Home Sweet Home Poem Questions and Answers Class 7 English Chapter 4.4 Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 4.4

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Home Sweet Home Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 English Lesson 4.4 Home Sweet Home Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 4.4 Home Sweet Home Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Write in your own words.

Question a.
How does the poet glorify his home in the first stanza?
The poet glorifies his home in the first stanza by saying that we may roam places and stay in palaces but like magic we will get drawn to our home however modest it may be because there
is no place in the world better than our own home.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Home Sweet Home

Question b.
How does the poet describe his home in the second stanza?
The poet in the second stanza there is says that all the wonders in the world nothing as compared to his modest home. It is in his humble dwelling that he gets peace of mind which is more precious than anything in the world.

Question c.
What makes the poet remember his mother?
The poet spends long periods of time away from home and while gazing at the moon in a faraway place he remembers his mother who must be looking at the moon from their home and remembering her child.

Question d.
What does the poet miss?
The poet misses his loving father’s smile and the soothing caress of his loving mother.

Question e.
What does the poet hope for?
The poet hopes to return to the warmth and comfort of his humble home and remain there forever.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Home Sweet Home

Question f.
In which professions is a person forced to stay away from his home/homeland for a long time? Try to guess why the poet is forced to stay away from his home.
A person is forced to stay away from his home/ homeland for a long time if he is an artist – could be an actor, a writer, a model, a businessman, an interpreter, a trader, a dancer, a singer, etc. A poet needs to be constantly on the move so that he gets inspired to write and create poetry. I think this is the reason the poet is forced to stay away from home.

2. Write out a few things that you would really miss about your home if you were to stay away from it for long.

Question a.
Write out a few things that you would really miss about your home if you were to stay away from it for long.

  1. I would miss my family members in the first place.
  2. I would miss my friends.
  3. I would miss the food made at home by my mother.
  4. I would miss the love and care I get from my parents and relatives.
  5. I would miss the smell of my home, my bed.

Class 7 English Chapter 4.4 Home Sweet Home Additional Important Questions and Answers

Simple Factual Questions.

Question 1.
State Whether the statements are True or False
1. Though we may roam around palaces, but there is no place like home.
2. The birds sings dolefully and does not respond to the poet’s call
1. True
2. False

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Home Sweet Home

Poetic Devices.

Question 1.
Pick out the rhyming words from the extract.
roam-home, there-elsewhere, rain-again, call-all.

Question 2.
Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam.
Alliteration – The sound of ‘p’ is repeated for better poetic effect.

Question 3.
To thee I’ll return, overburdened with care. (Explain the line)
The poet says that he’ll return home with a lot of worries.

Question 4.
Pick out the rhyming words from the extract.

  1. smile – beguile
  2. roam – home
  3. care – there

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Home Sweet Home

Question 5.
Write the rhyme scheme for the first four lines of the extract.
The rhyme scheme is aabb.

Name the figures of speech for the following.

Question 1.
How sweet ’tis to sit ‘neath a fond Father’s smile.
Alliteration – The sound of’ s’ and’ f’ is repeated for better poetic effect.

Question 2.
But give me, oh, give me, the pleasures of home.
Repetition – The words ‘give me’ have been repeated for better poetic effect.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Home Sweet Home

Question 3.
No more from that cottage again will I roam.
Inversion – The words are not in order for better poetic effect. The right order is, ‘No more will I roam again from that cottage’.

Question 4.
Be a poet. Try and write a poem on ‘My Home’.
My Home

I have a cosy little home,
Made of cement, bricks and dome.
It is coloured beautifully,
With everything arranged wonderfully.
We are a family of five,
When together we come alive.
A place where I can rest.
My home, it is the best.

Home Sweet Home Summary in English

The poet John Howard Payne through his poem conveys the message that ‘Home Sweet Home’ assurs us that there is no place better than home. It is a poem that reaches into the heart. He says that home is a place where we experience independence, safety, privacy and where we can dispense hospitality. The poet says that wherever we might roam or live, there is no comfort like home however big or small it is, because a home is where our family is.


The poem ‘Home Sweet Home’ was written by John Howard Payne, an American actor, poet, playright and author. ‘Home Sweet Home’ is a song adapted from Payne’s opera ‘Clari, the Maid of Milan’.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Home Sweet Home


  1. humble (adj) (here) – modest
  2. charm (n) – an object believed to have magic powers
  3. ‘neath (adj) – below or underneath
  4. hallow (v) – to make holy
  5. exile (n) – banished from one’s home or country
  6. splendour (n)- magnificent
  7. vain (adj) – useless
  8. gayly (adv) – cheerfully, happily
  9. dearer (adj) – precious or greatly valued by someone
  10. gaze (v) – to stare intently
  11. tread (v) – to walk
  12. drear (adj) – cheerless
  13. woodbine (n) – any of several climbing vines
  14. fragrance (n) – pleasant smell
  15. soothe (v) – comfort
  16. beguile (v) – to charm, delight or captivate
  17. overburdened (adj) – excessively burdened
  18. care (n) (here) – worries
  19. solace (n) – comfort in a time of loneliness or distress

7th Std English Questions And Answers:

Under the Greenwood Tree Poem Questions and Answers Class 7 English Chapter 4.1 Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 4.1

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Under the Greenwood Tree Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 English Lesson 4.1 Under the Greenwood Tree Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 4.1 Under the Greenwood Tree Textbook Questions and Answers

1. From the poem, find the old word used for each of the following.

Question a.
towards, here, does
hither, hither, doth

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Under the Greenwood Tree

2. Write in your own words.

Question a.
Who does the poet invite to join him?
The poet invites all those people who love nature and are ready to shun their ambitions and appreciate life in nature, to join him.

Question b.
How should that person sing?
That person should sing happily just like a free bird.

Question c.
What message does the poem convey?
The message conveyed through this poem is that if one wants to live a peaceful life without tensions, enemies and problems, he should spend his life in nature, wherein he would be happy and relaxed. He should forget all his desires and rejoice in the glory of nature like a free bird.

3. Pick out the lines that mean.

Question a.
Sing in such a manner
turn his merry note

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Under the Greenwood Tree

Question b.
One who wishes to join me
who loves to lie with me

Question c.
Who gives up his desire for wealth, power, fame, etc.
who doth ambition shun

Question d.
Life in the forest is free from ill-wishers.
here shall he see no enemy

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Under the Greenwood Tree

Question e.
Happy to eat whatever he can get.
seeking the food he eats, and pleased with what he gets

4. Find from the Internet and write down.

Question a.
In which century did William Shakespeare write his famous plays ?
William Shakespeare wrote his plays in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century.

Question b.
From which play is this song extracted ?
This song is extracted from William Shakespeare’s comedy play ‘As You Like It’.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Under the Greenwood Tree

Question c.
Which character from the play sings this song?
The song is sung by ‘Amiens’, a loyal courtier of Duke Senior.

5. Be a poet. Try to complete the following poem with words that rhyme with each other.

Question a.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Under the Greenwood Tree
I’d love to live a life that’s free,
Relax under a shady tree,
And fall into a dreamy sleep,
With no strict hours, forced to keep And sing aloud a merry song,
Untrodden paths, as I walk along.
You ask me what I’d get to eat?
Fruits and nuts and berries sweet You ask me with whom I’d get to play Birds and animals, happy and gay And if a woodcutter put a chop Firmly, I would put a stop So that’s the life I’d like too to lead Free from worries, free from greed

Class 7 English Chapter 4.1 Under the Greenwood Tree Additional Important Questions and Answers

Reading Skills and Poetic Device.

Simple Factual Questions:

Under The Greenwood Tree Poem Questions Answers  Question 1.
State whether the following statement true or false.
1. The only enemy in the forest would be the winter and rough weather.
2. People who do not persue their ambition would be happy to live in nature.
1. True
2. True.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Under the Greenwood Tree

Poetic Device.

Under The Greenwood Tree Poem Question Answers Class 7 Question 1.
Pick out the rhyming words from the poem.

  1. tree – me
  2. note – throat
  3. see – enemy
  4. hither – weather

Under The Greenwood Tree Question Answers Question 2.
Give the rhyme scheme for the 1st four lines.
Tire rhyme scheme for the 1st four lines is aabb.

Under The Greenwood Tree Poem Question Answers Question 3.
Come hither, come hither. (Name the figure of speech of the above line)
Tire figure of speech is Repetition. The words ‘come hither’ has been repeated for better poetic effect.

Do as directed.

4.1 Under The Greenwood Tree Question 1.
Give the rhyme scheme for the last four lines.
The rhyme scheme for the last four lines is abba.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Under the Greenwood Tree

Under The Greenwood Tree Question Answer Question 2.
Who doth ambition shun. (Name the figure of speech)
Inversion – The words are not in proper order for better poetic effect. The proper order is ‘Who doth shun ambition’.

Under The Greenwood Tree Poem Question 3.
Here shall he see No enemy. (Figure of speech)
Inversion – The words are not in proper order. The proper order is ‘Here he shall see no enemy’.

Under the Greenwood Tree Summary in English

Through the poem Shakespeare invites people to join him in enjoying the merry singing of the birds in the trees. There are no enemies there to be disturbed about except the vagaries of extreme cold and rough weather. They can be happy eating what they get enjoying the sunshine and giving up lofty ambitions.


This poem has been taken from William Shakespeare’s play ‘As you like it.’ Amiens, a courtier sings the song ‘under the Greenwood Tree’ in the play.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.1 Under the Greenwood Tree


  1. greenwood (n) – forest filled with trees full of green leaves
  2. merry (adj) – jolly and full of high spirits
  3. note (n) – a musical sound; a tone (musical)
  4. hither (adv) – come here; over here
  5. ambition (n) – desire to achieve something
  6. shun (v) – to avoid
  7. seeking (v) – searching; looking for
  8. pleased (adj) – happy; content

Class 7 English Questions And Answers

7th Std English Questions And Answers:

From a Railway Carriage Poem Questions and Answers Class 7 English Chapter 2.1 Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 2.1

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 From a Railway Carriage Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 English Lesson 2.1 From a Railway Carriage Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 2.1 From a Railway Carriage Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Read the poem aloud with proper rhythm. What does the rhythm remind you of?

From A Railway Carriage Exercises Class 7 Question 1.
Read the poem aloud with proper rhythm. What does the rhythm remind you of?

2. Find pairs of rhyming words from the poem.

From A Railway Carriage Questions And Answers For Class 7 Question 1.
Find pairs of rhyming words from the poem.
witches – ditches, battle – cattle, plain – rain – again, eye – by, scrambles – brambles, gazes – daisies, road – load, river – ever.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 From a Railway Carriage

3. Write the following: 

2.1 From A Railway Carriage Question Answer Question 1.
The sights seen through a railway carriage mentioned in the first stanza.
The sights seen through a railway carriage mentioned in the first stanza are bridges, houses, hedges, ditches, horses and cattle in the meadows.

2.1 From A Railway Carriage Question 2.
The sights mentioned in the second stanza.
The sights seen in the second stanza are hills, plains and painted stations.

From A Railway Carriage Poem Question 3.
The sights mentioned in the third stanza.
The sights mentioned in the third stanza are a child clambering and scrambling to gather brambles, a tramp gazing at the train in wonder and green creepers for stringing the daisies.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 From a Railway Carriage

4. Think and answer:

From A Railway Carriage Questions And Answers For Class 7 Question 1.
Why are the sights said to ‘fly’?
The sights are said to ‘fly’ because the poet is sitting in a fast-moving train and all the beautiful scenes he gets to see as glimpses just rush past him and disappear because of the speed of the train.

From A Railway Carriage Question Answer Question 2.
Does the last line make you happy or sad? Why?
The last line ‘and gone forever’ makes me feel sad because all the pleasure and happiness got from enjoying the beauty of nature comes to an end and disappears forever as the railway carriage speeds ahead.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 From a Railway Carriage

5. List the lines that begin with ‘Here’ or ‘And here’.
Also list the sentences or phrases that begin with ‘And there’.
These phrases and sentences tell us about things that appear one after the other as the carriage moves. Can we tell which ones are closer to the train and which ones are at a distance? How?

From A Railway Carriage Questions And Answers Question 1.
List the lines that begin with ‘Here’ or ‘And there’.
Also list the sentences or phrases that begin with ‘And there’.
The lines that begin with ‘Here’ or ‘And here’. ‘Here’ is an adverb which suggests ‘closeness’ of an object.

  1. Here is a child.
  2. Here is a tramp.
  3. Here is a cart.
  4. Here is a mill.

The above phrases show closeness to the train. ‘There’ is an adverb which suggests ‘distance’ of an object.

  • And there is the green.
  • And there is a river.

The above phrases show distance from the train.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 From a Railway Carriage

6. Read the following:

From A Railway Carriage Exercises Question 1.
Read the following:
Charging along like troops in a battle
Fly as thick as driving rain
Using your imagination, write one or two comparisons each with:
i. like…, ii. as… as
i. like…

  1. This house looks like a castle.
  2. Her cheeks are red like a rose.
  3. He runs like a horse.
  4. The child chattered like a magpie.

ii. as… as

  1. He is as smart as a fox.
  2. He is as big as an elephant.
  3. He is as funny as a monkey.
  4. Our soldiers are as brave as lions.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 From a Railway Carriage

7. Write about the sights you may see from a bus or an aeroplane.
You may write it in the form of a short poem.

From A Railway Carriage Question And Answer Question 1.
Write the sights you may see from a bus or an aeroplane.
The Red Bus
I’m out sightseeing in the red bus
With people around making a lot of fuss
I know I’m going to see wonderful sights
That’ll soar me to the heights
The greenery
The scenery
Oh! The wonderful luxury
Of travelling in the red, red bus.

Class 7 English Chapter 2.1 From a Railway Carriage Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions.

From A Railway Carriage Questions And Answers For Class 7 Question 1.
What is the speed of the railway carriage compared to?
The speed of the railway carriage is compared to the speed of fairies and witches.

From A Railway Carriage Poem In English Question 2.
Why is the child clambering and scrambling?
The child is clambering and scrambling to collect brambles.

From A Railway Carriage Question 3.
What does the rhythm of the poem remind you of?
The rhythm of the poem reminds me of the rhythm of the train.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 From a Railway Carriage

From A Railway Carriage Exercises Class 7 Question 4.
Have you travelled during a rainy day? What was your experience?
Yes, I have travelled during the rainy season. Travelling on a rainy day is an awesome experience. You actually come in contact with nature’s beauty. The smell of the wet earth, the greenery, the colourful flowers, the waterfalls, etc. We get to see nature at its best.

Reading Skills and Poetic Device

Read the following extract and do the activities.

From A Railway Carriage Answers Class 7 Simple Factual Questions:

Question 1.
Complete the web diagram with words from the extract.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 From a Railway Carriage 1

What flies as thick as driving rain?
(Choose the right alternative)
i. Bridges and houses.
ii. Hill and plain.
iii. Hedges and ditches.
ii. Hill and plain.

Complex Factual Questions:

Question 1.
How do the sights of the hills and plains move?
The sights of the hills and plains move as thick as driving rain.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 From a Railway Carriage

Question 2.
What does the poet see the child doing?
The poet sees the child clambering and scrambling and gathering brambles all by himself.

Question 3.
To what is the charging train compared?
The charging train is compared to troops in a battle.

Poetic Device:

Question 1.
Pick out two pairs of rhyming words from the 1st stanza.
witches – ditches, battle – cattle.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 From a Railway Carriage

Question 2.
Name the figure of speech for the following line.
“Faster than fairies, faster than witches”

  • Repetition: The word ‘faster’ is repeated for poetic effect, or
  • Antithesis: The opposite words ‘fairies’ and ‘witches’ are used in the same line for better poetic effect.

Question 3.
Pick out a word from the extract which means ‘a woman having evil magical powers’.

From a Railway Carriage Summary in English

‘From a Railway Carriage’ written by R. L. Stevenson describes the scenes he sees through the window of a fast moving train. He is so amazed at the speed of the train and tries to grasp every glimpse he sees because they are out of sight the very next moment. The train moves with such great speed that everything he sees seems to be moving.


‘From a Railway Carriage’ written by Robert Louis Stevenson is a poem in which he shares his experience of a railway journey with us.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 From a Railway Carriage


  1. fairy (n) – a small imaginary being of the human form that has magical powers, especially good ones
  2. witch (n) – a woman thought to have magical powers especially evil ones
  3. hedge (n) – a fence or boundary formed by closely growing bushes or shrubs
  4. ditch (n) – a narrow channel dug at the side of a road or field, to hold or carry away water
  5. meadow (n) – a piece of grassland, especially one used for hay
  6. clamber (v) – climb or move in an awkward and laborious way, using both hands and feet
  7. scramble (v) – make one’s way quickly over rough ground by using one’s hands as well as feet
  8. tramp (n) – a person who travels from one place to another on foot in search of work, a homeless person
  9. lumping (v) – carry a heavy load somewhere with difficulty
  10. glimpse (n) – quick look, (v) – to catch sight of briefly
  11. bramble (v) – any rough, wild tangled prickly shrub, specifically the blackberry bush
  12. carriage (n) – a passenger train
  13. cart (n) – a horse-drawn vehicle with four wheels, used for transportation
  14. cattle (n) – domesticated animals like cow and bull
  15. gaze (v) – to look at something for a long time
  16. mill (n) – a building with a machine to grind grain into flour
  17. plain (n) – flat land having trees and grass
  18. sights (n)- things that one sees
  19. stringing (v) – with strings
  20. troop (n) – a group of soldiers
  21. meadow (n) – a field with grass and often wildflowers in it.
  22. daisy (n) – a small flower with white petals and a yellow centre, which often grows in the grass.

7th Std English Questions And Answers:

Great Scientists Poem Questions and Answers Class 7 English Chapter 2.7 Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 2.7

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 English Lesson 2.7 Great Scientists Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Write what is implied in the following sentences.

Question a.
But few know his inspirational life story, which is all about courage and fighting against the odds.
(What does it tell you about Faraday’s life?)
Faraday was bom into an extremely poor family. He had a speech defect which ended his formal education. He wanted to become a scientist. He came across a lot of difficulties and failures but through courage and determination, he achieved fame and name.

Question b.
Even then Davy did not have much hope for Faraday.
(What do the words ‘even then’ suggest?)
Davy hired Faraday as his Secretary. Faraday worked relentlessly and became indespensible to Davy. ‘Even then’ suggests that even though Faraday did everything to prove himself, Davy did not believe that Faraday was capable of doing anything great.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

Question c.
People started telling Davy that of all his discoveries, the best was Faraday himself.
(What does it suggest about Davy’s work?)
The line suggests that the people felt that Davy had made discoveries which were good but Faraday’s discoveries stood out in comparison to Davy’s work.

2. Break the passage into convenient smaller sections. Give sub-headings or titles to each section.

Question 1.
Break the passage into convenient smaller sections. Give sub-headings or titles to each section.

  • 1st para: Michael Faraday, an inspiration
  • 2nd para: Unhappy childhood
  • 3rd para: Reading, an obsession
  • 4th para: Twist in life
  • 5th para: Magic of Electricity
  • 6th para: Play of destiny
  • 7th para: Fruits of labour
  • 8th para: Revolution for mankind
  • 9th para: A scientist is born
  • 10th para: Challenges in life
  • 11th para: Magic of magnets
  • 12th para: A legend is born
  • 13th para: Failure – a stepping stone to success
  • 14th para: Obstacles – a challenge
  • 15th para: Luck smiles again
  • 16th para: Believe in yourself

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

3. List the different gadgets and instruments mentioned in the passage. Find more information about them (at least 3), using the Internet.

Question 1.
List the different gadgets and instruments mentioned in the passage. Find more information about them (at least 3), using the Internet.
Gadgets and Instruments:
Fan, air conditioners, sewing machines, power tools, cars, trains, aeroplane engines, induction motors, telescopes, Bavarian glass, microscopes, electrical generators, light bulbs. Now you add to the list of gadgets and instruments. You can add your own too.

1. Microscope: It is an instrument used to see objects that are too small to be seen by the naked eye. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723), a Dutch scientist, who in the late 17th century became the first man to make and use a real microscope. All microscopes came with a lens that can magnify 40 times the normal size.

2. Electrical generator: It was invented by Michael Faraday in 1831. It is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Sources of mechanical energy include steam, turbines, gas turbines, water turbines, etc. It works on the principle of electromagnetic induction.

3. Fan: A fan is a machine used to create flow within a fluid, typically a gas such as air. The fan consists of a rotating arrangement of blades which act on the fluid. The fan was invented by Schuyler Skaats Wheeler in 1882.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

4. Find out more about the following scientists with the help of the internet.
(a) Michael Faraday
(b) Humphry Davy
(c) Thomos Edison
(d) James Maxwell

Question 1.
Find out more about the following scientists with the help of the internet.
(a) Michael Faraday: Michael Faraday (1791-1867) was an English (British) Scientist who contributed to the study of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. He was highly influenced by Humphry Davy and William Thomas Brande. He had notable awards to his credit, a few being Royal Medal, Copley Medal, Rumford Medal, Albert Medal.

(b) Humphry Davy: Humphry Davy (1778-1829) was a British scientist. It was he who found out that the inhalation of nitrous oxide produced surprising results, it came to be known as the laughing gas. He was awarded a medal by Napoleon and he identified the element iodine for the first time. He is remembered for his discoveries of sodium, potassium, calcium.

(c) Thomas Alva Edison: Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) an American inventor and businessman, has been described as America’s greatest inventor. He invented the photograph in 1877 because of which he came to be known as ‘The Wizard of Monto Park’. Thomas Edison had hearing problems during his childhood which persisted. The phonograph was the first machine that could record the sound of someone’s voice and play it back.

Edison recited the nursery rhyme ‘Mary had a little lamb’ and the phonograph played the words back to him. This was invented by a man whose hearing was poor and thought himself as deaf. It was Edison who designed a system of power plants. He has got 1093 patents to his credit. Many awards to his credit. Some of them are Franklin Medal, Albert Medal, Technical Grammy Award, etc.

(d) James Clerk Maxwell: James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) was a Scottish scientist in the field of mathematical physics His most notable work was to formulate the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation. He is known as the Father of Modern Physics. His other contributions included producing the first colour photograph taken in 1861 and many more. He earned an array of awards. To name a few, Rumford Medal, Keith and Hopkins prize, Adams prize, etc.

5. Language Study: Subject and predicate: A word or a phrase in a sentence that shows who or what does the action, is the subject. In the following sentences, the underlined part is the subject.
The baby is laughing.
The glass fell from the table.
The predicate Ls the part of a sentence that tells us something about the subject. The underlined parts of the following sentences show the predicates in them.
The baby is laughing.
The glass fell from the table.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

Class 7 English Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What is the meaning of:

Question i.
Reading became his obsession.
He could think of nothing else but reading.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

Question ii.
Electricity became a lifelong fascination.
Electricity enchanted him throughout his life. Electricity was his passion throughout his life.

Question 2.
Why do you think Faraday’s friend gave him a free ticket to Davy’s programme?
Faraday’s friend gave him a free ticket to Davy’s programme because he knew about Faraday’s fascination for electricity and also that he could not afford the ticket.

Question 3.
Give one example each to show that:

Question i.
Faraday was a good pupil.
Davy tried to find out how an electric current could be applied continuously, but failed to figure it out. He asked Faraday to try his hand at it. Faraday set to work and within a few days, solved the problem.

Question ii.
Davy was not a good mentor.
Davy was not happy at Faraday’s achievement but was jealous of Faraday.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

Question 4.
An induction motor is a commonly used electrical machine. What examples of its uses are given here?
The examples of electrical machine in which induction motor is commonly used are:

  1. fans
  2. air conditioning
  3. sewing machines
  4. photographs
  5. power tools
  6. cars
  7. trains
  8. aeroplane engines.

Question 5.
Why were Faraday’s drawings not accepted?
Faraday’s drawing were without any mathematical equations as he did not know much about advanced mathematics and lacked formal education. Faraday’s drawing without mathematical equation could not be understood and so his drawings were not accepted.

Question 6.
Does it mean they were wrong?
No, Faraday’s drawings were not wrong. It lacked mathematical equations because of which it could not be understood.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar

Read the following passage and do the activities.

Simple Factual Questions:

Question 1.
State whether true or false.
i. Faraday’s Laws are about electricity.
ii. Faraday did not suffer speech defect as an adult.
i. True
ii. True.

Complex Factual Questions:

Question 1.
Where was Michael Faraday bom?
Michael Faraday was born into a poverty- stricken family in a dirty London suburb.

Question 2.
What came to an end when Michael Faraday was twelve?
Michael Faraday’s formal education came to an end when he was twelve.

Question 3.
What were the odds against Faraday in his childhood?
Faraday was born into an extremely poor family. He suffered from speech defect as a child. He could not even pronounce his own name. Other children laughed at him and even his teachers did not help him. when he was twelve, his mother was forced to pull him out from school. This put an end to his formal education.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists


Give the word meaning for.

Question 1.
A wise and trusted counsellor or teacher.

Question 2.
‘reverse engineer it’
Taking apart an object and analyzing its components and workings in detail.

Word building.

Question i.
Give the noun form:
(a) inventor
(b) friend
(c) mysterious
(d) agree
(a) invention
(c) mystery
(d) agreement

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

Question ii.
Give the verb form:
(a) explosion
(b) comprehensive
(c) revolution
(d) success
(e) inspirational
(f) education
(g) modem
(h) courage
(a) explode
(b) comprehend
(c) revolve
(d) succeed
(e) inspire
(f) educate
(g) modernize
(h) encourage

Question iii.
Give the adverb form:
(a) difficult
(b) secret
(c) random
(d) invisible
(a) difficulty
(b) secretly
(c) randomly
(d) invisibly

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

Question iv.
Give the adjective form:
(a) communicate
(b) education
(c) experiment
(d) succeed
(a) communicative
(b) educative
(c) experimental
(d) successful


Question 1.
Michael Faraday is regarded as one of the most distinguished scientists and inventors! (Add question tag)
Michael Faraday is regarded as one of the most distinguished scientists and inventors isn’t it?

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Do you like reading inspirational stories?
Yes, I do like reading inspirational stories. Reading inspirational stories motivates me to do something in life so that I too can gain fame and name while trying to make the world a better place to live in.

Read the following passage and do the activities.

Simple Factual Questions:

State whether the following statements are true or false.

Question i.
Faraday succeeded Davy as the head of the laboratory after Davy’s death.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

Question ii.
He was so engrossed in the lecture that he applaud with the rest of the crowd.

Complex Factual Questions:

Question 1.
What was the subject of Davy’s lecture?
The subject of Davy’s lecture was ‘The Mysterious force of Electric Fluid’.

Question 2.
What happens when an electric current is applied to a wire?
When an electric current is applied to a wire, it causes that wire to behave like a magnet.

Question 3.
Why did Davy choose Faraday as his assistant?
Davy was temporarily blinded by a chemical explosion which took place inside his lab. He needed an assistant with an excellent memory. He was reminded of Faraday and decided to make him his assistant.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

Question 4.
Was Davy fair in his treatment of Faraday?
No, Davy was unfair in his treatment of Faraday. He looked down upon Faraday because of his low social status and education. He told Faraday not to aspire for too.much and to stick to book-binding.

Question 5.
How did Faraday respond to that treatment?
Davy’s treatment did not dishearten Faraday. Faraday was relentless. He worked day and night and learnt as much as he could and became indispensible to Davy.


Question 1.
Give the noun forms of the following.
i. comprehensive
ii. aspire
i. comprehension
ii. aspiration.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

Question 2.
Give the adverb form:
i. difficult
ii. invisible
i. difficulty
ii. invisibly.


Question 1.
Destiny had a strange plan in store for him. (Use a question tag)
Destiny had a strange plan in store for him, didn’t it?

Question 2.
Identify the subject and predicate from the following sentences.

  1. Davy became his role model.
  2. Destiny had a strange plan in store for him. Subject Predicate
Subject Predicate
a. Davy became his role model.
b. Destiny had a strange plan in store for him.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
What actions and thoughts of Faraday show that he was inspired by Davy?
The actions and thoughts of Faraday which shows he was inspired by Davy are as follows:

  1. He kept taking notes.
  2. He was so engrossed in the lecture that he forgot to applaud.
  3. He bound the notes he had taken down into a book, hoping to gift it to Davy.
  4. He was inspired to become a great scientist and Davy became his role model.
  5. Faraday thought that it would be wonderful if Davy became his mentor.

Read the following passage and do the activities.

Simple Factual Questions:

Say whether the following statements are true or false.

Question i.
Faraday succeeded Davy in 1829.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

Question ii.
In 1830 Faraday developed memory loss which continued for the rest of his life.

Complex Factual Questions:

Question 1.
When did Faraday develop memory loss?
Faraday developed memory loss in 1840.


Question 1.
Give a sub-heading or title to the extract.
‘Faraday – a Legend is born’.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists


Question 1.
Find any 4 verbs from the above extract.
died, succeeded, made, moved.

Question 2.
Find any 2 proper nouns from the above extract.
Faraday and Davy.

Question 3.
Faraday was now a legend. (Add a question tag)
Faraday was now a legend, wasn’t he?

Question 4.
Remember that piece of Bavarian glass Faraday had kept on his shelf? (State the Kind of sentence)
Interrogative Sentence.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Write the idea behind an electrical generator.
Faraday noticed that if he moved a magnet, it would produce electrical current, converting motion into electricity. This is how the electrical generator came into being.

Question 2.
How far did Faraday convert the reminder of his first major failure into an instrument of great success?
Faraday used the reminder of his first major failure, the Bavarian glass, to show the concept of polarisation. He thus converted it into an instrument of great success.

Question 3.
What complicated experiment did Faraday begin after he developed a memory loss?
After developing a memory loss, Faraday began a complicated experiment to prove that light was closely related to electricity and magnetism.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

Language Study

Do as directed.

Question 1.
Pick out the subject and predicate.

Question i.
A wealthy, educated physicist, he met.
Subject: He
Predicate: met a wealthy, educated physicist

Question ii.
He was unable to explain.
Subject: He
Predicate: was unable to explain

Question iii.
The induction motor spurred a revolution.
Subject: The induction motor
Predicate: spurred a revolution

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

Question iv.
At thirteen, however, he stated working.
Subject: He
Predicate: started working at thirteen

Question v.
One day he came across a book on electricity.
Subject: He
Predicate: came across a book on electricity one day.

Question vi.
Other children laughed at him.

  • Subject: Other children
  • Predicate: laughed at him
  • Remember: If there is no subject, put a ‘you’ in the subjects place.
  • e.g. Shut the door.
  • Subject: You Predicate: Shut the door

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

Question 2.
Other children laughed at him. (Add a question tag)
Other children laughed at him. didn’t they?

Question 3.
He started reading it. (State the kind of verb – Transitive/ Intransitive)
started – transitive verb reading – transitive verb

Question 4.
Other children laughed at him. (Begin with’He…’)
He was laughed at by other children.

Question 5.
Faraday solved the problem. (End with ‘…Faraday’)
The problem was solved by Faraday.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

Question 6.
Faraday was now a legend. (Make it interrogative)
Wasn’t Faraday now a legend?

Question 7.
James Maxwell was a wealthy, educated physicist. (Frame a ‘Wh’ question so as to get the underlined word as the answer)
Who was James Maxwell?

Question 8.
Get me a glass of water. (Separate the subject and predicate)
Predicate – Get me a glass of water.

Question 9.
He undertook it as challenges and opportunities. (Identify the part of speech of the underlined words)
challenges, opportunities – nouns.
Writing Skills

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists

Question 10.
Find out from the internet an inspiring story.
Lionel Messi, bom in 1987, into a middle-class family who lived in Argentina. He grew up in a football-loving family. He developed a passion for football at an early age. At 5, he showed great skills at a club coached by his father. It was strange to see that he was way too short when compared to the boys of his age. Wherever he went he was the shortest of all.

This did not stop him from playing. At the age of 11, he was diagnosed with growth hormone deficiency and had to take medical assistance. Every night he had to take an injection in his legs for 3 years. His family could not afford the treatment for long. Though he was a great asset for his soccer club, they refused to pay his bills. Lady Luck smiled on him and his family. At 13, he got an offer from F. C. Barcelona that they would pay for his treatment if he played for them.

His family moved to Spain with no money or job, all in the hope that his treatment will make him big enough to play soccer. At 17, despite being injury prone he became the youngest player in F. C. Barcelona to score a goal and became a star performer. Today, Lionel Messi is known as one of the greatest footballers of all time. He has won the most Ballon d’Ors in the world. The FIFA Ballon d’Or (Golden Ball) also known as the European Footballer of the year, was an annual association football award presented to the world’s best male player.
Messi’s story teaches us ‘Never lose hope.
You never know what tomorrow might bring. Keep believing in yourself’.

Great Scientists Summary in English

The lesson ‘Great Scientists’ is an inspirational and motivational lesson. The story about Michael Faraday and his journey through all odds in life to become one of the most distinguished scientists and inventors of modern times is really an eye-opener to all those who give up easily when faced with a difficult situation. Perseverance and a will to win will surely reach you to the height of success is described in this story. This is a story all teens must-read.


The lesson ‘Great Scientists’ is taken from the introduction to ‘Reignited’ by A. P. J. Abdul Kalam and Srijan Pal Singh.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.7 Great Scientists


  1. persevering (v) – to continue doing something in a determined way despite having difficulties ‘
  2. deterred (v) – discouraged
  3. distinguished (adj) – renowned, famous
  4. inspirational (adj) – encouraged or making you feel you want to do something
  5. poverty-stricken (adj) – extremely poor
  6. defect (n) – lack or fault in a person
  7. formal education (n) – classroom based education given by trained teachers
  8. obsession (n) – the state of being preoccupied with someone or something
  9. fascination (n) – passion
  10. renowned (adj) – famous
  11. comprehensive (adj) – exhaustive
  12. dejected (adj) – sad
  13. relentless (adj) – persistent
  14. indispensable (adj) – that one cannot do without
  15. career (n) – profession, occupation
  16. revolution (n) – something that signifies a great change
  17. reverse (v) – to turn something inside out
  18. accomplish (v) – to finish successfully
  19. significant (n) – notable
  20. souvenir (n) – an item of sentimental value
  21. complicated (adj) – difficult
  22. randomly (adj) – without definite direction
  23. filings (n) – particles of something (metal)
  24. invisible (adj) – which cannot be seen
  25. galaxies (n) – milky way
  26. aliens (n) – any life form of extra terrestrial origin
  27. conviction (n) – belief
  28. epitomizes (v) – sums up
  29. mentor (n) – a wise and trusted counsellor or teacher
  30. reverse engineer it – taking apart an object and analyzing its components and working in detail
  31. dynamo – a machine for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy
  32. applaud – clap.
  33. perseverance – hard work.
  34. aspirations (n) – hopes of achieving something.
  35. binding (v) – to join separate pieces of paper and make a book.
  36. chemist (n) – a person who does chemical experiments or research.
  37. consistent (adj) – that does not change over a period of time.
  38. engrossed (v) – engaged with complete attention.
  39. hooked (adj) – being so excited about something that you are unable to leave.
  40. isolated (adj) – alone, separate.
  41. legend (n) – a person who is very famous and admired.
  42. novel (adj) – new and unusual.
  43. pursue (v) – to engage in an activity over a long period of time.

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7th Std English Questions And Answers:

The Red-Headed League Poem Questions and Answers Class 7 English Chapter 4.3 Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 4.3

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 English Lesson 4.3 The Red-Headed League Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League Textbook Questions and Answers


1. Find and write the descriptions of different people given in this story.

Red Headed League Questions And Answers Question 1.
Find and write the descriptions of different people given in this story.
Character Sketch:
a. Sherlock Holmes: A private detective and the story’s protagonist. His keen observations and ability to reason allowing him to solve puzzles that astonish everyone. Sometimes quiet and contemplative, other times bursting with energy, he uses methods that can confuse and frustrate others. He is somewhat a mystery, rarely letting his thoughts known until he has already solved the crime.

b. Dr. John Watson: Sherlock Holmes’ partner and the story’s narrator. Good natured, brave and down-to-earth, Watson is Sherlock Holmes’ sidekick, even though he rarely helps Holmes actually solve any mysteries and Watson often mirrors the reader’s own confusion.

c. Jabez Wilson: A London pawn-broker, Jabez Wilson is an average man whose only remarkable feature is his lock of fiery red hair. His slow and trusting nature prevented him from seeing anything suspicious about either Vincent Spaulding or the preposterous Red-headed League.

d. John Clay / Vincent Spaulding: A notorious criminal working at Jabez Wilson’s pawnshop under the name of Vincent Spaulding. He is evil and haughty. John Clay catches the attention of Sherlock Holmes in spite of his clever plot.

e. Duncan Ross: John Clay’s partner-in-crime. Duncan’s red hair prompts John Clay to devise the Red-headed League to lure Wilson out of his pawnshop for four hours everyday.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

2. Present Mr. Wilson’s story as it would be shown in a comic strip.

The Red-Headed League Questions And Answers  Question 1.
Write what picture you will show in each frame along with the dialogues. Write the dialogue with the help of the story. Examples:
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League 1
Frame 1.
Mr. Wilson’s shop:
Spaulding to Wilson: Sir, why don’t you try for this job?

Frame 2.
Mr. Wilson’s shop:
Spaulding to Wilson : It is to help the red-heads.

Frame 3.
Mr. Wilson’s shop
Spaulding to Wilson: They are paying handsomely. It will be an additional income for you.

Frame 4.
Mr. Wilson’s shop:
Spaulding to Wilson: Sir, I will go along with you. Let’s give it a try.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Frame 5.
At Fleet Street:
Wilson to Spaulding: Just see! It is crowded with red-headed people. I don’t stand a chance.

Frame 6.
At Fleet Street:
Spaulding to Wilson: Sir, don’t be disheartened.

Frame 7.
At Fleet Street:
Spaulding to Wilson: Sir, stay by my side. I’ll push you into the office.

Frame 8.
At the office:
Wilson to Spaulding: At last, we are in the office, but there is no one except one man.

Frame 9.
At the office:
Spaulding to Wilson: Sir, you don’t worry. Just answer his questions confidently.

Frame 10.
Mr. Duncan Ross to Wilson:
I’m pleased with your confidence. I’m glad to announce that you have got the job.

Frame 11.
At Fleet Street:
Wilson to Ross: Thank you so much, Sir. I’m highly obliged.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Frame 12.
At the office:
Wilson to Ross: Sir, what am I supposed to do? How much will I be paid?

Frame 13.
At Fleet Street:
Ross to Wilson: You will have to copy the encylopedia Britannica. You will be paid four pounds a week. And: your timings will be from 10 am to 2 pm.

Frame 14.
At the office:
Wilson to Ross: Wonderful Sir, when do I start?

Frame 15.
At the office:
Ross to Wilson: Mr. Wilson, you begin from tomorrow.

Frame 16.
At the office:
Wilson to Ross: Sir, I will put my heart and soul into my job.
Ross to Wilson: You will have to begin with one letter A and go alphabetically.
Wilson to Ross: Ok, Sir.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Frame 17.
At Wilson’s shop:
Spaulding to Wilson: How is your job going?
Wilson to Spaulding: Well I am enjoying it. Mr. Ross is visiting the office every day. He is very much particular about my timings.

Frame 18.
At the office:
Ross to Wilson: How are you finding your work? This is your salary.
Wilson to Ross: Thank you, Sir.

Frame 19.
At Wilson’s office:
Spaulding to Wilson: How are you Sir and how is your job going?
Wilson to Spaulding: It’s been 8 weeks and 1 am really enjoying. Now Mr. Ross has stopped coming to the office.

Frame 20.
At Wilson’s shop:
Spaulding to Wilson: Good morning. What happened today? You did not go out?
Wilson to Spaulding: The office of the League is shut and locked. There is a note nailed on the door saying the League is dissolved.

Frame 21.
At Wilson’s shop:
Wilson to Spaulding: Do you know anything about the League?

Frame 22.
At Wilson’s shop:
Spaulding to Wilson: 1 am unaware about what happened.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Frame 23.
Wilson to himself:
I should find out more about the League. This is a mystery and I want to know why they played this prank upon me.

Frame 24.
Wilson to himself:
Sherlock Holmes will be the best person to solve this mystery. I will go to him.

3. Form groups of five. Discuss how you can complete the rest of the story without referring to Part II of the story.

The Red Headed League Questions And Answers  Question 1.
Form groups of five. Discuss how you can complete the rest of the story without referring to Part II of the story.
Mr. Holmes and Watson try to think out why the League shut so abruptly. Holmes feels he should meet Wilson at home to ask some questions that were bothering him. When he reached Wilson’s house, he notices someone leaving the house. Mr. Holmes enquires about that person and understands that he was Wilson’s assistant. Mr. Holmes feels that he has seen the assistants face before.

Later, he checks on records and finds out that the assistant is none but a notorious criminal clay who was absconding. Mr. Holmes already had a sketch of Mr. Ross. On enquiring he came to know that Ross and Spaulding were very close. Mr. Holmes goes to Mr. Ross’ house and threatens him. Mr. Ross spills the beans, that he and Spaulding were going to rob Mr. Wilson the very next day. Mr. Holmes informs the police and both Spaulding and Ross are caught and put behind bars.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

4. Language Study.

Modal auxiliary: You have read about main verbs and auxiliary verbs in Sid VI. You know that auxiliary verbs are helping verbs. Modal auxiliary verbs or modal verbs are also helping verbs. They are used with main verbs to show changes/modifications in the meaning of the main verb. They show possibility, ability, permission, intention, etc.
The modal auxiliaries are:

  1. can, may, shall, will
  2. could, might, should, would
  3. must, ought to, used to, need, dare ………

Remember the following:

  1. We do not use ‘to’ before a modal.
  2. We do not add ‘-ed’ or ‘-Ing’ to a modal.
  3. We can form questions and negative sentences using modals without using the auxiliaries be, have, or do.


  1. They can swim.
  2. May I come In?
  3. We shall sing.
  4. Can he swim?
  5. You may go.
  6. She ought to play.
  7. He cannot swim.
  8. You must go.
  9. They might come.

Frame simple sentences – statements, questions, requests. orders, permissions, etc. using the modals listed above.

  1. Take an umbrella. It may rain today.
  2. You should not leave objects lying on the floor.
  3. Drivers must stop when the traffic light is red.
  4. Can you speak French?
  5. I could not solve the problem.
  6. May I ask you a question?
  7. You may take a holiday today.
  8. You should see a doctor.
  9. I could run fast when I was young.
  10. Can I go out?
  11. You need not buy any vegetables.
  12. Students shall not enter this room.
  13. What should I do to get rid of this pain?

The Red Headed League Question Answer Part – II

1. Put the following events in proper order.

The Red-Headed League 7th Standard Question Answer  Question 1.
Holmes and others go to the bank.
The bank received a lot of gold from the Bank of France.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Questions Answers Of Red Headed League Question 2.
Clay digs a tunnel.
Clay digs a tunnel.

The Red Headed League Std 7  Question 3.
Ross closes the office of the ‘Red-headed League’.
Ross closes the office of the ‘Red-headed League’.

The Red-Headed League 7th Standard Question 4.
Holmes catches the criminal Clay.
Holmes visits the area around Mr. Wilson’s shop.

Std 7 English The Red Headed League  Question 5.
Clay and Ross enter the cellar to steal the gold.
Holmes and others go to the bank.

The Red Headed League Questions And Answers  Question 6.
The bank received a lot of gold from the Bank of France.
Clay and Ross enter the cellar to steal the gold.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

The Red Headed League Question And Answer  Question 7.
Holmes visits the area around Mr. Wilson’s shop.
Holmes catches the criminal Clay.

2. From the passage, find adverbs that end with ‘-ly’.

Question a.
From the passage, find adverbs that end with ‘-ly’. Find the adjective in each of the adverb


Adverb Adjective
frankly frank
silently Silent
carefully careful
finally final
suddenly sudden
beautifully beautiful

3. Discuss the following elements of a detective or mystery story.

Question a.
Discuss the following elements of a detective or mystery story.

  1. a mystery
  2. strange happenings
  3. a smart detective who investigates the happenings
  4. a crime/possibility of a crime
  5. preventing the crime and catching the criminal.
  6. characteristics of the victim
  7. characteristics of the criminal
  8. characteristics of the detective

Use the elements to prepare outlines of detective stories using your imagination. Write a story using any one of the outlines.

  1. Disappearance of the ‘Will’.
  2. Death of the head of the family.
  3. Wife and two sons left behind.
  4. ‘Will’ to be read before family members.
  5. The elder brother in charge of the ‘Will’.
  6. He makes excuses of misplacing the ‘Will’ and shows the photocopy of the ‘Will’.
  7. The family lawyer insists on the original ‘Will’.
  8. The elder brother keeps insisting on having lost the ‘Will’.
  9. Mr. Karamchand, a clever and intelligent detective called.
  10. The detective makes the necessary enquiries.
  11. The elder brother, a gambler, a revelation.
  12. The detective catches the elder brother in his own act.
  13. The elder brother owns up.
  14. The lawyer with the help of the detective prevents a big crime from being executed.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Caught in his own act:

The disappearance of the ‘Will’ was a mystery in the Patwardhan family. The disappearance of the ‘Will’ came to light when it had to be read by the family members after the death of senior Mr. Patwardhan. Mr. Patwardhan had left behind a lot of property and wealth. Mr. Patwardhan had left behind his wife and two sons. When the family lawyer enquired about the ‘Will’, Mrs Patwardhan said that she had given it to her elder son who had said that he would keep it safely. The younger son was unaware of the ‘Will’ made by his father.

When the lawyer of the family asked him if he had read his father’s ‘Will’, he realised what they were saying and asked his mother to show the ‘Will’, she said that it was with her elder son. When the elder son was asked about the ‘Will’, he started making excuses by saying he had misplaced the ‘Will’ and could not find it. The family lawyer insisted that the ‘Will’ be shown to the younger son.

The elder son brought a photocopy of the ‘Will’. The younger son and the family lawyer demanded the original ‘Will’. The elder son kept on making excuses and also said that the original ‘Will’ was lost. There was something in this situation which was a mystery. This is when the younger son hires a smart and intelligent detective, Mr. Karamchand. Mr. Karamchand makes a lot of enquiries and comes to know that the elder son was in the habit of gambling and was in a lot of debts.

Mr. Karamchand also came to know that the elder son was a very sweet talker and could twist and turn situations to his advantage. On the other hand, the younger brother was quite a simpleton who was happy with what he had, making it easier for the elder brother to manipulate him.

Their mother being quite old, had bouts of memory loss. This was another good reason for the elder son to do as he pleased. Mr. Karamchand, very cleverly got the truth out from the elder son. Mr. Karamchand informed the family lawyer, who in turn, demanded the original copy of the ‘Will’ from the elder son.

The lawyer also told him that it was a crime not to show the ‘Will’ to the family members. The elder brother showed the ‘Will’ to the younger brother. The younger brother read the ‘Will’ and handed it to the family lawyer without suspecting anything. The family lawyer went through the ‘Will’ and found out that the ‘Will’ had been tampered with. The dates and certain words were changed for the benefit of the elder brother.

After a lot of interrogation, the elder brother accepted the crime committed by him. The family lawyer rectified the changes made and now the younger brother got his share of property and wealth.

4. Use the following outline to develop a story as a group activity. Then write the story individually.

Question a.
Family returns home late at night ……………. hear conversation between thieves from inside the locked house ……………. family gets ready to counter …………….. attack …………… father opens the …………… door ……………. all enter ………….. no one is seen ……………… but T.V. is on detective serial midway.
A Family Drama:
After attending the reception cum dinner of their close friend’s daughter, at the famous five star hotel ‘The Oberoi’, Mr. Pai and his family were returning home discussing the evening. Mr. and Mrs Pai along with their two children Suhani and Soham had attended the function. It was quite late at night, and to add to it, it began to rain making the surroundings dark and scary.

Mr. Pai drove the car cautiously and reached their colony safely. Mr. Pai parked the car while the others waited for him at the entrance of their building. It was still raining and the watchman was nowhere in sight. The common light in the building was not on. The way leading to their house was in darkness. Somehow they gropped their way to the second floor, where they lived. As they reached their house, Mr. Pai felt that he heard footsteps and whispering coming from inside their house. He asked his wife to listen carefully and she too agreed that there was whispering. The conversation indicated robbers searching for valuables. There was no light in their house.

Mr. Pai was an army officer. He asked his family members to stand behind him and he opened the main door very slowly. He could hear conversation and movements too. He slowly went towards the bedroom from where the conversation was coming. The door was closed.

He took out his revolver and pushed the door open quickly only to understand that the conversation was from the T.V. serial ‘Crime Patrol’. He then remembered that he had been watching T.V. before leaving home and had forgotten to switch it off. The other family members who had followed him gave a huge sigh of relief.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

5. Language Study.

Synonyms, antonyms, homonyms: Synonyms are the words from the same language that have the same or more or less the same meaning.

  1. good – nice – pretty
  2. shut – closed – sealed
  3. intelligent – bright

Antonyms are words from the same language that have opposite meanings.
Examples :

  1. strong – weak
  2. right – wrong
  3. hard – soft
  4. up – down

Homonyms are words that are spelt and pronounced in the same way but
have different meaning.

  1. round adjective. – round noun.
  2. walk noun. – walk verb.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Start a collection of synonyms, antonyms and homonyms. Collect at least 50 each. Keep adding to your selection.
Examples of Synonyms:

  1. advice – help – guidance – aid
  2. argument – dispute – squabble
  3. aromatic – fragrant
  4. backbone – spine
  5. choosy – picky
  6. constant – fixed
  7. defective – faulty
  8. enormous – huge – immense
  9. famous – popular – renowned
  10. fantastic – great – brilliant

Examples of Antonyms:

  1. predator × prey
  2. employer × employee
  3. former × latter
  4. exhale × inhale
  5. natural × artificial

Examples of homonyms:

  1. bark (n) – bark (y)
  2. bow (n) – bow (y)
  3. clear (adj) – clear (y)
  4. current (adj) – current (n)
  5. fair (adj) – fair (n)

Class 7 English Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions:

The Red-Headed League Questions And Answers Pdf  Question 1.
Who was well suited for the job?
Mr. Wilson was well suited for the job.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

The Red Headed League Answers  Question 2.
What would you suggest/advice Mr. Wilson to do in the given situation?
The best thing to do when you know a crime is being committed or you are being cheated is to go to the lawful authority. I would suggest/ advice Mr. Wilson to go to the police and file a complaint against the people who had cheated him. It is better to do so rather than taking matters into your own hands and make the situation worse.

The Red-Headed League Book Back Answers Question 3.
What did Holmes want to see? Why?
Holmes wanted to see the knees of Mr. Spaulding’s trousers. It was to see if thery were dirty.

The Red Headed League Class 7  Question 4.
Guess where Mr. Merryweather took the others.
Mr. Merryweather led the others through an iron gate, down a narrow passage, that led through a dark, passage into a huge cellar, full of big boxes.

The Red Headed League 7th Standard Question 5.
How did Mr. Merryweather come to know about the crime?
Mr. Merryweather got a hint of the crime from Mr. Sherlock Holmes.

The Red Headed League Class 8 Question Answer Question 6.
Why did Mr. Holmes think the criminals would act that night?
Mr. Holmes had a strong feeling that the criminals would act that night because it was a Friday and the banks and offices would be closed for the weekend making the work of the criminals easier.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Question 7.
How did the criminals enter the cellar?
The criminals had made a square gash on the wall which separated Mr. Wilson’s house and the bank’s cellar. They removed a broad stone which left a square hole enabling the criminals to enter into the cellar.

Question 8.
Who were the two criminals?
The two criminals were none other than Mr. Vincent Spaulding alias Clay and Mr. Duncan Ross.

Question 9.
Why did Holmes become suspicious?
Mr. Holmes became suspicious when he heard that Mr. Spaulding, Mr. Wilson’s assistant worked for only half the wages.

Question 10.
How did Holmes find out that the assistant was a criminal?
Mr. Holmes used Mr. Wilson’s description of his assistant, made further enquiries and found out that Mr. Spaulding was none other than Clay, a criminal.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Question 11.
How did Mr. Holmes guess that Mr. Spaulding was digging a tunnel?
Mr. Holmes suspected that Mr. Spaulding was digging a tunnel because when Mr. Spaulding Clay. answered the doorbell, the knees of his trousers were wrinkled and stained and this confirmed his suspicion.

Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar

Question 1.
Simple Factual Questions:
Match the columns.

Columns ‘A’ Columns ‘B’
Mr. Hopkins Representative of the Red-headed league
Mr. Wilson American Millionaire
Vincent Spaulding Pawnbroker
Mr. Duncan Ross Assistant to Wilson


Columns ‘A’ Columns ‘B’
Mr. Hopkins American Millionaire
Mr. Wilson Pawnbroker
Vincent Spaulding Assistant to Wilson
Mr. Duncan Ross Representative of the Red-headed league

Complex Factual Questions:

Question 1.
Why did Wilson like his assistant Spaulding?
Wilson liked his assistant Spaulding as he was smart, efficient and worked for only half the normal wages.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Question 2.
Why was Fleet Street full of red-headed people?
There was an advertisement in the newspaper calling red-headed people in person to apply for a job at the office of the league. As the office was on Fleet Street, it was full of red-headed people.

Question 3.
What did Mr. Wilson think looking at the crowd?
Seeing the crowd of red-headed people on the street, Mr. Wilson lost all hope of getting the job. Hence he wanted to go back.

Question 4.
What happened when Mr. Duncan Ross saw Mr. Wilson?
Mr. Duncan was very pleased to see Mr. Wilson and announced immediately that he was well situated for the job. He sent back all the other candidates.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Question 5.
Why did Mr. Wilson accept the job?
Mr. Wilson accepted the job because the pay was not only very good but also Spaulding assured Mr. Wilson that he would look after Mr. Wilson’s business in his absence.


Question 1.
Make 4 words of minimum 4 letters from the given words.
1. advertisement
2. representative
1. adverse, verse, meant, said
2. present, pretest, native, resent

Question 2.
Give nouns form.

  1. smart
  2. efficient
  3. develop
  4. sat
  5. announce
  6. explain.


  1. smartness
  2. efficiency
  3. development
  4. seat
  5. announcement
  6. explanation

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League


Question 1.
There was nothing in the office but a couple of chairs and a table. Remove negative.
There were only a couple of chairs and a table in the office.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Who do you think is smarter – Mr. Wilson or his assistant?
I think Mr. Wilson’s assistant, Spaulding was smarter. It was he who showed the advertisement to Mr. Wilson and urged and encouraged him to apply for the job. Seeing the large number of people trying to get the job, Mr. Wilson wanted to go back but spaulding pushed through the crowed and took him inside the office and saw to it that he got the job.

Question 2.
Would you like to do such a job?
I would not like to do such a meaningless mundane and uninteresting job. Jobs should be interesting, challenging and provide scope for further learning and application of different skills which is totally absent in the job taken up by Mr. Wilson.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Question 3.
Why would anyone want to copy an encyclopedia?
No one in their right sense would copy an encyclopedia/ However, for reference in some study, students as well as teachers could copy down specific matter they need. In the same very, someone who is challenging some matter given or want to upgrade it can copy relevant portion of an encyclopedia.

Question 4.
What would we do today, if we needed copies of text from a big book?
Today, one would just take a photocopy xerox. of the required material.

Question 5.
What is the difference between a dictionary and an encyclopedia?
An encyclopedia is a set of books with a collection of information about various topics and subjects while a dictionary contains meanings of different words. Both are arranged in alphabetical order.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Question 6.
Suggest a few words that may appear under ‘A’ after ‘Archery’ in an encyclopedia.
Words that may appear under ‘A’ after ‘Archery’ in an encyclopedia could be as follows: architect, aromatics, asparagus, assassinator, astrobiologist, astrophysical, etc.

Simple Factual Questions.

Question 1.
Complete the following.

  1. And then suddenly the whole ……………
  2. The rooms had been rented ……………
  3. Holmes found Mr. Wilson’s story ……………
  4. Small, stout, with ……………


  1. business came to an end.
  2. under a false name
  3. very unusual
  4. no hair on his face

Complex Factual Questions.

Question 1.
Why was Mr. Wilson shocked?
Mr. Wilson has been working for eight weeks and as usual when he reached the office at ten o’ clock, he found the door shut and locked. He found a little note nailed on, it which said that the Red-headed league was dissolved. This shocked him.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Question 2.
What did Mr. Wilson do next?
Mr. Wilson enquired at the nearly offices, but no one knew anything about the league.

Question 3.
Why did Mr. Wilson go to Mr. Holmes?
Mr. Wilson felt cheated when he suddenly lost his job with a good pay. He was curious to find out about the league and why they played a prank upon him. He had also heard about the ability of Mr. Holmes to solve mysteries.

Question 4.
How did Mr. Wilson describe his assistant?
Mr. Wilson described his assistant as small, stout, with no hair an his face and had a white splash of acid on his forehead.

Question 5.
What kind of a man was Mr. Wilson?
Mr. Wilson was a simpleton. He could be easily taken for a ride. He was hardworking and diligent.


Question 1.
Give one word for the following.

  1. sincerely and tirelessly
  2. A playful trick that causes no harm
  3. Something which cannot be explained
  4. happening quickly and unexpectedly
  5. Solidly built


  1. diligently
  2. prank
  3. mystery
  4. suddenly
  5. stout

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Question 2.
Frame a sentence of your own with ‘diligently’.
We must always work diligently.


Question 1.
On Saturday I got my salary. (Identify the subject and predicate)
Predicate – got my salary on Saturday

Question 2.
I had written Abbots, Archery etc. (Begin with ‘Abbots…’)
Abbots, Archery etc. had been written by me.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Question 3.
He did not come at all. Add a question tag.
He did not come at all, did he?

Question 4.
Mr. Wilson wrote diligently for four hours. (Identify the part of speech of the underlined words)
diligently – adverb
four – adjective

Question 5.
He locked the door of the office. (End with ‘……. the office’)
Didn’t he lock the door of the office?

Personal Response.

Question 1.
What would you advice Mr. Wilson to do in the given situation?
I feel Mr. Wilson made the right decision to take the help of Mr. Holmes about whom he had heard a lot.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Simple Factual Questions.

Question 1.
Complete the following.

  1. Mr. Holmes asked ……………
  2. The offices and banks will be ……………
  3. We followed him down a ……………
  4. We are in the cellar of the city branch of ……………


  1. the way to the Strand
  2. closed for the weekend
  3. narrow passage
  4. one of the main banks of London

Complex Factual Questions.

Question 1.
Tell the name of the young man who opened the door to Mr. Holmes.
The young man who opened the door to Mr. Holmes was his assistant Mr. Vincent Spaulding.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Question 2.
What announcement did Mr. Holmes make?
Mr. Holmes announced that they were going to hunt one of the smartest criminals in London.


Question 1.
Provide suitable adjective to the nouns given below.

  1. weekend
  2. banker
  3. road
  4. passage


  1. long weekend
  2. successful banker
  3. busy road
  4. interesting passage


Question 1.
We went to the square were Mr. Wilson had his shop. (Change into future tense.)
We will go to the square where Mr. Wilson has his shop.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Question 2.
We followed him down a narrow passage. (Rewrite the sentence beginning…. He was followed….)
He was followed by us down a narrow passage.

Personal Response.

Question 1.
Why did the criminals take interest in the cellar?
Mr. Merryweather’s banks had borrowed a huge quantity of gold from the Bank of France and the boxes in the cellar were full of gold. Hence the criminals were interested in the cellar.

Complex Factual Questions.

Question 1.
Was Clay successful in using his revolver? Why?
No, Clay was not successful in using his revolver because Mr. Holmes at once hit him on his wrist and the revolver fell on the floor.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Question 2.
Who came out of the square hole?
Mr. Spaulding and Mr. Ross came out of the square hole.


Question 1.
A boyish face emerged. (Pick out the adjective)

Question 2.
He had a companion with him. (Add a question tag)
He had a companion with him, didn’t he?

Personal Response.

Question 1.
Who tried to get away? Do you think he was able to escape? Why?
Mr. Duncan Ross tried to get away. But, he was not successful in escaping because there were three men waiting for him at the other end.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Simple Factual Questions.

Question 1.
Say if the statements are true or false.

  1. Dr. Watson foiled one of the cunning attempts at bank robbery.
  2. Using the tunnel they entered the bank.
  3. The assistant working for half the wages made Mr. Holmes suspicious.


  1. False. It was’t Dr. Watson, if was Holmes,
  2. False
  3. True

Complex Factual Questions.

Question 1.
Why did Mr. Merryweather thank Mr. Holmes?
Mr. Merryweather thanked Mr. Holmes as he had foiled one of the most cunning attempts at banks robbery.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Question 2.
What was strange about the advertisement?
The advertisement and the peculiar job was purly to get Mr. Wilson away from his shop for some hours every day.

Question 3.
Why did clay and his companion dig the underground tunnel?
Clay and his companion dug the underground tunnel to enter the bank and steal the gold without breaking open the doors of the bank.

Question 4.
What confirmed Mr. Holmes’ suspicion?
When clay answered the bell, the knees of his trousers were wrinkled and stained, this confirmed his suspicion that he was digging.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Question 5.
“You reasoned it out beautifully!” Express it differently.
You solved the puzzle very logically.
You connected the dots beautifully.


Question 1.
Averbs forms of.

  1. thank
  2. grateful
  3. obvious
  4. suspicious
  5. admiration


  1. thankfully
  2. gratefully
  3. obviously
  4. suspiciously
  5. admirably


Question 1.
Pick four adjectives from the passage.
cunning, cleaver, suspicious, beautifully

Personal Response.

Question 1.
Explain the trick of the ‘Red-headed League’. How was it related to Mr. Wilson’s hair?
The ‘Red-headed League’ was a clever idea of Mr. Spaulding and Mr. Ross, to keep away Mr. Wilson from his own home for some time during the day so that they could dig a tunnel from Mr. Wilson’s house to the bank in the hope of stealing the gold from the bank without breaking open the doors of the bank. The ‘Red-headed League’ was no way connected to Mr. Wilson’s hair. It was just a way to get Mr. Wilson to apply for the job.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League

Language Study.

Question 1.
Complete the exercise by filling in with the right modals.

  1. You …………… be late again, (mustn’t / needn’t)
  2. You …………… do it now; you can finish it later. (mustn’t / needn’t)
  3. I think you ……………….. see a doctor, (should / can)
  4. …………… you help me? (May / Will)
  5. Students ……………… arrive to class on time, (can / must)
  6. I ……………. eat or I’ll faint, (ought to / would)


  1. mustn’t
  2. needn’t
  3. should
  4. Will
  5. must
  6. ought to

Question 2.

  1. The ……………. (fare/fair) in the village was breathtaking. Fill in with the correct homophone.
  2. Mohan won a ……………. (meddle / medal) in the swimming competition. Fill in with the correct homophone.
  3. When it …………….(rains/reins), it pours. Fill with the correct word.
  4. We were early but they were ……………. (Fill in with the antonym of the underlined word)
  5. I (heard / herd) that the assistant worked for half the wages. (Cross out the wrong word)
  6. They planned to steal the gold. (Frame a ‘Wh’ question so as to get the underlined words as the answer)


  1. fair
  2. medal
  3. rains
  4. late
  5. herd

Formative Assessment.

Question 1.
What do you have to do when you are told to ‘apply in person’ ?

  1. i. Before applying for a job in person, it’s necessary to check out who is hiring.
  2. ii. Take time to research the employers before applying for jobs in person.
  3. iii. You have to know what you need to take when you go there.
  4. iv. The information youll need to complete a job application.
  5. v. How to prepare for, on the spot interview.
  6. vi. These points will guide you to provide all the information you need to apply in person, make a good impression and successfully get hired.

Question 2.
Find samples of ‘classified ads’ from an English newspaper. Where will the advertisement given here be seen in the classifieds?
Samples of classified ads from The Times of India:
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League 2
The advertisement given in the story will be seen in ‘Situations Vacant’ or ‘Part Time Jobs’.

Question 3.
Find out how photographs were developed in those days.
Louis Daguerre was the inventor of the first practical process of photography.
Steps followed:

  1. Fix the image on a sheet of silver plate.
  2. Polish silver plate and coat it in iodine.
  3. Put plate in camera and expose it for a few minutes.
  4. Once image is painted by light, the plate is put into a solution of silver chloride.
  5. This process will create an image that would last a long time and will not get exposed to light.
  6. Students should find out more methods of photography.

The Red-Headed League Summary in English

This story is filled with mystery and suspense which keeps the reader wanting to know more. It is about a pawn-broker named Mr. Wilson, who goes to Sherlock Holmes and Watson and tells them about a strange business with a red-haired man. He tells them how his assistant encouraged him to apply for the job which he got. He worked for eight weeks. Suddenly the office closed without any notice. Holmes’ detective mind finds something fishy about the happenings as narrated by Mr. Wilson. The story ends with Mr. Wilson’s assistant Mr. Spaulding being a criminal, and he along with his friend Mr. Ross had planned to rob gold from a bank, through an underground tunnel dug out from Wilson’s house to the bank. However, Sherlock Holmes foiled their plan and put them behind bars.


The lesson The Red-Headed League’ is one of the 56 Sherlock Holmes’ short stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It involves mystery and suspense.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Red-Headed League


  1. fiery (adj) – glowing
  2. pawn-broker (n) – a person who lends money on interest against things of value
  3. efficient (adj) – able to work well and produce good results
  4. assured (v) – guaranteed
  5. diligently (adv) – carefully, sincerely
  6. bade (v) – to tell
  7. dissolved (v) – disbanded (here) it means the organization was closed down.
  8. league (n) – an association or a formal group of people.
  9. prank (n)- playful trick that causes no harm.
  10. foiled (v) – laid waste, prevented
  11. splash (n) – sound made by something hitting the surface of some liquid.
  12. Strand (n) – a famous place in London
  13. cellar (n) – a room used for storage under a building
  14. take the criminals by surprise (phr) – catch then when they least expect it.
  15. object (v) – purpose, reason
  16. stopped all the holes (phr) – closed all the routes by which criminal may escape/run away
  17. seized by the collar (phr) – hold by the neck
  18. Frank (adj) – honest and outspoken
  19. gash (n) – a long deep cut
  20. attempt (v) – to endeavour to do, to try

7th Std English Questions And Answers:

A Collage Poem Questions and Answers Class 7 English Chapter 1.6 Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 1.6

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 A Collage Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 English Lesson 1.6 A Collage Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 1.6 A Collage Textbook Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What did Swami Vivekanand make the world aware of?
Swami Vivekanand made the world aware of the greatness of Indian Philosophy.

Question 2.
Why did Swami Vivekanand receive a standing ovation at the Parliament of World’s religions?
At the Parliament of World’s religions, Swami Vivekanand began his speech with “Sisters and brothers of America!”. For these words, he received a standing ovation.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 A Collage

Question 3.
What did Swami Vivekanand emphasize upon?
Swami Vivekanand emphasized the importance of selflessness and service to mankind.

Question 4.
What is Swami Vivekanand regarded as?
Swami Vivekanand is regarded as a patriotic saint.

Question 5.
What is a collage?
A collage is a collection of various materials such as pictures, articles and quotes, put together in an artistic and creative manner.

Question 6.
What does the collage given in the textbook talk about?
The collage talks about Swami Vivekananda and displays a few famous quotes by him.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 A Collage

Question 7.
What can you include in a collage?
Photographs, pictures, famous quotes/lines and information about a particular person can be included in a collage.

Question 8.
A mosaic is similar to a collage. Can you say how?
A mosaic is a design that is formed by putting pieces of colourful glass, stones or tiles together in a creative manner/pattern, which sounds similar to a collage i.e. a collection of various pictures and quotes, put together in an artistic way.

Question 9.
Where can you see the collage pattern being used?
The collage pattern can be seen in paintings, architectural work and photography.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 A Collage

Explain the quotes.

Question 1.
Arise! Awake! And stop not until the goal is reached.
The given quote says that one should rise up to achieve one’s goal and until it is achieved, one should not stop to rest. Achieving one’s goal should be a relentless affair.

Question 2.
Talk to yourself atleast once in a day… otherwise you may miss a meeting with an excellent person in the world.
The given quote says that each one of us is unique and excellent in our own way. We spend most of our lives talking to others but forget to have a conversation with ourselves and hence do not realize our own qualities.

Question 3.
Fill the brain with high thoughts, highest ideals. Place them day and night before you and out of that will come great work.
High thoughts and high ideals act as an inspiration to achieve higher goals. Reading the life and work of great men motivates us to believe in ourselves. The outcome of which is great work.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 A Collage

Question 4.
Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is way of success.
Swami Vivekanand through these lines tells us to eat, sleep and breathe our dreams. We must focus on that one dream so much that it becomes our very life. Only when we completely focus our energy on that one dream and give our heart and soul to it, can we be successful.

Question 5.
Whatever you think, that you will be. If you think yourself weak, weak you will be. If you think yourself strong, strong you will be.
The given lines emphasize the importance of thoughts. The quality of our thoughts determine the quality of our lives because we are what our thoughts are. So by carefully choosing empowering thoughts, we can become what we wish to become.

A Collage Summary in English

The lesson, presented in the form of a collage, talks about Swami Vivekanand, his beliefs, his work and his contribution. The lesson also has some of his famous quotes, each of which has a deep meaning to it.


A collage is a piece of art made by sticking various different materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric on to a background.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.6 A Collage


  1. philosophy (n) – a theory or attitude that acts as a guiding principle for behaviour
  2. emphasize (v) – give special importance to something
  3. patriotic (adj) – having or expressingdevotion to one’s country
  4. inspirational (adj) – something that encourages and inspires
  5. ideal (n) – a principle
  6. standing ovation (n) – display of appreciation by standing up and clapping continuously
  7. collage (n) – a piece of art made by sticking various different materials such as photographs or pieces of paper or fabric ontoa larger and firmer surface.

7th Std English Questions And Answers:

News Analysis Poem Questions and Answers Class 7 English Chapter 3.5 Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 3.5

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 English Lesson 3.5 News Analysis Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 3.5 News Analysis Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Write your own impression about the news items given in (a), (b), (c), (d) in the table given below.

Question 1.
Write your own impression about the news items given in (a), (b), (c), (d) in the table given below.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis 1

Good/Bad News Reliable/ Unreliable News Interesting/ Uninteresting/ Boring others
good reliable interesting Lists down DO’s and DON’TS for candidate.
bad unreliable boring No authenticity. Might be based on rumours.
bad reliable interesting Creates an awareness about environmental problems.
bad unreliable boring Highlights the need to adopt a more scientific attitude.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis

2. Write a letter to your class teacher or the Principal of your school to make any one of the following requests.

a. You wish to start a news bulletin for your school/class. It will be a one-page bulletin to be published every week. A different group of students will manage the preparation of the bulletin every time.
C/1, Elixir Apartments,
V. S. Road,
Dadar (West),
Mumbai – 400 028.
7th July, 2017.

The Principal,
St. John’s School,
Dadar (West),
Mumbai – 400 028.
Sub: Request to start a news bulletin. Respected Sir,
I, XYZ, the monitor of VII – B, would wish to request you to grant us permission to start a news bulletin for our school. As part of the Literary Club activity, the bulletin will serve as a platform for those who wish to enhance their writing skills and try their hands at journalism right in school.

The bulletin would be a single page weekly, covering news related to schools in our neighbourhood and their notable innovative activities and of our own school activities, achievements and programmes. This gives opportunity to students to scout around, explore and express their observations, thoughts and ideas and expose them to a new career option for later life.

Kindly consider my earnest request and grant us the permission so that the Literary Club may flourish –
Thanking you,
Yours truly,

b. Your school library subscribes to a few newspapers. Your class wants old issue of the newspaper for some educational activity in the classroom. You are required to make cuttings/news clipping. Therefore, the papers cannot be returned to the liabrary but you will use them in a responsible manner. Use the format of a formal letter given below.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis 2
C/1, Elixir Apartments,
V. S. Road,
Dadar (West),
Mumbai – 400 028.
7th July, 2017.

The Principal,
St. John’s School,
Dadar (West),
Mumbai – 400 028.

Sub: Request to issue old newspapers for a project.
Respected Sir,
I, XYZ, of class VII-B would wish to request you to grant us permission to use old newspaper clippings from the Library for our English project.

The project aims at making us aware of various types of news articles, the language used in newspaper reports and enable us to compare and see the changes that have taken place in terms of presentation and news that is printed. However, we do not have access to newspapers of the past five years.

May I earnestly request you to allow us to make use of newspaper clippings of the last five years from the school Library? I assure you that the newspaper will be used in a responsible manner.

We intend to hold competitions that will further encourage students to put in their best. Your support and guidance will help serve the purpose better.
Thanking you,
Yours truly,

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis

3. Hold a discussion in the classroom about the differences between printed newspaper, radio news bulletins, T.V. news bulletins.

Question 1.
Hold a discussion in the classroom about the differences between printed newspaper, radio news bulletins, T.V. news bulletins. Discuss the merits, demerits and popularity of each.
The merits and demerits of the print Media are as follows:
a. Print Media (Newspapers):
Merits: These are more accessible. They are available at a low cost. They are also delivered at one’s doorstep. Besides this, one can always choose to read news of one’s choice by just turning over the pages. More suitable for senior citizens who are not tech-savvy.

Demerits: The illiterate cannot make use of the Print Media. It occupies more space after some time when the newspapers pile up. Usually the news articles are based on the thought process of the owners of the Newspaper advertisements news articles.

b. Electronic Media:
Merits: As the T.V. is an audiovisual medium it appeals to the sense of hearing and sight. The illiterate can have entertainment as well as information. It is more lively as the person can see the reporter or the panel discussing a given topic. Various news channels offer a wide variety of topics and programmes. An animated map with weather forecast is much more interesting to see as compared to reading it in black and white.

Demerits of Electronic media: Electronic media includes radio, television tablets, all phones etc. with the flooding of TV channels, cell phones with enormous features etc have enslaved man. People are hooked on to these items and direct human communication has broken down within the families too. The reason is everybody is busy with either the TV or cell phone most of the time. Children are also hooked on to these from a very early stage in life. These technologies also bring with them problems of radiation and health risks and take away personal time.

Class 7 English Chapter 3.5 News Analysis Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer in one sentence.

Question 1.
Who is Stephen Hawking?
Stephen Hawking was a physics professor.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis

Question 2.
Why did people flock to Ralewadi?
People flocked to Ralewadi to get a special powder from Miribaba that was supposed to cure all ailments.

Question 3.
What was the cost of the herbal powder packet?
The packet of powder was priced at Rs. 25/-

Question 4.
Name some herbs?
Some Common herbs are ginger, tulsi, mint.

Simple Factual Questions.

Question 1.
Complete the web diagram with all non-electronic items prohibited in the examination hall as per the news item.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis 3

Question 2.
What is the meaning of issued, candidates and invigilators?

  1. issued – distributed.
  2. candidates – a person who applies for some job (here).
  3. invigilators – people who watch students taking an exam.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis

Complex Factual Questions.

Question 1.
Who is conducting the test?
Shivam Institute of Innovative Technology in Bengaluru is conducting the test.


Question 1.
Form four 4 letter words from the following:

  1. Bengaluru
  2. prestigious
  3. examination


  1. Bengaluru – Bengal, bugle, lure, rule, glue
  2. prestigious – Press, rest, gist, sprout, priest
  3. examination – name, exam, mine, animation, nation


Question 1.
The pens will be provided in the hall by the invigilators. (Begin with ‘………….. The invigilators’)
The invigilators will provide the pens in the hall.

Personal Response.

Question 1.
Why is this news published in newspapers?
This news is published in the newspaper to make the readers and other institutions aware of the steps some educational institutions are taking to prevent malpractices during exams. It also prepares the candidates taking the exam by distributing a ‘Do’s and ‘Don’ts list beforehand.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis

Simple Factual Questions.

Question 1.
What words are used for the following in the news item:
1. Film industry.
2. Something on which a lot of money is spent.
1. Film industry – Bollywood.
2. Something on which a lot of money is spent – big-budget.

Complex Factual Questions.

Question 1.
Guess why ‘Ant’ is a big-budget movie?
’Ant’ could be a big-budget movie as it must be an animated film with a lot of sound and visual effects and also because the makers had roped in Ritika, a highly paid Bollywood star.

Question 2.
What will be Ritika’s reaction to this news?
Ritika might be surprised to read this news as there may be no truth in it.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis


Question 1.
Guess the meaning of ‘most highly paid’, ‘revealed’, ‘sign films’.

  1. most highly paid – someone who is paid the highest amount of salary.
  2. revealed – to make something new known to others.
  3. sign films – to agree to do a film by signing a contract.


Question 1.
She refused to give any reasons for her decision. (Change into a negative sent)
She did not give any reasons for her decision.

Question 2.
Make adjectives.
1. heart
2. decision
3. reason
1. hearty
2. decisive
3. reasonable

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis

Personal Response.

Question 1.
Can you think of other reasons for Ritika’s decision to not sign any more movies after ‘Ant’?
There could be many reasons for Ritika’s decision to not sign any more movies after ‘Ant’ like disillusion with film world, desire to seek work in some foreign country, the urge to raise a family and settle down, etc.

Simple Factual Questions.

Question 1.
Which words or phrases in the news refer to the earth?
The word ‘planet’ and ‘world’ in the news refer to the earth.

Complex Factual Questions.

Question 1.
Which of the following problems do you believe is the most serious:
a. climate change,
b. overpopulation,
c. epidemic diseases?
Overpopulation is the most serious problem faced by the world today leading to a host of other problems.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis

Question 2.
Within two minutes tell as many words as possible related to the following words:
a. news – reporters, T.V, radio, crime, politics, movies, sports, newspaper, responsibility
b. T.V. – serials, sports, music, entertainment, education, innovation, remote control, news channels.
c. radio – AIR, Akashwani, Radio Mirchi, news, songs, recordings, talks, interviews.
d. mobile – messages, Whatsapp, charger, camera, music, games, internet, connectivity, camera, instant communication, global.


Question 1.
Guess the meaning of ‘mankind’?
mankind – human race.


Question 1.
1. Hawking said that the world today is facing huge challenges.
2. We have only one planet and we need to work together to protect it.
1. that
2. and

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis

Question 2.
Make verb.

  1. dangerous – endanger
  2. work – work
  3. challenge – challenge

Personal Response.

Question 1.
Prof. Hawking wrote about the problem in the Guardian. Why is it given as ‘news’ in other papers?
Although Prof. Hawking wrote about the problem in the Guardian, it is given as ‘news’ in other papers to create awareness about the gravity of the situation and the need to take urgent, constructive steps to protect our planet from further degradation by mending our ways. As the problem in discussion concerns the whole world, putting it in other papers will help spread awareness and take some corrective steps.

Fill in the blanks.

Question 1.
1. He has developed this powder from a special herb in the …………… .
2. Dr. …………… of Ambegaon Civil Hospital said number of patients increased in last few weeks.
1. Himalayas
2. Karnik.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis

Complex Factual Questions.

Question 1.
Why is there a question mark in the heading?
There is a question mark in the heading as the article leaves it on us to decide or find out the truth about Miribaba’s cure. The question mark indicates that it is not certain whether the powder has the power to cure ailments.

Question 2.
Which part of the news is reliable? Which part may not be reliable? How do we learn that?
A report from Dr. Karnik of Ambegaon civil Hospital that there was an increase in member of patients in the last few weeks is probably more reliable. It could be that people out of blind faith went to Miribaba with their problems and were treated with some unnamed herbal powder. When their problems got out of hand or did not get better, they must have visited the civil hospital.

The claim of Miribaba’s followers that the herbal packs blessed by him cured thousands of people may be a story to cure more people towards Baber.

Question 3.
Will Miribaba and his followers like the news?
Miribaba and his followers will definitely not like the news.


Question 1.
Guess the meaning of ‘flock’ and ‘followers’.

  1. flock – gather or move in large numbers
  2. followers – people supporting someone whom they believe in disciples.


Question 1.
Hundreds of people flock every hour to Ralewadi. (Frame a Wh – question to get the underlined word as an answer)
Where do hundreds of people flock every hour?

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis

Question 2.
Each packet is specially blessed by him. (Separate the subject and predicate)
Each packet – Subject is specially blessed by him – Predicate.

Personal Response.

Question 1.
What should you do when you fall ill?
When one falls ill one mus identify the cause of the discomfort and how it can be set right with rest and correct food. Safe home remedies could be tried and if no improvement is found, one should consult a doctor immediately.

Language Study.

Question 1.
Complete the table.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
innovation innovate innovative innovatively
measurement measure measurable measurably
decision decide decisive decisively
danger endanger dangerous dangerously

Make sentences using the following phrases/ idioms, also write its meaning.

Question a.
to break someone’s heart – to make someone very sad.
I kept up my promise of taking my five-year-old nephew out as I didn’t want to break his heart.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis

Question b.
to flock – to gather.
Thousands of flamingoes flock to Sewri every year.

Question 2.
She refused to give any reasons for her decision. (Make negative)
She did not give any reasons for her decision.

Question 3.
We have the technology to destroy the planet on which we live. (Add a question tag)
We have the technology to destroy the planet on which we live, don’t we?

Question 4.
We will have built colonies amid the stars. (Rewrite in Future Perfect Continuous tense)
We will have been building colonies amid the stars.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis

Question 5.
The world today is facing huge challenges. (Rewrite ending with world today’)
Huge challenges are being faced by the world today.

Question 6.
She wants to make a career in politics. (Use Modal auxiliary of possibility)
She might want to make a career in politics.

Question 7.
Hawking wrote recently in the Guardian newspaper. (Write in question form)
Didn’t Hawking write in the Guardian newspaper recently?

Question 8.
Mankind is facing the most dangerous time in its history today. (Rewrite using ‘Positive degree’)
No other time faced by mankind in its history is as dangerous as today.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis

Question 9.
Imagine how this news item helped people understand the truth that Miribaba’s powder cannot cure diseases. Write the story about it in short.
After reading the article in the newspaper regarding ailing people, some truth-seekers made their way to the Ambegaon Civil Hospital. On checking the records and after talking to the patients, it was clear that Miribaba was a fraud and there was nothing miraculous in the powder as claimed by him. To set things straight, these people headed towards to Ralewadi. But the news of the truth being revealed had already reached Miribaba who fled away to save his life.

Question 10.
Go through a few specimens of major newspaper. You will see that each page carries only a certain type of news. Read all the news items given in the lesson of your textbook and decide their types.
a. Educational
b. Entertainment
c. Environment
d. exploitation

Question 11.
Which other items do you find in a newspaper besides news?
Besides news, we find advertisements, classifieds, cartoon strips, daily horoscope, brain teaser games, recipes, letters to the editor, entertainment, etc.

News Analysis Summary in English

News Analysis is a detailed examinations of the elements of the news item presented. Here we have news items from different fields such as academics, entertainment, environment and exploitation of gullible people. It is our responsibility to read, reflect and analyse news items and verify the authenticity of the news before we share it with others.

With the application of technology in mass media, we have access to news through various newspapers, magazines, T.V. Channels and through the internet.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.5 News Analysis


  1. analysis (n) – detailed examination of the elements give out officially of something.
  2. issued (v) – distributed
  3. candidate (n) – a person who applies for something (here, exam)
  4. prestigious (ad]) – having high status
  5. invigilators (n) – people who supervise
  6. gadget (n) – a small mechanical or electronic device
  7. informal (adj) – friendly, unofficial
  8. epidemic (n) – a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease
  9. flock (v) – gather
  10. settlement (n) – a village
  11. winding (adj) – twisting
  12. claim (v)- assert that something is the case
  13. amid (prep) – in the middle of candidates taking an exam

7th Std English Questions And Answers:

Seeing Eyes Helping Hands Poem Questions and Answers Class 7 English Chapter 1.5 Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 1.5

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 Seeing Eyes Helping Hands Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 English Lesson 1.5 Seeing Eyes Helping Hands Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 1.5 Seeing Eyes Helping Hands Textbook Questions and Answers

1. This passage contains four different types of invitations. They are:
A: A formal invitation
C: An oral invitation
B: A notice
D: Another oral invitation
Read each invitation carefully, keeping in mind the list of eight questions given below. Note the answers in your notebook. Verify that the formal invitation ‘A’ covers all the eight points.

  1. Who is sending/giving the information?
  2. What is the programme?
  3. What is the name of the project?
  4. Who will inaugurate it?
  5. Who will preside over the function?
  6. What time will the function start?
  7. Where will it take place?
  8. How many names get mentioned in the invitation?

Now see which of these eight points are covered in the other invitations ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’. Put tickmarks against the points that are covered.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 Seeing Eyes Helping Hands 1

2. Prepare a formal invitation for a function you have arranged at home.
It should clearly state the following points:

  • Who is inviting people to the function.
  • What the programme is.
  • The date and time.
  • The venue. (The place where
  • A polite request to attend the function. the function will take place.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 Seeing Eyes Helping Hands

Question 1.
Prepare a formal invitation for a function you have arranged at home.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 Seeing Eyes Helping Hands 2

3. Write an imaginary telephone conversation in which you invite your friend to the above function.

Question 1.
Write an imaginary telephone conversation in which you invite your friend to the above function.

    • Mohan: Hello! Could I speak to Shashank.
    • Shashank: Yes, speaking.
    • Mohan: Hi! I have called you up to invite you to the house-warming ceremony of our new home.
    • Shashank: Oh, thanks. Where have you shifted your residence?
    • Mohan: Very close to you. We are now at Shri Laxmi Niwas.
    • Shashank: Next to Blue Dales School?
    • Mohan: Yes, you got it right. Please do come with your parents.
    • Shashank: My parents are out, in Pune for about a week. When is the function?
    • Mohan: On the 25th of this month. It is a Sunday.
    • Shashank: Yes, they will be back by then. When should we come?
    • Mohan: The pooja will begin at 11.00 am.
    • Shashank: I will surely be there.
    • Mohan: Thanks. See you then.
    • Shashank: You’re welcome. See you, bye.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 Seeing Eyes Helping Hands

4. Imagine someone has invited your family to a programme and you were the only person at home when the invitation was given orally. Write a note (4-5 lines) to pass on the message to the other people in your family. Or, Write an imaginary conversation in which you pass on the message to your parents.

Question 1.
Imagine someone has invited your family to a programme and you were the only person at home when the invitation was given orally. Write a note (4-5 lines) to pass on the message to the other people in your family. Or, Write an imaginary conversation in which you pass on the message to your parents.
Dear Mom and Dad,
Sudhir uncle has invited us for a surprise birthday party given for Anita aunty, tomorrow, 8th November at Grand Central Hotel at 7.00 pm.


Class 7 English Chapter 1.5 Seeing Eyes Helping Hands Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Find different ways in which you can send an invitation using the internet.
Through the internet an invitation can be sent via email, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and other such social networking sites.

Question 2.
Many times the school authorities have to communicate with your parents. How is it done in school? How are written communications sent?
In my school, written communications are sent through notices, SMS, Telephone, invitation cards, web pages, newsletters, quarterly report card comments and via school staff such as the peon or an attendant.

Question 3.
When do we write formal invitations and why?
The write formal invitations for a formal event to invite the people with whom we want to celebrate and also the people we are close to. The best way to invite people to such planned events is by sending them a formal invitation. Another important reason behind writing an invitation is that it gives our invitees proper information regarding the programme, its time, date and venue.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 Seeing Eyes Helping Hands

Question 4.
What are some ways in which you can send invitations to your family and friends, apart from using the internet?
Some other ways in which we can send invitation to our family and friends are as follows:

  1. By using Indian Postal Service.
  2. Using SMS or mobile phone.
  3. Hand delivering.
  4. Through telephone call and
  5. Through courier.

Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar

Read the following passage and do the activities.

Simple Factual Questions:

Principal Teacher in-charge Presiding dignitary School
Suhasini Ambekar V. S. Ajinkya Dr. A. M. Dr. A. M. Chaudhary, Dean New Vision High School

Complex Factual Questions:

Question 1.
Who prepared the formal invitation?
The Principal prepared the formal invitation.

Question 2.
Where is the venue of inauguration?
The venue of the inauguration is the Assembly Hall of New Vision High School, Off Main street, Girgaon.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 Seeing Eyes Helping Hands

Question 3.
Who are the student secretaries?
The student secretaries are Komal Shelar and Nitin Valke.


Question 1.
Make verb forms.

  • invitation – invite
  • vision – envision

Question 2.
Give homophones of the following words from the passage.

  • maid – made
  • knew – new


Question 1.
The art teacher and her students made copies of it. (Add a question tag)
The art teacher and her students made copies of it, didn’t they?

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 Seeing Eyes Helping Hands

Question 2.
We solicit your presence at the inauguration of the project. (Write in question form)
Don’t we solicit your presence at the inauguration of the project?

Personal Response:

Question 1.
What according to you is a formal invitation?
A formal invitation is a letter or a card in which the important person is courteously requested to attend an important event.

Read the following passage and do the activities.

Simple Factual Questions:

Question 1.
State whether the statements are true or false.
1. The News Editor will not be sent an official invitation.
2. The News Editor refused to come for the function.
1. False
2. False

Complex Factual Questions:

Question 1.
What is the purpose of the project?
The purpose of the project is to make students aware of their social responsibilities.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 Seeing Eyes Helping Hands

Question 2.
Why was Mr. Shashank invited?
Mr. Shashank, Newspaper Editor, was invited to cover the function prominently.


Question 1.
Make a sentence using the phrase/idiom ‘to set a trend’.
Their school is setting new trends in Activity based learning.

Question 2.
Pick out words that mean.
1. Notice or attention given to someone or something by the media.
2. To a large extent.
1. publicity
2. prominently


Question 1.
I have made a note of it. (Change the voice)
A note of it has been made by me.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 Seeing Eyes Helping Hands

Question 2.
The project is an important one. (Make exclamatory)
What an important one the project is!

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Do you think it is a good idea to invite a Newspaper Editor to such programmes? Why?
Yes, it is a good idea to cover such programmes done for a noble cause in the newspaper, as it sets a trend for other schools to follow and children also become aware of their social responsibilities.

Language Study:

Do as directed.

Question 1.
“Mummy, you and Daddy are invited to our school on Sunday, the ninth” said Sameer.
(Write in indirect speech)
Sameer informed his mother and father that both she and daddy were invited to his school on Sunday, the ninth.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 Seeing Eyes Helping Hands

Question 2.
We are all going to visit places. (Rewrite in past perfect tense)
We had all gone to visit places.

Question 3.
I see. (Add a question tag)
I see, don’t I?

Question 4.
Daddy and I can’t both go. (Remove negative)
Either Daddy or I can go.

Question 5.
Teachers made phone calls to some special invitees. (Frame a wh- question to get the underlined part as an answer)
Who made phone calls to some special invitees?

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 Seeing Eyes Helping Hands

Question 6.
Write the noun forms of.

  1. inaugurate
  2. converse
  3. participate


  1. inauguration
  2. conversation
  3. participation

Question 7.
Write noun for the following ending in ’-er’ or ’-or’ to show the work or function or description of the person:

  1. help
  2. edit
  3. visit
  4. speak
  5. teach
  6. preach


  1. helper
  2. editor
  3. visitor
  4. speaker
  5. teacher
  6. preacher

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 Seeing Eyes Helping Hands

Writing Skills:

With your teacher’s help, get two or three specimens of the notices/announcements put up on the school notice board.

Question 1.
Specimen 1
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.5 Seeing Eyes Helping Hands 3

Question 2.
Specimen 2
This is to inform the students of Std. VIII that the Nature Club has organized a one day nature trail to CEC at BNHS, Goregaon on 26th July, 2017. The timing for the same is 7.00 am to 5.00 pm. Students interested in going for the trail should register their names with the Nature Club advisor, Mrs. Ketki Dhuri by paying Rs. 500/-(Inclusive of transport and entry fees).

– By Order

Seeing Eyes Helping Hands Summary in English

The lesson discusses various means of sending an invitation for an inaugural function in New Vision High School. Formal invitation, oral invitation and notice being some of them. With the help of a sample invitation the lesson conveys that one can choose among various means of communication, the one that best suits one’s need.


Communication is a vital tool. In today’s times, with the rise in technological media, communication has undergone a drastic change. From letters to emails; invitations and messages can be sent in a short time.


  1. inauguration (n) – the beginning or introduction of something ‘
  2. scheduled (v) – to arrange that an event or activity will happen at a particular time
  3. formal (adj) – done in accordance with convention or etiquette
  4. sample (n) – a specimen
  5. conversation (n) – a talk, especially an informal one
  6. to set a trend – to do something that becomes accepted or fashionable, something that a lot of other people copy
  7. accompany (v)-to go along with someone
  8. specimens (n) – examples of something; samples
  9. solicit (v) – to formally ask for help
  10. preside (v) – to be in charge of a formal meeting or ceremony
  11. invitee (n) – person who is invited
  12. sec. – short form for second
  13. trend (n) – a general direction in which something is developing or changing
  14. prominently (adv) – in a way that many people will know about it

7th Std English Questions And Answers:

The Brook Poem Questions and Answers Class 7 English Chapter 3.4 Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 3.4

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.4 The Brook Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 English Lesson 3.4 The Brook Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 3.4 The Brook Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Read the poem aloud with proper pace and rhythm.

2. Find the meaning of the following words.

  1. ridges: Long narrow hill to or range (mountain bridges.
  2. brimming: full of the margin/over followed. Full of water up to the to pledge.
  3. eddying: spiral movement of water.
  4. babble: meaningless talking/sound made when ones talk loudly
  5. fallow: wasteland/left land
  6. trout: A big freshwater fish
  7. netted: Form of a net.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.4 The Brook

3. Answer the following.

The Brook Question Answers Class 7 Question 1.
Who is the speaker in this poem?
The brook is the speaker in this poem.

The Brook Poem Class 7 Question 2.
Which lines are repeated in the poem? What do they mean?
The lines ‘For men may come and men may go, But I go on forever’ are repeated. They mean that nature is immortal whereas we are mortal. Men are born and will die but nature is eternal.

3.4 The Brook Question 3.
Where does the brook join the river?
The brook joins the river near Philip’s farm.

The Brook Poem Class 7 Solutions Question 4.
Mention the various places that the brook flows past.
The brook flows past the dwellings of coot and hern, the ferns, a town, villages, valleys, hills, ridges, several bridges and Philip’s farm.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.4 The Brook

English Brook Class 7 Solutions Question 5.
Often the brook speaks of itself as if it is human. For example, ‘I bicker down a valley’. Find two other examples of the human activities of the brook.
1. I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance.
2. I murmur under moon and stars.

4. Spot and write any three alliterative phrases or sentences from the poem.

The Brook Poem Std 7 Question Answer Question 1.
Spot and write any three alliterative phrases or sentences from the poem. (Alliterative phrases/sentences are those in which the same sound is repeated.)
1. I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance.
Sound of ‘s’ and ‘g’ is repeated.
2. I bubble into eddying bays.
I babble on the pebble.
Sound of ‘b’ is repeated.
3. By many a field and fallow.
Sound of ’f’ is repeated.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.4 The Brook

5. List the prepositions you find in this poem.

The Brook Poem Question And Answers Class 7 Question 5.
List the prepositions you find in this poem.
from, among, to, in, with, etc.

6. List the phrases which have the expression ‘many a…’.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Question 6.
List the phrases which have the expression ‘many a…’.
many a curve, many a fairy foreland, many a silvery water break.

7. The poet uses words to create pictures or ‘images’ in the reader’s mind.

3.4 The Brook Question Answer Question 7.
The poet uses words to create pictures or ‘images’ in the reader’s mind. For example, ‘And sparkle out among the fern’. Write down other lines that create images or pictures in your mind. (Any 3)

  1. By twenty thorpes, a little town An half a hundred bridges.
  2. By thirty hills I hurry down, or slip between the ridges.
  3. I make the netted sunbeam dance Against my sandy shallows.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.4 The Brook

8. Write a short autobiography of a brook.

The Brook Class 7 Question 8.
Write a short autobiography of a brook. (20 to 30 lines)

Autobiography of a Brook

I took origin among the mountains and glaciers in the lap of a slopy snowy terrain as a bubbly ever youthful brook. Many others joined me making me look bigger. I express my happiness by dancing and jumping as I flow down the valley. I am ever so glad to help birds and animals to quench their thirst. The trees in the valley are so grateful to me that they honour me by showering flowers upon me.

As I reach the plains, I slow down. My calm within and outside, inspires many great poets to offer their literary best. I am obstructed by many boulders, but I do not stop. I find my way by flowing around them. By the time I meet the big river, many small rivulets have formed from me. But now, their number is decreasing,.

I hear that the rains are often scanty. If this goes on, I might not exist at all in the future. I have served mankind for as long as I know. I plead with you all to plant more trees and preserve and protect nature for our mutual well being. Help us to survive and continue to serve you.

9. Which other things in nature can say.

The Brook Poem Std 7 Question 9.
Which other things in nature can say – ‘For men may come and men may go, But I go on forever.’?
The sun, stars, clouds, moon, wind, space are things in nature that can say the given lines.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.4 The Brook

10. Use the internet, your school library or other sources for the following activities.

The Brook Poem Question And Answers Question 10.
Use the internet, your school library or other sources for the following activities.
1. Try to find other nature poem.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.4 The Brook 1

Class 7 English Chapter 3.4 The Brook Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer in one sentence.

Question 1.
What does the chattering sound of the brook seem like?
The chattering sound of the brook seems like musical sounds.

Question 2.
Why does the bank fret?
The bank frets because the brook changes its shape quite often by curving.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.4 The Brook

Question 3.
The brook mentions exact numbers of hills, villages and bridges. What does it mean?
The brook mentions exact numbers to maintain the rhythm of the poem. It actually means that it flows past several hills, villages and bridges.

Question 4.
What do we learn from the brook?
The brook teaches us to be cheerful and enjoy what we do. It also teaches us that we should never stop when we come across obstacles. With grit and patience, we should overcome these obstacles and achieve our goals.

Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar.

Simple Factual Questions.

Question 1.
What do the following do?

  • blossom – sail
  • swallow – skim
  • sunbeam – dance

Complex Factual Questions.

Question 1.
Name the marine beings mentioned in the poem?
The poet mentions fishes such as trout and grayling and also the swallow bird.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.4 The Brook

Question 2.
Which words of movement does this part of the extract mention?
The extract mentions many words of movement such as travel, go, slip, slide, flow sail, loiter.

Poetic device.

Question 1.
Pick out an example of Antithesis.
I wind about, and in and out.

Question 2.
State the rhyme scheme used in the second last stanza.
Rhyme scheme – abab.

Question 3.
What according to you is the tone/mood of the poem? Why?
The mood/tone of the poem is cheerful as it traces the journey of a happy brook right from its origin to its mouth. There is a hint of music in lines that helps us visualize the flow of the brook.

State and explain the figures of speech.

Question 1.
I come from haunts of coot and hem.
Alliteration – the sound of ’h’ is repeated in ’haunts’ and ’hern’ in a pleasant manner.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.4 The Brook

Question 2.
I make a sudden sally.
Alliteration – the sound of ’s’ is repeated in ’sudden’ and ’sally’ for a better poetic effect.

Question 3.
To bicker down a valley.
Personification – the brook has been given the human quality of ’bickering’.

Question 4.
By thirty hills I hurry down.
Inversion: the prose order has been changed. The correct word order is ’I hurry down by thirty hills’.
Alliteration: the sound of ‘h’ repeated in hills and hurry for poetic effect.

Question 5.
By twenty thorpes, a little town An half a hundred bridges.
Hyperbole – the statement is exaggerated for a poetic effect.

Question 6.
Till last by Philip’s farm I flow
Alliteration – the sound of ’f is repeated in ’farm’ and ’flow’ for a better poetic effect and also the word Philip as it has an ’f sound.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.4 The Brook

Question 7.
I chatter over stony ways
Personification – the brook has been given the human quality of ’chattering’.

Question 8.
With many a curve my banks I fret
Inversion – the word order has been changed. The correct word order is T fret my banks with many a curve’.

Question 9.
With willow-weed and mallow
Alliteration – the sound of ‘w’ is repeated in the world ‘with’, ‘willow’ and ‘weed’.

Question 10.
I chatter, chatter as I flow
Repetition – the word ‘chatter’ is repeated for a poetic effect.

Question 11.
I wind about and in and out
Antithesis – two opposite words ‘in’ and ‘out’ are used in the same line for a better poetic effect.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.4 The Brook

Question 12.
And here and there a lusty trout
Antithesis – two words of opposite meaning ‘here’ and ‘there’ are used in the same line for poetic effect.

Question 13.
And here and there a foamy flake
Alliteration – the sound of ‘f is repeated in ‘foamy’ and ‘flake’ for a better poetic effect.

Question 14.
For men may come and men may go
1. Antithesis: two words it opposite meaning ‘come’ and ‘go’ are used in the same line for a better poetic effect.
2. Repetition: the word ‘men’ is repeated for a better poetic effect.

Question 15.
I make the netted sunbeam dance
Personification – sunbeam is given the human quality of ‘dancing’.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.4 The Brook

Question 16.
I linger by my shingly bars;
I loiter round my cresses
Personification – the brook is given the human quality of ‘lingering’ and ‘loitering’.

The Brook Summary in English

The narrator of the poem, The Brook, takes us along its course. It narrates that it begins from the places often visited by birds. It makes noise while coming down the valley. The sunlight makes the brook’s water sparkle as it flows among the ferns and through several villages. Finally it passes by Philip’s farm and joins the overflowing river. It creates a lot of bubbles and noise while swirling around an obstacle.

The brook says that it makes a lot of turns and etches out a path full of curves. Passing by many ups and downs, the brook carries blossoms on its way. A lot of fishes accompany it. Moving through different curves, the brook clashes and creates silvery water break. At the base of the brook, there are golden coloured stones. The reflection of the sunlight on the moving waters of the brook makes it seems as if the sun beams are dancing. At night under the moon and the stars, it murmurs through thorny bushes. Avoiding the obstacles, it finally flows into the river.


The poem ‘The Brook’ by Lord Tennyson or Alfred Lord Tennyson traces the journey of a brook from its origin to its mouth. Though very simple, the poem conveys a very deep message in a very subtle manner. The refrain in the poem ‘But I go on forever’ tells us that nature is eternal whereas we are emphemeral or short lived. We may come and go but nature stays forever.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.4 The Brook


  1. haunt (n) – a place that one visits often, where one spends a lot of time
  2. coot and hem (n) – water birds
  3. sally (n) – a quick journey like an entrance to fairy land
  4. bicker (v) – run noisily
  5. ridges (n) – a long, narrow mountain range
  6. thorpes (n) – old English word for a village
  7. brimming (adj) – be full to the point of overflowing
  8. sharpes and trebles (n) – musical sounds
  9. eddying (adj) – move in a circular motion.
  10. babble (v) – to make murmuring sound of on the bottom. water flowing over stones
  11. fret (v) – wear out, gnaw
  12. fallow (n) – uncultivated land
  13. fairy foreland (n) – a scenic place that looks
  14. willow-weed (n) – a type of plant
  15. mallow (n) – a plant with purple flowers
  16. lusty (adj) – healthy and strong
  17. front (n) – a freshwater fish
  18. flake (n)- small, flat piece of something
  19. water break (n) – a place in a brook where the surface of the water is broken by irregularities on the bottom.
  20. grayling – a freshwater fish with a long fin.
  21. gravel (n) – pounded stones
  22. skimming swallows (n) – swallows that touch the brook lightly and quickly as they or stones. fly over it.
  23. shallows – an area of the brook where the water is not very deep.
  24. brambly (adj) – full of prickly shrubs.
  25. wildernesses (n) – an uncultivated region
  26. shingly (adj) – full of small, rounded pebbles
  27. bars (n) – barrier, obstacle
  28. cresses (n) – small plants
  29. trout (n) – freshwater fish of salmon family

7th Std English Questions And Answers:

Compere a Programme Poem Questions and Answers Class 7 English Chapter 3.2 Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 3.2

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 English Lesson 3.2 Compere a Programme Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme Textbook Questions and Answers

1. The items in the programme below have got mixed up.

Question 1.
Rearrange them in the proper order. Just add the number in the left-hand column.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme 1
Balanand Vidyalaya Art Festival Programme

  • Dignitaries arrive
  • Igniting the lamp
  • Welcome and introduction of guests
  • Appraisal of the Art Festival
  • Recital of ‘Taal Kacheri’
  • Koli Dance
  • The Boy Comes Home – A skit by Std. IX
  • Prize distribution
  • Chief Guest speaks
  • Vote of thanks

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

2. Form groups of 5-8. This passage tells us only what the compère says.

Question 1.
Try to visualise and write what the other people on the dais must have said In their speeches (Write only the main points.)
1. The School Principal
2. The Chief Guest
3. The Art teacher who offered vote of thanks
1. The compere thanks the Principal, Dr. Ajinkya Parakhi.
2. The compere thanks the Chief Guest- for releasing the book and formally inaugurating the art festival.

3. Choose the appropriate phrase to insert in the gaps to make the sentences meaningful. Use the appropriate form of the verb.

  1. to appraise
  2. to be relieved of
  3. to draw the curtain
  4. to escort
  5. to be likened to
  6. to have butterflies in ones stomach

Question 1.
Before we ………….., let us stand in attention for the National Anthem.
draw the curtain

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 2.
I ………….. just as I was to receive my Report Card.
had butterflies in my stomach

Question 3.
After I took the medicine, I ………….. ………….. of the pain.
was relieved

Question 4.
Before we do the experiment in the laboratory, let me ………….. you all about it.

Question 5.
The Minister ………….. by his personal bodyguards.
was escorted

Question 6.
Sorrowful times ………….. to darkness.
are likened.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

4. Prepare a formal invitation card for the Art Festival.

Question 1.
Prepare a formal invitation card for the Art Festival.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme 2

5. Prepare a News Report in brief on this Art Festival.

Question 1.
Prepare a News Report in brief on this Art Festival.

Art Collage

– by a student reporter

Balanand Vidyalaya, June 26: Balanand Vidyalaya had organised a Art Festival on 25th June, 2017 in the school. Preparations for the same had begun days in advance. Their Art teacher, Ms. Shilpa Sanghani was confident as everything was well planned.

The function began with the lighting of the lamp followed by the welcome speech and introduction of guests. The Chief Guest for the function Shri Charudatta Diwan was welcomed by the Principal with a token of two volumes of Cherished Lives of Great Artists. The Convener of the Art Festival, Ms. Shilpa Sanghani welcomed the President of Balanand Academy, Mr. Avadhoot Pathak. The Principal briefed the audience about the Art Festival after which a special book comprising photographs of unique pieces of art contributed by students was released by the Honourable Chief Guest.

Art in its different forms were then presented by the students. This included Taal Kacheri, Koli dance and a light comedy play. The prize distribution thereafter came as a pat on their back. While Taal Kacheri won the first prize, the Koli dance won the second prize. The Chief Guest Shri Diwan’s speech on various aspects of Art and Culture left the audience with new insights.

In the end a vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Shilpa Sanghani. When asked one of the parents remarked, “Such activities give an impetus to Art and Culture and encourage students to realize their potential.” The Art Festival was a grand success underlining the importance of co-curricular activities in school.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

6. Chalk out detailed programmes for the following occasions.

Question 1.
1. The Teacher’s Day programme in your school.
2. An exhibition of science projects arranged in your classroom.
3. A wedding anniversary/birthday celebration for your grandparents that you have arranged with your family.
1. Teacher’s Day programme:

  1. Welcome Speech by the Head Boy
  2. Speech on importance of teachers by the Head Girl.
  3. Felicitation of teachers
  4. Address by the Principal
  5. Cultural Programme
  6. Games
  7. Vote of thanks
  8. National Anthem
  9. Snacks

2. Exhibition of Science projects in classroom:

  1. Welcome speech by monitor
  2. Ribbon cutting ceremony
  3. Speech by the Principal
  4. Judging of projects
  5. Prize distribution
  6. Vote of thanks
  7. National Anthem

3. Birthday celebration for grandfather:

  1. Welcome grandparents
  2. Powerpoint show on Grandfather
  3. Talks by relatives and friends
  4. Cake cutting
  5. Snacks and refreshment
  6. Vote of thanks

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

7. Language Study.

Object: Direct and indirect – An object is a word, phrase
or clause that shows the person. thing etc. affected by the action of the verb.
The underlined words or phrases in the following sentences are objects.
1. Mother drives a scooter.
2. He gave me a pen.
There are two types of object: direct and indirect. The direct object Is directly affected by the action. For example, in sentence 2 above, ‘a pen’ Is direct object. An indirect object refers to the person or a thing to whom/for whom the action Is done. In sentence 2 above, ‘me’ is an indirect object.

  1. He told the boys a story
  2. Amruta gave me a stern look.
  3. His friend gifted him a kettle
  4. A neighbour gave him a ticket
  5. Davy gave Faraday an impossible task.
  6. Harsh Serves them breakfast
  7. Shweta told me her problems.
Direct object Indirect object
1. A story the boys
2. a stern look me
3. a kettle him
4. a ticket him
5. an impossible task Faraday
6. breakfast them
7. her problems me

Class 7 English Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Why does the compere request the audience to switch off their mobile phones?
The compere requests the audience to switch off their mobile phones so that they can give undivided attention to the creative expressions of the youngsters and not get distracted by their other pre-occupations and ringtone.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 2.
Why does she request them to be seated?
She requests them to take their seats so that she can begin the programme.

Question 3.
At the beginning of the programme, who does the compere address by name?
At the beginning of the programme, the compere addresses the Head Girl by her name.

Question 4.
Describe the book that is released.
The book is a volume comprising photographs of all the beautiful and unique pieces of art contributed by the skillful students of Balanand Vidyalaya.

Question 5.
Who is taking part in the Taal Kacheri?
Sahil of Std. X A, Varsha, Vivek, Zubin and Govind are taking part in the Taal Kacheri.

Question 6.
Guess/Find the meaning of Taal Kacheri.
Taal Kacheri, literally translated means rhythmic instrumental musical session.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 7.
Does the compere say the following at the beginning of the programme or after it has ended?
1. What a wonderful presentation!
2. That was indeed a fantastic performance!
The compere says the given statements after the programme has ended.

Question 8.
What is meant by ‘butterflies in the stomach’?
‘Butterflies in the stomach’ means to be anxious and nervous.

Question 9.
How is this vocal rendition different from music?
Music is the pattern of sounds produced by people singing or playing instruments expressing ideas and emotions. Vocal refers to music human voice, which is singing.

Answer the following in one sentence.

Question 1.
Who was present at the Art Festival?
Special invitees, guests, parents, teachers and students were present for the Art Festival.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 2.
How did the programme begin?
The programme began with the lighting of the lamp.

Question 3.
Explain ‘Atithi Devo Bhava!’
‘Atithi Devo Bhava!’ means a guest is equivalent to God.

Question 4.
Which amazing quality of the lamp does the compere highlight?
The compere highlights that the lamp not only dispels darkness but also leaves way for a thousand other lamps to be lit with its flames.

Question 5.
How are knowledge and lamp similar?
Knowledge and lamp are similar in the fact that they both spread light. They only add and multiply.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 6.
Who gave away the prizes to the prize winners?
The Chief Guest, Shri Charudatta Diwan gave away the prizes to the prize winners.

Complex Factual Questions.

Question 1.
Which is the school in question?
The school in question is Balanand Vidyalaya.

Question 2.
Why is the lamp said to be having an amazing quality?
A lamp can dispel or remove darkness and also help to light a thousand other lamps from its flames. Hence it is said to possess an amazing quality.

Question 3.
What is the lamp compared to? Give reason.
The lamp is compared to knowledge because when you share knowledge, it never reduces. One can share knowledge with thousands of people and enlighten their minds.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 4.
What do we learn about Shri Charudatta Diwan from the compere’s speech?
From the compere’s speech, we learn that Shri Charudatta Diwan is a renowned artist, a painter of international repute, proud recipient of many prestigious awards and President of Kala Ranjan Academy.

Question 5.
Who are the following?

  1. Mr. Avadhoot Pathak
  2. Ms. Shubhada Murarka
  3. Mr. Ajinkya Parakhi


  1. President of Balanand Education Society
  2. Head Girl of Balanand Vidyalaya
  3. Principal of Balanand Vidhyalaya


Question 1.
Give one world for the following.

  1. the formal beginning of an event
  2. one who receives
  3. having high status
  4. noteworthy and important


  1. inauguration
  2. recipient
  3. prestigious
  4. eminent

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 2.
Write the antonyms.

  1. gather
  2. auspicious
  3. request
  4. honour


  1. disperse
  2. inauspicious
  3. order
  4. dishonour

Question 3.
Form a word chain of verbs.
e.g. announce – extend – deliver – request
1. Break, ……., ……., …….
2. Release, ……., ……., …….
3. Visit, ……., ……., …….
1. keep, pick, kick
2. educate, end, dance
3. teach, hide, eliminate


Question 1.
Knowledge, too, spreads light (Rewrite the sentence removing ‘too’)
Knowledge also spreads light.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 2.
It is indeed a proud privilege. (Make exclamatory)
What a proud privilege it is!

Personal Response.

Question 1.
Do you have a school song? What does it tell you?
Yes, we have a school song by the name ‘The Temple of Learning’. It tells us about how a school acts as a sheltered cocoon for students preparing them to take a flight spreading their wings in the beautiful world outside.

Simple Factual Questions.

Complete the tree diagram on the basis of information given in the extract.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme 3

Complex Factual Questions.

Question 1.
Who were the participants of Taal Kacheri? Which instruments did they play?
Varsha played the Mridangam, Vivek was on Dholak, Zubin played the Tabla and Ghatam was played by Govind. Sahil gave the vocal reaction.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 2.
What kind of play is ‘The Boy Comes Home’?
‘The Boy Comes Home’ is a light comedy.

Question 3.
The Art Festival aims at encouraging the students and bringing out their creative best. How do we know this from the extract?
The Art Festival included a Book release in which various students had contributed their creative work. Besides students also displayed their talent through music, dance and play. This tells us that the Art Festival aims to be a launching pad for students to reach greater heights in the field of Art and Culture.


Give antonyms.

  1. unique
  2. deliver
  3. pleasure
  4. introductory


  1. ordinary, common
  2. collect
  3. sadness, pain
  4. conclusive

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme


Question 1.
What a wonderful presentation! (Make assertive)
It was indeed a wonderful presentation.

Question 2.
Match the question tags.

‘A’ ‘B’
1.  Let’s enjoy the Taal kacheri a. can’t you?
2. After this programme, you can take that pleasure b. should we?
c. shall we?


‘A’ ‘B’
1.  Let’s enjoy the Taal kacheri c. shall we?
2. After this programme, you can take that pleasure a. can’t you?

Personal Response.

Question 1.
Do you think such programmes inspire students? Give reasons for your answer.
Yes, I think such programmes inspire students. Mark Twain has rightly remarked, “Thousands of geniuses live and die undiscovered – either by themselves or by others. Such programmes help students to get over their fears and also build up their confidence. It also serves as a platform to showcase their hidden talents. Appreciation in the form of award/trophy further encourages them to do even better.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Language Study.

Make sentences using the phrases.

Question 1.
To have butterflies in one’s stomach
When Ria was about to enter the interview room, she had butterflies in her stomach.

Question 2.
To lend a helping hand
Many Mumbaikars lent a helping hand to those who had got stranded due to floods. OR She was always ready to lend a helping hand to the needy.

Do as directed.

Question 1.
Look at the amazing quality of this lamp. (Add a question tag)
Look at the amazing quality of this lamp, won’t you?

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 2.
It only adds and multiplies. (Rewrite as negative)
It does nothing but adds and multiplies.

Question 3.
Our Indian culture regards guests as gods. (Begin with ‘Guests are … ’)
Guests are regarded as gods in our Indian culture.

Question 4.
We have gathered here for the inauguration of our School Art festival. (Frame a Wh- question)
What have we gathered here for?

Question 5.
Different states display their unique identity through their respective culture. (Rewrite using Modal auxiliary of possibility)
Different states might display their unique identity through their respective culture.

Find words with the given clues.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme 4


Question 1.

  1. to give information about
  2. famous and respected within a particular sphere
  3. a special right
  4. used for flooring
  5. Joyous


  1. Appraise
  2. Eminent
  3. Privelege
  4. Tile
  5. Festive

Compere a Programme Summary in English

The lesson ‘Compere a Programme’ serves as a model for students to compere official, staged events in school or other places. The compere takes charge of the smooth delegation of the events of the itinerary and most importantly, in a planned sequence. Right from instructions to the audience, to inviting dignitaries for the introductory talk, prize distribution, speech etc., the compere takes the programme ahead in a lively manner. The students also need to notice the formal, polite language and vocabulary used during such events. Besides al’l this, the lesson has a message for all schools. It is to encourage our younger generation to preserve and pass on our rich traditions through such events.


A compere is an official presenter of a ceremony, a staged event or programme. Compering a programme holds great importance as the success of a programme largely depends on the way it is compered.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme


  1. festive (adj) – joyous
  2. preoccupation (n) – being engrossed with something
  3. escort (v) (n) – to accompany someone somewhere
  4. dignitaries (n) – important persons due to their rank or office
  5. renown (n) – the condition of being known, fame
  6. hearty (adj) – loudly vigorous and cheerful
  7. auspicious (adj) – favourable, to be of good omen
  8. symbolic (adj) – representing something
  9. potential (n)- having the capacity to develop into something in the future
  10. distinguished (adj) – very successful
  11. eminent (adj) – noteworthy and important
  12. prestigious (adj) – having high status
  13. comprise (v) – consist of
  14. auditorium (n) – the part of a theatre in which the audience sits
  15. display (v) – show, exhibit
  16. vocal (adj) – a part of music that is sung
  17. rendition (n) – performance
  18. demonstration (n) – exhibition, presentation
  19. apprise (adj) – give information about
  20. anxiety (n)- uneasiness
  21. insights (n) – understanding of something
  22. immensely (adj) – extremely
  23. convener (n) – a person who calls people together for meetings of a committee

7th Std English Questions And Answers: