Maharashtra Board Class 11 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 6 Stress

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 11 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 6 Stress Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Psychology Important Questions Chapter 6 Stress

1A. Complete the following statements.

Question 1.
_____________ stress is referred to as a physical or psychological reaction that may lead to illness.
(A) Medical
(B) Emotional
(C) Psychological
(A) Medical

Question 2.
_____________ is the base of four Kleshas.
(A) Avidya
(B) Dvesha
(C) Abhinivesha
(A) Avidya

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 6 Stress

Question 3.
In Sanskrit, mental health is explained as _____________
(A) swasthya
(B) avidya
(C) arogya
(A) swasthya

Question 4.
According to the _____________ prefix, ‘EU’ means good.
(A) Greek
(B) Latin
(C) Italian
(A) Greek

Question 5.
_____________ is known as good stress.
(A) Hypo stress
(B) Distress
(C) Eustress
(C) Eustress

Question 6.
_____________ increases the heart rate, elevates blood pressure and boosts energy supplies.
(A) Adrenaline
(B) Dopamine
(C) Cortisol
(A) Adrenaline

Question 7.
Hans Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome Model consists of _____________ stages.
(A) four
(B) five
(C) three
(C) three

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 6 Stress

Question 8.
Conflict is a _____________ word which means ‘striking two things at the same time’.
(A) Latin
(B) Greek
(C) French
(A) Latin

Question 9.
Lewin talked about _____________
(A) valance
(B) psychoanalysis
(C) conflicts
(A) valance

Question 10.
In _____________ focused coping strategy, stress is reduced by resolving the conflict through work on the task at hand.
(A) emotion
(B) problem
(C) thought
(B) problem

Question 11.
At times, a lack of capacity to achieve the goal urges individuals to readjust their goals. This is known as _____________
(A) withdrawal
(B) compromise
(C) attack
(B) compromise

Question 12.
_____________ theory of Psychoanalysis is the base of defence mechanisms.
(A) Freud’s
(B) Selye’s
(C) Webster’s
(A) Freud’s

Question 13.
_____________ operates on two energies.
(A) Ego
(B) ID
(C) Superego
(B) ID

Question 14.
_____________ is an indirect way to deal with stress.
(A) Psychoanalysis
(B) Problem-focused coping
(C) Defence mechanism
(C) Defence mechanism

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 6 Stress

Question 15.
In _____________, the material can be recalled up to a certain extent.
(A) suppression
(B) repression
(C) sublimation
(A) suppression

1B. Match the following pairs.

Question 1.

i. Avidya a. Ego
ii. Asmita b. Repulsion
iii. Raga c. Ignorance
iv. Dvesha d. Lust for life
v. Abhinivesha e. Attraction


i. Avidya c. Ignorance
ii. Asmita a. Ego
iii. Raga e. Attraction
iv. Dvesha b. Repulsion
v. Abhinivesha d. Lust for life

1C. State whether the following statements are true or false. If false, correct them. If true, explain why?

Question 1.
Different people deal with stress in different ways.
Explanation: Different people deal with stress in different ways depending upon their genetic predisposition and environmental conditions.

Question 2.
Dopamine and oxytocin hormones are associated with negative feelings.
Reason: Dopamine and oxytocin hormones are associated with positive feelings.

Question 3.
Depression is an example of chronic distress.
Explanation: Depression is an example of chronic distress as it causes constant changes in moods for a long period of time. A depressed person experiences recurrent negative stress.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 6 Stress

Question 4.
Hans Selye asserted that stress is always harmful.
Reason: Hans Selye asserted that the stress of creative and successful work is beneficial whereas that of failure and humiliation is harmful.

Question 5.
External stressors result in peace of mind.
Reason: External stressors result in frustration, anger, and disappointment.

Question 6.
The value of the goal differs from person to person.
Explanation: The value of the goal is subjective. A goal may be attractive or unattractive based on whether an individual wants to achieve it or avoid it.

Question 7.
In avoidance-avoidance conflict, an individual is repelled by both goals.
Explanation: Avoidance-Avoidance conflict involves two unattractive goals with negative values.

1D. Identify the odd item from the following.

Question 1.
Avidya, Arogya, Asmita, Abhinivesha

Question 2.
Fatigue, Burn out, Depression, Irritability, Anxiety

Question 3.
Noise, crowding, Strict parents, Weak economic condition, Hunger

1E. Identify the conflict of motive that is experienced by the person in the following situation.

Question 1.
Ajit likes two cars but he has enough money to buy only one of them.
Approach – Approach conflict

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 6 Stress

Question 2.
Nishant must do his mathematics homework which he dislikes or get a beating from his parents.
Avoidance – Avoidance conflict

Question 3.
Sartaj has to choose between two girls for marriage. One is good-looking but boring. The other one is fun but short.
Double Approach – Avoidance conflict

Question 4.
Ami would love to buy a new house but it will create a burden on the family’s financial budget.
Approach – Avoidance conflict

Question 5.
Shreya has to decide between two appealing destinations for her vacation.
Approach – Approach conflict

Question 6.
Rita either has to be late for work or break traffic rules by driving during the red light.
Avoidance – Avoidance conflict

Question 7.
Nisha has a choice between two jobs. One is far away but pays well. The other one is close to her house but has no room for advancement.
Double Approach – Avoidance conflict

1F. Identify the defense mechanism used in each of the following examples.

Question 1.
Alisha, who was sexually abused as a child, cannot remember the abuse at all.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 6 Stress

Question 2.
Ritesh dresses and acts like Spiderman, his favourite superhero.

Question 3.
Suresh hates his neighbour but believes that his neighbour hates him.

Question 4.
Rajesh, who is very aggressive, becomes a football player.

Question 5.
Sanjana gets reprimanded by her boss and goes home and fights with her husband.

Question 6.
Sanket who is cut off from a sports team fantasizes about winning the Olympics.

Question 7.
Shruti is attracted to her sister’s husband but denies this and believes that her sister’s husband is attracted to her.

Question 8.
After being rejected by a prestigious university, Harshil explains that he is glad because he would be happier at a smaller, less competitive college.

Question 9.
Neha really admires Priya, the most popular girl in school and tries to copy her behaviour and dressing style.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 6 Stress

Question 10.
Three years after being hospitalized, Sonali can remember only vague details about the event.

Question 11.
Angered by her neighbour’s hateful comment, Ekta spanks her daughter for accidentally spilling milk.

2A. Explain the following concepts.

Question 1.
The word stress is derived from the Latin word ‘stringi’ which means ‘to be drawn tight’. Stress refers to the discomfort experienced by an individual in demanding situations. It arises when an individual is able to mobilize lesser resources than the situation demands.

Question 2.
Leisure is quality time spent away from work, domestic duties, studies, after a heavily exhausting period. It has relaxing and recreational qualities. We have choice and freedom in our leisure time.

Question 3.
Cortisol is the primary stress hormone. It increases sugar (glucose) in the bloodstream, enhancing the brain’s use of glucose and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues.

Question 4.
Stressors are environmental conditions, external stimuli, or events that cause stress to an organism. There are two types of stressors, viz. internal stressors and external stressors.

Question 5.
Frustration is a common emotional response related to anger and disappointment. When an individual is highly motivated to achieve something and when his goal-directed behaviour is blocked by an obstacle, it results in frustration.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 6 Stress

Question 6.
Id is the most primitive storehouse of our biological energy. Id has psychic energy. It operates on the pleasure principle and demands immediate gratification of desires.

Question 7.
Defense mechanisms
Defense mechanisms are an indirect way to combat stress. These are the unconscious strategies used to protect the ego from shattering due to unacceptable and harsh reality. It is a stop-gap arrangement that provides some time for the person to come to terms with reality. It is a face-saving device.

2B. Compare and contrast with examples.

Question 1.
Acute distress and Chronic distress

  • Acute distress is an intense, short-term negative stress while chronic distress is a long-lasting, recurrent negative distress.
  • Acute distress occurs when there is a sudden change in routine or when we experience panic or threat, e.g. traffic jam, accident. Chronic distress is the worst type of stress-causing constant changes in routine for a long period of time. e.g. illness of a family member, death of a spouse.

3. Answer the following questions in around 35-40 words each.

Question 1.
What are the effects of hypo stress?
Hypo stress is an insufficient amount of stress which is caused when a person has nothing to do at all. Its effects are as follows:

  • It leads to boredom.
  • It causes feelings of restlessness.
  • People become demotivated and unenthusiastic.

Question 2.
What are the ill effects of distress?
Distress is a negative type of stress. Its ill effects are as follows:

  • Our body is flooded with emergency response hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.
  • It can cause physical conditions like headaches, digestive issues, and sleep disturbances.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 6 Stress

Question 3.
Identify the possible reactions to Approach-Avoidance conflict.
The three possible reactions to Approach-Avoidance conflict are:

  • One may give importance to the positive value.
  • One may be very cautious about the negative value.
  • One may leave the goal altogether to avoid the situation.

Question 4.
Explain the impact of excessive use of defense mechanisms.

  • Excessive use of defense mechanisms leads to a habit of escaping from reality and indulgence in falsehood about one’s own self.
  • However, reality chases, and sooner or later one has to face it.
  • At such a point, the ego is no longer protected and it may lead to symptoms of mental disorders.

4. Write short notes in 35-40 words each.

Question 1.

  • Anxiety is a state where a person may feel that something is wrong and will experience symptoms like palpitation, rapid heart rate, sweaty palms, and dry throat.
  • Two types of anxiety in Freud’s theory are:
    • Neurotic anxiety: Here, id and ego are in conflict with each other
    • Moral anxiety: Here, the superego and ego are in conflict with each other

For your understanding

  • Neurotic anxiety comes from the unconscious fear that the basic impulses of the id will take control of the person, leading to eventual punishment from expressing the id’s desires.
  • Moral anxiety comes from the superego. It appears in the form of fear of violating moral codes or values, leading to feelings of guilt and shame.

Question 2.
Defense mechanisms

  • Defense mechanisms are an indirect way to combat stress.
  • They are unconscious strategies used to protect the ego from breaking due to unacceptable/harsh reality. It functions as a shock absorber.
  • It should be used moderately as its excessive use leads to a habit of escaping from reality.
  • Some commonly used defense mechanisms are projection, displacement, and daydreaming.

6. Answer the following questions in 150-200 words each.

Question 1.
Elaborate on the General Adaptation Syndrome model proposed by Hans Selye.

  • Hans Selye, the father of stress research, introduced the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) model in 1936 showing the effects of stress on the human body.
  • He asserted that stress is a major cause of disease since chronic distress causes long term chemical changes.
  • The GAS model may be defined as the manifestation of stress in the whole body. It consists of three stages:

a. Alarm stage: It is the first reaction to stress. The organism recognizes that there is a danger and prepares to deal with the threat by a ‘fight or flight response. This natural reaction provides energy to the body to deal with stressful situations.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 6 Stress

b. Resistance stage: After the initial shock, the body begins to repair itself. In this phase, it remains on high alert for a while. If one overcomes the stress, the body continues to repair itself until the hormone level, heart rate, and blood pressure come to normal. Signs of this stage include irritability, frustration, poor concentration.

c. Exhaustion stage: If stress is not resolved in the resistance stage, a person enters the exhaustion stage. Here, the body’s ability to cope up becomes less. The individual may collapse quickly and the body’s immune system, as well as the ability to resist stress, diminishes. Signs of the exhaustion stage include fatigue, burnout, depression, and anxiety.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 6 Stress 6 Q1

Question 2.
Explain aspects of Freud’s psychoanalysis theory.
According to Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis, our personality is controlled by three aspects. They are:

  • Id: It operates on the pleasure principle and demands immediate gratification of desires. It operates on primary process thinking where logical rules are not applied. It operates on two energies: Libido (sexual energy) and Thanatos (destructive energy).
  • Ego: It operates on the reality principle and has better problem-solving abilities as compared to Id. Ego indulges in secondary process thinking and it knows how and when to satisfy desires.
  • Superego: It internalizes the moral values of society (do’s and don’ts) and also includes the ‘rights’ and ‘wrongs’ we unknowingly learn from our role models. It helps us to control impulses coming from the Id and makes our behaviour less selfish and more virtuous. According to this theory, our reactions to situations depend upon the interaction of these three systems.

Question 3.
Explain the different types of defense mechanisms.
Some of the defense mechanisms described by Dr. Sigmund Freud are as follows:

  • Repression: It is an unconscious mechanism employed by the ego to keep disturbing or threatening thoughts outside our conscious awareness. These are the thoughts that would result in feelings of guilt from the superego.
  • Displacement: It is the redirection of an impulse onto a less powerful target. A person cannot retaliate against the actual source of anger and so, redirects his anger on a less threatening object.
  • Projection: It involves the individual attributing his own thoughts, feelings, and motives to another person.
  • Sublimation: It is one of the most adaptive defense mechanisms as it can transform negative anxiety into positive energy. A person uses sublimation to redirect his motivation into more acceptable and productive tasks.
  • Identification: Flere, by adopting another person’s mannerisms, language, patterns, etc., a person tries to imitate his character traits and starts behaving like another person.
  • Daydreaming: When life appears to be distressing, people often use fantasy as a way of escaping reality. This is called daydreaming.
  • Rationalization: It occurs when a person attempts to explain or create excuses for his failure. In doing so, an individual is able to avoid accepting the true cause or reason for his failure.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Psychology Important Questions Chapter 6 Stress

Some other important defense mechanisms are:

  • Denial: It is an outright refusal to admit or recognize that something has occurred or is currently occurring. e.g. alcoholics often deny that their behaviour is problematic.
  • Compensation: It means people overachieve in one area to compensate for failures in another. e.g. a student who fails in studies may compensate by becoming a champion in athletics.
  • Intellectualization: It works to reduce anxiety by thinking about events in a cold and clinical way. e.g. a person diagnosed with a terminal illness might focus on learning everything about the disease in order to avoid distress and remain distant from the reality of the situation.