवणे हाच असतो.
  2. तुम्ही स्वत:च्या अंत:करणात हलकेच डोकावू शकता, जेव्हा तुम्ही एकटे असता.
  3. तुम्ही वर्तमानात जगू शकता, जेव्हा भूतकाळाची स्मृती व भविष्यकाळाची भीती या दोन्हींपासून मन मुक्त होते.

वाक्ये पूर्ण करा :

प्रश्न 1.
1. चिंता, टेन्शन यांच्या दाटीवाटीत आनंद कधीच घुसत नाही; कारण ……………..
2. लहान मुले आनंद घेण्यात तरबेज असतात; कारण ………….
उत्तर :
1. चिंता, टेन्शन यांच्या दाटीवाटीत आनंद कधीच घुसत नाही; कारण त्याला मोकळी जागा हवी असते.
2. लहान मुले आनंद घेण्यात तरबेज असतात; कारण ती निरागस व आनंदी वृत्तीची असतात.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 आयुष्य... आनंदाचा उत्सव

विधाने पूर्ण करा :

प्रश्न 1.

  1. आपल्याला काय हवे, हे शोधणे हेच ……..
  2. कष्टाचे गोड हे अधिक गोड लागते, जर त्यात …………
  3. मुळात आनंदच शून्य असेल, तर शून्याला ………..
  4. आनंद जर ‘मानता’ येत असेल, तर तो …………….

उत्तर :

  1. आपल्याला काय हवे, हे शोधणे हेच आपण आनंदी का नाही, या प्रश्नाचे उत्तर शोधणे होय.
  2. कष्टाचे गोड हे अधिक गोड लागते, जर त्यात स्वकर्तृत्वाची गोडी मिसळली असेल.
  3. मुळात आनंदच शून्य असेल, तर शून्याला कितीही मोठ्या यशाने किंवा पैशाने गुणले तरी गुणाकार शून्यच.
  4. आनंद जर ‘मानता’ येत असेल, तर तो ‘मिळवण्याचा’ प्रयत्न कशाला करायचा?

अलंकार :

पुढील ओळींमधील अलंकार ओळखा :

प्रश्न 1.
1. हे हृदय नसे, परि स्थंडिल धगधगलेले → [ ]
2. काव्य अगोदर झाले नंतर जग झाले सुंदर, रामायण आधी मग झाला राम जानकीवर → [ ]
उत्तर :
1. अपन्हुती अलंकार
2. अतिशयोक्ती अलंकार

आयुष्य… आनंदाचा उत्सव Summary in Marathi

पाठ परिचय :

प्रस्तुत पाठ म्हणजे ‘मजेत जगावं कसं?’ या गाजलेल्या पुस्तकातील एक लेख आहे. जीवन आनंदात कसे जगावे, हे सांगण्याचा या लेखात लेखकांनी प्रयत्न केला आहे.

आनंद हा यांत्रिकपणे, खूप प्रयत्न करून किंवा पैसे देऊन मिळत नाही. स्वतःचे मन, अंत:करण आनंदी ठेवले पाहिजे. तरच आनंद मिळतो. स्वत:च्या मनातील सर्व किल्मिषे, सर्व नकारात्मक भाव काढून टाकले, तर मन शुद्ध होते. शुद्ध मन हाच आनंदाचा स्रोत असतो.

कला, साहित्य व निसर्गसहवास यांच्या माध्यमातून आपण स्वत:चे मन शुद्ध करू शकतो. ही क्षेत्रे आनंदाला पूरक अशी मनोवृत्ती निर्माण करतात.

शब्दार्थ :

  1. शाश्वत – चिरकालिक, चिरंतन, अविनाशी.
  2. कळसा – नळ लावलेली मातीची घागर.
  3. निखळ – पवित्र, शुद्ध, निर्भेळ.
  4. ईर्षा – चुरस, चढाओढ, हेवा.
  5. असूया – द्वेष, मत्सर.
  6. वैषम्य – खेद, दुःख, विषमता.
  7. कवाडे – घराची किंवा खिडक्यांची दारे.
  8. जडणे – सांधणे, कोंदणात बसवणे.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 आयुष्य... आनंदाचा उत्सव

वाक्प्रचार व त्यांचे अर्थ :

  1. आटापिटा करणे – खटाटोप करणे, खूप कष्टाने प्रयत्न करणे.
  2. मनाची कवाडे बंद करणे – मन मोकळे न ठेवणे, पूर्वग्रहदूषित वृत्ती बाळगणे.
  3. (एखाद्या गोष्टीत) रंगून जाणे – विलीन होण, पूर्णपणे मिसळून जाणे.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 रोज मातीत

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Marathi Yuvakbharati 12th Digest Chapter 2 रोज मातीत Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 रोज मातीत

12th Marathi Guide Chapter 2 रोज मातीत Textbook Questions and Answers


1. अ. कृती करा

प्रश्न अ.
कृती करा
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 रोज मातीत 1.1
उत्तर :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 रोज मातीत 2

आ. संदर्भानुसार योग्य जोड्या लावा.

प्रश्न आ.

‘अ’ गट ‘ब’ गट
1. नाही कांदा गं जीव लावते (अ) गोंदणाच्या हिरव्या नक्षीप्रमाणे शेत पिकाने सजवते.
2. काळ्या आईला, हिरवे गोंदते (आ) अतोनात कष्टानंतर हिरव्या समृद्धीच्या स्वरूपात शिल्लक राहत.
3. हिरवी होऊन, मागं उरते (इ) स्वत:चा जीवच जणू कांद्याच्या रोपाच्या रूपात लावते.

उत्तर :

‘अ’ गट ‘ब’ गट
1. नाही कांदा गं जीव लावते (इ) स्वत:चा जीवच जणू कांद्याच्या रोपाच्या रूपात लावते.
2. काळ्या आईला, हिरवे गोंदते (अ) गोंदणाच्या हिरव्या नक्षीप्रमाणे शेत पिकाने सजवते.
3. हिरवी होऊन, मागं उरते (आ) अतोनात कष्टानंतर हिरव्या समृद्धीच्या स्वरूपात शिल्लक राहते.

2. खालील ओळींचा अर्थलिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
सरी-वाफ्यात, कांदं लावते
बाई लावते
नाही कांदं ग, जीव लावते
बाई लावते
उत्तर :
कष्टकरी शेतकरी स्त्री शेतमळ्यामध्ये खणलेल्या चरात कांद्याची रोपे लावते. ते कांदे नव्हतेच; जणू ती स्वत:चा जीव कांद्याच्या रोपाच्या रूपात लावते.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 रोज मातीत

3. काव्यसौंदर्य.

प्रश्न अ.
‘काळ्या आईला, हिरवं गोंदते
बाई गोंदते’ या ओळींतील भावसौंदर्य स्पष्ट करा.
उत्तर :
‘रोज मातीत’ या कवितेमध्ये कवयित्री कल्पना दुधाळ यांनी दिवसरात्र शेतात राबणाऱ्या कष्टकरी शेतकरी स्त्रीचे हृदय मनोगत आर्त शब्दांत व्यक्त केले आहे.

काळ्याभोर मातीचे शेत हे शेतकरी स्त्रीचे सर्वस्व आहे. शेतातल्या धान्याने शेतकऱ्यांचे जीवन पोसले जाते. म्हणून या काळ्या शिवाराला शेतकरी स्त्री ‘आई’ असे संबोधते. लेकरांचे संगोपन करणाऱ्या आईचा दर्जा ती शेतीला देते. ती तिची ‘काळी आई’ आहे. या काळ्या मातीवर स्वत:च्या घामाचे शिंपण करून जेव्हा त्यातून हिरवेगार पीक येते. तेव्हा या काळ्या-आईचे आपण पांग फेडले, अशी शेतकऱ्यांची श्रद्धा आहे. जणू ती गोंदणाऱ्या हिरव्या नक्षीप्रमाणे शेत पिकाने सजवते.

पिकाने फुलून आलेले शिवार म्हणजे धरतीच्या अंगावरचे हिरवे गोंदण अशी हृदय कल्पना कवयित्रींनी केली आहे. स्त्रीसुलभ नितळ, प्रेमळ भावना या ओळीतून कमालीच्या साधेपणाने व्यक्त झाली आहे. शेतकरी स्त्रीच्या मनातील हृदय भाव या ओळींतून समर्पकरीत्या प्रकट झाला आहे.

प्रश्न आ.
‘नाही बेणं ग, मन दाबते
बाई दाबते
कांड्या-कांड्यांनी, संसार सांधते
बाई सांधते’ या ओळींतील विचारसौंदर्य स्पष्ट करा.
उत्तर :
कवयित्री कल्पना दुधाळ यांनी ‘रोज मातीत’ या कवितेमध्ये शेतकरी स्त्रीचे कष्टमय जीवन यथायोग्य शब्दांत चित्रित केले आहे.

शेतकरी स्त्री दिनरात शेतामधील अनेक कष्टांची कामे करते. ती जशी वाफ्याच्या सरीत कांद्याची रोपे लावते, तशी ती उसाची लागवडही करते. उसाचे पीक घेण्यासाठी आधी मातीमध्ये उसाची छोटी कांडे पेरावी लागतात. हे उसाचे बेणे रुजवणे हे जिकिरीचे व कष्टाचे काम असते. भविष्यकालीन उपजीविकेसाठी हे बेणे रोवण्याचे कष्टाचे काम ती करते. बेणे नव्हे तर ती स्वत:चे मन त्यात दाबते. स्वत:ला मातीत गाडून ती संसाराचा गाडा सावरते. अशा प्रकारे काडी-काडी जोडून ती तिचा संसार सावरते. शेतकरी स्त्री ही संसाराचा कणा आहे.

शेतकरी स्त्री जी अहोरात्र शेतात जीव ओतून काम करते, त्याचे वर्णन करताना ‘मन दाबणे’ हा वाक्यप्रयोग करून शेतकरी स्त्रीचे मनोगत समर्थपणे कवयित्रीने या ओळीत व्यक्त केले आहे. काडी-काडी जोडून संसार सांधणे यातून तिच्या अविरत कष्टाचे यथोचित चित्र साधले आहे.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 रोज मातीत

4. रसग्रहण.

खालील ओळींचे रसग्रहण करा.

प्रश्न 1.
उन्हातान्हात, रोज मरते
बाई मरते
हिरवी होऊन, मागं उरते
बाई उरते
खोल विहिरीचं, पाणी शेंदते
बाई शेंदते
रोज मातीत, मी ग नांदते
बाई नांदते
उत्तर :
आशयसौंदर्य : ‘रोज मातीत’ या कवितेमध्ये कवयित्री कल्पना दुधाळ यांनी शेतकरी स्त्रीच्या कष्टाचे वर्णन यशोचित शब्दांत केले आहे. उपरोक्त ओळींमध्ये शेतात शेतकरी स्त्रीचे नांदणे कसे कष्टमय असते याचे चित्र हृदय शब्दांत केले आहे.

काव्यसौंदर्य : शेतकरी महिला आपल्या संसारासाठी शेतजमिनीत अहोरात्र खपत असते. ती वाफ्याच्या सरीने कांदा लावते. मन दाबून उसांची कांडे जमिनीत पुरते. हे कष्ट भर उन्हात, उन्हाची पर्वा न करता अविरत करीत असते. ती जमिनीत आपले आयुष्य समर्पित करते. पुढचे हिरवे स्वप्न पाहते. सुगीच्या हंगामात जेव्हा तरारलेले हिरवेगार शेत फुलते, तेव्हा जणू या हिरवेपणात तिचे कष्टच उगवून आलेले असतात. खोल विहिरीतून पोहऱ्याने ती पाणी उपसते व पिकांना पाजते. अशा प्रकारे संसार फुलवण्यासाठी शेतकरी स्त्री रोज मातीत नांदत असते.

भाषासौंदर्य : अतिशय साध्या, सोज्ज्वळ भाषेमध्ये कवितेतील शेतकरीण आपले मनोगत व्यक्त करते. तिच्या हृदयातील बोलांमधून ती सोसत असलेले कष्ट कळून येतात. तिच्या अभिव्यक्तीसाठी कवयित्रीने या कवितेत लोकगीतांसारखा सैल छंद वापरला आहे. नादयुक्त शब्दकळा हा कवितेचा घाट आहे. त्यातल्या ‘हिरवे होऊन मागे उरणे’, ‘रोज मातीत नांदणे’ या प्रतिमा काळीज हेलावून टाकणाऱ्या आहेत. या कवितेत प्रत्ययकारी शब्द रचनेतून शेतकरी स्त्रीचे कष्टमय जीवन डोळ्यांसमोर साकारत व उलगडत जाते.

5. अभिव्यक्ती.

प्रश्न अ.
शेतकरी स्त्रियांच्या कष्टमय जीवनाचे वर्णन कवितेच्या आधारे लिहा.
उत्तर :
‘रोज मातीत’ या कवितेमध्ये कवयित्री कल्पना दुधाळ यांनी शेतकरी स्त्रियांच्या कष्टमय जीवनाचे हृदयद्रावक चित्रण सार्थ शब्दांत केले आहे. कष्टकरी शेतकरी महिला शेतातल्या वाफ्यातील सरीत कांदे लावते. जीव ओतून काम करते. काळ्या मातीला हिरव्या गोंदणाने सजवते. सोन्यासारखी झेंडूची फुले तोडून, त्यांची माळ करून घरादाराला तोरण लावते.

उसाच्या पिकासाठी उसाची छोटी कांडे मातीत दाबते. जणू ती स्वत:चे मनच त्यात दाबते. काड्या-काड्या जमवून आपला संसार सांधते. उन्हातान्हात दिवसभर खपून भविष्यातले हिरवे सुगीचे स्वप्न पाहते. विहिरीचे पाणी शेंदन काढते. अशा प्रकारे अहोरात्र शेतात कष्ट करून शेतकरी स्त्री आपल्या संसारातील साऱ्या माणसांना आनंदी राखण्यासाठी झटत असते. काळ्या आईच्या कुशीत हिरवेगार पिकाचे स्वप्न पाहत मातीतच नांदत असते.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 रोज मातीत

प्रश्न आ.
तुमच्या परिसरातील कष्टकरी स्त्रियांचे कुटुंबाच्या उदरनिर्वाहातील योगदान स्पष्ट करा.
उत्तर :
आमच्या इमारतीच्या समोर रस्त्याच्या पलीकडे कामगारांची वस्ती आहे. या वस्तीतील काही स्त्रिया सकाळी इमारतीच्या बांधकामात मजुरीसाठी जातात. पहाटे पहाटे आपापल्या खोपटात चुलीवर जेवण करतात. जाळाचा धूर घरभर पसरलेला असतो. त्यातही त्या आपल्या लहानग्या मुलांना जोजवत भाजी-भाकरी करीत असतात. लगबगीने सर्व आवरून पटकुरात भाकरी गुंडाळून नि छोट्यांना कमरेवर घेऊन झपाझपा मजुरीसाठी निघतात.

कष्टकरी स्त्रिया घाईघाईने कामावर मजुरीच्या ठिकाणी पोहोचतात. ठेकेदाराचा आरडाओरडा सहन करीत लहानग्याला झोळीत ठेवतात अन् मग रेतीची घमेली डोईवर घेऊन त्यांची मजुरी सुरू होते. न थकता ओझे उचलून नि शारीरिक दुखण्याकडे दुर्लक्ष करून इमानेइतबारे दिवसभर उन्हातान्हात पायऱ्यांवरून चढ-उतार करून आपले काम नेटाने करतात.

दुपारी थोडा वेळ एकत्र जमून मीठ-भाकर खाऊन तिथल्याच एखादया नळाचे पाणी पितात आणि पुन्हा झटझटून त्यांचे ओझी उचलणे सुरू होते. दिवस सरून गेल्यावर जड पावलांनी घरी परततात. मिळालेल्या रोजगारातून रात्रीच्या जेवणाचे सामान खरेदी करून घरी येतात. पुन्हा त्यांच्या वाट्याला पेटलेली चूल, रडणारे मूल व ‘आ’वासलेली भुकेली तोंडे हेच येते. काहीही तक्रार न करता निमूटपणे ही कामगार स्त्री आपल्या संसारासाठी हाडाची काडे करून जगत असते.

उपक्रम :

प्रश्न अ.
शेतकरी महिलेची मुलाखत घेण्यासाठी प्रश्नावली तयार करा.

प्रश्न आ.
यू-ट्यूबवरील कवी विठ्ठल वाघ यांची ‘तिफण’ ही कविता ऐका.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 रोज मातीत

तोंडी परीक्षा.

प्रश्न अ.
प्रस्तुत कवितेचे तालासुरात सादरीकरण करा.

प्रश्न आ.
प्रस्तुत कवितेचा सारांश तुमच्या शब्दांत सांगा.

Marathi Yuvakbharati 12th Digest Chapter 2 रोज मातीत Additional Important Questions and Answers

कृती 1:

चौकटी पूर्ण करा :

प्रश्न 1.

  1. हिरवं गोंदलेली जमीन → [ ]
  2. फुले कोणती → [ ]
  3. घरादाराला बांधलेले → [ ]
  4. काड्या-काड्यांनी सांधलेला → [ ]
  5. यातून पाणी शेंदते → [ ]

उत्तर :

  1. हिरवं गोंदलेली जमीन → काळी आई
  2. फुले कोणती → झेंडूची फुले
  3. घरादाराला बांधलेले → तोरण
  4. काड्या-काड्यांनी सांधलेला → संसार
  5. यातून पाणी शेंदते → विहिरीतून


वाक्यप्रकार :

प्रश्न 1.
वाक्याच्या आशयानुसार पुढील वाक्यांचे प्रकार लिहा :
1. काल फार पाऊस पडला. → [ ]
2. तू बाहेर केव्हा जाणार आहेस? → [ ]
उत्तर :
1. विधानार्थी वाक्य
2. प्रश्नार्थी वाक्य

वाक्यरूपांतर :

प्रश्न 1.
कंसांतील सूचनांप्रमाणे वाक्यरूपांतर करा :
1. अपमान केल्यास कुणाला राग येत नाही? (विधानार्थी करा.)
2. ही इमारत फारच उंच आहे. (उद्गारार्थी करा.)
उत्तर :
1. अपमान केल्यास प्रत्येकाला राग येतो.
2. बापरे! केवढी उंच ही इमारत!

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 रोज मातीत

समास :

प्रश्न 1.
पुढील सामासिक शब्दांचा विग्रह करा :
1. घरोघर → ……………..
2. अहोरात्र → ……………
उत्तर :
1. घरोघर → प्रत्येक घरी
2. अहोरात्र → (अह) दिवस आणि रात्र.

प्रयोग :

प्रश्न 1.
पुढील वाक्यांचे प्रयोग ओळखा :

  1. समीर चित्र रंगवतो. → [ ]
  2. कमलने बक्षीस मिळवले. → [ ]
  3. सैनिकाने शत्रूला पराभूत केले. → [ ]
  4. स्वाती गाणे म्हणते. → [ ]

उत्तर :

  1. कर्तरी प्रयोग
  2. कर्मणी प्रयोग।
  3. भावे प्रयोग
  4. कर्तरी प्रयोग

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 रोज मातीत

अलंकार :

प्रश्न 1.
पुढील उदाहरणातील उपमेय व उपमाने ओळखा :

  1. ह्या आंब्यासारखा गोड आंबा हाच.
    उपमेय → [ ] उपमान → [ ]
  2. नयन नव्हे हे पाकळ्या कमळाच्या.
    उपमेय → [ ] उपमान → [ ]

उत्तर :

  1. उपमेय → [आंबा] उपमान → [आंबा[
  2. उपमेय → [नयन] उपमान → [कमळ-पाकळ्या]

रोज मातीत Summary in Marathi

कवितेचा भावार्थ :

शेतामध्ये कष्ट उपसणाऱ्या शेतकरी स्त्रीचे मनोगत व्यक्त करताना कवयित्री म्हणतात – शेतमळ्यामध्ये रोपे पेरण्यासाठी खोदलेल्या लांबलचक चरांमध्ये मी कांदयाची रोपे लावते आहे. हे कांदे नाहीत, तर मातीमध्ये पेरलेला हा माझा जीव आहे, प्राण आहे.

या माझ्या शेतातील काळ्या मातीला मी हिरव्या रोपांच्या रंगाने गोंदते आहे. गोंदणाच्या हिरव्या नक्षीप्रमाणे शेत पिकाने सजवते. काळ्या मातीत हिरवे स्वप्न उसवते आहे. या शेतजमिनीतच माझा संसार आहे. या मातीतच मी नांदते आहे. सोन्यासारखी पिवळीधमक झेंडूची फुले तोडून मी परडीत गोळा करते. ही फुले नाहीतच; जणू माझे शरीर मी त्या देठापासून फुलांच्या रूपाने तोडते आहे.

खुडलेल्या टपोऱ्या झेंडूच्या फुलाची मी पताका करून, ती फुले माळेत गुंफून मी त्याचे तोरण घराच्या दाराला शुभचिन्ह म्हणून बांधत आहे. घरादाराचा असा उत्सव मी प्राणपणाने साजरा करते. मी या काळ्याभोर मातीत रोजची नांदत आहे, वावरत आहे.

उसाचे पीक येण्यासाठी वाफ्यातील चरात मी उसाची बारीक कांडे बियाणे म्हणून दाबून बसवते. खरे म्हटले तर ही उसांची कांडे नाहीतच, माझे मन मी त्यात दाबून बसवते आहे. मनापासून माझे मी शेतीचे काम आवडीने करते आहे.

काडी-काडी जोडून मी माझा प्रपंच सांधते आहे. म्हणजे कष्ट करून संसाराचा गाडा इमानाने स्वत:च्या हिमतीने ओढते आहे. संसारातील खस्ता खाते आहे. मी रोज या माझ्या प्रिय काळ्याशार मातीत नांदत आहे.

उन्हातान्हाची पर्वा न करता, मरणाची वेदना सहन करून मी रोज राबते आहे. जेव्हा पीक हिरवेगार होऊन काळ्या जमिनीत लहरेल, समृद्धीच्या रूपात मागे उरेन, तेव्हा या कष्टाचे फळ मला मिळेल, असा माझा ठाम विश्वास आहे. पिके हिरवीगार राहावीत व दाण्यांनी लगडावीत म्हणून मी खोल विहिरीत पोहरा टाकून पाणी उपसते व ते शेतात सोडते. अशा प्रकारे माझे हिरवे स्वप्न साकार होण्यासाठी मी दररोज या मातीत काया झिजवत आहे; कष्ट करीत आहे.

शब्दार्थ :

  1. वाफा – शेतमळा.
  2. नांदते – वावरते, आनंदाने स्थाईक होते.
  3. देह – शरीर.
  4. बेणं – बी, बियाणे, बीज.
  5. सांधते – जोडते.
  6. उन्हातान्हात – भर उन्हात.
  7. शेंदते – (आडातील पाणी) पोहऱ्याने उपसून काढते.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 रोज मातीत

टिपा :

  1. सरी – रोप लावण्यासाठी खणलेले लांब चर.
  2. हिरवं गोंदण – हिरव्या पिकांनी ठसवलेली (जमीन).
  3. काळी आई – शेतकऱ्याची काळीभोर शेतजमीन.
  4. तोरण – शुभपताकांची माळ.
  5. झेंडू – एक प्रकारचे फूल.

वाक्प्रचार व त्यांचे अर्थ :

  1. देह तोडणे – देह (शरीर) कष्टवणे.
  2. मन दाबणे – (मातीत) मन गाढणे, मनापासून कष्ट करणे.
  3. संसार सांधणे – प्रपंच सावरणे.
  4. पाणी शेंदणे – रहाटाद्वारे विहिरीचे पाणी उपसणे.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Marathi Yuvakbharati 12th Digest Chapter 1 वेगवशता Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता

12th Marathi Guide Chapter 1 वेगवशता Textbook Questions and Answers


1. अ. पाठाच्या आधारे खालील चौकटी पूर्ण करा.

प्रश्न 1. अ
पाठाच्या आधारे खालील चौकटी पूर्ण करा.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता 2
उत्तर :

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता 3

आ. कृती करा.

प्रश्न 1. आ.
कृती करा
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता 4.1

उत्तर :
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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता 6.1
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता 7.1

इ. कारणे शोधा व लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
अमेरिकेतील माणसांचे जीवन वेगवान असते, कारण ………………. .
उत्तर :
अमेरिकेतील माणसांचे जीवन वेगवान असते; कारण वेगवेगळ्या ठिकाणांमधील अंतर खूपच असते आणि दरडोई वाहन उपलब्ध असते

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता

प्रश्न 2.
लेखकांच्या मते, गरजेच्या वेळी वाहनांचा वापर करायला हवा; कारण ………………… .
उत्तर :
लेखकांच्या मते, गरजेच्या वेळी वाहनांचा वापर करायला हवा; कारण रस्त्यावर अडचणी निर्माण होणार नाहीत.

2. अ. योग्य पर्याय निवडून उत्तर लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
जीवन अर्थ पूर्ण होईल, जर ………………….
अ. वाहन कामापुरतेच वापरले तर.
आ. वाहन आवश्यक कामासाठी वापरले तर
इ. वाहनाचा वेग आटोक्यात ठेवला तर.
ई. वरील तिन्ही गोष्टींचा अवलंब केला तर.
उत्तर :
ई. वरील तिन्ही गोष्टींचा अवलंब केला तर.

प्रश्न 2.
निसर्गविरोधी वर्तन नसणे, म्हणजे……………..
अ. स्वत:ला वाहनाशी सतत जखडून ठेवणे.
आ. वाहनाचा अतिवेग अंगीकारणे.
इ. तातडीचा भाग म्हणून कधीतरी वाहन वापरणे.
ई. गरज नसताना वाहन वापरणे.
उत्तर :
इ. तातडीचा भाग म्हणून कधीतरी वाहन वापरणे.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता

आ. वाहन वापरातील फरक स्पष्ट करा.

प्रश्न 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता 1
उत्तर :

अमेरिका भारत
घरोघर, दरडोई वाहन उपलब्ध असते. अंतरे कमी आहेत.
रस्ते रुंद, सरळ, निर्विघ्न व एकमार्गी माणसे खूप आहेत.
कामांची वेगवेगळी ठिकाणे किमान शंभर मैल अंतरावर असतात. कामे फारशी नसतात.
दूरदूरची ठिकाणे गाठण्यासाठी वेगाचा आश्रय घ्यावा लागतो. महानगरे रेल्वेने जोडलेली आहेत.

3. खालील वाक्यांचा अर्थ सोदाहरण स्पष्ट करा.

प्रश्न अ.
यथाप्रमाण गती ही गरज आहे ; पण अप्रमाण, अवास्तव आणि अनावश्यक गती ही एक विकृती आहे.
उत्तर :
योग्य त्या प्रमाणात, आवश्यक त्या प्रमाणात वाहन वापरणे ही माणसाची गरज आहे. योग्य त्या प्रमाणात वाहन न वापरणे, अव्यवहार्य रितीने वापरणे आणि गरज नसताना वापरणे हे अनैसर्गिक आहे.

प्रश्न आ.
आरंभी माणसे वाहनांवर स्वार होतात. मग वाहने माणसांवर स्वार होतात.
उत्तर :
सुरुवातीला लोक गाडी जपून चालवतात. थोड्या काळासाठीच जपून चालवतात. मात्र हळूहळू त्यांना गाडीची चटक लागते. मग ते गरज असतानाच नव्हे, तर केवळ मौजमजा करण्यासाठीसुद्धा गाडीचा वापर करतात. हळूहळू त्यांना गाडीशिवाय कुठे जाताही येत नाही. पूर्णपणे ते गाडीवरच अवलंबून राहतात. हे सिगारेटच्या व्यसनासारखेच आहे.

सुरुवातीला फक्त एकदाच, मग फक्त एकच. असे करता करता दिवसाला एक पाकीट कधी होते हे कळतच नाही. नंतर नंतर सिगारेट मिळाली नाही तर त्या व्यक्तीचे मनःस्वास्थ्यच नाहीसे होते. सिगारेटशिवाय ती राहू शकत नाही. ती व्यक्ती सिगारेटचा गुलाम होऊन जाते. तद्वतच माणसेही गाड्यांचे गुलाम होतात. त्यांच्या वापराबाबत माणसांना कोणतेही तारतम्य राहत नाही.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता

प्रश्न इ.
उगाच भावविवश होऊन वेगवश होऊ नये.
उत्तर :
वाहन हे सोयीसाठी असते. ते साधन आहे. आपला वेळ व आपले श्रम वाहनामुळे वाचतात. आपली कामे भराभर होतात. वाहनाचे हे स्थान ओळखले पाहिजे. यापलीकडे आपल्या भावना गुंतवू नयेत. वाऱ्यासोबत त्याच्या वेगाने धावू लागलो तर काही क्षण आनंद मिळतो. उत्साह, उल्हास शरीरात सळसळतो. म्हणजे आपल्या भावना उचंबळून येतात. या भावनांवर आपण आरूढ झालो, तर आपला वाहनावर ताबा राहत नाही आणि अपघातांची शक्यता निर्माण होते.

आपल्या वाहनाला धडकेल का, आपल्याला जिथे वळायचे आहे तिथे वळता येईल का, त्या वेळी बाकीच्या वाहनांची स्थिती कशी असेल, त्यांच्यापैकी कोणीही स्वत:ची दिशा बदलण्याचा संभव आहे का इत्यादी अनेक बाबींचा विचार काही क्षणांत करावा लागतो. त्या अनुषंगाने सतत विचार करीत राहावे लागते. वाहन आणि वाहनाची गती यांखेरीज अन्य कोणतेही विचार मनात आणता येत नाहीत.

एकाच विचाराला जखडले गेल्यामुळे डोळ्यांवर, शरीरावर व मनावर विलक्षण ताण येतो. अपघाताची भीती मनात सावलीसारखी वावरत असते. तासन्तास तणावाखाली राहावे लागल्याने मनावर विपरीत परिणाम होतात. वाहनाचा वेग जास्त असल्यामुळे अगदी बारीकशा खड्ड्यानेसुद्धा वाहनाला हादरे बसतात. सांधे दुखतात. ते कमकुवत होतात. अशा प्रकारे वाढता वेग म्हणजे ताण, हे समीकरण तयार होते.

4. व्याकरण.

अ. समानार्थी शब्द लिहा.

प्रश्न अ.
समानार्थी शब्द लिहा.

  1. निकड –
  2. उचित –
  3. उसंत –
  4. व्यग्न –

उत्तर :

  1. निकड – गरज
  2. उचित – योग्य
  3. उसंत – सवड
  4. व्यग्र – गर्क

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता

आ. खालील सामासिक शब्दांचा विग्रह करून समास ओळखा.

प्रश्न आ.
खालील सामासिक शब्दांचा विग्रह करून समास ओळखा.

  1. ताणतणाव –
  2. दरडोई –
  3. यथाप्रमाण –
  4. जीवनशैली –

उत्तर :

  1. ताणतणाव – ताण, तणाव वगैरे → समाहार व्वंद्व
  2. दरडोई – प्रत्येक डोईला → अव्ययीभाव
  3. यथाप्रमाण – प्रमाणाप्रमाणे → अव्ययीभाव
  4. जीवनशैली – जीवनाची शैली → विभक्ती तत्पुरुष

इ. कंसातील सूचनेनुसार वाक्यरूपांतर करा.

प्रश्न इ.
कंसातील सूचनेनुसार वाक्यरूपांतर करा.

  1. आजच्या जीवनात विलक्षण वेगवानता आढळते. (उद्गारार्थी करा.)
  2. आपल्याकडे कामाच्या ठिकाणाची अंतरे कमी आहेत. (नकारार्थी करा.)
  3. निसर्गरम्य स्थान किंवा मंदिर पाहण्यासाठी ही माणसे का जात नाहीत? (विधानार्थी करा.)

उत्तर :

  1. किती विलक्षण वेगवानता आढळते आजच्या जीवनात!
  2. आपल्याकडे कामाच्या ठिकाणांची अंतरे जास्त नाहीत.
  3. माणसांनी निसर्गरम्य स्थान किंवा मंदिर पाहण्यासाठी जायला हरकत नाही.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता

5. स्वमत.

प्रश्न अ.
‘वाहनांच्या अतिवापराने शरीर व्यापारात अडथळे निर्माण होतात’, तुमचे मत सोदाहरण स्पष्ट करा.
उत्तर :
अलीकडच्या काळात जीवन विलक्षण गतिमान झाले आहे. एकाच माणसाला अनेक कामे पार पाडावी लागतात. तीसुद्धा कमी अवधीत. कामांशी संबंधित ठिकाणी अनेक माणसांना अनेक ठिकाणी गाठावे लागते. मोठमोठी अंतरे कापावी लागतात. चालत जाऊन ही कामे करता येणे शक्य नसते. साहजिकच वाहनांचा उपयोग अपरिहार्य ठरतो.

फक्त एका-दोघांना किंवा फक्त काहीजणांनाच वाहन वापरावे लागते असे नाही. सामान्य माणसांनाही वाहन वापरणे गरजेचे होऊन बसले आहे. सतत वाहन वापरण्याचे दुष्परिणाम खूप होतात. आपण चालत चालत जाऊन कामे करतो, तेव्हा शरीराच्या सर्व प्रकारच्या हालचाली होतात. इकडे-तिकडे वळणे, खाली वाकणे, वर पाहणे, मागे पाहणे, हात वर-खाली करणे, पाय दुमडून बसणे.

पाय लांब करून बसणे, उकिडवे बसणे अशा कितीतरी लहान लहान कृतींतून शारीरिक हालचाली घडत असतात. या हालचालींमुळे शरीराच्या सगळ्याच स्नायूंना आणि सांध्यांना भरपूर व्यायाम मिळतो. शरीर लवचीक बनते. आपण या हालचाली सहजगत्या, एका लयीत करू शकतो. एक सुंदर, नैसर्गिक लय शरीराला लाभते. मात्र, सतत वाहनांचा उपयोग करावा लागल्यामुळे हालचालींना आपण मुकतो.

शरीराला लवचिकता प्राप्त होत नाही. शरीराच्या अनेक व्याधींना सुरुवात होते. दुःखे, कटकटी भोगाव्या लागतात. पैसा, वेळ खर्च होतो. दैनंदिन जीवन विस्कळीत होते. जगण्यातला आनंद नाहीसा होतो. म्हणजे आपल्या शरीर व्यापारात अनेक अडथळे निर्माण होतात.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता

प्रश्न आ.
‘वाढता वेग म्हणजे ताण’, याविषयी तुमचे मत सविस्तर लिहा.
उत्तर :
माणसे वाहनात बसली की ते दृश्य पाहण्यासारखे असते. सर्वजण उल्हसित मन:स्थितीत असतात. सगळ्यांच्या बोलण्याच्या कोलाहलामुळे वातावरणात आनंद भरून जातो. वाहनचालकाला हळूहळू सुरसुरी येते. तो हळूहळू वेग वाढवू लागतो. सर्वजण उत्तेजित होतात. गाडीचा वेग वाढतच जातो. मागे पडत जाणाऱ्या वाहनांकडे सगळेजण विजयी मुद्रेने पाहू लागतात.

चालक हळूहळू बेभान होतो. अन्य गाडीवाले सामान्य आहेत, कमकुवत आहेत, आपण सम्राट आहोत, अशी भावना मनातून उसळी घेऊ लागते. अशा मन:स्थितीत माणूस विवेक गमावतो. गाडी सुरक्षितपणे चालवण्यासाठी ही मन:स्थिती अनुकूल नसते. गाडी सुरक्षितपणे चालवण्यासाठी चित्त एकवटून वाहनावर केंद्रित करावे लागते. हात आणि पाय यांच्या हालचाली अचूक जुळवून घेण्यासाठी सतत मनाची तयारी ठेवावी लागते.

क्लच, ब्रेक, अक्सलरेटर, यांच्याकडे बारीक लक्ष ठेवावे लागते. त्याच वेळी पाठीमागून व बाजूने येणारी वाहने आणि आपण यांच्यात सुरक्षित अंतर ठेवण्याचा कसोशीने प्रयत्न करावा लागतो. अन्य एखादे वाहन मध्येच आडवे येईल का, आपल्या वाहनाला धडकेल का, आपल्याला जिथे वळायचे आहे तिथे वळता येईल का, त्या वेळी बाकीच्या वाहनांची स्थिती कशी असेल, त्यांच्यापैकी कोणीही स्वत:ची दिशा बदलण्याचा संभव आहे का इत्यादी अनेक बाबींचा विचार काही क्षणांत करावा लागतो.

त्या अनुषंगाने सतत विचार करीत राहावे लागते. वाहन आणि वाहनाची गती यांखेरीज अन्य कोणतेही विचार मनात आणता येत नाहीत. एकाच विचाराला जखडले गेल्यामुळे डोळ्यांवर, शरीरावर व मनावर विलक्षण ताण येतो. अपघाताची भीती मनात सावलीसारखी वावरत असते. तासन्तास तणावाखाली राहावे लागल्याने मनावर विपरीत परिणाम होतात. वाहनाचा वेग जास्त असल्यामुळे अगदी बारीकशा खड्ड्यानेसुद्धा वाहनाला हादरे बसतात. सांधे दुखतात. ते कमकुवत होतात. अशा प्रकारे वाढता वेग म्हणजे ताण, हे समीकरण तयार होते.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता

प्रश्न इ.
‘वाहन हे वेळ वाचवण्यासाठी असते. ते वेळ घालवण्यासाठी नसते’, हे विधान तुमच्या शब्दांत स्पष्ट करा.
उत्तर :
खरे तर प्राचीन काळापासून वाहन निर्माण करणे, हे माणसाचे स्वप्न होते. त्याच्या मनात खोलवर रुजलेले हे स्वप्न प्राचीन कथांमधून, देवदेवतांच्या कथांमधून सतत व्यक्त होत राहिले आहे. माणसाच्या मनातल्या या प्रबळ प्रेरणेतूनच वाहनाची निर्मिती झाली आहे. वेळ आणि श्रम वाचवणे हाच वाहनाच्या निर्मितीमागील हेतू आहे. अलीकडच्या काळात जीवनाचा वेग प्रचंड वाढला आहे. वेळ थोडा असतो. कामे भरपूर असतात. कामाची ठिकाणेसुद्धा दूर दूर असतात. अनेक ठिकाणी जावे लागते.

अनेक माणसांना भेटावे लागते. म्हणूनच वाहनांची निर्मिती झाली आहे. वाहनांमुळे माणसाची प्रचंड प्रगती झाली आहे. त्यामुळे वाहनाला माणसाच्या जीवनात फार मोठे स्थान मिळालेले आहे. अशी ही अत्यंत महत्त्वाची वस्तू आपल्याकडे असावी, असे सगळ्यांना वाटू लागते. माणसे धडपडून वाहने प्राप्त करतात. प्रतिष्ठा मिळवतात. पण वेळ व श्रम वाचवणे हा उद्देश मात्र त्यांच्या मनातून केव्हाच दूर होतो. वाहन हे साधन आहे.

ते आपला वेळ वाचवते यात शंकाच नाही. परंतु काहीही केले तरी किमान वेळ हा लागतोच. शून्य वेळामध्ये आपण कुठेही पोहोचू शकत नाही. वाहन ही अखेरीस एक वस्तू आहे. वस्तूला तिच्या मर्यादा असतात. हे लक्षात न घेता आपण जास्तीत जास्त वेग वाढवून कमीत कमी वेळात पोहोचण्याचा हव्यास बाळगतो. अतिवेगामुळे आपलेच नुकसान होते. अनेक शारीरिक व्याधी आपल्याला जडतात. शारीरिक क्षमता उणावते. जगण्यातला आनंद कमी होतो. हे सर्व आपण सतत लक्षात ठेवले पाहिजे.

पण हे कोणीही लक्षात घेत नाही. केवळ हौसेसाठी, गंमत-जंमत करण्यासाठी, आपल्याकडे गाडी आहे, ऐश्वर्य आहे हे दाखवण्यासाठी लोक गाडीचा उपयोग करतात. हळूहळू गाडीचे गुलाम बनतात. गाडी हे एक साधन आहे, हे आपण सतत लक्षात ठेवले पाहिजे.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता

प्रश्न ई.
‘वाहनाची अतिगती ही विकृती आहे’, स्पष्ट करा.
उत्तर :
वाहनाची अतिगती ही विकृती आहे, हे विधान शंभर टक्के सत्य आहे. हे विधान मला पूर्णपणे मान्य आहे. विकृती म्हणजे जे सहज नाही, नैसर्गिक नाही ते. कल्पना करा. आपल्याला चॉकलेट खूप आवडते. सर्व जगात असे किती जण आहेत, जे सकाळी, दुपारी, संध्याकाळी व रात्री आवडते म्हणून फक्त चॉकलेटच खातात? समजा एखादयाला पांढरा रंग खूप आवडतो, म्हणून तो घरातल्या सर्व माणसांना फक्त पांढऱ्या रंगाचेच कपडे घेतो. घराला पांढरा रंग देतो. अंथरुणे-पांघरुणे पांढरी, खिडक्यांचे पडदे पांढरे, भांडीकुंडी, फर्निचर पांढऱ्या रंगाचे. हे असे करणारा जगामध्ये.

एक तरी माणूस असेल का? सर्वजण पायांनी चालतात. उलटे होऊन हातांवर तोल सावरत प्रयत्नपूर्वक चालता येऊ शकते. पण अशा त-हेने नियमितपणे जाणारा एक तरी माणूस सापडेल का? जे सहज आहे, नैसर्गिक आहे तेच साधारणपणे माणूस करतो. तीच खरे तर प्रकृती असते. याच्या विरुद्ध वागणे म्हणजे विकृती होय. रोजच्या जेवणात वरण-भात आणि भाजी-पोळी असणे, घरात विविध रंगसंगती योजणे, पायांनी चालणे हे सर्व सहज, नैसर्गिक आहे.

सर्व माणसे तसेच वागतात. हाच न्याय वाहनांनासुद्धा लागू पडतो. मर्यादित वेगाने वाहन चालवत, अपघाताची शक्यता निर्माण होऊ न देता, सुरक्षितपणे, वेळेत पोहोचणे हा वाहनाने प्रवास करण्याचा हेतू असतो. हा हेतू आपण अतिवेगाचा हव्यास बाळगला नाही तरच यशस्वी होतो. म्हणून अतिवेग ही विकृती होय, हेच खरे.

6. अभिव्यक्ती.

प्रश्न अ.
रस्त्यावरील वाहतूक कोंडीत सापडल्यावर तुमची भूमिका काय असेल ते लिहा.
उत्तर :
सध्या वाहनांची प्रचंड गर्दी झाली आहे. रस्ते मात्र पूर्वीएवढेच आहेत. रस्त्यांची संख्या पूर्वीइतकीच आणि त्यांची लांबी-रुंदीसुद्धा पूर्वीइतकीच. गाड्यांची संख्या मात्र प्रचंड वाढली आहे. कमी वेळात पोहोचण्याच्या इच्छेने वाहन खरेदी केले जाते खरे; पण वाहतूक कोंडीतच तासन्तास वाया जातात. या परिस्थितीमुळे मनाचा संताप होतो. वाहन आपल्या मालकीचे असते. पण रस्ता.

आपल्या मालकीचा नसतो. मग वाहतूक कोंडीच्या ठिकाणी प्रचंड गदारोळ माजतो. प्रत्येकजण स्वत:ची गाडी वाटेल तशी पुढे दामटत राहतो. सर्व गाड्या एकमेकांच्या वाटा अडवून उभ्या राहतात. कोणीही पुढे जाऊ शकत नाही की मागे परतू शकत नाही. गाड्यांचे हॉर्न कर्कश आवाजात मोठमोठ्याने कोकलत असतात. काही जणांची भांडणे सुरू होतात. पोलीस हतबल होतात.

अशा प्रसंगात मी सापडलो तर? सर्वप्रथम हे लक्षात घेईन की परिस्थिती माझ्या नियंत्रणात नाही. मी पूर्णपणे शांत राहीन. मनाची चिडचिड होऊ देणार नाही. अस्वस्थ होणार नाही. हॉर्न तर मुळीच वाजवणार नाही. मध्ये मध्ये घुसून पुढे जाण्याचा प्रयत्न करणार नाही. तसे करणाऱ्यांना समजावून सांगण्याचा प्रयत्न करीन. कारण अशा पद्धतीने कोणीही पुढे जाऊ शकत नाही.

उलट अडचणींमध्ये भर पडण्याची शक्यता जास्त. आपण स्वतः पुढे होऊन रहदारीचे नियंत्रण करू लागलो तर लोक आपले ऐकणार नाहीत. पण आणखी एका दोघांशी बोलून दोघे-तिघे जण तिथल्या पोलीस काकांना भेटू. आमची मदत करण्याची इच्छा बोलून दाखवू. त्यांच्याशी चर्चा करून काय काय करायचे ते ठरवून घेऊ. कामांची आपापसांत वाटणी करून घेऊ आणि पोलीस काकांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली वाहतूक नियंत्रण सुरू करू.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता

प्रश्न आ.
वाहन चालवत असताना कोणती काळजी घ्यावी, ते तुमच्या शब्दांत लिहा.
उत्तर :
गाडी चालवताना काळजी घेतली आणि वाहतुकीचे नियम काटेकोरपणे पाळले तर प्रवास सुखाचा, सुरक्षित आणि कमीत कमी वेळेत पूर्ण होतो.

गाडी चालवायला बसण्यापूर्वीची पूर्वतयारी :

  • प्रत्येक वेळी गाडी चालवायला बसण्यापूर्वी वाहन चालवण्याचा परवाना (ड्रायव्हिंग लायसन्स), अन्य आवश्यक कागदपत्रे (विमा, पीयुसी इत्यादी) घेतल्याची खात्री करून घ्यावी.
  • टायरमधील हवा आणि गाडीतील इंधन पुरेपूर असल्याची खात्री करावी.
  • गाडीतील प्रवाशांना वाहतुकीच्या सामान्य नियमांची कल्पना दयावी. आणीबाणीच्या प्रसंगी काय करावे त्याची माहिती दयावी.

प्रत्यक्ष गाडी चालवताना घ्यायची काळजी :

  • गाडीवर पूर्ण लक्ष ठेवावे.
  • गाडीतील प्रवाशांच्या गप्पांत सामील होऊ नये.
  • गाडीचा वेग पन्नास-साठ किलोमीटरच्या पलीकडे जाऊ देऊ नये; कारण आपल्याकडील रस्ते अजूनही साठ किलोमीटरपेक्षा जास्त वेगाने जाण्यास योग्य बनवलेले नाहीत.
  • जास्त वेगामुळे सतत हादरे बसतात आणि सर्वांनाच त्रास होतो. शारीरिक व्याधी जडतात. म्हणून जास्त वेगाचा मोह टाळावा.
  • गाडीतील प्रवाशांना गप्पा मारण्यास बंदी घालता येत नाही. तरीही गप्पांच्या ओघात अचानक मोठ्याने ओरडणे किंवा हास्यस्फोटक विनोद करणे या गोष्टी टाळण्याच्या सूचना दयाव्यात.
  • स्वत:ची लेन सोडून जाऊ नये.
  • लेन बदलताना, वळण घेताना, रस्ता बदलताना खूप आधीपासून तयारी करावी. योग्य ते सिग्नल दयावेत.
  • वाटेत जागोजागी लावलेल्या वाहतुकीच्या सूचनांचे काटेकोर पालन करावे.
  • गाडीत धूम्रपान, मद्यपान करू नये. गाडी चालकाने तर मुळीच करू नये.

अशा प्रकारे काळजी घेतल्यास आपला प्रवास सुखाचा होतो.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता

उपक्रम :

‘वाहतूक नियंत्रण पोलीस कर्मचारी’ यांची अभिरूप मुलाखत तुमच्या वर्गमित्राच्या/मैत्रिणीच्या मदतीने वर्गात सादर करा.

तोंडी परीक्षा :

‘वाहतूक सुरक्षेची गरज’ या विषयावर पाच मिनिटांचे भाषण दया.

Marathi Yuvakbharati 12th Digest Chapter 1 वेगवशता Additional Important Questions and Answers

प्रश्न. पुढील उतारा वाचा आणि दिलेल्या सूचनांनुसार कृती करा :

कृती 1 : (आकलन)

योग्य पर्याय निवडून उत्तर लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
1. वाहनाचा वेग अनिवार झाला, तर …….
2. शरीर-मनावरील ताण नाहीसे होतात.
3. शरीरभर आनंदाची स्पंदने निर्माण होतात.
4. आरोग्याची हानी होते.
5. एकाच जागी तासन्तास जखडून बसण्याचे शारीरिक कौशल्य अवगत होते.
उत्तर :
4. आरोग्याची हानी होते.

पुढील वाक्यांचा अर्थ सोदाहरण स्पष्ट करा :

प्रश्न 1.
जीवन हे दशदिशांना विभागले आहे.
उत्तर :
आधुनिक काळात खूप प्रगती झाल्यामुळे माणसे पूर्वीच्या काळापेक्षा कमी वेळात जास्त कामे करतात. त्यामुळे कामांची ठिकाणे अनेक असतात. ही ठिकाणे दूर दूर पसरलेली असतात.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता

प्रश्न 2.
अंतरावरच्या गोष्टींशी जवळीक साधण्यासाठी दूरवर जावे लागते.
उत्तर :
अमेरिकेसारख्या देशामध्ये राहण्याची ठिकाणे, नोकरीव्यवसायाची ठिकाणे, अन्य कामाची ठिकाणे ही सर्व दूर दूर अंतरावर असतात. ही अंतरे पार करण्यासाठी खूप प्रवास करावा लागतो. भारतातील अनेक व्यक्तींची मुले अमेरिकेसारख्या दूरदूरच्या देशांमध्ये राहतात. ही सर्व माणसे एकमेकांना नियमितपणे व सहजपणे भेटू शकत नाहीत. साहजिकच अंतरामुळे त्यांच्यात दुरावा निर्माण होतो.

शकत नाही. गाड्यांचे हॉर्न कर्कश आवाजात मोठमोठ्याने कोकलत असतात. काही जणांची भांडणे सुरू होतात. पोलीस हतबल होतात. अशा प्रसंगात मी सापडलो तर? सर्वप्रथम हे लक्षात घेईन की परिस्थिती माझ्या नियंत्रणात नाही. मी पूर्णपणे शांत राहीन. मनाची चिडचिड होऊ देणार नाही. अस्वस्थ होणार नाही. हॉर्न तर मुळीच वाजवणार नाही.

मध्ये मध्ये घुसून पुढे जाण्याचा प्रयत्न करणार नाही. तसे करणाऱ्यांना समजावून सांगण्याचा प्रयत्न करीन. कारण अशा पद्धतीने कोणीही पुढे जाऊ शकत नाही. उलट अडचणींमध्ये भर पडण्याची शक्यता जास्त. आपण स्वतः पुढे होऊन रहदारीचे नियंत्रण करू लागलो तर लोक आपले ऐकणार नाहीत. पण आणखी एका दोघांशी बोलून दोघे-तिघे जण तिथल्या पोलीस काकांना भेटू. आमची मदत करण्याची इच्छा बोलून दाखवू. त्यांच्याशी चर्चा करून काय काय करायचे ते ठरवून घेऊ. कामांची आपापसांत वाटणी करून घेऊ आणि पोलीस काकांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली वाहतूक नियंत्रण सुरू करू.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता

प्रश्न 3.
रस्त्याने कोणी चालण्याऐवजी पळू लागला तर त्याचे कौतुक करावे का?
उत्तर :
रस्त्याने कोणीही चालण्याऐवजी पळू लागला, तर कोणीही कौतुक करणार नाही. रस्ते, वाटा या चालण्यासाठी असतात. माणसे सर्वसाधारणपणे जशा कृती करतात, जशी वागतात, तशी वागली तर लोकांना बरे वाटते. वेगळी वागली, तर काहीतरी विचित्र घडत आहे, असे वाटू लागते.

लिहा :

प्रश्न 1.

  1. घरोघर व दरडोई वाहन उपलब्ध असलेला देश : ………….
  2. वेगामुळे बेभान होणारी : ………….
  3. अमेरिकन जीवनशैली ज्यांनी पत्करू नये ते : ………….
  4. गाड्यांनी एकमेकांना जोडली जाणारी : ………….
  5. वाहनांमुळे वाचतात : ………….
  6. माणसांवर स्वार होणारी : ………….

उत्तर :

  1. अमेरिका
  2. माणसे
  3. भारतीय
  4. महानगरे
  5. वेळ, श्रम
  6. वाहने.

कृती करा :

प्रश्न 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता 8.1
उत्तर :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता 9.1

प्रश्न 2.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता 10.1
उत्तर :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता 13.1
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता 11.1

प्रश्न 3.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता 14.1
उत्तर :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता 15.1

रिकाम्या चौकटी भरा :

प्रश्न 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता 12.1
उत्तर :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता 13.1

रिकाम्या जागा भरा :

प्रश्न 1.
वाई, सातारा अशा गावी वाहनाचा उपयोग होऊ शकतो, जर …
i. ………………….
ii. …………………
उत्तर :
वाई, सातारा अशा गावी वाहनाचा उपयोग होऊ शकतो, जर …
i. तातडीने शेतमळ्यावर जाण्याची वेळ आली.
ii. आपण गावाबाहेर राहत असू.

प्रश्न 2.
इतरांशी मानसिक स्पर्धा करण्यासाठी किंवा आपल्या ऐश्वर्याचे प्रदर्शन घडवण्यासाठी माणसे …..
उत्तर :
इतरांशी मानसिक स्पर्धा करण्यासाठी किंवा आपल्या ऐश्वर्याचे प्रदर्शन घडवण्यासाठी माणसे गरज नसताना कर्ज काढून वाहने खरेदी करतात.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता

सूचनेप्रमाणे उत्तरे लिहा : 

प्रश्न 1.
वाहनाचा वेग बेताचा हवा, असे लेखक सांगतात त्यामागील कारण लिहा.
उत्तर :
वाहनाचा वेग बेताचा हवा, असे लेखक सांगतात, त्यामागील कारण अतिघाई किंवा अतिवेग यांत कोणतेही औचित्य नसते.

प्रश्न 2.
अपघात होण्याची दोन कारणे लिहा.
उत्तर :

  • वेग वाढल्यामुळे वाहनावरचा ताबा सुटणे आणि
  • पुढच्या वाहनाला मागे टाकून पुढे जाण्याचा हव्यास या दोन कारणांनी अपघात होतात.

वाक्ये पूर्ण करा :

प्रश्न 1.

  1. जर वाहनाचा वेग वाढला, तर …………..
  2. पुढचे वाहन मागे टाकून पुढे जाण्याचा जर हव्यास बाळगला, तर …………
  3. रात्री भरधाव वेगाने प्रवास करू नये; कारण ………….

उत्तर :

  1. जर वाहनाचा वेग वाढला, तर त्यावरचा ताबा कमी होतो.
  2. पुढचे वाहन मागे टाकून पुढे जाण्याचा जर हव्यास बाळगला, तर अपघात होतो.
  3. रात्री भरधाव वेगाने प्रवास करू नये; कारण झटपट पार पडलीच पाहिजेत अशी महत्त्वाची कामे दरवेळी नसतात.

व्याकरण :


वाक्यांच्या आशयावरून वाक्यप्रकार ओळखा :

प्रश्न 1.

  1. वेग हे गतीचे रूप आहे. → [ ]
  2. जीवनाची ही टोके सांधणार कशी? → [ ]
  3. बापरे! किती हा जीवघेणा वेग! → [ ]

उत्तर :

  1. विधानार्थी वाक्य
  2. प्रश्नार्थी वाक्य
  3. उद्गारार्थी वाक्य

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता

प्रश्न 2.
क्रियापदाच्या रूपांवरून वाक्यप्रकार ओळखा :

  1. गतीला जेव्हा दिशा असते, तेव्हाच ती प्रगती या संज्ञेला पात्र ठरते. → [ ]
  2. सुसाट गतीला आवरा. → [ ]
  3. कामापुरते व कामासाठी वाहन काढावे. → [ ]
  4. वाहनांच्या वेगाची चिंता वाटते. → [ ]

उत्तर :

  1. संकेतार्थी वाक्य
  2. आज्ञार्थी वाक्य
  3. विध्यर्थी वाक्य
  4. स्वार्थी वाक्य

प्रयोग ओळखा :

प्रश्न 1.

  1. अचानक वेग वाढतो. → [ ]
  2. माणसाने वाहन चालविले. → [ ]
  3. माणसाने वेगाला आवरावे. → [ ]

उत्तर :

  1. कर्तरी प्रयोग
  2. कर्मणी प्रयोग
  3. भावे प्रयोग

अलंकार :

पुढील अलंकार ओळखा :

प्रश्न 1.
आईसारखे दैवत आईच होय!
उत्तर :
अनन्वय अलंकार

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 वेगवशता

शब्दार्थ :

  1. प्रगती – जीवनाचा स्तर, दर्जा उंचावणे.
  2. अगतिक – असहाय, केविलवाणे.
  3. अवखळ – खट्याळ, उपद्रवी.
  4. उरकणे – आटोपणे.
  5. यथाप्रमाण – आवश्यक तेवढे.
  6. त्वरा – घाई, जलदगती.
  7. कृतकृत्य – धन्य, यशस्वी.
  8. अनिवार – अतिशय.
  9. भावविवश – हळवा, भावनाप्रधान.
  10. यथासांग – (यथा + स + अंग) आवश्यक त्या सर्व बाजूंनी.

वाक्प्रचार व त्याचा अर्थ :

यथासांग पार पाडणे – सर्व बाजू पूर्ण करून पार पाडणे.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 12th Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

Question 1.
What is chemical kinetics?
Chemical kinetics is a branch of physical chemistry which involves the study of the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions and the influence of various factors like temperature, pressure, catalyst, etc., on the rates of reactions.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

Question 2.
What is the importance of chemical kinetics?

  • It deals with the study of the rates and mechanism of reactions.
  • The effect of temperature on the reaction rates can be studied.
  • The influence of catalysts can be studied.
  • The conditions for altering the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions can be predicted.
  • Thermodynamic parameters like energy, enthalpy changes, Δ5, ΔG of the reactions can be calculated.

Question 3.
How are reactions classified according to their rates? Give one example of each.
According to the rates of the reactions, they can be classified as :
(1) Fast reactions,
(2) Very slow reactions,
(3) Moderately slow reactions.

(1) Fitst actions : In this, reactants react almost instantaneously, e.g., neutralisation reaction between H+ and OH-, forming water.
\(\mathrm{H}_{(\mathrm{xa})}^{+}+\mathrm{OH}_{(\mathrm{aq})}^{-} \rightarrow \mathrm{H}_{2} \mathrm{O}_{0 \mathrm{D}}\)

(2) Very slow reactions : In this, the reactants react extremely slow, so that there is no appreciable change in the concentrations of the reactants over a long period of time. E.g., reaction of silica with mineral acids, rusting of iron, etc.

(3) Moderately slow reactions : In this, the reactants react moderately slow with a measurable velocity, e.g., the hydrolysis of the esters.
\mathrm{CH}_{3} \mathrm{COOC}_{2} \mathrm{H}_{5}+\mathrm{H}_{2} \mathrm{O} \stackrel{\mathrm{H}^{+}}{\longrightarrow} \mathrm{CH}_{3} \mathrm{COOH} \\
&+\mathrm{C}_{2} \mathrm{H}_{5} \mathrm{OH}

Question 4.
Define rate of a reaction.
Definition : The rate of a chemical reaction is defined as the change in the concentration of the reactants or products per unit time.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 2
It is often expressed in mol dm-3s-1.

Question 5.
Explain the following :
(A) Rate of the reaction in terms of the concentration of the reactants.
(B) Rate of reaction in terms of the concentration of the products.
(A) Rate of the reaction in terms of the concentration of the reactants :
If c1 and c2 are the concentrations of the reactant A at time t1 and t2 respectively, then, the change in concentration, Δc = c2 – c1
Since c2 < c1, the term Δc is negative often written as – Δc.
The time interval is, Δt – t2 – t1
If Δ [A] is the change in concentration of A, then A[A] = C2 – C1
∴ Rate of the reaction = \(\mathrm{A}=\frac{-\Delta[\mathrm{A}]}{\Delta t}\)
∴ Rate of the reaction = \(\frac{-\Delta c}{\Delta t}\)

(B) Rate of the reaction in terms of the concentration of the products :
If x1 and x2 are the concentrations of the product B at time t1 and t2 respectively, then the change in concentration, Δx = x2 – x1.

∴ x2 > x1, the term Δx is positive.
The time interval is, Δt = t2 – t1

If Δ B is the change in concentration of product B, then Δ[B] = x2 – x1 = Δx
∴ Rate of formation of \(\mathrm{B}=+\frac{\Delta[\mathrm{B}]}{\Delta t}\)
∴ Rate of the reaction \(=\frac{\Delta x}{\Delta t}\)

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

Question 6.
What are the units of rate of a chemical reaction?
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 3
∴ The unit of the rate of a chemical reaction : mol L-1 3t-1 or mol dm-3s-1 (According to IUPAC, the rate of a chemical reaction should be expressed in mol m-3s-1 [SI unit]).

Question 7.
Mention the factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction.
The rate of a chemical reaction depends on the following factors :

  • Nature of the reactants.
  • The concentration of the reactants. In case of a gaseous reaction the rate depends on the pressures of the reactants.
  • Temperature of the reaction.
  • The presence of a catalyst and its nature.

Question 8.
Explain the term Average rate of a reaction.
In chemical kinetics the rate of a reaction is measured in terms of the changes in the concentrations of the reactants or the products per unit time. Average rate of a chemical reaction : It is expressed as a finite change in concentration (- Δc) of the reactant divided by the time interval (Δt) for the change in concentration.

Consider a reaction,
A → B
The rate of a reaction, \(R=\frac{-\Delta[\mathrm{A}]}{\Delta t}=\frac{-\Delta c}{\Delta t}=\frac{c_{2}-c_{1}}{t_{2}-t_{1}}\)
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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 5
∴ Average rate \(=\frac{-\Delta[\mathrm{A}]}{\Delta t}\) (in mol dm-3s-1)

Δc is negative, since the concentrartion of the reactant decreases with the time.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 6
The rate of a reaction is also measured in terms of a finite change in the concentration (Δx) of the product divided by the time interval (Δt), for the change.

For the reaction,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 7

Question 9.
Explain the term Instantaneous rate of a reaction.
Instantaneous rate of a reaction : It is defined as a rate of a reaction at a specific instant during a course of the reaction.

If the average reaction rate is calculated over shorter and shorter intervals (making Δt very small) then instantaneous rate is obtained.

In case of reactant A, the instantaneous rate is represented as, \(R=\frac{-d[\mathrm{~A}]}{d t}\) and in case of product B, it is represented as \(R=\frac{+d[B]}{d t}\)

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

Question 10.
Define :
(a) Average rate of reaction.
(b) Instantaneous rate of reaction.
(a) Average rate of a chemical reaction : It is expressed as a finite change in concentration (- Δc) of the reactant divided by the time interval (Δt) for the change in concentration.

∴ Average rate, \(R=\frac{-\Delta c}{\Delta t}\)

(b) Instantaneous rate of reaction : It is defined as a rate of a reaction at a specific instant during a course of the reaction.

Instantaneous rate \(=\frac{-d c}{d t}\)

Question 11.
Represent the average rates of the following reaction. N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g).
For the reation,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 12
This is because the rate of consumption of H2 is thrice the rate of consumption of N2 while the rate of formation of NH3 will be twice the rate of consumption of N2.

Question 12.
Express the rate of a reaction in terms of change in concentration of each constituent in the following reaction : aA+bB → cC+ dD
The rate of a reaction may be expressed in terms of decrease in the concentration of the reactants or in-crease in the concentration of the product per unit time,

∴ For the given reaction, aA T bB → cC +dD
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 13

Question 13.
For a hypothetical reaction, A + 2B → products, the concentration of A and B at different intervals of time are given in the following table. Find the rates of the reaction in terms of concentration changes in A and B.

The equilibrium concentration of A and B at different time intervals :

Time t/minute [A]/mol L-1 [B]/ml L-1
0 1.000 2.000
10 0.534 1.068
20 0.342 0.360
30 0.180 0.360

Rate of a reaction = \(\frac{-\Delta[\mathrm{A}]}{\Delta t}=-\frac{1}{2} \frac{\Delta[\mathrm{B}]}{\Delta t}\)
(1) Over time interval from O to 10 minutes
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 14
(Note that the rate of a reaction in terms of changes in concentration of any reactant or product at the given time remains the same.)

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(2) Over the time interval from 10 to 20 minutes,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 15

Question 14.
Show that the rate of reaction is the same whether expressed in terms of the rate of consumption of any reactant or of the formation of any product.
2N2O5(g) → 4NO2(g) + O2(g)
The concentrations of reactants and products at different time intervals are given in the following table :
Concentrations of various species at different times for the reaction N2O5(g) → 4NO2(g) + O2(g) :

Time/s [N2O5]/M [NO2]/M [O2]/M
0 0.0300 0 0
200 0.0213 0.0174 0.00435
400 0.0152 0.0296 0.00740
600 0.0108 0.0384  0.00960

The rate of the reaction can be expressed in terms of rate of consumption of reactants or rate of formation of products.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 16
Consider concentrations at time t1 = 200 seconds and t2 = 400 seconds
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The constant values of rate of reaction proves that the rate of the reaction may be measured in terms of concentration changes of reactants or products per unit time.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

Question 15.
Define Rate law (or differential rate law).
Rate law (or differential rate law) : It is defined as an experimentally determined mathematical equation which expresses the rate of a chemical reaction in terms of molar concentrations of the reactants which influence the rate of the reaction. For example, for a reaction, A + B → Products By rate law, Rate = R = k[A] x [B] where k is a rate constant and [Al and [B] are molar concentrations of the reactants A and B respectively.

Question 16.
Give examples of rate law with illustrations.
Consider following examples :
(i) H2(g) + I2(g) → 2HI(g)
R = k[H2] [I2]

(ii) 2H2O2(g) → 2H2O(I) + O2(g)
Experimentally it is observed that the rate of the reaction is proportional to the concentration of H2O2.
∴ R = k [H2O2]

(iii) NO2(g) + CO(g) → NO(g) + CO2(g)
Experimentally it is observed that rate of the reaction does not depend on the concentration of CO but it is proportional to [NO2]2.
∴ R = k[NO2]2

Question 17.
What are the applications of the rate law?

  • The rate of any reaction at the given concentration can be measured by knowing the rate law and the rate constant.
  • The concentration of the reactants or the products at any instant during the progress of a reaction can be estimated with the help of rate law and the rate constant.
  • The mechanisms of simple or complex chemical reactions can be predicted and studied.

Question 18.
Define the rate constant. What are the factors which influence the rate constant of a chemical reaction?
(A) Rate constant : The rate constant of a chemical reaction is defined as the rate of the chemical reaction when the concentration (or active masses) of each reactant has unit value, i.e., 1 mol dm-3 in the case of solution and the pressure is 1 atm in case of gases, e.g., for a reaction, A → products, Rate R = k[A].

If [A] = 1 mol dm-3, then k = R.

(B) The rate constant of a reaction depends on the following factors:

  • Nature of the reactants.
  • Temperature of the reaction. As the temperature increases, the velocity constant (rate constant) increases.
  • The conditions of the reactions like the presence of the catalyst, solvent, pH, etc.
  • It does not depend on the concentration of the reactants. But if one or more substances are in excess concentration, then the order of the reaction is independent of them.

Question 19.
What are the characteristics of rate constant?
The characteristics of rate constant are as follows :

  • The rate constant depends upon the nature of the reaction.
  • Higher the value of the rate constant, faster is the reaction.
  • Lower the value of the rate constant, slower is the reaction.
  • By increasing the temperature, the magnitude of the rate constant increases.
  • For the given reaction, the rate constant has higher value in the presence of a catalyst than in the absence of the catalyst.
  • The reactions having lower activation energy have higher values for rate constants.

Solved Examples 6.2 – 6.3.2

Question 20.
Solve the following :

(1) Write the rate expressions for the following reactions in terms of rate of consumption of the reactants and the rate of formation of the products.
(i) 2NO(g) + O2(g) → 2NO2(g)
(ii) H2(g) + I2(g) → 2HI(g)
Solution :
(i) Given : 2NO(g) + O2(g) → 2NO2(g)
Rate of consumption of NO at time \(t=\frac{-d[\mathrm{NO}]}{d t}\)
Rate of consumption of O2 at time \(t=\frac{-d\left[\mathrm{O}_{2}\right]}{d t}\)
Rate of formation of NO2 at time \(t=\frac{d\left[\mathrm{NO}_{2}\right]}{d t}\)
Rate of the reaction \(=-\frac{1}{2} \frac{d[\mathrm{NO}]}{d t}=\frac{-d\left[\mathrm{O}_{2}\right]}{d t}\)
\(=\frac{1}{2} \frac{d\left[\mathrm{NO}_{2}\right]}{d t}\)

(ii) Given : H2(g) + I2(g) → 2HI(g)
Rate of consumption of H2 at time \(t=\frac{-d\left[\mathrm{H}_{2}\right]}{d t}\)
Rate of consumption of I2 at time \(t=\frac{-d\left[\mathrm{I}_{2}\right]}{d t}\)
Rate of formation of HI at time \(t=\frac{d[\mathrm{HI}]}{d t}\)
∴ Rate of reaction at any time t \(=-\frac{d\left[\mathrm{H}_{2}\right]}{d t}=-\frac{d\left[\mathrm{I}_{2}\right]}{d t}=\frac{1}{2} \frac{d[\mathrm{HI}]}{d t}\)

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(2) The gas-phase reaction between NO and Br2 is represented by the equation. 2NO(g) + Br2(g) → 2NOBr(g)
(a) Write the expressions for the rate of consumption of reactants and formation of products.
(b) Write the expression for the rate of overall reaction in terms of rates of consumption of reactants and formation of products.
Solution :
Given : 2NO(g) + Br2(g) → 2NOBr(g)
(a) Rate of consumption of NO at time t \(=-\frac{d[\mathrm{NO}]}{d t}\)
Rate of consumption of Br2 at time t \(=\frac{-d\left[\mathrm{Br}_{2}\right]}{d t}\)
Rate of formation of NOBr at time \(t=\frac{d[\mathrm{NOBr}]}{d t}\)
(b) Rate of reaction \(=-\frac{1}{2} \frac{d[\mathrm{NO}]}{d t}=\frac{-d\left[\mathrm{Br}_{2}\right]}{d t}\)
\(=\frac{1}{2} \frac{d[\mathrm{NOBr}]}{d t}\)

(3) The decomposition of N2Os is represented by the equation
2N2O5(g) → 4NO2(g) + O2(g)
(a) How is the rate of formation of NO2 related to the rate of formation of O2?
(b) How is the rate of formation of O2 related to the rate of consumption of N2O5?
Solution :
Given : 2N2O5(g) → 4NO2(g) + O2(g)
(a) Rate of formation of NO2 at time \(t=\frac{d\left[\mathrm{NO}_{2}\right]}{d t}\)
Rate of formation of O2 at time \(t=\frac{d\left[\mathrm{O}_{2}\right]}{d t}\)

They are related to each other through rate of reaction.
∴ Rate of reaction \(=\frac{1}{4} \frac{d\left[\mathrm{NO}_{2}\right]}{d t}=\frac{d\left[\mathrm{O}_{2}\right]}{d t}\)

(b) Rate of consumption of N2O5 at time t \(=-\frac{d\left[\mathrm{~N}_{2} \mathrm{O}_{5}\right]}{d t}\)

Rate of reaction \(=-\frac{1}{2} \frac{d\left[\mathrm{~N}_{2} \mathrm{O}_{5}\right]}{d t}=\frac{d\left[\mathrm{O}_{2}\right]}{d t}\)

In general,
Rate of reaction \(=-\frac{1}{2} \frac{d\left[\mathrm{~N}_{2} \mathrm{O}_{5}\right]}{d t}=\frac{1}{4} \frac{d\left[\mathrm{NO}_{2}\right]}{d t}=\frac{d\left[\mathrm{O}_{2}\right]}{d t}\)

(4) Nitric oxide reacts with H2 according to the reaction. 2NO(g) + 2H2(g) → N2(g) + 2H2O(g)
What is the relationship among \(\frac{d[\mathrm{NO}]}{d t}=\frac{d\left[\mathrm{H}_{2}\right]}{d t}=\frac{d\left[\mathrm{~N}_{2}\right]}{d t} \text { and } \frac{d\left[\mathrm{H}_{2} \mathrm{O}\right]}{d t} ?\)
Solution :
Given : 2NO(g) + 2H2(g) → N2(g) + 2H2O(g)
The relationship among the rate of consumption of the reactants and the rate of formation of products is as follows :

Rate of reaction :
\(R=-\frac{1}{2} \frac{d[\mathrm{NO}]}{d t}=-\frac{1}{2} \frac{d\left[\mathrm{H}_{2}\right]}{d t}=\frac{d\left[\mathrm{~N}_{2}\right]}{d t}=\frac{1}{2} \frac{d\left[\mathrm{H}_{2} \mathrm{O}\right]}{d t}\)

(5) The rate of decomposition of N2Os was studied in liquid bromine,
2N2O5(g) → 4NO2(g) + O2(g)
If at a certain time, the rate of disappearance of N2O5 is 0.015 Ms-1 find the rates of formation of NO2 and O2. What is the rate of the reaction at this instant?
Solution :
Given : 2N2O5(g) → 4NO2(g) + O2(g)
Rate of disappearance of N2O5 = 0.015 M s-1
Rate of formation of NO2 =?
Rate of formation of O2 =?
Rate of reaction = ?
Rate of disappearance of \(\mathrm{N}_{2} \mathrm{O}_{5}=\frac{-d\left[\mathrm{~N}_{2} \mathrm{O}_{5}\right]}{d t}\)
= 0.015 M s-1

Since 4 moles of NO2 are formed from 2 moles of N2O5 Rate of formation of NO2Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 21
Rate of formation of NO2 = 0.03 Ms-1
Rate of formation of O2 = 0.0075 M s-1
Rate of reaction = 0.0075 Ms-1.

(6) In the reaction, PCl5(g) → PCl3(g) + CI2(g), at a particular moment, the rate of disappearance of PCl5 is 0.015 Ms-1. What are the rates of formation of PCI3 and Cl2?
Solution :
Given : PCl5(g) → PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)
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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 23
Rate of formation of PCl3 = 0.015 Ms-1
Rate of formation of Cl2 = 0.015 Ms-1

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(7) In the reaction, 2N3O5(g) → 4NO2(g) + O2(g), at a certain time, the rate of formation of NO2 is 0. 04 Ms-1. Find the rate of consumption of N2O5, rate of formation of O2 and the rate of the reaction.
Solution :
Given : 2N2O5(g) → 4NO2(g) + O2(g)
Rate of formation of NO2 = \(\frac{d\left[\mathrm{NO}_{2}\right]}{d t}\) = 0.04 Ms-1

From the reaction, rate of consumption of N2O5 is half the rate of formation of NO2 since when 2 moles of N2O5 are consumed, 4 moles of NO2 are formed.
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Rate of formation of O2 is one-fourth rate of formation of NO2.
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(i) Rate of consumption of N2O5
(ii) Rate of formation of O2 = 0.01 Ms-1
(iii) Rate of reaction = 0.01 Ms-1

(8) Consider the reaction 2A + B → 2C. Suppose that at a particular moment during the reaction, rate of disappearance of A is 0.076 M/s,
(a) What is the rate of formation of C?
(b) What is the rate of consumption of B?
(c) What is the rate of the reaction?
Solution :
Given : 2A + B → 2C
Rate of disappearance of A = 0.076 Ms-1
(a) Rate of formation of C =?
(b) Rate of consumption of B =?
(c) Rate of reaction = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 26
(a) Rate of formation of C = 0.076 Ms-1
(b) Rate of consumption of B = 0.038 M s-1
(c) Rate of reaction = 0.038 Ms-1

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(9) Consider the reation \(\mathbf{3 I}_{(\mathbf{a q})}^{-}+\mathbf{S}_{2} \mathbf{O}_{8(u q)}^{2-} \longrightarrow \mathbf{I}_{3(\mathrm{aq})}^{-}+2 \mathrm{SO}_{4}^{2-}\) At a particular time t, \(t, \frac{d\left[\mathrm{SO}_{4}^{2-}\right]}{d t}=2.2 \times 10^{-2} \mathrm{M} / \mathrm{s}\) What are the values of \(\text { (a) }-\frac{d\left[\mathrm{I}^{-}\right]}{d t}\) \(-\frac{d\left[\mathrm{~S}_{2} \mathrm{O}_{8}^{2-}\right]}{d t}\) \(\text { (c) } \frac{d\left[\mathbf{I}_{3}^{-}\right]}{d t}\) at the same time?
Solution :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 27
(a) Rate of consumption of \(\mathrm{I}^{-}=-\frac{d\left[\mathrm{I}^{-}\right]}{d t}\)
When 2 moIes of \(\mathrm{SO}_{4}^{2-}\) are formed, 3 moves of I are consumed in the same time.
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(b) In the formation of 2 moles of \(\mathrm{SO}_{4}^{2-}\), 1 mole of \(\mathrm{S}_{2} \mathrm{O}_{8}^{2-}\) is consumed in the same time.
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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 30

(10) Ammonia and oxygen react at high temperature as :
4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) → 4NO(g) + 6H2O(g)
In an experiment, rate of formation of NO(g) is 3.6 x 10-3 mol L-1s-1.
(a) Rate of disappearance of ammonia
(b) Rate of formation of water.
Solution :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 31
(a) Rate of disappearance of NH3
= 3.6 x 10-3 mol L-1s-1
(b) Rate of formation of H2O
= 5.4 x 10-3 mol L-1s-1

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(11) The rate law for the reaction
C2H4Br2 + 3I → C2H4 + 2Br +I3 is Rate = k [C2H4Br2][I]. The rate of the reac-tion is found to be 1.1 x 10-4 M/s when the concentrations of C2H4Br2 and I– are 0.12M and 0.18 M respectively. Calculate the rate constant of the reaction.
Solution :
Given : C2H4Br2 + 3I → C2H4 + 2Br +I3
By rate law, Rate of reaction = R = k x [C2H4Br2][I]
R = 1.1 x 10-4 Ms-1
[C2H4Br2] = 0.12 M; [I] =0.18 M
Rate constant = k =?
R = k x [C2H4Br2] x [I]
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Rate constant = k = 5.1 x 10-3 M-1s-1

(12) For a reaction, 2A + B → C, the rate law is, rate =k x [A]2 x [B]. If the rate constant of the reaction is 3.74 x 10-2M-2s-1, calculate the rate of the reaction when the concentrations of A, B and C are 0.108 M, 0.132 M and 0.124 M respectively.
Solution :
Given : Rate constant of the reaction = k
= 3.74 x 10-2M-2s-1
[A] =0.108 M, [B] = 0.132M, [C] = 0.124 M
Rate of the reaction = R = ?
By rate law,
R = k [A]2 x [B] = (0.108)2 x 0.132 = 1.54 x 10-3 Ms-1
(Concentration of C need not be considered since it is a product.)
Rate of reaction = 1.54 x10-3 Ms-1

(13) For a reaction, A + B → C, if the concentration of A doubles, the rate of the reaction doubles. While if the concentration of B doubles the rate of the reaction increases by four fold. Write rate law. .
Solution :
Let x moles of A react with y moles of B. xA + yB → C
To write rate law, it is necessary to find x and y values.

(i) Initial rate \(=R_{1}=k[\mathrm{~A}]_{1}^{x}[\mathrm{~B}]_{1}^{y}\)
Final rate R2 is doubled when the concentration of A is doubled, i.e., R2 = 2R1 when final concentration,
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(It is assumed that the concentration of B remains same.)
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(ii) Initial rate \(=R_{1}=k[\mathrm{~A}]_{1}^{x}[\mathrm{~B}]^{y}\)
If the concentration of B is doubled keeping of A constant, rate becomes four times, i.e.,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 35
Hence the rate law is represented by an expression.
Rate = k[A] [B]2
Rate law is. Rate = k [A] [B]2

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(14) For the reaction, A2 + B + C → AC + AB, it is found that tripling the concentration of A2 triples the rate, doubling the concentration of C doubles the rate and doubling the concentration of B has no effect,
(a) What is the rate law?
(b) Why the change in concentration of B has no effect?
Solution :
Given : A2 + B + C → AC + AB
(a) The rate law may be represented as,
Rate = k [A2]x [B]y [C]z
Let [A]1, [B]1 and [C]1 represent initial concentration and [A]2, [B]2 and [C]2 represent final concentrations, and let R1 and R2 be initial and final rates of the reaction when the concentrations are changed.

(i) If [A]2 = 3[A]1, R2 = 3R1
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If the concentrations of B and C remain constant, then
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 37

(b) In the rate determining step, B may not be involved as the reactant, hence rate is independent of changes in concentration of B. (OR B may be in large excess as compared to the concentrations of A and C.)
(a) Rate law : Rate = k [A] [C]

Question 21.
Define and explain the term order of a chemical reaction.
Order of a chemical reaction : The order of a chemical reaction is defined as the number of molecules (or atoms) whose concentrations influence the rate of the chemical reaction.
The order of a chemical reaction is defined as the sum of the powers (or exponents) to which the concentration terms of the reactants are raised in the rate law expression for the given reaction.

Explanation :
Consider a reaction,
n1A + n2B → Products
where n1 moles of A react with n2 moles of B.

The rate of this reaction can be expressed by the rate law equation as,
R = k [A]n1 [B]n2
where k is the rate constant of the reaction, hence, the order of the reaction is n – n1 + n2, (observed, experimentally).

If n = 1, the reaction is called the first order reaction, if n = 2, it is called the second order reaction, etc.

If n = 0, it is called the zero order reaction, e.g., photochemical reaction of H2(g) and Cl2(g).

Question 22.
What are the features (or key points) of order of a reaction?
The features of order of reaction are as follows :

  • It represents the number of atoms, ions or molecules whose concentrations influence the rate of the reaction.
  • It is not related to the stoichiometric equation of the reaction, hence it cannot be predicted from stoichiometric balanced equation.
  • It is experimentally determined quantity.
  • It is defined only in terms of the concentrations of the reactants and not of products.
  • It may have values which are integers, fractional or zero.
  • Higher values are rare. Reactions of first and second order are in large number. Third order reactions are very few like,
    2NO(g) + Cl2(g) → 2NOCl(g).

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

Solved Examples 6.3.3

Question 23.
Solve the following :
(1) From the rate expressions for the following reactions, determine their order :
(a) 2N2O5(g) → 4NO2(g) + O2(g) : Rate = k [N2O5]
(b) CHCl3(g) + Cl2(g) → CCl4(g) + HCl(g) : Rate = k [CHL3] [Cl2]1/2
(c) C2H5Cl(g) → C2H4(g) + HCl(g): Rate = k [C2H5Cl]
(d) 2NO2(g) + F2(g) → 2NO2F(g) → : Rate = k (NO2] [F2]
Solution :
(a) 2N2O5(g) → 4NO2(g) + O2(g)
The rate law expression given for the reaction is Rate = k x [N2O5]
Hence the reaction is of first order.

(b) CHCl3(g) + Cl2(g) → CCl4(g) + HCl(g)
The given rate law expression is, R = k [CHCl3] x [Cl2]1/2 Here the order of a reaction is one with respect to CHCl3(g) and half with respect to Cl2(g). Therefore the overall order of the reaction is 1 + 1/2 = 1.5.

(c) C2H5Cl(g) → C2H4(g) + HCl(g)
The given rate law expression is, Rate = k [C2H5Cl]
Hence the reaction has order equal to one.

(d) 2NO2(g) + F2(g) → 2NO2F(g)
The given rate law expression for the reaction is Rate = k [NO2] x [F2]
Hence the reaction is first order with respect to NO2 and first order with respect to F2. The overall order of the reaction is, n = nNO2 + nF1 = 1 + 1 = 2.

(2) Determine the order of following reactions from their rate expressions :
(a) 2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2 Rate = k [H2O2]
(b) NO2 + CO → NO + CO2 Rate = k [NO2]2
(c) 2NO + O2 → 2NO2 Rate = k [NO]2 x [O2]
(d) CHCl3(g) + Cl2(g) → CCl4(g) + HCl(g)
Rate = k [CHCl3] [Cl2]
Solution :
(a) For the reaction,
2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2
Since the rate law expression given is,
Rate = k [H2O2]
Hence the reaction is of first order.

(b) For the reaction,
NO2 + CO → NO + CO2
Since the rate law given is Rate = k [NO2]2, the reaction is second order with respect to NO2 and zero order with respect to CO. Hence the net order of the reaction is, n = nNO2 + nco = 2 + 0 = 2

(c) For the reaction,
2NO + O2 → 2NO2
Since the rate law expression given is, Rate = k [NO]2 x [O2] the reaction is second order with respect to NO and first order with respect to O2. Hence the overall order of reaction is n = nNO2 + no2 = 2 + 1 = 3.

(d) For the reaction, by rate law,
Rate = k [CHCl3] x [Cl2] reaction is first order with respect to CHCl3 and first order with respect to Cl2. Hence the overall order is, n = ncHcl3 + ncl2 = 1 + 1 = 2.

(3) Write the rate law expressions for the following reactions:
(1) 2N2O5(g) → 4NO2 + O2; order of the reaction is 1.
(2) CH3CHO → CH4 + CO; order of the reaction Is 3/2.
Solution :
(1) For the given reaction, order is one hence the rate law expression is, Rate = k [N2O5].
(2) For the given reaction, order is 3/2, hence the rate law expression is Rate = k x [CH2CHO]3/2.

(4) The reaction \(\mathbf{H}_{2} \mathbf{O}_{2(\mathbf{a q})}+3 \mathbf{I}_{(\mathbf{a q})}^{-}+2 \mathbf{H}_{(\mathrm{aq})}^{+} \longrightarrow 2 \mathbf{H}_{2} \mathbf{O}_{(0)}+\mathbf{I}_{3(a q)}^{-}\) is first order in H2O2 and I, zero order in H+. Write the rate law.
Given :
\(\mathrm{H}_{2} \mathrm{O}_{2(\mathrm{~g})}+3 \mathrm{I}_{(\mathrm{aq})}^{-}+2 \mathrm{H}^{+}{ }_{(\mathrm{aq})} \longrightarrow 2 \mathrm{H}_{2} \mathrm{O}_{(\mathrm{i})}+\mathrm{I}_{3(\mathrm{aq})}^{-}\)
Since the reaction is first order in H2O2 and F and zero order in H+, the expression for rate law will be,
Rate =k [H2O2]1 [I]1 [H+]0
∴ Rate = k [H2O2] [I]
Rate = k [H2O2] [I]

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(5) The rate law for the gas-phase reaction
2NO(g) + O2(g) → 2NO2(g) is rate = k [NO2]2 [O2]. What is the order of the reaction with respect to each of the reactants and what is the overall order of the reaction?
Solution :
Given : 2NO(g) + O2(g) → 2NO2(g)
Rate = k [NO]2[O2]
Order of the reaction with respect to NO = nNo = 2
Order with respect to O2 = nO2 = 1
Overall order of the reaction = n = nNO + nO2
= 2 + 1
= 3
Order with respect to NO = 2
Order with respect to O2 = 1
Overall order = 3

(6) What is the order for the following reactions?
(a) 2NO2(g) + F2(g) → 2NO2F(g), rate = k [NO2][F2]
(b) CHCl3(g) + Cl2(g) → CCl4(g) + HCl(g), rate = k[CHCl3][Cl2]1/2
Solution :
(a) Given : 2NO2(g) + F2(g) → 2NO2F
Rate = k [NO2][F2]
Hence the reaction is first order with respect to NO2 and first order with respect to F2
∴ Order of reaction = nNO2 + nF2 = 1 + 1 = 2

(b) Given :
CHCl3(g) + Cl2(g) → CCl4(g) + HCl(g),
Rate = k [ CHCl3] [Cl2]1/2
Hence the reaction is first order in CHCl3 and half order in Cl2.
∴ Order of reaction
= nCHCl3 + nCl2 = 1 + \(\frac{1}{2}\) = \(\frac{3}{2}\)
(a) Order of the reaction = 2
(b) The order of the reaction = \(\frac{3}{2}\)

(7) Write the rate law for the following reactions :
(a) A reaction that is zero order in A and second order in B.
(b) A reaction that is second order in NO and first order in Br2.
Solution :
(a) Given : A + B → Products
The reaction is zero order in A and second order in B. Hence the rate law is represented as, Rate = k [A]O[B]2
Rate = k[B]2

(b) Given : 2NO(g) + Br2(g) → 2NOBr(g)
The reaction is second order in NO and first in Br2. Hence the rate law is,
∴ Rate = k [NO]2[Br2]
Answer: (a) Rate law : Rate = k[B]2
(b) Rate law : Rate = k [NO]2[Br2]

(8) The reaction A + B → Products, is first order in each of the reactants, (a) Write the rate law.
(b) How does the reaction rate change if the concentration of B is decreased by a factor 3?
(c) What is the change in the rate if the concentration of each reactant is tripled? (d) What is the change in the rate, if the concentration of A is doubled and that of B is halved?
Solution :
(a) The reaction is first order in A and B. Hence the equation for rate law is,
Rate = k [A] [B]
(b) Before changing the concentration of B, Initial rate = R1 – k [A]1 [B]1
After change in concentration of B,
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Hence the rate of the reaction will be decreased by a factor 3.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(c) When the concentration of each reactant is tripled, then the final concentrations will be, [A]2 = 3[A]1 and [B]2 = 3[B1]
∴ R2 = k x 3[A]1 x 3 [B]1
∴ R2 = k x 3[A]1 x 3 [B]1
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Hence the rate of the reaction will be increased by 9 times.

(d) When the concentration A is doubled and that of B is halved then the final concentrations will be,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 41
Rate of the reaction will remain unchanged.
(a) Rate law is, Rate = k [A] [B],
(b) Rate is decreased by a factor 3,
(c) Rate is increased by 9 times,
(d) Rate remains unchanged.

(9) Consider the reaction A2 + B → products. If the concentration of A2 and B are halved, the rate of the reaction decreases by a factor of 8. If the concentration of A2 is increased by a factor of 2.5, the rate increases by the factor of 2.5. What is the order of the reaction? Write the rate law.
Solution :
Given : A2 + B → Products
(i) When concentration of A2 and B are halved :
[A2]2(final) = 1/2 [A2]1(final) and [B]2 = 1/2 [B]1 then, R2(final) = 1/8R1(intial).

(ii) When concentration of A2 is increased by the factor 2.5,
[A2]2 = 2.5 [A2]1 (concentration of B is same) then, R2 = 2.5 R1
Now let the reaction be, XA2 + yB → Products

From data in (ii),
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Hence the reaction is of third order. The rate law can be represented as,
Rate = k [A2] [B]2
(i) Order of the reaction = 3
(ii) Rate law : Rate = k [A2] [B]3

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(10) Consider the reaction C + D → Products. The rate of the reaction increases by a factor of 4 when the concentration of C is doubled. The rate of the reaction is tripled when concentration of D is tripled. What is the order of the reaction? Write the rate law.
Solution :
Given : C + D → Products OR xC + yD → Products
(i) When the concentration of C is doubled, the rate of the reaction increases by 4.

[C]2(final) = 2[C]1(initial) then R2(final) = 4R1(initial)
(In this, the concentration of D is assumed to be constant.)
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Hence, the reaction is second order in C.
∴ nC = 2
(ii) When the concentration of D is tripled, rate is tripled. The concentration of C is assumed to be constant.
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Rate law : Rate = A[C]2[D]
(i) Order of the reaction = 3
(ii) Rate law : Rate = A[C]2[D]

(11) The reaction F2(g) + 2ClO2(g) → 2FClO2(g) is first order in each of the reactants. The rate of the reaction is 4.88 x 10-4 M/s when [F2] = 0.015 M and [ClO2]= 0.025 M. Calculate the rate constant of the reaction.
Solution :
Given :
F2(g) + 2ClO2(g) → 2FClO2(g)
Order of reaction in F2 = nF2 = 1
Order of reaction in CIO2 = nClO2 = 1
Rate = R = 4.88 x 10-4 Ms-1
[F2] = 0.015 M; [ClO2] = 0.025 M
Rate = k = ?
By rate law,
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Rate constant = 1 = 1.3 M-2s-1

(12) The reaction 2H2(g) + 2NO(g) → 2H2O(g) + N2(g) is first order in H2 and second order in NO. The rate constant of the reaction at a certain tem­perature is 0.42M-2s-1. Calculate the rate when [H2] = 0.015 M and [NO] = 0.025 M.
Solution :
Given : 2H2(g) + 2NO(g) → 2H2O(g) + N2(g)
Order of reaction in H2 = nH1 = 1
Order of reaction in NO = nNO = 2
Rate constant = k = 0.42 M-2s-1
[H2] = 0.015 M; [NO] = 0.025 M
Rate of reaction = R = ?
By rate law,
Rate = R = k [H2] [NO]2
= 0.42 x 0.015 x (0.025)2 M-2s-1 M M
= 3.94 x 10-6 Ms-1
Rate of reaction = R = 3.94 x 10-6 Ms-1

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(13) Find the order of following reactions whose rate laws are expressed as follows. CA and CB are the concentrations of reactants A and B respectively :
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Solution :
Given :
(1) For, – \(\frac{d c}{d t}\) = k x \(\mathrm{C}_{A}^{0}\) the order of the reaction, n = 0. Hence it is a zero order reaction.

(2) For, – \(\frac{d c}{d t}\) = k x \(\mathrm{C}_{A}^{3 / 2}\), the overall order of the reaction is 3/2.

(3) For, –\(\frac{d c}{d t}\) = k x \(\mathrm{C}_{A}^{1 / 2} \mathrm{C}_{B}^{2}\), the reaction has order 1/2 with respect to A and 2 with respect to B.
∴ n = nA + nB = \(\frac{1}{2}\) + 2 = \(\frac{5}{2}\).
Hence the (overall) order of the reaction is \(\frac{5}{2}\).

(4) For, \(-\frac{d c}{d t}=k \mathrm{C}_{A}^{5 / 2} \times \mathrm{C}_{B}^{0}\)
The reaction has order \(\frac{5}{2}\) with respect to A and zero with respect to B.
∴ n = nA + nB = \(\frac{5}{2}\) + 0 = \(\frac{5}{2}\)
Hence the order of the reaction is \(\frac{5}{2}\).

(5) For, \(-\frac{d c}{d t}=k \times \mathrm{C}_{A}^{1 / 3} \times \mathrm{C}_{B}^{2 / 3}\). The reaction has order \(\frac{1}{3}\) with respect to A and \(\frac{2}{3}\) with respect to B.
∴ n = nA + nB = \(\frac{1}{3}\) + \(\frac{2}{3}\) = 1
Hence the order of the reaction is 1.

(14) The rate of a reaction, 2A + B → Products is 3.78 x 10-4 M s-1 when the concentrations of A and B are 0.3 M each. If the rate constant of the reaction is 4.2 x 10-3s-1 find the order of the reaction.
Solution :
Given : 2A + B → Products
Rate = R = 3.78 x 10-4Ms-1
[A] = [B] = 0.3 M
Rate constant = 1 = 4.2 x 10-3 s-1
Let the order of the reaction in A be x and in B be y.

Then, by rate law,
Rate = R = k [A]x [B]y 3.78 x 10-4
= 4.2 x 10-3(0.3)x(0.3)y
= 4.2 x 10-3 (0.3)x+y
∴ \(\frac{3.78 \times 10^{-4}}{4.2 \times 10^{-3}}\) = (0.3)x+y
0.09 = (0.3)x+y
(0.3)2 = (0.3)x+y                        .
∴ x + y = 2
Hence the order of overall reaction is 2.
The order of the reaction is 2.

(15) The rate of the reaction, A → Products is 1.25 x 10-2 M/s when concentration of A is 0. 45 M. Determine the rate constant if the reaction is
(a) first order in A
(b) second order in A.
Solution :
Given : A → Products
Rate = R = 1.25 x 10-2 M/s
[A] = 0.45 M

(a) Rate constant, k = ? if order is one.
For first order, rate law is, R = k [A]
∴ \(k=\frac{R}{[\mathrm{~A}]}=\frac{1.25 \times 10^{-2}}{0.45}\)
= 2.78 x 10-2s-1

(b) Rate constant, k =? if order is two. For second order, rate law is, R = k [A]2
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(a) Rate constant, k = 2.78 x 10-2
(b) Rate constant, k = 6.173 x 10-2

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

Question 24.
Define and explain the term elementary reaction.
Many reactions take place in a series of steps. Such reactions are called complex reactions. Each step taking place in a complex reaction is called an elementary reaction. This shows that a complex reaction is broken down in a series of elementary chemical reactions.

By adding all the elementary steps of a complex reaction we get the overall reaction.

The mechanism of a reaction is decided from the sequence of the elementary steps that are added to give overall reaction.

Elementary reaction : It is defined as the reac­tion which takes place in a single step and cannot be divided further into simpler chemical reactions.

The order and molecularity of the elementary reaction are same.

Some reactions take place in one step and cannot be broken down into simpler reactions. For example,

C2H5I(g) → C2H4(g) + HI(g)
O3(g) → O2(g) + O(g)

Question 25.
Define and explain the term molecularity of a reaction. Give examples.
Define the molecularity of a chemical reaction.
Molecularity : The molecularity of an elementary reaction is defined as the number of molecules (or atoms or ions) which take part in a chemical reaction.

Explanation :

  • The molecularity of a reaction is always integral.
  • It cannot be determined experimentally.
  • The minimum value of the molecularity is one.
  • It cannot have fractional or zero values.
  • The reactions are classified according to the mole­cularity as follows :

(a) Unimolecular reaction (OR First order reac­tion) : In this only one molecule takes part in the reaction, e.g., N2O5(g) → 2NO2(g) + \(\frac{1}{2}\)O2(g)

The rate law expression for this reaction is, Rate = k [N2O5]. Hence it is unimolecular and first order.

Other unimolecular reactions are,
O3(g) → O2(g) + O(g)
C2H5I(g) → C2H2(g) + HI(g)

(B) Bimolecular reaction In this two molecules take part in the reaction,
e.g., 2HI(g) → H2(g) + I2(g)
O3(g) + O(g) → 2O2(g)
2NO2(g) → 2NO(g) + O2(g)

(c) Trimolecular reaction: In this three molecules take part in the reaction.
e.g., 2NO(g) + O2(g) → 2NO2(g)

The higher molecularity is rare since the prob ability of simultaneous collisions between more molecules is very low.

Question 26.
Explain order and molecularity of elementary reactions.
(1) The order and molecularity of elementary reaction are same.
(2) Consider second order bimolecular reaction,
2NO2(g) → 2NO(g) + O2.
(3) The rate of the reaction is given by, Rate = k [NO2]2
(4) Similarly consider unimolecular first order reaction,
C2H5I(g) → C2H4(g) + HI(g)
Rate = k [C2H5I]

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

Question 27.
Define and explain the term rate-determining step.
(1) Many chemical reactions take place in a series of elementary steps. Among many steps of the reaction, one of the steps is the slowest step compared to other steps.

Rate determining step : The slowest step in the reaction mechanism which involves many steps is called the rate-determining step.

(2) Example :
Consider decomposition of gaseous NO2Cl.
2NO2Cl(g) → 2NO2(g) + Cl2(g)
This reaction takes place in two steps :
Step I : \(\mathrm{NO}_{2} \mathrm{Cl}_{(g)} \stackrel{k_{1}}{\longrightarrow} \mathrm{NO}_{2(\mathrm{~g})}+\mathrm{Cl}_{(\mathrm{g})}\) (slow, unimolecular)

Step II: \(\mathrm{NO}_{2} \mathrm{Cl}_{(g)} \stackrel{k_{2}}{\longrightarrow} \mathrm{NO}_{2(\mathrm{~g})}+\mathrm{Cl}_{(\mathrm{g})}\) (fast, bimolecular)

2NO2CI(g) → 2NO2(g) + CI2(g) (overall reaction)

Among two steps, first step being slower represents rate-determining step. The rate law can be represented as, Rate = k1 [NO2CI]

Hence, the reaction is first order.

In this Cl(g) is formed as a reaction intermediate.

Question 28.
What are the features of rate-determining step?
Features of rate-determining step :

  • The overall reaction can never occur faster than its rate-determining step.
  • The rate-determining step can occur anywhere in the reaction mechanism and depends on nature of reactants, conditions of the reaction, etc.
  • The rate law of a rate-determining step can directly be obtained from its stoichiometric equation.
  • The rate law of a rate-determining step can directly be obtained from its stoichiometric equation.

Question 29.
What is reaction intermediate? Explain with an example.
Reaction intermediate : The additional species other than the reactants or products formed in the mechanism during progress of the reaction is called reaction intermediate.

Features of reaction intermediate :

  • The reaction intermediate appears in the reaction mechanism but does not appear in the overall reaction or in the products.
  • It is always formed in one step and consumed in the subsequent step in the mechanism.
  • Its concentration is very small and cannot be determined easily.
  • Rate of the reaction is independent of concentration of this intermediate.
  • The life period of the reaction intermediate is extremely small, hence cannot be isolated.
  • The composition of the reaction intermediate, decides the mechanism of the reaction.
  • Consider decomposition of gaseous NO2Cl. 2NO2Cl(g) → 2NO2(g) + Cl2(g)

This reaction takes place in two steps :
Step I : \(\mathrm{NO}_{2} \mathrm{Cl}_{(\mathrm{g})} \stackrel{k_{1}}{\longrightarrow} \mathrm{NO}_{2(\mathrm{~g})}+\mathrm{Cl}_{(\mathrm{g})}\) (slow, unimolecular)

Step II : \(\mathrm{NO}_{2} \mathrm{Cl}_{(\mathrm{g})}+\mathrm{Cl}_{(\mathrm{g})} \stackrel{k_{2}}{\longrightarrow} \mathrm{NO}_{2(\mathrm{~g})}+\mathrm{Cl}_{2(\mathrm{~g})}\) (fast, bimolecular)
2NO2Cl(g) → 2NO2(g) + Cl2(g) (overall reaction)
Cl formed in Step I is removed in Step II, Hence Cl is a reaction intermediate.

Question 30.
Identify the molecularity and write the rate law for each of the following elementary reactions :
(a) NO(g) + O3(g) → NO3(g) + O(g)
(b) H2I(g) + I(g) → 2HI(g)
(c) CI(g) + Cl(g) + N2(g) → N2(g)
NO(g) + O3(g) → NO3(g) + O(g) Molecularity is 2.
Rate law : Rate = k [NO] x [O3]

(b) H2I(g) + I(g) → 2HI(g) Molecularity is 2.
Rate law : Rate = k [H2I] x [I]

(c) Cl(g) + Cl(g) + N2(g) →Cl2(g) + N2(g) Molecularity is 3.
Rate law : Rate = k [Cl]2

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

Question 31.
Write molecularity of the following reaction:
2NO(g) + O2(g) → 2NO2(g).
For the reaction, 2NO(g) + O2(g) → 2NO2(g) Molecularity = 3.

Question 32.
How Is reaction intermediate predicted in the reaction?
(1) When a reaction takes place in more than one steps, then a substance produced in one step is removed in the next step is called reaction intermediate.
(2) For example,
(I) NO(g) + O3(g) → NO3(g) + O(g)
(ii) NO3(g) + O(g) → NO2(g) + O(g)
In the reaction. NO3 and O are reaction intermediates.

Question 33.
A certain reaction occurs in the following steps :
(i) Cl(g) + O3(g) → ClO(g) + O2(g)
(ii) ClO(g) + O(g) → Cl(g) + O2(g)
(a) Write the chemical equation for overall reaction.
(b) Identify the reaction intermediate.
(c) Identify the catalyst.
(d) What is the molecularity of each step?
Step I : Cl(g) + O3(g) → ClO(g) + O2(g)
Step II : ClO(g) + O(g) → Cl(g) + O2(g)
(a) Overall reaction is obtained by adding both the reactions.
O3(g) + O(g) → 2O2(g)
(b) Reaction intermediate is ClO(g) which is formed in the first step and removed in the second step.
(c) Cl(g) acts as a catalyst. It is an example of homo-geneous catalysis in which catalyst Cl(g) forms an intermediate ClO(g) and again is released in the second step.
(d) Since both the steps involve two reactants each, both the steps are bimolecular.

Question 34.
The rate law for the reaction 2H2(g) + 2NO(g) → N2(g) + 2H2O(g) is given by rate = k [H2] [NO]2.
The reaction occurs in the following two steps :
(i) H2(g) + 2NO(g) → N2O(g) + H2O(g)
(ii) N2O(g) + H2(g) → N2(g) + H2O(g)
What is the role of N2O in the mechanism? What is the molecularity of each of the elementary steps?
N2O is a reaction intermediate which is formed in the first step and removed in the second step. Molecularity of the elementary steps :
(a) First step – Termolecular.
(b) Second step-Bimolecular.

Question 35.
What is the rate law for the reaction,
NO2(g) + CO(g) → NO(g) + CO2(g)
The reaction occurs in the following steps :
NO2 + NO2 → NO3 + NO (slow)
NO3 + CO → NO2 + CO2 (fast)
What is the role of NO3?
Overall reaction :
NO2(g) + CO(g) → NO(g) + CO2(g)
Step-I NO2 + NO2 → NO3 + NO (slow) (slow)
Step-II NO3 + CO → NO2 + CO2 (fast)

(A) From first rate determining slow step, rate law is, Rate = k[NO2]2
(B) Role of NO3 : In the reaction, NO3 is the reaction intermediate which is formed in first step and removed in the second step.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

Question 36.
The rate law for the reaction 2NO(g) + Cl2(g) → 2NOCl(g) is given by rate = k[NO][Cl2]. The reaction occurs in the following steps :
(i) NO(g) + Cl2(g) → NOCl2(g)
(ii) NOCl2(g) + NO(g) → 2NOCl(g)
(a) Is NOCl2 a catalyst or reaction intermedi-ate? Why?
(b) Identify the rate determining step.
(a) NOCl2 is a reaction intermediate since it is formed in the first step and removed in the second step. It is not a catalyst since it was not present in the first step or on reactant side nor in the second step on product side.
(b) Since rate law is, Rate = k[NO][Cl2], and the sub-stances NO and Cl2 are present in the first step as reactants, it is the slow and rate-determining step.

Question 37.
The rate law for the reaction 2H2(g) + 2NO(g) → N2(g) + 2H2O(g) is given by rate = k[H2][NO]2. The reaction occurs in the following steps :
(i) H2 + 2NO → N2O + H2O
(ii) N2O + H2 → N2 + H2O
What is the role of N2O in the mechanism? Identify the slow step.
(a) N2O is the reaction intermediate since it is formed in the first step and removed in the second step.
(b) By rate law, Rate = k [H2][NO]2. Since the first step involves the substances H2 and NO, it is the slow and rate-determining step.

Question 38.
What are integrated rate laws?
Integrated rate laws : The equations which are obtained by integrating the differential rate laws (expressions) and which provide direct relationship between the concentrations of the reactants and time are called integrated rate laws.

For example, integrated rate law for first order reaction is represented as,
\(k=\frac{2.303}{t} \log _{10} \frac{[\text { Reactant }]_{\text {final }}}{[\text { Reactant }]_{\text {initial }}}\)

Question 39.
Derive the expression for integrated rate law (equation) for the first-order reaction.
Consider the following first-order reaction, A → B The rate of the chemical reaction is given by the rate law expression as, Rate, R = k [A] where [A] is the concentration of the reactant A and k is the velocity constant or specific rate of the reaction.
The instantaneous rate is given by,
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If [A0] is the initial concentration of the reactant and [A]t at time t, then by integrating the above equation,
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This is the integrated rate equation for the first order reaction. This is also called integrated rate law.

Question 40.
How is the integrated rate equation for the first order reaction represented by considering the concentration of the product?
Answer: The
integrated rate equation for the first order reaction can be represented as,
\(k=\frac{2.303}{t} \log _{10} \frac{[\mathrm{A}]_{0}}{[\mathrm{~A}]_{t}}\) where [A]0 is the initial concentration of the reactant (at time, 1 = 0) and [A]t is that at time t. Consider the reaction, A → B
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If a is the initial concentration of the reactant A and x is the concentration of the product B after time t, then
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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

Question 41.
Explain the exponential rate law expression for the first order reaction.
The integrated rate equation for the first order reaction can be represented as,
\(k=\frac{1}{t} \log _{\mathrm{e}} \frac{[\mathrm{A}]_{0}}{[\mathrm{~A}]_{t}}\)
where k is a rate constant, [A]0 and [A]t are initial and final concentrations of the reactant after time t.
∴ k = \(-\frac{1}{t} \log _{\mathrm{e}} \frac{[\mathrm{A}]_{t}}{[\mathrm{~A}]_{0}}\)
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where [A]0 and [A]t are the concentrations of the reactant when t = 0 and t = t respectively.

Thus, the concentration of the reactant decreases exponentially with time and the time required to complete the first order reaction will be infinity.

Another feature of the exponential behaviour is the time required to complete a definite fraction of the reaction is always constant. Therefore, the first order reactions are also described in terms of the half-life of the reaction ™.

Question 42.
What are the units of rate constant of first order reaction?
The units of rate constant (k) for the first order reaction is per time (or s-1).

Question 43.
Give three examples of first order reaction.
The examples of first order reaction are :
(1) Decomposition of H2O2 :
2H2O2(I) → 2H2O(1) + O2(g) Rate = k[H2O2]
(2) Decomposition of N2Os :
2N2O5(g) → 4NO2(g) + O2(g) Rate = k[N2O5]
(3) Isomerisation of cyclopropane to propene :
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Question 44.
Write a note on a zero order reaction.
What is a zero order reaction? Explain.
(1) Definition : Zero order reaction : A reaction in which the rate of the reaction does not depend on the concentration of any reactant taking part in the reaction is called zero order reaction.
(2) Explanation : For example, consider photochemical reaction between H2 and Cl2 gases.
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In this the rate of the reaction remains constant throughout the progress of the reaction, even if the concentrations of the reactants decrease with time, until the reactant has reacted entirely.

Hence, by the rate law,
R = k [H2]° [Cl2]° = k (constant).

Question 45.
Derive the expression for integrated rate law for zero-order reaction A → Products.
Consider a zero order reaction, A → Products
The rate of the reaction is, Rate \(=\frac{-d[\mathrm{~A}]}{d t}\)

By rate law,
Rate = k x [A]0 = k
∴ – d[A] = k x dt

If [A]0 is the initial concentration of the reactant A at t = 0 and [A]t is the concentration of A present after time t, then by integrating above equation,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 73
This is the integrated rate law expression for rate constant for zero order reaction.
∴ k x t = [A]0 – [A]t
∴ [A]t = – kt + A0

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

Question 46.
How would you obtain the unit of the velocity constant k for (i) the first order reaction (ii) the zero order reaction?
(i) For a first order reaction :
Consider the reaction,
A → B
The rate (R) of the reaction will be, R = k [A] = kc, where [A] is concentration in mol dm-3Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 74
Hence, the SI unit of velocity constant for the first order reaction is second-1.

(ii) For a zero order reaction :
The rate of reaction is R = k [A]0 = k
Hence, the velocity constant k has the unit of the rate of the reaction, i.e., mol dm-3 s-1.

Question 47.
Obtain an expression for half-life period of zero order reaction.
The rate law expression for zero order reaction is, [A]t = – kt + [A]0
where [A]0 and [A]t are the concentrations of the reactant at time, t = 0 and after time t respectively, Half-life period, t1/2 is the time when the concentration reduces from [A]0 to [A]0/2. i.e., at t = t1/2, [A]t = [A]0/2.
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Hence for a zero-order reaction, the half-life period is directly proportional to the initial concentration of the reactant.

Question 48.
Give the examples of zero order reactions.
Zero order reactions are not common. They take place under special conditions. They are hetero-geneous catalysed reactions generally involving metals as catalysts.

(1) Decomposition NH3 on Pt surface :
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(2) Decomposition of N2O to N2 and O2 on Pt :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 80
(3) Decomposition of PH3 on hot tungsten catalyst at high pressure.

Question 49.
Decomposition of NH3(g) on platinum surface at high temperature is a zero order reaction. Explain.

  • The decomposition of NH3(g) on platinum surface is represented as,
    2NH3(g) \(\frac{1130 \mathrm{~K}}{\mathrm{Pt}}\) N2(g) + 3H2(g)
  • Since it is a heterogeneous catalysed reaction, NH3 gaseous molecules at high pressure are adsorbed on the metal surface covering the surface area.
  • The number of NH3 molecules adsorbed is small compared to NH3 molecules in the gaseous phase.
  • Only the molecules adsorbed on the surface get decomposed. Hence rate of the decomposition becomes independent of the concentration (pressure) of NH3. Therefore the decomposition reaction is zero order.

Question 50.
The catalysed decomposition of nitrous oxide (N2O) to nitrogen and oxygen is a zero order reaction. Explain.

  • The decomposition of N2O(g) on platinum can be represented as, \(2 \mathrm{~N}_{2} \mathrm{O}_{(\mathrm{g})} \stackrel{\mathrm{Pt}}{\longrightarrow} 2 \mathrm{~N}_{2(\mathrm{~g})}+\mathrm{O}_{2(\mathrm{~g})}\)
  • Since it is heterogeneously catalysed reaction, N2O gaseous molecules are adsorbed on the metal surface covering the surface area.
  • The number of N2O molecules adsorbed is small compared to N2O molecules in the gaseous phase.
  • Only the molecules adsorbed on the metal surface get decomposed. Hence rate of decomposition becomes independent of the concentration (pressure) of N2O. Therefore the decomposition of N2O is a zero order reaction.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

Question 51.
Inversion of cane sugar (sucrose) is a pseudo-first-order reaction. Explain.
The reaction,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 82
Can it be of pseudo-first-order type?
The inversion of cane sugar (sucrose) is an acid catalysed hydrolysis reaction which can be represented as,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 83

This is a bimolecular reaction. Hence, the true rate law for the reaction should be, Rate = k[C12H22O11] [H2O]. This shows that the reaction should be second order.

Since water (H2O) is in large excess, its concentration remains constant and the rate depends only upon the concentration of cane sugar.

∴ Rate = k[C12H22O11]

Therefore the second order true rate law becomes first order rate law. Hence the inversion of cane sugar is a pseudo first order reaction.

Solved Examples 6.4-6.5

Question 52.
Solve the following :

(1) For the reaction 2A + B → products, find the rate law from the following data :

[A]/M [B]/M rate/Ms-1
0.3 0.05 0.15
0.6 0.05 0.30
0.6 0.2 1.20

In steps (i) and (ii), the concentration of A is doubled but the concentration of B remains constant. Since the rate is doubled the rate is proportional to the concentration of A or R α [A] and hence with respect to A order of the reaction is 1 or nA = 1.

In steps (ii) and (iii), the concentration of A is kept constant but the concentration of B is increased 4 times and rate of the reaction is increased 4 times. Hence the rate of reaction is proportional to concentration of B, R α [B] and hence with respect of B, order is 1 or nB = 1. Hence rate law will be, Rate = k [A] x [B].

(2) In a first order reaction A → product, 80 % of the given sample of compound decomposes in 40 min. What is the half life period of the reaction ?
Solution :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 91
Half life period = 17.22 min

(3) The reaction A + B → products is first order in each of the reactants.
(a) How does the rate of reaction change if the concentration of A is increased by factor 3?
(b) What is the change in the rate of reaction if the concentration of A is halved and concen­tration of B is doubled?
Solution :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 92
Hence the rate remains the same.
(a) The rate increases by factor 3.
(b) The rate remains the same.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(4) Half-life period of a first order reaction is 41.09 min. Calculate rate constant in per second.
Solution :
Given : Half-life period = t1/2
= 41.09 min = 41.09 x 60 s
= 2.465 x 103s
Rate constant = k = ?
For a first order reaction,
k &=\frac{0.693}{t_{1 / 2}} \\
&=\frac{0.693}{2.465 \times 10^{3}}
= 2.81 x 10-4 s-1
Rate constant = k = 2.81 x 10-4 s-1

(5) A first order reaction takes 15 minutes to com­plete 25%. How much will it take to complete 65 %?
(i) Given : For 25% completion, t1 = 15 min.
For 35 % completion, t2 = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 94
Time required to complete 65 % reaction = 547 min

(6) Gaseous A2 dissociates as, A2(g) → 2A(g). Initial pressure of A2 is 0.8 atm. After 20 minutes the pressure is 1.1 atm. Calculate rate constant and half-life period for the reaction.
Solution :
Given : [A]0 = Initial pressure = P0 = 0.8 atm
Final pressure = Total pressure = PT = 1.1 atm
Rate constant = k = ?
Half life period = t1/2 = ?
A2(g) → 2A(g)
P0 – x 2x
Pressure of A2 = Pt = P0 – x
Total pressure of the mixture,
PT = P0 – x + 2x = P0 + x
∴ x = PT – P0
∴ Pt = P0 – X = P0 – (PT – P0) – 2P0 – PT
\(k=\frac{2.303}{t} \log _{10} \frac{[\mathrm{A}]_{0}}{[\mathrm{~A}]_{t}}\)
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Rate constant = k = 2.35 x 10-2 min-1
Half-life period = t1/2 = 29.5 min

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(7) The decomposition of N2O5(g) at 320 K according to the following equation follows first order reaction :
N2O5(g) → 2NO2(g) + \(\frac{1}{2}\)O2(g)
The initial concentration of N2O5(g) is 1-24 x 10-2 mol. L-1 and after 60 minutes,
0.20 x 10-2 mol. L-1. Calculate the rate con­stant of the reaction at 320 K.
Solution :
Given :
Initial concentration
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 96

(8) From the following data for the liquid phase reaction A → B, determine the order of reaction and calculate its rate constant:

t/s 0 600 1200 1800
[A]/Mol L-1 0.624 0.446 0.318 0.226

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 97
Rate constant = k = 5.618 x 10-4 s-1

(9) The concentration of a reactant in a first-order reaction A → products, varies with time as follows :

t/min 0 10 20 30 40
[AJ/M 0.0800 0.0536 0.0359 0.0241 0.0161

Show that the reaction is first order.
Solution :
Given : A → Products
[A]0 = 0.08 M
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Since all the values of rate constant using first order rate law equation come constant, the reaction is of first order.
Order of the reaction is one.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(10) In a first order reaction x → y, 40% of the given sample of compound remains unreacted in 45 minutes. Calculate rate constant of the reac­tion.
Solution :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 99
k = 0.02036 min-1

(11) If the half-life period of a zero order reaction with initial concentration 0.1 M is 21.3 min, what will be the half-life when the concentration is 0.3 M?
Solution :
Given : Reaction is zero order. t1/2 = 21.3, when
initial concentration = [A]1 x = 0.1 M t1/2 = 2 when
initial concentration = [A]2 = 0.3 M
For zero order reaction, t1/2 = \(\frac{[\mathrm{A}]_{0}}{2 k}\)
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Half life period = 63.9 min

(12) Consider the reaction 2A + 2B → 2C + D.
From the following data, calculate the order and rate constant of the reaction.

[A]0/M [B]0/M r0/Ms_1
0.488 0.160 0.24
0.244 0.160 0.06
0.244 0.320 0.12

Write the rate law of the reaction.
Solution :
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Hence the reaction is 2nd order in A.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 102
Hence the reaction is first order in B.
The order of overall reaction = n = nA + nB = 2 + 1 = 3
By rate law,
Rate = R = k[A]2[B]
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(i) Order of reaction = 3
(ii) Rate constant = k = 63M-2s-1
(iii) Rate law : Rate = k [A]2 [B]

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(20) In acidic solution, sucrose is converted to a mixture of glucose and fructose in pseudo first order reaction. It has been found that the con-centration of sucrose decreased from 20 mmol L-1 to 8 mmol L-1 in 38 minutes. What is the half-life of the reaction?
Solution :
Given :
Initial concentration = [A]0 = [sucrose]0
= 20 mmol L-1
= 20 x 10-3 mol L-1

Final concentration = [A]t = [sucrose]t
= 8 mmol L-1
= 8 x 10-3 mol L-3
time = t = 38 min
Half-life period = t1/2 =?
For first order reaction,
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Half-life period = t1/2 = 28.74 min

(21) The half-life of a first order reaction is 1.7 hours. How long will it take for 20 % of the reactant to disappear?
Solution :
Given : Half-life period = t1/2 = 1.7 hrs.
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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 108
Time required for 20% reaction = 32.86 min

(22) The gaseous reaction A2 → 2A is first order in A2. After 12.3 minutes, 65% of A2 remains un­decomposed. How long will it take to decompose 90% of A2? What is the half-life of the reaction?
Solution :
Given : A2 → 2A
t1 = 12.3 min
[A]0 = 100, [A], = 65
t2 = ? for 90 % decomposition Half-life period = t1/2 = ?
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(i) Time required for 90% reaction = 65.8 min
(ii) Half-life periods = t1/2 = 19.8 min

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(23) Sucrose decomposes in acid solution to give glucose and fructose according to the first-order rate law. The half-life of the rection is 3 hours. Calculate the fraction of sucrose which will remain after 8 hours.
Solution :
Given : Half-life period = t1/2 = 3 hrs
Time = t = 8 hrs
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Fraction of sucrose left = 0.1576

(24) The rate constant of a first order reaction is 6.8 x 10-4 s-1. If the initial concentration of the reactant is 0.04 M, what is its molarity after 20 minutes? How long will it take for 25% of the reactant to react?
Solution :
Given : Rate constant = k = 6.8 x 10-4s-1
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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 112
(i) Molarity of reactant after 20 min = 0.0177 M
(ii) Time for 25 % of the reaction = 7.05 min

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(25) The rate constant of a certain first-order reaction is 3.12 x 10-3 min-1,
(a) How many minutes does it take for the reactant concentra­tion to drop to 0.02 M if the initial concentration of the reactant is 0.045 M?
(b) What is the molarity of the reactant after 1.5 hr?
Solution :
Given : Rate constant = k = 3.12 x 10-3 min-1
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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 114
(i) Time required to drop the concentration to 0.02 M = 260 min
(ii) Molarity after 1.5 hr = 0.034 M

(26) From the following data for the decomposition of azoisopropane,
(CH32)2 CHN = NCH(CH3)2 → N2 + C6H14 estimate the rate of the reaction when total pressure is 0.75 stm.

Time/s Total pressure/atm
0 0.65
200 1.0

Solution :
Given :
(CH3)2CHN = NCH(CH3)2(g) → N2(g) + C6H14(g)
At time t P0 – x x x
At t = 0, [A]0 = P0 = 0.65 atm
At t = 200 s,
Total pressure = PT = 0.75 atm, Rate =?
From the reaction,
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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 116
Rate of the reaction = 2.13 x 10-3 atm s-1

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(27) The rate constant for a zero order reaction is 0.04 Ms-1. Calculate the half-life period of the reaction, when the initial concentration of the reactant is 0.01 M.
Solution :
Given : Order of the reaction = 0
Rate constant = k = 0.04 Ms-1
Concentration = [A]0 = 0.01 M
Half-life period = t1/2 =?
For zero order reaction,
\(t_{1 / 2}=\frac{[\mathrm{A}]_{0}}{2 k}=\frac{0.01}{0.04}=0.25 \mathrm{~s}\)
Half-life period = t1/2 = 0.25 s

(28) A flask contains a mixture of A and B. Both the compounds decompose by first order kinetics. The half-lives are 60 min for A and 15 min for B. If the initial concentrations of A and B are equal, how long will it take for the concentration of A to be three times that of B?
Solution :
Given :
For A : tm = 60 min For B : t1/2 = 15 min
Let initial concentrations of
[A]0 = [B]0 = M mol dm-3
After time t, let the concentrations be, [B]t = x, then [A]t = 3x
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After 31.8 min, concentration of A will be three time that of B. ‘

Question 53.
Obtain Arrhenius equation from collision theory of bimolecular reactions.
Consider a bimolecular reaction,
A – B + C → A + B – C
(i) Collisions of reactant molecules : The basic
requirement for a reaction to occur is reacting species A – B and C must come together and collide. The rate of reaction will depend on the rate and frequency of collisions between them. As the i concentration and temperature increase, rate of collisions increases, hence the rate of reaction increases. But the rate of reaction is low as com-pared to the rate of collisions.

(ii) Energy of activation : For fruitful collisions, the colliding molecules must possess a certain amount of energy called activation energy Ea. Due to collisions between A – B and C, there is a change in electron distribution about three nuclei namely A, B and C so that old A – B bond is weakened while new bond is partially formed between B and C, and results in the formation of an activated complex or a transition state.
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Therefore transition state always has higher energy than reactants or products. Due to high energy, activated complex is unstable, short lived and decomposes into the products.

To form activated complex, the reactant mol-ecules have to climb the potential energy barrier i. e., activation energy level, hence molecular collision energy of colliding molecules must be high so that reactant molecules form activated complex and further decompose into products.

The fraction (f) of molecules at temperature T having activation energy Ea is given by f = e-Ea/RT.

If P represents the probability of Z collisions with proper orientation then,
Reaction rate = P x Z x e-Ea/RT,

Hence the rate constant k of the reaction may be represented as, k = A x e-Ea/RT where A is called frequency factor or pre-exponential factor and ΔH is the enthalpy change of the reaction. This equation is called Arrhenius equation.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

Question 54.
Define :
(i) Transition state or activated complex.
Transition state or activated complex : The configuration of atoms formed from reactant molecules and which is at the peak of barrier in energy profile diagram having maximum potential energy compared to reactants and products is called transition state or activated complex.

Question 55.
If a gaseous reaction has activation energy 75k J mol-1 at 298 K, find the fraction of successful collisions.
Activation energy = Ea = 75 kJ mol-1 = 75000 mol-1; Temperature = T = 298 K The fraction (f) of successful collisions between the molecules with an energy equal to Ea is given by,
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This shows that only 7 collisions out of 1014 collisions are sufficiently energetic to convert reactants into products.

Question 56.
Draw energy profile diagram and show
(i) Activated complex
(ii) Energy of activation for forward reaction
(iii) Energy of activation for backward reaction
(iv) Heat of reaction.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 122
(i) B → Activated complex
(ii) Ef → Energy of activation for forward reaction
(iii) Eb → Energy of activation for backward reaction
(iv) ΔH → Heat of reaction.

Question 57.
Obtain Arrhenius equation, k = A x e-Ea/RT
(i) From experimental observations of variation in rate constants with temperature, Arrhenius developed a mathematical equation between reaction rate con­stant (k), activation energy (Ea) and temperature T.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 123

When a graph of Ink is plotted against reciprocal of temperature (1/T) a straight line with a negative slope is obtained. This is described by a mathematical equation as,
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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

where k is a rate constant, R is the gas constant, E.a is activation energy, T is absolute temperature and the parameter A is called frequency factor or preexponential factor. This is Arrhenius equation.

Question 58.
What is a frequency factor or pre-exponential factor?
In Arrhenius equation, k=A x e-Ea/RT the factor A is called frequency factor and since it is a coefficient of exponential expression, e~Ea/RT it is also called a pre-exponential factor.

In the above equation k is a rate constant at temperature T, Ea is the energy of activation and R is a gas constant.

A is related to frequency of collisions (Z) or rate of collisions. It is represented as, A = P x Z where P is the probability of collisions with proper orientations and Z is the frequency of collisions of reacting molecules.

The units of A are same as that of k.

Question 59.
Obtain a relation, \(\log _{10} \frac{k_{2}}{k_{1}}=\frac{E_{\mathrm{a}}\left(T_{2}-T_{1}\right)}{2.303 R \times T_{1} \times T_{2}}\),
Obtain a relation showing variation in rate constant with temperature.
By arrhenius equation, the rate constant k of the reaction at a temperature T is represented as, k = A x e-Ea/RT where A is a frequency factor, R is a gas constant and Ed is the energy of activation.

By taking logarithm to the base e, we get,
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If kt and k2 are the rate constants at temperatures T1 and T2 respectively, then
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By measuring the rate constants k1 and k2 at two different temperatures T1 and T2, the energy of activation Ea of the reaction can be obtained.

Question 60.
How is the energy of activation determined from rate constants at two different temperatures?
For the given reaction, rate constants k1 and k2 are measured at two different temperatures T1 and T2 respectively. Then \(\log _{10} \frac{k_{2}}{k_{1}}=\frac{E_{\mathrm{a}}\left(T_{2}-T_{1}\right)}{2.303 R \times T_{1} \times T_{2}}\) where Ea is the energy of activation.

Hence by substituting appropriate values, energy of activation Ea for the reaction is determined.

Question 61.
Obtain a relation, \(\frac{k_{2}}{k_{1}}=\frac{\left(t_{1 / 2}\right)_{2}}{\left(t_{1 / 2}\right)_{1}}\), where k1 and k2 are rate constants while (t1/2)1 and (t1/2)2 are halflife periods of the first order reaction at temperatures T1 and T2 respectively. Write the relation for activation energy.
The rate constant k and half-life period t1/2 are related as
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Question 62.
How does a catalyst differ from reaction intermediate?

  • A catalyst accelerates the rate of reaction, while reaction intermediate has no effect on the rate of the reaction.
  • The catalyst is always present at the start of the reaction whereas reaction intermediate is produced during the mechanism of the reaction.
  • A catalyst is consumed in one of the steps of mechanism and regenerated in a subsequent step while the reaction intermediate is formed in one step and consumed in subsequent step.
  • The catalyst is stable but the reaction intermediate is unstable and short lived.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

Question 63.
How is lowering of activation energy in the presence of a catalyst obtained?

  • In the presence of a catalyst, activation energy of a reaction is lowered, hence rate and rate constant increase.
  • If ΔEa is lowering of activation energy, while k1 and k2 are the rate constants of the reaction in the absence and presence of the catalyst respectively then,
    Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 135

Question 64.
The rate constant of a reaction of 400 K is 1.35 x 102s-1. When a nickel catalyst is used, the rate constant of the reaction becomes 3.8 x 102s-1. Find activation energy. If the initial activation energy is 20 KJ, what will be activation energy in the presence of the catalyst?
In the presence of a catalyst, the activation energy is lowered and rate constant is increased.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 136
The decrease activation energy of the reaction in the presence of a catalyst will be Ea = 20 – 3.446 = 16.554 kJ.

Solved Examples 6.6-6.7

Question 65.
Solve the following :

(1) Calculate activation energy for a reaction of which rate constant becomes four times when temperature changes from 30 °C to 50 °C. (Given : R = 8.314 K-1mol-1)
Solution :
Given : k2 = 4k1
T1 = 273 + 30 = 303 K
T2 = 273 + 50 = 323 K
Activation energy = Ea =?
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 141
Activation energy = Ea = 56.41 kJ

(2) The rate constant of a first order reaction are 0.58 s-1 at 313 K and 0.045 s-1 at 293 K. What is the energy of activation for the reaction?
Solution :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 142
Energy of activation = Ea = 97.46 kJ mol-1

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(3) The energy of activation for a first order reaction is 104 kJ mol-1. The rate constant at 25°C is 3.7 x 10-5s-1. What is the rate constant at 30 °C?
Solution :
Given : Energy of activation = Ea = 104 kJ mol-1 = 104 x 103 mol-1
Initial rate constant – k1= 3.7 x 10-5 s-1
Initial temperature = T1 = 273 + 25 = 298 K
Final temperature = T2 = 273 + 30 = 303 K
Final rate constant = k2 =?
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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 144
Rate constant at 30 0C = 7.4 x 10-4 s-1

(4) What is the activation energy for a reaction whose rate constant doubles when temperature changes from 30 °C to 40 °C?
Solution :
Given :
Initial rate constant = k1
and final rate constant = k2; \(\frac{k_{2}}{k_{1}}\) = 2
Initial temperature = T1 = 273 + 30 = 303 K
Final temperature = T2 = 273 + 40 = 313 K
Energy of activation = Ea = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 145
Activation energy = Ea = 54.66 kj mol-1

(5) The activation energy for a certain reaction is 334.4 kj mol-1. How many times larger is the rate constant at 610 K than the rate constant at 600 K?
Solution :
Given :
Activating energy = Ea = 334.4 kJ mol-1
= 334.4 x 103 J mol-1
Initial temperature = T1 = 600 K
Final temperature = T2 = 610 K
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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 147
Rate constant increase three time.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(6) The rate of a reaction at 600 K is 7.5 x 105 times the rate of the same reaction at 400 K. Calculate the energy of activation for the reaction. (Hint: The ratio of rates is equal to the ratio of rate constants.)
Solution :
Given : \(\frac{R_{2}}{R_{1}}\) = 7.5 x 105.
From the hint, \(\frac{R_{2}}{R_{1}}=\frac{k_{2}}{k_{1}}\) = 7.5 x 10s
Initial temperature = T1 = 400 K
Final temperature = T2 = 600 K
Energy of activation = Ea = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 148
Activation energy = Ea = 135 kj mol-1

(7) The rate constant of a first order reaction at 25 °C is 0.24 s’. If the energy of activation of the reaction is 88 kJmol-1, at what temperature would this reaction have rate constant of 4 x 10-2s-1?
Solution :
Given : k2 =0.24s-1; k2 =4 x 10-2s-1 T1 = 273 + 25 = 298 K
Energy of activation = Ea
= 88 kJ mol-1 = 88000 J mol-1
T2 = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 149
Temperature = 283.6 K

(8) The half-life of a first order reaction is 900 min at 820 K. Estimate its half-life at 720 K if the energy of activation ot the reaction is 250 kJ mol-1 (1.464 x 105 mm).
Given: Initial half-life period = (t1/2)1 = 900 min
Energy of activation = 250 kJ mol-1
= 250 x 103 kJ mol-1
Initial temperature = T1 = 820 K
Final temperature = T2 = 720 K
Final half-life period = (t1/2)2 = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 150
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 151
Half-life period = 1.46 x 105 min

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(9) The rate of a gaseous reaction is 6.08 x 10-2 Ms-1 at 50°C. What will be its rate at 60°C? Energy of activation of the reaction is 18.26 kj mol-1. (R = 8.314k-1 mol-1)
Solution :
Given : Initial rate = R1 = 6.08 x 10″2Ms-1
Energy of activation = Ea = 18.26 kJmol-1 = 18260 mol-1
Initial temperature = T1 = 273 + 50 = 323 K
Final temperature = T2 = 273 + 60 = 333 K
Final rate of the reaction = R2 = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 152
Rate of reaction at 37°C = 7.46 x 10-2 Ms-1

(10) A first order gas-phase reaction has an energy of activation of 240 kj mol-1. If the frequency factor of the reaction is 1.6 x 1013 s-1, calculate its rate constant at 600 K.
Solution :
Given : Energy of activation = Ea = 240 kJ mol-1 = 240 x 103 mol-1
Frequency factor = A = 1.6x 1013 s-1
Temperature = T= 600 K
Rate constant = k = ?
By Arrhenius equation,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 153
Rate constant = k = 2.01 x 10-8 s-1

(11) In the Arrhenius equation for a first order reaction, the values of ‘A’ and ‘Ea’ are 4 x 1013 sec-1 and 98.6 kJ mol-1 respectively. At what temperature will its half-life period be 10 minutes? [R = 8.314 JK-1 mol-2]
Solution :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 154
= 311.3 K
Temperature = T = 311.3 K

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

(12) The frequency factor for a second-order reaction is 4.83 x 1012M-1s-1 at 27°C. If the rate con­stant of the reaction is 1.37 x 10-3M-1s-1, find the energy of activation.
Solution :
Given : Frequency factor = A
= 4.83 x 1012 M-1s-1
Rate constant = k= 1.37 x 10-3 M-1s-1
Temperature = T = 273 + 27 = 300 K
Energy of activation = Ea = ?
By Arrhenius equation,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 155
Energy of activation = Ea = 89.305 kJ mol1

(13) Rate constants (k) for a reaction were measured at different temperatures. When log10ft was plotted against 1/T, the slope of the graph was 3.28 x 103. Calculate the energy of activation.
Solution :
Given : Slope of a graph = 3.28 x 103
Activation energy = Ea = ?
From Arrhenius equation, k = A x e-Ea/RT
\(\log _{10} k=\frac{-E_{\mathrm{a}}}{2.303 R} \times \frac{1}{T}+\log _{10} A\)

The graph is a straight line with slope equal to Ea/2.303R
∴ \(\frac{E_{\mathrm{a}}}{2.303 R}\) = 3.28 x 103
∴ Ea = 2.303/? x 3.28 x 103
= 2.303 x 8.314 x 3.28 x 103
= 62.8 x 103 mol-1
= 62.8 kJ mol-1
Activation energy = Ea = 62.8 kj mol-1

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 66.
Select and write the most appropriate answer from the given alternatives for each subquestion :

1. The rate of a reaction is expressed in the units
(a) L mol-1t-1
(b) mol dm-3 t-1
(c) Ms
(d) M-1s-1
(b) mol dm-3 t-1

2. For a gaseous reaction the unit of rate of reaction is
(a) L atm s-1
(b) atm mol-1s-1
(c) atm s-1
(d) mol s
(c) atm s-1

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

3. In the reaction A 4- 3B → 2C, the rate of formation of C is
(a) the same as rate of consumption of A
(b) the same as the rate of consumption of B
(c) twice the rate of consumption of A
(d) 3/2 times the rate of consumption of B
(c) twice the rate of consumption of A

4. The units of rate of a reaction and rate constant are same for a reaction of order.
(a) zero
(b) one
(c) two
(d) fractional
(a) zero

5. During the progress of a reaction, the rate constant of a reaction
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) remains unchanged
(d) first increases and then decreases
(a) increases

6. For the reaction, 2A → 3C, the reaction rate is equal to
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 158

7. For the reaction, 2X + 3Y → 4Z, reaction may be represented as
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 159

8. For the reaction 2N2O5(g) → 4NO2(g) + O2(g) liquid bromine, which of the following rate equation is ‘incorrect’?
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9. The rate of reaction for certain reaction is expressed as :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 161
The reaction is
(a) 3A → 2B + C
(b) 2B → 3A + C
(c) 2B+C → 3A
(d) 3A + 2B → C
(c) 2B+C → 3A

10. Order of a reaction is
(a) number of molecules reacting in a reaction
(b) the number of molecules whose concentration changes during a reaction
(c) the number of molecules of reactants whose concentration determine the rate
(d) increase in number of molecules of products
(c) the number of molecules of reactants whose concentration determine the rate

11. The unit of rate constant for zero order reaction is
(a) t-1
(b) mol dm-3 t-1
(c) mol-1 dm3 t-1
(d) mol-2 dm6 t-1
(b) mol dm-3 t-1

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

12. A → B is a first order reaction with rate 6.6 x 10-5 ms-1. When [A] is 0.6 m, rate constant of the reaction is-
(a) 1.1 x 10-5 s-1
(b) 1.1 x 10-4 s-1
(c) 9 x 10-5 s-1
(d) 9 x 10-4 s-1
(b) 1.1 x 10-4 s-1

13. For a first order reaction, when the rate of a reaction is plotted against concentration of the reactant, then the graph obtained is
(a) a curve
(b) a straight line with negative slope
(c) a straight line with a positive slope
(d) a straight line with positive intercept
(c) a straight line with a positive slope

14. For a chemical reaction, A → products, the rate of reaction doubles when the concentration of ‘A’ is increased by a factor of 4, the order of reaction is
(a) 2
(b) 0.5
(c) 4
(d) 1
(b) 0.5

15. The order of reaction between equimolar mixture of H2 and Cl2 in the presence of sunlight is
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
(a) 0

16. Molecularity of reaction can be
(a) zero
(b) integral
(c) fractional
(d) negative
(b) integral

17. The reaction,
CH3COOC2H5 + H2O \(\stackrel{\mathrm{H}^{+}}{\longrightarrow}\) CH3COOH + C2H5OH is of
(a) zero order
(b) first order
(c) second order
(d) pseudo first order reaction
(d) pseudo first order reaction

18. A reaction is first order with respect to reactant A and second order with respect to reactant B. The rate law for the reaction is given by
(a) rate = k[A][B]2
(b) rate = [A][B]2
(c) rate = k [A]2[B]
(d) rate = k[A]0[B]2
(a) rate = k[A][B]2

19. Molecularity of an elementary reaction
(a) may be zero
(b) is always integral
(c) may be semi-integral
(d) may be integral, fractional or zero.
(b) is always integral

20. The unit of rate constant for first order reaction is
(a) min-2
(b) s
(c) s-1
(d) min
(c) s-1

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

21. The integrated rate equation for first order reaction A → products is given by
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 162

22. Time required to complete 90% of the first order reaction is
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 163

23. The rate constant of a first order reaction is given by
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 164

24. The half-life of a first order reaction is 30 min and the initial concentration of the reactant is 0.1M. If the initial concentration of reactant is doubled, then the half-life of the reaction will be
(a) 1800s
(c) 15 min
(b) 60 min
(d) 900s
(a) 1800s

25. The rate constant for a first order reaction is loos the time required for completion of 50% of reaction is-
(a) 0.0693 milliseconds
(b) 0.693 milliseconds
(c) 6.93 milliseconds
(d) 69.3 milliseconds
(c) 6.93 milliseconds

26. The slope of the straight line obtained by plotting rate versus concentration of reactant for a first order reaction is
(a) – k
(b) – k/2.303
(c) k/2.303
(d) k
(d) k

27. If C0 and C are the concentrations of a reactant initially and after time t then, for a first order reaction
(a) C = C0ekr
(b) C0 = 1/C e-kr
(c) C = C0e-kr
(d) CO = C ekr
(b) C0 = 1/C e-kr

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

28. A graph corresponding to a first order reaction is
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 165

29. For two first order reactions, A → products and B → products, k1 and k2 are the rate constants. The fIrst reaction (A) is slower than the second reaction (B). The graphical observation corresponding to this observation will be
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 166
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30. Half-life (t1/2) of first order reaction is
(a) dependent of concentration
(b) independent of concentration
(c) dependent of time
(d) dependent of molecularity
(b) independent of concentration

31. For a first order reaction, the half-life period is
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 168

32. When half-life period of a zero order reaction is plotted against concentration of the reactant at constant temperature, the graph obtained is
(a) a curve
(b) a straight line with a positive slope
(c) a straight line with a negative slope
(d) an exponential graph
(b) a straight line with a positive slope

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

33. The rate of a reaction between A and B is R = k [A]n x [B]m On doubling the concentration of A and halving the concentration of B, the ratio of the new rate to the earlier rate of the reaction will be
(a) m + n
(b) n – m
(c) 2(n-m)
(d) \(\frac{1}{{ }_{2} n+m}\)
(c) 2(n-m)

34. Consider the reaction
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 169
(a) 0,052 M/s
(b) 0.114 M/s
(c) 0.026 M/s
(d) -0.026 M/s

35. The rate of the first order reaction A → products is 0.01 M/s, when reactant concentration is 0.2 M. The rate constant for the reaction will be
(a) 0.05 s-1
(b) 0.05 min-1
(c) 0.1 s-1
(d) 0.01 s-1
(a) 0.05 s-1

36. The rate constant of a reaction
(a) decreases with increasing Ea
(b) decreases with decreasing Ea
(c) is independent of Ea
(d) decreases with increasing temperature
(a) decreases with increasing Ea

37. The slope of a graph In [A]t versus t for a first order reaction is -2.5 x 10-3s-1. The rate constant for the reaction will be
(a) 5.76 x 10-3s-1
(b) 1.086 x 10-3s-1
(c) -2.5 x 10-3s-1
(d) 2.5 x 10-3s-1
(d) 2.5 x 10-3s-1

38. For the reaction, Cl2 + 2I → 2CI + I2, the initial concentration of I was 0.2 mol L and the concentration after 20 minutes was 0.18 mol L-1. Then the rate of formation of I2 in mol L min-1 will be
(a) 1 x 10-3
(b) 5 x 10-4
(c) 1 x 10-4
(d) 2 x 10-3
(b) 5 x 10-4

39. A catalyst increases the rate of the reaction by
(a) increasing Ea
(b) increasing T
(c) decreasing Ea
(d) decreasing T
(c) decreasing Ea

40. The Arrhenius equation is
(a) A = ke-Ea/RT
(b) A/k = e-Ea/RT
(c) k = AeEa/RT
(d) k = Aee-RT/Ea
(b) A/k = e-Ea/RT

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

41. The Arrhenius equation is
(a) k = Ae-RT/Ea
(b) A = keEa/RT
(c) k = Ae-RT/Ea
(d) A = keEa/RT
(d) A = keEa/RT

42. When the initial concentration of the reactant is doubled, the half-life period of the reaction is also doubled. Hence the order of the reaction is
(a) one
(b) two
(c) fraction
(d) zero
(d) zero

43. If k1 and k2 are the rate constants of the given reaction in the presence and absence of the catalyst, then
(a) k1 = k2
(b) k1 > k2
(c) k1 < k2
(d) k1 > k2
(b) k1 > k2

44. If the ratio of rate constants at two temperatures for the given reaction is 2.5, the ratio of corresponding half-life periods is
(a) 2.5
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 0.4
(d) 0.4

45. For a zero order reaction, if Co is the initial concentration, then the half life period will be
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 170

46. The order of nuclear disintegration reaction is
(a) zero
(b) one
(c) two
(d) fraction
(b) one

47. The unit of rate constant for zero order reaction is
(a) mol L-2 s-1
(b) mol-1Ls-1
(c) mol2L-2s-1
(d) mol L-1 s-1
(d) mol L-1 s-1

48. When a graph of log10k is plotted against 1 /T, the slope of the line is,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 171

49. The slope of a graph obtained by plotting half-life period and initial concentration of the reactant in zero order reaction is
\((a) \frac{2.303}{k}
(b) \frac{1}{k}
(c) \frac{1}{2 k}
(d) \frac{k}{2.303}\)

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics

50. When a graph of log, 0k against 1/T is plotted, for reaction, a graph with slope equal to 1 x 103 is obtained. Hence the activation energy is
(a) 8.314 x 103 Jmor-1
(b) 3.61 kJ mol-1
(c) 4.85 x 103 Jmol-1
(d) 19.1 kJ mol-1
(d) 19.1 kJ mol-1

51. The correct expression for activation energy is,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 172

52. In the reaction, 2A(g) → B(g), the initial pressure of A is 2.5 atm. After 10 minutes the pressure becomes 2.2 atm. Hence the pressure of A is
(a) 1.2 atm
(b) 1.9 atm
(c) 2.3 atm
(d) 0.3 atm
(b) 1.9 atm

53. The half-life period of zero order reaction A → product is given by –
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 6 Chemical Kinetics 173

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 13 Amines

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 12th Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 13 Amines Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 13 Amines

Question 1.
What are amines?
Amines : The alkyl or aryl derivatives of ammonia in which one, two or all the three hydrogen atoms attached to nitrogen are replaced by same or different alkyl or aryl groups are called amines. OR Amines are nitrogen-containing organic compounds having basic character.

Example : methyl amine : CH3 – NH2
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 1

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 13 Amines

Question 2.
Classify the following amines as primary, secondary and tertiary.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 7

Question 3.
Mention the functional group in :
(1) Primary amine
(2) Secondary amine
(3) Tertiary amine.
(1) A primary amine has a functional group – NH2 (amino group).
Example : ethylamine, C2H5 – NH2
(2) A secondary amine has a functional group – NH – (imino group).
Example : Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 8
(3) A tertiary amine has a functional group Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 9 (tertiary nitrogen atom)

Example :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 10

Question 4.
Write common and IUPAC names of following compounds :
(A) Primary amines :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 14
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 15
(B) Secondary amine :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 16
(C) Tertiary Aimines :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 17.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 13 Amines

Question 5.
Give the structures of the following :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 22

Question 6.
Give the IUPAC names of the following amines :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 23

Question 7.
Write the IUPAC names of the following amines :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 24

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 13 Amines

Question 8.
Give the structures and IUPAC names of the following amines :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 25

Question 9.
Classify the following amines as primary, secondary and tertiary and write the IUPAC names.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 26

Question 10.
Write the structures and classify the following amines as primary, secondary, tertiary amines.
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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 13 Amines

Question 11.
Write the common and IUPAC name of a tertiary amine in which one methyl, one ethyl and one w-propyl group is attached to nitrogen.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 28

Question 12.
How will you prepare ethanamine from ethyl iodide?
When ethyl iodide is heated with excess of alcoholic ammonia, under pressure at 373 K ethanamine is obtained as a major product.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 29

Question 13.
How is a nitroalkane converted to a primary amine?
What is the action of LiAlH4/ether on (i) 1-Nitropropane (ii) 2-MethyI-l-nitropropane?
When a nitroalkane is refluxed with tin (or iron) and concentrated HCl it gives corresponding primary amine.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 33
For example, (1) nitromethane on reduction by refluxing with Sn and concentrated HCl gives methylamine.
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(2) 1-Nitropropane on reduction with Sn and concentrated HCl gives propan-1-amine.
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(3) Niirobenzcnc on reducion with tin and concentrated HCI or by using H2/Pd in ethanol gives anilinc.
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(4) When nitropropane is reduced in the presence of LiAlH4 in ether, n-propyl amine is obtained.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 37

(5) When 2-methyl-1-nitropropane is reduced in the presence of LiAlH4 in ether, 2-methyl propan-1-amine is obtained.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 38

Question 14.
How will you prepare aniline from nitrobenzene?
How is aniline prepared from nitro compounds?
Nitrobenzene is reduced to aniline by passing hydrogen gas in the presence of finely divided nickel, palladium or platinum.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 39

Question 15.
Identify the compounds A and B in the following reactions
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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 13 Amines

Question 16.
How will you obtain a primary amine from an alkyl cyanide (nitrile)?
Write a short note on Mendius reduction.
Alkyl cyanides (nitriles) on reduction by sodium and ethyl alcohol form corresponding primary amines. This reaction is called Mendius reduction.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 42
For example; propionitrile on reduction by sodium and ethanol gives n-propyl amine (Propan-1-amine).
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 43
Methyl cyanide or acetonitrile on reduction by sodium and ethanol gives ethanaminc.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 44

Question 17.
How will you prepare ethylamine from acetonitrile?
How is ethanamine prepared from methyl cyanide?
What is the action of a mixture of sodium and alcohol on acetonitrile?
Methyl cyanide or acetonitrile on reduction by sodium and ethyl alcohol forms ethanamine. The reaction is called Mendius reduction.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 45

Question 18.
How will convert phenyl acetonitrile to β-phenylethylamine?
When phenyl acetonitrile is reduced in the presence of sodium and ethanol, β-phenyl ethylamine is obtained.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 46

Question 19.
How will you obtain primary amine from an acid amide?
Acid amides on reduction with lithium aluminium hydride or sodium, ethanol form corresponding primary amines.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 50
For example : Acetamide on reduction with lithium aluminium hydride or sodium, ethanol gives ethylamines.
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Question 20.
Explain Hoffmann degradation of amides.
Write a note on Hoffmann bromamide degradation.
The conversion of amides into amines in the presence of bromine and alkali is known as Hoffmann degradation of amides. An important characteristic of this reaction is that an amine with one carbon less than those in the amide is formed. Thus, decreasing the length of carbon chain. This reaction is an example of molecular rearrangement and involves the migration of an alkyl or aryl group from the carbonyl carbon to the adjacent nitrogen atom. For example,

(1) When propanamide is treated with bromine and aqueous or alcoholic sodium hydroxide, ethanamine is obtained which has one carbon atom less.
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(2) When benzamide is treated with bromine and aqueous or alcoholic sodium hydroxide, aniline is obtained.
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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 13 Amines

Question 21.
How will you obtain methyl amine from acetamide?
When acetamide is treated with bromine and aq or alcoholic solution of KOH, methyl amine is obtained, which has one cabon atom less.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 55

Question 22.
How will you convert the following?

(1) Ethyl bromide to ethylamine.
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(2) Propionitrile to n-propyl amine.
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(3) Acetonitrile to ethylamine.
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(4) Phenyl acetonitrile to β-phenylethyl amine.
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(5) Acetamide to ethylamine.
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(6) Nitropropane to propan-l-amine.
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(7) Nitrobenzene to Aniline.
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(8) Benzamide to aniline.
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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 13 Amines

Question 23.
How will you prepare propan-l-amine from (1) butane nitrile (2) 1-nitropropane (3) propanamide (4) butanamide?
(1) From butane nitrile :
When butane nitrile is reduced by sodium and ethanol, it gives propan-l-amine.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 68

(2) From 1-nitropropane :
When 1-nitropropane is reduced in the presence of tin and cone, hydrochloric acid, propan-l-amine is obtained.
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(3) From propanamide :
When propanamide is reduced in the presence of lithium aluminium hydride, propan-l-amine is obtained.
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(4) From butanamide :
When butanamide is treated with bromine and aq. KOH, propan-l-amine is obtained.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 71

Question 24.
Write a reaction to, convert acetic acid into methyl amine.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 78

Question 25.
Primary and secondary amines have boiling points higher than the tertiary amines. Explain why?
(1) The N – H bond in amines is polar in nature because of electronegativities of nitrogen (3.0) and hydrogen (2.1) are different.
(2) Due to the polar nature of N – H bond, primary and secondary have strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding. Tertiary amines do not have intermolecular hydrogen bonding as there is no hydrogen atom on nitrogen of tertiary amine. Thus, intermolecular forces of attraction are strongest in primary and secondary amines and weakest in to tertiary amines. Hence, primary and secondary amines have boiling points higher than the tertiary amines.

Question 26.
Amines have boiling points higher than the hydrocarbon but lower than the alcohols of comparable masses. Explain, why?
Amines are polar than alkanes but less polar than alcohols. Primary and secondary amines form intermolecular hydrogen bonds. This hydrogen bonding leads to an associated structure. The association is more in primary amines than that in secondary amines as there are two hydrogen atoms attached to the nitrogen atom. However, tertiary amines do not form intermolecular hydrogen bonds because they do not contain any hydrogen atoms attached to the nitrogen atom. Hence, amines have higher boiling points than the hydrocarbons but lower boiling points than the alcohols of comparable masses.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 79

Compound Molar mass Boiling points (K)
nC2H5CH(CH3)2 72 300
nC4H9NH2 73 350.8
nC4H9OH 74 391

Question 27.
Arrange the following compounds in the decreasing order of their solubility in water.
(a) Ethyl amine, diethyl amine and triethyl amine.
Diethyl amine > triethyl amine > ethyl amine
(The reason that ethyl group has greater +1 effect than methyl group)

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 13 Amines

(b) Ethyl amine, n-propyl amine and n-butyl amine.
Answer: n-butyl amine < n-propyl amine < ethyl amine

(c) n-Butane, n -butyl alcohol and n-butyl amine
n-butyl alcohol < n-butyl amine < n-butane

Question 28.
Arrange the following compounds in the decreasing order of their boiling points.
(a) Ethane, ethyl amine and ethyl alcohol.
Ethyl alcohol < ethyl amine < ethane

(b) Ethyl amine, n-propyl amine and n-butyl amine.
n-butyl amine < n-propyl amine < ethyl amine

(c) n-propyl amine, ethyl methyl amine and trimethyl amine.
n-propyl amine < ethyl methyl amine < trimethyl amine.

(d) Ethyl alcohol, dimethyl amine and ethyl amine.
Ethyl alcohol < ethyl amine < dimethyl amine.

Question 29.
Explain the basic nature of amines with a suitable examples.
Explain why amines are basic.

Question 38.
Tertiary amine (R3N) or 3° amine is weaker base than secondary amine R2NH or 2° amine. Explain.
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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 82
The increase in basic strength from 1° amine to 2° amine is explained on the basis of increased stabilization of conjugate acids by +1 effect of the increased number of the alkyl group. However, decreased basic strength of 3° implies that the conjugate acid of 3° amine is less stabilized and is weak base though the +1 effect of three alkyl groups in R3NH is large.

R2NH is best stabilized by solvation while the stabilization by solvation is very poor in R3NH. Hence (R3N) or tertiary amine or 3° amine is weaker base than secondary amine (R2NH) or 2° amine.

Question 30.
Primary or aliphatic amine is a stronger base than ammonia. Explain.
(1) The alkyl group in primary amines has +I effect i.e. (electron releasing).
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The alkyl group tends to increase the electron density on the nitrogen atom. As a result, amines can donate the lone pair of electrons on nitrogen more easily than ammonia.

(2) The amine being a base, can donate a pair of electrons to an acid. The alkyl group with +I effect will disperse the positive charge on the cation more than ammonia.
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Due to +I effect of alkyl group cation formed by primary amine is more stable compared to cation formed from ammonia. Also it is seen that observed increasing basic strength from ammonia to primary amine is explained on the basis of increased stabilization of conjugate acids by +I effect for the presence of alkyl (R) groups. Hence, primary or aliphatic amine is a stronger base than ammonia.

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Question 31.
Aniline is less basic than ammonia. Explain.
The less basic character of aniline can be explained on the basis of resonance shown by aniline.
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Due to resonance, the nitrogen atom of amino group in aniline acquires a positive charge, hence, lone pair of electrons is less available for protonation as compared to that of ammonia. Aniline is resonance stabilized by five resonance structures. On the other hand, aniline in aqueous medium, accepts a proton does not have lone pair of electrons on nitrogen to produce a very low concentration of anilium ion and anilium ion shows only two resonance structures and therefore less stabilized than anline.

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Thus, aniline is more stable than anilium ion. Hence aniline accepts proton less readily or less basic in nature than ammonia.

Question 32.
Explain the order of basicity in ammonia and aliphatic amines.
Since nitrogen atom in ammonia molecule has a lone pair of electrons, it is a Lewis base.
Greater the availability of an electron pair, more is the basic character.

Since alkyl group (R -) is an electron releasing group with (+I) inductive effect, alkyl amines act as a stronger base than ammonia.

The decreasing order of basicity is –
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The availability of a lone pair of electrons on a nitrogen atom in amines is influenced by steric factor due to crowding of alkyl groups which affects solvation along with inductive effect of alkyl groups.

Due to high energy of solvation of \(\mathrm{NH}_{4}^{+}\) ions, they acquire higher stability in aqueous solutions.

The presence of alkyl groups in secondary and tertiary amines, due to steric hindrance decrease the solvation energy.

This effect is more in tertiary amines making the tertiary ammonium ions (R3NH+) unstable as compared to secondary ammonium ion (R2N+H2).
Hence the cumulative effect on the order of basicity of amines is, secondary amine > primary amine > tertiary amine > ammonia (NH3).

Question 33.
Arrange the following amines in the decreasing order of their basic nature.
(a) Aniline, propan-l-amine and N-methylethanamine.
N-methylethanamine < propan-l-amine < aniline

(b) Benzene-1, 4-diamine, ammonia and 4-aminobenzoic acid.
Ammonia < benzene-1, 4-diamine < 4-aminobenzoic acid

(c) N-Methylaniline, phenylmethylamine and N-phenylaniline.
N-Methylaniline < N-phenylaniline < phenylmethylamine

Question 34.
Arrange the following amines in the increasing order of their pKb values.
(a) Aniline, N-methylaniline and cyclohexalamine.
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(b) Phenylmethylamine, 2-aminotoluene and 2-fluoroaniline.
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(c) Aniline, 4-methoxyaniline and 4-nitroaniline.
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Question 35.
Arrange the following compounds in the decreasing order of their basic nature in the gaseous phase.
Ammonia, N-methylhexanamine, propan-1-amine and N, N-dimethylethanolamine.
Propan-1-amine < N-methylethanamine < N,N-dimethylmethanamine < ammonia

Question 36.
Explain laboratory test for amines.
(1) All amines are basic compounds. Aqueous solution of water soluble amines turns red litmus blue.

(2) When water insoluble amine is dissolved in aqueous HCl, forms water soluble substituted ammonium chloride, further a substituted ammonium chloride on reaction with excess aqueous NaOH regenerates the original insoluble amine.
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(3) Diazotization reaction/ Orange dye test: In a sample of aromatic primary amine, 1-2 mL of cone. HCl is added. The aqueous solution of NaNO2 is added with cooling. This solution is transfered to a test tube containing solution of β naphthol in NaOH. Formation of orange dye indicates presence of aromatic primary amino group. (It may be noted that temperature of all the solutions and reaction mixtures is maintained near 0 °C throughout the reaction).

Question 37.
Explain Hofmann’s exhaustive alkylation.
Explain Hofmann’s exhaustive methylation of amines.
Hofmann’s Exhaustive alkylation : When a primary amine is heated with excess of primary alkyl halide it gives a mixture of secondary amine, tertiary amine along with tetraalkylammonium halide
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If excess of alkyl halide is used, tetraalkyl ammonium halide is obtained as major product. The reaction is known as exhaustive alkylation of amines.

Hofmann’s Exhaustive Methylation : The process of converting a primary, secondary or tertiary amine into quaternary ammonium halide by heating them with excess of methyl iodide, is called exhaustive methylation or Hoffmann’s exhaustive methylation.

Thus when methyl amine is heated with excess of methyl iodide it forms dimethylamine (secondary amine), then trimethylamine (a tertiary amine) and finally of quaternary ammonium iodide. The reaction is carried out in the presence of mild base NaHCO3, to neutralize the large quantity of HI formed.
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Question 38.
Predict the products of exhaustive methylation of following compounds.
(1) Ethylamine.
A primary amine, ethylamine (CH3 – CH2 – NH2) on exhaustive methylation, i.e., on heating with excess methyl iodide, forms secondary amine, tertiary amine and finally a quaternary ammonium salt, ethyl-trimethyl ammonium iodide.
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(2) Benzylamine.
Benzylamine C6H5CH2NH2 on exhaustive methylation i.e., on heating with excess methyl iodide forms benzylmethyl amine, benzyldimethyl ammonium chloride and finally benzyltrimethyl ammonium iodide.
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Question 39.
Explain Hofmann elimination.
Write a note on Hoffmann elimination.
When tetra alkyl ammonium halide is heated with moist silver hydroxide, a quaternary ammonium hydroxide is obtained. Quaternary ammonium hydroxides are deliquescent crystalline solids and are basic in nature. Quaternary ammonium hydroxides on strong heating undergo ^-elimination to give tertiaryamine, alkenes and water, the reaction is called Hofmann elimination. The major product is least substituted alkene.
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Question 40.
Write the bond line formula of the alkene which is obtained as major product from the following amines, on heating with excess of methyl iodide followed by strong heating with moist silver oxide.
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Question 41.
Compound X with a molecular formula C5H13N did not react with nitrous acid, but reacted with one mole of CH3I to form a salt. What is the structure of X?
The structure of compound X is Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 108 ethyl-N-methylethanamine since compound X is tertiary amine. It reacts with one mole of CH3I to give a quaternary ammonium salt.

Question 42.
What is the action of acetyl chloride on :
(1) ethyl amine (ethanamine)
(2) diethyl amine (N-Ethylethanamine)
(3) triethyl amine?
Write a short note on acylation of amines.
The reaction of amines with acetyl chloride is called acetylation of amines.

(1) Acetyl chloride on reaction with ethylamine forms monoacetyl derivative, N-ethylacetamide (or N-acetyl ethylamine).
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(2) Diethyl amine on reaction with acetyl chloride forms N-acetyl dimethylamine.
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(3) Triethyl amine, being a tertiary amine does not have H atom attached to nitrogen of amine, hence it does not react with acetyl chloride.
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Question 43.
What is the action of acetic anhydride on aniline?
Aniline on reaction with acetic anhydride forms N-phenyl acetamide.
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Question 44.
What is the action of benzoyl chloride on ethanamine?
When benzoyl chloride is treated with ethanamine, N-ethyl benzamide is obtained.
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Question 45.
What is the action of nitrous acid on ethylamine?
Ethyl amine on reaction with nitrous acid in cold forms aliphatic diazonium salt, (unstable intermediate), which decomposes immediately by reaction with solvent water to produce ethyl alcohol and nitrogen gas.
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Question 46.
What is the action of nitrous acid on aniline?
Aniline reacts with nitrous acid in cold to form diazonium salt which has reasonable solubility at 273 K
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Question 47.
How is benzenediazon|um chloride prepared?
Benzenediazonium chloride is prepared by the action of nitrous acid on aniline at 273-278 K. Nitrous acid being unstable, is prepared in situ by the reaction between sodium nitrite and dilute hydrochloric acid.
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Question 48.
Write resonance stabilized structures of aryl diazonium salt.
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Question 49.
Write a note on Sandmeyer’s reaction.
How is aryl chloride or aryl bromide or aryl cyanide prepared from diazonium salt?
[Replacement by Cl, Br and -CN : Sandmeyer reaction.] Freshly prepared aromatic diazonium salt on reaction with cuprous chloride gives aryl chloride, on reaction with cuprous bromide gives aryl bromide and on reaction with cuprous cyanide give aryl cyanide. The reaction in which copper (I) salts are used to replace nitrogen in diazonium salt is called Sandmeyer reaction.
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Question 50.
How is aryl chloride or aryl bromide prepared by Gattermann reactions?
The aryl chloride or bromides can also be prepared by Gattermann reactions in which diazonium salt reacts with
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Question 51.
How is aryl iodide obtained from diazonium salt?
When diazonium salt is warmed with potassium iodide, aryl iodide is obtained.
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Question 52.
Explain the reduction of arene diazonium salt?
How is arene obtained from arene diazonium salt?
What is the action of benzene diazonium chloride on ethanol?
Arene diazonium salt on treatment with mild reducing agents like phosphinic acid (hypophosphoric acid) or ethanol, arene is obtained.

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Question 53.
How is phenol obtained from arene diazonium salt?
When arene diazonium salt is slowly added to a large volume of boiling dilute sulphuric acid, phenol is obtained,
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Question 54.
How is aryl fluoride obtained from diazonium salt?
When fluoroboric acid is treated with the solution of diazonium salt, a precipitate of diazonium fluoroborate is obtained, which is filtered and dried. When dry diazonium fluoroborate is heated, it decomposes to give aryl fluoride. This reaction is called Balz-Schiemann reaction.
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Question 55.
How is nitrobenzene obtained from benzene diazonium fluoroborate?
When benzene diazonium fluoroborate is heated with aqueous solution of sodium nitrite in the presence of copper powder, nitrobenzene is obtained.
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Benzene diazonium fluorobate can be obtained by reaction of benzene diazonium chloride with HBF4.
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Question 56.
What is meant by a coupling reaction? Explain with suitable examples.
What is the action of benzene diazonium chloride on (a) phenol in alkaline medium (b) aniline?
Write a note on the coupling reaction.
Diazonium salts react with certain aromatic compounds having an electron-rich group (e.g.-OH, – NH2, etc.) to form azo compounds. This reaction is an electrophilic substitution and is called coupling reaction. Azo compounds are brightly coloured and are used as dyes and indicators. Coupling reaction is an electrophilic substitution reaction. Benzene diazonium chloride reacts with alkaline solution of phenol to give p-hydroxy azo benzene (orange dye).
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Benzene diazonium chloride reacts with aniline in mild alkaline medium to give p-aminobenzene (yellow dye).
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Question 57.
What is the action of p-toluene sulphonyl chloride on ethyl amine and diethyl amine?
(1) When ethyl amine is treated with p-toluene sulphonyl chloride, N-ethyl p-toluene sulphonamide is obtained.
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(2) When diethyl amine is treated with p-toluene suiphonyl chloride. N.N-dicthyl p-toluene suiphonyl amide is formed.
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Question 58.
How will you distinguish between :
(1) Ethylamine, diethyl amine and triethyl amine by using (i) nitrous acid (ii) Hinsberg’s reagent.
(2) Diethyl amine and triethyl amine by using acetic anhydride.
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Question 59.
Give a chemical test to distinguish between following pairs of compounds.
(i) Ethylamine and diethyl amine :
Ethylamine (C2H5NH2) is a primary amine while diethyl amine ( (C2H5)2NH) is a secondary amine. So the two can be distinguished by the following test.
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(ii) Ethyl amine and aniline :
Ethylamine is an aliphatic amine, while aniline is an aromatic amine. So the two can be distinguished by the following test :
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(iii) Aniline and benzyl amine :
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(iv) Aniline and N-ethylaniline :
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Question 60.
Compound ‘X’ with a molecular formula C4H11N did not react with Hinsberg’s reagent, but reacted with one mole of CH3I to form a salt. What is the structure of ‘X’?
The structure of compound ‘X’ is :
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Since the compound ‘X’ does not react with NaN02 and HC1 i.e. nitrous acid (HO – N = O), it must be a tertiary amine.

The tertiary amine reacts with one mole of CH3I to give a quaternary ammonium salt.
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Question 74.
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p-(dimethylamino) azobenzene is yellow dye which was formerly used as a colouring agent in margarine. Write the structures of the reactants used in the preparation of this dye.
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Question 61.
Convert 3-Methyl aniline into 3-nitrotoluene.
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Question 62.
How will you bring about following conversions?
(1) N.Methyl aniline into N-methyl benzanilide.
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(2) 1.4-Dichlorobutane Into hexane-1,6-diamlne.
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(3) Benzene into 3-bromo aniline.
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(4) Chlorobenzene into 4-chioroanilinc.
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(5) 11enaniide into toluene.
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Question 63.
What is the action of aqueous bromine on aniline?
Action of aqueous bromine on aniline : When aniline is treated with bromine water at room temperature, a white precipitate of 2, 4, 6-tri bromoaniline is obtained.
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Question 64.
Explain the action of cone, nitric acid (nitrating mixture) on aniline.
When aniline is warmed with a mixture of cone, nitric acid and cone, sulphuric acid (a nitrating mixture), a mixture of ortho, meta and para nitroaniline is obtained.
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Question 65.
What is the action of acetic anhydride on aniline?
When aniline is heated with acetic anhydride, an acetanilide is obtained.
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Question 66.
How will you convert aniline to p-nltroanhline? (major product)
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Question 67.
What is the action of cone, sulphuric acid on aniline?
Aniline on treatment with cold sulphuric acid forms anilium hydrogen sulphate which on heating with sulphuric acid at 453 K-475 K gives sulphanilic acid, (p-aminobenzene sulphonic acid) as major product.Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 172
Sulphanilic acid exists as a salt; called dipolar ion or zwitter ion. It is produced by the reaction between an acidic group and a basic group present in the same molecule.

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Question 68.
How will you convert the following?
(1) Ethylamine to ethyl alcohol.
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(2) N-Methyl aniline to N-Nitroso-N-methyl aniline.
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(3) Diethylamine to N-nitrosodiethylamine
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(4) Triethylamine to triethyl ammonium nitrite.
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(5) Ethyl amine to N-ethylacetamide.
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(6) Diethyl amine to N-acetyl diethylamine.
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(7) Aniline to acetanilide.
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(8) Aniline to N-ethyl henzamide.
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(9) Ethylamine to ethyl isocyanide.
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(10) Aniline to phenyl isocyanide.
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(11) Aniline to 2,4,6-tribromoaniline.
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Question 69.
Give a plausible explanation for each of the following statements :
(1) Ethylamine is soluble in water whereas aniline is not.
Ethylamine is soluble in water due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding resulting in the formation of C2H5NH3 ion. Whereas in anline the hydrogen bonding with water is negligible due to the phenyl group (C6H5) is bulky and has -I effect. Therefore, aniline is nearly insoluble in water.
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(2) Butan-1-ol is more soluble in water than butani-amine.
Rutan- l-al is more soluble in watcr duc to intermoiccular hydrogen bonding. In alcohols, hydrogen bonding is through oxygen atoms. WIereas hutani-amine is less soluble in water due to the larger hydrocarbon part is hydrophobic in nature. Hence, butan-l-ol is more soluble in water than butani-amine.

(3) Butan-1-amlne has higher boiling point than N-ethylethanamine.
Due to the presence of two H-atoms on N-atom in butait- I -amine, they undergo extensive intermolecular H-bonding while in N-cthylethanamine due to the presence of one-H atom on the N-atom, they undergo least intermolecular H-bonding. Hence, butan- l-amine has higher boiling point than-N-ethyl ethanamine.

(4) AnIline Is less basic than ethyl afine.
Aniline (Kb4-2 x 10-10) is less basic than ethyl amine (Kb5.1 x 10-4). This is because -I effect of phenyl group in aniline as compared to + 1 effect of ethyl group in ethyl amine.
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Due to resonance, the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom gets delocalized over the benzene ring and thus less available for protonation. On the other hand, in ethyl anine, delocalization of the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom by resonance is not possible. Further more, the electron density on the nitrogen atom is increased by +1 effect of the ethyl group. Hence, aniline is less basic than ethyl amine.

(5) pKb value of diethyl amine is less than that of ethyl amine.
The basic strength of amines is expressed in terms of pKb values. Smaller is the value of pKb more basic is the amine. The pKb value of ethyl amine is 3.29 and that of diethyl amine is 3.00. Therefore, diethyl amine is more basic than ethyl amine.

(6) Aniline cannot be prepared by Gabriel phthalimide synthesis.
In Gabriel-phthalimide synthesis of aniline, potassium phthalimide requires the treatment with chlorobenzene or bromobenzene. Since aryl halides do not undergo nucleophilic substitution reaction. Therefore, chlorobenzene or bromobenzene does not react with potassium phthalimide to give N-phenylphthalimide and hence aniline cannot be prepared by Gabriel phthalimide synthesis.

(7) Gabriel phthalimide synthesis is preferred for the preparation of aliphatic primary amines.
In aromatic amines, the lone pair of electrons on the N-atom is delocalized over the benzene ring. As a result electron density on the nitrogen atom decreases. Whereas in aliphatic primary amines, due to +1 effect of alkyl group, electron density on nitrogen atom increases. As the pKh value of aliphatic amines is more than that of aromatic amines, aromatic amines are less basic than primary aliphatic amines. Hence, Gabriel phthalimide synthesis is preferred for the preparation of aliphatic amines.

(8) Arere diazonium salts are relatively more stable than alkyl diazonium salts.
Arene diazonium salts are stable due to the dispersal of the positive charge over the benzene ring as shown below :
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Alkane diazonium salts are unstable due to their tendency to eliminate a stable molecule of nitrogen to form carbocation. Aromatic diazonium salts have much lower tendency to remove nitrogen than aliphatic diazonium salts. Hence, arene diazonium salts are relatively more stable than alkyl diazonium salts.
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(9) Tertiary amines cannot be acylated.
Tertiary amines do not react with acetic anhydride or acetyl chloride i.e. they can be acylated because they do not contain a H-atom on the N-atom.

(10) Besides the ortho and para derivatives, considerable amount of meta derivatives is also formed during nitration of aniline.
Although amino group is o- and p-directing in electrophilic substitution reactions, aniline on nitration gives substantial amount of m-nitroaniline.
In aromatic amines, -NH2 is an electron releasing or activating group. It activates the ortho and para positions in the benzene ring towards electrophilic substitution. When aniline is treated with nitrating mixture (cone. HNO3+ cone. H2SO4), a mixture of ortho and para nitroaniline is obtained. However, a substantial amount of m-nitroaniline is also formed. Aniline being a base gets protonated in acidic medium to form anilium cation, which deactivates the ring and the substitution takes place at the meta position.
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Question 70.
How will you convert :
(1) Aniline into benzyl alcohol.
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(2) Aniline into 4-bromoaniline.
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(3) Aniline into 1,3,5-tribromo benzene.
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(4) Aniline into 2,4,6-tribromo fluoro benzene.
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Question 71.
How will you convert :
(1) Propanoic acid into ethanoic acid.
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(2) Propanoic acid into ethanol
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(3) Ethanamine into propan-l-amine.
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(4) Propan-l-amine into ethanamine.
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(5) Propanoic acid into ethanamine.
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(6) Ethanamine into propanoic acid.
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(7) Benzene to aniline.
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(8) Aniline to Benzene.
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(9) Aniline into benzoic acid.
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(10) Benzoic acid into aniline.
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(11) Aniline into benzamide.
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(12) 3-Nitrotoluene into 3-methyl aniline.
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(13) 3-Methyl aniline into 3-Nitrotoluene.
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Question 72.
An organic compound ‘A’ having molecular formula C2H6O evolves hydrogen gas on treatment with sodium metal and on treatment with red phosphorous and iodine gives compound ‘B’. The compound ‘B’ on treatment with alcoholic KCN and on subsequent reduction gives compound ‘C’. The compound ‘C’ on treatment with nitrous acid evolves nitrogen gas. Write the balanced chemical equations for all the reactions involved and identify the compounds ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C;.
A = C2H5OH ethanol
B = C2H5I ethyl iodide
C = C2H5CH2NH2 n-propyl amine
Compound C2H6O = C2H5OH
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Question 73
Identify B, C and D write complete reactions :
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Question 74.
Identify the compounds B, C and D in the following series of reactions and rewrite the complete equations :
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Question 75.
Identify the compounds ‘A’ and ‘B’ in the following equation :
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Question 76.
Answer in one sentence :

(1) Arrange the following compounds in decreasing order of basic strength in their aqueous solutions. NH3, C2H5NH2, (CH3)2NH, (CH3)3N
The decreasing order of basic strength is – (C2H5)2NH > (C2H5)3N > (C2H5)2NH > NH3
(The reason that ethyl group has greater +1 effect than methyl group).

(2) Arrange the following compounds in an increasing order of their solubility in water.
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The solubility increases in order in which molecular mass decreases.
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(3) What is Hinsberg’s reagent?
Benzenesulphonyl chloride (C6H5SO2Cl) is known as Hinsberg’s reagent.

(4) Name the reaction in which a primary amine is formed from amide.
Hoffmann bromamide degradation.

(5) NH3 is a Lewis base.
Since nitrogen in ammonia molecule has a lone pair of electrons, it is a Lewis base.

(6) How many primary amines are possible for the compound C3H9N?
For the compound C3H9N, two primary amines are possible.

(7) State the hybridization of the nitrogen atom in amines.
The hybridization of nitrogen atom in amines is sp3.

(8) Arrange the following compounds in an increasing order of basic strength. Aniline, p-nitroaniline, p-toluidine.
p-nitroaniline < aniline < p-toluidine.

(9) Which of the two is more basic and why? CH3NH2 or NH3
Due to +1 effect of -CH3 group, electron density on N-atom increases, hence methyl amine is a stronger base than ammonia.

(10) Which of the two is more basic and why? p-toluidine or aniline.
p-toluidine is more basic due to the presence of -CH3 group at para position. Due to +1 effect of -CH3 group, electron density on nitrogen increases, hence the tendency to donate pair of electrons increases.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 77.
Select and write the most appropriate answer from the given alternatives for each subquestion :

1. Which of the following is an amine?
(a) C2H5N(COCH3)2
(b) (C2H5)2N – N = 0
(c) (C2H5)3N
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

2. N-methyl-N-ethyl-n-propyl amine is
(a) a primary amine
(b) a secondary amine
(c) a tertiary amine
(d) an alkyl nitrile
(c) a tertiary amine

3. Which of the following is a tertiary amine?
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 229

4. Tertiary butyl amine is a
(a) primary amine
(b) secondary amine
(c) tertiary amine
(d) quaternary ammonium salt
(a) primary amine

5. The IUPAC name of
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 230
(a) ethyl propanamine
(b) ethyl butylamine
(c) 2-pentanamine
(d) 3-hexanamine
(d) 3-hexanamine

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 13 Amines

6. The IUPAC name of ethyl dimethyl amine is ……………..
(a) 2-amino propane
(b) N,N-dimethyl ethanolamine
(c) ethyl methanamine
(d) propanamine
(b) N,N-dimethyl ethanolamine

7. Isopropyl amine and trimethyl amine are ……………..
(a) acidic in nature
(b) electrophilic compounds
(c) structural isomers
(d) optically active compounds
(c) structural isomers

8. N, N-dimethylethanolamine is ……………
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 231

9. IUPAC name of diethylmethyl amine is ………………
(a) methyl amino propane
(b) N-Ethyl-N-methylhexanamine
(c) methyl diethanamine
(d) amino pentane
(b) N-Ethyl-N-methylhexanamine

10. Ethyl bromide reacts with excess of alcoholic ammonia, the major product is …………..
(a) ethyl amine
(b) diethylamine
(c) triethylamine
(d) tetraethyl ammonium bromide
(a) ethyl amine

11. Isopropylamine is obtained by the reduction of
(a) acetoxime
(b) acetaldoxime
(c) formaldoxime
(d) aldoxime
(a) acetoxime

12. Which of the following compounds can be converted into amines in the presence of Na and alcohol?
(a) Alkyl nitriles
(b) Aldoxime
(c) Ketoxime
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

13. Chloroethane when boiled with excess of aqueous-alcoholic ammonia gives hydrochloric acid and
(a) triethyl amine
(b) trimethyl amine
(c) diethyl amine
(d) ethyl amine
(d) ethyl amine

14. How many hydrogen atoms are required for the reduction of 1-nitropropane to n-propyl amine?
(a) Four
(b) Three
(c) Six
(d) Two
(c) Six

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 13 Amines

15. A secondary alkyl halide is heated with excess of ammonia, the major product obtained is
(a) primary amine
(b) secondary amine
(c) tertiary amine
(d) quaternary ammonium salt
(a) primary amine

16. The true statement about ethylamine is
(a) it is weaker base than ammonia
(b) it is stronger base than diethyl amine
(c) it is stronger base than triethyl amine
(d) it is stronger base than alkali
(c) it is stronger base than triethyl amine

17. The reaction which is given only by primary amines is
(a) acetylation
(b) alkylation
(c) reaction with HNO2
(d) carbyl amine test
(d) carbyl amine test

18. The amine which reacts with NaNO2 and dil. HCl to give yellow oily compound is
(a) ethylamine
(b) isopropylamine
(c) sec-butylamine
(d) dimethylamine
(d) dimethylamine

19. The name of the compound ‘C’ in the following series of reactions, is Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 232
(a) propan-l-ol
(b) propan-2-ol
(c) butan-l-ol
(d) butan-2-ol
(b) propan-2-ol

20. Triethylamine when treated with nitrous acid gives
(a) an alcohol
(b) a nitrosamine
(c) a monoacetyl derivative
(d) a soluble nitrite salt
(d) a soluble nitrite salt

21. Ammes are basic in nature because
(a) of the nitrogen atom contain or lone pair of electrons
(b) they give H+ ions in aqueous medium
(c) they form quaternary ammonium salts when heated with acids
(d) both (a) and (c)
(a) of the nitrogen atom contain or lone pair of electrons

22. An aqueous solution of primary amine contains
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 233

23. The basic nature of amines in an aqueous solution is in the order of
(a) tert. > sec. > pri.
(b) sec. > pri. > tert.
(b) pri. > sec. > tert.
(d) pri. > tert. > sec.
(b) pri. > sec. > tert.

24. In trimethyl ammonium ion, the number of sigma bonds attached to nitrogen are
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
(b) 3

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 13 Amines

25. The number of coordinate bond/bonds in a trialkyl ammonium ion is
(a) one
(b) two
(c) three
(d) four
(a) one

26. The number of electrons in the valence shell of nitrogen in methyl amine is
(a) 5
(b) 3
(c) 8
(d) 7
(c) 8

27. Ethanamine reacts with excess of acetyl chloride to form
(b) C2H5N(CH3)2
(c) C2H5N(COCH3)2
(d) C2H5N+H3Cl
(c) C2H5N(COCH3)2

28. The compound used for acylation of amine is
(a) (CH3CO)2O
(c) CH3COCl
(d) both (a) and (c)
(d) both (a) and (c)

29. Dimethyl amine reacts with acetyl chloride to give
(a) N-acetyl methyl amine
(b) N-acetyl ethyl amine
(c) N-acetyl dimethyl amine
(d) N-acetyl diethyl amine
(c) N-acetyl dimethyl amine

30. Identify ‘A’ in the following reaction :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 234

31. n-propyl alcohol is obtained when HNO2 is treated with
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 235

32. A mixture of CH3NH2, (CH3)2NH, (CH3)3N can be distinguished by using
(a) HCI
(b) HNO2
(c) HNO3
(d) H2SO4
(b) HNO2

33. In the acetylation reaction the H-atom of an amine is replaced by
(a) a carbonyl group
(b) an alkyl group
(c) an acetyl group
(d) an imino group
(c) an acetyl group

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 13 Amines

34. Amines are basic in nature
(a) as they have a fishy odour
(b) as they form quaternary ammonium salts with alkyl halides
(c) due to the presence of an unshared pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom
(d) all of these
(c) due to the presence of an unshared pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom

35. The correct order of increasing basic strength is
(a) NH3 < CH3NH2 < (CH3)2NH
(b) CH3NH2 < (CH3)2NH < NH3
(c) CH3NH2 < NH3 < (CH3)2NH
(d) (CH3)2NH < NH3 < CH3NH2
(a) NH3 < CH3NH2 < (CH3)2NH

36. Which of the following is the strongest base?
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 236

37. Identify the weakest base amongst the following :
(a) p-methoxyaniline
(b) o-toluidine
(c) benzene-1, 4-diamine
(d) 4-aminobenzoic acid
(d) 4-aminobenzoic acid

38. Amine that cannot be prepared by Gabriel phthalimide synthesis is
(a) aniline
(b) benzyl amine
(c) methyl amine
(d) iso-butyl amine
(a) aniline

39. Which of the following exist as Zwitter ion?
(a) Salicylic acid
(b) Suphanilic acid
(c) p-Aminophenol
(d) p-Amino acetophenone
(b) Suphanilic acid

40. Reduction of benzene diazonium chloride with Zn/HCl gives
(a) phenyl hydrazine
(b) hydrazine hydrate
(c) aniline
(d) ozo benzene
(c) aniline

41. When primary amine reacts with CHCl3 in alcoholic KOH, the product is
(a) aldehyde
(b) alcohol
(c) cyanide
(d) an isocyanide
(d) an isocyanide

42. Which of the following amines cannot be prepared by Gabriel phthalimide synthesis?
(a) sec-Propylamine
(b) tert-Butylamine
(c) 2-Phenylethylamine
(d) N-Methyl benzyl amine
(d) N-Methyl benzyl amine

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 13 Amines

43. Which of the following compounds has highest boiling point?
(a) Ethane
(b) Ethanoic acid
(c) Ethanol
(d) Ethanamine
(b) Ethanoic acid

44. Identify the statement about the basic nature of amines.
(a) Alkylamines are weaker bases than ammonia.
(b) Arylamines are stronger bases than alkylamines.
(c) Secondary aliphatic amines are stronger bases than primary aliphatic amines.
(d) Tertiary aliphatic amines are weaker bases than arylamines.
(c) Secondary aliphatic amines are stronger bases than primary aliphatic amines.

45. The compounds ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ react with methyl iodide to give finally quaternary ammonium iodides. Only ‘C’ gives carbylamines test while only ‘A’ forms yellow oily compound on reaction with nitrous acid. The compounds ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ are respectively.
(a) butan-1-amine, N-ethylethanamine and
N, N-dimethylethanamine.
(b) N-ethylethanamine, N, N-dimethylethanamine and butan-1 – amine.
(c) N, N-dimethylethanamine, N-ethylethanamine and butan-1-amine.
(d) N-ethylethanamine, butan-1-amine and N-ethylethanamine.
(b) N-ethylethanamine, N, N-dimethylethanamine and butan-1 – amine.

46. Which of the following amines is most basic in nature?
(a) 2, 4-Dichloroaniline
(b) 2, 4-Dimethylaniline
(c) 2, 4-Dinitroaniline
(d) 2, 4-Dibromoaniline
(b) 2, 4-Dimethylaniline

47. How many moles of methyl iodide are required to convert ethylamine, diethylamine and triethylamine into quaternary ammonium salt, respectively?
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 2, 3 and 1
(c) 3, 2 and 1
(d) 3, 1 and 2
(c) 3, 2 and 1

48. Which of the following amines does not undergo acetylation?
(a) t-Butylamine
(b) Ethylamine
(c) Diethylamine
(d) Triethylamine
(d) Triethylamine

49. n-Propylamine can be prepared by catalytic reduction of
(a) n-propyl cyanide
(b) propionaldoxime
(c) acetoxime
(d) nitroethane
(b) propionaldoxime

50. Identify the compound ‘B’ in the following series of reactions :
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 237

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions Chapter 13 Amines

51. Chloropicrin is used as
(a) antiseptic
(b) antibiotic
(c) insecticide
(d) anaesthetic
(c) insecticide

52. Identify the compound B in the following series of reactions. Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry Solutions Chapter 13 Amines 238
(a) n-propyl chloride
(b) propanamine
(c) n-propyl alcohol
(d) Isopropyl alcohol
(c) n-propyl alcohol

53. Which of the following amines yields foul smelling product with haloform and alcoholic KOH?
(a) Ethyl amine
(b) Diethyl amine
(c) Triethyl amine
(d) Ethyl methyl amine
(a) Ethyl amine

54. Which of the following compounds is NOT prepared by the action of alcoholic NH3 on alkyl halide?
(a) CH3NH2
(b) CH3-CH2-NH2
(c) CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – NH2
(d) (CH3)3CNH2
(d) (CH3)3CNH2

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Book Keeping & Accountancy Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Book Keeping & Accountancy Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares

1. Objective Questions:

A. Select the appropriate answer from the alternative given below and rewrite the sentence.

Question 1.
The balance of Share Forfeiture A/c is transferred to ______________ Account after re-issue of these share.
(a) Reserve Capital
(b) Capital Reserve
(c) Profit & Loss
(d) Share Capital
(b) Capital Reserve

Question 2.
Premium received on issue of shares is shown to ______________
(a) Liability side of Balance Sheet
(b) Asset side of Balance Sheet
(c) Profit & Loss A/c debit side
(d) Profit & Loss A/c credit side
(a) Liability side of Balance Sheet

Question 3.
Shareholders get ______________ on shares.
(a) interest
(b) commission
(c) rent
(d) dividends
(d) dividends

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares

Question 4.
The document inviting to subscribe the shares of a company is ______________
(a) Prospectus
(b) Memorandum of Association
(c) Articles of Association
(d) Share certificate
(a) Prospectus

Question 5.
As per SEBI guidelines, minimum amount payable on share application should be ______________ Nominal Value of shares.
(a) 10%
(b) 15%
(c) 2%
(d) 5%
(d) 5%

Question 6.
When shares are forfeited the Share Capital Account is ______________
(a) credited
(b) debited
(c) neither debited nor credited
(d) None of the given
(b) debited

Question 7.
The liability of shareholder in Joint Stock Company is ______________
(a) joint and several
(b) limited
(c) unlimited
(d) huge
(b) limited

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares

Question 8.
The Share Capital which a company is authorized to issue by its Memorandum of Association is ______________
(a) Nominal Capital/Authorised Capital
(b) Issued Capital
(c) Paid-up Capital
(d) Reserve Capital
(a) Nominal Capital/Authorised Capital

Question 9.
The unpaid amount on allotment and calls may be transferred to ______________ Account.
(a) Calls-in-Advance
(b) Calls
(c) Calls-in-Arrears
(d) Allotment
(c) Calls-in-Arrears

Question 10.
There must be provision in ______________ for forfeiture of shares.
(a) Articles of Association
(b) Memorandum of Association
(c) Prospectus
(d) Balance Sheet
(a) Articles of Association

B. Give one word/term/phrase for each of the following statements.

Question 1.
Amount called up on shares by the company but not received.

Question 2.
Issue of share at its face value.
Issue at par

Question 3.
The person who purchases the shares of a company.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares

Question 4.
The form of business organisation where a huge amount of capital can be raised.
Joint-stock company

Question 5.
The capital is subscribed by the public.
Subscribed capital

Question 6.
The shares having preferential rights at the time of winding up of the company.
Preference shares

Question 7.
The shares on which dividend is not fixed.
Equity shares

Question 8.
The part of subscribed capital is not called up by the company.
Uncalled capital

C. State true or false with reasons.

Question 1.
Directors can forfeit the shares for any reason.
This statement is False.
After paying money on share application, When share applicant fails to pay the call money or premium on shares in spite of repeated reminders and warnings directors/company can forfeit the shares.

Question 2.
Once the application money is received, directors can immediately proceed with the allotment of shares.
This statement is False.
Directors can proceed for allotment of shares only after receiving the minimum subscription amount of the issued amount by cheque or other instrument complying with all legal requirements.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares

Question 3.
Joint-stock company forms of business organisations came into existence after the industrial revolution.
This statement is True.
As the volume and scale of trade and industry expanded, especially after the industrial revolution, a very large unit of the commercial organisation requiring large capital and greater managerial skill, called Joint-stock company came into existence.

Question 4.
Equity shareholders get a guaranteed rate of dividend every year.
This statement is False.
One of the features of equity shares is the rate of dividend payable on equity shares keeps on changing from one year to another. So, there is no question of guaranteed dividend every year for equity shareholders.

Question 5.
The face value of shares and market value of shares is always the same.
This statement is False.
Face value of shares means the issue price of shares while the market value of shares means the trading price of shares at the stock exchange. The face value of shares remains the same and fixed. However, market price changes as per the performance of the company. Hence face value and market value of shares is not the same.

Question 6.
Sweat shares are issued to the public.
This statement is False.
Sweat shares are issued by a company to its directors or employees at a discount or for consideration other than cash. Sweat shares are not issued to the public.

D. State whether you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Question 1.
In the case of Pro-rata allotment the excess application money received must be refunded.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares

Question 2.
Calls-in-Advance account is shown on the asset side of the Balance Sheet.

Question 3.
The Authorised Capital is also known as Nominal Capital.

Question 4.
Paid-up capital can be more than Called-up Capital.

Question 5.
The joint-stock company can raise a huge amount of capital.

Question 6.
When shares are Forfeited Shares Capital Account is credited.

Question 7.
Directors can re-issue forfeited shares.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares

Question 8.
When the issued price of a share is ₹ 12 and face value is ₹ 10, the share is said to be issued at a premium.

Question 9.
A public limited company can issue its share without issuing its prospectus.

Question 10.
Shares can be issued for consideration other than cash.

E. Answer in one sentence only.

Question 1.
What are Preference Shares?
Preference Shares are a type of share which enjoys priority or preference over equity share for the repayment of dividends at a predetermined fixed rate and for the repayment of capital.

Question 2.
What is Registered Capital?
Registered Capital or Authorised Capital means the maximum limit up to which a company is authorized to raise share capital.

Question 3.
What is Reserve Capital?
Reserve Capital is that part of the subscribed capital which is reserved to be called up only at the time of winding up or liquidation of the company.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares

Question 4.
What is Over Subscription of Shares?
When a company received more applications of shares than those actually offered or issued to the public, known as Over Subscription of Shares.

Question 5.
Which account is debited when share first call money is received?
The bank account will be debited when share first call money is received.

Question 6.
When are shares allotted on a pro-rata basis?
Shares are said to be allotted on a pro-rata basis when the applications are received for more shares than the number of shares issued and shares are allotted in the proportion to the number of shares applied for.

Question 7.
What is Forfeiture of Shares?
When a shareholder fails to pay the call money or premium on the shares in spite of repeated reminders and warnings, the company forfeits the shares of such defaulters known as forfeiture of shares.

Question 8.
What is Calls-in-Arrears?
Non-payment of allotment or call money by the applicants in spite of repeated reminders are called Calls-in-Arrears.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares

Question 9.
What do you mean by Shares Issued at Premium?
When shareholders are supposed to pay a price higher than the face value of the shares, their shares are said to be issued at a premium.

Question 10.
What is Paid-up Capital?
Part of the called-up capital which is actually paid by the shareholders is called Paid-up Share Capital.

F. Complete the following sentences.

Question 1.
When the face value of the share is ₹ 100 and the issued price is ₹ 120, then it is said that the shares are issued at ______________

Question 2.
______________ Capital is the capital which a company is authorized to issue by its Memorandum of Association.

Question 3.
The difference between Called-up Capital and Paid-up Capital is known as ______________

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares

Question 4.
______________ shareholders get fixed rate of dividend.

Question 5.
______________ shareholders are the real owners of the company.

Question 6.
______________ form of business organisation in which capital is raised through the issue of shares.
Joint-stock company

Question 7.
______________ Capital is the part of Issued capital which is subscribed by the public.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares

Question 8.
The part of Authorised Capital which is not issued to the public is known as ______________ Capital.

G. Calculate the following.

Question 1.
One shareholder holding 500 equity shares paid share application money @ ₹ 3, Allotment money @ ₹ 4 per share and failed to pay a final call of ₹ 3 per share his share was forfeited calculate the amount of forfeiture.
Amount of forfeiture = Amount received by the company (In case of non-payment of ‘calls’)
Here, shareholders paid ₹ 3 per share on application and ₹ 4 per share on the allotment on 500 shares.
So, total amount received by company = 500 × ₹ 3 + 500 × ₹ 4
= 1,500 + 2,000
= ₹ 3,500
∴ Amount of share forfeiture = ₹ 3,500.

Question 2.
10,000 equity shares of ₹ 10 each issued at a 10% premium. Calculate the total amount of share premium.
Equity shares = 10,000
Face value = ₹ 10 per share
Premium @ 10% = 10,000 × 10 × \(\frac{10}{100}\) = ₹ 10,000
So, premium 10,000 shares of ₹ 10 each at 10% = ₹ 10,000

Question 3.
The company received excess applications for 5000 shares @ ₹ 4 per share. The application of 1000 shares was rejected and a pro-rata allotment was made. Calculate the amount of application money adjusted with allotment.
Excess application money received for 5000 shares @ ₹ 4 per share = ₹ 20,000
Less: Application of 1000 shares rejected and money refunded = ₹ 4,000
Excess money received to be adjusted with allotment = ₹ 16,000

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares

Question 4.
80,000 equity shares of ₹ 10 each issued and fully subscribed and called up at 20% premium. Calculate the amount of Equity Share capital.
Equity Share capital = No. of equity shares × face value of each share
= 80,000 × ₹ 10
= ₹ 8,00,000
Note: Equity Share capital has no concern with premium or discount amount.

Question 5.
Directors issued 20,000 equity shares of ₹ 100 each at par. These were fully subscribed and called up. All money was received except one shareholder holding 100 equity shares failed to pay a final call of ₹ 20 per share. Calculate the amount of Paid-up capital of the company.
Fully subscribed and called-up amount = 20,000 equity shares × ₹ 100 each share
= ₹ 20,00,000
But one share holder failed to pay final call of ₹ 20 per share of 100 equity shares means
Non-payment of shares = 100 equity shares × ₹ 20 per share = ₹ 2,000
∴ Total Paid-up capital amount = ₹ 20,00,000 – ₹ 2,000 = ₹ 19,98,000

Question 6.
The company sends a regret letter for 100 shares and an Allotment letter to 25,000 shareholders. Application money per ₹ 20 per share. Calculate the amount of application money that the company is refunding.
The company sends a Regret letter for 100 shares for ₹ 20 per share application money received i.e. only that much amount the company will refund.
Amount of refund = No. of shares × Value of per share
= 100 × ₹ 20
= ₹ 2,000

Practical Problems

Question 1.
Vijay Ltd. was registered with an authorized capital of ₹ 15,00,000 divided into 1,50,000 equity shares of ₹ 10 each.
The company issued 1,00,000 equity shares of ₹ 10 each at a premium of ₹ 2 per share. The company received applications for 80,000 equity shares and was allotted the shares.
The company received application money ₹ 3 per share, allotment money ₹ 4 per share
(Including premium) and first, call money ₹ 3 per share.
The Directors have not made the final call of ₹ 2 per share. All money was received except one shareholder holding 500 shares did not pay the first call.
Show Authorised Capital, Issued Capital, Subscribed Capital, Called-up Capital,
Paid-up Capital, Calls in Arrears, and Share Premium amount in the company balance sheet.
In the books of Vijay Ltd.
Balance Sheet as on ______________
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares Q1

Working Notes:
1. Bank balance at the end = Amount received on application + Amount received on allotment + Amount received on 1st call + Premium amount received
= 80,000 × 3 + 80,000 × 2 × 79,500 × 3 + 80,000 × 2
= 2,40,000 + 1,60,000 + 2,38,500 + 1,60,000
= ₹ 7,98,500

2. Directors have not made the final call of ₹ 2 per share means total called-up amount = ₹ 10 – ₹ 2 = ₹ 8

3. Calls-in-Arrears on 500 shares at ₹ 3 = ₹ 1,500 of the first call

4. Share premium on 80,000 shares @ ₹ 2 received at allotment stage i.e. share premium amount = 80,000 x ₹ 2 = ₹ 1,60,000

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares

Question 2.
Anand Company Limited issued 1,00,000 preference shares of ₹ 10 each payable as-
On Application ₹ 4
On Allotment ₹ 3
On First call ₹ 2
On Second & Final call?
The company received applications for all these shares and received all money.
Pass Journal Entries in the books of Anand Company Ltd.
Journal Entries in the books of Anand Company Ltd.
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares Q2

Question 3.
Rohini Company Limited issued 25,000 equity shares of ₹ 100 each payable as follows:
On Application ₹ 20
On Allotment ₹ 30
On First call ₹ 20
On the Second & Final call ₹ 30
The application was received for 22,000 equity shares and allotment of shares was made to them. All money was received by the company.
Pass Journal Entries in the books of Rohini Co. Ltd.
Journal Entries in the books of Rohini Company Limited
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares Q3

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares

Question 4.
Deepak Manufacturing Co. Ltd. issued a prospectus inviting applications for 1,00,000 equity shares of ₹ 10 each payable as follows :
₹ 2 on Application
₹ 4 on Allotment
₹ 2 on the First call
₹ 2 on Final call
The application was received for 1,20,000 equity shares. The Directors decided to reject excess applications and refunded application money on that. The company received all money.
Pass Journal Entries in the books of a company.
Journal Entries in the books of Deepak Manufacturing Co.Ltd
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares Q4

Question 5.
Sucheta Company Limited issued ₹ 20,00,000 new capital divided into ₹ 100 equity shares at a premium of ₹ 20 per share payable as ₹ 10 on Application, ₹ 40 on Allotment and ₹ 10 premium ₹ 50 on Final call and ₹ 10 premium.
The issue was oversubscribed to the extent of 26,000 equity shares. The applicants on 2,000 shares were sent a letter of regret and their application money was refunded.
The remaining applicants were allotted shares on a Pro-rata basis. All the money due on Allotment and Final call was only received.
Make necessary Journal Entries in the books of Sucheta Company Ltd.
Journal Entries in the books of Sucheta Company Limited
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares Q5

Working Note:
Calculation of Application money transferred to Share Allotment:
Application money received (26,000 × 10) = 2,60,000
Less: Application money refunded (2,000 × 10) = 20,000
Less: Application money transferred to Share Capital: (20,000 × 10) = 2,00,000
Excess money received on application transferred to Share Allotment = 40,000
Bifurcation of calls amount:
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares Q5.1

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares

Question 6.
Suhas Limited issued 10,000 equity shares of ₹ 10 each at a premium of ₹ 2 per share payable ₹ 3 on application, ₹ 5 (including premium) on the allotment, and the balance in two calls of an equal amount. Applications were received for 11,000 equity shares and pro-rata allotment was made for all the applicants. The excess application money was adjusted towards allotment.
Mrs. Shobha who was allowed 200 equity shares failed to pay F/F/C and her shares were forfeited after the final call.
Show Journal Entries in the books of Suhas Ltd. and also show its presence in Balance Sheet.
Journal Entries in the books of Suhas Limited
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares Q6
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares Q6.1

Balance Sheet of Suhas Limited
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares Q6.2

Working Notes:
1. Excess amount received at the time of application ₹ 3,000 adjusted at allotment stage, so allotment amount received in the bank is ₹ 47,000.

2. Amount called-up per share: ₹ 3 on application, ₹ 5 (including premium) on allotment i.e. ₹ 2 premium + ₹ 3 capital and balance amount ₹ 4 in two calls of the equal amount i.e. ₹ 2 on the first call and ₹ 2 on final call.

3. Mrs. Shobha was not able to pay F/F/C i.e. first and final call means 200 × ₹ 2 first call money = ₹ 400 and 200 × ₹ 2 final call money = ₹ 400.
Mrs. Shobha paid ₹ 6 per share towards capital which the company received and the company has the right to forfeit only paid amount means the company forfeited ₹ 1,200 of Mrs. Shobha.

Question 7.
Subhash Company Limited issues 2000 Equity shares of ₹ 100 each payable as ₹ 30 on application, ₹ 30 on the allotment, ₹ 40 on first and final call.
All the shares were subscribed and duly allotted. The company made all the calls. All cash was duly received except the first and final call on 100 equity shares. These shares were forfeited by the company and were re-issued as fully paid for ₹ 75 per share.
Show the Journal Entries in the books of Subhash Company Ltd.
Journal Entries in the books of Subhash Company Limited
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares Q7
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares Q7.1

Working Notes:
1. Amount forfeited by the company on 100 shares forfeited = 100 × (30 + 30)
= 100 × 60
= ₹ 6,000

2. Calls-in-Arrears = 100 × 40 = ₹ 4,000.

3. Amount received on re-issue of 100 forfeited shares = 100 × 75 = ₹ 7,500.
Balance of ₹ 2,500 (i.e. loss 25 × 100) is transferred to Share Forfeiture A/c.

4. Amount transfer from Share Forfeiture A/c to Capital Reserve is ascertained by preparing Share Forfeiture A/c.
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares Q7.2

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares

Question 8.
Pass Journal Entries for the forfeiture and re-issue of shares in the following cases:
(A) Asha Ltd. forfeited 100 equity shares of ₹ 20 each fully called-up for non-payment of the first call of ₹ 3 per share and final call of ₹ 5 per share. 80 shares of these were re-issued at ₹ 15 per share as fully paid.
(B) Bhakti Ltd. forfeited 100 equity shares of ₹ 10 each, ₹ 6 called-upon which the shareholder paid application and allotment of ₹ 5 per share. Of these 80 shares were re-issued as fully paid-up for ₹ 16 per share.
(C) Konark Ltd. forfeited 50 shares of ₹ 10 each, ₹ 8 called-up. The shareholder failed to pay the first call of ₹ 3 per share. Later on, 30 shares of these were re-issued at ₹ 7 per share.
Journal Entries [For Asha Ltd.]
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares Q8
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares Q8.1

Working Notes for A:
1. Out of 100 forfeited shares, 80 shares were re-issued accordingly Equity Share Capital A/c is debited and credited.
2. To find the proportionate amount for Forfeiture A/c:
For 100 shares-share forfeiture amount = ₹ 1,200
∴ 80 shares – share forfeiture amount = ₹ 960
Now, out of this ₹ 960 we used ₹ 400 from Share Forfeiture A/c at the time of re-issue of shares.
So, balance of Share Forfeiture A/c = ₹ 960 – ₹ 400 = ₹ 560

Journal Entries [For Bhakti Ltd.]
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares Q8.2

Working Notes for B:
1. Out of 100 forfeited shares, 80 shares were re-issued accordingly Equity Share Capital A/c is debited for ₹ 600 and credited for ₹ 480.

2. The proportionate amount debited to Forfeiture A/c:
For 100 shares-share forfeiture amount debited = ₹ 500 1 Qn
∴ 80 shares – share forfeiture amount = ₹ \(\frac{80}{100} \times \frac{500}{1}\) = ₹ 400
Now, shares were re-issued at ₹ 6 per share which is a called-up amount.
∴ The proportionate amount for Forfeiture A/c ₹ 400 will be transferred to Capital Reserve A/c.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares

Journal Entries (For Konark Ltd.)
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Company Accounts – Issue of Shares Q8.3

Working Note for C:
The proportionate amount debited to Forfeiture A/c:
For 50 shares – share forfeiture amount debited is ₹ 250
∴ 30 shares-share forfeiture amount = ₹ \(\frac{30}{50} \times 250\) = ₹ 150
Out of this ₹ 30 used for re-issue of forfeited shares.
∴ Balance of Share Forfeiture A/c = ₹ 150 – ₹ 30 = ₹ 120.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Book Keeping & Accountancy Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Book Keeping & Accountancy Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Objective Questions

A. Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence:

Question 1.
The person on whom a bill is drawn is called a ______________
(a) Drawee
(b) Payee
(c) Drawer
(d) Acceptor
(a) Drawee

Question 2.
Before acceptance the bill is called a ______________
(a) Order
(b) Request
(c) Draft
(d) Instrument
(c) Draft

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 3.
When the due date of the bill drawn falls due on a public holiday, the payment must be made on the ______________ day.
(a) same
(b) preceding
(c) next
(d) any
(b) preceding

Question 4.
The due date of the bill drawn for 2 months on 23rd Nov. 2019 will be ______________
(a) 23rd Jan. 2020
(b) 25th Jan. 2019
(c) 26th Jan. 2019
(d) 25th Jan. 2020
(d) 25th Jan. 2020

Question 5.
Noting charges are borne by ______________
(a) Notary Public
(b) Drawee
(c) Drawer
(d) Endorsee
(b) Drawee

Question 6.
There are ______________ parties to bill of exchange.
(a) five
(b) four
(c) three
(d) two
(c) three

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 7.
When a bill is drawn for 2 months after date on 3rd Jan. 2020, its due date will be ______________
(a) 3rd Jan. 2020
(b) 3rd Mar. 2020
(c) 5th Mar. 2020
(d) 6th Mar. 2020
(d) 6th Mar. 2020

Question 8.
Notary Public is ______________
(a) Govt. Officer
(b) Drawer
(c) Payee
(d) Endorsee
(a) Govt. Officer

Question 9.
When Acceptor or Drawee does not pay the amount of bill to the holder on the due date it is known as ______________ the bill.
(a) returning
(b) discounting
(c) honouring
(d) dishonouring
(d) dishonouring

Question 10.
The person who accepts the bill treats the bill as ______________
(a) Bills Payable
(b) Promissory Note
(c) Draft
(d) Bills Receivable
(a) Bills Payable

B. Write the word/phrase/term, which can substitute each of the following statements:

Question 1.
Three extra days are allowed over and above the term of the bill.
Grace days

Question 2.
Fees charged by Notary Public for getting the fact of dishonour noted.
Noting Charges

Question 3.
A person who is entitled to receive the amount of bill of exchange.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 4.
A person in whose favour a bill endorsed.

Question 5.
Officer appointed by the government for noting of dishonour of bill.
Notary Public

Question 6.
Cancellation of the bill on maturity in return for a new bill for an extended period of credit.
Renewal of Bill

Question 7.
Bill of exchange drawn and accepted without any valuable consideration.
Accommodation bill

Question 8.
A person who is in possession of the Bill of Exchange.

Question 9.
Conversion of Bill of Exchange into its present value.
Discounting of the bill

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 10.
The amount is not recoverable from Drawee on account of insolvency.
Bad debts

C. State whether the following statements are True or False with reasons:

Question 1.
An Inland bill is one that is drawn in one country and payable in another country.
This statement is False.
Inland bill means, a bill drawn, accepted, and made payable within the territory of one and same, country. So, a bill is drawn in one country and payable in another country can’t be an inland bill.

Question 2.
Retirement of the bill means payment of the bill before the due date.
This statement is True.
Payment of the bill, by the acceptor of the bill to the holder of the bill before the due date, is known as Retirement of the bill. So retirement of the bill means payment of the bill before the due date.

Question 3.
Drawee can transfer the ownership of the bill.
This statement is False.
Drawee is a debtor. He has to pay the amount of the bill to its holder on the due date. Hence he cannot transfer its ownership to other people. The drawer can transfer the ownership of the bill as he is the owner of the bill.

Question 4.
Acceptance of the bill without making any changes in the terms of the bill is called qualified acceptance.
This statement is False.
Acceptance of the bill with some changes as regards the terms, amount, place, etc. of a bill is known as qualified acceptance. Acceptance of the bill without making changes as regards the term is called general acceptance.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 5.
Discounting is a device to convert the bill into its present value.
This statement is True.
When the drawer or holder of the bill approaches the bank to discount the bill, the bank pays the bill amount after deducting a certain amount (which is known as discounting charges). It means conversion of the bill into its present value in cash. So, we can say that discounting is a device to convert the bill into its present value.

Question 6.
A bill of exchange must be presented to the acceptor on the due date.
This statement is True.
To get the payment of the bill from the acceptor, the holder of the bill is required to present it to the acceptor on its due date. Acceptor either honours the bill or dishonours the bill.

Question 7.
If a bill is discounted by the holder, no entry is passed in his book when the bill is honoured on the due date.
This statement is True.
On discounting the bill the holder gives the possession of the bill to the bank. On the maturity date, the bank has to present the bill to the drawee to collect the payment. When the discounted bill is honoured, the transaction takes place between drawee and bank.

Question 8.
Noting charges are to be borne by the drawer.
This statement is False.
Noting charges are to be borne by the drawee only as due to his act of non-payment, the bill is dishonoured and the drawer is not able to get money on its due date.

Question 9.
If a bill is drawn payable ‘on demand’ no grace days are allowed.
This statement is True.
‘On demand’ means the amount of the bill is to be paid by drawee immediately on presentation of the bill as no time period is mentioned on it. In demand bill, 3 days grace is not allowed by law.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 10.
There are three parties to a promissory note.
This statement is False.
There are only two parties to a promissory note, i.e. Drawer or maker of the note and drawee or payee of the note.

D. Find the odd one:

Question 1.
(a) Retaining
(b) Noting
(c) Discounting
(d) Endorsing
(b) Noting

Question 2.
(a) Trade bill
(b) Accommodation bill
(c) After date bill
(d) Demand bill
(d) Demand bill

Question 3.
(a) Notary public
(b) Drawer
(c) Drawee
(d) Payee
(a) Notary public

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 4.
(a) Discounting charges
(b) Rebate
(c) Bank charges
(d) Noting charges
(d) Noting charges

Question 5.
(a) Stamp
(b) Acceptance
(c) Draft
(d) Amount
(c) Draft

E. Complete the sentences:

Question 1.
Making payment of bill before the due date of maturity is known as ______________
Retirement of Bill

Question 2.
A person whose liabilities are more than his assets and is not in a position to pay off his liabilities is ______________
Insolvent person

Question 3.
Amount that cannot be paid by acceptor on account of insolvency is known as ______________

Question 4.
A bill of exchange payable after certain period is known as ______________
After date bill

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 5.
A bill which is drawn and accepted with valuable consideration is known as ______________
Trade Bill

Question 6.
A person who draws the bill of exchange is known as ______________

Question 7.
A bill whose due date is calculated from the date of acceptance is known as ______________
After sight bill

Question 8.
Recording the fact of dishonour of bill is known as ______________

Question 9.
When drawee accepts the bill payable at a particular place only, it is known as ______________
qualified acceptance as to place

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 10.
Fees charged by the bank for collection of bill on behalf of holder is ______________
bank charges

F. Answer in a sentence:

Question 1.
What do you mean by Bill of Exchange?
A Bill of Exchange is a written order signed by the drawer, directing a certain person to pay a certain sum of money on-demand or on a certain future date to a certain person or as per his order.

Question 2.
What are Days of Grace?
The three extra days allowed to the drawee or the acceptor of a bill for making payment on it are called Days of Grace.

Question 3.
What do you mean by Discounting a Bill of Exchange?
Encashment of a bill of exchange with the bank for certain cash which is less than the face value of the bill, before its due date by its drawer or holder is called Discounting of a Bill of Exchange.

Question 4.
What is Noting of the Bill?
Noting of a Bill of Exchange is the recording of the facts of its dishonour by a Notary public.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 5.
What are Noting Charges?
Noting Charges are the fees charged by the Notary public for noting the facts of dishonour on the face of the bill and in his official register.

Question 6.
What is the relationship between drawer and drawee?
The relationship between the drawer and the drawee is that of the creditor and debtor.

Question 7.
Who is the Payee of the Bill?
The Payee of a Bill is the person to whom the bill is made payable or in whose favour the bill is drawn.

Question 8.
What do you mean by Rebate?
Any concession or discount in monetary terms given by the holder of the bill of exchange to the drawee or acceptor, when a bill is retired is called a Rebate.

Question 9.
What is the Legal Due Date?
The date which is arrived at after adding three days of grace to the nominal due date is known as Legal Due Date.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 10.
What are Bills Payable on Demand?
When the amount of bill is payable by a drawee on the presentation of a bill, in which time period is not mentioned and grace days are not allowed is known as Bills Payable on Demand.

G. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Question 1.
A bill of exchange is a conditional order.

Question 2.
The party which is ordered to pay the amount is known as the payee.

Question 3.
The person in whose favour the bill is endorsed is known as the endorsee.

Question 4.
Rebate or discount given on retiring a bill is an income to the Drawee.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 5.
A bill from the point of view of the debtor is called Bills payable.

Question 6.
In case of bill drawn payable ‘on demand,’ no grace days are allowed.

Question 7.
A bill is required to be accepted by Drawer.

Question 8.
A bill of exchange need not be dated.

Question 9.
A bill before acceptance is called Promissory Note.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 10.
Renewal is requested by the drawee to extend the credit period of the bill.

H. Calculations:

Question 1.
Ganesh draws a bill for ₹ 40,260 on 15th Jan. 2020 for 50 days. He discounted the bill with the Bank of India @ 15 % p.a. on the same day. Calculate the amount of discount.
Discount = Amount of Bill × \(\frac{\text { Rate }}{100} \times \frac{\text { Unexpired days }}{366}\)
= 40,260 × \(\frac{15}{100} \times \frac{50}{366}\)
= ₹ 825
(Note: 2020 is a Leap year, so the total number of days = 366)

Question 2.
Shefali Traders drew a bill on Maya for ₹ 30,000 on 1st Oct. 2019 payable after 3 months.
Calculate the amount of discount in the following cases:
(i) Shefali Traders discounted the bill on the same day @ 12 % p.a.
(ii) Shefali Traders discounted the bill on 1st Nov. 2019 @ 12 % p.a.
(iii) Shefali Traders discounted the bill on 1st Dec. 2019 @ 12 % p.a.
Discount = Amount of Bill × \(\frac{\text { Rate }}{100} \times \frac{\text { Unexpired days }}{365}\)
(i) Discount = 30,000 × \(\frac{12}{100} \times \frac{3}{12}\) = ₹ 900
(ii) Discount = 30,000 × \(\frac{12}{100} \times \frac{2}{12}\) = ₹ 600
(iii) Discount = 30,000 × \(\frac{12}{100} \times \frac{1}{12}\) = ₹ 300

Question 3.
Veena who had accepted Sudha’s bill for ₹ 28,000 was declared bankrupt and only 35 paise in a rupee could be recovered from her estate. Calculate the amount of bad debts.
From Veena, only 35 paise in a rupee could be recovered i.e. 65 paise in a rupee is bad debt for Sudha. So 65% of ₹ 28,000 = ₹ 18,200 is the amount of bad debts.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 4.
Nitin renewed his acceptance for ₹ 72,000 by paying ₹ 22,000 in cash and accepting a new bill for the balance plus interest @ 18%. p.a. for 4 months. Calculate the amount of the new bill.
For Nitin,
Total outstanding = ₹ 72,000
Nitin paid in cash= ₹ 22,000
Remaining dues = ₹ 50,000
Now, on this ₹ 50,000 we have to calculate interest @ 18% for 4 months
I = \(\frac{\mathrm{PRN}}{100}\)
= 50,000 × \(\frac{18}{100} \times \frac{4}{12}\)
= ₹ 3,000
So, amount of new bill = Remaining dues + Interest
= 50,000 + 3,000
= ₹ 53,000

Question 5.
Nisha’s acceptance for ₹ 16,850 sent to the bank for the collection was honoured and bank charges debited were ₹ 125. Find out the amount actually received by Drawer.
Bill of ₹ 16,850 sent to the bank for collection and it is honoured and bank charges = ₹ 125
So, actual amount received by drawer = 16,850 – 125 = ₹ 16,725.

Question 6.
A bill of ₹ 16,000 was drawn by Keshav on Gopal on 12th June 2019 for 2 months, what will be the due date, if all of sudden, the legal due date is declared as an emergency holiday?
Consider immediate or next working day as the due date in case the legal due date is declared as an emergency holiday.
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange H Q6
∴ The legal due date is 16th August 2019 (The next day).

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

I. Prepare the following specimens:

Question 1.
Prepare a bill of exchange from the following information:
Drawer: Shankar, Vadodara, Gujarat
Drawee: Vinayak, Somwar Peth, Pune
Amount: ₹ 16,000
Period: 3 months
Date of Bill: 6th Sept. 2019
Date of acceptance: 11th Sept. 2019
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange I Q1

Question 2.
Prepare a bill of exchange from the following information:
Drawer: Dinesh, P. R. Road, Andheri (West)
Drawee: Mahesh, L. B. S. Road, Mulund
Payee: Amit, Thane (West)
Amount: ₹ 9,500
Period of Bill: 4 months after sight
Date of Bill: 26th Nov. 2019
Date of acceptance: 29th Nov. 2019
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange I Q2

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 3.
Kantilal, 343/D, Palm Heights, Jogeshwari, drew a bill on 10th Oct. 2019 for ₹ 63,490 for 45 days after the date on Shantilal, B2, Himalaya Towers, Baramati, payable to Priyanka, Satara. The bill was accepted on 13th Oct. 2019 for 60 days.
Prepare a format of bill of exchange from the above details.
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange I Q3

Question 4.
Prepare a format of bill exchange from the following:
Rahul Sane, 86-D, Raviwar Peth, Nagpur accepted the bill drawn on him by Prithviraj, Icon Heights, Wardha for ₹ 87,000 on 30th July 2019.
The bill was drawn on 26th July 2019 for ₹ 1,00,000 for 90 days after the date.
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange I Q4

Question 5.
Prepare a format of bill of exchange from the following.
Drawer: Kashmira Shah, Partner M/S Shah, and Shah, 2 – C, Matruchhaya Building, Akola
Drawee: Dhanashree Traders, Bangalore Road, Belgaum (Signed by Jayshree, Partner)
Payee: M/S Janki Traders, Akola
Amount: ₹ 64,500
Period of Bill: 3 months
Date of drawing: 12th Sept. 2019
Date of acceptance: 15th Sept. 2019
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange I Q5

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 6.
Prepare a format Bill of Exchange with imaginary Drawer, Drawee, Address, Amount, Dates.
Drawer: Dhanesh Shah, 24/c, Amir Mahal, Borivali, Mumbai
Drawee: Kalpana Shah, 33, Sharadashram, Dadar (West), Mumbai
Amount: ₹ 80,500
Period: 60 days
Date of the bill: 2nd December 2020
Accepted on: 5th December 2020
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange I Q6

J. Complete the following Table.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange J Q1
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange J Q1.1

Question 2.
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange J Q2

S.No. Date of Drawing Date of Acceptance Tenure Type Nominal due Date Legal due Date
(i) 3rd January, 2020 5th January, 2020 45 days after date 17th Feb. 2020 20th Feb. 2020
(ii) 9th April, 2019 12th April, 2019 4 months after sight 12th Aug. 2019 14th Aug. 2019
(iii) 23rd November, 2019 23rd November, 2019 2 months after date 23rd Jan. 2020 25th Jan. 2020
(iv) 16th August, 2019 20th August, 2019 4 months after sight 20th Dec. 2019 23rd Dec. 2019
(v) 23rd December, 2018 24th December, 2018 60 days after date 21st Feb. 2019 24th Feb. 2019

Practical Problems

Question 1.
On 1st Jan., 2020 Hemant sold goods of ₹ 18,500 to Nitin. On the same date Hemant drew a bill of exchange for ₹ 18,500 at 2 months. On the due date the bill was duly honoured.
Give Journal Entries in the books of Hemant and Nitin. Prepare Hamant’s Account in the books of Nitin.
In the books of Hemant
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q1

In the books of Nitin
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q1.1

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 2.
Neha sold goods to Rohan ₹ 42,000 on 6th Sept. 2019. Neha drew a bill of exchange at 3 months for the amount which was accepted by Rohan. Neha discounted the bill with her bankers at ₹ 41,000. On the due date of the bill Rohan dishonoured the bill and bank paid ₹ 300 as Noting Charges.
Show Journal Entries in the books of Neha and Rohan.
In the books of Neha
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q2
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q2.1

In the books of Rohan
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q2.2

Question 3.
Jyoti owes ₹ 31,000 to Swati for which she draws a bill on Jyoti for 2 months. The bill was duly accepted by Jyoti. Swati sends the bill to bank for collection. Jyoti honoured the bill on the due date and bank charges ₹ 475 as bank charges.
Give Journal Entries in the books of Swati.
In the books of Swati
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q3

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 4.
Pankaj purchased goods of ₹ 20,000 from Omprakash on credit on 15th April, 2019. Omprakash draws After Sight bill for the amount due on Pankaj for 3 months which was accepted by Pankaj on 18th April, 2019. On 20th April, 2019 Omprakash endorsed the bill to his creditor Jagdish in full settlement of his amount ₹ 21,000. On the due date the bill was dishonoured by Pankaj.
Give Journal Entries in the books of Omprakash, Pankaj and Jagdish.
In the books of Omprakash
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q4

In the books of Pankaj
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q4.1

In the books of Jagdish
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q4.2

Question 5.
Siddhant sold goods to Sudhir of ₹ 43,800 on 18th March, 2019. Siddhant draws a bill on Sudhir on the same day for ₹ 43,800 for 3 months which was duly accepted by Sudhir. Siddhant discounted the bill on the same day at 8% p.a. The bill was dishonoured on the due date and Sudhir requested Siddhant to accept ₹ 13,800 and interest in cash on remaining amount at 12% p. a. Siddhant agreed and for the balance amount accepted a new bill at 2 months. Before the due date of new bill Sudhir retired the bill by paying ₹ 29,700.
Pass necessary Journal Entries in the books of Siddhant.
In the books of Siddhant
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q5
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q5.1

Working Notes:
1. March 18, Discount = 43,800 × \(\frac{3}{12} \times \frac{8}{100}\) = ₹ 876

2. March 21, calculation of interest balance amount:
I = \(\frac{\mathrm{PRN}}{100}\)
= 30,000 × \(\frac{12}{100} \times \frac{2}{12}\) (for 2 months on remaining amount ₹ 30,000)
= ₹ 600

3. Before due date bill was retired by Sudhir by paying ₹ 300 less which is considered as discount and as date is not given, here it is not recorded.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 6.
Sangeeta accepted a bill for ₹ 18,000 drawn by Geeta at 3 months. Geeta discounted the bill for ₹ 17,400. Before the due date Sangeeta approached Geeta for renewal of the bill. Geeta agreed on the condition that Sangeeta should pay ₹ 6,000 immediately and for the balance she should accept a new bill for 4 months along with interest ₹ 550. The arrangements were carried through. But on the due date of new bill Sangeeta became insolvent and 35 paise in a rupee could be recovered from her estate.
Give Journal Entries in the books of Sangeeta and prepare Sangeeta’s Account in the books of Geeta.
In the books of Sangeeta
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q6
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q6.1

Working Notes:
1. It is advisable to write journal entries in the books of Geeta also to get entries in ‘Sangeeta’s Account’ property.
In the books of Geeta
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q6.2
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q6.3

Question 7.
Priyanka owed Meena ₹ 18,000, Priyanka accepted a bill drawn by Meena for the amount at 4 months. Meena endorsed the same bill to Sagar. Before due date Priyanka approached Meena for renewal of bill. Meena agreed on condition that ₹ 6,000 be paid immediately together with interest on the remaining amount of 8% p.a. for 3 months and Priyanka should accept a new bill for the balance amount. These arrangements were carried through. However, before the due date Priyanka became insolvent and only 50% of the amount could be recovered from her estate.
Give Journal Entries in the books of Meena.
In the books of Meena
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q7

Working Note:
Calculation of interest on remaining amount ₹ 12,000 @ 8 % p.a. and for 3 months
I = \(\frac{\mathrm{PRN}}{100}\)
= 12,000 × \(\frac{8}{100} \times \frac{3}{12}\)
= ₹ 240

Question 8.
Seema purchased goods from Roma on credit on 1st August, 2019 for ₹ 37,000. Seema accepts bill for 2 months drawn by Roma for the same amount. On the same day, Roma discounts the bill with the bank for ₹ 36,200 on 3rd August, 2019. On the due date the bill is dishonoured and Noting Charges of ₹ 160 is paid by the bank. Seema pays ₹ 19,000 and Noting Charges in cash immediately. A new bill is drawn by Roma for the balance including interest ₹ 650 for 2 months, which is accepted by Seema. The new bill is retired one month before the due date at a rebate of ₹ 300.
Give Journal Entries in the books of Seema and prepare Seema’s Account in the books of Roma.
In the books of Seema
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q8
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q8.1

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 9.
Uday purchased goods from Shankar on credit for ₹ 35,000 at 10 % trade discount. Uday paid ₹ 1,500 immediately and for the balance accepted a bill for 3 months. Before due date Uday approached Shankar with a request to renew the bill. Shankar agreed but with condition that Uday should accept a new bill for 3 months including interest at 12% p.a.
Give Journal Entries in the books of Shankar.
In the books of Shankar
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q9
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q9.1

Working Note:
I = \(\frac{\text { PRN }}{100}\)
= 30,000 × \(\frac{3}{12} \times \frac{12}{100}\)
= ₹ 900

Question 10.
Sagar drawn an after sight bill on 21st Nov., 2019 for ₹ 21,000 at 3 months on Prasad. The bill is discounted by Sagar at 8% p.a. with his bank. On maturity. Prasad finds himself unable to make payment of the bill and requests Sagar to renew it. Sagar accepts the request and draws a new bill at one month for ₹ 21,750 including interest which was duly accepted by Prasad. Sagar deposits the bill into bank for the collection. Prasad honours the bill on the due date and bank charges ₹ 250 as bank charges.
Pass necessary Journal Entries in the books of Sagar and prepare Sagar’s Account in the books of Prasad.
In the books of Sagar
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q10
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q10.1

Question 11.
Journalise the following transaction in the books of Abhishek:
(a) Siddhant informs Abhishek that Vineet’s acceptance for ₹ 23,000 endorsed to Siddhant has been dishonoured. Noting Charges amounted to ₹ 430.
(b) Kajal renews her acceptance to Abhishek for ₹ 39,000 by paying ₹ 3,000 in cash and accepting a fresh bill for the balance along with interest at 11.5% p.a. for 3 months.
(c) Radhika retired her acceptance to Abhishek for ₹ 23,000 by paying ₹ 22,250 by cheque.
(d) Abhishek sent a bill of Subodh for ₹ 9,000 to bank for collection. Bank informed that the bill has been dishonoured by Subodh.
In the books of Abhishek
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q11
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q11.1

Working Note:
Amount of interest = 36,000 × \(\frac{3}{12} \times \frac{11.5}{100}\) = ₹ 1,035.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 12.
Journalise the following transaction in the books of Narendra:
(a) Narendra retires his acceptance to Upendra by paying ₹ 4,000 in cash and endorsing a bill accepted by Ramlal for ₹ 5,000.
(b) Vikram’s acceptance to Narendra ₹ 6,000 retired one month before the due date at rebate of 12% p.a.
(c) Dilip renews his acceptance to Narendra for ₹ 12,000 by paying ₹ 4,000 in cash and accepting a fresh bill for the balance plus interest at 12% p.a. for 3 months.
(d) Bank informed Narendra that, Kartik’s acceptance for ₹ 13,000 to Narendra, discounted with the bank was dishonoured and Noting Charges paid by bank ₹ 140.
In the books of Narendra
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q12
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q12.1

Question 13.
Journalise the following transaction in the books of Bharti:
(a) Bank informed that Amit’s acceptance for ₹ 15,750 sent to bank for collection was honoured and bank charges debited were ₹ 150.
(b) Nitin renewed his acceptance for ₹ 22,200 by paying ₹ 2,200 in cash along with interest on balance amount at 10% and accepted a fresh bill for the balance for 3 months.
(c) Dhanshri who had accepted Bharti’s bill for ₹ 17,500 was declared insolvent and only 40% of the amount due could be recovered from her estate.
(d) Discharged our acceptance to Savita for ₹ 9,450 by endorsing Pravin’s acceptance to us ₹ 9,000.
In the books of Bharti
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q13
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q13.1

Question 14.
Journalise the following transaction in the books of Sudha:
(a) Endorsed Sonali’s acceptance at 2 months for ₹ 6,000 in favour of Urmila and paid cash ₹ 3,500 in full settlement of her account ₹ 10,000.
(b) Discounted 2 months acceptance of Surya for ₹ 7,800 with bank at 10% p.a.
(c) Bank informed that Anuradha’s acceptance of ₹ 4,800 which was discounted was dishonoured and bank paid Noting Charges ₹ 125.
(d) Pooja honoured her acceptance of ₹ 16,400 which was deposited into bank for collection.
In the books of Sudha
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q14
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q14.1

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange

Question 15.
Journalise the following transaction in the books of Mrunal:
(a) Bank informed that Aishwarya’s acceptance of ₹ 24,000 which was discounted had been dishonoured and bank paid Noting Charges ₹ 220. Bill was renewed at the request of Aishwarya for 2 months with interest of ₹ 480.
(b) Received ₹ 4,630 from private estate of Ankur who was declared insolvent against bill accepted by him for ₹ 6,000.
(c) Accepted a bill of ₹ 15,000 at 3 months drawn by Anushka for the amount due to her ₹ 20,000 and balance paid by cheque.
(d) Dishonoured our acceptance to Vivek ₹ 27,000 and Noting Charges paid by Vivek ₹ 700.
In the books of Mrunal
Journal Entries
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q15
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Bills of Exchange Practical Problems Q15.1

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Book Keeping & Accountancy Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Book Keeping & Accountancy Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements

Objective Questions

A. Select the most appropriate alternative from those given below and rewrite the sentences:

Question 1.
Gross Profit Ratio indicates the relationship of gross profit to the ____________
(a) Net cash
(b) Net sales
(c) Net purchases
(d) Gross sales
(b) Net sales

Question 2.
Current ratio = \(\frac{……………….}{Current liabilities}\)
(a) Quick assets
(b) Quick liabilities
(c) Current assets
(d) None of these
(c) Current assets

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements

Question 3.
Liquid assets = ____________
(a) Current assets + Stock
(b) Current assets – Stock
(c) Current assets – Stock + Prepaid Expenses
(d) None of these
(b) Current assets – Stock

Question 4.
Cost of goods sold = ____________
(a) Sales – Gross profit
(b) Sales – Net profit
(c) Sales proceeds
(d) None of these
(a) Sales – Gross profit

Question 5.
Net profit ratio is equal to ____________
(a) Operating ratio
(b) Operating net profit ratio
(c) Gross profit ratio
(d) Current ratio
(a) Operating ratio

Question 6.
The common size statement requires ____________
(a) common base
(b) journal entries
(c) cashflow
(d) current ratio
(a) common base

Question 7.
Bill payable is ____________
(a) long-term loan
(b) current liabilities
(c) liquid assets
(d) net loss
(b) current liabilities

Question 8.
Generally current ratio should be ____________
(a) 2 : 1
(b) 1 : 1
(c) 1 : 2
(d) 3 : 1
(a) 2 : 1

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements

Question 9.
From financial statement analysis the creditors are specially interested to know ____________
(a) Liquidity
(b) Profits
(c) Sale
(d) Share capital
(a) Liquidity

B. Give one word/term/phrase for each of the following statements.

Question 1.
The statement showing the profitability of two different periods.
Comparative Income Statement

Question 2.
The ratio measures the relationship between gross profit and net sales.
Gross Profit Ratio

Question 3.
Critical evaluation of financial statement to measure profitability.
Analysis of Financial Statement

Question 4.
A particular mathematical number showing the relationship between two accounting figures.

Question 5.
An asset that can be converted into cash immediately.
Liquid Asset

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements

Question 6.
The ratio measuring the relationship between net profit and ownership capital employed.

Question 7.
The statement showing financial position for different periods of the previous year and the current year.
Comparative Balance Sheet

Question 8.
Statement showing changes in cash and cash equivalent during a particular period.
Cash Flow Statement

Question 9.
Activity related to the acquisition of long-term assets and investment.
Financing Activities

Question 10.
The ratio that establishes a relationship between Quick Assets and Current Liabilities.
Liquid Ratio

C. State true or false with reasons.

Question 1.
Financial statements include only the Balance Sheet.
This statement is False.
Financial statements include Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss A/c. This is because financial statements are prepared by business organisations to find out the efficiency, solvency, profitability, growth, strength, and status of the business. For this, they need information from the balance sheet as well as from Profit and Loss A/c.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements

Question 2.
Analysis of financial statements is a tool but not a remedy.
This statement is True.
Based on analysis of the financial statement one can get an idea of the financial strength and weakness of the business. However, based on this one cannot take decisions about the business on various issues. Hence analysis of financial statements is a tool but not a remedy.

Question 3.
Purchase of fixed assets is operating cash flow.
This statement is False.
Purchase of fixed assets is cash flow from investing activities. It is not a day-to-day operations activity like office/selling/distribution finance expenses/activities.

Question 4.
Dividend paid is not a source of funds.
This statement is True.
The dividend is always paid on shares issued by a company as an expense. Shares itself is a source of funds. In payment of dividends, cash goes out from the company. It is an outflow of cash and not a source of funds.

Question 5.
Gross profit depends upon net sales.
This statement is True.
The gross profit ratio discloses the relation between gross profit and total net sales. The gross profit ratio is an income-based ratio, where gross profit is an income. There is a direct relation between net sales and gross profit. Higher the net sales higher the gross profit.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements

Question 6.
Payment of cash against the purchase of stock is the use of funds.
This statement is True.
Cash payment for the purchase of stock is made from cash balance or/and from bank balance which is a part of the business fund. When stock or materials we purchase we use cash for payment.

Question 7.
Ratio Analysis is useful for inter-firm comparison.
This statement is True.
The comparison of the operating performance of a business entity with the other business entities is known as an inter-firm comparison. This ratio analysis assists to know-how and to what extent a business entity is strong or weak as compared to other business entities.

Question 8.
The short-term deposits are considered as cash equivalent.
This statement is True.
The short-term deposits are liquid assets. It means deposits are kept for some period (usually less than one year) and they are kept with an intention to get money quickly as and when required.
They are as good as cash and considered as cash equivalent.

Question 9.
Activity ratios and Turnover ratios are the same.
This statement is True.
Turnover ratio is an efficiency ratio to check how efficiently a company is using different assets to extract earnings from them.
Activity ratios are financial analysis tools used to measure a business’s ability to convert its assets into cash. From both these definitions, we can say that Activity ratios and Turnover ratios are the same.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements

Question 10.
The current ratio measures the liquidity of the business.
This statement is True.
The current ratio shows the relationship between current assets and current liabilities. If the proportion of current assets is higher than current liabilities, the liquidity position of the business entity is considered good. More liquidity means more short-term solvency. From the above, it is proved that the current ratio measures the liquidity of the business.

Question 11.
Ratio analysis measures profitability efficiency and financial soundness of the business.
This statement is True.
With the help of profitability ratios (Gross profit, Net profit, and Operating profit) one can get the idea of profitability efficiency of the firm, and with the help of liquidity ratios (Current ratio and liquid ratio) one can get the idea of solvency or financial soundness of the business.

Question 12.
Usually, the current ratio should be 3 : 1.
This statement is False.
Usually, the current ratio should be 2 : 1. It means current assets are double of current liabilities. It shows the short-term solvency of business enterprises.

D. Answer in one sentence only.

Question 1.
Mention two objectives of the comparative statement.
Objectives of comparative statements are:

  • Compare financial data at two points of time and
  • Helps in deriving the meaning and conclusions regarding the changes in financial positions and operating results.

Question 2.
State three examples of cash inflows.
Examples of cash inflows are:

  • Interest received
  • Dividend received
  • Sale of asset/investment
  • Rent received.

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements

Question 3.
State three examples of cash-out flows.
Examples of cash outflows are:

  • Interest paid
  • Loss on sale of an asset
  • Dividend paid
  • Repayment of short-term borrowings.

Question 4.
Give the formula of Gross Profit Ratio.
Gross profit ratio = \(\frac{\text { Gross profit }}{\text { Net sales }} \times 100\)
Where Gross profit = Net sales – Cost of goods sold.
Cost of goods sold = Opening stock + Purchase – Purchase return + Direct expense – Closing stock
Net sales = Sales – Sales return.

Question 5.
Give the formula of Gross profit.
Gross profit = Net sales – Cost of goods sold.
Cost of goods sold = Opening stock + Purchase – Purchase return + Direct expense – Closing stock
Net sales = Sales – Sales return.

Question 6.
Give any three examples of current assets.
Cash or cash equivalent short-term lending and advances, expenses paid in advance, taxes paid in advance, etc. are examples of current assets.

Question 7.
Give the formula of the current ratio.
Current ratio = \(\frac{\text { Current assets }}{\text { Current liabilities }}\)

Question 8.
Give the formula of quick assets.
Quick assets = Current assets – (Stock + Prepaid expense)

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements

Question 9.
State the formula of Cost of goods sold.
Cost of goods sold = Opening stock + Purchase – Purchase return + Direct expense – Closing stock

Question 10.
State the formula of Average stock.
Average stock = \(\frac{\text { Opentng stock of goods }+\text { Closing stock of goods }}{2}\)

Practical Problems

Question 1.
From the Balance Sheet of Amar Traders as of 31st March 2018 and 31st March 2019 prepare a Comparative Balance Sheet.
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q1
Comparative Balance Sheet of Amar Traders as of 31st March 2018 and 31st March 2019
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q1.1
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q1.2
Percentage change = \(\frac{\text { Amount of absolute change }}{\text { Amount of previous year }} \times 100\)

Question 2.
From the Balance Sheet of Alpha Limited prepare a Comparative Balance Sheet as of 31st March 2018 and 31st March 2019:
Balance Sheet as of 31st March 2018 and 31st March 2019
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q2
Comparative Balance Sheet of Alpha Limited as of 31st March 2018 and 31st March 2019
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q2.1
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q2.2

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements

Question 3.
Prepare Comparative Balance Sheet for the year ended 31-3-18 and 31-3-19. Assets & Liabilities as follows:
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q3
Comparative Balance Sheet as of 31st March 2018 and 31st March 2019
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q3.1
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q3.2

Question 4.
Prepare Comparative Balance Sheet for the year ended 31-3-17 and 31-3-18.
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q4
Comparative Balance Sheet as of 31st March 2017 and 31st March 2018
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q4.1

Question 5.
Prepare Comparative Income statement of Noha Limited for the year ended 31-3-17 and 31-3-18.
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q5
Comparative Income Statement of Noha Limited
For the year ended 31st March 2017 and 31st March 2018
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q5.1

Question 6.
Prepare Comparative Income Statement of Sourabh Limited for years ended 31-3-17 and 31-3-18.
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q6
Comparative Income Statement of Sourabh Limited
For the year ended on 31st March 2017 and 31st March 2018
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q6.1

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements

Question 7.
Following is the Balance Sheet of Sakshi Traders for the year ended 31-3-17 and 31-3-18
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q7
Prepare Common Size Balance Sheet for the years 31-03-17 and 31-03-18.
Common Size Statement of Balance Sheet of Sakshi Traders as of 31st March 2017 and 31st March 2018
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q7.1
Note: Taking Total borrowed funds and Tota Funds applied as a base (100), Calculation is done.

Question 8.
Prepare Common Size Income Statement for the year ended 31-3-17 and 31-3-18.
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q8
Common Size Statement for the year ended on 31st March 2017 and 31st March 2018
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q8.1
Note: Taking the amount of sales as base (100) other percentage figures are calculated.

Question 9.
Following is the Balance Sheet of Sakshi Limited. Prepare Cash Flow Statement:
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q9
Cash Flow Statement
For the year ended 31st March 2017 and 31st March 2018
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q9.1

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements

Question 10.
From the following Balance Sheet of Konal Traders prepare a Cash Flow Statement.
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q10
Cash Flow Statement
For the year ended on 31st March 2017 and 31st March 2018
Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements Q10.1

Question 11.
A company had following Current Assets and Current Liabilities:
Debtors = ₹ 1,20,000
Creditors = ₹ 60,000
Bills Payable = ₹ 40,000
Stock = ₹ 60,000
Loose Tools = ₹ 20,000
Bank Overdraft = ₹ 20,000
Calculate Current ratio.
1. Current Assets = Debtors + Stock + Loose Tools
= 1,20,000 + 60,000 + 20,000
= ₹ 2,00,000

2. Current liabilities = Creditors + Bills payable + Bank overdraft
= 60,000 + 40,000 + 20,000
= ₹ 1,20,000

3. Current ratio = \(\frac{\text { Current assets }}{\text { Current liabilities }}\)
= \(\frac{2,00,000}{1,20,000}\)
= \(\frac{5}{3}\)
= 5 : 3

Question 12.
Current assets of company ₹ 6,00,000 and its Current ratio is 2 : 1. Find Current liabilities.
Current ratio = \(\frac{\text { Current assets }}{\text { Current liabilities }}\)
\(\frac{2}{1}=\frac{6,00,000}{\text { Current liabilities }}\)
2 × Current liabilities = 6,00,000 × 1
Current liabilities = \(\frac{6,00,000}{2}\) = ₹ 3,00,000

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements

Question 13.
Current liabilities = ₹ 3,00,000
Working capital = ₹ 8,00,000
Inventory = ₹ 2,00,000
Calculate Quick ratio.
Current assets = Current liabilities + Working capital
= 3,00,000 + 8,00,000
= ₹ 11,00,000
Quick assets = Current assets – Inventory
= 11,00,000 – 2,00,000
= ₹ 9,00,000
Quick liability = Current liabilities – Bank O/D = ₹ 3,00,000
Quick ratio = \(\frac{\text { Quick assets }}{\text { Quick liabilities }}\)
= \(\frac{9,00,000}{3,00,000}\)
= \(\frac{3}{1}\)
= 3 : 1

Question 14.
Calculate Gross Profit ratio
Sales = ₹ 2,70,000
Net purchases = ₹ 1,50,000
Sales Ratio = ₹ 20,000
Closing Stock = ₹ 25,000
Operating Stock = ₹ 45,000
Net sales = Sales – Sales return
= 2,70,000 – 20,000
= ₹ 2,50,000
Cost of goods sold = Opening stock + Net purchase – Closing stock
= 45,000 + 1,50,000 – 25,000
= ₹ 1,70,000
Gross profit = Net sales – Cost of goods sold
= 2,50,000 – 1,70,000
= ₹ 80,000
Gross Profit ratio = \(\frac{\text { Gross profit }}{\text { Net sales }} \times 100\)
= \(\frac{80,000}{2,50,000} \times 100\)
Gross profit ratio = 32%

Question 15.
Calculate Net Profit ratio from the following:
Sales = ₹ 3,80,000
Cost of goods sold = ₹ 2,60,000
Indirect expense = ₹ 60,000
Sales = ₹ 3,80,000
Less: Cost of goods sold = ₹ 2,60,000
Gross profit = ₹ 1,20,000
Less: Indirect expense = ₹ 60,000
Net profit = ₹ 60,000
Net profit ratio = \(\frac{\text { Net profit }}{\text { Sales }} \times 100\)
= \(\frac{60,000}{3,80,000} \times 100\)
= 15.79%

Maharashtra Board 12th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Analysis of Financial Statements

Question 16.
Calculate Operating ratio:
Cost of goods sold = ₹ 3,50,000
Operating expense = ₹ 30,000
Sales = ₹ 5,00,000
Sales return = ₹ 30,000
Net sales = Sales – Sales return
= 5,00,000 – 30,000
= ₹ 4,70,000
Operating ratio = \(\frac{\text { Cost of goods sold }+\text { Operating expense }}{\text { Net sales }} \times 100\)
= \(\frac{3,50,000+30,000}{4,70,000} \times 100\)
= \(\frac{3,80,000}{4,70,000} \times 100\)
= 80.85%

Question 17.
Calculate Current ratio.
1. Current assets = ₹ 3,00,000
2. Current liabilities = ₹ 1,00,000
Current ratio = \(\frac{\text { Current assets }}{\text { Current liabilities }}\)
= \(\frac{3,00,000}{1,00,000}\)
= \(\frac{3}{1}\)
= 3 : 1