Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 2 बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Hindi Solutions Lokbharti Chapter 2 बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 2 बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा

Hindi Lokbharti 9th Std Digest Chapter 2 बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा Textbook Questions and Answers

1. सूचनानुसार कृतियाँ कीजिए :

(क) संजाल

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 2 बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा 1

(ख) कहानी के प्रमुख पत्र

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प्रश्न क.
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प्रश्न ख.
कहानी के प्रमुख पत्र
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2. उत्तर लिखिए :

बिल्ली के रवैये में आया परिवर्तन।
1. ………………………
2. …………………….

प्रश्न 1.
बिल्ली के रवैये में आया परिवर्तन।
i. वह घर के सदस्यों के आगे-पीछे फिरने के बजाय रसोई के आसपास कोने में दुबक कर बैठ जाती।
ii. मौका मिलते ही मनचाही चीज खा लेना।

3. स्पष्ट कीजिए :

घर के सदस्यों का बिल्ली के प्रति व्यवहार
पहले और बाद में –

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प्रश्न 1.
घर के सदस्यों का बिल्ली के प्रति व्यवहार
पहले और बाद में –
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  • खान – पहले – बच्चे कभी-कभी रोटी देते। थाली का जूठन खिलाते।
  • बाद में – चोरी से मनचाही चीज खाना।
  • पान – पहले – बच्चे कभी-कभी दुध पिलाते।
  • बाद में – चोरी से दूध-दही खाना।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 2 बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा

पाठ से आगे :

‘प्राणी हमसे कहते हैं जियो और जीने दो’, इस विषय पर स्वमत प्रकट कीजिए।

प्रश्न 1.
‘प्राणी हमसे कहते हैं जियो और जीने दो’, इस विषय पर स्वमत प्रकट कीजिए।
“जियो और जीने दो’ ये दो शब्द हैं, किंतु इन दो शब्दों में जिंदगी का सार भरा है । प्रकृति ने सबको जीने का समान अधिकार दिया है। हम किसी का अनिष्ट करेंगे तो हमारा भी अनिष्ट निश्चित है। इंसान, इंसान के रूप में जन्म तो लेता है किंतु उसके कर्म इंसानों जैसे नहीं होते। वह अपनी आवश्यकताओं की पूर्ति के लिए अन्य प्राणियों का दोहन करता है। जंगलों की कटाई करता है। यदि हम ऐसा करेंगे, तो इससे हमारा ही नुकसान होगा। बारिश नहीं होगी और वन्य प्राणी भी जंगल कट जाने से गाँवों में घुस आएँगे और हम पर हिंसक आक्रमण कर देंगे। भाषाई कौशल पर आधारित पाठगत कृतियाँ |

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 2 बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा

भाषा बिंदु :

शब्द कोश की सहायता से रेखांकित शब्दों के विलोम खोजिए तथा उनसे नए वाक्य लिखिए।

प्रश्न 1.
शब्द कोश की सहायता से रेखांकित शब्दों के विलोम खोजिए तथा उनसे नए वाक्य लिखिए।

  1. बिल्ली भी कम समझदार जानवर नहीं है।
  2. अमरू स्वभाव से अल्पभाषी है।
  3. पुरानी विचार धारा और पंरपरा एकदम घपले में पड़ गई है।
  4. अब हम उसे दुत्कार रहे हैं।
  5. दसियों ने इस सुंदर प्रस्ताव का समर्थन किया।
  6. डायनासोर प्राणी अब दुर्लभ हो गए हैं।
  7. वह तटस्थ होकर अपने विचार रखता है।
  8. इस भौतिक जीवन में मनुष्य बहुत खुश है।
  9. गर्मियों में सारी धरती शुष्क हो जाती है।
  10. पैसों का अपव्यय नहीं करना चाहिए।


  1. गधा नासमझ होता है।
  2. आजकल के नेता बहुत वाचाल होते हैं।
  3. आज की युवा पीढ़ी नई विचार धारा को तेजी से अपना रही है।
  4. हम अपने अतिथियों का बहुत सत्कार करते हैं।
  5. जनता ने सरकार की गलत नीतियों का विरोध किया।
  6. जनता दरबार में मुख्यमंत्री से बात करना सुलभ हो गया है।
  7. मंत्री जी योजनाएं लागू करने में पक्षपात करते हैं।
  8. संत आध्यात्मिक जीवन में खुश रहते हैं।
  9. वर्षा के समय सारी पृथ्वी हरी-भरी हो जाती है।
  10. हमें मैंहगाई को देखते हुए पैसों का मितव्यय करना चाहिए।

Hindi Lokbharti 9th Answers Chapter 2 बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा Additional Important Questions and Answers

(क) परिच्छेद पढ़कर दी गई सूचना के अनुसार कृतियाँ कीजिए।

कृति (3) शब्द संपदा

प्रश्न 1.
परिच्छेद से समानार्थी शब्द ढूँढकर लिखिए।
i. प्रसन्न
ii. कोशिश
i. खुश
ii. प्रयत्न

प्रश्न 2.
वचन परिवर्तन कीजिए।
i. चूहा
ii. बिल्लियाँ
i. चूहे
ii. बिल्ली

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 2 बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा

प्रश्न 3.
विरुद्धार्थी शब्द लिखिए।
i. पुरानी × ……..
ii. आपत्ति × …..
i. नई
ii. सहमति

कृति (4) स्वमत अभिव्यक्ति

प्रश्न 1.
‘चूहों से हानि’ इस विषय पर अपने विचार लिखिए।
उत्तर :
अक्सर हम अपने घरों में चूहों की वजह से बहुत परेशान रहते हैं, वे घर में अपने पैरों में लगी गंदगी और मल-मूत्र के माध्यम से बीमारी फैलाते हैं। चूहे घर में रखें अनाज, खाद्य सामग्री के साथ ही जूते, कपड़े, किताबें आदि काटकर बहुत नुकसान करते हैं। वास्तुशास्त्र के अनुसार चूहा नकारात्मक और अज्ञानी शक्तियों का प्रतीक भी माना जाता है। चूहों की मौजूदगी से घर में मौजूद लोगों की बुद्धि का भी विनाश होता है।

(ख) परिच्छेद पढ़कर दी गई सूचना के अनुसार कतियाँ कीजिए।

कृति (1) आकलन कृति

प्रश्न 1.
कृति पूर्ण कीजिए।
उत्तर :
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कृति (2) आकलन कृति

प्रश्न 1.
उपर्युक्त गद्यांश से दो ऐसे प्रश्न तैयार कीजिए जिनके
निम्नलिखित शब्द हों –
i. बोरी
ii. अमरू
i. रस्सी से किसका मुंह बाँध दिया गया?
ii. बोरी कंधे पर लटकाकर कौन चल दिया?

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 2 बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा

प्रश्न 2.
सत्य या असत्य पहचानकर लिखिए।
i. लेखक को बिल्ली से पीछा छुड़ाने की चिंता हुई।
ii. नौकर ने तुरंत बोरी का एक सिरा पकड़कर उसे ऊपर से खोल दिया।
i. सत्य
ii. असत्य

प्रश्न 3.
गद्यांश के आधार पर वाक्य पूर्ण कीजिए।
i. लेखक ने नौकर को याद दिलाया
ii. लेखक का ध्यान आवाज की तरफ नहीं गया
i. लेखक ने नौकर को याद दिलाया कि उसे बिल्ली को भूली भटियारिन की तरफ छोड़ कर आना है।
ii. लेखक का ध्यान आवाज की तरफ नहीं गया, क्योंकि वह नहाने में व्यस्त था और कुछ गुनगुना रहा था।

कृति (3) शब्द संपदा

प्रश्न 1.
मानक वर्तनी के अनुसार सही शब्द लिखिए।
i. चिन्ता
ii. अन्दर
i. चिंता
ii. अंदर

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 2 बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा

प्रश्न 2.
विलोम शब्द लिखिए।
i. होशियार × ……….
ii. रात × ………
i. मूर्ख
ii. दिन

प्रश्न 3.
समानार्थी शब्द लिखिए।
i. दिन
ii. दफ्तर
i. दिवस
ii. कार्यालय

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 2 बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा

कृति (4) स्वमत अभिव्यक्ति

प्रश्न 1.
पालतू जानवरों के प्रति हमें सौहार्दपूर्ण व्यवहार करना चाहिए।’ इस संबंध में अपने विचार लिखिए।
जानवरों का मनुष्य के जीवन में बहुत महत्व है। गाय, बैल, भैंस, कुत्ता, घोड़ा आदि जानवर बहुत उपयोगी हैं। हमें उन्हें प्रेम से पालना चाहिए। ये जानवर हमारे साथ हमारे घर में रहकर परिवार के सदस्य जैसे बन जाते हैं। हमें उनके प्रति सौहार्दपूर्ण व्यवहार रखना चाहिए। उन्हें उचित समय पर अच्छी खुराक देनी चाहिए। उनकी साफसफाई का ध्यान रखना चाहिए। ये जानवर भी हमारे प्रति सद्व्यवहार और स्नेह रखते हैं। उनकी अच्छी देखभाल करना हमारा कर्तव्य है।

(ग) परिच्छेद पढ़कर दी गई सूचना के अनुसार कतियाँ कीजिए।

कृति (2) आकलन कृति

प्रश्न 1.
समझकर लिखिए। अमरू के स्वभाव की विशेषता –
i. अल्पभाषी
ii. मसखरा

प्रश्न 2.
एक-एक शब्द में उत्तर लिखिए।
i. भीड़ ने अमरू पर यह चुराने का आरोप लगाया
ii. यहाँ से तो कई बच्चे उठाए जा चुके हैं
i. बच्चा
ii. देवनगर

प्रश्न 3.
सत्य या असत्य पहचानकर लिखिए।
i. अमरू स्वभाव से अल्पभाषी था।
ii. एक आदमी लपककर अस्पताल गया।
i. सत्य
ii. असत्य

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 2 बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा

प्रश्न 4.
सही विधान चुनकर पूर्ण वाक्य फिर से लिखिए।
1. लेखक समझा शायद अमरू किसी की ………..,
(क) कार से टकरा गया होगा।
(ख) साइकिल चुरा लिया होगा।
(ग) साइकिल से टकरा गया होगा।
(ग) साइकिल से टकरा गया होगा।

2. कुछ लोगों को शक हुआ कि …………….।
(क) बोरी में बच्चा है।
(ख) अमरू चोर है।
(ग) बोरी में बिल्ली है।
(क) बोरी में बच्चा है।

कृति (3) शब्द संपदा

प्रश्न 1.
समानार्थी शब्द लिखिए।
i. मुश्किल
ii. हवालात
i. कठिन
ii. जेल

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 2 बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा

प्रश्न 2.
निम्नलिखित शब्दों के वचन परिवर्तन कीजिए।
i. आदमियों
ii. बच्चा
i. आदमी
ii. बच्चे

प्रश्न 3.
मानक वर्तनी के अनुसार सही शब्द लिखिए।
i. अन्दर
ii. सुन्दर
i. अंदर
ii. सुंदर

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 2 बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा

कृति (4) स्वमत अभिव्यक्ति

प्रश्न 1.
‘मूक जानवरों की हत्या करना बहुत बड़ा पाप होता है।’ इस पर आधारित अपने विचार लिखिए।
जानवर देश की प्राकृतिक संपदा होते हैं। उनके कारण ही जंगलों की शोभा बढ़ती है। पर्यावरण का संतुलन बनाए रखने के लिए हमें मूक जानवरों की रक्षा करनी चाहिए। यदि हम उनकी हत्या करेंगे, तो उनका अस्तित्व खतरे में पड़ जाएगा। प्रत्येक जीव को इस धरती पर जीवन जीने का अधिकार है। हम किसी के भी अधिकार को छीन नहीं सकते हैं। यदि हम उनकी हत्या करते हैं, तो हम धर्म एवं कानून की नज़र में बहुत बड़े अपराधी बन जाते हैं। दूसरों की रक्षा करना हमारा सबसे बड़ा कर्तव्य होना चाहिए।

(घ) परिच्छेद पड़कर दी गई सूचना के अनुसार कृतियाँ कीजिए।

कृति (1) आकलन कृति

प्रश्न 1.
समझकर लिखिए।
बच्चों का खेलना-कूदना यहाँ बंद हो चुका था –
i. पार्कों में
ii. बाहर गलियों में

प्रश्न 2.
वातावरण में इसकी कमी न थी –
i. सनसनी
ii. तनाव

कृति (2) आकलन कृति

प्रश्न 1.
उपर्युक्त गद्यांश से दो ऐसे प्रश्न तैयार कीजिए जिनके उत्तर निम्नलिखित शब्द हों –
i. अमरू
ii. थानेदार
i. थानेदार ने आते ही किसकी कलाई पकड़ ली?
ii. किसने आते ही अमरू की कलाई पकड़ ली?

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 2 बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा

प्रश्न 2.
सही पर्याय चुनकर पूर्ण वाक्य फिर से लिखिए।
1. उन दिनों दिल्ली में बड़ी …………….।
(क) महामारी फैली हुई थी।
(ख) भुखमरी फैली हुई थी।
(ग) सनसनी फैली हुई थी।
(ग) सनसनी फैली हुई थी।

2. जमुना के पुल पर कुछ आदमी पकड़े गए …………….।
(क) जिन्होंने बोरियों में बच्चे बंद किए हुए थे ।
(ख) जिन्होंने मछलियाँ पकड़ी थी ।
(ग) जो चोरी करके भाग रहे थे ।
(क) जिन्होंने बोरियों में बच्चे बंद किए हुए थे ।

कृति (3) शब्द संपदा

प्रश्न 1.
निम्नलिखित शब्दों के लिंग परिवर्तन कीजिए।
i. आदमी
ii. नौकर
i. औरत
ii. नौकरानी

प्रश्न 2.
निम्नलिखित शब्दों के समानार्थी शब्द परिच्छेद से ढूँढकर लिखिए।
i. सतर्कता
ii. अचरज
i. सावधानी
ii. आश्चर्य

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प्रश्न 3.
विरुद्धार्थी शब्द लिखिए।
i. सवाल × …….
ii. संदेह × …….
i. जवाब
ii. नि:संदेह

प्रश्न 4.
निम्नलिखित अव्यय शब्दों का अपने वाक्यों में प्रयोग कीजिए।
i. और
ii. कि
i. रोटी चौका करता हूँ और अपना पेट पालता हूँ।
ii. एक दो बार समाचार पत्र में छपा कि जमुना के पुल पर कुछ आदमी पकड़े गए।

कृति (4) स्वमत अभिव्यक्ति

प्रश्न 1.
आजकल हो रहे बच्चों के अपहरण के संबंध में अपने विचार लिखिए।
आजकल बच्चों के अपहरण के मामले तेजी से बढ़ रहे हैं। इनमें छोटे और मासूम बच्चों की संख्या अधिक होती है। इन बच्चों का पैसे के लिए, मानव तस्करी के लिए या बदला लेने के लिए अपहरण किया जाता है। अपहरण करने वाले अपने स्वार्थों के वशीभूत होकर बच्चों को सताने से भी बाज नहीं आते हैं। बच्चों का अपहरण करना सबसे सरल होता है क्योंकि वह छोटे होते हैं और इन पर काबू पाना सरल होता है। माता-पिता को बच्चों की सुरक्षा के लिए हर समय चिंतित रहना पड़ता है। पुलिस और सरकार तो इनके आगे बेबस होते नजर आती है। अत: इसके खिलाफ सरकार को कठोर कदम उठाने चाहिए और दोषियों को कड़ी से कड़ी सज़ा देनी चाहिए।

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(ङ) परिच्छेद पढ़कर दी गई सूचना के अनुसार कृतियाँ कीजिए।

कृति (2) आकलन कृति

प्रश्न 1.
आकृति पूर्ण कीजिए।
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प्रश्न 2.
समझकर लिखिए।
थानेदार को बुलाकर लाने वाला व्यक्ति क्रोध में बोला
क्यों बकता है, बे! दरोगा जी, ऐसे यह नहीं मानेगा। दो-चार बेंत रसीद कीजिए।

कृति (2) आकलन कृति

प्रश्न 1.
चौखट पूर्ण कीजिए।
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प्रश्न 2.
सत्य या असत्य पहचानकर लिखिए।
i. अमरू नम्रतापूर्वक दरोगा से बोला।
ii. दरोगा ने अमरू की पीठ पर बेंत मारा।
i. सत्य
ii. असत्य

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प्रश्न 3.
सही विधान चुनकर पूर्ण वाक्य फिर से लिखिए।
1. पहले यह तो देख लें कि .. …………..
(क) मेरा क्या कसूर है।
(ख) इस बोरों में है क्या?
(ग) इस बोरी में बिल्ली हैं।
पहले यह तो देख लें कि इस बोरी में है क्या?

2. हम सब इस आदमी की …………….।
(क) बदमाशी के गवाह हैं।
(ख) सच्चाई के साथ हैं।
(ग) चोरी के खिलाफ हैं।
हम सब इस आदमी की बदमाशी के गवाह हैं।

कृति (3) शब्द संपदा

प्रश्न 1.
समानार्थी शब्द लिखिए।
i. क्रोध
ii. हुक्म
i. गुस्सा
ii. आदेश

प्रश्न 2.
विरुद्धार्थी शब्द लिखिए।
i. नीचे × ……….
ii. धीरे-से × ………
i. ऊपर
ii. जोर-से

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प्रश्न 3.
कृति पूर्ण कीजिए।
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प्रश्न 4.
निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में उचित विरामचिह्नों का प्रयोग कीजिए।
i. क्रोध में आकर बोला क्यों बकता है बे दरोगा जी ऐसे नहीं यह मानेगा।
ii. उन्होंने अमरू से कहा अच्छा बोरी को नीचे रखो इसका मुँह खोलो।
i. क्रोध में आकर बोला, “क्यों बकता है, बे! दरोगा जी, ऐसे नहीं यह मानेगा।”
ii. उन्होंने अमरू से कहा, “अच्छा, बोरी को नीचे रखो। इसका मुंह खोलो।”

प्रश्न 5.
निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में सूचना के अनुसार काल परिवर्तन कर फिर से लिखिए।
i. उनकी नीयत पर लोगों को शक हो रहा है। (सामान्य भविष्यकाल)
ii. अमरू शांतिपूर्वक नीचे बैठ गया। (सामान्य वर्तमानकाल)
i. उनकी नीयत पर लोगों को शक होगा।
ii. अमरू शांतिपूर्वक नीचे बैठ जाता है।

कृति (4) स्वमत अभिव्यक्ति

प्रश्न 1.
निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में अव्यय पहचानिए और उसका नाम लिखिए।

  1. आटे और अनाज के लिए लोहे के ढोल बनवाए गए।
  2. बिल्ली खूब मजे से खा रही है।
  3. बिल्ली लोगों की थाली से जूठन ही खाती इसलिए हमें इसका कोई खर्च नहीं पड़ा।


  1. और – समुच्चयबोधक अव्यय के लिए – संबधसूचक अव्यय
  2. मजे से – क्रियाविशेषण अव्यय
  3. इसलिए – समुच्चयबोधक अव्यय

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प्रश्न 2.
निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को सूचना के अनुसार काल बदलकर फिर से लिखिए।

  1. बिल्ली रोटियों पर झपटी। (सामान्य वर्तमानकाल)
  2. अमरू कंधे पर बोरी लटकाकर चल दिया। (अपूर्ण भूतकाल)
  3. बिल्ली कमरे में आती है। (सामान्य भूतकाल)
  4. उनकी नीयत पर लोगों को शक हो रहा है। (सामान्य भविष्यकाल)
  5. अमरू शांतिपूर्वक नीचे बैठ गया। (सामान्य वर्तमानकाल)


  1. बिल्ली रोटियों पर झपटती है।
  2. अमरू कंधे पर बोरी लटकाकर चल रहा था।
  3. बिल्ली कमरे में आई।
  4. उनकी नीयत पर लोगों को शक होगा।
  5. अमरू शांतिपूर्वक नीचे बैठ जाता है।

प्रश्न 3.
निम्नलिखित अशुद्ध वाक्यों को शुद्ध करके लिखिए।
i. अमरू के कुछ कहना नहीं पड़ी।
ii. उन्होंने देखा की बोरी अंदर में हिल रही है।
i. अमरू को कुछ कहना नहीं पड़ा।
ii. उन्होंने देखा कि बोरी अंदर से हिल रही है।

प्रश्न 4.
निम्नलिखित अव्यय शब्दों का अपने वाक्यों में प्रयोग कीजिए।
i. और
ii. कि
i. रोटी चौका करता हूँ और अपना पेट पालता हूँ।
ii. एक दो बार समाचार पत्र में छपा कि जमुना के पुल पर कुछ आदमी पकड़े गए।

रचनात्मकता की ओर लेखनीय :

प्रश्न 1.
आपका पालतू कुत्ता दो दिनों से लापता है। उसके लिए समाचार पत्र में देने हेतु विज्ञापन तैयार कीजिए। निम्न मुद्दों का आधार लें।
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मैलिक सृजन :

प्रश्न 1.
अपने परिसर में लावारिस जानवरों की बढ़ती मौलिक सृजन संख्या एवं उनसे होने वाली परेशानियों के बारे में संबंधित अधिकारी को पत्र लिखकर सूचना दीजिए।
संतोष वर्मा
5/सी रूप दर्शन, रामपुर थाना।
दिनांक – 20 जून, 2017।
सेवा में,
श्रीमान पशु अधिकारी जी,
नगर परिषद, थाना।
विषयः परिसर में लावारिस जानवरों की बढ़ती संख्या के संबंध में शिकायत-पत्र।
माननीय महोदय,
मैं शहर के रामपुर क्षेत्र का निवासी हूँ। पिछले कुछ दिनों से हमारे परिसर में लावारिस पशुओं की संख्या बढ़ती जा रही है। अब तो दूसरे कस्बों के पशु भी यहाँ आकर रहने लगे हैं। इन जानवरों की वजह से चारों तरफ गंदगी फैली हुई है। बच्चों को खेलने के लिए परिसर में साफ़ जगह नहीं बची है। महानगर के अधिकारी या कर्मचारी इस तरफ ध्यान नहीं दे रहे हैं।
अत: आपसे निवेदन है कि नागरिकों की सुविधा को ध्यान में रखते हुए शीघ्र ही उचित कार्यवाही करने की कृपा करें।
कष्ट के लिए क्षमाप्रार्थी हूँ।
संतोष वर्मा।
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आसपास :

प्रश्न 1.
किसी पशु चिकित्सक से पालतू प्राणियों की सही देखभाल करने संबंधी मार्गदर्शन प्राप्त कीजिए।
मैं एक दिन अपने पालतू जानवरों के देखभाल से संबंधित जानकारी प्राप्त करने पशु चिकित्सक के पास गया, तो उन्होंने बताया कि हमें अपने पालतू प्राणियों के साथ अच्छा व्यवहार करना चाहिए तथा उनकी सही देखभाल करनी चाहिए। पालतू जानवरों को न तो बहुत कम और न ही बहुत ज्यादा भोजन देना चाहिए। जब उन्हें भूख लगे तभी भोजन देना चाहिए। उनके भोजन और पानी पीने के बर्तन को दिन में कम-से-कम एक बार अवश्य साफ करना चाहिए।

पालतू जानवरों को घुमाने के लिए भी ले जाना चाहिए। बहुत से जानवरों के सामाजीकरण के लिए शारीरिक स्पर्श महत्त्वपूर्ण होता है। अत: उनके साथ खेलना चाहिए तथा उन्हें सहलाना चाहिए। उन्हें चोट नहीं पहुँचानी चाहिए। उन्हें नियमित रूप से पशु-चिकित्सक के पास ले जाना चाहिए।

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बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा Summary in Hindi

लेखक-परिचय :

राजेंद्र लाल हांडा जी एक प्रसिद्ध कथाकार हैं। आपकी रचनाएँ पत्र-पत्रिकाओं में हमेशा प्रकाशित होती रहती हैं। सम सामयिक विषयों पर आपकी रचनाएँ सामाजिक समस्याओं को उद्घाटित करती हैं।

गद्य-परिचय :

हास्य कहानी : जीवन की किसी घटना का रोचक, प्रवाही वर्णन कहानी होती है। इसमें किसी सत्य का उद्घाटन होता है। हास्य कहानी में इसे हल्के-फुलके हँसी के अंदाज में प्रस्तुत किया जाता है।

प्रस्तावना : प्रस्तुत पाठ ‘बिल्ली का बिलंगुड़ा’ में लेखक हांडा जी ने हास्य के माध्यम से गलतफ़हमी के कारण उत्पन्न विशेष स्थितियों का वर्णन किया है।

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सारांश :

पिछले दिनों लेखक के घर में बहुत चूहे हो गए थे। वे घर के सामान का बहुत नुकसान कर रहे थे। अनाज की सुरक्षा के लिए लोहे के ढोल (डिब्बे) बनवाए गए। ये ढोल भी कारगर नहीं हुए। उसमें भी चूहे घुसने लगे। मित्रों ने घर में एक बिल्ली पालने का सुझाव दिया और बिल्ली लाई भी गई। बिल्ली की खूब खातिर होने लगी। बच्चे उसे रोटी और दूध देने लगे। कुछ दिनों में बिल्ली ने पूरी तरह चूहों का सफाया कर दिया। सब लोग बड़े खुश हुए। दो महीने बाद लोग चूहे को भूल गए और बिल्ली से तंग आ गए। क्योंकि अब बिल्ली की आदत बदल गई। अब वह मौका मिलते ही दूध, दही, भोजन आदि सपरचट कर देती।

लेखक को बिल्ली से पीछा छुड़ाने की चिंता होने लगी। उनका नौकर अमरू बड़ा होशियार था। रात को उसने एक खाली बोरी में दो रोटियाँ डालकर रख दी। बिल्ली जैसे ही रोटी की लालच में बोरी के अंदर झपटी, नौकर ने तुरंत बोरी का मुँह पकड़ लिया और रस्सी से मुँह बाँध दिया। लेखक ने अमरू से बिल्ली को कहीं दूर छोड़ने को कहा, जहाँ से वह वापस न आ सके।

दूसरे दिन सुबह अमरू बोरी कंधे पर लटका कर उसे छोड़ने चल दिया। रास्ते में कुछ लोगों को शक हुआ की बोरी में बच्चा है। दो आदमी उसके पीछे हो लिए। उन्होंने देखा कि बोरी अंदर से हिल रही है। उन्हें विश्वास हो गया कि इस बदमाश ने किसी बच्चे को पकड़ा है। देखते-देखते पचासों आदमी इकट्ठा हो गए। सब लोगों ने उसे घेर लिया।

पुलिस थाना भी बहुत दूर नहीं था। एक व्यक्ति दौड़कर पुलिस वाले को भी बुला लाया। शोर होने पर लेखक भी घर से बाहर आया, देखा कि भीड़ ने नौकर को घेर रखा है। थानेदार ने अमरू को मारने की धमकी दी तो उसने बोरी का मुँह खोल दिया और बिल्ली का बिलंगुड़ा छलाँगें मारता हुआ भाग गया। दरोगा जी झेंप गए और अमरू हँसता हुआ घर आ गया।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 2 बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा

शब्दार्थ :

  1. विचारधारा – सोच
  2. परंपरा – प्रथा
  3. घपले – गड़बड़ी
  4. बहुतेरे – बहुत तरह के
  5. ढोल – लोहे का ड्रम
  6. कारगर – उपयोगी
  7. परामर्श – सलाह
  8. आपत्ति – ऐतराज
  9. चुनांचे – इसलिए
  10. विधिपूर्वक – ठीक तरह से
  11. काबू – वश
  12. मात – हार
  13. रवैया – रंग-ढंग, ढंग
  14. जी में – दिल में
  15. कढ़े हुए – निकाले हुए
  16. हजामत – दाढ़ी बनाना
  17. गुसलखाने – स्नानघर
  18. छप्परवाले – जिसके ऊपर छप्पर पड़ा हो
  19. अल्पभाषी – कम बोलने वाला
  20. मसखरा – मज़ाकिया
  21. गिरोह – दल
  22. लपक कर – तेजी से
  23. हवालात – कारागार
  24. दसियों – दसों लोग
  25. हुक्म – आदेश
  26. गवाह – साक्षी
  27. नीयत – इरादा
  28. बेंत – मज़बूत-लचीले डंठलवाली लता
  29. सनसनी – सन्नाटा, खलबली
  30. सुराग – (यहाँ अर्थ) पता, खोज

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 2 बिल्ली का बिलुंगड़ा

मुहावरे :

  1. मौका लगना – अवसर मिलना।
  2. सिर चढ़ जाना – उदंडता के लिए खुली छूट देना।
  3. टूट पड़ना – आक्रमण करना।
  4. व्यस्त होना – तल्लीन होना।
  5. परामर्श करना – राय लेना।
  6. एक न चलना – कुछ न कर सकना।
  7. तंग आना – परेशान होना।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Hindi Solutions Lokbharti Chapter 3 कबीर Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर (पूरक पठन)

Hindi Lokbharti 9th Std Digest Chapter 3 कबीर Textbook Questions and Answers

पठनीय :

सूचना के अनुसार कृतीयँ :

1. संजाल :

प्रश्न  1.
संजाल :
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर 1

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर 2

2. परिच्छेद पढ़कर प्राप्त होने वाली प्रेरणा लिखिए।

प्रश्न 1.
परिच्छेद पढ़कर प्राप्त होने वाली प्रेरणा लिखिए।
कबीर जी के उपदेशों और उनके व्यक्तित्व से सभी को प्रेरणा मिलती है। हमें अपने लक्ष्य तक पहुंचने में मोह-माया को बीच में नहीं आने देना चाहिए क्योंकि यह हमारे मार्ग में बाधक बन सकती है। संसार की टिप्पणियों की परवाह न करके अपना कर्म करते रहना चाहिए। स्वयं पर विश्वास होना चाहिए। गुरु के द्वारा दिए गए ज्ञान और अपनी साधना को संदेह की नज़रों से नहीं देखना चाहिए। यदि मनुष्य में आत्मविश्वास है तो वह किसी भी विकट संग्राम स्थली तक पहुंच कर विजयी हो सकता है।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर

लेखनीय :

‘कबीर संत ही नहीं समाज सुधारक भी थे’, इस पर अपने विचार लिखिए ।

प्रश्न 1.
‘कबीर संत ही नहीं समाज सुधारक भी थे’, इस पर अपने विचार लिखिए ।
कबीरदास जी एक संत होने के साथ-साथ एक समाज सुधारक के रूप में भी जाने जाते हैं। उन्होंने ऐसी बहुत-सी बातें कही हैं जिनका सही उपयोग किया जाए तो समाज सुधार में सहायता मिल सकती है। वे स्पष्टवादी व निर्भीक थे, कबीर जी को संस्कारों की विचारहीन गुलामी पसंद नहीं थी, वे विचारहीन संस्कारों से मुक्त मनुष्यता को ही प्रेमभक्ति का पात्र मानते थे। उन्होंने भेदभाव को भुलाकर हमेशा भाईचारे के साथ रहने की सीख दी है। सामाजिक विषमता को दूर करना ही उनकी पहली प्राथमिकता थी। उनके विचार आज भी समाज के लिए प्रासंगिक है।

संभाषणीय :

दोहों की प्रतियोगिता के संदर्भ में आपस में चर्चा संभाषणीय कीजिए।

प्रश्न 1.
दोहों की प्रतियोगिता के संदर्भ में आपस में चर्चा संभाषणीय कीजिए।

  • अतुल – नमस्कार! नकुल, आप कैसे हो?
  • नकुल – नमस्कार! मैं ठीक हूँ, आप कैसे हो? आजकल क्या चल रहा है?
  • अतुल – मैं भी ठीक हूँ। आजकल मैं दोहे की प्रतियोगिता की तैयारी में लगा हूँ।
  • नकुल – अरे वाह! यह तो अच्छी बात है, परंतु तुम्हारी प्रतियोगिता कब है?
  • अतुल – बुधवार को है। हमारे विद्यालय में इस बार दोहों की प्रतियोगिता करवाई जा रही है, जो भी यह प्रतियोगिता जीतेगा उसे एक कंप्यूटर पुरस्कार के रूप में दिया जाएगा।
  • नकुल – बहुत अच्छी बात है। मेरी शुभकामना तुम्हारे साथ है।
  • अतुल – धन्यवाद मित्र!

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर

मौलिक सृजन :

प्रश्न 1.
‘सतों के वचन समाज परिवर्तन में सहायक होते हैं। इस विषय पर अपने विचार लिखिए।
सभ्यता के प्रभातकाल से ही मानवीय, संवेदनात्मक प्रेमिल सहिष्णु, त्याग, क्षमा, दया, तथा सद्व्यवहार को महत्व देने वाले संतों का आर्विभाव इस भारत भूमि पर हुआ है। इनमें मुख्य थे कबीर, तुकाराम, गुरूनानक, रैदास इत्यादि। इन्होंने अपने वचनों द्वारा समाज को हमेशा परिवर्तित करने का प्रयास किया। इनमें सबसे पहला नाम आता है संत कबीर का। कबीर ने इस समय समाज में फैले अंधविश्वास और रूढ़ीवादी परंपरा पर गहरा आघात किया।

यही इस बात का साक्षी है कि समय-समय पर इस धरती पर महान संतों ने जन्म लिया और अपने विचारों तथा उपदेशों के जरिए समाज में परिवर्तन लाने का प्रयास किया। इन संतों ने लोगों को यह समझाने का प्रयास किया कि अंधविश्वासों तथा कुरीतियों से जकड़ा समाज कभी आगे नहीं बढ़ सकता है। इसके लिए समाज में खुलापन होना तथा लोगों का समझदार होना आवश्यक है। इस प्रकार संतों के वचन समाज परिवर्तन में अवश्य सहायक होते हैं।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर

आसपास :

मन की एकाग्रता बढ़ाने की कार्य पद्धति की जानकारी अंतरजाल/यू ट्यूब से प्राप्त कीजिए।

प्रश्न 1.
मन की एकाग्रता बढ़ाने की कार्य पद्धति की जानकारी अंतरजाल/यू ट्यूब से प्राप्त कीजिए।

पाठ के आँगन में :

1. सूचना के अनुसार कृतियाँ कीजिए  :

संजाल :

प्रश्न 1.
सूचना के अनुसार कृतियाँ कीजिए  :

संजाल :

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर 3

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर 4

2. सही विकल्प चुनकर वाक्य फिर से लिखिए : 

प्रश्न क.
कबीर के मतानुसार प्रेम किसी, …….
1. खेत में नहीं उपजता।
2. गमले में नहीं उपजता।
3. बाग में नहीं उपजता।
1. खेत में नहीं उपजता।

प्रश्न ख.
कबीर जिज्ञासु थे, …..
1. मिथ्या के।
2. सत्य के।
3. कथ्य के।
2. सत्य के।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर

पाठ से आगे :

कबीर जी की रचनाएँ यू टूयूब पर सुनिए ।

प्रश्न 1.
कबीर जी की रचनाएँ यू टूयूब पर सुनिए ।

भाषा बिंदु :

रेखांकित शब्दों से उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय अलग करके लिखिए।

प्रश्न 1.
रेखांकित शब्दों से उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय अलग करके लिखिए।
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर 5.1
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर 6

Hindi Lokbharti 9th Answers Chapter 3 कबीर Additional Important Questions and Answers

(क) गद्यांश पढ़कर दी गई सूचना के अनुसार कृतियाँ कीजिए।

कृति (1) आकलन कृति

प्रश्न 1.
उचित पर्याय चुनकर वाक्य फिर से लिखिए।

i. कबीरदास की वाणी वह लता है, जो ………..
(क) सदैव हरी-भरी रहती है।
(ख) जीवन में रस भर देती है।
(ग) योग के क्षेत्र में भक्ति का बीज पड़ने से अंकुरित हुई थी।
कबीरदास की वाणी वह लता है जो योग के क्षेत्र में भक्ति का बीज पड़ने से अंकुरित हुई थी।

ii. उत्तर के हठयोगियों के लिए समाज की ऊँच-नीच भावना, मजाक और …………….
(क) आक्रमण का विषय था।
(ख) मुक्ति का मार्ग था।
(ग) कठोर मार्ग था।
उत्तर के हठयोगियों के लिए समाज की ऊँच-नीच भावना, मजाक और आक्रमण का विषय था।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर

प्रश्न 2.
चौखट पूर्ण कीजिए
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर 7

प्रश्न 3.
सत्य या असत्य पहचानिए।

  1. कबीर की वाणी का अनुकरण हो सकता है।
  2. तुलसीदास और कबीर के व्यक्तित्व में अंतर नहीं था।
  3. सर्वजयी व्यक्तित्व ने कबीर की वाणी में अनन्यसाधारण जीवन रस भर दिया है।
  4. एक टूट जाता था पर झुकता भी था।


  1. असत्य
  2. असत्य
  3. सत्य
  4. असत्य

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर

प्रश्न 4.
आकृति पूर्ण कीजिए।
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर 8

प्रश्न 5.
निम्नलिखित विधानों को पाठ में आए घटनाक्रम के अनुसार लिखिए।

  1. मुक्ति के मार्ग में अग्रसर होनेवालों को आराम कहाँ ?
  2. कबीर की वाणी का अनुकरण नहीं हो सकता।
  3. उसी ने कबीर की वाणी में अनन्य साधारण जीवनरस भर दिया है।
  4. करम की रेख पर मेख न मार सका तो संत कैसा?


  1. उसी ने कबीर की वाणी में अनन्य साधारण जीवनरस भर दिया है।
  2. कबीर की वाणी का अनुकरण नहीं हो सकता।
  3. मुक्ति के मार्ग में अग्रसर होनेवालों को आराम कहाँ?
  4. करम की रेख पर मेख न मार सका तो संत कैसा?

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर

(ख) गद्यांश पढ़कर दी गई सूचना के अनुसार कृतियाँ कीजिए।

कृति (1) आकलन कृति

प्रश्न 1.
कृति पूर्ण कीजिए।
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर 9

प्रश्न 2.
आकृति पूर्ण कीजिए।
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर 10
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर 11

कृति (2) स्वमत अभिव्यक्ति

प्रश्न 1.
कबीर दास जी फक्कड़ स्वभाव के थे, इस पर अपने विचार प्रकट कीजिए।
कबीर दास जी फक्कड़ स्वभाव के थे। अच्छा हो या बुरा, सत्य हो या असत्य, जिससे एक बार चिपट गए उससे जिंदगी भर चिपटे रहो, यह सिद्धांत उन्हें मान्य नहीं था। वे सत्य के जिज्ञासु थे। कबीर को शांतिमय और सादा जीवन पसंद था और वे अहिंसा, सत्य, सदाचार आदि गुणों के प्रशंसक थे। अपनी सरलता, साधु स्वभाव तथा संत प्रवृत्ति के कारण आज अपने देश में ही नहीं विदेशों में भी उन्हें सम्मान पूर्वक याद किया जाता है। कबीर आनंदमय लोक की बातें करते थे, जो साधारण मनुष्यों की पहुंच के बहुत ऊपर है।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर

(ग) गद्यांश पढ़कर दी गई सूचना के अनुसार कृतियाँ कीजिए।

कृति (1) आकलन कृति

प्रश्न 1.
आकृति पूर्ण कीजिए।
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर 12

प्रश्न 2.
उचित पर्याय चुनकर लिखिए।

i. केवल शारीरिक और मानसिक कवायद से दिखने वाली ज्योति ………….. है।
(क) गगन ज्योति की चमक।
(ख) जड़ चित्त की कल्पना-मात्र।
(ग) आत्मा की शांति।
(ख) जड़ चित्त की कल्पना-मात्र।

ii. कबीर की यह घर-फूंक मस्ती, फक्कड़ना लापरवाही और निर्मम अक्खड़ता परिणाम थी –
(क) उनके धैर्य का।
(ख) उनके क्रोध का।
(ग) उनके अखंड आत्मविश्वास का।
(ग) उनके अखंड आत्मविश्वास का।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर

प्रश्न 3.
सत्य/असत्य पहचानकर लिखिए।

  1. ये फक्कड़राम किसी के धोखे में आने वाले न थे।
  2. उन्हें यह परवाह थी कि लोग उनकी असफलता पर क्या-क्या टिप्पणी करेंगे।
  3. जो वस्तु केवल शारीरिक व्यायाम और मानसिक शम-दमादि का साध्य है वह चरम सत्य नहीं हो सकती।
  4. केवल क्रिया बाह्य है, ज्ञान चाहिए। बिना ज्ञान के योग व्यर्थ है।


  1. सत्य
  2. असत्य
  3. सत्य
  4. सत्य

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर

प्रश्न 4.
संजाल पूर्ण कीजिए।
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर 13

प्रश्न 5.
चौखट पूर्ण कीजिए ।
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर 14

(घ) गद्यांश पढ़कर दी गई सूचना के अनुसार कृतियाँ कीजिए।

कृति (1) आकलन कृति

प्रश्न 1.
आकृति पूर्ण कीजिए।
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर 15

प्रश्न 2.
सत्य असत्य पहचानकर लिखिए।
i. प्रेम पाने के लिए राजा हो या प्रजा उसे सिर्फ एक शर्त माननी होगी, वह शर्त है सिर उतारकर धरती पर रख दें।
ii. विश्वास जिसमें संकोच है, द्विधा है, बाधा है।
i. सत्य
ii. असत्य

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर

प्रश्न 3.
सही विकल्प चुनकर लिखिए।
i. विश्वास ही इस प्रेम की,
(क) नींव है।
(ख) कुंजी है।
(ग) भक्ति है।
(ख) कुंजी है।

प्रश्न 4.
समझकर लिखिए।
i. वे कायर है
(क) जिसमें साहस नहीं।
(ख) जिसे अखंड प्रेम के ऊपर विश्वास नहीं।

ii. प्रेमरूपी मदिरा की विशेषता
वह ज्ञान के गुण से तैयार की गई थी।

कबीर Summary in Hindi

लेखक-परिचय :

जीवन-परिचय : आचार्य हजारी प्रसाद द्विवेदी का जन्म उत्तर प्रदेश के बलिया जिले के दूबे-का-छपरा नामक ग्राम में हुआ था। द्विवेदी जी हिंदी के शीर्षस्थ साहित्यकारों में से एक हैं। उनका स्वभाव बड़ा सरल और उदार था। वे उच्चकोटि के निबंधकार, उपन्यासकार, आलोचक, चिंतक एवं शोधकर्ता थे।
प्रमुख कृतियाँ : निबंध – ‘अशोक के फूल’, ‘कल्पलता’, ‘विचार प्रवाह’ आदि।
उपन्यास – ‘बाणभट्ट की आत्मकथा’, ‘चारुचंद्र लेख’, ‘पुनर्नवा’।
आलोचना और साहित्य इतिहास – मेघदूत एक पुरानी कहानी, सूर साहित्य आदि।

गद्य-परिचय :

आलोचना किसी विषय वस्तु के लक्ष्य को ध्यान में रखते हुए उसके गुण-दोष एवं उपयुक्तता का विवेचन करने वाली विधा आलोचना है। प्रस्तावना । प्रस्तुत पाठ ‘कबीर’ के माध्यम से द्विवेदी जी ने संत कबीर के व्यक्तित्व, उनके उपदेश, उनकी साधना, उनके स्वभाव के विभिन्न गुणों को बड़े ही रोचक ढंग से स्पष्ट किया है।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर

सारांश :

प्रस्तुत पूरक पठन में द्विवेदी जी ने कबीर के व्यक्तित्व, दार्शनिक विचार और उनकी साधना को दर्शाया है। हिंदी साहित्य के इतिहास में कबीर जैसा व्यक्तित्व लेकर कोई लेखक उत्पन्न नहीं हुआ। उन्होंने कबीर का प्रतिद्वंद्वी तुलसीदास को बताया है परंतु तुलसीदास व कबीर के व्यक्तित्व में बहुत अंतर था। यद्यपि दोनों ही भक्त थे परंतु दोनों स्वभाव, संस्कार और दृष्टिकोण में भिन्न थे।

मस्ती, फक्कड़ाना स्वभाव और सब कुछ झाड़-फटकारकर चल देने वाले तेज ने कबीर को हिंदी साहित्य का अद्वितीय व्यक्ति बना दिया था। कबीर की वाणी का अनुकरण नहीं हो सकता। उनकी वाणी वह लता है जो योग के क्षेत्र में भक्ति का बीज पड़ने से अंकुरित हुई थी। कबीर जी सर्वजगत के पाप को अपने ऊपर ले लेने की इच्छा से विचलित नहीं होते थे बल्कि और भी कठोर व शुष्क होकर ध्यान वैराग्य का उपदेश देते थे। अक्खड़ता कबीर का गुण नहीं है। जब वे योगी को संबोधन करते हैं तभी उनकी अक्खड़ता पूरे चढ़ाव पर होती है।

वे फक्कड़ स्वभाव के थे। अच्छा हो या बुरा, खरा हो या खोटा, जिससे एक बार चिपट गए उससे जिदंगी भर चिपटे रहो’ यह सिद्धांत उन्हें मान्य नहीं था। वे सत्य के जिज्ञासु थे और कोई माया-ममता उन्हें अपने मार्ग से विचलित नहीं कर सकती थी वे बिल्कुल मस्त-मौला थे। वे प्रेम के मतवाले थे परंतु अपने को उन दीवानों में नहीं गिनते थे जो अपनी प्रेमिका के लिए सिर पर कफ़न बाँधे फिरते हैं। उन्हें संसार की अच्छी-बुरी टिप्पणियों की परवाह नहीं थी। योग के संबंध में कबीर कहते हैं कि केवल शारीरिक और मानसिक कार्यों की नियमावली से दीखने वाली ज्योति जड़ चित्त की कल्पना मात्र है। केवल क्रिया बाह्य है, ज्ञान चाहिए।

बिना ज्ञान के योग व्यर्थ है। द्विवेदी जी ने कहा है कि कबीर के लिए साधना एक विकट संग्राम स्थली थी, जहाँ कोई विरला शूरवीर ही टिक सकता है। कबीर के मतानुसार प्रेम किसी खेत में नहीं उगता, किसी बाज़ार में नहीं बिकता, फिर जो कोई भी, इसे चाहेगा, पा लेगा। वह राजा हो या प्रजा, उसे सिर्फ एक शर्त माननी होगी, वह शर्त है सिर उतारकर धरती पर रख ले। जिसमें साहस व विश्वास नहीं, वह प्रेम की गली में नहीं जा सकता।

विश्वास ही प्रेम की कुंजी है जिसमें संकोच नहीं, दुविधा नहीं और कोई बाधा नहीं। कबीर युगावतारी शक्ति और विश्वास लेकर पैदा हुए थे और युगप्रवर्तक की दृढ़ता उनमें विद्यमान थी इसलिए वे युग प्रवर्तन कर सकें। द्विवेदी जी ने कबीर जी के व्यक्तित्व के लिए एक वाक्य में कहा है कि, “कबीर सिर से पैर तक मस्त-मौला थे, बेपरवाह, दृढ़, उग्र, फूल से भी कोमल और बज्र से भी कठोर थे।”

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर

शब्दार्थ :

  1. व्यक्तित्व – विशेष चरित्र
  2. महिमा – महानता, गौरव
  3. प्रतिद्वंद्वी – प्रतिस्पर्धी, प्रतियोगी
  4. दृष्टिकोण नज़रिया, विचार
  5. फक्कड़ – मस्त
  6. फक्कड़ाना – मौजी
  7. झाड़-फटकारकर – छोड़-छाड़कर
  8. अद्वितीय – बेजोड़, अद्भुत
  9. सर्वजयी – सबको जीत लेने वाला
  10. अनन्य साधारण – असाधारण
  11. अनुकरण – नकल
  12. चेष्टाएँ – कोशिश
  13. हठयोग – योग का एक प्रकार
  14. हठयोगी – हठयुक्त साधना करने वाले
  15. स्फूर्ति – उत्साह
  16. वांछा – इच्छा, चाह
  17. विरत – विमुख, वैरागी
  18. सुरत – कार्य सिद्धी का मार्ग, ध्यान
  19. मेख – छूटी, कौल, काँटा
  20. अक्खड़ता – हठी स्वभाव, निडरता
  21. अवधूत – संन्यासी
  22. कातर – व्याकुल, परेशान, दुखी
  23. द्वैत – जीव
  24. अद्वैत – ब्रह्म
  25. सत्व – अस्तित्व
  26. अच्छर हूँ – ईश्वर
  27. विनासिने – नष्ट होना
  28. क्रांतदर्शी – सर्वज्ञ, सब कुछ जानने वाला, दूरदर्शी
  29. कुसुमादपि – फूल की तरह
  30. वज्रादपि – वज़ की तरह
  31. फटकार – ਫੁੱਟ
  32. शुष्क – निर्मोही
  33. माँही – में
  34. भेष-भगवंत – ईश्वर
  35. पाही – पास
  36. चढ़ाव – वृद्धि, वेग
  37. विकट – जटिल, कठिन
  38. अवतरण – प्रस्तुत
  39. सुन्न – ब्रह्म
  40. सहज – सरल
  41. मुराड़ा – जलती हुई लकड़ी
  42. जिज्ञासु – जानने की इच्छा रखनेवाला
  43. माशूक – प्रिय
  44. शम – शांति, क्षमा
  45. तहकीक – जाँच

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 3 कबीर


  1. दाल न गलना – सफल न होना।
  2. सिर पर कफन बाँधना – बलिदान के लिए तैयार होना।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 7 डाॅक्‍टर का अपहरण

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Hindi Solutions Lokbharti Chapter 7 डॉक्टर का अपहरण Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 7 डॉक्टर का अपहरण

Hindi Lokbharti 9th Std Digest Chapter 7 डॉक्टर का अपहरण Textbook Questions and Answers


प्रश्न 1.
डॉ. जयंत नारळीकर जी की विज्ञान संबंधी कोई किताब पढ़िए।


प्रश्न 1.
‘इसरो’ (Isro) के संदर्भ में प्राथमिक जानकारी अंतरजाल से प्राप्त कर आपस में वार्तालाप कीजिए।

  • अजय: नयना क्या तुम ‘Isro’ के बारे में जानती हो?
  • नयनाः हाँ, मुझे सिर्फ ‘Isro’ का पूरा नाम पता है- इंडियन स्पेस रिसर्च ऑर्गनाएझेशन।
  • अजयः क्या तुम इसका हिंदी अनुवाद कर सकती हो?
  • नयनाः नहीं, अजय। तुम ही बताओ।
  • अजय: भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान संगठन।
  • नयनाः मुझे इतना पता है कि ‘इसरो’ का मुख्यालय बेंगलुरू, कर्नाटक में है।
  • अजय: क्या तुम इस संस्था के मुख्य कार्य के बारे में जानती हो?
  • नयना: नहीं, अजय।
  • अजयः सुनो नयना, इस संस्थान का मुख्य कार्य भारत के लिए अंतरिक्ष संबंधी तकनीक उपलब्ध करवाना है। अंतरिक्ष कार्यक्रम के मुख्य उद्देश्यों में उपग्रहों, राकेटों का विकास शामिल है।
  • नयना: क्या तुम्हें ‘इसरो’ के बारे और में कुछ पता है ?
  • अजयः हाँ नयना, जून २०१६ तक इसरो लगभग २० अलग-अलग देशों के 56 उपग्रहों को लाँच कर चुका है और इसके द्वारा उसने अब तक 10 करोड़ अमेरिकी डॉलर कमाए हैं। इसरो को शांति, निशस्त्रीकरण और विकास के लिए साल 2014 में इंदिरा गांधी पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया है।
  • नयनाः अजय, आज तुमने मुझे बहुत ही अच्छी जानाकारी दी है। इसके लिए मैं तुम्हें धन्यवाद देती हूँ।

सूचना के अनुसार कृतियाँ कीजिए:

प्रश्न 1.
आकृति पूर्ण कीजिए:
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 7 डाॅक्‍टर का अपहरण 1.1
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 7 डाॅक्‍टर का अपहरण 1.2

प्रश्न 2.
‘यदि मैं डॉ. भटनागर की जगह होता/होती’ तो… इस विषय पर अपने विचार लिखिए।
यदि मैं डॉक्टर भटनागर की जगह होता, तो मेरी भी स्थिति कुछ उनके जैसे ही हो जाती। आखिर मैं भी एक इंसान हूँ और मेरा भी डॉक्टर भटनागर की भाँति परिवार है। यदि मुझे कोई ऐसे रात के समय में आकर किसी यान में बिठाकर जबरदस्ती से ले जाता, तो मेरे भी होश उड़ जाते। अचानक क्या हो रहा है, इसके बारे में मुझे कुछ नहीं सूझता। फिर भी मैं अपनी हिम्मत नहीं हारता। चुपचाप यान में बैठकर उनके घर पर जाता और उनकी स्थिति को जानने की कोशिश करता और उन्हें मुसीबतों से उबारने के लिए भरसक कोशिश करता।

आखिर, डॉक्टरों का धर्म ही होता है मरीजों की सेवा करना। जितना मेरे अकेले से बन पड़ता, उतना मैं जरूर करता। उनका सही मार्गदर्शन करता और बड़े ही विनम्र भाव से व अपना धैर्य अडिग रखते हुए हरपल उन्हें खुश रखता। मन में ये आस जरूर रखता कि अन्य ग्रहवासी भी अपने जैसे इंसान हैं और वह मुझे जरूर एक दिन यान में बिठाकर पृथ्वी पर छोड़ आएँगे। फिर यहाँ आकर मैं अन्य सहयोगी डॉक्टर एवं वैज्ञानिकों की सहायता से उनके लिए औषधि का निर्माण करता।


प्रश्न 1.
‘यदि मैं अंतरिक्ष यात्री होता…’ इस विषय पर लेखनीय अपने विचार लिखिए।
प्रत्येक छात्र का अपना सपना होता है। वह भविष्य में बड़ीसे-बड़ी मंजिल प्राप्त करना चाहता है। मेरा भी एक सपना है। वह हैअतंरिक्ष यात्री बनने का। इसके लिए मैं सतत अभ्यास व परिश्रम कर रहा हूँ। अतंरिक्ष यात्री बनने के पश्चात मैं कैसे व किस प्रकार कार्य करूँगा, यह प्रश्न मेरे मन में बार-बार उपस्थित हो रहा है।

सचमुच, मैं यदि अंतरिक्ष यात्री होता, तो मैं अंतरिक्ष की सैर करता, वहाँ जाकर रहता। वहाँ जाकर गुरूत्वाकर्षण-हीन योगाभ्यास करता, अंतरिक्ष शटल का अभ्यास करता। अंतरिक्ष में रहने का अभ्यास करता और उसके लिए प्राथमिक तौर पर तैयारी करता ।। यदि मैं अंतरिक्ष यात्री होता, तो संपूर्ण भारत में भ्रमण कर छात्र – छात्राओं को अंतरिक्ष विज्ञान से परिचित कराता। उनमें अंतरिक्ष विज्ञान के प्रति प्रेम निर्माण करता ताकि आगे चलकर वे भी मेरे जैसे अंतरिक्ष यात्री बन सकें और अपने देश का नाम रोशन कर सकें।

यदि मैं अंतरिक्ष यात्री होता, तो अंतरिक्ष में जाकर सबसे लंबा स्पेस वॉक करता और अपने नाम पर रिकार्ड बना कर भारत देश का नाम संसार मे ऊँचा करता। अंतरिक्ष में रहकर और वहाँ पर प्रयोग कर, वहाँ की मिट्टी एवं अन्य पदार्थों को लेकर वापस आ जाता ताकि कैंसर जैसी घातक बीमारियों की दवाइयाँ उपलब्ध हो सकें। यदि मैं अंतरिक्ष यात्री होता, तो मैं संपूर्ण मानव-जाति का विचार करके उनके बारे में सोचता।

यदि मैं अंतरिक्ष यात्री होता, तो अपनी जीवनी लिखता और उसके माध्यम से लोगों को बताता कि अंतरिक्ष यात्री अंतरिक्ष में कैसे रहते हैं, उन्हें किन-किन परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ता है, अंतरिक्ष में वे क्या खाते हैं, कब सोते हैं, कब जागते हैं, अंतरिक्ष में गुरुत्व बल के ना होने से किस प्रकार परेशानियों का सामना करते हैं आदि।

यदि मैं अंतरिक्ष यात्री होता, तो स्वयं को सबसे अधिक भाग्यशाली समझता। जन्मभर मेहनत, परिश्रम व लगन से कमाई हुई धनराशि को मानव सेवा के लिए समर्पित कर देता।। जब मैं अंतरिक्ष यात्री होता, तब ही मैं ये सारी उपलब्धियाँ एवं श्रेय प्राप्त कर सकता। अत: अंतरिक्ष यात्री बनने के लिए मैं भरसक कोशिश करूँगा क्योंकि मैं जानता हूँ-

“मंजिलें उन्हीं को मिलती हैं,
जिनके सपनों में जान होती है।

पंख से कुछ नहीं होता
हौसलों से उड़ान होती है।”

मौलिक सृजन:

प्रश्न 1.
अन्य ग्रहवासी से मेरी मुलाकात’ विषय पर संवाद सृजन बनाकर लिखिए।

  • मनोहरः कौन हो तुम? तुम धरती के निवासी नहीं लगते हो। कहाँ से आए हो, तुम? बताओ। मैं तुम्हारे बारे में जानने के लिए उत्सुक हूँ।
  • अन्य ग्रहवासी: जी हाँ, तुमने सही पहचाना। मैं इस धरती का निवासी नहीं हूँ। मैं पृथ्वी से लगभग 15 हजार करोड़ कि.मी. की दूरी पर स्थित ग्रह से आया हूँ।
  • मनोहर: इतने दूर से आए हो, तुम। पर कैसे आए हो? इतनी दूरी से यहाँ धरती पर आना, तुम्हारे लिए कैसे संभव हो सका है?
  • अन्य ग्रहवासी: हमारे पास अत्याधुनिक यान है, इसके जरिए हम कहीं भी, किसी भी सौरमंडल के ग्रह पर आसानी से जा सकते हैं।
  • मनोहरः क्या कहा तुमने? किसी भी सौरमंडल के ग्रह पर! सौरमंडल तो एक ही है।
  • अन्य ग्रहवासी: (हँसते हुए) किसने कहा तुम्हें कि सौरमंडल एक है। इस ब्रहमांड में तो सूर्य जैसे कई सूर्य हैं और सभी के अपनेअपने ग्रह हैं। उन ग्रहों पर दुनिया बसी है और वे सभी तुम्हारे ग्रह के लोगों से कई गुना ज्यादा उन्नतिशील हैं।
  • मनोहर: यह जानकर मुझे बेहद खुशी हुई कि सौरमंडल अनंत है। पर एक बात मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रही है कि तुम हमारी धरती पर क्यों आए हो। अन्य ग्रहवासी: हमारे ग्रहवासियों ने हरी-हरी वसुंधरा पर रहने वाले लोगों की संस्कृति के बारे में बहुत कुछ सुना है। अत: आप की संस्कृति का अभ्यास करने के लिए मैं यहाँ उपस्थित हुआ हूँ।
  • मनोहर: तुम्हारे विचार सुनकर मैं आनंद विभोर हो गया हूँ। मुझे बेहद खुशी होगी, यदि तुम मेरे साथ चलोगे, तो मैं तुम्हें संपूर्ण भारत का भ्रमण कराऊँगा।
  • अन्य ग्रहवासी: मैं भी यही चाहता हूँ।


प्रश्न 1.
सौर मंडल के किसी एक ग्रह संबंधी जानकारी प्राप्त कर कक्षा में सुनाइए।

पाठ के आँगन में…

1. सूचना के अनुसार कृतियाँ कीजिए:

प्रश्न 1.
सौरमंडल के अन्य ग्रह पर बसे लोगों के चिकित्साशास्त्र में पिछड़े रहने के कारणों की सूची तैयार कीजिए:
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 7 डाॅक्‍टर का अपहरण 1
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 7 डाॅक्‍टर का अपहरण 2

2. ‘स्वास्थ्य की समस्या सभी जगह पाई जाती है।’ इस विषय पर अपने विचार लिखिए।

प्रश्न 1.
‘स्वास्थ्य की समस्या सभी जगह पाई जाती है।’ इस विषय पर अपने विचार लिखिए।
आज के बढ़ते औद्योगीकरण और तकनीकी विकास ने इंसान को ऐसी अति-आधुनिक सुख-सुविधाएँ प्रदान की हैं, जिनके कारण उसका जीवन अप्रत्याशित रूप से सरल और सहज बन गया है। लेकिन यह भी उतना ही सत्य है कि बढ़ते औद्योगीकरण और उन्नत औद्योगिकी के कारण पृथ्वी के प्राकृतिक वातावरण में व्यवधान उत्पन्न हो गया है। इस व्यवधान ने प्रकृति के स्वाभाविक सामंजस्य को असंतुलित कर दिया है और, चूँकि मानव-जीवन प्रकृति का अभिन्न अंग है, इसलिए बढ़ते प्राकृतिक असंतुलन ने इंसान के जीवन को भी असंतुलित कर दिया है।

फलस्वरूप आज का बिगड़ा पर्यावरण मनुष्य के स्वास्थ्य को बहुत ज्यादा प्रभावित कर रहा है। आज मिलावट का कहर सबसे ज्यादा हमारी रोजमर्रा की जरूरत की चीजों पर ही पड़ रहा है। संपूर्ण देश में मिलावटी खाद्य-पदार्थों की भरमार हो गई है। आजकल नकली दूध, नकली घी, नकली तेल, नकली चायपत्ती आदि सब कुछ धड़ल्ले से बिक रहा है। अगर कोई इन्हें खाकर बीमार पड़ जाता है तो हालत और भी खराब हो जाती है, क्योंकि जीवनरक्षक दवाइयाँ भी नकली ही बिक रही हैं।

पाठ से आगे

‘उड़न तश्तरी’ की संकल्पना अंतरजाल से पढ़कर स्पष्ट कीजिए।

भाषा बिंदू

प्रश्न 1.
निम्न वाक्यों में कारक रेखांकित कर उनके भाषा बिंदु नाम और चिह्न लिखकर पाठ से अन्य वाक्य खो जकर तालिका में लिखिए।

  1. श्रीमती भटनागर ने दरवाजे पर फिर से वैसे ही गाड़ी के पहियों के निशान देखे।
  2. उस सी. डी. को तुरंत सुनने की व्यवस्था की गई।
  3. अजीब आशंकाओं से परेशान हो उठा।
  4. यहाँ भी लोगों ने रहने के लिए घर बना रखे हैं।
  5. घर से बाहर गए उन्हें काफी समय हो गया।
  6. हे मानव मुझे क्षमा कर, मै पृथ्वी से बहुत दूर पहुँच चुका हूँ।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 7 डाॅक्‍टर का अपहरण 3

चिहन नाम
1. ने
अधिकरण कारक
2. को कर्मकारक
3. से अपादान कारक
4. ने
के लिए
संप्रदान कारक
5. से अपादान कारक
6. हे संबोधन कारक

Hindi Lokbharti 9th Answers Chapter 7 डॉक्टर का अपहरण Additional Important Questions and Answers

कृति (1) आकलन कृति

प्रश्न 1.
आकृति पूर्ण कीजिए।
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 7 डाॅक्‍टर का अपहरण 4

कारण लिखिए।

प्रश्न 1.
अस्पताल के चौकीदार का डॉ. भटनागर जी के घर आने का कारण
मरीज सीरियस हो जाने पर डॉ. भटनागर जी को बुलाने के लिए अस्पताल का चौकीदार डॉ. भटनागर जी के घर आ जाता।

प्रश्न 2.
डॉक्टर साहब की पत्नी जागकर भी बिस्तर पर ही पड़ी रही
डॉक्टर साहब की पत्नी जागकर भी बिस्तर पर ही पड़ी रही क्योंकि वह जानती थी कि हमेशा कोई-न-कोई उनके दरवाजे पर डॉक्टर साहब को बुलाने के लिए आता है।

प्रश्न 3.
आकृति पूर्ण कीजिए।
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 7 डाॅक्‍टर का अपहरण 5

प्रश्न 4.
कृति पूर्ण कीजिए।
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 7 डाॅक्‍टर का अपहरण 6

प्रश्न 5.
कारण लिखिए।
पत्नी ने ऐसा क्यों कहा कि उनके पति को लेकर जाने के लिए कोई गाड़ी आई थी।
ऐसा इसलिए कहा कि उनके घर के बाहर और फुटपाथ पर बड़े पहियों के निशान थे।

प्रश्न 6.
आकृति पूर्ण कीजिए।
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 7 डाॅक्‍टर का अपहरण 7

कारण लिखिए।

प्रश्न 1.
श्रीमती भटनागर ने पुलिस को सूचना दी।
उन्होंने दरवाजे पर फिर से वैसी ही गाड़ी के पहियों के निशान देखे। उन्हें लगा कि डॉक्टर साहब आ गए हैं। इसलिए श्रीमती भटनागर ने पुलिस को सूचना दी।

प्रश्न 2.
सभी हतप्रभ रह गए।
सी. डी. में डॉक्टर भटनागर बोल रहे थे, जिसको सुनकर सभी हतप्रभ रह गए।

प्रश्न 3.
किसने, किससे कहा?
तुम सब लोग मेरे लिए परेशान होगे।
डॉक्टर भटनागर जी ने सभी लोगों से कहा।

प्रश्न 1.
सत्य-असत्य लिखिए।
1. डॉक्टर साहब स्वयं अन्य ग्रह पर चले गए थे।
2. डॉक्टर भटनागर जिस ग्रह पर गए थे, उस ग्रह के लोग विज्ञान में बहुत प्रगत थे।
1. असत्य
2. सत्य

प्रश्न 2.
समझकर लिखिए।
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प्रश्न 4.
कृति पूर्ण कीजिए।
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प्रश्न 5.
आकृति पूर्ण कीजिए।
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कारण लिखिए।

प्रश्न 1.
अन्य सौरमंडल के ग्रह पर आदमी का महत्त्व कम हो गया है।
क्योंकि वहाँ पर सारा काम मशीनों से ही होता है।

प्रश्न 2.
अन्य सौरमंडल के ग्रह पर शरीर का कोई अंग सड़ने से आदमी मर जाता है।
क्योंकि वहाँ पर रहनेवाले लोगों को उस रोग पर इलाज मालूम नहीं है।

प्रश्न 3.
सत्य-असत्य लिखिए।
1. अन्य सौरमंडल के लोग विज्ञान में पिछड़े हुए हैं।
2. अन्य सौरमंडल के ग्रहों पर मशीनें ज्यादा और आदमी कम हैं।
1. असत्य
2. सत्य

प्रश्न 4.
आकृति पूर्ण कीजिए।
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कारण लिखिए।

प्रश्न 1.
अन्य सौर मंडल के ग्रहवासियों को चिकित्सा की जरूरत ही नहीं पड़ती।
अन्य सौर मंडल के ग्रहवासियों को चिकित्सा की जरूरत ही नहीं पड़ती क्योंकि वहाँ पर रहने वाले कभी बीमार ही नहीं पड़ते।

प्रश्न 2.
डॉक्टर साहब अन्य सौरमंडल के ग्रह वासियों से क्यों विरोध मोल लेना नहीं चाहते हैं?
डॉक्टर साहब अन्य सौरमंडल के ग्रह वासियों से विरोध मोल लेना नहीं चाहते हैं क्योंकि उन्हें सही सलामत वापस पृथ्वी पर आना है।

कृति (2) आकलन कृति

प्रश्न 1.
घटनाक्रमानुसार लेखन कीजिए।
(क) पत्नी ने सोचा कि डॉक्टर साहब सीधे अस्पताल चले गए होंगे।
(ख) पति के न लौटने पर पत्नी चिंतित हुई।
(ग) फिर सोचा कि मरीज की हालत गंभीर होगी।
(घ) पत्नी जागकर भी बिस्तर पर ही पड़ी रही।
(घ), (ख), (ग), (क)

प्रश्न 2.
प्रस्तुत गद्यांश के आधार पर ऐसे प्रश्न तैयार कीजिए कि जिनके उत्तर निम्नलिखित शब्द हों
1. चौकीदार
2. डॉक्टर भटनागर
1.  मरीज सीरियस हो जाने पर डॉक्टर साहब को उठाने के लिए कौन आ जाता?
2. कौन लापता हो गए थे?

प्रश्न 3.
गद्यांश में प्रयुक्त एक वस्त्र का नाम –

प्रश्न 4.
गद्यांश में प्रयुक्त संचार माध्यम –

सही विधान चुनकर पूर्ण वाक्य फिर से लिखिए।

प्रश्न 1.
डॉक्टर साहब की खोज करने के लिए पुलिस ने …………………. .
(क) समाचार पत्र में इश्तिहार दिया।
(ख) वायरलेस से संदेश भेज दिए।
(ग) अन्य राज्य की पुलिस से सहायता ली।
डॉक्टर साहब की खोज करने के लिए पुलिस ने वायरलेस से संदेश भेज दिए।

समझकर लिखिए।

प्रश्न 1.
पत्नी की हालत अत्यंत खराब हो गई थी यह दर्शानेवाले गद्यांश में प्रयुक्त वाक्य –
उनकी हालत पागलों जैसी हो गई थी। हर रोज सुबह उठती और दरवाजे पर आकर खड़ी हो जाती, जैसे वह डॉक्टर भटनागर के आने की प्रतीक्षा कर रही हों।

प्रश्न 2.
डॉक्टर साहब सीधे-साधे व्यक्ति थे, यह दर्शानेवाला गद्यांश में प्रयुक्त वाक्य –
चूँकि डॉक्टर भटनागर का कोई शत्रु भी न था।

प्रश्न 3.
कृति पूर्ण कीजिए।
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प्रश्न 4.
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प्रश्न 5.
समझकर लिखिए।
अपने परिवार से दूर रहने के बावजूद भी डॉक्टर साहब खुश हैं
दुनिया में हम पृथ्वीवासियों के अलावा अन्य ग्रहों पर भी दुनिया बसी हुई है। इस बात से डॉक्टर साहब खुश हैं।

प्रश्न 6.
धरतीवालों की सोच –
दुनिया में जो कुछ है, वह हम ही हैं।

प्रश्न 7.
‘ब्रह्मांड अनंत है।’ इसके लिए गद्यांश में प्रयुक्त वाक्य है –
इस ब्रह्मांड में तो हमारे सूर्य जैसे न जाने कितने सूर्य हैं और सभी के अपने-अपने ग्रह हैं।

प्रश्न 8.
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कारण लिखिए।

प्रश्न 1.
दूसरे सौरमंडल के ग्रहवासियों ने डॉक्टर साहब का आसानी से अपहरण कर लिया।
क्योंकि उनके लिए डॉक्टर साहब का सौरमंडल सबसे निकट था।

प्रश्न 2.
अपहरणकर्ता सौरमंडल के लोग एक सौरमंडल से दूसरे सौरमंडल पर आसानी से जाते हैं।
क्योंकि उनके पास अत्याधुनिक यान हैं।

सहसंबध लिखिए।

प्रश्न 1.
विचित्र-सा : नाम :: प्लास्टिक : …

प्रश्न 2.
समझकर लिखिए।
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प्रश्न 3.
गद्यांश पढ़कर ऐसे प्रश्न बनाइए कि जिनके उत्तर निम्नलिखित शब्द हों
1. यान
2. सू-सू
1. अन्य सौरमंडल के ग्रहवासी दूसरे सौरमंडल पर किसके सहारे सफर करते हैं?
2. यान ने तेजी से घूमकर किस प्रकार की आवाज निकाली?

प्रश्न 4.
जोड़ियाँ मिलाइए।

(अ) (ब)
1. दैत्याकार (क) कारखाने
2. बड़े-बड़े (ख) मशीनें
3. ऊँची (ग) इंसान
4. मशीनों के गुलाम (घ) इमारतें

(i – ख) (ii – क) (iii – घ) (iv – ग)

प्रश्न 2.
गद्यांश पढ़कर ऐसे दो प्रश्न तैयार कीजिए जिनके उत्तर निम्न शब्द हों
1. वातावरण
2. विज्ञान
1. मशीनों और कारखानों से क्या दूषित हो रहा है?
2. अन्य सौरमंडल के ग्रह पर कौन अपनी चरम सीमा को पहुँचा है?

प्रश्न 3.
समझकर लिखिए।
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कृति (3): शब्द संपदा

प्रश्न 1.
समानार्थी शब्द लिखिए।

  1. अचानक
  2. समाचार
  3. पत्नी
  4. हैरानी


  1. सहसा
  2. खबर
  3. भार्या
  4. परेशानी

प्रश्न 2.
विरुद्धार्थी शब्द लिखिए।

  1. जल्दी × ……….
  2. गाँव × ……….
  3. मित्र × ………
  4. दूर × ………


  1. देरी
  2. शहर
  3. शत्रु
  4. पास

प्रश्न 3.
गद्यांश में प्रयुक्त अंग्रेजी शब्द लिखिए।
डॉक्टर, सीरियस, फोन, बैग ।

प्रश्न 4.
वचन बदलिए।
1. संबंधी
2. जानकारी
1. संबंधियों
2. जानकारियाँ

प्रश्न 5.
निम्नलिखित शब्दों को उचित उपसर्ग लगाकर नए शब्द
तैयार कीजिए।
1. समय
2. कारण
1. असमय
2. अकारण

प्रश्न 6.
निम्नलिखित शब्द में से मूल शब्द व प्रत्यय अलग कीजिए।
मूल शब्द – चिंता, प्रत्यय – इत

प्रश्न 7.
शब्द समूह के लिए एक शब्द लिखिए।
जिसका पता न लगे

प्रश्न 1.
निम्नलिखित शब्दों के विलोम शब्द लिखिए।
1. बाहर × …..
2. दिन × …..
1. अंदर
2. रात

प्रश्न 2.
निम्नलिखित शब्दों के अर्थ गद्यांश में से ढूँढ़कर लिखिए।

  1. नादारद
  2. तत्काल
  3. डर
  4. चिह्न


  1. गायब
  2. तुरंत
  3. भय
  4. निशान

प्रश्न 3.
लिंग बदलिए।
1. साहब
2. श्रीमती
1. साहिबा
2. श्रीमान

प्रश्न 4.
वचन बदलिए।

  1. सूचना
  2. महीना
  3. परेशानी
  4. हत्या


  1. सूचनाएँ
  2. महीने
  3. परेशानियाँ
  4. हत्याएँ

प्रश्न 5.
गद्यांश में प्रयुक्त अंग्रेजी शब्द ढूँढ़कर लिखिए।
वायरलेस, कार, फुटपाथ, बस, ट्रक।

प्रश्न 6.
निम्नलिखित शब्दों के मूल शब्द व प्रत्यय अलग करके लिखिए।
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प्रश्न 7.
तालिका पूर्ण कीजिए।
(स्टेशन, उन्होंने, खोज, किया, भेज दिए गए, रहस्यात्मक, कई, उनके)

संज्ञा सर्वनाम विशषण क्रिया
स्टेशन उन्होंने रहस्यात्मक किया
खोज उनके कई भेज दिए गए

प्रश्न 8.
निम्नलिखित वाक्य में विराम-चिह्न का उचित प्रयोग कीजिए।
पुलिस ने पूछा क्या डॉक्टर साहब ट्रक या बस में बैठकर गए हैं
पुलिस ने पूछा, “क्या डॉक्टर साहब ट्रक या बस में बैठकर गए हैं।”

प्रश्न 9.
संधि-विच्छेद कीजिए।
वातावरण = वात + आवरण

प्रश्न 10.
निम्नलिखित शब्दों के विलोम गद्यांश में से ढूँढ़कर लिखिए।

  1. सरल × ………….
  2. कम × ………….
  3. गम × …………
  4. अव्यवस्था × ………..


  1. कठिन
  2. ज्यादा
  3. खुशी
  4. व्यवस्था

प्रश्न 11.
समानार्थी शब्द लिखिए।

  1. खुशी
  2. दुनिया
  3. पृथ्वी
  4. ब्रह्मांड


  1. प्रसन्नता
  2. संसार
  3. धरती
  4. अंतरिक्ष

प्रश्न 3.
निम्नलिखित शब्दों के वचन परिवर्तन कीजिए।
1. गाड़ी
2. निशान
1. गाड़ियाँ
2. निशानियाँ

प्रश्न 4.
‘स्तब्ध रहना’ इसके लिए गद्यांश में प्रयुक्त मुहावरा लिखिए।
हतप्रभ रहना।

प्रश्न 5.
निम्नलिखित शब्द को उचित प्रत्यय लगाकर नया शब्द तैयार कीजिए।
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प्रश्न 6.
निम्नलिखित शब्द में से मूल शब्द व प्रत्यय अलग कीजिए।
मूल शब्द – उन्नति; प्रत्यय – शील

प्रश्न 7.
निम्नलिखित क्रिया रूपों के प्रथम तथा द्वितीय प्रेरणार्थक रूप लिखिए।
1. समझना
2. देना

रूप प्रथम प्रेरणार्थक द्वितीय प्रेरणार्थक
1. समझना समझाना समझवाना
2. देना दिलाना दिलवाना

प्रश्न 8.
समानार्थी शब्द लिखिए।

  1. कहानी
  2. रात
  3. कोशिश
  4. बाजार


  1. कथा
  2. निशा
  3. प्रयास
  4. मंडी

प्रश्न 9.
विरुद्धार्थी शब्द लिखिए।

  1. आसानी × …………
  2. अनुकूल × ………..
  3. सम्मान × ……….
  4. ज्ञान × ………….


  1. कठिनाई
  2. प्रतिकूल
  3. अपमान
  4. अज्ञान

प्रश्न 10.
वचन बदलिए।
1. बस्तियाँ
2. कारखाना
1. बस्ती
2. कारखाने

प्रश्न 11.
निम्नलिखित शब्द में से मूल शब्द व प्रत्यय अलग कीजिए।
1. घबराहट
2. रीति
1. मूल शब्द – घबरा, प्रत्यय – आहट
2. मूल शब्द – रीत, प्रत्यय – इ

प्रश्न 12.
निम्नलिखित शब्द में प्रयुक्त उपसर्ग अलग करके लिखिए।

  1. अनुकूल
  2. अनुमति
  3. अपहरण


  1. अनु
  2. अनु
  3. अप

शब्द-समूह के लिए एक शब्द लिखिए।

प्रश्न 1.
ग्रह, उपग्रह, धूमकेतु, उल्का, सूर्य आदि का सम्मिलित एक विशाल आकाशीय संस्थान।

प्रश्न 2.
निम्नलिखित शब्द से उपसर्ग अलग करके लिखिए।
1. विशेष
2. विचित्र
1. वि + शेष (उपसर्ग – वि)
2. वि + चित्र (उपसर्ग – वि)

प्रश्न 3.
निम्नलिखित शब्दों में उचित प्रत्यय का प्रयोग करके नए शब्द बनाइए।
1. गुलाम
2. स्थान
1. गुलाम + ई = गुलामी (ई – प्रत्यय)
2. स्थान + ईय = स्थानीय (ईय – प्रत्यय)

प्रश्न 4.
विलोम शब्द लिखिए।
1. कम × ……….
2. शुरू × ……….
1. ज्यादा
2. समाप्त

प्रश्न 5.
समानार्थी शब्द लिखिए।
1. रोग
2. स्थिति
1. बीमारी
2. दशा

प्रश्न 6.
वचन बदलिए।
1. सीमा
2. मुसीबत
1. सीमाएँ
2. मुसीबतें

निम्नलिखित मुहावरों का अर्थ लिखकर उनका वाक्यों में प्रयोग कीजिए।

प्रश्न 1.
‘अस्तित्व समाप्त होना’ इसके लिए गद्यांश में प्रयुक्त मुहावरा है
नामो – निशान मिटना

वाक्य शुद्ध करके फिर से लिखिए।

प्रश्न 1.
1. शरीर के कोई अंग सड़नी शुरू हो जाती है।
2. कल-कारखानों की युग में आदमी के महत्त्व कम हो रहा है।
1. शरीर का कोई अंग सड़ना शुरू हो जाता है।
2. कल-कारखानों के युग में आदमी का महत्त्व कम हो रहा

प्रश्न 2.
समानार्थी शब्द लिखिए।

  1. यात्रा
  2. कष्ट
  3. घातक
  4. शरीर


  1. सफर
  2. तकलीफ
  3. खतरनाक
  4. तन

प्रश्न 3.
वचन बदलिए।

  1. दवाएँ
  2. रास्ता
  3. योजना
  4. इच्छा


  1. दवा
  2. रास्ते
  3. योजनाएँ
  4. इच्छाएँ

प्रश्न 4.
विलोम शब्द लिखिए।

  1. आज × ……………….
  2. अपना × ……………..
  3. सहमत × ……………
  4. आवश्यक × …………..


  1. कल
  2. पराया
  3. असहमत
  4. अनावश्यक

प्रश्न 5.
उपसर्ग अलग करके लिखिए।
विदेश – वि + देश (वि – उपसर्ग)

प्रश्न 5.
निम्नलिखित शब्द के अनेकार्थी शब्द लिखिए।
अंग – शरीर के अंग, शरीर, भाग, शाखा

कृति (4) स्वमत अभिव्यक्ति

प्रश्न 1.
‘डॉक्टरों का जीवन सेवा और साधना का होता है। इस विषय पर अपने विचार लिखिए।
डॉक्टर का समाज में महत्त्वपूर्ण स्थान है। कई बार ऑपरेशन के दौरान डॉक्टर को कई-कई घंटे काम करना पड़ता है। वह आराम से सो भी नहीं पाता। सरकारी अस्पतालों में डॉक्टरों को कई-कई घंटे रोगियों को देखना पड़ता है। रोगी की स्थिति गंभीर होने पर उनकी रात में भी कई बार जाँच करनी पड़ती है। डॉक्टर मनुष्य को जीवनदान देकर उस पर उपकार करता है।

डॉक्टर ऑपरेशन के द्वारा हमें नवजीवन प्रदान करता है। टी.बी., पक्षघात, हृदय रोग, कैंसर आदि बीमारियाँ डॉक्टर ही बड़े प्रयत्न से ठीक कर पाता है। इसलिए तो कहा गया है कि ईश्वर तो केवल जन्म देकर मनुष्य को संसार में भेज देता है। उसके बाद मनुष्य के जीवन की रक्षा का सारा उत्तरदायित्व वह डॉक्टरों के हाथ में सौंप देता है। आखिर, मानव-जाति को स्वस्थ बनाए रखना ही डॉक्टरी पेशे की सबसे बड़ी उपलब्धि है।

प्रश्न 2.
‘यदि आपका मित्र गायब हो जाए, तो उसे ढूँढ़ने के लिए आप कौन-कौन से प्रयास करेंगे।’ अपने विचार लिखिए।
यदि मेरा मित्र गायब हो जाए, तो उसे ढूँढ़ने के लिए सर्वप्रथम मैं उसे अपने अन्य मित्रों के घर जाकर ढूँढूँगा। यदि वह वहाँ पर नहीं मिला, तो मैं उसके माता-पिता से पूछूगा कि उसने जाने से पहले कुछ बताया है, कि वह कहाँ जा रहा है। यदि उनसे समाधानकारक जवाब न मिला, तो मैं उसके माता-पिता के साथ मिलकर पुलिस स्टेशन जाकर रिपोर्ट लिखवाऊँगा।

उसका फोटो पुलिस को दूंगा तथा उसके रंग, रूप, ऊँचाई, उम्र आदि के बारे में पुलिस को बताऊँगा। इतना ही नहीं, मैं दूरदर्शन के माध्यम से भी गुमशुदा मित्र की तलाश करूँगा। जब तक मेरा मित्र घर वापस नहीं आएगा, तब तक उसके माता-पिता के साथ रहकर उनका हौसला बढ़ाऊँगा। उन्हें किसी भी हालत में हिम्मत नहीं हारने दूंगा। अपने मित्र तथा परिवार की सहायता से उसे हर पल ढूँढ़ने की कोशिश करूँगा।

प्रश्न 3.
‘अपने परिवार, मित्रों व देश से दूर का दुख तो बहुत ही ज्यादा होता है।’ इस पर अपने विचार लिखिए।
जैसे अपना परिवार अपना होता है, वैसे ही अपना देश भी अपना होता है। यदि हम नौकरी के सिलसिले में विदेश चले गए और वहाँ पर रहने लगे, तो हमें अपने परिवार की कमी खलने लगती है। हम अपने परिवार के लोगों को छोड़कर वहाँ पर अकेले रहना पसंद नहीं करते हैं। अकेले रहे तो भी हमें दिनरात अपने माता-पिता, बीवी-बच्चों की यादें आनी शुरू हो जाती है।

हम भले कितने भी सुख से क्यों न हों, फिर भी हम अकेलेपन को अधिक गहराई से महसूस करते हैं। विदेश में तो सारे पराए होते हैं। वहाँ पर अपना कोई नहीं होता। हम जिस प्रकार अपनों के साथ लड़ते-झगड़ते हैं, वैसे पराए लोगों के साथ नहीं लड़-झगड़ सकते हैं। हमें हर पल हर कदम पर अपना संतुलन सँभालकर रखना पड़ता है। सचमुच, अपने परिवार व देश से दूर होने का दु:ख तो बहुत ही ज्यादा होता है।

प्रश्न 4.
‘यदि मैं डॉक्टर भटनागर की जगह होता/होती तो ………’ इस विषय पर अपने विचार लिखिए।
यदि मैं डॉक्टर भटनागर की जगह होता, तो मेरी भी स्थिति कुछ उनके जैसे ही हो जाती। आखिर मैं भी एक इंसान हूँ और मेरा भी डॉक्टर भटनागर की भाँति परिवार है। यदि मुझे कोई ऐसे रात के समय में आकर किसी यान में बिठाकर जबरदस्ती से ले जाता, तो मेरे भी होश उड़ जाते। अचानक क्या हो रहा है, इसके बारे में मुझे कुछ नहीं सूझता। फिर भी मैं अपनी हिम्मत नहीं हारता। चुपचाप यान में बैठकर उनके घर पर जाता और उनकी स्थिति को जानने की कोशिश करता और उन्हें मुसीबतों से उबारने के लिए भरसक कोशिश करता।

आखिर, डॉक्टरों का धर्म ही होता है मरीजों की सेवा करना। जितना मेरे अकेले से बन पड़ता, उतना मैं जरूर करता। उनका सही मार्गदर्शन करता और बड़े ही विनम्र भाव से व अपना धैर्य अडिग रखते हुए हरपल उन्हें खुश रखता। मन में ये आस जरूर रखता कि अन्य ग्रहवासी भी अपने जैसे इंसान हैं और वह मुझे जरूर एक दिन यान में बिठाकर पृथ्वी पर छोड़ आएँगे। फिर यहाँ आकर मैं अन्य सहयोगी डॉक्टर एवं वैज्ञानिकों की सहायता से उनके लिए औषधि का निर्माण करता।

प्रश्न 5.
‘आज का इंसान मशीनों का गुलाम बन गया है।’ इस विषय पर अपने विचार लिखिए।
विकास के होड़ में आगे बढ़ने के लिए मानव जाति ने जिन आविष्कारों की लड़ी लगाई है, उसका एक भयावह पहलू अब सामने आ रहा है। मशीनी कार्य के बीच जहाँ मानव श्रम बेकार हो रहा है, लोग बेकार और बेरोजगार हो रहे हैं। हम अपने ही बनाए मशीनों के गुलाम होते जा रहे हैं। मशीनी युग में हम कठपुतली बन कर रह गए हैं और हमारी आँखों के सामने ही हमारे हिस्से का काम भी मशीन छीन ले जा रही है और हम लाचार और बेबस बनकर रह गए हैं। विकास की होड़ में मानव जाति ने सफलता की बुलंदियों को छुआ।

अपने लगन व मेहनत के बल पर हमने ऐसी मशीनों का ईजाद किया जिनके सहारे आज महीनों का काम दिनों में व दिनों का काम घंटों में ही निपटा लिया जाता है। अब न तो अधिक मजदूरों की ही जरूरत रही और न ही समय की। दिन-रात का फर्क भी जैसे मिट-सा गया। दिन हो या रात जब जी चाहे मशीन चालू कीजिए और मशीन अलाउद्दीन के चिराग के जिन की तरह आपके आदेश का पालन करती ही चली जाएगी। मशीन जितने देर तक चालू रहेगी बस उतनी ही देर तक उर्जा व डीजल की खपत होगी। वर्तमान समय में बड़े कामों के अलावा छोटे-छोटे कामों में भी इन दैत्याकार मशीनों का इस्तेमाल होने लगा है और आज का इंसान इनका गुलाम बनता दिखाई दे रहा है।

भाषाई कौशल पर आधारित पाठगत कृतियाँ

काल परिवर्तन कीजिए।

प्रश्न 1.
उन्हें अस्पताल समय से पहुँचने की आदत थी।
(सामान्य भविष्यकाल)
उन्हें अस्पताल समय से पहुँचने की आदत होगी।

प्रश्न 2.
डॉक्टर भटनागर अचानक लापता हो जाते हैं।
(सामान्य भूतकाल)
डॉक्टर भटनागर अचानक लापता हो गए।

प्रश्न 3.
इन्होंने आसानी से मेरा अपहरण कर लिया।
(पूर्ण वर्तमानकाल)
इन्होंने आसानी से मेरा अपहरण कर लिया है।

प्रश्न 4.
वे एक सौरमंडल से दूसरे तक आसानी से आते-जाते हैं।
(अपूर्ण वर्तमानकाल)
वे एक सौरमंडल से दूसरे तक आसानी से आ-जा रहे हैं।

प्रश्न 5.
निम्नलिखित वाक्य में प्रयुक्त अव्यय पहचानकर उसका भेद लिखिए।

  1. वे इसका बुरा न मानते, बल्कि सहर्ष चले जाते।
  2. कुछ देर के लिए वह यही मान बैठी।
  3. यहाँ के लोग विज्ञान में बहुत आगे बढ़ गए हैं।
  4. इन्हें कई सौरमंडल और उनके ग्रहों के बारे में जानकारी है।


  1. बल्कि – समुच्चयबोधक अव्यय
  2. के लिए – संबंधसूचक अव्यय
  3. यहाँ – क्रियाविशेषण अव्यय
  4. और – समुच्चयबोधक अव्यय

प्रश्न 6.
वाक्य के प्रकार पहचानिए।

  1. दो बजे उनके घर की कॉलबेल बज उठी।
  2. जब भी कोई मरीज सीरियस होता, तब अस्पताल का चौकीदार उन्हें उठाने आ जाता।
  3. जो लोग हैं, वे मशीनों के गुलाम हैं।
  4. उद्योगों के विकास से मशीनों की संख्या बढ़ रही है और आदमी का महत्त्व कम होता जा रहा है।


  1. सरल वाक्य
  2. मिश्र वाक्य
  3. मिश्र वाक्य
  4. संयुक्त वाक्य

प्रश्न 7.
निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में से कारक शब्द पहचानकर उनके भेद लिखिए।
1. मैं तुम लोगों से दूर अन्य सौरमंडल के ग्रह में हूँ।
2. पुलिस ने पूछताछ शुरू कर दी।
1. से – अपादान कारक
2. ने – कर्ता कारक

प्रश्न 8.
‘मुझे एक विशेष किस्म का प्लास्टिक सूट पहनाया गया।’
विशेषण पहचानकर लिखिए।
विशेष, प्लास्टिक – विशेषण

प्रश्न 9.
‘इन्होंने आसानी से मेरा अपहरण कर लिया।’ वाक्य में प्रयुक्त सहायक क्रिया पहचानकर लिखिए।
लिया – लेना – सहायक क्रिया

प्रश्न 10.
संधि-विच्छेद कीजिए।
1. सम्मान = सम् + मान
2. दैत्याकार = दैत्य + आकार
3. रहस्योद्घाटन = रहस्य + उद्घाटन

प्रश्न 11.
‘यहाँ लोग बीमार ही नहीं पड़ते इसलिए उन्हें चिकित्सा की जरूरत नहीं पड़ती। इस वाक्य में प्रयुक्त सर्वनाम, क्रियाविशेषण अव्यय व समुच्चयबोधक अव्यय पहचानिए।
1. सर्वनाम – उन्हें
2. क्रियाविशेषण अव्यय – यहाँ
3. समुच्चयबोधक अव्यय – इसलिए

प्रश्न 12.
‘इस घातक रोग के इलाज के लिए दवाएँ बनाना है।’ वाक्य में से विशेषण व संबंधसूचक अव्यय ढूँढ़कर लिखिए।
1. विशेषण – घातक
2. संबंधसूचक अव्यय – के लिए

प्रश्न 13.
निम्नलिखित वाक्य में से कारक छाँटिए व उनके भेद लिखिए।
1. डॉक्टर भटनागर ने सड़न रोग का अध्ययन कर लिया है।
2. मैं सही सलामत वापस पृथ्वी पर आना चाहता हूँ।
1. ने – कर्ता कारक
2. पर – अधिकरण कारक

डॉक्टर का अपहरण Summary in Hindi


जीवन-परिचय: डॉ. हरिकृष्ण देवसरे का जन्म इंदिरापुरम, गाजियाबाद (उत्तर प्रदेश) में हुआ था। वे एक बाल प्रतिष्ठित साहित्यकार थे। उन्होंने अपनी कलम से जो कुछ लिखा, वह सब कुछ बच्चों के लिए ही लिखा। हिंदी बाल साहित्य को समृद्ध एवं संपन्न करने का कार्य उनकी कलम ने किया। वे बालकों में जिज्ञासा, कल्पना और विज्ञान के प्रति प्रेम तथा आस्था निर्माण करने में सफल रहे।

प्रमुख कृतियाँ: वैज्ञानिक बाल उपन्यास – ‘खेल बच्चे का’, ‘आओ चंदा के देश चलें’, ‘मंगल ग्रह में राजू’, ‘उड़ती तश्तरियाँ’, ‘गिरना स्काईलैब का’, ‘दूसरे ग्रहों के गुप्तचर’ आदि।


विज्ञान कथा: कल्पना व विज्ञान इन दोनों का समन्वय कर पाठकों के मन में जिज्ञासा निर्माण करने का कार्य साहित्य की जो विधा करती
है, उसे ‘विज्ञान कथा’ कहते हैं। इसमें जीवन की किसी घटना का रोचक और प्रवाही वर्णन किया जाता है।

प्रस्तावना: प्रस्तुत पाठ ‘डॉक्टर का अपहरण’ के माध्यम से लेखक डॉ. हरिकृष्ण देवसरे जी ने उद्योगों के अंधाधुंध प्रसार के कारण मशीनों की बढ़ती संख्या तथा उससे फैलनेवाले प्रदूषण से होने वाली प्राणघातक बीमारियों और जलवायु में हो रहे भयंकर परिवर्तन के प्रति हमें आगाह किया है।


प्रस्तुत पाठ एक विज्ञान कथा है, जो कल्पना पर आधारित है। इस कथा के माध्यम से कथाकार ने हमें मशीनी युग में निर्माण होने वाले दैत्याकार मशीनों के प्रति सजग किया है। आज का इंसान इनका गुलाम बन गया है। मशीनों की बढ़ती संख्या के कारण प्रदूषण एवं जलवायु पर बुरा असर पड़ रहा है । जिसके कारण लोगों को विविध घातक बीमारियों का सामना करना पड़ रहा है। अत: कथाकार ने इनकी रोकथाम व इन पर नियंत्रण रखने के लिए पाठकों को प्रेरित किया है।


  1. लापता – गायब, जिसका पता न लगे
  2. समाचार – खबर
  3. हैरानी – परेशानी, आश्चर्य
  4. प्रतीक्षा – इंतज़ार
  5. उन्नतिशील – प्रगतिशील
  6. उम्मीद – आशा
  7. ब्रह्मांड – अंतरिक्ष
  8. नतीजा – परिणाम
  9. तरकीब – युक्ति
  10. दैत्याकार – विशालकाय
  11. अंग प्रत्यारोपण – अंग के बदले लगाया गया अंग
  12. सौरमंडल – सौर जगत, सूर्य परिवार


1. हतप्रभ रहना – स्तब्ध रहना।
2. नामो-निशान मिटना- अस्तित्व समाप्त होना।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen!

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions My English Coursebook Chapter 2.4 Please Listen! Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen!

My English Coursebook Std 9 Digest Chapter 2.4 Please Listen! Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up!


  • What makes you laugh?
  • What makes you angry?
  • What makes you sad?
  • What makes you happy?

Twenty Questions:

Form groups of 6-8. One person (leader) chooses one item – a picture, a paragraph or a lesson from any one of the 9th standard textbooks and writes the reference on a slip of paper and folds it. Others ask him/her questions and try to guess what it is, from his/her answers. Follow the rules given below.

  • The maximum number of questions the rest of the group can ask is 20.
  • You cannot ask a direct question like ‘What do you have in mind?’
  • You can ask ‘Wh-’ questions or ‘Yes/no’ questions.
  • The leader has to give truthful answers.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen! 1

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen!

Agreements and Disagreements:

Form pairs. list the things on which you have the same opinion and also the ones on which you have different opinion Prepare a list of ten things In all and see how far you agree or disagree with your friend. Some useful phrases are given alongside.
You could talk about:

  • Clothes, latest fashion.
  • Performance of sportsmen and women.
  • Trafflcfrransport In your area.
  • Cleanliness and hygiene In your area.
  • Future occupatIons/Careers.
  • Latest news Items.
  • TV programmes
  • Mobile Apps
  • Any subject of your choice.

Question 1.
Form pairs. List the things on which you have some opinion and also the ones on which you have different opinions. Prepare a list of ten things in all and see how far you agree or disagree with your friend. Use the phrases given in the margin of the textbook page no. 50:
Performance of sportsmen and sportswomen

Points Agreements Disagreements
1. Family background It’s important. No, I don’t think so.
2. Basic skills I totally agree with it. No, some skills can be improved.
3. Interest That’s very important. I agree with you.
4. Coaching I agree with it. It’s necessary. Absolutely, it’s necessary.
5. Family support I think for women it’s necessary. No, I don’t think so, even men need family support.
6. Regular practice Yes, it’s very important Absolutely necessary.
7. Coach’s favour No, I don’t think so, I think it’s necessary sometimes.
8. Knowledge, tricks and tactics of game absolutely necessary. I totally agree with you.
9. Physical fitness Yes, for women it’s more important. No, I disagree with it, even for men it’s important.
10. Co-operation and co-ordination of co-players Yes, without it one cannot show his/her performance. I am not sure about it.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen!

English Workshop:

1. Complete the following with the help of the lines of the poem.
When I ask you to listen to me, you start doing –

Question 1.
Complete the following with the help of the lines of the poem.

  1. Abby and Billy Graham will get advice in the same newspaper.
  2. I may be discouraged and faltering but not helpless according to the poet.
  3. If you accept a simple fact that I feel what I feel, I can stop trying to convince you.
  4. When you do something for me that I need to do for myself, you contribute to my fear and inadequacy.
  5. The poet is aware that God is mute and he doesn’t give advice or try to fix things.
  6. Irrational feelings make sense when we understand what is behind them.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen!

2. Write the opposites (antonyms) of the following.

Question 1.
Write the opposites (antonyms) of the following.
(a) cheap × …………..
(b) discouraged × …………..
(c) inadequacy × …………..
(d) accept × …………..
(e) simple × …………..
(f) irrational × …………..
(g) understand × …………..
(h) clear × …………..
(a) cheap × costly
(b) discouraged × encouraged
(c) inadequacy × adequacy
(d) accept × reject
(e) simple × hard
(f) irrational × rational
(g) understanding × misunderstanding
(h) clear × unclear

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen!

3. Use the following charts to prepare meaningful dialogues.
Use your ideas to fill in the blanks.

Question a.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen! 2

Prepare a similar conversation about a film.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen! 4

Question b.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen! 3
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen! 5

4. Maintain a diary at least for a week. Write about your interactions with other people in your surroundings in 3-4 lines. Also write whether you find the interactions happy- unhappy, satisfactory-unsatisfactory, enjoyable-stressful, etc.

Question 1.
Maintain a diary at least for a week. Write about your interactions with other people in your surroundings in 3-4 lines. Also write whether you find the interactions happy- unhappy, satisfactory-unsatisfactory, enjoyable-stressful, etc.
Diary For a week
Day one – Today I met our new neighbour. I was happy to know that their son is of my age and studying in Std. IX.
Now continue the same diary writing for the remaining days.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen!

5. Write an informal letter from a teenager to his/her parent, expressing a few thoughts from the poem.
(My dear /Dearest /Hit Are you surprised to see this letter? I wanted talk to you about this, but then I thought I will be able to express myself better in a letter…. Love jYours lovingly/Yours ……… )

Question 1.
Write an informal letter from a teenager to his/her parent, expressing a few thoughts from the poem.
(My dear /Dearest /Hit Are you surprised to see this letter? I wanted talk to you about this, but then I thought I will be able to express myself better in a letter…. Love jYours lovingly/Yours …….. )
A3, Gala Residency,
Mumbai – 400 028.
22nd July, 2019
Dearest Papa,
Are you surprised to see this letter? I wanted to talk to you directly about this, but then I thought I will be able to express myself better in a letter.

I am still upset over our argument which took place yesterday. I was a little bit rude with you. But I just wanted you to listen to my concern. Instead of listening to me completely, you started advising me. That really hurt me a lot.

I always wish, that I should share my thoughts with someone. Sharing makes me happy and feel lighter. But whenever, I try to share something with you, you start advising me instead of listening to me. I hope you will try to understand my feelings.

Yours lovingly,

My English Coursebook 9th Class Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen! Additional Important Questions and Answers

Read the following extract and do the activities:

Simple Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Complete the following web:
(Answer is directly given.)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen! 6

Question 2.
State whether the following statements are True or False:

  1. You do not do what I asked you to do. – True
  2. Whenever you do not listen to me, I feel you are trampling on my feelings. – True
  3. The speaker of this poem is an elderly man. – False
  4. When I ask you to listen me, you start giving me advice. – True

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen!

Question 3.
State whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. If the feeling is clear, the answers are obvious. – Agree
  2. Rational feelings make sense when we understand what’s behind them. – Disagree
  3. God always gives advice or tries to fix things. – Disagree
  4. Prayer works sometimes for some people because God is mute. – Agree

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen!

Complex Factual Activities:

Answer in 1-2 words:

Question 1.
How old is the speaker in the poem?
around 14-15 years

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen!

Question 2.
Who is he/she talking to?
his/her parent

Question 3.
What must have happened before the speaker says all this?
His/Her parent might have not heard him/ her.

Question 4.
Who is not listening to whom?
A parent is not listening to his child.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen!

Question 5.
Match the following:

‘A’ ‘B’
1. 20 cent cheap advice. (a) not helpless.
2. You contribute to my fear and inadequacy. (b) Abby and Billy Grahm.
3. The poet may be discouraged and faltering but… (c) behind the irrational feeling.
4. Business of understanding (d) when you do something for me that I can do for myself.


‘A’ ‘B’
1. 20 cent cheap advice. (b) Abby and Billy Grahm.
2. You contribute to my fear and inadequacy. (d) when you do something for me that I can do for myself.
3. The poet may be discouraged and faltering but… (a) not helpless.
4. Business of understanding (c) behind the irrational feeling.

Question 6.
What does the poet say about God?
The poet says God is mute. He doesn’t give advice or try to fix things. God just listens to your ) prayer and observes how do you work.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen!

Question 7.
Is the poet willing to listen to others?
Yes, the poet is willing to listen to others but he says if you want to listen to him, you should wait till your turn comes. Then only he will be able to listen to others.

Poetic Device Activity:

Question 1.
Write down rhyming words from the extract for the following:
(Answers are directly given.)
1. peel – feel
2. dream – seem

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen!

Question 2.
Find out rhyming word from the extract for “dear”
dear – clear.

Activity-based on Poetic Device:

Question 1.
Are there any rhyming words? Why?
There are no any rhyming words because the poem is an example of ‘free verse’.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen!

Appreciation of Poem

1. Title: ‘Please Listen!’
2. Poet: The poem is by an anonymous (unknown) poet.
3. Theme/Central Idea: The central idea of the poem is the need of an adolescent to be heard patiently. The poem also reflects on our habit of giving advice or offering help without hearing out the problems of teenagers fully.
4. Rhyme Scheme: There is no rhyme scheme. This poem is an example of ‘free verse’.
5. Figure of Speech: Repetition, alliteration.
6. Special Features: This poem is a soliloquy. Soliloquy is a dramatic speech uttered by one character. The soliloquist thus reveals his or her inner thoughts and feelings to the listener.
7. Favourite Line: My favourite lines from the poem are:
1. “Listen! All I ask is that you listen.”
2. God just listens and lets you work it out for yourself.
8. Why I like the poem: I like the poem because I can personally relate to the poem. I have undergone the speaker’s plight many a time. So I can identify with the speaker’s feelings very easily.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen!

Vocabulary Focus:

Question 1.
What is the difference between ‘hear’ and ‘listen’?
‘To hear’ means to receive with the ear the sound made by someone or something; to be aware of some sound.
‘To listen’ means to consciously give one’s attention to a sound and try to understand it.
E.g. -1 was trying to listen to their conversation but the audio was so bad that I couldn’t even hear what they were saying.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 Distributional Maps Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Give reasons why the following sentences are right or wrong:

Geography Class 9 Chapter 1 Distributional Maps Question 1.
The main aim of distributional maps is to show location.
Wrong The main aim of distributional maps is to show the distribution of variables like temperature, rainfall, population, etc.

  • Distribution maps are type of thematic maps.
  • These maps are prepared with special themes like the distribution of various variables in a particular region.
  • They make use of different methods to show the distribution of variables like temperature, rainfall, population, etc.

Thus, the main aim of distributional maps is to show the distribution of variables in a particular region.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Distributional Maps Class 9 Question 2.
In choropleth maps, only one value is assigned to the sub-administrative unit.

  1. In choropleth maps, the data regarding various geographical variables is shown by shading or using tints of various colours.
  2. After gathering the data for a selected variable, five to seven classes are made considering the smallest and the largest values.
  3. Each class is assigned a tint of the same colour or black-and-white patterns.
  4. A particular value shown by a predecided tint of colour can represent only a particular region or group of region.

Thus, in choropleth maps, only one value is assigned to sub administrative unit.

Distributional Maps Questions And Answers Question 3.
In choropleth maps, colours/tints do not change according to the values of the variables.
In choropleth maps, colours/tints change according to the values of variables.

  • In choropleth maps, the smallest and the largest values are taken into consideration and after that 5-7 classes are made.
  • Each class is assigned a unique tint of the same colour or black and white pattern.
  • In other words, each class is used to show the distribution of a particular variable in sub- administrative unit.

Distributional Map Question 4.
Choropleth maps are used to show altitudes.
Isopleth maps and not the choropleth maps are used to show altitude.

  • When the distribution of a variable is continuous like the altitude, the isopleth method map is used.
  • Isopleth maps use lines joining the locations having equal values and hence are useful to show the change in altitude in the region.
  • When the distribution of a variable is discontinuous, the choropleth method map is used to show its distribution, eg. distribution of population, domestic animals, etc.

Question 5.
Isopleth maps are used to show population distribution.
Dot method maps or choropleth method maps are used to show population distribution

  • Distribution of a population is discontinuous.
  • Isopleth method maps are used to show the distribution of variables which are continuous. For eg. altitude, temperature etc.
  • Thus, isopleth method maps are not used to show population distribution.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 6.
In dot method, every dot should have an appropriate scale.
The size of the dot is decided as per the value of a variable that is freely scattered across the region.

Question 7.
Isopleth maps are not made using isolines.
Isopleth maps are made using isolines.

  • Isolines are lines joining places of same values of a given variable in a map.
  • Since, isopleth maps are also prepared in the same method, we can say that they are made using isolines.

Question 8.
Distribution of various geographical elements can be shown using dot method.
Distribution of various geographical elements cannot be shown using dot method.

  • Distribution of geographical elements which are freely scattered across a region can be shown using a dot method.
  • Distribution of variables like population, minerals, cattles etc., are freely scattered hence can be shown on a dot method map.
  • Whereas the distribution of variables like rainfall, altitude, temperature etc. which are continuous, cannot be shown using a dot method map.

2. Answer in brief.

Question 1.
Explain the use and types of distributional maps.
(a) Use of distributional maps: The distributional maps are useful for explaining the patterns of distribution of a particular geographical variable.
(b) The types of distributional maps : The following are the types of distributional maps.

  1. Dot Method: The distributional map based on statistical data, made by this method, make use of dots of a pre-decided size to show the distribution of a particular variable, e.g. Dot method map is used to show the population of a region, distribution of cattle etc.
  2. Choropleth Method: The distributional map made by this method makes use of shades or tints of various colours, to show the distribution of a particular variable, e.g. Choropleth method map is used to show population density, types of forest cover, uses of land. Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps
  3. Isopleth Method: The distributional map made by this method makes use of lines joining locations or places having same or equal values of a particular variable, e.g. Isopleth method map is used to show altitude, temperature, rainfall.

Question 2.
Differentiate between choropleth and isopleths methods.

Choropleth Method Isopleth Method
(1) In Choropleth method maps, the distribution of various variables are shown by shading or using tints of the same colour. (1) In Isopleth method maps, the distribution of various variables are shown with the help of isolines.
(2) When the distribution of a variable is not continuous, the choropleth method is used. (2) When the distribution of a variable is continuous, the isopleth method is used.
(3) Choropleth method is used to show population density, cattle distribution etc. (3) Isopleth method are used to show altitude, temperature, rainfall of a region etc.

Question 3.
Explain with reasons the method which is best suited to show the distribution of population in a region.

  • The dot method of making a distributional map is best suited to show the distribution of the population in a region.
  • The dots used in this method, are given a particular value which is determined by selecting a proper scale considering the spread of the values of the variables in the given region.
  • This method is best suited to show the distribution of the variables which are freely scattered as in the case of population distribution.

3. Which method will you use for the following information?

Question 1.
Talukawise wheat production in the district
Dot method

Question 2.
Distribution of the altitude of the land in the district.
Isopleth method

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 3.
Distribution of domestic animals in the State
Dot method

Question 4.
The distribution of population density in India
Choropleth method

Question 5.
Temperature distribution in Maharashtra State.
Isopleth method

4. Study the population distribution map of Kolhapur district and answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Which method has been used to show the distribution of population in the district?
The dot method has been used to show the distribution of population in the district.

Question 2.
Explain the direction wise distribution of the population from dense to sparse.
The distribution of the population is dense in the Eastern part of the district, whereas the western part of the district has low density of population.

Question 3.
What is the population shown by the largest circle? Which place is that?
The population shown by the largest circle is nearly 20 lakhs. That place is Kolhapur city (Karvir Taluka)

Question 4.
Which Taluka has the least population?
Gaganbavada Taluka has the least population.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 Distributional Maps Intext Questions and Answers

Make friends with maps!
Read the map given below and answer the Questions:
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps 2

Question 1.
What is the population of the Amravati town?
The population of the Amravati town is nearly 5 lakhs.

Question 2.
Name the place having population of 1 lakh on the map.
Achalpur has a population of 1 lakh

Question 3.
Which part of the map shows sparse distribution of population?
The northwestern part of the map shows sparse distribution of population

Read the map given below and answer the Questions:
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps 3

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps 4

Question 1.
Name the talukas having population density between 301 and 400 persons per sq km.
Anjangao Surji has population density between 301 and 400 persons per sq km

Question 2.
What is the density of the Amravati taluka?
Amravati taluka has the population density of more than 400 persons per sq km

Question 3.
Name the talukas having population density less than 300 persons per sq km.
Dharini, Chikaldhara, Daryapur, Chandur Bazar, Morshi, Varud, Tivsa, Dhamangaon Railway, Nandgaon Khandeshwar and Bhatkuli have population density less than 300 persons per sq km.

Question 4.
Which taluka has a population density of less than 100 persons per sq km?
Chikaldhara has population density of less than 100 persons per sq km.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 5.
Which Talukas have a population density of more than 400 persons per sq km?
Amravati and Achalpur have the population density of more than 400 persons per sq km.

Read the map given below and answer the Questions:

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps 5

Question 1.
In which part of the district is the rainfall more?
Rainfall is more in the Northern part of the district.

Question 2.
In which direction is the rainfall decreasing?
Rainfall is decreasing towards the west

Question 3.
What is the lowest value of the rainfall in the district?
The lowest value of the rainfall in the district is less than 800 mm.

Question 4.
What is the highest value of the rainfall in the district?
The highest value of the rainfall in the district is more than 1300 mm.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 5.
What is the amount of rainfall in the central part of the district?
The amount of rainfall in the central part of the district is 900 mm.

Read the map given below and answer the Questions:

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps 6

Question 1.
In which direction is the density of population decreasing?
The density of population is decreasing towards the North and South direction.

Question 2.
Name the talukas with a population density less than 200.
Shahuwadi, Gaganbavada, Ajra and Chandgad have a population density of less than 200.

Question 3.
Name the talukas having population density between 200 and 400.
Radhanagri and Gargoti have population density between 200 and 400.

Question 4.
Name the talukas with a population density more than 400.
Kolhapur, Panhala, Hatkanangale, Shirol, Gadhinglaj and Kagal have population density more than 400.

Question 5.
In which direction are the talukas having a higher density of population located in the district?
The Eastern part of Kolhapur has a higher density of population.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 6
Which method has been used in the making of this map?
Choropleth method is used in making this map.

Read the map given below and answer the Questions:

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps 7

Question 1.
In which direction is the rainfall more in the district?
The rainfall is more in the Western part of the district.

Question 2.
In which direction is the rainfall decreasing?
The rainfall is decreasing towards the East.

Question 3.
Which class shows low rainfall category in the district?
O to 600 mm class shows low rainfall category in the district.

Question 4.
Which class shows high rainfall category in the district?
More than 2400 (2400 to 3000 mm) class shows high rainfall category in the district.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 5.
Which method has been used in making this map?
The Isopleth method has been used in making this map

Study the population distribution map of Kolhapur district and answer the following questions:

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps 8

Question 1.
A field visit is an important study method in Geography.

  • Geographical concepts and elements can be directly experienced through field-visits.
  • Field-visits are extremely useful for understanding the correlation between human beings and the environment.

Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 Distributional Maps Additional Important Questions and Answers

Complete the statements choosing the correct option:

Question 1.
The main aim of distributional maps is to show the location of the place and of variables.
(a) population
(b) statistics
(c) consumption
(d) distribution
(d) distribution

Question 2.
Distributional maps are of types.
(a) two
(b) three
(c) four
(d) five
(b) three

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 3.
To draw distributional maps, we need data.
(a) statistical
(b) population
(c) colourful
(d) distance
(a) statistical

Question 4.
The distribution of population is shown by method.
(a) dot
(b) choropleth
(c) isopleth
(d) isolines
(a) dot

Question 5.
In maps, the data regarding various geographical variables are shown by shading or tints of various colours.
(a) dot
(b) choropleth,
(c) isopleth
(d) thematic
(b) choropleth

Question 6.
When the distribution of a variable is discontinuous the map is used.
(a) isopleth
(b) physical
(c) choropleth
(d) dot
(c) choropleth

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 7.
In method, lines showing equal values are used.
(a) choropleth
(b) isopleth
(c) dot
(d) planar
(b) isopleth

Question 8.
When the distribution of a variable is the isopleth method is used.
(a) continuous
(b) discontinuous
(c) sparse
(d) disjoint
(a) continuous

Question 9.
While showing population distribution, urban population is shown by
(a) circles
(b) dots
(c) squares
(d) lines
(a) circles

Question 10.
is an important study method in Geography.
(a) Maps
(b) Field visit
(c) Picnic
(d) farm visit
(b) Field visit

Match the column.

Question 1.

Group A Group B
(1) Dot method (a) distribution of temperature
(2) Choropleth method (b) distribution of cotton crop
(3) Isopleth method (c) density of population

(1 – b),
(2 – c),
(3 – a)

Question 2.

Group A Group A
(1) Dot method
(2) Choropleth method
(3) Isopleth method
(a) variables are freely scattered
(b) distribution of the variable is continuous
(c) distribution of the variable is shown in sub administrative unit

(1 – a),
(2 – c),
(3 – b)

Answer in one sentence:

Question 1.
What are distributional maps?
Maps that show the distribution of various geographical variables are called ‘distributional maps’.

Question 2.
What are thematic maps?
Maps that are prepared with special themes are called ‘thematic maps’.

Question 3.
What is a dot-method map?
A dot method map is a map type, that shows the distribution of a variable using dot symbols.

Question 4.
What is a choropleth method map?
A choropleth method map is a map type, in which the distribution of a variable is shown by shades or tint of various colours.

Question 5.
When do we use the isopleth method for showing the distribution of a variable on a map?
We use the isopleth method for showing the distribution of a variable on a map, when the distribution of the variable is continuous.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 6.
What is an isopleth method map?
An isopleth method map, is a map type, that shows distribution of a variable with the help of lines showing equal values.

Question 7.
What is point related data?
The statistical data of particular variables with respect to various places is called ‘point-related data’.

Question 8.
Which elements are generally studied in a geographical field visit?
The various elements which can be studied during geographical field visits include physical landforms, river banks, dams, coastal areas, tourism sites, offices or museums related to geographical elements, villages, forest areas etc.

Question 9.
Mention the list of things to be carried while going on a geographical field visit?
The various things which one should carry to a geographical field visit include notebook, specimen Questionnaire, pen pencil, scale, tape, compass, bag for collecting samples, maps, camera, etc.

Question 10.
What is field report?
The report written on the basis of the information obtained from a field visit is known as field report.

Which method will you use for the following information:

Question 1.
The distribution of rainfall in the district of Nandurbar.
Isopleth Method

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Question 2.
Cotton crop distribution in Maharashtra.
Dot method

Question 3.
Draw a map using the Dot Method:
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps 1


Question 1.
Choropleth method

  1. In the choropleth method various geographical variables are shown by shades or tints of various colours.
  2. While making choropleth maps, the data used for different variables is obtained through various processes such as measurement, surveying and so on.
  3. In this method, only one value is given to one sub – administrative unit in a region
  4. The smallest and the largest values of the given data of the variables are taken into consideration and after that 5-7 classes are made. Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps
  5. Each class is assigned a tint of the same colour or black-and-white patterns. The shades or the patterns become darker with the increasing values of the given variable.

Question 2.
Preparations for field visit

  • Before going for a field-visit, decide the place and the purpose of the visit.
  • The elements which will be observed in field visit should be decided.
  • For a field visit, you should carry a notebook, specimen Questionnaire
  • , pen, pencil, scale, tape, compass, a bag for collecting samples, maps, camera and any other item needed.

Question 3.
Selection of the study area

  1. Geographical field-visit is organised for study of various elements, for example physical 1 landforms, river banks, dams, coastal areas, tourism sites, offices or museums related to ! geographical elements, villages or forest areas.
  2. Elements should be selected after studying : the local conditions and necessary permission letters should be obtained.

Question 4.
Report writing

  1. A field-report should be written on the basis of information obtained after the visit is complete.
  2. Students should add photographs wherever necessary.
  3. The following points should be used to make a field report:
    • Introduction
    • Location map and Route Map
    • Physiography1
    • Climate
    • Population
    • Environmental problems and measures
    • Land utilisation
    • Conclusions Maharashtra Board Class 9 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Distributional Maps

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions My English Coursebook Chapter 4.4 The Tempest Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

My English Coursebook Std 9 Guide Chapter 4.4 The Tempest Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up!

  1. Do you have a pet? What do you call it?
  2. How old is it? What does it look like?
  3. What does it eat? Who takes care of it?
  4. Does it understand you? What does it do?
  5. Have you taught it any tricks?
  6. Do you refer to it as ‘it’ or as ‘he’/ ‘she’?

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

1. You must have seen and liked a play (in any language) on the stage. Write down the following details about it:

Question 1.
You must have seen and liked a play (in any language) on the stage. Write down the following details about it: (Answers are directly given.)
(a) Name of the play: “All the best” – By Devendra Pem.
(b) Important Characters: A blind, A dumb, A deaf, and A girl.
(c) Its main theme: All the three best friends like the same girl and do not want her to know of their disabilities. They try to outdo each other to win her affection.
(d) Whether it was a Comedy/Tragedy/Social Theme or any other: It was a total comedy.
(e) Why you liked it: The play is a humorous take on three friends and the situation that arises when they fall in love with the same girl. It is presented in such a lively manner that one can’t stop laughing while watching it. So I liked it very much.
(f) Message of the play: A modern perspective towards love, especially the hardships in the love of physically challenged.
(g) Any other information about the play: The roles played by all characters are amazing and we never feel bored while watching it. Their ploy and plans to woo and win the girl are source of wit in the play.

2. The following are the different steps in a drama/play. They are in a mixed up order. Rearrange them in ‘a’ proper order. Just write the order numbers in brackets:

Question 1.
The following are the different steps in a drama/play. They are in a mixed up order. Rearrange them in ‘a’ proper order. Just write the order numbers in brackets:
(a) Characters Enter (2)
(b) Climax (6)
(c) Curtain opens (1)
(d) Action begins (3)
(e) Scene of the play (5)
(f) Curtain closes (8)
(g) Finale (Final outcome) (7)
(h) Interaction of characters (4)

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

3. William Shakespeare was one of the greatest playwrights of all times. He lived in the 16th century. Many of Shakespearean plays have been written in the short-story form. Find out the names of at least 5 of Shakespearean plays:

Question 1.
William Shakespeare was one of the greatest playwrights of all times. He lived in the 16th century. Many of Shakespearean plays have been written in the short-story form. Find out the names of at least 5 of Shakespearean plays: Example: Romeo and Juliet.

  1. As you like it
  2. Hamlet
  3. Othello
  4. Twelfth Night
  5. The Taming of the Shrew.

English Workshop:

1. Write down the relation between the characters given below:

Question 1.
Write down the relation between the characters given below:
(Answers are directly given.)
(a) Prospero and Miranda – Father and daughter
(b) Prospero and Antonio – Brothers
(c) Gonzalo and Prospero – Lord and Duke
(d) Sycorax and Caliban – mother and son
(e) Alonso and Sebastian – brothers
(f) Alonso and Ferdinand – father and son

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

2. Find two supporting points from the story to prove the following facts:

Question 1.
Antonio was a disloyal and dangerous man.
(a) …………………………………………………………..
(b) …………………………………………………………..
(a) He wanted to become Duke of Milan in his brother’s place.
(b) Antonio wouldn’t have hesitated to kill his brother Prospero.

Question 2.
Gonzalo was loyal to the rightful Duke.
(a) …………………………………………………………..
(b) …………………………………………………………..
(a) Among Prospero’s courtiers was a true and loyal Lord called Gonzalo.
(b) Out of love and loyalty for the rightful duke he had secretly placed in the boat fresh water, food and clothes, and along with them, Prospero’s most valued possessions, his books.

Question 3.
Prospero was a great magician.
(a) …………………………………………………………..
(b) …………………………………………………………..
(a) Prospero was a great magician for his life had been devoted to the study of magic.
(b) The power of his art enabled him to set free “the imprisoned spirits of whom Ariel was the chief’.

Question 4.
Miranda was very kind-hearted.
(a) …………………………………………………………..
(b) …………………………………………………………..
(a) Miranda, a kind-hearted girl begged her father to have pity on the people caught in the storm.
(b) Please, please quell the storm now! Save the poor souls on board!

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 5.
Ariel was very faithful to Prospero.
(a) …………………………………………………………..
(b) …………………………………………………………..
(a) Ariel appeared before Prospero to give an account of the storm.
(b) He gave lively story of the fears of the sailors, the anxiety of the lords and how Prince Ferdinand had leaped into the sea.

Question 6.
The story ‘The Tempest’ has a happy ending.
(a) …………………………………………………………..
(b) …………………………………………………………..
(a) Prospero was happy and pleased to be I back in Milan and forgave his old enemies who had wronged him cruelly.
(b) Even though they had been at mercy, he did not take revenge on them, but very nobly forgave them.

3. Who said to whom and when?

Question 1.
Who said to whom and when?
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest 1

  1. ………. and you shall be my Queen.
  2. “Follow me, I shall tie you up, neck and feet together.”
  3. …………… “Please, please quell the storm now!”
  4. “Remember, Master, I have served you joyfully all these years!”
  5. “I have been duly punished for my sins.”
  6. “What I have done now is in your interest!”
  7. Most sure, she is the goddess of the island!


  1. Ferdinand said to Miranda when he fell in love with Miranda.
  2. Ferdinand said to himself when he saw Miranda on the isolated island for the first time.
  3. Miranda said to her father when she saw the ship struggling on the wild waves.
  4. Ariel said to Prospero when Prospero told Ariel to bring Ferdinand at once.
  5. Alonso said to Prospero, when he realized that he had lost his son.
  6. Prospero told his daughter when she requested him to quell the storm.
  7. Prospero said to Ferdinand when he pretended to be angry.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

4. Match the paragraphs in Column A with their suitable title in Column B: (Only the first and last words of the paragraph are given in Column A to identify it.)

Question 1.
Match the paragraphs in Column A with their suitable title in Column B: (Only the first and last words of the paragraph are given in Column A to identify it.)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest 2

  1. Now Antonio was treacherous man … its wealth and power. – Prospero Loses his Dukedom.
  2. In the woods nearby, Prospero … his tasks properly. – Caliban Serves Prospero
  3. Knowing that his enemies were near … all people on board. – Prospero Creates a Storm
  4. Having narrated this story, Prospero … down with the ship. – Ariel Reports about the Storm
  5. Many more tricks did Ariel play … touched the food. – Ariel is a Mischievous Spirit
  6. Thus after many years … very nobly forgave them! – Milan Welcomes Prospero’s Return

5. Activity: Live English: Tourism

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest 3

Location: Sindhudurg fort is located on the southernmost edge of the Maharashtra coast.
History: A sea fort, built by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
Languages: Marathi, Hindi, English
Best time to visit: Winter
Where to stay: MTDC Holiday Resort: The resort at Tarkarli has 10 cottages with 20 sea-facing double bedrooms and one house boat.
What to see: Temples of Maruti, Bhavani, Chhatrapati Shivaji
How to get there:
By Air: The nearest international airport is Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai.
By Rail: The nearest railhead is Sindhudurg on the Konkan Railway. Kankawali and Kudal are the other important railway stations nearby.
By Road: Mumbai-Tarkarli: 540 km.
Sites nearby: Sawantwadi, Malwan City, Tarkarli Beach. Redi Ganesh Temple, Vijaydurg, Kunkeshwar Temple, Amboli.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest 4

Location: Located on the outskirts of Chandrapur district, Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve is Maharashtra’s oldest and largest national park.
Languages: Marathi, Hindi, English, Tribal
The best season to visit: 15th October to 15th June. Hot summers are the ideal time to view mammals near water sources.
Where to stay: MTDC Jungle Resort (Mohrali) offers self-contained rooms, ideal for families. The rooms are comfortable, and offer a fine lake view.
How to get there:
By Air: The nearest international airport is Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai.
By Rail: The nearest railhead is Sindhudurg on the Konkan Railway. Kankawali and Kudal are the other important railway stations nearby.
By Road: Chandrapur-Tadoba 45km. State transport buses ply from Chandrapur to Tadoba.
Attractions: Tiger, Panther, Bison, Sloth Bear, Hyena, Jackal, Wild Dog, Sambar, Leopard and Barking Deer.
Sights nearby: Bhadrawati, Markanda, Bhamragarh, Anandwan

Chit – Chat

  1. Do you like to travel?
  2. How do you like to travel?
  3. Which is the nearest place to which you have travelled?
  4. Which is the farthest?
  5. Have you ever travelled by ………….. ?
  6. What do you like to carry with you when you travel?
  7. What souvenirs do you like to bring back from your travels?

1. Observe the tourist leaflets given on page no. 114 of the textbook and answer the questions:

Question (a)
Which place do these leaflets describe?
These leaflets describe ‘Sindhudurg’ and ‘Tadoba National Park’.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question (b)
What are the main points given in each leaflet?
The main points given in each leaflet are –

  1. Location
  2. History
  3. Languages
  4. Best time to visit
  5. Where to stay?
  6. What to see?
  7. How to go there? (by air, by rail, by road)
  8. Sites nearby.

Question (c)
How can one reach Tadoba? why?
One can reach Tadoba by taking a plane to Nagpur. One can also reach Tadoba by going to Chandrapur in a train and then taking a bus for the 45 km journey to Tadoba National Park.

Question (d)
Which is the best season to visit Tadoba? Why?
The best season to visit Tadoba is hot summers, from 15th October to 15th June, to view mammals near water resources.

Question (e)
List the words related to tourism, e.g. tourist, reservation, etc.
Tourism-related words are –

  1. tourist
  2. booking
  3. travel
  4. ticket
  5. flight
  6. train
  7. buses
  8. forts
  9. trek.
  10. resort
  11. mountains
  12. hill stations
  13. history
  14. MTDC
  15. ST

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

2. Prepare a tourist leaflet for a historical place or a hill station using the following points:

Question 1.
Prepare a tourist leaflet for a historical place or a hill station using the following points:

  1. Place
  2. Special features
  3. Distance
  4. How to go there
  5. Accommodation
  6. Food
  7. Climate

1. Place: Hill Station: Mahabaleshwar

2. Special features: The jungles of Mahabaleshwar are known for their density and a stunning array of birds and wildlife located in Western ghats at the elevation of approximately 353 metres. It offers appealing view of evergreen valleys and hills of the Konkan and the Deccan coast. The climate is cool and pleasant suitable for cultivation of strawberries.

3. Distance: Mumbai – Mahabaleshwar – 262 kms

  • Pune – Mahabaleshwar – 125 kms
  • Satara – Mahabaleshwar – 62 kms
  • Mahad – Mahabaleshwar – 32 kms

4. How to go there:

  • By Air: Pune airport lies 120 km from the place is the nearest airport.
  • By Rail: Satara is the nearest railway station, about 62 km.
  • By Road: Many ST buses run from Mumbai and Pune. Private buses and taxis are also available.

5. Accommodation: Mahabaleshwar has no dearth of accommodation options. There are many hotels ranging from deluxe to budget. Other options include tourist lodges, guest houses, private bungalows and MTDC Resort.

6. Food:

  • Maharashtrian and any type of Indian and continental foods are available.
  • Mahabaleshwar is famous for strawberry ice cream, milk shake, jam, jelly, etc.

7. Climate :

  • Throughout the year the climate is mild and pleasing.
  • It receives incessant showers from July to September when temperature ranges between 20 to 25 degree.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

3. If you want to become a tourist guide at the following place, which languages will you need to learn?

Question 1.
If you want to become a tourist guide at the following place, which languages will you need to learn?

  1. Ajanta
  2. Belgavi
  3. Delhi
  4. Tarkarli


  1. Ajanta: Marathi, Hindi, English
  2. Belgavi: Kannada, English
  3. Delhi: Hindi, English
  4. Tarkarli: Marathi, English, Hindi

4. Imagine you are a tourist guide at (1) Sindhudurg (2) Tadoba. Write two sentences each about the following points to help foreign tourists:

Question 1.
Imagine you are a tourist guide at
1. Sindhudurg
2. Tadoba.
Write two sentences each about the following points to help foreign tourists:
(a) About the place: History, languages spoken, special attractions.
(b) Food: speciality, local delicacies, options (Indian, continental)
(c) Shopping: authenticity of local artefacts, price, variety.
1. Sindhudurg:
(a) About the place: The place is located in Sindhudurg district just off the coast of Maharashtra in Western India. The fortress lies on the shore of Malvan town of Sindhudurg district in Konkan region. It was built by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. It is believed that Shivaji personally selected the site for the construction of the fort. The languages spoken here are Marathi, Malvani, Hindi and English.

(b) Food: The place is famous for its sea food, kombdi vade and the local Malvani cuisine. It is also popular for Alphonso mangoes.

(c) Shopping: Local delicacies made by the people out of mangoes, jackfruits, kokam and cashewnuts can be bought from the city. Mangoes of good quality and taste are also available here.

2. Tadoba:

(a) About the place: Tadoba Andhari Reserve is the largest National Park in Maharashtra. It is a tiger reserve in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra. It was created in 1955. Marathi, Hindi, and some tribal languages are spoken here.
(b) Food: The local cuisine is the Vidarbha cuisine. Veg. and non veg. hotels and restaurants nearby area also provide Indian and continental food as well.
(c) Shopping: The Tiger Reserve souvenirs can be brought at reasonable rates from the shops around the reserve.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

5. Prepare an attractive tourist leaflet for your native place, in English as well as in your mother tongue:

Question 1.
Prepare an attractive tourist leaflet for your native place, in English as well as in your mother tongue: [Note : The tourist leaflet of Kolhapur is given below, as an example. Students are expected to prepare leaflet of their own native place.]

1. Location: Kolhapur is an inland city located in South-west Maharashtra state, 228 km south of Pune. It is a historic city of Maharashtra, famous for temple of a Hindu Goddess – Mahalakshmi.

2. History: Kolhapur was established by Tarabai in 1707 during succession dispute over the Maratha Kingship. The state was annexed by the British in the 19th century. It was ruled by Bhosale Royal clan of the Maratha Empire.

3. Languages: Marathi, Kannada, Hindi, English.

4. Best time to visit: Summers here are very hot, hence the months between June and February are the best time to visit.

5. Accommodation: 2 star and 3 star hotels, private bungalows and MTDC Resorts. Tourists can choose from a wide range of hotels based on their budget and preferences.

6. How to go there:

  • By Air: Belgaum is the nearest airport from Kolhapur, which is connected through airlines from Mumbai.
  • By Rail: Kolhapur is connected by a good rail network to other cities like Mumbai, Bengaluru, Pune and Tirupati.
  • By Road: It is 450 km from Mumbai. One can get direct buses (ST and Private) to Kolhapur from Mumbai, Pune, Bengaluru, Belgaum, Mangaluru and Hubli.

7. Attractions: The city has multiple options that can be explored. Mahalaxmi Temple, Rankala Lake. Panhala fort, Jyotiba Temple, Siddagiri Museum, Shahuji Maharaj Museum/palace, Kopeshwar Temple are some of the attractions in city. Kolhapur is famous for special mutton dishes especially Pandhara and Tambda Rassa, Kolhapuri Bhel and Misal.

6. Suppose a foreigner comes to visit your place and you have to accompany him for sight seeing. Prepare a dialogue between you and the foreigner:

Question 1.
Suppose a foreigner comes to visit your place and you have to accompany him for sight seeing. Prepare a dialogue between you and the foreigner:

  • Myself: So, you are here to visit our city. Would you like to accompany me for sight seeing?
  • Foreigner: Being native of this city, I think you would be of great help to me. So from where shall we start?
  • Myself: Better we start from the place out of the city, Verul caves, which is the main attraction of the tourists.
  • Foreigner: How much time will it take? Can we see another place also along with it?
  • Myself: It takes around 4-5 hours to see all the caves in detail. We can also visit Grishneshwar Jyotirling Temple nearby. It is believed to be an ancient temple of Hindus.
  • Foreigner: Oh that’s great! So after lunch better we come back in the city.
  • Myself: Yes, in city too in evening you can visit Bibi ka Maqbura, a replica of Taj Mahal and Pawan Chakki (wind mill).
  • Foreigner: Very nice. We will go there in the evening. So what is left for tomorrow?
  • Myself: Tomorrow we can go to Ajanta Caves. It takes a whole day for travelling and viewing it.
  • Foreigner: I have heard about an ancient fort also.
  • Myself: Yes, you are right. But it’s not possible to see at a time. We can go there day after tomorrow.
  • Foreigner: That’s great idea. You have been a great help for me. Thanks a lot, dear.
  • Myself: You are welcome!

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

7. Using the Internet, find the following information about a place you wish to visit using the following points:

Question 1.
Using the Internet, find the following information about a place you wish to visit using the following points:

  1. Distance from your place
  2. Available modes of transport
  3. Accommodation facilities
  4. Historical facts
  5. Climate
  6. Famous sites.

My English Coursebook 9th Class Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest Additional Important Questions and Answers

Simple Factual Activities:

Question 1.
State whether the following statements are True or False: (Answers are directly given.)

  1. Prospero was the duke of Milan, in the kingdom of Naples. – True
  2. Prospero’s brother Gonzalo was a very treacherous man. – False
  3. Books were Prospero’s most valued possessions. – True
  4. The king Antonio landed safely on an enchanted island. – False

Question 2.
Who were all sailing in the ship, close to the enchanted island ?
The King of Naples – Alonso, his brother – Sebastian, Antonio, Prince Ferdinand of Naples, and the old, loyal courtier Gonzalo.

Question 3.
Who am I? (Answers are directly given.)

  1. I am a great magician. – Prospero
  2. I am the chief of the imprisoned spirits. – Ariel
  3. I am the twisted, ugly monster. – Caliban
  4. I am the king of Naples. – Alonso

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 4.
Complete the following sentences:

  1. Prospero led his daughter to the shore of the island.
  2. Miranda begged her father to have pity on the people caught in the storm.
  3. Prospero explained to his daughter that he had caused the tempest in order to bring his enemies Alonso and Sebastian, within his power.
  4. Ariel gave a lively account of the fears of the sailors, the anxiety of the lords and how Prince Ferdinand had leaped into the sea.

Question 5.
Arrange the following sentences in chronological order:

  1. Prospero narrated the story of their past life to his daughter.
  2. Prospero raised a great tempest with his power of magic.
  3. He wanted to show how the ship was struggling on the wild waves due to his magic.
  4. Being kind-hearted, Miranda requested her father to have pity on the people caught in the storm. Answer:
  5. Prospero raised a great tempest with his power of magic.
  6. He wanted to show how the ship was struggling on the wild waves due to his magic.
  7. Being kind-hearted, Miranda requested her father to have pity on the people caught in the storm.
  8. Prospero narrated the story of their past life to his daughter.

Question 6.
State whether you Agree or Disagree with the following statements: (Answers are directly given.)

  1. Miranda had never ever seen any human being except her father. – Agree
  2. Prospero was not happy when his daughter saw Ferdinand. – Disagree
  3. Miranda was the goddess of the island. – Disagree
  4. Ariel was very faithful to Prospero. – Agree

Question 7.
Fill in the blanks with one word:
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. Prospero took the prince to a cave.
  2. Ferdinand wanted to be the king of Naples.
  3. Many more tricks were played on Prospero’s enemies by Ariel.
  4. Antonio wanted to kill king Alonso.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 8.
State whether the following statements are Right or Wrong:

  1. People in Milan welcomed Prospero with great love and joy. – Right
  2. Prospero nobly forgave his old enemies. – Right
  3. Ferdinand and Miranda got married on the enchanted island. – Wrong
  4. Ariel was as free as air at the end. – Right

Question 9.
Complete the following sentences with the help of the passage: (Answers are directly given.)

  1. Prospero decided to give up the practice of magic.
  2. Ariel promised everyone calm seas and favourable winds while sailing.
  3. Alonso was happy to see his lost son.
  4. Prospero assured Alonso that their ship was safely anchored and each and every sailor was safe on board.

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
What evil deed did Antonio do, to become a Duke himself ?
Antonio conspired with the king of Naples, Alonso to take his brother’s Dukedom. They took Prospero and his baby daughter Miranda far away from land. They left them in a broken, old boat and sailed away.

Question 2.
What had the faithful Lord Gonzalo done to help Prospero?
Out of his love and loyalty for the rightful duke, Prospero, Gonzalo had secretly placed fresh water, food and clothes and most valued possessions, his books in the boat to help Prospero.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 3.
Complete the difference between Prospero and Antonio:

Prospero Antonio
1. Prospero was a Studious and learned scholar. 1. Antonio was a treacherous man.
2. He spent most of his time reading books. 2. He managed the business of rullmg the kingdom and wanted to become Duke of Milan in his brother’s place.

Question 4.
What good deed did Prospero do on the enchanted island?
The enchanted island was under the spell of Sycorax, a dead witch. Prospero, set free all the imprisoned good spirits on that island and compelled them to follow his orders. Being a good magician, he could do it so all the spirits were grateful and obedient to him.

Question 5.
What did Prospero do when he saw Alonso, Sebastian and Antonio sailing in a ship close to enchanted island?
When Prospero came to know that Alonso, Sebastian and Antonio were sailing in a ship close to enchanted island, he raised a great tempest with the power of his magic. The royal ship was turned and tossed on the stormy waves. It seemed as if it would sink any moment, along with all the people on board.

Question 6.
For what two reasons did Prospero raise a great tempest?
1. Prospero raised a great tempest in his daughter’s interest.
2. He also wanted to bring his enemies, Alonso and Antonio within his power. So he raised a great tempest.

Question 7.
How did Ferdinand get separated from his father?
When the ship was struggling in the waves, Ferdinand had jumped into the sea. So everyone on the ship thought that he was dead. But actually he got separated from his father and was left alone on a beach.

Question 8.
Who said to whom and when:
1. “Obey my commands now, and in two days I shall set you free!”
2. “All your troubles were merely trials of your love”.
1. Prospero said to Ariel when Ariel reminded him of his promise.
2. Prospero said to Ferdinand when he was sure that Ferdinand loves his daughter.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 9.
How did Ferdinand and Miranda react on seeing each other?
Miranda had never seen any other human being in her life beside her father so when she saw Ferdinand she was thrilled and thought that he was divine and noble. On the other hand Ferdinand was astonished to see a beautiful girl on an isolated island. Basically both of them gazed at each other in wonder, admiration and love.

Question 10.
What gave Prospero a secret pleasure?
When Ferdinand was brought there, he and Miranda looked at each other in wonder, admiration and love. Actually Prospero brought him there for his daughter. So seeing his daughter get attracted to Ferdinand, Prospero was pleased.

Question 11.
How did Ariel save king Alonso’s life?
Antonio and Sebastian had plotted to murder of king Alonso. Ariel saved his life by waking up the king from his sleep in the nick of time.

Question 12.
What tricks did Ariel play on Prospero’s enemies?

  1. He caused them to wander about.
  2. He filled their ears with strange and frightful noises.
  3. When they were faint with hunger, he set a huge banquet before them, only to take it away when they touched the food.

Question 13.
What surprise awaited king Alonso when Prospero drew back the curtain?
When Prospero drew back the cmtain from the entrance of his cave, King Alonso saw Ferdinand, his lost son happily playing a game of chess with Miranda. That was a pleasant surprise for the king Alonso.

Find two supporting points from the story to prove the following fact:

Question 1.
King Alonso felt ashamed for his deed.
(a) The king and other courtiers were ashamed.
(b) They begged Prospero’s forgiveness.

Activities based on vocabulary:

Question 1.
Find out adjectives used to describe the following nouns: (Answers are directly given.)

  1. enchanted island
  2. evil witch
  3. broken boat
  4. freshwater.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 2.
Choose the correct alternative given for the synonym of the words given below:
(Answers are directly given.)
1. studious: bookish
(a) outstanding
(b) concerned
(c) bookish
(d) clever.

2. treacherous: unreliable
(a) foolish
(b) tricky
(c) unreliable
(d) favourite.

3. witch: an ugly evil
(a) spirit
(b) an ugly evil
(c) ghost
(d) magician.

4. rightful: lawful
(a) lawful
(b) expert
(c) faithful
(d) true.

Question 3.
Find out antonyms for the following from the passage: (Answers are directly given.)

  1. disillusioned × enchanted
  2. kindhearted × vicious
  3. thankless × grateful
  4. sympathetic × brutal

Question 4.
Give one word from the passage for the following description :
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. A minor nature goddess usually depicted as a beautiful maiden – sea nymph
  2. Linear unit of measurement for water depth – fathom
  3. Causing fear or terror – dreadful
  4. a relative permanent state of worry and nervousness – anxiety

Question 5.
Make a word register related with “sea”.
A word register related with “sea” – shore, island, ship, waves, storm, sailors, fathom, sea- nymphs.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 6.
Complete the following table by writing related words to the given mood:
(Answers are directly given.)

Happy mood Surprise mood
1. joyfully astonished
2. thrilled wonder

Question 7.
Write down minimum four infinitives from the passage:
to defend, to capture, to go, to see, to stand obey, remember, follow.

Question 8.
Match the words in Column ‘A’ with their meanings in Column ‘B’:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. treacherous (a) a grand dinner party
2. revealed (b) very valuable
3. banquet (c) showed
4. priceless (d) deceitful


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. treacherous (d) deceitful
2. revealed (c) showed
3. banquet (a) a grand dinner party
4. priceless (b) very valuable

Question 9.
Find out two words from the passage with suffix ‘ness’ and write your own two words with suffix ‘ness’.
Words from the passage:
1. wickedness
2. kindness.
My own words:
1. happiness
2. sadness.

Question 10.
Complete the following table:

Present Tense Past Tense Past Participle
give gave given
see saw seen
assure assured assured
forgive forgave forgiven

Question 11.
Pick the odd man out:

  1. heir, cave, ship, old, wind – old
  2. take, wander, safe, punish, hear – safe
  3. happy, thrilling, calm, revenge, favourable – revenge
  4. nobly, safely, happily, marry, duly – marry

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Activities based on contextual grammar:

Question 1.
Add a question tag:
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. Prospero was the Duke of Milan, wasn’t he?
  2. Antonio would not have hesitated to kill Prospero, would he?
  3. You can imagine the hardships faced by Prospero, can’t you?
  4. The spirits remained trapped in their prisons, didn’t they?

Make the following sentences exclamatory:

Question 1.
Antonio was a treacherous man.
What a treacherous man Antonio was!

Question 2.
Gonzalo was a true and loyal courtier.
What a true and loyal courtier Gonzalo was!

Question 3.
Identify the tense:

  1. The ship was carrying Prince Ferdinand of Naples.
  2. He had devoted his life to the study of magic.
  3. They promised to be ever obedient to his will.


  1. Past Continuous Tense
  2. Past Perfect Tense
  3. Simple Past Tense.

Question 4.
Begin the sentence with the underlined word/words:
1. Prospero raised a great tempest with the power of his magic.
2. In the woods nearby, Prospero found Caliban, a twisted, ugly monster.
1. A great tempest was raised with the power of his magic by Prospero.
2. Caliban, a twisted, ugly monster was found by Prospero in the woods nearby.

Use ‘As soon as’ in the following sentences:

Question 1.
Prospero touched Miranda with his magic stick and she fell fast asleep.
As soon as Prospero touched Miranda with his magic stick, she fell fast asleep.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 2.
As the tempest raged, Prospero led his daughter to the shore of the island.
As soon as the tempest raged, Prospero led his daughter to the shore of the island.

Question 3.
Rewrite the following sentences as per the instructions:
1. Prospero waved his magic stick.
(Rewrite the sentence in past continuous tense.)
2. Ariel informed Prospero that the ship, was safely anchored in one corner of the island.
(Rewrite the sentence in past perfect tense.)
1. Prospero was waving his magic stick.
2. Ariel had informed Prospero that the ship was safely anchored in one corner of the island.

Question 4.
Rewrite the following sentences in polite request in form of question:
1. Obey my commands now!
2. Bring Ferdinand here at once.
1. Will you please obey my commands now?
2. Can you please bring Ferdinand here at once?

Question 5.
Prospero said to Ferdinand, “All your troubles were merely trials of your love and you have nobly stood the test. Now, I give you my daughter, a priceless gift.”
(Rewrite the sentence in indirect narration.)
1. Prospero told Ferdinand that all his troubles were merely trials of his love and he had nobly I stood the test. He further added that he gave him (Ferdinand), his daughter, a priceless gift.

Question 6.
Begin the sentences with the underlined object and rewrite it:
1. Ariel brought them before Prospero.
2. He thanked Gonzalo for his kindness.
1. They were brought before Prospero by Ariel.
2. Gonzalo was thanked for his kindness by him.

Question 7.
Make them assertive:
1. How happy Alonso was to see his lost son!
2. How thrilled Alonso was to hear that Ferdinand was to marry the duke of Milan’s beautiful daughter.
1. Alonso was very happy to see his lost son.
2. Alonso was very much thrilled to hear that Ferdinand was to marry the duke of Milan’s beautiful daughter.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 8.
Use ‘not only … but also’ :
1. Prospero was happy and pleased to be back in Milan.
2. Ariel promised them calm seas and favourable winds in their journey.
1. Prospero was not only happy but also pleased to be back in Milan.
2. Ariel promised them not only calm seas but also favourable winds in their journey.

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Complete the words by using correct letters:

  1. o_der
  2. gre_t
  3. ne_er
  4. ma _ ic


  1. order
  2. great
  3. never
  4. magic

Question 2.
Copy the following sentences correctly in your notebook:
1. Prospero was the Duke of Milan in the kingdom of Naples.
2. “Obey my commands now,” Prospero said to him.

Question 3.
Put the following words in alphabetical order:
1. earthen, natural, different, leisure
2. renowned, rectangles, residing, recording
1. different, earthen, leisure, natural.
2. recording, rectangles, renowned, residing.

Question 4.
Punctuate the following sentences:
1. every child is an artist the problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up said Picasso
2. oh i didn’t see you come in said the teacher to ritesh
1. “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up?” said Picasso.
2. “Oh, I didn’t see you come in !” said the teacher to Ritesh.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 5.
Write four small words (minimum 3 letters each) using the letters in the given word:

  1. teach
  2. reach
  3. each
  4. hero.

Question 6.
Spot the error and rewrite the correct sentence:
1. Raza win many national and international awards.
2. Gond art have spread mainly in Central India.
1. Raza won many national and international awards.
2. Gond art has spread mainly in Central India.

Question 7.
Write related words as shown in the example: (Answers are directly given.)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest 5

Question 8.
Complete the following word-chain of nouns. Write four words each beginning with the last letter of the previous word:
wealth → …………….. → ………………. → …………….. → ……………..
wealth → humour → reaction → nectar → rainbow.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Make your own meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to look after’:
It is our duty to look after our parents in their old age.

Question 2.
Add a prefix or suffix to make new
words and use any one of the root words in your own sentence:
1. regular
2. wicked.
1. regular – irregular
2. wicked – wickedness.
Sentence: The wicked man was about to kill his own friend.

Question 3.
Add a clause to expand the sentence meaningfully:
She did not know ………………..
She did not know how she would be able to come to the decision.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
What will you do if you are left alone on an isolated island by your friends?
If I am left alone on an isolated island by my friends, first I will try to track the location with my mobile. Then I will send it to my parents and other faithful friends. If they get that location, they will definitely reach where I am and I would come out of that isolated island.

Question 2.
Why did Prospero raise a great tempest?
Prospero was a great magician and staying on the enchanted island. When he saw a ship carrying his enemies near his island, he wanted to show them his power of magic without doing them any harm so that they would not come nearby his island again.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 3.
If you were given the power of magic for one day, what would you do? How would you use the power of magic?
If I were given the power of magic for one day, I would do something for the society and for the nation. First, I would try to eradicate poverty from the society, I would give employment opportunities to each and every individual to raise the national income and to make my country developed.

Question 4.
Do you think the power of magic can make you successful? Why?
I don’t believe in magic. As we are living in the 21st century, I believe to be at right place at right time. Luck, timing and magic, none of them will make you successful unless you work hard continuously. So I believe in hard work not in magic.

Question 5.
“Ariel was a faithful spirit” – why do you think so?
Ariel was the chief of imprisoned good spirits. Prospero promised him that he would set him free with his power of magic. He was serving Prospero and helping him faithfully in every need of an hour to set himself free.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.4 The Tempest

Question 6.
What could be the reason for Prospero to give up the practice of magic?
After using the power of his magic at an enchanted island he was back to his own kingdom, Milan. He wanted a new beginning, he wanted to rule his kingdom with human values and virtues rather than magical spells. So he might have given up the practice of magic.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions My English Coursebook Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

My English Coursebook Std 9 Digest Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up!


  • Who is your favourite comedian?
  • What do you like better – to listen to a joke, or to tell a joke?
  • Do you like cartoons and cartoon films?
  • Which one do you like best?

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Quick Thinkers:

Within one minute, write as many meaningful phrases as possible using the numbers given below. Do not repeat the ideas.

Question 1.
Within one minute, write as many meaningful phrases as possible using the numbers given below. Do not repeat the ideas.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain 1

  • One – one boy
  • Two – two girls
  • Three – three facebook accounts
  • Four – four complaints
  • Five – five gardens
  • Six – six policemen
  • Seven – seven roads
  • Forty – forty feet
  • A hundred – a hundred messages

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Try to imagine a situation context where all the above items fit in. Describe it in 8 – 10 lines.
Think of a title for your passage.

Question 1.
Try to imagine a situation context where all the above items fit in. Describe it in 8 – 10 lines. Think of a title for your passage.
Tit for tat
There was a boy in one city. He was studying in standard nine. He opened three fake Facebook accounts and started sending indecent messages to two girls from his class. The girls complained to their teacher four times but he continued sending ‘the same kinds of messages.

At last, the girls’ parents complained to Five gardens police station. Six policemen from the police station came to his school and took the boy to a remand home where seven roads meet. Now the boy is in a forty feet room and taking his punishment for sending hundreds of – indecent messages to the innocent girls.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Try to draw a map incorporating your phrases in a meaningful way. (Two examples are given below.) Write a key/index for your map.

Question 1.
Try to draw a map incorporating your phrases in a meaningful way. (Two examples are given below.) Write a key/index for your map.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain 2

English Workshop:

1. Answer the following questions:

Question a.
Did Twain tell the barber who he was?
Twain did not tell the barber who he was because he didn’t want to disclose his identity. But he told him that it was his first visit to that town.

Question b.
Was Twain particular about how he dressed when he was visiting friends?
Yes, Twain was particular about his dress because when Mrs. Stowe saw him without any collar and tie she was surprised. She disapproved his dressing, it shows that he was always in formal, particular dress.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Question c.
Was Twain particular about what words he used?
Yes, Twain was very much particular about what words he used.

Question d.
Do you think Twain approved of spelling reforms? Give reasons for your answer.
Twain proposed a different plan for the improvement of English spellings. He wanted to convey that further changes and reformation in English spellings would be harmful for the language. So I think he did not approve of spelling reforms.

Question e.
How did Twain explain the spider in the paper? What did he want to highlight?
Twain explained that the spider was on the paper to see which merchant was not advertising, so that he could go to that store; spin his web across the door and lead a life of undisturbed peace afterwards. He wanted to highlight that there was no logical reason behind superstitions as the spider just happened to be there on the newspaper by chance. He also wanted to highlight that we should not believe in superstitions.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

2. Read the following and write the two meanings of ‘mind’ and ‘matter’ :
‘Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.’

Question 1.
Read the following and write the two meanings of ‘mind’ and ‘matter’.
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.
Here mind and matter both are used as a nouns first and then they are used as verbs.

3. Enact any one anecdote in the classroom.

Question 1.
Enact any one anecdote in the classroom.

4. Translate any five of the quotations you like.

Question 1.
Translate any five of the quotations you like.

5. Form groups of four to six.
Discuss whether and how you can improve English spelling.

Question 1.
Discuss whether and how you can improve English spelling.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

6. Arrange a ‘Jokes’ session in the classroom where each student tells a joke. The jokes must be told in English.

Question 1.
Arrange a ‘Jokes’ session in the classroom where each student tells a joke. The jokes must be told in English.

Language Study:

7. Many actions involve two people/things – one that performs the action and one that is affected by the action. Example: Sonali ate the mango.
Here, the action of eating involves Sonali (who eats) and the mango (which gets eaten).
Sonali is the subject and ‘mango’ is the object of the verb ‘eat’. When you want to talk about who performed the action, the doer of the action is the subject.
Sometimes, you want focus on the object – the thing affected by the action. Then you make it the subject of that sentence. Example: The mango was eaten.
You may or may not mention the doer – here, Sonali or the person who ate it.
This is passive construction or passive voice. In this type of construction, the thing affected by the verb is the subject of the sentence, the verb is in the passive form (be + past participle), and the ‘doer’ of the action may or may not be mentioned.
In the following examples of passive voice, the ‘doer’ of action is not mentioned.
Examples :

  • The plants are pruned.
  • A cup of tea is offered to any guest …
  • Many anecdotes related to Mark Twain are told …

If we wish to mention the ‘doer’ in passive sentences, we mention it by adding ‘by’
before it. Examples :
This pen was given to me by my Aunt.
Note that only transitive verbs can be used in the passive voice.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

8. Refer to the Language Study pages and read the entries ‘irony’ and ‘pun’. Find one example of each from the passage or the quotations.

Question 1.
Find the examples of ‘irony’ and ‘pun’ from the lesson or the quotations.
irony – use of words to imply the opposite of what they mean.

  1. A writer is working on his manuscript; and it’s a comedy.
  2. ‘classic’ – A book which people praise and don’t read.

pun – a play on words based on their different meanings, for a humorous effect.

  1. A bicycle can’t stand on its own because it is two-tired.
  2. Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.

(2 examples of irony and pun are given here. Students are expected to find more examples from the lesson.)

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

8. Activity: Live English: Customer Care

Question a.
Read the following conversation.

  • Vaishali: Mother, how’s your new Zap3 mobile working?
  • Mother: Oh It’s a fantastic piece and I’ve got a Bhramar simcard free with this mobile but somehow the Internet Is not working.
  • Vaishali: Go to the settings and see if the mobile data is switched on.
  • Mother: Yes, dear, I’ve done that so many times, but still I am not getting connected.
  • Vaishali: Let’s contact the customer support at Bhramar and take their help. Look, the number Is given on the back of the simcard packet.
  • Mother: Yes. I’ll contact them immediately.
  • Vaishali: Put your mobile on speaker phone so that I can guide you.
    (Mother dials Bhramar Telecom customer care.)
  • Bhramar CC: Hello. This is Bhramar customer care service. For information in English, press for Hindi, press 2, for Marathi, press 3, to talk to our customer care executive, press 4.
    (Mother presses 1.)
  • Bhramar CC: For information regarding bills and your account, press 1 for internet queries and offers, press 2 for other services, press 3 to talk to our customer care executive, press 4.
    (Mother presses 2.)
  • Bhramar CC: For different Internet plans, press: 1 to talk to our customer care executive, press 2.
    (Mother presses 2.)
  • Bhramar CC: How can I help you?
  • Mother: I bought a new Bhramar SIM yesterday. I have opted for the 349 rupees unlimited plan.
  • Bhramar CC: Yes, it Is reflected against your number.
  • Mother: But I am not getting connected to the Internet.
  • Bhramar CC: Go to Settings’ and in APN type internet and save it. After that just switch off the phone and then switch it on again. The internet will start working. Any other queries, Madam?
  • Mother: No, thank you. If I have any problem, I will call you back.
  • Bhramar CC: Thanks for calling Bhramar Customer Care service. (Hangs up.)
  • Vaishali: See, Mummy, It’s quiet simple.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Question b.
You have purchased some games CDs online through ChalaShikuya. corn (CSY). You are not able to access the CD. It is published by Cithuttigarnes. When you contact the customer care service of Chhuttigarnes. what questions will you ask?
Questions to ask customer care service of chhuttigames.

  1. Is it customer care service of chhuttigames?
  2. I want to talk to the person who deals with customer complaints, who is the right ¡erson to talk to?
  3. Recently I have purchased some games CD online through your website. It’s not working properly. How can I resolve my problem?
  4. Is it possible to exchange the CD?
  5. How can I send it back to you?
  6. How much time will you take to replace it?
  7. What is the guarantee that new CD wifi work properly?
  8. Will you return the money which I paid for CDs?

Question c.
Find out who the service provider is for your parents mobile. With your parents’ pennission. call the customer care service to get information regarding the active plans on your number. (For example. SMS plan, internet plan, etc. and share this information in your classroom.)
Telephonic conversation with the customer care service.

  • Myself: Hello, is it Airtel Service Centre?
  • ServIceman: Yes, what can I do you for you, Sir?
  • Myself: My mother’s number is 9867XXXX10 and I want to enquire about new plans for this number.
  • Serviceman: Could you hold on for a moment please? I will just put you through to our expert.
  • Myself: It’s all right.
  • Serviceman: What do you want to ask, Sir? I can’t get through to him at the moment. If you tell me, I wifi definitely pass on your message to him.
  • Myself: I want to ask about the active plan on my mobile. Especially about SMS plan and Internet plan.
  • Serviceman: I think the operator has hung up. I will pass on your message to him, call you back in some time.
  • Myself: 0k Sir, Thanks a lot!
  • Serviceman: Welcome Sir, Have a good day.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Question d.
Prepare simple telephone conversations using the expressions below.
Some useful ‘telephone’ phrases
Hold on, please. (Wait): Could you hold on for a moment please?
Put (a call) through (Connect): I will just put you through to our expert.
Get through (Get connected): I can’t get through to him at the moment, could you call back later, please?
Hang up (End the call): I think the operator has hung up.
Call back: I’ll check your plan and call you back in some time.

  • Pick up
  • Answer the phone
  • Call
  • Give a ring

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain 3

My English Coursebook 9th Class Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain Additional Important Questions and Answers

Read the following passage and do the activities:

Simple Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Complete the following sentences with the help of the given passage:
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. The real name of Mark Twain was Samuel Langhorne Clemens.
  2. Mark Twain went to a local barber shop for a shave.
  3. Many anecdotes related to Mark Twain are told and enjoyed even today.
  4. The young Mark Twain ran over early to say goodbye to Mrs. Stowe.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Question 2.
Name the following:

  1. The popular American Writer – Mark Twain
  2. The place where Mrs Stowe was going – Florida
  3. The home country of Mark Twain – America
  4. The person who was going to Florida – Mrs Stowe

Question 3.
Answer the following in words :

  1. How many times did Mark Twain hear the story. – Three times
  2. Who was telling the story? – Henry Irving

Question 4.
Complete the following sentences :
(Answers are directly given.)
1. Henry Irving asked Mark Twain if he had heard the story before “because he wanted to assure that he had not heard the story which he was telling him.”
2. Mark Twain could not lie the third time at any cost because he had not only heard the story but also invented it after hearing it for the third time.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Question 5.
State whether the following statements are True or False: (Answers are directly given.)

  1. Mark Twain received a letter from the editor of a small Missouri newspaper. – False
  2. Finding a spider in a paper is good luck for the reader according to Mark Twain. – False
  3. Mark Twain’s birth was heralded by the return of Halley’s comet. – True
  4. Mark Twain died in November 1835. – False

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Describe Mark Twain.
Mark Twain was a popular American writer who was famous for his humorous stories, novels and other writings. Many anecdotes related to Mark Twain are told and enjoyed even today. He was a great defender of human values like liberty, equality and fraternity.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Question 2.
Complete the following web describing Mark Twain:
(Answers are directly given.)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain 4

Question 3.
Complete the following:
(Answers are directly given.) The two social activities that Mark Twain supported:
1. Being a great defender of human values like liberty, equality and fraternity, Mark Twain opposed wars and imperialism.
2. He also supported the cause of labourers and of the black people in his country.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Question 4.
Was Twain particular about what words he used?
Yes, Twain was very much particular about what words he used.

Question 5.
Why was Henry Irving asking Mark Twain the same question again and again?
While telling a humorous story to Mark Twain, Henry Irving noticed his friend’s face. He noticed some unknown gestures on his face. Thinking, he might have heard the story, Henry was reassuring whether Mark Twain had heard the story or not so to make it sure he was asking the same question again and again.

Question 6.
What did Mark Twain propose? What was his plan at the year 6-12?
Mark Twain proposed a plan for the improvement of English Spelling. At the year 6-12 his plan was modifying vowels and the remaining voiced and unvoiced consonants.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Question 7.
How did Twain explain the spider in the paper? What did he want to highlight?
1. Twain explained that the spider was on the paper to see which merchant was not advertising, so that he could go to that store spin his web across the door and lead a life of undisturbed peace afterwards.
2. He wanted to highlight that there was no logical reason behind superstitions as the spider just happened to be there on the newspaper by chance. He also wanted to highlight that we should not believe in superstitions.

Question 8.
Which episode shows that Mark Twain did not believe in superstitions?
A letter was received by Mark Twain from a reader asking him whether finding a spider in his j paper portended good or bad luck. His reply to the reader shows that he did not believe in superstitions, whereas we should take such situations humorously.

Activities based on vocabulary:

Question 1.
Find out similar meaning words (synonyms) for the following from the passage :
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. freedom – liberty
  2. protector – defender
  3. brotherhood – fraternity
  4. considered – regarded

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Question 2.
Complete the following word-web with the words related to literature:
(Answers are directly given.)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain 5

Question 3.
Find out any four wrongly spelled words and correct them:

  1. Iear – Year
  2. konsonant – consonant
  3. fainali – finally
  4. lojikl – logical

Question 4.
Find out from the passage the words used for the following words:

  1. world – werld
  2. replace – riplais
  3. respectively – respective
  4. modifying – modifaiing

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Question 5.
Classify the following words in the given table:
reader, remind, wonder, spider, merchant, return, declare, comet.

Nouns Verbs
reader, spider, merchant, comet. remind, wonder, return, declare.

Activities based on contextual grammar:

Question 1.
Change the following sentences in indirect speech:
1. “You have chosen a good time to come,” the barber said to Mark Twain.
2. The barber said to Mark Twain, “Have you bought your ticket?”
1. The barber told Mark Twain that he had chosen a good time to come.
2. The barber asked Mark Twain if he had bought his ticket.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Question 2.
Use ‘not only’ …. ‘but also’ and rewrite the sentences:
1. Many anecdotes related to Mark Twain are told and enjoyed even today.
2. Mark Twain opposed wars and imperialism.
1. Many anecdotes related to Mark Twain are not only told but also enjoyed even today.
2. Mark Twain opposed not only wars but also imperialism.

Identify the mistakes in the following ( sentences and write the correct sentences:

Question 1.
Jenerally, then, the improvement would kontinue iear bai iear.
Generally, then, the improvement would continue year by year.

Question 2.
it wud fainali bi possible to meik ius ov thi ( ridandant letez.
It would finally be possible to make use of the redundant letters.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Identify the tense:

Question 1.
1. Henry Irving was telling a humorous story.
2. Mark Twain proposed a plan for the improvement of English Spelling
1. Past Continuous Tense.
2. Simple Past Tense.

Make the sentences affirmative:

Question 1.
1. A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.
2. Don’t be careless about reading health books.
1. A man is (can be) uncomfortable without his own approval.
2. Be careful about reading health books.

Frame a wh-question to get the underlined part as an answer in each sentences:

Question 1.
Mark Twain received a letter from a reader.
What did Mark Twain receive from a reader?

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Question 2.
Mark Twain’s birth was heralded by the return of Halley’s comet.
What was heralded by the return of Halley’s comet?

Personal Response:

Question 1.
What is the importance of humour in our life?
Humour is the most effective and important ingredient, to spice up the dish of life. It is enjoyed by all irrespective of age, caste, gender, whatever. It is one thing which can bind us all and generate a positive and happy environment. Even the most difficult situations can be handled with ease, if we are armed with humorous mind and disposition.

Question 2.
What do you know about Mark Twain?
Mark Twain, was an American writer, humorist, publisher and lecturer. He was born on 30th November, 1835 in Florida (U.S.). Twain earned a great deal of money from his humorous writings and lectures. He was lauded as the greatest American humorist of his age. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn were his two major classics of American literature.

Question 3.
Why should we avoid spelling mistakes while writing?
Correct spelling improves the overall presentation of our work and helps with our confidence in writing. Incorrect spelling can be both embarrassing and damaging. It changes the meaning of the sentences. It also leaves a bad impression of the writer on the readers’ mind.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Question 4.
How can you improve English spellings?
We can improve our English spellings in the following ways:

  1. By learning a few rules of forming words.
  2. By learning commonly misspelled words.
  3. By checking word origins in the dictionary.
  4. By separating words into chunks.
  5. By using the words in its context.
  6. By playing word games/solving puzzles.

Question 5.
Why should we take part in humorous sessions?
Jokes can make people laugh and this impacts the blood circulation. Humorous sessions are often considered as good time for individuals with heart and other cardiovascular problems. It indirectly improves immune system by increasing infection-fighting antibodies. It reduces pains and takes us out from our problems.

Activities Based on Language study

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Complete the words by using correct letters:

  1. t o _ a y
  2. s _ a v e
  3. a _ a i n
  4. p _ i c e


  1. t o d a y
  2. s h a v e
  3. a g a i n
  4. p r i c e.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Question 2.
Copy the following sentences correctly:
1. “Have you bought your ticket yet?”
2. “You’ve chosen a good time to come,” he declared.

Question 3.
Put the following words In alphabetical order:
1. reader, spider, merchant, honour.
2. careless, classic, curiosity, cosmically.
1. honour, merchant, reader, spider.
2. careless, classic, cosmically, curiosity.

Question 4.
Punctuate the following sentences:
1. are you quite sure you havent heard this he demanded suspiciously.
2. i not only heard the story invented it said mark twain.
1. “Are you quite sure you haven’t heard this?” he demanded suspiciously.
2. “1 not only heard the story, I invented It!” said Mark Twain.

Question 5.
Write four small words (minimum 3 letters each) using the letters in the given word:

  1. general
  2. gents
  3. ration
  4. lion.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Question 6.
Spot the error and rewrite the correct sentences:
1. A man does not be comfortable without his own approval.
2. Mark Twain will oppose wars and imperialism and supported the cause of labourers.
1. A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.
2. Mark Twain opposed wars and imperialism and supported the cause of labourers.

Question 7.
Write related words as shown in the example:
(Answers are directly given.)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain 6

Question 8.
Complete the following word-chain of verbs. Add four words, each beginning with the last letter of the previous word:
find → ……………… → ……………. → …………….. → ……………… .
find → drinkkeepplayyell.

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Make your own meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to wait for’.
We should always wait for the right opportunity.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Question 2.
Add a prefix or suffix to make new words and use one of the root words in your own sentence:
1. advantage
2. agree.
1. disadvantage
2. disagree.
Sentence: There are many advantages of reading good books.

Question 3.
Add a clause to expand the sentence meaningfully:
I bought a new mobile …………………. .
I bought a new mobile which is not at all useful for me.


Question 1.
Can you think of other examples of irregularities in English spelling?
(Few examples are given here. Students may think and write other examples.)

  • Name – Nikki, Nicky, Toni & Tony
  • – centre, center
  • – weight, height
  • – headache, know

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.3 Mark Twain

Question 2.
Write a few sentences according to the improvements suggested for each year:

Year Sentences Suggested improvements
1 I never drink cool water. I never drink kool water.
2 She baked one cake. She baked won kake.
3 He replied angrily. He replied angrili.
5 Finally, she stopped overeating. Finali she stoped overeeting.
6 to 12 It would be nice to eat peanuts. It wud bi naise tu eet peenats.
15 the shop was shut. Xe yop was yut.
20 This has to change soon. Xis has tu ccej sun.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions My English Coursebook Chapter 2.5 A Play Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

My English Coursebook Std 9 Digest Chapter 2.5 A Play Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up!


  • Do you like to watch plays?
  • Which is the last play you saw?
  • Do you watch TV serials? Which ones?
  • Do you like slow-moving serials?
  • Do you like stories from the past?
  • What type of stories do you like?

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Two Truths, One Lie

Make groups of 10-15. In this game, each person writes three sentences about himself/herself, two of which are true and the third one is a lie. Read aloud your sentences, while others guess which two are true and which is a lie.
Examples: Hello, everyone! I am Sonali. I have a brother and a sister. I live in Amalner. We have a pet dog at home.

Question 1.
Make groups of 10-15. In this game, each person writes three sentences about himself/herself, two of which are true and the third one is a lie. Read aloud your sentences, while others guess which two are true and which is a lie.
Examples: Hello, everyone! I am Sonali. I have a brother and a sister. I live in Amalner. We have a pet dog at home.
1. Hello everyone!
I am Sahil.
I live in Pune at Shivaj inagar.
I am one of the most studious students of our class.
I visited Sri Lanka last month with my parents.

2. Hello everyone!
I am Ruta.
I am Bharat Natyam dancer.
I have won many dance competitions.
But I want to be a classical singer.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Lost and Found

Question 1.
Divide the students into groups of five. They sit in a circle. They choose one object of daily use such as a bag, wallet, box, etc. The group leader writes four sentences about it.
I have found a water bottle.
It’s pink.
It’s cylindrical in shape.
It’s transparent.
It has a steel cap.
I found it in our school library.

Others, too, write four sentences each.

  • I have lost a tiffin box.
  • It’s colour is pink.
  • It’s square in shape.
  • I lost it in our school canteen.

They all open and read their lines, beginning with the group leader. The player whose description matches the group leader’s the most gets the object.

Part I

1. List the characters that have appeared so far in the play.

Question 1.
List the characters that have appeared so far in the play.
Fourth Guard Messenger, Thief, Thiefs friend, King, Merchant, Bricklayer, Mortar-maker.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

2. List all the different titles they use to address the King.

Question 1.
List all the different titles they use to address the King.
First Guard, Second Guard, Disciple, King Chaupat.

3. Copy the exclamations from the play. (At least 5)

Question 1.
Copy the exclamations from the play. (At least 5)
1. How boring!
2. Oh, Most Great King!
(Students can copy such examples from the play on their own.)

4. Copy the orders (imperative sentences) from the play.

Question 1.
Copy the orders (imperative sentences) from the play.

  1. Spare my daughter.
  2. Bring the money-lender’s daughter.
  3. Summon the mortar-maker at once.
  4. Show mercy to this humble potter.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

5. Use your imagination and the details from the play and draw a map of Andher Nagari.

Question 1.
Use your imagination and the details from the play and draw a map of Andher Nagari.
(Students can draw the map using their imagination.)

6. Write what each of the following should have said after listening to the complaint against him/her:

Question 1.
Write what each of the following should have said after listening to the complaint against him/her:
(a) Daughter …………………
(b) Potter …………………….
(c) Mortar-maker …………………
(d) Bricklayer ………………..
(e) Merchant ………………………….
(a) Daughter: Daughter should have said that, she was going to get married next week, so she should be excused from being punished.
(b) Potter: I never make defective pots. Mortar- maker might have brought it from somewhere else.
(c) Mortar-maker: I always use a bottle-necked pot to pour water, it is the bricklayer’s idea to blame me.
(d) Bricklayer: Extremely sorry to say, My Lord. I have never worked carelessly in my entire life. I am faithful to my profession.
(e) Merchant: If I had been the merchant, I would have asked the king to punish the thieves as they were trying to break in my house when my whole family was not there at home and it is a crime. So they should be punished.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

7. What should the king have said to the thief ?

Question 1.
What should the king have said to the thief ?
The king should have said to the thief that it was the fault of him and his friend and not of the merchant. As they had entered his house with the intention of stealing when his family was away. So he and his friend were totally responsible for what had happened.

8. Will a thief appear in a court on his own? Why does this Thief dare to do so?

Question 1.
Will a thief appear in a court on his own? Why does this Thief dare to do so?
A thief will never appear in a court on his own. This thief dares to do so because the king of his kingdom was not powerful and the rules and regulations of his kingdom were not so strict.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Language study:

9. Read the following sentences and find the subject and the verb in each.

Question 1.
Read the following sentences and find the subject and the verb in each.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen! 7

Sentence Subject verb
1. You are a stranger. You are
2. I am a visitor here. I am
3. You have heard right. You have
4. The king will not hang me. The king will
5. He must pay with his life He must

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

10. Read the following sentences. Tick the ones in passive voice. Copy them correctly.

Question 1.
Read the following sentences. Tick the ones in passive voice. Copy them correctly.

  1. I have heard amazing stories [ ]
  2. I am especially impressed by the fact [ ]
  3. I am quite happy about it. [ ]
  4. I beg for justice. [ ]
  5. ……. and my friend was instantly killed [ ]
  6. My house has been recently built [ ]
  7. It is the fault of the bricklayer [ ]


  1. I have heard amazing stories …. [ ]
  2. I am especially impressed by the fact…. [✓]
  3. I am quite happy about it. [ ]
  4. I beg for justice. [ ]
  5. … and my friend was instantly killed ….. [✓]
  6. My house has been recently built …. [✓]
  7. It is the fault of the bricklayer …. [ ]

Part II

1. List the characters that appear for the first time in this part of the play. Write one or two lines about each of them.

Question 1.
List the characters that appear for the first time in this part of the play. Write one or two lines about each of them.

  1. Goldsmith: He was dutiful and tried to follow the king’s order by setting aside all his work.
  2. Hangman: He was also faithful towards his duties. He tried to follow the King’s order. He was an executioner who hangs the culprits.
  3. Sage: A wise man from a neighbouring forest who smartly saved his disciple from the J punishment given by King Choupat.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

2. Say whether the following sentences are true or false:

Question 1.
Say whether the following sentences are true or false:
(a) The Goldsmith blamed the King for the delay in his work.
(b) The King thought that the Goldsmith had a good reason to delay the Daughter’s work.
(c) The Goldsmith was hanged.
(d) The noose did not fit the Goldsmith’s neck.
(e) The noose did not fit the disciple’s neck.
(f) The Sage wanted to die on that day.
(g) The Sage wanted to save his Disciple.
(h) The King wanted to be King again in his next birth.
(a) The Goldsmith blamed the King for the delay in his work. – True
(b) The King thought that the Goldsmith had a good reason to delay the Daughter’s work. – False
(c) The Goldsmith was hanged. – False
(d) The noose did not fit the Goldsmith’s neck. – True
(e) The noose did not fit the disciple’s neck. – False
(f) The sage wanted to die on that day. – True
(g) The sage wanted to save his disciple. – True
(h) The king wanted to be king again in his next birth. – True

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

3. Write any three instances of funny rules and twisted logic used in Andher Nagari.

Question 1.
Write any three instances of funny rules and twisted logic used in Andher Nagri.

  1. The disciple came to Andher Nagari to pay respects to the mighty King Choupat but to his surprise the king ordered the Hangman to hang him without delay.
  2. The blame game continued one after another and the king ordered the Hangman everytime to hang the person without verifying his/her mistake.
  3. The king requested the guards to take him to the gallows and hang him without any delay to become the next king of the same kingdom in his next life.

4. List the proverbs and sayings used in the play.

Question 1.
List the proverbs and sayings used in the play.
1. Justice delayed is justice denied.
2. Our actions speak louder than words.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

5. Read the entire play and complete the following blame game flow chart.

Question 1.
Read the entire play and complete the following blame game flow chart.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen! 8 Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen! 9

Who is blaming? Who does he blame? For what does he blame that person?
Thief Owner of the house For not constructing a strong wall.
Owner of the house (Merchant) Bricklayer For carelessly building a weak wall.
Bricklayer Mortar- maker For mixing too much water in Mortar.
Mortar-maker Potter For making a defective pot with a large mouth.
Potter Money­ lender’s Daughter For disturbing him with tinkling of anklets.
Money-lender’s Daughter Goldsmith For delay in the delivery of her ornaments.
Goldsmith King For giving orders to set aside all other work to make the Queen’s ornaments.

6. Form groups. Translate one page of the play into your mother tongue as a group activity. Gather the pages translated by different groups and prepare a translated script of the entire play.

Question 1.
Form groups. Translate one page of the play into your mother tongue as a group activity. Gather the pages translated by different groups and prepare a translated script of the entire play.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Langauge Study:

7. Divide the play (Part I as well as Part II) into sections.
Form groups and assign roles. Practise your lines in groups.
Hold play reading sessions in the classroom.
Which group/student presents the most effective reading?
Note the features that make an oral presentation effective. Some of them are :

  • Meaningful reading – taking proper pauses
    (breaking the speech into meaningful chunks)
  • Using suitable intonation
  • Speaking clearly
  • Good pronunciation – using English sounds and stress patterns
  • Pleasant and confident appearance of the speakers.

8. Look up the following entries in the Language Study pages given at the end.

  • stress
  • intonation
  • sound
  • consonant
  • vowel

Question 1.
Look up the following entries in the Language Study pages given at the end.

  • stress
  • intonation
  • sound
  • consonant
  • vowel

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

9. Note the way the dialogue in the play is presented. Look up the word ‘colon’ in the ‘Language Study’ pages and note how ills used in the play.

Question 1.
Note the way the dialogue in the play is presented. Look up the word ‘colon’ in the ‘Language Study’ pages and note how ills used in the play.

10. Listen carefully and write the verbs in the appropriate column.

Question 1.
Listen carefully and write the verbs in the appropriate column.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen! 10
Teacher: can, give, following, commanded, get, has, been, spare, does, take, hand, have, fall, forgive, let, drag, return, will, is, try, has, must, be, resist, force, speak, are, were, should, had, thought, lost, would, says, was, are, does, may, cannot, demand, shall, shouldn’t, become, reign

Main verb Auxiliary verb Model auxiliary
give, following, commanded, spare, take, hand, fall, have, forgive, drag, get, does, return, try, resist, become, force, speak, demand, reign, says, thought, lost has, been, let, is, be, are, were, had, was, does can, will, must, should, would, may, cannot, shall, shouldn’t

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

My English Coursebook 9th Class Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play Additional Important Questions and Answers

Read the following passage and do the activities:

Simple Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Name the following:

  1. Name of the kingdom – Andher Nagari
  2. Name of the king – Chaupat
  3. The person who was not – Second guard alert
  4. The forest from where a – Ghangor visitor came

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Question 2.
State whether the following statements are Right or Wrong:

  1. The first guard was at ease, all day. – Wrong
  2. The visitor was a disciple of the Wise Sage from the Ghangor forest. – Right
  3. Taka ser bhaji, taka ser khaja is an Indian proverb. – Right
  4. The disciple wanted to attend the court to pay his respects to the mighty King Chaupat. – Right

Question 3.
Complete the following sentences:
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. The thieves were hard working and honest.
  2. Both the thieves were true to their profession.
  3. The house in which the thief peered through the hole belonged to a merchant.
  4. According to the merchant, brick layer had carelessly built the wall of his house.

Question 4.
Complete the following sentences:
(Answers are directly given.)
1. The mortar-maker’s family comprised of his wife and two young children.
2. According to the mortar-maker excess water poured down into the mortar mixture because the pot had an extraordinary large mouth.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Question 5.
Who said to whom:
1. “I was merely following your Highness’s order.”
2. “Take him to the gallows without further delay.”
1. The goldsmith said to the King.
2. The King commanded the Hangman and guards.

Choose the correct alternative to answer the following questions:

Question A.
Who was the old man?
(a) a king
(b) a sage
(c) a guard
(d) a stranger
(b) a sage

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Question B.
Who had a wonderful fate in his next life?
(a) the king
(b) the disciple
(c) the sage
(d) the hangman
(a) the king

Question C.
Who was going to be hanged?
(a) the young stranger
(b) the hangman
(c) the guard
(d) the sage
(a) the young stranger

Question D.
According to the sage how was the king?
(a) holy
(b) wise
(c) generous
(d) great
(c) generous

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Question 6.
State whether the following statements are True or False:
(Answers are directly given.)
The old man was a wise and learned sage. – True

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Why did a disciple of the Wise Sage from the Ghangor forest come to Andher Nagari?
A disciple of the Wise Sage from the Ghangor forest had heard amazing stories about Andher Nagari and the great King Chaupat. He was impressed by the fact that everything in the market is sold at the same price. So it was a good idea to settle in that land. So to pay his respects to the mighty King Chaupat, the disciple had come to Andher Nagari.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Question 2.
Arrange the following sentences in chronological order:
1. The wall collapsed while entering the house and the thief’s friend was instantly killed.
2. One day they made a hole in the wall of a merchant’s house.
3. There were two hardworking and honest thieves in the great land of Andher Nagari.
4. They were very true to their profession from the last several years.
3. There were two hardworking and honest thieves in the great land of Andher Nagari.
4. They were very true to their profession from the last several years.
2. One day they made a hole in the wall of a merchant’s house.
1. The wall collapsed while entering the house and the thief’s friend was instantly killed.

Question 3.
List the characters that have appeared so far in the passage :
Mortar-maker, Fourth Guard Messenger, Potter, Money-lender and his daughter.

Question 4.
What is the Mortar-maker’s excuse? Is it believable?
According to the Mortar-maker, he poured water with an extraordinary large mouth-pot into
the mortar mixture. The excess water was poured down because of a useless pot made by the potter. It was not a believable excuse as pouring water can be controlled by us.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Question 5.
Is the Daughter’s complaint about the Goldsmith true?
Yes, it is true the daughter was going to get married the next week and her jewellery was not ready. She had to leave the house to request the Gold¬smith to work faster and hand over her ornaments on time for her marriage. She wouldn’t have gone out of her house if there wouldn’t be such an urgency.

Question 6.
What is the goldsmith’s excuse?
The king commanded the goldsmith to set aside all his work and get the Queen’s ornaments ready before Her Highness’s birthday. So there had been a delay in making the lady’s (the money lender’s daughter’s) bridal ornaments. This was the goldsmith’s excuse for not making the lady’s ornaments.

Question 7.
What was the sage’s request? Why did he make such a strange request?
The sage’s request was that he should be hanged instead of his disciple because he wanted to save his disciple at any cost by using some tricks.

Question 8.
What does the King want to know?
The King wants to know why the sage, being a wise and holy man wishes to obstruct the course of justice. He also wants to know why the sage wanted to be hanged in place of his disciple.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Question 9.
Why did the King want to die?
The sage told the King that, the great prophets had foretold that one who would be hanged on that day, in that kingdom, would become the next king and conquer many more nations. The King wanted to become the next great king of Andher Nagari. He also wanted to be a famous royal monarch. So he wanted to die to become the king of Andher Nagari.

Activities based on vocabulary:

Question 1.
Make a list of describing words used for King Chaupat in the form of a web:
(Answers are directly given.)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen! 11

Question 2.
Find out synonyms from the extract for the following:
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. delicious – delectable
  2. awesome – amazing
  3. knowledgeable – learned
  4. make – enliven

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Question 3.
Find out the adverbs which are used along with the following verbs:
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. instantly killed
  2. recently built
  3. immediately bring
  4. recently collapsed

Question 4.
Pick out the verbs and state their kind:
1. My friend peered through the hole.
2. The merchant was living in a house.
1. peered – Past Tense
2. was living – Past Continuous.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Question 5.
Find out minimum four infinitives from the passage:
Infinitives – to blame, to pour, to urge, to work.

Question 6.
Find out a suitable word from the extract and complete the following sentences:
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. If you disturb the class, your teacher will give you punishment.
  2. Most of the women are crazy for ornaments.
  3. King Shibi was very generous.
  4. It is our duty to follow our parent’s orders.

Question 7.
Arrange the following words in the following columns as per their meanings:
Words: force, excuse, order, apologise, forgive

Orders Requests
1. order (1) pardon
2. command (2) apologise
3. force (3) excuse
4. shout (4) forgive

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Question 8.
Match the following words in Column ‘A’ with their meaning in Column ‘B’ :

‘A’           . ‘B’
1. yonder (a) give the right to
2. conquer (b) over there
3. recluse (c) favouring a solitary life
4. entitled (d) capture


‘A’           . ‘B’
1. yonder (b) over there
2. conquer (d) capture
3. recluse (c) favouring a solitary life
4. entitled (a) give the right to

Question 9.
Write any suitable noun from the passage for the given adjectives to make correct combination!

  1. generous ………………..
  2. wonderful ………………..
  3. great ………………..
  4. learned ………………..


  1. king
  2. prophet
  3. fate
  4. sage.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Activities based on contextual grammar:

Question 1.
Identify the types of the following sentences:

  1. Give your identity.
  2. How boring!
  3. You have heard right.
  4. What brings you here?


  1. Imperative sentence (order)
  2. Exclamatory sentence
  3. Statement (simple sentence)
  4. Interrogative sentence (wh-question)

Question 2.
Frame Verbal Questions:
1. There was too much of water mixed in it.
2. My friend was instantly killed.
1. Was there too much of water mixed in it?
2. Was my friend instantly killed?

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Question 3.
It is the fault of the bricklayer. He carelessly built such a weak wall.
(Combine the sentence with ‘who’)
It is the fault of the bricklayer who carelessly built such a weak wall.

Question 4.
Pick out the subject and object in the following sentences:
1. The guards dragged the goldsmith.
2. You commanded me
3. he Hangman forced the disciple.
4. The Hangman overpowers them.

Subject Object
1. The guards 1. the goldsmith
2. You 2. me/I
3. The Hangman 3. the disciple
4. The Hangman 4. they

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Question 5.
Add a tail tag to the following sentences:
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. You have not carried out my orders, have you?
  2. Your excuse does not hold good, does it?
  3. This noose does not fit the goldsmith’s neck, does it?
  4. Take him to the gallows, will you?

Question 6.
Make the following sentences Assertive :
(Answers are directly given.)

Question a.
What a strange appeal!
It was indeed a strange appeal.

Question b.
What a wonderful fate in my next life – a king once again!
A king once again in my next life is really a wonderful fate.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Question 7.
Rewrite using ‘as well as’ :
1. He is a wise and learned sage from the forest.
2. The old man begged and pleaded that he should be hanged instead of the young stranger.
1. He is a wise as well as learned sage from the forest.
2. The old man begged as well as pleaded that he should be hanged instead of the young stranger.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Do you think this is a good land to settle in? why?
Yes, I think the land of Andher Nagari is a good land to settle in because it is the only land where everything is sold at the same price. There will be no complications. We can settle there very well even if our income is low.

Question 2.
Can we call the thieves truly hard-working and honest?
No, not at all. Thieves cannot be hard ; working and honest as they rob the possessions | earned by others by working hard. If they are honest, they would not do such crimes.

Question 3.
Do you think the potter is telling the truth? Why?
The potter said when he was shaping the mouth of the pot he heard the sweet, delicate tinkling of anklets of money-lender’s daughter. I think he must be telling the truth as it might have disturbed his work and the mouth of pot became too wide.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Question 4.
Why is the daughter so confident that the king will not hang her? Does her prediction come true?
The daughter was very much confident that the king will not hang her because she knew that she was not guilty and she also knew the king very well. Yes, her prediction came true.

Question 5.
Is the Goldsmith telling the truth? Give reasons for your answer.
Yes, I think the Goldsmith was telling the truth. After making that ladies ornaments the Goldsmith could have received the money from her. But he did not think about the money whereas he thought about the respect and honour of the King. So he started making the Queen’s ornaments instead of that lady’s bridal ornaments.

Question 6.
What is your opinion about the king is he ? wicked, greedy, stupid or all of these? Which of his actions/words show that?
I think the king is stupid. He believes every person of his kingdom without any proof. “Guards! Take me to the gallows and hang me at once without any delay.” This action shows that he was really stupid. Being a king he should have thought of his action.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Question 7.
Was the King willing to hang the Sage? Why?
No, the King was not willing to hang the sage because the sage told him that the one who would be hanged on that day, in that kingdom, would become the next king. So to become the next great king of Andher Nagari, he didn’t want to hang the sage whereas he wanted himself to be hanged.

Activities Based on Language study

Do the following as instructed:

Question 1.
Complete the words by using correct letters:

  1. c o _ r t
  2. g u _ r d
  3. g _ e a t
  4. f a u _ t


  1. c o u r t
  2. g u a r d
  3. g r e a t
  4. f a u l t.

Question 2.
Copy the following sentences correctly in your notebook:
1. Why have you not carried out my orders?
2. What a wonderful fate in my next life a king once again!

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Question 3.
Put the following words in alphabetical order:
1. forgive, excess, mercy, guilty.
2. moulding, mortar, Majesty, measure.
1. excess, forgive, guilty, mercy.
2. Majesty, measure, mortar, moulding.

Question 4.
Punctuate the following sentences:
1. oh do not fret father the king will not hang me said daughter
2. the king said ah justice at last take him to the gallows without further delay
1. “Oh, do not fret, father. The king will i not hang me,” said daughter.
2. The King said, “Ah! Justice at last! Take him to the gallows without further delay.”

Question 5.
Write four small words (minimum 3 letters each) using the letters in the given word:

  1. explain
  2. nation
  3. plain
  4. plant.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Question 6.
Spot the error and rewrite the correct sentences:
1. O Noble King, you were most generous.
2. The great prophets has foretold that the one who will be hanged on this day shall become the next king and conquer many more nations.
1. O Noble King, You are most generous.
2. The great prophets have foretold that the one who will be hanged on this day shall become the next king and conquer many more nations.

Question 7.
Write related words as shown in the
(Answers are directly given.)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.4 Please Listen! 12

Question 8.
Complete the following word-chain of adjectives. Add four words, each beginning with the last letter of the previous word:
young → ……………. → ……………. → ………….. → ………….. .
young → greatterribleequallovely

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Make your own meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to say goodbye’.
It is quite difficult to say goodbye to our school.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 2.5 A Play

Question 2.
Add a prefix or suffix to make new
words and use any one of the root words in your own sentence: 2
1. mercy
2. complicate.
1. mercy – merciful
2. complicate – complication.
Sentence: The bricklayer begged for mercy.

Question 3.
Add a clause to expand the sentence meaningfully:
The teacher suggested …………………..
The teacher suggested that we should follow the rules and regulations of our country.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions My English Coursebook Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

My English Coursebook Std 9 Guide Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming up!

  1. How was this year for you?
  2. Are you happy with what you could study this year?
  3. What did you miss, or could not do ?
  4. What do you plan to do about it-about the things you could not do /study well?
  5. What was the best moment for you this year?

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Growing sentences

Form pairs/groups and do the following activities:

1. Form pairs. Write two sentences of two words each.
1. Stand up.
2. Don’t disturb.

2. Form groups of three. Write three sentences of three words each.

  1. Please come here.
  2. Open your books.
  3. You can go.

3. Form groups of four. Write four sentences of four words each.

  1. Complete your notebooks now.
  2. Is it your book?
  3. I like my school.
  4. Mother cooks nice food.

4. Continue to write as many sentences as the number of students in the group, till you reach the number 10.

5. After that, go on forming bigger groups and writing sentences with as many words as the number of students in the group. However, you may write only one or two sentences at each step after 10.

  • Sentence of 5 words: Can you please help me? Sentence of 6 words : Avanish works hard for his future.
  • Sentence of 7 words: You are free to choose your career.
  • Sentence of 8 words: I got this gift on my tenth birthday.
  • Sentence of 9 words: My mother corrects me when I make a mistake.
  • Sentence of 10 words: We should follow the rules and regulations of our society.

6. See if you can make a sentence with as many words in it as there are students in your classroom.

7. Write the sentence in big letters on chart paper and display it in the classroom.

English Workshop:

1. Find the meaning of the following words from a good dictionary:

Question 1.
Find the meaning of the following words from a good dictionary:

  1. Sawmill – a factory where wood is cut with machinery
  2. Prussian – German inhabitant of Prussia
  3. Apprentice – a person who learns some skill needed in his/her job.
  4. nuisance – annoyance
  5. cranky – irritable
  6. hold fast to something – to possess something (here language) firmly despite of many difficulties.
  7. at one stroke – with a single immediate action.
  8. might – strength.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

2. List the people and their occupation in the passage.

Question 1.
List the people and their occupation in the passage.
1. M. Hamel – French teacher
2. Franz – the narrator student

3. Find five words ending with ‘-ing’ and five words ending with ‘-ed’ from the lesson.

Question 1.
Find five words ending with ‘-ing’ and five words ending with ‘-ed’ from the lesson.

Words ending with ‘ing’ Words ending with ‘ed’
1. fluttering 1. dismissed
2. writing 2. turned
3. scratching 3. looked
4. choking 4. leaned

4. Find five examples of commonly used past participles from the story. For example, said, learnt.

Question 1.
Find five examples of commonly used past participles from the story. For example, said, learnt.
Commonly used past participles from the passage:

  1. got
  2. saw
  3. wore
  4. came
  5. put

5. What is the meaning of the following words and phrases in the passage? Choose the correct alternative.

Question (a)
…………….. was in great dread of
1. was in a great hall
2. was in great demand
3. was afraid of
4. was angry with.
3. was afraid of

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question (b)
……………….. did not know the first word about them
1. did not know anything about them
2. did not care about them
3. knew all the words except the first word
4. had not learnt them by heart.
1. did not know anything about them

Question (c)
…………………… terrible iron ruler
1. a great king
2. a ruler made of poor quality iron
3. a magic ruler
4. ruler with which the master hit the student hard.
4. ruler with which the master hit the student hard.

Question (d)
…………… got a little over my fright
1. got very frightened
2. got something because I was frightened
3. became little
4. got less frightened
4. got less frightened

Question (e)
What a thunderclap these words were to me!
1. The words came as a shock.
2. He shouted the words at me.
3. There was thunder and lightning.
4. The words were accompanied by claps.
1. The words came as a shock.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question (f)
……………… she put off learning tomorrow
1. she prepare for learning
2. she did not learn at that time
3. she cancelled tomorrow’s learning
4. she studied the word ‘tomorrow’.

6. Fill in the following blanks using proper words from ‘who’, ‘when’, ‘what’, ‘how’ or I ‘why’:

Question 1.
Fill in the following blanks using proper words from ‘who’, ‘when’, ‘what’, ‘how’ or I ‘why’:
(a) She started jumping for joy ……………… she heard the news.
(b) You must tell ………………… I mustn’t do it.
(c) The person ……………… is making the speech is my friend.
(d) They wondered ……………….. had happened to him.
(e) You must show me ………………….. to mix the solutions.
(f) I’ll tell you …………………… it is time to leave.
(a) She started jumping for joy when she heard the news.
(b) You must tell why I mustn’t do it.
(c) The person who is making the speech is my friend.
(d) They wondered what had happened to him.
(e) You must show me how to mix the solutions.
(f) I’ll tell you when it is time to leave.

Question 2.
Write a letter of thanks to your English teacher. Thank him/her for everything that he/she did for you:
Ishan More
16, Gnyaneshwari,
Aarey Road,
Goregaon (East),
Mumbai – 400 063.
30th April, 2020.

Dear Gogate madam,

I take this opportunity to thank you from my bottom of heart for whatever you have done for me and to improve my English skills. I think words fail me toexpress my gratitude.

Madam, when I saw this new book for the first time, I was worried as I didn’t understand how to study it and improve my writing and speaking skills. But while taking activities of every lesson and poem you not only boosted our courage but also made us confident to write and speak English fluently.

While taking activities, you gave opportunity to every one, so that we could think, imagine and express. At the same time by, taking activities based on vocabulary and grammar you laid a good foundation of it. Now, each and every student of our class wishes to learn English on their own. You created interest in learning the language.

I am really proud to say that throughout the journey of my life, I will be thankful for your efforts taken for the development of our language. I am sure, only because of your support and help I can now speak and write English fluently.

Thank you for the guidance you have given throughout the year and for making it so wonderful. I will forever be obliged to you.

Yours obediently,
Ishan More

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

7. Write a short note on your mother tongue and the attempts you make to study it well.

Question 1.
Write a short note on your mother tongue and the attempts you make to study it well.
My mother tongue is Marathi. It is spoken all over Maharashtra. Konkani, Malvani, Ahirani, Varhadi are some of the dialects of Marathi. According to many writers and philosophers, it is the most beautiful language in India.

The moment when I heard the first Marathi word ‘Aai’, I have been learning this language till today. I learnt it from my parents, grandparents, neighbours and my Marathi teachers. I read a lots of books including novels of renowned authors in Marathi. People say Marathi is rich in its literature. By reading Marathi newspapers, magazines and by listening Marathi news bulletins I improved my vocabulary and even the beauty of structure. Being my mother tongue, I haven’t taken any special efforts to learn this language as I learnt it from my surroundings.

8. Write points and counter points on the following topics:

Question 1.
You should study all subjects in your mother tongue:
1. Language is a symbol that reflects the culture of one’s community and ethnic identity and speaking in one’s own mother tongue can create a sense of personal identity for the students across the globe.
2. When students don’t understand the instructions given by the teachers in English they lose their confidence and they either choose to sit silently or repeat mechanically, leading to frustration and ultimately repetition, failure and school drop out.


1. India is a country with too many languages with some being state specific and Hindi being the national language. English being an international language has now become language connecting the whole of India. On the other hand, we have our mother tongues which teach the kids about our culture and about our past.

2. If the instructions are given in mother tongue then the question arises, “How will they cope up with English later on? The educationists and policy makers need to give it a thought.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 2.
You must memorise the rules of grammar : Points:
1. Language is the base of almost everything we do as human beings. We cannot communicate without language. If we want to understand linguistic dimension of our existence we need to learn the rules and regulations of grammar as it is fundamental organizing principle of language.
2. It has been observed that the explicit teaching of grammar rules leads to better learning and understanding and this lasts over time. Learning about grammar provides basic knowledge for learning other languages.
1. The difference between a literate and educated person is that an educated person knows to read and write. Anyone who knows to read and write knows grammar. It is a part of learning a language. Why to take it up as a separate thing to learn and add to the stress level of the students.
2. Language is a means of communication, people have been communicating with each other for ages. Functional grammar is still acceptable but learning rules looks like wastage of time and energy. There are pros and cons of everything and so is of learning grammar rules. I think that at least the basics of grammar should be taught till primary level and then we can shift to functional grammer.

9. Why was Franz sad?

Question 1.
Why was Franz sad?
When Franz came to know that M. Hamel was leaving, he realized that he had not learned a single word of French, his own language and now they will start teaching German. He was also sad thinking about the condition of M. Hamel who was leaving the school after forty years of faithful service.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

10. What should people never lose even when they lose freedom?

Question 1.
What should people never lose even when they lose freedom?
Even when the people lose their freedom, they should not lose their own language.

My English Coursebook 9th Class Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson Additional Important Questions and Answers

Simple Factual Activities:

Question 1.
State whether you Agree or Disagree with the following statements:

  1. A little boy Franz is narrating the story. – Agree
  2. Mr. Hamel is the teacher in Franz’s school. – Agree
  3. Franz had learnt all his participles well. – Disagree
  4. All bad news had come from the bulletin board which was kept in front of Franz’s school. – Disagree

Question 2.
List the profession/occupation of the people mentioned in the passage:

  1. Little Franz: student/narrator
  2. M. Hamel: teacher
  3. Watcher: blacksmith
  4. Classmates: students studying in the same class.
  5. Prussians: Soldiers
  6. Villagers: former mayor former postmaster.

Question 3.
Complete the following sentences:

  1. The story takes place in Alsace and Loraine.
  2. The order from Berlin forced on teaching German instead of French in the schools of Alsace and Loraine.
  3. Franz studies grammer, French and history of the saints in school.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 4.
Complete the following sentences by using one word: (Answers are directly given.)

  1. According to M. Hamel, French was the most beautiful language in the world.
  2. M. Hamel had put on his Sunday clothes.
  3. M. Hamel had put in forty years of faithful service.
  4. Franz had not studied participles.

Question 5.
State whether the following statements are True or False: (Answers are directly given.)

  1. The people of the village gathered in the school to thank M. Hamel. – True
  2. Franz can neither speak nor write French. – True
  3. Franz’s parents were very much anxious in his studies. – False
  4. Franz had never listened M. Hamel so carefully before. – True

Question 6.
Complete the following sentences:

  1. M. Hamel lived above the school room.
  2. His sister lived with him.
  3. M. Hamel wrote “VIVE LA FRANCE”! on the blackboard with all his might.
  4. M. Hamel wrote France, Alsace, France, Alsace on the grammar copy.

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Complete the following sentences:
1. The iron ruler is said to be terrible because M. Hamel hit the students with this ruler.
2. The narrator was thinking not to go to school because he thought M. Hamel would question him about participles and scold him for not doing the participles.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 2.
Describe the scene usually like when school begins?
Usually, when school begins there was a great bustle which could be heard out in the street – the opening and closing of desks, lessons repeated in unison, very loud, and the teacher’s great ruler rapping on the table.

Question 3.
In what time period does the story take place?
During the France-Prussian war 1870-1871.

Question 4.
How did M. Hamel dress up on special occasions?
On special occasions, M. Hamel dressed up in his beautiful green coat, frilled shirt and a little black embroidered silk cap.

Question 5.
Is the school closing down?
No, the school is not closing down whereas a German teacher is going to take the place of M. Hamel who teaches French in that school.

Question 6.
Why were the old men of the village attending school that day?
The old men of the village were sorry that they had not gone to school in their life. They also wanted to thank M. Hamel for his selfless service of forty years and show their respect for their country which did not belong to them now. So they were attending the school that day.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 7.
Why did M. Hamel not scold Franz?
Franz was feeling guilty for not learning French properly even though he had a good chance to learn. He also knew that it was not his fault. Whereas his parents were also responsible for the same so M. Hamel did not scold Franz.

Question 8.
According to M. Hamel, who are the people that did not take education seriously? What examples does he give to support his view?
According to M. Hamel, the people of Alsace did not take education seriously. He gave the example of Franz’s parents who wanted Franz to work on a farm or at the mill instead of going to school and learn.

Question 9.
Why does Franz understand his lesson well?
Being the last lesson of French, Franz was serious. He heard it more carefully that day. He also realized that M. Hamel was teaching patiently as if he wanted to give everything he knew, before going away. So Franz understands his lesson well.

Question 10.
Why does the author say, “I never saw him look so tall”?
The author was always afraid of his French teacher M. Hamel. He also did not understand what he taught. But on the last day of his lecture, the narrator understood and remembered that last lesson. He also developed respect and love for M. Hamel seeing his patriotism. So he says. “I never saw him look so tall.”

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 11.
Complete the following sentences:

  1. The only sound in the classroom was the scratching of the pens over the paper.
  2. M. Hamel’s sister moved in the room above to pack their trunks.
  3. The gesture to students with his hand by M. Hamel was school is dismissed – you may go.
  4. Only the desks and benches had been worn smooth.

Activities based on vocabulary:

Question 1.
Make a Word Register related with “School” based on the given passage.
School: desks, participles, lessons, questions, teacher, classmates, table, ruler.

Question 2.
Complete the following table with the help of the passage given:

Words ending with ‘ing’ Words ending with ‘ed’
morning, scolding,
running, spending,
chirping, drilling,
reading, making,
closing, opening,
rapping, walking,
beginning, etc.
started, passed,
hurried, happened,
frightened, called, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 3.
Find out examples of commonly used past participles from the passage.
Commonly used past participles from the passage:
1. knew
2. forgot.

Question 4.
Write the meaning of the following words :
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. bustle – busy and noisy activity
  2. attentive – thoughtful
  3. solemn – sincere.

Question 5.
Find out opposites from the passage for the following : (Answers are directly given.)

  1. disrespect × respect
  2. unfaithful × faithful
  3. carefree × anxious
  4. best × worst

Question 6.
Arrange the following words in alphabetical order:
prison, patience, people, poor, participles, plenty, pretend, parents.
Alphabetical order:
parents, participles, patience, people, plenty, poor, pretend, prison.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 7.
Find out synonyms from the passage for –
(Answers are directly given.)

  1. awesome – beautiful
  2. flapping – fluttering
  3. intone – chant
  4. discharged – dismissed

Activities based on contextual grammar:

Frame a Wh-question to get underlined answer:

Question 1.
The birds were chirping at the edges of the woods.
Where were the birds chirping?

Question 2.
The blacksmith was there with his apprentice.
Who was there with his apprentice?

Question 3.
The narrator was blushed and frightened.
How was the narrator?

Question 4.
The morning was warm and bright.
What was warm and bright?

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 5.
Find out two imperative and two exclamatory sentences from the passage:
1. Imperative sentences:

  • Don’t go so fast, boy.
  • Go to your place quickly.

2. Exclamatory sentences:

  • It was so warm, so bright!
  • But now it was all so still!

Pick out the infinitive from the sentence and use it in your own sentence:

Question 1.
The order has come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools.
Infinitive – to teach
Sentence: I don’t like to teach the people, I like to learn from the people.

Question 2.
So heavy to carry my grammar and my history of the saints.
Infinitive – to carry
Sentence: Most of the youngsters don’t like to carry anything with them.

Question 3.
M. Hamel said, “My children, this is the last lesson I shall give you. The order has come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Loraine.” (Rewrite it in indirect narration.)
M. Hamel told his children that, it was the last lesson he would give them. He further told them that the order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Loraine.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 4.
Add a question tag given.

  1. They had not gone to school, had they?
  2. Your parents were not anxious enough to have you learn, were they?
  3. You are not the worst, are you?
  4. I had never listened so carefully, had I?

Make it affirmative without changing the meanings:

Question 1.
He had never explained everything with so much patience.
He had hardly explained everything with so much patience.

Question 2.
I had not learnt my participles so I could not say a single word.
I had hardly learnt my participles so I was unable to say a single word.

Question 3.
I thought to myself, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?”
(Rewrite it in indirect narration.)
I thought to myself that they would make them sing in German, even the pigeons.

Do as directed:

Question 1.
He could not go on. (Use ‘to be able to’)
He was not able to go on.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 2.
He took a piece of chalk, he wrote as large as he could. (Begin the sentence with ‘After taking …’)
After taking a piece of chalk, he wrote as large as he could.

Question 3.
Complete the words by using correct letters:

  1. s _ old
  2. fie_d
  3. pr _ ze
  4. t_ach


  1. scold
  2. field
  3. prize
  4. teach

Question 4.
Copy the following sentences in your notebook:
1. “Don’t go so fast, boy; you’ll get to your school in plenty of time!”
2. I thought myself “What can be the matter now?”

Question 5.
Put the following words in alphabetical order:
1. wondering, participles, mayor, bustle.
2. scolding, solemn, scratching, soldiers.
1. bustle, mayor, participles, wondering.
2. scolding, scratching, soldiers, solemn.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 6.
Punctuate the following sentences:
1. I thought to myself will they make them sing in german even the pigeons
2. this is your last french lesson I want you to be very attentive m hamel said
1. I thought to myself, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?”
2. “This is your last French lesson. I want you to be very attentive,” M. Hamel said.

Question 7.
Write four small words (minimum letters each) using the letters in the given word:

  1. thunder
  2. clap
  3. under
  4. tune

Question 8.
Spot the error and rewrite the correct sentences:
1. Through the window I see my classmates, already in their place.
2. They were sorry because they has not gone to school more.
1. Through the window I saw my classmates, already in their place.
2. They were sorry because they had not gone to school more.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 9.
Write related words as shown in the example: (Answers are directly given.)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 10.
Complete the following word-chain of verbs. Add four words each beginning with the last letter of the previous words:
chirp → ………………… → ……………….. → ……………… →…………….. .
chirp → ping → grow → watch → heal.

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Make your own meaningful sentence by using the phrase “Once in a blue moon”.
My uncle lives in Australia, so I see him only once in a blue moon.

Question 2.
Add a prefix or suffix to make new words and use any one of the root words in your own sentence:
1. motion
2. faith
1. motion – motionless
2. faith – faithful.
Sentence: My grandmother was sitting without any motion in her chair.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 3.
Add a clause to expand the sentence meaningfully:
The people realized …………….. .
The people realized that trees should be protected at any cost.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
What is the scene like when your own school begins? Describe it in short.
When my school begins, students are busy in different activities. There is chaos everywhere, students rush to their classes hurriedly. They meet and greet each other. They run laugh, chat and enjoy the beginning of the school.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 2.
How do your teachers punish you when you make a mistake in the class?
I never give any chance to my teachers to punish me. Being studious and serious in studies, I always do my work on time. I participate in all the activities in the class. So my teachers always praise me and my work. So even if I make a mistake they never punish me.

Question 3.
Why is it the last lesson?
An order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Loraine. M. Hamel used to teach French there. By order a new German teacher was supposed to come the next day to teach German in that school. It was the last lesson of French and the French teacher.

Question 4.
We should be grateful to our teachers – support your views.
We should be grateful to our teachers because whatever they do, they do it for the development of their students. They do it selflessly. They want every student to be successful. By telling us what is good and what is bad they always show us the right path. They always lead like a ‘torch bearer’ to us.

Question 5.
Why M. Hamel was leaving the country?
M. Hamel was extremely patriotic towards I France and had a deep love for the French language. The Prussians had taken over Alsace and Loraine. He might be leaving the country as he did not want to live under the Prussians’ rule where even teaching the French language was prohibited.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 My English Coursebook Solutions Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson

Question 6.
With the coming of Prussians, will language be the only thing that will change? What other changes may take place?
With the coming of Prussians not only language but also the whole life of the people of France will be changed because they will be bound by German laws. They will not get their fundamental rights. They will have to obey their orders and live like slaves. They will squeeze money out of them and leave them financially bankrupt.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Hindi Solutions Lokbharti Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात

Hindi Lokbharti 9th Std Digest Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात Textbook Questions and Answers

1. सूचनानुसार कृतियाँ कीजिए :

(क) संजाल:

प्रश्न 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात 1
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात 2

(ख) चाँदनी रात की विशेषताएँ:

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात 3

प्रश्न 1.
चाँदनी रात की विशेषताएँ:

  1. सुंदर चंद्रमा की झिलमिलाती किरणें जल और थल में फैली हुई हैं।
  2. पृथ्वी और आकाश में स्वच्छ चाँदनी बिछी हुई है।
  3. हरी-हरी घास की नोकों के माध्यम से पृथ्वी अपनी खुशी प्रकट कर रही है।
  4. सभी वृक्ष मंद-मंद वायु के झोंकों से झूमते प्रतीत होते हैं।
  5. दूर-दूर तक फैली चाँदनी बहुत ही साफ दिखाई दे रही है।
  6. रात सन्नाटे से भरी है, कोई शोर नहीं हो रहा है।
  7. वायु स्वच्छंद होकर मंद-मंद गति से बह रही है।
  8. इस समय पूर्व, पश्चिम आदि सभी दिशाओं में आनंद ही आनंद व्याप्त है।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात

2. निम्नलिखित पंक्तियों का सरल अर्थ लिखिए :

प्रश्न च.
चारु चंद्र ……….. झोंकों से ।
भावार्थ: गुप्त जी चाँदनी रात का वर्णन करते हुए कहते हैं कि सुंदर चंद्रमा की किरणें जल और थल में फैली हुई हैं। संपूर्ण पृथ्वी तथा आकाश में स्वच्छ चाँदनी बिछी हुई है। पृथ्वी हरी-हरी घास की नोकों के माध्यम से अपनी खुशी प्रकट कर रही है। ऐसा प्रतीत होता है, मानो वृक्ष भी मंद-मंद वायु के झोंकों से झूम रहे हैं।

प्रश्न छ.
क्या ही स्वच्छ ………. शांत और चुपचाप ।
भावार्थ: पंचवटी में दूर-दूर तक चाँदनी फैली हुई है, वह बहुत ही साफ दिखाई दे रही है। रात सन्नाटे से भरी है। कोई शब्द नहीं हो रहा है। वायु स्वच्छंद होकर अपनी स्वतंत्र चाल से मंद-मंद बह रही है। इस समय कौन-सी दिशा है जो आनंद नहीं ले रही है? अर्थात सभी दिशाएँ इस सौंदर्य से आनंदित हो रही हैं। उत्तरपश्चिम आदि सभी दिशाओं में आनंद ही आनंद व्याप्त है। कोई भी दिशा आनंद-शून्य नहीं है। ऐसे समय में भी नियति नामक शक्ति-विशेष के समस्त कार्य संपन्न हो रहे हैं। कोई रुकावट नहीं। वह एक भाव से अर्थात् अकेले-अकेले और चुपचाप अपने कर्तव्यों का निर्वाह किए जा रही है।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात

पाठ से आगे

प्रश्न 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात 4
आकाश केवल बिजली नहीं चमकाता
पर्वत केवल चोटियाँ नहीं दिखलाता
पृथ्वी केवल भूकंप नहीं लाती
तारे केवल टिमटिमाते नहीं
वैसे ही, हाँ वैसे ही
मन में सिर्फ विचार नहीं आते
बल्कि विश्वास,
आस्था, प्रकाश, उदासी की
एक पावन श्रृंखला भी आती है।
जो मनुष्य को मनुष्य से जोड़कर
मानवता के एकसूत्र में बाँधती है।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात

संभाषणीय :

शरद पूर्णिमा त्योहार के बारे में चर्चा कीजिए।

प्रश्न 1.
शरद पूर्णिमा त्योहार के बारे में चर्चा कीजिए।

  • गौरी – अरे राधिका, आज बहुत फूल-माला खरीद रही हो, क्या बात है?
  • राधिका – गौरी तुम्हें मालूम नहीं कि आज शरद पूर्णिमा की रात होगी।
  • गौरी – अरे! मैं तो भूल ही गई थी।
  • राधिका – क्या तुम्हें मालूम है, यह त्योहार कब मनाया जाता है?
  • गौरी – हाँ, मालूम है, शरदीय नवरात्र के बाद पड़ने वाली पूर्णिमा को यह त्योहार मनाते हैं। परंतु इस त्योहार की क्या मान्यता है?
  • राधिका – ‘शरद पूर्णिमा’ हिंदुओं का प्रसिद्ध त्योहार है। ज्योतिष के अनुसार, पूरे साल में केवल इसी दिन चंद्रमा सोलह कलाओं से परिपूर्ण होता है। ऐसी मान्यता भी है कि आश्विन शुक्ल पक्ष में पड़ने वाली पूर्णिमा के दिन चंद्रमा से अमृत वर्षा होती है।
  • गौरी – राधिका, इस त्योहार के दिन किसकी व्रत-पूजा होती है?
  • राधिका – गौरी, इस दिन माँ लक्ष्मी का व्रत रखते हैं । पूरे वर्ष हम स्वस्थ और सुख-शांति से रहें, इसके लिए हम उनकी पूजा-अर्चना करते हैं।
  • गौरी – इसकी पूजा की विधि क्या है , राधिका?
  • राधिका – इस दिन मूर्ति बनाने वाले कारीगर के पास से एक लक्ष्मी की मूर्ति लाते हैं। पाँच तरह के फल व सब्जियों के साथ नारियल अर्पित कर उनकी पूजा करते हैं तथा उस मूर्ति को पूरे साल सँभाल कर रखते हैं। अगले वर्ष फिर शरद पूर्णिमा के दिन उस मूर्ति को विसर्जित कर नई प्रतिमा रखते हैं। इस दिन मंदिरों में भी विशेष पूजा-अर्चना होती है।
  • गौरी – तुमसे मिलकर बहुत प्रसन्नता हुई। इतनी अच्छी जानकारी देने के लिए धन्यवाद!

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात

भाषा बिंदु :

निम्नलिखित पद्यांश का भावार्थ लिखिए।

प्रश्न 1.
निम्नलिखित पद्यांश का भावार्थ लिखिए।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात 5
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात 6

Hindi Lokbharti 9th Answers Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात Additional Important Questions and Answers

पद्यांश पढ़कर दी गई सूचना के अनुसार कृतियाँ कीजिए।

कृति (1) आकलन कृति

प्रश्न 1.
एक शब्द में उत्तर लिखिए।
i. ये अपनी खुशी प्रकट कर रही है
ii. ये वायु के झोंकों से झूम रहे हैं
i. पृथ्वी
ii. वृक्ष

प्रश्न 2.
चौखट पूर्ण कीजिए।
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात 9

प्रश्न 3.
चौखट पूर्ण कीजिए।
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात 12

प्रश्न 4.
समझकर लिखिए।
i. पंचवटी की छाया में बना है
ii. धनुर्धर इस पर बैठा हुआ है
i. पर्णकुटीर
ii. स्वच्छ शिला पर

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात

कृति (2) आकलन कृति

प्रश्न 1.
आकृति पूर्ण कीजिए।
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात 7

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात 8

प्रश्न 2.
सही शब्द चुनकर वाक्य फिर से लिखिए।
i. क्या ही स्वच्छ/सुगंध चाँदनी है यह।
ii. नियति नदी/नटी के कार्य-कलाप।
i. क्या ही स्वच्छ चाँदनी है यह।
ii. नियति नटी के कार्य-कलाप ।

प्रश्न 3.
आकृति पूर्ण कीजिए।
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात 10

प्रश्न 4.
सत्य या असत्य पहचानकर लिखिए।
i. पंचवटी में अंधेरी रात है।
ii. सभी दिशाओं में आनंद ही आनंद व्याप्त है।
i. असत्य
ii. सत्य कृति

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात

प्रश्न 5.
चौखट पूर्ण कीजिए।
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात 11

प्रश्न 6.
सत्य या असत्य पहचानकर लिखिए।
i. पृथ्वी मोतियों को समेट लेती है।
ii. सूर्य सबेरा होने पर मोतियों को बिखेर देता है।
i. असत्य
ii. असत्य

प्रश्न 7.
एक-एक शब्द में उत्तर लिखिए।
i. सबके सो जाने पर मोती ये बिखेरती है
ii. सुबह होने पर मोतियों को ये बटोर लेता है
i. वसुंधरा
ii. रवि

प्रश्न 8.
सत्य या असत्य पहचानकर लिखिए।
i. कुटीर पत्थरों का बना है।
ii. कुटीर में धौर-वीर निर्भीक मनवाला युवक बैठा है।
i. असत्य
ii. असत्य

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात

कृति (3) भावार्थ

निम्नलिखित पद्यांश का भावार्थ लिखिए ।

प्रश्न 1.
है बिखेर देती ……………………… छलकता है।।
चाँदनी रात में पृथ्वी सबके सो जाने पर ओस रूपी मोतियों को बिखेर देती है। सूर्य हमेशा सुबह होने पर उन मोतियों को अपनी किरणों से बटोर लेता है और अस्त होने से पहले ही वह आराम प्रदान करने वाली संध्या देकर चला जाता है। मानो आकाश को साँवला शरीर देकर वह अपना नया-सा रूप छलका जाता है।

प्रश्न 2.
पंचवटी की ………………………… होता है।।
कवि कहता है कि पंचवटी की घनी छाया में पत्तों की एक सुंदर कुटिया बनी हुई है। इस कुटिया के सामने एक स्वच्छ तथा विशाल पत्थर पड़ा हुआ है और उस पत्थर के ऊपर धैर्यशाली, निर्भय मनवाला पुरुष बैठा हुआ है। सारा संसार सो रहा है परंतु यह धनुषधारी इस समय भी जाग रहा है। यह वीर ऐसा दिखाई पड़ता है जैसे भोग करनेवाला कामदेव यहाँ योगी बनकर आ बैठा हो।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात

लेखनीय :

प्रश्न 1.
प्रकृति मनुष्य की मित्र है’, स्पष्ट कीजिए।
संदर्भ के लिए परिच्छेद (4) का स्वमत देखिए।

कल्पना पल्टन :

प्रश्न 1.
पुलक प्रगट करती है धरती हरित तणों की ‘नोकों से’ इस पंक्ति का कल्पना विस्तार कीजिए।
चाँदनी रात में धरती से लेकर आकाश तक पूरी प्रकृति सुंदर और स्वच्छ किरणों में सराबोर है। धरती का कण-कण इन किरणों से दिप्त हो रहा है। धरती पर फैली हुई हरी-हरी घास की नोकों पर ओस की बूंदें पड़ी हैं, जिस पर चाँद की उज्ज्वल किरणें पड़ने से वे मोतियों की तरह चमक रही हैं। इनको देखकर ऐसा लगता है मानों धरती इन घास की नोकों पर चमकने वाली मोतियों के माध्यम से अपनी खुशी प्रकट कर रही हैं।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात

पद्य-विश्लेषण :

कविता का नाम – चाँदनी रात
कविता की विधा – खंडकाव्य
पसंदीदा पंक्ति – चारू चंद्र की चंचल किरणें खेल रही हैं जल-थल में। स्वच्छ चाँदनी बिछी हुई है अवनि और अंबर तल में।

पसंदीदा होने का कारण –
उपर्युक्त पंक्ति मेरी पसंदीदा पंक्ति है क्योंकि उसमें ‘च’ वर्ष की बार-बार पुनरावृत्ति होने से अनुमास अलंकार की छटा दिखलाई दे रही है। इस कारण कविता के सौंदर्य में वृद्धि हो गई है।

कविता से प्राप्त संदेश या प्रेरणा –
प्रस्तुत कविता से प्रेरणा यह मिलती है कि व्यक्ति को चाँदनी रात की तरह अपना जीवन सुंदर बनाना चाहिए। मनुष्य को प्रकृति के प्रति कृतज्ञ रहना चाहिए। प्रकृति मनुष्य के जीवन को शक्ति एवं आनंद प्रदान करती है। अत: उसे प्रकृति के साथ खिलवाड़ नहीं करना चाहिए। प्रकृति के संतुलन को बनाए रखने के लिए व्यक्ति को पेड़ लगाने चाहिए।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात

चाँदनी रात Summary in Hindi


जीवन-परिचय: मैथिलीशरण गुप्त जी खड़ी बोली के महत्त्वपूर्ण कवि हैं। इनका जन्म उत्तर प्रदेश में झाँसी जिले के चिरगाँव में हुआ। 12 वर्ष की अवस्था में उन्होंने ब्रजभाषा में कविता की रचना आरंभ की। उनकी रचनाएँ पवित्रता, नैतिकता, मानवीय संवेदनाओं और विशेषकर नारी के प्रति करुणा की भावना से ओतप्रोत हैं। उनकी रचनाओं से प्रसन्न होकर गाँधी जी ने उन्हें ‘राष्ट्रकवि’ की उपाधि दी। 12 दिसंबर 1964 ई. को दिल का दौरा पड़ने के कारण इनका निधन हो गया।
प्रमुख कृतियाँ: महाकाव्य – ‘साकेत’, खंडकाव्य – ‘यशोधरा’, ‘जयद्रथ वध’, ‘पंचवटी’, ‘भारत-भारती’, नाटक – ‘रंग में भंग’, ‘राजा-प्रजा’ आदि।


खंडकाव्य: खंडकाव्य में मानव जीवन की किसी एक ही घटना की प्रधानता होती है। प्रासंगिक कथाओं को इसमें स्थान नहीं मिलता।
प्रस्तावना: प्रस्तुत कविता ‘चाँदनी रात’ पंचवटी खंडकाव्य से ली गई है। कवि मैथिलीशरण गुप्त जी ने इस कविता में प्रकृति की छटा का सुंदर रूप बड़े ही माधुर्य के साथ अभिव्यंजित किया है तथा चाँदनी रात का मनोहारी वर्णन सुंदर शब्दों में चित्रित किया है।


कवि चाँदनी रात का वर्णन करते हुए कहते हैं कि चंद्रमा की किरणें जल और थल में फैली हुई हैं। पृथ्वी से लेकर आकाश तक सर्वत्र चाँदनी बिछी हुई है। पूरी प्रकृति चाँदनी में सराबोर है। रात सन्नाटे में डूबी हुई है। वायु स्वच्छंद होकर मंद-मंद बह रही है। सभी दिशाओं में आनंद ही आनंद व्याप्त है। नियति चुपचाप अपने कर्तव्यों का पालन कर रही है। ऐसे में पंचवटी की छटा बहुत ही निराली प्रतीत होती है। उसकी घनी छाया में पत्तों की एक सुंदर कुटिया बनी हुई है। इसके सामने स्वच्छ शिला के ऊपर धैर्यशाली, निडर मनवाला एक पुरुष बैठा हुआ है। यह वीर ऐसा दिखाई पड़ता है जैसे कामदेव योगी बनकर बैठा है।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात


चारु चंद्र की …………………………. झोंकों से।।
गुप्त जी चाँदनी रात का वर्णन करते हुए कहते हैं कि सुंदर चंद्रमा की किरणें जल और थल में फैली हुई हैं। संपूर्ण पृथ्वी तथा आकाश में स्वच्छ चाँदनी बिछी हुई है। पृथ्वी हरी-हरी घास की नोकों के माध्यम से अपनी खुशी प्रकट कर रही है। ऐसा प्रतीत होता है, मानो वृक्ष भी
मंद-मंद वायु के झोंकों से झूम रहे हैं।

क्या ही स्वच्छ ………………………….. और चुपचाप।।
पंचवटी में दूर-दूर तक चाँदनी फैली हुई है, वह बहुत ही साफ दिखाई दे रही है। रात सन्नाटे से भरी है। कोई शब्द नहीं हो रहा है। वायु स्वच्छंद होकर अपनी स्वतंत्र चाल से मंद-मंद बह रही है । इस समय कौन-सी दिशा है जो आनंद नहीं ले रही है ? अर्थात सभी दिशाएँ इस सौंदर्य से आनंदित हो रही हैं। उत्तर-पश्चिम आदि सभी दिशाओं में आनंद ही आनंद व्याप्त है। कोई भी दिशा आनंद-शून्य नहीं है। ऐसे समय में भी नियति नामक शक्ति-विशेष के समस्त कार्य संपन्न हो रहे हैं। कोई रुकावट नहीं। वह एक भाव से अर्थात् अकेले-अकेले और चुपचाप अपने कर्तव्यों का निर्वाह किए जा रही है।

है बिखेर देती …………………………… छलकाता है।।
चाँदनी रात में पृथ्वी सबके सो जाने पर ओस रूपी मोतियों को बिखेर देती है। सूर्य हमेशा सुबह होने पर उन मोतियों को अपनी किरणों . से बटोर लेता है और अस्त होने से पहले ही वह आराम प्रदान करने वाली संध्या देकर चला जाता है। मानो आकाश को साँवला शरीर देकर वह अपना नया-सा रूप छलका जाता है।

पंचवटी की ……….. …………….. होता है।।
कवि कहते है कि पंचवटी की घनी छाया में पत्तों की एक सुंदर कुटिया बनी हुई है। इस कुटिया के सामने एक स्वच्छ तथा विशाल पत्थर पड़ा हुआ है और उस पत्थर के ऊपर धैर्यशाली, निर्भय मनवाला पुरुष बैठा हुआ है। सारा संसार सो रहा है परंतु यह धनुषधारी कौन है जो इस समय भी जाग रहा है? यह वीर ऐसा दिखाई पड़ता है जैसे भोग करनेवाला कामदेव यहाँ योगी बनकर आ बैठा हो।

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Hindi Lokbharti Solutions Chapter 1 चाँदनी रात


  1. चारु – सुंदर
  2. थल – धरती
  3. स्वच्छ – साफ, निर्मल
  4. चाँदनी – चंद्रमा की किरणें
  5. अवनि – धरती
  6. अंबर – आकाश
  7. पुलक – खुशी,रोमांच
  8. तृण – घास
  9. झूम – झूमना
  10. तरु – पेड़
  11. निस्तब्ध – सन्नाटे से भरी
  12. निशा – रात
  13. स्वच्छंद – स्वतंत्र
  14. सुमंद – मंद-मंद
  15. गंधवाह – वायु
  16. निरानंद – आनंदरहित
  17. नियति – नियतिरूपी
  18. नटी – नर्तकी
  19. कार्य-कलाप – क्रिया-कलाप, गतिविधि
  20. एकांत – सुनसान, विरान
  21. वसुंधरा – धरती
  22. विरामदायिनी – आराम देने वाली
  23. शून्य – आकाश
  24. श्याम तनु – साँवला शरीर
  25. पर्ण कुटीर – पत्तों की कुटिया
  26. सम्मुख – सामने
  27. शिला – चट्टान, पत्थर
  28. निर्भीक मना – निडर मन वाला
  29. भुवन – संपूर्ण संसार
  30. भोगी – भोग करनेवाला
  31. कुसुमायुध – कामदेव
  32. योगी – तपस्वी
  33. दृष्टिगत – जो दिखाई पड़ता है