Earth Movements Question Answer Class 11 Geography Chapter 1 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Std 11 Geography Chapter 1 Question Answer Earth Movements Maharashtra Board

Class 11 Geography Chapter 1 Earth Movements Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Geography Class 11 Chapter 1 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. Complete the chain.

Question 1.

(1) Widespread volcanic eruption (1) Zone V (1) I to XII
(2) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (2) Fissure eruption (2) Block Mountain
(3) Mercalli scale (3) Intensity (3) Very high seismic vulnerability
(4) Slow movements (4) Faulting (4) Solid
(5) Philippines (5) Volcanic bombs (5) Deccan Trap
(6) Volcanic material (6) Circum Pacific belt (6) Mayon


(1) Widespread volcanic eruption (1) Fissure eruption (1) Deccan Trap
(2) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (2) Zone V (2) Very high seismic vulnerability
(3) Mercalli scale (3) Intensity (3) I to XII
(4) Slow movements (4) Faulting (4) Block Mountain
(5) Philippines (5) Circum Pacific belt (5) Mayon
(6) Volcanic material (6) Volcanic bombs (6) Solid

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

2. Identify the correct correlation.

A : Assertion R : Reasoning
Question 1.
A – Faulting leads to development of fold mountains.
R – Faulting occurs when tensional forces move away from each other.
(a) Only A is correct.
(b) Only R is correct.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(b) Only R is correct.

Question 2.
A – Intensity of an earthquake is a measurement of the energy released during an earthquake.
R – Mercallis scale is used to measure intensity of an earthquake.
(a) Only A is correct.
(b) Only R is correct.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

Question 3.
A – South-East Asia, Japan and islands in the Pacific Ocean are most vulnerable to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
R – They are located in ‘Ring of Fire’.
(a) Only A is correct.
(b) Only R is correct.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

3. Identify the correct group.

Question 1.

(1) Symmetrical Fold (1) Black Forest (1) Narmada Valley (1) Caldera
(2) Isoclinal Fold (2) Vosges (2) African Valley (2) Crater Lake
(3) Overturned Fold (3) Himalayas (3) Tapi Valley (3) Cinder Cone
(4) Recumbent Fault (4) Satpuras (4) Rhine Valley (4) Lava Plateau


Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

4. Give geographical reasons.

Question 1.
Extinct conical volcanoes often form crater lakes.
Extinct conical volcanoes often form crater lakes because-

  1. An extinct volcano had no volcanic eruption for at least 10,000 years and is not expected to erupt again in future.
  2. After the eruption a large and deep depression remains in that area. Smaller depressions are called craters.
  3. This crater eventually gets filled with water and crater lakes are formed.
  4. The water may come from precipitation, ground water circulation or melted ice.

Question 2.
People living in the Himalayas are more vulnerable to earthquakes.
People living in the Himalayas are more vulnerable to earthquakes because-

  1. Himalayan mountain ranges are formed as a result of collision of Indo-Australian plate and Eurasian plate.
  2. According to plate tectonic theory, Indo-Australian plate (on which India lies) is moving towards north and is subducting under Eurasian plate.
  3. This movement obviously cause friction between two plates.
  4. Thus, these regions are more prone to earthquakes.

Question 3.
L-waves do not have a shadow zone.
L-waves do not have a shadow zone because-

  1. The shadow zone is the area of the earth from angular distance of 105° to 140° from a given earthquake for both P-waves as well as S-waves.
  2. Generally, seismographs located at any distance withinl05° from epicentre record the arrival of S-waves and beyond 140° from epicentre record the arrival of P-waves.
  3. L-waves are typically generated when the source of the earthquake is close to the earth’s surface.

Question 4.
Soft rocks form folds while hard rocks form faults.
Soft rocks form folds while hard rocks form faults because –

  1. Soft and elastic rocks are affected by compressional forces.
  2. Rocks that lie deep within the crust and are therefore under high pressure are generally ductile and particularly susceptible to folding without breaking.
  3. Whereas rock layers that are near the earth’s surface are too rigid to bend into folds.
  4. If the tectonic force is large enough, these rocks will break rather than bend and faulting on rupture occur.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Question 5.
Folds depend on the strength of rocks and intensity of forces.
Folds depend on the strength of rocks and intensity of forces because-

  1. The elasticity of rocks largely affects the nature and magnitude of folding process.
  2. The softer and more elastic rocks are subjected to intense folding while rigid and less elastic rocks are only moderately folded.
  3. The compressional forces push two portions of the crustal rocks together and tend to shorten and thicken the crust.
  4. Rocks that lie deep within the crust and are therefore under high pressure are generally ductile and particularly, susceptible to folding without breaking

5. Answer in detail.

Question 1.
Explain different types of faults.
A fault is a fracture in the crustal rock, formed when the crustal rocks are displaced due to tensional movement caused by endogenic forces. The displacement of rock can occur in upward, downward or horizontal direction.
The different types of faults determined by the direction of motion are:
Normal fault: It results when a portion of land slide down along the fault plane and when the exposed portion of the plane faces the sky
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements 1

Reverse fault: It results when a portion of the land is thrown upward relative to other side of the land. In such situation, the fault plane faces the ground.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements 2

Tear fault: At times, the rock strata on either side of the fault plane do not have vertical displacement. Instead, movement occurs along the plane in horizontal direction.
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Thrust fault: When the portion of the land on one side of the fault plane gets detached and moves over the land on the other side. The angle of fault plane is generally less than 45°.
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Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Question 2.
Explain with examples, different types of landforms produced by volcanic eruption.
A number of landforms are formed due to cooling and solidification of magma. Some important landforms are:
Lava domes:

  1. Domes are developed when magma comes out and solidifies around its mouth.
  2. The shape of the dome depends upon the fluidity of lava.
  3. High dome with steep slopes is developed by acidic lava.
  4. Due to basic lava, broad – based low domes are developed.

Lava plateaus:

  1. Due to spread of lava in huge quantity from fissure volcano, it covers large areas and plateaus are formed.
  2. The Deccan Trap in India has developed from volcanic eruptions millions of years ago.


  1. At times, the eruption of volcano brings about large quantity of material and relieves lot of pressure.
  2. After the eruption, a large and deep depression remains in that area. This large depression is called caldera.
  3. These can be around 10 km wide and hundreds of metres deep.
  4. They may later turn into lakes. Smaller calderas are known as craters.

Crater lake:
When the funnel shaped crater of an extinct volcano gets filled with rain water, it forms a crater lake.

Volcanic plug:

  1. It is formed when the lava solidifies in the volcanic neck.
  2. The surrounding rock material is removed by different agents of erosion; the vent stands predominantly. It is called as volcanic plug.
  3. The diameter of a plug varies between 300 and 600 metres.
  4. The Devil’s Tower in Wyoming, United States of America is the best example.

Cinder cone:

  1. Solid material is ejected in large quantity.
  2. This material consists of ash, cinder and breccias.
  3. Cinders are half burnt pieces of solid material.
  4. The solid material is deposited around the mouth until a conical hill with steep slopes is formed.
  5. For example, cone of Mt. Nuovo in Italy.

Composite cone:

  1. Composite cones are built up of alternate layers of lave and cinder.
  2. This cone is composed of two materials and therefore it is called a composite cone.
  3. It is symmetrical in shape.
  4. For example, Mt. St. Helens, USA.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Question 3.
Explain the concept of shadow zone.

  1. The waves which are caused by earthquake are called seismic waves. There are three types of waves: P-waves, S-waves and longitudinal waves.
  2. P-waves can pass through all the mediums while S-wave can pass only through solid medium.
  3. Even though P-waves pass through all mediums, they experience refraction as they pass from one medium to the other.
  4. However, there exist some specific areas where the waves of that earthquake are not reported. Such zone is called ‘shadow zone’.
  5. Generally, seismographs located at any distance within 105° from the epicentre, record both P-waves and S-wave. However, beyond 140° P-wave are recorded but not S-waves.
  6. Thus, the zone between 105° and 140° is identified as the shadow zone for both types of waves.
  7. The entire zone beyond 105° does not receive S-waves. The shadow zone of S-waves is much larger than that of P-waves.
  8. The shadow zone of P-waves appears as a band round the earth between 105° and 140° away from the epicentre.

Question 4.
Write a note on volcanic materials.
There are three main types of material which come out in volcanic eruptions namely liquid, solid and gaseous form.
Liquid material:

  1. It is the molten rock material. When the molten rock material is below the earth’s surface, it is called ‘Magma’.
  2. When it appears on the surface it is called ‘lava’. On the basic of percentage of silica, it is classified as:
  3. Acidic lava : (a) It contains higher percentage of silica, (b) It has high melting point, (c) It is thick, fluid and moves slowly.
  4. Basic lava : (a) It contains less percentage of silica, (b) It has low melting point, (c) It’s thicker, fluid and can flow over longer distance.

Solid material:

  1. It consists of dust particles and rock fragments.
  2. When the material is very fine, it is called volcanic dust.
  3. The small sized solid particles are called ash.
  4. The solid angular fragments are known breccias.
  5. Sometimes, the lava material thrown into the air solidifies into small fragments before falling on the earth’s surface; it is called volcanic bombs.

Gaseous material:

  1. At the time of volcanic eruption, a dark cloud of smoke can be seen over the crater.
  2. On the basis of shape, cloud is called cauliflower cloud.
  3. Various inflammable gases are found in these clouds.
  4. These gases produce flames.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

6. Differentiate between.

Question 1.
Folding and Faulting.

Folding Faulting
(i) Folds are bends in the rocks that are due to compressional forces. (i) Faults are formed due to tensional forces along which displacement of rock takes place.
(ii) Folding occurs when compressional forces are applied to rocks that are ductile or flexible. (ii) Faults occurs when force operating in opposite direction lead to tension and as a result rocks develops cracks on fissure.
(iii) Rocks that lie deep within the crust and are therefore under high pressure are generally ductile and particularly susceptible to folding without breaking. (iii) Rock layers that are near the earth’s surface and not under high confining pressures are too rigid to bend into folds, but if tectonic forces are large, rocks break.
(iv) Folding leads to development of fold mountain. For e.g., the Himalayas, the Alps, etc. (iv) Faulting results in the formation of block mountains like black forest mountain etc., and right valleys like the Narmada, Tapi, etc.

Question 2.
Normal fault and Reverse fault.

Normal fault Reverse fault
(i) It results when a portion of landslides down along the fault plane. (i) It results when a portion of land is thrown upward relative to other side of the land.
(ii) The exposed portion of plane faces the sky. (ii) The fault plane faces the ground.

Question 3.
Syncline and Anticline.

Syncline Anticline
(i) As and when limbs slopes towards each other and the central part located at lower elevation forms synclines. (i) As and when limbs slopes downward with central position getting raised up, it is called anticline.
(ii) They form valleys. (ii) They form the top / peak of the mountain.
(iii) They have a greater depth. (iii) They are of a greater height.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Question 4.
Asymmetrical fold and Symmetrical fold.

Asymmetrical fold Symmetrical fold
(i) The axial plane is inclined. (i) The axial plane is vertical.
(ii) Limbs are inclined at different angles. (ii) Limbs are inclined at same angles.
(iii) The height and shape of limbs is not same. (iii) The height and shape of limbs is same.

Question 5.
Mercalli scale and Richter scale.

Mercalli scale Richter scale
(i) It measures the intensity of earthquake. (i) It measures the energy released during an earthquake.
(ii) The measurement is based on observed effects. (ii) The measurement is done with the help of seismograph.
(iii) Quantified from observation of the effects on earth’s surface, human beings, objects and man- made structures. (iii) Quantified from logarithmic scale obtained by calculating logarithm of the amplitude of waves.
(iv) Unit of measurement I (not felt) to XII (total destruction) (iv) Unit of measurement from <2.0 to 10.0 + (never recorded) 3.0 earthquake releases 32 times more energy than a 2.0 earthquake.

Question 6.
Slow movements and Sudden movements.

Slow movements Sudden movements
(i) Slow movement include both vertical and horizontal movement which are caused due to forces deep within the earth. (i) Sudden movements are caused by sudden endogenic forces coming from deep within the earth.
(ii) These movements are occurring continuously. (ii) These movement occurs in the form of events.
(iii) Slow movements include formation of mountains and continents. (iii) Sudden movements include event such as earthquakes and volcanoes.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

7. Draw a neat and labelled diagram.

Question 1.
Types of folds
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Question 2.
Types of Faults
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Question 3.
Shadow zone
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Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Question 4.
Volcanic landforms
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11th Geography Digest Chapter 1 Earth Movements Intext Questions and Answers

Let’s recall (Textbook Page No. 1)

1. Observe the following pictures in fig 1.1 and discuss the questions.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements 9

Question 1.
What might be the reasons behind buildings collapsing in photo 1?
The major reason behind the buildings collapsing in photo 1 is the occurrence of earthquakes.

Question 2.
Which event in depicted in photo 2? What impact does it bring about in the surroundings?
The volcanic eruption and flowing of lava is depicted in photo 2. Heavy loss of life and property is experienced when the lava flows to the surrounding area.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Question 3.
In photo 3, what could be the reason behind the bend in the rock strata?
Due to compression of sediments within the earth’s interior and pressure from overlying layers the rock strata seems to be bended.

Question 4.
What could be the reason behind the difference in altitudes of the land and the steepness of the slope in photo 4?
The reason could be displacement of rock due to vertical movement. It may form plateau on block mountains.

Question 5.
Classify the events in the photos into sudden and slow movements.
Sudden movements are earthquake and volcanoes in photo 1 and 2. Slow movements are formation of folds and formation of plateaus or block mountains in photo 3 and 4.

Question 6.
Example of which of these movements is not likely to be found in the mainland of Indian sub- continent?
The volcanic eruptions are not found in mainland of India sub-continent.

2. On 19th August, 2018, around 300 people died in Indonesia. Many buildings collapsed. Many roads broke apart. A tsunami was generated. (Textbook Page No. 6)

Question 1.
What was the cause behind these events?
Collision of tectonic plates was the causes behind the events.

Question 2.
What actually happened during this natural event?
A very high intensity earthquake struck north eastern parts of Indonesian coastline, where subsequent landslides into sea triggered tsunamis.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Question 3.
Name the energy waves involved in this natural event.
Tsunamis were involved in this natural event where the tectonic plates moved horizontally.

Question 4.
Observe the diagram in fig. 1.9 and label the boxes.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements 10
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Think about it.

Question 1.
How will compressional forces affect brittle rocks? (Textbook Page No. 3)
The compressional forces will break the brittle rocks into pieces.

Question 2.
A mountain never remains a mountain’. Can you relate this idiom with the mountain building process? (Textbook Page No. 4)
This happens because of continuous erosional activities taking place on the mountain sides. Running water glaciers, wind, volcanic activities keep on changing the surface of a mountain.

Question 3.
When can faults form is fold mountains? (Textbook Page No. 6)
If compression takes place along the faults, folds can be formed.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Question 4.
Can folds form into block mountains? Find the reason and discuss. (Textbook Page No. 6)
No, folds cannot form into block mountains because folding takes place due to compression of elastic rocks and block mountains are formed due to displacement of rocks owing to tension.

Question 5.
Look at fig.1.10 and answer following questions. During an earthquake, do you think the seismic waves reach entire portion of the earth. Is there any region on the earth’s surface where a given earthquake will not be reported? (Textbook Page No. 6)
It’s the shadow zone of P-waves and S-waves where the seismic waves do not reach. No there is no region on the earth’s surface where a given earthquake is not reported.

Question 6.
Why has the shadow zone for L-waves not been shown in fig 1.10? (Textbook Page No. 7)
L-waves travel through the circumference of the earth. Thus, they do not been form shadow zone.

Try this.

Question 1.
Observe the diagrams in fig. 1.5. Try to understand the different types of fold shown in the diagram. Write the name of the fold. (Textbook Page No. 4)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements 12

  1. Symmetrical fold.
  2. Isoclinal fold
  3. Asymmetrical fold
  4. Recumbent fold
  5. Overturned fold

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Question 2.
Observe the diagram in fig. 1.6 and read the explanation regarding the characteristics of various faults given. Identify the faults and match each of them with their characteristics. (Textbook Page No. 5)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements 13
A – Normal fault B – Reverse fault C – Thrust fault D – Tear fault

Can you tell? (Textbook Page No. 7)

In fig 1.10 textbook page 6 A, B, C are three points on the earth’s surface. Analyse their location with respect to epicentre and shadow zones
A, B, C are the points on the surface of the earth.
(i) ‘A’ point is located with 105° from the epicentre, therefore P waves and S waves reach at ‘A’ point. The seismograph at !A’ point records both waves, therefore ‘A’ point is not in shadow zone.

(ii) ‘B’ point is in shadow zone because both the waves do not reach there. P waves pass through all mediums, they experience refraction as they pass on one medium to another. The seismograph records P waves, which is located away from ‘B’ point. But P waves are not recorded in an area between 105 and 140° from epicentre. The S waves also do not reach here. Therefore, it is called ‘Shadow zone’ of Earthquake waves.

(iii) ‘C’ point is in the area of the shadow zone of ‘S’ waves, that in within 140°. P waves reach beyond 140°. Since ‘S’ waves do not reach here, it is called ‘Shadow zone of S waves’.

Question 1.
On the basis of the intensity of damage risk, India is classified into five risk zone. Use the given weblink pdf and complete the table given. (Textbook Page No. 9)

Zone Degree of Risk States / UTs
I Least
II Low
III Moderate
IV High Jammu & Kashmir. Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Parts of Indo Gangetic plains (North Punjab, Chandigarh, Western Uttar Pradesh) Delhi, Maharashtra, Bihar.
V Very High Region of Kashmir, Andaman and Nicobar island.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Read the following passage about Krakatoa volcanic eruption and answer the following questions. (Textbook Page No. 10)

There is an island known as Krakatoa between the islands of Java and Su matra in Indonesia. There were frequent volcanic eruptions here. From May 1883, massive explosions began. The eruption that took place at about 10 in the morning on 28 August 1883 was the largest ever recorded explosion. As a result of this explosion, the entire island disappeared. During this eruption, rock particles and dust thrown up in the atmosphere was about 25 km³. The column of this dust-ash rose as high as 80 km.

The discharge of Krakatoa threw into the air nearly 21 km3 of rock fragments, and large quantities of ash fell over an area of some 800,000 km². Near the volcano, masses of floating pumice, were so thick that ships had to halt. The surrounding region was plunged into darkness for two and a half days because of ash in the air. For some years after this, cloud kept moving round the earth. About 36,000 people died in these eruptions and the tsunami waves created by it.

In 1927, volcanic eruptions began at the same place and a new island rose in place of the Krakatoa island that had vanished. It was named Anak Krakatoa’ or ‘Child Krakatoa’. The volcano here constantly emits ash and steam. This new island has now become a laboratory for geologists and biologists.

Question 1.
Make a list of materials that came out during eruptions.
Rock, particles, dust, ash, floating pumice, steam were the materials that came out during eruption.

Question 2.
Classify them into liquid, solid and gaseous forms.

Liquid Solid Gaseous
Pumice Rock particles Steam

Find out! (Textbook Page No. 9)

Find out examples of active, dormant and extinct volcanoes.
Examples of active volcanoes are – Mt. Etna (Italy), Stromboli (Italy), Mt. Merapi (Indonesia), Erta Ale (Ethiopia), Mt. Erebus (Antarctica)
Examples of dormant volcanoes – Mt. Kilimanjaro (Africa), Mt. Katmai (Alaska)
Examples of extinct volcanoes – Mt. Egmont (New Zealand), Chimborazo (Ecuador), Mt. Kulal (Kenya)

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Give it a try (Textbook Page No. 8)

Take the given hypothetical data in the table. The data shows the time of arrival of P-waves and S-waves at 3 seismograph stations. Assume the scale of the map as 1 cm : 18 km. See fig. 1.11.

Recording Station P-wave arrival time (IST) S-wave arrival time
Jalana 11 : 06 : 06 11 : 06 : 19
Washim 11 : 06 : 46 11 : 07 : 03
Aurangabad 11 : 07 : 06 11 : 07 : 24

Speed of waves = 08 kms per second
Scale of the map = 1 cm
= 18 kms
First step : Find out the difference in time for waves at Jalana recording centre.
Difference in time of waves = Time of S-wave – Time of P-wave
11 : 06 : 19 (Time of S-wave)
11 : 06 : 06 (Time of P-wave)
= (Time of S-wave) – (Time of P-wave)
= 11 : 06 : 19 – 11 : 06 : 06
= 00 : 00 : 13
Therefore difference in time for waves at Jalana recording centre is 13 seconds.

Second Step : Find out distance on land between Jalana and Epicentre
Distance on land = Difference in time of waves × speed of waves per second
= 13 × 8
= 104
Therefore distance on land between Jalana and Epicentre is 104 km.

Third Step : Find out radius for Jalana Station.
Jalana – Radius of circle = \(\frac {Distance on land}{Scale of the map}\)
= \(\frac {104}{18}\)
= 5.7 cm.
Therefore radius of circle around Jalana station is 5.7 cm.
Now find out radium for remaing stations.
Jalana – 5.7 cm, Washim – 7.5 cm, Aurangabad – 8 cm.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Fouth step : Now draw circles around Jalana, Washim and Aurangad with the help of radius calculated.
All arcs of circle will intersect one another at a particular point. That point is the location of Epicentre.
In the map given below Epicentre is to the south of Mudgal.
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11th Std Geography Questions And Answers:

Extracts of Drama – (B) An Enemy of the People 11th Question Answer English Chapter 4.3 Maharashtra Board

Class 11 English Chapter 4.3 B

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama – (B) An Enemy of the People Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama – (B) An Enemy of the People Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 4.3 Brainstorming Question Answer

Yuvakbharati English Navneet 11th Digest PDF Free Download Maharashtra Board


Question 1.
Mayor Peter Stockmann is a contrast to Dr. Thomas Stockmann. Justify.
There are lots of good things you can say about Dr. Stockmann, the protagonist of ‘An Enemy of the People’. He is an idealist and a man having great love and care for his family. He is generous with his neighbors and truly cares for his fellow men. Despite his troubles, he wishes to make the world a better place. Most importantly, the doctor is a man of principles willing to fight for justice no matter what it costs.

On the contrary, Mayor Peter Stockmann, his brother is a practical man. He is the antagonist in the play who is less worried about the common men in the city. Throughout the play, the Mayor, Stockmann mercilessly tries to ruin his brother’s life in order to keep the truth from being revealed. He hardly shows any affinity towards his brother. He never shows any feeling of guilt for the fact that he’s totally messing up the life of a family member.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama

Question 2.
Write the character sketch of Dr. Stockmann.
Dr. Stockmann is the brother of the Mayor, Peter Stockmann and the protagonist/hero of the play. He is a practising medical doctor and the medical officer of the town baths. He is an ideal person who has great love for family, fellow citizens and social values. Dr. Stockmann believes strongly in individual freedom and the right of every man to express himself freely.

He is a man of morality and truth and is ready to fight against injustice. He tries to raise his voice against the hypocritical ways of his brother and the members of conservative government. The play revolves around his struggle to give justice to common men of the city. Finally, his fruitless efforts lead him to such misfortune to ruin everything in his profession and life. However, he is not ready to give up his efforts for truth. We see him as a man of patience and strength when he remarks – “The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone!”

3. Read the given extract.

Question (i)
Complete the following table. (Answers are given directly in bold)

Character Supportive Character Incident
1. Dr. Stockmann (a) Mrs. Stockmann
(b) Petra Stockmann
(a) Ready to stand with him in every difficulty.
(b) Joins her father in his fight against injustice.
2. Peter Stockmann (a) Aslaksen
(b) Hovstad
(a) To stand in opposition of Dr. Stockmann
(b) Turned to the Mayor’s side in the final scene.
3. Aslaksen (a) Dr. Stockmann
(b) Tradesmen
(a) Trusted him for printing the article.
(b) Gave their support to him.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama

Question (ii)
Match the column ‘A’ with column ‘B’

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Dr. Thomas Stockmann Opportunist
2. Katherine Vulnerable
3. Peter Honest and upright
4. Petra Coward
5. Hovstad Timid but supportive
6. Billing Cunning and corrupt
7. Aslaksen Courageous


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Dr. Thomas Stockmann Honest and upright
2. Katherine Vulnerable
3. Peter Cunning and corrupt
4. Petra Courageous
5. Hovstad Timid but supportive
6. Billing Opportunist
7. Aslaksen Coward


Question 1.
Describe the climax scene in your own words. Write your comments on it.
In the final scene, Dr. Stockmann realizes that no one is going to support him to publish the article as no one is ready to take any step against the Mayor. So, Stockmann asks Hovstad to give him back his papers (article). He announces in front of the Mayor that he will read out the article in a mass meeting for everybody to hear the voice of truth. But, the Mayor assures him that no one will lend him a hall in the city to do this.

Billing and Hovstad have also the same opinion. Mrs. Stockmann feels shameful to know the fact that no one is willing to give her husband a hall. She is rather shocked to know that everyone has turned against her husband. Dr. Stockmann is ready to hire a drum to walk on the city streets reading the article. It shows his determination to reveal the truth at any cost. All the family members are ready to stand with Dr. Stockmann in his sincere efforts to purify the society.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama

Question 2.
Describe in your own words the incident when Hovstad’s real intention to help Dr. Stockmann is exposed.
When Dr. stockmann reached Hovstad’s office, he notices the Mayor’s stick and hat and suspects him of hiding in the next room. Dr. Stockmann enquired if Hovstad was going to publish the article in ‘People’s Messenger’. Hovstad answered him that he had to wait for publishing the article.

Hovstad didn’t refuse him but was not ready to publish it. He was under the influence of the Mayor and had personal interest. In addition, both Billing and Aslaksen supported the editor. Dr. Stockmann approached to Aslaksen for requesting him to atleast print the article as a pamphlet. However he denied doing so. Finally, Hovstad refused to print the article saying it would ruin doctor’s family. Here, the Dr. realized Hovstad’s real intention of not printing the article as he was doing everything to protect himself.

3. Write down the consequences of the following occurrences, with the help of the play.

Question (a)
Dr. Thomas Stockmann wants an article exposing social evils to be printed in the newspaper.
Dr. Stockmann was an idealist and a lover of truth. When he came across the unhygienic condition of the baths which was a direct threat to the health of the people, he decided to publish the article in the newspaper exposing the Mayor and his cronies. This would directly affect the ruling government to lose their seats. In addition, it would raise public outcry against the social injustice of the Mayor and his stakeholders had to pay a large amount to rectify the issue.

Question (b)
The Mayor, Peter Stockmann persuades Mr. Hovstad and Mr. Billing from printing the article.
The Mayor entered Hovstad’s office through the back doors. He didn’t want to let Dr. Stockmann know about his visit to Hovstad. When he met Hovstad and Billing, he told them that Dr. Stockmann is a headstrong man and had some wrong informations about the condition of the baths.

He also praised both Hovstad and Billing and assured them that he had another article to publish which would clear the doubts of all regarding the baths. He indirectly assured them to have their favour in this matter if they supported him. As Dr. Stockmann came to know about the Mayor’s visit to Hovstad’s office to persuade them, he was of the firm opinion that they would not publish his article.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama

Question (c)
Aslaksen declares that he would not print Dr. Stockmann’s article.
As the Mayor told Aslaksen his idea of raising the money from the small tradesmen, Aslaksen thought that Dr. Stockmann’s idea of extensive alternation of the baths was unrealistic. So he decided not to print the article in the newspaper and save the small tradesmen from this unnecessary burden. As Aslaksen denied printing the article, Dr. Stockmann assured them that he would read the article in the mass meeting or raise the issue on the streets of the city. He would anyway expose the ruling government and give justice to common men.

Question (d)
Katherine encourages Dr. Stockmann to proceed in his attempts in the cause of public attempts.
When the Mayor and his supporter opposed Dr. Stockmann, Mrs. Stockmann felt shameful that all of them turned against her husband. She put her arm onto his neck and told him that she was ready to stand with him. She encouraged him not to give up his idea and she and her children would help him in his mission. She finally promised to support him till the end. She added that her children Morten, Ejlif and Petra would follow him on the streets of the city.


Question 1.
The setting of the act is the office of the newspaper ‘The Herald’. Explain how it is the proper background for the theme of the play.
This act is set in the editor’s room at the office of ‘People’s Messenger’. One door leads to the printing office and another to the rest of the offices. There is a large table in the middle covered with books, papers and newspapers and there is a desk at the window. The room is described as ‘dingy and cheerless’.

The setting of the play is appropriate to the theme as the single door opening shows that truth is the only way to be followed by everyone. The dingy and clumsy atmosphere and old furniture urge need of change and renovation in the existing situation. The table covered with books and newspapers is a symbol of chaos and anarchy in the government.

The window stands for a ray of hope in the darkness of injustice. A few closed chairs symbolize time to wind-up prevailing conservative government and bring in new liberal governance. The glass panels stand for transparency and clarity in every section of the government.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama

Question 2.
Explain the use of the following property in the development of the play.
(a) Hat – Hat plays an important role in the development of the play. It stands for the city’s authority, ‘the Mayor’ as it was a part of the official uniform. When Dr. Stockmann put on the hat, he told his brother that the entire city was in his hand. He also added that with that supreme power he would throw him off the existing government. Dr. Stockmann saw the Mayor’s hat in the editor’s room and could realize that the Mayor was hiding in the next room, listening his conversation with the editor. This made him understand the Mayor’s plot of ruining his article.

(b) Stick – The stick at certain instances was a symbol of assertiveness, commitment, new ideas or sticking to the old things. The stick in Dr. Stockmann’s hand suggests his assertiveness, commitment and new ideas in the existing government with the support of everyone. But the stick in the Mayor’s hand, suggests that the whole situation was groomed by him to turn against Dr. Stockmann. The stick in the hand of the Mayor also proves his authority and command over other people.

(c) An envelope containing the letter – The envelope of the letter focuses over the issue of grievance which everyone keeps by hiding a secret. Dr. Stockmann took various efforts to expose the issue but finally Hovstad returned the envelope to him, which suggests how everyone tried to conceal the burning issue. The issue needed immediate attention, but was hidden from the public as the letter was hidden by the envelope.

3. Explain the following statements with reference to the context.

Question (a)
And then, once the ring is broken, we’ll get to work and show the public every day just how incompetent the Mayor is!
When both Hovstad and Billing read Dr. Stockmann’s article, they were shocked to know that the article would bring a revolution in the city. Hovstad was ready to publish that article the next day in ‘People’s Messenger’. Billing thought that if the Mayor didn’t like it then it would be a great trouble for them. But Hovstad was ready to take the risk as the problem was acute.

The Mayor would be in trouble from either by the small tradesmen and the householders’ association or by the shareholders in the bath. Anyhow the ring would be a broken and they would get a chance everyday to expose the Mayor through the newspaper and the entire government would go in the hands of the liberals.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama

Question (b)
From now on The Herald shall be my artillery.
Billing, Aslaksen, Hovstad and Dr. Stockmann were discussing about the article. Hovstad was ready to publish the article in the ‘People’s Messenger’ on the next day only. Seeing this Aslaksen agreed with Hovstad to print whatever he wished to print. Dr. Stockmann was of the opinion that it would disrupt on the entire system.

Dr. Stockmann told them that the Mayor and his cronies tried to persuade him by all means but he was determined to publish the article at any cost. Now, Dr. Stockmann considered ‘People’s Messenger’ as his sheet-anchor (additional support)to use it as an artillery to attack on the Mayor with one article after another.

Question (c)
You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Petra visited Hovstad and she told him that she could not translate the novel he had given her. Hovstad asked the reason why she could not translate that book. She answered that the book was unrealistic and she didn’t find it to be read by the common men. At that time, Petra came to know Hovstad’s original intention not printing her father’s article revealing the truth. She thought him as a loyal person but he turned a traitor. So she said that he ought to be ashamed of himself.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama

Question (d)
Because your father can’t do without my help.
Petra did not wish to translate the book as it was unrealistic. When she asked Hovstad about her father’s article, Hovstad told her that he was not going to print the article. She sensed the intention of Hovstad and his behaviour. She did not like his way of looking at the truth. She got upset when Hovstad told her that she was fighting against it as it was only a matter of her father. She became furious as she heard his remarks that her father couldn’t do anything without his help. She got to know the attitude of Hovstad to support the Mayor in the issue.

Question (e)
And it’s by no means the small sacrifice the town will have to make.
The Mayor tried hard to persuade Aslaksen and Hovstad that they should not support Dr. Stockmann in his attempts to publish the article as it was not in favour of the small tradesmen and the householders. If the Mayor would go for the extensive alteration of the baths, the town would have to sacrifice. It would incur great expenditure on the municipal.

As a result, they would have to put extra burden of taxes over the tradesmen and commoners. In addition, the baths would be shut down for two years. In such condition, the householders would have to suffer a lot. Eventually, the city would have to be ready to make the sacrifice but Aslaksen was in no mood to put the additional burden over the tradesmen and householders.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama


  1. sledgehammer – mallet or a heavy hammer used for breaking rocks
  2. chicken-hearted – cowardly or easily frightened
  3. prudent – wise and sensible, shrewd
  4. bombard – attack/ assault/ bother
  5. bigwigs – VIP or important persons
  6. mince – cut/ chop/ crumble
  7. salvation – deliverance/ escape/ rescue
  8. alderman – an elected member of a city council /next in status to the mayor
  9. compositor – a person who arranges the text and pictures of a newspaper or a book before it is printed
  10. trembling – shake/shiver/vibrate
  11. dingy – dull/colourless
  12. hypocrite – fraud/ deceiver/ pretender
  13. trivial – unimportant/ little/ worthless
  14. subscription – membership fee/ donations/ contribution.

11th Std English Questions And Answers

Extracts of Drama – (A) A Midsummer – Night’s Dream 11th Question Answer English Chapter 4.3 Maharashtra Board

Class 11 English Chapter 4.3 A

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama – (A) A Midsummer – Night’s Dream Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama – (A) A Midsummer – Night’s Dream Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 4.3 Brainstorming Question Answer

Yuvakbharati English Navneet 11th Digest PDF Free Download Maharashtra Board


1. Choose the odd one out.

Question (i)
Bottom, Moth, Mustard seed, Cobweb

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama

Question (ii)
Flute, Snug, Quince, Cobweb

Question 2.
Match the columns.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(a) Theseus 1. Robin Goodfellow
(b) Titania 2. Queen of the Amazons
(c) Puck 3. Duke of Athens
(d) Hippolyta 4. Fairies
(e) Cobweb, Moth 5. Queen of the fairies


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(a) Theseus 3. Duke of Athens
(b) Titania 5. Queen of the fairies
(c) Puck 1. Robin Goodfellow
(d) Hippolyta 2. Queen of the Amazons
(e) Cobweb, Moth 4. Fairies

Question 3.
Draw a character sketch of Oberon as an enemy of his wife but a friend of lovers.
Oberon, the king of fairies, is shown having two faces. On the one hand, he is shown hatching a plan with the help of Puck by using ‘Love in Idleness’ ensuring that the proper lovers end up loving each other. He is also shown sympathising Helena on seeing Demetrius’ cold behaviour towards her. He brings blessings, good health and peace to all the newly married couples towards the end.

On the other hand, in his dealings with his wife Titania, Oberon is potrayed as a wicked man. At the beginning of the play, Oberon is shown fighting with Titania over the custody of an Indian boy. Here, he is however, trying to prove his authority as a male and win the boy. He also tricks his wife by casting a spell upon her that leaves her fall in love with Bottom. He then releases the spell off her when he gets what he has wanted – The boy.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama

Question 4.
Comment on the loving pair of Lysander and Helena from the point of view of developing their character sketch.
Hermia and Lysander loved each other and they eloped in the forest to get married. Helena loved Demetrius but it was the effect of the love potion which was applied to Lysander’s eyes when he slept. Therefore, as he woke up he saw Helena and he started developing feelings for her. But Helena loved Demetrius. On her part Helena was very right. At the end both found their right companions Helena – Demetrius and Lysander – Hermia.


1. Correct the given sentences with justification.

Question (i)
The play is restricted to only a part of the woods.
The play is not restricted to only a part of the woods because the references, Quince’s cottage, in the another part of the wood etc., are there in the play.

Question (ii)
Since there is a reference to the Indian boy, there are some scenes from India too.
The reference to the Indian boy is found in Act II scene I as Puck says “A lovely boy, stolen from an Indian king” and when Titania said that his mother was a votaress of my order and in the spiced Indian air. The reference of Titania’s Indian friend is also found.

Question 2.
The characters are a part of the stage setting. How does this reflect when the characters of the play range from the Duke and the Indian boy to the fairies?
Characters are a part of stage setting. This reflects in ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ from the Duke in the palace as he instructs Philostrate to arrange for the celebration with great revelry. However, in the another part of the wood Oberon and Titania struggle for the custody of the Indian boy. Oberon uses love potion on the eyelids of Titania when she sleeps. As the setting of the stage changes the characters change accordingly. Because of the presence of the fairies and an Indian boy, the characters in the play range from real to imaginary.

Question 3.
What changes in the stage setting would you suggest.
The characters are the part of stage setting and the play starts with Theseus, Duke of Athens as he wins the queen of Amazons, Hippolyta. But later, in their marriage celebration there are the king and the queen of fairies, Oberon and Titania as well as other fairies and elves as imaginary characters. Characters are arranged from real to imaginary. I suggest that all characters should be real humans.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama

Question 4.
Comment on the versality and the aptness of the stage setting, as per the requirement of the play ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’.
As per the requirement of the play ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ the versality and the aptness of the stage setting go hand in hand. The play starts in the palace and then the stage of the play develops in two different parts of the wood. The stage-setting has been arranged according to the need of the characters and the plot. The characters are set accordingly onto the stage.


Question 1.
State whether the following statements are True/False.

  1. Lysander and Demetrius fall in love with Helena as a result of the love potion.
  2. Oberon transforms Bottom’s head into that of an ass.
  3. Titania falls in love with an ass.
  4. Both Demetrius and Lysander fight for Helena.


  1. True
  2. False
  3. False
  4. True

2. Give reasons:

Question (i)
Oberon and Titania fight for the custody of the Indian boy because –
(a) Oberon wants the custody of the Indian boy so that Titania would give him a lot time along with the boy.
(b) Titania wants the Indian boy because of her love and duty towards the small boy.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama

Question 3.
The consequences of Oberon ‘s jealousy for Titania are comic rather than tragic, comment.
Oberon was jealous of his queen Titania because she refused to give the boy to him . She fell in love with Bottom. Oberon decided to seek revenge on his queen. It was Oberon himself who made Titania to fall in love with Bottom who wa§ having the head of a donkey. Comic incident was created by that scene in the drama.

Question 4.
There were some reasons why Theseus was initially against but later gave consent for the marrige of Hermia with Lysander. Explain.
The reasons why Theseus was initially against but later gave consent for the marrige of Hermia with Lysander because Hermia’s father’s wish was that she should marry with Demetrius and she disobeyed her father. The Duke wants that Hermia should follow the rules and decision of her father. But she eloped with Lysander. It was Hermia’s true love for Lysander that made Theseus to change his decision and agreed that Hermia should marry with Lysander.


1. Select the correct options.

Question (i)
A Midsummers Night’s Dream is a _______
(a) poetic drama
(b) comedy of errors
(c) comedy based on fantasy
(d) a character play
(e) a revenge tragedy
(f) belongs to realm of dreams.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a comedy of errors.

Question 2.
Find 2/4 expressions of humour from the extract.
Expressions of humour from the extract are:
1. Helena: You do advance your cunning more and more –
Lysander: I had no judgement when to her I swore.
2. Hermia: What’s this to my Lysander? Where is he? Ah, good Demetrius, wilt thou give him me ?
Demetrius: I had rather give his carcass to my bounds.
Hermia: Out dog / out cur/ thou drivest me past the bounds.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama

Question 3.
‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ is one of the best examples of Shakespeare’s comedy of errors. Comment.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream is one of the best examples of Shakespear’s comedy of errors because it has all the features of comedy of errors like conflict between characters, resolution over the problem, cleared confusions between the love triangle, reunion and marriage. It all seem very funny and interesting.


Question 1.
Shakespeare is acknowledged as the greatest writer because he understood human nature better than anyone else. Explain the statement in context of the of play.
Many authors have tried to potray love as human nature, however, none could display it better than Shakespeare does in his plays. In this play – ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ he explains human nature of ‘control’ through love. He has given a clear picturisation of how love controls a person in the character of Theseus as he forgives Hermia and allows her to marry her love Lysander. It reveals that true love prevails and finds solace.

Shakespeare also explains human nature of conflicts between family and friends. He gives a clear picturisation of conflict when the magic potion ‘Love in Idleness’ was wrongly used on Lysander and he falls in love with Helena because of which Hermia and Helena start a quarrel. Another conflict potrayed, is between the family, when Hermia is given three choices by her father – marry Demetrius, become a nun or die to which she rebels against her father and decides to elope to the woods to marry her love Lysander. Hence, Shakespeare is acknowledged as the greatest writer of human nature.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama

Question 2.
Prove with the theme of the play/ extract that the deeper human emotion which profoundly interested Shakespeare, was jealousy.
The theme of the play ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ is love. Shakespeare portrays how people fall in love with those who appear beautiful to them. However, if one rejects other’s true love, then jealousy starts in the minds of the lovers. The same situation arises if one does not spend quality time with the other. In this play the example of Oberon and Titania is apt to describe human emotion.


Question 1.
Interpret the following lines in Simple English.
Puck: I’ll follow you.
Bottom: The finch, the sparrow.
The song is sung by Bottom to try to keep his courage up as Puck has just turned his head into that of an ass. This transformation scared everyone around him and he is alone in the forest. But his song awakens Titania who falls in love with him immediately and the use of appropriate words and songs are there for the other parts of the wood also.

2. Comment on the literary device, used in the following lines.

Question (i)
Titania: Be kind and courteous to this gentleman
Tautology. The words kind and courteous denote the same meaning to give dramatic effect.

Question (ii)
Titania: Come wait upon him: lead him to my bower.
Repetition. The word him is repeated two times to give dramatic effect.
Apostrophe. Time has been addressed by Titania to other fairies.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama

Question 3.
Shakespeare’s poetry has come to be valued for its own sake on the stage. Comment with reference to the play ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’.
Shakespeare’s poetry, in his ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ is found outstanding and valued for it’s own sake on the stage. The expressions of love through poetry made his drama lively and interesting. Through the poetic language Shakespeare underlined the truth of human nature and through poetic expressions made the critical moments easier.

Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama – A Midsummer – Night’s Dream Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Then will two at once woo one;
That must needs be sport alone:
Reference : These lines are taken from William Shakespeare’s famous comedy ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. Act III scene II.
Context: The lines are said by Puck as he applied love potion on the eyelids of Demetrius with negligence. Explanation : In ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, a comic character Puck was told by Oberon, the king of fairies to use the love potion on the eyelides of Demetrius so that he wakes up and sees Helena and will fall in love with her.
But Puck uses the love potion on the eyelids of Lysander, supposing him to be Demetrius. Helena sees the first person Lysander after waking up and falls in love with her instantly. A misunderstanding of Puck made a chaotic situation between the lovers.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama

Question 2.
Shakespeare’s poetry has come to be valued for its own sake on the stage. Comment with reference to the play ‘A midsummer Night’s Dream’
In midsummer night’s dream, Shakespeare’s used theatrical circle simply as fantasy. In order to made it more effective he used poetic lines for enlightening the beauty of the actions in the drama. These poetic lines revealed the nature of characters and developed poetic structure of the drama.

Extracts of Drama – A Midsummer – Night’s Dream Summary in English

In the Palace:

Theseus, Duke of Athens wins Hippolyta in war and they are to be married. So, he instructs Philostrate to arrange for the celebration.

Egeus, the father of Hermia wants his daughter to be married with Demetrius. But she refuses to marry Demetrius as she is in love with Lysander. The Duke Theseus urges her to obey her father and gives her three alternatives: (1) marry Demetrius (2) become a nun or (3) suffer a death sentence. Hermia has time to decide until Theseus, The Duke of Athen’s marriage.

Hermia and Lysander decide to elope to the woods and get married but, Demetrius who used to love Helena, now rejected her love and is interested in Hermia. Hermia tries to win back the love of Demetrius for Helena. As Hermia elopes with Lysander, Demetrius follows her and Helena follows Demetrius.

At the Quinces Cottage:

The workmen from Athens wish to perform a play ‘Pyramus and Thisby’ at the Duke’s wedding. They all plan to meet in the forest for the rehearsal.

In the Woods:

A different world has been seen in the woods. The king of fairies, Oberon and Queen of fairies, Titania are having a fight over the custody of an Indian boy. To teach a lesson to her, Oberon, with the help of Puck, a mischievous spirit, plans to use the magic potion ‘Love in Idleness’, the juice if poured on the eyelids of a sleeping person, makes his/her fall madly in love with the first person he/she sees after waking up. He thus plans to madden Titania and get the custody of the Indian boy.

Oberon then sees Demetrius’ cold behaviour towards Helena and tries to help them by developing feelings in the heart of Demetrius for her. Therefore, he asks Puck to squeeze the magic juice on the eyelids of Demetrius Taking Lysander for Demetrius, Puck squeezes the magic juice on his eyelids.

Helena who enters the wood following Demetrius, proves to be the first person Lysander sees after waking up and falls in love with her instantly. Titania found too much interested in Bottom, one of the workmen of Athens. Puck bewitches him by transforming his head into that of an ass and it bewildered Titania.

In the Another Part of the Wood:

Puck wins the heart of Oberon for punishing Titania and Bottom. But when Oberon realises Puck’s mistake of using magic potion for Lysander instead of Demetrius, he himself squeezes it on the eyelids of Demetrius and orders Puck to fetch Helena as he wakes up to restore the love of Demetrius for Helena. He also corrects the relations of Lysander with Hermia as well as orders Puck to restore Bottom’s head and feels sorry for Titania.

Theseus, Hippolyta and Egeus enter and see the four Athenians and the love between them. He allows Demetrius and Helena and Hermia and Lysander to marry. At last, in the final scene, ‘Pyramus and Thisbe’ was performed for the marriage ceremony of Theseus and Hippolyta in the presence of Oberon and Titania with their fairies and elves to sing and dance and bless the newly wedded. Thus, the play ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ ends on a happy note.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.3 Extracts of Drama


  1. night-rule – dark deeds,
  2. consecrated – sacred,
  3. dote on – to love,
  4. extremity – whole heartedly,
  5. patches – clowns,
  6. nuptial – marriage/ matrimonial/ moments of nuptial bliss,
  7. nole – head,
  8. mimic – commie actor,
  9. russet-pated choughs – birds of the crow family with reddish, brown (or grey) heads,
  10. sever – separate from each other,
  11. stamp – a noise made by bringing one’s foot heavily on the ground but, here – thing like ‘trick’ (i.e. giving
  12. Bottom an ass’s head),
  13. yielders – those who yield (giving up or surrender),
  14. latch’d – leached, anointed (love juice),
  15. ey’d – seen,
  16. antipodes – the opposite side of the earth,
  17. venus – the evening star,
  18. carcass – dead body,
  19. mispris’d – mistaken,
  20. an – and (or) even,
  21. adder – circuit,
  22. debt that bankrupt sleep doth sorrow owe – sleepless due to sorrow,
  23. confounding – confusing and breaking,
  24. Ioi tartars bow – weapon used by the Asian warriors who invaded Europe in the 13 century,
  25. cupid’s archery – Roman God of love,
  26. a lover’s fee – love requited,
  27. fond pageant – silly behaviour,
  28. tales – untrue stories,
  29. sport alone – fun by itself,
  30. devilish holy – a conflict between two truths,
  31. nymph – nature goddess,
  32. Taurus – a mountain range in Turkey,
  33. superpraise – praise excessively,
  34. conjure – summon/call,
  35. disparage – regards being of little worth,
  36. englids – brightens,
  37. confederacy – plot/plan,
  38. chid – rebuked/scold,
  39. artificial gods – creators of works of art,
  40. union in partition – two in one,
  41. incorporate – united,
  42. so in grace – so much in favour/in a good condition,
  43. ethiope – black face, but actually a scornful reference to her dark hair,
  44. canker blossom – a flower blighted by a worm lodged in the bud,
  45. stealth – stealing away,
  46. fond – foolish,
  47. suffer her to flout – allow her to mock,
  48. knot grass – a weed which creeps and makes entangling roots,
  49. officious – meddlesome/self assertive enthusiastic,
  50. aby – pay a heavy penalty,
  51. check by jowl – closely,
  52. king of shadows – fairy kings,
  53. sort – occur,
  54. welkin – sky,
  55. Acheron – the world of dead,
  56. rail thou – use violent language,
  57. Aurora’s harbinger – forerunner of the dawn (the morning star),
  58. wormy beds – graves,
  59. Neptune – the ocean, in ancient mythology,
  60. hither (archaic word) – to or towards this place,
  61. constraineth (archaic word) – to impose limitations,
  62. crust – (archaic words)to curse,
  63. a knavish lad – a mischievous boy,
  64. woe – great sorrow,
  65. bedabbled – sensuous,
  66. briers – wild shrubs,
  67. mare – an adult female horse,
  68. stalls – work-benches,
  69. barren – stupid/brainless,
  70. Anon – quickly,
  71. the creeping fowler eye – wild geese keep a close watch on hunter who is creeping up to shoot,
  72. of force she must be ey’d – inevitably (perforce) she will be seen,
  73. lay breath so bitter on your bitter foe – speak so bitterly to no one but your bitter enemy,
  74. may be bored – may have a hold driven right through it,
  75. dead – pale and bloodless,
  76. touch – feat,
  77. tender – attention and care,
  78. look – be sure,
  79. cheer – countenance.

11th Std English Questions And Answers

The Rising of the Moon 11th Question Answer English Chapter 4.2 Maharashtra Board

Class 11 English Chapter 4.2

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 4.2 The Rising of the Moon Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 4.2 The Rising of the Moon Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 4.2 Brainstorming Question Answer

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Question 1.
There are some dialogues that are short, but quite effective. They give us enjoyment and add beauty to the main story. Find some more from the text. (Answers are given directly in bold)
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Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Rising of the Moon



Comment on the given statement after reading the given dialogue.

Question (a)
“And if we get him itself, nothing but abuse on our heads for it from the people, and may be from our own relations”.
We don’t think of our society at large. If we catch the prisoner, Irish people will abuse us. They expect us to cooperate with the patriots as they are our own people. If we do not catch the escaped prisoner, the British Government will abuse us. In any case if we catch the prisoner or do not catch anyhow we are the one who are going to be abused.

Question (b)
“It’s a pity some honest man not to be better of that”.
It was a good opportunity for the sergeant to show his honesty to the Britishers. He wanted to catch the escaped prisoner and also to get the reward.

Question (c)
“I wouldn’t be in your shoes if he reward me ten times as much. People generally fall victim to incentives. Some people stick to values”.
Those who stick to values and are not templed at all, are the people of principles. Such people don’t betray anyone. They are very brave and loyal.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Rising of the Moon

Question (d)
“But when I saw a man in trouble, I could never help trying to set him out of it. It’s human to help others”.
The sergeant was alone in the dangerous dark night. The man wanted to help the sergeant to keep a watch. He told the sergeant that he would help him in his task and would not demand any share in the reward that the sergeant gets for catching the escaped prisoner.

Question (ii)
The priorities of the sergeant are shifted. Complete the given table by using the given clues.

Priorities of the Sergeant in the beginning Priorities at the end of the play
Law and duty patriotism
To Catch the escaped prisoner Sympathised the prisoner

Question (iii)
Find the sentence from the play selected to the given points.
a. Loyalty in Irish nationalism.

(a) “May be Sergeant, you’ll be on the side of the country yet”.
(b) “I have my duties and I know them”.
(c) “I am in the force”.
(d) “We have to do our duty in the force”.

b. Tension between different loyalties.

(a) “It’s little we get but abuse from the people, and no choice but to obey our orders”.
(b) ‘You won’t betray me… the friend of Granuaile”.
(c) “May be Sergeant, it comes into your head sometimes, in spite of your belt and your tunic, that it might have been as well for you to have followed Granuaile”.
(d) “Stop that that’s no song to be singing in these times”.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Rising of the Moon


The description of the character is given below. Identify the character from the play. Find some sentences which support your choice.

Question (a)
He is a brave but irresponsible person.
The character is sergeant.
(Brave) (a) “I don’t want it. Bring it with you, He is irresponsible”.
(b) Sergeant (after a pause) – no one.

Question (b)
He is a major character. He dominates the story.
The character is the man. ,
(Major) (a) “I know well the man you are waiting for”.
(Dominate) (b) “Will you let me pass or must I make you let me?”

Question (c)
He is smart as well as brave.
The character is the man.
(Smart) (a) “Back to the town isn’t it?”
(Brave) (b) “You need’nt ask me who I am, that placard will tell you”.

Question (d)
He is the centre of the play.
The character is sergeant.
(a) “Am I as great a fool as I think I am?”
(b) “Indeed it’s a hard thing to be in the force, out at night and no thanks for it, for all the danger we’re in. And it’s little we get but abuse from the people, and no choice but to obey our orders, and never asked when a man is sent into danger”.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Rising of the Moon

Question (e)
He is obedient and simple.
The answer is the policeman B.
(Obedient) (a) “You bade us to come back here and keep watch with you”.
(Simple) (b) ‘You might want it. There are clouds coming up and you have the darkness of the night before you.”

Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 4.2 The Rising of the Moon Additional Important Questions and Answers

Character Analysis:

Question 1.
Write your opinion about the man and the sergeant.
The sergeant plays an important character and grips the audience’s attention. He is basicallyan Irish man, however, his duty requires him to serve the British and go against his own country. In the beginning of the play, he is in need of money. He is eager to arrest the prisoner who has escaped the gaol and get the reward of hundred pounds. He is seen as a loyal police officer under the British Government. His words, “The whole country depends on us to keep law and order”, is inspiring. However, his character undergoes a change as the play proceeds.

He develops arrogance and begins to argue with the ragged man. When the ragged man begins to sing patriotic ballads, the sergeant’s behaviour suddenly turns patriotic and reminds him of the days when he used to indulge in freeing Ireland from the chains of the Britishers. Towards the end of the play we see the sacrificing behaviour of the sergeant as he sacrifices his reward and promotion by not arresting the prisoner. He is shown to be less intelligent than the ragged man but soft-hearted. However, he then asks himself, “I wonder, now, am I as great a fool as I think I am?” As audience, we can term him foolish but also call him a great patriot.

On the other hand, the ragged man in the play is having heroic qualities as he is smart and a passionate lover of his country. He introduces himself as a ballad singer and also touches the heart of the police officer by singing love and patriotic ballads. He is so perfect in making-up his identity that the policeman (sergeant) cannot suspect him until he reveals his identity. He intelligently brings out stories from the sergeant which proves his wittiness.

He succeeds in bringing out the feelings of patriotism from the sergeant, turns himself into a friend of the sergeant and escapes safely from being imprisoned again. But before escaping, he expresses gratitude to the sergeant with a note of optimism. He promises him to pay back his good turn. He is optimistic and tells that a day will surely come that Ireland will be free from the British rules.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Rising of the Moon

Reference To Context:

Comment on the given statement after reading the given dialogue.

Question 1.
The man tries to enforce the sergeant in favour of the criminal.
The man tries to enforce the sergeant in favour of the criminal by repetedly saying, “Never mind. I’m going. I wouldn’t be in your shoes if the reward was ten times as much”.

Thought-Provoking Questions:

Question 1.
The man and the sergeant need each other’s support. Find such examples.
On that dark night, while keeping a watch, the man and the sergeant needed each other’s support. The man told the sergeant that he had seen the escaped criminal at his own place. Describing the criminal the man told that there wasn’t any weapon he didn’t know the use of. He also told that the escaped criminal was a strong and muscular man.

This description created fear in the mind of the sergeant and he actually needed the support of the man. The man also needed the sergeant’s support. He had planned to escape from the place which was not possible without the help of the sergeant. Thus the man and the sergeant both needed each other’s support.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Rising of the Moon

Question 2.
Find out the reason of the man for staying at the place.
The ballad singer, as the ragged man introduces himself in the play, is actually the escaped prisoner. Using his intelligence he however tries to stay with the sergeant because he knows that the police are in search of him to put him back into custody. The hour is not safe for him to move and therefore he engages himself with the sergeant so that the other policemen do not doubt him and he can make a move when the time is safe.

Question 3.
Write about the persuasive approach of the man.
The man (the escaped prisoner) introduced himself as a ballad singer. He started singing ballads to persuade the sergeant in believing his identity. He also told the sergeant that he was so poor that he would earn money by singing ballads and would arrange for his supper. The man was dominating enough as he stuck to the place in spite of repeated warnings of the sergeant to go away from the place.

Question 4.
Find the life of a singer that is mentioned in the play.
The man introduces himself as a poor ballad singer who sings patriotic ballads for the sailors to earn himself a living.

Question 5.
The wavelength of the man and the sergeant goes together. Find the evidences from the text.
The wavelength of the man and sergeant goes together, this can be proved when the sergeant is eager find the escaped prisoner for a hundred pounds and a promotion on the basis of which he can support his family in a better way. On the other hand, the man introduces himself as a ballad singer who sings patriotic ballads to the sailors to earh living. In the other part of the act, the ragged man proves his patriotism by hiding his identity of prisoner belonging to Ireland. As the play comes to an end, the sergeant allows the man to escape in spite of knowing that he is the prisoner they were in search of. This is because the ragged man belongs to Ireland, the nation the sergeant used to belong, in his youth.

Question 6.
Discussion about patriotic songs goes on. Find the points from the text.
On the dark night while keeping a watch,the man sings patriotic songs to which the sergeant says, “Stop that that’s no song to be singing in these times”. The man then explains to the sergeant that he was only singing to keep his heart up. The sergeant sympathetically says, “Well, you can sing if it gives you more courage”.However, when the man continues to sing the sergeant corrects the lyrics. They also further discuss about ‘Granuaile’.

Question 7.
The sergeant’s reaction surprises the audience. Write your opinion. .
In the begining of the play, the sergeant was loyal to the British Government. As the play unfolds we find that the man has successfully brought about a change in the mind of the sergeant. He has aroused patriotism in the sergeant. The sergeant now lets go the prisoner easily. This surprises the audience. The change from the loyal British sergeant into the man with patriotism in the mind is drastic and surprising for the readers.

Question 8.
The sergeant supports the man by misguiding his comrades. Write your views.
The sergeant was the loyal British servant. He wanted to catch the escaped prisoner for a reward. As the play unfolded the man who introduced himself as a ballad singer brought about changes in the mind of the sergeant. During their discussion the man arouse patriotism in his mind and reminded him of his youth when he had joined a group of patriots. The sergeant was torn between his duty and his nation. But finally patriotism won and the sergeant helped the man to escape. He misguided his assistants in order to let the prisoner escape easily.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.2 The Rising of the Moon


  1. lonesome – lonely, without any company
  2. quay – wooden or metal platform projecting into the water for loading and unloading of ships
  3. sergeant – a police officer ranking below an inspector
  4. placard – a sign for public display, either posted on the wall or carried during a demonstration
  5. gaol – jail
  6. kelp – a large brown seaweed that typically has long, tough stalk
  7. assize – The court which sat at intervals in each country of England and Wales to administer the civil and
  8. criminal law
  9. plaid – a type of woolen cloth
  10. shuffles – move/walk by dragging one’s feet
  11. barrack – police accommodation
  12. queer – strange
  13. to keep one’s heart up – to keep oneself happy
  14. tunic – a loose garment
  15. pike – an infantry weapon with a pointed steel or iron head on a long wooden shaft.

11th Std English Questions And Answers

History of English Drama 11th Question Answer English Chapter 4.1 Maharashtra Board

Class 11 English Chapter 4.1

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 4.1 History of English Drama Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 4.1 History of English Drama Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 4.1 Brainstorming Question Answer

Yuvakbharati English Navneet 11th Digest PDF Free Download Maharashtra Board

1. Name any four periods of History of British drama.

Question 1.
Name any four periods of History of British drama.
The four periods of History of British drama are:

  1. Medieval Period or Early Period (11th to 15th Century)
  2. Renaissance Period (16th to 17th Century)
  3. Restoration Period (1660 onwards)
  4. Victorian Period (1837 to 1901)

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.1 History of English Drama

2. List the four elements of drama.

Question 1.
List the four elements of drama.
The four elements of drama are:

  1. Plot
  2. Characters
  3. Theme
  4. Stage directions

3. State a type of drama each from any four periods of history.

Question 1.
State a type of drama each from any four periods of history.

  1. (Morality) Medieval period – Everyman (1490)
  2. (Comedy) Renaissance Period – A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1595)
  3. (Tragedy) Restoration Period – All for Love (1677)
  4. (19th Century Morality) Victorian Period – An Enemy of the People (1882)

4. Compare the features of comedy and tragedy.

Question 1.
Compare the features of comedy and tragedy.

Comedy Tragedy
1. Comedy is a humorous story with a happy ending. 1. A tragedy is a serious story with a sad ending.
2. Characters in comedy are ordinary people from day to day life. 2. Characters in tragedy are royal personages, extraordinary and with divine qualities.
3. Comedy reveals truth in humourous way. 3. Tragedy reveals truth in realistic way.
4. Comedy gives emotional relief through laughter. E.g. As You Like It, A Midsummer Night’s Dream 4. Tragedy brings purgation through arousing pity and fear in the mind of audience. E.g. Hamlet, King Lear…

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.1 History of English Drama

5. State the difference between poetry and drama.

Question 1.
State the difference between poetry and drama.

Drama Poetry
1. Drama is a composition, normally in prose, telling a story and intended to be represented by actors imitating the characters and speaking the dialogue. 1. Poetry is a verse or a poetic presentation for recitation than performance.
2. Drama is presentation in acts and scenes and dialogues. 2. Poetry is presented in the form of stanzas and recited in rhyme and rhythm.
3. Drama is factual and realistic in its theme and message. 3. Poetry is imaginative and visualizes the experience or scenario.
4. Drama consists of a beginning, middle and end. It’s complete in itself. E.g. Pygmalion by Georgr Bernard Shaw. 4. Poetry doesn’t bother to be compact. It is beyond time, place and reason. E.g. Ozymandias by the poet P. B. Shelley.

6. State the difference between drama and novel.

Question 1.
State the difference between drama and novel.

Drama Novel
1. Drama is a composition, normally in prose, telling a story and intended to be represented by actors imitating the characters and speaking the dialogue. 1. Novel is written in basic prose style and it is only for armchair reading not for performance.
2. Drama is a presentation in acts and scenes and dialogues. 2. Novel is a presentation of the events in the form of paragraphs.
3. Drama is a performance, so the characters are the mouthpieces of the dramatists. 3. Novel is a prose narrative, so the narrator plays important role in describing the characters and their actions.
4. Dialogue is the most essential element of drama and is a greater exposure for the characters. E.g. As You Like It by Shakespeare. 4. Although novels sometimes have dialogues, it is not a necessary part of the structure like it is for drama. E.g. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen..

7. Define drama.

Question 1.
Define drama.
Drama is a Greek word meaning ‘act’ or ‘deed’. The Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle used this term in a very influential treatise called the Poetics. In this text, Aristotle classified different forms of poetry according to basic features he thought could be commonly recognized in their composition.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.1 History of English Drama

8. Explain the term plot.

Question 1.
Explain the term plot.
Plot is a logically developed chain of the events in a narrative. The events are arranged in such a way that the whole drama becomes an action. The plot of drama has six stages – Exposition, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action and Denouement or Ending. In short, Aristotle called plot as ‘a complete action’ and it means a plot consists of beginning, middle and end. The plot of a drama may be simple or complex.

9. Differentiate between characters and characterization.

Question 1.
Differentiate between characters and characterization.
A character is a person, an animal, or a supernatural power performing action drama or any literary work. The dramatists create the characters as per their intentions and needs. The characters which are used to represent a particular trait or quality are stock or static characters. The characters which change and have varied angle are called round or dynamic characters.

On the other hand, characterization is an art and the techniques a dramatist or a writer used to create and develop characters. The dramatists take every effort to bring the characters to life by establishing their relation with the characters. In short, characterization is the process through which the dramatists try to reveal the characters and their personal qualities.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 4.1 History of English Drama

10. Enlist a few reasons for watching a drama live on the stage.

Question 1.
Enlist a few reasons for watching a drama live on the stage.
The reasons for watching a drama live on the stage are:

  1. Live drama involves real people on real stage giving real experience to the audience.
  2. It boosts our literary knowledge and develops our understanding of drama.
  3. It has greater impact on our perspective towards life and helps to form objective approach.
  4. It helps us to present our views and respect others views. It guides us to take proper decisions in life.
  5. It gives direct purgation of our emotions and builds our confidence.

11th Std English Questions And Answers

The Art of Compering 11th Question Answer English Chapter 3.6 Maharashtra Board

Class 11 English Chapter 3.6

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 3.6 The Art of Compering Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 3.6 The Art of Compering Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 3.6 Brainstorming Question Answer

Yuvakbharati English Navneet 11th Digest PDF Free Download Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
Read the given words and share with your friend what comes to your mind.
It requires absence of stage fright, presence of mind and confidence.
It requires, confidence and knowledge and smartness to make quick changes.
Hosting Programmes:
He has to shoulder responsibility of everything needed for the programme including stage arrangement, seating arrangement, lighting arrangement, mike, etc.
Public Speaking:
It requires communication skill and fluency in language.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.6 The Art of Compering

Question 2.
Discuss the essential qualities and also the precautions that a compere should take while compering a programme.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.6 The Art of Compering 1
Precaution to be taken:

  1. A compere should keep the audience constantly engaged.
  2. He should be confident enough to handle the last minute change in the formal programme.
  3. He should take precaution to follow th protocol while anchoring the official programme.
  4. He should always keep in mind that he is not the star of the programme but only an anchor.


Question 1.
Imagine that you wish to organize a cultural event in your college. Prepare your own web chart to indicate the qualities that you expect to have in a compere.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.6 The Art of Compering 2
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.6 The Art of Compering 3

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.6 The Art of Compering


Question (i)
Imagine that you are a compere of a prize distribution ceremony of your college. Write a script of the same. You can take help of the following points.
(a) Introduction
(b) Welcome speech
(c) Lighting the lamp
(d) Welcome song
(e) Main event
(f) Vote of thanks
(a) Introduction: Honorable Chief Guest, respected Principal of the college, respected teachers and highly enthusiastic audience, I welcome one and all on behalf of our college.

(b) Welcome speech: Today, as we gather for the prize distribution ceremony, we are privileged to have Mr. Joy Joshi as the Guest of Honor. Mr. Joshi is a social worker and the Principal of New Era Art and Commerce College. I welcome Joshi sir on behalf the principal of our college. I request our Principal -to felicitate Joshi sir with a bouquet and a momentum as a token of respect.

(c) Lighting the lamp: To begin with our programme. I call upon our honorable Chief Guest Shri Joshi to light the traditional lamp. I also request all the dignitaries on the dais to join Joshi sir. Lighting of the traditional lamp symbolizes spread of knowledge. It leads us from darkness to light.

(d) Welcome song: Now I call upon the stage a group of students to recite the welcome song.
Thank you friends. It a nice presentation, we all enjoyed the song.

(e) Main event: Throughout the year, various co-curricular competitions were organised in college. It included music, dance, rangoli and elocution too. I request our Chief Guest to felicitate prize winning students. Let me begin the prize distribution ceremony by calling on stage Mukta Deo, the toper of the previous year. She secured 95% marks in the Board Examination. Congratulations to Mukta Deo.

Now, I call upon the stage Miss. Gauravi Khanna who stood first in the dance competition, Mr. Advait Kulkarni who bagged gold medal in inter-college swimming competition and Miss. Anahita More who stood first in inter-college singing competition.

It gives me immense sense of satisfaction the as we approach to the end of the programme. I feel honoured as many of my classmates and friends are honoured today. Friends, winning and losing is a part of game. What matters is participation in the event. Let’s again congratulate all the winners and the participants of all the contests. Let’s motivate them with a big round of applause for their journey towards progress. After all journey towards success begins with a single step.

Sincere thanks to Honourable Chief Guest Shri Joshi. Special thanks to our Vice Principal Mrs. Shreya Patil and teachers for organizing this programme, the audience for your presence. Your appreciation and motivation will help our friends in their journey towards success.

Thank You.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.6 The Art of Compering

Question (ii)
Mass media events often need comperes. Find out the area or sector in which a compere is a must. Write about the special skills needed to take up compering as a career and give some clues about how to acquire these skills.
Programmes like prize distribution ceremony, music concert, dance competition, need a compere. Special skills are required for compering such programme.
(a) A compere must have good communication skill. He/She must have knowledge of the subject while compering any music show. He/She must know about the song, the singer, the film to which the song belongs. He/She must know the lyrics and the meaning of the song too. Sometimes certain incidents are related with songs. A compere must know everything so that he can use the same while compering if needed.

(b) Attire of the compere must be suitable for the event and he should be able to carry the same comfortably.

(c) Confidence is the most important criteria for choosing the career in compering.

(d) A compere must be able to use variations in his voice particularly while narrating emotional incidents, patriotic songs, sad songs, etc.

(e) The body language should reflect enthusiasm and high level of positive attitude.

(f) Flexibility and cooperative nature are essential to make career in compering because anything can happen at the last minute during the event. A compere should be able to handle the situation skillfully without disturbing the already declared schedule. This requires management skills.

(g) Many times being multilingual is the requirement of the programme. It is necessary that a compere must have the knowledge of the regional and the national language.

(h) Presence of mind is required to add or omit the last minute entry or exit in the contest.

Every aspirant in compering must develop all these skills. He/She must inculcate the habit of reading, punctuality and practice. He/She should update himself daily with the latest compering techniques. Reading and accurate pronunciation play important role in grooming the personality of a compere. He/She should be interested in the fields like politics, sports, music, current affairs, entertainment, etc. The practice of all these can make his personality a versatile one.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.6 The Art of Compering

(A3) Project:

Question 1.
Make a list of functions/events/programmes/activities organized in your junior college. Choose three events and plan a programme schedule of your own. Prepare a script as well to show the associating role of the compere for a particular event. Make your own sequence and design a template for the same.

Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 3.6 The Art of Compering Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Imagine that you have to arrange a ‘Teachers’ Day Celebration’ programme in your college. Prepare a schedule of the programme.

  1. Introduction
  2. Welcome speech
  3. Lighting the lamp
  4. Welcome song
  5. Felicitation of the teachers
  6. Principal’s speech
  7. Speech of the Chief Guest
  8. Vote of thanks

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.6 The Art of Compering


  1. compering – act as compere (host)
  2. ceremony – a celebration of an event, achievement or anniversary
  3. elegance – graceful and stylish in appearance
  4. confidence – the feeling of trust
  5. voice modulation – control or adjustment of voice
  6. language fluency – ability to speak or perform in a Language
  7. bountiful – ample.

11th Std English Questions And Answers:

Film Review 11th Question Answer English Chapter 3.5 Maharashtra Board

Class 11 English Chapter 3.5

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 3.5 Film Review Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 3.5 Film Review Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 3.5 Brainstorming Question Answer

Yuvakbharati English Navneet 11th Digest PDF Free Download Maharashtra Board

1. Read the following conversation and complete the activities given below.

  • Minnie: Exams are over. I feel so relaxed! Let us plan something interesting.
  • Ritu: What about a movie?
  • Paddy: Great! Let’s go for “Aladdin”!
  • Minnie: Oh, no! I have seen it. It has only a ‘one-star’ rating.
  • Ritu: How about that new release Ummm….yes, “Harry Potter?
  • Della: It is boring. I have read the review this morning. I don’t want to waste my time.
  • Paddy: Wait, friends. I will check. Let’s decide later.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.5 Film Review

Question (i)
Choose the correct alternative from the following. From one star given to the movie we conclude that –
(a) The movie is very short.
(b) The movie is not worth watching.
(c) The movie is serious.
(d) The movie is in black and white.
(b) The movie is not worth watching.

Question (ii)
Discuss how/why are ‘stars’ given to a movie.
A star is a symbol of movie rating .It was in 1928 that a newspaper film critic Irene Thiner initiated the grading system on a scale of zero to three status. Star are given to a movie to know how good, bad or average a movie is.

Question (iii)
The word ‘Review’ is different from summarizing and appeal writing. Choose the correct statements of the following.
(a) Film review is an expression of your personal views towards a particular film, documentary or movie.
(b) A film review gives you an opportunity to express opinions about the movie, including its characters, plot and background.
(c) A film review gives appealing sentences that make your reader curious or anxious about the film.
(d) A review means explanation of each and every event of the film.
(a) Film review is an expression of your personal views towards a particular film, documentary or movie,
(b) A film review gives you an opportunity to express opinions about the movie, including its characters, plot and background.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.5 Film Review


Question (i)
Every movie is worth critiquing. Describe in detail each point related with the film review with the help of the following web.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.5 Film Review 1
Film Review : Dangal

Genre: Dangal is the most inspiring and entertaining movie. The film also makes strong feminist statement showing girls at par with boys.

Script Writer: Script of the movie ‘Dangal’ is written by Nitesh Tiwari who has been successful in creating the interest of the audience not only in the story of the film but also in the sport of wrestling.

Direction: The direction is also done by Nitesh Tiwari. He won the Filmfare award for the Best Director, 2017 for Dangal.

Producer : The film is produced by the renowned actor Amir Khan. Kiran Rao and Siddharth Roy Kapoor.

Acting : Amir Khan played the role of Mahavir Singh Phogat and Sakshi Tanwar played the role of the wife of Mahavir Singh Phogat. Zaira Wasim and Fatima played the role of Geeta and Sanya Malhotra and – Suhani Bhatnagar played the role of Babita Phogat. Aparshakti Khurrana and Rutvik Sahora played the role of Omkar, the nephew of Mahavir Singh Phogat. A negative role is played by Girish Kulkarni, the coach of Geeta Phogat and Babita Phogat.

It is wonderful to see Amir Khan as Mahavir Singh Phogat on a big screen. His appearance as the father of his daughters, their coach, guide and strong supporter till the end touches the audience emotionally.

Music and Sound: Music director Pritam and lyricist Amitabh Bhattacharya smartly themed their music. Some of the songs evoke the innocence of every viewer.

Cinematography: The cinematographer of the movie is Sethu Sriram. (Satyajit Anand). He presented a senario of an authentic and real wrestling matches that kept the audience spell bound till Geeta Phogat the daughter of Mahavir Singh Phogat bags gold medal for the Nation.

Plot Analysis: The film Dangal focuses on the continuous efforts of Mahavir Singh Phogat and his daughters to realize the dream. Struggle of the daughters Geeta and Babita and their hard work are the main stroyline of the movie. Mahavir Singh Phogat the wrestling champion was forced to give up wrestling for better employment. He was highly discouraged because he wanted to win a Gold for the nation. He thought that his unborn son would do it. However, Mahavir Singh due to the birth of his daughters, loses hope of bagging gold medal yet, keeps his decision of training the daughters in wrestling.

Continuous and regular training make the daughters wrestlers. After defeating the boys in the village, Mahavir decides to admit the daughters in National Sports Academy. Discouraged due to different techniques taught there, Mahavir decides to train daughters personally. The coach decides to ban the daughters from playing wrestling but Mahavir Singh manages and the daughters continue to receive training in the academy. Inspite of many problems Mahavir provides training to his girls by watching videos of the matches played by the daughters.

The jealous coach locks Mahavir Singh in a room during the final match played by his daughter. Frustrated Mahavir stands up joyfully to hear the Indian National Anthem. Finally, the daughters bring smile on the face of Mahavir Singh Phogat. The cooperation of the daughters during their hard training, sacrificing small joys of life, overcoming every obstacle in the way is presented in a perfect manner.

Message: “Believe in Yourself’ and “Work hard till you achieve your Goal”. The film also arouses social cause of treating girls and boys equally.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.5 Film Review

Question (ii)
Discuss and explain the movie ‘The Jungle Book’ with the help of the following points.
(a) Classic elements
(b) Fantasy
(c) Photorealism
(d) Blending of emotions
Rudyard Kipling, created an intense world with a description of the jungle and creatures living in it using his concept, Disney made the classic tale of Mowgli into film, wherein, Mowgli became the central character. It is interesting to watch the story of a boy after his fathers death is discovered by Bagheera, the black panther. A pack of wolves and Raksha are the boy’s caretakers. Mowgli’s jump, swinging from tree to tree, other live animals, running scenes are perfectly presented to make the audience believe about Mowgli’s inclination towards behaving like animals.

Sher Khan’s unsympathetic behaviour towards Mowgli and Mowgli’s decision to search human beings like him brings about acceptable twist in the story. Blood curdling incident of Kaa’s hypnotising attack on Mowgli is presented in a wonderful manner. Thus the movie ‘The Jungle Book’ takes the audience into a world of fantasy. There is a perfect blend of emotions which is brought by presenting Mowgli’s relation with the fatherfigure Bagheera, motherly Raksha, friendly pack of wolves. The film is also an incredible visual treat – with only one human character, introduction of various species of animals. The movie is interesting to watch and is highly recommended.

Question (iii)
‘It all builds on the charm of the 1967 film, which by itself is a must watch for any child.’
Explain the sentence in the context of the movie, focusing on the two given phrases ‘Charm of the 1967 film’ and a ‘must watch’.
The year 1967 is considered to be very crucial in the film industry. It is the time when many revolutionary films were produced. New themes were introduced and very different stories were brought about. ‘An Introduction of the World of Fantasy’ is one them.

The Jungle Book is a perfect movie which easily takes the audience into the world of fantasy in a unique way. Though the mind does not believe on the story of Mowgli, him being handled safely by the wild animals, heart is made to believe the same. This is perfectly brought about by Jon Favreau in ‘The Jungle book.’ Thus the movie is really a charm of 1967 which is a must watch for all generations to come.


Question (i)
Complete the following sentences.
The factors that have made ‘The Jungle Book’ a great movie are –
(a) It is a fantasy world of wonder.
(b) The effective animation and presentation of the wildlife make the movie interesting.
(c) The story of the movie is unique.
(d) The film is a perfect blend of human emotions and a journey in the world of fantasy.

Question (ii)
The present review concludes with two words ‘Heartwarming and Enjoyable’. Write your opinion in about 100 to 150 words.
The Jungle Book is a unique combination of Rudyard Kipling’s story and Favreau’s direction. It is an awesome experience to watch the same on the big screen. Presence of the orphan boy Mowgli in the forest, his interaction with wild animals, their love and care towards him, emotionally keeps the audience glued to the screen. The perfect landscaping and setting delves the audience into the world of the jungle throughout the movie. Mowgli’s behaviour following the laws of the Jungle, the supersized orangutan, dangerous python, Mowgli’s learning of practical wisdom from Bagheera the father figure, make it a wonderful experience to watch. Thus the movie is heartwarming and enjoyable.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.5 Film Review


Question (i)
‘Narnia’ (Part 1, 2, 3, 4) is a film about four children who find a path to Narnia. Discuss the special effects and direction. Write a review with the help of the following points in about 100-150 words.
(a) Storyline
(b) Producer
(c) Director
(d) Music Director
(e) Characters / Casting
(d) Setting / Location
(f) Conflict
(g) Message
(i) Significance of the title
‘Narnia’ potrays the history of Narnia, an imaginary world of fantasy and magic from its creation to its destruction. The movies, directed by Andrew Adamson (first two parts), Michael Apted (third partjand Joe Johnstaone (fourth parts) is based on C. S. Lewis’s series of novel. ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’.The movie revolves around the adventures of Pevensie siblings, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy who are sent away to a safe place during the world war.

While playing hide and seek, they discover the magical wardrobe which on opening, takes them to the enchanted island of Narnia. The beautiful cinematography and performance of the children, world of fantasy and magic, speaking animals is an awesome experience to watch. The separation of the children from their mother, death of some animals, witches yelling,etc., are presented in a perfect way that brings tears rolling down from the audience’s eyes.

The basic conflict of the movies is the conflict between good and evil. Each part of the movie has slight different representation. Yet, they potray a single message of triumph of good over evil. The real success of the him is not only touching the heart of the audience but also making them believe in the world of imagination and fantasy. The cinematography and animation are so skillful that the animals look real. The him enlightens the audience by opening the doors of a new world of imagination. The movie teaches the audience beautiful special effects and sound, adventure, unity and sacrihce for each other.


Question (i)
Form groups and try to write a script for a short him or documentary on any topic of your choice. The script must develop properly. You can take help of the following points.

  • choose a topic
  • central theme
  • the beginning, the middle and the end
  • the message

[Students are expected to attempt this question on their own.]

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.5 Film Review

Question (ii)
Form groups and use the ICT lab of your Junior College to make a shorthlm on the script that you have prepared. There are several soft-wares that can be used for editing. You can take professional help. One can upload his/her him on mediums like Youtube and submit the link to the subject teacher.
[Students are expected to attempt this question on their own.]

Question (iii)
There are ample career opportunities in him making and producing hlms.
The following professions require different professional skills,write them accordingly.
‘The story of the movie decides it’s success’. Comment.
The story is the heart of a play/film. The music, direction, cinematography, special effects are made to relate to the story. It is the story of the movie which makes the audience spellbound. The story always has a message to the audience. It is the story that helps the audience specially the youngsters, to imagine, to learn, to create interest in the world around, to get inspired and to think. Cinematography, music, animation, etc., give a wonderful experience to watch any movie on the big screen. All these revolve round the central theme ‘the story’ of the movie.

Question 5.
You must have heard about Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune. It is India’s top media Institute. It plays an important role in providing talent to commercial cinema, TV and web serials. Browse the internet and find information about other institutes in India and abroad.
[Students are expected to attempt this question on their own.]

Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 3.5 Film Review Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What are the steps and stages in review writing?
A film critic is an article containing analysis and evaluation of a film, While writing a review about a film, a writer has to consider various things. A film critic should write about the relevance of the title, storyline and producer. He should write about the type of film, its director and the cast.

A film critic should write about various events, cinematography, set design, music, plot, characters and message given through the film. He/She should write about the sequence of the events according to its importance. Lastly, he/she should suggest to edit or add the title or content according to its necessity.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.5 Film Review

Question 2.
What are the aspect of the review?
Film review is an analysis or evaluation of a film from the viewer’s point. Various aspect of review are the genre, plot analysis, characterization, cinematography, music, production and direction, plot, message given in the film (moral), sound, set designs and location.

Question 3.
What are the precautions to be taken while writing a film?
Film review is an analysis or evaluation of a film from the viewer’s point. Precausions should be taken while writing a review of a film. A review should create curiosity about the movie but not discourage the reader. While commenting on the film dealing with social issues, the writer should not hurt the feelings of people. Critic should express opinion about the film.

A personal attack on any actor, producer, director should be avoided. A review writer should have knowledge of various aspect of editing and cinematography. He should avoid commenting on religious beliefs. While penning down the thoughts, a review writer should be careful about religious sentiments.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.5 Film Review


  1. photorealism – detail description of
  2. resourcefulness – ability to overcome difficulties
  3. relevance – appropriate
  4. genre – style or category of art/music/literature
  5. cinematography – the art of photography and camera work in film-making
  6. characterization – the creation of a fictional character
  7. plot – the main events of a play/novel/film.

11th Std English Questions And Answers:

Interview 11th Question Answer English Chapter 3.4 Maharashtra Board

Class 11 English Chapter 3.4

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 3.4 Interview Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 3.4 Interview Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 3.4 Brainstorming Question Answer

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Question 1
Complete the following web diagram
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.4 Interview 1Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.4 Interview 1
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.4 Interview 2

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.4 Interview

Question 2.
Given below are the prerequisites of an interview. Fill up the boxes with suitable actions to be undertaken with reference to the given points.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.4 Interview 3
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.4 Interview 4


Question (i)
Complete the following statements with the help of the text.
To learn about meditation you have to see how vour mind is working.
Watch your thinking. Do not correct vour thoughts. Do not supress vour thinking.
Begin to learn, to observe. Just watch thoughts. Do not move vour eyeballs.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.4 Interview

(ii) Identify the incorrect statement from the following and correct them.

Question (a)
One wants others to change

Question (b)
One can get rid of being ordinary
Corrected Statement: One can get rid of being ordinary; not being ordinary.

Question (c)
Understanding the nature of greed does not ensure freedom from greed.
Corrected Statement: Understanding the nature of greed ensures freedom from greed.

Question (d)
Learning is a finite process.
Corrected Statement: Learning is an infinite process.


Question (i)
Is an educated person the same as a degree holder? Make a list of the behaviours in educated people that you find unacceptable.

  1. Throwing garbage along the roadside.
  2. Careless use of water, electricity and other natural resources.
  3. Waste of food.
  4. Careless use of public ammenities.
  5. Not following traffic rules.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.4 Interview

(ii) Suggest what would you do in the following situations:

Question (i)
Your close friend has been using a fake social media account to play prank on others and is not ready to stop in spite of several attempts by you.
I would tell him the consequences of his behaviour. I would divert his mind towards some creative activities. I would tell him to focus on his hobby or any other creative work.

Question (ii)
You are going through a crisis that is making you short tempered and impatient, due to which you end up causing harm to your family and friends. They have started complaining about it quite often.
I would try to solve my own problems and in case it is not possible I would take someone’s (my family members or near and dear one’s) help to solve it. I would control my anger and would meditate daily. I would focus on the positive things near me and try to learn time management and develop perseverance. This would help to repair my relation with my near and dear ones.

Question (iii)
One particular friend of yours is always late for college, social functions, movies etc, and delays everyone.
I would tell him that time is precious, and all of us have time constraints. I would also tell him the benefits of doing things in time.

Question (iv)
You realise that you no longer want to pursue your studies in the stream you have selected.
At first I would focus on the interesting areas in the same stream and try to get acquainted with it. I would explore in the same stream again. In spite of the efforts I have taken, if it does not work, I would go for the other stream with the help of an expert’s advice.


Question (i)
Consult the thesaurus and note down synonyms for ordinary. Use the words in your own sentences.
Ordinary – Banal, normal, common
(a) Ordinary – Her gown was too ordinary for the ceremony.
(b) Banal – He finds geometric problems very banal.
(c) Normal – I expected to be home at my normal time.
(d) Common – Maaz and Raj do not talk much as they do not share a common language.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.4 Interview

Question (ii)
Find the meanings of the following words and use them in your own sentences.
(a) Trite – meaning: lacking originality
sentence: Sometimes we do come across many trite sayings/poems, but they are still quite interesting,
(b) Routine – meaning: regular, usual
sentence: That was my mother’s routine check-up.
(c) Cliched – meaning: a remark that is made often
sentence: This may round cliched, hut this is the truth you have to bear with,
(d) Regular – meaning: everyday
sentence: Exercise should be practised on a regular basis.

Question (iii)
Complete the table.

The world around you what we should aim to be
Callous caring for people, environment, and life
Violent calm, unagressive behaviour, serene
Greedy helpful by nature, charitable and generous
Corrupt Honest in behaviour, ethical and virtuous

Question (iv)
Note down ways in which you can make your life less ordinary in terms of –
(a) Utilisation of time: Everyone is alloted the same time of 24 hrs in a day. I will set small goals and achieve the same in a particular time. I will utilize the saved time for my (own development)/personality development and for any social coause. In this way I will utilize my time to the fullest.

(b) Pursuing goals other than the material goals: Pursuing good and healthy life or any spiritual goal is more important than material goal. I would set goals for pursuing it. For my spiritual growth I would learn and practice yoga and meditation. For pursuing healthy life I will practise healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, maintenance of hygiene.

(c) Nurturing relationships : I have good relation with my family members, neighbours and relatives. I will not only maintain but also develop it. I will always spend some time with them, respect their thoughts, feelings and take their care. I would always help them in their need.

(d) Being a better human being: In order to be a better human being I will develop the habit of helping others, honesty, open mindedness, positive attitude, punctuality and many other. At the same time I will keep myself always away from bad company, laziness, hatred, greed. I will always help the poor and the needy, respect my parents and teachers, elderly relatives and neighbours. I will use natural resources, water, electricity, public amenities judiciously. By planting trees, I would also contribute in reducing global warming.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.4 Interview


Question 1.
Place the given areas of question from the list in the appropriate columns.

  • Future plans
  • Inspiration
  • Overcoming hurdles/ struggle
  • Coach/ mentor/ guide/ teacher
  • Message for the youngsters
  • Family support
  • Alternate career choice
  • First or maiden award / achievement / success / setbacks
  • Turning point in life / success formula / technique


Section of the Interview Aspects to be covered
1. Introduction Welcoming / Greeting, Introduction of the guest/occasion.
2. Opening questions Inspiration
3. Main body Coach, guide, mentor, teacher Overcoming hurdles, struggle Family support

First award, achievement, success, setbacks Alternate career choice [memorable incident] Turning point, success formula, technique

4. Concluding Message for the youngsters and future plans
5. Summing up Concluding statement, Expressing gratitude.

Question (ii)
‘Once you begin to learn there is no end to learning’. Write your views on this statement.
A person is a student throughout his life. When a child is born he learns to crawl, walk, run. In the school he learns various subjects along with sportsmanship, helping others nature, caring and sharing. He practises all of it in his life. There are many life skills too which man learns. It being a need of time throughout his life, one actually goes on learning various new things knowingly or unknowingly. Knowledge has no end.

Question (iii)
You are a class representive and you are assigned by the Principal of your college, to conduct an interview of a leading personality in a particular field. You have to conduct the interview
with the help of the points in the table provided above.
Interview of Sachin Tendulkar.
[Sachin Tendulkar was invited as a Chief Guest for the prize distribution ceremony in our college. I was privileged to interview him.]

Student: Good morning sir. I welcome you in our college. It’s my privilege to interview a great youth icon like you. First I would like to ask you about your career.
When did you begin to play?
Sachin: Actually I started in my early childhood, when I was just 5 years. Then I started playing in my society. Following regular practice, a day came when I was selected in the Indian Cricket Team.
Student: Who inspired you to play cricket ?
Sachin: Initially my father was my inspiration. He was the one who inspired me to play cricket for our nation. At that moment I made a promise to myself that I will play for my nation. My elder brothers also inspired me. while playing and learning Cricket. Sunil Gavaskar, Kapil Dev and many others inspired me a lot. I did study many techniques and learnt a lot from them.
Student: What role did your coach play in your life?
Sachin: He actually shaped my life. It is because of his inspiration and guidance I could succeed. He is my guru in real sense.
Student: Can you share a memorable incident from your life?
Sachin: Actually there are many. The first is my selection in the Indian Cricket Team and the day. I got Bharatratna are the two most cherished moments of my life.
Student: How did your family members support you in this colourful journey?
Sachin: I owe a lot to my family. My parents, my brothers have always been a source of inspiration in my journey till today. I remember the days when I was too young to travel alone and the cricket ground was far away from my house. My Father would accompany me. He would wait for me till my practice got over. Not only that, even today they all are my strong support. Sometimes certain incidents would make me nervous. My brothers would encourage me. My mother always taught me to look at the positive side of life. I could overcome every obstacle in my life only because of their strong support.
Student: How did you become successful in this field?
Sachin: Hard work is the only keynote to success. I strongly believe that you can achieve anything in your life if you work hard. Sincerity an a whole hearted devotion is must. For me satisfaction matters more than success. I did not play cricket to become a hero. I played because it gave me immense joy and satisfaction. These is no short cut to success. If you follow the path of sincerity, honesty, hard work, devotion and focus towards achieving your goal. Success automatically follows you.

Student: What message would you like to give to the strugglers who wish to make career in cricket? Sachin: Now-a-days, I see many children who wish to make career in Cricket. I would suggest them to follow their heart. Practise regularly in such a way that it should be your passion. Ultimately what you give will come back a thousand times.

Set a goal which should be high and run after it till you achieve it. This is not just for Cricket but anything that you wish to achieve Swami Vivekanand said “Awake, arise and stop not till you achieve your dream”. Follow this from your heart and see that your dreams come true.
Student: What are your future plans?
Sachin: Actually I have taken formal retirement from Cricket. But this does not mean that I have stopped playing Cricket. I do play almost daily. I am planing to guide the freshers. Cricket as you know is my passion and I will never stop playing it.
Student: Sir, the youngsters, specially the Cricket aspirant will surely follow your advice. I thank you very much for your valuable guidance and for sparing your time for us.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.4 Interview


Question (i)
‘Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever’ Mahatma Gandhi. Collect some quotes on education by famous thinkers.
An investment in knowledge pays the best investment’ – Benjamin Franklin
Education is the passport to the future for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today- Malcolm X. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the would. Nelson Mandela Education is the ability to meet life’s situation – Dr John G Hibbenad

Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 3.4 Interview Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Prepare a list of questions to be asked while interviewing a jawan from Indian Army.

  1. When did you join Indian Army?
  2. How did you prepare yourself for selection in Indian Army?
  3. Where were you posted while in Indian Army?
  4. How do you protect yourself while doing duty where there is an extreme weather ?
  5. How do you prepare yourself while going on a mission ?
  6. How did your family members support you when you joined Army?
  7. Can you share any memorable incident from your life?
  8. What message would you like to give the youngsters struggling to get selected in Indian Army?
  9. what message would you give to the countrymen?

11th Std English Questions And Answers:

E-mails 11th Question Answer English Chapter 3.3 Maharashtra Board

Class 11 English Chapter 3.3

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 3.3 E-mails Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 3.3 E-mails Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 3.3 Brainstorming Question Answer

Yuvakbharati English Navneet 11th Digest PDF Free Download Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
There are different kinds of communication. Write some of them to complete the given boxes. Discuss the importance of each one of them with your partner.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 E-mails 1
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 E-mails 2

Maharashtra Board Solutions

Question 2.
Dos and Don’ts for Email Etiquettes. Discuss and add one or two Dos and Don’ts on your own”.

Dos Don’ts
1. Have a clear subject line. Don’t forget your signature.
2. Use a professional salutation. Don’t use humour and sarcasm.
3. Recheck your e-mail. Don’t assume the recipient knows what you are talking about.
4. Keep private material confidential. Don’t punctuate poorly.
5. Keep your email short and flawless. Stay concise. Don’t hit ‘Reply AH’.
6. Check your attachments before sending. Don’t think that no one but the intended recipient will see your email. (No predictions)
7. Include your name or a signature with additional details and contact information. Don’t forward email without permission.
8. Make use of ‘Bcc’ to e-mail a team. Don’t make use of emoticons while sending professional e-mails.
9. Make sure to send a reply to all e-mails received. Avoid replying while you are in an angry or unpleasant mood.


Question 1.
Write an e-mail to your friend who has not contacted you for a long time. Use the hints/language support from the text to compose your e-mail.
Dear /(Name),

How have you been? It has been a while since we last had a conversation. If I am not wrong, it has been more than a year or two. I hope things are going well with you.

I was going through some old albums that I found yesterday while cleaning the cupboard. I also came across a photo, which we had taken with the monkeys. I clearly picturised the scene of the past days when my uncle made the two of us sit between the monkeys. Oh how frightened were we!

My nostalgic trip made me wonder what are you upto. I remember the last time when you e-mailed me you told me about the job markets declining in New Zealand. Let me know if everything is well at your end.

I have attached some pictures; have a look. I will be waiting to hear back from you.

All the best and take care.

Maharashtra Board Solutions


Question (i)
Browse through the net and find out various types of emails and their formats.
[Students are expected to attempt this question on their own.]

Question (ii)
Create your email account on any one of the email service providers (gmail, yahoo, rediff) and send at least 3/4 emails to your contacts.
[Students are expected to attempt this question on their own.]


Question 1.
Prepare a CV/Resume of your own.
Address: ( )
Contact: +91 ; E-mail: ( )
Nationality: Indian; Date of Birth:


  • Result-driven professional with two years of experience in administrative support.
  • Expertise in managing operational needs, reporting, communicating status updates, travel booking, etc.
  • Strong exposure of working in a team for promoting smooth operations of the organization.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication with interpersonal skills.
  • Exceptionally well organized, self-motivated, committed and perpetual inclination to learn.

Key Skills

  • Administration skills
  • Record management
  • Report generation
  • Communication skills
  • Time Management

Work Experience

XXX Pvt. Ltd.

  • Responsible for maintaining day-to-day operations and maintaining daily checklists.
  • Answering or referring queries.
  • Maintaining documents, presentations, spreadsheets, databases, etc.
  • Maintaining confidential files, preparing reports, etc.
  • Arranging appointments, meetings, conferences, travel, etc.


  • Bachelor of Commerce, XYZ University
  • Certificate course on Secretarial Practice
  • Computer skills: MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)

Languages known: English, Hindi and Marathi

Maharashtra Board Solutions

Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 3.3 E-mails Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
The State Government of Maharashtra has decided to take strict measures on the hawkers’s encroachment on roads. Draft an e-mail to the editor of a local daily expressing your concern for the jobless hawkers.
Subject: Hawker’s dilemma

Dear Madam,
This is to bring to your notice the strict measures that has been taken by the Deputy Municipal Commissioner of Mumbai against the hawkers encroaching on roads of Mumbai.

The President of the hawkers’ union has said that due to Municipal action, many hawkers have become jobless and are likely to indulge in criminal activities. As citizens of Mumbai, we are fed up with the hawkers’ encroachment on roads. But there is some point in what the hawkers’ president says.

Our authorities should provide alternative accommodation to the hawkers. If after providing accommodation, the hawkers occupy the footpaths, they should be punished.

As a concerned citizen, I appeal to the Municipal Commissioner, through your daily, to give the matter a second thought.
Thanks and Regards,

11th Std English Questions And Answers:

Blog Writing 11th Question Answer English Chapter 3.2 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 11 English Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing Question Answer Maharashtra Board

11th Std English Chapter 3.2 Brainstorming Question Answer

Yuvakbharati English Navneet 11th Digest PDF Free Download Maharashtra Board

Question (i)
Discuss the various mass media available for people to express their views and complete the web.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing 1
Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing 2

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing

Question (ii)
Discuss the various mass media available for people to express their views and complete the web.



Known as

Blog Writing Writes/Publishes an information piece, views, opinions, etc. on (www.World Wide Web) Blogger
Story Writing Writes in short on one or more genres of fiction/in magazines, anthologies, etc. Story Writer
Song/Lyric Writing Writes lyrics/songs for films, plays, etc. on a given topic Song Writer/Lyricist
Academic Writing Writes in scientific journals, university magazines, etc., as a result of their Studies and Research Academic Writer
Translating Translates an original work from one language into another Translator
Newspaper Writing Writes in national, state and local newspapers as a staff member Journalist
Column Writing Writes on trends or comments on issues in a column everyday or weekly Columnist
Screen Writing Writes scripts for films/movies/T.V., etc. Screenplay Writer
Fiction/Novel Writing Writes long stories of fiction, non-fiction and other genres Novelist
Drama/Play Writing Writes for theatre on genres like fiction and non-fiction, historical, etc. Dramatist/Playwright


Question 1.
Discuss the various blogs and their features with your friends.
A blog helps us to express our –

  • feelings
  • thoughts
  • opinions
  • views

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing


Question (i)
We all know that blogs can be written on any topics. Your teacher will divide the class in groups and assign a task to every group to make a list of various topics on which blogs are normally written. List a few.

  • Social Awareness
  • Environmental Issue
  • Health
  • Personality Development

Question (ii)
Go through the blog given in the text and also refer to different blogs on the internet about various social issues and environment hazards. Write blogs on the topics given below.
(i) Earth with no Trees

Trees are not only our best friends but our life. They are an important part of our ecology as they produce oxygen on which human beings exist. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen which we human beings and wild life breath. There would be no rain if there were no trees. Trees absorb water through roots and release during transpiration. Trees keep environment moist. They help to prevent soil erosion.

Trees also conserve rainwater. Sometimes dead trees fall on the soil and gets buried. It is a scientifically proven fact that trees control sound pollution. This is the reason why trees are planted at the strategic locations like highways, near factories and near airports. Trees conserve energy, save water, shield us from dangerous UV rays.

If there were no trees, there would be no life. We would not get food, clothing, shelter and the most important, oxygen, on which survival depends. There would be no rainfall. Temperature on the earth would increase and ultimately not only human but also life of every small creature would be in danger.

(ii) Say ‘No’ to Tobacco

In India every year about 2 millions die due to tobacco and its effects. It is the biggest enemy of public health. Tobacco is one of the causes of cancer. A smokers puts not only his life but the life of others in danger. Inhaling the smoke from cigarettes, cigars or pipes we too intake tobacco which is hazardous to life. Bronchitis, liver cancer and prostrate cancer are gifts of tobacco. Around 15% of teenagers are addicted to tobacco, it is therefore necessary to create awareness. After all ‘Prevention is Better than Cure’. Creating grassroot level awareness is a must.

Everyone should make an effort to educate youngsters about the ill effects of tobacco. At the same time, there should be government control over sale of tobacco products. Strict action should be taken on companies selling tobacco illegally in remote as well as rural areas. At the same time, strict action also must be taken to reinforce the already existing ban on the sale of tobacco products  near educational institutes. Health check-up camp must be organized regularly to detect oral diseases specially cancer. Mass-media should be aggressively used to campaign against tobacco.

(iii) Man vs Nature

Human beings are the creation of nature. Humans get food, clothing water, shelter, air and a ton of other things from nature. Our mother earth is a unique planet where conditions are suitable for life. Breathing is the most necessary and natural action for every moment which depends on the nature. But we are behaving carelessly on the planet. We hurt nature due to our carelessness.

We have set up millions of factories on the earth which create and increase air pollution. Smoke from vehicle is added daily. This causes pollution and affects our health too. At the same time, we go on cutting tress which actually are our best friends. Besides greed for the forest products, humans greed for encroaching forest land for his use is increasing day by day. As a result of it, wild life is also in danger. There are vast reservoirs of pure drinking water on the globe but we are using it carelessly and polluting it.

It has been noted by researches that in coming 50 years there will scarcity of oil. Global warming is hazardous for everyone. It is creating problems to Glaciers. Not only man but other animals are also creations of the nature but we have put their life too in danger. As a result we don’t find the small bird ‘sparrow’ in polluted cities. Actually by keeping this attitude towards nature, man is digging his own grave. Nature is powerful enough to correct hostile actions of human beings. If nature decides to correct human actions, flood, tsunami, famine, anything can be the result. Therefore it is the need of time that humans should live smartly in harmony with nature and respect nature too.

(iv) Child Labour: A Curse to Humanity

Child Labour is a curse to humanity. Children are supposed to go to school, enjoy and learn but are found to be working. They are the most important asset of the society but poverty, illegitimacy, problem of unemployment make them do odd jobs. We are also responsible for this problem of child labour. This problem is more common in underdeveloped nation and thus needs to be corrected.

Protecting children from being child labourers is the responsibility of not only government but of each and every citizen. Use of children as a helping hand on own farm was common but the things changed after industrialization. Various factory owners appointed children and we find many children doing dangerous tasks in industries like fire crackers, carpet industries. In such industries their life is found to be in danger. In pencil making industry they are subjected to lung diseases, In carpet making industries they can lose their eyesight and in fire crackers industry they are exposed to dangerous chemicals. All this must be avoided and banned at the earliest.

To curb this, children from poor strata of the society should be provided with education and teenagers with vocational training. Education will create awareness among them. Some arrangement of providing them nutritious food should also be made by the Government and NGOs. To eradicate the problem of child labour, meticulous planning not only by the government but also by ‘us’ is needed. This is sadly not functioning to the fullest and as a result we share the blame of child labour.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing


Question 1.
Prepare a word register for writing a blog, by choosing a particular topic of your own choice. You can write on environment, pollution, education etc.
Word Register – Pollution:

global warming, Co2, breathing, tree plantation, factories, water pollution, air, soil, oxygen, ozone layer, diseases, infection, climate, ultraviolet rays.

Word Register Education:

Knowledge, school, college, vocational, training, personality, awareness, books, internet, apps, computer.


Question 1.
Given below are the few topics for blog writing. Discuss and write.

  1. Personality Development
  2. Health and Fitness
  3. Social Dynamics
  4. Self Defence
  5. Communication Skills

(i) Personality Development:

Personality is a perfect amalgam of a person’s physical and psychological development, manners, relationship with other members of the society, optimistic attitude and many other factors. Now a days management skill including time management, soft skills, health and leadership qualities also play an important role in shaping ones personality.

Practice of Yoga, meditation and regular exercise can keep a person fit. For learning time management one can keep small goals and try to complete the same in a limited time span. We must be polite while speaking with others. Our behaviour should not be aggressive. One must be a good listener and should be proactive rather than being reactive. Creative vision, optimism arise from within. Reading, knowledge about the world matters a lot.

Possessing all these qualities, increase the confidence of the person which is ultimately reflected in his character. Our positive gestures, while speaking, our being social help us to climb the ladder of success. To learn all these qualities, one must keep aside the ego. One should avoid backbiting and should always help others whenever needed. One should be confident enough, always try to learn new things and be one’s ownself. All these qualities cannot be achieved overnight. Some of these come from within while some can be achieved. Including all these qualities in a person’s character creates a good personality.

(ii) Health and Fitness

It is said that ‘Health is wealth’. Health in medical term does not only mean free of diseases but it also means a state of being well. A healthy person should be able to do his daily chores, his occupation. A healthy or physically fit person is able to face changes in the surrounding.

Health and fitness can be achieved by various ways such as intake of nutritious diet, healthy lifestyle, maintenance of hygiene, regular exercise or yoga and meditation. Not only this but a person’s positive attitude towards life matters the most. Proper and nutritious diet can keep you physically fit but meditation and yoga along with optimistic attitude keep one mentally fit. Regular practice of yoga and mediation reduces stress, blood sugar level and various other health issues like blood pressure and hyperacidity.

Now a days almost all human beings including kids are found to be under stress. Industrialization and computerization has no doubt made human life easy but created many health and fitness issue. There is a competition in every walk of life and one must survive the same. The basic need is therefore to stay healthy and fit. One can achieve it by going to gym, practising yoga and meditation, running, walking, cycling, aerobics, dance, swimming, playing outdoor games and many others. Practising any of these is the key of maintaining health. To maintain health and fitness has now become a need of the time.

(iii) Self Defence

Self defence means defending oneself from getting harmed. Physical self defence is the use of force for self protection. One can protect himself by being armed or unarmed too. Armed self defence allows the use of weapons for self defence while in unarmed self defence person does not use any weapon. His only weapon is his stamina and physical strength. There are some restrictions on the use of weapons. The armed force is the exception to it. Not only this, but self defence can also be achieved by avoiding the problematic situation.

Self defence techniques can be learned and learning the same is an urgent need of in today’s age. Specially women must learn it. In the changing scenario of increasing terrorism in society, it becomes a necessity for everyone to learn it. Many martial arts coaches train their students various methods of self defence. Apart from learning self defence, one must be optimistic enough to handle the problems in front of him. While handling the critical situation, everyone should trust in themselves and tackle with high level of confidence.

(iv) Social Dynamics

Man is a social animal. He lives in a society and is influenced by the people around him.. Our society is built on the principles of social dynamics. In society, behaviour of every person is different. People interact with one another and this results in deciding their behaviour in a group. Thus social dynamics is actually a behaviour of group which is the result of influence created by other group members. Social dynamics involve the study of interrelationship of people with one another.

When people come together in a group,they interact, share their thoughts, their ideas and knowledge. The exchange of thoughts, knowledge and ideas bring about positive change in the group behaviour, thereby bringing change in the society.

(v) Communication Skills

The way of communicating to others is an important skill in a person which enables us to understand the things that are being said. Our brains develop at every stage of our life using different techniques to communicate a message. There are many different skills used to communicate a message in an effective manner.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing 3

The principles of effective communication are Listening, Speaking when required, Curiosity, Engaging and Body language. Using the principles of effective comm unication helps increase our ability to be understood. This boosts our confidence and self esteem to speak.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing 4

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing


Question 1.
There are many blog websites like, www.wordpress. com, and You can develop your blog writing skills taking on the basis of this make a list of career opportunities available to you.

Yuvakbharati English 11th Digest Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is the importance of blog writing?
A blog is an article on a topic expressing the views, experiences or feelings of a person. Writing a blog is really a challenging thing to do.

In the changing scenario of E-age, we find that joint families are rarely seen. Even in nuclear families now a days family members hardly share their views, ideas. (The reason may be any.) People are in contact with each other but are not connected. In such situation a blog plays very important role.

A blog gives a platform to the person to share his views, opinion or even feelings. In this way he gets an opportunity to communicate with people. Secondly in spite of availability of mass media like newspaper, writing of a person cannot be published always. A blog provides a person (blogger) to share his views and make it available for the readers. One can share anything interesting in a blog.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing

Question 2.
What is the difference between a blog writing and newspaper write up?
A blog is an article wherein a person (a blogger) has right to share his views feelings or opinion about anything. A newspaper article writer does not share his feelings or views always. A newspaper article is generally focused on the topics of public interest. Most of the time newspaper articles are only informative. A newspaper article can be written daily or weekly whereas a blogger can write and post a blog at any time in a day.

Question 3.
What precaution is taken while developing a blog?
A blog is an article expressing person’s views, feelings or opinion. Utmost precautions should be taken while posting a blog on social media. There is no limitation regarding number of words and number of topics on which a blog can be written. But a blogger must make sure to avoid repetition. A reader may find it uninteresting to read lengthy description of a simple thing.

A blog posted on social media is read by many people belonging to different caste, creed and community. A blogger must not post anything in his blog which may 1 hurt feelings of people or make antisocial elements active.

Question 4.
Why is a blog developed and uploaded?
A blog is a platform one gets to express his views, feelings or opinions. A person a blogger) can communicate with the world through his writing. Writing a blog is an opportunity given to mature writers. A blogger can refine his writing skills while expressing his views. It is uploaded so that he can communicate and share his experiences with others. It can give a chance to the blogger to be a good writer.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.2 Blog Writing

Question 5.
Go through the blog given in the text and also refer to different blogs on the internet about various social issues and environment hazards. Write blogs on the topics given below.
(i) Are we Happier than our Forefathers?

There was a time centuries ago, in the stone age when man wandered about from place to place in groups. Slowly life became stable, when man decided to settle down. He learnt farming and domestication of animals like cow, sheep, goat and buffalo. These animals gave him milk and helped him to plough the field as well as carry loads. This change in man was a definite change for the better.

Of course, today the world has progressed by leaps and bounds. Quick means of communication, advancement in technology, the boon of the atomic age has made distances so small. The world today has become a smaller place, thanks to progress.

Medicines and drugs have lengthened life and given us cures for dreaded disease. Today man can do so many things that our forefathers could not even dream of achieving. Excessive use of fuels such as diesel, kerosene, petrol and other harmful chemicals have ruined the planet earth. Our atmosphere is so steeped in poisonous gases that we have no fresh air to breathe. This has resulted in the depletion of the ozone layer. Atomic weapons and bombs are a constant threat to our very existence.

Do we honestly say we are happier than our forefathers? At what cost? Yes, we are more comfortable, we have progressed, but at what cost? At the cost of our lives and happiness. Let us not forget that happiness does not depend on material comforts. It depends on the state of our mind. I can safely say that we have forfeited our mental happiness for worldly comforts.

(ii) If Trees Could Talk

Tree can speak to you and I may not understand what they are trying to tell us. It was proved by the famous scientist, Jagdish Chandra Bose, that plants can feel pain and can even reveal how they are feeling. Unfortunately, these sounds cannot be understood by man and can only be recorded on a graph. Vegetation is not deaf and dumb, though we may think so.

If trees could speak, they would have told us several things both good and bad. I am sure the bad things would be much more than about the good habits of man. I am sure the tree would grumble and cry. out in pain at man’s indecent, vulgar and rude behaviour.

All trees would complain about the brutal and barbarious behaviour of man. A tree would explain to us that it gave us shade from the hot blistering sun, plenty of wood, choicest fruit, medicinal herbs, ayurvedic pesticides and insecticides like the neem, yet man is so ungrateful and despicable, he takes the tree for granted and does not care if he chops it and hacks it painfully.

Man goes about cutting down forests and building high rise structures or big factories that give out poisonous gases. Trees, if we could only understand what they were trying to tell us, would inform us that we were murderers and butchers who took pleasure in destroying nature that God has created for man. They would have wept with grief and pain as they related the insanity and callousness of man.

(iii) Leisure – It’s Uses and Abuses

I remember W. H. Davis saying in one of his poems
‘What is this life, if full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?!

These lines tell us that in the middle of rushing here and doing this and that and attacking this job and completing that duty, we must ,find time to relax down. Those of us living in cities spend all our free time, glued to the TV – The idiot box as our elders call it. The rich spend their time in restaurants and nightclubs. No one today spends time with Nature – especially those living in towns and cities.

The best way to spend one’s leisure moments is to come in contact with nature in a park, a zoo, a garden or an aviary. Some of us have a tendency of misusing our leisure time. Some youngsters spend their time gambling, drinking, teasing girls, stealing, getting into trouble by making fun of passers-by and by gossiping. All these activities cause terrible harm to themselves as well as to others. Those belonging to rich families have stag parties or kitty parties and drink alcohol, gamble and go about spoiling the names of their acquaintances and friends.

We can use our leisure time developing our hobbies such as photography, reading, writing, gardening, doing embroidery, painting, learning dancing, playing musical instruments and other things for which we have talents. It is better to develop our talents, for who knows when these will help us in our life. Relaxation is important, but just lying idle will cause trouble to our minds as well as to our body, hence we must do something constructive and useful in our leisure hours.

(iv) Democracy – The Best form of Government

Abraham Lincoln described democracy as the Government of the people, for the people and by the people. This system of government is the most acceptable because every single individual in the country is a part of the governing process. The legislature is elected by the people themselves, while the Executive is selected from the Legislature. A corrupt government will surely not be elected again.

Other forms of government are monarchy and dictatorship. In both monarchy and dictatorship, the ruler is the Supreme ultimate power over the people. The people themselves have absolutely no say in the matter. They have no remedy against misuse of power or against in justice. There is no individual freedom, no freedom of speech or expression. The individual is a captive in his own nation. How ironical this may seem, but it is very true.

I am not saying that democracy is the most ideal form of Government. It does not guarantee social justice and is quite often corrupt. It is slow in functioning and not very capable in emergencies, but yet we feel it is the most effective form of Government.

How can there be an effective function of governments like monarchy, dictatorship and autocracy when the individual is left out completely? Such governments profess ‘might’ is right theory and are more often than not, corrupt and evil one man shows.

The most important attribute of democracy is the fact that all are treated equally before the law, irrespective of caste, creed and sex. The dignity of man is recognised and respected. The individual takes active part in the governing of his country. He is responsible if things go wrong. We therefore feel that democracy is more advantageous than other forms of governments.

(v) Unity in Diversity

India is a land where we can clearly see Unity in Diversity. This means that there is a strand of oneness running through all of us that makes us one in mind and spirit and thought.

India is diverse in topography. We have in one country snow capped mountains as well as deserts, plains as well as plateaus, rivers as well as lakes, areas of heavy rainfall as well as very scanty rainfall. Yet India is one country to all of us. India is a land of diverse people. There are people living in different states who have different language, different mode of dressing different food habits and different traditions. Yet they are all Indians.

We have people of different religions living together as brothers. These external difference of physical features of dress, of language, of food and of festivals are superficial differences to the true Indian. What really matters in the feeling of being an Indian. The strand of Indianness, is what really matters. It is this strand that brings in all Indians the feeling of belonging, the feeling being at home with your near and dear ones.

Today sadly, there is an atmosphere of intolerance, narrow – mindedness, groupism and party spirit, but yet we can proudly say that we have not lost our basic values. The sense of national unity is a priority with most Indians. We must however strive for this unity to be strengthened. We must instill in our youth the feeling of pride for our culture and tradition and we must remember to retain our identity as Indians.

(vi) Students and Discipline

Discipline is of utmost importance in society and it is the student who needs it most if he is going to become an exemplary citizen. Today physical fitness is not all. The student must be taught values and the meaning of discipline in order to make him whole in body and mind. If he is not disciplined from the very beginning he will turn out dissatisfied with life, a failure, and a candidate for violence.

Let us not forget, that teaching discipline to the student is not solely the job of the school. Parents have to be very much involved in this. It is they who have to maintain discipline at home and in the neighbourhood.

We notice that the problem of indiscipline becomes worse as the student grows older and goes to college. This must be because he is now getting more and more exposed to media. TV soaps and other serials and the cinema are always portraying students as indisciplined. They are shown as not having any regard for their elders and betters. Our children love to ape, hence they copy all the bad habits and examples of indiscipline.

Students are becoming more and more violent today. We do not say that they have no reasons to have grievances. Of course, they are not satisfied with the syllabus. They are unhappy with the way teaching is done. They are worried about stiff competition. They are bothered about the free pattern and the partiality of the teachers. These are serious grievances, but this does not mean that students should retaliate by being indisciplined. The education system needs to be changed and our young students must be taught how to choose between right and wrong. A well-disciplined person will become a success in life.

11th Std English Questions And Answers: