Methods of Preserving Food Class 5 Questions And Answers EVS Chapter 13 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

5th Standard EVS 1 Lesson Number 13 Question Answer Methods of Preserving Food Maharashtra Board

Std 5 EVS 1 Chapter 13 Question Answer

1. What’s the solution?

Question (a)
The papads have become soft and moist .
Papads which have been soft and moist should be kept in sun for drying. Drying method involves removal of water content (moisture) from the foodstuffs. Papads when kept in sun for drying for 2-3 days will become crisp again.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food

Question (b)
Fruits like mangoes, amlas, guavas and vegetables like peas, onions, tomatoes, fenugreek are needed all year round. They are available in plenty only in certain seasons.
Different methods of food preservation are used in order to preserve fruits and vegetables. Mangoes can be preserved by making their squash preparation. Peas can be peeled from pods and preserved by keeping them in refrigerator for long time. Onions can be dried or fried and kept for a longer period of time. Tomatoes can be preserved by making tomato puree, squash or sauce.

2. Use your brain power!

Question 1.
Semolina (Shevaya) do not get spoiled for a very long time. But kheer made from them spoils easily. Why is this so?
Semolina (Shevaya) are made by drying them in the sun. Since they are dried in sun, the water content in them is completely lost, hence they can be stored for longer time. On the other hand, kheer is made by using milk and milk is a highly perishable’’ product, hence kheer gets spoilt quickly.

3. Find and correct the wrong statements:

Question (a)
When something is boiled, the microorganisms in it are destroyed.
It is a correct statement.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food

Question (b)
Our food does not get spoiled when microorganism begin to grow in it.
It is an incorrect statement.
Correct statement: Our food gets spoiled when microorganisms begin to grow in it.

Question (c)
Foodstuffs dried in summer cannot be used for the rest of the year.
It is an incorrect statement.
Correct statement: Foodstuffs dried in summer can be used for the rest of the year.

Question (d)
Foodstuffs get warmth when put in a fridge.
It is an incorrect statement.
Correct statement: Foodstuffs get cool temperature when put in a fridge.

4. Answer the following questions:

Question (a)
What are the different methods of preserving food?
Boiling, drying, cooling and placing the foodstuffs in airtight cans are the different methods of preserving food.

Question (b)
Why do we avoid eating food that has got spoiled?
We should avoid eating spoiled food because it can cause stomach ache, diarrhoea/vomiting etc.

Question (c)
Why do we make jams from fruits?
Fruits cannot stay fresh for longer period of time. In order to preserve them, various food preservatives like sugar is added to it. By preserving the fruits by adding sugar, we can get jams even after the season of fruits is over. Hence, we make jams from fruits.

Question (d)
What are preservatives?
Certain substances that are added to the foodstuffs to preserve them for a long time are called preservatives.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food

Question (e)
Find out the names of the different spices. Also find out which part of their plant they are.
Cinnamon, cardamom, bill leaves, cloves etc. are different spices. Cinnamon is a part of the stem of a plant, cardamom is fruit of plant and clove is a flowerbud of a tree.

Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question 1.
………………. and ……………. are kept to dry in the open air in summer.
(a) Onions, potatoes
(b) Carrots and brinjals
(c) Milk, milk products
(a) Onions, potatoes

Question 2.
……………………, ………………….. and …………………….. are available where food is kept.
(a) Air, moisture, warmth
(b) Fungus, ants, insects
(c) Spores, mice, rats
(a) Air, moisture, warmth

Question 3.
Spoiled food has reduced ………………. value.
(a) nutrition
(b) additional
(c) reductional
(a) nutrition

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food

Question 4.
……………….. can be dried and stored for a long time.
(a) Spices
(b) Jams
(c) Mangoes
(a) Spices

Question 5.
…………………. are present all around us in air as well as in water.
(a) Microorganisms
(b) ants
(c) insects
(a) Microorganisms

Question 3.
State whether the following statements are True or False:

  1. Asafoetida (hing) is a preservative.
  2. Spices cannot be stored for a longer period of time.
  3. Mango pulp and milk products are not spoiled quickly.


  1. True
  2. False
  3. False

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What is the advantage of placing the foodstuffs in the airtight cans?
When the foodstuffs are preserved in airtight containers, the microorganisms are first destroyed and it is ensured that water or air does not enter the food stuff.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food

Question 2.
What are the conditions required for the growth of fungus?
Availability of food, water, air and warmth are the conditions required for the growth of fungus.

Question 3.
What is the special feature of drying method?
When the foodstuffs are dried by drying method, the water content in them is lost. This is the special feature of drying method.

Question 4.
What happens when the foodstuffs are boiled?
When the foodstuffs are boiled, the microorganisms present in them are destroyed.

Question 5.
What precaution should be taken while buying food in sealed bags or boxes?
While buying food in sealed bags or boxes, we should always check the expiry (use before) date printed on it.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food

Can you tell?

Talk to the elderly people in your family to find the answers to the following questions with reference to the foodstuffs mentioned below:
(milk, vegetables, grains, flours, sugar, jaggery)

Question 1.
When do we say that foodstuff is spoiled? What changes are seen in it?
The foodstuff smells foul and have unpleasant appearance. There is even growth of fungus on foodstuffs.
Changes that occur in spoilt food: (a) Taste changes (b) Colour of the food change (c) Presence of black, white patch (fungus) on food (d) Unpleasant smell (e) Nutritive value reduces.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food

Question 2.
Is the time in which foodstuffs get spoilt different in different seasons?
Yes, the time in which the foodstuffs gets spoilt is different in different seasons. Spoilage of any foodstuffs depends on the presence of temperature and humidity of the environment. Therefore in winter, foodstuffs are preserved for a long time than summer season.

Question 3.
Which foodstuffs get spoilt most quickly?
Milk and milk products, fruits, vegetables, etc. are the foodstuffs which get spoilt most quickly.

Question 4.
What measures are taken to keep the foodstuffs in the house in good conditions, for as long as possible?
We can keep the foodstuffs in the refrigerator, some foodstuffs can be dried, fried, etc. and stored for a long period.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food


  1. pulp – soft, wet and crushed mass
  2. fibrous – consisting of fibres.
  3. airtight – not allowing air to escape or pass through.
  4. moist – slightly wet
  5. crisp – firm, dry and brittle
  6. perishable – that which gets spoilt.

Class 5 Environmental Studies Questions and Answers: