Historiography Development In The West Question Answer Class 10 History Chapter 1 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 1 Historiography Development in the West Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 History Chapter 1 Question Answer Historiography Development In The West Maharashtra Board

Class 10 History Chapter 1 Historiography Development In The West Question Answer Maharashtra Board

History Class 10 Chapter 1 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
(A) Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the statement.
(1) It may be said that …….. was the founder of modern historiography.
(a) Voltaire
(b) Rene Descartes
(c) Leopold Ranke
(d) Karl Marx
(a) Voltaire

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(2) ………… wrote the book entitled ‘Archaeology of Knowledge’.
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Michel Foucault
(c) Lucien Febvre
(d) Voltaire
(b) Michel Foucault

(B) Identify and write the wrong pair in the following set.
(1) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel – ‘Reason in History’
(2) Leopold von Ranké – ‘The theory and Practice of History’
(3) Herodotus – ‘The Histories’
(4) Karl Marx – ‘Discourse on the Method’
(1) Right pair: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel – ‘Reason in History’
(2) Right pair: Leopold von Ranké – ‘The theory and Practice of History’
(3) Right pair: Herodotus – ‘The Histories’
(4) Wrong pair: Karl Marx – Discourse on the Method.

Question 2.
Explain the following concepts.
(1) Dialectics

  • In order to understand the true nature of an event, one needs to know its opposite for e.g. True — False, Good — Bad, etc.
  • A German philosopher, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel had put forward this method of analysis of history.
  • A theory called ‘Thesis’ is proposed at the beginning. It is followed by another theory called Antithesis’ which is, contrary to ‘Thesis’.
  • After a thorough logical discussion of both new thesis is proposed having gist of both (Thesis and Antithesis).
  • This process of orriving at a new thesis is called Synthesis.
  • This method of analysis of history which is based on opposites is known as ‘Dialectics’.

(2) Annales School

  • At the dawn of the twentieth century, the writing ¿f history got a new direction.
  • Along with political events, kings, great leaders, the study of climate, local people, agriculture, trade, technology, means of communication, social divisions and their collective psychology of a group was also considered important in the study of history.
  • This new school of thought is known as Annales School. Annales School was started by French historians.

Question 3.
Explain the following with its reason.
(1) Historical research was driven to focus in depth on various aspects of women’s life.

  • Initially, there was a lot of dominance of male perspective on historical writing. Simone de Beauvoir, a French scholar, insisted on inclusion of women perspective in historiography.
  • She emphasised on the inclusion of women in the process of writing history.
  • She insisted on rethinking of the male dominated perspective of history.
  • Because of her efforts historical research was driven to focus in depth on various aspects of women’s lives their employment, their role in trade unions, institution working for their cause, and their family life.

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(2) Foucault called his method, ‘the archaeology of knowledge’.

  • According to Michel Foucault, the prevailing method of arranging historical events in a chronological order was not right.
  • He threw light on the fact that archaeology does not strive to reach the ultimate historical truth.
  • It attempts to explain various transitions in the past.
  • Foucault gave more importance for explaining the transitions in history. Hence, his method is called ‘the archaeology of knowledge’.

Question 4.
Complete the concept chart.
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 1 Working of the Constitution 7

Question 5.
Answer the following in detail.
(1) Explain Karl Marx’s ‘Class Theory’.

In the latter part of nineteenth century, German thinker, Karl Marx put forward ‘Class Theory’ in his book ‘Das Kapital’.

According to him:

  1. History i not about abstract ideas but living people. The fullillment of basic needs of people depends on the nature of prevalent means of production and the ownership.
  2. All the different strata of the society do not get equal access to these means of production which causes the division of the society into classes. It rešults into class struggle.
  3. The class which owns means of production $ economically exploits the rest of the classes. Human history, according to him, is the history of class struggle.

(2) What are the four characteristics of modern historiography?
The following are the four characteristics of modern historiography:

  1. Its method is based on scientific principles and begins with formation of relevant questions.
  2. These questions are anthropocentric i.e. they are about ancient human societies and their deeds in that period of time. No interrelation between the divine and human needs is suggested.
  3. Answers to these questions are supported by reliable evidence and they are presented in a logical order.
  4. History presents a graph of man’s progress with the help of his deeds in the past.

(3) What is feminist historiography?

  • Feminist historiography means writing history with women perspective. There was a lot of dominance of male perspective on historical writing.
  • Simone de Beauvoir, a French scholar, insisted on rethinking on the male dominated perspective and including the women’s perspective in historiography.
  • The idea of feminist historiography was accepted.
  • Because of her efforts various aspects of women’s lives like their employment, their role in trade unions and their family life became part of historiography.

(4) Explain Leopold von Ranké’s perspective of history?
Leopold’s view on ways to write history throws light on his perspective of history:

  1. He spoke about the critical method of historical research. He gave importance to information gathered through original documents.
  2. He also stated that all types of original documents related to the historical event should be examined in detail and with great care.
  3. He believed that with this method it was possible to reach the historical truth. He was critical of imagination in narration of history.

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Historiography : Development In The West Questions And Answers Pdf Project
Obtain detailed information on your favourite subject and write its history. For example :
– History of Pen
– History of Printing technology
– History of Computers

Memory Map
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 1 Working of the Constitution 5

Question 6.
Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the sentences:

(a) A scholar who writes critical historical narratives is known as ………………………… .
(a) an archaeologist
(b) a historian
(c) a social scientist
(d) a language expert
(b) a historian

(b) The earliest inscription in the world is displayed at Louvre museum in ………………………… .
(a) England
(b) France
(c) Germany
(d) Portugal
(b) France

(c) The tradition of recording historical events can be traced back to ………………………… civilization in Mesopotamia.
(a) Sumer
(b) Egyptian
(c) Arab
(d) Mohenjodaro
(a) Sumer

(d) The tradition of modern historiography has its roots in the writings of ………………….. historiAnswer:
(a) Roman
(b) Greek
(c) German
(d) French
(b) Greek

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(e) ………………….., a Greek historian of the fifth century B.C.E., had used the term ‘History’ for the first time for his book entitled, ‘The Histories’.
(a) Leopold Ranke
(b) Georg Hegel
(c) Michel Foucault
(d) Herodotus
(d) Herodotus

(f) In 1737 C.E., the ………………….. university in Germany had an independent department for history.
(a) Oxford
(b) Cambridge
(c) Gottingen
(d) Stanford
(c) Gottingen

(g) Historiography of the nineteenth century was greatly influenced by the thoughts of …………………..
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Voltaire
(c) Georg Hegel
(d) Leopold von Ranke
(d) Leopold von Ranke

(h) A new school of historiography arose in France known as ………………….. school.
(a) Translation
(b) Annales
(c) Nationalism
(d) Communist
(b) Annales

(i) The method of analysis which is based on opposites is known as …………………. .
(a) Numismatics
(b) Arithmetic
(c) Polynomial
(d) Dialectics
(d) Dialectics

(j) ………………….. considered subjects like psychological disorders, science of medicine, prison administration for historical analysis.
(a) Michel Foucault
(b) Leopold Ranke
(c) Karl Marx
(d) Voltaire
(a) Michel Foucault

(k) After 1990, ………………….. were considered as an independent social class.
(a) labourers
(b) women
(c) men
(d) farmers
(b) women

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(l) According to ………………….., historical realities should be presented in a logical manner.
(a) Georg Hegel
(b) Voltaire
(c) Simone de Beauvoir
(d) Herodotus
(a) Georg Hegel

(m) According to ………………….., one should never accept anything as the truth till all the doubts are solved.
(a) Rene Descartes
(b) Karl Marx
(c) Voltaire
(d) Herodotus
(a) Rene Descartes.

Question 7.
Identify the wrong pair in the following and write it:

Thinker Book
(1) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (a) Reason in History
(2) Leopold von Ranke (b) The Theory and Practice of History
(3) Herodotus (c) The Histories
(4) Karl Marx (d) Discourse on the Method

Wrong pair: Karl Marx – Discourse on the Method.


Historian Country
(1) Herodotus Greece
(2) Simone de Beauvoir Germany
(3) Michel Foucault France
(4) Rene Descartes France

Wrong pair: Simone de Beauvoir Germany.


Thoughts/Opinion Historian
(1) All aspects of human life is important in the historiography Voltaire
(2) He criticized imaginative narration. Leopold von Ranke
(3) History is not about abstract ideas but about living people. Rene Descartes
(4) Emphasized the rethinking of the male-dominated perspective of history. Simone de Beauvoir

Wrong pair: History is not about abstract ideas but about living people – René Descartes.

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Question 8.
Complete the concept chart

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Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 1 Working of the Constitution 11

Question 9.
Prepare a flow chart on the given topic:
Stages of historiography
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Question 10.
Write short notes:

(1) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel:

  • Georg Hegel was a German philosopher.
  • He was of the view that the historical realities should be presented in a logical manner. According to him, Timelme was indicative of progress.
  • He believed that presentation of history is bound to change as time passes because new evidence surfaces.
  • His philosophy convinced many scholars that historical methods were not of lesser quality, though they differed from the scientific method.
  • His lectures and articles are published in a book called ‘Encyclopaedia of Philosophical Sciences’.
  • His book ‘Reason in History’ is well known. He devised a method of analysis based on opposites known as Dialectics’.

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(2) Karl Marx:

  1. Karl Marx was a German thinker in the nineteenth century. He wrote the world famous treatise Das Kapital’. According to him, history was not about abstract ideas but about living people.
  2. He believed that human relationships are shaped by the fundamental needs of people and the ownership of prevalent ineczns of production to meet those needs.
  3. He stated that unequal accessibility to the means of production creates à division in socièty leading to class struggle. His theory of class struggle is considered significant all over the world.
  4. According to Marx, human history is the history of class struggle because the class which owns the means of production economically exploits the rest of the classes.

(3) Michel Foucault:

  • Michel Foucault was a twentieth century historian from France.
  • He wrote the book ‘Archaeology of Knowledge’.
  • In this book, he insisted that the prevailing practice of arranging historical events in a chronological order is not right.
  • He gave importance to explaining the transitions that took place in history.
  • He acknowledged the role of subjects such as science of medicine, psychological disorders, prison.
  • Administration in historical analysis. This was not acknowledged by earlier historiAnswer:

(4) Leopold von Ranke:

  1. Leopold von Ranke, a German philosopher, laid emphasis on utmost importance of information gathered through original documents.
  2. In order to reach historical truth, it was necessary to examine all documents related to historical event. He critcised the imaginative narration of history.
  3. Collection of his articles are published in two books, entitled ‘The Theory and Practice of History’ and ‘The Secret of World History’.
  4. Ranke had great influence on historiography of nineteenth century.

Question 11.
Give reasons:
(a) In historical research, it may not be possible to use the method of experiments and observation.

  1. In physical and natural sciences, experiment and observation method is used to establish laws that remain true irrespective of the time and space.
  2. These laws can be tested and proved again and again.
  3. In historical research, the events had already taken place in the past and we were not present in the historical time and space.
  4. Moreover, these events cannot be recreated in the present time and space. Hence, experiment and observation method may not be used in historical research.

(b) Historiography in the 18th century gave importance to objectivity in history.

  • A remarkable progress was achieved in the fields of Philosophy and Science till the eighteenth century in Europe.
  • It was believed that by applying scientific methods it was possible to study social and historical truths.
  • In the later period, history and historiography witnessed a lot of philosophical discussion.
  • This eliminated the imaginative and divine context in history and gave importance to objectivity.

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Question 12.
Answer the following in 25-30 words:
(a) What is Historiography?

  1. The writing of critical historical narrative is called Historiography. A person who writes it is known as ‘Historian’. The following steps are helpful in writing historical narrative:
  2. Information related to history is collected and analyzed.
  3. The various sources are critically examined to understand the references regarding time and space in the given information as well as the conceptual framework used.
  4. After examining the references of historical information, relevant questions related to these historical references are framed and hypotheseis are formulated.
  5. In short, writing of critical historical narrative by following this method is known as historiography.

(b) What did Rene Descartes insist upon?
French Philosopher Rene Descartes insisted on the following in writing historiography:

  1. ‘Never to accept anything as true till all grounds of doubt are excluded’.
  2. Hence, the reliability of a source like historical documents should be verified by critically examining them while writing history.

(c) Why is Voltaire said to be the founder of modern historiography?
Voltaire, a french scholar, opined that it was important to consider the following aspects while writing history:

  1. objective truth and chronology of events;
  2. prevalent social traditions, agriculture, trade and economic system. It was because of his view that all aspects of human life was considered for history writing. Therefore, he is said to be the founder of modern historiography.

(d) What are the objectives of writing history?
History is researched and written down with following objectives:

  • To analyse the events in the past.
  • To verify information about the historical events and their interconnections.
  • To study in detail and remove imaginative element and bring forth the truth.
  • To put the past events in chronological order.

(e) What progress was achieved in historiography in the eighteenth century?
The following progress was achieved in historiography in the eighteenth century:

  • Scientific methods were applied to study social and historical truths.
  • Philosophical discourses revolving around divine phenomena were given less importance.
  • Philosophical discussions focused more on the objectivity in history and historiography.
  • Since the universities got an independent department of history, they became centres of historical studies.

Question 13.
Head the given passage carefully and answer the questions given below:
(a) Who is called a Historian?
A scholar who writes critical historical narratives is called a Historian.

(b) Complete the concept chart.
Factors which determined historian’s
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Factors which determined historian’s
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(c) How did the people in ancient societies preserve the events in the past?
The ancient people preserved the events in the past so that they can pass them to the next generation. They used various means to do this:

  • Narrating the stories of valour of ancestors to the next generation.
  • Stories of their life preserved through cave paintings.
  • Adopting story telling technique.
  • Singing songs and ballads to impress events upon the minds of the new generation.

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Question 14.
Answer the following questions in detail:
(a) Which experts do we need in order to prove the reliability of historical documents?
The following experts are required to prove the reliability of historical documents:

  • Language expert who can decipher the language and meaning of the document or the script on the inscription.
  • One who can recognise the type of paper used and the period in which it was used.
  • One who can understand the lettering style and the writing style of the author.
  • Expert who has knowledge of different seals, i.e. stamps of authority used by the rulers.
  • Historian who can interpret and do a comparative study of the references given in the document.

(b) Write Hegel’s view on history.

  • Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a German philosopher.
  • He was of the view that the historical realities should be presented in a logical manner.
  • He believed that presentation of history is bound to change as time passes because new evidence surfaces.
  • He proposed a method of analysis based on opposites known as ‘Dialectics’.
  • Hegel’s philosophy convinced many scholars that historical methods were not of lesser quality, though they differed from scientific methods.
  • His lectures and articles are published in a book called ‘Encyclopaedia of Philosophical Sciences’. His book ‘Reason in History’ is well known.

Question 15.
Observe the inscription in the picture and write information it:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 1 Working of the Constitution 13

  1. A fragment of the earliest inscription is shown in the above picture. It dates back to 4500 BCE.
  2. It is displayed at the Louvre museum in France.
  3. The inscriptions have names of Sumerian kings and stories of battles fought by them.
  4. It shows a forward marching file of soldiers holding shields and spears. The General is in the front.
    Brain Teaser

    • He used the word ‘History’ for the first time
    • He wrote the book ‘Discourse on the Method’
    • Presented Theory of ‘Dialectics’
    • He called his method ‘Archaeology of Knowledge’

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  • founder of modern historiography
  • Criticised imaginative narration of history. Articles published in ‘The Secret of World History’
  • Her writings helped in establishing the fundamentals of feminism
  • He wrote ‘Das Kapital’
    Maharashtra Board Class 10 History Solutions Chapter 1 Working of the Constitution 14

10th Std History Questions And Answers:

Political Parties Question Answer Class 10 Political Science Chapter 3 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Political Parties Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 Political Science Chapter 3 Question Answer Political Parties Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Political Science Chapter 3 Political Parties Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Political Science Class 10 Chapter 3 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the sentences.
(1) When people come together and participate in electoral process, to acquire political power, such organisations are called ………………………….. .
(a) Government
(b) Society
(c) Political parties
(d) Social organisations
(c) Political parties

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(2) National Conference is a party in ………………………….. this region.
(a) Odisha
(b) Assam
(c) Bihar
(d) Jammu and Kashmir
(d) Jammu and Kashmir

(3) Justice Party- a non-Brahmin movement was transformed into ………………………….. Political Party.
(a) Assam Gan Parishad
(b) Shivsena
(c) Dravid Munnetra Kazhagam
(d) Jammu and Kashmir National Conference
(c) Dravid Munnetra Kazhagam

Question 2.
State whether the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for your answer.
(1) Political parties act as a link between government and people.
The above statement is True.

  • The political parties convey the demands and complaints of the people to the government.
  • Information about various government policies and schemes are conveyed to the people by the political parties.
  • People’s reaction to the policies and their expectations are conveyed to the government too by the parties. In this way, political parties act as a link between government and the people.

(2) Political parties are social organisations.
The above statement is True.

  • People who have similar views come together voluntarily and form a party, so it can be said that political parties are an integral part of our society.
  • The political parties try to solve the problems of the people.
  • Some political parties represent the role of a particular community in society, its ideology and work to achieve it. Hence it can be said that political parties are social organizations.

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(3) Coalition politics leads to instability.
The above statement is False.

  • As no single party got majority after the elections held in 1989, coalition government came to power at the centre and many states.
  • Parties had to set aside their policies and programmes and concentrate on a common agenda to run the government.
  • Both Congress Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party made an experiment of establishing a coalition government.
  • The National Democratic Alliance formed by BJP and its partners and the Democratic Front government formed by Congress and its partners ruled at the centre and state level effectively.

Therefore, the belief that the coalition government brings instability was proved wrong.

(4) Shiromani Akali Dal is a national party.
The above statement is False.
The Election Commission of India recognises a political party as National or Regional party on the basis of specific criteria namely:

  • The number of seats secured in Parliament and Legislative Assembly or percentage of votes secured.
  • Shiromani Akali Dal does not meet the criteria listed above.
  • As its influence is limited to the state of Punjab and not in any other state.
  • The Election Commission has given recognition to it as regional party.

Question 3.
Explain the following concepts.
(1) Regionalism

  • India is a vast country with great physical diversity. People belonging to different regions have their own language, culture and traditions.
  • Along with the physical diversity, we find diversity in literature, education, history and movements.
  • Each one feels an affinity for his language, traditions and history of social reforms. This gives rise to linguistic identity.
  • This affinity towards all the above-mentioned aspects develops into identity consciousness and gives rise to excessive regional pride.
  • People start giving preference only to the development of their language and region.
  • This is known as Regionalism.

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(2) National Parties
A party which functions at the national level is known as National Party.

  1. The Election Commission has laid certain criteria for a party to get recognised as a Political party. The political party should secure at least f 6% valid votes in four or more states in the earlier Lok Sabha. OR
  2. State Assembly elections and minimum four members should be elected in the Lok Sabha from any state or states in the earlier elections. OR
  3. The candidates of a party should be elected from a minimum three states or should be elected from a minimum 2% constituencies of the total Lok Sabha constituencies. OR
  4. It is important to get recognition as a state party in at least four states.

Question 4.
Answer the following questions in brief.
(1) What are the major characteristics of political parties?
The main features of political parties are as follows:

  • Political parties aim at securing power by contesting elections.
  • Every political party has some ideology.
  • Every party has an agenda. It is based on the party’s ideology.
  • The party that gets majority seats in election forms the government and the one that does not secure the majority act as opposition parties.
  • Political parties are a link between the people and the government and work to gain the support of the people.

(2) What changes have taken place in the nature of political parties in India?
The following changes were seen in the party system in India:

  • Indian- National Congress was the only dominant party in states and at the centre after independence.
  • All other parties came together and formed a coalition in 1977 and defeated the Congress.
  • For the first time in history, the two-party system got importance over one-party system.
  • The one-party system came to an end after the 1989 elections.
  • Regional parties got importance and the coalition government was formed at the centre and in the states.

(1) In a map of Maharashtra, point out the Loksabha constituency that includes the names of your parents.
(2) In a map of India, point out the places where national political parties have their influence.

Memory Map
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Question 5.
Choose the correct option from the given options and complete the sentences:
(a) The party which fails to secure majority is known as ………………………. party.
(a) Ruling
(b) Opposition
(c) Independent
(c) Coalition
(b) Opposition

(b) ‘Bharatiya Janata Party’ which was formed in 1980 after a split with ………………………. a component of Janata Party.
(a) Jan Sangh
(b) Lok Dal
(c) Independent party
(b) Janata Dal
(a) Jan Sangh.

(c) Social support received by a political party is called ………………………. .
(a) Democracy
(b) People’s rule
(c) Mass base
(d) Public relation
(c) Mass base

(d) Promotion of the Marathi language is the objective of the ………………………. .
(a) Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam
(b) Shiromani Akali Dal
(c) Shiv Sena
(d) Assam Gana Parishad
(c) Shiv Sena

(e) There are ………………………. recognised parties in India.
(a) five
(b) seven
(c) nine
(d) six
(b) seven

(f) The main objective of the political party is to capture ………………………. and retain it.
(a) publicity
(b) victory
(c) power
(d) information
(c) power

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(g) The ideology of the Communist Party of India is based on ………………………. Philosophy.
(a) Capitalist
(b) Marxist
(c) Democracy
(d) Imperialist
(b) Marxist

(h) Shiromani Akali Dal is a prominent regional party in ………………………. state.
(a) Odisha
(b) Assam
(c) Punjab
(d) Jammu and Kashmir
(c) Punjab

Question 6.
State whether the following statements are true or false. Give reasons for your answer:

(a) Political parties do not need support of the people.
The above statement is False.

  • To secure power is the main aim of political parties.
  • Political parties have to implement various policies and programmes for the welfare of people and to gain the support of the people.
  • The party which solves the issues related to the welfare of the people get support.
  • Without the support of the people they can never get a mandate.

Hence, all political parties require support of the people.

(b) The Communist Party of India was split.
The above statement is True.

  • The Communist Party of- India was established in 1925. The Communist Parties follow Marxist ideology.
  • In 1962, due to differences in the leadership a rift was created in the party.
  • The main reason for the split was about which political line to follow.

(c) Sometimes the sentiments of regionalism gets strengthened in the country.
The above statement is True.

  1. A country like India has diversity of government language, region and culture. This diversity creates affinity towards a region.
  2. This affinity gives rise to excessive regional S pride and initiating movements to save it. The significance of such movements is claimed to be for preserving culture.
  3. Asserting to be rightful claimant of material resources, job opportunities and development of the region these movements strengthen the regional pride.
  4. Thus, this excessive regional pride turns morbid taking the form of regionalism.

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(d) Regional parties have no influence on National Politics.
The above statement is False.

  • No single party got majority in the elections to Lok Sabha held in 1989.
  • The national parties formed coalition government at the centre taking help of regional parties.
  • As regional parties share power at the centre they have influence on national politics.

Question 7.
Explain the concept:
(a) Regional Parties:

  1. The groups having a proud feeling about the different identity of their region and who compete to capture power to bring about regional development are ‘Regional Parties’.
  2. The influence of such parties are limited to their region. They give importance to regional problems. Development of one’s own region is the prime objective of these parties.
  3. Sometimes they demand for independent state or autonomy. They influence the national politics because of their dominance in the region.
  4. They have passed through various phases, from separatism to autonomy and have then merged with mainstream national politics.

(b) Political Party:

  1. A Political Party is a kind of social organisation of like-minded people. The main aim of any political party is to contest election and secure power.
  2. The stand taken by various political parties on issues becomes their political ideology.
  3. In democracy, political parties are at the centre of all political activities. They are a link that connects common people, democracy, representation and elections.
  4. The party that secures a majority becomes the ruling party and the rest are known as the. opposition.

Question 8.
Write short note:
(a) Party System:

  1. If one party remains in power in a country for a long period and no other party has any kind of influence the party system it is called ‘One- Party System’.
  2. When there are two equally strong parties which alternatively come to power. It is called ‘Two-Party System’.
  3. In a country where many political parties exist and compete with each other to capture power and have more or less influence in different states is called ‘Multi-Party System’.
  4. Democracy develops in Multi-Party System.

(b) Indian National Congress:

  • The Indian National Congress was established in 1885.
  • The party represented the hopes and aspirations of Indians and led the freedom struggle.
  • Groups having diverse ideologies became part of the Congress to fight for freedom.
  • It believes in democratic socialism, social equality and international peace.
  • After independence, the Congress Party was a dominant party for almost four decades and ruled at the centre and in the states.

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(c) Communist Party of India:

  • The Communist Party of India was established in 1925. The Communist Party follows the Marxist ideology.
  • The party aims at working to protect the interests of workers and labourers.
  • The main objective of this party is to oppose capitalism and protect the interests of workers.
  • The party split due to ideological differences in 1964. Those who walked out of the party formed Communist Party (Marxist).

(d) Nationalist Congress Party:

  • Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) is the splinter or breakaway party from the Congress Party.
  • It considers the values like democracy, equality and secularism important.
  • It became part of United Progressive Alliance (UPA) and came to power in Maharashtra.
  • It was in power in Maharashtra from 1999 to 2014 and at the centre from 2004 to 2014.

(e) Trinamool Congress:

  • All India Trinamool Congress was established in 1998.
  • The Election Commission of India gave it recognition in 2016.
  • Democracy, Secularism and protection of the weaker sections of the society are some of the policies of the party.
  • Presently (April 2019), this party is in power in the state of West Bengal.

(f) Shiv Sena:

  1. The Shiv Sena was founded in 1966.
  2. The main objective of the party was to fight for the cause of Marathi-speaking people and preservation of Marathi language.
  3. They resisted the people from other regions.
  4. In 1995, it became the ruling party with BJP in Maharashtra and its strategic tie-up with BJP helped it to enter national politics.
  5. It was in power at the centre with BJP from 1998 to 2004. Again it has shared power with the BJP at the centre and state since 2014.

(g) Shiromani Akali Dal:

  • Shiromani Akali Dal was formed in 1920.
  • It is a dominating party in Punjab.
  • It gives preference to nurture religious and for the regional pride.
  • The party has retained power in Punjab for many years.

(h) Dravid Munnetra Kazhagam:

  • Justice party, a non-Brahmin movement, started in 1920. In 1944, it transformed into a political party called Dravid Kazhagam.
  • In 1949, a group within the party got split and formed Dravid Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK).
  • The party works for the protection of Tamil identity.
  • This party implemented many policies for welfare of the people and therefore has support from all the sections of society.
  • Another group separated from it in 1972 and formed All India Dravid Munnetra Kazhagham.
  • It remained in power for a long time in Tamil Nadu and for sometime at the centre.

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Question 9.
Do as directed
(a) Complete the concept map:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Political Parties 2
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Political Parties 3

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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Political Parties 7

(b) Complete the Time-line writing the name of the party or the year of establishment:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Political Parties 8
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Political Science Solutions Chapter 3 Political Parties 9

Question 10.
Answer the following questions in brief:

(a) What is called “mass base”?

  • Every political party is formed with some ideology.
  • Political parties take a certain stand towards public issues.
  • Their ideology and their stand towards public issues are conveyed to the people through various programmes.
  • If the people agree with their role and ideology, they get the support of the people.
  • Such social support received by a political – party is called ‘mass base’.

(b) Write about the policies of Indian National Congress.
The policies of the Indian National: Congress are as follows:

  • Equal rights for the minorities and weaker sections of society.
  • Secularism, all-round development and social welfare are its objectives.
  • Introduction of socialist democracy.
  • Belief in values like international peace and social equality.

Maharashtra Board Solutions

(c) Explain the role of Bharatiya Janata Party.
Bharatiya Janata Party was formed in 1980 with the following objectives:

  • To preserve Indian culture and traditions.
  • To create a strong and rich India.
  • To give importance to economic reforms for development of India.

(d) Write about the policies of Communist Party of India (Marxist).
Communist Party of India (Marxist) was formed in 1964 with the following objectives:

  • The party advocates socialism, secularism and democracy.
  • The main policy of the party is to work for the welfare of farmers, landless labourers and workers.
  • The party opposes imperialism.

(e) Why was Bahujan Samaj Party formed?
The Bahujan Samaj Party was formed in 1984 to achieve the following objectives:

  • To bring socialist ideology into practice.
  • To secure power for ‘majority’ comprising of scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward classes.
  • To give power in the hands of ‘majority’.

(f) What do the regional parties give preference for?
The regional parties give preference to the following issues:

  • Importance should be given to regional issues and bring about development.
  • Regional issues should be handled* at regional level.
  • The power rests in the hands of regional people. ‘
  • People living in that region should get preference in administration and jobs. .

(g) What changes are seen in the nature and role of regional parties?
The role of regional parties changed over period of time. The changes are as follows:

  • After independence, regional identity gave rise to separatists movements and demands were put up by regional parties for separate state.
  • They wanted to break away from the Indian union and form a separate state.
  • The demands of the regional parties changed gradually and these parties started asking for autonomy.
  • In the later period, for the development of their region and people the parties demanded representation of their people in the state and central government.
  • Regional parties in the north eastern region also started demanding more autonomy after split up.
  • The journey of the regional parties began with a split up and then a demand for autonomy going on to share power in federation and then entry into mainstream national politics.

Maharashtra Board Solutions

(h) What are the objectives of Assam Gana Parishad?
Assam Gana Parishad was formed in 1985 with the following objectives:

  • To preserve the uniqueness of Assam’s culture, language and social identity.
  • To make efforts for economical development of Assam.
  • To resolve problems of displaced people.

(i) What are the criteria for a regional party to get recognition?

  • In the last general .elections to the State Assembly, the party should not secure less than 6% of the total number of valid votes polled.
  • At least 2 members to be elected to the Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha).
  • 3% seats of the total seats of Legislative Assembly or at least 3 seats in Legislative Assembly.

(j) What work is done by political parties?
The following work is done by political parties:

  • To propagate policies and programmes of the party and contest elections.
  • They implement various policies when they come to power.
  • If they fail to secure power, they act as opposition party and try to gain support of the people.
  • They communicate the demands and complaints of the people to the government and the policies and programmes of the government to the people.

Question 11.
Give your opinion:

(a) Imagine you are opposition party leader and you have observed that the ruling party has not done good work in the field of health. What will you do as a leader of opposition?
As opposition leader, I will do the following to make the government realise its negligence in the health field:

  • I will question the government in Parliament and point out their shortcomings and ask about the prolonged projects.
  • I will create awareness among the people by writing articles in newspapers.
  • I will give interviews,on radio and television and criticize the government.
  • I will organise rallies and meetings to sensitize among the people.

(b) Think and write
What has to be done to bring partyless democracy in modern times?

  • The recognition of all the parties should be cancelled. ‘
  • People should be given the right to make decisions.
  • In order to improve the decision-making power, people should be educated on political issues.
  • To improve the moral character of the people who want to take the leadership.
  • To initiate direct democracy and prepare the people for the same.
  • Stress should be given for decentralization.
  • Mahatma Gandhi, Vinoba Bhave and Jayprakash Narayan put forth the idea of partyless democracy.
  • What has to be done to bring such democracy in modern times?

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Question 12.
What do you understand by the following news in newspapers? Explain in brief.

(a) Opposition parties held a meeting in Mumbai to resist the Ruling party. Will take up the issue of farmers?

  • The ruling party did not undertake any work for the welfare of farmers. Therefore all the opposition parties decided to trap the government on this issue.
  • The opposition parties have kept aside their differences and come together for this cause.
  • It is the duty of the opposition party to question the negligence of the government.
  • This news makes us aware of the line of action taken by the opposition.
  • Opposition parties held a meeting in Mumbai to resist the Ruling party. Will take up the issue of farmers?
  • Ruling party organised ‘Samvad Yatra’ in rural areas.

(b) Ruling party has organised ‘Samvad Yatra’ in rural areas.

  • Political parties adopt different ways to popularise their party and influence the people.
  • As the means of communication are limited in rural areas they organise the Yatra.
  • It shows the efforts of the government to understand problems of people in rural areas.
  • It is essential to have dialogue with people to know their problems and opinions.
  • As the initiative is taken by the government, people will develop faith in government.
  • The news conveys to us that the ruling party is carrying out its duties properly.
  • The faith in government becomes profound when people feel that government is sensitive towards them.

10th Std Political Science Questions And Answers:

Chemical Reactions and Equations Class 10 Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 3

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
Choose the correct option from the bracket and explain the statement giving reasons :
(Oxidation, displacement, electrolysis, reduction, zinc, copper, double diplacement, decomposition)

a. To prevent rusting, a laver of ……… metal is applied on iron sheets.
To prevent rusting, a layer of zinc metal is applied on iron sheets.
The rusting of iron is an oxidation process. Due to corrosion of an iron a deposit of reddish substance (Fe2O3.H2O) is formed on it. This substance is called rust. To prevent corrosion, a layer of zinc metal (galvanisation) is applied on iron sheets.

b. The conversion or ferrous sulphate to ferric sulphate is …….. reaction.
The conversion of ferrous sulphate to ferric sulphate is an oxidation reaction.
When ferric ion is formed. from ferrous ion, the positive charge is increased by one unit. while this happens the rerrous ion loses one electron. A process in which a metal or its ion loses one or more electrons is called an oxidation.
2FeSO4 → Fe2(SO4)3
Fe2 + SO42- → 2Fe3+ + SO42-
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 1

c. When electric current is passed through acidulated water …….. of water takes place.
when electric current is passed through acidulated water decomposition of water takes place. In this reaction. hydrogen and oxygen gas are formed.

This decomposition takes place with the help of an electric current, it is also called electrolytic decomposition.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 2

d. Addition of an aqueous solution of ZnSO4 to an aqueous solution of BaCl2 is an example of ……… reaction.
Addition of an aqueous solution of ZnSO4 to an aqueous solution or BaCl2 is an example or double displacement reaction.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 3
Barium chloride reacts with zinc sulphate to form a white precipitate of barium sulphate. white precipitate is formed by exchange of ions Ba++ and SO4 between the reactants.

Question 2.
a. What is the reaction called when oxidation and reduction take place simultaneously? Explain with one example.
The reaction which involves simultaneous oxidation and reduction is called an oxidation-reduction or redox reaction.
In a redox reaction, one reactant gets oxidised while the other gets reduced during a reaction.
Redox reaction = Reduction + Oxidation

In redox reaction, the reductant is oxidized by the oxidant and the oxidant is reduced by the
Example:CuO(s) + H2(g) → Cu(s) + H2O
In this reaction, oxygen is removed from copper oxide therefore it is a reduction of CuO, while hydrogen accepts oxygen to form water that means oxidation of hydrogen takes place. Thus oxidation and reduction reactions occur simultaneously.

Other examples of redox reactions:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 4

b. How can the rate of the chemical reaction, namely, decomposition of hydrogen peroxide be increased?
At room temperature, the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen takes place slowly. However, the same reaction occurs at a faster rate on adding manganese dioxide (MnO2),
powder in it.

c. Explain the term reactant product giving examples.

  1. The substance which undergoes bond breaking while taking part in a chemical reaction is called reactant.
  2. The substance formed as a result of a chemical reaction by formation of new bonds is called product.
  3. Example: In a chemical reaction, the formation of carbon dioxide gas takes place by combustion of coal in air. In this reaction, coal (carbon) and oxygen (from air) are the reactants while carbon dioxide is the product.

d. Explain the types of reactions with reference to oxygen and hydrogen. Illustrate with examples.
With reference to oxygen and hydrogen, there are two types of reaction

  1. Oxidation reaction
  2. Reduction reaction.

1. Oxidation reaction:
(1) When carbon burns in air, it forms carbon dioxide. In this reaction carbon accepts oxygen, therefore, this is an oxidation reaction.
C(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g)

(2) When sodium reacts with ethyl alcohol, sodium ethoxide and hydrogen gas is formed. In this reaction, hydrogen is removed from ethyl alcohol, therefore this is an oxidation reaction.
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(3) Acidified potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7 / H2SO4) oxidises ethly alcohol to acetic acid.
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2. Reduction reaction:
(1) When hydrogen gas is passed over black copper oxide a reddish coloured layer of copper is
In this reaction an oxygen atom removed from CuO to form copper, hence, this is reduction.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 7

(2) when hydrogen gas is passed over red hot coke, methane is obtained.
Here, hydrogen is added to coke (carbon). Hence, this is reduction.
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e. Explain the similarity and difference in two events, namely adding NaOH to water and adding CaO to water.
Similarity : Both NaOH and CaO, when dissolved separately in water, solid NaOH dissolves releasing heat, resulting in rise in temperature. This reaction is exothermic reaction. When solid CaO dissolves in water, Ca(OH)2 is formed, large amount of heat is evolved. This reaction is also exothermic reaction. Both reactions are combination reactions and single product is obtained.
NaOH(s) + H2O → NaOH(aq) + Heat
CaO(s) + H2O → Ca(OH)2(aq) + Heat

  1. Aqueous solution of NaOH is considered as a strong alkali.
  2. Aqueous solution of Ca(OH)2 is considered as a weak alkali.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations

Question 3.
Explain the following terms with examples.
a. Endothermic reaction
Endothermic reaction: The reaction in which heat is absorbed is called an endothermic
when KNO3(s) dissolves in water, there is absorption of heat during the reaction and the temperature of the solution falls.
KNO2(s) + H2O(l) + Heat → KNO3(aq)

b. Combination reaction
When two or more reactants combine in a reaction to form a single product, it is called a combination reaction.
1. The ammonia gas reacts with hydrogen chloride gas to form the salt in gaseous state, immediately it condenses at room temperature and gets transformed into the solid state.
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2. Magnesium burns in air to form white powder of magnesium oxide as a single product.
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3. Iron reacts with sulphur to form iron sulphide.
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c. Balanced equation
In a chemical reaction, the number of atoms of the elements in the reactants is same as the number or atoms of those elements in the product, such an equation is called a balanced equation.
Example: AgNO3 + NaCl → AgCl + NaNO3
In the above reaction, the number of atoms of the elements in the reactants is same as the number of atoms of elements in the products.

d. Displacement reaction
The reaction in which the place of the ion of a less reactive element in a compound is taken by another more reactive element by the formation of its own ions is called displacement reaction.

When zinc granules are added to the blue coloured copper sulphate solution, the zinc ions formed from zinc atoms take the place of Cu2+ ions in CuSO4, and copper atoms, formed from Cu2+ ions comes out i.e. the more reactive zinc displaces the less reactive Cu from copper sulphate.
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4. Give scientific reason:
a. When the gas formed on heating lime stone is passed through freshly prepared lime water, the lime water turns milky.
when lime stone is heated, calcium oxide and carbon dioxide are formed. This carbon dioxide gas is passed through freshly prepared lime water, insoluble calcium carbonate and water are formed. In this reaction, lime water turns milky.
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b. It takes time for pieces of Shahabud tile to disappear in HCl, but its powder disappears rapidly.
The rate of a reaction depends upon the size of the particles of the reactants taking part in the reaction. The smaller the size of the reactants particles, the more is their total surface area and the faster is the rate of reaction.

In the reaction of dil. HCl with pieces of Shahabad tile, CO2 effervescence is formed amid the tile disappears slowly. On the other hand. CO2 effervescence forms at faster rate with Shahabad tile powder and it disappears rapidly.

c. While preparing dilute sulphuric acid from concentrated sulphuric acid in the laboratory, the concentrated sulphuric acid is added slowly to water with constant stirring.
(1) The preparation of dilute sulphuric acid falls in the category of extreme exothermic process.

(2) During the preparation of dilute sulphuric acid. large amount of water is taken in a glass container which is surrounded by ice. Cool it for twenty minutes, Now small quantity of conc. H2SO4 is added slowly with stirring. Therefore, only a small amount of heat is liberated at a time. In this way dilute sulphuric acid is prepared.

(3) On the other hand, in the process of dilution or conc. sulphuric acid with water, very large amount of heat is liberated. As a result, water gets evaported instantaneously, if it is poured in to conc. H2SO4 which may cause an accident.

d. It is recommended to use air tight container for storing oil for long time.

  1. If edible oil is allowed to stand for a long time, it undergoes air oxidation, it becomes rancid and its smell and taste changes.
  2. Rancidity in the rood stuff cooked in oil or ghee is prevented by using antioxidants. The process of oxidation reaction of food stuff can also be slowed down by storing it in air tight container.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations

Question 5.
Observe the following picture a write down the chemical reaction with explanation.
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The rusting of iron is an oxidation process. The rust on iron does not form by a simple reaction between oxygen and iron surface. The rust is formed by an electrochemical reaction. Fe oxidises to Fe2O3. H2O on one part of iron surface while oxygen gets reduced to H2O on another part or surface, Different regions on the surface of iron become anode and cathode.
(1) Fe is oxidised to Fe2+ in the anode region.
Fe(s) → Fe2+ (aq) + 2e
(2) O2 is reduced to form water in the cathode region.
O2(g) + 4H+ (aq) + 4e— → 2H2O(l)

When Fe2+ ions migrate from the anode region they react with water and futher get oxidised to form Fe3+ ions.
A reddish coloured hydrated oxide is formed from Fe3+ ions. It is called rust. It collects on the
2Fe3+ (aq) + 4H2O(l) → Fe2O3. H2O(s) + 6H+ (aq)
Because of various components in the atmosphere, oxidation of metals takes place, consequently resulting in their damage. This is called ‘corrosion’. Iron rusts and a reddish coloured layer is formed on it. This is corrosion of iron.

Question 6.
Identify from the following reactions the reactants that undergo oxidation and reduction.
a. Fe + S → FeS
Fe + S → FeS
In this reaction, Iron (Fe) undergoes oxidation
and sulphur. (S) undergoes reduction.

b. 2Ag2O → 4Ag + O2
2Ag2O → 4Ag + O2
In this reaction, reduction of Ag2O takes place.

c. 2Mg + O2 → 2MgO
2Mg + O2 → 2MgO
In this reaction, oxidation of Mg takes place.

d. NiO + H2 → Ni + H2O
NiO + H2 → Ni + H2O
In this reaction, reduction of NiO takes place and oxidation of H2 takes place.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations

Question 7.
Balance the following equation stepwise.
a. H2S2O7(l) + H2O(l) → H2SO4(l)
Step 1: Rewrite the given equation as it is
H2S2O7(l) + H2O(l) → H2SO4(l)
Step 2: write the number or atoms of each element in the unbalanced equation on both sides of equations.

Element Number of atoms in reactant (left side) Number of atoms in products (right side)
H 4 2
S 2 1
O 8 4

Step 3: To equalise the number of hydrogen atoms, sulphur atoms and oxygen atoms we use 2 as the coemficient or factor in the product.

Element Number of atoms in reactant (left side) Number of atoms in products (right side)
H 4 2 × 2
S 2 1 × 2
O 8 4 × 2
Total 14 14

Now the equation becomes H2S2O7 + H2O → 2H2SO4
Now, count the atoms of each element on both sides of the equation. The number of atoms on both sides are equal. Hence, the balanced equation is
H2S2O7 + H2O → 2H2SO4
Now indicate the physical states of the reactants and products.
H2S2O7(l) + H2O(l) → 2H2SO4(l)

b. SO2(g) + H2S(aq) → S(s) + H2O(l)
Step 1:
Rewrite the given equation as it is
SO2(g) + H2S(aq) → S(s) + H2O(l)

Step 2:
Write the number of atoms of each element in the unbalanced equation on both sides of equations.

Element Number of atoms in reactants (left side) Number of atoms in products (right side)
S 2 1
O 2 1
H 2 2

The number of hydrogen atoms on both sides of the equation is same, therefore, equalise the number of sulphur atoms and oxygen atoms.

Step 3: To balance the number of sulphur atoms:

Number of atoms of sulphur In reactants In products
S2O H2S (S)
Initially 1 1 1
To balance 1 1 1 × 2

To equalise the number of sulphur atoms, we use 2 as the factor in the product, now the equation becomes
SO2 + H2S → 2S + H2O

Step 4:
To equalise the number of oxygen atoms in the unbalanced equation.

Number of atoms of oxygen In reactants (SO2) In products H2O
Initially 2 1
To balance 2 1 × 2

To equalise the number of sulphur atoms, we use 2 as the factor in the product i.e. H2O, now the unbalanced equation becomes
SO2 + H2S → 2S + 2H2O

Step 5:
To equalise the number of hydrogen atoms in unbalanced equation:

Number of atoms of hydrogen In reactants (H2S) In products (H2O)
Initially 2 4
To balance 2 × 2 4

To equalise the number of hydrogen atoms we use 2 as the factor in the reactant i.e, H2S, now the unbalanced equation become
SO2 + 2H2S → 2S + 2H2O
Now, count the atoms of each element on both sides of the equation, there are less number of sulphur atoms in the product. Now equalise the sulphur atoms, the balanced equation becomes,
SO2 + 2H2S → 3S + 2H2O
Now indicate the physical states of reactants and products.
SO2(g) + 2H2S(aq) → 3S(s) + 2H2O(l)

c. Ag(s) + HCl(l) → AgCl ↓ + H2
Step 1:
Rewrite the given equation as it is
Ag(s) + HCl(l) → AgCl ↓ + H2

Step 2:
write the number of atoms or each element in the unbalanced equation on both sides of equations.

Element Number of atoms in reactants (left side) Number of atoms in products (right side)
Ag 1 1
H 1 2
Cl 1 1

The number of silver and chlorine atoms on both sides of the equation are same, therefore, equalise the number of hydrogen atoms.

Step 3:
To balance the number of hydrogen atoms.

Number of atoms of hydrogen In reactants HCl In products H2
Initially 1 2
To balance 1 × 2 2

To equalise the number of hydrogen atoms, we use 2 as the factor in the product HCl, now the unbalanced equation become
Ag(s) + 2HCl → AgCl + H2

Step 4:
To balance the number of chlorine atoms:

Number of atoms of chlorine In reactants (2HCl) In products (AgCl)
Initially 2 1
To balance  2 2 ×1

To equalise the number of chlorine atoms, we use 2 as the factor in the product AgCl. now the unbalanced equation becomes
Ag + 2HCl → 2AgCl + H2
Now count the atoms of each element on both sides of the equation, there are less number of silver atoms in the reactant. Now equalise the silver atoms, the balanced equation becomes
2Ag + 2HCl → 2AgCl + H2
Now indicate the physical states of the reactunts and products
2Ag(s) + 2HCl(l) → 2AgCl ↓ + H2

d. H2SO4(aq) + NaOH(aq) → Na2SO4(aq) + H2O(l)
Step 1:
Rewrite the given equation as it is
H2SO4(aq) + NaOH(aq) → Na2SO4(aq) + H2O(l)

Step 2:
write the number of atoms of each element in the unbalanced equation on both sides of the equation.

Element Number of atoms in reactants Number of atoms in products
Na 1 2
S 1 1
O 5 5
H 3 2

The number of oxygen atoms involved in different compounds on both sides (reactants and products) are equal. Therefore, balance the number of atoms of the second element, sodium.

Step 3:
To balance the number of sodium atoms:

Number of atoms of sodium In reactants In products
To begin with 1 (in NaOH) 2 (in Na2SO4)
To balance  1 × 2 2

To equalise the number of sodium atoms, we use 2 as the factor of NaOH in the reactants. Now, the partly balanced equation becomes as follows
H2SO4 + 2NaOH → Na2SO4 + H2O

Step 4:
Now, balance the number of hydrogen atoms:

Number of atoms of hydrogen In reactants In products
To begin with (in H2SO4)
2 (in NaOH)
2 (in H2O)
To balance  4 2 × 2

To equalise the number of hydrogen atoms, we use 2 as the factor or H2O in the products. The equation then becomes
H2SO4 + 2NaOH → Na2SO4 + H2O
Now, count the atoms of each element on both sides of the equation. The number of atoms on both sides are equal. Hence, the balanced equation is
H2SO4 + 2NaOH → Na2SO4 + 2H2O
Now indicate the physical states of the reactants and the products.
H2SO4(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) → Na2SO4(aq) + 2H2O(l)

Question 8.
Identify the endothermic and exothermic reaction.
a. HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O + heat
Exothermic reaction.

b. \(2 \mathrm{KClO}_{3}(\mathrm{s}) \stackrel{\Delta}{\longrightarrow} 2 \mathrm{KCl}(\mathrm{s})+3 \mathrm{O}_{2} \uparrow\)
Exothermic reaction.

c. CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2 + heat
Exothermic reaction.

d. \(\mathrm{CaCO}_{3}(\mathrm{s}) \stackrel{\Delta}{\longrightarrow} \mathrm{CaO}(\mathrm{s})+\mathrm{CO}_{2} \uparrow\)
Exothermic reaction.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations

Question 9.
Match the column in the following table:

Reactants products Type of chemical reaction
BaCl2(aq) + ZnSO4(aq) H2CO3(aq) Displacement
2 AgCl(s) FeSO4(aq) + Cu(s) Combination
CuSO4(aq) + Fe(s) BaSO4↓ + ZnCl2(aq) Decomposition
H2O(l) + CO2(g) 2Ag(s) + Cl2(g) Double displacement


Reactants products Type of chemical reaction
BaCl2(aq) + ZnSO4(aq) BaSO4↓ + ZnCl2(aq) Double displacement
2 AgCl(s) 2Ag(s) + Cl2(g) Decomposition
CuSO4(aq) + Fe(s) FeSO4(aq) + Cu(s) Displacement
H2O(l) + CO2(g) H2CO3(aq) Combination

Do it your self:
1. Prepare aqueous solutions or various solid salts available in the laboratory. Observe what happens when aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide is added to these. Prepare a chart of double displacement reactions based on these observation.

2. Observe and note the physical and chemical changes experienced in various incidents in your day to day 1ife.

Can you recall? (Text Book Page No.16)

Question 1.
what are the types of molecules of elements and compounds?
Elements are divided into three classes i.e. metals, nonmetals and metalloids. When two or more elements combine chemically in a fixed proportion by weight, a compound is formed. The properties of a compound are altogether different from those of the constitutional elements.

Question 2.
what is meant by valency of element?
The number of electrons that an atom of an element gives away or takes up while forming an ionic bond, is called the valency or that element.

Question 3.
What is the requirement for writing molecular formulae of different compounds?
How are the molecular formulae of the compounds written?
while writing the molecular formulae of different compounds, the symbol of the radicals and their valence should be known.
The number of the ions is written as subscript on the right of the symbol or the ion. By cross multiplication of valenceies chemical formula is obtained.

Find out (Text Book Page No. 44)
How are the blackened silver utensils and patinated (greenish) brass utensils cleaned?
The blackened silver utensils and patinated (greenish) brass utensils are cleaned using baking soda, vinegar and lemon mix.

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 35)

Question 1.
write down the physical states of reactants and products in the reaction
SO2 + 2H2S → 3S + 2H2O
Reactants : SO2(g), 2H2S(g)
Products : 3S(s), 2H2O(l).

Question 2.
write down the physical states of reactants and products in the reaction
2Ag + 2HCl → 2AgCl + H2
Reactants: 2Ag(s), 2HCl(l)
Products: 2AgCl ↓, H2

Question 3.
Identify the reactants and products of the following equation.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 15
Reactants: vegetable oil, H2(g)
Product: Vanaspathi ghee

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 42)

Question 1.
Which is the oxidant used for purification of drinking water?
The chlorine based oxidants are used in the purification of drinking water.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations

Question 2.
Why is potassium permanganate used during cleaning water tanks?
Potassium permanganate is an oxidising agent. It oxidises dissolved iron, manganese and hydrogen sulphide into solid particles that are filtered out of the water tank. It is used to control iron bacteria growth in tank.

Can you tell? (Text Book Page No. 43)

Question 1.
what is the type of this reaction, in which Vanaspathi ghee is formed from vegetable oil?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 16
In the preparation of vanaspathi ghee from vegetable oil hydrogen gas is used. This process is known as hydrogenation. This is reduction reaction.

Find out (Text Book page No. 33)

What are the other uses of silver nitrate in every day life?
Silver nitrate is used in the voters-ink. It is used as reactant in the laboratory. Silver nitrate is used to prevent infection in wounds and skin burns.

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 35)

Question 1.
N2(g) + H2(g) ⇌ NH3(g)
Step 1:
Rewrite the given equation as it is
N2(g) + H2(g) ⇌ NH3(g)

Step 2:
Write the number of atoms of each element in the unbalanced equation on both sides of equations

Element Number of atoms in reactants Number of atoms in products
N 2 1
H 2 3

Step 3:
In the given equation. NH3 is a compound and it contains hydrogen element. On the left hand side there are two H atoms and on the right side 3H atoms. Equalise H atoms on both sides.

Hydrogen atoms In reactants In products
Initially 2 3
To balance 3 × 2 2 × 3

To equalise the number of hydrogen atoms, we use 3 as the factor in the reactant and 2 as the factor in the products. Now the equation becomes
N2 + 3H2 → 2NH3
Now, count the atoms of each element on both sides of the equation. The number of atoms on both sides are equal. Hence, the balanced equation is
N2 + 3H2 → 2NH3
Now indicate the physical states of the reactants and products
N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g)

Question 2.
Calcium chloride + Sulphuric acid → Calcium sulphate + Hydrogen chloride.
Step 1:
Write the chemical equation from the given word equation.
CaCl2 + H2SO4 → CaSO4 + HCl

Step 2:
Write the number of atoms of each element in the unbalanced on both sides of equation.

Element Number of atoms in reactants Number of atoms in products
Ca 1 1
Cl 2 1
H 2 1
S 1 1
O 4 4

Step 3:
In the given equation H2SO4 is a compound and it contains hygrogen element. On the left hand side there are two hydrogen atoms and on the right side one hydrogen atom. Equalise H atoms on both sides.

Hydrogen atoms In reactants (H2SO4) In products (HCl)
Initially 2 1
To balance 2 2  × 1

To equalise the number of hydrogen atoms we use 2 as the factor in the product so that the number of H atoms on both sides are equal. Therefore, the equation becomes
CaCl2 + H2SO4 → CaSO4 + 2 HCl
Now, count the atoms of each element on both sides of the equation. The number of atoms on both sides are equal hence, the balanced equation is
CaCl2 + H2SO4 → CaSO4 + 2 HCl
Now, indicate the physical state of the reactants and products.
CaCl2(s) + H2SO4(l) → CaSO4(s) + HCl(l)

Can you tell? (Text Book Page No. 39)

Take into account the time required for following processes. Classify them into two groups and give titles to the groups.
(1) Cooking gas starts burning on ignition.
(2) Iron article undergoes rusting.
(3) Erosion of rocks takes place to form soil.
(4) Alcohol is formed on mixing yeast in glucose solution under proper condition.
(5) Effervescence is formed on adding baking soda into a test tube containing dilute acid.
(6) A white precipitate is formed on adding dilute sulphuric acid to barium chloride solution.
The above processes are classified into two groups (a) slow speed reactions (b) fast speed reactions.
Slow speed reactions: (2), (3) and (4).
Fast speed reactions: (1),(5) and (6).

Maharashtra Board Solutions

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 43)

Question 1.
Some more examples of redox reaction are as follows. Identify the reductants and oxidants from them.
(1) 2H2S + SO2 → 3S↓ + 2H2O
(2) MnO2 + 4HCl → MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2
Oxidants: SO2, MnO2
Reductants: H2S, HCl

Question 2.
If oxidation means losing electrons, what is meant by reduction.
Reduction means gaining one or more electrons.

Question 3.
Write the reaction of formation of Fe2+ by reduction Fe3+ by making use of the symbol (e).
Fe3+ + e → Fe2+ (reduction)

Think about it (Text Book Page No. 43)

Question 1.
The luster of the surface of the aluminium utensils in the house is lost after a few days. Why does this happen?
The aluminium utensils when kept in the house for a few days, oxidation of aluminium takes place, a thin laver aluminium oxide (Al2O3) is deposited on the surface. Hence, aluminium utensils lose their lustre in a few days.

Question 3.
How many products are formed in each of the above reactions?
A single product is formed in each of the above reaction.

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 39)

Question 1.
What is the difference in the process of dissolution and a chemical reaction.
In the process of dissolution, new substance is not necessarily formed. Whereas in a chemical reaction a new substance is definitely formed.

Question 2.
Does a new substance form when a solute dissolves in a solvent?
It is not necessary that a new substance is always formed.

Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
Organic waste is decomposed by micro-organism and as a result manure and……..are formed.
Organic waste is decomposed by micro-organism and as a result manure and bio gas are formed.

Question 2.
……….is formed on mixing yeast in glucose solution under proper condition.
Alcohol is formed on mixing yeast in glucose solution under proper condition.

Question 3.
The chemical reaction during which H2(g) is lost is termed as………
The chemical reaction during which H2(g) s lost is termed as oxidation.

Question 4.
Corrosion can be prevented by using………
Corrosion can be prevented by using antirust solution.

Question 5.
The chemical reactions in which heat is liberated are called………..reactions.
The chemical reactions in which heat is liberated are called exothermic reactions.

Question 6.
The chemical formula of rust is………
The chemical formula of rust is Fe2O3.H2O.

Question 7.
A reaction in which heat is absorbed is called………reaction.
A reaction in which heat is absorbed is called endothermic reaction.

Question 8.
The process of rusting or iron is………process.
The process of rusting of iron is oxidation process.

Question 9.
when oil and fats are oxidised or even allowed to stand in air for a long time, they become ……….
when oil and fats are oxidised or even allowed to stand in air for a long time, they become rancid.

Question 10.
……… are used to prevent oxidation of food.
Antioxidants are used to prevent oxidation of food.

Question 11.
Carbon dioxide is passed through water. The reaction is a………reaction.
Carbon dioxide is passed through water. The reaction is a combination reaction.

Question 12.
Calcium carbonate is heated. The reaction is a………..reaction.
Calcium carbonate is heated. The reaction is a decomposition reaction.

Question 13.
Zinc strip is dipped in a CuSO4 solution. The reaction is a……….reaction.
Zinc strip is dipped in a CuSO4 solution. The reaction is a displacement reaction.

Question 14.
Silver nitrate solution is added to NaCl solution. The reaction is a……….reaction.
Silver nitrate solution is added to NaCl solution. The reaction is a double displacement reaction.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations

Question 15.
The slow process of decay or destruction of a metal due to effect of air, moisture and acids on it is known as……….
The slow process of decay or destruction of a metal due to effect of air, moisture and acids on it is known as corrosion.

Rewrite the following statements by selecting the correct options:

Question 1.
The reaction of iron nail with copper sulphate solution is………reaction. (March 2019)
(a) double displacement
(b) displacement
(c) combination
(d) decomposition
(b) displacement

Question 2.
Reddish brown deposit formed on iron nails kept in a solution of copper sulphate is
(a) Cu2O
(b) Cu
(c) CuO
(d) CuS
(b) Cu

Question 3.
The reaction CuSO4(aq) + Zn(s) → ZnSO4(aq) + Cu(s) is a……..reaction.
(a) displacement
(b) double displacement
(c) decomposition
(d) combination
(a) displacement

Question 4.
………is a combination reaction.
(a) Cu + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + H2
(b) H2 + Cl2 → 2HCl
(c) \(2 \mathrm{HgO} \stackrel{\Delta}{\longrightarrow} 2 \mathrm{Hg}+\mathrm{O}_{2}\)
(d) \(\mathrm{CaCO}_{3} \stackrel{\Delta}{\longrightarrow} \mathrm{CaO}+\mathrm{CO}_{2}\)
(b) H2 + Cl2 → 2HCl

Question 5.
………..a decomposition reaction.
(a) \(\mathrm{CaCO}_{3} \stackrel{\Delta}{\longrightarrow} \mathrm{CaO}+\mathrm{CO}_{2}\)
(b) H2O + CO2 → H2CO3
(c) CaS + 2HCl → CaCl2 + H2S
(d) 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
(a) \(\mathrm{CaCO}_{3} \stackrel{\Delta}{\longrightarrow} \mathrm{CaO}+\mathrm{CO}_{2}\)

Question 6.
In a chemical equation the……….are written on the left hand side.
(a) products
(b) reactants
(c) catalysts
(d) elements
(b) reactants

Question 7.
The Δ sign written above the arrow indicates………..of the reaction.
(a) reactant
(b) product
(c) heat
(d) direction of the reaction
(c) heat

Question 8.
The reaction KNO3(S) + H2O(l) + Heat → KNO3(aq) is a/an……….reaction.
(a) exothermic
(b) endothermic
(c) oxidation
(d) reduction
(b) endothermic

Question 9.
The reaction NaOH(S) + H2O(l) → NaOH(aq) is a/an……..reaction.
(a) exothermic
(b) endothermic
(c) oxidation
(d) reduction
(a) exothermic

Question 10.
A solution of Al2(SO4)3 in water is……….
(a) blue
(b) pink
(c) green
(d) colourless
(d) colourless

Question 11.
Carbon dioxide………..
(a) turns lime water milky
(b) is odourless
(c) is colourless
(d) All the three (a), (b) and (c) are correct
(d) All the three (a), (b) and (c) are correct

Question 12.
……….is the correct set up to pass CO2 through lime water.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 17
Correct set up D.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations

Question 13.
when……..is passed through fresh lime water, it turns milky.
(a) H2
(b) CO
(c) CO2
(d) SO2
(c) CO2

Question 14.
Magnesium reacts with con. HCl to form………..salt.
(a) copper chloride
(b) ferrous chloride
(c) calcium chloride
(d) magnesium chloride
(d) magnesium chloride

Question 15.
Zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid. The reaction is a reaction.
(a) combination
(b) decomposition
(c) displacement
(d) double decomposition
(c) displacement

Question 16.
In a double displacement reaction,………… (Practice Activity Sheet – 1)
(a) ions remain at rest
(b) ions get liberated
(c) ions are exchanged
(d) ions are not created
(c) ions are exchanged

State whether the following statements are True or False:

Question 1.
Rusting of iron is a fast reaction.
False. (Rusting of iron is a slow reaction.)

Question 2.
Milk is set into curd is a chemical change.

Question 3.
The reaction between salt and water is an example of exothermic reaction.
False. (The reaction between salt and water is an example of endothermic reaction.)

Question 4.
The speed of a chemical reaction depends on the catalyst used in the chemical reaction.

Maharashtra Board Solutions

Question 5.
The simple form of representation of a chemical reaction in words is known as word reaction.

Question 6.
Nascent oxygen is always denoted by showing the symbol of oxygen.
False. (Nascent oxygen is always denoted by showing symbol of oxygen [0] in square brackets.)

Question 7.
Antioxidants are used to prevent oxidation or food containing fats and oils.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations

Question 8.
When oils and fats are allowed to stand for a long time, they become rancid.

Question 9.
The chemical formula of rust is Fe3O4 .xH2O.
False. (The chemical formula or rust is Fe2O3 .xH2O.)

Question 10.
Glucose combines with oxygen in our body and provides energy. The reaction is an endothermic reaction.
False. (Glucose combines with oxygen in our body and provides energy. The reaction is an exothermic reaction.)

Question 11.
Chemical reactions in which reactants gain oxygen are reduction reactions.
False. (Chemical reactions in which reactants gain oxygen are oxidation reactions.)

Question 12.
CuSO4(aq) + Znl(s) → ZnlSO4(aq) + Cu(s) is an example of decomposition reaction.
False. (It is an example of displacement reaction.)

Question 13.
The chemical reactions in which heat is liberated are called endothermic reactions.
False. (The chemical reactions in which heat is liberated are called exothermic reactions.)

Question 14.
The product or insoluble solid in chemical reaction is indicated by an arrow pointing upwards.
False. (The product or insoluble solid in chemical reaction is indicated by an arrow ↑ pointing downwards.)

Question 15.
The rate of a reaction increases on increasing the temperature.

Question 16.
The digestion of food is a chemical decomposition process.

Question 17.
The reaction between sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid is a slow reaction.
False (The reaction between sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid is a fast reaction.)

Question 18.
When calcium carbonate is heated, it decomposes into calcium oxide and oxygen gas.
False (when calcium carbonate is heated. it decomposes into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide gas.

Question 19.
The rate of a chemical reaction changes in presence of catalyst.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations

Question 20.
Chlorines is an oxidant.

Taking into consideration the relationship in the first pair, complete the second pair. (OR) Complete the following:

Question 1.
2H2 + O2 → 2H2O Combination reaction :: 2HgO → 2Hg + O2 :……….
Decomposition reaction

Question 2.
NH3 + HCl → NH4Cl : Combination reaction :: Fe + CuSO4 → FeSO4 + Cu :……..
Displacement reaction

Question 3.
2C2H5OH + 2Na → 2C2H5ONa + H2 : Oxidation :: CuO + H2 → Cu + H2O :……….

Question 4.
CuCl2 + 2KI → CuI2 + 2KCl : Double displacement :: Zn + 2HCl → ZnCl2 + H2 :……….
Displacement reaction

Question 5.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 18
Combination reaction

Question 6.
CuI2 : Brown :: AgCl :……….

Match the column in the following table:

Question 1.

Reactants products Type of chemical reaction
Fe + S NaCl + H2O Oxidation
CuSO4 + Zn 2CuO Neutralization
2Cu + O2 ZnSO4 + Cu Displacement
HCl + NaOH FeS Combination


Reactants products Type of chemical reaction
Fe + S FeS Combination
CuSO4 + Zn ZnSO4 + Cu Displacement
2Cu + O2 2CuO Oxidation
HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O Neutralization

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations

Rewrite the second column so as to match the item from first column or Match the following:

Question 1.

Column I Column II
1. Reduction (a) Type of a chemical reaction
2. Oxidation (b) Combination with hydrogen
3. Double displacement (c) Losing hydrogen
4. Displacement (d) Exchange of ions

(1) Reduction – Combination with hydrogen
(2) Oxidation – Losing hydrogen
(3) Double displacement – Exchange of ions
(4) Displacement – Type of chemical reaction.

Question 2.

Column I Column II
1. Oils and fats are allowed to stand in air for a long time (a) Slow  reaction
2. NaOH dissolves in water (b) Rancid
3. Zinc is added to CuSO4 solution (c) Exothermic reaction
4. Rusting of water (d) Colourless Solution

(1) Oils and fats are allowed to stand in air for a long time – Rancid
(2) NaOH dissolves in water – Exothermic reaction
(3) Zinc is added to CuSO2 solution – Colourless solution
(4) Rusting of iron – Slow reaction.

Question 3.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 77
(1) Combination reaction – 2Cu +O4 → 2CuO
(2) Double displacement reaction – AgNO3 + NaCl → AgCl ↓ + NaNO3
(3) Decomposition reaction – \(\mathrm{C}_{12} \mathrm{H}_{22} \mathrm{O}_{11(\mathrm{s})} \stackrel{\Delta}{\longrightarrow} 12 \mathrm{C}_{(\mathrm{s})}+11 \mathrm{H}_{2} \mathrm{O}_{(\mathrm{g})}\)
(4) Displacement reaction – Zn+ 2HCl → ZnCl2 + H2

Classify each of the following reactions as combination, decomposition, displacement or double displacement reactions:

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 19
Combination reaction

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 20
Decomposition reaction

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 21
Displacement reaction

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 22
double displacement reaction

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 23
Combination reaction

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 24
double displacement reaction

Name the following:

Question 1.
The product formed in the thermal decomposition of sugar.
Carbon is formed in the thermal decomposition of sugar.

Question 2.
The gas evolved when sorghum metal reacts with ethanol.
Hydrogen (H2) gas is evolved when sodium metal reacts with ethanol.

Question 3.
The precipitate formed when barium sulphide reacts with zinc sulphate.
When barium sulphide reacts with zinc sulphide, a precipitate of barium sulphate is formed.
\(\mathrm{BaS}+\mathrm{ZnSO}_{4} \longrightarrow \underset{\text { precipitate }}{\mathrm{BaSO}_{4}}+\mathrm{ZnS}\)

Question 4.
The reducing agent used for the reduction of copper oxide.
Hydrogen is used for the reduction of copper oxide.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations

Question 5.
The catalyst used to accelerate the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.
Manganese dioxide (MnO2) is used as a catalyst to accelerate the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

Question 6.
which oxidising agent is used to oxidise ferrous sulphate.
Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) is used as an oxidising agent to oxidise ferrous sulphate.

Question 7.
The product formed in the oxidation of ethyl alcohol.
Acetic acid is formed in the oxidation of ethyl alcohol.

Answer the following questions in one sentence each:

Question 1.
what is meant by a chemical equation?
The simple representation or a chemical reaction in a condensed form with the help of chemical formulae is called a chemical equation.

Question 2.
what is meant by a word equation?
The simple form or representation or a chemical reaction in words is known as word equation.

Question 3.
what happens in a combination reaction?
A single compound (product) is formed from two or more substances during a combination reaction.

Question 4.
what happens in a displacement reaction?
In a displacement reaction. a more reactive element displaces another element, having less reactivity, from its compound.

Question 5.
what happens in a decomposition reaction?
A single substance is broken down and two or more substances are formed during a decomposition reaction.

Question 6.
what happens in a double displacement reaction?
A precipitate is formed by exchange of ions between the reactants during a double displacement reaction.

Question 7.
IdentIry the type of following reaction:
\(\mathrm{C}_{12} \mathrm{H}_{22} \mathrm{O}_{11} \stackrel{\Delta}{\longrightarrow} 12 \mathrm{C}+11 \mathrm{H}_{2} \mathrm{O}\) (Practice Activity Sheet – 2)
The above reaction is a decomposition reaction.

Question 8.
what happens in an endothermic reaction?
In an endothermic reaction, the reactants absorb heat to form products.

Question 9.
State the use of antioxidants in food containing fats and oils.
Antioxidants are used to prevent oxidation of food containing fats and oils.

Question 10.
What are edible oils?
Edible oils are compounds of alcohols and organic acids (carboxylic acids). The compounds formed are known as esters of carboxylic acids.

Question 11.
Is rancidity a phenomenon of oxidation or reduction?
Rancidity is a phenomenon of oxidation.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What do you understand by a physical change?
Define physical change.
The change in which only the physical state of a substance is changed; no new substance is formed. This change is temporary. During this change the composition of the substance does not change.

Question 2.
Explain giving two examples or physical change.
(1) Conversion of ice into water is a physical change. On heating, ice melts into water. when the water is cooled, it freezes into ice. Thus, we get ice from water by a simple method and no new substance is formed. Hence, conversion of ice into water is a physical change.

(2) Magnetization of iron nail is a physical change. An iron nail magnetized by induction loses its magnetism as soon as it is detached from the magnet which induces magnetism in it. An iron nail magnetized by some other methods can also be demagnetized by simple means such as hammering or heating it. Thus, the magnetization of an iron nail can be easily reversed to get original nail. Hence, it is a physical change.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 25

Question 3.
what do you understand by a chemical change?
Define Chemical change.
The change in which a substance or substances are converted into a new substance or substances, possessing properties altogether different from the original ones, is called a chemcial change. During this change, the original substance cannot be recovered by any simple means. This change is permanent.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations

Question 4.
Explain giving two examples of chemical change.
(1) When carbon is burnt, carbon dioxide is formed. In this process carbon combines with oxygen, therefore carbon and oxygen are reactants, while curbon dioxide is a product. This change is permanent.
\(\mathrm{C}_{(\mathrm{s})}+\mathrm{O}_{2(\mathrm{g})} \stackrel{\text { Heat }}{\longrightarrow} \mathrm{CO}_{2(\mathrm{g})}\)

(2) When a magnesium wire is burnt in air, a white powder of magnesium oxide is formed. We cannot obtain magnesium from magnesium oxide by simple methods. Properties of magnesium oxide are altogether different from those of magnesium. A new substance MgO is formed in the reaction. Hence, this change is a chemical change.
2 \mathrm{Mg} \\
\text { Magnesium }
\end{array}+\mathrm{O}_{2} \stackrel{\Delta}{\longrightarrow} \begin{array}{c}
2 \mathrm{MgO} \\
\text { Magnesium oxide }
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 26

Question 5.
What is meant by a chemical reaction?
A process in which some substances undergo bond breaking and are transformed into new substances by formation of new bonds is called a chemical reaction.

Question 6.
What is the importance of a chemical equation?

  1. Reactants are converted into products.
  2. Mass is conserved.
  3. Atoms are conserved.
  4. The properties and compositions of the products of a chemical reaction are different from those of its reactants.
  5. Generally, energy is either absorbed or evolved.

Question 7.
What are the conventions used in writing a chemical equation?
Conventions used in writing a chemical equation:
(1) The reactants are written on the left hand side (LHS), while the products are written on the right hand side (RHS).

(2) Whenever there are two or more reactants, a plus sign (+) is written between each two of them. Similarly, if there are two or more products, a plus sign is written between each two of them.

(3) Reactant side and product side are connected with an arrow (→) pointing from reactants to products. The arrow represents the direction of the reaction. Heat is to be given from outside to the reaction, it is indicated by the sign Δ written above the arrow.

(4) The conditions like temperature, pressure, catalyst, etc., are mentioned above the arrow (→) pointing towards the product side.

(5) The physical states of the reactants and products are also mentioned in a chemical equation. The notations g, l, s, and aq are written in brackets as a subscript along with the symbols / formulae of reactants and products. The symbols g, l, s, and aq stand for gaseous, 1iquid. solid and aqueous respectively.

If the product is gaseous, instead of (g) it can be indicated by an arrow ↑ pointing upwards. If the product formed is insoluble solid, then instead of (s) it can be indicated by an arrow ↓ pointing downwards.

(6) Special information or names of reactants/products are written below their formulae.

Write the balanced equations for the following reactions:

Question 1.
Ba(OH)2 + HBr → BaBr2 + H2O
Step 1:
Rewrite the given equation as it is
Ba(OH)2 + HBr → BaBr2 + H2O

Step 2:
write the number of atoms of each element in the unbalanced equation on both sides of the equation.

Element Number of atoms in reactants Number of atoms in products
Ba 1 1
Br 1 2
O 2 1
H 3 2

Step 3:
To balance the number of oxygen atoms:

Number of atoms of oxygen In reactants In products
To begin with 2 [in Ba(OH)2] 1 (in H2O)
To balance 2 1 × 2

To equalise the number of oxygen atoms, we use 2 as the coefficient of H2O in the product.
Now, the partly balanced equation become as follows
Ba(OH)2 + HBr → BaBr2 + 2H2O

Step 4:
Now, balance the number of hydrogen atoms.
In the partly balanced equation:

Number of atoms of hydrogen In reactants In products
To begin with 2 [in Ba(OH)2]
1 (in HBr)
4 (in 2H2O)
To balance 1 × 2 + 2 4

To equalise the number of hydrogen atoms, we use 2 as the coefficient of HBr in the reactants. Now, the equation becomes
Ba(OH)2 + 2HBr → BaBr2 + 2H2O
Now, count the atoms or each element on both sides of the equation. The number of atoms on both
sides are equal. Hence, the balanced equation is
Ba(OH)2 + 2HBr → BaBr2 +2H2O
Now indicate the physical states of the reactants and products.
Ba(OH)2(aq) + 2HBr(aq) → BaBr2(aq) +2H2O(l)

Question 2.
KCN + H2SO4 → K2SO4 + HCN
Step 1:
Rewrite the given equation as it is
KCN + H2SO4 → K2SO4 + HCN

Step 2:
Write the number of atoms of each element or group in the unbalanced equation on both sides of the equation.

Element Number of atoms in reactants Number of atoms in products
K 1 2
CN (group) 1 1
O 4 4
H 2 1
S 1 1

The number of oxygen atoms involved in different compounds on both sides (reactants and products) are equal. Therefore, balance the number of atoms of the second element, potassium.

Step 3:
To balance K atoms:

Number of atoms of Potassium In reactants In products
To begin with 2 (KCN) 2 (in K2SO4)
To balance 1 × 2 2

To equalise the number of potassium atoms, we use 2 as the coefficient of KCN in the reactants.
Now, the partly balanced equation becomes
2KCN + H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2HCN
Now, count the atoms of each element on both sides of the equation. The number of atoms on both sides are equal. Hence, the balanced equation is
2KCN + H2SO4 → KgSO4 + 2HCN
Now indicate the physical states of the reactants and the products.
2KCN(aq) + H2SO4(aq) → K2SO4(aq) + 2HCN(g)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations

Question 3.
CH4 + O2 → 4CO2 + H2O
Step 1:
Rewrite the given equation as it is
CH4 + O2 → 4CO2 + H2O

Step 2:
Write the number of atoms of each element in the unbalanced equation on both sides of the equation.

Element Number of atoms in reactants Number of atoms in products
C 1 1
O 2 3
H 4 2

Step 3:
To balance the number of oxygen atoms:

Number of atoms of oxygen In reactants In products
To begin with 2 (in O2) 1 (in H2O)
2 (in CO2)
To balance 2 × 2 1 × 2 + 2

To equalise the number of oxygen atoms, we use 2 as the coefficient of O2 in the reactants and 2 as the coefficient of H2O in the product.
Now, the partly balanced equation becomes
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O
Now, count the atoms of each element on both sides of the equation. The number of atoms on both sides are equal. Hence, the balanced equation is,
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O
Now, indicate the physical states of the reactants and the products.
CH4(g) + 2O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
what are the different types of chemical reaction?
Types of chemical reaction

  1. Combination reaction
  2. Decomposition reaction
  3. Displacement reaction
  4. Double displacement reaction.

Question 2.
What is meant by a combination reaction?
Define: combination reaction.
When two or more reactants combine in a reaction to form a single product, it is called a combination reaction.

Question 3.
Give two examples of combination reaction.
Examples of combination reaction :
(1) The ammonia gas reacts with hydrogen chloride gas to form the salt in gaseous state, immediately it condenses at room temperature and gets transformed into the solid state.
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(2) Magnesium burns in air to form white powder of magnesium oxide as a single product.
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(3) Iron reacts with sulphur to form iron sulphide.
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Question 4.
What Is meant by a decomposition reaction?
The chemical reaction in which two or more products are formed from a single reactant is called decomposition reaction.

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Question 5.
what is meant by a thermal decomposition?
The reaction in which a compound is decomposed by heating it to a high temperature is called thermal decomposition.

Question 6.
What is meant by a electrolytic decomposition?
The reaction in which a compound is decomposed by passing an electric current through its solution or molten mass is called an electrolytic decomposition.

Question 7.
Give two examples of thermal decomposition.
(1) At high temperature, calcium carbonate decomposes into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide.
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(2) At high temperature sugar decomposes into black mass of carbon and water vapour.
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Question 8.
Give an example of electrolytic decomposition.
When an electric current is passed through acidified water, it is electrolysed giving hydrogen
and oxygen.
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Question 9.
Study the following reaction and answer the questions asked.
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(a) State the type of reaction.
(b) Define this reaction. (Practice Activity Sheet – 1)
(a) The type of reaction is electrolytic decomposition reaction.
(b) The reaction in which a compound is decomposed by passing an electric current through its solution or molten mass is called an electrolytic decomposition.

Question 10.
what is meant by a displacement reaction?
The reaction in which the place of the ion of a less reactive element in a compound is taken by another more reactive element by formation of its own ions, is called displacement reaction.

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Question 11.
Give an example of displacement reaction.
when zinc granules are added to the blue coloured copper sulphate solution, the zinc ions formed from zinc atoms take the place or Cu2+ ions in CuSO4, and copper atoms, formed from Cu2+ ions comes out i.e. the more reactive zinc displaces the less reactive Cu from copper sulphate.
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Question 12.
Observe the reaction and answer the following questions.
CuSO4(aq) + Fe(s) → FeSO4(aq) + Cu(s)
(a) Identify and write the type of chemical reaction.
(b) write the definition of above reaction. (Practice Activity Sheet – 3)
(a) When iron powder is added to the blue coloured copper sulphate solution, the iron ions formed from iron atoms take the place or Cu2+ ions in CuSO4, and copper atoms, formed from Cu2+ ions comes out i.e. the more reactive iron displaces the less reactive Cu from copper sulphate. Therefore this reaction is a displacement reaction.

(b) The reaction in which the place of the ion of a less reactive element in a compound is taken by another more reactive element by formation of its own ions, is called displacement reaction.

Question 13.
what is meant by a double displacement reaction?
The reaction in which the ions in the reactants are exchanged to form a precipitate is called double displacement reaction.

Question 14.
Give two examples of double displacement reaction.
(1) Solutions of sodium chloride and silver nitrate react with each other forming a precipitate of silver chloride and a solution of sodium nitrate.
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White precipitate of AgCl is formed by exchange of ions Ag+ and Cl between the reactants.

(2) Barium suiphide reacts with zinc sulphate to form zinc sulphide and a white precipitate of barium sulphate.
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white precipitate is formed by exchange of ions Ba++ and SO4 between the reactants.

Question 15.
Write down what you understand from the following chemical reaction:
AgNO3(aq) + NaCl(aq) → AgCl ↓ + NaNO3(aq)
(i) The above reaction is a double displacement reaction.
(ii) AgNO3 and NaCl are the reactants while AgCl and NaNO3 are the products.
(iii) The reactants and the product NaNO3 are in aqueous state. The product AgCl is formed in the form of precipitate.

Question 16.
Study the following chemical reaction and answer the questions given below:
AgNO3(aq) + NaCl(aq) → AgCl(s)↓ + NaNO3(aq)
(i) Identiry and write the type of chemical reaction.
(ii) write the definition of above type of chemical reaction.
(iii) Write the names of reactants and products of above reaction. (March 2019)
(i) The type of chemical reaction: Double displacement reaction.
(ii) The reaction in which the ions in the reactants are exchanged to form a precipitate is called double displacement reaction.

  1. The above reaction is a double displacement reaction.
  2. AgNO3 and NaCl are the reactants while AgCl and NaNO3 are the products.
  3. The reactants and the product NaNO3 are in aqueous state. The product AgCl is formed in the form of precipitate.

Question 17.
When sodium chromate solution is mixed with barium sulphate solution, a precipitate is formed.
(i) What is the colour of the precipitate formed?
(ii) Name the precipitate.
(iii) What is the type of chemical reaction?
(i) The colour of the precipitate is yellow.
(ii) The yellow precipitate formed is barium chromate.
(iii) The type of chemical reaction is double displacement.

Question 18.
Explain the term Exothermic reaction.
Exothermic reaction : The process in which heat is given out is called an exothermic reaction.
When NaOH(s) dissolves in water, there is evolution of heat leading to a rise in temperature.
NOH(s) + H3O(l) → NaOH(aq) + Heat

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations

Question 19.
State whether the following reactions are exothermic or endothermic:
(i) 3CaO. Al2O3(s) + 6H2O(l) → 3CaO. Al2O3. 6H2O(s) + Heat
Exothermic reaction

(ii) 2CaSO4. H2O + 3H2O → 2CaSO4. 2H2O + Heat
Exothermic reaction

(iii) KNO3(aq) + H2O(l) + Heat → KNO3(aq)
Endothermic reaction

(iv) NaOH(s) + H2O(l) → NaOH(aq) + Heat
Exothermic reaction

(v) Transformation of ice into water.
Endothermic reaction

(vi) Water turns into ice.
Exothermic reaction

(vii) Cooking of food.
Endothermic reaction

(viii) Burning candle.
Exothermic reaction

Question 20.
What do you mean by slow speed reaction?
Define: Slow speed reaction.
The reaction which requires long time for completion i.e. occurs slowly is called slow speed reaction.

Question 21.
What do you mean by fast speed reaction?
Define: Fast speed reaction.
The reaction which is completed in short time i.e. occurs rapidly is called fast speed reaction.

Question 22.
Give two examples of slow speed reactions.
(1) On heating potassium chlorate (KClO3) it decomposes slowly into potassium chloride and oxygen gas.
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This reaction requires long time for completion, therefore it is slow speed reaction.

(2) Rusting of iron is a slow speed reaction. In this reaction iron reacts with oxygen from air to form iron oxide.
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Question 23.
Give two examples of fast speed reactions.
(1) The reaction between sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) is a neutralization reaction and it is fast speed reaction.
NaOH2(aq) + HCl(aq) → NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)
This neutralizaton reaction is completed in short time, therefore it is fast speed reaction.

(2) Aqueous solution of sodium chloride reacts with silver nitrate solution to form white precipitate of silver chloride (NaCl) and sodium nitrate.
NaCl(aq) + AgNO3(aq) → NaNO3(aq) + AgCl ↓
This reaction is completed in short time, therefore it is fast reaction.

Question 24.
Write a short note on slow speed and fast speed reactions.
Slow speed reaction:
The reaction which requires long time for completion i.e. occurs slowly is called slow speed reaction.
(1) On heating potassium chlorate (KClO3) it decomposes slowly into potassium chloride and oxygen gas.
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This reaction requires long time for completion, therefore it is slow speed reaction.

(2) Rusting of iron is a slow speed reaction. In this reaction iron reacts with oxygen from air to form iron oxide.
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This reaction requires long time for completion.

Fast speed reaction:
The reaction which is completed in short time i.e., occurs rapidly is called fast speed reaction.
(1) The reaction between sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) is a neutralization reaction and it is fast speed reaction.
NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) → NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)
This neutralizaton reaction is completed in short time, therefore it is fast speed reaction.

(2) Aqueous solution of sodium chloride reacts with silver nitrate solution to form white precipitate of silver chloride (NaCl) and sodium nitrate.
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This reaction is completed in short time, therefore it is fast reaction.

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Question 25.
State the factors which affect the speed (or rate) of a reaction.
The factors which affect the rate of a reaction are

  1. Nature of the reactants.
  2. Size of the particles of the reactants.
  3. Concentration of the reactants.
  4. Temperature of the reaction.
  5. Catalyst.

Question 26.
How does the rate of reaction depend on the nature of the reactants? Illustrate with suitable example.
(1) when the reactant combines with two or more other reactants then the rate of a chemical reaction depends on the nature of the reactants.

(2) Both Al and Zn reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid, H2 gas is liberated and water soluble salts of these metals are formed. However, aluminium metal reacts faster with dil. HCl as compared to zinc metal.

(3) Al is more reactive than Zn. Therefore, the rate of reaction of Al with hydrochloric acid is higher than that of Zn. Hence, the nature of the reactant affect the rate of a reaction.
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Question 27.
How does the rate of a reaction depend on the size of the particles of reactants?
(1) In the reaction of dil. HCl and Shahabad tile, CO2 effervescence is formed slowly. On the other hand, C2 effervescence forms at faster speed with the powder of Shahabad tile.

(2) The above observation indicates that the rate of a reaction depends upon the size of the particles of the reactants taking part in the reaction. Smaller the size of the reactant particles taking part in a reaction faster will be the rate of reaètion.

Question 28.
How does the rate of a reaction depend upon the concentration of the reactants? Give suitable example.
(1) A chemical reaction takes place due to collisions of the reactant molecules. Higher the concentrations of the reactants more will be the frequency of collisions and faster wifi be the rate of the reaction.

(2) In the reaction of dil. HCl and CaCO3, CaCO3 disappears slowly and CO2 also liberates slowly. On the other hand the reaction with concentrated HCl takes place rapidly and CaCO3 disappears fast.

(3) Concentrated acid reacts faster than dilute acid, that means the rate of a reaction is proportional to the concentration of reactants.

Slow reaction:
CaCO3 + dli.2HCl → CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O
Fast reaction:
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Question 29.
How does the rate of a reaction depend upon the temperature of reactants? Give suitable example.
(i) (1) When the temperature of the reactants is increased, the reactant molecules start moving with more velocity and their kinetic energy increases. As a result, the number collisions increases. Hence, the rate of chemical reaction increases.

(2) Lime stone on heating decomposes to give CO2, which turns 1ime water milky. On the other hand, the lime water does not turn milky before heating the lime stone: because of the zero rate of reaction. The above observation indicates that the rate of a reaction increases on increasing the temperature.

(ii) Solid CaCO3 does not decompose at room temperature when heated, it decomposes to give CaO and CO2 that means the rise in temperature increases the rate of reaction. CaCO3 room temperature No chemical reaction.
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Question 30.
How does the rate if a reaction depend upon the catalyst? Give suitable example.
(1) The substance in whose presence the rate of a chemical reaction changes, without causing any chemical change to it is called a catalyst.

(2) On heating potassium chlorate (KClO3) decomposes into potassium chloride and oxygen slowly.
\(2 \mathrm{KClO}_{3} \stackrel{\Delta}{\longrightarrow} 2 \mathrm{KCl}+3 \mathrm{O}_{2}\)
The rate of the above reaction neither increases by reducing the particle size nor by increasing the reaction temperature. However in the presence of manganese dioxide, KClO3 decomposes at a comparatively lower temperature and oxygen is produced more briskly. No chemical change takes place in MnO2 in this reaction. It acts as catalyst.

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Question 31.
State the Importance of rate in a chemical reaction.

  1. The use of strong acid and strong base in a chemical reaction increases the rate of reaction.
  2. In a chemical reaction, if the smaller size of the reactant particles, the concentrated solution, high temperature and use of catalyst increases the rate of chemical reaction.
  3. The rate of chemical reaction is important with respect to environment.
  4. If the rate of chemimal reaction is fast it is profitable for the chemical factories.
  5. The ozone layer in the earth’s atmosphere protects the life of earth from the ultraviolet radiation of the sun. The process of depletion or maintenance of this layer depends upon the rate of production or destruction of ozone molecules.

Question 32.
Define Oxidation reaction.
Oxidation: The chemical reaction in which a reactant combines with oxygen or loses hydrogen to form the product is called oxidation reaction.

Question 33.
Give examples of oxidation.
(1) when carbon burns in air, it forms carbon dioxide. In this reaction carbon accepts oxygen, therefore, this is an oxidation reaction.
C(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g)

(2) when sodium reacts with ethyl alcohol, sodium ethoxide and hydrogen gas is formed. In this reaction, hydrogen is removed from ethyl alcohol, therefore this is an oxidation reaction.
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(3) Acidified potassium dichromate: (K2Cr2O7/H2SO4) oxidises ethly alcohol to acetic acid.
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Question 34.
What do you mean by oxidant? Explain with suitable example.
The chemical substances which bring about an oxidation reaction by making oxygen available are called oxidants or oxidizing agents.

  1. In the combustion of carbon, oxygen is an oxidant.
  2. In the oxidation of ethly alcohol, potassium dichromate is used as oxidant.

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Question 35.
Name the various oxidants. How nascent oxygen is liberated from these oxidants?
K2Cr2O7/H2SO4, KMnO4/H2SO4 are the commonly used chemical oxidants. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is used as a mild oxidant. Ozone (O3) is also a chemical oxidant. Nascent oxygen is generated by chemical oxidants and it is used for the oxidation reaction.
O3 → O2 + [O].
H2O2 → H2O + [O]
K2Cr2O7 + 4H2SO4 → K2SO4 + Cr2(SO4)3 + 4H2O + 3[O]
2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 3H2O + 5[O]
Nascent oxygen is a state prior to the formation of the O2 molecule. It is the reactive form of oxygen and is represented by the symbol as [O]

Question 36.
Acidified potassium permanganate (KMnO4) is a chemical oxidant and explain, how acidified potassium permanganate oxidise ferrous sulphate (FeSO4). Accordingly write a new definition of oxidation and reduction.
Acidified KMnO4 oxidises ferrous sulphate (FeSO4) to ferric sulphate Fe2(SO4)3 and in addition to above K2SO4 and MnSO4 by-products are formed.
2KMnO4 + 10 FeSO4 → 8H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 5Fe2(SO4)3 + 8H2O
2FeSO4 → Fe2(SO4)3
Ionic reaction :
2Fe2 + 2SO42+ → 2Fe3+ + 3SO22-
Net Ionic equation Fe2+ → Fe3+ + e
When ferric ion is formed from ferrous ion the positive change is increased by one unit. While this happens the rerrous ion loses one electron.

When metal or its ion loses electron, it is called an oxidation and gain of electron is called reduction.
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Question 37.
Define reduction reaction.
The chemical reaction in which a reactant gains hydrogen and loses oxygen to form the product is called the reduction reaction.

Question 38.
Give two examples of reduction.
(1) When hydrogen gas is passed over black copper oxide a reddish coloured layer of copper is formed.
In this reaction an oxygen atom removed from CuO to form copper, hence, this is reduction.
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(2) When hydrogen gas is passed over red hot coke, methane is obtained.
Here, hydrogen is added to coke (carbon). Hence, this is reduction.
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Question 39.
What do you mean by reductant? Explain with suitable example.
The chemical substances which bring about reduction by making hydrogen available are called reductant. In the preparation of methane from carbon, hydrogen is a reductant.

Question 40.
What are redox reactions? Identify the substances that are oxidised and the substances that are reduced in the following reactions:
(1) 2H2S2(g) + SO2(g) → 3S(s) + 2H2O(l)
(2) CuO(s) + H2(g) → CU(s) + H2O(l)
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When oxidation and reduction take place simultaneously in a given chemical reaction, it is known as a redox reaction.
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H2S is oxidised and SO2 is reduced.

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CuO is reduced and H2 is oxidised.

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(1) Oxidation: H2S, H2O and HCl.
(2) Reduction: SO2, CuO and MnO2

Question 41.
Observe the following reaction and answer the questions given below:
BaSO4 + 4C → BaS + 4CO
(1) what type of reaction is it? Justify.
(2) Give one more example.
(1) This is a redox reaction. In this reaction the reduction of BaSO4 and oxidation of carbon take place simultaneously.
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(2) Example
CuO+H2 → Cu + H2O
2H2S + SO2 → 3S + 2H2O

Question 42.
What is corrosion?
The slow process of decay or oxidation of metals due to various components of atmosphere is known as corrosion.
Iron rusts and a reddish coloured layer is collected on it. This is corrosion of iron.

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Question 43.
How does rusting of iron occur?
Iron when exposed to moist air forms a reddish layer of hydrated ferric oxide.
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Question 44.
How can corrosion be prevented?

  1. Corrosion damages buildings, bridges, automobiles, ships, iron railings and other articles made of iron.
  2. It can be prevented by using an anti-rust solution, coating the surface by a paint, processes like galvanising and electroplating with other metals.

Question 45.
What is corrosion? Do gold ornaments corrode? Justify.
The slow process of decay or oxidation or metal due to the effect of air, moisture and acids on
it is known as corrosion.
(1) Gold is a noble metal. There is no effect or moist air or action of acid on it at any temperature.
(2) Pure gold is a very soft metal. it breaks and gets bent easily. Hence, in gold ornaments, gold is alloyed with other metals 1ike copper or silver in appropriate proportion to make it hard and resistant to corrosion. Hence gold ornaments do not get corroded.

Question 46.
Complete the process of iron rusting by filling the blanks. Suggest a way to prohibit the process.
The iron rust is formed due to reaction. Different regions on iron surface become anode and cathode.
Reaction on anode region:
Fe(s) → Fe2+ (aq) + 2e
Reaction on cathode region:
O2(g) + 4H+ (aq) +………→ 2H2O(l)
when Fe2+ ions migrate from anode region they react with……..to fomm Fe3+ ions.
A reddish coloured hytirated oxide is formed from……….ions. It is called rust.
2Fe3+ (aq) + 4H2O(l) → +………+ 6H+ (aq)
A way to prevent rusting………..
(Practice Activity Sheer – 2)
The iron rust is formed due to electrochemical reaction. Different regions on iron surface become unode and cathode.
Reaction on anode region:
Fe(s) → Fe2+ (aq) + 2e
Reaction on cathode region:
O2(g) + 4H+ (aq) + 4e → 2H2O(l)
when Fe2+ ions migrate from anode region they react with water to form Fe3+ ions.
A reddish coloured hydrated oxide is formed from Fe3+ ions. It is called rust.
2Fe3+ (aq) + 4H2O(l) → + Fe2O3. H2O(s) + 6H+(aq)
A way to prevent rusting by colouring with acrylic paints, Zn plating, galvanizing, anodizing, alloying, etc.

Question 17.
Deifne: Rancidity.
When oil or fat or left over cooking oil for making food stuff undergoes oxidation ir stored for a long time and it is found to have foul odour called rancidity.

Distinguish between the following:

Question 1.
Combination reaction and Decomposition reaction.

Combination reaction Decomposition reaction
1. In a combination re­action, two or more reactants take part in the chemical reaction. 1. In a decomposition reaction there is only one reactant in the chemical reaction.
1. In the combination reaction, only one product is formed. 2. In a decomposition reaction, two or more products are formed.

Question 2.
Oxidation and reduction

Oxidation Reduction
1. The chemical reaction in which reactants gain oxygen or lose hydrogen is called oxidation. 1. The chemical reaction in which reactants gain hydrogen or lose oxygen is called reduction.
2. A reducing agent undergoes oxidation. 2. An oxidising agent undergoes reduction.

Question 3.
Exothermic and Endothermic reaction.

Exothermic reaction Endothermic reaction
1. The reaction in which heat is evolved is called an exothermic reaction. 1. The reaction in which heat is absorbed is called an endothermic reaction.
2. The evolution of heat leads to a rise in the temperature of the solution. 2. The absorption of heat leads to a fall in the temperature of the solution.

Give scientific reasons:

Question 1.
Grills of doors and windows are always painted before they are used.

  • Grills of doors and windows are made from iron. Iron has a tendency to undergo corrosion.
  • Paint does not allow air or moisture to come in contact with iron surface.
    Therefore, to prevent rusting of iron. grills of doors and windows are always painted before they are used.

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Question 2.
Physical states of reactants and products are mentioned while writing a chemical equation.
(1) while writing a chemical equation, gaseous, 1iquid and solid states are symbolised as (g), (l) and (s) respectively.

(2) This is done to make it more informative and to emphasise that those reactions occur in that manner only under those conditions. Hence, physical states of reactants and products are mentioned while writing a chemical equation.

Question 3.
Iron articles rust readily whereas steel which is also mainly made of iron does not undergo corrosion.
(1) Iron articles rust readily as iron reacts with oxygen and moisture of air to convert into its hydroxide and oxide (Fe2O3. x H2O), while steel is an alloy of iron, carbon and chromium.

(2) The properties of an alloy are different from the properties of its constituents. The added metals increase its resistance to corrosion. It is more durable and clean.

Question 4.
Concentrated hydrochloric acid reacts more vigorously with calcium carbonate than dilute hydrochloric acid.

  1. The rate of a reaction increases with the concentration of the reactant.
  2. As concentrated hydrochloric acid contains more number of HCl molecules than those in an equal volume of dilute HCl, concentrated HCl reacts more vigorously with calcium carbonate.

Question 5.
Zinc powder reacts much faster with dil. H2SO4 than does granulated zinc of the Same mass.
(1) In a reaction. the rate of the reaction depends upon the particle size of the solid reactant as the reaction takes place on the surface only. Smaller the particles are, the more will be their total surface area and faster will be the rate of the reaction.
(2) Hence, zinc powder reacts much faster with dil. H2SO4 than does granulated zinc.

Question 6.
When copper articles exposed to air for a long time, gets corroded.
Copper oxidises to form black coloured laver of copper oxide. when copper oxide combines with carbon dioxide from air, copper loses its lustre due to formation of greenish layer of copper carbonate on its surface. Thus, copper articles exposed to air for a long time get corroded.

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Question 7.
When silver vessels exposed to air turns blackish after sometime.
On exposure to air, silver vessels turns blackish after sometime. This is because of the layer of silver sulphide (Ag2S) formed by the reaction or silver with hydrogen suphide in air.

Explain the following reactions giving their balanced chemical equations:

Question 1.
Calcium carbonate (Lime stone) is heated.
When calcium carbonate (Lime stone) is heated at high temperature it decomposes to form quicklime and carbon dioxide gas.
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Question 2.
Copper reacts with dil. nitric acid.
When copper reacts with dil. nitric acid, nitric oxide gas is formed.
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Question 3.
Copper reacts with conc. nitric acid.
When copper reacts with conc. nitric acid, reddish coloured poisonous nitrogen dioxide gas is formed.
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Question 4.
Ammonia gas reacts with hydrogen chloride gas.
When ammonia gas reacts with hydrogen chloride gas, it forms the salt ammonium chloride in gaseous state, but immediately it got transformed into the solid state.
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Question 5.
Magnesium strip is burnt in air.
When magnesium strip is burnt in air, a white powder of magnesium oxide is formed.
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Question 6.
Calcium oxide is mixed with water.
When calcium oxide (slaked lime) is mixed with water, calcium hydroxide is formed with evolution of large amount of heat.
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Question 7.
Sugar is heated.
When sugar is heated, it decomposes to form carbon (black substance).
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Question 8.
Electric current is passed through acidulated water.
When an electric current is passed through acidulated water, it decomposes into hydrogen and
oxygen gas.
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Question 9.
Zinc powder is added to copper sulphate solution.
When zinc powder is added to copper sulphate solution, more reactive zinc displaces less reactive copper from copper sulphate solution. The colourless zinc sulphate is formed with evolution of heat.
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Question 10.
Iron powder is added to copper sulphate solution.
When iron powder is added to copper sulphate solution, more reactive iron displaces less reactive copper from copper sulphate. The colourless ferrous sulphate solution is formed with evolution of heat.
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Question 11.
Lead is added to copper sulphate solution.
When lead is added to copper sulphate solution, more reactive lead displaces less reactive copper from copper sulphate. The colourless lead sulphate solution is formed with evolution of heat.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 66

Question 12.
Potassium chromate solution is added to barium sulphate solution.
When potassium chromate solution is added to barium sulphate solution, yellow precipitate of barium chromate is formed.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 67

Question 13.
Calcium chloride solution is added to sodium carbonate solution.
When calcium chloride solution is added to sodium carbonate solution, white precipitate of calcium carbonate is formed.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 68

Question 14.
Sodium chloride solution is mixed with silver nitrate solution.
When sodium chloride solution is mixed with silver nitrate solution, white precipitate or silver chloride is formed.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 69

Question 15.
Dilute sulphuric acid is added to barium chloride solution.
When dilute sulphuric acid is added to barium chloride solution, white precipitate of barium sulphate is rormed.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 70

Question 16.
Calcium carbonate (Lime stone) is treated with dil. hydrochloric acid.
When calcium carbonate (lime stone) is treated with dil. hydrochloric acid, carbon dioxide gas is formed.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 71

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations

Question 17.
Aluminium is treated with dil. hydrochloric acid.
When aluminium is treated with dilute hydrochloric acid, hydrogen gas is liberated.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 72

Question 18.
Magnesium is treated with hydrochloric acid.
When magnesium is treated with hydrochloric acid, hydrogen gas is liberated.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 73

Question 19.
Hydrogen peroxide is decomposed in the presence of manganese dioxide (MnO2).
When hvdrogen peroxide is decomposed in the presence of manganese dioxide (MnO2), water and oxygen are formed.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 74

Question 20.
Ethyl alcohol is treated with acidified potassium dlchromate.
When ethly alcohol is treated with acidified potassium dichromate, acetic acid is formed. This is oxidation reaction.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 75

Question 21.
Hydrogen gas is passed over black copper oxide.
When hydrogen gas is passed over black copper oxide, a reddish coloured layer of copper is formed.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Equations 76

10th Std Science Part 1 Questions And Answers:

Animal Classification Class 10 Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science Part 2 Chapter 6

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 Science Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
a. I am diploblastic and acoelomate. Which phylum do I belong to ?
I am from phylum Cnidaria or Coelenterata.

b. My body is radially symmetrical. Water vascular system is present in my body. I am referred as fish though I am not. What is my name?
Starfish. I am from Echinodermata phylum.

c. I live in your small intestine. Pseudocoelom is present in my thread like body. In which phylum will you include me?
I am Ascaris. I am included in Aschelminthes.

d. Though I am multicellular, there are no tissues in my body. What is the name of my phylum?
Sponge, Porifera.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Question 2.
Write the characters of each of the following animals with the help of classification chart:
a. Bath sponge.
Kingdom: Animalia
Sub-kingdom: Non-chordata
Phylum: Porifera

  • Multicellular organisms without cell wall
  • Cellular grade organization.
  • Asymmetrical body
  • Acoelomate

Bath sponge is a marine animal. Blackish in colour and round in shape having porous body. It has spongin fibres and spicules which serve as skeleton. Bath sponges have good water-holding capacity. It is sedentary animal which is fixed to some substratum in the aquatic environment. Reproduction is by budding. It also has a good regeneration capacity.

b. Grasshopper.
Kingdom: Animalia
Sub-kingdom: Non-chordata
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta

  • Multicellular organisms without cell wall
  • Organ-system grade organization
  • Bilaterally symmetrical
  • Triploblastic and Eucoelomate.

Grasshopper is an insect included under class insecta of phylum arthropoda because it has jointed appendages. There are three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings. It is a terrestrial insect which is well adapted to the surrounding environment by showing camouflage. It has chitinous exoskeleton. The respiration by tracheae.

c. Rohu.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Pisces
Subclass: Teleostei (Bony fish)

  • Multicellular organisms without cell wall
  • Organ-system grade organization
  • Bilaterally symmetrical
  • Triploblastic and Eucoelomate.

Rohu is a fresh water bony fish. It is a chordate having a vertebral column, hence included under subphylum vertebrata. The body is well adapted for aquatic mode of life. The shape of the body is streamlined. The exoskeleton is of scales. The gills Eire present which are used for respiration. The endoskeleton is of bones, hence called bony fish. There are paired fins and a impaired caudal fin which is used in steering and changing the direction during swimming.

d. Penguin.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves

  • Multicellular organisms without cell wall
  • Organ-system grade organization
  • Bilaterally symmetrical
  • Triploblastic and Eucoelomate.

Penguin is a flightless bird inhabitant of cold snow-clad regions. It has exoskeleton of feathers. The body is well adapted to survive in cold regions.

It is a warm-blooded bird. The forelimbs are modified into wings. But due. to excessive body weight, the penguins are not seen flying. It can wade in the water with modified hind limbs.

e. Frog.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia

  • Multicellular organisms without cell wall
  • Organ-system grade organization
  • Bilaterally symmetrical
  • Triploblastic and Eucoelomate.

The frog is a true amphibian that can live in water as well as on land. When on land it respires with the help of lungs while in water it uses its skin for breathing. It does not have exoskeleton. The skin is soft, slimy and moist. It is suitably coloured and hence the frog can camouflage in the surroundings. Body is divisible into head and trunk. Two pairs of limbs are seen. The forelimbs are short and used for support during locomotion. The hind limbs are long and strong, used for jumping when on land and for swimming when in water.

The eyes are large and protruding. Since the neck is absent, such eyes help in looking around. The tympanum is present.

f. Lizard.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia

  • Multicellular organisms without cell wall
  • Organ-system grade organization
  • Bilaterally symmetrical
  • Triploblastic and Eucoelomate.

The lizard is a cold-blooded reptile. The limbs are weak and do not support the body weight, hence lizard is seen creeping. But the feet are provided with pads and suckers due to which lizards are well- adapted to climb on the vertical walls. The exoskeleton has fine scales. The body is divisible into head, neck and trunk. The capacity to regenerate is developed in lizards, hence it can produce the lost tail or limbs. The mode of reproduction is egg laying. It feeds on insects with the help of long and sticky tongue.

g. Elephant.
f. Lizard.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia

  • Multicellular organisms without cell wall
  • Organ-system grade organization
  • Bilaterally symmetrical
  • Triploblastic and Eucoelomate.

Elephant is the terrestrial, herbivorous mammal adapted to survive in hot and humid tropical forests.
It is a mammal and hence shows viviparity and milk secretion. The body is divisible into head, neck, trunk, and tail. The proboscis is a characteristic feature of the elephant which is actually modified nose.

h. Jellyfish.
Kingdom: Animalia
Sub-kingdom: Non-chordata
Phylum: Cnidaria or Coelenterata

  • Multicellular organisms without cell wall
  • Tissue grade organization
  • Radially symmetrical
  • Diploplastic and Acoelomate

Jellyfish or Aurelia is a coelenterate. Its body is medusa. It appears as a transparent balloon seen floating in the marine waters. Since it has appearance like a jelly, it is known commonly as jellyfish. There are tentacles provided with cnidoblasts or stinging cells. Tentacles are used for catching the prey. Cnidoblasts are used to secrete a toxin which paralyses the prey.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Question 3.
Write in brief about progressive changes in animal classification.
There were different methods of classification of animals.

  1. The first classification method was given by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. He took into account the criteria like body size, habits and habitats of the animals. This method was called artificial method of classification.
  2. The same artificial method was used by other scientists such as Theophrastus, Pliny, John Ray, Linnaeus, etc.
  3. Further due to advances in science the references were changed and there were some new methods of classification proposed.
  4. The system of classification called ‘Natural system of classification’ was then proposed. This system of classification was based on criteria such as body organization, types of cells, chromosomes, bio-chemical properties, etc.
  5. Later, Dobzhansky and Meyer gave the system of classification based on evolution.
  6. In 1977, Carl Woese has also proposed the three domain system of animal classification.

Question 4.
What is the exact difference between grades of organization and symmetry? Explain with examples.
I. Grades of organization:
(1) The grades of organization mean the way an organism has different body formation.
(2) Unicellular organisms like amoeba have a single cell in the body and hence the organization in its body is called protoplasmic grade of organization.
(3) Some organisms have only cells in their body which is called cellular grade of organization, e.g. Poriferans.
(4) Some have tissues e.g. Coelenterates. They are said to have tissue grade organization. Some have organs, they are said to have organization-organ grade, e.g. Platyhelminthes. All other higher animals have organ-system grade organization.

II. Symmetry:
(1) Symmetry on the other hand shows the base of the body formation.
(2) The symmetry can be understood by taking an imaginary cut through the animal body.
(3) Based on the symmetry there can be three types.
(4) In asymmetric animals, there is no symmetry in any plane, e.g. Amoeba.
(5) The bilateral symmetry is the one in which an imaginary axis can pass through only one median plane to divide the body into two equal halves. Most of the animals have bilateral symmetry and hence their organs are arranged in symmetric way on both the sides.
(6) The imaginary cut passing through the central axis but any plane of body aan -give more than one equal half. The organs of such animals are arranged in a radius of an imaginary circle, e.g. Cnidarians and some echinoderms.
Both grades of organization and symmetry are the bases for classifying animals into different phyla.

Question 5.
Answer in brief.
a. Give scientific classification of shark upto class.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Pisces
Subclass: Elasmobranchii (Cartilaginous)
Example: Scientific name: Scoliodon sorrakowah.
Common name: Shark

b. Write four distinguishing characters of phylum – Echinodermata.
Distinguishing characters of Echinodermata:

  1. Marine organisms with skeleton made up of calcareous spines. Calcareous material on the body hence the name is Echiodermata. Some are sedentary while some are free swimming.
  2. Body is triploblastic, eucoelomate and radially symmetrical when adult. The larvae are bilateral symmetrical.
  3. Locomotion with the help of tube-feet which are also used for capturing the prey.
  4. Echinoderms have regeneration capability. Hence they can restore their lost parts.
  5. Most of them are unisexual.
  6. Examples; Starfish, sea-urchin, brittle star, sea cucumber, etc.

c. Distinguish between butterfly and bat with the help of four distinguish properties.

  1. Butterfly is classified as Non-chordate.
  2. It is included in class Insecta of phylum Arthropoda.
  3. Butterfly has three pairs of legs and two pairs of chitinous wings.
  4. Butterfly is a diurnal (active during day) insect.
  5. Butterfly lays eggs which hatch into larva. Larva develops into pupa and pupa metamorphoses into an adult.


  1. Bat is classified as a Chordate.
  2. It is included in class Mammalia of subphylum Vertebrata.
  3. Bat has one pair of legs and a pair of patagium which are used for flying. Patagium has bones.
  4. Bat is a nocturnal (active at night) mammal.
  5. Bat is a viviparous animal that gives birth to live young ones. Young ones are fed by milk secreted by mammary glands.

d. To which phylum does Cockroach belong? Justify your answer with scientific reasons.
(1) Cockroach belongs to the phylum Arthropoda and class Insecta.
(2) Scientific reasons for placement of Cockroach in the phylum Arthropoda:

  • The body is covered by chitinous exoskeleton.
  • Jointed appendages present, three pairs of walking legs and two pairs of membranous wings.
  • Body is eucoelomate, triploblastic, bilaterally segmented and segmented.
  • Respiration by spiracles and tracheal tubes.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Question 6.
Give scientific reasons.
a. Though tortoise lives on land as well as in water, it cannot be included in class-Amphibia.

  • When tortoise lives on the land, it respires with the help of lungs.
  • When in water, it puts out its nares (nasal openings) out of the water and breathes air.
  • It cannot take up oxygen dissolved in water. In both the habitats it respires with the help of lungs. In case of true amphibians, this is not the case.
  • They can breathe in water with the help of skin and on land with the help of lungs.
  • Tortoise also has exo-skeleton which is lacking in Amphibia. Therefore, tortoise cannot be included in class Amphibia.

b. Our body irritates if it comes in contact with jellyfish.

  • Jellyfish is a coelenterate that has cnidoblasts bearing tentacles.
  • These cnidoblasts inject toxins to paralyse the prey at the time of feeding.
  • When jellyfish comes in contact with our body, this toxin is released causing reaction to our skin.
  • Therefore, our body gets irritation when we come in contact with jellyfish.

c. All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates.

  • All chordates possess notochord in some period of their development.
  • All vertebrates also have notochord during embryonic life, which is later replaced by vertebral column.
  • Therefore all vertebrates are chordates.
  • But some chrodate’s like Urochordata and cephalochordata do not possess vertebral column and hence they are not vertebrates.

d. Balanoglossus is connecting link between non-chordates and chordates.

  • Balanoglossus shows some characters of non-chordates.
  • It also has notochord as in case of chordates.
  • Since it shares the characters of non-chordates and chordates, from the view point of evolution, it is called connecting link between them.

e. Body temperature of reptiles is not constant. (Board’s Model Activity Sheet)

  1. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals.
  2. The thermoregulatory system is not there in their bodies.
  3. Their body temperatures, fluctuate as per the environmental temperatures.
  4. Therefore, the body temperature is not maintained at constant level in reptiles.

Question 7.
Answer the following questions by choosing correct option.
a. Which special cells are present in the body of sponges (Porifera)?
1. Collar cells
2. Cnidoblasts
3. Germ cells
4. Ectodermal cells
1. Collar cells
Explanation: Porifera animals are attached to the substratum. They do not show locomotion. For gathering and catching the food, they need to produce a current in the water. For this purpose, they have characteristic collar cells in their body. Germ cells and ectodermal cells are seen in all other phyla. Cnidoblasts are characteristic feature of coelenterates.

b. Which of the following animals’ body shows bilateral symmetry?
1. Starfish
2. Jellyfish
3. Earthworm
4. Sponge
3. Earthworm
Explanation: When an imaginary plane passing through only one axis can divide the body into two equal halves, then it is called bilateral symmetry. Such symmetry is shown only by earthworm. Sponge body is asymmetrical while starfish and jellyfish are radially symmetrical.

c. Which of the following animals can regenerate it’s broken body part?
1. Cockroach
2. Frog
3. Sparrow
4. Starfish
4. Starfish
Explanation: Cockroach, sparrow and frog cannot perform regeneration. Only echinoderms show power of regeneration. So only starfish can regenerate its broken part.

d. Bat is included in which class?
1. Amphibia
2. Reptilia
3. Aves
4. Mammalia
4. Mammalia
Explanation: Bat gives birth to young ones and they also possess mammary glands. Amphibia, Reptilia and Aves do not show such features. Therefore, bat is included in Mammalia.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Question 8.

Body cavity Germ Layer Phylum
Absent _____________ Porifera
Absent Triploblastic _____________
Pseudocoelom _____________ Aschelminthes
Present _____________ Arthropoda


Body cavity Germ Layer Phylum
Absent Diploblastic Porifera
Absent Triploblastic Platyhelminthes
Pseudocoelom Triploblastic Aschelminthes
Present Triploblastic Arthropoda

Question 9.

Type Character Examples
Cyclostomata …………… ……………
…………… Gill respiration ……………
Amphibia …………… ……………
…………… …………… Whale, Cat, Man
…………… Poikilotherms ……………


Type Character Examples
Cyclostomata Jawless mouth with suckers Petromyzon, Myxine
Pisces Gill respiration Pomfret, Sea horse, Shark
Amphibia Moist skin without exoskeleton Frog, Toad, Salamander
Mammalia Mammary glands Whale, Cat, Man
Reptilia Poikilotherms Tortoise, Lizard, Snake

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Question 10.
Sketch, labell and classify.
1. Hydra.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 1
Kingdom: Animalia
Division: Non-chordata
Phylum: Coelenterata
Example: Hydra

2. Jellyfish
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 2
Kingdom: Animalia
Division: Non-chordata
Phylum: Coelenterata
Example: Jellyfish

3. Planaria
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 3
Kingdom: Animalia
Division: Non-chordata
Phylum: Platyhelminthes
Example: Planaria

4. Roundworm
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 4
Kingdom: Animalia
Division: Non-Chordata
Phylum: Aschelminthes
Example: Ascaris (Roundworm)

5. Butterfly
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 5
Kingdom: Animalia
Division: Non-chordata
Phylum: Arthopoda
Class: Insecta
Example: Butterfly

6. Earthworm
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 6
Kingdom: Animalia
Division: Non-chordata
Phylum: Annelida
Example: Earthworm

7. Octopus
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 7
Kingdom: Animalia
Division: Non-chordata
Phylum: Mollusca
Example: Octopus

8. star fish
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 8
Kingdom: Animalia
Division: Non-chordata
Phylum: Echinodermata
Example: Star fish

9. Shark
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 9
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Sub Phylum: Vertebrata
Class: Pisces
Example: Scoliodon (Shark)

10. Frog
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 10
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Sub Phylum: Vertebrata
Class: Amphibia
Example: Frog

11. Wall Lizard
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 11
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Sub Phylum: Vertebrata
Class: Reptilia
Example: Wall Lizard

12. Pigeon.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 16
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Sub-Phylum: Vertebrata
Class: Aves
Example: Pigeon

Question 11.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 12
(1) Jellyfish
(2) Nereis
(3) Flatworm/Planaria
(4) Bony fish.

Project: (Do it your self)

1. In each week, on a specific day of your convenience, observe the animals present around your school and residence. Perform this activity for six months. Keep date-wise record of your observations. After the observation period of six months, analyse your observations with respect to seasons. With the help of your teacher, classify the reported animals.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Can you recall? (Text Book Page No. 61)

Question 1.
Which criteria are used for classification of organisms?
The living organisms are classified according to their basic characteristics, such as presence or absence of nucleus, unicellular body or multicellular body, presence or absence of cell wall and the mode of nutrition in them.

Question 2.
How are the plants classified?
The plants are classified according to the following basis:

  1. Presence or absence of the organs.
  2. Presence or absence of separate

Use your brain power: (Text Book Page No. 74)

(A) Animals like gharial and crocodile live in water as well as on land. Are they amphibians or reptiles?
Ghariyal and crocodile are reptiles. They can swim in water and crawl on land. But they can respire only with the help of lungs. Their breathing is through nostrils. Even when in water, they have to inhale and exhale by coming up to the surface of water for air. Amphibians can breathe through the skin when in water and by lungs when on land. They also have hard exoskeleton which amphibians do not have. Hence, ghariyal and crocodile are not amphibians, but they are reptiles.

(B) Animals like whale, walrus live in water (ocean). Are they included in Pisces or Mammalia?
Whale and walrus are aquatic and marine mammals. They do not belong to class Pisces. They do not have gills to breathe in dissolved oxygen in water. Neither they have scales on the body nor can they lay eggs. Whales and walrus have mammary glands like all other mammals. They give birth to live young one. They breathe only with the help of lungs by putting their nostrils out of the water at surface. Hence they are included in Mammalia.

Choose the correct alternative and write its alphabet against the sub-question number:

Question 1.
System of classification based on evolution was brought into practice by ……….. and …………
(a) Darwin, Mendel
(b) Lamarck, De Vries
(c) Morgan, Mayor
(d) Dobzansky, Meyer
(d) Dobzansky, Meyer

Question 2.
Artificial method of animal classification was proposed by ………….
(a) Aristotle
(b) Darwin
(c) Lamarck
(d) Whittaker
(a) Aristotle

Question 3.
Animals attached to substratum are called ……….. animals.
(a) sessile
(b) sedentary
(c) lame
(d) motionless
(b) sedentary

Question 4.
In coelenterates, ………… are useful for capturing the prey whereas ………. inject the toxin in the body of prey.
(a) tentacles, cnidoblast
(b) hands, legs
(c) flagella, sting
(d) cilia, sting cells
(a) tentacles, cnidoblast

Question 5.
Body of annelidan animals is long, cylindrical and …………. segmented.
(a) annular
(b) metamerically
(c) jointed
(d) cuticular
(b) metamerically

Question 6.
…………. is second largest phylum in animal kingdom.
(a) Mollusca
(b) Arthropoda
(c) Porifera
(d) Platyhelminthes
(a) Mollusca

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Question 7.
Endoskeleton of Cyclostomata animals is …………..
(a) bony
(b) bony and cartilaginous
(c) cartilaginous
(d) none of the above
(c) cartilaginous

Question 8.
Body cavity between the body and internal organs is called ………….
(a) gastrocoel
(b) enteron
(c) coelom
(d) cave
(c) coelom

Question 9.
Larvae of ……….. metamorphose into adults after settling down at bottom of the sea.
(a) Hemichdrdata
(b) Urochordata
(c) Cephalochordata
(d) Cyclostomata
(b) Urochordata

Question 10.
The body organization of unicellular organisms is of …………. grade.
(a) cellular
(b) tissue
(c) protoplasmic
(d) organ
(c) protoplasmic

Question 11.
………….. is a cold blooded animal. (March 2019)
(a) Bat
(b) Snake
(c) Rabbit
(d) Elephant
(b) Snake

Question 12.
Calcareous spines are present on the body of ………… animal. (July 2019)
(a) fish
(b) snail
(c) sponge
(d) starfish
(d) starfish

Question 13.
Due to which similar characteristic honey bee and cockroach are included in the same phylum?
(a) Wings
(b) Three pair of legs
(c) Jointed appendages
(d) Antenna
(c) Jointed appendages

Write whether the following statements are true or false with proper explanation:

Question 1.
Greek philosopher Linnaeus was the first to perform the animal classification.
False. (Greek philosopher Aristotle was the first to perform the animal classification.)

Question 2.
Heart if present in the non-chordates is on dorsal side of body.

Question 3.
Arthropoda animals bear numerous pores on their body.
False. (Porifera animals bear numerous pores on their body.)

Question 4.
Porifera animals have special type of collar cells.

Question 5.
Aschelminthes have acoelomate and bilaterally symmetrical body.
False. (Platyhelminthes have acoelomate and bilaterally symmetrical body. OR Aschelminthes have pseudocoelomate and bilaterally symmetrical body.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Question 6.
Planet Earth has highest number of animals from phylum Arthropoda.

Question 7.
Animals belonging to phylum Annelida perform locomotion with the help of tube-feet.
False. (Animals belonging to phylum Echinodermata perform locomotion with the help of tube-feet.)

Question 8.
Herdmania has notochord in only tail region and hence it is called Urochordate.

Question 9.
Mammals breathe with the help of lungs.

Question 10.
Amphibians are warm blooded.
False. (Amphibians are cold-blooded. OR Mammals are warm blooded.)

Match the columns:

Question 1.

Phylum Characteristics
(1) Mollusca (a) Collar cells
(2) Hemichordata (b) Mantle
(c) Trunk
(d) Cnidoblasts

(1) Mollusca – Mantle
(2) Hemichordata – Trunk.

Question 2.

Phylum Characteristics
(1) Porifera (a) Tunic
(2) Coelenterata (b) Collar cells
(c) Tentacles bearing cnidoblasts
(d) Mantle

(1) Porifera – Collar cells
(2) Coelenterata – Tentacles bearing cnidoblasts.

Question 3.

Subphylum/Class Characteristics
(1) Cyclostomata (a) Collar cells
(2) Urochordat (b) Sucker
(c) Tunic
(d) Chitinous exoskeleton

(1) Cyclostomata – Sucker
(2) Urochordata – Tunic.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Find the odd one out:

Question 1.
Physalia, Hyalonema, Ruplectella, Spongilla
Physalia. (Physalia belongs to Coelenterata, all the remaining are poriferans.)

Question 2.
Planaria, Liverfluke, Filarial worm, Tapeworm
Filarial worm. (Filarial worm is Aschelminthes remaining are Platyhelminthes.)

Question 3.
Star fish, Sea-urchin, Nereis, Sea-cucumber
Nereis. (Nereis belongs to Annelida all the remaining are Echinoderm animals.)

Question 4.
Cockroach, Butterfly, Spider, Honey bee
Spider. (Spider is eight-legged Arachnid, remaining are insects.)

Question 5.
Amphioxus, Herdmania, Doliolum,Oikopleura
Amphioxus. (Amphioxus is Cepholochordate all the remaining are Urochordates.)

Question 6.
Frog, Tortoise, Toad, Salamander
Tortoise. (Tortoise is a reptile, the remaining are amphibians.)

Question 7.
Tube feet, Setae, Parapodia, Sucker
Tube feet. (Tube feet are locomotory organs of Echinoderms, the remaining are locomotory organs of Annelids.)

Question 8.
Shark, Sting ray, Electric ray, Pomfret
Pomfret. (Pomfret is a bony fish, all the remaining are cartilaginous fish.)

Find the correlation:

Question 1.
Annelida : Earthworm : : Platyhelminthes : …………
Annelida : Earthworm : : Platyhelminthes : Planaria/Liverfluke

Question 2.
Horse : Mammal : : Seahorse : ………….
Horse : Mammal : : Seahorse : Pisces

Question 3.
Parapodia : Annelida : : Tube feet : ………..
Parapodia : Annelida : : Tube feet : Echinodermata

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Question 4.
Frog : Amphibia : : Turtle : …………..
Frog : Amphibia : : Turtle : Reptilia

Question 5.
Proboscis : Hemichordata : : Suctorial mouth : …………
Proboscis : Hemichordata : : Suctorial mouth : Cyclostomata

Question 6.
Bird from very cold regions : Penguin : : Aquatic Mammal from very cold regions : ………..
Bird from very cold regions : Penguin : : Aquatic Mammal from very cold regions : Whale.

Distinguish between:

Question 1.
Non-chordates and Chordates.

  1. Non-chordates are less evolved animals and are on the lower levels of evolution.
  2. Non-chordates do not have notochord.
  3. In non-chordates, there are no pharyngeal gill slits.
  4. Nerve cord, if present is double and solid.
  5. Nerve cord is located on the ventral side of the body.
  6. Heart if present is on the dorsal side of the body.


  1. Chordates are more evolved animals and are on the higher levels of evolution.
  2. Chordates have notochord at least in some stage of development.
  3. In chordates, there are pharyngeal gill slits.
  4. Nerve cord is single and hollow.
  5. Nerve cord is located on the dorsal side of the body.
  6. Heart if present is on the ventral side of the body.

Question 2.
Phylum Platyhelminthes and Phylum Aschelminthes. OR Write any two points of differences between flat worms and round worms.
Phylum Platyhelminthes (Flat worms):

  1. Platyhelminth worms have slender and flat leaf or strip like body hence called flat worms.
  2. Platyhelminthes are triploblastic and acoelomate.
  3. Most of them are hermaphrodite or bisexual having both male and female reproductive systems in the same body.
  4. Examples: Planaria, Liver fluke, Tapeworm, etc.

Phylum Aschelminthes (Round worms):

  1. Aschelminthes have long thread-like or Cylindrical body, hence called round worms.
  2. Aschelminthes are triploblastic and pseudocoelomate.
  3. They are unisexual with male and female sexes separate. There is sexual dimorphism.
  4. Examples: Ascaris (Intestinal worm), Filarial worm, Loa loa (Eye worm), etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Question 3.
Urochordata and Cephalochordata.

  1. Urochordates have notochord in the tail region of the adult body.
  2. These animals look like small sacs.
  3. Usually urochordates are hermaphrodites.
  4. Body of urochordate is covered over by skin-like test or tunic.
  5. Examples: Herdmania, Doliolum, Oikopleura, etc.


  1. Cephalochrodates have notochord in the entire length of the body.
  2. These animals look like small fish.
  3. Cephalochordates are unisexual.
  4. Body of cephalochordate is not covered in a test.
  5. Example: Amphioxus.

Question 4.
Cyclostomata and Pisces.

  1. Cyclostomata are the poorly evolved first class of vertebrate animals.
  2. Cyclostomata have circular jawless mouth with suckers.
  3. Paired appendages are absent in cyclostomates.
  4. Cyclostomes have soft skin which is without any scales.
  5. Endoskeleton is cartilaginous.
  6. Examples: Petromyzon, Myxine, etc.


  1. Pisces are the better evolved class of vertebrates which is well adapted for aquatic living.
  2. Pisces have mouth with upper and lower jaws. Teeth are present in the mouth.
  3. Paired and unpaired fins present in all kinds of fishes.
  4. Fishes have different types of scales on the body.
  5. Endoskeleton may be cartilaginous, or it may be bony.
  6. Examples: Shark (Scoliodoh), rays which are cartilaginous fishes and pomfret, makerel, sardines, rohu which are bony fishes.

Question 5.
Amphibia and Reptilia.

  1. Amphibians can inhabit both land and water. They can survive on both environments by breathing there.
  2. The exoskeleton is absent in amphibians. The skin is soft, slimy and moist.
  3. Body is divided into head and trunk. Neck is absent.
  4. The digits do not have claws.
  5. The respiration is by skin when in water and by lungs when on land. The larvae breathe by gills.
  6. There is external fertilization at the time of sexual reproduction.
  7. The developmental stages are eggs and tadpole. Metamorphosis is seen in amphibians.
  8. Examples : Frog, Toad, Salamander, etc.


  1. Reptilians are terrestrial animals. Though turtle and sea snakes can stay in water, they cannot breathe in water.
  2. The exoskeleton in the form of scales. Some animals have plates or scutes (e.g. tortoise and crocodile).
  3. Body is divided into head, neck and trunk.
  4. The digits have claws.
  5. The respiration is only by lungs.
  6. There is internal fertilization at the time of sexual reproduction.
  7. The developmental stages are eggs and juvenile. Metamorphosis is not seen in reptiles.
  8. Examples : Tortoise, Lizard, Snake, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Question 6.
Aves and Mammalia.

  1. Aves are totally adapted for the aerial mode of life.
  2. Body is spindle shaped. Body is divisible into head, neck and trunk. There are two pairs of limbs. The forelimbs are modified to form wings for flight.
  3. Digits have scales and claws.
  4. The exoskeleton is in the form of feathers.
  5. Jaws are modified into a beak.
  6. Birds are oviparous. The eggs hatch into nestlings.
  7. The incubation of eggs and feeding of nestlings is done by both parents.
  8. Examples: Crow, Sparrow, Peacock, Parrot, Pigeon, Duck, Penguin, etc.


  1. Mammals are adapted for terrestrial life.
  2. Body is not spindle shaped. It is divisible into head, neck, trunk and tail. There are two pairs of limbs. They are adapted for walking or running on the ground.
  3. Digits have nails or hoofs. Few have claws.
  4. The exoskeleton is in the form of fur, hair, wool, etc.
  5. Jaws have teeth and they surround the mouth.
  6. Mammals are viviparous. They give birth to live young ones. (Exception: Platypus)
  7. Parental care is shown only by mother, who feeds, the babies with milk from mammary glands.
  8. Examples: Cat, Dog, Tiger, Lion, Elephant, Human, Kangaroo, Dolphin, Bat, etc.

Classification-based questions:

Question 1.
Identify me:
(1) I am metamerically segmented, blood sucking, ectoparasite. I have suckers. Who am I and to what phylum do I belong to? (OR) Who am I? (July 2019)
I have suckers. I am blood sucking.
Leech, Phylum Annelida.

(2) I have chitinous exoskeleton, I have four pairs of walking appendages. I can sting you. Who am I? What phylum do I belong to?
Scorpion. Phylum Arthropoda.

Question 2.
Characters of a phylum are given below. Read them carefully and answer the questions:
(a) Spines of calcium carbonate are present on the body, (b) These animals are exclusively marine, (c) They perform the locomotion with the help of tube feet, (d) Their skeleton is made up of calcareous plates or spicules.
(i) Animals of which phylum show the above character?
Animals belonging to phylum Echinodermata show the above characters.

(ii) Give an example from that phylum.
Starfish, brittlestar, sea urchin.

(iii) These animals can be classified with the help of which criteria of new system of animals classification.
Animals are classified on the basis of criteria such as body organization, body symmetry, body cavity, etc.

Question 3.
Identify my class/phylum and give one example of it: (March 2019)
(a) I have mammary glands and exoskeleton in the form of hair.
(b) We form the highest number of animals on the planet. We have bilateral symmetry and our exoskeleton is in the form of chitin.
(c) I live in your small intestine, my body is long and thread like and pseudocoelomate.
(a) Class: Mammalia, Example: Cat, Dog, Man.
(b) Phylum: Arthropoda, Example: Prawn, Crab.
(c) Phylum: Aschelminthes, Example: Ascaris or round worm, Filarial worm.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Question 4.
Tell me who am I? What is my class/ phylum?
1. My body is divided into proboscis, collar and trunk. I am marine animal.
Balanoglossus; Phylum: Hemichordata.

2. I stay inside two shells. My body is divided into head, foot and visceral mass.
Bivalve or Oyster; Phylum: Mollusca.

3. I am male as well as female. I am endoparasite having a coelomate and bilaterally symmetrical and flattened body.
Liver fluke or tape worm; Phylum: Platyhelminthes.

4. I am sedentary marine animal drinking water all the time through numerous pores on the body.
Sponge; Phylum: Porifera.

5. I am venomous, eight legged creature having chitinous exoskeleton.
Scorpion; Phylum: Arthropoda.

6. My body is covered by tunic. As a larva I swim but as an adult I settle down.
Doliolum or Salpa; Phylum: Chordata subphylum : Urochordata.

Question 5.
Identify the class of given animals and write one characteristic of each animal:
(1) Kangaroq (2) Penguin (3) Crocodile (4) Frog (5) Sea-horse. (July 2019)
(1) Kangaroo: Class Mammalia. It is a marsupial animal with pouch for development of offspring. Long hind limbs for jumping.
(2) Penguin: Class Aves. It is flightless bird. Body covered with thick feathery coat. Oviparous mode.
(3) Crocodile: Class Reptilia. It is a large animal seen near water bodies. Can swim in water but cannot respire in water. Body covered with exoskeleton of scaly plates. Limbs very weak in comparison with huge bodies.
(4) Frog: Class Amphibia. Shows aquatic as well as terrestrial mode. Can breathe with lungs and skin. No exoskeleton and skin is slimy.
(5) Sea-horse: Class Pisces. Bony fish. Highly modified body structure showing brood pouch for development of offspring gills for respiration, fins for swimming.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
State any four benefits of animal classification. (March 2019)

  1. Studying the different animals becomes easy when they are placed under different groups.
  2. When few representative animals of the particular group are studied then the idea about other animals belonging to that group also becomes clear.
  3. The animal evolution becomes easier to follow after studying classification.
  4. The identification of animals can be done accurately.
  5. Relationship of the different animals with each other and with other groups can be understood clearly.
  6. Habitat of each animal and its role in nature is understood by classification.
  7. Various adaptations are understood by learning classification.

Question 2.
Into which phyla is Non-chordata divided? In which three subphyla are Chordates divided?
I. The phyla of Non-chordata:

  • Protozoa
  • Porifera
  • Coelenterata or Cnidaria
  • Platyhelminthes
  • Aschelminthes
  • Annelida
  • Arthropoda
  • Mollusca
  • Echinodermata
  • Hemichordata

II. The subphyla of Chordata:

  • Urochordata
  • Cephalochordata
  • Vertebrata

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Question 3.
Write the characteristics of chordates.
Characteristics of Chordates:

  1. All chordates possess notochord and pharyngeal gill slits in at least during some developmental stage.
  2. Presence of single, tubular and dorsally located spinal cord and ventrally located heart.

Question 4.
Write the characteristics of vertebrates.
Characteristics of vertebrates:

  • In vertebrates, notochord is replaced by vertebral column.
  • Development of head is complete.
  • Well-developed cranium which protects the brain.
  • Presence of endoskeleton which is either cartilaginous or bony.
  • Presence of jaws as in Gnathostomata or absence of jaws as in Agantha.

Write short notes on:

Question 1.
(1) Benefits of classification.

  • Studying the different animals becomes easy when they are placed under different groups.
  • When few representative animals of the particular group are studied then the idea about other animals belonging to that group also becomes clear.
  • The animal evolution becomes easier to follow after studying classification.
  • The identification of animals can be done accurately.
  • Relationship of the different animals with each other and with other groups can be understood clearly.
  • Habitat of each animal and its role in nature is understood by classification.
  • Various adaptations are understood by learning classification.

Question 2.
Germinal layers.

  • During the initial embryonic period of any multicellular animal there is formation of germinal layers or germ layer.
  • These germ layers give rise to new tissues in the developing animal.
  • The primitive animals were diploblastic i.e. they have only two germ layers called ectoderm and endoderm.
  • The higher animals are triploblastic, having three germ layers; ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.
  • Cnidarians are diploblastic while all other animals are triploblastic.

Question 3.

  • Coelom means body cavity. It is situated between the body wall and the internal organs of the body.
  • The coelom is formed during early embryonic life in case of multicellular animals. It is formed from either mesoderm or gut.
  • Coelom when present in the body, those animals are called eucoelomate. Phylum Annelida onwards are eucoelomate animals. They are animals with true body cavity.
  • Those animals in which coelom are absent are called acoelomate animals. Porifera, Cnidaria and Platyhelminthes are acoelomate animals.
  • When coelom is not formed from mesoderm or gut, but formed from other tissues, it is called pseudocoelom. Only Aschelminthes animals have such coelom and hence they are called pseudocoelomate.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Question 4.

  • Notochord is an important feature of Chordates.
  • Notochord is supporting rod like structure.
  • This structure is present on the dorsal side of the animals.
  • It keeps the nervous tissue separated from the rest of the tissues.
  • In Hemichordates, the notochord is present in the proboscis.
  • In Urochordates, the notochord is present in the tail region of the free swimming larvae.
  • In Cephalochordates, the notochord lies throughout the length of the body.
  • In vertebrates, notochord is replaced by the vertebral column.

Complete the paragraph by choosing the appropriate words given in the brackets:

Question 1.
(Linnaeus, Dobzhansky, Carl Woese, Theophrastus, Artificial method, Aristotle, Natural system, Traditional system)
Time to time, different scientists have tried to classify the animals. Greek philosopher ………… was the first to perform the animal classification. Aristotle classified the animals, according to the criteria like body size, habits and habitats. Classification proposed by Aristotle is known as ………… Besides Aristotle, artificial method of classification was followed by ……….., Pliny, John Ray and ……….. Later on,’………… of classification’ was followed. Natural system of classification was based on various other criteria. By the time, system of classification based on evolution was also brought into practice. It was used by …………. and Meyer. Recently, ……….. has also proposed the animal classification.
Time to time, different scientists have tried to classify the animals. Greek philosopher Aristotle was the first to perform the animal classification. Aristotle classified the animals, according to the criteria like body size, habits and habitats. Classification proposed by Aristotle is known as ‘Artificial method’. Besides Aristotle, artificial method of classification was followed by Theophrastus, Pliny, John Ray and Linnaeus. Later on, ‘Natural system of classification’ was followed. Natural system of classification was based on various other criteria. By the time, system of classification based on evolution was also brought into practice. It was used by Dobzansky and Meyer. Recently, Carl Woese has also proposed the animal classification.

Question 2.
(neck, lungs, skin, exoskeleton, amphibian, metamorphose, aquatic, gills)
Class Amphibia consist of animals which are strictly ……….. only during their larval stages. At that time they breathe through their …………. Tadpoles are such stages which later ………… to form adult frog. Adult frog respires with the help of ………… when in water and with when on land. Thus, it is a true …………. For performing cutaneous respiration, i.e. respiration through skin, they lack ………. in any form. The skin is also kept moist by staying near the water bodies. Amphibians do not have a ………… but eyes are bulging and prominent, this solves the problems of vision.
Class Amphibia consist of animals which are strictly aquatic only during their larval stages. At that time they breathe through their gills. Tadpoles are such stages which later metamorphose to form adult frog. Adult frog respires with the help of skin when in water and with lungs when on land. Thus, it is a true amphibian. For performing cutaneous respiration, i.e. respiration through skin, they lack exoskeleton in any form. The skin is also kept moist by staying near the water bodies. Amphibians do not have a neck but eyes are bulging and prominent, this solves the problems of vision.

Paragraph based questions:

1. Read the paragraph and answer the questions given below:
Locomotion is considered as an important j characteristics of the animals. However, animals belonging to Porifera are said to be sedentary. Every 1 other phylum has typical locomotory organs. E.g. Nereis crawls with the help of parapodia, whereas earthworm buries in soil by setae. Spiders have four pairs of walking legs, crab has five while all insects have three pairs of walking legs. The walking legs are also called appendages. Starfish moves with the help of tube feet. Snails and bivalves use muscular foot for locomotion. Birds flying with their spread out wings and fish swimming with their fins, both have spindle-shaped body tapering at both the ends. While flying or swimming such body offers least resistance during locomotion. Mammals have two pairs of limbs while animals like snakes are limbless. Other animals belonging to the class of snakes also have very weak limbs which make them creep on the ground.

Questions and Answers:

Question 1.
What are the locomotory organs in phylum Annelida?
Annelidans have parapodia and setae as the locomotory organs.

Question 2.
Which phylum has a characteristic of jointed appendages?
Phylum Arthropoda has a characteristic of jointed appendages.

Question 3.
Which the locomotory organ of animals belong to Phylum Mollusca?
Animals belonging to Phylum Mollusca have strong muscular foot which is used for locomotion.

Question 4.
Which class of animals show weak legs?
Class Reptilia belonging to subphylum vertebrata show weak legs.

Question 5.
In which class of animals the forelimbs are modified?
Class Aves belonging to subphylum vertebrata have wings which are modified forelimbs.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Diagram based questions:

Question 1.
Sketch, label and classify the following organisms:
1. Liverfluke.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 13
Kingdom: Animalia
Division: Non-chordata
Phylum: Platyhelminthes
Example: Liverfluke

2. Leench.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 14
Kingdom: Animalia
Division: Non-chordata
Phylum: Annelida
Example: Leech

3. Cockroach:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 15
Kingdom: Animalia
Division: Non-chordata
Phylum: Arthopoda
Class: Insecta
Example: Cockroach

Question 2.
Identify the animal given in the figure and label the figure:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 17
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 18

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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 26

Question 3.
Identify the class of the animal shown in the figure and write any two characteristics.
(1) The animal shown in the figure is bat.
(2) It belongs to class Mammalia of Subphylum Vertebrata. Phylum Chordata.
(3) Characteristics:
(i) Body is divided into head, neck, torso and tail. Patagium present for the flying mode. Nocturnal in habit. It is warm blooded.
(ii) Gives birth to live young ones. Mammary glands present for nourishing young ones.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Question 4.
Observe the figure and answer the following questions.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 27
(a) To which phylum these organisms belong?
(b) Name the substance with which their body is covered.
(c) Name their organs of locomotion.
(a) The starfish and the sea urchin shown in the figure belong to phylum Echinodermata.
(b) The body of echinoderm animal is covered with calcareous spines or ossicles/plates.
This is the substance covering the body is mostly calcium salts and compounds.
(c) Their locomotory organs are tube feet.

Question 5.
Observe the figures given below and answer the given questions: (Board’s Model Activity Sheet)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 28
(a) In which phylum are these animals included?
(b) Which substance forms the outer layer of their exoskeleton?
(c) What are their locomotory organs?
(a) These animals are included in phylum Arthropoda.
(b) The outer layer of their exoskeleton is covered by chitinous substance.
(c) Their locomotory organs are jointed paired appendages.

Question 6.
Identify the phylum of the given animal and write any two characteristics of this phylum. (Board’s Model Activity Sheet)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 29
This animal is Sycon sponge and its phylum in Porifera.
Characteristics of phylum Porifera
(a) Asymmetrical body.
(b) Many pores on body. Large osculum and smaller ostia.

Question 7.
(a) Identify the animal given here.
(b) Write the phylum to which it belongs.
(c) Identify the pointed parts; p, q, r and s.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 30
(a) The given animal is Octopus.
(b) It belongs to the phylum Mollusca.
(c) p = eye, q = sucker, s = siphon and r = tentacle.

Complete the following charts:

Question 1.
Complete the chart by taking into consideration the criteria for classification: (Text Book Page No. 61)
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 32

Question 2.
Complete the following flow-chart.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 33
(A) Eukaryotes
(B) Monera.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Activity based questions:

Question 1.
Observe: (Text Book Page No. 65)
(1) Body organization of human has been shown in the following figure. Use appropriate labels for different organs present in human body.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification 34
There are different organs in the human body. The liver, pancreas, stomach, intestine, etc. related to the digestive system and a pair of kidney concerned with excretion is present in the abdominal cavity. The cranial cavity shows brain and sense organs. In the thoracic cavity there are lungs and heart. In addition to these organs, there are network of blood capillaries, nerve network, etc. which is spread from head to toes.

Question 2.
Why is earthworm called as friend of farmers? (Get Information: Text Book Page No. 69)
Earthworms move through the soil in the farms and fields. They feed on the detritus in the soil. They also help in decomposition of the organic matter. When the soil is loosened due to their activities, the roots of the crops grow well. They enrich the soil by their excreta which act as fertilizers. All these facts make earthworm, a farmer’s friend.

Question 3.
In what way the leech is used in ayurvedic system of treatment? (Get Information: Text Book Page No. 69)
Leeches are blood sucking ectoparasite. In Ayurveda leech is used to remove impure blood and blood clots. Such blood is sucked up by leeches and then the patient gets some relief. In the leech body there is. a substance called hirudine which prevent blood clotting as it sucks up the blood. This hirudine is also used for medicinal purpose.

Question 4.
What is chitin? (Find out: Text Book Page No. 70)
Chitin is a type of polysaccharide. Its chemical formula is (C8H13O5N)n. It is a long-chain polymer of N-acetylglucosamine, which is actually a derivative of glucose. It is a primary component of cell walls in fungi, the exoskeletons of arthropods, such as crustaceans and insects. In many medicines chitin is used. The industrial processes and the biotechnological experiments also use chitin.

Question 5.
Let’s Think: (Text Book Page No. 70)
(i) What types of benefit and harm occur to human from animals of phylum-Arthropoda?
Some insects are very useful for us. We get many products from them. e.g. Honey bee, Lac insect, Silk worm, are the insects that provide us with honey and wax, lac and silk respectively. The culture experiments are done on these insects for large scale production of these substances. Butterflies help in the pollination of crops and are thus helpful for the farmers and gardeners. Lady bug beetle is an insect which acts as a natural pest control as it attacks the other harmful insect pests.

In biological pest control methods it is widely used. Some insects, on the contrary are very harmful. Mosquito, bed bugs, lice are blood sucking parasites which can spread the diseases. Mosquito is a vector for dengue, filariasis and malaria. Some are biting insects that can cause wounds, some cause allergies of various kinds. The grains and crops are destroyed to great extent by the insects. In this way the insects belonging to the phylum Arthropods are harmful to health, wealth and peace of mind too.

(ii) Which are the animals from phylum Arthropoda those have shortest and longest life span?
The shortest life span: May fly – About 24 hours. The longest life span : Lobster (Homarus americanus) – About 100 years.

(iii) Why has it been said that only insects directly compete with humans for food?
The standing crop in the fields can be totally ruined by insects. The locust can damage the crops when they attack in thousands at a time. The grains are also infested by variety of insects like ants, weevils, beetles, etc. Therefore, we can say that only insects compete with humans for food.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Animal Classification

Project: (Do it your self)

Project 1.
How does the infection of tapeworm in man, liver fluke in grazing animals like goat and sheep occur and what are their preventive measures? (Collect the Information, Internet is my friend: Textbook page no. 69)

Project 2.
How does the infection of round worms like Ascaris, filarial worm and plant nematodes occur and what are their preventive measures and treatment? (Collect the Information, Internet is my friend: Textbook page no. 69)

Project 3.
Books are my friend: Collect the information about pearl production from bivalves by reading appropriate books. (Textbook page no. 70)

Project 4.
Book are my friends: The Animal Kingdom: Libbie Hyman and some other similar books.
(Textbook page no. 75)

Project 5.
Use of Information Technology: (Textbook page no. 75)
Prepare the presentation of animal classification using video clips downloaded from internet.

10th Std Science Part 2 Questions And Answers:

Lenses Class 10 Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 7

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
Match the columns in the following table and explain them:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Farsightedness Nearby object can be seen clearly Bifocal  lens
Presbyopia Faraway object can be seen clearly Concave  lens
Nearsightedness Problem of old age Convex  lens


Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Farsightedness Faraway object can be seen clearly Convex  lens
Presbyopia Problem of old age Bifocal  lens
Nearsightedness Nearby object can be seen clearly Concave  lens

1. Farsightedness:
Hypermetropia or farsightedness is the defect of vision in which a human eye can see distant objects clearly but is unable to see nearby objects clearly.
In this case the image of a nearby object would fall behind the retina instead of on the retina.

Possible reasons for hypermetropia:
(1) Curvature of the cornea and the eye lens decreases. Hence, the converging power of the eye lens becomes less.
(2) The distance between the eye lens and retina decreases (relative to the normal eye) and the focal length of the eye lens becomes very large due to the flattening of the eyeball.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 1

2. Presbyopia:
Presbyopia is the defect of vision in which aged people find it difficult to see nearby objects
comfortably and clearly without spectacles.

Reason of presbyopia: The power of accommodation of eye usually decreases with ageing. The muscles near the eye lens lose their ability to change the focal length of the lens.

Therefore, the near point of the eye lens shifts rarther from the eye, This defect is corrected using a. convex lens of appropriate power. The lens converges light rays before they fall on the eye lens such that the action of the eye lens forms the image on the retina.

3. Nearsightedness:
Myopia or nearsightedness is the defect of vision in which a human eye can see nearby objects distinctly but is unable to see distant objects clearly as they appear indistinct.
In this case the image of a distant object is formed in front of the retina instead of on the retina.
[Figs. 7.29 (a), 7.29 (b)]

Possible reasons for myopia:
(1) The curvature of the cornea and the eye lens increases. The muscles near the lens cannot relax so that the converging power of the lens remains large. (2) The distance between the eye lens and the retina increases as the eyeball elongates.

Myopia is corrected using a suitable concave lens. Light rays are diverged by the concave lens before they strike the eye lens. A concave lens of proper focal length is chosen to produce the required divergence. Hence, after the converging action of the eye lens, the image is formed on the retina. [Fig. 7.29 (c)]
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 2.
Draw a figure explaining various terms related to a lens.
(1) Centre of curvature (C): The centres of the spheres whose parts form the surfaces of a lens are called the centres of curvature of the lens. A lens has two centres of curvature C1, and C2 for its two spherical surfaces.

(2) Radii of curvature (R1, R2): The radii of the spheres whose parts form surfaces of a lens are called the radii of curvature of the lens.

(3) Principal axis: The imaginary straight line passing through the two centres of curvature of a lens is called the principal axis of the lens.

(4) Optical centre (O): The point inside a lens on the principal axis, through which light rays pass without changing their path is called the optical centre (O) of the lens.

(5) Principal focus (F): When light rays parallel to the principal- axis are incident on a convex lens, they converge at a point on the principal axis. This point is called the principal focus (F) of the convex lens. Light rays travelling parallel to the principal axis of a concave lens diverge after refraction in such a way that they appear to be coming out of a point on the principal axis. This point is called the principal focus of the concave lens. A lens has two principal foci F1 and F2.
[Note: In this chapter, the terms focus and the principal focus are used in the same sense.]

(6) Focal length (f): The distance between the optical centre and the principal focus of a lens is called the focal length (f) of the lens.
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C1, C2: Centres of curvature, R1, R2: Radii of curvature, O: Optical centre.
The cross sections of convex and concave lenses are shown in parts (a) and (b) of Fig. 7.4. The surface marked as 1 is part of sphere S1 while the surface marked as 2 is part of sphere S2.
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P1, P2, P3: Incident rays of light,
Q1, Q2, Q3: Refracted rays of light, O: Optical centre
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F1, F2: Principal foci of the lens, f: Focal length of the lens

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 3.
At which position will you keep an object in front of a convex lens so as to get a real image of the same size as the object? Draw a figure.
At 2F1.
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Question 4.
Give scientific reasons:
a. A simple microscope is used for watch repairs.
(1) when an object is placed within the focal length of a magnifying glass or simple microscope (convex lens), its larger and erect image is obtained on the same side of the lens as that of the object.

(2) By adjusting the distance between the object and the lens, the image can be obtained at the minimum distance of distinct vision. Thus, a watch repairer can see the minute parts of a watch more clearly with the aid of a magnifying glass (a simple microscope) than with the naked eye, without any stress on the eye. Hence, watch repairers use a magnifying glass (a simple microscope) while repairing the watches.

b. One can sense colours only in bright light.
(1) The retina in the eye is made of many light sensitive cells. The rod-shaped cells respond to the intensity of light while the cone-shaped cells j respond to various colours.
(2) The cone-shaped cells do not respond to faint light. They function only in bright light. Hence, one can sense colours only in bright, light.

c. We cannot clearly see an object kept at a distance less than 25 cm from the eye.
(1) When we try to see a nearby object, the eye lens becomes more rounded and its focal length decreases. Then a clear image of the object is formed on the retina of the eye.
(2) The focal length of the eye lens cannot be decreased beyond some limit. Therefore we cannot clearly see an object kept at a distance less than 25 cm from the eye.

Question 5.
Explain the working of an astronomical telescope using refraction of light.
Construction of a refracting telescope: It consists of two convex lenses called the objective lens (directed towards the object) and the eyepiece (directed towards the eye). The focal length and diameter of the objective lens are respectively greater than the focal length and diameter of the eyepiece. The objective lens is fitted at one end of a long metal tube.

A metal tube of smaller diameter is fitted in this metal tube and the eyepiece is fitted at the outer end of the smaller tube. With the help of a screw it is possible to change the distance between the eyepiece and the objective lens by sliding the tube fitted with the eyepiece. The principal axes of the objective lens and the eyepiece are along the same line. A telescope is usually mounted on a stand.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 7

Working: When the objective lens is pointed towards the distant object to be observed, the rays of light from the distant object, which are almost parallel to each other, pass through the objective lens. The objective lens collects maximum amount of light as it is large in size. It forms a real, inverted and diminished image in the focal plane of the objective lens. Now, the position of the eyepiece is adjusted such that this image falls just within the focal length of the eyepiece and serves as the object for the eyepiece which works as a simple microscope.

The final image is highly magnified, virtual, on the same side as that of the object and inverted with respect to the original object. The final image can be observed by keeping the eye close to the eyepiece. If the image formed by the objective lens lies in the focal plane of the eyepiece, the final image is formed at infinity.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 6.
Distinguish between the following:
a. Farsightedness (Hypermetropia) and Nearsightedness (Myopia).

  1. In hypermetropia, a human eye can see distant distinctly but is unable to see nearby objects clearly.
  2. In this case, the image of a nearby object would be formed behind the retina.
  3. This defect can be corrected using a convex lens of appropriate power.


  1. In myopia, a human eye can see near objects distinctly, but is unable to see distant objects clearly.
  2. In this case, the image of a distant object is formed in front of the retina.
  3. This defect can be corrected using a concave lens of appropriate power.

b. Concave lens and Convex lens.
Concave lens:

  1. A concave lens has its surfaces curved inwards.
  2. It is thicker at the edges than in the middle.
  3. It can form only a virtual image.
  4. It can form only a diminished image.

Convex lens:

  1. A convex lens has its surfaces puffed up outwards.
  2. It is thicker in the middle than at the edges.
  3. It can form a real image as well as a % virtual image.
  4. It can form a magnified, diminished or the same sized image (relative to the object) depending on the position of the object.

Question 7.
What is the function of the iris and the muscles connected to the lens in the human eye?
When the incident light is very bright, the muscles of the iris stretch to reduce the size of the pupil. When the incident light is dim, the muscles of the iris relax to increase the size of the pupil. Thus, the iris controls the size of the pupil and thereby regulates the amount of light entering the eye. (Fig. 7.26)

When a distant object is to be observed, the ciliary muscles relax so that the eye lens becomes flat. This increases the focal length of the lens. Therefore, a sharp image of the distant object is formed on the retina.
Thus, we can see a distant object clearly. (Fig. 7.27)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 8
when an object closer to the eye is to be observed. the ciliary muscles contract increasing the curvature. of the eye lens. The eye lens, therefore, becomes rounded. This decreases the focal length of the lens. Therefore, a sharp image of the nearby object is formed on the retina. Thus, we can see a nearby object clearly. (Fig. 7.27)
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Question 8.
Solve the following examples:
i. Doctor has prescribed a lens having I power + 1.5 D. What will be the focal length of the lens? What is the type of the lens and what must be the defect of vision?
Data: P = + 1.5 D, f = ?
Focal length of the lens, f = \(\frac{1}{P}=\frac{1}{1.5 \mathrm{D}}\)
= \(\frac{10}{15}\) m = 0.6667 m = 0.67 m
P is positive. This shows that the lens is convex. The defect of vision is farsightedness (hypermetropia).

ii. 5 cm high object is placed at a distance of 25 cm from a converging lens of focal length of 10 cm. Determine the position, size and type of the image.
Data: Converging lens, f = 10 cm
u = – 25 cm, h1 = 5 cm, v = ?, h2 = ?
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The height of the image = -3.3 cm (inverted image ∴ minus sign).
(iii) The image is real, inverted and smaller than the object.

iii. Three lenses having powers 2, 2.5 and 1.7 D are kept touching in a row. What is the total power of the lens combination?
Data: P1 = 2 D, P2 = 2.5 D, P3 = 1.7 D, P = ?
Total power of the lens combination,
P = P1 +P2 + P3
= 2 D + 2.5 D + 1.7 D
= 6.2 D.

iv. An object kept 60 cm from a lens gives a virtual image 20 cm in front of the lens. What is the focal length of the lens? Is it a converging lens or diverging lens?
Data: u = -60 cm, v = -20 cm, f = ?
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∴ The focal length of the lens, f = – 30 cm. As f is negative, it is a diverging lens.


Question 1.
Make a Powerpoint presentation about the construction and use of binoculars. (Do it your self)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Can you recall? (Text Book Page No. 80)

Question 1.
Indicate the following terms related to spherical mirrors in figure 7.1: pole, centre of curvature, radius of curvature, principal focus.
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 14

Question 2.
How are concave and convex mirrors constructed?
The given part of a hollow spherical glass can be converted into a concave mirror by (i) polishing (silvering) its inner side (inner surface or concave surface) to make it reflecting or (ii) coating its outer side with a thin layer of silver and painting it with red colour to protect the silver coating.
[Note: Case (i) corresponds to the front surface silvered concave mirror.]

The given part of a hollow spherical glass can be converted into a convex mirror by (i) polishing (silvering) its outer side (outer surface or convex surface) to make it reflecting or (ii) coating its inner side with a thin layer of silver and painting it with red colour to protect the silver coating.
[Note: Case (i) corresponds to the front surface silvered convex mirror. ]

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 85)

Question 1.
From equations (1) and (2) what is the relation between h1, h2, u and v?
M = \(\frac{h_{2}}{h_{1}}\) …….(1)
Also, M = \(\frac{v(\text { image distance })}{u \text { (object distance) }}\)……(2)
\(\frac{h_{2}}{h_{1}}\) = \(\frac{v}{u}\)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Try this (Text Book Page No. 88)

(1) Try to read a book keeping it very far from your eyes.
(2) Try to read a book keeping it very close to your eyes.
(3) Try to read a book keeping it at a distance of 25 cm from your eyes.
At which time do you see the alphabets clearly? Why?
Minimum distance of distinct vision: Though the focal length of the eye lens is adjustable, it cannot be decreased below a certain limit. Hence, if an object is very close to the eye, it cannot be seen clearly. For a normal human eye, the minimum distance from the eye at which an object is clearly visible without stress on the eye, is called the minimum distance of distinct vision. For the normal human eye, it is 25 cm.

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 89)

(1) Why do we have to bring a small object near the eyes in order to see it clearly?
(2) If we bring an object closer than 25 cm from the eyes, when can we not see it clearly even though it subtends a bigger angle at the eye?
(1) when a small object is brought near the eyes, its apparent size increases. Therefore, it is
seen clearly.

(2) Minimum distance of distinct vision: Though the focal length of the eye lens is adjustable, it cannot be decreased below a certain limit. Hence, if an object is very close to the eye, it cannot be seen clearly. For a normal human eye, the minimum distance from the eye at which an object is clearly visible without stress on the eye, is called the minimum distance of distinct vision. For the normal human eye, it is 25 cm.

Try this (Text Book Page No. 91)

Question 1.
Take a burning incense stick in your hand and rotate it fast along a circle.
A circle of red light is seen.

Question 2.
Draw a cage on one side of a cardboard and a bird on the other side. Hang the cardboard with the help of a thread. Twist the thread and leave It. What do you see and why?
The bird appears to be inside the cage. This happens due to persistence of vision.
Persistence of vision: We see an object when its image is formed on the retina. The image disappears when the object is removed from our sight. But this is not instantaneous and the image remains imprinted on the retina for about \(\frac{1}{16}\) th of a second after the removal of the object. The sensation on the retina persists for a while. This effect is known as the persistence of vision.

It is due to persistence of vision that we continue to see the object in its position for about \(\frac{1}{16}\) th of a second after it is removed.
Example: When a burning stick of incense is moved fast in a circle, a circle of red light is seen.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Can you tell? (Text Book Page No. 91)

Question 1.
How do we perceive different colours?
(1) In nature we field objects of various colours. Perception of colour means to be able to respond to colour.
(2) We can distinguish between various colours due to perception of colour.
(3) The cone-shaped cells on the retina of the eye respond to the various colours when light is bright and communicate to the brain about the colours of the image formed on the retina. This gives us the proper idea about the colours of the object.
(4) If, in the retina of a person, the cone-shaped cells responding to certain specific colours are absent, the person is unable to distinguish between the colours. As a result, he lacks perception of colour.

Fill in the blanks and rewrite the statements:

Question 1.
The focal length of a………..lens is positive.
The focal length of a convex lens is positive.

Question 2.
The focal length of a………..lens is negative.
The focal length of a concave lens is negative.

Question 3.
The magnification produced by a………..lens is always positive.
The magnification produced by a concave lens is always positive.

Question 4.
The power of a………..lens is positive.
The power of a convex lens is positive.

Question 5.
The power of a………..lens is negative.
The power of a concave lens is negative.

Question 6.
The focal length of a lens with power 2.5 D is………..
The focal length of a lens with power 2.5 D is 40 cm (0.4 m).

Question 7.
The power of a lens with focal length 20 cm is………..
The power of a lens with focal length 20 cm is 5D.

Question 8.
The minimum distance of distinct vision for a normal human eye is………..
The minimum distance of distinct vision for a normal human eye is 25 cm.

Question 9.
If two lenses with focal lengths 10 cm and 20 cm respectively are kept in contact with each other, the effective power of the combination is………..
If two lenses with focal lengths 10 cm and 20 cm respectively are kept in contact with each other, the effective power of the combination is 15 D.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 10.
A………..lens is used as a simple microscope.
A convex lens is used as a simple microscope.

Rewrite the following statements by selecting the correct options:

Question 1.
Inside water, an air bubble behaves………..
(a) like a flat plate
(b) like a concave lens
(c) like a convex lens
(d) like a concave mirror
Inside water, an air bubble behaves like a concave lens.

Question 2.
…………represents the lens formula.
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(b) \(\frac{1}{v}-\frac{1}{u}=\frac{1}{f}\) represents the lens formula.

Question 3.
The power of a convex lens of focal length 25 cm is………..
(a) +4.0 D
(b) 0.25 D
(c) -4.0 D
(d) -0.4D
The power of a convex lens of focal length 25 cm is +4.0 D

Question 4.
A lens does not produce any deviation of a ray of light passing through………..
(a) it’s centre of curvature
(b) it’s optical centre
(c) it’s principal focus
(d) an axial point at a distance 2F from its centre
A lens does not produce any deviation of a ray of light passing through its optical centre.

Question 5.
The image formed by a concave lens is always………..
(a) virtual and erect
(b) real and erect
(c) virtual and inverted
(d) real and inverted
The image formed by a concave lens is always virtual and erect.

Question 6.
A convex lens forms a virtual image of an object placed………..
(a) at infinity
(b) at a distance 2F from the lens
(c) at a distance F from the lens
(d) between the principal focus and the optical centre of the lens.
A convex lens forms a virtual image of an object placed between the principal focus and the optical centre of the lens.

Question 7.
When an object is placed at 2F1 of a convex lens, its image is formed………..
(a) at F1
(b) at 2F2
(c) beyond 2F2
(d) on the same side as the object
When an object is placed at 2F1 of a convex lens, its image is formed at 2F2

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 8.
To obtain an image of the same size as that of an object with the help of a convex lens, the object should be placed………..
(a) at infinity
(b) beyond F1
(c) between F1 and 2F1
(d) at 2F1
To obtain an image of the same size as that of an object with the help of a convex lens, the object should be placed at 2F1

Question 9.
When an object is placed between O and F1 in front of a convex lens, the image formed is ………..
(a) enlarged and erect
(b) diminished and erect
(c) real and enlarged
(d) diminished and inverted
When an object is placed between O and F1 in front of a convex lens, the image formed is enlarged and erect.

Question 10.
When an object is placed at any finite distance from a concave lens, the image is formed ………..
(a) between F1 and 2F1
(b) beyond 2F1
(c) at F1
(d) between F1 and O on the same side as the object.
When an object is placed at any finite distance from a concave lens, the image is formed between F1 and O on the same side as the object.

Question 11.
A student obtained a clear image of window grills on the screen. But the teacher told him to get the image of a tree far away, instead of the window. To get a clear image, the lens must be ……….. (Practice Activity Sheet – 2)
(a) moved towards the screen
(b) moved away from the screen
(c) moved behind the screen
(d) moved far away from the screen
A student obtained a clear image of window grills on the screen. But the teacher told him to get the image of a tree far away, instead of the window. To get a clear image, the lens must be moved towards the screen.

Question 12.
The image obtained while finding the focal length of a convex lens is ……….. (Practice Activity Sheet – 3)
(a) real and erect
(b) virtual and erect
(c) real and inverted
(d) virtual and inverted
The image obtained while finding the focal length of a convex lens is real and inverted.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 13.
Yash found out f1 and f2 of a symmetric convex lens experimentally. Then which of the following conclusions is true? (Practice Activity Sheet – 4)
(a) f1 = f2
(b) f1 > f2
(c) f1 < f2
(d) f1 ≠ f2
(a) f1 = f2

State whether the following statements are true or false: (If a statement is false, correct it and rewrite it.)

Group (A)

Question 1.
Power of a lens, P = \(\frac{1}{f}\).

Question 2.
If the power of a lens is 2 D, its focal length = 0.5 m.

Question 3.
A concave lens is a converging lens. (March 2019)
False. (A concave lens is a diverging lens.)

Question 4.
A convex lens is a diverging lens.
False. (A convex lens is a converging lens.)

Question 5.
A concave lens always forms a virtual image.

Question 6.
A convex lens always forms a virtual image.
False. (A convex lens forms a real image or a virtual image depending on the object distance.)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 7.
Due to the light sensitive cells in the eye, we get information about the brightness or dimness of the object and the colour of the object.

Question 8.
The focal length of a concave lens is negative.

Question 9.
The magnification produced by a concave lens is positive or negative depending on the object distance.
False. (The magnification produced by a concave lens is always positive.)

Question 10.
The magnification produced by a convex lens is positive or negative depending on the object distance.

Question 11.
A concave lens is used as a magnifying glass.
False. (A convex lens is used as a magnifying glass.)

Question 12.
A convex lens is used as a simple microscope.

Question 13.
A concave lens is used to correct myopia.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 14.
A convex lens is used to correct hypermetropia.

Group (B)

Question 1.
When red light falls on the eyes, the cells responding to red light get excited more than those responding to other colours and we get the sensation of red colour.

Question 2.
When an object is placed in front of a concave lens, its image is obtained on the opposite side of the object.
False. (When an object is kept in front of a concave lens, its image is obtained on the same side of the lens as the object.)

Question 3.
The image formed by a concave lens is always virtual.

Question 4.
The principal focus of a convex lens is virtual.
False. (The principal focus of a convex lens is real.)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 5.
An object of height 2 cm forms an image of height 3 cm when placed in front of a concave lens.
False. (An object of height 2 cm forms an image of height less than 2 cm when placed in front of a concave lens.)

Question 6.
Absence of rod like cells results in colour blindness.
False. (Absence of conical cells results in colour-blindness.)

Question 7.
Nearsightedness can be corrected using spectacles having convex lenses.
False. (Nearsightedness can be corrected using spectacles having concave lenses.)

Question 8.
Farsightedness can be corrected using spectacles having convex lenses of suitable focal length.

Question 9.
As one grows old, ciliary muscles become weak.

Question 10.
In a simple microscope, the object is placed within the focal length of the convex lens.

Question 11.
A compound microscope forms an erect and real image of a small object.
False. (A compound microscope forms an inverted and virtual image of a small object.)

Question 12.
In a compound microscope, a real image acts as an object for the eyepiece.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 13.
In television, we see a continuous picture due to persistence of vision.

Question 14.
The conical cells can respond differently to red, green and blue colours.

Question 15.
The rod like cells respond to colours and communicate the presence of colours in the retinal image of the brain.
False. (The rod like cells respond to the intensity of light and communicate the degree of brightness and darkness, to the brain.)

Question 16.
The conical cells respond to the intensity of light and communicate the degree of brightness and darkness to the brain.
False. (The conical cells respond to colours and communicate the presence of colours in the retinal image to the brain.)

Question 17.
Generally, using the same objective lens, but different eyepieces, different magnification can be obtained.

Find the odd one out and give the reason:

Question 1.
Simple microscope, Compound microscope, Telescope, Myopia.
Myopia. It is a defect of vision; others are instruments.

Question 2.
Myopia, Presbyopia, Hypermetropia, Spectrometer.
Spectrometer. It is an instrument; others are defects of vision.

Question 3.
Presbyopia, Retina, Nearsightedness, Farsightedness.
Retina. It is a part of the eye; others are defects of vision.

Question 4.
Compound microscope, Kaleidoscope, Simple microscope, Astronomical telescope.
Kaleidoscope. Others are optical instruments.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 5.
TV, Motion picture, Complete circle formed by a revolving burning incense stick, Colour blindness.
Colour-blindness. Others are examples of persistence of vision.

Question 6.
Planets, Stars, Satellites, Rainbow.
Rainbow. Others are celestial bodies.

Considering the correlation between the words of the first pair, pair the third word accordingly with proper answer:

Question 1.
Nearsightedness: Elongated eyeball :: Farsightedness:………
Flattened eyeball

Question 2.
Convex lens : Converging :: Concave lens :………..

Question 3.
Object at 2F1 of a convex lens : Image at 2F2 :: Object at F1 :………..
Image on the opposite side at infinity

Question 4.
Magnification positive : Erect image :: Magnification negative :………..
Inverted image

Question 5.
Convex lens : Positive power of the lens :: Concave lens:
Negative power of the lens.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 6.
\(\frac{1}{f(\text { in metre })}\) : Power of the lens (in dioptre) :: \(\frac{\text { Image distance }}{\text { Object distance }}\)

Question 7.
Focal length : Metre :: Power of a lens :………..

Question 8.
Iris : Pupil :: Ciliary muscles :……….
Eye lens

Question 9.
Nearsightedness : Concave lens :: Farsightedness :………..
Convex lens

Question 10.
Nearsightedness : Image in front of the retina :: Farsightedness :………..
Image behind the retina

Question 11.
Observation of stars and planets : Telescope :: Repairing a watch :……….
Simple microscope

Question 12.
Cinema : Persistence of vision :: Rainbow :………
Refraction, dispersion and internal reflection of light.

Match the following:

Question 1.

Column A Column B
(1) Conical cells (a) Intensity of light
(2) Rod like cells (b) Colour of an image
(3) Pupil (c) Iris
(4) Cornea (d) Aperture
(e) Transparent

(1) Conical cells – Colour of an image
(2) Rod like cells – Intensity of light
(3) Pupil – Aperture
(4) Cornea – Transparent.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 2.

Column A Column B
(1) Magnification (a) \(\frac{1}{f}\)
(2) Power of a lens (b) \(\frac{h_{2}}{h_{1}}\)
(3) Focal length (c) f
(4) Distance of an object from a lens (d) u
(e) \(\frac{h_{1}}{h_{2}}\)

(1) Magnification: \(\frac{h_{2}}{h_{1}}\)
(2) Power of a lens: \(\frac{1}{f}\)
(3) Focal length: f
(4) Distance of an object from a lens: u.

Question 3.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 16
(1) Lens: \(\frac{1}{f}: \frac{1}{v}-\frac{1}{u}\)
(2) Magnification: \(\frac{h_{2}}{h_{1}}\)
(3) Refractive index: \(\frac{\sin i}{\sin r}\)

Question 4.

Column A Column B
(Convex lens) (a) Image virtual, erect and enlarged
(1) Object at 2F1 (b) Image real, inverted and of the same size
(2) Object between F1 and 2F1 (c) Image real, inverted and highly diminished
(3) Object between O and F1 (d) Image real, inverted and highly enlarged
(4) Object at infinity (e) Image real, inverted and enlarged

(1) Object at 2F1 – Image real, inverted and of the same size
(2) Object between F1 and 2F1 – Image real, inverted and enlarged
(3) Object between O and F1 – Image virtual, erect and enlarged
(4) Object at infinity – Image real, inverted and highly diminished

Question 5.

Column A Column B
(1) Nearsightedness (a) Ciliary muscles become weak
(2) Farsightedness (b) Image in front of the retina
(3) Presbyopia (c) Colour-blindness
(d) Image behind the retina

(1) Nearsightedness – Image in front of the retina
(2) Farsightedness – Image behind the retina
(3) Presbyopia – Ciliary muscles become weak

Question 6.

Column A Column B
(1) Convex lens (a) To see small objects clearly
(2) Astronomical telescope (b) To observe minute objects
(3) Compound microscope (c) To observe astronomical objects such as stars, planets, etc.
(4) Simple microscope (d) Presbyopia
(e) Power of a lens

(1) Convex lens – Presbyopia
(2) Astronomical telescope – To observe astronomical objects such as stars, planets, etc.
(3) Compound microscope – To observe minute objects
(4) Simple microscope – To see small objects clearly.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 7.

Column A Column B
(1) Persistence of vision (a) Lenses and mirrors are used
(2) Reflecting telescope (b) To see objects far away from us
(3) Telescope (c) Motion picture
(4) Compound microscope (d) To observe blood
(e) Convex lens

(1) Persistence of vision – Motion picture
(2) Reflecting telescope – Lenses and mirrors are used
(3) Telescope – To see objects far away from us
(4) Compound microscope – To observe blood corpuscles.

Name the following:

Question 1.
Name the lens which forms a real image or a virtual image depending on the position of the object.
A convex lens.

Question 2.
Name the lens which produces magnification always less than 1.
A concave lens.

Question 3.
Name the lens which always forms an image virtual and smaller than the object.
A concave lens.

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Question 4.
Name the lens used to obtain the image on a screen.
A convex lens.

Question 5.
Name the lens for which the image always lies between the object and the lens.
A concave lens.

Question 6.
Name the instrument used to observe bacteria.
A compound microscope.

Question 7.
Name the instrument used to observe planets.
An astronomical telescope.

Answer the following questions in one sentence each:

Question 1.
An object is placed at 60 cm from a convex lens of focal length 20 cm. State the nature and size of the image relative to that of the object.
The image is real, inverted and smaller than the object.

Question 2.
If an object is placed at 50 cm from a convex lens of focal length 25 cm, what will be the image distance?
The image distance will be.50 cm.

Question 3.
An object is placed at 40 cm from a convex lens of focal length 20 cm. State the nature and the size of the image relative to that of the object.
The image is real, inverted and of the same size as that or the object.

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Question 4.
An object is placed at 30 cm from a convex lens of focal length 20 cm. State the nature and the size of the image relative to that of the object.
The image is real, inverted and larger than the object.

Question 5.
An object is placed at 15 cm from a convex lens of focal length 25 cm. State the nature and size of the image relative to that of the object.
The image is virtual, erect and larger than the object.

Question 6.
State the type of lens that can be used to burn paper in sunlight at noon.
A convex lens can be used to burn paper in sunlight at noon.

Question 7.
State the type of lens used to correct myopia.
A concave lens is used to correct myopia.

Question 8.
State the type of lens used to correct hypermetropia.
A convex lens is used to correct hypermetropia.

Question 9.
If two lenses with focal lengths 10 cm and – 20 cm respectively are kept in contact with each other, what will be the effective power of the combination of the lenses?
The effective power of the combination of the lenses will be + 5 D.

Question 10.
If two lenses with focal lengths – 10 cm and 40 cm respectively are kept in contact with each other, what can you say about the behaviour of the combination of the lenses?
The combination of the lenses will behave as a concave lens.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What is a lens?
A lens is a transparent material bound by two surfaces, out of which at least one surface is spherical.
[Note: A lens is normally made of glass or plastic.]

Question 2.
In which instruments have you seen a lens?
We have seen a lens in a microscope and a telescope.

Question 3.
How is a lens different from a mirror?
A mirror has one reflecting surface. By reflection of light, it forms an image of the object placed in front of it. A mirror is not transparent. A lens has two surfaces that form an image by refraction of light. A lens is transparent.

Question 4.
Make a list of optical devices you know.
Microscope, telescope, binoculars, camera, projector.

Question 5.
Do you know which is the natural optical device?
Yes. The eye is the natural optical device.

Question 6.
What is a convex lens?
A lens having both spherical surfaces puffed up outwards is called a convex lens or double convex lens or biconvex lens. It is thicker in the middle than at the edges.
[Note: A convex lens is also called a converging lens.]

Question 7.
What is a concave lens?
A lens having both spherical surfaces curved inwards is called a concave lens or double concave lens or biconcave lens. It is thicker at the edges than in the middle.
[Note: A concave lens is also called a diverging lens.]

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Question 8.
Draw neat labelled diagrams: Types of lenses.
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[Note: Positive meniscus behaves as a convex lens as it is thicker in the middle than at the edges. Negative meniscus behaves as a concave lens as it is thicker at the edges than in the middle.]

Question 9.
In general, when a ray of light passes through a lens, there occurs a change in its direction of propagation. Why?
The working of a lens is similar to that of a triangular prism. When a ray of light passes through a lens, it is refracted twice: When entering the lens and when emerging from the lens. There is a change 5 in its direction of propagation every time and as both the changes occur in the same sense, the direction of propagation of the emergent ray is different from that of the incident ray.

Question 10.
State the rules used for drawing ray diagrams for the formation of an image by a convex lens.
Rules used for drawing ray diagrams for the formation of an image by a convex lens:
(1) When the incident ray is parallel to the principal axis, the refracted ray passes through the principal focus.
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(2) When the incident ray passes through the principal focus, the refracted ray is parallel to the principal axis.
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(3) When the incident ray passes through the optical centre of the lens, it passes without changing its direction.
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Question 11.
In the case of a convex lens, show the path of the refracted ray when the incident ray of light (1) is parallel to the principal axis of the lens (2) passes through the focus of the lens (3) passes through the optical centre of the lens.
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Question 12.
Draw neat and well labelled ray diagrams for image formation by convex lens when an object is (1) at infinity (2) beyond 2F1 (3) at 2F1 (4) between F1 and 2F1 (5) at focus F1 (6) between focus F1 and optical centre O. Also, in each case, state the position, nature and size of the image relative to that of the object.
(1) Object at infinity:
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In this case, the image is formed at focus F2 of the convex lens. It is real, inverted and highly diminished (point-sized).

(2) Object beyond 2F1:
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In this case, the image is formed between F2 and 2F2. It is real, inverted and diminished.

(3) Object at 2F1:
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In this case, the image is formed at 2F2. It is real, inverted and of the same size as that of the object.

(4) Object between F1 and 2F1:
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In this case, the image is formed beyond 2F2. It is real, inverted and magnified (enlarged).

(5) Object at focus F1:
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In this case, the image is formed at infinity. It is real, inverted and infinitely large (highly magnified).

(6) Object between focus F1 and optical centre O:
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In this case, the image is formed on the same side of the lens as the object. It is virtual, erect and larger than the object.
[Note: Here, the image is virtual. Hence, it is shown by a dotted line.]

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Question 13.
Observe the following figure and complete the table: (March 2019)
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Point Answer
(i) Position of the object Between F1 and O
(ii) Position of the image On the same side of the lens as the object
(iii) Size of the image Very large
(iv) Nature of the image Virtual and erect

Question 14.
At which position will you keep an object in front of a convex lens to get a real image smaller than the object? Draw a figure.
The object should be placed beyond 2F1.
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Question 15.
State the rules used for drawing ray diagrams for the formation of an image by a concave lens.

  1. When the incident ray is parallel to the principal axis, the refracted ray, when extended backwards, passes through the principal focus.
  2. When the incident ray is directed towards the principal focus F2, the refracted ray is parallel to the principal axis.
  3. When the incident ray passes through the optical centre of the lens, it passes without changing its direction.

Question 16.
State the characteristics of an image formed by a concave lens.
The image formed by a concave lens is always virtual, erect and smaller than the object. It is on the same side of the lens as the object. Generally, it is formed between the optical centre of the lens and the principal focus F1. If the object is at infinity, the image is a point image formed at F1.

Question 17.
In the case of image formation by a concave lens, what can you say about the position, nature and size of the image relative to the size of the object?
Image formation by a concave lens :
(1) If the object is at infinity, the image is formed at the focus of the lens, on the same side of the lens as the object. It is virtual, erect and much smaller than the object (point image).

(2) If the object is at any finite distance from the lens, the image is formed on the same side of the lens as the object and between the focus and the optical centre of the lens. It is virtual, erect and smaller than the object. The image distance is less than the object distance.

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Question 18.
Draw a ray diagram to show image formation by a concave lens.
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PQ : Object
P’Q’ : Image (virtual, therefore shown by a dotted line),
O : Optical centre,
F1 : Principal focus,
f : Focal length of the lens
[Note: If in a Board examination, incomplete diagram (as shown below) is given, students should complete it and label its parts as shown in Figure.]
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Question 19.
State the Cartesian sign convention for refraction of light (image formation) by a lens.
Cartesian sign convention for refraction of light (image formation) by a lens:
In this case, the optical centre (O) of the lens is taken as the origin and the principal axis of the lens is taken as X-axis of the coordinate system.

(1) The object is always placed at the left of the lens.
All distances parallel to the principal axis are measured from the optical centre of the lens.
(2) All distances measured to the right of the origin are taken as positive while distances measured to the left of the origin are taken as negative.
(3) Distances measured perpendicular to and above the principal axis are taken as positive.
(4) Distances measured perpendicular to and below the principal axis are taken as negative.
(5) The focal length of a convex lens is positive and that of a concave lens is negative. (Fig. 7.21)
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Question 20.
(i) What is a lens formula? (ii) State it.
(i) The relationship between the object distance (u), image distance (v) and focal length (J) of a lens is called the lens formula.
(ii) It is \(\frac{1}{v}-\frac{1}{u}=\frac{1}{f}\)
[Note: The lens formula holds good for all values of u and v and is applicable to a convex lens as well as a concave lens. The sign convention for u, v and f must tie used in solving numerical examples.]

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 21.
What is meant by the magnification produced by a lens? State the formulae for it.
The magnification (M) produced by a lens is the ratio of the height of the image (h2) to the height of the object (h1).
M = \(\frac{h_{2}}{h_{1}}\)……….(1)
Also M = \(\frac{v(\text { image distance })}{u \text { (object distance) }}\)……………(2)

Question 22.
When is the magnification produced by a lens (1) positive (2) negative?
The magnification produced by a lens is
(1) Positive when the image is virtual (as it is erect)
(2) Negative when the image is real (as it is inverted).

Question 23.
Express the magnification produced by a lens in terms of the focal length of the lens and (1) the object distance (2) the image distance.
Magnification (M) produced by a lens
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where f is the focal length of the lens:
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(2) From eq. (2), we have
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Question 24.
An object is kept in front of a lens of focal length + 10 cm. Describe the nature of the image in the following cases: (1) The object” distance is 25 cm. (2) The object distance is 5 cm.
Since, the focal length of the lens ( +10 cm) is positive, it is a convex lens.
(1) If an object is kept at 25 cm from the lens, the image will be real, inverted and smaller than the object.
(2) If an object is kept at 5 cm from the lens, the image will be virtual, erect and larger than the object.

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Question 25.
Anu and Anand have concave and convex lenses respectively. They took lenses in sunlight and tried to burn two pieces of paper of equal areas and temperature. State which lens will burn the paper. Give the reason. Explain with the help of a diagram, why the other paper did not burn.
(1) The convex lens will burn the paper. See Fig. 7.22 for reference. The ray of sunlight will converge at the principal focus of the lens. Hence, if the paper is held at the focus, it will burn due to concentration of heat energy.
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(2) The paper held in front of the concave lens, will not burn. For reference, see Fig. 7.23. The concave lens will diverge the rays of sunlight falling on it. Hence, the paper will not burn.
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Question 26.
To obtain a magnified real image of a small film strip, which type of lens is used? Where is the film strip placed to obtain the image on the screen?
To obtain a magnified real image of a small film strip, a convex lens is used. The film strip is placed between F1 and 2F1 and the screen is placed on the other side of the lens.

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Question 27.
When an object of height 2 cm is placed in front of a convex lens, the height of the image is found to be 3 cm. State the nature and position of the image giving reason.
When an object is placed between the optical centre and the principal focus of a convex lens, the image formed by the lens is virtual and larger than the object. When an object is placed between F1 and 2F1 the image formed by the lens is real and larger than the object.

In the above case, if the image is virtual, it will be erect and on the same side of the lens as that of the object. If the image is real, it will be inverted and beyond 2F2 on the other side of the lens with respect to the object.

Question 28.
You are given a lens which gives a virtual, erect and enlarged image. What type of lens is it?
Since the lens gives a virtual, erect and enlarged image, it must be a convex lens.

Question 29.
When an object of height 3 cm is placed in front of a concave lens, the height of the image is found to be 6 cm. State, giving the reason, whether the given statement is true or false.
When an object is placed in front of a concave lens, the image formed by the lens is always smaller than the object. In the statement given in the question, the height of the image is reported as greater than that of the object. Hence, the statement given in the question is false.

Question 30.
State two uses of a concave lens.

  1. A concave lens is used to correct myopia (nearsightedness).
  2. In some optical instruments, a combination of a concave lens and a convex lens is used.

Question 31.
State two uses of a convex lens.
A convex lens is used (1) to read words in small print (2) to correct hypermetropia (Far-sightedness).

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Question 32.
An object is kept in front of a lens of j focal length – 20 cm. Describe the nature of the image when the object distance is 25 cm.
Since the focal length of the lens (- 20 cm) is negative, it is a concave lens.
If an object is kept at 25 cm from the lens, the image will be virtual, erect and smaller than the object.
[Note: The nature of the image is independent of the object distance as it is a concave lens.]

Question 33.
An object is placed in front of a convex lens of focal length 20 cm. If the object distance is changed from 60 cm to 40 cm, what can you say about the size of the image relative to that of the object?
In this case, the focal length (f) of the lens is 20 cm.
∴ 2f = 40 cm.
When the object distance is 60 cm (which is greater than 2f), the image will be smaller than the object. When the object distance becomes 40 cm (which is equal to 2f), the image will be of the same size as that of the object.

Question 34.
What is the power of a lens?
The capacity of a lens to converge or diverge incident rays is called its power. The power (P) of a lens is the inverse of the focal length (f) of the lens.
P = \(\frac{1}{f}\)

Question 35.
What is the unit of power of a lens? Define it.
The unit of power of a lens is the dioptre (D).
One dioptre is the power of a lens whose focal length is one metre.
1 dioptre (D) = \(\frac{1}{1 \text { metre }(\mathrm{m})}\)
[Note: The dioptre, the SI unit of power of a lens, is denoted by D.]

Question 36.
What is the sign of the power of (i) a convex lens (ii) a concave lens?
The power of a convex lens is positive while that of a concave lens is negative.

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Question 37.
If there is an increase or decrease in the focal length of a lens, what will be the effect on the power of the lens?
The power of a lens is the inverse of its focal length. Hence, if there is an increase in the focal length of a lens, the power of the lens will decrease accordingly. Similarly, if there is a decrease in the focal length of a lens, the power of the lens will increase accordingly.

Question 38.
If two lenses of focal lengths f1 and f2 are kept in contact with each other, state the formula for the focal length of the combination. If P1 and P2 are the powers of these lenses, state the formula for the power of the combination.
If two lenses of focal lengths f1 and f2 are kept in contact with each other, the focal length (f) of the combination is given by \(\frac{1}{f}=\frac{1}{f_{1}}+\frac{1}{f_{2}}\)
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[Two lenses kept in contact with each other]
If P1 and P2 are the powers of these lenses, the power (P) of the combination is given by P = P1 + P2.
[Note: The figures are given only for reference.]

Question 39.
Draw a neat labelled diagram to show the structure of the human eye.
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Question 40.
What is cornea?
The cornea is a thin and transparent cover (membrane) on the human eye through which light enters the eye. Maximum refraction of light rays entering the eye occurs at the cornea.

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Question 41.
What is iris?
The iris is a dark fleshy screen (muscular diaphragm) behind the cornea in the human eye. Its colours are different for different people.

Question 42.
What is pupil?
The pupil is a small circular opening of changing diameter at the centre of the iris in the human eye.

Question 43.
What is the use of the pupil in the human eye?
The pupil in the human eye is useful for controlling and regulating the amount of light entering the eye. The pupil contracts in the presence of too much light and dilates when light is insufficient, thus changing the amount of light entering the eye.

Question 44.
With reference to the functioning of the pupil in the human eye, what is adaptation?
The tendency of the pupil in the human eye to adjust the opening for light, depending on the intensity of incident light, to control and regulate the amount of light entering the eye is called adaptation.

Question 45.
What is the shape and the size of the human eyeball?
The human eyeball is approximately spherical in shape with a diameter of about 2.4 cm.

Question 46.
Name the part of the human eye that forms a transparent bulge on the surface of the eyeball.
The cornea forms a transparent bulge on the surface of the eyeball.

Question 47.
Which part of the human eye is located just behind the pupil?
A transparent biconvex crystalline lens is located just behind the pupil in the human eye.

Question 48.
What is retina?
The retina is a light sensitive screen consisting of a delicate membrane with a large number of light sensitive cells.

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Question 49.
What is the nature of the eye lens and what does the eye lens do?
The eye lens is a double convex transparent crystalline lens, just behind the pupil. The eye lens provides small adjustment of focal length to form a real and inverted sharp image on the retina.

Question 50.
What happens when light falls on the retina?
When light falls on the retina, light sensitive cells of the retina are activated. They generate electrical signals which are passed by optic nerves to the brain. The brain interprets the signals and processes the information such that we perceive the object as it is.

Question 51.
What are ciliary muscles?
The muscles which hold the eye lens in its position, and bring about changes in the shape (curvature) of the eye lens, and hence of focal length are known as ciliary muscles.

Question 52.
What is the focal length of the eye lens of a normal eye in relaxed position of eye muscles?
The focal length of the eye lens of a normal eye in relaxed position of eye muscles is about 2 cm.

Question 53.
Where does the second focal point of the eye lens of a normal eye in relaxed position of eye muscles lie?
The second focal point of the eye lens of a normal eye in relaxed position of eye muscles lies on the retina.

Question 54.
What is meant by power of accommodation of the eye?
The ability of the eye lens to adjust its focal length is called the power of accommodation of the eye.

Question 55.
Explain the term power of accommoda¬tion of the eye.
Write a short note on the power of accommodation of the eye.
Power of accommodation of the eye: The eye lens is held in its position by the ciliary muscles. When we look at a nearby object, the ciliary muscles compress the eye lens so that it becomes rounded. Hence, the focal length of the eye lens decreases. Therefore, the image is formed on the retina of the eye and hence the nearby object is seen clearly.

When we look at a distant object, the ciliary muscles relax so that the eye lens becomes flat. Hence, the focal length of the eye lens increases. Therefore, the image is formed on the retina of the eye and hence the distant object is seen clearly. This ability of the eye lens to adjust its focal length is called the power of accommodation of the eye.

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Question 56.
What is meant by accommodation? How is it brought about?
The process of focusing the eye on objects at different distances is called accommodation. It is brought about by changing the curvature of the f elastic eye lens making it thinner or thicker.

Question 57.
The human eye is very similar to a photographic camera. The figure given shows the main parts of a photographic camera. Now answer the following questions:
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(1) Name the parts of the human eye similar to the following parts of the photographic camera :
(a) Photographic film (b) Aperture.
(2) State one difference between the human eye lens and camera lens.
(3) Name the muscles which adjust the curvature of the eye lens.
(4) Which phenomenon of light is responsible for the working of the eye?
(1) (a) The retina in the human eye is similar to the photographic film in a camera.
(b) The pupil in the human eye is similar to the aperture in a camera.
(2) In a photographic camera, the focal length of the lens changes when the position of the lens is changed. In the human eye, the focal length of the eye lens is changed by the ciliary muscles and the distance of the image from the eye lens is fixed.
(3) The ciliary muscles adjust the curvature of the eye lens.
(4) The refraction of light is responsible for the working of the eye.

Question 58.
Have you seen a photographic camera in which a film is used? Compare the human eye with it. State similarities between them. State the points of difference between them.
Yes, we have seen a photographic camera in which a film is used.
Cameras, in general, have various shapes and sizes. Some cameras are much bigger than the human eye while some are smaller than the human eye. Here we shall consider a simple camera.

Similarities: In the case of a camera as well as the human eye, it is possible to control the amount of incoming light with the help of a diaphragm and an aperture. Both use a convex lens for focusing. The photographic film in a camera is coated with a photosensitive material. The retina in the eye consists of a large number of light sensitive cells. The photographic film in a camera is processed using chemicals and then prints (photographs) can be obtained using the appropriate paper.

In the human eye, the electrical signals generated by light sensitive cells are passed by optic nerves to the brain which interprets them.

Differences: Cameras come in a variety of sizes and shapes unlike the human eye. Unlike the human eye, a wide variation in exposure time is possible in the case of cameras. The human eye is sensitive in the visible region (red to violet) of the electromagnetic spectrum, while a much wider range of the electromagnetic spectrum can be covered with cameras designed for specific J purposes. In comparison with the human eye, a wider view and range can be covered by a camera.

In comparison with the human eye, a wider intensity (of light) range can be covered with a camera. The retina is indispensable in the human eye, while cameras without a photographic film have been designed with the help of photosensitive materials and are in current use.

[Note: With advances in technology, improved cameras are designed all the time, and the list of differences between the human eye and a camera in general would be practically endless.]

Question 59.
What is meant by the minimum distance of distinct vision?
The minimum distance from the normal eye, at which an object is clearly visible without stress on the eye is called the minimum distance of distinct vision.

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Question 60.
Explain the term minimum distance of distinct vision.
(OR) Write a short note on distance of distinct vision.
Minimum distance of distinct vision; Though the focal length of the eye lens is adjustable, it cannot be decreased below a certain limit. Hence, if an object is very close to the eye, it cannot be seen clearly. For a normal human eye, the minimum distance from the eye at which an object is clearly visible without stress on the eye, is called the minimum distance of distinct vision. For the normal human eye, it is 25 cm.

Question 61.
State four reasons related to problems of vision.
Problems of vision are related to (i) weakening of ciliary muscles (ii) change in the size of the eyeball (iii) irregularities on the surface of cornea (iv) formation of a membrane over the eye lens.

Question 62.
What is myopia or nearsightedness? What are the possible reasons of myopia? How is myopia corrected? Explain with diagrams.
Myopia or nearsightedness is the defect of vision in which a human eye can see nearby objects distinctly but is unable to see distant objects clearly as they appear indistinct.
In this case the image of a distant object is formed in front of the retina instead of on the retina. [Figs. 7.29 (a), 7.29 (b)]

Possible reasons of myopia: (1) The curvature of the cornea and the eye lens increases. The muscles near the lens cannot relax so that the converging power of the lens remains large. (2) The distance between the eye lens and the retina increases as the eyeball elongates.

Myopia is corrected using a suitable concave lens. Light rays are diverged by the concave lens before they strike the eye lens. A concave lens of proper focal length is chosen to produce the required divergence. Hence, after the converging action of the eye lens, the image is formed on the retina. [Fig. 7.29 (c)]
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Question 63.
Observe the following diagram and answer the questions.
(a) Which eye defect is shown in this diagram?
(b) What are the possible reasons for this eye defect?
(c) How is this defect corrected? Write it in brief.
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(a) Myopia or Nearsightedness

(b) Possible reasons for the defect:
(i) The curvature of the cornea and the eye lens increases. The muscles near the lens cannot relax so that the converging power of the lens remains large.
(ii) The eyeball elongates so that the distance between the lens and the retina increases.

(c) Correction of the defect: This defect can be corrected using spectacles with concave lenses.
A concave lens diverges the incident rays and these diverged rays can be converged by the lens in the eye to form an image on the retina.

Question 64.
What is the sign of the power of the lens used to correct myopia?
The power of the lens used to correct myopia is negative.
[Note: It is a concave lens. Negative focal length Negative power.]

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 65.
In a Std. X class, out of 40 students, 10 students use spectacles, 2 students have ( positive power and 8 students have negative power of lenses in their spectacles.
Answer the following questions:
(1) What does the negative power indicate?
(2) What does the positive power indicate?
(3) Generally which type of spectacles do most of the students use?
(4) What defect of eyesight do most of the students suffer from?
(5) Give two possible reasons for the above defect.
(1) The negative power indicates a concave lens or myopia.
(2) The positive power indicates a convex lens or hypermetropia.
(3) Generally, most of the students use spectacles with concave lenses.
(4) Most of the students suffer from myopia.
(5) Two possible reasons for myopia:

  1. The curvature of the cornea and the eye lens increases. The muscles near the lens cannot relax so that the converging power of the lens remains large.
  2. The distance between the eye lens and the retina increases as the eyeball elongates.

Question 66.
What is hypermetropia or farsightedness? What are the possible reasons of hypermetropia? How is hypermetropia corrected? Explain with figures.
Hypermetropia or farsightedness is the defect of vision in which a human eye can see distant objects clearly but is unable to see nearby objects clearly.
In this case the image of a nearby object would fall behind the retina instead of on the retina.
[Figs. 7.31 (a), 7.31 (b)]

Possible reasons of hypermetropia:
(1) Curvature of the cornea and the eye lens decreases. Hence, the converging power of the eye lens becomes less. (2) The distance between the eye lens and retina decreases (relative to the normal eye) and the focal length of the eye lens becomes very large due to the flattening of the eyeball.
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Hypermetropia is corrected using a suitable convex lens. Light rays are converged by the convex lens before they strike the eye lens. A convex lens of proper focal length is chosen to produce the required convergence. Hence, after the converging action of the eye lens, the image is formed on the retina. [Fig. 7.31 (c)]

Question 67.
What is the sign of the power of the lens used to correct hypermetropia?
The power of the lens used to correct hypermetropia is positive.
[Note: It is a convex lens. Positive focal length ∴ Positive power.]

Question 68.
Given below is a diagram showing a defect of human eye.
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Study it and answer the following questions:
(1) Name the defect shown in the figure. (Practice Activity Sheet – 3)
(2) Give two possible reasons for this defect of eye in human beings.
(3) Name the type of lens used to correct the eye defect.
(4) Draw a labelled diagram to show how the defect is rectified by using the lens.
A lens having both spherical surfaces puffed up outwards is called a convex lens or double convex lens or biconvex lens. It is thicker in the middle than at the edges.
[Note: A convex lens is also called a converging lens.]

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 69.
Observe the following figures and complete the table. (Practice Activity Sheet – 1)
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Question 70.
What is presbyopia? State the reason for this defect. How is presbyopia corrected?
Presbyopia is the defect of vision in which aged people find it difficult to see nearby objects comfortably and clearly without spectacles.

Reason of presbyopia: The power of accommodation of eye usually decreases with ageing. The muscles near the eye lens lose their ability to change the focal length of the lens.
Therefore, the near point of the eye lens shifts farther from the eye.

This defect is corrected using a convex lens of appropriate power. The lens converges light rays before they fall on the eye lens such that the action of the eye lens forms the image on the retina.

Question 71.
What is a bifocal lens?
A bifocal lens is a lens of which the upper part is a concave lens to correct myopia and the lower part is a convex lens to correct hypermetropia.

[Note: A person suffering from myopia as well as hypermetropia, uses a bifocal lens. Nowadays, the defects of vision such as myopia and hypermetropia can be corrected using contact lenses or by laser surgery.]

Question 72.
(A) Anil cannot see the blackboard writing clearly, but he can see nearby objects clearly.
(i) What is the eye defect he is suffering from?
(ii) How is it corrected?
(B) Anil’s uncle cannot see nearby objects clearly, but he can see distant objects clearly.
(i) What is the eye defect he is suffering from?
(ii) How is it corrected?
(A) Anil cannot see the blackboard writing clearly, but he can see nearby objects clearly.
(i) This defect is called myopia (nearsightedness).
(ii) It is corrected using spectacles having concave lenses of appropriate power.

(B) Anil’s uncle cannot see nearby objects clearly, but he can see distant objects clearly.
(i) This defect is called hypermetropia (farsightedness).
(ii) It is corrected using, spectacles having convex lenses of appropriate power.

Question 73.
When are bifocal lenses used in spectacles?
When a person cannot see nearby objects as well as distant objects clearly, bifocal lenses are used in spectacles.

Question 74.
Aniket from Std. X uses spectacles. The power of the lenses in his spectacles is -0.5 D. Answer the following questions:
(1) State the type of’ lenses used in his spectacles.
(2) Name the defect of vision Aniket is suffering from.
(3) Find the focal length of the lenses used in his spectacles.
(1) Concave lenses are used in the spectacles used by Aniket.
(2) Aniket is suffering from myopia (near-sightedness).
(3) Focal length of the lenses used in his spectacles
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= -2 m (Concave lens ∴ Minus sign)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 75.
Sunita from Std. X uses spectacles. Her spectacle number is -1.5 D. Answer the following questions:
(1) Name the defect of eye from which she is suffering.
(2) What type of lens is she using?
(3) Find the focal length of the lens.
(1) Myopia.
(2) Concave.
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(Concave lens ∴ minus sign)
This is the focal length of the lens.

Question 76.
Surabhi from Std. X uses spectacles. The power of the lenses in her spectacles is 0.5 D. Answer the following questions from the given information: (March 2019)
(i) Identify the type of lenses used in her spectacles.
(ii) Identify the defect of vision Surabhi is suffering from.
(iii) Find the focal length of the lenses used in her spectacles.
(i) Convex lenses are used in the spectacles used by Surabhi.
(ii) Surabhi is suffering from hypermetropia (farsightedness).
(iii) Focal length of the lenses used in her spectacles
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Question 77.
My grandfather uses a bifocal lens in his spectacles. Explain why.
In old age, people usually suffer from both myopia and hypermetropia. Therefore, they need spectacles having bifocal lenses.

The upper part of a bifocal lens is a concave lens to correct myopia. The lower part of a bifocal lens is a convex lens to correct hypermetropia.

Question 78.
State uses of concave lens.

  1. Concave lenses are used for proper working of medical equipment, scanner, CD player – the instruments that employ laser rays.
  2. One or more concave lenses are used in a small safety device, fitted in the peep hole in a door, due to which we can see a large area outside the door.
  3. Concave lenses are used in spectacles to correct nearsightedness (myopia).
  4. A concave lens is used to spread light emitted by the small bulb in a torch over a wide area.
  5. A concave lens is used in front of the eyepiece or inside the eyepiece fitted in a camera, telescope and microscope – the instruments employing convex lenses.

Question 79.
State uses of a convex lens.
Convex lenses are used in a simple microscope, compound microscope, refracting telescope, camera, projector, spectroscope, spectacles for correcting farsightedness (hypermetropia) and binoculars.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 80.
What is meant by the apparent size of an object? With a neat and labelled diagram, explain the relation between the apparent size of an object and the angle subtended by the object at the eye.
An object appears small or big depending upon the size of its image formed on the retina of the eye. The size of an object as perceived by the eye is called the apparent size of the object. Consider two objects of the same size, one held near the eye and the other away from the eye as shown in the following figure (Fig. 7.34). The nearby object (PQ) appears larger than the distant object (P1Q1).
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Also, the angle a subtended by the nearby object at the eye is larger than the angle β subtended by the distant object at the eye. This shows that the apparent size of an object depends upon the angle subtended by the object at the eye. The greater the angle subtended by the object at the eye, the greater is the apparent size of the object. Similarly, the smaller the angle subtended by the object at the eye, the smaller is the apparent size of the object.

Question 81.
With a neat labelled diagram, explain the working of a simple microscope. State uses of a simple microscope.
What does a simple microscope consist of? What is the order of magnification obtained by a simple microscope? What is a simple microscope used for?
A simple microscope consists of a convex lens of short focal length, usually fixed in a suitable frame with a handle or mounted on a stand.
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The object is placed in front of the convex lens of short focal length such that the object distance is less than the focal length. The image is virtual and larger than the object. It is formed on the same side of the lens as the object.

A maximum magnification of about 20 can be obtained by a simple microscope. A simple microscope is used by watch repairers to observe small parts of a watch and by jewellers to examine ornaments. A simple microscope (also called a magnifying glass) is also used to read words in small print.

Question 82.
With a neat labelled diagram, explain the construction and working of a compound microscope.
Construction of a compound microscope:
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(1) A compound microscope consists of a metal tube fitted with two convex lenses at the two ends. These lenses are called the objective lens (the lens directed towards the object) and the eyepiece (the lens directed towards the eye). Both the lenses are small in size, but the cross section of the objective lens is less than that of the eyepiece. The objective lens has a short focal length. The focal length of the eyepiece is more than that of the objective lens.

(2) The metal tube is mounted on a stand. The principal axes of the objective lens and the eyepiece are along the same line. The distance between the object and the objective lens can be changed with a screw. It is possible to change the distance between the objective lens and the eyepiece.

Working :
(1) The object to be observed is illuminated and placed in front of the objective lens, slightly beyond the focal length of the objective lens. Its real, inverted and enlarged image is formed by the objective lens on the other side.

(2) This intermediate image lies within the focal length of the eyepiece. It serves as an object for the eyepiece. The eyepiece works as a simple microscope. The final image is virtual, highly enlarged and inverted with respect to the original object. It can be formed at the minimum distance of distinct vision from the eyepiece. The final image is observed by keeping the eye close to the eyepiece.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 83.
State two uses of a compound microscope.
Uses of a compound microscope:

  1. It is used to observe blood corpuscles, plant and animals cells, microorganisms like bacteria, etc.
  2. It is used in a pathological laboratory to observe blood, urine, etc.
  3. It is a part of a travelling microscope used for measurement of very small distance.

Question 84.
What will happen if in a compound microscope, the objective lens is large in size and has a focal length?
If the objective lens of a compound microscope is large in size, in addition to the light coming from an object, other unwanted light will be incident on the objective lens. Hence, the image will not be seen clearly. If the objective lens has a large focal length, the magnification produced by it will be less.

Question 85.
(a) In which type of microscope do you find the lens arrangement as shown in the following diagram? (Practice Activity Sheet – 1)
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(b) Write in brief, the working of this microscope.
(c) Where is this microscope used?
(a) Compound microscope.

An object appears small or big depending upon the size of its image formed on the retina of the eye. The size of an object as perceived by the eye is called the apparent size of the object. Consider two objects of the same size, one held near the eye and the other away from the eye as shown in the following figure (Fig. 7.34). The nearby object (PQ) appears larger than the distant object (P1Q1).
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Also, the angle a subtended by the nearby object at the eye is larger than the angle β subtended by the distant object at the eye. This shows that the apparent size of an object depends upon the angle subtended by the object at the eye. The greater the angle subtended by the object at the eye, the greater is the apparent size of the object. Similarly, the smaller the angle subtended by the object at the eye, the smaller is the apparent size of the object.

(c) A simple microscope is used by watch repairers to observe small parts of a watch and by jewellers to
examine ornaments. A simple microscope (also called a magnifying glass) is also used to read words in small print.

Question 86.
(i) Which type of microscope has the arrangement of lenses shown in the following figure?
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(ii) Label the figure correctly.
(iii) Write the working of this microscope.
(iv) Where is this microscope used?
(v) Suggest a way to increase the efficiency of this microscope. (Practice Activity Sheet – 2)
(i) Compound microscope.

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(iii) Working:
(1) The object to be observed is illuminated and placed in front of the objective lens, slightly beyond the focal length of the objective lens. Its real, inverted and enlarged image is formed by the objective lens on the other side.

(2) This intermediate image lies within the focal length of the eyepiece. It serves as an object for the eyepiece. The eyepiece works as a simple microscope. The final image is virtual, highly enlarged and inverted with respect to the original object. It can be formed at the minimum distance of distinct vision from the eyepiece. The final image is observed by keeping the eye close to the eyepiece.


  1. It is used to observe blood corpuscles, plant and animals cells, microorganisms like bacteria. etc.
  2. It is used in a pathological laboratory to observe blood, urine, etc.
  3. It is a part of a travelling microscope used for measurement of very small distance.

(v) Lenses with appropriate focal lengths should be selected.

Question 87.
State the use of a telescope.
A telescope is used to observe a distant object such as mountain, moon, planet, star in the magnified form.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 88.
Observe the following figure and answer the questions. (Practice Activity Sheet – 3)
(a) Which optical instrument shows arrangement of lenses as shown in the figure?
(b) Write in brief the working of this optical instrument.
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(c) How can we get different magnifications in this optical instrument?
(d) Draw the figure again and labelled it properly.
(a) Refracting telescope.

(b) working: When the objective lens is pointed towards the distant object to be observed, the rays
of light from the distant object, which are almost parallel to each other. pass through the objective lens. The objective lens collects maximum amount of light as it is large in size. It forms a real, inverted and diminished image in the focal plane of the objective lens. Now, the position of the eyepiece is adjusted such that this image falls just within the focal length of the eyepiece and serves as the object for the eyepiece which works as a simple microscope.

The final image is highly magnified, virtual, on the same side as that of the object and inverted with respect to the original object. The final image can be observed by keeping the eye close to the eyepiece. If the image formed by the objective lens lies in the focal plane of the eyepiece, the final image is formed at infinity.

(c) We can get different magnifications by using the eyepiece with different focal lengths.

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Question 89.
What is persistence of vision? Give one example of persistence of vision.
Persistence of vision: We see an object when its image is formed on the retina. The image disappears when the object is removed from our sight. But this is not instantaneous and the image
remains imprinted on the retina for about \(\frac{1}{16}\) th of a second after the removal of the object.

The sensation on the retina persists for a while. This effect is known as the persistence of vision. It is due to persistence of vision that we continue to see the object in its position for about \(\frac{1}{16}\) th of a second after it is removed.
Example: When a burning stick of incense is moved fast in a circle, a circle of red light is seen.

Question 90.
Name two devices whose working is based on the phenomenon of persistence of vision.
Name any two applications based on persistence of vision.
The working of a television set and motion picture is based on the phenomenon of persistence of vision.
[Note: These are the examples of persistence of vision in daily life.

Question 91.
How is the phenomenon of persistence of vision used in motion pictures?
In motion pictures, photographs of a moving object are taken at the rate of more than sixteen pictures per second. These photographs are projected on the screen at the same rate.
Each picture is slightly different from the other. As a result of persistence of vision, we get the impression of observing the object in continuous motion.

Question 92.
Name the two types of light sensitive cells present in the retina of the human eye. What are their functions?
(1) The retina of the human eye contains a large number of light sensitive cells. These cells are of two shapes : (i) rods and (ii) cones.
(2) The rod-like cells respond to the intensity of light.
(3) The conical cells respond to various colours of light. They respond differently to red, green and blue colours. They do not respond to faint light.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 93.
When do you say that a person is colour blind?
When a person is unable to distinguish between certain colours, he is said to be colour blind.
[Note: (i) Except for being colour-blind, their eyesight is normal, (ii) Rod-shaped cell ≡ rod-like cell, cone-shaped cell = Conical cell.]

Question 94.
Explain the perception of colour in the human eye.
Explain in short perception of colour.
Write a note on perception of colour.
(1) In nature we firld objects of various colours. Perception of colour means to be able to respond to colour.
(2) We can distinguish between various colours due to perception of colour.
(3) The cone-shaped cells on the retina of the eye respond to the various colours when light is bright and communicate to the brain about the colours of the image formed on the retina. This gives us the proper idea about the colours of the object.
(4) If, in the retina of a person, the cone-shaped cells responding to certain specific colours are absent, the person is unable to distinguish between the colours. As a result, he lacks perception of colour.

Question 95.
What is colour-blindness?
(1) The retina of the human eye contains a large number of light sensitive cells. These cells are of two shapes : (i) rods and (ii) cones.
(2) The cone-shaped cells respond to various colours of light when light is bright.
(3) Thus, the perception of colour is due to the presence of the cone-shaped cells in the retina.
(4) In the retina of some persons, cone-shaped cells responding to certain specific colours are absent. Hence, these persons are unable to distinguish between certain colours, i.e., they are colour-blind. This defect is known as colour¬blindness.

Question 96.
Why are some persons colour-blind? What is the cause of this defect?
In the retina of some persons, cone-shaped cells responding to certain specific colours are absent. Hence, these persons are unable to distinguish between certain colours, i.e., they are colour-blind.

Question 97.
What are the difficulties faced by a colour-blind person?
(1) A colour-blind person cannot distinguish between different colours. For example, he cannot distinguish between red and green colours. Also he cannot distinguish between blue and green colours. Red and green, both appear grey. Since a colour¬blind person cannot distinguish between red and green colours, it is difficult for him to cross a road. There is a possibility of an accident while crossing a road.

(2) A colour-blind person cannot distinguish between two objects of different colours, which are otherwise identical, e.g., clothes.

(3) A colour-blind person may have an inferiority complex and hence may find it difficult to mix with other persons.

Give scientific reasons:

Question 1.
A convex lens is known as a converging lens.
When rays of light parallel to the principal axis of a convex lens pass through the lens, they converge to a point on the principal axis. Hence, a convex lens is known as a converging lens.

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Question 2.
A concave lens is called a diverging lens.
When rays of light parallel to the principal axis of a concave lens pass through the lens, they appear to diverge from a point on the principal axis. Hence, a concave lens is called a diverging lens.

Question 3.
In old age, a bifocal lens is necessary for some persons.
(1) Some people, in old age, suffer from myopia (nearsightedness) as well as hypermetropia (farsightedness).
(2) Myopia is corrected using a concave lens of appropriate power. Hypermetropia is corrected using a convex lens of appropriate power. Therefore, they need a bifocal lens.

Question 4.
A person suffering from myopia (nearsightedness) uses spectacles of concave lenses.
(1) A person suffering from myopia can see nearby objects clearly as the image of a nearby object is formed on the retina, but cannot see distant objects clearly as the image of a distant object is formed in front of the retina instead of on the retina.

(2) A concave lens diverges the rays of light passing through it. When spectacles of concave lenses of appropriate power are used, the parallel rays coming from a distant object are diverged to proper extent before they are incident on the eye lens. Therefore, after the converging action of the eye lens, the image of a distant object is formed on the retina of the eye and hence the distant object can be seen clearly.

Question 5.
A person suffering from hypermetropia (farsightedness) uses spectacles of convex lenses.
(1) A person suffering from hypermetropia can see distant objects clearly as the image of a distant object is formed on the retina, but cannot see nearby objects clearly as the image of a nearby object would be formed behind the retina instead of on the retina.

(2) A convex lens converges the rays of light passing through it. When spectacles of convex lenses of appropriate power are used, the rays of light coming from a nearby object are converged to proper extent before they are incident on the eye lens. Therefore after the converging action of the j eye lens, the image of a nearby object is formed on j the retina of the eye and hence the nearby object | can be seen clearly.

Question 6.
You cannot enjoy watching a movie from a very short distance from the screen in a cinema hall.
(1) The less the distance between the screen in a cinema hall and the person watching the movie, the more is the intensity of light falling on the eye.
(2) This results in great contraction of the pupil of the eye causing a strain. Hence, you cannot enjoy watching a movie from a very short distance from the screen in a cinema hall.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 7.
The rays of light travelling through the optical centre of a lens pass without changing their path.
The portion of a lens near the optical centre is like a very thin slab of glass. Hence, the rays of light travelling through the optical centre of a lens pass without changing their path.

Question 8.
A convex lens converges the rays of light falling on it.

  • A convex lens can be regarded as made of a very large number of portions of triangular prisms. The bases of these prisms are towards the central thicker portion of the lens.
  • A ray of light passing through a prism bends towards its base. Hence, a convex lens converges the rays falling on it.

Question 9.
A concave lens diverges the rays of light falling on it.

  • A concave lens can be regarded as made of a very large number of portions of triangular prisms. The bases of these prisms are towards the edges of the less, i.e, away from the central thinner portion of the lens.
  • A ray of light passing through a prism bends towards its base. Hence, a concave lens diverges the rays of light falling on it.

Question 10.
When a burning stick of incense is moved fast in a circle, a circle of red light is seen.
The impression of the image on the retina lasts for about \(\frac{1}{16}\) th of a second after the removal of the object. If a burning stick of incense is moved at a rate of more than sixteen revolutions per second, we see a circle of red light due to persistence of vision.

Question 11.
Colour-blind persons are unable to distinguish between different colours.
(1) The cone-shaped cells in the retina of a person respond to colours. This makes the perception of colours possible.
(2) In the retina of colour-blind persons, cone-shaped cells responding to certain specific colours are absent. Hence, they are unable to distinguish between different colours.

Question 12.
It is risky to issue a driving license to a person suffering from colour-blindness.
A colour-blind person cannot distinguish between different colours. If a driver is colour-blind, he will not be able to distinguish between the colours of the signal and the colours on different sign boards. This will lead to an accident. Hence, it is risky to issue a driving license to a person suffering from colour-blindness.

Distinguish the following:

Question 1.
Real image and Virtual image.
Real image:

  1. A real image is formed when the light rays starting from an object meet after reflection or refraction.
  2. It can be projected on a screen.
  3. It is inverted with respect to the object.

Virtual image:

  1. A virtual image is formed when the light rays starting from an object (when extended backward) appear to meet after reflection or refraction.
  2. It cannot be projected on a screen.
  3. It is erect with respect to the object.

Question 2.
Simple microscope and Compound microscope.
Simple microscope:

  1. In a simple microscope, only one convex lens is used.
  2. In this case, the object is placed within the focal length of the convex lens.
  3. Its magnifying power is much less than that of a compound microscope.
  4. It is used to observe minute parts of a watch, to read words in small print, etc.

Compound microscope:

  1. In a compound microscope, two convex lenses, objective and eyepiece, are used.
  2. In this case, the object is placed beyond the focal length of the objective lens.
  3. Its magnifying power is much greater than that of a simple microscope.
  4. It is used to observe blood corpuscles, plant and animal cells, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Question 3.
Compound microscope and Astronomical refracting telescope.
Compound microscope:

  1. In a compound microscope, the focal length and cross section of the objective lens are respectively smaller than the focal length and cross section of the eyepiece.
  2. In this case, to observe the object, the distance between the object and the objective lens is adjusted.
  3. It forms a magnified image of a small object.
  4. It is used to observe blood corpuscles, plant and animal cells, etc.

Astronomical refracting telescope:

  1. In an astronomical refracting telescope, the focal length and cross section of the objective lens are respectively greater than the focal length and cross section of the eyepiece.
  2. In this case, to observe the object, the distance between the objective lens and eyepiece is adjusted.
  3. It forms a near image of a distant object.
  4. It is used to observe sateulites, planets, stars, etc.

Question 4.
Simple microscope and Astronomical refracting telescope.
Simple microscope:

  1. In a simple microscope, only one convex lens is used.
  2. In this case, the object is placed within the focal length of the convex lens.
  3. In this case, the image is erect.
  4. It is used to observe minute parts of a watch, to read words in small print, etc.

Astronomical refracting telescope:

  1. In an astronomical refracting telescope, two convex lenses, objective lens and eyepiece are used.
  2. In this case, the object is far away from the objective lens.
  3. In this case, the image is inverted.
  4. It is used to observe satellites, planets, stars, etc.

Read the following paragraph and answer the questions given below it:

Construction of a compound microscope:
(1) A compound microscope consists of a metal tube fitted with two convex lenses at the two ends. These lenses are called the objective lens (the lens directed towards the object) and the eyepiece (the lens directed towards the eye). Both the lenses are small in size, but the cross section of the objective lens is less than that of the eyepiece. The objective lens has a short focal length. The focal length of the eyepiece is more than that of the objective lens.(2) The metal tube is mounted on a stand. The principal axes of the objective lens and the eyepiece are along the same line. The distance between the object and the objective lens can be changed with a screw. It is possible to change the distance between the objective lens and the eyepiece.
(1) The object to be observed is illuminated and placed in front of the objective lens, slightly beyond the focal length of the objective lens. Its real, inverted and enlarged image is formed by the, objective lens on the other side.
(2) This intermediate image lies within the focal length of the eyepiece. It serves as an object for the eyepiece. The eyepiece works as a simple microscope. The final image is virtual, highly enlarged and inverted with respect to the original object. It can be formed at the minimum distance of distinct vision from the eyepiece. The final image is observed by keeping the eye close to the eyepiece.
Use: This microscope is used to observe blood cells, microorganisms, etc.

Question 1.
In a compound microscope, which lens has greater focal length?
In a compound microscope, the eyepiece has greater focal length.

Question 2.
Where do you place the object to be observed with a compound microscope?
In a compound microscope, the object to be observed is placed in front of the objective lens, slightly beyond the focus of the objective lens.

Question 3.
State which distance is adjusted to observe the object with a compound microscope.
To observe the object with a compound microscope, the distance between the object and objective lens is adjusted.

Question 4.
State the nature of the final image in compound microscope relative to the object.
In a compound microscope, the final image is highly enlarged, inverted and virtual relative to the object.

Question 5.
State the use of a compound microscope.
A compound microscope is used to observe blood cells, microorganisms, etc.

Fill in the blanks for a convex lens:

Question 1.

f (m) 0.2 —————– 0.1
P (D) ————— 2 ——————

[P (D) = \(\frac{1}{f(\mathrm{m})}\)]

f (m) 0.2 0.5 0.1
P (D) 5 2 10

Question 2.

h1 (cm) —————- 5 10
h2 (cm) -30 -20 —————-
M -2 —————– -0.5

[M = \(\frac{h_{2}}{h_{1}}\)]

h1 (cm) 15 5 10
h2 (cm) -30 -20 -5
M -2 -4 -0.5

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Solve the following numerical problems:

Problem 1.
An object Is kept at 60 cm in front of a convex lens. Its real image is formed at 20 cm from the lens. Find the focal length or the lens.
Data: Convex lens, u = -60 cm,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 61
The focal length of the lens = 15 cm.

Problem 2.
The focal length of a convex lens is 20 cm. If an object of height 2 cm is placed at 30 cm from the lens, find (i) the position and nature of the Image (ii) the height of the image (iii) the magnification produced by the lens.
Data: Convex lens, f = 20 cm,
u = -30 cm, h1 = 2 cm, v = ?, h2 = ?, M = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 62
The image will be formed at 60 cm from the lens and on the other side of the lens with respect to the object. It is a real image.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 63
h2 is negative. This shows that the image is inverted.
The height of the image -4 cm.
(iii) M = \(\frac{h_{2}}{h_{1}}=\frac{-4 \mathrm{cm}}{2 \mathrm{cm}}\) = -2
M is negative, indicating that the image is inverted.
The magnification produced by the lens = -2.

Problem 3.
When a pm of height 3 cm is fixed at 10 cm from a convex lens, the height or the virtual image formed is 12 cm. Find the focal length of the lens.
Data: Convex lens, h1 =3 cm,
h2 = 12 cm (virtual image), u = -10 cm, f = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 64
The focal length of the lens = 13.33 cm [approximately]

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Problem 4.
At what distance from a convex lens of focal length 2.5 m should a boy stand so that his image is half his height?
Data: Convex lens, f= 2.5 m,
M= –\(\frac{1}{2}\), u=?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 65
∴ u = -3f = -3 × 2.5 m = -7.5 m
This is the object distance.
The boy should stand at 7.5 m from the convex lens so that his image is half his height.

Problem 5.
A convex lens forms a real image or a pencil at a distance of 40 cm from the lens. The image formed is of the same size as the object. Find the focal length and power of the lens. At what distance is the pencil placed from the lens?
Data: Convex lens, v = 40 cm,
M = -1, f = ?, h1 = ?, u = ?
M = = -1 = \(\frac{v}{u}\)
∴ u = -v = -40 cm (object distance)
The pencil is placed at 40 cm from the convex lens.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 66
The focal length of the lens 20 cm.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 67
The power of the lens = 5 D.

Problem 6.
A spherical lens is used to obtain an image on a screen. The size of the image is four times the size of the object. What is the type of lens and at what distance is the screen placed from the lens?
Data: M = -4, type of lens? v = ?
As the image formed by the lens is obtained on a screen, it is a real image. The lens is, therefore, a convex 1ens.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 68
The distance of the screen from the lens = 5f.

Problem 7.
An object of height 5 cm Is held 20 cm away from a converging lens of focal length 10 cm. Find the position, nature and size of the image formed.
Data: Converging lens (convex lens),
f = 10 cm, h1 = 5 cm, u = -20 cm, v = ?, h2 = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 69
The image is real and inverted. it is formed at 20 cm from the lens and on the other side of the lens relative to the object.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 70
The height of the image, h2 = -5 cm
Thus, it is numerically the same as the height of the object.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Problem 8.
An object is placed at 10 cm from a convex lens of focal length 12 m. Find the position and nature of the image.
Data: Convex lens, u = -10 cm,
f = 12 cm, v = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 71
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 72
∴ v = -60 cm
It is negative.
The image is formed at 60 cm from the lens and on the same side of the lens relative to the object. It is virtual, erect, and enlarged.

Problem 9.
An object of height 4 cm is placed in front of a concave lens of focal length 40 cm. If the object distance is 60 cm, find the position and height of the image.
Data: f = -40 cm (concave lens),
u = -60 cm, h1 = 4 cm, v = ?, h2 = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 73
The image Is formed at 24 cm from the lens.
It is on the same side as the object.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 74
The height of the image is 1.6 cm.

Problem 10.
What is the power of a convex lens having focal length 0.5 m?
Data: Convex lens, f= 0.5 m, P = ?
P = \(\frac{1}{f}=\frac{1}{0.5 \mathrm{m}}\) = 2D
The power of the lens = 2D.

Problem 11.
The power of a convex lens is 2.5 dioptres. Find its focal length.
Calculate the focal length of a corrective lens having power +2.5 D.
Data: Convex lens, P = +2.5 D, f = ?
P = \(\frac{1}{f}\)
∴ 2.5 D = \(\frac{1}{f}\)
∴ f = \(\frac{1}{2.5 \mathrm{D}}\) = 0.4 cm = 40 cm
The focal length of the lens = 40 cm.

Problem 12.
Two convex lenses of focal length 20 cm each are kept in contact with each other. Find the power of their combination.
Data: f1 = 20 cm = 0.2 m,
f2 =20 cm = 0.2 m, P (combination) = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 75
∴ Focal length of the combination or the lenses, f = 0.1 m.
P = \(\frac{1}{f}=\frac{1}{0.1 \mathrm{m}}\) = 10 D
The power of the combination of the lenses, P = 10 D.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Problem 13.
Two convex lenses of equal focal lengths are kept in contact with each other. If the power of their combination is 20 D, find the focal length of each convex lens.
Data: Convex lens, P = 20 D, f1 = f2 = ?
The focal length (f) of the combination of the lenses is given by
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 76
This gives the focal length or each convex lens.

Problem 14.
If a convex lens of focal length 10 cm and a concave lens of focal length 50 cm are kept in contact with each other, (i) what will be the focal length of the combination? (ii) what wiil be the power of the combination? (iii) what will be the behaviour of the combination (behaviour as a convex lens/concave lens)?
Data: f1 = +10 cm = +0.1 m (convex lens),
f2 = -50 cm = -0.5 m (concave lens),
f (combination) = ?, P (combination) = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 77
The focal length or the combination of the lenses = 0.125 m = 12.5 cm.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses 78
The power of the combination of the lenses 8.D.
(iii) The focal length of the combination of the lenses is positive. This shows that the combination will behave as a convex lens.

Numerical problems for practice:

Problem 1.
Find the focal length of a convex lens which produces a real image at 60 cm from the lens when an object is placed at 40 cm in front of the lens.
24 cm

Problem 2.
Find the focal length of a convex lens which produces a virtual image at 10 cm from the lens when an object is placed at 5 cm from the lens.
10 cm

Problem 3.
A real image is obtained at 30 cm from a convex lens of focal length 7.5 cm. Find the distance of the object from the lens.
u = -10 cm

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Problem 4.
An object is kept at 20 cm in front of a convex lens and its real image is formed at 60 cm from the lens. Find (1) the focal length of the lens (2) the height or the image if the height of the object is 6 cm.
(1) 15 cm
(2) h2 = -18 cm]

Problem 5.
An object is kept at 10 cm in front of a convex lens. Its image is formed on the screen at 15 cm from the lens. Calculate (1) the focal length of the lens (2) the magnification produced by the lens.
(1) 6 cm
(2)M = -1.5

Problem 6.
An object is kept at 60 cm in front of a convex lens of focal length 15 cm. Find the image distance and the nature of the image. Also find the magnification produced by the lens.
v = 20 cm. The image is real, inverted and smaller than the object. M = –\(\frac{1}{3}\)]

Problem 7.
An object of height 2 cm is kept at 30 cm from a convex lens. Its real image is formed at 60 cm from the lens. Find the focal length and power of the lens.
f = 20 cm, P = 5 D

Problem 8.
If the power of a lens is 4 dioptres, find its focal length.
25 cm

Problem 9.
Find the power of a convex lens of focal length 40 cm.
2.5 D

Problem 10.
Find the power of a convex lens of focal length 12.5 cm.
8 D

Problem 11.
If for a lens, f = – 20 cm, what is the power of the lens?
-5 D

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Problem 12.
An object of height 4 cm is kept in front of a concave lens of focal length 20 cm. If the object distance is 30 cm, find the position and the height of the image.
v = -12 cm, h2 = 1.6 cm

Problem 13.
If two convex lenses of focal lengths 10 cm and 5 cm are kept in contact with each other, what is their combined focal length?
\(\frac{10}{3}\) cm [approximately 3.33 cm]

Problem 14.
If a convex lens of focal length 20 cm and a concave lens of focal length 30 cm are kept in contact with each other, (i) What will be the focal length of the combination? (ii) What will be the power of the combination? (iii) What will be the behaviour of the combination?
(i) f = 60 cm
(ii) P = \(\frac{5}{3}\) D = 1.6667 D (approximately)
(iii) The combination will behave as a convex lens.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 7 Lenses

Problem 15.
A concave lens of focal length 12 cm and a convex lens of focal length 20 cm are kept in contact with each other, (i) Find the focal length of the combination, (ii) What will be the behaviour of the combination?
(i) f = -30 cm
(ii) The combination will behave as a concave lens.

10th Std Science Part 1 Questions And Answers:

Refraction of Light Class 10 Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 6

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks and explain the completed statements:
a. Refractive index depends on the………….of light.
Refractive index depends on the velocity of light.
It is an experimental fact. (There is no question of explanation.)

b. The change in…………of light rays while going from one medium to another is called refraction.
The change in the direction of propagation of light rays while going from one medium to another is called refraction. This is definition of refraction. It is assumed that the ray of light passes obliquely from one medium to another. (There is no question of explanation.)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light

Question 2.
Prove the following statements:
a. If the angle of incidence and angle of emergence of a light ray falling on a glass slab are i and e respectively, prove that i = e. (Practice Activity Sheet – 4)
In the following figure, SR || PQ and NM is the refracted ray. Hence, r = i1.
Now gna = sin i/sin r and ang = sin i1/ sin e.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light 1
Also gna = \(\frac{1}{{ }_{\mathrm{a}} n_{\mathrm{g}}}\)
∴ \(\frac{\sin i}{\sin r}=\frac{\sin e}{\sin i_{1}}\)
As r = i1, it follows that sin i = sin e
∴ i = e.

b. A rainbow is the combined effect (an exhibition) of the refraction, dispersion, and total internal reflection of light (taken together). (Practice Activity Sheet – 1)
With a neat labelled diagram, explain how the formation of rainbow occurs.
(1) The formation of a rainbow in the sky is a combined result of refraction, dispersion, internal reflection and again refraction of sunlight by water droplets present in the atmosphere after it has rained.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light 2
Here, for simplicity only violet and red colours are shown. The remaining five colours lie between these two.

(2) The sunlight is a mixture of seven colours: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. After it has stopped raining, the atmosphere contains a large number of water droplets. When sunlight is incident on a water droplet, there is (i) refraction and dispersion of light as it passes from air to water (ii) internal reflection of light inside the droplet and (iii) refraction of light as it passes from water to air.

(3) The refractive index of water is different for different colours, being maximum for violet and minimum for red. Hence, there is dispersion of light (separation into different colours) as it passes from air to water. [ See above Figure for reference.]

(4) The combined action of different water droplets, acting like tiny prisms, is to produce a rainbow with red colour at the outer side and violet colour at the inner side. The remaining five colours lie between these two.
The rainbow is seen when the sun is behind the observer and water droplets in the front.

Question 3.
Mark the correct answer in the following questions :
A. What is the reason for the twinkling of stars?
(i) Explosions occurring in stars from time to time
(ii) Absorption of light in the earth’s atmosphere
(iii) Motion of stars
(iv) Changing refractive index of the atmospheric gases
Changing refractive index of the atmospheric gases.

B. We can see the Sun even when it is little below the horizon because of
(i) reflection of light
(ii) refraction of light
(iii) dispersion of light
(iv) absorption of light
refraction of light

C. If the refractive index of glass with respect to air is 3/2, what is the refractive index of air with respect to glass?
(i) \(\frac{1}{2}\)
(ii) 3
(iii) \(\frac{1}{3}\)
(iv) \(\frac{2}{3}\)
(iv) \(\frac{2}{3}\)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light

Question 4.
Solve the following examples:
a. If the speed of light in a medium is 1.5 × 108 m/s, what is the absolute refractive index of the medium? (Practice Activity Sheet – 1 and 4)
Data: v = 1.5 × 108 m/s,
c = 3 × 108 m/s, n = ?
n = \(\frac{c}{v}=\frac{3 \times 10^{8} \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{s}}{1.5 \times 10^{8} \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{s}}\) = 2
This is the absolute refractive index of the medium.

b. If the absolute refractive indices of glass and water are \(\frac{3}{2}\) and \(\frac{4}{3}\) respectively, what is the refractive index of glass with respect to water?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light 3
This is the refractive index of glass with respect to water.


Question 1.
Using a laser and soap water. study the refraction of light under the guidance of your teacher. (Do it your self)

Can you recall? (Text Book Page No. 73)

Question 1.
What is meant by reflection of light?
Reflection of light: When light is incident on the surface of an object, in general, it is deflected in different directions. This process is called reflection of light.

Question 2.
What are the laws of reflection?
Laws of reflection of light:

  1. The incident ray and the reflected ray of light are on the opposite sides of the normal to the reflecting surface at the point of incidence and all the three are in the same plane.
  2. The angle of incidence j and the angle of reflection are equal in measure.

Can you recall? (Text Book page No. 75)

Question 1.
If the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium is 2n1 and that of the third medium with respect to the second medium is 3n2, what and how much is 3n1.
3n1 is the refractive index of the third medium with respect to the first medium.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light 4
3n1 = 2n1 × 3n2.

[Suppose medium 1 = air, medium 2 ≡ ice and medium 3 ≡ diamond. Then, 2n1 ÷ 1.31, 3n2 = 1.847
3n1 = 2n1 × 3n2 = 1.31 × 1.847 = 2.42 which is the refractive index of diamond with respect to air.]

Can you tell? (Textbook page No. 76)

Question 1.
Have you seen a mirage which is an illusion of the appearance of water on a hot road or in a desert?
Due to the changes in refraction of light, the light rays coming from a distant object appear to be coming from the image of the object inside the ground. This is called a mirage. When the earth’s surface is heated by the sun, the temperature of air increases. This produces a layer of hot air of lower density (mass per unit volume) and lower refractive index at the surface.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light 5
Hot air works as an optically rarer medium relative to cool air. When the temperature changes rapidly in the vertical direction, as refraction of light takes place, the angle of refraction changes continuously. The rays of light from the top of an object such as a car or tree cross the rays from the bottom of the object on their way to the observer’s eye.

Hence, an inverted image is formed below the object’s true position and downward towards the surface in the direction of air at higher temperature. In this case, some rays of light bend back up into the denser air above figure. Mirage produces an impression of water near the hot ground.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light

Question 2.
Have you seen that objects beyond and above a holy fire appear to be shaking? Why does this happen?
The temperature of air beyond and above a holy fire changes all the time. Hence, the density of air also changes constantly. Hence, the direction of propagation of the rays of light approaching us from the objects beyond and above the holy fire changes constantly. Therefore, those objects appear to be shaking.

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 77)

Question 1.
From incident white light how will you obtain white emergent light by making use of two prisms?

  • Take a prism. Allow white light to fall on it.
  • Obtain a spectrum.
  • Take a second identical prism. Place it parallel to the first prism in an upside down position with the first prism [as shown in Figure]
  • Allow the colours of the spectrum to pass through the second prism.
  • Obtain the beam of light emerging from the other side of the second prism.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light 6
The beam of light emerging from the other side of the second prism is a beam of white light.

Explanation: White light is made up of seven colours. The first prism produces dispersion of white light while the second prism combines light of different colours to produce white light again. The net deviation of a ray of light is zero.
[Note: This experiment is due to sir Isaac Newton. It proved that it was not the prism which added colours to the white light but a property of the white light itself.]

Question 2.
You must have seen chandeliers having glass prisms. The light from a tungsten bulb gets dispersed while passing through these prisms and we see coloured spectrum. If we use an LED light instead of a tungsten bulb, will we be able to see the same effect?
Light emitted by LED (light-emitting-diode) does not have all wavelengths in the region 400 nm to 700 nm. Hence, its spectrum is not the same as that of light from a tungsten bulb or as that of sunlight.

Fill in the blanks and rewrite the statements:

Question 1.
The phenomenon of change in the………..of light when it passes obliquely from one transparent medium to another is called refraction.
The phenomenon of change in the direction of propagation of light when it passes obliquely from one transparent medium to another is called refraction.

Question 2.
The refractive index depends upon the…………of propagation of light in different media.
The refractive index depends upon the velocity of propagation of light in different media.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light

Question 3.
The process of separation of light into its component colours while passing through a medium is called………..
The process of separation of light into its component colours while passing through a medium is called dispersion of light.

Question 4.
When a light ray travels obliquely from air to water, it bends………the normal at the point of incidence.
When a light ray travels obliquely from air to water, it bends towards the normal at the point of incidence.

Question 5.
When a light ray travels obliquely from benzene to air, it bends…………the normal at the point of incidence.
When a light ray travels obliquely from benzene to air, it bends away from the normal at the point of incidence.

Question 6.
In glass, the speed of red ray is……violet ray.
In glass, the speed of red ray is greater than that of violet ray.

Question 7.
The speed of light in glass is………in water.
The speed of light in glass is less than that in water.

Question 8.
The speed of light in water is…………in benzene.
The speed of light in water is greater than that in benzene.

Question 9.
Rainbow occurs due to refraction, dispersion,……….and again refraction of sunlight by water droplets.
Rainbow occurs due to refraction, dispersion, internal reflection and again refraction of sunlight by water droplets.

Question 10.
In dispersion of sunlight by a glass prism,………..ray is deviated the least.
In dispersion of sunlight by a glass prism, red ray is deviated the least.

Rewrite the following statements by selecting the correct options:

Question 1.
The change in the direction of propagation of light when it passes obliquely from one transparent medium to another is called………
(a) dispersion
(b) scattering
(c) refraction
(d) reflection
(c) refraction

Question 2.
When a ray of light travels from air to glass slab and strikes the surface of separation at 90°, then it…………
(a) bends towards the normal
(b) bends away from the normal
(c) passes unbent
(d) passes in zigzag way
(c) passes unbent

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light

Question 3.
If a ray of light passes from a denser medium to a rarer medium in a straight line, the angle of incidence must be…………
(a) 0°
(b) 30°
(c) 60°
(d) 90°
(a) 0°

Question 4.
A ray of light strikes a glass slab at an angle of 50° with the normal to the surface of the slab. What is the angle of incidence?
(a) 50°
(b) 25°
(c) 40°
(d) 100°
(a) 50°

Question 5.
If a ray of light propagating in air strikes a glass slab at an angle of 60° with the surface of the slab, the angle of refraction is…………
(a) more than 30 °
(b) less than 30 °
(c) 60°
(d) 30°
(b) less than 30 °

Question 6.
A ray of light gets deviated When it passes obliquely from one medium to another medium because………..
(a) the colour of light changes
(b) the frequency of light changes
(c) the speed of light changes
(d) the intensity of light changes
(c) the speed of light changes

Question 7.
The speed of light in turpentine oil is 2 × 108 m/s. The absolute refractive index of turpentine oil is about……..[Speed of light in vacuum ≈ 3 × 108 m/s]
(a) 1.5
(b) 2
(c) 1.3
(d) 0.67
(a) 1.5

Question 8.
LASER stands for………..
(a) light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
(b) light and sound energy radiation
(c) light and simulated energy radiation
(d) light amplification by sound energy radiation
(a) light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

Question 9.
Out of the following……….has the highest absolute refractive index.
(a) fused quartz
(b) diamond
(c) crown glass
(d) ruby
(b) diamond

Question 10.
The absolute refractive index…………
(a) is expressed in dioptre
(b) is expressed in m/s
(c) of air is about \(\frac{4}{3}\)
(d) has no unit
(d) has no unit

Question 11.
The speed of light in a medium of refractive index n is………., where c is the speed of light
in vacuum.
(a) \(\frac{c}{n}\)
(b) nc
(c) \(\frac{n}{c}\)
(d) \(\sqrt{\frac{c}{n}}\)
(a) \(\frac{c}{n}\)

Question 12.
The speed of light in a transparent medium having absolute refractive index 1.25 is……….[Speed of light in vacuum ≈ 3 × 108 m/s]
(a) 1.25 × 108 m/s
(b) 2.4 × 108 m/s
(c) 3.0 × 108 m/s
(d) 1.5 × 108 m/s
(b) 2.4 × 108 m/s

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light

Question 13.
…………light is deviated the maximum in the spectrpm of white light obtained with a glass prism.
(a) Red
(b) Yellow
(c) Violet
(d) Blue
(c) Violet

Question 14.
………..light is deviated the least in the spectrum of white light obtained with a glass prism.
(a) Red
(b) Yellow
(c) Violet
(d) Blue
(a) Red

Question 15.
A ray of light makes an angle of 50° with the surface S1 of the glass slab. Its angle of incidence will be………….(March 2019)
(a) 50°
(b) 40°
(c) 140°
(d) 0°
(a) 50°

Question 16.
A glass slab is placed in the path of convergent light. The point of convergence of light:
(a) moves away from the slab
(b) moves towards the slab
(c) remains at the same point
(d) undergoes a lateral shift
(a) moves away from the slab

Question 17.
In refraction of light through a glass slab, the directions of the incident ray and the refracted ray are………… (Practice Activity Sheet – 1)
(a) perpendicular to each other
(b) non-parallel to each other
(c) parallel to each other
(d) intersecting each other
(c) parallel to each other

Question 18.
If we gradually increase the angle of incidence of a ray of light passing through a prism, then………….. (Practice Activity Sheet – 4)
(a) the angle of deviation goes on decreasing
(b) the angle of deviation decreases but after certain value of incident angle, deviation angle increases
(c) the angle of deviation goes on increasing
(d) the angle of deviation increases but after certain value of incident angle, deviation angle decreases
(b) the angle of deviation decreases but after certain value of incident angle, deviation angle increases

State whether the following statements are True or False. (If a statement is false, correct it and rewrite it.):

Question 1.
The incident ray and the refracted ray of light are on the opposite sides of the normal at the point of incidence.

Question 2.
The refractive index of a medium (such as glass) does not depend on the wavelength of light.
False. (The refractive index of a medium depends on the wavelength of light.)

Question 3.
When a light ray travels obliquely from an optically rarer medium to an optically denser medium, it bends away from the normal.
False. (When a light ray travels obliquely from an optically rarer medium to an optically denser medium, it bends towards the normal.)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light

Question 4.
When a light ray travels obliquely from glass to air, it bends towards the normal.
False. (When a light ray travels obliquely from glass to air, it bends away from the normal.)

Question 5.
If the angle of incidence is 0°, the angle of refraction is 90°.
False. (If the angle of incidence is 0°, the angle of refraction is also 0°.)

Question 6.
In dispersion of white light by a glass prism, yellow colour is deviated the least.
False. (In dispersion of white light by a glass prism, red colour is deviated the least.)

Question 7.
In vacuum, the speed of light does not depend upon the frequency of light.

Question 8.
In glass, the speed of violet ray is less than that of red ray.

Question 9.
In a material medium, the speed of light depends on the frequency of light.

Question 10.
The velocity of light is different in different media.

Question 11.
Wavelength of red light is close to 700 nm.

Question 12.
Wavelength of orange light is greater than that of blue light.

Find the odd one out and give the reason:

Question 1.
Reflection, Neutralization, Refraction, Dispersion.
Neutralization. It is associated with a chemical reaction between an acid and an alkali; others are phenomena associated with light.

Answer the following questions in one sentence each:

Question 1.
Mention any two phenomena in nature where refraction of light takes place.
Mirage and twinkling of a star.

Question 2.
What is the angle of refraction when the angle of incidence is 0°?
When the angle of incidence is 0°, the angle of refraction is also 0°.

Question 3.
In refraction of light, \(\frac{\sin i}{\sin r}\) = constant in sin a particular case. What is this constant called?
The constant \(\frac{\sin i}{\sin r}\) (in a particular case) is called the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium.

Question 4.
If the refractive index of medium 2 with respect to medium 1 is 5/3, what is the refractive index of medium 1 with respect to medium 2?
The refractive index of medium 1 with respect to medium 2 is 0.6.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light

Question 5.
In dispersion of sunlight by a glass prism, which colour is deviated the least?
In dispersion of sunlight by a glass prism, red colour is deviated the least.

Question 6.
In dispersion of sunlight by a glass prism, which colour is deviated the most?
In dispersion of sunlight by a glass prism, violet colour is deviated the most.

Question 7.
What is the wavelength of violet light?
The wavelength of violet light is (about) 400 nm.

Question 8.
State the relation between 2n1 and critical angle.
2n1 = sin i, where i is the critical angle.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What is meant by refraction of light?
The change in the direction of propagation of light when it passes obliquely from one transparent medium to another is called refraction of light.

Question 2.
Why is there a change in the direction of propagation of light when it passes obliquely from one transparent medium to another?
The velocity of light is different in different media. Hence, there is a change in the direction of propagation of light when it passes obliquely from one transparent medium to another.

Question 3.
In the case of refraction of light through a glass slab, the emergent ray is parallel to the incident ray, but it is displaced sideways. Why does this happen?
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The first refraction takes place as light passes obliquely from air to glass. In this case, the ray of light bends towards the normal at point N. The second refraction takes place as light passes obliquely from glass to air. In this case, the ray of light bends away from the normal at point M. The faces PQ and SR of the glass slab are parallel. Hence, the extent of bending of light at SR is equal in magnitude but opposite in sense relative to the bending of light at PQ. Hence, the emergent ray of light (MD) is parallel to the incident ray of light (AN), but it is displaced sideways as shown in Figure.

Question 4.
Define angle of incidence and angle of refraction.
(1) The angle made by the incident ray of light with the normal to the surface at the point of incidence is called the angle of incidence.

(2) The angle made by the refracted ray of light with the normal to the surface at the point of incidence is called the angle of refraction.

[Note: The angle e in Fig. 6.3 is also called the angle of emergence as it is the angle made by the emergent ray with the normal to the surface at the point of emergence. ]

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light

Question 5.
Repeat the activity “Refraction of light passing through a glass sl^b” by replacing the glass slab by a transparent plastic slab.
(i) What similarity do you observe?
(ii) What difference do you notice?
(i) Similarity: The emergent ray is parallel to the incident ray, but it is displaced sideways.
(ii) Difference: For a given angle of incidence, the extent of refraction (bending) is different (in general, less) for a transparent plastic slab relative to the glass slab.

Question 6.
State the laws of refraction of light.
Laws of refraction of light:
(1) The incident ray and the refracted ray are on the opposite sides of the normal to the surface at the point of incidence and all the three, i.e., the incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal are in the same plane.

(2) For a given pair of media, the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is constant (Snell’s law). This constant is called the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium.
[Note: Here, a ray means a ray of light.]

Question 7.
How is refraction of light related to refractive index?
When a ray of light travels obliquely from an optically rarer medium (lower refractive index) to an optically denser medium (higher refractive index), the ray bends towards the normal. When a ray of light travels obliquely from an optically denser medium to an optically rarer medium, the ray bends away from the normal. For a given angle of incidence (i ≠ 0), the extent of refraction (bending) of light is different in different media.

If the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium is greater than 1, the greater the refractive index, the greater is the bending of the ray of light towards the normal. If the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium is less than 1, the greater the refractive index, the lesser is the bending of the ray of light away from the normal.

Question 8.
Define the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium.
What is meant by refractive index?
The refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium is defined as the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction when the ray of light is obliquely incident at the boundary separating the
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two media and travels from the first medium to the second medium. (See Fig. 6.4.)
The refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium is defined as the ratio of (the magnitude of) the velocity of light in the first medium to (the magnitude of) the velocity of light in the second medium.

[Note: Velocity is a vector, i.e., it has magnitude and direction. In definition of refractive index, we consider only the magnitude of velocity of light (speed of light). Velocity of light in a medium depends on the physical condition of the medium as well as the frequency of light. Velocity of light is different in different media. For a given medium, the refractive index depends on the colour of light (frequency of light.)]

Question 9.
State the formulae for the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium.
The refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium,
2n1 = \(\frac{\sin i}{\sin r}=\frac{v_{1}}{v_{2}}\)
where i is the angle of incidence, r is the angle of refraction (as the ray of light passes obliquely from the first medium to the second medium), v1 is the magnitude of the velocity (speed) of light in the first medium and v2 is the magnitude of the velocity of light in the second medium.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light

Question 10.
Define absolute refractive index.
The absolute refractive index of a medium is defined as the ratio of the magnitude of the velocity of light in vacuum to the magnitude of the velocity of light in the medium.

[Note: The speed of light is maximum in vacuum, about 3 × 108 m/s. When light travels from one medium to another, there occurs a change in its speed and wavelength (A). But its frequency (v) remain the same.]

Question 11.
Obtain the relation between the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium and the refractive index of the first medium with respect to the second medium.
Let v1 = speed of light in the first medium, v2 = speed of light in the second medium, 2n1 = refractive index of the second medium With respect to the first medium and 1n2 = refractive index of the first medium with respect to the second medium.
By definition, 2n1 = \(\frac{v_{1}}{v_{2}}\) and 1n2 = \(\frac{v_{2}}{v_{1}}\)
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1n2 × 2n1 = 1.

Question 12.
If the refractive index of a certain material with respect to air is 1.5, what is the refractive index of air with respect to that material?
As the refractive index of the given material with respect to air is 1.5, the refractive index of air with respect to the material is
\(\frac{1}{1.5}=\frac{1}{3 / 2}=\frac{2}{3}\) = 0.6667 (approximately)

Question 13.
Explain the terms optically rarer medium and optically denser medium with examples.
When we consider two media (such as air and glass), the medium with lower refractive index is called the optically rarer medium (in the present case, air) and the medium with higher refractive index is called the optically denser medium (glass, in the present case).

The higher density does not necessarily mean higher refractive index. For example, the density of water is greater than that of kerosene, but the absolute refractive index of water is less than that of kerosine. Thus, when we consider water and kerosine, water is an optically rarer medium while kerosine is an optically denser medium.

If we consider kerosene and benzene, kerosine is an optically rarer medium while benzene is an optically denser medium.

Question 14.
A ray of light is incident obliquely at a boundary separating two media. What is its behaviour if (1) the refractive index of the second medium is greater than that of the first medium (2) the refractive index of the first medium is greater than that of the second medium? Draw the corresponding neat and labelled diagrams.
Consider a ray of light incident obliquely at a boundary separating two media.
(1) If the refractive index of the second medium is greater than that of the first medium, the ray bends towards the normal at the point of incidence as it travels from the first medium (optically rarer medium) to the second medium (optically denser medium). The angle of refraction (r) is less than the angle of incidence (i). (Fig. 6.6)
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Fig. 6.6: A ray of light travelling from a rarer medium to a denser medium (Schematic diagram)
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Fig. 6.7: A ray of light travelling from a denser medium to a rarer medium (Schematic diagram)

(2) If the refractive index of the first medium is greater than that of the second medium, the ray bends away from the normal at the point of incidence as it travels from the first medium (optically denser medium), to the second medium (optically rarer medium). The angle of refraction (r) is greater than the angle of incidence (i). (Fig. 6.7)

[Note In this chapter, a rarer medium means an optically rarer medium and a denser medium means optically denser medium unless stated otherwise.]

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light

Question 15.
Observe the following figure and write accurate conclusion regarding refraction of light. (Practice Activity Sheet – 2)
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When a light ray passes obliquely from a rarer medium to a denser medium, it bends towards the normal.

Question 16.
What happens when a ray of light is incident normal to the interface between two media? Draw the corresponding neat and labelled diagram.
When a ray of light is incident normal to the interface between two media, the ray propagates undeviated as it travels from the first medium to the second medium irrespective of the refractive indices of the two media. In this case, the angle of incidence (i) is zero and so also the angle of refraction (r).
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Fig. 6.9: A ray of light incident normal to the interface between two media propagates without any change in its direction of propagation

Question 17.
Draw a neat and labelled diagram to show the path of a ray of light in air and glass when the ray is incident obliquely on a glass slab. Show the (i) incident ray (ii) refracted ray (iii) emergent ray (iv) angle of incidence (v) angle of refraction (vi) angle of emergence in the diagram.
Draw a neat and labelled diagram to show refraction of light through a glass slab.
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Fig. 6.10: The path of the ray of light in air and glass when the ray is incident obliquely on a glass slab
In Fig. 6.10, i = angle of incidence, r = angle of refraction and e = angle of emergence.

Question 18.
Observe the given figure and name the following rays:
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(i) ray AB
(ii) Ray BC
(iii) ray CD
(i) The ray AB is the incident ray.
(ii) The ray BC is the refracted ray.
(iii) The ray CD is the emergent ray.

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Question 19.
A plane mirror is kept at the bottom of a trough with water in it as shown in the following figure (Fig. 6.12). The ray of light emerging from a source at the point S outside the trough reaches the point A on the surface of water. Draw a neat ray diagram to show the subsequent path of light and complete the ray diagram.
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Question 20.
Give two examples of the effect of atmospheric refraction on a small scale in local environment.

  1. The occurrence of a mirage
  2. Flickering of an object seen through a turbulent stream of hot air rising above the Holi fire are examples of the effect of atmospheric refraction on a small scale in local environment.

Question 21.
What is a mirage? With a neat labelled diagram, explain the conditions under which it is seen.
Due to the changes in refraction of light, the light rays coming from a distant object appear to be coming from the image of the object inside the ground. This is called a mirage.
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When the earth’s surface is heated by the sun, the temperature of air increases. This produces a layer of hot air of lower density (mass per unit volume) and lower refractive index at the surface. Hot air works as an optically rarer medium relative to cool air. When the temperature changes rapidly in the vertical direction, as refraction of light takes place, the angle of refraction changes continuously.

The rays of light from the top of an object such as a car or tree cross the rays from the bottom of the object on their way to the observer’s eye. Hence, an inverted image is formed below the object’s true position and downward towards the surface in the direction of air at higher temperature. In this case, some rays of light bend back up into the denser air above figure. Mirage produces an impression of water near the hot ground.

Question 22.
Explain in brief the flickering of an object seen through a turbulent stream of hot air rising above the Holi fire.
During the Holi fire, the temperature of the air just above the fire becomes much greater than that of the air further up. The hot air has lower density (mass per unit volume) and lower refractive index. It becomes an optically rarer medium. The cool air has higher density and higher refractive index. It is an optically denser medium relative to hot air. Hence, in refraction of light, the angle of refraction changes continuously due to a continuous variation in refractive index.

As the physical conditions of air change rapidly, the apparent position of an object fluctuates rapidly. This gives rise to the flickering of an object seen through a turbulent stream of hot air rising above the Holi fire.

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Question 23.
With a neat labelled diagram, explain twinkling of a star. Also explain why a planet does not twinkle.
(1) As a star is far away from the earth, it appears as a point source of light. The density of air decreases with height above the earth’s surface. Hence, the refractive index of air also decreases with height. When starlight enters the earth’s atmosphere, it undergoes refraction continuously in the medium with gradually changing refractive index. The bending of starlight occurs towards the normal as it passes from the optically rarer part of the medium to the optically denser part.

(2) Hence, when a star is observed near the horizon, its apparent position is slightly higher than the actual position (See below figure).

(3) Further, the apparent position varies with time as the medium is not stationary due to mobility of air and change in temperature. When more light is refracted towards the observer the star appears bright. When less light is refracted towards the observer, the star appears dim.
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(4) Thus there is fluctuation in the brightness of a star when observed from the earth. This is called twinkling of a star.

(5) Compared to stars, planets are relatively closer to the earth. Hence, a planet appears as a collection of a large number of point sources. Due to the changes in the refractive index of air, there is a change in the position and brightness of these point sources.

There is an increase in intensity of light coming from some point sources while there is a decrease in intensity of light coming from equal number of other point sources, on an average. The average brightness of a planet remain the same. Also, there is no change in the average position of a star. Hence, a planet does not twinkle.

Question 24.
What is the correct reason for blinking/flickering of stars? Explain it.
(a) The blasts in the stars.
(b) Absorption of star light by the atmosphere.
(c) Motion of the stars.
(d) Changing refractive index of gases in the atmosphere. (Practice Activity Sheet – 2)
(d) Changing refractive index of the gases in the atmosphere results in blinking/flickering of stars.

(1) As a star is far away from the earth, it appears as a point source of light. The density of air decreases with height above the earth’s surface. Hence, the refractive index of air also decreases with height. When starlight enters the earth’s atmosphere, it undergoes refraction continuously in the medium with gradually changing refractive index. The bending of starlight occurs towards the normal as it passes from the optically rarer part of the medium to the optically denser part.

(2) Hence, when a star is observed near the horizon, its apparent position is slightly higher than the actual position (See below figure).

(3) Further, the apparent position varies with time as the medium is not stationary due to mobility of air and change in temperature. When more light is refracted towards the observer the star appears bright. When less light is refracted towards the observer, the star appears dim.
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(4) Thus there is fluctuation in the brightness of a star when observed from the earth. This is called twinkling of a star.

(5) Compared to stars, planets are relatively closer to the earth. Hence, a planet appears as a collection of a large number of point sources. Due to the changes in the refractive index of air, there is a change in the position and brightness of these point sources.

There is an increase in intensity of light coming from some point sources while there is a decrease in intensity of light coming from equal number of other point sources, on an average. The average brightness of a planet remain the same. Also, there is no change in the average position of a star. Hence, a planet does not twinkle.

Question 25.
With a neat labelled diagram, explain advanced sunrise and delayed sunset.
(1) The sunrise (the appearance of the sun above the horizon) is advanced due to atmospheric refraction of sunlight. An observer on the earth sees the sun two minutes before the sun reaches the horizon. A ray of sunlight entering the earth’s atmosphere follows a curved path due to atmospheric refraction before reaching the earth. This happens due to a gradual variation in the refractive index of the atmosphere.

For the observer on the earth, the apparent position of the sun is slightly higher than the actual position. Hence, the sun is seen before the sun reaches the horizon.

(2) Increased atmospheric refraction of sunlight occurs also at the sunset (the sun disappearing below the horizon). In this case, the observer on the earth continues to see the setting sun for two minutes after the sun has dipped below the horizon, thus delaying the sunset.
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The advanced sunrise and delayed sunset increases the duration of day by four minutes.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light

Question 26.
Water in a swimming pool or water tank appears shallower than its depth. Why?
When light rays travel obliquely from an optically denser medium (water, in this case) to an optically rarer medium (air, in this case), they bend away from the normal at the point of incidence. As a result, the bottom of a swimming pool or water tank appears raised to an observer standing near the edge of the pool or the tank. Therefore, the swimming pool or water tank appears shallower than its depth.

Question 27.
Place a coin at the bottom of a glass jar containing water. Now tilt the jar suitably. When viewed at a suitable angle, the coin appears to be floating. Why?
When light rays travel obliquely from an optically denser medium (water, in this case) to an optically rarer medium (air, in this case), they bend away from the normal at the point of incidence. As a result, the coin appears raised. Therefore, when the jar is tilted suitably and observed at a suitable angle, the coin appears to be floating.

Question 28.
State the wavelength range of electromagnetic radiation to which our eyes are sensitive.
Our eyes are sensitive to light (electromagnetic radiation). Its wavelength range is 400 nm to 700 nm.
[Note: Wavelength (λ) goes on decreasing and frequency (ν) goes on increasing from red (λ ≃ 700 nm) → orange → yellow → green → blue → indigo → violet (A ≃ 400 nm). c = vλ, where c is the speed of light in vacuum.]

Question 29.
What do you mean by dispersion of light? What is a spectrum of light? Name the different colours of light in the proper sequence in the spectrum of white light.
What do you mean by dispersion? Name the different colours of light in the proper sequence in the spectrum of white light.
The process of separation of light into its component colours while passing through a medium is called dispersion of light. The band of coloured components of a light beam is called spectrum.
The different colours of light in the spectrum of white light are violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red.

Question 30.
What is a prism?
A prism is a transparent medium bound by two plane surfaces inclined at an angle. Normally it is made of glass and has triangular cross section.

Question 31.
With a neat labelled diagram, describe the experiment to demonstrate dispersion of sunlight (white light) by a prism.
(1) Procedure: Keep a glass prism on a table in a dark room. Hold a plane mirror outside the room so that it reflects a beam of sunlight into the room. Allow this beam to pass through a narrow slit made in cardboard and then fall on the prism. Place a white screen on the other side of the prism as shown in the following figure. [Fig. 6.17]
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(2) Observations:

  1. A pattern of various colours is observed on the screen. This pattern is called the spectrum.
  2. It is found that in dispersion, the ray corresponding to violet colour deviates the most.
  3. The ray corresponding to red colour deviates the least.
  4. The deviation of rays corresponding to other colours is intermediate.

(3) Conclusion: When sunlight (white light) is incident on a prism, dispersion of light takes place, forming a spectrum.

[Notes: (1) This experiment is due to Sir Isaac Newton (1642 – 1727), English physicist and mathematician. (2) If in a Board examination, incomplete diagram (as shown in Fig. 6.18) is given, students should complete it and label its parts as shown in Fig. 6.17.]
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light

Question 32.
How does the dispersion of white light take place when it passes through a glass prism?
When rays of light are incident on a prism, they are refracted twice, while travelling from air to glass and then from glass to air. Even when the incident rays are directed away from the base of the prism, the emergent rays bend towards the base of the prism, as the prism is triangular. Thus, the rays are deviated as they pass through the prism.

The refractive index of glass is different for different colours. Therefore, the rays corresponding to different colours are deviated to different extents. White light is a mixture of seven colours : violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. Hence, when white light is incident on a prism, a spectrum of seven colours is obtained.

The refractive index of glass is maximum for violet light and minimum for red light. Hence, violet light is deviated the most and red light is deviated the least. The deviation of rays corresponding to other colours is intermediate. In this manner, the dispersion of light takes place when it passes through a glass prism. [For reference, see Fig. 6.17.]

Question 33.
What is a spectrum? Why do we get a spectrum of seven colours when while light is dispersed by a prism?
Explain how a spectrum is formed.
A band of coloured components of a light beam is called a spectrum. When white light is incident on a prism, the rays corresponding to different colours bend through different angles on refraction.

Of the various colours in the visible region, red light bends the least and violet light bends the most. Each colour emerges through the prism along a different path and becomes, distinct. Hence, we get a spectrum of seven colours.

Question 34.
What is partial reflection of light?
When light travels from a denser medium to a rarer medium, it is partially reflected, i.e., part of light comes back into the denser medium as per the laws of reflection. This is called partial reflection of light.

[Note: Partial reflection of light occurs even when light travels from a rarer medium to a denser medium. The rest of light is refracted.]

Question 35.
Explain the terms total internal reflection and critical angle.
Figure 6.20 shows passage of light from water (denser medium) to air (rarer medium).
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The ray of light incident at the boundary separating the two media bends away from the normal on refraction. Here, the angle of refraction r, is greater than the angle of incidence i.
Now anw = \(\frac{\sin i}{\sin r}\) < 1. Here, anw is the refractive index of sin r air with respect to water.

As anw is constant, r increases as i increases. For r = 90°, the ray travels along the boundary. If i is increased further, as r cannot be greater than 90°, light does not enter air. There is no refraction of light and all the light enters water on reflection. This is called total internal reflection.
For r = 90°, anw = \(\frac{\sin i}{\sin 90^{\circ}}\) = sin i. This angle i is sin 90° called the critical angle.

Question 36.
Swarali has got the following observations while doing an experiment. Answer her questions with the help of observations. (Practice Activity Sheet – 2)
Swarali observed that the light bent away from the normal, while travelling from a denser medium to a rarer medium. When Swarali increased the values of the angle of incidence (i). the values of the angle of refraction (r) went on increasing. But at a certain angle of incidence, the light rays returned into the denser medium.
So, Swarali has some questions. Answer them.
(a) Name this certain value of i. What is the value of r at that time?
(b) Name this process of returning light in the denser medium. Explain the process.
(a) Critical angle r = 90°
(b) Total internal reflection.

As light goes from a denser to rarer medium, if the value of the angle of incidence increases, then the value of the angle of refraction also increases. But after a specific angle of incidence called the critical angle, the light gets reflected back into the denser medium.

The ray of light incident at the boundary separating the two media bends away from the normal on refraction. Here, the angle of refraction r, is greater than the angle of incidence i.
Now anw = \(\frac{\sin i}{\sin r}\) < 1. Here, anw is the refractive index of sin r air with respect to water. As anw is constant, r increases as i increases. For r = 90°, the ray travels along the boundary. If i is increased further, as r cannot be greater than 90°, light does not enter air. There is no refraction of light and all the light enters water on reflection. This is called total internal reflection.

For r = 90°, anw = \(\frac{\sin i}{\sin 90^{\circ}}\) = sin i. This angle i is sin 90° called the critical angle.

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Question 37.
The observations made by Swarali while doing the experiment are given below. Based on these write answers to the questions:
Swarali found that the light ray travelling from the denser medium to a rarer medium goes away from the normal. If the angle of incidence (i) is raised by Swarali, the angle of refraction (r) went on increasing. However, after certain value of the angle of incidence, the light ray is seen to return back into the denser medium. (March 2019)
(i) What is the specific value of ∠i called?
(ii) What is the process of reflection of incident ray into a denser medium called?
(iii) Draw the diagrams of three observations made by Swarali.
(i) Critical angle
(ii) Total internal reflection
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Question 38.
Define total internal reflection of light.
When light travels from a denser medium to a rarer medium, if the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle, there is no refraction of light and all the light is reflected in the denser medium. This is called total internal reflection of light.

Question 39.
Define critical angle.
When light travels from a denser medium to a rarer medium, the angle of incidence for which the angle of refraction becomes 90°, is called the critical angle.

Question 40.
If the refractive index of a rarer medium with respect to a denser medium is 0.5, what is the critical angle?
2n1 = 0.5 = sin i
∴ Critical angle i = 30°.

Question 41.
Name the devices in which total internal reflection of light is used.

  1. Total internal reflecting prisms are used in a camera, binoculars, periscope.
  2. Total internal reflection of light is used in optical fibres.

[Note: Total internal reflection of light plays an important role in sparkling brilliance of a diamond.]

Question 42.
Explain why an empty test tube held obliquely in water appears shiny to an observer looking down.
When an empty test tube is held obliquely in Water in a beaker, some light rays passing from water to air are incident at an angle greater than the critical angle. They are, thus, totally internally reflected as shown, and the surface of the test tube has a silvery shine.
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Question 43.
Observe the given figure and answer the following questions. (Practice Activity Sheet – 3)
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(a) Identify and write the natural process shown in the figure.
(b) List the phenomena which are observed in this process.
(c) Redraw the diagram and show the above phenomena in it.
(a) The natural process shown in the figure is formation of rainbow.
(b) The phenomena observed in this process are refraction, internal reflection and dispersion of light.
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Write a short note on the following:

Question 1.
Refraction observed in the atmosphere.
When a ray of light passes obliquely from an optically rarer medium to an optically denser medium, it bends towards the normal at the point of incidence. If opposite is the case, the ray bends away from the normal.

Atmosphere is never static. Air is mobile and its density and temperature are not uniform. As a result, in general, the path of a ray of light through atmosphere of varying refractive index is a curve. The refractive index of cool air is greater than that of hot air.

Atmospheric refraction of light results in many interesting optical phenomena such as twinkling of a star, advanced sunrise and delayed sunset, mirage and flickering of an object seen through a turbulent stream of hot air rising from a fire.

Question 2.
Dispersion of light.
The process of separation of light into its component colours while passing through a medium is called dispersion of light. When white light passes through a glass prism, it spreads out into a band of different colours (components) called the spectrum of light. The colours in the spectrum of white light are violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red.

Formation of a rainbow is an example of dispersion of light in nature. In this case, raindrops are responsible for dispersion of sunlight.

Dispersion takes place because the refractive index of a material such as glass or water, is different for different colours. It is maximum for violet colour and minimum for red colour. Hence, in the spectrum of white light (sunlight) obtained with a prism, violet light is deviated the most while red light is deviated the least. The deviation of light corresponding to other colours lies in between.

Give scientific reasons:

Question 1.
A coin kept in a bowl is not visible when seen from one side. But, when water is poured in the bowl, the coin becomes visible.
(1) When the bowl is empty, the rays of light coming from the coin are obstructed by the side of the bowl, and hence the coin is not visible when seen from one side of the bowl.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light 29
(2) When water is poured in the bowl, the rays of light coming from the coin travel from water (denser medium) to air (rarer medium). Hence, they bend away from the normal on refraction. Therefore, the coin appears to be raised and becomes visible when observed from one side of the bowl.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light

Question 2.
A pencil dipped in water obliquely appears bent at the surface of water.
When a pencil is partly immersed in water and held in a slanting position, it appears to be bent at the boundary separating water and air.
(1) When a pencil is partly immersed in water and held in a slanting position, the rays of light coming from the immersed part of the pencil emerge from water (a denser medium) and enter air (a rarer medium). During this propagation, they bend away from the normal on refraction.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light 30
The pencil appearing bent at the boundary of water and air (schematic diagram)

(2) As a result, the immersed part of the pencil does not appear straight with respect to the part outside the water, but appears to be raised. Hence, a pencil dipped obliquely in water appears bent at the surface of the water.

Question 3.
The shadow of the edge of an empty vessel is formed due to the slanting rays of the sun. When water is poured in the vessel, the shadow is shifted.
(1) When the slanting rays of the sun are obstructed by the edge of the empty vessel, the shadow of the edge is formed.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light 31
(2) When water is poured in the vessel, the slanting rays of the sun travel from air (rarer medium) to water (denser medium). During this propagation, they bend towards the normal on refraction. Hence, some part in the region of the shadow is now illuminated and the shadow appears to have shifted.

Question 4.
The bottom of a pond appears raised.
(1) The rays of light coming from the bottom of a pond bend away from the normal as they travel from water (denser medium) to air (rarer medium).
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light 32
(2) Hence, they appear to come from a point above the actual point from which they come.
Therefore, the bottom of the pond appears raised.

Question 5.
While shooting a fish in a lake, the gun is aimed below the apparent position of the fish.
(1) The rays of light coming from the fish bend away from the normal as they travel from water (denser medium) to air (rarer medium).
(2) Hence, the position of the fish in water appears to be above Its real position. Therefore, while shooting a fish in a lake, the gun is aimed below the apparent position of the fish.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light 33

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light

Question 6.
The sun is seen on the horizon a little before sunrise.
The sun is seen on the horizon for sometime even after sunset.
(1) The earth is surrounded by an atmosphere which is denser near the surface of the earth. When the rays of light from the sun enter the earth’s atmosphere from outer space, they travel from a rarer medium to a denser medium. Hence, they bend towards the normal on refraction.

(2) Hence, even when the sun is below the horizon while rising or setting, its rays reach us due to refraction and it appears to be on the horizon. Therefore, the sun is seen on the horizon a little before sunrise as well as for some time even after sunset.

Distinguish between:

Question 1.
Reflection of light and Refraction of light:

Reflection of light Refraction of light
1. The rays of light, before and after reflection, travel in the same medium. 1. In refraction of light, the rays travel from one medium to another medium.
2. In reflection, the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection are equal. 2. In refraction, when the rays travel obliquely from one medium to another medium, the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction are not equal.
3. In reflection, there is no change in the speed and wavelength of light. 3. In refraction, there occurs a change in the speed and wavelength of light.
4. In reflection, there is no dispersion of light. 4. Generally, in refraction, there occurs dispersion of light.

[Note: The frequency of light remains the same in reflection and refraction.]

Complete the following or Solve and fill in the blanks :

Question 1.

Speed of light in the first medium (v1) Speed of light in the second medium (v2) Refractive index 2n1 Refractive index 2n1
3 × 108 m/s 1.2 × 108 m/s ————————– ————————–
————————– 2.25 × 108 m/s 4/3 ————————–
2 × 108 m/s ————————– ————————– 1.5


Speed of light in the first medium (v1) Speed of light in the second medium (v2) Refractive index 2n1 Refractive index 2n1
3 × 108 m/s 1.2 × 108 m/s 2.5 0.4
3 × 108 m/s 2.25 × 108 m/s 4/3 0.75
2 × 108 m/s 3 × 108 m/s 2/3 1.5

2n1 = v1/v2, 1n2 = v2/v1

Solve the following examples/numerical problems:
c = 3 × 108 m/s

Problem 1.
The speed of light in a transparent medium is 2.4 × 108 m/s. Calculate the absolute refractive index of the medium.
Data: c = 3 × 108 m/s,
v = 2.4 × 108 m/s, n = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light 34
The absolute refractive index of the medium = 1.25.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light

Problem 2.
The velocity of light in a medium is 2 × 108 m/s. What is the refractive index of the medium with respect to air, if the velocity of light in air is 3 × 108 m/s?
Data: v1 = 3 × 108 m/s,
v2 = 2 × 108 m/s, 2n1 = ?
2n1 = \(\frac{v_{1}}{v_{2}}\)
\(=\frac{3 \times 10^{8}}{2 \times 10^{8}}\)
= 1.5
The refractive index of the medium with respect to air is 1.5.

Problem 3.
Light travels with a velocity 1.5 × 108 m/s in a medium. On entering second medium its velocity becomes 0.75 × 108 m/s. What is the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium? (Practice Activity Sheet – 3)
Given: Velocity of light in the first medium = v1 = 1.5 × 108 m/s,
velocity of light in the second medium = v2 = 0.75 × 108 m/s,
refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium = 2n1 = ?
2n1 = \(\frac{v_{1}}{v_{2}}\)
2n1 = \(\frac{1.5 \times 10^{8}}{0.75 \times 10^{8}}\) = 2
Hence, the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium is 2.
[Note : The absolute refractive index of the second medium = \(\frac{3 \times 10^{8} \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{s}}{0.75 \times 10^{8} \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{s}}\) = 4 (greater than that of diamond, not likely).]

Problem 4.
The refractive index of water is 4/3 and the speed of light in air is 3 × 108 m/s. Find the speed of light in water.
Data: 2n1 = 4/3, v1 = 3 × 108 m/s, v2 = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light 35
The speed of light in water = 2.25 × 108 m/s.

Problem 5.
The speed of light in water and glass is 2.2 × 108 m/s and 2 × 108 m/s respectively. What is the refractive index of (i) water with respect to glass (ii) glass with respect to water?
Data: uw = 2.2 × 108 m/s,
vg= 2 × 108 m/s, wng = ?, gnw = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light 36
The refractive index of water with respect to glass = 0.909 (approximately).
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light 37
The refractive index of glass with respect to glass = 1.1 (approximately).

Numerical Problems For Practice:
(Given: C = 3 × 108m/s)

Problem 1.
The speed of light in a transparent medium is 2 × 108 m/s. Find the absolute refractive index of the medium.

Problem 2
The absolute refractive index of a transparent medium is 5/3. Find the speed of light in the medium.
1.8 × 108 m/s

Problem 3.
The absolute refractive index of a transparent medium is 2.4 and the speed of light in that medium is 1.25 × 108 m/s. Find the speed of light in air.
3 × 108 m/s

Problem 4.
The speed of light in water is 2.25 × 108 m/s and that in glass is 2 × 108 m/s. Find the refractive index of (i) the glass with respect to water (ii) water with respect to the glass.
(i) 1.125
(ii) 0.889 (approximately)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Refraction of Light

Problem 5.
If the refractive index of a certain glass with respect to water is 1.25, find the refractive index of water with respect to the glass.

Problem 6.
If the absolute refractive index of glass is 1.5 and that of water is \(\frac{4}{3}\), find the refractive index of water with respect to glass.

10th Std Science Part 1 Questions And Answers:

Heat Class 10 Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 5

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks and rewrite the sentences:
a. The amount of water vapour in air is determined in terms of its………..
The amount of water vapour in air is determined in terms of its absolute humidity.

b. If objects of equal masses are given equal heat, their final temperature will be different. This is due to difference in their………….
If objects of equal masses are given equal heat, their final temperature will be different. This is due to difference in their specific heat capacities.

c. When a liquid is getting converted into solid, the latent heat is……….  (Practical Activity Sheet – 1 and 2)
When a liquid is getting converted into solid, the latent heat is released.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 2.
Observe the following graph. Considering the change in volume of water as its temperature is raised from 0 °C, discuss the difference in the behaviour of water and other substances. What is this behaviour of water called?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat 1
If the temperature of water is raised from 0 °C to 10 °C, its volume goes on decreasing in the range 0 °C to 4 °C. It is minimum at 4 °C. The volume of water goes on increasing in the range 4 °C to 10 °C.

In general, when a substance is heated, its volume goes on increasing with temperature. Thus, in the range 0 °C to 4 °C, behaviour of water is different from other substances. It is called anomalous behaviour of water.

Question 3.
What is meant by specific heat capacity?
How will you prove experimentally that different substances have different specific heat capacities?
The amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of an object by 1 °C is called the specific heat capacity of that object.

Question 4.
While deciding the unit for heat, which temperatures interval is chosen? why?
While deciding the unit for heat, the temperature interval chosen is 14.5 °C to 15.5 °C. For the reason, see the information given in the following box.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 5.
Explain the following temperature vs time graph:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat 2
(Practice Activity Sheet – 1 and 4; March 2019)
The graph shows what happens when a mixture of ice and water is heated continuously. The temperature of the mixture remains constant (0 °C) till all the ice melts as shown by the line AB. This temperature is the melting point of ice. On further heating, the temperature rises steadily from 0 °C to 100 °C as shown by the line BC, At 100 °C water starts converting into steam. This temperature is the boiling point of water. Further heating does not change the temperature and the conversion waters steam continues as shown by the line CD.

Question 6.
Explain the following:
a. the role of anomalous behaviour of water in preserving aquatic life in regions of cold climate?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat 3
In cold regions, during winter, the temperature of the atmosphere falls well below 0 °C. As the temperature decreases, the water at the surfaces of lakes and ponds starts contracting. Hence, its density increases and it sinks to the bottom. This process continues till the temperature of all the water in a lake falls to 4 °C. As the water at the surface cools further, i.e., its temperature falls below 4 °C, it starts expanding instead of contracting. Therefore, its density decreases and it remains at the surface.

The temperature of the water at the surface continues to fall to 0 °C. Finally, the water at the surface is converted into ice, but the water below the layer of ice is at 4 °C. Ice is a bad conductor of heat. Hence, the layer of the ice at the surface does not allow transfer of heat from the water to the atmosphere. As the water below the layer of ice remains at 4 °C, fish and other aquatic animals and plants can survive in it.

b. How can you relate the formation of water droplets on the outer surface of a bottle taken out of a refrigerator with formation of dew?
At a given temperature, there is a limit on how much water vapour the given volume of air can hold. The lower the temperature, the lower is the capacity of air to hold water vapour.

The temperature of a bottle kept in a refrigerator is lower than room temperature. Hence, when the bottle is taken out of the refrigerator, the temperature of the air surrounding the bottle is lowered. Therefore, the capacity of the air to hold water vapour becomes less. Hence, the excess water vapour condenses to form water droplets (like dew) on the outer surface of the bottle.

c. In cold regions in winter, the rocks crack due to anomalous expansion of water.
Sometimes water enters into crevices of the rocks. When the temperature of the atmosphere falls below 4 °C, water expands. Even when water freezes to form ice, there is increase in its volume. As there is no room for expansion, it exerts a tremendous pressure on the rocks which crack and break up into small pieces.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 7.
a. What is meant by latent heat? How will the state of matter transform if latent heat is given off?
When a solid is heated, initially, its temperature increases. Here, the heat absorbed by the body (substance) is used in increasing the kinetic energy of the particles (atomic, molecules, etc.) of the body as well as for doing work against the forces of attraction between them. As the heating is continued, at a certain temperature (melting point), solid is converted into liquid. In this case, the temperature remains constant and the heat absorbed is used for weakening the bonds and conversion into liquid phase (liquid state). This heat is called the latent heat of fusion.

When a liquid is converted into the gaseous phase (gaseous state), at the boiling point, the heat absorbed is used for breaking the bonds between the atoms or molecules. This heat is called the latent heat of vaporization. Some solids, under certain conditions, are directly transformed into the gaseous phase. Here the heat is absorbed but the temperature remains constant. The absorbed heat is used for breaking the bonds between atoms or molecules. This heat is called the latent heat of sublimation.

In general, latent heat is the heat absorbed or given out by a substance during a change of state at constant temperature.
In transformations from liquid to solid, gas to liquid and gas to solid, latent heat is given out by the body (substance).
(Note: change of state = change of phase)

b. Which principle is used to measure the specific heat capacity of a substance?
The principle of heat exchange is used to measure the specific heat capacity of a substance. This principle is as follows: If a system of two objects is isolated from the environment by keeping it inside a heat resistant box, then no energy can leave the box or enter the box. In this situation, heat energy lost by the hot object = heat energy gained by the cold object.

c. Explain the role of latent heat in the change of state of a substance.
When a solid is heated, initially, its temperature increases. Here, the heat absorbed by the body (substance) is used in increasing the kinetic energy of the particles (atomic, molecules, etc.) of the body as well as for doing work against the forces of attraction between them. As the heating is continued, at a certain temperature (melting point), solid is converted into liquid. In this case, the temperature remains constant and the heat absorbed is used for weakening the bonds and conversion into liquid phase (liquid state). This heat is called the latent heat of fusion.

When a liquid is converted into the gaseous phase (gaseous state), at the boiling point, the heat absorbed is used for breaking the bonds between the atoms or molecules. This heat is called the latent heat of vaporization. Some solids, under certain conditions, are directly transformed into the gaseous phase. Here the heat is absorbed but the temperature remains constant. The absorbed heat is used for breaking the bonds between atoms or molecules. This heat is called the latent heat of sublimation.

In general, latent heat is the heat absorbed or given out by a substance during a change of state at constant temperature.
In transformations from liquid to solid, gas to liquid and gas to solid, latent heat is given out by the body (substance).
(Note: change of state = change of phase)

d. what basis and how will you determine whether air is saturated with vapour or not?
Whether the air is saturated with water vapour or not is determined on the basis of the extent of water vapour present in the air. If the relative humidity is 100%, the air is saturated with water vapour. In that case, we can see the formation of water droplets on the leaves of plants/grass.
If the relative humidity is less than 100%, the air is not saturated with water vapour.

Question 8.
Read the following paragraph and answer the questions:
If heat is exchanged between a hot and cold object, the temperature of the cold object goes on increasing due to gain of energy and the temperature of the hot object goes on decreasing due to loss of energy.

The change in temperature continues till the temperatures of both the objects attain the same value. In this process, the cold object gains heat energy and the hot object loses’ heat energy. If the system of both the objects is isolated from the environment by keeping it inside a heat resistant box (meaning that the energy exchange takes place between the two objects only), then no energy can flow from inside the box or come into the box.
(1) Heat is transferred from where to where?
(2) Which principle do we learn about from this process?
(3) How will you state the principle briefly?
(4) Which property of the substance is measured using this principle?
(1) Heat is transferred from a hot object to a cold object.
(2) This process shows the principle of heat exchange.
(3) In this process, the cold object gains heat energy and the hot object loses energy. If a system of two objects is isolated from the surroundings, heat energy lost by the hot object = heat energy gained by the cold object.
(4) This principle is used to measure the specific heat capacity of a substance.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 9.
Solve the following problems:
a. Equal heat is given to two objects A and B of mass 1 g. The temperature of A increases by 3 °C and B by 5°C. Which object has more specific heat? And by what factor?
Data: m = 1 g, Δ T1 = 3 °C, Δ T2 = 5 °C,
Q same
Here, Q = mc1 ΔT1 = mc2 ΔT2
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat 4
Thus, c1 > c2
The specific heat of A is more than that of B and
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat 5

b. Liquid ammonia is used in ice factory for making ice from water. If water at 20 °C is to be converted into 2 kg, ice at 0 °C, how many grams of ammonia is to be evaporated?
(Given: The latent heat of vaporization of 1 ammonia = 341 cal/g)
Data : m1 = 2kg, ΔT1=20 °C – 0 °C
= 20 °C, c1 = 1 kcal/kg·°C, L1 (ice) = 80 kcal/kg,
L2 (vaporization of ammonia) = 341 cal/g = 341 kcal/kg, m2 =?
Q1 (heat lost by water) = m1c1 ΔT1 + m1L1
= 2kg × 1 kcal/kg·°C × 20 °C + 2 kg × 80 kcal/kg
=40 kcal + 160 kcal = 200 kcal
Q2 (heat absorbed by ammonia) = m2L2
= m2 × 34l kcal/kg
According to the principle of heat exchange, Q1 = Q2
∴ 200 kcal = m2 × 341 kcal/kg
∴ m2 = \(\frac{200}{341}\) kg = 0.5864 kg = 586.4 g
586.4 g of ammonia are to be evaporated.

c. A thermally insulated pot has 150 g ice at temperature 0 °C. How much steam of 100 °C has to he mixed to it, so that water of temperature 50 °C will be obtained?
(Given: Latent heat of melting of ice = 80 cal/g, latent heat of vaporization of water = 540 cal/g, specific heat of water = 1 cal/g °C)
Data: m1 = 150 g, ΔT1 = 50 °C – 0 °C
= 50 °C, cw = 1 cal/g.°C, L1 = 80 cal/g, L2 = 540 cal/g,
Δ T2 = 100°C – 50 °C = 50 °C, m2 = ?
Q1 (heat absorbed by ice) = m1L1
= 150 g × 80 cal/g = 12000 cal
Q2 (heat absorbed by water formed on melting of ice) =m1 cw ΔT1
= 150 g × 1 cal/g·°C × 50 °C = 7500 cal
Q3 (heat given out by steam) = m2L2
= m2 × 540 cal/g
Q4 (heat given out by water formed on condensation of steam)
= m2 cw ΔT2 = m2 × 1 cal/g·°C × 50 °C
According to the principle of heat exchange,
Q1 + Q2 = Q3 + Q4
∴ 12000 cal + 7500 cal = m2 × 540 cal/g + m2 × 50 cal/g
∴ 19500 cal = m2 (540 + 50) cal/g
∴ m2 = \(\frac{19500}{590}\) g
33.5 g of steam is to be mixed.

d. A calorimeter has mass 100 g and specific heat 0.1 kcal/kg ·°C. It contains 250 g of liquid at 30 °C having specific heat of 0.4 kcal/kg·°C. If we drop a piece of ice of mass 10 g at 0 °C into the liquid, what will be the temperature of the mixture?
Data: m1 = 100 g, c1 = 0.1 kcal/kg·°C,
= 0.1 cal/g·°C, T1 = 30 °C, m2 = 250 g,
c2 = 0.4 kcal/kg·°C = 0.4 cal/g·°C, T2 = 30 °C,
m3 = 10 g, T3 = 0 °C, L = 80 cal/g,
c (water) = 1 cal/g·°C, T = ?
Q1 (heat lost by calorimeter) = m1c1 (T- T1),
Q2 (heat lost by liquid) = m2c2 (T – T2),
Q3 (heat absorbed by ice) = m3 L,
Q4 (heat absorbed by water formed on melting of ice) = m3c (T – 0 °C)
According to the principle of heat exchange,
Q1 + Q2 = Q3 + Q4
∴ m1c1 (T1 – T) + m2c2 (T2 – T) = m3L + m3c (T – 0 °C)
∴ m1c1T1 – m1c1T + m2c2T2 – m2c2T = m3L + m3c (T – 0°C)
∴ m1c1T1 + m2c2T2 = m3L + (m1c1 + m2c2 + m3c)T
∴ 100g × 0.1 cal/g°C × 30 °C + 250g × 0.4 cal/g.°C × 30 °C J
= 10 g x× 80 cal/g + (100 g × 0.1 cal/g.°C + 250 g × 0.4 cal/g.°C + 10 g × 1 cal/g.°C) T
∴ (10 + 100 + 10) T = (300 + 3000 – 800)°C
∴ 120 T = 2500 °C
∴ T = \(\frac{2500}{120}\) °C = \(\frac{125}{6}\) °C = 20.83 °C
This is the temperature of the mixture.

Take help of your teachers to make a working model of Hope’s apparatus and perform the experiment. Verify the results you obtain. [Do it your self]

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Can you recall? (Text Book Page No. 62)

Question 1.
What is the difference between heat and temperature?
Heat is a form of energy. Particles of matter (atoms, molecules, etc.) possess potential energy and kinetic energy. Total energy (potential energy + kinetic energy) of all particles of matter in a given sample is called it’s thermal energy. When two bodies at different temperatures are in thermal contact with each other, there is transfer of thermal energy from a body at higher temperature to a body at lower temperature. This energy in transfer is called heat. It is expressed in joule, calorie and erg.

Temperature is a quantitative measure of degree of hotness or coldness of a body. It is expressed in °C, °F or K (kelvin). Temperature determines the direction of energy transfer.

Question 2.
What are the different ways of heat transfer?
Ways of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation.
[Note: heat ≡ heat energy. In the textbook, both the terms are used.]

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 63)

Question 1.
Is the concept of latent heat applicable during transformation of gaseous phase to liquid phase and from liquid phase to solid phase?

Question 2.
Where does the latent heat go during these transformations?
During these transformations, the latent heat is given out by the substance to the surroundings.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 64)

Question 1.
In the above experiment, the wire moves through the ice slab. However, the ice slab does not break. Why?
When the thin wire with two equal weights attached to its ends is hung over the block of ice, it exerts pressure on the ice below it. Due to this, the melting point of the ice below the wire is lowered and some ice melts. The wire passes through the water so formed.

The water above the wire is no longer under pressure and, therefore, refreezes. Once again the ice below the wire melts, and the wire passes through it, and the process continues. In this way, due to alternate melting of ice and refreezing of water, the wire cuts right through the block of ice leaving the block intact.

Question 2.
Is there any relationship of latent heat with regelation?
Yes. when the ice melts, heat is absorbed, but the temperature does not change. Also, when water refreezes, heat is given out, but the temperature does not change. This heat absorbed or given out is the latent heat.

Question 3.
You know that as we go higher than the sea level, the boiling point of water decreases. What would be the effect on the melting point of a solid?
As we go higher than the sea level, the melting point of solids (i) that expand on melting is lowered due to a decrease in pressure (ii) that contract on melting is raised due to a decrease in pressure.

[The wire used in the experiment is made of a metal (usually copper). Metals are good conductors of heat. Hence, exchange of heat between the portion of the ice above the wire and that below the wire takes place readily.]

Can you tell? (Text Book Page No. 64)

Question 1.
We feel that some objects are cold, and some are hot. Is this feeling related in some way to our body temperature?
Yes. If the temperature of the object is lower than our body temperature, e.g., ice, we feel the object is cold. If the temperature of the object is higher than our body temperature, e.g., hot water, we feel the object is hot.

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 66)

Question 1.
How will you explain the following statements with the help of the anomalous behaviour of water?
(1) In regions with cold climate, the aquatic plants and animals can survive even when the atmospheric temperature goes below 0 °C.
(2) In cold regions in winter the pipes for water supply break and even rocks crack.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat 6
In cold regions, during winter, the temperature of the atmosphere falls well below 0 °C. As the temperature decreases, the water at the surfaces of lakes and ponds starts contraeting. Hence, its density increases and it sinks to the bottom. This process continues till the temperature of all the water in a lake falls to 4 °C. As the water at the surface cools further, i.e., its temperature falls below 4 °C, it starts expanding instead of contracting. Therefore, its density decreases and it remains at the surface.

The temperature or the water at the surface continues to fall to 0 °c. Finally, the water at the surface is converted Into ice, but the water below the layer of ice is at 4 °C. Ice is a bad conductor of heat. Hence, the layer of the ice at the surface does not allow transfer of heat from the water to the atmosphere. As the water below the layer of ice remains at 4 °C, fish and other aquatic animals and plants can survive in it.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

(2) Sometimes water enters into crevices of the rocks. when the temperature of the atmosphere falls below 4 °C, water expands. Even when water freezes to form ice, there is increase in its volume. As there is no room for expansion, it exerts tremendous pressure on the rocks which crack and break up Into small pieces.

In cold countries, in winter, the temperature of the atmosphere falls below 0 °C. when the temperature of water falls below 4 °C, it expands. Hence, the water in pipes expands. Even if ice is rormed, there is an increase in the volume.

As there is no room for expansion, water (or ice) exerts a large pressure on the pipes. Hence, the pipelines carrying water burst.

Fill in the blanks and rewrite the sentences:

Question 1.
The amount of water vapour in air is determined in terms of its…………..
The amount of water vapour in air is determined in terms of its absolute humidity.

Question 2.
If objects of equal masses are given equal heat, their final temperature will be different. This is due to difference in their……………
If objects of equal masses are given equal heat, their final temperature will be different. This is due to difference in their specific heat capacities.

Question 3.
When a liquid is getting converted into solid, the latent heat is…………. (Practical Activity Sheet – 1 and 2)
When a liquid is getting converted into solid, the latent heat is released.

Rewrite the following statements by selecting the correct options:

Question 1.
……….is used to study the anomalous behaviour of water.
(a) Calorimeter
(b) Joule’s apparatus
(c) Hope’s apparatus
(d) Thermos flask
(c) Hope’s apparatus

Question 2.
When water boils and is converted into steam, then………..
(a) heat is taken in and temperature remains constant
(b) heat is taken in and temperatures rises
(c) heat is given out and temperature lowers
(d) heat is given out and temperature remains constant
(a) heat is taken in and temperature remains constant

Question 3.
When steam condenses to form water,………..
(a) heat is absorbed and temperature increases
(b) heat is absorbed and temperature remains the same
(c) heat is given out and temperature decreases
(d) heat is given out and temperature remains the same
(d) heat is given out and temperature remains the same

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 4.
The temperature of ice can be decreased below 0 °C by mixing………..in it. (Practice Activity Sheet – 3)
(a) saw dust
(b) sand
(c) salt
(d) coal
(c) salt

Question 5.
Ice/water is a substance that………..
(a) expands on melting and contracts on freezing
(b) contracts on melting and does not undergo change in volume on freezing
(c) contracts on melting and expands on freezing
(d) does not undergo any change in volume on melting or freezing
(c) contracts on melting and expands on freezing

Question 6.
Heat absorbed when 1 g of ice melts at 0 °C to form 1 g of water at the same temperature is………..cal.
(a) 80
(b) 800
(c) 540
(d) 54
(a) 80

Question 7.
The latent heat of vaporization of water is………..
(a) 540 cal/g
(b) 800 cal/g
(c) 80 cal/g
(d) 54 cal/g
(a) 540 cal/g

Question 8.
The latent heat of fusion of ice is………..
(a) 540 cal/g
(b) 80 cal/g
(c) 800 cal/g
(d) 4cal/g
(b) 80 cal/g

Question 9.
If the temperature of water is decreased from 4 °C to 10 °C, then its………..
(a) volume decreases and density increases
(b) volume increases and density decreases
(c) volume decreases and density decreases
(d) volume increases and density increases
(b) volume increases and density decreases

Question 10.
At 4 °C, the density of water is………..
(a) 10 g/cm3
(b) 4g/cm3
(c) 4 × 103 kg/m3
(d) 1 × 103 kg/m3
(d) 1 × 103 kg/m3

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 11.
The density of water is maximum at………..
(a) 0 °C
(b) – 4 °C
(c) 100 °C
(d) 4 °C
(d) 4 °C

Question 12.
………..heat is needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water from 14.5 °C to 15.5 °C.
(a) 4180 J
(b) 103 J
(c) 1 cal
(d) 4180 cal
(a) 4180 J

Question 13.
………..heat is needed to convert 1 g of water at 0 °C and at a pressure of one atmosphere into 1 g of steam under the same conditions.
(a) 80 cal
(b) 540 cal
(c) 89 J
(d) 540 J
(b) 540 cal

Question 14.
Water expands on reducing its temperature below………..°C. (March 2019)
(a) 0
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 12
(b) 4

State whether the following statements are true or false. (If a statement is false, correct it and rewrite it.):

Question 1.
Specific latent heat of fusion is expressed in g/cal.
False. (Specific latent heat of fusion is expressed in cal/g.)

Question 2.
If the temperature of water is raised from 0 °C to 10 °C, its volume goes on increasing.
False. (If the temperature of water is raised from 0 °C to 10 °C, its volume goes on decreasing in the range 0 °C to 4 °C and then goes on increasing in the range 4 °C to 10 °C.)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 3.
At dew point relative humidity is 100%.

Question 4.
1 kcal = 4.18 joules.
False. (1 kcal = 4180 joules.)

Question 5.
Specific heat capacity is expressed in cal/g·°C

Question 6.
Latent heat of fusion, Q = mL.

Question 7.
If the relative humidity is more than 60%, we feel that the air is humid.

Question 8.
If the relative humidity is less than 60%, we feel that the air is dry.

Question 9.
Relative humidity has no unit.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 10.
Absolute humidity is expressed in kg/m3.

Identify the odd one and give the reason:

Question 1.
Temperature, conduction, convection, radiation.
Temperature. It is a physical quantity. Others are modes of transfer of heat.

Question 2.
The joule, The erg, The calorie, The newton.
The newton. It is a unit of force. Others are units of energy (as well as work.)

Question 3.
cal/g, cal/g·°C, k cal/kg·°C, erg/g·°C.
cal/g. It is a unit of specific latent heat. Others are units of specific heat capacity.

Match the columns:

Column A Column B
1. Latent heat a. Q = mc ΔT
2. Specific heat capacity b. Q = mL
3. Heat absorbed or given out by a body when its temperature changes. c. kcal
d. cal/g·°C

(1) Latent heat – Q = mL
(2) Specific heat capacity – cal/g·°C
(3) Heat absorbed or given out by a body when its temperature changes – Q = mc ΔT.

Answer the following questions in one sentence each:

Question 1.
State units of temperature.
Units of temperature: °C, °F and K (kelvin).

Question 2.
State units of energy.
Units of energy: the erg, the joule, the calorie.

Question 3.
State the relation between the joule and the calorie.
1 calorie = 4.18 joules.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 4.
State the relation between the erg and the joule.
1 joule = 107 ergs.

Question 5.
State the relation between the erg and the kilocalorie.
1 kilocalorie = 4.18 × 1010 ergs.

Question 6.
State the relation between the joule and the kilocalorie.
1 kilocalorie = 4.18 × 103 joules.

Question 7.
When heat energy is absorbed by an object, ΔT represents the rise in temperature. What would ΔT represent if the object loses heat energy? (Practice Activity Sheet – 4)
If the object loses heat energy, ΔT would represent the decrease in temperature.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Define latent heat of fusion.
What is latent heat of fusion? State its units.
When a solid is converted into liquid at constant temperature (melting point of the substance) the amount of heat absorbed by it is called the latent heat of fusion.
Heat is a form of energy. Hence, latent heat is expressed in units joule, erg, calorie or kilocalorie.

Question 2.
Define specific latent heat of fusion.
What is specific latent heat of fusion? State its units.
The amount of heat energy absorbed at constant temperature by unit mass of a solid to convert into liquid phase is called the specific latent heat of fusion.
It is expressed in units J/kg, erg/g, cal/g, kJ/ kg and kcal/kg.

[Note: Specific latent heat (L) = \(\frac{\text { latent heat }(Q)}{\text { mass of the substance }(m)}\)
:. SI unit of specific latent heat = SI unit of energy / SI unit of mass = J/kg]

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 3.
Explain the term latent heat of vaporization.
When a liquid is heated continuously, initially, its temperature increases. Later, at a certain stage, its temperature does not increase even when heat is supplied to it. At this temperature, heat absorbed by the liquid is used for breaking the bonds between its atoms or molecules, i.e., for doing work against the forces of attraction between the atoms or molecules and conversion into gaseous phase.

This heat is called the latent heat of vaporization and the constant temperature at which this change of state occurs is called the boiling point of the liquid.

Question 4.
Define boiling point of a liquid.
What is boiling point of a liquid?
The constant temperature at which a liquid transforms into gaseous state is called the boiling point of the liquid.
[Note: On application of pressure, the boiling point of a liquid is raised. On reducting the pressure, the boiling point is lowered.]

Question 5.
Define specific latent heat of vaporization.
What is specific latent heat of vaporization?
The amount of heat energy absorbed at constant temperature by unit mass of a liquid to convert into gaseous phase is called the specific latent heat of vaporization.

Question 6.
The specific latent heat of fusion of ice is 80 cal/g. Explain this statement.
When 1 g of ice at a pressure of one atmosphere and at a temperature 0 °C is converted into 1 g of water, heat absorbed by the ice is 80 cal.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 7.
The specific latent heat of fusion of silver is 88.2 kJ/kg. Explain this statement.
When 1 kg of silver at a pressure of one atmosphere and at a temperature of 962 °C (melting point of silver) is converted into 1 kg of silver in liquid phase, heat absorbed by the silver is 88.2 kJ.

Question 8.
The specific latent heat of vaporization of water is 540 cal/g. Explain this statement.
When 1 g of water at a pressure of one atmosphere and at a temperature of 100 °C is converted into 1 g of steam, heat absorbed by the water is 540 cal.

Question 9.
Define regelation.
What is regelation?
The phenomenon in which the ice converts to liquid due to applied pressure and then re-converts to ice once the pressure is removed is called regelation.

Question 10.
The terms hot and cold are used in relative context. Explain.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat 7
(1) Take three large bowls, P, Q and R. Fill bowl P with cold water, bowl Q with lukewarm water, and bowl R with hot water.
(2) Immerse your right hand in bowl P, and left hand in bowl R for about five seconds.
(3) Now, immerse both the hands in bowl Q at the same time.
(4) You will find that the water in bowl Q appears warm to your right hand, and cold to your left hand. Thus, the hand immersed in cold water for some time finds the lukewarm water hot while the one immersed in hot water finds the same lukewarm water cold. This experiment shows that the terms hot and cold are relative.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 11.
Draw a neat labelled diagram of Hope’s apparatus. Explain how this apparatus can be used to demonstrate anomalous behaviour of water. Draw a graph of temperature of water against time.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat 8
The figure shows Hope’s apparatus. Initially, the cylindrical container in Hope’s apparatus is filled with water at about 12 °C and the flat bowl is filled with a freezing mixture of ice and salt.

The temperature of water in the upper part of the container (T2) is recorded by thermometer T2 and that of water in the lower part of the container (T1) is recorded by thermometer T1. Figure shows variation of temperature of water with time.

Initially, both the thermometers show the same temperature (say, 12 °C). In a short time, the temperature shown by the lower thermometer starts decreasing, while the temperature shown by the upper thermometer does not change very much.

This process continues till the temperature shown by the lower thermometer falls to 4 °C and remains constant thereafter. This shows that in the temperature range 12 °C to 4 °C, the density of the water in the central part of the container goes on increasing and hence the water sinks to the bottom. It means that water contracts, i.e., its volume decreases as its temperature falls from 12 °C to 4 °C.

As the temperature of the water in the central part of the container becomes less than 4 °C, the temperature shown by the upper thermometer begins to fall rapidly to 0 °C. But the temperature shown by the lower thermometer remains constant (4 °C). Later, the heading shown by the lower thermometer decreases to 0 °C.

In the temperature range 4 °C to 0 °C, the water moves upward. This shows that the density of water goes on decreasing in this range. It means that water expands, i.e. its volume increases as its temperature falls from 4 °C to 0 °C.

Thus, the volume of a given mass of water is minimum at 4 °C, i.e., the density of water is maximum at 4 °C.
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In the above figure, the point of intersection of the two curves shows the temperature at which the density of water is maximum. This temperature is 4 °C.

Question 12.
A mountaineer climbing on the Everest, experienced the following facts. Explain each fact with the scientific reason : (1) He found j fishes alive below the ice (2) Time required for cooking was more as he went higher (3) He saw many times cliffs falling suddenly (4) He saw tubes carrying water broken.
(1) Water expands as its temperature decreases from 4 °C to 0 °C. Water is converted into ice at 0 °C. The density of water is more than that of ice. Fishes can remain alive in the water (at 4 °C) below the ice.
(2) At high altitudes, atmospheric pressure is low and hence water boils at a temperature lower than its normal boiling point. Therefore, the time required for cooking food is more at higher altitudes.
(3) Water expands while freezing. Hence, the water present in the crevices of the rocks exerts a tremendous pressure on the rocks, while freezing. Therefore, the cliffs fall.
(4) Water expands while freezing. Hence, the water in the tube exerts a large pressure on the tube, while freezing. Therefore, the tube carrying water breaks.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 13.
What is humidity?
The moisture, i.e., the presence of water vapour, in the atmosphere is called humidity.

Question 14.
When is air said to be saturated with water vapour?
When air contains maximum possible water vapour, it is said to be saturated with water vapour at that temperature.

Question 15.
What does the amount of water vapour needed to saturate air depend on?
The extent of water vapour needed to saturate air depends on the temperature. The greater the temperature, the greater is the amount of water vapour needed to saturate air.

Question 16.
When is air said to be unsaturated with water vapour?
When air contains water vapour less than its capacity to hold water vapour at that temperature, it is said to be unsaturated with water’vapour.

Question 17.
What is dew point temperature?
Define dew point temperature.
If the temperature of unsaturated air is decreased, a temperature is reached at which the air becomes saturated with water vapour. This temperature is called the dew point temperature.

Question 18.
Name the physical quantity used to express the amount of water vapour present in air.
Absolute humidity.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 19.
Define absolute humidity.
What is absolute humidity? State its unit.
The mass of water vapour present in a unit volume of air is called absolute humidity. Generally it is expressed in kg/m3.

Question 20.
Define relative humidity.
What is relative humidity? Write the formula for % relative humidity.
The ratio of the actual mass of water vapour content in the air for a given volume and temperature to that required to make the same volume of air saturated with water vapour at the same temperature is called the relative humidity.

% Relative humidity = [the actual mass of water vapour content in the air for a given volume and temperature ÷ the mass of water vapour required to make the same volume of air saturated with water vapour at the same temperature] × 100%.

Question 21.
What is the value of relative humidity at the dew point temperature?
At the dew point temperature, relative humidity is 100%.

Question 22.
The mass of water vapour in air enclosed in a certain space is 60 g and the mass of water vapour needed to saturate the same air with water vapour under the same conditions is 100 g. What is the corresponding % relative humidity?
Here, % relative humidity = (\(\frac{60 \mathrm{g}}{100 \mathrm{g}}\)) × 100% = 60%

Question 23.
During winter, sometimes we see a white trail at the back of a flying aeroplane in a clear sky. Explain why.
In winter, air temperature is low. Hence, when an aeroplane flies, the vapour released by its engine condenses and forms white clouds. If the relative humidity of the air surrounding the plane is high, we see this white trail at the back of the plane for a long time before it disappears. If.the relative humidity is low, the white trail is short and disappears quickly. If the relative humidity is very low, there is no formation of the white trail.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 24.
State two effects of humidity present in atmosphere.
Effects of humidity present in atmosphere: When the temperature of air falls below the dew point, dew and fog are formed.

Question 25.
Explain how dew and fog are formed.
Write a short note on formation of dew and fog.
At a particular temperature, a given volume of air can contain a certain maximum amount of water vapour. Normally, the temperature of air during the day is such that air is not saturated with water vapour present in it.

As the temperature falls, the capacity of air to hold water vapour becomes less. During a cold night, the temperature of air may fall to the dew point, or even below the dew point. If the temperature falls below the dew point, the excess of water vapour in air condenses on the surfaces of cold bodies and dew is formed. If the water vapour condenses on the fine dust particles present in the atmosphere, mist or fog is formed.

Question 26.
State the units of heat.
Units of heat: joule, erg, calorie, kilocalorie.

Question 27.
Define the kilocalorie.
The amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 °C from 14.5 °C to 15.5 °C is called one kilocalorie.

Question 28.
Define the calorie.
The amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1 °C from 14.5 °C to 15.5 °C is called one calorie.

Question 29.
State the relation between the kilocalorie and the calorie.
1 kilocalorie = 103 calories.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 30.
Study the following procedure and answer the questions below:  (Practice Activity Sheet – 2)
1. Take 3 spheres of iron, copper and lead of equal mass.
2. Put all the 3 spheres in boiling water in a beaker for some time.
3. Take 3 spheres out of the water. Put them immediately on a thick slab of wax.
4. Note the depth that each sphere goes into the wax.
(i) Which property of a substance can be studied with this procedure?
(ii) Describe that property in minimum words.
(iii) Explain the rule of heat exchange with this property.
(i) Specific heat.
(ii) Specific heat: The amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of an object by 1 °C.
(iii) According to the rule/principle of heat exchange, heat energy lost by the hot object = heat energy gained by the cold object.

In this activity, heat absorbed by the iron sphere is transmitted more in the wax, hence the sphere goes deepest into the wax, while the lead sphere absorbs less heat, resulting in less transmission of heat in the wax, hence, the sphere goes the least depth into the wax.

Question 31.
Write the symbol for specific heat capacity. State the units of specific heat capacity.
Symbol for specific heat capacity: c.
Units of specific heat capacity: J/kg·°C,
erg/g·°C, cal/g·°C, kcal/kg·°C.
[ Notes: (1) Specific heat capacity
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat 10
In SI, heat is expressed in joule (J), mass in kg and temperature in kelvin(K).
∴ SI unit of specific heat capacity = \(\frac{\mathrm{J}}{\mathrm{kg} \cdot \mathrm{K}}\). (2) The specific heat capacity of a substance depends upon its constituent particles (atoms, molecules, etc.), interaction between them, structure of the substance (atomic/molecular arrangement), temperature of the substance, etc.]

Question 32.
Explain the principle of heat exchange. Ans. Suppose two objects A and B at different temperature T1 and T2 respectively are enclosed in a box of heat resistant material as shown in figure.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat 11
Let m1 = mass of A, m2 = mass of B, c1 = specific heat capacity of A, c2 = specific heat capacity of B and T = common temperature attained by A and B after the heat exchange between A and B. Here, no heat leaves the box or enters the box from outside. Hence, if T1 > T2, heat energy lost by A (Q1) = heat energy gained by B (Q2).
∴ m1c1 (T1 – T) = m2c2 (T – T2)
[Note: If m1, c1, T1, T, m2 and T2 are known, c2 can be determined.]

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 33.
The specific heat capacity of silver is 0.056 kcal/kg·°C. Explain this statement.
The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of silver by 1 °C is 0.056 kcal.

Question 34.
Explain how the specific heat capacity of a solid can be determined (measured) by the method of mixture.
A hot solid is put in water in a calorimeter. The mixture is stirred continuously and the maximum temperature of the mixture is measured with a thermometer. Heat exchange between the hot solid, water and calorimeter results in sill bodies attaining the same temperature after some time. Hence, according to the principle of heat exchange, heat lost by the solid = heat gained by the water in the calorimeter + heat gained by the calorimeter.

Now, heat lost by the solid (Q) = mass of the solid × its specific heat capacity × decrease in its temperature, heat gained by the water (Q1) = mass of the water × its specific heat capacity × increase in its temperature and heat gained by the calorimeter (Q2) = mass of the calorimeter × its specific heat capacity × increase in its temperature.

Heat lost by the hot object = heat gained by the calorimeter + heat gained by the water. Q = Q2 + Q1
Using this equation, the specific heat capacity of the solid can be determined (measured) when the other quantities are known.

Give scientific reasons:

Question 1.
Even though heat is supplied to boiling water, there is no increase in its temperature.
Once water starts boiling, all the heat supplied to it is used in conversion of water into steam at the boiling point of water. Hence, there is no rise in its temperature.

Question 2.
Burns from steam are worse those from boiling water at the same temperature.
1. A given quantity of steam contains more heat than the same quantity of boiling water at the same temperature.
2. When steam comes in contact with one’s body, it releases extra heat of 540 calories per gram and causes a more serious burn than that caused by boiling water.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 3.
In winter, the pipelines carrying water burst in cold countries.
1. In cold countries, in winter, the temperature of the atmosphere falls below 0 °C. When the temperature of water falls below 4 °C, it expands. Hence, the water in pipes expands. Even if ice is formed, there is an increase in the volume.

2. As there is no room for expansion, water (or ice) exerts a large pressure on the pipes. Hence, the pipelines carrying water burst.

Question 4.
If crushed ice is pressed and then the pressure is released, a lump of ice is formed.
1. When crushed ice is pressed, its melting point is lowered and some ice melts to form water.
2. When pressure is released, the melting point becomes normal and the water freezes to form ice forming a lump.

Question 5.
In cold countries, in winter, even when the water of lakes freezes, aquatic animals and plants can survive.
1. In cold countries, in winter, a layer of ice is formed on the surface of lakes when the atmospheric temperature falls below 0 °C. However, below this layer, there is water at 4 °C.
2. Ice, being a bad conductor of heat, does not allow transfer of heat from this water to the atmosphere. Hence, aquatic animals and plants can survive in this water.

Question 6.
Water droplets are seen on’ the outer surface of a cold drink bottle.
1. The temperature of the outer surface of a cold drink bottle is less than that of the atmosphere.
2. Therefore, the excess of water vapour from the air condenses to form droplets on the outer surface of the cold drink bottle.

Question 7.
During cold nights, sometimes dew is formed.
1. During a cold night, the temperature of air may fall to the dew point, or even below the dew point. 2. If the temperature falls below the dew point, the excess of water vapour in air condenses on the surfaces of cold bodies and dew is formed.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Question 8.
When you enter a warm room after being outside on a frosty early morning, your spectacles ‘steam up’.
1. On a frosty early morning, the temperature of air outside a warm room is lower than the dew point.
2. Hence, when you enter the room from outside, some water vapour in the room condenses on the glass of your spectacles, i.e., the spectacles ‘steam up’.

Question 9.
A plastic bottle, completely filled with water, when kept in a freezer, is likely to break.
The temperature of air in the freezer (deep freeze) compartment of a refrigerator is less than 0 °C. 2. When a plastic bottle, completely filled with water, is kept in this compartment, the temperature of water falls below 4 °C and the water expands. Even when water freezes and ice is formed, there is an increase in the volume. It exerts a large pressure on the sides of the bottle and hence the bottle is likely to break.

Question 10.
The outer surface of a beaker containing ice cubes becomes wet in a short while.
1. When ice cubes are placed in a beaker, ice starts melting. The heat required for melting is absorbed from the surrounding air and also from the beaker to some extent.
Hence, the temperature of the air and beaker falls.

2. The capacity of air to hold water vapour depends upon the temperature of the air, and this capacity decreases as the temperature decreases. At a certain low temperature, the surrounding air becomes saturated with water vapour present in it. As the temperature falls further, the air is unable to hold all the water vapour.

Hence, the extra water vapour starts condensing on the cold outer surface of the beaker in the form of minute drops. Therefore, the outer surface of the beaker containing ice cubes becomes wet in a short while.

Distinguish between the following:

Question 1.
Absolute humidity and Relative humidity.
Absolute humidity:

  1. Absolute humidity is the mass of water vapour present in a unit volume of air.
  2. It is commonly expressed in kg/m3.

Relative humidity:

  1. Relative humidity is the ratio of the mass of water vapour in a given volume of air at a given temperature to the mass of water vapour required to saturate the same volume of air at the same temperature.
  2. It does not have unit.

Solve the following examples/Numerical problems:
[Use the data given in the Tables on pages 130 and 131.]

Problem 1.
Calculate the amount of heat required to convert 5 g of ice of 0 °C into water at 0 °C. (Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 80 cal/g)
Solution: Here, m = 5 g, L = 80 cal/g; Q = ?
Amount of heat required, Q = mL
= 5 g × 80 cal/g
= 400 calories.

Problem 2.
Find the amount of heat required to convert 10 g of water at 100 °C into steam. (Specific latent heat of vaporization of water = 540 cal/g)
Solution: Here, m = 10 g, L = 540 cal/g; Q = ?
Amount of heat required, Q = mL
= 10 g × 540 cal/g
= 5400 calories.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Problem 3.
Calculate the amount of heat required to convert 15 g of water at 100 °C into steam. (Specific latent heat of vaporization of water = 540 cal/g)
m = 15 g, L = 540 cal/g; Q = ?
Amount of heat required, Q = mL
= 15 g × 540 cal/g
= 8100 calories.

Problem 4.
How many calories of heat will be absorbed when 3 kg of ice at 0 °C melts?
m = 3 kg = 3000 g; L = 80 cal/g; Q = ?
Quantity of heat absorbed, Q = mL
= 3000 g × 80 cal/g
∴ Q = 240000 calories.

Problem 5.
Calculate the amount of heat required to convert 10 g of water at 30 °C into steam at 100 °C. (Specific latent heat of vaporization of water = 540 cal/g)
Here, m = 10 g; c = 1 cal/g·°C
T2 – T1 = 100 °C – 30 °C = 70 °C; L = 540 cal/g; Q = ?
Amount of heat required, Q = mc (T2 – T1) + mL
= 10 g × 1 cal/g·°C × 70 °C + 10 g × 540 cal/g
= 700 cal + 5400 cal
∴ Q = 6100 calories.

Problem 6.
If water of mass 80 g and temperature 45 °C is mixed with water of mass 20 g and temperature 30 °C, what will be the maximum temperature of the mixture?
Data : m1 = 80 g, T1 = 45 °C, m2 = 20 g,
T2 = 30 °C, T = ?
According to the principle of heat exchange, heat lost by hot water = heat gained by cold water
∴ m1c (T1 – T) = m2c (T – T2)
∴ m1T1 – m1T = m2T – m2T2
∴ m1T1 + m2T2 = (m1 + m2)T
∴ Maximum temperature of the mixture,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat 12
= (36 + 6) °C
= 42°C.

Problem 7.
When water of mass 70 g and temperature 50 °C is added to water of mass 30 g, the maximum temperature of the mixture is found to be 41 °C. Find the temperature of water of mass 30 g before hot water was added to it.
Data : m1 = 70 g, T1 = 50 °C, m2 = 30 g, T = 41 °C, T2 = ?
According to the principle of heat exchange, heat lost by hot water = heat gained by cold water
∴ m1c (T1 – T) = m2c (T – T2)
∴ m1T1 – m1T = m2T – m2T2
∴ m2T2 = (m1 + m2) T – m1T1
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat 13
This is the required temperature.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Problem 8.
Find the heat needed to raise the temperature of a silver container of mass 100 g by 10 °C. (c = 0.056 cal/g.°C)
Data: m = 100 g, ΔT = 10 °C, c = 0.056 cal/g·°C
Heat needed to raise the temperature of the container = mc ΔT
= 100 g × 0.056 cal/g·°C × 10 °C .
= 56 calories.

Problem 9.
If steam of mass 100 g and temperature 100 °C is released on an ice slab of temperature 0 °C, how much ice will melt?
Data: m1 = 100 g, L1 = 540 cal/g,
T1 = 100 °C, mass of ice, m = ?, L2 = 80 cal/g, c (water) = 1 cal/g·°C
According to the principle of heat exchange, heat lost by hot body = heat gained by cold body. Conversion of steam into water:
Q1 = m1L1 = 100 g × 540 cal/g = 54000 cal
Decrease in the temperature of this water to 0 °C:
Q2 = m1c × (T1 – 0 °C) = 100 g × 1 cal/g·°C × (100 °C – 0 °C) = 10000 Cal
Melting of ice: Q3 = mL2
= m × 80 cal/g
Now, Q1 + Q2 = Q3
∴ (54000 + 10000) cal = m × 80 cal/g
∴ m = \(\frac{64000}{80}\) = 800 g
800 g of ice will melt.

Numerical problems for practice:

Problem 1.
Calculate the amount of heat required to convert 80 g of ice at 0 °C into water at the same temperature. (Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 80 cal/g)
6400 cal

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Problem 2.
Find the heat required to convert 20 g of ice at 0 °C into water at the same temperature. (Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 80 cal/g)
1600 cal

Problem 3.
Calculate the quantity of heat released during the conversion of 10 g of ice cold water (temperature 0 °C) into ice at the same temperature. (Specific latent heat of freezing of water = 80 cal/g)
800 cal

Problem 4.
How many calories of heat will be absorbed when 2 kg of ice at 0 °C melts? (Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 80 cal/g)
160000 cal

Problem 5.
How much heat will be required to convert 20 g of water at 100 °C into steam at 100 °C? (Specific latent heat of vaporization of water = 540 cal/g)
10800 cal

Problem 6.
Find the heat absorbed by 25 g of water at 100 °C to convert into steam at the same temperature. (Specific latent heat of vaporization of water = 540 cal/g.)
13500 cal

Problem 7.
If water of mass 60 g and temperature 50 °C is mixed with water of mass 40 g and temperature 30 °C, what will be the maximum temperature of the mixture?
42 °C

Problem 8.
If water of mass 60 g and temperature 60 °C is mixed with water of mass 60 g and temperature 40 °C, what will be the maximum temperature of the mixture?
50 °C

Problem 9.
Find the heat needed to raise the temperature of a piece of iron of mass 500 g by 20 °C. (c = 0.110 cal/g·°C)
1100 cal

Problem 10.
Water of mass 200 g and temperature 30 °C is taken in a copper calorimeter of mass 50 g and temperature 30 °C. A copper sphere of mass 100 g and temperature 100 °C is released into it. What will be the maximum temperature of the mixture? [c (water) = 1 cal/g·°C, c (copper) =0.1 cal/g·°C]
33.26 °C

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 5 Heat

Problem 11.
A copper calorimeter of mass 100 g and temperature 30 °C contains water of mass 200 g and temperature 30 °C. If a piece of ice of mass 40 g and temperature 0 °C is added to it, what will be the maximum temperature of the mixture? [c (copper) = 0.1 cal/g·°C, c (water) = 1 cal/g·°C, L = 80 cal/g]
12.4 °C

10th Std Science Part 1 Questions And Answers:

Carbon Compounds Class 10 Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 9

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
Match the pairs.

Group A Group B
a. C2H6 1. Unsaturated hydrocarbon
b. C2H2 2. Molecular formula of an alcohol
c. CH4O 3. Saturated hydrocarbon
d. C3H6 4. Triple bond

Question 2.
Draw an electron dot structure of the following molecules. (Without showing the circles)
a. Methane.
Molecular formula: CH4
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds 1

b. Ethene.
Molecular formula: H2C = CH2
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c. Methanol.
Molecular formula: H3C – OH
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d. Water.
Molecular formula: H2O
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 3.
Draw all possible structural formulae of compounds from their molecular formula given below.
a. C3H8
b. C4H10
c. C3H4
a. C3H8 Propane:
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b. C4H10 Butane:
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c. C3H4 Propyne:
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Question 4.
Explain the following terms with example.
a. Structural isomerism.
The phenomenon in which compounds having different structural formulae have the same molecular formula is called structural isomerism. Butane is represented by two different compounds as their structural formulae are different. The first compound is a straight chain compound and the second compound is a branched chain compound. These two different structural formulae have the same molecular formula i.e. C4H10.
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b. Covalent bond.
The chemical bond formed by sharing of two valence electrons between the two atoms is called covalent bond.
1. Hydrogen molecule formation: The atomic number of hydrogen is 1, its atom contains 1 electron in K shell. It requires one more electron to complete the K shell and attain the configuration of helium (He). To meet this requirement two hydrogen atoms share their electrons with each other to form H2 molecule. One covalent bond, i.e. a single bond is formed between two hydrogen atoms by sharing of two electrons.
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2. Formation of oxygen molecule:
(1) The atomic number of oxygen is 8. The electronic configuration of oxygen is (2, 6). Oxygen has 6 electrons in the outermost shell.
(2) It requires 2 electrons to complete the L shell and attain the configuration of neon (Ne).
(3) Each oxygen atom shares its valence electron with the valence electron of another oxygen atom to give two shared pairs of electrons which results in the formation of oxygen molecule.
(4) Thus, two electron pairs are shared between two oxygen atoms, forming double covalent bond (=).
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c. Hetero atom in a carbon compound.
Carbon compounds are formed by formation of bonds of carbon with other elements such as halogens, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur. The atoms of these elements substitute one or more hydrogen atoms in the hydrocarbon chain and thereby the tetravalency of carbon is satisfied. The atom of the element which is substitute for hydrogen is referred to as a heteroatom. Sometimes hetero atoms are not alone but exist in the form of certain groups of atoms.
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

d. Functional group.
The compound acquire specific chemical properties due to these hetero atoms or the groups of atoms that contain hetero atoms, irrespective of length and nature of the carbon chain in that compound. Therefore these hetero atoms or groups of atoms containing hetero atoms are called the functional groups.

e. Alkane.
In hydrocarbon, the four valencies of carbon atom are satisfied only by the single bonds, such compounds are called alkane.
Example: In methane, four hydrogen atoms are bonded to carbon atom by four single covalent bonds.
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f. Unsaturated hydrocarbons.
The carbon compounds having a double bond or triple bond between two carbon atoms are called unsaturated hydrocarbons. The unsaturated hydrocarbons containing a carbon-carbon double bond are called alkenes.
e.g. Ethene (CH2 = CH2), Propene (CH3 – CH = CH2).
The unsaturated hydrocarbons containing a carbon-carbon triple bond are called alkynes e.g. Ethyne (CH ≡ CH).

g. Homopolymer.
The polymers formed by repetition of single monomer are called homopolymer. e.g. polyethylene (CH2 – CH2)n.

h. Monomer.
The small unit that repeats regularly to form a polymer is called monomer.
Example: Ethylene.

i. Reduction.
In a chemical reaction, removal of oxygen from a compound or addition of hydrogen to a compound is called a reduction.

j. Oxidant.
An oxidant is a reactant that oxidizes or removes electrons from other reactants during a redox reaction. An oxidant may also be called an oxidizer or oxidizing agent. When the oxidant includes oxygen, it may be called an oxygenation reagent or oxygen-atom transfer (OT) agent.
Examples of oxidants include:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide
  2. Ozone
  3. Nitric acid
  4. Sulfuric acid

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 5.
Write the IUPAC names of the following structural formulae.
a. CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH3
The number of carbon atopic in the longest chain: 4
Parent alkane: Butane IUPAC name: n-Butane

b. CH3 – CHOH – CH3 (Practice Activity Sheet – 3)
The number of carbon atoms in the longest chain: 3
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Parent alkane: Propane
Functional group: -OH (ol)
Assign the number: 2
The carbon atom to which the -OH group is attached is numbered as C2. If the carbon chain of the compound contains a -OH group then change the ending of the parent name, i.e., ‘e’ of propane is replaced by ‘ol’. (ol stands for alcohol)
Parent suffix: Propan-2-ol
IUPAC name: Propan-2-ol

c. CH3 – CH2 – COOH (Practice Activity Sheet – 3)
The number of carbon atoms in the longest chain: 3
Parent alkane: Propane
Functional group: -COOH (-oic acid)
If the carbon chain of the compound contains a -COOH group then change the ending of the parent name, i.e., ‘e’ of propane is replaced by ‘oic acid’.
Parent suffix: Propanoic acid
IUPAC name: Propanoic acid

d. CH3 – CH2 – NH2
Number of carbon atoms: 2
Parent alkane: Ethane
Functional group: -NH2 (amine)
If the carbon chain of the compound contains a -NH2 group, then change the ending of the parent name, i.e., ‘e’ of ethane is replaced by ‘amine’.
Parent suffix: Ethanamine
IUPAC name: Ethanamine.

e. CH3 – CHO
Number of carbon atoms: 2
Parent alkane: Ethane
Functional group: -CHO (al)
If the carbon chain of the compound contains a -CHO group, then change the ending of the parent name, i.e., ‘e’ of ethane is replaced by ‘al’.
Parent suffix: Ethanal
IUPAC name: Ethanal

f. CH3 – CO – CH2 – CH3
Number of carbon atoms in the longest chain: 4
Parent alkane: Butane Functional group: -CO- (one)
Assign the number:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds 14
In the longest chain, the numbering of carbon atom starts from the carbon atom nearest to the function group.
If the carbon chain of the compound contains a (-CO-) group, then change the ending of the parent name, i.e., ‘e’ of butane is replaced by ‘one’.
Parent suffix: Butan-2-one
IUPAC name: Butan-2-one

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 6.
Identify the type of the following reaction of carbon compounds.
1. CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – OH + (O) → CH3 – CH2 – COOH
2. CH3 – CH2 – CH3 + O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2O
3. CH3 – CH = CH – CH3 + Br2 → CH3 – CHBr – CHBr – CH3
4. CH3 – CH3 + Cl2 → CH3 – CH2 – Cl + HCl
5. CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – OH → CH3 – CH2 – CH = CH2 + H2O
6. CH3 – CH2 – COOH + NaOH → CH3 – CH2 – COONa+ + H2O
7. CH3 – COOH + CH3 – OH → CH3 – COO – CH3 + H2O
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Question 7.
Write the structural formulae for the following IUPAC names:
a. Pent-2-one
(1) Pent stands for 5 carbon atoms in a chain.
Number the carbon atoms in a chain as 1, 2, 3,…..
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(2) ‘one’ stands for functional group
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ketone. The number assigned for the ketone group is 2. Show the ketone group at C2.
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(3) Now satisfy the valencies of each carbon atom
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b. 2-Chlorobutane
(1) In 2-chlorobutane, butane is parent alkane stands for 4 carbon atoms and number the carbon atoms in a chain as 1, 2, 3,….
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(2) Chloro (Halo) is the prefix and the number assigned for prefix (chloro) is 2. Show the chloro atom at C2
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(3) Now satisfy the valencies of each carbon atom
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c. Propan-2-ol
(1) Propan stands for 3 carbon atoms in a chain. Number the carbon atom in a chain as 1, 2, 3.
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(2) ‘-ol’ stands for (-OH) hydroxyl group. The number assigned for the hydroxyl group is 2. Show the -OH group at C2.
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(3) Now satisfy the valencies of each carbon atom
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d. Methanal
(1) Meth – stands for one carbon atom and assigned the number ‘1’ to carbon in the functional group -CHO.
(2) ‘-al’ stands for functional group (-CHO) aldehyde.
(3) Now satisfy the valencies of carbon in -CHO.
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e. Butanoic acid
(1) But stands for 4 carbon atoms in a chain. Number the carbon atoms in a chain as 1, 2, 3,….
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‘-oic acid’ stands for functional group -COOH. Assign the number 1 to carbon in the functional group -COOH.
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Now satisfy the valencies of each carbon atom
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

f. 1-Bromopropane.
(1) In 1-bromopropane, propane is parent alkane stands for 3 carbon atoms and number the carbon atoms in a chain as 1, 2, 3…….
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(2) Bromo (Halo) is the prefix and the number assigned for prefix (bromo) is 1, show the bromine atom at C1.
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(3) Now satisfy the valencies of each carbon atom
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g. Ethanamine
(1) Eth stands for 2 carbon atoms in a chain and the parent alkane is ethane.
– C – C –
(2) ‘amine’ stands for (- NH2) amino group. Show the amino (-NH2) at any carbon atom.
– C – C – NH2
(3) Now satisfy the valencies of each carbon atom
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h. Butanone.
(1) But stands for 4 carbon atoms in a chain and the parent alkane is butane. Number the carbon atoms in a chain 1, 2, 3,….
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(2) ‘one’ stands for functional group
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ketone. The number assigned for the ketone group is 2. Show the ketone group at C2.
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(3) Now satisfy the valencies of each carbon atom
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Question 8.
a. What causes the existance of very large number of carbon compound?
(1) Carbon has a unique ability to form strong covalent bonds with other carbon atoms; this results in formation of big molecules. This property of carbon is called catenation power. The carbon compounds contain open chains or closed chains of carbon atoms. An open chain can be a straight chain or a branched chain. A closed chain is a ring structure. The covalent bond between two carbon atoms is strong and therefore stable. Carbon is bestowed with catenation power due to the strong and stable covalent bonds.

(2) One, two or three covalent bonds can bond together two carbon atoms. These bonds are called single covalent bond, double covalent bond and triple covalent bond respectively. Due to the ability of carbon atoms to form multiple bonds as well as single bonds, the number of carbon compounds increases. For example, there are three compounds, namely, ethane (CH3 – CH3), ethene (CH2 = CH2) and ethyne (CH = CH) which contain two carbon atoms.

(3) Carbon being tetravalent, one carbon atom can form bonds with four other atoms (carbon or any other). This results in formation of many compounds. These compounds possess different properties as per the atoms to which carbon is bonded. For example, five different compounds are formed using one carbon atom and two monovalent elements hydrogen and chlorine: CH4, CH3Cl, CH2Cl2, CHCl3, CCl4. Similarly carbon atoms form covalent bonds with atoms of elements like O, N, S, halogen and P to form different types of carbon compounds in large number.

(4) Isomerism is one more characteristic of carbon compound which is responsible for large number of carbon compounds.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

b. Saturated hydrocarbons are classified into three types. Write these names giving one example each.
In hydrocarbon, the four valencies of carbon atom are satisfied only by the single bonds, such compounds are called saturated hydrocarbons. Methane molecule contains only one carbon atom. In methane, four hydrogen atoms are bonded to carbon atom by four covalent bonds.
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c. Give any four functional groups containing oxygen as the heteroatom in it. write name and structural formula of one example each.

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d. Give names of three functional groups containing three different heteroatoms. Write name and structural formula of one example each.
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e. Give names of three natural polymers. write the place of their occurance and names of monomers from which they are formed.

  1. Poly saccharide is a natural polymer. It occurs in starch/carbohydrates. It is formed from monomer glucose.
  2. Protein is a natural polymer. It occurs in muscles, hair, enzymes, skin, egg. It is formed from alpha amino acids.
  3. Rubber is a natural polymer. It occurs in latex of rubber tree. It is formed from monomer isoprene.

f. What is meant by vinegar and gasohol? What are their uses?
(1) Vinegar is a 5 – 8% aqueous solution of acetic acid. It is used as preservative in pickles. It is used to cook meat. 1t is used as a salad dressing.
(2) To increase the efficiency of petrol, it is mixed with 10% anhydrous ethanol, such a fuel is called gasohol. It is used as a fuel in cars and other vehicles.

g. what is a catalyst ? write any one reaction which is brought about by use of catalyst?
Catalyst is a substance, which changes the rate of reaction, without causing any disturbance to it. Vegetable oil (unsaturated compound) undergoes addition reaction with hydrogen in the presence of nickel catalyst to form vanaspati ghee (saturated compound).

Prepare a chart giving detailed information of carbon compounds in everyday use. Display it in the cluss and discuss.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Can you recall? (Text Book Page No. 110)

Question 1.
What are the types of compounds?
Organic and inorganic compounds are the two important types of compounds.

Question 2.
Objects in everyday use such as foodstuff, fibres, paper, medicines, wood, fuels are made of various compounds. Which constituent elements are common in these compounds?
The constituent elements common in these compounds are carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O).

Question 3.
To which group in the periodic table does the element carbon belongs? Write down the electronic configuration of carbon and deduce the valency of carbon.
The element carbon belongs to group 14 and its electronic configuration is 2, 4. The valency of carbon is 4.

Use your brain Power! (Text Book Page No. 115)

Question 1.
The molecular formula of ethyne is C2H2. From this draw its structural formula and electron-dot structure.
Ethyne: Molecular formula: C2H2
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Question 2.
How many bonds have to be there in between the carbon atoms in ethyne so as to satisfy their tetra valency?
To satisfy their tetravalency, three double bonds have to be there in between two carbon atoms in ethyne.

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 116)

Question 1.
Draw the electron-dot structure of cyclohexane.
Cyclohexane: Molecular formula: C6H12
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Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 112)

Question 1.
Atomic number of chlorine is 17. What is the number of electrons in the valence shell of the chlorine?
There are seven electrons in the valence shell of the chlorine.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 2.
Molecular formula of chlorine is Cl2. Draw electron-dot and line structure of a chlorine molecule.
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Question 3.
The molecular formula of water is H2O. Draw electron-dot and line structures for triatomic molecule. (Use dots for electron of oxygen atom and crosses for electrons of hydrogen atoms.)
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Question 4.
The molecular formula of ammonia is NH3. Draw electron-dot and line structures for ammonia molecule.
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Question 5.
The molecular formula of carbon dioxide is CO2. Draw the electron-dot structure (without showing circle) and line structure for CO2.
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Question 6.
With which bond C atom in CO2 is bonded to each of the O atoms ?
In CO2, carbon atom is bonded to each of the O atoms by double bond.

Question 7.
The molecular formula of sulfur is S8 in which eight sulphur atoms are bonded to each other to form one ring. Draw electron-dot structure for S8 without showing the circles.
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The above S8 molecule of sulphur has crown shaped structure. One molecule of sulpur is made up of eight atoms of sulphur.

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 113)

Question 1.
Hydrogen peroxide decomposes of its own by the following reaction:
2H – O – O – H → 2H – O – H + O2
From this, what will be your inference about the strength O – O covalent bond ?
Tell from the above example whether oxygen has catenation power or not.
In hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), the O – O covalent bond is not strong as oxygen has no catenation power.

Name Molecular
Condensed Structural formula Number of carbon atoms Number of
-CH2– units
Boiling point ° C
Ethene C2H4 CH2 = CH2 2 0 -102
Propone C3H6 CH3 – CH = CH2 3 1 -48
1-Butene C4H8 CH3 – CH2 – CH = CH2 -6.5
1-Pentene C5H10 CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH = CH2 30

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 120)

Question 1.
The above table shows the homologous series of alkenes. Inspect the molecular formulae of the members of this series. Do you find any relationship, in the number of carbon atoms and the number of hydrogen atoms in the molecular formulae?
In the above homologous series, if we observe the molecular formulae of alkenes then the number of carbon atoms are half the number of hydrogen atoms.

Question 2.
If the number of carbon atoms in the molecular formulae of alkenes is denoted by ‘n’ what will be the number of hydrogen atoms?
If the number of carbon atoms in the molecular formulae of alkenes is denoted by ‘n’ then the number of hydrogen atoms would be 2n.

Question 3.
What would be the general formula for the molecular formulae of the members of the homologous series of alkanes? What would be the value of ‘n’ for the first member of this series?
The general formula for the homologous series of alkane is CnH2n + 2. The value of ‘n’ for the first member of homologous series is 1.
CnH2n+2 = C1H2 × 1 + 2 = CH4

Question 4.
The general molecular formula for the homologous series of alkynes is CnH2n – 2. Write down the individual molecular formulae of the first, second and third members by substituting the values 2, 3 and 4 respectively for ‘n’ in this formula.
The general molecular formula for the homologous series of alkynes is CnH2n – 2
n = 2 C2H2 × 2 – 2 = C2H2 Ethyne
n = 3 C3H2 × 3 – 2 = C3H4 Propyne
n = 4 C4H2 × 4 – 2 = C4H6 Butyne

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 5.
Write down structural formulae of the first four members of the various homologous series formed by making use of the functional groups.

Functional group Halo – X (Cl, Br, -I) Functional group
Aldehyde – CHO
Functional group
Carboxylic acid – COOH
Functional group
Amine -NH2
Methanoic acid
CH3 – CH2 – Cl
Ethanoic acid
CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – Cl
Propanoic acid
CH3 – CH2 – CH2 CH2 – Cl
Butanoic acid

Question 6.
General formula of the homologous series of alkanes is CnH2n + 2. Write down the molecular formula of the 8th and 12th member using this.
General formula of alkanes is CnH2n + 2
n = 8 C8H2 × 8 + 2 = C6H18 Octane
n = 12 C12H2 × 12 + 2 = C12H26 Dodecane

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 121)

Question 1.
Draw three structural formulae having molecular formula C5H12. Give the names n-pentane, i-pentane and neo-pentane to the above structural formulae.
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Question 2.
Draw all possible structural formulae having molecular formula C6H14. Give names to all the isomers.
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Try This! (Text Book Page No. 124)

Question 1.
Light a bunsen burner. Open and close the air hole at the bottom of the burner by means of the movable ring around it. When do you get yellow sooty flame? When do you get blue flame?
When the air hole at the bottom of the burner is open, sufficient oxygen is mixed gaseous fuel for complete combustion and a clean blue flame is obtained. When the air hole is partially blocked by means of the movable ring around it, the air supply is limited which results in incomplete combustion. Hence, yellow sooty flame is produced.

(Text Book Page No. 126)

Question 1.
The names of four fatty acids separated from vegetable oils are given in the table. Identify the number of carbon – carbon double bonds from their structure and molecular formula from the below fatty acids which one when reacts with iodine will make the colour of iodine disappear.

Name Molecular Formula Number of C = C double bonds Will it decolorise I2?
Stearic acid C17H35COOH ———————– yes/no
Oleic acid C17H33COOH One double bond yes/no
Plamitic acid C15H31COOH ———————– yes/no
Linoleic acid C17H31COOH Two double bonds yes/no

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 128)

Question 1.
Explain by writing a reaction, what will happen when pieces of sodium metal are put in n-propyl alcohol.
n-Propyl alcohol reacts with pieces of sodium metal, sodium propoxide and hydrogen gas are obtained.
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Question 2.
Explain by writing a reaction, which product will be formed on heating n-butyl alcohol with concentrated sulphuric acid.
When n-butyl alcohol is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid, one molecule of water is removed from its molecule to form 1-butene.
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Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 129)

Question 1.
Which one of ethanoic acid and hydrochloric acid is stronger?
Hydrochloric acid is stronger acid.

Question 2.
Which indicator paper out of blue litmus paper and pH paper is useful to distinguish between ethanoic acid and hydrochloric acid ?
pH paper is useful to distinguish between ethanoic acid and hydrochloric acid.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 130)

Question 1.
Explain why does the lime water turns milky in the reaction of acetic acid with sodium carbonate.
In the reaction of acetic acid with sodium carbonate, carbon dioxide gas is evolved which turns lime water milky resulting in the formation of insoluble calcium carbonate.
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Question 2.
Explain the reaction that would take place when a piece of sodium metal is dropped in ethanoic acid.
When a piece of sodium metal is dropped in ethanoic acid, sodium acetate and hydrogen gas is formed.
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Question 3.
Two test tubes contain two colourless liquids ethanol and ethanoic acid. Explain by writing reaction which chemical test you would perform to tell which substance is present in which test tube.
Ethanol does not react with sodium bicarbonate, while ethanoic acid reacts with sodium bicarbonate to form carbon dioxide gas.
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Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 131)

Question 1.
When fat is heated with sodium hydroxide solution, soap and glycerin are formed. Which functional groups might be present in fat and glycerin? What do you think?
The functional group carboxylic acid (-COOH) is present in fat whereas the functioned group hydroxyl group (-OH) is present in glycerin.

Can you tell? (Text Book Page No. 131)

Question 1.
What are the chemical names of the nutrients that we get from the foodstuff, namely, cereals, pulses and meat?
The nutrients that we get from the foodstuff, namely cereals, pulses and meat are alpha amino acids.

Question 2.
What are the chemical substances that make cloth, furniture and elastic objects?
The chemical substances that make cloth, furniture and elastic objects are cellulose and rubber.

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 133)

Question 1.
Structural formulae of some monomers are given below. Write the structural formula of the homopolymer formed from them.
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Question 2.
From the given structural formula of polyvinyl acetate, that is used in paints and glues, deduce the name and structural formula of the corresponding monomer.
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(Text Book Page No. 133)

Question 1.
Complete the following table by writing their Structural formulae and Molecular formulae.
(Answer is given directly in bold letters.)
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Fill in the gaps in the table: (Text Book Page No. 119)
(Answer is given directly in bold letters.)
a. Homologous series of alkanes.
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b. Homologous series of alcohol.
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c. Homologous series of alkenes.
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(Text Book Page No. 123)

Question 1.
Complete the table by writing the IUPAC names in the third column.
(Answer is directly given with underline.)

Common name Structural formula IUPAC name
Ethylene CH2 = CH2 Ethene
Acetylene HC = CH Ethyne
Acetic acid CH3 -COOH Ethanoic acid
Methyl alcohol CH3 – OH Methanol
Ethyl alcohol CH3 – CH2 – OH Ethanol

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 119)

Question 1.
By how many -CH2– (methylene) units do the formulae of the first two members of homologous series of alkanes, methane (CH4) and ethane (C2H6) differ? Similarly, by how many -CH2– units do the neighbouring members ethane (C2H6) and propane (C3H8) differ from each other?
The first two members of homologous series of alkanes, methane (CH4) and ethane (C2H6) differed by one -CH2– unit. Similarly, ethane (C2H6) and propane (C3H8) differed by -CH2– unit.

Question 2.
How many methylene units are extra in the formula of the fourth member than the third member of the homologous series of alcohols?
There is only one, methylene unit extra in the formula of the fourth member and the third member of the homologous series of alcohols.

Question 3.
How many methylene units are less in the formula of the second member than the third member of the homologous series of alkenes?
There is only one methylene unit less in the formula of the second member of and the third member of the homologous series of alkenes.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Fill in the blanks and rewrite the completed statements:

Question 1.
The organic compounds having double or triple bonds in them are termed as …………
The organic compounds having double or triple bonds in them are termed as unsaturated hydrocarbons.

Question 2.
The general formula of alkane is ……………
The general formula of alkane is CnH2n + 2.

Question 3.
The compounds of homologous series have the same ………….. group.
The compounds of homologous series have the same functional group.

Question 4.
A double bond is formed between carbon atoms by ………… pairs of electrons.
A double bond is formed between carbon atoms by two pairs of electrons.

Question 5.
The compounds having different structural formulae having the same molecular formula is called ……….
The compounds having different structural formulae having the same molecular formula is called structural isomerism.

Question 6.
The functional group of ether is …………..
The functional group of ether is -O-.

Question 7.
The general formula of alkene is …………
The general formula of alkene is CnH2n.

Question 8.
The bond between two atoms of nitrogen is a ………… bond.
The bond between two atoms of nitrogen is a triple bond.

Question 9.
Benzene ring is made up of ………….. carbon atoms.
Benzene ring is made up of six carbon atoms.

Question 10.
Due to …………., vegetable oil is converted into vanaspati ghee.
Due to hydrogenation, vegetable oil is converted into vanatspati ghee.

Question 11.
………….. control the heredity at molecular level.
Nucleic acids control the heredity at molecular level.

Question 12.
The regular repetition of a small unit is called …………..
The regular repetition of a small unit is called polymer.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 13.
The structural formula of polypropylene is ……………….
The structural formula of polypropylene is
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Question 14.
The monomers of proteins are ……………..
The monomers of proteins are alpha amino acids.

Question 15.
The monomer of cellulose is …………
The monomer of cellulose is glucose.

Question 16.
…………. have sweet odour.
Esters have sweet odour.

Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the statement:

Question 1.
The property of direct bonding between atoms of the same element to form a chain is called ………..
(a) catenation
(b) isomerism
(c) dehydration
(d) polymerization
The property of direct bonding between atoms of the same element to form a chain is called catenation.

Question 2.
The molecular weight of two adjacent members in homologous series of an alkane differ by ………. units.
(a) 16
(b) 20
(c) 14
(d) 12
The molecular weight of two adjacent members in homologous series of an alkane differ by 14 units.

Question 3.
Consecutive members of a homologous series differ by ………. group.
(a) -CH
(b) -CH2
(C) -CH3
(d) -CH4
Consecutive members of a homologous series differ by CH2 group.

Question 4.
……….. is used to prepare carbon black.
(a) Methane
(b) Ethene
(c) Propane
(d) Butane
Methane is used to prepare carbon black.

Question 5.
……….. is the general formula of alkene.
(a) CnH2n
(b) CnH2n + 2
(c) CnH2n – 2
(d) CnHn – 2
CnH2n is the general formula of alkene.

Question 6.
The reaction of methane with chlorine in the presence of sunlight is called ………..
(a) pyrolysis
(b) an elimination reaction
(c) a substitution reaction
(d) an addition reaction
The reaction of methane with chlorine in the presence of sunlight is called a substitution reaction.

Question 7.
The general formula for alkynes is ………….
(a) CnH2n
(b) CnH2n + 2
(c) CnH2n – 2
(d) CnH2n – 1
The general formula for alkynes is CnH2n – 2

Question 8.
The reaction of ………… with ethanol is a fast reaction.
(a) calcium
(b) magnesium
(c) sodium
(d) aluminum
The reaction of sodium with ethanol is a fast reaction.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 9.
Ethylene has …………. bond between two carbon atoms.
(a) a single
(b) a double
(c) a triple
(d) an ionic
Ethylene has a double bond between two carbon atoms.

Question 10.
The saturated hydrocarbons are those in which carbon atom are linked by ………….
(a) a single bond
(b) a double bond
(c) a triple bond
(d) an ionic bond
The saturated hydrocarbons are those in which carbon atom are linked by a single bond.

Question 11.
C7H16 is ………….
(a) hexane
(b) octane
(c) methane
(d) heptane
C7H16 is heptane.

Question 12.
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(a) carboxylic acid group
(b) aldehyde group
(c) ketonic group
(d) alcohol group
(a) carboxylic acid group

Question 13.
The possible isomers for C5H12 are ……………
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 1
(d) 3
The possible isomers for C5H12 are 3.

Question 14.
………. contains alcoholic functional group.
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(d) all of these

Question 15.
Oxygen molecule has ………… bond between two oxygen atoms.
(a) a double
(b) a single
(c) a triple
(d) an ionic
Oxygen molecule has a double bond between two oxygen atoms.

Question 16.
Some acetic acid is treated with solid NaHCO3. The resulting solution will be ………..
(a) colourless
(b) blue
(c) green
(d) yellow
Some acetic acid is treated with solid NaHCO3. The resulting solution will be colourless.

Question 17.
Ethanoic acid has a ……… odour.
(a) rotten eggs
(b) pungent
(c) mild
(d) vinegar-like
Ethanoic acid has a vinegar-like odour.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 18.
Acetic acid ………..
(a) turns red litmus blue
(b) has pungent odour
(c) is red in colour
(d) is odourless
Acetic acid has pungent odour.

Question 19.
When acetic acid reacts with sodium metal ……….. gas is formed.
(a) oxygen
(b) hydrogen
(c) chlorine
(d) nitrogen
When acetic acid reacts with sodium metal hydrogen gas is formed.

Question 20.
The molecular formula of acetic acid (ethanoic acid) is …………
(c) C2H5COOH
(d) C3H7COOH
The molecular formula of acetic acid (ethanoic acid) is CH3COOH.

Question 21.
When sodium bicarbonate solution is added to dilute acetic acid …………
(a) a gas is evolved
(b) a solid settles at the bottom
(c) the mixture becomes warm
(d) the colour of the mixture becomes yellow
When sodium bicarbonate solution is added to dilute acetic acid a gas-is evolved.

Question 22.
2 ml of ethanoic acid was taken in each of test tubes A, B, C and 2 ml, 4 ml, 6 ml of water was added respectively to them. A clear solution is obtained in ………..
(a) test tube A
(b) test tube B
(c) test tube C
(d) all the test tubes
2 ml of ethanoic acid was taken in each of test tubes A, B, C and 2 ml, 4 ml, 6 ml of water was added respectively to them. A clear solution is obtained in all the test tubes.

Question 23.
In the presence of acid catalyst, ethanoic acid reacts with ethanol and ……….. ester is produced.
(a) ethanol
(b) ethanoic
(c) ethyl ethanoate
(d) ethyl ethanol (Practice Activity Sheet – 1)
In the presence of acid catalyst, ethanoic acid reacts with ethanol and ethyl ethanoate ester is produced.

Question 24.
The following structural formula belongs to which carbon compound?
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(a) Camphor
(b) Benzene
(c) Starch
(d) Glucose (Practical activity sheet- 2)
(b) Benzene

Question 25.
What type of reaction is shown below?
\(\mathrm{CH}_{4}+\mathrm{Cl}_{2} \stackrel{\text { Sunlight }}{\longrightarrow} \mathrm{CH}_{3}-\mathrm{Cl}+\mathrm{HCl}\)
(a) Addition
(b) Substitution
(c) Decomposition
(d) Reduction (Practice Activity Sheet – 3)
(b) substitution

Question 26.
The carbon compound is used in daily life is ………..
(a) edible oil
(b) salt
(c) carbon dioxide
(d) baking soda (March 2019)
The carbon compound is used in daily life is edible oil

State whether the following statements are true or false. (If a statement is false, correct it and rewrite it.):

Question 1.
Generally the melting and boiling points of carbon compounds are high.
False. (Generally the melting and boiling points of carbon compounds are low.)

Question 2.
Till now the number of known carbon compounds is about 10 million.

Question 3.
Unsaturated hydrocarbons are less reactive than saturated hydrocarbons.
False. (Unsatured hydrocarbons are more reactive than saturated hydrocarbons.)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 4.
Benzene is an aromatic compound.

Question 5.
The carbon-carbon double and triple bonds are also recognised as functional groups.

Question 6.
The general formula of alkyne is CnH2n.
False. (The general formula of alkyne is CnH2n – 2)

Question 7.
Naphthalene burns with a yellow flame.

Question 8.
When vegetable oil and tincture iodine react, the color of iodine does not change.
False. (When vegetable oil and tincture iodine react, the colour of iodine changes.)

Question 9.
Saturated fats are healthy.
False. (Saturated fats are harmful to health.)

Question 10.
Aqueous solution of ethanol is found to be neutral.

Question 11.
Denatured ethanol is used as industrial solvent.

Question 12.
Vinegar is a 12-15 % aqueous solution of acetic acid.
False. (Vinegar is a 5-8 % aqueous solution of acetic acid.)

Question 13.
The functional group of ethanoic acid is a carboxylic group.

Question 14.
Sodium hydroxide is used in the preparation of soap from fats and oils.

Question 15.
Rubber is a manmade macromolecule.
False. (Rubber is a natural macromolecule.)

Question 16.
Polyvinyl chloride is used in the manufacture of P.V.C. pipes and bags.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 17.
Polyethylene is a homopolymer.

Question 18.
The chemical bonds in carbon compounds do not produce ions.

Find the odd one out:

Question 1.
Propane, methane, ethene, pentane
Ethene. (Others are saturated hydrocarbons.)

Question 2.
Methane, butane, benzene, sodium chloride
Sodium chloride. (Others are organic compounds.)

Question 3.
CH4, C2H6, C3H8, CaCO3
CaCO3. (Others are organic compounds.)

Question 4.
C2H2, C3H8, C2H6, CH4
C2H2. (Others are saturated hydrocarbons.)

Question 5.
C2H4, C4H10, C3H8, CH4
C2H4. (Others are saturated hydrocarbons.)

Question 6.
Polyethylene, Polysaccharide, Polystyrene, Polypropylene
Polysaccharide (Others are manmade polymers.)

Question 7.
-NH2, -COOH,-SO4, -Br
-SO4 (Others are functional groups.)

Question 8.
Methane, Ethane, Propene, Propane, Butane
Propene (Others are members of homologous series of alkanes.)

Match the columns:

Question 1.

Column I Column II
(1) CH4 (a) CH2 = CH2
(2) Ethane (b) CnH2n – 2
(3) Alkene (c) Methane
(4) Alkyne (d) C2H6
(e) C3H8

(1) CH4 – Methane
(2) Ethane – C2H6
(3) Alkene – CH2 = CH2
(4) Alkyne – CnH2n – 2.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 2.

Column I Column II
(1) Aromatic hydrocarbon (a) Propyne
(2) Alkane (b) Benzene
(3) Alkyne (c) Saturated hydrocarbon
(4) Alkene (d) CnH2n
(e) C n H2n – 1 OH

(1) Aromatic hydrocarbon – Benzene
(2) Alkane – Saturated hydrocarbon
(3) Alkyne – Propyne
(4) Alkene – CnH2n.

Question 3.

Column I Column II
(1) Cyclohexane (a) CH3COOH
(2) Methanol (b) CH3Cl
(3) Acetaldehyde (c) CH2Cl2
(4) Ethanoic acid (d) CH3OH
(e) C6H12
(f) CH3CHO

(1) Cyclohexane – C6H12
(2) Methanol – CH3OH
(3) Acetaldehyde – CH3CHO
(4) Ethanoic acid – CH3COOH.

Question 4.
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(1) (-OH) – Alcohol
(2) (-COOH) – Carboxylic acid
(3) (-CHO) – Aldehyde
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Question 5.

Column I Column II
(1) Ethyne (a) C2H6
(2) Ethene (b) C2H2
(3) Ethane (c) C3H6
(4) Propyne (d) C2H4
(e) C3H4

(1) Ethyne – C2H2
(2) Ethene – C2H4
(3) Ethane – C2H6
(4) Propyne – C3H4.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 6.

Column I Column II
(1) Cellulose (a) P.V.C. pipes, bags
(2) R.N.A (b) Blankets
(3) Polyacrylonitrile (c) Wood
(4) Polyvinyl chloride (d) Chromosomes of plants

(1) Cellulose – Wood
(2) R.N.A. – Chromosomes of plants
(3) Polyacrylonitrile – Blankets
(4) Polyvinyl chloride – P.V.C. pipes, bags.

Consider the relation between Column I and II. Fill in Column IV to match Column III.

Column I Column II Column III Column IV
(1) Ethylene Polyethylene Tetrafluoroethylene —————–
(2) Poly­propylene Propylene Polystyrene —————–
(3) Poly­saccharide Glucose Proteins —————–
(4) Rubber Isoprene D.N.A. —————–
(5) Wood Cellulose Chromosomes of plants —————–

(1) Teflon
(2) Styrene
(3) Alpha aminoacid
(4) Nucleotide
(5) R.N.A.

Define the following:

Question 1.
Define Alkane
Alkane: In hydrocarbon, the four valencies of carbon atom are satisfied only by the single bonds, such compounds are called alkane.
Example: Methane (CH4), Ethane (C2H6)

Question 2.
Define Alkene.
Alkene: The unsaturated hydrocarbons containing a carbon-carbon double bond are called alkenes.
Example : Ethene (CH2 = CH2)

Question 3.
Define Alkyne.
Alkyne: The unsaturated hydrocarbons containing a carbon-carbon triple bond are called alkynes.
Example: Ethyne C2H2 (CH ≡ CH).

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 4.
Define Addition reaction.
Addition reaction: When a carbon compound combines with another compound to form a product that contains all the atoms in both the reactants; it is called an addition reaction.
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Question 5.
Define Substitution reaction.
Substitution reaction: The reaction in which the place of one type of atom/group in a reactant is taken by another atom/group of atoms, is called substitution reaction.
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Question 6.
Define Esterification.
Esterification: A carboxylic acid reacts with an alcohol in presence of an acid catalyst, an ester is formed. The reaction is known as esterification.
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Question 7.
Define Saponification.
Saponification: When an ester reacts with the alkali, i.e. sodium hydroxide, the corresponding alcohol and sodium salt of carboxylic acid are obtained. This reaction is called saponification reaction. It is used in the preparation of soap.
Ester + Sodium hydroxide → Sodium salt of carboxylic acid + Alcohol.

Question 8.
Define Polymerization.
Polymerization: The reaction by which monomer molecules are converted into a polymer is called polymerization.
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Name the following:

Question 1.
The higher homologue of hexane.

Question 2.
The number of double bonds in benzene.

Question 3.
The functional group in ether and halogen.
Functional groups:
Ether: – O –
Halogen: – X (-Cl, -Br, -I).

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 4.
Polymer of tetrafluoroethylene.

Question 5.
The monomer of polysaccharide.

Question 6.
The Polymer of nucleotide.

Question 7.
The Monomer of rubber.

Question 8.
Two oxidising compounds.
Potassium permanganate, Potassium dichromate.

Question 9.
IUPAC name of sodium acetate.
Sodium ethanoate.

Question 10.
The main component of natural gas.

Question 11.
Two isomers of butane.
n-butane and i-butane.

Question 12.
A nomenclature system based on the structure of the compounds and it was accepted all over the world.
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).

Answer the following questions in one sentence each:

Question 1.
State the atomic number and electronic configuration of carbon.
The atomic number of carbon is 6 and the electronic configuration of carbon is (2, 4).

Question 2.
State number of electrons in the outermost orbit of carbon and valency of carbon.
Four electrons are present in the outermost orbit of carbon and the valency of carbon is 4.

Question 3.
What are hydrocarbons? Give one example.
The compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen are called hydrocarbons. These compounds are known as organic compounds. E.g. Methane, Ethane.

Question 4.
What is the molecular formula and structural of methane?
The molecular formula of methane is CH4.
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Question 5.
How many atoms of carbon and hydrogen are present in methane?
The molecule of methane has one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms.

Question 6.
State the general formula of alkane.
The general formula of an alkane is CnH2n + 2.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 7.
Give two examples of alkanes.
Methane (CH4) and ethane (C2H6) are alkanes.

Question 8.
Give two examples of alkenes.
Ethene (CH2 = CH2) and propene (CH3 – CH = CH2) are alkenes.

Question 9.
Give two examples of alkynes.
Ethyne (HC ≡ CH) and propyne (CH3 – C ≡ CH) are alkynes.

Question 10.
Write the name and molecular formula of a higher homologue of propane.
Butane (C4H10) is a higher homologue of propane.

Question 11.
Write the structure and molecular formula of ethane.
Structure of ethane:
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Molecular formula of ethane: C2H6

Question 12.
What is meant by catenation power?
Carbon has a unique ability to form strong covalent bonds with other carbon atoms, this result in formation of big molecules. This property of carbon is called catenation power.

Question 13.
State the structural and molecular formula of benzene.
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Question 14.
Which functional groups are present in aldehyde and ketone?
The functional group -CHO is present in aldehyde and the functional group
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is present in ketone.

Question 15.
Which functional group is present in
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Question 16.
Compare: The proportions of carbon atoms in ethanol (C2H5OH) and naphthalene (C10H8).
Ethanol contains two carbon atoms while naphthalene contains 10 carbon atoms. Ethanol is a saturated hydrocarbon and naphthalene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon.

Question 17.
What are the products of combustion of methane?
Carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) are the products of combustion of methane.

Question 18.
Which gas is evolved when ethanol reacts with sodium?
Hydrogen gas (H2) is evolved when ethanol reacts with sodium.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 19.
Compare: How is the transformation of ethanol into ethanoic acid on oxidation reaction?
The transformation of ethanol into ethanoic acid is an oxidation process, in which ethanol accepts oxygen.

Question 20.
Complete the following:
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Question 21.
Which of the following hydrocarbons undergo addition reactions:
C2H6, C3H8, C2H4, C3H8?
C2H4 (ethene) and C3H6 (propene) undergo addition reactions.

Question 22.
How many covalent bonds are there in a molecule of cyclohexane?
A molecule of cyclohexane contains 18 covalent bonds.

Question 23.
Give the IUPAC name for CH3COOH.
The IUPAC name for CH3COOH is ethanoic acid.

Question 24.
Write the IUPAC name of CH3COONa.
IUPAC name of CH3COONa is sodium ethanoate.

Question 25.
What is meant by denatured alcohol?
Ethanol is the important commercial solvent. To prevent the misuse of this solvent, it is mixed with the poisonous methanol. Such ethanol is called denatured spirit.

Question 26.
What is meant by glacial acetic acid ?
The melting point of pure acetic acid is 17 °C. Therefore, during winter in old countries acetic acid freezes at room temperature itself and looks like ice. Therefore it is named glacial acetic acid.

Question 26.
Which useful components of hydro¬carbon are obtained by fractional distillation of crude oil?
Various useful components of hydrocarbon such as CNG, LPG, petrol (gasoline), rockel, diesel, engine oil, lubricant, etc. are obtained by separation of crude oil using fractional distillation.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 28.
Which functional groups are present in ester and amine?
Ester: -COO-
Amine: -NH2

Question 29.
Give two examples of natural macromolecules.
Examples: Polysaccharide, protein and nucleic acid.

Question 30.
Write the structure of polystyrene and give its uses.
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Polystyrene is used to make thermocoal articles.

Question 31.
Write the name and the structure of monomer of polyacrylonitrile.
The name and structure of monomer: Acrylonitrile CH2 = CH – CN

Question 32.
Write the name and the structure of monomer of teflon and its uses.
The name and structure of monomer: Tetrafluro ethylene CF2 = CF2
Teflon is used to make nonstick cookware.

Question 33.
What is meant by copolymers?
The polymers formed from two or more monomers are called copolymers.
Examples: Poly ethylene terephthalate.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
How is hydrogen molecule formed?
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The atomic number of hydrogen is 1, its atom contains 1 electron in K shell. It requires one more electron to complete the K shell and attain the configuration of helium (He). To meet this requirement two hydrogen atoms share their electrons with each other to form H2 molecule. One covalent bond, i.e. a single bond is formed between two hydrogen atoms by sharing of two electrons.

Question 2.
Describe the formation of oxygen molecule (O2).
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(1) The atomic number of oxygen is 8. The electronic configuration of oxygen is (2, 6). Oxygen has 6 electrons in the outermost shell.
(2) It requires 2 electrons to complete the L shell and attain the configuration of neon (Ne).
(3) Each oxygen atom shares its valence electron with the valence electron of another oxygen atom to give two shared pairs of electrons which results in the formation of oxygen molecule.
(4) Thus, two electron pairs are shared between two oxygen atoms, forming double covalent bond (=).

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 3.
Describe the formation of nitrogen molecule.
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(1) The atomic number of nitrogen is 7. The electronic configuration of nitrogen is (2, 5). Nitrogen has 5 electrons in the outermost shell.
(2) It requires three more electrons to complete the L shell and attain the configuration of neon (Ne).
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(3) Two nitrogen atoms come close together and share three pairs of electrons with each other, resulting in the formation of a triple bond.
(4) Thus, two nitrogen atoms are bound with a triple bond (=) to form a nitrogen molecule.

Question 4.
How is the methane molecule formed?
(1) The electronic configuration of carbon is (2, 4). Carbon has four electrons in the outermost shell, hence it is tetravalent.
(2) The electronic configuration of hydrogen is 1, hence it is monovalent.
(3) Carbon needs four electrons to complete the L shell and attain the configuration of neon (Ne).
(4) Four atoms of hydrogen share 1 electron each with 4 electrons of carbon.
(5) A single covalent bond is formed by sharing of two electrons.
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Thus, the methane molecule contains four single bonds between the carbon and hydrogen atoms.

Question 5.
State the various compounds and its formulae formed by a single atom of carbon with monovalent hydrogen and chlorine.

Compounds Names
CH4 Methane
CH3Cl Methyl chloride
CH2Cl2 Methylene dichloride
CHCl3 Methylene trichloride
CCl4 Carbon tetrachloride

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 6.
Observe the straight chain hydrocarbons given below and answer the following questions:
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(i) Which of the straight chain compounds from A and B is saturated and unsaturated straight chains?
(ii) Name these straight chains.
(iii) Write their chemical formulae and number of -CH2 units. (Practice Activity Sheet – 2)
(i) A is a saturated hydrocarbon, B is an unsaturated hydrocarbon.
(ii) A = Propane, B = Propene
(iii) The chemical formula of A = C3H8 and number of -CH2 units are 3.
The chemical formula of B = C3H6 and number of -CH2 unit is 1.

Question 7.
Draw electron-dot and line structure of an ethane molecule.
The molecular formula of ethane is C2H6.
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Question 8.
The molecular formula of propane is C3H8. From this draw its structural formula. (Practice Activity Sheet – 3)
The structural formula of propane:
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Question 9.
Draw the structure and carbon skeleton for cyclohexane.
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Question 10.
Classify into saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons: (1) Methane (2) Ethene (3) Ethane (4) Ethyne (5) Propene (6) Propyne (7) Butane (8) Cyclohexene (9) Cyclopentane (10) Heptane.
(i) Saturated hydrocarbons: (1) Methane (2) Ethane (3) Butane (4) Cyclopentane (5) Heptane.
(ii) Unsaturated hydrocarbons: (1) Ethene (2) Ethyne (3) Propene (4) Propyne (5) Cyclohexene.

Question 11.
Classify into alkanes, alkenes and alkynes: (1) Ethane (2) Ethene (3) Methane (4) Propene (5) Ethyne (6) Propyne (7) Butane (8) Pentane.
Alkanes: (1) Ethane (2) Methane (3) Butane. (4) Pentane
Alkenes: (1) Ethene (2) Propene
Alkynes: (1) Ethyne (2) Propyne

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 12.
Classify into straight chain carbon compounds, branched chain carbon compounds and ring carbon compounds:
(1) Propene (2) Butane (3) Iso-butane (4) Cyclopentane (5) Benzene (6) Isobutylene.
Straight chain carbon compounds:

  1. Propene
  2. Butane.

Branched chain carbon compounds:

  1. Iso-butane
  2. Isobutylene.

Ring carbon compounds:

  1. Cyclopentane
  2. Benzene.

Question 13.
Draw chain and ring structures of organic compound having six carbon atoms in it.
Chain structures of an organic compound having six carbon atoms:
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Ring structures of an organic compound having six carbon atoms:
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Question 14.
Explain the structure of benzene.
The molecular formula of benzene is C6H6. It is a cyclic unsaturated hydrocarbon. Benzene ring is made of six carbon atoms. In benzene, each carbon atom is linked to two other carbon atoms, on one side by a single bond and on the other side by a double bond, i.e. three alternate single bonds and double bonds in the six membered ring structure of benzene. The compound having this characteristic unit in their structure are called aromatic compounds.
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Question 15.
Draw the structures of isomers of pentane (C5H12).
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 16.
Recognize the carbon chain type for each of the following:
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(Practice Activity Sheet – 1)
In the reaction of acetic acid with sodium carbonate, carbon dioxide gas is evolved which turns lime water milky resulting in the formation of insoluble calcium carbonate.
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Question 17.
What is meant by functional group? Give examples.
Explain the term functional group with example.
The compound acquire specific chemical properties due to these hetero atoms or the groups of atoms that contain hetero atoms, irrespective of length and nature of the carbon chain in that compound. Therefore these hetero atoms or groups of atoms containing hetero atoms are called the functional groups.
Example: Methyl alcohol, acetic acid.

In methane (CH4), when one hydrogen atom is replaced by an -OH group, methyl alcohol (CH3OH), is formed. The -OH is known as the alcoholic functional group.
Similarly, from methane (CH4) when one hydrogen atom is replaced by -COOH group, acetic acid (CH3COOH) is formed. The -COOH group is known as the carboxylic acid functional group.

Question 18.
Define functional group and complete the following table:

Functional group Compound Formula
——————– Ethyl alcohol ——————–
——————– Acetaldehyde ——————–

The compound acquire specific chemical properties due to these hetero atoms or the groups of atoms that contain hetero atoms, irrespective of length and nature of the carbon chain in that compound. Therefore these hetero atoms or groups of atoms containing hetero atoms are called the
functional groups.

Functional group Compound Formula
-OH Ethyl alcohol C2H5OH
-CHO Acetaldehyde CH3CHO

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 19.
What is meant by homologous series?
The length of the carbon chains in carbon compounds is different their chemical properties are very much similar due to the presence of the same functional group in them. The series of compounds formed by joining the same functional group in place of a particular hydrogen atom on the chains having sequentially increasing length is called homologous series. Two adjacent members of the series differ by only one -CH2– (methylene) unit and their mass differ by 14 units.

The homologous series of straight chain alkanes can be represented by the general formula CnH2n + 2. The members of this series are as follows:

Methane – CH4
Ethane – C2H6
– These differ by – CH2 units
Ethane – C2H6
Propane – C3H8
– These differ by – CH2 units
Butane – C4H10
Pentane – C5H12
– These differ by – CH2 units

Question 20.
State the four characteristics of homologous series.
Characteristics of Homologous series:
(1) In homologous series while going in an increasing order of the length of carbon chain
(a) one methylene unit ( -CH2– ) gets added
(b) molecular mass increases by 14 u (c) number of carbon atoms increases by one.
(2) Chemical properties of members of a homologous series show similarity due to the presence of the same functional group in them.
(3) Each member of the homologous series can be represented by the same general molecular formula.
(4) While going in an increasing order of the length there is gradation in the physical properties i.e. the boiling and melting points.

Question 21.
Write names of first four homologous series of alcohols: (March 2019)
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First four homologous series of alcohols are

  1. Methanol CH3 – OH
  2. Ethanol C2H5 – OH
  3. Propanol C3H7 – OH
  4. Butanol C4H9 – OH

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 22.
Describe the IUPAC rules of naming organic compounds.
IUPAC nomenclature system: International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) put forth a nomenclature system based on the structure of the compounds and it was accepted all over the world. There are three units in the IUPAC name of any carbon compound: parent, suffix and prefix. These are arranged in the name as follows:

An IUPAC name is given to a compound on the basis of the name of its parent alkane. The name of the compound is constructed by attaching appropriate suffix and prefix to the name of the parent-alkane. The steps in the IUPAC nomenclature of straight chain compounds are as follows:

Step 1: Draw the structural formula of the straight chain compound and count the number of carbon atoms in it. The alkane with the same number of carbon atoms is the parent alkane of the concerned compound. Write the name of this alkane.

In case the carbon chain of concerned compound contains a double bond, change the ending of the parent name from ‘ane’ to ‘ene’. If the carbon chain in the concerned compound contains a triple bond, change the ending of the parent name from ‘ane’ to ‘yne’.

Sr. No.

Structural formula Straight chain

Parent name

1. CH3 – CH2 – CH3 C – C – C propane
2. CH3 – CH2 – OH C – C ethane
3. CH3 – CH2 – COOH C – C – C propane
4. CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CHO C – C – C – C butane
5. CH3 – CH = CH2 C – C = C propene
6. CH3 – C ≡ CH C – C ≡ C propyne

Step 2: If the structural formula contains a functional group, replace the last letter ‘e’ from the parent name by the condensed name of the functional group as the suffix. (Exception: The condensed name of the functional group ‘halogen’ is always attached as the prefix.)

Step 3: Number the carbon atoms in the carbon chain from one end to the other. Assign the number T to carbon in the functional group -CHO or -COOH, if present. Otherwise, the chain can be numbered in two directions. Accept that numbering which gives smaller number to the carbon carrying the functional group. In the final name, a digit (number) and a character (letter) should be separated by a small horizontal line.

Question 23.
Write the IUPAC names of the following structural formulae.
a. CH3 – CH2 – CH = CH2
Number of carbon atoms in the longest chain: 4
Parent alkane: Butene
Functional group: double bond
Assign the number:
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In the longest chain, the numbering of carbon atom starts from the carbon atom nearest to the double bond and the other c-atoms are numbered accordingly.
Parent suffix: But-1-ene
IUPAC name: But-1-ene

b. CH3 – C ≡ C – H
Number of carbon atoms in the longest chain: 3
Parent alkane: Propyne
Functional group: triple bond
Parent suffix: Propyne
IUPAC name: Propyne

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The number of carbon atoms in the longest chain: 5
Parent alkane: Pentane
Prefix functional group: Chloro
Assign the number: 2
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The carbon atom to which the -Cl atom is attached is numbered as C2 and the other C atoms are numbered accordingly.
Prefix parent: 2-Chloropentane
IUPAC name: 2-Chloropentane

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

d. CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – Br
The number of carbon atoms in the longest chain: 3
Parent alkane : Propane Prefix functional group: Bromo
Assign the number:
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The carbon atom to which the -Br atom is attached is numbered as C1 and the other C atoms are numbered accordingly.
Prefix parent: 1-Bromopropane
IUPAC name: 1-Bromopropane

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The number of carbon atoms in the longest chain: 4
Parent alkane: Butane Functional group: -OH (ol)
Assign the number:
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The carbon atom to which the -OH group is attached is numbered as C2.
If the carbon chain of the compound contains a -OH group, then change the ending ‘e’ of the parent name, i.e. ,‘e’ of butane is replaced by ‘ol’ (ol for alcohol).
Parent suffix: Butan-2-ol
IUPAC name: Butan-2-ol

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The number of carbon atoms: 3
Parent alkane: Propane
Functional group: -NH2 (amine)
Assign the number:
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If the carbon chain of the compound contains a -NH2 group then change the ending of the parent name, i.e. ‘e’ of propane is replaced by ‘amine’.
Parent suffix: 2-Propanamine
IUPAC name: 2-Propanamine

The number of carbon atoms: 1
Parent alkane: Methane
Functional group: -COOH (-oic cid)
If the carbon chain of the compound contains a -COOH group, then change the ending of the parent name, i.e. ‘e’ of methane is replaced by ‘-oic acid’.
Parent suffix: Methanoic acid
IUPAC name: Methanoic acid

h. CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CHO
The number of carbon atoms in the longest chain: 4
Parent alkane : Butane Functional group: -CHO (al)
Assign the number: 1
Assign the number ‘1’ to carbon in the functional group
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If the carbon chain of the compound contains a -CHO group then change the ending of the parent name, i.e. ‘e’ of the butane is replaced by ‘al’.
Parent suffix: Butanal
IUPAC name: Butanal

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The number of carbon atoms in the longest chain: 5
Parent alkane: Pentane
Functional group:
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Assign the numbering:
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In the longest chain, the numbering of carbon atom starts from the carbon nearest to the functional group (both the numbering equivalent).
If the carbon chain of compound contains a
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group, then change the ending of the parent name i.e. ‘e’ of pentane is replaced by ‘one’.
Parent suffix: Pentan-3-one
IUPAC name: Pentan-3-one.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 24.
What happens when methane is burnt in air? Write the balanced chemical equation for the same.
When methane burns in air, carbon dioxide and water are formed. The reaction is exothermic with release of large amount of heat and light.
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Question 25.
What happens when ethanol is burnt in air?
When ethanol is burnt in air, it burns with a clean blue flame, carbon dioxide and water are formed. In this reaction, release of large amount of heat and light takes place.
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Question 26.
What happens when ethanol is treated with alkaline potassium permanganate? Write the balanced chemical equation for the same.
When ethanol is treated with alkaline potassium permanganate, ethanol gets oxidised by alkaline potassium permanganate to’ form ethanoic acid.
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Question 27.
What happens when vegetable oil is hydrogenated? Write the balanced chemical equation.
When vegetable oil (unsaturated compound) is hydrogenated in the presence of nickel catalyst, vanaspati ghee (saturated) compound is formed.
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Question 28.
What happens when chlorine is treated with methane?
Describe the action of chlorine on methane.
Write a note on chlorination of methane.
Methane reacts rapidly with chlorine in the presence of sunlight to form four products. In this reaction, chlorine atoms replace, one by one, all the hydrogen atoms in the methane.
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The reaction in which the place of one type of atom/group in a reactant is taken by another atom/group of atoms is called substitution reaction. Chlorination of methane is a substitution reaction.

Question 29.
What happens when ethanol is reacted with sodium?
When ethanol is reacted with sodium at room temperature, sodium ethoxide is formed and hydrogen gas is liberated.
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Question 30.
What happens when ethanol is heated at 170 °C with excess of conc. sulphuric acid?
When ethanol is heated at 170 °C with excess of conc. sulphuric acid, one molecule of water is removed from its molecule to form ethene (unsaturated compound).
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Question 31.
What happens when ethanoic acid is treated with sodium hydroxide? Write the balanced equation for the same.
When ethanoic acid is treated with sodium hydroxide, neutralization takes place to form sodium acetate (sodium ethanoate) and water.
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Question 32.
What happens when ethanoic acid is treated with sodium carbonate?
When ethanoic acid is treated with sodium carbonate, sodium ethanoate, carbon dioxide and water is formed.
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 33.
What happens when ethanoic acid is treated with sodium bicarbonate?
When ethanoic acid is treated with sodium bicarbonate, sodium ethanoate, water and carbon dioxide is formed.
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Question 34.
What happens when ethanoic acid is treated with ethanol? Write the balanced equation for the same.
When ethanoic acid is treated with ethanol in the presence of an acid catalyst, an ester, i.e., ethyl ethanoate is formed.
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Question 35.
What happens when ethylene gas is heated at high pressure and high temperature in the presence of suitable catalyst?
Ans. When ethylene gas is heated at high pressure and high temperature in the presence of suitable catalyst, it polymerizes to form polyethylene or polythene (plastic).
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Question 36.
State the physical properties of ethyl alcohol ethanol.

  1. Ethanol is a colourless liquid and it is soluble in water in all proportions and has pleasant odour.
  2. The boiling point of ethanol is 78 °C and the freezing point is -114 °C.
  3. It is combustible and burns with a blue flame.
  4. An aqueous solution of ethanol is neutral to litmus paper.

Question 37.
State the properties of ethanoic acid.

  1. Ethanoic acid is a colourless liquid with boiling point 118 °C and melting point 17 °C. It has a pungent odour.
  2. Its aqueous solution is acidic and turns blue litmus red.
  3. A 5-8% aqueous solution of acetic acid is used as vinegar.
  4. It is a weak acid.

Write short notes:

Question 1.
Catenation power.
(1) Carbon has a unique ability to form strong covalent bonds with other carbon atoms; this results in formation of big molecules. This property of carbon is called catenation power.

(2) Carbon shows catenation. Two or more carbon atoms can share their valence electrons and bond with each other. Thus, carbon chains can be straight or branched or closed chain ring structure forming large molecules. The covalent bond between two carbon atoms is strong and therefore stable. Carbon is bestowed with catenation power due to the strong and stable covalent bonds.

(3) Hence, carbon atoms can form an unlimited number of compounds.
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 2.
Characteristics of Carbon.
(1) Carbon has a unique ability to form strong covalent bonds with other carbon atoms: this results in formation of big molecules. This property of carbon is called catenation power. The carbon compounds contain open chains or closed chains of carbon atoms. An open chain can be a straight chain or a branched chain. A closed chain is a ring structure. The covalent bond between two carbon atoms is strong and therefore stable. Carbon is bestowed with catenation power due to the strong and stable covalent bonds.

Question 3.
Functional group.
(1) The compound acquire specific chemical properties due to these hetero atoms or the groups of atoms that contain hetero atoms, irrespective of the length and nature of the carbon chain in that compound. Therefore these hetero atoms or the groups of atoms containing hetero atoms are called functional groups.

All organic compounds are derivatives of hydrocarbons. The derivatives are formed by replacing one or more H-atom/atoms of hydrocarbon by some other hetero atom or groups of atoms containing hetero atoms. After replacement, a new compound is formed which has properties different from the parent hydrocarbon.

Examples: For methane, if one hydrogen atom is replaced by an – OH group, then a compound is methyl alcohol (CH3OH). The -OH group is known as the alcoholic functional group.
Functional group is organic compound:
1. Alcohol: – OH (hydroxy group)
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4. Carboxylic acid : -COOH

Question 4.
Homologous series.
The length of the carbon chains in carbon compounds is different their chemical properties are very much similar due to the presence of the same functional group in them. The series of compounds formed by joining the same functional group in place of a particular hydrogen atom on the chains having sequentially increasing length is called homologous series. Two adjacent members of the series differ by only one -CH2– (methylene) unit and their mass differ by 14 units.

The homologous series of straight chain alkanes can be represented by the general formula CnH2n + 2
The members of this series are as follows:

Methane – CH4
Ethane – C2H6
– These differ by – CH2 units
Ethane – C2H6
Propane – C3H8
– These differ by – CH2 units
Butane – C4H10
Pentane – C5H12
– These differ by – CH2 units

(1) In homologous series while going in an increasing order of the length of carbon chain
(a) one methylene unit (-CH2-) gets added
(b) molecular mass increases by 14 u
(c) number of carbon atoms increases by one.
(2) Chemical properties of members of a homologous series show similarity due to the presence of the same functional group in them.
(3) Each member of the homologous series can be represented by the same general molecular formula.
(4) while going in an increasing order of the length there is gradation in the physical properties i.e., the boiling and melting points.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Question 5.
(1) The reaction by which monomer molecules are converted into a polymer is called polymerization. A macromolecule formed by regular repetition of a small unit is called polymer. The small unit that repeats regularly to form a polymer is called monomer. The important method of polymerization is to make a polymer by joining alkene type of monomers.

(2) When ethylene gas is heated at high pressure and high temperature in the presence of suitable catalyst, it polymerizes to form polyethylene or polythene (plastic).
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(3) The polymer polystyrene is used to make thermocoal articles. The polymer polyvinyl chloride is used to make P.V.C. pipes, doormats, etc. The polymer teflon is used to make nonstick cookware. The polymer polypropylene is used to make injection syringe, furniture, etc.

Give scientific reasons:

Question 1.
Carbon atoms are capable of forming an unlimited number of compounds.

  1. Carbon has the property of catenation. Two or more carbon atoms can share some of their valence electrons to form (single, double and triple) bonds.
  2. The straight chains or branched chains or rings may have different shapes and sizes. This results in formation of many compounds. Hence, carbon atoms are capable of forming an unlimited number of compounds.

Question 2.
Ethylene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon.
(1) Ethylene (CH2 = CH2) contains a double bond between carbon atoms.
(2) Thus, the valencies of the two carbon atoms are not fully satisfied by single covalent bonds. Hence, ethylene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon.

Question 3.
Naphthalene burns with a yellow flame.
(1) Naphthalene is an unsaturated compound. In unsaturated hydrocarbon the proportion of carbon is larger than that of saturated hydrocarbon. As a result, some unburnt carbon particles are also formed during combustion of unsaturated compounds.

(2) In the flame. these unburnt hot carbon particles emit yellow light and therefore the flame appears yellow. Hence, naphthalene burns with a yellow flame.

Question 4.
The colour of iodine disappears in the reaction between vegetable oil and iodine.
(1) Vegetable oils (unsaturated compound) contains a multiple bond as their functional group. They undergo addition reaction to form a saturated compound as the product.
(2) The addition reaction of vegetable oil with iodine takes place instantaneously at room temperature. The colour of iodine disappears in this reaction. This iodine test indicates the presence of a multiple bond in vegetable oil.

Question 5.
The hydrogenation of vegetable oil in the presence of nickel catalyst forms vanaspati ghee.
(1) The molecules of vegetable oil contain long and unsaturated carbon chains. These unsaturated hydrocarbons contain a multiple bond as their functional group. They undergo addition reaction to form a saturated compound as the product.

(2) When vegetable oil (unsaturated compound) is hydrogenated in the presence of nickel catalyst, the addition reaction takes place, vanaspati ghee (saturated compound) is formed.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds

Distinguish between the following:

Question 1.
Saturated hydrocarbons and Unsaturated hydrocarbons.
Saturated hydrocarbons:

  1. In saturated hydrocarbons, the carbon atoms are linked to each other only by single covalent bonds.
  2. They contain only a single bond.
  3. They are chemically less reactive.
  4. Substitution reaction is a characteristic property of these hydrocarbons.
  5. Their general formula is CnH2n + 2.

Unsaturated hydrocarbons:

  1. In unsaturated hydrocarbons, the valencies of carbon atoms are not fully satisfied by single covalent bonds.
  2. They contain carbon to carbon double or triple bonds.
  3. They are chemically more reactive.
  4. Addition reaction is a characteristic property of these hydrocarbons.
  5. Their general formula is CnH2n or CnH2n – 2

Question 2.
Open chain hydrocarbons and closed chain hydrocarbons.
Open chain hydrocarbons:

  1. A hydrocarbon in which the chain of carbon atoms is not cyclic is called an open chain hydrocarbon.
  2. All aliphatic hydrocarbons contain open chains.

Closed chain hydrocarbons:

  1. A hydrocarbon in which the chain of carbon atoms is present in a cyclic form or ring form is called a closed chain hydrocarbon.
  2. All aromatic hydrocarbons contain closed chains.

Question 3.
Alkane and Alkene.

  1. Alkanes in which the carbon atoms are linked to each other only by single bonds.
  2. The general formula of an alkane is CnH2n + 2
  3. They are chemically less reactive.


  1. Alkenes in which carbon atoms are linked to each other by double bonds.
  2. The general formula of an alkene is CnH2n.
  3. They are chemically more reactive.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 9 Carbon Compounds


Question 1.
Prepare a list of carbon compounds which occur in nature and discuss their uses in daily life.

10th Std Science Part 1 Questions And Answers:

Cell Biology and Biotechnology Class 10 Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science Part 2 Chapter 8

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 Science Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks and complete the statements.
a. Methods like artificial insemination and embryo transplant are mainly used for ………..
(a) animal husbandry
(b) wild life
(c) pet animals
(d) for infertile women
(a) animal husbandry

b. ……….. is the revolutionary event in biotechnology after cloning.
(a) Human genome project
(b) DNA discovery
(c) Stem cell research
(d) All the above
(c) Stem cell research

c. The disease related with the synthesis of insulin is …………..
(a) cancer
(b) arthritis
(c) cardiac problems
(d) diabetes
(d) diabetes

d. Government of India has encouraged the ……….. for improving the productivity by launching NKM-16.
(a) aquaculture
(b) poultry
(c) piggery
(d) apiculture
(a) aquaculture

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology

Question 2.
Match the pairs.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(1) Interferon (a) Diabetes
(2) Factor VIII * (b) Dwarfness
(3) Somatostatin (c) Viral infection
(4) Interleukin (d) Cancer
(e) Haemophilia

[Note: In examination match the column question will have 2 components in Column A’ with 4 alternatives in Column B’.]
(1) Interferon – Viral infection
(2) Factor VIII – Haemophilia
(3) Somatostatin – Dwarfness
(4) Interleukin – Cancer
[Note: Factor VIII* is an important protein factor and it should not be just factor as given in the textbook.]

Question 3.
Rewrite the following wrong statements after corrections:
a. Changes in genes of the cells are brought about in non-genetic technique.
Non-genetic biotechnology involves use of either cell or tissue.

b. Gene from Bacillus thuringiensis is introduced into soyabean.
Gene from Bacillus thuringiensis is introduced with gene of cotton.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology

Question 4.
Write short notes.
a. Biotechnology: Professional uses. (Commercial uses)
(1) Biotechnology can be used in the following professional fields, viz. crop biotechnology, animal husbandry, human health, etc.

(2) In crop biotechnology, improvement in the yield and variety of agricultural field is done. The hybrid seeds, genetically modified crops, herbicide tolerant plants are some of the areas in which lot of biotechnological research is being done. By such research, high yielding and disease resistant varieties and varieties which can tolerate stresses such as alkalinity, weeds, cold and drought etc. are produced. BT cotton, BT Brinjal and golden rice are some GMO plants which have become popular in India.

Due to herbicide tolerant plants, the weeds are now selectively destroyed. By using biofertilizers, the use of chemical fertilizers is reduced. Use of bacteria such as Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Nostoc, Anaixiena and plants like Azolla the nitrogen fixation and phosphate solubilization abilities of the plants are improved.

(3) Animal husbandry is now using the methods of artificial insemination and embryo transfer by which the breeds of cattle are improved.

(4) To improve and to manage the human health, diagnosis ahd treatment of diseases have to be focussed. Diagnosis of diabetes, heart diseases and infectious diseases such as AIDS and dengue can be done rapidly due to biotechnology.

(5) The treatment and prevention of diseases need hormones, interferons, antibiotics and different vaccine which are now manufactured through biotechnology. Gene therapy is also used to treat hereditary disorders.

(6) Industrial products and clean technology to combat environmental pollution uses biotechnology practices.

(7) DNA fingerprinting has revolutionized the profession of forensic science.

b. Importance of medicinal plants.

  • In Ayurveda practices, the natural remedies were used. Since India had great biodiversity and traditional knowledge of herbal medicinal uses, therefore, people depended on such medicinal plants.
  • In olden days, such herbs were collected by roaming in the jungles.
  • Such important medicinal herbs are now cultivated with care.
  • In entire world people have understood the importance of holy basil (tulsi), Adulsa, Jyesthmadh, etc.
  • In some of the allopathy medicines too, the plant extracts are used.
  • Medicines made from harmful chemicals have side effects and are not safe to be used unless there is medical supervision. Therefore, world-wide herbal remedies are gaining more popularity.

Question 5.
Answer the following questions in your own words.
a. Which products produced through biotechnology do you use in your daily life?

  • The simplest use of biotechnology that we practice at home is making curd and buttermilk.
  • The primary type of biotechnology is used in the process of fermentation while making food stuffs, like bread, idli-dosa, dhokla, etc.
  • Nowadays, different types of cheese, paneer, yoghurt, energy drinks, etc. are produced with the help of biotechnology. We are consuming these in our daily life.
  • Seedless grapes, papaya, and watermelons are available in the market these days.
  • Violet cabbage, yellow capsicum and exotic vegetables used for salad are also biotechnology products.
  • The vaccines, antibiotics and the injections of human insulin are in regular use in many house-holds.

b. Which precautions will you take during spraying of pesticides?

  • Pesticides are toxic chemicals. By using them indiscriminately, they contaminate the water, soil and also crops.
  • The D.D.T., chloropyriphos and malathion are very dangerous. They spread through the food chain causing biomagnification.
  • Therefore, we shall not use such insecticides and pesticides. We shall use organic pesticides. Excessive use will be avoided.
  • At the time of spraying, nose, eyes and skin will be covered and protected.
  • Care will be taken not to allow children or domestic animals to come in, contact with a pesticide.

c. Why some of the organs in human body are most valuable?

  • The body can be in best health,if all the vital organs of the body are also in the best condition.
  • Brain, kidney, heart, liver, etc. are some such vital organs which are most essential for proper metabolism and functioning of the body. The sense organs of the body are also of utmost importance, especially eyes.
  • One cannot survive if any of these vital organs are not functioning properly. Some of the organs like brain will never regenerate too.
  • Some of the organs can be brought back to functionality by performing surgeries. However, any problem with these vital organs make life miserable, therefore, they are said to be valuable.

d. Explain the importance of fruit processing in human life?
(1) Fruits are perishable food stuff. They are spoilt soon if not consumed immediately. Hence for storage and usage for a long term, their preservation is absolutely essential.
(2) For year-long use of the fruits they are dried, salted, packed in air tight containers, used for preparing jams and jellies or condensed into pulps or syrups. Beverages, pickles, sauce, and various other products made from the fruits are largely used by us.
(3) The preserved products also fetch financial benefits.
(4) In national and international markets, Indian fruits like mangoes are in great demand. We can get foreign currency through exports of fruits and fruit products. The local horticulturists get good benefit from their orchards.
(5) Processed fruit products also give vitamins and minerals that help in maintaining good health. Thus fruit processing is important for human life.

e. Explain the meaning of vaccination.

  • Vaccination is the administering of vaccine. Vaccine is the ‘antigen’, given to a person or even to animals for acquiring immunity against particular pathogens or diseases.
  • In olden days, vaccipes were prepared with the help of completely or partially killed pathogens. But this method causes some inconvenience. Some persons were allergic to such raw vaccines or they contracted the same disease through such vaccines.
  • Hence in recent times the vaccines are produced by using biotechnology. These vaccines are artificial which are synthesised in the laboratories.
  • The antigen is produced with the help of gene of the pathogen. Such vaccine becomes safe for administering.
  • These antigenic proteins are injected to people to make their immune systems strong. This process of vaccination is absolutely safe. The vaccines are more thermostable and active for a long period of time.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology

Question 6.
Complete the following chart.
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology 2

Question 7.
Write the correct answer in blank boxes.
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology 4

Question 8.
Identify and complete the following correlations:
a. Insulin : Diabetes : : Interleukin : …………….
Insulin : Diabetes : : Interleukin : Cancer

b. Interferon : ………. : : Erythropoietin : Anaemia.
Interferon : Viral infection : : Erythropoietin : Anaemia.

c. ……….. : Dwarfness : : Factor VIII : Haemophilia.
Somatostatin : Dwarfness : : Factor VIII : Haemophilia.

d. White revolution : Dairy : : Blue revolution : ………
White revolution : Dairy : : Blue revolution : Fishery

Question 9.
Write a comparative note on usefulness and harmfulness of biotechnology.
“Biotechnology is not only beneficial but it has some harmful effects too”. Express your opinion about this statement.
(1) Biotechnology has proved to be useful in the field of agriculture, medicine, clean technology and industrial products.
(2) Due to various biotechnological experiments, the food production is increased substantially. The milk and milk products are now freely available. People no longer die of hunger due to abundant food supply.
(3) The sophisticated vaccines have stopped the spread of epidemics.
(4) The diseases like diabetes can be controlled due to human insulin injections that can be manufactured by biotechnology.
(5) The problems of pollution control, solid waste management and fuels are partially tackled by biotechnological alternatives.
(6) Though all such positive aspects are there, the biotechnology also poses some problems. The genetic changes are breaking the principles of nature. By inserting human genes in bacteria or virus, the products that are needed only for humans are produced.
(7) Human cloning is also a debatable issue. It will cause social and ethical problems. The new generations formed by cloning will have mothers but no fathers. If man tries to manipulate the genomes of other living organisms, it will cause disturbances in the natural balance. The long ternT effects of all such genetic manipulations can be disastrous. Thus, according to some views, biotechnology can be dangerous too.

Projects: (Do it your self)

Project 1.
Visit the organic manuring projects nearby your place and collect more information.

Project 2.
What will you do to increase public awareness about organ donation in your area?

Project 3.
Collect information about ‘green corridor’. Make a news-collection about it.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology

Can you recall? (Text Book Page No. 88)

Question 1.
What is cell?
The structural and functional unit of the body is called a cell.

Question 2.
What is tissue? What are the functions of tissue?
Tissue is a group of cells that performs a similar and definite function. E.g. The muscular tissues in the body perform contraction and extensions thereby helping in locomotion. The conducting tissues of the plants like xylem and phloem transport the water and food respectively.

Question 3.
Which technique in relation to tissues have you studied in earlier classes?
The technique of tissue culture and genetic engineering has been studied last year. Tissue culture is ‘Ex vivo growth of cells or tissues in an aseptic and nutrient-rich medium’. Genetic engineering and its use has also been studied under, ‘Introduction to biotechnology’.

Question 4.
Which are the various processes in tissue culture?
Various step-wise processes are done while performing the-tissue culture. These processes are primary treatment, reproduction/cell division/multiplication, shooting or rooting, primary hardening, secondary hardening, etc.

Observe: (Text Book Page No. 88)

Question 1.
Assign names in the figure given below. Explain the various stages those are kept blank:
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology 6
Tissue Culture: Tissue culture is the technique in which ‘ex vivo growth of cells or tissues in an aseptic and nutrient-rich medium’ is done. While performing experiments of tissue culture, a liquid, solid or gel-like ” medium prepared from agar, is used. Such medium supplies nutrients and energy necessary for tissue culture technique. Different processes are to be done while performing tissue culture, viz. primary treatment, reproduction or multiplication, shooting and rooting, primary hardening, secondary hardening, etc. From the source plant, required tissues are taken out and all the processes are carried in an aseptic medium in laboratory.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology

(Use your brain power. (Text Book Page No. 89)

Question 1.
Just like the grafting in plants, is the organ transplantation possible in humans?
The grafting as done in case of plants, cannot be done in human beings. But the transplantation of certain organs can be done. Liver, kidney, heart, eyes, etc. can be transplanted. But for these transplantations the donor and the recipient should match with each other in respect of their bloodr groups, age, disease condition, etc. In future, the stem cell research can bring about certain changes in the field of transplantations.

(Text Book Page No. 94)

Question 1.
What will happen if the transgenic potatoes are cooked before consumption?
Some types of transgenic potatotes that contain edible vaccine against Hepatitis can be cooked. The cooking does not destroy the antigen incorporated into these transgenic potatoes. But according to some scientists, transgenic potatoes with enterotoxin vaccine, if cooked shows denaturation of vaccine.

Choose the correct alternative and write its alphabet against the sub-question number:

Question 1.
The property of stem cells is called ………….
(a) diversity
(b) equality
(c) differentiation
(d) pluripotency
(d) pluripotency

Question 2.
Cell ……….. starts from 14th day of conception.
(a) development
(b) specialization
(c) growth
(d) differentiation
(d) differentiation

Question 3.
Availability of ………… is an important requirement in organ transplantation.
(a) doctor
(b) clinic
(c) donor
(d) ambulance
(c) donor

Question 4.
The toxin which is lethal for ……….. was produced in leaves and bolls of BT cotton.
(a) bollworm
(b) locust
(c) birds
(d) frogs
(a) bollworm

Question 5.
Transgenic raw potatoes generate the immunity against ………… disease.
(a) plague
(b) cholera
(c) leprosy
(d) TB
(b) cholera

Rewrite the following wrong statements after corrections:

Question 1.
High-class varieties of crops have been developed through the technique of transplantation.
High-class varieties of crops have been developed through the technique of tissue-culture.

Question 2.
Earlier, insulin was being collected from, the pancreas of pigs.
Earlier, insulin was being collected from the- pancreas of horses.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology

Question 3.
Malaria arises due to genetic changes in hepatocytes.
Phenylketonuria (PKT) arises due to genetic changes in hepatocytes.

Question 4.
The E.coli bacteria are useful for cleaning the hydrocarbon and oil pollutants from soil and water.
The Pseudomonas bacteria are useful for cleaning the hydrocarbon and oil pollutants from soil and water.

Question 5.
Various essential elements like N, P, K are removed and hence become unavailable to the crops due to earthworms and fungi.
Various essential elements like N, P, K become available to crops due to earthworms and fungi.

Question 6.
We do not have any tradition that cures the diseases with the help of natural resources.
We have a great tradition of ayurveda that cures the diseases with the help of natural resources.

Match the pairs:

Question 1.

Scientist Contribution
(1) Dr. Anand Mohan Chakravarti (a) Wheat production in America
(2) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan (b) White revolution
(c) Green revolution in India
(d) Cleaning the oil spill

(1) Dr. Anand Mohan Chakravarti – Cleaning the oil spill
(2) Dr. M.S. Swaminathan – Green revolution in India

Question 2.

Organism Substance that is absorbed
(1) Pseudomonas (a) Uranium and arsenic
(2) Pteris vitata (b) Selenium
(c) Arsenic
(d) Hydrocarbons

(1) Pseudomonas – Hydrocarbons
(2) Pteris vitata – Arsenic

Find the odd man out:

Question 1.
Green revolution, Industrial revolution, White revolution, Blue revolution
Industrial revolution. (All others are concerned with food.)

Question 2.
DDT, malathion, chloropyriphos, Humus
Humus. (All others are insecticides.)

Question 3.
Sodium, Aluminium, Potassium, Phosphorus
Aluminium. (All others are essential elements for plant growth.)

Question 4.
Diabetes, Anaemia, Leukaemia, Thalassemia
Diabetes. (All other diseases involve reduction in the number of blood cells.)

Question 5.
Drying, Salting, Cooking, Soaking with sugar
Cooking. (All others are food preservative methods.)

Identify and complete the following correlations:

Question 1.
White revolution : Increase in dairy production : : Green revolution : ………. (March 2019)
White revolution : Increase in dairy production : : Green revolution : Increase in agricultural production or crop yield

Question 2.
Nostoc, Anabaena : Biofertilizers : : Alfalfa : ………..
Nostoc, Anabaena : Biofertilizers : : Alfalfa : Phytoremediation.

Give definition/Give meanings:

Question 1.
Stem cell or what are stem cells?
The special cells having pluripotency and ability to divide and differentiate into new cells are called stem cells. They are present in multicellular living beings.

Question 2.
Technology that brings about artificial genetic changes and hybridization in organisms for human welfare is called biotechnology.

Question 3.
Genetically modified crops.
Crops having desired characters are developed by integrating foreign gene with their genome, such crops have modified genome and are known as genetically modified crops.

Question 4.
Golden rice.
Biotechnologically developed variety of rice in which gene synthesizing the vitamin A (Beta carotene) has been incorporated and which contains 23 times more amount of beta carotene than that of the normal variety is called golden rice. It was developed in 2005.

Question 5.
The ‘antigen’ containing material given to a person or animal to acquire either permanent or temporary immunity against a specific pathogen or disease is called a vaccine.

Question 6.
Production of replica of any cell or organ or entire organism through biotechnological process is called cloning.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology

Question 7.
DNA fingerprint.
The nucleotide sequence present on the DNA of each person is unique just like the fingerprint, thus for establishing the identity of any person DNA can be analysed, this technique is known as DNA fingerprinting.

Question 8.
Green revolution.
All the methods applied for harvesting maximum yield from minimum land are collectively referred to as green revolution.

Question 9.
White revolution.
Achieving the self-sufficiency in dairy business, by performing various experiments for quality control, bringing about newer dairy products and their preservation and thus raising economic standards is called white revolution.

Question 10.
Blue revolution.
The aquaculture practices to increase the yield of edible aquatic organisms is called blue revolution.

Name the following:

Question 1.
Research institutes involved with cell science.

  • National Centre of Cell Science, Pune
  • Instem, Bengaluru.

Question 2.
Sources of stem cells.

  • Umbilical cord
  • Embryonic cells
  • Redbone marrow
  • Adipose connective tissue and blood of adult human being.

Question 3.
Types of Stem cells.

  • Embryonic stem cells
  • Adult stem cells.

Question 4.
Organs that can be donated.
Eyes, heart, pancreas, liver, kidneys, skin, J bones, lungs.

Question 5.
Organisms used as biofertilizers.
Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Nostoc, Anabaena, Azolla.

Question 6.
Two main methods used in animal husbandry.

  1. Artificial insemination
  2. Embryo transfer.

Question 7.
Two important aspects of human health management.

  1. Diagnosis
  2. Treatment of diseases.

Question 8.
Place where DNA fingerprinting research is done in India.
Centre of DNA fingerprinting and Diagnostics, Hyderabad.

Question 9.
One benefit of biotechnology to the agriculture.
Expenses on the pesticides are reduced.

scientific reasons:

Question 1.
Nowadays, safer vaccines are being produced.

  • Before the advent of biotechnology, the vaccines were made from inactive or dead pathogens of that disease.
  • But now the vaccine is made artificially using biotechnological processes.
  • Such vaccines produced some disease symptoms in some cases.
  • The antigen of the disease is researched upon and its genetic code is found out.
  • A similar antigen is made in the laboratories which is used as a vaccine.
  • Such vaccines are more thermostable and remain active for longer duration. Therefore, the vaccines are now safer.

Question 2.
Awareness about organ donation after death is increasing.

  • Due to accidents or illness, some of the vital organs may get damaged and may not work to fullest capacity.
  • In such cases, if organ transplantation is done, it will be very helpful for that needy patient.
  • The dead person’s organs can be used for organ transplantation and a life can be saved.
  • Many government and social organizations are spreading awareness about such donations. Therefore, gradually the awareness about organ transplantation is increasing.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Write two uses of biotechnology related to human health. (Board’s Model Activity Sheet)

  1. Biotechnology is used to manufacture vaccines for controlling diseases.
  2. Different hormones such as insulin, somatotropin and somatostatin can be prepared in laboratories by using new biotechnological processes. The clotting factors are also manufactured through such techniques.

Question 2.
Answer the following questions:
(a) What is biotechnology?
(b) Explain any two commercial applications of it. (March 2019)
(a) Biotechnology: Technology that brings about artificial genetic changes and hybridization in organisms for human welfare is called biotechnology.


  • The treatment and prevention of diseases need hormones, interferons, antibiotics and different vaccine which are now manufactured through biotechnology. Gene therapy is also used to treat hereditary disorders.
  • Industrial products and clean technology to combat environmental pollution uses biotechnology practices.
  • DNA fingerprinting has revolutionized the profession of forensic science.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology

Question 3.
What is mainly included under biotechnology?
Biotechnology includes the following main areas:

  • Abilities of microbes are used in producing yoghurt from milk and making alcohol from molasses.
  • Production of antibiotics and vaccines, etc. is carried out by with the help of specific cells using their productivity.
  • Bio-molecules like DNA and proteins are used for human welfare.
  • By performing gene manipulation, plants, animals and products of desired quality are produced. Genetically modified bacteria are used to produce human hormones such as Human Growth Hormone and insulin.
  • Tissue culture is a non-genetic technique which is used for production of new cells or tissues. Hybrid seeds are also produced in a similar way.

Question 4.
What are edible vaccines?

  • Edible vaccines are those which are given as a food by incorporating them into the food-stuff.
  • Such edible vaccines are produced through biotechnology.
  • Transgenic potatoes are produced with the help of biotechnology which contain vaccine that act against bacteria like Vibrio cholera, Escherichiatoli.
  • If raw potatoes are consumed, then the immunity is generated in the body of a person. However, eating only raw potatoes generates the immunity against cholera and the disease caused due to E. coli.

Question 5.
What is DNA fingerprinting? Explain it in brief. Where is this technique used? Give any two examples. (Board’s Model Activity Sheet)

  • As the fingerprints are unique for every individual, similarly the nucleotide sequence in the DNA molecule is also unique.
  • By knowing this sequence, one can find out the identity of any person. Such technique to establish the identity of a person by taking into consideration the nucleotide sequence is called DNA fingerprinting.
  • Its main use is in forensic sciences to confirm the identity of the criminal.
  • Similarly, identity of parents in case of disputed parentage for any child can be understood by taking DNA fingerprints of both the parents and a child.

Write short notes on:

Question 1.
Uses of stem cells.
Stem cells are used for following purposes:

  • In regenerative therapy stem cells are used.
  • In case of diseased conditions like diabetes, myocardial infarction, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, etc., stem cells can be used to replace the damaged or functionless cells.
  • In conditions such as anaemia, thalassaemia, leukaemia, etc. there is always the need of newer blood cells. Here, stem cells can be used to restore the number of blood cells.
  • In techniques of organ transplantation stem cells can be used and they can help in the transplantation of new organs such as kidney and liver The defective organs can be replaced by those that are produced with the help of stem cells and transplanted.

Question 2.

  • Cloning is the modern technique in which there is production of replica of any cell or organ or entire organism is done.
  • There are two types of cloning, viz. (i) Reproductive cloning and (ii) Therapeutic cloning.
  • Reproductive cloning: In reproductive cloning, a clone is produced by fusion of a nucleus of diploid somatic cell with the enucleated ovum of anybody. In the process, the sperm or male gamete is not needed.
  • Therapeutic cloning: This technique is largely used for treatment purpose. Stem cells are derived from the cell formed in laboratory by the union of somatic cell nucleus with the enucleated egg cell.
  • This technique is used for therapy of various diseases.
  • Gene cloning can also be done to form millions of copies of same gene. Such genes are used for gene therapy and other purposes.
  • Due to cloning technique, the inheritance of hereditary diseases can be controlled, continuation of generations can be achieved and certain characteristic genes can be enhanced.
  • However, for human cloning, there is world-wide opposition due to ethical reasons.

Question 3.

  • Dolly was the first mammalian cloned sheep.
  • Dolly was born on 5th July 1996 in Scotland by the process of cloning.
  • The Finn Dorset sheep was chosen and her diploid nucleus from the udder cell was introduced into the ovum whose haploid nucleus was removed. This enucleated ovum was of Scottish sheep.
  • The egg was then introduced into uterus of another Scottish sheep and it grew into Dolly.
  • Dolly resembled exactly like Finn Dorset sheep whose diploid nucleus was used. None of the characters of Scottish sheep were seen in Dolly.
  • In this way, Dolly had three mothers but no father.
  • Dolly gave birth to many young ones. She died on 14th February 2003 due to cancer of the lungs.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology

Question 4.
Green revolution.

  • In agriculture, different methods used to harvest maximum yield from minimum land, these methods are collectively called green revolution.
  • Dr. M.S. Swaminathan is called father of Green Revolution in India while Dr. Norman Borlaug has done the similar efforts in the U.S.
  • Before the Green Revolution in India, there was always the dearth of the food grains. The overflowing Indian population was badly affected due to poor quality and quantity of food.
  • But due to the Green Revolution in India, attention was focussed on the agricultural research.
  • Improvised dwarf varieties of wheat and rice, proper use of fertilizers and pesticides and water management were the proper methods that increased production of food grains.
  • This created abundance of the grains for Indian population.

Question 5.
White revolution.

  • Few years back, there was scarcity of milk in various parts of India. At some places, milk and milk products were abundant but they did not reach all the consumers.
  • Dr. Verghese Kurien ^ho was then the founder director of Anand Milk Union Limited (AMUL) started thecooperative movement in the direction to produce “operation flood”, i.e. abundance of milk everywhere.
  • The use of biotechnology was also done to increase the milk production.
  • Dr. Kurien’s efforts have reached all-time high status as India is now self-sufficient in dairy business.
  • This is popularly known as White Revolution. Different experiments were performed for quality control, newer dairy products were thought off and preservation methods were improved.
  • This created White Revolution. AMUL from Anand has now reached international standards.

Question 6.
Blue Revolution.

  • Utilization of aquaculture practices for obtaining edible and commercial aquatic organisms is called blue revolution.
  • In East Asian countries where water bodies and fish population is abundant, the aquaculture was started.
  • On similar lines, in India, the aquaculture of different fresh water and marine organisms is being done with the help of fishery scientists.
  • Government of India has vowed to increase the aquaculture production by encouraging the people for aquaculture by launching the program ‘Nil- Kranti Mission-2016’ (NKM-16).
  • Pisciculutre is culturing of fish, mariculture is culture of marine organisms such as prawns/shrimps and lobsters. Sea weeds, oysters, clams are also cultured.
  • For carrying out aquaculture, 50% to 100% subsidies are offered by the Government.
  • Fresh water fishes like rohu, catla and other edible varieties like shrimp and lobsters are being cultured on a large scale which can bring about Blue Revolution.

Complete the paragraph by choosing the appropriate words given in the bracket:

Question 1.
(degenerated, red bone marrow, adipose connective tissue, blastocyst, umbilical cord, Differentiation)
………… of stem cells form can form various tissues, in the body. Stem cells are present in the ………….. by which the foetus is joined to the uterus of the mother. Stem cells are also present in the ……….. stage of embryonic development. Stem cells are present in ……….. and ………… of adult human beings. It has become possible to produce different types of tissues and the ……… part of any organ with the help of these stem cells.
Differentiation of stem cells form can form various tissues in the body. Stem cells are present in the umbilical cord by which the foetus is joined to the uterus of the mother. Stem cells are also present in the blastocyst stage of embryonic development. Stem cells are present in red bone marrow and adipose connective tissue of adult human beings. It has become possible to produce different types of tissues and the degenerated part of any organ with the help of these stem cells.

Paragraph-based questions :

1. Green corridor refers to a special road route that enables harvested organs meant for transplants to reach the destined hospital. A 45-year-old woman, a victim of a railway accident, was declared brain dead, her husband and children agreed to donate her kidneys, liver and heart. One of her kidneys was transplanted to a patient in MGM Hospital and the second kidney helped a patient in Jaslok hospital. Her liver helped the transplant of a patient in Wockhardt Hospital. And her heart was sent to Fortis to the patient on a super urgent priority list, transported via a green corridor covering 18km in less than 16 minutes. This was possible due to Green corridor.
Questions and Answers :

Question 1.
What is Green corridor?
Green corridor is a special road route that enables harvested organs meant for transplants to reach the destined hospital

Question 2.
Which organs of brain-dead lady were transplanted?
Two kidneys, liver and heart of the brain- dead lady were transplanted.

Question 3.
How many lives were saved from organs of one lady?
Four patients lives were saved due to organ donation of one lady.

Question 4.
How was distance of 18km covered in 16 minutes? Why?
The distance was covered because the concept of Green corridor was applied. The heart was sent from one hospital to another, where the recipient was kept ready. The quick transportation is necessary to keep heart in living condition.

Question 5.
Who takes the decision to donate the organs?
The close relatives of deceased person take the decision to donate the organs.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology

2. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: (March 2019)
A liberal view behind the concept of organ and body donation is that after death our body should be useful to other needful persons so that their miserable life would become comfortable. Awareness about these concepts is. increasing in our country and people are voluntarily donating their bodies.

Life of many people can be saved by organ and body donation. Blinds can regain their vision. Life of many people can be rendered comfortable by donation of organs like liver, kidneys, heart, heart valves, skin, etc. Similarly, body can be made available for research in medical studies. Many government and social organizations are working towards increasing the awareness about body donation.
Questions and Answers :

Question 1.
What is the liberal view behind the organ and body donation?
By body donation, research in medical studies is possible. The needy persons can get vital organs which can save their lives.

Question 2.
Name any four organs that can be donated.
Liver, Kidneys, heart, eyes, skin, etc. can be donated.

Complete the following table:

Question 1.

Plant/Microbes Functions
(1) Pteris vitata ______________________________
(2) Pseudomonas ______________________________
(3) ______________________________ Absorption of uranium and arsenic
(4) ______________________________ Absorption of radiations of nuclear waste


Plant/Microbes Functions
(1) Pteris vitata Absorbs arsenic from soil.
(2) Pseudomonas Separates hydrocarbon and oil from water and soil
(3) Sunflower Absorption of uranium and arsenic
(4) Deinococcus radiodurans Absorption of radiations of nuclear waste

Diagram/chart based questions:

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology 7
(A) Which process is shown in the above figure? *
The figure shows process to make transgenic

(B) Describe in brief the steps I, II, III and IV.
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Question 2.
Draw well labelled diagram of Stem cell therapy.
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology

Question 3.
Label the following diagram :
(i) Stem cells and organ transplantation,
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(ii) Organs that can be donated:
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Question 4.
(i) Which therapy is shown in the Fig. 8.5?
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(ii) Which will be possible benefits of this therapy in organ transplantation ?
(i) The figure 8.5 shows the ‘regenerative therapy’ using stem cells. Also called stem cell therapy.
(ii) With the help of above therapy organs like liver, kidney from stem cells can be redeveloped to replace the failed ones.

Activity based questions:

Question 1.
Bring a packet of ‘Balghuti’ from ayurveda shop. Learn the information about each component in it. Collect information about various other medicines and prepare the chart as shown below. (Try this: Textbook page no. 99)
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology

Question 2.
Give five examples of each of the fruiting and flowering plants developed through tissue culture and mention their benefits. (Make a list and discuss: Textbook page no. 93)
I. Fruiting trees: Banana, Chikoo (Sapota), Tomato, Fig, Pineapple.

II. Flowering trees: Orchids, Roses, Chrysanthemum, Gerbera, Begonia, Carnation, Lili. Benefits of such plants may be varied. Mostly fruits developed are made seedless and tastier.

III. Benefits of plants produced through technique of tissue culture:

  • Techniques of tissue culture can produce more copies of same plant with better characters. ’ The plant grower likes to have bigger and more fruits from fruit trees. On the flowering trees, colourful flowers with good fragrance are favoured.
  • Plants which do not depend on particular climate and local seasonal changes are produced by tissue culture methods. This helps to rise the yield in an area which otherwise may not produce a specific crop.
  • For tissue culture, saplings and seedlings are made available throughout the year through laboratory. The limitations of getting natural seeds are not there thus planting can be done throughout the year.
  • Tissue culture techniques create the plants of uniform size, shape and yield. Since they are exactly alike, it becomes beneficial.
  • In lesser time period, the crops reach maturity.
  • The crops are pest and disease resistant.
  • Tissue culture techniques are cost effective and easy to carry out.

Question 3.
Which new species of the rice have been developed in India? (Collect Information: Textbook page no. 97)

  1. Species in 2015-16: High zinc species (DRR Dhan 45), Pusa 1592, Punjab basmati 3, Pusa 1609, Telangana Sona.
  2. Species in 2014: CR Dhan 205, CR Dhan 306, CRR, 451.

Question 4.
Discuss about stem cells and organ transplantation in the class with the help of figures given on textbook page no. 90. (Observe: Textbook page no. 90)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology 14
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology 15
Organ transplantation:
Various organs in the human body either become less efficient or completely functionless due to various reasons like aging, accidents, infections, disorders, etc. Life of such person becomes difficult or even fatality may occur under such conditions. However, if a person gets the necessary organ under such conditions, its life can be saved.

Availability of donor is an important requirement in organ transplantation. Each person has a pair of kidneys. As the process of excretion can occur with the help of single kidney, person can donate another one. Similarly, skin from certain parts of the body can also be donated.

Various factors like blood group, diseases, disorders, age, etc. of the donor and recipient need to be paid attention during transplantation.

However, other organs cannot be donated during life time. Organs like liver, heart, eyes can be donated after death only. This has lead to the emergence of concepts like posthumous (after death) donation of body and organs.

Organ and Body Donation: human bodies are disposed off after death as per traditional customs. However due to progress in science, it has been realized that many organs remain functional for certain period even after death occurs under specific conditions. Concepts like organ donation and body donation have emerged recently after realization that such organs can be used to save the life of other needful persons. A liberal view behind the concept of organ and body donation is that after death, our body should be useful to other needful persons so that their miserable life would become comfortable. Awareness about these concepts is increasing in our country and people are voluntarily donating their bodies.

Life of many people can be saved by organ and body donation. Blinds can regain the vision. Life of many people can be rendered comfortable by donation of organs like liver, kidneys, heart, heart valves, skin. etc. Similarly, body can be made available for research in medical studies. Many government and social organizations are working towards increasing the awareness about body donation.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology

Question 5.
Which fruits processing industries you observe in your surrounding? What is their effect? (Make a list and discuss: Textbook page no. 99)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology 16
Fruit Processing:
we are daily using various products prepared from fruits. All are consuming the products like chocolates, juices, jams and jellies. All these products can be produced by processing on fruits. Fruits are perishable agro-produce. It needs the processing in such a way that it can be used throughout the year. Fruit processing includes various methods ranging from storage in cold storage to drying, salting, air tight pucking, preparing murabba, evaporating, etc.

Projects: (Do it your self)

Project 1.
Collect information about various hybrid varieties of animals. What are their benefits? Make a presentation of various pictures and videos. (Use of ICT: Textbook page no. 93)

Project 2.
Visit the websites: http://www.who.int/transplantation/organ/en/ and www.organindia.org / approaching-the- transplant/and collect more information about ‘brain dead’, organ donation and body donation (Internet is my friend: Textbook page no. 90)

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Cell Biology and Biotechnology

Project 3.
Collect more information about the Human Genome Project, one of the important projects in the world.
(Internet is my friend: Textbook page no. 95)

Project 4.
Collect the information and make the chart about the work of various state and national-level institutes related with biotechnology. (Internet is my friend: Textbook page no. 97)

10th Std Science Part 2 Questions And Answers:

Effects of Electric Current Class 10 Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 4

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Science 1 Chapter 4 Effects Of Electric Current Exercise Question 1.
Tell the odd one out. Give proper explanation.
a. Fuse wire, bud conductor, rubber gloves, generator.
Generator. It converts mechanical energy into electric energy, the remaining three do not.

b. Voltmeter, Ammeter, gulvanometer, thermometer.
Thermometer. It measures temperature, the remaining three measure electrical quantities.

c. Loud speaker, microphone, electric motor, magnet.
Magnet. It exerts a force on a magnetic material, the remaining three convert one form of energy into another.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

4 Effects Of Electric Current Exercise Question 2.
Explain the construction and working of the following. Draw a neat diagram and label it.
a. Electric motor
Figure shows the construction of an electric motor. Here, a rectangular loop ABCD of copper wire with resistive coating is placed between the north pole and south pole or a strong magnet, such as a horseshoe magnet, such that the branches AB and CD are perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field. The ends of the loop are connected to the two halves, X and Y, of split rings X and Y have resistive coating on their inner surfaces and are tightly fitted on the axle. The outer conducting surfaces of X and Y are in contact with two stationary carbon brushes, E and F, respectively.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 1
1. When the circuit is completed with a plug key or switch, the current flows in the direction E → A → B → C → D → F. As the magnetic field is directed from the north pole to the south pole, the force on AB is downward and that on CD is upward by Fleming’s left hand rule. Hence, AB moves downward and CD upward. These forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. Therefore, as observed from the side AD, the loop ABCD and the axle start rotating in anticlockwise direction.

2. After half a rotation, X and Y come in contact with brushes F and E respectively and the current flows in the direction EDCBAF. Hence the force on CD is downward and that on AB is upward. Therefore, the loop and the axle continue to rotate in the anticlockwise direction.

3. After every half rotation, the current in the loop is reversed and the loop and the axle continue to rotate in anti clockwise direction. When the current is switched off, the loop stops rotating after some time.

b. Electric Generator (AC)
Figure shows the construction of an AC electric generator. Here, a coil ABCD of copper wire is kept between the pole pieces (N and S) of a strong magnet. The ends of the coil are connected to the conducting rings R1 and R2 via carbon brushes B1 and B2. The rings are fixed to the axle and there is a resistive coating in between the rings and the axle. The stationary brushes are connected to a galvanometer used to show the direction of the current in the circuit.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 2
When the axle is rotated with a machine from outside, the coil ABCD starts rotating. Suppose the coil rotates in clockwise direction, as observed from the side AD. Then as the branch AB moves upward, the branch CD moves downward. By Fleming’s right hand rule, the induced current flows in the direction A → B → C → D and in the external circuit, it flows from B2 to B, through the galvanometer. The induced current is proportional to the number of turns of the copper wire in the coil.

After half a rotation, AB and CD interchange their places. Hence, the induced current flows in the direction D → C → B → A. As AB is always in contact with B1 and CD is in contact with B2, the current in the external circuit flows from B1 to B2 through the galvanometer. Thus, the direction of the current is the external circuit is opposite to that in the previous half rotation. The process goes on repeating and alternating current is generated.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

4 Effects Of Electric Current Question 3.
Electromagnetic induction means
a. Charging of an electric conductor.
b. Production of magnetic field due to a current flowing through a coil.
c. Generation of a current in a coil due to relative motion between the coil and the magnet.
d. Motion of the coil around the axle in an electric motor.
c. Generation of a current in a coil due to relative motion between the coil and the magnet.

Electric Current Question 4.
4. Explain the difference: AC generator and DC generator.
AC generator:

  1. In an AC generator, the rings used are not split.
  2. The direction of the current produced reverses after equal intervals of time.

DC generator:

  1. In a DC generator, split rings are used.
  2. The current produced flows in the same direction all the time.

Question 5.
Which device is used to produce electricity? Describe with a neat diagram.
(1) Electric motor
(2) Galvanometer
(3) Electric generator (DC)
(4) Voltmeter
Electric generator (DC).
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 3
Figure shows the construction of a DC generator.
Working: The axle is rotated with a machine from outside. When the armature coil of the generator rotates in the magnetic field, electric potential difference is produced in the coil due to electromagnetic induction. This produces a current as shown by the glowing of the bulb or by a galvanometer. The direction of the current depends on the sense of rotation of the coil.

In a DC generator, one brush is always in contact with the arm of the coil moving up while the other brush is in contact with the arm of the coil moving down in the magnetic field. Hence, the flow of the current in the circuit is always in the same direction and the current flows so long as the coil continues to rotate in the magnetic field.

[Note In the case of a DC generator, the current is in the same direction during both the halves of the rotation of the coil. The magnitude of the current does vary periodically with time. In this respect, it differs from the current supplied by an electric cell.]

Question 6.
How does the short circuit form? What is its effect?
If a bare live wire (phase wire) and a bare neutral wire touch each other (come in direct contact) or come very close to each other, the resistance of the circuit becomes very small and hence huge (very high) electric current flows through it. This condition is called a short circuit or short circuiting.

In this case, a large amount of heat is produced and the temperature of the components involved becomes very high. Hence, the circuit catches fire.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 7.
Give scientific reasons:
a. Tungsten is used to make a solenoid type coil in an electric bulb.
1. The intensity of light emitted by the filament of a bulb depends on the temperature of the filament. It increases with the temperature.

2. The melting point of the material used to make the filament of a bulb should be very high so that the filament can be heated to a high temperature by passing a current through it, without melting it. This enables us to obtain more light. The melting point of tungsten is very high.

Hence, tungsten is used to make a solenoid type coil (filament) in an electric bulb.

b. In the electric equipment producing heat e.g. iron, electric heater, boiler, toaster, etc. an alloy such as Nichrome is used, not pure metals.
1. The working of heating devices such as a toaster and an electric iron is based on the heating effect of electric current, i.e., conversion of electric energy into heat by passage of electric current through a metallic conductor.

2. An alloy, such as Nichrome, has high resistivity and it can be heated to a high temperature without oxidation, in contrast to pure metals. Therefore, the coils in heating devices such as a toaster and an electric iron are made of an alloy, such as Nichrome, rather than a pure metal.

c. For electric power transmission, copper or aluminium wire is used.
1. Copper and aluminium are good conductors of electricity.

2. Copper, and aluminium have very low resistivity. Hence, when an electric current flows through a wire of copper or aluminium, heat produced is comparatively low. Therefore, for electric power transmission, copper or aluminium wire is used.

d. In practice the unit kWh is used for the measurement of electric energy, rather than the joule.
(1) If an electric device rated 230 V, 5 A is operated for one hour, electric energy used
= VIt = 230 V × 5 A × 3600 s = 4140000 joules.

(2) If this energy is expressed in kW.h, it will be \(\frac{4140000}{3.6 \times 10^{6}}\) kW·h = 1.15 kW·h (more convenient). 3.6 × 106
Hence, in practice the unit kW·h is used for the measurement of electric energy, rather than the joule.

Question 8.
Which of the statements given below correctly describes the magnetic field near a long, straight current-carrying conductor?
(1) The magnetic lines of force are in a plane, perpendicular to the conductor in the form of straight lines.
(2) The magnetic lines of force are parallel to the conductor on all the sides of conductor.
(3) The magnetic lines of force are perpendicular to the conductor going radially outward.
(4) The magnetic lines of force are in concentric circles with the wire as the center, in a plane perpendicular to the conductor.
The magnetic lines of force are in concentric circles with the wire as the centre, in a plane perpendicular to the conductor.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 9.
What is a solenoid? Compare the magnetic field produced by a solenoid with the magnetic field of a bar magnet. Draw neat figures and name various components.
When a copper wire with a resistive coating is wound in a chain of loops (like a spring), it is called a solenoid.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 4
Magnetic lines of force (magnetic field lines) due to a current carrying solenoid.
B: Battery, K: Plug key, I: Current, N: North pole, S: South pole
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 5
The magnetic field lines (magnetic lines of force) due to a current-carrying solenoid are similar to those of a bar magnet. One face of the coil acts as the south pole and the other face as the north pole.

[Note: A current-carrying coil, like a magnet, can be used to magnetise the rod of a given material such as carbon steel or chromium steel. With a strong megnetic field, permanent magnetism can be produced in these materials.]

Question 10.
Name the following diagrams and explain the concept behind them.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 6
(a) Fleming’s right hand rule:
Stretch the thumb, the index finger and the middle finger of the right hand in such a way that they are perpendicular to each other. In this position, the thumb indicates the direction of the motion of the conductor, the index finger the direction of the magnetic field, and the middle finger shows the direction of the induced current.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 7
[Note The induced current is maximum when the direction of motion of the conductor is at right angles to the magnetic field. ]

(b) Fleming’s left hand rule: The left hand thumb, index finger, and the middle finger are stretched so as to be perpendicular to each other. If the index finger is in the direction of the magnetic field, and the middle finger points in the direction of the current, then the direction of the thumb in the direction of the force on the conductor.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 8
[Note: A magnetic field exerts a force on a current-carrying conductor. Electric current is the time rate of flow of electric charge. Thus, a magnetic field exerts a force on a moving charge. This property is used to accelerate charged particles such as protons, deuterons and alpha particles, as well as electrons, to very high energies. A machine used for this purpose is called a charged particle accelerator. It may be linear or circular in design and very big in size. Such high energy particles are used to study the structure of matter. ]

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 11.
Identify the figures and explain their use.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 9
(a) Fuse:
A fuse protects electrical circuits and appliances by stopping the flow of electric current when it exceeds a specified value. For this, it is connected in series with the appliance (or circuit) to be protected. A fuse is a piece of wire made of an alloy of low melting point (e.g. an alloy of lead and tin). If a current larger than the specified value flows through the fuse, its temperature increases enough to melt it. Hence, the circuit breaks and the appliance is protected from damage.

[Note : The fuse wire is usually enclosed in a cartridge of an insulator such as glass or porcelain provided with metal caps. The current rating (such as 1 A, 2 A) may be printed on the cartridge. ]

(b) Miniature circuit breaker:
These days miniature circuit breaker (MCB) switches are used in homes. When the current in the circuit suddenly increases this switch opens and current stops. Different types of MCBs are in use. For the entire house, however the usual fuse wire is used.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 10

(c) Figure shows the construction of a DC generator.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 11
Here, an ammeter is shown instead of a bulb.
Working: The axle is rotated with a machine from outside. When the armature coil of the generator rotates in the magnetic field, electric potential difference is produced in the coil due to electromagnetic induction. This produces a current as shown by the glowing of the bulb or by a galvanometer. The direction of the current depends on the sense of rotation of the coil.

In a DC generator, one brush is always in contact with the arm of the coil moving up while the other brush is in contact with the arm of the coil moving down in the magnetic field. Hence, the flow of the current in the circuit is always in the same direction and the current flows so long as the coil continues to rotate in the magnetic field.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 12.
Solve the following examples.
a. Heat energy is being produced in a resistance in a circuit at the rate of 100 W. The current of 3 A is flowing in the circuit. What must be the value of the resistance?
Data: P = 100 W, I = 3 A, R = ?, P = I2R
∴ Resistance, R = \(\frac{P}{I^{2}}=\frac{100 \mathrm{W}}{(3 \mathrm{A})^{2}}=\frac{100}{9} \Omega\) = 11.11 Ω

b. Two tungsten bulbs of wattage 100 W and 60 W power work on 220 V potential difference. If they are connected in parallel, how much current will flow in the main conductor?
Data : P1 = 100 W, P2 = 60 W, V = 220 V,
I = ?, ∴ I = \(\frac{P}{V}\)
P = VI
∴ I1 = \(\frac{P_{1}}{V}\) and I2 = \(\frac{P_{2}}{V}\)
Current in the main conductor, I = I1 + I2 (parallel connection)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 12

c. Who will spend more electrical energy? 500 W TV set in 30 mins, or 600 W heater in 20 mins?
Data : P1 = 500 W, t1 = 30 min = \(\frac{30}{60}\) h
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) h, P2 = 600 W, t2 = 20 min = \(\frac{20}{60}\) h = \(\frac{1}{3}\) h
Electrical energy used = Pt
TV set : P1t1 = 500 W × \(\frac{1}{2}\) h = 250 W·h
Heater : P2t2 = 600 W × \(\frac{1}{3}\) h = 200 W·h
Thus, the TV set will spend more electrical energy than the heater.

d. An electric iron of 1100 W is operated for 2 hours daily. What will be the electrical consumption expenses for that in the month of April? (The electric company charges ₹ 5 per unit of energy.)
Data: P = 1100 W, t = 2 × 30 = 60 h,
₹ 5 per unit of energy, expenses = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 13
∴ Electrical consumption expenses = 66 units × ₹ 5 per unit = ₹ 330.

Do it your self.
Project 1.
Under the guidance of your teachers, make a ‘free-energy generator’.

Can you recall? (Text Book Page No. 47)

Question 1.
How do we decide that a given material is a good conductor of electricity or is an insulator?
A material which has very low electrical resistance is called a good conductor of electricity. Examples: silver, copper, aluminium.
A material which has extremely high electrical resistance is called an insulator of electricity. Examples: rubber, wood, glass.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 2.
Iron is a conductor of electricity, but when we pick up a piece of iron resting on the ground, why don’t we get electric shock?
When we pick up a piece of iron resting on the ground, we don’t get electric shock because that piece does not carry any electric current at that time.

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 48)

Question 1.
If in the circuit, the resistor is replaced by a motor, in which form will the energy given by the cell get transformed into?
The energy given by the cell will get transformed into the kinetic energy of the copper coil in the motor.

Use your brain power! (Text Book Page No. 60)

Question 1.
Draw the diagram of a DC generator. Then explain as to how the DC current is obtained.
Figure shows the construction of a DC generator.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 14
The axle is rotated with a machine from outside. When the armature coil of the generator rotates in the magnetic field, electric potential difference is produced in the coil due to electromagnetic induction. This produces a current as shown by the glowing of the bulb or by a galvanometer. The direction of the current depends on the sense of rotation of the coil.

In a DC generator, one brush is always in contact with the arm of the coil moving up while the other brush is in contact with the arm of the coil moving down in the magnetic field. Hence, the flow of the current in the circuit is always in the same direction and the current flows so long as the coil continues to rotate in the magnetic field.

[Note In the case of a DC generator, the current is in the same direction during both the halves of the rotation of the coil. The magnitude of the current does vary periodically with time. In this respect, it differs from the current supplied by an electric cell.]

Fill in the blanks and rewrite the completed statements:

Question 1.
Electric power = V2/…….
Electric power = \(\frac{V^{2}}{R}\)

Question 2.
……….= 1 joule/1 second.
1 watt = 1 joule /1 second.

Question 3.
1 kW.h =………J.
1 kW.h = 3.6 x 106 J.

Question 4.
According to Joule’s law, quantity of heat (H) produced by an electric current =……….
According to Joule’s law, quantity of heat (H) produced by an electric current = I2Rt or VIt or \(\frac{V^{2}}{R}\)t

Question 5.
Magnetic effect of electric current was dicovered by………..
Magnetic effect of electric current was dicovered by Hans Christian Oersted.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 6.
………..is expressed in oersted.
Intensity of magnetic field is expressed in oersted.

Question 7.
Electromagnetic induction was discovered by………..
Electromagnetic induction was discovered by Michael Faraday and independently by Joseph Henry.

Question 8.
A galvanometer is used for………
A galvanometer is used for detecting the presence of current in a circuit, as well as for some electrical measurements.

Question 9.
In India, the frequency of alternating current is……….
In India, the frequency of alternating current is 50 Hz or 50 cycles per second.

Question 10.
Electric motor converts electric energy into………energy.
Electric motor converts electric energy into mechanical energy.

Question 11.
Electric generator converts………..energy into electric energy.
Electric generator converts mechanical energy into electric energy.

Rewrite the following statements by selecting the correct options:

Question 1.
The device used for producing a current is called……….
(a) a voltmeter
(b) an ammeter
(c) a galvanometer
(d) a generator
(d) a generator

Question 2.
At the time of short circuit, the current in the circuit………
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) remains the same
(d) increases in steps
(a) increases

Question 3.
The direction of the magnetic field around a straight conductor carrying current is given by……
(a) the right hand thumb rule
(b) Fleming’s left hand rule
(c) Fleming’s right hand rule
(d) none of these
(a) the right hand thumb rule

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 4.
The resistance of a wire is 100 Ω. If it carries a current of 1A for 10 seconds, the heat produced will be……….
(a) 1000 J
(b) 10 J
(c) 0.1 J
(d) 10000 J
(a) 1000 J

Question 5.
If 220 V potential difference is applied across an electric bulb, a current of 0.45 A flows in the bulb. What must be the power of the bulb? (Practice Activity Sheet – 1)
(a) 99 W
(b) 70 W
(c) 45 W
(d) 22 W
(a) 99 W

Question 6.
Electromagnetic induction means
(a) charging of an electric conductor.
(b) production of magnetic field due to a current flowing through a coil.
(c) generation of a current in a coil due to relative motion between the coil and the magnet.
(d) motion of the coil around the axle in an electric motor.
(c) generation of a current in a coil due to relative motion between the coil and the magnet.

Question 7.
Write the correct option by observing the figures. (Practice Activity Sheet – 2)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 15
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 16
(a) Magnetic field in A is stronger.
(b) Magnetic field in B is stronger.
(c) Magnetic fields in A and B are same.
(d) Magnetic fields in A and B are weaker.
(b) Magnetic field in B is stronger.
[Explanation : The resistance in circuit B is less (parallel combination) than that in A. Hence, the current in B is more than that in A. Therefore, the magnetic field in B is stronger than that in A.]

Question 8.
Observe the following diagram and choose the correct alternative: (March 2019)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 17
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 18
(a) The intensity of magnetic field in A is larger than in B.
(b) The intensity of magnetic field in B is less than in A.
(c) The intensity of magnetic field in A and B is same.
(d) The intensity of magnetic field in A is less than in B.
(d) The intensity of magnetic field in A is less than in B.

State whether the following statements are true or false. (If a statement is false, correct it and rewrite it.) :

Question 1.
Electric power = I2R.

Question 2.
Magnetic poles exist in pairs.

Question 3.
Electromagnetism was discovered by Oersted.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 4.
Magnetic field increases as we go away from a magnet.
False. (Magnetic field decreases as we go away from a magnet.)

Question 5.
Magnetic lines of force cross each other.
False. (Magnetic lines of force do not cross each other.)

Question 6.
Electric generator is used to generate current.

Question 7.
An electric motor converts mechanical energy into electric energy.
False. (An electric motor converts electric energy into mechanical energy.)

Question 8.
In India, the frequency of AC is 50 Hz.

Question 9.
The electricity meter in the domestic electric circuit measures electrical energy consumption in kilowatt·hours.

Question 10.
Electric generator converts mechanical energy into electric energy.

Question 11.
Split rings are used in a DC generator and in an electric motor.

Question 12.
Electromagnetic induction was discovered by Coulomb.
False. (Electromagnetic induction was discovered by Faraday and independently by Henry.)

Question 13.
Faraday found that electricity could produce rotational motion.

Tell the odd one out. Give proper explanation:

Quesrtion 1.
Find the odd one out and justify it.
Fuse wire, M.C.B., rubber gloves, generator. (Practice Activity Sheet – 3)
Generator. It converts mechanical energy into electric energy. All others are related to safety measures to avoid mishap due to electricity.

Match the columns:

Column I Column II
1. The right hand thumb rule a. The direction of the force on a current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field.
2. Fleming’s right hand rule b. The direction of the magnetic field around a straight conductor carrying a current.
3. Fleming’s left hand rule c. The direction of induced current in a conductor.

(1) The right hand thumb rule – The direction of the magnetic field around a straight conductor carrying a current.
(2) Fleming’s right hand rule – The direction of induced current in a conductor.
(3) Fleming’s left hand rule – The direction of the force on a current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Name the following:

Question 1.
The negatively charged particle considered as a free particle moving in a metallic conductor.

Question 2.
The quantity expressed in ampere.
Electric current.

Question 3.
The quantity expressed in ohm.
Electric resistance.

Question 4.
The quantity expressed in volt.
Electric potential.

Question 5.
The quantity expressed in joule.
Work (and energy).

Question 6.
The quantity expressed in watt.

Question 7.
The quantity expressed in kilowatt-hour.
Electric energy.

Question 8.
A component used to control the current.

Question 9.
An instrument used to measure electric current.

Question 10.
An instrument used to measure electric potential difference.

Question 11.
The ratio of the work done to the quantity of charge transferred.
Electric potential difference.

Question 12.
An alloy of Ni, Cr, Mn and Fe.

Question 13.
The SI unit of resistance.
The ohm.

Question 14.
A metal used to make the filament of an electric bulb.

Question 15.
An alloy used to prepare a coil of high resistance for use in electric appliances such as an electric heater.

Question 16.
Constituents of the alloy used to make a fuse wire.
Lead and tin.

Question 17.
The unit same as the watt·second.
The joule.

Question 18.
A unit for intensity of magnetic field.
The oersted.

Question 19.
The scientist in whose honour the SI unit of power is named.
James Watt

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 20.
A device that converts electric energy into mechanical energy.
Electric motor.

Question 21.
A device that converts mechanical energy into electric energy.
Electric generator.

Answer the following questions in one sentence each :

Question 1.
What is the production of magnetism by an electric current called?
The production of magnetism by an electric current is called electromagnetism.

Question 2.
Is magnetic field a scalar or a vector?
Magnetic field is a vector.

Question 3.
In India, what is the time interval in which AC changes direction?
In India, AC changes direction every \(\frac{1}{100}\) s.

Question 4.
What is the periodic time of AC in India?
In India, the periodic time of AC \(\frac{1}{50}\) is

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Define electric power.
Electric power is the electric work done per unit time.
Electric power is the rate at which electric energy is used.

Question 2.
State the formula for electric power. Hence, obtain its SI unit.
Electric power (P) =
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The SI unit of work is the joule and that of time is the second. Hence, the SI unit of power is the joule per second. It is given the special name: the watt (W). One watt equals one joule per second.
W = VIt = I2Rt = \(\frac{V^{2}}{R}\) t
∴ P = W/t = VI = I2R = V2/R.
Here, V is the potential difference applied across an electrical appliance, R is the resistance of the appliance and I is the current through the appliance.

[ Note The SI unit of power, the watt, is named in honour of James Watt (1736-1819), British instrument maker and engineer. ]

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 3.
What is the commercial unit of electric energy? Obtain the relation between this unit and the SI unit of energy.
The commercial unit of electric energy is the kilowatt·hour (kW·h) and the SI unit of energy is the joule (J).
1 kW·h = 103 \(\frac{J}{s}\) × 3600 s s
= 3.6 × 106 J
[Note: The kilowatt-hour is often called simply the unit. (See the energy bill, i.e., the electricity bill.)]

Question 4.
What is one kilowatt.hour?
One kilowatt-hour is the electric energy used in one hour by an electrical appliance of power one kilowatt. It is equal to 3.6 × 106 J.

Question 5.
What is heating effect of electric current? What is its origin?
The production of heat in a resistance due to the electric current flowing through it when it is connected in an electrical circuit, is called the heating effect of electric current.

When a potential difference is applied across a metallic conductor, free electrons in the conductor move from the end at the lower potential to the end at the higher potential giving rise to electric current. These electrons collide with the atoms and positive ions and transfer some kinetic energy to them. This energy is converted into heat. Hence, the temperature of the conductor begins to rise i.e., the conductor becomes hot. This is the origin of the heating effect of electric current.

Question 6.
Statement 1: Electric current (flow of electrons) creates heat in a resistor.
Statement 2: Heat in the resistor is created according to the law of energy conservation.
Explain Statement 1 with the help of Statement 2. (Practice Activity Sheet – 2)
(1) When electrons flow through a resistor (during flow of electric current) electrons possess kinetic energy.
(2) During the flow of electrons there is a decrease in the kinetic energy of the electrons due to collisions with atoms, ions and molecules.
(3) According to the law of conservation of energy, this decrease in the kinetic energy of the electrons gets converted into heat.

Question 7.
State Joule’s law about heating effect of electric current.
Joule’s law about heating effect of electric current: The quantity of heat produced in a conductor when a current flows through it is directly proportional to (1) the square of the current (2) the resistance of the conductor (3) the time for which the current flows.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 8.
Obtain the mathematical expression for the heat generated in a metallic conductor by electric current (Joule’s law).
If V is the potential difference applied across a metallic conductor of resistance R, the current through the conductor, given by Ohm’s law, is
I = V/R ……(1)
The charge passing through the conductor in time t when the current I flows in the conductor is
Q = It…….(2)
The work done in this process is W = VQ …..(3)
From Eqs. (1), (2) and (3), we have,
W = (IR) (It) = I2Rt = VIt
= \(V\left(\frac{V}{R}\right) t=\frac{V^{2}}{R} t\)
This work is converted into heat.
When I is expressed in ampere, R in ohm, t in second and V in volt, W is expressed in joule. In that case,
W = I2Rt = VIt = \(\frac{V^{2}}{R}\) t (in joule)
Usually heat energy (H) is expressed in calorie. Using the relation 4.18 J = 1 cal, we have
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This is the required equation.

Question 9.
Two dissimilar bulbs are connected in series. Which bulb will be brighter? (Hint: Consider the resistance of each bulb.)
The bulb of higher resistance will be brighter, assuming that the filaments of the two bulbs have the same length and the same area of cross section, but are made of metals with different resistivities.

[Explanation Heat produced (H) in time t = I2Rt , where I is the current through a conductor and R is the resistance of the conductor. In a series combination, the current through each conductor is the same. ∴ H ∝ R for a given t. Hence, the bulb with higher R will become more hot and hence emit more light energy per second. Here it is assumed that the filaments of the two bulbs have the same length and the same area of cross section, but are made of metals with different resistivities.]

Question 10.
Name any six domestic appliances whose working is based on the heating effect of electric current.
State applications of heating effect of electric current.
Domestic appliances whose working is based on the heating effect of electric current:

  1. Electric heater
  2. Electric iron
  3. Electric oven
  4. Electric toaster
  5. Electric kettle
  6. Electric geyser
  7. Fuse.

Some other applications of heating effect of electric current:

  1. Electric bulb
  2. Electric furnace
  3. In industry for soldering, welding, cutting, drilling
  4. In surgery for cutting tissues with a finely heated platinum wire.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 11.
Explain the application of heating effect of electric current in an electric bulb.
In an electric bulb, there is a filament of metal such as tungsten having high melting point. When an electric current is passed through the filament, it becomes hot and emits light. The bulbs are usually filled with chemically inactive gases such as nitrogen and argon to prevent oxidation of the filament and hence prolong their life.

Question 12.
Why is tungsten used to make solenoid type coil in an electric bulb? (Practice Activity Sheet – 3)
Tungsten is used to make solenoid type coil in an electric bulb for the following reasons:

  1. Tungsten has high resistance and high melting point (nearly 3422° C).
  2. Using current, it can be heated to high temperature so that it emits more light.

Question 13.
Explain the application of heating effect of electric current in an electric iron.
In an electric iron, a coil of high resistance is held between mica sheets and placed inside a heavy metal block provided with a handle made of an insulator such as plastic. When an electric current is passed through the coil, it becomes hot. Mica is a good conductor of heat. Hence, heat produced in the coil is transferred to the metal block which can then be used for ironing clothes.
Mica is a bad conductor of electricity. Hence, there is no electrical contact between the coil and the metal block. Therefore, the person using the iron does not get an electric shock even if he or she happens to touch it by chance.

Question 14.
Take any electricity bill of your home. In the bill there is one table which shows the units consumed by you for the last eleven months. Find the average consumption of electricity in your home for each season (i.e., summer, winter and rainy season). Are they the same? Why?
The units consumed, on an average, in a home are different for each season.
The energy requirement depends very much on the temperature of the surroundings. For example, a refrigerator, electric fans, an air conditioner, etc. are used more in summer than in winter or rainy season. On the contrary, an electric heater, geyser, etc., are used more in winter than in summer. Hence, there is variation in the average consumption of electricity from season to season.

Question 15.
Name the types of wires or cables used in the electric power supply provided by the State Electricity Board for houses and factories.
The wires or cables used in the electric power supply provided by the State Electricity Board are of three types:

  1. phase wire (or live wire, the wire that carries an electric current)
  2. Neutral wire
  3. The earth wire.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 16.
In a domestic electric supply in India, what is the potential difference between the live wire and the neutral wire?
In a domestic electric supply in India, the potential difference between the live wire and the neutral wire is 220 V.
[Note: AC is used in domestic electric supply.]

Question 17.
Name the type of wire to which the main fuse is connected.
The main fuse is connected to the live wire (phase wire).

Question 18.
What does the electricity meter measure?
The electricity meter measures electric energy consumption. It is expressed in ‘units’, where 1 unit means 1 kilowatt·hour ( = 3.6 × 106 joules).

Question 19.
Is the electric potential difference across each appliance (in a domestic electric circuit) the same?
Yes, the electric potential difference across each appliance (in a domestic electric circuit) is the same.

Question 20.
Name the types of wire across which an electric appliance is connected.
An electric appliance is connected across the live wire (phase wire) and the neutral wire.

Question 21.
Electrical appliances are connected in parallel. What are the advantages of this arrangement?
In the parallel arrangement of electric appliances, the applied potential difference is the same in each case. Further, even if one of the appliances does not work or is removed for repairing, the other appliances can still be used.

Question 22.
In a domestic electric supply, if two bulbs are connected in series instead of parallel, what will happen if the filament of one of the bulbs breaks?
In a domestic electric supply, if two bulbs are connected in series instead of parallel, if the filament of one of the bulbs breaks, there will be no current through the other bulb as well even if the circuit is switched on. Hence the good bulb will also not glow.

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Question 23.
What is overloading? When does it occur? What does it cause? How can overloading be avoided?
A flow of large amount of current in a circuit, beyond the permissible value of current, is called overloading.

It occurs when many electrical appliances of high power rating, such as a geyser, a heater, an oven, a motor, etc., are switched on simultaneously. This causes fire.

Overloading can be avoided by not connecting many electrical appliances of high power rating in the same circuit.

Question 24.
Explain the application of heating effect of electric current in a fuse.
A fuse protects electrical circuits and appliances by stopping the flow of electric current when it exceeds a specified value. For this, it is connected in series with the appliance (or circuit) to be protected. A fuse is a piece of wire made of an alloy of low melting point (e.g. an alloy of lead and tin). If a current larger than the specified value flows through the fuse, its temperature increases enough to melt it. Hence, the circuit breaks and the appliance is protected from damage.

[Note: The fuse wire is usually enclosed in a cartridge of an insulator such as glass or porcelain provided with metal caps. The current rating (such as 1 A, 2 A) may be printed on the cartridge. ]

Question 25.
State the conclusions that can be drawn from Oersted’s experiment. (For reference, see the experiment described on page 51 of the textbook.)
Conclusions that can be drawn from Oersted’s experiment:
1. An electric current produces a magnetic field around it. The moving charge in the conducting wire is a source of magnetic field.

2. The direction of the magnetic field produced by the current is the direction in which the north pole of the magnetic needle is deflected. Hence, from the experimental observations we can conclude that at any point near the current-carrying conductor, the magnetic field is perpendicular to (i) the length of the conductor and (ii) the line joining the conductor and the given point.

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Question 26.
What is the effect on the magnetic needle in Oersted’s experiment, when (1) a current is passed through the wire (2) the current through the wire is increased (3) the current through the wire is stopped (4) the current through the wire is reversed (5) the distance between the magnetic needle and the wire is increased, keeping the current through the wire constant?
In Oersted’s experiment, when there is no current in the wire, the magnetic needle is at rest along the north-south direction.
(1) When a current is passed through the wire, the needle is deflected.
(2) When the current through the wire is increased, the deflection of the needle increases.
(3) When the current through the wire is stopped, the needle comes to rest in its original position along the north-south direction.
(4) When the current through the wire is reversed, the needle is deflected in the direction opposite to that in the first case.
(5) When the distance between the magnetic needle and the wire is increased, keeping the current through the wire constant, the deflection of the needle becomes less.

Question 27.
State the factors on which the magnitude of the magnetic field due to a current-carrying conductor depends and how it depends.
The magnetic field at a point due to a current-carrying conductor depends on the current through the conductor and the distance of the point from the conductor.

  1. The magnitude of the magnetic field produced at a given point is directly proportional to the magnitude of the current passing through the conductor.
  2. The magnitude of the magnetic field produced by a given current in the conductor decreases as the distance from the conductor increases.

[Note If the direction of the current is reversed, the direction of the magnetic field is also reversed.]

Question 28.
State the right hand thumb rule.
Imagine that you have held a current-carrying straight conductor in your right hand in such a way that your thumb points in the direction of the current. Then turn your fingers around the conductor. The direction of the fingers in the direction of the magnetic lines of force produced by the current.
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Question 29.
With a neat labelled diagram, describe the pattern of magnetic lines of force due to a current through a circular loop. Also explain how the magnetic field depends on the number of turns (n) in the loop.
The pattern of magnetic lines of force due to a current through a circular loop is shown in Figure
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(I: Current, R: Resistance, A: Ammeter)
1. It is seen that every point of the loop forms a centre of a large number of concentric magnetic lines of force forming a series. The circles are small near the wire and become large as we move away from the wire. At the centre of the loop, the arcs of these circles appear as straight lines because of very large radius of the circle.

2. The magnetic field produced by a current-carrying wire at a given point is directly proportional to the current through the wire. If the loop has n turns, the field produced is n times that produced by a single turn (assuming that all the turns have practically the same radius and are in the same plane). The reason is the current in each turn has the same direction and the field due to each turn contributes equally to the total field.

Question 30.
Write Fleming’s left hand rule.
Fleming’s left hand rule: The left hand thumb, index finger, and the middle finger are stretched so as to be perpendicular to each other. If the index finger is in the direction of the magnetic field, and the middle finger points in the direction of the current, then the direction of the thumb in the direction of the force on the conductor.
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[Note: A magnetic field exerts a force on a current-carrying conductor. Electric current is the time rate of flow of electric charge. Thus, a magnetic field exerts a force on a moving charge. This property is used to accelerate charged particles such as protons, deuterons and alpha particles, as well as electrons, to very high energies. A machine used for this purpose is called a charged particle accelerator. It may be linear or circular in design and very big in size. Such high energy particles are used to study the structure of matter. ]

Question 31.
What is electric motor?
A device that converts electric energy into mechanical energy is called an electric motor.

Question 32.
State the principle on which the working of an electric motor is based.
An electric motor works on the principle that a current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field experiences a force. In this case, the forces acting on different parts of the coil of the motor produce the rotational motion of the coil.

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Question 33.
State the uses/applications of an electric motor.
Uses/applications of an electric motor:

  1. In domestic appliances such as a mixer, a blender, a refrigerator and washing machine.
  2. In an electric fan, a hair dryer, a record player, a tape recorder and a blower.
  3. In an electric car, a rolling mill, an electric crane, an electric lift, a pump, a computer and an electric train.

Question 34.
(i) Which principle is explained in this figure?
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(ii) Which rule is used to find out the direction of force in this principle?
(iii) In which machine is this principle used? Draw a diagram showing the working of that machine. (Practice Activity Sheet – 2)
(i) A force is exerted on a current-carrying conductor in the presence of a magnetic field.
(ii) Fleming’s left hand rule is used.
(iii) Electric motor.
Scientifically and technically correct figure.
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Question 35.
Observe the following diagram and answer the questions. (Practice Activity Sheet – 1)
(a) Construction of which equipment does the following diagram show?
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(b) On which principle does this equipment work?
(c) According to which law does the coil ABCD rotate?
(d) Write the law in your own words.
(e) Where is this equipment used?
(a) Given diagram shows the construction of an electric motor.

(b) An electric motor works on the principle that a current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field experiences a force. In this case, the forces acting on different parts of the coil of the motor produce the rotational motion of the coil.

(c) The rotation of the coil is based on Fleming’s left hand rule.

(d) Fleming’s left hand rule: The left hand thumb, index finger, and the middle finger are stretched so as to be perpendicular to each other. If the index finger is in the direction of the magnetic field, and the middle finger points in the direction of the current, then the direction of the thumb in the direction of the force on the conductor.

(e) Uses / applications of an electric motor: (1) In domestic appliances such as a mixer, a blender, a refrigerator and washing machine. (2) In an electric fan, a hair dryer, a record player, a tape recorder and a blower. (3) In an electric car, a rolling mill, an electric crane, an electric lift, a pump, a computer and an electric train.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 36.
Study the following principle and answer the questions. (Practice Activity Sheet – 4)
A force is excreted on a current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field. The direction of this force depends on both the direction of the current and the direction of the magnetic field. This force is maximum when the direction of the current is perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field.
(a) By which law can we determine the direction of the force excreted on the current-carrying conductor?
(b) In which electrical equipment is this principle used?
(c) Draw a diagram representing the construction of this equipment.
(d) Write the working of this equipment in brief.
(a) Fleming’s left hand rule.
(b) Electric motor,
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(d) Working:
1. When the circuit is completed with a plug key or switch, the current flows in the direction E → A → B → C → D → F. As the magnetic field is directed from the north pole to the south pole, the force on AB is downward and that on CD is upward by Fleming’s left hand rule. Hence, AB moves downward and CD upward. These forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. Therefore, as observed from the side AD, the loop ABCD and the axle start rotating in anticlockwise direction.

2. After half a rotation, X and Y come in contact with brushes F and E respectively and the current flows in the direction EDCBAF. Hence the force on CD is downward and that on AB is upward. Therefore, the loop and the axle continue to rotate in the anticlockwise direction.

3. After every half rotation, the current in the loop is reversed and the loop and the axle continue to rotate in anticlockwise direction.
When the current is switched off, the loop stops rotating after some time.

Question 37.
What is a galvanometer used for? Explain in brief the working of a galvanometer.
Galvanometer is a sensitive device used to detect the presence of current in a circuit as well as to determine the direction of the current in the circuit.

With suitable modification, it can be used to measure charge, current and voltage. Its working is based on the same principle as that of an electric motor. Here, a coil is pivoted (or suspended) between the pole pieces of a magnet and a pointer is connected to the coil. As the coil rotates when a current is passed through it, the pointer also rotates. The rotation of the coil and hence the deflection of the coil is proportional to the current. The pointer deflects on both sides of the Central zero mark depending on’ the direction of the current.

Question 38.
Take a coil AB having 10-15 turns. Connect the two ends of the coil to the galvanometer as shown in Figure. Take a strong bar magnet. (1) Move the north pole of the magnet towards the end B of the coil.
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Observe the deflection of the pointer in the galvanometer. Note the direction of the deflection (i.e. right or left). (2) Now repeat this with the south pole of the magnet towards the end B of the coil. Again observe the deflection. Note its direction. (3) What will happen if instead of the magnet, the coil is moved? (4) If both the coil and the magnet are kept stationary, do you observe any deflection? (5) Compare the direction of the deflection when the north pole of the magnet is moved towards the end B of the coil with that when the end B of the coil is moved away from the north pole of the magnet. (6) What conclusions do you draw from the observations?
The two deflections, in parts (1) and (2) of the experiment, are in the opposite directions.

(3) If instead of the magnet, the coil is moved towards the stationary magnet, the deflection of the pointer in the galvanometer is observed in one direction, while if the coil is moved away from the magnet, the deflection is observed in the opposite direction. The effect of moving the north pole of the magnet towards the coil and the effect of moving the coil towards the north pole of the magnet are the same.

(4) If both the coil and the magnet are kept stationary, no deflection is observed.

(5) The two deflections are in opposite directions.

(6) Whenever there is relative motion of the coil and the magnet, electric potential difference is induced in the circuit which gives rise to, i.e., induces, an electric current in the circuit causing the deflection of the pointer in the galvanometer. The direction of the current and hence that of the deflection of the pointer in the galvanometer depends on which pole of the magnet faces the coil as well as the direction of relative motion.

[Note: If the velocity of the magnet is increased, the induced current increases, and hence the deflection of the pointer in the galvanometer increases.]

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 39.
Take two coils of about 50 turns. Insert them over a nonconducting cylindrical roll as shown in Figure.
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(A thick paper roll can be used.) Connect coil 1 to a battery with a plug key K. Connect coil 2 to a galvanometer G. (1) Plug the key and observe the deflection in the galvanometer. (2) Unplug the key and again observe the deflection.
Note your observations. What conclusions do you draw from these observations?
Observations :
1. When the key is plugged, the galvanometer shows a momentary deflection. When the current in coil 1 becomes steady, the galvanometer shows zero deflection, i.e., its pointer returns to the zero mark at the centre of the scale.

2. When the key is unplugged, the galvanometer shows a momentary deflection in the opposite direction relative to that in part (1) of the experiment. When the current in coil 1 becomes zero as the circuit is broken on unplugging the key, the galvanometer shows zero deflection, i.e., its pointer returns to the zero mark at the centre of the scale.

As the current in coil 1 changes, the magnetic field associated with the current changes. This induces an electric potential difference in coil 2 which gives rise to an electric current and hence the deflection of the galvanometer. The direction of the induced current and hence that of the deflection of the pointer in the galvanometer depends on whether the current through coil 1 increases or decreases with time.

When there is a steady current in coil 1, there is no change in the associated magnetic field and hence no production of induced potential difference in coil 2. In that case there is no current in coil 2 and hence the galvanometer shows zero deflection.

[Note : Coil 1 is called the primary coil while coil 2 is called the secondary coil. This is because when the current through coil 1 is changed, induced current appears in coil 2.]

Question 40.
What is electromagnetic induction? Who discovered it?
The process by which a changing magnetic field in a conductor induces a current in another conductor is called electromagnetic induction. A current can be induced in a conductor either by moving it in a magnetic field or by changing the magnetic field around the conductor. Electromagnetic induction was discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831 and independently by Joseph Henry in 1830.

[Note Michael Faraday (1792-1867), British chemist and physicist, discovered the laws of electrolysis, electromagnetic induction, and a magneto-optical effect now known as the Faraday effect. His discoveries also include benzene and the liquefaction of chlorine. Joseph Henry (1797-1878), US physicist, in addition to the dicovery of electromagnetic induction, invented and constructed the first practical electric motor.]

Question 41.
State Faraday’s law of induction.
Whenever the number of magnetic lines of force passing through a coil changes, a current is induced in the coil.

Question 42.
State Fleming’s right hand rule.
Stretch the thumb, the index finger and the middle finger of the right hand in such a way that they are perpendicular to each other. In this position, the thumb indicates the direction of the motion of the conductor, the index finger the direction of the magnetic field, and the middle finger shows the direction of the induced current.
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[Note The induced current is maximum when the direction of motion of the conductor is at right angles to the magnetic field. ]

Question 43.
Observe the following figure. If the current in the coil A is changed, will some current be induced in the coil B? Explain.
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If the current in the coil A is changed, there will be some current induced in the coil B.

When the current in the coil A is changed, the magnetic field associated with the current changes. This induces potential difference in the coil B. This gives rise to (i.e., induces) a current in the coil B. The greater the rate at which the current in the coil A is changed with respect to time, the greater is the current induced in the coil B as can be seen from the deflection of the pointer in the galvanometer. This phenomenon is known as electromagnetic induction.

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Question 44.
What is a direct current (DC)?
A nonoscillatory current that flows only in one direction is called a direct current (DC). It can change in magnitude, but its direction remains the same. [Fig. 4.26 (a) and (b)]
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[Note: A direct current is obtained with an electric cell or a DC generator.]

Question 45.
What is an alternating current (AC)?
A current that changes in magnitude and direction after equal intervals of time is called an alternating current (AC) (Fig. 4.27).
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Electric current changes sinusoidally with time. Electric current and potential difference are shown by the symbol ~.
[Note: An alternating current is obtained with an AC generator.]

Question 45.
What is the value of frequency of AC in India?
In India, the value of frequency of AC is 50 hertz.

Question 46.
What is the periodic time of AC in India?
In India, the periodic time of AC is 0.02 s (=\(\frac{1}{50}\)s)

Question 47.
State one advantage of AC over DC.
One advantage of AC over DC is that electric power can be transmitted over long distances without much loss of energy.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 48.
Name two appliances/devices in which a direct current is used.
A direct current is used in a portable electric torch and radio.
[Note A Direct current is also in an electric bell, a wall clock, to prepare an electromagnet, for electrolysis, etc. ]

Question 49.
Name two appliances/devices in which an alternating current is used.
State any two uses of an AC generator.
An alternating current is used in an electric heater and a refrigerator.
[Note Alternating current is also used in an electric iron, a washing machine, an electric mixer, a food processor, an air-conditioner, an electric fan, etc.]

Question 50.
What is (1) an electric generator (2) an AC generator (3) a DC generator?
(1) A device which converts mechanical energy into electric energy is called an electric generator.
(2) A generator which converts mechanical energy into electric energy in the form of an alternating current (AC) is called an AC generator.
(3) A generator which converts mechanical energy into electric energy in the form of a direct current (DC) is called a DC generator.

Question 51.
State the principle on which the working of an electric generator is based.
The working of an electric generator is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. When the coil of an electric generator rotates in a magnetic field, a current is induced in the coil. This induced current then flows in the circuit connected to the coil.
[Note An external agency is needed to rotate the coil of an electric generator.]

Question 52.
Show graphically variation of AC with time. Explain the nature of the graph.
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In this case, the frequency of the alternating current (AC) produced is 50 Hz. The coil completes 50 rotations every second. The time for one rotation of the coil is \(\frac{1}{50}\) second. It is called the periodic time or simply the period of AC. Positive current means the current flows in one direction and negative current means the current flows in the opposite direction in the external circuit. Here, the maximum value of AC is 5 A.

Question 53.
Observe the figure and answer the following questions.
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(a) Identify the machine shown in the figure.
(b) Write a use of this machine.
(c) How transformation of energy takes place in this machine. (Practice Activity Sheet – 3)
(a) The instrument shown in the figure is generator.
(b) This machine is used to generate electricity.
(c) The generator generates electricity through following transformation:
Mechanical Energy → Electrical Energy

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Question 54.
Observe the following figure. Which bulb will fuse? (Practice Activity Sheet – 4)
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Bulb A.

Give scientific reasons:

Question 1.
In an electric iron, the coil of high resistance is kept between mica sheets.
(1) Mica is a bad conductor of electricity and good conductor of heat.
(2) In an electric iron, the coil of high resistance is kept between mica sheets so that there is no electrical contact between the coil and the heavy metal block of the iron though there is heat transfer. This protects the user from getting an electric shock.

Question 2.
The material used for fuse has low melting point.
A fuse should be made of a material of low melting point.
1. A fuse is used to protect a circuit and the appliances connected in the circuit by stopping the flow of an excessive electric current. For this, a fuse is connected in series in the circuit.

2. When the current in the circuit passes through the fuse, its temperature increases. When the current exceeds the specified value, the fuse must melt to break the circuit. For this, the material used for a fuse has low melting point.

Distinguish between the following:

Question 1.
Direct current and Alternating current.
Direct current:

  1. Direct current flows only in one direction.
  2. It cannot be used for large scale of electricity for household purpose.

Alternating current:

  1. Alternating current reverses its direction periodically with time.
  2. It is used in household electrical appliances such as an electric heater, an electric iron, a refrigerator, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 2.
Electric motor and Electric generator.
Electric motor:

  1. A battery is used in an electric motor to pass a current through the coil.
  2. In this case, a current-carrying coil is set in rotation due to the magnetic field.
  3. Split rings are used in an electric motor.
  4. In this case, electric energy is converted into mechanical energy.

Electric generator:

  1. A battery is not used in an electric generator.
  2. In this case, a potential difference and hence a current is produced when the coil is set into rotation in the magnetic field by an external agent.
  3. Rings used in an AC generator are not split.
  4. In this case, mechanical energy is converted into electric energy.

Solve the following examples/numerical problems:

Question 1.
An electric bulb is connected to a source of 250 volts. The current passing through it is 0.27 A. What is the power of the bulb?
Data: V = 250 V, I = 0.27 A, P = ?
P = VI
= 250 V × 0.27 A
= 67.5 W
The power of the bulb = 67.5 W.

Question 2.
If a bulb of 60 W is connected across a source of 220 V, find the current drawn by it.
Data: P = 60 W, V = 220 V, I = ?
P = VI
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The current drawn by the bulb
= \(\frac{3}{11}\) A = 0.2727 A

Question 3.
A bulb of 40 W is connected across a source of 220 V. Find the resistance of the bulb.
Data: P = 40 W, V = 220 V, R = ?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current 40
= 40 × 110 Ω = 1210 Ω
The resistance of the bulb = 1210 Ω

Question 4.
If the current passing through a bulb is 0.2 A and the power of the bulb is 20 W, find the voltage applied across the bulb.
Data: I = 0.2 A, P = 20 W, V = ?
P = VI
∴ V = \(\frac{P}{I}=\frac{20 \mathrm{W}}{0.2 \mathrm{A}}\)
= 100 V
The voltage across the bulb = 100 V.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 5.
Two tungsten bulbs of power 50 W and 60 W work on 220 V potential difference. If they are connected in parallel, how much current will flow in the main conductor? (March 2019)
Data: P1 = 50 W, P2 = 60 W, V = 220 V, I = ?
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Current in the main conductor,
I = I1 + I2 ……….(parallel combination)
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= 0.5 A

Question 6.
An electric iron rated 750 W is operated for 2 hours/day. How much energy is consumed by the electric iron for 30 days?
Data: P = 750 W, t = 2\(\frac{\text { hours }}{\text { day }}\) for 30 days
The energy consumed = Pt = 750 × 2 × 30
= 1500 × 30
= 45000 W·h
= 45 kW·h
The energy consumed by the electric iron for 30 days = 45 kW·h.

Question 7.
If a TV of rating 100 W operates for 6 hours per day, find the number of units consumed in a leap year.
Data: P = 100 W, t = 6\(\frac{\text { hours }}{\text { day }}\) × 366 days
= 2196 hours
1 unit = 1 kW·h = 1000 W·h
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219.6 units are consumed in a leap year.

Question 8.
An electric appliance of rating 300 W is used 5 hours per day in the month of March. Find the number of units consumed.
Data: P = 300 W, t = 5\(\frac{\text { hour }}{\text { day }}\) × 31 days
= 155 hours, 1 unit = 1 kW·h = 1000 W.h
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= 46.5 units
46.5 units are consumed in the month of March.

Question 9.
A washing machine rated 300 W operates one hour/day. If the cost of a unit is ₹ 3.00, find the cost of the energy to operate the washing machine for the month of March.
Data: P = 300 W, ₹ 3.00 per unit,
t = 1 \(\frac{\text { hour }}{\text { day }}\) × 31 days = 31 hours, 1 unit = 1 kW·h
= 1000 W·h, cost of the energy = ?
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Cost = 9.3 units × ₹ 3.00 per unit = ₹ 27.9.
The cost of the energy to operate the washing machine for the month of March = ₹ 27.9.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 10.
Find the heat produced in joule if a current of 0.1 A is passed through a coil of resistance 50 Ω for two minutes. Keeping other conditions the same if the length of the wire is reduced to the original length (by cutting 4 the wire), what will be the heat produced?
Data: I = 0.1 A, R = 50 Ω, t = 2 minutes = 2 × 60 s = 120 s, H = ?
H = I2Rt = (0.1A)2 × 50 Ω × 120 s
= 0.01 × 50 × 120 J = 60 J
Heat produced = 60 joules.
In the second case, the resistance of the wire will be \(\frac{50 \Omega}{4}\)
Hence, the heat produced = \(\frac{60 \mathrm{J}}{4}\) = 15 J.

Question 11.
Calculate the heat produced in calorie when a current of 0.1 A is passed through a wire of resistance 41.8 Ω for 10 minutes.
Data: I = 0.1 A, R = 41.8 Ω, t = 10minutes
= 10 × 60 s = 600 s, H = ?
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Heat produced = 60 calories.

Question 12.
A potential difference of 250 volts is applied across a resistance of 1000 Ω in an electric iron. Find (1) the current (2) the heat produced in joule in 12 seconds.
Keeping other conditions the same, if the length of the wire in the iron is reduced to half the original length (by cutting the wire), what will be the current and heat produced?
Data: V = 250 V, R = 1000 Ω, t = 12 s,
I = ? H = ?
(1) V = IR
∴ I = \(\frac{V}{R}=\frac{250 \mathrm{V}}{1000 \Omega}\) = 0.25 A
The current through the resistance = 0.25 A.
(2) H = I2RT
= (0.25 A)2 × 1000 Ω × 12 s
= (\(\frac{1}{4}\) × 1000) × (\(\frac{1}{4}\) × 12) J
= 250 × 3J = 750 J
H = VIt = 250 V × 0.25 A × 12s = 250 × 3J = 750 J
The heat energy produced in the resistance in 12 seconds = 750 joules.

On cutting the wire, the resistance of the wire will become half the initial resistance. Hence, the current will become double the initial current as I = V/R and V is the same in both the cases. Therefore, the current in the wire will be 0.25 A × 2 = 0.5 A. (Hence, the heat produced will be VIt = 250 V × 0.5 A × 12 s = 250 × 6 J = 1500 J.)

Question 13.
A potential difference of 100 V is applied across a resistor of resistance 50 Ω for 6 minutes and 58 seconds. Find the heat produced in (i) joule (ii) calorie.
Data: V = 100 V, R = 50 Ω, t = 6 minutes and 58 seconds = (6 × 60 + 58) s = (360 + 58)
= 418 s, H = ?
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Heat generated = 83600 joules.
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Heat produced = 2 × 104 calories.

Numerical Problems For Practice:

Question 1.
When the voltage applied across a bulb is 200 V, the current passing through the bulb is 0.1 A. Find the power of the bulb.
20 W

Question 2.
A bulb of 100 W is connected across a source of 200 V. Find the current drawn by it.
0.5 A

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 3.
A bulb of 60 W is connected across a source of 240 V. Find the resistance of the bulb.
960 Ω

Question 4.
If the current passing through a bulb is 0.15 A and the power of the bulb is 30 W, find the voltage applied across the bulb.
200 V

Question 5.
An electric appliance of rating 800 W is used 4 hours per day in the month of December. Find the number of units consumed.
99.2 units

Question 6.
An electric appliance rated 400 W is used 5 hours per day in the month of June. If the cost of a unit is ₹ 3.00, find the energy bill for June.
₹ 180

Question 7.
An electric bulb rated 60 W is used 10 hours per day for 20 days. If the cost of a unit is ₹ 3.00, find the energy bill.
₹ 36

Question 8.
Two electric bulbs rated 60 W and 40 W respectively are used 5 hours per day for 20 days. If the cost of a unit is ₹ 4.00, find the cost of the energy used.
₹ 40

Question 9.
Find the heat produced in joule if a current of 0.1 A is passed through a coil of resistance 25 Ω for one minute.
15 J

Question 10.
Calculate the heat produced in calorie when a current of 0.1 A is passed through a wire of resistance 41.8 Ω for 5 minutes.
30 calories

Question 11.
Calculate the heat produced in calorie when a current of 0.2 A is passed through a wire of resistance 41.8 Ω for 10 minutes.
240 calories

Question 12.
Find the heat produced in calorie when a current of 0.2 A is passed through a wire of resistance 20.9 Ω for 10 minutes.
120 calories

Question 13.
A potential difference of 100 V is applied across a wire of resistance 50 Ω for one minute. Find the heat produced in joule.
1.2 × 104 joules

Question 14.
A potential difference of 100 V is applied across a wire for two minutes. If the current through the wire is 0.1 A, find the heat produced in joule.
1200 joules

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Effects of Electric Current

Question 15.
A potential difference of 100 V is applied across a wire for 6 minutes and 58 seconds.
If the current through the wire is 0.1 A, find the heat produced in calorie.
1000 calories

10th Std Science Part 1 Questions And Answers: