Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Solutions My English Coursebook Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

My English Coursebook Standard Ten Guide Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up:

Share this chat with your classmate:

Question 1.
Where did you go for a picnic recently?
Recently I went to Mahabaleshwar.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Question 2.
Who all accompanied you?
My family members accompanied me.

Question 3.
Why did you select that picnic spot?
It is very close to Mumbai. We could enjoy the scenic beauty, invigorating and refreshing climate so we selected that picnic spot.

Question 4.
What games/food/sights did you enjoy there?
We enjoyed Antakshari on the way. We also enjoyed veg, non-veg food. We visited different points, Venna lake, Panchgani and Pratapgarh.

Question 5.
What did you feel when it was time to return home?
The memories of our pleasant picnic were unforgettable. The picnic was a nice change in our dull routine life. We returned home happily with refreshed minds.
(Note: Students may share their own experience with classmates based on the above guidelines.)

1. Look at the picture given on textbook page 101 and frame questions:

Question 1.
Look at the picture given on textbook page 101 and frame questions:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 1
(a) Where are the trekkers trekking?
(b) …………………………………………… .
(c) …………………………………………… .
(d) …………………………………………… .
(e) …………………………………………… .
(a) Where are the trekkers trekking?
(b) Which season is it?
(c) What equipment do you think they are carrying?
(d) In which region of India do you find such trekkers?
(e) What is the role of mountaineers in such trekking?

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

2. Form group of 4 to 6 students. Every student should close his/her eyes. As the group leader reads aloud the following lines, the students try to create a picture in his/her mind. Later, each one gives a heading for each description.

Question (a)
Bright blue sky – soft white clouds sweeping by tiny specks of birds flying high – sun playing hide and seek behind the clouds.
Heading: ………………………….. .
Heading: The Enchanting Beauty of the Sky.

Question (b)
Miles of smooth barren land – sparkling sand stretched till the horizon, in wave – like forms – thorny, cacti propping here and there – an occasional cluster of palms provide a shady spot – a carvan of camels moving in a line in the distance.
Heading: ………………………….. .
Heading: Life in the Desert

Such a figurative description that creates mental pictures, in the mind of the reader/listener is called Imagery. It is a poetic device that enhances the poem.

Compose in your group, a four to six-line poem, which contains imagery.

(1) A host of golden daffodils,
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze,
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way.

(2) The night was black as ever,
but bright stars lit up the sky in beautiful and
varied constellation which were sprinkled
across the astronomical landscape.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

English Workshop:

1. Put (✓) mark in front of True statement or (✗) mark in front of False statement:

Question 1.
Put (✓) mark in front of True statement or (✗) mark in front of False statement:
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. The speaker stops to watch rain falling among the trees. (✗)
  2. The owner of the woods is known to the speaker. (✓)
  3. The horse is worried about the cold and wants to keep going. (✗)
  4. The speaker doesn’t emphasize upon the beauty of woods he is passing through. (✗)

2. Find outline/lines from the poem as a proof for the following explanation:

Question (a)
There is no one to catch the speaker trespassing.
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Question (b)
The little horse draws his master’s attention.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.

Question (c)
His horse seems anxious to keep going.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near.

Question (d)
The speaker prefers to stay but is forced to move onwards.
But I have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep ….

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Question (e)
The poem is set in bygone era.
He gives his harness bells a shake. Shows that the poem is set in the bygone era.

3. The poem is believed to have a reference to the poet’s life itself. What could the following signify? Choose from the brackets below:

Question 1.
The poem is believed to have a reference to the poet’s life itself. What could the following signify? Choose from the brackets below: (duties and responsibilities/old age/life/death/ everlasting peace)

  1. The speaker’s journey – life
  2. Snowy Evening – old age
  3. Lovely, deep, dark woods – everlasting peace
  4. Promises – duties and responsibilities
  5. Sleep – death

4. Tell whether the rhyming scheme of the following stanzas is right or wrong. Give the correct rhyme scheme for the wrong one:

Question 1.
Tell whether the rhyming scheme of the following stanzas is right or wrong. Give the correct rhyme scheme for the wrong one:

  1. stanza 1 – aaba : right
  2. stanza 2 – bbcb : wrong – it is ‘aaba’
  3. stanza 3 – ccdc : wrong – it is ‘aaba’
  4. stanza 4 – dded : wrong – it is aaaa’

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

5. Give your own rhyming words for the following: (Answers are directly given.)

Question 1.
Give your own rhyming words for the following: (Answers are directly given.)

  1. house – spouse
  2. woods – goods
  3. easy – busy
  4. wind – skinned
  5. dark – bark
  6. watch – botch

6. Match the lines of the poem with their figures of speech:

Question 1.
Match the lines of the poem with their figures of speech:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 2

  1. Whose woods these are I think I know – Inversion
  2. The woods are lovely, dark and deep – Alliteration
  3. And miles to go before I sleep
    And miles to go before I sleep. – Repititon
  4. My little horse must think it queer – personification

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

7. Match the words given in Group A with their meanings in Group B:

Question 1.
Match the words given in Group A with their meanings in Group B:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 3

  1. mistake – error
  2. downy flakes – soft snow falling
  3. woods – jungle
  4. queer – strange

8. Complete the following web-diagrams by adding suitable describing words in the boxes.

Question 1.
Complete the following web-diagrams by adding suitable describing words in the boxes. (Answers are directly given.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 4
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 5

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

9. Pick out lines from the poem that contain imagery. Write them in your notebook.

Question 1.
Pick out lines from the poem that contain imagery. Write them in your notebook.

10. Prepare a set of questions to interview:

Question (a)
a person who has just returned from a trek in the woods:

  1. Welcome back, how did you feel when you visited the woods?
  2. What was the purpose of your visit?
  3. Did you take any precautions while roaming in the woods?
  4. Which strange or rare things did you find in the woods?
  5. Did you come across any wild animals ? What was your feeling then?
  6. How did you manage to get your food, water and other essential things ?
  7. What difference did you find in the woods and the place where you live?
  8. Were you able to fulfil your expectations from this visit?
  9. What should be your role to conserve the woods?
  10. Would you like to suggest the youngsters to undertake such expeditions? Why?

Question (b)
a person who has recently scaled Mt. Everest:

  1. Welcome back, What preparations did you make before the climb?
  2. What did you do to stay fit when you were at the base?
  3. What did you do to make your climb interesting?
  4. What food did you take along with you while climbing?
  5. What was the purpose of your adventure?
  6. How did you face difficulties on the way to the top?
  7. What is the memorable moment of your ascent?
  8. What was the hardest adjustment you had to make during the ascent?
  9. What were your feelings when you scaled the peak?
  10. What message would you give to the youngsters?

My English Coursebook 10th Digest Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Additional Important Questions and Answers

Simple Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Complete the following sentences:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. The speaker stops in the woods.
  2. Winter season of the year is described in the poem.
  3. The day described in the poem is evening.
  4. The speaker is riding on his little horse.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Question 2.
Fill in the blanks:
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. The person who owns the woods lives in the village.
  2. The speaker stopped his horse at a place between the frozen lake and the woods.
  3. The speaker was really captivated by the lovely, dark and deep woods.
  4. The little horse gives a shake to its harness bells attached to its neck.

Question 3.
List the sounds mentioned in the poem.
harness bells, sound of wind, sound of soft feathers like snow flakes falling.

Question 4.
On what date every year is the darkest evening?
On 21st December.

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Why does the traveller have to leave the lovely woods?
The traveller is really captivated by the lovely woods. He is supposed to discharge his duties on time. He promises himself to keep his word. So he has to leave the lovely woods to keep his word.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Language Study:

Question 1.
Write your own lines using the words given below: (Answers are directly given.)
(a) village: Life in my village, I long to live.
(b) wind: Wind was twisting the heads of trees.
(c) frozen: With frozen heart I stared at the remains of my dear friend.
(d) promise: Let every day of yours dawn, with the promises of new light.

Appreciation of the poem:

  1. Title : The title of the poem ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’.
  2. Poet: The poet of this poem is Robert (Lee) Frost.
  3. Rhyme scheme: The rhyme scheme of the first three stanzas is ‘aaba’. The final stanza has a uniform rhyme of ‘aaaa’.
  4. Figure of speech (any 1): Inversion, alliteration
  5. Theme / Central Idea: The theme of the poem is that a traveller on horseback stops by a little forest on a winter evening.

The little forest in the speaker’s own words, is lovely, dark and deep. Though he is greatly fascinated by the scene, the call of duty urges him to move on. He reminds himself that he must discharge his duties before it is too late.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Solutions My English Coursebook Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

My English Coursebook Standard Ten Guide Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up:

Make small groups and share:

Question 1.
A piece of advice that stopped a bad habit in you.
“Bad habits interrupt your life and prevent you from accomplishing your goal.” The advice given by my uncle stopped a bad habit in me.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Question 2.
A quote proverb that you love to use often.
I often love to use the quote, ‘Let’s move ahead.’

Question 3.
An experience that taught you a lifelong lesson.
Getting up early morning is quite a difficult job for me. Once we were called at 6 o’clock in the morning to go for picnic. My mother was trying to wake me up from 5 o’clock but I got up at 5.30 and reached school by 6.30. By then our picnic bus had already left the school. I realised that I had missed the fun. It gave me a lifelong lesson to be punctual.

Question 4.
A story / news / episode / movie / play that has impressed and changed you.
I miserably failed in Standard IX. I lost all my hopes. I had decided to discontinue my studies forever. Meanwhile I happened to read a story of King Bruce, the King of Scotland. He fought many battles to free his country from English rule. Lost many battles. Once while hiding in a cave, he saw a spider trying to make his web on the wall of the cave. He slipped and fell again and again. But perseveringly tried again and finally succeeded and made his web.

King Bruce learnt a lesson, got together his army, defeated the English and freed his country. The story impressed me. I was moved by the story and decided to study hard and make an effort to appear for the exam again. The story changed my life.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

1. Many slang expressions terms are used for people having positive or negative traits.

Question 1.
Match the expressions in Column A with type of persons in Column B:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar 1

  1. Couch Potato – lazy/good for nothing
  2. Worry Wart – always nervous/worried
  3. Fuddy-duddy – old-fashioned / refuses change.
  4. Wet blanket – spoils other people’s fun/mood
  5. Whiz – brilliant / genius
  6. Black sheep – shameful person
  7. Live wire – very energetic/active

Question 2.
Discuss with your group and write the difference in reactions of an Optimist and a Pessimist:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar 2

Answer Optimist Pessimist
Failure in exams /tests I will try my level best in next exam. Leave it. It is not my cup of tea.
Lose a good amount of cash bad luck streak! What a bad luck!
Unexpected rainfall/bad weather. Let’s enjoy the rain. Shit! this rain again.
Illness I want to get well as early as possible. I will die.
Extra classes in school Teacher is going to teach something new. What will it serve? It’s a waste of time.

English Workshop:

1. Complete the following table:

Question 1.
Complete the following table:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar 3

Utterance Who said To whom
1. “Shwetha is a very beautiful girl, isn’t she?” The writer Meena
2. “When a pony is young, he looks handsome.” Meena The writer
3. “It’s a beautiful day.” The writer Meena
4. “No, the sun is too hot.” Meena The writer
5. “I’m all excited, it’s nice to meet old friends.” Meena The writer

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

2. State whether the following statements are (✓) or (✗). Correct the wrong ones:

Question 1.
State whether the following statements are (✓) or (✗). Correct the wrong ones:
(a) The author and Meena were Wrong great enemies.
Corrected sentence: They were good friends.
(b) Meena was a very cheerful Wrong person initially.
Corrected sentence: Meena was forever unhappy.
(c) Meena stayed alone in an Wrong apartment in Delhi.
Corrected sentence: She stayed alone in an apartment in Mumbai.
(d) Meena was the second child of Wrong her parents.
Corrected sentence: She was the only child of her parents.
(e) The author spotted Meena at Bombay’s Flora Fountain. [✓]
(f) The beggar and the young girl were playing on the road because there was a lot of traffic. [✗]
Corrected Sentence: The beggar and the young girl were playing on the road because there was no traffic.
(g) The scene of the beggar and the girl made Meena peep into her own life. [✓]
(h) The beggar became Meena’s role model. [✓]
(i) It took Meena almost two years to put the change into effect. [✓]
(j) Meena was able to give Gurudakshina directly to her Guru, the beggar. [✗]
Corrected Sentence: Meena gave Gurudakshina indirectly by sponsoring his granddaughter to a boarding school.

3. Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the sentences:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

Question (a)
Meena who is an LIC officer, is ………………… .

  1. a pessimistic person
  2. an optimistic person
  3. a disabled person.

Meena who is an LIC officer, is a pessimistic person.

  1. a pessimistic person
  2. an optimistic person
  3. a disabled person.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Question (b)
The writer was standing near Akbarallys, a popular department store because …………………. .

  1. she was waiting for her friend Meena.
  2. she was waiting for the rain to stop.
  3. she wanted to buy something in Akbarallys.

The writer was standing near Akbarallys, a popular department store because she was waiting for the rain to stop.

  1. she was waiting for her friend Meena.
  2. she was waiting for the rain to stop.
  3. she wanted to buy something in Akbarallys.

Question (c)
The only thought in the writer’s mind till they reached the Grand Hotel was ……………………. .

  1. why the rain was not stopping.
  2. what had brought about such a change in Meena.
  3. how the beggar had changed the entire life of Meena.

The only thought in the writer’s mind till they reached the Grand Hotel was what had brought about such a change in Meena.

  1. why the rain was not stopping.
  2. what had brought about such a change in Meena.
  3. how the beggar had changed the entire life of Meena.

Question (d)
Meena sponsored the granddaughter of the beggar because ……………………………… .

  1. she was alone in her life after his death.
  2. it was a token of respect to the beggar.
  3. she was rich and so she wanted to help.

Meena sponsored the granddaughter of the beggar because it was a token of respect to the beggar.

  1. she was alone in her life after his death.
  2. it was a token of respect to the beggar.
  3. she was rich and so she wanted to help.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

4. How did the beggar change Meena’s attitude? Discuss with your partner Complete the following web.

Question 1.
How did the beggar change Meena’s attitude? Complete the following web with the help of the information from this passage:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar 4
(Answer is directly given.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar 5

5. Write in your own words:

Question (A)
How did Meena show her gratitude to her guru?

Question (B)
Why would Meena be sad initially? Give reasons. Pick out sentences from the passage which prove that Meena was a pessimist.

  1. She was forever unhappy.
  2. ………………………………………….. .
  3. ………………………………………….. .
  4. ………………………………………….. .
  5. ………………………………………….. .
  6. ………………………………………….. .


  1. She was forever unhappy.
  2. Whenever author met her, she would start to feel depressed.
  3. Her gloom and cynicism had a way of spreading to others.
  4. She never had anything positive to say about anything.
  5. She always had negative responses to everyone and everything.
  6. She would be pessimist all the time.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

6. Find antonyms of the following words from the story.

Question (A)
Find antonyms of the following words from the story.

  1. optimistic × ………………
  2. drizzle × ………………
  3. lie × ………………
  4. new × ………………
  5. ugly × ………………
  6. frowned × ………………
  7. hell × ………………
  8. unhappy × ………………
  9. disrespect × ………………
  10. unimportant × ………………


  1. optimistic × pessimistic
  2. drizzle × pouring
  3. lie × truth
  4. new × old
  5. ugly × beautiful
  6. frowned × laughed
  7. hell × paradise
  8. unhappy × happy
  9. disrespect × respect
  10. unimportant × important

Question (B)
Go through the points below showing Meena’s encounter with the beggar that transformed her completely. The sequence of events are jumbled up below. Arrange the events according to the occurrence. Fill in the number as per sequence.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar 6
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar 7

7. How did the beggar change Meena’s attitude towards life? Write it down in 5 to 6 lines.

Question 1.
How did the beggar change Meena’s attitude towards life? Write it down in 5 to 6 lines.

  1. The incident made Meena to look at her own life.
  2. ……………………………………………………………………… .
  3. ……………………………………………………………………… .
  4. ……………………………………………………………………… .
  5. ……………………………………………………………………… .
  6. ……………………………………………………………………… .


  1. The incident made Meena to look at her own life.
  2. She realized that she had many comforts of which they had none.
  3. But they knew how to be happy with life as it was.
  4. She found that she had more to be grateful for than most people could imagine.
  5. She felt ashamed of herself.
  6. She decided to change her attitude towards her life.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

8. Summarise the story with the help of the points given below.

Question 1.
Summarise the story with the help of the points given below.
(a) Meena’s initial attitude
(b) Meena’s meeting with Sudha Murthy in Mumbai.
(c) Beggar’s incident
(d) Change in attitude.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar 8
Meena and Sudha were very good friends. Meena was an LIC officer and earning a good salary. But she was always unhappy and never had anything I positive to say on any subject or about any person. So whenever Sudha met her, she would start to feel depressed. Meena stayed alone in an apartment and had the habit of complaining about anything and everything; she wasn’t a very pleasant company and nobody wanted to visit her.

After some days Meena was transferred to Bombay and soon Sudha forgot about her. Many years later, Sudha was caught in the rain at Bombay’s Flora Fountain. She didn’t have an umbrella. She was standing near Akbarallys and waiting for the rain to stop. Suddenly she saw Meena. But her first reaction was to run. She was anxious to avoid being seen by her. But she couldn’t escape.

Meena saw her and caught hold of her hands ; warmly. She was very cheerful and excited to meet Sudha. She was also ready to get wet and walk in the rain. But Sudha was so surprised that she couldn’t believe she is meeting her pessimistic friend Meena. So she enthusiastically asked her, “Was there a Prince Charming who had managed to change her so?”

Meena told her there wasn’t anybody like that but a beggar changed her life who used to stay in front of her house with his five-years-old granddaughter. She used to give her leftover to that beggar everyday. One monsoon day she was surprised to see the beggar. As it was raining heavily, she couldn’t give anything to that beggar. She didn’t want to get wet in that pouring rain she was just looking out of her bedroom window when she saw the beggar and the young girl were playing on the road because there was no traffic.

They were enjoying the rain and laughing, clapping and screaming joyously as if they were in paradise. Hunger and rain did not matter. They were totally drenched but totally happy. That scene forced Meena to look at her own life. Even though she had so many comforts, none of which they had. But they had the most important of all assets one which she lacked.

They knew how to be happy with life as it was. So she decided to change her attitude towards life using the beggar as her role model. It took her almost two years to put the change into effect but now she finds happiness in every small thing, in every situation and in every person.

Sudha was surprised to listen to the changed story of her friend and asked Meena enthusiastically, whether she had given any gurudakshina to her guru or not. But Meena told her that the beggar was dead and she had sponsored his granddaughter to a boarding school as a mark of respect to him. Sudha was stunned but happy to hear the changed story and attitude of her friend.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

9. Write the above summary making Meena the narrator. Begin with I worked in Bangalore in LIC. Sudha was my school friend …………..

Question 1.
Write the above summary making Meena the narrator. Begin with I worked in Bangalore in LIC. Sudha was my school friend …………..

Lesson in a Life from A Beggar

I worked in Bangalore in LIC. Sudha was my good friend, living in the same city. Being pessimistic and having the habit of complaining about anything and everything, nobody was friendly with me. One day I was transferred to Mumbai and no one was in contact with me.
[Note: Students should try to complete the remaining part of summary of the story as told by Meena, in their notebook.]


Question 1.
Divide the class in four groups. Collect four different stories written by Sudha Murthy. Select a story for every group and write it in the form of a play. Enact it in front of the class.

Language Study:

1. Punctuate the following sentences:

Question 1.
(a) did you give any gurudakshina to your guru i asked.
(b) no there isnt anyone like that she said.
(a) “Did you give any gurudakshina to your guru?” I asked.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

2. Add a suffix to the following words and make nouns.

Question (a)
Add a suffix to the following words and make nouns.

  1. kind
  2. happy
  3. ignore
  4. assure
  5. imagine
  6. depute
  7. manage
  8. assess

1. Always be kind to poor, needy and disabled people in the society.
2. Why don’t you look happy today?
[Note : Students may frame sentences based on the remaining words on their own.]

Question (b)
Make four words (minimum 3 letters each). Using letters from the word ‘Pessimistic’.

  1. ………………….
  2. ………………….
  3. ………………….
  4. ………………….


  1. Pessimist,
  2. mist,
  3. pest,
  4. pet

3. Change into indirect speech:

Question (a)
“Meena, it’s a beautiful day.” I said.
I told Meena that it was a beautiful day.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Question (b)
“Hey! I am really excited. It’s nice to meet old friends. What are you doing here?” Meena said to the writer.
Meena exclaimed with excitement (joy) that it was nice to meet old friends. She further asked the writer what she was doing there.

Question (c)
“We won’t get a taxi in this rain,” I grumbled,
I grumbled that we would not get a taxi in that rain.

Question (d)
“So what? We’ll buy an umbrella and then go to the Grand Hotel,” she said.
Meena insistently asked her (the writer) what difference could it make and further told her that they would buy an umbrella and then go to the Grand Hotel.

Question (e)
“Did you give any gurudakshina to your Guru?” I asked.
I asked her if she had given any gurudakshina to her guru.

My English Coursebook 10th Digest Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar Additional Important Questions and Answers

Simple Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Complete the following sentences:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)
1. Meena was a good friend of the writer.
2. The writer was caught in the rain at Bombay’s Flora Fountain.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Question 2.
What is meant by ‘She never had anything positive to say’?
It meant that her thoughts and actions had always been negative.

Question 3.
Who said to whom?

Sentence Who said To whom
1. “Let’s chat.” Meena To the writer
2. “We won’t get a taxi in this rain.” The writer Meena
3. “Then, what’s the secret of your energy?” The writer Meena
4. “A beggar changed my life.” Meena The writer

Question 4.
State whether the following statements are Right or Wrong. Correct the wrong ones:

  1. This wasn’t the same Meena that the writer had known. – Right
  2. The writer bought an umbrella and went to the Grand Hotel with Meena.
    Corrected sentence: Instead of buying an umbrella they walked to the Hotel in rain. – Wrong
  3. There was a Prince Charming in Meena’s life who managed to change her.
    Corrected sentence: A beggar had changed Meenas life. – Wrong
  4. There was no change in Meena’s behaviour.
    Corrected sentence: Meena’s behaviour was completely changed. – Wrong

Question 5.
State whether the following statements are Right or Wrong. Correct the wrong ones :

  1. Rakesh’s father is a school teacher. [✓]
  2. The writer was transferred to Bombay.
    Corrected sentence: The writer was in Bombay on an official work. [✗]
  3. Meena is always pessimistic. [✓]
  4. Meena had the habit of complaining about anything and everything. [✓]

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Question 6.
Read the passage and fill in the blanks:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. Meena was a chronic pessimist.
  2. A begger changed Meena’s life.
  3. The begger lived with his five-year old grand daughter.
  4. The beggars were playing on the road because there was no traffic.

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
What was Meena’s nature like?
There was always something strange about Meena. She was always unhappy. Any person who came in contact with her would feel depressed. Her thoughts were negative about everything and about every person.

Question 2.
Arrange the following sentences in proper sequence according to their occurrence in the passage:

  1. Many years later the writer saw Meena at Bombay’s Flora Fountain in pouring rain.
  2. Unfortunately Meena saw the writer and caught hold of her hands warmly.
  3. Meena was really excited to meet her old friend.
  4. The writer wanted to avoid her for her never ending complaints.


  1. Many years later the writer saw Meena at Bombay’s Flora Fountain in pouring rain.
  2. The writer wanted to avoid her for her never ending complaints.
  3. Unfortunately Meena saw the writer and caught hold of her hands warmly.
  4. Meena was really excited to meet her old friend.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Question 3.
Complete the following sentences:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. Old wine, old friends and memories are precious and rare.
  2. A few strands of grey in her hair had reminded the writer that years had passed.
  3. Meena was ready to make any number of adjustments.
  4. The only thought in the writer’s mind was to find out who or what had brought about such a change in the pessimistic Meena.

Choose the correct alternative and complete the following sentences: (Answers are directly given and underlined.)

1. The only thought in the writer’s mind till they reached the Grand Hotel was what had brought about such a change in Meena.

  1. why the rain was not stopping.
  2. what had brought about such a change in Meena.
  3. how the beggar had changed the entire life of Meena.

2. The writer wanted to attend a dinner.

  1. a marriage party.
  2. a dinner.
  3. a birthday party.

3. When the writer met Meena in a pouring rain, she was ready to make any number of adjustments.

  1. make any number of adjustments.
  2. get wet in the rain.
  3. buy an umbrella for them.

4. A beggar had managed to change Meena.

  1. a Prince Charming,
  2. The writer.
  3. A beggar.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Question 4.
What surprised the writer?
The writer was greatly surprised by the difference in Meena’s attitude of bygone days. She looked happy and was smiling. That was not the same Meena the writer had known. She seemed ready to make any number of adjustments.

Question 5.
Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the sentences:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)
1. The writer took almost two years to put the change into effect.

  1. three years
  2. two years
  3. five years

2. The beggar and his granddaughter were enjoying the rain as if they were in paradise.

  1. in paradise
  2. in a palace
  3. in front of the writer’s house

3. Attitude towards life was the most important of all assets, that the beggar and his granddaughter had but the writer was lacking.

  1. Attitude towards life
  2. So many comforts
  3. Hunger

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Question 6.
Complete the web:
(Answer is directly given.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar 9

Question 7.
What lesson did Meena learn from her Guru-the beggar?
From her Guru-the beggar, Meena learnt how to be happy with life as it was. She also learnt to find happiness in every small thing, in every situation and in every person.

Question 8.
What did Meena do to show gratitude to her Guru?
Meena changed her attitude towards life using the beggar as her role model. Unfortunately, by the time she understood things, he was dead. So she sponsored his granddaughter to a boarding school as a mark of respect to him.

Activities based on Vocabulary:

1. Find antonyms of the following words from the passage:

Question 1.

  1. bad
  2. never
  3. negative
  4. cold.


  1. bad × good
  2. never × always
  3. negative × positive
  4. cold × hot

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Question 2.
Match the following:

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
1. gloom (a) to abate
2. cynicism (b) expecting the worst
3. subside (c) feeling of sadness
4. pessimistic (d) a distrustful attitude


  1. gloom – feeling of sadness
  2. cynicism – a distrustful attitude
  3. subside – to abate
  4. pessimistic – expecting the worst

Question 3.
Add suffix to the following words and make nouns:
(a) good
(b) happy
(c) assure
(d) feel
(e) achieve
(f) strange
(g) popular
(h) excite.
(a) goodness
(b) happiness
(c) assurance
(d) feeling
(e) achievement
(f) stranger
(g) popularity
(h) excitement

Question 4.
Find out synonyms for the following from the passage :

  1. inquisitive
  2. displeased
  3. attractive
  4. valued.


  1. inquisitive – curious
  2. displeased – disappointed
  3. attractive – charming
  4. valued – precious

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Question 5.
Find the antonyms of the following from the passage:

  1. dry
  2. common
  3. wrong.


  1. dry × drenched
  2. common × rare
  3. wrong × right

Question 6.
Write four words that have ‘ness’ as suffix :
Example – happiness

  1. kindness
  2. boldness
  3. greediness
  4. greatness

Question 7.
Write two words that have ‘re’ as prefix :
Example – reassure

  1. rekindle
  2. reappear
  3. reinforce
  4. repay

Question 8.
Find synonyms for the following words from the passage:
(a) heaven
(b) happily
(c) rainy
(d) very surprised
(a) Paradise
(b) Joyously
(c) Monsoon
(d) Dumbfounded.

Activities based on Contextual Grammar:

Make the following sentences negative:

Question 1.
She was forever unhappy.
She was never happy.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Question 2.
Meena was a pessimistic girl.
Meena was not an optimistic girl.

Choose the correct alternative of afffirmative sentence.

Question 1.
She wasn’t a very pleasant company.
(a) She was a very unpleasant company.
(b) She wasn’t a very unpleasant company.
(c) She was a very pleasant company.
(d) She was a very beautiful company.
She was a very unpleasant company.

Question 2.
Make it exclamatory:
She was very cheerful.
How cheerful she was!

Question 3.
Shwetha is a very beautiful girl.
(Choose correct alternative of exclamatory sentence.)
(a) How beautiful girl Shwetha is!
(b) What a beautiful girl Shwetha is!
(c) What a beautiful girl Shwetha was!
(d) What a beautiful girl is Shwetha!
What a beautiful girl Shwetha is!

Question 4.
Complete the following table:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

Present Tense Past Tense Past Participle
1. see saw seen
2. pour poured poured
3. bring brought brought
4. know knew known

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Make the following sentences affirmative:

Question 1.
I couldn’t believe it.
I was unable to believe it.
I could hardly believed it.

Question 2.
I can’t stay with you tonight.
I am unable to stay with you tonight.

Choose the correct tail tag for the following sentences from the brackets:
(wasn’t she?, will we?, were here?, weren’t there?,will you?, won’t you?)

Question 1.
We wont get a taxi in this rain;
will we?

Question 2.
There were a few wrinkles in her face;
weren’t there?

Question 3.
Give me your card,
will you?

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Question 4.
Meena was surprised by my question,
wasn’t she?

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Would you avoid your friend, if you are meeting himher after a long time?
Welcoming or avoiding our old friend totally depends upon how close you are with that person. If you are really close to some friend by heart and soul you will never avoid himher even if you are meeting himher after a long time. Whereas we always wait for such occasions to meet our old buddies.

Question 2.
What is meant by ‘ Meena never had anything positive to say ’?
Meena was always pessimistic in her life. Whoever said or asked anything, her answer was always negative. She never thought positively. It was her habit to take everything negatively. So the writer said “Meena never had anything positive to say.”

Question 3.
What, according to you, is the difference between an optimistic person and a pessimistic person?
According to me, an optimist enjoys every moment. Optimists are confident and hopeful in themselves and believe they can overcome whatever life throws at them and continue on their way. Pessimists always have negative thoughts. They always feel defeated. They are never hopeful and lose confidence. Pessimists are unhappy and gloomy.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Question 4.
Change is the law of life-Explain.
Change is the law of life. And those who look only at the past or present are certain to miss the future. Change is inevitable. We can’t ignore it. Changing means doing something new and challenging. That gives you a great joy of life. If we do not change ourselves, we cannot enjoy our life to the fullest.

Question 5.
Is it possible to bring change in our life like Meena?
Yes, it is definitely possible to bring change like Meena in our life also. We can learn a lot from the examples and attitudes of other less-gifted people. If we have clear (good) conscience and we are determined to act according to it, we can surely | change our behaviour, attitude towards our life like Meena.

Question 6.
Describe an experience, where somebody has changed your way of looking at life.
Once while travelling by a bus, I came across one of my friends with whom I had a quarrel on a petty thing. I ignored him and asked the conductor to give a ticket by giving a 100-rupee note.

The conductor had no change so he told me to get down and come by another bus. I was about to get down when my friend came forward and paid for my ticket. I felt ashamed and asked him to pardon me. The incident changed my attitude about him and now we are friends forever.

Question 7.
According to you, how can we help beggars?
We should convince beggars that begging is not good. We should tell them the importance of ‘Self respect.’ If possible we will provide them opportunities to earn money and insist them to give up begging.

Do as directed:

Question 1.
They were laughing and screaming.
(Choose the correct option of ‘Not only-but also’)
(a) They were not only but also laughing and screaming.
(b) They were not only laughing but also screaming.
(c) They were laughing not only but also screaming.
(d) They were not only laughing and but also screaming.
(b) They were not only laughing but also screaming.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Question 2.
He used to stay in front of my house.
(Rewrite the sentence by using ‘would’)
He would stay in front of my house.

Change the voice:

Question 1.
That scene forced me to look at my own life.
(Begin the sentence with “I )
I was forced to look at my own life by that scene.

Question 2.
I find happiness in every small thing in every situation and in every person.
(Begin the sentence with “Happiness ….)
Happiness is found in every small thing, in every situation and in every person by me.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

1. Attempt anyone:

Question (a)
Make a meaningful sentence by using given phrase: ‘in the pursuit of’
In the age of technology everyone is in the pursuit of money.


Question (b)
Add a clause to expand the following sentence meaningfully.
My friend is an LIC Officer ……………
My friend is an LIC Officer who stays at Nagpur.

2. Attempt any one:

Question (a)
Add a prefix or suffix make new words :
Note: Two words will be given in the activity sheet.
(a) kind
(b) happy
(c) ignore
(d) assure
(e) imagine
(f) depute
(g) manage
(h) assess
(a) kindness, unkind.
(b) unhappy, happiness
(c) ignorance
(d) assurance
(e) imagine
(f) deputation
(g) management, mismanage
(h) assessment,

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Activities based on Language Study:

Question 1.
Complete the words by using correct letters:

  1. g _ oo _ – gloom
  2. y o_n g – young
  3. p r o_f – proof
  4. t o_c h – touch

Question 2.
Put the words in alphabetical order:
1. chronic, squeezing, assets, zest.
2. pleasant, parents, paradise, pause.
1. assets, chronic, squeezing, zest.
2. paradise, parents, pause, pleasant.

Question 3.
Punctuate the following sentences:
then whats the secret of your energy i asked
“Then, what’s the secret of your energy?” I asked.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar

Question 4.
Write related words as shown in the example:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar 10

Question 5.
Complete the word-chain of ‘nouns’. Add four words, each beginning with the last letter of the previous word:
friend, → d …………, …………., …………, ………….,
friend → dream , minute , elephant , thief.

Projects Task:

Question 1.
Find out more about Sudha Murthy and her writing from the internet.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Solutions My English Coursebook Chapter 1.5 His First Flight Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

My English Coursebook Standard Ten Guide Chapter 1.5 His First Flight Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up!


1. Form Groups of 5. Remember your past days and share with your friends about memories of your first day at school or your first attempt at cooking. What role did your parents, siblings play to help you to overcome your fear?

1. Discuss and answer.

Question 1.
Discuss and answer.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight 1.

1. Are there any situations when you get afraid? – I Yes, I am afraid of sleeping in the dark at night, cold weather, street dogs, ghost stories and quarrels.
2. How would you react if you had to travel alone? – I would be greatly disturbed and depressed if I had to travel alone. It annoys me and I feel uncomfortable.
3.  How would you react if you have to stay alone at home? – It would be afraid of staying alone at home and become uneasy and endlessly think that something untoward will happen when I am alone at home.
4. What would you do if you were lost in a new city? would cause confusion in my mind. I would lose my nerve and run helter- skelter to find any lead to my home or I shall collect myself and reach the police to get help from them.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

2. Complete the following table.

Question 1.
Complete the following table.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight 2.

Idioms Meanings Your own sentences
1. bird’s-eye view view from somewhere high We enjoyed the bird’s-eye view from the top of the mountain.
2. as free as a bird If he/she is care-free After finishing her exam, she will be as free as a bird.
3. eagle’s eye His ability to observe something closely The detective was watching every move of the thief with his eagle eyes.
4. spread one’s wings to try to work on things independently After getting his training in papermaking, Kumar spread his wings to start his own paper mill.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

Find more such idioms using the following keywords.

Question 1.
Find more such idioms using the following keywords.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight 3.

  • Fly – with flying colours, fly high, fly the nest, fly the coop, fly at somebody, fly into rage/temper, get off to flying start.
  • Animals – the lion’s share, let sleeping dog lie, a dog in the manger, a snake in the grass, rain cats and dogs, to lead a cat and dog life, let the cat out of the bag, to smell a rat.
  • Colours – loose colours, with flying colours on black and white, catch red-handed, to become red and blue, a bolt from blue, once in a blue moon, look at the black side of things, stick to one’s colour.
    (Note: Students may collect more such idioms and their meanings from good dictionary.)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

English Workshop:

1. State whether the following statements are true or false.

Question 1.
State whether the following statements are true or false.
(a) The young seagull was not confident about the ability of his wings.
(b) The young seagull’s parents guided and improved his siblings in the art of flying.
(c) When the young seagull pretended to be falling asleep, his parents noticed him.
(d) Flying across the young seagull, the mother dropped a piece of fish into his beak.
(a) The young seagull was not confident about the ability of his wings. – True
(b) The young seagull’s parents guided and improved his siblings in the art of flying. – True
(c) When the young seagull pretended to be falling asleep, his parents took notice of him. – False
(d) Flying across the young seagull, the mother dropped into his beak a piece of fish. – False

2. Complete the following statements.

Question 1.
Complete the following statements.
(a) The seagull was afraid to fly because …………………………………………………………….
(b) Young birds are afraid to make their first flight because …………………………..
(c) Human beings find it difficult to face great challenges because ……………….
(a) the seagull is afraid to fly because he thought that his small, short wings would never support him to fly and he would fall and drown in the sea.
(b) Young birds are afraid to make their first flight because they are not confident at their first flight.
(c) Human beings find it difficult to face great challenges because I think, human being also finds it a challenge to take its first steps. It is their natural instinct. When they try to stand and then to take further steps, they are afraid of falling and getting injured, so they are cautious and alert but do not give up.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

3. Read the following words carefully and make meaningful sentences of your own, and write in your notebook.

Question 1.
Read the following words carefully and make meaningful sentences of your own, and write in your notebook.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight 4

4. Read the following words carefully and fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate word given in brackets.

Question 1.
Read the following words carefully and fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate word given in brackets.
(afraid, plunged, appeared, shrilly, skimmed, devoured, cowardice)
(a) Arun is full of ……….. .
(b) The violin played very ……….. .
(c) Ravi said, “Are you really ……….. of the dark?”
(d) The whole village ……….. into darkness.
(e) The lions ……….. their prey, hungrily.
(f) He ……….. through the report.
(g) One by one, the stars ……….. in the sky.
(a) Arun is full of cowardice.
(b) The violin played very shrilly and merrily.
(c) Ravi said, “Are you really afraid of the dark?”
(d) The whole village plunged into darkness.
(e) The lions devoured their prey, hungrily.
(f) He skimmed through the report.
(g) One by one, the stars appeared in the sky.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

5. Read about the space mission of Sunita Williams. Imagine you are going to interview her. Frame 10 to 12 interview relevant questions regarding –

  1. her early life, training
  2. education
  3. her actual flight into space
  4. future plans
  5. her message to viewers.

Question 1.
Read about the space mission of Sunita Williams. Imagine you are going to interview her. Frame 10 to 12 interview relevant questions regarding –
Interview Questions to Sunita Williams :
Hello Madam! Congratulations on your great achievements in the Space Mission! May I ask you a few questions about your career and mission?

    1. Could you please tell me about your birthplace, family and early education?
    2. What motivated you to do M.Sc. in engineering Management? Where did you do it?
    3. What was your experience as a Naval Aviator in 1989?
    4. When and where did you begin your Astronaut Candidate Training?
    5. When were you selected by NASA for Astronaut Program?
    6. Will you please tell me about your experience at NASA?
    7. How did you feel when you were aboard the space shuttle Discovery to join the Expedition 14?
    8. How many days did you stay in the space during the Expedition 14?
    9. You have eclipsed the record in space by a woman. What was that record?
    10. What can you tell me about your second Expedition 32/33. What was your part in it?
    11. You took to the ISS a copy of Bhagavat Gita and a figurine of the God Ganesh and samosas. What was the thought behind it?
    12. How did the Government of India honour you? Why?
    13. What is your message to the young Indian generation?

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

6. Describe in your notebook the challenges you faced while learning to ride a bicycle, swimming or any skilL Take hints from the web to complete your write-up.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight 5

Question 1.
Describe in your notebook the challenges you faced while learning to ride a bicycle, swimming or any skilL Take hints from the web to complete your write-up.
Riding a Bicycle:
Though some people think that riding a bicycle is a very simple easy thing, but it is not true. It is a challenging job. When you begin to learn cycle you must have to drive away and win over the fear of falling. While riding a cycle you are bound to fall once or twice or more and may get injured. So you must be bold and forget your fear of falling.

Secondly as a beginner don’t fully depend on a trainer or a supporter, otherwise you will never learn cycling. You should ride on your own with determination. You must be steady, stable and patient. You will have to look straight ahead of you and not to the handle or pedal or anywhere else. Sit properly on the seat and hold the handle firmly. Balancing is the next task/challenge. Be alert and ride the cycle carefully.

Pay attention to the vehicles coming in your way and you should be able to avoid them or there will be a possibility of an accident. Your concentration must be only on riding. Remember the traffic rules and follow them. After practising a lot you will be able to ride a bicycle confidently.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

7. Project :

Question a.
Collect the career options related to flying. Find out the institutes where training of your options is given.
Find out the detailed information about the fees, duration of training and future prospects of it.
(Students should collect the information asked for and present them in their class.)

Question b.
Collect or draw different pictures of birds from your surroundings and write about them. Make a chart with some information about each.
(Make a chart with some information about the birds.)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

Language Study:

1. There are words that have the same pronunciation but differ in spellings. They are called Homophones. For example, (a) fair – fare (b) know – no Sometimes the words have the same spellings and pronunciation but can have different meanings in different situations.
They are called Homographs.
For example:
(a) watch – observe watch – portable timepiece
(b) fair – not very good, not very bad
fair – an exhibition and sale of items
fair – of complexion, skin tone
Note: Homophones and Homographs are together known as Homonyms.
Give the Homophones of the following.
(a) blue …. (b) bear …… (c) beet……… (d) to……… (e) son …………

Question 1
Give the Homophones of the following.
(a) blue – blew
(b) bear – bare
(c) beet – beat
(d) to – two
(e) son – sun

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

2. Find from the lesson the Homophones of the following.

Question a.
Pick the Homophones from the text.

  1. see –
  2. wood –
  3. there –
  4. scene –
  5. won –
  6. eye –
  7. peace –
  8. threw –
  9. hence –
  10. knot –


  1. see – sea
  2. wood – would
  3. there – their
  4. scene – seen
  5. won – one
  6. I – eye
  7. peace – piece
  8. threw – through
  9. hence – hens
  10. knot – not

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

Question b.
Explain how the underlined Homographs differ in meaning.
1. (a) He saw his two brothers. ……………………….
(b) The woodcutter cut the weakened branch with his sharp saw ……………………….
2. (a) The bird injured his wings. ………………………..
(b) He lives in the ‘c’ wing of the building. ……………………….
3. (a) The aeroplane will land at 9.00 pm. sharp. ……………………….
(b) He owns 10 acres of land ………………………..
4. (a) The head of the institution was on leave. ……………………….
(b) He bent his head down with chin. ………………………….
1. (a) He saw his two brothers.
(b) The woodcutter cut the weakened branch with his sharp saw.
In the sentence:
(a) the Homograph ‘saw’ is the past tense of the word ‘see’.

In the sentence:
(b) the Homograph ‘saw’ means a tool of a carpenter used for cutting wood.

2. (a) The bird injured his wing.
(b) He lives in the ‘C’ wing of the building.
In the sentence:
(a) the Homograph ‘wing’ means the part of the body of a bird used for flying.

In the sentence:
(b) the Homograph ‘wing’ is one of the parts of a large building.

3. (a) The aeroplane will land at 9.00 pm. sharp.
(b) He owns 10 acres of land.
In the sentence
(a) the Homograph ‘land’ means to come down through the air onto the ground.

In the sentence
(b) land means an area of ground used for some purpose.

4. (a) The head of the institution was on leave.
(b) He bend his head down with respect.
In sentence
(a) head means the person in charge of an institution/organization.

In sentence
(b) head means the part of the body on top of the neck.

3. Read the following sentences carefully, underline the verbs and find out the tenses in the sentences.

Question 1.
(a) The sun was now ascending the sky.
(b) Still they took no notice of him.
(c) She is standing on a little high hump on the plateau.
(d) He leaned out eagerly.
(e) He just felt dizzy.
(a) The sun was now ascending the sky. – Past Continuous Tense
(b) Still they took no notice of him. – Simple Past Tense
(c) She is standing on a little high hump on the plateau. – Present Continuous Tense
(d) He leaned out eagerly. – Simple Past Tense
(e) He just felt dizzy. – Simple Past Tense

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

Live English :

Form Filling:

Form filling is a skill. It is a functional skill and a life skill. Today, a big amount of data is collected offline and online through forms. From a tedious task to an interesting task, the online tools have made form filling a unique experience. We will see how offline and online forms are filled and what steps are followed and what care is taken while filling the forms.

Preparing for the form filling process:

  • Gather all the essential information. (personal, professional, educational etc.)
  • Verify names, addresses, references, contact details to be entered.
  • Know the information not to be provided.
  • Get a template and create a model form.

Question 1.
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My English Coursebook 10th Digest Chapter 1.5 His First Flight Additional Important Questions and Answers

Read the following passage and do the activities :

Simple Factual Activity :

Question 1.
State whether the following statements are True or False :

  1. The wings of the young seagull were not as short as his own. – False
  2. The whole family of seagulls commended him for his cowardice. – False
  3. The young seagull was fed a piece of fish by his mother. – False
  4. The young seagull’s father was preening the feathers on his white back. –True

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

Question 2.
Complete the following sentences using information in the passage:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. The young seagull commended himself to dive and soar and curve.
  2. He completely forgot that he had not always been able to fly.
  3. He flapped his wings once and he soared upwards.
  4. He turned his beak sideways and cawed amusedly.

Complex Factual Activities :

Question 1.
How did the seagull parents perfect the young seagull’s brothers and sister in the art Of flight?
The parents of the seagull flew about with his brothers and sister, perfecting them in the art of flying. They trained them how to skim the waves and how to dive for fish. When they succeeded in the art, the parents circled about them raising a proud cackle to encourage them.

Question 2.
Complete the web describing the young seagull’s feelings while trying to fly:
(Answers are directly given.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight 9

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

Question 3.
What were the young seagull’s parents doing?
The young seagull’s father was cleaning his white back feathers smooth with his beak. His mother was looking at the young seagull. She stood on a little high hump on the plateau. Her white breast was thrust forward. Now and again, she tore at a piece of fish that lay at her feet and then scrapped each side of her beak on the rock. She was trying to attract the young one’s attention towards the piece of fish.

Question 4.
Complete the web :
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight 10

Question 5.
How did the young seagull learn his first flight?
When the young seagull was calling his mother plaintively, his mother had picked up a piece of fish and was flying across to him with it. He leaned out eagerly trying to get nearer to her as she flew across. But when the piece of fish in her beak was almost within his reach, his mother halted, her wings motionless. Maddened by hunger, the young one dived at the fish.

While doing so he fell outwards and downwards into space. He was frightened but the next moment he felt his wings spread outwards. The wind rushed against his breast, then under his stomach and against his wings. His wings cut through the air. He was not falling headlong now. He was soaring gradually downwards and outwards. This is how he learnt his first lesson of flight.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

Question 6.
Complete the web :
(The answers are directly given and underlined.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight 11

Question 7.
What did the young seagull forget? What did he do then?
The young seagull completely forgot that he had not always been able to fly. He commended himself for his diving and soaring and curveting shrieking shrilly.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

Question 8.
When did the young seagull get his prized scraps of dog-fish?
The young seagull was completely exhausted after his first flight. He drooped his legs to stand on the green sea. His legs sank in it. He screamed with fright and tried to rise again flapping his wings. But he was tired and weak with hunger and he could not rise. His feet sank into the green sea and then his belly touched it and he could sink no farther. He was floating on it. His family admired his feat (achievement) and offered him scraps of dog-fish which he deserved.

Activities based on Vocabulary:

Question 1.
Guess the meanings of:

  1. muster up courage – to gather courage
  2. cliff – a high steep face of a rock
  3. upbraiding – scolding
  4. brink – the edge of a steep place

Question 2.
Match the words in Column ‘A’ with their meanings in Column ‘B’ :

‘A’ ‘B’
1. ascending (a) grabbed
2. maddened (b) flying upward into the air
3. soaring (c) made one very angry
4. seized (d) rising up


‘A’ ‘B’
1. ascending (d) rising up
2. maddened (c) made one very angry
3. soaring (b) flying upward into the air
4. seized (a) grabbed

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

Question 3.
Find the present participles from the passage :
ascending, standing, falling, lying, dozing, preening, looking, scrapping, begging, calling, flying, tapping, trying, wondering, cutting, soaring.

Question 4.
Match adjectives given in Column ‘A’ with the nouns given in Column ‘B’ :

‘A’ ‘B’
1. high (a) scream
2. joyful (b) nightfall
3. monstrous (c) hump
4. previous (d) terror


‘A’ ‘B’
1. high (c) hump
2. joyful (a) scream
3. monstrous (d) terror
4. previous (b) nightfall

Question 5.
Read the following words carefully and make meaningful sentences of your own by using them :

  1. plaintively
  2. monstrous
  3. whet
  4. soar.


  1. The young widow plaintively mourned when she saw her husband’s dead body in a coffin covered by tricolour.
  2. A monstrous wave swallowed the boat with some fishermen in it.
  3. He whetted his knife to cut the unwanted plants in the garden.
  4. The rocket soared up into the air.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

Question 6.
Read the following words and fill in the blanks by using appropriate words given in the brackets :
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)
(commended, attempted, exhausted, soared)

  1. The rocket soared up into space.
  2. Our achievements in Science Exhibition was highly commended by our Principal.
  3. He was totally exhausted after the day’s tedious work.
  4. The thief attempted to give the slip, but was caught by the police.

Question 7.
Match the words in Column ‘A’ with their meanings in Column ‘B’ :

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. ridge (a) wear out
2. exhaust (b) small and thin pieces
3. shriek (c) a chain of hills
4. scraps (d) make a loud cry


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. ridge (c) a chain of hills
2. exhaust (a) wear out
3. shriek (d) make a loud cry
4. scraps (b) small and thin pieces

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

Question 8.
Read the following words and make meaningful sentences of your own by using them :

  1. beckon
  2. curveting
  3. exhausted
  4. amusedly


  1. They were all beckoning him to join their team, but he did not respond.
  2. The eagle was curveting to land onto the ground to catch his prey.
  3. The old man was completely exhausted after the day’s long work.
  4. The children played in the rain merrily and amusedly.

Activity-based on Contextual Grammar :

Question 1.
Read the following sentences carefully, underline the verbs and then find out the tenses in the sentences : (Verbs are directly underlined.)

  1. His two brothers and his sister had already flown away. – Past Perfect Tense
  2. But for the life of him he could not move. – simple Past Tense
  3. He became afraid. – simple Past Tense
  4. Since then nobody had come near him. – Past Perfect Tense

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

Question 2.
Identify the tense and then change it to Present Perfect Continuous tense:
The sun is ascending the sky.
The sun has been ascending the sky.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Are you afraid of playing any outdoor game? Explain why?
Yes, I am afraid of playing Kabbadi. It appears to me that it is a very rough and tough game. I am very much afraid of the injuries caused in it. I cannot endure the thought of injury. I believe that it is a game for only strong and hefty people.

Question 2.
You are a teacher directing a play for your school/Annual Gathering. A boy is not acting according to your instructions. How will you make him act well?
At first I shall tell the boy about the scene and the emotions in dialogues by giving him demonstration. If he goes wrong, I myself will show him how to do the piece. If he repeatedly makes mistakes, I will scold him and even threaten him of the consequences. But anyhow finally I will make him act well, acting the scene myself repeatedly.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

Question 3.
How does your family help you to achieve your goal?
My family is always there to help me in my work. Each one of them, especially my parents, help me in deciding my goal. If I neglect any day, they remind me of my goal all the while. They all are ready to guide me, in their own way, to achieve whatever I desire. They always encourage, admire and praise me even for my smallest achievement.

Activity-based on Contextual Grammar:

Do as directed:

Question 1.
He was near the sea now. (Frame a Wh-question to get the underlined as an answer.)
Where was he now?

Question 2.
He could not rise. (Add a question tag.)
He could not rise, could he?

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

Question 3.
But he was tired and weak with hunger.
(Use ‘not only – but also’.)
But he was not only tired but also weak with hunger.

Activities based on Language Study

Do as directed :

Question 1.
Complete the words by using correct

  1. s t _ n d
  2. y o _ n g
  3. c l _ f f
  4. d i z _ y


  1. s t a n d
  2. y o u n g
  3. c 1 i f f
  4. d i z z y

Question 2.
Put the following words in alphabetical order :

  1. motionless, scrapped, leaned, opposite
  2. feathers, felt, flapped, father


  1. leaned, motionless, opposite, scrapped.
  2. father, feathers, felt, flapped

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

Question 3.
Punctuate the following sentences :

  1. ga ga ga he cried begging her to bring him some food
  2. the young seagulls father was curveting banking and soaring


  1. “Ga, ga, ga”, he cried begging her, to bring him some food.
  2. The young seagull’s father was curveting, banking and soaring.

Question 4.
Make four words each (minimum 3 letters each) using the letters in the given word brother:
both, bother, rot, other

Question 5.
Write related words as shown in the example :
(Answer is directly given and underlined.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight 12

Question 6.
Complete the following word chain of nouns. Add four words each beginning with the last letter of the previous word :
ledge → ……………… → ……………… → ……………… → ………………
ledge → egg → goal → land → doll

Do as directed :

1. Attempt anyone :

a. Make a meaningful sentence using the given phrase:
to muster up courage
The young man could not muster up courage to pick up the mysterious box on the road.


b. Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully :
The bird dared not fly
The bird dared not fly because he was afraid of falling in the sea.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.5 His First Flight

2. Attempt anyone :

a. Add a prefix or suffix to make new words :
1. manage
2. arrange
1. management
2. rearrange


b. Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words :
1. manage
2. arrange
1. He could manage to collect enough money to pay his school fees.
2. She arranged the flowers in a vase.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March!

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Solutions My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March! Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March!

My English Coursebook Standard Ten Guide Chapter 3.4 Let us March! Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up:

Discuss in your group:

Question 1.
What difference do you notice in the two images?
The boy in the first picture is working and the boy in the second picture is going to school on his bicycle.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question 2.
Which of the two situations should change?
The situation in the first picture should change.

Question 3.
How and when can the situation be changed?
The boy in the first picture should be sent to school. Somebody should convince his parents that it is not his right age to work. He should go to school at this age. Then the situation can change.

Question 4.
How can you, as a student, contribute and help make a difference to the needy children?
As a student I will help the needy children to go to school and take education. If possible I will try to give them monetary help to take education. I will also convince their parents
to understand the importance of education.

1. A good well-organized speech contains the following characteristics and steps.

Question (A)
A good well-organized speech contains the following characteristics and steps.

  1. A speech should be well-planned.
  2. The language used should be suitable to the audience.
  3. It should have the right duration.
  4. It should be supported with good examples, episodes or visual aids, where possible.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question (B)
Refer to Page 26 for a reference to the steps to be followed in the speech and do the activity given below. Read the expressions given below on Coursebook and insert them in the proper boxes:
(a) Imagine what will happen after ten years.
(b) I would like to share with you an example from my own experience.
(c) Hon. chief guest, eminent dignitaries, respected management and staff, student – friends
(d) The research report says that ……………
(e) I don’t understand why we are so negative about this issue.
(f) Think again and again and then move forward.
(g) Today, I would like to put forth my views on ………………
(h) The renowned personality xyz says “……………..”
(i) Good Morning, one and all present today.
(j) I would like to express my gratitude towards the organisers of this function for giving me opportunity ……………
(k) If we think about the situation around us, we notice that ………………
(l) Let me explain this to you ……………..
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March 1

Greeting / Salutation Introduction Body of the speech Conclusion
1. Good morning, one and all present today. 1. If we think about the situation around us we notice that 1. The renowned personality xyz says “………………………. 1. Think again and again and then move forward.
2. Hon. Chief guest, eminent dignitaries respected management and staff, student- friends. 2. Let me explain this to you 2. The research report says that ………………….. 2. I would like to express my gratitude towards the organizers of this function for giving me the opportunity ………
3. Today, I would like to put forth my views on 3. I don’t understand why we are so negative about this issue.
4. Imagine what will happen after ten years. 4. I would like to share with you an example from my own experience.

English Workshop:

1. Name the following:

Question (a)
The persons to whom Kailash Satyarthi gives the highest credit of his honour:
Kaalu Kumar, Dhoom Das and Adarsh Kishore from India and Iqbal Masih from Pakistan.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question (b)
The greatest personalities from the great land-India.
Lord Buddha, Guru Nanak and Mahatma Gandhi.

Question (c)
The daughters of Kailash Satyarthi mentioned in this speech:
Malala, Kayanat and Shazia

Question (d)
The foreign activists of equal rights mentioned in this speech:
Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King.

2. Mention the social issues highlighted by Kailash Satyarthi in his speech. One social issue is given for you.

Question 1.
Mention the social issues highlighted by Kailash Satyarthi in his speech. One social issue is given for you.
(a) Child labour
(b) …………………
(c) …………………
(d) …………………
(e) …………………

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

3. Complete the following diagram/chart:

Question 1.
Complete the following diagram/chart:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March 2
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March 3

4. Complete the following web-chart:

Question 1.
Complete the following web-chart:
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March 5

5. Find out the describing words used for the following nouns and make your own sentences by using any three combinations.

Question 1.
Find out the describing words used for the following nouns and make your own sentences by using any three combinations.
(a) …………… sacrifice
(b) …………… faces
(c) …………… militia
(d) …………… challenge
(e) …………… globalise
(f) …………… agencies
(a) supreme sacrifice
(b) beautiful faces
(c) extremist-militia
(d)great challenge
(e) globalise – globe, globalization
(f) intergovernmental agencies

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

6. Choose the correct option and write in front of the given word:

Question (a)
divinity: ……………
divinity: godliness
1. goodness
2. godliness
3. god fearing

Question (b)
extremist: militant
1. militant
2. robber
3. spy

Question (c)
culminate: rise to a peak
1. destroy
2. succeed
3. rise to a peak

7. What will you do in the following situations?

Question (a)
If you see a child working in a restaurant.
I will lodge a complaint against the owner under the Child Labour Act, 1986.

Question (b)
If you find a child working on a construction site.
I will lodge a complaint in the police station nearby and convince them to send him to a nearby school.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question (c)
If you find a child working on a brickwork site.
I will tell his parents not to do so, instead to send him to a school nearby.

Question (d)
If you come across a beggar child.
I will tell the child, it is not good to beg. I will also tell him the importance of schooling and help him to go to school.

(B) Write any 2 efforts that you can make to enrol deprived children/ out of school children into a school. One is given for you.
(a) I will persuade parents of such children to send them to school.
(b) …………………………………………………………………………………….. .
(c) …………………………………………………………………………………….. .
(d) …………………………………………………………………………………….. .
(e) …………………………………………………………………………………….. .

8. Today, it is time for every child to have a right to –

education, ……………….., ……………….. .
……………….., ……………….., ……………….. .
……………….., ……………….., ……………….. .

9. Make a list of Indian Nobel laureates.

Question 1.
Make a list of Indian Nobel laureates.

Name Field Year
1. Rabindranath Tagore Literature 1913
2. C. V. Raman Physics 1930
3. Mother Teresa Peace 1979
4. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Physics 1983
5. Amartya Sen Economics 1998
6. Kailash Satyarthi Peace 2014

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

10. Make a list of prestigious awards in India:

Question 1.
Make a list of prestigious awards in India:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March 6

Civilian Awards Highest gallantry awards
Bharat Ratna Param Vir Chakra
Padma Vibhushan Maha Vir Chakra
Padma Bhushan Vir Chakra
Padma Shri Ashok Chakra

11. Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrases:

Question 1.
Make a meaningful sentences by using the phrases: (Note: One phrase will be asked in the activity sheet.)
(a) in the pursuit of
(b) to be afraid of
(c) to give up
(a) Most of the people spend a lot of time in the pursuit of money.
(b) Don’t be afraid of saying what you sincerely think.
(c) His wife finally persuaded him to give up smoking.

12. Write minimum 5 hidden words of more than 4 letters from- ‘intergovernmental’.

Question 1.
Write minimum 5 hidden words of more than 4 letters from- ‘intergovernmental’

  1. internal
  2. government
  3. torment
  4. term
  5. governmental

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

13. Imagine your school invites Malala to preside over celebration of ‘Children’s Day’. Draft a welcome speech for this noble young girl. Gather her bio-data from the internet.

Question 1.
Imagine your school invites Malala to preside over celebration of ‘Children’s Day’. Draft a welcome speech for this noble young girl. Gather her bio-data from the internet.
Honourable Chairperson, respected Principal, teachers, our today’s guest Malala Didi and all my dear friends.

We have gathered here to celebrate Children’s Day. On this auspicious occasion I would like to limit my few words on the Children’s Day. Children are the integral part of the society and home as well as the future of the country. We cannot ignore their involvement and contribution in the life of parents teachers and other related people all through the life.

Children are blessed by God and they conquer our hearts with their beautiful eyes, innocent activities and smiles. Life becomes very boring andupset without them. This day is celebrated every year to pay tribute to all the children all over the world. In India it is celebrated on 14th November on the birth anniversary of the legendary freedom fighter and the first Prime Minister of the independent India; Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

The celebration of this day reminds us to renew our commitment towards children’s welfare including their health, care and education. It is an occasion to appreciate the qualities of childhood. Children are considered as the building blocks of the strong nation. They have capabilities to change the nation positively. They are the responsible citizens of tomorrow. The development of the country lies in their hand. Children’s Day celebration also reminds us about their rights.

Children are leaders of tomorrow so they need to get respect, special care and protection from their parents, teachers and from the society. Do they really get it? They are being abused in many ways in our nation by their family members, relatives, neighbours or other people. Government should work on it to help them to live life happily. Malala Didi is a Pakistani activist who works for girls’ females’ education. She works for the human rights, especially the right to education of women and children.

We are really proud of her. On this auspicious day if we take inspiration from her, no child will be abused, no girl will be molested. She is a great source of inspiration and so she is here with us. We are eager to hear her valuable thoughts and voice, so I think I would better stop here. Wish you all happy Children’s Day and all the best for your future endeavour. Thanks a lot for listening to me patiently and attentively.

Jai Hind!

14. Use the following words as a noun and a verb and make meaningful sentences:

Question 1.
Use the following words as a noun and a verb and make meaningful sentences:

  1. march
  2. honour
  3. credit
  4. stitch


  1. march – The workers began their march to protest against their factory owners, (noun)
    The physical education teacher marched the children to the playground, (verb)
  2. honour – A dinner was arranged in his honour, (noun)
    The actor was honoured with the Padmashri.(verb)
  3. credit – The bank refused to extend their credit.(Noun)
    She has been wrongly credited as the author. (Verb)
  4. stitch – The wound needed eight stitches, (noun)
    The tailor was asked to stitch the clothes quickly, (verb)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Language Study:

Question (a)
Match the sentences given in part ‘A’ with the sentences given in part ‘B’. Note the differences in structure.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March 7

Question (b)
Observe the following underlined phrases. Here ‘have/has’ are followed by the past participle form of the verb. This construction indicates the perfect present tense. Find more such sentences from the speech.

  1. We have made progress in the last couple of decades.
  2. We have prevented millions of child deaths.
  3. It has happened.
  4. We have reduced the number of out-of-school children by half.
  5. We have reduced the child labourers by a third.

Question (c)
In the following sentences the underlined words are called infinitives. Find such examples from the speech and underline the infinitives.

  1. Every child is free to grow.
  2. I refuse to accept that all the laws and constitutions, police and judges are unable to protect our children.
  3. that all the temples and mosques and churches and prayer houses have no place for the dreams of our children.
  4. just one week of global military expenditure can bring all the children to classrooms.
  5. The shackles of slavery can be stronger than the quest for freedom.

Question (d)
Pick out from the lesson, the Antonyms of

  1. ignorance × knowledge
  2. deny × admit
  3. immortality × mortality
  4. violence × non-violence
  5. well-known × known
  6. slavery × freedom

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

(e) Do as directed.

Question (i)
Make nouns of the following.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March 8

Words  Nouns
1. deliberate deliberation
2. organize organization/organiser
3. violent violence
4. tolerant tolerance
5. extreme extremism/extremist
6. educate education/educator
7. globalize globalization
8. distant distance
9. prescribe prescription/prescriber

Question (ii)
Make verbs of the following.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March 9

  1. universal – universalize
  2. global – globalize

Question (f)
Complete the following sentences with the help of the sentence given below:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)
(a) The biggest challenge knocking on the doors of human kind is fear and intolerance.

(i) No other challenge knocking …………………………………………………… .
as big as …………………………………………………………………………………… .
(ii) Fear and intolerance are bigger ……………………………………………….. .
………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

(b) The Nobel Prize is one of the greatest honours in the world.

(i) Very few honours …………………………………………………………… .
(ii) The Nobel Prize is greater than …………………………………………. .
………………………………………………………………………………………………… .
(a) The biggest challenge knocking on the doors of humankind is fear and intolerance.
1. No other challenge knocking on the doors of humankind is as big as fear and intolerance.
2. Fear and intolerance are bigger than any other challenge knocking on the doors of humankind.

(b) The Nobel Prize is one of the greatest honour in the world.
1. Very few honours in the world are as great as the Nobel Prize.
2. The Nobel Prize is greater than most other honours in the world.

My English Coursebook 10th Digest Chapter 3.4 Let us March! Additional Important Questions and Answers

Simple Factual Activities:

1. Name the following:

Question 1.
The American politician, attorney and author mentioned in the speech –
Tom Harkin.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question 2.
Answer in one word:

  1. The motherland of Kailash Satyarthi – India
  2. The country which Iqbal Masih represents – Pakistan
  3. The place where Nobel Prize distribution programme was held – Norway
  4. The ancient texts of wisdom – Vedas

Question 3.
State whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  1. The Holy Quran s ays the kingdom of God belongs to the children.
  2. Jesus says not to kill your children because of poverty. – Disagree
  3. Denying the dreams of our children is greater violence. – Agree
  4. The writer has never given up against any threat or attack. – Agree

Question 4.
Match the following:

  1. A small, skinny child labourer – to care for our children
  2. A Sudanese child-soldier – children’s frightened and exhausted eyes
  3. Satyarthi had looked into – was forced to kill his friends and family.
  4. The great religions teach us – The world forced me to take a gun or a tool

Question 5.
State whether the following statements are True or False:

  1. The biggest challenge of humankind is fear and intolerance. – True
  2. Education gives the meaning and objective of life. – True
  3. An unprecedented violence will not be suicidal for humankind. – False
  4. Rights, security, hope can only be restored through education. – True

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question 6.
Complete the following sentences:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. Even though we have made progress in the last couple of decades, we are facing great challenges.
  2. An education gives a sense of global citizenship among the youth.
  3. Small groups, local organisations and individuals are confronting with the problem every day.

Question 7.
Answer in few words:

  1. he age in which we live –
  2. The serious disconnect of the world –
  3. We can unite the world through –
  4. Children are questioning and watching our –


  1. rapid globalization
  2. lack of compassion
  3. the compassion for our children
  4. inactions and actions

Question 8.
Complete the sentences:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. A tiny bird was rushing towards the fire.
  2. A heavy fire had broken out in the forest.
  3. The speaker is appealing to compassion.
  4. The tiny bird was going to extinguish the fire.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question 9.
Make a list of the problems that we are facing and creating violence against children –

  1. slavery
  2. trafficking
  3. child marriage
  4. child labour
  5. sexual abuse
  6. illiteracy

Question 10.
Complete the following web:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March 10

Question 11.
State whether the following statements are Right or Wrong:

  1. We should have vision for today not tomorrow. – Right
  2. If we close our eyes and feel the child inside us, we can listen to that child. – Right
  3. Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King are calling on us. – Right
  4. Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King are calling on us. – Right
  5. Satyarthi’s vision of tomorrow is to see that cobbler’s boy sitting with him in his classroom. – Right

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Complete the following sentences:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. We can create knowledge for all that benefits all by learning from the experiences of our ancestors.
  2. The mantras that carries a prayer has the potential to liberate humanity from all man-made crises.
  3. The writer humbly accepts this award on behalf of all martyrs, his fellow activists across the world and his countrymen.
  4. The journey of the writer, that is India to Norway is a connect between two centres of global peace and brotherhood, ancient and modern.
  5. The speaker feels honoured to recite a mantra from the ancient text of wisdom.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question 2.
Complete the following web:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March 11

Question 3.
What are the children’s issues highlighted by Kailash Satyarthi in this passage?
The children’s issues highlighted by Kailash Satyarthi in this passage are-

  1. The burning problem in India-child labour
  2. The Right of children to free and compulsory education
  3. Mortality and malnutrition,
  4. Child labour as a human rights issue as well as a welfare matter and charitable cause.

Question 4.
Complete the following web stating the sign of progress mentioned by Satyarthi:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March 12

Question 5.
What social role are the ‘three daughters’ laying?
These three daughters are rising up and choosing peace over violence, tolerance over extremism and courage over fear.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question 6.
Complete the following web:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March 13

Question 7.
What problems do the poor children face?
The poor children face the following problems –

  1. They harvest cocoa yet they have never tasted chocolate.
  2. They are dying of Ebola.
  3. They are kidnapped and held hostage.
  4. They stitch football, yet they never play with it.

Question 8.
What did millions of individuals demand eighteen years ago?
Eighteen years ago, millions of individuals demanded a new international law for the abolition of worst form of child labour.

Question 9.
Why does the eight-year-old girl’s question shake Mr Satyarthi? (r^T srrc qqMi HyfMi srt SKcfTT Wt?)
The eight-year-old girl’s question ‘Why did you not come earlier?’ itself implies that the girl was really suffering a lot. Even though we are grown ups, we have failed to rescue number of small girls from forced labour. So her question shakes not only Satyarthi, but also the whole world.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question 10.
What matters according to Satyarthi?
Every single minute, every single child and every single childhood matters according to Satyarthi.

Question 11.
Complete the following web:
(Answer is directly given and underlined.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March 14

Question 12.
Complete the following sentences:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)
1. Government should make child-friendly policies and invest in education and young people.
2. Faith leaders, institutions and all of us must stand with our children.

Question 13.
Complete the following web:
(Answer is directly given.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March 15

Question 14.
What was the response of the boy’s father? What was Satyarthi’s reaction to it?
The response of the boy’s father was that he had never thought about it and they were born to work. His answer made Satyarthi angry and it still makes him angry.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question 15.
Complete the following:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)
1. Satyarthi requests the listeners to put their hands close to their heart, close their eyes and feel the child inside them.
2. The writer calls all the listeners for a march,

  1. from → exploitation to → education
  2. from → exploitation to → education
  3. from → poverty to → shared prosperity
  4. from → slavery to → liberty
  5. from → violence to → peace
  6. from → ignorance to → awakening
  7. from → darkness to → light
  8. from → mortality to → divinity

Question 16.
Complete the following web-chart:
(Answers are directly given)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March 16

Activities based on Vocabulary:

Question 1.
Find out the describing words used for the following nouns and make your own sentences using any two combinations:
(a) peace
(b) chair
(a) global peace
(b) empty chair

1. UNO was founded (established) for global peace.
2. We should never forget the supreme sacrifice of our martyrs.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question 2.
Match the words with their meanings:

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
1. aspiration
2. potential
3. dignity
4. liberate
(a) inherent capacity
(b) set free
(c) ambition
(d) self-respect


  1. aspiration – ambition
  2. potential – inherent capacity
  3. dignity – self-respect
  4. liberate – set free

Question 3.
1. eyes
1. exhausted-eyes.
Sentence: Extremist militia is an active force found in Sudan.

Question 4.
Choose the correct option and write in front of the given word:
(Answers are directly given.)
courageous: brave

  1. cowards
  2. brave
  3. friendly

Question 5.
Make a word register related with “God” from the passage.
Jesus, Holy Quran, temples, mosques, churches, prayer houses, religions, the kingdom of God.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question 6.
Find out antonyms for the following from the passage:

  1. reject
  2. ignore
  3. timid


  1. reject × accept
  2. ignore × notice
  3. timid × fearless

Question 7.
Choose the correct option and write infront of the given word:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)
crisis: unstable situation

  1. unstable situation
  2. problems
  3. difficulty

Question 8.
Find out the describing words used forthe following nouns and make your own sentences by using any three combinations:

  1. organizations
  2. citizenship
  3. groups


  1. local organizations
  2. global citizenship
  3. small groups


  1. Global citizenship nurtures personal respect and respect for others.
  2. The role of local organizations are often overlooked by the government.
  3. We can understand any difficult thing very well in small groups.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question 9.
Classify the following words in Nouns and Verbs in the form of a table:
labour, prevent, knock, start, include, peace, world, problem.

Nouns Verbs

Question 10.
Find out the describing words used for the following nouns and make your own sentence by using any one combination:
1. globalization
2. compassion
1. rapid globalization
2. global compassion
Sentence: Due to rapid globalization we have been facing number of problems.

Question 11.
Choose the correct meaning from the option and write in front of the given word:
1. adamant: stubborn
(a) stubborn
(b) flexible
(c) kind

2. abolition: termination
(a) fixation
(b) termination
(c) prevention

3. neutrality: indifference
(a) interesting
(b) sadness
(c) indifference

4. compassion: kindness
(a) kindness
(b) passion
(c) wish

Question 12.
Find out the describing words from the passage for the following words:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. rapid globalization
  2. tiny bird
  3. high-speed internet
  4. serious disconnect.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question 13.
Write the antonyms of:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)
1. recognized × unrecognized
2. known × unknown

Question 14.
Write the infinitive forms of the following and use any two of them in your own sentences:

  1. dancing – to dance
  2. playing – to play
  3. growing – to grow
  4. happening – to happen

1. Anish wanted to dance in the procession but his father did not allow him.
2. It is our duty to grow more and more trees to save the planet Earth.

Question 15.
Choose the correct option and write in front of the given word:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.) J
mortality: death rate

  1. birth rate
  2. life rate
  3. death rate

Question 16.
Find out the describing words used for the following noun and make your own sentences by using any combination:
…………………… partnership
innovative partnership

Sentence: In a developing country like India, intergovernmental agencies play important role in / the process of development.

Question 17.
Pick out any four “infinitives” from the passage:
to put, to innovate, to accelerate, to work

Activities based on Contextual Grammar:

Question 1.
Indirect speech:
1. I asked my teachers, “Why is he working outside? Why is he not with us in the school?”
2. The boy’s father said to the writer, “I have never thought about it. We are born to work.”
1. I asked my teacher why he was working outside and why he was not with them in the school.
2. The boy’s father told the writer that he had ; never thought about it. He further told him that ; they were born to work.

2. Make the sentences affirmative:

Question 1.
My teacher had no answer,
My teacher was speechless.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question 2.
I have never thought about it.
I have always ignored it.

Activity-based on Contextual Grammar:

Question 1.
Name the tense:

  1. The Nobel committee has generously invited me to present a “Lecture.”
  2. I am representing the millions of children.
  3. I humbly accept this award on behalf of all my fellow activists across the world.
  4. I have kept an empty chair here as a reminder.


  1. Present Perfect Tense
  2. Present Continuous Tense
  3. Simple Present Tense
  4. Present Perfect Tense

Question 2.
Make adjectives of:

  1. honour
  2. create
  3. silence
  4. peace


  1. honour – honourable
  2. create – creative
  3. silence – silent
  4. peace – peaceful.

1. Change the voice:

Question 1.
He was kidnapped by an extremist militia. (Begin the sentence with “An extremist militia….)
An extremist militia kidnapped him.

Question 2.
He was forced to kill his friends and family.
(Begin the sentence with “They….”)
They forced him to kill his friends and family.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question 3.
All the great religions teach us to care for our children. (Begin the sentence with “We are….)
We are taught to care for our children by all the great religions.

Question 4.
I have held their injured bodies. (Begin the sentence with “Their injured bodies…)
Their injured bodies have been held by me.

Rewrite the following into indirect speech:

Question 1.
Rewrite the following into indirect speech:
A skinny child labourer asked Satyarthi, “Is the world so poor that it cannot give me a toy and a book, instead of forcing me to take a gun or a tool?” Ans. A skinny child labourer asked Satyarthi if the world was so poor that it could not give him a toy and a book, instead of forcing him to take a gun or a tool.

Question 1.
Change these sentences into indirect speech:

  1. The lion asked the bird, “What are you doing?”
  2. The bird said to the lion, “I am going to extinguish the fire.”
  3. The lion said, “How can you do it keeping just one drop of water in your beak?”
  4. The bird said, “I am doing my bit.”


  1. The lion asked the bird what it was doing.
  2. The bird told the lion that it was going to extinguish the fire.
  3. The lion asked how it could do it keeping just one drop of water in its beak.
  4. The bird said that it was doing its bit.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question 2.
Add a question tag:

  1. We are connected through high-speed internet.
  2. We exchange our goods and services in one single global market.
  3. Let us globalize compassion.
  4. All the animals were running away.


  1. We are connected through high-speed internet, aren’t we?
  2. We exchange our goods and services in one single global market, don’t we?
  3. Let us globalize compassion, shall we?
  4. All the animals were running away, weren’t they?

Question 3.
He asked the bird “What are you doing?” (Make it indirect)
He asked the bird what he was doing.

Question 4.
Make nouns of the following:
1. play
2. grow
1. play – play, player
2. grow – growth

Question 5.
Make verbs of the following:
1. knowledge
2. exploitation
1. knowledge – know
2. exploitation – exploit

Personal Response:

Question 1.
What type of text is this? How do you decide it?
This text is a speech. I have decided it on the basis of the beginning of the text. In the beginning the speaker has addressed the dignitaries and the audience assembled in the hall /auditorium. This shows that the text is a speech/lecture.

Question 2.
What do you know about Kailash Satyarthi?
Kailash Satyarthi is an activist who fought for the Indian children’s rights. He is a Nobel Peace Prize recipient and the Founder of Bachpan Bachao Andolan. He and his team at the Bachpan Bachao Andolan have liberated more than 86,000 children in India from child labour slavery and trafficking. He is basically from Vidisha in Madhya Pradesh.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question 3.
What efforts will you take to enrol the out-of-school children?
If I see any children out of school, I will tell them the importance of education in their life. I will also tell them about the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education. By convincing them I will help them to take admission in schools nearby so that they can stand and face the life independently and get success in their life. Also, I shall try to convince their parents to send their children to school.

Question 4.
What is the role of education in nation-building?
Education plays a very critical and crucial role in deciding the growth of a nation. Educated citizens of the country bring fame, wealth and prosperity to the country which helps in development of a country. People who are educated think and work to achieve the dream of any country. Education helps in dream building so education is a big invaluable asset in nation-building.

Question 5.
What lesson does the story of the lion and the tiny bird teach us?
I think the story of the lion and the tiny bird teaches us not to belittle other individuals who atleast do something and make an effort. No matter how small it is in their eyes but it might be big in result. Small things shouldn’t be valued too little sometimes. Big things always start from something small.

Question 6.
What will you do for our country?
First I will try to take higher education. As for as possible I will try to use that knowledge for the developement of our country, I will also help the people to take education so that they will also help our country to prosper and become a developed country.

Question 7.
What is your vision of tomorrow?
My vision for tomorrow is to empower the people with a vision to have the confidence and ability to achieve their dream. If I help them to gain their confidence, they will work hard to achieve their goal. Ultimately they will help the nation to prosper.

Question 8.
Do you think, our parents are the most beautiful gift of our life?
Our life is a journey full of joy, sorrow fantasy, expectations, hellos, goodbyes and farewells. Our parents are always with us in all ups and downs; so we can live our life happily. They are always with us to solve our problems and to sort out any situation. So they are the most beautiful gift of our life.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question 9.
What do you mean by “Every child has a right to life”?
The right to life is a moral principle based on the belief that a human being has the right to live. Every child has some inherent right to life which is protected by laws. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life. So it is our duty to protect every child and help him/her to live a happy and healthy life.

Question 10.
Why should the government invest in education and young people?
Education is the systematic process of gaining knowledge and skills. It has positive impact on our life. It also promotes national interest. It is the backbone of developing countries. If the government invests in education and young people, they help the nation to develop as they are called real nation-builders and future of the country so the government should invest in education and young people.

Question 11.
Why should we stop “Child labour”?
“Child labour” is a stigma on our society. It is sure to interfere with his/her right to education. It is also harmful to their physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development. It is harmful to the development of any country, as “the child” is the future citizen of every country. So we should stop child labour and child exploitation.

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Complete the words/spellings by using correct letters:

  1. m a _ c h – m a r c h
  2. p l _ n t – p l a n t
  3. w o _ l d – w o r l d
  4. N _ b e l – N o b e l

Question 2.
Put the words in alphabetical order:
1. create, activist, world, freedom
2. exhausted, experience, extinguish, equality
1. activist, create, freedom, world.
2. equality, exhausted, experience, extinguish.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Question 3.
Punctuate the following sentences:
1. the lion laughed and said how can you do it keeping just one drop of water in your beak
2. lets walk together.
1. The lion laughed and said, “How can you do it keeping just one drop of water, in your beak?”
2. Let’s walk together.

Question 4.
Write related words as shown in the example:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March 17

Question 5.
Complete the word-chain of ‘adjective’. Add four words each beginning with last letter of the previous letter :
Supreme, → e ……………, …………., …………., ……………..
Supreme, → easy, young , grateful, less.

1. Attempt anyone:

Question (a)
Add a clause to expand the following sentence meaningfully.
The bird ………………
The bird which was in a cage was at last freed by his owner.

2. Attempt any one:

Question (a)
Add preffix or suffix to make new words:
1. inspire
2. expend
1. inspiration
2. expenditure


Question (b)
Make a meaningful sentence by using one of the following words:
1. inspire
2. expand
1. Our parents always inspire us to do something good.
2. Reading always expands our knowledge.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.4 Let us March

Writing Skill

Malala’S Bio-Data

Name: Malala Yousafzai
Father’s Name: Ziauddin Yousafzai
Mother’s Name: Tar Pekal Yousafzai
Date of birth: 12 July, 1997
Religion: Sunni Islam
Occupation: Activist for rights to female education.

  • Nobel Peace Prize
  • Simone de Beauvour Prize
  • National Youth Peace Prize
  • Honorary Canadian
  • Citizenship

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Solutions My English Coursebook Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

My English Coursebook Standard Ten Guide Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight Textbook Questions and Answers

warming up!


Question 1.
Did you like to hear bedtime stories when you were a child?
Points: Yes, very much-crazy for hearing-got into the habit.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

Question 2.
Who usually told you the stories?
Points: Mostly grandmother or grandfather-mother, father, old servant.

Question 3.
Why did you like them?
Points: Because of simple, interesting, amusing narration-teaching lessons of life-sometimes very funny.

Question 4.
Do you still like to hear those stories again?
Points: Yes, sure-everlasting excitement- attraction-inspire reading more stories.

1. Discuss in groups about the procedure of planting a tree. Write the steps in bullet points and present them before the class.

Question 1.
Discuss in groups about the procedure of planting a tree. Write the steps in bullet points and present them before the class.

  • Choosing good seeds of plants.
  • Digging in the ground/garden
  • Putting seeds in the loose soil
  • Add manure
  • Fill in the pit/hole
  • Water it.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

2. Discuss in pairs and write what your father and mother do for your family.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight 1

Question 1.
Discuss in pairs and write what your father and mother do for your family.

Father Mother
Works hard to earn money Cooks food and feeds the family.
Performs duties as the head of the family Takes utmost care of the children and family.
Guides in children’s problems. Keeps the house clean and tidy.
Role model of the all family members. Brings up children with love and compassion.
Decides the ways of children’s life/careers. Looks after children’s education/career.
Takes most of the decisions for the well-being of the family. Sometimes takes a job to meet the expenses.

English Workshop:

1. Complete the following sentences with the help of the poem.

Question 1.
Complete the following sentences with the help of the poem.
(a) The child wants to sow small moons of light from ………….. .
(b) According to the child the route of his village is tough and full of ………….. .
(c) The child wants a basketful of moonlight on ………….. .
(d) The child wants to light the dark route so that his ………….. .
(a) The child wants to sow moons of light from the city to his village on the sides of the path.
(b) According to the child, the route of his village is tough and full of snakes and scorpions.
(c) Thechild wants a basketful of moonlight on loan.
(d) The child wants to light the dark route so that his father returns early.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

2. Write down the describing words used for the following nouns.

Question 1.
Write down the describing words used for the following nouns.

  1. ………… moons
  2. ………… route
  3. ………… village
  4. ………… morning


  1. small moons
  2. tough route
  3. my/whole village
  4. early morning

3. The child in the poem wants to solve the problems of his vifiage. How can the child solve them with the following wishes? Answer in your notebook.

Question a.
Give me moonlight, basketful or two baskets full, with seeds of moonlight.
He can seek help of local people and urge the government or local bodies to provide lights on the roads from the city to his village.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

Question b.
I want to light the dark route so that my father returns early.
He can, with the help of villagers/government, build good roads and make the roads safe so that his father and other villagers can return safe and early to their village.

4. Pick out and write the lines from the poem that prove the following.
(a) Father reaches home late, after dark. …………………..
(b) Eager to hear fairy tales from his father. ………………….
(c) Remove darkness and bring light among the darker paths. …………

Question a.
Father reaches home late, after dark.
When my father returns home, I am asleep.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

Question b.
Eager to hear fairy tales from his father.
I too want to hear fairy tales and stories from him.

Question c.
Remove darkness and bring light among the darker paths.
I want to light the dark route so that my father returns early.

5. Write as many words as you can, using – ‘ful’ as suffix.

For example basketful, ……………………… bucketful, ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ………………………

Question 1.
Write as many words as you can, using – ‘ful’ as suffix.
For example basketful, ……………………… bucketful, ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
basketful – bucketful – handful – spoonful – colourful – sackful – bagful – potful

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

6. Pick out the examples of Alliteration and Repeiltion from the poem.

Question 1.
Pick out the examples of Alliteration and Repeiltion from the poem.
1. Alliteration:

  • O moon, give me a basketful of moonlight on loan.
  • I want to sow seeds of moon on the sides of the path.

2. Repetition: No repetition in these stanzas.

7. Write an appreciation of the poem. (Refer to Page 5.)

Question 1.
Write an appreciation of the poem. (Refer to Page 5.)

  1. Title: The title of the poem is “Basketful of Moonlight.”
  2. The name of the Poet: The name of the poet is Sunil Sharma.
  3. Rhyme scheme: There is no rhyme scheme in this poem. This a poem is in ‘free verse.’
  4. Figure of Speech: Repetition, alliteration, apostrophy.
  5. Theme/Central Idea: The central idea of the poem is the loneliness of a child in a remote village untouched by modern amenities.
  6. The child is too far from the modern urban life that even his remedy for the plight of his villagers seems quite innocent and plain.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

8. Write an imaginary letter to the moon, to convey your feelings about it. Discuss about it with your partner and draft the letter using the poem as a basis for the letter.
Supporting points:
(a) Sign of beauty
(b) Symbol of joy
(c) Infinite pleasure
(d) Urge to compose poems/songs/music

Question 1.
Write an imaginary letter to the moon, to convey your feelings about it. Discuss about it with your partner and draft the letter using the poem as a basis for the letter.
Supporting points:
(a) Sign of beauty
(b) Symbol of joy
(c) Infinite pleasure
(d) Urge to compose poems/songs/music

A Letter to the Moon

Atul More,
Gavali Pada,
17th August, 2020.
Dear Chandamama,
How we love you!
Dear, you are the symbol of love and beauty not only for children like us but also for the grown¬ups. You are the one who looks after all the living ‘ things on the earth and gives joy to all of them. Looking at you gives us a great heavenly joy. Your cool light gives us comfort and soothes our body and soul.

Your cool light guides the travellers at night and gives infinite pleasure of walking in the serenely: beautiful light. Mothers sing your songs to make children sleep. Your beauty inspires poets and musicians to compose songs.

Without your presence, who will write lullabies for us, your dear children? Who will write romantic poems without your presence? Chandamama, be with us all the time to fill our hearts with your beauty, love and pleasant appearance.
With Basketful of Love,
Your loving nephew,
Atul More

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

9. Discuss with your friend/brother/sister/your classmate and write your list of wishes to make your village town city people happy.
You can use the following words.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight 3

Question 1.
Discuss with your friend/brother/sister/your classmate and write your list of wishes to make your village town city people happy.
You can use the following words.

  1. To provide all modern facilities like electricity, good roads, water supply, etc. to villagers living in remote areas.
  2. To improve the conditions of poor farmers with aids, funds and full support during drought.
  3. To eradicate poverty, ignorance and illiteracy.
  4. To keep their surroundings clean and healthy.
  5. To fight against injustice, corruption and terrorism.
  6. To maintain peace and order in the society.
  7. To remove their beliefs in superstitions.
  8. To make them aware of their sense of duty.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

10. Let’s compose imaginary poetic lines.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight 4

Question 1.
Let’s compose imaginary poetic lines.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight 5

My English Coursebook 10th Digest Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight Additional Important Questions and Answers

Read the extract and do the activities:

Simple Factual Activity:

Question 1.
Complete the following lines with the help of the poem:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. The poet wants to sow many small moons of light.
  2. The whole village goes to the city daily to work.
  3. It becomes dark on its way back as his village is quite far.
  4. When the poet’s father returns home he is asleep.

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
What does the poet wish to get from the moon and why?
The poet wishes to get basketful or two baskets of moon-light from the moon so that he can sow the seeds of moonlight to light the dark path from the city to his village.

Question 2.
Why is the road from the city to the village dangerous?
The road from the city to the village is dangerous because it is dark, tough and full of snakes and scorpions.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

Question 3.
Choose from the options, appropriate message in the poem:
(a) Bring light to the villages.
(b) Help his father to reach home early.
(c) Listen fairy tales from his father.
(d) Remove darkness and bring light along the darker paths.
(a) Bring light to the villages.

Question 4.
Pick out and write the lines from the poem that prove the following:

b. The path from city to village is having many difficulties.
The route is tough and full of snakes and scorpions.

Question 5.
What does deliberate repetition of lines ‘O moon, give me moonlight, basketful of moonlight’ signify?
The repetition of lines emphasises the intense desire of the child to light the dark route from city to his village with a lot of moonlight. The lines tell us that the child is repeatedly requesting the moon to give him basketful of moonlight because he is in a state of agitation and anxiety. The lines show the child’s intensity and eagerness to free his villagers from their sufferings of dark paths.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

Question 6.
Tell what is implied in the following lines:
I want to light the dark route so that my father returns early.
Complete the web:
(Answer is directly given and underlined.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight 2

Activities based on Poetic Device:

Question 1.
Pick out the examples of alliteration and repetition:
1. Alliteration: O moon, give me moonlight, basketful or two baskets full’,
2. Repetition: ‘I want to sow many, small small moons of light,’

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

Question 2.
Write rhyming words for the following from the extract:

  1. Pack
  2. deeds
  3. any
  4. pity


  1. Pack-back
  2. deeds-seeds
  3. any-many
  4. pity-city

Question 3.
Give your own rhyming words for the following:
1. dark
2. sow
1. dark – park
2. sow – bow.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.3 Basketful of Moonlight

Vocabulary Focus:

Question 1.
Write down from the extract the describing words used for the following nouns:

  1. …………… baskets
  2. ……………. route
  3. …………….. tales


  1. two baskets
  2. dark route
  3. fairy tales

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Solutions My English Coursebook Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

My English Coursebook Standard Ten Guide Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up!

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 1.1

Question 1.
What do you see in the picture?
I see a small girl carrying a puppy in a large round tub, in neck-deep water of the river.

Question 2.
What do you think the girl is trying to do? Why?
The girl, I believe, is trying to rescue the puppy from drowning in the river because anyhow she wanted to save the puppy.

Question 3.
If you were in the place of that girl, what would you do?
I would also have tried to rescue the puppy, if that was within my reach.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 4.
Do you think, she was successful in her action?
Yes, the girl has rescued the puppy from drowning in the river. So, I think she was successful in saving the puppy.

Match the appropriate headings with the images.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 2

Question 1.

  1. Our luxurious bungalows. [ ]
  2. My Favourite pastime. [ ]
  3. What a commotion! [ ]
  4. Engrossed in my book. [ ]


  1. Our Luxurious Bungalows [C]
  2. My Favourite Pastime. [A]
  3. What a Commotion! [D]
  4. Engrossed in my book. [B]

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

English Workshop:

1. State whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. Justify your choice with proper reasons.

Question 1.
(a) The compound where the writer was living, was rich in nature’s bounty.
(b) Holidays provide us an opportunity to read various magazines and storybooks.
(c) The narrator made a mistake by saving the baby langur.
(d) Animals cannot convey emotions.
(e) The narrator was fifty-five years old when this incident occured.
(a) The compound where the writer was living was rich in nature’s bounty. – Agree
(b) Holidays provide the children an opportunity to read various magazines and storybooks. – Agree
(c) The incident occurred during summer vacation. – Disagree
(d) Magazines and storybooks were published specially for adults in the festive season. – Disagree
(e) Writer’s father was a medical professional. – Agree

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

2. Match the phrases given in Group ‘A’ with their meanings in Group ‘B’.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 3

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(a) to be a part and parcel of (vi) to be an essential or integral part
(b) to be engrossed in (v) to be completely occupied in
(c) to take notice of (i) to observe and give attention
(d) to figure out (vii) to be affected emotionally in a powerful way
(e) to ponder over (iv) to think about seriously
(f) to be overwhelmed by (ii) to be able to solve a problem
(g) in a flash (viii) very quickly
(h) to find solace (iii) to find comfort and peace

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

3. Write In your own words

Question a.
Why did the narrator Ignore the barking of dogs?
(i) …………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………
(i) The narrator thought that the pack of dogs, as usual, must have trapped an unfortunate pig.
(ii) So he ignored the barking of dogs.

Question b.
Why did motherelangur make no effort to grab her baby from the coop?
(i) …………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………
(i) Mother langur did not make any effort to grab her baby.
(ii) It was because she was completely sure that the writer was not doing any harm to her baby and whatever he was doing was for the good of the baby.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

4. Read the text carefully and arrange the occurance of happenings in the text in a sequential order.

Question 1.
Read the text carefully and arrange the occurance of happenings in the text in a sequential order.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 4

I took the baby langur to the backyard. 6
I cannot forget that look in her eyes. 11
I heard the disturbance approaching closer. 3
I recalled the terrible custom in the animal clan. 5
I became deeply absorbed in the book. 2
I was engrossed in various magazines and storybooks. 1
I offered him a peeled banana. 9
I still fondly remember that encounter. 13
I gathered a stout stick and then started throwing stones. 7
I saw something horrible. 4
I was showed that food was not the only means of communication. 12
I managed to catch hold of the baby langur’s tail. 8
I allowed the mother, access to her baby 10

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

5. Discuss the following and write about it in your own words in 5-6 lines.

Question a.
What would you do, if you find an injured bird while returning from your school?
If I find an injured animal, I will pick it up tenderly and bring it to my home carefully. I will put some drops of water in his mouth to make it fresh. I will examine its injury and apply antiseptic ointment to its injured part and bandage it without hurting it. When it is a little bit comfortable, I will provide it water and food. Then I shall keep it in small basket with cotton spread in it. I will see to it that it is safe in the place. I will take its care till it has enough strength or till it is fully recovered from the injury.

Question b.
What opinion do you form about the narrator, from the story?
The writer of this story is a very sensitive, sympathetic and loving person. His qualities of humanity and courage are admirable and incredible. His thoughts about human-animal relations are great. He believes that communication between man and animal depends not only on food but also on trust, compassion and mutual understanding.

6. Complete the following and write a paragraph on each of the given activities.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 5

Question 1.
Complete the following and write a paragraph on each of the given activities.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 6

Paragraph: Mother-child Relationship
The relationship between Mother and child is very close and inseparable. Mother’s love for a child is eternal. It is selfless. Her love and affection for her children are boundless and invaluable. She looks after them, nurses them and strives hard for her children’s upbringing and keeping them healthy.

She teaches them their family culture and moral values. The child also loves its mother immensely. Mother guides, inspires and encourages her children throughout their life. How wonderful and pleasant relationship is this!

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 7

Paragraph: How I will help an injured Animal
If I find an injured animal, I will pick it up tenderly and bring it to my home carefully. I will put some drops of water in his mouth to make it fresh. I will examine its injury and apply antiseptic ointment to its injured part and bandage it without hurting it. When it is a little bit comfortable, I will provide it water and food.

Then I shall keep it in small basket with cotton spread in it. I will see to it that it is safe in the place. I will take its care till it has enough strength or till it is fully recovered from the injury.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

7. Work in pairs and make as many words as you can, using letters in the word. ‘ENCOUNTER’.

Question 1.
Make smaller words (minimum 3 letters each) using the letters in the word ‘Encounter’ :
(Note : In the activity sheet you will be asked to write only four words)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 8

Three letter words Four letter words Five/ Six letter words
our, cot, not, out, nut, ten, run, one, nor, ton, net, toe noun, cote, note, none, tour, tune, cute, rent, turn route, court, enter, centre, counter

8. Translate the following proverbs in good English : 

Question 1.
जनसेवा हीच खरी ईश्वरसेवा.
Service to man is service to God.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 2.
पेरावे तसे उगवते.
As you sow, so shall you reap.

9. Write a paragraph and give an appropriate title to it. Use the following points.

Question 1.
Write a paragraph and give an appropriate title to it. Use the following points.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 9
Man’s Best Friends – Birds and Animals
The relations between birds, animals and man are complementing each other. In absence of this relationship our environment is disturbed and we risk our whole balance of ecology in our area. That is why, man must treat the birds and animals with great love and affection. They are our best friends. They are loyal to man and serve us in many ways. We must preserve our eternal relationship kindly, honestly and compassionately. So it is our duty to protect them; take care of their security without hurting them.

It is our duty to maintain this relationship because they cannot speak. They try to explain their feelings without words. Their eyes and actions speak. Try to understand them with love, affection and help them in their needs. Man needs the company of birds and animals. Love the wildlife and avoid loneliness. Protect them!

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

10. (A) Complete the remaining blocks determining the types of news.

Question a.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 10
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 11

(B) Read the following headline and write a news report. Follow the steps as given.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 12

Question 1.
Read the following headline and write a news report. Follow the steps as given.
Headline → ‘Tiger attacks 8-year old at Rajiv Gandhi National Park.’
Tiger attacks 8-year old at Rajiv Gandhi National Park.
Goregon July 4: Recently tiger attacks on humans have become frequent in the nearby areas of Rajiv Gandhi National Park. A tragic death of 8 year old child attacked by a tiger, has shocked the people in the slum area near the Rajiv Gandhi National Park. It is learnt that early in the morning the child entered alone in the wildlife reserve for defecation.

The tiger crouching behind a fence of bushes attacked the young child and killed him. Slum dwellers gathered around to rescue him could not save him. The slum-dwellers are demanding that the Forest Department should arrange for rigorous patrols to restrict such incidents of human-animal conflicts and construct a boundary wall between the human- habitats and the Park.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

(C) Read the following Headlines and write the dateline, intro and a short continuing paragraph.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 13

Question 1.
Read the following Headlines and write the dateline, intro and a short continuing paragraph.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 14
Career Counselling with Achievers Wednesday, 15th August, Kripa Sindhu High School, Nagpur. Kripa Sindhu High School had organised the ‘Career Counselling Camp’ for the students of Standard X, on 15th August 2019 at 5 pm. Some renowned persons who had achieved name and fame in different professions were invited to share their own experiences about their career and their success. There were professionals from different fields-medicine, sports, arts, acting, engineering, I etc.

Each one of them explained how and why they dreamed of and pursued their own career and how they secured their achievement in their field. They advised students that great heights can be achieved by constant efforts, even when they have to face nerve-wrecking challenges in their life and have to fight against all overwhelming odds. Audiences were moved when they learnt about the heart-rending stories of some professionals who are now on the top of the world.

The students realized the importance of the career counselling event. It was a great treat for the students who had come there for vocational guidance.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 15
Note: Students should write this news report in their notebooks based on following points to emphasize the need of separate Tourism University.
Points: Tourism-a flourishing industry- many employments aya liable – trained candidates required – importance of tourism – can impart education in hospitality, booking, accommodation, selection of tour destinations, etc.-good prospects-responsibility of smooth pleasure tours – a good decision to establish Tourism University.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Language Study:

1. Present Participle: The form of a verb, ending in ‘ing’, which is used in forming continuous tenses. For example, He is sitting here. Present participle can also be used as an adjective. For example, He uses a walking stick.
Now, find out the ‘ing’ forms from the story and classify them into the following table.

Question 1.
find out the ‘ing’ forms from the story and classify them into the following table.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 16

Present Participle Use in the Continuous Tense
twinkling eyes
1. marauding langur
2.  sloping roof
3.  caring arms
was holding
1. were witnessing
2.  was oozing
3.  was breathing|
4.  was pondering
5.  was trying

2. Spot the error and correct the following sentences.

Question 1.
(a) My grandparents laid down for an afternoon nap.
(b) A stranger were knocking at our door.
(c) My sister and I shares a study room.
(d) One of my friend, is leaving school.
(e) A flock of birds were flying overhead.
(a) My grandparents lay down for an afternoon nap.
(b) A stranger was knocking at our door.
(c) My sister and I share a study room.
(d) One of my friends, is leaving the school.
(e) A flock of birds is flying overhead.

3. Rewrite the sentences as per instructions given along with.

Question a.
I took the baby langur to our backyard. ………………………….
(Rewrite the sentence in the Past Perfect Tense)
I had taken the baby langur to our backyard.

Question b.
She simply sat there quietly ………………………….
(Rewrite the sentence in the Present Continuous Tense)
She is simply sitting there quietly.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question c.
The mother langur looked straight into my eyes. ………………………….
(Rewrite the sentence in the Simple Present Tense)
The mother langur looks straight into my eyes.

Question d.
She surveyed the area for the vicious male langur. ………………………….
(Rewrite the sentence in the Simple Future Tense)
She will survey the area for the vicious male langur.

My English Coursebook 10th Digest Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind Additional Important Questions and Answers

Complex Factual Activities :

Question 1.
Complete the web describing the campus where writer’s family lived:
(Answer is directly given and underlined.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 17

Question 2.
How did the family relax after lunch?
After eating sufficient and wholesome lunch the writer’s parents and his sisters lay down for an afternoon nap. The author settled down with a storybook. The sound of their snoring in sleep was such that it occasionally broke the silence of the writer’s house.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 3.
What wicked custom is practised by animals who live in groups?
According to the wicked custom in the animal clan who live in groups, a dominant, powerful male does not allow another male or adult to survive within its group. Mostly the leader of the group kills male babies or adults.

Question 4.
Complete the web with the help of the information given in the passage :
(Answer is directly given and underlined.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 18

Question 5.
What did the writer do to restrain the big langur from killing the baby langur?
When the writer realised that the big langur was about to kill the baby langur, he gathered a big, strong stick in one hand and threw a piece of stone at the attacking langur. The big langur did not take notice of his attack; so he started throwing more ! stones at it. In this way, the writer restrained the big langur from killing the baby langur.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 6.
Complete the following web and describe the condition of wounded baby langur :
(Answer is directly given and underlined.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 19

Question 7.
Complete the following web with the information from the passage :
(Answer is directly given.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 20

Question 8.
Arrange the following events as per their sequence:
(Board’s Model Activity Sheet)
1. Writer’s father provided first aid to clean the wounds.
2. After a few shaky attempts, the baby langur sat up.
3. The writer turned away from the coop.
4. The writer took the baby langur to their backyard.
4. The writer took the baby langur to their backyard.
1. Writer’s father provided first aid to clean the wounds.
2. After a few shaky attempts, the baby langur sat up.
3. The writer turned away from the coop.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 9.
Complete the following :
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. Mother langur simply sat quitely because she was convinced that no harm was being done to her child.
  2. The baby langur started to sob and cry because he sensed the presence of his mother.
  3. The baby found comfort and peace in caring arms of his mother.
  4. (Mother langur gave a thorough inspection of baby langur’s body because she wanted to check his injuries.

Question 10.
Complete the web:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 22

Activities based on Vocabulary:

Question 1.
Match the words in Column ‘A’ with their meanings in Column ‘B’ :

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. hearty (a) frequent
2. engrossed (b) sufficient and wholesome
3. intermittent (c) high pitched
4. shrill (d) in full attention


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. hearty (b) sufficient and wholesome
2. engrossed (d) in full attention
3. intermittent (a) frequent
4. shrill (c) high pitched

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 2.
Match the phrases in Column ‘A’ with their meanings in Column ‘B’:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. settle down with (a) the act of checking with complete attention and care.
2. unfolded a new dimension (b) overpowered someone
3. got the better of (c) belief felt equally by both people involved.
4. pitch of cry (d) penned up a new dimension aspect
5. was going on (e) high sound of cry
6. thorough inspection (f) to do something that makes people feel sympathy.
7. strike the right chord (g) get into a with comfortable position
8. mutual trust (h) was happening


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. settle down with (g) get into a with comfortable position
2. unfolded a new dimension (d) penned up a new dimension aspect
3. got the better of (b) overpowered someone
4. pitch of cry (e) high sound of cry
5. was going on (h) was happening
6. thorough inspection (a) the act of checking with complete attention and care.
7. strike the right chord (f) to do something that makes people feel sympathy.
8. mutual trust (c) belief felt equally by both people involved.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 3
Write from the passage the antonyms of the following :

  1. mercifully
  2. submissive
  3. recognize
  4. greater


  1. mercifully × mercilessly
  2. submissive × aggressive
  3. recognize × ignore
  4. greater × lesser

Question 4.
Find present participles and past participles used as adjectives :
1. Present Participles: sloping roof, twinkling eyes.
2. Past Participles: unexpected attack, unknown quarter, muffled cry, peeled banana.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 5.
Match the words in column ‘A’ with their meanings in column ‘B’ :

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. shaky (a) rose to the surface
2. welled up (b) made the sound quieter
3. prospect (c) unsteady
4. muffled (d) future benefit


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. shaky (c) unsteady
2. welled up (a) rose to the surface
3. prospect (d) future benefit
4. muffled (b) made the sound quieter

Question 6.
Match the synonyms :
(Board’s Model Activity Sheet)

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. trauma (a) move
2. coop (b) still
3. stir (c) great distress
4. motionless (d) pen


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. trauma (c) great distress
2. coop (d) pen
3. stir (a) move
4. motionless (b) still

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 7.
Write opposites of the following from the passage :

  1. steady
  2. known
  3. expected
  4. firm.


  1. steady × unsteady
  2. known × unknown
  3. expected × unexpected
  4. firm × shaky

Question 8.
Write the meaning of the following words from the options given in the brackets :
(breast, comfort, weird, evil)

  1. uncanny
  2. vicious
  3. bosom
  4. solace


  1. uncanny – weird
  2. vicious – evil
  3. bosom – breast
  4. solace – comfort

Activities based on Contextual Grammar :

Rewrite the sentences as per tenses mentioned in the brackets :

Question 1.
My father was a medical professional.
(Past Perfect Tense.)
My father had been a medical professional.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 2.
The holidays provided an opportunity for me to read various magazines and storybooks.
(Simple Present Tense.)
The holidays provide me an opportunity to read various magazines and storybooks.

Question 3.
I heard a group of street dogs barking.
(Present Continuous Tense.)
I am hearing a group of street dogs barking.

Question 4.
The big male langur was holding a baby langur in his hands.
(Past Perfect Continuous Tense.)
The big male langur had been holding a baby langur in his hands.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 5.
They were witnessing my rescue operation. (Simple Past Tense.)
They witnessed my rescue operation.

Question 6.
He was in a state of shock. (Past Perfect Tense.)
He had been in a state of shock.

Question 7.
The baby sensed the presence of his mother.
(Present Perfect Tense.)
The baby has sensed the presence of his mother.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Do you have a reading hobby? How do you ! pursue it?
Yes, I do have a reading hobby. I read a lot. I read anything and everything that comes in my sight. I keep on reading storybooks, novels, ‘ biographies, magazines, newspapers, etc. Whenever I find time I love and enjoy reading especially during long vacation.
Note: Students may give their own appropriate answer in all

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 2.
Do you think that the custom of baby killing by dominant male in animal clan is good? Explain.
No, I don’t think so. It’s a bad custom in any animal clan. It is the duty of dominant males to protect them and bring them up kindly and lovingly. They should not deprive them of their basic right to live.

Question 3.
Have you ever saved a puppy/dog or any other animal from naughty children who were throwing stones at him? Write about your
Yes, I have saved a dog who was in such a situation. Though the stones thrown by the urchins did not hit the dog very much, he was frightened to death and was running helter skelter. I gathered a long stick and shouted at them. Then I hit one of the boys with the stick and they ran away. The dog had gratitude in his eyes for me.

Question 4.
What is your mother’s state of mind during your illness?
My mother is always worried about my smallest illness. Deep anxiety overpowers her. She is restless and uneasy all the time. She keeps herself awake at night worrying about my ill-health. She is always by my bedside providing me food and medicine on time. She remains in a state of anxiety until I get well.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 5.
What did the mother langur seem to convey to the narrator?
The mother langur seemed to convey the narrator that she was very grateful to him for saving her child. She was expressing her big thanks to him through her silent eyes. Her eyes showered silent gratitude for the narrator for his kindness and compassion. The narrator could understand her feelings, sentiments and the way of thanking him through her eloquent eyes.

Read the following passage and do the activities :

Simple Factual Activities :

Question 1.
Say whether the following statements are True or False :

  1. A big male langur did not intend to kill the baby langur. – False
  2. The writer started throwing more stones at the big langur. – True
  3. The mother langur was watching her baby being killed. – True
  4. According to the custom of animal clan, a dominant male protects another male baby or adult. – False

Question 2.
Complete the following sentences using the information given in the passage :
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. The langur baby was listless and appeared to be dead.
  2. The writer’s parents and sisters had come out on the veranda and were witnessing his rescue operation.
  3. The baby langur’s eyes welled up with tears.
  4. The unexpected attack forced the langur to drop the baby from the sloping roof over the veranda.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 3.
Complete the following sentences :
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. The writer offered the baby langur a peeled banana.
  2. The baby langur was in state of shock.
  3. Splashes of cold water made the baby stir.
  4. The mother langur was sitting on their kitchen roof.

Question 4.
Say whether the following statements are True or False :

  1. The baby langur sensed the presence of his mother. – True
  2. The mother langur was sitting on the floor of the coop. – False
  3. The writer cuddled the baby langur tightly in his bosom. – False
  4. The writer’s attention was fixed on the revival of the baby langur. – True

Question 5.
Complete the following sentences :
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. The mother langur was sitting on their kitchen roof.
  2. The mother sat still with the baby in her lap for a few minutes.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 6.
State whether you Agree or Disagree with the following statements :

  1. The narrator made a mistake by saving the baby langur. – Disagree
  2. Animals cannot convey emotions. – Disagree
  3. The narrator was fifty-five years old when this incident occurred. – Disagree
  4. Even today, the narrator cannot forget that look in the mother langur’s eyes. – Agree

Choose correct reasons from the given options :

Question 1.
The writer ignored the commotion of street dogs.
(a) Thinking about the dogs’ involvement in some food items.
(b) Thinking about the dogs’ involvement in some stranger.
(c) Thinking about the dogs’ involvement in some thieves.
(d) Thinking about the dogs’ involvement in some unfortunate pig.
(d) Thinking about the dogs’ involvement in some unfortunate pig.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 2.
The langur did not take notice of the writer’s assault.
(a) Because he was very busy.
(b) Because he was eating the baby langur.
(c) Because he was very infuriated.
(d) Because he ignored the writer’s presence.
(c) Because he was very infuriated.

Do as directed :

Question 1.
I started throwing more stones.
(Begin with – ‘More stones were ….)
More stones were being thrown by me.

Question 2.
It hardly took notice of my assault.
(Make this as a negative sentence.)
It did not take notice of my assault.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 3.
My parents and sisters had come out on to the veranda. (Add a question tag.)
My parents and sisters had come out on the veranda, hadn’t they?

Question 4.
He took the baby langur to our backyard. (Frame a Wh-question to get the underlined word as an answer.)
Where did he take the baby langur?

Question 5.
The baby remained motionless.
(Make negative without changing the meaning.)
(Board’s Model Activity Sheet)
The baby did not move. OR The baby did no movements.

Question 6.
She simply sat there quietly.
(Choose correct question tag.)
(Board’s Model Activity Sheet)
(i) doesn’t she?
(ii) didn’t she?
(iii) wasn’t she?
(iv) don’t she?
She simply sat there, didn’t she?

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 7.
I turned away from the coop and looked up. (Begin the sentence with – Turning … and rewrite it.)
Turning away from the coop, I looked up.

Question 8.
She gave the baby a thorough body inspection. (Change the sentence into passive voice. Begin with – The baby …)
The baby was given a thorough body inspection by her.

Question 9.
I cannot forget that look in her eyes.
(Add a question tag.)
I cannot forget that look in her eyes, can I?

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 10.
I was overwhelmed by the emotion.
(Write the sentence in Active voice. Begin with – The emotion ….)
The emotion overwhelmed me.

Activities based on Language Study

Do as directed :

Question 1.
Complete the words by using correct letter:

  1. fa_her
  2. ha_sh
  3. adu_t
  4. tr_st


  1. father
  2. harsh
  3. adult
  4. trust

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 2.
Put the following words in alphabetical order :

  1. baby, unsteady, mother, almost.
  2. suddenly, splash, shock, started.


  1. almost, baby, mother, unsteady.
  2. shock, splash, started, suddenly.

Question 3.
Punctuate the following sentences :

  1. Mohan said to rajan, i shall never come with you
  2. shall we reach pune on time he asked


  1. Mohan said to Rajan, “I shall never come with you.”
  2. “Shall we reach Pune on time?” he asked.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 4.
Write related words as shown in the example :
(Answer is directly given and underlined.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind 21

Question 5.
Complete the word-chain of adjectives. Add four words each beginning with the last letter of the previous word :
dominant → ……….. → ……….. → ……….. → ………..
dominant → tall → loyal → long → good

Question 6.
Attempt anyone :
a. Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to catch hold of’
Ramesh caught hold of his friend’s arm and stopped him from leaving the place.
b. Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully :
The person, who
The person, who is sitting on the stage, is a great social worker of this area.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind

Question 7.
Attempt anyone :
a. Add a prefix or suffix to make new words.
1. communicate
2. inspect
1. communication
2. inspection
b. Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words :
1. communicate
2. inspect
1. She communicated her feelings through her eyes.
2. Let the office inspect the papers.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If …

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Solutions My English Coursebook Chapter 3.1 If … Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If ….

My English Coursebook Standard Ten Guide Chapter 3.1 If … Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up:

Form groups and chat.

Question 1.
How do you react when your parents scold you?
My parents do not scold me without any rhyme or reason. If they scold me, it should be my mistake. Whenever they get angry and scold me, I try to keep mum so that they cool down. I also accept my mistake frankly if that is the only reason of their scolding.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

Question 2.
How do you feel when someone insults you?
When someone insults me, I try to find out the reason why he/she behaves like that. If there is a mistake from my side I try to avoid the same mistake again. I never get angry even if someone insults me for my petty mistake.

Question 3.
How would you react when you are cheated by your friend?
I am quite sure that any of my friend wouldn’t dare to cheat me. But if it happens I would try to make him/her realize whatever he/she has done is very wrong. And whatever he/she has done is not good for him/her too.

Question 4.
Why is it wrong to make a difference among friends who belong to a different class, colour or community?
We are friendly with those who are good at soul and mind. When our behaviour and mind match with each other, we become friends. I personally feel that friendship is not built on the basis of caste, colour or community. It develops on the basis of how we understand one another.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

1. Complete the table by providing suitable responses to the given actions:

Question 1.
Complete the table by providing suitable responses to the given actions:
(Answers are directly given.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If 1

Action Response
1. You are punished by the teacher without any reason. I shall not lose my temper but I shall talk to the teacher afterwards to clear the doubt.
2. Your friends spread rumour about you. I shall try to keep myself cool and confident and try to find out the reason.
3. Someone doubts you. I shall try to clear his/her doubts about me personally.
4. Your relative blames you for something. I shall try to find out the reason and I shall convince him/her not to blame me un­necessarily.
5. Someone hurts you. I shall try to keep away from such people but I shall definitely introspect.

2. Complete the sentences meaningfully and share them with the class:

Question 2.
Complete the sentences meaningfully and share them with the class:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. If you read books, you will gain knowledge.
  2. If you do exercise daily, ………………………… .
  3. If ……………………… , you will pass the exam.
  4. If ……………………….., …………………………….. .
  5. ……………………………, If …………………………… .


  1. If you read books, you will gain knowledge.
  2. If you do exercise daily, you will become healthy.
  3. If you work hard, you will pass the exam.
  4. If you respect others, others will respect you.
  5. We should accept the truth, if we know it very well.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

3. Classify the following into weaknesses and strengths:

Question 1.
Classify the following into weaknesses and strengths:
fear, confidence, clarity, confusion, worry, courage, cowardice, compassion, bravery, hesitation, punctuality, laziness, anger, faith, patience, ambition, generous, impatient, cheerful, tolerant, arrogant, aggressive.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If 2

Weaknesses Strengths
fear, confusion, worry, cowardice, hesitation, laziness, anger, impatience, arrogant, aggressive confidence, clarity, courage, compassion, bravery, punctuality, faith, patience, generous, cheerful, tolerant, ambition

English Workshop:

1. Read the following bits of advice and state whether you Agree or Disagree with them:

Question 1.
Read the following bits of advice and state whether you Agree or Disagree with them:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If 3

Advice Answer
1. Get angry when others commit mistakes. Disagree
2. Run away from troubles. Disagree
3. Get angry when others blame us Disagree
4. Reconstruct something we have built with care even if it has been broken by others. Agree

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

2. Pick out and enlist the positive and negative qualities in respective columns from the extract:

Question 2.
Pick out and enlist the positive and negative qualities in respective columns from the extract:
(Answers are directly given)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If 4

Positive qualities Negative qualities
keep your head lose your head
1. trust yourself 1. doubt others.
2. be truthful 2. deal in lies.
3. be smart 3. give way to hating.

3. Why do the lines in the poem begin with, ‘If you can …?’ What effect does this have?

Question 1.
Why do the lines in the poem begin with, ‘If you can …?’ What effect does this have?
The lines in the poem begin with ‘If you can… ’ because the poet insistently wants to emphasise the importance of his good advice and attract his son’s attention to every piece of advice given by him. The repetition of the lines has a musical effect.

4. Look at the use of opposite reactions in the Poem.

Question 1.
Look at the use of opposite reactions in the Poem.
For example, “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs”. Find four other such opposite reactions from the extract.

  1. or being lied about, don’t deal in lies.
  2. or being hated, don’t give way to hating.
  3. you can think and not make thoughts your aim.
  4. you can trust yourself when all men doubt you.

5. Complete the following:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

Question (a)
Say WHAT …………….
are the two imposters ? …………………….. .
can the unforgiving minute be made up of? …………………….. .
Say WHAT …………….
are the two imposters ? Triumph and Disaster.
can the unforgiving minute be made up of? sixty seconds, worth of distance run.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

Question (b)
Say WHO …………….
should you trust, when doubted? …………………….. .
can you talk with and walk with? ……………………… .
Say WHO …………….
should you trust, when doubted? oneself.
can you talk with and walk with? crowd and kings.

Question (c)
Say WHEN ……………..
can the Earth become yours? …………………….. .
should you start re-building with old tools? …………………….. .
Say WHEN ……………..
can the Earth become yours? when we can make good use of every single minute.
should you start re-building with old tools? when we watch things created by us being broken up.

Question (d)
Say WHY ………….
do knaves twist the truth? …………………….. .
should you consider all men equally important? …………………….. .
Say WHY ………….
do knaves twist the truth? to make trap for fools.
should you consider all men equally important? because neither foe nor friend can hurt us.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

6. What should be our attitude towards the people of different strata and classes?

Question 1.
What should be our attitude towards the people of different strata and classes?
Our attitude towards the people of different strata and classes should be positive and fair. We should treat all of them equally. We should not discriminate them on the ground of race, gender, class or religion. We may keep company with the rich but at the same time you should connect with the common man and the poor. Whatever their place in the society intermingle with them wholeheartedly. We should make efforts to integrate with all of them.

7. What, according to Rudyard Kipling, is the highest quality that makes a man a true human being?

Question 1.
What, according to Rudyard Kipling, is the highest quality that makes a man a true human being?
According to Rudyard Kipling, treating all people equally without any discrimination makes a man a true human being.

8. Identify the figures of speech used in the following lines : (Choose from the brackets.)

Question 1.
Identify the figures of speech used in the following lines : (Choose from the brackets.)
(Simile/Repetition/Antithesis/Personification/ Metaphor/Alliteration/Apostrophe)

  1. “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs” – Antithesis
  2. “If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two imposters just the same” – personification
  3. “And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise” – Repitition
  4. With worn-out tools – Alliteration

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

9. Write a letter to your parents, thanking them for advising you; when you were in a confused state of mind. Cover up the following points in the body of the letter:

Question 1.
Write a letter to your parents, thanking them for advising you; when you were in a confused state of mind. Cover up the following points in the body of the letter:

  • Your problem and confusion.
  • The advice of your parents.
  • How you followed their advice.
  • How the problem got solved.
  • Your deep gratitude to them.

Prathamesh Purandare,
10, K.B.P. Boy’s Hostel,
Satara – 415 001.
23rd Nov., 2020.
Dear Aai and Baba,

I am extremely happy to write this letter and thank both of you for your good advice. Actually when I joined the hostel, I was not willing to stay here any longer. I couldn’t adjust to the environment and even with the boys here. But in Diwali vacation you both convinced me and told me, how to mingle with the boys here and even how to get accustomed to the conditions here, so now I am quite sure that I would live here happily. Whatever advice you have given, is definitely good for me.

When I came back here, the whole scenario of the hostel and my preconceptions about the hostel life got totally changed. Why I don’t know, but now I am very much happy to live here and intermingle with my hostel mates. If you had not advised me on this issue, I would have left the hostel long before. And my whole academic year would have gone wasted. Thank you very much for making me realize the importance of education and adjustment in the life. Thank you once again for whatever you have done for me. Convey my regards to Grandma and love to little Preksha. Waiting for your next letter as early as possible.

Your loving son,

10. Draft a speech to be given during the farewell for Standard X on the topic Changes, I would like in the School Education of our State.

Question 1.
Draft a speech to be given during the farewell for Standard X on the topic Changes, I would like in the School Education of our State.

  • Greeting and salutation
  • Self introduction and introduction of the topic
  • A catchy thought/episode/news etc. to start with
  • 2 to 3 changes that you suggest with their reason
  • Conclusion
  • Thank you/greeting

“Changes, I would like in School Education of our State ”

Honourable Chairperson, respected Headmaster and teachers.

I, Nikita Desai from Std. X-A wishing you a very pleasant morning. I am here to express my views on behalf of all my classmates and to bid farewell to our school, teachers and all of you.

After spending almost 10-12 years in this school, we are now capable to keep our steps out in a very different world. And I am sure being the students of this school; we would never fall short anywhere and in any field. I know the Chief Guest of today’s programme is the Education Minister of our state. So I take this opportunity to suggest some changes in the school education of our state.

The first and very important thing I would recommend is about the option. There should be internal option to each and every subject. The child should be free to opt whatever he or she likes. Teaching and learning process should not be monotonous. It should be interesting. Every child should take part in this process. Teacher should not be an authoritarian.

One more thing, I would suggest about the examination. Examination should not be mandatory. Even upgradation of a child should be based on his / her internal performance. Written examination should not be given the whole credit. There should not be a burden of homework. It should be done at school.

I know, it is quite difficult to implement everything all of a sudden. But if you go step-by-step, it is quite a feasible suggestion. I know education in Maharashtra is better than other states. But if we make these changes, teaching and learning will be more enjoyable. I hope you will try to understand the views of every child.

Wishing my friends all the best for their examination and for their bright future life. Thank you for listening to me carefully and attentively.

Jai Hind.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If


Question 1.
Rudyard Kipling’s work is known to all of us. Write at least five poems of Kipling in your ; notebook and submit it to your teacher. You f can take help of your school library or search for these poems on the internet.

Question 2.
Rudyard Kipling’s book, entitled ‘The Jungle Book’ is famous world wide. Its theme and setting of the story attracts the readers from the beginning. Write a book review of Kipling’s book ‘The Jungle Book’ in 100 to 150words.

Language Study:

1. Look at the following sentences:

Question 1.
Look at the following sentences:
1. If I practise hard, I shall win the game.
2. If you buy a new car, it will cost you a lot of money.
Each of those sentences has two clauses – main clause and subordinate clause.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If 5
Here, the subordinate clause indicates ‘possibility’ or ‘likelihood’. The tense of a subordinate clause depends on the main clause.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If 6

Complete the following sentences:

Question 1.
Complete the following sentences:
(Answers are directly given and underline.)
a. If I like it, ………………………….. .
b. If it rains, ………………………….. .
c. If ………………………….., you would catch the train.
d. If she had obeyed her parents, ………………………….. .
a. If I like it, I will buy it at any cost.
b. If it rains, I will remain at home.
c. If you came on time, you would catch the train.
d. If she had obeyed her parents, she would have saved her life.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

2. Pick out lines that contain the following figures of speech.

Question (a)
Antithesis (Opposite ideas): ………………………………………… .
……………………………………………………………………………….. .
Antithesis (Opposite ideas): If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you.

Question (b)
Personification: …………………………………………………………. .
……………………………………………………………………………….. .
Personification: If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster….

Question (c)
Repetition: ………………………………………………………………. .
……………………………………………………………………………….. .
Repetition: If you can dream and not make dreams your master.

Question (d)
Metaphor: ………………………………………………………………… .
……………………………………………………………………………….. .
Metaphor: And stoop and rebuilt them up with worn-out tools.

My English Coursebook 10th Digest Chapter 3.1 If … Additional Important Questions and Answers

Simple Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Complete the following sentences:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. When the people around us doubt us, we should trust ourselves.
  2. We can dream but we should not be slave to our dreams.
  3. We can bear to hear the truth spoken by dishonest people.
  4. When all people around us are unable to act in sensible way, we should keep our head cool.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

Question 2.
Read the following bits of advice and state whether you Agree or Disagree with them:

Advice Answer
1. Keep friendship with all classes of people. Agree
2. Hate the rich people and help the poor. Disagree
3. We should treat everyone equally. Agree
4. If we use every minute for the sake of good, we will be a real ‘human being’. Agree

Question 3.
Complete the following sentences:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. We should not lose the common touch even while walking with the kings.
  2. If we treat everyone equally, neither foes nor loving friends can hurt us.
  3. The speaker in this poem is ‘the father’.
  4. The poem is addressed to ‘the son’.

Complex Factual Activities:

Find the line/lines from the extract as a proof for the following explanations:

Question 1.
If you watch the things created by you are being broken, you can build them up by using worn out tools.
or watch the things you gave your life to broken, And stoop and build’em up with worn-out tools :

Question 2.
You should treat both Triumph and Disaster in the same way as they treat you.
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster. And treat those two imposters just the same;

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

Question 3.
How should you react when someone lies about you and hates you?
If someone lies about me, I will not tell such lies to others about him/her. And if someone hates me I will not allow myself to be controlled by his / her hatred and I would not appear to be perfect or show off my knowledge.

Question 4.
What does the poet call people who twist the truth to suit them?
The poet calls “knaves” to the people who twist the truth to suit them.

Question 5.
Match the following idiomatic expressions in column ‘A’ with meaning in column ’B’:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. lose the common touch (a) keep one’s goodness or morals under any condition
2. unforgiving minute (b) refuse to interact with common people
3. keep one’s virtue (c) to be a good, perfect human being
4. to be a man (d) time that does not wait for anyone


  1. lose the common touch – refuse to interact with common people
  2. unforgiving minute – time that does not wait for anyone
  3. keep one’s virtue – keep one’s goodness or morals under any condition
  4. to be a man – to be a good, perfect human being

Question 6.
Pick out and enlist the positive and negative qualities in respective columns from the extract: (Answers are directly given.)

Positive qualities Negative qualities
1. walk with the kings lose the connect with common man
2. treat all people equally differentiate people unfairly

Activities based on Poetic Devices:

Question 1.
Write down all musical pairs from the extract and add your own rhyming word for each of them.

Musical pairs Added rhyming word
you  – too two
waiting – hating rating
lies – wise prize
master – disaster monster
aim – same claim
spoken – broken grown
fools – tools wools

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 3.1 If

Question 2.
Name the figures of speech:
1. If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you. – Antithesis
2. Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it. – Tautology

Question 3.
Find and write the rhyming pairs from the extract and add your own rhyming word for each of them

Rhyming pairs Added rhyming word
1. virtue – you too
2. touch – much such
3. minute- it wit
4. run – son fun

Appreciation of Poem:

  1. Title: The title of the poem is ‘If’.
  2. Poet: The poet of this poem is Rudyard Kipling.
  3. Rhyme scheme: The rhyme scheme for the ; first stanza is ‘aaaa’. All the other five stanzas have the rhyme scheme ‘abab’.
  4. Figure of speech (Any 1): Antithesis, Tautology, Personification anaphora.
  5. Theme / Central Idea: The central idea of the poem is certain valuable pieces of advice ; imparted by a father to his son.

Several of the lines in the poem begin with the conjunction ‘if’. ; (The very title of the poem is ‘If’.) The theme j running through the poem is that ‘if the son ; fulfils certain conditions, he can be rest assured of certain favourable results’. Both the conditions and the results have a direct bearing upon the lives of all young people.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Solutions My English Coursebook Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

My English Coursebook Standard Ten Guide Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up!

1. Form Groups of 5 to 6 and discuss. Give a rating of 1 to 5 to each of the following.
When you have to make important decisions what do you generally do?
(a) Consult parents/elders [ ]
(b) Contact friends for advice [ ]
(c) Pray to God for guidance [ ]
(d) Think deeply in silence [ ]
(e) Ask your teacher for help [ ]
(f) Toss a coin to decide [ ]

Question 1.
Form Groups of 5 to 6 and discuss. Give a rating of 1 to 5 to each of the following.
When you have to make important decisions what do you generally do?
(Answer is directly given in the box.)
(a) Consult parents/elders [b]
(b) Contact friends for advice [d]
(c) Pray to God for guidance [e]
(d) Think deeply in silence [a]
(e) Ask your teacher for help [c]
(f) Toss a coin to decide [f]
Note: Students may note their own rating after discussion.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

2. In poetry, very often, there are lines in which the poet seems to talk directly to an absent person, an abstract idea or thing/object.
Such a tactic/device used by the poet is the Figure of Speech ‘Apostrophe’.
For example,
Twinkle, twinkle little star …………
Death! Where is thy sting?
O Cave man! I wish I could live with you.
Now, complete the following, creating examples of Apostrophe of your own.
(a) O, Life! How ………………………………………………………………………..
(b) Dear God, Please ………………………………………………………………….
(c) Books! You are ……………………………………………………………………..
(d) Exams! I wish ………………………………………………………………………
(e) O, You beautiful sky ……………………………………………………………….

Question 1.
complete the following, creating examples of Apostrophe of your own.
(a) O, Life! How ………………………………………………………………………..
(b) Dear God, Please ………………………………………………………………….
(c) Books! You are ……………………………………………………………………..
(d) Exams! I wish ………………………………………………………………………
(e) O, You beautiful sky ……………………………………………………………….
(a) O, Life! How Strange are your ways?
(b) Dear God, Please keep me calm in my difficult days.
(c) Books! You are my dear companions.
(d) Exams! I wish you were never there, never!
(e) O, you beautiful sky send all your beauty to the earth.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

English Workshop:

1. Choose the correct alternatives and complete the sentences :

Question 1.
Choose the correct alternatives and complete the sentences :
(a) According to the poet, …………. are brought by each new day. (new beginnings/new endings)
(b) We must decide to take the road which leads to ……………. . (great distress/great success)
(c) The poet prays to the Lord to help him stand for what is ………………. . (might! right)
(d) The poet wants to see that his teenage years have been the ………… years of his life. (worst/best)
(a) According to the poet, new beginnings are brought by each new day. (new beginnings / new endings)
(b) We must decide to take the road which leads to great success. (great distress/great success)
(c) The poet prays to the Lord to help him stand for what is right. (might/right)
(d) The poet wants to see that his teenage years have been the best years of his life, (worst/ best)

2. Find and write the pairs of rhyming words from the poem.
1. …………, 2. …………., 3. …………., 4. …………, 5. ……………

Question 1.
Find and write the pairs of rhyming words from the poem.
1. make – take
2. success – distress
3. see – me
4. way – day

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

3. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? Choose the correct one from the following options.
(i) aabb (ii) abcd (iii) abcb (iv) abba

Question 1.
What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? Choose the correct one from the following options.
(i) aabb (ii) abed (iii) abeb (iv) abba
(iii) abeb.

4. Match the lines in Column A with the Figures of Speech in Column B.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer 1

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(i) Decisions, I must make (a) Apostrophe
(ii) Please open up my eyes, dear Lord. (b) Alliteration
(iii) Travel down the darkened road (c) Metaphor
(iv) I can choose to take the road of life. (d) Inversion

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

5. Elements of Planning An Interview : (Group Activity)
Form groups and discuss each element of planning an interview and prepare notes on each element.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer 2

6. Prepare a set of 10 questions to interview any successful teenager. You may use the following guidelines.

Question 1.
Prepare a set of 10 questions to interview any successful teenager. You may use the following guidelines.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer 3
Interview questions for blind musician :

  1. Could you please tell me about your family?
  2. How did your blindness affect your career as a musician and composer?
  3. Who supported you in your venture?
  4. Who were your Gurus and what sort of training did you receive?
  5. What is your speciality in singing?
  6. Which was the best performance in your life according to you?
  7. What are the awards you have received?
  8. What are your plans for future?
  9. What is your advice to young aspirants?
  10. What can you do to encourage them?

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

7. Read the poem. Write an appreciation of the poem in about 12 to 15 sentences with the help of the following points.

Question 1.
Read the poem. Write an appreciation of the poem in about 12 to 15 sentences with the help of the following points.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer 4

  1. Title: ‘A Teenager’s Prayer’.
  2. The name of the Poet: J. Morse.
  3. Rhyme scheme: The rhyme scheme of the poem is ‘abeb.’
  4. Figure of speech (Any 1): Apostrophe, Inversion, Metaphor.
  5. Theme/Central Idea: The theme of the poem is a teenager’s dilemma about making the right decisions.

The responsibility of choice falls fully on him/her. A wrong decision may ruin the whole life. Hence the teenager in the poem prays to God for His help and guidance.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

8. Compose a short prayer in English asking God to guide you in your teenage years. Later, you can even try to make the lines rhyme to give it a poetic form.

Question 1.
Compose a short prayer in English asking God to guide you in your teenage years. Later, you can even try to make the lines rhyme to give it a poetic form.

  • O God, bless me with friends
  • with purest heart,
  • Who’ll always stand by me in dark and dust.
  • Let our friendship grow clean and right.
  • My future bright will be in my sight.

9. Look around in your vicinity – your family, friends, neighbours, classmates, etc. and write about any four teenagers who have made a name for themselves by doing something extraordinary.

Question 1.
Look around in your vicinity – your family, friends, neighbours, classmates, etc. and write about any four teenagers who have made a name for themselves by doing something extraordinary.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer 5

Teenager Group Name Special/extraordinary tasks/things performed
1. Family Vishal Healthy young boy-body-building was his passion-trained-hard work-took part in various competitions-became ‘Mumbai Shree’at the age of 20-opened his own Gym-trained many body-builders-they won many titles-became rich and famous.
2. Friends Meera Disabled-lost a leg in an accident-prosthetic leg at the age of 15-she excelled in studies-after graduation she appeared for Maharashtra Public Service Commission exams-passed at first attempt-ranked 5th among all-became Tehsildar-worked for common man-all people loved and admired her administration.
3. Neighbours Yashraj Special child-born blind-inclined to music since childhood-distressful life-did not give up-used to listen to songs on transistor and TV.-practised-learnt harmonium, guitar, tabla, etc.-sang classical songs-mastered every type of music-arranged many concerts-today he is a famous music director at the age of 30.
4. Classmates Jacob Wealthy family-were in big business-father wanted him to get into business-but he wanted to change the face of villages-adopted some backward villages-worked selflessly with the poor and needy people-with great patience, perseverance and sacrifice did his noble work-brought transformation in their life-improved their overall quality of life-he is respected as God by the villagers.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

My English Coursebook 10th Digest Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer Additional Important Questions and Answers

Complex Factual Activity :
Complete the webs : (Answer is directly given.)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer 6

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer 7

Complex Factual Activities :

Question 1.
Complete the sentences with the help of the extract:
(Answers are directly given and underlined.)

  1. The person should strictly say ‘no’ to any temptation that comes in his way,
  2. It’ll keep a person’s body clean and fit.

Question 2.
Whose company does the poet wish for, in the walk of life? Why?
What effect does the speaker wish to see in himself at the end of his teens?
The poet wishes the company of God because, by the time his teenage years are over, he will know that the life he lived under the guidance and help of the Almighty, was the best.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer

Question 3.
In what condition does the poet wish to maintain his body?
The poet wishes to maintain his body and keep it clean and fit each day, when temptation attracts him to do anything bad or wrong.

Activities based on Poetic Devices :

Question 1.
Identify the following figures of speech :

  1. Please open up my eyes, – Apostrophe dear Lord.
  2. And fit for life each day. – Alliteration

Space Missions Class 10 Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 10

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks and explain the statements with reasoning:
a. If the height of the orbit of a satellite from the earth’s surface is increased, the tangential velocity of the satellite will ………………
If the height of the orbit of a satellite from the earth’s surface, is increased, the tangential velocity of the satellite will decrease.
Explanation: The gravitational force (F) exerted by the earth on the satellite will decrease if the height of the orbit of the satellite from the earth’s surface is increased. Hence, the tangential velocity of the satellite will decrease.
The formula
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions 1
shows that υc decreases with increasing h.

b. The initial velocity (during launching) of the Mangalyaan must be greater than ………… from the earth.
The initial velocity (during launching) of the Mangalyaan must be greater than the escape velocity from the earth.
Explanation: If a satellite is to travel beyond the gravitational pull of the earth, its velocity must be more than the escape velocity from the earth.
[Note: The velocity must be atleast equal to the escape velocity. Refer the definition of escape velocity.]

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions

Question 2.
State with reasons whether the following statements are true or false.
a. If a spacecraft has to be sent away from the influence of the earth’s gravitational field, its velocity must be less than the escape velocity.
Explanation: The escape velocity of a body is the minimum velocity with which it should be projected from the earth’s surface, so that it can escape the influence of the earth’s gravitational field. This clearly shows that the given statement is false.

b. The escape velocity on the moon is less than that on the earth.
Explanation: Escape velocity of an object from the earth,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions 2

c. A satellite needs a specific velocity to revolve in a specific orbit.
Centripetal force on the satellite \(\frac{m v_{c}^{2}}{R+h}\) = gravitational force exerted by the earth on the satellite \(\frac{G M m}{(R+h)^{2}}\)
m: mass of the satellite
υc: critical velocity of the satellite
h: height of the satellite from the surface of the earth
M: mass of the earth
R: radius of the earth
G: gravitational constant
∴ \(v_{\mathrm{c}}^{2}=\frac{G M}{R+h}\)
∴ \(v_{\mathrm{c}}=\sqrt{\frac{G M}{R+h}}\)
Thus, if the value of h changes, the value of υc also changes. It means a satellite needs to be given a specific velocity (in the tangential direction) to keep it revolving in a specific orbit.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions 3

d. If the height of the orbit of a satellite increases, its velocity must also increase.
Centripetal force on the satellite \(\frac{m v_{c}^{2}}{R+h}\) = gravitational force exerted by the earth on the satellite \(\frac{G M m}{(R+h)^{2}}\)
m : mass of the satellite
υc : critical velocity of the satellite
h : height of the satellite from the surface of the earth
M : mass of the earth
R : radius of the earth
G : gravitational constant
∴ \(v_{\mathrm{c}}^{2}=\frac{G M}{R+h}\)
∴ \(v_{\mathrm{c}}=\sqrt{\frac{G M}{R+h}}\)
Thus, if the value of h changes, the value of υc also changes. It means a satellite needs to be given a specific velocity (in the tangential direction) to keep it revolving in a specific orbit.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions 4
As per the formula υc = \(\sqrt{\frac{G M}{R+h}}\) , if the value of h increases, the value of υc decreases. Hence, if the height of the satellite from the surface of the earth increases, its velocity decreases.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions

Question 3.
Answer the following questions:
a. What is meant by an artificial satellite? How are the satellites classified based on their functions?
Write the importance of artificial satellites in your words. (Practice Activity Sheet – 3)
A manmade object orbiting the earth or any other planet is called an artificial satellite. Satellites work on solar energy and hence photovoltaic panels are attached on both sides of the satellite, which look like wings. Satellites are also installed with various transmitters and other equipment to receive and transmit signals between the earth and the satellites.

Classification of satellites depending on their functions:
(1) Weather satellites: weather satellites collect the information regarding weather conditions of the region. It records temperature, air pressure, wind direction, humidity, cloud cover, etc. this information is sent to the space research station on the earth and then with this information weather forecast is made.

(2) Communication satellites: In order to establish communication between different places on the earth through mobile phones or computer assisted internet, communication satellites are used. Many artificial satellites placed at various locations in the earth’s orbit are well interconnected and help us to have communication with any place, from anywhere, at any time and in any form including voicemail, email, photographs, audio mail, etc.

(3) Broadcasting satellites: Broadcasting satel¬lites are used to transmit various radio and television programs and even live programs from any place on the earth to any other place. As a result, one can have access to information about current incidents, events, programs, sports and other events right from his drawing room with these satellites.

(4) Navigational satellites: Navigational satel¬lites assist the surface, water and air transportation and coordinate their busy schedule. These satellites also assist the user with current live maps as well as real time traffic conditions.

(5) Military satellites: Every sovereign nation needs to keep the real time information about the borders. Satellites help to monitor all movements of neighboring countries or enemy countries. Military satellites also help to guide the missiles effectively.

(6) Earth observation satellites: These satellites observe and provide the real time information about the earth. These satellites also help us to collect information about the resources, their management, continuous observation about a natural phenomenon and the changes within it.

(7) Other satellites: Apart from these various satellites, certain satellites for specific works or purposes are also sent in the space. E.g. India has sent EDUSAT for educational purpose; CARTOSAT for surveys and map making. Similarly, satellites with telescopes, like Hubble telescope or a satellite like International Space Station help to explore the universe. In fact, ISS (International Space Station) provides a temporary residence where astronauts can stay for a certain short or long period and can undertake the research and study space activities.
The various functions listed above show the importance of artificial satellites.

b. What is meant by the orbit of a satellite? On what basis and how are the orbits of artificial satellites classified?
Orbit of a satellite is its path around the earth.
Orbits of artificial satellites can be classified on various basis.
(1) On the basis of the angle of the orbital plane: Orbital plane of a satellite can be the equatorial plane of the earth or it can be at an angle to it.
(2) On the basis of the nature of the orbit: Orbital plane can be circular or elliptical in shape.
(3) On the basis of the height of the satellite: Orbit of a satellite can be HEO, MEO or LEO.

(i) High Earth Orbit (HEO) satellite: A satellite orbiting at a height equal to or greater than 35780 km above the earth’s surface is called a High Earth Orbit satellite. The critical velocity (υc) of a satellite revolving in an orbit at 35780 km above the earth surface is 3.08 km/s. Such a satellite will take about 23 hours 54 minutes to complete one revolution around the earth. The earth completes one rotation about its axis in the same time. The orbital plane of such a satellite is the equatorial plane of the earth. The satellite’s relative position appears stationary with respect to a place on the earth. This satellite is, therefore, called a geostationary satellite or geosynchronous satellite.

(ii) Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellite: A satellite orbiting at a height between 2000 km and 35780 km above the earth’s surface is called a Medium Earth Orbit satellite. The orbital path of such a satellite is normally elliptical and passes through the North and the South polar regions. These satellites take about 12 hours to complete one revolution around the earth.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions 5

(iii) Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite:
A satellite orbiting at a height between 180 km and 2000 km above the earth’s surface is called a Low Earth Orbit satellite. Normally, these satellites take 90 minutes to complete one revolution around the earth. Weather satellites, space telescopes and International Space Station are Low Earth Orbit satellites.

c. Why are geostationary satellites not useful for studies of polar regions? (Practice Activity Sheet – 4)
Explain the following statement. A geostationary satellite is not useful in the study of polar regions. (Practice Activity Sheet – 1)
Geostationary satellites have two distinct characteristics:
(1) Geostationary satellites are HEO satellites and are placed at 35780 km above the earth’s surface.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions 6

(2) A geostationary satellite revolves in the equatorial plane of the earth, and thus, it can never fly above the polar regions.
Hence, geostationary satellites are not useful for studies of polar regions.

d. What is meant by a satellite launch vehicle? Explain the satellite launch vehicle developed by ISRO with the help of a schematic diagram.
A rocket used to carry an artificial satellite to a desired height above the earth’s surface and then project it with a proper velocity so that the satellite orbits the earth in the desired orbit is called a launch vehicle. A satellite launch vehicle needs a specific velocity as well as a thrust to reach the desired height above the earth’s surface. The velocity and the thrust of a satellite launch vehicle depend on the weight and orbital height of the satellite.

Accordingly, the structure of the launch vehicle is decided and designed. The weight of the fuel also contributes a major portion in the total weight of the launch vehicle. This also influences the structure of the launch vehicle. In order to use the fuel optimally, multiple stage launch vehicles are now designed and used.

The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) developed by ISRO is shown below in a schematic diagram.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions 7

e. Why is it beneficial to use a satellite j launch vehicle made up of more than one stage?
Earlier Satellite Launch Vehicles (SLV) used to be of a single stage vehicles. Such SLVs used to be very heavy as well as expensive in terms of its fuel consumption. As a result, SLVs with multiple stages were developed.

In multistage SLVs, as the journey of the launch vehicle progresses and the vehicle achieves a specific velocity and a certain height, the fuel of the first stage is exhausted and the empty fuel tank gets detached from the main body of the launch vehicle and falls back into a sea or on unpopulated land. As the fuel in the first stage is exhausted, the engine in the second stage is Ignited. However, the weight of the launch vehicle is now less than what it was earlier and hence it can move with higher velocity, Thus, it saves fuel consumption. Hence, it is beneficial to use a multistage satellite launch vehicle.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions

Question 4.
Complete the following table:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions 8
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions 9

Question 5.
Solve the following problems:
a. If the mass of a planet is eight times the mass of the earth and its radius is twice the radius of the earth, what will be the escape velocity for that planet?
(1) The mass of the planet (M) is eight times the mass of the earth, i.e., 8 × 6 × 1024 kg
(2) The radius of the planet (R) is twice the radius of the earth, i.e., 2 × 6.4 × 106 km
(3) G = 6.67 × 10-11 N·m2/kg2
Escape velocity for that planet
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions 10
= 2.237 × 104 m/s
= 22.37 km/s

b. How much time would a satellite in an orbit at a height of 35780 km above the earth’s surface take to complete one revolution around the earth, if the mass of the earth were four times its original mass?
Given: R (Earth) = 6400 km = 6.4 × 106 m,
M (Earth) = 6 × 1024 kg
∴ M’ = 4M = 4 × 6 × 1024 kg
h = 35780 km = 3.578 × 107 m = 35.78 × 106 m,
G = 6.67 × 10-11 N·m2/kg2, T = ?
The time that the satellite would take to complete one revolution around the earth,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions 11
= Approx 4.303 × 104 s
= Approx 11.95 h
or 11 hours 57 minutes 10 seconds.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions

c. If the height of a satellite completing one revolution around the earth in T seconds is h1 meters, then what would be the height of a satellite taking 2\(\sqrt{2}\) T seconds for one revolution?
(1) Time: T seconds
(2) Height: h1
Let us assume the height of the satellite completing one revolution in 2\(\sqrt{2}\) T seconds as h2.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions 12
∴ R + h2 = 2R + 2h1
∴ h2 = R + 2h1


Project 1.
Collect information about the space missions undertaken by Sunita Williams.
The following sources can be used to get the information on the above topic:
(1) Google Search Engine
(2) YouTube
(3) E-books on Sunita Williams
(4) English and other regional language books on Sunita Williams available in your library
(5) Newspaper clippings

Based on the information you have collected from the above sources, complete the project in about 5 pages. You can do value addition to your project with the help of suitable photos, clippings, charts, graphs and sketches.

Project 2.
Assume that you are interviewing Sunita Williams. Prepare a questionnaire and also the answers.
Points to make a list of a questionnaire for the interview of Sunita Williams :
(1) Primary and higher education
(2) The source of inspiration to become an astronaut
(3) Information about her mentor
(4) General and specific training
(5) Initial experience of being an astronaut
(6) First space mission, its nature, duration and experience
(7) Natureofresearchcarriedoutinspace
(8) Some special memories
(9) Future plans
(10) Tips and guidance for the younger generation.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions

Can you recall? (Text Book Page No. 135)

Question 1.
What is the difference between space and sky?

  1. The visible portion of the atmosphere and outer space seen by simple eyes, without any equipment from the earth, is known as the sky.
  2. The infinite three-dimensional expanse in which the Solar system, stars, celestial bodies, galaxies and the endless Universe exist is known as space.
  3. Both sky and space lack a definite boundary. However, the sky is a very tiny part of space.

Question 2.
What are different objects in the Solar system?

  1. Our Solar system is a very tiny part of a huge Galaxy-Milky Way.
  2. The Sun is at the centre of the Solar system. Sun is a star.
  3. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are planets in our Solar system. These planets revolve around the Sun. Some of these planets have their own natural satellites.
  4. Besides, there are asteroids, meteoroids, comets and meteors in the Solar system.

Question 3.
What is meant by a satellite?

  1. An astronomical object orbiting any planet of our Solar system is called a satellite.
  2. Mercury and Venus have no satellites.
  3. Some planets have more than one satellite. E.g. Jupiter has 69 satellites.

Question 4.
How many natural satellites does the earth have?
The earth has one natural satellite called the moon.

Question 5.
Which type of telescopes are orbiting around the earth? Why is it necessary to put them in space?
(1) The following three types of telescopes are orbiting around the earth:

  • Optical Refracting Telescope.
  • Optical Reflecting Telescope.
  • Radio Telescope.

(2) Visible light and radio waves emitted by celestial bodies in space pass through the atmosphere before reaching the earth’s surface. During this journey, some light is absorbed by the atmosphere. Hence, the intensity of the light reaching the earth’s surface decreases. Besides, temperature and air pressure cause the atmospheric turbulence. Hence, light rays change their path, resulting in a change in the position of the image of a celestial body.

City lights during night, and bright sunlight during day also put limitations on usage of optical telescopes on the earth. To minimize these problems, optical telescopes are situated on mountain top, away from inhabited places. However, limitations caused by the atmosphere still persist.

To get rid of these problems scientists have successfully launched telescopes in space. Images obtained by these telescopes are brighter and clearer than those obtained by the telescopes located on the earth’s surface.

Can you recall? (Text Book Page No. 135)

Question 1.
Where does the signal in your cellphone come from?
In nearby area of our residence, many mobile towers are installed at various places. Cellphones receive signals from one of these mobile towers.

Question 2.
Where from does it come to mobile towers?
All mobile towers are connected to satellites. Cellphone signal reaching the nearest mobile tower in our vicinity is first transmitted to the satellite. The satellite transmits the signal to the mobile tower near the destination.

Question 3.
Where does the signal to your TV set come from?
(1) Television Centre or Studio transmits the TV program which first reaches the satellite. The dish antenna of the cable operator in our area receives these signals. The TV programs reach our TV set through a cable connected between the cable operator’s receiving station and our TV set.

(2) Alternatively, a small portable dish antenna fixed on the rooftop is also used to receive the TV signals directly from the satellites. Finally, a cable connected to the dish antenna and TV set brings the programme to our TV set.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions

Question 4.
You may have seen photographs showing the position of monsoon clouds over the country in the newspaper. How are these images obtained?
Weather satellites take photographs of the sky above the earth’s surface at regular intervals. Some satellites, capable of receiving radio signals, also collect the information of weather conditions and finally images of the sky are built with computers. Territorial boundaries of the states and the country are drawn later on these images. Such satellite images with imposed boundaries are printed in media or shown on the television.

Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
A man-made object revolving around the earth in a fixed orbit is called …………..
A man-made object revolving around the earth in a fixed orbit is called an artificial satellite.

Question 2.
Chandrayaan-I discovered the presence of ………….. on the moon.
Chandrayaan-I discovered the presence of water on the moon.

Question 3.
Apart from launching a satellite around the earth, India has been able to launch a satellite around ……………
Apart from launching a satellite around the earth, India has been able to launch a satellite around Mars.

Question 4.
All satellites work on …………… energy.
All satellites work on solar energy.

Question 5.
……………. are used to carry and place a satellite in a specific orbit.
Satellite launchers are used to carry and place a satellite in a specific orbit.

Question 6.
USA has developed ……………. as an alternative to space launch vehicles.
USA has developed space shuttles as an alternative to space launch vehicles.

Question 7.
Hubble telescope is a ………….. satellite.
Hubble telescope is a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite.

Question 8.
……………. executed the first ever mission to the moon in the world.
Russia executed the first ever mission to the moon in the world.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions

Question 9.
………… executed the first manned mission to the moon in the world.
USA executed the first manned mission to the moon in the world.

Select the appropriate answer from given options:

Question 1.
Which one of the following is a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite?
(a) Navigational satellite
(b) Geostationary satellite
(c) International Space Station
(d) All of the above
(c) International Space Station

Question 2.
Which of the following satellite launchers is developed by India?
(d) PSLV
(d) PSLV

Question 3.
Which of the following astronauts travelled through space shuttle ‘Discovery’ first time? (Practice Activity Sheet – 4)
(a) Kalpana Chawla
(b) Rakesh Sharma
(c) Sunita Williams
(d) Neil Armstrong
(c) Sunita Williams

Considering the correlation between the words of the first pair, pair the third word accordingly with proper answer. (OR) Considering the first correlation, complete the second.

Question 1.
IRNSS : Direction showing satellite :: INSAT :………… (Practice Activity Sheet – 1)
IRNSS : Direction showing satellite :: INSAT : Weather satellite

Question 2.
Hubble telescope : 569 km high from the earth’s surface :: Revolving orbit of Hubble telescope :………. (Practice Activity Sheet – 2; March 2019)
Hubble telescope : 569 km high from the earth’s surface :: Revolving orbit of Hubble telescope : Low Earth Orbit.

Match the column:

Question 1.

Column A Column B
(1) Clouds over India (a) Low Earth Orbit
(2) Global communication (b) PSLV
(3) Launch vehicle made by ISRO (c) Communication satellite
(4) International Space Station (d) EDUSAT
(5) Navigational satellite (e) Weather satellite
(f) Medium Earth Orbit

(1) Clouds over India – Weather satellite
(2) Global communication – Communication satellite
(3) Launch vehicle made by ISRO – PSLV
(4) International Space Station – Low Earth Orbit
(5) Navigational satellite – Medium Earth Orbit.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions

Answer the following questions in one sentence each:

Question 1.
What do you mean by the orbit of a satellite?
Orbit of a satellite is its path around the earth.

Question 2.
Which factor decides the orbit of a satellite?
The function of a satellite decides the orbit of the satellite.

Question 3.
What is a High Earth Orbit satellite?
A satellite orbiting at a height equal to or greater than 35780 km above the earth’s surface is called a High Earth Orbit satellite.

Question 4.
Give two examples of Low Earth Orbit satellites.
Weather satellite and International Space Station are Low Earth Orbit satellites.

Question 5.
What is a launch vehicle?
A rocket used to carry an artificial satellite to a desired height above the earth’s surface and then project it with a proper velocity so that the satellite orbits the earth in the desired orbit is called a launch vehicle.

Question 6.
Name the launch vehicle developed by India.
The launch vehicle developed by India is known as PSLV, i.e., Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Write the proper name of the orbits of satellites shown in the following figure with their height from the earth’s surface. (Practice Activity Sheet – 4)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions 13
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions 14
(a) Low earth orbits: height above the earth’s surface: 180 km to 2000 km
(b) Medium earth orbits: height above the earth’s surface: 2000 km to 35780 km
(c) High earth orbits: height from the earth’s surface > 35780 km

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions

Question 2.
Explain the need and importance of space missions.
Man has always been curious about the sun, moon, stars and the world beyond the earth. Initially, man tried to observe space with the help of telescopes. However, later he dreamt to fly into space and finally succeeded to reach into space.

Space missions are now essential to understand the origin and evolution of our solar system as well as to study the Universe beyond the Solar system.

Space missions have given us many benefits and made our life simpler. It is because of space missions that the real-time immediate communication and exchange of information across the globe is now possible. We can receive the abundant information at the desk at our home or office. We also get information about any topic at any time and anywhere at fingertips through the Internet. Besides, the advanced alerts about some natural calamities like cyclones or storms are received through satellites sent as a part of space missions. Satellites have also helped us in entertainment. Programmes, sports events, etc., can be telecast live and can reach millions at a time throughout the world.

Satellite surveillance of the enemy, exploring the reserves of various minerals resources, access to various activities like trade, tourism and navigation, and easy global reach to make world a global village is all possible due to the space missions. Thus, space missions are extremely important in defence, communication, weather forecast, observation, direction determination, etc.

Question 3.
What are space expeditions? Explain their need and importance in your words. (Practice Activity Sheet – 2)
A mission planned (i) for establishing artificial satellites in the earth’s orbit, using them for research or for the benefit of life, or (ii) for sending a spacecraft to the various components of the solar system or outside is called a space expedition.

Man has always been curious about the sun, moon, stars and the world beyond the earth. Initially, man tried to observe space with the help of telescopes. However, later he dreamt to fly into space and finally succeeded to reach into space. Space missions are now essential to understand the origin and evolution of our solar system as well as to study the Universe beyond the Solar system.

Space missions have given us many benefits and made our life simpler. It is because of space missions that the real-time immediate communication and exchange of information across the globe is now possible. We can receive the abundant information at the desk at our home or office. We also get information about any topic at any time and anywhere at fingertips through the Internet. Besides, the advanced alerts about some natural calamities like cyclones or storms are received through satellites sent as a part of space missions. Satellites have also helped us in entertainment. Programmes, sports events, etc., can be telecast live and can reach millions at a time throughout the world.

Satellite surveillance of the enemy, exploring the reserves of various minerals resources, access to various activities like trade, tourism and navigation, and easy global reach to make world a global village is all possible due to the space missions. Thus, space missions are extremely important in defence, communication, weather forecast, observation, direction determination, etc.

Question 4.
What are the objectives of the space mission?
Man initially tried to satisfy his curiosity to know the world and universe beyond the earth with the help of telescopes. However, it has some obvious limitations and to overcome these limitations, man later ventured into space missions.

Space missions carried out by man were aimed at four specific objectives:

  1. To launch artificial satellites in the earth’s orbit for study and research.
  2. To launch artificial satellites in the earth’s orbit for various purposes like telecommunication, weather forecast, radio and TV programme transmission, etc.
  3. To send artificial satellites beyond the earth’s orbit to observe, study and collect the information from other planets, meteors, meteoroids, asteroids and comets.
  4. To sense and understand space beyond the solar system.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions

Question 5.
Write on significant space missions carried out by man.
Man has carried out many space missions within and beyond the earth’s orbit. Significant space missions are as follows:
(1) Space missions within the earth’s orbit: Man has so far sent many artificial satellites of various types in the earth’s orbit. These satellites have made the life of man simpler. Besides, it has also helped us in resource management, communication, disaster management, etc.

(2) Moon missions : Moon is the natural satellite , of the earth and it is the nearest celestial body to us. Naturally, our initial space missions were directed to the moon. As of now, only Russia, USA, European Union, China, Japan and India have successfully undertaken . moon missions. Russia executed 15 moon missions between 1959 and 1976. Of these, last 4 missions brought the stone samples from the moon for study and analysis. However all these missions were unmanned. USA executed moon missions between 1962 and 1972. Some of these missions were unmanned.

However, the historic moon mission took place on 20th July, 1969, when American astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first human to step on the moon. India has undertaken the moon mission. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully launched Chandrayaan-I and placed it in orbit of the moon. It sent useful information to the earth for about a year. The most important discovery made during the mission was the presence of water on moon’s surface. India was the first country to discover this.

(3) Mars mission: The second nearest celestial object to the earth is Mars and many nations sent spacecraft towards it. But only few of them have been successful. However, the performance of Mangalyaan, the Indian spacecraft sent by ISRO towards Mars, was remarkable. Mangalyaan was launched in November 2013 and was placed in the orbit of Mars successfully in September 2014. It has obtained useful information about the surface and atmosphere of Mars.

(4) Space missions to other planets: Other than moon and Mars missions, many other space missions were undertaken for studying other planets. Some spacecraft orbited the planets, some landed on some planets, and some just observed the planets, passed near them and went further to study other celestial bodies. Some spacecraft were sent specifically to study asteroids and comets. Some spacecraft’s have brought dust and stone samples from asteroids for the study.

All these space missions are very useful in getting information and helping us in clarifying our concepts about the origin of the earth and the Solar system.

Question 6.
Bring out the contribution of India’s space missions.
Successful space missions as well as scientific and technological accomplishments by India in space technology have made a significant contribution in the national and social development of our country.
India has indigenously built various launchers and these launchers can put the satellites having the mass up to 2500 kg in orbit.

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has designed and built two important launchers: Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) and Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV).

Many satellites in INS AT and GSAT series are active in telecommunication, television broadcasting, meteorological services, disaster management and in monitoring and management of natural resources. EDUSAT is used specifically for education while satellites in IRNSS series are used for navigation. Thumba, Sriharikota and Chandipur are Indian satellite launch centers.

Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre at Thiruvananthapuram, Satish Dhawan Space Research Centre at Sriharikota and Space Application Centre at Ahmedabad are space research organizations of India.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions

Question 7.
What is meant by space debris? Why is there need to manage the debris? (March 2019)
In a space nonessential objects such as the parts of launchers and satellites, revolving around the earth are called the debris in space.

The debris can be harmful to the artificial satellites. It can collide with the satellite or spacecrafts and damage them. Therefore the future of artificial satellites or spacecrafts are in danger.
Hence, it is necessary to manage the debris.

Solve the following examples/numerical problems:
[Note: See the textbook for the relevant data.]

Problem 1.
If the mass of a planet is 8 times that of the earth and its radius is twice the radius of the earth, what will be the escape velocity for that planet? (Escape velocity for the earth = 11.2 km/s) (Practice Activity Sheet – 2)
Mass of the planet = 8ME radius of the planet, Rp = 2RE,
escape velocity for the earth, υescE = 11.2 km/s
escape velocity for the planet, υescP = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions 15

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions

Problem 2.
Calculate the critical velocity (υc) of the satellite to be located at 35780 km above the surface of the earth.
G: 6.67 × 10-11 N·m2/kg2,
M(Earth): 6 × 1024 kg,
R(Earth): 6.4 × 106 m,
h: 35780 km = 35780 × 103 m,
υc = ?
Critical velocity of the satellite
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions 16
= 3.08 × 103 m/s
= 3.08 Km/s.

Problem 3.
In the above example (2) how much time will the satellite take to complete one revolution around the earth?
R: 6400mkm = 6.4 × 106 m
h: 35780 km = 3.5780 × 107 m
v: 3.08 km/s = 3.08 × 103 m/s
T = ?
The time required for the satellite to complete one revolution around the earth,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions 17
= Approx 86060 s
= 23 hours 54 minutes 20 seconds

Problem 4.
Calculate the critical velocity (υc) of the satellite to be located at 2000 km above the surface of the earth.
Refer to the example (2) above.
Here,h = 2 × 106 m
υc = 6902 m/s

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 10 Space Missions

Problem 5.
In the above example (4), how much time will the satellite take to complete one revolution around the earth?
Refer to example (3) above.
Approx 7647 s
= 2 hours 7 minutes 27 seconds.
[Note: For more solved problems and problems for practice, refer Chapter 1 (Gravitation)]

Practice Set 5 Geometry 10th Standard Maths Part 2 Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Solutions Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Problem Set 5 Geometry 10th Class Maths Part 2 Answers Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry.

10th Standard Maths 2 Problem Set 5 Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Textbook Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Maths Part 2 Problem Set 5 Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Questions With Answers Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks using correct alternatives.

i. Seg AB is parallel to Y-axis and co-ordinates of point A are (1, 3), then co-ordinates of point B can be _______.
(A) (3,1)
(B) (5,3)
(C) (3,0)
(D) (1,-3)
Answer: (D)
Since, seg AB || Y-axis.
∴ x co-ordinate of all points on seg AB
will be the same,
x co-ordinate of A (1, 3) = 1
x co-ordinate of B (1, – 3) = 1
∴ Option (D) is correct.

ii. Out of the following, point lies to the right of the origin on X-axis.
(A) (-2,0)
(B) (0,2)
(C) (2,3)
(D) (2,0)
Answer: (D)

iii. Distance of point (-3, 4) from the origin is _________.
(A) 7
(B) 1
(C) 5
(D) -5
Answer: (C)
Distance of (-3, 4) from origin
\(\begin{array}{l}{=\sqrt{(-3)^{2}+(4)^{2}}} \\ {=\sqrt{9+16}} \\ {=\sqrt{25}=5}\end{array}\)

iv. A line makes an angle of 30° with the positive direction of X-axis. So the slope of the line is ________.
(A) \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } \)
(B) \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\)
(C) \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}\)
(D) \(\sqrt { 3 }\)
Answer: (C)

Question 2.
Determine whether the given points are collinear.
i. A (0, 2), B (1, -0.5), C (2, -3)
ii. P(1,2), Q(2,\(\frac { 8 }{ 5 } \)),R(3,\(\frac { 6 }{ 5 } \))
iii L (1, 2), M (5, 3), N (8, 6)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 1
∴ slope of line AB = slope of line BC
∴ line AB || line BC
Also, point B is common to both the lines.
∴ Both lines are the same.
∴ Points A, B and C are collinear.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 2
∴ slope of line PQ = slope of line QR
∴ line PQ || line QR
Also, point Q is common to both the lines.
∴ Both lines are the same.
∴ Points P, Q and R are collinear.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 3
∴ slope of line LM ≠ slope of line MN
∴ Points L, M and N are not collinear.
[Note: Students can solve the above problems by using distance formula.]

Question 3.
Find the co-ordinates of the midpoint of the line segment joining P (0,6) and Q (12,20).
P(x1,y1) = P (0, 6), Q(x2, y2) = Q (12, 20)
Here, x1 = 0, y1 = 6, x2 = 12, y2 = 20
∴ Co-ordinates of the midpoint of seg PQ
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 4
∴ The co-ordinates of the midpoint of seg PQ are (6,13).

Question 4.
Find the ratio in which the line segment joining the points A (3, 8) and B (-9, 3) is divided by the Y-axis.
Let C be a point on Y-axis which divides seg AB in the ratio m : n.
Point C lies on the Y-axis
∴ its x co-ordinate is 0.
Let C = (0, y)
Here A (x1,y1) = A(3, 8)
B (x2, y2) = B (-9, 3)
∴ By section formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 5
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 6
∴ Y-axis divides the seg AB in the ratio 1 : 3.

Question 5.
Find the point on X-axis which is equidistant from P (2, -5) and Q (-2,9).
Let point R be on the X-axis which is equidistant from points P and Q.
Point R lies on X-axis.
∴ its y co-ordinate is 0.
Let R = (x, 0)
R is equidistant from points P and Q.
∴ PR = QR
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 7
∴ (x – 2)2 + [0 – (-5)]2 = [x – (- 2)]2 + (0 – 9)2 …[Squaring both sides]
∴ (x – 2)2 + (5)2 = (x + 2)2 + (-9)2
∴ 4 – 4x + x2 + 25 = 4 + 4x + x2 + 81
∴ – 8x = 56
∴ x = -7
∴ The point on X-axis which is equidistant from points P and Q is (-7,0).

Question 6.
Find the distances between the following points.
i. A (a, 0), B (0, a)
ii. P (-6, -3), Q (-1, 9)
iii. R (-3a, a), S (a, -2a)
i. Let A (x1, y1) and B (x2, y2) be the given points.
∴ x1 = a, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = a
By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 8
∴ d(A, B) = a\(\sqrt { 2 }\) units

ii. Let P (x1, y1) and Q (x2, y2) be the given points.
∴ x1 = -6, y1 = -3, x2 = -1, y2 = 9
By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 9
∴ d(P, Q) = 13 units

iii. Let R (x1, y1) and S (x2, y2) be the given points.
∴ x1 = -3a, y1 = a, x2 = a, y2 = -2a
By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 10
∴ d(R, S) = 5a units

Question 7.
Find the co-ordinates of the circumcentre of a triangle whose vertices are (-3,1), (0, -2) and (1,3).
Let A (-3, 1), B (0, -2) and C (1, 3) be the vertices of the triangle.
Suppose O (h, k) is the circumcentre of ∆ABC.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 11
∴ (h + 3)2 + (k – 1)2 = h2 + (k + 2)2
∴ h2 + 6h + 9 + k2 – 2k + 1 = h2 + k2 + 4k + 4
∴ 6h – 2k + 10 = 4k + 4
∴ 6h – 2k – 4k = 4 – 10
∴ 6h – 6k = – 6
∴ h – k = -1 ,..(i)[Dividing both sides by 6]
OB = OC …[Radii of the same circle]
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 12
∴ h2 + (k + 2)2 = (h – 1)2 + (k – 3)2
∴ h2 + k2 + 4k + 4 = h2 – 2h + 1 + k2 – 6k + 9
∴ 4k + 4 = -2h + 1 – 6k + 9
∴ 2h+ 10k = 6
∴ h + 5k = 3 …(ii)
Subtracting equation (ii) from (i), we get
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 13
∴ The co-ordinates of the circumcentre of the triangle are (\(\frac { -1 }{ 3 } \),\(\frac { 2 }{ 3 } \))

Question 8.
In the following examples, can the segment joining the given points form a triangle? If triangle is formed, state the type of the triangle considering sides of the triangle.
i. L (6, 4), M (-5, -3), N (-6, 8)
ii. P (-2, -6), Q (-4, -2), R (-5, 0)
iii. A(\(\sqrt { 2 }\),\(\sqrt { 2 }\)),B(-\(\sqrt { 2 }\),-\(\sqrt { 2 }\)),C(\(\sqrt { 6 }\),\(\sqrt { 6 }\))
i. By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 14
∴ d(M, N) + d (L, N) > d (L, M)
∴ Points L, M, N are non collinear points.
We can construct a triangle through 3 non collinear points.
∴ The segment joining the given points form a triangle.
Since MN ≠ LN ≠ LM
∴ ∆LMN is a scalene triangle.
∴ The segments joining the points L, M and N will form a scalene triangle.

ii. By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 15
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 16
∴ d(P, Q) + d(Q, R) = d (P, R) …[From (iii)]
∴ Points P, Q, R are collinear points.
We cannot construct a triangle through 3 collinear points.
∴ The segments joining the points P, Q and R will not form a triangle.

iii. By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 17
∴ d(A, B) + d(B, C) + d(A, C) … [From (iii)]
∴ Points A, B, C are non collinear points.
We can construct a triangle through 3 non collinear points.
∴ The segment joining the given points form a triangle.
Since, AB = BC = AC
∴ ∆ABC is an equilateral triangle.
∴ The segments joining the points A, B and C will form an equilateral triangle.

Question 9.
Find k, if the line passing through points P (-12, -3) and Q (4, k) has slope \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } \).
P(x1,y1) = P(-12,-3),
Q(X2,T2) = Q(4, k)
Here, x1 = -12, x2 = 4, y1 = -3, y2 = k
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 18
But, slope of line PQ (m) is \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } \) ….[Given]
∴ \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } \) = \(\frac { k+3 }{ 16 } \)
∴ \(\frac { 16 }{ 2 } \) = k + 3
∴ 8 = k + 3
∴ k = 5
The value of k is 5.

Question 10.
Show that the line joining the points A (4,8) and B (5, 5) is parallel to the line joining the points C (2, 4) and D (1 ,7).
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 19
∴ Slope of line AB = Slope of line CD
Parallel lines have equal slope.
∴ line AB || line CD

Question 11.
Show that points P (1, -2), Q (5, 2), R (3, -1), S (-1, -5) are the vertices of a parallelogram.
By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 20
PQ = RS … [From (i) and (iii)]
QR = PS … [From (ii) and (iv)]
∴ ꠸ PQRS is a parallelogram.
[A quadrilateral is a parallelogram, if both the pairs of its opposite sides are congruent]
∴ Points P, Q, R and S are the vertices of a parallelogram.

Question 12.
Show that the ꠸PQRS formed by P (2, 1), Q (-1, 3), R (-5, -3) and S (-2, -5) is a rectangle.
By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 21
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 22
PQ = RS …[From (i) and (iii)]
QR = PS …[From (ii) and (iv)]
꠸PQRS is a parallelogram.
[A quadrilateral is a parallelogram, if both the pairs of its opposite sides are congruent]
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 23
In parallelogram PQRS,
PR = QS … [From (v) and (vi)]
∴ ꠸PQRS is a rectangle.
[A parallelogram is a rectangle if its diagonals are equal]

Question 13.
Find the lengths of the medians of a triangle whose vertices are A (-1, 1), B (5, -3) and C (3,5).
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 24
Suppose AD, BE and CF are the medians.
∴ Points D, E and F are the midpoints of sides BC, AC and AB respectively.
∴ By midpoint formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 25
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 26
∴ The lengths of the medians of the triangle 5 units, 2\(\sqrt { 13 }\) units and \(\sqrt { 37 }\) units.

Question 14.
Find the co-ordinates of centroid of the triangle if points D (-7, 6), E (8, 5) and F (2, -2) are the mid points of the sides of that triangle.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 27
Suppose A (x1, y1), B (x2, y2) and C (x3, y3) are the vertices of the triangle.
D (-7, 6), E (8, 5) and F (2, -2) are the midpoints of sides BC, AC and AB respectively.
Let G be the centroid of ∆ABC.
D is the midpoint of seg BC.
By midpoint formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 28
E is the midpoint of seg AC.
By midpoint formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 29
Adding (i), (iii) and (v),
x2 + x3 + x1 + x3 + x1 + x2 = -14 + 16 + 4
∴ 2x1 + 2x2 + 2x3 = 6
∴ x1 + x2 + x3 = 3 …(vii)
Adding (ii), (iv) and (vi),
y2 + y3 + y1 + y3 + y1 +y2 = 12 + 10 – 4
∴ 2y1 + 2y2 + 2y3 = 18
∴ y1 + y2 + y3 = 9 …(viii)
G is the centroid of ∆ABC.
By centroid formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 30
∴ The co-ordinates of the centroid of the triangle are (1,3).

Question 15.
Show that A (4, -1), B (6, 0), C (7, -2) and D (5, -3) are vertices of a square.
By distance formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 31
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 32
∴ □ABCD is a square.
[A rhombus is a square if its diagonals are equal]

Question 16.
Find the co-ordinates of circumcentre and radius of circumcircle of AABC if A (7, 1), B (3,5) and C (2,0) are given.
Suppose, O (h, k) is the circumcentre of ∆ABC
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 33
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 34
∴ h2 – 6h + 9 + k2 – 10k + 25 = h2 – 4h + 4 + k2
∴ 2h + 10k = 30
∴ h + 5k = 15 … (ii)[Dividing both sides by 2]
Multiplying equation (i) by 5, we get
25h + 5k = 115 …(iii)
Subtracting equation (ii) from (iii), we get
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 35
Substituting the value of h in equation (i), we get
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 36
∴ The co-ordinates of the circumcentre of the triangle are (\(\frac { 25 }{ 6 } \),\(\frac { 13 }{ 6 } \)) and radius of circumcircle is \(\frac{13 \sqrt{2}}{6}\) units.

Question 17.
Given A (4, -3), B (8, 5). Find the co-ordinates of the point that divides segment AB in the ratio 3:1.
Suppose point C divides seg AB in the ratio 3:1.
Here; A(x1, y1) = A (4, -3)
B (x2, y2) = B (8, 5)
By section formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 37
∴ The co-ordinates of point dividing seg AB in ratio 3 : 1 are (7, 3).

Question 18.
Find the type of the quadrilateral if points A (-4, -2), B (-3, -7), C (3, -2) and D (2, 3) are joined serially.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 38
Slope of AB = slope of CD
∴ line AB || line CD
slope of BC = slope of AD
∴ line BC || line AD
Both the pairs of opposite sides of ∆ABCD are parallel.
∴ ꠸ ABCD is a parallelogram.
∴ The quadrilateral formed by joining the points A, B, C and D is a parallelogram.

Question 19.
The line segment AB is divided into five congruent parts at P, Q, R and S such that A-P-Q-R-S-B. If point Q (12, 14) and S (4, 18) are given, find the co-ordinates of A, P, R, B.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 39
Points P, Q, R and S divide seg AB in five congruent parts.
Let A (x1, y1), B (x2, y2), P (x3, y3) and
R (x4, y4) be the given points.
Point R is the midpoint of seg QS.
By midpoint formula,
x co-ordinate of R = \(\frac { 12+4 }{ 2 } \) = \(\frac { 16 }{ 2 } \) = 8
y co-ordinate of R = \(\frac { 14+18 }{ 2 } \) = \(\frac { 32 }{ 2 } \) = 16
∴ co-ordinates of R are (8, 16).
Point Q is the midpoint of seg PR.
By midpoint formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 40
∴ 28 = y3 + 16
∴ y3 = 12
∴ P(x3,y3) = (16, 12)
∴ co-ordinates of P are (16, 12).
Point P is the midpoint of seg AQ.
By midpoint formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 41
∴ co-ordinates of A are (20, 10).
Point S is the midpoint of seg RB.
By midpoint formula,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 42
∴ 36 = y2 + 16
∴ y2 = 20
∴ B(x2, y2) = (0, 20)
∴ co-ordinates of B are (0, 20).
∴ The co-ordinates of points A, P, R and B are (20, 10), (16, 12), (8, 16) and (0, 20) respectively.

Question 20.
Find the co-ordinates of the centre of the circle passing through the points P (6, -6), Q (3, -7) and R (3,3).
Suppose O (h, k) is the centre of the circle passing through the points P, Q and R.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 43
∴ (h – 6)2 + (k + 6)2 = (h – 3)2 + (k + 7)2
∴ h2 – 12h + 36 + k2 + 12k + 36
= h2 – 6h + 9 + k2 + 14k + 49
∴ 6h + 2k = 14
∴ 3h + k = 7 …(i)[Dividing both sides by 2]
OP = OR …[Radii of the same circle]
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 44
∴ (h – 6)2 + (k + 6)2 = (h – 3)2 + (k – 3)2
∴ h2 – 12h + 36 + k2 + 12k + 36
= h2 – 6h + 9 + k2 – 6k + 9
∴ 6h – 18k = 54
∴ 3h – 9k = 27 …(ii)[Dividing both sides by 2]
Subtracting equation (ii) from (i), we get
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 45
Substituting the value of k in equation (i), we get
3h – 2 = 7
∴ 3h = 9
∴ h = \(\frac { 9 }{ 3 } \) = 3
∴ The co-ordinates of the centre of the circle are (3, -2).

Question 21.
Find the possible pairs of co-ordinates of the fourth vertex D of the parallelogram, if three of its vertices are A (5, 6), B (1, -2) and C (3, -2).
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 46
Let the points A (5, 6), B (1, -2) and C (3, -2) be the three vertices of a parallelogram.
The fourth vertex can be point D or point Di or point D2 as shown in the figure.
Let D(x1,y1), D, (x2, y2) and D2 (x3,y3).
Consider the parallelogram ACBD.
The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
∴ midpoint of DC = midpoint of AB
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 47
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 48
Co-ordinates of point D(x1, y1) are (3, 6).
Consider the parallelogram ABD1C.
The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
∴ midpoint of AD1 = midpoint of BC
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 49
∴ Co-ordinates of D1(x2,y2) are (-1,-10).
Consider the parallelogram ABCD2.
The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
∴ midpoint of BD2 = midpoint of AC
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 50
∴ co-ordinates of point D2 (x3, y3) are (7, 6).
∴ The possible pairs of co-ordinates of the fourth vertex D of the parallelogram are (3, 6), (-1,-10) and (7,6).

Question 22.
Find the slope of the diagonals of a quadrilateral with vertices A (1, 7), B (6,3), C (0, -3) and D (-3,3).
Suppose ABCD is the given quadrilateral.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry Problem Set 5 51
∴ The slopes of the diagonals of the quadrilateral are 10 and 0.

Class 10 Maths Digest