Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6

Balbharati Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solution Book Pdf Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6

Question 1.
Find the value of
(i) 15C4
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6 Q1 (i)

(ii) 80C2
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6 Q1 (ii)

(iii) 15C4 + 15C5
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6 Q1 (iii)

(iv) 20C1619C16
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6 Q1 (iv)

Question 2.
Find n if
(i) 6P2 = n 6C2
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6 Q2 (i)

(ii) 2nC3 : nC2 = 52 : 3
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6 Q2 (ii)

(iii) nCn-3 = 84
nCn-3 = 84
∴ \(\frac{n !}{(n-3) ![n-(n-3)] !}\) = 84
∴ \(\frac{\mathrm{n}(\mathrm{n}-1)(\mathrm{n}-2)(\mathrm{n}-3) !}{(\mathrm{n}-3) ! \times 3 !}\) = 84
∴ n(n – 1) (n – 2) = 84 × 6
∴ n(n – 1) (n – 2) = 9 × 8 × 7
Comparing on both sides, we get
∴ n = 9

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6

Question 3.
Find r if 14C2r : 10C2r-4 = 143 : 10
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6 Q3
∴ \(\frac{14 \times 13 \times 12 \times 11}{2 \mathrm{r}(2 \mathrm{r}-1) \times(2 \mathrm{r}-2)(2 \mathrm{r}-3)}=\frac{143}{10}\)
∴ 2r(2r – 1)(2r – 2)(2r – 3) = 14 × 12 × 10
∴ 2r(2r – 1)(2r – 2)(2r – 3) = 8 × 7 × 6 × 5
Comparing on both sides, we get
∴ r = 4

Question 4.
Find n and r if.
(i) nPr = 720 and nCn-r = 120
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6 Q4 (i)

(ii) nCr-1 : nCr : nCr+1 = 20 : 35 : 42
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6 Q4 (ii)
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6 Q4 (ii).1

Question 5.
If nPr = 1814400 and nCr = 45, find r.
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6 Q5
∴ r! = 40320
∴ r! = 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
∴ r! = 8!
∴ r = 8

Question 6.
If nCr-1 = 6435, nCr = 5005, nCr+1 = 3003, find rC5.
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6 Q6
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6 Q6.1

Question 7.
Find the number of ways of drawing 9 balls from a bag that has 6 red balls, 5 green balls and 7 blue balls so that 3 balls of every colour are drawn.
9 balls are to be selected from 6 red, 5 green, 7 blue balls such that the selection consists of 3 balls of each colour.
∴ 3 red balls can be selected from 6 red balls in 6C3 ways.
3 green balls can be selected from 5 green balls in 5C3 ways.
3 blue balls can be selected from 7 blue balls in 7C3 ways.
∴ Number of ways selection can be done if the selection consists of 3 balls of each colour
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6 Q7

Question 8.
Find the number of ways of selecting a team of 3 boys and 2 girls from 6 boys and 4 girls.
There are 6 boys and 4 girls.
A team of 3 boys and 2 girls is to be selected.
∴ 3 boys can be selected from 6 boys in 6C3 ways.
2 girls can be selected from 4 girls in 4C2 ways.
∴ Number of ways the team can be selected = 6C3 × 4C2
= \(\frac{6 !}{3 ! 3 !} \times \frac{4 !}{2 ! 2 !}\)
= \(\frac{6 \times 5 \times 4 \times 3 !}{3 \times 2 \times 1 \times 3 !} \times \frac{4 \times 3 \times 2 !}{2 \times 2 !}\)
= 20 × 6
= 120
∴ The team of 3 boys and 2 girls can be selected in 120 ways.

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6

Question 9.
After a meeting, every participant shakes hands with every other participants. If the number of handshakes is 66, find the number of participants in the meeting.
Let there be n participants present in the meeting.
A handshake occurs between 2 persons.
∴ Number of handshakes = nC2
Given 66 handshakes were exchanged.
∴ 66 = nC2
∴ 66 = \(\frac{n !}{2 !(n-2) !}\)
∴ 66 × 2 = \(\frac{\mathrm{n}(\mathrm{n}-1)(\mathrm{n}-2) !}{(\mathrm{n}-2) !}\)
∴ 132 = n(n – 1)
∴ n(n – 1) = 12 × 11
Comparing on both sides, we get n = 12
∴ 12 participants were present at the meeting.

Question 10.
If 20 points are marked on a circle, how many chords can be drawn?
To draw a chord we need to join two points on the circle.
There are 20 points on a circle.
∴ Total number of chords possible from these points = 20C2
= \(\frac{20 !}{2 ! 18 !}\)
= \(\frac{20 \times 19 \times 18 !}{2 \times 1 \times 18 !}\)
= 190

Question 11.
Find the number of diagonals of an n-sided polygon. In particular, find the number of diagonals when
(i) n = 10
(ii) n = 15
(iii) n = 12
In n-sided polygon, there are ‘n’ points and ‘n’ sides. .
∴ Through ‘n’ points we can draw nC2 lines including sides.
∴ Number of diagonals in n sided polygon = nC2 – n (∴ n = number of sides)
Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6 Q11

Question 12.
There are 20 straight lines in a plane so that no two lines are parallel and no three lines are concurrent. Determine the number of points of intersection.
There are 20 lines such that no two of them are parallel and no three of them are concurrent.
Since no two lines are parallel
∴ they intersect at a point
∴ Number of points of intersection if no two lines are parallel and no three lines are concurrent = 20C2
= \(\frac{20 !}{2 ! 18 !}\)
= \(\frac{20 \times 19 \times 18 !}{2 \times 1 \times 18 !}\)
= 190

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6

Question 13.
Ten points are plotted on a plane. Find the number of straight lines obtained by joining these points if
(i) no three points are collinear
(ii) four points are collinear
There are 10 points on a plane.
(i) No three of them are collinear:
Since a line is obtained by joining 2 points,
number of lines passing through these points if no three points are collinear = 10C2
= \(\frac{10 !}{2 ! 8 !}\)
= \(\frac{10 \times 9 \times 8 !}{2 \times 1 \times 8 !}\)
= 5 × 9
= 45

(ii) When 4 of them arc collinear:
∴ Number of lines passing through these points if 4 points are collinear
= 10C24C2 + 1
= 45 – \(\frac{4 !}{2 ! 2 !}\) + 1
= 45 – \(\frac{4 \times 3 \times 2 !}{2 \times 2 !}\) + 1
= 45 – 6 + 1
= 40

Question 14.
Find the number of triangles formed by joining 12 points if
(i) no three points are collinear
(ii) four points are collinear
There are 12 points on the plane
(i) When no three of them are collinear:
Since a triangle can be drawn by joining any three non-collinear points.
∴ Number of triangles that can be obtained from these points = 12C3
= \(\frac{12 !}{3 ! 9 !}\)
= \(\frac{12 \times 11 \times 10 \times 9 !}{3 \times 2 \times 1 \times 9 !}\)
= 220

(ii) When 4 of these points are collinear:
∴ Number of triangles that can be obtained from these points = 12C34C3
= 220 – \(\frac{4 !}{3 ! \times 1 !}\)
= 220 – \(\frac{4 \times 3 !}{3 !}\)
= 220 – 4
= 216

Maharashtra Board 11th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Permutations and Combinations Ex 6.6

Question 15.
A word has 8 consonants and 3 vowels. How many distinct words can be formed if 4 consonants and 2 vowels are chosen?
Out of 8 consonants, 4 can be selected in 8C4
= \(\frac{8 !}{4 ! 4 !}\)
= \(\frac{8 \times 7 \times 6 \times 5 \times 4 !}{4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1 \times 4 !}\)
= 70 ways
From 3 vowels, 2 can be selected in 3C2
= \(\frac{3 !}{2 ! 1 !}\)
= \(\frac{3 \times 2 !}{2 !}\)
= 3 ways
Now, to form a word, these 6 letters (i.e., 4 consonants and 2 vowels) can be arranged in 6P6 i.e., 6! ways.
∴ Total number of words that can be formed = 70 × 3 × 6!
= 70 × 3 × 720
= 151200
∴ 151200 words of 4 consonants and 2 vowels can be formed.