Chasing the Sea Monster Poem Questions and Answers Class 7 English Chapter 2.6 Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 2.6

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 English Lesson 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster Textbook Questions and Answers

1. From the passage, find all the words and phrases used to describe the ‘monster’.

Question 1.
From the passage, find all the words and phrases used to describe the ‘monster’.
Unearthly animal, fearsome creature, unknown creature, huge glowworm, infernal beast, motionless animal.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster

2. Form groups of 4. Find all the references to time given In the passage. Then make a chart to show the events described in the passage along with the time when they occur.

  • All night long: The crew stayed on their feet
  • Near midnight: …………………………………….
  • At 12.53: …………………………………………….
  • ………….. : …………………………………………….
  • ………….. : …………………………………………….
  • ………….. : …………………………………………….
    (lise as many lines as you need.)

Question 1.
Form groups of 4. Find all the references to time given in the passage. Then make a chart to show the events described in the passage along with the time when they occur. Example:

  • All night long: The crew stayed on their feet.
  • Near midnight: The sea animal disappeared.
  • At 12.53: A deafening hiss was heard.
  • Near 2.00 am: The core of a light appeared.
  • At 6.00 am: The animals electric glow disappeared.
  • At 7.00 am: A dense morning mist spread.
  • At 8.00 am: The mist disappeared, the sea animal was seen.
  • A few moments later: The frigate headed for the animal.
  • Three-quarters of an hour later: They were not getting closer to the animal.
  • Next one hour: The frigate gathered speed and so did the sea animal.
  • At 10.50 pm: The electric light reappeared.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster

3. How long does the whole event described in this passage take? Work it out by reading the passage.

Question 1.
How long does the whole event described in this passage take? Work it out by reading the passage.

4. Observe the picture and the labels carefully. Then match the words and the meanings given in the foliwing table.

Question 1.
Observe the picture and the labels carefully. Then match the words and the meanings given in the foliwing table.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster 1 Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster 2

Words Column ‘B’
1. Yard (e) A pole slung across a ship’s mast. A sail hangs from a yard
2. Mast (d) Tall, upright pole on a ship
3. Bow (b) The forward part of the main body of a ship
4. Deck (a) A floor, flat area built on a Ship
5. Forecastle (g) The part which is always at the front while the ship is sailing
6. Starboard (h) The right-hand side of a ship as one faces forward
7. Stern (f) The rearmost (back) part of a ship
8. Afterdeck (i) An open deck near the back
9. Fore (c) The forward part of a deck

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster

5. Form groups of 4-5. Read the following sentences aloud. Using your imagination and with the help of group discussion, write other situations in which the sentences can be used.

  • The outcome: disappointment and anger.
  • The hour of battle had sounded
  • What a chase!
  • This was our chance, ……..

Question 1.
Form groups of 4-5. Read the following sentences aloud. Using your imagination and with the help of group discussion, write other situations in which the sentences can be used.

  • The outcome: disappointment and anger
  • The hour of battle had sounded
  • What a chase!
  • This was our chance
  • The outcome: happiness and relief
  • The outcome: fun and joy
  • The outcome: misery and poverty
  • The hour of decision had arrived
  • The sound of victory was heard
  • What a book!
  • What a personality!
  • What a movie!
  • This was our victory …
  • This was our last straw …
  • This was our fight…

6. Find the different units of measurement mentioned in the passage and get more information about them from the internet.

Question 1.
Find the different units of measurement mentioned in the passage and get more information about them from the internet.

7. Language Study: Transitive and intransitive verbs : We can classify verbs into two types – transitive and intransitive. Some verbs need on object/objects. When a verb has an object, it is a transitive verb. For example, ‘The boy kicked the football’. Here the verb ‘kick’ has ‘the football’ as its object. ‘Give’, ‘cook’, ‘buy’ are transitive verb.
Some verbs do not need any objects. When a verb does not have an object, it is an intransitive verb. For example, ‘We laughed loudly’. The verb ‘laugh’ in this sentence does not have an object. ‘Laugh’, ‘walk’, ‘dy’ are intransitive verbs.
Some verbs can be transitive or intransitive. For example,
‘Birds fly’. (intransitive) ‘Children fly kites’. (transitive)

Class 7 English Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Guess what order the commander must have given.
The order given by the commander must have been to advance slowly towards the monster and to be ready to attack.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster

Question 2.
Why did the Abraham Lincoln slow down? Answer: The Abraham Lincoln slowed down because
it was
unable to compete with the monster’s speed.

Question 3.
What is the monster compared to when it disappeared?
The monster is compared to a huge glow-worm when it disappeared.

Question 4.
What did the deafening hiss resemble?
The deafening hiss resembled the sound made by a water spout expelled with tremendous intensity.

Question 5.
Who would get $ 500?
The man who would pierce the infernal beast would get $ 500.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster

Question 6.
Describe the gunner who accepted the challenge.
The gunner who accepted the challenge was a calm, cool, old and gray bearded man.

Question 7.
What was Ned Land doing?
Ned Land was brandishing his dreadful weapon.

Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar

Simple Factual Questions:

Fill in the blanks.

Question i.
Let’s wait for daylight and then we’ll play a …………… role.

Question ii.
Unable to compete with the monster’s speed, our frigate, the ………………. slowed down.
Abraham Lincoln

Complex Factual Questions:

Question 1.
What is the name of the narrator?
The name of the narrator is Professor Aronnax.

Question 2.
What is the name of the ship?
The name of the ship is ‘Abraham Lincoln’.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster

Question 3.
At what time is this event taking place?
This event is taking place sometime near midnight.


Question 1.
Give two words as phrases used to describe ‘monster’ in this passage.
fear some creature, cetacean


Question 1.
The animal mimicked the frigate. (End with ’… the animal’)
The frigate was mimicked by the animal.

Question 2.
No one thought of sleeping. (Make it affirmative)
Everyone remained awake.

Question 3.
The animal mimicked the frigate. (Change into interrogative)
Didn’t the animal mimic the frigate?

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster

Question 4.
Pick out the verb and state whether it is transitive or intransitive.

  1. Rama rang the bell loudly.
  2. The bell rang loudly.
  3. The baby sleeps on a bed.
  4. The birds fly in the air.
  5. Close the door.
  6. He wrote a letter to his friend.


  1. rang – transitive verb
  2. rang – intransitive verb
  3. sleeps – intransitive verb
  4. fly – intransitive verb
  5. dose – transitive verb
  6. wrote – transitive verb

Read the following passage and do the activities.

Simple Factual Questions:

Write whether True or False.

Question i.
We stayed on the alert until night and were getting ready for action.

Question ii.
The mist was very dense.

Complex Factual Questions:

Question 1.
What can the blunderbusses do?
The blunderbusses can launch harpoons as far as a mile.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster


Question 1.
Ned had a dreadful weapon. (Add a question tag)
Ned had a dreadful weapon, didn’t he?

Question 2.
Pick out two abstract nouns from the extract.
Disappointment, anger.

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Do you like travelling on sea? Why?
No, I do not like travelling on sea. I don’t know how to swim and I am very scared of drowning.

Read the following passage and do the activities.

Fill in the blanks.

Question i.
………… stayed at his post, harpoon in hand.
Ned Land

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster

Question ii.
The animal is faster than the ………….. .
Abraham Lincoln

Complex Factual Questions:

Question 1.
Explain why the author uses the words “what a chase!”.
It was an exciting chase no doubt. The author says that the excitement shook his very being. The animal was so smart, it let the frigate get a little closer to it and then picked up speed and kept its distance. The animal was playing tricks with the frigate.


Question 1.
Pick out the words from the extract that mean the following.
i. person who fires the cannon
ii. moved faster
i. cannoneer
ii. gathered speed

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster

Question 2.
Give the meanings of the following.
i. harpooner
ii. mate
i. person who handles the harpoon
ii. assistant


Question 1.
what a chase no i can’t describe the excitement that shook my very being (Punctuate)
What a chase! No, It can’t describe the excitement that shook my very being.

Question 2.
The cannoneer fired a shot. (Add a question tag)
The cannoneer fired a shot, didn’t he?

Language Study

Do as directed.

Question 1.
There was a mighty explosion. (Pick out the verb and state its kind)
was – transitive verb.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster

Question 2.
The monster seemed motionless. (Frame a ’Wh1 question so as to get the underlined words as the answer)
Who seemed motionless?

Question 3.
Barely twenty feet separated him from the motionless animal. (Pick out the adjectives from the sentence)
Twenty, motionless

Question 4.
The electric light suddenly went out. (Identify the part of speech of the underlined word)
Suddenly – adverb

Question 5.
Pick out the verb and state whether it is transitive or intransitive.
Question i.
The hunter killed the wolf.
killed – transitive verb

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster

Question ii.
Leena saw a monster.
saw – transitive verb

Question iii.
Rains spoilt the picnic.
spoilt – transitive verb

Question iv.
The baby cried loudly.
cried – intransitive verb

Question v.
The bird flew away.
flew – intransitive verb

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster

Writing Skills

Question 1.
Write an essay on ‘A Sea Journey’.
A sea journey is something I had never experienced. I used to look at the majestic sea and wonder what it would be like to travel by sea. I got the chance of a life time to travel on a ship.

The ship was filled with people from different states of India. At the beginning all was wonderful, the people, the sea, the sky, the weather. I was told that the journey would take many on board. But as time passed, the journey which I felt would be a pleasant one, wasn’t all that pleasant. There was nothing to see except water, water and more water. The movement of the ship on the water gave me a nauseating/nauseous feeling.

I was praying and hoping for the journey to end. At last after about eight long hours we touched land. I was so happy to be on firm landing once again. The journey by sea was an experience I wouldn’t want to repeat. This journey by sea was my first and last one.

Chasing the Sea Monster Summary in English

The lesson ‘Chasing the Sea Monster’ is an extract from the novel ‘20,000 Leagues under the Sea’ written by Jules Verne. The story in this extract is about spotting a mysterious sea monster by the inmates on a warship. The story revolves round the relentless chase between the warship (frigate) and the sea monster.

The warship (frigate) named Abraham Lincoln captained by Commander Farragut along with Professor Pierre Aronnax, a French marine biologist and narrator of the story, a master harpoonist Ned Land and other crew members chase the sea monster and in the end Ned Land succeeds in hitting the sea monster. The collision between the frigate and the sea monster is so hideous that Commander Farragut, Professor Pierre Aronnax and Ned Land are hurled into the sea.


The lesson ‘Chasing The Sea Monster7 is a science fiction written by Jules Verne, a French writer. He is known as the ‘Father of Science Fiction’. This is a passage, from his novel ‘20,000 Leagues under the Sea’. He describes how people on a ship think of the submarine as an animal and try to chase and hunt it.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.6 Chasing the Sea Monster


  1. frigate (n) – small, speedy ship used in war
  2. unearthly (adj) – strange, not like those found on earth
  3. luminous (adj) – bright, full of light
  4. fearsome (adj) – scary, frightening
  5. crew (n) – people working on the ship
  6. cetaceans (n) – marine animals like a whale
  7. lurking (v) – hiding
  8. whaling gear (n) – equipment used to hunt whales
  9. mate (n) – assistant
  10. armour (n) – protective metal covering
  11. profound (adj) – deep
  12. astern to port (v) – towards the hinder part or stem; backward
  13. blunderbusses (n) – a short, large bored gun firing metal balls, slugs or nails
  14. duck guns (n) – large shot guns used for hunting ducks in large number
  15. harpoon (n) – a barbed spear attached to a rope and thrown or fired from a gun to hunt whales or large fish
  16. cannoneer (n) – an artillery man who uses cannon
  17. harpooner (n) – a person who uses harpoons especially to hunt whales
  18. enormous (adj) – huge
  19. hideous (adj) – dreadful, horrid
  20. mute (adj) – dumb; not having the power of speech
  21. alert (adj) – attentive
  22. informed (adj) – having information, based on information.
  23. target (n) – a person, object or place selected as the aim of attack
  24. weariness (n)- tiredness
  25. brandishing (v) – to move or swing back and forth particularly demonstrating skill
  26. collision (n)- clash

7th Std English Questions And Answers:

The King’s Choice Poem Questions and Answers Class 7 English Chapter 1.4 Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 1.4

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 English Lesson 1.4 The King’s Choice Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Write a character sketch of each of the animals. Write about their actions and thoughts and the qualities that emerge through

Question 1.
Write a character sketch of each of the animals. Write about their actions and thoughts and the qualities that emerge through
1. Lion: Lion was big and strong and very fierce. All the other animals in the forest called him king. The king promised other animals to give them food and protection. Whenever the king roared other animals stood in awe. Whenever he took a walk, others followed him. The lion was king also very responsible. When he had his meal, he left remains for other. So they always had enough to eat.
2. Fox: He was wise and clever creature and adviser of lion king. The fox took an oath of loyalty to the king.
3. Leopard: He was watchful and swift of foot, and a body of lion king.
4. Vulture: He was bird and can fly high in sky and a messager of lion.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice

2. Using your imagination, write more sentences in the same pattern:
(a) But the more the lion had, the more he wanted.
(b) Whenever he took a walk, they followed him.
(c) To be king is good. But to be kind is better.

Question a.
Using your imagination, write more sentences in the same pattern:
(a) But the more the lion had, the more he wanted.
(b) Whenever he took a walk, they followed him.
(c) To be king is good. But to be kind is better.

  1. The more you quieten the mind, the more restless it becomes.
  2. Whenever I speak, he interrupts me.
  3. It is nice to be important. But it is more important to be nice.
  4. To live well on earth is good. But to leave well is better.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice

3. Turn the story into a play as a group activity and present the scenes in the classroom.

Question 1.
Turn the story into a play as a group activity and present the scenes in the classroom.
(Curtain opens) The lion is seen pacing back and forth in deep thought.

  • Lion: Hmmm, I think it’s time I’ve courtiers for myself. (Calls his guards.) Tell the fox, the leopard and the vulture to meet me at once.
  • Guard: Yes, Your Majesty! (Enter of fox, leopard and the vulture)
  • Fox, Leopard, Vulture: Our salute to the king of kings! (all bow down)
  • Lion: Mr. Fox, you are known for your wisdom. You shall be my advisor from now on.
  • Mr. Fox: (elated) As you wish, Your Majesty!
  • Lion: And you…. Mr. Leopard, I am impressed by your alertness. You are swift of foot too. You shall be my bodyguard.
  • Mr. Leopard: (humbly) I shall be happy to serve you, Your Majesty!
  • Lion: (gesturing) And dear Vulture, you fly high above. I appoint you as my messenger.
  • Mr. Vulture: I am honoured, Your Majesty! (One day the vulture enters all excited)
  • Mr. Vulture: O great king! I have seen a camel in the desert not far away. I think it will be a good idea for you to taste camel meat.
  • Lion: (looking at his other advisers) What do you say? (Mr. Fox & Mr. Leopard not wanting to show ignorance)
  • Mr. Fox & Mr. Leopard: We don’t mind. But since the vulture has suggested let him lead the way. We shall humbly follow. (All set off on a journey to the forest. It’s hot and the sun is shining brightly.)
  • King: Oh! It’s too hot to bear. My paws are burning.
  • Mr. Vulture: (flying high above in cooler air) Your Majesty! The desert is close by. We shall reach in some time.
  • King: (not able to bear the pain) Stop! We shall return.
  • Mr. Vulture: (in thought) If we return, there will be nothing for us to eat as I will not be able to eat the king. I must stop him from returning. “Your Majesty! If you want we shall rest”.
  • Mr. Fox: O king! We are far away from the forest. Let us continue towards the desert.
  • King: I cannot walk anymore.
  • Mr. Leopard: (thinking to himself) I wish I could run away from here.
  • Fox: Let me ask for help, (leaps towards the desert)
    (In the desert)…

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice

4. This story takes an unexpected turn when the lion decides to spare the camel’s life. Choose any fable, story that you like and rewrite it giving it an unexpected turn.

Question 1.
This story takes an unexpected turn when the lion decides to spare the camel’s life. Choose any fable, story that you like and rewrite it giving it an unexpected turn.
A ‘friend’ is a position in one’s heart and not the court. A courtier works for money. There is self-interest involved whereas a friend is a far more selfless relation in which one does not expect anything in return. It is a relationship in which friendship itself is the only reward.

5. Talk about the good qualities of any one person you do not like. (You need not name the person.)

Question 1.
Talk about the good qualities of any one person you do not like.
I do not like my benchmate in my class as she is very untidy and comes shabbily dressed. However, there are many good qualities in her that I admire. She is an extremely polite girl. I have seen her go out of her way to help my other classmates. Also, she is very regular in her studies besides being a voracious reader. A habit that I long to imbibe in myself.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice

6. Language Study: Common nouns-i: Some things, animals, etc., that is, some nouns can be counted. They are called countable nouns. Some common nouns stand for something that cannot be counted. They are called uncountable nouns. Countable nouns have two forms. A noun that shows one person or thing, etc. is said to be in the singular. For example, ‘boy’, ‘girl’, ‘dog’, ‘tree’, ‘chair. A noun that shows more than one person or thing, etc. is said to be in the plural. For example, ‘boys’, ‘girls’, ‘dogs’, ‘trees’, ‘chairs’.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice 1

Note the expressions ‘a slice of bread’, ‘strands of hair’, ‘two glasses of water’, ‘a cup of milk’ and ‘a bit of fun!’. Here, we do not say ‘breads’, ‘hairs’, ‘waters’, ‘milks’, ‘funs’, etc.

Question 1.
Find five countable nouns from the passage and write their singular and plural forms.

  1. life – lives
  2. friend – friends
  3. messenger – messengers
  4. gift – gifts
  5. creature – creatures

Question 2.
List the units that we use to measure the following: water, milk, distance, weight.

    • water – litres
    • milk – litres
    • distance – centimetre, metre, kilometre
    • weight – grams, kilograms

Class 7 English Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What qualities are necessary in the following? Why?
1. King: A king should be just and kind. His justice will instill faith towards him in his subjects and his kindness will help him win their hearts. A king should not demand respect instead it should be earned with his qualities and virtues.

2. Adviser: An adviser must be very wise and foresighted. He must weigh the pros and cons of a decision and only then advise the king to go ahead with it. This is also because once the decision is taken it cannot be reverted and fate of the entire kingdom largely depends on these decisions.

3. Bodyguard: A bodyguard of a king must be his shadow. Extremely vigilant and alert, the bodyguard should be able to sense trouble and mischief as the king’s life can be in danger if he lacks these qualities. He should not hesitate to risk his life to save the king if required. This also demands physical strength and spirit.

4. Messenger: A messenger should be very quick at carrying messages as sometimes the messages are so important and urgent that any loss of time may cause great harm to the kingdom. Moreover, the messenger should be very faithful and keep the messages of the king confidential. This will safeguard the kingdom from enemies. Also, the messenger should remember that he represents the king himself, hence should be very trustworthy.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice

Question 2.
Write the oath that each of the courtier must have taken.
1. Oath taken by the advisor (Fox):
I, Mr. Fox, do hereby solemnly swear that I will remain loyal to my king and the kingdom and to the best of my ability advise the king on matters of administration in order to preserve, protect and defend the kingdom.

2. Oath taken by the messenger (Vulture):
I, Mr. Vulture, do hereby solemnly swear that I will remain loyal to my king and this great kingdom and will to the best of my ability deliver messages as and when required. In doing so I shall not alter the messages, keeping them confidential in the best interest of my kingdom in order to preserve, protect and defend it.

3. Oath taken by the bodyguard (Leopard):
I, Mr. Leopard, do hereby solemnly swear that I shall always be with the king like his shadow and will to the best of my ability protect, guard and defend the king and in doing so with loyalty I shall not hesitate to lay down my life in the general good of my beloved land.

Question 3.
Why was the vulture told to lead the way?
The vulture had suggested that the lion should eat the camel it had seen in the desert. As, neither the lion nor the fox, nor the leopard had ever seen a camel and besides, as the fox and leopard didn’t want the vulture to appear wiser than them, they asked the vulture to lead as it was his idea.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice

Question 4.
Why had the lion never seen a camel?
The lion stayed in the forest and a camel lives in a desert. So the lion had never seen a camel.

Question 5.
What advice did the fox and the leopard give? Was it based on good and sound thinking?
The fox and the leopard advised the king to set off on a camel hunt. This advice was not based on good and sound thinking as they were accustomed to walking in the forest under shady trees and the desert would not provide them this comfort. They didn’t want to appear foolish and ignorant and so the advice.

Question 6.
Do you think the vulture was enjoying the search?
Yes, as the vulture was flying high up in the cooler air, it was enjoying the search.

Question 7.
Do you think the king’s decision to go back was right?
No, I don’t think the king’s decision to go back was right as he had already walked a long distance not only risking his life but that of his courtiers as well. He could have rested and then continued.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice

Question 8.
Can you guess the plan the fox had thought of?
The fox had planned to trick the camel, and use him as a means of transport to go to their forest, kill him and have a feast.

Question 9.
Why does the fox address the camel as friend camel?
The fox addressed the camel as ‘friend camel’ to make him believe that he is his well-wisher so that the camel does not see through his wicked intentions.

Question 10.
What qualities of the courtiers emerge in this part of the story when they were in the desert?
The lion king comes across as someone who had leapt before looking what he was landing into. He himself didn’t know how he would return to the forest but commanded that they should stop right there. Not a very thoughtful and far sighted king. The vulture appears to be self-centred and greedy. He was only interested in eating the camel. The leopard, though a bodyguard, was a coward who wanted to run away. However, the fox comes across as a problem-solver who rescues everyone from the situation with his wit.

Question 11.
The fox, the leopard and the vulture have the same thought about the camel. Why is it so?
By sparing the camel and not eating it, the king had spoilt the plan of the fox, vulture and the leopard. As they had similar interests, they had the same thought about the camel. The animals were all tired and hungry and realised that the camel would make a large meal. The camel being simple minded would not suspect this play and they could easily have a feast and satiate their hunger by fooling him. They were now irritated with their plans having been failed.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice

Question 12.
Did you expect the lion to be kind to the camel? Do you think his decision was right?
No, I didn’t expect the lion to be kind to the camel who was his prey. Yes, I think the lion’s decision was right as he was thankful to the camel for saving their lives by carrying them back to the forest. His decision was a mark of gratitude towards the camel.

Answer in one sentence.

Question 1.
Why did the king appoint the leopard as his bodyguard?
The king appointed the leopard as his bodyguard as he was watchful and swift on his feet.

Question 2.
What did the lion’s courtiers do when he went hunting?
When the lion king went hunting, the courtiers found animals for him to kill.

Question 3.
How does the vulture describe the camel to the lion king?
The vulture describes the camel as a lone animal in the desert who was big and fat.

Question 4.
Why couldn’t the lion walk any further?
The lion could not walk any further as the hot sand had burned his paws.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice

Question 5.
What does the fox tell the camel?
The fox tells that the camel that the lion king had killed his master and it was now free. The lion king, therefore, had invited it to live at his court.

Question 6.
On what condition did the camel agree to serve the lion?
The camel agreed to serve the lion in return for a home at his court.

Question 7.
Why were the courtiers shocked to listen to the lion king’s decision?
The courtiers were shocked to listen to the lion king’s decision as they had risked their lives to eat the camel’s meat but the king had now decided to spare it.

Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar

Read the following passage and do the activities.

Simple Factual Questions:

Question 1.
Complete the web
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice 2

Question 2.
Who said to whom
Question i.
“A king must have a court”
The king thought to himself.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice

Question ii.
“I want you to be my adviser”
The king said the above sentence to the fox.

Question iii.
“I want you to be my bodyguard”
The king said the above sentence to the leopard.

Question iv.
“You are to be my messenger”
The king said the above sentence to the vulture.

Complex Factual Questions:

Question 1.
Why must a king have a court?
A king must have a court for the smooth functioning of his kingdom. Besides, the king cannot do everything on his own so, by delegating work to his courtiers, the king can assure that various departments in his kingdom are serving his subjects well.

Question 2.
How is the human administration similar to that of what we read in the passage?
Just as we have different portfolios the Lion king also gave responsibilities to his courtiers. For example the fox who is very wise and clever and we too have a council of ministers who advice the Prime Minister; just like the leopard who is watchful and swift, we too have the defence system in our country and like their vulture who is a messenger we too have the ministry of communication and technology.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice

Question 3.
What is the oath of loyalty?
An oath of loyalty is a pledge one takes acknowledging one’s duty and faithfulness towards one’s country or a king.


Question 1.
Give the meanings of the following words.

  • courtiers – people who attend the royal court
  • adviser – the one who advises
  • bodyguard – a person employed to protect somebody
  • loyal – faithful towards a person or an organisation.


Question 1.
Pick out the Subject and Predicate from the following sentences.
1. They brought him gifts from every corner of the forest.
2. The lion called a leopard to his side.
3. The fox, the vulture and the leopard took an oath of loyalty to the king.
4. The three courtiers never opposed the king.

Subject Predicate
1. They brought him gifts from every corner of the forest.
2. The lion called a leopard to his side.
3. The fox, the vulture and the leopard took an oath of loyalty to the king.
4. The three courtiers never opposed the king.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice

Question 2.
Identify any 4 common nouns from the above passage.
king, forest, fox, leopard, animals

Question 3.
Add the question tag for the following sentences.

  1. He called a fox to his side.
  2. You are to be my messenger.
  3. The king promised to give them food and protection.
  4. He was big and strong and very fierce.


  1. He called a fox to his side, didn’t he?
  2. You are to be my messenger, aren’t you?
  3. The king promised to give them food and protection, didn’t he?
  4. He was big and strong and very fierce, wasn’t he?

Question 4.
Give the adjective forms for the following.

  1. protection
  2. loyalty
  3. watch
  4. thought


  1. protective, protected
  2. loyal
  3. watchful
  4. thoughtful

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice

Question 5.
Complete the table using the singular or plural forms of the nouns.

Singular Plural
1. apple apples
2. book books
3. class classes
4. photo photos
5. life lives
6. woman women
7. mouse mice
8. child children
9. deer deer
10. country countries

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice

Question 6.
Find five countable nouns from the passage and write their singular and plural forms.

Singular Plural
1. king kings
2. animal animals
3. gift gifts
4. fox foxes
5. bird birds

Read the following passage and do the activities.

Simple Factual Questions:

Question 1.
State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. The lion ordered his courtiers to eat the camel.
2. The vulture, fox and the leopard offer themselves to the lion king.
1. False
2. True

Complex Factual Questions:

Question 1.
Were the courtiers being loyal to their king?
No, the courtiers were not being loyal to their king as by getting the camel killed by the lion they would force the lion king to go against his own promise of protecting the camel thereby spoiling the king’s image.

Question 2.
What qualities of the camel are seen in his speech?
The camel comes across as very humble and loyal character. He knows very well that he could not be of much use to the lion in the forest. Moreover, he is willing to lay down his life for the sake of his king which means that he is extremely selfless.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice

Question 3.
Why did the lion laugh to see the courtiers go?
The lion laughed to see the courtiers go because he knew they were unfaithful courtiers and were only with him to serve their own selfish motives. He had been successful in driving them away without pronouncing a cruel judgment against them.

Question 4.
Why did the king offer his friendship to the camel?
The king realized that his courtiers were unfaithful. In contrast, the camel was loyal and good. So, he offered friendship to the camel.

Question 5.
Explain the lines “To be king is good. But to be kind is better”.
The king through the lines “To be king is good, but to be kind is better” wants to say that as a king he demanded respect but couldn’t win loyal friends or courtiers. But by being kind to the camel he not only gained respect but also won a true friend.


Give homophones for the following words.
(a) accept
(b) seen
(a) except
(b) scene

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice


Question 2.
Away flew the vulture.
(Separate the subject and predicate.)
The vulture – subject, flew away – predicate

Question 3.
They were never seen in the forest again.
(Add a question tag)
They were never seen in the forest again, were they?

Question 4.
What qualities of the lion king impresses you the most? Why?
The lion king was very witty and wise. He had the skill of teaching his wicked and cunning courtiers a lesson without being cruel to them. He also had the quality of distinguishing between the faithful and the unfaithful. These qualities of the lion king impress me the most.

Language Study:

Do as directed.

Question 1.
The king promised to give them food and protection. (Rewrite using ‘Not only… but also’.)
The king promised to give them not only food but also protection. The king not only promised to give them food, but also protection.

Question 2.
Let us go back to the forest.
(State the kind of sentence.)
Imperative sentence.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice

Question 3.
They did not want the vulture to seem wiser than them. (Iden tify the degree of comparison.)
Comparative degree.

Question 4.
All the other animals in the forest called him king.
(Rewrite beginning with ‘He was’.)
He was called king by all the other animals in the forest.

Question 5.
“Our king, the lion, has killed your master” said the fox.
(Change into indirect speech.)
The fox informed that their king, the lion, had killed his master.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice

Question 6.
Make sentences using phrases/idioms.

  • To set off – We packed our bags and set off on a nature trail.
  • To keep (yourself) from – My grandmother is 70 years old. But that does not keep her from enjoying treks.

Question 7.
Complete the table.

Noun Verb Adjective
friendship befriend friendly
life live lively
thought think thoughtful
protection protect protective
strength strengthen strong

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice

Writing Skills:

Question 1.
Choose any fable, story that you like and rewrite it giving it an unexpected turn.
The Thirsts Crow
One hot day, a thirsty crow flew all across the plains in search of water. It had taken him more time than he thought and he felt weak. Losing all hope, he flew down to see if there was water kept outside the houses by the lonely street.

To his delight, he found a jug with water outside a small hut. But, the jug had very little water and it’s neck was too narrow for his head to be put in. He tried picking up the jug but in vain. Finally, he saw some pebbles and decided that if he dropped the pebbles, into the jug the water level would rise and he would be able to quench his thirst. But the crow had no patience to throw each pebble in one by one and wait for water level to rise slowly.

He saw a big stone lying by the side of the jug. He thought to himself, “if I put this big stone inside the jug, the level of water will rise at once”.

In his heart he felt proud about himself for this brilliant idea. So in desperation, he took the big stone and threw it in the jug. But to his disappointment, the stone hit the base of the earthen jug so hard that the jug broke into pieces. All the water from the jug spread all over the place. The crow tried to drink but before he could do so the thirsty earth had soaked in most of it.
Moral: Haste makes waste.

The King’s Choice Summary in English

The folk tale ‘The King’s Choice’ highlights the importance of virtues such as loyalty and kindness. The lion king in the story proves that a king’s might and majesty may win him some untrue and fake followers but kindness alone can give him the gift of faithful friends. On the other hand, the faithful camel’s character underlines the age old maxim, ‘Loyalty always pays’.


The story takes us to a forest where the lion king appoints the fox, the vulture and the leopard as his courtiers. However, the vulture due to his selfish and greedy motive of eating up the lion king lures him into going to the desert to eat camel meat. Other courtiers also follow.

When the king and his companions get tired of walking in the scorching sun, the fox comes to their rescue. He, through his wit and craftiness, befriends the camel and tricks him into believing that the king wanted to befriend him. The innocent camel appears before the king and carries the trio back to the forest on his back.

Filled with gratitude towards the camel on saving his life, the king decides to spare him and gives him his protection. Although the three courtiers are unhappy with the decision, they keep quiet.

However, after few days, unable to go hunting, the lion summons his courtiers and orders them to bring him food. The cunning fox once again holds a meeting and they plan to compel the king to eat the camel. But there is a twist in the story, the camel is safe once again due to its loyalty and the betrayers are compelled to flee. Thus, the king outsmarts his crafty and unfaithful courtiers and repays the camel for his loyalty with his kindness.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 1.4 The King’s Choice


  1. fierce (adj) – physically violent and frightening
  2. swift (adj) – quick
  3. watchful (adj) – alert and vigilant
  4. oath (n) – promise or vow
  5. awe (n) – respect and fear
  6. remains (n) – the parts left over after other parts have been removed
  7. lone (adj) – only one
  8. vulture (n) – a large bird of prey
  9. paws (n) – an animal’s foot
  10. feast (n) – a large meal, typically eaten during celebrations
  11. risked (v) – put in danger
  12. grateful (adj) – thankful

7th Std English Questions And Answers:

Learn Yoga from Animals Poem Questions and Answers Class 7 English Chapter 2.5 Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 2.5

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 English Lesson 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Complete the following diagrams.

Question A.
Benefits of yoga.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals 1
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals 2

Question B.
Precautions in Yoga Practice
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals 3
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals 4

Question C.
What is yoga?
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals 5
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals 6

2. Prepare charts for each one of the asanas described in the passage. Use the following points:

  • Name (in English, in your mother tongue)
  • Meaning in English
  • General information
  • Steps and pictures
  • Benefits

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals

3. List the names of body parts used in the passage.

Question 1.
List the names of body parts used in the passage.
Body parts – navel, spine, shoulder, palm, face, elbow, wrist, chin, abdomen, chest, fingers, jaws, feet, legs, toes, eyes, mouth, head, back, tongue, lungs.
Now go through the passage and find out some more and add to the list.

4. List the adverbs/adverbial phrases used in the passage.

Question 1.
List the adverbs/adverbial phrases used in the passage.

  1. to feel physically vibrant
  2. feel mentally sharp
  3. completely at ease
  4. breathe in deeply
  5. slowly raise
  6. come up slowly
  7. come down slowly
  8. inhale immediately
  9. positioned directly below
  10. smoothly arch the spine
  11. adds flexibility
  12. simultaneously arch your back

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals

5. Language Study: Conjunctions: A conjunction is a word which joins words or clauses. Look at the following sentences.
1. Sahil and Rohan go to school together.
2. Sahil is drawing a picture and Rahul is playing football.
In sentence 1, the conjunction ‘and’ joins two words.
In sentence 2, the conjunction ‘and’ joins two clauses.
The following are some more examples of conjunction.

  1. Do you like cricket or football?
  2. Your parents will be happy if you study well.
  3. She has not come to school because she is ill.
  4. We played well, but we lost the match.
  5. Tell him that we are going to the playground.
  6. When you are at home, you should help your mother in her work.

Interjections: An interjection is a word that expresses a sudden feeling or emotion. Interjections can express joy, grief, surprise, pain, approval etc.
Look at the following examples.

  1. Hurrah! We have won the game. (Joy)
  2. Ouch! That hurt. (Pain)
  3. Wow! What a nice picture! (Approval)

Question 1.
Underline the conjunctions in the following.

  1. Do you like cricket or football?
  2. Your parents will be happy if you study well.
  3. She has not come to school because she is ill.
  4. We played well, but we lost the match.
  5. Tell him that we are going to the playground.
  6. When you are at home, you should help your mother in her work

Class 7 English Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals Additional Important Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Where was yoga perfected?
Yoga was perfected in ancient India.

Question 2.
What does yoga involve?
Yoga involves the mind, body and soul.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals

Question 3.
What are the benefits of yoga?
The benefits of yoga are attaining concentration, focus and improving flexibility, balance and strength.

Question 4.
How does one feel after doing yoga?
One feels physically vibrant and mentally sharp after doing yoga.

Question 5.
Who enjoys the Lion pose asana? Why?
Simhasana or Lion pose is favourite with young people. Young people love this asana because it requires very little effort.

Question 6.
What pose does the Bhujangasana resemble?
The Bhujangasana is a pose that resembles the posture of a cobra with raised head.

Question 7.
What are the benefits of Bhujangasana? .
Bhujangasana helps us to tone the muscles of our back, strengthens our spine and also benefits the chest and shoulders.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals

Question 8.
When does the world celebrate International Yoga Day?
The world celebrates International Yoga Day on June 21st every year, since the year 2015.

Question 9.
Why should Marjaryasana be a part of one’s morning yoga routine?
Marjaryasana should be a part of one’s morning yoga routine because it gently stretches the muscles of the abdomen and the back as well as helps to get rid of any body pain.

Question 10.
How does Garudasana benefit the legs?
Garudasana makes the leg muscles stronger and improves the flexibility of joints by loosening the joint muscles.

Question 11.
What are the advantages of practising the Ustrasana?

  1. It strengthens the back.
  2. It boosts mood and energy.
  3. It opens the shoulders, chest and quadriceps.
  4. It helps in improving digestion.
  5. It adds flexibility and strength to the body.

Question 12.
Do you exercise regularly? What form of exercise do you practice ?
I exercise regularly as my parents have always motivated me to stay fit. I go to the local swimming pool everyday to swim in the evening. Swimming is refreshing for the mind and helps to maintain the overall fitness of one’s body.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals

Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar

Read the following passage and do the activities.

Question 1.
Complete the web diagram.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals 7

Question 2.
Fill in the blanks.
i. Yoga is a form of…….
ii. Yoga helps us to feel physically vibrant and mentally ……..
i. biomimicry
ii. sharp

Question 3.
Match the columns.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Phvsicallv a. area
2. Ancient Indian b. sharp
3. Contemporary c. discipline
4. Mentally d. vibrant


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Phvsicallv d. vibrant
2. Ancient Indian c. discipline
3. Contemporary a. area
4. Mentally b. sharp

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals

Answer in just one word:

Question 1.
What solves human problems with solutions already present in the natural world?

Complex Factual Questions:

Question 1.
What is biomimicry?
Biomimicry is the science of solving human problems with solutions already present in the natural world.

Question 2.
In what way is yoga a form of biomimicry?
Yoga is a form of biomimicry because they comprise typical asanas and poses wherein we emulate mountains, trees, fish, cats and many more animals.

Question 3.
Which problems in our day-to-day life can be solved through biomimicry?
Problems such as stiffness and back pain can be easily solved through biomimicry.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals

Question 4.
What does biomimicry mean in simple terms?
In simple terms, ‘bio’ means ‘life’ and ‘mimicry’ means ’emulate’.


Question 1.
Give forms of the following words.

Noun Verb Adjective
Nature Naturalise Natural
Simplicity Simplify Simple
Sharpness Sharpen Sharp

Question 2.
Pick out a word from the extract which means ‘in the same time period’.


Question 1.
Experts today are doing a wonderful job. (Begin with ’A wonderful job’)
A wonderful job is being done by the experts today.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals

Question 2.
This helps us to solve our problems. (Add a question tag)
This helps us to solve our problems, doesn’t it?

Personal Response:

Question 1.
Do you think it is necessary to exercise? Why?
Yes. I do think it is necessary to exercise. Exercising keeps us fit and healthy. We feel active and fresh to meet the challenges of the day. It also keeps us mentally positive.

Language Study

Do as directed.

Question 1.
The best time to practise is in the morning. (Begin with ‘The morning’)
The morning is the best time to practise.

Question 2.
Practise in a clean, airy, well-lit room. (Pick out the adjectives in the sentence)
Clean, airy, well-lit.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals

Question 3.
Relax your muscles completely. (Identify the kind of sentence)
Imperative sentence.

Question 4.
Kneel on the yoga mat and place your hands on the hips. (Pick out the nouns)
Mat, hands, hips.

Fill in with conjunctions.

Question 1.
This is the picture ……….. I painted yesterday.

Question 2.
We met the sailors ……….. ship was wrecked.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals

Question 3.
This is the girl ………… has a melodious voice.

Question 4.
………….. you study hard, you will succeed.

Question 5.
………… it rains heavily, life comes to a standstill.

Question 6.
Give examples of interjections.

  1. Oops! I broke it. (mistake)
  2. Hushi/Shh! The baby is sleeping, (silence)
  3. Hey! What are you doing here? (surprise)
  4. Oh! You wanted tea and not coffee, (realisation)
  5. Ugh! What a foul smell! (disgust)
  6. Phew! We nearly missed the fall! (relief)
  7. Whew! I cannot believe we have completed on time, (relief/amazement)

Fill in with interjections.

Question 1.
………… ! You stamped my foot.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals

Question 2.
………… ! If only I had listened.

Question 3.
………… ! It looks horrible.

Question 4.
………… ! I spilled the milk.

Question 5.
………… ! What a pretty dress!

Learn Yoga from Animals Summary in English

The lesson aptly shows us how we can do yoga by imitating animals and reptiles. It tells us the benefits and ways one can remain fit and healthy.


Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice attributed mostly to India. Yoga day is celebrated annually on 21st June since 2015. The United Nations General Assembly has declared this day, 21st June to be an international day for yoga. The Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, in his U.N. address suggested the date of 21st June as it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2.5 Learn Yoga from Animals


  1. emulate (v) – imitate
  2. vibrant (adj) – full of energy and life
  3. posture (n) – the position in which you hold your body while sitting or standing
  4. tone (v) – here it means to make the muscles firm
  5. navel (n) – belly button
  6. assume (v) – here it means ‘take’
  7. splayed (v) – spread apart
  8. quadriceps (n) – the large muscle at the front of the thigh
  9. composite (adj) – mixture of
  10. integrated (adj) – composed and co-ordinated
  11. contemporary (adj) – same time period
  12. discipline (n) – a specific branch of knowledge or learning
  13. jerk (n) – sudden uncontrolled movement
  14. vertebra (n) – small bones which make up the backbone
  15. palette (n) – roof of your mouth
  16. exhaling (v) – to expel air
  17. inhale (v) – to draw in air
  18. routine (n) – a course of action
  19. flexibility (n) – quality of being flexible, suppleness
  20. calf (n) – the muscle in the back of the leg below the knee
  21. aches (n) – continuous dull pains in a part of one’s body
  22. arch (n) – a curve with the ends down and the middle up
  23. drawing (v) – to direct one’s attention to something
  24. explosion (n) – a sudden burst
  25. biomimicry – the science of solving human problems with solutions already present in the natural world.

7th Std English Questions And Answers:

Tartary Poem Questions and Answers Class 7 English Chapter 3.1 Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 3.1

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 Tartary Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 English Lesson 3.1 Tartary Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 English Chapter 3.1 Tartary Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Find the words that mean the following, from the first stanza.

3.1 Tartary Question And Answer Question 1.
Gold hammered into a flat, thin shape : ………………..
beaten gold

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 Tartary

Tartary Poem Std 7 Question Answer Question 2.
Show off proudly : ………………..

Tartary Poem 7th Standard Question 3.
Tilt, move at an angle : ………………..

3.1 Tartary Answer Question 4.
Across, especially in a slanting direction : ………………..

2. Find the names of the exotic musical instruments and animals mentioned in the poem.

Tartary Poem Std 7 Questions And Answers Question 1.
Find the names of the exotic musical instruments and animals mentioned in the poem.
Exotic musical instruments mentioned in the poem are harp, flute and mandoline. Animals mentioned are fishes, zebras, tigers and peacock.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 Tartary

3. In the last stanza, there are three-four letter words that refer to a beautiful valley.

3.1 Tartary Question 1.
In the last stanza, there are three-four letter words that refer to a beautiful valley. They are:
1. ………………
2. ………………
3. ………………
1. dale,
2. vale,
3. glen.

4. From the poem, find three lines that use comparisons.

Tartary Poem Questions And Answers Question 1.
From the poem, find three lines that use comparisons.
1. …………….
2. …………….
3. …………….
1. Her trembling lake like foamless seas.
2. Yellow as honey, red as wine.
3. And, clustered thick as seeds.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 Tartary

5. Colour, sound and images from nature add to the beauty of a poem.

Tartary Poem Std 7 Question 1.
Colour, sound and images from nature add to the beauty of a poem: ‘Tartary’ is a perfect example of the above. Pick out lines that contain:
1. colour,
2. sound,
3. images of native:
1. Colour:

  • her rivers silver pale!
  • In every purple vale!
  • And in the evening lamp would shine. Yellow as honey red as wine
  • I’d wear a robe of beads & gold

2. Sound:

  • Trumpeters everyday. To every meal would summon me.
  • While harp and flute and mandoline made music sweet and gay

3. Images from the nature:

  • Her flashing stars, her scented breeze.
  • Her river silver pale!
  • And in my pools great fishes slant.
  • Her bird-delighting citron trees.
  • Glen, thicket, wood and dale.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 Tartary

6. Complete the following phrases with the help of the poem.

Tartary Question And Answers Question 1.
Complete the following phrases with the help of the poem.

  1. ……………. music
  2. ……………. rivers
  3. ……………. breeze
  4. ……………. lake
  5. ……………. citron-trees


  1. sweet and gay music
  2. silver-pale river
  3. scented breeze
  4. trembling lake
  5. bird-delighting citron-trees

7. Write about the daily routine of the ‘Lord of Tartary’ in 8-10 lines.

7th Std English Poem Tartary Question 1.
Write about the daily routine of the ‘Lord of Tartary’ in 8-10 lines.
The Lord of Tartary would get up very early in the morning. He would wear a dress of green, white and gold beads. These beads would be placed very close to each other just like seeds. And before the waning of the morning star he would wear his robe, take his sword, and then go out in the valley in his carriage drawn by seven zebras. At meal time, be summoned by trumpeters. In the evening, he would enjoy the shining lamps and sweet music played by musicians. At night he would enjoy the flashing stars and the scented breeze by the lakeside lined with citron-trees.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 Tartary

8. Using your imagination write about a beautiful region – its landforms, water bodies, flora and fauna, night sky, people etc.

Question 1.
Using your imagination write about a beautiful region – its landforms, water bodies, flora and fauna, night sky, people etc.
My mind races to a beautiful mountain range full of huge tall trees with winding creepers. A few monkeys could be seen jumping from the branches across trees as if engaged in a game. The crisp chirping of birds could be heard. The setting sun cast a reddish-yellow glow on the horizon and I could see the gurgling stream flowing down the slopes of the mountain as if to reach a destination.

Through the winding paths, one could see villages with loads of household goods trekking up the way to their homes nestled in the slopes of the mountain. As the night grew, the dim lights from the modest homes seemed to complete with the bright shining stars, far away in the sky. The occasional cool breeze, faithfully carried the fragrance of the trees, leaves and the blooms with if it was a blissful feeling – away from the din and noise of the crowded city life.

9. Language Study.

Question 1.
Consonance: Consonance is repetition of one or more consonant sounds especially at the end of words. Consonance is usually pleasant lo the ear.

  • Piller-patter, pitter-patter
  • Rivers silver-pale
  • The lint was sent with the tent.
  • All’s well that ends well.

Find at least two examples of consonance from poems that you study in this book.
1. pitter-patter
2. gold and green
Give Similar examples.

Class 7 English Chapter 3.1 Tartary Additional Important Questions and Answers

Match the Columns.

Question 1.

Columns ‘A’ Columns ‘B’
1. Zebras a. delight the birds
2. Lakes b. summon the Lord to every meal
3. Citron trees c. draw carriage
4. Trumpeters d. flaunt their feathers
5. Peacocks e. tremble like a sea
6. Tigers f. beat gold
g. haunt the forests


Columns ‘A’ Columns ‘B’
1. Zebras c. draw carriage
2. Lakes e. tremble like a sea
3. Citron trees a. delight the birds
4. Trumpeters b. summon the Lord to every meal
5. Peacocks d. flaunt their feathers
6. Tigers g. haunt the forests

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 Tartary

Reading Skills and Poetic Device.

Question 1.
Complete the sentences.

  1. My bed should be
  2. And in my forests
  3. Yellow as honey,


  1. of ivory
  2. tigers haunt
  3. red as wine

Complex Factual Questions.

Question 1.
How does the poet begin the poem?
The poet begins the poem on the assumption that if he were the Lord of Tartary and wants all things beautiful for himself like a little child “myself and me alone.”

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 Tartary

Question 2.
The poet expresses his desire for certain things specifically. According what do you what do the following signify?

  1. Ivory
  2. peacocks
  3. tigers
  4. shining lamps
  5. harp and flute


  1. luxury
  2. beauty and majesty
  3. strength / power
  4. decor aesthetics brightness beauty
  5. ear for music.

Question 3.
Who will summon the Lord to every meal?
The trumpeters will summon the Lord to every meal.

Poetic Device.

State and explain the figures of speech in the given lines.

Question 1.
of beaten gold my throne
Inversion: The word order has been changed. The correct word order is ‘my throne of beaten gold’.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 Tartary

Question 2.
And in my court should peacocks flaunt.
Inversion: The word order has been changed. The correct word order is ‘And in my court peacock should flaunt’.

Question 3.
Yellow as honey, red as wine.
Simile – Lamp’s yellow shine is directly compared to honey and its red shine is compared to wine.

Question 4.
White harp and flute and mandolin
Repetition – The word ‘and is repeated for poetic effect.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 Tartary

Question 5.
Made music sweet and gay.
Alliteration – The sound of’m’ in words made and music is used to add beauty to the poem.

Simple Factual Questions.

Complete the sentences.
1. The lake of Tartary trembles like
2. The purple dale has
1. foamless seas
2. bird-delighting citron trees

Complex Factual Questions.

Question 1.
How does the poet want his robe to be?
The poet wants his robe to be made of white, golden and green coloured beads placed quite close to one another.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 Tartary

Question 2.
What does he want to do before the morning star is out of sight?
Before the morning star is out of sight, the poet wants to wear his robe and ride through the dark open spaces in the forests. He hopes to travel in his car drawn by seven zebras.

Question 3.
How does the poet portray the natural beauty of Tartary.
The poet imagines a variety of fruits, silver pale rivers, valleys of dense forests and bushes, flashing stars, scented breeze, shining stars in the sky and citron trees habited by delightful birds in his Kingdom of Tartary.

Poetic Device.

Question 1.
And clustered thick as seeds
Simile – There is a direct comparison between the beads in the robe to a cluster of seeds to add to the poetic effect.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 Tartary

Question 2.
And zebras seven should draw my car
Inversion – The prose order is changed for poetic effect.

Question 3.
Glen, thicket, wood, and dale
Tautology – The words ‘glen’ and ‘dale’ which mean the same are used in the same line for a better poetic effect.

Question 4.
Her trembling lake like foamless sea.
Simile: The lake is directly compared to a sea for a better poetic effect.
Personification: Inanimate object ‘lake’ is given the human quality of trembling for a better poetic effect.
Alliteration: The sound of T is repeated in words ‘lake’ and ‘like’ for a better poetic effect.

Question 5.
Her rivers silver-pale!
Exclamation – A strong emotion is expressed for a better poetic effect.

Question 6.
And ere should wane the morning star.
Inversion – The word order has been changed. The correct word order is ‘and ere the morning- star should wane’.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 Tartary

Question 7.
Pick out two pairs of rhyming words from the poem.

  1. pale-dale
  2. beads-seeds

Tartary Summary in English

The poet says that if he were the Lord of the imaginary kingdom called ‘Tartary’, he would be the sole ruler of this great land. He would sleep on bed made of ivory, sit on a throne made of gold. All types of birds and animals would visit his court. The peacocks would proudly show off its beautiful form and the well-built tigers would take a walk in the forests. The fishes would tilt and swim with their fins shining in the pools.

Further ahead, the poet says that as the Lord of Tartary, he would be treated royally. With trumpeters calling him for every meal, shining lamps displaying yellow and red colours. Musicians would entertain him by playing exotic musical instruments such as harp, flute and mandoline.

He wishes to wear a robe of beads of white gold & green. Before the morning stars wane, he would wear his robe and with a sword in his hand, go around the valley in a carriage drawn by seven zebras.
As the lord of Tartary, he would own all the juicy fruits the silver-pale rivers, hills full of bushes and trees. In the night, he would enjoy the beauty of the shining stars and the sweet fragrance of the breeze. The purple valley with citron-trees that delight the birds would add to the beauty of Tartary.


The poet Walter de la Mare paints a vivid picture of an imaginary kingdom, ‘Tartary’ and takes us on a journey as the Lord of the mighty kingdom.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 3.1 Tartary


  1. Tartary – an imaginary land
  2. ivory (n) – tusk teeth of an elephant which is hard and creamy white in colour
  3. beaten gold (adj) – gold hammered into flat thin shape
  4. throne (n) – chair for a king or queen metal strings
  5. flaunt (v) – show off proudly
  6. haunt (v) – come frequently
  7. slant (v) – tilt, at an angle which is not straight (here) move at an angle.
  8. athwart (prep) – across, from side to side in a slanting direction
  9. summon (v) – call
  10. bray (v) – make a loud harsh cry
  11. harp (n) – a musical instrument with strings
  12. mandoline (n) – a musical instrument with metal strings
  13. gay (adj) – happy, light-hearted
  14. robe (n) – a loose garment reaching the ankles
  15. clustered (v)- similar things grouped together and placed closely
  16. ere (prep) – before (in time) – old usage
  17. wane (v) – disappear
  18. don (v) – put on clothing
  19. scimitar (n) – short sword with a curved blade
  20. glades (n) – open spaces in a forest
  21. glen (n) – a narrow valley
  22. thicket (n) – dense group of bushes or trees
  23. dale (n) – a valley
  24. flashing (v) – shine with bright, irregular light
  25. vale (n) – a valley

7th Std English Questions And Answers:

The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings Class 7 Science Chapter 12 Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 7 Science Chapter 12

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 Science Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 Science Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. Fill in the blanks with the right word from the brackets:

Question a.
The process of digestion starts from the ………….. (stomach, mouth).

Question b.
Eyelids have …………… muscles. (voluntary, involuntary)

Question c.
……………. is not a function of muscular system. (production of blood cell, performing movement)
Production of blood cells

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question d.
Muscles of the heart are …………….. . (ordinary muscles, cardiac muscles)
cardiac muscles

Question e.
Pushing forward the food that has been chewed is the function of the …………… . (stomach, oesophagus)

2. Find a match for me.

Question a.

Column ‘A’ Column B’
1. Cardiac muscle a. Always functions in pairs
2. Are brought about by muscle b. We never feel tired
3. Pepsin c. Uncontrolled and painful contraction of muscles
4. Cramps d. Chewing movement of the jaw
5. Skeletal muscles e. Enzymes of the gastric juice

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

3. Who is telling a lie?

Question a.

Organ Statement
1. Tongue a. My taste buds can tell only a sweet taste.
2. Liver b. I am the largest gland in the body.
3. Large intestine c. I am 7.5 metre long.
4. Appendix d. Digestion is impossible without me
5. Lung e. I play an important role in excretion.


  1. Lie. My taste buds can tell all tastes – sweet sour, bitter.
  2. Truth.
  3. Lie. It is 1.5 metre long.
  4. Truth.
  5. Lung → Lie. It plays important role in breathing.

4. Give reasons.

Question 1.
Food becomes acidic in the stomach.

  1. The gastric glands of stomach secrete gastric juice.
  2. Food that has entered stomach is churned.
  3. Three components of gastric juice namely hydrochloric acid, pepsin and mucus are mixed with food here and the food becomes acidic.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question 2.
Cardiac muscles are said to be involuntary muscles.

  1. Cardiac muscles are found in the heart.
  2. These muscles bring about the contraction and relaxation (beating) of the heart.
  3. Their movement is involuntary.
  4. Cardiac muscles cause our heart to relax and contract continuously at a rate of about 70 times per minute. They do not depend upon our will.
  5. Beating is carried out in their own fixed manner.

So cardiac muscles are said to be involuntary muscles.

Question 3.
Intoxicating substances should not be consumed.

  1. Physical health is important for our organ system to function properly.
  2. But harmful habits like smoking, chewing of tobacco, drinking alcohol affect our health adversely.
  3. If we consume any tobacco products, the mouth, pharynx, alimentary canal, and other organs of the digestive system cannot function properly.
  4. It causes problems like vomiting, nausea, and headache.
  5. Tobacco particles stick to teeth, gums, and skin of the mouth cavity and slowly cause injury to those parts resulting in their dysfunction.
  6. This causes swelling of the gums and pain when moving the jaws.
  7. The pharynx and intestine become inflamed it progress into cancer leading to death.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question 4.
Your muscles should be strong and efficient.
Muscles are bundles of fibres that can contract and relax as required.

  1. The action of muscles is necessary for all kinds of movements from the small movements of eyelid to those that demand great strength when chopping wood with an axe.
  2. We use muscles for various movements like talking laughing, walking, jumping, throwing etc.
  3. Therefore our muscles should be strong and efficient to do our day today work well and smooth functioning of life processes.

5. Answer the following. 

Question a.
How many types of muscles are there? Which are those types?
Muscles are bundles of fibres that can contract and relax as required. There are three types of muscles.

  • Skeletal muscles.
  • Heart or cardiac muscles.
  • Smooth muscles.

1. Skeletal muscles: (a) Skeletal muscles work with bones, the two ends of each of these muscles are attached to two different bones. (b) They are responsible for holding the bones of the skeleton together and giving shape to our body, (c) Skeletal muscles permits movement of t the body and maintain the posture of the body. (d) Skeletal muscle is voluntary e.g. muscles in our arms and legs are voluntary muscles, their action depends upon our will. That’s why they are called voluntary muscles.

2. Heart or cardiac muscles: (a) Heart or cardiac muscles bring about the contraction and relaxation (beating) of the heart. (b) Their movement is involuntary, (c) Cardiac muscles cause our heart to relax and contract continuously at a rate of about 70 times per minute, (d) Cardiac muscle is found in heart.

3. Smooth muscles: (a) These muscles are present in the internal organs other than the heart, e.g. muscles of the stomach, intestine, blood vessels, uterus etc. (b)Their movements are involuntary and slow, (c) They are not according to our will. (d) Various vital functions of our body such as digestion, respiration and movement of food material of which we remain quite unaware, are carried out by these special muscles.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question b.
What causes the problem of acidity? What is its effect on the body?

  1. Stress is the main cause of acidity.
  2. Hectic lifestyle and stress can lead to unhealthy or irregular meals, not good for digestion process, and this may cause acidity.
  3. Other reasons are eating spicy food, drinking too much alcohol, missing meals, an empty stomach may lead to acidity.
  4. Acidity leads to stomach upset, burning sensation in chest and stomach, constriction of blood vessels, weight gain, obesity, cardiovascular damage.

Question c.
Name the different types of teeth. What is the function of each type?
There are four types of teeth, namely incisors, canines, pre-molars, and molars.
Each tooth is covered by a hard substance called enamel. Enamel is made up of calcium salt.
The process of digestion begins with the function of the teeth in the mouth.
1. Incisors: (a) These come in first 6-months of age. Incisors are the eight teeth in the front and centre four on top and four on bottom, (b) They are sharp and blade like for cutting food. e.g. for biting an apple, (c) We use them to take first bite of food.

2. Canines: (a) These are strong and pointed, sharpest of all for tearing food. e.g. to tear off a piece of tough meat, (b) They play important role in digestion of food, (c) They appear between 11 and 20 months of age.

3. Pre-molar: Pre molar share features of both canines and molars. (a) You can use them for grinding and chewing food. So that it becomes semi-liquid helping to gulp down the throat easily, (b) They are situated at each side of your mouth in deep settings, (c) They appear at the age of 10 years.

4. Molar: (a) These are broad and flat on top for crushing and grinding food. e.g. to grind up nutmeats. (b) Two teeth above and two teeth below, they appear at the age 11-13 years. (c) Molars are more prone to germ attack because of their remote location in our mouth.
So we should keep them clean.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

6. Sketch and label a diagram of the digestive system and describe it in your own words.

Question a.
Sketch and label a diagram of the digestive system and describe it in your own words.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings 1

  1. Conversion of food into a soluble form and its absorption into the blood is called digestion.
  2. The digestive system consists of the alimentary canal and digestive glands.
  3. The total length of alimentary canal is about 9 metres.
  4. Its main parts are the mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus.
  5. The salivary glands, liver, pancreas are the digestive glands connected to the alimentary canal.
  6. Different organs of the digestive system perform the function of digestion.
  7. There are different stages in the process of digestion of food.
  8. The process of digestion begins with the function of the teeth in the mouth, food is chewed into small pieces.
  9. There are four types of teeth, incisors, canines, pre-molars and molars.
  10. Saliva in the mouth contains enzymes, ptyalin, or amylase. It converts starch into maltose.

a. Oesophagus:

  1. It is a tube leading from the pharynx to the stomach,
  2. It pushes the food towards the stomach.

b. Stomach:

  1. The large sac like part of the alimentary canal is called the stomach.
  2. Food that has entered is churned.
  3. The gastric glands of stomach secrete gastric juice which contain hydrochloric acid, pepsin and mucus.
  4. They mix with food and food becomes acidic.
  5. Mainly proteins are digested in stomach.
  6. Due to the churning and actions of gastric juice, food become a semi-solid slurry which is pushed into the small intestine.

c. Small intestine: (6m long)

  1. Bile secreted by liver mixes with food in small intestine,
  2. Most of the digestion and absorption of food takes place here.

d. Large intestine: (1.5m long) only water is absorbed in the large intestine. Undigested remain is thrown out of the body through the anus.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings


Question 1.
Make charts about maintaining good health.

Question 2.
Design a power point presentation about the digestive system and present it in the class.

Class 7 Science Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings Important Questions and Answers

Choose and write the correct word.

Question 1.
The structure that connects bones to the muscles is the ………………….. .
(a) ligament
(b) tendon
(c) fascicle
(d) skin
(b) tendon

Question 2.
………………….. is not performed by muscles.
(a) Motion
(b) Excretion
(c) Maintenance of posture
(d) Heat production
(d) Heat production

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question 3.
Approximately ………………….. skeletal muscles are there in the human body.
(a) 1000
(b) 600
(c) 100
(d) 60
(b) 600

Question 4.
Most of the fat digestion occurs in ………………….. .
(a) rectum
(b) stomach
(c) small intestine
(d) large intestine
(c) small intestine

Question 5.
Protein digestion is accomplished in ………………….. .
(a) stomach
(b) ileum
(c) rectum
(d) duodenum
(b) ileum

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question 6.
The main function of the muscular system is ………………….. .
(a) excretion
(b) digestion
(d) contraction

Question 7.
The largest muscle of our body is in the ………………….. .
(a) arm
(b) face
(c) thigh
(d) None
(c) thigh

State whether True or False. Correct the false statement and rewrite:

Question 1.
Saliva is mixed with food in the mouth.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question 2.
Gastric juice makes food alkaline.
False. Gastric juice makes food acidic.

Question 3.
Pancreas is the largest gland in the body.
False. Liver is the largest gland in the body.

Question 4.
Food becomes acidic in stomach.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question 5.
Cardiac muscles are said to be voluntary muscles.
False. Cardiac muscles are involuntary.

Question 6.
Muscles contribute 60% of the weight of a healthy adult human body.
False. Muscles contribute almost 40% of the weight of a healthy adult human body.

Question 7.
There are about 30 muscles in the human face.

Question 8.
Muscles in our arms and legs have involuntary muscles.
False. Muscles in our arm and legs are voluntary muscles.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question 9.
Functions of organs like stomach, intestine, heart are carried out by voluntary muscles.
False. Functions of these organs are carried out by involuntary muscles.

Question 10.
Smooth muscles are involuntary muscles.

Question 11.
The digestive function of the liver is to produce bile.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question 12.
The muscular tissue has the ability to contract or shorten.

Find a match for me.

Question 1.

Column A’ Column B’
1. Salivary gland a. Making food acidic
2. Liver b. Regulation of sugar level
3. Pancreas c. Digestion of carbohydrates
4. Stomach d. Digestion of protein, fats, carbohydrate


Column A’ Column B’
1. Salivary gland c. Digestion of carbohydrates
2. Liver d. Digestion of protein, fats, carbohydrate
3. Pancreas b. Regulation of sugar level
4. Stomach a. Making food acidic

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question 2.

Column ‘A’ Column B’
1. Saliva a. Gastric juice
2. Juice in mouth b. Bile
3. Juice produced by stomach c. Ptyalin
4. Juice stored by gall bladder d. Lubricates food


Column ‘A’ Column B’
1. Saliva d. Lubricates food
2. Juice in mouth c. Ptyalin
3. Juice produced by stomach a. Gastric juice
4. Juice stored by gall bladder b. Bile

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question 4.

Column ‘A’ Column B’
1. Cardiac muscle a. Inside of organs like stomach
2. Skeletal muscle b. Found in heart
3. Smooth muscle c. Attached to bones


Column ‘A’ Column B’
1. Cardiac muscle b. Found in heart
2. Skeletal muscle c. Attached to bones
3. Smooth muscle a. Inside of organs like stomach

Find the odd man out:

Question 1.
Stomach, esophagus, liver, small intestine, rectum
Liver which is a gland and others are parts of digestive tract.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question 2.
Saliva, bile, pancreatic juice, gastric juice chyme
Chyme, it is a liquid food others are digestive juices.

Name the following:

Question 1.
Gastric juices in stomach
Hydrochloric acid, Pepsin, Mucus.

Question 2.
Juices secreted by liver

Question 3.
Pancreatic juices.
Trypsin, Lipase, Amylase.

Question 4.
Salivary gland secretion.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question 5.
Enzyme present in saliva.
Ptyalin or Amylase.

Question 6.
Types of muscles.
Skeletal, Cardiac and Smooth muscles.

Question 7.
Study of muscles.

Give scientific reason:

Question 1.
Skeletal muscles give shape to our body.

  1. Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles. The two ends of each of these muscles are attached to two different bones.
  2. Muscles of the arms and legs are skeletal muscles.
  3. They are responsible for holding the bones of the skeleton together and giving shape to our body.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question 2.
The process of digestion begins in the mouth.

  1. The process of digestion begins with the function of the teeth.
  2. There are 4 types of teeth – incisors, canines, pre-molar, and molar.
  3. They are responsible for grinding the food.
  4. Saliva present in the mouth mixes with the food and makes it soft.
  5. An enzyme present in saliva called ptyalin amylase converts starch into maltose. Thus, the process of digestion begins in the mouth.

Question 3.
Metabolic processes are impossible without enzymes.

  1. Enzymes are substances secreted’ in the body of an organism which bring about specific chemical reactions.
  2. Enzymes are specific type of proteins. They are most active at normal body temperature.
  3. Digestion enzymes of the digestive system bring about changes in the food material.
  4. Food is digested with the help of enzymes and converted into more soluble and simple form.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Write short notes on:

Question 1.
Voluntary muscles

  1. Working with our hands, walking, eating are functions that depend upon our will.
  2. Muscles used in these actions are called voluntary muscles, e.g. skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles.

Question 2.
Involuntary muscles

  1. Various processes like breathing, blood circulation, digestion are vital function, essential for life.
  2. They do not depend upon our will.
  3. The muscles of organs which carry out these involuntary functions are called involuntary muscles.
  4. Functions of organs like the stomach, intestine, heart are carried out in their own fixed manner by involuntary muscles, e.g. cardiac muscle present in heart, smooth muscles in lining of stomach, small intestine, blood vessel, uterus.

Question 3.
Muscle and its types
There are three types of muscles in body

  1. Skeletal Muscles
  2. Cardiac Muscles
  3. Smooth Muscles

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question 4.
Digestive glands
The salivary glands, liver and pancreas are the digestive glands connected to the alimentary canal.
1. Salivary glands: (a) Saliva is produced in the salivary glands in the mouth cavity, located in front of the ears, below the tongue, (b) It is carried to the mouth via ducts, (c) It is mixed with food during the process of chewing.

2. Saliva: contains an enzyme called Ptyalin or salivary amylase. Ptyalin convdrtfe starch into a sugar called maltose.

3. Liver: (a) The liver is the largest gland in the body, (b) Main function is storage of glucose, (c) The digestive juice secreted by the liver is bile, (d) Bile is carried into small intestine, it mixes with food and helps in digestion of fats.

4. Pancreas: The pancreas secretes the pancreatic juice that contains various enzymes

  • Trypsin → converts proteins into amino acids.
  • Lipase → converts fats into fatty acids, glycerol
  • Amylase → converts complex carbohydrate into simple sugar

Question 5.
Enzymes are substances secreted in the body an organism which bring about specific chemical reactions.

  1. Metabolic processes are impossible without enzymes.
  2. Digestive exzymes of the digestive system bring about changes in the find material.
  3. They break down the food into simple form.
  4. They are a type of protein.
  5. Saliva contain pytalin which converts starch into maltose.
    • Trypsin: Convert proteins into amino acids.
    • Lipase: Convert fats into fatty acid.
    • Amylase: Converts complex carbohydrates into simple sugar.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question 6.
Draw the structure of the different layers of the tooth.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings 2.2

Differentiate between:

Question 1.
Voluntary and Involuntary muscles.

Voluntary muscle Involuntary muscle
1. Voluntary muscle means you can control it consciously. 1. Involuntary muscles are controlled by your subconscious. You have no control over them.
2. Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles. 2. Cardiac muscles and smooth muscles are involuntary muscles.
3. Muscles in our arms and legs are voluntary muscles. 3. Muscles in heart, stomach, blood vessel, intestine are involuntary muscles.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question 2.
Skeletal muscle and Cardiac muscle.

Skeletal muscle Cardiac muscle
1. Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles. 1. Cardiac muscles are involuntary muscles.
2. Muscles in our arms and legs are voluntary muscles. 2. Muscles in heart, stomach, blood vessel, intestine are involuntary muscles.
3. They hold bones of the skeleton together and gives shapes to our body. 3. They bring about contraction and relaxation of heart.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Answer the following:

Question 1.
What is meant by organ system?

  1. There are different structural organizational levels in living organism.
  2. Cells → tissues → organ → organ system → organism
  3. Different organs together form one organ system.

Question 2.
How are the bones in our body joined to each other?
Skeleted muscles join two bones with the help of tendons.

Can you tell?

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What is the mutual relationship between muscles and bones?

  1. Muscles are firmly attached to bones by means of tendons.
  2. When muscles contract there is movement at the joint and there is pull on tendon which in turn pull on the bones to which they are attached.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question 2.
Are the muscles of the different organs in our body identical?
No, muscles of the different organs are not identical, some are voluntary, some are involuntary.

Question 3.
How do muscles perform their functions?

  1. Muscles in our body always work in groups.
  2. When some muscles contract other muscles of the same group relax.
  3. This is how muscles help in proper performance of the various functions of own body.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Which parts of our body are made up only of muscles?
Tongue, heart, stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines are made up of only muscles.

Question 2.
What would happen if the cardiac muscles do not move?

  1. Cardiac muscles cause our heart to relax and contract continuously at a rate of about 70 times per minute.
  2. These muscles bring about the contraction and relaxation (beating) of the heart.
  3. If the cardiac muscles do not move, heart will stop beating, and will not pump blood to other parts of the body and person will die.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 12 The Muscular System and Digestive System in Human Beings

Question 3.
Food enters the stomach and the stomach muscles do not move.

  1. Smooth muscles are present in the lining of stomach.
  2. Their movement is responsible for churning of food.
  3. If the muscles do not move, food will not be digested.

Question 4.
During digestion does all the food that we have eaten get converted into useful nutritive substances?

  1. During digestion not all the food is converted into useful nutritive substance, only whatever nutrients we obtain by digestion of food gets absorbed into the blood in small intestine.
  2. Undigested remains of the food enters the large intestine and thrown out of the body through the anus.

7th Std Science Questions And Answers:

Natural Resources Class 7 Science Chapter 16 Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 7 Science Chapter 16

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 Science Chapter 16 Natural Resources Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 Science Chapter 16 Natural Resources Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. Describe natural resources with reference to the following 3 types:

Question a.
Mineral resources
Mineral wealth has an important place among natural resources. The rocks on the earth are mainly made of minerals. These minerals can be obtained by mining. Minerals that contain a high proportion of metals are ores, (i) Minerals are formed from the magma in the earth’s crust and the lava from the eruption of volcanoes when they cool and get transformed into crystals e.g. magnetite, mica, (ii) Minerals get transformed from one form into another due to large changes in temperature and pressure e.g. Diamond, Graphite, (iii) There are 3 types of minerals according to their properties Non-metal minerals: e.g. mica, sulphur, potash, diamond.

  • Metals minerals: e.g. Iron, gold, silver, tin, bauxite, platinum.
  • Energy minerals: e.g. Coal, mineral oil, natural gas, diamond, ruby, sapphire, jade are used as gems.

Some important minerals and ores are Iron ore, manganese, bauxite, copper and mica.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question b.
Forest resources

  1. A forest is a natural habitat of plants, animals and microbes.
  2. Forest perform certain specific protective and productive functions.
  3. We get different types of wood and many medicinal plants from forests.
  4. Forest wealth includes fire wood, trees like teak, mahogany, neem, acacia, subabhul, fibers, paper, rubber, gum, aromatic substances.
  5. We get fragrant essential oils from lemon grass, vanilla, kewada, vetiver (khus) and eucalyptus.
  6. Sandalwood and oil of eucalyptus are used for making soaps, cosmetics and incense sticks.
  7. Also we get fruits, bulbs, roots, honey, sealing wax, dyes from forest.
  8. Many medicinal plants adulsa, bel, neem, periwinkle, cinnamon, are used for treatment of various diseases such as cough cold, malaria, diarrhoea, cancer, fever and cold.
  9. Wood is used as a source of energy for cooking purpose and for keeping warm.
  10. For making furniture, tool handles, matches, bridges, boats etc.
  11. Bamboos are used for matting, flooring, basket, ropes, rafts, cots etc.
  12. Bamboos, wood are used in the manufacture of rayon, yams, artificial silk-fibers.

Question c.
Ocean resources

  1. Oceans occupy about 70% of a earth’s surface.
  2. Energy can be obtained on a large scale from oceans.
  3. Sea waves at high and low tide and ocean currents are being used for generation of power.
  4. There are billions of tons of minerals dissolved in ocean water.
  5. There are large reserves of tin, chromium, potassium, phosphates, copper, zinc, iron, lead, thorium, manganese, sulphur, uranium in the ocean and sea beds.
  6. Also we get many types of gems, conches, shells and pearls from the sea.
  7. There are large reserves of mineral oil and natural gas at the bottom of sea.
  8. We get fishes, dried shrimp, shells, fungi, shark, cod fish and sea cucumber from the ocean.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

2. Write answers to the following questions in your own words.

Question a.
What is meant by fossil fuel? What are their types?

  1. Fossil fuels (such as coal or natural gas) are formed in the earth from dead plants and animals, due to high pressure from above and the heat from the earth’s interior.
  2. The dead plants, animals get transformed into fossil fuel.
  3. There are three types of fossil fuels which can be used for energy production, Coal, oil and natural gas.

a. Coal:

  1. Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed over millions of years by the decay of land vegetation,
  2. Coal is a store house of carbon. Coal is found in mines,
  3. It is like porous, hard, black rock.
  4. It is burnt to obtain heat energy.
  5. It is used as a fuel in thermal power plants and to run boilers and railway engines, for cooking and baking bricks.
  6. Anthracite is the coal of the highest grade.
  7. Producer gas and water gas are obtained from coal.

b. Mineral oil:

  1. Mineral oil is the liquid fuel formed by the decomposition of organic substances buried underground,
  2. The underground mineral oil is extracted through oil wells.
  3. Mineral oil is found mainly in oil sands, shale, sandstone and limestone at a depth of about 1000 to 3000 metres.
  4. Mineral oil is also known as petroleum or crude oil. It is greenish-brown in colour.
  5. Petroleum is a mixture of many compounds mainly of the hydrocarbon type.
  6. It also contains compounds of oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur.
  7. Petroleum is extracted through oil wells and refined by fractional distillation to separate other components,
  8. Aviation petrol, gasoline, diesel, kerosene, naphtha, lubricating oil, tar are all obtained from petroleum.
  9. They are used as fuel and for production of dyes, pesticides, perfumes and artificial fibres.

c. Natural gas:

  1. Natural gas is an important fossil fuel.
  2. It is lighter than air. It is found with petroleum in underground oil wells and in some places as natural gas alone.
  3. The main component of natural gas is methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8) and butane (C4H10) are present in small proportions.
  4. This gas is highly flammable.
  5. This fuel can be carried over long distance by means of a gas pipeline.
  6. In absence of pipeline, it is transformed under high pressure into compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG).

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question b.
Make a list of the components we obtain from mineral oil.

  1. Mineral oil is the liquid fuel. It is also known as petroleum or crude oil. Petroleum is refined by fractional distillation to separate other components.
  2. Aviation petrol, gasoline, diesel, kerosene, naphtha, lubricating oil, tar are the components we obtain from mineral oil.

Question c.
What do we get from forest?

  1. A forest is a natural habitat of plants, animals and microbes. We get wood, firewood from trees like teak, mahogany, neem, subabhul.
  2. Also we get fibers, paper, rubber, gum and aromatic substances.
  3. We get many medicinal plants like Adulsa, Bel, Neem, Periwinkle, Cinnamon, Cinchona which are used for treatment of various diseases like cough, cold, diarrhea, fever, cancer, diarrhoea, nausea, malaria.
  4. We get fragrant essential oils from lemon grass, vanilla, kewada, khus, eucalyptus.
  5. In addition to this we get fruits, bulbs and roots, honey, sealing wax, catechu, dyes from forest.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question d.
What are the items included in ocean resources? What are their uses?

  1. Tons of minerals are found in ocean water.
  2. They are tin, chromium, phosphates, copper, zinc, iron, lead, manganese, sulphur, uranium etc.
  3. We also get many types of gems, conches, shells and pearls from the sea.
  4. Mineral oil and natural gas is found at the bottom of sea.

Bio-resources in oceans

  • Fishes – like pomfret, seer fish as also shrimps
  • prawns – they are sources of proteins and vitamins, therefore, mainly used as sea food
  • Dried shrimp, Bombay duck powder – used as poultry feed and is a good manure.
  • Shells – used for preparation of medicines, ornaments and decorative articles.
  • Fungi – used for the production of antibiotics.
  • shark and cod fish – used for producing edible oil rich in Vitamins A, D and E.
  • Sea cucumbers – used as medicine for treating cancer and tumours.

Mineral resources from oceans

  • Thorium – used in the production of atomic energy.
  • Magnesium – used in the flash bulb of a camera.
  • Potassium – the main ingredient in production of soap, glass, fertilizer.
  • Sodium – used in the production of cloth and paper.
  • Sulphate – used in making artificial silk.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question e.
Why should we prevent the wastage of fuels used for vehicles?

  1. Vehicles are powered by gasoline or diesel petrol.
  2. Nowadays compressed natural gas (CNG) is also used.
  3. Aviation petrol, gasoline, diesel, we get from petroleum after fractional distillation.
  4. Petroleum is a non-renewable source of energy.
  5. It is getting depleted day by day and the demand for fuel has increased greatly due to the rapidly growing population.
  6. But the reserves of petroleum (fossil fuel) are limited.
  7. It is becoming difficult to meet the increased demand. So we should prevent the wastage of fuel.

Question f.
Why is the diversity of plants and animals in the forests declining?

  1. The major causes of biodiversity decline are land use changes, pollution, changes in atmosphere, CO2 concentration, changes in the nitrogen cycle, acid rain, climate alteration and introduction of exotic species.
  2. All this is due to population growth.
  3. This is the main cause of the loss of biodiversity. More of wood for fuel is been used, more land is required for food production, livestock grazing etc.
  4. Rainforest land is converted to industrial and residential usage, so natural habitat of birds, animals is destroyed.
  5. Due to population growth most of wild land is converted to crop land. So no space for animals to live, their natural habitat is destroyed.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question g.
Write the names of five minerals and the useful substances obtained from them.
Some important minerals and ores are:

  1. Iron ore: It is used for making farming implements, rails of railway tracks etc.
  2. Manganese: Compounds of manganese are used in the preparation of medicines and for giving a pink tinge to glass. Manganese is also used in electrical appliances.
  3. Bauxite: It contains 55% Aluminium. Therefore, it is used mainly in aeroplanes, transport vehicles and to make electric wire.
  4. Copper: It is used to make electric wires as well as in radios, telephones, vehicles, and for making kitchen utensils and statues.
  5. Mica: Mica has many uses such as in ayurvedic medicines, dyes, electric machines and equipment, wireless communication equipment, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question h.
Name the two important stages in the process of obtaining metals from ores.
The two important stages in the process of obtaining metals from ores are extraction and purification.

3. What steps are taken for protection and conservation of natural resources?

Question a
What steps are taken for protection and conservation of natural resources?

  1. Protection and conservation of natural resources is necessary to protect the natural world. (CNRM) Community Natural Resource Management has been promoted in recent years for biological conservation.
  2. The World Conservation Union has been formed. It is the world’s leading authority and democratic platform in conservation and sustainability.
  3. Young trees should not be cut. More and more trees need to be grown.
  4. The stringent restrictions/ laws/ Regulations regarding use of forests should be strictly followed. Awareness is being created through Mass media.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

4. Complete the Flow Chart:

Question a.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources 1

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources 2

5. How does the economic condition of a nation depend on its natural resources?

Question a.
How does the economic condition of a nation depend on its natural resources?
1. Natural resources are a necessary condition for economic growth.
2. Three circles enclosed within one another shows how both economy and society are subsets of our planetary ecological system.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources 3
3. Natural resource economics deals with the supply, demand and allocation of the Earth’s natural resources.
4. Economic growth is an increase in the value of goods and services produced in an economy.
5. The natural resources of a country depend on the climatic and environmental conditions.
6. Countries having plenty of natural resources enjoy good growth than countries with small amount of natural resources.
7. A country having skilled and educated work force with rich natural resources takes the economy on the growth path, because skilled and educated people can efficiently utilize or exploit natural resources, e.g. Saudi Arabia: their economic growth is high, because they have oil wells.
8. All countries import fuel or oil from them so Saudi Arabia is economically a rich country.

6. Which medicinal plants will you grow on your school premises and near your house? Why?

Question a.
Which medicinal plants will you grow on your school premises and near your house? Why?
1. I will grow tulsi, neem, lemon grass, bel, adulsa, periwinkle, cinnamon, ashwagandha, shatavari, amla, hirda, behda.
2. These plants are used for treatment of various diseases.

  • Tulsi → for cough and cold.
  • Amla, hirda, behda → Help in digestion of food or any stomach related problems.
  • Adulsa → for cough and cold
  • Bel → for Diarrhoea
  • Neem → Fever and cold
  • Periwinkle → Cancer
  • Cinnamon → Diarrhoea, nausea.
  • Cinchona → Malaria.
  • Ashwagandha → It can reduce blood sugar levels. It can reduce stress and anxiety, may reduce symptom of depression.
  • Shatavari → has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to support the reproductive system.
  • Amla → Excellent source of vitamin C. Amla juice is best tonic to keep you younger for long.
  • Hirda → This fruit is commonly called Haritaki. It is used for treating arthritis, dental problems like caries, bleeding gums.
  • Behda →(Beleric) is a rejuvenative and laxative, proves beneficial for hair, throat and eyes.
  • Tulsi → Tulsi has germicidal, fungicidal, anti-bacterial anti-biotic properties, cures fever. Treats diabetes, protects the heart. Tulsi has anti-oxidant component Eugenol which keeps one’s blood pressure under control.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources


Question 1.
Collect conches and shells of various shapes and colours and make a decorative article.

Question 2.
Collect information about the mines of various minerals.

Class 7 Science Chapter 16 Natural Resources Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
………….. is the major raw material for biogas.
cow dung

Question 2.
Atomic energy is obtained by using ores of ………….. .

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question 3.
Biogas generation is mainly based on the principle of ………….. .

Question 4.
Floods can be prevented by ………….. .

Question 5.
Coal, petroleum, natural gas are ………….. resources.

Question 6.
The total percent of land of world under forest cover is ………….. .

Question 7.
A naturally occurring substance ………….. .

Question 8.
Minerals that contain a high proportion of metal are called ………….. .

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question 9.
Coal, mineral oil and natural gas are ………….. .
fossil fuel

Question 10.
Deposits of common salt are also found in the earth. This salt is called ………….. .
rock salt

Question 11.
………….. is the liquid fuel formed by the decomposition of organic substances.
Mineral oil

Question 12.
The underground mineral oil is extracted through ………….. .
oil wells

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question 13.
Mineral oil is also known as ………….. or ………….. .
petroleum, crude oil

Question 14.
………….. are the preserved remains of dead organisms in rock.

Question 15.
Coal can be formed from ………….. .

Question 16.
Impurities of sand and soil in ore are called ………….. .

Question 17.
Coal mainly contains ………….. .

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question 18.
Petroleum is formed from ………….. .
organisms in sea

Question 19.
Separation of various fractions of petroleum is called ………….. .

Question 20.
We can obtain minerals from rocks by ………….. .

Question 21.
………….. is the most important ore of aluminium

Question 22.
………….. is the coal of the highest grade.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question 23.
Metals are obtained from their ore by ………….. and ………….. .
extraction, purification

Question 24.
………….. is the largest oil and gas research and production company in India.

Question 25.
Natural gas is transformed under high pressure into ………….. and ………….. .

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question 26.
The main component of Natural gas is ………….. .

Question 27.
………….. and ………….. are used for adding fragrance in soaps and incense sticks.
Sandalwood and oil of Encalyptus

Question 28.
………….. is a natural herbal medicine for cough and cold.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Answer the following:

Question 1.
What is meant by natural resources?

  1. We get many substances from nature.
  2. They satisfy a variety of our daily needs. Soil, stones, minerals, air, water, plants and animals on the earth are all various kinds of natural resources.

Question 2.
What are alternative fuels?
Hydrogen, biofuels, methanol or wood alcohol, ethanol or green alcohol are some of the alternative fuels.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question 3.
What is meant by fuels?

  1. Fuel is a substance that is used in day-to-day life and burned to generate energy.
  2. Fuels such as coal, wood, oil, gas provide energy when burned.
  3. Fuels are found in solid, liquid or gaseous state.

Question 4.
Which natural resources do we use as fuels?
We use coal, mineral oil and natural gas as fuels.

Question 5.
What is meant by forests?
An extensive area of land covered by a variety of plants is called a forest. A forest is a natural habitat of plants, animals and microbes.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question 6.
What are the uses of forests?
Write short note on forest and its uses.

  1. A forest is a natural habitat of plants, animals and microbes.
  2. Forest help improve and maintain the quality of environment.
  3. Forest helps in prevention of soil-erosion, help to control floods, protects wild life, maintains the balance of atmospheric gases.
  4. We get many medicinal plants from forest which help in treatment of various diseases.
  5. Examples Adulsa, Bel, Neem, periwinkle, amla tulsi, cinnamon.
  6. We also get wood, firewood from trees like teak, mahogani, neem, sababhul. Wood is useful for making furniture, farming implements, in construction work.
  7. Forest wealth includes fibres, paper, rubber, gum and aromatic substances.
  8. We get fragrant essential oils from lemon grass, vanilla, kewada and eucalyptus.
  9. They are used for making soaps, cosmetics and incense sticks. We get various fruits, bulbs, roots, honey, sealing wax, catechu dyes etc. from forest.

Question 7.
Are minerals to be found in seas and on the seabed as they are found inside the earth?
Yes, there are very large reserves of tin chromium, phosphates, copper, zinc, iron, lead, manganese, sulphur, uranium etc. in the ocean and seabed.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question 8.
How is mineral oil formed?
Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources 4

  1. Mineral oil is the liquid fuel formed by the decomposition of organic substances buried underground.
  2. Millions of years ago, bodies of dead sea organisms sank to the bottom of the sea.
  3. Layers of soil and sand collected on them.
  4. Due to high pressure and temperature the remains of the dead organisms were transformed into mineral oil.
  5. The underground mineral oil is extracted through oil wells.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Use your brain power!

Question 1.
Why are all minerals not ores?

  1. Minerals that contain a high proportion of metal are called ores.
  2. Majority of the metals occur in the form of compounds called ores.
  3. But all minerals are not ores.
  4. Few metals like gold, silver, copper, platinum and bismuth occur in free state in nature. So all minerals are not ores.

Question 2.
What is meant by metal mineral and non¬metal mineral?

  1. Metal-minerals contain metallic elements in their chemical formula. So they are called metal-minerals, for example, iron, copper, gold, silver etc.
  2. They contain metal in raw form.
  3. Non-metallic minerals do not contain metal elements in their inorganic chemical formula Example, Clay, Diamond, Dolomite, Gypsum, Mica, Quartz.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question 3.
Why is mineral oil called ‘liquid gold’?
Because of its high price and value and its economic need, the mineral oil is called liquid gold. It’s reserve is less and demand is more.

Question 4.
Why is coal called black gold?

  1. Coal is a storehouse of carbon. Coal is used as a fuel, in thermal power plants as well as to run boilers and railway engines.
  2. It is used as a fuel for cooking and for baking bricks in kilns on a large scale.
  3. The gaseous fuels, producer gas and water gas are obtained from coal.
  4. Coal as an energy resource, contributes greatly to industrial development.
  5. As coal is black in colour and worth a lot of money just like gold, it is called black gold.

Question 5.
What would happen if underground mineral resources are exhausted?

  1. Coal, petroleum and other mineral are all non-renewable sources of energy.
  2. The reserve is less and demand is more. They would get exhausted one day.
  3. If such a situation occurs, we will not get electricity.
  4. All our household and industries depend on electricity.
  5. Transportation and household items, and food items would become very costly.
  6. The survival of human life will be ver\ difficult.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question 6.
Why is natural gas an eco-friendly fuel?

  1. Natural gas is an important source of energy which is eco-friendly because of its low carbon dioxide emission.
  2. When burned it produces 45% less CO2 than coal, 30% less than oil, and about 15% less than wood.
  3. It does not produce carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide or airborne particles, all of which are harmful to human and animal health.
  4. It is referred as the clean energy source and is fuel for the present century as it does not ‘ pollute the atmosphere or contribute to global warming.

Question 7.
What useful things will we have to do without if rubber is no longer available?

  1. Rubber has played a largely hidden role in global environment history for more than 150 years.
  2. In industries, rubber is needed to connect and protect all moving parts of machines.
  3. Native people used rubber for rubber boots.
  4. Household uses rubber in everything viz dish washing gloves, toys, jar seals, tyres in vehicles.
  5. Welcome mat at the door, Boots, raincoats, mattress cushions, earplugs, hot water bottles, surgical tubing and gloves, in labs, birth control device.
  6. In schools rubber bands, erasers, mouse pads, key board, rolling chair wheels. Head phone pads, rubber stamps are useful items used in schools and offices.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question 8.
What are the adverse effects of clearing of forest or cutting down trees?

  1. Clearing of forest is also called Deforestation.
  2. Removal or cutting down of trees has resulted in damage to habitat, biodiversity loss and aridity.
  3. If has adverse impacts on concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. (Trees use up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for the process of photosynthesis.)
  4. Deforestation is a main contributor to global warming. Major cause of enhanced greenhouse effect. Deforestation cause carbon dioxide to linger in the atmosphere.
  5. Deforestation reduced the content of water in the soil and ground water and atmospheric moisture, because trees extract ground water through the roots and release it into the atmosphere.
  6. When a part of forest is removed the trees no longer transpire this water, resulting in much drier climate.
  7. Due to deforestation soil erosion and flooding, landslide problems occur.
  8. Deforestation results in decline in biodiversity, on a natural global scale is known to cause the extinction of many species.
  9. Forest is habitat for wild life, and many medicinal plants. If forests are removed it will affect wild life and also we will not get medicinal plants.

Find out:

Question 1.
How did the various ages of the prehistoric period get their names on the basis of the uses of metals.
1. The three-age system in history archaeology, and physical anthropology is a methodological concept adopted during the 19th century by which artifacts and events of late prehistory and early history could be ordered into a recognizable chronology.

2. Initially developed by C. J. Thomson, director of the Royal Museum of Nordic Antiquities, Copenhagen – as a means to classify the museum’s collection according to whether the artifacts were made of stone, bronze or iron.

3. Depending-upon the use of stone, bronze, iron, that period was known as stone age, bronze age, and iron age, respectively.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Answer the following:

Question 1.
Write down the difference between Metal minerals and Non-metallic minerals.

Metal minerals Non-metallic minerals
1. Metal minerals contain metal in raw form. 1. Non-metallic minerals do not contain metal.
2. These metals are generally associated with igenous rocks. 2. These metals are generally associated with sedimentary rocks.
3. They are usually hard and have shine of their own. 3. They are not usually hard, have no shine of their own.
4. e.g. Iron, copper tine, bauxite. 4. e.g. Salt, coal, mica, clay.

Question 2.
Write down the different types of coal.
Peat, lignite (brown coal), bituminous coal and anthracite are various types of coal.
Anthracite is the coal of the highest grade.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question 3.
Write down the characteristics of Compressed Natural Gas.
Characteristics of CNG:

  1. Catches fire easily.
  2. No solid waste remains after combustion.
  3. Carbon dioxide and water are formed in small quantities.
  4. Other pollutants are not produced.
  5. Can be transported easily.
  6. Combustion can be controlled easily.

Observe the pictures and answer the question.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources 5

Question a.
What is the process shown in the given picture?
The process shown is formation of mineral oil and natural gas.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question b.
Explain the process.

  1. Mineral oil is the liquid fuel formed by the decomposition of organic substances buried underground.
  2. Millions of years ago, bodies of dead sea organisms sank to the bottom of the sea.
  3. Layers of soil and sand collected on them.
  4. Due to high pressure and temperature the remains of the dead organisms were transformed into mineral oil.
  5. The underground mineral oil is extracted through oil wells.

Question c.
What are the gaseous substances formed in the above process?
Natural gas is also formed along with mineral oil. It contains methane, ethane, propane and butane gases.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Natural Resources

Question d.
When the products of the process is refined, what other components are produced?
When mineral oil is refined by fractional distillation products produced are petrol, diesel, kerosene, naphtha lubricating oil, tar, etc.

7th Std Science Questions And Answers:

In the World of Stars Class 7 Science Chapter 20 Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 7 Science Chapter 20

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 Science Chapter 20 In the World of Stars Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 Science Chapter 20 In the World of Stars Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. Write the proper words in the blanks:
(meridian, horizon, twelve, nine, apparent, celestial, ecliptic)

Question a.
When seen from a great distance, the sky seems to be touching the ground along a circle. This circle is called the …………… .

Question b.
The ………….. is used while defining the zodiac sign.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars

Question c.
Classified according to seasons, one season will have ………… nakshatras.

Question d.
The rising of the sun in the east and its setting in the west is the ………. motion of the sun.

2. A star rises at 8 pm. tonight. At what time will it rise after a month? Why?

Question a.
A star rises at 8 pm. tonight. At what time will it rise after a month? Why?

  1. Str s rise and set 4 minutes earlier every day. If star rises at 8 pm tonight, it will rise at 7:56 pm tomorrow.
  2. It will rise at 5:24 pm after a month.
  3. The sun and the moon are seen to move from the west to the east against the background of stars.
  4. The sun moves through one degree every day and the moon through 12 to 13 degrees.
  5. This happens due to the motion of the earth around the sun and the moon around the earth which affects the duration of the stars and shortens its time period.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars

3. What is meant by “The sun enters a nakshatra?” It is said that in the rainy season the sun enters the mrug nakshatra. What does it mean?

Question a.
What is meant by “The sun enters a nakshatra?” It is said that in the rainy season the sun enters the mrug nakshatra. What does it mean?

  1. When we look at the sun we see not only the sun but also constellation behind the sun.
  2. The constellation cannot be seen in bright sunlight but it is indeed present behind the sun.
  3. As the earth changes its position, a different constellation or zodiac sign or raashi appears behind the sun.
  4. This is what we express when we say that the sun enters a particular zodiac sign or raashi.
  5. In rainy season due to the perceived motion of the sun, it enters mrug nakshatra and that is how it is expressed.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars

4. Answer the following questions. 

Question a.
What is a constellation?
A group of stars occupying a small portion of the celestial sphere is called a constellation.

Question b.
What points should be considered before a skywatch?

  1. The place for sky watching should be away from the city and as far as possible it should be new moon night.
  2. Binoculars or telescopes should be used for skywatch.
  3. Identifying the pole star in the north makes the skywatch easier. Hence the pole star should be used as a reference point for skywatch.
  4. As the stars in the west set early, sky watching should begin with stars in the west.
  5. (a) On a sky map, the north and south are towards the bottom and top of the map respectively, (b) This is because the sky map is to be held overhead in such a way that the direction we face is at the bottom side.

Question c.
It is wrong to say that the planets, stars and nakshatras affect human life. Why?

  1. Science has proved that the constituents of the solar system e.g. planets, satellites and comets as also distant stars and constellations do not have any influence on human life.
  2. Man has stepped on the moon and will conquer Mars in the 21st century.
  3. Hence, in this age of science, holding on to beliefs which have been proved wrong by numerous scientific tests, is an unnecessary waste of time and energy.
  4. It is important to consider all these issues with a scientific frame of mind.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars

5. Write a paragraph on the birth and life cycle of stars using following figure.

Question a.
Write a paragraph on the birth and life cycle of stars using following figure.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars 1Answer:
Stars are born out of nebulae. Nebulae are clouds made up mainly of hydrogen gas and dust particles which are attracted towards one another by the force of gravity, (i) As a result of pressure, the internal temperature increases and the cloud becomes dense and spherical in shape, (ii) From the diagram, life cycle of two stars can be explained.

(a) Ordinary star: (i) The ordinary star forms a Red giant star at the later stage of its evolution when it runs out of hydrogen gas at its core. (ii) At the end stage of its life it forms a white dwarf. Stars like the sun become white dwarf when its nuclear fuel is totally exhausted. (iii) It is 1% in diameter of its original size.

(b) Massive Star: (i) Massive star forms Red super giant star at the end of its life cycle, (ii) They are also called super red giants with a relatively cool outer surface, (iii) Supernova is the explosive death of the star of the end of its life with the brightness of 100 million stars in a short amount of time, (iv) A neutron star is the dense core of the supernova. (v) It is the smallest and the densest star known to exist with a 10 km radius, (vi) Neutron stars sometimes end as a black hole, (vii) Black holes are not seen from telescopes and are identified by their intense gravitational pull where even light cannot escape.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars


Question a.
Visit a planetarium, collect information and present it in your school on Science day.

Class 7 Science Chapter 20 In the World of Stars Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
The different group of stars is known as ………….. .

Question 2.
The pole star is ………….. .
North star

Question 3.
The moon moves around the earth in about ………….. days.
27 days

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars

Question 4.
The celestial objects are ………….. .
The stars

Question 5.
The star that lies close to the aris of rotation of the earth ………….. .
Pole star

Question 6.
The definite elliptical path in which a planet revolves around the sun is called ………….. .

Question 7.
Our earth as well as the sun belongs to the galaxy which has a spiral shape called ………….. .
milky way

Question 8.
………….. is made up of five bright stars which are distributed along the figure of the letter M.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars

Question 9.
The pole star has ……………. on one-side and ……………… on the other.
Saptarashi, Sharmishtha

Question 10.
The continuous empty space between the planets and stars in the sky is called ………….. .

Name the following:

Question 1.
The brightest star in the nakshatra.

Question 2.
The stars forming a group that has a recognizable shape.

Question 3.
Millions of stars and planets present in the sky forming a group.
Milky way

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars

Question 4.
The clouds from which stars are bom.

Question 5.
Saptarshi constellation in English.
Great Bear

Question 6.
The festival celebrated when sun enters Makar raashi.
Makara Sankranti

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars

Question 7.
The brightest star in the Orion constellation.

State whether the following statements are True or False. Correct the false statements:

Question 1.
The hydrogen gas and dust particles in a nebulae are attracted towards each other by gravity.

Question 2.
While standing on the ground, the celestial sphere exactly below our feet is called the Zenith.
False. The point on the celestial sphere exactly above our head is called the Zenith

Question 3.
The circle describing the apparent motion of the earth around the sun is called the ecliptic.
False. Ecliptic is the apparent motion of sun around the earth

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars

Question 4.
Vrushchik or Scorpio is a constellation with 10 to 12 stars.

Question 5.
Makar raashi is also known as Capricorn zodiac sign.

Match the following:

Question a.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Saptarshi a. Divided into 88 constellations
2. Mmg nakshatra. b. In the north direction.
3. Orion c. Group of 7 bright stars (kite)
4. Vrushchik d. Made up of 5 bright stars (M)
5. Pole star e. 7 – 8 stars.
6. Celestial sphere f. Group of 10 -12 stars


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Saptarshi c. Group of 7 bright stars (kite)
2. Mmg nakshatra. d. Made up of 5 bright stars (M)
3. Orion e. 7 – 8 stars.
4. Vrushchik a. Divided into 88 constellations
5. Pole star b. In the north direction.
6. Celestial sphere f. Group of 10 -12 stars

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars

Answer in one line:

Question 1.
In which direction stars move in the sky except polar star?
When seen from earth, stars appear to move from east to west.

Question 2.
What activity does IUCAA carry out?
IUCAA which is present in PUNE carries out fundamental research in astronomy.

Question 3.
Define constellation.
Answer: A group of stars occupying a small portion of the celestial sphere is called constellation.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars

Question 4.
What is Nakshatra?
The moon completes one revolution around the earth in approximately 27 days. The portion celestial sphere traversed by the moon in one day is called a nakshatra.

Question 5.
What is yogatara?
A nakshatra is known from the brightest star that it contains. The brightest star is called the yogatara.

Define the following:

Question 1.
Far away the sky seems to be touching the ground. The line at which they meet is caled horizon.

Question 2.
While standing on the ground the point on the celestial sphere exactly above our head is called the Zenith.

Question 3.
While standing on the ground the point on the celestial sphere exactly below our feet is called the nadir.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars

Question 4.
The great circle which passes through both the celestial poles and the observer’s zenith and nadir is called a meridian.

Question 5.
Celestial equator
If we uniformly expand earth’s equator in all directions indefinitely, it will penetrate the celestial sphere along a circle. This circle is known as the celestial equator.

Question 6.
The earth moves around the sun, but seen from the earth, the sun appears to move along a circle on the celestial sphere. This circle describing the apparent motion of the sun around the ‘ earth is called the ecliptic.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars

Question 7.
Zodiac sign
The ecliptic has been imagined to divided into 12 equal parts. Each part subtends 30 degrees at the centre of the celestial sphere. Each of these part is called a raashi or zodiac sign.

Question 8.
Mrug Nakshatra or Orion
It has 7 – 8 starts of which four are at the comers of quadrangle. The line passing through the three middle stars of the constellation when extended meets a very bright star. This is Vyadh or Sirius.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars

Find out.

Answer the following questions

Question 1.
Using a Marathi calendar collect information about 27 nakshatras, and divide them into the following 3 categories.
(i) Monsoon Nakshatra (ii) Winter Nakshatra (iii) Summer Nakshatra
27 nakshtras: Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashirasha, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, PurvaPhalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Vishakha, Anuradha, Jyeshtha, Mula, Purva Ashadha, Uttara Ashadha, Abhijit, Shravana, Dhanishtha, Shatabhishta, Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati

Monsoon Season Winter Season Summer Season
Ashwini Karthe Krittika Visakha
Bharani Karthe Rohini Anuradha
Arudra Karthe Mrigashirsha Jyeshtha
Pushyani Ardra Mula
Aslesha Punarvasu Purva Ashadha
Magha Uttara Ashadha
Purva Phalguni Shravana
Uttara Phalguni

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars

Question 2.
Write the difference between constellations Saptarshi and Mrug nakshatra

Saptarshi Mrug nakshatra
1. It is made up of five bright stars which are distributed along the figure of the letter M. 1. It is made up of seven-eight stars of which four are at the corners of a quadrangle.
2. Pole star is the brightest star in the constellation. 2. Sirius is the brigh jveutr0n Starie constellation.
3. It is on the meridian in the month of April and in the month of October. 3. It is on the meridian in the month of February and in June.
4. In English, it is called the Great Bear. 4. In English, it is called Orion.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars

Question 3.
Draw sketches to show the relative position of prominent stars in Ursa major and Orion.
a. Ursa major (Saptarshi) appears like a big dipper, (or kite shape). There are 3 bright stars in the handle and 4 stars in the bowl of the dipper. (It can be seen during April in summer in northern skies).
Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars 2

(b) Orion appears like a hunter. Three bright stars appear in the belt, 5 bright stars are arranged in the form of a quadrilateral. (It is visible during winter in the northern skies)

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars 3

Question 4.
Why is the pole star important for sky watch?

  1. Identifying the Pole Star in the north makes the sky watch easier. Hence the pole star should be used as a reference point for skywatch.
  2. If we extend one side of the quadrangle of Saptarshi, it reaches the Pole Star.
    The pole star has Saptarshi on one side and Sharmishtha on the other.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars

Question 5.
What is the relation between the pole star and the constellations Saptarshi and Sharmishtha?

  1. Saptarshi is in the shape of a quandrangle with a tail made up 3 stars resembling a kite. If we extend one side of the quadrangle it reaches the Pole Star.
  2. The constellations of Saptarshi and Sharmishtha are useful in locating the Pole Star.
  3. The perpendicular bisector of the line joining the third and fourth stars in Sharmishtha goes towards the Pole star.
  4. The Pole Star has Saptarshi on one side and Sharmishtha on the other.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars 4

Use your brain power!

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
One Zodiac Sign = ………….. nakshatras
27 nakshatras. Each nakshatra is divided in padas or charan. Every nakshatra has 4 padas. These 27 nakshatra complete the entire circle of 360° of zodiac.
The zodiac comprises of 360°.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 20 In the World of Stars

Question 2.
Is sun the only star present in our Milky Way galaxy?
No. Sun is not the only star present in the Milky Way. There are lakhs of stars in the Milky Way, some of them being many times bigger than our sun. Some of them have their own planetary systems with a great diversity in colour, brightness, as well as size.

7th Std Science Questions And Answers:

Static Electricity Class 7 Science Chapter 8 Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 7 Science Chapter 8

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 Science Chapter 8 Static Electricity Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 Science Chapter 8 Static Electricity Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks.
(always repulsion, always attraction, displacement of negative charge, displacement of positive charge, atom, molecule, steel, copper, plastic, inflated balloon, charged object, gold)

Question a.
There is ………….. between like charges.
always repulsion

Question b.
…………. is responsible for generation of electric charge in an object.
displacement of negative charge

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity

Question c.
A lightning conductor is made of a ……………… strip.

Question d.
……………… does not get electrically charged easily by rubbing.

Question e.
There is …………………. when opposite electric charges come near each other.
always attraction

Question f.
A ……………… canbe detected with an electroscope.
charged object

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity

2. Explain why it is not safe to go out with an umbrella when there is heavy raine lightning or thunder.

Question a.
Explain why it is not safe to go out with an umbrella when there is heavy raine lightning or thunder.
Large amount of charges get built up in the clouds in rainy and stormy weather.

  1. Sometimes these charges are transferred to the earth in the form of a bolt of lightning.
  2. Wire of umbrella is made up of metal and cloth is made up of synthetic material.
  3. If lightning strikes, then umbrella catches it and there are chances of fire and it would be dangerous.
  4. So it is not safe to go out with an umbrella when there is heavy rain.

3. Answer in your own words.

Question a.
How will you protect yourself from lightning?

  1. To protect from the lightning, we have to put lightning conductor on high rise buildings,
  2. we should not stand under a tree in rainy and stormy weather.
  3. We should not go out with an umbrella in heavy rain, lightning or thunder.

Question b.
How are charges generated?

  1. Friction causes a charge to develop, because on rubbing, some negative particles are transferred from one substance to the other and the later develops a negative charge.
  2. The substance from which particles are removed lose negative charge and hence, it develops a positive charge.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity

Question c.
In the lightning conductor, what provision is made for spreading the electricity into the ground?

  1. The lightning conductor, consists of a long i copper strip with one end forked. This end is ‘ at the highest part of the building.
  2. The other end of the strip is connected to a plate of cast iron.
  3. A pit is dug in the ground, coal and salt are filled into the pit and the iron plate is placed upright in the pit.
  4. There is also a provision for pouring water into it.
  5. This helps to spread the electric charge quickly into the ground.

Question d.
Why do farmers stick an iron staff into the ground while working in the field in rainy conditions?

  1. Large amount of charges get built up in the clouds in rainy and stormy weather.
  2. Sometimes these charges are transferred to the earth in the form of a bolt of lightning.
  3. Due to iron staff, the charges will be conducted to the earth through iron metal and spread quickly into the ground.
  4. This way farmers are saved from lighting strike.

Question e.
Why is lightning not seen every day during the rainy season?

  1. When air and clouds rub against each other in the sky the upper part of some clouds becomes positively charged and the lower side become negatively charged.
  2. When this negative charge at the bottom of the cloud becomes much larger than the charge on the ground, it starts flowing towards the ground in stages, but this doesn’t happen every day. So lightning is not seen every day during the rainy season.

4. What are the characteristics of a static electric charge?

Question a.
What are the characteristics of a static electric charge?
Following are the characteristics of a static electric charge.

  1. The electric charge generated by friction is called frictional electricity. This charge is produced only at the place of friction, hence it is called static electricity.
  2. It remains on the object for a short duration.
  3. The charges of static electricity are absorbed in moist air.
  4. An electrically charged object attracts another object which has no electric charge.
  5. Like charges repel each other.
  6. Unlike charges attract each other.
  7. Repulsion is the sure test of the existence of a static charge.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity

5. What is the damage caused by lightning? How will you ereate awareness to prevent it?

Question a.
What is the damage caused by lightning? How will you ereate awareness to prevent it?
Due to lightning great damage can occur.

  1. It may cause fire.
  2. Person on whom lightning strikes may die also.
  3. It causes more temperature than sun.

Awareness to prevent it:

  1. Guide the people to install lightning conductor on tall buildings.
  2. Do not stand on open ground, below a tree, or on a high location during the thunder storms.
  3. Do not use plugged in electrical appliances.
  4. Do not stand near an electric pole, telephone pole or a tower.
  5. Stay in pucca house made of brick and cement.
  6. Stand on only wood, a plastic sheet or sack of jute.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity


Question a.
Make an electroscope yourself by using a thin aluminium foil and check which substances become electrically charged.

Class 7 Science Chapter 8 Static Electricity Important Questions and Answers

1. Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks.
(always repulsion, always attraction, displacement of negative charge, displacement of positive charge, atom, molecule, steel, copper, plastic, inflated balloon, charged object, gold)

Question 1.
named the electric charges as positive charge and negative charge.
Benjamin Franklin

Question 2.
Each atom contains a stationary charge and moving charges.
positive, negative

Question 3.
Each atom is electrically

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity

Question 4.
Amber is called in the Greek language.

Question 5.
The charges of electricity are absorbed in moist air.

Question 6.
Electrically charged objects uncharged objects.

Question 7.
is used as a test for identifying an electrically charged object.

Question 8.
The property of amber to attract things was named electricity by in 1646 AD.
Thomas Brown

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity

Question 9.
The electric charge generated by stays only as long as the charged object is near to it.

Question 10.
A simple device is used to detect the electric charge on an object.
gold leaf electroscope

Question 11.
Lightning is a form of
electric charge

Question 12.
The gas protects us from the harmful ultra violet rays coming from the sun.

Question 13.
The is a device used for protection from a lightning strike.
lightning conductor

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity

Question 14.
Due to the energy of the lightning, the oxygen in the air is converted into

2. Match the columns:

Question a.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Like charges a. gold leaf electroscope
2. Unlike charges b. lightning conductor
3. Copper strip c. attraction
4. Gold leaves. d. repulsion


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Like charges d. repulsion
2. Unlike charges c. attraction
3. Copper strip b. lightning conductor
4. Gold leaves. a. gold leaf electroscope

Say whether true or false, correct and rewrite the false statement:

Question 1.
Charges cannot be transferred from one body to another.
False. Charges can be transferred from one body to another

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity

Question 2.
The word ‘electricity.’ came from the word ‘Elektron’.

Question 3.
When an inflated balloon is rubbed on silk, it develops a charge.

Question 4.
An ebonite rod rubbed on woollen cloth develops a positive charge.
False. An ebonite rod rubbed on woollen cloth develops a negative charge

Question 5.
A glass rod rubbed on woollen cloth develops a negative charge.
False. A glass rod rubbed on woollen cloth develops a positive charge

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity

Question 6.
If the leaves of the electroscope spread only a little, the charge on them is less.

Question 7.
An atom may have either a positive or a negative charge.
False. An atom does not have any charge

Question 8.
When two substances are rubbed on each other, like charges are developed on each.
False. When two substances are rubbed on each other unlike charges are developed on each

Question 9.
High rise buildings have lightning conductors.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity

Question 10.
It is dangerous to stand under a tree in rainy and stormy weather.

Give scientific reasons:

Question 1.
Ordinarily, an atom does not have any charge.

  1. Every atom contains smaller particles with either positive or negative charge.
  2. As the number of positively and negatively charged particles in an atom is equal, they neutralize each other.
  3. As a result the atom has no charge.

Question 2.
Charge cannot be developed on a copper rod.
Charge cannot be developed on a copper rod because only certain pairs of substances give rise to electric charge, on rubbing.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity

Question 3.
High rise buildings have lightning conductors.

  1. High rise buildings are prone to lightning strikes during the monsoon.
  2. When lightning strikes, a tremendous electric charge is transferred to the earth, which may damage the tall buildings.
  3. To prevent this, high rise buildings have a forked metal rod, called a lightning conductor fitted on the top of the building.
  4. The lower end of this rod is buried inside the earth.
  5. If lightening strikes, the electric charge passes through this conductor and goes in to the earth. In this way the building is saved from damage.

Question 4.
It is dangerous to stand under a tree in rainy and stormy weather.

  1. Large amount of charges get built up in the clouds in rainy and storming weather.
  2. Sometimes these charges are transferred to the earth in the form of a bolt of lightning.
  3. Generally lightning strikes tall buildings and trees. If lightning strikes a tree then either the tree may fall or it may catch fire.
  4. In both cases this would be dangerous for anyone standing under the tree, hence it is dangerous to stand under a tree in rainy and stormy weather.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity

Question 5.
Repulsion is a test used for identifying an electrically charged object.

  1. When a charged object is brought near a neutral object, it gets attracted when two oppositely charged objects are brought close, they get attracted. Therefore, attraction is not a test.
  2. But when two like charges are brought close only then repulsion takes place.
  3. Therefore, repulsion is the sure test for identifying an electrically charged object.

Question 6.
Mustard seeds when shaken vigorously in a glass bottle stick to the sides of the bottle.
When seeds are shaken they get electrically charged and therefore they stick to the neutral walls of the glass.

Answer the following:

Question 1.
Why is the charge developed due to friction called static electric charge?
The charge developed due to friction is called 1 static electric charge because the charge remains still on the object.

Question 2.
Why does the charge developed by induction disappear quickly?
The charge developed by induction disappears quickly because it is very weak.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity

Question 3.
Why do the leaves of a gold leaf electroscope fly apart when a charged body touches its disc?
The leaves of a gold leaf electroscope fly apart when a charged body touches its disc because like charges develop on both the leaves and hence they repel each other.

Draw a neat labelled diagram of Gold leaf electroscope and describe it.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity 1

  1. This is a simple device to detect the electric charge on object.
  2. It consists of a copper rod which has a metal disc at the upper end and two thin gold leaves at the other.
  3. The rod is placed in a bottle so that the disc is above the bottle.
  4. When an uncharged object is taken near the disc, the leaves remain closed.
  5. When a charged object is taken near the disc, both the leaves are charged by the same electric charge, and repel each other.
  6. When we touch the disc with our hand, the leaves collapse because the charge in the leaves goes into the earth through our body, and the leaves get discharged.

Use your brainpower:

Question 1.
Do all the objects get charged by rubbing?
No. Only certain pairs of substances get charged on rubbing.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity

Question 2.
Why does a charged balloon stick to a wall?
A charged balloon stick to a wall because there is always attraction between a charged object and an uncharged object.

Question 3.
Can we use leaves of some other metal instead of gold, in the electroscope? Which properties must that metal have?
We can use other metals than gold in gold leaf electroscope.

  1. Only thing is that metal should be malleable and good conductor of electricity.
  2. But the best is gold only because we can make extremely thin leaves of gold so even very small charge also can be detected.

Question 4.
What kind of damage is caused by a lightning strike?
Due to lightning strike, great damage can occur. It may cause forest fire and burn down things. Person on whom lightning strikes may die. It causes more temperature than sun.

Question 5.
What measures will you take to prevent the damage caused by lightning?
Following measures can be taken to prevent the damage caused by lightning:

  1. Always put lightning conductor on tall buildings.
  2. Do not stand on open ground, below a tree or near the electric or telephone pole during rain/ thunder storms.
  3. Do not lean on wired fences.
  4. Do not use plugged in electrical appliances.
  5. Do not swim during thunder storms.
  6. Stay in a pucca house with lightning conductor fitted on it.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity

Question 6.
Why is the upper end of the lighting conductor pointed?

  1. The pointed end makes it possible to increase the electric field near the point. The electric field set up at pointed end is high.
  2. If the discharge of cloud occurs it would be easily passed through the lightening conductor to the ground and damage to the building is averted.

Question 7.
Why is coal and salt added to the pit in the ground?
Coal and salt is filled in the pit and also there is a provision for pouring water into it. This helps to spread electric charge quickly into ground and prevent damage.

Observe the given diagram and answer the questions given.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity 2

Question a.
Name the phenomenon happening in the diagram and define it
Phenomenon happening is static electricity.
When certain objects are rubbed against each other, they produce an electric charge on their surface at the place of friction. This is due to electrons which remain for a short time. This is called static electricity.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 8 Static Electricity

Question b.
What do you observe in “b” and “c” part of the diagram?
In ‘b’, we observe attraction between the charged balloon and the uncharged aluminium ball. In ‘c’, we observe that the charge has been transferred to the aluminium ball and due to the same (like) charge, repulsion is observed.

7th Std Science Questions And Answers:

The Living World: Adaptations and Classification Class 7 Science Chapter 1 Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 7 Science Chapter 1

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 Science Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 Science Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. Find my match!

Question a.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Lotus a. Flower and leaves attract insects
2. Aloe b. Haustorial roots for absoption of food
3. Cuscuta c. Adapted to live in deserts
4. Venus fly trap d. Adapted to live in water


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Lotus d. Adapted to live in water
2. Aloe c. Adapted to live in deserts
3. Cuscuta b. Haustorial roots for absoption of food
4. Venus fly trap a. Flower and leaves attract insects

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

2. Read the paragraph and answer the following questions:

I am a penguin. I live in polar region covered by snow. My abdomen is white. My skin is thick with a layer of fat underneath. My body is spindle-shaped. My wings are small. My toes are webbed. We live in flocks.

Question a.
Why is my skin white and thick and why is there a thick layer of fat underneath?

  1. White skin colour camouflage with the snow so penguins cannot be easily spotted and they get protected from enemies.
  2. Thick skin and thick layer of fat underneath gives them protection from severe cold.

Question b.
Why do we live in flocks sticking close to each other?
Penguins live in flocks sticking close to each other because sticking close to each other reduce the relative area so there is least loss of heat and they get protection from cold.

Question c.
Which geographical region do I inhabit? Why?

  1. Penguins inhabit Antarctica region. Antarctica is surrounded by ocean. Climate is colder, drier and windier.
  2. It does not have human population. This climate is suitable for penguins, so they inhabit Antarctica.

Question d.
Which adaptations should you have to enable you to live permanently in the polar region? Why?

  1. I should be a warm blooded animal. This should allow me to permanently live in polar region.
  2. My body has to be covered with thick fur or scale so that loss of heat will be very less and I can survive in severe cold.

3. Who is lying?

Question a.
Cockroach – I have five legs.
Cockroach is lying. It has six legs.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question b.
Hen – My toes are webbed.
Hen is lying because hen’s toes are not webbed. Duck has webbed toes.

Question c.
Cactus – My fleshy, green part is a leaf.
Cactus is lying. It’s fleshy, green part is a stem not a leaf.

4. Read each of the following statements. Write a paragraph about adaptation with reference to each statement.

Question a.
There is extreme heat in deserts.

  1. Plant’s stem is fleshy, leaves get modified into thorns to reduce loss of water. Steam perform photosynthesis in the absence of leaves.
  2. Animals have cushioned soles, hump, long legs and nostrils are protected by folds of skin. Eyelashes are long and thick.

Question b.
Grasslands are lush green.
Insects like grasshoppers have green colour so they can be camouflaged amidst grasses.

Question c.
We hide.
In equatorial region grasses are very tall, so to protect themselves animals like tiger, elephants and deer remain hidden in these tall grasses.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question d.
We have long ears.
It helps the animals to receive sounds from long distance, and they can protect themselves from predators.

5. Answer the following:

Question a.
Why is the camel called the ‘ship of the desert’?

  1. Camel lives in a desert easily due to following adaptations. It has long legs and cushioned soles which keep the body of camel above the sand and cushioned soles do not allow to sink in sand while walking.
  2. The nostrils are protected by folds of skin.
  3. The eyelashes are long and thick.
  4. It has hump which stores fats so it helps camel to survive in desert for many days without food and water.

Due to above adaptations camel is used to carry people and transport goods from one place to another place in the desert. Therefore, camel is called the ship of the desert.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question b.
How can the plants like cactus and acacia live in deserts with scarce water?
The plants like cactus and acacia live in deserts with scarce water due to the following adaptations.

  1. Leaves are like small needles or have been modified into thorns, as a result they lose very little water by evaporation.
  2. The stem stores water and food so it is fleshy.
  3. The stems are green as they perform photosynthesis in the absence of leaves.
  4. Their roots penetrate deep into the soil in search of water.
  5. There is a thick layer of a waxy substance on the stems.

Question c.
What is the inter-relationship between adaptations of organisms and their surroundings?
1. Adaptations of organisms depend on the changes in the surroundings.

2. To adjust with those changes in the surroundings adaptation takes place gradually and continuously in organisms.

3. Changes that take place in the various organs and life processes of organisms, enable them to live, feed, reproduce to perpetuate themselves and to protect themselves from their enemies in specific surroundings, depending upon the habitat and its geographical conditions, are called adaptations.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question d.
How are organisms classified?

  1. Different scientists have used different criteria and independently classified plants and animals.
  2. A hierarchy is formed in the classification that starts with kingdom Animalia or kingdom Plantae, further groups and sub-groups are formed depending upon basic similarities and differences.
  3. This is called the ‘hierarchy of classification’.
  4. Binomial nomenclature is used to identify each organism. Accordingly, a scientific name has been assigned to each organism.
  5. It consists of two parts – first part is ‘genus’ and second ‘species’.
  6. All identified organisms have been assigned a binomial name as per the guidelines of the International code of Nomenclature. For e.g.
Genus Species
Mango Mangifera Indica
Human Homo Sapiens


Question 1.
Find out how the gradual adaptation from primitive man to modern man must have taken place.

Class 7 Science Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks.

Question 1.
Leaves of some aquatic plants are …………. and …………. ike a ribbon.
thin, slender

Question 2.
…………. in stems and …………. of aquatic plants are useful for floating in water.
Air spaces, petioles

Question 3.
Leaves of desert plants are modified into …………. .

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 4.
The stems of desert plants are green as they perform …………. in the absence of leaves.

Question 5.
…………. roots of grasses prevent soil erosion.

Question 6.
Grasses in the …………. region are very tall.

Question 7.
…………. are found in hilly areas as well as plains.
Vast meadows

Question 8.
Plants need …………., …………. and …………. for growth.
nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium

Question 9.
Dodder has …………. roots for absorbing nutrients from the host plant.
haustorial (sucking)

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 10.
Fungi do not have …………. so cannot perform photosynthesis.

Question 11.
Fish breathe with …………. instead of a nose.

Question 12.
Fish have …………. within the body to help them to float.
air bladders

Question 13.
Frog and duck have …………. toes.

Question 14.
Tigers have …………. paws.

Question 15.
Bats can fly with the help of …………. .

Question 16.
Desert plants are either leafless or their leaves are like …………. or modified into …………. .
needles, thorns

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 17.
Spring like …………. on the stems of some climbers are examples of their adaptation.

Question 18.
…………. is not a sudden process, it is gradual and continuous.

Question 19.
…………. proposed the theory of the survival of the fittest.
Charles Darwin

Match the columns:

Question 1.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Cactus a. Herbivorous animal
2. Pine b. Carnivorous animal
3. Tiger c. Snowy region plant
4. Blackbuck d. Desert plant


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Cactus d. Desert plant
2. Pine c. Snowy region plant
3. Tiger b. Carnivorous animal
4. Blackbuck a. Herbivorous animal

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 2.

Column ‘A’ Column B’
1. Dog a. Hibiscus roso sinensis
2. Cow b. Sorghum bicolor
3. Hibiscus c. Bos taurus
4. Jowar d. Canis lupus familiarise


Column ‘A’ Column B’
1. Dog d. Canis lupus familiarise
2. Cow c. Bos taurus
3. Hibiscus a. Hibiscus roso sinensis
4. Jowar b. Sorghum bicolor

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Name the following:

Question 1.
Animals which live in desert in deep burrows.
Rats, snakes, spiders, lizards

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 2.
Animals which have webbed feet.
Frog, duck

Question 3.
Plants of snowy regions.
Deodar, pine

Question 4.
Plants that eat insects.
Drosera, venus flytrap, pitcher plant

Question 5.
World Frog Protection Day.
29th April

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 6.
2 parts of bionomial nomenclature.
genus and species.

Who am I?

Question 1.
My leaves trap insects.
Venus fly trap or pitcher plant.

Question 2.
I have waxy feathers and webbed feet.

Question 3.
I breath through skin in water and through lungs on land.

Question 4.
I have sucking roots through which I take nutrition from my host plant.
Dodder (cuscuta)

Question 5.
I have silvery white body with thick long hair
Snow animals like polar bear.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 6.
I have waxy broad leaves and air spaces in my stem.
Lotus (or aquatic plants)

Question 7.
My Scientific name is Bos taurus.

Question 8.
I discovered Binomial nomenclature.
Carl Linnaeus

Question 9.
I have special thin folds in between my forelegs and hind legs called patagium.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 10.
I am mango, my genus is?

Say whether true or false, correct and rewrite the false statements:

Question 1.
Killing or harming frogs is prohibited by the Wild Life Protection Act.

Question 2.
Scientific name of jowar is Bos taurus.
False. Scientific name of jowar is Sorghum bicolor

Question 3.
Theory of natural selection was found by Charles Darwin.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 4.
T.V. Channels like National Geographic, Wild and Discovery show about the feeding habits of animals.

Question 5.
The spindle shaped body of birds maximizes the resistance of air while flying.
False. The spindle shaped body of birds minimises the resistance of air while flying.

Question 6.
House lizard and monitor lizards have webbed toes.
False. House lizard and monitor lizards have clawed toes.

Question 7.
Crocodiles use their muscles for creeping.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 8.
The eyes of predatory carnivores are located on either side of the head.
False. The eyes of predatory carnivores are located in the front of their head.

Question 9.
A frog is an amphibian.

Question 10.
Diverse types of bushes and grasses are found in the grasslands.

Complete the given table:

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World Adaptations and Classification 1

Question 2.
Give one special adaptation or features of the following plant or animal to suit its habitat surrounding

Plant/animal Special adaptation/features
1. Fish Stream lined body
2. Bird Hollow bones, feathers
3. Camel Thick skin, folds in skin near nosetrils
4. Deer long and tapering legs with strong hooves
5. Tiger Padded paws, sharp canine teeth
6. Duck waxy feathers, webbed toes
7. Fungi Root like fibers
8. Cuscuta Leafless, yellow thread like stem with haustorial (sucking) roots
9. Venus fly trap Trigger hair inside their traps
10. Deodar tree Conical shape and needle shaped leaves
11. Grape vine Tendrils for support
12. Acacia Fleshy thick green stem with leaves turned into thorns.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Who is lying?

Question 1.
Camel has thin skin and short eyelashes.
Camel is lying – It has thick skin and long and thick eyelashes.

Answer in one or two sentences:

Question 1.
What is called ‘hierarchy of classification’?

  1. A hierarchy is formed in the classification that starts with kingdom Animalia or Kingdom Plantae, further groups and sub-groups are formed depending upon basic similarities and differences.
  2. This is called the ‘hierarchy of classification’.

Question 2.
What theories were proprosed by Charles Darwin
The theories of Charles Darwin are Theory of natural selection and theory of survival of the fittest.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 3.
Explain the terms Autotrophic and Parasitic
1. Plants which are able to produce their own food with the help of the process of photosynthesis are called autotrophic plants eg. All green plants.

2. Plants which are not able to produce their own food but depend upon other plants for their nutrition are called parasitic plants They are leafless and non green in colour eg. Dodder (cuscuta). They have haustorial (sucking) roots for absorbing nutrients from the host plant.

Give scientific reasons:

Question 1.
Leaves of some aquatic plants are thin and slender like a ribbon.
Leaves of some aquatic plants are thin and slender like a ribbon because this shape helps them to withstand fast currents of water.

Question 2.
Some aquatic plants have air spaces in stems.
Some aquatic plants have air spaces in stems because air spaces help the plants to float on water.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 3.
Desert plants have thorns.

  1. Desert plants have thorns because in deserts, due to scarcity of water these plants are either leafless or their leaves are like small needles or modified into thorns.
  2. They lose very little water by evaporation due to little surface area. This helps plants to survive in desert.

Question 4.
Desert plants have green stem.
Desert plants have green stem because green stem performs photosynthesis in the absence of leaves.

Question 5.
Desert plants have strong roots.
Desert plants have strong roots so they can penetrate deep into the soil in search of water.

Question 6.
Deodar tree is conical in shape.
Deodar tree grows in snowy region and conical shape of the tree doesn’t allow snow to accumulate on the tree and thus protect the tree from snow.

Question 7.
Pine tree has thick bark.
Pine tree grows in snowy region where it is extremely cold and its thick bark helps the tree to withstand the cold.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 8.
Plants in forest grow tall.
In forest region variety of trees, shrubs and herbs are found. These plants compete amongst themselves for sunlight. Hence trees grow tall to get sunlight.

Question 9.
Cuscuta has haustorial roots.

  1. Cuscuta is a parasitic plant. It is leafless and cannot prepare food on its own.
  2. So to get food haustorial (sucking) roots penetrate up to the conducting vessels of the host plant to absorb water and food, the Cuscuta has haustorial roots.

Question 10.
Fungi have root-like fibers.

  1. Fungi are parasitic.
  2. They do not have chlorophyll and cannot perform photosynthesis.
  3. So these root-like fibers help to absorb the food from the starchy foodstuffs like bhakri and bread.

Question 11.
Pitcher plant eats insects.

  1. Pitcher plant grows in a soil where nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium are very less. But the plant needs these for the growth.
  2. So to fulfill the need for nitrogen, pitcher plant consumes insects.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 12.
Duck and frog have webbed feet.
When duck and frog are in water at that time the webbed feet act as oars and help them to swim in water.

Question 13.
Frogs can swim easily in water.
Frogs have webbed toes, slippery, smooth skin and triangular head. This helps the frog to swim easily through water.

Question 14.
Tiger has sharp and pointed canine teeth.
Tiger is a carnivorous animal. So the sharp and pointed canine teeth help the tiger to tear the prey and eat.

Question 15.
Blackbuck has eyes on either side of the head.
Blackbuck is a herbivore animal and eyes on either side of the head gives them wide angle vision which helps to protect themselves from predators.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 16.
Tigers have padded paws.
Tigers are carnivorous animals. So these padded paws enable them to silently stalk their prey and capture it easily.

Question 17.
The eyes of predatory carnivores are located in the front of their head.
The eyes of predatory carnivores are located in the front of their head because it helps them to spot their prey from a long distance.

Question 18.
Camel can live in desert.

  1. Camel can live in desert because it has thick skin to prevent loss of water from the body. Their legs are long with flat and cushioned soles.
  2. The nostrils are protected by folds of skin. The eyelashes are long and thick so these adaptations enable Camels to live in desert easily.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 19.
White fox has white body colour.

  1. White fox lives in snowy region which throughout the year is covered with snow.
  2. White colour of fox matches with the snow so it gets camouflaged in snow and it can save itself from predators.

Question 20.
Birds can fly in the air.

  1. Birds can fly in the air because the spindle shaped body minimises the resistance of air while flying.
  2. Their hollow bones, body covering of feathers and forelegs being modified into wings, their body being light in weight, all these factors make the birds adapted to fly in the air.

Can you tell?

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Arc the plants and animals from Kashmir and Rajasthan of the same type? Can you elaborate on any differences between the two?
Plants and animals from Kashmir and Rajasthan are of different types.
Differences in plants:

  1. Plants of Kashmir, which is a snowy region, are conical in shape due to their sloping branches.
  2. This shape prevents the snow accumulation on the tree and the thick bark helps the tree to withstand the cold.
  3. But the plants of Rajasthan, which is a desert region, are either leafless or their leaves are small, needle shaped or have been modified into thorns. So the loss of water can be reduced
  4. The stem stores water and food so they are fleshy. The stem performs photosynthesis in the absence of leaves.

Differences in animals:

  1. Animals of Kashmir have thick hair and white or silver body colour camouflaged with snow. This helps them to get protection in snowy region.
  2. The animals of Rajasthan have long legs with flat and cushioned soles.
  3. The nostrils are protected by folds of skin. The eyelashes are long and thick. It gives protection from sand and heat.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 2.
In what way are sloping branches useful to plants in a snowy region?
In a snowy region sloping branches of a plant gives conical shape to the tree and it doesn’t allow snow to accumulate on tree inspite of heavy snowfall and thus protect the tree from severe cold and snow.

Question 3.
What is the main difference between vehicles on the road and aeroplanes?
The two main differences between vehicles on the road and aeroplanes are:

  1. aeroplanes have wings whereas vehicles on the road do not have wings.
  2. The body of aeroplanes are spindle shaped and the body of vehicles on the road depends on the number of wheels they have.

Use your brain power!

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Why does water trickle off lotus leaves?

  1. Water trickles off lotus leaves because it is coated with waxy covering on it.
  2. It is one of the adaptations of aquatic plants to survive in water without getting wet and rot or sink to the bottom.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 2.
Why don’t the leaves of lotus plants rotinwatei?
leaves of these plants do not rot in water because it is covered with waxy coating on it so that they do not get wet.

Question 3.
Why are roots of lotus plants short and fibrous?
Answer: –

  1. These plants grow in water so the roots do not need to go deep down in search of water. Their roots are not anchored in the soil.
  2. So their roots are short and fibrous.

Question 4.
The lotus stalk has holes or air spaces?

  1. The air spaces in stems and petioles of aquatic plants are useful for making them float in water and also to prevent them from rotting
  2. Hence, the lotus stalk has holes or air spaces.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Answer in detail:

Question 1.
Explain the Darwin’s theory of evolution.
Charles Darwin, a biologist suggested two principles in his theory of evolution.

  1. Theory of survival of the fittest: He said that only those organisms are likely to survive which can best adapt themselves to a changing environment. This is called the theory of survival of the fittest.
  2. Theory of ‘Natural selection’: If an organism is bom with a new beneficial characteristic and is able to survive, this change is preserved in the next generation. This is called the theory of ‘natural selection’.

Diagram based questions:

Draw a neat labelled diagram of fish and answer the following questions.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World Adaptations and Classification 2

Question a.
Why do fish have a body tapering towards both its ends?
Fish have its body tapering towards its ends, to allow them to swim with least resistance in water.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question b.
Why do Fish have transparent eyelids.
The transparent eyelids of fish protect the eyes from the substance in the water

Question c.
How are they able to float?
Fish have air bladders within their body which help them to float.

Observe the diagram and answer the questions.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World Adaptations and Classification 3

Question a.
What habitat does this camel live in?
Camel lives in desert habitats or in areas where there is scarcity of water.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question b.
State any 2 of its body adaptations to survive in desert?

  1. Thick skin to prevent loss of water from the body
  2. The eyelashes are long and thin
  3. Their legs are long and flat with cushioned soles

Question c.
How does a camel protect itself from sand storms or winds carrying sand?
Camels have nostrils protected by folds of skin and long thick eyelashes to prevent entry of fir dust and sand into its nose and eyes.

Paragraph based questions:

Compare and contrast:

Question 1.
Compare the lotus plant to the Acacia plant and Hibiscus plant.

Lotus plant Hibiscus plant Acacia plant
I. Stem have air spaces in them Stem do not have air spaces and do not store too much of water and food Stem is fleshy and stores water and food
ii. Leaves have a waxy coating Leaves do not have a waxy coating and have thin lamina Leaves are not present and if present are very tiny or modified into thorns

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World: Adaptations and Classification

Question 2.
What is the difference between the plants given in the pictures. Give 2 points of difference taking into consideration their adaptations with their surroundings.
Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 1 The Living World Adaptations and Classification 4

A. Cactus B. Lotus C. Deodar tree
i. Stem is green and fleshy Stem is with air space Shape of tree is conical
ii. leaves are reduced or absent and replaced by thorns Leaves are broad and with a waxy coating Leaves are needle shaped

7th Std Science Questions And Answers:

Materials We Use Class 7 Science Chapter 15 Questions And Answers Maharashtra Board

Class 7 Science Chapter 15

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 7 Science Chapter 15 Materials We Use Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Class 7 Science Chapter 15 Materials We Use Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. Fill appropriate terms in the blanks:
(white cement, soap, detergent, wearing of bones, tooth decay, hard, soft, portiand, fatty acid)

Question a.
The substance that helps water to remove dirt from the surface of material is called …………… .

Question b.
Fluoride is used in toothpaste to prevent …………… .
tooth decay

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Question c.
Soap is a salt of …………… and sodium hydroxide.
fatty acid

Question d.
Synthetic detergents can be used in …………… water as well.

Question e.
For construction purposes …………… Cement is the most commonly used cement.
white cement

2. Write answers to the following questions. 

Question a.
How does the use of a detergent help to clean soiled clothes?

  1. A molecule of a detergent holds on to a water molecule at one end and an oil molecule at the other.
  2. As a result the molecules of oil mix with the water.
  3. This is how detergent acts on our soiled clothes. So detergent removes any oil or dirt sticking on to our clothes.
  4. Due to the property of holding on to both oil and water, soap water spreads easily on many types of surfaces.
  5. This property of spreading on a surface is called surface activity.
  6. Detergents are surface active.
  7. One effect of surface activity is lather formation.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Question b.
How will you check with the help of soap powder whether water is hard?

  1. In the hard water, (of a well or a tube-well), soap does not give lather but forms a scum.
  2. As a result, soap loses its cleansing property. So with help of soap we will come to know that it is a hard water.

Question c.
What are the important ingredients of a tooth paste and what is the function of each?

  1. The important ingredients of a toothpaste are calcium carbonate and calcium hydrogen phosphate.
  2. They remove the dirt on teeth. These ingredients also polish the teeth.
  3. A certain proportion of fluoride in the tooth paste helps prevent tooth decay.
  4. It is essential for the enamel covering of teeth.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Question d.
What are the ingredients of cement?

  1. Cement is a dry, greenish grey powder with fine particles.
  2. It is made from silica (sand), alumina (aluminium oxide), lime, iron oxide and magnesia (magnesium oxide).

Question e.
What will happen if cement is not used in making concrete?

  1. In making concrete strong, the ingredients cement, water, sand and gravel should usually be mixed in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3 : 0.5 to achieve maximum strength.
  2. If enough cement is not used then the concrete will eventually fall apart, as cement is used as a binding agent.

Question f.
Make a list of detergents, that you use. Answer: There are two types of detergents that we use, (a) Natural (b) Man-made detergents.

  1. Natural detergents are soap nut (ritha) soap pod (shikekai).
  2. Man-made detergents are soap, hard soaps, soft soaps.
  3. Synthetic detergents have taken the place of soap.
    • Detergents are commonly available as powders or concentrated solution.
    • Detergents are for laundry, washing clothes and cleaning dishes.
  4. Alkaline detergents used for hard surface cleaning.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Question g.
What should be expected from a detergent for delicate garments?

  1. Detergents should not be strong, they may spoil the texture, colour of delicate garments.
  2. Now a days many detergents are available especially for woollen, delicate clothes.
  3. They should not contain bleach, phosphorous which will harm delicate clothes.

Question h.
What is meant by surface activity? Name three chemicals responsible for the surface activity of various detergents.

  1. Due to the property of holding on to both oil and water, soap water spreads easily on many types of surfaces.
  2. The property of a substance of spreading on a surface is called surface activity and the substance is called surfactant.
  3. Detergents are surface active.
  4. They increase the spreading and wetting ability of water by reducing its surface tension.
  5. Chemicals responsible for the surface activity of various detergents is phenol, Aprotinin.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

3. What are the similarities and differences between:

Question a.
Natural detergents and Man-made detergents

Natural detergents Man-made detergents
1. Soap nut (ritha) and soap pod (shikekai) are the natural detergents. 1. Soap is man-made detergent soft soap and hard soap.
2. Natural detergents do not have harmful effect on human skin or on silk or woollen clothes. 2. Soap has effect on skin and cloth because it has chemicals in it.
3. Soap nut, soap pod contain a chemical saponin. 3. Soap has acid in it, soap is sodium and potassium salt of fatty acids.
4. It is naturally available. 4. It is man made using chemicals and oil.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Question b.
Soap and Synthetic detergents

Soap Synthetic detergents
1. Soap is man-made detergent, it is in use since ancient times. 1. Synthetic detergent have taken the place of soap.
2. Soap loses its cleansing property in hard water it does not give lather. 2. Synthetic detergent can be used in hard water also.
3. Soap was prepared by using animal fat and wood ash. 3. Synthetic detergent are obtained by subjecting fats, kerosene to various chemical processes.
4. Variety of soaps are available, soft soap for bathing, hard soap for washing, cleaning. 4. Variety of synthetic detergents are available – Ariel, Surf Excel, etc.

Question c.
Bath soap and Soap for washing clothes

Bath soap Soap for washing clothes
1. Soft soap is used for bathing. 1. Hard soap is used for washing clothes.
2. Soft soap is potassium salt is fatty acids. 2. Hard soap is sodium salt of fatty acid.
3. Soft soap dissolves more easily readily in water. 3. Hard soap do not dissolve easily in water.
4. Now a days many perfumes, moisturizes are mixed to make it more attractive and useful. 4. In this type of soap now a days germicides, anti foaming agents are mixed to make it more useful.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Question d.
Modern cement and Ancient cement

Modem cement Ancient cement
1. Cement manufactured from 60% lime, silica 25% and alumina 5%. the rest is iron oxide and gypsum. 1. Romans used to make aqueous cement by mixing volcanic ash in moistened lime. It was very durable.
2. It is the most commonly used cement for Construction work. 2. It is Roman cement volcanic ash prevent cracks from spreading.
3. It is called Portland Cement. 3. It is called Aqueous Cement.

4. Explain why –

Question a.
Soap cannot be used in hard water.

  1. In the hard water of a well or a tube well, soap does not give lather but forms a scum.
  2. As a result soap loses its cleansing property. So soap cannot be used in hard water.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Question b.
Oil does not mix in water. However, oil and water become homogenous if a sufficient quantity of detergent is added.

  1. A molecule of a detergent holds on to a water molecule at one end and an oil molecule at the other.
  2. As a result the molecules of oil mix with the water, and we will see that the water and oil have become homogenous and the colour of the mixture appears milky.

Question c.
Synthetic detergents are superior to soap.

  1. Soap is a man-made detergent which has been in use since ancient times.
  2. It was prepared by using animal fat and wood ash. In hard water, soap does not give lather, it loses its cleansing property.
  3. So we can not use soap in hard water. Now synthetic detergents have taken the place of soap.
  4. They can be used in hard water as well
  5. Synthetic detergents have many more advanced properties like they are added with perfumes, conditioner for fabric, etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Question d.
Often coloured spots are formed on clothes during washing.

  1. Curry stains stick fast to the criss-crossing threads of the material of our clothes.
  2. Curry contains turmeric a natural indicator which turns red in a basic solution.
  3. Soaps are sodium salts of fatty acids and are basic in nature.
  4. While washing the clothes, turmeric reacts with soap solution and turns red forming red spots on the clothes.
  5. But the spots disappear after washing the clothes with plenty of water.

Question e.
Tobacco masheri should not be used for cleaning teeth.

  1. Masheri is the smokeless form of tobacco. It is tobacco, containing teeth cleaning powder
  2. It contains tobacco leaves.
  3. Tobacco contains toxic and Carcinogenic chemicals which can cause cancer, oral cancer, mouth and throat cancer, gum disease, tooth decay.
  4. Its use can cause abnormal delivery in pregnant women.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use


Question 1.
Visit a cement factory. See how cement is prepared and discuss the process.

Question 2.
Write a conversation based on cement houses, mud-houses and wattle-and-daub houses.

Class 7 Science Chapter 15 Materials We Use Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
The principal ingredients of a toothpaste are ………………. and ………………. which remove the dirt on the teeth.
Calcium carbonate, calcium hydrogen phosphate

Question 2.
………………. in the toothpaste helps prevent tooth decay.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Question 3.
The property of a substance of spreading on a surface is called ………………. .
surface activity

Question 4.
………………. and ………………. are the natural detergent in common use.
Soap nut, Soap pod

Question 5.
Soap nut and soap pod contain a chemical named ………………. .

Question 6.
………………. is a man-made detergent.

Question 7.
………………. is used for washing clothes.
Hard soap

Question 8.
………………. is used for bathing.
Soft soap

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Question 9.
Hard soap is ………………. salt of fatty acids.

Question 10.
Soft soap is ………………. salt of fatty acids.

Name the following:

Question 1.
A substance which is spread on a given surface and used for cleaning.

Question 2.
A chemical contained in soap nut and pod.

Question 3.
An element which helps prevent tooth decay which is used in toothpastes.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Question 4.
The latin word which means detergent.

Question 5.
A cement used for construction purpose.
Portland cement

Question 6.
A mixture of cement, water, sand and gravel.

Question 7.
A natural detergent.
Soap nut

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Choose the correct option:

Question 1.
Which one of these material grows on an animal
(cotton, rubber, wood, wool)

Question 2.
Which of these is man-made?
(oranges, apples, plastic bags, tomatoes)
Plastic bags

Question 3.
The statue is made from marble, marble is a ………….. material.
(weak, elastic, man-made, natural)

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Question 4.
Toy Duck is made from plastic. Plastic is a ………….. material.
(natural, man-made, raw, precious)

Question 5.
Which of these materials is natural?
(Nylon, Rock, Plastic, Polythene)

Question 6.
Which one of these is a natural material?
(Lemonade, Cola, Water, Ice cream)

Question 7.
The toy plane made from wood. Wood is a ………….. material.
(man-made, natural, weak)

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Question 8.
Which one of these materials is natural?
(Nylon, cotton, polythene, polyesters)

Match the following:

Question 1.

Column ’A’ Column ’B’
1. Fluoride a. Man-made detergent
2. Soap nut b. Sodium salt of fatty acid
3. Soap c. Man-made material
4. Cotton d. Prevents tooth decay
5. Nylon e. Potassium salt of fatty acid.
6. Hard soap f. Natural detergent
7. Calcium carbonate g. Natural material
8. Soft soap h. Main ingredients of toothpaste


Column ’A’ Column ’B’
1. Fluoride d. Prevents tooth decay
2. Soap nut f. Natural detergent
3. Soap a. Man-made detergent
4. Cotton g. Natural material
5. Nylon c. Man-made material
6. Hard soap b. Sodium salt of fatty acid
7. Calcium carbonate h. Main ingredients of toothpaste
8. Soft soap e. Potassium salt of fatty acid.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Find out:

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What is the source of the fluoride in a tooth paste or tooth powder?
A naturally occurring mineral found in tooth paste and drinking water. Sodium Fluoride (NaF) is the source of fluoride in toothpaste.

Question 2.
Note down all the information given on a tooth powder/toothpaste container or carton and discuss.
1. The carton shows the name of the company and name of toothpaste and its contains all the ingredients present in toothpaste.

2. Licence No. of company, Regd. Trade Mark of Colgate Palmolive Co-manufactured by Colgate-Palmolive (India) Ltd. Licenced user of Trade Mark made in India. Tooth paste contains 1000 ppm max of available fluoride when packed.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use 2

3. Ingredients: Calcium carbonate, sorbitol, sodium lauryl sulphate, silica, sodium silicate flavour, sodium monoflouro phosphate, sodium bicarbonate, benzyl alcohol.

4. Direction for use: Brush thoroughly atleast twice a day.
5. Children under 6 years of age should have adult supervision and use only appropriate amount.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Question 3.
Now a days why are the roads made of concrete?

  1. Concrete is prepared by mixing cement, limestone, sand, gravel, and water. It is solid, more durable and strong.
  2. There is no erosion for many years and roads are smoother. So the roads are made of concrete.

Question 4.
What causes the hardness of water?

  1. Hardness is a measure of amount of dissolved salts in water.
  2. It is caused by dissolved salts like carbonates, chlorides mostly of calcium and magnesium
  3. Presence of these makes washing of clothes by soap difficult.
  4. Hard water is water that has high mineral content.
  5. Hard water is formed when water percolates through deposits of limestone and chalk.

Can you tell?

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Which substances were used earlier for cleaning teeth?
In olden times neem twigs, coal powder ash, tooth powder, salt, pomegranate rind, were used for cleaning teeth.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Question 2.
What do we use today to clean our teeth?
Now a days we use variety of toothpastes and tooth powders to clean our teeth.

Question 3.
What do we use for cleansing our body?
Soap, many liquid body wash are also used to clean our body.

Question 4.
What are the materials used for construction?
Metals, wood, stone, cement, concrete, timber, bricks, metal sheet, soil, Earth, marble, aluminium, iron, steel, bamboo, glass, plastic.
Concrete: is a wet mixture of sand, gravel, cement, and water used to create building foundations, footpaths or roads.

Question 5.
Which of the houses seen in the pictures here have a strong structure? Why?
Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use 1.1
The houses made from stone, bricks, and cement and concrete have a strong structure.

Write short notes on or Explain:

Question 1.
Natural detergent

  1. It is naturally available soap nut (ritha) and soap pod (shikekai) are the natural detergents in common use.
  2. They contain a chemical named saponin.
  3. Soap nut and soap pod do not have any harmful effect on human skin or on silk, woollen threads, and cloth.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Question 2.
Man-made detergents

  1. Detergent which is made by processing naturally available material, soap is a man-made detergent which has been in use since ancient times.
  2. In those days soap was prepared by using animal fat and wood ash.
  3. Therefore two types of soap (a) Hard Soap is used for washing clothes. It is a sodium salt of fatty acids, (b) Softsoap is used for bathing. It is a potassium salt of fatty acids.
  4. It does not cause irritation of the skin.
  5. But we can’t use soap in hard water because soap does not give lather but forms a scum. So, soap loses its cleansing property so now synthetic detergent have taken the place of soap.
  6. Synthetic detergents are obtained by subjecting these raw materials (fats and kerosene) to a variety of chemical processes. These can be used in hard water as well.

Question 3.
Two types of soap are:
1. Hard soap is used for washing clothes. It is a sodium salt of fatty acids.
2. (a) Softsoap is used for bathing. It is a potassium salt of fatty acids, (b) It does not cause irritation of the skin, (c) But we can’t use soap in hard water because soap does not give lather but forms a scum, (d) So, soap loses its cleansing property so now synthetic detergents have taken place of soap, (e) Synthetic detergents are obtained by subjecting these raw materials (fats and kerosene) to a variety of chemical processes, (f) These can be used in hard water as well.

Question 4.

  1. Concrete is prepared by mixing cement, water, sand and gravel.
  2. For making a strong and leak proof slab certain substances are mixed in concrete.
  3. Now a days, roads are made of concrete because they are very durable, strong and smooth.

Maharashtra Board Class 7 Science Solutions Chapter 15 Materials We Use

Question 5.
Surface activity

  1. Soap molecule has the property of holding on to both oil and water soap water spreads easily on many types of surfaces.
  2. The property of a substance of spreading on a surface is called surface activity and the substance is said to be a surfactant.
  3. Detergents are surface-active. One effect of surface activity is lather formation.

Question 6.
Explain the method of preparation of soap.
Material required for preparation soap are 15 g sodium hydroxide, 60 ml coconut oil, 15 g salt, perfume, a glass rod, beaker, tripod, wire gauze, burner, water mould etc.

  1. Take 60 ml of coconut oil in a beaker.
  2. Dissolve 15 g sodium hydroxide in 50 ml water. Mix the sodium hydroxide solution in the oil slowly, while stirring with a glass rod.
  3. Heat the mixture, and boil it for 10 – 12 minutes, stirring it all the while.
  4. Take care that the mixture does not boil over while heating.
  5. Dissolve 15 g salt in 200 ml water, pour this solution into the above mixture and stir.
  6. The soap formed by the chemical reaction now floats on the water. After some time, it becomes thick.
  7. Now separate the thick soap and add the perfume to it, shape the bar of soap using the mould.
  8. In this process, fat and alkali combine to form salts of fatty acids.
  9. Chemically, soap is a sodium or potassium salt 4 of fatty acids.

7th Std Science Questions And Answers: