Compere a Programme Poem Questions and Answers Class 7 English Chapter 3.2 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 English Lesson 3.2 Compere a Programme Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme Textbook Questions and Answers

1. The items in the programme below have got mixed up.

Question 1.
Rearrange them in the proper order. Just add the number in the left-hand column.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme 1
Balanand Vidyalaya Art Festival Programme

  • Dignitaries arrive
  • Igniting the lamp
  • Welcome and introduction of guests
  • Appraisal of the Art Festival
  • Recital of ‘Taal Kacheri’
  • Koli Dance
  • The Boy Comes Home – A skit by Std. IX
  • Prize distribution
  • Chief Guest speaks
  • Vote of thanks

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

2. Form groups of 5-8. This passage tells us only what the compère says.

Question 1.
Try to visualise and write what the other people on the dais must have said In their speeches (Write only the main points.)
1. The School Principal
2. The Chief Guest
3. The Art teacher who offered vote of thanks
1. The compere thanks the Principal, Dr. Ajinkya Parakhi.
2. The compere thanks the Chief Guest- for releasing the book and formally inaugurating the art festival.

3. Choose the appropriate phrase to insert in the gaps to make the sentences meaningful. Use the appropriate form of the verb.

  1. to appraise
  2. to be relieved of
  3. to draw the curtain
  4. to escort
  5. to be likened to
  6. to have butterflies in ones stomach

Question 1.
Before we ………….., let us stand in attention for the National Anthem.
draw the curtain

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 2.
I ………….. just as I was to receive my Report Card.
had butterflies in my stomach

Question 3.
After I took the medicine, I ………….. ………….. of the pain.
was relieved

Question 4.
Before we do the experiment in the laboratory, let me ………….. you all about it.

Question 5.
The Minister ………….. by his personal bodyguards.
was escorted

Question 6.
Sorrowful times ………….. to darkness.
are likened.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

4. Prepare a formal invitation card for the Art Festival.

Question 1.
Prepare a formal invitation card for the Art Festival.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme 2

5. Prepare a News Report in brief on this Art Festival.

Question 1.
Prepare a News Report in brief on this Art Festival.

Art Collage

– by a student reporter

Balanand Vidyalaya, June 26: Balanand Vidyalaya had organised a Art Festival on 25th June, 2017 in the school. Preparations for the same had begun days in advance. Their Art teacher, Ms. Shilpa Sanghani was confident as everything was well planned.

The function began with the lighting of the lamp followed by the welcome speech and introduction of guests. The Chief Guest for the function Shri Charudatta Diwan was welcomed by the Principal with a token of two volumes of Cherished Lives of Great Artists. The Convener of the Art Festival, Ms. Shilpa Sanghani welcomed the President of Balanand Academy, Mr. Avadhoot Pathak. The Principal briefed the audience about the Art Festival after which a special book comprising photographs of unique pieces of art contributed by students was released by the Honourable Chief Guest.

Art in its different forms were then presented by the students. This included Taal Kacheri, Koli dance and a light comedy play. The prize distribution thereafter came as a pat on their back. While Taal Kacheri won the first prize, the Koli dance won the second prize. The Chief Guest Shri Diwan’s speech on various aspects of Art and Culture left the audience with new insights.

In the end a vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Shilpa Sanghani. When asked one of the parents remarked, “Such activities give an impetus to Art and Culture and encourage students to realize their potential.” The Art Festival was a grand success underlining the importance of co-curricular activities in school.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

6. Chalk out detailed programmes for the following occasions.

Question 1.
1. The Teacher’s Day programme in your school.
2. An exhibition of science projects arranged in your classroom.
3. A wedding anniversary/birthday celebration for your grandparents that you have arranged with your family.
1. Teacher’s Day programme:

  1. Welcome Speech by the Head Boy
  2. Speech on importance of teachers by the Head Girl.
  3. Felicitation of teachers
  4. Address by the Principal
  5. Cultural Programme
  6. Games
  7. Vote of thanks
  8. National Anthem
  9. Snacks

2. Exhibition of Science projects in classroom:

  1. Welcome speech by monitor
  2. Ribbon cutting ceremony
  3. Speech by the Principal
  4. Judging of projects
  5. Prize distribution
  6. Vote of thanks
  7. National Anthem

3. Birthday celebration for grandfather:

  1. Welcome grandparents
  2. Powerpoint show on Grandfather
  3. Talks by relatives and friends
  4. Cake cutting
  5. Snacks and refreshment
  6. Vote of thanks

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

7. Language Study.

Object: Direct and indirect – An object is a word, phrase
or clause that shows the person. thing etc. affected by the action of the verb.
The underlined words or phrases in the following sentences are objects.
1. Mother drives a scooter.
2. He gave me a pen.
There are two types of object: direct and indirect. The direct object Is directly affected by the action. For example, in sentence 2 above, ‘a pen’ Is direct object. An indirect object refers to the person or a thing to whom/for whom the action Is done. In sentence 2 above, ‘me’ is an indirect object.

  1. He told the boys a story
  2. Amruta gave me a stern look.
  3. His friend gifted him a kettle
  4. A neighbour gave him a ticket
  5. Davy gave Faraday an impossible task.
  6. Harsh Serves them breakfast
  7. Shweta told me her problems.
Direct object Indirect object
1. A story the boys
2. a stern look me
3. a kettle him
4. a ticket him
5. an impossible task Faraday
6. breakfast them
7. her problems me

Class 7 English Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Why does the compere request the audience to switch off their mobile phones?
The compere requests the audience to switch off their mobile phones so that they can give undivided attention to the creative expressions of the youngsters and not get distracted by their other pre-occupations and ringtone.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 2.
Why does she request them to be seated?
She requests them to take their seats so that she can begin the programme.

Question 3.
At the beginning of the programme, who does the compere address by name?
At the beginning of the programme, the compere addresses the Head Girl by her name.

Question 4.
Describe the book that is released.
The book is a volume comprising photographs of all the beautiful and unique pieces of art contributed by the skillful students of Balanand Vidyalaya.

Question 5.
Who is taking part in the Taal Kacheri?
Sahil of Std. X A, Varsha, Vivek, Zubin and Govind are taking part in the Taal Kacheri.

Question 6.
Guess/Find the meaning of Taal Kacheri.
Taal Kacheri, literally translated means rhythmic instrumental musical session.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 7.
Does the compere say the following at the beginning of the programme or after it has ended?
1. What a wonderful presentation!
2. That was indeed a fantastic performance!
The compere says the given statements after the programme has ended.

Question 8.
What is meant by ‘butterflies in the stomach’?
‘Butterflies in the stomach’ means to be anxious and nervous.

Question 9.
How is this vocal rendition different from music?
Music is the pattern of sounds produced by people singing or playing instruments expressing ideas and emotions. Vocal refers to music human voice, which is singing.

Answer the following in one sentence.

Question 1.
Who was present at the Art Festival?
Special invitees, guests, parents, teachers and students were present for the Art Festival.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 2.
How did the programme begin?
The programme began with the lighting of the lamp.

Question 3.
Explain ‘Atithi Devo Bhava!’
‘Atithi Devo Bhava!’ means a guest is equivalent to God.

Question 4.
Which amazing quality of the lamp does the compere highlight?
The compere highlights that the lamp not only dispels darkness but also leaves way for a thousand other lamps to be lit with its flames.

Question 5.
How are knowledge and lamp similar?
Knowledge and lamp are similar in the fact that they both spread light. They only add and multiply.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 6.
Who gave away the prizes to the prize winners?
The Chief Guest, Shri Charudatta Diwan gave away the prizes to the prize winners.

Complex Factual Questions.

Question 1.
Which is the school in question?
The school in question is Balanand Vidyalaya.

Question 2.
Why is the lamp said to be having an amazing quality?
A lamp can dispel or remove darkness and also help to light a thousand other lamps from its flames. Hence it is said to possess an amazing quality.

Question 3.
What is the lamp compared to? Give reason.
The lamp is compared to knowledge because when you share knowledge, it never reduces. One can share knowledge with thousands of people and enlighten their minds.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 4.
What do we learn about Shri Charudatta Diwan from the compere’s speech?
From the compere’s speech, we learn that Shri Charudatta Diwan is a renowned artist, a painter of international repute, proud recipient of many prestigious awards and President of Kala Ranjan Academy.

Question 5.
Who are the following?

  1. Mr. Avadhoot Pathak
  2. Ms. Shubhada Murarka
  3. Mr. Ajinkya Parakhi


  1. President of Balanand Education Society
  2. Head Girl of Balanand Vidyalaya
  3. Principal of Balanand Vidhyalaya


Question 1.
Give one world for the following.

  1. the formal beginning of an event
  2. one who receives
  3. having high status
  4. noteworthy and important


  1. inauguration
  2. recipient
  3. prestigious
  4. eminent

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 2.
Write the antonyms.

  1. gather
  2. auspicious
  3. request
  4. honour


  1. disperse
  2. inauspicious
  3. order
  4. dishonour

Question 3.
Form a word chain of verbs.
e.g. announce – extend – deliver – request
1. Break, ……., ……., …….
2. Release, ……., ……., …….
3. Visit, ……., ……., …….
1. keep, pick, kick
2. educate, end, dance
3. teach, hide, eliminate


Question 1.
Knowledge, too, spreads light (Rewrite the sentence removing ‘too’)
Knowledge also spreads light.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 2.
It is indeed a proud privilege. (Make exclamatory)
What a proud privilege it is!

Personal Response.

Question 1.
Do you have a school song? What does it tell you?
Yes, we have a school song by the name ‘The Temple of Learning’. It tells us about how a school acts as a sheltered cocoon for students preparing them to take a flight spreading their wings in the beautiful world outside.

Simple Factual Questions.

Complete the tree diagram on the basis of information given in the extract.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme 3

Complex Factual Questions.

Question 1.
Who were the participants of Taal Kacheri? Which instruments did they play?
Varsha played the Mridangam, Vivek was on Dholak, Zubin played the Tabla and Ghatam was played by Govind. Sahil gave the vocal reaction.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 2.
What kind of play is ‘The Boy Comes Home’?
‘The Boy Comes Home’ is a light comedy.

Question 3.
The Art Festival aims at encouraging the students and bringing out their creative best. How do we know this from the extract?
The Art Festival included a Book release in which various students had contributed their creative work. Besides students also displayed their talent through music, dance and play. This tells us that the Art Festival aims to be a launching pad for students to reach greater heights in the field of Art and Culture.


Give antonyms.

  1. unique
  2. deliver
  3. pleasure
  4. introductory


  1. ordinary, common
  2. collect
  3. sadness, pain
  4. conclusive

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme


Question 1.
What a wonderful presentation! (Make assertive)
It was indeed a wonderful presentation.

Question 2.
Match the question tags.

‘A’ ‘B’
1.  Let’s enjoy the Taal kacheri a. can’t you?
2. After this programme, you can take that pleasure b. should we?
c. shall we?


‘A’ ‘B’
1.  Let’s enjoy the Taal kacheri c. shall we?
2. After this programme, you can take that pleasure a. can’t you?

Personal Response.

Question 1.
Do you think such programmes inspire students? Give reasons for your answer.
Yes, I think such programmes inspire students. Mark Twain has rightly remarked, “Thousands of geniuses live and die undiscovered – either by themselves or by others. Such programmes help students to get over their fears and also build up their confidence. It also serves as a platform to showcase their hidden talents. Appreciation in the form of award/trophy further encourages them to do even better.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Language Study.

Make sentences using the phrases.

Question 1.
To have butterflies in one’s stomach
When Ria was about to enter the interview room, she had butterflies in her stomach.

Question 2.
To lend a helping hand
Many Mumbaikars lent a helping hand to those who had got stranded due to floods. OR She was always ready to lend a helping hand to the needy.

Do as directed.

Question 1.
Look at the amazing quality of this lamp. (Add a question tag)
Look at the amazing quality of this lamp, won’t you?

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme

Question 2.
It only adds and multiplies. (Rewrite as negative)
It does nothing but adds and multiplies.

Question 3.
Our Indian culture regards guests as gods. (Begin with ‘Guests are … ’)
Guests are regarded as gods in our Indian culture.

Question 4.
We have gathered here for the inauguration of our School Art festival. (Frame a Wh- question)
What have we gathered here for?

Question 5.
Different states display their unique identity through their respective culture. (Rewrite using Modal auxiliary of possibility)
Different states might display their unique identity through their respective culture.

Find words with the given clues.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme 4


Question 1.

  1. to give information about
  2. famous and respected within a particular sphere
  3. a special right
  4. used for flooring
  5. Joyous


  1. Appraise
  2. Eminent
  3. Privelege
  4. Tile
  5. Festive

Compere a Programme Summary in English

The lesson ‘Compere a Programme’ serves as a model for students to compere official, staged events in school or other places. The compere takes charge of the smooth delegation of the events of the itinerary and most importantly, in a planned sequence. Right from instructions to the audience, to inviting dignitaries for the introductory talk, prize distribution, speech etc., the compere takes the programme ahead in a lively manner. The students also need to notice the formal, polite language and vocabulary used during such events. Besides al’l this, the lesson has a message for all schools. It is to encourage our younger generation to preserve and pass on our rich traditions through such events.


A compere is an official presenter of a ceremony, a staged event or programme. Compering a programme holds great importance as the success of a programme largely depends on the way it is compered.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.2 Compere a Programme


  1. festive (adj) – joyous
  2. preoccupation (n) – being engrossed with something
  3. escort (v) (n) – to accompany someone somewhere
  4. dignitaries (n) – important persons due to their rank or office
  5. renown (n) – the condition of being known, fame
  6. hearty (adj) – loudly vigorous and cheerful
  7. auspicious (adj) – favourable, to be of good omen
  8. symbolic (adj) – representing something
  9. potential (n)- having the capacity to develop into something in the future
  10. distinguished (adj) – very successful
  11. eminent (adj) – noteworthy and important
  12. prestigious (adj) – having high status
  13. comprise (v) – consist of
  14. auditorium (n) – the part of a theatre in which the audience sits
  15. display (v) – show, exhibit
  16. vocal (adj) – a part of music that is sung
  17. rendition (n) – performance
  18. demonstration (n) – exhibition, presentation
  19. apprise (adj) – give information about
  20. anxiety (n)- uneasiness
  21. insights (n) – understanding of something
  22. immensely (adj) – extremely
  23. convener (n) – a person who calls people together for meetings of a committee

7th Std English Questions And Answers: