Contemporary India: Good Governance Question Answer Class 12 Political Science Chapter 5 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Std 12 Political Science Chapter 5 Question Answer Contemporary India: Good Governance Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Political Science Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Political Science Class 12 Chapter 5 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. (A) Complete the following statements by selecting the appropriate option.

Question 1.
The concept of Lokpal is taken from
(a) United States
(b) United Kingdom
(c) Sweden
(d) Russia
(c) Sweden

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance

Question 2.
The Right to Information was passed in the year
(a) 1950
(b) 1976
(c) 2016
(d) 2005
(d) 2005

(B) State the appropriate concept for the given statements.

Question 1.
Person investigating complaints against government officials.

2. (A) Complete the concept map.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Contemporary India Good Governance 1
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Contemporary India Good Governance 2

(B) State whether the following statements are true or false with reason.

Question 1.
Lokayukta can investigate complaints against political executives.
This statement is True.

  1. Lokayuktas were created by the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 to look into allegations of corruption against public functionaries in the States.
  2. A member of the public can file specific allegations with the Lokayukta for inquiry against any public servant including legislators, political executives, local bodies, public enterprises.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance

Question 2.
Good Governance aims at efficient use of natural resources.
This statement is True.

  1. One of the core values of good governance is effectiveness and efficiency.
  2. It refers to sustainable human development in the context of efficient use of natural resources and the protection of the environment.

3. Explain the correlation between the following.

Question 1.
Good Governance and E-Governance.
Good Governance aims to replace traditional public administration riddled with corruption and redtapism and to make it more citizen-centric, responsible and responsive. The core values of good governance include efficiency, inclusiveness, being consensus-oriented, transparency, accountability, etc. Specific programmes aimed at good governance include setting up of Lokpal and Lokayuktas, Creating of Citizen’s Charters, Right to Information Act, institutional mechanisms like NHRC, NCW, etc.

E-Governance is one of the most important aspects of good governance. It involves the employment of Information and Communications Technology (I.C.T) to facilitate efficient and instant transmission and processing of information as well as storing and retrieval of data. Thus, e-governance helps to implement core values of good governance such as transparency, effectiveness, accountability and participation of citizens.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance

4. Express your opinion of the following.

Question 1.
E-governance speeds up governmental processes.
I agree with this statement.
E-governance refers to the use of Information and Communications Technology (I.C.T) to carry out the varied and complex aspects of governance and of citizen’s expectations. E-governance facilitates instantaneous transmission and processing of information as well as efficient storing and retrieval of data. This helps in speeding up governmental processes and taking decisions expeditiously. Large scale digitisation of records enables easy and reliable access over the internet.

Question 2.
E-governance brought administration closer to people.
I agree with this statement.
E-governance refers to the use of Information and Communications Technology (I.C.T) to carry out the varied and complex aspects of governance and of citizen’s expectations. Large scale digitisation of records enables easy and reliable access over the internet.

E-governance helps in increasing the geographical and demographical reach of the government. Efforts have been made at various levels to improve the delivery of public services and simplify the process of accessing them. The objective of National e-Governance Plan is to bring public services closer to the people i.e., make them citizen centric.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance

5. Answer the following question in 80 to 100 words.

Question 1.
Explain various institutions protecting rights of different sections in India.
The core values of good governance include administration being consensus-oriented based on principles of inclusiveness and equity as well as responsiveness to the needs of citizens.

The benefits of good governance must be available to all the sections of the society. The constitution provides for socio-economic and political safeguards to certain disadvantaged sections of the society. Besides the safeguards, provided for them the government has created several commissions to safeguard the rights of different sections of the society. These include the following:
1. National Commission for Scheduled Castes – Deals with matters related to the safeguards provided in the constitution for the Scheduled Castes and inquire into specific complaints relating to deprivation of rights of the Schedule Castes.

2. National Commission for Scheduled Tribes – Deals with matters related to the safeguards provided in the constitution for the Scheduled Tribes and inquire into specific complaints relating to deprivation of rights of the Schedule Tribes.

3. National Human Rights Commission – It deals with protection of rights relating to life, liberty, equality and dignity guaranteed by the constitution.

4. National Commission for Women – This was created to facilitate the redressal of grievances and accelerate socio-economic development of women.

5. National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights – It seeks to protect, promote and defend child rights in the country. The Commission defines a child as a person in the 0 to 18 years of age group.

6. National Commission for Backward Classes – The focus is welfare of socially and economically backward classes.

7. National Commission for Minorities – It monitors the working of the safeguards for minorities provided in the Constitution and by laws enacted by the Parliament and the State Legislatures. The National Commission for Minorities recognises the following religious communities as minority communities: Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist, Parsis and Jain.

8. National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission – This provides for a consumer disputes redressal mechanism e.g.,consumer courts are set up.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance

6. Answer the following question with reference to the given points.

Question 1.
Explain in detail the following values of Good Governance.
(a) participation
(b) transparency
(c) responsiveness
(d) accountability
In development administration, not only the government but also citizens and NGO’s play a vital role. The term ‘governance’ is used to describe this cooperative effort of the government and non-governmental bodies in public administration. Governance is broader than government as

  1. it includes formal institutions of government e.g., legislature, bureaucracy as well as informal institutions e.g., NGO’s.
  2. it aims to improve the performance of public institutions with focus on values like accountability, transparency, citizen feedback, etc.

The Good Governance approach aims at the following-

  1. to reform the traditional, huge-sized public administration which was riddled with red tape and corruption.
  2. to replace the archaic systems with responsible, participative and equitable systems.
  3. to look at interlinkages between government and civil society.
  4. to make the administration citizen-centered and not rule bound.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Contemporary India Good Governance 3

a. Participation – The effective functioning of any democratic system requires that people get an opportunity to participate in the process of decision making and its implementation.

b. Transparency – This value of good governance enables people to keep the government under scrutiny for e.g., Right to Information Act (2005) provides citizens access to information about public policies and actions.

c. Responsiveness – The government must be prompt and sensitive while designing policies to serve all stake holders within a reasonable time frame.

d. Accountability – This cannot be enforced without the rule of law and transparency. Any organization is accountable to those who will be affected by it’s decisions and actions, i.e. to stakeholders. Governmental institutions, private sector and civil society institutions must be accountable.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance


Question 1.
Find out the information regarding State level commissions working for safeguarding rights of various sections of society (Text Book Page No. 58)
The State Level Commissions are-
1. State Information Commission was constituted with the objective to fulfill the mandate assigned in the RTI Act 2005. It consists of State Information Commissioners headed by the State Chief Information Commissioner.

2. State Commission for Women was constituted on 25th January 1993. It consists of a chair person, 6 nonofficial members, a member secretary and a DGP as ex-officio member. It aims to investigate into practices derogatory to women and suggest remedial measures. It also advises the government on matters related to upliftment to the status of women.

3. State Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes was established by the Social Justice and Special Assistance Department dated 1st March 2005. It’s role is to study existing socio-economic, political and educational situation of Scheduled Castes and Tribes and to suggest measures to improve the same. It also investigates grievances raised by members of Scheduled Castes and Schedules Tribes.

4. State Human Rights Commission (MSHRC) was established on 6th March 2001 to protect, promote and enforce human rights. It can inquire suo motu (of its own accord) or on petition presented to it, into complaints of violation of human rights.

5. State Commission for Protection of Child’s Rights was set up in July 2007 to protect and defend child rights in the State.

6. State Commission for Minorities – was set up to safeguard the interests of religious and linguistic minorities.

Question 2.
Find out information about Ombudsman. (Text Book Page No. 58)
Ombudsman is a Swedish term. In general, it means “a legal representative” or an official appointed to investigate complaints especially against public officials. The first country to set up ombudsman institution in 1809 was Sweden. In India, the Lokpal (for centre) and Lokayuktas (for States) are the ombudsman. The ARC (1966-70) headed by Morarji Desai recommended the institution of Lokpal and the Bill was first introduced in Parliament in 1968. Orissa was the first State to constitute institution of Lokayukta.

After the India Against Corruption Movement led by Anna Hazare, the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Bill, 2013 was passed in Parliament and came into force on 16th January 2014. The Lokpal is a multimember body, consisting of a chairperson and a maximum of 8 members. The Lokpal and Lokayuktas inquire into allegations of corruption / maladministration against public functionaries.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance

Class 12 Political Science Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance Intext Questions and Answers

ACTIVITY (Text Book Page No. 48)

Question 1.
Identify NGO’s that are working in your Area/City/State. Look at the issues and work done by them. In which NGO would you like to work?
1. For environmental causes

  • Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS)
  • Vanshakti
  • Earth5R
  • Bombay Environmental Action Group (BEAG)
  • Vasundhara
  • PETA

2. For child welfare

  • Child Right and You (CRY)
  • Prerana
  • Helen Keller Institute
  • Bal Asha Trust
  • Salaam Baalak Trust
  • Akansha Foundation
  • Apnalaya

3. For educational purposes

  • Teach for India
  • Door step School
  • Magic Bus India Foundation
  • Pratham Education Foundation
  • VIDYA .
  • Abhilasha Foundation

4. For women’s welfare

  • Society for Nutrition, Education and Health Action (SNEHA)
  • Apne Aap Women’s Collective (AAWC)
  • Women’s India Trust (WIT)

5. For the disabled/ill/aged

  • National Association for the Blind (NAB)
  • ALERT-India (leprosy patients)
  • Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA)
  • Committed Action for Relief and Education (CARE)
  • Cheshire Homes India

Question 2.
Find out E-governance initiatives of Government of Maharashtra (Text Book Page No. 54)
Maharashtra is a pioneer in citizen centric e-governance initiatives such as

  1. SARITA (Stamps and Registration Information Technology based Administration) for registration of 67 different types of documents over the entire State.
  2. SETU (Integrated Citizen Facilitation Centres) act as one stop service centre for people who have to visit government offices for permits/affidavits, etc. The Society for promotion of Excellence and Transparency for better Understanding of the requirements of citizen in interface with government.
  3. E-validity for caste/minority status certificates.
  4. Online Disability certificates.
  5. SEVARTH – integrated system to provide electronic salary payment to all government personnel.
  6. SARTHI – Computerisation of driving license and vehicle registration.
  7. Rojgar Wahini – to provide free services like vocational guidance, job opportunities, self-employment guidance, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance

Question 3.
Consumer Protection Act (1986) (Text Book Page No. 56)
The Consumer Protection Act was enacted by Parliament in 1986 to protect the interests of consumers in India. It is replaced by the Consumer Protection Act 2019.
It aims to check unfair trade practices, ‘defects in goods’, and ‘deficiencies in services’ and has led to a widespread network of consumer fora and appellate courts all over the country. The Act provided six rights to consumers:

  • Right to seek redressal against unfair trade practices.
  • Right to be heard and be assured that their interests receive due consideration at an appropriate forum.
  • Right to be assured wherever possible, access to a variety of goods and services at competitive prices.
  • Right to be informed about the quality, standard, price of goods and services.
  • Right to be protected against marketing of goods and services which are hazardous to life and property.
  • Right to consumer education.

To ensure consumer rights, Consumer Disputes Redressal System included a three-tier level i.e.,

  • National Consumer Commission (set up by the central government).
  • State Consumer Commission (set up by each State).
  • District Consumer Forum (in each district of the State).

The redressal agencies (consumer courts) set up were. Central Consumer Protection Council and State Consumer Councils. Consumer courts are special-purpose courts dealing with cases involving consumer disputes, conflicts and grievances.

12th Std Political Science Questions And Answers:

Contemporary India: Challenges to Peace, Stability and National Integration Question Answer Class 12 Political Science Chapter 4 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 4 Contemporary India: Challenges to Peace, Stability and National Integration Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Std 12 Political Science Chapter 4 Question Answer Contemporary India: Challenges to Peace, Stability and National Integration Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Political Science Chapter 4 Contemporary India: Challenges to Peace, Stability and National Integration Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Political Science Class 12 Chapter 4 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. (A) Complete the following statements by selecting the appropriate option.

Question 1.
The article had granted a ‘special status to Jammu and Kashmir.
(a) 352
(b) 360
(c) 370
(d) 110
(c) 370

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 4 Contemporary India: Challenges to Peace, Stability and National Integration

Question 2.
Left-wing Extremism originated in 1967 in
(a) Nagaland
(b) Jharkhand
(c) Gadchiroli
(d) Naxalbari
(d) Naxalbari

(B) Identify the incorrect pair in every set and correct it.

Question 1.
(a) Naxalism – Red Corridor
(b) CPI (Maoist) – Uri attacks
(c) Assam – Sons-of-soil movement
(b) Jaish-e-Mohammed – Uri attacks

Question 2.
(a) Boko Haram – Ireland
(b) LTTE – Sri Lanka
(c) ETA – Spain
(a) Boko Haram – Nigeria
IRA – Ireland

(C) Complete the following statements by using appropriate reason.

Question 1.
The left wing extemists prevent execution and implementation of developmental work, because ……………..
(i) they are against government.
(ii) the opposition parties ask them to do so.
(iii) they want to show that the government structure at field level is ineffective.
(ii) the opposition parties ask them to do so.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 4 Contemporary India: Challenges to Peace, Stability and National Integration

Question 2.
In 1990’s Kashmiri Pandits migrated from Kashmir valley, because …………………..
(i) they weren’t from Kashmir.
(ii) there was growth in Islamic militancy.
(iii) there were no job opportunities for them.
(i) they weren’t from Kashmir.

2. (A) Find the odd word.

Question 1.
Terrorism, Naxalism, Nationalism, Extremism.
Nationalism (not a violent activity)

(B) State the appropriate concept for the given statements.

Question 1.
Threat use violence with an intention to create panic in the society.

Question 2.
Involvement of people in decision making process of State.
Good Governance

3. (A) Complete the concept maps.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 4 Contemporary India Challenges to Peace, Stability and National Integration 1
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 4 Contemporary India Challenges to Peace, Stability and National Integration 2

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 4 Contemporary India: Challenges to Peace, Stability and National Integration

(B) State whether the following statements are true or false with reason.

Question 1.
Democracy is required to establish national integration and social transformation.
This statement is True.

  1. Democracy and national integration are complementary, since the core of the structural aspect of national consolidation is the democratic system of governance.
  2. Participation of diverse socio-cultural groups in the process of governance is possible only through a representative democratic system. Democracy helps in political participation and social transformation by removing ethnic, caste and gender inequality.

Question 2.
National movement in India played an important role in national integration.
This statement is True.

  1. The national freedom movement extended across the length and breadth of the country and involved people of different religions, regions and cultures.
  2. It played a vital role in bringing Indians together emotionally and politically into a nation and integrating them in a common frame work of political identity and loyalty.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 4 Contemporary India: Challenges to Peace, Stability and National Integration

4. Explain the correlation between the following.

Question 1.
National Unity and Regional Aspirations
National Unity is possible when citizens of that State exhibit psychological oneness, solidarity and shared values. It is not homogeneity but a form of ethnic, religious and linguistic acceptance. Regional aspirations occur in forms like demand for separate States, language issues, etc., Regional aspirations have their roots in historical/linguistic/cultural issues or may be a product of regional political outfits. Sometimes, regional aspirations may even become secessionist as in case of Khalistan movement. India has tried to reconcile regional aspirations with national unity by creating a federation with a strong centre, creating of smaller States as well as the linguistic reorganisation of States.

5. Express your opinion of the following.

Question 1.
Peace and stability are necessary for the nation’s progress.
Peace, stability and public order are necessary for nation’s progress and good life of citizens. An unruly society will lead to violence, loss of life, destruction of property, economic and political instability. Conflict resolution is linked to maintenance of law, order and peace. In the absence of order and stability, divisive tendencies will prevail, infrastructure will be targeted, investments will be discouraged thus becoming a barrier to economic growth. At a basic level, political stability is ensured using constitutional machinery and socio-economic development. In case of any problem occurring, the State tries to resolve it peacefully. In case the issue escalates or becomes violent, the State may employ force if necessary.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 4 Contemporary India: Challenges to Peace, Stability and National Integration

6. Answer the following question in 80 to 100 words.

Question 1.
What is Left Wing Extremism in India?
Left Wing Extremism (also called Maoist movement or Naxalism) has major support base among landless labourers, dalits and tribals who experience a sense of oppression, injustice and neglect. The first attempt to promote a peasant struggle was the Telangana Movement (1946-51). The Naxal Movement originated in 1967 in Naxalbari (West Bengal) led by Kanu Sanyal and writings of Charu Majumdar.

Since 1980s the movement has taken a militant turn. In 2004 CPI (M-L), People’s War Group (PWG) and Maoist Communist Centre (MCC) of India merged to form CPI (Maoist) which aims to overthrow the government, Naxal activities aim to destroy public property and attack police and officials. The Red Corridor of naxal activities extends across States like Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, etc.

Some of their broad tactics are as follows:

  1. Use of propaganda slogans
  2. Establishment of mass movements
  3. Mobilisation of women, tribals and minorities into the revolution
  4. Mobilisation of urban population on mass issues
  5. Develop appropriate forms of military organisation

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 4 Contemporary India: Challenges to Peace, Stability and National Integration

Question 2.
Explain cross border terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir.
The India Independence Act (1947) provided that princely States (562 existed then) could decide to join either Pakistan or remain independent. Maharaja Hari Singh of the Dogra dynasty delayed such a decision. In 1947, Kashmir’s population was 77% Muslim and 20% Hindu. The problem in
the region began when Pakistan sent Pashtun tribal raiders in October 1947 to force Hari Singh to join Pakistan. However, the Maharaja appealed to India for help and signed the Instrument of Accession making the State as a part of India.

The Government of India sent troops to the region to drive away the infiltrators. This led to the first India-Pakistan conflict (1947-48). In 1965, Pakistan attacked India but the local Kashmiri population did not support Pakistan. In 1965, Amanullah Khan created the Plebiscite Front in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. It’s militant wing i.e., National Liberation Front carried out sabotage activities in Jammu and Kashmir.

In 1977, the Plebiscite Front was renamed Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF). Similarly, Pakistan lent support to guerilla outfits in the region like Hizb-ul-Mujahideen. In the 1990s, as instances of militancy increased, the minority Pandit population was forced to flee from Kashmir. At this time, local insurgency grew into terrorism sponsored by Pakistan and having training camps in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. Pan-Islamic terrorist groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba, Hizbul, etc., and several Pakistan based persons like Hafeez Sayed have promoted terror activities and radicalisation of the local population. In recent years stone pelting by young protestors has increased.

7. Answer the following in 150 to 200 words.

Explain the role of the State with help of given points.
(a) Peace and order
(b) Economic development
(c) National Building
(d) Governance
(e) Welfare


Trace the changes that have taken place in Art 370 of the Indian constitution.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 4 Contemporary India: Challenges to Peace, Stability and National Integration

Class 12 Political Science Chapter 4 Contemporary India: Challenges to Peace, Stability and National Integration Intext Questions and Answers

Activity (Text Book Page No. 39)

Question 1.
What are the Fundamental Duties enshrined in the Indian constitution?
To spread awareness about them, fundamental duties were inserted in the Part IV Article 51(A) of the Constitution by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment, 1976.
The fundamental duties include:

  1. To abide by the Constitution and respect the National Flag and National Anthem.
  2. To cherish and follow the noble ideas which inspired our national struggle for freedom.
  3. To respect and protect the sovereignty, integrity and unity of India.
  4. To defend and serve the country.
  5. To promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India and to abolish evils hampering women’s dignity.
  6. To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture.
  7. To protect and improve the natural environment including forests, rivers, trees, lakes and to show kindness towards animals.
  8. To develop scientific temper and spirit of inquiry.
  9. To protect public property and prevent violence.
  10. To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity.
  11. A parent or guardian should provide opportunities for education to his child, between the age of 6 to 14 years. (This has been added by 86th Constitutional Amendment)

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 4 Contemporary India: Challenges to Peace, Stability and National Integration

Question 2.
Find out the details of the following events and discuss them in the classroom:
(i) Assam Oil Blockade (1980)
(ii) Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi (1991) (Text Book Page No.41)
(i) Assam Oil Blockade (1980)
The Assam Movement (1979-1985) led by the All Assam Students Union (AASU) and All Assam Gana Sangram Parishad (AAGSP) was against the illegal immigrants in Assam. There were a series of protests to compel the government to identify and expel illegal immigrants (mostly Bangladeshi) and to provide safeguards to the indigenous Assamese. Some of the protests were violent e.g., the Nellie massacre (1983). On 15th August 1985, the Assam Accord was signed between the Rajiv Gandhi Government and leaders of the Assam movement by which all migrants who had entered the State prior to January 1, 1966 were accepted.

The Oil Blockade was part of the Assam agitation. Crude oil from Assam was pumped to a refinery at Barauni (Bihari). However, AASU protested and blockaded oil supply in 1980. A committee was appointed to suggest a new location for refinery within Assam. They suggested Bongaigaon near West Bengal border. The oil blockade resulted in huge losses to the petroleum industry.

(ii) Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi (1991)
Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, former Prime Minister of India (1984-1989) occurred as a result of suicide bombing in Sriperumbudur, Chennai on 21st May 1991. It was carried out by a member of LTTE (Sri Lanka) known as Thenmozhi Rajaratnam (Dhanu) At least 14 others were killed in the explosion of the RDX laden belt by Dhanu. The assassination was attributed to LTTE being antagonised by Mr. Rajiv Gandhi’s sending of Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) to Sri Lanka and the signing of the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord with President J. Jayewardene in 1987.

12th Std Political Science Questions And Answers:

Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Question Answer Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Humanitarian Issues Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Std 12 Political Science Chapter 3 Question Answer Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Political Science Class 12 Chapter 3 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. (A) Complete the following statements by selecting the appropriate option.

Question 2.
Today the Indian approach to gender issues focuses on
(a) Education
(b) Welfare
(c) Development
(d) Empowerment
(d) Empowerment

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Humanitarian Issues

Question 3.
The first UN Conference on Human Environment was held in 1972 in
(a) Johannesburg
(b) Stockholm
(c) Rio
(d) New Delhi
(b) Stockholm

(B) Identify the incorrect pair in every set and correct it.

Question 1.
(a) JGSY – Infrastructure development in rural areas
(b) PMKVY – Skill training to youth
(c) MGNREGA – Housing for everyone
(c) MGNREGA – assured employment every year for every rural household

Question 2.
(a) National Commission for Women – 1992
(b) Planning Commission – 2015
(c) Rio+20 summit – 2012
(b) Planning Commission – 1950

(C) Find the odd word in the given set.

Question 1.
National policy for empowerment of women, protection of women from domestic violence act, Muslim women (protection and right on marriage) Act, the secual harassment at workplace (prohibition prevention and readressal) Act.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Humanitarian Issues

Question 2.
Climate change, waste management, water scarity, deforestation.

2. State whether the following statements are true or false with reason.

Question 1.
Planning Commission was created to promote agriculture in India.
This statement is False.

  1. The Planning Commission was set up in 1950 to formulate a plan for the effective and balanced utilisation of the country’s resources.
  2. It’s function was to prepare Five Year Plans to tackle poverty, employment and promote the Welfare State. The Green Revolution was introduced to promote agriculture in India.

Question 2.
National Commission for Women was set up to protect rights for women in India.
This statement is True.

  1. National Commission for Women was set up to facilitate the redressal of grievances of women.
  2. It aimed to safeguard the rights and legal entitlements of women and accelerate their socio¬economic development.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Humanitarian Issues

3. Explain the correlation between the following.

Question 1.
Women Empowerment and Sustainable Development.
Empowerment is a process by which any category of oppressed persons gain control over their own lives by developing self esteem and courage to fight against injustice. Sustainable development refers to development using resources in a way that allows for them to renew or to continue to exist for other e.g., recycling materials. This seems almost impossible without gender equality and women’s empowerment. Women are empowered when they are able to access opportunities without restrictions such as in education, career, etc.,

Women’s economic empowerment refers to the ability of women to enjoy their right to control and benefit from resources, income etc as well as the ability to improve their economic status and well-being. Political empowerment includes affirmative action policies to increase participation of women in parliamentary / government positions and policymaking. Thus, women’s empowerment is a key factor for sustainable economic growth, social development and environmental sustainability.

Question 2.
Poverty and Development
Poverty refers to deprivation of the basic necessities such as food, clothing, health services, education, etc., that determine quality of life. In economic terms, it is expressed as the poverty line. Development means some measurable improvement in some particular area. Alleviation or even eradication of poverty is the most important aim of developmental work.

Poverty is related to other problems of underdevelopment such as unemployment and inequalities. It hinders economic development as well as leads to issues of health, sanitation and disease, housing, crime, etc. Poverty alleviation i.e., set of economic and humanitarian measures, such as good governance, economic growth, government support in health education etc., are important for development.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Humanitarian Issues

4. Answer the following questions in 80 to 100 words.

Question 1.
Explain the traditional and non-traditional perception of poverty.

Question 2.
From 1960’s to 21 century what efforts has India taken to achieve development?

5. Answer the following question with reference to the given points.

Question 1.
Explain condition of women in India.
(a) Economic inequality
(b) Trafficking and exploitation
(c) Literacy rate
(d) Political representation
All over the world, women have to face serious problems such as discrimination and violence, under-representation in economic and political decision-making, inequalities in education, health care, landholdings and workplaces and even in human rights.

Some of the important gender issues:
(a) Economic inequality – Participation of women in the labour market is about 28% only.
There is also income inequality due to wide gender wage gaps as well as inequality of opportunities to women e.g., unequal access to education and finance. In many countries, women are either not encouraged to work or employed in the informal sector. Women continue to be underrepresented in high-level, highly paid positions and experience gender discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace. Women experience high levels of poverty, unemployment and other economic hardships.

(b) Trafficking and exploitation – Women are often exploited and denied basic rights. They are trafficked for purpose of sexual and economic exploitation particularly prostitution, ‘sold’ as brides, subjected to sexual crimes, forced labour, street begging, etc. Trafficking in women means that they are deceived or forced/sold, physically confined, abused with no access to protection or health care.

(c) Literacy rate – low literacy among women is acute in India. As per 2011 census report, female literacy rate is only 65.46% while for males it is 82.14%. The reasons for the low female literacy are-

  1. traditional patriarchal notions that do not consider female education as economically advantageous
  2. Schools in rural areas are not easily accessible and travel may not safe or easy.
  3. Benefits of schemes like R.T.E have not reached many rural females.
  4. Social evils like child marriage, female foeticide, dowry, etc.

(d) Political Representation – Poor political representation of women is a significant gender concern in India. The First Lok Sabha had only 24 women of total 489 members i.e., 5% and the 17th Lok Sabha (2019) has 78 women (14%). This is the highest representation of women in Lok Sabha till date. The Women’s Reservation Bill which proposes to reserve 33% of all seats in Lok Sabha and in State Assemblies for women is pending in the Lok Sabha. However, there exists 33% reservation for women in rural and urban local bodies.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Humanitarian Issues


Question 1.
Find out information on international agreements on environmental balance. (Text Book Page No. 34)
1. Stockholm conference (Declaration of UN Conference on Human Environment, 1972) led to a 109 point Environmental Action Plan and establishment of the UN Environmental programme (UNEP).

2. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Faura (CITES) (1973) – grouped almost 30,000 plant and animal species into three levels of protection depending on the degree of regulation required.

3. Montreal Protocol (1987) – For protection of the ozone layer. It phases out production and use of ozone depleting chemicals.

4. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (1992) – The aim was to promote conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

5. Kyoto Protocol (1997) – It supplements the 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate change (UNFCCC) to limit six greenhouse gas emissions. It involved 37 countries and the UN.

6. Paris Agreement (2016) – It is an agreement within the UNFCCC, dealing with greenhouse gas emissions and strengthening global response to the threat of climate change.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Humanitarian Issues

Question 2.
Find out percentage of handicapped voters in 17th Lok Sabha suggest measures to increase their percentage.

Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Humanitarian Issues Intext Questions and Answers

ACTIVITY (Text Book Page No.26)

Question 1.
What are the different initiatives taken by the Indian Government to protect the environment?
1. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was launched on October 2, 2014 to achieve the mission of a clean India in both rural and urban areas. It was implemented by the Ministry of Drinking water and sanitation and the Ministry of Urban Development respectively. Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) aims to make India Open Defecation Free (ODF) For Urban Areas, it includes elimination of ODF, eradication of manual scavenging and proper solid waste management.

2. Namami Gange Programme (Clean Ganga Project) is implemented by the National Mission for Clean Ganga to conserve and rejuvenate the river Ganga. The centre allocated a total of Rs 20000 crore for the project. The key achievements include sewerage treatment capacity, river front development and surface cleaning of the river.

3. Green Skill Development Programme was launched in June 2017 by the MoEF and CC. It refers to skills that contribute to preserve and restore the environment, thus enabling youth to be employed or self-employment. Green skills include Pollution Monitoring, Waste Management, Forest and Wildlife Management, etc.

4. Constitutional Provisions – Article 48 (DPSP) says the State shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment. Article 51-A States that it shall be the duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the natural environment.

5. Legislation – (i) Indian Wild Life Protection Act (1972) Forest Conservation Act (1980) and Environment (Protection) Act (1986)
(ii) National Environmental Policy (2006) Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate change (MoEF and CC) along with Pollution Control Boards administer and enforce environmental laws. There is also the National Green Tribunal.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Humanitarian Issues

Question 2.
Salient Features of National Policy for Women (2016). (Text Book Page No.33)
National Policy for Women was unveiled by Union WCD Minister, Smt Maneka Gandhi on 17th May 2016. It will replace National Policy for Empowerment of Women (2001). It shifts the focus from entitlements to rights and from mere empowerment to creating an enabling environment for women. It seeks to create conducive socio-cultural, economic and political environment to enable women to enjoy fundamental rights and realize their full potential. It’s priority areas include health, food security and nutrition, education, involving women in governance and decision making, encouraging entrepreneurship, facilitating women in the workplace and dealing with violence against women.

Question 3.
Find out information on international agreements on environmental balance. (Text Book Page No. 34)
1. Stockholm conference (Declaration of UN Conference on Human Environment, 1972) led to a 109 point Environmental Action Plan and establishment of the UN Environmental programme (UNEP).

2. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Faura (CITES) (1973) – grouped almost 30,000 plant and animal species into three levels of protection depending on the degree of regulation required.

3. Montreal Protocol (1987) – For the protection of the ozone layer. It phases out production and use of ozone-depleting chemicals.

4. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (1992) – The aim was to promote conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

5. Kyoto Protocol (1997) – It supplements the 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate change (UNFCCC) to limit six greenhouse gas emissions. It involved 37 countries and the UN.

6. Paris Agreement (2016) – It is an agreement within the UNFCCC, dealing with greenhouse gas emissions and strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change.

12th Std Political Science Questions And Answers:

Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Globalisation Question Answer Class 12 Political Science Chapter 2 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Globalisation Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Std 12 Political Science Chapter 2 Question Answer Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Globalisation Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Political Science Chapter 1 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Globalisation Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Political Science Class 12 Chapter 1 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. (A) Choose the correct alternative and complete the following statements

Question 1.
In 1995, GATT was replaced by the
(a) WTO
(c) UNDP
(a) WTO

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Globalisation

Question 2.
……………… refers to a company that operates in several countries but has a distinct home base
(a) Transnational Corporation
(b) Mixed Economy
(c) Multinational Company
(d) Liberalism
(c) Multinational Company

(B) Find the odd word.

Question 1.
Mobile, Satellite, Internet, Gramophone.
Gramophone (not functioning on modern technology)

(C) State the appropriate concept for the given statements.

Question 1.
The international agency dealing with international trade.
World Trade Organization (WTO)

Question 2.
The companies that operate in several countries.
Multi National Companies

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Globalisation

(D) Identify the incorrect pair in every set and correct it.

Question 1.
(a) Nestle – Trans National Corporation
(b) Copyrights – Intellectual Property
(c) India – Capitalist Market Economy
(c) USA – Capitalist Market Economy
OR India – Economic Liberalism (Mixed economy)

Question 2.
(a) Amnesty International – Human Rights
(b) Green Peace – Environmental Issues
(c) Chernobyl – Trade Agreement
(c) Chernobyl – Nuclear disaster

2. State whether the following statements are true or false with reason.

Question 1.
Globalisation brought in the concept of market economy.
This statement is True.
(i) During the Cold War, the economic systems followed by countries, depended upon their ideology. For e.g., most West European nations and the USA were free democracies and followed capitalist economy.

(ii) In the era of globalisation there is only ‘market economy’. However, the nature of market economy is determined by the countries ideology for e.g., China has a socialist market economy, West European nations are described as ‘welfare market economies’ and USA is considered as ‘capitalist market economy’.

(iii) In most countries, the State has with draws from economic activities and the private sector and profit motive has propelled the economy.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Globalisation

Question 2.
Non-state actors have become irrelevant in the age of globalisation.
This statement is False.
(i) Good governance and the participatory State focus on the role of the civil society which includes non-state actors such as NGO’s.

(ii) International relations today, are not only between States but also include non-state actors. These sometimes also pose a challenge to the position of the State. Globalisation has made non-state actors relevant. This includes organisations which are beneficial e.g., NGO’s working for humanitarian issues as well as threatening organisations e.g., terrorist outfits.

3. Explain the correlation between the following.

Question 1.
Globalisation and culture
Globalisation refers to the rapid spread of goods and services, technology and information, ideas and culture, trade and interactions across the world. It is the connection of different parts of the world resulting in the expansion of international cultural, informational, economic and political activities. Events in one part of the world have an impact on other parts of the world. Changes have taken place economically and culturally.

Today a ‘global cosmopolitan culture’ has emerged i.e movement of people across the world and public awareness of global issues. This is noticed in matters like values eg secularism, clothing food choices, ways of celebrating festivals, etc. There is international awareness of India’s rich cultural and historical heritage. Similarly, westernisation and urbanisation have influenced Indian society eg breakup of the traditional joint family and rise of individualism and materialism in the country.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Globalisation

Question 2.
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was signed on 30th October 1947 by 23 countries with the purpose to promote international trade by reducing/eliminating trade barriers such as tariffs or quotas. It came into force on 1st January 1948. It aimed to boost economic recovery after World War II through reconstructing and liberalizing global trade. It introduced the most favoured nation principle. GATT was refined over 8 rounds of negotiations, leading to creation of World Trade Organization (WTO) which replaced GATT on 1st January 1995.

WTO covers services and intellectual property also. It is the international agency overseeing the rules of international trade i.e., it promotes free trade agreements, organizes trade negotiations, settles trade disputes, etc. It’s headquarters is in Geneva. It has 123 member States. The WTO dispute settlement system is faster, more automatic than the GATT system and it’s rulings cannot be blocked.

4. Express your opinion of the following.

Question 1.
Participatory State is beneficial to the society.
Participatory State advocates more involved forms of citizen participation and greater political representation than traditional representative democracy. It goes beyond traditional democratic practices wherein decisions are made by the majority. In a participatory State, all sections of the society are involved in the making of policy. Participatory State is beneficial as it gives citizens a central role in public policy through public discussion, negotiations, voting, etc. It emphasizes the importance of making citizens aware and providing for a form of communication which promotes political dialogue.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Globalisation

5. Answer the following question in 80 to 100 words.

Question 1.
What are the positive and negative aspects of Globalisation?
Globalisation refers to the rapid spread of goods and services, technology and information, ideas and culture, trade and interactions across the world. It is the connection of different parts of the world resulting in the expansion of international cultural, informational, economic and political activities. In the early 1990s, the term globalisation was used to include economic, political, socio¬cultural, technological and ideological changes that occurred in the world in the post cold war era. The world has become more interconnected due to advances in technology and communication. Events in one part of the world have an impact on other parts of the world. Changes have taken place economically and culturally.

The Positive aspects of globalisation are-

  1. It creates more employment opportunities.
  2. It encourages free trade.
  3. It leads to better choice of goods and services to the consumer.
  4. It leads to wider investments in developing countries.
  5. It enhances efficiency of the tertiary sector i.e., banking and finance.
  6. It increases purchasing power of citizens and enhances their standard of living.
  7. It increases labour productivity and reduces capital-output ratio.
  8. It helps to increase efficiency in the production system.

The negative aspects of globalisation are-

  1. Globalization promotes technological adaption to increase productivity but has also resulted in loss of jobs.
  2. Local/small scale industries cannot withstand competition from the MNC’s and may be bought off or shut down.
  3. Less developed countries may become dependent on the technologically superior countries.
  4. It has caused specialization of labour and so there are few employment opportunities for unskilled labour.
  5. It has led to increased gap between rich and poor nations.
  6. It may lead to overexploitation of resources and negatively impact the environment.
  7. It leads to the harmful effects of consumerism.
  8. It may lead to reduction in social welfare schemes in both developed and developing countries.


Talk to people of the older generation to find out what changes have taken place in the age of globalisation.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Globalisation

Class 12 Political Science Chapter 2 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Globalisation Intext Questions and Answers

Activity (Text Book Page No. 18)

Question 1.
What has been the impact of globalisation on the Indian agricultural sector, especially the small farmer?
Globalisation has both positive and negative consequences on Indian agriculture.
The positive consequences are-
(i) Availability of modern agro technologies in pesticides / herbicides, fertilizers, new varieties of high yield seeds to increase food production.
(ii) There are new markets for agricultural products.
(iii) Farmers can sell their goods directly to companies and eliminate the role of middlemen.

The negative effects of globalisation on agriculture are-

  1. Farmers are shifting from traditional / mixed cropping to unsustainable cropping practices mainly for cash crops.
  2. MNC’s have captured the India market, making farmers dependent on expensive HYV seeds, fertilizers, etc.
  3. Small and marginal farmers may not be able to avail of the advantages of globalisation. They may be pushed into debt leading to tragic consequences like farmer suicides.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Globalisation

Question 2.
Find out what the Arab Spring movement was and how social networking was used during that movement. (Text Book Page No. 21)
Arab Spring was a series of protests and uprisings against the governments that spread across large parts of the Arab world in the early 2010s. (i.e. December 2010 to December 2012). It began with protests in Tunisia and spread quickly to other countries like Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Syria and Bahrain. There were riots, civil wars and the main slogan of protestors was “the people want to bring down the regime”.

There were sustained street demonstrations in Iraq, Algeria, Morocco, Jordan, Lebanon, etc. The social media i.e. facebook, etc. was the driving force behind the swift spread of the revolutions. The results of these movements were that regimes of Tunisia (Abidine Ben Ali), Egypt (Hosni Mubarak) Libya (Gaddafi), Yemen (Abdullah Saleh) were ousted while in Syria, Iraq, etc., a full scale civil war resulted. Only in Tunisia, there was a transition to constitutional democratic government.

Question 3.
Find out cases where agitations have used social networking to highlight their demands. (Text Book Page No. 21)
Social networking and micro media have aided many protests and agitations. Some examples are:
(i) Arab Spring movements (2010-2012) used media power eg., Facebook to over throw despotic rulers e.g., Gaddafi in Libya or Hosni Mubarak in Egypt.

(ii) In India, the Anti-Corruption Movement led by Anna Hazare (2011) was helped by extensive media coverage and social media posts specially among the youth and students.

(iii) Social networking played a vital role in the “Me Too” movement all over the world to expose workplace sexual harassment especially in the glamour industry.

(iv) Social networking played a major role in galvanising support during the pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong.

(v) Various social media handles fuelled the protests against NRC, CAA, etc., in various States of India.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Globalisation

Question 4.
Can the cooperative movement of India be an answer to the domination of multinational and transnational companies? The philosophy of the cooperative movement is to provide both, empowerment and finance to the members while that of the corporations work on profit motive. Give your opinion on this. (Text Book Page No. 17)
Cooperative Movement in India can be traced to the Cooperative Credit Societies Act (1904). India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru had strong faith in the cooperative movement. Hence, cooperatives became an integral part of Five Year Plans in India. In 1958, National Development council recommended setting up of Cooperative Marketing Societies. The major sectors where cooperatives dominate are in dairy, agriculture, banking and rural credit, etc. Article 43, Part IV (DPSP) of the constitution, mentions about promotion of cooperatives mainly in rural areas.

The importance of the cooperative sector.

  • it provides agricultural credits where the State and private sectors have not been able to do so.
  • it helps to overcome the constraints of agricultural development.
  • it provides empowerment to the members.
  • it can be an answer to the domination by the MNC’s which work solely on the profit motive. If the problems of cooperatives are overcome, they can strengthen the financial sector and lessen our reliance on MNC’s.

12th Std Political Science Questions And Answers:

India and the World Question Answer Class 12 Political Science Chapter 6 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 India and the World Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Std 12 Political Science Chapter 6 Question Answer India and the World Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Political Science Chapter 6 India and the World Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Political Science Class 12 Chapter 6 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. (A) Complete the following statements by selecting the appropriate option.

Question 1.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was the first Prime Minister of
(a) Bangladesh
(b) Pakistan
(c) Iran
(d) Afghanistan
(a) Bangladesh

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 India and the World

Question 2.
In 1987, India sent a Peacekeeping Force (IPKF) to
(a) Bangladesh
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) Somalia
(d) Vietnam
(b) Sri Lanka

(B) Identify the incorrect pair in every set and correct it.

Question 1.
(a) NATO – Europe
(b) ANZUS Africa
(c) SEATO – South East Asia
(d) CENTO – West Asia
(c) Sri Lanka – Jayewardene

2. State whether the following statements are true or false with reason.

Question 1.
Myanmar has been a traditional friend of India.
This statement is True.

  1. India and Myanmar (formerly Burma) have a long historical and cultural relations. In fact, Burma a part of British India from 1824 to 1937.
  2. India established diplomatic relations after Myanmar’s independence in 1948. However, Indo- Myanmar ties got strained since India supported pro-democracy movements in Myanmar against the ruling military Junta. Both countries are members of BIMSTEC and cooperate to counteract drug trafficking and insurgent groups like Arakan Army operating in the border areas.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 India and the World

Question 2.
In changing world order of 1990s, the issue of terrorism has been dominant.
This statement is True.
1. Terrorism refers to the use of or the threat to use violence with the intention to destabilise the political system, cause economic harm and panic in society towards the attainment of some religious or ideological goals.

2. Post 1900s, terrorism has become a global phenomenon with forms like cross-border terrorism, international terrorism etc., causing widespread destruction e.g., 2001 attack in the USA by Al-Qaeda, attacks in Bali, Kabul, Mumbai, Madrid, etc. Each Country in the world is involved in trying to secure its territory and deal with terrorism e.g., US led ‘War on Terror’.

Question 3.
The Sagarmala project is a more comprehensive road connectivity plan.
This statement is False.

  1. India has sought to harness it’s 14,500 km of potentially navigable waterways and strategic location on key international maritime trade routes through two compatible programmes viz. Sagarmala and Bharatmala.
  2. Sagarmala programme aims to promote port and river transport systems and Bharatmala programme is a comprehensive road connectivity plan.

3. Express your opinion of the following.

Question 1.
India’s role in the Indian Ocean
The Indian Ocean is one of the most busy and critical maritime transportation links in the world. The economies of littoral countries depend heavily on ports, shipping and vast natural resources. India’s vast coastline of about 7500 km presents both opportunity and challenge to India in terms of security and foreign perspectives. India’s exclusive economic zone is 2.4 million sq. kms. 90% of our trade by volume and almost all oil imports come through the sea. India is a co-founder of the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation in 1997 (IORA).

The main objective of IORA is to promote sustained, balanced development of the Indian Ocean region. India has initiated the Sagarmala and Bharatmala programmes to harness India’s coastline.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 India and the World

4. Answer the following

Question 1.
Write a note on India’s relations with Africa.
In the first few decades after independence, India supported the fight against apartheid and provided financial and material aid to liberation struggles in Africa for eg., the AFRICA Fund created at the NAM Summit (Harare)
There are several issues in the context of India-African relations-

  1. The India-Africa summit was held in 2015
  2. About 24 percent of Indian crude oil imports are sourced from the African continent e.g., ONGC Videsh has invested in Sudan and Egypt
  3. About two million people in Eastern and Southern Africa constitute the India diaspora which is considered as an asset by the Indian government
  4. Indian industries are interested in offering technological and material services to developing African nations
  5. India continues to be one of the military training destination e.g., National Defence Academy, Pune has the ‘Sudan Block’ as a symbol of cooperation between India and Sudan
  6. Countries from Somalia to South Africa fall under the India maritime strategic perspective. Hence, cases of terrorism and piracy in Somalian waters have made this region sensitive to Indian concerns.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 India and the World

Question 2.
Briefly Discuss India-China relations.
In 1949, the Communist revolution took place in China. India was among the first nations to recognize the People’s Republic of China. In 1954, India and China signed the Panchsheel Agreement and India also recognised Chinese suzerainty on Tibet. The main hindrances in Sino- Indian relations are-

  1. 1962 Indo-China war and 2017 Dokhlam skirmish.
  2. Border disputes in Aksai Chin and NEFA region.
  3. China has been critical of India offering political asylum to the Dalai Lama.
  4. Chinese support to Pakistan.
  5. India’s apprehensions about China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

On the positive side India-China relationship has improved

  1. Agreement on maintenance of peace and tranquility along the LOC.
  2. China has become among the largest trading partners of India.
  3. India and China are part of BRICS and SCO.
  4. In the late 1990s, Russia mooted the idea of a Trilateral Summit of Russia, China, India which was a recognition of India’s status as a major regional power.

5. Answer the following question with reference to the given points.

Question 1.
Explain the factors influencing Indian foreign policy.
(a) Geography
(b) History
(c) International System Economy
(d) Policy
Factors Influencing India’s Foreign Policy-
1. Geography – The extensive coastline of the India peninsula and the Himalayan mountain ranges have shaped India’s security and foreign policy. India shares a border with all neighbouring countries of South Asia. It also holds a dominant position in the India Ocean.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 India and the World

2. History – It includes the influence of traditional cultural values, cultural ties as well as values like anti-colonialism which were imbibed during the freedom struggle.

3. Economy – The strong urge to come out of the poverty and economic backwardness created by the colonial period as well as the policy of Non-Alignment shaped India’s foreign policy. India followed democratic socialism through the policy of import-substitution and importance to the public sector Post-1991, after adopting the policy of Liberalisation, Privatisation, and Globalisation many changes have occurred in the Indian foreign policy.

4. Polity – Political leadership has a significant impact on India’s foreign policy for e.g., Prime Ministers Jawaharlal Nehru, Lai Bahadur Shastri, Indira Gandhi, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Narendra Modi have played a decisive role in determining India’s foreign policy. Ministry of External Affairs and National Security Advisor plays an important role in formulating foreign policy.


Read the speech on Indian Foreign Policy given by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on All India Radio on 7th September 1946 and discuss it in class.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 6 India and the World

Class 12 Political Science Chapter 6 India and the World Intext Questions and Answers

Activity (Text Book Page No. 60)

The First Summit Meeting of the Nonaligned countries at Belgrade (1961) finalized the criterion for nonalignment. Find out these criteria.
Non-Aligned Movement:
The first summit of Non-Aligned countries was held in September 1961 at Belgrade and attended by representatives of 25 countries. The purpose of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) was to help countries keep “national sovereignty, territorial integrity and security in their struggle against imperialism, colonialism, racism and all forms of foreign aggression, occupation, domination or interference as well as against great power and bloc politics”.

The objectives of the Non-Aligned Movement are-

  1. To keep the newly independent nations of Asia and Africa away from the rivalry of the two viz. USA and Soviet Union
  2. To oppose colonialism, imperialism, and racial discrimination.
  3. To eliminate all those factors and tendencies in the international arena that could lead to war.
  4. To advocate the sovereign equality of all States.
  5. To oppose the use of force and nuclear weapons in international disputes.

12th Std Political Science Questions And Answers:

The World Since 1991 Question Answer Class 12 Political Science Chapter 1 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 1 The World Since 1991 Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Std 12 Political Science Chapter 1 Question Answer The World Since 1991 Maharashtra Board

Class 12 Political Science Chapter 1 The World Since 1991 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Political Science Class 12 Chapter 1 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. (A) Complete the following statements by selecting the appropriate option.

Question 1.
One of the important trends in the post-1989 international relations was
(a) End of bipolarity
(b) Rise of regionalism in Asia
(c) End of non-alignment
(d) Demand for a new international economic order
(a) End of bipolarity

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 1 The World Since 1991

Question 2.
The ‘Maastricht’ Treaty is with reference to
(a) United Nations Peace Keeping Force
(b) European Union
(c) American interventions in Kuwait
(d) Creation of BRICS
(b) European Union

1. (B) State the appropriate concept for the given statements.

Question 1.
When a State influences other States without the use of military force.
Soft power

Question 2.
A State with a leading position in international politics with abilities to influence global politics and fulfill its own interest.
Super power

2. (A) Complete the concept maps.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 1 The World Since 1991 1
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 1 The World Since 1991 2

Question 2.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 1 The World Since 1991 3
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 1 The World Since 1991 4

2. (B) Observe the maps in the textbook and answer the following questions.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 1 The World Since 1991 5
Question 1.
Name any four countries in the Schengen area.
Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, France.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 1 The World Since 1991

Question 2.
Name any two non-European Union countries within Schengen area.
Norway, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia.

3. State whether the following statements are true or false with reason.

Question 1.
SAARC is important for trade in South Asia.
This statement is True.
(i) SAARC has eight member States from South Asia. It aims to accelerate economic growth and promote the welfare of the people of South Asia.
(ii) In 1993, South Asian Association for Preferential Trade Agreement (SAPTA) came into existence. It was replaced in 2006 by South Asian Association Free Trade Area (SAFTA). This helps in trade and economic activity in the region.

Question 2.
‘Maastricht’ Treaty was signed for the defence of Europe.
This statement is False.
(i) On 7th February 1992, the Maastricht Treaty was signed to create the European Union.
(ii) This treaty led to the expansion of spheres of cooperation in internal affairs, foreign policies and defence policies.

Question 3.
The decade of 1980s is seen as the golden age of humanitarian intervention.
This statement is False.
(i) The 1990s are seen as the ‘golden age of humanitarian intervention.’ In 1993, the World Conference on Human Rights was held in Vienna, which led to the creation of the office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
(ii) Increasing awareness about human rights and their protection in international law gave rise to the phenomenon for protection of rights in the form of ‘humanitarian intervention’.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 1 The World Since 1991

4. Express your opinion of the following.

Question 1.
Humanitarian intervention
One of the main purposes of the UN is maintenance of international peace, security and cooperation. UN Peacekeeping Force comprises of military personnel and resources sent by member States. In the post-cold war era, the UN rationale for intervention was not just to stop ongoing wars but also to prevent reoccurrence of conflicts and protect the human rights of the affected people. The UN intervened in Cambodia, Somalia, Yugoslavia, East Timor, Eritrea, Syria, etc., for this purpose.

In 1993, over 170 nations participated in the World Conference on Human Rights, held in Vienna to reaffirm their commitment to protect human rights. The office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights was created to coordinate human rights initiatives. The increasing awareness about human rights protection in international law gave rise to humanitarian intervention especially in conflict zones. NGO’s have contributed significantly in the spread of humanitarian intervention for e.g. ICRC, Oxfam, etc. The 1990s are described as “golden age” of humanitarian intervention.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 1 The World Since 1991

Question 2.
Regionalism in international politics.
Countries which lie in geographical proximity create or join regional organisations which are based on common political, ideological, economic and infrastructural concerns. Some nations make special agreements regarding trade and economic cooperation. This is called a trade bloc.

(i) European Union (EU) was created in 1992 by Maastricht Treaty. It led to increased spheres of cooperation between European nations e.g. foreign affairs, defense, trade and creation of Euro as a common currency. Creation of Schengen Area is one of the achievements of the EU since the Schengen visa allows eligible individuals to travel freely within the 26 nations of the Schengen area.

(ii) ASEAN created in 1967 with headquarters at Jakarta comprises of 10 South-East Asian nations such as Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, etc. It aims to promote political economic and security cooperation among it’s members.

(iii) SAARC formed in 1985 at Dhaka with 7 members. Today, it has 8 member countries of South Asia like India, Bhutan, Pakistan, etc. It aims to promote regional integration and economic development. It’s main achievement is the SAFTA.

(iv) BIMSTEC – is a regional organisation founded in 1997 comprising of 7 member countries lying around Bay of Bengal for e.g. Bangladesh, India, Thailand, Myanmar. It aims to facilitate collaboration in economic, security and other concerns between member States.

(v) Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is an Eurasian political, economic and security organisation formed in 2001 with 6 member states. In 2016, India and Pakistan joined SCO. It’s focus is on maintaining peace and stability in the region, cooperation in trade, technology, etc.

Regional organisations play an important role in international politics. Due to this, unipolarity (US as the only superpower) ended leading to multipolarity.

5. Answer the Following.

Question 1.
Explain the term soft power with examples.
According to American academic, Joseph Nye there are two types of power viz. hard power and soft power.
(i) Hard power is the ability to get others to act in ways that are contrary to their preferences and wills. It is the ability to coerce through threats and inducements for e.g.,Iraq invasion of Kuwait.

(ii) Soft power is when a country influences other countries without the use of military force. It is the ability to get others to want the outcomes that you want i.e. through attraction rather than coercion. Such influence is spread through economic, socio-cultural means.

Soft power was an important aspect of US domination. It implied the use of monetary aid, cooperative programmes, cultural exchanges, strong relations with allies. Examples of US soft power are cultural exports like fast food chains, movies, educational exchange programmes as well as disaster assistance programmes such as tsunami relief (Japan), flood control (Pakistan).

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 1 The World Since 1991

6. Answer the following question in detail with help of given points.

Question 1.
Discuss the European Union with help of given points.
(a) History
(b) European Commission
(c) European Parliament
(d) European Council
(e) European Court of Justice
(a) History – The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and European Economic Community (EEC) were created to foster economic interdependence. On 7th February 1992, the Maastricht Treaty was signed to create the European Union. This led to expansion of spheres of cooperation to include internal affairs, judicial matters, foreign policy, etc. The Euro (€) is the official currency of 19 out of 28 countries of the EU. These nations are collectively called ‘Eurozone’.

(b) European Commission – The Commission is the executive bureaucratic arm of the EU. It is mainly responsible for drawing up proposals for new European legislation,and it implements the policy decisions of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU.

(c) European Parliament – The European Parliament is composed of 751 Members, who are directly elected every five years. It is a body entrusted with legislative, supervisory, and budgetary responsibilities.

(d) European Council – The structure of the European Council consists of the Presidents or Prime Ministers of each member State, accompanied by their foreign ministers, and a full¬time President of the European Council. The European Council meets four times a year and provides strategic leadership for the EU.

(e) European Court of Justice (ECJ) – The ECJ interprets, and adjudicates on, EU law and treaties. As EU law has primacy over the national law of EU member States.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 1 The World Since 1991


Find out the role played by India in BRICS (Text Book Page No. 13)
BRICS refers to five major emerging national economies, i.e., Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. It accounts for about 40% of the world’s population and 20% of the GDP. It is an emerging investment market and global power bloc. India serves a multi faceted role on the economic and political fronts.

(i) New Development Bank (NDB) was proposed by India during the BRICS summit in New Delhi. It was established in 2014 and intends to provide non conditional financing. India has contributed $ 10 billion to the NDB to refurbish industrial bases in Brazil and South Africa. There is a regional office of NDB in India.

(ii) In 2012, India introduced “security” on the agenda, as the theme of the summit in New Delhi was BRICS Partnership for Global Stability, Security and Prosperity.

(iii) India has also highlighted climate governance at BRICS meeting.

(iv) BRICS membership elevates India’s global profile for e.g., India has assumed the role of a trade facilitator in Africa and South Asia. It aims to promote intra-BRICS trade, which means urging member nations to import goods mainly from each other.

(v) India is seen as a strong voice at BRICS and the UN against proposals and actions that could harms any member’s interests for e.g., India turned down China’s proposal to invite Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Mexico into the BRICS to focus only on development within current members.

Class 12 Political Science Chapter 1 The World Since 1991 Intext Questions and Answers

ACTIVITY (Text Book Page No. 7)

Question 1.
What is One Belt One Road and China Pakistan Economic Corridor policy of China?
One Belt One Road also called OBOR or Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) since 2016, is a global development strategy adopted by the Chinese government in 2013 involving infrastructure development and investments in nearly 70 countries in Asia, Europe and Africa. It is an ambitious economic development and commercial project that focuses on improving cooperation among multiple countries.

BRI involves building a network of roadways, railways, power grids, maritime ports, oil and gas pipelines and associated infrastructure projects. The project covers two parts i.e., Silk Road Economic Belt (land based) and expects to connect China with Central Asia, East and West Europe to connect China with Central Asia, East and West Europe) and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (sea based and connects China to Africa, South East Asia, Mediterranean) BRI consists of six economic corridors such as China-Pakistan corridor, China- Indochina Peninsula corridor etc.

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) launched in 2015 is a part of the greater OBOR. It is a collection of infrastructure projects that are currently under construction throughout Pakistan for e.g., special economic zones, ports, energy projects, etc. The Gwadar Port (Balochistan province of Pakistan) which is considered the deepest seaport in the world is considered to be significant in the BRI. India has objected to the CPEC as upgrade works to the Karakoram Highway are taking place in Gilgit Baltistan (which is Indian territory) and will undermine India’s security and position in the region.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 1 The World Since 1991

Question 2.
Who are the members of the European Union? (Text Book Page No.9)
There are 27 countries who are members of European Union. These are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden. UK was a member but left in January 2020.

The following countries are part of Eurozone.
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain. The Eurozone is the monetary union of 19 out of 27 countries of the EU i.e., those who have Euro (€) as their common currency. The other 8 EU countries continue to use their national currencies.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 1 The World Since 1991

Question 3.
Discuss the case of Brexit. (Text Book Page No. 11)
British Exit i.e., Brexit is the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. In June 2016, 52% voted to leave the EU following a UK wide referendum. The UK finally left the EU on 31st January 2020.
The main reasons for Brexit were-
(i) EU threatens British sovereignty and prevents radical reforms.
(ii) The Euro has been a disaster and caused the Greek economic crisis.
(iii) UK could have a more rational immigration system outside the EU as the EU allows too many immigrants.

Brexit is a rejection of globalisation. The European Union signified a move from a single market to a single currency, a single banking system and eventually a single political entity. Many persons argue that Brexit goes against the concept of globalisation, i.e., it symbolizes a protest against the economic model that has been in place since 1992.

Many voters feel that globalisation has benefited only a small elite and hanker for a return to the security provided by the nation-States i.e., jobs, living standards, welfare facilities seemed better protected in the nation-States prior to globalisation for e.g., unemployment across the Eurozone is more than 10% and Italy, Greece, etc., are facing economic crisis.

12th Std Political Science Questions And Answers:

Tourism and History Question Answer Class 10 History Chapter 8 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 8 Tourism and History Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 History Chapter 8 Question Answer Tourism and History Maharashtra Board

Class 10 History Chapter 8 Tourism and History Question Answer Maharashtra Board

History Class 10 Chapter 8 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
(A) Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the statement.
(1) Thomas Cook established a travel agency selling ……………………….. .
(a) handicrafts
(b) toys
(c) food items
(d) tourist tickets
(d) tourist tickets

Maharashtra Board Solutions

(2) Bhilar is known as the ‘Village of ……………………….. .
(a) books
(b) plants
(c) mangoes
(d) forts
(a) Books

(B) Identify and write the wrong pair in the following set.
(1) Matheran – Hill Station
(2) Tadoba – Rock-cut Caves
(3) Kolhapur – Pilgrim Centre
(4) Ajanta – World Heritage
(2) Wrong Pair: Tadoba – Rock-cut Caves

Question 2.
Explain the following statements with reasons.
(1) The number of people travelling back and forth from India has increased considerably.

  • It has become easier to travel because of the easy availability of a number of options like railway, marine and air services.
  • Marine has linked the coastal regions. Aviation has brought the entire world closer.
  • The economic liberalisation policy of the Indian government has made the travel more easy.
  • People travel for studies, relaxation, sightseeing and professional assignments (meetings, etc.), also for shooting films. Therefore, there has been a considerable increase in the number of people travelling back and forth from India.

(2) It is important to take a few primary precautions in order to preserve the historical heritage sites.
India has rich natural and cultural heritage. In order to preserve the historical sites following precautionary measures should be taken.

  • Avoid vandalising or defacing the heritage monuments and sites.
  • To refrain from activities like writing on the wall or carving on the trees.
  • Ancient monuments should not be painted in garish colours.
  • Lack of good amenities in the precints of the heritage sites causes filthiness. Proper amenities should be provided.
  • Heritage monuments like forts and other monuments are testimonies of our glorious past and they serve as guide for future generations.

Therefore, they should be preserved..

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Question 3.
Write short notes :
(1) Tradition of Travelling

  • The tradition of traveffing from one corner to another is not new.
  • It existed in India since ancient times.
  • In stone age, man was constantly on the move in search of food but that was just wandering not travelling.
  • India has got a rich tradition of travelling.
  • People go for local fairs, temple fairs, festivals and pilgrimage which comes under cultural tourism.
  • People travelled long distance for education and trade.
  • Many students visited Nalanda, Takshshila universities in the past.
  • As travelling is a natural instinct in man, the tradition of travelling for various reasons is prevalent since ancient times.

(2) Marco Polo

  • Marco Polo was born in a business family in the Italian city of Venice in 1254 CE.
  • He was the first European traveller to reach China taking the silk route.
  • His travelogue introduced Asia, especially China to Europe.
  • He wrote about the rich flora and fauna, social life, information on culture and trade system in Asia.
  • His writings initiated trade between Europe and Asia.

(3) Agro-tourism
Visit to agricultural centres and agricultural universities comes under agro-tourism.

  1. In recent times lot of research is conducted in the agricultural field. Many new agricultural universities and research centres are formed in India.
  2. Projects are undertaken to inform farmers about suitable soil for their crops, organic manures, earthworm compost, etc. Sikkim state is the first organic state of India.
  3. Though it receives less rainfall, Israel has made a lot of development in agricultural sector. To obtain information on novel techniques in farming and on projects started, students and city people travel to places.
  4. As urban population has very little exposure to rural life and agriculture, agro-tourism is developing rapidly.

Question 4.
Answer the following questions in detail.
(1) What are the crucial issues in the development of tourism?
In modern times, tourism is not limited to being a job-oriented profession but it also contributes to the nation’s development.

  • Safety of the tourists and secure transport facilities should be given utmost preference.
  • Availability of good accommodation and amenities of reasonably good standard should be made available.
  • Good washroom facilities oq, the travel routes and at tourists sites should be provided.
  • Pamphlets, guides, maps should be made available to the tourists, preferably in their own language.
  • It would be helpful if taxi drivers are trained to converse in more than one languages.
  • They can also be trained as tourist guides.
  • Attention should be given towards the needs of specially challenged people.

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(2) In what way tourism becomes a major source of their livelihood?
In the following ways development takes place at local level because of tourism:

  •  Local markets are developed in the vicinity of a tourist site.
  • There is considerable increase in purchase and sales of goods liked by tourists.
  • Production and sale of ethnic handicraft goods increase eventually leading to the development of these industries.
  • Economic well-being of the skilled craftsmen.
  • Increase in demand of locally processed food, hotel services, accommodation and in shops leads to development of these services.
  • Local transport, travel agents, guides are in demand. Hence more and more employment opportunities are generated.

(3) What would you do to develop the surroundings of your village /town to help the growth of tourism?
It is important to have an understanding of our surroundings. For that some ground work is essential.

  1. Historical monuments and temples should be conserved and preserved. Boards having information on them should be put up around the city. We need to pay attention towards cleanliness.
  2. Beaches should be clean as clean beaches always attract tourists.
  3. Tourists are interested to see projects like earthworm composts, zero waste and working of solar power projects. If such projects are installed they become centre of major tourist attraction.
  4. Similarly, tourists are interested to see local art, culture, cottage and handicraft industry. They are enthusiastic to buy locally made handicrafts as souvenirs. I feel if there is economical, geographical, cultural and educational development in our surroundings it will definitely boost tourism.

Question 5.
Complete the following Concept chart:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 8 Tourism and History 1
Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 8 Tourism and History 2

Question 6.
Give elaborate answers to the following.
(1) What are the professional fields associated with tourism?
The following fields are related to tourism:

  • Hotels, lodging and boarding services.
  • Shops selling food items and catering services, etc.
  • A reviväl or boost to Handicraft and Cottage industiy resulting in economic well-being of the skilled craftsmen.
  • Demand for industries affiliated to hotel industry like Dairy industry.
  • Agro industry which supplies vegetables, fruits, fish and meat increases.
  • Transport services which are required by tourists such as bus, autorickshaw and taxi, increase in numbers.
  • Travel agents, photographers, guides, etc. and other professions related to tourism get a boost.

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(2) Describe any three types of tourism.
Tourism has been classified into many types, three important types of them are:
(1) Historical Tourism:

  • Tourism and history are inseparable.
  • The number of people visiting historical places are increasing day by day.
  • Tours are arranged to see forts, battlefields which narrate stories of valour of our ancestors and monuments made by them.
  • Tourists visit memorials of freedom fighters, forts built by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, palaces built by kings.
  • Important places related to the Indian war of independence in 1857, and ashrams of Mahatma Gandhi and Vinoba Bhave.

Thus, this type of historical tourism is popular all around the world.

(2) Geographic Tourism:
Sea beaches, mountain ranges, valleys, snow-capped peaks, pristine jungles, sanctuaries, lakes formed because of meteor impact, waterfalls, form wealth of a nation. People enjoy nature and feel a natural attraction towards it. People around the world visit 8 such places out of curiosity or for leisure.

(3) International Tourism:

  • International tourism is on the rise in modern times because of availability of transport facility.
  • International tourism is on the rise because people travel for various reasons like international literary conferences, world summits, meetings, business deals, site seeing and visit to religious places.
  • International seminars and conferences are held.
  • Film festivals are arranged. Such events promote international tourism.

Explain the need to preserve the heritage sites. What measures are required to achieve it? Discuss.

Question 7.
Complete the sentences by choosing the correct option:
(a) The Chinese monk …………………….. travelled in India in 630 C.E.
(a) Hiuen Tsang
(b) Yuan Shwcmg
(c) Fa-Hien
(d) Ho Chi Minh
(b) Yuan Shwang

(b) The number of people travelling back and forth from India has increased considerably because of …………………….. .
(a) India’s first war of Independence
(b) India’s independence
(c) Economic liberalisation
(d) Good railway services
(c) Economic liberalisation

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(c) …………………….. used to arrange hiking tours in Maharashtra to explore the sights closely linked to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
(a) N.S. Incim dar
(b) Ranjit Desai
(c) Vishnubhcrt Godse
(d) Gopal Neelkanth Dandekar
(d) Gopal Neelkanth Dandekar.

(d) In order to provide good’ amenities on the pilgrim routes like Chardham Yatras and Bara Jyotirlings …………………….. has spent from her personal funds.
(a) Queen Lakshmibcri
(b) Ahilyabai Holkar
(c) Nanasaheb Peshwa
(d) Vshunbhat Godse
(b) Ahilyabai Holkar

(e) A visit to …………………….. at Nighoj in Maharashtra is geographic tourism.
(a) palace
(b) fort
(c) ranjankhalage
(d) temple
(c) ranjankhalage

(f) …………………….. has conducted experiments of advanced technology in agriculture.
(a) Egypt
(b) Jordan
(c) Italy
(d) Israel
(d) Israel

(g) Travelling to attend events like Maharashtra Kesari is known as ……………………. .
(a) Geographic Tourism
(b) Health Tourism
(c) Agro Tourism
(d) Sports Tourism
(d) Sports Tourism

(h) …………………….. successfully circumnavigated Europe.
(a) Marco Polo
(b) Thomas Cook
(c) Benjamin of Tudela
(d) Gerardus Mercator
(b) Thomas Cook.

Question 8.
Identify the wrong pair in the following, and write it:

(1) Matheran Hill Station
(2) Tadoba Rock-cut Caves
(3) Kolhapur Pilgrim Centre
(4) Ajanta World Heritage

Wrong Pair: Tadoba – Rock-cut Caves

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(1) First Cartographer who made world map Thomas Cook
(2) First European discoverer Benjamin of Tudela
(3) Italian traveller who introduced China to Europe Marco Polo
(4) Traveller who travelled extensively in Islamic world Ibn Batuta

Wrong Pair: First Cartographer who made world map – Thomas Cook


Place Popular for
(1)  Lonar
(2)  Jayakwadi
(3)  Gharapuri
(4)  Jantar Mantar
Hill Station
Rock-cut Caves

Wrong Pair Jayakwadi – Hill Station


(1) Gharapuri (Elephanta) Cave
(2) Pandharpur Pilgrim centre
(3) Sagareshwar Dam
(4) Panchgani Hill station

Wrong Pair: Sagareshwar – Dam


(1) Chikhaldara Hill station
(2) Tuljapur Pilgrim centre
(3) Sagareshwar Sanctuary
(4) Tadoba Rock-cut Caves

Wrong Pair: Tadoba – Rock-cut Caves

Question 9.
Do as directed:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 8 Tourism and History 3
Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 8 Tourism and History 4

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Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 8 Tourism and History 5
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 8 Tourism and History 8

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Question 10.
Explain the concept:
(1) Tourism:

  1. Visiting places in distant regions with a specific purpose is known as Tourism.
  2. Tourism can also be defined as going for local fairs, festivals, pilgrimage, entertainment, leisure, historical or places of natural beauty. Man has a natural instinct to travel.
  3. Travelling is an old tradition which has undergone changes with time. In modern times, tourism has changed in its nature and form.
  4. Tourism expands from the local to the international level. As tourism develops it opens the doors of development for a country.

(2) Religious Tourism:

  1. When people travel individually or in groups on a pilgrimage, it is known as Religious Tourism. Religious seminars, pilgrimages, religious festivals and travel on occasions to bathe in holy rivers come under religious tourism.
  2. Gautam Buddha and Buddhist monks travelled to preach Buddhism and give discourses on Dhama. In the same way, Shankarachaya had travelled to spread Hinduism. St. Francis Xavier along with his followers travelled all over India to preach Christianity.
  3. People in Maharashtra walk on foot to reach Pandharpur, Shirdi and many holy places to pay their obeisance.
  4. Guru Nanak, Saint Namdev, Samarth Ramdas, as well as Yuan Shwang who came from China in 630 CE to study Buddhism in India, travelled extensively in India.

(3) Heritage Walk:

  1. Heritage walk . involves physical walking in the area-and observing the historical sites. People go for heritage walks to see historical palaces, forts and old temples.
  2. The first hand experience we get is inspirational in forming an emotional connect and a long lasting impression. .
  3. Many enthusiastic organisations held such heritage walks in city of Ahmadabad, Mumbai and Pune to enable the people to get glimpses of history.

(4) Cultural tourism:

  • India has rich tradition of folk arts. Festivals are arranged to promote such art forms.
  • Travelling to see such festivals comes under Cultural tourism.
  • Visiting historical places to get a glimpse of local culture is also cultural tourism.
  • It also involves visiting reputed educational institutions and understand their traditions as well as travelling to see festivals and celebrations in different parts of the country.
  • Travelling to participate in various music- dance festivals as audience is also part of cultural tourism.

Question 11.
Write short notes:
(a) Benjamin of Tudela:

  • Benjamin of Tudela is known to be the first traveller in the world. He was born in Spain.
  • He travelled through Asia, Europe and Africa in between 1159-1173 C.E.
  • He visited France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Syria, Arabia, Egypt, Iraq and Persia. He even visited India and China.
  • He noted down his experiences and observations about people and their living style in his diaries.
  • He made accurate observations about the social life in the medieval period.

Hence, his accounts are authentic and are studied by scholars studying the medieval period.

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(b) Ibn Batuta:

  1. Ibn Batuta was born on 25th February, 1304 in present Morocco. He was a great 14th century traveller who travelled for 30 years. His travel accounts enabled people an insight into the Islamic world.
  2. Having made’ the resolution of not taking the same route again, he travelled to South and East Africa, South and East Europe, Middle and South east Asia in the Indian subcontinent.
  3. His writings are helpful for those who study medieval history and social life.
  4. In his book Batuta said,’ “Travelling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into storyteller.”

(c) Gerardus Mercator:

  • Gerardus Mercator of 16th century was the first Dutch cartographer.
  • He was the first one to make a world map and globe of the earth. He made large and small maps which could be hung on a wall.
  • Mercator used the word Atlas’ for the first time. He made scientific and astronomical instruments.
  • His maps gave momentum to navigation around the world.

Question 12.
Explain the following statements with reasons:

(a) Maza Pravas is an important source of history.

  1. Vishnubhat Godse in his travelogue wrote about his journey to Ayodhya and back to Maharashtra.
  2. He published a book, called ‘Maza Pravas’ in which he gave an eye witness account of the events which unfolded during the Indian War of Independence in 1857.
  3. He gave full detailed descriptions about various incident during that period, especially on the life of the Queen of Jhansi Lakshmibai.
  4. His writings give us an idea about the nature of the Marathi language in the 18th century.
    Therefore, it is considered as an important source of history.

(4) Tourism can provide a source of livelihood.

  1. Tourists visit religious, historical and places of natural beauty. Job opportunities develop to meet the requirements of the tourists.
  2. Guides are required to provide information about the place. Photographers take photos of the tourists wearing local costumes. Suppliers of such dresses are required.
  3. Horse carts, cabs and other means of transport are required Which gives scope for transport business. Tourists buy local handicrafts. Hence the local handicraft and cottage industry gets promoted.
  4. Hotel industry gets boosted. In short, the markets near the tourist centre develop. So, tourism can be a source of livelihood for local people.

Question 13.
Answer the following questions in 20 – 25 words:

(a) Write about the work of Thomas Cook.

  • Thomas Cook started group tours on commercial basis in the latter half of the 19th century.
  • He took 600 people from Leicester to Loughborough by railway.
  • Later, he successfully organised a round trip of Europe.
  • He opened a travel agency and sold tourists tickets. He organised affordable tours and easy travel.

Thus, his ventures opened the doors for the development of modem tourism.

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(b) What are the benefits of religious tourism?
The following are the benefits of religious tourism:

  • People staying in different parts of the world come together.
  • They develop ties as they share the sgme* faith and also feeling of unity develops.
  • Religious places get importance and many social welfare projects are undertaken.
  • As these places develop, the local business develops leading to improvement in the standard of living of the local people.

(c) Write information on the tourists places in Maharashtra.

Caves Ajanta and Ellora caves, Verul, Bhaje, Kanheri caves
Temples Pandharpur, Shirdi, Jejuri, Shegaon, Tuljapur, Kolhapur, Nashik, Paithan, Dehu, Alandi, Haji Malang, Mount Mary’s Church.
Hill stations Mahabaleshwar, Panchgani, Chikhaldara, Matheran, Lonavala, Khandala.
Dams Koynanagar, Jayakwadi, Bhatghar, Chandoli, Panshet, Bhandara, Khadakwasla.
Sanctuaries Dajipur Tadoba, Karnala.
Historical places Raigad, Simhgad, Sindhudurg, Vijaydurg, Palace of Kolhapur, Janjeera, Memorials.

(d) What is Sports Tourism?

  1. Sports tourism developed in the 20th century. It involves travelling either to participate in a sporting event or to watch the event.
  2. Various sports events are organised at local and state level for different inter school competitions. National level Sports Competitions are also held. International cricket, hockey and football tournaments are held at regular intervals.
  3. Wimbledon, French Open, Australian Open and US Open lawn tennis tournaments are held. Every four years, Olympics and Asian Games are held in the country which is the host. Events like the Himalayan car rally at the national level and Maharashtra Kesari at the state level are held.
  4. Travelling to participate in these events as players, coaches, umpires, referees, organisers or to attend them as spectators come under sports tourism.

Question 14.
Read the following passage and answer the following questions:
(a) Complete the graphical presentation:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 8 Tourism and History 3
Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 8 Tourism and History 4

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(b) What types of books are there in the Village of Books?
In the Village of Books, we find books of old and new authors and saints, ranging from biographies, autobiographies, fiction, poetry literature by women, literature on sports and literature for kids. as Village of

(c) Why is Bhilar village known as Village of Books?

  • Each household in this village maintains a library of its own.
  • Tourists enjoy reading these books.
  • Maharashtra Government has kept these books in every household so that it becomes easy for the tourists to take and read.
  • It is done with a view to accelerate the ‘Reading Culture’ movement to enjoy Marcrthi literature.

Hence, the village is known as ‘Village of Books’.

Question 15.
Give elaborate answers to the following:

(a) Explain the benefits of increasing tourism.
Tourism not only benefits an individual but also a country.

  • Tourism is an industry which has potential to generate maximum employment.
  • New markets are created leading to the development of tourist sites.
  • Urbanisation takes place giving rise to new colonies.
  • The country earns foreign exchange.
  • Handicraft and cottage industry gets a boost.
  • Visiting different sites, meeting people speaking different languages and knowing different cultures increases tolerance and peace.
  • We get information when we visit places of historical importance and natural beauty. It widens our perspective.
  • When we visit historical places we come to know about the glorious past which gives us inspiration to build a bright future.
  • It emphasises the need that we have to take care of our heritage.
  • Tourism gives us a feeling of personal and collective fulfillment.

(b) Explain the purpose of tourism.
Tourism has several purposes and inspiration behind it. They are as follows:

  • To see historical monuments forts and cities discovered during excavations. To visit centres promoting ancient art and craft, museums.
  • To visit different pilgrim centres, sea beaches, mountain ranges, valleys, snow-capped peaks, pristine jungles.
  • To visit special plateaus like Kas plateau, museums, lakes formed because of meteoric impact and valleys of flowers.
  • Places of natural beauty gives us enjoyment and experiences which connects us to nature.
  • To visit different industrial sites.
  • To see medicinal plants and avail of ayurvedic therapies.
  • To visit places to see agricultural projects, visit to see agricultural research centres and making of compost pits.
  • To travel to watch sports events which comes under sports tourism. To be. part of dance-music, festival or watch as audience, which is cultural tourism.
  • People also visit places to attend film festivals, witness the making of movies, science seminars, international conferences, book exhibitions and literary events.

In short, the purpose of tourism differs from person to person. It is explored as per individual interest.

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(c) What measures should be taken to conserve historical monuments?
Historical monuments and ancient historical sources constitute our cultural heritage. The following measures should be taken to conserve them:

  • Seepage of water in forts and in rock-cut caves should be stopped. Creepers which grow on forts should be uprooted.
  • Damages due to humidity and heat should be stopped with proper measures.
  • To take precautions to avoid deterioration of monuments near the sea because of salt.
  • Hygiene should be maintained at tourist sites.
  • One should be fined for writing names, carving or defacing the monument in ary manner.
  • Government should take measures to avoid the monuments getting vandalised.
  • Awareness should be created among the people about the need to preserve monuments.
  • Along with government, people and private sectors should contribute to raise funds for the preservation of projects.

(d) Distinguish between Local tourism and International tourism.

Local/Interstate Tourism International Tourism
1. Travelling within our country is local tourism. 1. Crossing border and going overseas means international tourism.
2. There is no need to seek the government’s permission or paperwork. 2. Visa is required to travel to a foreign country. Visa is not granted unless we complete all paperwork. It is essential to keep documeñts with us.
3. Local tourism is hassle-free as the land is known to us. 3. Having no acquaintances with the people or land can create challenges.
4. No need for currency exchange 4. Currency exchange is required.
5. We can make changes in the itinerary to suit our convenience. 5. Fixed itinerary has to be followed. We cannot make any changes to it.
6. Language, mostly, is not an obstacle. We can communicate in our mother tongue or in the national language. 6. Language can be an obstacle. One should know the language of that country if one wants to interact with locals or at least be well versed in English.
7. We can extend our stay if we desire to. 7. Our stay in a foreign country cannot be extended. It has a fixed time duration as long as permission is granted.

(e) What facilities should be made available to the tourists?
The following facilities should be provided to tourists:
Facilities for tourists:

  • Safe and secured transport facilities, translators and guides.
  • Ensure safety of the tourists.
  • Good and clean hotels and eateries. Clean drinking water at various places of visit.
  • Good washrooms on the travel routes and at tourists sites.
  • Care should be taken that tourists do not endure physical or mental distress.
  • Tourists should not be cheated when they make purchases.

(f) How would you behave with the tourists if you are the local person at a tourist site?
Tourists visit any tourist site having faith in the local people:

  • I will behave well with the tourists. I will extend my cooperation.
  • I will inform them about the tourist places , known to me, which things they can buy and where.
  • I will be careful that they face no problems.

(g) What kind of new occupations were introduced in the surroundings of your village/ town because of growing tourism?
The following job opportunities were created in the surroundings of my town because of growing tourism:

  • The number of tourist guides, porters increased.
  • More services of autorickshaw, taxi, horse-to ride, horse carts, etc. were provided.
  • New hotels and shops selling food items came up in vicinity.
  • Juice and cold drink centres were started.
  • Milk, vegetables and tea stalls were set up.
  • New shops selling handicraft and local things opened.
  • What kind of new occupations were introduced in the surroundings of your village/town because of growing tourism?
  • What difference could be observed in the lifestyle of people in the surroundings of your village-town because of growing tourism?

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(h) What difference can be observed in the lifestyle of people in the surroundings of your village-town because of growing tourism?
Tourism improves standard of living of the people:

  • Small towns transform into urban cities.
  • Standard of living improves to great extent.
  • Modern housing colonies come up in place of small houses.
  • Different types of business as prosper.
  • Artists get promoted which helps in sale of their artefacts.
  • Number of two-wheelers and four-wheelers increase.
  • I have observed these changes in the surroundings of my town.

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Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 8 Tourism and History 12

10th Std History Questions And Answers:

Sports and History Question Answer Class 10 History Chapter 7 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 7 Sports and History Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 History Chapter 7 Question Answer Sports and History Maharashtra Board

Class 10 History Chapter 7 Sports and History Question Answer Maharashtra Board

History Class 10 Chapter 7 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
(A) Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the statement.
(1) The ancient event of Olympic competitions used to be held at ………………………… .
(a) Olympia, Greece
(b) Rome
(c) India
(d) China
(a) Greece

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(2) The wooden dolls made in Maharashtra are known as ………………………… .
(a) Thaki
(b) Kalichandika
(c) Gangavati
(d) Champavati
(a) Thaki

(B) Identify and write the wrong pair in the following set.
(1) Mallakhamb – Outdoor game based on physical skills
(2) Water polo – Water sport
(3) Skating – Adventurous ice sport
(4) Chess – Outdoor game
(4) Chess – Outdoor game

Question 2.
Write notes :
(1) Toys and Festivals

  • Toys and festivals are inter-related since ancient times.
  • Toys are used for decoration in different cultures and religions during festivals.
  • In some cultures toys are distributed as gifts. Santa Claus gifts children toys during Christmas.
  • As part of Diwali celebration in Maharashtra, model forts are made displaying images of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, his soldiers and animals which are toys.
  • Clay images of snakes and bullocks are- sold during festivals like Bail pola and Nagpanchami.

(2) Sports and movies

  • The presence of sports was limited to a scene in the movies made earlier.
  • In recent times, biographical movies are made on sportspersons and on sports.
  • Movies like Lagaan and Dangal are made related to cricket and wrestling respectively.
  • Biographical movies are made on Mary Kom, and the Phogat sisters.
  • Movies are made on careers of famous sprinter Milkha Singh.
  • Bharat Ratna Sachin Tendulkar and Cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni.
  • Overall, movies and sports are related from the silent era till date.

Question 3.
Explain the following statements with reasons.
(1) Currently the structure of sports economy has been significantly affected.

  • The process of globalisation has influenced the field of sports in the 20th-21st century.
  • International matches of various sports like Cricket, Football, etc. are*telecast in every corner of the world.
  • Fans watch these matches for entertainment,r and aspiring players to learn more.
  • The citizens of the non-participating countries also watch these matches.
  • Retired players get a chance on television channels as commentators.
  • Matches garner a large audience, hence the commercial companies look at it as an opportunity to advertise and sell their products.
  • All these factors have led to change in the structure of sports economy.

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(2) Toys can tell us about cultural history.
A tradition of making different type of toys for entertainment is going on since ancient time.

  • Toys give us an idea about the cultural and religious development of that period.
  • Clay models of forts and the images of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj placed on fort gives us an idea about the structures of forts during that period.
  • An ivory doll found at Pompeii, an ancient city in Italy, sheds light on Indo-Roman trade and cultural relations.
  • The mention of games, toys and flying and dancing dolls in Kathasaritsagara give us an idea about cultural history of toys. In this way, we come to know about cultural history from toys.

Question 4.
Write detailed answers to the following questions.
(1) Write about the history of sports equipment and toys in ancient India.

  1. The history of sports equipment and toys dates back to epic age. The ancient Indian literature and epics mention various games such as games of dice, wrestling, horse and chariot race.
  2. Sports are of two types ‘Indoor Games’ and ‘Outdoor Games’. Indoor games such as chess, card games, dice, carrom, kachkavadya or Indian ludo, Bhatukli were very popular. It can be noted that all of them required equipment to play.
  3. Cards to play card games, dice to play game of dice, a board and pieces to play chess, bunch of seeds or stones to play sagargote; (playing house) to play Bhatukli.
  4. Likewise, Outdoor games like marbles, lagori (seven stones), vitti-dandu, bhavare (tops) all require material like marbles, stones, tops, a small and large stick to play.
  5. A Sanskrit play by Shudraka is named as Mrichchhakatika. It means a clay cart. A clay cart was a toy used to play during Harappan period.
  6. Kathasaritsagara has very interesting descriptions of games and toys. There are descriptions of flying dolls. There is a mention that on pressing a key some dolls used to fly, some used to dance and some used to make sounds.

(2) Explain the close tie between sports and history.
Sports and history are closely related with each other.

  1. It is a must for a sports writer to know the history of the game he chooses to write on.
  2. In order to write a review on any sport competition, the critic should have knowledge of competitions held in the past.
  3. A comparative study of the skills, techniques and strategies used in the past and developments or improvements in the present makes the review comprehensive.
  4. The writer has to resort to history while writing columns or articles on sports events like Olympics or Asiad or any national or international matches.
  5. While commentating on Akashvani and Doordarshan, an expert commentator needs to have good knowledge of the history of the game, previous records of illustrious and eminent players, statistical analysis and historical anecdotes related to the game and players.
  6. Coaches, special experts, selection committee should have information of the players, their strength and weakness and also history of the players in the opposing team. Even players should know history of their competitors.
    In short, it is essential to know the history of all the aspects related to sports.

(3) Explain the difference between indoor and outdoor games.

Indoor games Outdoor games
1. Most of the indoor games are played by sitting at one place. They are played in a closed environment. 1. Outdoor games are played on a field.
2. Indoor games require skills but physical exercise is negligible. 2. Outdoor games need more physical exercise and skill.
3. As there is no exertion in indoor games, so it is not essential to develop stamina. 3. Outdoor games require stamina and strength.
4. Indoor games do not involve adventure.
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4. Outdoor games involve adventures at times, e.g.. Auto racing
5. Indoor games includes Chess, Indian Ludo (Playing house) Bhatukli and many more. 5. Outdoor games involve national and international games like Kabaddi, Kho-kho, Hockey, Cricket, etc.
6. With the exception of chess and carrom no competitions are held for rest of the Indoor games. 6. National and international competitions are held of almost all outdoor games.

(1) Collect information about your favorite sports and its players.
(2) Discuss the hardships the sportspersons have to face while training for the sport with the help of information gathered through movies and literature.

Question 5.
Complete the sentences by choosing the correct option:
(a) The activity which combines physical exercise and entertainment is ……………………….. .
(a) Show
(b) Attitude
(c) Sports
(d) Competition
(c) Sports

(b) ……………………….. was looked upon as a game and entertainment by ancient people.
(a) Dancing
(b) Playing
(c) Singing
(d) Hunting
(d) Hunting

(c) ……………………….. and its various tactics were devised by Balambhat Deodhar, the physical trainer of Peshwa Bajirao II.
(a) Kabaddi
(b) Atyapatya
(c) Khokho
(d) Mallakhamb
(d) Mallakhamb.

(d) The Indian Government has honoured Sachin, Tendulkar with ……………………… for his illustrious achievements in the field of cricket.
(a) Padma Shri
(b) Khel Ratna
(c) Arjuna Award
(d) Bharat Ratna
(d) Bharat Ratna

(e) ……………………… is the national game of India.
(a) Hockey
(b) Cricket
(c) Football
(d) Kabaddi
(a) Hockey

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(f) The National Sports Day of India is celebrated on 29th August which is the birth date of …………………….. .
(a) Khashaba Jadhav
(b) Sachin Tendulkar
(c) Major Dhyan Chand
(d) Bal J. Pandit
(c) Major Dhyan Chand

(g) Vishnubhat Godse in his book Maza Pravas wrote that sports and physical activity had great importance in the daily schedule of ………………………
(a) Tatya Tope
(b) Queen of Jhansi Lakshmibai
(c) Bahadur Shah Jaffar
(d) Nanasaheb Peshwa
(b) Queen of Jhansi Lakshmibai

(g) Maruti Mane is known for …………………….. .
(a) Hockey
(b) Kabaddi
(c) Marathon
(d) Wrestling
(d) Wrestling.

(h) …………………….. wrote the play Mrichchhakatika which means a clay cart.
(a) Harshvardhan
(b) Shudraka
(c) Bhavbhuti
(4) Kalidas
(b) Shudraka

(i) The findings in the excavations of …………………….., an ancient city in Italy includes an ivory doll made by Indian craftsmen.
(a) Rome
(b) Athens
(c) Sparta
(d) Pompeii
(d) Pompeii

(j) An interesting description of games and toys is found in ……………………. .
(a) Shakuntal
(b) Panchatantra
(c) Mrichchhakatika
(d) Kathasaritsagara
(d) Kathasaritsagara

(k) Major Dhyan Chand was honoured in 1956 with …………………….. for his marvellous achievements in hockey.
(a) Padma Shri
(b) Padma Bhushan
(c) Padma Vibhushan
(d) Bharat Ratna
(c) Padma Bhushan

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(l) …………………….. was the first Indian female boxer to win a bronze medal in the Olympics.
(a) P 7 Sindhu
(b) Mary Kom
(c) Geeta Phoghat
(d) Saina Nehwal
(b) Mary Kom.

Question 6.
Identify the wrong pair in the following and write it:

(1) Mallakhamb Outdoor game based on physical skills
(2) Water Polo Water sport
(3) Skating Adventure ice sports
(4) Chess Outdoor game

Wrong pair: Chess – Outdoor game


(1) Mallakhamb trainer Balambhat Deodhar
(2) Wizard of Hockey Milkha Singh
(3) First Indian female boxer Mary Kom
(4) First Indian female wrestlers Phogat sisters

Wrong pair: Wizard of Hockey – Milkha Singh

Question 7.
Do as directed
(A) Complete the graphical description:
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(B) Prepare a Tree-Diagram on typs of games:
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Question 8.
Write short notes:

(a) Indigenous Games:

  1. The games which have their origin in India and are an important part of Indian culture are indigenous games.
  2. They are of two types – ‘Indoor Games’ and ‘Outdoor Games’. Indoor Games are played within a closed environment and a number of them are played by sitting at one place. Chess, card games, dice, carrom, etc. are indigenous indoor games.
  3. An open space or preferably a playground is required to play outdoor games. Kabaddi, Atyapatya, Kho-kho etc. are indigenous outdoor games.
  4. The special feature of indigenous games is that they do not require high cost material and hence are less expensive. Phugadi, Zimma, Bhatukali are some of the indigenous games played by girls. In modern times, all national and international games are played by both girls and boys.

Question 9.
Explain the following statements with reasons:

(a) Major Dhyan Chand is called the Wizard of Hockey.

  • Major Dhyan Chand was part of hockey teams as a player in 1928 and 1932 which won gold medal at Olympics.
  • He was also captain of the Indian Hockey team which won a Gold Medal at the Berlin Olympics in 1936.
  • He shot 25 goals against America and Japan in the 1932 Olympics.
  • He shot more than 400 goals in his entire career which include national and international matches. Owing to his brilliant achievement he is called the ‘Wizard of Hockey’.

(b) Globalisation has influenced sports.

  1. No sport is limited to any one country. Television and other media channels telecast matches widening the reach of sports in all comejcs, of the world.
  2. International competition Asiad, Paralympics, Cricket Wc watched by people irrespective r
    part of the world.
  3. World Cup matches of cricket, hockey and football are held.
  4. No country has a monopoly on any sport which means that globalisation has influenced sports.

(c) A commentator should know the history of the game.

  • The mere description of a live match is not enough for commentators.
  • A commentator should have good knowledge of the history of the game, previous records (who made or who broke) and eminent players in the past as well as events related to different competitions.
  • Along with the history and information of the playground, commentator should narrate records made by the players in different matches.
  • It will make his commentary interesting. Therefore, it is essential for the commentator to know the history of the game.

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Question 10.
Answer the following questions in 25-30 words:
(a) Explain the importance of sports.
Sports has gained great importance for the following reasons:

  • Sports helps us to overcome our pains, worries and sufferings. We feel relaxed and refreshed by playing games.
  • Games which involve a lot of physical activity not only provide good exercise but also help in building a tenacious and strong body.
  • One. can develop courage; determination and sportsmanship playing games. A sense of cooperation and teamspirit develops when we participate in games which require collective participation.
  • Team games also help in developing a leadership! quality.

(b) Write about the history of sports.

  • It is a natural instinct in human beings to play. From beginning of civilisation till date man has played different types of games for his entertainment.
  • Hunting was a way of obtaining food for the ancient people as well as considered a game.
  • Horse and chariot races, wrestling, game of dice (dyut) are mentioned in ancient Indian literary texts and epics.
  • Dolls, whistles, toy carts were discovered in the excavations at Harappa. So, it can be said that the history of sports is as old as the history of man.

(c) Write about the importance of sports in education field.

  • Sports are an integral part „ of education. The making of a player begins at school level.
  • Many types of sports events are held at the international level. To make the players competent they are given opportunity to play at district, state and national level.
  • They are promoted and sponsored by the government and private sectors. Talented and ranking players get State scholarship or National scholarship.
  • Seats are reserved for them in colleges and Universities. It has been observed that the foundation of successful players is laid in school life.

(d) What do we need to know while making movies on sports?
While making a movie on sports the makers should have complete information of the. sport as well as its history.

  1. Nowadays special research teams are appointed by production houses which do thorough research on the subject of the movie.
  2. In order to gather information on the sportsperson or the sport it is essential to study books, articles, columns written by eminent sports writers.
  3. If the movie is on a sportsperson, all interviews published in national and international magazines and newspapers should be read.
  4. Factors such as period, type of equipment used, sports wear, dressing style, social life needs to be studied.
  5. General understanding of the people about the game, practises and famous sportspersons is required.

Question 11.
Read the following passage and answer the following questions:

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(a) Complete the Concept Map:
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 7 Sports and History 11

(b) How are the experts in history helpful regarding international sports competition?
Experts in history are helpful to write and critically analyse the game.

(c) How are professional opportunities available in field of sports?
There are many professional opportunities available in the field of sports.

  • Writers are in demand who can write on sports and critics to write reviews are in demand.
  • Commentators are in demand on Television, radio and various other private channels. Experts and assistants are needed to provide information regularly.
  • Coaches train the players, playground staff to maintain the field, umpires, etc.
  • Cameramen, computer experts and team of assistants to have uninterrupted transmission. Trained and qualified referees are required to work at district, national and international levels.
  • Overall, a great number of job opportunities are available in the field of sports.

Question 12.
Write a detailed answer to the following:

(a) Write about the history of sports literature and toys in ancient India.
A new enterprise is developing in publishing related to sports in India. There is extensive written work on various sports.

  • Many books related to sports and biographies are published. Encylopaedias are being written on sports.
  • An independent encyclopaedia is written on exercise. The History of Mallakhamb is recently published.
  • Sports magazines are published fortnightly and monthly.
  • Many newspapers have allotted a separate section or last pages for news related to sports.
  • ‘Shatkar’ was a sports magazine published some years ago. There is ample of literature available on sports.

(b) Trace the development of toys and their importance.

  • Toys and games have been essentially part of entertainment from ancient times. Every I developing society has made toys for the 8 entertainment and education of their children.
  • Toys were found at archaeological sites at various places. The toys were made of clay, baked clay, terracotta and ivory.
  • Either a mould was used to make the toy or it was fashioned by hand.
  • Toys and the material used to make them were indicators of the development and advancement of civilisations.
  • An interesting description of flying dolls is found in Kathasaritsagara. The dolls used to fly, made some sound and some danced when a key was pressed.
  • Toys give us information about the period it was made, how they were made, religious and 8 cultural practices and technical know-how of the 8 people. ’

Question 13.
Observe the picture and write information about the event it is related to:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 7 Sports and History 12

  1. This picture is the logo of the modern Olympic Games. The five interlocked rings represent the five continents of the world.
  2. The rings coloured blue, yellow, black, green and red on a white field are known as the ‘Olympic rings’. The symbol was originally designed in 1912 by Pierre de Coubertin.
  3. Olympic rings are the symbol of games which were first played in the ancient city of Olympia. They were held after every four years.
  4. The ancient Olympics had fewer events than the modern games and only Greek men were allowed to participate. Events such as Horse and Chariot race, Footrace, Wrestling, Boxing, Discus Throw, Pentathlon were held.
  5. The Greeks standardised rules of the sports were laid which was helpful to organise the games systematically.
  6. The modern Olympic games are also held every four years. It is a great honour for sportspersons to participate and win the Olympic medals.

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10th Std History Questions And Answers:

The Electoral Process Question Answer Class 10 Political Science Chapter 2 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 The Electoral Process Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 Political Science Chapter 2 Question Answer The Electoral Process Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Political Science Chapter 2 The Electoral Process Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Political Science Class 10 Chapter 2 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the sentences.
(1) The Election Commissioner is appointed by the …………………………. .
(a) President
(b) Prime Minister
(c) Speaker of Loksabha
(d) Vice President
(a) President

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(2) …………………………. was appointed as the first Chief Election Commissioner of independent India.
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(b) T.N. Sheshan
(c) Sukumar Sen
(d) Neela Satyanarayan
(c) Sukumar Sen

(3) Constituencies are created by …………………………. committee of the Election Commission.
(a) Selection
(b) Delimitation
(c) Voting
(d) Timetable
(b) Delimitation

Question 2.
State whether the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for your answer.
(1) The Elections Commission lays down the code of conduct during elections.
The above statement is True. Reasons:

  • It ensures free and fair elections.
  • Maipractices during the election come under control.
  • Due to the strict observance of the code of conduct in the last few’ elections, the common voters have become confident.

(2) Under special circumstances the Election Commission holds re-elections in a particular constituency for a second time.
The above statement is True. Reasons :

  • Sometimes, the representative of Lok Sabha, Vidhan Sabha or the local self governmènt resigns from his/her constituençy.
  • In some cases, death of the representative occurs.
  • In such special situations, the Election Commission has to conduct an election for a second time. It is called By-elections.

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(3) The state government decides as to when and in how many stages the elections would be held in a particular State.
The above statement is False. Reasons :

  • The entire process of conducting elections is entrusted upon and managed by the Election Commission.
  • If this responsibility is given to the state government it may adopt a biased approach.
  • Hence, the Constitution has formed the Election Commission an independent body to carry out the responsibility.

Therefore, it is decided by the Election Commission as to when and in how many stages it will conduct elections.

Question 3.
Explain the concept.
(1) Reorganising the constituencies
(1) The Election Commission of India formed constituencies for Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly.
(2) The Election Commission had decided upon the constituencies before the first election. As the years passed, there was a lot of migration of the people for business and other activities from the villages to cities.
(3) This changed the demography to large extent. Number of voters in some constituencies reduced while in some it increased to a very great extent. This disturbed the ratio of- seats allotted as compared to population in those constituencies.
(4) Hence, the need to readjust the constituencies arose. The Delimitation Commission of the election commission does the work of reorganising or restructuring of constituencies.

(2) Midterm Elections

Question 4.
Complete the following picture.
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Question 5.
Answer in brief.
(1) Explain the functions of the Election Commission.
The functions of the Election Commissipn are:
(1) Prepare the voters’ list.
(2) Decide election timetable and decide the entire process of holding elections.
(3) Scrutinize the applications of the candidates.
(4) Conduct free and fair elections and do all the work related to it.
(5) Give recognition and also de-recognize political parties.
(6) Resolve all the disputes and complaints regarding elections.

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(2) Write some additional information about post of the Election Commissioner.
(1) The Election Commission in India has one Chief Election Commissioner and two other Chief Commissioners.
(2) All the commissioners are appointed by the President.
(3) The Chief Election Commissioner of India is usually a member of the Indian Civil Service or. Indian Administrative Service.
(4) The responsibility of conducting free and fair elections to the Parliament and State Legislatures lies with the Election Commissioner.
(5) In order do safeguard the independence of the Election Commissioner, he cannot be easily removed from the post for any political reasons.

(3) Explain the meaning of Code of Conduct.
(1) After the announcement of elections till the declaration of results, the Election Commission enforces the Code of Conduct.
(2) It explains the rules to be followed by the government, political parties candidates and voters before and during elections.
(3) Code of conduct is adopted to control malpractices during elections. It ensure free and fair ecections.

Organise a mock poll in the school to understand the process of voting.

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Question 6.
Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the sentences:
(a) Article of Indian Constitution created the independent body of Election Commisšion.

(a) 351
(b) 370
(c) 324
(d) 301
(c) 324

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(b) system exists in India.
(a) Single-party
(b) Two-party
(c) Multi-party
(d) No-party
(c) Multi-party.

(c) The right to give recognition or de-recognize a political party lies with ……………….. .
(a) President
(b) Election Commission
(c) Parliament
(d) Vice-President
(b) Election Commission

(d) There are constituencies of Lok Sabha at present.
(a) 288
(b) 350
(c) 500
(d) 543
(d) 543

(e) from the present state of Himachal Pradesh was the first voter.
(a) Sukumar Sen
(b) Sham Sharan Negi
(c) Prem Kumar Ghumal
(d) P N. Chadda
(b) Sham Sharan Negi

(f) Due to EVM, people can also vote easily.
(a) elder
(b) salaried
(c) Divyanga
(d) Transgender
(c) Divyanga

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(g) The first elections in India were held in
(a) 1948-49
(b) 1949-50
(c) 1950-51
(d) 1951-52
(d) 1951-52.

Question 7.
State whether following statements are True or False. Give reasons for your answer :
(a) There should be secrecy in Election process.
The above statement is False. Reasons :

  • Election should be conducted in a free and fair environment.
  • If the elections are not held in free environment then there are chances of malpractices and corruption.
  • Then, it will be impossible to elect the honest and efficient candidates.

(b) The Election Commission has started awareness campaign for registration of voters.
The above statement is True. Reasons :

  • The responsibility of preparing and updating electoral roll lies with the Election Commission.
  • The Election Commission starts an awareness campaign to create awareness among new eligible voters so that they register themselves in the voter’s list.
  • The Indian voter is not -much aware about the election process.
  • Special voter’s awareness campaign is run for voter’s registration.
  • For their awareness National Voter’s Day is celebrated every year.

(c) Every candidate who fills the nomination form can contest election.
The above statement is False. Reasons :

  • Every candidate of a party or independent candidate has to be personally present to fill the nomination form.
  • It is necessary for him or her to give complete information in the nomination form as decided by the Election Commission.
  • The nomination forms are then scrutinized. If there are irregularities in a nomination paper and if the information is found to be false the nomination forms are rejected.

Therefore, it is not possible for every candidate who fills the nomination form to contest election.

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(d) Sometimes, the Election Commission has to conduct mid-term elections. OR Explain the concept : Mid-Term Elections.
The above statement is True. Reasons :

  • If the elected government in power loses its majority before completing its term.
  • If no party gets complete majority, then two or more parties come together and form a coalition government.
  • Such coalition government collapses if any party withdraws the given support.
  • In such situations, the government is left with no option other than resigning.
  • If there is no alternative available to form government then the Parliament or Vidhan Sabha is dissolved before completing its term. In such a scenario, the Election Commission has to conduct mid-term elections.

Question 8.
Explain the following concepts :

(a) What is representation?
Modern democracy is a representative democracy. In a democracy it is not possible to involve the entire population in the ecision-making process. This resulted in the starting of the practice of electing some people on behalf of entire population
as representatives who would run the government. The representatives who form the government are expected to be responsible to the people and give preference to the welfare of the people.

  • Direct and Indirect or representative democracy rire two types of democracy.
  • In modem nation-states; the population has increased to a great èxtent.
  • So it is impossible to involve all the people in decision-making process.
  • Thus, th practice of electing some people on behalf of entire population as representatives started.
  • The elected representatives form government and work for the welfare of the people.

(b) Election Commission :
In India, the Election Commission is central to the process of elections. Art. 324 of the Indian Constitution has established this autonomous body which consists of one Chief Election Commissioner and two other commissioners.

  1. One of the most important features of a democratic nation is elections at regular intervals. Holding free and fair elections at regular intervals is essential for a democratic system.
  2. Under the Article 324 of the Constitution, Election Commission was formed in 1950. The President appoints one Chief Election Commissioner and two additional commissioners. It is an autonomous body.
  3. The rank and powers of all the three commissioners are the same. The declaration of dates of the elections to the announcement of the results the entire procedure is monitored by the Election Commission.
  4. The Election Commission does not have its own staff to carry out this procedure. So they carry out the work with help of government employees and teachers. Special provisions are made for all finances incurred by the Election Commission.

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Question 9.
Write short notes :
(a) Journey from Ballot box to EVM machine :

  1. From the first election in 1951-52 till 1999, elections were held using ballot box. Twenty lakh ballot boxes were used in the first election. Voters used to cast his or her vote by stamping in front of the candidate’s name and put them in the metal boxes.
  2. Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) were first used for 5 seats in Rajasthan, 5 seats in Madhya Pradesh and 6 seats in New Delhi 1998 in Legislative Assembly.
  3. EVM machines were used at all polling booths in the general elections held in 2004. It proved to be a very useful device.
  4. It has been improvised since its first use. Due to the use of EVMs the results are declared early and at a very fast rate.

(b) Recognition to Political Parties :

  • India has a multi-party system with recognition accorded to national, state and regional level parties by the Election Commission.
  • Their recognition depends on the voting percentage received by them in the assembly elections and number of elected representatives of their party.
  • If any party does not fulfill these criteria, its recognition is cancelled.
  • The Election Commission allots appropriate symbols to parties and independent candidates. All political parties should have recognition of the Election Commission.

Question 10.
Complete the concept map :

(a) Prepare a flow chart on the process of election.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Political Science Solutions Chapter 2 The Electoral Process 9

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(b) Which two conditions among following is the violation of code of conduct?
(1) The candidate distributes items of household use. –
(2) Promises made to resolve the water problem if elected.
(3) To go from door to door to meet voters and request them to vote.
(4) To appeal on the basis of caste and religion to get support.
(1) The candidate distributes items of household use.
(2) To appeal on the basis of caste and religion to get support.

Question 11.
Answer in brief :
(a) Why is it important to conduct elections?
It is important to conduct elections because of the following reasons :

  • The existence and working of democracy depends on elections.
  • All political parties get a chance to rule.
  • Elections help to bring a change in power through peaceful meAnswer:
  • It not only changes government policies but also society.

(b) What are the conditions for voting?
The following are the conditions for voting:

  • The person should be a citizen of India.
  • He should have completed 18 years of age.
  • His name should appear in voters’ list.
  • The person should have photo identity card issued by the Election Commission of India.

(c) What action is taken by the Election Commission if disputes arise regarding elections?

  • If any disputes arise regarding the elections, the Election Commission is empowered to take final decisions.
  • The Election Commission conducts a thorough inquiry about the said dispute.
  • If there is evidence of any malpractices during elections, in any constituency, it declares the elections invalid and announces re-polls.
  • If any candidate breaks the code of conduct and contests elections, he/she is barred by the Election Commission from contesting elections.

(d) What challenges are faced by the Election Commission to conduct free and fair elections?
The following challenges are faced by the Election Commission tcx conduct free and fair elections :

  • Managing the large geographical landscape and huge electoral population.
  • To stop misuse of money and muscle power during elections.
  • Barring candidates with criminal background from contesting elections.
  • Conducting elections successfully in politically criminalised environment.
  • Conducting elections in spite of increasing instances of violence and making them a success.

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(e) What are the advantages of EVM machines?
The battery operated Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) has more advantages than the ballot box. They are as follows :

  • It saves tonnes of paper used to make ballot paper.
  • So, it conserves the environment as it stops the reckless cutting of trees required to make paper.
  • If the voter does not wish to cast his vote in favour of any candidate contesting, he can make use of NOTA (None Of The Above).
  • It makes counting of the votes much faster which enables the election officer to declare result in a short time.
  • It is helpful for disabled (Divyanga) people to cast vote.

(f) Explain the features of procedures of voting during the first Lok Sabha Election.

  • It was a challenge to prepare voters’ list at the time of the first election. Illiteracy rate was very high in our country. Therefore, the procedure to vote and making the voter list was a challenge.
  • 20 lac steel boxes were made and election symbols of political parties were stuck on it.
  • Blank ballot papers were given to the voters and they were supposed to drop in the box having the election symbols of the party they decide to vote for.
  • Even the illiterate people could vote because of this system.

Question 12.
Give your opinion :
(a) When candidates have only the condition of age, why should they give other information to Election Commission? Answer:

  • While filling the form candidates should reveal information about his property assets and if there are any criminal charges against him.
  • When candidates have only the condition of age as eligibility, why should they give other information to election commission?
  • Why are the candidates required to give the information of their property to Election Commission?
  • Such candidates if elected can misuse power and amass wealth with corrupt practices.
  • With criminal background they can even threaten voters to vote for him.
  • His nomination could get cancelled based on the information.

(b) Why is it so?
(A) Some constituencies are reserved for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.

  • It is difficult for the people of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes to get representation as they are scattered in different parts.
  • Without a representative it is difficult to discuss their problems in Parliament.
  • Lack of representative will hinder their progress. Hence some constituencies are reserved for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.
  • Some constituencies are kept reserved for Scheduled caste and Scheduled tribes.
  • Every political party has an election symbol.
  • At the time of voting and counting of votes, the official representatives of political parties remain present.
  • Recognised parties have equal opportunity to present their side before media such as television and radio.

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(B) Why every political party has an election symbol?

  • After independence, the literacy rate was quite low in India.
  • It was not possible for the voters to read the name of the candidate and vote.
  • Therefore, the Election Commission gave symbols to political parties and independent candidates which helped the voters to identify and decide whom to vote for.

(C) At the time of voting and counting of votes, the official representatives of political parties remain present.

  • There are incidences of duplicate voters who register in multiple constituencies.
  • There are cases of rigging of EVM or booth capturing.
  • Such incidences are brought to light by representatives who are present at polling centres.
  • During the counting process, if the EVM machine looks tampered, the representative can raise an objection.

(D) All recognised parties should get an equal opportunity to express their opinion on media such as television and radio.

  • All political parties should get a fair chance to express their agenda.
  • Their ideas and philosophy should reach the people.
  • Television and radio are owned by the government.
  • Political parties have equal right on both.
  • Hence, all the recognised parties can express their opinion on Doordarshan and Radio.

(c) Think!
(A) How political parties suffer due to family monopoly in the party? OR What are the disadvantages of dynasty rule?

  1. If only one family has domination on the political party because of dynasty rule then others are not given leadership opportunity.
  2. It is impossible to have all the members of the family efficient. An inefficient heir can cause damage to the party.
  3. The growth and expansion of party comes to a halt because of such heir. His faults seep into the party making it weak in the long term.
  4. The nature of such a party become dictatorial. Opposing views are suppressed and the internal democracy in the party vanishes.
  5. If the heir does not have progressive thoughts then the party becomes regressive and of obsolete ideology.
  6. How political parties suffer due to family monopoly in the party?
  7. What do you understand by the system of ‘one vote one value’?

(B) What do you understand by the system ‘One Vote One Value’?

  • There is great importance in political and social equality in democracy.
  • According to this ideology, ‘One Vote One Value’ is very important.
  • In a democracy, each vote has the same value. The value of the vote of a Prime Minister and a common man is same.
  • Under military rule or dictatorship or during monarchy the value of a vote for privileged classes was more. There was no importance given to the vote of the common man.
  • ‘One Man One Vote’ indicates all the people in the country have same status. This is the gift of democracy.

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(d) Voting is our duty as well as responsibility to vote.

  • It is enshrined in the fundamental principles of our Constitution to vote.
  • It is not only our duty but also responsibility.
  • Democracy exists because of elections. People should elect honest and efficient representatives through election.
  • If voters show no interest in voting then the government will ignore people’s welfare.
  • Hence I feel it is not only the duty of every citizen to vote but also his responsibility.
  • Government has to observe the code of conduct declared by the Election commission.

(e) What measures should be taken to increase the credibility of elections?
To increase the credibility of elections the following measures should be taken :

  • 50% seats should be reserved for women candidates by every party.
  • Candidates with a criminal background should be permanently barred from contesting any elections.
  • The misuse of money should be stopped during elections. The government should incur the expenditure.
  • Candidates who resort to malpractices should be immediately booked. A strict inquiry and action should be taken against them by the court.
  • Laws and regulations should be followed strictly by the political parties before giving election tickets.
  • If the political parties do not co-operate with the above terms, the Election Commission should cancel their recognition.

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(f) Which rules would you include in Code of Conduct for voters?
The following rules should be included in Code of Conduct for voters :

  • The voters who abstain from voting should be fined and government should suspend all the facilities given to them.
  • If it is proved that the voter has accepted money or any kind of gifts, he should be punished.
  • The action of voters should not instigate common people.
  • They should not involve in bogus voting.
  • They should not resort to illegal means for voting.
  • The candidate distributes items of household use.
  • Promise made to resolve the water problem if elected.
  • To go from door to door to meet voters and request them to vote.
  • To appeal on the basis of caste and religion to get support.

10th Std Political Science Questions And Answers:

History of Indian Arts Question Answer Class 10 History Chapter 4 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 4 History of Indian Arts Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 History Chapter 4 Question Answer History of Indian Arts Maharashtra Board

Class 10 History Chapter 4 History of Indian Arts Question Answer Maharashtra Board

History Class 10 Chapter 4 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
(A) Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the statement.
(1) The arts of painting and sculpting are …………….……. .
(a) visual arts
(b) performing arts
(c) folk arts
(d) classical arts
(a) visual arts

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(2) The …………….……. saw the rise of Mathura school.
(a) Kushana period
(b) Gupta period
(c) Rashtrakuta period
(d) Maurya period
(a) Kushana period

(B) Identify and write the wrong pair in the following set.
(1) Qutub Minar – Mehrauli
(2) Gol Gumbaz – Vijapur
(3) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Railway Terminus – Delhi
(4) Taj Mahal – Agra
(3) Wrong Pair: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Railway Terminus – Delhi

Question 2.
Write short notes.
(1) Art

  • It is a natural instinct in humans to share their emotions, experience, wisdom acquired with others.
  • This act of sharing, results in beautiful creation, called an ‘Art’.
  • Art gives us an experience of different elements.
  • These elements are expressed through sculpture, singing, painting and dance.
  • The crucial factors which are at the root of artistic creation are the imagination power of the artist.
  • The sensibility state of his emotions and skills.

(2) Hemadpanti style

  1. Hemadpanti temples were primarily built in 12th- 13th century.
  2. The main feature of this style is its masonry. The walls are built without mortar, by locking stones, using the tenon and mortise joints technique.
  3. Hemadpanti temples are built in square¬shaped and star-shaped designs. In the star¬shaped plan, the outer walls of a temple has a zigzag design which gives interesting effect of alternating light and shadow.
  4. Tourists are attracted to see these beautiful designs. Hemadpanti temples are found at several places in Maharashtra.

(3) Maratha style of painting

  • The Maratha style of paintings began to develop in the later half of the 17th century.
  • This style consists of coloured paintings which are in form of murals and miniatures used in manuscripts.
  • Murals of Maratha style can be seen at the entrance of old wadas, in drawing rooms and on the ceilings of the temples.
  • The Maratha style was influenced by the Rajput and European style of paintings.
  • The Maratha style of paintings helps us to understand various things about the times in which it was developed such as lifestyle, attires, customs, etc.

Question 3.
Explain the following statements with reasons.
(1) An expert with deep understanding of art history is required in the art market.

  • There is an independent market for purchase and sale of art objects.
  • The authenticity of the object, its standards can only be assessed by an expert.
  • Only an artist can know the exact value of an art object or ensure if it is genuine or not.
  • So, when art objects are assessed all the above points are considered.
  • This requires special expertise. Hence an expert with deep understanding of art history is required for this task.

(2) It is necessary to preserve the tradition like Chitrakathi, which is on the verge of extinction.

  1. The stories from Ramayana or Mahabharata narrated with the help of wooden puppets and paintings is known as Chitrakathi or Pinguli tradition.
  2. It is preserved by the Thakur community.
  3. As the Chitrakathi pictures are drawn on papers and painted using col9urs made from natural substances, they deteriorate rapidly if not maintained.
  4. Therefore it is necessarý to preserve the tradition like Chitrakathi as it is part of our glorious cultural heritage and is on the verge of extinction.

Question 4.
Complete the following table.

Temple Architecture Naagara Naagara Draavida Hemadpanti


Styles of Temple Architecture Nagara Dravid Hemadpanti
Characteristics (1) Series of miniature towers are arranged
(2) Towers taper towards the top
(3) Tower appears to be continuously rising from the base of the temple to the top.
(1) Temple towers resembled pyramid shape.
(2) Gopura (main entrance) was large and magnificent than the tower.
(3) Mythological stories were carved on walls and ceilings.
(1) The temple structure was star-shaped with outer walls having zigzag design.
(2) The walls were built without using any mortar.
(3) The stones were locked by using the technique of tenon and mortise joints.
Examples (1) Konark Sun Temple
(2) Lingraj Temple of Bhubaneshwar
(3) Kandariya Mahadev temple at Khajuraho
(1) Meenakshi Temple at Madurai
(2) Chariot Temple at Mahabalipuram
(3) Brihadeeshvara temple at Thanjavur
(4) Tirupati Temple
(1) Gondeshwar temple at Sinnar
(2) Ambreshwar temple at Ambarnath
(3) Aundha Nagnath temple at Hingoli
(4) Kopeshwar temple at Khidrapur

Question 5.
Answer the following questions in detail.
(1) Write in detail about folk styles of painting.

  • The art of rock painting dates back to Stone Age. These rock paintings have preserved the style of folk painting.
  • Rock paintings usually depict humans, animals and geometric figures.
  • The style of rock paintings seems to be changing according to the cultural changes from Stone age to the beginning of agriculture.
  • Man started depicting flora and fauna in a different style and also figures.
  • There was difference in colours too. Black and Red were used in rock paintings.
  • Colours extracted from natural substances were used.
  • The man started using the knowledge he got from the surroundings and nature and depicted it in the pictures.
  • In the later stage of development, man started customs such as decorating the walls and courtyards (Rangawali).
  • By drawing various figures and symbols or using panels of painting to narrate stories. It helped in the development of folk paintings.

(2) Explain the characteristics of the Islamic architecture in India by giving examples.
A blend of Persian, Central Asian, Arabic and pre Islamic native Indian styles created the Islamic architecture of India.
Following are the characteristics of Islamic architecture developed in the medieval period under the patronage of Muslim sultanates:

  • Built in Islamic style, the Kutub Minor is the highest minaret in the world. It is 73 metres (240 ft) in height.
  • The Taj Mahal built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jah’an is looked’ upon as the paramount* example of Islamic’architecture.
  • The Gol Gumbaz at Bijapur in Karnataka built in 17th century is known for its echo which can be heard many times.
  • The forts at Agra and Delhi are known for their massive walls of redstone.
  • The walls are interrupted by graceful curves and lofty bastions. Red sandstone, domes, arches, minarets, magnificance all combined form characteristics of Islamic architecture.

(3) What kind of professional opportunities are available in the field of arts?
Various opportunities are available in different fields of art:

  1. Art historian can work in field of journalism. Art students can work in museums, archives, libraries. Information Technology, archaeological research and Indology contribute to recently developed fields like Heritage Management and Cultural Tourism.
  2. An expert in art is required to assess the exact value of an art object and also in its sale and purchase. Experts are required in the field of manufacturing of objects for home decoration.
  3. Ornaments, artistic creations of metals, earthen pots with colourful designs, objects made from cane and bamboo, beautiful glass objects, attractive textiles and clothing all come are under applied arts.
  4. These fields require experts in manufacturing and sales. Hence many opportunities of employment are available in the field of arts.

(4) Observe the illustration of Warli painting on p. 23 and write about:
(a) Depiction of nature
(b) Drawings of human figures
(c) Depiction of occupations
(d) Houses
Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 4 History of Indian Arts 1
The traditions of Warli painting and Pingul or Chitra Katha in Maharashtra are among the finest examples of folk style of paintings. Divya Somya Mashe, the artist in Thane district has played a great role in making the Warli style of paintings very popular. He has been honored with a number of national and international awards for his paintings. In the year 2011, he was awarded ‘Padmashree’.

Name of the painting tradition:
This picture is from Warli tradition.

Nature’s description:
Artist has sketched trees, leaves and shrubs in the picture. A fish is also drawn.

Sketch of human activities:
Women dancing in a circular pattern is also sketched in the picture.

Designing features:
Pictures of men, women and children are sketched. Warli paintings do not portray the exact objects but only a sketch. Human figures are drawn with the help of a triangle, circle and square which are placed at the tip.

(1) Collect additional information of the World Heritage sites in India.
(2) Observe the sculptors or image-makers at work in your locality and interview them.

Memory Map
Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 4 History of Indian Arts 2

Question 6.
Complete the sentences by choosing a correct option:
(a) Lalit Kala is also known as …………………… .
(a) Folk art
(b) Aangik Kala
(c) Drik Kala
(d) Nagara art
(b) Aangik Kala

(b) Jivya Somya Mashe, an artist in the Thane district played a great role in making the …………………… style of painting very popular.
(a) Chitrakathi
(b) Maratha
(c) Warli
(d) Classical
(c) Warli

(c) The Chalukya King, Someshvara, mentioned in …………………… book the tradition of Chitrakathi.
(a) Natyashastra
(b) Kitab-e-Navras
(c) Paintings of Ajanta
(d) Manasollas
(d) Manasollas.

(d) The ancient Indian texts mentioned …………………………. styles of Classical Art.
(a) Nine
(b) Thirty-six
(c) Sixty-four
(d) Eighty-four
(c) Sixty-four

(e) During the reign, of Mughal Emperor …………………………., the Mughal miniature style showing a blend of Indian and Persian was developed.
(a) Akbar
(b) Aurangzeb
(c) Jahangir
(d) Babur
(a) Akbar

(f) Some of the drawings of Gangaram Tambat are preserved in …………………………. university.
(a) Stanford
(b) Cambridge
(c) Oxford
(d) Yale
(d) Yale

(g) …………………………. is the characteristic of European style of painting.
(a) Sketching
(b) Exact portrayal of object
(c) Natural colours
(d) Landscape
(b) Exact portrayal of object

(h) Replicas of Ajanta paintings was made by
(a) Pestonji Bomanji
(b) Gangaram Tambat
(c) Raja Ravi Verma
(d) James Wales
(a) Pestonji Bomanji.

(i) The lion capital of the Ashoka pillar found at …………………………. is the national emblem of India.
(a) Bodhgaya
(b) Patliputra
(c) Sanchi
(d) Sarnath
(d) Sarnath

(j) The stupa at …………………………. in Indonesia is the largest stupa in the world.
(a) Ubud
(b) Sigiran
(c) Borobudur
(d) Palembang
(c) Borobudur

(k) The …………………………. school of art laid the foundation of Indian iconography.
(a) Gandhar
(b) Nagara
(c) Dravid
(d) Mathura
(d) Mathura

(l) The temple architecture developed in India around 4th century C.E. during the …………………………. period.
(a) Kushana
(b) Rashtrakuta
(c) Gupta
(d) Chola
(c) Gupta

(m) …………………………. is a blend of Nagara style of architecture of North India and Dravid style of South India.
(a) Gandhar
(b) Mathura
(c) Bhoomija
(d) Vesara
(d) Vesara.

(n) The two main branches of the Indian classical music are ………………………… .
(a) Folk music and Vocal
(b) Dadraa and Thumri
(c) Bhajans and Qawwalis
(d) Hindustani music and Carnatic music
(d) Hindustani music and Carnatic music

(o) The text of …………………………. written by Bharatmuni is supposed to be the earliest one discussing music and theatre.
(a) Manasollas
(b) Abhilasha Chintamani
(c) Natyashastra
(d) Rasratnakar
(c) Natyashastra

(p) Every year the …………………………. festival is held in Pune.
(a) Kala Ghoda
(b) Gunidas
(c) Savai Gandharva
(d) Gharapuri
(c) Savai Gandharva

(q) The ruler of Bijapur, Ibrahim Adilshah wrote …………………………. text in Persian language.
(a) Tuzuk-i-Babari
(b) Padmavat
(c) Akbarnama
(d) Kitab-e-Navras
(d) Kitab- e-Navras

(r) …………………………. is a prominent name among artists who created a new style of fusion of Indian and Western dance.
(a) Pandit Shivkumar Sharma
(b) Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia
(c) Pandit Uday Shankar
(d) Ustad Zakir Hussain
(a) Pandit Uday Shankar.

Question 7.
Identify the wrong pair in the following and write it:

Architectural structure Place
(1) Kutub Minar (a) Mehrauli
(2) Gol Gumbaz (b) Bijapur
(3) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Railway Terminus (c) Delhi
(4) Taj Mahal (d) Agra

Wrong pair: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Railway Terminus – Delhi


Picture Style
(1) Murals seen in the old wadas at Wai, Menavali (a) Miniature style
(2) Bhimbetka (b) Folk painting
(3) Pictures narrating Ramayana and Mahabharata story (c) Chitrakathi
(4) Painting style in Thane district (d) Warli painting

Wrong pair: Murals seen in the old wadas at Wai, Menavali – Miniature style


Architectural structure Style
(1) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Railway Terminus (a) Gothic architecture
(2) Gol Gumbaz (b) Muslim architecture
(3) Temples in South India (c) Nagara architecture
(4) Gondeshwar Temple (d) Hemadpanti architecture

Wrong pair: Temples in South India – Nagara architecture


Monument Emperors
(1) Completed Kutub Minar (a) Altmash
(2) Construction of Taj Mahal (b) Emperor Akbar
(3) Gol Gumbaz (c) Mohammed Adilshah
(4) Built Sanchi Stupa (d) Emperor Ashoka

Wrong pair: Construction of Taj Mahal – Emperor Akbar

Question 3.
Do as directed:
(A) Complete the following concept chart:
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(B) Prepare a flow chart on the Development of Indian Iconography.
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Question 8.
Explain the following concepts:
(a) Style in Art:

  • Every artist has its own method of working which becomes his style.
  • When this style is repeated by several artists over a prolonged period of time it becomes a tradition.
  • This tradition is known as an art ‘style’.
  • Such traditions are established in every art style. Various art styles are developed over the years in every culture.
  • The specific art styles indicate the characteristic of a certain region and period.
  • They help us to learn the history of arts of these civilizations.

(b) Classical Style of Paintings:

  • Art which is expressed within an established frame of consistent rules is known as classical art. The ancient Indian texts mentioned altogether 64 arts.
  • The aft of painting is mentioned as alekhyam or alekhya vidya in these texts.
  • This alekhya vidya has six main aspects of paintings (Shadange).
  • They are shapes and forms (Roopbheda), expressions (Bhava).
  • Proportionate depiction of various features of an image (Pramana).
  • Aesthetics (Lavanyayojana), resemblance to reality (Sadrushyata) and colour composition (Varnikabhang).
  • Agama text of Jainism and in Puranas various arts like painting, sculpting are explained in context of temple architecture.

Question 9.
Write short notes:
(a) Chitrakathi:

  1. The tradition of narrating stones from Ramayana and Mahabharata with the help of wooden puppets and paintings is known as Chitrakathi. It is also known as Pinguli.
  2. This tradition is mentioned in Manasollas, a book written by the Chalukya King Someshvara in the 12th century. People belonging to Thakur community stifi practise this art They are frm village, Pinguli near Kudal in Maharashtra.
  3. The Chitrakathi pictures are drawn on paper and painted with natural substances. To complete the narration of a single story it takes around 30 to 50 pictures.
  4. These pictures are preserved and are passed on from one generation to another. The artists and government are trying to preserve this tradition which is on the verge of extinction.

(b) Miniature Painting:

  • Painting in a small size square is called Miniature painting.
  • The miniature reached people through manuscripts. The earlier period of miniature painting shows the influence of Persian style.
  • The Deccan miniature style was developed under the patronage of the Deccan Sultanate.
  • Mughal miniature painting style of painting’ was developed during the reign of Mughal Emperor Akbar. ¡t shows a blend of Indian and Persian style.

(c) Western style of painting:

  • Indian artists came under the influence of European style of painting during the British period.
  • An art school at Shaniwar Wada at Pune was established under the leadership of Scottish artist James Wales.
  • J. J. School of art and industry was established in 1857 to offer the courses in European style of painting.
  • Pestonji Bomanji made replicas of Ajanta paintings.
  • lames Wales had done a portrait of Savai Madhavrao and Nana Phadnavis.
  • Exact portrayal of the object of the painting is a characteristic of European style.

(d) Gangaram Tambat:

  • An art school was established under the leadership of Scottish artist James Wales at Shanivar Wada in Pune.
  • Marathi artist Gangaram Tambat worked with James Wales.
  • He made drawings of rock-cut caves at Verul and Karle.
  • Some of his drawings are preserved in the Yale Centre of British Art of Yale University.

(e) Temple architecture:

  1. Temple architecture began to develop in India around 4th century C.E. during the Gupta period. In the initial stage of the Gupta period, the temples had only the Sanctum Sanctorum (Garbhagriha) and a Veranda with four columns.
  2. Temple architecture reached its peak by the 8th century C. E. and its example is the Kailas temple of Verul. By medieval period various types of temple architecture had developed in India.
  3. The styles of tower (Shikar) determined various styles of temple architecture in India. The Nagara style of North India and Dravid style of South India are two prominent styles of Indian temple architecture. A blend of Nagara and Dravid is known as Vesara style.
  4. Bhoomija style seen in temples of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh has very close resemblance to ‘Nagara’ style.

(f) Indo-Gothic Architecture:

  1. During the British period, a new architectural style arose in India which was a blend of Indian and Gothic known as Indo-Gothic style of architecture.
  2. During the British period, buildings like churches, government offices, residences of top officials, railway stations were built in Indo-Gothic style of architecture.
  3. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Railway Terminus in Mumbai is the finest example of Indo- Gothic style of architecture.

(g) Ttitab-e-Navras:

  1. Ibrahim Adilshah II, the ruler of Bijapur, wrote a book in Persian language entitled ‘Kitab- e-Navras’. This text is about Indian classical music.
  2. It includes the verses suitable for singing. It is a composition of excellent poetry expressed through Dhrupad style giving the experience of ecstasy to the interested audience.
  3. The Ncrvras mentioned in Sanskrit literature are explained in this text.

Question 10.
Explain the following sentences with reasons:
(a) Indian performing arts were enriched over time.

  • A constant stream of rulers like the Greeks, Arabs, Mughals and the British came to India.
  • During their rule, Indian people came into contact with their styles of folk art.
  • The culture which they brought along lasted and blended with existing streams of Indian performing arts.
  • As a result, many styles of classical vocal music, instrumental music and dance came into existence.
  • Therefore Indian performing arts enriched over time.

(b) The field of Applied Arts needs professionals.

  • An artistic creation is combined with utilitarian purpose to make it economically viable in applied arts.
  • Many stages of production are reached before the concept of creation becomes a reality.
  • Each field in applied arts requires detailed planning and meticulous management at each stage of production.
  • Ornaments, earthen pots with colourful designs, objects made from Cane and Bamboo, beautiful glass objects.
  • Attractive textiles and clothing all listed under applied arts essentially require trained and skilled individuals at every stage.
  • Some of the production processes of artistic objects have a history of certain traditions. It is important to have knowledge of those traditions.

Hence, it is essential to have trained and skilled professionals at every stage.

Question 11.
Answer the following question in 25-30 words:
(a) Write about follk traditions of sculptural art.

  • The tradition of folk art dates back to the Stone Ages.
  • The custom of making clay images for rituals has been prevalent in India since Harappcin times.
  • It has continued even today in many regions of Bengal, Bihar, Gujarat and Rajasthan.
  • During the festivals, Ganesh idols are made along with the masks of Goddess Gauri.
  • Bull figurines are made for the festival of Bailpola.
  • Wooden memorials, Veergals (memorial stones), the decorated clay storage bins, etc.
  • Are examples of folk tradition of sculptural art.
  • The sculptures made for religious and festival reasons became masterpieces of artists’ creation.

(b) Write about Gandhara School of Art.

  • The regions around Afghanistan showed great influence of Greeks and Persians from 2nd century B.C.E.
  • Gandhara style of art was a fusion of Greek- Roman and Indian style.
  • Gandhara school was heavily influenced by Greek methodologies.
  • The materials used to make sculptures were Grey sandstone. Mud, Lime and Stucco.
  • Grey sandstone is more prominently used in Gandhara School of Art.
  • The Gandhara school images are known for their anatomical accuracy, spatial depth and foreshortening.
  • The sculptures in Gandhara style are found in Taxila, Peshawar and on the North West Frontier.

(c) Write about development of Indian Iconography.

  • The Kushana period from the 1st – 3rd century C.E. saw the rise of Mathura School of Art.
  • The Mathura School of Art laid the foundation of Indian iconography style.
  • The Kushana Kings made use of images of various deities on their coins.
  • During the Gupta period, the ieonographic rules were formulated and standards for sculptural- art were set.
  • The art of making bronze images was developed under the patronage of Chola Kings during 9th-13tji century.
  • Bronze idols of gods and goddesses like Siva-Parvati, Natraj, Lakshmi, Vishnu, etc. were made.

(d) Give information about the rock-cut caves in India.

  • The tradition of rock-cut caves originated in India in the 3rd century B.C.E.
  • The entire composition of a rock-cut cave represents a union of architecture and sculptural art.
  • The entrances of such rock-cut caves, interiors with its carved columns and images are excellent specimens of sculptural art.
  • The paintings on the walls and ceilings have survived till today.
  • The rock-cut caves at Ajanta and Verul in Maharashtra were declared as World Heritage Sites in 1983.

(e) Elaborate on the development of temple architecture.

  • The temple architecture began to develop in India during the Gupta period in 4th century C.E.
  • The temples built at the beginning of the Gupta period had only the sanctum sanctorum (Garbhagriha) and a veranda with four columns.
  • The magnificent structure of the Kailas temple of Verul gives testimony that temple architecture had reached its peak by the 8th century C.E.
  • Different styles of temple architecture were developed by the medieval period. Some of them are Nagara, Dravid, Vesara and Bhoomija.

(f) What efforts were taken in India to make dance and classical music easily accessible to common people?
The following efforts were taken to make dance and music easily accessible to people:

  • Dance programmes and musical festivals were organised at various places.
  • Many people attend these festivals including Indians and foreigners.
  • The Savai Gandharva festival of Pune is very famous.

(g) Write about the work of Pandit Uday Shankar.

  • Pandit Uday .Shankar created a fusion of Indian classical dance and European operti.
  • New styles of dancing were developed.
  • He also included various folk dances in his style of fusion.

Thus, the scope of Indian performing arts seems to be constantly expanding.

(h) Which fields are related to applied arts ?

  1. An artistic creation with a utilitarian purpose is called applied arts. Industry and advertisement. Interior Design and production of ornamental objects, Art Design of stage backdrops, Art Direction for films and television are the fields of applied arts.
  2. Layout of books, magazines, production of greeting cards, invitation cards, gift objects, calligraphy are also related to applied arts.
  3. Still and animated graphics, created with the help of computers are used for various purposes. This field needs experts with technical knowledge.
  4. In short, whichever art is known and is applied to create something new becomes applied art.

Question 12.
Read the following passage and answer the questions:
(a) In which states of India are the sites of rock paintings found?
The sites of rock paintings are found in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Uttarakhand, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

(b) How old is the tradition of rock paintings?
The tradition of rock painting dates back to the Stone Age.

(c) What are the features of rock paintings?

  • Rock paintings depict humans, animals, geometric figures, flora and fauna in various figures and also in colour.
  • Natural colours in black and fed are used in them which are extracted from natural substances.
  • The style of rock paintings seems to be changing according to the cultural changes from Stone Age to the beginning of agriculture.
  • We get to know about ancient people, their natural surroundings and also the way they exploited available natural resources.

Question 13.
Answer the following questions in detail:

(a) Give information on Indian classical sculptural art.
The development of folk styles of sculptural art led to the formation of rules for classical sculptural art and it evolved.

  1. The folk style of sculpture-making began during the Harappan period. Seals, stones and bronze statues that were made, gives a testimony that the art of sculpture was known to the Indians.
  2. It is about 5000 years old or even older tradition.
  3. The tradition of the erected stupa started in the times of Ashoka. The stupa at Borobudur in Indonesia is the largest stupa in the world.
  4. Gandhara style of sculptural art came to being in the 2nd century B.C.E. and has Greek and Persian influences.
  5. During the Kushana reign, Mathura School of art evolved which was a blend of Gandhara School of Art and indigenous art.
  6. The rules of Indian iconography was laid during the rule of the Gupta empire. Thus, Indian sculptural tradition has developed into a rich classical sculptural art.

(b) Differentiate between Classical and Folk: art.:
Some differences are noted between Classical and Folk art. They are as follows: Classical Art Folk Art

Classical Art Folk Art
1. Classical art does not have such a long tradition. 1. The tradition of folk art has continued from the prehistoric times.
2. Classical art is not connected to everyday life. 2. Folk art is an integral part of everyday life.
3. It takes a very long time period to master classical art. 3. The creation of folk art has taken place naturally because of people’s involvement.
4. Classical art developed within the established frame of rules. 4. Folk art developed as an integral part of the religious festivals and social life.
5. As classical art follows set rules, different types of styles, methods and schools are developed. 5. Folk art is not bound by any rules.

Brain Teaser


  • Temples built in Maharashtra in 12-13th centuries in this style
  • The text written by the ruler of Bijapur, Ibrahim Adilshah II
  • Artist who created a fusion of Indian classical dance and European opera
  • His drawings are preserved in the Yale Centre of British Art of Yale University


  • The temple of Kailas at Verul
  • An art school was established under his leadership in the times of Savai Madhavrao Peshwe
  • The art of painting is mentioned as … in ancient Indian text
  • Murals of Maratha style of painting can be seen at this place

10th Std History Questions And Answers: