Std 10 English Poem The Will to Win 3.4 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 3.4 The Will to Win Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 10 English Chapter 3.4 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

The Will to Win Poem 10th Std Question Answer

The Will To Win Poem Appreciation Question 1.
Get into pairs, discuss and tick the most appropriate answer :
(a) You may have lost the match; but
(i) It is important that you start fighting with your opponent.
(ii) It is important to have the will to win.
(iii) It is important that you blame the organizers for the rough ground.
(ii) It is important to have the will to win.

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(b) Success is always measured by :
(i) Ability to pounce upon at the opponent and fight with full force.
(ii) Match-fixing before the match begins.
(iii) Ability to bounce back after a fall.
(c) The ability to bounce back after a fall.

(c) For attaining success; we need to :
(i) Sleep day in and day out and dream about success.
(ii) Scheme out things to make the opponent fall.
(iii) Work hard day and night for it.
(c) Work hard day and night for it.

Appreciation Of Poem The Will To Win Question 2.
How can we achieve success in life? Complete the boxes by filling the essential qualities required for achieving success.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 3.4 The Will to Win 3
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 3.4 The Will to Win 1

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Appreciation Of The Poem The Will To Win Question 3.
Discuss and write 5 proverbs/quotations related to the importance of having a strong will-power.
(a) ………………………………..
(b) ………………………………..
(c) ………………………………..
(d) ………………………………..
(e) ………………………………..
(a) Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
(b) If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
(c) The truest wisdom is a resolute determination. -Napoleon Bonaparte
(d) Nothing is impossible. -Napoleon Bonaparte
(e) Determination is the key to success.

The Will To Win Question 4.
Complete the following table.
Make a list of great personalities of present and past who have achieved success in different walks of life. You can take help of your school library or search on the internet.

Politics Social work Sports Music


Politics Sports Social Work Music
Abraham Lincoln
Franklin Roosevelt
George Washington
Winston Churchill
Woodrow Wilson
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Michael Jordan
Allyson Felix
Shekhar Naik
H. Boniface Prabhu
Mahendra Singh Dhoni
Medha Patkar
Helen Keller
Emmeline Pankhurst
Florence Nightingale
Ravindra Jain
Cher (singer)

The Will to Win Class 10 English Workshop Questions and Answers Maharashtra Board

The Will To Win Appreciation Question 1.
(A) In order to achieve success the poet wants us to
(a) ………………………………..
(b) ………………………………..
(c) ………………………………..
(a) go out and fight for it
(b) work day and night for it
(c) give up time, peace and sleep for ft.

(B) Write as many phrases as you can using ‘enough’ and use them in your sentences.
Example : good enough
(1) hard enough : If you work hard enough, you will be rewarded.
(2) bold enough : He was not bold enough to realise his ambitions.
(3) fast enough : He was not fast enough to understand the joke at his expense.
(4) strong enough : The little bird was still not strong enough to fly away on its own.
(5) reasonable enough : The price seemed reasonable enough; yet I hesitated to buy It.

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(C) What does the word ‘Scheme’ mean here ? Choose the correct alternative from the following.
(a) Housing colony
(b) Goal in life
(c) Rhyme pattern
(d) Plan of action
(d) plan of action

(D) Do you think the line ‘Give up your time and your peace and your sleep for it’ means that one should be ‘desperate’ or restless’ to achieve one’s goal. Explain your opinion, in your notebook.
No. If you are ‘desperate’, you might take unnecessary risks to achieve your goal. If you are ‘restless’, you will have no peace of mind. What the poet means by losing ‘time’. ‘peace’ and sleep’ means spending many hours working hard to gain one’s objectives and to continually keep on thinking about it until it is achicvcd.

(E) Following lines are given to you. Find their appropriate meanings after discussing with your partner.
(a) To go out and fight for it.
(b) If you gladly sweat for, fret for and plan for it.
(c) Lose all your terror of opposition for it.
(d) With all your capacity, strength and sagacity.
(a) to try one’s best and struggle hard in order to achieve something.
(d) making full use of all your capabilities, power and wisdom.
(c) sweat for it, fret for and plan for it and lose all your terror of the opposition for it
(d) to try one’s best and struggle hard in order to achieve something.

(F) Read the poem again and complete the web showing all those things that can turn one away from ones efforts towards a goal.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 3.4 The Will to Win 4
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 3.4 The Will to Win 5

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(G) Find the lines from the poem which mean-
(a) become crazy for the goal
(b) toil hard happily
(c) get rid of all fears
(d) make efforts continuously
(e) extremely poor condition
(a) if you are mad enough for it
(b) gladly sweat
(c) work day and night
(d) If neither cold poverty, famish or gaunt,

Question 2.
The poet has mentioned some hurdles in the poem that keep us away from achieving our goal in our life. Discuss with your partner and make a list of all the hurdles mentioned in the poem.

  • sickness


  • or sickness or pain

Appreciation Of The Will To Win Question 3.
The poem explicitly describes some strengths and weaknesses with the help of some words and phrases. The poet wants us to possess all the strengths and keep away from all the weaknesses. Make a list of all the words and phrases showing Strengths in table A and Weaknesses in table B. One is done for you.

A Strengths B Weaknesses
Work day and night Sickness
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A (Strengths) B (Weaknesses)
capacity, strength, sagacity
faith, hope, confidence
doggedness, grimness
the help given by God
cold poverty
sickness or pain of body and brain

A Will To Win Question 4.
Listen to the poem carefully and state whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.
(a) If you want a thing you should not give up your sleep.
(b) You should be afraid of your opposition.
(c) Cold or poverty cannot keep you away from achieving your goal.
(d) You can achieve your goal with the help of God.
(e) Life will not seem useless and worthless without achieving your goal.
(a) False
(b) False
(c) True
(d) True
(e) False

The Will To Win Poem Question 5.
Form pairs and complete the web with suitable responses. Tell the class what all things the poet wants us to do to win.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 3.4 The Will to Win 6
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 3.4 The Will to Win 2

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The Will To Win Speech Question 6.
Match the phrases in table A with lines of the poem given in table B.

Phrases Lines
(1)    Toil hard

(2)    Get rid of all

(3)    Extremely poor condition

(4)    Need desperately

(a)     If you want a thing bad enough…

(b)    If neither cold or poverty, famished

(c)    To work day and night for it.

(d)    Lose all your terror of the opposition for it.


‘A’ (Phrases) ‘B,’ (Lines)
(1) Toil hard (b)    If neither cold or poverty, famished
(2) Get rid of all (c)    To work day and night for it.
(3) Extremely poor condition…. (d)    Lose all your terror of the opposition for it.
(4) Need desperately (a)     If you want a thing bad enough

Will To Win Question 7.
Every stanza begins with word ‘if’. How does it add to the effectiveness of the poem?
Without the word ‘if’, the poem would remain as a simple statement of rules for success. By beginning each stanza with the word ‘if’, first of all, the poet implies that every human being has the choice of wanting to be successful in life. This is a more effective way of expression. Also by using the word ‘if’, he puts forward the conditions that will determine success in any sphere.

Will To Win Poem Appreciation Question 8.
(A) In poetry, when words/ideas are arranged in an ascending order of importance, the figure of speech used is called ‘Climax’.
For example, Man should work for his family, his country, but most of all for God.
Pick out two examples of ‘Climax’ from the poem.
(a) to go out and fight for it, work day and night for it, give up your time and your peace and your sleep for it
(b) … sweat for it, fret for and plan for it and lose all your terror of the opposition for it …

(B) When some words, in the line of the poem, express the same idea in different ways, the figure of speech used is ‘Tautology’.
For example, . . . happy and joyful.
. . . motionless and still.
Pick out two examples of ‘Tautology’ from the poem.
… neither cold poverty, famish
The words ‘poverty’ and ‘famish’ imply almost the same human physical condition.

(C) Pick out one example of the following Figures of Speech.
(1) Antithesis : ………………………
(2) Alliteration : ………………………
(3) Repetition : ………………………
(1) Work day and night for it.
(2) … of body and brain
(3) … or sickness or pain

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Will To Win Poem Question 9.
Work in group and prepare and present a speech on ‘How to Achieve Success.’
How to Achieve Success
I, Ajai Chitnis, do not hold with those who say, ‘Success is only for the privileged few!’ In my opinion, any and everyone can achieve success. All that is required is belief in one’s potential and a few rules of thumb in order to be a winner.

First of all you must have a goal. In order to reach that goal, you must have the necessary education and skills. For this you have to study or train. Then you have to look for opportunities. Life presents choices. You have to make the right choice. Having made the right choice, you must work hard to edge towards your goal. Only after much labour, sacrifice, determination and effort will you finally achieve success. This is my opinion on ‘How to achieve success’.

Thank you.

Question 10.
Read the poem again and write an appreciation of the poem ‘The Will to Win’ in a paragraph format.
Point Format (for understanding)
The title of the poem : ‘The Will To Win’
The poet : Berton Braley
Rhyme scheme : No specific rhyme scheme, rhymes are used randomly
Figures of speech : Repetition, Climax, Tautology, Antithesis, etc.
The central ideatheme : What we should do and what we should avoid in order to achieve success.

Paragraph Format
Berton Braley has written this inspirational poem, ‘The Will To Win’.

The poem has no specific rhyme scheme, but rhymes are used randomly all throughout. The most common type is lines ending with the word ‘it’; e.g., ‘for it’, ‘of it’, ‘of it’; ‘without it’, ‘about it’; ‘beget it’, ‘get it’; ‘sweat for if, ‘fret for if and so on. Other examples are ‘capacity’, ‘sagacity’, ‘tenacity’: ‘pain’, ‘brain’.

The main figure of speech used is Repetition, as seen in the abundance of ‘for if phrases used throughout the poem. The other figures of speech are Climax, Tautology, Antithesis, etc.

The poet gives us a formula for sure success. He tells us what we should do and what we should avoid doing in order to achieve success.

It is an inspirational poem. It motivates one to set targets and achieve goals.

Question 11.
Project :
Make a list of Berton Braley’s collection of selected poems. You can take help of your teacher, library or search on internet. Recite Braley’s any one poem in front of the class.

Question 11.
State whether the following statements are True of False. Correct the false statements : 

(a) If you want a thing, you should not give up your sleep.
Corrected statement : If you want a thing, you should willingly give up your sleep.

(b) You should be afraid of your opposition.
Corrected statement : You should not fear the opposition.

(c) Life will not seem useless and worthless without achieving your goal.
Corrected statement : Life will seem utterly useless and worthless without achieving the goal.
(a) False
(b) False
(c) False

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Question 12.
Find the appropriate meanings of the following lines :
(b) makes you quite mad enough
(c) lose all the terror of God or man for it
(b) impels you to do crazy things like taking risks
(c) get rid of all your fears of God or man or opposition.

Question 13.
Match the phrases in table A with lines from the extract given in table :

‘A’ (Phrases) ‘B,’ (Lines)
(1) Worry a lot about it (a) serious and determined….
(2) Keep you away from…. (b) follow something in a determined way….
(3) Dogged and grim…. (c) Prevent you from….
(4) Simply go after… (d) Fret for It …


‘A’ (Phrases) ‘B,’ (Lines)
(1) Worry a lot about it (d) Fret for It …
(2) Keep you away from…. (c) Prevent you from….
(3) Dogged and grim…. (a) serious and determined….
(4) Simply go after… (b) follow something in a determined way….

Question 14.
Give an example of each of the following from the extract :
(a) Tautology.
Life seems useless and worthless without it. The words ‘useless’ and ‘worthless’ have almost the same meaning.

(b) get rid of all fears
lose all your terror

Question 15.
State whether the following statements are True or False. Correct the false statements :
(a) Cold or poverty cannot keep you away from achieving your goal.
(b) You can achieve your goal with the help of God.
(a) True
(b) True

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Question 16.
Find the lines from the extract which mean :
(a) make winning possible by using forceful action
(a) besiege and beget it

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Std 10 English Poem The Height of the Ridiculous 4.4 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 4.4 The Height of the Ridiculous Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 10 English Chapter 4.4 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

The Height of the Ridiculous Poem 10th Std Question Answer

The Height Of The Ridiculous Appreciation Question 1.
The teacher writes incomplete sentences on the board. He/She asks the students to complete them in their notebooks.
(a) Today, I am happy because ……………………………… .
(b) Today after the class, I wish ……………………………… .
(c) Tomorrow, I feel that ……………………………… .
(d) I want to laugh because ……………………………… .
(e) Today, the class seems to be cheerful about ……………………………… .
(a) my grandparents are coming for a holiday.
(b) to eat an ice cream.
(c) I will go for a movie.
(d) I am very happy.
(e) the forthcoming football match.
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The Height Of The Ridiculous Question 2.
The teacher writes an incomplete sentence and asks the students to complete it in a funny way.
(1) Mother gave me cheese but the cat ate it.
(2) I went to the market and bought an elephant.

Appreciation Of Poem The Height Of Ridiculous Question 3.
Give the words related to:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 4.4 The Height of the Ridiculous 1
A syllable is a unit of spoken language made up of a single uninterrupted sound formed by a vowel and consonants. For example, single syllable : ant, two syllables – water, three syllables : Inferno.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 4.4 The Height of the Ridiculous 3

The Height Of The Ridiculous Theme Question 4.
Pick out the word from the given box and write it in the correct columns below.

jump, narrow, cable, live, queen, butter, tree, kitten, van, yellow, dale, happy, night, printer, star, sober, paper, cloud, pearl, within, bike, began, slender.

Here the focus is not on the spellings but the pronunciation of the words.

Words with one syllable Words with two syllables
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Words with one syllable Words with two syllables
jump, live, queen, tree, van, dale, night, star, cloud, pearl, bike narrow, cable, butter, kitten, yellow, happy, printer, sober, paper, within, began, slender

The Height Of The Ridiculous Notes Question 5.
Count the syllables and circle the appropriate number in the box.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English Solutions Unit 4.4 The Height of the Ridiculous 4

The Height Of The Ridiculous Question 6.
Write the names of any five of your friends and mention the number of syllables in each name.

Name Number of syllables
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Name Number of syllables
Rohan 2
Namrata 3
Poonam 2
Jai 1
Nilima 3

The Height of the Ridiculous Class 10 English Workshop Questions and Answers Maharashtra Board

The Height Of The Ridiculous Question 1.
Find out expressions from the poem that indicate funny moments.
For example, I laughed as I would die.
(1) was all upon the grin
(2) the grin grew broad
(3) and shot from ear to ear
(4) He read the third; a chuckling noise
(5) The fourth; he broke into a roar
(6) The fifth; his waistband split;
(7) The sixth; he burst five buttons off;
(8) And tumbled in a fit.

Appreciation Of The Poem The Height Of Ridiculous Question 2.
Order of sequence : Arrange the following reactions in their proper order, as per the poem.
(a) His waistband split
(b) The grin grew broad.
(c) Sleepless eye.
(d) Was all upon the grin.
(e) He broke into a roar.
(f) He burst five buttons off.
(d) Was all upon the grin
(b) The grin grew bro^d
(e) He broke into a roar
(a) His waistband split
(f) He burst five buttons
(c) Sleepless eye

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Height Of Ridiculous Appreciation Question 3.
Form pairs and find out the various rhyming words in the poem and two of your own. Complete the following table.

Words  Rhyming words from the poem  Rhyming words more of your own


Words Rhyming words from the poem Rhyming words more of your own
Way Pay Say, ray
Him Limb Dim, rim
Die I Fly, shy
Mood Good Food, wood
Ear Hear fear, dear
Within Grin sin, bin
Man Can fan, ran
Split Fit knit, lit

The Height Of Ridiculous Appreciation Question 4.
Match the lines with the Figures of Speech.

Lines Figures of Speech
1.   In wondrous merry mood
2.  They were so queer, so very queer.
3.  And saw him peep within
4.  The grin grew broad.
5.  And shot from ear to ear.
6.  He broke into a roar.
7.  Ten days and nights with sleepless eye
Transferred Epithet


Lines Figures of Speech
1. In wondrous, merry mood  Tautology
2. They were so queer, so very queer  Repetition
3.  And saw him peep within Repetition
4. The grin grew broad Alliteration
5. And shot from ear to ear Hyperbole
6. He broke into a roar – Onomatopoeia
7. Ten days and nights with sleepless eye Transferred Epithet

Appreciation Of The Poem The Height Of The Ridiculous Question 5.
Copy any two stanzas of the poem in the lines below. Using a coloured pen underline the stressed syllables in each line and put a stress-mark ( ) over each.
I wrote some lines once on a time
In wondrous merry mood,
And thought, as usual, men would say
They were exceeding good.

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The Height Of The Ridiculous Question 6.
Complete the lines of the poem by choosing proper pairs of rhyming words and make it meaningful.
– We returned home late, one ………………………. ,
In the window, there glowed a ………………………. .
Burglars !! was our very first ………………………. ;
For defence, sticks ‘n stones we ………………………. .
”Let’s grab the loot and ………………………. ,”
was uttered soft, by ………………………..
The door we softly ……………………….,
And then we were truly ………………………..
Oops! Before, outside, we’d ……………………….,
The television had been left ………………………..
(run, shocked, gone, night, sought, on, someone, thought, light, unlocked)
We returned home late, one night,
In the window there glowed a light.
Burglars! Was our very first thought,
For defence, sticks ‘n stones we sought.
“Let’s grab the loot and run.”
Was uttered soft, by someone.
The door we softly unlocked.
And then we were truly shocked.
Oops! Before outside we’d gone,
The television had been left on!

The Height Of Ridiculous Poem Appreciation Question 7.
Form goups in your class and together compose a short humorous poem. Use jokes, experiences, etc. and convert it to a poetic form. Write and decorate it on chart-paper and put it up in your class, in turns.

Appreciation Of The Height Of The Ridiculous Question 8.
Go through the poem and write an appreciation of the poem in a paragraph format.
Point Format
(for understanding)
The title of the poem: ‘The Height of the Ridiculous’
The poet: Oliver Wendell Holmes
Rhyme scheme: abcb.
Figures of speech: Transferred Epithet, Hyperbole, Onomatopoeia, Tautology, Alliteration, etc.
Theme/Central idea: A funny poem to simply entertain the audience; written for Enjoyment.

Paragraph Format
The poem ‘The Height of the Ridiculous’ is written by Oliver Wendell Holmes.

The rhyme scheme of the poem is abcb. There are many figures of speech, like Hyperbole, Tautology, Onomatopoeia, Alliteration, etc. but the one that stands out is Transferred Epithet. In the line ‘Ten days and nights, with sleepless eye’, the adjective ‘sleepless’ should be for the man and not for the eye.

The poem is a humorous one written for enjoyment, with plenty of funny expressions. The main purpose of the poet is to simply entertain the reader.

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Appreciation Of Poem The Height Of The Ridiculous Question 9.
Project :
Reading a poem.
Arrange the poetry reading competition. Select the poem of your choice.

  • Read the poem silently.
  • Repeat the reading of the poem.
  • Focus on the pauses, stresses, intonation etc.
  • Pay attention to the proper pronunciations.

Poem Appreciation Of The Height Of Ridiculous Question 10.
Choose the correct alternatives: (The answers are given directly and underlined.)
(1) The poet was in a very …………….. mood when he wrote the lines.
(a) tired
(b) happy
(c) bored
(d) wondering
(b) happy

(2) The poet was generally a ……………… man.
(a) humorous
(b) wonderful
(c) serious
(d) good
(c) serious

Question 11.
(a) the contrast between the poet and his servant.
The poet was a thin and slender man while his servant was strong and muscular.

(b) the poet’s reaction when he read the lines.
The poet laughed heartily when he read the lines. He laughed so hard he thought he would die.

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Question 12.
Find out the expression from the extract that indicates funny moments:
‘I laughed as I would die’.

Question 13.
Match the lines with the figures of speech:
Lines – Figures of Speech
(a) A sober man am I – (c) Tautology
(b) To mind a slender man like me – (d) Inversion
(a) A sober man am I – Inversion
(b) To mind a slender man like me – Alliteration

Question 14.
Complete the following:
(1) There was a grin on the servant’s face when …………………………
(2) The chuckling noise was heard when ……………………..
(3) When he read the fifth line ………………….
(4) The grin grew from ear to ear when the servant ………………….
(1) he read the first line.
(2) the servant read the third line.
(3) his waistband split.
(4) read the second line.

Question 15.
Describe the outcome of this experience on the poet.
After this experience, the poet has never dared to write any more funny poems.

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Question 16.
Which line suggests that the servant was totally out of control?
The line ‘And tumbled into a fit’ suggests that the servant was totally out of control.

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Practice Set 6.1 Geometry 10th Standard Maths Part 2 Chapter 6 Trigonometry Solutions Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Practice Set 6.1 Geometry 10th Class Maths Part 2 Answers Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry.

10th Standard Maths 2 Practice Set 6.1 Chapter 6 Trigonometry Textbook Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Maths Part 2 Practice Set 6.1 Chapter 6 Trigonometry Questions With Answers Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
If sin θ = \(\frac { 7 }{ 25 } \), find the values of cos θ and tan θ.
sin θ = \(\frac { 7 }{ 25 } \) … [Given]
We know that,
sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 1
…[Taking square root of both sides] Now, tan θ = \(\frac{\sin \theta}{\cos \theta}\)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 2
Alternate Method:
sin θ = \(\frac { 7 }{ 25 } \) …(i) [Given]
Consider ∆ABC, where ∠ABC 90° and ∠ACB = θ.
sin θ = \(\frac { AB }{ AC } \) … (ii) [By definition]
∴ \(\frac { AB }{ AC } \) = \(\frac { 7 }{ 25 } \) … [From (i) and (ii)]
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1
LetAB = 7k and AC = 25k
In ∆ABC, ∠B = 90°
∴ AB2 + BC2 = AC2 … [Pythagoras theorem]
∴ (7k)2 + BC2 = (25k)2
∴ 49k2 + BC2 = 625k2
∴ BC2 = 625k2 – 49k2
∴ BC2 = 576k2
∴ BC = 24k …[Taking square root of both sides]
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 3

Question 2.
If tan θ = \(\frac { 3 }{ 4 } \), find the values of sec θ and cos θ.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 4
Alternate Method:
tan θ = \(\frac { 3 }{ 4 } \) …(i)[Given]
Consider ∆ABC, where ∠ABC 90° and ∠ACB = θ.
tan θ = \(\frac { AB }{ BC } \) … (ii) [By definition]
∴ \(\frac { AB }{ BC } \) = \(\frac { 3 }{ 4 } \) … [From (i) and (ii)]
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Let AB = 3k and BC 4k
In ∆ABC,∠B = 90°
∴ AB2 + BC2 = AC2 …[Pythagoras theorem]
∴ (3k)2 + (4k)2 = AC2
∴ 9k2 + 16k2 = AC2
∴ AC2 = 25k2
∴ AC = 5k …[Taking square root of both sides]
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 6

Question 3.
If cot θ = \(\frac { 40 }{ 9 } \), find the values of cosec θ and sin θ
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..[Taking square root of both sides]
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 8
Alternate Method:
cot θ = \(\frac { 40 }{ 9 } \) ….(i) [Given]
Consider ∆ABC, where ∠ABC = 90° and
∠ACB = θ
cot θ = \(\frac { BC }{ AB } \) …(ii) [By defnition]
∴ \(\frac { BC }{ AB } \) = \(\frac { 40 }{ 9 } \) ….. [From (i) and (ii)]
Let BC = 40k and AB = 9k
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In ∆ABC, ∠B = 90°
∴ AB2 + BC2 = AC2 … [Pythagoras theorem]
∴ (9k)2 + (40k)2 = AC2
∴ 81k2 + 1600k2 = AC2
∴ AC2 = 1681k2
∴ AC = 41k … [Taking square root of both sides]
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 10

Question 4.
If 5 sec θ – 12 cosec θ = θ, find the values of sec θ, cos θ and sin θ.
5 sec θ – 12 cosec θ = 0 …[Given]
∴ 5 sec θ = 12 cosec θ
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 12

Question 5.
If tan θ = 1, then find the value of
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tan θ = 1 … [Given]
We know that, tan 45° = 1
∴ tan θ = tan 45°
∴ θ = 45°
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Question 6.
Prove that:
i. \(\frac{\sin ^{2} \theta}{\cos \theta}+\cos \theta=\sec \theta\)
ii. cos2 θ (1+ tan2 θ) = 1
iii. \(\sqrt{\frac{1-\sin \theta}{1+\sin \theta}}=\sec \theta-\tan \theta\)
iv. (sec θ – cos θ) (cot θ + tan θ) tan θ. sec θ
v. cot θ + tan θ cosec θ. sec θ
vi. \(\frac{1}{\sec \theta-\tan \theta}=\sec \theta+\tan \theta\)
vii. sin4 θ – cos4 θ = 1 – 2 cos2 θ
viii. \(\sec \theta+\tan \theta=\frac{\cos \theta}{1-\sin \theta}\)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 15
i. L.H.S. = \(\frac{\sin ^{2} \theta}{\cos \theta}+\cos \theta\)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 16

ii. L.H.S. = cos2 θ(1 + tan2 θ)
= cos2 θ sec2 θ …[∵ 1 + tan2 θ = sec2 θ]
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 17
= 1
= R.H.S.
∴ cos2 θ (1 + tan2 θ) = 1

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 18

iv. L.H.S. = (sec θ – cos θ) (cot θ + tan θ)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 19
∴ (sec θ – cos θ) (cot θ + tan θ) = tan θ. sec θ

v. L.H.S. = cot θ + tan θ
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 20
∴ cot θ + tan θ = cosec θ.sec θ

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 21

vii. L.H.S. = sin4 θ – cos4 θ
= (sin2 θ)2 – (cos2 θ)2
= (sin2 θ + cos2 θ) (sin2 θ – cos2 θ)
= (1) (sin2 θ – cos2 θ) ….[∵ sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1]
= sin2 θ – cos2 θ
= (1 – cos2 θ) – cos2 θ …[θ sin2 θ = 1 – cos2 θ]
= 1 – 2 cos2 θ
= R.H.S.
∴ sin4 θ – cos4 θ = 1 – 2 cos2 θ

viii. L.H.S. = sec θ + tan θ
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 22

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 23
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 24

xi. L.H.S. = sec4 A (1 – sin4 A) – 2 tan2 A
= sec4 A [12 – (sin2 A)2] – 2 tan2 A
= sec4 A (1 – sin2A) (1 + sin2 A) – 2 tan2 A
= sec4 A cos2A (1 + sin2 A) – 2 tan2A
[ ∵ sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1 ,∵ 1 – sin2 θ = cos2 θ]
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 25
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 26

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Chapter 6 Trigonometry Intext Questions and Activities

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks with reference to the figure given below. (Textbook pg. no. 124)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 27a

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 28

Question 2.
Complete the relations in ratios given below. (Textbook pg, no. 124)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 29
i. \(\frac{\sin \theta}{\cos \theta}\) = [tan θ]
ii. sin θ = cos (90 – θ)
iii. cos θ = (90 – θ)
iv. tan θ × tan (90 – θ) = 1

Question 3.
Complete the equation. (Textbook pg. no, 124)
sin2 θ + cos2 θ = [______]
sin2 θ + cos2 θ = [1]

Question 4.
Write the values of the following trigonometric ratios. (Textbook pg. no. 124)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 30
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 6 Trigonometry Practice Set 6.1 31

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions

Class 10 Maths Digest

Problem Set 7 Geometry 10th Standard Maths Part 2 Chapter 7 Mensuration Solutions Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Problem Set 7 Geometry 10th Class Maths Part 2 Answers Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration.

10th Standard Maths 2 Problem Set 7 Chapter 7 Mensuration Textbook Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Maths Part 2 Problem Set 7 Chapter 7 Mensuration Questions With Answers Maharashtra Board

Problem Set 7 Question 1. Choose the correct alternative answer for each of the following questions.

i. The ratio of circumference and area of a circle is 2 : 7. Find its circumference.
(A) 14 π
(B) \(\frac{7}{\pi}\)
(C) 7π
(D) \(\frac{14}{\pi}\)
Problem Set 7 Geometry 10th

ii. If measure of an arc of a circle is 160° and its length is 44 cm, find the circumference of the circle.
(A) 66 cm
(B) 44 cm
(C) 160 cm
(D) 99 cm


iii. Find the perimeter of a sector of a circle if its measure is 90° and radius is 7 cm.
(A) 44 cm
(B) 25 cm
(C) 36 cm
(D) 56 cm


iv. Find the curved surface area of a cone of radius 7 cm and height 24 cm.
(A) 440 cm2
(B) 550 cm2
(C) 330 cm2
(D) 110 cm2


v. The curved surface area of a cylinder is 440 cm2 and its radius is 5 cm. Find its height.
(A) \(\frac{44}{\pi}\) cm
(B) 22π cm
(C) 44π cm
(D) \(\frac{22}{\pi}\)


vi. A cone was melted and cast into a cylinder of the same radius as that of the base of the cone. If the height of the cylinder is 5 cm, find the height of the cone.
(A) 15 cm
(B) 10 cm
(C) 18 cm
(D) 5 cm
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7

vii. Find the volume of a cube of side 0.01 cm.
(A) 1 cm
(B) 0.001 cm3
(C) 0.0001 cm3
(D) 0.000001 cm3
Volume of cube = (side)3
= (0.01)3 = 0.000001 cm3

viii. Find the side of a cube of volume 1 m3
(A) 1 cm
(B) 10 cm
(C) 100 cm
(D) 1000 cm
Volume of cube = (side)3
∴ 1 = (side)3
∴ Side = 1 m
= 100 cm

Problem Set 7 Geometry Class 10 Question 2. A washing tub in the shape of a frustum of a cone has height 21 cm. The radii of the circular top and bottom are 20 cm and 15 cm respectively. What is the capacity of the tub? = (π = \(\frac { 22 }{ 7 } \))
Given: For the frustum shaped tub,
height (h) = 21 cm,
radii (r1) = 20 cm, and (r2) = 15 cm
To find: Capacity (volume) of the tub.
Volume of frustum = \(\frac { 1 }{ 3 } \) πh (r12 + r22 + r1 × r2)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 7
∴ The capacity of the tub is 20.35 litres.

10th Geometry Problem Set 7 Question 3. Some plastic balls of radius 1 cm were melted and cast into a tube. The thickness, length and outer radius of the tube were 2 cm, 90 cm and 30 cm respectively. How many balls were melted to make the tube?
Given: For the cylindrical tube,
height (h) = 90 cm,
outer radius (R) = 30 cm,
thickness = 2 cm
For the plastic spherical ball,
radius (r1) = 1 cm
To find: Number of balls melted.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 8
Inner radius of tube (r)
= outer radius – thickness of tube
= 30 – 2
= 28 cm
Volume of plastic required for the tube = Outer volume of tube – Inner volume of hollow tube
= πR2h – πr2h
= πh(R2 – r2)
= π × 90 (302 – 282)
= π × 90 (30 + 28) (30 – 28) …[∵ a2 – b2 = (a + b)(a – b)]
= 90 × 58 × 2π cm3
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 9
∴ 7830 plastic balls were melted to make the tube.

Problem Set 7 Geometry Question 4.
A metal parallelopiped of measures 16 cm × 11cm × 10cm was melted to make coins. How many coins were made if the thickness and diameter of each coin was 2 mm and 2 cm respectively?
Given: For the parallelopiped.,
length (l) = 16 cm, breadth (b) = 11 cm,
height (h) = 10 cm
For the cylindrical coin,
thickness (H) = 2 mm,
diameter (D) 2 cm
To find: Number of coins made.
Volume of parallelopiped = l × b × h
= 16 × 11 × 10
= 1760 cm3
Thickness of coin (H) = 2 mm
= 0.2 cm …[∵ 1 cm = 10 mm]
Diameter of coin (D) = 2 cm
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 10
∴ 2800 coins were made by melting the parallelopiped.

Mensuration Problem Question 5.  The diameter and length of a roller is 120 cm and 84 cm respectively. To level the ground, 200 rotations of the roller are required. Find the expenditure to level the ground at the rate of ₹ 10 per sq.m.
Given: For the cylindrical roller,
diameter (d) =120 cm,
length = height (h) = 84 cm
To find: Expenditure of levelling the ground.
Diameter of roller (d) = 120 cm
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 11
Now, area of ground levelled in one rotation = curved surface area of roller
= 3.168 m2
∴ Area of ground levelled in 200 rotations
= 3.168 × 200 =
633.6 m2
Rate of levelling = ₹ 10 per m2
∴ Expenditure of levelling the ground
= 633.6 × 10 = ₹ 6336
∴ The expenditure of levelling the ground is ₹ 6336.

Question 6.
The diameter and thickness of a hollow metal sphere are 12 cm and 0.01 m respectively. The density of the metal is 8.88 gm per cm3. Find the outer surface area and mass of the sphere, [π = 3.14]
Given: For the hollow sphere,
diameter (D) =12 cm, thickness = 0.01 m
density of the metal = 8.88 gm per cm3
To find: i. Outer surface area of the sphere
ii. Mass of the sphere.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 12
Diameter of the sphere (D)
= 12 cm
∴ Radius of sphere (R)
= \(\frac { d }{ 2 } \) = \(\frac { 12 }{ 2 } \) = 6 cm
∴ Surface area of sphere = 4πR2
= 4 × 3.14 × 62
= 452.16 cm2
Thickness of sphere = 0.01 m
= 0.01 × 100 cm …[∵ 1 m = 100 cm]
= 1 cm
∴ Inner radius of the sphere (r)
= Outer radius – thickness of sphere
= 6 – 1 = 5 cm
∴ Volume of hollow sphere
= Volume of outer sphere – Volume of inner sphere
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 13
∴ The outer surface area and the mass of the sphere are 452.16 cm2 and 3383.19 gm respectively.

Question 7.
A cylindrical bucket of diameter 28 cm and height 20 cm was full of sand. When the sand in the bucket was poured on the ground, the sand got converted into a shape of a cone. If the height of the cone was 14 cm, what was the base area of the cone?
Given: For the cylindrical bucket,
diameter (d) = 28 cm, height (h) = 20 cm
For the conical heap of sand,
height (H) = 14 cm
To find: Base area of the cone (πR2).
Diameter of the bucket (d) = 28 cm
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 14
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 15
The base area of the cone is 2640 cm2.

Question 8.
The radius of a metallic sphere is 9 cm. It was melted to make a wire of diameter 4 mm. Find the length of the wire.
Given: For metallic sphere,
radius (R) = 9 cm
For the cylindrical wire,
diameter (d) = 4 mm
To find: Length of wire (h).
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 16
∴ The length of the wire is 243 m.

Question 9.
The area of a sector of a circle of 6 cm radius is 157t Find the measure of the arc and length of the arc corresponding to the sector.
Given: Radius (r) = 6 cm,
area of sector = 15 π cm2
To find: i. Measure of the arc (θ),
ii. Length of the arc (l)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 17
∴ The measure of the arc and the length of the arc are 150° and 5π cm respectively.

Question 10.
In the adjoining figure, seg AB is a chord of a circle with centre P. If PA = 8 cm and distance of chord AB from the centre P is 4 cm, find the area of the shaded portion.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7
(π = 3.14, \(\sqrt { 3 }\) = 1.73)
Given: Radius (r) = PA = 8 cm,
PC = 4 cm
To find: Area of shaded region.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 18
Similarly, we can show that, ∠BPC = 60°
∠APB = ∠APC + ∠BPC …[Angle sum property]
∴ θ = 60° + 60° = 120°
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 19
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 20
Area of shaded region = A(P-ADB) – A(∆APB)
= 66.98 – 27.68
= 39.30 cm2
∴ The area of the shaded region is 39.30 cm2.

Question 11.
In the adjoining figure, square ABCD is inscribed in the sector A-PCQ. The radius of sector C-BXD is 20 cm. Complete the following activity to find the area of shaded region.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 21
Side of square ABCD
= radius of sector C-BXD = [20] cm
Area of square = (side)2 = 202 = 400 cm2 ….(i)
Area of shaded region inside the square = Area of square ABCD – Area of sector C-BXD
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 22
Radius of bigger sector
= Length of diagonal of square ABCD
= \(\sqrt { 2 }\) × side
= 20 \(\sqrt { 2 }\) cm
Area of the shaded regions outside the square
= Area of sector A-PCQ – Area of square ABCD
= A(A – PCQ) – A(꠸ABCD)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 23
Alternate method:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 24
□ABCD is a square. … [Given]
Side of □ABCD = radius of sector (C-BXD)
= 20 cm
Radius of sector (A-PCQ) = Diagonal
= \(\sqrt { 2 }\) × side
= \(\sqrt { 2 }\) × 20
= 20 \(\sqrt { 2 }\) cm
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 25
Now, Area of shaded region
= A(A-PCQ) – A(C-BXD)
= 628 – 314
= 314 cm2
∴ The area of the shaded region is 314 cm2.

Question 12.
In the adjoining figure, two circles with centres O and P are touching internally at point A. If BQ = 9, DE = 5, complete the following activity to find the radii of the circles.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Mensuration Problem Set 7 26
Let the radius of the bigger circle be R and that of smaller circle be r.
OA, OB, OC and OD are the radii of the bigger circle.
∴ OA = OB = OC = OD = R
PQ = PA = r
OQ + BQ = OB … [B – Q – O]
OQ = OB – BQ = R – 9
OE + DE = OD ….[D – E – O]
OE = OD – DE = [R – 5]
As the chords QA and EF of the circle with centre P intersect in the interior of the circle, so by the property of internal division of two chords of a circle,
OQ × OA = OE × OF
∴ (R – 9) × R = (R – 5) × (R – 5) …[∵ OE = OF]
∴ R2 – 9R = R2 – 10R + 25
∴ -9R + 10R = 25
∴ R = [25units]
AQ = AB – BQ = 2r ….[B-Q-A]
∴ 2r = 50 – 9 = 41
∴ r = \(\frac { 41 }{ 2 } \) = 20.5 units

Class 10 Maths Digest

Practice Set 5.3 Algebra 10th Standard Maths Part 1 Chapter 5 Probability Solutions Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Practice Set 5.3 Algebra 10th Class Maths Part 1 Answers Solutions Chapter 5 Probability.

10th Standard Maths 1 Practice Set 5.3 Chapter 5 Probability Textbook Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Maths Part 1 Practice Set 5.3 Chapter 5 Probability Questions With Answers Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
Write sample space ‘S’ and number of sample points n(S) for each of the following experiments. Also write events A, B, C in the set form and write n(A), n(B), n(C).

i. One die is rolled,
Event A: Even number on the upper face.
Event B: Odd number on the upper face.
Event C: Prime number on the upper face.

ii. Two dice are rolled simultaneously,
Event A: The sum of the digits on upper faces is a multiple of 6.
Event B: The sum of the digits on the upper faces is minimum 10.
Event C: The same digit on both the upper faces.

iii. Three coins are tossed simultaneously.
Condition for event A: To get at least two heads.
Condition for event B: To get no head.
Condition for event C: To get head on the second coin.

iv. Two digit numbers are formed using digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 without repetition of the digits.
Condition for event A: The number formed is even.
Condition for event B: The number is divisible by 3.
Condition for event C: The number formed is greater than 50.

v. From three men and two women, environment committee of two persons is to be formed.
Condition for event A: There must be at least one woman member.
Condition for event B: One man, one woman committee to be formed.
Condition for event C: There should not be a woman member.

vi. One coin and one die are thrown simultaneously.
Condition for event A: To get head and an odd number.
Condition for event B: To get a head or tail and an even number.
Condition for event C: Number on the upper face is greater than 7 and tail on the coin.
i. Sample space (S) = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
∴ n(S) = 6
Condition for event A: Even number on the upper face.
∴ A = {2,4,6}
∴ n(A) = 3
Condition for event B: Odd number on the upper face.
∴ B = {1, 3, 5}
∴ n(B) = 3
Condition for event C: Prime number on the upper face.
∴ C = {2, 3, 5}
∴ n(C) = 3

ii. Sample space,
S = {(1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (1,5), (1,6),
(2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (2,4), (2,5), (2,6),
(3,1), (3,2), (3,3), (3,4), (3,5), (3,6),
(4,1), (4,2), (4,3), (4,4), (4,5), (4,6),
(5,1), (5,2), (5,3), (5,4), (5,5), (5,6),
(6,1), (6,2), (6,3), (6,4), (6,5), (6,6)}
∴ n(S) = 36
Condition for event A: The sum of the digits on the upper faces is a multiple of 6.
A = {(1, 5), (2, 4), (3, 3), (4, 2), (5, 1), (6, 6)}
∴ n(A) = 6

Condition for event B: The sum of the digits on the upper faces is minimum 10.
B = {(4, 6), (5, 5), (5, 6), (6, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6)}
∴ n(B) = 6

Condition for event C: The same digit on both the upper faces.
C = {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6)}
∴ n(C) = 6

iii. Sample space,
∴ n(S) = 8

Condition for event A: To get at least two heads.
∴ A = {HHT, HTH, THH, HHH}
∴ n(A) = 4

Condition for event B: To get no head.
∴ B = {TTT}
∴ n(B) = 1

Condition for event C: To get head on the second coin.
∴ C = {HHH, HHT, THH, THT}
∴ n(C) = 4

iv. Sample space (S) = {10, 12, 13, 14, 15,
20, 21, 23, 24, 25,
30, 31, 32, 34, 35,
40, 41, 42, 43,
45, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54}
∴ n(S) = 25
Condition for event A: The number formed is even
∴ A = {10, 12, 14, 20, 24, 30, 32, 34, 40, 42, 50, 52, 54)
∴ n(A) = 13
Condition for event B: The number formed is divisible by 3.
∴ B = {12, 15, 21, 24, 30, 42, 45, 51, 54}
∴ n(B) = 9
Condition for event C: The number formed is greater than 50.
∴ C = {51,52, 53,54}
∴ n(C) = 4

v. Let the three men be M1, M2, M3 and the two women be W1, W2.
Out of these men and women, a environment committee of two persons is to be formed.
∴ Sample space,
S = {M1M2, M1M3, M1W1, M1W2, M2M3, M2W1, M2W2, M3W1, M3W2, W1W2}
∴ n(S) = 10
Condition for event A: There must be at least one woman member.
∴ A = {M1W1, M1W2, M2W1, M2W2, M3W1, M3W2, W1W2}
∴ n(A) = 7
Condition for event B: One man, one woman committee to be formed.
∴ B = {M1W1, M1W2, M2W1, M2W2, M3W2, M3W2}
∴ n(B) = 6
Condition for event C: There should not be a woman member.
∴ C = {M1M2, M1M3, M2M3}
∴ n(C) = 3

vi. Sample space,
S = {(H, 1), (H, 2), (H, 3), (H, 4), (H, 5), (H, 6), (T, 1), (T, 2), (T, 3), (T, 4), (T, 5), (T, 6)}
∴ n(S) = 12
Condition for event A: To get head and an odd number.
∴ A = {(H, 1), (H, 3), (H, 5)}
∴ n(A) = 3
Condition for event B: To get a head or tail and an even number.
∴ B = {(H, 2), (H, 4), (H, 6), (T, 2), (T, 4), (T, 6)}
∴ n(B) = 6
Condition for event C: Number on the upper face is greater than 7 and tail on the coin.
The greatest number on the upper face of a die is 6.
∴ Event C is an impossible event.
∴ C = { }
∴ n(C) = 0

Class 10 Maths Digest

Practice Set 5.2 Algebra 10th Standard Maths Part 1 Chapter 5 Probability Solutions Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Practice Set 5.2 Algebra 10th Class Maths Part 1 Answers Solutions Chapter 5 Probability.

10th Standard Maths 1 Practice Set 5.2 Chapter 5 Probability Textbook Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Maths Part 1 Practice Set 5.2 Chapter 5 Probability Questions With Answers Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
For each of the following experiments write sample space ‘S’ and number of sample Point n(S)
i. One coin and one die are thrown simultaneously.
ii. Two digit numbers are formed using digits 2,3 and 5 without repeating a digit.
i. Sample space,
S = {(H, 1), (H, 2), (H, 3), (H, 4), (H, 5), (H, 6), (T, 1), (T, 2), (T, 3), (T, 4), (T, 5), (T, 6)}
∴ n(S) =12
ii. Sample space,
S = {23,25,32, 35, 52, 53}
∴ n(S) = 6

Question 2.
The arrow is rotated and it stops randomly on the disc. Find out on which colour it may stop.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Probability Practice Set 5.2 1
There are total six colours on the disc.
Sample space,
S = {Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green, Purple}
∴ n(S) = 6
∴ Arrow may stop on any one of the six colours.

Question 3.
In the month of March 2019, find the days on which the date is a multiple of 5. (see the given page of the calendar).
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Probability Practice Set 5.2 2
Dates which are multiple of 5:
5,10, 15,20,25,30
∴ S = {Tuesday, Sunday, Friday, Wednesday, Monday, Saturday}
∴ n(S) = 6
∴ The days on which the date will be a multiple of 5 are Tuesday, Sunday, Friday, Wednesday, Monday and Saturday.

Question 4.
Form a ‘Road safety committee’ of two, from 2 boys (B1 B2) and 2 girls (G1, G2). Complete the following activity to write the sample space.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Probability Practice Set 5.2 3

Question 1.
Sample Space

  • The set of all possible outcomes of a random experiment is called sample space.
  • It is denoted by ‘S’ or ‘Ω’ (omega).
  • Each element of a sample space is called a sample point.
  • The number of elements in the set S is denoted by n(S).
  • If n(S) is finite, then the sample space is called a finite sample space.

Some examples of finite sample space. (Textbook pg. no, 117)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Probability Practice Set 5.2 4 Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Probability Practice Set 5.2 5

Class 10 Maths Digest

Practice Set 5.1 Algebra 10th Standard Maths Part 1 Chapter 5 Probability Solutions Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Practice Set 5.1 Algebra 10th Class Maths Part 1 Answers Solutions Chapter 5 Probability.

10th Standard Maths 1 Practice Set 5.1 Chapter 5 Probability Textbook Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Maths Part 1 Practice Set 5.1 Chapter 5 Probability Questions With Answers Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
How many possibilities are there in each of the following?
i. Vanita knows the following sites in Maharashtra. She is planning to visit one of them in her summer vacation. Ajintha, Mahabaleshwar, Lonar Sarovar, Tadoba wild life sanctuary, Amboli, Raigad, Matheran, Anandavan.
ii. Any day of a week is to be selected randomly.
iii. Select one card from the pack of 52 cards.
iv. One number from 10 to 20 is written on each card. Select one card randomly.
i. Here, 8 sites of Maharashtra are given.
∴ There are 8 possibilities in a random experiment of visiting a site out of 8 sites in Maharashtra.

ii. There are 7 days in a week.
∴ There are 7 possibilities in a random experiment of selecting a day of the week.

iii. There are 52 cards in a pack of cards.
∴ There are 52 possibilities in a random experiment of selecting one card from the pack of 52 cards.

iv. There are 11 cards numbered from 10 to 20.
∴ There are 11 possibilities in a random experiment of selecting one card from the given set of cards.

Question 1.
In which of the following experiments possibility of expected outcome is more? (Textbook pg, no. 116)
i. Getting 1 on the upper face when a die is thrown.
ii. Getting head by tossing a coin.
i. On a die there are 6 numbers.
∴ There are 6 possibilities of getting any one number from 1 to 6 on the upper face i.e. \(\frac { 1 }{ 6 } \) is the possibility.

ii. There are two possibilities (H or T) on tossing a coin i.e. \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } \) possibility.
∴ In the second experiment, the possibility of expected outcome is more.

Question 2.
Throw a die, once. What are the different possibilities of getting dots on the upper face? (Textbook pg. no. 114)
There are six different possibilities of getting dots on the upper face. They are
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 5 Probability Practice Set 5.1

Class 10 Maths Digest

Practice Set 4.4 Algebra 10th Standard Maths Part 1 Chapter 4 Financial Planning Solutions Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Practice Set 4.4 Algebra 10th Class Maths Part 1 Answers Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning.

10th Standard Maths 1 Practice Set 4.4 Chapter 4 Financial Planning Textbook Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Maths Part 1 Practice Set 4.4 Chapter 4 Financial Planning Questions With Answers Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
Market value of a share is ₹ 200. If the brokerage rate is 0.3% then find the purchase value of the share.
Here, MV = ₹ 200, Brokerage = 0.3%
Brokerage = 0.3% of MV
= \(\frac { 0.3 }{ 100 } \) × 200
= ₹ 0.6
∴ Purchase value of the share = MV + Brokerage
= 200 + 0.6
= ₹ 200.60
∴ Purchase value of the share is ₹ 200.60.

Question 2.
A share is sold for the market value of ₹ 1000. Brokerage is paid at the rate of 0.1%. What is the amount received after the sale?
Here, MV = ₹ 1000, Brokerage = 0.1%
∴ Brokerage = 0.1 % of MV
= \(\frac { 0.1 }{ 100 } \) × 1000
∴ Brokerage = ₹ 1
∴ Selling value of the share = MV – Brokerage
= 1000 – 1
= ₹ 999
∴ Amount received after the sale is ₹ 999.

Question 3.
Fill in the blanks given in the contract note of sale-purchase of shares.
(B – buy S – sell)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Practice Set 4.4 1
For buying shares:
Here, Number of shares = 100,
MV of one share = ₹ 45
∴ Total value = 100 × 45
= ₹ 4500
Brokerage= 0.2% of total value 0.2
= \(\frac { 0.2 }{ 100 } \) × 4500
CGST = 9% of brokerage
= \(\frac { 9 }{ 100 } \) × 9 = ₹ 0.81
∴ SGST = ₹ 0.81
∴ Purchase value of shares
= Total value + Brokerage
= 4500 + 9 + 0.81 + 0.81
= ₹ 4510.62

ii. For selling shares:
Here, Number of shares = 75,
MV of one share = ₹ 200
∴ Total value = 75 × 200
= ₹ 15000
Brokerage = 0.2% of total value
= \(\frac { 0.2 }{ 100 } \) × 15000
= ₹ 30
CGST = 9% of brokerage
= \(\frac { 9 }{ 100 } \) × 30 = ₹ 2.70
∴ SGST = ₹ 2.70
∴ Selling value of shares = Total value – (Brokerage + CGST + SGST)
= 15000 – (30 + 2.70 + 2.70)
= 15000 – 35.40
= ₹ 14964.60
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Practice Set 4.4 2

Question 4.
Smt. Desai sold shares of face value ₹ 100 when the market value was ₹ 50 and received ₹ 4988.20. She paid brokerage 0.2% and GST on brokerage 18%, then how many shares did she sell?
Here, face value of share = ₹ 100,
MV = ₹ 50,
Selling price of shares = ₹ 4988.20,
Rate of brokerage = 0.2%, Rate of GST = 18%
Brokerage = 0.2% of MV
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Practice Set 4.4 3

Question 5.
Mr. D’souza purchased 200 shares of FV ₹ 50 at a premium of ₹ 100. He received 50% dividend on the shares. After receiving the dividend he sold 100 shares at a discount of ₹ 10 and remaining shares were sold at a premium of ₹ 75. For each trade he paid the brokerage of ₹ 20. Find whether Mr. D’souza gained or incurred a loss? By how much?
For purchasing shares:
Here, FV = ₹ 50, Number of shares = 200,
premium = ₹ 100
MV of 1 share = FV + premium
= 50 + 100
= ₹ 150
∴ MV of 200 shares = 200 × 150 = ₹ 30,000
∴ Mr. D’souza invested amount
= MV of 200 shares + brokerage
= 30,000 + 20
= ₹ 30,020
For selling shares:
Rate of dividend = 50 %, FV = ₹ 50,
brokerage = ₹ 20
Number of shares = 200
Dividend per share = 50% of FV
= \(\frac { 50 }{ 100 } \) × 50
= ₹ 25
∴ Dividend of 200 shares = 200 × 25 = ₹ 5,000
Now, 100 shares are sold at a discount of ₹ 10.
∴ Selling price of 1 share = FV – discount
= 50 – 10
= ₹ 40
∴ Selling price of 100 shares = 100 × 40
= ₹ 4000
∴ Amount obtained by selling 100 shares
= selling price – brokerage
= 4000 – 20
= ₹ 3980
Also, remaining 100 shares are sold at premium of ₹ 75.
∴ selling price of 1 share = FV + premium
= 50 + 75
= ₹ 125
∴ selling price of 100 shares = 100 × 125
= ₹ 12,500
∴ Amount obtained by selling 100 shares
= selling price – brokerage
= 12,500 – 20
= ₹ 12,480
∴ Mr D’souza income = 5000 + 3980 + 12480
= ₹ 21460
Now, Mr D’souza invested amount > income
∴ Mr D’souza incurred a loss.
∴ Loss = amount invested – income
= 30020 – 21460
= ₹ 8560
∴ Mr. D’souza incurred a loss of ₹ 8560.

Question 1.
Nalinitai invested ₹ 6024 in the shares of FV ₹ 10 when the Market Value was ₹ 60. She sold all the shares at MV of ₹ 50 after taking 60% dividend. She paid 0.4% brokerage at each stage of transactions. What was the total gain or loss in this transaction? (Textbook pg. no. 106)
Rate of GST is not given in the example, so it is not considered.
For Purchased Shares:
FV = ₹ 10, MV = ₹ 60
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Practice Set 4.4 4

Question 2.
In the above example if GST was paid at 18% on brokerage, then the loss is ₹ 451.92. Verify whether you get the same answer. (Textbook pg, no. 107)
For Purchased Shares:
FV = ₹ 10, MV = ₹ 60, sum invested = ₹ 6024, brokerage = 0.4 %, GST = 18%
Brokerage per share = \(\frac { 0.4 }{ 100 } \) × 60 = ₹ 0.24 100
GST per share = \(\frac { 18 }{ 100 } \) × 0.24 = ₹ 0.0432
∴ Cost of one share = 60 + 0.24 + 0.0432
= ₹ 60.2832
∴ Cost of 100 shares = 100 × 60.2832 = ₹ 6028.32
For sold shares:
FV = ₹ 10, MV = ₹ 50, brokerage = 0.4 %,
GST = 18%, Number of shares = 100
Brokerage per share = \(\frac { 0.4 }{ 100 } \) × 50 = ₹ 0.20
GST per share = \(\frac { 18 }{ 100 } \) × 0.20 = ₹ 0.036
Selling price per share = 50 – 0.2 – 0.036
= ₹ 49.764
Selling price of 100 shares = 100 × 49.764
= ₹ 4976.4
Dividend received 60 %
∴ Dividend per share = \(\frac { 60 }{ 100 } \) × 10 = ₹ 6
Dividend on 100 shares = 6 × 100 = ₹ 600
∴ Nalinitai’s income = 4976.4 + 600 = ₹ 5576.4
∴ Cost of 100 shares = ₹ 6028.32
∴ Loss = 6028.32 – 5576.4 = ₹ 451.92
∴ Nalinitai’s loss is ₹ 451.92.

Class 10 Maths Digest

Problem Set 4B Algebra 10th Standard Maths Part 1 Chapter 4 Financial Planning Solutions Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Problem Set 4B Algebra 10th Class Maths Part 1 Answers Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning.

10th Standard Maths 1 Problem Set 4B Chapter 4 Financial Planning Textbook Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Maths Part 1 Problem Set 4B Chapter 4 Financial Planning Questions With Answers Maharashtra Board

Financial Planning Class 10 Problem Set 4b
Question 1.
Write the correct alternative for the following questions.

i. If the Face Value of a share is ₹ 100 and Market value is ₹ 75, then which of the following statement is correct?
(A) The share is at premium of ₹ 175
(B) The share is at discount of ₹ 25
(C) The share is at premium of ₹ 25
(D) The share is at discount of ₹ 75

ii. What is the amount of dividend received per share of face value ₹ 10 if dividend declared is 50%.
(A) ₹ 50
(B) ₹ 5
(C) ₹ 500
(D) ₹ 100
Dividend = 10 × \(\frac { 50 }{ 100 } \) = ₹ 5

iii. The NAV of a unit in mutual fund scheme is ₹ 10.65, then find the amount required to buy 500 such units.
(A) 5325
(B) 5235
(C) 532500
(D) 53250

iv. Rate of GST on brokerage is _______
(A) 5%
(B) 12%
(C) 18%
(D) 28%

v. To find the cost of one share at the time of buying the amount of Brokerage and GST is to be ______ MV of share.
(A) added to
(B) subtracted from
(C) Multiplied with
(D) divided by

Problem Set 4b Algebra Class 10 Question 2. Find the purchase price of a share of FV ₹ 100 if it is at premium of ₹ 30. The brokerage rate is 0.3%.
Here, Face Value of share = ₹ 100,
premium = ₹ 30, brokerage = 0.3%
MV = FV + Premium
= 100 + 30
= ₹ 130
Brokerage = 0.3% of MV
= \(\frac { 0.3 }{ 100 } \) × 130 = ₹ 0.39
Purchase price of a share = MV + Brokerage
= 130 + 0.39
= ₹ 130.39
Purchase price of a share is ₹ 130.39.

Question 3.
Prashant bought 50 shares of FV ₹ 100, having MV ₹ 180. Company gave 40% dividend on the shares. Find the rate of return on investment.
Here, Number of shares = 50, FV = ₹ 100,
MV = ₹ 180, rate of dividend = 40%
∴ Sum invested = Number of shares × MV
= 50 × 180
= ₹ 9000
Dividend per share = 40% of FV
= \(\frac { 40 }{ 100 } \) × 100
Dividend = ₹ 40
∴ Total dividend on 50 shares = 50 × 40
= ₹ 2000
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Problem Set 4B 1
∴ Rate of return on investment is 22.2%.

Question 4.
Find the amount received when 300 shares of FV ₹ 100, were sold at a discount of ₹ 30.
Here, FV = ₹ 100, number of shares = 300,
discount = ₹ 30
MV of 1 share = FV – Discount
= 100 – 30 = ₹ 70
∴ MV of 300 shares = 300 × 70
= ₹ 21,000
∴ Amount received is ₹ 21,000.

Question 5.
Find the number of shares received when ₹ 60,000 was invested in the shares of FV ₹ 100 and MV ₹ 120.
Here, FV = ₹ 100, MV = ₹ 120,
Sum invested = ₹ 60,000
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Problem Set 4B 2
∴ Number of shares received were 500.

Question 6.
Smt. Mita Agrawal invested ₹ 10,200 when MV of the share is ₹ 100. She sold 60 shares when the MV was ₹ 125 and sold remaining shares when the MV was ₹ 90. She paid 0.1% brokerage for each trading. Find whether she made profit or loss? and how much?
For purchasing shares:
Here, sum invested = ₹ 10,200, MV = ₹ 100
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Problem Set 4B 3
For selling shares:
60 shares sold at MV of ₹ 125.
∴ MV of 60 shares = 125 × 60
= ₹ 7500
Brokerage = \(\frac { 0.1 }{ 100 } \) × 7500 = ₹ 7.5
∴ Sale value of 60 shares = 7500 – 7.5 = ₹ 7492.5
Now, remaining shares = 102 – 60 = 42
But 42 shares sold at MV of ₹ 90.
∴ MV of 42 shares = 42 × 90 = ₹ 3780
∴ Brokerage = \(\frac { 0.1 }{ 100 } \) × 3780 = ₹ 3.78
∴ Sale value of 42 shares = 3780 – 3.78 = ₹ 3776.22
Total sale value = 7492.5 + 3776.22 = ₹ 11268.72
Since, Purchase value < Sale value
∴ Profit is gained.
∴ Profit = Sale value – Purchase value
= 11268.72 – 10210.2
= ₹ 1058.52
∴ Smt. Mita Agrawal gained a profit of ₹ 1058.52.

Question 7. Market value of shares and dividend declared by the two companies is given below.
Face value is same and it is 7 100 for both the shares. Investment in which company is more profitable?
i. Company A – ₹ 132,12%
ii Company B – ₹ 144,16%
For company A:
FV = ₹ 100, MV = ₹ 132,
Rate of dividend = 12%
Dividend = 12% of FV
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Problem Set 4B 4
∴ Rate of return of company B is more.
∴ Investment in company B is more profitable.

Question 8. Shri. Aditya Sanghavi invested ₹ 50,118 in shares of FV ₹ 100, when the market value is ₹ 50. Rate of brokerage is 0.2% and Rate of GST on brokerage is 18%, then How many shares were purchased for ₹ 50,118?
Here, FV = ₹ 100, MV = ₹ 50
Purchase value of shares = ₹ 50118,
Rate of brokerage = 0.2%, Rate of GST = 18%
Brokerage = 0.2% of MV
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Problem Set 4B 5
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Problem Set 4B 6
∴ 1000 shares were purchased for ₹ 50,118.

Question 9. Shri. Batliwala sold shares of ₹ 30,350 and purchased shares of ₹ 69,650 in a day. He paid brokerage at the rate of 0.1% on sale and purchase. 18% GST was charged on brokerage. Find his total expenditure on brokerage and tax.
Total amount = sale value + Purchase value
= 30350 + 69650
= ₹ 1,00,000
Rate of Brokerage = 0.1 %
Brokerage = 0.1 % of 1,00,000
= \(\frac { 0.1 }{ 100 } \) × 1,00,000
= ₹ 100
Rate of GST = 18%
∴ GST = 18 % of brokerage
= \(\frac { 18 }{ 100 } \) × 100
∴ GST = ₹ 18
Total expenditure on brokerage and tax
= 100 + 18 = ₹ 118
∴ Total expenditure on brokerage and tax is ₹ 118.

Alternate Method:
Brokerage = 0.1 %, GST = 18%
At the time of selling shares:
Total sale amount of shares = ₹ 30,350
Brokerage = 0.1% of 30,350
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Problem Set 4B 7
For purchasing shares:
Total purchase amount of shares = ₹ 69,650
Brokerage = 0.1% of 69,650
= \(\frac { 0.1 }{ 100 } \) × 69650
= ₹ 69.65
GST = 18% of 69.65
= \(\frac { 18 }{ 100 } \) × 69.65
= ₹ 12.537
∴ Total expenditure on brokerage and tax = Brokerage and tax on selling + Brokerage and tax on purchasing
= (30.35 + 5.463) + (69.65 + 12.537)
= ₹ 118
∴ Total expenditure on brokerage and tax is ₹ 118.

Question 10. Sint. Aruna Thakkar purchased 100 shares of FV 100 when the MV is ₹ 1200. She paid brokerage at the rate of 0.3% and 18% GST on brokerage. Find the following –
i. Net amount paid for 100 shares.
ii. Brokerage paid on sum invested.
iii. GST paid on brokerage.
iv. Total amount paid for 100 shares.
Here, FV = ₹ 100,
Number of shares = 100, MV = ₹ 1200
Brokerage = 0.3%, GST = 18%
i. Sum invested = Number of shares × MV
= 100 × 1200 = ₹ 1,20,000
∴ Net amount paid for 100 shares is ₹ 1,20,000.

ii. Brokerage = 0.3% of sum invested
= \(\frac { 0.3 }{ 100 } \) × 1,20,000 = ₹ 360
∴ Brokerage paid on sum invested is ₹ 360.

iii. GST = 18% of brokerage
= \(\frac { 18 }{ 100 } \) × 360 = ₹ 64.80
∴ GST paid on brokerage is ₹ 64.80.

iv. Total amount paid for 100 shares
= Sum invested + Brokerage + GST
= 1,20,000 + 360 + 64.80
= ₹ 1,20,424.80
∴ Total amount paid for 100 shares is ₹ 1,20,424.80.

Question 11. Smt. Anagha Doshi purchased 22 shares of FV ₹ 100 for Market Value of ₹ 660. Find the sum invested. After taking 20% dividend, she sold all the shares when market value was ₹ 650. She paid 0.1% brokerage for each trading done. Find the percent of profit or loss in the share trading. (Write your answer to the nearest integer)
For purchasing shares:
Here, FV = ₹ 100, MV = ₹ 660, Number of shares = 22, rate of brokerage = 0.1%
Sum invested = MV × Number of shares
= 660 × 22
= ₹ 14,520
Brokerage = 0.1 % of sum invested
= \(\frac { 0.1 }{ 100 } \) × 14520 = ₹ 14.52
∴ Amount invested for 22 shares
= Sum invested + Brokerage
= 14520 + 14.52
= ₹ 14534.52
For dividend:
Rate of dividend = 20%
∴ Dividend per share = 20 % of FV
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Problem Set 4B 8
∴ Percentage of profit in the share trading is 1 % (nearest integer).

Alternate Method:
For purchasing share:
Here, FV = ₹ 100, MV = ₹ 660, Number of shares = 22, rate of brokerage = 0.1%
Sum invested = MV × Number of shares
= 660 × 22
= ₹ 14,520
Brokerage = 0.1 % of MV
= \(\frac { 0.1 }{ 100 } \) × 660 = ₹ 0.66
Amount invested for 1 share = 660 + 0.66
= ₹ 660.66
For dividend:
Rate of dividend = 20%
Dividend = 20% of FV = \(\frac { 20 }{ 100 } \) × 100 = ₹ 20
For selling share:
MV = ₹ 650, rate of brokerage = 0.1%
Brokerage = 0.1 % of MV
= \(\frac { 0.1 }{ 100 } \) × 650 = ₹ 0.65 100
Amount received after selling 1 share
= 650 – 0.65 = 649.35
∴ Amount received including divided
= selling price of 1 share + dividend per share
= 649.35 + 20
= ₹ 669.35
Since, income > Amount invested
∴ Profit is gained.
∴ profit = 669.35 – 660.66 = ₹ 8.69
Profit Percentage = \(\frac { 8.69 }{ 660.66 } \) × 100= 1.31%
∴ Percentage of profit in the share trading is 1 % (nearest integer).

Class 10 Maths Digest

Problem Set 4A Algebra 10th Standard Maths Part 1 Chapter 4 Financial Planning Solutions Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions covers the Problem Set 4A Algebra 10th Class Maths Part 1 Answers Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning.

10th Standard Maths 1 Problem Set 4A Chapter 4 Financial Planning Textbook Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Maths Part 1 Problem Set 4A Chapter 4 Financial Planning Questions With Answers Maharashtra Board

Financial Planning Class 10 Problem Set 4a Question 1.
Write the correct alternative for each of the following.

i. Rate of GST on essential commodities is ______
(A) 5%
(B) 12%
(C) 0%
(D) 18%

ii. The tax levied by the central government for trading within state is ______

iii. GST system was introduced in our country from ______
(A) 31st March 2017
(B) 1st April 2017
(C) 1st January 2017
(D) 1st July 2017

iv. The rate of GST on stainless steel utensils is 18%, then the rate of state
GST is ______
(A) 18%
(B) 9%
(C) 36%
(D) 0.9%

v. In the format of GSTIN there are ______ alpha-numerals.
(A) 15
(B) 10
(C) 16
(D) 9

vi. When a registered dealer sells goods to another registered dealer under GST, then this trading is termed as ______
(A) BB
(B) B2B
(C) BC
(D) B2C

10th Class Algebra Problem Set 4a Question 2.
A dealer has given 10% discount on a showpiece of ₹ 25,000. GST of 28% was charged on the discounted price. Find the total amount shown in the tax invoice. What is the amount of CGST and SGST.
Printed price of showpiece = ₹ 25,000,
Rate of discount = 10%
∴ Amount of discount = 10% of printed price
= \(\frac { 10 }{ 100 } \) × 25000
= ₹ 2500
∴ Taxable value
= Printed price – discount
= 25,000 – 2500 = ₹ 22,500
Rate of GST = 28%
∴ Rate of CGST = 14% and
Rate of SGST = 14%
CGST = 14% of taxable value
= \(\frac { 14 }{ 100 } \) × 22500
= ₹ 3150
∴ CGST = SGST = ₹ 3150
∴ Total amount of tax invoice
= Taxable value + CGST + SGST
= 22500 + 3150 + 3150
= ₹ 28,800
∴ The total amount shown in the tax invoice is ₹ 28,800, and the amount of CGST and SGST is ₹ 3150 each.

Financial Planning Problem Set 4a Question 3.
A ready-made garment shopkeeper gives 5% discount on the dress of ₹ 1000 and charges 5% GST on the remaining amount, then what is the purchase price of the dress for the customer?
Printed price of dress = ₹ 1000
Rate of discount = 5%
∴ Amount of discount = 5% of printed price
= \(\frac { 5 }{ 100 } \) × 1000
= ₹ 50
∴ Taxable value = Printed price – discount
= 1000 – 50
= ₹ 950
Rate of GST = 5%
∴ GST = 5% of taxable value
= \(\frac { 5 }{ 100 } \) × 950
∴ GST = ₹ 47.5
Purchase price of the dress
= Taxable value + GST
= 950 + 47.5 = ₹ 997.50
∴ Purchase price of the dress for the customer is ₹ 997.50.

Question 4.
A trader from Surat, Gujarat sold cotton clothes to a trader in Rajkot, Gujarat. The taxable value of cotton clothes is ₹ 2.5 lacs. What is the amount of GST at 5% paid by the trader in Rajkot?
Taxable amount of cotton clothes = ₹ 2.5 lacs,
Rate of GST = 5%
GST = 5% of taxable amount
= \(\frac { 5 }{ 100 } \) × 2,50,000
= ₹ 12500
∴ Trader of Rajkot has to pay GST of ₹ 12,500.

Question 5.
Smt. Malhotra purchased solar panels for the taxable value of ₹ 85,000. She sold them for ₹ 90,000. The rate of GST is 5%. Find the ITC of Smt. Malhotra. What is the amount of GST payable by her?
Output tax = 5% of 90000
= \(\frac { 5 }{ 100 } \) × 90000
= ₹ 4500
Input tax = 5% of 85000
= \(\frac { 5 }{ 100 } \) × 85000
= ₹ 4250
ITC = ₹ 4250.
∴ GST payable = Output tax – ITC
= 4500 – 4250
GST payable = ₹ 250
∴ ITC of Smt. Malhotra is ₹ 4250 and amount of GST payable by her is ₹ 250.

Question 6.
A company provided Z-security services for the taxable value of ₹ 64,500. Rate of GST is 18%. Company had paid GST of ₹ 1550 for laundry services and uniforms etc. What is the amount of ITC (input Tax Credit)? Find the amount of CGST and SGST payable by the company.
Output tax = 18% of 64500
= \(\frac { 18 }{ 100 } \) × 64500
= ₹ 11610
Input tax = ₹ 1550
GST payable = Output tax – ITC
= 11610 – 1550
∴ GST payable = ₹ 10060
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Problem Set 4A 1
∴ Amount of ITC is ₹ 1550. Amount of CGST and SGST payable by the company is ₹ 5030 each.

Question 7.
A dealer supplied Walky-Talky set of ₹ 84,000 (with GST) to police control room. Rate of GST is 12%. Find the amount of state and central GST charged by the dealer. Also find the taxable value of the set.
Let the amount of GST be ₹ x.
Price of walky talky with GST = ₹ 84,000
Taxable value of walky talky = ₹ (84,000 – x)
Now, GST = 12% of taxable value
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Problem Set 4A 2
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Problem Set 4A 3
∴ Amount of state and central GST charged by the dealer is ₹ 4,500 each. Taxable value of the set is ₹ 75,000.

Question 8.
A wholesaler purchased electric goods for the taxable amount of ₹ 1,50,000. He sold it to the retailer for the taxable amount of ₹ 1,80,000. Retailer sold it to the customer for the taxable amount of ₹ 2,20,000. Rate of GST is 18%. Show the computation of GST in tax invoices of sales. Also find the payable CGST and payable SGST for wholesaler and retailer.
For Wholesaler:
Output tax = 18% of ₹ 1,80,000
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Problem Set 4A 4
Statement of GST payable at each stage of trading:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Problem Set 4A 5

Question 9.
Anna Patil (Thane, Maharashtra) supplied vacuum cleaner to a shopkeeper in Vasai (Mumbai) for the taxable value of ₹ 14,000, and GST rate of 28% . Shopkeeper sold it to the customer at the same GST rate for ₹ 16,800 (taxable value). Find the following:
i. Amount of CGST and SGST shown in the tax invoice issued by Anna Patil.
ii. Amount of CGST and SGST charged by the shopkeeper in Vasai.
iii. What is the CGST and SGST payable by shopkeeper in Vasai at the time of filing the return.
i. For Anna Patil:
Output tax = 28% of 14,000
= \(\frac { 18 }{ 100 } \) × 14000
= ₹ 3920
∴ CGST = SGST = \(\frac { GST }{ 2 } \)
= \(\frac { 3920 }{ 2 } \)
= ₹ 1960
∴ Amount of CGST and SGST shown in the tax invoice issued by Anna Patil is ₹ 1960 each.

ii. For Shopkeeper in Vasai:
Output tax = 28% of 16,800
= \(\frac { 28 }{ 100 } \) × 16,800
= ₹ 4704
∴ CGST = SGST = \(\frac { GST }{ 2 } \)
= \(\frac { 4704 }{ 2 } \)
= ₹ 2352
∴ Amount of CGST and SGST charged by the shopkeeper in Vasai is ₹ 2352 each.

iii. ITC = ₹ 3920
GST payable by shopkeeper in Vasai
= Output tax – ITC
= 4704 – 3920
= ₹ 784
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Problem Set 4A 6
∴ CGST and SGST payable by shopkeeper in Vasai at the time of filing the return is ₹ 392 each.

Question 10.
For the given trading chain prepare the tax invoice I, II, III. GST at the rate of 12% was charged for the article supplied.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Problem Set 4A 7
i. Prepare the statement of GST payable under each head by the wholesaler, distributor and retailer at the time of filing the return to the government.
ii. At the end what amount is paid by the consumer?
iii. Write which of the invoices issued are B2B and B2C.
i. For wholesaler:
Output tax = 12% of 5000
= \(\frac { 12 }{ 100 } \) × 5000 = ₹ 600
For Distributor:
Output Tax = 12% of 6000
= \(\frac { 12 }{ 100 } \) × 6000 = ₹ 720
ITC = ₹ 600
∴ GST payable = Output tax – ITC
= 720 – 600
= ₹ 120
For Retailer:
Output tax = 12 % of 6500
= \(\frac { 12 }{ 100 } \) × 6500 = ₹ 780
ITC = ₹ 720
∴ GST payable = Output tax – ITC
= 780 – 720 = ₹ 60
Statement of GST payable at each stage of trading:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 Financial Planning Problem Set 4A 8

ii. ITC for consumer = ₹ 780
∴ Amount paid by consumer
= taxable value + ITC
= 6500 + 780
= ₹ 7280
∴ Amount paid by the consumer is ₹ 7280.

iii. B2B = Wholesaler to Distributor
B2B = Distributor to Retailer
B2C = Retailer to Consumer

Class 10 Maths Digest