Blog Writing 11th Question Answer English Chapter 3.2 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 3.2 Brainstorming Question Answer

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Question (i)
Discuss the various mass media available for people to express their views and complete the web.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing 1
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing 2

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing

Question (ii)
Discuss the various mass media available for people to express their views and complete the web.



Known as

Blog Writing Writes/Publishes an information piece, views, opinions, etc. on (www.World Wide Web) Blogger
Story Writing Writes in short on one or more genres of fiction/in magazines, anthologies, etc. Story Writer
Song/Lyric Writing Writes lyrics/songs for films, plays, etc. on a given topic Song Writer/Lyricist
Academic Writing Writes in scientific journals, university magazines, etc., as a result of their Studies and Research Academic Writer
Translating Translates an original work from one language into another Translator
Newspaper Writing Writes in national, state and local newspapers as a staff member Journalist
Column Writing Writes on trends or comments on issues in a column everyday or weekly Columnist
Screen Writing Writes scripts for films/movies/T.V., etc. Screenplay Writer
Fiction/Novel Writing Writes long stories of fiction, non-fiction and other genres Novelist
Drama/Play Writing Writes for theatre on genres like fiction and non-fiction, historical, etc. Dramatist/Playwright


Question 1.
Discuss the various blogs and their features with your friends.
A blog helps us to express our –

  • feelings
  • thoughts
  • opinions
  • views

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing


Question (i)
We all know that blogs can be written on any topics. Your teacher will divide the class in groups and assign a task to every group to make a list of various topics on which blogs are normally written. List a few.

  • Social Awareness
  • Environmental Issue
  • Health
  • Personality Development

Question (ii)
Go through the blog given in the text and also refer to different blogs on the internet about various social issues and environment hazards. Write blogs on the topics given below.
(i) Earth with no Trees

Trees are not only our best friends but our life. They are an important part of our ecology as they produce oxygen on which human beings exist. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen which we human beings and wild life breath. There would be no rain if there were no trees. Trees absorb water through roots and release during transpiration. Trees keep environment moist. They help to prevent soil erosion.

Trees also conserve rainwater. Sometimes dead trees fall on the soil and gets buried. It is a scientifically proven fact that trees control sound pollution. This is the reason why trees are planted at the strategic locations like highways, near factories and near airports. Trees conserve energy, save water, shield us from dangerous UV rays.

If there were no trees, there would be no life. We would not get food, clothing, shelter and the most important, oxygen, on which survival depends. There would be no rainfall. Temperature on the earth would increase and ultimately not only human but also life of every small creature would be in danger.

(ii) Say ‘No’ to Tobacco

In India every year about 2 millions die due to tobacco and its effects. It is the biggest enemy of public health. Tobacco is one of the causes of cancer. A smokers puts not only his life but the life of others in danger. Inhaling the smoke from cigarettes, cigars or pipes we too intake tobacco which is hazardous to life. Bronchitis, liver cancer and prostrate cancer are gifts of tobacco. Around 15% of teenagers are addicted to tobacco, it is therefore necessary to create awareness. After all ‘Prevention is Better than Cure’. Creating grassroot level awareness is a must.

Everyone should make an effort to educate youngsters about the ill effects of tobacco. At the same time, there should be government control over sale of tobacco products. Strict action should be taken on companies selling tobacco illegally in remote as well as rural areas. At the same time, strict action also must be taken to reinforce the already existing ban on the sale of tobacco products  near educational institutes. Health check-up camp must be organized regularly to detect oral diseases specially cancer. Mass-media should be aggressively used to campaign against tobacco.

(iii) Man vs Nature

Human beings are the creation of nature. Humans get food, clothing water, shelter, air and a ton of other things from nature. Our mother earth is a unique planet where conditions are suitable for life. Breathing is the most necessary and natural action for every moment which depends on the nature. But we are behaving carelessly on the planet. We hurt nature due to our carelessness.

We have set up millions of factories on the earth which create and increase air pollution. Smoke from vehicle is added daily. This causes pollution and affects our health too. At the same time, we go on cutting tress which actually are our best friends. Besides greed for the forest products, humans greed for encroaching forest land for his use is increasing day by day. As a result of it, wild life is also in danger. There are vast reservoirs of pure drinking water on the globe but we are using it carelessly and polluting it.

It has been noted by researches that in coming 50 years there will scarcity of oil. Global warming is hazardous for everyone. It is creating problems to Glaciers. Not only man but other animals are also creations of the nature but we have put their life too in danger. As a result we don’t find the small bird ‘sparrow’ in polluted cities. Actually by keeping this attitude towards nature, man is digging his own grave. Nature is powerful enough to correct hostile actions of human beings. If nature decides to correct human actions, flood, tsunami, famine, anything can be the result. Therefore it is the need of time that humans should live smartly in harmony with nature and respect nature too.

(iv) Child Labour: A Curse to Humanity

Child Labour is a curse to humanity. Children are supposed to go to school, enjoy and learn but are found to be working. They are the most important asset of the society but poverty, illegitimacy, problem of unemployment make them do odd jobs. We are also responsible for this problem of child labour. This problem is more common in underdeveloped nation and thus needs to be corrected.

Protecting children from being child labourers is the responsibility of not only government but of each and every citizen. Use of children as a helping hand on own farm was common but the things changed after industrialization. Various factory owners appointed children and we find many children doing dangerous tasks in industries like fire crackers, carpet industries. In such industries their life is found to be in danger. In pencil making industry they are subjected to lung diseases, In carpet making industries they can lose their eyesight and in fire crackers industry they are exposed to dangerous chemicals. All this must be avoided and banned at the earliest.

To curb this, children from poor strata of the society should be provided with education and teenagers with vocational training. Education will create awareness among them. Some arrangement of providing them nutritious food should also be made by the Government and NGOs. To eradicate the problem of child labour, meticulous planning not only by the government but also by ‘us’ is needed. This is sadly not functioning to the fullest and as a result we share the blame of child labour.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing


Question 1.
Prepare a word register for writing a blog, by choosing a particular topic of your own choice. You can write on environment, pollution, education etc.
Word Register – Pollution:

global warming, Co2, breathing, tree plantation, factories, water pollution, air, soil, oxygen, ozone layer, diseases, infection, climate, ultraviolet rays.

Word Register Education:

Knowledge, school, college, vocational, training, personality, awareness, books, internet, apps, computer.


Question 1.
Given below are the few topics for blog writing. Discuss and write.

  1. Personality Development
  2. Health and Fitness
  3. Social Dynamics
  4. Self Defence
  5. Communication Skills

(i) Personality Development:

Personality is a perfect amalgam of a person’s physical and psychological development, manners, relationship with other members of the society, optimistic attitude and many other factors. Now a days management skill including time management, soft skills, health and leadership qualities also play an important role in shaping ones personality.

Practice of Yoga, meditation and regular exercise can keep a person fit. For learning time management one can keep small goals and try to complete the same in a limited time span. We must be polite while speaking with others. Our behaviour should not be aggressive. One must be a good listener and should be proactive rather than being reactive. Creative vision, optimism arise from within. Reading, knowledge about the world matters a lot.

Possessing all these qualities, increase the confidence of the person which is ultimately reflected in his character. Our positive gestures, while speaking, our being social help us to climb the ladder of success. To learn all these qualities, one must keep aside the ego. One should avoid backbiting and should always help others whenever needed. One should be confident enough, always try to learn new things and be one’s ownself. All these qualities cannot be achieved overnight. Some of these come from within while some can be achieved. Including all these qualities in a person’s character creates a good personality.

(ii) Health and Fitness

It is said that ‘Health is wealth’. Health in medical term does not only mean free of diseases but it also means a state of being well. A healthy person should be able to do his daily chores, his occupation. A healthy or physically fit person is able to face changes in the surrounding.

Health and fitness can be achieved by various ways such as intake of nutritious diet, healthy lifestyle, maintenance of hygiene, regular exercise or yoga and meditation. Not only this but a person’s positive attitude towards life matters the most. Proper and nutritious diet can keep you physically fit but meditation and yoga along with optimistic attitude keep one mentally fit. Regular practice of yoga and mediation reduces stress, blood sugar level and various other health issues like blood pressure and hyperacidity.

Now a days almost all human beings including kids are found to be under stress. Industrialization and computerization has no doubt made human life easy but created many health and fitness issue. There is a competition in every walk of life and one must survive the same. The basic need is therefore to stay healthy and fit. One can achieve it by going to gym, practising yoga and meditation, running, walking, cycling, aerobics, dance, swimming, playing outdoor games and many others. Practising any of these is the key of maintaining health. To maintain health and fitness has now become a need of the time.

(iii) Self Defence

Self defence means defending oneself from getting harmed. Physical self defence is the use of force for self protection. One can protect himself by being armed or unarmed too. Armed self defence allows the use of weapons for self defence while in unarmed self defence person does not use any weapon. His only weapon is his stamina and physical strength. There are some restrictions on the use of weapons. The armed force is the exception to it. Not only this, but self defence can also be achieved by avoiding the problematic situation.

Self defence techniques can be learned and learning the same is an urgent need of in today’s age. Specially women must learn it. In the changing scenario of increasing terrorism in society, it becomes a necessity for everyone to learn it. Many martial arts coaches train their students various methods of self defence. Apart from learning self defence, one must be optimistic enough to handle the problems in front of him. While handling the critical situation, everyone should trust in themselves and tackle with high level of confidence.

(iv) Social Dynamics

Man is a social animal. He lives in a society and is influenced by the people around him.. Our society is built on the principles of social dynamics. In society, behaviour of every person is different. People interact with one another and this results in deciding their behaviour in a group. Thus social dynamics is actually a behaviour of group which is the result of influence created by other group members. Social dynamics involve the study of interrelationship of people with one another.

When people come together in a group,they interact, share their thoughts, their ideas and knowledge. The exchange of thoughts, knowledge and ideas bring about positive change in the group behaviour, thereby bringing change in the society.

(v) Communication Skills

The way of communicating to others is an important skill in a person which enables us to understand the things that are being said. Our brains develop at every stage of our life using different techniques to communicate a message. There are many different skills used to communicate a message in an effective manner.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing 3

The principles of effective communication are Listening, Speaking when required, Curiosity, Engaging and Body language. Using the principles of effective comm unication helps increase our ability to be understood. This boosts our confidence and self esteem to speak.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing 4

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing


Question 1.
There are many blog websites like, www.wordpress. com, and You can develop your blog writing skills taking on the basis of this make a list of career opportunities available to you.

Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is the importance of blog writing?
A blog is an article on a topic expressing the views, experiences or feelings of a person. Writing a blog is really a challenging thing to do.

In the changing scenario of E-age, we find that joint families are rarely seen. Even in nuclear families now a days family members hardly share their views, ideas. (The reason may be any.) People are in contact with each other but are not connected. In such situation a blog plays very important role.

A blog gives a platform to the person to share his views, opinion or even feelings. In this way he gets an opportunity to communicate with people. Secondly in spite of availability of mass media like newspaper, writing of a person cannot be published always. A blog provides a person (blogger) to share his views and make it available for the readers. One can share anything interesting in a blog.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing

Question 2.
What is the difference between a blog writing and newspaper write up?
A blog is an article wherein a person (a blogger) has right to share his views feelings or opinion about anything. A newspaper article writer does not share his feelings or views always. A newspaper article is generally focused on the topics of public interest. Most of the time newspaper articles are only informative. A newspaper article can be written daily or weekly whereas a blogger can write and post a blog at any time in a day.

Question 3.
What precaution is taken while developing a blog?
A blog is an article expressing person’s views, feelings or opinion. Utmost precautions should be taken while posting a blog on social media. There is no limitation regarding number of words and number of topics on which a blog can be written. But a blogger must make sure to avoid repetition. A reader may find it uninteresting to read lengthy description of a simple thing.

A blog posted on social media is read by many people belonging to different caste, creed and community. A blogger must not post anything in his blog which may 1 hurt feelings of people or make antisocial elements active.

Question 4.
Why is a blog developed and uploaded?
A blog is a platform one gets to express his views, feelings or opinions. A person a blogger) can communicate with the world through his writing. Writing a blog is an opportunity given to mature writers. A blogger can refine his writing skills while expressing his views. It is uploaded so that he can communicate and share his experiences with others. It can give a chance to the blogger to be a good writer.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing

Question 5.
Go through the blog given in the text and also refer to different blogs on the internet about various social issues and environment hazards. Write blogs on the topics given below.
(i) Are we Happier than our Forefathers?

There was a time centuries ago, in the stone age when man wandered about from place to place in groups. Slowly life became stable, when man decided to settle down. He learnt farming and domestication of animals like cow, sheep, goat and buffalo. These animals gave him milk and helped him to plough the field as well as carry loads. This change in man was a definite change for the better.

Of course, today the world has progressed by leaps and bounds. Quick means of communication, advancement in technology, the boon of the atomic age has made distances so small. The world today has become a smaller place, thanks to progress.

Medicines and drugs have lengthened life and given us cures for dreaded disease. Today man can do so many things that our forefathers could not even dream of achieving. Excessive use of fuels such as diesel, kerosene, petrol and other harmful chemicals have ruined the planet earth. Our atmosphere is so steeped in poisonous gases that we have no fresh air to breathe. This has resulted in the depletion of the ozone layer. Atomic weapons and bombs are a constant threat to our very existence.

Do we honestly say we are happier than our forefathers? At what cost? Yes, we are more comfortable, we have progressed, but at what cost? At the cost of our lives and happiness. Let us not forget that happiness does not depend on material comforts. It depends on the state of our mind. I can safely say that we have forfeited our mental happiness for worldly comforts.

(ii) If Trees Could Talk

Tree can speak to you and I may not understand what they are trying to tell us. It was proved by the famous scientist, Jagdish Chandra Bose, that plants can feel pain and can even reveal how they are feeling. Unfortunately, these sounds cannot be understood by man and can only be recorded on a graph. Vegetation is not deaf and dumb, though we may think so.

If trees could speak, they would have told us several things both good and bad. I am sure the bad things would be much more than about the good habits of man. I am sure the tree would grumble and cry. out in pain at man’s indecent, vulgar and rude behaviour.

All trees would complain about the brutal and barbarious behaviour of man. A tree would explain to us that it gave us shade from the hot blistering sun, plenty of wood, choicest fruit, medicinal herbs, ayurvedic pesticides and insecticides like the neem, yet man is so ungrateful and despicable, he takes the tree for granted and does not care if he chops it and hacks it painfully.

Man goes about cutting down forests and building high rise structures or big factories that give out poisonous gases. Trees, if we could only understand what they were trying to tell us, would inform us that we were murderers and butchers who took pleasure in destroying nature that God has created for man. They would have wept with grief and pain as they related the insanity and callousness of man.

(iii) Leisure – It’s Uses and Abuses

I remember W. H. Davis saying in one of his poems
‘What is this life, if full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?!

These lines tell us that in the middle of rushing here and doing this and that and attacking this job and completing that duty, we must ,find time to relax down. Those of us living in cities spend all our free time, glued to the TV – The idiot box as our elders call it. The rich spend their time in restaurants and nightclubs. No one today spends time with Nature – especially those living in towns and cities.

The best way to spend one’s leisure moments is to come in contact with nature in a park, a zoo, a garden or an aviary. Some of us have a tendency of misusing our leisure time. Some youngsters spend their time gambling, drinking, teasing girls, stealing, getting into trouble by making fun of passers-by and by gossiping. All these activities cause terrible harm to themselves as well as to others. Those belonging to rich families have stag parties or kitty parties and drink alcohol, gamble and go about spoiling the names of their acquaintances and friends.

We can use our leisure time developing our hobbies such as photography, reading, writing, gardening, doing embroidery, painting, learning dancing, playing musical instruments and other things for which we have talents. It is better to develop our talents, for who knows when these will help us in our life. Relaxation is important, but just lying idle will cause trouble to our minds as well as to our body, hence we must do something constructive and useful in our leisure hours.

(iv) Democracy – The Best form of Government

Abraham Lincoln described democracy as the Government of the people, for the people and by the people. This system of government is the most acceptable because every single individual in the country is a part of the governing process. The legislature is elected by the people themselves, while the Executive is selected from the Legislature. A corrupt government will surely not be elected again.

Other forms of government are monarchy and dictatorship. In both monarchy and dictatorship, the ruler is the Supreme ultimate power over the people. The people themselves have absolutely no say in the matter. They have no remedy against misuse of power or against in justice. There is no individual freedom, no freedom of speech or expression. The individual is a captive in his own nation. How ironical this may seem, but it is very true.

I am not saying that democracy is the most ideal form of Government. It does not guarantee social justice and is quite often corrupt. It is slow in functioning and not very capable in emergencies, but yet we feel it is the most effective form of Government.

How can there be an effective function of governments like monarchy, dictatorship and autocracy when the individual is left out completely? Such governments profess ‘might’ is right theory and are more often than not, corrupt and evil one man shows.

The most important attribute of democracy is the fact that all are treated equally before the law, irrespective of caste, creed and sex. The dignity of man is recognised and respected. The individual takes active part in the governing of his country. He is responsible if things go wrong. We therefore feel that democracy is more advantageous than other forms of governments.

(v) Unity in Diversity

India is a land where we can clearly see Unity in Diversity. This means that there is a strand of oneness running through all of us that makes us one in mind and spirit and thought.

India is diverse in topography. We have in one country snow capped mountains as well as deserts, plains as well as plateaus, rivers as well as lakes, areas of heavy rainfall as well as very scanty rainfall. Yet India is one country to all of us. India is a land of diverse people. There are people living in different states who have different language, different mode of dressing different food habits and different traditions. Yet they are all Indians.

We have people of different religions living together as brothers. These external difference of physical features of dress, of language, of food and of festivals are superficial differences to the true Indian. What really matters in the feeling of being an Indian. The strand of Indianness, is what really matters. It is this strand that brings in all Indians the feeling of belonging, the feeling being at home with your near and dear ones.

Today sadly, there is an atmosphere of intolerance, narrow – mindedness, groupism and party spirit, but yet we can proudly say that we have not lost our basic values. The sense of national unity is a priority with most Indians. We must however strive for this unity to be strengthened. We must instill in our youth the feeling of pride for our culture and tradition and we must remember to retain our identity as Indians.

(vi) Students and Discipline

Discipline is of utmost importance in society and it is the student who needs it most if he is going to become an exemplary citizen. Today physical fitness is not all. The student must be taught values and the meaning of discipline in order to make him whole in body and mind. If he is not disciplined from the very beginning he will turn out dissatisfied with life, a failure, and a candidate for violence.

Let us not forget, that teaching discipline to the student is not solely the job of the school. Parents have to be very much involved in this. It is they who have to maintain discipline at home and in the neighbourhood.

We notice that the problem of indiscipline becomes worse as the student grows older and goes to college. This must be because he is now getting more and more exposed to media. TV soaps and other serials and the cinema are always portraying students as indisciplined. They are shown as not having any regard for their elders and betters. Our children love to ape, hence they copy all the bad habits and examples of indiscipline.

Students are becoming more and more violent today. We do not say that they have no reasons to have grievances. Of course, they are not satisfied with the syllabus. They are unhappy with the way teaching is done. They are worried about stiff competition. They are bothered about the free pattern and the partiality of the teachers. These are serious grievances, but this does not mean that students should retaliate by being indisciplined. The education system needs to be changed and our young students must be taught how to choose between right and wrong. A well-disciplined person will become a success in life.

11th Std English Questions And Answers:

Expansion of Ideas 11th Question Answer English Chapter 3.1 Maharashtra Board

Class 11 English Chapter 3.1

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 3.1 Expansion of Ideas Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 3.1 Expansion of Ideas Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 3.1 Brainstorming Question Answer

Yuvakbharati English Navneet 11th Digest PDF Free Download Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
Discuss the different ideas connoted by the word ‘season’.

  1. A season is a division of the year based on weather, ecology etc.
  2. India experiences six seasons round the year, namely, summer (grisha), rainy season (varsha), early autumn (sharad), late autumn (hemanta), winter (sheet), spring (vasanta).
  3. The change of season allows many people to plan their activities (not shifting of house during rainy season), food, recreation, celebrations, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.1 Expansion of Ideas

Question 2.
Select a season of your choice and give the following details:

  • Time of the year –
  • Characteristics- crops, festivals etc.
  • Features/changes – climate/weather/temperature etc.
  • Advantages/Disadvantages-


Duration October to January
Climate Cold
Crops Wheat, Onion, Grapes, Sunflower
Work Sowing seeds
Festivals Diwali, Dashera, Christmas, Makarsankranti
Advantages Cool weather useful for the growth of crop, rebirth of natural scenery

Question 3.
Mention some proverbs associated with the word season, guess their meanings and write them along with a sentence of your own.
(a) Make hay while the sun shines.
1. Meaning: Make the most benefit out of an opportunity
2. Sentence: Having got admission in a good college you should make hay while the sun shines.

(b) For everything there is a season
1. Meaning: For everything there is appropriate time.
2. Sentence: This is not the time to waste it talking to your friend, you must know, for everything ‘
there is a season

(c) No winter lasts for ever, no spring skips its turn.
1. Meaning: bad days do not stay for ever, as spring always replaces winter in the natural course of
2. Sentence: Cheer up, my friend, as no winter lasts for ever, no spring skips its turn.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.1 Expansion of Ideas

Express your views and opinions in favor and against the topic.

Question (i)
Are sports essential in Jr. Colleges?
Favour: (a) Sports help in increasing the physical and mental ability of students.
(b) Sports boost confidence and keep sportspersons fit for everyday living.
(c) Sports teach students team work.
Against: (a) Concentrating on sports is a waste of time. Students should focus on their career.
(b) Focus on entrance exams to persue better career opportunities.

Question (ii)
Are college council elections essential in Jr. Colleges?
Favour: (a) The college council elections train the students to take up leadership roles and help them develop decisiveness.
Against: (a) Through elections in colleges children will follow the wrong path.
(b) They will be affected by national politics.
(c) Might get into bad company.

Question (iii)
Is cell-phone the need of the times?
Favour: (a) Cell-phone has become the main and the fastest source of communication.
(b) Without a cell-phone one may feel crippled as it is repository of essential data and also is a source of knowledge.
Against: (a) Regular use of cell-phones affects our health conditions.
(b) Increases crimes.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.1 Expansion of Ideas

Question (iv)
Should the ‘Earn and Learn’ concept be mandatory for students?
(a) It can make students economically independent.
(b) It can develop perseverance among students.
(c) Students will be aware of the value of money and hard work.
(a) This is an age for enjoyment.
(b) Students should concentrate on their health and family time.


Question 1.
Expand the idea inherent in the following proverbs:
1. A Bad Workman Blames his Tools
This proverb is an useful guide in practical life. It has been generally found that an incompetent person always grumbler. If a student does not do well in examination, he/she sometimes takes an easy resort to blame game that the question paper is tough. The person never admits that the preparation has not been up to the mark. On the other side, a sincere and good workman never tries to find excuses for his mediocre or bad performance. He probably thinks grumbling is a confession of his personal weakness.

Difficulties are parts and parcels of our lives and we have to learn to overcome by putting our best foot forward rather than finding fault with others or may be unfavourable situations. It is better to find out the reason for the performance which is not up to the mark. One has to find out the remedy for the shortcomings and need to have the faith on one’s ownself to raise the bar of his execution.

If the tools are bad, they can be mended, not by grumbling but by removing the defects. A good workman does exactly that and does not waste time complaining. “Patience and perseverance can fetch definite rewards. Everything is possible to achieve for a sincere worker whereas all things are impossible for a lazy person who is always on the look out for a scapegoat to bear the blame of his own failure.

2. One Should Eat to Live, Not Live to Eat – (Franklin)

We all have heard the proverb “health is wealth”. A sound mind can only exist in a sound body. If we are healthy, we can handle any situation in life. Eating plays a major role in maintaining a person’s health. The eating habits depend on own discretion and if we are conscious about the decision where to stop, “this far and no farther”, we can avoid many critical conditions of life with a healthy body. That is the biggest wealth any person can have.

But one needs a strong willpower not to live just to eat. The temptations are spread all around us. Some people have the habit of eating to their heart’s content and consoling themselves saying that it is just one day only. But they are greedy enough to forget their promise easily at the sight of mouth-watering dishes and continue their theory of “living to eat”.

Apparently, to some people, the eating habits do not need to be given so much importance, because they feel that the modern technologies used in the gyms will compensate for the loss of over-eating. Work hard in the gym and you can eat anything, is their motto of life. So, after coming out of the gym, they consume a big mug of cold coffee with cream from a reputed coffee shop and do not feel guilty about it. Not only home-cooked delicious foods, but all sorts of junk foods are included in their list of foods. Food is essential for one’s survival but excess of anything is bad. It is not about restrictions only, it is about how one can balance and enjoy the food.

3. If Winter Comes, Can Spring be Far Behind? – (Shelley)

Think positive and live happy, celebrate life ideally this should be the motto of a person’s life. But how many of us honestly follow this motto? Life, indeed, is beautiful but it does not move in a straight line. There has to be ups and downs and both these ups as well as downs have something to teach us, as P.B. Shelley said, “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”. These are the natural courses of life. One has to follow the other as one season follows the other.

Life has problems and every problem is bound to have some solutions if we can try to see the brighter side. “No one makes a lock without a key. That is why God won’t give you problems without solutions.” In God’s own world also, if severe winter creates difficulties, He has kept the spring ready to bring smile on the faces of those who faced the difficult situations bravely. Winter, being the symbol of destruction here, spring will bring with it abundance everywhere.

Our duty is to maintain our patience and wait with hope for welcoming the good days because “At the end of every tunnel, there is light”. Night follows Day, that is also God’s design. If we crumble with the pressure of frustration and make ourselves fatigued, how will we enjoy the brightness of the day or the charming weather of the spring?

4. Beauty is Truth, Truth is Beauty – (Keats)

“Ode on a Grecian Urn”, the immortal poem of the poet John Keats, brings out a fact of life, that has its own beauty where joys and sorrows live together. He shows in the poem, the pictures on the urn has paintings of a combination of happiness and sadness to depict the truth of human life. A work of art has the power to express this truth of life so explicity.

“Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder”. The person who is seeing the beauty can interpret it his or her own way, but the truth will remain the same. Truth is the permanent and ultimate beauty in the world and no one has the power to destroy it.

So, to ignore truth will be a futile attempt and only the inward beauty has the power to be the ever-lasting truth and the outward appearances are momentary. But our thoughts want to find out the truth and our feelings are inspired by the beauty. Thus, thought and feeling, truth and beauty need to go hand in hand.

5. Fools Rush in Where Angels Fear to Tread – (Alexander Pope)

“Experience is the best teacher”. The inexperienced people do not judge the pros and cons of the situation and take a step without much thinking. The experienced people become mature enough to take. a cautious step before taking a hasty decision. Their experience has taught them to “wait and watch” and then decide whether to avoid or get involved.

“A little learning is a dangerous thing”. The prudent and intelligent person think twice before opening their mouth and are also good observers. They are actually “afraid” but they are also careful that their actions should be safe and so they stay away from unnecessary risks. Even if they take risk believing “no risk, no gain”, they are capable of measuring the extent of the risk to reach their final decision. But a so called “fool” or rather an unwise person does not bother to think and can be easily influenced to do stupid things to invite problems in life.

“Ignorance” is not always “bliss”, since ignorance can lead to a irreversible damage. But, if a wise person is ignorant about certain things, he knows how to keep a distance from the unknown territory. The proverb actually tries to create an awareness against quick decisions or may be judgements, because every step of life is important. One wrong step, taken in a hurry, can lead to a major set back which probably will bring the disaster. History stands proof for that.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.1 Expansion of Ideas


Question 1.
Complete the tabular columns to specify Dos and Don’ts associated with ‘Expansion of Ideas’.

Expansion of ideas
Dos Don’ts
1. Begin impressively 1. Don’t go off-track
2. Use clear symbolism 2. Do not remove topic sentence
3. Focus on words and expression 3. Do not add irrelevant points
4. Should be unity and clarity of thoughts 4. Don’t use too many ideas

Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 3.1 Expansion of Ideas Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Expand the idea inherent in the following proverbs:
(i) Rome was not Built in a Day

Big cities cannot be built very quickly. This actually refers to jobs that we undertake, our careers, our life and our achievements.

Just as Rome was not built in a day, so also our career, our life and our ambitions cannot be achieved in a short period of time. We must bear in mind, before we take up a project, that hard work has to go into making any endeavor a success. Success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. We are aware of this, but do we honestly put in hard work or do we keep putting off our hard work for another day?

Rome took years to be built and once it was built it turned out to be a city beyond compare. Its beauty and its allure was incomparable. This was and is the result of dedication and hard work. We will achieve our goal and rise to the top only, and only if we understand the meaning of dedication, perseverance and hard work.

The three D’s must always be in our mind when we undertake a task to be done. The three D’s are- Dedication, Determination and Devotion. We will be able to touch the stars if we work hard and devote ourselves to the task ahead of us. We should not think of finishing our job in haste because haste makes waste. Only our determination and hard work will help us to achieve our aim in life.

(ii) Cut Your Coat According to Your Cloth

This proverb is something that all of us must bear in mind and abide by. The message that is given is that we must not spend beyond our means but be very careful with our expenditure.

The explanation is that if we give a piece of cloth to a tailor to stitch a coat, he will first measure the cloth and tell us whether it is possible, for him to make the coat we have asked for or not. If the cloth is insufficient, he will not be able to stitch the coat.

The same is the case with our income and expenses. We must always stay within the limits and not spend more than we can afford to or we will end up repenting. I know of a young man who wanted everything he saw advertised and he kept on buying the articles on installment-basis. Finally, he realized that the total amount he had to pay by way of the installments exceeded his income. The young man borrowed the money to make up the deficit.

How long could he go on in this way? His loans increased. People refused to give him more loans, since he could not pay back what he had already borrowed. Finally no one could wait to get the money they had given him on loan. He lost everything he had bought on installments and he landed in jail. His entire life had become one big mess – No money, no friends.

Could we too, end up like this young man? Yes, we could end up like this if we do not keep a track of the money we have and if we do not spend according to our means. This proverb teaches us to economies and to be frugal. We must learn how to manage our resources and live within our means. This will surely keep us out of trouble.

(iii) Empty Vessels Make the Most Sound

We have experienced this fact a number of times at home or even in school. When we strike on an empty vessel, we get a sonorous deep sound and if we strike on a vessel that is full of some liquid, we get only a dull thud. The above adage is metaphorically and literary correct.

We see around us people with no knowledge or very little knowledge making themselves heard above the rest and when they are questioned we realise that all is empty talk, they are just ignorant people who are trying to impress the crowd. Those who really have the knowledge are the ones who are not making a loud noise. They check out on the situation and open their mouths. What they say is the correct thing. They have knowledge and they use it wisely and correctly.

When we are in company, we must not try to prove to all present there, that we are the best, there is no one as knowledgeable as we are. We must use our etiquette and let the others have their say. We must realise that there are many who have more knowledge than we do.

It is very important to learn that when in company, we must give others the chance to have their say and not monopolies all the time such people are respected by others.

(iv) As you Sow, So shall you Reap

If we want to earn good things in life, we must do good things. If a farmer wants to cultivate rice, he will sow rice and not wheat. There was once a person who was not well to do and was really downtrodden and poor. This man had a very large heart. Whatever little food he got, he shared with others. There were times when he went without food, but he saw to it, that the beggars around had food to eat.

The neighbours observed this and decided to help this poor, warm-hearted person. They gave him an education. The man studied very hard and did well. The neighbours were very pleased. They gave him a job and he did very well. This man however never forgot the beggars and always bought them food and clothing.

Soon the poor man rose higher and higher and became the manager of the factory. He helped all the poor and even started a special “Society for the poor”. The man helped others and in return, he was helped. All of us must do well if we expect others to do good to us.

11th Std English Questions And Answers:

The Planners 11th Question Answer English Chapter 2.6 Maharashtra Board

Class 11 English Chapter 2.6

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 2.6 The Planners Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 2.6 The Planners Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 2.6 Brainstorming Question Answer

Yuvakbharati English Navneet 11th Digest PDF Free Download Maharashtra Board

Question (i)
You have heard the proverb, ‘Plan your work, work your plan.’ It means –
(a) Planning of the work is important.
(b) Without planning work cannot be accomplished.
(c) Make planning and work according to that plan.
(d) Planning and work are two sides of the same coin.
(c) Make planning and work according to that plan.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.6 The Planners

Question (ii)
Choose the proper alternatives from the statements given below which would explain why town planning is essential-
(a) To develop the city according to the guidelines.
(b) To get the ‘Best City Award’.
(c) To attract the tourists.
(d) To use and develop the land available in the city for the interest of the citizens.
(a) To develop the city according to the guidelines.
(d) To use and develop the land available in the city for the interest of the citizens.

Question (iii)
Given below are various professions in column ‘A’ and in column ‘B’ the nature of work in respective professions. Match the columns.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Anaesthetist (a) Specialist in the treatment of problems concerning the position of teeth and jaws.
2. Pharmacist (b) A person who designs buildings and supervises the process of constructing them.
3. Orthodentist (c) A person who is in charge of a newspaper or of a part of a newspaper.
4. Dermitologist (d) The medical study of the skin and its diseases.
5. Architect (e) A person who has been trained to prepare medicines and sell them to public.
6. Chartered Accountant (f) A person whose job is to give drugs which make the person not to feel pain especially in preparation for a medical operation.
7. Editor (g) A person who is engaged in the profession of accounting and examining the statements and records of accounts.


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Anaesthetist (f) A person whose job is to give drugs which make the person not to feel pain especially in preparation for a medical operation.
2. Pharmacist (e) A person who has been trained to prepare medicines and sell them to public.
3. Orthodentist (a) Specialist in the treatment of problems concerning the position of teeth and jaws.
4. Dermitologist (d) The medical study of the skin and its diseases.
5. Architect (b) A person who designs buildings and supervises the process of constructing them.
6. Chartered Accountant (g) A person who is engaged in the profession of accounting and examining the statements and records of accounts.
7. Editor (c) A person who is in charge of a newspaper or of a part of a newspaper.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.6 The Planners


Question 1.
Complete the web about the activities the planners do.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.6 The Planners 1
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.6 The Planners 2


State whether the following statements are true or false.

Question (a)
Planners plan to construct buildings wherever they find place.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.6 The Planners

Question (b)
Planners take public consent for the alterations they make in the old structures of the city.
False. The planners do not take consent of the public but hypnotise them to agree by the show of wealth and prosperity.

Question (c)
Planners are concerned about the environment of the area.
False. The planners are not at all concerned about the environmental degradation problem as beauty of the nature is replaced by mathematical precision of constructing buildings.

Question (d)
Planners make their plans mathematically perfect, at the same time they calculate their profit.

Question (e)
Planners deliberately find drawbacks in the old city planning.

Question (f)
The newly planned city looks modern and amazingly beautiful.

Question (g)
Planners paint beautiful pictures of the upcoming changes in the city which charm the citizens.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.6 The Planners

Question (h)
Planners make tactful changes so that citizens do not recognise the familiar landmarks.


Question 1.
Read the expression:
‘the blueprint of our past’s tomorrow’. Consider in a group why the poet has not mentioned ‘the present’. It is because of the planners who have possessed our ‘present’ in order to change ‘our past’ into the ‘future’ they desire. Go through the poem and write the lines which support this thought.

  1. They erase the flaws, the blemishes of the past.
  2. Knock off useless blocks with dental dexterity.
  3. All gaps are plugged with gleaming gold.
  4. The country wears perfect rows of shining teeth.
  5. So history is new again.
  6. The blueprint of our past’s tomorrow.


Question 1.
The term ‘Anaesthesia’ in the poem means – ‘The planner gives beautiful pictures of the new modern city’. Now find out what is Amnesia and Hypnosis in the given context.
1. Amnesia: partial or total loss of memory . The planners make people forget even their glorious past by showcasing the glamour of new constructions.
2. Hypnosis: A trance like state of mind when a person’s thoughts can be influenced by someone else. The planners may be controlling the society by hypnosis so that they easily agree to the planner’s ideas of change.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.6 The Planners


Question 1.
Pick up the statement which aptly depict the theme of the poem.

  • In the poem the speaker memorises the past.
  • In ‘The Planners’, the poet describes the unstoppable force of modernisation.
  • The poet talks about the replacement of natural environment by the concrete jungle.


Question 1.
The tone of the poet is sarcastic. When he writes ‘All spaces are gridded filled with permutations of possibilities’ he intends to indicate the efforts made by the planner to exploit every available piece of land without any consideration of harming nature or violating attachments of people to places. Make pairs/groups and find out some more sarcastic lines having the same effect.
1. All hang in the grace of mathematics.
– The planners’ precision is sarcastically referred to as “the grace of mathematics”.
2. “They erase the flaws / the blemishes of the past, knock off/useless blocks with dental dexterity/All gaps are plugged/with gleaming gold/The country wears perfect rows/of shining teeth.
– The entire second stanza is full of sarcasm where the planner is compared to a dentist who acts with precision to extract a damaged teeth as the planners are destroying ancient structures because of their faulty constructions. According to them, three old constructions are useless and should be replaced by shining buildings as a rotten teeth is extracted and the gap is filled with a shining tooth.
3. Anaesthesia, amnesia, hypnosis.
– The poet is convinced that the common people have lost their ability to protest as they are suffering from forgetfulness, have the anaesthetic effect of numbness and hypnotised by the glamour. The sarcasm is very apparent.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.6 The Planners


Question (i)
Write the appreciation of the poem.
The poet, Boey Kim Chang, a Singapore – born Australian poet, is pained to see the developments all around him, which in the name of modernization, is encroaching into nature and destroying the heritage with a lot of precision.

The planners have not been given any specific identity. They are mentioned in the poem as “They” but their work is very minutely scrutinized to present them as powerful people who can easily fulfill their purpose because they have the financial strength to manipulate all voices against them. But, according to the poet, they do their job with a lot of planning and their work is also logically designed. They are not bothered to save the nature as their only concern is the maximum utilization of space.

The accuracy of the planners has been sarcastically compared to a dentist who can identify the rotten tooth easily, extracts it and fills up the gap with the shining tooth. The person concerned is happy to get a new set of teeth and comfortably forgets the past. The same process is applied by the planners to rewrite history by destroying the past, and replacing it with the glamorous new construction.

The people are so mesmerized by the new-found charm that they are in a state of trance to have the amnesia of forgetting what has been replaced. The replaced beauty is tactfully presented by the planners to have an anaesthetic effect on them. Like the archaeologists, the planners also drill but their purpose is not to search glory or history, but destroy the soul of the past.

The poet refuses to resort to any creativity such a situation since he does not consciously want to stain the present by messing up with the blue print of the so – called advancement. He may be suggesting that the change is in the hands of the people and they need to act the way they want to see the future.

The poem has no particular rhyme-scheme as the poet’s thoughts flow freely to express his emotions on the depletion of nature and burying of the past. The short lines in the beginning, “They Plan”. “They build”, without directly referring who “They” are, the poet sets the planners apart from the readers. But the poem is full of sarcasm against the planners to express the poet’s displeasure. He has used a number of figures of speech to create an awareness among the readers.

The poem brings out a strong nostalgic emotion of the poet and his thoughts are moving around to search for the existence of natural beauty or glorious past. That is why, the lines of the poem are irregularly arranged – some lines run into the next, not like the precision of the planners. These irregularities have got an appeal to the readers because sometimes imperfections also appear perfect.

Question (ii)
Write the summary of the poem.
Refer the synopsis.


Question 1.
Read the first and second stanza of the poem. We understand that the poet wants to suggest the powerful dominance of the planners who shape the town according to their selfish desires. Make a list of such expressions. You may begin with –

  1. All the spaces are gridded, filled with permutations of possibilities.
  2. They have the means.
  3. They have it all so it will not hurt.
  4. Anaesthesia, amnesia, hypnosis.
  5. They build and will not stop.
  6. The piling will not stop.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.6 The Planners


Question 1.
Explain the extended metaphor related with dentistry in the poem. Give suggestions to protect our national heritage monuments.
The planners are indirectly compared to the dentists. The past is having flaws like rotten teeth and it has to be removed with precision as a dentist does with perfection. The planners get rid of the ancient structure and fill up the gap with glamorous building. The dentist also removes the damaged tooth and replaces it with a shining one so that the person is happy with a row of shining teeth. The planners satisfy the people with modern constructions so that they do not complain of heritage structures.

Extension of ‘dentistry’ metaphor is the medical term used ‘Anesthesia, amnesia, hypnosis’. Anaesthesia is ‘ a medical procedure that nums to give relief from pain as it leads to loss of consciousness like it happens in operation, sleeper hypnosis giving a trance like state. The planners have these effects on the people and it is indirectly mentioned by the poet.

My suggestions to protect our national heritage movements are:

  1. Regularly take part in the cleanliness drive organised by government or private institutions.
  2. Be a part of the NSS unit of the college and create an awareness among the people not to scribble anything on the monuments and not to litter the monument premises.
  3. Celebrities can campaign through TV or Cinema to safeguard our national monuments.
  4. The Puja Pandals can be modelled on national monuments so that people can see their beauty, the hard work for their construction and be motivated not to spoil it.
  5. Pollution spoils our national monuments as it has happened with the Tajmahal. So, industrial growth has to be completely stopped in the vicinity of the monument and care should be taken that they are at safe distance.


Question 1.
Complete the following table.

Figures of Speech Line of the Poem Explanation
1. Personification (a) the sky surrenders 1. The sky is imagined to act like human beings.
2. Alliteration (b) with gleaming gold 2. the sound of ‘g’ is repeated for sonorous effect.
3. Oxymoron (c) Past’s tomorrow

(d) The history is new again

3. two words of opposite meaning for the same thing/person are placed side by side to enhance the effect.
4. (1) Metaphor (e) The country wears perfect rows of shining teeth 4. Indirect comparison of shining buildings of the country with rows of shining teeth.
(2) Extended Metaphor (f) Anesthesia, Amnesia, Hypnosis 5. the numbness, the forgetfulness, the trance of the people is indirectly compared to the doctor or dentist’s process of treatment.
5. Paradox (g) The history is new again 6. apparently absurd sentence but may be really true.
6. Personification (h) The country wears perfect rows of shining teeth 7. the country is personified.
(i) the sea draws back/and the skies surrender 8. Sea and Sky are personified.
7. Hyperbole (j) The country means perfect rows of shining teeth 9. an exaggerated statement.
8. Irony (k) But my heart would not bleed poetry 10. Apparent determination not to mourn is ironic the natural meaning of the expression is the opposite of what is intended to express.
9. Litotes (l) Not a single drop to stain the blueprint of our past’s tomorrow 11. Apparently a negative sentence beginning with ‘Not’ is used as a strong positive feeling of the poet’s non­interference in the ongoing process.


Question 1.
Compose four lines expressing the grief of having lost nature due to modernisation.
Where is the blue sky, where is the green garden?
Skyscrapers have eaten them all.
Everything is modern, comfort scattered everywhere,
But alas! are we happier in the absence of nature?

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.6 The Planners


Question 1.
Imagine that a person who has returned to his native place after long time is talking to his old friend about the changes that have taken place in the village. Write a dialogue between two friends who have become nostalgic about their old village.
Santosh: Hi Suman! I haven’t seen you for quite sometime.
Suman: Yes, Santosh, I was not there in Mumbai. I had been to our village to spend time with my grandparents.
Santosh: Oh! how nice! You have spent your vacation by giving company to your grandparents.
Suman: Yes, I really had good times with them. Not only that I remembered all those days when you and I used to live in the village. I visited the places we used to spend time together-the football ground, the bank of the river, the fields where we used to climb trees. What a pleasant time we had!
Santosh: Really ! I miss all those days. Here, we hardly get vacant places. All are filled with high rise buildings. How sad!
Suman: But Santosh, if you go to our village now, you’ll be surprised to see the changes that have taken place. There are lots of developments. You will not see anybody collecting water from the wells. Lots of tube wells have been installed and there is provision for water through pipes in some areas, thanks to the development scheme of the Panchayat. The village is shining with electric lights you’ll hardly see any house with oil lamps.

The best thing I found was the cleanliness drive taken by the authorities. Not only do most of the houses have their own toilets, but the public toilets are also very clean. I am really very impressed. But in spite of all these, I missed our old village where we, friends, had spent our innocent childhood.
Santosh: Yes, I have read about are these developments and I am happy for my village which is my root. I am so attached to our native place that even the glamour of the city life cannot impress me so much.
Suman: I feel, we have spent the best part of our lives there. As a well wishes of my village, I welcome all the changes. But at any cost, I do not want anything to replace the naturalness. Thankfully, our village still has the freshness of air. I could breathe comfortably which I experience rarely in a city. Why don’t we plan to visit our native place together?
Santosh: That’s a brilliant idea. I am feeling so nostalgic after hearing everything from you that I’m tempted to go in our next vacation.
Suman: We’ll sit together and plan it nicely. I’ve to leave now. Bye !
Santosh: Bye !


Question (i)
Write in short about at least five cities in India that are considered to be the most developed cities.

Question (ii)
Your examinations are only two months ahead. Plan your schedule of studies and write in your notebook.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.6 The Planners

Question (iii)
Read ‘The City Planners’ by Margaret Atwood.

Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 2.6 The Planners Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
The space has been gridded by –
The space has been gridded by all possible plans so that it is tightly packed to its full potentiality.

Question 2.
Many times the word ‘they’ is used in the poem. Explain the use of‘they’ in this context.
“They” are the planners who have not been given any specific identity in the poem but there are all informations to prove that they are powerful people who cannot be stopped. They plan urbanization policy very meticulously and can easily convince people to accept the changes. This may be poet’s way of distancing himself to show how he is protesting the fact that the people are blindly supporting.


Global Understanding:

State whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statement.

Question (i)
The dentist removes all the teeth to set a new row of teeth.
False. The dentist only removes the rotting, useless teeth.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.6 The Planners

Question (ii)
Mathematics spoil the connection between the buildings and roads.
False. Mathematics help in the alignment of buildings and roads, with precision.

Question (iii)
Planners take care of the nature before constructing.
False. Planners have no concern for the nature and treat it mercilessly while constructing.

Question (iv)
With the help of ‘Anaesthesia, amnesia, hypnosis,’ the planners can easily convince the people.

Interference / Interpretative / Analysis

Question 1.
Why did the poet mention about the job of the dentist?
The poet sarcastically compares the job of the dentist with the town-planners. The precision with which the dentist extracts the rotten teeth and replaces them with the shining ones to make his patient happy, the planners are also removing all ancient constructions with rows of new structures so that people do not complain. In this process, the planners are tactfully erasing the tradition to promote modernization.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.6 The Planners

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Mention two evils of modernisation that bother you.
1. Indiscriminate cutting of trees bother me a lot since it creates ecological imbalance, inadequate rainfall, global warming etc.
2. Increase of the number of vehicles is a matter of deep concern for me. The roads are becoming unbelievably bad, pollutions creating smog, health hazards worry me a lot.

Poetic Device:

Question 1.
Name and explain the figure of speech in the following line.
“The country wears perfect rows / of shining teeth”.
Personification: The country is given the human quality of having teeth.


Question 1.
Fill in the blanks with lines of your own along with the lines from the poem.
1. They have the means
2. So history is new again.
1. They have the means.
They can easily showcase prosperity.
2. So history is new again
Charmed by glamour, nobody missed the past.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.6 The Planners


Question 1.
Write an appreciation of the extract with the help of the following points (100-150 words).

  • About the extract
  • Theme and significance
  • Poetic style, language, poetic devices
  • Inspirational message
  • Your opinion and critical evaluation of the extract

The poet Boey Kim Chang, a Singapore – born Australian poet is pained to see the destruction of nature in the name of modernization. He points finger at the city-planners by referring them as “they” and in the process distances himself from them. He hints that these are powerful people who bring the changes with mathematical precision and the public is hypnotised to accept the charges without any protest. The public is happy with the glamour of modernization like a dental patient feels happy to get a new set of teeth replacing the rotten ones by an expert dentist.

The extract is written in free verse to give vent to the flow of the thought of the poet smoothly. The extract is sarcastically presented with the help of a number of figures of speech like personification, alliteration, metaphor. The poet laments the destruction of the ancient and the nature. The lines are irregular but these imperfections appear perfect to me because of the emotional appeal of the poet.

Poetic Devices:

Question 1.
Read the expression ‘permutation of possibility’. The consonant sound ‘P’ at beginning of the successive words creates sonorous effect. This is an example of Alliteration. Find out more examples of Alliteration from the poem.
Examples of Alliteration
1. “Permutations of possibilities”
– the sound of ‘p’ at the beginning of the successive words creates sonorous effect.
2.“the skies surrender”
– sound of ‘s’ is repeated
3. – “dental dexterity
– sound of ‘d’ is repeated
4. – “gleaming gold”
– sound of ‘g’ is repeated
5. -“Anaesthesia, amnesia….”
– sound of ‘a’ is repeated.

11th Std English Questions And Answers:

Nose Versus Eyes 11th Question Answer English Chapter 2.5 Maharashtra Board

Class 11 English Chapter 2.5

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 2.5 Brainstorming Question Answer

Yuvakbharati English Navneet 11th Digest PDF Free Download Maharashtra Board

Question (i)
Complete the web with the help of adjectives used to describe eyes and nose in all respects.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes 1
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes 2

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes

Question (ii)
Given below are some words from legal terminology used in court affairs. Discuss and complete the table accordingly.

Legal Terminology Description
Affidavit A written document confirmed by oath or affirmation for use as evidence in court.
Argument A series of reasons given for or against a matter under discussion intended to convince the listener.
Consent Voluntarily agree to the proposal.
Counsel A person who gives advice on legal matters.
Judgement Decision of the court to solve a controversy and determination of the rights and obligations of the parties concerned.
Trial A judicial examination and determination of facts and legal issues arising between the parties to a civil or criminal action.
Verdict The formal decision issued by a jury on matters submitted to the jury by the judge.
Contempt of Court Offense of being disobedient or disrespectful to a court of law.
Notice Information, usually in writing in all legal proceedings.
Stay Order The act of temporarily stopping a judicial proceeding through the order of court.

Question (iii)
Name the five sensory organs and provide phrases / idioms / proverbs related to them.
The five sensory organs are: eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue.
The five senses are: sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste.

Phrases / Idioms / Proverbs:
(a) To turn a deaf ear (refuse to listen) / Lend an ear (to listen to)
(b) Beauty lies in the eyes of a beholder, (different people have different opinion)
(c) Pay through your nose (pay a lot of money) / Under the nose (directly in front of someone)
(d) Tongue in cheek (not serious) / Bite your tongue (to take back something that you have said.)
(e) Hand in glove (working together, often to do something dishonest) / Put your finger on something (to find out something correctly) / A thick skin (ability to ignore criticism)

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes


(i) State whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.

Question (a)
Nose can use spectacles.
False. Nose cannot use the spectacles, the spectacles uses the Nose to hold them in place.

Question (b)
Eyes have to be shut when the Nose wears/puts on spectacles.
False. Though this is the verdict of the judge, but this defeats the basic purpose of the existence of the Eyes.

Question (c)
The Ear was appointed as a judge.

Question (d)
Eyes cannot use spectacles.
False. Spectacles are meant for the Eyes for providing ability to see since it is a sensory organ.

Question (ii)
Match the following expressions given in Column ‘A’ with their interpretations in Column ‘B’

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. While Chief Baron Ear sat to balance the law. (a) Eyes are refrained from using the spectacles.
2. They are made with straddle as wide as the ridge of the Nose is (b) The responsibility of giving verdict rested on the shoulders of the hearing organ.
3. That whenever the Nose put his spectacles on, by daylight or candlelight – Eyes shoul*d be shut (c) Spectacles are meant for none other than the Nose.
4. So his lordship decreed with a grave solemn tone, decisive and clear, without one if or but (d) The judge delivered a firm verdict without any doubt.


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. While Chief Baron Ear sat to balance the law. (b) The responsibility of giving verdict rested on the shoulders of the hearing organ.
2. They are made with straddle as wide as the ridge of the Nose is (c) Spectacles are meant for none other than the Nose.
3. That whenever the Nose put his spectacles on, by daylight or candlelight – Eyes shoul*d be shut (a) Eyes are refrained from using the spectacles.
4. So his lordship decreed with a grave solemn tone, decisive and clear, without one if or but (d) The judge delivered a firm verdict without any doubt.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes


Question (i)
The tongue justifies the possession of the spectacles on behalf of the nose. Pick up the expressions from the poem that argue in favour of the Nose and complete the following web diagram.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes 3

Question (ii)
Comment on the following characters depicted in the poem, in a sentence or phrase.

On the Nose On the Eyes
(a) Nose strongly put his point to be the owner of the spectacles. (a) Eyes could not convince the lawyer to present his case and make him the winner.
(b) He could present his case to the lawyer convincingly so that the lawyer can confidently fight his case. (b) Eyes accepted the verdict against him Meekly.

Question (iii)
‘Lend thy ears to all but few thy tongue …’ is a famous quote by William Shakespeare. Justify.
If one wants to appear intelligent, one should develop the habit of listening carefully without speaking much. One should listen attentively to all but needs to decide who should one talk to and where to stop. It is better to receive all the information before expressing an opinion. Then the decision will be considerate and thoughtful and not a hasty one.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes


Question 1.
Pick out examples of Inversion from the poem.
1. Inversion:

1. ‘Between Nose and Eyes a strange contest arose’.
The order of words are changed for poetic effect.
The proper order is ‘A strange contest arose between Nose and Eyes’.
2. ‘But what were his arguments few people know’
The proper order is : ‘Few people know what were his arguments’.
3. That the visage or countenance had not a Nose, Pray who would, or who could, wear spectacles then?’
The proper order is: Tray that then?’

2. Simile

1. ‘Designed to sit close to it, just like a saddle’.
Direct comparison between the spectacles and the saddle.
2. ‘For the court did not think they were equally wise’.
Direct comparison between the two argument of the lawyer.

3. Alliteration

1. To which the said spectacles ought to belong-’ sound of ‘s’ is repeated.
2. ‘Eyes should be shut’. – sound of ‘s’ is repeated.

4. Metonymy

1. ‘and a wig full of learning’

Change of name, ‘wig full of learning’ is actually ‘head full of learning’. The two things are separable and their connection is external.

5. Interrogation

‘Pray who would, or who could, wear spectacles then?’
It is a question where no answer is expected by the speaker.

6. Metaphor
‘While Chief Baron Eat sat to balance the laws’.
Indirect comparison between a powerful person like Baron with Ear.

7. Anticlimax
That the visage or countenance had not a Nose pray who would, or who could, wear spectacles then?’
Ideas are arranged in the descending order of importance.

8. Oxymoron
‘By daylight or candlelight’ – two opposite words are placed side by side to enhance the effect.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes


Question (i)
Justify the verdict delivered in the poem.
I can support my answer with the help of the following suitable arguments:
1. It is a well-known fact for years that the Nose holds the spectacles.
2. The spectacles are designed in such a way that it can sit on the Nose perfectly. The sections of the Nose and
the parts of the spectacles to fit on them, are in absolute harmony.
3. A face without a nose will never be able to wear the spectacles.

Question (ii)
Compose a poem of two lines of your own on any sensory organ.
Eyes that see everything and ears that hear,
Need to have the patience and strength to bear.

Question (iii)
Imagine that you are a lawyer defending the case of the Eyes in court. Present your counter statement in support of your client.
My Lord, my points in support of my client Eyes are:

  1. Eyes are given by the God Almighty for seeing and the basic purpose of the spectacles is to give a clear vision.
  2. Nose is serving the secondary purpose of holding the spectacles, but the primary purpose of seeing is served by the presence of the Eyes, one of the sensory organs.
  3. I agree that without Nose, the spectacles would not have been worn or placed properly. But, without eyes, the spectacles would not have been needed.
  4. If for the sake of putting on the spectacles on the Nose, the eyes are shut, the world will be absolutely dark for the spectacle wearer.


Question (i)
Write the appreciation of the poem.
William Cowper, the English poet, well-known for composing hymns, deviated from his usual topic and presented Nose versus Eyes, an interesting and uncommon subject on a courtroom drama of a dispute between the Nose and the Eyes about the ownership of the spectacles.

The title makes no bones about the disagreement between the Nose and the Eyes by using the word ‘versus’ and directly involves the readers in the context of the poem. The poet sarcastically refers to the contest as ‘strange’ but makes it sound very obvious about the position of the spectacles.

All the formalities of the courtroom were fulfilled with quite precision. The Tongue, which is used for speaking, was assigned the job of the lawyer so that he could defend his client wisely with valid arguments. The Tongue did his job perfectly with the help of intelligent reasoning in favour of the Nose for being the legitimate owner of the spectacles. He went to the extent of saying that in absence of a Nose, there was no way one could wear the spectacles.

Here, the poet brought the surprise element of the poem by making the same lawyer change side and represent the other disputant, the Eyes. But the learned judge, the all-powerful Ear, even after being very attentive and prudent, could not make head or tail of the arguments in favour of the Eyes. So, he had to come to a decision to give the official order in favour of the Nose, in a serious tone without having any hesitation in mind.

He also pronounced a verdict for the Eyes to keep themselves shut whenever the spectacles are worn. The poem is a satire on the judicial system and the poet made his comments very obvious by using expressions like ‘a wig full of learning’. He has personified various sensory organs, which are very essential in a courtroom, to bring out how the futility of the judiciary can lead to major harm. For creating humour, he has used the language and the background of a courtroom which also has made the poem an interesting read.

Like an allegory, where a story or poem is used to reveal a hidden meaning, this poem also can be interpreted to have a moral. All the imaginary characters point out to the moral values needed for the judiciary. The same lawyer speaks in favour of both the rivals and the deliberate attempt to present vague arguments for the second client add to the element of humour but it also hints at the justice that is denied. The deliberate use of words to protect the dignity of the judge, who actually does not do justice, is the poet’s way of pointing finger at misuse of such an important service.

The first reaction of the reader will be having a good laugh while reading the poem. But the deeper meaning of the need for morality in the judicial system definitely makes the poem thought-provoking.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes

Question (ii)
Write the summary of the poem.
Refer Synopsis.

(A6) Project:

Read different stories about intelligent ministers of kings, whose judgements helped to bring about law and order in society. For example, Birbal, Tenalirama etc. Write 5 such stories in your notebook.

Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Give reasons for the dispute between the Nose and the Eyes.
The dispute arose because both the Nose and the Eyes have important roles to play for the spectacles. The eyes use the spectacles to see the things and the Nose holds the spectacles to keep them in place. But unfortunately, both of them were not ready to accept the usefulness of each other for the spectacles and each was supposed to serve its own purpose. So, the dispute arose.

Question 2.
The poem gives close resemblance to human life. The images used in the poem describe human tendencies. Find such examples/tendencies.
The human tendencies are:

  1. to create unnecessary dispute without accepting the obvious fact – ‘To which the said spectacles ought to belong.’
  2. To be unreasonable, just to prove one’s point and be a winner. One does not even need to know the validity of the argument – ‘That the Nose had spectacles always in war’.
  3. Quickly shift the side even after knowing that it can cause a big damage – ‘He pleaded again in behalf of the Eyes’.
  4. To pass a judgement without considering the adverse effect it can lead to – ‘By daylight or candlelight – Eyes should be shut’.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes


Global Understanding:

Question 1.
Complete the web.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes 4
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes 5

Inference/ Interpretative / Analysis

Question 1.
How does the lawyer Tongue defend the case of Nose?
The lawyer Tongue feels that the Nose deserves the sole right over the ownership of the spectacles as it has been used to wear the spectacles from time immemorial. He also argues that the spectacles are made in such a way that they perfectly fit on the nose. He tries to make his argument stronger by saying that in the absence of the nose on the face, it will be impossible to wear the spectacles.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Do you support the poet’s satire presentation of the judicial system? Explain.
To a large extent, I support the poet since the courtroom drama is a common sight in our country as well. People do not hesitate to resort to lies just to win a case and many a times the judiciary turns blind eyes and a deaf ear to all those untruths. But this cannot be generalized. There is always two sides of a coin and an honest verdict may be rare, but possible to achieve.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes

Poetic Device:

Question 1.
Name and explain the figure of speech in the following line.
While Chief Baron Ear sat to balance the laws’.
Metaphor: Indirect comparison between a powerful person like Baron with Ear.


Question 1.
Compose the funny poem of two lines with or without a rhyme scheme, on ‘The Spectacles’.
Oh spectacles! when will you leave me?
Don’t fit on my flat nose, however useful you can be.


Question 1.
Write an appreciation of the extract with the help of the following points. (100 – 150 words)

  • About the extract
  • Theme and significance
  • Poetic style, language, poetic devices
  • Inspirational message
  • Your opinion and critical evaluation of the extract

This extract sarcastically prevents the defense of the lawyer Tongue, for his client Nose as the lawful owner of the spectacles. All the formalities of the courtroom are fulfilled carefully. The lawyer presents his arguments in favour of his client Nose with precision. He places his points in front of the judge Ear judiciously saying that the Nose has been designed to hold the spectacles properly and without the existence of the nose, wearing the spectacles will be impossible.

The poem is a satire on the judicial system and the sensory organs are personified to bring out the theme i.e., fertility of the judiciary can lead to major harm. This extract is also like an allegory where all the imaginary characters hint at the moral values needed in the judiciary system. The humorous presentation of the drama in the courtroom in order to point out an important issue like honesty in the judiciary system makes the extract interesting to me.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes


  1. straddle – extension on both sides
  2. ridge – a long, narrow or projected part of a body: the ridge of the nose
  3. intended – expected to be
  4. dispute – disagreement, clash
  5. spectacles – glasses used for clear vision
  6. wig – a special covering for the head made of artificial hair worn by the judges,
  7. Baron – a powerful person,
  8. discerning – showing good judgement,
  9. amounts to – becomes,
  10. straddle – extend across both sides,
  11. ridge – an edge,
  12. saddle – a low part of ridge between two high points, sit with a raised ridge,
  13. visage or countenance – face,
  14. condemn – express disapproval of,
  15. decreed – an official order that has the force of law,
  16. Solemn – formal and dignified.

11th Std English Questions And Answers:

Upon Westminster Bridge 11th Question Answer English Chapter 2.4 Maharashtra Board

Class 11 English Chapter 2.4

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 2.4 Brainstorming Question Answer

Yuvakbharati English Navneet 11th Digest PDF Free Download Maharashtra Board

Question (i)
A bridge connects people on either side of a river or valleys in cities or villages. Discuss the importance of a bridge to both the cities and the villages.

Cities Villages
1. Transportation 1. Transportation
2. Medical and educational facilities can be used effectively by the people from both sides. 2. Availability of more lands will be possible if two villages are connected.
3. Employment opportunities will increase by locating industries away from the residents to safeguard people’s health. 3. Water can be shared and used judiciously by the farmers on both sides of the bridge.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge

Question (ii)
Building a bridge needs careful planning. Think about what goes on before the actual construction begins.

    1. Proper planning
    2. Get the plan approved by the authority
    3. Draw design
    4. Selection of a capable and qualified builder
    5. Availability of funds

Question (iii)
You might have visited a bridge. Complete the web describing the sights you could see from the bridge.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge 1
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge 2


Question 1.
For preparing questions based on the poem, overall understanding of the poem is a must. Prepare a set of five questions.
(a) What is the name of the bridge?
(b) Who is a ‘dull’ soul?
(c) What is the time of the day?
(d) How does London look form Westminster Bridge?
(e) What are the man-made constructions?
(f) Why does the sky look bright and glittering?
(g) How is the river flowing?
(h) How do the houses appear?
(i) Why does the poet feel so amazed?
(j) Why does the poet address God?

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge


(i) Choose the correct alternative for the given lines. Focus on the inference of the poet.

Question (a)
‘Earth has not anything to show more fair’:
The line means –
1. The poet thinks that the place was not so good.
2. The poet thinks that there is another place which is more beautiful than this.
3. The poet thinks that there is no place on the earth which is as beautiful as this one.
The poet thinks that there is no place on the earth which is as beautiful as this one.

Question (b)
‘Dull would he be of soul who could pass by’
The line means –
1. One can walk over the bridge and ignore the surrounding beauty.
2. One can halt at the place to enjoy the beauty.
3. Anyone with an appreciative mind would not be able to ignore the beauty.
Anyone with an appreciative mind would not be able to ignore the beauty.

Question (ii)
‘Earth has not anything to show more fair.’
This line expresses the poet’s feelings. The sight he saw from the bridge is beautiful. There are a few more lines similar to the above. Find them and discuss what they express.
(a) ‘Earth has not anything to show more fair:
Dull would he be of soul who could pass by
A sight so touching in its majesty:’
The poet appreciates the fairness and majestic appearance of the sight he sees in front of him.

(b) ‘Dull would he be of soul who could pass by’
The poet is so confident of the beauty of the sight that he feels only a ‘dull soul’ is capable of missing the splendour of the sight.

(c) ‘This city now doth, like a garment, wear.’
This line vividly shows how the poet sees the city as a lady who is constantly changing the attire.

(d) ‘All bright and glittering in the smokeless air’
The beauty of the morning, according to the poet, is so breathtaking because pollution has not yet spread its ugly wing over the city.

(e) ‘The river glideth at his own sweet will’
The poet personifies the river by giving it its own will to move smoothly to co-operate with the calm nature.

(f) ‘Never did sun more beautifully steep
In his first splendour, valley, rock, or hill;’
The poet feels that the beauty of London early in the morning even surpasses the beauty he has experienced in valley, rock or hill.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge

Question (iii)
The poem creates a delightful picture of the city, rich in its natural beauty. Pick out the lines from the poem which give the pictorial effect to the poem. Write it in your own words,
(a) A sight so touching in its majesty
The grandness of the scene touches the nature lover poet.
(b) ‘This city now doth, like a garment, wear’.
The beauty of the city in the morning is so unexpected to the poet that he picturises the city wearing a different attire.
(c) ‘The beauty of the morning; silent, bare’
The reader can feel the calmness of the city along with the poet.
(d) ‘All bright and glittering in the smokeless air’
The beauty of the morning is so apparent because of the pollution-free air which makes the sun look brighter.
(e) ‘The river glideth at his own sweet will’
The smooth flow of the river can be visualized.
(f) ‘And all that mighty heart is lying still’
The busy city is lying silent early in the morning.


Question 1.
Find out words and phrases which describe the following.

sight touching in it’s majesty
air smokeless
river glideth at his own sweet will
house seems asleep
morning silent, bare
sun bright, glittering


Question 1.
Read the line.
1. Simile – ‘This city now doth, like a garment wear’.
Direct comparison between the manner in which the beauty of the city in the morning settles over the city to a garment on a body.

2. Metaphor – ‘all that mighty heart is lying still’
The city is represented by metaphor of the heart.
‘the very houses seem asleep’
Indirect comparison of houses to a creature that sleeps.
‘Dull would he be of soul who could pass by’
Indirect reference to a person whose soul has been worn out by time and experience.

3. Inversion – ‘Dull would he be of soul who could pass by.’
The order of words are changed for poetic effect.
Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm, so deep!
The order of words are changed for poetic effect.

4. Personification – ‘This city now doth, like a garment, wear’
The city is personified.
‘Never did sun more beautifully steep / In his first splendour, valley, rock, or hill”
The sun is personified
‘The river glideth at his own sweet will’
The river is personified
. ‘the very houses seem asleep’
The houses are personified.
‘all that mighty heart is lying still’
The city is personified by giving it a heart.

5. Hyperbole – “Earth has not anything to show more fair’
No sight is more beautiful than the view from the Westminster bridge — An exaggerated statement ‘Dull would he be of soul who could pass by’
The sentence has been exaggerated for poetic effect ‘Never did sun more beautifully steep’
The sentence has been exaggerated for poetic effect.

6. Paradox – ‘A sight so touching in it’s majesty’
A contradictory statement because a touching sight is intimate and personal but a majestic sight is grand and public.
‘The beauty of the morning; silent, bare’
A confusing statement since the city is soaked in beauty, but is ‘bare’
‘all that mighty heart is lying still’
A paradoxical statement of the ‘mighty hearts’ lying inactive – the poet presents the final image of tranquility and silence.

7. Transferred epithet –
‘And all that mighty heart is lying still’
The epithet ‘mighty’ is transferred from the people to the city.

8. Apostrophe – ‘Dear God!…’ The poet addresses God, the creator of all beauty upon earth to express his sincere gratitude.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge

Question (iii)
The poem is a Petrarchan Sonnet. Complete the given table by giving examples from the poem.

Features Examples / Lines
Objects used sky, sun, fields, river, air, houses
Praise / blames bright, glittering, smokeless, calm ‘The river glideth at his own sweet will’, ‘the very houses seem asleep’.
Metaphor Refer the Poetic Device Section
Simile Refer the Poetic Device Section
Personification Refer the Poetic Device Section
Number of Lines Fourteen
Rhyme-Scheme abbaabba cdcdcd

Question (iv)
Write 5 lines about the place where you reside and what makes you feel proud about it.
I stay in Mumbai, the maximum city. My city is always buzzing with activities and that makes it one of the liveliest cities in the world as it is very often said, ‘Mumbai never sleeps’. I love everything about Mumbai, but what I enjoy the most is to sit at Marine Drive, watching the majestic Arabian sea. Mumbai street foods like vada pav, pav bhaji, etc., are mouth-watering. Who can ignore Mumbai’s Film Industry popularly known as ‘Bollywood’. Critics may take about Mumbai traffic, pollution etc., but I am in awe of ‘Aamchi Mumbai’.


Question (i)
There is a common belief that cities have always flourished only after human intrusion over nature. Write a speech expressing your opinion about it.
Respected dignitaries on the dias, the judges and my dear friends, A very good afternoon to all of you. Today, I am going to talk about ‘Flourishing of cities because of human intrusion over nature.’

The other day’ I read a news report about a leopard entering the IIT Campus at Powai and was sitting at the door of an apartment. It is scary indeed! But have we ever thought why this animal has to come out of his natural habitat to enter into human territory? Yes, you have guessed right. We have intruded in the animal’s territory. We have built beautiful houses for ourselves amidst a natural surrounding but with all modern amenities. In the process, we have snatched from the wild animals their places for survival.

Friends, I do agree, modern cities have lost to offer. We are making bigger cities but are aware of the fact that we are getting disconnected from nature. And this reduced access to nature is causing enormous amount of problems, the major among them are diseases, mental strain, etc. The kids, who do not have enough time and space to lead a natural life are the worst victims.

Cities are flourishing but friends, how many megacities have been formed without disturbing the nature? This is due to absolute irresponsible in action to environmental problems. You and I are totally unconcerned about the intrusion in the world of nature. But, still there is no reason to lose hope.

Of course there are remedies, but we need to learn to appreciate nature first. Buildings need to have sufficient number of windows to allow fresh air and light, rooftop gardens, creation of spaces within and around the building to touch, smell and nurture plants. But all these require thoughtful planning of the cities where peaceful co-existence with nature is possible. For this we need to be sensitive towards the ecosystem, public health and sympathetic towards animal population.

I hope, in a short span of time, I have been able to make you all think about a serious problem of the modern world. I thank all the authorities for giving me a chance to talk on a topic so close to my heart and I am also grateful to all of you for your patient hearing.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge

Question (ii)
Compose a poem on an imaginary village. Try to maintain the rhyme-scheme of the first four lines of the poem given to you,
Settled on the bank of river,
Like a queen,
Is my beautiful village,
Full of bushes green.
The river flows,
In zig zag course.
The village belles carry water,
From their only source.
Their giggle and chat,
Fill the open air.
Mix with children chanting numbers,
In schools, loud and clear.

Question (iii)
Write an appreciation of the sonnet.
William Wordsworth, one of the most famous romantic poet, a great lover of nature, wrote the poem ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’ while crossing over the famous bridge on the Thames river, with his sister, to go out of town.

The title of the poem is significant as it directly takes the readers to the place where the poet is inspired by the beauty of London city early in the morning. It immediately connects the readers with the content of the poem.

The theme of the poem is basically to admire the peace and calmness all around the city of London at dawn before the busy city wakes up to its daily routine activities. The skyline of the city is clearly visible and is glittering in bright sunlight as the morning is absolutely pollution free. To make the impression of the city at that moment clearer to the readers, the poet compares it to a lady who has currently changed her attire. There is a remarkable balance between nature and man-made structures like ships, domes, theatres, temples and co-existence has made the London landscape to be at its best.

The poet is awe-struck as he is not familiar with the scene. So he is confident to make a comment about a dull person who only can think of missing this chance of enjoyment and leave it for some other time. For Wordsworth, he is enjoying to his heart’s content the breathtaking beauty which is even more attractive than valley, rock or hill, the natural landscape which he has enjoyed so far. The sleeping city appears majestic as he is not used to seeing London this way. Even the river is flowing on its own will as if there is no one to disturb it’s moment.

The poem is a petrarchan sonnet, having fourteen lines which are divided in two sections. Octave, which is first eight lines and sestet, the last six lines. The octave presents in detail the city of London at dawn, its specialty seen by the poet at that time of the day and the co-existence of nature with man-made constructions so beautifully lit up by the bright and glittering sunlight. In sestet, the overflowing emotion of disbelief for the calmness of the sleeping city is expressed with so much of praise that it goes to the extent of exaggeration.

The 9th Line, ‘Never did sun more beautifully steep…’ is called ‘Volta’ where the poet gives reason for his – awe and wonder. The poet uses the traditional rhyme-scheme of a petrarchan sonnet — abbaabba, cdcdcd.

The poem is a descriptive one where the poet uses his sense of sight and flair for expression to present a panoramic view of London. The simplicity and frankness of the language that is devoid of any lofty idea, make the poem pleasant.

The poem is a momentary expression of the poet’s description of the finer details of what he sees, feels, thinks at particular time of the day. It appears more beautiful because of the clarity in nature. Perhaps, on a gloomy day with overcast sky, this beauty would not have worked wonders for the poet. Fair weather brings out the inspirational awakening to the poet and he could easily pass it on the readers.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge

Question (iv)
Write a summary of the sonnet. Refer to the earlier poems for the points
to be covered for writing the summary.
Refer Synopis.

Question (v)
While building a bridge, a group of people come together. They are architects, designers, engineers, officers, masons, politicians, building material suppliers, carpenters, etc. Write about the qualifications of these people. Choose any career from the list above and complete the table.

Your choice of career/careers Skill / Qualification
1. Architect (a) 1. Master’s degree in Architecture
2. Drawing design ideas
3. Imaginative and creative thinking
4. Ability to assess problems critically.
2. Civil Engineer (b) 1. Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering
2. Skilled in maths and physics
3. Map – reading
4. Reviewing blue print
5. Design techniques
6. Computer-aided design software

(A6) Project:

Question 1.
Given below are a few famous bridges in India. Find out more information about them and write in your notebook.
(a) The Howrah Bridge
(b) Laxman Zhula
(c) Pamban Bridge
(d) Worli Sea Link

Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
The garment is compared with –
The garment is compared with the beauty of the city of London early in the morning.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge

Question 2.
The morning looks beautiful because –
The morning looks beautiful because of the calmness and peaceful atmosphere of the dawn in London city which is so soothing to the eye. Even the man-made structures along with the green fields, valleys and rocks and hills look very bright and glittering with the sunlight that falls directly on them in the absence of fog and smoke in the air. The river also flows smoothly on its own will.

Question 3.
Guess the meaning of ‘glideth’.
‘Glideth’ is an archaic word meaning ‘moves smoothly’.

Question 4.
Guess what is referred to as ‘Mighty Heart.’
‘Mighty Heart’ is a direct reference to the significance of the city of London which is big, powerful and man-made. The city is ‘Mighty’ when the citizens are active. But, to the poet, it appears to be asleep as it is calm and quiet at dawn. Now it is inactive and the serenity of nature has dominated its busy activities.


Global Understanding:

Question 1.
Prepare a set of eight questions needed for the overall understanding of the poem.

  1. Who is a ‘dull’ soul?
  2. What is the time of the day?
  3. How does London look from Westminster Bridge?
  4. What are the man-made constructions?
  5. Why does the sky look bright and glittering?
  6. How is the river flowing?
  7. How do the houses appear?
  8. Why does the poet address God?

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge

Inference / Interpretative / Analysis

Question 1.
Explain ‘smokeless air’.
The city of London is a busy city with lots of activities going on throughout the day. The poet could not believe the existence of clear sky which is hardly seen in London because of pollution. But he was standing on the Westmi

Personal Response:

Question 1.
How does your city/village look early in the morning?
I am an early riser and that is why I am familiar with the early morning scenes in my city. Dawn is the only time I can enjoy pollution-free air, breathe deeply and can have a good look at the magnificent skyline with the rising sun peeping out. But the experience is short-lived.

Poetic Device:

Question 1.
Pick an example of Inversion from the extract and explain it.
1. Example: ‘Dull would he be of soul who could pass by.’
Explanation: The order of words are changed for poetic effect.
2. Example: Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm, so deep!
Explanation: The order of words are changed for poetic effect.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge


Question 1.
Compose poem of lines on ‘Nature’ using a rhyme scheme abba.
Nature is our well-wisher, our friend.
Love it, enjoy it, protect it,
Be responsible not to pollute it a bit,
Nurture thy nature, all problems will end.”

11th Std English Questions And Answers:

There is Another Sky 11th Question Answer English Chapter 2.3 Maharashtra Board

Class 11 English Chapter 2.3

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 2.3 Brainstorming Question Answer

Yuvakbharati English Navneet 11th Digest PDF Free Download Maharashtra Board

Question (i)
Life is an amalgam of happy and sad moments. Think of such moments in your life, pair with your classmate, and share both aspects of life.

Happy moments Sad moments
1. Winning the first prize in a competition (a) Losing your mobile, bicycle or wallet
2. from sickness (b) Falling sick
3. for a picnic (c) Fight / Misunderstanding with best friend

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky

Question (ii)
Find proverbs, idioms or phrases of similar meaning to the one given and fill them in the circles given below:
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky 1
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky 2

Question (iii)
When we look at the sky, we find several objects. They stand for something or the other. Complete the following table by finding the significance of the given objects. (Answers are given directly)

Celestial Bodies Association
1. The Sun (a) Power, heat, energy, commitment, etc.
2. The Moon (b) Beauty, eclipse, brightness, luminary, crescent, etc.
3. The Rainbow (c) Colour, arch, rain, dreams, etc.
4. The Stars (d) Glittering, twinkling, celebrity, ratings, etc.

Question (iv)
Colours mentioned in the hexagons given below, are associated with something or the other. Dissuss and fill in the blanks.
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Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky 4

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky


Question (i)
Imagine your younger sister is not paying attention to her studies and is seen wasting time playing games on her cell-phone. Suggest some ways that will help her to concentrate on her studies and overcome her bad habit.
My dear sister, these days I hardly see you studying. Most of the time you are busy with your mobile, either playing games or sending WhatsApp messages. You are lost in the world of your cell-phone. Is it fair ? Ask yourself whether you are doing the right thing. I understand, you are living in an age where the cell-phones are the latest craze. But, I think, you are grown up enough to decide what is good for you. You must learn to draw the line, ‘This far and no further.’

I suggest, you make a timetable for yourself, giving enough time for all your subjects, according to your own level of difficulties. That will definitely give you some time to relax and play games on your cell-phone. Excess of anything is bad.

Your eye-sight need to be protected also. Balancing things in life is an art and you must realise the importance of studies in life. I am always there to help you so that you can comfortably manage your studies along with your time for relaxation.

Question (ii)
You have noticed that many of your classmates are not interested in outdoor games or participating in co-curricular activities. Discuss some ways in which they will be encouraged to participate in activities.
Dear friend, as the General Secretary of the Cultural Forum, I have observed that many of you are not interested in taking part in extra curricular activities, both intra-collegiate and inter-collegiate. I am also concerned that even the outdoor sports are being neglected. I think, it is the high time to talk to you.

Friends, I know the importance of studies at this stage of your life. But extra-curricular activities need to go hand in hand with the curriculum since they help in our all-round development. They give us opportunities to showcase our non academic abilities which are equally important in the big competitive world. Not only do they boost our confidence but they also help to enhance our theoretical knowledge.

Unfortunately, we are caught in a rat race to establish ourselves in life. Extra-curricular activities give us a lot of exposure, speech fluency, teach us time management, help us develop sense of responsibility and, according to me, most importantly broadens our horizon by giving us courage to come out of our systems.

About outdoor sports, I think, we all have heard the proverb, ‘A healthy mind in a healthy body’. Co-operation, team work, discipline, fellow-feeling, follow the instructions of the captain, personality development along with the improved health-the list is endless to talk about the benefits of outdoor sports. Moreover, there are practical benefits like opportunities of getting admission in colleges, jobs through sports quota, channel to represent your country in the national and international competitions, earning recognition through awards.

Friends, I can go on talking about the extra-curricular activities and sports because I, myself is a beneficiary of all these advantages. I hope, all of you will take part in large numbers in extra-curricular activities as well as make an attempt to develop an interest in sports. All the best to all of you.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky


Question (i)
Complete the web, highlighting the sad and gloomy aspects of life mentioned in the first part of the poem.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky 5
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky 6

Question (ii)
The poet encourages her brother in the second part of the poem by telling him about the brighter
side of life. Make a list of the expressions in the poem that mean encouragement.
(a) Brighter garden
(b) …………………….
(c) …………………….
(a) Brighter garden
(b) Unfading flowers
(c) Bright bee hum

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky

Question (iii)
The poet has described two different shades of human feelings by using imagery of various forces of Nature in the poem. Pick out the terms or phrases that describe them. Complete the table given below.

Nature Feelings
Faded forests Sad/gloomy
Unfading flowers Excitement
Silent fields Loneliness
Evergreen leaf Freshness
Bright bee Being active
Serene sky Calmness/peace
frost pain/suffering

Question (iv)
The poem expresses feelings of serenity. Pick out expressions from the above poem that express the same…..
(a) ‘There is another sky/Ever serene and fair,
(b) “And there is another sunshine….”
(c) “a little forest,/whose leaf is ever green,”
(d) “Unfading flowers….”

Question (v)
Compare and contrast the two opposing human feelings as expressed by the poet.
It was possible that the poet’s brother who has staying in a different place, must have complained of sadness. The poet’s response to that was to invite him to ‘my garden’ where there was brightness forever. She deliberately used contrasting images of depression and joy from the nature to encourage and inspire her brother who was down with hopelessness. As against, silent, lonely fields, fading flowers and darkness she presented peaceful sky, bright sunshine, unfading flowers, buzzing bees, forests with evergreen leaves.

All these images represented the human feelings in two opposite worlds. The poet’s world might be an imaginary place but they could create positivity in a depressed mind.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky


Question 1.
‘Never mind faded forests, Austin’. The word ‘faded’ means to become dim or faint. The word describes the forests that have become faint or dim in appearance. Now go through the poem again and complete the table.

Describing Word Object Explanation
1. faded forests The forests have become faint or dim in appearance.
2. silent fields The fields are lonely.
3. unfading flowers The unfading flowers never fade with time as if they are in paradise.
4. bright Bee The bee is happy and active expressing its hopefulness.


Question 1.
‘I hear the bright bee hum.’ The poet has used the word ‘hum’ that indicates the sound made by the bee. This is an example of Onomatopoeia.
The poet has used different figures of speech like alliteration, inversion and hyperbole in the poem. Identify them and pick out the lines accordingly.
(i) ‘I hear the bright bee hum’- The figure of speech is Onomatopoeia. The poet has used the word “hum” to indicate the sound made by the bee.

(ii) Metaphor:
‘There is another sky’ – Here the poet indirectly compares ‘another sky’ with ‘another place’ indicating ‘there is another place for you.’

(iii) Hyperbole:
In its unfading flowers’ – The poet makes use of an exaggerated statement. Flowers do fade with time.

(iv) Alliteration:
(a) ‘faded forest’ — Here, the sound of the letter ‘t’ is repeated for poetic effect.
(b) ‘bright bee’ – Here, the sound of the letter ‘b’ is repeated for poetic effect.

(v) Inversion:
(a) ‘where not a frost has been’
The word order is changed for poetic effect.
(b) ‘Prithee, my brother/into my garden come!’
The word order is changed for poetic effect.

(vi) Repetition:
(a) ‘There is another sky …./And there is another sunshine’.
– Expressions are repeated to show the possible alternative, arrangement.
(b) ‘Never mind faded forests, Austin,/Never mind silent fields…’
– Expressions are repeated to emphasise the poet’s intention.
(c) ‘Here is a little forest,…./ Here is a brighter garden’.
The expressions are repeated to provide hope.

(vii) Litotes : ‘Where not a frost has been’.
– A negative word ‘not’ is used in the statement to emphasize a strong positive feeling. ‘Not a frost’ is absolutely frost free.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky


Question 1.
Imagine your friend is a table tennis champion who has won the semi-final in the inter-collegiate championship. Due to over confidence, she neither practises nor does she take her opponent seriously. This may result in her losing the final. Suggest some ways to make her aware of the importance of hard work and regular practice.
Dear Sushama, congratulations on winning the semi final of the inter collegiate table tennis championship! But I never see you practicing and preparing yourself mentally and physically for the finals. I am really worried. Are you so confident of your success that you don’t even bother to attend your regular practice sessions? You must be knowing, ‘Practice makes a man perfect’. The other day I was watching the final match of Wimbledon Tennis Competition and it was amazing how the finalist Roger Federer, at the age of 37, was doing so much of hard work to win the long rallies.

Some of the strikes were excellent and this must be the result of his rigorous practice. These are legends and you must learn from them. There is no short cut to success and hard work always pays. You must take out enough time for practice to boost your confidence for the final match. Don’t take things easy and look down upon your opponent. Do it now-start regular practices. All the best!


Question (i)
Use the following points and write an appreciation of the poem :

  • About the poem, poet and title
  • Theme
  • Poetic style, language, poetic devices used in the poem
  • Special features
  • Message/values/morals in the poem
  • Your opinion about the poem

She assured him not to worry since she could suggest another place, most probably their own home where they had shared many lovely moments. This poem is a sonnet comprising of fourteen lines. Like a typical Petrarchan sonnet,the first eight lines called octave, hint at a problem or express an emotional tension. The last six lines called sestet, try to resolve the problem by relieving the tension. The poem also brings out the poet’s love for nature and here the sonnet resembles. Shakespeare’s sonnets which also has glorified nature.

Central Metaphor for the entire poem is the central symbol of sky which can be blue, dark and different for different persons. But ‘There is another sky/Ever serene and fair,’’-for all and that is the sky of paradise which is blissful. Here the poet means the sky and the places around a person’s own home which will always appear comfortable.

It is possible to resort to one’s own home in the moments of weakness, frustrations and confusions. Emily’s call into this ideal world of home makes us believe that such a world really exists. That makes the poem appear so special to the readers.

The message that the poet tried to convey was that one might change home or hometown, but the place called ‘home’ would never change and that was her purpose of using the expression ‘evergreen’ to convince the readers about eternal existence of one’s own comfortable home. Thus, Emily’s undying love for her brother, Austin who was troubled by some problems, came out through her showcasing all the brightness around the place she was recommending where her brother could life under a light that never faded.

The short poem, ‘There is Another Sky’ in just two stanza, has makes us understand the importance of home where are loved ones will be the bright sunlight in every situation of our life. Emily’s way of giving solace to her brother impress me the most, as, I believe, compression and warmth can always help a troubled person by giving strength. Emily’s brother Austin also has admitted that his sister’s words has been very supportive for him by allowing him to enter into her garden of happiness and joy.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky

Question (ii)
Writs a summary of the poem with the help of the points given below:

  • Title
  • Introductory paragraph (about the poem/ type/nature/tone)
  • Main body (central idea/gist of the poem)
  • Conclusion/ opinions/views/appeal.

Refer synopsis

Question (iii)
Let’s compose a poem. Two lines are given. Add two of your own. There is another sky,
Ever serene and fair.
There is another sky,
Ever serene and fair.
There is no darkness anywhere,
As colourful butterflies dance on flowers everywhere.

Question (iv)
Given below is a poem ‘Blue Sky’ by Mark Hastings. Imagine a poem of a similar kind by replacing the word blue. You can add any colour or object of your choice and write a poem of four lines. For example replace ‘blue’ with
1. Starry sky above me
2. Cloudy sky above me
Bright sky above me,
Fills me with happiness and glee,
Seeing the starry sky above me,
No darkness as far as I can see.


Question 1.
Write a letter to your younger sibling making her aware of various manmade and natural disasters and encourage her to join all the programmes, campaigns, drives etc. in school or in your locality.
ABC Apartments,
Flat No. 4/2/1,
Ghatkopar (East),
30th July, 2019.

Dear Richa,

How are you? I am writing to you after a long time. I read an article on the flood in Assam and thought of talking to you about such disasters which are natural as well as partially man-made.

Natural disasters like flood, earthquake, etc., happen quite often these days. Televisions and newspapers are flooded with such kind of reports. Sometimes, we really do not have anything to do to control natural disasters and we are puppets in the hands of nature. I still shudder to think of all those frightful pictures of the killer flood of Kerala.

But it is not uncommon that man-made disasters create havoc. In Mumbai, we quite often hear of buildings collapsing, killing so many people. These are dilapidated buildings which have got the warnings from the authority. People ignore those cautions and continue to stay in such buildings. There is no point in repenting later.

Keeping gas cylinders open is a very common example of fire due to human negligence. Who can forget about Mumbai deluge in 2005? We might be very small at that time, but we have heard stories about the disaster and the man-made cause of it. Mithi river got choked because of irresponsible throwing of non-biodegradable plastics? Have we really learnt from our mistakes?

I want to advise you to join the NSS or NCC unit of your college and participate in all their activities to create awareness among people, educate them to handle natural as well as man-made disasters. The authorities will do their job. But, we, as responsible citizens need to contribute our services in our own way. Basic humanity comes above everything and I am sure, you will take part actively in the campaigns and drives oganized by your college. At the same time, please don’t neglect your studies. You have to learn to balance your social work with your studies.

We are all fine here. Do write to me.
Yours lovingly,

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky


Question 1.
The poem describes the beauty of Nature. Make a list of careers that are related to Nature, environment and forest

  1. Forest Department – (Forest officer, Ranger etc.)
  2. Geologist
  3. Wild-life Photographer
  4. Environmental Lawyer
  5. nvironmental Engineer
  6. Botanist
  7. Zoologist



Question 1.
‘The Road Not Taken’ (Robert Frost) and ‘O Captain My Captain’ (Walt Whitman) are inspirational poems. Search these poems on the internet and write down your opinion about the poems in your notebook.

Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
The poet is addressing the poem to –
The poet is addressing the poem to her brother, Austin who has been going through a state of confusion and depression in life at a place away from home. The poet is trying to encourage him by pointing on the existence of another evergreen and always filled with sunshine universe.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky

Question 2.
The poet says ‘another sky’. Guess the meaning.
‘Another sky’ is a metaphorical reference to ‘another place’ where a sky with brighter colour is waiting for her brother to provide him joy and hope. The image of ‘another sky’ is the image of an ideal world, the paradise, which, apparently has been a great support for her depressed brother.

Question 3.
The poet depicts a different ‘garden’. Discuss.
The ‘brighter garden’ that the poet depicted was a place where the flowers were always blooming, the playful bees were humming in happiness. The use of comparative degree (brighter) showed the purpose of the poet to present a world that was in total contrast to the gloomy and dark place where her brother was suffering alone. She assured her brother, through this poem, that the ‘brighter garden’ did not have any withered lower, silent fields or frost that represented sadness and pain.


Global Understanding:

Question 1.
Complete the table by matching human feelings with the things of Nature.

Human feelings Nature
1. Loneliness silent fields
2. Freshness evergreen leaf
3. Being active bright bee
4. Calmness/peace serene sky

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky

Interference / Interpretative / Analysis:

Question 1.
How did the poet compare and contrast ‘there’ and ‘here’? Why did he do so?
The poet wanted her brother to understand the existence of a better place than ‘there’ where he was suffering. She requested him to come ‘here’ where he could have a brighter life. The combination of ‘there’ and ‘here’ is expressed by the poet deliberately to create an assurance in the mind of her troubled brother, of the existence of a heavenly place which might be their home. The poem is an invitation for the brother to come from ‘there’ to ‘here’ to have a peaceful life.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Do you support the poet’s way of handling the situation? Justify your answer.
Yes, I feel, the poet’s assurance of the existence of a better place, will definitely support her brother a lot. A person who is suffering, words of hope are always inspiring and can do wonders. The poet, a loving sister, shows very cleverly the alternative to her brother who has the option to go to a brighter place, that is their home. This types of encouragements can definitely make a person stronger to take a decision.

Poetic devices:

Question 1.
Find out an example of Hyperbole from the poem and explain it.
‘In its unfading flowers’ – The poet makes use of an exaggerated statement. Flowers do fade with time.


Question 1.
Compose a poem in appreciation of your ‘home’ using the words,, paradise, warmth, comfort, alone.
Use a rhyme – scheme.
My home is the best place, my paradise.
It always welcomes me with warmth and affection.
In my sad moments, my home is my comfort zone,
I don’t feel lonely, never feel alone.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.3 There is Another Sky


  1. hum – make a low; steady continuous sound;
  2. prithee – (no longer in everyday use, archaic word)
  3. please (used to convey a polite request),
  4. serene – peaceful, calm,
  5. Austin – Emily’s younger brother,
  6. frost – When temperature is below 0°C a thin layer of ice forms on the ground and other surfaces,
  7. unfading – bright; colourful.

11th Std English Questions And Answers:

The Sower 11th Question Answer English Chapter 2.2 Maharashtra Board

Class 11 English Chapter 2.2

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 2.2 The Sower Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 2.2 The Sower Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 2.2 Brainstorming Question Answer

Yuvakbharati English Navneet 11th Digest PDF Free Download Maharashtra Board

Question (i)
Make a list of words related to agriculture.
The words related to agriculture are:
(a) Irrigation
(b) Cultivation
(c) Crop
(d) Sow
(e) Farming
(f) Farmer
(g) Pesticide
(h) Fertilizer
(i) Seeds
(j) Hybrids
(k) Farm
(l) Manure
(m) Dairy
(n) Livestock
(o) Ploughing
(p) Harvest
(q) Plant
(r) Crop rotation
(s) Animal Husbandry

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.2 The Sower

Question (ii)
Discuss the activities carried out by a farmer.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.2 The Sower 1

Question (iii)
In our country engineering, teaching and medical fields are much sought after. Other professions, occupations though they make a significant contribution to the society, do not get their due.

(a) Farmer (a) Highly unpredictable Economic Gains
(b) Conservancy workers (b)  Don’t get the respect for the service they provide
(c) Housemaids (c) Lack of job security and in some cases respect
(d) Sportsmen (d) Insecurity due to shorter duration of professional life
(e) Hawkers (e) Uncertainty in business

Question (iv)
‘Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy’. Fill in the boxes supporting this statement. Complete the following web diagram.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.2 The Sower 2
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.2 The Sower 3

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.2 The Sower


Question 1.
There are a number of challenges a farmer in India faces. Discuss with your friend, how it is possible to improve the condition of farmers.

Challenges Solutions
1. Water scarcity Rain water harvesting
2. Credit and Indebtedness Arrangement for micro-loan from government sources/banks and not from the money-lenders.
3. Land Issues Clear title of lands for the farmers.
4. Climatic Changes Reduce greenhouse gas emission from farming practices.
5. Social Groups Sound public policy and support on long-term basis since group approach to farming is the need of the hour as average size of land-holding is going down. But a lot of training is/-030 needed to form a group of like-minded farmers.
6. Lack of advanced technology Creation of technology based crop advisory.
7. Diversification Creation of crop-specific technologies, identification development of market and provision of economic incentives.
8. Market Risks Market regulations provided by the government to ensure that the farmers receive the price they desire to get for the product.


Question 1.
The poet has observed the sower closely. Express in your own words the reverence the poet has for the sower.
Victor Hugo like a typical romantic poet began the poem with a beautiful scene from nature describing the twilight. In the English translation, the poet Torulata Dutt also did so. But in the poem gradually nature took the backseat and the poet’s attention is occupied by the solitary farmer who was alone in the field well beyond the working hours to scatter the seeds all over the place. Initially, the poet did not think much about the old sower in torn clothes.

Poet after watching carefully, the serenity and devotion of the man could be noticed. His age and experience must have shown him many bad harvests, but he refused to give up. Moreover, he might not live long enough to see the fruit of his hard work but this did not bring down the level of his dedication. His confident steps made the poet feel even his dark shadows more dominating than the deep trenches around the field. Thus, he developed an intense respect for the sower.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.2 The Sower


Question 1.
The poet is prompted to call the sower an ‘august personality” which means one who has reached the highest position in his work place. Explain this using the following points.
1. Hard work
2. Perseverance
3. Dedication
In the eyes of the poet the old solitary sower appeared majestic and awe-inspiring because he could see the determination and dedication in his attitude. The working hours were over since it was getting dark in the evening. But he was ready to continue his job of scattering the grains all over the field, walking to and fro, at his age, with a expectation of a good yield of crop.

Like a devoted soldier he was marching on the field and the poet was impressed by his sincerity and confidence. He must have experienced many bad harvests , but his hard work, patience and desire to achieve success were not affected at all. He continued with his job without bothering about the starry skies, to the poet who developed a deep respect for the sower’s tenacity, positive attitude towards life and most importantly his commitment to his work.


Question (i)
Pick out the examples of alliteration from the poem

  1. “a sower lingers still” – sound of “s” is repeated.
  2. “Dominates the furrows deep” – sound of “d” is repeated.
  3. “Darkness deepens” – sound of “d” is repeated.
  4. “Seems to touch the starry skies” – Sound of “s” is repeated.
  5. “From his hands ” sound of “h” is repeated.

Question (ii)
‘Seems to touch the starry skies’. The poet has used word imagery. Describe the idea and pick out other similar examples from the poem.
Word imageries create a visual representation of ideas or situations in the readers minds and helps the reader to create a mental picture with the help of words.

Word imageries in the poem:
(i) “Twilight hastens on the rule”
This line creates an image of a soft light in the sky just after the sunset. We can imagine the gradual fading of the bright sunlight and can only see the twilight, that is, semi-darkness.

(ii) “His Silhouette / Dominates the furrows deep”.
The image of the sower is created in the readers mind with this imagery. The sower’s black shadow gradually becomes bigger and the deep furrows around the field start appearing smaller. The idea to create such a mental picture is to present the longer than life image of the sower who can even dominate over the nature.

(iii) “Seems to touch the starry skies”

This picture depicts the transition from the twilight sky to the night sky. The poet wants to express his reverence for the majestic quality of the sower. To him the image of the sower gradually grows to reach the top of the sky as if the entire world is glowing wit his reflection and the twinkling stars are the grains he has spread all over the place.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.2 The Sower


Question (i)
Write an appreciation of the poem considering the following points:

  • About the poem / poet / title.
  • Theme
  • Poetic devices, language, style
  • Special features / novelties / focussing elements
  • Values, message
  • Your opinion about the poem

The poem ‘The Sower’ is translated by the Bengali poet Torulata Dutt from the French poet Victor Hugo’s French poem ‘Saison des Semailles : Le Soir.’ The French name literally means in English, ‘Sowing Season’: In the evening “where the poet talks about a sower and his attitude towards his job.

The poet was leisurely spending time in a porchway enjoying the beauty of the twilight sky which dominated the day because it was the time between the day and the approaching night. Suddenly a lone sower caught his attention since the working hours were over and there was no one else in the field. The towering black shadow of the man was so majestic that it even appeared bigger than the deep trenches around the field.

The man was absolutely engrossed in spreading the grains all over the ground. His confident steps and dedication towards his work even in fading light impressed the poet. He developed a deep respect for the sower and appreciated his larger than life appearance.

The theme of the poem is to show the powerful human aspects which could even dominate the nature. The attitude and sincerity of the sower made him appear to the poet so impressive that he put him in a high pedestal of searching the ‘starry skies’. The poet Tarulata Dutt has used a simple rhyme scheme “abab” The word imageries, like the domination of the twilight over the sunlight, the majestic shadow of the sower growing bigger than even the deep trenches around the field and the poet’s imagination of putting the sower at a great height of touching the sky with his grains representing the twinkling stars enhance the beauty of the poem.

They bring out the poet’s love for the nature placing it side by side with humanistic features. The focus of the poem is basically on the sower but nature has been included right from the beginning to the end very elegantly b the poet giving a novelty to the poem.

The poem has a strong message of selflessness of the old sower who is doing his job diligently without even bothering to know the result. His age and experience must have given a lot of experience on farming which has taught him not to give up even if it is a bad harvest. He is sincerely doing his job even after the working hours.

We, the readers, get the message from the sower that we need to do our job with dedication and hard work will definitely pay. The poem appeals to me because of the impressive presentation of the sower and the unusual comparison between human features with nature. Both nature and human aspects play dominant roles making the poem interesting.

Question (ii)
Write a summary of the poem using the following points:

  • Title
  • Introductory paragraph (about the poem, type, nature, tone)
  • Main body (central idea, gist of the poem)
  • Conclusion (opinion, views, appeal)

Refer Synopsis

Question (iii)
Compose a poem on a farmers in 4 to 6 lines in continuation of the following.
He sweats throughout the dav.
He does not fret, he believes his hard work will nav.
He sows seeds expecting a good harvest.
To the soil he bows for encouragement to invest.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.2 The Sower


Question 1.
Imagine that you are a farmer from a drought prone area. Write a letter to a newspaper editor, discuss the problems and suggest possible solutions.
Satya Vase,
The Editor,
The Times of India,
Dr. D.N.Marg,
Mumbai – 400001
Subject: Problems of a drought-prone area like Aurangabad

Respected Sir,
I am Satya Vase, a farmer from Aurangabad, a drought-prone area. I want to bring to your notice certain problems which,we the farmers in our area are facing due to drought.

It is a known fact that Aurangabad has been going through severe water crises and it affects the farmers badly. But, today I want to concentrate on two important factors which is bothering the farmers for quite some time. All our appeals have fallen into deaf ears.

In Aurangabad, the obsession with borewell among the farmers is increasing to a dangerous level during every drought and this is very high among the farmers cultivating sugarcane. The sugarcane farming has become so popular because it is a low investment crop which comes with a price guarantee.

Sugarcane farmers are well aware of the fact that sugarcane farming consumes a large quantity of irrigation water. We, the poor farmers cannot afford to install borwells because of high cost and even the result is disastrous for us. A number of representations to the government have not solved our problems. Our sufferings have reached the greatest height. People are migrating to bigger cities and there also are leading a miserable life.

Through your esteemed daily, I want to they draw the attention of the government to take an early action. We request the government to send a crisis management group to come to Aurangabad and set a separate Drought Monitoring Centre report to the Drought Management Authorities to arrange for immediate supply of water. Urgent adaptation of strategies and their quick implementation are what we are requesting for.

Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,
Shyam Vase.

(A7) Project:

Question 1.
Visit your college library or use the web and collect information on ‘Green Revolution’ and ‘white Revolution’ in our country.

Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 2.2 The Sower Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain in your own words: “Twilight hastens on to rule”
The poet is referring to a time when the day is going to be over and night will fall. So,it appears to the poet as if the twilight is quickly overlapping the sunlight. Twilight is the time just before it becomes completely dark in the evening and the poet imagines it to be in a hurry to wipe out the brightness of the sunlight.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.2 The Sower

Question 2.
The word ‘Marches’ suggests –
The poet expresses the appreciation for the sower by using the word ‘marches’ instead of simply referring his movement as ‘walks’. The sower is confident and dedicated to his job. So he marches with determination of a good harvest as a soldier marches with the positive attitude of winning the battle.


Global Understanding:

Question 1.
Complete the web that brings out the qualities of the sower.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.2 The Sower 4
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.2 The Sower 5

Inference / Interpretative / Analysis:

Question 1.
Explain the Poet’s feeling as he watches the sower.
The poet is thrilled to see the solitary sower continuing with his work sincerely even after the working hours are over. His hard work of spreading the grains all over the ground, in confident steps, impresses the poet. He feels the sower’s presence is majestic and awe-inspiring.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.2 The Sower

Question 2.
The grains are referred to as ‘precious” – Give reasons.
For a farmer, grains are always ‘precious’ as they are symbols of prosperity and bright future. His survival depends on the quality of harvest and good quality of grains is needed for that. He is protective about each and every grain and gives its due respect.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
What do you learn from the sower? Justify your answer.
The sower has taught me to have dedication and devotion for my work without bothering about the outcome. His efforts of spreading the seeds even after the working hours have impressed me and I have learned not to grumble about the extended time at workplace, if my work demands it. Last but not the least, the sower has shown that outward appearance does not matter. A person’s attitude can raise his/ her stature to a great height.

Poetic Device:

Question 1.
Find out the rhyme scheme and pick up the rhyming words from the lines quoted to you.
The rhyme scheme is abab
The rhyming words are lands- stands, still-thrill, silhouette-set, deep-reap, plain-grain, wide-stride, light- height, eyes-skies.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.2 The Sower


Question 1.
Compare a poem of four lines to express your appreciation for your mother. Use a proper rhyme scheme.

  • My mother is my first teacher.
  • Never does she try to be a preacher.
  • Her words are catalysts, quickly I respond,
  • strong and thick is our love bond.


Question 1.
Write an appreciation of the extract with the help of the following points: (100 -150 words)

  1. About the extract
  2. Theme and significance
  3. Poetic style, language, poetic devices
  4. Inspirational message
  5. Your opinion and critical evaluation of the extract

The extract shows how the impression of the poet about the sower changes as he observes the activity of the solitary sower working on the farm, well-after the working hour gets over. Initially the poet does not give much importance to the sower. But as he pays attention to him, he is able to find out his dedication, sincerity and perseverance of the man who deserves respect.

The poem is a translation from a French poem by Victor Hugo. The Bengali poet, Tarulata Dutt uses simple rhyme-scheme abab but the word imageries like the majestic shadow of the sower growing bigger than even the deep trenches around the field, the poet’s imagination of putting the sower at a great height of touching the sky with his grains representing the twinkling stars are beautiful.

The poem has a strong message which shows how a person’s dedication can draw the attention of others and make them respect him. I love the extract as it teaches me that hard work has its own reward.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.2 The Sower

Poetic devices:

Question 1.
Other poetic devices

  1. “Twilight hastens on to rule”- ‘Twilight’ is personified.
  2. “Shadows run across the lands” – ‘Shadows’ are personified.
  3. “Sunlight I see, dying fast” – ‘Sunlight’ is personified.


(i) “Old, in rags, he patient stands.”
The order of the words are changed for poetic effect.
(ii) “Now to sow the task is set”
The order of the words are changed for poetic effect.
(iii) “Soon shall come a time to reap”
The order of the words are changed for poetic effect.
(iv) “Marches he along the plain”
The order of the words are changed for poetic effect.
(v) “Scatters wide/From his hands the precious grains.”
The order of the words are changed for poetic effect.
(vi) “Now his gestures to mine eyes/Are august,…”
The order of the words are changed for poetic effect.

11th Std English Questions And Answers:

Cherry Tree 11th Question Answer English Chapter 2.1 Maharashtra Board

Class 11 English Chapter 2.1

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 2.1 Cherry Tree Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 2.1 Cherry Tree Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 2.1 Brainstorming Question Answer

Yuvakbharati English Navneet 11th Digest PDF Free Download Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
Trees are revered because –

  1. They give us joy.
  2. They look beautiful with their lush green leaves that soothe our eyes.
  3. They clear the air by providing oxygen for us to survive and by taking away carbon dioxide to prevent pollution.
  4. They provide us food and many useful things.
  5. They provide habitat and food for birds and insects.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Cherry Tree

Question 2.
Column ‘A’ shows your involvement in growing a tree, as well as the stages in the life of a tree. Column ‘B’ shows the feelings you experience at all the stages. Match them appropriately.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. You planted a sapling. (a) Gave you a feeling of joy to see the promising future.
2. You watered the plant. (b) The new experience brought excitement to you.
3. You saw the shoot for the first time. (c) You were happy and satisfied because you experienced what you had often heard, that a small beginning can lead to great achievements.
4. You fenced the plant. (d) The colour, symbolizing life, gave you a feeling of hope.
5. The plant gradually saw lush green leaves grow on it. (e) You wanted to make a humble beginning.
6. The tree had buds too. (f) Your motive was to protect it.
7. Birds made a nest on the tree which was fully grown and laden with flowers. (g) You cared for it.


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. You planted a sapling. (e) You wanted to make a humble beginning.
2. You watered the plant. (f) Your motive was to protect it.
3. You saw the shoot for the first time. (a) Gave you a feeling of joy to see the promising future.
4. You fenced the plant. (g) You cared for it.
5. The plant gradually saw lush green leaves grow on it. (d) The colour, symbolizing life, gave you a feeling of hope.
6. The tree had buds too. (b) The new experience brought excitement to you.
7. Birds made a nest on the tree which was fully grown and laden with flowers. (c) You were happy and satisfied because you experienced what you had often heard, that small beginning can lead to great achievements.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Cherry Tree


(i) Find proofs from the poem for the following:

Question (a)
The poet has mentioned different seasons.
(a) “And suddenly that summer…”
(b) “Next spring”.

Question (b)
The poet’s minute observations of the steady growth of the cherry tree.
(a) “I found a tree had come to stay.
It was very small, five months child,
Lost in the tall grass running wild.”

(b) “Next spring I watched three new shoots grow.
The young tree struggle, upward thrust.
Its arms in a fresh fierce lust For light and air and sun”.

(c) “I could only wait, as one
Who watched, wandering, while Time and the rain
Made a miracle from green growing pain….”

Question (c)
The colour imagery in the poem.
(a) ‘Green’ colour used in the poem quite often and it represents ‘life’.
(b) ‘Pink’ colour used to show the tenderness, fragility of the berries.
(c) ‘Blue’ colour used for the sky as it represents the clear sky which the poet could see through the gap of the leaves of the cherry tree.

Question (d)
The struggle of the cherry tree for survival.
(a) “It was very small, five months child,
Lost in the small grass, running wild”.

(b) “But cherries have a way of growing,
Though no one’s caring very much or knowing”.

(c) “Goats ate the leaves, the grass cutter scyth0e
Split it apart and a monsoon blight
Shrivelled the slender stem…Even so,”
All these dangers were handled by the plant boldly since it had the urge to live.

(d) “The young tree struggle, upward thrust
Its arms in a fresh fierce lust
For light and air and sun”
The young tree refused to accept defeat and continued its struggle for survival in order to get the basic necessities of light, air and sun needed for its growth.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Cherry Tree

(ii) State whether the following statements are True or False. Correct the false statements by finding evidence from the poem to support your remark.

Question (a)
The cherry tree did not take long to grow.
False. The cherry tree took eight years to grow into a six-feet high full-grown, fruit-bearing tree.

Question (b)
Birds and insects were benefited from the tree.

Question (c)
The poet was exalted at the sight of the cherry tree.

Question (d)
The poem has an underlying message about the importance of trees.
False. The underlying message in this poem is not about the importance of trees. It mainly stresses on the struggle against adversities of life and how dedication and desire to survive can help any living object to come out of it.

Question (e)
The poet repents planting the cherry tree.
False. The poet actually enjoys watching the magnificent cherry tree and takes pride in being the owner who has decided to sow the seed of this cherry tree.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Cherry Tree

3. Discuss the reasons/consequences/effects.

Question (a)
The life of the cherry tree was threatened.
The cherry tree was so small initially that it was lost among the tall, wild grasses all around it. The threats in its life were the goats who ate its leaves, the grass cutter’s scythe that could split it apart and its tender stem had to fight the heavy monsoon. Moreover, no special attention or care was provided for it. But it was a fighter who could face all these threats boldly

Question (b)
The cherry blossomed.
In spite of not getting any special care, the cherry tree, just by its urge to survive, could raise its head, fought all the odds in its life, came out successfully to nurture itself with the basic necessities for its growth, the light, the rain and sun. With the passage of time, its hard work bore fruits and it became a six-feet high full-grown tree which happily blossomed with fruits.

Question (iii)
A small thought, put in action, led to a great achievement. Pick out the lines from the beginning and end of the poem and explain their significance.
(i) “Must have a tree of my own” I said.
The poet just wanted to be the sole owner of a tree and just with this simple thought in his mind he sowed the cherry seed. It is just a passing idea of his mind which he easily forgot. But the cherry seed had the potential to grow in spite of not having proper care and lots of threats on its onward journey in life. It was a winner all the way to grow into a magnificent fruit-bearing tree as it was dedicated to fight the odds.

(ii) The lines at the end of the poem, “Yes, I! – praised Night and Stars and trees. That small, the cherry, grown by me” express the pride of the poet who takes the credit for creating such a beautiful life. He has, no hesitation to accept that the cherry tree has struggled hard to come to this stage. But, at the same time, he is excited that the process has been started by him and the result is unbelievable.


Question (i)
The cherry tree has inspired the poet to compose the poem. Such poems, describing Nature or aspects of Nature are called ‘Nature poems’. Find out some expressions from the poem that bring out the elements of beauty of Nature.
1. “I could scarcely believe it – a berry,
Ripened and jeweled in the sun…”
2. “……. there were blossoms small
Pink, fragile, quick to fall…”
3. “Looking up through leaves… each bloom”.
4. “…the sun sank…crickets…”

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Cherry Tree

Question (ii)
Find out an example of climax from the extract and explain it.
“Pink, fragile, quick to fall”
They move from healthy to delicate
This figure of speech is called Climax where successive words, phrases, sentences are arranged in ascending order of importance. Here, the cherry blossom turns pink, ripens and is ready to be picked.

Question (a)

  1. “Shrivelled the slender stem…” sound of ‘s’ is repeated.
  2. “Its arms in a fresh fierce lust…” sound of ‘f is repeated.
  3. “Made a miracle from green growing pain…” sounds of‘m’ and ‘g’ are repeated.
  4. “… at the finches as they flew/And flitted through…” sound of‘f is repeated.
  5. “the sun sank/swiftly…” Sound of ‘s’ is repeated.
  6. “who watched, wondering, while time…” sound of‘w’ is repeated.

Question (b)
1. “…. but cherries have a way of growing,
Though no one’s caring very much or knowing”.
– Two opposite ideas of the steady growth of the tree in spite of not having much care and even knowledge of its presence, are placed side by side.

2. “Came back thinner, rather poor,
But richer by a cherry tree at my door”.
– Two opposite ideas of having poor condition of health but feeling rich at the sight of the cherry tree, are placed side by side.

Question (c)
1. “A tree had come to stay”
– The tree has been personified by giving it the human quality of coming to stay.
2. “The grass cutter scythe split it apart”
– The grass cutter scythe is personified.
3. “a monsoon blight shrivelled…”
– Monsoon is personified.
4. “The young tree struggle”
– The young tree is personified by giving it the human quality of struggling.
5. “the sleepiest breeze”
The breeze is personified.
6. “singing crickets”
– Crickets are personified.
7. “The young tree … thrust/its arms in a fresh fierce lust”
– The young tree is personified as it expresses its ‘lust’ like a human being.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Cherry Tree


Question (i)
Cherry tree is a narrative poem. Features that make it a narrative poem are given below. Justify them with proper examples.

  • The poem has a beginning, a middle and an end.
  • Different places are mentioned.
  • Characters are referred to.
  • Incidents are arranged in sequence.
  • There is a dialogue between the poet and the reader or the characters of the poem.
  • It is a time-bound poem.

‘Cherry Tree’, a narrative poem which tells the story of the birth and growth of a cherry tree by the poet, Ruskin Bond. He carefully divides the poem in three distinct division of a proper beginning, a middle and an end as we usually find in a story.

The story begins with the planting of a seed of a cherry which the poet, a young boy sows in order to have a tree of his own. He forgets to take care of the planted seed but the plant, with the help of nature and rain has a natural growth. On its journey to its growth, it faces many odds in life, but by sheer will-power survives all adversities. Meanwhile, the poet has to go to Kashmir. When he comes back he is surprised to see a full-six-feet high fruit-bearing tree at his door. The poet is ecstatic in this middle part of the story.

At the end of the story, the poet spends time in company of his cherry tree from dawn to dusk, enjoying the sights and sounds, birds and insects, the bright sun and the twinkling stars. He concludes the poem expressing his pride for being the creator of such an atmosphere because of his own cherry tree.

The poem shifts to different places at different times as it begins in the poet’s garden where the cherry tree has been sowed, tells the readers about the poet’s visit to Kashmir, comes back to see the cherry tree at his door and finally ends at his garden where the cherry tree stands tall.

The cherry tree is the protagonist, that is, the main character of the story which narrates the different phases of the life of the tree in a span of eight years. The poet, the owner of the cherry tree also represents a character of the story since he is the one who is involved in the life of the tree. Sometimes actively and sometimes by narrating the happening in its life. Apart from these two main characters, there are some small characters like the goats, the grass cutter, the birds and insects who also play small but significant roles in the story.

There is definitely a continuity in the presentation of the story in a sequence. From the planting of the cherry seed in the poet’s garden, its life as a baby with tall grasses hiding it, its struggle for survival without having much care, its aggressive growth to get light, air and sun and finally becoming a six-feet high fruit-bearing tree.

There is no direct conversation among the poet, the readers and the other characters in the poem but the presentation of the happenings in the story makes it appear as if the cherry tree is expressing its desires and determinations to the poet. In the beginning of the poem also the poet tells his readers the reason for his sowing the cherry seed and that is given in direct speech as if he is talking to his readers.

It is a time-bound poem since the sowed cherry seed grows into a full-grown tree in a span of eight years. The poet also intermittently, keeps on mentioning about the change of season during the growth of the tree, his stay in Kashmir for one season and finally after his return his feeling of happiness or seeing the fruit-bearing six feet high tree.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Cherry Tree

Question (ii)
Compose 8 to 10 lines. Narrate any incident in your life without using any rhyming pattern.
Speaking Tree

“Look at me. Don’t like to see me? Green and soothing to the eye?”
Somebody called me as I was walking away.
I stopped, looked around, curious to know the speaker,
Herd the voice again, this time with more emotions.
“Have mercy on us, don’t kill us day in and day out”,
Save trees, save environment – everyone’s demand, I suppose,
But who listens? sky scrappers mushroom, higher and higher,
All are happy, no need to think about our fall.
Yet we love you, want to care and serve,
One earth, one planet, with you let’s share.

Question (iii)
Write an appreciation of the poem.
The poem ‘Cherry Tree’ is about the poet Ruskin Bond’s excitement over a cherry tree whose seed he planted eight years ago and the steady growth of the plant to a big tree, bearing tender cherries. The existence of the tree is so important for the poet that he has not thought of any other title but the simple ‘Cherry Tree’ to make the tree appear all important.

The poet planted the seed of the cherry just because he wanted to own a plant. The plant grew on its own without much care from anybody except nature and rain, learnt to fight against all odds and was finally successful in bearing tender berries. The poet, after spending a season in Kashmir, came back to get the surprise of a six feet high cherry tree at his door. He felt so attached to the tree that he started spending long hours, from dawn to dusk, in the company of his cherry tree, watching the flora and fauna around it and taking pride for being responsible for the existence of the tree.

The poet used simple language to narrate the birth and growth of his cherry tree. The process is known to all but the narration made it an interesting story. The figures of speech used are all common ones and easy to understand. The beauty of the nature can be enjoyed and appreciated by one and all because of the informal language.

The poet has stuck to the topic of the cherry tree right from the beginning to the end of the poem. Ruskin Bond basically writes for the children and he has not done anything where a child’s attention can be diverted from the cherry tree. The child can easily identify with the feelings and joys of the poem and this gives the poem its exclusivity.

But the poem also has a food for thought, a deeper meaning of struggle for survival, qualities needed to fight back and be a winner, dedication, growth and pride. The cherry’s fight starts at a very young age when it appears difficult because of it small size. But, as it grows up it learns, through experience, to be stronger.

The similar situation happens in human life also. The learning process continues at every young stage of life and makes a person capable of handling the adversities as tactfully as possible. The poet is proud that he has planted the cherry seed which now gives him so much of satisfaction as the parents of an individual feels seeing the success of their child.

It gives me immense pleasure to read and understand the beauty of the poem, The clarity in the language and the lucidity of presentation help me enjoy each and every stage of the growth of the cherry tree. I am able to connect with its struggle and feel related when it wins the race of life.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Cherry Tree

Question (iv)
Write a summary of the poem using the following points.
• Title
Introductory paragraph (about the poem, type, Nature, tone)
• Main body (central idea, gist of the poem)

Conclusion (opinion, views, appeal)
Refer Synopsis


Question (i)
Write the poem ‘Cherry Tree’ in the form of a story.
Refer Towards Appreciation (1) question (paragraph 1, 2, 3).

Question (ii)
Write in 100 words what the cherry tree in the poem symbolises.
The cherry tree symbolises struggle, patience, devotion, growth and responsibility. Just like an individual who faces problems in life, is able to come out of it if he is ready to face it bravely, the cherry tree resists all hazards in its life to grow into a beautiful six feet high fruit-bearing tree. The poet only helped the tree to grow by planting the seed but it was defenseless after that. However, with growth, stability has come into its life. The poet may be suggesting that it can also happen in human life. So, like a parent he feels responsible for its growth.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Cherry Tree

Question (iii)
You have studied the lesson ‘The Call of the Soil’ from prose 1.3. Compare ‘Cherry Tree’ with ‘The Call of the Soil’ and find out the element of joy of nurturing for the author and the poet.
The author of “The Call of the Soil” Mr. Venkateshwaran Iyer, was unsuccessfully searching for the aromatic rice Kasbai for months and suddenly the old lady from a remote village gave him the good news of of having the rice. This revelation from the old lady was indeed very exciting for him. Ever since, he had heard about the rice, he had cherished the dream of growing it and now he could see the possibility of his dream to be fulfilled.

The poet Raskin Bond told the readers the story of his cherry tree whose seed he had planted but forgot to take care of it. After a gap of eight years, when he saw the full-grown tree with fruits on it, his joy, like Mr. Iyer knew no bound. The similarity in both the stories in the element of fulfillment of desire.



Question 1.
Visit the library and collect at least five poems of any Nature poet. Write the poems along their summary.

Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 2.1 Cherry Tree Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
The thought which prompted the poet to plant the cherry seed.
The thought which prompted the poet to plant the cherry tree was to have a tree of his own.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Cherry Tree

Question 2.
The threats to the cherry sapling were –
The threats to the cherry sapling were (i) goats (ii) grass cutter (iii) monsoon

State whether the following statements are True or False and correct the false statements.

Question (i)
They destroyed the cherry tree.
False. They damaged the cherry sapling but could not destroy it as it had a violent urge to move ahead.

Question (ii)
The cherry tree had an instinct to survive.

Question (iii)
The blossoms are fragile.

Question 4.
The poet felt richer because –
The poet felt richer because he had a six feet high cherry tree of his own at his door.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Cherry Tree

Question 5.
The beneficiaries of the cherry tree are –

  1. The finches, that is, the seed-eating songbirds.
  2. The ecstatic bees who drank nectar from each bloom.
  3. The moon-moths who took shelter in the tree.
  4. The singing crickets who took shelter in the tree.
  5. Of course, the poet himself who claims to be the owner of the tree, provides enjoyment for himself as well as other beneficiaries.


Read the extract and complete the activities given below.

Global Understanding:

Question 1.
Complete the web to show the growth of the cherry tree. (Answers are given directly in bold)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Cherry Tree 1
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Cherry Tree 2

Question 2.
Describe the struggle of the cherry tree during its growth.
The young cherry tree had to really work hard to grow into a full-grown tree. It had pushed itself strongly and aggressively in order to get the benefit of light, air and sun. It had nobody to take care and so it had to make its own effort to fulfill its desire to survive and develop.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Cherry Tree

Personal Response:

Question 1.
State in about 50 words your worries about cutting of trees for human habitation. Suggest atleast one solution.
I understand the necessity of providing place for human habitation but at the same time I am worried about cutting of trees for that purpose which is one of the main causes of environmental pollution. My suggestion is to make it compulsory for all housing societies to plant trees to get ‘No Objection Certificate’.


Question 1.
Without using any rhyming pattern, write a poem of four lines about your enjoyment in thfe company of your friend.
My friends are my assets, my lifeline,
our togetherness, everyone’s envy. We fight, we patch up,
we cherish our love and loyalty.
We’re committed to protect our friendship,
protect we must.


Question 1.
Write a critical appreciation of the extract with the help of the following points. (100 -150 words).

  1. About the extract
  2. Theme and significance
  3. Poetic style, language, features / poetic devices
  4. Inspirational message, moral, reflected
  5. Your opinion and critical evaluation of the extract.

The extract brings out the struggle for survival of the cherry tree which had nobody to take care of it. It also depicts the excitement of the poet when he sees the full-grown tree with ripened berries hanging from it.

The poet has used simple language and common figures of speech like Alliteration, Antithesis to express the process of growth of the cherry tree and his own excitement of seeing the six-feet high tree.

But the extract also draws attention towards the qualities needed to survive and be a winner. The poet appreciates the cherry tree’s process of growth and is proud to own it. His satisfaction comes out very clearly like the proud parents who glow in the glory of their child. The will-power of the young plant to grow and the appreciation of the poet of the fully-grown cherry tree appeal to me immensely as a reader.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2.1 Cherry Tree


  1. scythe – mowing and reaping tool with slightly long curved blade attached to a handle used to cut long grass and grain
  2. blight – a plant disease typically one caused by fungi
  3. shrivelled – wrinkled or shrunken due to lack of moisture
  4. dried slender – thin
  5. struggle – making forceful against odds
  6. thrust – to push with sudden impulse or force
  7. fierce – displaying a violent urge
  8. lust – strong desire
  9. miracle – a welcoming or happy event developing by chance that cannot be explained with reason or science
  10. scarcely – almost not
  11. ripened (ripen) – became or made ripe
  12. jeweled- adorned with jewels
  13. blossoms – bloom
  14. fragile – weak
  15. finches- a small seed-eating songbird flitted – pass lightly softly or rapidly
  16. dappled – marked with rounded patches
  17. ecstasy – a feeling of greatest happiness
  18. nectar – a sweet fluid secreted by plants
  19. moon-moths – a large pale long green moth
  20. crickets – an insect, characteristic for it is its musical chirping sound.

11th Std English Questions And Answers:

Tiger Hills 11th Question Answer English Chapter 1.6 Maharashtra Board

Class 11 English Chapter 1.6

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 1.6 Brainstorming Question Answer

Yuvakbharati English Navneet 11th Digest PDF Free Download Maharashtra Board

1. Ajoy and Sujoy went to watch a cricket match. They enjoyed it very much, but they missed their friends Vinay and Sunay. Next day, when the four friends met, Ajoy reported how the game was played, how the players performed and how the game ended. Sujoy told them that they missed Vinay and Sunay very much and they were eager to tell them about the enjoyments.

Question (i)
Complete the following sentences:
(a) Ajay reported about the strategy of the game, the performance of the players and the way the game had ended.
(b) Sujoy reported about their feeling of missing their other two friends Vinay and Sunay and also about their eagerness to tell them how much they had enjoyed watching the cricket match.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills

Question (ii)
The word ‘report’ means –
(a) Give a spoken or written account of something.
(b) Cover an event or subject as a journalist or reporter.
(a) Give a spoken or written account of something.


Question (i)
Find out the meaning of the following words:
(a) Reportage: The reporting of news by the press and the broadcasting media.
(b) Reporter: A person employed to find out informations about the news events and describe them for a newspaper, magazine, radio or television.
(c) Reported Speech: When a speaker’s words are reported in subordinate clauses governed by a reporting verb and the necessary changes of person and tense.
(d) Reportorial: A writer, investigator or presenter of news stories.

Question (ii)
Make a list of the factors which make war stories or war-movies interesting.
(a) They are usually based on historical facts.
(b) They need to have a gripping story line.
(c) They help us to understand the risks and sacrifices of the soilders.
(d) They make us realize the importance of peaceful co-existence and the futility of war.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills


Question (i)
Imagine that you are about to interview the writer. Write 10 to 15 questions regarding the operation.
On the 20th Anniversary of Kargil war, we remember an armed conflict between India and Pakistan in the Kargil District of Kashmir and elsewhere along the Line of Control. We are fortunate to have in our studio General Ved Prakash Malik, who was the Chief of the Army Staff of India at that time.

Excerpts from the Interview :

  1. Good Morning, General Malik ! We are fortunate to have you in our studio on a day which is considered a zed-letter day in Indian history. What is the first word that comes to your mind when Kargil war is mentioned?
  2. How confident were you about Indian Victory?
  3. Was our Army prepared for such a difficult operation? Please give one or two examples.
  4. Your book on ‘Kargil’ says it all. How did you feel while narrating or rather reporting the events of those days?
  5. Kargil was the first war in Indian military history when media covered the entire battle live. How did you feel when you watched the coverage?
  6. What was your first reaction when this proposal came from media?
  7. You must have spent many sleepless nights when your boys were fighting a tough battle in Kargil. Share with us some of your experiences of those days.
  8. We have heard many stories of Kargil war like Vikram Batra, ‘Yeh Dil Mange More’. Tell us one or two of your unforgettable memories associated with ‘Operation Vijay’.
  9. There must be some memories of disappointments also. How did you handle them?
  10. What is your comment on the humanitarian norms maintained even at a time of emergency?
  11. How are the families of the Armymen involved when a war like this goes on?
  12. What was your first reaction when you heard about the moment of victory?
  13. What were your key words to your boys when you talked to them after they successfully accomplished the tough job?
  14. My last question to you is what do you want to say to the civilians about their behaviour during a war or a war-like situation?

Thank You very much General Malik for giving your valuable time to our viewers and all of us to make us know so many facts about the Kargil war.


Question (i)
Enlist any four facts which made the capturing of Tiger Hill a national challenge.

  1. The top of the Tiger Hill appeared almost impossible to capture since the enemy position on this mountaintop dominated parts of Srinagar-Kargil-Leh highway.
  2. Bad weather and a poor visibility due to darkness were two major hindrances for the Indian Army.
  3. Accurate firing by the well-trained enemy soldiers from the southernmost high ground was stalling the Indian Army for some time.
  4. Prevention of enemy reinforcements was an urgent necessity to evict the enemy from the Tiger Hill.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills

Question (ii)
Different arms and ammunitions are mentioned in the excerpt. Find their names.
Some of the arms and ammunitions used in the operation Tiger Hill are :

  1. Bofors Guns
  2. Individual Guns
  3. Multi barrelled Grad rocket launchers
  4. Mortars
  5. Artillery
  6. Grenades
  7. Field and medium guns

Question (iii)
“Wars are not fought only on the battlefield’. Comment.
This statement is true. Since in every walk of life, people have to fight to get their demands fulfilled and justice to prevail. The military war is, of course, fought in the battlefield but the family of the soldiers and the civilians also get involved since the country goes through a difficult phase.

In our day to day life also, we have to fight a number of battles. War against corruption, diseases, price-rise, natural disasters causing immense suffering and the fight one has to do to combat that, are all the wars that are not fought in the actual battlefield. They also have to be fought on the battlefield of life and they are the struggles for survival.

Question (iv)
Make a list of the preparations made for an assault on Tiger Hill.
(a) Throughout the last week of June 1999, 18 Grenadiers probed to establish the extent of the enemy’s defences.
(b) They also explored to find out suitable routes for the assault.
(c) After confirming the multidirectional assault as the best strategy, the commanding officer drew up an elaborate artillery fire plan.
(d) Individual guns were ranged so as to cover each objective.
(e) Bofors guns were used in a direct firing role.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills

Question (v)
Complete the flow chart showing the events on the day of the assault.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills 1
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills 2Question (vi)
Rewrite the given statements in their order of occurrence.
The most difficult task of maintaining the hold on Tiger Hill was achieved in this way :
(a) 8 Sikh was ordered to attack and capture Helmet and India Gate.
(b) Bodies of the Pakistani soldiers were collected and buried appropriately.
(c)During the ferocious artillery duels the Grenadiers hung on their precarious perch with grit and determination.
(d) 8 Sikh fought back successfully two counterattacks with forty to fifty personnel.
(e) An adhoc column of 8 Sikh climbed the steep rock and captured India Gate.
(f) In spite of heavy casualties, 8 Sikh captured Helmet on 5 July.
(a) During the ferocious artillery duels the Grenadiers hung on their precarious perch with grit and determination.
(b) 8 Sikh was ordered to attack and capture Helmet and India Gate.
(c) An adhoc column of 8 Sikh climbed the steep rock and captured India Gate.
(d) In spite of heavy casualties, 8 Sikh captured Helmet on 5th July.
(e) 8 Sikh fought back successfully two counterattacks with forty to fifty personnel.
(f) Bodies of Pakistani soldiers were collected and buried appropriately.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills


Question (i)
Find out the meanings of the following idioms / phrases and use them in your own sentences.

  1. To hit the bull’s eye – get something exactly right.
    The reporter’s comments on the negligence of the authority hit the bull’s eve.
  2. To be taken by surprise – to shock someone by one’s sudden appearance on action.
    The enemy soldiers were taken by surprise when our soldiers attacked them suddenly.
  3. To get a toehold – to get an initial, stable position to proceed further.
    My friend is trying to get a toehold in the entertainment industry by doing modelling.
  4. Under the cover of – hidden or protected by
    The freedom fighters carried on many of their attacks under the cover of darkness.

Question (ii)
Find words from the text related to the war affairs.
Brigadier, commander, capture, evicting, enemy, defense, mission, Mountain Brigade, artillery, combat, Grenadiers, strategy, assault, field, regiment, guns, The Air Force, military, target, company, infantry, captain, firefighting, duels, commando, hand-to-hand fight, bombardment, counterattack, battle, courage, reinforcements, Major, Lieutenant, soldiers, Subedar, casualties, Naib, Subedar, recapture, outcome, valour, victory.


Question (i)
Find out the sentence with ‘Though, Although, Even though or But’ from the text and say its purpose.
Although 18 Grenadiers held the top now, linking up with them was not so easy. Though/Although are subordinating conjunction which is used to introduce a subordinate clause and it needs a main clause to make it complete.

Question (ii)
Put ‘a/an’ or ‘the’ at proper places. Put a cross (x) where no article is applicable.

  1. Ravi walked up to the principal’s cabin.
  2. Ahmed lives in a small town.
  3. Can I use × Cell Phone?
  4. Who’s the woman in your office?
  5. I need an English-Marathi dictionary.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills


Question (i)
Imagine you are one of the soldiers from 18 Grenadiers on the mission Tiger Hill. Narrate your experience of the war to your friend.
Today I get goosebumps when I narrate to you about our mission Tiger Hill. Thankfully, at that time we were mentally alert and were prepared to combat our enemy. Now, I can refer to the incident as a ‘story’ but it is a reality to fight for the honour of our Motherland. I was one of the members or I should say soldiers of 18 Grenadiers who were assigned the mission of capturing the Tiger Hill with 8 Sikh, which was already posted at the base.

Moreover, a crack-team, that is, a highly specialized team of soldiers who could respond quickly and smartly, were with us to assist. We found out the extent of our enemy’s strength and searched for the suitable routes to attack. I still remember, on 3rd July, 1999, at 7pm, we started our multidirectional attack with the support of our fire power of artillery and mortars. You can’t imagine how bad the weather was.

There was darkness all around and it was extremely cold. In spite of all adversities, we were successful in holding the top of the Tiger Hill, but connecting with other companies was very difficult. The enemy camp also came out of their initial surprise and fierce counterattacks started immediately. Casualties were many and the numbers were increasing, but by God’s grace we could hold on the top, facing all dangers.

I must say here that my colleague Grenadier Yogender Singh Yadav and his team showed exceptional courage. 8 Sikh team decided another strategy of stopping the supply route to our enemy and that worked wonders.

To cut a long story short, finally the entire mission was accomplished on 3rd July, 1999 at night. We captured the Tiger Hill Top, though heavy fighting was still going on. But the enemy was unable to dislodge us and we won this fierce battle, thank God !

Today, as I narrated the happenings of those days, my eyes were filled with tears. We have won the Kargil war, our operation Vijay, but I have lost many of my friends. I salute those martyrs. They are the bravehears who sacrificed their lives to safeguard the prestige of our dear Motherland, India.

Question (ii)
Would you like to join Indian Army/Navy/ Air force? If not, suggest other ways in which you could serve your nation.
I may not join Indian Army / Navy / Air Force but I want to be a teacher and facilitate all round development , of my students. I believe ‘Examples are better than precept’ .

So, I shall never try to preach, but follow certain principles in my own life to motivate the students to become not only sincere in studies but be good human beings to be assets to the nation. The bravehearts who captured the Tiger Hill Top by sheer grit and determination have taught me the lesson of hard work, perseverance and devotion. I shall try to inspire my students to achieve these qualities to be pillars which will hold the nation strongly.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills

Question (iii)
Report Writing:
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills 3

Question (i)
Study the web diagram and write the characteristics of report writing.
A report should present factual and unbiased informations in brief and then analyze the facts. The reporter need to convert the comments of a person in indirect speech. He/she should always write a report in past tense and use passive voice.

Question (a)
You are Sharad Mathur, the General Secretary of the Sports Club of your college. Write a brief report of the Annual Sports activities for the college magazine.
Annual Sports Activities 2019-20

Sharad Mathur.
(General Secretary, Sports Club)

27 December 2019

The sports club of xyz college, Ghatkopar had planned Annual Sports Activities for the academic session 2019-2020.

A variety of indoor and outdoor games were listed and our principals Dr. Atul Shanbag had approved the entire list. The professor-in-charge for sports, Shri Pankj Malhotra and his team of students had arranged for Inter-Collegiate Sports meet also where many colleges from Mumbai and its suburbs were invited to participate. The response was overwhelming. But, -before that, many intra college competitions were organized for our students to get enough practice.

Sports events were planned for the teachers also where teachers from other colleges in our college campus participated. These activities were interesting and the students enjoyed a lot.

As General Secretary of the Sports Club, I thank our principal, sports teacher and all the teachers of our college as well as teachers of our college campus and my dear fellow students for making the sports activities of their academic year, a grand success.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills

Question (b)
Your school organised ‘Van Mahotsav Day’ recently. Write in about 100 to 150 words a report to be published in the school magazine.
Van Mahotsav Celebration

Secretary, Green Earth

6 June 2019

Van Mahotsav was celebrated by Green Earth, the environment club of our college with a lot of interest from the students on 5th June, the World Environment Day. The Mayor of Mumbai, was the Chief Guest and she planted a sapling on the college compound. The principal Ms. Shobha Patil urged the students and the teachers to plant more trees and to launch a campaign to save the environment.

Speaking on the occasion, Mayor Ms. Chande told that God had created environment and human beings to stay in harmony with each other. But unfortunately the imbalance between the two was disturbing. We should join hands to remove this imbalance.

Students of XIth standard presented a street play on saving the environment. A Cultural Programme concentrating on environment-friendly topics, was presented by the students. The programme ended with the vote of thanks offered by the secretary of the Environment Club of the college, who expressed his gratitude to everybody present there for encouraging such awareness drive.

Question (c)
You are the secretary of the NSS unit of your college. Write a brief report of the Blood Donation Camp arranged by your unit.
Blood Donation Camp, 2019

Sushant Mehta
Secretary, NSS Unit

27 June 2019

The NSS unit of our college organized a blood donation camp on 24th June,2019 at 9am in the college premises. Dr. Ashok Patel, the eminent surgeon of KEM Hospital. Was the chief guest.

The programme started with the college prayer. NSS Convenor, Shri Ashish Chopra Sir, welcomed the chief guest and introduced him. Our principal, in her speech, thanked the respected chief guest, for sparing his valuable time to motivate the donors, for the noble cause.

Dr. Patel, in his simple but motivating words made the donors aware that blood donation was safe for healthy adult and there was no risk for contracting diseases as new sterile equipments are used for each donor. He also informed that the donor’s body usually replaced the liquid part of blood within 72 hours after giving blood. He advised the donors to take healthy meal, plenty of water and to have a good night’s sleep. One of the members of the NSS Unit offered Vote of thanks. The Blood Donation Camp was grand success because of the overwhelming response from the student donors and some of our teachers.

Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
During the war the soldiers need to plan strategies.
1. Find the strategies planned.
2. Find some words related with such strategies.
1. The strategies planned were:
(a) A thorough investigation to find out the extent of the enemy’s defenses
(b) To look out for the probable routes of the attac k
(e) Drawing of a detailed fire plan of the heavy weapons by the commanding officers
(d) Individual guns were ranged to cover each target
(e) Bofors guns were used in a direct firing with accuracy
2. Words related with such strategies are: scout, probe, enemy’s defences, suitable route, strategy, fire plan, direct firing, assault, targeted, accuracy.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills

Question 2.
The enemy was taken aback due to the steps taken by the Indian Army. With the help of the text find out strategies of the Indian Army for such a situation.
Captain Sachin Nimbalkar who was leading ‘D’ company, moved ahead with his company in a steep slope at the edge of the plateau ignoring darkness and bad weather. The enemy could never imagine that this could be made possible by the Indian soldiers and naturally they were surprised. There was another surprise waiting for the enemy when Lieutenant Balwan Singh along with ‘C’ Company and Ghatak (Commando) platoon could reach through one of the most difficult north eastern extension of the mountain, just thirty meters away from the top.

Both these approaches caught the enemy unaware and the Indian Army achieved their objective. Media supported and assisted the battle live. Guess the risks of the media people as well as of the army. The live coverage of media has its pros and cons. It is indeed a sign of progress and helps the army to access their strategies at the break of the war or after the war.

But too much of transparency can create confusion and invite criticism from the world around. Of course, there are always the risks of loss of lives as well as severe injuries of the civilian media people who might not have proper military training.

A great humanitarian norm is maintained during the battle. Find out and comment on it. At the time of war, it is important to remember basic humanitarian principles of life and the Indian Army has done exactly that while handling the casualties in the battle of Kargil.

Pakistani Captain Karnal Sher Khan lost his life in the counterattack from Indian Army. His body was handed over to Pakistani authorities with due respect. Other bodies of the deceased Pakistani soldiers, which were lying all over the battleground, were collected and cremated appropriately with the proper honour, a martyr deserved. The narrator uses selective words to express the Victory. They are:

  1. Jubilation
  2. Relief
  3. Replaced gloomy mood of the people
  4. Stabilized Situation.


Read the extract and complete the activities given below.

Global Understanding:

Question 1.
Rewrite the given statements in their order of occurance:
(i) 18 Grenadiers probed to scout for suitable routes for the assault.
(ii) A crack team assisted both 18 Grenadiers and 8 Sikh.
(iii) Air Force joined Tiger Hill Mission on 2-3 July.
(iv) Media Projected Mission Tiger Hill as a national challenge.
(iv) Media Projected Mission Tiger Hill as a national challenge.
(ii) A crack team assisted both 18 Grenadiers and 8 Sikh.
(i) 18 Grenadiers probed to scout for suitable routes for the assault.
(iii) Air Force joined Tiger Hill Mission on 2-3 July.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills

Say whether the following statements are true or false and correct the false statements.

Question (i)
The bodies of the Pakistani Soldiers were handed over to the Pakistani authorities.
False. The bodies of the Pakistani soldiers were collected and buried appropriately.

Question (ii)
The writer got the news of the captured hill in the early morning.

Question (iii)
When the Defence Minister landed at the New Delhi airport, the writer gave him the exciting news.
False. The Defense Minister landed at the Amritsar airport

Question (iv)
The Indians were in a gloomy mood when the war was going on.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills

Complex Factual

Question 1.
Why did the media project Tiger Hill Mission as a national heritage?
The clear visibility of the top of the Tiger Hill from the highway posed a big challenge for the Army. Not only was it exposed to everybody but the level of difficulty could also be felt before the beginning of the mission. That made the media come to the conclusion of referring Tiger Hill Mission, a challenge for the nation since all the activities of the soldiers could be seen.

Question 2.
Why was the writer keen to make the announcement on 4th July.
The writer was keen to make the announcement of the recapture of the Tiger Hill to the world as a meeting was scheduled on the same day between the Prime Minister of Pakistan and the President of the USA. As Pakistan always denied the existence of such a mountain feature labelling it as a figment of Indian imagination, it was important for the world to know the reality, making Pakistani denial impossible.

Inference / Interpretation / Analysis

Question 1.
Make a list of four strategies that were planned for Mission Tiger Hill.
The strategies planned were:

  1. A thorough investigation to find out the extent of the enemy’s defenses
  2. To look out for the probable routes of the attack
  3. Drawing of a detailed fire plan of the heavy weapons by the commanding officers
  4. Individual guns were ranged to cover each target

Question 2.
Why did the writer decide to wait for the announcement of the capture of the Tiger Hill? Explain. Answer:
The writer, after consulting to GOC 15 Corps and Nirmal Chander Vij decided to wait for officer’s announcement of the victory since heavy fighting was going on. There was still no confirmation from GOC 8 Mountain Division who was at the forefront. So, the writer decided for the authentic news to come to him from somebody who was at the war front.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Explain whether you support live media coverage of the war.
Yes, I agree with General Malik when he talks about transparency through the live media coverage. It is definitely a sign of progress and must be helpful for the Army for the assessment of their strategies. But, at the same time, live media coverage can create confusion which the reporters need to be careful about.

Question 2.
Express your feeling after reading the passage.
I feel proud about Indian soldiers who took risks to save the pride of our Motherland. I am also extremely impressed by the respect showed to the enemy soldiers who also laid their lives for their country. I respect the way the writer has shown his responsibility to make an official announcement.

Language Study:

Question (i)
A simultaneous multidirectional assault emerged as the best strategy.
(Use the word ‘Good’and rewrite)
No other strategy emerged as good as a simultaneous multidirectional assault.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills

Question (ii)
The Air Force targeted Tiger Hill on 2-3 July and hit the bull’s eye several times. (Use ‘Not only But also’and rewrite)
Not only did the Air Force target Tiger Hill on 2-3 July but also hit the bull’s eyes several times.

Question (iii)
In India, wave of jubilation and relief replaced the gloomy mood of the people.
(Use ‘not only but also’)
In India, not only a wave of jubilation but also relief replaced the gloomy mood of the people.

Question (iv)
The enemy would not be able to dislodge 18 Grenadiers. (Remove Negative)
The enemy would be unable to dislodge 18 Grenadiers.


Question 1.
Pick up some names of the artillery used for Mission Tiger Hill.
Bofors guns, rocket launchers, field and medium guns, mortars.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills

Question 2.
Give noun forms of the following adding suffixes.

  1. confirm
  2. bury
  3. collect
  4. consult


  1. Confirmation
  2. burial
  3. collection
  4. consultation


Question 1.
Use of a/an/the
a/an – Indefinite articles
‘a’ is used with consonents and ‘an’ is used with vowels, that is, with the letters, ‘a,e,i,o,u’. They are used when we mention something for the first time, e.g., ‘And on the mountain stands a tree’.
But, ‘the’, a definite article, is used with something already mentioned, e.g., ‘And on the tree there is a branch’.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.6 Tiger Hills


  1. majestically – with impressive beauty
  2. vicinity – surrounding area
  3. features – characteristics
  4. projected – predicted
  5. episode – incident / event
  6. assigned – allotted / given
  7. grenadiers – soldiers armed with Grenades
  8. crack – team – highly specialized team who can do things quickly and smartly
  9. combat – action / battle
  10. scout – look out
  11. spell – a short period
  12. elaborate – detailed
  13. assault – strike / hit
  14. mortars – short, smooth bore-guns
  15. transparency – clarity / openness
  16. artillery – heavy weapons
  17. intermediate – middle / in-between
  18. negotiate – arrange / work out
  19. steep – sharp
  20. inclement – cold / chilly
  21. orchestrated – planned
  22. duels – Fight between two people to settle a point
  23. bombardment – shelling
  24. wore off – lessened / faded
  25. gearing up – preparing for an activity
  26. casualties – losses / deaths
  27. grit – courage
  28. evict – oust / remove
  29. reinforcements – extra persons sent to increase the strength of the army
  30. platoon – squad / unit
  31. reverse – backwards
  32. scattered – spread over large area
  33. dislodge – remove / displace
  34. confirmation – support
  35. outcome – result
  36. a figment of imagination – something made up / created by one’s mind
  37. jubilation – joy / great happiness
  38. gloomy – depressing / cheerless
  39. acquitted – conducted oneself
  40. velour – courage
  41. battalion – army / contingent / unit
  42. adjacent – situated near or close to something,
  43. evicting: to remove somebody from a house or land, especially with the support of law
  44. well- fortified – to strengthen a place well against attack
  45. mission – a particular task done by a person or a group a particular aim or duty that one wants to fulfill more than anything else
  46. protrusion – a thing that extends from the place or from the surface something that sticks out,spur- an area of high ground extending from a mountain or hill
  47. escarpment – a long,steep slope at the edge of a plateau
  48. precarious – not safe,dangerous,
  49. perch – a high seat or position
  50. adhoc – adv- when necessary or needed
  51. tenure – the act or a period of holding an important, especially political position

11th Std English Questions And Answers

Mrs. Adis 11th Question Answer English Chapter 1.5 Maharashtra Board

Class 11 English Chapter 1.5

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 1.5 Mrs. Adis Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 1.5 Mrs. Adis Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 1.5 Brainstorming Question Answer

Yuvakbharati English Navneet 11th Digest PDF Free Download Maharashtra Board

(i) Share your opinions/feelings about a stranger who has a villainous look/ appearance.

Question 1.
The feeling of a person when he commits a mistake are –

  1. He tries to justify it
  2. He tries to hide it
  3. He tries to get sympathy
  4. He becomes offensive as offence is the best form of defense
  5. He pretends to be innocent

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 Mrs. Adis

Question (ii)
The person who makes a mistake or commits a crime should be punished because –

  1. He should not repeat his mistake.
  2. He can misunderstand forgiveness as weakness.
  3. The punishment can reform his character as he may feel ashamed and repentant.
  4. The punishment will be an example to others not to commit such crimes.
  5. The punishment may save him from being a hardcore anti social.


Question (i)
Describe the atmosphere in the woods when Peter Crouch was heading towards Mrs. Adis’s house. It was –
(a) A dark moonless night.
(b) A night without even a twilight and the only light seen was the light from the stars far away on the black sky.
(c) A soundless, windless, clear night where only the sound of the dogs barking and a man’s own footsteps could be heard.

Question (ii)
Peter Crouch didn’t knock before entering Mrs. Adis’s house, because –

  • he was in trouble.
  • he did not want anybody to know that he had entered the house.
  • he knew he had shot a man.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 Mrs. Adis

Question (iii)
Find the reasons that forced Peter to shoot down a person
The reasons that forced peter to shoot down a person were:

  • The keepers spotted him
  • He was scared that the keepers would arrest him for hunting the rabbits
  • He knew that it was too dark a night for the keepers to recognize him

Question (iv)
Mrs. Adis didn’t hand over Peter Crouch to the keepers because –

  1. She knew he was a good friend of her son Tom
  2. She believed that Peter would never have harmed Tom knowingly because of their friendship
  3. Probably she thought Tom would not have liked his friend to be arrested because of his mother and anyway her dead son would not come back even if Peter was arrested.


Question 1.
The writer has used a phrase ‘Thudding Heart’ which means pounding, or beating of heart, Do you know ‘Thud’ is an onomatopoeic word which means a heavy sound made by an object falling to the ground. Discuss with your partner and make a list of Onomatopoeic words that you find in the text.

  1. …………..
  2. ………….
  3. ………….


  1. Crackling
  2. Rustling
  3. Dragging

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 Mrs. Adis


Question 1.
‘She went to one of the kitchen drawers’.
Look at the sentence carefully. The underlined word tells us that she went (some time ago) to a particular place (at one of the kitchen drawers). Now write what you did ‘yesterday’ and what your friend did ‘yesterday’. Complete the table.

I saw a Movie He / She wrote an essay
I went out for dinner with my family in my favourite restaurant He / She played with friends
I did my home work He / She watched TV
I went out to play He / She talked over the phone to one of our friends
I watched a movie in Netflix He / She played with his/ her sibling
I spent time with my grand parents He / She studied
I talked to my father about the happenings in my school He / She had dinner and read a story book lying on the bed


Question 1.
Imagine your friend/younger brother or sister has committed a grave mistake that has resulted in a great loss to the college property or to your family. He/she seeks your advice to come out of the situation/problem. Write a dialogue between you and your friend/brother/sister who describes the entire situation and seeks help from you. Take help of the following points.

  • Introduction
  • Confessing the mistake
  • Seeking help
  • Your advice/suggestion
  • Concluding part

Saikat: Hi buddy ! How are you? Didn’t see you yesterday, Kunal. Where were you?
Eunal: I was playing football. In fact, I was also looking out for you after the game, but couldn’t find you.
Saikat: Kunal, in fact I need to talk to you about something serious.
Kunal: Serious? What’s it? You Look worried too! Tell me. Let’s see whether we can solve the problem together.
Saikat: I had borrowed a book from the library and I lost it. Somebody picked it up from my bag. I should have been more careful about a library-book. I can’t even tell my mummy about it, she’ll scold me for being careless. I really don’t know what to do. At present I don’t have enough money to buy the book and return it to the library, confessing my mistake.
Kunal: But you have no choice. You must inform the librarian and let him decide what step should be taken. You also should tell aunty what actually has happened. I’m sure, aunty will help you come out of this problem. Truth has no alternative. The mistake has happened may be unknowingly. But you must not hide it from your mother. If required, I will come to your place to talk to aunty. But first, come with me. Let’s write a letter to our librarian with a copy to the principal.
Saikat: You always come out with reasonable solutions. I will do as you have told me. It sounds quite logical. Why don’t you come home so that I get confidence to talk to mummy.
Kunal: I will have to inform my mother too. Otherwise she will be worried. But, our first job is to write the letter.
Saikat: Ok. Thank you so much.
Kunal: It will be my pleasure if I can help you solve your problem.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 Mrs. Adis


Question 1.
The best punishment is ‘forgiveness’. Discuss the sentence in the light of the text you have read. You can make use of following points.

  1. Forgiveness provides opportunity to change the behaviour.
  2. Forgiveness leads to repentance.
  3. A person may commit a mistake / crime impulsively or under the force of strong emotions.
  4.  ……………………………………………….
  5. …………………………………………………


No one is perfect in this world as the saying goes, “To err is human, to forgive divine”. Committing mistake is not a crime. Understanding that the mistake has been committed is more important than moving towards the path of changing behaviour. In fact, identifying the mistake, recognizing it as a mistake is necessary for a person to reform. And if we can be successful in helping a person to reform his / her character by granting forgiveness, it also helps us to come out of a sense of guilt.

He / She has fallen down, we can be the facilitators for him / her to get up and start afresh. Moreover, revenge can never wipe out crime but it can definitely increase hostility. Forgiveness also helps us to come out of a feeling of guilt. But a hardcore criminal who harms innocent people knowingly and intentionally, should not be spared just by forgiveness.

Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 1.5 Mrs. Adis Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
The writer describes Mrs. Adis as –

  1. A small woman
  2. A woman of not more than forty two years
  3. A thin woman with a brown hard face
  4. Having dried skin on the face that caused wrinkles

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 Mrs. Adis

Question 2.
Mrs. Adis asks Peter Crouch whether he has had quarrel with the keepers. This shows that –

  1. She was extremely intelligent
  2. She was quite observant
  3. She was alert and quick in thinking

Question 3.
“That was the keepers”… make trouble” (Refer textbook page 47)
List some characteristics of Mrs. Adis based on the incident of the passage.

  1. Helpful
  2. Kind
  3. Matter-of-Fact
  4. Loved her son very dearly
  5. Practical

Question 4.
Viider guessed that Crouch has taken refuge in Mrs. Adis’ house because –
Vildar must have guessed the nearby places where it was possible for Crouch to hide. Crouch thought that Vilder’s guess was correct since he had come to the right place. Crouch also felt that the keepers had followed him to reach the exact destination.

Question 5.
“There’s been a row”- the row took place because –
A man was trying to hunt rabbits and the keepers could hear the noise of it. The man thought they did not see him because of the darkness, the man probably had seen them. So, he ran away as the keepers had scared him.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 Mrs. Adis

Question 6.
Mrs. Adis unlocked the door because –
She wanted Crouch to leave her place safely as Crouch was a good friend of her son Tom. She wanted to respect the friendship of her dead son. Crouch was the killer of her son but punishing him could not get her son Tom back.

Question 7.
Then silently, each ‘wrung’ the mother by the hand and went away. Guess the meaning, ‘wrung’ here.
‘Wrung’ here means holding the mothers hand tightly to give her assurance of their co-operation.

Question 8.
Find the difference between : shivering and trembling
Shivering and trembling do have similar meanings but there is difference in their usage sometimes. For Example, we generally do not say that “He was trembling in cold” we use ‘Shivering’ in such a sentence. But we usually use the expression “The leaves tremble (and not ‘shiver’) in the breeze.


Read the extract and complete the activities given below.

Global Understanding:

Question 1.
Arrange the events according to their occurrence in the passage :
(i) Peter did not knock because he did not want anybody to hear.
(ii) Peter could see Mrs. Adis lend over the fire, taking some pot or kettle off it.
(iii) Peter wanted to stay in Mrs. Adis’s house for sometime.
(iv) Mrs. Adis kept the kettle at the side of the fire as it boiled over.
(ii) Peter could see Mrs. Adis lend over the fire, taking some pot or kettle off it.
(i) Peter did not knock because he did not want anybody to hear.
(iv) Mrs. Adis kept the kettle at the side of the fire as it boiled over.
(iii) Peter wanted to stay in Mrs. Adis’s house for sometime.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 Mrs. Adis

Question 2.
Complete the table.

Characters Characteristics
1. Peter (a) Extremely Fearful
(b) Grateful to Mrs. Adis
2. Mrs. Adis (a) Matter-of-Fact
(b) Helpful

Question 3.
Whatever Mrs. Adis’s justifications in favour of Peter?
Mrs. Adis wanted to justify to the keepers that even if Peter had killed Tom, he must have done it unknowingly as they were good friends. But she did not want to face the killer of her son and wanted him to leave silently.

Complex Factual

Question 1.
How did Peter Crouch confess to Mrs. Adis.
Peter Crouch accepted to Mrs. Adis that he had shot a man and did not know whether that man was dead. He confessed that he had not knocked at Mrs. Adis’s door as he did not want anybody to know that he was there. The keepers were chasing him.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 Mrs. Adis

Question 2.
Why didn’t the man speak for a moment?
The man was surprised that Mrs. Adis was helping him so much in spite of knowing very well that he was hiding from the keepers. She figured out the route for him to escape so that, the keepers could not see him. She even paid him the train fare to go to London as he did not have any money. He was speechless for a moment since he was trying to guess the reason for her kindness towards him.

Inference / Interpretation / Analysis

Question 1.
“I didn’t want anybody to hear”
This sentence implied –
1. Peter entered Mrs. Adis’s house without knocking because he did not want anybody to hear the knock and find out his whereabouts.
2. Peter was running away from the keepers as he had shot a man. He wanted to take shelter at Mrs, Adis’s place for sometime and would escape at a convenient time.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 Mrs. Adis

Question 2.
Point out two instances when the man felt that Mrs. Adis was an intelligent lady.
1. Mrs. Adis told the man to leave her house immediately after the keepers had crossed the house and she also instructed him to take the opposite direction so that the keepers would not be able to see him.
2. Mrs. Adis wanted the man to leave her house before Tom came back as she was expecting Tom to bring one of his friends. She wanted to arrow a situation when tom might suspect something wrong after seeing that man at her place.

Question 3.
Explain why Peter went out silently without talking to Mrs. Adis.
Peter knew that he had committed a glare crime of killing his friend Tom, he might have done it unknowingly but he could feel the loss of Mrs. Adis. Tom was her only son and Peter, being his friend, knew about their attachment. He was repentant and could understand that he had no word to console Mrs. Adis who, in spite of losing her son, saved him. So he went out silently without disturbing Mrs. Adis.

Personal Response

Question 1.
What characteristics of Mrs. Adis, form the passage, do you admire the most? Justify your answer.
I appreciate the calmness of Mrs. Adis the most in a difficult situation when a criminal was standing in front of her, she did not lose her cool and maintained her patience. She was obviously disturbed by Peter’s presence lent did not take any hasty decision.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 Mrs. Adis

Question 2.
Explain whether you support Mrs. Adis of saving a criminal from the keepers.
Yes, I support Mrs. Adis because she has saved the man from the keeper just for the sake of her love towards her son Tom. She has also felt that the man has not committed a grave crime and can be given a chance to save himself. I respect a mother’s love and sentiment for her child’s friend.

Question 3.
What according to you, Mrs. Adis should have ideally done? Explain your answer.
I think Mrs. Adis had taken the right decision of allowing Peter to go. She, being the mother of Tom who had been shot dead by Peter, could have ideally handled over the culprit in the hands of the keepers. But that would not have brought back Tom to her. So, she decided to give Peter a chance to reform as Tom probably would have done and she wanted to respect her son’s sentiment at that moment.

Language Study:

Question (i)
He changed his mind and went to the door. (Remove ‘and’)
Changing his mind he went to the door.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 Mrs. Adis

Question (ii)
He could see Mrs. Adis stooping over the fire. (Replace the modal auxiliary with ‘be able to)
He was able to see Mrs. Adis stooping over the fire.

Question (iii)
That was the keepers. (Use past perfect tense and rewrite)
That had been the keepers.

Question (iv)
He was roused by the sound of footsteps on the road. (Begin with ‘The sound…’ and rewrite)
The sound of footsteps on the road roused him.

Question (v)
The only thing he could possibly do.
He could not possibly do anything else, (or) Nothing else he could possibly do. (Make negative)

Question (vi)
She did not come in.
She had not come in. (Use past perfect tense)

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 Mrs. Adis


Question 1.
Give adjective forms of the following :

  1. silence
  2. quarrel
  3. trouble
  4. moment


  1. silent
  2. quarrelsome
  3. troublesome
  4. momentary

Question 2.
Give the meaning of the word ‘Fare’ as a noun and as a verb. Make two sentences of your own to show the word having two different meanings.
1. Fare (Noun): Price
We cannot afford the air fare to go abroad.
2. Fare (Verb) : Progress
Sushant fared well in Mathematics.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1.5 Mrs. Adis

Question 3.
Give antonyms

  1. better
  2. heavy
  3. dead
  4. glad


  1. worse
  2. light
  3. alive
  4. sad/depressed


  1. gleam – shine brightly
  2. twilight – soft glowing light from the sky
  3. distinct – clear
  4. knell – sound of a bell especially for death or funeral
  5. sourly – in an unfriendly way
  6. sobbing – crying
  7. tremble and shiver – tremble in fear/shiver in cold
  8. leaden – heavy / weighty
  9. thudding – pounding / dull sound
  10. have a row (Phr) – to fight with someone
  11. sparing – refraining from harming
  12. despair – hopelessness
  13. bolted – locked
  14. reckon – believe
  15. wrung – held something tightly
  16. doze – sleep tightly
  17. roused – awakened
  18. on the threshold (Phr) – at the beginning of something / very close to something
  19. Sussex – a county in the south of England
  20. tongue of land – a long stretch of land branching out from the mainroad
  21. hammer-woods – wood (forest)- described as ‘hammer’ because in the past, iron used to be made using timber and water
  22. hammerponds – ponds
  23. pricks of fire – stars
  24. Delmonden – name of a village close at hand: very near
  25. cinder Wood – name of wood
  26. beseechingly – appealingly
  27. huddled down – shrink oneself
  28. Cansiron – name of a town where there is a railway station
  29. unwilling shrug – to reluctantly raise shoulders slightly
  30. momentary – for a brief period of time
  31. dulling – not interesting or exciting
  32. Scotney Castle – (a fort) name of a castle
  33. refuge – shelter
  34. tongue tied – speechlessmade off ran away
  35. sacked – dismissed

11th Std English Questions And Answers