Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.10

Balbharati Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Maths Solution Book Pdf Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.10 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.10

Question 1.
Express the truth of each of the following statements by Venn diagrams:
(i) Some hardworking students are obedient.
Let U : set of all students
S : set of all hardworking students
O : set of all obedient students.
Then the Venn diagram represents the truth of the given statement is as below:
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.10 Q1 (i)
S ∩ O ≠ φ

(ii) No circles are polygons.
Let U : set of closed geometrical figures in the plane
P : set of all polygons
C : set of all circles.
Then the Venn diagram represents the truth of the given statement is as follows:
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.10 Q1 (ii)
P ∩ C = φ

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.10

(iii) All teachers are scholars and scholars are teachers.
Let U : set of all human beings
T : set of all teachers
S : set of all scholars.
Then the Venn diagram represents the truth of the given statement is as below:
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.10 Q1 (iii)

(iv) If a quadrilateral is a rhombus, then it is a parallelogram.
Let U : set of all quadrilaterals
R : set of all rhombus
P : set of all parallelograms.
Then the Venn diagram represents the truth of the given statement is as below:
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.10 Q1 (iv)
R ⊂ P

Question 2.
Draw the Venn diagrams for the truth of the following statements:
(i) Some share brokers are chartered accountants.
Let U : set of all human beings
S : set of all share brokers
C : set of all chartered accountants.
Then the Venn diagram represents the truth of the given statement is as below:
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.10 Q2 (i)
S ∩ C ≠ φ

(ii) No wicket-keeper is a bowler in a cricket team.
Let U : set of all human beings
W : set of all wicket keepers
B : set of all bowlers.
Then the Venn diagram represents the truth of the given statement is as follows:
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.10 Q2 (ii)
W ∩ B = φ

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.10

Question 3.
Represent the following statements by Venn diagrams:
(i) Some non-resident Indians are not rich.
Let U : set of all human beings
N : set of all non-resident Indians
R : set of all rich people.
Then the Venn diagram represents the truth of the given statement is as below:
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.10 Q3 (i)
N – R ≠ φ

(ii) No circle is a rectangle.
Let U : set of all geometrical figures
C : set of all circles
R : set of all rectangles
Then the Venn diagram represents the truth of the given statement is as below:
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.10 Q3 (ii)
C ∩ R = φ

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.10

(iii) If n is a prime number and n ≠ 2, then it is odd.
Let U : set of all real numbers
P : set of all prime numbers n, where n ≠ 2
O : set of all odd numbers.
Then the Venn diagram represents the truth of the given statement is as below:
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.10 Q3 (iii)
P ⊂ O

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.9

Balbharati Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Maths Solution Book Pdf Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.9 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.9

Question 1.
Without using truth table, show that
(i) p ↔ q ≡ (p ∧ q) ∨ (~p ∧ ~q)
LHS = p ↔ q
≡ (p → q) ∧ (q → p)
≡ (~p ∨ q) ∧ (~(q ∨ p) …..(Conditional Law)
≡ [~p ∧ (~(q ∨ p)] ∨ [q ∧ (~q ∨ p] …..(Distributive Law)
≡ [(~p ∧ ~q) ∨ (~p ∧ p)] ∨ [(q ∧ ~q) ∨ (q ∧ p)] ……(Distributive Law)
≡ [(~p ∧ ~q) ∨ c] ∨ [c ∨ (q ∧ p)] …..(Complement Law)
≡ (~p ∧ ~q) ∨ (q ∧ p) ……(Identity Law)
≡ (~p ∧ ~q) ∨ (p ∧ q) ……(Commutative Law)
≡ (p ∧ q) ∨ (~p∧ q) ……(Commutative Law)
≡ RHS.

(ii) p ∧ [~p ∨ q) ∨ (~q)] ≡ p
LHS = p ∧ [(~p ∨ q) ∨ (~q)]
≡ p ∧ [~p ∨ (q ∨ ~q)] ……(Associative Law)
≡ p ∧ [~p ∨ t] …….(Complement Law)
≡ p ∧ t ……(Identity Law)
≡ p ……(Identity Law)
= RHS.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.9

(iii) ~[(p ∧ q) → ~(q)] ≡ p ∧ q
LHS = ~[(p ∧ q) → ~(~q)]
≡ (p ∧ q) ∧ ~(~q) ……(Negation of implication)
≡ (p ∧ q) ∧ q …..(Negation of negation)
≡ p ∧ (q ∧ q) …..(Associative Law)
≡ P ∧ q ……(Idempotent Law)

(iv) ~r → ~(p ∧ q) ≡ [~(q → r)] → (~p)
LHS = ~r → ~(p ∧ q)
≡ ~q → (~p ∨ ~q) ……(De Morgan’s Law)
≡ ~(~r) ∨ (~p ∨~q) …..(Conditional Law)
≡ r ∨ (~p ∨ ~q) …..(Involution Law)
≡ r ∨ ~q ∨ ~p …..(Commutative Law)
≡ (~q ∨ r) ∨ (~p) ……(Commutative Law)
≡ ~(q → r) ∨ (~p) ……(Conditional Law)
≡ ~(q → r) → (~p) ……(Conditional Law)
= RHS.

(v) (p ∨ q) → r ≡ (p → r) ∧ (q → r)
LHS = (p ∨ q) → r
≡ ~(p → q) ∨ r ……..(Conditional Law)
≡ (~p ∧ ~q) ∨ r ……….(De Morgan’s Law)
≡ (~p ∨ r) ∧ (~q ∨ r) ………..(Distributive Law)
≡ (p → r) ∧ (q → r) …….(Conditional Law)
= RHS.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.9

Question 2.
Using the algebra of statement, prove that:
(i) [p ∧ (q ∨ r)] ∨ [~r ∧ ~q ∧ p] ≡ p
LHS = [p ∧ (q ∨ r)] ∨ [ ~r ∧ ~q ∧ p]
≡ [p ∧ (q ∨ r)] ∨ [(~r ∧ ~q) ∧ p] ……(Associative Law)
≡ [p ∧ (q ∨ r)] ∨ [(~q ∧ ~r) ∧ p] ……(Commutative Law)
≡ [p ∧ (q ∨ r)] ∨ [ ~ (q ∨ r) ∧ p] ……(De Morgan’s Law)
≡ [p ∧ (q ∨ r)] ∨ [p ∧ ~(q ∨ r)] ……(Commutative Law)
≡ p ∧ [(q ∨ r) ∨ ~ (q ∨ r) ] …..(Distributive Law)
≡ p ∧ t …….(Complement Law)
≡ p ……(Identity Law)
= RHS.

(ii) (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ ~q) ∨ (~p ∧ ~q) ≡ p ∨ ~q
LHS = (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ ~q) ∨ (~p ∧ ~ q)
≡ (p ∧ q) ∨ [(p ∧ ~q) ∨ (~p ∧ ~q)] ……(Associative Law)
≡ (p ∧ q) ∨ [(~q ∧ p) ∨ (~q ∧ ~p)] …..(CommutativeLaw)
≡ (p ∧ q) ∨ [ ~q ∧ (p ∨ ~ p)] …..(Distributive Law)
≡ (p ∧ q) ∨ (~q ∧ t) ……(Complement Law)
≡ (p ∧ q) ∨ (~q) …….(Identity Law)
≡ (p ∨ ~q) ∧ (q ∨ ~q) ……(Distributive Law)
≡ (p ∨ ~q) ∧ t …….(Complement Law)
≡ p ∨ ~q …..(Identity Law)
= RHS.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.9

(iii) (p ∨ q) ∧ (~p ∨ ~q) ≡ (p ∧ ~q) ∨ (~p ∧ q)
LHS = (p ∨ q) ∧ (~p ∨ ~q)
≡ [p ∧ (~p ∨ ~q)] ∨ [q ∧ (~p ∨ ~q)] ……(Distributive Law)
≡ [(p ∧ ~p) ∨ (p ∧ ~q)] ∨ [q ∧ ~p) ∨ (q ∧ ~q)] ……(Distributive Law)
≡ [c ∨ (p ∧ ~q)] ∨ [(q ∧ ~p) ∨ c] ……(Complement Law)
≡ (p ∧ ~q) ∨ (q ∧ ~p) ……..(Identity Law)
≡ (p ∧ ~q) ∨ (~p ∧ q) ………(Commutative Law)
= RHS.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.8

Balbharati Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Maths Solution Book Pdf Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.8 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.8

Question 1.
Write the negation of each of the following statements:
(i) All the stars are shining if it is night.
The given statement can be written as:
If it is night, then all the stars are shining.
Let p : It is night.
q : All the stars are shining.
Then the symbolic form of the given statement is p → q
Since, ~(p → q) ≡ p ∧ ~q,
the negation of the given statement is ‘It is night and all the stars are not shining.’

(ii) ∀ n ∈ N, n + 1 > 0.
The negation of the given statement is
‘∃ n ∈ N, such that n + 1 ≤ 0.’

(iii) ∃ n ∈ N, such that (n2 + 2) is odd number.
The negation of the given statement is
‘∀ n ∈ N, n2 + 2 is not an odd number.’

(iv) Some continuous functions are differentiable.
The negation of a given statement is ‘All continuous functions are not differentiable.’

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.8

Question 2.
Using the rules of negation, write the negations of the following:
(i) (p → r) ∧ q
The negation of (p → r) ∧ q is
~[(p → r) ∧ q] ≡ ~(p → r) ∨ (~q) …..[Negation of conjunction]
≡ (p ∧ ~r) ∨ (~q) ……[Negation of implication]

(ii) ~(p ∨ q) → r
The negation of ~(p ∨ q) → r is
~[~(p ∨ q) → r] ≡ ~(p ∨ q) ∧ (~r) …..[Negation of implication]
≡ (~p ∧ ~q) ∧ (~r) ……[Negation of disjunction]

(iii) (~p ∧ q) ∧ (~q ∨ ~r)
The negation of (~p ∧ q) ∧ (~q ∨ ~r) is
~[(~p ∧ q) ∧ (~q ∨ ~ r)] ≡ ~(~p ∧ q) ∨ ~(~q ∨ ~r) ……[Negation of conjunction]
≡ [~(~p) ∨ ~q] ∨ [~(~q) ∧ ~(~r)] … [Negation of conjunction and disjunction]
≡ (p ∨ ~q) ∨ (q ∧ r) …..[Negation of negation]

Question 3.
Write the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of the following statements:
(i) If it snows, then they do not drive the car.
Let p : It snows.
q : They do not drive the car.
Then the symbolic form of the given statement is p → q.
Converse: q → p is the converse of p → q.
i.e. If they do not drive the car, then it snows.
Inverse: ~p → ~q is the inverse of p → q.
i.e. If it does not snow, then they drive the car.
Contrapositive: ~q → ~p is the contrapositive of p → q.
i.e. If they drive the car, then it does not snow.

(ii) If he studies, then he will go to college.
Let p : He studies.
q : He will go to college.
Then two symbolic form of the given statement is p → q.
Converse: q → p is the converse of p → q.
i.e. If he will go to college, then he studies.
Inverse: ~p → ~q is the inverse of p → q.
i.e. If he does not study, then he will not go to college.
Contrapositive: ~q → ~p is the contrapositive of p → q.
i.e. If he will not go to college, then he does not study.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.8

Question 4.
With proper justification, state the negation of each of the following:
(i) (p → q) ∨ (p → r)
The negation of (p → q) ∨ (p → r) is
~[(p → q) ∨ (p → r)] ≡ ~(p → q) ∧ ~(p → r) …..[Negation of disjunction]
≡ (p ∧ ~q) ∧ (p ∧ ~r) …[Negation of implication]

(ii) (p ↔ q) ∨ (~q → ~r)
The negation of (p ↔ q) ∨ (~q → ~r) is
~[(p ↔ q) ∨ (~q → ~r)] ≡ ~(p ↔ q) ∧ ~(~q → ~r) …..[Negation of disjunction]
≡ [(p ∧ ~q) ∨ (q ∧ ~p)] ∧ [~q ∧ ~(~r)] ……[Negation of biconditional and implication]
≡ [(p ∧ ~q) ∨ (q ∧ ~p)] ∧ (~q ∧ r) ……[Negation of negation]

(iii) (p → q) ∧ r
The negation of (p → q) ∧ r is
~[(p → q) ∧ r] ≡ ~(p → q) ∨ (~r) …..[Negation of conjunction]
≡ (p ∧ ~q) ∨ (~r) …..[Negation of implication]

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.7

Balbharati Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Maths Solution Book Pdf Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.7 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.7

Question 1.
Write the dual of each of the following:
(i) (p ∨ q) ∨ r
(p ∧ q) ∧ r

(ii) ~(p ∨ q) ∧ [p ∨ ~(q ∧ ~r)]
~(p ∧ q) ∨ [p ∧ ~(q ∨ ~r)]

(iii) p ∨ (q ∨ r) ≡ (p ∨ q) ∨ r
p ∧ (q ∧ r) ≡ (p ∧ q) ∧ r

(iv) ~(p ∧ q) ≡ ~p ∨ ~q
~(p ∨ q) ≡ ~p ∧ ~q

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.7

Question 2.
Write the dual statement of each of the following compound statements:
(i) 13 is prime number and India is a democratic country.
13 is prime number or India is a democratic country.

(ii) Karina is very good or everybody likes her.
Karina is very good and everybody likes her.

(iii) Radha and Sushmita can not read Urdu.
Radha or Sushmita can not read Urdu.

(iv) A number is real number and the square of the number is non-negative.
A number is real number or the square of the number is non-negative.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6

Balbharati Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Maths Solution Book Pdf Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6

Question 1.
Prepare the truth tables for the following statement patterns:
(i) p → (~p ∨ q)
Here are two statements and three connectives.
∴ there are 2 × 2 = 4 rows and 2 + 3 = 5 columns in the truth table.
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q1 (i)

(ii) (~p ∨ q) ∧ (~p ∨ ~q)
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q1 (ii)

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6

(iii) (p ∧ r) → (p ∨ ~q)
Here are three statements and 4 connectives.
∴ there are 2 × 2 × 2 = 8 rows and 3 + 4 = 7 columns in the truth table.
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q1 (iii)

(iv) (p ∧ q) ∨ ~r
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q1 (iv)

Question 2.
Examine, whether each of the following statement patterns is a tautology or a contradiction or a contingency:
(i) q ∨ [~(p ∧ q)]
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q2 (i)
All the entries in the last column of the above truth table are T.
∴ q ∨ [~(p ∧ q)] is a tautology.

(ii) (~q ∧ p) ∧ (p ∧ ~p)
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q2 (ii)
All the entries in the last column of the above truth table are F.
∴ (~q ∧ p) ∧ (p ∧ ~p) is a contradiction.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6

(iii) (p ∧ ~q) → (~p ∧ ~q)
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q2 (iii)
The entries in the last column are neither all T nor all F.
∴ (p ∧ ~q) → (~p ∧ ~q) is a contingency.

(iv) ~p → (p → ~q)
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q2 (iv)
All the entries in the last column of the truth table are T.
∴ p → (p → ~q) is a tautology.

Question 3.
Prove that each of the following statement pattern is a tautology:
(i) (p ∧ q) → q
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q3 (i)
All the entries in the last column of the above truth table are T.
∴ (p ∧ q) → q is a tautology.

(ii) (p → q) ↔ (~q → ~p)
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q3 (ii)
All the entries in the last column of the above truth table are T.
∴ (p → q) ↔ (~q → ~p) is a tautology.

(iii) (~p ∧ ~q) → (p → q)
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q3 (iii)
All the entries in the last column of the above truth table are T.
∴ (~p ∧ ~q) → (p → q) is a tautology.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6

(iv) (~p ∨ ~q) ↔ ~(p ∧ q)
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q3 (iv)
All the entries in the last column of the above truth table are T.
∴ (~p ∨ ~q) ↔ ~(p ∧ q) is a tautology.

Question 4.
Prove that each of the following statement pattern is a contradiction:
(i) (p ∨ q) ∧ (~p ∧ ~q)
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q4 (i)
All the entries in the last column of the above truth table are F.
∴ (p ∨ q) ∧ (~p ∧ ~q) is a contradiction.

(ii) (p ∧ q) ∧ ~p
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q4 (ii)
All the entries in the last column of the above truth table are T.
∴ (p ∧ q) ∧ ~p is a contradiction.

(iii) (p ∧ q) ∧ (~p ∨ ~q)
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q4 (iii)
All the entries in the last column of the above truth table are F.
∴ (p ∧ q) ∧ (~p ∨ ~q) is a contradiction.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6

(iv) (p → q) ∧ (p ∧ ~q)
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q4 (iv)
All the entries in the last column of the above truth table are F.
∴ (p → q) ∧ (p ∧ ~q) is a contradiction.

Question 5.
Show that each of the following statement pattern is a contingency:
(i) (p ∧ ~q) → (~p ∧ ~q)
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q5 (i)
The entries in the last column of the above truth table are neither all T nor all F.
∴ (p ∧ ~q) → (~p ∧ ~q) is a contingency.

(ii) (p → q) ↔ (~p ∧ q)
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q5 (ii)
The entries in the last column of the above truth table are neither all T nor all F.
∴ (p → q) ↔ (~p ∧ q) is a contingency.

(iii) p ∧ [(p → ~q) → q]
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q5 (iii)
The entries in the last column of the above truth table are neither all T nor all F.
∴ p ∧ [(p → ~q) → q] is a contingency.

(iv) (p → q) ∧ (p → r)
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q5 (iv)
The entries in the last column of the above truth table are neither all T nor all F.
∴ (p → q) ∧ (p → r) is a contingency.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6

Question 6.
Using the truth table, verify:
(i) p ∨ (q ∧ r) = (p ∨ q) ∧ (p ∨ r)
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q6 (i)
The entries in columns 5 and 8 are identical.
∴ p ∨ (q ∧ r) ≡ (p ∨ q) ∧ (p ∨ r).

(ii) p → (p → q) ≡ ~q → (p → q)
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q6 (ii)
The entries in columns 5 and 6 are identical.
∴ p → (p → q) ≡ ~q → (p → q)

(iii) ~(p → ~q) ≡ p ∧ ~(~q) ≡ p ∧ q
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q6 (iii)
The entries in columns 5, 7 and 8 are identical.
∴ ~(p → ~q) ≡ p ∧ ~(~q) ≡ p ∧ q.

(iv) ~(p ∨ q) ∨ (~p ∧ q) ≡ ~p
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q6 (iv)
The entries in columns 3 and 7 are identical.
∴ ~(p ∨ q) ∨ (~p ∧ q) ≡ ~p.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6

Question 7.
Prove that the following pairs of statement patterns are equivalent:
(i) p ∨ (q ∧ r) and (p ∨ q) ∧ (p ∨ r)
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q7 (i)
The entries in columns 5 and 8 are identical.
∴ p ∨ (q ∧ r) ≡ (p ∨ q) ∧ (p ∨ r)

(ii) p ↔ q and (p → q) ∧ (q → p)
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q7 (ii)
The entries in columns 3 and 6 are identical.
∴ p ↔ q ≡ (p → q) ∧ (q → p)

(iii) p → q and ~q → ~p and ~p ∨ q
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q7 (iii)
The entries in columns 5, 6 and 7 are identical.
∴ p → q ≡ ~q → ~p ≡ ~p ∨ q.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6

(iv) ~(p ∧ q) and ~p ∨ ~q
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.6 Q7 (iv)
The entries in columns 6 and 7 are identical.
∴ ~(p ∧ q) ≡ ~p ∨ ~q.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.5

Balbharati Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Maths Solution Book Pdf Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.5 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.5

Question 1.
Use qualifiers to convert each of the following open sentences defined on N, into a true statement:
(i) x2 + 3x – 10 = 0
∃ x ∈ N, such that x2 + 3x – 10 = 0 is a true statement
(x = 2 ∈ N satisfy x2 + 3x – 10 = 0)

(ii) 3x – 4 < 9
∃ x ∈ N, such that 3x – 4 < 9 is a true statement.
(x = 1, 2, 3, 4 ∈ N satisfy 3x – 4 < 9)

(iii) n2 ≥ 1
∀ n ∈ N, n2 ≥ 1 is a true statement.
(All n ∈ N satisfy n2 ≥ 1)

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.5

(iv) 2n – 1 = 5
∃ x ∈ N, such that 2n – 1 = 5 is a true statement.
(n = 3 ∈ N satisfy 2n – 1 = 5)

(v) y + 4 > 6
∃ y ∈ N, such that y + 4 > 6 is a true statement.
(y = 3, 4, 5, … ∈ N satisfy y + 4 > 6

(vi) 3y – 2 ≤ 9
∃ y ∈ N, such that 2y ≤ 9 is a true statement.
(y = 1, 2, 3 ∈ N satisfy 3y – 2 ≤ 9).

Question 2.
If B = {2, 3, 5, 6, 7}, determine the truth value of each of the following:
(i) ∀ x ∈ B, x is a prime number.
(i) x = 6 ∈ B does not satisfy x is a prime number.
So, the given statement is false, hence its truth value is F.

(ii) ∃ n ∈ B, such that n + 6 > 12.
Clearly n = 7 ∈ B satisfies n + 6 > 12.
So, the given statement is true, hence its truth value is T.

(iii) ∃ n ∈ B, such that 2n + 2 < 4.
No element n ∈ B satisfy 2n + 2 < 4.
So, the given statement is false, hence its truth value is F.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.5

(iv) ∀ y ∈ B, y2 is negative.
No element y ∈ B satisfy y2 is negative.
So, the given statement is false, hence its truth value is F.

(v) ∀ y ∈ B, (y – 5) ∈ N.
y = 2 ∈ B, y = 3 ∈ B and y = 5 ∈ B do not satisfy (y – 5) ∈ N.
So, the given statement is false, hence its truth value is F.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.4

Balbharati Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Maths Solution Book Pdf Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.4 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.4

Question 1.
Write the following statements in symbolic form:
(i) If the triangle is equilateral, then it is equiangular.
Let p : Triangle is equilateral.
q : It is equiangular.
Then the symbolic form of the given statement is p → q.

(ii) It is not true that ‘i’ is a real number.
Let p : ‘i’ is a real number.
Then the symbolic form of the given statement is ~p.

(iii) Even though it is not cloudy, it is still raining.
Let p : It is cloudy.
q : It is still raining.
Then the symbolic form of the given statement is ~p ∧ q.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.4

(iv) Milk is white if and only if the sky is not blue.
Let p : Milk is white.
q : Sky is blue.
Then the symbolic form of the given statement is p ↔ (~q).

(v) Stock prices are high if and only if stocks are rising.
Let p : Stock prices are high.
q : stocks are rising.
Then the symbolic form of the given statement is p ↔ q

(vi) If Kutub-Minar is in Delhi, then Taj Mahal is in Agra.
Let p : Kutub-Minar is in Delhi.
q : Taj Mahal is in Agra.
Then the symbolic form of the given statement is p → q

Question 2.
Find the truth value of each of the following statements:
(i) It is not true that 3 – 7i is a real number.
Let p : 3 – 7i be a real number.
Then the symbolic form of the given statement is ~p.
The truth value of p is F.
∴ the truth value of ~p is T. ….[~F ≡ T]

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.4

(ii) If a joint venture is a temporary partnership, then a discount on purchase is credited to the supplier.
Let p : Joint venture is a temporary partnership.
q : Discount on purchases is credited to the supplier.
Then the symbolic form of the given statement is p → q.
The truth values of p and q are T and F respectively.
∴ the truth value of p → q is F. …..[T → F ≡ F]

(iii) Every accountant is free to apply his own accounting rules if and only if machinery is an asset.
Let p : Every accountant is free to apply his own accounting rules.
q : Machinery is an asset.
Then the symbolic form of the given statement is p ↔ q.
The truth values of p and q are F and T respectively.
∴ the truth value of p ↔ q is F. ….[F ↔ T ≡ F]

(iv) Neither 27 is a prime number nor divisible by 4.
Let p : 27 is a prime number.
q : 27 is divisible by 4.
Then the symbolic form of the given statement is ~p ∧ ~q.
The truth values of both p and q are F.
∴ the truth value of ~p ∧ ~q is T. …..[~F ∧ ~F ≡ T ∧ T ≡ T]

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.4

(v) 3 is a prime number and an odd number.
Let p : 3 be a prime number.
q : 3 is an odd number.
Then the symbolic form of the given statement is p ∧ q
The truth values of both p and q are T.
∴ the truth value of p ∧ q is T. …..[T ∧ T ≡ T]

Question 3.
If p and q are true and r and s are false, find the true value of each of the following statements:
(i) p ∧ (q ∧ r)
Truth values of p and q are T and truth values of r and s are F.
p ∧ (q ∧ r) ≡ T ∧ (T ∧ F)
≡ T ∧ F
≡ F
Hence, the truth value of the given statement is false.

(ii) (p → q) ∨ (r ∧ s)
(p → q) ∨ (r ∧ s) ≡ (T → T) ∨ (F ∧ F)
≡ T ∨ F
≡ T
Hence, the truth value of the given statement is true.

(iii) ~[(~p ∨ s) ∧ (~q ∧ r)]
~[(~p ∨ s) ∧ (~q ∧ r)] ≡ ~[(~ T ∨ F) ∧ (~T ∧ F)]
≡ ~[(F ∨ F) ∧ (F ∧ F)]
≡ ~(F ∧ F)
≡ ~F
≡ T
Hence, the truth value of the given statement is true.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.4

(iv) (p → q) ↔ ~(p ∨ q)
(p → q) ↔ ~(p ∨ q) = (T → T) ↔ ~(T ∨ T)
≡ T ↔ ~ (T)
≡ T ↔ F
≡ F
Hence, the truth value of the given statement is false.

(v) [(p ∨ s) → r] ∨ [~(p → q) ∨ s]
[(p ∨ s) → r] ∨ ~[~(p → q) ∨ s]
≡ [(T ∨ F) → F] ∨ ~[ ~(T → T) ∨ F]
≡ (T → F) ∨ ~(~T ∨ F)
≡ F ∨ ~ (F ∨ F)
≡ F ∨ ~F
≡ F ∨ T
≡ T
Hence, the truth value of the given statement is true.

(vi) ~[p ∨ (r ∧ s)] ∧ ~[(r ∧ ~s) ∧ q]
~[p ∨ (r ∧ s)] ∧ ~[(r ∧ ~s) ∧ q]
≡ ~[T ∨ (F ∧ F)] ∧ ~[(F ∧ ~F) ∧ T]
≡ ~[T ∨ F] ∧ ~[(F ∧ T) ∧ T]
≡ ~T ∧ ~(F ∧ T)
≡ F ∧ ~F
≡ F ∧ T
≡ F
Hence, the truth value of the given statement is false.

Question 4.
Assuming that the following statements are true:
p : Sunday is a holiday.
q : Ram does not study on holiday.
Find the truth values of the following statements:
(i) Sunday is not holiday or Ram studies on holiday.
The symbolic form of the statement is ~p ∨ ~q.
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.4 Q4 (i)
∴ the truth value of the given statement is F.

(ii) If Sunday is not a holiday, then Ram studies on holiday.
The symbolic form of the given statement is ~p → ~q.
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.4 Q4 (ii)
∴ the truth value of the given statement is T.

(iii) Sunday is a holiday and Ram studies on holiday.
The symbolic form of the given statement is p ∧ q.
Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.4 Q4 (iii)
∴ the truth value of the given statement is F.

Question 5.
If p : He swims.
q : Water is warm.
Give the verbal statements for the following symbolic statements:
(i) p ↔ ~q
p ↔ ~ q
He swims if and only if the water is not warm.

(ii) ~(p ∨ q)
~(p ∨ q)
It is not true that he swims or water is warm.

Maharashtra Board 12th Commerce Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Mathematical Logic Ex 1.4

(iii) q → p
q → p
If water is warm, then he swims.

(iv) q ∧ ~p
q ∧ ~p
The water is warm and he does not swim.

Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 11th Maths Book Solutions Pdf Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5

I. Evaluate the following:

Question 1.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow \frac{\pi}{2}}\left[\frac{cosec x-1}{\left(\frac{\pi}{2}-x\right)^{2}}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 I Q1
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 I Q1.1

Question 2.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow a} \frac{\sin x-\sin a}{\sqrt[5]{x}-\sqrt[5]{a}}\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 I Q2
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 I Q2.1

Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5

Question 3.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow \pi}\left[\frac{\sqrt{5+\cos x}-2}{(\pi-x)^{2}}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 I Q3
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 I Q3.1
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 I Q3.2

Question 4.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow \frac{\pi}{6}}\left[\frac{\cos x-\sqrt{3} \sin x}{\pi-6 x}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 I Q4
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 I Q4.1

Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5

Question 5.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow 1}\left[\frac{1-x^{2}}{\sin \pi x}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 I Q5

II. Evaluate the following:

Question 1.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow \frac{\pi}{6}}\left[\frac{2 \sin x-1}{\pi-6 x}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 II Q1
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 II Q1.1

Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5

Question 2.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow \frac{\pi}{4}}\left[\frac{\sqrt{2}-\cos x-\sin x}{(4 x-\pi)^{2}}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 II Q2
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 II Q2.1
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 II Q2.2

Question 3.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow \frac{\pi}{6}}\left[\frac{2-\sqrt{3} \cos x-\sin x}{(6 x-\pi)^{2}}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 II Q3
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 II Q3.1
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 II Q3.2

Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5

Question 4.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow a}\left[\frac{\sin (\sqrt{x})-\sin (\sqrt{a})}{x-a}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 II Q4
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 II Q4.1

Question 5.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow \frac{\pi}{2}}\left[\frac{\cos 3 x+3 \cos x}{(2 x-\pi)^{3}}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 II Q5
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.5 II Q5.1

Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 11th Maths Book Solutions Pdf Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4

I. Evaluate the following limits:

Question 1.
\(\lim _{\theta \rightarrow 0}\left[\frac{\sin (m \theta)}{\tan (n \theta)}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4 I Q1

Question 2.
\(\lim _{\theta \rightarrow 0}\left[\frac{1-\cos 2 \theta}{\theta^{2}}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4 I Q2

Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4

Question 3.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow 0}\left[\frac{x \cdot \tan x}{1-\cos x}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4 I Q3

Question 4.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow 0}\left(\frac{\sec x-1}{x^{2}}\right)\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4 I Q4

II. Evaluate the following limits:

Question 1.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow 0}\left[\frac{1-\cos (n x)}{1-\cos (m x)}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4 II Q1
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4 II Q1.1

Question 2.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow \frac{\pi}{6}}\left[\frac{2-{cosec} x}{\cot ^{2} x-3}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4 II Q2

Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4

Question 3.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow \frac{\pi}{4}}\left[\frac{\cos x-\sin x}{\cos 2 x}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4 II Q3

III. Evaluate the following limits:

Question 1.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow 0}\left[\frac{\cos (a x)-\cos (b x)}{\cos (c x)-1}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4 III Q1
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4 III Q1.1
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4 III Q1.2

Question 2.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow \pi}\left[\frac{\sqrt{1-\cos x}-\sqrt{2}}{\sin ^{2} x}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4 III Q2
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4 III Q2.1

Question 3.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow \frac{\pi}{4}}\left[\frac{\tan ^{2} x-\cot ^{2} x}{\sec x-{cosec} x}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4 III Q3

Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4

Question 4.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow \frac{\pi}{6}}\left[\frac{2 \sin ^{2} x+\sin x-1}{2 \sin ^{2} x-3 \sin x+1}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4 III Q4
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.4 III Q4.1

Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board 11th Maths Book Solutions Pdf Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3

I. Evaluate the following limits:

Question 1.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow 0}\left[\frac{\sqrt{6+x+x^{2}}-\sqrt{6}}{x}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 I Q1
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 I Q1.1

Question 2.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow 3}\left[\frac{\sqrt{2 x+3}-\sqrt{4 x-3}}{x^{2}-9}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 I Q2

Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3

Question 3.
\(\lim _{y \rightarrow 0}\left[\frac{\sqrt{1-y^{2}}-\sqrt{1+y^{2}}}{y^{2}}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 I Q3
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 I Q3.1

Question 4.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow 2}\left[\frac{\sqrt{2+x}-\sqrt{6-x}}{\sqrt{x}-\sqrt{2}}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 I Q4
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 I Q4.1

II. Evaluate the following limits:

Question 1.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow a}\left[\frac{\sqrt{a+2 x}-\sqrt{3 x}}{\sqrt{3 a+x}-2 \sqrt{x}}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 II Q1
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 II Q1.1

Question 2.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow 2}\left[\frac{x^{2}-4}{\sqrt{x+2}-\sqrt{3 x-2}}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 II Q2
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 II Q2.1

Question 3.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow 2}\left[\frac{\sqrt{1+\sqrt{2+x}}-\sqrt{3}}{x-2}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 II Q3
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 II Q3.1

Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3

Question 4.
\(\lim _{y \rightarrow 0}\left[\frac{\sqrt{a+y}-\sqrt{a}}{y \sqrt{a+y}}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 II Q4

Question 5.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow 0}\left(\frac{\sqrt{x^{2}+9}-\sqrt{2 x^{2}+9}}{\sqrt{3 x^{2}+4}-\sqrt{2 x^{2}+4}}\right)\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 II Q5
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 II Q5.1

III. Evaluate the following limits:

Question 1.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow 1}\left[\frac{x^{2}+x \sqrt{x}-2}{x-1}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 III Q1

Question 2.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow 0}\left[\frac{\sqrt{1+x^{2}}-\sqrt{1+x}}{\sqrt{1+x^{3}}-\sqrt{1+x}}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 III Q2
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 III Q2.1

Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3

Question 3.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow 4}\left[\frac{x^{2}+x-20}{\sqrt{3 x+4}-4}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 III Q3

Question 4.
\(\lim _{z \rightarrow 4}\left[\frac{3-\sqrt{5+z}}{1-\sqrt{5-z}}\right]\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 III Q4
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 III Q4.1

Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3

Question 5.
\(\lim _{x \rightarrow 0}\left(\frac{3}{x \sqrt{9-x}}-\frac{1}{x}\right)\)
Maharashtra Board 11th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Limits Ex 7.3 III Q5