Dick Whittington and his Cat Questions and Answers Class 8 English Chapter 1.2 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 8 English Lesson 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 8 English Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming Up:

1. Discuss the follow in groups and write the answers:

Question a.
Name the world famous personalities, who reached great heights despite of humble circumstances.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat 4

  • Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Abraham
  • Lincoln Kalam
  • Charlie Chaplin
  • Kalpana Chawla

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat

Question b.
Guess the types of hardships they must have faced in their childhood and youth.

  • poverty
  •  lack of support
  • social disapproval
  • lack of opportunities

Question c.
What strong qualities possessed by them, could have helped them achieve success and fame, all over?

  • strong will power
  • optimism
  • sincerity
  • hard work

Question d.
How do stories / biographies of such famous people help youngsters?

  • They help youngsters to look at life positively.
  • They inspire the youth.
  • They help them find answers to questions.
  • They prove that we can do many seemingly impossible things if we really wish to.

2. Syllable: A syllable is a unit of pronunciation that has one ‘owe1 sound and may or may not have consonant sounds before I after it.
Examples of words having:
One syllable: a, I, see, at, on, man, with, thread
Two syllables: mother, seated, giraffe, parrot, active, happy
Three syllables: happiness, wonderful, animal, surprising, adventure, ignorance.
More than three syllables: consequently, encouragement, responsibility, identifying, encyclopedia

Write the numcs of any 5 of your classmates and list how many syllables each name has.

  • Jal: 1 syllable
  • Remo: 2 syllables
  • Saira: 2 syllables
  • Shailaja : 3 syllables
  • Mandakini: 4 syllables
  • Ali: 2 syllables

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat

1. A. Arrange the following set of words in alphabetical order in your notebook.
ship, small, successful, scoldings, stone, saving, someone, stood, streets, still, screamed, sot, seemed, saint, share.
saint, sat, saving, scoldings, screamed, seemed, share, ship, small, someone, still, stone, stood, streets, successful.

1. B. Remove the Affixes (Prefix and Suffix) and write the Root-word.

  1. successful
  2. immediately
  3. retrace
  4. mouser
  5. unfriendly
  6. fallen
  7. unkind
  8. wooden
  9. luckily
  10. belonging


  1. success
  2. immediate
  3. trace
  4. mouse
  5. friendly
  6. fall
  7. kind
  8. wood
  9. luck
  10. belong

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat

2. A. Find from the story’ one word for the following.

Question a.
a small room just below a sloping roof

Question b.
a very narrow passage between buildings

Question c.
the highest – ranking officer in the Municipality of a city/town.

Question d.
the highest ranking official who commands a ship.

Question e.
any animal that catches mice

Question f.
a low constant sound made by cats

2. B. Make sentences of your own using the following expressions.

Question 1.
We must learn to overcome any difilcultics we come across.

Question 2.
put up with:
We had to put up wilhi the noisy behaviour of our neighbours son.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat

Question 3.
People In India love to bargain with hawkers.

3. Rearrange the following events us they occur in the story. Put the correct number in the boxes.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat 1
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat 2

4. Think and answer:

Question 1.
What decision taken by Dick changed his fortune?
On hearing the church bells send out a message to him, Dick decided to retrace his steps and go back to Mr. Fitzwarren’s house instead of running away. This decision changed Dick’s fortune.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat

Question 2.
What message does this story bring j out for youngsters?
The message that this story brings out for youngsters is that we must S not run away from difficulties but face > them bravely.

5. A. Break the words below into syllables us shown in the first one.

  1. belonging
  2. morning
  3. unfriendly
  4. citizen
  5. anything
  6. message
  7. difficulty
  8. mayor
  9. captain
  10. elected


  1. be – long – ing
  2. mor – ning
  3. un – friend – ly
  4. ci – ti – zen
  5. an – y – thing
  6. mess – age
  7. di – ffi – cul- ty
  8. ma – yor
  9. cap – tain
  10. e – lec – ted

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat

5. B. Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives.

Read the sentences.

(i) Yatin is strong.
(ii) Amit is stronger than Yatin.
(iii) Pruvin is the strongest of all.

In sentence (i) the Adjective ‘strong’ is in its simple form. It is called Positive Degree.
In sentence (ii) the Adjective stronger’ refers to a higher degree, when there is a comparison of two nouns. It is called Comparative Degree. (-er is
added to the basic Adjective)
In sentence (iii) the adjective ‘strongest’ refers to the highest degree of comparison of one with more than two nouns. It is called Superlative
Degree. (-est is added to the basic Adjective)

Complete the table of degrees of comparison.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat 3

Positive Compa­rative Super­lative
(1) great greater greatest
(2) famous more famous most famous
(3) easy easier easiest
(4) bad worse worst
(5) poor poorer poorest
(6) lazy lazier laziest
(7) little less least
(8) worthy worthier worthiest
(9) popular more popular most popular

6. Select any one of the famous personalities mentioned in ‘Warming up 1′ on page no. 5. From the library or internet find out their success story. Write ¡tin your own words in about 20 to 30 lines of your notebook. Give your write-up a suitable title.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat

Class 8 English Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat Additional Important Questions and Answers

Simple Factual Activities :

Complete the following :

Question 1.
Dick lived in a ______.
small village in the south of England

Question 2.
_____ treated Dick unkindly.
Many of the villagers

Question 3.
The innocent belief ________.
that the streets of London were paved with gold made Dick decide to go to London

Question 4.
The carter asked Dick _______.
if he was running away from home

Complex Factual Activity:

Question 1.
Describe the hardships that Dick I faced on arriving in London.
Dick arrived in London just before ; nightfall. He had no place to sleep, and he finally slept in the corner of a narrow lane. The following morning, Dick woke ( up feeling cold, miserable and hungry. He j begged for food, but people shouted at him | and hit him angrily on his head. He finally collapsed and lay there, too weak to look further for food.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat

Activities based on Contextual Grammar:

Question 1.
He thought people might treat him more kindly if he were rich. (Identify the modal auxiliary and state its function.)
might-indicates possibility

Question 2.
All he could see were dirty streets and lots of unfriendly people.
(Rewrite using ‘nothing’.)
He could see nothing but dirty streets and lots of unfriendly people.

Personal Response:

When Dick begged for food, people shouted at him and beat him. Do you think this is right?
of course it is not right. We ; should have sympathy when people beg for something, not get angry with them. They must be having a strong reason for begging, of course, if they are lazy, do not work and then beg, it is wrong. Even then, we must not beat them or shout at them.

Complete the following:

Question 1.
Mr. Fitzwarren favoured Dick by ______.
ordering the cook to take him into the kitchen, feed him and then find some work for him

Question 2.
Dick had to face two difficulties in Mr. Fitzwarren’s house. They were:
(i) the attic where he slept was overrun by rats and mice, preventing him from sleeping.
(ii) the cook was bad-tempered and shouted and screamed at Dick, scolding him and hitting him with a wooden spoon even when he was working as hard as he could.

Question 3.
The cat proved to be very useful because _____.
it chased away all the rats and mice, allowing Dick to sleep peacefully

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat

Activities based on Contextual Grammar:

Question 1.
Dick had fallen in front of a house belonging to a rich merchant. (Rewrite using the simple past tense of the underlined verb.)
Dick fell in front of a house belonging to a rich merchant.

Question 2.
Dick was able to sleep peacefully.
(Rewrite using the verb ‘slept’.)
Dick slept peacefully.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
What do Mr. Fitzwarren’s actions tell us about him?
Mr. Fitzwarren’s actions tell us that he was a kind-hearted and just man.
He did not abuse Dick or hit him as the others had done. He offered Dick a home and a living in return for helping the cook with all the pots and pans in the kitchen.

Simple Factual Activities:

Who said the following words:

Question 1.
I can put up with a few scoldings from the cook.

Question 2.
No, it must be his.
Mr. Fitzwarren

Question 3.
Only my cat.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat

Question 4.
Let me put something in for him.

Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
Dick walked as far as ________.

Question 2.
The first of November is _______.
All Saints’ Day

Question 3.
Dick went back to _____.
Mr. Fitzwarren’s house

Question 4.
Mr. Fitzwarren was sending a ship to the _____ to trade.
African coast

Complex Factual Activity:

Question 1.
’“Explain in your own words what inspired Dick to return to Mr. Fitzwarren’s home.
When Dick sat down on a stone to rest, he heard the church bells ringing. As he listened, it seemed that they were ringing a message for him, telling him that he should go back home, and calling him the Mayor of London.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat

Pick out the subject and predicate in the following sentences and put them in the correct columns in the table given below :

  1. You can then share in the profits.
  2. Everyone produced something except for Dick.
  3. The two of them walked as far as Holloway.
  4. Dick and his cat retraced their steps to Mr. Fitzwarren’s house.


Subject Predicate
(1) You can then share in the profits
(2) Everyone produced something except for Dick
(3) The two of them walked as far as Holloway
(4) Dick and his cat retraced their steps to Mr. Fitzwarren’s house.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
According to you, did Dick do the right thing by running away from Mr. Fitzwarren’s house because of the cook?
No, I don’t think that Dick did the right thing. Mr. Fitzwarren was a good man, and Dick was making a decent living. He should have tried to win the cook over and solve his difficulties. If he had run away, he may not have got another job and may have had to beg. Nothing is gained by running away from problems; we must face them and solve them.

Write whether the following statements are True or False:

Question 1.
Dick was happy to send his cat on the ship.

Question 2.
The cat caught plenty of mice and rats.

Question 3.
The king was rude to the captain.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat

Question 4.
The queen knew all about cats.

Pick out two adverbs ending in ‘-ly’ from the passage, and write the adjectives in them.
Adverbs-immediately, normally, Adjectives in them-immediate, normal

Personal Response:

Do you think that all the animals are 1 important to the environment?
Yes, all the animals are certainly j important to the environment. They all have their own place and own duties. ; For example, hawks and eagles control the population of mice, rats and snakes. Lions and tigers keep the number of deer, buffaloes and other such animals in check, j Every animal is important in its own way.

Write the following sentences in the correct order of occurrence in the passage:

  1. Dick was knighted by the king and became Sir Richard Whittington.
  2. Dick was elected the Mayor of London.
  3. The king paid ten times the sum for the cat.
  4. “I would give great wealth to own this animal,” said the queen.


  1. “I would give great wealth to own this animal,” said the queen.
  2. The king paid ten times the sum for the cat.
  3. Dick was elected the Mayor of London.
  4. Dick was knighted by the king and became Sir Richard Whittington.

Give reasons:

Question 1.
The queen was afraid of the cat.
The queen was afraid of the cat because she had seen how fiercely it had attacked the rats and the mice.

Question 2.
How much did the king pay for the cat?
The king paid ten times the sum for the cat that he had paid for the whole cargo from Mr. Fitzwarren’s ship.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat

Activities based on Contextual Grammar :

Pick out the verbs from the following sentences and state their tense :

Question 1.
The captain showed Mr. Fitzwarren the gold and jewels he had brought from Barbary.
Mr. Fitzwarren then paid him all: the money he had received for the cat.
showed – simple past tense; had brought – past perfect tense
paid – simple past tense; had received – past perfect tense

Personal Response:

Question 1.
What message does this story bring j out for youngsters?
The message that this story brings out for youngsters is that we must S not run away from difficulties but face > them bravely.

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Pick out two compound words from the lesson.
Two compound words : household, nightfall

Question 2.
Use the adverb ’immediately’ in your own sentence :
The teacher immediately asked the tired girl to sit down.

Question 3.
Find out four hidden words from : the given word : (Each word should have at least 3 letters.)
successful : success, self, fuel, fuse

Question 4.
Use the following word and its homophone in two separate sentences :ate

  • The little boy ate the cake very quickly,
  • He was eight years old when he got a new cycle.

Question 5.
Underline the adjectives from the following sentence :
He was not only famous, but he was popular too, for he always helped the poor ; with his money.
He was not only famous, but he was popular too, for he always helped the poor with his money.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.2 Dick Whittington and his Cat

Question 6.
Pick out the conjunction in the following sentence :
Dick work up cold, miserable and very hungry.

Question 7.
Punctuate :
alas yes came the reply the country is suffering from a plague of rats and mice
“Alas, yes!” came the reply. “The country is suffering from a plague of rats and mice.”

Question 8.
Pick out the direct and indirect objects:
He gave me a hundred rupee note.
Direct object – a hundred-rupee note
Indirect object – me

Question 9.
Use the following word as a noun and a verb in two separate sentences :

  • We should get at least 8 hours of sleep daily, (noun)
  • I sleep at 10 pm daily, (verb)

Read More:

Ramanujan Poem Questions and Answers Class 8 English Chapter 4.4 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions, and Answers.

Std 8 English Lesson 4.4 Ramanujan Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 8 English Chapter 4.4 RamanujanTextbook Questions and Answers

Warming Up:

1. Discuss orally in your class:

In what subjects is knowledge of mathematics used, at school level and college university level. Name them.
Did you know maths is used in music and poetry also? Can you tell me how?
(Points: knowledge of maths is used in science, physics, chemistry, economics, accountancy, etc. Poetry-rhymes, rhythm; music-beat, rhythm, etc.)

2. Use the letters in the word MATHEMATICIAN to make 4 letters 5 letter and 6 or more letter words, within a time limit fixed by your teacher.
Mathematician: cinema, anthem, thematic, machine, attach, match, meant, mice, item, mime, hate, heat, them, team, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan

3. Sentences can be classified into three types – Simple, Complex and Compound.

A Simple Sentence is one that has only one Subject and one Predicate.
It has only one Finite verb.
For example, She went home.
In the morning, near my school, I saw a snake.

A Complex Sentence consists of one Main Clause and one or more
Dependent or Subordinate Clauses.
For example, She went home, after school was over.
The boys found the book which had been lost.

A Compound Sentence consists of two or more Independent or
Co-ordinate Clauses. They are joined by Co-ordinators.
For example: and, but, so, or, for etc.

a. He finished his work and he left his office.
b. He is poor but he is honest.
From lesson 4.2 pick out one example of each of the following.

(i) Simple Sentence: ……………
Modern techniques are used nowadays for anaesthesia.

(ii) Complex Sentence: …………..
Today, if you need to have heart surgery, you can choose from many fine doctors.

(iii) Compound Sentence: ……………
Over the years now, revolutionary steps have been taken in different types of complicated surgery and these have made such operations successful.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan

1. A. Use the following words/phrases to make sentences of your own:

Question 1.
The hikers set off on the hike with great enthusiasm.

Question 2.
loped off
The deer loped off easily after being freed from the trap.

Question 3.
The doctor was arrested by the police for being a fraud.

Question 4.
The teacher told the student that there was no clarity in her answers.

Question 5.
to come
The minister refused to come to the party unless he was provided conveyance.

Question 6.
The Principal was happy that the new teacher was an amiable person.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan

Question 7.
to terms with
The doctor advised the woman to come to terms with her illness,

Question 8.
The minister refused to come to the party unless he was provided conveyance.

1. B. The following words can be used us Nouns us well us Verbs:
(visit / honour / report / watch / form / surprise)

Make pairs of sentences of your own using them us u Noun in one and as a Verb in the other.
For example:
(i) She gave a smile – Noun.
(ii) Babies smile when they see their mother – Verb.
(1) visit:
(i) My grandmother came over for a visit yesterday, (noun)
(ii) “We must visit the zoo when we go to Hyderabad,” said Meera. (verb)

(2) honour:
(i) It was an honour to have such a great scientist visit our college, (noun)
(ii) “Let us honour those who have laid down their lives for the country,” said the minister, (verb)

(3) report:
The class had to hand in their project reports by the end of the week. (noun)
(ii) The witness reported all that he had seen to the lawyer, (verb)

(4) Watch:
(i) Suman lost her new watch while travelling by train, (noun)
(ii) “Watch the house to see if the thief returns,” ordered the inspector, (verb)

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan

(5) form:
(i) The boy’s admission form was rejected by the college as it was incomplete. (noun)
(ii) We formed our own impression of the new corporator, (verb)

(6) surprise:
(i) “There is a surprise for you outside your door,” said my friend. (noun)
(ii) The villagers surprised thief 1 when he was sleeping and caught him. (verb)

2. Say why:

Question 1.
Ramanujan’s letter bored and irritated Hardy at first.
Ramanujan’s letter was written in halting English and signed by a person unknown to Hardy. The script appeared to consist of theorems, most of them wild or fantastic-looking. Some of them though well-known were laid out as though they were original. There were no proofs of any kind. It seemed to be a kind of fraud, and hence bored and irritated Hardy.

Question 2.
Hardy invited Littlewood for a discussion.
Hardy could not get the Indian manuscript out of his mind. It had wild theorems he had never seen before or imagined. He wondered if it was an unknown mathematician of genius. He had another look at the script and then invited Littlewood for a discussion to clarify his doubts.

Question 3.
mother agreed to send Ramanujan to England.
Ramanujan’s mother had a dream in which she saw her son seated in a big hall among a group of Europeans and the goddess of Namakkal had commanded her not to stand in the way of her son fulfilling his life’s purpose. Hence, obeying the command of the goddess of Namakkal, mother agreed to send Ramanujan to England.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan

Question 4.
Hardy and Ramanujan could not talk freely with each other.
Ramanujan was an untrained genius. There was a big difference between Ramanujan’s and Hardy’s education. Ramanujan knew nothing of modern rigour; he did not know what proof was and Hardy was obliged to teach him some formal mathematics. He was sometimes confused with Hardy’s conversation when it was outside mathematics. Due to all these reasons, Hardy and Ramanujan could not; talk freely with each other.

Question 5.
Ramanujan had to be hospitalized.
Ramanujan had to be hospitalized because he was ill. He later died of tuberculosis.

Question 6.
Ramanujan found the number 1729 very interesting.
Ramanujan found the number 1729 very interesting because it is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes in two different ways.

3. Read the text and enlist the achievements and honours of Ramanujan, received in England.
Ramanujan’s achievements and honour, received in England:

  • The Royal Society elected him a Fellow at the age of thirty (which, even for a mathematician, is very young)
  • Trinity College elected him a Fellow in the same year.
  • Ramanujan was the first Indian to be given either of these distinctions.

4. Voice – Active and Passive
The form of a verb shows whether the doer of an action is in the Subject (Active voice) or the Subject has an action done to it (Passive voice).
For example, The thief stole the jewels. (Active voice).
The jewels were stolen by the thief. (Passive voice)
Note: While changing from Active to Passive voice, the verb form includes be + past participle.
In a sentence, when the doer of an action is significant, we use Active voice. In Passive voice, the doer of an action may not be mentioned.
For example, The thief was caught. (by the police)

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan

(A) Underline the verbs in the following sentences and state whether the sentences are in Active or Passive voice:

Question a.
England gave Ramanujan great honours.
England gave Ramanujan great honours. (Active)

Question b.
A large untidy envelope was decorated with Indian stumps.
A large untidy envelope was decorated with Indian stumps. (Passive)

Question c.
The timetable was not altered.
The timetable was not altered. (Passive)

Question d.
She saw her son in a big hail.
She saw her son in a big hail. (Active)

Question e.
Hardy corrected his statement.
Hardy corrected his statement. (Active)

Question f.
Ramanujan was brought to England.
Ramanujan was brought to England. (Passive)

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan

(B) Change the voice in the following sentences:

Question a.
Hardy taught Ramanujan.
Ramanujan was taught by Hardy.

Question b.
He knew nothing of the modern rigour.
Nothing of the modern rigour was known by him.

Question c.
Sheets of paper were found in it, by Hardy.
Hardy found sheets of paper in it.

Question d.
Hardy was bored by that manuscript.
That manuscript bored Hardy.

Question e.
Trinity supported unorthodox talent.
The unorthodox talent was supported by Trinity.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan

Question f.
He could not break the ban.
The ban could not be broken by him.

5. Identify whether the following are Simple, Complex and Compound sentences:

Question a.
When he opened it, he found sheets of paper.

Question b.
He glanced at a letter.

Question c.
Hardy was not only bored but he was also irritated.

Question d.
Ramanujan turned out to be a poor clerk.

Question e.
If Ramanujan had been better educated, he would hove been even more wonderful than he was.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan

Question f.
Ramanujan was self-taught: he knew nothing of the modern rigour.

6. Interview Question:

A brilliant student from your school has on a Mathematics Quiz at the National Level.
Frame questions to ¡ntervie him / her when the school felicitates him / her. Follow the steps given below.

  • Greeting
  • Introduction of the interviewee and achievements.
  • 2 or 3 questions about growing years.
  • 4 to 6 questions about the achievements.
  • 2 or 3 questions about future plans and prospects.
  • Expression of thanks and good wishes.

(1) Good morning, Rachana. First of all, let me offer you my Congratulations on winning the Mathematics Quiz, and that too, at the National Level. May I ask you a few questions about your achievement?
(2) Did you have great interest in mathematics in the early years of your childhood?
(3) How did you develop this interest?
(4) How long did you prepare yourself before participating in this Quiz?
(5) Who helped you and guided you?
(6) Who encouraged you or motivated you at that stage?
(7) How did you feel when you were actually answering the questions?
(8) What is the next step from here?
(9) Do you plan to make a career in mathematics?
(10) Any message to others interested in mathematics?
(11) Thank you, and all the best for your future. Goodbye.

7. Summary:

  • Read the first three paragraphs on Page 92. (From One morning upto ………… a discussion after hail)
  • Re-read the same noting down only Important points.
  • RewrIte the Important points In your own simple language, In you notebook.
  • Make certain that your summary Is less than half the length of the original passage.


The Manuscript

One morning in 1913, Hardy received an envelope from India. It contained many lines of symbols, written in non- English script. The letter with it, written in halting English and signed by an unknown Indian, wanted Hardy’s opinion on the mathematical discoveries enclosed. These were only some known and unknown theorems, without any proofs. Hardy, bored and irritated, put the manuscript aside and went to play tennis. However, his pleasure in his game was interrupted by; the thought of the Indian manuscript with the wild theorems he had left behind. He
wondered if the man was a genius. When he returned to his room, he took another look at the script. Then he sent word to Littlewood that they must have a discussion after hall.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan

Class 8 English Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan Additional Important Questions and Answers

Complete the following:

Question 1.
Hardy could not enjoy his game because ________.
he kept thinking of the Indian manuscript that he had received that morning.

Question 2.
The manuscript contained _______.
wild and fantastic-looking theorems and lines and lines of symbols in a non-English script.

Question 3.
The famous mathematicians mentioned in this extract are ______.
Hardy and Littlewood.

Question 4.
The two English mathematicians realized by midnight _______.
that the writer of the manuscripts was a man of genius

Question 5.
The famous mathematicians mentioned in this extract are _______.
Hardy, Ramanujan, Gauss, Euler and Kapitsa

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan

Question 6.
The number 1729 is exceptional because _________.
it is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes in two different ways

Question 7.
The famous mathematicians mentioned in this extract are ______.
Galois, Abel, and Riemann, in addition to Hardy and Ramanujan

Answer the following:

Question 1.
Hardy invited Littlewood for a discussion.
Hardy could not get the Indian manuscript out of his mind. It had wild theorems he had never seen before or imagined. He wondered if it was an unknown mathematician of genius. He had another look at the script and then invited Littlewood for a discussion to clarify his doubts.

Question 2.
What qualities of Ramanujan does this extract bring out?
This extract brings out Ramanujan’s passion for mathematics, his courage, and perseverance in sending his manuscript to a strange person across the seas, his efforts to put forward his ideas in spite of a lack of education, and his intelligence.

Question 3.
What were the two drawbacks of Ramanujan’s career?
The two drawbacks in Ramanujan’s career were the defects in his education and that he had come on the scene too late in the line of mathematical history.

Question 4.
What superstition did Ramanujan’s mother believe in?
Ramanujan’s mother believed in the superstition that she had to obey the commands given to her in her dream by the goddess of Namakkal and that whatever is seen in dreams comes true.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan

Question 5.
What surprised everyone one morning?
One morning, Ramanujan’s mother said that she had a dream the previous night, in which she saw her son seated in a big hall among a group of Europeans. The goddess of Namakkal had commanded her not to stand in the way of her son fulfilling his life’s purpose. This statement, coming from a woman who was very strict about her religious observances, surprised everyone.

Question 6.
Say why mother agreed to send Ramanujan to England.
Ramanujan’s mother had a dream in which she saw her son seated in a big hall among a group of Europeans and the goddess of Namakkal had commanded her not to stand in the way of her son fulfilling his life’s purpose. Hence, obeying the command of the goddess of Namakkal, mother agreed to send Ramanujan to England.

Question 7.
Hardy calls teaching Ramanujan an unusual experience.
Ramanujan was an untrained genius. Yet, because of the defects in his education, Hardy had to teach him some formal mathematics as though Ramanuja was a scholarship candidate at Winchester. Hardy found it strange teaching modern mathematics to someone who had the deepest insight but who had literally never heard most of it. Hence he says that teaching Ramanujan was an unusual experience.

Underline the finite verbs in the following sentence:

She had a dream the previous night, in which she saw her son seated in a big hall among a group of Europeans and the goddess of Namakkal had commanded her not to stand in the way of her son fulfilling his life’s purpose.
She had a dream the previous night, in which she saw her son seated in a big hall among a group of Europeans and the goddess of Namakkal had commanded her not to stand in the way of her son fulfilling his life’s purpose.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Do you believe in superstitions?
I don’t believe in silly superstitions: like black cats crossing the path, walking under a ladder, etc. But I believe in God and that good things happen to good people. I also believe that ‘God helps those who help themselves’. We must work hard if we want something, and not just sit back and expect God and ‘luck’ to do things for us.

Question 2.
Ramanujan did not have a proper formal education. Yet he became a famous mathematician. Does this mean that proper education is not necessary?
I think Ramanujan’s case was a very rare case, where he became famous even though there were so many defects in his education. This was because he was very highly talented. However, if he had received a proper education, he would probably have done much, much more, and contributed more in the field of maths. A proper education always helps, and one must always go for it.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan

Question 3.
In the earlier days, people used to die of illnesses like tuberculosis and pneumonia. Do you think that is still the case?
Though these diseases are still prevalent, the rate of cure is high, and the percentage of people dying from them has gone down. Different medicines have – been found for them. Today people die of cardiac problems, cancer, etc.

Write if the following statements are True or False:

Question 1.
Ramanujan was a bad-tempered person.

Question 2.
Hardy thought that Ramanujan was an untrained genius.

Question 3.
Ramanujan did not get admission to Madras University.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan

Question 4.
Ramanujan was sometimes confused with Hardy’s conversation.

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Pick out two compound words from the lesson.
timetable, superhuman

Question 2.
Make a word pyramid of at least four words beginning with U.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan 1

Question 3.
Give the noun forms of:
amiable, fulfilling
amiability, fulfillment

Question 4.
Find out four hidden words from the given word: miserably (Each word should have at least 4 letters.)
miserably: miser, able, miserly, bleary

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan

Question 5.
Use the following word and its homophone in two separate sentences: sent
(i) Harsha sent the little boy home immediately.
(ii) The scent of the jasmine flowers was simply wonderful.

Question 6.
Rewrite as a negative sentence:
It seemed impossible that he could break the ban and cross the water.
It did not seem possible that he could break the ban and cross the water.

Question 7.
Underline the adjectives in the following sentence:
He seems to have listened with a patient smile on his good, friendly, homely face.
He seems to have listened with a patient smile on his good, friendly, homely, face.

Question 8.
Say whether the sentence is Simple, Compound, or Complex:
If it had been summer, he would have walked down to Fenner’s to watch cricket.

Question 9.
Change the voice:
They needed a certain amount of help from a superhuman agency.
A certain amount of help was needed from a superhuman agency (by them).

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.4 Ramanujan

Question 10.
Rewrite using the underlined word as a verb:
He sent word to Littlewood that they must have a discussion.
He sent word to Littlewood that they must discuss.

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The Kite Festival Poem Questions and Answers Class 8 English Chapter 3.2 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 The Kite Festival Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 8 English Lesson 3.1 The Kite Festival Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 8 English Chapter 3.2 The Kite Festival Textbook Questions and Answers

The Kite Festival Std 8 Warming Up:

1. Cut out the wrong kites:
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold 8
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold 9

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 The Kite Festival

2. Name the festival that you enjoy the most of all. Fill in the facts about that festival.
(a) Name of the festival:_______.
(b) When it is celebrated: _______.
(c) Why it is celebrated: ______.
(d) How it is celebrated: _______.
(e) Special cuisine: _______.
(f) Other special features: _______.
Students can discuss and write down details about their favourite festival. They can consult their parents/friends / the internet, etc.

1. Give the Antonyms und Synonyms of the words below, choosing from those given:

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold 10

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold 11

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Happily Joyfully Sorrowfully
Traditional Old-fashioned Modern
Halt pause start
Triumph victory defeat
Exotic foreign native
Rival competitor partner
Soar rise drop
Brilliance lustre dullness

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 The Kite Festival

2. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

Question a.
Fibreglass kites led to creating power – driven aeroplanes.

Question b.
In Gujarat, the kite – festival is celebrated to welcome the Spring.

Question c.
Uttarayana’ starts from Makar Sankranti onwards.

Question d.
Kite – flying in Gujarat, is a competitive sport – cum – festival.

Question e.
The kite – Bazar in Ahmedabad, is open day and night for a week.

Question f.
The special thread for kite – flying is sharpened by adding sugar and glass pieces.

3. Using points from the lesson, give the details of the following in a short paragraph for each topic:

Question a.
Different types of kites.
Traditional kites are made of kite paper and have thin wooden frames. The modern kites may be motorized or made of fibreglass. Exotic kites have marvellous shapes such as that of eagles and snakes. There are also illuminated box-kites called tukals.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 The Kite Festival

Question b.
International Kite Festival at Ahmedabad.
The International Kite Festival at Ahmedabad is held either at the Sardar Patel Stadium or the Police Stadium. It attracts international kite-flyers as well as local champions. Little Indian paper kites compete with those from Japan, USA, UK and other countries. Exotic kites with marvellous shapes such as eagles and snakes soar in the sky. The Patang or Kite Bazar, in the heart of Ahmedabad, is open 24 hours a day for a whole week, and people crowd the streets through the night. Skilled craftsmen demonstrate age- old kite-making skills and how to prepare special thread. At night, illuminated box- kites are sent into the sky.

Question c.
The kite Bazar of Ahmedabad.
During the Kite Festival at Ahmedabad, the Patang or Kite Bazar, in the heart of Ahmedabad, is open 24 hours a day for a whole week. People crowd the streets and buy their stocks, haggling through the night. Skilled craftsmen demonstrate age-old kite-making skills and how to prepare special thread covered with a mixture of glue and ground glass.

4. You hue just returned after your first experience of the kite – festival in Gujarat/Ahmedabad. You were thrilled with the festivities.

Write a short report about the kite – festival for your local newspaper. Give an attractive headline, a dateline and an account of the kite – festive. Write the report in third person with more use of Passive voice.
You have a friend who lives abroad. Write a letter to your friend describing how you enjoyed the kite-festival.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 The Kite Festival

5.A. Verb forms show both, Tense (Present, Past, Future) and Aspect (Progressive, Perfect,Perfect Progressive):

Progressive (Continuous): be + verb-ing
Present Progressive: He is playing.
Past Progressive: He was playing.
Future Progressive: He will be playing.

Perfect: have / has / hod verb – en / cd
Present Perfect: They have played.
Past Perfect: They had played.
Future Perfect: They will have played.

Perfect Progressive: have/has/had + been + verb – ing
Present Perfect Progressive: We have been playing.
Past Perfect Progressive: We had been playing.
Future Perfect Progressive: We shall have been playing.

5. B. Underline the verb forms in the following sentences and state their Tense and Aspect:

(i) They are waiting for the right winds.
(ii) People were haggling over the price of kites.
(iii) Vendors had been selling kites all through the week.
(iv) Skilled craftsmen had demonstrated age-old skills.
(v) State Tourism Corporation will be organising the International Kite Festival.
(vi) Kite – flyers have demonstrated their skills with exotic kites.

Sentences Tense Aspect
i. They are waiting for the right winds. present progressive
ii. People were haggling over the price of kites. past progressive
iii. Vendors had been selling kites all through the week. past perfect  progressive
iv. Skilled craftsmen had demonstrated age-old skills. past perfect
v. State Tourism Corporation will be organizing the International Kite Festival. future progressive
vi. Kite-flyers have demonstrated their skills with exotic kites. present perfect

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 The Kite Festival

Class 8 English Chapter 3.2 The Kite Festival Additional Important Questions and Answers

Complete the table showing how modern ones:

The Kite Festival Std 8 Question 1.

Kites of the past Modem kites


Kites of the past Modem kites
(1) made of kite paper
(2) had thin wooden frames
(3) box kites
(1) motorized kites
(2) kites made of fibreglass

The Kite Festival Std 8 Questions And Answers Question 2.
When is kite-flying at its peak in India?
Kite-flying is at its peak in India during the coming of Spring and during the festival of Makar Sankranti, which coincides with the festival of Uttarayan.

3.2 The Kite Festival Questions And Answers Question 3.
Write how they celebrate the kite-flying festival in Gujarat.
During the kite-flying festival, people of all ages go out into the open to fly kites and to cut’ each others’ kites. In towns and cities, where open spaces are difficult to find, terraces and rooftops are often used to fly the kites.

Activities based on Contextual Grammar:

The Kite Festival Questions And Answers Question 1.
People of all ages go out into the open to try their luck with their kites.
(Pick out the finite verbs and the infinitives.)
finite verb – go; infinitive – to try

The Kite Festival Std 8 Question Answer Question 2.
It is also a celebration to mark the end of winter. (Rewrite using ‘which’.)
It is also a celebration which marks the end of winter.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 The Kite Festival

Personal Response:

The Kite Festival Std 8 Question Answer Question 1.
Do you like flying kites? Why?
I am not a very big fan of kites. I do not like to fly them, but I like to watch other people do so. I used to fly kites earlier; but once I came to know that birds died because of the glass-covered thread, and there were injuries to people too, I stopped this sport.

List the reasons:

The Kite Festival Answers Question 1.
The kite-festival at Ahmedabad is very special.
The kite-festival at Ahmedabad is very special because:

  • An International Kite Festival is held either at the Sardar Patel Stadium or the Police Stadium.
  • It attracts international kite-flyers as well as local champions.
  • Little Indian paper kites compete with those from Japan, the USA, UK and other countries.
  • Exotic kites with marvellous shapes such as eagles and snakes soar in the sky.
  • The Patang or Kite Bazar in the heart of Ahmedabad is open 24 hours a day for a whole week, and people
  • crowd the streets through the night.
  • Skilled craftsmen demonstrate kite-making age-old skills and how to prepare a special thread.
  • At night, illuminated box-kites are sent into the sky.

3.2 The Kite Festival Question 2.
How do they celebrate the kite-flying festival in Gujarat?
The kite-flying begins at dawn and continues throughout the day. People of all ages gather in the open, on rooftops and terraces. They compete with each other and are triumphant when someone cuts the thread of a rival. Some people prepare special lines for their kites. There is music in the air and traditional delicacies are specially prepared. An International Kite Festival is organized by the Gujarat State Tourism Corporation.

Complete the following:

Class 8 English Chapter 3.2 Question Answer Question 1.
A visit to the Patang Bazar proves that _______.
the entire city of Ahmedabad is obsessed with kites

Question 2.
The special thread for kite-flying is prepared by ________.
covering the thread with a mixture of glue and ground glass and allowing it to dry

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 The Kite Festival

Answer the following:

Question 1.
Different types of kites:
Traditional kites are made of kite paper and have thin wooden frames. The modern kites may be motorized or made of fibreglass. Exotic kites have marvellous shapes such as that eagles and snakes. There are also illuminated box-kites called tukuls.

Question 2.
International Kite Festival at Ahmedabad:
The International Kite Festival at Ahmedabad is held either at the Sardar Patel Stadium or the Police Stadium. It attracts international kite-flyers as well as local champions. Little Indian paper kites compete with those from Japan, USA, UK and other countries. Exotic kites with marvellous shapes such as eagles and snakes soar in the sky. The Patang or Kite Bazar, in the heart of Ahmedabad, is open 24 hours a day for a whole week, and people crowd the streets through the night. Skilled craftsmen demonstrate age-old kite-making skills and how to prepare a special thread. At night, illuminated box- kites are sent into the sky.

Question 3.
The Kite-Bazar of Ahmedabad:
During the Kite Festival at Ahmedabad, the Patang or Kite Bazar, in the heart of Ahmedabad, is open 24 hours a day for a whole week. People crowd the streets and buy their stocks, haggling through the night. Skilled craftsmen demonstrate age-old kite-making skills and how to prepare special thread covered with a mixture of glue and ground glass.

Question 4.
One of the highlights of this festival is the Patang Bazar, which is open twenty-four hours a day, for a whole week.
(Underline the clauses in the sentence.)
One of the highlights of this festival is the Patang Bazar, which is open twenty-four hours a day, for a whole week.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 The Kite Festival

Question 5.
They add a grand beauty to the dark sky and compete with the brilliance of the stars.
(Rewrite as two separate sentences.)
They add a grand beauty to the dark sky. They compete with the brilliance of the stars.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
What is the care to be taken by children while flying kites?
Children should not run after kites on the road or try to rescue them from trees. This could lead to accidents. They should be careful if they are flying kites from terraces and rooftops. The thread should be handled with care, and there should be no injuries to animals or human beings because of it.

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Pick out two compounds, words from the lesson.
Two compound words: kiteflying, power-driven

Question 2.
Use the following phrase in your own sentence: in the middle of the night.
The baby woke up in the middle of the night and began to play.

Question 3.
Build a word chain of five adjectives :
long → green → naughty → young → grateful → lovely.

Question 4.
Find out four hidden words from the given word:
traditional (Each word should have at least 3 letters.)
traditional: tradition, train, drain, trait

Question 5.
Use the following word in two separate sentences, the word having different meanings (homographs):
(i) The policemen watched the house the whole day.
(ii) I was very upset as I had lost my watch.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 The Kite Festival

Question 6.
Underline the clauses in the following sentence:
There is music in the air and traditional delicacies are specially prepared for the day
There is music in the air and traditional delicacies are specially prepared for the day.

Question 7.
Identify the type of sentence:
The little boy would happily pick up his kite and run out into the field.
Assertive sentence.

Question 8.
Rewrite as an affirmative sentence:
In India, however, the tradition of kite-flying has not changed.
In India, however, the tradition of kite-flying has remained the same.

Question 9.
Rewrite in indirect speech:
The harassed mother would often say
to her restless son, “Why don’t you go fly a kite ?”
The harassed mother would often ask her restless son why he did not go fly a kite.

Question 10.
Use the following word as a noun and a verb in two separate sentences:

  • The cut on my hand healed soon, (noun)
  • I cut my finger when I was slicing a mango, (verb)

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 The Kite Festival

Writing Skills:

Question 1.
You have just returned after your first experience of the kite-festival in Gujarat/Ahmedabad. You were thrilled with the festivities.
Write a short report about the kite festival for your local newspaper. Give an attractive headline, a dateline, and an account of the kite-festival. Write the report in the third person with more use of Passive Voice.

High-Flying Kites Adorn The Sky

Ahmedabad, 17 January: A variety of colourful kites adorned the sky this year during the International Kite Festival here. A record number of countries participated in this annual festival. The famous International Kite Festival, organized by the Gujarat State Tourism Corporation, was held at the Sardar Patel Stadium. 14 countries, including India, participated. The kites were very colourful and in a variety of shapes. There were dragons, eagles, snakes, crocodiles, etc. Some had tiny lights in them, while j some were studded with stones. Excited spectators watched in awe as the kites; soared in the sky, free as birds.

This year, the first prize, a gold-plated cup in the shape of a kite, went to Korea. The Korean team succeeded in keeping their kite in the sky for the longest time. Last year’s winner and the host country, India, J did not stand a chance this year and were ; out of the competition at an early stage. “We will double our efforts for the next year and come out with flying colours,” said Rakesh ) Pandya, captain of the home team. We wish them all the best for the next year, Harsh Mehta.

Question 2.
You have a friend who lives abroad.
Write a letter to him/her describing how you enjoyed the kite-festival,
17 January 2019

Hi Dominic,
How are you? You have hardly written j to me since you went to London. Why the silence?
Yes, I know you are busy, but you can spare some time for an old friend, can’t you?

Here in Ahmedabad, the kite festival is just over. We had a wonderful time flying kites and cheering others. The school was closed for two days, and my friends and I spent one j day watching the competition at the Police Stadium and the other day at the ground near our house, flying an assortment of kites. Our kites were ordinary ones, but you should have seen the exotic kites being flown at the Police Stadium! They were from Japan, the U.S., U.K., Thailand, Korea and other places. They were in the shape of eagles, snakes, crocodiles, dragons, etc. Some had shining tails while some had bejewelled bodies. The competition was very stiff-but guess what! The first prize was won by the Indian team!
Our own competition too was very thrilling. We cut so many kites! We were also awake the whole night shopping for kites and eating. It was really a wonderful time.

Well, I hope that next year you will be back in India and maybe you can come to Ahmedabad during this time. You will certainly enjoy the festival-and the eats! Hope you find time to reply.
Your friend,
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 The Kite Festival

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The Last Leaf Poem Questions and Answers Class 8 English Chapter 3.3 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Last Leaf Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions, and Answers.

Std 8 English Lesson 3.3 The Last Leaf Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 8 English Chapter 3.3 The Last Leaf Textbook Questions and Answers

3.3 The Last Leaf Warming Up:

1. Suppose you suffer from a long – term illness (one or two weeks), what should you do and what should you avoid? Fill up the table of Do’s and Don’ts:

Do’s Don’ts
(1) Go to a doctor for a diagnosis. (1) Do not …………..
(2) ………… (2) Do not avoid medication on time.
(3) Take a suitable diet. (3) Avoid …………..
(4) Take rest. (4) Avoid physical stress and exertion.
(5) Rest in a properly ventilated room. (5) Do not …………….
(6) Have cheerful thoughts, courage, a positive attitude. (6) Do not lose …….. and ………….


Do’s Don’ts
(1) Go to a doctor for diagnosis. (1) Do not try any medication on your own.
(2) Take medicines on time. (2) Do not avoid medication on time.
(3) Take a suitable diet. (3) Avoid junk food.
(4) Take rest. (4) Avoid physical stress and exertion.
(5) Rest in a properly ventilated room. (5) Do not close doors and windows.
(6) Have cheerful thoughts, courage, a positive attitude. (6) Do not lose hope and courage.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Last Leaf

2. You already know that Homophones are pairs of words that sound the same but differ in spellings and meanings:
For example sum and some
There are some words that even have the same spelling and pronunciations, but have different meanings in different situations or contexts.
For example: bat (a bird) and ki (sports / games equipment)
Such words are called Homographs.
Make pairs of sentences of your own to point out the different meanings of the following Homographs

The Last Leaf Class 8 Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board Question 1.
(i) The new driver had to pay a fine for breaking the signal.
(ii) We decided to go for a picnic only if the day was fine.

The Last Leaf Class 8 Questions And Answers Question 2.
(i) Ronny waved to his father before going for the picnic.
(ii) The waves in the sea before the tsunami were huge.

The Last Leaf Question Answer Class 8 Question 3.
(i) The grizzly bear hibernates during winter.
(ii) Simi could not bear to see the two cats fighting.

3.3 The Last Leaf Question 4.
(i) The rose is a beautiful flower.
(ii) The teacher rose from her chair to explain the sum.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Last Leaf

3.3 The Last Leaf Questions And Answers Question 5.
(i) Lead is used in pencils.
(ii) A good king leads his country to prosperity.

Class 8 English Chapter 3.3 The Last Leaf Question Answer Question 6.
(i) Though we lost the match, we were not upset,
(ii) “Buy the shoes only if they match the dress,” said mother to Madhu.

The Last Leaf Class 8 Questions And Answers Pdf Question 7.
(i) Every second counts when we are writing an examination paper.
(ii) “Take the second turn on the right,” directed the policeman.

The Last Leaf 8th Standard Question 8.
(i) The lawyer objected to what the witness said.
(ii) The objects on the table were taken away before the girl could see them properly.

1. Read the story and choose the appropriate meanings:

Question a.
Struggling artists:
(i) artists fighting with one another
(ii) artists trying hard to earn a living
(iii) artists painting war scenes
(ii) artists trying hard to earn a living

Question b.
Skeleton branches:
(i) bones branching out from joints
(ii) leafy branches
(iii) bare branches
(iii) bare branches

Question c.
Wielded the brush:
(i) painted skillfully
(ii) broke the brush
(iii) joined the broken brush
(i) painted skillfully

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Last Leaf

Question d.
(i) the tip of the brush
(ii) a board used by artists to mix colours
(iii) a fancy dinner plate
(ii) a board used by artists to mix colours

Question e.
(i) a master who promotes peace
(ii) the very first creation of on artist
(iii) an exceptionally beautiful work of art
(iii) an exceptionally beautiful work of art

2. Make pairs of sentences to show the difference between the meanings of the following Homographs from the story:

Question a.
(i) The bank promised a high rate of interest to its customers.
(ii) The audience soon lost interest in the boring match.

Question b.
(i) The well was so deep that one could not see the water.
(ii) The Principal sent Sumeet home as he was not feeling well.

Question c.
(i) When Roma turned to her left, she saw a long line of taxis.
(ii) The Mayor had left before it begem to rain.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Last Leaf

Question d.
(i) The children had just left when the magician arrived.
(ii) It is the duty of a judge to be just.

Question e.
(i) “Mind your language!” said the man to the rude young boy angrily.
(ii) We should try not to have any negative thoughts in our mind.

3. State the facts about the story:

Main characters:
Attempts made to solve it:
Climax / Turning point:
Problem solved:
Main characters: Sue, Johnsy, the doctor and Behrman
Problem: Johnsy’s negative attitude, her lack of will to live and the fancy that she would die when the last leaf fell from the ivy vine.
Attempts made to solve it: The doctor informed Sue that Johnsy would recover only if she had the wish to live. Sue looked after her well and tried to make her think positively. Finally, Behrman painted a leaf on the wall so that the last leaf would never fall, and Johnsy would live.
Climax/Tuming point:
(i) When Johnsy sees the last leaf still clinging to the vine, and realizes that she has been given a message that she was wicked to want to die.
(ii) The sweeper finding Behrman in very wet clothes and shoes, with scattered brushes and a palette with yellow and green colors mixed on it.
Problem solved: Johnsy realizes her mistake and begins to look forward to life again.
End: Though Johnsy lives, Behrman, who painted the last leaf, contracts pneumonia due to exposure to rain and snow. He dies due to his efforts. He dies so that Johnsy lives.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Last Leaf

4. Say whether the following statements are right or wrong:

Question a.
Sue and Johnsy were very close friends.

Question b.
Sue was a rich girl.

Question c.
Johnsy was hopeful that she will live.

Question d.
Behrman was a hard-hearted person.

Question e.
The last leaf fell off during the rain.

Question f.
Johnsy realized that her thinking was wrong.

Question g.
Behrman did not know anything about the last leaf on the ivy.

5. Correct the following statements:

Question a.
Sue and Johnsy were good neighbours.
Sue and Johnsy were very good friends.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Last Leaf

Question b.
Johnsy was eager to recover from her illness.
Johnsy had made up her mind that she was not going to recover.

Question c.
Sue ignored Johnsy completely.
Sue looked after Johnsy well.

Question d.
Behrman was a very heartless person.
Behrman was a very kind-hearted person.

Question e.
The real ivy leaf did not fall off at all.
The real ivy leaf fell off the night it rained and snowed.

Question f.
The last leaf was a real leaf that survived.
The last leaf was a leaf painted on the wall by Behrman.

6. Read the descriptions of the following from the story and describe any one of them using your own words:

Question 1.
The ivy vine
Outside the window there was an old ivy vine, gnarled and decayed at the roots. It had climbed half way up the brick wall. It had lost most of its leaves due to the cold autumn. Only a few bare branches were left, clinging to the bricks.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Last Leaf

Question 2.
Behrman was a struggling painter who lived on the ground floor of the building where Sue and Johnsy lived. He was a failure in art, for though he had been painting for forty years, he had not made any money. He always dreamt about painting a masterpiece, and often spoke about it, but had never got round to doing it. He served as a model for the young artists in the colony, who could not afford other models.

He was shocked when he heard about Johnsy’s fancy and thought that the place was not good for her. He was a generous, compassionate and kind- hearted man. Even though he was old, he braved the wind, rain and snow to go out and paint the last leaf on the wall. He died in order that Johnsy could live.

Question 3.
The last leaf that Johnsy saw
The last leaf that Johnsy saw was not a real leaf but a leaf painted on the wall by Behrman. It was dark green near its stem, but its edges were tinted with yellow. It hung from a branch some twenty feet above the ground. Naturally it never fluttered or moved when the wind blew. It was Behrman’s masterpiece and had been painted the night when the real last leaf had fallen.

7. You have learnt that a Clause is a group of words that has a Subject and a Verb, and is a part of a larger sentence:
In the sentence, ‘We returned home, when school was over’ there are two clauses.
(i) We returned home and
(ii) When school was over’.
The first one makes complete sense, so it is called Main I Principal Clause. The second one is not complete by itself. It depends on the Main Clause to convey proper sense. So it is called Dependant or Subordinate Clause. ‘When’ is the joining word, and it is called o Subordinator.

In the following sentences, point out the Main Clause and Subordinate Clause. Encircle the Subordinator.

Question a.
There was a colony, where many struggling artists lived.
Main Clause: There was a colony
Subordinate Clause: where many struggling artists lived
Subordlnator: where

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Last Leaf

Question b.
Though Sue looked after her well, Johnsy showed no signs of improvement.
Main Clause: Johnsy showed no signs of improvement
Subordinate Clause: Though Sue looked after her very well
Subordlnator: Though

Question c.
Sue thought that she had fallen asleep.
Main Clause: Sue thought
Subordinate Clause: that she had fallen asleep
Subordinator: that

Question d.
Old Behrman was a painter, who lived on the ground floor.
Main Clause: Old Behrman was a painter
Subordinate Clause: who lived on the ground floor
Subordlnator: who

Question e.
Johnsy was sleeping when the two went upstairs.
Main Clause: Johnsy was sleeping
Subordinate Clause: when the two went upstairs
Subordlnator: when

Question f.
I want to see the last one before it falls.
Main Clause: I want to see the last one
Subordinate Clause: before It falls
Subordlnator: before

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Last Leaf

8. Compose an imaginary dialogue between Sue and Johns, when I realise what Behrman had done for Johnsy:
Johnsy: Sue, did you know that Mr. Behrman had painted that last leaf?
Sue: No, I knew it just now, too.
Johnsy: Sue, that means that he got wet that night painting the last leaf!
Sue: And got pneumonia after that!
Johnsy: Yes, because of my stupid fancy that I would die when the last leaf fell.
Sue: It certainly was a stupid idea.
Johnsy: I feel so guilty now! Sue, it is as if …. as if …. he died for me!
Sue: Yes, so that you may live.
Johnsy: Oh, what a wonderful, compassionate man! To go out in that cold, wintry, snowy night just to paint that leaf!
Sue: And develop pneumonia ….
Johnsy: What can I do now? How can I ever thank him?
Sue: I know what you can do!
Johnsy: What? What?
Sue: Paint your masterpiece of the Bay of Naples and dedicate it to him.
Johnsy: Yes, I think that’s a good idea.Yes, I’ll do that. Thanks, Sue.

Class 8 English Chapter 3.3 The Last Leaf Additional Important Questions and Answers

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
What did the doctor tell Sue about Johnsy?
The doctor told Sue that Johnsy had one chance in ten. That chance was for Johnsy to want to live, and Johnsy had made up her mind that she was not going to get well. He also told Sue that medicines alone would not help if the patient did not want to live.

Question 2.
Describe the ivy vine outside the window.
Outside the window, there was an old ivy vine, gnarled and decayed at the roots. It had climbed half way up the brick wall. It had lost most of its leaves due to the cold autumn. Only a few bare branches were left, clinging to the bricks.

Question 3.
Explain the false belief that Johnsy had about the ivy vine.
Johnsy felt that when the last leaf fell off from the ivy vine, she too would die.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Last Leaf

Question 4.
Who was Behrman? Explain why Sue called Him to their flat.
Behrman was a struggling painter who lived on the ground floor of the building where Sue and Johnsy lived. He served as a model for the young artists in the colony. Sue called him to their flat to act as a model for the old man that she was drawing.

Question 5.
What happened that night and what did the two friends see when the window was open?
That night it rained and snowed. A fierce wind blew. When the window was open, the two friends saw one ivy leaf still clinging to the vine. It was dark green near the stem, but its edges were tinted with yellow. It hung from a branch some twenty feet above the ground.

Question 6.
What did Johnsy declare when she saw the last ivy leaf?
When Johnsy saw the last ivy leaf, she declared that it would fall that day and she would die at the same time.

Question 7.
What change came over Johnsy the next day? Why?
Johnsy now felt that she had been wicked earlier and it was a sin to want to die. She wanted to sit up in bed and was ready to have broth and milk. She looked forward to the future and hoped to paint the Bay of Naples some day. It was the sight of the last leaf staying on the vine that was the reason for her change.

Question 8.
Explain what happened to Mr. Behrman.
Mr. Behrman had gone out in the rain and snow to paint the last leaf on the wall. He had got thoroughly wet and became ill with pneumonia. He died in a hospital two days later.

Question 9.
Who had saved Johnsy’s life and how?
Mr. Behrman had saved Johnsy’s life. He had realized that Johnsy had a fancy that she would die after the last leaf; fell. He wanted to make certain that the last J leaf never fell, and hence he painted a false leaf on the wall. The sight of the persistent leaf, which Johnsy thought was real, made her come to her senses and want to live.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Last Leaf

Personal Response:

Question 1.
What type of attitude should a person have when he/she is ill?
When a person is ill, he/she should have a positive attitude. He/She should have cheerful thoughts and courage and try to keep the mind occupied. Only then will medication help.

Question 2.
Do you think that Johnsy was talking nonsense? Or did she have some forewarning that she would die?
I think that Johnsy was talking nonsense. How can the number of leaves on an ivy vine indicate when she was going to die? This is just having negative thoughts when the mind is idle and frightened.

Write who said the given words and to whom:

Question 1.

The words Who said To whom
(1) Open the window
(2) She is very ill and weak
(3) I have not heard of such a thing.
(4) It is the last one.


The words Who said To whom
(1) Open the window Johnsy Sue
(2) She is very ill and weak Sue Behrman
(3) I have not heard of such a thing. Behrman Sue
(4) It is the last one. Johnsy Sue

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Last Leaf

Write the words given below in the proper columns:

Question 1.
idiotic, fancy, foolish, weak, place, away, upstairs, work, rain, continuously,closed, window, fierce, bravely, branch,surely

Nouns Adjectives Adverbs
fancy, place, idiotic, away,
work, rain, foolish, upstairs,
window, weak, continuously,
branch closed, bravely,
fierce surely

Do as directed:

Pick out two words from the lesson whose first letter is silent.
pneumonia, gnarled.

Question 2.
Use the following phrase in your own sentence : above the ground
During monsoon, the clouds are just a few feet above the ground in Ooty.

Question 3.
Add two letters before the given word to form three separate words:
brown, crown, drown

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Last Leaf

Question 4.
Find out four hidden words from the given word:
twilight (Each word should have at least 3 letters.)
twilight: light, tight, wilt, tilt

Question 5.
Use the following word and its homophone in two separate sentences: earn
(i) It is difficult to earn a living if you are illiterate.
(ii) I placed the flowers in an urn and poured water into it.

Question 6.
Pick out the main clause and subordinate clause from the following sentence:
Medicines alone did not help if the patient did not wish to live.
Medicines alone did not help- the main clause if the patient did not wish to live-subordinate clause.

Question 7.
Rewrite in indirect speech :
“Open the window; I want to see,” she
ordered. Sue obeyed.
She ordered Sue to open the window as she wanted to see. Sue obeyed.

Question 8.
Pick out the non-finite verb and state what it is:
He always talked of his coming masterpiece.
coming – present participle

Question 9.
Rewrite as an affirmative sentence:
In those days, it was not easy to cure pneumonia patients.
In those days, it was difficult to cure pneumonia patients.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Last Leaf

Question 10.
Rewrite using the positive form of the adjective:
They are falling faster now.
They were not falling as fast as before.

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The Happy Prince Poem Questions and Answers Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 The Happy Prince Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 8 English Lesson 2.5 The Happy Prince Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 The Happy Prince Textbook Questions and Answers

2.5 The Happy Prince Warming Up:

1. There are different types of short stories. Use a dictionary/the Internet and find out what each of the following types refers to:

(a) fable :
(b) anecdote :
(c) fairy tale :
(d) parable :
(e) tragedy :
(f) humorous story :
(g) detective story :
(h) myth :
(a) fable: moral bearing story with animal characters.
(b) anecdote: short amusing account of an incident.
(c) fairy tale: having supernatural characters/a moral for children.
(d) parable: having religious base and a message or moral.
(e) tragedy: serious and ends in a tragedy.
(f) humorous story: causing laughter and amusement; comic.
(g) detective story: the plot revolves around the investigation and solving of a crime/s.
(h) myth: originated in ancient times, authorship unknown.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 The Happy Prince

2. Have you heard of birds that fly from one part of the world to another in small or large flocks?
They are called Migratory birds. Discuss and write down two reasons why they migrate and return.
Migratory birds’ migrate for food and for warmth. They return when the food supplies in their home area stabilize and winter changes to summer again.

3. Speech or dialogues can be reported in two ways Direct and Indirect.
When the exact words of the speaker are reported we call it Direct Speech. When the exact words of the speaker are not reported, but just its contents we call it Indirect Speech.
Direct Speech: Amar said, “I shall come to meet you, tomorrow, Sanket.”
Indirect Speech: Amar told Sanket that he would go to meet him, the next day.
Note down the changes you observe in the Indirect Speech.

  • There are no inverted commas in j Indirect Speech.
  • The verb changes in Indirect ) Speech.
  • There is a change in the adverb in Indirect Speech.
  • The word‘that’is added in Indirect Speech.

1. Say whether these sentences are true or false and correct the false ones.

Question a.
The writer of the story is Wiiliam Blake.
The writer of the story is Oscar wilde

Question b.
Everyone admired the statue of the Happy Prince.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 The Happy Prince

Question c.
The mother was working, when the Swallow brought the yellow jewel.
The mother was sleeping when the Swallow brought the yellow jewel.

Question d.
The two best things the servants brought to God were gold and jewel stones.
The two best things the servants brought to God were broken heart and dead bird.

2. Find from the story the Homophones of the following words:
(Words that sound, the same, but differ in spellings and meanings.)
a. weak
b. their
c. blew
d. seo
e. read
f. waste
g. know
h. knot
i. threw
j. right
a. weak – week
b. their – there
c. blew – blue
d. sea – see
e. read – – red
f. waste – waist
g. know – no
h. knot – not
i. threw – through
j. right – write

3. Answer the given questions in your own words:

Question a.
Where was the Happy Prince’s statue located?
The Happy Prince statue located high above the city.

Question b.
Why did the swallow decide to stay under the statue of the Happy Prince at night?
The Swallow decided to stay under the statue of the Happy Prince at night because it was high up, and so there was plenty of fresh air.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 The Happy Prince

Question c.
Why was the Prince sad?
The Prince was sad to see all unhappiess of the city.

Question d.
What was the first task given to the Swallow?
The Happy Prince asked the Swallow to take the great red jewel from his waist and give it to a poor woman whose son was ill and hungry. This was the Swallow’s first task.

Question e.
To whom did the Prince gift the two gemstones of his eyes?
The prince gave one of the two gemstones of his eyes to a Door little girl whose eggs had fallen to the ground and broken.

Question f.
What decision did the Swallow finally make? Was it a wise one? Comment.
The Swallow finally decided not to go to Egypt but to remain with the Happy Prince, whom he loved very much. It may not have been a wise decision because it led to the death of the Swallow, but it was a decision made from the heart and was an emotional decision that was rewarded in heaven.

Question g.
Why did the Swallow finally decide not to leave the Prince?
The Swallow finally decided not to leave the prince because he loved him very much.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 The Happy Prince

Question h.
What message do you get from this story?
The message that we get from this story is that we should be loyal, generous, and compassionate. We will not only get peace when on earth but will also get appreciation and reward in heaven.

4. inflnitives, Participles, Gerunds:

(a) Infinitives
In the sentences ‘1 have to study’ and ‘ I must study’, ‘study’ is in the infinitive form, because it does not take -s, -es or -cd aller it even if the number or person of the Subject changes.
Infinitives are generally preceded by ‘to’ or sometimes by a modal auxiliary.

(b) Participles
In the sentences ‘She dived into the swimming pool’ and ‘The writing table is in a mess’ ‘Swimming’ and ‘writing’ are in the verb + ing form and function as Adjectives. These are Present Pcirticiples. In the sentences, ‘The police recovered the stolen jewels’ and ‘He bandaged his
bruised arm’, stolen and bruised are in the verb + en I ed form and function as Adjectives.

(c) Gerunds
In the sentences, ‘I love swimming’ and ‘Reading is a good habit’, the verb + ing form fuction as Nouns (as the Subject or Object). These are called Verbal Nouns or Gerunds.

Say whether the underlined are Infinitives/Participles (Present or Past) Gerunds.

2.5 The Happy Prince 8 Question 1.
I wish to go to Egypt.

The Happy Prince Question Answer Question 2.
They liked his written stories.

The Happy Prince Class 8 Question Answer Question 3.
He is trying to finish a story.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 The Happy Prince

The Happy Prince Questions And Answers Class 8 Question 4.
Suffering is stranger than anything.

The Happy Prince Story Questions And Answers Question 5.
The dying swallow fell at his feet.

The Happy Prince Class 8 Solutions Question 6.
He began to cry.

Happy Prince Question And Answer Question 7.
He watched the working seamen

5. Write the following dialogues from the story in the Indirect Speech:

(a) ‘Who are you?’ asked the bird. ‘I am the Happy Prince.’
‘Then why are you crying? I am wet with your tears.’

(b) The Happy Prince looked very sad, and the little Swallow was sorry for him. ‘It is very cold here,’ he said ‘but I will stay with you for one night. Tomorrow I will take the jewel.’
‘Thank you, little bird,’ said the prince.

(c) ‘Little bird, little bird,’ said the prince, ‘please will you stay with me for one more night?’
‘My friends arc waiting for me.’ answered the bird.

(d) Under a bridge, two little boys were lying close together to keep warm.
‘We are so hungry!’ they said. ‘You cannot lie there!’ shouted a guard.

(e) ‘Goodbye, dear prince!’ he said.
‘I urn glad that you are going to Egypt,’ said the prince. ‘You have stayed too long.’I am not going to Egypt,’ said the Swallow. ‘I am going to the House of God’

6. Divide the story into parts. Make 4 groups in your class. Each group should take one of the 4 parts to convert the story into a play and enact your part.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 The Happy Prince

7. If you could change the end of the story i.e. after the Swallow refused to fly to Egypt. how would you change it? Summarise your idea in 10 to 12 lines.

Summary of the idea : A MIRACLE

The Swallow, battling the bitter cold, refuses to fly to Egypt and continues to live with the prince to support him in his time of need. God sees this love and friendship among the two and decides to do something. He restores the prince to his glory. The Happy Prince becomes golden and beautiful once again and is admired by all. The little Swallow develops extra layers of feathers to protect him from the cold, and the two continue to live with each other. The prince continues to be generous, but his wealth never diminishes. The Swallow is his messenger and informant. They become immortal. The two realize that these miracles are the work of God and they look towards heaven to thank God.

8. Think of one of your favorite stories. Fill in the following facts about the story:

  • Name of the story:
  • Type of story:
  • Setting (time and place):
  • ImportQnt characters:
  • Theme/Plot:
  • Solution:
  • End:


  • Name of the story: Pride and Prejudice
  • Type of story: Romantic/Social
  • Setting (time and place): the early 1800s in England
  • Important characters: Elizabeth and Jane Bennet, Mrs. Bennet, Darcy.
  • Theme/Plot: The emotional development of the main characters.
  • Conflict/Dilemma: Darcy is rich and proud Elizabeth is strongly prejudiced against him. Their status and
  • lifestyles differ. However, they are attracted to each other.
  • Solution: How they overcome their prejudices and come together forms the main story of the novel.
  • End: Darcy and Elizabeth overcome their prejudices and their true emotions come through. The end is a happy one with everything ending well.

Class 8 English Chapter 2.5 The Happy Prince Additional Important Questions and Answers

Say whether the following sentences are True or False and correct the false ones:

Question 1.
One night a little swallow flew over the city with his friends.
Corrected Sentence: One night a little l swallow flew alone over the city

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 The Happy Prince

Question 2.
The Happy Prince saw that the Swallow was crying.
Corrected Sentence: The Swallow saw that the Happy Prince was crying.

Question 3.
The Swallow felt sorry for the Happy Prince.

Complete the following:

Question 1.
The Happy Prince’s statue was located ______.
high above the city

Question 2.
The drops that fell on the swallow were ______.
the tears from the eyes of the Happy Prince

Question 3.
The Swallow decided to stay under the statue of the Happy Prince at night ; because ______.
it was high up, and so there was ; plenty of fresh air

Question 4.
The Prince was sad _________.
to see all the unhappiness of the city

Question 5.
The first gift from the Happy Prince was _______.
a great red jewel from his waist

Question 6.
he Swallow felt warm because ______.
he had done a good thing

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 The Happy Prince

Question 7.
The clever man was surprised _____.
to see a swallow in the city in winter

Question 8.
The prince gave a _____ one of the two gemstones of his eyes.
poor writer

Question 9.
The writer was trying hard ________.
to complete the story

Question 10.
It was easy to get into the young man’s room because __________.
there was a hole in the roof

Question 11.
The Swallow refused to take off the other eye because _______.
then the prince would not be able to see

Question 11.
The prince gave one of the two gemstones of his eyes to _______.
a poor little girl whose eggs had fallen to the ground and broken

Question 13.
Use the word ‘see’ and its ’ homophones in a single sentence of your own.
sea-see: The children went all the way from Indore to Mumbai to see the sea.

Pick out the finite and non-finite verbs in the following sentence:

And he decided to fly away.
decided-finite verb;
to fly-non- finite verb.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 The Happy Prince

Personal Response:

Have you ever observed statues and admired them? Name some.
I admire statues which Eire artistic or tell us a story. For example, some of the statues of Shivaji are very well carved, with all the details. However, most of the time j statues in India are neglected, and only ! serve as resting places for birds.

Give reasons:

Question 1.
The mother was forced to ignore her ailing son.
The mother was forced to ignore her ailing son as she did not have money to buy food, and could only give him water from the river. She was busy making a ; dress for one of the queen’s ladies. After doing this, she was so tired that she fell asleep.

Question 2.
What was the first task given to the Swallow?
The Happy Prince asked the Swallow to take the great red jewel from his waist and give it to a poor woman whose son was ill and hungry. This was the Swallow’s first task.

Question 3.
The Swallow wished to go to Egypt.
It was winter, and it would soon begin snowing. The Swallow would not be able to bear this cold weather. So, he wished to go to Egypt where the sun was warm and the leaves were green.

Find from the passage the Homophones of the following words:

  1. read
  2. threw


  1. read-red
  2. threw-through

Write the noun forms of the following words:

  1. poor
  2. flew
  3. warm
  4. ill


  1. poverty
  2. flight
  3. warmth
  4. illness

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 The Happy Prince

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Why was the writer unable to complete his story?
The writer was very cold, weak and hungry. There was no fire in his room. Due to all these reasons, he was unable to complete his story.

Question 2.
What did the writer conclude when he saw the blue jewel?
When the writer saw the blue jewel, he concluded that it was a gift from someone who had read and liked his books.

Rewrite as an affirmative sentence:

But he is very cold and he cannot write.
But he is very cold and he is unable to write.

Personal Response:

Have you seen birds migrating/flying in groups or information?
Yes, I have. I did not realize what it meant in the beginning, but later I saw a documentary film about migratory birds. I like the way they fly in a formation, all of them flying at the same speed. I often wonder how they know where to go and what to do.

Complete the table and write who said the given words and to whom:

Question 1.

The words Who said them To whom
(1) You cannot see now
(2) She has no money to take home.
(3) This is a beautiful piece of glass!
(4) You must go to Egypt


The words Who said them To whom
(1) You cannot see now The Swallow The prince
(2) She has no money to take home. The prince The Swallow
(3) This is a beautiful piece of glass! The little girl The Swallow
(4) You must go to Egypt The prince The Swallow

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 The Happy Prince

Complete the table:

Question 1.

Positive Comparative Superlative


Positive Comparative Superlative
strange stranger strangest
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
dear dearer dearest
wonderful more wonderful most wonderful

Underline the pronouns in the following sentences:

Question 1.
She is selling eggs. her eggs have fallen on the ground and they are broken.
She is selling eggs. Her eggs have fallen on the ground and they are broken.

Question 2.
“I will stay with you,” repeated the Swallow, and he slept at the Prince’s feet.
“I will stay with you,” repeated the Swallow, and he slept at the Prince’s feet.

Personal Response:

How does the suffering of other people affect you?
I feel very bad when I see someone suffering. I don’t like to see even animals suffer, and I often have fights with boys who are cruel to animals. If I see someone suffering, I try to help them if it is possible. I plan to become a doctor when I grow up so that I can help those who are in pain.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 The Happy Prince

Complete the table and write who said the given words to whom:

Question 1.

The words Who said them To whom
(1) You cannot lie there!
(2) Yes, you have brought the right things.


The words Who said them To whom
(1) You cannot lie there! A guard Two little boys
(2) Yes, you have brought the right things. God His servants

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Describe the sufferings that the Swallow discovered and reported to the prince.
The Swallow saw poor people sitting at the gate. He flew into the dark streets, where he saw hungry and sad children. Many children were cold and were treated badly by the guards in the city. These were the sufferings that the Swallow discovered and reported to the prince.

Question 2.
In what state did the important man in the city find the statue?
The important man in the city found the statue looking dull. The red stone and the gemstones of the eyes had disappeared. The statue was not golden any longer, and looked like that of a beggar. There was also a dead swallow at the feet of the statue.

Question 3.
Why did the servants of God take the broken heart and the dead bird to God?
The servants of God took the broken heart and the dead bird to God because they were the two best things in the city.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 The Happy Prince

Question 4.
Why did the Swallow finally decide not to leave the prince?
The Swallow finally decided not to leave the prince because he loved him very much.

Question 5.
What decision did the Swallow ; finally make? Was it a wise one? Comment.
The Swallow finally decided not to go to Egypt but to remain with the Happy Prince, whom he loved very much. It may not have been a wise decision because it led to the death of the Swallow but it was a decision made from the heart, and was an emotional decision which was rewarded in heaven.

Question 6.
What, do you think, was the part of the statue which did not melt?
The part of the statue which did not melt was the heart of the Happy Prince.

Question 7.
What message do you get from this story?
The message that we get from this story is that we should be loyal,generous and compassionate. We will not only get peace when on earth but will also get appreciation and reward in heaven.

Do as directed:

Question 1.
Pick out two compound words from the lesson.
bedroom, daytime

Question 2.
Use the following phrase in your own sentence : to get in
The thief found it difficult to get in through the narrow opening.

Question 3.
Underline the non-finite verb and say what type it is :
The boy is crying and his mother is so unhappy.
The boy is crying and his mother is so unhappy.
crying – present participle

Question 4.
Find out four hidden words from the given word : (Each word should have at least 3 letters.)
flower: lower, flow, wolf, wore

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 The Happy Prince

Question 5.
Use the following word and its homophone in a single sentence : heard
The lion heard the herd of buffaloes chasing him.

Question 6.
Rewrite using a clause in place of | the underlined phrase :
I played with my friends in a very beautiful garden.
I played with my friends in a garden which was very beautiful.

Question 7.
Rewrite as an affirmative \ sentence :
I did not know what lay on the other l side.
I was unaware of what lay on the j other side.

Question 8. Punctuate :
I will stay here he thought it is high up so there is plenty of fresh air :
“I will stay here,” he thought. “It is high up, so there is plenty of fresh air.”

Question 9.
Pick out the modal auxiliary and state its function :
I  must find another place.
I must find another place, (must- indicates compulsion.)

Question 10.
Identify the type of sentence:
Tell me what you see there.
Imperative sentence

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Vocation Poem Questions and Answers Class 8 English Chapter 2.1 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 Vocation Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 8 English Lesson 2.1 Vocation Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 8 English Chapter 2.1 Vocation Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming Up

1. Pick out the words that refer to ‘means of living’ and fill them in the web:
(profession / recreation / occupation /job / pastime / employment / hobby / career / entertainment /mission/ trade / business / sports / retirement / placement)
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 Vocation 1
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 Vocation 2

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 Vocation

2. Using a good dictionary. find the shades of difference in the following:

2.1 Vocation Questions And Answers Question 1.
‘Profession’ refers to a paid occupation, especially one that involves pro-longed training and a formal qualification.

Vocation Poem Class 8 Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board Question 2.
‘Vocation’ refers to an occupation for which a person is specially drawn or suited.

Vocation Poem Class 8 Questions And Answers Question 3.
‘Business’ refers to the activity of buying or selling goods or services; a commercial activity done by a person at his own risk.

Vocation Poem Class 8 Question 4.
‘Occupation’ refers to a person’s usual or principal work or business, especially as a means of earning a living.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 Vocation

3. When a word is formed from a sound associated with it, it is called an Onomatopoetic Word.

For example : bang, tap, tinkle. crash, whistle etc.
If an Onomatopoetic word occurs in the lines of a poem, the Figure of Speech in that line is Onomatopoeia.
Write down eight to ten Onomatopoetic words on your own.

  1. buzz
  2. whoosh
  3. clang
  4. chirp
  5. clap
  6. howl
  7. hiss
  8. grunt
  9. purr
  10. quack

1. Which of the following words / phrases match in meaning to the underlined ones?
(a) deserted
(b) exposed to heat
(c) dirties the clothings
(d) no particular route
(e) following imaginary goals
(f) scolds and corrects

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 Vocation

Vocation Poem Class 8 Questions And Answers State Board Question 1.
nobody takes him to task ………..
scolds and corrects

Vocation Question Answer Class 8 Question 2.
………. if he gets baked in the sun …………..
exposed to heat

Vocation Chapter 2.1 Question Answer Question 3.
………….chasing the shadows with my lantern ……………..
following imaginary goals

Class 6 English Vocation Questions And Answers Question 4.
The lane is dark and lonely ……………..

Class 6 English Vocation Question Answer Question 5.
………….. he soils his clothes with dust ………….
dirties the clothings

Question 6.
…………. There is no road he must take ………….
no particular route

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 Vocation

2. Read the poem and fill in the table.

Time of the day Location Poet’s Activity Hawker’s Activities Gardener’s Activities Watchman’s Activities


Time of the day Location Poet’s Activity Hawker’s Activities Gardener’s Activities Watchman’s Activities
Morning In the lane Walking to school Selling Bangles
Afternoon Near the poet’s house Walking home from school Digging the ground
Night The poet’s home Watching thr watchman from his bed. Walking up and down the street.Swinging his latern.

3. Think and answer in your own words:

Question a.
What could be the age group of the speaker in the poem?
The speaker in the poem is a young school-going boy.

Question b.
What is the difference between a hawker and a shopkeeper?
The difference between a hawker and a shopkeeper is that a hawker does not have a fixed shop. He goes from street to street selling his wares. A shopkeeper has a fixed shop and people who want to buy his goods must go to his shop.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 Vocation

Question c.
How do parents react when they see children soil their clothes in dust and heat?
When parents see their children exposed to heat or soil their clothes in the dust, they scold them and stop them from doing it.

Question d.
Why is the street light compared to a one-red-eyed-giant?
The street light is very tall and has a single red light at the top. Hence it is compared to a giant with one red eye.

Question e.
What exactly does the speaker in the poem crave for?
The speaker in the poem, who is a young school-going boy, craves for complete freedom to do whatever he wants and whenever he wants. He wants freedom from authority. He wants to lead a carefree life.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 Vocation

Question f.
Does the poet really wish to become a hawker/gardener/watchman? Justify your response.
The poet does not really wish to become a hawker/gardener/watchman. He is childish and sees only what he thinks is their ‘carefree’ life. He does not see the difficulties. He actually only craves for complete freedom from authority.

4. Say why the speaker of the poem wishes to be:

Question a.
The speaker in the poem feels that there is nothing to hurry the hawker. There is no fixed road he must travel by, no place that he must go to and no time when he must get back home. The speaker feels he is lucky and hence he wishes to be a hawker. It means that the speaker wants to be free to do what he wants and go where he wants to, without any restrictions.

Question b.
The speaker in the poem sees that the gardener in the nearby house is digging the ground. He does what he likes with his spade. He is free to get his clothes soiled with mud, get baked in the sun or get wet. No one scolds him. Hence the speaker wishes to be a gardener so that he is able to enjoy freedom in the open without any restrictions.

Question c.
The speaker is in his bed Through the open window, he can see the watchman walking up and down the dark and lonely street with a lantern in his hand. The speaker is resentful that he has to go to bed. He thinks that the watchman never goes to bed in his life. Hence he wishes to become a watchman and walk up and down in the dark street at night, having fun chasing the shadows with his lantern

5. Pick outlines that contain Alliteration. Simile, Repetition, Onomatopoeia:

(a) Alliteration:
(i) ‘I can see through the gate the gardener digging the ground.’ Repetition of the sound of the letter ‘t’ and ‘g’.
(ii) ‘He does what he likes with his spade, he soils his clothes…’ Repetition of the sound of the letter ‘h’.
(iii) ‘nobody takes him to task’ Repetition of the sound of the letter ‘t’.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 Vocation

(b) Simile:
‘The street lamp stands like a giant with one red eye in its head.’ The street lamp is directly compared to a giant, using the word ‘like’.

(c) Repetition:
(i) The words ‘Bangles, crystal bangles’ are repeated to create images in our mind of the hawker.
(ii) The words ‘no’ and ‘nobody’ are repeated for emphasis.

(d) Onomatopoeia:
‘the gong sounds ten’ : the word ‘gong’ is an onomatopoeic word formed from the sound associated with it.

6. Some poets do not use uniformity in rhyming words, nor a steady rhythm. Such poems with no uniformity in rhyme, rhythm, length of lines, or stanzas are called Free Verse. Walt Whitman, Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, Rabindranath Tagore are some famous poets who have composed poems in Free Verse.
A quick glance at the poem Vocution’ reveals that the style used by Tagore is Free Verse.
Now turn the pages of your textbook and see if you can find other poems in Free Verse.

7. ‘occupation/profession/business would you like to take up in the future?
Prepare a fact file for the same using the following points.

  1. Name of the vocation / profession / business ……….
  2. Educational qualifications required ………..
  3. Work profile/description………..
  4. Opportunities for advancement …………..
  5. our personal skills/talents for the choice …………..

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 Vocation


  1. Name of the vocation/profession/business: Engineering
  2. Educational qualifications required: B.E/B.Tech
  3. Work profile/description: Setting up of projects/setting up plants/inventing new instruments and machines
  4. Opportunities for advancement: Excellent in a developing country like India
  5. Your personal skills/talents for the choice: My interest in seeing how various machines work and my talent in repairing simple instruments.

8. Read and understand the following poem paper Boats’ and write its paraphrase in your own simple language. (You may take the help of a dictionary or the internet.) The first line is done for you.
(Day after day. one after another. I sail paper boats on the stream of flowing water.)

Paper Boats

Day after day, one after another, I sail paper boats on the stream of flowing water. I write my name and the name of my village on the boats in big black letters. I hope that someone in some strange land will find them and know who I am. I fill my little boats with ‘shiuli’ flowers and hope that these flowers which I have picked at dawn will be carried safely to land in the night.

I set my paper boats in motion and look up at the sky. The little clouds have white bulging tails behind them that look like the sails of a boat. I do not know if there is a young child like me up in the sky, who wants to play with me, and sends his boats down through the air to race with my boats.
When it is night, I bury my face in my arms and dream that my paper boats are floating in the air under the stars at midnight. The fairies who bring sleep are sailing in them, and they are filling their baskets with dreams.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 Vocation

Class 8 English Chapter 2.1 Vocation Additional Important Questions and Answers

Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the complete sentence:

Vocation Question Answer Question 1.
The hawker is advertising aloud for selling metal bangles/crystal bangles.
The hawker is advertising aloud for selling crystal bangles.

Vocation Poem Class 6 Question 2.
The narrator/The gardener is scolded if he gets dirty.
The narrator is scolded if he gets dirty.

Vocation Std 8 Questions And Answers Question 3.
The speaker in the poem is a young school-going boy/an adult going to work.
The speaker in the poem is a young school-going boy.

Complete the following:

Question 1.
The difference between a hawker and a shopkeeper is _____.
that a hawker does not have a fixed shop. He goes from street to street selling his wares. A shopkeeper has a fixed shop and people who want to buy his goods must go to his shop

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 2.1 Vocation

Question 2.
When parents see their children exposed to heat or soil their clothes in the dust, they ________.
scold them and stop them from doing it.

Question 3.
The watchman is accompanied by _______.
his lantern and his shadow.

Question 4.
The street lamp appears to be _______.
a giant with one red eye in its head.

Question 5.
Analysis/Appreciation Of The Poem

  1. Poem and poet: ‘Vocation’ by Rabindranath Tagore
  2. Theme: The longing of a young boy for freedom.
  3. Tone: direct; full of craving
  4. Structure and stanzas: Stanzas of unequal length; the number and length of lines vary.
  5. Rhyme and Rhythm: No rhymes or rhythm; the poem is in Free Verse.
  6. Language and Imagery: Simple and direct; vivid images of the hawker, the j gardener and the watchman.
  7. Figures of Speech: Alliteration, Simile, Repetition, Onomatopoeia.

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The Plate of Gold Poem Questions and Answers Class 8 English Chapter 3.1 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 8 English Lesson 3.1 The Plate of Gold Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 8 English Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming Up:

1. Stories can be told even in the form of poetry. Such poems are called Narrative poems. Narrative poems do not always follow rhythmic patterns ola fixed rhyme scheme. Such poems are written ¡na style culled ‘Free Verse.’Recall and name some narrative poems you have done/read earlier.
Students can discuss and think about the narrative poems in Free Verse done/read earlier e.g. ‘Vocation’ by Rabindranath Tagore.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold

2. Read the poem below and fill in the gaps, choosing appropriate pairs of rhyming words, to make them meaningful.

little things

Little drops of water,
Little groins of …………
Make the mighty ocean
And the pleasant …………
Thus the little minutes,
Humble though they ………..
Make the mighty ages
Of …………
Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of ………..
Make this earth an Eden,
Like the heaven a ………..


Little things

Little drops of water,
Little grains of sand
Make the mighty ocean
And the pleasant land.
Thus the little minutes,
Humble though they be,
Make the mighty ages
Of eternity.
Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love
Make this earth an Eden,
Like the heaven above.

What important messue does the aboe poem convey?
It conveys the message that even little acts and gestures are important.We must not think that something is unimportant or insignificant just because it is small.

1. Pick out words from the poem to complete the sentences meaningfully:

Question a.
Stephen Hawking was a ________(famous) Astrophysicist.

Question b.
The Government made a ________(announcement) about their new taxation policy.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold

Question c.
Everyone stood _______ (horrified) when the terrible accident took place.

Question d.
She _________(bargained) with the hawker to reduce the price.

Question e.
Handicapped people should never be ______ (ignored and avoided)

2. Make a list of archaic words from the poem and give their modern equivalents.

Archaic words Modern equivalents
Wondrous wonderful
Loveth loves
Dropt dropped
writ written
bestowed presented

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold

3. Rearrange the following in the proper order and insert them into a flow chart as per the poem:

(a) The plate turned to lead, when it was gifted to false-hearted claimants.
(b) Many claimants donated their wealth to receive the plate of gold.
(e) For almost two years, no clQimants received the plate of gold.
(d) A plate of gold fell in a temple from Heaven.
(e) The peasant offered comfort and courage to a blind miserable beggar. whom all had ignored.
(f) The priests announced that the one who loved God most of all, would receive the gift from Heaven.
(g) When the priest gave the plate of gold to that peasant, it shone with thrice its lustre.
(h) A simple peasant, who had nothing to offer, came to that temple.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold 1

4. Which two sayings about God are conveyed through the poem bThe Plate of Gold’?
(a) God helps those, who help themselves.
(b) God loves those, who love their fellow beings.
(c) God loves those, who give away their wealth, to please Him.
(d) Service to mankind is service to God.
(b) God loves those, who love their fellow beings.
(d) Service to mankind is service to God.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold

5. ‘But the peasant bowed and prayed to God ‘ What could he have prayed for?
The peasant must have prayed for the well-being of all human beings and asked God to help everyone to bear their troubles bravely.

6. Imagine that you are the peasant. Compose a short prayer to God, after having received the plate of gold. Write it using stylish handwriting.

7. Read other poems by Leigh Hunt. especially ‘Abou Ben Adhem’. Compare the messages in that poem with those in ‘The Plate of Gold’. What do you

Class 8 English Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold Additional Important Questions and Answers

Complete the web:

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold 6
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold 7

Name the following:

The Plate Of Gold Questions And Answers Question 1.
They made a proclamation:
the priests

3.1 The Plate Of Gold Questions And Answers Question 2.
A gift from heaven:
a plate of gold

3.1 The Plate Of Gold Question 3.
People assembled at this time:

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold

The Plate Of Gold Question Answer Question 4.
The plate became this again when it touched the floor:

Complete the following:

The Plate Of Gold Questions And Answers Std 8 Question 1.
The plate of gold could be claimed by _______.
the person who loved his fellow beings the best

The Plate Of Gold Poem Questions And Answers Question 2.
The priests gifted the plate of gold to ______.
a man who within the year had distributed his whole estate among the poor

The Plate Of Gold Class 8 Question 3.
The poor peasant offered the blind beggar _____.
sincere pity and love.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold

Answer the following:

Question 1.
What magical occurrence shocked the people?
The golden plate turned to lead when touched by the man, and became gold again when it fell on the floor.
This magical occurrence shocked the people.

Question 2.
Pick out an example of Alliteration from the extract.
‘A wondrous plate of gold, whereon these words were writ’. Repetition of the sound of ‘w’.

Question 3.
Pick out an example of Simile from the extract.
‘The news ran as swift as light.’ The movement of the news is directly compared to the movement of light.

Question 4.
Pick out an example of Onomatopoeia from the extract.
‘……… drop it clanging on the floor’. The word ‘clanging’ indicates sound.

Question 5.
Pick out an example of Inversion from the extract.
‘……… the priests in solemn council sat and heard’. The correct prose order is: the priests sat and heard in solemn council.

Write if the following sentences are True or False:

Question 1.
The priests did not award the plate to anyone.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold

Question 2.
There were very few beggars near the temple gate.

Question 3.
The beggars got a lot of alms.

Question 4.
The peasant was well aware of the race for the plate.

Give reasons:

Question 1.
Many beggars had collected outside the temple.
The golden plate from Heaven was to be bestowed on the person who loved his fellow beings the most. The people who came to the temple would want to prove their love by giving alms. Hence many beggars had collected outside the temple to receive the bountiful alms.

Question 2.
The pilgrims to the temple showered coins on the beggars.
The golden plate from Heaven was to be bestowed on the person who loved his fellow beings the most. In order to prove that their love was the best and hence they were worthy of the plate, the pilgrims to the temple showered coins on the beggars.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold

Question 3.
What did the pilgrims fail to do?
The pilgrims failed to see the unhappiness in the eyes of the beggars.

Match the adjectives in Column A with the nouns in Column B:

Question 1.

(1) maimed (a) hands
(2) outstretched (b) pity
(3) simple (c) beggars
(4) sweet (d) peasant


  1. maimed – beggars
  2. outstretched – hands
  3. simple – peasant
  4. sweet – pity

Activities based on Poetic Devices:

Question 1.
Pick out an example of Inversion from the extract.
‘So for another twelve months sat the priests and judged.’ The correct prose order is: So for another twelve months the priests sat and judged.

Question 2.
Pick out an example of Repetition from the extract.
‘Thrice they awarded thrice did Heaven refuse the gift.’ The word thrice is repeated for emphasis and rhythm.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold

Complete the following:

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold 4
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold 2

Give reasons:

Question 1.
God had chosen the simple peasant as the most deserving of the plate of gold.
The simple peasant offered the blind beggar sincere sympathy and love, which came from the depth of his heart.
He had no hidden motive for what he did. Hence God chose him as the most deserving of the plate of gold.

Question 2.
‘But the peasant bowed and prayed to God What could he have prayed for?
The peasant must have prayed for the well-being of all human beings, and asked God to help everyone to bear their troubles bravely

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 The Plate of Gold

Question 3.
Make a list of archaic words from the extract and give their modem equivalents:

Archaic words Modem equivalents
thou You
thy Your
o’er Over
thine yours
lovest loves

Question 4.
Pick out an example of Inversion from the extract.
And took both palms in his, and softly said.
The correct prose order should be: And took both palms in his, and said softly

Analysis/Appreciation of the Poem

  • Poem and poet: The Plate of j Gold’ by James Henry Leigh Hunt.
  • Theme: God loves those who love their fellow beings Service to mankind is service to God.
  • Tone: A narrative, serious and moralistic.
  • Structure and stanzas: No uniformity in stanzas or the length of lines.
  • Rhyme and Rhythm: No rhyme scheme or rhythm; free verse.
  • Language and Imagery: Archaic language; plenty of imagery, especially when describing the peasant and the beggar.
  • Figures of Speech: Inversion, Repetition, Onomatopoeia, and Simile.

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The Bees Poem Questions and Answers Class 8 English Chapter 4.3 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Bees Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions, and Answers.

Std 8 English Lesson 4.3 The Bees Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 8 English Chapter 4.3 The Bees Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming Up:

1. Match the professions with the field of work:
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Bees 1
(1) Chief Minister – Administration
(2) Magistrate – Law
(3) Soldier – Defence
(4) Trader – BusIness
(5) Builder – Construction
(6) Driver – Transport
(7) Teacher – Education

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Bees

2. Living creatures, birds, animals, insects, etc. are often used in us – as comparisons, because of some special characteristics they hold.
Fill in the gaps, choosing words from the brackets to make appropriate comparisons.

(tall / quiet / humble / merry / busy / slippery / fast / sly /slow / big)

Question 1.
as _____ as a lark
as merry as a lark

Question 2.
as _____ as a snail
as slow as a snail

Question 3.
as ______ as a giraffe
as tall as a giraffe

Question 4.
as _____ as a bee
as busy as a bee

Question 5.
as ______ as an elephant
as big as an elephant

Question 6.
as _____ as a mouse
as quiet as a mouse

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Bees

Question 7.
as _____ as an eel
as slippery as an eel

Question 8.
as ______ as a fox
as sly as a fox

Question 9.
as _____ as a deer
as fast as a deer

Question 10.
as ____ as a worm
as humble as a worm

1. Honey-bees live unorganized life like human beings. Discuss what work the following honey-bees do, us per the poem. Write it down in your own words, in your notebook.
(a) King / Emperor bee
(b) Magistrate bees
(c) Merchant bees
(d) Soldier bees
(e) Mason bees
(f) Civilian bees
(g) Porter bees
(h) Judge bee
(a) King/Emperor bee – supervises the building of the beehive
(b) Magistrate bees – do corrective work
(c) Merchant bees – go out to trade for nectar
(d) Soldier bees – loot nectar from flowers and protect the hive
(e) Mason bees – build the hive
(f) Civilian bees – make honey from nectar
(g) Porter bees – carry the nectar brought by the other bees
(h) Judge bee – delivers his sentence

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Bees

2. Complete the following choosing the appropriate option:

Question 1.
Human beings can learn from honey bees _________.
(i) How to make food
(ii) how to live joyfully
(iii) how to lead an organized nation
how to lead an organized nation

Question 2.
The soldier-bees carry home _______.
(i) the velvet buds
(ii) nector, looted from flowers
(iii) their weapons
nector, looted from flowers

Question 3.
The emperor-bee supervises the building of _________.
(i) the beehive
(ii) bridges
(iii) a tower
the beehive

Question 4.
The ________ bees make honey from nectar
(i) officers
(ii) civilian citizens
(iii) magistrates
civilian citizens

Question 5.
The drone is given a death sentence because he _______.
(i) attacked the emperor
(ii) killed other bees
(iii) does not do any work
does not do any work

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Bees

3. A. Complete the phrases using words from the poem:

(i) _______ march
merry march

(ii) ________ tent
royal tent

(iii) ________masons
singing masons

(iv) ________ porters
poor porters

(v) ________ burdens
heavy burdens

(vi) ________ executors
pale executors

3. B.
(i) Find any two Alliterative lines.
Which pillage they with merry march bring home.Repetition of the sound of the letter ‘m’.
The civil citizens kneading up the honey. Repetition of the sound of the letter ‘c’.

(ii) Pick out the line that contains an Onomatopoetic word.
The singing masons building roofs of gold. The word ‘singing’ indicates sound.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Bees

3. C.Pick out three tines that create an Imuqe In your mind of bees, busy at work.
(i) Make boot upon the summer’s velvet buds.
(ii) The singing masons building roofs of gold.
(iii) The civil citizens kneading up the honey.

4. A. Refer to a good dictionur which carries phonetic transcriptions printed next to words. The words below are familiar to you. Copy their phonetic transcription from the dictionary and sa it aloud us ou write. (You may take our teacher’s help, if needed)

  • work
  • bees
  • boot
  • home
  • mason
  • citizen
  • porters

Stress – Stress is the extra force we use when pronouncing a syllable in a word.
For example: In the word ‘King-dom’ the syllable ‘king’ is stressed.
In the word re-li-gion the second syllable is stressed.
Stress upon a syllable can be shown with short vertical line above the syllable that is stressed.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Bees 3

4. B. Say the following words aloud and put the stress mark on the stressed syllables:

  1. crea-tures
  2. bur-den
  3. me-cha-nic
  4. e-xe-cu-tor
  5. de-li-ve-ring
  6. ma-gis-trate


  1. crea-tures
  2. bur-den
  3. me-cha-nic
  4. e-xe-cu-tor
  5. de-live-ring
  6. ma-gis-trate

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Bees

5. Project:

Gather information about the following insects. Draw their images or get pictures.
On one sheet each. fix the image I picture and below it write the information. Compile these pages and make a file of ‘Insects – our friends’.
Insects: Bee / Praying mantis / Butterfly
Beetle / Wasp / Dragon-fly

Class 8 English Chapter 4.3 The Bees Additional Important Questions and Answers

Complete the following:

Question 1.
The honey bees teach us the ______.
art of organization and living in order

Question 2.
Roofs of gold refer to _______.
the structure of the golden beehive

Question 3.
The death sentence is given to ________.
the drones

Question 4.
The bee-hive is being built by _________.
the mason bees

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 4.3 The Bees

Answer the following:

Question 1.
Where does the emperor-bee sit and what does he do?
The emperor-bee sits in a tent and supervises the building of the bee-hive.

Question 2.
Analysis/Appreciation Of The Poem

  • Poem and poet: ‘The Bees’ by William Shakespeare.
  • Theme: The organized, disciplined lives of the bees, with death penalty to those who do nothing.
  • Tone: Reflective and serious: shows admiration for the organization of the bees.
  • Structure and stanzas: No separate stanzas; lines of unequal length
  • Rhyme and Rhythm: No rhymescheme or rhythm free verse
  • Language and Imagery: Language is old English Vivid images created of the activities of the bees.
  • Figures of Speech: Onomatopoeia, Alliteration, Inversion.

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A Time To Believe Poem Questions and Answers Class 8 English Chapter 1.1 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Time To Believe Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 8 English Lesson 1.1 A Time To Believe Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 8 English Chapter 1.1 A Time To Believe Textbook Questions and Answers

Warming Up:

Question 1.
Think, choose and fill up the labels with what a ‘sunrise’ symbolizes.
(jewellery / art / hope / birth / anger / new opportunities / good manners / inspiration/ new achievements / happiness / misery / bright moments / new aims / money / newsurprises)
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Time To Believe 4
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Time To Believe 5

Question 2.
An acrostic is a poem or a write up in which the first letter of each line forms a word, when it is read vertically. Complete the acrostics of BELIEVE and FAITH.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Time To Believe 8
With your benchmate / group, complete the acrostic of BELIEVE and FAITH.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Time To Believe 6

1.A. Rearrange the letters to make meaningful words, occurring in the poem.

  1. clearmis
  2. sowmid
  3. tabyue
  4. madres
  5. laveu
  6. downre


  1. miracles
  2. wisdom
  3. beauty
  4. dreams
  5. value
  6. wonder

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Time To Believe

1.B. Write words from the poem that describe the following.

  1. sky
  2. heart
  3. hand
  4. beginning


  1. stardust sky
  2. nurturing heart
  3. aging hand
  4. new beginning

2. Say WHY. . . . .

Question a.
________ the sky has a magical quality.
The sky has a magical quality because it has scurrying clouds, twinkling stars and a beautiful moon.

Question b.
_______ even an aging hand has beauty.
because it can teach us how to love.

Question c.
_______we should believe that we are strong and courageous.
We should believe that we are | strong and courageous so that we can recover after we have gone through difficulties and shocks, and return to our normal lives again.

3. Make a list of any six things that the poet wants us to accept as true.
The poet wants us to accept as j true the following things :

  • that we have the strength and ( courage to get back to normal after a setback
  • that we are never alone
  • that life is a gift we must cherish
  • that there are wonderful surprises in store for us
  • that all our hopes and dreams are within reach
  • that great things will happen if we have belief in life and in ourselves

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Time To Believe

4. Find from the poem, positive qualities to fill up the web.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Time To Believe 3
Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Time To Believe 2

5. Read the lines below.
(A) ‘To believe is to see angels dancing among the clouds’.
The above line contain a human characteristic ‘dancing’ given to something
non – human, ‘angels’. The Figure of Speech used in the line is called

(B) ‘To believe is to know that
Everyday is a new beginning’.

(C) To believe is to know ………. life is a gift
Lines in poetry, such as the above, state a general truth and can be used as sayings or
quotes etc. They contain the Figure of Speech called Epigram.
Epigram closely resembles a proverb.

Find from the poem three other examples of Epigram.
(i) ‘To believe is to find the strength and courage that lies within us.’
(ii) ‘To believe is to know we are never alone, that life is a gift.’
(iii) ‘To believe is to know that wonderful surprises are just waiting to happen.’
(These lines state a general truth.)

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Time To Believe

6. Divide the class into 5 groups. Each group can prepare a decorative chart / poster using an epigrammatic lines from the poem. You may use calligraphy / painting / or Paint programme on a computer. (With permission, put up these charts in your school.)

Class 8 English Chapter 1.1 A Time To Believe Additional Important Questions and Answers

Complete the following:

Question 1.
One should know and trust _______.
One should know and trust that every day is a new beginning, that miracles happen and dreams really do come true.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Time To Believe

Question 2.
The two supernatural references in the second stanza _______.
The two supernatural references in the second stanza are to angels and to the man in the moon.

Activities based on Poetic Devices/Vocabulary:

Question 1.
Find out an example of Personification from the extract.
‘To believe is to see angels dancing among the clouds.’ (Here, the angels have been given the human quality of ‘dancing’.)

Question 2.
Pick out examples of Alliteration from the extract.
(i) …. and the wisdom of the man in the moon’. (Repetition of the sound of the letter ‘m’.)
(ii) For it is through their teachings, we learn to love. (Repetition of the sound of the letters ‘t’ and T.)

Question 3.
Pick out an example of Repetition from the extract.
The words ‘To believe is to ….’ are repeated at the beginning of each stanza. This provides emphasis to the message in the poem and gives rhythm to the stanzas.

Complete the following:

Question 1.
The two qualities that are needed to recover after a shocking event are _________.
strength and courage.

Question 2.
The poet advises everybody to ______.
have a positive attitude.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Time To Believe

Complex Factual Activities:

Question 1.
Explain why ….
…. we should believe that we are strong and courageous,
We should believe that we are strong and courageous so that we can recover after we have gone through difficulties and shocks, and return to our normal lives again.

Activities based on Poetic Devices/Vocabulary :

Question 1.
Rearrange the letters to form meaningful words occurring in the extract.

  1. gearuoc
  2. rissupser
  3. gnehtrts
  4. irehchs


  1. courage
  2. surprises
  3. strength
  4. cherish

Question 2.
Write word from the extract that describe the following :
wonderful surprises

Question 3.
Pick out an example of Metaphor from the extract.
‘That life is a gift.’ Life is implicitly compared to a gift.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Solutions Chapter 1.1 A Time To Believe

Question 4.
Pick out an example of Repetition from the extract.
The words ‘To believe is to ….’ are repeated at the beginning of each stanza. This provides emphasis to the message in the poem and gives rhythm to the stanzas.

Question 5.
Analysis/Appreciation Of The Poem ‘A Time To Believe’
Poem and poet: ‘A Time to Believe’ by B.J. Morbitzer.
Theme: To believe in ourselves and to have a positive and optimistic attitude towards life.
Tone: Serious and inspirational.
Structure and stanzas: 4 lines in each stanza, except in the last stanza, which has 5 lines.
Rhyme and Rhythm: No rhyme scheme; the poem is written in free verse.
Language and Imagery: The language is simple and direct. The only instances of Imagery are of ‘angels dancing among the clouds’ and the ‘stardust sky’.
Figures of Speech: Personification, Epigram, Repetition, Metaphor.

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Std 8 History Chapter 12 Questions And Answers India Gains Independence Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 12 India Gains Independence Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 8 History Chapter 12 India Gains Independence Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board

India Gains Independence Class 8 Questions And Answers Chapter 12 Maharashtra Board

Class 8 History Chapter 12 India Gains Independence Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Rewrite the statements by choosing the appropriate options :

Question 1.
………………. was the head of the interim Government.
(a) Vallabhbhai Patel
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Barrister Jinnah
(c) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

Question 2.
The plan of creation of two independent nations, India and Pakistan, was made by ………………… .
(a) Lord Wavell
(b) Stafford Cripps
(c) Lord Mountbatten
(d) Pethick Lawrence
(c) Lord Mountbatten

2. Answer the following in one sentence:

Question 1.
Which demand was advocated by Barrister Jinnah?
The two nation theory and demand of separate Muslim nation named Pakistan was advocated by Barrister Jinnah.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 12 India Gains Independence

Question 2.
Write the names of the ministers participating in Cabinet Mission.
Pethick Lawrence, Stafford Cripps and A.V. Ale ander were the ministers participating in the Cabinet Mission.

3. Explain the following statements with reasons:

Question 1
The Indian National Congress approved the partition.

  1. Lord Mountbatten prepared a plan of creation of India and Pakistan as two independent nations.
  2. Indian National Congress opposed the plan of partition as unity of the Nation was its basic stand.
  3. However, the Muslim League remained adamant on the creation of Pakistan.
  4. So, the Indian National Congress was left with no option but to accept the partition with complete helplessness.

Question 2.
The working of Interim Government could not run smoothly.

  1. Muslim League demanded a separate Muslim nation of Pakistan.
  2. The followers of the Muslim League resorted to violent ways.
  3. Though the Muslim League declined to participate initially, they later participated in it.
  4. However, the leaders of the Muslim League adopted the policy of obstruction and therefore the Interim Government could not run smoothly.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 12 India Gains Independence

Question 3.
The Wavell Plan could not succeed.
The Wavell Plan could not succeed because

  1. Barrister Jinnah insisted that only Muslim League should have the right to suggest the names of Muslim representatives to the Viceroy’s Executive Council.
  2. The Congress opposed this and as a result, no consensus could be arrived at the meeting called by Lord Wavell.

4. Write the events on the following timeline:

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 12 India Gains Independence 1
Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 12 India Gains Independence 2

5. Answer the following questions in brief:

Question 1.
Why did the British took steps towards granting freedom to India?

  1. The Indian freedom struggle had become very intense during the period of Second World War. The revolt of Navy and Air Force shook the foundation of the British empire.
  2. The demand for independence of India was gaining its strength.
  3. The Muslim League had demanded a separate Muslim nation.
  4. The followers of the Muslim League resorted to violence.
  5. The British government realised that it was necessary to take a serious note of it. They realised that their rule in India will not last long.

Accordingly, the British government started preparing plans for granting Independence to India.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 12 India Gains Independence

Question 2.
Write information about the Mountbatten Plan.

  1. England’s Prime Minister Atlee announced the transfer of power would be before June 1948.
  2. He appointed Lord Mountbatten as the Viceroy of India who was to arrange the transfer of power.
  3. He held discussions with the leaders of India.
  4. Mountbatten prepared a plan for partition of India i.e., creation of two independent nations, India and Pakistan.
  5. The Indian National Congress opposed the plan.
  6. But, due to the adamant behaviour of the Muslim League, the Indian National Congress accepted the Plan, with complete helplessness.
  7. On the basis of Mountbatten Plan, Indian Independence Act was passed.

Question 3.
Why did Muslim League declare to observe 16 August as Direct Action Day? What were its effects?

  1. The Muslim League was adamant on the demand of Pakistan.
  2. It was not satisfied with Cabinet Mission plan as it had no provision for a separate Muslim state.
  3. 16th August 1946 was observed as Direct Action Day. ‘
  4. The followers of Muslim League resorted to violent ways.
  5. There were Hindu-Muslim riots in various parts of the country.
  6. There were massacres in the Noakhali region in the province of Bengal.


Collect information about the response of common people after gaining independence, with the help of various reference books as well as the internet.

Class 8 History Chapter 12 India Gains Independence Additional Important Questions and Answers

Rewrite the statements by choosing the appropriate options:

Question 1.
……………… put forth the two Nation theory and demanded a separate Muslim nation.
(a) Barrister Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(b) Chaudhary Rahmat Ali
(c) Dr. Muhammad Iqbal
(d) Lord Mountbatten
(a) Barrister Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Question 2.
……………., Prime Minister of England, declared that England would leave its dominion on India before June 194 .
(a) Winston Churchill
(b) Linlithgo
(c) Atlee
(d) Mountbatten
(c) Atlee

Question 3.
The ……………. initially refused to participate in the Interim Government.
(a) Indian National Congress
(b) Muslim League
(c) Hindu Mahasabha
(d) Kisan Sabha
(b) Muslim League

Question 4.
The Muslim League decided to observe 16th August as ……………. Day.
(a) Non Violence
(b) Pakistan
(c) Direct Action
(d) Independence
(c) Direct Action

Question 5.
As per ………………, India got independence.
(a) Mountbatten Plan
(b) Wctvell Plan
(c) Indian Independence Act
(d) Cabinet Mission
(c) Indian Independence Act

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 12 India Gains Independence

Question 6.
Gandhiji was assassinated on ………………….. .
(a) 30 December 1947
(b) 30 January 194
(c) 30 March 194
(d) 2 October 194
(b) 30 January 194

Name the following:

Question 1.
First person to present idea of free Muslim nation.
Dr. Muhammad Iqbal

Question 2.
Last Viceroy of India.
Lord Mountbatten

Question 3.
One who presented idea of Pakistan.
Chaudhary Rahmat Ali

Question 4.
Went to Noakhali to stop violence
Mahatma Gandhi.

Answer the following in one sentence:

Question 1.
What did Prime Minister Atlee declare in the British Parliament of England?
Prime Minister Atlee declared in the British Parliament that England would transfer all of its government responsibility to Indians not later than June 1948.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 12 India Gains Independence

Question 2.
Why did the Interim Government not work smoothly?
The Interim Government could not work smoothly because the Muslim League followed the policy of obstruction.

Answer the following questions in brief:

Question 1.
Which were the important provisions :
of the Wavell Plan?

  1. The Wavell Plan provided a proper representation to Muslims, Dalits and minorities in the Central and Provincial Legislatures.
  2. It provided for an equal number of Hindu and Muslim members in Viceroy’s Executive Council.

Question 2.
State the provisions of the Indian Independence Act.
The Indian Independence Act was passed on the basis of Mountbatten Plan on 18th July, 1947.
According to the plan :

  1. Two Independent nations of India and Pakistan will come into existence on 15th August, 1947.
  2. Thereafter, the British Parliament would not retain any control over them.
  3. The British supremacy over the princely states would come to an end.
  4. They would be free to join either India or Pakistan or remain independent.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 12 India Gains Independence

Question 3.
Write about the attainment of independence by India.

  1. As per the Indian Independence Act, India was granted Independence on 15th August, 1947.
  2. A meeting of the Constituent Assembly was going on in the hall of Parliament House in Delhi in the midnight of 14th August.
  3. At the stroke of midnight, the Union Jack of Britain was lowered and in its place the Indian tricolour flag was unfurled.

Explain the following statements with reasons:

Question 1.
The Cabinet Mission Plan could not satisfy the political parties in India.
The Cabinet Mission Plan could not satisfy the political parties in India because,

  1. The Indian National Congress was not happy with some of its provisions.
  2. The Muslim League was also dissatisfied with the plan as it did not provide for the creation of a separate Muslim state of Pakistan.

Question 2.
The joy of attainment of freedom was not untinted:

  1. India attained Independence from the slavery of 150 years.
  2. But, the people were grieved due to the partition of the country and the terrible violence during that period.

So, the joy of attainment of freedom was not untinted.

Maharashtra Board Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 12 India Gains Independence

Answer the following in detail:

Question 1.
State the genesis of Pakistan.

  1. To weaken the national movement, the British adopted the policy of ‘divide and rule’. Its consequence was the establishment of ‘Muslim League’.
  2. Famous poet, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal put forth the idea of an independent Muslim state.
  3. Later Chaudhary Rahmat Ali coined the name Pakistan.
  4. Barrister Muhammad Ali Jinnah put forth the two nation theory and demanded a separate state for the Muslims naming Pakistan.
  5. Barrister Jinnah and the Muslim League started the propaganda that Indian National Congress was only a Hindu organisation and the Muslims have no benefit of it.
  6. Since their demand was not fulfilled, they observed ‘Direct Action Day’ and resorted to violence.
  7. The nation witnessed Hindu-Muslim riots in various parts.
  8. After the consent of the Indian National Congress to the Mountbatten Plan, the Indian Independence Act provided for the partition.

Question 2.
Why do you think everyone needs freedom?

  1. Freedom is liberation from any kind of bondage.
  2. The rights of people are denied under foreign rule.
  3. Lot of restrictions are imposed by a foreign power.
  4. Under a foreign rule or dictatorship, power is not used for the welfare of the people but for the benefit of few.
  5. All round development of the citizens take place in an independent free state.
  6. Equality, Fraternity, Justice, Humanity are values which are cherished in freedom. Therefore, everyone needs freedom.

8th Std History Questions And Answers: