Std 9 English Poem The Road Not Taken 3.3 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions Kumarbharati Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Class 9 English Chapter 3.3 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

The Road Not Taken 9th Std Question Answer

Warming Up:

1. After your SSC Exams/Result you may have to take a decision regarding the choice of a career. What factors will you consider? Choose from the block below and complete the web-diagram.

  1. Is the option easy/difficult?
  2. Your capability
  3. Your likes/dislikes
  4. Friends’ decision
  5. Parents’ profession
  6. Your skills/inborn talents
  7. Study the ‘Job Profile’ carefully
  8. Easy money
  9. Possible difficulties
  10. Your ultimate aim

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken 1

2. Form pairs or groups of four. Think of the situations when you have to choose between two things. Make a list of those situations. Then:

Question a.
Discuss how to decide what to choose.
Points: ask parents – teachers – read articles – speak to others – think carefully, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

Question b.
Write what you feel when your decision proves right.
Points: happy – confident, etc.

Question c.
Write what you feel when you regret the decision.
Points: unhappy – depressed – courageous, loss of confidence, etc.)

English Workshop:

1. Read the poem again. Does it have a uniform rhyme scheme throughout?

Question 1.
Read the poem again. Does it have a uniform rhyme scheme throughout? Write down the rhyme scheme of every stanza separately.

  1. 1st stanza ……………….
  2. 2nd stanza ……………..
  3. 3rd stanza ………………
  4. 4th stanza ………………


  1. 1st stanza – abaab
  2. 2nd stanza – abaab
  3. 3rd stanza – abaab
  4. 4th stanza – abaab

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

2. Write the symbols that are used in the poem to represent the following ideas:

Question 1.
Write the symbols that are used in the poem to represent the following ideas: (The answers are given directly and underlined.)
a. Choice of two options ………………….
b. I made a rare choice ……………………
c. Equally good options ……………………
d. It was tempting and needed to be tried …………….
e. Some other time ……………………
a. Choice of two options: two roads diverged.
b. I made a rare choice: I took the one less travelled by.
c. Equally good options: just as fair.
d. It was tempting and needed to be tried: It was grassy and wanted wear.
e. Some other time: Another day.

3. Rearrange the following facts in the proper order and fill in the flow chart.

Question 1.
Rearrange the following facts in the proper order and fill in the flow chart.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken 2
a. He chooses the one barely travelled.
b. Choosing the lesser-used road has made a great difference.
c. He observed one, as far as he could.
d. The traveller came to a fork in the road.
e. He planned to travel along the previous one some other time.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken 3

4. Think and write in your own words.

Question a.
In which season does a greenwood turn j to a yellow wood? Which stage in our life can be compared to that season?
A greenwood turns to a yellow wood in j autumn. The stage in our life that can be compared to that season is middle age.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

Question b.
Why does the traveller choose the road less travelled? What attribute of the traveller does it bring out?
The traveller chooses the road less travelled because it seemed just as good as the other one and I
he felt it needed to be used. The traveller seems to be adventurous. He has an independent mind and does not want to follow what others have done.

Question c.
Why does the traveller doubt that he shall ever come back?
The traveller feels that he will be so busy in his life with one thing leading to another, that he may not be ever able to come back.

Question d.
If you were in the traveller’s place, which road would you choose? Justify your choice.
If I were in the traveller’s place, I would choose the road that was more travelled. I would not want to go on a strange road which many have not travelled by. I am not adventurous. I feel that there is safety in doing what others are doing or have done.

5. From any collection of classic poetry or the internet, find another famous poem by Robert Frost titled ‘Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening’. Try to understand the symbolism used in that poem in 8-10 lines.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

Question 1.
From any collection of classic poetry or the internet, find another famous poem by Robert Frost titled ‘Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening’. Try to understand the symbolism used in that poem in 8-10 lines.

6. Write a letter to your friend or cousin telling him/her about a difficult choice you have recently made.

Question 1.
Write a letter to your friend or cousin telling him/her about a difficult choice you have recently made. Tell your friend/cousin how his/her example helped you to take a decision.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken 4
Flat No. 3
‘Maria Mansion’
Pereira Nagar
Mahim 400 016
5th July 2020

Dear Sandeep,

Hi! How are you? I tried calling you, but your number : seems to have changed. Do let me have your new number.

Last week I had to make a rather difficult choice. I | had to choose between football and my studies. No guesses which one I chose – my studies, of course! I have made up my mind to give up football for the next two years. I will play in friendly, casual matches, j but nothing serious. I will also stop my regular daily I practice.

It’s been a very difficult decision to make, but then I j remembered what you had done. You too had given up cricket for two years, hadn’t you? And then you I picked up the threads again in college, when you had j more time. This is what has inspired me to make my j decision. Thanks, Sandy.

Will tell you more details when I meet you next.

Your loving friend,

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

7. Collect quotations on the topic ‘Choice’.

Question 1.
Collect quotations on the topic ‘Choice’.
‘Decisions are the hardest thing to make, especially when it is a choice between where you should be and where you want to be.’
Present the quotations in a beautiful hand on cardpaper.

English Kumarbharati 9th Digest Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken Additional Important Questions and Answers

Simple Factual Activity.

1. The poet made his decision about which road to take very quickly – False
2. The season was Autumn – True
3. The poet wished he could travel along both the roads – True
4. He took the road which had been used more – False

Complex Factual Activity.

Question 1.
Why does the poet feel sorry?
The poet feels sorry that he cannot travel along both the roads at the same time.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

Question 2.
Did the poet choose the road quickly?
No, the poet did not choose the road quickly, He stood for a long time at the fork before he took a decision.

Question 3.
Was one of the roads better than the other?
No, both were equally good.

Activities based on Poetic Devices.

Question 1.
Does the poem have a uniform rhyme scheme throughout?
Yes, it does.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

Simple Factual Activity.

Question 1.
Complete the following statements: (The answers are given directly and underlined.)

  1. The poet took the road less travelled by.
  2. He kept the first road for another day.
  3. He will be telling all this ages and ages later.
  4. His choice has made all the difference.

Complex Factual Activities.

Question 1.
Does the poet tell us what difference it made?
No, he doesn’t.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

Activities based on Poetic Devices.

Question 1.
Pick out and explain an example of inversion from the extract.
Inversion: ‘And both that morning equally lay in leaves ……… . The correct prose order is: And both lay equally that morning in leaves ………. .

Point Format (for understanding)

  • Title: The Road not Taken
  • Poet: Robert Frost
  • Rhyme Scheme: abaab.
  • Figures of Speech: Alliteration. ‘Though as for that the passing there.’ Repetition of the sound of the letter ‘t’. The other figure of speech is Inversion.
  • Theme/Central Idea: The poem Is about the journey of life and what the poet decides when he is at the crossroads. He tells us about a time that he came across two roads that diverged In a wood.

He knew that he could not travel both, so he took the road which was not as well-travelled as the other. It made a difference in his life.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 English Kumarbharati Solutions Chapter 3.3 The Road Not Taken

Paragraph Format.

This famous poem ‘The Road not Taken’ is by the equally famous poet Robert Frost.

The Rhyme Scheme of the poem is abaab. One Figure of Speech is Alliteration : ‘Though as for that the passing there.’ Repetition of the sound of the letter ‘t’. The other figure of speech is Inversion.

The poem is about the journey of life, and what the poet decides when the path forks off in two directions. He knew that he could not travel both, so he took the road which was not as well-travelled as the other. This made a difference in his life.

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 English Solutions

9th Std English Questions And Answers: