12th Physics Chapter 16 Exercise Semiconductor Devices Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Physics Chapter 16

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 12th Physics Textbook Solutions Chapter 16 Semiconductor Devices Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Semiconductor Devices Class 12 Exercise Question Answers Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Physics Chapter 16 Exercise Solutions Maharashtra Board

Physics Class 12 Chapter 16 Exercise Solutions

1. Choose the correct option

In a BJT, the largest current flow occurs
(A) in the emitter
(B) in the collector
(C) in the base
(D) through CB junction.
(A) in the emitter

A series resistance is connected in the Zener diode circuit to
(A) properly reverse bias the Zener
(B) protect the Zener
(C) properly forward bias the Zener
(D) protect the load resistance.
(A) properly reverse bias the Zener

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 1 Semiconductor Devices

An LED emits visible light when its
(A) junction is reverse biased
(B) depletion region widens
(C) holes and electrons recombine
(D) junction becomes hot.
(C) holes and electrons recombine

Solar cell operates on the principle of
(A) diffusion
(B) recombination
(C) photovoltaic action
(D) carrier flow.
(C) photovoltaic action

A logic gate is an electronic circuit which
(A) makes logical decisions
(B) allows electron flow only in one direction
(C) works using binary algebra
(D) alternates between 0 and 1 value.
(A) makes logical decisions

2 Answer in brief.

Why is the base of a transistor made thin and is lightly doped?
The base of a transistor is lightly doped than the emitter and is made narrow so that virtually all the electrons injected from the emitter (in an npn tran-sistor) diffuse right across the base to the collector junction without recombining with holes. That is, the base width is kept less than the recombination distance. Also, the emitter is much heavily doped than the base to improve emitter efficiency and common-base current gain a.

How is a Zener diode different than an ordinary diode?
A Zener diode is heavily doped-the doping con-centrations for both p- and n-regions is greater than 1018 cm-3 while those of an ordinary diode are voltage (PIV) of an ordinary diode is higher than a Zener diode and the breakdown occurs by impact ionization (avalanche process). Their I-V characteristics are otherwise similar.

On which factors does the wavelength of light emitted by a LED depend?
The intensity of the emitted light is directly propor-tional to the recombination rate and hence to the diode forward current. The colour of the light emitted by an LED depends on the compound semiconductor material used and its composition (and doping levels) as given below :
Table: Typical semiconductor materials and emitted colours of LEDs

Material Emitted colour(s)
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), Indium gallium arsenide phosphide (InGaAsP) Infrared
Aluminum gallium arsenide (AlGaAs) Deep red, also IR laser
Indium gallium phosphide (InGaP) Red
Gallium arsenide phosphide (GaAsP), aluminum indium gallium phosphide (AlInGaP) Orange, red or yellow
Gallium phosphide (GaP) Green or yellow
Aluminium gallium phosphide (AlGaP), zinc selenide (ZnSe), zinc selenide telluride (ZnSeTe), nitrogen impregnated gallium phosphide (GaP:N) Green
Indium gallium nitride (InGaN), gallium nitride (GaN), sine sulphide (ZnS) Blue and violet Longer wave lengths (green and yellow) are obtained by increasing the indium (In) content. Phosphor encapsulation produce white light.
Aluminium gallium nitride (AlGaN)



Why should a photodiode be operated in reverse biased mode?
A photodiode is operated in a reverse biased mode because as photodetector or photosensor, it must conduct only when radiation is incident on it. In the reverse biased mode, the dark current for zero illumination is negligibly small—of the order of few picoamperes to nanoamperes. But when illuminated, the photocurrent is several orders of magnitude greater.

State the principle and uses of a solar Cell.
A solar cell is an unbiased pn-junction that converts the energy of sunlight directly into electricity with a high conversion efficiency.

Principle : A solar cell works on the photovoltaic effect in which an emf is produced between the two layers of a pn-junction as a result of irradiation.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 1 Semiconductor Devices

Question 3.
Draw the circuit diagram of a half wave rectifier. Explain its working. What is the frequency of ripple in its output?
A device or a circuit which rectifies only one-half of each. cycle of an alternating voltage is called a half-wave rectifier.
Electric circuit : The alternating voltage to be rectified is applied across the primary coil (P1P2) of a transformer. The secondary coil (S1S2) of the transformer is connected in series with the junction diode and a load resistance RL, as shown in below figure. The alternating voltage across the secondary coil is the ac input voltage Vi. The dc voltage across the load resistance is called the output voltage V0.
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Working : Due to the alternating voltage Vi, the p-region of the diode becomes alternatively positive and negative with respect to the n-region.
During the half-cycle when the p-region is positive, the diode is forward biased and conducts. A current IL passes through the load resistance RL in the direction shown.
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During the next half cycle, when the p-region is negative, the diode is reverse biased and the forward current drops to zero.

Thus, the diode conducts only during one-half of the input cycle and thus acts as a half-wave rectifier. The intermittent output voltage V0 has a fixed polarity but changes periodically with time between zero and a maximum value. IL is unidirectional. Above figure shows the input and output voltage waveforms.

The pulsating dc output voltage of a half-wave rectifier has the same frequency as the input.

Question 4.
Why do we need filters in a power supply?
A rectifier-half-wave or full-wave – outputs a pul-sating dc which is not directly usable in most electronic circuits. These circuits require something closer to pure dc as produced by batteries. Unlike pure dc waveform of a battery, a rectifier output has an ac ripple riding on a dc waveform.

The circuit used in a dc power supply to remove the ripple is called a filter. A filter circuit can produce a very smooth waveform that approximates the waveform produced by a battery. The most common technique used for filtering is a capacitor connected across the output of a rectifier.

Question 5.
Draw a neat diagram of a full wave rectifier and explain it’s working.
A device or a circuit which rectifies both halves of each cycle of an alternating voltage is called a full-wave rectifier.
Electric circuit : The alternating voltage to be rectified is applied across the primary coil (P1P2) of a transformer with a centre-tapped secondary coil (S1S2). The terminals and S2 of the secondary are connected to the two p-regions of two junction diodes D1 and D2, respectively. The centre-tap T is connected to the ground. The load resistance RL is connected across the common n-regions and the
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P1P2, S1S2 : Primary and secondary of transformer,
T : Centre-tap on secondary; D1 D2 : Junction diodes,
RL : Load resistance, IL : Load current,
Vi: AC input voltage, V0 : DC output voltage
Above Figure : Full-wave rectifier circuit

Working : During one half cycle of the input, terminal S1 of the secondary is positive while S2 is negative with respect to the ground (the centre-tap T). During this half cycle, diode D1 is forward biased and conducts, while diode D2 is reverse biased and does not conduct. The direction of current ZL through RL is in the sense shown.
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During the next half cycle of the input voltage, S2 becomes positive while S, is negative with respect to T. Diode D2 now conducts sending a current IL through RL in the same sense as before. Dt now does not conduct. Thus, the current through RL flows in the same direction, i.e., it is unidirectional, for both halves or the full-wave of the input. This is called full-wave rectification.

The output voltage has a fixed polarity but varies periodically with time between zero and a maximum value. Above figure shows the input and output voltage waveforms. The pulsating dc output voltage of a full-wave rectifier has twice frequency of the input.

Question 6.
Explain how a Zener diode maintains constant voltage across a load.
Principle : In the breakdown region of a Zener diode, for widely changing Zener current, the voltage across the Zener diode remains almost constant.
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Electric circuit : The circuit for regulating or stabilizing the voltage across a load resistance RL against change in load current and supply voltage is shown in above figure. The Zener diode is connected parallel to load Rh such that the current through the Zener diode is from the n to p region. The series resistance Rs limits the current through the diode below the maximum rated value.
From the circuit, I = IZ + IL and V = IRs + VZ
= (IZ + IL)Rs + VZ
Working: When the input unregulated dc voltage V across the Zener diode is greater than the Zener voltage VZ in magnitude, the diode works in the Zener breakdown region. The voltage across the diode and load Rh is then VZ. The corresponding current in the diode is IZ.

As the load current (I) or supply voltage (V) changes, the diode current (7Z) adjusts itself at constant VZ. The excess voltage V-VZappears across the series resistance Rs.

For constant supply voltage, the supply current I and the voltage drop across Rs remain constant. If the diode is within its regulating range, an increase in load current is accompanied by a decrease in Iz at constant VZ.
Since the voltage across RL remains constant at VZ, the Zener diode acts as a voltage stabilizer or voltage regulator.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 1 Semiconductor Devices

Question 7.
Explain the forward and the reverse characteristic of a Zener diode.
The forward bias region of a Zener diode is identical to that of a regular diode. There is forward current only after the barrier potential of the pn- junction is overcome. Beyond this threshold or cut in voltage, there is an exponential upward swing.

The typical forward voltage at room temperature with a current of around 1 mA is around 0.6 V.

In the reverse bias condition the Zener diode is an open circuit and only a small reverse saturation current flows as shown with change of scale. At the reverse breakdown voltage there is an abrupt rapid increase in the current-the knee is very sharp, followed by an almost vertical increase in current. The voltage across the Zener diode in the breakdown region is very nearly constant with only a small increase in voltage with increasing current. There is a minimum Zener current, IZ (min), that places the operating point in the desired breakdown region. At some high current level, IZM, the power dissipation of the diode becomes excessive beyond which the diode can be damaged.
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Zener diode characteristics

The I-V characteristics of a Zener diode is not totally vertical in the breakdown region. This means that for slight changes in current, there will be a small change in the voltage across the diode. The voltage change for a given change in current is the resistance RZ of the Zener diode.

Question 8.
Explain the working of a LED.
Working :
An LED is forward-biased with about 1.2 V to 3.6 V at 12 mA to 20 mA. Majority carriers electrons from n-type layer and holes from p-type layer are injected into the active layer. Electrons cross the junction into the p-layer. In the active p-layer, some of these excess minority carriers electrons, recombine radiatively with majority carriers, holes, thereby emitting photons. The resulting photon has an energy approximately equal to the bandgap of the active layer material. Modifying the bandgap of the active layer creates photons of diferent energies.
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In the energy band diagram this recombination is equivalent to a transition of the electron from a higher energy state in the conduction band to a lower energy state in the valence band. The energy difference is emitted as a photon of energy hv.
[Note : The photons originate primarily in the p-side of the junction which has a bandgap EGp narrower than that of the n-side, EGn. Thus, with hv < EGn, the photons are emitted through the wide-bandgap n-region with essentially no absorption.]

Question 9.
Explain the construction and working of solar cell.
Construction :
A simple pn-junction solar cell con-sists of a p-type semiconductor substrate backed with a metal electrode back contact. A thin n-layer (less than 2.5 pm, for silicon) is grown over the p-type substrate by doping with suitable donor impurity. Metal finger electrodes are prepared on top of the n-layer so that there is enough space between the fingers for sunlight to reach the n-layer and, subsequently, the underlying pn-junction.
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Working : When exposed to sunlight, the absorption of incident radiation (in the range near-UV to infrared) creates electron-hole pairs in and near the depletion layer.

Consider light of frequency v incident on the pn-junction such that the incident photon energy hv is greater than the band gap energy EG of the semiconductor. The photons excite electrons from the valence band to the conduction band, leaving vacancies or holes in the valence band, thus generating electron-hole pairs.

The photogenerated electrons and holes move towards the n side and p side, respectively. If no external load is connected, these photogenerated charges get collected at the two sides of the junction and give rise to a forward photovoltage. In a closed- circuit, a current I passes through the external load as long as the solar cell is exposed to sunlight.

A solar cell module consists of several solar cells connected in series for a higher voltage output. For outdoor use with higher power output, these modules are connected in different series and parallel combinations to form a solar cell array.

[Note : Currently most of the crystalline solar cells are p-type as described above. This is because of a lower cost of production of p-type. But performance wise, n-type solar cells (a thin p-layer over an n-type substrate by doping with suitable acceptor impurity) can give much better efficiency compared to p-type solar cells.]

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 1 Semiconductor Devices

Question 10.
Explain the principle of operation of a photodiode.
A photodiode consists of an n-type silicon substrate with a metal electrode back contact. A thin p-type layer is grown over the n-type substrate by diffusing a suitable acceptor dopant.

The area of the p-layer defines the photodiode active area. An ohmic contact pad is deposited on the active area. The rest of the active area is left open with a protective antireflective coating of silicon nitride to minimize the loss of photons. The nonactive area is covered with an insulating opaque SiO2 coating.
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Depending on the required spectral sensitivity, i.e., the operating wavelength range, typical photodiode materials are silicon, germanium, indium gallium arsenide phosphide (InGaAsP) and indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs), of which silicon is the cheapest while the last two are expensive.

Working : The band gap energy of silicon is EG = 1.12 eV at room temperature. Thus, photons or particles with energies greater than or equal to 1.12 eV, which corresponds to 110 nm, can transfer electrons from the valence band into the conduction band.

A photodiode is operated in the reverse bias mode which results in a wider depletion region. When operated in the dark (zero illumination), there is a reverse saturation current due solely to the thermally generated minority charge carriers. This is called the dark current. Depending on the minority carrier concentrations, the dark current in an Si photodiode may range from 5 pA to 10 nA.

When exposed to radiation of energy hv ≥ EG (in the range near-UV to near-IR), electron-hole pairs are created in the depletion region. The electric field in the depletion layer accelerates these photogenerated electrons and holes towards the n side and p side, respectively, constituting a photocurrent l in the external circuit from the p side to the n side. Due to the photogeneration, more charge carriers are available for conduction and the reverse current is increased. The photocurrent is directly propor-tional to the intensity of the incident light. It is independent of the reverse bias voltage.
[Notes : Typical photodiode materials are :
(1) silicon (Si) : low dark current, high speed, good sensitivity between ~ 400 nm and 1000 run (best around 800 nm-900 nm)
(2) germanium (Ge) : high dark current, slow speed, good sensitivity between ~ 900 nm and 1600 nm (best around 1400 nm-1500 nm)
(3) indium gallium arsenide phosphide (InGaAsP) : expensive, low dark current, high speed, good sensitivity between ~ 1000 nm and 1350 nm (best around 1100 nm- 1300 nm)
(4) indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs): expensive, low dark current, high speed, good sensitivity between ~ 900 nm and 1700 nm (best around 1300 nm-1600 nm],

Question 11.
What do you mean by a logic gate, a truth table and a Boolean expression?
A logic gate is a basic switching circuit used in digital circuits that determines when an input pulse can pass through to the output. It generates a single output from one or more inputs.

Explanation/Uses :
Any digital computation process consists in performing a sequence of arithmetical operations on the data of the problem. At each stage in the computation, the nature of the operation to be performed is decided partly by the pre-determined program and partly by the outcome of earlier stages in the process. We therefore need switches with multiple inputs to perform logical operations, i.e., the outputs of these switches are determined in specified ways by the condition (binary state) of their inputs. These arrangements are known as logic gates, and mostly they are extension of a simple transistor switch.

(1) Boolean expression : An equation expressing a logical compound statement in Boolean algebra is called a Boolean expression. A Boolean expression for a logic gate expresses the relation between input(s) and output of a logic gate.

(2) Truth table : The table which shows the truth values of a Boolean expression for a logic gate for all possible combinations of its inputs is called the truth table of logic gate.

The truth table contains one row for each input combination. Since a logical variable can assume only two possible values, 0 and 1, there are 2N combinations of N inputs so that the table has 2N rows.
[Note : Boolean algebra is a form of symbolic logic developed in 1847 by George Boole (1815-64) British mathematician.]

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 1 Semiconductor Devices

Question 12.
What is logic gate? Write down the truth table and Boolean expression for ‘AND’ gate.
A logic gate is a basic switching circuit used in digital circuits that determines when an input pulse can pass through to the output. It generates a single output from one or more inputs.

The AND gate : It is a circuit with two or more inputs and one output in which the output signal is HIGH if and only if all the inputs are HIGH simultaneously.

The AND operation represents a logical multiplication.

Below figure shows the 2-input AND gate logic symbol and the Boolean expression and the truth table for the AND function.
Logic symbol:
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Truth table:
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Boolean expression:
Y = A ∙ B

Question 13.
What are the uses of logic gates? Why is a NOT gate known as an inverter?
Explanation/Uses :
Any digital computation process consists in performing a sequence of arithmetical operations on the data of the problem. At each stage in the computation, the nature of the operation to be performed is decided partly by the pre-determined program and partly by the outcome of earlier stages in the process. We therefore need switches with multiple inputs to perform logical operations, i.e., the outputs of these switches are determined in specified ways by the condition (binary state) of their inputs. These arrangements are known as logic gates, and mostly they are extension of a simple transistor switch.

The NOT gate or INVERTER : It is a circuit with one input whose output is HIGH if the input is LOW and vice versa.

The NOT operation outputs an inverted version of the input. Hence, a NOT gate is also known as an INVERTER.

The small invert bubble on the output side of the inverter logic symbol, below figure and the over bar () in the Boolean expression represent the invert function.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 16 Semiconductor Devices 1.1

Question 14.
Write the Boolean expression for (i) OR gate, (ii) AND gate, and (iii) NAND Gate.
(i) The OR gate : It is a circuit with two or more inputs and one output in which the output signal is HIGH if any one or more of the inputs is HIGH.
The OR operation represents a logical addition.
Below figure shows the 2-input OR gate logic sym-bol, and the Boolean expression and the truth table for the OR function.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 16 Semiconductor Devices 1.2

(ii) The AND gate : It is a circuit with two or more inputs and one output in which the output signal is HIGH if and only if all the inputs are HIGH simultaneously.

The AND operation represents a logical multiplication.

Below figure shows the 2-input AND gate logic symbol and the Boolean expression and the truth table for the AND function.
Logic symbol:
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Truth table:
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Boolean expression:
Y = A ∙ B

(iii) The NAND gate : It is a circuit with two or more inputs and one output, whose output is HIGH if any one or more of the inputs is LOW; the output is LOW if all the inputs are HIGH.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 16 Semiconductor Devices 1.3
The NAND gate is a combination of an AND gate followed by a NOT gate so that the truth table of the NAND function is obtained by inverting the outputs of the AND gate.
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Question 15.
Why is the emitter, the base and the collector of a BJT doped differently?
A BJT being a bipolar device, both electrons and holes participate in the conduction process. Under the forward-biased condition, the majority carriers injected from the emitter into the base constitute the largest current component in a BJT. For these carriers to diffuse across the base region with t negligible recombination and reach the collector junction, these must overwhelm the majority carriers of opposite charge in the base. The total emitter current has two components, that due to majority carriers in the emitter and that due to minority carriers diffused from base into emitter. The ratio of the current component due to the injected majority carriers from the emitter to the total emitter current is a measure of the emitter efficiency. To improve the emitter efficiency and the common-base current gain (a), it can be shown that’ the emitter should be much heavily doped than the base.

Also, the base width is a function of the base- collector voltage. A low doping level of the collector increases the size of the depletion region. This increases the maximum collector-base voltage and reduces the base width. Further, the large depletion region at the collector-base junction-extending mainly into the collector-corresponds to a smaller electric field and avoids avalanche breakdown of the reverse-biased collector-base junction.
[Note : Effective dopant concentrations of (a) npn transistor (b) pnp transistor are shown below.
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The base doping is less than the emitter doping but greater than the collector doping. Contrary to the impression stressed in the Board’s and NCERT textbooks, collector doping is typically an order of magnitude lower than base doping. {Ref. : Semiconductor Devices Physics and Technology (3rd Edition), Simon M. Sze and M. K. Lee, p. 125}]

Question 16.
Which method of biasing is used for operating transistor as an amplifier?
For use as an amplifier, the transistor should be in active mode. Therefore, the emitter-base junction is forward biased and the collector-base junction is reverse biased. Also, an amplifier uses an emitter bias rather than a base bias.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 1 Semiconductor Devices

Question 17.
Define α and β. Derive the relation between then.
The dc common-base current ratio or current gain (αdc) is defined as the ratio of the collector current to emitter current.
αdc = \(\frac{I_{C}}{I_{\mathrm{E}}}\)
The dc common-emitter current ratio or current gain (βdc) is defined as the ratio of the collector current to base current.
βdc = \(\frac{I_{C}}{I_{B}}\)
Since the emitter current IE = IB + IC
∴ \(\frac{1}{\alpha_{\mathrm{dc}}}=\frac{1}{\beta_{\mathrm{dc}}}+1\)
Therefore, the common-base current gain in terms of the common-emitter current gain is
αdc = \(\frac{\beta_{\mathrm{dc}}}{1+\beta_{\mathrm{dc}}}\)
and the common-emitter current gain in terms of the common-base current gain is
βdc = \(\frac{\alpha_{\mathrm{dc}}}{1-\alpha_{\mathrm{dc}}}\)
For a transistor, αdc is close to but always less than 1 (about 0.92 to 0.98) and βdc ranges from 20 to 200 for most general purpose transistors.

Question 18.
The common-base DC current gain of a transistor is 0.967. If the emitter current is 10mA. What is the value of base current?
Data : αdc = 0.967, IE = 10 mA
αdc = \(\frac{I_{C}}{I_{\mathrm{E}}}\) and IE = IB + IC
The collector current,
IC = αdcIE = 0.967 × 10 = 9.67 mA
Therefore, the base current,
IB = IE – IC = 10 – 9.67 = 0.33 mA

Question 19.
In a comman-base connection, a certain transistor has an emitter current of 10mA and collector current of 9.8 mA. Calculate the value of the base current.
DATA : IE = 10 mA, IC = 9.8 mA
IE = IB + IC
Therefore, the base current,
IB = IE – IC – 10 – 9.8 = 0.2 mA

Question 20.
In a common-base connection, the emitter current is 6.28mA and collector current is 6.20 mA. Determine the common base DC current gain.
Data : IE = 6.28 mA, IC = 6.20 mA
αdc = \(\frac{I_{C}}{I_{\mathrm{E}}}\) and βdc = \(\frac{I_{\mathrm{C}}}{I_{\mathrm{B}}}=\frac{\alpha_{\mathrm{dc}}}{1-\alpha_{\mathrm{dc}}}\)
Common-emitter current gain, αdc = \(\frac{6.20}{6.28}\) = 0.9873
Therefore, common-base current gain,
βdc = \(\frac{0.9873}{1-0.9873}=\frac{0.9873}{0.0127}\) = 77.74
IE = IB + IC
∴ IB = IE – IC = 6.28 – 6.20 = 0.08 mA
∴ βdc = \(\frac{6.20}{0.08}\) = 77.5
[Note : The answer given in the textbook obviously refers to the common-emitter current gain.]

12th Physics Digest Chapter 16 Semiconductor Devices Intext Questions and Answers

Remember this (Textbook Page No. 346)

Question 1.
A full wave rectifier utilises both half cycles of AC input voltage to produce the DC output.
A half-wave rectifier rectifies only one half of each cycle of the input ac wave while a full-wave rectifier rectifies both the halves. Hence the pulsating dc output voltage of a half-wave rectifier has the same frequency as the input but that of a full-wave rectifier has double the frequency of the ac input.

Do you know (Textbook Page No. 346)

Question 1.
The maximum efficiency of a full wave rectifier is 81.2% and the maximum efficiency of a half wave rectifier is 40.6%. It is observed that the maximum efficiency of a full wave rectifier is twice that of half wave rectifier.
The ratio of dc power obtained at the output to the applied input ac power is known as rectifier efficiency. A half-wave rectifier can convert maximum 40.6% of ac power into dc power, and the remaining power of 59.4% is lost in the rectifier circuit. In fact, 50% power in the negative half cycle is not converted and the remaining 9.4% is lost in the circuit. Hence, a half wave rectifier efficiency is 40.6%. The maximum efficiency of a full-wave rectifier is 81.2%, i.e., twice that of a half-wave rectifier.

Do you know (Textbook Page No. 349)

Question 1.
The voltage stabilization is effective when there is a minimum Zener current. The Zener diode must be always operated within its breakdown region when there is a load connected in the circuit. Similarly, the supply voltage Vs must be greater than Vz.
A Zener diode is operated in the breakdown region. There is a minimum Zener current, Iz, that places the desired operating point in the breakdown region. There is a maximum Zener current, IzM, at which the power dissipation drives the junction temperature to the maximum allowed. Beyond that current the diode can be damaged. Hence, the supply voltage must be greater than Vz and the current-limiting resistor must limit the diode current to less than the rated maxi mum, IzM.

Remember this (Textbook Page No. 350)

Question 1.
Zener effect occurs only if the diode is heavily doped, because when the depletion layer is thin, breakdown occurs at low reverse voltage and the field strength will be approximately 3 × 107 V/m. It causes an increase in the flow of free carriers and increase in the reverse current.
Zener breakdown occurs only in heavily doped pn junctions (doping concentrations for both p- and n-regions greater than 1018 cm3) and can take place only if the electric field in the depletion region of the reverse-biased junction is very high. It is found that the critical field at which tunneling becomes probable, i.e., at which Zener breakdown commences, is approximately 106 V/cm. [“internal Field Emissiot at Narrow Silicon and Germanium PN-Junctions,” Phys. Rev., 118, 425 (1960).]

Can you tell (Textbook Page No. 350)

Question 1.
How does a cell phone charger produce a voltage of 5.0 V form the line voltage of 230V?
A phone charger is usually a 5 V power supply. A 4-diode bridge input rectifier rectifies the ac mains voltage a provide a high voltage dc. A transistor chopper switches this on and off at high frequency. This stage is required because this high frequency allows the transformer to be smaller, lighter and much lower in cost.
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A small transformer steps this down to a low voltage high-frequency ac. An output rectifier and filter convert this to low-voltage (5 V) dc and smooths out the ripple. A chopper controller provides a feedback to the chopper through an optoisohitor and adjusts the chopping cycle to maintain the output voltage at 5 V.
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Question 2.
Why is a resistance connected in series with a Zener diode when used in a circuit?
The I-V characteristics in the breakdown region of a Zener diode is almost vertical. That is, the current IZ can rapidly increase at constant VZ. To prevent damage due to excessive heating, the Zener current should not exceed the rated maximum current, IZM. Hence, a current-limiting resistor Rs is connected in series with the diode.

IZ and the power dissipated in the Zener diode will be large for I L = 0 (no-load condition) or when IL is less than the rated maximum (when Rs is small and RL is large). The current-limiting resistor Rs is so chosen that the Zener current does not exceed the rated maximum reverse current, IZM when there is no load or when the load is very high.
The rated maximum power of a Zener diode is

At n-load condition, the current through R is I = IZM and the voltage drop across it is V – VZ, where V is the unregulated source voltage. The diode current will be maximum when V is maxi mum at Vmax and I = IZM. Then, the minimum value of the series resistance should be
Rs, min = \(\frac{V_{\max }-V_{\mathrm{Z}}}{I_{\mathrm{ZM}}}\)

Question 3.
The voltage across a Zener diode does not remain strictly constant with the changes in the Zener current. This is due to RZ, the Zener impedance, or the internal resistance of the Zener diode. RZ acts like a small resistance in series with the Zener. Changes in IZ cause small changes in VZ .
The I-V characteristics of a Zener diode in the breakdown region is not strictly vertical. Its slope is 1/RZ, where RZ is the Zener impedance.

Can you know (Textbook Page No. 354)

Question 1.
What is the difference between a photo diode and a solar cell?
Both are semiconductor photovoltaic devices. A photodiode is a reverse-biased pn-junction diode while a solar cell is an unbiased pn-junction diode. Photod iodes, however, are optimized for light detection while solar cells are optimized for energy conversion efficiency.

Question 2.
When the intensity of light incident on a photo diode increases, how is the reverse current affected?
The photocurrent increases linearly with increasing illuminance, limited by the power dissipation of the photodiode.

Do you know (Textbook Page No. 355)

Question 1.
LED junction does not actually emit that much light so the epoxy resin body is constructed in such a way that the photons emitted by the junction are reflected away from the surrounding substrate base to which the diode is attached and are focused upwards through the domed top of the LED, which itself acts like a lens concentrating the light. This is why the emitted light appears to be brightest at the top of the LED.
The pn-junction of an LED is encased in a transparent, hard plastic (epoxy resin), not only for shock protection but also for enhancing the brightness in one direction. Light emitted by the pn-junction is not directional. The hemispherical epoxy lens focuses the light in the direction of the hemispherical part. This is why the emitted light appears to be brightest at the top of the LED.

Question 2.
The current rating of LED is of a few tens of milli-amps. Hence it is necessary to connect a high resistance in series with it. The forward voltage drop of an LED is much larger than an ordinary diode and is around 1.5 to 3.5 volts.
Most common LEDs require a forward operating voltage of between approximately 1.2 V (for a standard red LED) to 3.6 V (for a blue LED) with a forward current rating of about 10 mA to 30 mA, with 12 mA to 20 mA being the most common range. Like any diode, the forward current is approximately an exponential function of voltage and the forward resistance is very small. A small voltage change may result in a large change in current. If the current exceeds the rated maximum, an LED may overheat and get destroyed. LEDs are current driven devices and a current-limiting series resistor is required to prevent burning up the LED.

Do you know (Textbook Page No. 356)

Question 1.
White Light LEDs or White LED Lamps:
Shuji Nakamura, a Japanese – born American electronic engineer invented the blue LED. He was awarded the Nobel prize for physics for 2014. He was also awarded the global energy prize in the year 2015. His invention of blue LED made the fabrication of white LED possible.
LED lamps, bulbs, street lighting are becoming very popular these days because of the very high efficiency of LEDs in terms of light output per unit input power(in milliWatts), as compared to the incandescent bulbs. So for general purpose lightings, white light is preferred.
Commercially available white LEDs are normally manufactured by using the technique of wavelength conversion. It is a process which partly or completely converts the radiation of a LED into white light. There are many ways of wavelength conversion. One of these methods uses blue LED and yellow phosphor. In this method of wavelength conversion, a LED which emits blue colour is used to excite a yellow colour phosphor. This results in the emission of yellow and blue light and this mixture of blue and yellow light gives the appearance of white light. This method is the least expensive method for producing white light.

The all important blue LEDs
The development of LEDs has made more efficient light sources possible. Creating white light that can be used for lighting requires a combination of red, green and blue light. Blue LEDs proved to be much more difficult to create than red and green LEDs. During the 1980s and 1990s Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano, and Shuji Nakamura successfully used the difficult-to-handle semiconductor gallium nitride to create efficient blue LEDs. Isamu Akasaki is known for invent ing the bright gallium nitride (CaN) pn-junction blue LED in 1989 and subsequently the high-brightness CaN blue LED.

Using blue LEDs, highly efficient white light sources. became possible by converting part of the blue light emitted from an LED to yellow using a phosphor. To the human eye, the combination of blue and yellow light is perceived as white. A white LED can be created by embedding phosphors in the plastic cap which surrounds a blue LED. Higher quality white light can also be created by mixing blue light with other colors as well, including red and green

Isamu Akasaki, together with Shuji Nakamura and Hiroshi Amano, received the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes which has enabled bright and energy saving white light sources.

Use your brain power (Textbook Page No. 357)

Question 1.
What would happen if both junctions of a BJT are forward biased or reverse biased?
A BJT has four regimes of operation, depending on the four combinations of the applied biases (voltage polarities) to the emitter-base junction and the collector-base junction, as shown in the following table; ‘F’ and ‘R’ indicate forward bias and reverse bias, respectively.

Remember This (Textbook Page No. 358)

Question 1.
The lightly doped, thin base region sandwiched between the heavily doped emitter region and the intermediate doped collector region plays a crucial role in the transistor action.
If the two junctions in a BJT are physically close compared with the minority carrier diffusion length (i.e., the distance within which recombination will take place), the careers injected from the emitter can diffuse through the base to reach the base-collector junction. The narrow width of the base is thus crucial for transistor action.

Use your brain power (Textbook Page No. 361)

Question 1.
If a transistor amplifies power, explain why it is not used to generate power.
The term ‘amplification’ is used as an abstraction of the transistor properties so that we have few equations which are useful for a large number of practical problems. Transistors use a small power to control a power supply which can output a huge power. The large output comes from the power supply, while the input signal valves the transistor on and off. The increased power comes from the power supply so that a transistor does not violate the law of conservation of energy.

12th Std Physics Questions And Answers:

12th Biology Chapter 5 Exercise Origin and Evolution of Life Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Biology Chapter 5

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 12th Biology Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Origin and Evolution of Life Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Origin and Evolution of Life Class 12 Exercise Question Answers Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Biology Chapter 5 Exercise Solutions Maharashtra Board

Biology Class 12 Chapter 5 Exercise Solutions

1. Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Who proposed that the first form of life could have come from pre-existing non-living organic molecules?
(a) Alfred Wallace
(b) Oparin and Haldane
(c) Charles Darwin
(d) Louis Pasteur
(b) Oparin and Haldane

Question 2.
The sequence of origin of life may be
(a) Organic materials – inorganic materials – Eobiont – colloidal aggregates – cell.
(b) Inorganic materials – organic materials – colloidal aggregates – Eobiont – cell.
(c) Organic materials – inorganic materials – colloidal aggregates – cell.
(d) Inorganic materials – organic materials – Eobiont – colloidal aggregates – cell.
(b) Inorganic materials – organic materials- colloidal aggregates – Eobiont – cell.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 5 Origin and Evolution of Life

Question 3.
In Hardy-Weinberg equation, the frequency of homozygous recessive individual is represented by-
(a) p²
(b) pq
(c) q²
(d) 2pq
(c) q²

Question 4.
Select the analogous organs.
(a) Forelimbs of whale and bat
(b) Flippers of dolphins and penguin
(c) Thorn and tendrils of bougainvillea and Cucurbita
(d) Vertebrate hearts or brains
(b) Flippers of dolphins and penguin

Question 5.
Archaeopteryx is known as missing link because it is a fossil and share characters of both
(a) Fishes and amphibians
(b) Annelida and Arthropoda
(c) Reptiles and birds
(d) Chordates and non-chordates
(c) Reptiles and birds

Question 6.
Identify the wrong statement regarding evolution.
(a) Darwin’s variations are small and directional.
(b) Mutations are random and non- directional.
(c) Adaptive radiations leads to divergent evolution.
(d) Mutations are non-random and directional.
(d) Mutations are non-random and directional

Question 7.
Gene frequency in a population remain constant due to ……………….
(a) Mutation
(b) Migration
(c) Random mating
(d) Non-random mating
(c) Random mating

Question 8.
Which of the following characteristic is not : shown by the ape?
(a) Prognathous face
(b) Tail is present
(c) Chin is absent
(d) Forelimbs are longer than hind limbs
(b) Tail is present

Question 9.
………………. can be considered as connecting link between ape and man.
(a) Australopithecus
(b) Homo habilis
(c) Homo erectus
(d) Neanderthal man
(a) Australopithecus

Question 10.
The Cranial capacity of Neanderthal man was ……………….
(a) 600 cc
(b) 940 cc
(c) 1400 cc
(d) 1600 cc
(c) 1400 cc

2. Very short answer questions

Question 1.
(i) Gene pool
The sum total of genes of all individuals of interbreeding population or Mendelian population is called gene pool.

(ii) Gene frequency
The proportion of an allele in the gene pool as compared with other alleles at the same locus is termed as gene frequency.

(iii) Organic evolution
Organic evolution can be defined as slow, gradual, continuous and irreversible changes through which the present-day complex forms of the life developed (or evolved) from their simple pre-existing forms.

(iv) Population
All individuals of the same species form a group which is called a population.

(v) Speciation
Formation of new species from the pre-existing single group of organisms is called speciation.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 5 Origin and Evolution of Life

Question 2.
What is adaptive radiation?
The process of evolution which results in transformation of original species to many different varieties is called adaptive radiation.

Question 3.
If the variation occurs in population by chance alone and not by natural selection and bring change in frequencies of an allele, what is it called?
If the variation occurs in population by chance alone and not by natural selection to bring change in frequencies of an allele, it is called genetic drift.

Question 4.
State the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium law.
The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium law states that at equilibrium point both the allelic frequency and genotypic frequency remain constant from generation to generation, in the diploid, sexually reproducing, large, free interbreeding population in which mating is random and there is absence of any other factors that change the allele frequency.

Question 5.
What is homologous organs?
Homologous organs are those organs, which are structurally similar but perform different functions.

Question 6.
What is vestigial organ?
Vestigial organs are imperfectly developed and non-functional organs which are in degenerate form, they may be functional in some related and other animals or in ancestor.

Question 7.
What is the scientific name of modern man?
Homo sapiens sapiens is the scientific name of modern man.

Question 8.
What is coacervate?
Coacervates are colloidal aggregations of hydrophobic proteins and lipids which grew in size by taking up material from surrounding aqueous medium.

Question 9.
Which period is known as ‘age of Reptilia’?
Jurassic period from Mesozoic era is known as age of Reptilia.

Question 10.
Name the ancestor of human which is described as man with ape brain.
Australopithecus, the ancestor of human which is described as man with ape brain.

Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
Genetic drift.

  1. Genetic drift is random, directionless fluctuation that takes place in allele frequency.
  2. It occurs by pure chance, in small sized population.
  3. Genetic drift becomes an evolutional factor as it can change the gene frequency.
  4. Sewall wright has given this concept and hence it is also known as Sewall wright effect.
  5. Due to genetic drift, some alleles of a population are lost or reduced by chance and some others may be increased.
  6. Some time, a few individuals become isolated from the large population and they produce new population in new geographical area.
  7. Genetic drift is also called founders’ effect because original drifted population becomes ‘founders’ in the new area.
    E.g. Non-adaptive character of huge horns in Antelope is fixed due to genetic drift.

Question 2.
Enlist the different factors that are responsible for changing gene frequency.
Gene flow, genetic drift, gene mutations, chromosomal aberrations such as deletion, duplication, inversion and translocation, genetic recombinations, natural selection, isolation are some of the factors which are responsible for changing the gene frequency.

Question 3.
Draw a graph to show that natural selection leads to disruptive change.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 5 Origin and Evolution of Life 1

Question 4.
Significance of fossils

  1. Fossils are studied under palaeontology. They are used in reconstruction of phylogeny.
  2. Fossil study helps in studying various forms and structures of extinct animals.
  3. By understanding the structure of fossil, record of missing link between two groups of organisms can be deduced.
  4. By studying fossils various body forms and their evolution can be understood. They also help to understand the habit and habitat.
  5. Some fossils provide the evolutionary evidences such a connecting links.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 5 Origin and Evolution of Life

Question 5.
Write the objections to Mutation theory of Hugo de Vries.
Objections to Mutation Theory:

  1. Hugo de Vries observed the large and discontinuous variation. But these were chromosomal aberrations. Only gene mutations usually bring about minor changes.
  2. Rate by which mutations take place is very slow as compared to the requirement of evolution.
  3. Chromosomal aberrations are very unstable.
  4. The organisms with chromosomal aberration are usually sterile and thus chromosomal aberrations have little significance in evolution.

Question 6.
What is disruptive selection? Give example.
Disruptive selection:

  1. The natural selection that disrupts the mean characters of the population, is called disruptive selection.
  2. Greater number of individuals acquire peripheral character value at both ends of the distribution curve. E.g. Finches with large size or small size, both will be selected.
  3. Extreme phenotypes are selected in evolutionary process and intermediate forms are eliminated.
  4. When distribution curve is plotted it shows two peaks for two extremes.
  5. Disruptive selection is rare because, nature always tries to balance the characters.
  6. It ensures the effect on the entire gene pool of a population, considering all mating types or systems.

Example of disruptive selection:
African seed cracker finches are types of seed-feeder birds which have different sizes of beak. The seeds available to them were of small and large sized. Large beak sized birds feeds on large seeds while small beak sized birds feed on small seeds.

Such large and small birds thus thrive well. However, intermediate beak sized birds are unable to feed on either type of seeds so they starve and their population was decreased gradually. Natural selection eliminated them and thus the population of finches appear disrupted.

4. Match the columns

Question 1.

Column I Column II
(1) August Weismann (a) Mutation theory
(2) Hugo de Vries (b) Germplasm theory
(3) Charles Darwin (c) Theory of acquired characters
(4) Lamarck (d) Theory of natural selection


Column I Column II
(1) August Weismann (b) Germplasm theory
(2) Hugo de Vries (a) Mutation theory
(3) Charles Darwin (d) Theory of natural selection
(4) Lamarck (c) Theory of acquired characters

5. Long Answer Questions

Question 1.
Would you consider wings of butterfly and bat as homologous or analogous and why?
Wings of butterfly are made up of chitin. They neither have bones, nor muscles in the wings. The bat’s wings are actually patagium. They have muscles and bones just as those seen in all vertebrate limb series. Therefore, these two examples cannot be homologous. However, both the animals use the wings for flight. This is an indication that their function is similar but structure is different, hence they are analogous organs.

Question 2.
What is adaptive radiation? Explain with suitable example.

  1. Adaptive radiation is the process of evolution which results in transformation of original species to many different varieties.
  2. The well-known example of adaptive radiation is Darwin’s Finches. When Charles Darwin went on his voyage to Galapagos islands, he noticed finches which is a variety of small birds.
  3. According to Darwin’s observations, the American main land species of finches was the original one which must have migrated to the different islands of Galapagos.
  4. Since environmental conditions here were different, they adapted in various ways to the differing environmental conditions of these islands.
  5. Original bird had a beak suited for eating seeds, but the changed feeding pattern has changed the shape of beaks too. Some birds also show altered beaks for insectivorous mode. Thus, this demonstrated adaptive radiation.
  6. Adaptive radiation in Australian Marsupials is also well studied. In Australia, there are many marsupial mammals who evolved from common ancestor.
  7. Adaptive radiation leads to divergent evolution.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 5 Origin and Evolution of Life

Question 3.
By talking industrial melanism as one example, explain the concept of natural selection.
Explain natural selection in action by quoting the example of industrial melanism.
1. Industrial melanism is the best example of natural selection which was studied by Kettlewell. In U.K. there are two varieties of peppered moths, Biston betularia and Biston carbonaria.

2. Before industrialisation, in Great Britain, Biston betularia were more in number than Biston carbonaria. B. Betularia is greyish white while B.carbonaria is melanic form.

3. These nocturnal moths rest on tree trunk during day. White-winged moth can camouflage well with the lichen covered whitish barks of trees. They thus escaped the attention of the predatory birds. But at the same time melanic forms were visible due to white barks of the trees. Their number was thus reduced as they were preyed upon by birds.

4. Later there was an industrial revolution, which ultimately resulted in air pollution causing dark soot to settle on the barks of the trees. Lichens too were destroyed and the melanic forms were now at advantage. Melanic forms could camouflage with black tree trunks and their number increased. White-winged moth become clearly seen in changed colours of the trees and thus they were easily caught by predatory birds. This caused decrease in their number.

5. Natural selection thus acted in changed environmental conditions and helped in the establishment of a phenotypic traits. The changed traits were more adaptive and hence were selected. Natural selection encourages those genes or traits that assure highest degree of adaptive efficiency between population and its environment.

Question 4.
Describe the Urey and Miller’s experiment.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 5 Origin and Evolution of Life 2
1. Urey and Miller performed an experiment to prove Oparin’s theory of chemical evolution.

2. They selected a spark discharge apparatus that consisted of closed system of glass having tungsten electrodes, flask for water boiling, a side tube connected to a vacuum pump, a cooling jacket and U-shaped trap.

3. The entire apparatus was first evacuated and made sterile and pre-biotic atmosphere was created in it.

4. The flask was filled with some water and mixture of methane, ammonia and hydrogen in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 2 were slowly passed through the stopcock, without allowing air.

5. Heat was supplied to the flask at very low temperature causing water to boil. The flask simulated the ocean present on primitive earth. Process of evaporation and precipitation was simulated by using heating mantle and condenser respectively.

6. Water vapours along with other gases were circulated continuously through continuous electric sparks. These sparks were given to the mixture for several days causing the gases to interact. This too simulated lightning.

7. Mixture of CH4, NH3 and H2 gases passed through a condenser and was condensed to liquid.

8. The liquefied mixture was collected in the U-shaped trap, present at the bottom of the apparatus. It was found that variety of simple organic compounds (urea, amino acids, lactic acid and sugars) were formed in the apparatus.

This experiment provides the evidence in support to the fact that simple molecules present in the earth’s early atmosphere combined to form the organic building blocks of life.

Question 5.
What is Isolation? Describe the different types of reproductive isolations.
1. Isolation means separation of the population of a particular species into smaller units. The organisms belonging to these subunits are prevented from interbreeding due to some barrier. These barriers are called isolating mechanisms.

2. They prevent the genetic exchange and gene flow.

3. Due to isolating mechanisms in nature the divergence among organisms takes place gradually leading to speciation. The isolating mechanisms are of two types namely, geographical isolation and reproductive isolation.

I. Geographical Isolation : The barrier in the form of physical distance or geographical barrier is called geographical isolation. The original population gets divided into two or more groups by geographical barriers such as river, ocean, mountain, glacier, etc. Organisms cannot cross the barriers on their own and hence interbreeding is prevented between isolated groups.

The separated groups experience different environmental factors and they acquire new traits by mutations. The separated populations develop distinct gene pool and they do not interbreed. Each subgroup then evolves differently which results into formation of new species. E.g. Darwin’s Finches, African elephant, Loxodonta and Indian elephant, Elephas.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 5 Origin and Evolution of Life

II. Reproductive Isolation : Two populations may be occupying the same area, they may not be separated by geographical barrier, but then also they are reproductively isolated. Such reproductive isolation occurs due to change in genetic material, gene pool and structure of genital organs. Such differences prevent interbreeding between population. Such isolation later leads to speciation.

III. Different types of reproductive isolations : Reproductive isolation is of two types, viz. pre-zygotic and post-zygotic isolating mechanisms.

  1. Pre-zygotic or pre-mating isolating mechanisms do not allow individuals to mate with each other at all.
  2. By various mechanisms the two groups remain isolated.
  3. In post-zygotic or post-mating isolating mechanisms, the two individuals can mate but the result of mating is not favourable.
  4. Thus the populations remain isolated without the actual genetic exchange.

Question 6.
What is Genetic variations? Explain the different factors responsible for genetic variations.
Genetic variations : The change in gene and gene frequencies is known as genetic variation. Genetic variations are caused by following factors:
(i) Mutations : Sudden permanent heritable change is called mutation. Mutation can occur in the gene, in the chromosome structure and in chromosome number. Mutation that occurs within the single gene is called point mutation or gene mutation. This leads to the change in the phenotype of the organism, causing variations.

(ii) Genetic recombination : In sexually reproducing organisms, during gamete formation, exchange of genetic material occurs between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes. This is called crossing over. It produces new genetic combinations which result in variation. Fertilization between opposite mating gametes leads to various recombinations resulting into the phenotypic variations. These result in change in the frequencies of alleles.

(iii) Gene flow : Gene flow is movement of genes into or out of a population. Gene movement may be in the form of migration of organism, or gametes (dispersal of pollens) or segments of DNA (transformation). Gene flow also alters gene frequency causing evolutionary changes.

(iv) Genetic drift : Any random fluctuation (alteration) in allele frequency, occurring in the natural population by pure chance, is called genetic drift. For example, when the size of a population is severely reduced due to natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, fires, etc. elimination of particular alleles from a population becomes possible. Smaller populations have greater chances for genetic drift. It results in the change in the gene frequency. Genetic drift is also an important factor for evolutionary change.

(v) Chromosomal aberrations : The structural, morphological change in chromosome due to rearrangement of genes is called chromosomal aberrations. Due to changes in the gene arrangement or gene sequence variations are caused.

6. Complete the chart

Era Dominating group of animals
1. Coenozoic ————–
2. ————- Reptiles
3. Palaeozoic ————-
4. ———— Lower Invertebrates


Era Dominating group of animals
1. Coenozoic Mammals
2. Mesozoic Reptiles
3. Palaeozoic Insects, Fishes, Amphibians
4. Proterozoic Lower Invertebrates

12th Std Biology Questions And Answers:

12th Physics Chapter 15 Exercise Structure of Atoms and Nuclei Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Physics Chapter 15

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 12th Physics Textbook Solutions Chapter 15 Structure of Atoms and Nuclei Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Structure of Atoms and Nuclei Class 12 Exercise Question Answers Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Physics Chapter 15 Exercise Solutions Maharashtra Board

Physics Class 12 Chapter 15 Exercise Solutions

In solving problems, use me = 0.00055 u = 0.5110 MeV/c2, mp = 1.00728 u, mn = 1.00866u, mH = 1.007825 u, u = 931.5 MeV, e = 1.602 × 10-19 C, h = 6.626 × 10-34 Js, ε0 = 8.854 × 10-12 SI units and me = 9.109 × 10-31 kg.

1. Choose the correct option.

i) In which of the following systems will the radius of the first orbit of the electron be the smallest?
(A) hydrogen
(B) singly ionized helium
(C) deuteron
(D) tritium
(D) tritium

ii) The radius of the 4th orbit of the electron will be smaller than its 8th orbit by a factor of
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 8
(D) 16
(B) 4

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 15 Structure of Atoms and Nuclei

iii) In the spectrum of the hydrogen atom which transition will yield the longest wavelength?
(A) n = 2 to n = 1
(B) n = 5 to n = 4
(C) n = 7 to n = 6
(D) n = 8 to n = 7
(D) n = 8 to n = 7

iv) Which of the following properties of a nucleus does not depend on its mass number?
(A) radius
(B) mass
(C) volume
(D) density
(D) density

v) If the number of nuclei in a radioactive sample at a given time is N, what will be the number at the end of two half-lives?
(A) \(\frac{N}{2}\)
(B) \(\frac{N}{4}\)
(C) \(\frac{3N}{4}\)
(D) \(\frac{N}{8}\)
(B) \(\frac{N}{4}\)

2. Answer in brief.

i) State the postulates of Bohr’s atomic model.
The postulates of Bohr’s atomic model (for the hydrogen atom) :

  1. The electron revolves with a constant speed in acircular orbit around the nucleus. The necessary centripetal force is the Coulomb force of attraction of the positive nuclear charge on the negatively charged electron.
  2. The electron can revolve without radiating energy only in certain orbits, called allowed or stable orbits, in which the angular momentum of the electron is equal to an integral multiple of h/2π, where h is Planck’s constant.
  3. Energy is radiated by the electron only when it jumps from one of its orbits to another orbit having lower energy. The energy of the quantum of elec-tromagnetic radiation, i.e., the photon, emitted is equal to the energy difference of the two states.

ii) State the difficulties faced by Rutherford’s atomic model.
(1) According to Rutherford, the electrons revolve in circular orbits around the atomic nucleus. The circular motion is an accelerated motion. According to the classical electromagnetic theory, an accelerated charge continuously radiates energy. Therefore, an electron during its orbital motion, should go on radiating energy. Due to the loss of energy, the radius of its orbit should go on decreasing. Therefore, the electron should move along a spiral path and finally fall into the nucleus in a very short time, of the order of 10-16 s in the case of a hydrogen atom. Thus, the atom should be unstable. We exist because atoms are stable.

(2) If the electron moves along such a spiral path, the radius of its orbit would continuously decrease. As a result, the speed and frequency of revolution of the electron would go on increasing. The electron, therefore, would emit radiation of continuously changing frequency, and hence give rise to a con-tinuous spectrum. However, atomic spectrum is a line spectrum.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 15 Structure of Atoms and Nuclei

iii) What are alpha, beta and gamma decays?
(a) A radioactive transformation in which an α-particle is emitted is called α-decay.
In an α-decay, the atomic number of the nucleus decreases by 2 and the mass number decreases by 4.
Example : \({ }_{92}^{238} \mathrm{U} \rightarrow{ }_{90}^{234} \mathrm{Th}+{ }_{2}^{4} \alpha\)
Q = [mu – mTh – mα]c2

(b) A radioactive transformation in which a β-particle is emitted is called β-decay.
In a β-decay, the atomic number of the nucleus increases by 1 and the mass number remains unchanged.
Example : \({ }_{90}^{234} \mathrm{Th} \rightarrow{ }_{91}^{234} \mathrm{~Pa}+{ }_{-1}^{0} e+\bar{v}_{\mathrm{e}}\)
where \(\bar{v}_{\mathrm{e}}\) is the neutrino emitted to conserve the momentum, energy and spin.
Q = [mu – mTh – mα]c2
In a β+-decay, the atomic number of the nucleus decreases by 1 and the mass number remains unchanged.
Example : \(\begin{aligned}
&30 \\
\end{aligned} P \rightarrow{ }_{14}^{30} \mathrm{Si}+{ }_{+1}^{0} e+v_{\mathrm{e}}\)
where ve is the neutrino emitted to conserve the momentum, energy and spin.
Q = [mP – mSi – me]c2
[Note : The term fi particle refers to the electron (or positron) emitted by a nucleus.]

A given nucleus does not emit α and β-particles simultaneously. However, on emission of α or β-particles, most nuclei are left in an excited state. A nucleus in an excited state emits a γ-ray photon in a transition to the lower energy state. Hence, α and β-particle emissions are often accompanied by γ-rays.

iv) Define excitation energy, binding energy and ionization energy of an electron in an atom.
(1) Excitation energy of an electron in an atom : The energy required to transfer an electron from the ground state to an excited state (a state of higher energy) is called the excitation energy of the electron in that state.

(2) Binding energy of an electron in an atom is defined as the minimum energy that should be provided to an orbital electron to remove it from the atom such that its total energy is zero.

(3) Ionization energy of an electron in an atom is defined as the minimum energy required to remove the least strongly bound electron from a neutral atom such that its total energy is zero.

v) Show that the frequency of the first line in Lyman series is equal to the difference between the limiting frequencies of Lyman and Balmer series.
For the first line in the Lyman series,
\(\frac{1}{\lambda_{\mathrm{L} 1}}=R\left(\frac{1}{1^{2}}-\frac{1}{2^{2}}\right)=R\left(1-\frac{1}{4}\right)=\frac{3 R}{4}\)
∴ vL1 = \(\frac{c}{\lambda_{\mathrm{L} 1}}=\frac{3 R_{c}}{4}\), where v denotes the frequency,
c the speed of light in free space and R the Rydberg constant.
For the limit of the Lyman series,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 15 Structure of Atom and Nuclei 15
Hence, the result.

Question 3.
State the postulates of Bohr’s atomic model and derive the expression for the energy of an electron in the atom.
The postulates of Bohr’s atomic model (for the hydrogen atom) :
(1) The electron revolves with a constant speed in acircular orbit around the nucleus. The necessary centripetal force is the Coulomb force of attraction of the positive nuclear charge on the negatively charged electron.
(2) The electron can revolve without radiating energy only in certain orbits, called allowed or stable orbits, in which the angular momentum of the electron is equal to an integral multiple of h/2π, where h is Planck’s constant.
(3) Energy is radiated by the electron only when it jumps from one of its orbits to another orbit having lower energy. The energy of the quantum of elec-tromagnetic radiation, i.e., the photon, emitted is equal to the energy difference of the two states.

Consider the electron revolving in the nth orbit around the nucleus of an atom with the atomic number Z. Let m and e be the mass and the charge of the electron, r the radius of the orbit and v the linear speed of the electron.

According to Bohr’s first postulate, centripetal force on the electron = electrostatic force of attraction exerted on the electron by the nucleus
∴ \(\frac{m v^{2}}{r}=\frac{1}{4 \pi \varepsilon_{0}} \cdot \frac{Z e^{2}}{r^{2}}\) ……………. (1)
where ε0 is the permittivity of free space.
∴ Kinetic energy (KE) of the electron
= \(\frac{1}{2} m v^{2}=\frac{Z e^{2}}{8 \pi \varepsilon_{0} r}\) ………….. (2)
The electric potential due to the nucleus of charge +Ze at a point at a distance r from it is
V = \(\frac{1}{4 \pi \varepsilon_{0}} \cdot \frac{\mathrm{Ze}}{r}\)
∴ Potential energy (PE) of the electron
= charge on the electron × electric potential
= – e × \(\frac{1}{4 \pi \varepsilon_{0}} \frac{Z e}{r}=-\frac{Z e^{2}}{4 \pi \varepsilon_{0} r}\) …………….. (3)
Hence, the total energy of the electron in the nth orbit is
E = KE + PE = \(\frac{-Z e^{2}}{4 \pi \varepsilon_{0} r}+\frac{Z e^{2}}{8 \pi \varepsilon_{0} r}\)
∴ E = \(-\frac{Z e^{2}}{8 \pi \varepsilon_{0} r}\) ………….. (4)
This shows that the total energy of the electron in the nth orbit of the atom is inversely proportional to the radius of the orbit as Z, ε0 and e are constants. The radius of the nth orbit of the electron is
r = \(\frac{\varepsilon_{0} h^{2} n^{2}}{\pi m Z e^{2}}\) …………….. (5)
where h is Planck’s constant.
From Eqs. (4) and (5), we get,
En = \(-\frac{Z e^{2}}{8 \pi \varepsilon_{0}}\left(\frac{\pi m Z e^{2}}{\varepsilon_{0} h^{2} n^{2}}\right)=-\frac{m Z^{2} e^{4}}{8 \varepsilon_{0}^{2} h^{2} n^{2}}\) ……………… (6)
This gives the expression for the energy of the electron in the nth Bohr orbit. The minus sign in the expression shows that the electron is bound to the nucleus by the electrostatic force of attraction.
As m, Z, e, ε0 and h are constant, we get
En ∝ \(\frac{1}{n^{2}}\)
i.e., the energy of the electron in a stationary energy state is discrete and is inversely proportional to the square of the principal quantum number.
[ Note : Energy levels are most conveniently expressed in electronvolt. Hence, substituting the values of m, e, £0 and h, and dividing by the conversion factor 1.6 × 10-19 J/eV,
En ≅ \(-\frac{13.6 Z^{2}}{n^{2}}\) (in eV)
For hydrogen, Z = 1
∴ En ≅ \(-\frac{13.6}{n^{2}}\) (in eV).

Question 4.
Starting from the formula for energy of an electron in the nth orbit of hydrogen atom, derive the formula for the wavelengths of Lyman and Balmer series spectral lines and determine the shortest wavelengths of lines in both these series.
According to Bohr’s third postulate for the model of the hydrogen atom, an atom radiates energy only when an electron jumps from a higher energy state to a lower energy state and the energy of the
quantum of electromagnetic radiation emitted in this process is equal to the energy difference between the two states of the electron. This emission of radiation gives rise to a spectral line.

The energy of the electron in a hydrogen atom,
when it is in an orbit with the principal quantum
number n, is
En = \(-\frac{m e^{4}}{8 \varepsilon_{0}^{2} h^{2} n^{2}}\)
where m = mass of electron, e = electronic charge, h = Planck’s constant and = permittivity of free space.

Let Em be the energy of the electron in a hydrogen atom when it is in an orbit with the principal quantum number m and E, its energy in an orbit with the principal quantum number n, n < m. Then
Em = \(-\frac{m e^{4}}{8 \varepsilon_{0}^{2} h^{2} m^{2}}\) and En = \(-\frac{m e^{4}}{8 \varepsilon_{0}^{2} h^{2} m^{2}}\)
Therefore, the energy radiated when the electron jumps from the higher energy state to the lower energy state is
Em – En = \(\frac{-m e^{4}}{8 \varepsilon_{0}^{2} h^{2} m^{2}}-\left(-\frac{m e^{4}}{8 \varepsilon_{0}^{2} h^{2} n^{2}}\right)\)
= \(\frac{m e^{4}}{8 \varepsilon_{0}^{2} h^{2}}\left(\frac{1}{n^{2}}-\frac{1}{m^{2}}\right)\)
This energy is emitted in the form of a quantum of radiation (photon) with energy hv, where V is the frequency of the radiation.
∴ Em – En = hv
∴ v = \(\frac{E_{m}-E_{n}}{h}=\frac{m e^{4}}{8 \varepsilon_{0}^{2} h^{3}}\left(\frac{1}{n^{2}}-\frac{1}{m^{2}}\right)\)
The wavelength of the radiation is λ = \(\frac{c}{v^{\prime}}\)
where c is the speed of radiation in free space.
The wave number, \(\bar{v}=\frac{1}{\lambda}=\frac{v}{c}\)
\(\bar{v}=\frac{1}{\lambda}=\frac{m e^{4}}{8 \varepsilon_{0}^{2} h^{3} c}\left(\frac{1}{n^{2}}-\frac{1}{m^{2}}\right)=R\left(\frac{1}{n^{2}}-\frac{1}{m^{2}}\right)\)
where \(R\left(=\frac{m e^{4}}{8 \varepsilon_{0}^{2} h^{3} c}\right)\) is a constant called the Ryd berg constant.

This expression gives the wave number of the radiation emitted and hence that of a line in hydrogen spectrum.

For the Lyman series, n = 1,m = 2, 3, 4, ………… ∞
∴ \(\frac{1}{\lambda_{\mathrm{L}}}=R\left(\frac{1}{1^{2}}-\frac{1}{m^{2}}\right)\) and for the shortest wavelength line m this series, \(\frac{1}{\lambda_{\mathrm{Ls}}}=R\left(\frac{1}{1^{2}}\right)\) as m = ∞.
For the Balmer series, n = 2, m = 3, 4, 5, … ∞.
∴ \(\frac{1}{\lambda_{\mathrm{B}}}=R\left(\frac{1}{4}-\frac{1}{m^{2}}\right)\) and for the shortest wavelength line in this series, \(\frac{1}{\lambda_{\mathrm{Bs}}}=R\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)\) as m = ∞
[Note: Johannes Rydberg (1854—1919), Swedish spectroscopist, studied atomic emission spectra and introduced the idea of wave number. The empirical formula \(\bar{v}=\frac{1}{\lambda}=R\left(\frac{1}{n^{2}}-\frac{1}{m^{2}}\right)\) where m and n are simple integers, is due to Rydberg. When we consider the finite mass of the nucleus, we find that R varies slightly from element to element.]

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 15 Structure of Atoms and Nuclei

Question 5.
Determine the maximum angular speed of an electron moving in a stable orbit around the nucleus of hydrogen atom.
The radius of the ,ith Bohr orbit is
r = \(\frac{\varepsilon_{0} h^{2} n^{2}}{\pi m Z e^{2}}\) ………….. (1)
and the linear speed of an electron in this orbit is
ν = \(\frac{Z e^{2}}{2 \varepsilon_{0} n h}\) …………… (2)
where ε 0 permittivity of free space, h ≡ Planck’s constant, n ≡ principal quantum number, m ≡ electron mass, e electronic charge and Z ≡ atomic number of the atom.
Since angular speed ω = \(\frac{v}{r}\), then from Eqs. (1) and (2), we get,
ω = \(\frac{v}{r}=\frac{Z e^{2}}{2 \varepsilon_{0} n h} \cdot \frac{\pi m Z e^{2}}{\varepsilon_{0} h^{2} n^{2}}=\frac{\pi m Z^{2} e^{4}}{2 \varepsilon_{0}^{2} h^{3} n^{3}}\) ………………. (3)
which gives the required expression for the angular speed of an electron in the nth Bohr orbit.
From Eq. (3), the frequency of revolution of the electron,
f = \(\frac{\omega}{2 \pi}=\frac{1}{2 \pi} \times \frac{\pi m Z^{2} e^{4}}{2 \varepsilon_{0}^{2} h^{3} n^{3}}=\frac{m Z^{2} e^{4}}{4 \varepsilon_{0}^{2} h^{3} n^{3}}\) …………….. (4)
as required.
[Note : From Eq. (4), the period of revolution of the electron, T = \(\frac{1}{f}=\frac{4 \varepsilon_{0}^{2} h^{3} n^{3}}{m Z e^{4}}\). Hence, f ∝ \(\frac{1}{n^{3}}\) and T ∝ n3].

Obtain the formula for ω and continue as follows :
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This is required quantity.

Question 6.
Determine the series limit of Balmer, Paschen and Bracket series, given the limit for Lyman series is 912 Å.
Data : λL∞ = 912 Å
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 15 Structure of Atom and Nuclei 23
as n = 5 and m = ∞
From Eqs. (1) and (2), we get,
\(\frac{\lambda_{\mathrm{Pa} \infty}}{\lambda_{\mathrm{L} \infty}}=\frac{R_{\mathrm{H}}}{R_{\mathrm{H}} / 9}\) = 9
∴ λPa∞ = 9λL∞ = (9) (912) = 8202 Å
\(\frac{\lambda_{\mathrm{Pf} \infty}}{\lambda_{\mathrm{L} \infty}}=\frac{R_{\mathrm{H}}}{R_{\mathrm{H}} / 25}\) = 25
∴ λPf∞ = 25λL∞ = (25) (912) = 22800 Å
This is the series limit of the pfund series.

Question 7.
Describe alpha, beta and gamma decays and write down the formulae for the energies generated in each of these decays.
(a) A radioactive transformation in which an α-particle is emitted is called α-decay.
In an α-decay, the atomic number of the nucleus decreases by 2 and the mass number decreases by 4.
Example : \({ }_{92}^{238} \mathrm{U} \rightarrow{ }_{90}^{234} \mathrm{Th}+{ }_{2}^{4} \alpha\)
Q = [mu – mTh – mα]c2

(b) A radioactive transformation in which a β-particle is emitted is called β-decay.
In a β-decay, the atomic number of the nucleus increases by 1 and the mass number remains unchanged.
Example : \({ }_{90}^{234} \mathrm{Th} \rightarrow{ }_{91}^{234} \mathrm{~Pa}+{ }_{-1}^{0} e+\bar{v}_{\mathrm{e}}\)
where \(\bar{v}_{\mathrm{e}}\) is the neutrino emitted to conserve the momentum, energy and spin.
Q = [mu – mTh – mα]c2
In a β+-decay, the atomic number of the nucleus decreases by 1 and the mass number remains unchanged.
Example : \(\begin{aligned}
&30 \\
\end{aligned} P \rightarrow{ }_{14}^{30} \mathrm{Si}+{ }_{+1}^{0} e+v_{\mathrm{e}}\)
where ve is the neutrino emitted to conserve the momentum, energy and spin.
Q = [mP – mSi – me]c2
[Note : The term fi particle refers to the electron (or positron) emitted by a nucleus.]

A given nucleus does not emit α and β-particles simultaneously. However, on emission of α or β-particles, most nuclei are left in an excited state. A nucleus in an excited state emits a γ-ray photon in a transition to the lower energy state. Hence, α and β-particle emissions are often accompanied by γ-rays.
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Question 8.
Explain what are nuclear fission and fusion giving an example of each. Write down the formulae for energy generated in each of these processes.
Nuclear fission is a nuclear reaction in which a heavy nucleus of an atom, such as that of uranium, splits into two or more fragments of comparable size, either spontaneously or as a result of bombardment of a neutron on the nucleus (induced fission). It is followed by emission of two or three neutrons.
The mass of the original nucleus is more than the sum of the masses of the fragments. This mass difference is released as energy, which can be enormous as in the fission of 235U.
Nuclear fission was discovered by Lise Meitner, Otto Frisch, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann in 1938.

The products of the fission of 235U by thermal neutrons are not unique. A variety of fission fragments are produced with mass number A ranging from about 72 to about 138, subject to the conservation of mass-energy, momentum, number of protons (Z) and number of neutrons (N). A few typical fission equations are
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A type of nuclear reaction in which lighter atomic nuclei (of low atomic number) fuse to form a heavier nucleus (of higher atomic number) with the’ release of enormous amount of energy is called nuclear fusion.

Very high temperatures, of about 107 K to 108 K, are required to carry out nuclear fusion. Hence, such a reaction is also called a thermonuclear reaction.

Example : The D-T reaction, being used in experimental fusion reactors, fuses a deuteron and a triton nuclei at temperatures of about 108 K.
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(2) The value of the energy released in the fusion of two deuteron nuclei and the temperature at which the reaction occurs mentioned in the textbook are probably misprints.]

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 15 Structure of Atoms and Nuclei

Question 9.
Describe the principles of a nuclear reactor. What is the difference between a nuclear reactor and a nuclear bomb?
In a nuclear reactor fuel rods are used to provide a suitable fissionable material such as \(\begin{gathered}
236 \\
\end{gathered}\)U. Control rods are used to start or stop the reactor. Moderators are used to slow down the fast neutrons ejected in a nuclear fission to the appropriate lower speeds. Material used as a coolant removes the energy released in the nuclear reaction by converting it into thermal energy for production of electricity.

In a nuclear reactor, a nuclear fission chain reaction is used in a controlled manner, while in a nuclear bomb, the nuclear fission chain reaction is not controlled, releasing tremendous energy in a very short time interval.
[Note : The first nuclear bomb (atomic bomb) was dropped on Hiroshima in Japan on 06 August 1945. The second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki in Japan on 9 August 1945.]

Question 10.
Calculate the binding energy of an alpha particle given its mass to be 4.00151 u.
Data : M = 4.00151 u, = 1.00728 u,
mn = 1.00866 u, 1 u = 931.5 MeV/c2
The binding energy of an alpha particle
(Zmp + Nn -M)c2
=(2mp + 2mn -M)c2
= [(2)(1.00728u) + 2(1.00866 u) – 4.00151 u]c2
= (2.01456 + 2.01732 – 4.00151)(931.5) MeV
= 28.289655 MeV
= 28.289655 × 106 eV × 1.602 × 10-19 J
= 4.532002731 × 10-12 J

Question 11.
An electron in hydrogen atom stays in its second orbit for 10-8 s. How many revolutions will it make around the nucleus in that time?
Data : z = 1, m = 9.1 × 10-31 kg, e = 1.6 × 10-19 C, ε0 = 8.85 × 10-12 C2 / N.m2, h = 6.63 × 10 -34 J.s, n = 2, t = 10-8 s
The periodic time of the electron in a hydrogen atom,
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Let N be the number of revolutions made by the electron in time t. Then, t = NT.
∴ N = \(\frac{t}{T}=\frac{10^{-8}}{3.898 \times 10^{-16}}\) = 2.565 × 7

Question 12.
Determine the binding energy per nucleon of the americium isotope \(_{95}^{244} \mathrm{Am}\) , given the mass of \({ }_{95}^{244} \mathrm{Am}\) to be 244.06428 u.
Data : Z = 95, N = 244  – 95 = 149,
mp = 1.00728 u, mn = 1.00866 u,
M = 244.06428 u, 1 u = 931.5 MeV/c2
The binding energy per nucleon,
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= 7.3209 MeV/nucleon

Question 13.
Calculate the energy released in the nuclear reaction \({ }_{3}^{7} \mathrm{Li}\) + p → 2α given mass of \({ }_{3}^{7} \mathrm{Li}\) atom and of helium atom to be 7.016 u and 4.0026 u respectively.
Data: M1 (\({ }_{3}^{7} \mathrm{Li}\) Li atom)= 7.016 u, M2 (He atom)
= 4.0026 u, mp = 1.00728 u, 1 u = 931.5 MeV/c2
∆M = M1 + mp – 2M2
= [7.016 + 1.00728 – 2(4.0026)]u
= 0.01808 u = (0.01808)(931.5) MeV/c2
= 16.84152 MeV/c2
Therefore, the energy released in the nuclear reaction = (∆M) c2 = 16.84152 MeV

Question 14.
Complete the following equations describing nuclear decays.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 15 Structure of Atom and Nuclei 27
(a) \({ }_{88}^{226} \mathrm{Ra} \rightarrow{ }_{2}^{4} \alpha+{ }_{86}^{222} \mathrm{Em}\)
Em (Emanation) ≡ Rn (Radon)
Here, α particle is emitted and radon is formed.

(b) \({ }_{8}^{19} \mathrm{O} \rightarrow e^{-}+{ }_{9}^{19} \mathrm{~F}\)
Here, e ≡ \({ }_{-1}^{0} \beta\) is emitted and fluorine is formed.

(c) \(\underset{90}{228} \mathrm{Th} \rightarrow{ }_{2}^{4} \alpha+{ }_{88}^{224} \mathrm{Ra}\)
Here, α particle is emitted and radium is formed.

(d) \({ }_{7}^{12} \mathrm{~N} \rightarrow{ }_{6}^{12} \mathrm{C}+{ }_{1}^{0} \beta\)
\({ }_{1}^{0} \beta\) is e+ (positron)
Here, β+ is emItted and carbon is formed.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 15 Structure of Atoms and Nuclei

Question 15.
Calculate the energy released in the following reactions, given the masses to be \({ }_{88}^{223} \mathrm{Ra}\) : 223.0185 u, \({ }_{82}^{209} \mathrm{~Pb}\) : 208.9811, \({ }_{6}^{14} C\) : 14.00324, \({ }_{92}^{236} \mathrm{U}\) : 236.0456, \({ }_{56}^{140} \mathrm{Ba}\) : 139.9106, \({ }_{36}^{94} \mathrm{Kr}\) : 93.9341, \({ }_{6}^{11} \mathrm{C}\) : 11.01143, \({ }_{5}^{11} \mathrm{~B}\) : 11.0093. Ignore neutrino energy.
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(a) \({ }_{88}^{223} \mathrm{Ra} \rightarrow{ }_{82}^{209} \mathrm{~Pb}+{ }_{6}^{14} \mathrm{C}\)
The energy released in this reaction = (∆M) c2
= [223.0185 – (208.9811 + 14.00324)j(931 .5) MeV
= 31.820004 MeV

(b) \({ }_{92}^{236} \mathrm{U} \rightarrow{ }_{56}^{140} \mathrm{Ba}+{ }_{36}^{94} \mathrm{Kr}+2 \mathrm{n}\)
The energy released in this reaction =
(∆M) c2 = [236.0456 – (139.9106 + 93.9341 + (2)(1 .00866)1(93 1 .5)MeV
= 171.00477 MeV

(c) \({ }_{6}^{11} \cdot \mathrm{C} \rightarrow{ }_{5}^{11} \mathrm{~B}+e^{+}\) + neutrino
The energy released in this reaction = (∆M) c2
= [11.01143 – (11.0093 + O.00055)](931.5) MeV
= 1.47177 MeV

Question 16.
Sample of carbon obtained from any living organism has a decay rate of 15.3 decays per gram per minute. A sample of carbon obtained from very old charcoal shows a disintegration rate of 12.3 disintegrations per gram per minute. Determine the age of the old sample given the decay constant of carbon to be 3.839 × 10-12 per second.
Data: 15.3 decays per gram per minute (living organism), 12.3 disintegrations per gram per minute (very old charcoal). Hence, we have,
\(\frac{A(t)}{A_{0}}=\frac{12.3}{15.3}\), λ = 3.839 × 10-12 per second
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Question 17.
The half-life of \({ }_{38}^{90} \mathrm{Sr}\) is 28 years. Determine the disintegration rate of its 5 mg sample.
Data: T1/2 = 28 years = 28 × 3.156 × 107 s
=8.837 × 108s, M = 5 mg =5 × 10-3g
90 grams of \({ }_{38}^{90} \mathrm{Sr}\) contain 6.02 × 1023 atoms
Hence, here, N = \(\frac{\left(6.02 \times 10^{23}\right)\left(5 \times 10^{-3}\right)}{90}\)
= 3.344 × 1019 atoms
∴ The disintegration rate = Nλ = N\(\frac{0.693}{T_{1 / 2}}\)
= \(\frac{\left(3.344 \times 10^{19}\right)(0.693)}{8.837 \times 10^{8}}\)
= 2.622 × 1010 disintegrations per second

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 15 Structure of Atoms and Nuclei

Question 18.
What is the amount of \({ }_{27}^{60} \mathrm{Co}\) necessary to provide a radioactive source of strength 10.0 mCi, its half-life being 5.3 years?
Data : Activity = 10.0 mCi = 10.0 × 10-3 Ci
= (10.0 × 10-3)(3.7 × 1010) dis/s = 3.7 × 108 dis/s
T1/2 = 5.3 years = (5.3)(3.156 × 107) s
= 1.673 × 108 s
Decay constant, λ = \(\frac{0.693}{T_{1 / 2}}=\frac{0.693}{1.673 \times 10^{8}} \mathrm{~s}^{-1}\)
=4.142 × 10-9 s-1
Activity = Nλ
∴ N = \(\frac{\text { activity }}{\lambda}=\frac{3.7 \times 10^{8}}{4.142 \times 10^{-9}} \text { atoms }\)
= 8.933 × 1016 atoms
=60 grams of \({ }_{27}^{60} \mathrm{Co}\) contain 6.02 × 1023 atoms
Mass of 8.933 × 1016 atoms of \({ }_{27}^{60} \mathrm{Co}\)
= \(\frac{8.933 \times 10^{16}}{6.02 \times 10^{23}} \times 60 \mathrm{~g}\)
= 8.903 × 10-6 g = 8.903 µg
This is the required amount.

Question 19.
Disintegration rate of a sample is 1010 per hour at 20 hrs from the start. It reduces to 6.3 × 109 per hour after 30 hours. Calculate its half life and the initial number of radioactive atoms in the sample.
Data : A (t1) = 1010 per hour, where t1 = 20 h,
A (t2) = 6.3 × 109 per hour, where t2 = 30 h
A(t) = A0e-λt ∴ A(t1) = A0e-λt1 and A(t2) = Aoe-λt2
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 15 Structure of Atom and Nuclei 20
∴ 1.587 e10λ ∴ 10λ =2.3031og10(1.587)
∴ λ = (0.2303)(0.2007) = 0.04622 per hour
The half life of the material, T1/2 = \(\frac{0.693}{\lambda}=\frac{0.693}{0.04622}\)
= 14.99 hours
Now, A0 = A (t1)eλt1 = 1010e(0.04622)(20)
= 1010 e0.9244
Let x = e0.9244 ∴ 2.3031og10x = 0.9244
∴ 1og10x = \(\frac{0.9244}{2.303}\) = 0.4014
∴ x = antilog 0.4014 = 2.52
∴ A0 = 2.52 × 1010 per hour
Now A0 = N0λ ∴ N0 = \(\frac{A_{0}}{\lambda}=\frac{2.52 \times 10^{10}}{0.04622}\)
= 5.452 × 1011
This is the initial number of radioactive atoms in the sample.

Question 20.
The isotope 57Co decays by electron capture to 57Fe with a half-life of 272 d. The 57Fe nucleus is produced in an excited state, and it almost instantaneously emits gamma rays.
(a) Find the mean lifetime and decay constant for 57Co.
(b) If the activity of a radiation source 57Co is 2.0 µCi now, how many 57Co nuclei does the source contain?
(c) What will be the activity after one year?
Data: T1/2 = 272d = 272 × 24 × 60 × 60s = 2.35 × 107 s,
A0 = 2.0uCi = 2.0 × 10-6 × 3.7 × 1010
= 7.4 × 104 dis/s
t = 1 year = 3.156 × 107 s
(a) T1/2 = \(\frac{0.693}{\lambda}\) = 0.693 τ ∴ The mean lifetime for
57Co = τ = \(\frac{T_{1 / 2}}{0.693}=\frac{2.35 \times 10^{7}}{0.693}\) = 3391 × 107 s
The decay constant for 57Co = λ = \(\frac{1}{\tau}\)
= \(\frac{1}{3.391 \times 10^{7} \mathrm{~s}}\)
= 2949 × 10-8 s-1

(b)A0 = N0A ∴ N0 = \(\frac{A_{0}}{\lambda}\) = A0τ
= (7.4 × 104)(3.391 × 107)
= 2.509 × 1012 nuclei
This is the required number.

(c) A(t) = A0e-λt = 2e-(2.949 × 10-8)(3.156 × 107)
= 2e-0.9307 = 2 / e0.9307
Let x = e0.9307 ∴ Iogex = 0.9307
∴ 2.303log10x = 0.9307
∴ log10x = \(\frac{0.9307}{2.303}\) = 0.4041
∴ x = antilog 0.4041 = 2.536
∴ A (t) = \(\frac{2}{2.536}\) μCi = 0.7886 μCi

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 15 Structure of Atoms and Nuclei

Question 21.
A source contains two species of phosphorous nuclei, \({ }_{15}^{32} \mathrm{P}\) (T1/2 = 14.3 d) and \({ }_{15}^{32} \mathrm{P}\) (T1/2 = 25.3 d). At time t = 0, 90% of the decays are from \({ }_{15}^{32} \mathrm{P}\) . How much time has to elapse for only 15% of the decays to be from \({ }_{15}^{32} \mathrm{P}\) ?
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∴ (0.04846 – 0.02739) t = 2.303 (2.1847 – 0.4771)
∴ t = \(\frac{(2.303)(1.7076)}{0.02107}\) = 186.6 days
This is the required time.

Question 22.
Before the year 1900 the activity per unit mass of atmospheric carbon due to the presence of 14C averaged about 0.255 Bq per gram of carbon. (a) What fraction of carbon atoms were 14C? (b) An archaeological specimen containing 500 mg of carbon, shows 174 decays in one hour. What is the age of the specimen, assuming that its activity per unit mass of carbon when the specimen died was equal to the average value of the air? Half-life of 14C is 5730 years?
Data: T1/2 = 5730y ∴ λ = \(\frac{0.693}{5730 \times 3.156 \times 10^{7}} \mathrm{~s}^{-1}\)
= 3.832 × 10-12 s-1, A = 0.255 Bq per gram of carbon in part (a); M = 500 mg = 500 × 10-3 g,
174 decays in one hour \(\frac{174}{3600}\) dis/s = 0.04833 dis/s in part (b) (per 500 mg].

(a) A = Nλ ∴ N = \(\frac{A}{\lambda}=\frac{0.255}{3.832 \times 10^{-12}}\)
= 6.654 × 1010
Number of atoms in 1 g of carbon = \(\frac{6.02 \times 10^{23}}{12}\)
=5.017 × 1022
\(\frac{5.017 \times 10^{22}}{6.654 \times 10^{10}}\) = 0.7539 × 1012
∴ 1 14C atom per 0.7539 × 1012 atoms of carbon
∴ 4 14C atoms per 3 × 1012 atoms of carbon

(b) Present activity per gram = \(\)
= 0.09666 dis/s per gram
A0 = 0.255 dis/s per gram
Now, A(t) = A0e-λt
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This is the required quantity.

Question 23.
How much mass of 235U is required to undergo fission each day to provide 3000 MW of thermal power? Average energy per fission is 202.79 MeV
Data: Power = 3000 MW = 3 × 109 J/s
∴ Energy to be produced each day
=3 × 109 × 86400 J each day
= 2.592 × 1014 J each day
Energy per fission = 202.79 MeV
= 202.79 × 106 × 1.6 × 10-19 J = 3,245 × 10-11 J
∴ Number of fissions each day
= \(\frac{2.592 \times 10^{14}}{3.245 \times 10^{-11}}\) × 1024 each day
0.235 kg of 235U contains 6.02 × 1023 atoms
7988 x 1024
∴ M = \(\left(\frac{7.988 \times 10^{24}}{6.02 \times 10^{23}}\right)\) (o.235) = 3.118 kg
This is the required quantity.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 15 Structure of Atoms and Nuclei

Question 24.
In a periodic table the average atomic mass of magnesium is given as 24.312 u. The average value is based on their relative natural abundance on earth. The three isotopes and their masses are \({ }_{12}^{24} \mathrm{Mg}\) (23.98504 u), \({ }_{12}^{25} \mathrm{Mg}\) (24.98584 u) and \({ }_{12}^{26} \mathrm{Mg}\) (25.98259 u). The natural abundance of \({ }_{12}^{24} \mathrm{Mg}\) is 78.99% by mass. Calculate the abundances of other two isotopes.
[Answer: 9.3% and 11.7%]
Data : Average atomic mass of magnesium =
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 15 Structure of Atom and Nuclei 25

12th Physics Digest Chapter 15 Structure of Atoms and Nuclei Intext Questions and Answers

Use your brainpower (Textbook Page No. 336)

Question 1.
Why don’t heavy nuclei decay by emitting a single proton or a single neutron?
According to quantum mechanics, the probability for these emissions is extremely low.

12th Std Physics Questions And Answers:

12th Physics Chapter 14 Exercise Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Physics Chapter 14

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 12th Physics Textbook Solutions Chapter 14 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter Class 12 Exercise Question Answers Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Physics Chapter 14 Exercise Solutions Maharashtra Board

Physics Class 12 Chapter 14 Exercise Solutions

1. Choose the correct answer.

i) A photocell is used to automatically switch on the street lights in the evening when the sunlight is low in intensity. Thus it has to work with visible light. The material of the cathode of the photocell is
(A) zinc
(B) aluminum
(C) nickel
(D) potassium
(D) potassium

ii) Polychromatic (containing many different frequencies) radiation is used in an experiment on the photoelectric effect. The stopping potential
(A) will depend on the average wavelength
(B) will depend on the longest wavelength
(C) will depend on the shortest wavelength
(D) does not depend on the wavelength
(C) will depend on the shortest wavelength

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 14 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

iii) An electron, a proton, an α-particle and a hydrogen atom are moving with the same kinetic energy. The associated de Broglie wavelength will be longest for
(A) electron
(B) proton
(C) α-particle
(D) hydrogen atom
(A) electron

iv) If NRed and NBlue are the number of photons emitted by the respective sources of equal power and equal dimensions in unit time, then
(A) NRed < NBlue
(B) NRed = NBlue
(C) NRed > NBlue
(D) NRed ≈ NBlue
(C) NRed > NBlue

v) The equation E = pc is valid
(A) for all sub-atomic particles
(B) is valid for an electron but not for a photon
(C) is valid for a photon but not for an electron
(D) is valid for both an electron and a photon
(C) is valid for a photon but not for an electron

2. Answer in brief.

i) What is photoelectric effect?
The phenomenon of emission of electrons from a metal surface when electromagnetic radiation of appropriate frequency is incident on it is known as photoelectric effect.

ii) Can microwaves be used in the experiment on photoelectric effect?

iii) Is it always possible to see photoelectric effect with red light?

iv) Using the values of work function given in Table 14.1, tell which metal will require the highest frequency of incident radiation to generate photocurrent.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 14 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 2
[ Note : W0 = hv0, where h is Planck’s constant. The larger the work function (W0), the higher is the threshold frequency (v0). ]

v) What do you understand by the term wave-particle duality? Where does it apply?
Depending upon experimental conditions or structure of matter, electromagnetic radiation and material particles exhibit wave nature or particle nature. This is known as wave-particle duality.

It applies to all phenomena. The wave nature and particle nature are liked by the de Broglie relation λ = h/p, where λ is the wavelength of matter waves, also called de Broglie waves / Schrodinger waves, p is the magnitude of the momentum of a particle or quantum of radiation and h is the universal constant called Planck’s constant.

[Note : It is the smallness of h (= 6.63 × 10-34 J∙s) that is very significant in wave-particle duality.]

Question 3.
Explain the inverse linear dependence of stopping potential on the incident wavelength in a photoelectric effect experiment.
We have V0e = \(\frac{h c}{\lambda}\) – Φ, where V0 is the stopping potential, e is the magnitude of the charge on the electron, h is Planck’s constant, c is the speed of light in free space, λ is the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation incident on a metal surface and Φ is the work function for the metal, h, c and e are constants. Φ is constant for a particular metal.
Hence, it follows that as \(\frac{1}{\lambda}\) increases, V0 increases.
The plot of V0 verses \(\frac{1}{\lambda}\) is linear. This is because the energy associated with a quantum of radiation (photon) is directly proportional to the frequency of radiation and hence inversely proportional to the wavelength of radiation.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 14 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

Question 4.
It is observed in an experiment on photoelectric effect that an increase in the intensity of the incident radiation does not change the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons. Where does the extra energy of the incident radiation go? Is it lost? State your answer with explanatory reasoning.
When electromagnetic radiation with frequency greater than the threshold frequency is incident on a metal surface, there is emission of electrons. It is observed that not every incident photon is effective in liberating an electron. In fact, the number of electrons emitted per second is far less than the number of photons incident per second. The photons that are not effective in liberation of electrons are reflected (or scattered) or absorbed resulting in rise in the temperature of the metal surface. The maximum kinetic energy of a photoelectron depends on the frequency of the incident radiation and the threshold frequency for the metal. It has nothing to do with the intensity of the incident radiation. The increase in intensity results in increase in the number of electrons emitted per second.

Question 5.
Explain what do you understand by the de Broglie wavelength of an electron. Will an electron at rest have an associated de Broglie wavelength? Justify your answer.
Under certain conditions an electron exhibits wave nature. Waves associated with a moving electron are called matter waves or de Broglie waves or- Schrodinger waves. The de Broglie wavelength of these matter waves is given by X = h/p, where h is Planck’s constant and p is the magnitude of the momentum of the electron.

If an electron is at rest, its momentum would be zero, and hence the corresponding de Broglie wavelength would be infinite indicating absence of a matter wave. However, according to quantum mechanics/wave mechanics, this is not possible.

Question 6.
State the importance of Davisson and Germer experiment.
The Davisson and Germer experiment directly indicated the wave nature of material particles and quantitatively verified the de Broglie hypothesis for the existence of matter waves.

[Note : The aim of the experiment was not to verify wave like properties of electrons. The realisation came only later, an example of serendipity.]

[Note : Like X-rays, electrons exhibit wave nature under suitable conditions. When the wavelength of matter waves associated with moving electrons is comparable to the inter-atomic spacing in a crystal, electrons show diffraction effects. In 1927, Sir George Thomson (1892 – 1975), British physicist, with his student Alex Reid, observed electron diffraction with a metal foil. It is found that neutrons, atoms, molecules, Œ-particles, etc. show wave nature under suitable conditions.]

Question 7.
What will be the energy of each photon in monochromatic light of frequency 5 × 1014 Hz?
Data: y = 5 × 1014 Hz, h = 6.63 × 10-34 Js,
1eV=1.6 × 10-19 J
The energy of each photon,
E = hv = (6.63 × 10-34 J.s)(5 × 1014 Hz)
= 3.315 × 10-19 J
= \(\frac{3.315 \times 10^{-19} \mathrm{~J}}{1.6 \times 10^{-19} \mathrm{~J} / \mathrm{eV}}\) = 2.072 eV

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 14 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

Question 8.
Observations from an experiment on photoelectric effect for the stopping potential by varying the incident frequency were plotted. The slope of the linear curve was found to be approximately 4.1 × 10-15 V s. Given that the charge of an electron is 1.6 × 10-19 C, find the value of the Planck’s constant h.
Data : Slope=4.1 × 10-15 V∙s, e = 1.6 ×10-19 C
V0e = hv – hv0
∴ V0 =\(\left(\frac{h}{e}\right) v-\left(\frac{h v_{0}}{e}\right)\)
∴ Slope = \(\frac{h}{e}\) ∴ Planck’s constant,
h = (slope) (e)=(4.1 × 10-15 V∙s)(1.6 × 10-19 C)
= 6.56 × 10 34J. (as 1 V = \(\frac{1 \mathrm{~J}}{1 \mathrm{C}}\))

Question 9.
The threshold wavelength of tungsten is 2.76 × 10-5 cm. (a) Explain why no photoelectrons are emitted when the wavelength is more than 2.76 × 10-5 cm.(b) What will be the maximum kinetic energy of electrons ejected in each of the following cases
(i) if ultraviolet radiation of wavelength λ = 1.80 × 10-5 cm and
(ii) radiation of frequency 4 × 1015 Hz is made incident on the tungsten surface.
Data: λ0 = 2.76 × 10-5 cm = 2.76 × 10-7 m,
λ =1.80 × 10-5 cm = 1.80 × 10-7 m,
v = 4 × 1015 Hz, h = 6.63 × 10-34 J∙s,c = 3 × 108 m/s
(a) For λ > λ0, v < v0 (threshold frequency).
∴ hv < hv0. Hence, no photoelectrons are emitted.

(b) Maximum kinetic energy of electrons ejected
= hc\(\left(\frac{1}{\lambda}-\frac{1}{\lambda_{0}}\right)\)
=(6.63 × 10-34)(3 × 108)\(\left(\frac{10^{7}}{1.8}-\frac{10^{7}}{2.76}\right)\)J
= (6.63 × 10-19)(0.5555 – 0.3623)
= (6.63)(0.1932 × 10-19)J = 1.281 × 10-19 J
= \(\frac{1.281 \times 10^{-19} \mathrm{~J}}{1.6 \times 10^{-19} \mathrm{~J} / \mathrm{eV}}\) = 0.8006 eV

(c) Maximum kinetic energy of electrons ejected
= hv – \(\frac{h c}{\lambda_{0}}\)
=(6.63 × 10-34(4 × 1015) – \(\frac{\left(6.63 \times 10^{-34}\right)\left(3 \times 10^{8}\right)}{2.76 \times 10^{-7}}\)
= 26.52 × 10-19 – 7.207 × 10-19
= 19.313 × 10-19 J
= \(\frac{19.313 \times 10^{-19} \mathrm{~J}}{1.6 \times 10^{-19} \mathrm{~J} / \mathrm{eV}}\) = 12.07eV

Question 10.
Photocurrent recorded in the micro ammeter in an experimental set-up of photoelectric effect vanishes when the retarding potential is more than 0.8 V if the wavelength of incident radiation is 4950 Å. If the source of incident radiation is changed, the stopping potential turns out to be 1.2 V. Find the work function of the cathode material and the wavelength of the second source.
Data: V0 = 0.8 V, λ = 4950 Å = 4.950 × 10-7 m,
V0‘ = 1.2V, h = 6.63 × 10-34 J∙s, c = 3 × 108 m/s.
(i) V0e = hv – Φ = \(\frac{h c}{\lambda}\) – Φ
∴ The work function of the cathode material,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 14 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 3

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 14 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

Question 11.
Radiation of wavelength 4500 Å is incident on a metal having work function 2.0 eV. Due to the presence of a magnetic field B, the most energetic photoelectrons emitted in a direction perpendicular to the field move along a circular path of radius 20 cm. What is the value of the magnetic field B?
Data: λ = 4500Å = 4.5 × 10-7 m,
Φ = 2.0eV = 2 × 1.6 × 10-19 J = 3.2 × 10-19 J,
h = 6.63 × 10-34 J∙s, c = 3 × 108 m/s,
r = 20 cm = 0.2 m, e= 1.6 × 10-19 C,
m = 9.1 × 10-31kg
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 14 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 4
This is the value of the magnetic field.

Question 12.
Given the following data for incident wavelength and the stopping potential obtained from an experiment on photoelectric effect, estimate the value of Planck’s constant and the work function of the cathode material. What is the threshold frequency and corresponding wavelength? What is the most likely metal used for emitter?
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 14 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 1
Data: λ = 2536Å = 2.536 × 10-7 m,
λ’ = 3650Å = 3.650 ×10-7 m, V0 = 1.95V, V0‘ = 0.5V,
c = 3 × 108 mIs, e = 1.6 × 10-19 C

(i) V0e = \(\frac{h c}{\lambda}\) – Φ and V0‘e =\(\frac{h c}{\lambda^{\prime}}\) – Φ
∴ (V0 – V0‘)e = hc\(\left(\frac{1}{\lambda}-\frac{1}{\lambda^{\prime}}\right)\)
∴ (1.95 – 0.5(1.6 × 10-19)
= h (3 × 108\(\left(\frac{10^{7}}{2.536}-\frac{10^{7}}{3.650}\right)\)
∴ 2.32 × 10-19 = h(3 × 1015)(0.3943 – 0.2740)
∴ h = \(\frac{2.32 \times 10^{-34}}{0.3609}\) = 6.428 × 10-34 J∙s
This is the value of Planck’s constant.

(ii) Φ = \(\frac{h c}{\lambda}\) – V0e
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 14 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 5
This is the work function of the cathode material.

(iii) Φ = hv0
∴ The threshold frequency, v0 = \(\frac{\phi}{h}\)
= \(\frac{4.484 \times 10^{-19} \mathrm{~J}}{6.428 \times 10^{-34} \mathrm{~J} \cdot \mathrm{s}}\) = 6.976 × 1014 Hz

(iv) v0 = \(\frac{c}{\lambda_{\mathrm{o}}}\) ∴ The threshold frequency, λ0 = \(\frac{c}{v_{\mathrm{o}}}\)
= \(\frac{3 \times 10^{8}}{6.976 \times 10^{14}}\) = 4.300 × 10-7 m = 4300 Å

(v) The most likely metal used for emitter : calcium

Question 13.
Calculate the wavelength associated with an electron, its momentum and speed
(a) when it is accelerated through a potential of 54 V
Data : V = 54 V, m = 9.1 × 10-31 kg, e
e = 1.6 × 10-19 C, h = 6.63 × 10-34 J.s, KE = 150 eV
(a) We assume that the electron is initially at rest.
∴ Ve = \(\frac{1}{2}\)mv2
∴ v = \(\sqrt{\frac{2 V e}{m}}=\sqrt{\frac{2(54)\left(1.6 \times 10^{-19}\right)}{9.1 \times 10^{-31}}}\)
= \(\sqrt{19 \times 10^{12}}\) = 4.359 × 106 m/5
This is the speed of the electron.
p = mv = (9.1× 10-31)(4.359 × 106)
= 3.967 × 10-24 kg∙m/s
This is the momentum of the electron. The wavelength associated with the electron,
λ = \(\frac{h}{p}=\frac{6.63 \times 10^{-34}}{3.967 \times 10^{-24}}\) = 1.671 × 10-10 m
= 1.671 Å = 0.1671 nm

(b) when it is moving with kinetic energy of 150 eV.
As KE ∝ \(\sqrt{V}\), we get
\(\frac{v^{\prime}}{v}=\sqrt{\frac{150}{54}}\) = 1.666
∴ v’ = 1.666v = (1.666)(4.356 × 106)
= 7.262 × 106 m/s
This is the speed of the electron.
p’ = mv’’=(9.1 × 10-31)(7.262 × 106)
= 6.608 × 10-24 kg∙m/s
This is the momentum of the electron. The
wavelength associated with the electron,
λ = \(\frac{h}{p^{\prime}}=\frac{6.63 \times 10^{-34}}{6.608 \times 10^{-24}} \) = 1.003 × 10-10 m
= 1.003 Å = 0.1003 nm

Question 14.
The de Broglie wavelengths associated with an electron and a proton are same. What will be the ratio of
(i) their momenta
(ii) their kinetic energies?
Data : λ (electron) = λ (proton)
m (proton) = 1836 m (electron)
(i) λ = \(\frac{h}{p}\) As λ (electron) = λ (proton),
\(\frac{p(\text { electron })}{p \text { (proton) }}\) = 1, where p denotes the magnitude of momentum.

(ii) Assuming v «c,
KE = \(\frac{1}{2}\)mv2 = \(\frac{1}{2} \frac{m^{2} v^{2}}{m}=\frac{p^{2}}{2 m}\)
∴ \(\frac{\mathrm{KE} \text { (electron) }}{\mathrm{KE} \text { (proton) }}=\frac{m \text { (proton) }}{m \text { (electron) }}\) = 1836 as p is the same for the electron and the proton.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 14 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

Question 15.
Two particles have the same de Broglie wavelength and one is moving four times as fast as the other. If the slower particle
is an α-particle, what are the possibilities for the other particle?
Data : λ1 = λ2, v1 = 4v2
λ = \(\frac{h}{p}=\frac{h}{m v}\) ∴ λ1 = \(\frac{h}{m_{1} v_{1}}\), λ2 = \(\frac{h}{m_{2} v_{2}}\)
∴ m1 = m2 \(\frac{v_{2}}{v_{1}}\) = m2\(\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)=\frac{m_{2}}{4}\)
As particle 2 is the a-particle, particle 1 (having the mass \(\frac{1}{4}\) times that of the a-particle) may be a proton or neutron.

Question 16.
What is the speed of a proton having de Broglie wavelength of 0.08 Å?
Data : λ = 0.08 Å = 8 × 10-12m, h = 6.63 × 10-34 J∙s, m = 1.672 × 10-27 kg
λ = \(\frac{h}{m v}\) ∴ v = \(\frac{h}{\lambda m}=\frac{6.63 \times 10^{-34}}{\left(8 \times 10^{-12}\right)\left(1.672 \times 10^{-27}\right)}\)
∴ v = 4.957 × 104 m/s
This is the speed of the proton.

Question 17.
In nuclear reactors, neutrons travel with energies of 5 × 10-21 J. Find their speed and wavelength.
Data : KE = 5 × 10-21 J, m = 1.675 × 10-27 kg, h = 6.63 × 10-34 J∙s
KE = \(\frac{1}{2}\) mv2 = 5 × 10-21 J
∴ v = \(\sqrt{\frac{2 \mathrm{KE}}{m}}=\sqrt{\frac{(2)\left(5 \times 10^{-21}\right)}{1.675 \times 10^{-27}}}\)
= 2.443 × 103 m/s
This is the speed of the neutrons. The de Broglie wavelength associated with the neutron,
λ = \(\frac{h}{m v}=\frac{6.63 \times 10^{-34}}{\left(1.675 \times 10^{-27}\right)\left(2.443 \times 10^{3}\right)}\)
= 1.620 × 10-10 m = 1.620 Å

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 14 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

Question 18.
Find the ratio of the de Broglie wavelengths of an electron and a proton when both are moving with the (a) same speed, (b) same energy and (c) same momentum? State which of the two will have the longer wavelength in each case?
Data: mp = 1836 me
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 14 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 6

12th Physics Digest Chapter 14 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter Intext Questions and Answers

Remember This (Textbook Page No. 316)

Question 1.
Is a solar cell a photocell?

Remember This (Textbook Page No. 317)

Question 1.
Can you estimate the de Broglie wavelength of the Earth?
Taking the mass of the Earth as (about) 6 × 1024 kg, and the linear speed of the earth around the Sun as (about) 3 × 104 m/s, we have, the de Brogue wave length of the Earth as
λ = \(\frac{h}{p}=\frac{h}{M v}=\frac{6.63 \times 10^{-34} \mathrm{~J} \cdot \mathrm{s}}{\left(6 \times 10^{24} \mathrm{~kg}\right)\left(3 \times 10^{4} \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}\right)}\)
= 3.683 × 10-63 m (extremely small)

Question 2.
The expression p = E/c defines the momentum of a photon. Can this expression be used for the momentum of an electron or proton?

Remember This (Textbook Page No. 319)

Diffraction results described above can be produced in the laboratory using an electron diffraction tube as shown in the figure. It has a filament which on heating produces electrons. This filament acts as a cathode. Electrons are accelerated to quite high speeds by creating large potential difference between the cathode and a positive electrode. On its way, the beam of electrons comes across a thin sheet of
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 14 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 7
graphite. The electrons are diffracted by the atomic layers in the graphite and form diffraction rings on the phosphor screen. By changing the voltage between the cathode and anode, the energy, and therefore the speed, of the electrons can be changed. This will change the wavelength of the electrons and a change will be seen in the diffraction pattern. By increasing the voltage, the radius of the diffraction rings will decrease. Try to explain why?
When the accelerating voltage is increased, the kinetic energy and hence the momentum of the electron increases. This decreases the de Brogue wavelength of the electron. Hence, the radius of the diffraction ring decreases.

Remember This (Textbook Page No. 320)

Question 1.
On what scale or under which circumstances are the wave nature of matter apparent?
When the de Brogue wavelength of a particle such as an electron, atom, or molecule is comparable to the interatomic spacing in a crystal, the wave nature of matter is revealed in diffraction/interference.

12th Std Physics Questions And Answers:

12th Physics Chapter 13 Exercise AC Circuits Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Physics Chapter 13

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 12th Physics Textbook Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

AC Circuits Class 12 Exercise Question Answers Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Physics Chapter 13 Exercise Solutions Maharashtra Board

Physics Class 12 Chapter 13 Exercise Solutions

1. Choose the correct option.

i) If the RMS current in a 50 Hz AC circuit is 5A, the value of the current \(\frac{1}{300}\) seconds after its value becomes zero is
(A) 5\(\sqrt {2}\) A
(B) 5\(\sqrt{\frac{3}{2}}\) A
(C) \(\frac{5}{6}\) A
(D) \(\frac{5}{\sqrt{2}}\) A
(B) 5\(\sqrt{\frac{3}{2}}\) A

ii) A resistor of 500 Ω and an inductance of 0.5 H are in series with an AC source which is given by V = 100 \(\sqrt {2}\) sin (1000t). The power factor of the combination
(A) \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\)
(B) \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}\)
(C) 0.5
(D) 0.6
(A) \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\)

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits

iii) In a circuit L, C & R are connected in series with an alternating voltage of frequency f. the current leads the voltage by 450. The value of C is
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 1
(B) \(\frac{1}{2 \pi f(2 \pi f L-R)}\)

iv) In an AC circuit, e and i are given by e = 150 sin (150t) V and i = 150 sin (150 t + \(\frac{\pi}{3}\)) A. the power dissipated in the circuit is
(A) 106W
(B) 150W
(C) 5625W
(D) Zero
(C) 5625W

v) In a series LCR circuit the phase difference between the voltage and the current is 45°. Then the power factor will be
(A) 0.607
(B) 0.707
(C) 0.808
(D) 1
(B) 0.707

2. Answer in brief.

i) An electric lamp is connected in series with a capacitor and an AC source is glowing with a certain brightness. How does the brightness of the lamp change on increasing the capacitance ?
Impedance, Z = \(\sqrt{R^{2}+\frac{1}{\omega^{2} C^{2}}}\), where R is the resistance of the lamp, w is the angular frequency of AC and C is the capacitance of the capacitor connected in series with the AC source and the lamp. When C is increased, \(\) decreases. Hence, Z increases.
Power factor, cos Φ = \(\frac{R}{Z}\)
As Z increases, the power factor decreases.
Now, the average power over one cycle,
Pav = vrms irms cos Φ
= Vrms \(\left(\frac{V_{\mathrm{rms}}}{Z}\right)\) cos Φ
= \(\frac{V_{\mathrm{rms}}^{2}}{\mathrm{Z}} \cos \phi\)
∴ Pav decreases as Z increases and cos Φ decreases.
As the current through the lamp \(\left(\frac{V_{\mathrm{rms}}}{Z}\right)\) decreases, the brightness of the lamp will decrease when C is increased.

ii) The total impedance of a circuit decreases when a capacitor is added in series with L and R. Explain why ?
For an LR circuit, the impedance,
ZLR = \(\sqrt{R^{2}+X_{\mathrm{L}}^{2}}\), where XL is the reactance of the inductor.
When a capacitor of capacitance C is added in series with L and R, the impedance,
ZLCR = \(\sqrt{R^{2}+\left(X_{\mathrm{L}}-X_{\mathrm{C}}\right)^{2}}\) because in the case of an inductor the current lags behind the voltage by a phase angle of \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) rad while in the case of a capacitor the current leads the voltage by a phase angle of \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) rad. The decrease in net reactance decreases the total impedance (ZLCR < ZLR).

iii) For very high frequency AC supply, a capacitor behaves like a pure conductor. Why ?
The reactance of a capacitor is XC = \(\frac{1}{2 \pi f C}\), where f is the frequency of the AC supply and C is the capacitance of the capacitor. For very high frequency, f, XC is very small. Hence, for very high frequency AC supply, a capacitor behaves like a pure conductor.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits

iv) What is wattless current ?
The current that does not lead to energy consumption, hence zero power consumption, is called wattless current.
In the case of a purely inductive circuit or a purely capacitive circuit, average power consumed over a complete cycle is zero and hence the corresponding alternating current in the circuit is called wattless current.
[Note : In this case, the power factor is zero.]

v) What is the natural frequency of L C circuit ? What is the reactance of this circuit at this frequency
The natural frequency of LC circuit is \(\frac{1}{2 \pi \sqrt{L C}}\) ,
where L is the inductance and C is the capacitance. The reactance of this circuit at this frequency is
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 18

Question 3.
In a series LR circuit XL = R and power factor of the circuit is P1. When capacitor with capacitance C such that XL = XC is put in series, the power factor becomes P2. Calculate P1 / P2 .
For a series LR circuit, power factor,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 17

Question 4.
When an AC source is connected to an ideal inductor show that the average power supplied by the source over a complete cycle is zero.
In an AC circuit containing only an ideal inductor, the current i lags behind the emf e by a phase angle of \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) rad. Here, for e = e0 sin ωt, we have, i = i0 sin(ωt – \(\frac{\pi}{2}\))
Instantaneous power, P = ei
= (e0 sin ωt) [i0 (sin ωt cos \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) – cos ωt sin \(\frac{\pi}{2}\))]
= – e0i0 sin ωt cos ωt as cos \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) = 0 and sin \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) = 1.
Average power over one cycle,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 15
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 16
= erms irms cos Φ = erms irms (\(\frac{R}{Z}\)), where the impedance Z = \(\sqrt{R^{2}+\left(X_{\mathrm{L}}-X_{\mathrm{C}}\right)^{2}}\).
∴ Pav = 0, i.e., the circuit does not dissipate power.

Question 5.
Prove that an ideal capacitor in an AC circuit does not dissipate power
In an AC circuit containing only an ideal inductor, the current i lags behind the emf e by a phase angle of \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) rad. Here, for e = e0 sin ωt, we have, i = i0 sin(ωt – \(\frac{\pi}{2}\))
Instantaneous power, P = ei
= (e0 sin ωt) [i0 (sin ωt cos \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) + cos ωt sin \(\frac{\pi}{2}\))]
= – e0i0 sin ωt cos ωt as cos \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) = 0 and sin \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) = 1.
Average power over one cycle, Pav
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 15
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 16
= erms irms cos Φ = erms irms (\(\frac{R}{Z}\)), where the impedance Z = \(\sqrt{R^{2}+\left(X_{\mathrm{L}}-X_{\mathrm{C}}\right)^{2}}\).
∴ Pav = 0, i.e., the circuit does not dissipate power.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits

Question 6.
(a) An emf e = e0 sin ωt applied to a series L – C – R circuit derives a current I = I0 sinωt in the circuit. Deduce the expression for the average power dissipated in the circuit.
(b) For circuits used for transporting electric power, a low power factor implies large power loss in transmission. Explain.
(a) Instantaneous power,
P = ei
= (e0 sin ωt) [i0 (sin ωt ± Φ)]
= e0i0 sin ωt(sin ωt cos Φ ± cos ωt sin Φ)
= e0i0 sin2 ωt ± e0i0 sin Φ sin ωt cos ωt
Average power over one cycle,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 15
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 16
= erms irms cos Φ = erms irms (\(\frac{R}{Z}\)), where the impedance Z = \(\sqrt{R^{2}+\left(X_{\mathrm{L}}-X_{\mathrm{C}}\right)^{2}}\).

(b) Pav = erms irms cos Φ
The factor cos Φ is called as power factor. For circuits used for transporting electric power, a low power factor means the power available on transportation is much less than erms irms It means there is significant loss of power during transportation.

Question 7.
A device Y is connected across an AC source of emf e = e0 sinωt. The current through Y is given as i = i0 sin(ωt + π/2)
a) Identify the device Y and write the expression for its reactance.
b) Draw graphs showing variation of emf and current with time over one cycle of AC for Y.
c) How does the reactance of the device Y vary with the frequency of the AC ? Show graphically
d) Draw the phasor diagram for the device Y.
(a) The device Y is a capacitor. Its reactance is Xc = \(\frac{1}{\omega C}\),
where ω is the angular frequency of the applied emf and C is the capacitance of the capacitor.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 6

(c) XC = \(\frac{1}{\omega C}=\frac{1}{2 \pi f C}\). Thus XC ∝ \(\frac{1}{f}\), where f is the frequency of AC. Suppose C = \(\left(\frac{1000}{2 \pi}\right)\) pF
For f= 100 Hz, XC = 1 × 107Ω = 10MΩ;
for f = 200 Hz, XC = 5 MΩ;
for f = 300 Hz, XC = \(\frac{10}{3}\) MΩ;
for f = 400 Hz, XC = 2.5 MΩ
for f = 500 Hz, XC = 2 MΩ and so on
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 8

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 9
The phasor representing the peak emf (e0) makes an angle (ωt) in an anticlockwise direction with respect to the horizontal axis. As the current leads the voltage by 90°, the phasor representing the peak current (i0) is turned 90° anticlockwise with respect to the phasor representing emf e0. The projections of these phasors on the vertical axis give instantaneous values of e and i.

Question 8.
Derive an expression for the impedance of an LCR circuit connected to an AC power supply.
Figure shows an inductor of inductance L, capacitor of capacitance C, resistor of resistance R, key K and source (power supply) of alternating emf (e) connected to form a closed series circuit.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 10
We assume the inductor, capacitor and resistor to be ideal. As these are connected in series, at any instant, they carry the same current i = i0 sin ωt. The voltage across the resistor, eR = Ri, is in phase with the current. The voltage across the inductor, eL = XLi, leads the current by \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) rad and that across the capacitor, eC = XCi, lags behind the current by \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) rad. This is shown in the phasor diagram.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 11
is the effective resistance of the circuit. It is called the impedance.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits

Question 9.
Compare resistance and reactance.
(1) Resistance is opposition to flow of charges (current) and appears in a DC circuit as well as in an AC circuit.
The term reactance appears only in an AC circuit. It occurs when an inductor and/or a capacitor is used.

(2) In a purely resistive circuit, current and voltage are always in phase.
When reactance is not zero, there is nonzero phase difference between current and voltage.

(3) Resistance does not depend on the frequency of AC.
Reactance depends on the frequency of AC. In case of an inductor, reactance increases linearly with frequency. In case of a capacitor, reactance decreases as frequency of AC increases; it is inversely proportional to frequency.

(4) Resistance gives rise to production of Joule heat in a component.
In a circuit with pure reactance, there is no production of heat.

Question 10.
Show that in an AC circuit containing a pure inductor, the voltage is ahead of current by π/2 in phase.
Figure 13.8 shows an AC source, generating a voltage e = e0 sin ωt, connected to a key K and a pure inductor of inductance L to form a closed circuit.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 2
On closing the key K, an emf is induced in the inductor as the magnetic flux linked with it changes with time. This emf opposes the applied emf and according to the laws of electromagnetic induction by Faraday and Lenz, we have,
e’ = -L\(\frac{d i}{d t}\) ………………. (1)
where e’ is the induced emf and i is the current through the inductor. To maintain the current; e and e’ must be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

According to Kirchhoff’s voltage law, as the resistance of the inductor is assumed to be zero, we
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 3
where C is the constant of integration. C must be time independent and have the dimension of current. As e oscillates about zero, i also oscillates about zero and hence there cannot be any time independent component of current.
∴ C = 0. ∴ i = –\(\frac{e_{0}}{\omega L}\)cos ωt = – \(\frac{e_{0}}{\omega L}\)sin(\(\frac{\pi}{2}\) – ωt)
∴ i = \(\frac{e_{0}}{\omega L}\) sin(ωt – \(\frac{\pi}{2}\)) ……………. (3)
as sin (-θ) = – sin θ
From Eq. (3), ipeak = i0 = \(\frac{e_{0}}{\omega L}\)
∴ i = i0 sin(ωt – \(\frac{\pi}{2}\)) ………………. (4)
Comparison of this equation with e = e0 sin ωt shows that e leads i by \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) rad, i.e., the voltage is ahead of current by \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) rad in phase.

Question 11.
An AC source generating a voltage e = e0 sinωt is connected to a capacitor of capacitance C. Find the expression for the current i flowing through it. Plot a graph of e and i versus ωt.
Figure 13.12 shows an AC source, generating a voltage e = e0 sin ωt, connected to a capacitor of capacitance C. The plates of the capacitor get charged due to the applied voltage. As the alternating voltage is reversed in each half cycle, the
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 4
capacitor is alternately charged and discharged. If q is the charge on the capacitor, the corresponding potential difference across the plates of the capacitor is V = \(\frac{q}{C}\) ∴ q = CV. q and V are functions of time, with V = e = e0 sin ωt. The instantaneous current in the circuit is i = \(\frac{d q}{d t}=\frac{d}{d t}\)(CV) = C \(\frac{d v}{d t}\) = C \(\frac{d}{d t}\) (e0 sin ωt) = ωC e0 cos ωt
∴ i = \(\frac{e_{0}}{(1 / \omega C)} \sin \left(\omega t+\frac{\pi}{2}\right)=i_{0} \sin \left(\omega t+\frac{\pi}{2}\right)\)
where i0 = \(\frac{e_{0}}{(1 / \omega C)}\) is the peak value of the current.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 5
Table gives the values of e and i for different values of cot and Fig shows graphs of e and i versus ωt. i leads e by phase angle of \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) rad.
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Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits

Question 12.
If the effective current in a 50 cycle AC circuit is 5 A, what is the peak value of current? What is the current 1/600 sec.after if was zero ?
Data : f = 50 Hz, irms = 5 A, t = \(\frac{1}{600}\) s
The peak value of the current,
i0 = irms\(\sqrt {2}\) = (5)(1.414) = 7.07 A
= i0sin (2πft)
= 7.07 sin [2π(5o) (\(\frac{1}{600}\))]
= 7.07 sin (\(\frac{\pi}{6}\)) = (7.07)(0.5)
= 3.535 A
This is the required current.

Question 13.
A light bulb is rated 100W for 220 V AC supply of 50 Hz. Calculate (a) resistance of the bulb. (b) the rms current through the bulb.
Data: Power (Vrms irms) = 100 W, Vrms = 220V,
f = 50 Hz
The rms current through the bulb,
irms = \(\frac{\text { power }}{V_{\mathrm{rms}}}=\frac{100}{220}\) = 0.4545 A
The resistance of the bulb,
R = \(\frac{V_{\mathrm{rms}}}{i_{\mathrm{rms}}}=\frac{220}{(100 / 220)}\) = (22) (22) = 484 Ω

Question 14.
A 15.0 µF capacitor is connected to a 220 V, 50 Hz source. Find the capacitive reactance and the current (rms and peak)
in the circuit. If the frequency is doubled, what will happen to the capacitive reactance and the current.
Data : C = 15 µF = 15 × 10-6 F, Vrms = 220V, f = 50 Hz,
The capacitive reactance = \(\frac{1}{2 \pi f C}\)
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If the frequency is doubled, the capacitive reactance will be halved and the current will be doubled.

Question 15.
An AC circuit consists of only an inductor of inductance 2 H. If the current is represented by a sine wave of amplitude 0.25 A and frequency 60 Hz, calculate the effective potential difference across the inductor (π = 3.142)
Data : L = 2H, i0 = 0.25 A, f = 60 Hz, π = 3.142
ωL = 2πfL = 2(3.142)(60)(2) = 754.1 Ω
The effective potential difference across the inductor = ωLirms = ωL \(\frac{i_{0}}{\sqrt{2}}\)
= \(\frac{(754.1)(0.25)}{1.414}\) = 133.3 V

Question 16.
Alternating emf of e = 220 sin 100 πt is applied to a circuit containing an inductance of (1/π) henry. Write an equation for instantaneous current through the circuit. What will be the reading of the AC galvanometer connected in the circuit?
Data: e = 220 sin 100 πt, L = (\(\frac{1}{\pi}\))H
Comparing e = 220 sin 100 πt with
e = e0 sin ωt, we get
ω = 100 π ∴ ωL = (100 π) (\(\frac{1}{\pi}\)) = 100 Ω
∴ The instantaneous current through the circuit
= i = \(\frac{e_{0}}{\omega L}\) sin(100 πt – \(\frac{\pi}{2}\))
= \(\frac{220}{100}\) sin (100 πt – \(\frac{\pi}{2}\)) = 2.2 sin (100 πt – \(\frac{\pi}{2}\)) in ampere [assuming that e is in volt.]
irms = \(\frac{i_{0}}{\sqrt{2}}=\frac{2.2}{1.414}\) = 1.556 A is the reading of the AC galvanometer connected in the circuit.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits

Question 17.
A 25 µF capacitor, a 0.10 H inductor and a 25Ω resistor are connected in series with an AC source whose emf is given by e = 310 sin 314 t (volt). What is the frequency, reactance, impedance, current and phase angle of the circuit?
Data: C = 25 µF = 25 × 10-6F, L = 0.10H, R = 25 Ω ,
e = 310 sin (314 t) [volt]
Comparing e = 310 sin (314 t) with
e = e0 sin (2πft), we get,
the frequency of the alternating emf as
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 13
cos Φ = \(\frac{R}{Z}=\frac{25}{99.2}\) = 0.2520
∴ The phase angle, Φ = cos-1(0.2520) = 75.40° = 1.316 rad

Question 18.
A capacitor of 100 µF, a coil of resistance 50Ω and an inductance 0.5 H are connected in series with a 110 V-50Hz source. Calculate the rms value of current in the circuit.
Data : C = 100 µF = 100 × 10-6 F = 10-4 F,
R = 50 Ω, L = 0.5H, f = 50 Hz, Vrms = 110 V
∴ ωL = 2πfL = 2 (3.142)(50)(0.5) = 157.1 Ω
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits 14
2500 + 15700 = 18200 Ω2
∴ Impedance, Z = \(\sqrt {18200}\) Ω = 134.9 Ω
The rms value of the current in the circuit,
irms = \(\frac{V_{\mathrm{rms}}}{\mathrm{Z}}=\frac{110}{134.9} \mathrm{~A}\)
= 0.8154 A

Question 19.
Find the capacity of a capacitor which when put in series with a 10Ω resistor makes the power factor equal to 0.5. Assume an 80V-100Hz AC supply.
Data : R = 10 Ω, power factor = 0.5, f = 100 Hz
Power factor = \(\frac{1}{2 \pi f C R}\)
∴ 0.5 = \(\frac{1}{2(3.142)(100) C(10)}\)
∴ C = \(\frac{1}{3.142 \times 10^{3}}\)
= \(\frac{10 \times 10^{-4}}{3.142}\)
= 3.182 × 10-4 F
This is the capacity of the capacitor.

Question 20.
Find the time required for a 50 Hz alternating current to change its value from zero to the rms value.
Data : f = 50 Hz, i = \(\frac{i_{0}}{\sqrt{2}}\) ∴ \(\frac{i}{i_{0}}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\)
i = i0 sinωt
∴ sinωt = \(\frac{i}{i_{0}}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\)
∴ ωt = \(\frac{\pi}{4}\) rad
∴ 2πft = \(\frac{\pi}{4}\)
∴ t = \(\frac{1}{8 f}=\frac{1}{8(50)}=\frac{1}{400}\)
= \(\frac{1000 \times 10^{-3}}{400}\) = 2.5 × 10-3 s
This is the required time.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 13 AC Circuits

Question 21.
Calculate the value of capacitance in picofarad, which will make 101.4 micro henry inductance to oscillate with frequency of one megahertz.
Data : fr = 106 Hz, L = 101.4 × 10-6 H
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= \(\frac{10000 \times 10^{-10}}{4(3.142)^{2}(101.4)}\) = 2.497 × 10-10 F
= 249.7 × 10-12 F = 249.7 picofarad
This is the value of the capacity.

Question 22.
A 10 µF capacitor is charged to a 25 volt of potential. The battery is disconnected and a pure 100 m H coil is connected across the capacitor so that LC oscillations are set up. Calculate the maximum current in the coil.
Data: C = 10 µF = 10 × 10-6F = 10-5F,
L = 100mH = 100 × 10-3 H = 10-1 H, V = 25V
For reference, see the solved example (8) above.
\(\frac{1}{2}\)CV2 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)Li2
∴i2 = \(\frac{C}{L} V^{2}=\frac{10^{-5}}{10^{-1}}(25)^{2}\)
∴i = 25 × 10-2 A = 0.25 A
This is the maximum current in the coil.

Question 23.
A 100 µF capacitor is charged with a 50 V source supply. Then source supply is removed and the capacitor is connected across an inductance, as a result of which 5A current flows through the inductance. Calculate the value of the inductance.
Data: C = 100 µF = 100 × 10-6 F = 10-4 F,
V = 50V, i = 5A
The energy stored in the electric field in the capacitor
= \(\frac{1}{2}\)CV2
The energy stored in the magnetic field in the inductor = \(\frac{1}{2}\)Li2
Here, \(\frac{1}{2}\)CV2 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)Li2
∴ L = C\(\frac{V^{2}}{i^{2}}\)
∴ L = C\(\left(\frac{V}{i}\right)^{2}=10^{-4}\left(\frac{50}{5}\right)^{2}\) = 10-4 × 102
= 10-2H
This is the value of the inductance.

12th Std Physics Questions And Answers:

12th Physics Chapter 12 Exercise Electromagnetic Induction Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Physics Chapter 12

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 12th Physics Textbook Solutions Chapter 12 Electromagnetic Induction Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Electromagnetic Induction Class 12 Exercise Question Answers Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Physics Chapter 12 Exercise Solutions Maharashtra Board

Physics Class 12 Chapter 12 Exercise Solutions

1. Choose the correct option.

i) A circular coil of 100 turns with a cross-sectional area (A) of 1 m2 is kept with its plane perpendicular to the magnetic field (B) of 1 T. What is the magnetic flux linkage with the coil?
(A) 1 Wb
(B) 100 Wb
(C) 50 Wb
(D) 200 Wb
(B) 100 Wb

ii) A conductor rod of length (l) is moving with velocity (v) in a direction normal to a uniform magnetic field (B). What will be the magnitude of induced emf produced between the ends of the moving conductor?
(A) BLv
(B) BLv2
(C) \(\frac{1}{2}\)Blv
(D) \(\frac{2 B l}{\mathrm{v}}\)
(A) BLv

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 12 Electromagnetic induction

iii) Two inductor coils with inductance 10 mH and 20 mH are connected in series. What is the resultant inductance of the combination of the two coils?
(A) 20 mH
(B) 30 mH
(C) 10 mH
(D) \(\frac{20}{3}\) mH
(A) 20 mH

iv) A current through a coil of self inductance 10 mH increases from 0 to 1 A in 0.1 s. What is the induced emf in the coil?
(A) 0.1 V
(B) 1 V
(C) 10 V
(D) 0.01 V
(A) 0.1 V

v) What is the energy required to build up a current of 1 A in an inductor of 20 mH?
(A) 10 mJ
(B) 20 mJ
(C) 20 J
(D) 10 J
(A) 10 mJ

2. Answer in brief.

i) What do you mean by electromagnetic induction? State Faraday’s law of induction.
The phenomenon of production of emf in a conductor or circuit by a changing magnetic flux through the circuit is called electromagnetic induction.

Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction :
(1) First law ; Whenever there is a change in the magnetic flux associated with a circuit, an emf is induced in the circuit.
(2) Second law : The magnitude of the induced emf is directly proportional to the time rate of change of magnetic flux through the circuit.
[Note : The phenomenon was discovered in 1830 by Joseph Henry (1797-1878), US physicist, and independently in 1832 by Michael Faraday (1791 -1867), British chemchemist and physicist.]

ii) State and explain Lenz’s law in the light of principle of conservation of energy.
Lenz’s law : The direction of the induced current is such as to oppose the change that produces it.

The change that induces a current may be (i) the motion of a conductor in a magnetic field or (ii) the change of the magnetic flux through a stationary circuit.

Explanation : Consider Faraday’s magnet-and- coil experiment. If the bar magnet is moved towards the coil with its N-pole facing the coil, as in Fig., the number of magnetic lines of induction (pointing to the left) through the coil increases. The induced current in the coil sets up a magnetic field of its own pointing to the right (as given by Amperes right-hand rule) to oppose the growing flux due to the magnet. Hence, to move the magnet towards the coil against this repulsive flux of the induced current, we must do work. The work done shows up as electric energy in the coil.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 12 Electromagnetic induction 1
When the magnet is withdrawn, with its N-pole still facing the coil, the number of magnetic lines of induction (pointing left) through the coil decreases. The induced current reverses its direction to supplement the decreasing flux with its own, as shown in Fig.. Facing the coil along the magnet, the induced current is in the clockwise sense. The electric energy in the coil comes from the work done to withdraw the magnet, now against an attractive force. Thus, we see that Lenz’s law is a consequence of the law of conservation of energy.

[Note : The above law was discovered by Heinrich Friedrich Emil Lenz (1804-65), Russian physicist.]

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 12 Electromagnetic induction

iii) What are eddy currents? State applications of eddy currents.
Whenever a conductor or a part of it is moved in a magnetic field “cutting” magnetic field lines, or placed in a changing magnetic field, the free electrons in the bulk of the metal start circulating in closed paths equivalent to current-carrying loops. These loop currents resemble eddies in a fluid stream and are hence called eddy or Foucault currents [after Jean Bernard Leon Foucault (1819-68), French physicist, who first detected them].

Applications :
(1) Dead-beat galvanometer : A pivoted moving-coil galvanometer used for measuring current has the coil wound on a light aluminium frame. The rotation of the metal frame in magnetic field produces eddy currents in the frame which opposes the rotation and the coil is brought to rest quickly. This makes the galvanometer dead-beat.

(2) Electric brakes : When a conducting plate is pushed into a magnetic field, or pulled out, very quickly, the interaction between the eddy currents in the moving conductor and the field retards the motion. This property of eddy currents is used as a method of braking in vehicles.

iv) If the copper disc of a pendulum swings between the poles of a magnet, the pendulum comes to rest very quickly. Explain the reason. What happens to the mechanical energy of the pendulum?
As the copper disc enters and leaves the magnetic field, the changing magnetic flux through it induces eddy current in the disc. In both cases, Fleming’s right hand rule shows that opposing magnetic force damps the motion. After a few swings, the mechanical energy becomes zero and the motion comes to a stop.

Joule heating due to the eddy current warms up the disc. Thus, the mechanical energy of the pendulum is transformed into thermal energy.

v) Explain why the inductance of two coils connected in parallel is less than the inductance of either coil.
Assuming that their mutual inductance can be ignored, the equivalent inductance of a parallel combination of two coils is given by
\(\frac{1}{L_{\text {parallel }}}=\frac{1}{L_{1}}+\frac{1}{L_{2}}\) or Lparallel = \(\frac{L_{1} L_{2}}{L_{1}+L_{2}}\)
Hence, the equivalent inductance is less than the inductance of either coil.

Question 3.
In a Faraday disc dynamo, a metal disc of radius R rotates with an angular velocity ω about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the disc and passing through its centre. The disc is placed in a magnetic field B acting perpendicular to the plane of the disc. Determine the induced emf between the rim and the axis of the disc.
Suppose a thin conducting disc of radius R is rotated anticlockwise, about its axis, in a plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of induction \(\vec{B}\) (see the figure in the above Note for reference). \(\vec{B}\) points downwards. Let the constant angular speed of the disc be ω.

Consider an infinitesimal element of radial thickness dr at a distance r from the rotation axis. In one rotation, the area traced by the element is dA = 2πrdr. Therefore, the time rate at which the element traces out the area is
\(\frac{d A}{d t}\) = frequency of rotation x dA = fdA
where f = \(\frac{\omega}{2 \pi}\) is the frequency of rotation.
.’. \(\frac{d A}{d t}=\frac{\omega}{2 \pi}\) (2 πr dr) = ωr dr
The total emf induced between the axle and the rim of the rotating disc is
\(|e|=\int B \frac{d A}{d t}=\int_{0}^{R} B \omega r d r=B \omega \int_{0}^{R} r d r=B \omega \frac{R^{2}}{2}\)
For anticlockwise rotation in \(\vec{B}\) pointing down, the axle is at a higher potential.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 12 Electromagnetic induction

Question 4.
A horizontal wire 20 m long extending from east to west is falling with a velocity of 10 m/s normal to the Earth’s magnetic field of 0.5 × 10-4 T. What is the value of induced emf in the wire?
Data : l = 20 m, v = 10 m/s. B = 5 × 10-5 T
The magnitude of the induced emf,
|e| = Blv = (5 × 10-5)(20)(10) = 10-2V = 10 mV

Question 5.
A metal disc is made to spin at 20 revolutions per second about an axis passing through its centre and normal to its plane. The disc has a radius of 30 cm and spins in a uniform magnetic field of 0.20 T, which is parallel to the axis of rotation. Calculate
(a) The area swept out per second by the radius of the disc,
(b) The flux cut per second by a radius of the disc,
(c) The induced emf in the disc.
Data: R = 0.3m, f = 20 rps, B = 0.2T
(a) The area swept out per unit time by a given radius = (the frequency of rotations) × (the area swept out per rotation) = f(πr2)
= (20)(3.142 × 0.09) = 5.656 m2

(b) The time rate at which a given radius cuts magnetic flux
= \(\frac{d \Phi_{\mathrm{m}}}{d t}\) = B f(πr2)
= (0.2)(5.656) = 1.131 Wb/s

(c) The magnitude of the induced emf,
|e| = \(\frac{d \Phi_{\mathrm{m}}}{d t}\) = 1.131 V

Question 6.
A pair of adjacent coils has a mutual inductance of 1.5 H. If the current in one coil changes from 0 to 10 A in 0.2 s, what is the change of flux linkage with the other coil?
Data: M = 1.5 H, I1i = 0, I1f = 10A, ∆f = 0.2s
The flux linked per unit turn with the second coil due to current I1 in the first coil is
Φ21 = MI1
Therefore, the change in the flux due to change in I1 is
21 =M(∆I1) = M(I1f – I1i) = 1.5 (10 – 0)
= 15 Wb
[Note: The rate of change of flux linkage is M(∆I1/∆t) = 15/0.2 = 75 Wb/s] .

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 12 Electromagnetic induction

Question 7.
A long solenoid has 1500 turns/m. A coil C having cross sectional area 25 cm2 and 150 turns (Nc) is wound tightly around the centre of the solenoid. If a current of 3.0A flows through the solenoid, calculate :
(a) the magnetic flux density at the centre of the solenoid,
(b) the flux linkage in the coil C,
(c) the average emf induced in coil C if the direction of the current in the solenoid is reversed in a time of 0.5 s. (µ0 = 4π × 10-7 H/m)
Data: n = 1.5 × 103 m , A = 25 × 10-4 m2,
Nc = 150, I = 3A, ∆t = 0.5s,
µ0 = 4π × 10-7 H/m
(a) Magnetic flux density inside the solenoid,
B = u0 nI = (4π × 10-7)(1500)(3)
= 5.656 × 10-3 T = 5.656 mT

(b) Flux per unit turn through the coils of the solenoid, Φm = BA
Since the coil C is wound tightly over the solenoid, the flux linkage of C is
NCΦm = NCBA = (150)(5.656 × 10-3)(25 × 10-4)
= 2.121 × 10-3 Wb = 2.121 mWb

(c) Initial flux through coil C,
Φi = NCΦm = 2.121 × 10-3 Wb
Reversing the current in the solenoid reverses the flux through coil C, the magnitude remaining the same. But since the flux enters through the other face of the coil, the final flux through C is Φf = -2.121 × 10-3 Wb
Therefore, the average emf induced in coil C,
e = \(-\frac{\Phi_{\mathrm{f}}-\Phi_{1}}{\Delta t}=-\frac{(-2.121-2.121) \times 10^{-3}}{0.5}\)
= 2 × 4.242 × 10-3 = 8.484 × 10-3 V = 8.484 mV

Question 8.
A search coil having 2000 turns with area 1.5 cm2 is placed in a magnetic field of 0.60T. The coil is moved rapidly out of the field in a time of 0.2 second. Calculate the induced emf across the search coil.
Data: N = 2000, Ai = 1.5 × 10-4 m2, Af = 0,
B = 0.6T, ∆t = 0.2s
Initial flux, NΦf = NBAi = 2000(0.6)(1.5 × 10-4)
= 0.18 Wb
Final flux, NΦf = 0, since the coil is withdrawn out of the field.
Induced emf,e = \(-N \frac{\Delta \Phi_{\mathrm{m}}}{\Delta t}=-N \frac{\Phi_{\mathrm{f}}-\Phi_{1}}{\Delta t}\)
∴ e = \(-\frac{0-0.18}{0.2}\) = 0.9V

Question 9.
An aircraft of wing span of 50 m flies horizontally in earth’s magnetic field of 6 × 10-5 T at a speed of 400 m/s. Calculate the emf generated between the tips of the wings of the aircraft.
Data : l = 50 m, B = 6 × 10-5T, v = 400 m/s
The magnitude of the induced emf,
|e| = Blv = (6 × 10-5)(400)(50) = 1.2V

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 12 Electromagnetic induction

Question 10.
A stiff semi-circular wire of radius R is rotated in a uniform magnetic field B about an axis passing through its ends. If the frequency of rotation of the wire is f, calculate the amplitude of the alternating emf induced in the wire.
In one rotation, the wire traces out a circle of radius R, i.e., an area A = πR2.
Therefore, the rate at which the wire traces out the area is
\(\frac{d A}{d t}\) = frequency or rotation × A = fA
If the angle between the uniform magnetic field \(\vec{B}\) and the rotation axis is θ, the magnitude of the induced emf is
|e|= B\(\frac{d A}{d t}\) cosθ = BfA cosθ = Bf(πR2)cosθ
so that the required amplitude is equal to Bf(πR2).

Question 11.
Calculate the value of induced emf between the ends of an axle of a railway carriage 1.75 m long traveling on level ground with a uniform velocity of 50 km per hour. The vertical component of Earth’s magnetic field (Bv) is given to be 5 × 10-5T.
Data: l = 1.75 m, v = 50 km/h = 50 × \(\frac{5}{18}\) m/s.
Bv = 5 × 10-5 T
The area swept out by the wing per unit time = 1v.
∴ The magnetic flux cut by the wing per unit time
= \(\frac{d \Phi_{\mathrm{m}}}{d t}\) = Bv(lv)
=(5 × 10-5)(1.75)(50 × \(\frac{5}{18}\))= 121.5 × 10-5
= 1.215 mWb/s
Therefore, the magnitude of the induced emf,
|e| =1.215 mV
[Note: In the northern hemisphere, the vertical com ponent of the Earth’s magnetic induction is downwards. Using Fleming’s right hand rule, the port (left) wing-tip would be positive.]

Question 12.
The value of mutual inductance of two coils is 10 mH. If the current in one of the coil changes from 5A to 1A in 0.2 s, calculate the value of emf induced in the other coil.
Data: M = 10 mH = 10-2 H, I1i = 5A, I1f = 1 A,
∆t = 0.2s
The mutually induced emf in coil 2 due to the changing current in coil 1,
e21 = \(-M \frac{\Delta I_{1}}{\Delta t}=-M \frac{I_{1 \mathrm{f}}-I_{1 \mathrm{i}}}{\Delta t}\)
= -(10-2) \(\left(\frac{1-5}{0.2}\right)\) = 0.2 V

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 12 Electromagnetic induction

Question 13.
An emf of 96.0 mV is induced in the windings of a coil when the current in a nearby coil is increasing at the rate of 1.20 A/s. What is the mutual inductance (M) of the two coils?
Data: |e2| = 9.6 × 10-2 V, dI1/dt = 1.2 A/s
|e2| = M\(\frac{d I_{1}}{d t}\)
Mutual inductance,
M = \(\frac{\left|e_{2}\right|}{d I_{1} / d t}=\frac{9.6 \times 10^{-2}}{1.2}\)
= 8 × 10-2 H
= 80 mH

Question 14.
A long solenoid of length l, cross-sectional area A and having N1 turns (primary coil) has a small coil of N2 turns (secondary coil) wound about its centre. Determine the Mutual inductance (M) of the two coils.
We assume the solenoid to be ideal and that all the flux from the solenoid passes through the outer coil C. For a steady current Is through the solenoid, the uniform magnetic field inside the solenoid is
B = µ0nIs ……………….. (1)
Then, the magnetic flux through each turn of the coil due to the current in the solenoid is
ΦCS = BA = (µ0nIs)(πR2) ……………… (2)
Thus, their mutual inductance is
M = \(\frac{N \Phi_{\mathrm{CS}}}{I_{\mathrm{S}}}\) = µ0πR2nN ……………. (3)
Equation (2) is true as long as the magnetic field of the solenoid is entirely contained within the cross section of the coil C. Hence, M does not depend on the shape, size, or possible lack of close packing of the coil.
replacing n with N1/l and N with N2. M = µ0A = \(\frac{N_{1} N_{2}}{l}\)
[Note: The answer given in the textbook misses out the factor of 1.] .

Question 15.
The primary and secondary coil of a transformer each have an inductance of 200 × 10-6H. The mutual inductance (M) between the windings is 4 × 10-6H. What percentage of the flux from one coil reaches the other?
Data: LP = LS = 2 × 10-4 H, M = 4 × 10-6 H
M = K\(\sqrt{L_{\mathrm{P}} L_{\mathrm{S}}}\)
The coupling coefficient is
K = \(\frac{M}{\sqrt{L_{\mathrm{P}} L_{\mathrm{S}}}}=\frac{4 \times 10^{-6}}{\sqrt{\left(2 \times 10^{-4}\right)^{2}}}=\frac{4 \times 10^{-6}}{2 \times 10^{-4}}\)
= 2 × 10-2
Therefore, the percentage of flux of the primary reaching the secondary is
0.02 × 100% = 2%

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 12 Electromagnetic induction

Question 16.
A toroidal ring, having 100 turns per cm of a thin wire is wound on a nonmagnetic metal rod of length 1 m and diameter 1 cm. If the permeability of bar is equal to that of free space (µ0), calculate the magnetic field inside the bar (B) when the current (i) circulating through the turns is 1 A. Also determine the self-inductance (L) of the coil.
Data : l = 1 m, d = 1 cm, n = 100 cm-1 = 104 m-1,
I = 100 A, µ0 = 4π × 10-7 H/m
The radius of cross section, r = \(\frac{d}{2}\) = 0.5 cm
= 5 × 10-3 m
(a) Magnetic field inside the toroid,
B = µ0nI = (4π × 10-7)(104)(100)
= 0.4 × 3.142 = 1.257 T

(b) Self inductance of the toroid,
L = µ02πRn2A = µ0n2lA = µ0n2l(πr2)
= (4π × 10-7)(104)2(1) [π(5 × 10-3)2]
= π2 × 10-3 = 9.87 × 10-3 H = 9.87 mH

Question 17.
A uniform magnetic field B(t), pointing upward fills a circular region of radius, s in horizontal plane. If B is changing with time, find the induced electric field.
[Hint : Part of Maxwell’s equation, applied to a time varying magnetic flux, leads us to the equation \(\oint \vec{E} \cdot \overline{\mathrm{d} l}=\frac{-d \phi_{m}}{d t}\), where \(\vec{E}\) is the electric field induced when the magnetic flux changes at the rate of \(\frac{d \phi_{m}}{d t}\)]
The area of the region, A = πs2, remains constant while B = B(f) is a function of time. Therefore, the induced emf,
e = \(-\frac{d \Phi_{\mathrm{m}}}{d t}=-\frac{d}{d t}(B A)=-A \frac{d B(t)}{d t}=-\pi s^{2} \frac{d B(t)}{d t}\)
[Note : Emf and electric field are different physical quantities, whose respective SI units are the volt and the volt per metre. The question has accordingly been corrected.]

12th Physics Digest Chapter 12 Electromagnetic induction Intext Questions and Answers

Do you know (Textbook Page No. 274)

Question 1.
If a wire without any current is kept in a magnetic field, then it experiences no force as shown in figure (a). But when the wire is carrying a current into the plane of the paper in the magnetic field, a force will be exerted on the wire towards the left as shown in the figure (b). The field will be strengthened on the right side of the wire where the lines of force are in the same direction as that of the magnetic field and weakened on the left side where the field lines are in opposite direction to that of the applied magnetic field. For a wire carrying a current out of the plane of the paper, the force will act to the right as shown in figure (c).
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 12 Electromagnetic induction 2
Force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field, \(\vec{F}=I \vec{L} \times \vec{B}\) (Refer unit 10.5). The field due to acurrent-carrying straight conductor is given by right- hand grip rule. As shown in the figure below, the combined field due to a permanent magnet and a current-carrying conductor force the conductor out of the field. The field is strengthened where the two fields are in the same direction and add constructively while the field is weakened where the two fields are opposite in direction.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 12 Electromagnetic induction 3

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 12 Electromagnetic induction

Use your brain power (Textbook Page No. 282)

Question 1.
It can be shown that the mutual potential energy of two circuits is W = MI1I2. Therefore, the mutual inductance (M) may also be defined as the mutual potential energy (W) of two circuits corresponding to unit current flowing in each circuit.
M = \(\frac{W}{I_{1} I_{2}}\)
M = W[I1 = I2 = 1]
Mutual inductance of two magnetically linked coils equals the potential energy for unit currents in the coils.
1 H = 1 T∙m2/A (= 1 V∙s/A = 1 Ω ∙ s = 1 J/A2)

Use your brain power (Textbook Page No. 284)

Question 1.
Prove that the inductance of parallel wires of length l in the same circuit is given by L = \(\left(\frac{\mu_{0} l}{\pi}\right)\) ln (d / a), where a is the radius of wire and d is separation between wire axes.
If l is the current in each wire, from Ampe’re’s law the magnitude of the magnetic field outside each wire is
B = \(\frac{\mu_{0} I}{2 \pi r}\)
By right hand grip rule, the direction of the magnetic field due to both the wires are in the same direction at the point shown. Hence, by the symmetry of the setup, the total magnetic flux through an area dA = l dr shown is two times that due to one wire.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 12 Electromagnetic induction 4

Do you know (Textbook Page No. 285)

Question 1.
The flux rule is the terminology that Feynman used to refer to the law relating magnetic flux to emf. (RP Feynman, Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol II)
Modern applications of Faraday’s law of induction :

  • Electric generators and motors
  • Dynamos in vehicles
  • Transformers
  • Induction furnaces (industrial), induction cooking stoves (domestic)
  • Radio communication
  • Magnetic flow meters and energy meters
  • Metal detectors at security checks
  • Magnetic hard disk and tape, storage and retrieval
  • Graphics tablets
  • ATM Credit/debit cards, ATM and point-of-sale (POS) machines
  • Pacemakers

Faraday’s second law of electromagnetic induction is referred to by some as the “flux rule”.

12th Std Physics Questions And Answers:

12th Physics Chapter 11 Exercise Magnetic Materials Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Physics Chapter 11

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 12th Physics Textbook Solutions Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Magnetic Materials Class 12 Exercise Question Answers Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Physics Chapter 11 Exercise Solutions Maharashtra Board

Physics Class 12 Chapter 11 Exercise Solutions

1. Choose the correct option.

i) Intensity of magnetic field of the earth at the point inside a hollow iron box is.
(A) less than that outside
(B) more than that outside
(C) same as that outside
(D) zero
(D) zero

ii) Soft iron is used to make the core of the transformer because of its
(A) low coercivity and low retentivity
(B) low coercivity and high retentivity
(C) high coercivity and high retentivity
(D) high coercivity and low retentivity
(A) low coercivity and low retentivity

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials

iii) Which of the following statements is correct for diamagnetic materials?
(A) µr < 1
(B) χ is negative and low
(C) χ does not depend on temperature
(D) All of above
(D) All of above

iv) A rectangular magnet suspended freely has a period of oscillation equal to T. Now it is broken into two equal halves ( each having half of the original length) and one piece is made to oscillate freely. Its period of oscillation is T′, the ratio of T′ / T is.
(A) \(\frac{1}2 \sqrt{2}\)
(B) \(\frac{1}{2}\)
(C) 2
(D) \(\frac{1}{4}\)
(B) \(\frac{1}{2}\)

v) A magnetising field of 360 Am -1 produces a magnetic flux density (B ) = 0.6 T in a ferromagnetic material. What is its permeability in Tm A-1 ?
(A) \(\frac{1}{300}\)
(B) 300
(C) \(\frac{1}{600}\)
(D) 600
(C) \(\frac{1}{600}\)

2 Answer in brief.

i) Which property of soft iron makes it useful for preparing electromagnet?
An electromagnet should become magnetic when a current is passed through its coil but should lose its magnetism once the current is switched off. Hence, the ferromagnetic core (usually iron-based) used for an electromagnet should have high permeability and low retentivity, i.e., it should be magnetically ‘soft’.

ii) What happens to a ferromagnetic material when its temperature increases above curie temperature?
A ferromagnetic material is composed of small regions called domains. Within each domain, the atomic magnetic moments of nearest-neighbour atoms interact strongly through exchange interaction, a quantum mechanical phenomenon, and align themselves parallel to each other even in the absence of an external magnetic field. A domain is, therefore, spontaneously magnetized to saturation.

The material retains its domain structure only up to a certain temperature. On heating, the increased thermal agitation works against the spontaneous domain magnetization. Finally, at a certain critical temperature, called the Curie point or Curie temperature, thermal agitation overcomes the exchange forces and keeps the atomic magnetic moments randomly oriented. Thus, above the Curie point, the material becomes paramagnetic. The ferromagnetic to paramagnetic transition is an order to disorder transition. When cooled below the Curie point, the material becomes ferromagnetic again.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials 2

iii) What should be retentivity and coercivity of permanent magnet?
A permanent magnet should have a large zero-field magnetization and should need a very large reverse field to demagnetize. In other words, it should have a very broad hysteresis loop with high retentivity and very high coercivity.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials

iv) Discuss the Curie law for paramagnetic material.
Curie’s law : The magnetization of a paramagnetic material is directly proportional to the external magnetic field and inversely proportional to the absolute temperature of the material.

If a paramagnetic material at an absolute temperature T is placed in an external magnetic field of induction \(\), the magnitude of its magnetization
Mz ∝ \(\frac{B_{\text {ext }}}{T}\) ∴ Mz = C\(\frac{B_{\text {ext }}}{T}\)
where the proportionality constant C is called the Curie constant.
[Notes : (1) The above law, discovered experimentally in 1895 by Pierre Curie (1859-1906) French physcist, is true only for values of Bext/ T below about 0.5 tesla per kelvin.
(2) [C] = [Mz ∙ T] / [Bext] = [L-1I ∙ Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials 7] /[MT-2I-1]
= [M-1L-1T2I2Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials 7],
where Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials 7 denotes the dimension of temperature.]

v) Obtain and expression for orbital magnetic moment of an electron rotating about the nucleus in an atom.
In the Bohr model of a hydrogen atom, the electron of charge – e performs a uniform circular motion around the positively charged nucleus. Let r, v and T be the orbital radius, speed and period of motion of the electron. Then,
T = \(\frac{2 \pi r}{v}\) …………….. (1)
Therefore, the orbital magnetic moment asso-ciated with this orbital current loop has a magnitude,
I = \(\frac{e}{T}=\frac{e v}{2 \pi r}\) …………… (2)
Therefore, the magnetic dipole moment associated with this electronic current loop has a magnitude
M0 = current × area of the loop
= I(πr2) = \(\frac{e v}{2 \pi r}\) × πr2 = \(\frac{1}{2}\) evr ……………… (3)
Multiplying and dividing the right hand side of the above expression by the electron mass me,
M0 = \(\frac{e}{2 m_{\mathrm{e}}}\) (mevr) = \(\frac{e}{2 m_{\mathrm{e}}}\) L0 ……………. (4)
where L0 = mevr is the magnitude of the orbital angular momentum of the electron. \(\vec{M}_{0}\) is opposite to \(\vec{L}_{0}\).
∴ \(\vec{M}_{0}=-\frac{e}{2 m_{e}} \overrightarrow{L_{0}}\) ……………. (5)
which is the required expression.

According to Bohr’s second postulate of stationary orbits in his theory of hydrogen atom, the angular momentum of the electron in the nth stationary orbit is equal to n \(\frac{h}{2 \pi}\) , where h is the Planck constant and n is a positive integer. Thus, for an orbital electron,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials 1
L0 = mevr = \(\frac{nh}{2 \pi}\) …………… (6)
Substituting for L0 in Eq. (4),
M0 = \(\frac{e n h}{4 \pi m_{\mathrm{e}}}\)
For n = 1, M0 = \(\frac{e n h}{4 \pi m_{\mathrm{e}}}\)
The quantity \(\frac{e n h}{4 \pi m_{\mathrm{e}}}\) is a fundamental constant called the Bohr magneton,
µB ∙ µB = 9.274 × 10-24 J/T (or A∙m2) = 5.788 × 10-5 eV/T.
[ Notes : (1) Magnetic dipole moment is conventionally denoted by µ. (2) The magnetic moment of an atom is expressed in terms of Bohr magneton (vµB). (3) According to quantum mechanics, an atomic electron also has an intrinsic spin angular momentum and an associated spin magnetic moment of magnitude µ5. It is this spin magnetic moment that gives rise to magnetism in matter. (4) The total magnetic moment of the atom is the vector sum of its orbital magnetic moment and spin magnetic moment.]

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials

vi) What does the hysteresis loop represents?
A magnetic hysteresis loop is a closed curve obtained by plotting the magnetic flux density B of a ferromagnetic material against the corresponding magnetizing field H when the material is taken through a complete magnetizing cycle. The area enclosed by the loop represents the hysteresis loss per unit volume in taking the material through the magnetizing cycle.

vii) Explain one application of electromagnet.
Applications of an electromagnet:

  1. Electromagnets are used in electric bells, loud speakers and circuit breakers.
  2. Large electromagnets are used in junkyard cranes and industrial cranes to lift iron scraps.
  3. Superconducting electromagnets are used in MRI and NMR machines, as well as in particle accelerators of cyclotron family.
  4. Electromagnets are used in data storage devices such as computer hard disks and magnetic tapes.

Question 3.
When a plate of magnetic material of size 10 cm × 0.5 cm × 0.2 cm (length , breadth and thickness respectively) is located in magnetising field of 0.5 × 104 Am-1 then a magnetic moment of 0.5 A∙m2 is induced in it. Find out magnetic induction in plate.
Data : l = 10 cm, b = 0.5 cm, h = 0.2 cm,
H = 0.5 × 104 Am-1, M = 5 A∙m2
The volume of the plate,
V = 10 × 0.5 × 0.2 = 1 cm2 = 10-6 m2
B = μ0 (H + Mz) = μ0 (H + \(\frac{M}{V}\))
The magnetic induction in the plate,
∴ B = 4π × 10-7 (0.5 × 104 + \(\frac{5}{10^{-6}}\))
= 6.290 T

Question 4.
A rod of magnetic material of cross section 0.25 cm2 is located in 4000 Am-1 magnetising field. Magnetic flux passing through the rod is 25 × 10-6 Wb. Find out (a) relative permeability (b) magnetic susceptibility and (c) magnetisation of the rod.
Data: A = 0.25 cm2 = 25 × 10-6 m2,
H = 4000 A∙m-1, Φ = 25 × 10-6 Wb
Magnetic induction is
B = \(\frac{\phi}{A}=\frac{25 \times 10^{-6}}{25 \times 10^{-6}}\) = 1 Wb/m2
(a) B = µ0µrK
∴ The relative permeability of the material,
µr = \(\frac{B}{\mu_{0} H}=\frac{1}{4 \times 3.142 \times 10^{-7} \times 4000}\)
= \(\frac{10000}{50.272}\) = 198.91 = 199

(b) µr = 1 + χm
∴ The magnetic susceptibility of the material,
χm = µr – 1 = 199 – 1 = 198

(c) χm = \(\frac{M_{\mathrm{z}}}{H}\)
The magnetization of the rod,
Mz = χmH = 198 × 4000 = 7.92 × 105 A/m

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials

Question 5.
The work done for rotating a magnet with magnetic dipole momentm, through 90° from its magnetic meridian is n times the work done to rotate it through 60°. Find the value of n.
Data : θ0 = 0°, θ1 = 90°, θ2 = 60°, W1 = nW2
The work done by an external agent to rotate the magnet from θ0 to θ is
W = MB (cos θ0 – cos θ)
∴ W1 = MB(cos θ0 – cosθ1)
= MB (cos 0° – cos 90°)
= MB (1 – 0)
= MB

∴ W2 = MB (cos 0°- cos 60°)
= MB(1 – \(\frac{1}{2}\))
= 0.5MB
∴ W1 = 2W2 = MB
Given W1 = nW2. Therefore n = 2.

Question 6.
An electron in an atom is revolving round the nucleus in a circular orbit of radius 5.3 × 10-11 m, with a speed of 2 × 106 ms-1 Find the resultant orbital magnetic moment and angular momentum of electron. (charge on electron e = 1.6 × 10-19 C, mass of electron me = 9.1 × 10-31 kg.)
Data: r = 5.3 × 10-11 m, v = 2 × 106 m/s,
e = 1.6 × 10-19 C, me = 9.1 × 10-31 kg
The orbital magnetic moment of the electron is
M0 = \(\frac{1}{2}\) evr
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) (1.6 × 10-19) (2 × 106) (5.3 × 10-11)
= 8.48 × 10-24 A∙m2
The angular momentum of the electron is
L0 = mevr
=(9.1 × 10-31) (2 × 106) (5.3 × 10-11)
= 96.46 × 10-36 = 9.646 × 10-35 kg∙m2/s

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials

Question 7.
A paramagnetic gas has 2.0 × 1026 atoms/m with atomic magnetic dipole moment of 1.5 × 10-23 A m2 each. The gas is at 27° C. (a) Find the maximum magnetization intensity of this sample. (b) If the gas in this problem is kept in a uniform magnetic field of 3 T, is it possible to achieve saturation magnetization? Why? (kB = 1.38 × 10-23 JK-1)[Answer: 3.0× 103 A m-1, No]
(Hint: Find the ratio of Thermal energy of atom of a gas ( 3/2 kBT) and maximum potential energy of the atom (mB) and draw your conclusion)
Data: \(\frac{N}{V}\) = 2.0 × 1026 atoms/m3,
μ = 1.5 × 10-23 Am2, T = 27 + 273 = 300 K,
B = 3T, kB = 1.38 × 10-23 J/K, 1 eV = 1.6 × 10-19 J
(a) The maximum magnetization of the material,
Mz = \(\frac{N}{V}\)μ =(2.0 × 1026) (1.5 ×10-23)
= 3 × 103 A/m

(b) The maximum orientation energy per atom is
Um = -μB cos 180° = μB
= (1.5 × 10-23) (3) = \(\frac{4.5 \times 10^{-23}}{1.6 \times 10^{-19}}\)
= 2.8 × 10-4 eV

The average thermal energy of each atom,
E = \(\frac{3}{2}\) kBT
where kB is the Botzmann constant.
∴ E = 1.5(1.38 × 10-23)(300)
= 6.21 × 10-21 J = \(\frac{6.21 \times 10^{-21}}{1.6 \times 10^{-19}}\)
= 3.9 × 10-2 eV
Since the thermal energy of randomization is about two orders of magnitude greater than the magnetic potential energy of orientation, saturation magnetization will not be achieved at 300 K.

Question 8.
A magnetic needle placed in uniform magnetic field has magnetic moment of 2 × 10-2 A m2, and moment of inertia of 7.2 × 10-7 kg m2. It performs 10 complete oscillations in 6 s. What is the magnitude of the magnetic field ?
Data: M = 2 × 10-2 A∙m2, I = 7.2 × 10-7 kg∙m2,
T = \(\frac{6}{10}\) = 0.6 S
T = 2π\(\sqrt{\frac{I}{M B}}\)
The magnitude of the magnetic field is
B = \(\frac{4 \pi^{2} I}{M T^{2}}\)
= \(\frac{(4)(3.14)^{2}\left(7.2 \times 10^{-7}\right)}{\left(2 \times 10^{-2}\right)(0.6)^{2}}\)
= 3.943 × 10-3 T = 3.943 mT

Question 9.
A short bar magnet is placed in an external magnetic field of 700 guass. When its axis makes an angle of 30° with the external magnetic field, it experiences a torque of 0.014 Nm. Find the magnetic moment of the magnet, and the work done in moving it from its most stable to most unstable position.
Data : B = 700 gauss = 0.07 tesla, θ = 30°,
τ = 0.014 N∙m
τ = MB sin θ
The magnetic moment of the magnet is
M = \(\frac{\tau}{B \sin \theta}=\frac{(0.014)}{(0.07)\left(\sin 30^{\circ}\right)}\) = 0.4 A∙m2
The most stable state of the bar magnet is for θ = 0°.
It is in the most unstable state when θ = 180°. Thus, the work done in moving the bar magnet from 0° to 180° is
W = MB(cos θ0 – cos θ)
= MB (cos 0° – cos 180°)
= MB [1 – (-1)]
= 2 MB = (2) (0.4) (0.07)
= 0.056 J
This the required work done.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials

Question 10.
A magnetic needle is suspended freely so that it can rotate freely in the magnetic meridian. In order to keep it in the horizontal position, a weight of 0.1 g is kept on one end of the needle. If the pole strength of this needle is 20 Am , find the value of the vertical component of the earth’s magnetic field. (g = 9.8 m s-2)
Data: M = 0.2g = 2 × 10-4kg, qm = 20 A∙m, g =9.8 m/s2

Without the added weight at one end, the needle will dip in the direction of the resultant magnetic field inclined with the horizontal. The torque due to the added weight about the vertical axis through the centre balances the torque of the couple due to the vertical component of the Earth’s magnetic field.
∴ (Mg)\(\left(\frac{L}{2}\right)\) = (qm Bv) L
The vertical component of the Earth’s magnetic field,
Bv = \(\frac{M g}{2 q_{\mathrm{m}}}=\frac{\left(2 \times 10^{-4}\right)(9.8)}{2(20)}\) = 4.9 × 10-5 T

Question 11.
The susceptibility of a paramagnetic material is χ at 27° C. At what temperature its susceptibility be \(\frac{\chi}{3}\) ?
Data: χm1 = χ, T1 = 27°C = 300 K, χm2 = \(\frac{\chi}{3}\)
By Curie’s law,
Mz = C\(\frac{B_{0}}{T}\)
Since Mz = χmH = B0 = μ0H
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials 3
This gives the required temperature.

12th Physics Digest Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials Intext Questions and Answers

Activity (Textbook Page No. 251)

Question 1.
You have already studied in earlier classes that a short bar magnet suspended freely always aligns in North South direction. Now if you try to forcefully move and bring it in the direction along East West and leave it free, you will observe that the magnet starts turning about the axis of suspension. Do you know from where does the torque which is necessary for rotational motion come from? (as studied in rotational dynamics a torque is necessary for rotational motion).
Suspend a short bar magnet such that it can rotate freely in a horizontal plane. Let it come to rest along the magnetic meridian. Rotate the magnet through some angle and release it. You will see that the magnet turns about the vertical axis in trying to return back to its equilibrium position along the magnetic meridian. Where does the torque for the rotational motion come from?

Take another bar magnet and bring it near the suspended magnet resting in the magnetic meridian. Observe the interaction between the like and unlike poles of the two magnets facing each other. Does the suspended magnet rotate continuously or rotate through certain angle and remain stable? Note down your observations and conclusions.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials

Do you know (Textbook Page No. 255)

Effective magneton numbers for iron group ions (No. of Bohr magnetons)

Ion Electron configuration Magnetic moment (in terms of /iB)
Fe3 + [Ar] 3s23p63d5 5.9
Fe2 + [Ar] 3s23p63d6 5.4
Co2 + [Ar] 3s23p63d7 4.8
n2+ [Ar] 3s23p63d8 3.2

(Courtsey: Introduction to solid state physics by Charles Kittel, pg. 306 )
These magnetic moments are calculated from the experimental value of magnetic susceptibility. In several ions the magnetic moment is due to both orbital and spin angular momenta.
In terms of Bohr magneton (µB), the effective magnetic moments of some iron group ions are as follows. In several cases, the magnetic moment is due to both orbital and spin angular momenta.

Ion Configuration Effective magnetic moment in terms of Bohr magneton (B.M) (Expreimental values)
Fe3 + 3d5 5.9
Fe2 + 3d6 5.4
Co2 + 3d7 4.8
n2+ 3d8 3.2

Remember this (Textbook Page No. 256)

Question 1.
Permeability and Permittivity:
Magnetic Permeability is a term analogous to permittivity in electrostatics. It basically tells us about the number of magnetic lines of force that are passing through a given substance when it is kept in an external magnetic field. The number is the indicator of the behaviour of the material in magnetic field. For superconductors χ = – 1. If you substitute in the Eq. (11.18), it is observed that permeability of material µ = 0. This means no magnetic lines will pass through the superconductor.

Magnetic Susceptibility (χ) is the indicator of measure of the response of a given material to the external applied magnetic field. In other words it indicates as to how much magnetization will be produced in a given substance when kept in an external magnetic field. Again it is analogous to electrical susceptibility. This means when the substance is kept in a magnetic field, the atomic dipole moments either align or oppose the external magnetic field. If the atomic dipole moments of the substance are opposing the field, χ is observed to be negative, and if the atomic dipole moments align themselves in the direction of field, χ is observed to be positive. The number of atomic dipole moments of getting aligned in the direction of the applied magnetic field is proportional to χ. It is large for soft iron (χ >1000).
Magnetic permeability is analogous to electric permittivity, both indicating the extent to which a material permits a field to pass through or permeate into the material. For a superconductor, χ = -1 which makes µ = 0, so that a superconductor does not allow magnetic field lines to pass through it.

Magnetic susceptibility (χ). analogous to electrical susceptibility, is a measure of the response of a given material to an applied magnetic field. That is, it indicates the extent of the magnetization produced in the material when it is placed in an external magnetic field. χ is positive when the atomic dipole moments align themselves in the direction of the applied field; χ is negative when the atomic dipole moments align antiparallel to the field. χ is large for soft iron (χ > 1000).

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials

Use your brain power (Textbook Page No. 259)

Question 1.
Classify the following atoms as diamagnetic or paramagnetic.
H, O, Zn, Fe, F, Ar, He
(Hint : Write down their electronic configurations)
Is it true that all substances with even number of electrons are diamagnetic?

Atoms Electronic configuration No. of Electrons Diamagnetic/Paramagnetic
H 1s1 1 Diamagnetic
0 1s22s22p4 8 Paramagnetic
Zn 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s2 30 Diamagnetic
Fe 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d6 26 Neither diamagnetic nor paramagnetic (ferromagnetic)
F 1s22s22p5 9 Paramagnetic
Ar 1s22s22p63s23p6 18 Diamagnetic
He Is2 2 Diamagnetic

It can be seen that all substances with an even number of electrons are not necessarily diamagnetic.

Do you know (Textbook Page No. 260)

Question 1.
Exchange Interaction: This exchange interaction in stronger than usual dipole-dipole interaction by an order of magnitude. Due to this exchange interaction, all the atomic dipole moments in a domain get aligned with each other. Find out more about the origin of exchange interaction.
Exchange Interaction :
Quantum mechanical exchange interaction be-tween two neighbouring spin magnetic moments in a ferromagnetic material arises as a consequence of the overlap between the magnetic orbitals of two adjacent atoms. The exchange interaction in particular for 3d metals is stronger than the dipole-dipole interaction by an order of magnitude. Due to this, all the atomic dipole moments in a domain get aligned with each other and each domain is spontaneously magnetized to saturation. (Quantum mechanics and exchange interaction are beyond the scope of the syllabus.)

Use your brain power (Textbook Page No. 262)

Question 1.
What does the area inside the curve B – H (hysteresis curve) indicate?
A magnetic hysteresis loop is a closed curve obtained by plotting the magnetic flux density B of a ferromagnetic material against the corresponding magnetizing field H when the material is taken through a complete magnetizing cycle. The area enclosed by the loop represents the hysteresis loss per unit volume in taking the material through the magnetizing cycle.

Do you know (Textbook Page No. 262)

Question 1.
What is soft magnetic material?
Soft ferromagntic materials can be easily magnetized and demagnetized.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials 4
Hysteresis loop for hard and soft ferramagnetic materials.
A soft magnetic material, usually iron-based, has high permeability, low retentivity and low coercivity. In other words, it does not have appreciable hysteresis, i.e., its hysteresis loop is very narrow. Such a material magnetizes and demagnetizes more easily, by small external fields.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials 5

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 11 Magnetic Materials

Do you know (Textbook Page No. 263)

Question 1.
There are different types of shielding available like electrical and acoustic shielding apart from magnetic shielding discussed above. An electrical insulator functions as an electrical barrier or shield and comes in a wide array of materials. Normally the electrical wires used in our households are also shielded. In the case of audio recording, it is necessary to reduce other stray sounds which may interfere with the sound to be recorded. So the recording studios are sound insulated using acoustic material.
There are different types of shielding, such as electrical, electromagnetic. magnetic, RF (radio frequency), and acoustic, to shield a given space or sensitive instrument from unwanted fields of each type.

12th Std Physics Questions And Answers:

12th Physics Chapter 10 Exercise Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Physics Chapter 10

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 12th Physics Textbook Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current Class 12 Exercise Question Answers Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Physics Chapter 10 Exercise Solutions Maharashtra Board

Physics Class 12 Chapter 10 Exercise Solutions

1. Choose the correct option.

i) A conductor has 3 segments; two straight and of length L each and a semicircular with radius R. It carries a current I. What is the magnetic field B at point P?
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 1
(C) \(\frac{\mu_{0}}{4} \frac{I}{R}\)

ii) Figure a, b show two Amperian loops associated with the conductors carrying current I in the sense shown. The \(\oint \vec{B} \cdot d \vec{l}\) in the cases a and b will be, respectively,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 2
(A) -μ0 I, 0

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current

iii) A proton enters a perpendicular uniform magnetic field B at origin along the positive x axis with a velocity v as shown in the figure. Then it will follow the following path. [The magnetic field is directed into the paper].
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 3
(A) It will continue to move along positive x axis.
(B) It will move along a curved path, bending towards positive x axis.
(C) It will move along a curved path, bending towards negative y axis.
(D) It will move along a sinusoidal path along the positive x axis.
(C) It will move along a curved path, bending towards negative y axis.

(iv) A conducting thick copper rod of length 1 m carries a current of 15 A and is located on the Earth’s equator. There the magnetic flux lines of the Earth’s magnetic field are horizontal, with the field of 1.3 × 10-4 T, south to north. The magnitude and direction of the force on the rod, when it is oriented so that current flows from west to east, are
(A) 14 × 10-4 N, downward.
(B) 20 × 10-4 N, downward.
(C) 14 × 10-4 N, upward.
(D) 20 × 10-4 N, upward.
(D) 20 × 10-4 N, upward.

v) A charged particle is in motion having initial velocity \(\overrightarrow{\mathrm{V}}\) when it enter into a region of uniform magnetic field perpendicular to \(\overrightarrow{\mathrm{V}}\) . Because of the magnetic force the kinetic energy of the particle will
(A) remain uncharged.
(B) get reduced.
(C) increase.
(D) be reduced to zero.
(A) remain uncharged.

Question 2.
A piece of straight wire has mass 20 g and length 1m. It is to be levitated using a current of 1 A flowing through it and a perpendicular magnetic field B in a horizontal direction. What must be the magnetic of B?
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 4
Data: m = 20 g = 2 × 10-2 kg, l = 1 m, I = 1 A,
g = 9.8 m/s2
To balance the wire, the upward magnetic force must be equal in magnitude to the downward force due to gravity.
∴ Fm = IlB = mg
Therefore, the magnitude of the magnetic field,
B = \(\frac{m g}{I l}=\frac{\left(2 \times 10^{-2}\right)(9.8)}{(1)(1)}\) = 0.196 T

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current

Question 3.
Calculate the value of magnetic field at a distance of 2 cm from a very long straight wire carrying a current of 5 A (Given: µ0 = 4π × 10-7 Wb/Am).
Data : I = 5A, a = 0.02 m, \(\frac{\mu_{0}}{4 \pi}\) = 10-7 T∙m/A
The magnetic induction,
B = \(\frac{\mu_{0} I}{2 \pi a}=\frac{\mu_{0}}{4 \pi} \frac{2 I}{a}\) = 10-7 × \(\frac{2(5)}{2 \times 10^{-2}}\) = 5 × 10-5 T

Question 4.
An electron is moving with a speed of 3.2 × 106 m/s in a magnetic field of 6.00 × 10-4 T perpendicular to its path. What will be the radius of the path? What will be frequency and the kinetic energy in keV ? [Given: mass of electron = 9.1 × 10-31 kg, charge e = 1.6 × 10-19 C, 1 eV = 1.6 × 10-19 J]
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 8

Question 5.
An alpha particle (the nucleus of helium atom) (with charge +2e) is accelerated and moves in a vacuum tube with kinetic energy = 10.00 MeV.On applying a transverse a uniform magnetic field of 1.851 T, it follows a circular trajectory of radius 24.60 cm. Obtain the mass of the alpha particle. [charge of electron = 1.62 × 10-19 C]
Data: 1 eV = 1.6 × 10-19 J,
E = 10MeV = 107 × 1.6 × 10-19 J = 1.6 × 10-12 J
B = 1.88 T, r = 0.242 m, e = 1.6 × 10-19 C
Charge of an -partic1e,
q = 2e = 2(1.6 × 10-19)=3.2 × 10-19 C
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 9
This gives the mass of the α-particle.
[Note : The value of r has been adjusted to match with the answer. The CODATA (Committee on Data for Science and Technology) accepted value of mx is approximately 6.6446 × 10-27 kg.]

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current

Question 6.
Two wires shown in the figure are connected in a series circuit and the same amount of current of 10 A passes through both, but in apposite directions. Separation between the two wires is 8 mm. The length AB is S = 22 cm. Obtain the direction and magnitude of the magnetic field due to current in wire 2 on the section AB of wire 1. Also obtain the magnitude and direction of the force on wire 1. [µ0 = 4π × 10-7 T.m/A]
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 5
Data: I1 = I2 = 10 A, s = 8 mm = 8 × 10-3 m, l = 0.22 m
By right hand grip rule, the direction of the magnetic field \(\overrightarrow{B_{2}}\) due to the current in wire 2 at AB is into the page and its magnitude is
B2 = \(\frac{\mu_{0}}{4 \pi} \frac{2 I}{s}=10^{-7} \times \frac{2(10)}{8 \times 10^{-3}}=\frac{1}{4} \times \mathbf{1 0}^{-3}\) T
The current in segment AB is upwards. Then, by Fleming’s left hand rule, the force on it due to \(\overrightarrow{B_{2}}\) is to the left of the diagram, i.e., away from wire 1, or repulsive. The magnitude of the force is
Fon 1 by 2 = I1lB2 = (10)(0.22) × \(\frac{1}{4}\) × 10-3
= 5.5 × 10-4 N

Question 7.
A very long straight wire carries a current 5.2 A. What is the magnitude of the magnetic field at a distance 3.1 cm from the wire? [ µ0 = 4π × 10-7 T∙m/A]
Data : I = 5.2 A, a = 0.031 m, \(\frac{\mu_{0}}{4 \pi}\) = 10-7 T∙m/A
The magnetic induction,
B = \(\frac{\mu_{0} I}{2 \pi a}=\frac{\mu_{0}}{4 \pi} \frac{2 I}{a}\) = 10-7 × \(\frac{2(5.2)}{3.1 \times 10^{-2}}\)
= 3.35 × 10-5 T

Question 8.
Current of equal magnitude flows through two long parallel wires having separation of 1.35 cm. If the force per unit length on each of the wires in 4.76 × 10-2 N, what must be I ?
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 14

Question 9.
Magnetic field at a distance 2.4 cm from a long straight wire is 16 µT. What must be current through the wire?
Data: a = 2.4 × 10-2 m, B = 1.6 × 10-5 T,
\(\frac{\mu_{0}}{4 \pi}\) = 10-7 T∙m/A
B = \(\frac{\mu_{0} I}{2 \pi a}=\frac{\mu_{0}}{4 \pi} \frac{2 I}{a}\)
The current through the wire,
I = \(\frac{1}{\mu_{0} / 4 \pi} \frac{a B}{2}=\frac{1}{10^{-7}} \frac{\left(2.4 \times 10^{-2}\right)\left(1.6 \times 10^{-5}\right)}{2}\) = 1.92 A

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current

Question 10.
The magnetic field at the centre of a circular current carrying loop of radius 12.3 cm is 6.4 × 10-6T. What will be the magnetic moment of the loop?
Data: R = 12.3cm = 12.3 × 10-2 m,
B = 6.4 × 10-6 T, µ0 = 4π × 10-7 T∙m/A
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= 5.955 × 10-2 J/T (or A∙m2)

Question 11.
A circular loop of radius 9.7 cm carries a current 2.3 A. Obtain the magnitude of the magnetic field (a) at the centre of the loop and (b) at a distance of 9.7 cm from the centre of the loop but on the axis.
Data: R = z = 9.7 cm = 9.7 × 10-2 m, I = 2.3A, N = 1
(a) At the centre of the coil :
The magnitude of the magnetic induction,
B = \(\frac{\mu_{0} N I}{2 R}\)
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Question 12.
A circular coil of wire is made up of 100 turns, each of radius 8.0 cm. If a current of 0.40 A passes through it, what be the magnetic field at the centre of the coil?
Data: N = 100,R = 8 × 10-2 m, I = 0.4A,
µ0 = 4π × -7 T∙m/A
B = \(\frac{\mu_{0} N I}{2 R}\)
= \(\frac{\left(4 \pi \times 10^{-7}\right)(100)(0.4)}{2\left(8 \times 10^{-2}\right)}\) = 3.142 × 10-4 T

Question 13.
For proton acceleration, a cyclotron is used in which a magnetic field of 1.4 Wb/m2 is applied. Find the time period for reversing the electric field between the two Ds.
Data: B = 1.4 Wb/m2, m = 1.67 × 10-27 kg,
q = 1.6 × 10-19 C
T = \(\frac{2 \pi m}{q B}\)
t = \(\frac{T}{2}=\frac{\pi m}{q B}=\frac{(3.142)\left(1.67 \times 10^{-27}\right)}{\left(1.6 \times 10^{-19}\right)(1.4)}\)
= 2.342 × 10-8 s
This is the required time interval.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current

Question 14.
A moving coil galvanometer has been fitted with a rectangular coil having 50 turns and dimensions 5 cm × 3 cm. The radial magnetic field in which the coil is suspended is of 0.05 Wb/m2. The torsional constant of the spring is 1.5 × 10-9 Nm/ degree. Obtain the current required to be passed through the galvanometer so as to produce a deflection of 30°.
Data : N = 50, C = 1.5 × 10-9 Nm/degree,
A = lb = 5 cm × 3 cm = 15 cm2 = 15 × 10-4 m2,
B = 0.05Wb/m2, θ = 30°
∴ The current through the coil, I = \(\frac{C \theta}{N A B}\)
= \(\frac{1.5 \times 10^{-9} \times 30}{50 \times 15 \times 10^{-4} \times 0.05}=\frac{3 \times 10^{-5}}{5 \times 0 \cdot 5}\)
= 1.2 × 10-5 A

Question 15.
A solenoid of length π m and 5 cm in diameter has winding of 1000 turns and carries a current of 5 A. Calculate the magnetic field at its centre along the axis.
Data: L = 3.142 m, N = 1000, I = 5A,
μ0 = 4π × 10-7 T∙m/A
The magnetic induction,
B = μ0 nI = μ0(\(\frac{N}{L}\))I
= (4π × 10-7)(\(\frac{1000}{3.142}\))(5) = \(\frac{20 \times 3.142 \times 10^{-4}}{3.142}\)
= 2 × 10-3 T

Question 16.
A toroid of narrow radius of 10 cm has 1000 turns of wire. For a magnetic field of 5 × 10-2 T along its axis, how much current is required to be passed through the wire?
Data : CentraI radius, r = 10 cm = 0.1 m, N = 1000,
B = 5 × 10-2 T, = 4π × 10-7 T∙m/A
The magnetic induction,
B = \(\frac{\mu_{0} N I}{2 \pi r}=\frac{\mu_{0}}{4 \pi} \frac{2 N I}{r}\)
2irr 4ir r
∴ 5 × 10-2 = 10-7 × \(\frac{2(1000) I}{0.1}\)
∴ I = \(\frac{50}{2}\) = 25A
This is the required current.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current

Question 17.
In a cyclotron protons are to be accelerated. Radius of its D is 60 cm. and its oscillator frequency is 10 MHz. What will be the kinetic energy of the proton thus accelerated?
(Proton mass = 1.67 × 10-27 kg, e = 1.60 × 10-19 C, 1eV = 1.6 × 10-19 J)
Data : R = 0.6 m, f = 107 Hz, mp = 1.67 × 10-27 kg,
e = 1.6 × 10-19C, 1 eV = 1.6 × 10-19 J
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 10

Question 18.
A wire loop of the form shown in the figure carries a current I. Obtain the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field at P. Given : \(\frac{\mu_{0} I}{4 \pi R} \sqrt{2}\)
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 6
The wire loop is in the form of a circular arc AB of radius R and a straight conductor BCA. The arc AB subtends an angle of Φ = 270° = \(\frac{3 \pi}{2}\) rad at the centre of the loop P. Since PA = PB = R and C is the midpoint of AB, AB = \(\sqrt{2} R\) and AC = CB = \(\frac{\sqrt{2} R}{2}\) = \(\frac{R}{\sqrt{2}}\). Therefore, a = PC = \(\frac{R}{\sqrt{2}}\).

The magnetic inductions at P due to the arc AB and the straight conductor BCA are respectively,
B1 = \(\frac{\mu_{0}}{4 \pi} \frac{I \phi}{R}\) and B2 = \(\frac{\mu_{0}}{4 \pi} \frac{2 I}{a}\)
Therefore, the net magnetic induction at P is
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This is the required expression.

Question 19.
Two long parallel wires going into the plane of the paper are separated by a distance R, and carry a current I each in the same direction. Show that the magnitude of the magnetic field at a point P equidistant from the wires and subtending angle θ from the plane containing the wires, is B = \(\frac{\mu_{0}}{\pi} \frac{I}{R}\) sin 2θ What is the direction of the magnetic field?
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 15
In above figure, \(\vec{B}_{1}\) and \(\vec{B}_{2}\) are the magnetic fields in the plane of the page due to the currents in wires 1 and 2, respectively. Their directions are given by the right hand grip rule: \(\vec{B}_{1}\) is perpendicular to AP and makes an angle Φ with the horizontal. \(\vec{B}_{2}\) is perpendicular to BP and also makes an angle Φ with the horizontal.
AP = BP = a = \(\frac{R / 2}{\cos \theta}\)
and B1 = B2 = \(\frac{\mu_{0}}{4 \pi} \frac{2 I}{a}=\frac{\mu_{0}}{4 \pi} \frac{2 I(2 \cos \theta)}{R}\)
= \(\frac{\mu_{0}}{\pi} \frac{I}{R}\) cos θ
Since the vertical components cancel out, the magnitude of the net magnetic induction at P is
Bnet = 2B1 cos Φ = 2B1 cos(90° – θ) = 2B1 sinθ
= 2(\(\frac{\mu_{0}}{\pi} \frac{I}{R}\) cos θ) sin θ = \(\frac{\mu_{0}}{\pi} \frac{I}{R}\) sin 2θ
as required. is in the plane parallel to that of the wires and to the right as shown in the figure.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current

Question 20.
Figure shows a section of a very long cylindrical wire of diameter a, carrying a current I. The current density which is in the direction of the central axis of the wire varies linearly with radial distance r from the axis according to the relation J = Jor/a. Obtain the magnetic field B inside the wire at a distance r from its centre.
[Answer: B J r
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 7
Consider an annular differential element of radius r and width dr. The current through the area dA of this element is
dI = JdA = (Jo \(\frac{r}{a}\))2πrdr = \(\frac{2 \pi J_{0} r^{2} d r}{a}\) …………….. (1)
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To apply the Ampere’s circuital law to the circular path of integration, we note that the wire has perfect cylindrical symmetry with all the charges moving parallel to the wire. So, the magnetic field must be tangent to circles that are concentric with the wire. The enclosed current is the current within radius r. Thus,
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Question 21.
In the above problem, what will be the magnetic field B inside the wire at a distance r from its axis, if the current density J is uniform across the cross section of the wire?
Figure shows the cross section of a long straight wire of radius a that carries a current I out of the page. Because the current is uniformly distributed over the cross section of the wire, the magnet ic field \(\vec{B}\) due to the current must be cylindrically symmetrical. Thus, along the Amperian loop of radius r(r < a), symmetry suggests that \(\vec{B}\) is tangent to the loop, as shown in the figure.
\(\oint \vec{B} \cdot \overrightarrow{d l}=B \oint d l\) = B(2πr) ……….. (1)
Because the current is uniformly distributed, the current Iencl enclosed by the loop is proportional to the area encircled by the loop; that is,
Iencl = Jπr2
By right-hand rule, the sign of ‘d is positive. Then, by Ampere’s law,
B (2πr) = µ0 Iencl = µ0 Jπr2 ……………….. (2)
∴ B = \(\frac{\mu_{0} J}{2} r\) ……………… (3)
Iencl = I\(\frac{\pi r^{2}}{\pi a^{2}}\)
By right-hand rule, the sign of I\frac{\pi r^{2}}{\pi a^{2}} is positive. Then, by Ampere’s law,
\(\oint B d l\) = µ0 Iencl
∴ B(2πr) = µ0I \(\frac{r^{2}}{a^{2}}\) …………. (4)
∴ B = (\(\frac{\mu_{0} I}{2 \pi a^{2}}\) )r ………… (5)

[Note: Thus, inside the wire, the magnitude B of the magnetic field is proportional to distance r from the centre. At a distance r outside a straight wire, B = (\(\frac{\mu_{0} I}{2 \pi r}\) i.e., B ∝ \(\frac{1}{r}\).]

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current

Theory Exercise

Question 1.
Distinguish between the forces experienced by a moving charge in a uniform electric field and in a uniform magnetic field.
A charge q moving with a velocity \(\vec{v}\) through a magnetic field of induction \(\vec{B}\) experiences a magnetic force perpendicular both to \(\vec{B}\) and \(\vec{v}\) . Experimental observations show that the magnitude of the force is proportional to the magnitude of \(\vec{B}\), the speed of the particle, the charge q and the sine of the angle θ between \(\vec{v}\) and \(\vec{B}\). That is, the magnetic force, Fm = qv B sin θ
∴ \(\vec{F}_{\mathrm{m}}=q(\vec{v} \times \vec{B})\)
Therefore, at every instant \(\vec{F}_{\mathrm{m}}\) acts in a direction perpendicular to the plane of \(\vec{v}\) and \(\vec{B}\) .
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If the moving charge is negative, the direction of the force \(\vec{F}_{\mathrm{m}}\) acting on it is opposite to that given by the right-handed screw rule for the cross-product \(\vec{v}\) × \(\vec{B}\).

If the charged particle moves through a region of space where both electric and magnetic fields are present, both fields exert forces on the particle.
The force due to the electric field \(\vec{E}\) is \(\vec{F}_{\mathrm{e}}=q \vec{E}\) .
The total force on a moving charge in electric and magnetic fields is called the Lorentz force :
\(\vec{F}=\vec{F}_{\mathrm{e}}+\vec{F}_{\mathrm{m}}=q(\vec{E}+\vec{v} \times \vec{B})\)
Special cases :
(i) \(\vec{v}\) is parallel or antiparallel to \(\vec{B}\): In this case, Fm = qvB sin 0° = 0. That is, the magnetic force on the charge is zero.
(ii) The charge is stationary {v = 0) : In this case, even if q ≠ 0 and B ≠ 0, Fm = q(0)B sin θ = 0. That is, the magnetic force on a stationary charge is zero.

Question 2.
Under what condition a charge undergoes uniform circular motion in a magnetic field? Describe, with a neat diagram, cyclotron as an application of this principle. Obtain an expression for the frequency of revolution in terms of the specific charge and magnetic field.
Suppose a particle of mass m and charge q enters a region of uniform magnetic field of induction \(\vec{B}\). In Fig., \(\vec{B}\) points into the page. The magnetic force \(\vec{F}_{\mathrm{m}}\) on the particle is always perpendicular to the velocity of the particle, \(\vec{v}\) . Assuming the charged particle started moving in a plane perpendicular to \(\vec{B}\), its motion in the magnetic field is a uniform circular motion, with the magnetic force providing the centripetal acceleration.
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If the charge moves in a circle of radius R,
Fm = |q|vB = \(\frac{m v^{2}}{R}\)
∴ mv = p = |q|BR …………. (1)
where p = mv is the linear momentum of the particle. Equation (1) is known as the cyclotron formula because it describes the motion of a particle in a cyclotron-the first of the modern particle accelerators.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current

Question 3.
What is special about a radial magnetic field ? Why is it useful in a moving coil galvanometer ?

  1. Advantage of radial magnetic field in a moving- coil galvanometer:
    • As the coil rotates, its plane is always parallel to the field. That way, the deflecting torque is always a ximum depending only on the current in the coil, but not on the position of the coil.
    • The restoring torque is proportional to the deflection so that a radial field makes the deflection proportional to the current. The instrument then has a linear scale, i.e., the divisions of the scale are evenly spaced. This makes it particularly straight forward to calibrate and to read.
  2. Producing radial magnetic field :
    • The pole pieces of the permanent magnet are made cylindrically concave, concentric with the axis of the coil.
    • A soft iron cylinder is centred between the pole pieces so that it forms a narrow cylindrical gap in which the sides of the coil can move. Together, they produce a radial magnetic, field; that is, the magnetic lines of force in the gap are along radii to the central axis.

Question 4.
State Biot-Savert law. Apply it to
(i) infinitely long current carrying conductor and (ii) a point on the axis of a current carrying circular loop.
Consider a very short segment of length dl of a wire carrying a current I. The product I \(\overrightarrow{d l}\) is called a current element; the direction of the vector \(\overrightarrow{d l}\) is along the wire in the direction of the current.

Biot-Savart law (Laplace law) : The magnitude of the incremental magnetic induction \(\overrightarrow{d B}\) produced by a current element I \(\overrightarrow{d l}\) at a distance r from it is directly proportional to the magnitude I \(\overrightarrow{d l}\) of the current element, the sine of the angle between the current element Idl and the unit vector r directed from the current element toward the point in question, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance of the point from the current element; the magnetic induction is directed perpendicular to both I \(\overrightarrow{d l}\) and \(\hat{r}\) as per the cross product rule.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 24
where \(\hat{\mathrm{r}}=\frac{\vec{r}}{r}\) and the constant µ0 is the permeability of free space. Equations (1) and (2) are called Biot-Savart law.

The incremental magnetic induction \(\overrightarrow{d B}\) is given by the right-handed screw rule of vector crossproduct \(I \overrightarrow{d l} \times \hat{\mathrm{r}}\). In Fig, the current element I\(\overrightarrow{d l}\) and \(\hat{\mathbf{r}}\) are in the plane of the page, so that \(\overrightarrow{d B}\) points out of the page at point P shown by ⊙; at the point Q, \(\overrightarrow{d B}\) points into the page shown by ⊗.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 25

The magnetic induction \(\vec{B}\) at the point due to the entire wire is, by the principle of superposition, the vector sum of the contributions \(\overrightarrow{d B}\) from all the current elements making up the wire.
From Eq. (2),
\(\vec{B}=\int \overrightarrow{d B}=\frac{\mu_{0}}{4 \pi} \int \frac{I \overrightarrow{d l} \times \hat{\mathrm{r}}}{r^{2}}\)
[Notes : (1) The above law is based on experiments by Jean Baptiste Biot (1774-1862) and Felix Savart (1791-1841), French physicists. From their observations Laplace deduced the law mathematically. (2) The Biot- Savart law plays a similar role in magnetostatics as Coulomb’s law does in electrostatics.]

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current

Question 5.
State Ampere’s law. Explain how is it useful in different situations.
Ampere’s circuital law : In free space, the line integral of magnetic induction around a closed path in a magnetic field is equal to p0 times the net steady current enclosed by the path.
In mathematical form,
\(\oint \vec{B} \cdot \overrightarrow{d l}\) = μ0 I …………… (1)
where \(\vec{B}\) is the magnetic induction at any point on the path in vacuum, \(\overrightarrow{d l}\) is the length element of the path, I is the net steady current enclosed and μ0 is the permeability of free space.

Explanation : Figure shows two wires carrying currents I1 and I2 in vacuum. The magnetic induction \(\vec{B}\) at any point is the net effect of these currents.

To find the magnitude B of the magnetic induction :
We construct an imaginary closed curve around the conductors, called an Amperian loop, and imagine it divided into small elements of length \(\overrightarrow{d l}\). The direction of dl is the direction along which the loop is traced.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 26

(ii) We assign signs to the currents using the right hand rule : If the fingers of the right hand are curled in the direction in which the loop is traced, then a current in the direction of the outstretched thumb is taken to be positive while a current in the opposite direction is taken to be negative.

For each length element of the Amperian loop, \(\vec{B} \cdot \overrightarrow{d l}\) gives the product of the length dl of the element and the component of \(\vec{B}\) parallel to \(\overrightarrow{d l}\) . If θ r is the angle between \(\overrightarrow{d l}\) and \(\vec{B}\) ,
\(\vec{B} \cdot \overrightarrow{d l}\) = (B cos θ) dl
Then, the line integral,
\(\oint \vec{B} \cdot \overrightarrow{d l}=\oint B \cos \theta d l\) …………. (2)
For the case shown in Fig., the net current I through the surface bounded by the loop is
I = I2 – I1
∴ \(\oint B \cos \theta d l\) = μ0 I
= μ0(I2 – I1) …………… (3)
Equation (3) can be solved only when B is uniform and hence can be taken out of the integral.

[Note : Ampere’s law in magnetostatics plays the part of Gauss’s law of electrostatics. In particular, for currents with appropriate symmetry, Ampere’s law in integral form offers an efficient way of calculating the magnetic field. Like Gauss’s law, Ampere’s law is always true (for steady currents), but it is useful only when the symmetry of the problem enables B to be taken out of the integral \(\oint \vec{B} \cdot \overrightarrow{d l}\). The current configurations that can be handled by Ampere’s law are infinite straight conductor, infinite plane, infinite solenoid and toroid.]

12th Physics Digest Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current Intext Questions and Answers

Do you know (Textbook Page No. 230)

Question 1.
You must have noticed high tension power transmission lines, the power lines on the big tall steel towers. Strong magnetic fields are created by these lines. Care has to be taken to reduce the exposure levels to less than 0.5 milligauss (mG).
With increasing population, many houses are constructed near high voltage overhead power transmission lines, if not right below them. Large transmission lines configurations with high voltage and current levels generate electric and magnetic fields and raises concerns about their effects on humans located at ground surfaces. With conductors typically 20 m above the ground, the electric field 2 m above the ground is about 0.2 kV / m to I kV / m. In comparison, that due to thunderstorms can reach 20 kV/m. For the same conductors, magnetic field 2 m above the ground is less than 6 μT. In comparison, that due to the Earth is about 40 μT.

Do you know (Textbook Page No. 232)

Question 1.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technique used for medical imaging requires a magnetic field with a strength of 1.5 T and even upto 7 T. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance experiments require a magnetic field upto 14 T. Such high magnetic fields can be produced using superconducting coil electromagnet. On the other hand, Earth’s magnetic field on the surface of the Earth is about 3.6 × 10-5 T = 0.36 gauss.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive imaging technology that produces three dimensional detailed anatomical images. Although MRI does not emit the ionizing radiation that is found in X-ray imaging, it does employ a strong magnetic field, e.g., medical MRIs usually have strengths between 1.5 T and 3 T.

The 21.1 T superconducting magnet at Maglab (Florida, US) is the world’s strongest MRI scanner used for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) research. Since its inception in 2004, it has been continually conducting electric current of 284 A by itself. Because it is superconducting, the current runs through some 152 km of wire without resistance, so no outside energy source is needed. However, 2400 litres of liquid helium is cycled to keep the magnet at a superconducting temperature of 1.7 K. Even when not in use this magnet is kept cold; if it warms up to room temperature, it takes at least six weeks to cool it back down to operating temperature. The 45 T Hybrid Magnet of the Lab (which combines a superconducting magnet of 11.5 T with a resistive magnet of 33.5 T) is kept at 1.8 K using 2800 L of liquid helium and 15142 L of cold water.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current

Question 2.
Let us look at a charged particle which is moving in a circle with a constant speed. This is uniform circular motion that you have studied earlier. Thus, there must be a net force acting on the particle, directed towards the centre of the circle. As the speed is constant, the force also must be constant, always perpendicular to the velocity of the particle at any given instant of time. Such a force is provided by the uniform magnetic field \(\vec{B}\) perpendicular to the plane of the circle along which the charged particle moves.
When a charged particle moves in uniform circular motion inside a uniform magnetic field \(\vec{B}\) in a plane perpendicular to \(\vec{B}\), the centripetal force is the magnetic force on the particle. As in any UCM, this magnetic force is constant in magnitude and perpendicular to the velocity of the particle.

Remember this (Textbook Page No. 233)

Question 1.
Field penetrating into the paper is represented as ⊗, while that coming out of the paper is shown by ⊙.
In a two-dimensional diagram, a vector pointing perpendicularly into the plane of the diagram is shown by a cross ⊗ while that pointing out of the plane is shown by a dot ⊙ .

Do you know (Textbook Page No. 234)

Question 1.
Particle accelerators are important for a variety of research purposes. Large accelerators are used in particle research. There have been several accelerators in India since 1953. The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Govt. of India, had taken initiative in setting up accelerators for research. Apart from ion accelerators, the DAE has developed and commissioned a 2 GeV electron accelerator which is a radiation source for research in science. This accelerator, ‘Synchrotron’, is fully functional at Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore. An electron accelerator, Microtron with electron energy 8-10 MeV is functioning at Physics Department, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
Particle accelerators are machines that accelerate charged subatomic particles to high energy for research and applications. They play a major role in the field of basic and applied sciences, in our understanding of nature and the universe. The size and cost of particle accelerators increase with the energy of the particles they produce. Medical Cyclotrons across the country are dedicated for medical isotope productions and for medical sciences. There are many existing and upcoming particle accelerators in India in different parts of country.

(https: / / www.researchgate.net/ publication/ 3209480 83_Existing and upcoming_particle_accelerators_in. India). For cutting-edge high energy particle physics, Indian particle physicists collaborate with those at Large Hadron Collider CERN, Geneva.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current

Can you recall (Textbook Page No. 238)

Question 1.
How does the coil in a motor rotate by a full rotation? In a motor, we require continuous rotation of the current carrying coil. As the plane of the coil tends to become parallel to the magnetic field \(\vec{B}\), the current in the coil is reversed externally. Referring to Fig. the segment ab occupies the position cd. At this position of rotation, the current is reversed. Instead of from b to a, it flows from a to b, force \(\vec{F}_{\mathrm{m}}\) continues to act in the same direction so that the torque continues to rotate the coil. The reversal of the current is achieved by using a commutator which connects the wires of the power supply to the coil via carbon brush contacts.
Electric Motor
From Fig. we see that the torque on a current loop rotates the loop to smaller values of 9 until the torque becomes zero, when the plane of the loop is perpendicular to the magnetic field and θ = 0. If the current in the loop remains in the same direction when the loop turns past this position, the torque will reverse direction and turn the loop in the opposite direction, i.e., anticlockwise. To provide continuous rotation in the same sense, the current in the loop must periodically reverse direction, as shown in Fig.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 11
In an electric motor, the current reversal is achieved externally by brushes and a split-ring commutator.

Use your brain power (Textbook Page No. 242)

Question 1.
Currents in two infinitely long, parallel wires exert forces on each other. Is this consistent with Newton’s third law?
Yes, they are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction and act on the contrary parts : \(\vec{F}\)on 2 by 1 = \(\vec{F}\)on 1 by 2. Thus, they form action-reaction pair.

Do you know (Textbook Page No. 244)

Question 1.
So far we have used the constant µ0 everywhere. This means in each such case, we have carried out the evaluation in free space (vacuum). µ0 is the permeability of free space.
Permeability of free space or vacuum, µ0 = 4π × 10-7 H/m.
Earlier SI (2006) had fixed this value of µ0 as exact but revised SI fixes the value of e, requiring µ0 (and ε0) to be determined experimentally.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current

Use your brain power (Textbook Page No. 244)

Question 1.
Using electrostatic analogue, obtain the magnetic field \(\vec{B}\)equator at a distance d on the perpendicular bisector of a magnetic dipole of magnetic length 2l and moment \(\vec{M}\). For far field, verify that
\(\vec{B}_{\text {equator }}=\left(\frac{\mu_{0}}{4 \pi}\right) \frac{-\vec{M}}{\left(d^{2}+l^{2}\right)^{3 / 2}}\)
The magnitude of the electric intensity at a point at a distance r from an electric charge q in vacuum is given by
E = \(\frac{1}{4 \pi \varepsilon_{0}} \frac{|q|}{r^{2}}\)
where ε0 is the permittivity of free space. This intensity is directed away from the charge, if the charge is positive and towards the charge, if the charge is negative.

A magnetic pole is similar to an electric charge. The N-pole is similar to a positive charge and the S-pole is similar to a negative charge. Like an electric charge, a magnetic pole is assumed to produce a magnetic field in the surrounding region. The magnetic field at any point is denoted by a vector quantity called magnetic induction. Thus, by analogy, the magnitude of the magnetic induction at a point at a distance r from a magnetic pole of strength qm is given by
B = \(\frac{\mu_{0}}{4 \pi} \frac{q_{\mathrm{m}}}{r^{2}}\)
This induction is directed away from the pole if it is an N-pole (strength + qm) and towards the pole if it is an S-pole (strength -qm).

Consider a point P on the equator of a magnetic dipole with pole strengths + qm and – qm and of magnetic length 21. Let P be at a distance d from the centre of the dipole,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 12
The magnetic induction of a bar magnet at an equatorial point

The magnetic induction at P due to the N-pole is directed along NP (away from the N-pole) while that due to the S-pole is along PS (towards the S-pole), each having a magnitude
BN = BS = \(\left(\frac{\mu_{0}}{4 \pi}\right) \frac{q_{\mathrm{m}}}{\left(d^{2}+l^{2}\right)}\)
(∵ NP = SP = \(\sqrt{d^{2}+l^{2}}\))
The inductions due to the two poles are equal in magnitude so that the two, oppositely directed equatorial components, BN sin θ and BS sin θ, cancel each other.

Therefore, the resultant induction is in a direction’ parallel to the axis of the magnetic dipole and has direction opposite to that of the magnetic moment of the magnetic dipole. The component of the induction due to the two poles along the axis is
\(\left(\frac{\mu_{0}}{4 \pi}\right) \frac{q_{\mathrm{m}}}{\left(d^{2}+l^{2}\right)}\) cos θ
where θ is the angle shown in the diagram. From the diagram,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 13
Thus, for a short dipole the induction varies in-versely as the cube of the distance from it.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current

Question 2.
What is the fundamental difference between an electric dipole and a magnetic dipole?
If a magnet is carefully and repeatedly cut, it would expose two new faces with opposite poles such that each piece would still be a magnet. This suggests that magnetic fields are essentially dipolar in character. The most elementary magnetic structure always behaves as a pair of two magnetic poles of opposite types and of equal strengths. Hence, analogous to an electric dipole, we hypothesize that there are positive and negative magnetic charges (or north and south poles) of equal strengths a finite distance apart within a magnet. Also, they are assumed to act as the source of the magnetic field in exactly the same way that electric charges act as the source of electric field. The magnitude of each ‘magnetic charge’ is referred to as its ‘pole strength’ and is equal to qm = \(\frac{M}{2 l}\), where \(\vec{M}\) is the magnetic dipole moment, pointing from the negative (or south, S) pole to the positive (or north, N) pole.

However, while two types of electric charges exist in nature and have separate existence, isolated magnetic charges, or magnetic monopoles, are not observed. A magnetic pole is not an experimental fact: there are no real poles. To put it in another way, there are no point sources for \(\vec{B}\), as there are for \(\vec{E}\); there exists no magnetic analog to electric charge. Every experimental effort to demonstrate the existence of magnetic charges has failed. Hence, magnetic poles are called fictitious.

The electric field diverges away from a (positive) charge; the magnetic field line curls around a current. Electric field lines originate on positive charges and terminate on negative ones; magnetic field lines do not begin or end anywhere, they typically form closed loops or extend out to infinity.

Do you know (Textbook Page No. 247)

Question 1.
What is an ideal solenoid?
A solenoid is a long wire wound in the form of a helix. An ideal solenoid is tightly wound and infinitely long, i.e., its turns are closely spaced and the solenoid is very long compared to its crosssectional radius.

Each turn of a solenoid acts approximately as a circular loop. Suppose the solenoid carries a steady current I. The net magnetic field due to the current in the solenoid is the vector sum of the fields due to the current in all the turns. In the case of a tightly- wound solenoid of finite length, Fig. 10.39, the magnetic field lines are approximately parallel only near the centre of the solenoid, indicating a nearly uniform field there. However, close to the ends, the field lines diverge from one end and converge at the other end. This field distribution is similar to that of a bar magnet. Thus, one end of the solenoid behaves like the north pole of a magnet and the opposite end behaves like the south pole. The field outside is very weak near the midpoint.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 19
For an ideal solenoid, the magnetic field inside is reasonably uniform over the cross section and parallel to the axis throughout the volume enclosed by the solenoid. The field outside is negligible in this case.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current

Use your brain power (Textbook Page No. 248)

Question 1.
Choosing different Amperean loops, show that out-side an ideal toroid B = 0.
From below figure, the inner Amperean loop does not enclose any current while the outer Amperean loop encloses equal number of Iin and Iout. Hence, by Ampere’s law, B = 0 outside an ideal toroid.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 20

Question 2.
What is an ideal toroid?
A toroid is a toroidal solenoid. An ideal toroid consists of a long conducting wire wound tightly around a torus, a doughnut-shaped ring, made of a nonconducting material.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 10 Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current 21
In an ideal toroid carrying a steady current, the magnetic field in the interior of the toroid is tangential to any circle concentric with the axis of the toroid and has the same value on this circle (the dashed line in figure). Also, the magnitude of the magnetic induction external to the toroid is negligible.

12th Std Physics Questions And Answers:

12th Physics Chapter 9 Exercise Current Electricity Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Physics Chapter 9

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 12th Physics Textbook Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Current Electricity Class 12 Exercise Question Answers Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Physics Chapter 9 Exercise Solutions Maharashtra Board

Physics Class 12 Chapter 9 Exercise Solutions

1. Choose the correct option.

i) Kirchhoff’s first law, i.e., ΣI = 0 at a junction, deals with the conservation of
(A) charge
(B) energy
(C) momentum
(D) mass
(A) charge

ii) When the balance point is obtained in the potentiometer, a current is drawn from
(A) both the cells and auxiliary battery
(B) cell only
(C) auxiliary battery only
(D) neither cell nor auxiliary battery
(D) neither cell nor auxiliary battery

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity

iii) In the following circuit diagram, an infinite series of resistances is shown. Equivalent resistance between points A and B is
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity 1
(A) infinite
(B) zero
(C) 2 Ω
(D) 1.5 Ω
(C) 2 Ω

iv) Four resistances 10 Ω, 10 Ω, 10 Ω and 15 Ω form a Wheatstone’s network. What shunt is required across 15 Ω resistor to balance the bridge
(A) 10 Ω
(B) 15 Ω
(C) 20 Ω
(D) 30 Ω
(D) 30 Ω

v) A circular loop has a resistance of 40 Ω. Two points P and Q of the loop, which are one quarter of the circumference apart are connected to a 24 V battery, having an internal resistance of 0.5 Ω. What is the current flowing through the battery.
(A) 0.5 A
(B) 1A
(C) 2A
(D) 3A
(D) 3A

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity

vi) To find the resistance of a gold bangle, two diametrically opposite points of the bangle are connected to the two terminals of the left gap of a metre bridge. A resistance of 4 Ω is introduced in the right gap. What is the resistance of the bangle if the null point is at 20 cm from the left end?
(A) 2 Ω
(B) 4 Ω
(C) 8 Ω
(D) 16 Ω
(A) 2 Ω

2. Answer in brief.

i) Define or describe a Potentiometer.
The potentiometer is a device used for accurate measurement of potential difference as well as the emf of a cell. It does not draw any current from the circuit at the null point. Thus, it acts as an ideal voltmeter and it can be used to determine the internal resistance of a cell. It consist of a long uniform wire AB of length L, stretched on a wooden board. A cell of stable emf (E), with a plug key K in series, is connected across AB as shown in the following figure.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity 8

ii) Define Potential Gradient.
Potential gradient is defined as the potential difference (the fall of potential from the high potential end) per unit length of the wire.

iii) Why should not the jockey be slided along the potentiometer wire?
Sliding the jockey on the potentiometer wire decreases the cross sectional area of the wire and thereby affects the fall of potential along the wire. This affects the potentiometer readings. Flence, the jockey should not be slided along the potentiometer wire.

iv) Are Kirchhoff’s laws applicable for both AC and DC currents?
Kirchhoff’s laws are applicable to both AC and DC ’ circuits (networks). For AC circuits with different loads, (e.g. a combination of a resistor and a capacitor, the instantaneous values for current and voltage are considered for addition.

[Note : Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (1824-87), German physicist, devised laws of electrical network and, with Robert Wilhelm Bunsen, (1811-99), German chemist, did pioneering work in chemical spectroscopy. He also con-tributed to radiation.]

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity

v) In a Wheatstone’s meter-bridge experiment, the null point is obtained in middle one third portion of wire. Why is it recommended?

  1. The value of unknown resistance X, may not be accurate due to non-uniformity of the bridge wire and development of contact resistance at the ends of the wire.
  2. To minimise these errors, the value of R is so adjusted that the null point is obtained in the middle one-third of the wire (between 34 cm and 66 cm) so that the percentage errors in the measurement of IX and IR are minimum and nearly the same.

vi) State any two sources of errors in meterbridge experiment. Explain how they can be minimized.
The chief sources of error in the metre bridge experiment are as follows :

  1. The bridge wire may not be uniform in cross section. Then the wire will not have a uniform resistance per unit length and hence its resistance will not be proportional to its length.
  2. End resistances at the two ends of the wire may be introduced due to
    1. the resistance of the metal strips
    2. the contact resistance of the bridge wire with the metal strips
    3. unmeasured lengths of the wire at the ends because the contact points of the wire with the metal strips do not coincide with the two ends of the metre scale attached.

Such errors are almost unavoidable but can be minimized considerably as follows :

  1. Readings must be taken by adjusting the standard known resistance such that the null point is obtained close to the centre of the wire. When several readings are to be taken, the null points should lie in the middle one-third of the wire.
  2. The measurements must be repeated with the standard resistance (resistance box) and the unknown resistance interchanged in the gaps of the bridge, obtaining the averages of the two results.

vii) What is potential gradient? How is it measured? Explain.
Consider a potentiometer consisting of a long uniform wire AB of length L and resistance R, stretched on a wooden board and connected in series with a cell of stable emf E and internal resistance r and a plug key K as shown in below figure.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity 9
Let I be the current flowing through the wire when the circuit is closed.
Current through AB, I = \(\frac{E}{R+r}\)
Potential difference across AB. VAB = IR
∴ VAB = \(\frac{E R}{(R+r)}\)
The potential difference (the fall of potential from the high potential end) per unit length of the wire,
\(\frac{V_{\mathrm{AB}}}{L}=\frac{E R}{(R+r) L}\)
As long as E and r remain constant, \(\frac{V_{\mathrm{AB}}}{L}\) will remain constant, \(\frac{V_{\mathrm{AB}}}{L}\) is known as potential gradient along

AB and is denoted by K. Thus the potential gradient is calculated by measuring the potential difference between ends of the potentiometer wire and dividing it by the length of the wire.
Let P be any point on the wire between A and B and AP = l = length of the wire between A and P.
Then VAP = Kl
∴ VAP ∝ l as K is constant in a particular case. Thus, the potential difference across any length of the potentiometer wire is directly proportional to that length. This is the principle of the potentiometer.

viii) On what factors does the potential gradient of the wire depend?
The potential gradient depends upon the potential difference between the ends of the wire and the length of the wire.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity

ix) Why is potentiometer preferred over a voltmeter for measuring emf?
A voltmeter should ideally have an infinite resistance so that it does not draw any current from the circuit. However a voltmeter cannot be designed to have infinite resistance. A potentiometer does not draw any current from the circuit at the null point. Therefore, it gives more accurate measurement. Thus, it acts as an ideal voltmeter.

x) State the uses of a potentiometer.
The applications (uses) of the potentiometer :

  1. Voltage divider :
    The potentiometer can be used as a voltage divider to change the output voltage of a voltage supply.
  2. Audio control:
    Sliding potentiometers are commonly used in modern low-power audio systems as audio control devices. Both sliding (faders) and rotary potentiometers (knobs) are regularly used for frequency attenuation, loudness control and for controlling different characteristics of audio signals.
  3. Potentiometer as a sensor:
    If the slider of the potentiometer is connected to the moving part of a machine, it can work as a motion sensor. A small displacement of the moving part causes a change in potential which is further amplified using an amplifier circuit. The potential difference is calibrated in terms of displacement of the moving part.
  4. To measure the emf (for this, the emf of the standard cell and potential gradient must be known).
  5. To compare the emf’s of two cells.
  6. To determine the internal resistance of a cell.

xi) What are the disadvantages of a potentiometer?
Disadvantages of a potentiometer over a voltmeter :

  1. The use of a potentiometer is an indirect measurement method while a voltmeter is a direct reading instrument.
  2. A potentiometer is unwieldy while a voltmeter is portable.
  3. Unlike a voltmeter, the use of a potentiometer in measuring an unknown emf requires a standard . source of emf and calibration.

xii) Distinguish between a potentiometer and a voltmeter.

Potentiometer Voltmeter
1. A potentiometer is used to determine the emf of a cell, potential difference and internal resistance. 1. A voltmeter can be used to measure the potential difference and terminal voltage of a cell. But it cannot be used to measure the emf of a cell.
2. Its accuracy and sensitivity are very high. 2. Its accuracy and sensitivity are less as compared to a potentiometer.
3. It is not a portable instrument. 3. It is a portable instrument.
4. It does not give a direct reading. 4. It gives a direct reading.

xiii) What will be the effect on the position of zero deflection if only the current flowing through the potentiometer wire is
(i) increased (ii) decreased.
(1) On increasing the current through the potentiometer wire, the potential gradient along the wire will increase. Hence, the position of zero deflection will occur at a shorter length.

(2) On decreasing the current through the potentiometer wire, the potential gradient along the wire will decrease. Hence, the position of zero deflection will occur at a longer length.
[Note : In the usual notation,
E1 = (\(\frac{I R}{L}\)) l1 = constant
Hence, (i) E, decreases when I is increased (ii) l1 increases when I is decreased.]

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity

Question 3.
Obtain the balancing condition in case of a Wheatstone’s network.
Wheatstone’s network or bridge is a circuit for indirect measurement of resistance by null com-parison method by comparing it with a standard known resistance. It consists of four resistors with resistances P, Q, R and S arranged in the form of a quadrilateral ABCD. A cell (E) with a plug key (K) in series is connected across one diagonal AC and a galvanometer (G) across the other diagonal BD as shown in the following figure.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity 15
With the key K dosed, currents pass through the resistors and the galvanometer. One or more of the resistances is adjusted until no deflection in the galvanometer can be detected. The bridge is then said to be balanced.

Let I be the current drawn from the cell. At junction A, it divides into a current I1 through P and a current I2 through S.
I = I1 + I2 (by Kirchhoff’s first law).
At junction B, current Ig flows through the galvanometer and current I1 – Ig flows through Q. At junction D, I2 and Ig combine. Hence, current I2 + Ig flows through R from D to C. At junction C, I1 – Ig and I2 + Ig combine. Hence, current I1 + I2(= I) leaves junction C.

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to loop ABDA in a clockwise sense, we get,
– I1P – IgG + I2S = 0 …………… (1)
where G is the resistance of the galvanometer.
Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to loop BCDB in a clockwise sense, we get,
– (I1 – Ig)Q + (I2 + Ig)R + IgG = 0 ………….. (2)
When Ig = 0, the bridge (network) is said to be balanced. In that case, from Eqs. (1) and (2), we get,
I1P = I2S …………… (3)
and I1Q = I2R ………….. (4)
From Eqs. (3) and (4), we get,
This is the condition of balance.
Alternative Method: When no current flows through the galvanometer, points B and D must be at the same potential.
∴ VB = VD
∴ VA – VB = VA – VD …………. (1)
and VB – VC = VD – VC ………… (2)
Now, VA – VB = I1P and VA – VD = I2S ………….. (3)
Also, VB – VC = I1Q and VD – VC = I2R …………. (4)
Substituting Eqs. (3) and (4) in Eqs. (1) and (2), we get,
I1P = I2S . ………… (5)
and I1Q = I2R …(6)
Dividing Eq. (5) by Eq. (6), we get,
This is the condition of balance.

[ Note : In the determination of an unknown resistance using Wheatstone’s network, the unknown resistance is connected in one arm of the network (say, AB), and a standard known variable resistance is connected in an adjacent arm. Then, the other two arms are called the ratio arms. Also, because the positions of the cell and galvanometer can be interchanged, without a change in the condition of balance, the branches AC and BD in figure are called the conjugate arms. ]

Question 4.
Explain with neat circuit diagram, how you will determine the unknown resistance by using a meter-bridge.
A metre bridge consists of a rectangular wooden board with two L-shaped thick metallic strips fixed along its three edges. A single thick metallic strip separates two L-shaped strips. A wire of length one metre and uniform cross section is stretched on a metre scale fixed on the wooden board. The ends of the wire are fixed to the L-shaped metallic strips.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity 16
An unknown resistance X is connected in the left gap and a resistance box R is connected in the right gap as shown in above figure. One end of a centre-zero galvanometer (G) is connected to terminal C and the other end is connected to a pencil jockey (J). A cell (E) of emf E, plug key (K) and rheostat (Rh) are connected in series between points A and B.

Working : Keeping a suitable resistance (R) in the resistance box, key K is closed to pass a current through the circuit. The jockey is tapped along the wire to locate the equipotential point D when the galvanometer shows zero deflection. The bridge is then balanced and point D is called the null point and the method is called as null deflection method. The distances lX and lR of the null point from the two ends of the wire are measured.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity 17
As R, lX and lR are known, the unknown resistance X can be calculated.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity

Question 5.
Describe Kelvin’s method to determine the resistance of a galvanometer by using a meter bridge.
Kelvin’s method :
Circuit: The metre bridge circuit for Kelvin’s method of determination of the resistance of a galvanometer is shown in below figure. The galvanometer whose resistance G is to be determined, is connected in one gap of the metre bridge. A resistance box providing a variable known resistance R is connected in the other gap. The junction B of the galvanometer and the resistance box is con-nected directly to a pencil jockey. A cell of emf E, a key (K) and a rheostat (Rh) are connected across AC.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity 6
Working : Keeping a suitable resistance R in the resistance box and maximum resistance in the rheostat, key K is closed to pass the current. The rheostat resistance is slowly reduced such that the galvanometer shows about 2 / 3rd of the full-scale deflection.

On tapping the jockey at end-points A and C, the galvanometer deflection should change to opposite sides of the initial deflection. Only then will there be a point D on the wire which is equipotential with point B. The jockey is tapped along the wire to locate the equipotential point D when the galvanometer shows no change in deflection. Point D is now called the balance point and Kelvin’s method is thus an equal deflection method. At this balanced condition,
\(\frac{G}{R}=\frac{\text { resistance of the wire of length } l_{G}}{\text { resistance of the wire of length } l_{R}}\)
where IG = the length of the wire opposite to the galvanometer, IR = the length of the wire opposite to the resistance box.
If λ = the resistance per unit length of the wire,
\(\frac{G}{R}=\frac{\lambda l_{G}}{\lambda l_{R}}=\frac{l_{G}}{l_{R}}\)
∴ G = R\(\frac{l_{G}}{l_{R}}\)
The quantities on the right hand side are known, so that G can be calculated.
[Note : The method was devised by William Thom-son (Lord Kelvin, 1824-1907), British physicist.]

Question 6.
Describe how a potentiometer is used to compare the emfs of two cells by connecting the cells individually.
A battery of stable emf E is used to set up a potential gradient V/L along a potentiometer wire, where V = potential difference across the length L of the wire. The positive terminals of the cells, whose emf’s (E1 and E2) are to be compared, are connected to the high potential terminal A. The negative terminals of the cells are connected to a galvanometer G through a two-way key. The other terminal of the galvanometer is connected to a pencil jockey. The emf E should be greater than both the emf’s E1 and E2.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity 10
Connecting point P to C, the cell with emf E1 is brought into the circuit. The jockey is tapped along the wire to locate the null point D at a distance l1 from A. Then,
E1 = Z1(V/L)
Now, without changing the potential gradient (i.e., without changing the rheostat setting) point Q (instead of P) is connected to C, bringing the cell with emf E2 into the circuit. Let its null point D’ be at a distance l2 from A, so that
E2 = l2(V/L)
∴ \(\frac{E_{1}}{E_{2}}=\frac{l_{1}}{l_{2}}\)
Hence, by measuring the corresponding null lengths l1 and l2, E1/E2 can be calculated. The experiment is repeated for different potential gradients using the rheostat.
[Note : This method is used when the two emf’s have comparable magnitudes. Then, the errors of measurement of their balancing lengths will also be of comparable magnitudes.]

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity

Question 7.
Describe how a potentiometer is used to compare the emfs of two cells by combination method.
A battery of stable emf E is used to set up a potential gradient V/L, along the potentiometer wire, where V = potential difference across length L of the wire. The positive terminal of the cell 1 is connected to the higher potential terminal A of the potentiometer; the negative terminal is connected to the galvanometer G through the reversing key. The other terminal of the galvanometer is connected to a pencil jockey. The cell 2 is connected across the remaining two opposite terminals of the reversing key. The other terminal of the galvanometer is connected to a pencil jockey. The emf E1 should be greater than the emf E2; this can be adjusted by trial and error.

Two plugs are inserted in the reversing key in positions 1 – 1. Here, the two cells assist each other so that the net emf is E1 + E2. The jockey is tapped along the wire to locate the null point D. If the null point is a distance l1 from A,
E1 + E2 = l1 (V/L)
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity 11
For the same potential gradient (without changing the rheostat setting), the plugs are now inserted into position 2 – 2. (instead of 1 – 1). The emf E2 then opposes E1 and the net emf is E1 – E2. The new null point D’ is, say, a distance l2 from A and
E1 – E2 = l2 (V/L)
∴ \(\frac{E_{1}+E_{2}}{E_{1}-E_{2}}=\frac{l_{1}}{l_{2}}\) ∴ \(\frac{E_{1}}{E_{2}}=\frac{l_{1}-l_{2}}{l_{1}-l_{2}}\)
Here, the emf E should be greater than E1 + E2. The experiment is repeated for different potential gradients using the rheostat.
[Note : This method is used when E1 » E2, so that E1 + E2 and E1 – E2 have comparable magnitudes. Then, the errors of measurement of l1 and l2 will also be of comparable magnitudes.]

Question 8.
Describe with the help of a neat circuit diagram how you will determine the internal resistance of a cell by using a potentiometer. Derive the necessary formula.
Principle : A cell of emf £ and internal resistance r, which is connected to an external resistance R, has its terminal potential difference V less than its emf E. If I is the corresponding current,
\(\frac{E}{V}=\frac{I(R+r)}{I R}=\frac{R+r}{R}\) = 1 + \(\frac{r}{R}\) (when R → ∞, V → E)
∴ r = \(\frac{E-V}{V}\) R
Working : A battery of stable emf E’ is used to set up a potential gradient V/L, along the potentiometer wire, where V = potential difference across the length L of the wire. The negative terminal is connected through a centre-zero galvanometer G to a pencil jockey. A resistance box R with a plug key K in series is connected across the cell.

Firstly, key K is kept open; then, effectively, R = ∞. The jockey is tapped on the potentiometer wire to locate the null point D. Let the null length
AD = l1, so that
E = (VAB/L)l1
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity 12
With the same potential gradient, and a small resistance R in the resistance box, key K is closed. The new null length AD’ = l2 for the terminal potential difference V is found :
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R, l1, and l2 being known, r can be calculated. The experiment is repeated with different potential gradients using the rheostat or with different values of R.

Question 9.
On what factors does the internal resistance of a cell depend?
The internal resistance of a cell depends on :

  1. Nature of the electrolyte :
    The greater the conductivity of the electrolyte, the lower is the internal resistance of the cell.
  2. Separation between the electrodes :
    The larger the seperation between the electrodes of the cell, the higher is the internal resistance of the cell. This is because the ions have to cover a greater distance before reaching an electrode.
  3. Nature of the electrodes.
  4. The internal resistance is inversly proportional to the common area of the electrodes dipping in the electrolyte.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity

Question 10.
A battery of emf 4 volt and internal resistance 1 Ω is connected in parallel with
another battery of emf 1 V and internal resistance 1 Ω (with their like poles connected together). The combination is used to send current through an external resistance of 2 Ω. Calculate the current through the external resistance.
Let I1 and I2 be the currents through the two branches as shown in below figure. The current through the 2 Q resistance will be (I1 + I2) [Kirchhoff’s current law].
Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to loop ABCDEFA, we get,
-2(I1 + I2) – 1(I1) + 4 = 0
∴ 3I1 + 2I1 = 4 …………… (1)
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Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to loop BCDEB, we get,
-2(I1 + I2) – 1(I2) + 1 = 0
2I1 + 3I2 = 1 ………… (2)
Multiplying Eq. (1) by 2 and Eq. (2) by 3, we get,
6I1 + 4I2 = 8 ………….(3)
and 6I1 + 9I2 = 3 ……………. (4)
Subtracting Eq. (4) from Eq. (3), we get,
– 5I2 =5
∴ I2 = -1A
The minus sign shows that the direction of current I2 is opposite to that assumed. Substituting this value of 12 in Eq. (1), we get,
3I1 + 2(-1) = 4
∴3I1 = 4 + 2 = 6
∴ I1 = 2A
Current through the 2 0 resistance = I1 + I2 = 2 – 1
= 1 A. It is in the direction as shown in the figure.
[Note : We may as well consider loop ABEFA and write the corresponding equation. But it does not provide any additional information.]

Question 11.
Two cells of emf 1.5 Volt and 2 Volt having respective internal resistances of 1 Ω and 2 Ω are connected in parallel so as to send current in same direction through an external resistance of 5 Ω. Find the current through the external resistance.
Let I1 and I2 be the currents through the two branches as shown in below figure. The current through the 5 Q resistor will be I1 + I2 [Kirchhoff’s current law].
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Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to loop w ABCDEFA, we get,
– 5(I1 + I2) – I1 + 1.5 = 0
∴ 6I1 + 5I2 = 1.5 ……………. (1)
Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to loop BCDEB, we get,
– 5(I1 + I2) – 2I2 + 2 = 0
∴ 5I1 + 7I2 = 2 ……………(2)
Multiplying Eq. (1) by 5 and Eq. (2) by 6, we get,
30I1 + 25I2 = 7.5 …………… (3)
and 30I1 + 42I2 = 12 …………. (4)
Subtracting Eq. (3) from Eq. (4), we get,
17I2 = 4.5
∴ I2 = \(\frac{4.5}{17}\) A
Substituting this value of I2 in Eq. (1), we get,
6I1 + 5(\(\frac{4.5}{17}\)) = 1.5
∴ 6I1 + \(\frac{22.5}{17}\) = 1.5
∴ 6I1 = 1.5 – \(\frac{22.5}{17}\) = \(\frac{28.5-22.5}{17}\)
= \(\frac{3}{17}\)
∴ I1 = \(\frac{3}{17 \times 6}=\frac{0.5}{17}\) A
Current through the 5 Q resistance (external resistance)
= I1 + I2 = \(\frac{0.5}{17}+\frac{4.5}{17}=\frac{5}{17}\) A

Question 12.
A voltmeter has a resistance 30 Ω. What will be its reading, when it is connected across a cell of emf 2 V having internal resistance 10 Ω?
Data: E = 2V, r = 10 Ω, R = 30 Ω
The voltmeter reading, V = IR
= (\(\frac{E}{R+r}\)) R
= (\(\frac{2}{30+10}\)) 30
= (\(\frac{2}{40}\)) 30
= 1.5 V

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity

Question 13.
A set of three coils having resistances 10 Ω, 12 Ω and 15 Ω are connected in parallel. This combination is connected in series with series combination of three coils of the same resistances. Calculate the total resistance and current through the circuit, if a battery of emf 4.1 Volt is used for drawing current.
Below figure shows the electrical network. For resistances 10 Ω, 12 Ω and 15 Ω connected in parallel the equivalent resistance (Rp) is given by,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity 5
For resistance Rp, 10 Ω, 12 Ω and 15 Ω connected in series, the equivalent resistance,
Rs = 4 + 10 + 12 + 15 = 41 Ω
Thus, the total resistance = Rs = 41 Ω
Now, V = IRs
∴ 4.1 = 1 × 41
∴ I = 0.1A
The total resistance and current through the circuit are 41 Ω and 0.1 A respectively.

Question 14.
A potentiometer wire has a length of 1.5 m and resistance of 10 Ω. It is connected in series with the cell of emf 4 Volt and internal resistance 5 Ω. Calculate the potential drop per centimeter of the wire.
Data : L = 1.5 m, R = 10 Ω, E = 4 V, r = 5 Ω
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The potential drop per centimeter of the wire is 0.0178 \(\frac{\mathrm{V}}{\mathrm{cm}}\)

Question 15.
When two cells of emfs. E1 and E2 are connected in series so as to assist each other, their balancing length on a potentiometer is found to be 2.7 m. When the cells are connected in series so as to oppose each other, the balancing length is found to be 0.3 m. Compare the emfs of the two cells.
Data : l1 = 2.7m (cells assisting),
l2 = 0.3 m (cells opposing)
E1 + E2 = Kl1 and E1 – E2 = Kl2
∴\(\frac{E_{1}+E_{2}}{E_{1}-E_{2}}=\frac{K l_{1}}{K l_{2}}\)
∴ \(\frac{E_{1}}{E_{2}}=\frac{l_{1}+l_{2}}{l_{1}-l_{2}}=\frac{2.7+0.3}{2.7-0.3}=\frac{3}{2.4}=\frac{30}{24}\) = 1.25
The ratio of the emf’s of the two cells is 1.25.

Question 16.
The emf of a cell is balanced by a length of 120 cm of potentiometer wire. When the cell is shunted by a resistance of 10 Ω, the balancing length is reduced by 20 cm. Find the internal resistance of the cell.
Data :R = 10 Ω, l1 = 120 cm, l2 = 120 – 20 = 100 cm
r = R(\(\frac{l_{1}-l_{2}}{l_{2}}\))
= 10 (\(\frac{120-100}{100}\))
= 2 Ω
The internal resistance of the cell is 2 Ω.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity

Question 17.
A potential drop per unit length along a wire is 5 × 10-3 V/m. If the emf of a cell balances against length 216 cm of this potentiometer wire, find the emf of the cell.
Data: K = 5 × 10-3 \(\frac{\mathrm{V}}{\mathrm{m}}\), L = 216 cm = 216 × 10-2 m
E = KL
∴ E = 5 × 10-3 × 216 × 10-2
= 1080 × 10-5
= 0.01080V
The emf of the cell is 0.01080 volt.
(Note: For K = 0.5 V/m, we get, E = 1.08V (reasonable value)]

Question 18.
The resistance of a potentiometer wire is 8 Ω and its length is 8 m. A resistance box and a 2 V battery are connected in series with it. What should be the resistance in the box, if it is desired to have a potential drop of 1 µV/mm?
Data: R = 8 Ω, L = 8 m, E = 2 V, K = 1 µV/mm
= 1 × \(\frac{10^{-6} \mathrm{~V}}{10^{-3} \mathrm{~m}}\) = 10-3 \(\frac{\mathrm{V}}{\mathrm{m}}\)
K = \(\frac{V}{L}=\frac{E R}{\left(R+R_{\mathrm{B}}\right) L^{\prime}}\) where RB is the resistance in the box.
∴ 10-3 = \(\frac{2 \times 8}{\left(8+R_{B}\right) 8}\)
∴ 8 + RB = \(\frac{2}{10^{-3}}\)
= 2 × 103
∴ RB = 2000 – 8
= 1992 Ω

Question 19.
Find the equivalent resistance between the terminals F and B in the network shown in the figure below given that the resistance of each resistor is 10 ohm.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity 2
Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to loop FGHF, we get,
– 10I1 – 10(I1 – I2) + 10(I – I1) + 10(I – I1) = 0
∴ – 10I1 – 10I1 + 10I2 + 10I – 10I1 + 10I – 10I1 = 0
∴ 201 – 40I1 + 10I2 = 0
∴ 2I – 4I1 + I2 = 0 …………….. (1)
Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to loop GABHG, we get,
– 10I2 – 10I2 + 10(I – I2) + 10(I1 – I2) = 0
∴ – 20I2 + 10I – 10I2 + 10I1 – 10I2 = 0
∴ 10I + 10I1 – 40I2 = 0 .
∴ I + I1 – 4I2 = 0 ……………… (2)
Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to loop EFHBCDE, we get,
– 10(I – I1) – 10(I – I1) – 10(I – I2) + E = 0
∴ -10I + 10I1 – 10I + 10I1 – 10I + 10I2 + E = 0
∴E = 30I – 20I1 – 10I2 ………….. (3)
From Eq. (1), we get, I2 = 4I1 – 2I …………. (4)
From Eqs. (2) and (4), we get,
I + I1 – 4(4I1 – 2I) = 0
∴ I + I1 – 16I1 + 8I = 0 .
∴ 9I = 15I1 ∴ I1 = \(\frac{9}{15}\)I = \(\frac{3}{5}\)I …………. (5)
From Eqs. (4) and (5), we get,
I2 = 4(\(\frac{3}{5}\)I) – 2I = \(\frac{12}{5}\)I – 2I
= \(\frac{12 I-10 I}{5}\) = \(\frac{2}{5}\) I
From Eqs. (3), (5) and (6), we get
E = 30I – 20(\(\frac{3}{5}\) I) – 10(\(\frac{2}{5}\) I)
= 30I – 12I – 4I = 30I – 16I
∴ E = 14I
If R is the equivalent resistance between E and C,
E = RI
∴ R = 14 Ω

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity

Question 20.
A voltmeter has a resistance of 100 Ω. What will be its reading when it is connected across a cell of emf 2 V and internal resistance 20 Ω?
Data: E = 2V, r = 20 Ω, R = 100 Ω
The voltmeter reading, V = IR
V = (\(\frac{2}{100+20}\))100 = \(\frac{200}{120}=\frac{10}{6}\) = 1.667 V.

12th Physics Digest Chapter 9 Current Electricity Intext Questions and Answers

Observe and Discuss (Textbook Page No. 220)

Question 1.
Post Office Box
A post office box (PO Box) is a practical form of Wheatstone bridge as shown in the figure.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 9 Current Electricity 7
It consists of three arms P, Q and R. The resistances in these three arms are adjustable. The two ratio arms P and Q contain resistances of 10 ohm, 100 ohm and 1000 ohm each. The third arm R contains resistances from 1 ohm to 5000 ohm. The unknown resistance X (usually, in the form of a wire) forms the fourth arm of the Wheatstone’s bridge. There are two tap keys K1 and K2 .
The resistances in the arms P and Q are fixed to a desired ratio. The resistance in the arm R is adjusted so that the galvanometer shows no deflection. Now the bridge is balanced. The unknown resistance X = RQ/P, where P and Q are the fixed resistances in the ratio arms and R is the adjustable known resistance.

If L is the length of the wire used to prepare the resistor with resistance X and r is its radius, then the specific resistance (resistivity) of the material of the wire is given by
ρ = \(\frac{X \pi r^{2}}{L}\)

Class 12 Physics Questions And Answers

12th Std Physics Questions And Answers:

12th Physics Chapter 8 Exercise Electrostatics Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Physics Chapter 8

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 12th Physics Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Electrostatics Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Electrostatics Class 12 Exercise Question Answers Solutions Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Physics Chapter 8 Exercise Solutions Maharashtra Board

Physics Class 12 Chapter 8 Exercise Solutions

1. Choose the correct option

i) A parallel plate capacitor is charged and then isolated. The effect of increasing the plate separation on a charge, potential, capacitance respectively are
(A) Constant, decreases, decreases
(B) Increases, decreases, decreases
(C) Constant, decreases, increases
(D) Constant, increases, decreases
(A) Constant, decreases, decreases

ii) A slab of material of dielectric constant k has the same area A as the plates of a parallel plate capacitor and has a thickness (3/4d), where d is the separation of the plates. The change in capacitance when the slab is inserted between the plates is
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 8 Electrostatics 1
(D) C = \(\frac{\varepsilon_{0} A}{d}\left(\frac{4 k}{k+3}\right)\)

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 8 Electrostatics

iii) Energy stored in a capacitor and dissipated during charging a capacitor bear a ratio.
(A) 1 : 1
(B) 1 : 2
(C) 2 : 1
(D) 1 : 3
(A) 1 : 1

iv) Charge + q and -q are placed at points A and B respectively which are distance 2L apart. C is the mid point of A and B. The work done in moving a charge +Q along the semicircle CRD as shown in the figure below is
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 8 Electrostatics 2
(C) \(\frac{q Q}{6 \pi \varepsilon_{0} L}\)
(D) \(\frac{-q Q}{6 \pi \varepsilon_{0} L}\)
(A) \(-\frac{Q q_{1}}{6 \pi \varepsilon_{0} L}\)

v) A parallel plate capacitor has circular plates of radius 8 cm and plate separation 1mm. What will be the charge on the plates if a potential difference of 100 V is applied?
(A) 1.78 × 10-8 C
(B) 1.78 × 10-5 C
(C) 4.3 × 104 C
(D) 2 × 10-9 C
(A) 1.78 × 10-8 C

2. Answer in brief.

i) A charge q is moved from a point A above a dipole of dipole moment p to a point B below the dipole in equitorial plane without acceleration. Find the work done in this process.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 8 Electrostatics 3
The equatorial plane of an electric dipole is an equipotential with V = 0. Therefore, the no work is done in moving a charge between two points in the equatorial plane of a dipole.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 8 Electrostatics

ii) If the difference between the radii of the two spheres of a spherical capacitor is increased, state whether the capacitance will increase or decrease.
The capacitance of a spherical capacitor is C = 4πε0\(\left(\frac{a b}{b-a}\right)\) where a and b are the radii of the concentric inner and outer conducting shells. Hence, the capacitance decreases if the difference b – a is increased.

iii) A metal plate is introduced between the plates of a charged parallel plate capacitor. What is its effect on the capacitance of the capacitor?
Suppose the parallel-plate capacitor has capacitance C0, plates of area A and separation d. Assume the metal sheet introduced has the same area A.

Case (1) : Finite thickness t. Free electrons in the sheet will migrate towards the positive plate of the capacitor. Then, the metal sheet is attracted towards whichever capacitor plate is closest and gets stuck to it, so that its potential is the same as that of that plate. The gap between the capacitor plates is reduced to d – t, so that the capacitance increases.

Case (2) : Negligible thickness. The thin metal sheet divides the gap into two of thicknesses d1 and d1 of capacitances C1 = ε0A/d1 and C2 = ε0A/d2 in series.
Their effective capacitance is
C = \(\frac{C_{1} C_{2}}{C_{1}+C_{2}}=\frac{\varepsilon_{0} A}{d_{1}+d_{2}}=\frac{\varepsilon_{0} A}{d}\) = C0
i.e., the capacitance remains unchanged.

iv) The safest way to protect yourself from lightening is to be inside a car. Justify.
There is danger of lightning strikes during a thunderstorm. Because trees are taller than people and therefore closer to the clouds above, they are more likely to get hit by lightnings. Similarly, a person standing in open ground is the tallest object and more likely to get hit by a lightning. But car with a metal body is an almost ideal Faraday cage. When a car is struck by lightning, the charge flows on the outside surface of the car to the ground but the electric field inside remains zero. This leaves the passengers inside unharmed.

v) A spherical shell of radius b with charge Q is expanded to a radius a. Find the work done by the electrical forces in the process.
Consider a spherical conducting shell of radius r placed in a medium of permittivity ε. The mechanical force per unit area on the charged conductor is
f = \(\frac{F}{d S}=\frac{\sigma^{2}}{2 \varepsilon}\)
where a is the surface charge density on the conductor. Given the charge on the spherical shell is Q, (σ = Q/πr2. The force acts outward, normal to the surface.

Suppose the force displaces a charged area element adS through a small distance dx, then the work done by the force is
dW = Fdx = (\(\frac{\sigma^{2}}{2 \varepsilon}\) dS) dx
During the displacement, the area element sweeps out a volume dV = dS ∙ dx.
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Therefore, the work done by the force in expanding the shell from radius r = b to r = a is
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This gives the required expression for the work done.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 8 Electrostatics

Question 3.
A dipole with its charges, -q and + q located at the points (0, -b, 0) and (0 +b, 0) is present in a uniform electric field E whose equipotential surfaces are planes parallel to the YZ planes.
(a) What is the direction of the electric field E?
(b) How much torque would the dipole experience in this field?
(a) Given, the equipotentials of the external uniform electric field are planes parallel to the yz plane, the electric field \(\vec{E}=\pm E \hat{\mathrm{i}}\) that is, \(\overrightarrow{E}\) is parallel to the x-axis.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 8 Electrostatics 12

(b) From above figure, the dipole moment, \(\vec{p}=q(2 b) \hat{\mathrm{j}}\)
The torque on this dipole,
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 8 Electrostatics 13
So that the magnitude of the torque is τ = 2qbE.
If \(\vec{E}\) is in the direction of the + x-axis, the torque \(\vec{\tau}\) is in the direction of – z-axis, while if \(\vec{E}\) is in the direction of the -x-axis, the torque \(\vec{\tau}\) is in the direction of + z-axis.

Question 4.
Three charges – q, + Q and – q are placed at equal distance on straight line. If the potential energy of the system of the three charges is zero, then what is the ratio of Q : q?
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 8 Electrostatics 10
In the above figure, the line joining the charges is shown as the x-axis with the origin at the + Q charge. Let q1 = +Q, and q2 = q3 = – q. Let the two – q charges be at (- a, 0) and (a, 0), since the charges are given to be equidistant.
∴ r21 = r31 = a and r32 = 2a
The total potential energy of the system of three charges is
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 8 Electrostatics 11
This gives the required ratio.

Question 5.
A capacitor has some dielectric between its plates and the capacitor is connected to a DC source. The battery is now disconnected and then the dielectric is removed. State whether the capacitance, the energy stored in it, the electric field, charge stored and voltage will increase, decrease or remain constant.
Assume a parallel-plate capacitor, of plate area A and plate separation d is filled with a dielectric of relative permittivity (dielectric constant) k. Its capacitance is C = \(\frac{k \varepsilon_{0} A}{d}\) …………. (1)
If it is charged to a voltage (potential) V, the charge on its plates is Q = CV.

Since the battery is disconnected after it is charged, the charge Q on its plates, and consequently the product CV, remain unchanged.

On removing the dielectric completely, its capacitance becomes from Eq. (1),
C’ = \(\frac{\varepsilon_{0} A}{d}=\frac{1}{k} C\) ……………. (2)
that is, its capacitance decreases by the factor k. Since C’V’ = CV, its new voltage is
V’ = \(\frac{C}{C^{\prime}}\) V = kV …………… (3)

so that its voltage increases by the factor k. The stored potential energy, U = \(\frac{1}{2}\) QV, so that Q remaining constant, U increases by the factor k. The electric field, E = V/ d, so that E also increases by a factor k.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 8 Electrostatics

Question 6.
Find the ratio of the potential differences that must be applied across the parallel and series combination of two capacitors C1 and C2 with their capacitances in the ratio 1 : 2, so that the energy stored in these two cases becomes the same.
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This gives the required ratio.

Question 7.
Two charges of magnitudes -4Q and +2Q are located at points (2a, 0) and (5a, 0) respectively. What is the electric flux due to these charges through a sphere of radius 4a with its centre at the origin?
The sphere of radius 4a encloses only the negative charge Q1 = -4Q. The positive charge Q2 = +2Q being located at a distance of 5a from the origin is outside the sphere. Only a part of the electric flux lines originating at Q2 enters the sphere and exits entirely at other points. Hence, the electric flux through the sphere is only due to Q1.
Therefore, the net electric flux through the sphere = \(\frac{Q_{1}}{\varepsilon_{0}}=\frac{-4 Q}{\varepsilon_{0}}\) . The minus sign shows that the flux is directed into the sphere, but not radially since the sphere is not centred on Q1.

Question 8.
A 6 µF capacitor is charged by a 300 V supply. It is then disconnected from the supply and is connected to another uncharged 3µF capacitor. How much electrostatic energy of the first capacitor is lost in the form of heat and electromagnetic radiation ?
Data: C = 6 µF = 6 × 10-6 F = C1, V = 300 V
C2 = 3 µF
The electrostatic energy in the capacitor
= \(\frac{1}{2}\)Cv2 = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(6 × 10-6)(300)2
= 3 × 10-6 × 9 × 104 = 0.27J
The charge on this capacitor,
Q = CV = (6 × 10-6)(300) = 1.8 mC
When two capacitors of capacitances C1 and C2 are connected in parallel, the equivalent capacitance C
= C1 + C2 = 6 + 3 = 9 µF
= 9 × 10-6F
By conservation of charge, Q = 1.8 C.
∴ The energy of the system = \(\frac{Q^{2}}{2 C}\)
= \(\frac{\left(1.8 \times 10^{-3}\right)^{2}}{2\left(9 \times 10^{-6}\right)}=\frac{18 \times 10^{-8}}{10^{-6}}\) = 0.18 J
The energy lost = 0.27 – 0.18 = 0.09 J

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 8 Electrostatics

Question 9.
One hundred twenty five small liquid drops, each carrying a charge of 0.5 µC and each of diameter 0.1 m form a bigger drop. Calculate the potential at the surface of the bigger drop.
Data : n = 125, q = 0.5 × 10-6 C, d = 0.1 m
The radius of each small drop, r = d/2 = 0.05 m
The volume of the larger drop being equal to the volume of the n smaller drops, the radius of the larger drop is
R = \(\sqrt[3]{n} r\) = \(\sqrt[3]{125}\) (0.05) = 5 × 0.05 = 0.25 m
The charge on the larger drop,
Q = nq = 125 × (0.5 × 10-6) C
∴ The electric potential of the surface of the larger drop,
V = \(\frac{1}{4 \pi \varepsilon_{0}} \frac{Q}{R}\) = (9 × 109) × \(\frac{125 \times\left(0.5 \times 10^{-6}\right)}{0.25}\)
= 9 × 125 × 2 × 103 = 2.25 × 106 V

Question 10.
The dipole moment of a water molecule is 6.3 × 10-30 Cm. A sample of water contains 1021 molecules, whose dipole moments are all oriented in an electric field of strength 2.5 × 105 N /C. Calculate the work to be done to rotate the dipoles from their initial orientation θ1 = 0 to one in which all the dipoles are perpendicular to the field, θ2 = 90°.
Data: p = 6.3 × 10-30 C∙m, N = 1021 molecules,
E = 2.5 × 105 N/C, θ0 = θ1 = 0°, θ = θ2 = 90°
W = pE(cos θ0 – cos θ)
The total work required to orient N dipoles is
W = NpE(cos θ1 – cos θ2)
=(1021)(6.3 × 10-30)(2.5 × 105)
= 15.75 × 10-4 J = 1.575 mJ

Question 11.
A charge 6 µC is placed at the origin and another charge -5 µC is placed on the y axis at a position A (0, 6.0) m.
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(a) Calculate the total electric potential at the point P whose coordinates are (8.0, 0) m
(b) Calculate the work done to bring a proton from infinity to the point P. What is the significance of the sign of the work done ?
Data : q1 = 6 × 10-6 C, q2 = -5 × 10-6 C,
A ≡ (0, 6.0 m), P ≡ (8.0 m, 0), r1 = OP = 8 m, q = e = 1.6 × 10-19C, 1/4πε0 = 9 × 109 N∙m2/C2
r2 = AP = \(\sqrt{(8-0)^{2}+(0-6)^{2}}\) = \(\sqrt{64+36}\) = 10 m

(a) The net electric potential at P due to the system of two charges is
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(b) The electric potential V at the point P is the negative of the work done per unit charge, by the electric field of the system of the charges q1 and q2, in bringing a test charge from infinity to that point.
V = \(-\frac{W}{q_{0}}\)
∴ W = -qV= -(1.6 × 10-19)(2.25 × 103)
= -3.6 × 10-16 J= -2.25 keV
That is, in bringing the positively charged proton from a point of lower potential to a point of higher potential, the work done by the electric field on it is negative, which means that an external agent must bring the proton against the electric field of the system of the two source charges.

[Note : The potential V at a point is the work done per unit charge (Wext) by an external agent in bringing a test charge from infinity to that point. In the above case, the work done by an external agent will be positive. The question does not specify this.]

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 8 Electrostatics

Question 12.
In a parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates, each plate has an area of 6 × 10-3 m2 and the separation between the plates is 2 mm.
i) Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor.
ii) If this capacitor is connected to 100 V supply, what would be the charge on each plate?
iii) How would charge on the plates be affected if a 2 mm thick mica sheet of k = 6 is inserted between the plates while the voltage supply remains connected ?
Data: k = 1(air), A = 6 × 10-3 m2, d = 2
mm = 2 × 10-3 m,V = 100V, t = 2 mm = d, k1 = 6,
ε0 = 8.85 × 10-12 F/m
(i) The capacitance of the air capacitor, C0 = \(\frac{\varepsilon_{0} A}{d}\)
= \(\frac{\left(8.85 \times 10^{-12}\right)\left(6 \times 10^{-3}\right)}{2 \times 10^{-3}}\)
= 26.55 × 10-12 F = 26.55 pF

(ii) Q0 = C0V = (26.55 × 10-12)(100)
= 26.55 × 10-10 C = 2.655 nC

(iii) The dielectric of relative permittivity k1 completely fills the space between the plates (∵t = d), so that the new capacitance is C = k1C0.
With the supply still connected, V remains the same.
∴ Q = CV = kC0V = kQ0 =6(2.655 nF) = 15.93 nC
Therefore, the charge on the plates increases.
[Note: Ck1C0 = 6(26.55 pF)= 159.3 pF.]

Question 13.
Find the equivalent capacitance between P and Q. Given, area of each plate = A and separation between plates = d.
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(i) The capacitor in figure is a series combination of three capacitors of plate separations d/3 and plate areas A, with C1 filled with air (k1 = 1), C2 filled with dielectric of k2 = 3 and C3 filled with dielectric of k3 = 6
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(ii) In figure, a series combination of two capacitors C2(k2 = 3) and C3(k3 = 6), of plate areas A/2 and plate separations d/2, is in parallel with a capacitor C1 (k1 = 4) of plate area A/2 and plate separation d.
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12th Physics Digest Chapter 8 Electrostatics Intext Questions and Answers

Can you recall (Textbook Page No. 188)

Question 1.
What is gravitational Potential ?
We measure the gravitational potential energy U of a body (1) by assigning U = 0 for a reference configuration (such as the body at a reference level) (2) then equating U to the work W done by an external force to move the body up or down from that level to a point. We then define gravitational potential of the point as gravitational potential energy per unit mass of the body.

We follow the same procedure with the electric force, which is also a conservative force with the only difference that while the gravitational force is always attractive, electric force can be attractive (for unlike charges) or repulsive (for like charges).

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 8 Electrostatics

Remember this (Textbook Page No. 191)

Question 1.
Due to a single charge at a distance r, Force (F ) α 1/r2, Electric field (E ) α 1/r2 but Potential (V) α 1/ r.
At a point a distance r from an isolated point charge, the force F on a point charge and the electric field E both vary as 1/r2, while the potential energy U of a point charge and the electric potential V at the point both vary as 1/r.
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Use your brain power (Textbook Page No.194)

Question 1.
Is electrostatic potential necessarily zero at a point where electric field strength is zero? Justify.
Electric potential is a scalar quantity while electric field intensity is a vector quantity. When we add potentials at a point due two or more point charges, the operation is simple scalar addition along with the sign of V, determined by the sign of the q that produces V. At a point, the net field is the vector sum of the fields due to the individual charges. Midway between the two charges of an electric dipole, the potentials due to the two charges are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign, and thus add up to zero. But the electric fields due to the charges are equal in magnitude and direction-towards the negative charge-so that the net field there is not zero. But midway between two like charges of equal magnitudes, the potentials are equal in magnitude and have the same sign, so that the net potential is nonzero. However, the fields due to the two equal like charges are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction, and thus vectorially add up to zero.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 8 Electrostatics

Do you know (Textbook Page No. 203)

Question 1.
If we apply a large enough electric field, we can ionize the atoms and create a condition for electric charge to flow like a conductor. The fields required for the breakdown of dielectric is called dielectric strength.
In a sufficiently strong electric field, the molecules of a dielectric material become ionized, allowing flow of charge. The insulating properties of the dielectric breaks down, permanently or temporarily, and the phenomenon is called dielectric breakdown. During dielectric breakdown, electrical discharge through the dielectric follows random-path patterns like tree branches, called a Lichtenberg figure. Dielectric strength is the voltage that an insulating material can withstand before breakdown occurs. It usually depends on the thickness of the material. It is expressed in kV/mm. For example, the dielectric strengths of air, polystyrene and mica in kV/mm are 3, 20 and 118. Higher dielectric strength corresponds to better insulation properties.

Remember this (Textbook Page No. 205)

Question 1.
Series combination is used when a high voltage is to be divided on several capacitors. Capacitor with minimum capacitance has the maximum potential difference between the plates.
Series combination of capacitors

  1. Equivalent capacitance is less than the smallest capacitance in series. For several capacitors of given capacitances, the equivalent capacitance of their series combination is minimum.
  2. All capacitors in the combination have the same charge but their potential differences are in the inverse ratio of their capacitances.
  3. Series combination of capacitors is sometimes used when a high voltage, which exceeds the breakdown voltage of a single capacitor, is to be divided on more than one capacitors. Capacitive voltage dividers are only useful in AC circuits, since capacitors do not pass DC signals.

Parallel combination of capacitors

  1. For several capacitors of given capacitances, the equivalent capacitance of their parallel combination is maximum.
  2. The same voltage is applied to all capacitors in the combination, but the charge stored in the combination is distributed in proportion to their capacitances. The maximum rated voltage of a parallel combination is only as high as the lowest voltage rating of all the capacitors used. That is, if several capacitors rated at 500 V are connected in parallel to a capacitor rated at 100 V, the maximum voltage rating of the capacitor bank is only 100 V.
  3. Parallel combination of capacitors is used when a large capacitance is required, i.e., a large charge is to be stored, at a small potential difference.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 8 Electrostatics

Remember this (Textbook Page No. 207)

Question 1.
(1) If there are n parallel plates then there will be (n-1) capacitors, hence
C = (n – 1) \(\frac{A \varepsilon_{0}}{d}\)
(2) For a spherical capacitor, consisting of two concentric spherical conducting shells with inner and outer radii as a and b respectively, the capacitance C is given by
C = 4πε0\(\left(\frac{a b}{b-a}\right)\)
(3) For a cylindrical capacitor, consisting of two coaxial cylindrical shells with radii of the inner and outer cylinders as a and b, and length l, the capacitance C is given by
C = \(\frac{2 \pi \varepsilon_{0} \ell}{\log _{e} \frac{b}{a}}\)
1. Stacking together n identical conducting plates equally spaced and with alternate plates connected to two points P and Q, forms a parallel combination of n -1 identical capacitors between P and Q. Then, the capacitance between the points is (n – 1) times the capacitance between any two adjacent plates.

2. A cylindrical capacitor consists of a solid cylindrical conductor of radius a is surrounded by coaxial cylindrical shell of inner radius b. The length of both cylinders is L, such that L is much larger than b – a, the separation of the cylinders, so that edge effects can be ignored. The capacitance of the capacitor is C = \(\frac{2 \pi \varepsilon_{0} L}{\log _{e}(b / a)}\).
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The capacitance depends only on the geometrical factors, L, a and b, as for a parallel-plate capacitor.

3. A spherical capacitor which consists of two concentric spherical shells of radii a and b. The capacitance of the capacitor is C = 4πε0\(\left(\frac{a b}{b-a}\right)\)
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Again, the capacitance depends only on the geometrical factors, a and b.

12th Std Physics Questions And Answers: