Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 3 Entrepreneurship Development

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Organisation of Commerce and Management 12th Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Entrepreneurship Development Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Organisation of Commerce and Management Solutions Chapter 3 Entrepreneurship Development

1. (A) Select the correct options and rewrite the sentences

Question 1.
The word ‘entrepreneur’ is derived from the ……………… word ‘entreprende’.
(a) Japanese
(b) English
(c) French
(c) French

Question 2.
‘Entreprende’ means to ………………..
(a) Undertake
(b) Enterprise
(c) Businessman
(a) Undertake

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 3 Entrepreneurship Development

Question 3.
Start Up India is an initiative of the ………………
(a) RBI
(b) Government of India
(c) World Bank
(b) Government of India

Question 4.
………………. is the idea of bringing urban residents to rural areas, by empowering to local communities, both socially and economically.
(a) Agro tourism
(b) Medical tourism
(c) Entertainment
(a) Agro tourism

1. (B) Match the pairs

Group A Group B
(A) Gap filling function (1) 2016
(B) Entrepreneur (2) Employment
(C) Agro tourism (3) Old methods of production
(D) Technology  (4) 2019
(E) Start up India (5) Self motivated
(6) Rural tourism
(7) Entrepreneurship
(8) Latest knowledge
(9) Necessity Based
(10) Medical tourism


Group A Group B
(A) Gap filling function (7) Entrepreneurship
(B) Entrepreneur (5) Self motivated
(C) Agro tourism (6) Rural tourism
(D) Technology (8) Latest knowledge
(E) Start up India (1) 2016

1. (C) Give one word/phrase/term which can substitute each one of the following

Question 1.
An undertaking or adventure involving uncertainty and risk and requiring innovation.

Question 2.
A function of creating something new for an economic activity.

Question 3.
A person who is an innovator who introduces new combinations of means of production.

Question 4.
The process of enhancing entrepreneurial skills and knowledge through structured training and institution building programmes.
Entrepreneur development

Question 5.
The process that motivates a person into action and induces him to continue the course of action for the achievement of goals.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 3 Entrepreneurship Development

Question 6.
An employee who has an authority and support of the organisation to implement his creative ideas.

1. (D) State true or false

Question 1.
An entrepreneur should not be ready to work hard.

Question 2.
Agritourism can support agricultural economy.

Question 3.
Successful businessman takes calculated risk.

Question 4.
Entrepreneurship is a full time job which requires dedication and hard work.

Question 5.
Startup India is an initiative of the Government of France.

1. (E) Find the odd one

Question 1.
Communicator, Innovator, Self-starter, Inactive.

Question 2.
Trekking, Wildlife study, Horseback riding, Indoor games.
Indoor games

Question 3.
Innovation, Lack of communication, Development of market, Determining the objectives.
Lack of communication.

1. (F) Complete the sentences

Question 1.
An entrepreneur is a person who starts a …………………
Business / Enterprise

Question 2.
‘Start-up’ India initiative was launched in ……………….

1. (G) Select the correct option

(Innovation, Niche tourism, Agro tourism, Entrepreneurship)

Group A Group B
1. The idea of bringing Urban resident to agricultural farm —————
2. Agro tourism is a form of ————–
3. —————— To introduce new combination of products and features
4. —————– A full time job which requires, dedication and hard-work.


Group A Group B
1. The idea of bringing Urban resident to agricultural farm Agro tourism
2. Agro tourism is a form of Niche tourism
3. Innovation To introduce new combination of products and features
4. Entrepreneurship. A full time job which requires, dedication and hard-work.

1. (H) Answer in one sentence

Question 1.
What is Agro tourism?
Agro tourism is the idea to bring urban residents to rural areas for leisure travel and spending.

Question 2.
Who is ‘Entrepreneur’?
Entrepreneur is a person who organises and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 3 Entrepreneurship Development

Question 3.
Who described ‘Entrepreneurship’ as the founding of a private enterprise?
John Sturt Mill, a famous economist, described ‘Entrepreneurship’ as founding of a private enterprise in 1948.

1. (I) Correct the underlined word and rewrite the sentences

Question 1.
The word ‘Entrepreneur’ comes from the German verb entreprendre, it means ‘to undertake’.

Question 2.
Entrepreneurs try to make home a better place where the needs of consumers can be satisfied.

Question 3.
The loan taken under stand-up India scheme is repayable in ten years.

2. Explain the following term/concept

Question 1.
An entrepreneur is a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money. The entrepreneurs are passionate to invent, innovate, lead or pioneers with a disruptive product or technology. Entrepreneurs try to make market a better place where the needs of consumers can be satisfied. They have the courage to offer and share an idea or a product or a service with the world. A small businessman, founder of multi-billion company, freelancing carpenter are examples of entrepreneurs.

Question 2.
Agro tourism.
Agro tourism is the idea of bringing urban residents to rural areas for leisure travel and spending. Agro tourism is a commercial enterprise at a working farm, ranch or agricultural plant conducted for the enjoyment of visitors that generates supplement income for the owner. Agrotourism activities include picking fruits, tending bees, milking cows and other educational pursuits. In short, Agro tourism provides the tourists a chance to reconnect with the land and provides a ‘hand on experience’ with local foods. Agro tourism can support agricultural economy when local producers can no longer complete economically.

Question 3.
A start-up is defined as an entity having its headquarter in India, which was opened less than 10 years ago and has an annual turnover of less than Rs 100 crores. It is an initiative of the Government of India, launched in 2016. It aims at building an ecosystem which will nurture start¬ups in the country. So that, sustainable economic growth and large scale employment opportunities can be generated. One of the objectives of the Indian Government is to make India a nation of job creator instead of job seekers.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 3 Entrepreneurship Development

Question 4.
Stand-up India scheme is for financing SC/ST and/or women entrepreneurs. The objective of the stand-up India scheme is to facilitate bank loans between Rs 10 lakh and Rs 1 crore to at least one SC or ST borrower and at least one woman borrower per branch for setting up a greenfield enterprise. This enterprise maybe in manufacturing, services or the trading sector. In case of non-individual enterprise at least 51% of the share-holding and controlling stake should be held by either an SC/ST or woman, above 18 years of age.

Question 5.
Intrapreneurship is the entrepreneurship within an existing organisation. An intrapreneur is an employee who has the authority and support of his company/employer to implement his own innovative and creative ideas. His idea or products may or may not earn immediate revenue for the company. But the employee keeps receiving his salary. The company provides the infrastructure. Many large organisations have dedicated Research and Development Departments where employees are encouraged to use their creative abilities. These ideas or innovations may earn handsome profit to an organisation. So Intrapreneur is the entrepreneurship within an organisation.

3. Study the following case /situation and express your opinion

Mr. Soham is a young MBA degree holder, Mr. Navin is B.Com graduate. Mr. Soham is willing to start dairy farm at his village, Mr. Navin is willing to work as cashier in Private Company.

(i) Find out dream of Soham and Navin.
(ii) State anyone feature of Entrepreneur.
(iii) To become successful entrepreneur, which qualities Mr. Soham should have?
(i) Dream of Soham is to become ; entrepreneur and dream of Navin is to take up job in a private company and get a fixed income as salary.
(ii) Entrepreneur is a person who is willing to take risk in order to earn money and start a business.
(iii) To become a successful entrepreneur Mr. Soham should have qualities like innovator, creator, reactive and risk bearer.

4. Answer in brief

Question 1.
Define Entrepreneur. Explain functions of entrepreneur.
[A] Definition : According to Webster dictionary, “An entrepreneur is a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money.” The entrepreneurs are passionate to innovate, lend, invent or pioneer with a disruptive product or technology. A small businessman, a plumber or a founder of huge company are entrepreneurs.

[B] Functions : The functions of an entrepreneur are:
(1) Innovation : Usually, an entrepreneur has an innovative mind. He introduces new combination of means of production. He introduces something new or something different that would give his business a competitive advantage. Innovation sometimes involves problem solving and entrepreneur gets pleasure by using his talents to solve those problems.

(2) Determination of objectives : An entrepreneur is required to decide the aims and objectives of the business enterprise he intends to establish. He has to change those aims and ; objectives as per changing conditions or accept those which are beneficial to the enterprise as per the market situation.

(3) Development of market: An entrepreneur has to find new, different and innovative ways to market his products and services. As the markets are developing constantly, he has to conduct surveys, research to understand customer’s demand.

(4) New technology : Entrepreneur has to install new, advanced and efficient technology, new machinery, new and scientific methods of production to save overall cost and to improve the methods of production.

(5) Good relations : Prosperity, growth and development of enterprise mostly depend on the cordial and efficient relations of the superiors, subordinates and all employees. In this respect, co-ordination among the employees plays a significant role to make business enterprise successful.

(6) Organising funds : Finance is required to meet working capital and fixed capital needs of business. The entrepreneur has to raise adequate financial resources to keep enterprise in living condition. For this purpose, he has to keep good relation with the existing as well as potential investors.

(7) Taking decisions : Timely, correct and wise decisions are most important to run a successful business. An entrepreneur has to evaluate pros and cons of every business decision.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 3 Entrepreneurship Development

Question 2.
Define entrepreneur. Explain the qualities of successful entrepreneur.
[A] Definition : According to Webster dictionary, “An entrepreneur is a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money.” The entrepreneurs are passionate to innovate, lend, invent or pioneer with a disruptive product or technology. A small businessman, a plumber or a founder of huge company are entrepreneurs.

[B] The qualities of a successful entrepreneur:
(1) Discipline : An entrepreneur has comprehensive strategies and tactics to accomplish the organisational goal. Successful entrepreneur is disciplined enough to take steps every day towards the attainment of his objectives. They eliminate any hindrance or distractions.

(2) Confidence : An entrepreneur is confident with the knowledge that he will make his businesses succeed. He shows the confidence in everything he does.

(3) Open-minded : An entrepreneur has the ability to look at everything around him and realises that every event and situation is a business opportunity. New ideas are constantly being generated about potential new business.

(4) Self starter : An entrepreneur is proactive, not waiting for someone to give him permission. Everything which needs to be done, he should start in himself. So, he sets parameters for the project.

(5) Competitive : An entrepreneur knows that he can do a job better than others. He needs to be competitive to win every game of the business.

(6) Creativity : An entrepreneur often comes up with solutions which are the synthesis of other item. He makes connections between two unrelated events or situations.

(7) Determination : An entrepreneur is determined to make all of their endeavours succeed, so will try again until it does. He sees opportunity for success in defeat.

(8) Strong communication skills : The entrepreneur has strong communication skill to sell the product and to motivate employees. He has to highlight benefits of situation and coach others to be successful.

(9) Strong work ethics : An entrepreneur mind is constantly on his work place to ensure that an outcome meets his expectations.

(10) Passion : Passion is the most important that of a successful entrepreneur. He genuinely loves his work because there is a joy that his business gives which goes beyond the money. He should always research and read to make his business grow and be better.

5. Justify the following statements

Question 1.
Entrepreneurship is the best source for self-employment.
(1) Innovation : Entrepreneur need to be innovative. The essence of entrepreneurship is innovation. Innovation may take place in the following forms viz., the introduction of a new product in the market, the installation of new production technology, entry of specific product, the discovery of a new source of raw material, etc. In view of changing taste, preferences, etc., of the consumers, from time to time, entrepreneur undertakes research and development to manufacture products to satisfy the consumers’ needs.

(2) Economic activity: In order to satisfy human wants and as well as in exchange earn a better livelihood, an entrepreneur manufactures new products or modify the existing products as per the needs, preferences and demands of the consumers. For this purpose, he undertakes a systematic plan activity by using his skills, knowledge and experience. For this reason, entrepreneurship is considered as an economic activity.

(3) Creative activity : Innovation is a process of creating something new and creativity is most important for innovation. Therefore, innovation should be strongly supported by creativity, Innovation and creativity are supplement to each other. Introducing creativity in the production process is a challenging task before the entrepreneur. Hence, creativity is an essential element of entrepreneurship.

(4) Risk-bearing : An entrepreneur has to undertake many risks including fall in prices, changes in fashions, earthquake, etc. All these risks cannot be insured with insurance companies. A risk which cannot be insured against and measured is called uncertainty. Entrepreneur buys factors of production at certain prices to combine their contributions into the products and then sells those products at uncertain prices in future. Thus, entrepreneur is a risk-bearing agent of production.

Question 2.
Successful businessman takes calculated risk.
[A] Definition : According to Webster dictionary, “An entrepreneur is a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money.” The entrepreneurs are passionate to innovate, lend, invent or pioneer with a disruptive product or technology. A small businessman, a plumber or a founder of huge company are entrepreneurs.

[B] Functions : The functions of an entrepreneur are:
(1) Innovation : Usually, an entrepreneur has an innovative mind. He introduces new combination of means of production. He introduces something new or something different that would give his business a competitive advantage. Innovation sometimes involves problem solving and entrepreneur gets pleasure by using his talents to solve those problems.

(2) Determination of objectives : An entrepreneur is required to decide the aims and objectives of the business enterprise he intends to establish. He has to change those aims and ; objectives as per changing conditions or accept those which are beneficial to the enterprise as per the market situation.

(3) Development of market: An entrepreneur has to find new, different and innovative ways to market his products and services. As the markets are developing constantly, he has to conduct surveys, research to understand customer’s demand.

(4) New technology : Entrepreneur has to install new, advanced and efficient technology, new machinery, new and scientific methods of production to save overall cost and to improve the methods of production.

(5) Good relations : Prosperity, growth and development of enterprise mostly depend on the cordial and efficient relations of the superiors, subordinates and all employees. In this respect, co-ordination among the employees plays a significant role to make business enterprise successful.

(6) Organising funds : Finance is required to meet working capital and fixed capital needs of business. The entrepreneur has to raise adequate financial resources to keep enterprise in living condition. For this purpose, he has to keep good relation with the existing as well as potential investors.

(7) Taking decisions : Timely, correct and wise decisions are most important to run a successful business. An entrepreneur has to evaluate pros and cons of every business decision.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 3 Entrepreneurship Development

Question 3.
Entrepreneur must be a good communicator.
The following are the characteristics of entrepreneurship development:
(1) Innovation : Entrepreneur need to be innovative. The essence of entrepreneurship is innovation. Innovation may take place in the following forms viz., the introduction of a new product in the market, the installation of new production technology, entry of specific product, the discovery of a new source of raw material, etc. In view of changing taste, preferences, etc., of the consumers, from time to time, entrepreneur undertakes research and development to manufacture products to satisfy the consumers’ needs.

(2) Economic activity: In order to satisfy human wants and as well as in exchange earn a better livelihood, an entrepreneur manufactures new products or modify the existing products as per the needs, preferences and demands of the consumers. For this purpose, he undertakes a systematic plan activity by using his skills, knowledge and experience. For this reason, entrepreneurship is considered as an economic activity.

(3) Organisation building : Entrepreneurship is an activity of organising various factors of production and various resources such as financial, physical and human resources. By considering place utility, time utility, form utility, etc., entrepreneur has to assemble different factors j of production and resources under one roof for producing new products.

(4) Creative activity : Innovation is a process of creating something new and creativity is most important for innovation. Therefore, innovation should be strongly supported by creativity, Innovation and creativity are supplement to each other. Introducing creativity in the production process is a challenging task before the entrepreneur. Hence, creativity is an essential element of entrepreneurship.

(5) Managerial skill and leadership : The entrepreneur who has strong passion of doing or creating something new rather than just to earn profit will become a successful entrepreneur. Managerial skills and leadership are the most important features of successful entrepreneur. Other skills are not considered so important. Entrepreneur must be a good leader and manager of the groups working under him.

(6) Skilful management : The efficient and skilful management of the organisation is an important quality of entrepreneurship. With the help of professional management and skilled managers, entrepreneurship becomes easy and successful activity. The success of any entrepreneurship depends on its skilful management.

(7) Risk-bearing : An entrepreneur has to undertake many risks including fall in prices, changes in fashions, earthquake, etc. All these risks cannot be insured with insurance companies. A risk which cannot be insured against and measured is called uncertainty. Entrepreneur buys factors of production at certain prices to combine their contributions into the products and then sells those products at uncertain prices in future. Thus, entrepreneur is a risk-bearing agent of production.

(8) Gap filling function : Gap filling is considered as the most important feature of entrepreneur. It is the job of entrepreneur to find the gap and fill it or make up the deficiencies which always exist in the knowledge about the production function. Entrepreneur must have all the solutions of the problems.

Question 4.
An entrepreneur must be an innovator.
Innovation is a dynamic change brought by entrepreneur by bringing new combinations of factors of production. Innovation by entrepreneur is must for development of an organisation. Entrepreneur can be an innovator in many ways. They are:
(1) Introduction of a new product: Entrepreneur through his dynamic skill and intelligence create new products by fulfilling innovation to commercialisation by embedding it in an environment where it did not exist previously.

(2) Introduction of a new method of production : By introducing new and latest technology an entrepreneur brings new life and energy in methods of production. Introduction of new technology, new machinery, scientific methods of production will save money and time of the organisation.

(3) Opening of a new market : An innovative idea with new products. It opens a new market which are not existing previously.

(4) Carrying out new forms of organisation for industry : An innovative entrepreneur is the one who discovers new methods and new materials. He utilises invention and discoveries in order to make new combinations. Thus, entrepreneur must be an innovator.

Question 5.
With creativity, farmers can expand their Agro tourism Business.
With creativity, farmers can expand their Agro tourism business through recreation, fun, entertaining activities. The valuable activities which farmer can do creatively are:
(1) Outdoor recreation : Farmer can add value and can expand their agro tourism business by outdoor recreation like trekking, fishing, hunting, wild life study, horse back riding, etc. All such activities are the point of attraction for a tourist and this can be enjoyed with family and friends too.

(2) Educational experiences : Farmers can also be more creative in farming tours, rice plantation, cooking classes on chulha. All such activities help customer to get hands on experience which they enjoy with adding educational values.

(3) Entertainment : Entertainment through harvest festivals like Hurda Party’ in Maharashtra, local dances, folk songs are recreation also main attraction for a customer for agro tourism. Entertaining activities such as contest, adult and children classes, games, etc. can be arranged. This innovative touch helps farmer to expand his business.

(4) Hospitality services : Hospitality services like farm stays, guided forms makes customer more happy. Farmer can add value to guest experience by offering them refreshment, fresh fruits, juice, fresh food, etc.

Happy customer will definitely returns and also spread good word of mouth to their family and friends. Thus, with creativity, farmers can expand their agro tourism business.

6. Attempt the following

Question 1.
Explain the characteristics Entrepreneurship Development.
The following are the characteristics of entrepreneurship development:
(1) Innovation : Entrepreneur need to be innovative. The essence of entrepreneurship is innovation. Innovation may take place in the following forms viz., the introduction of a new product in the market, the installation of new production technology, entry of specific product, the discovery of a new source of raw material, etc. In view of changing taste, preferences, etc., of the consumers, from time to time, entrepreneur undertakes research and development to manufacture products to satisfy the consumers’ needs.

(2) Economic activity: In order to satisfy human wants and as well as in exchange earn a better livelihood, an entrepreneur manufactures new products or modify the existing products as per the needs, preferences and demands of the consumers. For this purpose, he undertakes a systematic plan activity by using his skills, knowledge and experience. For this reason, entrepreneurship is considered as an economic activity.

(3) Organisation building : Entrepreneurship is an activity of organising various factors of production and various resources such as financial, physical and human resources. By considering place utility, time utility, form utility,etc., entrepreneur has to assemble different factors j of production and resources under one roof for producing new products.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 3 Entrepreneurship Development

(4) Creative activity : Innovation is a process of creating something new and creativity is most important for innovation. Therefore, innovation should be strongly supported by creativity, Innovation and creativity are supplement to each other. Introducing creativity in the production process is a challenging task before the entrepreneur. Hence, creativity is an essential element of entrepreneurship.

(5) Managerial skill and leadership : The entrepreneur who has strong passion of doing or creating something new rather than just to earn profit will become a successful entrepreneur. Managerial skills and leadership are the most important features of successful entrepreneur. Other skills are not considered so important. Entrepreneur must be a good leader and manager of the groups working under him.

(6) Skilful management : The efficient and skilful management of the organisation is an important quality of entrepreneurship. With the help of professional management and skilled managers, entrepreneurship becomes easy and successful activity. The success of any entrepreneurship depends on its skilful management.

(7) Risk-bearing : An entrepreneur has to undertake many risks including fall in prices, changes in fashions, earthquake, etc. All these risks cannot be insured with insurance companies. A risk which cannot be insured against and measured is called uncertainty. Entrepreneur buys factors of production at certain prices to combine their contributions into the products and then sells those products at uncertain prices in future. Thus, entrepreneur is a risk-bearing agent of production.

(8) Gap filling function : Gap filling is considered as the most important feature of entrepreneur. It is the job of entrepreneur to find the gap and fill it or make up the deficiencies which always exist in the knowledge about the production function. Entrepreneur must have all the solutions of the problems.

Question 2.
What is Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDP)?
An entrepreneurship development
programme has been defined as “a programme designed to help a person in strengthening his entrepreneurial motive and in acquiring skills and capabilities necessary for playing his entrepreneurial role efficiently”.

EDP was first introduced in Gujarat in 1970 and was sponsored by the Gujarat Industrial Investment Corporation. EDP is basically a device through which people with entrepreneurial talents are identified, motivated to take up new industrial venture and guided in all aspects of starting a venture or an enterprise.

The following are the main objectives of EDP:
(1) Paster entreprenurial growth : The main objective is to increase the rate of all round entrepreneurial growth through training and educating them to develop the capability, talent and skills of existing entrepreneur.

(2) Optimum use of available resources : Another important objective is to use available resources to optimum level which result into minimisation of wastages and reduction in the overall cost of production. It also saves the invaluable resources for the future generation.

(3) Development of backward regions and improve economic status of socially disadvantage group : Its main objective is to establish different types of industries and business enterprise in the backward regions of the country. This leads to more employment opportunities and more income and savings of the people in backward group. By providing employment and other benefits to socially disadvantaged groups, EDP helps to improve their economic status.

(4) Generation of Employment opportunities : One of the important objectives of EDP is to generate employment opportunities for jobless people in the country by developing industries and business for them.

(5) Widening base for small and medium industries : The EDP helps to create, develop and widen the base for small and medium industries by strengthening them and create more and more entrepreneurs in the country. It helps in making country a job creator and not job seeker.

7. Answer the following

Question 1.
Define entrepreneur. Explain characteristics of entrepreneur.
[A] Definition : According to Webster dictionary, “An entrepreneur is a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money.” The entrepreneurs are passionate to innovate, lend, invent or pioneer with a disruptive product or technology. A small businessman, a plumber or a founder of huge company are entrepreneurs.

[B] Characteristics : The characteristics of entrepreneur are as follows:
(1) Intellectual capabilities : An entrepreneur is a creative thinker. He always thinks more creatively and better than others. He always give innovative ideas which is the sign of his intellectual capabilities. He has ability to analyse any situation and take proper decision.

(2) Future vision : The entrepreneurs have the ability of foreseeing the future market conditions. He can take appropriate decision by considering recent market situations and changes in market conditions. He must have knowledge of external business environment. This enables them to take timely actions.

(3) Hard work : An entrepreneur is ready to work hard. Hard work is necessary in any type of venture or business activity to make it more successful. He is required to work more tediously, sincerely and seriously for long terms.

(4) Technical knowledge : The entrepreneur should have advance technical knowledge about the products and service, plans of production, etc. Entrepreneur should also update his technical knowledge from time to time to understand latest changes take place in technology.

(5) Communication skills : An entrepreneur needs to communicate effectively with different people like customers, suppliers, creditors, employees, etc. from time to time. He should have good communication skill and command over language he speaks, to be able to express his ideas and strategies effectively. Good communication skills mean proper understanding between sender and the receiver of the message.

(6) Highly optimistic : He should have positive thinking and positive approach in all the activities he undertakes. He is always hopeful and confident about the market situations even in failure or difficult times. It helps him to take the business out of difficulties and make it successful.

(7) Risk-bearing capacity : This is one of the main characteristics of an entrepreneur. He should be calculative in taking risk. He should be prepared to face challenges and look for opportunities in every adverse situation of business.

(8) Self confidence : He should be self confident to achieve his organisational goals. He I should always keep himself confident and motivated to face various obstacles and come out victorious every time in every challenge he faces.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 3 Entrepreneurship Development

Question 2.
Define entrepreneur. Explain its functions.
[A] Definition : According to Webster dictionary, “An entrepreneur is a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money.” The entrepreneurs are passionate to innovate, lend, invent or pioneer with a disruptive product or technology. A small businessman, a plumber or a founder of huge company are entrepreneurs.

[B] Functions : The functions of an entrepreneur are:
(1) Innovation : Usually, an entrepreneur has an innovative mind. He introduces new combination of means of production. He introduces something new or something different that would give his business a competitive advantage. Innovation sometimes involves problem solving and entrepreneur gets pleasure by using his talents to solve those problems.

(2) Determination of objectives : An entrepreneur is required to decide the aims and objectives of the business enterprise he intends to establish. He has to change those aims and ; objectives as per changing conditions or accept those which are beneficial to the enterprise as per the market situation.

(3) Development of market: An entrepreneur has to find new, different and innovative ways to market his products and services. As the markets are developing constantly, he has to conduct surveys, research to understand customer’s demand.

(4) New technology : Entrepreneur has to install new, advanced and efficient technology, new machinery, new and scientific methods of production to save overall cost and to improve the methods of production.

(5) Good relations : Prosperity, growth and development of enterprise mostly depend on the cordial and efficient relations of the superiors, subordinates and all employees. In this respect, co-ordination among the employees plays a significant role to make business enterprise successful.

(6) Organising funds : Finance is required to meet working capital and fixed capital needs of business. The entrepreneur has to raise adequate financial resources to keep enterprise in living condition. For this purpose, he has to keep good relation with the existing as well as potential investors.

(7) Taking decisions : Timely, correct and wise decisions are most important to run a successful business. An entrepreneur has to evaluate pros and cons of every business decision.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 2 Functions of Management

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Organisation of Commerce and Management 12th Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Functions of Management Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Organisation of Commerce and Management Solutions Chapter 2 Functions of Management

1. (A) Select the correct options and rewrite the sentences

Question 1.
The functions of management start with ……………… function.
(a) organising
(b) planning
(c) co-ordinating

Question 2.
The functions of management end with ………………
(a) directing
(b) staffing
(c) controlling

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 2 Functions of Management

Question 3.
……………. sets out standards for controlling.
(a) Staffing
(b) Planning
(c) Co-ordinating

Question 4.
Organizational function is important for execution of the plans which have been prepared by ……………. management.
(a) top level
(b) middle level
(c) lower level
top level

Question 5.
……………… is the function which supports to activate the plans with the help of employees.
(a) Staffing
(b) Directing
(c) Co-ordinating

Question 6.
………………. is the function of execution according to the plan and the organisational structure.
(a) Controlling
(b) Directing
(c) Staffing

Question 7.
………………. arranges the work in such a way that minimum conflicts are raised.
(a) Co-ordinating
(b) Organizing
(c) Controlling

1. (B) Match the pairs

Question 1.

Group A Group B
(A) Planning (1) It Is the process of instructing, guiding, communicating and motivating.
(B) Organizing (2) It is an integration and synchronization of the efforts of group.
(C) Staffing (3) Deciding In advance what to do, how to do, when to do and who Is to do it.
(D) Directing (4) Management is what manager does.
(E) Co-ordlnating (5) To focus on the role of manager.
(6) Decides the ways and means to achieve what has been planned.
(7) It Is the process of comparing the actual performance with the pre-determined standard performance.
(8) It Is a set of principles.
(9) It is the process of recruiting, selecting, placing and remunerating.
(10) To manage is to forecast and plan.


Group A Group B
(A) Planning (3) Deciding In advance what to do, how to do, when to do and who Is to do it.
(B) Organizing (6) Decides the ways and means to achieve what has been planned.
(C) Staffing (9) It is the process of recruiting, selecting, placing and remunerating.
(D) Directing (1) It Is the process of instructing, guiding, communicating and motivating.
(E) Co-ordlnating (2) It is an integration and synchronization of the efforts of group.

1. (C) Give one word/phrase/term for the following statements

Question 1.
The right person at the job with right pay.

Question 2.
A person who shows the correct path as well as guides employees in solving the problems.

Question 3.
First function of management.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 2 Functions of Management

Question 4.
Last function of management.

Question 5.
It is an intellectual process of logical thinking and rational decision-making.

Question 6.
The term that is used to denote the structure.

Question 7.
It is the process of attracting, recruiting, selecting, placing, appraising and remunerating the people.

Question 8.
The process that leads the employees towards the accomplishment of organisational goals.

Question 9.
It increases the team spirit of work place.

Question 10.
It is the process of comparing the actual performance with the predetermined standard performance.

1. (D) State whether the following statements are True or False

Question 1.
Every function of management is not based on planning.

Question 2.
Specialization in activities leads to increase in organisational efficiency.

Question 3.
Qualified, efficient and skilled work force is always an asset of the organization.

Question 4.
Cooperation is not necessary for smooth flow of organisational activities.

Question 5.
Co-ordination motivates the employees to take initiative while completing their assigned task.

Question 6.
Standards are not set for every performance in controlling function.

1. (E) Find the odd one

Question 1.
Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Writing.

Question 2.
Selecting, Training, Co-ordinating, Placing

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 2 Functions of Management

1. (F) Complete the sentences

Question 1.
The tasks of getting the things done by others is known as ……………..

Question 2.
The functions of manager start with …………………

Question 3.
The …………….. function of management initiates action

Question 4.
Recruitments are done under ……………….. function.

Question 5.
………………. is the fundamental function of management.

Question 6.
………………. integrates departmental activities for achieving common goal of the organisation.

Question 7.
……………… is the last function of management.

1. (G) Select the correct option from the bracket

Question 1.
Planning is a detailed programme of (present/ future/past) course of action.

Question 2.
Directing is a responsibility of (manager/ workers/people) at all levels.

Question 3.
Qualified, efficient and skilled workforce is always an (liabilities/assets/expenses) of the organization.

1. (H) Answer in one sentence

Question 1.
What is management?
The tasks of getting the things done by others to achieve organisational goal is called management.

Question 2.
What is planning?
Planning means deciding in advance what to do when to do, how to do, where to do it and who is to do it.

Question 3.
What is staffing?
The process of attracting, recruiting, selecting, placing, appraising, remunerating, developing and retaining the best workforce is called staffing.

Question 4.
What is directing?
Directing is the process of instructing, guiding, communicating, inspiring, motivating and supervising the employees to achieve the pre-determined goals of the organisation.

Question 5.
What is controlling ?
Controlling is a function of comparing the actual performance with the predetermined standard performance to measure deviation if any, identifying causes of deviation and suggest corrective measures.

1. (I) Correct the underlined word and rewrite the following sentences

Question 1.
Factors of business environment are always fixed.
Factors of business environment are always changing.

Question 2.
Staffing is concerned with machines.
Staffing is concerned with humans.

Question 3.
Directing is a function of comparing the actual performance with the pre-determined performance.
Controlling is a function of comparing the actual performance with the pre-determined performance.

Question 4.
Co-ordination helps to maximise the wastage of resources and controls the cost of work.
Co-ordination helps to minimise the wastage of resources and controls the cost of work.

Question 5.
Controlling measures are rigid to some extent.
Controlling measures are flexible to some extent.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 2 Functions of Management

1. (J) Arrange in proper order

Question 1.
Controlling, Organizing, Planning.
Planning, Organising, Controlling.

Question 2.
Directing, Co-ordinating, Staffing.
Staffing, Directing, Co-ordinating.

2. Explain the following terms/concepts

Question 1.
The task of getting the work done by others to achieve organisational goal is called management. According to L. A. Allen, ‘Management is what manager does. Management is a set of principles which relate to the various functions such as planning, organising, staffing, directing, co-ordinating, controlling, etc. which are helpful in achieving organisational goals.

Question 2.
Planning is the basic function of management. Planning is an intellectual process of logical thinking and rational decision-making. It includes deciding the things to be done in advance. In short, planning is a detailed programme of future course of action. Proper planning and its implementation is key to achieve the objectives of an organisation.

Question 3.
Organising is the process of identifying, bringing the required resources together such as men, money, material, machines and method and arranging them in proper manner to achieve the goals of an organisation. It is prepared by the top level management. Organising function decides the ways and means to achieve what has been planned. Organising is more important in executing the plan.

Question 4.
Staffing is the function of execution according to plan and organisational structure. It is the process of attracting, recruiting, training, developing, appraising, remunerating, developing and retaining the best workforce. Right person at right job with right pay is the basic principle of staffing. This function is concerned with managing humans and not material.

Question 5.
Directing is the process of instructing, guiding, communicating, inspiring, motivating and supervising the employees to achieve pre-determined goals of an organisation. Director shows correct path as well as guides the employees in solving the problems wherever necessary. Directing is the soul of management function.

3. Study the following case/situation and express your opinion

Question 1.
Mr. Ram, an emerging entrepreneur has designed a structure of his business organization by taking into consideration the required resources such as land, money, machinery, workforce, etc. for his new business. He appointed Mr. Shyam as a manager. Mr. Ram has assigned the responsibilities such as recruitment, selection, training and development and to determine the remuneration of the employees to Mr. Shyam. Mr, Ram. has also appointed Mr. Shubham to supervise the work done by the employees according to the standards given to the employees, Mr. Shubham has also to suggest the remedies to the employees wherever necessary. On this context, find out the management functions performed by
(i) Mr. Ram
(ii) Mr. Shyam
(iii) Mr. Shubham
(i) Mr. Ram performs the function of planning and organising. He is an emerging entrepreneur and plans the business structure and organises different resources.

(ii) Mr Shyam is performing the function of staffing as his main duty is to recruit, select, train and develop the employees and to decide their remuneration accordingly.

(iii) Mr. Subham is performing the function of controlling. He compares actual performances of employees with standard performance given. He discovers causes of deviations and suggests remedies to overcome deviations.

Question 2.
In XYZ Company, Mr. Lele gives instructions to the employees working under him, provide guidance and motivates them for their best performance. On the other hand, Mr. Sawed takes effort to harmonize the work done by the employees of different departments while achieving organisational goal. Mr. Desai is looking after the arrangement of required resources the business organization.
Mention the name of employee engaged in following functions :
(i) Organisation
(ii) Direction
(iii) Coordination
(i) Mr Desai is engaged in the organising function as he is looking after arrangement of required resources for the business organisation.
(ii) Mr. Lele is engaged in the function of directing as he gives instructions to the employees working under him, provides guidance and motivates them for their best performance.
(iii) Mr. Sayyed is engaged in the function of co-ordination as he takes effort to harmonize the work done by the employees of different departments.

4. Distinguish between

Question 1.
Planning and Organising

Planning Organising
1. Meaning Planning is a management function that decides in advance what to do, how to do, when to do, where to do and who is to do it. Organising refers to the process of putting together various resources and activities of the organisation into a system.
2. Objective The objective of planning is to set the goals and choose the means to achieve those goals. The main objective of organising is to identity and bring together all the resources.
3. Area of function Planning involves setting objectives, identifying alternative courses of actions and selecting the best plan for the organisation. Organising involves identifying the activities and grouping of relative activities of the organisation.
4. Order Planning is the first and foremost function of management. It precedes every other function. In organising function, internal as well as external factors are considered to make arrangement of resources.
5. Nature Planning is continuous in nature. It is related with those resources which are required for achieving the targets. Organising is related with all the available resources as they need to be properly arranged.
6. Levels of management Top management is responsible for preparing planning for the activities of the entire organisation. Usually, the function of organising is undertaken by the top level management and middle level management.

Question 2.
Organising and Staffing

Organising Staffing
1. Meaning Organising refers to the process of putting together various resources and activities of the organisation into a system. Staffing is a process of recruitment through which competent employees are selected, properly trained, effectively developed and suitably rewarded.
2. Objective The main objective of organising is to identify and bring together all the resources. The main objective of the staffing is to obtain the most competent and efficient staff to improve the overall performance.
3. Area of function Organising involves identifying the activities and grouping of relative activities of the organisation. Staffing involves selection, recruitment, training, developing, promotion, transfer, etc. of employees.
4. Factors In organising function, internal as well as external factors are considered to make arrangement of resources. In staffing function, mostly internal factors such as human factor, finance, work load, etc. are considered.
5. Resources Organising is related with all the available resources as they need to be properly arranged. Staffing is related with human resources only.
6. Levels of management Usually, the function of organising is undertaken by the top level management and middle level management. Usually, the function of staffing is undertaken by the middle level management.

Question 3.
Staffing and Directing

Staffing Directing
1. Meaning Staffing is a process of recruitment through which competent employees are selected, properly placed and trained, effectively developed and suitably rewarded. Directing means instructing, guiding, inspiring and motivating the subordinate employees so that their efforts result in the achievement of goals.
2. Objective The main objective of the staffing is to obtain the most competent and efficient people to improve the overall performance. The main objective of directing is to ensure that the employees at different levels accomplish their tasks according to plans.
3. Area of function Staffing involves recruitment, selection, training, promotion, development, transfer, etc. of employees. Directing involves guiding, instructing, inspiring, motivating and communicating with the subordinates.
4. Order Staffing function follows organising as human resources are required in an organisation. Directing function follows organising and staffing as direction is needed to guide and inspire the employees.
5. Targets Targets of staffing include allocation of human resources to achieve better results. Targets of direction include giving guidance and inspiration to employees to achieve better results.
6. Outcome Staffing function helps to select right persons for right jobs at right time. Directing function helps to maintain discipline among the staff.

Question 4.
Directing and Controlling

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 2 Functions of Management

Question 5.
Co-ordination and Controlling

Co-ordination Controlling
1. Meaning Co-ordination refers to the process of developing harmony and integration of different activities to achieve common organisational goals. Controlling is a managerial function that measures deviation of actual results from the standards set and takes necessary corrective actions.
2. Objective The main objective of co-ordination is to ensure unify of efforts of the employees and smooth functioning of the organisation. The main objective of controlling is to ensure that goals or targets must be accomplished as per plan.
3. Area of function Co-ordination involves efforts of top level, middle level and lower level management. Controlling involves fixation of standard, measurement of actual performance and finding deviations taking corrective actions to improve performance.
4. Factors In co-ordinating function only internal factors are considered to create unity of action. In controlling function internal as well as external factors are taken care for taking corrective actions.
5. Resources Co-ordination is related with human resources only. Controlling is related with all the resources as it helps to achieve the given targets.
6. Levels of management All levels of management are responsible for the co-ordination function to achieve given targets. Top level management and middle level managements are responsible for controlling of organisational activities.

Question 6.
Planning and Controlling

Planning Controlling
1. Meaning Planning is a management function that decides in advance what to do, how to do, when to do, where to do and who is to do it. Controlling is a managerial function that measures deviation of actual performance from the standards set and takes corrective actions.
2. Objective The main objective of planning is to set the goals and choose the means to achieve those goals. The main objective of controlling is to ensure that goals or targets must be accomplished as per plan.
3. Area of function Planning involves setting objectives, identifying alternative courses of actions and selecting the best plan for the organisation. Controlling involves fixation of standard, measurement of actual performance and finding deviations taking corrective actions to improve performance.
4. Order In the sequence of managerial functions, planning is the first and foremost function. In the sequence of managerial functions, controlling is the last function of the management.
5. Resources Planning is related with those resources which are required for achieving the targets. Controlling is related with all the resources as it helps to achieve the given targets.
6. Levels of management Top management is responsible for preparing planning for the activities of the entire organisation. Top level management and middle level managements are responsible for controlling of organisational activities.

Question 7.
Organising and Directing

Question 8.
Organising and Co-ordinating

Organising Co-ordinating
1. Meaning Organising refers to the process of putting together various resources and activities of the organisation into a system. Co-ordination refers to the process of developing harmony and integration of different activities to achieve common organisational goals.
2. Objective The main aim of organising is to identify and bring together all the required resources. The main aim of co-ordination is to ensure unity of efforts of employees and smooth functioning of the organisation.
3. Area of function Organising involves identifying the activities and grouping of relative activities of the organisation. Co-ordination involves deliberate or consistent efforts by the management to create harmony and unity of action.
4. Factors In organising function, internal as well as external factors are considered to make arrangement of available resources. In co-ordinating function, only internal factors are considered to create unity of action.
5. Resources Organising is related with all the resources which are required to be arranged in proper order. Co-ordination is related with human resources only.
6. Levels of management Top level management and middle level managements are responsible for the organising of resources to achieve desired objectives. All levels of management are responsible for the co-ordination to achieve the given targets.

5. Answer in brief

Question 1.
Explain any five points of importance of planning.
Importance : The importance of planning is explained as follows:
(1) Helps to set clear objectives : Planning is the process of setting objectives, targets and formulating plans to achieve these objectives. With the help of proper planning, management can analyse the present condition of the organisation and can identify the ways of attaining the desired position in future.

(2) Provides path of action : Planning ensures that the goals or objectives are clearly set. It acts as a guide and provides direction for doing the right things at the right time and in a right way. It helps the employees to understand the organisational goals and what they must do to achieve the same.

(3) Planning improves performance : It helps manager to improve future performances of employees by setting clear objectives and selecting a right course of action. It leads to efficiency in working of the employees. Due to proper planning the employees can work according to guidelines which helps them to improve performance. This results into higher profitability of the organisation.

(4) Minimizes the risk : Planning is the process of looking into the future and anticipating the future changes. By deciding in advance the task to be performed, planning helps to deal with future changes and unforeseen events. Planning helps in anticipation of risk and decide preventive measures accordingly. Though changes or risks cannot be eliminated but proper planning minimizes them.

(5) Planning leads to optimum utilization of resources: Plans are made on the basis of availability of resources with proper allocation for various activities. Proper allocation of resources brings higher efficiency and desired results with minimum wastages.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 2 Functions of Management

Question 2.
Explain any five points of importance of organizing.
Importance : The importance of organising is explained as follows:
(1) Facilitates administration as well as operation : Organising is the process of identifying, grouping and assigning the activities of administration and proceeding according to its operational activity. Due to proper grouping of the task and employees, there is a reduction in duplication of work results in effective delegation.

(2) Brings specialisation : Organising starts from dividing the total work into smaller units and assigning them to different individuals according to their qualification, capabilities and experience. It leads to increase in overall productivity.

(3) Defines job properly : In the organising function the employees are assigned different jobs according to their qualification, skill and experience and the managers clearly define the details of each job. It clearly spells out what exactly has to be done in every job by each employee.

(4) Clarifies authority and responsibility : The organising function clearly defines authority, power, position of every manager and responsibility, accountability of every employee. This enables proper execution of work and at the same time eliminates confusion, duplication, misunderstanding. It also helps to bring efficiency in working of managers.

(5) Establishes Co-ordination : Organising function helps in establishing co-ordination among different activities of different department. Organising defines clear cut relationship among various positions and ensures mutual co-operation amongst them. Organising helps in co-ordination between different levels of managers of different departments for smooth functioning of an organisation.

Question 3.
Describe any five points of importance of staffing.
Importance : The importance of staffing is given as follows:
(1) Effective management function : Staffing is considered an effective managerial function as it deals with human resource. Employees appointed in the organisation through staffing function perform various activities in different areas of the organisation such as production, marketing, finance, etc.

(2) Effective utilization of Human Resources : A well organised staffing department discovers the talented, skilful, experienced and qualified staff. Proper care is taken at every stage of recruitment, selection, placement, etc. It ensures smooth functioning of all the managerial areas of the organisation.

(3) Builds relationship : A sound staffing policy creates a team spirit among the employees. Due to team spirit, a sense of belongingness among the employees is developed. This in turn leads to better communication and co-ordination of managerial efforts in an organisation. A smooth human relation is the key to better flow of co-ordination in an organisation.

(4) Helps Human Resource Development: Skilled and experienced employee is an asset of a business organisation. Staffing function of management is mainly concerned with human factor of production. Efforts are made to utilise the human resources more efficiently.

(5) Helps in effective use of technology and other resources : Staffing function trains employees to use latest technology, capital, material, and method of work more effectively. This brings competitive strength to the organisation. It also helps in improving standard of work and productively in terms of quality and quantity.

(6) Improve efficiency : Regular training and development programmes provide to employees to improve their performance levels. Through proper selection the organisation gets talented and quality employees.

Question 4.
Explain any five points of importance of directing.
Importance : The importance of Directing is as follows:
(1) Initiates action : Direction initiates action. It activates employees to put in their best efforts, to achieve the goals. Without effective direction, other managerial functions like planning, organising, staffing, co-ordinating and controlling become ineffective. Managers have to stimulate action by issuing instructions like what to do, how to do, etc. to the subordinates and by supervising them from time to time.

(2) Integrates efforts: At every level of the management there are subordinates under managers. The work assigned to these subordinates is interrelated. The directing function integrates the activities of the subordinates by guidance, supervision and counselling. It results in achievement of organisational goals.

(3) Means of motivation: Objectives of an organisation can be achieved only if the people working in it are properly motivated through monetary and non-monetary incentives. It boosts the morale of employees, contribute their maximum efforts and motivates them to give their best.

(4) Provides stability: Effective direction through supervision, motivation, leadership and communication provides stability and maintains balance in the organisation. This in turn results in the growth of the enterprise at faster rate. For long term survival of the organisation, stability in the organisation are necessary.

(5) Coping up with the changes : Effective direction facilitates changes in the organisation. It enables the enterprise to adopt advance technology, new methods of production, modern techniques of management, etc. It is a direction function which helps the superiors to motivate the subordinates to adapt to the new changes, new challenges, etc. Adapting to the environmental changes is necessary for the growth of the organisation.

Question 5.
Describe any five points of importance of ! coordinating.
Importance : The importance of Co-ordinating is explained as follows:
(1) Encourages Team Spirit : Co-ordination is concerned with integrated group efforts. Team work under the direction of the manager encourages the subordinates to work sincerely and give better performance to achieve organisational goals. Co-ordination helps to reduce the conflicts between the employees and departments regarding policies, roles, etc. and increase their team spirit.

(2) Gives Proper Direction : Group or combined efforts of all the employees in an organisation helps to co-ordinate with each other and achieve the desired goals. Thus, combined efforts of all the employees always help an organisation to remove its limitations and achieve organisational objectives. The interdependence of departments gives proper direction to the employees.

(3) Facilitates motivation : In the process of co-ordination the superiors motivate their subordinates by providing them with monetary and other incentives. An effective co-ordination increases efficiency and results in growth and prosperity of the organisation which encourages job security, high income, promotion and incentives.

(4) Optimum utilisation of resources : Proper and effective co-ordination helps to bring together all the resources of the organisation. This in turn helps to make the optimum possible use of available resources to achieve organisational goals. Co-ordination also helps to avoid wastage of resources and control the cost.

(5) Achieve organisational objectives : Proper coordination helps to reduce wastages, delays in completion of targets, departmental disputes, etc. of the organisation to a great extent. This ensures smooth working of the organisation in the process of achievement of objectives.

6. Justify the following statements

Question 1.
Planning is the first function of management.
(1) Planning is the basic function of management. Every function of management is based on planning. Planning is an intellectual process of logical thinking and rational decision i making.

(2) Designing i.e. doing a proper planning and implementing it accordingly is the key of achieving the objectives of organisation.

(3) Planning means deciding in advance what to do, when to do, how to do, where to do and who is to do it. Thus, it is a detailed programme of future courses of action.

(4) Planning involves setting objectives, identifying alternative courses of action and selecting the best plan. It focuses on organisation’s objective and develop various course of action to achieve those goals.

Question 2.
Controlling is the last function of management.
(1) It is important for am organisation to keep a check on whether things are moving as per plan or not. So controlling function comes as the last but indispensable function of management. The effectiveness of planning can be determined with the function of controlling.

(2) Controlling function helps in comparing the actual performance with the pre-determined standard and performance. It is the process of bringing about conformity of performance with planned action.

(3) Controlling function helps in measuring deviation, if any, identifies the course of deviation and suggests corrective measures. The process of controlling helps in formulation of future plans also.

(4) Controlling helps in checking and measuring performance at all the levels of management, as it compares and finds deviation, analyses the causes of deviation and suggests corrective measures. All planning may fail in the absence of proper controlling measures.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 2 Functions of Management

Question 3.
Organizing facilitates administration as well as operation of the organization.
(1) Organising function is also called as ‘doing function’ i.e. putting the plan into action. Administration and operation both are doing function as organising is the process of putting together various resources and activities of the organisation into a system.

(2) Organising involves identifying the activities and grouping of relative activities of administration and operational department.

(3) Organising function defines, departmentalizes and assigns activities so that they can be most effectively executed for the smooth flow of administration.

(4) Due to proper grouping of the tasks and the employees, there is increase in production and reduction in wastage. The duplication of work can be avoided and effective delegation becomes possible.

Question 4.
Right person at right job with right pay is the basic principle of staffing.
(1) The main function of staffing is to select the right person for the right job with right pay. Selecting the right person for the right job brings efficiency and specialisation in the organisation.

(2) It also bring job satisfaction as adequate remuneration increases morale of the employees. Training and development programmes and job security are the factors which are important in providing job satisfaction.

(3) Proper selection of qualified, efficient and skilful work force is always an asset of the organisation. Proper selection of employees contributes in the higher efficiency and leads to long term positive effects in the organisation.

(4) With proper selection process, right persons for right jobs are placed and regularly appraised on merit basis. The criteria of appraised are duly communicated which brings peace and harmony in the organisation.

Question 5.
Co-ordination between different functions and all levels of management is the essence of organisational success,
(1) Co-ordination is an integration of different activities which is essential for their smooth flow. It establishes harmony among all the activities of an organisation in achieving desired goals. Co-ordination will not exist unless efforts are taken at all levels of management.

(2) Co-ordination is the synchronization of the efforts of a group so as to provide unity of action for organisational goals. It is a hidden force which binds all other functions at all levels of management.

(3) In an organisation, a number of persons are working together to achieve a common goal. Their work is closely linked with each other. Co-ordination function brings all the group efforts together and harmonise them carefully.

(4) Co-ordination is orderly arrangement of group efforts to provide unity of action to achieve common goals. Co-operation, team work and higher efficiency level lead to attainment of goals and thus, it is the essence of organisational success.

7. Attempt the following

Question 1.
Explain the importance of planning.
Importance : The importance of planning is explained as follows:
(1) Helps to set clear objectives : Planning is the process of setting objectives, targets and formulating plans to achieve these objectives. With the help of proper planning, management can analyse the present condition of the organisation and can identify the ways of attaining the desired position in future.

(2) Provides path of action : Planning ensures that the goals or objectives are clearly set. It acts as a guide and provides direction for doing the right things at the right time and in a right way. It helps the employees to understand the organisational goals and what they must do to achieve the same.

(3) Planning improves performance : It helps manager to improve future performances of employees by setting clear objectives and selecting a right course of action. It leads to efficiency in working of the employees. Due to proper planning the employees can work according to guidelines which helps them to improve performance. This results into higher profitability of the organisation.

(4) Minimizes the risk : Planning is the process of looking into the future and anticipating the future changes. By deciding in advance the task to be performed, planning helps to deal with future changes and unforeseen events. Planning helps in anticipation of risk and decide preventive measures accordingly. Though changes or risks cannot be eliminated but proper planning minimizes them.

(5) Planning leads to optimum utilization of resources: Plans are made on the basis of availability of resources with proper allocation for various activities. Proper allocation of resources brings higher efficiency and desired results with minimum wastages.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 2 Functions of Management

Question 2.
Describe the importance of organizing.
Importance : The importance of organising is explained as follows:
(1) Facilitates administration as well as operation : Organising is the process of identifying, grouping and assigning the activities of administration and proceeding according to its operational activity. Due to proper grouping of the task and employees, there is a reduction in duplication of work results in effective delegation.

(2) Brings specialisation : Organising starts from dividing the total work into smaller units and assigning them to different individuals according to their qualification, capabilities and experience. It leads to increase in overall productivity.

(3) Defines job properly : In the organising function the employees are assigned different jobs according to their qualification, skill and experience and the managers clearly define the details of each job. It clearly spells out what exactly has to be done in every job by each employee.

(4) Clarifies authority and responsibility : The organising function clearly defines authority, power, position of every manager and responsibility, accountability of every employee. This enables proper execution of work and at the same time eliminates confusion, duplication, misunderstanding. It also helps to bring efficiency in working of managers.

(5) Establishes Co-ordination : Organising function helps in establishing co-ordination among different activities of different department. Organising defines clear cut relationship among various positions and ensures mutual co-operation amongst them. Organising helps in co-ordination between different levels of managers of different departments for smooth functioning of an organisation.

Question 3.
Explain the importance of staffing.
Importance : The importance of staffing is given as follows:
(1) Effective management function : Staffing is considered an effective managerial function as it deals with human resource. Employees appointed in the organisation through staffing function perform various activities in different areas of the organisation such as production, marketing, finance, etc.

(2) Effective utilization of Human Resources : A well organised staffing department discovers the talented, skilful, experienced and qualified staff. Proper care is taken at every stage of recruitment, selection, placement, etc. It ensures smooth functioning of all the managerial areas of the organisation.

(3) Builds relationship : A sound staffing policy creates a team spirit among the employees. Due to team spirit, a sense of belongingness among the employees is developed. This in turn leads to better communication and co-ordination of managerial efforts in an organisation. A smooth human relation is the key to better flow of co-ordination in an organisation.

(4) Helps Human Resource Development: Skilled and experienced employee is an asset of a business organisation. Staffing function of management is mainly concerned with human factor of production. Efforts are made to utilise the human resources more efficiently.

(5) Helps in effective use of technology and other resources : Staffing function trains employees to use latest technology, capital, material, and method of work more effectively. This brings competitive strength to the organisation. It also helps in improving standard of work and productively in terms of quality and quantity.

(6) Improve efficiency : Regular training and development programmes provide to employees to improve their performance levels. Through proper selection the organisation gets talented and quality employees.

Question 4.
Explain the importance of directing.
Importance : The importance of Directing is as follows:
(1) Initiates action : Direction initiates action. It activates employees to put in their best efforts, to achieve the goals. Without effective direction, other managerial functions like planning, organising, staffing, co-ordinating and controlling become ineffective. Managers have to stimulate action by issuing instructions like what to do, how to do, etc. to the subordinates and by supervising them from time to time.

(2) Integrates efforts: At every level of the management there are subordinates under managers. The work assigned to these subordinates is interrelated. The directing function integrates the activities of the subordinates by guidance, supervision and counselling. It results in achievement of organisational goals.

(3) Means of motivation: Objectives of an organisation can be achieved only if the people working in it are properly motivated through monetary and non-monetary incentives. It boosts the morale of employees, contribute their maximum efforts and motivates them to give their best.

(4) Provides stability: Effective direction through supervision, motivation, leadership and communication provides stability and maintains balance in the organisation. This in turn results in the growth of the enterprise at faster rate. For long term survival of the organisation, stability in the organisation are necessary.

(5) Coping up with the changes : Effective direction facilitates changes in the organisation. It enables the enterprise to adopt advance technology, new methods of production, modern techniques of management, etc. It is a direction function which helps the superiors to motivate the subordinates to adapt to the new changes, new challenges, etc. Adapting to the environmental changes is necessary for the growth of the organisation.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 2 Functions of Management

Question 5.
Describe the importance of coordinating.
Importance : The importance of Co-ordinating is explained as follows:
(1) Encourages Team Spirit : Co-ordination is concerned with integrated group efforts. Team work under the direction of the manager encourages the subordinates to work sincerely and give better performance to achieve organisational goals. Co-ordination helps to reduce the conflicts between the employees and departments regarding policies, roles, etc. and increase their team spirit.

(2) Gives Proper Direction : Group or combined efforts of all the employees in an organisation helps to co-ordinate with each other and achieve the desired goals. Thus, combined efforts of all the employees always help an organisation to remove its limitations and achieve organisational objectives. The interdependence of departments gives proper direction to the employees.

(3) Facilitates motivation : In the process of co-ordination the superiors motivate their subordinates by providing them with monetary and other incentives. An effective co-ordination increases efficiency and results in growth and prosperity of the organisation which encourages job security, high income, promotion and incentives.

(4) Optimum utilisation of resources : Proper and effective co-ordination helps to bring together all the resources of the organisation. This in turn helps to make the optimum possible use of available resources to achieve organisational goals. Co-ordination also helps to avoid wastage of resources and control the cost.

(5) Achieve organisational objectives : Proper coordination helps to reduce wastages, delays in completion of targets, departmental disputes, etc. of the organisation to a great extent. This ensures smooth working of the organisation in the process of achievement of objectives.

Question 6.
Explain the importance of controlling.
Importance : The importance of controlling function is explained as follows:
(1) Fulfilling goals of organisation : Controlling helps to fulfil and achieve organisational goals. The controlling function ensures that the activities take place according to the plans and if there is any deviation, timely action is taken. When all the activities are conducted successfully, according to plan the organisational goals can be achieved as desired.

(2) Making efficient utilisation of resources : By using various control techniques, managers can keep a close watch over the utilisation of human, physical and financial resources. They can prevent the misuse or wastage of resources and ensure proper utilisation of the same.

(3) Accuracy of standards : Proper and efficient control system help the management to check the standards set are accurate or not. This system also keeps check on the changes taking place in the organisation from time to time. Controlling functions are flexible to some extent. This in turn facilitates the organisation to review the standards by considering such changes.

(4) Motivates Employees : A good control system gives information in advance about the standard performance and discovers efficient and inefficient employees. Efficient employees may be given Financial rewards or incentives to motivate them further. The manager may recommend motivational measures in case it finds that deviations are due to insufficient motivation.

(5) Ensures order and discipline : An efficient and good control system ensures order and discipline in the organisation. It prevents and reduces unnecessary behaviour on the part of employees. Under this system, regular checking is done by the managers or departmental heads and preventive measures are taken against deviation or indiscipline.

8. Answer the following

Question 1.
Define the term Planning and explain the importance of planning.
[A] Meaning : Planning is the fundamental and basic function of management. It is a process of setting goals and choosing the means to achieve these goals. Planning means deciding the future course of action which determines what is to be done, how to do it, when to do it, who is to do it and how results are to be evaluated. It is a detailed programme in which all activities to be performed in future are mentioned keeping in mind the objectives. Thus, it is an intellectual process of logical thinking and rational decision-making.

[B] Importance : The importance of planning is explained as follows:
(1) Helps to set clear objectives : Planning is the process of setting objectives, targets and formulating plans to achieve these objectives. With the help of proper planning, management can analyse the present condition of the organisation and can identify the ways of attaining the desired position in future.

(2) Provides path of action : Planning ensures that the goals or objectives are clearly set. It acts as a guide and provides direction for doing the right things at the right time and in a right way. It helps the employees to understand the organisational goals and what they must do to achieve the same.

(3) Planning improves performance : It helps manager to improve future performances of employees by setting clear objectives and selecting a right course of action. It leads to efficiency in working of the employees. Due to proper planning the employees can work according to guidelines which helps them to improve performance. This results into higher profitability of the organisation.

(4) Minimizes the risk : Planning is the process of looking into the future and anticipating the future changes. By deciding in advance the task to be performed, planning helps to deal with future changes and unforeseen events. Planning helps in anticipation of risk and decide preventive measures accordingly. Though changes or risks cannot be eliminated but proper planning minimizes them.

(5) Planning leads to optimum utilization of resources: Plans are made on the basis of availability of resources with proper allocation for various activities. Proper allocation of resources brings higher efficiency and desired results with minimum wastages.

(6) Helps in decision-making : Planning helps the management to achieve to take a rational decision and to select best alternatives by considering all positive and negative outcomes of all the alternatives the decisions are taken after selecting the best suitable alternatives a predefined goals.

(7) Useful is setting the standards for controlling: Planning sets the standards of performance to be achieved and which can be measured with the actual performance for find out about any deviation. Such deviation can be taken care by controlling steps. Thus, planning provides basis for maintaining discipline in an organisation.

(8) Facilitates co-ordination of all activities : Proper planning reduces the overlapping among all activities of business which are closely linked with each other. Planning interrelates such activities of all department work as per overall plan and thus management co-ordination is achieved.

(9) Facilitates other functions : Planning is the primary function of all the functions of management. Every organisational function is set to achieve the organisational goals at the planning stage. Other management functions such as organising, staffing, etc. cannot be undertaken till the plan is ready.

(10) Promotes innovative ideas : Planning is the basic function. The process of decision-making involves promotion of innovative ideas after critical
thinking. It is the most challenging activity for the management as it guides all future activities and actions of an organisation. In the end, these innovative plans result in attainment of the organisation goals.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 2 Functions of Management

Question 2.
What is Organising? Explain the importance of organising.
[A] Meaning: Organising is the process of putting together various activities, resource and people into a system so that people work together for achieving planned objectives. Organising means arranging everything in an orderly manner. It means making arrangements like money, machinery, materials, man-power and other physical resources to achieve the predefined goals. The synchronization and combination of workforce, physical, financial and information resources in the process of organising.

[B] Importance : The importance of organising is explained as follows:
(1) Facilitates administration as well as operation : Organising is the process of identifying, grouping and assigning the activities of administration and proceeding according to its operational activity. Due to proper grouping of the task and employees, there is a reduction in duplication of work results in effective delegation.

(2) Brings specialisation : Organising starts from dividing the total work into smaller units and assigning them to different individuals according to their qualification, capabilities and experience. It leads to increase in overall productivity.

(3) Defines job properly : In the organising function the employees are assigned different jobs according to their qualification, skill and experience and the managers clearly define the details of each job. It clearly spells out what exactly has to be done in every job by each employee.

(4) Clarifies authority and responsibility : The organising function clearly defines authority, power, position of every manager and responsibility, accountability of every employee. This enables proper execution of work and at the same time eliminates confusion, duplication, misunderstanding. It also helps to bring efficiency in working of managers.

(5) Establishes Co-ordination : Organising function helps in establishing co-ordination among different activities of different department. Organising defines clear cut relationship among various positions and ensures mutual co-operation amongst them. Organising helps in co-ordination between different levels of managers of different departments for smooth functioning of an organisation.

(6) Helps for effective administration : A sound organising structure facilitates in defining the right job to the right individual. Similarly, the functions, duties and role of each and every employee are well defined in the organising function. This facilitates effective administration and ultimately leads to efficient administration.

(7) Helpful for growth and diversification : Smooth and efficient functioning, clearly defined authority and responsibilities and smooth co-ordination leads to the growth of the organisation. Use of appropriate techniques of control brings efficiency and reduces wastages which ultimately leads to higher profitability of the organisation. All this is possible when the structure of the organisation is well defined.

(8) Creates sense of security: Organising function defines and clarifies the jobs, functions and roles, powers and authority assigned to every manager and employee. Clarity in job profile eliminates confusion and gives responsibility. It helps a lot in getting mental satisfaction and develops sense of security.

(9) Scope for innovation : The manager can use his talent, knowledge and experience to take decisions on various matters and problems. For instance, decision to adopt new technique of production in the organisation. Thus, his talent flourishes by adopting new changes in the methods of work.

(10) Optimum utilisation of resources : Organising function lays down the best possible uses of resources for a specific job. Thus, it is possible to use the available resources to their optimum level and thereby avoid wastage as well as their excessive use.

Question 3.
What do you mean by Staffing? Describe the importance of staffing.
[A] Meaning : Right person at right job with right pay is the basic principle of staffing, Staffing is the process involved in attracting, identifying, assessing, recruiting, placing, evaluating and directing employees. It is recruitment, selection, development, training and compensation of employees. It is very challenging for the organisation to focus on best utilisation of workforce by using their talents and skills, retaining them and arranging training and t development programme.

[B] Importance : The importance of staffing is given as follows:
(1) Effective management function : Staffing is considered an effective managerial function as it deals with human resource. Employees appointed in the organisation through staffing function perform various activities in different areas of the organisation such as production, marketing, finance, etc.

(2) Effective utilization of Human Resources : A well organised staffing department discovers the talented, skilful, experienced and qualified staff. Proper care is taken at every stage of recruitment, selection, placement, etc. It ensures smooth functioning of all the managerial areas of the organisation.

(3) Builds relationship : A sound staffing policy creates a team spirit among the employees. Due to team spirit, a sense of belongingness among the employees is developed. This in turn leads to better communication and co-ordination of managerial efforts in an organisation. A smooth human relation is the key to better flow of co-ordination in an organisation.

(4) Helps Human Resource Development: Skilled and experienced employee is an asset of a business organisation. Staffing function of management is mainly concerned with human factor of production. Efforts are made to utilise the human resources more efficiently.

(5) Helps in effective use of technology and other resources : Staffing function trains employees to use latest technology, capital, material, and method of work more effectively. This brings competitive strength to the organisation. It also helps in improving standard of work and productively in terms of quality and quantity.

(6) Improve efficiency : Regular training and development programmes provide to employees to improve their performance levels. Through proper selection the organisation gets talented and quality employees.

(7) Long term effect : Sub-functions of staffing, namely, proper selection, training, development, motivation, etc. help to achieve long-term benefits such as increase in productivity and efficiency, loyalty of customers and employees, etc.

(8) Essential contribution : The selection of employees should be based on the ability of the prospective candidates to meet the future challenges. Selection is based on the ability of the prospective employee so that organisation can meet the future challenges wisely. Therefore, in staff selection, the selectors should take into account the contribution of the employees in their future roles.

(9) Provides job satisfaction : A good staffing policy creates job satisfaction in the minds of the employees. For instance, proper placement of the individuals according to their knowledge, experience and aptitude, timely promotions, training etc. give job satisfaction. Fair remuneration and job security are the factors which are important in providing job satisfaction.

(10) Maintains harmony: Proper staffing policy helps to develop good labour relations. The performances of employees are regularly appraised and promotions are made on merits. Due to this, employees develop positive attitude towards the management which, in turn, helps to bring about peace and harmony in the organisation.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 2 Functions of Management

Question 4.
Give the meaning of Directing and explain the importance of directing.
[A] Meaning : Directing is the process of instructing, guiding, inspiring, motivating and supervising the employees to achieve pre-determined organisational goals. It is a continuous function started at top level and flows through the lower level of an organisation. It is continued through out the tenure of an organisation. A few philosophers called it as ‘Life spark of an Enterprise. Director shows the correct path as well as guides the employees in solving the problems.

[B] Importance : The importance of Directing is as follows:
(1) Initiates action : Direction initiates action. It activates employees to put in their best efforts, to achieve the goals. Without effective direction, other managerial functions like planning, organising, staffing, co-ordinating and controlling become ineffective. Managers have to stimulate action by issuing instructions like what to do, how to do, etc. to the subordinates and by supervising them from time to time.

(2) Integrates efforts: At every level of the management there are subordinates under managers. The work assigned to these subordinates is interrelated. The directing function integrates the activities of the subordinates by guidance, supervision and counselling. It results in achievement of organisational goals.

(3) Means of motivation: Objectives of an organisation can be achieved only if the people working in it are properly motivated through monetary and non-monetary incentives. It boosts the morale of employees, contribute their maximum efforts and motivates them to give their best.

(4) Provides stability: Effective direction through supervision, motivation, leadership and communication provides stability and maintains balance in the organisation. This in turn results in the growth of the enterprise at faster rate. For long term survival of the organisation, stability in the organisation are necessary.

(5) Coping up with the changes : Effective direction facilitates changes in the organisation. It enables the enterprise to adopt advance technology, new methods of production, modern techniques of management, etc. It is a direction function which helps the superiors to motivate the subordinates to adapt to the new changes, new challenges, etc. Adapting to the environmental changes is necessary for the growth of the organisation.

(6) Efficient utilisation of resources : Constant instructions can be given to the subordinates to make the maximum use of the available resources and to make every possible effort to minimize the wastages of resources. Thus, effective direction helps in optimum use of available resources such as men, materials, money and methods which helps to reduce cost and increase profit.

(7) Creates team spirit : The supervisors through proper direction can guide, lead and motivate their subordinates to co-ordinate the activities. Thus, team spirit is created which helps the employees to perform their activities more efficiently and on time. This results in faster achievement of organisational goals.

(9) Increases efficiency level : Effective direction and guidance results in better performance of the employees. It also enables the managers and other superiors to guide the subordinates as the leader while performing their jobs.

(8) Exploring capabilities of individuals: Every employee in the organisation has certain capabilities and potential. Through proper direction, motivation and encouragement manager can utilise them to their optimum level to achieve organisational goals and increases efficiency of organisation.

(10) Co-operation : Co-operation between different departments from top level to the bottom level and among the people within the department is must. Co-operation is essential for the success and achievement of organisational goals and for smooth flow of all organisational activities.

Question 5.
What is Coordinating? Describe the importance of coordinating.
[A] Meaning : Co-ordination as a function of management refers to the task of developing harmony between various sections of departments and between various departments of the organisation. Thus, co-ordination is a hidden force which binds all other functions of the management integrating the group activities to accomplish the organisational goal efficiency. As the work of each one is linked in an organisation is necessary in co-ordination.

[B] Importance : The importance of Co-ordinating is explained as follows:
(1) Encourages Team Spirit : Co-ordination is concerned with integrated group efforts. Team work under the direction of the manager encourages the subordinates to work sincerely and give better performance to achieve organisational goals. Co-ordination helps to reduce the conflicts between the employees and departments regarding policies, roles, etc. and increase their team spirit.

(2) Gives Proper Direction : Group or combined efforts of all the employees in an organisation helps to co-ordinate with each other and achieve the desired goals. Thus, combined efforts of all the employees always help an organisation to remove its limitations and achieve organisational objectives. The interdependence of departments gives proper direction to the employees.

(3) Facilitates motivation : In the process of co-ordination the superiors motivate their subordinates by providing them with monetary and other incentives. An effective co-ordination increases efficiency and results in growth and prosperity of the organisation which encourages job security, high income, promotion and incentives.

(4) Optimum utilisation of resources : Proper and effective co-ordination helps to bring together all the resources of the organisation. This in turn helps to make the optimum possible use of available resources to achieve organisational goals. Co-ordination also helps to avoid wastage of resources and control the cost.

(5) Achieve organisational objectives : Proper coordination helps to reduce wastages, delays in completion of targets, departmental disputes, etc. of the organisation to a great extent. This ensures smooth working of the organisation in the process of achievement of objectives.

(6) Improve relations : Co-ordination brings develops good relations among the employees working at different levels of management. For instance, marketing department depends upon production department, production department : depends upon purchase department and so on. Proper co-ordination always helps employees to improve and build strong relations among the employees working in different departments.

(7) Leads to Higher Efficiency : Co-ordination facilitates the optimum use of physical and human resources. This leads to higher returns at lesser cost, thereby higher efficiency. Co-ordination ultimately leads to the optimum use of the resources, higher efficiency reduction in cost and reduction in wastages.

(8) Improves goodwill : Higher sales and higher profitability can be achieved due to synchronized efforts. It earns a name and goodwill in the corporate world. This leads to better value of shares in the stock exchange (market).

(9) Unity of direction : Co-ordinating function helps to bring together activities of different departments to achieve common goals and objectives of the organisation. Therefore, co¬ordination is needed to give proper direction to all the departments of the organisation.

(10) Specialisation : In every business organisation all departments are headed by qualified and specialised professionals in their respective field. The specialised knowledge of these departmental heads helps in various managerial decisions. Proper and efficient co-ordination among these professionals helps to achieve organisational goals (targets) as planned by the top management.

Question 6.
Define the term Controlling and explain the importance of controlling.
[A] Meaning : Controlling is a function of comparing the actual performance with the predetermined standard performance. It measures deviation, if any, identifies the causes and suggest the corrective measures. It is performed by all levels of management. Controlling is an indispensable function at all levels of management.

[B] Importance : The importance of controlling function is explained as follows:
(1) Fulfilling goals of organisation : Controlling helps to fulfil and achieve organisational goals. The controlling function ensures that the activities take place according to the plans and if there is any deviation, timely action is taken. When all the activities are conducted successfully, according to plan the organisational goals can be achieved as desired.

(2) Making efficient utilisation of resources : By using various control techniques, managers can keep a close watch over the utilisation of human, physical and financial resources. They can prevent the misuse or wastage of resources and ensure proper utilisation of the same.

(3) Accuracy of standards : Proper and efficient control system help the management to check the standards set are accurate or not. This system also keeps check on the changes taking place in the organisation from time to time. Controlling functions are flexible to some extent. This in turn facilitates the organisation to review the standards by considering such changes.

(4) Motivates Employees : A good control system gives information in advance about the standard performance and discovers efficient and inefficient employees. Efficient employees may be given Financial rewards or incentives to motivate them further. The manager may recommend motivational measures in case it finds that deviations are due to insufficient motivation.

(5) Ensures order and discipline : An efficient and good control system ensures order and discipline in the organisation. It prevents and reduces unnecessary behaviour on the part of employees. Under this system, regular checking is done by the managers or departmental heads and preventive measures are taken against deviation or indiscipline.

(6) Facilitates co-ordination : Every manager or superior co-ordinates the activities of subordinates towards the process of controlling. Controlling reveals the weak points where co¬ordination falls short, so that the management can take timely action.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 2 Functions of Management

(7) Psychological pressure : Efficient control system puts psychological pressure on the employees to perform better. Their performance is measured and compared with standards set from time to time. All the employees know that their performance will be evaluated and hence they put on their best to perform well.

(8) Ensures Organisational Efficiency and Effectiveness : Efficient and proper control system ensures organisational efficiency and ; effectiveness. The factors of controlling such as motivation for better performance, achievement of co-ordination in the performance and managers’ responsibility ensure that the organisation works i more efficiently.

(9) Build good Corporate image : An efficient controlling system helps to improve overall efficiency and quality of work. As a result organisation achieves its goals according set standards. This in turn helps to build a good corporate image and develops reputation of the business.

(10) Acts as a Guide : Controlling function provides set of standard performance. All levels of managers and employees work according to it. They follow these standards to achieve desired results. The steps taken for controlling an activity guide the management while planning any future activity.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Organisation of Commerce and Management 12th Textbook Solutions Chapter 1 Principles of Management Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Organisation of Commerce and Management Solutions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

1. (A) Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence

Question 1.
………………… was regarded as the Father of Scientific Management.
(a) Henry Fayol
(b) F. W. Taylor
(c) Philip Kotler
(b) F. W. Taylor

Question 2.
Principle of ……………… is based on ‘A place for everything and everything in its place.
(a) Discipline
(b) Order
(c) Equity
(b) Order

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

Question 3.
Member of organization should receive orders from ………………..
(a) many superior
(b) one superior
(c) all superiors
(b) one superior

Question 4.
Scalar chain means the hierarchy of …………….. from the top level to the lower level for the purpose of communication.
(a) discipline
(b) unity
(c) authority
(c) authority

Question 5.
Taylor recommended total ……………….. foremen to control the various aspects of production.
(a) eight
(b) three
(c) two
(a) eight

1. (B) Match the pairs

Group A Group B
A) Henry Fayol 1) Eight Foremen
B) Principle of Unity of Direction 2) F.W. Taylor
C) Principles of Management 3) Proper division of all activities
D) Scientific Management Theory 4) general guidelines
E) Functional Organization 5) A place for everything and everything in its place
6) One head-one plan
7) Low wage rate
8) Harmony between the employees and management
9) German engineer
10) Modern Management


Group A Group B
A) Henry Fayol 1) Modern Management
B) Principle of Unity of Direction 2) One head-one plan
C) Principles of Management 3) general guidelines
D) Scientific Management Theory 4) F.W. Taylor
E) Functional Organization 5) Eight Foremen

1. (C) Give one word/phrase/term for the following statements:

Question 1.
The study of movement of an employee as well as machine while completing particular task.
Motion Study

Question 2.
The technique of observing and recording the time required by an employee to complete a given task.
Time Study

Question 3.
Study consists of an organised, systematic and critical assessment of various activities.
Work Study

Question 4.
The principle which deals with ‘to do work with innovative way’.
Principle of Initiative

Question 5.
The principle which is based on ‘a place for everything and everything in its place’.
Principle of Order.

1. (D) State whether the following statements are True or False

Question 1.
The principles of management are universal in nature.

Question 2.
Management principles are applied differently under different situations.

Question 3.
Only some principles of management are important.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

Question 4.
Henry Fayol has given different techniques of management.

Question 5.
F. W. Taylor has proposed 14 principles of management.

Question 6.
Each member of organisation should receive orders only from one superior.

1. (E) Find the odd one.

Question 1.
Principle of Authority and Responsibility, Motion Study, Principle of Division of Work, Principle of Discipline.
Motion Study

Question 2.
Fatigue Study, Principle of Unity of Command, Work Study, Motion Study.
Principle of unity of Command

1. (F) Answer in one sentence

Question 1.
What is principle of unity of command?
Principal of unity of command implies that every employee should receive orders and instructions from one boss only and he should be responsible and accountable to him only.

Question 2.
What is standardization of tools and equipment?
Standardisation of tools and equipment refers to providing the standard tools and equipment for production and maintaining standard working conditions and environment at the place of work.

Question 3.
What is differential wage rate?
Differential wage rate means offering higher rate of wages to those employees who complete the work more than the standard quantity and lower rate of wages to those employees who perform below the standard fixed.

Question 4.
What is Subordination of Individual Interest into Organisational Interest?
Subordination of individual interest into organisational interest means the interest of an individual must be given less importance than the interest of the organisation.

Question 5.
What is the meaning of principle?
Principle means a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behaviour or for a chain of reasoning.

1. (G) Correct the underlined word and rewrite the following sentences.

Question 1.
Security in job always affects adversely on the efficiency of employees.
Insecurity in job always affects adversely on the efficiency of employees.

Question 2.
Esprit de corps means ‘division is strength’.
Esprit de corps means ‘unity is strength’.

Question 3.
Each member of organisation should receive orders from only one subordinate.
Each member of organisation should receive orders from only one superior.

Question 4.
Decentralisation means concentration of powers and authorities at a specific position.
Centralisation means concentration of powers and authorities at a specific position.

Question 5.
Management techniques are applied differently under different conditions.
Management principles are applied differently under different conditions.

2. Explain the following terms/concepts

Question 1.
Motion Study
(1) This is one of the important techniques f of scientific management developed by E W. Taylor. Motion study refers to the movements of employees, as well as movement of machine while completing . a particular task. The motion study helps the manager to know the movements required for a person to do a particular job.

(2) This study is useful to manager to eliminate the unnecessary movements or their sequence for doing the job. It also helps the manager to combine some actions or movements in the process. It increases efficiency and productivity of the employees and helps in reducing the wastage of time, raw material and improving the usefulness of resources.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

Question 2.
Differential Piece Rate System.
(1) According to F. W. Taylor, the differential piece wage rate plan is necessary to motivate the employees to attain higher standard performance and to earn remuneration at a higher rate. Differential piece wage rate plan suggests that remuneration should be fixed and paid in such a way that average worker is motivated to attain standard output.

(2) In differential piece wage rate plan, the. standard is determined for production by the management. The workers who produce more them the standard are to be paid more in the form of incentives and those who produce less than the standard are to be paid less by way of penalty. This technique encourages those who perform well and motivates those who have performed less than the standard required to improve their performance.

(3) Taylor suggested the differential piece wage system and further stated that the discrimination should be made between the efficient and inefficient workers. This technique explains that, efficient workers should be paid more remuneration in comparison to inefficient workers.

(4) Thus, the differential piece-rate wage plan technique motivates the able employees to attain higher performance and earn wages at higher rate.

Question 3.
Fatigue Study
The term ‘fatigue’ implies physical or mental exhaustion. Long working hours with insufficient breaks, heavy working tools, target pressure and poor working conditions lead to fatigue. It reduces efficiency of the employees and creates adverse effect on their health. To reduce fatigue it is very important to keep and maintain the operational efficiency of the workers.

Question 4.
Time Study.
(1) Time study is one of the important techniques of scientific management developed by E W. Taylor. Time study is useful to the manager to determine and record the time needed to complete a particular job or task. It is based on the speed of average worker.

(2) Under this technique of scientific management, every part of the entire work is considered in detail and the time required to complete each element of job or task is ascertained. On the basis of the time study, the manager determines the standard time required to complete a particular job. This also facilitates the manager to decide the remuneration to be paid and efficiency of the worker and to control the cost of work.

3. Study the following case/situation and express your opinion.

Question 1.
Mr. Harshad is an entrepreneur and engaged in production of eco-friendly utensils. Both male and female workers are working in his factory. All male employees are directly working on machines whereas female employees are working in Packaging Department. Mr. Sharath is working as Finance Manager while Mrs. Naina is working as HR Manager who is responsible for recruiting employees in the factory. On this basis:
(i) Identify any one principle of management in above case.
(ii) What is the designation of Mrs. Naina in this organisations?
(iii) Who is responsible for overall planning of the organisation?
(i) In the above case, principle of Division of work is identified.
(ii) The designation of Mrs. Naina is Human Resource Manager.
(iii) Mr. Harshad, an entrepreneur of eco-friendly utensils, is responsible for overall planning ; of the organisation.

Question 2.
In ‘Fine Diamonds Ltd.’ 200 employees are working in three shifts. In first shift 60 employees, in second shift 60 employees and in third shift 80 employees are working without sufficient breaks except lunch break and shift change break. No employee is able to complete the work in designated time due to inappropriate time management which results into delay for next shift employees.
(i) Identify which scientific principle needs to be followed by the company.
(ii) Suggest two scientific techniques which can be used for smooth flow of work in ‘Fine Diamonds Ltd.
(iii) Why the work is not being completed in time?
(i) In the above case, Principle of scientific management called Science, Not Rule of Thumb needs to be followed.
(ii) Work study based on the technique of fatigue study and Scientific task setting can be used for smooth flow of work in ‘Fine Diamonds Ltd.’
(iii) Reasons for non-completion of work in time are:

  1. Long working hours without sufficient breaks reduces the efficiency of labour.
  2. Inappropriate time management (planning) done by the departmental head (Functional Manager) result into delay for next shift employees.
  3. Standard required time and standard output are not defined by the manager or management of “Fine Diamonds Ltd.”

4. Answer in brief

Question 1.
Explain any five principles of management of Henry Fayol.
(1) Principle of Division of Work : According to this principle, the entire work such as technical, financial, commercial, accounting, management and security operations should be assigned to different employees as per their qualification, qualities, capabilities and experience. It gives benefits of specialisation and improves efficiency and expertise of employees. This in turn helps to attain expected productivity level.

(2) Principle of Authority and Responsibility:
Authority implies right or freedom to take decisions. The manager should be given authority to get the work done systematically from the subordinates. Authority should always go with corresponding responsibility, e.g. if manager is given authority to complete a specific task within a given time, he would be held responsible for the same. Manager should have adequate authority to take managerial decisions on his own to achieve the goal.

(3) Principle of Discipline: Fayol insists that discipline is essential for smooth working of an organisation. It helps to achieve the goals set in the organisation. In relation to organisation, discipline means strictly obeying instructions of the superiors. There should be clear and utmost understanding between management and employees in respect to organisation’s rules. It is necessary to observe basic discipline at all levels of management.

(4) Principle of Unity of Command: According to this principle, every employee should receive orders and instructions from one boss only and he should be accountable to him only. If he receives orders from more them one boss at a time, he will not understand whose orders should be executed first. To avoid this, organisational hierarchy should be well defined and each employee in the organisation should know his immediate boss. He should receive orders and instructions from him only and should report to him only.
Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 1 Principles of Management 1

(5) Principle of Unity of Direction: Fayol advocates “One head for One plan”. It means that a group of employees working on similar activities should have common objectives and must work under one head (senior). All the objectives of the different groups should be in line with the objectives of the organisation. If this principle is followed there will be an effective co-ordination of the individual efforts and energies.

(6) Principle of Subordination of Individual Interest to Organisational Interest: According to this principle, the interest of the organisation must always be given greater importance than the interest of an employee or a group of employees. While taking decision, the manager should always consider the interest of whole group rather than the interest of an individual employee. Similarly, employees should surrender their personal goals or interests before that of an organisation e.g. while playing a game a team players should always play to win the game and not for his individual records.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

Question 2.
Describe any four techniques of scientific management.
(1) Work Study : Before allocating the work among the workers, systematic work study should be done by the management. Work study includes Em organised systematic and critical assessment of different activities or functions. It is based on the different techniques like time study, method study, motion study and fatigue study.
(i) Time Study : Under this method, the manager observes and record the time an employee takes to complete a particular job or task. This technique is useful to fix standard time needed to complete a specific task under given conditions. It measures the efficiency of an employee and helps to control the cost of work.

(ii) Method Study : In order to get best quality with cost effectiveness, it is important and challenging for a manager to identify the best method from various available methods to complete the specific job. This method is useful to reduce the wastage of time, raw material and to improve usefulness of the resources to achieve defined objectives. It is also useful to determine the methods to handle the raw materials, storage, inspection and transportation.

(iii) Motion Study : Motion study refers to the close study of the movements of employees as well as machines in completing a particular task. This technique is useful to manager to eliminate the unnecessary movements and to find out the best method of completing a specific task. It improves efficiency and productivity of the employees. This method is also useful to understand and decide about the elimination of some elements of a job or changing their sequence for smooth flow of work.

(iv) Fatigue Study : The term ‘fatigue’ implies physical or mental exhaustion. Long working hours with insufficient breaks, heavy working tools, target pressure and poor working conditions lead to fatigue. It reduces efficiency of the employees and creates adverse effect on their health. To reduce fatigue it is very important to keep and maintain the operational efficiency of the workers.

(2) Standardisation of Tools and Equipment:
On the basis of experiments conducted at work place, Taylor insisted to provide standard tools and equipment, standard working environment and standard methods of production. It helps to reduce spoilage and wastage of materials, cost of production, fatigue among the employees on the one hand and improves quality of work on the other hand.

(3) Scientific Task Setting : Taylor laid stress on the need for fixing a fair day’s work. The technique of scientific task setting is useful to restrain the employees from performing the task much below their capacity. As a result, they will complete their task according to the standards given and management will be able to keep proper control on the optimum use of available workforce.

(4) Scientific Selection and Training: By using scientific selection procedures, management easily select right persons for the right jobs. According to this technique, job specifications required to be fixed and employees are selected as per predetermined standards in an impartial way. After their selection, the management should arrange proper training programmes to increase efficiency.

(5) Functional Organisation : Taylor suggested that planning of the work is to be done by different people and actual work is to be supervised by different set of people. Every worker in the factory is to be supervised by two different sets of supervisors. He further suggested total eight foremen to control the various parts of the production. They are categorised as follows:
(A) At planning level:

  1. Route clerk : Explains the movement of work from one machine to other.
  2. Instruction clerk : Gives and records instructions to complete the work.
  3. Time and cost clerk : Decides the time to complete the work and work out the cost.
  4. Discipline : To see to it that workers work as per factory rules.

(B) At implementation level:

  1. Gang Boss : Gets the actual work done from employees.
  2. Speed Boss : Takes care that work is done in specified time.
  3. Repair Boss : Manages security and maintenance of mechanism.
  4. Inspector : Makes sure that work is completed as per specified standards.

5. Justify the following statements

Question 1.
Principles of management are flexible in nature.
(1) Principles of management are the statements of fundamental truth which act as guidelines for managerial decision-making and action. They establish cause and effect relationship. They are evolved through observation, analysis and experiments.

(2) Principles of management although fundamental, are not rigid. They are flexible in nature in the sense they can be changed or modified according to the situation and requirements of the organisation. Managers can change these principles to suit the requirements of the organisation.

(3) Principles of management are flexible guidelines providing ample scope for making changes according to the nature of enterprise, its size, competitive situation, etc. For instance, in the context of present business scenario, at many places the ‘family management has been substituted by professional management’.

(4) Modern business world is dynamic. The situations in a business enterprise keep on changing continuously. No two circumstances are identical. Principles of management can be changed, adjusted or modified and used in the enterprise as per its changing needs and requirements. By identifying problems of business changes will be accepted.

Question 2.
Management principles are helpful in optimum utilization of resources.
(1) Materials or abstract qualities that a person or organisation uses to perform the work is called resources, e.g. tools, stocks, time, employees, etc. In every organisation, two types of resources are used and they are: (i) Physical resources such as materials, machines, money, etc. and (ii) Human resources i.e. manpower.

(2) The different types of resources are used in the organisation to manufacture or produce different types of goods and services. The resources are scarce in relation to their demand and therefore resources should not be wasted and misused. They should be used carefully and up to their optimum capacity.

(3) The basic aim and function of management are to make and maintain proper balance and allocate these resources by putting them to maximum possible use and control on wastage of resources. Through the use of different techniques and management principles, management maintains discipline and healthy working environment to establish cordial relationship with the employees.

(4) It helps to increase the efficiency level of employees and to manage the administration effectively, e.g. use of modern and standard tools and machineries. It also helps to increase quality, productivity and level of efficiency of human resources.

Question 3.
Principle of equity is important.
(1) The principle of equity suggests that employer should give kind, fair, just and equal treatment to the employees. Managers should be kind, impartial and fair to their subordinates.

(2) The principle of equity further states that there should not be any discrimination between the employees while making the payment of wages. The employees working on the same level but in different departments should be paid same wages.

(3) The wages payable to employees should not depend on the departments but the level at which they are working, e.g. Foremen should be paid higher wages than that is paid to employees working under them.

(4) The principle of equity also states that there should not be any discrimination between the employees while distributing work between them. As far as possible, there should be equal distribution of work. Thus, equality in treatment of employees boosts the morale and develops a sense of belongingness among the employees. It helps to develop loyalty of employees towards organisation and avoid conflicts.

Question 4.
Taylor emphasized on standardization of tools and equipment.
(1) Fredrick Winslow Taylor published Principles of Scientific Management. His primary objective was to increase efficiency of employees by scientifically designing jobs. According to his views, management problems should be solved through experiments and use of scientific techniques rather than rules of thumb and triad and error approach.

(2) Taylor had conducted many experiments at workplace and as a result of those experiments, he advocated standardisation of tools and equipment. Standard here, means a level of quality or achievement, especially a level that is acceptable.

(3) According to him, standardised working environment and standardised methods of production tools and equipment help to reduce spoilage and wastage of materials. This in turn reduces the overall cost of production.

(4) Similarly use of standardised tools and equipment increases efficiency of employees and also helps to reduce fatigue among the workers. This improves the quality of work.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

Question 5.
Differential piece wage rate plan is necessary.
(1) According to F. W. Taylor, the differential piece wage rate plan is necessary to motivate the employees to attain higher standard performance and to earn remuneration at a higher rate. Differential piece wage rate plan suggests that remuneration should be fixed and paid in such a way that average worker is motivated to attain standard output.

(2) In differential piece wage rate plan, the. standard is determined for production by the management. The workers who produce more them the standard are to be paid more in the form of incentives and those who produce less than the standard are to be paid less by way of penalty. This technique encourages those who perform well and motivates those who have performed less than the standard required to improve their performance.

(3) Taylor suggested the differential piece wage system and further stated that the discrimination should be made between the efficient and inefficient workers. This technique explains that, efficient workers should be paid more remuneration in comparison to inefficient workers.

(4) Thus, the differential piece-rate wage plan technique motivates the able employees to attain higher performance and earn wages at higher rate.

6. Attempt the Following

Question 1.
Explain in detail any five Principles of Management given by Henry Fayol’s?
(1) Principle of Division of Work : According to this principle, the entire work such as technical, financial, commercial, accounting, management and security operations should be assigned to different employees as per their qualification, qualities, capabilities and experience. It gives benefits of specialisation and improves efficiency and expertise of employees. This in turn helps to attain expected productivity level.

(2) Principle of Authority and Responsibility:
Authority implies right or freedom to take decisions. The manager should be given authority to get the work done systematically from the subordinates. Authority should always go with corresponding responsibility, e.g. if manager is given authority to complete a specific task within a given time, he would be held responsible for the same. Manager should have adequate authority to take managerial decisions on his own to achieve the goal.

(3) Principle of Discipline: Fayol insists that discipline is essential for smooth working of an organisation. It helps to achieve the goals set in the organisation. In relation to organisation, discipline means strictly obeying instructions of the superiors. There should be clear and utmost understanding between management and employees in respect to organisation’s rules. It is necessary to observe basic discipline at all levels of management.

(4) Principle of Unity of Command: According to this principle, every employee should receive orders and instructions from one boss only and he should be accountable to him only. If he receives orders from more them one boss at a time, he will not understand whose orders should be executed first. To avoid this, organisational hierarchy should be well defined and each employee in the organisation should know his immediate boss. He should receive orders and instructions from him only and should report to him only.
Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 1 Principles of Management 2

(5) Principle of Unity of Direction: Fayol advocates “One head for One plan”. It means that a group of employees working on similar activities should have common objectives and must work under one head (senior). All the objectives of the different groups should be in line with the objectives of the organisation. If this principle is followed there will be an effective co-ordination of the individual efforts and energies.

(6) Principle of Subordination of Individual Interest to Organisational Interest: According to this principle, the interest of the organisation must always be given greater importance than the interest of an employee or a group of employees. While taking decision, the manager should always consider the interest of whole group rather than the interest of an individual employee. Similarly, employees should surrender their personal goals or interests before that of an organisation e.g. while playing a game a team players should always play to win the game and not for his individual records.

Question 2.
Describe different techniques of scientific management.
(1) Work Study : Before allocating the work among the workers, systematic work study should be done by the management. Work study includes Em organised systematic and critical assessment of different activities or functions. It is based on the different techniques like time study, method study, motion study and fatigue study.
(i) Time Study : Under this method, the manager observes and record the time an employee takes to complete a particular job or task. This technique is useful to fix standard time needed to complete a specific task under given conditions. It measures the efficiency of an employee and helps to control the cost of work.

(ii) Method Study : In order to get best quality with cost effectiveness, it is important and challenging for a manager to identify the best method from various available methods to complete the specific job. This method is useful to reduce the wastage of time, raw material and to improve usefulness of the resources to achieve defined objectives. It is also useful to determine the methods to handle the raw materials, storage, inspection and transportation.

(iii) Motion Study : Motion study refers to the close study of the movements of employees as well as machines in completing a particular task. This technique is useful to manager to eliminate the unnecessary movements and to find out the best method of completing a specific task. It improves efficiency and productivity of the employees. This method is also useful to understand and decide about the elimination of some elements of a job or changing their sequence for smooth flow of work.

(iv) Fatigue Study : The term ‘fatigue’ implies physical or mental exhaustion. Long working hours with insufficient breaks, heavy working tools, target pressure and poor working conditions lead to fatigue. It reduces efficiency of the employees and creates adverse effect on their health. To reduce fatigue it is very important to keep and maintain the operational efficiency of the workers.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

(2) Standardisation of Tools and Equipment:
On the basis of experiments conducted at work place, Taylor insisted to provide standard tools and equipment, standard working environment and standard methods of production. It helps to reduce spoilage and wastage of materials, cost of production, fatigue among the employees on the one hand and improves quality of work on the other hand.

(3) Scientific Task Setting : Taylor laid stress on the need for fixing a fair day’s work. The technique of scientific task setting is useful to restrain the employees from performing the task much below their capacity. As a result, they will complete their task according to the standards given and management will be able to keep proper control on the optimum use of available workforce.

(4) Scientific Selection and Training: By using scientific selection procedures, management easily select right persons for the right jobs. According to this technique, job specifications required to be fixed and employees are selected as per predetermined standards in an impartial way. After their selection, the management should arrange proper training programmes to increase efficiency.

(5) Functional Organisation : Taylor suggested that planning of the work is to be done by different people and actual work is to be supervised by different set of people. Every worker in the factory is to be supervised by two different sets of supervisors. He further suggested total eight foremen to control the various parts of the production. They are categorised as follows:
(A) At planning level :

  1. Route clerk : Explains the movement of work from one machine to other.
  2. Instruction clerk : Gives and records instructions to complete the work.
  3. Time and cost clerk : Decides the time to complete the work and work out the cost.
  4. Discipline : To see to it that workers work as per factory rules.

(B) At implementation level:

  1. Gang Boss : Gets the actual work done from employees.
  2. Speed Boss : Takes care that work is done in specified time.
  3. Repair Boss : Manages security and maintenance of mechanism.
  4. Inspector : Makes sure that work is completed as per specified standards.

Question 3.
Elaborate Principles of Scientific Management.
The principles of scientific management are as follows:

  1. Science, Not Rule of Thumb
  2. Harmony, Not Discord
  3. Mental Revolution
  4. Co-operation, Not Individualism
  5. Division of Responsibility
  6. Development of employer and employees for greater efficiency and maximum prosperity

1. Science, Not Rule of Thumb : Rule of thumb method is based on personal judgements of the manager which should be substituted with the methods developed through scientific analysis of work. Taylor emphasised more on the use of scientific method for every small job. This principle related with selecting the best way of doing a work after scientific analysis. Under this method, standard required time and standard output are defined by the manager. This method is useful to save time and human energy, to get expected standard output and to increase organisational efficiency.

2. Harmony, Not Discord : This principle states that, in every organisation these should be proper co-ordination and harmonious relations between the management and employees. This will help in minimising conflicts between them and in achieving the goals of the organisation. The perfect understanding between employees and management is also helpful in creating healthy work environment. Organisation should also think about the maximum prosperity of the employees.

3. Mental Revolution : The concept of ‘mental revolution’ was introduced by Taylor. This principle highlights on the complete change in the attitude of the management and employees toward each other. Both should recognise their equal importance in the organisation. They should co-operate with each other to achieve goals or objectives of the organisation. This in turn will increase productivity and profits.

4. Co-operation, Not Individualism : This principle states that there should be mutual co-operation between employees and management. Co-operation, trust, team spirit, etc. are important to avoid internal competition and to create healthy working environment. Management should always appreciate and consider the suggestions given by the employees in decision-making process. The management should treat the employees as an integral part of the organisation in all respects. Employees should also resist themselves from going on strikes and making unacceptable or unnecessary demands from the management. Thus, they should see each other as two pillars of the organisation.

5. Division of Responsibility : This principle states that while dividing the work there should be’ corresponding division of responsibility between the managers and employees. Major planning should be done by the top and middle level management and employees should concentrate on its execution. The reporting of the jobs should be done by the subordinates as per the instructions given by their superiors. For the best performances, the management should always help, encourage and guide the employees.

6. Development of employer and employees for greater efficiency and maximum prosperity : Profitability and best performance of any organisation mostly depend on the skills, intelligence and capabilities of its employees. Arranging and providing training and development programmes for the employees at regular interval or whenever required are absolutely important. It helps to increase profitability of the organisation. Proper opportunity should be given to each ; employee to attain his highest efficiency and ; maximum prosperity.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

Question 4.
Explain nature (characteristics) of principles of management.
The nature (characteristics) of principles of management is (are) explained as follows:
(1) Universal application : Management principles are universal in nature. They are applicable to all types of organisations irrespective of the type, size or nature, e.g. government, college, hospital, bank. etc. Their application may have to be modified, but they are suitable for all kinds of organisations, whether in private sector or public sector. Similarly, principles of management are applicable to all levels of management. For instance, the principle of division of labour is applicable to all types of organisations.

(2) General guidelines : Management principles give general guidelines to tackle the organisational situations wisely and to solve the problems systematically. They are not rigid. Application of management principles depend upon the situation, size and nature of organisation, e.g., when we say according to principle of remuneration, the employees must be paid fair remuneration. The term ‘fair’ may vary as per nature, size and financial ability of the organisation.

(3) Principles are formed by practice and experiments : The management principles are developed gradually with thorough research work, experiments and systematic observations. The results of such observations and experiments are developed after their practice in different organisations.

(4) Flexibility : Management principles, although fundamental are not rigid statements. They have to be applied differently under various conditions. It is possible to make suitable changes in their application according to the requirement of the organisation. Thus, Management principles are flexible guidelines providing ample scope for making changes according to the nature of enterprise, its size, competitive situation, etc.

(5) Behavioural in nature : Management is a teamwork or a group activity. Management principles aim at influencing individual efforts and directing them to achieve various objectives of the organisation. They are directed towards regulating human behaviour so that people give their best to the organisation. Thus, principles of management are designed to influence human behaviour.

(6) Cause and effect relationship : Management principles indicate cause and effect relationship. Each principle has a definite effect on the efficiency or working of management. For example, payment of good remuneration and incentives increases output. Similarly, effective advertisement given by the organisation increases the sale of a product.

(7) All principles are of equal importance : All the principles of management have equal importance and they also carry equal weightage with reference to their applicability in the organisation. For example, it cannot be said that the principle of division of labour is more important than the principle of unity of command or vice versa. Management principles are not static in nature. They are not absolute like principles of pure sciences like Chemistry, Mathematics, etc. They are the principles of social science. They are to be modified and applied according to the size and nature of the organisation, keeping in mind the requirements.

7. Answer the following questions

Question 1.
What are the techniques of scientific management? Explain in detail.
The techniques of scientific management given by F. W. Taylor are explained as follows:
(1) Work Study : Before allocating the work among the workers, systematic work study should be done by the management. Work study includes Em organised systematic and critical assessment of different activities or functions. It is based on the different techniques like time study, method study, motion study and fatigue study.

(i) Time Study : Under this method, the manager observes and record the time an employee takes to complete a particular job or task. This technique is useful to fix standard time needed to complete a specific task under given conditions. It measures the efficiency of an employee and helps to control the cost of work.

(ii) Method Study : In order to get best quality with cost effectiveness, it is important and challenging for a manager to identify the best method from various available methods to complete the specific job. This method is useful to reduce the wastage of time, raw material and to improve usefulness of the resources to achieve defined objectives. It is also useful to determine the methods to handle the raw materials, storage, inspection and transportation.

(iii) Motion Study : Motion study refers to the close study of the movements of employees as well as machines in completing a particular task. This technique is useful to manager to eliminate the unnecessary movements and to find out the best method of completing a specific task. It improves efficiency and productivity of the employees. This method is also useful to understand and decide about the elimination of some elements of a job or changing their sequence for smooth flow of work.

(iv) Fatigue Study : The term ‘fatigue’ implies physical or mental exhaustion. Long working hours with insufficient breaks, heavy working tools, target pressure and poor working conditions lead to fatigue. It reduces efficiency of the employees and creates adverse effect on their health. To reduce fatigue it is very important to keep and maintain the operational efficiency of the workers.

(2) Standardisation of Tools and Equipment:
On the basis of experiments conducted at work place, Taylor insisted to provide standard tools and equipment, standard working environment and standard methods of production. It helps to reduce spoilage and wastage of materials, cost of production, fatigue among the employees on the one hand and improves quality of work on the other hand.

(3) Scientific Task Setting : Taylor laid stress on the need for fixing a fair day’s work. The technique of scientific task setting is useful to restrain the employees from performing the task much below their capacity. As a result, they will complete their task according to the standards given and management will be able to keep proper control on the optimum use of available workforce.

(4) Scientific Selection and Training: By using scientific selection procedures, management easily select right persons for the right jobs. According to this technique, job specifications required to be fixed and employees are selected as per predetermined standards in an impartial way. After their selection, the management should arrange proper training programmes to increase efficiency.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

(5) Functional Organisation : Taylor suggested that planning of the work is to be done by different people and actual work is to be supervised by different set of people. Every worker in the factory is to be supervised by two different sets of supervisors. He further suggested total eight foremen to control the various parts of the production. They are categorised as follows:
(A) At planning level:

  1. Route clerk : Explains the movement of work from one machine to other.
  2. Instruction clerk : Gives and records instructions to complete the work.
  3. Time and cost clerk : Decides the time to complete the work and work out the cost.
  4. Discipline : To see to it that workers work as per factory rules.

(B) At implementation level:

  1. Gang Boss : Gets the actual work done from employees.
  2. Speed Boss : Takes care that work is done in specified time.
  3. Repair Boss : Manages security and maintenance of mechanism.
  4. Inspector : Makes sure that work is completed as per specified standards.

(6) Differential Piece – Rate Wage Plan : Taylor suggested that discrimination should be made between efficient and less efficient workers. In this technique, the standard is determined (fixed) for production. The workers who produce more than the standard output are to be paid remuneration at higher rates and those who produce less them the standard quantity are to be paid at lower rate of wages. This technique encourages the employees to attain higher standard performance to earn higher wages.

Question 2.
Explain 14 principles of Henry Fayol in detail.
Henry Fayol, the Father of Modern Management developed the following 14 principles:
principles of management:

  1. Principle of Division of Work
  2. Principle of Authority and Responsibility
  3. Principle of Discipline
  4. Principle of Unity of Command
  5. Principle of Unity of Direction
  6. Principle of Subordination of Individual Interest to Organisational Interest
  7. Principle of Centralisation
  8. Principle of Remuneration
  9. Principle of Scalar Chain
  10. Principle of Order
  11. Principle of Equity
  12. Principle of Stability of Tenure
  13. Principle of Initiative
  14. Principle of Esprit de corpse (Team Work)

1. Principle of Division of Work: According to this principle, the entire work such as technical, financial, commercial, accounting, management and security operations should be assigned to different employees as per their qualification, qualities, capabilities and experience. It gives benefits of specialisation and improves efficiency and expertise of employees. This in turn helps to attain expected productivity level.

2. Principle of Authority and Responsibility: Authority implies right or freedom to take decisions. The manager should be given authority to get the work done systematically from the subordinates. Authority should always go with corresponding responsibility, e.g. if manager is given authority to complete a specific task w12. Principle of Stability of Tenure:ithin a given time, he would be held responsible for the same. Manager should have adequate authority to take managerial decisions on his own to achieve the goal.

3. Principle of Discipline: Fayol insists that discipline is essential for smooth working of an organisation. It helps to achieve the goals set in the organisation. In relation to organisation, discipline means strictly obeying instructions of the superiors. There should be clear and utmost understanding between management and employees in respect to organisation’s rules. It is necessary to observe basic discipline at all levels of management.

4. Principle of Unity of Command: According to this principle, every employee should receive orders and instructions from one boss only and he should be accountable to him only. If he receives orders from more them one boss at a time, he will not understand whose orders should be executed first. To avoid this, organisational hierarchy should be well defined and each employee in the organisation should know his immediate boss. He should receive orders and instructions from him only and should report to him only.
Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 1 Principles of Management 3

5. Principle of Unity of Direction: Fayol advocates “One head for One plan”. It means that a group of employees working on similar activities should have common objectives and must work under one head (senior). All the objectives of the different groups should be in line with the objectives of the organisation. If this principle is followed there will be an effective co-ordination of the individual efforts and energies.

6. Principle of Subordination of Individual Interest to Organisational Interest: According to this principle, the interest of the organisation must always be given greater importance than the interest of an employee or a group of employees. While taking decision, the manager should always consider the interest of whole group rather than the interest of an individual employee. Similarly, employees should surrender their personal goals or interests before that of an organisation e.g. while playing a game a team players should always play to win the game and not for his individual records.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

7. Principle of Centralisation: Centralisation means concentration of authority or power in a few hands at the top level. As number of employees is less in a smaller organisation there is centralisation of authority. Decentralisation means even distribution of authority or power at every level of management. As number of employees and levels of management are more in a larger organisation, there must be decentralisation of some authorities for its smooth functioning. According to Fayol, there must be a proper balance between centralisation and decentralisation, depending upon the nature and size of an organisation.

8. Principle of Remuneration: According to this principle, the employees must be paid fair and appropriate remuneration to keep them satisfied financially and to retain them within the organisation for longer period of time. While fixing remuneration various factors such as the skill, knowledge, expertise, tenure, cost of living, market trend, profitability of organisation, etc. should be considered. It boosts the morale of employees and increases efficiency and productivity.

9. Principle of Scalar Chain: According to Fayol, in the organisation decisions, orders, instructions, messages, etc. must be passed through a chain, i.e. from the general manager to the respective functional manager, then to the supervisor, then to the foreman and then ultimately, to the workers. Similarly, suggestions, information, grievances, etc., must flow from the worker in the upward direction. This is called Scalar Chain. Sometimes, following a scalar chain becomes a lengthy process. In such cases, ‘Gang Plank’ is followed which permits speedy and direct communication between the employees working at the same level of authority. However, for this, permission of the proper authority is necessary.

10. Principle of Order: The principle of order is based on ‘a place for everything and everything in its place’. According to this principle, in every organisation there should be proper, systematic and orderly arrangement of men and materials. There should be a fixed place to keep every material and thing used in the organisation and a fixed place or a seat for every employee. The purpose of this principle is to reduce wastage of time and energy. This principle emphasises more I on the proper and optimum utilisation of physical and human resources.

11. Principle of Equity: This principle states that the management should be fair as well as friendly to the subordinate staff. There should be no discrimination of employees in regard to division of work, delegation of the authorities, deciding the monetary terms, etc. This principle also states that the remuneration should depend not on the department but at the level at which employees are working, It means the employees working on the same level but in separate departments must be paid equal wages. It will also help in avoiding conflicts in an organisation.

12. Principle of Stability of Tenure: According to this principle, at the time of recruitment of employees, the management should assure them about the stability of tenure (i.e. job security). This creates a sense of belonging among the employees. Job security increases efficiency of the employees and minimises employees turnover ratio.

13. Principle of Initiative: Initiative means to do the work in an innovative way in his or her personal capacity. According to this principle, managers should give freedom, opportunity or encourage the subordinates to take initiative while working on given job. Their suggestions and ideas should be invited before framing the plan. This can work as a morale booster for the employees and leads to timely achievement of organisational goals.

Maharashtra Board OCM 12th Commerce Solutions Chapter 1 Principles of Management

14. Principle of Esprit de corpse (Team Work): ‘Esprit de corpse’ means union is strength. This principle integrates and co-ordinates the individual and group efforts. It emphasizes the spirit of teamwork. The manager as a leader should create the feeling of team spirit and understanding among the various groups. When entire group of employees works as a team, their efforts get directed towards realising the goals of the organisation.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 12 Stock Exchange

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 12 Stock Exchange Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 12 Stock Exchange

1A. Select the correct answer from the options given below and rewrite the statements.

Question 1.
A stock exchange is where stock brokers and traders can buy and sell ______________
(a) Gold
(b) Securities
(c) Goods
(b) Securities

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 12 Stock Exchange

Question 2.
The ______________ is the first Stock Exchange to be recognized by the Indian Government under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act.
(a) BSE
(b) NSE
(a) BSE

Question 3.
______________ is a dealer in Stock Exchange who carries on trading of securities in his own name.
(a) Jobber
(b) Broker
(c) Bull
(a) Jobber

Question 4.
A ______________ who expects fall in price of securities.
(a) bull
(b) bear
(c) Jobber
(b) bear

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 12 Stock Exchange

Question 5.
The practice of buying and selling within the same trading day before the close of the market on that day is called ______________
(а) insider trading
(b) day trading
(c) auction
(b) day trading

1B. Match the pairs.

Question 1.

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) SEBI (1) Expects the price of shares to rise in the future.
(b) Day Trading (2) Expects the price of shares to fall in the future.
(c) Bull (3) Buying and selling of securities during the same trading day.
(d) Bear (4) To protect the interest of investors in the securities market.
(e) BSE (5) Buying and selling of securities to particular investors.
(6) One of the oldest stock exchanges in India.
(7) To protect the interest of companies in the securities market.
(8) Buying and selling of securities within a week.
(9) Newest Stock Exchange in India.
(10) One who invests in new issues of securities.


Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) SEBI (4) To protect the interest of investors in the securities market.
(b) Day Trading (3) Buying and selling of securities during the same trading day.
(c) Bull (1) Expects the price of shares to rise in the future.
(d) Bear (2) Expects the price of shares to fall in the future.
(e) BSE (6) One of the oldest stock exchanges in India.

1C. Write a word or a term or a phrase that can substitute each of the following statements.

Question 1.
A specific place where the trading of securities is arranged in an organized method.
Stock Exchange

Question 2.
The first Stock Exchange to be recognized by the Indian Government under the Securities Contracts Regulation Act.

Question 3.
A dealer in the Stock Exchange who carries on the trading of securities in his own name.

Question 4.
A speculator who expects the price of shares rises in the future.

1D. State whether the following statements are True or False.

Question 1.
A Stock Exchange is a reliable barometer to measure the economic condition of a country.

Question 2.
Bombay Stock Exchange is the oldest Stock Exchange in India.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 12 Stock Exchange

Question 3.
A broker is a dealer in the Stock Exchange who carries on the trading securities in his own name.

Question 4.
A Bear is a speculator who expects the prices of shares to rise in the future.

1E. Complete the sentences.

Question 1.
The oldest Stock Exchange in India is the ______________

Question 2.
A speculator who expects fall in prices of share ______________

Question 3.
A person who buys or sells shares on behalf of his clients is called as ______________

Question 4.
The largest and most modern stock exchange in India is the ______________
National Stock Exchange

1F. Select the correct option from the bracket.

Question 1.

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Regulator of Capital Market (1) …………………..
(b) …………………… (2) Nifty
(c) Jobber (3) …………………..
(d) ………………….. (4) Oldest Stock Exchange in the world

(London Stock Exchange, Index of NSE, SEBI, Trades in securities in his own name)

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Regulator of Capital Market (1) SEBI
(b) Index of NSE (2) Nifty
(c) Jobber (3) Trades securities in his own name
(d) London Stock Exchange (4) Oldest Stock Exchange in the world

1G. Answer in one sentence.

Question 1.
What is Stock Exchange?
A Stock Exchange is a place or a platform where investors-individuals, institutions, or organizations meet to purchase or sell securities.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 12 Stock Exchange

Question 2.
Who is a Broker?
He is a licensed member of a stock exchange who transacts business on the behalf of his clients, being an agent between investors and jobbers.

Question 3.
Who is Jobber?
A Jobber is a professional speculator in the stock exchange who carries on the trading securities in his name.

Question 4.
Who is a Bull?
Bull (Tejiwala) is an optimistic speculator who expects the price of a share to rise in the future and buys with the hope of selling at a high price to earn profit.

Question 5.
Who is Bear?
A bear is a speculator who expects the prices of shares to fall in the future and sells his securities at the prevailing prices to avoid loss.

Question 6.
Who is Lame Duck?
A lame-duck is a bear broker whose expectations have gone wrong and makes a loss in his dealings.

Question 7.
What is a trading ring?
The trading of shares that takes place during trading hours on the floor of the stock exchange is called the Trade Ring.

Question 8.
What is Sensex?
Sensex is the index of the BSE which represents the increase or decrease in prices of stocks of a selected group of companies.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 12 Stock Exchange

Question 9.
What is Rally?
If the Sensex or Nifty moves in an upward direction over a period of 14 to 20 trading sessions, it is called as a rally.

Question 10.
What is Crash?
If the Sensex or Nifty moves in a downward direction, it is called a crash.

1H. Correct the underlined word/s and rewrite the following sentences.

Question 1.
One of the functions of SEBI is to protect the interest of issuers of securities in the securities market.
One of the functions of SEBI is to protect the interest of investors in securities in the securities market.

Question 2.
A Broker cannot directly deal with investors.
A Jobber cannot directly deal with investors.

Question 3.
A Bear expects prices of shares to rise in the future.
A Bull expects prices of shares to rise in the future.

Question 4.
A Bull buys new issues of securities from the primary market.
A stag buys new issues of securities from the primary market.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 12 Stock Exchange

Question 5.
A stock market is an important constituent of the money market.
A stock market is an important constituent of the capital market.

2. Explain the following terms/concepts.

Question 1.
Stock Exchange
Stock Exchange is a specific place where various types of securities are purchased and sold. The term securities include equity shares, preference shares, debentures, government securities, and bonds, etc. including units of mutual funds. They act as intermediaries between investors and borrowers, to provide safety and stability to the investors, stock exchanges in India are regulated by SEBI.

Question 2.
He is a member of the stock exchange and is licensed by the stock exchange to buy or sell shares on his client’s behalf. He is an agent between the investors and Jobber and earns his income in the form of commission or brokerage.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 12 Stock Exchange

Question 3.
A Jobber is a professional speculator in the stock exchange who carries on the trading securities in his own name. He buys securities as an owner and sells them at a higher price, and cannot deal with investors directly.

Question 4.
A Bull is a speculator who is optimistic, expects the price of a share to rise in the future, and buys with the hope of selling them at higher prices to earn profit. A bull’s action leads to higher prices for securities as there is an excess purchase over sales.

Question 5.
Bear (Mandiwala) is a pessimistic speculator who expects a fall in the price of a security, so he sells his securities at prevailing prices to avoid loss as he anticipates further fall in prices. His action leads to lowering prices as there is an excess of sales over the purchase.

Question 6.
Contract Note
It is a note given by a broker to his client in a specific form, validating the transaction. Its copy comes immediately to both after the transaction within 24 hours.

3. Study the following case/situation and express your opinion.

1. Mr. Y is a practicing Company Secretary offering advisory services to companies, institutions, etc. on corporate laws including the Companies Act. He has received few queries from his clients, please assist Mr. Y in answering them.

Question (a).
BDI bank wants to offer DP services. Whom should they approach for registering as DP?
If BDI bank wants to offer DP services, they should approach the concerned Depository for registering themselves.

Question (b).
KM Financial wants to offer Debenture Trustee services. Where should they apply for getting registered?
If KM Financial wants to offer Debenture Trustee services then they should be registered with SEBI to act as Debenture Trustee.

Question (c).
TT Ltd. Co. wants to issue an IPO. Should it get itself registered with SEBI?
The entire IPO process is regulated by SEBI, TT Ltd. Co should register with The U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) which ensures that the company has made disclosures in detail thus TT Ltd will get the green signal to issue IPO.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 12 Stock Exchange

2. Mr. P has recently got his B.Sc. degree. He has enrolled in a course in the securities market. As a new student of this subject, he has few queries as follows:

Question (a).
Does a company need to be listed on a stock exchange’s ability to sell its securities through the stock exchange?
Yes, a company needs to be listed on Stock Exchanges to sell its securities through the Stock Exchange.

Question (b).
What is the term used for referring to a stock exchange’s ability to reflect the economic conditions of a country?
A Stock Exchange is the “Economic Barometer” and acts as an economic mirror that reflects the economic conditions of a country, eg. Boom, recession period.

Question (c).
Which term refers to the functions of the stock exchange as a provider of a ready market for sale and purchase of security?
The “Liquidity” function is the main function of the Stock Exchange as it provides a ready market for the sale and purchase of securities.

4. Distinguish between the following.

Question 1.
Jobber and Broker

Points Jobber Broker
1. Meaning A Jobber is one who buys and sells securities in his own name. A broker is an agent who deals in buying and selling securities on behalf of his client.
2. Nature of Trading A jobber carries out trading activities only with the broker. A broker carries out trading activities with the jobber on behalf of his investors.
3. Restrictions on Dealings A jobber is prohibited to directly buy or sell securities in the stock exchange. Also, he cannot directly deal with the investors. A broker acts as a link between the jobber and the investors. He trades i.e. buys and sells securities on behalf of his investors.
4. Agent A jobber is a special mercantile agent. A broker is a general mercantile agent.
5. Form of Consideration A jobber gets consideration in the form of profit. The positive difference between sale and purchase of securities. A broker gets consideration in the form of commission or brokerage. The rate/amount of brokerage is fixed by stock exchanges.
6. Amount of Consideration The amount of Consideration payable to Jobber is determined by the competition of jobbers. The rate or amount of brokerage of a broker is fixed as per stock exchange provisions.

5. Answer in brief.

Question 1.
State the functions of SEBI.
The various functions of SEBI are

  • To protect the interest of investors in the securities stock market.
  • To promote the development of securities markets.
  • To regulate the business in stock exchanges and any other securities market.
  • To register and regulate the working of stockbrokers, sub-brokers, share transfer agents, bankers to an issue, trustee of trust deeds, registrars to an issue, merchants bankers, underwriters, and such other intermediaries who may be associated with the securities market.
  • To register and regulate the working of the Depositories, Depository Participants, Custodians of securities, foreign institutional investors, credit rating agencies.
  • To register and regulate the working of venture capital funds and collective investment schemes including mutual funds.
    • To promote and regulate self-regulatory organizations.
    • To prohibit fraudulent and unfair trade practices relating to securities markets.
  • To promote investors’ education and training of intermediaries of the securities market.
  • To prohibit insider trading in securities.
  • To conduct research and carry out publications.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 12 Stock Exchange

Question 2.
State any four features of the Stock Exchange.
What are the features of the Stock Exchange?
According to the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act 1956, the term stock exchange is defined as, “An association, organization or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, established for the purpose of assisting, regulating and controlling of business in buying, selling and dealing in securities.”

Husband and Dockerary have defined stock exchange as “Stock exchanges are the privately organized market which is used to facilitate trading in securities.”

The important features of a stock exchange are as follows:
(i) Market for Securities:
The stock exchange is a place where all types of corporate securities, as well as securities of government and semi-government bodies, are traded.

(ii) Second Hand Securities:
Securities traded in the Stock exchange are those securities that are already issued by the companies. In other words, second-hand securities are bought and sold among investors in a stock exchange.

(iii) Listed Securities:
Only securities that are listed with the stock exchange can be traded on a stock exchange. Listing of securities helps in protecting the interest of investors as companies have to strictly comply with the rules laid down by the stock exchange.

(iv) Organised and Regulated Market:
All Listed Companies have to comply with the guidelines of SEBI. Companies will also have to function as per the rules and regulations laid down by the Stock exchange.

(v) Specific Location:
The stock exchange is a specific physical place where securities are traded. It is a marketplace where brokers and intermediaries meet to conduct dealings in securities. Today, all trading is done electronically on a stock exchange.

(vi) Trading only through Members:
Securities in a Stock exchange can be traded only by the members of the exchange on their own behalf or through authorized brokers.

6. Justify the following statements.

Question 1.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India SEBI is the regulator for the securities market in India.

  • The Securities and Exchange Board of India was set up on 12th April 1988. The main purpose of setting up SEBI was to develop and regulate stock exchanges in India.
  • The objectives of SEBI are to protect the interest of the investors and regulate the securities market in India.
  • To bring professionalism in the working of intermediaries in the capital markets, i.e., brokers, mutual funds, stock exchanges, Demat- depositories, etc. is also a feature of SEBI.
  • The role of SEBI also includes creating a good financial climate, so that companies can raise long-term funds through the issue of securities – shares and debentures.
  • The main function of SEBI is to register and regulate the working of stockbrokers, sub-brokers, share transfer agents, bankers to an issue, trustee of trust deeds, registrars to an issue, merchant bankers, underwriters, and such other intermediaries who may be associated with securities market.
  • Thus, it is rightly said that SEBI is the regulator of the securities market in India.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 12 Stock Exchange

Question 2.
Stock exchanges work for the growth of the Indian economy.

  • The stock exchange is a specific place where the trading of securities is arranged in an organized method.
  • The stock exchanges help in the process of rapid economic development by speeding up the process of capital formation as well as resource mobilization in India.
  • It helps in raising medium-term capital as well as long-term capital for the development and expansion of the companies in the Indian economy.
  • New industries and commercial enterprises can easily acquire capital funds for economic growth.
  • It reflects a healthy financial and investment conducive atmosphere in the economy. It stimulates investment in the productive sector which accelerates the process of economic development of the nation.
  • Thus, it is rightly said that the stock exchanges work for the growth of the Indian economy.

7. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Explain the functions of the Stock Exchange.
Definition Of Stock Exchange: According to the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act of 1956, the term ‘stock exchange’ is defined as “An association, organization or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not established for the purpose of assisting, regulating and controlling of business in buying, selling and dealing in securities.”

Husband and Dockerary have defined stock exchange as: “Stock exchanges are privately organized markets which are used to facilitate trading in securities.”

Stock Exchange performs various important functions discussed as follows:
(i) Mobilisation of Savings:
Stock markets are organized and regulated markets that protect the interests of the investors. It obtains surplus funds (savings) from individual households private and public sector units etc. and channelizes them in the proper direction. It thus provides a ready market for buying and selling securities.

(ii) Capital Formation:
Investors in securities are attracted due to good returns on investments and capital appreciation. The stock exchanges encourage investors to invest in the primary and secondary stock markets for investing in stock markets, investors need to save money. Savings lead to investment in shares and other securities. Such investments lead to capital formation.

(iii) Pricing of Securities:
The price of the securities are sold in the stock markets is based on demand and supply forces listed securities get prestige and reputation. When the prices of the shares go up constantly, their security value increases. The valuation of securities is useful to investors, the government, and creditors. The investors thus can gauge their investment worth and the creditors too can estimate the creditworthiness of a company.

(iv) Economic Barometer:
A stock exchange is a reliable barometer to measure the economic condition of a country. They encourage investors to invest and help companies to generate long-term funds thus promoting industrial development. The rise or fall in the share prices indicates the boom or recession cycle of the economy. The stock exchange is the pulse of the economy and the mirror that reflects the country’s economic status.

(v) Protecting Interest of Investors:
In the stock markets, only the listed securities are traded. The stock exchanges protect the interests of the investors through the strict enforcement of their rules and regulations. The securities Control (Regulation) Act 1956, provides rules for the functioning, licensing, and controlling speculations of stock exchanges. The SEBI also plays an important role in monitoring stock exchanges thus protect the interests of the investors by regulating intermediaries, monitoring speculation, and making the investors aware of their rights through IEPF, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 12 Stock Exchange

(vi) Liquidity:
The stock exchange facilitates liquidity by providing a ready market for the sale and purchase of securities. It provides marketability along with liquidity to investments in corporate enterprises. Because of stock exchange investors can convert a long-term investment into short-term and medium-term as it provides a two-way outlet by transforming money into an investment and vice versa without much delay.

(vii) Better Allocation of Capital:
The stock exchange regulates and controls the flow of investment from unproductive to productive, uneconomic to economic, unprofitable to profitable enterprises. Thus, savings of the people are channelized into industry yielding good returns, and underutilization of capital is avoided.

(viii) Contributes to Economic Growth:
The stock exchange help in the process of rapid economic development by speeding up the process of capital formation as well as resource mobilization. It helps in raising medium as well as long-term capital for the development and expansion of the companies. The resource of the economy flows from one company to another. This leads to capital formation as well as economic growth.

(ix) Providing Scope for Speculation:
Stock Exchanges’ like any other market provides a mechanism for evaluating the prices of securities through the basic law of demand and supply. Stock Exchange prices help to check the real worth of the securities in the market and thus permit healthy speculation of securities.

(x) Promotes the Habit of Savings and Investment: The stock market offers attractive opportunities for investment in various securities by obtaining funds from surplus units such as households, individuals, public sector units, central government, etc, and channelizing these funds for productive purposes.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

1A. Select the correct answer from the options given below and rewrite the statements.

Question 1.
A financial market is a market in which people trade _____________ and derivatives at low transaction costs.
(a) Gold
(b) Financial securities
(c) Commodities
(b) Financial securities

Question 2.
When the trade bills are accepted by commercial banks it is known as _____________
(a) Treasury bills
(b) Commercial bills
(c) Commercial papers
(b) Commercial bills

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

Question 3.
Money market is a market for lending and borrowing of funds for _____________ term.
(a) short
(b) medium
(c) long
(a) short

Question 4.
Central Government is a borrower in the money market through the issue of _____________
(a) Commercial Papers
(b) Trade Bills
(c) Treasury Bills
(c) Treasury Bills

Question 5.
_____________ is the market for borrowing and lending long term capital required by business enterprises.
(a) Money Market
(b) Capital Market
(c) Gold Market
(b) Capital Market

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

1B. Match the pairs.

Question 1.

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Financial Market (1) Long term fund
(b) Money Market (2) New issue market
(c) Primary Market (3) Trading of commodities
(d) Commercial paper (4) Short term fund
(e) Capital Market (5) Trading of financial securities
(6) Share market
(7) Unsecured promissory note
(8) Secured promissory note


Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Financial Market (5) Trading of financial securities
(b) Money Market (4) Short term fund
(c) Primary Market (2) New issue market
(d) Commercial paper (7) Unsecured promissory note
(e) Capital Market (1) Long term fund

1C. Write a word or term or a phrase that can substitute each of the following statements.

Question 1.
A market where people trade financial securities and derivatives at low transaction costs.
Financial Market

Question 2.
A market that provides long-term funds.
Capital Market

Question 3.
A market that provides short-term funds.
Money Market

Question 4.
A money market instrument is used by banks when one bank faces a temporary shortage of cash.
Call Money

Question 5.
A bill is issued by the Reserve Bank of India on behalf of the Government of India.
Treasury Bill

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

Question 6.
A market that exclusively deals with the new issue of securities.
Primary Market

1D. State whether the following statements are True or False.

Question 1.
A Financial Market is a market in which people trade financial securities and derivatives at high transaction costs.

Question 2.
The money market is the market for long-term funds.

Question 3.
The capital market is the market for long-term funds.

Question 4.
The primary market is also known as the new issue market.

Question 5.
The secondary market is commonly known as the stock market.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

Question 6.
Commercial paper is a secured promissory note.

Question 7.
Treasury bills are issued by commercial banks.

1E. Find the odd one.

Question 1.
Treasury Bills, Shares, Certificate of Deposit.

Question 2.
FPO, Private Placement, Commercial paper.
commercial paper

Question 3.
New Issues Market, Call Money Market, Secondary Market.
call money market

1F. Complete the sentences.

Question 1.
Funds borrowed and lent in money market are for _____________ term.

Question 2.
When trade bills are accepted by commercial banks, it is known as _____________
Trade Bill

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

Question 3.
Unsecured negotiable promissory notes issued by a commercial bank is called as _____________
certificate of deposit

Question 4.
New shares, debentures, etc. are traded in _____________ market.

Question 5.
In capital market the instruments traded have maturity period of more than _____________ year.

1G. Select the correct option from the bracket.

Question 1.

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Money Market (1) …………………..
(b) Zero risk instrument (2) …………………..
(c) …………………. (3) Capital Market
(d) ………………… (4) Secondary Market

(Buying and selling of existing securities, Treasury Bills, Funds for long term, Fund for short term)

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Money Market (1) Fund for short term
(b) Zero risk instrument (2) Treasury bills
(c) Fund for long terms (3) Capital Market
(d) Buying and selling of existing securities (4) Secondary Market

1H. Answer in one sentence.

Question 1.
What is the financial market?
A financial market is a market where financial securities are exchanged. It acts as an intermediary between investors and borrowers.

Question 2.
What is call a money market?
The call money market is a market where funds are borrowed or lent for a very short period of 2 days to 14 days.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

Question 3.
What is a Certificate of deposit?
They are the negotiable term deposit certificates issued by commercial banks and financial institutions to build short-term finance.

Question 4.
What is a Trade bill?
The seller draws a bill and the buyer accepts it, on acceptance, the bill becomes a marketable instrument called a Trade bill.

Question 5.
What is the new issue market?
The market which is utilized to build fresh capital is called as ‘new issue market.’

1I. Correct the underlined word/s and rewrite the following sentences.

Question 1.
In the Primary market, already existing securities are traded.
In the Secondary market, already existing securities are traded.

Question 2.
Companies sell fresh shares for the first time to the public in the secondary market.
Companies sell fresh shares for the first time to the public in the Primary market.

Question 3.
In the Money market, the instruments traded have a maturity period of more than one year.
In the Capital market, the instruments traded have a maturity period of more than one year.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

Question 4.
The financial market can be classified as a capital market and call money market.
The financial market can be classified as capital market and Money market.

2. Explain the following terms/concepts.

Question 1.
Financial Market

  • Every business unit has to raise short-term as well as long-term funds to meet the working and fixed capital requirements.
  • In any economy, there are two different groups, one who invests money or lends money and the other who borrows or uses the money.
  • The financial market acts as a link between these two different groups.
  • The financial market provides a place or a system through which the transfer of funds by investors to the business units is adequately facilitated.
  • A financial market consists of two major segments:
    • Money Market
    • Capital Market
  • Money market deals in short-term credit and the capital market deals in medium-term and long-term credit.

Question 2.
Capital Market

  • It is a market for borrowing and lending long-term capital required by business enterprises.
  • The financial assets dealt with in a capital market have a long or indefinite maturity period.
  • The capital market forms an important core of a country’s financial system.

G.H. Peters defines, “Capital Market as being the market or collection of inter-related markets in which potential borrowers are brought into contact with potential lenders.”

Question 3.
Money Market

  • A market where short-term funds are borrowed and lent is called ‘money market7. It is a market for financial assets that are close substitutes for money.
  • The instruments dealt within the market are liquid and can be converted quickly into cash at a low transaction cost.

According to the Reserve Bank of India, “The money market is the center for dealings mainly of short-term characters in money assets; it needs the short-term requirements of borrowers and provides liquidity or cash to the lenders. It is a place where short-term surplus investible funds at the disposal of financial, institutions or individuals are bid by borrower’s agents comprising institutions and individuals and also by the government itself.”

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

Question 4.
Call Money Market

  • Call money and Notice money market is an important segment of the money market in India. Under Call money, funds are lent or borrowed for very short periods i.e. one day.
  • Under Notice money, funds are lent or borrowed for periods between 2 days to 14 days. Funds have to be repaid within a specified time on the receipt of the notice given by the lender.
  • When one bank faces a temporary shortage of cash, then another bank with surplus cash lends money to it. Hence, the Call/Notice money market is also called as interbank Call money market.

Question 5.
Treasury Bills

  • Treasury Bills are short-term securities issued by the Reserve Bank of India on behalf of the Central Government of India to meet the government’s short-term funds requirement.
  • Treasury Bills have three maturity periods – 91 days, 182 days, and 364 days. These bills are sold to banks and individuals, firms, institutions, etc. These bills are negotiable instruments and are freely transferable.
  • The minimum value of T-bills is Rs. 25,000 or in multiples of Rs. 25000. These are issued at a discount and repaid at par and hence they are also called Zero-Coupon Bonds.

Question 6.
Commercial Bills
Trade Bills/Commercial Bills:

  • Bill of Exchange also called Trade bills are negotiable instruments or bills drawn by a seller on the buyer for the value of goods sold under credit sales.
  • These have a short-term maturity period, generally of 90 days, and can be easily transferred.
  • If the seller wants immediate cash, he can discount the trade bills with Commercial banks.

Question 7.
Repurchase agreement
It is an agreement where the seller of security (i.e. one who needs money) agrees to buy it back from the lender at a higher price on a future date. Usually, this agreement is between RBI and commercial banks. RBI uses this agreement to control the money supply in the economy. These agreements are the most liquid of all money market investments having maturity ranging from 24 hours to several months.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

Question 8.
Primary Market

  • It is a component of the financial market where short-term borrowing takes place.
  • In the money market, the instruments are traded for not more than one year.

Question 9.
Secondary Market

  • The securities issued earlier are traded in the secondary market.
  • It is the market where existing securities are resold or traded.
  • Only listed securities can be dealt with in the secondary market.

3. Study the following case/situation and express your opinion.

1. Joy Ltd. Company is a newly incorporated company. It wants to raise capital for the first time by issuing equity shares.

Question (a).
Should d go to primary market or secondary market to issue its shares?
Joy Ltd. should go to the primary market to issue equity shares in the market. Primary Market is mainly dealing with fresh issues of securities.

Question (b).
Should it offer its shares through public offer or rights issue?
Joy Ltd. should offer its shares through public offer (IPO) as Joy Ltd. Company is going to its securities first time.

Question (c).
What will be the issue of Equity shares by Joy Ltd. Company called IPO or FPO?
When Joy Ltd. issued its securities first time then it is called as IPO at the same time if Joy Ltd. offered securities for the second, third, or fourth time it is called a follow on public offering (EPO)

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

2. Mr. X is the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of PQR Co. Ltd. which is a reputed company in the field of construction business. Often Mr. X has to decide on investing surplus funds of the company for short durations. And at times, he also has to decide the sources from where he can raise funds for short durations.

Question (a).
Assume on behalf of the company Mr. X has Rs. 5 lakhs and wants to invest for a short period. Should he buy Equity shares of Certificate of Deposit?
As Mr. X wants to invest for a short period with the amount of Rs. 5 lakhs, then he should buy a certificate of deposit.

Question (b).
The company has surplus funds and wants to invest it. However, he needs the money back in 4 months, so should he invest in Treasury Bills or Government Securities?
If he needs money back in 4 months, then he should invest in Treasury bills with the option of 91 days Maturity.

Question (c).
Can the company issue Certificate of Deposit?
PQR Company Ltd. is a construction company. Hence it cannot issue a certificate of deposit as it can be issued by commercial banks and financial institutions only.

4. Distinguish between the following.

Question 1.
Primary Market and Secondary Market

Points Primary Market Secondary Market
1. Meaning The market is utilized for raising fresh capital in the form of shares and debentures. It is a market where existing securities are resold or traded.
2. Function The function is to raise long-term funds through fresh issues of securities. The function is to provide a continuous and ready market for existing long-term securities.
3. Participants The participants are financial institutions, mutual funds, underwriters, individual investors. The participants of the primary market are the stockbrokers and the members of the stock exchange.
4. Listing Requirements Listing is not required in the case of the primary market. Only listed securities can be dealt with in the secondary market.
5. Determinants of Prices The prices are determined by the management of the corporate house with due compliances with the SEBI requirements for the new issues of securities. In the case of the secondary market, the price is determined by forces of demand and supply of the market and it keeps on fluctuating.
6. Issue of Prospectus The prospectus is issued to invite the public to subscribe to the issue of shares. The prospectus is not issued to the public.
7. Relation with investors Direct contact with the investors at large is established by the companies. There may not be direct contact with the investors who want to buy or sell the existing securities.

Question 2.
Money Market and Capital Market

Points Money Market Capital Market
1. Meaning A market where short-term funds are borrowed and lent. A market for borrowing and lending long-term capital is required by the business enterprises.
2. Term of Finance It provides short-term funds in short-term instruments where the maturity is measured in days, weeks, or months. It is a market for long-term instruments which is measured in years.
3. Instruments The instruments dealt in the market are bills of exchange, treasury bills, bankers’ acceptance, etc. The instruments dealt in this market are bonds, debentures, equity shares, and stock.
4. Functions Money Market exists as a mechanism of liquidity adjustment i.e. a link between depositors and borrowers. Capital Market functions as a link between investors and entrepreneurs.
5. Risk The prices of these instruments do not fluctuate and they carry very low market risk. The instruments are long-term and subject to market fluctuations and so, they carry very high financial and market risk.
6. Institution Commercial banks are important institutions in the money market. The stock exchange is an important institution in the capital market.

5. Answer in brief.

Question 1.
State any four functions of the financial market.
Functions of financial market:
(i) Capital formation:

  • Capital is the main part of the functioning of the business.
  • The capital market provides a channel through which savings flow to organizations in the form of capital.
  • This leads to capital formation.

(ii) Transfer of Resources:

  • The financial market is one of the key sources of transfer of resources.
  • The financial market facilitates the transfer of real economic resources from lenders to ultimate users.

(iii) Mobilization of funds:

  • Investors that have savings must be linked with corporate that require investment.
  • The financial market enables the investors to invest their saving according to their choices and risk assessment.
  • This will utilize funds and the economy will boom.

(iv) Price determination:

  • The financial instruments traded in a financial market get their prices from the mechanism of demand and supply.
  • The interaction between demand and supply will help to determine the prices.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

Question 2.
State any four features of the money market.
The features of the money market are as follows:
(i) No Fixed Place for Trading of Securities/Shares:
In the money market, there is no definite place to carry out lending and borrowing operations of securities or shares.

(ii) Involvement of Brokers:

  • Dealings in such a market can be conducted with or without the participation of brokers.
  • Companies, banks, etc. may directly deal in the money market.

(iii) Financial Assets:
The financial assets that are dealt in the money market are close substitutes for money as these assets can be easily converted into cash without any loss in value.

(iv) Organisations Involved:
The main organizations dealing in the money market in India are the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), State governments, banks, corporate investors, etc.

Question 3.
State any four features of the capital market.
Following are the main features of the capital market:

  • The link between investors and borrowers: The capital market links investors with the borrowers of funds. It routes money from savers to entrepreneurial borrowers.
  • Deals in medium and Long-term investment: A capital market is a market where medium and long-term financial instruments are traded. Through this market corporate, industrial organizations, financial institutions access long-term funds from both, domestic and foreign markets.
  • Presence of Intermediaries: The capital market operates with the help of intermediaries like brokers, underwriters, merchant bankers, collection bankers, etc. These intermediaries are important elements of a capital market.
  • Promotes capital formation: The capital market provides a platform for investors and borrowers of long-term funds to trade. This leads to capital formation in an economy as it mobilizes funds.

Question 4.
Explain any 4 types of money market instruments.
Instruments of Money Market:
(i) Commercial Paper:

  • Commercial papers were first issued in the Indian money market in 1990.
  • They are unsecured debt instruments.
  • They are issued only by companies with strong credit ratings. They are issued at a discount rate. They are in the form of promissory notes.
  • They are negotiable instruments i.e. they are freely transferable by endorsement and delivery.
  • They are issued for a period of 15 days to 1 year.

(ii) Commercial Bills:

  • When the goods are sold on credit, the buyer becomes liable to make payment on a specific date in the future.
  • The seller draws a bill and the buyer accepts it. On acceptance, the bill becomes a marketable instrument called a Trade Bill.
  • When a Trade Bill is accepted by a commercial bank, it is known as a commercial bill.
  • They are in the form of negotiable instruments.
  • They are usually issued for a period of 90 days. But this period can vary between 30 to 90 days.
  • The liquidity of this bill is very high.
  • It is the most common method to meet the credit needs of trade and industry.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

(iii) Certificate of Deposits:

  • Certificate of Deposits was first introduced to the money market of India in 1989.
  • They are issued by commercial banks or financial institutions at discount, at par, or at market rate.
  • They are in the form of promissory notes and stamp duty is applicable on the instrument.
  • The maturity periods of this instrument are from 15 days to 1 year.
  • The subscribers for certificates of deposits are individuals, associations, companies, trusts, etc.
  • They are freely transferable by endorsement and delivery after a lock-in period of a minimum of 15 days.

(iv) Treasury Bills:

  • Issue/Use of Treasury Bills was started by the Indian government in 1917.
  • This instrument is issued by the government to institutions or the public to bridge the gap between receipts and expenditure.
  • It is issued by the government on a discount for a fixed period not exceeding 1 year.
  • These bills are in the nature of promissory notes containing a promise to pay the amount stated to the bearer of the instrument.
  • The maturity period of this bill is 182 days.
  • These bills enjoy a high degree of liquidity.

6. Justify the following statements.

Question 1.
Financial Markets act as a link between investor and borrower.

  • The financial market is the market that brings together borrowers and lenders.
  • The financial market attracts fund from investors by offering them a variety of schemes and then collected fund is diverted into the business organizations.
  • People having surplus cash invested into financial market securities, the financial market provides finance than to businesses.
  • Similarly, when the financial market generates income from investments in business, it shares with the investor.
  • Thus, it is a valuable link between borrower and lender.

Question 2.
Money Market makes available short-term finance through different instruments.

  • The money market is the market that provides short-term loans to businesses and governments.
  • The loan period ranging from one day to one year.
  • Call money and notice money provide finance for periods between 2 days to 14 days.
  • Treasury Bills offer finance to the government for 91 days, 182 days, 364 days. Trade Bill or commercial bills offer finance up to 90 days.
  • Commercial paper offers finance to the business organization from 7 days to 1 year. Money Market Mutual Fund offers finance for a maximum period of 1 year.
  • Hence, the money market makes available short-term finance through different instruments.

Question 3.
Capital Market is useful for the corporate sector.

  • Capital Market is the market that provides loans for long-term periods. It is controlled by SEBI.
  • It uses shares, debenture bonds, Mutual funds.
  • The corporate sector issues these securities in the market and attracts saving from investors by offering them a variety of schemes. These savings become capital and get invested in the business.
  • It is helpful to develop the corporate and industrial sectors.
  • Thus, the capital market is useful for the corporate sector.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

Question 4.
There are many participants in the money market.
Some important participants in the money market are:
(i) Reserve Bank of India:
It is the most important participant in the money market. Through the money market, RBI regulates the money supply and implements its monetary policy. It issues government securities on behalf of the government and also underwrites them. It acts as an intermediary and regulator of the market.

(ii) Central and State Government:
Central Government is a borrower in the Money Market, through the issue of Treasury Bills (T-Bills). The T-Bills are issued through the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The T-Bills represent zero risk instruments. Due to its risk-free nature banks, corporate, etc. buy the T-Bills and lend to the government as a part of its short-term borrowing program. The state government issues bonds called State Development Loans.

(iii) Public Sector Undertakings (PSU):
Many listed government companies can issue commercial paper in order to obtain their working capital.

(iv) Scheduled Commercial Banks:
Scheduled commercial banks are very big borrowers and lenders in the money market. They borrow and lend in the call money market, short notice market, Repo and Reverse Repo market.

(v) Insurance Companies:
Both the general and life insurance companies are usual lenders in the money market. They invest more in capital market instruments. Their role in the money market is limited.

(vi) Mutual Funds:
Mutual Funds offer varieties of schemes for the different investment objectives of the public. Mutual funds schemes are liquid schemes. These schemes have the investment objective of investing in money market instruments.

(vii) Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs): NBFCs use their surplus funds to invest in government securities, bonds, etc. (Example of NBFC – Unit Trust of India)

(viii) Corporates:
Corporates borrow by issuing commercial papers which are nothing but short-term promissory notes. They are the lender to the banks when they buy the certificate of deposit issued by the banks.

(ix) Primary Dealers:
Their main role is to promote transactions in government securities. They buy as well as underwrite the government securities.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

7. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Explain the functions of the financial market.
Financial Market – Meaning:

  • A financial market is an institution, that facilitates the exchange of financial instruments including deposits, loans, corporate stocks, bonds, etc.
  • The financial market provides a place through which the transfer of funds by investors to the business is adequately facilitated.
  • Financial Markets attract funds from investors and channelizes them to corporations.
  • The financial market consists of money and capital markets. They help to raise short and long-term capital.

Functions of Financial Market:
(i) Capital formation:

  • Capital is the main part of the functioning of the business.
  • The capital market provides a channel through which savings flow to organizations in the form of capital.
  • This leads to capital formation.

(ii) Transfer of Resources:

  • The financial market is one of the key sources of transfer of resources.
  • The financial market facilitates the transfer of real economic resources from lenders to ultimate users.

(iii) Mobilization of funds:

  • Investors that have savings must be linked with corporates that require investment.
  • The financial market enables investors to invest their savings according to their choices and risk assessment.
  • This will utilize funds and the economy will boom.

(iv) Price determination:

  • The financial instruments traded in a financial market get their prices from the mechanism of demand and supply.
  • The interaction between demand and supply will help to determine the prices.

(v) Productive usage:

  • Financial Market allow productive use of the fund.
  • An excess fund of investors is used by the borrowers for productive purposes.

(vi) Enhancing Income:

  • The financial market allows lenders to earn interest or dividends on their surplus funds.
  • Thus, it helps in the enhancement of the individual and the national income.

(vii) Liquidity:

  • The financial market provides a mechanism through which liquidating of financial instruments take place.
  • Here, the investor can sell their financial instruments and convert them into cash.

(viii) Sale Mechanism:

  • Financial Market provides a mechanism for selling a financial instrument by investors.
  • It helps to offer the benefit of marketability and liquidity of such assets.

(ix) Easy access:

  • Both industries and investors need each other.
  • The financial market provides a platform where buyers and sellers can find each other easily.

(x) Industrial Development:
The financial market transforms saving into capital. Corporate use of funds of investors to undertakes productive or commercial activities leads to economic development.

Question 2.
State the instruments in the money market.

  • The money market is a market for borrowing and lending of funds for the short term.
  • RBI is an apex body that controls the money market.
  • The short period of time varies from one day to one year.

Instruments of Money Market:
(i) Commercial Paper:

  • Commercial papers were first issued in the Indian money market in 1990.
  • They are unsecured debt instruments.
  • They can be, therefore, issued only by companies with strong credit ratings.
  • They are issued by corporate houses for raising short-term finance mainly to finance their working capital requirements.
  • They are issued at a discount rate. They are in the form of promissory notes.
  • They are negotiable instruments i.e. they are freely transferable by endorsement and delivery.
  • They are issued for a period of 15 days to 1 year.
  • Face value is in multiples of ‘5 lakhs.
  • The issuing company has to bear all expenses like dealer’s fees, agency fees, etc. related to the uses of the commercial paper.
  • The rate of interest varies greatly as it is influenced by various factors such as the economy, the credit rating of the instruments, etc.
  • The marketability of these instruments is influenced by the rates prevailing in the call market as well as the foreign exchange market.
  • It used to be 30 days and it is further reduced to 15 days w.e.f 25th May 1998.

(ii) Commercial Bills:

  • When the goods are sold on credit, the buyer becomes liable to make payment on a specific date in the future.
  • The seller draws a bill and the buyer accepts it. On acceptance, the bill becomes a marketable instrument called a Trade Bill.
  • When a Trade Bill is accepted by a commercial bank, it is known as a commercial bill.
  • The seller draws a bill and the buyer accepts it.
  • They are in the form of negotiable instruments.
  • They are usually issued for a period of 90 days. But this period can vary between 30 to 90 days.
  • The liquidity of this bill is very high.
  • It is the most common method to meet the credit needs of trade and industry.
  • The bank can rediscount the bills and are able to meet the short-term liquidity requirements.
  • The commercial bill lacks development in the money market due to lack of bill culture, high stamp duty, inadequate credit backing, absence of a secondary market, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

(iii) Certificate of Deposits:

  • Certificate of Deposits was first introduced to the money market of India in 1989.
  • They are negotiable term deposit certificates.
  • They are issued by commercial banks or financial institutions at discount, at par, or at market rate.
  • They are in the form of promissory notes and stamp duty is applicable on the instrument.
  • The maturity periods of this instrument are from 15 days to 1 year.
  • The subscribers for certificates of deposits are individuals, associations, companies, trusts, etc.
  • They are freely transferable by endorsement and delivery after a lock-in period of a minimum of 15 days.

(iv) Treasury Bills:

  • Issue/use of Treasury Bills was started by the Indian government in 1917.
  • This instrument is issued by the government to institutions or the public for raising short-term funds to bridge the gap between receipts and expenditure.
  • It is issued by the government on a discount for a fixed period not exceeding 1 year.
  • These bills are in the nature of promissory notes containing a promise to pay the amount stated to the bearer of the instrument.
  • The maturity period of this bill is 182 days.
  • These bills enjoy a high degree of liquidity.

(v) Government Securities:

  • The marketable debt issued by the government or by semi-government bodies represents a claim on the government in known as government securities.
  • These securities are issued by agencies such as central government, state government, local government such as municipalities, etc.
  • These government securities are in the form of stock certificates, promissory notes, and bearer bonds.
  • The liquidity is high for securities issued by the central government and limited for the state government and the local government.
  • These securities are safe investments as payment of interest and repayment of the principal amount is guaranteed by the government.
  • Rebates for investment in these securities are available under the Income Tax and other Acts.

(vi) Money Market Mutual Funds:

  • It is a mutual fund that invests solely in money market instruments.
  • These are issued by mutual fund organizations.
  • They are in the form of debt.
  • These mature in less than a year.
  • They are very liquid.
  • They are the safest and most secure of all mutual funds investments.
  • The assets in money market funds are invested in safe and stable instruments of investments issued by the government, banks, corporations, etc.
  • These mutual funds allow retail investors the opportunity of investing in money market instruments and benefit from the price advantage.

(vii) Repo Rate:

  • It is the repurchase rate which is also known as the official bank rate.
  • The repo rate is the discounted interest rate at which a central bank repurchases the government securities.
  • It is the transaction that is carried by the central bank with the commercial bank to reduce some of the short-term liquidity in the system.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

Question 3.
State the features of the capital market.

  • Capital markets provide medium and long-term loans to business enterprises.
  • SEBI is responsible to control the working of the capital market.
  • It attracts saving from people and form capital to the business.
  • It is dealing in shares, debentures, bonds, mutual funds, etc.

Features of Capital Market:
Following are the main features of the capital market:
(i) Link between investors and borrowers:
The capital market links investors with the borrowers of funds. It routes money from savers to entrepreneurial borrowers.

(ii) Deals in medium and Long-term investment: A capital market is a market where medium and long-term financial instruments are traded. Through this market corporate, industrial organizations, financial institutions access long-term funds from both, domestic and foreign markets.

(iii) Presence of Intermediaries:
The capital market operates with the help of intermediaries like brokers, underwriters, merchant bankers, collection bankers, etc. These intermediaries are important elements of a capital market.

(iv) Promotes capital formation:
The capital market provides a platform for investors and borrowers of long-term funds to trade. This leads to capital formation in an economy as it mobilizes funds.

(v) Regulated by government rules, regulations, and policies:
The capital market operates freely. However, it is regulated by government rules, regulations, and policies.
For e.g. SEBI is the regulator of Capital markets.

(vi) Deals in marketable and non-marketable securities:
Capital market traders in both, marketable and non-marketable securities. Marketable securities are securities that can be transferred, e.g. Shares, Debentures, etc. and non-marketable securities are those which cannot be transferred, e.g. Term Deposits, Loans, and Advances.

(vii) Variety of Investors:
The capital market has a wide variety of investors. It comprises both, individuals like the general public and institutional investors like Mutual Funds, Insurance companies, Financial Institutions, etc.

(viii) Risk:
Risk is very high here as the instruments have long maturity periods. However, the return on investments is very high.

(ix) Instruments in capital market:

  • Equity shares
  • Preference shares
  • Debentures
  • Bonds
  • Government securities
  • Public Deposits.

(x) Types of Capital Market:
Capital market is mainly classified as-
(i) Government Securities Market or Gilt-edged markets:
In this market, government and semi-government securities are traded.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 11 Financial Market

(ii) Industrial Securities Market:
In this market, industrial securities, i.e. shares and debentures of new or existing corporate are traded. This market is further divided into:

  • Primary or New issues Market – Here companies sell fresh shares, debentures, etc. for the first time to the public.
  • Secondary Market – Here already existing shares, debentures, etc. are traded through the Stock Exchanges.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

1A. Select the correct answer from the options given below and rewrite the statements.

Question 1.
Dividend is paid to ____________
(a) Shareholder
(b) Debenture holder
(c) Depositor
(a) Shareholder

Question 2.
____________ is profit shared by company with a shareholder.
(a) Interest
(b) Rent
(c) Dividend
(c) Dividend

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Question 3.
Dividend is recommended by ____________
(a) Managing Director
(b) Secretary
(c) Board of Directors
(c) Board of Directors

Question 4.
Interim Dividend is declared by ____________
(a) Board of Directors
(b) Debenture holders
(c) Depositors
(a) Board of Directors

Question 5.
Final Dividend is declared by ____________
(a) Board of Directors
(b) Shareholders
(c) Depositors
(b) Shareholders

Question 6.
Dividend cannot be declared out of ____________
(a) Capital
(b) Profit
(c) Reserves
(a) Capital

Question 7.
Dividend amount should be transferred in a separate Bank Account within ____________ days of its declaration.
(a) 5
(b) 15
(c) 50
(a) 5

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Question 8.
Dividend should be paid within ____________ days of its declaration.
(a) 3
(b) 13
(c) 30
(c) 30

Question 9.
____________ holders get dividend from residual profits.
(a) Equity share
(b) Preference share
(c) Debenture
(a) Equity Share

Question 10.
Dividend is paid first to ____________ shareholders.
(a) Equity
(b) Preference
(c) Deferred
(b) Preference

Question 11.
____________ warrant is a cheque containing dividend amount sent by company to the shareholders.
(a) Dividend
(b) Share
(c) Interest
(a) Dividend

Question 12.
IEPF is created by ____________ where unpaid dividend is transferred by company.
(a) Central Government
(b) Company
(c) Shareholders
(a) Central Government

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Question 13.
Payment of ____________ Dividend must be authorised by the Articles of Association.
(a) Interim
(b) Final
(c) Bonus
(a) Interim

Question 14.
____________ is a return paid to creditors by the company.
(a) Dividend
(b) Interest
(c) Rent
(b) Interest

Question 15.
____________ is not linked to profits of the company.
(a) Dividend
(b) Interest
(c) Bonus
(b) Interest

1B. Match the pairs.

Question (I).

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Dividend (1) Equity Shareholders
(b) Interest (2) Appropriation of Profit
(c) Interim Dividend (3) Recommendation of Secretary
(d) Final Dividend (4) Registrar of Company
(e) Fluctuating Rate of Dividend (5) Obligatory to pay
(6) Decided and Declared by the Board of Directors
(7) Decided by Board and Declared by Members
(8) Decided by President of India
(9) Company not allowed to pay
(10) Declared by Government of India


Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Dividend (2) Appropriation of Profit
(b) Interest (5) Obligatory to pay
(c) Interim Dividend (6) Decided and Declared by the Board of Directors
(d) Final Dividend (7) Decided by Board and Declared by Members
(e) Fluctuating Rate of Dividend (1) Equity Shareholders

Question (II).

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Dividend (1) Inform stock exchange about dividend declaration
(b) Interest (2) Creditors
(c) IEPF (3) Registered Shareholders
(d) Unpaid Dividend Account (4) Balance of Unpaid Dividend Transferred
(e) Listed Company (5) Unregistered Company
(6) Non-listed company
(7) Unpaid/Unclaimed Dividend
(8) Balance of unpaid bonus transferred here
(9) Must inform the government about dividend declaration
(10) General Public


Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Dividend (3) Registered Shareholders
(b) Interest (2) Creditors
(c) IEPF (4) Balance of Unpaid Dividend Transferred
(d) Unpaid Dividend Account (7) Unpaid/Unclaimed Dividend
(e) Listed Company (1) Inform stock exchange about dividend declaration

1C. Write a word or term or a phrase that can substitute each of the following statements.

Question 1.
The return on investment is paid to the shareholders of the company.

Question 2.
The meeting where the final dividend is declared.
AGM (Annual General Meeting)

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Question 3.
The company has to intimate the stock exchange about the declaration of dividends.
Listed company

Question 4.
The shareholders get dividends at a fixed rate.

Question 5.
The shareholders get dividends at a fluctuating rate.

Question 6.
Request by the shareholder in the prescribed form for payment of dividend into shareholders bank amount.
Dividend Mandate

Question 7.
The number of days within which payment of dividend be completed by the company after its declaration.
30 days

Question 8.
Dividend declared between two AGMs.
Interim Dividend

Question 9.
Dividend decided and declared by the Board.
Interim Dividend

Question 10.
The return is paid to the creditors by the company.

1D. State whether the following statements are True or False.

Question 1.
The dividend is paid to registered shareholders of the company.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Question 2.
The dividend is decided by the Board.

Question 3.
The dividend is decided by the shareholders.

Question 4.
Dividend once declared cannot be revoked.

Question 5.
Dividend cannot be paid out of capital.

Question 6.
Shareholders decide about the rate and amount of profit to be given as dividends.

Question 7.
All categories of shareholders get a fixed-rate dividend.

Question 8.
IEPF is the fund created by the company.

Question 9.
Interest is a liability for the company.

Question 10.
Interest is paid to shareholders of the company.

1E. Find the odd one.

Question 1.
Final Dividend, Interim Dividend, Interest

Question 2.
Out of Capital, Out of free reserve, Out of money given by the government
Out of Capital

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Question 3.
Dividend Account, Dividend Mandate, Unpaid/ Unclaimed Dividend Account
Dividend Mandate

Question 4.
Dividend warrant, Dividend Mandate, Cheque
Dividend Mandate

1F. Complete the sentences.

Question 1.
Word dividend is derived from Latin term ____________

Question 2.
Dividend is paid to ____________
registered shareholders

Question 3.
Dividend can be declared only on recommendation of ____________
Board of Directors

Question 4.
Dividend must be paid in ____________

Question 5.
The meeting at which final dividend is approved is ____________
Annual General Meeting

Question 6.
Dividend cannot be paid out of ____________

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Question 7.
Interim dividend is decided and declared by ____________
Board of Directors

Question 8.
Predecided and a fixed rate of dividend is paid to ____________
preference shareholder

Question 9.
Payment of dividend must be completed within ____________
30 days

Question 10.
Payment of Interim Dividend needs to be authorized by ____________
Articles of Association

Question 11.
The obligatory payment made by company to its creditors is called as ____________

1G. Select the correct option from the bracket.

Question 1.

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Dividendum (1) ………………..
(b) Interest (2) ………………..
(c) ………………… (3) Final Dividend
(d) ……………….. (4) Interim Dividend
(e) Government Fund (5) …………………

(Latin term, Creditors, At AGM, At Board Meeting, IEPF)

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Dividendum (1) At Board Meeting
(b) Interest (2) Latin term
(c) IEPF (3) Final Dividend
(d) At AGM (4) Interim Dividend
(e) Government Fund (5) Creditors

Question 2.

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Preference Shares (1)  ……………………
(b) Equity Shares (2) ……………………..
(c) Deposit holders (3) ……………………..
(d) ……………………. (4) Payment of Dividend
(e) ……………………. (5) Dividend Declared but not paid/claimed

(Fixed rate Dividend, Dividend at a Fluctuating Rate, Interest, within 30 days, Unclaimed/Unpaid Dividend)

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Preference Shares (1) Unclaimed/Unpaid Dividend
(b) Equity Shares (2) Within 30 days
(c) Deposit holders (3) Interest
(d) Fixed rate of Dividend (4) Payment of Dividend
(e) Dividend at a Fluctuating Rate (5) Dividend Declared but not paid/claimed

1H. Answer in one sentence.

Question 1.
What is Dividend?
The dividend is a share in distributable profits of the company to which the shareholder in entitled when formally declared by the company.

Question 2.
Who has the right to recommend dividends?
The Board of directors has the right to recommend.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Question 3.
What is a Final Dividend?
The final dividend is that dividend that is declared and paid after the close of the financial year.

Question 4.
What is an Interim Dividend?
The interim dividend is that dividend that is declared and paid between two AGMs of an accounting year.

Question 5.
Who declares Interim Dividend?
The Board of directors declares Interim dividends.

Question 6.
Which shares get dividends at a fixed rate?
Preference shares get dividends at a fixed rate.

Question 7.
Which shares get dividends at a fluctuating rate?
Equity shares get dividends at a fluctuating rate.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Question 8.
At which meeting Interim Dividend is decided and declared?
Interim Dividend is decided and declared in Board Meeting.

Question 9.
What is Interest?
Interest is the price paid for the productive services rendered by capital

Question 10.
State the time within which unpaid dividends be transferred to the unpaid dividend account.
The unpaid dividend should be transferred within 7 days of the end of 30 days within which payment has to be made.

1I. Correct the underlined word and rewrite the following sentences.

Question 1.
The dividend is paid to creditors.
The dividend is paid to shareholders.

Question 2.
Interest is paid to shareholders.
Interest is paid to creditors.

Question 3.
The final Dividend is paid between two AGM.
Interim Dividend is paid between two AGM.

Question 4.
Special Resolution must be passed to declare the Final Dividend.
An ordinary resolution must be passed to declare the Final Dividend.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Question 5.
The dividend must be paid within 60 days of its declaration.
The dividend must be paid within 30 days of its declaration.

Question 6.
The Dividend to be paid should be transferred to Dividend A/c within 30 days of its declaration.
The Dividend to be paid should be transferred to Dividend A/c within 5 days of its declaration

Question 7.
The dividend is an obligation to be paid by a company every year.
Interest is an obligation to be paid by a company every year.

Question 8.
Preference shareholders are given the last priority in the payment of dividends.
Equity shareholders are given the last priority in the payment of dividends.

Question 9.
Preference shareholders get dividends from residual profits.
Equity shareholders get dividends from residual profits.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Question 10.
Dividend is payable every year irrespective of profits made by the company.
Interest is payable every year irrespective of profits made by the company.

1J. Arrange in proper order.

Question 1.
(a) Recommendation of Dividend.
(b) Checking sufficiency of profits
(c) Board Meeting
(a) Checking sufficiency of profits
(b) Board Meeting
(c) Recommendation of Dividend

Question 2.
(a) Transfer to Dividend Account
(b) Transfer to IEPF
(c) Transfer to Unpaid Dividend Account
(a) Transfer to Dividend Account
(b) Transfer to Unpaid Dividend Account
(c) Transfer to IEPF

Question 3.
(a) Closure of Register of Members.
(b) Intimate Stock Exchange of Board Meeting.
(c) Intimate Stock Exchange of declaration of dividend.
(a) Intimate Stock Exchange of Board Meeting
(b) Intimate Stock Exchange of declaration of dividend
(c) Closure of Register of Members

Question 4.
(a) Decision on Rate of Dividend
(b) Transfer of IEPF
(c) Payment of Dividend
(a) Decision on Rate of Dividend
(b) Payment of Dividend
(c) Transfer to IEPF

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Question 5.
(a) Payment of Interim Dividend
(b) Board meeting deciding and declaring Interim Dividend
(c) Authorization of Articles of Association
(a) Authorization of Articles of Association
(b) Board meeting deciding and declaring Interim Dividend
(c) Payment of Interim Dividend

2. Explain the following terms/concepts.

Question 1.
Profit is the financial gain from business activity minus expenses. Profit is the income remaining after deducting total costs from total revenue. It is also called financial gain. Profit is the difference between revenues and expenses for a given period. It is the tool for measuring the success of the business. Without profit, the company cannot survive in the market.

Question 2.
The term dividend is derived from the Latin word ‘Dividendum’ which means that which is to be divided. A dividend is the portion of the company’s earnings distributed to the shareholders decided and managed by the company’s board of directors. The dividend is a share in distributable profits of the company Shareholder is entitled to receive the dividend when it is formally declared by the company

Question 3.
Interest is the cost of borrowing money typically expressed as an annual percentage of a loan. The money people earn on their savings is called Interest. Interest is paid to the lender by the borrower, in case of a loan or from the financial institution to the depositor, in the case of a savings account. In financial terms, it is a payment made for using the money of another i.e. borrower takes money from the lender. Interest is the cost of renting the money for the borrower and it is the income from lending money for the lender.

Question 4.
Final Dividend
The final dividend is declared and paid after the financial year is closed. The final dividend is decided and recommended by the Board of Directors. The final dividend is approved by the shareholder in the AGM. The declaration of the final dividend does not require authorization of Articles of Association. The rate of the final dividend is always higher than the Interim dividend. It is declared from sources like the current year’s profits, money provided by Government for dividends, etc.

Question 5.
Interim Dividend
The interim dividend is the dividend that is declared and paid in the middle of an accounting year i.e. before the finalization of accounts for the year. Dividend declared by the Board of Directors between two Annual General Meetings is called Interim Dividend. The interim dividend is paid in the middle of the accounting year.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Question 6.
Unpaid Dividend
Dividend declared by the company but neither paid to nor claimed by a shareholder within 30 days of its declaration is termed as Unpaid and Unclaimed Dividend.

Question 7.
Unpaid Dividend Account
A dividend declared by the company but neither paid to nor claimed by a shareholder is called an Unpaid/Unclaimed Dividend. This unpaid/unclaimed dividend should be transferred to the Unpaid/Unclaimed Account within 30 days of its declaration. This ‘Unpaid Dividend Account’ is opened in a scheduled Bank by the company.

Question 8.
Dividend Mandate
The dividend is paid by different modes of payment like cash, cheque, or warrant or by electronic mode. It can also be paid by using the Dividend Mandate. If the shareholder wishes to get dividend credited directly in the Bank Account he is required to send a request in a prescribed form which is called ‘Dividend Mandate’. The dividend Mandate authorizes the company to pay dividends directly to shareholders’ bankers.

Question 9.
IEPF means Investors Education and Protection Fund. Any amount in the Unpaid Dividend Account of a company that is unpaid/ unclaimed for a period of 7 (seven years) from the date of such a transfer shall be, transferred to ‘Investors Education and Protection Fund’. The claimant can claim his dividend by filling the prescribed form and submitting the necessary documents. The claimant needs to follow the procedure.

Question 10.
Rate of Dividend
The return that a shareholder receives on his investment from the company is called a dividend. The dividend is always declared by the company on the face value of a share irrespective of its market value. The rate of dividend is expressed as a percentage of the face value of a share per annum.

3. Study the following case/situation and express your opinion.

1. LMN Co Limited decides to declare a dividend for the financial year 2018-19 in which it has earned profits less than their expectations.

Question (a).
Is Board right in recommending a dividend of Rs. 5/- per share out of free reserves?
Yes, Board is right in recommending a dividend of Rs. 5/- per share out of free reserves, as dividends can be paid out of free reserves.

Question (b).
Can Board declare the dividend though it is not approved by AGM?
No Board cannot declare the divided if it is not approved by AGM as dividends should be approved by shareholders by passing an ordinary resolution in AGM.

Question (c).
Can the Board give dividends in the form of gifts?
No Board cannot give dividends in the form of gifts. It must be paid in cash, not in kind.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

2. ABC Co. Ltd. decides to pay Interim Dividend.

Question (a).
Can it be paid out of free reserves?
No. the Interim Dividend cannot be paid out of free reserves.

Question (b).
Is the Board right in declaring the same at the Board Meeting?
Yes. Board is right in declaring the same at the Board meeting as it has the power to declare an Interim Dividend.

Question (c).
Can the company distribute the same within 30 days of its declaration?
Yes, after the declaration, the Interim dividend should be paid within 30 days of its declaration.

3. RAJ Company limited decides to pay Interim Dividend.

Question (a).
Is the Board justified to decide Interim Dividend of Rs. 5/per share even though profits to date are insufficient?
The interim dividend is paid out of profits between two annual general meetings. It cannot be paid out of any reserves. So it is not justified.

Question (b).
Can the Board declare it out of Free Reserves?
No Board cannot declare an Interim dividend out of free reserves.

Question (c).
Can the Board declare it out of Capital?
No Board cannot declare out of capital.

4. DIAMOND Co. Ltd. is considering declaring an Interim Dividend.

Question (a).
In how many days of the declaration it should transfer the funds to Dividend Account?
The interim dividend must be transferred to the Dividend Account within 5 days of its declaration.

Question (b).
In how many days it must pay it to shareholders?
The interim dividend should be paid within 30 days of its declaration to shareholders.

Question (c).
In how many days of the declaration it must transfer the funds to the Unpaid Dividend A/c?
Unpaid/unclaimed Interim dividend should be transferred to ‘Unpaid Dividend Account’ within 7 days of the expiry of 30 days of declaration i.e. 37 days of its declaration.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

5. The Board of Directors of STAR Co. Ltd. which is a listed company recommends a dividend of Rs. 15/- per share to be paid in cash.

Question (a).
Is it justified to pay the dividend firstly to its Preference Shareholders and then after to Equity Shareholders?
Yes, because preference shares are entitled to the dividend before it is paid to the equity shareholder. Equity shareholders get dividends from residual profits i.e. after paying to preference shareholders.

Question (b).
Is the AGM required to approve the same?
Yes for declaration of final divided Approval of AGM is a must.

Question (c).
Can the company pay dividends in cash?
Yes, the company pay a dividend in cash and not in kind.

6. GOLD Co. Ltd. declares a dividend of Rs. 10/- per share for F.Y. 2018-19.

Question (a).
Is the company under default, if the dividend was not paid within 30 days of its declaration?
Yes, the company is to default as the time limit within which the company must pay dividends after the declaration is 30 days.

Question (b).
Is the company right in transferring the unpaid dividend to its Debenture Reserve Account?
No, the company has to transfer the total amount of dividend which remains unpaid/unclaimed to the ‘Unpaid Dividend Account.

Question (c).
Does the company have to transfer the amount of unpaid dividend to IEPF after 30 days?
No, any amount in the unpaid dividend account of a company that remains unpaid/unclaimed for a period of 7 years from the date of such a transfer, should be transferred to (IEPF), ‘Investors Education and Protection Fund’.

4. Distinguish between the following:

Question 1.
Final Dividend and Interim Dividend

Points Interim Dividend Final Dividend
1. Meaning Interim Dividend is the dividend that is declared between two Annual General Meetings of a company. The final Dividend is the dividend that is declared at the Annual General Meeting of a company.
2. When declared? It is declared between two Annual General Meetings. It is declared after the completion of the financial year of the company.
3. Who declares? The interim dividend is declared by the Board of Directors by passing a resolution. The final dividend is decided and recommended by the Board of Directors. It is declared by the shareholders.
4. Authorization Authorization of Articles is necessary for the declaration of interim dividends. Authorization of Articles is not necessary for the declaration of the final dividend.
5. Rate of Dividend The rate of the Interim dividend is lower than the final dividend. The rate of the final dividend is always higher than the Interim dividend.
6. Source It is declared out of profits of the current accounting year. It is declared from different sources like the current year’s profits, free reserves, capital profits, money provided by Government for dividends, etc.
7. Accounting Aspect It is declared before the preparation of the final accounts of the company. It is declared only after the accounts of the year are prepared and finalized.

Question 2.
Dividend and Interest

Points Dividend Interest
1. Meaning The dividend is the return payable to the shareholders of the company for their investment in the share capital. It is the return payable to the creditors of the company. For e.g. Debenture holder, Deposit holders.
2. Intervals Dividends need not be paid on regular basis and they can vary according to the company’s profits. Interest has to be paid at regular intervals at a fixed rate.
3. Given to whom It is paid to the member i.e. the owners of the company. It is paid to the creditor of the company.
4. Expense Dividends are not the expense as they are based on the profit made. If no profit, they are not paid for that period. Interest is the expense to the company.
5. Rate of Dividend The rate of the Interim dividend is lower than the final dividend. The rate of the final dividend is always higher than the Interim dividend.
6. Obligation It has to be paid only when the company made profits. It is not linked to the Profits of the company. It is an obligation for the company.
7. When payable It is payable when a company earns sufficient profit. It is payable every year irrespective of the profits of the company.
8. Rate It is paid at a fluctuating rate to the equity shareholders. The rate of Interest is Fixed and pre-determined at the time of issue of the security.

5. Answer in brief.

Question 1.
State any four points to be kept in mind by a listed company with respect to dividends.
When a company lists its shares on Stock Exchange, additional listing agreements are to be followed which are as follows:

  • Stock exchange should be informed if the securities are listed 2 days prior to the Board meeting in which recommendation of final dividend is to be considered.
  • Stock Exchange should be informed immediately regarding the declaration of dividend as soon as the Board meeting gets over.
  • Notice of closing book should be informed at least 7 (seven) working days before the closure to the stock exchange.
  • Transfer Register and Register of Members should be closed.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Question 2.
Discuss any four features of dividend.

  • It is the portion of profits of the company paid to its shareholders.
  • It is payable out of profits of the company.
  • It is an unconditional payment made by the company.
  • If the company has issued equity shares with differential rights as to dividend, the terms of issue of such shares will govern the rights of shareholders about receiving the dividend.

Question 3.
Explain the features of interest.
Interest is the cost of borrowing money typically expressed as an annual percentage of a loan. The money people earn on their savings is called Interest. Interest is paid to the lender by the borrower in case of a loan or from the financial institution to the depositor in the case of a savings account. In financial terms, it is a payment made for using the money of another i.e. borrower takes money from the lender. Interest is the cost of renting the money for the borrower and it is the income from lending money for the lender.

  • Interest is the price paid for the productive services rendered by capital.
  • Interest has a direct relation with risk. The higher the risk, the higher is the interest.
  • The rate of interest is expressed as the annual percentage of the principal.
  • The rate of interest is determined by various factors like money supply, fiscal policy, the volume of borrowings, rate of inflation, etc.
  • Interest is a charge against the profit of the Company. Even if, the company makes no profit, interest should be paid.
  • The rate of interest is fixed and pre-determined.

6. Justify the following statements.

Question 1.
The dividend is paid out of the profits of the company.

  • The dividend is the portion of profits of the company paid to its shareholders.
  • It is payable out of profits of the company.
  • Dividend can be paid out of capital profits on fulfilling these conditions.
  • Capital Profits are realized in cash.
  • Articles of Association of the company permit such a distribution.
  • It remains as profits after revaluation of all assets and liabilities.
  • Thus, it is rightly justified that dividend is paid out of profits of the company.

Question 2.
Interim dividends cannot be paid out of free reserves.

  • Dividend declared by the Board of Directors between two Annual General Meetings is called Interim Dividend.
  • The interim dividend shall not be declared out of free reserves.
  • In the event of a loss or inadequacy of profits during a financial year, no interim dividend shall be declared.
  • The declaration of an interim dividend does not create a debt against a company.
  • The board of directors can cancel an interim dividend after declaring it.
  • Thus, it is rightly justified that Interim dividends cannot be paid out of reserves.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Question 3.
Annual General Meeting (AGM) is crucial for Final Dividend.
The final Dividend is declared only after the accounts are prepared and finalized.

  • The final dividend is that dividend that is declared and paid after the closing of the financial year.
  • It is decided and recommended by the Board of Directors.
  • The rate of final dividend is declared by the shareholders in the AGM.
  • It is declared only after the account of the year is prepared and finalized.
  • Thus, it is rightly said that AGM is crucial for the Final Dividend. OR Final Dividend is declared only after the accounts are prepared and finalized.
  • The final dividend is declared from different sources, and its declaration does not need the authorization of articles.
  • Thus, it is rightly said that AGM is crucial for the Final Dividend. OR Final Dividend is declared only after the accounts are prepared and finalized.

Question 4.
Listed Company has to follow additional guidelines on dividend matters.

  • Notify stock exchange where company’s securities are listed at least 2 (two) days in advance of the date of the meeting of the Board at which recommendation of final dividend is to be considered.
  • Intimate Stock Exchange immediately about the declaration of the dividend after the Board Meeting.
  • Give notice of Book closure to the stock exchange at least 7(seven) working days before the closure.
  • Close the Register of members and the Transfer Register.
  • It must use an electronic mode of payment such as Electronic Clearing Services (ECS) or National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT); as approved by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
  • The listed company has to express the dividend on a per-share basis only.

Question 5.
Equity shareholders get the last priority in receiving dividends.

  • The dividend is the portion of profits of the company paid to its shareholders.
  • The dividend is payable only to the registered shareholders of the company.
  • Preference shareholders are entitled to the dividend before it is paid to the equity shareholders.
  • The equity shares do not enjoy a preference for dividends.
  • They do not have priority for the payment of capital at the time of liquidation.
  • Equity shareholders will get dividends from residual profit i.e. after paying to preference shareholders and arrears of dividend on cumulative preference shares.
  • The equity shares get the last priority in dividends and thus are the residual claimants.
  • Thus, it is rightly said that the equity shareholders get the last priority in receiving dividends.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Question 6.
Unpaid dividends cannot be used by the company.

  • The dividend declared by the company but has not been paid to or claimed by a shareholder within 30 days of its declaration is termed as an unpaid dividend.
  • The total amount of dividend which remains unpaid should be transferred to ‘Unpaid Dividend Account’.
  • Any amount in the Unpaid Dividend Account of a Company that remains unpaid/unclaimed for a period of 7 years will be transferred to ‘Investors Education and Protection Fund’.
  • The company cannot use unpaid dividends. The only claimant of money can claim for it by following certain procedures.
  • Thus, it is rightly said that unpaid dividends cannot be used by the company.

Question 7.
Interest is a liability/obligation of the company.
Interest is paid to the creditor of the company.

  • Interest is a payment made for using another money So it is the cost of renting the money for the borrower and it is the income from lending money for the lender.
  • The company has to pay interest, if it has borrowed money from creditors like Debenture holders, Depositors, Bondholders, etc.
  • Interest is the liability of the company as it is a payment made for using money from the lender.
  • Interest is a charge against the profit of the company.
  • Even if, the company makes no profit, it has to pay interest to borrowers.
  • Thus, it is rightly said that interest is a liability/ obligation for the company.

Question 8.
Approval of members is not needed for Interim Dividends.

  • Dividend declared by the Board of Directors between two Annual General Meetings is called Interim Dividend.
  • It is paid in the middle of the accounting year.
  • It is declared out of profits of the current account year.
  • It is declared before the preparation of final accounts of the company.
  • The Board of Directors has the power to declare Interim Dividend.
  • Articles of Association’ of the Company must authorize the Board of Directors to declare an interim dividend.
  • The Board Meeting has to pass a resolution for declaring the Interim dividend.
  • Thus, it is rightly said that approval of members is not needed for Interim dividends.

7. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Define Dividend and explain its features.
The term dividend is derived from the Latin word ‘Dividendum’ which means that which is to be divided. A dividend is the portion of the company’s earnings distributed to the shareholders decided and managed by the company’s board of directors.
The dividend is a share of distributable profits of the company. A shareholder is entitled to receive the dividend when it is formally declared by the company.

  • The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has defined Dividend “as a distribution to shareholders out of profits or reserves available for this purpose”.
  • The Supreme Court has defined it as “In case of going – concern, it means the portion of profits of a company, which is allotted to the holders of shares in a company”.

Features of Dividend:

  • It is the portion of profits of the company paid to its shareholders.
  • It is payable out of profits of the company.
  • It is an unconditional payment made by the company.
  • The company pays dividends to the equity shareholders and preference shareholders only.
  • If the company has issued equity shares with differential rights as to dividend, the terms of issue of such shares will govern the rights of shareholders about receiving the dividend.
  • A dividend cannot be declared out of capital.
  • Recommendation of the Board of Directors is necessary for the declaration of dividends.
  • The dividend is recommended and approved by the Board of Directors by passing a resolution at the Annual General Meeting.
  • The previous year’s dividend cannot be declared if that particular year’s Annual Account has been approved in the AGM.
  • Dividend once approved and declared by shareholders, creates a debt. It cannot be revoked.
  • The dividend includes the interim dividend.
  • The dividend must be paid in cash, cheque or transferred through ECS or NEFT and not in kind.
  • The dividend is to be paid on the paid-up value of shares.
  • Dividend cannot be paid on calls paid in advance.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Question 2.
What is Interest? Explain its features.
Interest is the cost of borrowing money typically expressed as an annual percentage of a loan. The money people earn on their savings is called Interest. Interest is paid to the lender by the borrower in case of a loan or from the financial institution to the depositor in the case of a savings account. In financial terms, it is a payment made for using the money of another i.e. borrower takes money from the lender. Interest is the cost of renting the money for the borrower and it is the income from lending money for the lender.

  • Interest is the price paid for the productive services rendered by capital.
  • Interest has a direct relation with risk. The higher the risk, the higher is the interest.
  • The rate of interest is expressed as an annual percentage of the principal.
  • The rate of Interest is determined by various factors like money supply, fiscal policy, the volume of borrowings, rate of inflation, etc.
  • Interest is a charge against the profit of the Company. Even if the company makes no profit, interest should be paid.
  • The rate of interest is fixed and pre-determined.

Question 3.
Discuss legal provisions for declaration of dividend.
The term dividend is derived from the Latin word ‘Dividendum’ which means that which is to be divided.
A dividend means the profit of a company that is not retained in Legal Provisions for declaration of Dividend.
(i) Board Meeting:

  • The Board of Directors has the power and authority to declare the dividend.
  • The board meeting is called to pass a resolution to discuss the following points.
  • Rate of Dividend and amount of Dividend to be paid.
  • Book closure date for dividend.
  • Date of Annual General Meeting.
  • Bank with which a separate account should be opened to remit the dividend amount.

(ii) Shareholders’ Approval:

  • The dividend is approved by shareholders by passing an Ordinary Resolution at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Shareholders can declare a lower rate of dividend than what is recommended by the Board but not higher than that.
  • Once the dividend is declared at the General Meeting, it cannot be canceled. Hence, the company cannot declare dividends for the second time in that year.

(iii) Separate Bank Account:
The company must deposit the dividend amount in a separate bank account i.e. “Dividend Account” opened in a scheduled bank. The dividend must be transferred to this account within 5 days of its declaration.

(iv) Prohibition to pay Dividend:

  • A company cannot declare any dividend on equity shares if the company has failed to repay the deposit or any interest on the deposit.
  • If the company is found guilty at the time of Payment of Interest to debenture holders, Redemption of Debentures and Preference Shares, Payment of Interest to a financial institution, etc. in that case no dividend can be declared.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 10 Dividend and Interest

Question 4.
Explain Interim Dividend.

  • The interim dividend is the dividend that is declared and paid in the middle of an accounting year i.e. before the finalization of accounts for the year. Dividend declared by the Board of Directors between two Annual General Meetings is called Interim Dividend.
  • The interim dividend is paid in the middle of the accounting year.
  • The interim dividend is declared by the Board of directors during any financial year out of surplus in the profit and loss account and out of profits of the financial year.

Features of Interim Dividend:

  • The Board of Directors has the power to declare an interim dividend.
  • Interim Dividend is only payment on account of the whole dividend for the year.
  • The company should provide depreciation for the entire year and not for a part of the year before declaring an interim dividend.
  • Interim dividends cannot be paid out of any reserves.
  • The Board of directors can declare interim dividend only when it is mentioned in the Articles of Association of the Company.
  • A resolution has to be passed in the Board Meeting for declaring the Interim Dividend.
  • A separate Bank account should be maintained in a scheduled bank to credit the interim dividend within 5 (five) days of its declaration.
  • Interim Dividend should be paid within 30 days of its declaration.
  • Unpaid/Unclaimed dividend should be transferred to ‘Unpaid Dividend Account’ within 7 days of the expiry of 30 days of declaration i.e. 37 days of its declaration.
  • Any amount remaining Unpaid/Unclaimed in the ‘Unpaid Dividend Account’ for 7 (seven) years should be transferred to IEPF.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

1A. Select the correct answer from the options given below and rewrite the statements.

Question 1.
In physical mode, securities are held in ____________ form.
(a) Paper
(b) Dematerialization
(c) Electronic
(a) Paper

Question 2.
Risk of losing certificates exist in ____________ mode.
(a) Physical
(b) Dematerialization
(c) Digital
(a) Physical

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 3.
In Depository system, securities are held in ____________ form.
(a) Scrip based
(b) Electronic
(c) Physical
(b) Electronic

Question 4.
____________ is the institute which facilitates electronic holding of securities.
(a) Depository Participant
(b) Issuer
(c) Depository
(c) Depository

Question 5.
There is no payment of ____________ when securities are demated.
(a) Octroi
(b) Wealth Tax
(c) Stamp Duty
(c) Stamp Duty

Question 6.
Depository Act was passed in ____________
(a) 1919
(b) 1996
(c) 1999
(b) 1996

Question 7.
India has a ____________ depository system.
(a) Sole
(b) Multi
(c) Single
(b) Multi

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 8.
____________ is a constituent of depository system.
(a) Government
(b) Issuer
(c) Trust
(b) Issuer

Question 9.
____________ is the oldest depository in India.
(a) Dow Jones
(b) NSDL
(c) CDSL
(b) NSDL

Question 10.
Demat account is opened by ____________
(a) Beneficial owner
(b) CDSL
(c) SEBI
(a) Beneficial owner

Question 11.
Demated shares are ____________
(a) Non-transferable
(b) Fungible
(c) Bearer
(b) Fungible

Question 12.
____________ is a unique code given to a security.
(a) IBM
(b) BBM
(c) ISIN
(c) ISIN

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 13.
In India ISIN for corporate securities is allotted by ____________
(a) NSDL
(b) Central Government
(c) State Government
(a) NSDL

Question 14.
____________ has to apply for ISIN.
(a) Company
(b) Depository Participant
(c) Depositors
(a) Company

Question 15.
____________ has to pay charges to maintain Demat Account.
(a) Investor
(b) Issuer
(c) Depositor
(a) Investor

Question 16.
NSDL is promoted by ____________
(a) NSE
(b) BSE
(c) FTSE
(a) NSE

Question 17.
CDSL is promoted by ____________
(a) NSE
(b) BSE
(c) FTSE
(b) BSE

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

1B. Match the pairs.

Question 1.

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Bad delivery (1) 1956
(b) Depository Act (2) A 12 digits number code
(c) ISIN (3) Connects Government and Bank
(d) Depository Participant (4) Second Depository in India
(e) CDSL (5) The issuer company
(f) Depository (6) Problem faced in physical mode
(g) Beneficial owner (7) A 10 digits number/code
(8) Connect depository and investor
(9) First depository in the world
(10) Custodian of securities in electronic form
(11) Problem faced in electronic mode
(12) 1996
(13) Government organization
(14) The investor


Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Bad delivery (6) Problem faced in physical mode
(b) Depository Act (12) 1996
(c) ISIN (2) A 12 digits number code
(d) Depository Participant (8) Connect depository and investor
(e) CDSL (4) Second Depository in India
(f) Depository (10) Custodian of securities in electronic form
(g) Beneficial owner (14) The investor

1C. Write a word or a term or a phrase that can substitute each of the following statements.

Question 1.
This mode of holding securities may result in loss and theft of certificates.
Physical mode of securities

Question 2.
The organization holds the securities in electronic mode.

Question 3.
This system eliminates storing of certificates.
Depository system

Question 4.
This system allows faster and easier transfer of securities.
Depository system

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 5.
The oldest Depository of India.
NSDL (National Security Depository limited)

Question 6.
The country where the Depository system started for the first time.

Question 7.
The registered owner of securities.
Beneficial Owner

Question 8.
The agent of the Depository.
Depository Participant

Question 9.
This process converts securities into an electronic form from a physical form.

Question 10.
This process converts securities into physical form from electronic form.

Question 11.
This means securities are without distinctive identity numbers.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 12.
This is the unique code for security given in the Depository system.
International Securities Identification Number

1D. State whether the following statements are true or false.

Question 1.
The physical mode of holding Securities is risky.

Question 2.
Allotment of Securities takes a longer time when in physical mode.

Question 3.
Transfer of Securities is easier in electronic mode.

Question 4.
Bad delivery is likely in the Depository system.

Question 5.
The depository system began in the USA for the first time in the world.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 6.
India has a multi-depository system.

Question 7.
The depository system is very similar to the banking system.

Question 8.
DP is a constituent of the Depository system.

Question 9.
DP is an Agent of the Depository.

Question 10.
A bank can work as a DP.

Question 11.
DRF is required for conversion from physical to electronic.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 12.
ISIN is a unique code given to the specific Securities.

1E. Find the odd one.

Question 1.
Elimination of storage of certificates, theft of certificates, torn certificates
Elimination of storage of certificates

Question 2.

Question 3.
Depository, DP, RBI

Question 4.
DP, BO, State Government
State government

Question 5.
Issuer, BO, Central Government
Central government

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 6.

1F. Complete the sentences.

Question 1.
Central location for keeping Securities in demated form is ____________

Question 2.
Freezing of debit/credit of Securities is possible in ____________
Dematerialized Securities

Question 3.
First Depository of the world started in the year ____________

Question 4.
The Indian Depository Act was passed in the year ____________

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 5.
Link between Depository and investor is ____________
Depository participant

Question 6.
Account of Securities of the investor is maintained by ____________
Depository Participant

Question 7.
The process which converts physical Securities in electronic form is ____________

Question 8.
The process which converts digital Securities in physical form is ____________

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 9.
The issuer company must register with ____________

Question 10.
The unique code identifying a security is ____________
(ISIN) International Securities Identification Number

Question 11.
The first Depository of India is ____________
NSDL (National Security Depository Limited)

1G. Select the correct option from the bracket.

Question (I).

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Dematerialization (1) ………………..
(b) …………………….. (2) DP
(c) First Depository of world (3) …………………
(d) CDSL (4) ………………..

(1999, Agent of Depository, Germany, Physical to electronic)

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Dematerialization (1) Physical to Electronic
(b) Agent of Depository (2) DP
(c) First Depository of world (3) Germany
(d) CDSL (4) 1999

Question (II).

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) First Depository in India (1) …………………………
(b) …………………….. (2) Rematerialisation
(c) Fungibility (3) …………………………
(d) …………………… (4) ISIN

(12 digital code, NSDL, Electronic to physical, No distinctive number)

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) First Depository in India (1) NSDL
(b) Electronic to Physical (2) Rematerialisation
(c) Fungibility (3) No distinctive number
(d) 12 digital code (4) ISIN

1H. Answer in one sentence.

Question 1.
What is the Depository system?
A depository system is a system where Securities are held in electronic form.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 2.
Give examples of actions termed as corporate action.
Payment of dividend, issue of Bonus Shares, offering of right Shares, Early Redemption of Debentures, Mergers and Acquisitions, etc.

Question 3.
When was Depository Act passed in India?
Depository Act was passed in India in the year 1996.

Question 4.
What is a DP?
DP means Depository participant, who is an agent of Depository.

Question 5.
What is Dematerialisation?
Dematerialization is the process of converting physical Securities into electronic.

Question 6.
What is Rematerialization?
Rematerialization is the process of converting electronic Securities into physical.

Question 7.
What is ISIN?
ISIN is the unique code given to the specific Securities of the company. ISIN refers to ‘International Securities Identification Number’.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 8.
Name the Depositories in India?

  • National Security Depository Limited (NSDL)
  • Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL)

1I. Correct the underlined words and rewrite the following sentences.

Question 1.
The electronic mode of holding Securities is risky.
The physical mode of holding Securities is risky.

Question 2.
Allotment and Transfer of Securities are time-consuming in electronic mode.
Allotment and Transfer of Securities are time-consuming in physical mode.

Question 3.
Banking system leads to a script less capital market.
Depository system leads to a scriptless capital market.

Question 4.
Storage of certificates is not required in the physical mode of holding.
Storage of certificates is not required in the electronic mode of holding.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 5.
India has a single Depository system.
India has a multi Depository system.

Question 6.
Depository participant in India has to register under the Partnership Act.
Depository participant in India has to register under the Depository Act.

Question 7.
Demat accounts are opened and maintained by the Depository.
Demat accounts are opened and maintained by the Depository Participant.

Question 8.
Securities are fungible in physical mode.
Securities are fungible in electronic mode.

Question 9.
ISIN is a code given to a company.
ISIN is a code given to the security of a company.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 10.
ISIN of Indian government Securities is issued by NSDL.
ISIN of Indian government Securities is issued by RBI.

1J. Arrange in proper order.

Question 1.
(a) Gets statement of Account
(b) Open Demat Account
(c) Submit DRF
(a) Submit DRF
(b) Open Demat Account
(c) Gets statement of Account

Question 2.
(a) Investor (BO) submits an application for Securities to the issuer company
(b) Depository intimates the DP about crediting Bo’s Account
(c) Issuer company gives details of allotment to Depository.
(a) Investor (BO) submits an application for Securities to the issuer company
(b) Issuer company gives details of allotment to Depository
(c) Issuer company gives details of allotment to Depository

2. Explain the following terms/concepts.

Question 1.
Depository System

  • In the Depository system, securities are held in electronic form.
  • The transfer and settlement of securities are done electronically.
  • The Depository System maintains accounts of the shareholder, enables transfer, collects dividends, bonus shares, etc. on behalf of the shareholder.
  • This system is also called a scriptless trading system.
  • It keeps the securities safe. It offers scope for paperless trading by using state-of-art technology.

Question 2.

  • Dematerialization is a process whereby a client can get physical certificates converted into electronic mode.
  • For this client has to surrender the certificates along with the Demat Request Form (DRF) to the DP.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 3.

  • Rematerialization is the process whereby a client can get his electronic holdings of securities converted into physical certificates.
  • For this client has to give a written request in the form of Remat Request Form (RRF) to the DP.

Question 4.

  • Fungibility means the state of being interchangeable. Securities issued by the same company of the same class have the same value no matter who owns them.
  • The securities held in electronic form are fungible which means they don’t have distinctive numbers.

Question 5.

  • ISIN is a standard numbering system that is accepted globally.
  • ISIN consists of a 12 (twelve) digit alpha-numeric code which is divided into 3 (Three) parts.
  • The company has to apply for ISIN for its securities with documents like a prospectus.

3. Study the following case/situation and express your opinion.

1. Mr. Z holds 100 shares of peculiar Co. Ltd. In physical mode and wishes to convert the same in electronic mode:

Question (a).
Mr. Z holds a savings bank account with CFDH Bank Ltd. Can he deposit his shares in this account for Demat?
No. He can’t, as it is a savings bank account.

Question (b).
What type of account is needed for the same?
For holding electronic securities, he needs to open a Demat A/c with the Depository Participant (DP).

Question (c).
Is it the RBI that will be the custodian of shares of Mr. Z after demating?
No. RBI won’t be the custodian. After demating concerned ‘Depository’ (NSDL/CDSL) will be the custodian of the shares of Mr. Z.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

2. Mr. R holds 100 shares of Peculiar Co. Ltd. In Demat mode.

Question (a).
He wants to transfer one share each to his wife, daughter, and son. Can he do so?
Yes, Mr. R can do so, as under dematerialized securities market lot is of one share.

Question (b).
Does he need to submit DRF or DIS if he wants to transfer his shares?
He needs to submit DIS (Delivery Instruction Slip) if he wants to transfer his shares.

Question (c).
Can he nominate his wife in his Demat account?
Yes. Mr. R can nominate his wife for the Demat account.

3. Mrs. Z wishes to open a Demat account in her name.

Question (a).
Can she open the account going to the Mumbai office of NSDL?
No, Mrs. 2 cannot go directly to the Mumbai office of NSDL.

Question (b).
Is she required to pay for the opening of the account and its maintenance?
Yes, she is required to pay for the opening of the account and its maintenance.

Question (c).
Does she have to send the shares to the respective company for demating?
Yes, she has to send her original share certificate through Depository Participant to the company.

4. Mr. L wants to demat his 25 shares of Peculiar Co. Ltd bearing certificate no 100 and distinctive no 76-100.

Question (a).
Which form is he required to fill as a written request to the DP?
Mr. L is required to fill Demat Request Form (DRF) as a written request to DP.

Question (b).
Does he have to fill instrument of transfer if he wishes to transfer the same after demat?
No, he needs to fill instrument of transfer after opening Demat A/c.

Question (c).
Does he have to quote certificate no. and distinctive no. if he wishes to transfer his shares after it is in Demat form?
No, Mr. L need not quote certificate no. and distinctive no. if he wishes to transfer his shares after it is in Demat form.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

5. Mr. S. holds 50 shares of Peculiar Co. Ltd in Demat form. The company has declared a dividend of Rs 5. Per-share and Bonus of 1 : 1 to its shareholders.

Question (a).
How will Mr. S get his dividend?
Mr. S will get his dividend credited directly to his Demat A/c.

Question (b).
Will he get a Bonus share in Physical or Demat?
He will get Bonus Share in his Demat A/c.

Question (c).
Who is entitled to dividend and Bonus: Mr. S or the depository? (NSDL in this case).
Mr. S is entitled to dividends and Bonuses through the depository services.

4. Distinguish between the following.

Question 1.
Dematerialization and Rematerialization.

Points Dematerialization Rematerialization
1. Meaning Conversion of physical securities into electronic form is known as ‘Dematerialization’ Conversion of electronic securities into physical form is known as ‘Rematerialization’
2. Conversion Securities in physical/paper form are converted into electronic form The electronic form of securities are converted into physical form
3. Form Used ‘Demat Request Form (DRF) is submitted by the investor to the DP ‘Remat Request Form’ (RRF) is submitted by the investor to the DP
4. Process It is an initial process It is a reverse process
5. Function/Sequence It is a primary and principal function of the depository It is a secondary and supporting function of the depository
6. Distinctive numbers Demat securities have no distinctive numbers Remat securities will have certificates and distinctive numbers issued by the company
7. Securities Maintenance Authority The depository is the custodian of securities and records The issuing company keeps the record. The investor also maintains the record
8. Time Consumed It is an easy and time-saving process It is a complex and time-consuming process

5. Answer in brief.

Question 1.
Explain the disadvantages of the physical mode of holding securities.
Securities mean shares, debentures, bonds, units of mutual funds, securities are held in physical form or paper form. Following are the problems/disadvantages of holding the securities in electronic form:
(i) Risk factor:
Paper certificates can be lost, damaged, torn, stolen, or misplaced during transit, etc.

(ii) Efforts in Duplicating:
If the original certificate is lost it becomes difficult to obtain duplicate certificates. It consumes time, effort, and money.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

(iii) Delay in the allotment:
Allotment of new securities in physical form requires a longer time.

(iv) Delay in Transfer and Transmission:
Handling and recording physical certificates take a lot of time in the transfer and transmission of securities.

(v) Risk of Bad Delivery:
Buying and selling securities can create problems if the certificates are torn, forged, etc.

Question 2.
Explain any four advantages of the Depository system to investors.
Investor refers to the Beneficial Owner, the one who invests in the company’s securities.
Advantages of Depository System to the Investor are as follows:
(i) No Risk:
Risks related to physical certificates like delays, loss of certificates, theft, mutilation, bad deliveries, etc. are totally eliminated.

(ii) Safety of Investment:
The safest and secure way of holding securities is in the form of DEMAT. It is controlled under Depositories Act and monitored by SEBI. For e.g. If we don’t want to deal in securities, for the time being, we can freeze the account instructing DP to avoid unexpected debit or credit.

(iii) Easy Transfer of Shares:

  • There is no need of filling transfer form and submitting documents.
  • Stamp duty is not applicable in this process.
  • Cash realization and security transfer take place very fast.

(iv) Updated information:
The investor receives updated information about his transactions and holdings from DP and also sometimes from Depository.

(v) Loan against securities:
An investor can raise a loan from the banks against the security of Dematerialized securities.

(vi) No ‘Lots’:
The lot system has been abolished. The market lot is one share for dematerialized securities.

(vii) Nomination Facility:
Nomination Facility is allowed under the Depository system. In the event of the death of the investor, the process becomes simple.

(viii) Automatic Credit:
The investor’s account is automatically credited or debited by the company. This is called ‘Corporate Action.’
For e.g. Payment of dividend, Bonus Issue, Right Issue, Redemption, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 3.
Explain any four advantages of the Depository system to the company.
Benefits/Advantages of Depository System:
(A) Investors:
(i) Safety:
A safe and secure way of holding securities is in electronic form/mode. The depository system is monitored by SEBI. The Investor can keep his account in a ‘Freeze/Lock’ mode to avoid/prevent unexpected debit or credit or both by giving instructions to the DP.

(ii) Easy Transfer of Shares:
These securities can be easily transferred in electronic mode. Filling out the transfer form and uploading the documents can be easily done online. It is a time and efforts saving process. No stamp duty is levied on the depository system.

(iii) Update and Intimation:
The investor can check his status of holding securities at any time. Depository Participant provides investors with his statement of accounts periodically.

(iv) Automatic Credit:
Under, the depository system the investor’s account is automatically credited/debited. This credit or debit of accounts is usually in case of Payment of Dividend, Issue of Bonus Shares, Offering of Rights Shares, Early Redemption of Debentures, Mergers, and Acquisitions, etc.

(B) Companies:
(i) Up-to-date Information:
The depository system enables the company to maintain the information of the investors holding. It also helps the company to keep updated information about its shareholding pattern. The company is able to know the particulars of beneficial owners and their holdings periodically.

(ii) Reduction in costs and efforts:
Due to the depository system, maintaining the documents physically, the printing of certificates has saved a lot of time and cost.

(iii) Better Relationships:
The transfer process under the depository system is prompt and free from defects. So, complaints against the company by an investor are avoided in this regard. This helps the company build a good corporate image.

(iv) International Investment:
Paperless trading is a boon for the company management as it provides better and quicker services to the investors staying within the country and abroad. This attracts investment from abroad.

Question 4.
Explain Depository as a constituent of Depository System.

  • The depository is a company registered under the Companies Act, to deal in securities.
  • It holds the securities in electronic form.
  • It is responsible for safeguarding the investor’s securities and preventing any manipulation of records and transactions.
  • There is no direct access of investors with the Depository.
  • It works as a link between the company and investors.
  • Statement of accounts is provided to the investor periodically.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 5.
Explain DP as the constituent of the Depository System.

  • Depository Participant acts as a link between the Depository and the Investor. In other words, it is an agent of the depository.
  • DP is registered under the SEBI Act. It enjoys rights and obligations as specified under SEBI Regulations of 1996.
  • It is an intermediary appointed by Depository.
  • DP directly deals with customers and sends a statement of accounts periodically.
  • The DP has a unique number for identification.
  • Banks, Financial Institutions, Stock Brokers, etc. can function as Depository Participants.
  • Thus, it is rightly justified that DP is an important constituent of the Depository system.

6. Justify the following statements.

Question 1.
Electronic holding of securities is safer than physical holding.

  • Electronic holding of securities means holding the securities in dematerialized form.
  • Conversion of physical certificates into electronic form is known as ‘Dematerialization’.
  • Holding securities in electronic form eliminates a huge volume of paperwork.
  • The use of technology facilitates paperless trading which eliminates storage and handling of certificates. It also helps in reducing costs and efforts.
  • There is no risk of getting lost, damaged, torn, stolen, misplaced during transit, etc.
  • Delay in transfer and allotment of securities is also avoided.
  • Thus, it is rightly justified that, electronic holding of securities is safer than physical holding.

Question 2.
Depository provides easy and quicker transfer of shares.

  • Under the Depository system, securities are held in electronic form.
  • Not only the transfer and settlement of securities are done electronically but it also maintains the accounts of the shareholder, collects dividends, bonus shares, etc. on behalf of the shareholder.
  • Depository Participant acts as a link between the Depository and the Investor.
  • No stamp duty is levied on the depository system.
  • Processing time in the transfer of securities is reduced and neither the securities nor the cash is held up for an unnecessarily long time.
  • Hence it is also called a “Scripless trading system”. Thus, it is rightly justified that the Depository provides easy and quicker transfer of shares.

Question 3.
Depository System results in reduced time, cost and efforts.

  • The depository System has a very important role to play in the successful functioning of the Capital market.
  • Under Depository System, securities are held in electronic form.
  • The transfer and settlement of securities are done electronically.
  • The Depository system maintains accounts of the shareholder, enables transfer, collects dividends, bonus shares, etc. on behalf of the shareholder.
  • It eliminates a huge volume of paperwork, storage, and handling of physical certificates.
  • Thus, it is rightly justified that, Depository system results in reduced time, cost and efforts.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 4.
The depository system is very similar to the Banking system.

  • The depository system is similar to the Banking system in many aspects.
  • Depository keeps the securities safe, just like the bank keeps the money of the account holder safe.
  • In banks, funds are held in accounts having unique numbers. Similarly, securities are held in accounts having unique IDs.
  • There is no physical handling of money in the bank. Similarly, there is no physical handling of securities by the depository.
  • Bank facilitates the transfer of funds between accounts. Depository facilitates the transfer of securities between accounts.
  • Thus, it is rightly justified that the Depository system is very similar to the Banking system.

Question 5.
DP is an important constituent of the Depository system.

  • Depository Participant acts as a link between the Depository and the Investor. In other words, it is an agent of the depository.
  • DP is registered under the SEBI Act. It enjoys rights and obligations as specified under SEBI Regulations of 1996.
  • It is an intermediary appointed by Depository.
  • DP directly deals with customers and sends a statement of accounts periodically.
  • The DP has a unique number for identification.
  • Banks, Financial Institutions, Stock Brokers, etc. can function as Depository Participants.
  • Thus, it is rightly justified that DP is an important constituent of the Depository system.

Question 6.
Depository system allows both: Physical to electronic and electronic to physical conversion.

  • Under the Depository system, physical certificates can be converted into electronic ones known as ‘Dematerialization’.
  • Similarly, the conversion of electronic securities into physical certificates is known as ‘Rematerialization’.
  • Due to Dematerialization transfer of securities takes place fast and transactions are also settled immediately. Whereas in Rematerialization, settlement of transactions in the physical system takes more time.
  • In Rematerialization, storing and handling physical certificates is more time-consuming. Whereas in dematerialization, there is no handling of certificates.
  • There are chances of certificates getting lost, damaged, torn, stolen, misplaced during transit, etc.
  • In this technological world, Demat securities are more preferred over Rematerialized securities.
  • Thus, it is rightly justified that the Depository system allows both: Physical to electronic and electronic to physical conversion.

Question 7.
ISIN is a necessary component of Demat.

  • International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) is a code that uniquely identifies a specific securities issue.
  • ISINs are allotted by that country’s NNA (National Numbering Agency).
  • ISIN is a standard numbering system that is accepted globally.
  • The ISIN’s structure is currently defined by the International Organization of Standardization (ISO).
  • ISIN consists of a 12 (twelve) digit alpha-numeric code which is divided into 3 (three) parts.
  • The company has to apply for ISIN for its securities with documents like a prospectus.
  • In India, issuing ISIN to securities is assigned by SEBI to NSDL (for Demat shares). SEBI works as NNA in India.
  • Thus, from the above points, it is rightly justified that ISIN is a necessary component of Demat.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

7. Answer the following.

Question 1.
What is Depository System? Explain its advantages?
The depository system came into existence in the year 1996. It is a system where securities are held in electronic form. It also maintains accounts of the shareholder, enables transfer, collects dividends, bonus shares, etc. on behalf of the shareholder. In other words, it is also called a scriptless trading system.

Benefits/Advantages of Depository System:
(A) Investors:
(i) Safety:
A safe and secure way of holding securities is in electronic form/mode. The depository system is monitored by SEBI. The Investor can keep his account in a ‘Freeze/Lock’ mode to avoid/ prevent unexpected debit or credit or both by giving instructions to the DP.

(ii) Easy Transfer of Shares:
These securities can be easily transferred in electronic mode. Filling out transfer forms and uploading the documents can be easily done online. It is a time and efforts saving process. No stamp duty is levied on the depository system.

(iii) Update and Intimation:
The investor can check his status of holding securities at any time. Depository Participant provides investors with his statement of accounts periodically.

(iv) Automatic Credit:
Under, the depository system the investor’s account is automatically credited/debited. This credit or debit of accounts is usually in case of Payment of Dividend, Issue of Bonus Shares, Offering of Rights Shares, Early Redemption of Debentures, Mergers, and Acquisitions, etc.

(B) Companies:
(i) Up-to-date Information:
The depository system enables the company to maintain the information of the investors holding. It also helps the company to keep updated information about its shareholding pattern. The company is able to know the particulars of beneficial owners and their holdings periodically.

(ii) Reduction in costs and efforts:
Due to the depository system, maintaining the documents physically, the printing of certificates has saved a lot of time and cost.

(iii) Better Relationships:
The transfer process under the depository system is prompt and free from defects. So, complaints against the company by an investor is avoided in this regard. This helps the company build a good corporate image.

(iv) International Investment:
Paperless trading is a boon for the company management as it provides better and quicker services to the investors staying within the country and abroad. This attracts investment from abroad.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

Question 2.
Explain the constituents of the depository system.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System 7 Q2

(i) Depository:

  • Depository is an organization or a system where securities/shares are held in electric form.
  • Depository transfers securities/shares between accounts on the instruction of the account holders.
  • Depository contacts the customer through a depository participant.
  • Transfer of shares is made through mere computerized book-entry in the depository.
  • This becomes possible because shares are dematerialized.
  • Only those securities which are held in the form of the share certificate are one’s names can be dematerialized.
  • At present, there are two depositories. They are:
    • National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL)
    • Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL).

(ii) Depository Participant:

  • The depository participant is the representative of the depository.
  • Depository participant acts as an intermediary between investors and depositories.
  • The depository participants have an identity number for identification.
  • It has to maintain accounts of securities of each investor.
  • Depository participant gives intimation about holdings from time to time by sending a statement of holding.
  • According to SEBI guidelines financial institutions, banks, stockbrokers can act as depository participants.

(iii) Beneficial Owner:

  • An investor is known as ‘Beneficial Owner’ on whose name Demat account is opened.
  • He enjoys the rights and benefits of members such as getting dividends, getting bonus shares, to vote at meetings.
  • He is allotted an account number where securities are held.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 9 Depository System

(iv) Issuer Company:

  • It is a company that makes an issue of securities.
  • It must get registered with the depository.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 8 Correspondence with Depositors

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 8 Correspondence with Depositors Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 8 Correspondence with Depositors

1A. Select the correct answer from the options given below and rewrite the statements.

Question 1.
Depositors are ____________ of a company.
(a) members
(b) creditors
(c) debtors
(b) creditors

Question 2.
Depositors provide ____________ capital to the company.
(a) short term
(b) long term
(c) medium-term
(a) short term

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 8 Correspondence with Depositors

Question 3.
A company cannot accept deposit for more than ____________ months.
(a) 24
(b) 36
(c) 45
(b) 36

Question 4.
A company cannot accept deposit for less than ____________ months.
(a) 6
(b) 3
(c) 5
(a) 6

Question 5.
Deposits are ____________ loans of the company.
(a) fixed
(b) short term
(c) long term
(b) short term

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 8 Correspondence with Depositors

Question 6.
Public deposits are accepted to meet the requirement of ____________ capital.
(a) fixed
(b) working
(c) owned
(b) working

Question 7.
____________ has the power to invite deposits from public.
(a) Shareholders
(b) Auditors
(c) Board of Directors
(c) Board of Directors

Question 8.
Rate of interest on deposits is ____________
(a) fixed
(b) fluctuating
(c) moderate
(a) fixed

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 8 Correspondence with Depositors

Question 9.
The return or income for the investment of money on deposits is called ____________
(a) dividend
(b) interest
(c) discount
(b) interest

1B. Match the pairs.

Question 1.

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
1. Depositors (a) Fixed
2. Rate of Interest on deposits (b) Evidence of Ownership
3. Deposit receipt (c) Debtors
(d) Creditors
(e) Evidence of deposit
(f) Fluctuating


Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
1. Depositors (d) Creditors
2. Rate of Interest on deposits (a) Fixed
3. Deposit receipt (e) Evidence of deposit

1C. Write a word or a term or a phrase that can substitute each of the following statements.

Question 1.
Return on investment on deposit.

Question 2.
The instrument for payment of interest on the deposit.
Interest Warrant

Question 3.
An acknowledgment of the fixed deposit accepted by a company.
Fixed Deposit Receipt

Question 4.
Return of deposits on the maturity date.
Repayment of deposit

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 8 Correspondence with Depositors

Question 5.
The maximum period of deposits.
36 months

1D. State whether the following statements are true or false.

Question 1.
Fixed deposit is a short-term source of finance for the company.

Question 2.
Fixed deposit holder is a creditor of the company.

Question 3.
Deposits are invited by the company without issuing statutory advertisement.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 8 Correspondence with Depositors

Question 4.
Fixed deposit holders are entitled to receive dividends.

Question 5.
A private company cannot accept deposits from the general public.

Question 6.
Depositors are given voting rights.

1E. Find the odd one.

Question 1.
Dividend, Depositor, Deposit Receipt

Question 2.
Trust Deed, Depository, Deposit Receipt

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 8 Correspondence with Depositors

1F. Complete the Sentences.

Question 1.
Depositors are the ____________ of the company.

Question 2.
The ____________ must be cautious and careful while writing letters to the depositors.

Question 3.
Deposit is a ____________ term source of finance of the company.

Question 4.
A company can accept deposits for the minimum period of ____________ months.
6 months

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 8 Correspondence with Depositors

Question 5.
Depositors are entitled to receive ____________ at fixed rate.

1G. Select the correct option from the bracket.

Question 1.

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(1) Depositor (a) …………………….
(2) Return on Deposits (b) …………………….
(3) ……………………. (c) Maximum period of Deposits
(4) Minimum Period of Deposits (d) ………………………

(Interest, Creditors of the company, 36 months, 6 months)

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(1) Depositor (a) creditors of the company
(2) Return on Deposits (b) interest
(3) 36 months (c) Maximum period of Deposits
(4) Minimum Period of Deposits (d) 6 months

1H. Answer in one sentence.

Question 1.
Who is the depositor?
The person who keeps his/her money for a fixed period of time with the company is known as ‘Depositor’.

Question 2.
What is the return on deposit?
Fixed-rate of interest is provided as the return on a deposit.

Question 3.
What is Interest Warrant?
An interest warrant is an instrument of payment of interest.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 8 Correspondence with Depositors

Question 4.
What is a renewal of deposit?
A process of continuing the deposit for an additional time period after maturity of investment (deposit) is called “Renewal of Deposit”.

Question 5.
Which document is enclosed along with the Renewal Letter?
Renewal Deposit Receipt is enclosed along with the Renewal Letter.

Question 6.
When will the company return the deposits?
The company will return the deposit amount at the time of maturity (after the expiry of the fixed period).

Question 7.
What is the minimum and maximum period of deposit?
The deposit can be accepted for a minimum period of 6 months and a maximum period of 36 months.

1I. Correct the underlined words and rewrite the following sentence.

Question 1.
Depositors are owners of the company.
Depositors are creditors of the company.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 8 Correspondence with Depositors

Question 2.
Deposits are the internal source of financing.
Deposits are the external source of financing.

Question 3.
Deposit is a long-term source of capital.
Deposit is a short-term source of capital.

Question 4.
Depositors are entitled to receive dividends.
Depositors are entitled to receive interest.

1J. Arrange in proper order.

Question 1.
(a) Renewal of deposit
(b) Acceptance of deposit
(c) Deposit Receipt
(a) Acceptance of deposit
(b) Deposit Receipt
(c) Renewal of deposit

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 8 Correspondence with Depositors

Question 2.
(a) Payment of interest
(b) Deposit Receipt
(c) Acceptance of deposits
(a) Acceptance of deposits
(b) Deposit Receipt
(c) Payment of interest

2. Explain the following terms/concepts.

Question 1.
The person who keeps deposits with the company for a fixed period of time is known as ‘Depositor’.

Question 2.
Deposit is a short-term source of finance of the company and it is used in order to satisfy the short-term working capital needs of the company.

Question 3.
Interest on deposit
Interest on deposit refers to the return on the investment of money in deposits.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 8 Correspondence with Depositors

Question 4.
Deposit Receipt
A deposit Receipt is an acknowledgment of deposit money accepted by the company.

Question 5.
Renewal of deposit
Renewal of Deposit means accepting the same deposit for an additional period of time after its maturity.

Question 6.
Repayment of Deposit
Refunding the amount of deposit on the maturity of tenure of deposits is known as ‘Repayment of Deposit’.

3. Answer in brief.

Question 1.
Which precautions are to be taken by the secretary while corresponding with depositors?
Following precautions should be undertaken while drafting letters to the depositors:
(i) Courtesy:
While writing letters to the depositors, polite replies are essential. Rude and harsh words should be strictly avoided.

(ii) Quick response:
Being the creditors of the company, due respect should be given to the depositors of the company. Immediate replies to be given to the queries and complaints of the depositors without any delay.

(iii) Accuracy:
Letters written to the depositors should be accurate and precise. True and correct information should be provided to them.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 8 Correspondence with Depositors

(iv) Conciseness:
The letters to the depositors must be concise i.e. short, brief, and to the point. Unnecessary and irrelevant information should be avoided.

(v) Your Attitude:
The letters to the depositors must be written after taking into consideration the requirements of the depositors.

(vi) Secrecy:
As a confidential officer, the secretary has to maintain secrecy regarding correspondence with the depositors. Any secret information regarding the company must not be disclosed through correspondence.

(vii) Image and Goodwill:
Correspondence plays a very important role in maintaining the goodwill of the company. While corresponding, the secretary should take all necessary steps so that the goodwill of the company will not get affected.

(viii) Legal Provision:
The secretary should see to it that all provisions relating to invitation, acceptance, renewal, and repayment of deposits are duly followed by the company while corresponding with depositors.

Question 2.
What are the circumstances under which the Secretary makes correspondence with depositors?

  • A company secretary has to conduct correspondence with depositors on different occasions.
  • This correspondence is limited as they are creditors and not the owners of the company.
  • Deposits are accepted for a short period.
  • The relationship of depositors also comes to an end immediately after deposits are repaid.

Following are the circumstances under which correspondence is done with the depositors:

  • Letter to express thanks to the depositor for showing faith in the company and depositing the amount
  • Intimation about payment of interest
    • Interest warrant
    • Electronic payment of Interest
  • Letter informing about the renewal of deposit
  • Informing the depositor about the maturity of deposits.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 8 Correspondence with Depositors

4. Justify the following statements.

Question 1.
The Company Secretary should take certain precautions while corresponding with depositors.

  • The deposit represents the short-term borrowed capital of the company.
  • Depositors are the creditors of the company.
  • The company secretary should correspond properly with the depositors in order to ensure the continuous flow of investments.
  • The reply to queries and complaints of depositors should be prompt and courteous.
  • The letter should be written from the depositors’ point of view and accurate information must be supplied to them.
  • All the legal provisions must be followed and the goodwill of the company has to be maintained.
  • Thus, it is rightly justified that the company secretary should take every precaution while corresponding with depositors.

Question 2.
There are certain circumstances when a secretary has to correspond with depositors.

  • Depositors are the creditors of the company and not the owners.
  • Frequent correspondence with depositors is not required as they do not participate in the management of the company.
  • The company secretary has to conduct correspondence with depositors regarding the acceptance of deposits, payment of interest on deposits, renewal of deposits, repayment of deposits, and so on.
  • Secretary conducts such correspondence on behalf of the company and also as per the instructions of the Board of Directors.
  • The secretary should be very cautious and careful while corresponding with depositors of the company.
  • Thus, it is rightly justified that the secretary has to correspond with depositors on certain circumstances.

5. Attempt the following.

Question 1.
Draft a letter of thanks to depositors of a company.

501A, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai: 400 051
CIN: L46001 MH2002 PLC 503433

Tel. No.: 022-24761524
Fax No.: 022-24881242
Ref. No.: D/DEP/05/2018-19

Date: 15th May 2019

Mr. Deepak Ved
C/25, LIC Colony
L.J. Road, Mahim,
Mumbai – 400 096

Sub: Thanking Depositor For Fixed Deposit.

Dear Sir,
As per your application received for a fixed deposit of ₹ 1,00,000/- for a period of 1 year, dated 10th May 2019, we are thankful to you for showing faith and confidence in the company.

The details of deposits accepted are given in the following schedule:

1 2 3 4 5
Fixed Deposit Receipt No. Amount of Deposit Period of Deposit (years) Rate of Interest (%) Bank Details
Name of the Bank Bank Account No.
412 ₹ 1,00,000 1 year 10% Bank of Baroda 613234

The Board of Directors of our company expresses their gratitude for depositing money in our company. The fixed deposit receipt is enclosed along with this letter.

We assure you the best of our services all the time.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully
For Radhika Industries Limited,

Mr. Harshad Sagwekar

Encl: Fixed Deposit Receipt No. 412

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 8 Correspondence with Depositors

Question 2.
Draft a letter to a depositor informing him about payment of interest through interest warrant.

501A, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai: 400 051
CIN: L46001 MH 2002 PLC 503433

Tel. No.: 022-24761524
Fax No.: 022-24881242
Ref. No.: D/DEP/25/2019-20

Date: 18th April 2019

Mrs Ruchika Korgaonkar
A/23, BPT Colony,
N.K.Road, Mahim,
Mumbai:-400 096.

Sub: Payment of Interest on Fixed Deposits.

Dear Madam,
As per the board resolution passed in the Board Meeting held on 16th April 2019, this is to inform you that the interest @ 10% on your Fixed Deposit is due for payment.

Your company has complied with all the provisions relating to the payment of interest on deposits and the interest warrant drawn on ICICI Bank, Prabhadevi branch is enclosed herewith.

The details of your Fixed Deposit and interest payable on the deposit are given in the following schedule:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Interest Warrant No. Fixed Deposit Receipt No. Deposit amount Rate of Interest (%) Gross amount of interest TDS @(10%) The net amount of Interest Payable (₹)
3325 1242 ₹ 1,00,000 10% ₹ 10,000 ₹ 1,000 ₹ 9,000

TDS certificate is enclosed for income tax purposes along with the interest warrant.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For Radhika Industries Limited

Mr. Fazal Shahzman


  1. Interest Warrant No. 3325
  2. TDS certificate

Question 3.
Write a letter to the depositor for the renewal of his deposit.
Draft a letter to the depositor for renewal of his deposit.

50/A, Swami Narayan Road, Tunga Village, Mumbai: 400 072
CIN: L42105 MH2005 PLC 402512

Tel. No.: 022-23731242
Fax No.: 022-23738656
Ref. No.: S/DEP/51/2019-20

Date: 17th Feb 2019

Mr. Rajesh Joshi
20, Hilton Complex,
Laxmi Road,
Solapur – 413 018

Sub: Renewal on Fixed Deposits.

Dear Sir,
We, hereby, acknowledge receipt of your application for the renewal of a deposit of ₹ 50,000/- for a further period
of one year. We have also received duly discharged deposit receipt No. 1242 and the same has been placed before the Board for consideration and approval.

As per the resolution passed at the Board meeting held on 15th Feb 2019, the Board has decided to renew the deposits for a further period of 1 year on the same terms and conditions.

A deposit receipt No 4424 is enclosed along with this letter.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For Sunrise Industries Ltd,

Miss Shalakha Suvarna
Company Secretary

Encl: Fixed Deposit receipt No 4424

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 8 Correspondence with Depositors

Question 4.
Draft a letter to the depositor regarding redemption or repayment of his deposit.

40/B, C – Ramchandra Road, Khar (East), Mumbai: 400 053
CIN: L24308 MH2006 PLC 211388

Tel. No.: 022-4133242
Fax No.: 022-4215212
Ref. No.: S/DEP/15/19-20

Date: 21st April 2019

Mr. Santosh Vichare
A/21, Swastik Colony,
Bhadkamkar Marg,
Fort, Mumbai:-400 020

Sub: Repayment of Fixed Deposits.

Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that your Fixed Deposit Receipt No. 3225 dated 1st May 2018 for ₹ 1,00,000/- will be due for repayment on 30th April 2019.

We have received original Deposit Receipt No. 3225 duly discharged along with instruction for repayment. The Board of Directors in the meeting held on 20th April 2019 has passed a resolution for the redemption of the deposits.

The details of repayment of deposit are as under:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Tenure of Deposit Fixed Deposit Receipt No. Deposit amount (₹) Rate of Interest (10%) Maturity amount (₹) TDS (10%) Net amount Due Date of Deposit
1 year 3225 ₹ 1,00,000 ₹ 10,000 ₹ 1,10,000 ₹ 1,000 ₹ 1,09,000 30th April 2019

Please find enclosed herewith a crossed cheque of ₹ 1,09,000, bearing No. 126224 dated 30th April 2019 drawn on Bank of India, Tardeo, Mumbai:- 400 034.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For Sward Industries Ltd,

Mr. Sandesh Virkar
Company Secretary

Encl: Crossed Cheque No. 126224

Question 5.
Draft a letter to a depositor informing him about payment of interest through electronic mode.

501 A, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai: 400 051
CIN: L46001 MH2002 PLC 503433

Tel. No.: 022-24761524
Fax No.: 022-24881242
Ref. No.: D/DEP/25/2019-20

Date: 18th April 2019

Mrs Anushka Khanvilkar
A/21, Mahindra Tower,
Tardeo Road, Mumbai Central,
Mumbai – 400 034

Sub: Payment of Interest on Fixed Deposits through ECS or NEFT.

Dear Madam,
As per the board resolution passed in the Board Meeting held on 16th April 2019, this is to inform you that the interest @ 10% on your Fixed Deposit is due for payment.

Your company has complied with all the provisions relating to the payment of interest on the deposits.

The details of your Fixed Deposit and interest payable on the deposit are given in the following schedule:

1 2 3 4 5 6
Fixed Deposit Receipt No. Deposit amount Rate of Interest (%) Gross amount of interest TDS @ (10%) The net amount of Interest Payable (₹)
1242 ₹ 1,00,000 10% ₹ 10,000/- ₹ 1,000 ₹ 9,000

Interest will be payable by electronic transfer (ECS/NEFT), i.e. by crediting said interest to your bank account as per details provided by you to the company.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For Radhika Industries Limited,

Mr. Deepak Ved

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 7 Correspondence with Debentureholders

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 7 Correspondence with Debentureholders Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 7 Correspondence with Debentureholders

1A. Select the correct answer from the options given below and rewrite the statements.

Question 1.
Debenture Capital is a ______________ capital of a company.
(a) borrowed
(b) owned
(c) permanent
(a) borrowed

Question 2.
Debenture holders are ______________ of the company.
(a) Owner
(b) Creditors
(c) Debtors
(b) Creditors

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 7 Correspondence with Debentureholders

Question 3.
Borrowed capital is provided to the company by ______________
(a) Equity shareholder
(b) Debenture holders
(c) Reference Shareholders
(b) Debenture holders

Question 4.
Interest on Registered Debentures is given through ______________
(a) Interest Coupons
(b) Interest Warrant
(c) Refund order
(b) Interest Warrant

Question 5.
______________ are the creditors of the company.
(a) Shareholders
(b) Debenture holders
(c) Directors
(b) Debenture holders

Question 6
Bearer Debenture holders get interest though ______________
(a) Interest Warrants
(b) Refund Orders
(c) Interest Coupons
(c) Interest Coupons

Question 7.
Return of income on debentures is ______________ at fixed rate.
(a) Dividend
(b) Loan
(c) Interest
(c) Interest

Question 8.
______________ is an acknowledgement of debt issued by the company under common seal.
(a) Debentures
(b) Shares
(c) Reserve
(a) Debentures

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 7 Correspondence with Debentureholders

Question 9.
Debentures repayable after a certain period are ______________ debentures.
(a) Convertible
(b) Registered
(c) Redeemable
(c) Redeemable

Question 10.
The rate of interest payable on Debentures is ______________
(a) uncertain
(b) Floating
(c) Fixed
(c) Fixed

Question 11.
Debenture holders receive ______________ Certificate from the company.
(a) Share
(b) Bond
(c) Debenture
(c) Debenture

Question 12.
Interest Warrants are sent to ______________ of the company.
(a) Shareholders
(b) Debenture holders
(c) Owners
(b) Debenture holders

1B. Match the pairs.

Question 1.

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Debenture holder (1) Borrowed Capital
(b) Interest on Debentures (2) Interest Coupons
(c) Convertible Debentures (3) Evidence of Loan
(d) Debenture Certificate (4) Safe and secure investment
(e) Investment in Debentures (5) Interest Warrant
(f) Redeemable Debentures (6) Conversion into Debentures
(g) Debentures (7) Risky investment
(8) Evidence of shares
(9) Creditors
(10) Conversion into equity shares
(11) Redeemed after a fixed period
(12) Redeemed at winding up of the company
(13) Owner
(14) Owned Capital


Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Debenture holder (9) Creditors
(b) Interest on Debentures (5) Interest Warrant
(c) Convertible Debentures (10) Conversion into equity shares
(d) Debenture Certificate (3) Evidence of Loan
(e) Investment in Debentures (4) Safe and secure investment
(f) Redeemable Debentures (11) Redeemed after a fixed period
(g) Debentures (1) Borrowed Capital

1C. Write a word or a term or a phrase that can substitute each of the following statements.

Question 1.
Return on investment in debentures.

Question 2.
Documentary evidence of holding the debentures.
Debenture Certificate

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 7 Correspondence with Debentureholders

Question 3.
Status of Debenture holders.

Question 4.
Debentures can be converted into equity shares.
Convertible Debentures

Question 5.
The person who purchases debentures of the company.
Debenture holders

Question 6.
An acknowledgment of debt issued by the company under its common seal.

Question 7.
Debentures whose name is mentioned in the Register of Debentures holders.
Registered Debentures

1D. State whether the following statements are true or false.

Question 1.
Debenture holders get regular dividends.

Question 2.
The debenture is the loan capital of the company.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 7 Correspondence with Debentureholders

Question 3.
Convertible Debentures can be converted into equity shares.

Question 4.
Interest on Debentures is paid notwithstanding the volume of profit.

Question 5.
Debenture holders enjoy full membership rights of the company.

Question 6.
Dividend warrants are used to pay interest to the debenture holders.

Question 7.
All types of debentures are eligible for conversion into equity shares.

Question 8.
Debentures are never redeemed by the company.

Question 9.
Debenture holders are the owners of the company.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 7 Correspondence with Debentureholders

Question 10.
Debentures are always fully paid up.

1E. Find the odd one.

Question 1.
Depository Interest, Dividend.

Question 2.
Interest Warrant, Dividend Warrant, Demat.

Question 3.
Debenture holders, Shareholders, Dematerialisation.

Question 4.
Debenture holders, Shareholders, SEBI.

1F. Complete the Sentences.

Question 1.
Debenture holder is a ______________ of a company.

Question 2.
Company issues ______________ certificate to the Debenture holder after allotment of Debentures.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 7 Correspondence with Debentureholders

Question 3.
Debenture holder gets ______________ at fixed rate as a return or income.

Question 4.
In case of Registered Debentures, Interest ______________ are used to pay interest.

Question 5.
The ______________ has to correspond with Debenture holders on important occasions.

Question 6.
The person who purchases the Debentures of a company is called ______________
Debenture holder

Question 7.
Interest does not depend upon ______________ of the company.

Question 8.
Company cannot issue Debentures with ______________ rights.

Question 9.
Debenture Certificate should be issued within a period of ______________ months, from the date of allotment of Debentures.

Question 10.
A company cannot issue Debentures to more than 500 people without appointing a ______________
Debenture trustee

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 7 Correspondence with Debentureholders

Question 11.
The power to issue Debentures has been vested with the ______________
Board of Directors

1G. Select the correct option from the bracket.

Question 1.

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Return on Debentures (1) ………………………….
(b) Debenture Certificate (2) …………………………
(c) ………………………… (3) Debenture holders
(d) ……………………….. (4) Debenture
(e) ……………………….. (5) Power to issue Debentures

(Debt capital, Board of Directors, Creditors, Issued within 6 months, Interest)

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Return on Debentures (1) Interest
(b) Debenture Certificate (2) Issued within 6 months
(c) Creditors (3) Debenture holders
(d) Debt capital (4) Debenture
(e) Board of Directors (5) Power to issue Debentures

1H. Answer in one sentence.

Question 1.
Who is the Debenture holder?
The person who purchases Debentures of the company is known as a Debenture holder.

Question 2.
What is the income of Debentures holder?
The income received by the Debenture holder is the fixed rate of interest.

Question 3.
What is Debenture?
A debenture is an acknowledgment of debt received by the company.

Question 4.
What are Convertible Debentures?
Convertible Debentures are the Debentures that are converted into equity shares.

Question 5.
Who takes the decision to allot the debentures?
The Board of Directors takes the decision to allot the Debentures.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 7 Correspondence with Debentureholders

Question 6.
Which form is enclosed along with the letter of redemption of debentures?
The debenture Redemption form is enclosed along with the letter of redemption of Debentures.

Question 7.
Which certificate will be issued after the Allotment of debenture?
A debenture Certificate will be issued after the allotment of the debenture.

1I. Correct the underlined words and rewrite the following sentence.

Question 1.
The person who purchases debentures of the company is called Shareholders.
The person who purchases Debentures of the company is called a Debenture holder.

Question 2.
Debenture holders get regular dividends at a fixed rate.
Debenture holders get regular interest at a fixed rate.

Question 3.
A Share Certificate must be issued after the allotment of debentures.
A Debenture Certificate must be issued after allotment of debentures.

Question 4.
A Debenture Redemption Reserve Fund is created by the company for the redemption of shares.
A Debenture Redemption Reserve Fund is created by the company for the redemption of debentures.

Question 5.
A Demat Request Form is sent along with the letter of redemption of debentures.
A Debenture Redemption Form is sent along with the Letter of Redemption of Debentures.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 7 Correspondence with Debentureholders

Question 6.
A company must issue a Debenture Certificate within 8 months of allotment of debentures.
A company must issue a Debentures certificate within 6 months of allotment of debentures.

1J. Arrange in proper order.

Question 1.
(a) Board Resolution
(b) Allotment of Debentures
(c) Board Meeting.
(a) Board Meeting
(b) Board Resolution
(c) Allotment of Debentures

Question 2.
(a) Interest Warrant
(b) Allotment of debentures
(c) Board meeting.
(a) Board Meeting
(b) Allotment of Debentures
(c) Interest Warrant

2. Explain the following terms/concepts.

Question 1.

  • Debentures represent the borrowed capital of the company.
  • A debenture is an acknowledgment of debt given to the company.
  • Debenture Capital is also known as the ‘Supporting Capital’ of the company.

Question 2.
Debenture holder

  • The person who buys Debentures of the company is known as ‘Debenture holders’.
  • The debenture holder is the creditor of the company and has no right to participate in the management of the company.
  • They get a fixed rate of interest as a return on their investment.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 7 Correspondence with Debentureholders

Question 3.
Interest on Debentures

  • The returns paid on investment in Debentures are known as ‘Interest’.
  • The Rate of interest on Debentures is decided at the time of issue of Debentures.
  • Debenture holders get a fixed rate of interest which does not depend upon the profit of the company.

Question 4.
Redemption of Debentures

  • Redemption means repayment.
  • Debenture represents borrowed capital of the company and hence, it has to be repaid.
  • Redeemable Debentures are repaid at the time of maturity. It is medium-term capital.

Question 5.
Conversion of Debentures

  • Conversion of Debentures means converting Debentures into equity shares.
  • Convertible Debentures are those Debentures that are not repaid on maturity but converted into equity shares.
  • Before conversion, they enjoy all rights of creditors whereas after conversion they get all benefits of the owner.

Question 6.
Interest Warrant

  • An interest Warrant is an instrument or payment of interest to the Debenture holders.
  • It is like a crossed cheque that can be encashed through the Debenture holder’s bank account.

Question 7.

  • Conciseness refers to avoiding irrelevant and unnecessary information.
  • As far as possible the letter should be brief, short, and to the point so that, the reader should develop an interest in reading it.

Question 8.
Precise Information

  • Precise information refers to providing timely and up-to-date information.
  • The data given in the letter must be accurate and based on factual information.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 7 Correspondence with Debentureholders

Question 9.

  • Courtesy means politeness.
  • The secretary has to be polite while corresponding with debenture holders. Due respect should be given to them being the Creditors of the company.
  • The language in the letter should be courteous. Rude and harsh words should be avoided.

Question 10.
Debenture Certificate

  • A debenture Certificate is an acknowledgment of debt given to the company.
  • It is issued under the common seal and signature of two directors of the company as a witness.
  • It contains the name of the Debenture holder, number of Debentures, type of Debenture, rate of interest, maturity, etc.

3. Answer in brief.

Question 1.
Which are the precautions to be taken by the Secretary while corresponding with debenture holders?
The following precautions are to be kept in mind by the secretary while corresponding with the debentures.
(i) Transparency:
Transparency means disclosing the correct and accurate information of the company. Including the credit rating of the company, true and real facts of companies’ affairs, etc. in correspondence.

(ii) Quick Response:
Secretary should promptly respond to the queries and complaints of debenture holders without any delay.

(iii) Courtesy:

  • As debenture holders are the creditors of the company, proper respect should be given to them in correspondence.
  • The wordings in the letter should be courteous. Rude and harsh words should be strictly avoided.

(iv) Conciseness:
Letters to the debenture holders should be brief and to the point avoiding unnecessary information.

(v) Accuracy:
The secretary should provide precise and up-to-date information to debenture holders. The information must be true and correct.

(vi) Confidentiality:
As a confidential officer of the company, the secretary must take due care and should not disclose any secret information about the company while writing letters.

(vii) Reputation of the company:
While corresponding with debenture holders, the secretary should try to maintain goodwill and create a good image of the company in the mind of debentures.

(viii) Legal Provisions:
The secretary should follow the statutory provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and other related laws while corresponding with debenture holders. Secretary must be very careful in corresponding as it can cause legal consequences.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 7 Correspondence with Debentureholders

Question 2.
What are the circumstances under which correspondence can be made with debenture holders?
Debenture holders are the creditors of the company. They have the right to know about the decisions taken by the management of the company and other information. The secretary corresponds with the debenture holders under various circumstances. The following are the few circumstances under which the secretary enters into correspondence with the debenture holders:

  • Informing the applicant about the allotment of debentures.
  • Informing about payment of interest through:
    • Interest Warrant
    • Electronic Mode
  • Letter for the conversion of debentures into equity shares.
  • Informing the debenture holders about the redemption of their debentures.

4. Justify the following statements.

Question 1.
The company secretary should take certain precautions while corresponding with debenture holders.

  • Secretary has to be more careful while drafting the letters. The languages used in the letter should be courteous, i.e. showing due respect to the shareholders.
  • A prompt reply should be given to the queries raised by the debenture holder.
  • The letter should be short and precise containing important information. The data provided in the letter should be up to date.
  • It is also necessary for the secretary to keep in mind the goodwill of the company. Simultaneously, it is also necessary to be aware that the company follows all the legal provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.
  • Thus, it is rightly justified that, the company secretary should take certain precautions while corresponding with debenture holders.

Question 2.
There are certain circumstances when a secretary has to correspond with debenture holders.

  • (i) Debenture holders are the creditors of the company and are entitled to receive the interest.
  • (ii) Secretary being the link between the company and debenture holders has to draft various letters:
    • Allotment letter has to be sent to Debenture holders when the Debentures are allotted.
    • Letter for payment of interest has to be written to Debenture holders to inform them.
    • Payment can be done either through an interest warrant or ECS/ NEFT.
    • Letter informing the Debenture holders about conversion of debentures into equity shares.
    • Letter informing the Debenture holders about the redemption (repayment) of Debentures.
    • Thus, it is rightly justified that, there are different circumstances when a secretary has to correspond with Debenture holders.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 7 Correspondence with Debentureholders

5. Attempt the following.

Question 1.
Draft a ‘Letter of Allotment’ to debenture holders.

50/A, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai: 400 051
CIN: L46001 MH 2002 PLC 503433

Date: 14th May 2019

Tel. No.: 022-24761524
Fax No.: 022-24881242
Ref. No.: D/DH/2018-19

Mr. Amit Desai,
C/23, LIC colony,
L.J Road, Mahim,
Mumbai – 400 096

Sub.: Public issue of 10,00,000 @ 12.5% non-convertible debentures of ₹ 100 each at par.

Dear Sir,
In response to your application AD- 1884 dated 19th April 2019, I am directed by the Board of Directors to inform you that, you have been allotted 100,12.5% non-convertible debentures of ₹ 100 each. The period of debentures is for 7 years.

These debentures are allotted to you as per the resolution passed at the Board Meeting held on 8th May 2019 and as per the terms and conditions of Debenture Trust Deed and Articles of Association of the company.

Details of allotment are as follows:

1 2 3 4
Folio No. No. of Debentures Distinctive Nos. Amount received
Applied Allotted From To
B-520 100 100 101 200 ₹ 10,000

The debenture Certificate will be sent to you within the stipulated period.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For, Radhika Industries Limited.

Company Secretary

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 7 Correspondence with Debentureholders

Question 2.
Write a letter to debenture holders regarding payment of interest through an Interest Warrant.

50/A, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai: 400 051
CIN: L46001 MH 2002 PLC 503433

Date: 10th Jan 2019

Tel. No.: 022-24761524
Fax No.: 022-24881242
Ref. No.: D/DH/2018-19

Mrs. Bharati Nikumbh,
A/22, BPT colony,
N.K Road, Mahim,
Mumbai – 400 096

Sub.: Payment of interest on debentures.

Dear Madam,
As per the board resolution passed in the Board Meeting held on 20th Jan 2019, this is to inform you that, the payment on your 10% non-convertible debentures of ₹ 100 each is due.

The details of the amount of interest payable to you are as follows:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Folio No. No. of Debentures Distinctive Nos. Gross Amount of Interest T.D.S (10% on interest) Net Amount of interest Interest Warrant No.
From To
B-110 100 101 200 ₹ 1,000 NIL ₹ 1,000 TW-1242

The interest warrant is enclosed herewith. Please acknowledge the receipt.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For, Radhika Industries Limited.

Company Secretary

Encl: Interest Warrant No. IW-1242.

Question 3.
Draft a letter to the debenture holder informing him about the redemption of debentures.

40/B, C-Ramchandra Road, Khar (East), Mumbai: 400 053
CIN: L24308 MH2006 PLC211388

Date: 16th March 2019

Tel. No.: 022-4133242
Fax No.: 022-4215212
Ref. No.: R/DH/14/18-19

Mr. Amit Berde
A/21, Swastik Colony,
Bhadkamkar Marg,
Fort, Mumbai 400 020

Sub: Redemption of debentures.

Dear Sir,
In accordance with the terms decided at the time of issue of 1,00,000, 10% Non-convertible debentures, this is to inform you that, the said debentures are due for redemption on 30th April 2019.

According to Board Resolution No. 4432 passed at the Board meeting held on 15th March 2019, said debentures shall be redeemed out of the Debentures Redemption Reserve of the company.

Please arrange to submit a duly filled up Debentures Redemption Form along with a duly discharged debenture certificate at the Registered Office of the company on or before 7th April 2019.

On completion of the above formalities, the redemption amount will be credited to your bank account. You are requested to provide us your bank account details.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For, Swarg Marble Limited.

Company Secretary

Encl: Debenture Redemption Form.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 7 Correspondence with Debentureholders

Question 4.
Draft a letter to debenture holder informing him about conversion of debentures into equity shares.

50/A, Swami Narayan Road, Tunga Village, Mumbai: 400 072
CIN: L42105 MR 2005 PLC: 402512

Tel. No.: 022-23731242
Fax No.: 022-23738656
Ref. No.: D/DH/2018-19

Date: 2nd May 2019

Mr. Uddhav Ansurkar
20, Hilton Complex,
Laxmi Road,
Solapur- 413018

Sub: Conversion of Debentures into Equity shares.

Dear Sir,
In accordance with the terms decided at the time of issue of 1,00,000, 10% fully Convertible debentures, this is to inform you that, the said debentures are due for conversion.

Accordingly, a special resolution was passed at the Extra Ordinary General Meeting held on 20th April 2019 for approval of the conversion of debentures into equity shares in the ratio of 5: 1. As per your letter of option, you have been allotted 10 equity shares in lieu of your 50 debentures.

Details of your holding after conversion are as follows:

1 2 3 4 5
Folio No. No. of Debentures held No. of Equity Shares issued Distinctive Nos. Share certificate No.
From To
225 50 10 201 210 1210

A duly signed and executed shares Certificate is enclosed.
Debenture Certificate will be null and void w.e.f. 30th April 2019.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully
For, Sunrise Industries Limited.

Company Secretary

Encl: Share Certificate No. 1210

Question 5.
Write a letter to debenture holders regarding payment of interest electronically.

50/A, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai: 400 051
CIN: L46001 MH 2002 PLC 503433.

Tel. No.: 022-24761524
Fax No.: 022-24881242
Ref. No.: D/DH/2018-19

Date: 10th March 2019

Mrs. Shweta Gawde.
B/20 Mahindra Tower,
Tardeo Road, Mumbai Central,
Mumbai – 400 034

Sub.: Payment of interest on debenture through ECS or NEFT.

Dear Madam,
As per the Board resolution passed in the Board Meeting held on 8th March 2019, this is to inform you that, the board is finalizing to pay interest @10% on Redeemable Debentures of ₹ 100 each for the year ending 31st March 2019.

We have complied with all the provisions relating to the payment of interest on debentures.

Details of your interest payment are as follows:

1 2 3 4 5 6
Register No. No. of Debentures Distinctive Nos. Gross Amount of Interest T.D.S (10% on interest) Net Amount of interest
From To
E-340 100 201 300 ₹ 1,000 NIL ₹ 1,000

Interest will be paid through ECS or NEFT transfer by crediting your bank account as per details provided by you to the company.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For, Radhika Industries Limited.

Company Secretary

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 6 Correspondence with Members

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 6 Correspondence with Members Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 6 Correspondence with Members

1A. Select the correct answer from the options given below and rewrite the statements.

Question 1.
Directors are the ____________
(a) paid employee of the company
(b) representatives of the shareholders
(c) creditors of the company
(b) representatives of the shareholders

Question 2.
The dividend is to be paid to the shareholders within ____________ days from the date of declaration.
(a) 30
(b) 40
(c) 20
(a) 30

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 6 Correspondence with Members

Question 3.
Registered shareholders receive dividend through ____________ warrant.
(a) share
(b) debenture
(c) dividend
(c) dividend

Question 4.
Shares issued free of cost to the shareholders are known as ____________ shares.
(a) preference
(b) equity
(c) bonus
(b) equity

Question 5.
Share Certificate should be ready for delivery by the company within ____________ months after the allotment of shares.
(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 2
(c) 2

Question 6.
Secretarial correspondence with members should be ____________
(a) lengthy
(b) shortcut
(c) prompt and precise
(c) prompt and precise

Question 7.
Dividend is recommended by ____________
(a) Board of Directors
(b) shareholders
(c) Depositors
(a) Board of Directors

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 6 Correspondence with Members

Question 8.
Dividend is paid out of ____________ of the company.
(a) Capital
(b) Building Fund
(c) Profit
(c) Profit

Question 9.
____________ is issued by the company to its registered shareholders after the declaration of dividend at the Annual General Meeting of the company.
(a) Dividend Warrant
(b) Interest Warrant
(c) Share Warrant
(a) Dividend Warrant

1B. Match the pairs.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 6 Correspondence with Members 1B Q1

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Dividend Warrant (9) Instrument for Payment of Dividend
(b) Return on Shares (6) Dividend
(c) Bonus Shares (4) Capitalisation of Reserve Fund
(d) ECS (3) Electronic Clearing Service
(e) NEFT (5) National Electronic Fund Transfer

1C. Write a word or term or a phrase which can substitute each of the following statements.

Question 1.
Shares given free of cost to the existing equity shareholders.
Bonus shares

Question 2.
Instrument for payment of dividend.
Dividend Warrant

Question 3.
The shareholders to whom the bonus shares are issued.
Equity shareholders

Question 4.
The authority which recommends the rate of dividend.
Board of Directors

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 6 Correspondence with Members

Question 5.
An officer who comes into contact with all the members of the company through correspondence.

Question 6.
A special kind of cheque issued by a company on its banker to pay certain sum of money as dividend to its members.
Dividend warrant

1D. State whether the following statement are True or False.

Question 1.
Bonus shares are issued to existing equity shareholders.

Question 2.
Building fund is used for issue of bonus shares.

Question 3.
Bonus shares means capitalisation of reserve fund.

Question 4.
Registered shareholder gets dividend through dividend coupons.

Question 5.
Dividend is the portion of the profits of the company which is allotted to the holders of the debentures of the company.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 6 Correspondence with Members

Question 6.
Every company must issue or dispatch a share certificate to the allottee within three months after allotment of shares.

Question 7.
A complaint letter should not be replied promptly.

1E. Find the odd one.

Question 1.
Secrecy, Dividend, Interest

Question 2.
Bonus Letter, Dividend Letter, Board of Directors
Board of directors

Question 3.
Dividend Warrant, Interest Warrant, Demat

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 6 Correspondence with Members

Question 4.
Secretary, Board of Directors, Dividend, Lucid Language
Lucid Language

1F. Complete the sentences.

Question 1.
Dividend is recommended by ____________
Board of Directors

Question 2.
A company capitalises its Reserve Fund for issue of ____________ shares.

Question 3.
Payment of dividend must be made within ____________ days of its declaration.

Question 4.
Dividend is approved by the ____________ in the Annual General Meeting.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 6 Correspondence with Members

Question 5.
The ____________ has to communicate the decisions of the management to the members by conducting correspondence.

1G. Select the correct option from the bracket.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 6 Correspondence with Members 1G Q1
(Written communication, Bonus shares, Dividend, ECS)

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
(a) Return on shares (1) Dividend
(b) Capitalisation of Reserve Fund (2) Bonus shares
(c) Correspondence (3) Written communication
(d) ECS (4) Payment of Dividend Electronically

1H. Answer in one sentence.

Question 1.
What is dividend warrant?
Dividend warrant is written order given by the company to its banker to pay amount mentioned in it to the shareholder whose name is specified therein.

Question 2.
What is capitalization of reserve?
Capitalization of reserves is the use of corporate reserves to pay a bonus to the shareholders in the form of additional shares.

Question 3.
What is Dividend?
Dividend is the portion of profits of the company which is distributed to the shareholders of the company.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 6 Correspondence with Members

Question 4.
Who recommends the rate of dividend?
The Board of Directors of the company recommends the rate of dividend.

Question 5.
Which type of shareholders enjoys the benefit of Bonus Shares?
Equity share holders enjoy the benefit of bonus shares.

Question 6.
What is meant by payment of dividend electronically?
Payment of dividend electronically means transfer of dividend amount through ECS (Electronic Clearing Service) NEFT(National Electronic Fund Transfer) etc.

1I. Correct the underlined word and rewrite the following sentences.

Question 1.
Dividend is recommended by shareholders.
Dividend is recommended by shareholder.

Question 2.
The person who purchases shares of the company is called Depositor.
The person who purchases shares of the company is called shareholder.

Question 3.
Bonus shares are issued as a free gift to the preference shareholders.
Bonus shares are issued as a free gift to the equity shareholders.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 6 Correspondence with Members

Question 4.
Payment of dividend must be made within 21 days of its declaration.
Payment of dividend must be made within 30 days of its declaration.

Question 5.
A company must issue the Share Certificate within three months of allotment of shares.
A company must issue the Share Certificate within two months of allotment of shares.

1J. Arrange in proper order.

Question 1.
(a) Allotment of shares
(b) Application for shares
(c) Share certificate
(a) Application for shares
(b) Allotment of shares
(c) Share certificate

Question 2.
(a) Member
(b) Applicant
(c) Bonus shares
(a) Applicant
(b) Member
(c) Bonus shares

2. Explain the following terms/concepts.

Question 1.
Capitalisation of Reserve
Capitalisation of reserves is the use of corporate reserves to pay a bonus to the shareholders in the form of additional shares. It is distributed to equity shareholders in pre-determined ratio.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 6 Correspondence with Members

Question 2.
Bonus Shares
Bonus shares are fully paid up shares given by a company as a gift out of its accumulated profits or reserves to the existing equity share holders in proportion of shares held by them. It is given free of cost and also known as capitalization of reserves.

Question 3.
Dividend Warrant
Dividend warrant is written order given by the company to its banker to pay amount mentioned in it to the shareholder whose name is specified therein. Dividend can be paid through Dividend warrant or by means of electronic mode ECS or NEFT etc. to those shareholders who are registered members i.e their names appear in the Register of members.

3. Answer in brief.

Question 1.
Which precautions are to be taken by the Secretary while corresponding with members?
The Secretary has to communicate the decisions of the Management and other information to the members through correspondence. The Secretary should be very cautious and careful while corresponding with members of the company. Writing letters to the members is a challenging task and it requires skills, knowledge and techniques.
Following are the precautions that are needed to be taken by the secretary while writing different letters on different occasions:
(i) Correct Information:
The Secretary should always provide correct, up- to date and factual information to the members. Due care should be taken while giving facts and figures.

(ii) Lucid Language:
The Secretary must use simple words and sentences and adopt convincing style while writing letters to the members. The use of simple language makes it easy to understand. Technical words, long sentences should be avoided in the letter.

(iii) Prompt Response:
The Secretary must be prompt in sending replies to the letters received from the members. Any questions or queries raised by the members must be replied promptly by the Secretary. Complaint letters should be attended to without any delay.

(iv) Secrecy:
The Secretary should not disclose any confidential information of the company to the members. The Secretary should tactfully answer letters without giving any secret information of the company.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 6 Correspondence with Members

(v) Politeness (Courtesy):
A courteous letter shows sympathy, respect mutual understanding and consideration for the receiver. Use of courteous language means using polite words. A complaint letter should be replied politely. Rude language should be strictly avoided as it spoils image of the company.

(vi) Legal matters:
The Secretary should compulsorily follow provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 with latest amendments and other relevant laws. If necessary, secretary should consult with legal advisor on certain matters before drafting.

(vii) Consideration:
The Secretary should give importance and consideration to the reader and write the contents keeping in mind the problems of the member. While sending negative replies, he should draft these letters more carefully, so that members should not be hurt. Secretary should make the member feel that the management honestly regrets refusal.

(viii) Image of the Company:
The Secretary should try to project good image of the company in every situation. While drafting the letters, Secretary has to try his best to remove their doubts, queries and difficulties in a polite and courteous manner.

Question 2.
What are the circumstances under which Secretary undertakes correspondence with members?
The following are the various occasions when the Secretary writes the letters to the members of the company:

  • Allotment Letter when shares are issued to an applicant.
  • Letter of Regret when shares are not issued to an applicant for any reason.
  • Letter for issue of Share Certificate to the allotted members.
  • Letter for Payment of Dividend through Dividend Warrant or Electronic Payment of Dividend.
  • Letter for issue of Bonus Shares or rights issue.
  • Reply letter to the query of the member on low rate of dividend.
  • Approval of Transfer of Shares after serving lodgement notice to the transferor as well as the transferee.
  • Refusal of Transfer of Shares, if call money is unpaid or any lien.
  • Notice and Agenda of General Meeting.
  • Reply to certain queries raised by the members.
  • Letters to legal representatives regarding Transmission of Shares.
  • Notice of loss of Share Certificate.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 6 Correspondence with Members

4. Justify the following statements.

Question 1.
The Company Secretary should take certain precautions while corresponding with members.

  • The Secretary has to communicate the decisions of the management and other information to the members through correspondence and hence, should be very cautious and careful while corresponding with members of the company. The Secretary should take precautionary measures while writing the letter by giving due respect to the members, and also provide complete and correct information techniques.
  • The Secretary should always provide correct, up- to date and factual information to the members.
  • The language used should be simple and convincing.
  • The Secretary must be prompt in sending replies to the letters received from the members.
  • He should compulsorily follow provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 with latest amendments and other relevant laws.
  • The Secretary should try to project good image of the company in every situation.
  • Thus, it is rightly said that, the Company Secretary should take certain precautions while corresponding with members.

Question 2.
There are certain circumstances when a Secretary has to correspond with members.

  • Secretary correspond with members on behalf of the company.
  • Secretary acts as a link between the company and its members.
  • When the shares are allotted to the members they are been informed through the allotment letter. Similarly, if the application of shares has been rejected then members are been informed by the regret letter.
  • Secretary also informs members through letters on various occasions like issue of share certificate, payment of dividend, issue of bonus share, reply to the query raised by the member, etc.
  • Thus, it is rightly said that, there are certain circumstances when a Secretary has to correspond with members.

5. Attempt the following.

Question 1.
Write a letter to the shareholder regarding issue of Bonus Shares.

Registered Office: 102, New MIDC, Usha Tower, Shahu Chowk, Mumbai – 400 031.
CIN : L40407 MH 2005 PLC710007

Tel. No.: 022-23252323
Fax No.: 022-23600445
Ref. No.: Y/MR-B/5/19-20

Date: 16th October, 2019

Ms. Yukta Shroff
715, Narayan Peth,
Laxmi Road,
Pune – 411 038.

Sub.: Issue of Bonus Shares

Dear Madam,

I am directed by the Board of Directors to inform you that in accordance with the resolution passed in the Extra-ordinary General Meeting of the company held on 14th October, 2019, shareholders have unanimously approved the recommendation of Board of Directors to issue Bonus Shares. Bonus Shares are issued in the ratio of 1:1, i.e. one additional equity share for every equity share held as on 13th October, 2019.

The Details of issue of Bonus Shares are as follows:

1 2 3 4 5
No. of Shares held on record date No. of Bonus Shares Issued/Allotted D.P. ID No. Credited to Demat Account No. Client ID No. Credited to Demat Account No. Date of Credit to Demat A/c
25 25 IN 300100 10116061 31-10-2019

The Company has complied with the provisions for the issue of Bonus Shares.
The Bonus Shares issued will rank pari passu /equal with the existing equity shares.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For Yash Industries Limited

(Mr. S. R. Naik)
Company Secretary

Question 2.
Write a letter to the member for the issue of Share Certificate.

Registered Office : A/30, Aurora Towers, M. G. Road, Camp, Pune 411 012.
CIN : U12111 MH 2000 PCL300477

Tel. No.: 020-80032844
Fax No.: 020-50063015
Ref. No.: C/MR-SC/30/19-20

Date: 12th November, 2019

Mr. Jayant Modi
Abhiman Apartment
30, L. B. Road,
Pune-411 001.

Sub.: Issue of Share Certificate

Dear Sir,
As per your Request Application No. 50, I am, hereby, authorized by the Board to issue you a Share Certificate. The said Share Certificate will be delivered to you within 15 days from the date of this letter by registered post to your registered address as mentioned in the Register of Members.

1 2 3 4
Folio No. Share Certificate Numbers Distinctive Numbers Total No. of Shares
From To
1006 9630 301 400 100

It shall always be our endeavor/attempt to provide best of our services to you.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For Comfort Motors Ltd.

Mr. Anand Swami
Company Secretary

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 6 Correspondence with Members

Question 3.
Write a letter to the member for the payment of dividend through Dividend Warrant.

Registered Office : 30, Anmol Niwas, J. M. Road, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400 020.
CIN : L30408 MH 2003 PLC110845

Tel. No.: 022-97675877
Fax No.: 022-30010331
Ref. No.: A/MR-D/7/19-20

Date: 7th May, 2019

Mrs. Jyoti Surti 12, Laxmi Niwas,
Amrapali Marg, Bandra,
Mumbai – 400 050.

Sub.: Payment of Dividend on Equity Shares
(Equity Shares of ₹ 10 each at par)

Dear Madam,
As per the instructions issued by the Board of Directors it is being conveyed to you that in the, Final Dividend @ ₹ 2.5 per equity share of ₹ 10/- each has been approved by the members for the year ending 31st March, 2019 in the 31st Annual General Meeting held on 20th April, 2019.

Your company has complied with all the statutory provisions (Sec. 123 of the Companies Act. 2013) relating to declaration of dividend. Details of dividend payable to you are as follows:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Register Folio No. No. of Shares held Distinctive Numbers Dividend Warrant No. Gross Dividend Income Tax Deducted (TDS) Net Dividend
From To
A-30 100 301 400 B-9931 Rs.250/- NIL 250/-

The ‘Dividend Warrant’ is attached herewith. Please detach the ‘Dividend Warrant’ along the perforated line.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For Anmol Steel Industries Limited.


Encl.: Dividend Warrant

Question 4.
Write a letter to the member for the payment of Interim dividend electronically.

Registered Office: 31, Tulsi Complex, Lodhi Road, Camp, Pune – 411 001.
CIN : L40103 MH 1999 PLC300477

Tel. No.: 020-24032844
Fax No.: 020-24356101
Ref. No.: S/MR-D/12/19-20

Date: 3rd June, 2019

Mr. Jay ant Modi
15, Sagar Apartment,
Van Vihar Road,
Pune-411 030.

Sub.: Payment of Interim Dividend through Electronic Clearing Service (ECS), Direct Credit/NEFT

Dear Sir,

We are pleased to inform you that the Board of Directors of Gurusai Auto Limited in its meeting held on Thursday, 28th May 2019 has declared Interim Dividend @ ₹ 1/- (i.e. 10%) per equity share of face value of ₹ 10/- each.

As per the instructions given by you (either in person or through Depository Participant), we have remitted the amount of the Interim Dividend to your Banker for crediting your Bank Account, for electronic transfer. Your company has complied with all the provisions relating to declaration and payment of dividend.

Details of Dividend payable to you are given below:

1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Equity Shares held on Record Date (May 31st, 2019) Dividend Per Share (₹) Dividend Amount (₹) DPID and Client ID No. Date of Remittance Bank A/c. (Bank of Baroda)
500 1 500 12033 200074 79005 6th June, 2019 5656000 22105
(Bank of Baroda)

Please verify the credit of amount in your Pass Book/Statement of accounts.
As per the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 no tax is required to be deducted at source in respect of Dividend payment, but dividend Distribution Tax has been paid by the Company.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For Gurusai Auto Limited.

(Mr. Jitesh M. Gandhi)
Company Secretary

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Secretarial Practice Solutions Chapter 6 Correspondence with Members

Question 5.
Draft a reply letter resolving the query of the member on the low rate of dividend.

Registered Office: 31, Tulsi Tower, Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 050
CIN : L50307 MH 2000 PLC160699

Tel. No.: 022-24245025
Fax No.: 022-45456035
Ref. No.: S/MR-D/25/19-20

Date: 20th April, 2019

Ms. Kishor Malpani
15/21, Lotus Apt.,
Borivali (W),
Mumbai – 400 103.

Sub.: Resolving Query on Low Rate of Dividend made by the Company.

Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that as per your letter dated 15th April, 20191 am, hereby, authorized to resolve your query regarding the low rate of dividend paid by the company to their faithful members. The reasons for the low rate of dividends are mentioned below:

  1. During the last year, due to the floods, the company’s factory situated at Mahim (E) was not in a condition | to operate in a full-fledged manner.
  2. Due to such unavoidable circumstances of natural disaster company faced huge financial losses.
  3. Hence, the Board of Directors has decided to transfer 12.5 crores to General Reserves which is 50%; more than the amount transferred to Reserves last year.

Hope you will be satisfied by the above information as provided by the company. We assure you that the company will easily come over from such unavoidable circumstances and will deliver/pay/declare much better! dividend in the coming years.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For Shree Cement Industries

(Mr. Suhas Bajaj)
Company Secretary