Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Marathi Yuvakbharati 11th Digest Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं

11th Marathi Digest Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं Textbook Questions and Answers


1. अ. तुलना करा.

प्रश्न 1.
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उत्तर :

‘पुस्तकरूपी’ मित्र ‘मानवी’ मित्र
उत्तेजक, आनंददायी मित्र दुरावतात.
प्रेम, भावना, विचारांनी ओसंडणारं मित्रांना कधी कधी प्रेमाची विस्मृती होते.
विशाल अंत:करण, निःस्वार्थीपणा वैर, स्वार्थीपणा या भावनेत अडकतात.
उत्कट अनुभूती देणारे विश्वासघातकी असतात.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं

आ. कारणे लिहा.

प्रश्न अ.
ग्रंथप्रेमीने पुस्तक देताना केलेल्या सूचना लेखकाला अपमानकारक वाटल्या नाहीत, कारण……….
उत्तर :
लेखक हा ग्रंथप्रेमी वाचकाप्रमाणे पुस्तकांवर मनापासून प्रेम करणारा आहे. त्यामुळे पुस्तकांची हेळसांड करणारे, पुस्तकांकडे व्यवहारी दृष्टीने पाहणारे लोक यांच्याविषयी लेखकालाही चीड आहे. तोही ग्रंथप्रेमी वाचकाप्रमाणे गंथांना आपल्या कपाटात जिवापाड जपून ठेवतो. म्हणून ग्रंथप्रेमीने पुस्तक देताना केलेल्या सूचना लेखकाला अपमानकारक वाटल्या नाहीत.

प्रश्न आ.
प्रत्यक्ष परमेश्वर आला तरी त्याला पुस्तक दयायचं नाही असा पुस्तकप्रेमीने निश्चय केला कारण …
उत्तर :
पुस्तक प्रेमीने अतिशय प्रेमाने, जिवापाड जपलेली दोन कवितेची पुस्तकं एका कवीला वाचण्यासाठी दिली. पण पंधरा दिवस झाले तरी त्याने ती पुस्तके परत केली नाहीत. उलट मी ती पुस्तके नेलीच नाहीत. असा कांगावा त्याने केला. या कटू अनुभवामुळे प्रत्यक्ष परमेश्वर आला तरी त्याला पुस्तक दयायचं नाही असा निश्चय पुस्तकप्रेमीने केला.

प्रश्न इ.
रसिकतेचा आणि वयाचा संबंध जोडणं हेच अरसिकपणाचं आहेट कारण…..
उत्तर :
रसिकता ही एक वृत्ती आहे. त्यामुळे तिचं अस्तित्व हे वयावर नव्हे तर मनावर अवलंबून असते. कलात्मक-आशयामधून साहित्य आपल्याला समृद्ध करतं. आपल्या जाणिवा त्यामुळे विस्तारतात, वैचारिक क्षमता वाढतात. रसमय पुस्तकांमुळे चित्तवृत्ती प्रसन्न होतात. या सर्व भावनेचा अनुभव घेऊन आपली रसिकवृत्ती अधिक बहरते. पुस्तके माणसाला कलात्मक आनंद देतात. माणसाच्या मनाला ताजेतवाने करतात. हा अनुभव कोणत्याही वयात घेता येतो. कारण वाचन संस्कृती ही कालातीत आहे. तिला वेळ-काळ-स्थळ-वय यांचे बंधन नाही म्हणूनच रसिकतेचा आणि वयाचा संबंध जोडणं हेच अरसिक आहे.

इ. कृती करा.

प्रश्न 1.
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उत्तर :
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प्रश्न 2.
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उत्तर :
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2. अर्थ स्पष्ट करा.

प्रश्न अ.
दुधाने तोंड पोळल्याने ताक कुंकून पिणे
उत्तर :
दुधाने तोंड पोळल्याने ताक कुंकून पिणे – एका वाईट अनुभवामुळे दुसऱ्या तशाच प्रकारच्या अनुभवाला सामोरे जाताना, प्रत्येक बाबतीत सावधगिरी बाळगणे.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं

प्रश्न आ.
पुस्तकाला माहेरी आल्यासारखं वाटणे .
उत्तर :
पुस्तकाला माहेरी आल्यासारखं वाटणे – आईच्या घरी आल्यासारखे वाटणे.

3. व्याकरण :

अ. सूचनेनुसार सोडवा.

प्रश्न 1.
‘चवदार’ सारखे शब्द लिहा. …………… ………… …………….. …………..
उत्तर :
धारदार, फौजदार, डौलदार, लज्जतदार

प्रश्न 2.
जसे विफलताचे वैफल्य, तसे –
अ. सफलता → ……….
आ. कुशलता → ……….
इ. निपुणता → ……….
उत्तर :
अ. सफलता → साफल्य
आ. कुशलता → कौशल्य
इ. निपुणता → नैपुण्य

आ. शब्दाच्या शेवटी ‘क’ असलेले चार शब्द लिहा. उदा. ‘उत्तेजक’

प्रश्न आ.
शब्दाच्या शेवटी ‘क’ असलेले चार शब्द लिहा. उदा. ‘उत्तेजक’
……… ……….. ……… ……….. ………..
प्रोत्साहक, मारक, प्रायोजक, आयोजक, समन्वयक

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं

इ. या शब्दगटातील विशेषणे ओळखा.

प्रश्न 1.
या शब्दगटातील विशेषणे ओळखा.
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4. स्वमत :

प्रश्न अ.
वैचारिक साहित्यातून मिळणारे वैशिष्ट्यपूर्ण अनुभव स्वभाषेत लिहा.
‘अशी पुस्तकं’ या पाठाद्वारे लेखक डॉ. निर्मलकुमार फडकुले यांनी माणसाच्या जडणघडणीत पुस्तकांची भूमिका महत्त्वपूर्ण असते असे सांगितले आहे. पुस्तकांचे महत्त्व वर्णन करताना वैचारिक साहित्य हे मानवी मनाला नेहमी प्रेरणा देते असा व्यापक दृष्टिकोन लेखकाने येथे व्यक्त केला आहे. वैचारिक साहित्यातून मिळणारे अनुभव हे वैशिष्ट्यपूर्ण आणि प्रेरणादायी असतात. माणसाला जगण्याचे बळ देतात. मानवी जीवन आनंदी व अर्थपूर्ण कसं असावं हे पुस्तकं सांगतात.

वैचारिक साहित्याद्वारे विविध मूल्यांची शिकवण माणसाला मिळते. माणुसकी, न्याय, प्रतिकूल परिस्थितीवर मात करण्याची वृत्ती, समता, बंधुता, सहृदयता अशा विविध मूल्यांची शिकवण वैचारिक साहित्यामुळे माणसाला मिळते. माणसाचे मन व्यापक व उदार बनवण्यात वैचारिक साहित्याचा फार मोठा वाटा असतो, वैचारिक साहित्य हे प्रबोधनपर व मार्गदर्शनपर असते. वैचारिक साहित्यामुळे विचारांची पायाभरणी मजबूत होते. एकूणच मानवी जीवन अर्थपूर्ण, समृद्ध करण्यास वैचारिक साहित्य सहकार्य करते.

प्रश्न आ.
पुस्तकांविषयीचा लेखकाचा दृष्टिकोन तुमच्या शब्दांत लिहा.
उत्तर :
‘अशी पुस्तक’ या पाठातून डॉ. निर्मलकुमार फडकुले यांनी माणसाच्या जडणघडणीत पुस्तकांची भूमिका महत्त्वपूर्ण आहे असे सांगितले आहे. पुस्तक वाचनाचा व्यापक दृष्टिकोन लेखकाने व्यक्त केला आहे. पुस्तके ही माणसाची जगण्याची हिंमत वाढवतात. प्रेरणा देतात. पुस्तके ही मानवी जीवन आनंदी व अर्थपूर्ण करतात.

जगातील सर्वांत सुंदर वस्तू म्हणजे पुस्तक असा व्यापक दृष्टिकोन लेखकाचा आहे. आपल्याजवळ जे काही चांगलं आहे ते सगळं देण्याची वृत्ती पुस्तकांची असते. पुस्तके माणसाला भरभरून प्रेम देतात. लेखकाची पुस्तकांवर आत्यंतिक निष्ठा आहे. लेखकाच्या मते पुस्तके ही माणसाला जन्मभर भावनिक सोबत करतात, मनाला धीर देतात. जीवनाला नवचैतन्य देतात.

लेखकाच्या मते कोणतेही साहित्य हे नवे जुने नसते. पुस्तके ही नेहमी मनाला मंत्रमुग्ध करणारी, हसवणारी, रडवणारी, अंतरंगाला भिडणारी असतात, जगण्याचा अर्थ पुस्तकं सांगतात. एकूणच पुस्तकांचे महत्त्व वर्णन करताना पुस्तकांविषयीचा व्यापक दृष्टिकोन लेखकाने व्यक्त केला आहे.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं

प्रश्न इ.
हेमिंग्वेचा जीवनविषयक दृष्टिकोन तुमच्या शब्दांत स्पष्ट करा.
उत्तर :
क्रूर नियती व दुर्बल परंतु महत्त्वाकांक्षी माणूस यांच्यामध्ये कधीही न संपणारे युद्ध वर्षानुवर्षे चालत आलेले आहे. जीवन एक संघर्ष आहे. नियती क्रूर आहे असं आपण अनेकवेळा म्हणतो ते अगदी खरं आहे. आज जगण्या-मरण्याचा खेळ अखंड चाललेला आहे. स्पर्धा प्रचंड वाढलेली आहे. मरणाच्या, संकटाच्या जाळ्यात आपण सापडायचं नाही. नियतीनं जाळ टाकलं तरी ते आपण तोडून, फेकून दयायचं आणि जीवनाच्या अथांग सागरात स्वैर संचार करायचा.

परिस्थितीशी झुंज देत आयुष्याचा आनंदाने उपभोग घ्यायचा असं प्रत्येकाला वाटतं पण घडतं वेगळंच, कारण निष्ठुर नियती आड येते. पण निष्ठुर नियती त्याला हुलकावण्या देत असली तरी, त्याच्या मार्गात अनेक संकटे, अडचणी निर्माण करत असली तरी एक क्षण असा येणार आहे की, दुर्बल वाटणारा माणूस नियतीचा पराभव करून विजयाच्या दिशेने घोडदौड करणार आहे. कारण दुर्दम्य विश्वास, आशा व संघर्ष करण्याची तयारी यांच्या बळावर माणूस नियतीशी कायमच लढत आला आहे.

अभिव्यक्ती :

प्रश्न अ.
उत्तम साहित्यकृती आपल्याला जन्मभर भावनिक सोबत करतात. हे विधान सोदाहरण स्पष्ट करा.
उत्तर :
‘अशी पुस्तकं’ या पाठातून लेखक डॉ.निर्मलकुमार फडकुले यांनी माणसाच्या जडणघडणीत पुस्तकांची भूमिका महत्त्वपूर्ण असुन उत्तम साहित्यकृती आपल्याला जन्मभर भावनिक सोबत करतात. अशी व्यापक भूमिका मांडली आहे. महात्मा गांधीजींची आत्मकथा, व्हिक्टर ह्यूगो आणि मून्शी प्रेमचंदांची कादंबरी, रवींद्रनाथ टागोरांची ‘गार्डनर’ व ‘गीतांजली’, शेक्सपिअरची नाटकं ‘संत तुकारामांचे अभंग’, ‘संस्कृत महाकवी’ कालिदासाचे मेघदूत, टॉलस्टॉपची ‘अॅना करनिना,’ जी.ए. कुलकर्णी यांच्या कथा, हेमिंग्वेचं ‘द ओल्ड मॅन अँड द सी’ अशा विविध प्रकारांच्या रसमय साहित्याशी माणसाचे नाते जोडले जाते. उत्तम साहित्य वाचनाने माणसांचा एकाकीपणा दूर होतो.

पुस्तकांच्या जगात शिरले की मनावरचे मळभ दूर होते. आयुष्यात आलेल्या दुःखमय प्रसंगात दुःखी, निराश विचार दूर करण्याचे तसेच मनातील अंधार दूर करून चैतन्य निर्माण करण्याचे काम पुस्तके करतात. पु.ल.देशपांडे यांच्या अनेक पुस्तकांनी वाचकांच्या मनावरील ताणतणाव कमी करून दुःख विसरायला लावून आपले आयुष्य हसरे केले आहे.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं

प्रश्न आ.
निष्ठावंत वाचक आता दुर्मिळ झाले आहेत. हे विधान स्पष्ट करा.
उत्तर :
‘अशी पुस्तकं’ या पाठाद्वारे डॉ.निर्मलकुमार फडकुले यांनी पुस्तकांचे महत्त्व वर्णन करण्याबरोबर पुस्तक वाचनाचा व्यापक दृष्टिकोनही सांगितला आहे. लेखकाच्या मते जगातील सर्वात सुंदर वस्तू म्हणजे पुस्तकांवर आत्यंतिक प्रेम करणारी माणसं या जगात आहेत. पुस्तकांवर उदंड प्रेम करणारी माणसं दुसऱ्याला पुस्तकं देताना चिंतीत होतात.

पुस्तकांची हेळसांड करणारी, पुस्तकांकडे व्यवहारी दृष्टीने पाहणाऱ्या माणसांचा पुस्तकप्रेमी लोकांना राग येतो, पुस्तकप्रेमी माणसे पुस्तकांवर आपल्या अपत्याप्रमाणे (मुलांप्रमाणे) प्रेम करतात. अशा पुस्तक प्रेमी लोकांना वाचायला भरपूर ग्रंथ असले तर त्यांना जन्मठेपेची शिक्षासुद्धा आनंदमय वाटते, पुस्तकं नसतील तर राजवाडासुद्धा स्मशानासारखा वाटतो. अनेक प्रसिद्ध लेखकांची नावेही आजच्या तरुण पिढीला माहीत नाहीत. एकूणच पुस्तकांवर स्वतःच्या जीवापेक्षा उदंड प्रेम करणारे पुस्तकांवर निष्ठा, श्रद्धा असणारे वाचक आता फारच कमी होत चालले आहेत अशी खंत लेखकाने व्यक्त केली आहे.


शब्दसंपत्ती :

पुढील शब्दसमूहासाठी एक शब्द लिहा.

प्रश्न अ.
पंधरा दिवसांनी प्रकाशित होणारे : ………..

प्रश्न आ.
ज्याला एकही शत्रू नाही असा : ………

प्रश्न इ.
मंदिराचा आतील भाग : ……….

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं

प्रश्न ई.
गुडघ्यापर्यंत हात लांब असणारा : ………….

प्रश्न उ.
केलेले उपकार न जाणणारा : ……….


प्रश्न 1.
जी. ए. कुलकर्णी, भा. द. खेर, दुर्गा भागवत, व्यंकटेश माडगूळकर या साहित्यिकांची माहिती व यासंबंधीचे संदर्भसाहित्य वाङ्मय कोशातून शोधून लिहा.

11th Marathi Book Answers Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं Additional Important Questions and Answers

खालील पठित गदय उताऱ्याच्या आधारे दिलेल्या सुचनेनुसार कृती करा.

खालील कृती सोडवा.

प्रश्न 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं 8
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प्रश्न 2.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं 10
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं 11

प्रश्न 3.
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चौकट पूर्ण करा.

प्रश्न 1.
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परिणाम लिहा.

प्रश्न 1
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उत्तर :
पुस्तकांना स्पर्श केला की आपले अंत:करण विचारांनी आणि भावनांनी ओसंडून जाते.

उपयोजित कृती

खालील पठित गदध उताऱ्याच्या आधारे दिलेल्या सुचनेनुसार कृती करा.

प्रश्न अ.
‘काळजीपूर्वक’ या शब्दापासून चार शब्द तयार करा.
उत्तर :

  • काळ
  • पूर्व
  • कळ
  • काक

प्रश्न आ.
‘अंतरंग’ या शब्दापासून चार शब्द तयार करा.
उत्तर :

  • अंत
  • रंग
  • तरंग
  • गत

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं

प्रश्न इ.
‘विश्वासघातकी’ या शब्दापासून चार शब्द तयार करा.
उत्तर :

  • विश्वास
  • श्वास
  • घात
  • घास

खालील वाक्यातील विशेषण ओळखा.

प्रश्न 1.
आत्यंतिक प्रेम करणारी माणस मी पाहिली आहेत.
उत्तर :

खालील शब्दासाठी योग्य समानार्थी शब्दांचा पर्याय निवडा.

प्रश्न 1.
वैर – शत्रुत्व, क्रूर, अपमान, विरस
उत्तर :

गटात न बसणारा शब्द ओळखा.

प्रश्न 1.
अंतरंग, मन, चित्त, अर्थ
उत्तर :

प्रश्न 2.
विस्मृती, विसर, विस्मरण, स्मरण
उत्तर :

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं

स्वमत :

प्रश्न 1.
माणसाच्या जडणघडणीत असलेल्या पुस्तकाची भूमिका तुमच्या शब्दात व्यक्त करा.
उत्तर :
‘वाचाल तर वाचाल’ ही उक्ती जुनी असली तरी त्या उक्तीचे महत्त्व आताच्या जमान्यातही तसूभर कमी झालेले नाही. कारण माणसाचा सर्वागीण विकास होण्यासाठी पुस्तकांचे महत्व अनन्यसाधारण आहे. वाचनाची आवड लहानपणीच मुलांमध्ये रुजवली तर मुलांमध्ये वाचनाची गोडी निर्माण होते. त्यांची विचारप्रवृत्ती वाढते. आकलन व स्मरणशक्ती दोन्हीचा विकास होतो.

आत्मविश्वास वाढतो. जिद्दीने काम करण्याची नवी प्रेरणा मिळते. वाचनाचा छंद जोपासल्याने आपल्याला मानसिक समाधान मिळते. पुस्तकातील समृद्ध विचार आपल्याला जीवनाकडे सकारात्मकतेने बघण्याची दृष्टी देतात, किमान साक्षरता समाजात नसेल तर जनजागृतीचा प्रयत्न फसतो. ज्या समाजात निरक्षर व्यक्ती अधिक असतात त्या समाजात गुन्हेगारी, दंगली वाढीस लागतात. वाचनकौशल्यात मागे असणारे लोक बऱ्याच वेळा बेकार राहतात व गुन्हेगारी प्रवृत्तीकडे वळतात.

लोकशाहीच्या यशस्वीतेसाठी वाचन-लेखन इ.गोष्टी नागरिकांना येणे फार गरजेचे आहे. वाचन दुर्बलता किशोरवयीन मुलांच्या विकासावर परिणाम करते. वाचनाअभावी भावनिक दुर्बलता निर्माण होते. अशी बालके ‘माणूस’ म्हणून संवेदनशीलता वाचनाअभावी हरवून बसतात. थोडक्यात पुस्तके वाचण्याचे व्यक्तिगत व सामाजिक असे दोन्ही फायदे आहेत. उत्तम प्रशासक, उत्तम शिक्षक, कार्यक्षम, सुसंस्कारीत भावी पिढी ही वाचनातूनच तयार होते.

संवेदनशील मनाच्या वाढीसाठी हे विचार कारणीभूत ठरतात, त्यामुळे इतरांचा आपण माणूस म्हणून विचार करायला लागतो, चांगले संस्कार होण्यासाठी, समाजाबाबत आपली काही कर्तव्ये आहेत याचे भान येण्यासाठी पुस्तकांची भूमिका मोलाची ठरते, माणुसकी, समता, न्याय, बंधुत्व, सहृदयता या मूल्यांची शिकवण आपल्याला पस्तकामुळे मिळते. कोणत्याही क्षेत्रामध्ये यश मिळवण्यासाठी वाचन करून नवीन ज्ञान व माहिती आत्मसात करणे गरजेचे आहे. अशा त-हेने माणसाच्या जडाघडणीत पुस्तकांचे योगदान महत्त्वपूर्ण आहे.

सुखदुःखाच्या प्रसंगी पुस्तकांमुळे आपल्या मनावरील ताण कमी होतो. पुस्तके जगण्याची हिंमत वाढवितात.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं

प्रश्न 2.
‘माझी पुस्तक हीच माझी अपत्यं’ हे विधान स्पष्ट करा.
उत्तर :
डॉ. निर्मलकुमार फडकुले यांनी माणसांच्या जडणघडणीत पुस्तकांची महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका असते हे सांगितले आहे. पुस्तके ही माणसाला जन्मभर सोबत करतात. एका ग्रंथप्रेमी वाचकाने ‘माझी पुस्तकं हीच माझी अपत्यं आहेत’ अशी प्रतिक्रिया लेखकाजवळ व्यक्त केली. ग्रंथप्रेमीचे पुस्तकांवर अतिशय प्रेम होते. आपल्याकडे असणाऱ्या पुस्तकांना त्याने जिवापाड सांभाळले होते. आपण आपल्या अपत्यावर जिवापाड प्रेम करतो. त्यांचा सांभाळ करतो.

त्याला काही दुखल-खुपलं तर आपण व्याकुळ होतो तसेच ग्रंथप्रेमी वाचक आपले जिवापाड जपून ठेवलेले पुस्तक लेखकाला देताना व्याकुळ झाला होता. लेखकाला पुस्तक देण्याआधी ग्रंथप्रेमीने अनेक सूचना केल्या. पुस्तक काळजीपूर्वक वापरा, त्याची पाने दुमडू नका, पुस्तकावरचं कव्हर काढू नका. पुस्तकांशी निर्दयी चाळा करू नका. अशा अनेक सूचना केल्या. कारण त्याचं त्याच्या पुस्तकांवर मुलांप्रमाणेच प्रेम होतं. या आधी एका व्यक्तीला दिलेलं पुस्तक त्यांच्याकडे परत आले नव्हते. प्रत्येक व्यक्तीला आपली मुले म्हणजे सर्वस्व असते त्याना कोणताही त्रास होऊ नये म्हणून तो खूप काळजी घेत असतो.

तेवढेच प्रेम ग्रंथप्रेमीचे पुस्तकांवर होते. आपली मुले आपल्याबरोबर असली की आपण नेहमीच आनंदी असतो आणि ती आपल्या सोबत नसतील तर आपले कोठल्याही गोष्टीत लक्ष लागत नाही. तेवढ्याच उत्कटतेने ग्रंथप्रेमी आपल्या पुस्तकांशी आपुलकीने वागतो म्हणून तो म्हणतो माझी पुस्तकं हीच माझी अपत्यं.

स्वाध्यायासाठी कृती

  • तुमच्या व्यक्तिमत्वावर प्रभाव टाकणाऱ्या पुस्तकाविषयी तुमचे मत मांडा.
  • ‘वाचाल तर वाचाल’ याविषयी तुमचे विचार व्यक्त करा.
  • ‘जगातील सौंदर्यपूर्ण वस्तू म्हणजे पुस्तक’ यातील व्यापक दृष्टिकोन तुमच्या शब्दात व्यक्त करा.
  • तुम्हाला आवडलेल्या एखादया पुस्तकाविषयी 10 ते 12 ओळीत माहिती लिहा.

अशी पुस्तकं Summary in Marathi

प्रस्तावना :

मराठी संत साहित्याचे अभ्यासक, समीक्षक, संपादक व वक्ते म्हणून डॉ. निर्मलकुमार फडके प्रसिद्ध आहेत. ललित लेखन आणि संतसाहित्याच्या लेखनाबरोबरच त्यांची ‘आस्वाद समीक्षा’ साहित्य जगतात कौतुकास पात्र ठरली होती. त्यांनी लिहिलेली अनेक स्वतंत्र व संपादित पुस्तके प्रसिद्ध आहेत. ‘कल्लोळ अमृताचे’, ‘चिंतनाच्या वाटा’, ‘प्रिय आणि अप्रिय’, ‘सुखाचा परिमळ’ अशी ही विविध साहित्यसंपदा आहे.

‘संतकवी तुकाराम : एक चिंतन’, ‘संत चोखामेळा आणि समकालीन संतांच्या रचना’, ‘संतांचिया भेटी’, ‘संत वीणेचा झंकार’, ‘संत तुकारामांचा जीवनविचार’ ही संत साहित्याचा अभ्यास मांडणारी पुस्तके तसेच ‘समाजपरिवर्तनाची चळवळ : काल आणि आज’, ‘साहित्यातील प्रकाशधारा’ हे लेखसंग आहेत. डॉ. निर्मलकुमार फडकुले यांचा संतसाहित्य हा विशेष आस्थेचा विषय होता.

‘प्रबोधनातील पाऊलखुणा’ आणि ‘निवडक लोकहितवादी’ या संपादित पुस्तकातून एकोणिसाव्या शतकातील सुधारणाविषयक चळवळीसंबंधीचा त्यांचा व्यासंग दिसून येतो. या त्यांच्या साहित्य सेवेबद्दल ‘भैरू रतन दमाणी’ या साहित्य पुरस्काराने त्यांना सन्मानित केले आहे. तसेच नाशिक येथे झालेल्या अस्मितादर्श साहित्य संमेलनाचे ते अध्यक्ष होते. गंभीरता, अंतर्मुखता, चिंतनशीलता हे त्यांच्या साहित्याचे लेखनविशेष आहेत.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं

पाठाचा परिचय :

माणसाच्या जडणघडणीत असलेली पुस्तकांची भूमिका प्रस्तुत पाठात मांडली आहे. पुस्तकांचे महत्त्व वर्णन करताना पुस्तक वाचनाचा व्यापक दृष्टिकोन लेखकाने व्यक्त केला आहे. जन्मभर भावनिक सोबत करणारी पुस्तके ही जगण्याची हिंमत वाढवून प्रेरणा देतात. पुस्तके ही मानवी जीवन आनंदी व अर्थपूर्ण करतात, हा विचार व्यक्त करताना लेखकाने ‘जगातील सौंदर्यपूर्ण वस्तू म्हणजे पुस्तक हा व्यापक दृष्टिकोन मांडला आहे.

पुस्तकं आपल्याला जगण्याची हिंमत देतात, पुस्तकं जगण्याचा अर्थ सांगतात. जगण्याला एक सुवासिक स्पर्श देतात. पुस्तके आपल्या व्यक्तिमत्त्वाला आकार देतात. आपल्याला जी पुस्तके विशेषत्वाने आवडतात ती हृदयाच्या कण्यात जपून ठेवायला हवी. मनाची सुदृढ आणि सशक्त वाढ होण्यासाठी पुस्तके वाचावीत. आपल्या जीवनप्रवासात पुस्तकं एक मार्गदर्शक म्हणून उभी राहतात. ग्रंथ हे गुरु आहेत हा विचार या पाठात अधोरेखित झाला आहे.

पुस्तकं आपल्याला झपाटून टाकतात, अंत:करणात भावनांची प्रचंड खळबळ उडवून देण्याची त्यांच्यात शक्ती असते. अशी पुस्तके कधी विसरता येत नाहीत. दीर्घकाळ टिकणाऱ्या सुगंधाप्रमाणे ती पुस्तकं मनात दरवळत राहतात. उत्तम साहित्यकृतीचं वाचन करत राहणं यासारखं दुसरं उत्तेजक आणि आनंददायी काहीही नाही. यावरून लेखकांचे ग्रंथप्रेम दिसून येते.

लेखकांने एकदा एका ग्रंथप्रेमी वाचकाकडून एक पुस्तक आणले होते. ते पुस्तक देताना या ग्रंथप्रेमीने लेखकाला “अतिशय काळजीपूर्वक वापरा, दुसयांच्या हाती देऊ नका, पुस्तकाची पानं मुडपू नका, कोणताही मजकूर पेन्सिलीनं किंवा शाईनं अधोरेखित करू नका, बरचं कव्हर काढू नका, तिसऱ्या दिवशी कटाक्षानं पुस्तक परत करा.” अशा सूचना दिल्या. त्या सूचना लेखकाला अपमानकारक वाटल्या नाहीत कारण त्या अटी खरोखरच अत्यंत सयुक्तिक होत्या, कारण ग्रंथप्रेमी व्यक्ती पुस्तकाला स्वत:ची अपत्ये समजतात. उत्तम साहित्यकृती आपल्याला जन्मभर भावनिक सोबत करतात. मनाला धीर देतात. जीर्ण होत चाललेल्या जीवनशक्तीला चैतन्य प्राप्त करून देतात. मनातल्या अंधाराला स्वप्नं दाखवून मनाला ताजे आणि टवटवीत करतात.

उदा. ‘मेघदूत-कालिदास’, ‘टॉलस्टॉयची अॅना कॅरेनिना’ ही कादंबरी, गांधीजींचे आत्मचरित्र, व्हिक्टर ह्यूगोची आणि मुन्शी प्रेमचंदांची कादंबरी, रवींद्रनाथ टागोरांची ‘गार्डनर’ व ‘गीतांजली’, शेक्सपिअरची नाटकं, संत ज्ञानेश्वर, संत तुकारामांचे अभंग इत्यादी, अर्नेस्ट हेमिंग्वे यांच्या ‘द ओल्ड मॅन अण्ड द सी’ कादंबरीतील एक म्हातारा कोळी देवमाशाची शिकार करण्यासाठी अथांग सागरात पोटात अन्नाचा कण नसताना आपली होडी ढकलतो, देवमाशाला जिंकण्याचे धाडस ठेवून हा काटक म्हातारा होडी वल्हवत कित्येक मैल सागराच्या आत जातो.

त्याच्यात लाटांबरोबर झुजण्याची जिद्द, कणखर आशावाद, आकांक्षा, हटवादी मन, विजयोन्माद असतो. या कादंबरीतून निष्ठुर नियती त्याला हुलकावण्या देत असली तरी एक क्षण असा येणार आहे, की दुर्बल वाटणारा माणूस नियतीला पराभूत करून विजय प्राप्त करणार आहे असे हेमिंग्वेला सुचवायचं आहे. ललित आणि वैचारिक साहित्यातून मिळणारे अनुभव वैशिष्ट्यपूर्ण असून त्यातून नव्या प्रेरणा वाचकाला मिळतात.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं

समानार्थी शब्द / पर्यायी शब्द :

  1. उत्तेजक – हुरूप आणणारे, प्रोत्साहक – (stimulant)
  2. कोळी – मासेमारी करून निर्वाह करणारा – (a fisherman)
  3. वज़ – इंद्राचे आयुध – (thunderbolt)
  4. विमनस्क – उद्विग्न, खिन्न, गोंधळलेला – (depressed)
  5. प्रेरणा – स्फूर्ती – (inspiration)
  6. विजय – यश – ( victory)
  7. मूर्खहस्ते न दातव्यम एवं वदति पुस्तकम् – पुस्तक म्हणते मला मुर्खाच्या हाती देऊ नका
  8. साहित्य – ग्रंथसंपदा – (literature)
  9. तेज – प्रकाश – (light)
  10. प्रारब्ध / नियती – नशीब – (destiny)
  11. होडी – नाव – (boat)
  12. अपत्य – मुले – (an offspring, child)
  13. माणुसकी – मानवता – (huminity)
  14. शिकार – पारध – (hunt)
  15. किमया – जादू – (magic)
  16. बंडखोर – क्रांतिकारी – (rehel)

वाक्प्रचार व त्यांचे अर्थ :

  1. दुधाने तोंड पोळल्यामुळे ताक कुंकून पिणे – एका वाईट अनुभवामुळे दुसऱ्या तशाच प्रकारच्या अनुभवाला सामोरे जाताना, प्रत्येक बाबतीत सावधगिरी बाळगणे.
  2. खिळवून ठेवणे – मन गुंतवून ठेवणे.
  3. आरोळी ठोकणे – मोठ्याने हाक मारणे.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3 अशी पुस्तकं

टिपा :

  1. शेक्सपिअर – सुप्रसिद्ध इंग्रजी कवी, नाटककार, मॅकवेध, किंग लियर ही त्यांची प्रसिद्ध नाटके.
  2. अर्नेस्ट हेमिंग्वे – अमेरिकन साहित्यिक.
  3. व्हिक्टर हयूगो – फ्रेंच कवी, लेखक व नाटककार,
  4. मुन्शी प्रेमचंद – थोर हिंदी कथाकार व कादंबरीकार.
  5. लिओ टॉलस्टॉय – रशियन लेखक.
  6. कवी कालिदास – संस्कृत महाकवी यांची मेघदूत व शाकुंतल नाटके प्रसिद्ध.
  7. जी.ए. कुलकर्णी – एक आधुनिक श्रेष्ठ कथालेखक.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Marathi Yuvakbharati 11th Digest Chapter 2 प्राणसई Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई

11th Marathi Digest Chapter 2 प्राणसई Textbook Questions and Answers


1. अ. चौकटी पूर्ण करा.

प्रश्न 1.

  1. कवयित्रीने जिला विनंती केली ती – [ ]
  2. कडाडत्या उन्हाला दिलेली उपमा – [ ]
  3. कवयित्रीच्या मैत्रिणीला सांगावा पोहोचवणारी – [ ]
  4. शेतात रमणारी व्यक्ती – [ ]

उत्तर :

  1. कवयित्रीने जिला विनंती केली ती – प्राणसई
  2. कडाडत्या उन्हाला दिलेली उपमा – राक्षसी
  3. कवयित्रीच्या मैत्रिणीला सांगावा पोहोचवणारी – पाखरे.
  4. शेतात रमणारी व्यक्ती – सखा.

आ. कारणे लिहा :

प्रश्न 1.
बैलांचे मालक बेचैन झाले आहेत;
उत्तर :
बैलांचे मालक बेचैन झाले आहेत; कारण पावसाअभावी बैल ठाणबंद झाले आहेत.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई

प्रश्न 2.
बाळांची तोंडे कोमेजली;
उत्तर :
बाळांची तोंडे कोमेजली; कारण त्यांच्या तोंडाला उन्हाच्या झळा लागत आहेत.

इ. कृती करा.

प्रश्न 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई 1
उत्तर :
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई 2

2. अ. खालील काव्यपंक्तींचा अर्थ स्पष्ट करा.

प्रश्न 1.
विहिरीच्या तळीं खोल दिसू लागलें ग भिंग :
उत्तर :
कडाक्याच्या उन्हामुळे भूमी करपून गेली, नदया, विहिरीदेखील आटून गेल्या. विहिरीच्या तळाला अगदी कमी पाणी राहिल्यामुळे ते अगदी भिंगासारखे दिसू लागले आहे. भिंगाचा वापर केल्यावर कोणतीही छोटी गोष्ट मोठी दिसू लागते. इथे पाणी विहिरीच्या तळाशी गेले यावरून पाण्याची समस्या किती मोठं रूप धारण करणार आहे याची जाणीव कवयित्री व्यक्त करते.

प्रश्न 2.
ये ग दौडत धावत आधी माझ्या शेतावर
उत्तर :
पाऊस न आल्यामुळे सगळं वातावरण बिघडून गेले आहे. वातावरण तप्त झालेले आहे, म्हणून कवयित्री आपल्या प्राणसईला मैत्रीखातर बोलावत आहे. या प्राणसईने दौडत धावत आपल्या शेतावर यावं असं वाटतं. शेतात धान्याची बीज पेरलेली आहेत त्यांना वेळेवर पाणी मिळालं नाही तर ती सुकून जातील, शेतातील पिकावरच अवघं जग जगत असते. म्हणून कवयित्री आपल्या शेतावर येण्याचं निमंत्रण पावसाच्या सरींना देते.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई

प्रश्न 3.
तशी झुलत झुलत ये ग माझिया घराशीं:
प्राणसई असलेल्या पावसाच्या सरींनी भूमीवरच्या सर्वांना भेटायला यावे असे कवयित्रीला वाटते. ती यावी याकरता ती पाखरांसवे प्राणसई पावसाला निरोप पाठवत आहे. त्या पावसाच्या सरींनी गार वाऱ्यासवे झुलत झुलत आपल्या समवेत यावे असे कवयित्रीला वाटते. त्या पावसाच्या सरींनी आपले घरही चिंब भिजावे असं मनोमन तिला वाटते.

आ. खालील तक्त्यात सुचवल्याप्रमाणे कवितेच्या ओळी लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई 3
उत्तर :

प्राणसईला कवयित्री विनंती करते त्या ओळी प्राणसई न आल्याने कवयित्रीच्या अस्वस्थ मनाचे वर्णन करणाऱ्या ओळी प्राणसई हीच कवयित्रीची मैत्रीण आहे हे दर्शवणाऱ्या ओळी मालकाच्या स्वप्नपूर्तीसाठी आवाहन करणाऱ्या ओळी
ये गये ग घनावळी मैत्रपणा आठवून …… प्राणसई घनावळ कुठे राहिली गुंतून ? मन लागेना घरांत : कधी येशील तू सांग ? शेला हिरवा पांघरमालकांच्या स्वप्नांवर

3. काव्यसौंदर्य

अ. खालील ओळीतील भावसौंदर्य स्पष्ट करा.

प्रश्न 1.
‘कां ग वाकुडेपणा हा,
कांग अशी पाठमोरी?
वाऱ्यावरून भरारी.
ये ग ये ग प्राणसई’
उत्तर :
कवयित्री इंदिरा संत या पावसाच्या सरींना घनावळींना आपली मैत्रीण मानतात. या मैत्रिणीने आता फार विसावा घेतला. तिच्या भेटीची आतुरता कवयित्रीला लागून राहिली आहे. पण ही हट्टी घनावळी मात्र पाखरांसवे निरोप पाठवून, विनवणी करूनही येत नाही, त्यामुळे कवयित्रीचा जीव कासावीस होतो. शेतात बैल काम करेनासे झाले आहेत, तान्हुल्या बाळांचे चेहरे उन्हाच्या झळांमुळे सुकून गेले आहेत.

नदीचे, विहिरीचे पाणी आटू लागले आहे. अशी जीवघेणी परिस्थिती पाऊस वेळेवर न आल्यामुळे झाली आहे. जर हा पाऊस आपला सखा आहे असं आपण म्हणतो, जर ती सखी आहे असं कवयित्रीला वाटतं तर तिनं फार आढेवेढे न घेता आपल्या सख्यांना भेटायला यायला हवे. तिच्यावर अवधी सृष्टी अवलंबून आहे. त्यांचे प्राण कंठाशी येईपर्यंत तिने वाट पाहू नये. त्यामुळे कवयित्रीला वाटतेय की या प्राणसईने वाकडेपणा सोडावा, राग, रुसवा सोडावा. पाठमोरी होकन राग रुसवा धरून मनं व्याकूळ करण्यापेक्षा वायसवे धावत ये. सगळ्यांना चिंब कर. इतरांना सुख देण्यातच आनंद असतो.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई

प्रश्न 2.
‘शेला हिरवा पांघर
मालकांच्या स्वप्नावर’.
उत्तर :
प्राणसईने या वर्षी भेटीसाठी विलंब केल्यामुळे सगळेचजण हवालदिल झाले आहेत. जमीनही तप्त झाली आहे. शेतकऱ्यांनी आपली कर्तव्ये पूर्ण केली आहेत. कवयित्रीचा सखाही शेतकरी आहे. प्राणसई धावून आली की संपर्ण शेत हिरवेपणाने भरून जाईल. हिरवेपणाचा शेला (शाल) धरतीवर पांघरला जाईल. अवधी सृष्टी चैतन्यमय होईल. तिचं सोबत असणं गरजेचं आहे. मालकाची स्वप्नंही तिच्यावर अवलंबन आहेत. ही घनावळी आली की पिके जोमानं वाढतील. घरीदारी आनंद निर्माण होईल. आपल्या घरात, देशात आपल्या कष्टामुळे आनंद मिळावा हे मालकाचं स्वप्नं पूर्ण होईल.

आ. कवयित्रीने उन्हाळ्याच्या तीव्रतेचे वर्णन करताना योजलेली प्रतीके स्पष्ट करा.

प्रश्न 1.
पीठ कांडते राक्षसी –
उत्तर :
उन्हामुळे सगळीकडे तप्त झालेले वातावरण (राक्षसी) प्रतीक

प्रश्न 2.
बैल झाले ठाणबंदी
उन्हाची तीव्रता अधिक झाल्यामुळे बैलही काम करेनासे झाले. (ठाणबंदी) प्रतीक

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई

प्रश्न 3.
तोंडे कोमेली बाळांची
उन्हाच्या झळांमुळे बाळांची तोंडे कोमेजली आहेत. (कोमेली) प्रतीक,

इ. कवयित्री आणि प्राणसई यांच्यातील नाते जिव्हाळ्याचे आहे, स्पष्ट करा.

प्रश्न 1.
कवयित्री आणि प्राणसई यांच्यातील नाते जिव्हाळ्याचे आहे, स्पष्ट करा.
कवयित्री इंदिरा संत यांची प्राणसई घनावळी आहे म्हणजे पावसाच्या सरी आहेत. ही घनावळी कवयित्रीची प्राणसखीच आहे. तिच्या भेटीसाठी कवयित्री आतुर झालेली आहे. कवयित्रीने अगदी हक्काने तिला भेटण्यासाठी आमंत्रणं पाठवली आहेत. प्राणसई कुठे तरी गुंतून राहिली याबाबत कवयित्री काळजी व्यक्त करते.

पाखरांच्या हाती तिने या घनावळीला निरोप पाठवला आहे. आपला मैत्रपणा आठवून तिनं दौडत यावं असं कवयित्रीला वाटत आहे. ती आल्याशिवाय आपल्याला चैन पडत नाही असंही ती म्हणते. आपल्या या सखीने येऊन शेत, घरं, दारं यांना चिंब भिजवावं असं हक्काने सांगते असा हक्क मैत्रीतच दाखवता येतो. ही सखी आल्यानंतर तिने कितीही आढेवेढे घेतले तरी कवयित्री तिला समजावून सांगणार आहे की तिचे येणे या भूतलावर किती महत्त्वाचे आहे ते. तिच्याशी गप्पा मारून आपल्या सख्याचे कौतुक ती सांगणार आहे.

4. अभिव्यक्ती:

प्रश्न अ.
तुमच्या परिसरातील पावसाळ्यापूर्वीच्या स्थितीचे वर्णन करा.
उत्तर :
मी मुंबईतील एका चाळीत राहतो. मार्च ते मे महिन्याचा कालावधी मुंबईकरांच्या दृष्टीने त्रासदायक असतो. मार्चपासून जो तीव्र उन्हाळा सुरू होतो तो जूनच्या शेवटच्या आठवड्यापर्यंत अनुभवतो. उन्हामुळे जीवाची काहिली होते त्यात वीजपुरवठा मधून मधून जात असतो. काही विभागात तर पाणीपुरवठाही कमी असतो. दोन दिवसाआड पाणी आले की ते पाणी भरण्यासाठी माणसांची झुंबड उडते. घामाच्या धारा इतक्या वाहू लागतात की घरात ए.सी., पंखा लावून शांत बसावं असं वाटतं. याच काळात परीक्षा असतात. विदयाथ्यांचे वीज नसल्यामुळे हाल होतात. इथल्या वातावरणाला कंटाळून गावालाही जातात.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई

प्रश्न आ.
पावसानंतर तुमच्या परिसरात होणाऱ्या बदलाचे वर्णन करा.
उत्तर :
उन्हाळ्यामुळे वैतागून गेलेला जीव पावसाची आतुरतेने वाट पहात असतो. पावसाच्या आधी महानगरपालिकेने साफसफाईची धोरणं आखून काम केलेलं असत, आमच्या विभागात आम्ही नागरिक चाळीची कौलं, घरांची छप्परं यांची दुरुस्ती करून घेतो. पाऊस आल्यानंतर सुखद गारवा सगळीकडे पसरतो, ओलीचिंब झालेली धरणी, त्यावर चढू लागलेली हिरवळ मनाला आनंद देते. जोरजोरात पाऊस पडताना कौलांतून गळणारे पाणी अडवण्यासाठी आमची जाम धावपळ होते. कधीकधी आमच्या विभागात पाणीदेखील साठतं, मग त्यांना मदत करण्यासाठी अख्खी वस्ती पुते येते, गटार, नाले यांचा दुर्गध सर्वत्र पसरतो आणि नंतरचे काही दिवस रोगराईला सामोरं जावं लागतं. मैदाने, रस्ते यांच्यावर फेकलेला कचरा त्यातून निघणारा कुबट वास जीव नकोसा करतो. आधी हवाहवा वाटणारा पाऊस अशावेळी मात्र नकोसा वाटू लागतो.

प्रश्न इ.
पावसानंतर कोणाकोणाला कसाकसा आनंद होतो ते लिहा.
पाऊस म्हणजे आनंद, तृप्ती, मलाही पाऊस आवडतो. पावसानंतर सर्वात जास्त आनंद होत असेल तर कोणाला ? धरित्रीला. हो. पृथ्वीला. आठ महिन्यांच्या विश्रांतीनंतर पृथ्वीलाही त्याला भेटण्याची ओढ लागलेली असते. पावसानंतर सष्टीला चैतन्य प्राप्त है भरभरून वाहू लागतात. त्यामुळे पाण्याचा प्रश्न काही अंशी संपलेला असतो. मुंबईतील तलाव भरले गेले की मुंबईकर आपल्याला वर्षभर पाणी मिळेल- या आशेने आनंदीत होतात. बळीराजा जो सातत्याने कष्ट करत असतो त्याच्या शेतात आता धनधान्य पिकणार असतं. पाऊस हा अशी आनंदाची पर्वणी घेऊन आलेला असतो.

5. रसग्रहण.

प्रश्न 1.
‘प्राणसई’ या कवितेचे रसग्रहण करा.
कवयित्री इंदिरा संत या मराठी साहित्यविश्वातील एक ख्यातनाम ज्येष्ठ कवयित्री आहेत. प्राणसई ही त्यांची कविता पावसाला उद्देशून आहे. उन्हाळ्यामुळे वातावरण तापलेले आहे. राक्षसासारखे ऊन कडाडले आहे. ते अक्षरशः वातावरणाचे पीठच काढते आहे. तीव्र उन्हाळ्याचे चटके कोणालाही सहन होईनासे झाले आहेत हे एका प्रतीकातून इंदिराबाई स्पष्ट करतात ‘पीठ कांडते राक्षसी पीठ कांडते’ हे कष्टमय काम पण ते भरपूर प्रमाणात केले जाते तेव्हा त्याला राक्षसी म्हटले जाते. अशावेळी प्राणसई म्हणजे पाऊस कुठे बरी गुंतून राहिली? असा प्रश्न कवयित्रीला पडतो.

सई म्हणजे सखी हा शब्द योजताना कवयित्रीच्या मनात पाऊस हा सगळ्यांचाच प्राण आहे त्यामुळे कवयित्रीने प्राणसई ही उपमा पावसासाठी उपयोजिली आहे. प्राणसईने भेट दयायला फारच दिरंगाई केली त्यामुळे कवयित्रीने आपल्या सखीला भेटण्याकरता पाखरांसवे बोलावणे पाठवले आहे, या पावसांच्या सरींना ती घनावळी म्हणतेय, व्याकूळ मनाला घनावळीच साद देऊ शकतात. आपल्यातील सख्य, मैत्रपणा आठवून आता या पृथ्वीवर धावत ये, दौडत ये अशी विनवणी कवयित्री करत आहे.

प्राणसखी धनावळी भेटायला येण्याचा काळ ओसरून गेला परंतु ती आली नाही.पाऊस आला की सगळे वातावरण ओले चिंब होते. भाज्या, धान्य यांच्या बी-बियाण्यांच्या आळी जमिनी भाजून करून ठेवल्या आहेत. ती आली की या बियाण्यांमधून रोपे तयार होतील आणि त्याच्या वेली सर्वत्र पसरतील, पावसाळ्यात डासांचा, कीटकांचा त्रास होतो. अशावेळी शेणकुळी जाळल्या जातात.

त्यासाठी घरातील कोपरा रिकामा करून तिथे शेणी ठेवल्या आहेत. तीव्र उन्हाळ्यामुळे बैलही ठाणबंदी झाले आहेत. कामासाठी ते तयार नसल्यामुळे मालकालाही काहीच सुचेनासे झाले आहे. तप्त झालेल्या धरणीतून गरम वाफा येतात त्यामुळे वाराही तप्त झालेला आहे. वरून उन्हें आग ओकत आहेत. याचा परिणाम कोवळ्या जीवावरही होऊ लागला आहे. लहान बाळांचे कोवळे जीव कासावीस झाले आहेत. त्यांचे चेहरे कोमेजून गेले आहेत हे स्पष्ट करताना कवयित्री ‘तोंडे कोमेली बाळांची’ अशी रचना करते.

उन्हाळ्याचे चार महिने संपले की आपसूकच ओढ लागते पावसाची. पण पावसाचे दिवस सुरू झाले असताना पावसाची’ एकही सर आली नाही त्यामुळे व्याकुळलेली कवयित्री आपल्या पाऊस सखीला पृथ्वीवर येण्यासाठी विनवणी करते आहे. ती प्राणसई न आल्यामुळे विहिरीचे पाणीदेखील अगदी तळाशी गेले आहे. ते भिंगासारखे दिसू लागले आहे.

असं कवयित्री म्हणते. भिंग ज्याप्रमाणे सूक्ष्म असलेली गोष्ट मोठी करून दाखवते त्याप्रमाणे हे पाण्याचे भिंगदेखील येणाऱ्या सूक्ष्म संकटाची चाहूल देत आहे असे कवयित्रीला वाटत आहे. हे संकट भीषण रूप धारण करायच्या आगोदर माझ्या घरी, शेतावर तू दौडत ये असं कवयित्री पाऊस धारेला विनवणी करते, तू आलीस की आमच्या या शेतावर हिरवळ येईल, मातीत ओलावा येईल आणि मातीतील बी-बियाण्यांना अंकुर फुटेल. मालकांच्या मनातीलही स्वप्नं पूर्ण होतील.

पावसाच्या सरी वायसवे झुलत-सुलत येतात म्हणून कवयित्री म्हणते की तू वाऱ्यासोबत झुलत झुलत माझ्या घरापाशी ये. माझ्या घराजवळ आलीस की माझी पोरं तुझ्या पावसाच्या सरींना झोंबतील. इथे कवयित्री पावसाच्या धारा-सरी यांना जरीची उपमा देते. सोनेरी जरीमध्ये स्वतःची ताकद असते, ती सहसा तुटत नाही. ती मौल्यवान असते. तसंच ही पावसाची सरही मौल्यवान आहे. तिच्या जरीचा घोळ म्हणजे पावसाचे साठलेले पाणी या पाण्यात कवयित्रीची पोरं खेळतील.

भोपळ्याची, पडवळाची आळी, मालकाने कधीपासून तयार करून ठेवली आहेत. प्राणसईच्या येण्याने ती भिजतील, त्यांना कोंब फुटेल. तू आलीस की तुझ्या जलसाठ्याने त्या विहिरींना पण तुडुंब भर. घरदार संपूर्ण सृष्टी चिंब भिजायला हवी आहे कारण पाण्याविना काहीच चैतन्य नाही. अशी धावत धावत ही प्राणसई आली की कवयित्री तिच्यासोबत खप गप्पा मारणार आहे. तिच्याशी आपल्या सख्याच्या गजगोष्टी सांगणार आहे. त्याचं कौतुक आपल्या मैत्रिणीला सांगताना तिला अभिमान वाटणार आहे.

पावसाच्या या धनावळीने आता वाकडेपणा सोडावा आणि भूतलावर अगदी तीव्रतेने धावत यावं असं कवयित्रीला वाटतं. आमच्या सगळ्यांकडे अशी पाठ करून तू काय साधशील बरं? असा त्रास देण्यापेक्षा प्रेमानं तुझ्या धारांमध्ये भिजवलंस तर सगळेजण आनंदी होतील. च मिळेल, त्यामुळे वाऱ्यावर भरारी मारून अगदी लवकर भेटीयला ये अशा आत्यंतिक जिव्हाळयाने कवयित्री आपल्या सखीला बोलावते.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई


प्रश्न 1.
खालील शब्दांचे समानार्थी शब्द शोधून शब्दमनोरा पूर्ण करा.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई 4
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई 5

11th Marathi Book Answers Chapter 2 प्राणसई Additional Important Questions and Answers

चौकटी पूर्ण करा.

प्रश्न 1.

  1. विहिरीच्या तळी दिसू लागले ते – [ ]
  2. घनावळीने हिचा मैत्रपणा आठवावा – [ ]
  3. प्राणसईने वाऱ्यासोबत असे यावे – [ ]


  1. भिंग
  2. मैत्रिणीचा
  3. भरारी मारून

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई

कारणे लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
पाखरांच्या हाती पावसाला सांगावा धाडला, कारण – ……….
पाखरांच्या हाती पावसाला सांगावा धाडला, कारण पावसाने यायला उशीर केला म्हणून लवकर यावे.

प्रश्न 2.
पडवळा – भोपळ्यांची आळी ठेविली भाजून, कारण – ………
पडवळा – भोपळ्यांची आळी ठेविली भाजून, कारण या भाज्यांची लागवड करावयाची आहे.

कृती करा.

प्रश्न 1.
प्राणसई आल्यावर कवयित्री या गोष्टी करेल – …………..
उत्तर :
प्राणसई आल्यावर कवयित्री या गोष्टी करेल – दारात उभी राहून तिच्याशी आपल्या सख्याबददलच्या गप्पा सांगेल.

प्रश्न 2.
सखा रमला शेतांत त्याचे कौतुक सांगेन:
उत्तर :
पावसाची वाट पाहणं हे शेतकऱ्याच्या पाचवीला पूजलेलं असत. कवयित्रीचा सखा शेतकरी आहे, त्याने काबाडकष्ट करून पेरणी केलेली आहे.
पाऊस न आल्यामुळे तो सुद्धा चिंतेत पडला आहे. शेत, अन्नधान्य, घर हेच त्याचं विश्व आहे. त्यामुळे तो त्यात रमतो, कष्ट करतो. याचं
कौतुक कवयित्रीला आहे. त्यामुळे कवयित्रीला आपल्या सख्याचे कौतुक आपल्या प्राणसईला सांगावेसे वाटत आहे.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई

आकलन कृती :

चौकटी पूर्ण करा.

प्रश्न 1.
मालक बेचैन झाले कारण – [ ]
मालक बेचैन झाले कारण – तीव्र उन्हाळ्यामुळे बैल कामासाठी तयार नाहीत म्हणून

प्रश्न 2.
विहिरीच्या तळाशी भिंग दिसू लागले कारण – [ ]
विहिरीच्या तळाशी भिंग दिसू लागले कारण – पाऊस न आल्याने विहिरीचे पाणीदेखील तळाशी गेले आहे.

जोड्या लावा.

प्रश्न 1.

आळी ठेविली सजवून
शेणी ठेविल्या भाजून

आळी ठेविली – भाजून
शेणी ठेविल्या – रचून

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई

उपयोजित कृती :

खालील पठित पदय पंक्तींच्या आधारे दिलेल्या सुचनेनुसार कृती करा.

खालील शब्दांपासून अर्थपूर्ण शब्द तयार करा.

प्रश्न 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई 8
उत्तर :
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई 9

आकृती पूर्ण करा.

प्रश्न 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई 6
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई 7

प्रश्न 2.
बैलांच्या अगतिक झालेल्या अवस्थेसाठी कवयित्रीने उपयोजिलेला शब्द –
उत्तर :
बैलांच्या अगतिक झालेल्या अवस्थेसाठी कवयित्रीने उपयोजिलेला शब्द – ठाणबंदी

क्रमवारी लावा.

प्रश्न 1.

  1. झाले मालक बेचैन
  2. झळा उन्हाच्या लागून
  3. तोंड कोमेली बाळांची
  4. बैल झाले ठाणबंदी


  1. बैल झाले ठाणबंदी
  2. झाले मालक बेचैन
  3. तोंड कोमेली बाळांची
  4. झळा उन्हाच्या लागून

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई


प्रश्न 1.
‘तोंडे कोमेली बाळांची
झळा उन्हाच्या लागून
या पक्तीतील भावसौंदर्य स्पष्ट करा.
उत्तर :
कवयित्री इंदिरा संत यांच्या प्राणसई कवितेत पावसाच्या आगमनापूर्वीच्या स्थितीचे वर्णन केलेले आहे. उन्हाने तप्त झालेल्या वातावरणाचे परिणाम लहान तान्हुल्या बाळांनाही सोसावे लागत आहे. त्यांच्याही जीवाची काहिली झाली आहे. त्यांची कोवळी तोंडे, कोमेजून गेली आहेत. त्या कोवळ्या चेहऱ्यांचा कोमेजून जाळ्याची उल्लेख करताना कवयित्री कोमेली ही नवीन सौंदर्य प्रतिमा वापरतात त्यामुळे त्या तान्हुल्या बाळांच्या चेहऱ्यावरील कोमल भाव प्रकट होतात.


प्रश्न 1.
पावसाच्या आगमनासाठी तुम्ही कसे आतुर असता?
उत्तर :
पावसाळा हा ऋतू माझा सर्वात आवडीचा ऋतू. पाऊस कधीही यावा आणि त्यात चिंब भिजावे अशी माझी मनस्थिती असते. उन्हाळ्याचे चार महिने सोसल्यावर, त्याची दाहकता अनुभवल्यावर साहजिकच मनाला ओढ लागते ती पावसाची. पहिला पाऊस पडल्यानंतर मातीच्या सुगंधालाही मी आसुसलेला असतो. कॉलेजच्या पहिल्याच दिवशी भरपूर पाऊस पडावा असं खूप वाटत असतं. पावसाळ्यात ट्रेकिंगला जायला मला प्रचंड आवडतं. निसर्गाच्या सानिध्यातील भटकंती मला माझ्यातील खुजेपण शोधायला भाग पडते. निसर्ग भरभरून देतो. आपण केवळ त्याचा आनंद घेतो त्याला काही देत नाही. त्याला वाचवण्याचा प्रयत्न करण्यासाठी पावसाळ्यात मी आणि माझे काही मित्र बागांमध्ये झाडे लावण्याचा उपक्रम करत असतो.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई

प्राणसई Summary in Marathi


कवयित्री इंदिरा संत यांची मराठी साहित्यात विशुद्ध भावकाव्य लिहिणारी कवयित्री अशी ओळख आहे. इंदिराबाई मूळच्या शिक्षिका. बेळगावच्या ट्रेनिंग कॉलेजच्या प्राचार्या होत्या. प्रा. ना, मा. संत यांच्याशी विवाहबद्ध झाल्यावर त्या पुण्यातील फर्ग्युसन महाविद्यालयात शिकवू लागल्या. १९७१ मध्ये त्यांचा शेला हा पहिला काव्यसंग्रह प्रसिद्ध झाला. सोप पण गहिरं असं लेखनाचे स्वरूप इंदिरा संतांचे होते.

‘मेंदी’, ‘मृगजळ’, ‘रंगबावरी’, ‘चित्कळा’, ‘बाहुच्या वंशकुसुम’ ‘गभरेशमी’, ‘निराकार’ असे काव्यसंग्रह त्यांचे प्रसिद्ध झाले. आपल्या मनातील भावनांचा कल्लोळ, प्रेम आर्तता व्यक्त करण्यासाठी निसर्गातील विविध प्रतिमांचा वापर त्या सहजगत्या करताना दिसतात.

‘फुलवेल’ हा त्यांचा ललितलेख संग्रह. मृदगंध यात त्यांनी तरुण भारतसाठी लिहिलेला स्तंभलेख ‘मृदगंध’ या ग्रंथात संग्रहित आहे. लेखांमधून, कवितांमधून इंदिराबाईनी निसर्गाची अनेकविध रूप रेखाटली. सुखद, सुंदर असा निसर्ग इंति

कवितेचा आशय :

उन्हाळ्याचे दिवस संपत आलेले असताना सर्वांच्याच मनाला पावसाची ओढ लागलेली असते. पाऊस येणार या कल्पनेने सर्वच जण आनंदित होत असतात. पाऊस बेभरवशाचा असतो, त्याच्या आगमनाकरता शेतकरी, कष्टकरी, स्त्रिया यांनी तयारी करून ठेवलेली असते. पेरणी झालेली असते. पण भूमीत पेरलेले बियाणे उगवण्यासाठी पावसाचे येणे महत्त्वाचे असते.

या पावसाची वाट पाहताना कवयित्री तिला पृथ्वीवरील परिस्थिती आपल्या कवितेतून कथन करते, तसेच या घनावळीने आपल्या मैत्रीला जपत पृथ्वीवर बरसावे अशी विनंती या कवितेतून व्यक्त करते. पृथ्वीवर उन्हाची दाहकता प्रचंड प्रमाणात जाणवत आहे. एखादी राक्षसी पीठ कांडत राहते आणि त्याचा धुराळा सर्वत्र पसरतो.

तसंच उन्हाची दाहकता तप्तता सर्वत्र पसरली आहे. अशा वेळी कवयित्रीला चिंता वाटत राहते की आपली प्राणसखी प्राणसई आपल्याला भेटायला का बरं येत नाही आहे? ती कुठं वरं गुंतून राहिली आहे ? या घनावळीला आपली चिंता नाही का ? आपल्या जवळ तिनं आता असायला हवं असं कवयित्रीला वाटत राहतं. घनावळी पृथ्वीतलावर यावी याकरता कवयित्री पाखरांच्या हाती सांगावा पाठवून देत आहे की आपला मैत्रपणा आठवून तू धावत ये.

ठीचा काळ असतो. आपल्या घरातल्यांच्या सोयीकरता कवयित्रीनेही आपल्या मालकाप्रमाणे भाज्यांची लागवड केली आहे, भोपळा-पडवळ यांची लागवड करण्यासाठी जमिनीमध्ये आळी तयार करून ठेवली आहेत. त्यात भाज्यांची बियाणे पेरली आहेत. घरात शेणीचा थर रचून ठेवला आहे. पावसाळ्यात त्यांचा धूर करून डास, चिलटे यांना दूर करता येतं म्हणून त्यांचीही रास एका कोनाड्यात ठेवली आहे.

बैलही उन्हाच्या झळांमुळे काम करेनासे झाले आहेत, त्यांनाही उष्माघात सहन होत नाही त्यामुळे मालकही बैचेन झाले आहेत. बाळांची कोमल, नाजूक तोंडेही पार वाळून गेली आहेत.

विहिरीच्या तळी पाण्याचे भिंग दिसत आहे. तळाला गेलेले पाणी भिंगासारखे दिसते आहे. विहिर ही दुर्बिणीसारखी आणि तळाला गेलेले पाणी भिंग असं कवयित्रीला सुचवायचे आहे. भिंगातून जशी एखादी लहान वस्तू मोठी दिसते तसंच पाण्याचे दुर्भिक्ष्य आता मोठ्या स्वरूपात सोसायला लागणार असं वाटू लागतं. कवयित्रीचं मन या सगळ्या ताणतणावात लागत नाही आहे. आपली प्राणसखी कधी येईल याची ती तीव्रतेने वाट पाहत आहे.

ही घनावळी आली की तिनं धावत आपल्या शेतावर हजेरी लावावी असं कवयित्रीला वाटतं. ती आली की तिच्यामुळे शेतावर हिरवा शेला पांघरला जाईल म्हणजे हिरवळ दाटेल. मालकाच्या स्वप्नांनाही अंकुर फुटतील, त्यांनाही जिवंतपणा लाभेल.

ही प्राणसई वाऱ्यासोबत येईल तेव्हा त्याच्या साथीनं तिन झुलत-झुलत यावं आपल्या घराशी थांबावं. तिच्या जररूपी धारांचे तळे होईल त्यात कवियत्रीची पोरं-बाळं नाचतील, खेळतील, वागडतील ही मुलं या प्राणसईची भाचे मंडळीच आहेत. त्यांच्या निरागसपणाचे या प्राणसईलाही कौतुक वाटेल.

कवयित्रीच्या दारात लावलेले पडवळ, भोपळे यांच्या वेलीचे आळे भिजून चिंब होऊ दे, विहिरी पाण्याने तुडुंब भरून वाहू दे, घर, दार, अंगण या सर्वच ठिकाणी पावसाच्या पाण्याने थंडगार वारा अनुभवायला मिळू दे.

असं संपूर्ण सुंदर, चैतन्यमय वातावरण अनुभवताना तुझ्याशी मी दारात उभी राहून बोलेन. माझा सखा शेतात कसा दमतो, रमतो. त्याचे कौतुक ती या प्राणसईला सांगणार आहे.

ही प्राणसई वेळेवर येत नाही म्हणून कवयित्री तिला पुन्हा विनवणी करतेय की ए, प्राणसखी तू आता वाकडेपणा बाजूला ठेव, तू रागावली असलीस तरी तो राग आता सोड, अशी पाठमोरी तू होऊ नकोस. वाऱ्यावरून भरारी मारून तू वेगावे धावत, दौडत ये, तू माझी प्राणसई आहेस, माझ्यासाठी पृथ्वीसाठी, लेकरांसाठी, शेतासाठी तुला यायलाच हवं.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 2 प्राणसई

समानार्थी शब्द / पर्यायी शब्द :

  1. घनावळ – मेघमाला.
  2. सांगावा – निरोप – ( message).
  3. हुडा – गोवांचा ढीग.
  4. शेणी – गोवऱ्या – (dried cakes of cowdung)
  5. ठाणबंदी – पशुंना गोठ्यात बांधून ठेवणे.
  6. कोमेली – कोमेजला.
  7. भिंग – आरसा – (a piece of glass).
  8. शेला – पांघरण्याचे, उंची वस्त्र – (a silken garment, a rich scraft).
    तुडुंब – भरपूर, काठोकाठ – (upto the brim, quite full).
  9. भरारी – उड्डाण – (a quick flight ).
  10. भाचा – बहिणीचा किंवा भावाचा मुलगा – (a nephew).
  11. जर – विणलेले वस्त्र – (brocade)

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Marathi Yuvakbharati 11th Digest Chapter 1 मामू Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board 11th Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू

11th Marathi Digest Chapter 1 मामू Textbook Questions and Answers

1. अ. कोण ते लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
चैतन्याचे छोटे कोंब :
उत्तर :
शाळेतील लहान मुले

प्रश्न 2.
सफेद दाढीतील केसाएवढ्या आठवणी असणारा:
उत्तर :

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू

प्रश्न 3.
शाळेबाहेरचा बहुरूपी :
उत्तर :

प्रश्न 4.
अनघड, कोवळे कंठ :
उत्तर :
शाळेतील लहान मुले.

आ. कृती करा.

प्रश्न 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू 1
उत्तर :
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू 3

प्रश्न 2.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू 2
उत्तर :
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू 4

इ. खालील वाक्यांतून तुम्हांला समजलेले मामूचे गुण लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.

  1. मामू सावधानचा पवित्रा घेऊन खडा होतो. ……………..
  2. आईच्या आठवणी सांगताना मामूच्या डोळ्यांत पाणी येते. ………………
  3. मामू त्याला आईच्या मायेने धीर देत म्हणतो, “घाबरू नकोस. ताठ बस. काय झालं न्हाई तुला.” ………………….
  4. माझ्या कडे कुणी बडा पाहुणा आला, की मामूकडं बघत नुसती मान डुलवली, की तिचा इशारा पकडत मामू चहाची ऑर्डर देतो.” ……………..
  5. मामूएखादयाकार्यक्रमात मुलांच्यासमोर दहा-वीस मिनिटे एखादया विषयावर बोलू शकतो. ………………….

उत्तर :

  1. मामू सावधानचा पवित्रा घेऊन खडा होतो. – देशभक्ती
  2. आईच्या आठवणी सांगताना मामूच्या डोळ्यांत पाणी येते. – मातृप्रेम/भावणाशीलता
  3. मामू त्याला आईच्या मायेने धीर देत म्हणतो, ‘‘घाबरू नकोस. ताठ बस. काय झालं न्हाई तुला.’’ – वात्सल्य
  4. माझ्या कडे कुणी बडा पाहुणा आला, की मामूकडं बघत नुसती मान डुलवली, की तिचा इशारा पकडत मामू चहाची ऑर्डर देतो.” – हुशारी
  5. मामूएखादयाकार्यक्रमात मुलांच्यासमोर दहा-वीस मिनिटे एखादया विषयावर बोलू शकतो. – अभ्यासू वृत्ती

ई. खलील शब्द समूहाचा अर्थ लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
थोराड घंटा
उत्तर :
थोराड घंटा- दणकट, मोठी व वजनदार घंटा.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू

प्रश्न 2.
अभिमानाची झालर
उत्तर :
अभिमानाची झालर – झालरीमुळे शोभा येते. मामूच्या चेहऱ्यावर अभिमानाचा भाव होता. त्या भावाला झालरीची उपमा दिली आहे.

2. व्याकरण.

अ. खलील शब्दांतील अक्षरे निवडून अर्थपूर्ण शब्द तयार करा :

प्रश्न 1.
उत्तर :
हुकूम, तीर, रती, हुशार, रतीब

प्रश्न 2.
उत्तर :
आम, आब, आहे, आरसा, आमदार, दार, दाम, दाब, बसा, साम, सार, साहेब, बदाम, रसा(पृथ्वी), हेर, हेम (सोने), मदार.

प्रश्न 3.
उत्तर :
नस, मान, मास, समान, मानस

आ. खलील वाक्प्रचाराचा अर्थ लिहन वाक्यात उपयोग करा :

प्रश्न 1.
चौवाटा पांगणे
उत्तर :
चौवाटा पांगणे – चहूबांजूना (चारी वाटांवर) विखुरणे, सर्वत्र पांगणे.
वाक्य : गावात दुष्काळ पडला नि गावकरी चौवाटा पांगले.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू

प्रश्न 2.
कंठ दाटून येणे
उत्तर :
कंठ दाटून येणे – गहिवरणे.
वाक्य : मुलीला सासरी पाठवताना यशोदाबाईंचा कंठ दाटून आला.

प्रश्न 3.
हरवलेला काळ मुठीत पकडणे.
उत्तर :
हरवलेला काळ मुठीत पकडणे – भूतकाळातील आठवणी जागृत होणे.
वाक्य : कैक वर्षांनी शाळेला भेट देणाऱ्या बापूसाहेबांनी हरवलेला काळ मुठीत पकडला.

इ. खालील शब्दांचे दिलेल्या तक्त्यामध्ये वर्गीकरण करा.

प्रश्न 1.
अनुमती, घटकाभर, नानातन्हा, अभिवाचन, जुनापुराणा, भरदिवसा, गुणवान, साथीदार, ओबडधोबड, अगणित
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू 5

उपसर्गघटित प्रत्ययघटित अभ्यस्त
भरदिवसा साथीदार ओबडधोबड
अभिवाचन गुणवान जुनापुराणा
अनुमती घटकाभर

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू

3. स्वमत:

प्रश्न अ.
‘शाळेत तो शिपाई आहे; पण शाळेबाहेर तो बहुरूपी आहे’, या मामूसंबंधी केलेल्या विधानाचा अर्थ पाठाधारे तुमच्या शब्दांत स्पष्ट करा.
‘मामू’ हा शिवाजी सावंत यांच्या ‘लाल माती रंगीत मने’ या व्यक्तिचित्रणात्मक संग्रहातून घेतलेला पाठ आहे. या पाठात ‘मामू’ या व्यक्तीची व्यक्तिरेखा रेखाटताना त्याचे विविध पैलू दाखवले आहेत. प्रामाणिक, देशाभिमानी असलेला मामू शाळेचा केवळ शिपाई नसून तो शाळेचा एक अवयव झाला आहे. कोल्हापूर संस्थान आणि लोकशाही अशा दोन्ही राज्यांचा अनुभव त्याच्या गाठीशी आहे.

असा हा मामू शाळेचा केवळ शिपाई नसून तो विविध भूमिका बजावताना दिसतो. शाळेत शिपायाचे काम करणारा मामू अतिशय प्रामाणिकपणे आपली जबाबदारी पार पाडतो. तो विविध भूमिकांतून आपल्यासमोर येतो. जसा एखादा बहुरूपी विविध रूपं घेऊन आपल्यासमोर येतो तसाच शाळेच्या बाहेर मामू आपल्याला विविध रूपांमध्ये भेटतो. कधी तो फळांच्या मार्केटमध्ये एखादया बागवानाच्या दुकानावर घटकाभर का होईना पण तेथे बसणारा दुकानदार होतो. ज्याप्रमाणे बहुरूपी सोंग चांगल्या रितीने वठवल्यावर मिळेल तेवढ्या पैशांवर समाधानी राहतो तसेच दुकानदाराने दिलेले पैसे म्हणजे देवाचा प्रसाद मानणारा समाधानी मामू भेटतो.

कधी मुस्लिम अधिकाऱ्याच्या मुलांना उर्दूची शिकवण देणारा शिक्षक तर कधी मौलवी, व्यापारी, उस्ताद अशी विविध रूपे घेतो. कधी कुणाच्या पायाला लागलं तर कुठला पाला वाटून लावावा, पोट बिघडलं तर त्यावर कुठला काढा घ्यावा, शरीरयष्टी कशी कमवावी हे सांगणारा वैदय बनतो. वक्ता कसा बोलला हे सांगणारा परीक्षक बनतो, तर कधी चक्कर आलेल्या मुलाला डॉक्टरकडे नेताना आईच्या मायेने जपणारा, धीर देणारा, संवेदनशीलवृत्तीच्या व्यक्तीची भूमिका निभावतो. अशाप्रकारे मामू केवळ शाळेत काम करणारा शिपाई राहत नाही तर शाळेबाहेच्या लोकांना त्याची अनेक रूपे दिसतात. शाळेबाहेर वावरणारा तो बहुरूपीच आहे.

प्रश्न आ.
मामूच्या संवेदनशीलतेची दोन उदाहरणे तुमच्या शब्दांत लिहा.
शिवाजी सावंत यांच्या ‘मामू’ या कथेत मामूच्या स्वभावाचे, प्रामाणिकपणाचे, कष्टाळूपणाचे, संवदेनशील वृत्तीचे वर्णन आले आहे. ‘मामू’ गेल्या चाळीस वर्षापासून शाळेत शिपाई म्हणून काम करतो. तो अत्यंत प्रामाणिक, कर्तव्यनिष्ठ आहे. त्याच बरोबर सहदयी आहे. मामूची म्हातारी आई गेल्यानंतर तिच्या आठवणी सांगताना मामूच्या डोळ्यात पाणी तरळतं.

‘दुनियेत सारं मिळेल सर; पण आईची माया कुणाकडनं न्हाई मिळायची’ हे बोलताना नातवंड असलेला मामू स्वतः लहान मुलासारखा भासतो तेव्हा त्याच्या संवेदनशीलवृत्तीचा परिचय येतो. शाळेतील एखादा मुलगा खेळताना किंवा प्रार्थनेच्या वेळी चक्कर येऊन पडला तर त्याला रिक्षातून दवाखान्यात नेताना त्या लहान मुलाला मायेने धीर देताना “घाबरू नकोस’ म्हणतो. यातून त्याची संवेदनशीलता व सहदयता दिसून येते.

मामूच्या संवेदनशीलतेची अनेक उदाहरणे मामूचे व्यक्तिचित्रण करताना शिवाजी सावंत यांनी दिली आहेत. (इ) मामूच्या व्यक्तित्वाचे (राहणीमान, रूप) चित्रण तुमच्या शब्दांत करा. उत्तरः ‘मामू’ या व्यक्तिचित्रणात्मक पाठात लेखक शिवाजी सावंत यांनी ‘मामू’ या व्यक्तिरेखेचे लक्षणीय शब्दचित्र रेखाटले आहे.

मामू हा शाळेचा शिपाई आहे. परंतु तो शाळेचा अविभाज्य भाग आहे. मामू डोक्याला अबोली रंगाचा फेटा बांधतो, अंगात नेहरू शर्ट आणि त्यावर गर्द निळं जाकीट, जाकिटाच्या खिशात चांदीच्या साखळीचं एक जुनं पॉकेट वॉच असतं. खाली घेराची व घोट्याजवळ चुण्या असलेली तुमान आणि पायात जुना पुराणा पंपशू असे अत्यंत साधे राहणीमान मामूचे आहे. मामूच्या चेहऱ्यावर सफेद दाढी आहे. परंतु चेहऱ्यावर कायम समाधान आणि नम्रतेचा भाव, चांगल्या व वाईट अनुभवाने समृद्ध मामू साधारणतः साठीचा आहे. परंतु म्हाताऱ्या शरीरातील मान मात्र उमदं आहे. अतिशय चित्रदर्शी लेखन शैलीत रंगवलेले मामूचे व्यक्तिचित्र त्याच्या राहणीमानामुळे व गुणांमुळे आपल्या चांगलेच लक्षात राहते व मामू डोळ्यासमोर उभा असल्यासारखे भासते.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू

4. अभिव्यक्ती

प्रश्न अ.
‘मामू’ या पाठाची भाषिक वैशिष्टये स्पष्ट करा.
उत्तर :
‘मामू’ हा पाठ शिवाजी सांवत यांनी लिहिलेला आहे. सुप्रसिद्ध कादंबरीकार म्हणून उभ्या महाराष्ट्राला परिचित असणारे शिवाजी सावंत हे त्यांच्या ‘मृत्युजंय’ आणि ‘छावा’ या दोन कादंबऱ्यांमुळे प्रसिद्धीच्या शिखरावर पोहचले. महाराष्ट्र राज्य शासनाच्या सर्वोत्कृष्ट वाङ्मय पुस्तकाबरोबरच अनेक नामांकित पुरस्काराने त्यांना गौरवान्वित केले आहे… मामू हा व्यक्तिचित्रणात्मक पाठ असून मामूच्या स्वभावाच्या विविध पैलूंचे वर्णन या पाठात केले आहे.

समर्पक शब्दरचना आणि चित्रदर्शी लेखनशैली हे शिवाजी सावंत यांच्या लेखनाचे वैशिष्ट्य पाठामध्ये अनेक वेळेला अनुभवायला येते. त्यांची शैली ही मध्ये मध्ये आलंकारिक होते, म्हणूनच प्रार्थना म्हणणारे विद्यार्थी असा सरळ उल्लेख न करता ते लिहितात ‘रांगा धरून उभे राहिलेले अनघड, कोवळे कंठ जोडल्या हातांनी आणि मिटल्या डोळ्यांनी भावपूर्ण सुरात प्रार्थनेतून अज्ञात शक्तीला आळवू लागतात.

त्यांच्या या वर्णनामुळे निरागस भावनेने पटांगणावर प्रार्थना म्हणणारे विद्यार्थी अक्षरशः डोळ्यासमोर उभे राहतात आणि गद्यलेखनाला काव्यात्मकतेचे रूप येते. विदयार्थ्याचा उल्लेख ते ‘चैतन्याचे छोटे कोंब’ असा करतात तर शाळेतील मोठ्या घंटेचा उल्लेख ‘थोराड घंटा’ असा करतात. इथे शब्दांची अनपेक्षित वेगळी रचना करून भाषेचे सौंदर्य ते वाढवितात. उदा. ‘कोंब’ हा शब्द झाडांच्या बाबतीत वापरला जातो तर ‘थोराड’ हा शब्द प्रौढ व्यक्तींच्या संदर्भात वापरला जातो.

पण अर्थाचे रूढ संकेत लेखक झुगारून देतो आणि शब्दांबरोबरच अर्थाला नवीन सौंदर्य बहाल मामू हे व्यक्तिमत्त्व डोळ्यासमोर शब्दशः ते उभे करतात, मामूची पांढरी दाडी, भुवया, डोक्याचा फेटा, अंगावरील नेहरू शर्ट, त्यावरील जाकीट पकिट वाँच, चुणीदार तुमान, पंपशू यांचे ते तंतोतत वर्णन करतात. त्यामुळे मामू या व्यक्तिमत्त्वाची छबी हुबेहुब डोळा हा उर्दू जाणणारा मुस्लिम माणूस असल्याने त्यांच्या तोंडची भाषा तशीच वापरून ते उर्द, हिंदी आणि बोलीभाषेचा समर्पक वापर करतात आणि लिहितात, ‘परवा परवा मामुची बुली आई अल्लाला प्यारी झाली.’

किंवा ‘लग्न ठरलं’ या शब्दाऐवजी मुस्लिम संस्कारातील ‘शादी मुबारक’, ‘अल्लाची खैर’ असे शब्द वापरतात. ‘अभिमानाची झालर त्यांच्या मुखड्यावर उतरते’ अशा शब्दांमुळे अर्थाचा आंतरिक गोडवा जाणवतो. त्यांच्या बऱ्याच शब्दरचनांमध्ये आशयाची आणि विचारांची संपन्नता जाणवत राहते. उदा. ‘धर्मापेक्षा माणूस मोठा आहे आणि माणसापेक्षा माणुसकी फार फार मोठी.’ परीक्षा केंद्रावर परीक्षेआधी जी तयारी करावी लागते त्याचे वर्णन ते अत्यंत बारकाईने करतात आणि या परीक्षेच्या जोरावर आयुष्यात यशाची शिखरं पादाक्रांत करणाऱ्या विदयार्थ्याच्या मागे शाळेतील शिपाई वर्ग किती जबाबदारीचे काम पार पाडतात हे दाखवून देतात. त्यामुळे ते नुसते पूर्वपरीक्षा वर्णन राहत नाही तर चतुर्थ श्रेणी वर्गाच्या श्रमाची दखल यानिमित्ताने ते घेतात. लेखकाची लेखणी जेव्हा सर्वसंपन्न असते तेव्हा सामान्य व्यक्तिमत्त्वाचे असामान्य पैलूही दमदारपणे साकार होतात याचा प्रत्यय हे लेखन वाचताना येतो.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू

प्रश्न आ.
‘मामूच्या स्वभावातील विविध पैलूंचे विश्लेषण करा.
उत्तर :
लेखक शिवाजी सावंत यांच्या लाल माती रंगीत मने’ या व्यक्तिचित्रण संग्रहातून ‘मामू’ हा व्यक्तिचित्रणात्मक पाठ घेतला आहे. या पाठात मामूच्या स्वभावातील विविध पैलूंचे विश्लेषण केलेले आहे. मामू हा शाळेचा केवळ शिपाई नसून तो शाळेचा एक अवयव झाला आहे. गेली चाळीस वर्षे शाळेत शिपाई म्हणून काम करणारा मामू शाळेबाहेरही विविध भूमिकांतून आपल्यासमोर येतो. फळांच्या मार्केटमध्ये एखादया बागवानाच्या दुकानावर बसतो. दुकानदाराने दिलेले पैसे म्हणजे अल्लाची देन मानतो, त्याविषयी कोणतीही तक्रार करत नाही. यातून त्याची नि:स्वार्थी वृत्ती, नम्रता, सेवाभाव जाणवतो. तर कधी मुस्लिम अधिकाऱ्याच्या मुलांना उर्दूची शिकवण देतो. गरीब माणसानं किती आणि कसं हुशार असावं याचे उत्तम उदाहरण म्हणजे ‘मामू’ आहे.

कर्तबगार, समाधानी आयुष्य जगणारा मामू मुलाच्या लग्नाला आलेल्या अधिकारी वर्गाचे आभार मानायला विसरत नाही. इतका तो कृतज्ञशील आहे. तो मुलांनाही आपल्यासारखे केवळ गुणवान बनवत नाही तर आज्ञाधारकही बनवतो. त्यांच्यासाठी कर्तव्यतत्पर असतो. बदलत्या काळानुसार मुलाला शिक्षणाची संधी देतो. त्याच्या मनमिळावू स्वभावामुळेच त्याच्या मुलांच्या लग्नाला आमदार, खासदारपासून सर्वसामान्य माणसांपर्यंत सर्वच उपस्थित राहातात.

हीच त्याच्या आयुष्यभराची कमाई आहे, आईविषयीच्या आठवणी सांगताना भावूक झालेल्या मामूचे मातृप्रेमही जाणवते. कोणत्याही वर्षीचं रजिस्टर अचूक शोधून मामू माजी विदयार्थ्याला मदत करतो तर सरकारी सर्टिफिकेटच्या परीक्षांची तयारी करताना त्याची कार्यतत्परता दिसून येते. कधी खेळताना, कधी प्रार्थनेच्या वेळेस एखादा विदयार्थी चक्कर येऊन पडला तर त्याला दवाखान्यात नेणारा मामू माणुसकीचे दर्शन घडवतो. राष्ट्रीय सणांच्या दिवशी ध्वजवंदन करताना देशाविषयी नितांत प्रेम, आदर व कर्तव्यनिष्ठा दिसून येते.

वैदयकक्षेत्रातील ज्ञानही त्याला आहे आणि सहज जाता जाता तो त्याची माहिती देतो, यात कुठेही सल्ले देण्याचा आव नसतो. शाळेतील एखादया कार्यक्रमात वक्ता कसा बोलतो यासंबंधी निरीक्षणक्षमतादेखील त्याच्याकडे आहे. अशाप्रकारे मामू ही फार साधी, सरळ, प्रामाणिक, नम, कर्तव्यपरायण, देशाबद्दल प्रेम असणारी, सेवाभवी, सहृदयी, नि:स्वार्थी, हुशार अशी व्यक्ती आहे.

प्रश्न इ.
‘माणसापेक्षा माणुसकी फार फार मोठी आहे!’ या विधानातील आशयसौंदर्य तुमच्या शब्दांत लिहा.
उत्तर :
माणूस कोणत्याही जाती, धर्माचा असो त्याच्यामध्ये माणुसकी नसेल तर त्याला माणूस कसं बरं म्हणावं? आज समाज फारच बदलतोय, प्रत्येक गोष्टीसाठी माणसं फार आग्रही होत चालली आहेत. जात, धर्म यांच्या नावावर माणसं स्वतःचे स्वार्थ साधून संधीसाधू होऊ पाहत आहेत. अशावेळी माणसाचा माणसावरचा विश्वास संपत चालला आहे असं वाटतं खरं पण गंमत अशी की जेव्हा काही नैसर्गिक आपत्ती येते तेव्हा एकमेकांच्या विरोधात भांडणारी, सूड उगवणारी माणसं मदत करण्यासाठी पुढे सरसावतात.

मग त्यांच्यातील वैर संपून जातं. एखादं पोर गाडीखाली येत असेल तर चटकन कुणीतरी पुढं होऊन त्याला वाचवतं, कणी हॉस्पिटलमध्ये असेल त्याला रक्ताची गरज असेल तर कित्येक लोक मदतीला धावून जातात, आताच्या काळात कोणी कोणाचं नसतं असं म्हटलं जातं खरं पण तरीही एनजीओ चालवणाऱ्या संस्था वाढत आहेत, त्यामुळे माणूस कितीही स्वार्थी असला तरी तो त्याचं सामाजिक भान विसरलेला नाही.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू

प्रकल्प :

प्रश्न 1.
‘तुमच्या परिसरातील अशी सामान्य व्यक्ती की जी तिच्या स्वभावामुळे असामान्य झाली आहे त्या व्यक्तीचे वर्णन तुमच्या शब्दात करा.
उत्तर :
रजनी ही आमच्या घरी काम करायला येणारी ताई. प्रचंड हुशार आणि तल्लख बुद्धीची तितकीच विनम्रही. आमच्याकडे ती कामाला यायला लागली तेव्हा ती आईला म्हणाली, ‘ताई, मी लहानपणापासून घरकाम करतेय पण प्रत्येक घराची पद्धत वेगळी. तुम्ही तुमच्या घरातील कामं शिकवाल ना? हे ऐकून आई खूप आनंदित झाली. असं तिला मायेने बोलणारी बाई पहिल्यांदाच भेटली होती. आईने जे शिकवलं तसं तसं ती अजून नीट काम करू लागली. माझ्या धाकट्या भावालाही जीव लावला.

घरातल्या पैपाहुण्यांची उठबस करावी ती रजनीताईनेच. हळूहळू तिनं आमच्या कॉलनीत सर्वच घरकाम करणाऱ्या बायकांना एकत्र आणलं. प्रत्येकीला मदत करण्याच्या स्वभावामुळे बायका तिच्याजवळ मन मोकळं करू लागल्या. त्या सर्वांच्या मनात ताईबद्दल केवळ स्नेह आहे. आता काही महिन्यांपूर्वी ताईने या बायकांसाठी एक भिशी सुरू केली. त्यातील पैसे घरकामवाल्या मुलांच्या शिक्षणासाठी वापरणार असा निर्धार तिने केला.

आश्चर्य म्हणजे आमच्या आईने, शेजाऱ्यांनी पुढाकार घेऊन घरकामवाल्या मावशांच्या मुलांसाठी शाळेची फी भरण्यासाठी वर्गणी जमा केली आणि बँकेत ती रक्कम फिक्स डिपॉझिटमध्ये जमा केली. जवळजवळ एक लाख रुपये जमा झाले. या सर्वांचे क्रेडिट केवळ रजनीताईला दिलं जातंय. असं म्हटलं जातं की ‘दुसऱ्यासाठी जगलास तर जगलास’ हे रजनीताईकडे बघून यथार्थ वाटतं.

11th Marathi Book Answers Chapter 1 मामू Additional Important Questions and Answers

खालील पठित गदय उताऱ्याच्या आधारे सूचनेनुसार कृती करा.

चौकट पूर्ण करा.

प्रश्न 1.
मामूच्या घरी असलेला कार्यक्रम – [ ]
मामूच्या घरी असलेला कार्यक्रम – गृहप्रवेश

प्रश्न 2.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू 6
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू 7

प्रश्न 3.
मामूने माईक हातात घेतला कारण –
लग्नासाठी जमलेल्या लोकांचे आभार मानण्यासाठी मामूने माईक हातात घेतला.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू

उपयोजित कृती :

खालील वाक्यातील अधोरेखित केलेल्या शब्दांच्या जाती ओळखा.

प्रश्न 1.
त्याची अनुभवानं पांढरी झालेली दाढी थरथरत राहिली.
पैसा कमावतात म्हणून माज नाही.
उत्तर :
पांढरी – विशेषण, राहिली- क्रियापद
म्हणून – उभयान्वयी अव्यय.

प्रश्न 2.
खालील वाक्यातील क्रियापदाचा प्रकार ओळखा.
मामून पुढे येत मला हाताला धरून आघाडीला नेऊन बसवलं,
संयुक्त क्रियापद

खालील शब्दांपासून अर्थपूर्ण शब्द तयार करा.

प्रश्न 1.
अ. पाखरागत : ………
आ. मजल्यावर : ………..
उत्तर :
अ. पाग, पारा, राग, रात, गत, खत, खग, खरा, तग, गरा
आ. मज, वर, जर, रज, जम, जमव

खालील शब्दांना प्रचलित मराठी भाषेतील शब्द लिहा.

प्रश्न 1.
अ. सर्टिफिकेट (certificate) –
उत्तर :
अ. प्रमाणपत्र, कॉमर्स (commerce) वाणिज्य / व्यापार

आकलन कृती

प्रश्न 1.
मामूची शाळा या सरकारी सर्टिफिकेटच्या परीक्षांचे केंद्र आहे.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू

प्रश्न 2.
परीक्षेच्या काळात मामू करत असलेली कामं
नंबर टाकणं
बैठक व्यवस्था करणं
पाण्याची व्यवस्था करणं

प्रश्न 3.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू 8
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू 9

खालील ओघतक्ता पूर्ण करा.

प्रश्न 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू 10
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू 11

प्रश्न 2.
राष्ट्रगीत संपेपर्यंत ध्वजाकडे मान उंचावून बघत राहण्याची पद्धत –
उत्तर :
राष्ट्रगीत संपेपर्यंत ध्वजाकडे मान उचावून बघत राहण्याची पद्धत – फेट्याजवळ हाताचा पंजा भिडवणे


प्रश्न 1.
मामूच्या जनसंपकाविषयी तुमचे मत व्यक्त करा.
उत्तर :
मामू हा पडेल ती काम करणारी व्यक्ती, शिपाई असूनही त्याची शाळा, समाज यांविषयीची आस्था त्याच्या कामातून, वागण्यातून दिसून येते. मामू ज्या शाळेत काम करतो ती शाळा सरकारी आहे. तिथं पडेल ती कामे तो करतो. शाळेतल्या मुलांच्या, भावनांची, शरीराची, अभ्यासाचीही काळजी घेतो. तिथल्या शिक्षकांची, इमारतीची त्याला काळजी असते. त्याच्या अशा काळजीवाहू स्वभावामुळे लोक त्याच्यावरही जीव टाकतात. त्यामुळे राष्ट्रीय सणांना त्याच्या हस्ते ध्वनही फडकवला जातो.

शाळेत कुणी पाहुणे आले तर त्याला त्यांच्या पाहुणचाराविषयी फार सांगावे लागत नाही. तो त्यांच्या पदाला साजेसे आदरातिथ्य करतो. या त्याच्या लाघवी स्वभावामुळे तो सर्वानाच हवाहवासा वाटतो. त्यामुळे त्याच्या मुलाच्या लग्नातही बडी बडी मंडळी आलेली होती. शाळेतल्या सगळ्या जबाबदाऱ्या पार पाडताना कधीच तो मागे पाहत नाही. प्रेमळ, नम्र, लाघवी बोलण्यामुळे त्याचा चाहता वर्ग त्याने निर्माण केला आहे. तो सर्वांच्या मदतीला गेल्यामुळे त्याच्याही मदतीला लोक धावून जातात.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू

मामू Summary in Marathi


लेखक शिवाजी सावंत यांचे चरित्रात्मक कादंबरीलेखन हे आवडते लेखनक्षेत्र, ‘छावा’, ‘युगंधर’, ‘लढत’ या त्यांच्या प्रसिद्ध कादंबऱ्या होत. ‘मृत्युंजय’ ही त्यांची लोकप्रिय कादंबरी म्हणजे त्यांच्या लेखनकर्तृत्वाचे शिखर आहे. ‘अशी मने असे नमुने’, ‘मोरावळा’ ‘लाल माती रंगीत मने’ हे ‘व्यक्तिचित्रण संग्रह प्रसिद्ध’ भारतीय ज्ञानपीठाचा ‘मूर्तिदेवी पुरस्कार’ तसेच सर्वोत्कृष्ट वाङ्मयाच्या महाराष्ट्र राज्य पुरस्काराने पाच वेळा त्यांचा गौरव केला असून पुणे विद्यापीठातर्फे ‘जीवनगौरव’ पुरस्कार असे अनेक पुरस्कार त्यांना मिळाले आहेत. 1990 या वर्षी साहित्याच्या नोबेल पारितोषिकासाठी त्यांचे नामांकन झालेले होते.

सर्वोत्कृष्ट वाङ्मयकार म्हणून परिचित असलेले शिवाजी सावंत’ यांनी ‘लाल माती रंगीत मने’ या व्यक्तिचित्रणातून मामू या व्यक्तिरेखेच्या विविध पैलूंचे वर्णन केले आहे. प्रामाणिक, देशाभिमानी, नम्र, सेवाभावी, सहृदयी असलेला ‘मामू’ माणुसकीचे विलोभनीय दर्शन घडवतो. ‘मामू’ च्या जीवन प्रवासाचे वर्णन प्रस्तुत पाठात आले आहे.

पाठाचा परिचय :

सर्वोत्कृष्ट वाङमयकार म्हणून परिचित असलेले ‘शिवाजी सावंत’ यांनी ‘लाल माती रंगीत मने’ या व्यक्तिचित्रणातून मामू या व्यक्तिरेखेच्या विविध पैलूंचे वर्णन केले आहे. प्रामाणिक, देशाभिमानी, नम्र, सेवाभावी, सहदयी असलेला ‘मामू’ माणुसकीचे विलोभनीय दर्शन घडवतो. ‘मामू’ च्या जीवन प्रवासाचे वर्णन प्रस्तुत पाठात आले आहे.

शाळेची घंटा वाजवल्यानंतर मुलांनी प्रार्थनेसाठी रांगा केल्या व हात जोडून, डोळे मिटून भावपूर्ण सुरात प्रार्थना म्हटली. ‘मामू’ मात्र दगडी खांबाला टेकून विचारमग्न झालेला होता. ‘जनगणमन’ सुरू होताच पाय जोडून सावधान स्थितीत उभा होता.

कोल्हापूर संस्थानातील राजाराम महाराजांच्या काळापासून ते आजपर्यंत मामू चाळीस वर्षे या शाळेत काम करतो आहे. त्यानं दोन राज्य बंधितली, संस्थानाचं आणि लोकशाहीचं, कोल्हापूरच्या कैक पिढ्या त्याने बघितल्या आहेत, संस्थानाच्या काळात महाराजांचा मुक्काम पन्हाळ्यावर असताना मामूची चौदा मैलांची पायपीट व त्याच्या साथीदारांसह आलेला अनुभव तो अभिमानाने सांगतो. संस्थाने विलीन झाली, मामूसारखा चाकर वर्ग (कामगार वर्ग) पांगला गेला आणि मामू या शाळेत शिपाई म्हणून हजर झाला.

डोक्यावर अबोली रंगाचा फेटा, अंगात नेहरू शर्ट व त्यावर निळे जाकिट, जाकिटाच्या खिशात चांदीच्या साखळीचं जुनं घड्याळ, घोट्यापर्यंत पायजम्यासारखी तुमान, पायात जुना बूट (पंपशू) अशी मामूची साधी राहणी आहे.

शाळेच्या बाहेरही माम् अनेक कामे करतो. फळांच्या दुकानावर काही वेळा फळे विकणे आणि तो मालक जो मोबदला देईल तो घेणे. एखादया मुस्लिम अधिकाऱ्याच्या मुलांना उर्दू शिकवणे, त्याचप्रमाणे मौलवी, व्यापारी, उस्ताद अशी अनेक रूपे त्यांची दिसतात.

लेखक मामूला दहा वर्षांपासून अनुभवतो आहे. मामू गरीब असला तरी हुशार आहे. त्याची मुलं गुणवान आहेत, पैसे कमवतात, मामूचा शब्द पाळतात, मामूच्या निमंत्रणानुसार त्याच्या दुसऱ्या मुलाच्या लग्नाला लेखक गेले. तेथे खासदार, आमदार, शिक्षक, व्यापारी, प्राध्यापक, उपस्थित होते. त्याचं समाधान सर्वांचे आभार मानताना त्याच्या सफेद दाढीवर दिसत होतं.

धर्मापेक्षा माणूस मोठा आहे आणि माणसापेक्षा माणुसकी फार फार मोठी आहे. या विचारांची रुजवणूक ‘मामू’ कडे बघून होते. मामूचा शेवटचा मुलगा एस.एस.सी पास झाल्यावर लेखकाच्या सांगण्यावरून त्यानं त्याला कॉलेजात दाखल केलं.

मामूची आई देवाघरी गेल्यानंतर आईची आठवण सांगताना नातवंडं असलेला मामू लहान मुलासारखा वाटतो आणि आईची माया जगात कुठेच मिळत नाही, असे सांगताना त्याचे डोळे पाणावतात.

शंभर वर्षे जुना असलेल्या शाळेतला रेकॉर्ड मामू अचूक शोधून आणतो. माजी विद्यार्थी 1920-22 सालचा दाखला मागतो. त्यावेळी मामू अचूक ते रजिस्टर शोधून काढतो व वेळेत दाखला मिळाल्यावर त्या विदयाथ्याने मामूला चहासाठी आग्रह केल्यावर, चहा पिताना मामूच्या जुन्या आठवणींना उजाळा मिळतो. सरकारी सर्टिफिकेटच्या परीक्षा शाळेत असल्या की, म्हाताऱ्या मामूच्या पाखरासारख्या हालचाली सुरू होतात.

कधी खेळताना, कधी प्रार्थनेच्या वेळी एखादा मुलगा चक्कर येऊन कोसळला तर मामू रिक्षा आणून त्या मुलाला मायेने धीर देकन डॉक्टरकडे घेऊन जातो. त्याला वैदयकाचंही ज्ञान आहे. तो एखादया शिक्षकाला तब्येत सुधारण्यासाठी खारका खाण्याची पद्धत सांगतो. कुणाच्या पायाला लागलं तर कोणता पाला वाटून त्यावर लावावा याचा सल्ला मामू द्यायला विसरत नाही.

सव्वीस जानेवारी, पंधरा ऑगस्ट या राष्ट्रीय सणांच्या दिवशी मामूच्या हाताने राष्ट्रध्वज दंडावर चढतो व राष्ट्रगीत संपेपर्यंत मामू मान उंचावून झेंड्याकडे अभिमानाने बघत राहतो.

लेखकाकडे कुणी पाहुणा आला आणि नुसती मान डोलवली की, तोच इशारा पकडत मामू चहाची ऑर्डर देतो. पाहुणा बसेपर्यंत चहा दाखल होतो. मामू एखादया कार्यक्रमाच्या वेळी मुलांसमोर दहा-वीस मिनिटे बोलू शकतो.

शाळेतील कार्यक्रमाचे नेहमीप्रमाणे मामू नियोजन करत असतो. त्या कार्यक्रमात वक्ता कसा बोलतो ते एका कोपऱ्यात उभे राहून ऐकतो. कार्यक्रम संपल्यानंतर मामूला कार्यक्रमाबद्दल विचारणा झाली तर तो म्हणतो. बोलला चांगला तो, पण म्हणावी तशी रंगत आली नाही.

सरकारी नियमाप्रमाणे आणखी वर्षभरानंतर मामू आमच्यात नसेल पण असेच मामूच्या हातांनी शाळेत घंटेचे घण घण घण टोल पडत राहावे आणि हात जोडून व मिटल्या डोळ्यांनी प्रार्थना ऐकत बूला मामू दगडी खांबाला रेलून विचारात कायम हरवलेला बघायला मिळावा अशीच लेखकाची इच्छा आहे.

शाळेत शिपाई म्हणून काम करत असताना कर्तव्यनिष्ठ, नम्र, तत्पर, संवेदनशील वृत्तीमुळे मामू स्वतःचे वेगळे स्थान शाळेत निर्माण करतोच पण त्याची ग्रामीण भाषाही मनाला भिडणारी आहे.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Marathi Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 1 मामू

समानार्थी शब्द / पर्यायी शब्द :

  1. चर्या – भाव/छटा – (feeling, emotion)
  2. अंतर्भाव – समाविष्ट – (inclusion)
  3. अनघड – अपरिपक्व, न घडलेला – (immature)
  4. मासला – उदाहरण – (example)
  5. कंठ – स्वर निघतो तो अवयव – (throat)
  6. अज्ञात – अपरिचित, माहिती नसलेला – (unknown)
  7. आळवणे – सुस्वराने गाणे
  8. कोंब – अंकुर – (a sprout)
  9. मुखडा – चेहरा – (face)
  10. विलीन – समाविष्ट – (absorbed in. mereed)
  11. अवाढव्य – खुप मोठे – (hure)
  12. इमानी – प्रामाणिक – (an honest)
  13. तुमान – पॅन्ट – (loose trousers)
  14. पंपश् – पायातील बूटाचा प्रकार
  15. चण – शरीरयष्टी – (figure)
  16. उमदा – उदार, मोकळ्या मनाचा – (noble, generous)
  17. उय – पद्धत (manner of action)
  18. अगणित – असंख्य, मोजता न येणारे – (countless, innumerable)
  19. वैदयक – वैदयशास्त्र – (the science of medicine).

वाक्प्रचार व त्याचे अर्थ :

  1. गुंतून पडणे – विचारमग्न होणे.
  2. इशारत मिळणे – आदेश मिळणे, खुणावणे, ऑर्डर मिळणे.
  3. चौबाटा पांगणे – चहुकडे पांगणे.
  4. पारख करणे – ओळखता येणे.
  5. चाकरी करणे – नोकरी करणे.
  6. चीज होणे – योग्य फळ मिळणे, यश प्राप्त होणे, कंठ दाटून येणे – गहिवरून येणे.
  7. निधार बांधणे – ठाम निश्चय करणे.
  8. आब असणे – नाव असणे / नावलौकिक असणे / भूषण असणे.
  9. रुजू होणे – दाखल होणे.
  10. लकडा लावणे – एखादया गोष्टीसाठी खूप मागे लागणे.
  11. नेट धरणे – धीर धरणे.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Bookkeeping and Accountancy 11th Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Bookkeeping and Accountancy 11th Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors

1. Answer in One Sentence:

Question 1.
What is meant by rectification of errors?
The correction of accounting errors in a systematic manner is called the rectification of errors.

Question 2.
What is meant by the error of principle?
An error committed by the accountant by not following accounting principles properly is called an error of principle.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors

Question 3.
What is meant by the error of partial omission?
An error in which transaction is correctly recorded in the books of account but one of the postings is wrong is known as partial omission. If will affect the trial balance.

Question 4.
What is meant by the error of complete omission?
Failure on the part of an accountant to record the business transactions in the books of account is called an error of complete omission. It does not affect the agreement of the trial balance.

Question 5.
What are compensating errors?
The error which is committed on one side of the ledger account compensates for an error committed on the other side of some other leader account is called compensating error.

2. Give one word/term or phrase for each of the following statements.

Question 1.
Errors that affect the agreement of Trial Balance.
One-sided errors

Question 2.
Taking the total more while closing books of accounts.

Question 3.
The error arises when a transaction is partially or completely omitted to be recorded in the books of accounts.
Error of omission

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors

Question 4.
Transactions recorded due to violating of the accounting principles.
Error of principle

Question 5.
Accounts to which difference in Trial Balance is transferred.
Suspense account

Question 6.
Error in which the effect of one mistake is nullified by another mistake.
Compensating error

Question 7.
Errors that are not disclosed by the Trial Balance.
Two-sided errors

Question 8.
Errors of incorrect entries or wrong posting.
Errors of commission

3. Select the most appropriate alternative from those given below and rewrite the sentence.

Question 1.
Rectification entries are passed in ______________
(a) Journal Proper
(b) Ledger
(c) Balance Sheet
(d) Cash Book
(a) Journal Proper

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors

Question 2.
The type of error for which journal entry is always required for rectification ______________
(a) over casting
(b) one sided error
(c) under casting
(d) two sided error
(d) two-sided error

Question 3.
Error occurred due to wrong posting are called error of ______________
(a) principal
(b) commission
(c) compensating
(d) omission
(b) commission

Question 4.
If transaction is totally omitted from the books, it is called ______________
(a) Error of recording
(b) Error of omission
(c) Error of principle
(d) Error of commission
(b) Error of omission

Question 5.
Suspense Account is opened when ______________ does not tally.
(a) Balance sheet
(b) Trading Account
(c) Profit and loss
(d) Trial Balance
(d) Trial Balance

4. State whether the following statements are True or False with reasons.

Question 1.
Trial Balance is prepared from the balance of ledger accounts.
This statement is True.
A Trial balance is a statement of debit and credit balances extracted from the various accounts in the ledger. All business transactions are recorded first in Journal or in subsidiary books and subsequently, they are posted to respective ledger accounts. At the end of the year, they are balanced and transferred to the Trial balance.

Question 2.
A Trial Balance can agree in spite of certain errors.
This statement is True.
The error of principle or error of complete omission or compensatory error is not disclosed by the Trial Balance. It will be agreed with debit and credit balances but there may be a certain error.

Question 3.
Rectification entries are passed in Cash Book.
This statement is False.
Rectification entries are passed in the Journal Proper book. Cashbook is mainly used for cash transactions and not for rectification of errors.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors

Question 4.
There is no need to open a Suspense Account if the Trial Balance agrees.
This statement is True.
When the Trial Balance does not tally a temporary account called ‘Suspense Account’ is opened to balance the trial balance. So when the trial balance is agreed there is no need to open ‘Suspense Account’.

Question 5.
All the errors can be rectified only through Suspense Account.
This statement is False.
The errors of principle and errors of complete omission can be rectified by passing entries. So all the errors can not be rectified by the Trial Balance.

5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Question 1.
The unintentional omission or commission of amounts and accounts while recording the transactions is known as an error.

Question 2.
The errors committed due to wrong recording, wrong posting, wrong totaling, wrong balancing, wrong calculations are known as Arithmetical errors.

Question 3.
When one or more debit errors happen to equal one or more credit errors it is said to be a Compensating error.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors

Question 4.
The agreement of Trial balance is not affected when a transaction is not recorded at all in the original Books.

Question 5.
When a transaction is not recorded according to the principles of accounting it is known as Compensating error.

6. Complete the following sentence.

Question 1.
______________ is assured only when there are no errors in the books of accounts.

Question 2.
Transactions recorded in contravention of the accounting principles are known as ______________
errors of principle

Question 3.
______________ entry depends generally on when the error is detected.

Question 4.
Temporary account opened to rectify the entry is known as ______________
suspense account

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors

Question 5.
Errors are caused due to ______________ recording of transactions.

Practical Problems

Question 1.
Rectify the following errors:
1. Salary paid to Pravin was wrongly debited to his personal account ₹ 6,500/-
2. Cash Purchases ₹ 12,000/- from Siddhant Traders was debited to Siddhant Trader Account.
3. Paid Rent ₹ 5,000 to landlord Shantilal was debited to his personal account.
4. Received interest ₹ 700 from Bank was wrongly credited to Bank Account.
5. Advertisement expenses ₹ 5,000/- paid to Times of India was debited to Times of India.
Journal Proper
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q1

Working Note:
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q1.1

Question 2.
Rectify the following errors:
1. Machinery purchased for ₹ 9,000/- has been debited to Purchase Account.
2. ₹ 15,000/- paid to Indus Company for Machinery purchased stand debited to Indus Company Account.
3. Printer Purchased for ₹ 10,000/- was wrongly passed through Purchase Book.
4. ₹ 800/- paid to Mohan as Legal Charges were debited to his personal account.
5. Cash paid to Ramesh ₹ 500/- was debited to Suresh.
Journal Proper
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q2

Working Note:
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q2.1
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q2.2

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors

Question 3.
Rectify the following errors:
1. A credit sale of goods to Sanjay ₹ 3,000/- has been wrongly passed through the ‘Purchase Book’.
2. A credit purchase of goods from Sheetal amounting to ₹ 2,000/- has been wrongly passed through the ‘Sales Book’.
3. A return of goods worth ₹ 500/- to Umesh was passed through the ‘Sales Return Book’.
4. A return of goods worth ₹ 900/- by Ganesh was entered in ‘Purchase Return Book’.
5. Credit Purchases from Neha ₹ 10,000/- were recorded as ₹ 11,000/-
Journal Proper
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q3

Working Note:
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q3.1
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q3.2

Question 4.
Rectify the following errors:
1. Paid Rent ₹ 2,000/- to Nikhil has been debited to his personal account.
2. Total of the Sales Return Book is wrongly taken more by ₹ 200/-
3. Goods sold to Dhanraj ₹ 6,500/- on credit were not posted to his personal account.
4. Old Computer purchased was debited to Repairs account ₹ 8,000/-
5. Repairs to Furniture of ₹ 500/- have been debited to Furniture account.
Journal Proper
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q4

Working Note:
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q4.1

Question 5.
Rectify the following errors:
1. Wages paid for the construction of Building ₹ 10,000/- was wrongly debited to Wages Account.
2. Cash received from Patel ₹ 5,000/- though recorded in Cash Book was not posted to his personal account in the Ledger.
3. Sold goods worth ₹ 9,000/- to Rohini has been wrongly debited to Mohini’s Account.
4. Material purchased for construction of Building was debited to Purchase Account ₹ 5,000/-
Journal Proper
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q5

Working Note:
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q5.1

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors

Question 6.
There was a difference of ₹ 1230/- in a Trial Balance. It was placed on the Debit side of Suspense A/c. Later on, the following errors were discovered. Pass rectifying entries and prepare Suspense A/c.
1. Sales Book was overcast by ₹ 1,000/-
2. Goods sold to Aarti for ₹ 4,400/- has been posted to her account as ₹ 4,000/-
3. Purchases Book was overcast by ₹ 100/-
4. An amount of ₹ 500/- received from Ranjeet, has not been posted to his account.
5. Goods sold to Sameer for ₹ 750/- were recorded in Purchase Book.
6. An amount of ₹ 500/- has been posted to the credit side of the Commission Account instead of ₹ 570/-
Journal Proper
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q6
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q6.1

Question 7.
A bookkeeper finds that the debit side of the Trial Balance is short of ₹ 308/- and so for the time being, the balances of the side by putting the difference to Suspense Account. The following errors were disclosed.
1. The debit side of the purchases account was undercast by ₹ 100/-
2. ₹ 100/- is the monthly total of discount allowed to customers were credited to the discount account in the ledger.
3. An entry for goods sold of ₹ 102/- to Mihir was posted to his account as ₹ 120/-
4. ₹ 26/- appearing in the Cash Book as paid for the purchase of Stationery for office use have not been posted to Ledger.
5. ₹ 275/- paid by Mihir were credited to Mithali’s Account.
You are required to make the necessary Journal Entries and the Suspense Account.
Journal Proper
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q7
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q7.1

Question 8.
The trial Balance of Anurag did not agree. It showed an excess credit of ₹ 6,000/-. He put the difference to Suspense Account. He discovered the following errors.
1. Cash received from Ramakant ₹ 8,000/- posted to his account as ₹ 6,000/-
2. Credit purchases from Naman ₹ 7,000/- were recorded in Sales Book. However, Naman’s Account was correctly credited.
3. Return Inwards Book overcast by ₹ 1,000/-
4. Total of Sales Book ₹ 10,000/- was not posted to Sales Account.
5. Machinery purchased for ₹ 10,000/- was posted to Purchases Account as ₹ 5,000/-.
Rectify the errors and prepare Suspense Account.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q8
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q8.1

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors

Question 9.
There was an error in the Trial Balance of Mr. Yashwant on 31st March 2019, and the difference in Books was carried to a Suspense Account. Ongoing through the Books you found that.
1. ₹ 1,000/- being purchases return were posted to the debit of Purchase Account.
2. ₹ 4,000/- paid to Badrinath was debited to Kedarnath’s Account.
3. ₹ 5,400/- received from Kishor was posted to the debit of his account.
4. Discount received ₹ 2,000/- was posted to the debit of Discount Allowed Account.
5. ₹ 2,740/- paid to Repairs to Motor Cycle was debited to Motor Cycle Account ₹ 1,740/-
Give Journal Entries to rectify the above errors and ascertain the amount transferred to Suspense Account on 31st March 2019 by showing the Suspense Account, assuming that the Suspense Account is balanced after the above corrections.
Journal Proper
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q9
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q9.1

Question 10.
Rectify the following errors.
1. Goods purchased from Kishor ₹ 700/- were passed through Sales Book.
2. An item of ₹ 120/- in respect of purchase returns, has been wrongly entered in the Purchase Book.
3. Amount payable to Subhash for repairs done to Printer ₹ 180/- and new Printer supplied for ₹ 1,920/-, were entered in the Purchase Book as ₹ 2,000/-
4. Returned goods to Nitin ₹ 1,500/- was passed through Returns Inward Book.
5. An item of ₹ 450/- relating to the Prepaid Rent account was omitted to be brought forward.
Journal Proper
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 8 Rectification of Errors Practical Problems Q10
Note: In entry No. 5 Suspense A/c is not used as the problem is silent about the opening of Suspense A/c.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Bookkeeping and Accountancy 11th Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Bookkeeping and Accountancy 11th Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation

1. Answer in One Sentence only.

Question 1.
What is depreciation?
Depreciation is a gradual, continuous, and permanent decline or decrease in the value of a fixed asset due to its use, wear and tear or any other similar reason.

Question 2.
Why depreciation is charged?
Depreciation on fixed assets is charged to ascertain the correct profit or loss on its sale, to show assets at the correct value in the Balance sheet, and to provide for its replacement.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation

Question 3.
What is a ‘Scrap Value’ of an asset?
The total amount whatsoever received by selling used or obsolete assets or their spare parts is called residual.

Question 4.
Why depreciation is charged even in the year of loss?
Fixed assets are used even in the year of loss and the use of fixed assets reduces its value and hence depreciation is charged even in the year of loss.

Question 5.
Which account is credited when depreciation is charged?
The concerned fixed asset account is credited when depreciation is charged.

Question 6.
Where is the profit or loss on sale of the asset is transferred?
The profit or loss on the sale of assets is transferred to the profit and loss account.

Question 7.
To which account balance of Depreciation A/c is transferred?
The balance of Depreciation A/c is transferred to profit and loss A/c at the end of the year.

Question 8.
What is the formula to calculate depreciation by the Straight Line Method?
Depreciation per annum = \(\frac{Cost of Fixed Asset (-) Scrap value}{Estimated life of Fixed Asset}\)

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation

Question 9.
What is Fixed Instalment Method?
A method of charging depreciation in which depreciation is charged on fixed assets at a fixed percentage of its original cost is called the fixed installment method.

Question 10.
Which account is debited when expenses are paid on the installation of the Machinery?
The machinery account is debited when expenses are paid for the installation of machinery.

2. Write the word/term/phrase which can substitute each of the following statements:

Question 1.
A continuous, gradual, and permanent reduction in the value of the fixed assets.

Question 2.
The expenditure incurred for purchase, installation charges, etc. of an asset.
Cost of Asset

Question 3.
The amount that a fixed asset is expected to realize at its disposal.
Scrap Value

Question 4.
The period for which the asset remains in working condition.
The life period of asset

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation

Question 5.
The method of depreciation in which the total depreciation is equally spread over the life of the asset.
Fixed Instalment Method

Question 6.
The method of depreciation in which the rate of depreciation is fixed but the amount of depreciation reduces every year.
Reducing Balance Method

Question 7.
The type of asset on which depreciation is charged.
Fixed Asset

Question 8.
Expenses incurred for fixation of the new asset to bring it in working condition.
Installation Charges

Question 9.
Excess of the Selling price of a fixed asset over its Written Down Value.
Profit on Sale of Asset

Question 10.
Method of depreciation that cannot reach zero value.
Diminishing Balance Method

3. Select the most appropriate answers from the alternatives given below and rewrite the sentence.

Question 1.
Decrease in the value of fixed assets is known as _____________
(a) Depreciation
(b) Appreciation
(c) Combination
(d) None of these
(a) Depreciation

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation

Question 2.
Depreciation is charged only on _____________ assets.
(a) Fixed
(b) Current
(c) Non-performing
(d) Fictitious
(a) Fixed

Question 3.
The amount spent on installation of new machinery is a _____________ expenditure.
(a) Revenue
(b) Capital
(c) Deferred Revenue
(d) Income
(b) Capital

Question 4.
The amount that a fixed asset is expected to realise on its disposal is known as _____________
(a) Book value
(b) Scrap value
(c) Market value
(d) Original value
(b) Scrap value

Question 5.
The amount of depreciation reduces year after year under _____________
(a) Fixed Instalment Method
(b) Written Down Value Method
(c) Depreciation Fund Method
(d) Revaluation Method
(b) Written Down Value Method

Question 6.
The amount of depreciation remains constant every year under _____________
(a) Straight Line Method
(b) Diminishing Balance Method
(c) Revaluation Method
(d) Insurance Policy Method
(a) Straight Line Method

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation

Question 7.
The balance of depreciation account is transferred to _____________
(a) Manufacturing A/c
(b) Trading A/c
(c) Profit & Loss A/c
(d) Balance sheet
(c) Profit and Loss A/c

4. State whether the following statements are True or False with reasons.

Question 1.
Depreciation is charged on fixed assets.
This statement is True.
Fixed assets working life is longer. The working life of all fixed assets decreases with the passage of time. The value of assets decreases every year so a reduction in the value of fixed assets due to its wear and tear depreciation is charged on fixed assets.

Question 2.
Depreciation increases the value of the asset.
This statement is False.
Depreciation reduced the value of the fixed assets. The working life of all fixed assets decreases with the passage of time and its wear and tear.

Question 3.
Balance of the depreciation account is transferred to Profit and Loss A/c.
This statement is True.
Depreciation is charged to profit and Loss A/c as it is an element of Cost. It is also essential to arrive at true value of the asset and also net profit or Loss during a particular accounting period. Even if an asset is not in use, its value is reduced due to the passage of time. Depreciation is Cost/Loss to the business. It is a noncash expenditure.

Question 4.
The Profit or Loss on the sale of the asset is ascertained only after charging depreciation.
This statement is True.
Cost on date of sale can be ascertained only after deducting depreciation from date of purchase till the date of sale after that it is possible to compare between cost on the date of sale and selling price to ascertain profit or loss on sale of the machine.

Question 5.
Wages paid for the installation of Machinery are debited to Wages A/c.
This statement is False.
Wages paid on the installation of machinery are debited to the machinery account as they are the capital nature of expenditures.

Question 6.
It is not necessary to depreciate an asset if it is not in use.
This statement is False.
The working life of fixed assets decreases with passes of time. The value of these assets decreases every year as new technology introduced in the market old becomes outdated so it is necessary to depreciate an asset even it is not in use.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation

Question 7.
Depreciation is charged on Current Assets only.
This statement is False.
Depreciation is charged only on fixed assets and not on current assets working life of fixed assets is longer and it decreases with passes of time. The value of fixed assets decreases every year so depreciation is charged on fixed assets.

Question 8.
Depreciation need not be charged when a business is making a loss.
This statement is False.
Depreciation is charged whether a business is making losses or profits. Depreciation is the non-cash expenditure of the business like all other expenses are charged in the same way depreciation is charge even business is making losses.

5. Complete the following sentences.

Question 1.
Depreciation is charged on _____________ asset.

Question 2.
Wages paid for Installation/fixation of Machinery is debited to _____________ account.

Question 3.
Under _____________ system, the amount of depreciation changes every year.
Diminishing Balance

Question 4.
Depreciation = \(\frac{Cost of Asset Less …………}{Estimated Working Life of Asset}\)
Scrap value

Question 5.
Gradual and permanent decrease in the value of asset is known as _____________

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation

Question 6.
In Fixed Instalment System the amount of depreciation is _____________ every year.

Question 7.
The amount spent on installation of Machinery is a _____________ expenditure.

Question 8.
_____________ is the value which an asset realises at the end of its useful life.
Scrap value

Question 9.
Depreciation Account is a _____________ account.

Question 10.
Depreciation is derived from a Latin word _____________

6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Question 1.
Depreciation is a non-cash expense.

Question 2.
Underwritten the down value method the Depreciation curve slopes parallel to the ‘X’ axis.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation

Question 3.
The rate of depreciation depends upon the life of the fixed asset.

Question 4.
The terminal value of the asset never affects the annual amount of depreciation.

Question 5.
By charging depreciation on fixed assets ascertainment of true and fair financial position is possible.

7. Correct the following statement and rewrite the statement.

Question 1.
The residual value of an asset increases the amount of annual depreciation.
The residual value of an asset decreases the amount of annual depreciation.

Question 2.
Depreciation is calculated on all assets.
Depreciation is calculated on fixed assets only.

Question 3.
Underwritten down value method depreciation is calculated on the original cost of an asset.
Underwritten down value method depreciation is calculated on its opening balance every year.

Question 4.
Depreciation provided on assets is debited to an asset accounts.
Depreciation provided on assets is credited to an asset account.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation

Question 5.
Profit on sale of the asset is credited to an asset account.
Profit on sale of the asset is debited to an asset account.

8. Calculate the following.

Question 1.
A machine costing ₹ 23,000 is estimated to have a life of 7 years and the scrap value is estimated at ₹ 2,000 at the end of its useful life. Find out the amount of depreciation p.a.
Depreciation p.a. = \(\frac{Cost of Asset (-) Scrap value}{Estimated life of asset}\)
= \(\frac{23,000-2,000}{7}\)
= \(\frac{21,000}{7}\)
= ₹ 3,000 p.a.

Question 2.
If the cost of the Computer is ₹ 40,000 and depreciation is to be charged at 8% p.a. Calculate the amount of depreciation.
Depreciation p.a. = Cost of computer (×) percentage
= 40,000 × \(\frac{8}{100}\)
= ₹ 3,200 p.a.

Question 3.
Mr. ‘X’ purchased Furniture on 1st October 2015 at ₹ 2,80,000 and spent ₹ 20,000 on its installation. He provides depreciation at 6% under the straight-line method on 31st March 2016. Calculate the amount of depreciation.
Depreciation as per straight line method = Cost of Furniture × Percentage × Period
= 3,00,000 × \(\frac{6}{100}\) × \(\frac{6}{12}\)
= ₹ 9,000

Question 4.
M/s Sitaram and Co Purchased a Machinery on 1st January 2016 for ₹ 2,00,000. The company provides depreciation @ 10% p.a. on Reducing Balance Method on 31st March every year. Calculate Written Down Value of Machinery as of 31st March 2017.
Original cost on 01.01.2016 = ₹ 2,00,000
Less: Dep for 2015-16 for 3 months = ₹ 5,000
W.D.V. on 01.04.2016 = ₹ 1,95,000
Less: Dep for 2016-17 for 12 months = ₹ 19,500
W.D.V. on318t March, 2017 = ₹ 1,75,500

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation

Question 5.
On 1st July 2016 M/s. Ramai & Co. .sold Machinery for ₹ 7,000 the original cost of ₹ 10,000 which was purchased on 18th April 2015. Find out the profit or loss on sale of Machinery by charging depreciation at 10% p.a. on original cost on 31st March every year.
Original cost of machinery on 01.04.2015 = ₹ 10,000
Less: Dep for 2015-16 for 12 months = ₹ 1,000
W.D.V. on 01.04.2016 = ₹ 9,000
Less: Dep for 2016-17 for 3 months = ₹ 250
W.D.V. on 01.07.2016 = ₹ 8,750
Less: Selling price = ₹ 7,000
∴ Loss on sale of machinery = ₹ 1,750

Practical Problems on Straight Line Method

Question 1.
On 1st April 2015, Farid of Nasik purchased a Motor Car for ₹ 55,000. The scrap value of the Motor Car was estimated at ₹ 10,000 and its estimated life is 10 years. The Registration charge for the Motor Car was ₹ 5,000.
Show Motor Car Account for first four years, assuming that the books of accounts are closed on 31st March every year.
In the books of Farid, Nasik Motor Car Account
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Problems on Straight Line Method Q1

Working Note:
Calculation of Depreciation per annum
Depreciation = \(\frac{Original cost of an asset (-) Scrap value}{Estimated life of asset in years}\)
= \(\frac{60,000-10,000}{10}\)
= \(\frac{50,000}{10}\)
= ₹ 5,000 p.a.

Question 2.
On 1st January 2017 ‘Sai Industries, Nagpur’ purchased a Machine costing ₹ 1,65,000 and spent ₹ 15,000 for its installation charges. The estimated life of the Machine is to be 10 years and the scrap value at the end of its life would be ₹ 30,000. On 1st October 2018, the entire Machine was sold for ₹ 1,50,000.
Show Machinery Account, Depreciation Account, for the years 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19 assuming that the accounts are closed on 31st March every year.
In the books of Sai Industries, Nagpur
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Problems on Straight Line Method Q2
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Problems on Straight Line Method Q2.1

Working Notes:
1. Calculation of Depreciation per annum:
Depreciation = \(\frac{Original cost of an asset (-) Scrap value}{Estimated life of asset in years}\)
= \(\frac{1,80,000-30,000}{10}\)
= \(\frac{1,50,000}{10}\)
= ₹ 15,000 p.a.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation

2. Calculation of Profit or loss on sale of machine:
Original cost 01.01.2017 = ₹ 1,80,000
Less: Depreciation for 2016-17 (3 months) = ₹ 3,750
W.D.V. on 01-04-2017 = ₹ 1,76,250
Less: Depreciation for 2019-18 (12 months) = ₹ 15,000
W.D.V. on 01.04.2018 = ₹ 1,61,250
Less: Depreciation for 2018-19 (6 months) = ₹ 7,500
W.D.V. on date of sale = ₹ 1,53,750
Less: Selling price = ₹ 1,50,000
∴ Loss on sale of machine = ₹ 3,750

Question 3.
Shubhangi Trading Company of Dombivli purchased Machinery for ₹ 86,000 on 1st January 2016 and immediately spent ₹ 4,000 on its fixation and erection. On 1st October 2016 additional Machinery costing ₹ 40,000 was purchased.
On 1st October 2017, the Machinery purchased on 1st January 2016 became obsolete and was sold for ₹ 70,000. On 1st July 2017, a new Machine was also purchased for ₹ 45,000.
Depreciation was provided annually on 31st March at the rate of 12% per annum on the fixed installment method.
Prepare Machinery Account for three years and pass Journal Entries for the Third year i.e. 2017-2018.
In the books of Shubhangi Trading company, Dombivli
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Problems on Straight Line Method Q3

Journal of Shubhangi Trading Company
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Problems on Straight Line Method Q3.1
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Problems on Straight Line Method Q3.2

Working Note:
Calculation of Profit or loss on sale of machine:
Original cost on 01.01.2016 = ₹ 90,000
Less: Depreciation for 2015-16 (3 months) = ₹ 2,700
W.D.V. on 01-04-2016 = ₹ 87,300
Less: Depreciation for 2016-17 (12 months) = ₹ 10,800
W.D.V. on 01.04.2017 = ₹ 76,500
Less: Depreciation for 2017-18 (6 months) = ₹ 5,400
W.D.V. on date of sale = 71,100
Less: Selling price = 70,000
∴ Loss on sale of machine = ₹ 1,100

Question 4.
On 1st Jan 2015, Triveni Traders Raigad purchased a Plaint for ₹ 12,000, and installation charges being ₹ 3,000. On 1st July 2016 another Plant was purchased for ₹ 25,000, on 1st April 2017 another Plant was purchased for ₹ 27,000, wages paid for installation amounted to ₹ 2,000. Carriage paid for the Plant amounted to ₹ 1,000.
Show Plant Account up to 31st March 2018 assuming that the rate of depreciation is @ 10% p.a. on Straight Line Method.
In the books of Triveni Traders, Raigad
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Problems on Straight Line Method Q4

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation

Question 5.
Sameer & Company, Mumbai purchased a Machine worth ₹ 2,00,000 on 1st April 2016. On 1st July 2017, the company purchased an additional Machine for ₹ 40,000.
On 31st March 2019, the company sold the Machine purchased on 1st July 2017 for ₹ 35,000. The company writes off depreciation at the rate of 10% on the original cost and the books of accounts are closed every year on 31st March.
Show the Machinery Account and Depreciation Account for the first three years ending 31st March 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19
In the books of Sameer & Company, Mumbai
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Problems on Straight Line Method Q5
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Problems on Straight Line Method Q5.1

Working note:
Calculation of Profit or Loss on sale of machine:
Original cost on 01.07.2017 = ₹ 40,000
Less: Depreciation for 2017-18 (9 months) = ₹ 3,000
W.D.V. on 01-04-2018 = ₹ 37,000
Less: Depreciation for 2018-19 (12. months) = ₹ 4,000
W.D.V. on date of sale = ₹ 33,000
Less: Selling price = ₹ 35,000
∴ Profit on sale of machine = ₹ 2,000

Question 6.
Samarth Manufacturing Co. Ltd, Aurangabad, purchased a New Machinery for ₹ 45,000 on 1st Jan 2015 and immediately spent ₹ 5,000 on its fixation and erection. In the same year, 1st July additional Machinery costing ₹ 25,000 was purchased. On 1st July 2016, the Machinery purchased on 1st Jan 2015 became obsolete and was sold for ₹ 40,000.
Depreciation was provided annually on 31st March at the rate of 10% per annum on the Fixed Instalment Method.
You are required to prepare Machinery Account for the year 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17.
In the books of Samarth Manufacturing Co. Ltd, Aurangabad
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Problems on Straight Line Method Q6

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation

Working Note:
Calculation of Profit or Loss on sale of machine:
Original cost on 01.01.2015 = ₹ 50,000
Less: Depreciation for 2014-15 (3 months) = ₹ 1,250
W.D.V. on 01-04-2015 = ₹ 48,750
Less: Depreciation for 2015-16 (12 months) = ₹ 5,000
W.D.V. on 01-04-2016 = ₹ 43,750
Less: Depreciation for 2016-17 (3 months) = ₹ 1,250
W.D.V. on date of sale = ₹ 42,500
Less: Selling price = ₹ 40,000
∴ Loss on sale of machine = ₹ 2,500

Practical Problems on Written Down Value Method

Question 1.
M/s Omkar Enterprise Jalgaon acquired a Printing Machine for ₹ 75,000 on 1st Oct 2015 and spent ₹ 5,000 on its transport and installation. Another Machine for ₹ 45,000 was purchased on 1st Jan 2017. Depreciation is charged at the rate of 20% on Written Down Value Method, on 31st March every year.
Prepare Printing Machine Account for the first four years.
In the books of M/s Omkar Enterprise Jalgaon.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Practical Problems on Written Down Value Method Q1

Question 2.
Vishal Company, Dhule, purchased Machinery costing ₹ 60,000 on 1st April 2016. They purchased further Machinery on 1st October 2017, costing ₹ 30,000, and on 1st July 2018, costing ₹ 20,000. On 1st Jan 2019, one-third of the Machinery, which was purchased on 1st April 2016, became obsolete and it was sold for ₹ 18,000.
Assume that, company account closes on 31st March every year.
Show Machinery Account for the first three(3) years and pass journal entries for the Third year, after charging depreciation at 10% p.a. on Written Down Value Method.
In the books of Vishal Company, Dhule.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Practical Problems on Written Down Value Method Q2
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Practical Problems on Written Down Value Method Q2.1

Journal of Vishal Company
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Practical Problems on Written Down Value Method Q2.2

Working Notes:
1. Calculation of Profit or Loss on sale as Machine:
Original cost on 01.04.2016 = ₹ 20,000
Less: Dep. for 2016-17 (12 months) = ₹ 2,000
W.D.V. on 01.04.2017 = ₹ 18,000
Less : Dep. for 2016-17 (12 months) = ₹ 1,800
W.D.V. on 01.04.2018 = ₹ 16,200
Less : Dep. for 2018-19 (9 months) = ₹ 1,215
W.D.V. on date of sale = ₹ 14,985
Less : Selling Price = ₹ 18,000
∴ Profit on sale & machine = ₹ 3,015

2. Depreciation for 2018-19
(a) Opening balance on 01.04.2018 = ₹ 77,100
Less : W.D.V. of Machine sold on 01.04.2018 = ₹ 16,200
10% depreciation on 60,900 = ₹ 6,090
(b) Purchase of Machine on 01.07.2018 20,000 – 10% – 9 months = ₹ 6,090 + ₹ 1,500 = ₹ 7,590

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation

Question 3.
Mahesh Traders Solapur purchased Furniture on 1st April 2014 for ₹ 20,000. In the same year on 1st, Oct. additional Furniture was purchased for ₹ 10,000.
On 1st Oct. 2015, the Furniture purchased on 1st April 2014 was sold for ₹ 15,000 and on the same day, a new Furniture was purchased for ₹ 20,000.
The firm charged depreciation at 10% p.a. on the Reducing Balance Method.
Prepare Furniture Account and Depreciation Account for the year ending 31st March 2015, 2016, and 2017.
In the books of Mahesh Traders, Solapur
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Practical Problems on Written Down Value Method Q3
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Practical Problems on Written Down Value Method Q3.1

Working Notes:
1. Calculation of Profit or loss on sale of furniture:
Original cost on 01.04.2014 = ₹ 20,000
Less: Depreciation for 2014-15 (12 months) = ₹ 2,000
W.D.V. on 01.04.2015 = ₹ 18,000
Less: Depreciation for 2015-16 = ₹ 900
W.D.V. on date of sale = ₹ 17,100
Less: Selling price = ₹ 15,000
∴ Loss on sale of furniture = ₹ 2,100

2. Calculation of Depreciation for 2016 -17:
(a) Opening balance on 01.04.2015 = ₹ 27,500
Less: W.D.V. of furniture sold on 01.04.2015 = ₹ 18,000
9,500 – 10% = ₹ 950
(b) Purchase of furniture on 01.10.2015 – 10% – 6months = 950 + 1,000 = ₹ 1,950

Question 4.
Radhika-Masale’ Amravati purchased a Plant on 1st Jan. 2015 for ₹ 80,000. A new Plant was also purchased
for ₹ 60,000, installation expenses being ₹ 10,000 on 1st April 2016. On 1st Jan 2017, a new Plant was purchased for ₹ 20,000, by disposing of the 1st Plant at ₹ 60,000.
Prepare Plant Account and Depreciation Account for 31st March 2015, 31st March 2016, and 31st March 2017, assuming that the rate of depreciation was @ 10% on Diminishing Balance Method.
In the books of Radhika-Masale, Amravati
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Practical Problems on Written Down Value Method Q4
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Practical Problems on Written Down Value Method Q4.1

Working Notes:
1. Calculation of Profit or loss on sale of plant:
Original cost on 01.01.2015 = ₹ 80,000
Less: Depreciation for 2014.15. (3 months) = ₹ 2,000
W.D.V. on 01.04.2015 = ₹ 78,000
Less: Depreciation for 2015 -16 (12 months) = ₹ 7,800
W.D.V. on 01.04.2016 = ₹ 70,200
Less: Depreciation for 2016 -17 (9 months) = ₹ 5,265
W.D.V. on date of sale = ₹ 64,935
Less: Selling price = ₹ 60,000
∴ Loss on sale of plant = ₹ 4,935

2. Calculation of Depreciation for 2016-17:
(a) Opening balance on 01.04.2016 = ₹ 70,200
Less: W.D.V. of plant sold on 01.04.2016 = ₹ 70,200
Nil – 10% = Nil
(b) Purchase of plant on 01.04.2016 – 10% – 12months = ₹ 7,000
(c) Purchase of plant on 01.01.2017 – 10% – 3m months = ₹ 500
Total = ₹ 7,500

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation

Question 5.
On 1st April 2015, Suman Traders purchased Machinery for ₹ 30,000. On 1st Oct. 2015, they purchased further Machinery costing ₹ 20,000.
On 1st Oct. 2016, they sold the Machine purchased on 1st April 2015 for ₹ 18,000 and brought another Machine for ₹ 15,000 on the same date.
Depreciation is provided on Machinery @ 20% p.a. on the Diminishing Balance Method and the financial year closes on 31st March every year.
Prepare the Machinery Account and Depreciation Account for the year 2015-16, 2016-17, and 2017-18.
In the books of Suman Traders
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Practical Problems on Written Down Value Method Q5
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 7 Depreciation Practical Practical Problems on Written Down Value Method Q5.1

Working Notes:
1. Calculation of Profit or loss on sale of machine:
Original cost on 01.04.2015 = ₹ 30,000
Less: Depreciation for 2015-16 (12 months) = ₹ 6,000
W.D.V. on 01.04.2016 = ₹ 24,000
Less: Depreciation for 2016-17 (6 months) = ₹ 2,400
W.D.V. on date of sale = ₹ 21,600
Less: Selling price = ₹ 18,000
∴ Loss on sale of machine = ₹ 3,600

2. Calculation of Depreciation for 2016-17:
(a) Opening balance on 01.04.2016 = ₹ 42,000
Less: W.D.V. of machine sold on 01.04.2016 = ₹ 24,000
18,000 – 20% = ₹ 3,600
(b) Purchase of machine on 01.10.2016 – 15,000 – 20% – 6months = 3,600 + 1,500 = ₹ 5,100

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Bookkeeping and Accountancy 11th Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Bookkeeping and Accountancy 11th Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement

1. Answer in one sentence.

Question 1.
Who prepares a bank Pass Book?
The Bank passbook is prepared by the bank.

Question 2.
What is a pay-in-slip?
Pay-in-slip is the slip that is filled when the bank account holder deposits a cheque or cash into his bank account.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement

Question 3.
What is a bank overdraft?
The amount withdrawn by the account holder from his current account in excess of the balance standing in that account up to, specified limit is known as bank overdraft.

Question 4.
What is a withdrawal slip?
It is a document/form, which is used by the savings account holder for withdrawing cash from his bank account.

Question 5.
Who sends the bank statement?
A bank statement is sent by the Bank manager to the account holder informing about debit or credit given by the bank.

Question 6.
What does a debit balance in Cash Book represent?
The debit balance of the cash Book indicates a positive Bank balance as per Cash Book.

Question 7.
Who prepares the Bank Reconciliation Statement?
A Businessman, trader, or accountant prepares Bank Reconciliation Statement at the end of every month.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement

Question 8.
What does the debit balance in Pass Book represent?
The debit balance of Passbook represents Overdraft as per passbook.

Question 9.
On which side is interest on bank deposit recorded in Pass Book?
Interest on bank deposits is recorded on the credit side of the passbook.

Question 10.
Why is Bank Reconciliation Statement prepared?
A bank reconciliation statement is prepared to disclose the causes of the difference between the balances shown by the cash book and passbook.

2. Give one word/term/phrase which can substitute each of the following statements:

Question 1.
The account on which overdraft facility is allowed by the bank.
Current Account

Question 2.
Extract of ledger account of the account holder in the books of the bank.
Pass Book

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement

Question 3.
Alphanumeric code that facilitates electronic funds transfer in India.
IFSC (Indian Financial System Code)

Question 4.
Statement showing the causes of disagreement between the balance of Cash Book and Pass Book.
Bank Reconciliation Statement

Question 5.
Debit balance in Pass Book.
Overdraft as per Pass Book

Question 6.
A form which is filled for depositing cash or cheque into bank.

Question 7.
The left-hand side of Pay-in-slip.

Question 8.
Credit balance in Cash Book.
Overdraft as per Cash Book

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement

Question 9.
A book maintained by traders to record banking transactions.
Cash Book

Question 10.
Excess of bank deposits over withdrawals by a businessman in bank current account.
Bank Balance (favourable balance)

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Question 1.
The bank column of Cash Book represents the bank account.

Question 2.
A bank statement enables the account holder to prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement.

Question 3.
Cheques issued for payment but not presented to bank appear in Cash Book only.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement

Question 4.
Bank Reconciliation Statement is prepared only during the year-end.

Question 5.
Bank Reconciliation Statement is similar to the bank statement.

Question 6.
Bank balance as per Cash Book is always equal to bank balance as per Pass Book.

Question 7.
Bank advice is sent by the businessman to the bank.

Question 8.
Pay-in-slip is used for depositing cheques into banks.

Question 9.
The difference in Cash Book Balance and Pass Book balance may arise due to errors committed while recording.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement

Question 10.
Payment and receipt of cash through internet banking generate an automatic proof.

4. Select the most appropriate alternative from those given and rewrite the following statements:

Question 1.
Overdraft means ____________ balance of Cash Book.
(a) closing
(b) debit
(c) opening
(d) credit
(d) credit

Question 2.
When a cheque is deposited and collected by bank Pass Book is ____________
(a) dishonoured
(b) debited
(c) credited
(d) written
(c) credited

Question 3.
A ____________ is a summary of financial transactions that take place over a period of time on a bank account.
(a) withdrawal slip
(b) bank advice
(c) bank statement
(d) Pay-in-slip
(c) bank statement

Question 4.
Debiting an entry in Cash Book ____________ cash balance.
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) nullifies
(d) none of the above
(a) increases

Question 5.
Bank Reconciliation Statement is prepared by ____________
(a) student
(b) businessman
(c) bank
(d) none of the above
(b) businessman

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement

Question 6.
Bank balance as per Pass Book means ____________ balance of Pass Book.
(a) credit
(b) opening
(c) debit
(d) closing
(a) credit

Question 7.
Bank gives overdraft facility to ____________ account holder.
(a) savings
(b) recurring
(c) current
(d) fixed
(c) current

Question 8.
Debit balance as per Cash Book is also known as ____________ balance.
(a) favourable
(b) overdraft
(c) abnormal
(d) unfavourable
(a) favourable

Question 9.
When extracts of Cash Book and Pass Book are given for uncommon periods, only ____________ items are considered for preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement.
(a) uncommon
(b) normal
(c) favourable
(d) common
(d) common

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement

Question 10.
When extract of Cash Book and Pass Book is given for common period, only ____________ items are considered
for preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement.
(a) uncommon
(b) common
(c) favourable
(d) unfavourable
(a) uncommon

5. Complete the following statements:

Question 1.
Payments credited in Cash Book are ____________ in Pass Book.

Question 2.
While preparing Bank Reconciliation Statement only ____________ column of Cash Book is considered.

Question 3.
Cheques issued to creditors appear first in ____________ book.

Question 4.
A statement showing the reasons for the difference in Cash Book Balance and Pass Book balance is known as ____________
Bank Reconciliation Statement

Question 5.
Overcast on receipt side of Pass Book means ____________ in Pass Book balance.

Question 6.
Online transfer made to our creditors appear on the ____________ side of Cash Book.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement

Question 7.
Interest on overdraft charged by bank is ____________ in Pass Book.

Question 8.
Normally the Cash Book shows debit balance and Pass Book shows ____________ balance.

Question 9.
The form filled for withdrawing cash from bank is known as ____________
Withdrawal Slip

Question 10.
A businessman can update his records on receiving ____________
Bank Advice

6. State whether the following statements are True or False with reasons:

Question 1.
Cheques deposited into the bank but not yet cleared appears in the Pass Book only.
This statement is False.
Cheques deposited into the bank but not yet cleared appears in the cash book only. Bank records entry in the passbook only after the cheque is cleared. So there is no entry for this transaction in the Pass Book.

Question 2.
Direct deposit made by debtors into a businessman’s bank account is recorded on the credit side of Pass Book.
This statement is True.
The credit side of the passbook means deposits made in the bank account. When direct deposits are made by debtors into a businessman’s bank account. It increases the bank balance and it is recorded on the credit side of Pass Book.

Question 3.
A businessman can prepare a Bank Reconciliation statement only with Cash Book Balance.
This statement is False.
The businessman can prepare a Bank Reconciliation statement with the help of a cash book, bank column, and passbook. It is a comparison between the two to correct the differences. Both i.e. cash book and pass book/Bank statement are required to prepare a Bank Reconciliation statement.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement

Question 4.
When overdraft as per Cash Book is given, bank charges debited in Pass Book only are to be added.
This statement is True.
Bank overdraft as per cash book means negative bank balance. The businessman has to pay the Bank. Bank charges are expenses for the business and this increases the amount payable to the bank so bank charges debited in the passbook only are to be added in the cash book.

Question 5.
Bank Statement is sent by Bank to the businessman.
This statement is True.
A bank statement is a statement issued by the bank to the current account holder informing about the bank transactions during a particular period of time. Generally, it is issued every i.e. month. It gives details information about bank deposits and withdrawals etc.

7. Draft the following specimen with imaginary Name, Account Number, Amount.

Question 1.
Bank Statement
Specimen of Bank Statement is given below:
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement 7 Q1

Question 2.
(a) Specimen of pay-in-slip is given below: Front side
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement 7 Q2
(b) Reverse (Back-side) of Pay-in-slip:
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement 7 Q2.1

Question 3.
Withdrawal slip
Specimen form of a withdrawal slip is given below:
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement 7 Q3

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement

Question 4.
Bank Advice
Specimen of bank advice is given below:
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement 7 Q4

Question 5.
Pass Book
Specimen form of the Bank passbook is given below:
Bank Pass Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement 7 Q5

8. Correct and rewrite the following statements.

Question 1.
The form filled for depositing cash or cheque into the bank is known as Pass Book.
The form filled for depositing cash or cheque into the bank is known as Pay in slip.

Question 2.
Bank Reconciliation Statement is prepared by Bank.
Bank Reconciliation Statement is prepared by Businessman.

Question 3.
Debit balance as per Pass Book is known as favourable balance.
Debit balance as per Pass Book is known as unfavorable balance.

Question 4.
When a cheque is deposited into Bank it is credited to Cashbook.
When a cheque is deposited into Bank it is debited in Cash Book.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement

Question 5.
When extracts are given for the common period only common items are to be considered.
When extracts are given for the common period only uncommon items are to be considered.

9. Complete the following table.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement 9 Q1
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement 9 Q1.1

Practical Problems

Question 1.
Following is the extract of the Cash Book (Bank Column only) and passbook. Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement as of 31st Oct. 2018.
In the books of ____________
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q1
In the books of Bank
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q1.1
Bank Reconciliation Statement as of 31st October 2018.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q1.2

Working Notes:
When extract of Cashbook and passbook are given for the same period i.e. for the month of April 2018, we have to consider only uncommon entries for adding and deducting from Bank Reconciliation Statement. This is shown in the following working notes.
In order to find out items to be added and items to be deducted in the Bank Reconciliation Statement, we have to prepare Cash Book and passbook on the basis of accounting information given in the problem:
Cash Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q1.3

Bank Pass Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q1.4

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement

1. First record the opening balance in the appropriate book i.e. either in Cashbook or passbook.
2. Bank balance of ₹ 9,800 as per Cashbook is recorded on the debit side of Cashbook in a box.
3. In this problem, the entries which are passed on the debit side of the Cashbook and passbook are to be added in the Bank Reconciliation Statement and the entries passed on the credit side of the Cashbook and passbook are to be deducted in the Bank Reconciliation Statement. This is because the opening balance appears on the debit side of the Cash Book.

Question 2.
From the following extract of Cash Book and Pass Book prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement as of 31st March 2019.
In the books of ____________
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q2
In the books of Bank
Bank Pass Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q2.1
Bank Reconciliation Statement as of 31st March 2019
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q2.2

Working Notes:
When extract of Cashbook and passbook are given for the same period i.e. for the month of April 2011, we have to consider only uncommon entries for adding and deducting from Bank Reconciliation Statement. This is shown in the following working notes.
In order to find out items to be added and items to be deducted in the Bank Reconciliation Statement, we have to prepare Cash Book and passbook on the basis of accounting information given in the problem:
Cash Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q2.3

Bank Pass Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q2.4

Question 3.
On 31st August 2018 bank passbook of Mr. Ravi showed a credit balance of ₹ 33,600, but Cash Book showed a different balance. On comparing the two books following differences were noticed:
1. Cheques paid into the bank but not credited before 31st Aug 2018 amounted to ₹ 24,500.
2. Direct deposit by the customer through NEFT ₹ 33,000 recorded in the passbook only.
3. Cheques issued on 28th Aug 2018 were presented for payment on 5th Sep. 2018 amounted to ₹ 38,800.
4. A bill receivable for ₹ 15,000 discounted with the bank was dishonored on 30th Aug 2018. Intimation of the same was received only on 3rd Sep 2018.
5. Passbook credit side was overcast ₹ 2,000.
6. Bank debited ₹ 400 for bank charges in the passbook, which was not recorded in Cash Book.
Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement as of 31st August 2018.
Bank Reconciliation Statement as of 31st August 2018.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q3

Working Notes:
In order to find out items to be added and items to be deducted in the Bank Reconciliation Statement, we have to prepare Cash Book and passbook on the basic information given in the problem:
Cash Book (With Bank Column)
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q3.1

Bank Pass Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q3.2

1. First record the opening balance in the appropriate book and at the appropriate side i.e. either in Cashbook or passbook.

2. In the above problem Bank balance of ₹ 33,600 as per the passbook is recorded on the credit side of the passbook in a box.

3. In this problem, the entries which are passed on the credit side of the Cashbook and passbook are to be added in the Bank Reconciliation Statement and the entries passed on the debit side of the Cash Book and passbook are to be deducted in the Bank Reconciliation Statement. This is because the opening balance appears on the credit side of the passbook.

4. Pass the entry of the given transactions in the book in which entry is not passed due to one or another reason, e.g. cheque of ₹ 24,300 is deposited but not collected. In this case, entry is not passed in the passbook, as the cheque is not collected by the bank. Now draft the entry for the given transaction on the credit side of the passbook. This is because, after the collection of cheques, the bank balance is increased. In the same way for remaining transactions pass the entry in that book where entry is not passed corresponding.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement

Question 4.
From the following details prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement as of 31st Dec. 2018.
1. Bank overdraft as per Cash Book on 31st Dec. 2018 was ₹ 48,450.
2. Bank charges for SMS alerts ₹ 370 were debited in passbook but not recorded in Cash Book.
3. Interest in overdraft ₹ 2,870 did not appear in Cash Book.
4. A bill for ₹ 12,000 discounted with bank appears in Cash Book at the full amount but the bank has deducted ₹ 200 discounting charges.
5. Cheques issued but not presented for payment before 31st Dec. 2018 amounted to ₹ 32,300.
6. Cheques amounting to ₹ 24,000 were deposited into the bank but only a cheque of ₹ 8,000 was collected by the bank before 31st Dec. 2018.
7. Paid stationary bill ₹ 11,300 by debit card. It was not recorded in Cash Book.
Bank Reconciliation Statement as of 31st December 2018.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q4

Working Notes:
Cash Book (With Bank Column)
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q4.1

Bank Pass Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q4.2

Question 5.
From the following particulars prepare Rank Reconciliation Statement as of 30th June 2019.
1. Credit balance as per pass book ₹ 20,000.
2. A cheque for ₹ 3,500 was issued and paid by the bank, recorded in Pass Book as ₹ 5,300.
3. Cheque deposited ₹ 9,700 collected by the bank was not recorded in Cash Book.
4. Payment side of the Cash Book was undercast by ₹ 100.
5. Electricity bill paid by bank ₹ 6,200 was recorded twice in Pass Book.
Bank Reconciliation Statement as of 30th June 2019.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q5

Working Notes:
Cash Rook (With Rank Column)
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q5.1

Bank Pass Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q5.2

Question 6.
Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement from the following information as of 31st March 2019.
1. Balance as per Cash Book ₹ 10,000.
2. Cheque of ₹ 2,000 issued but not presented to Bank for payment.
3. Our debtor directly deposited ₹ 3,500 to our Bank account by NEFT, not recorded in the Cash Book.
4. Bank paid electricity bill on our behalf ₹ 450 and charged Bank charges ₹ 100.
5. Paid ₹ 1,500 to ABC & company, our supplier by business debit card but recorded in Cash Book as ₹ 150.
6. Bank credited interest on Investment ₹ 500.
7. Cheque of ₹ 885 issued and presented to Bank but wrongly entered in the Pass Book as ₹ 865.
Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 31st March 2019
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q6

Working Notes:
Cash Book (With Bank Column)
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q6.1

Bank Pass Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q6.2

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement

Question 7.
On 31st January 2018 Bank balance as per Cash Book was ₹ 40,000 but Pass Book was showing some other balances following were the causes of the difference.
1. Cheques were issued for ₹ 1,00,000 in January 2018 but cheques of ₹ 50,000 were only presented to the Bank for payment before January 31st, 2018
2. Cheques were sent to the Bank for collection of ₹ 2,00,000 out of which cheques of ₹ 80,000 were only credited by the Bank in January 2018.
3. Following entries were shown in the passbook in January 2018, but no corresponding entries were made in the Cash Book.
(i) Payment of ₹ 6,400 by Bank for Electricity Bill by ECS.
(ii) Interest credited by Bank ₹ 12,000
(iii) Bank debited commission ₹ 1,000 and Bank charges for ₹ 600.
(iv) Direct deposit made by customer ₹ 1,000 by NEFT to our account.
Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement as of 31st January 2018.
Bank Reconciliation Statement as of 31st January 2018
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q7

Working Notes:
Cash Book (With Bank Column)
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q7.1

Bank Pass Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q7.2

Question 8.
In January 2018, the Pass Book of Mr. Girish Kumbhar showed a bank balance of ₹ 14,000. A comparison of the Cash Book with the Pass Book revealed the following.
1. Cheque deposited but not credited by Bank ₹ 10,000
2. Dividend on shares collected by Bank but not recorded in the Cash Book ₹ 1,000
3. Bank paid Insurance premium as per standing instruction by ECS ₹ 500, no corresponding entry was passed in the Cash Book.
4. Bank debited Commission ₹ 75.
5. A debit of ₹ 900 in respect of cheque dishonored appears in Pass Book only.
6. Cheque of ₹ 1,500 deposited into Bank wrongly recorded twice in the Cash Book.
7. Total cheques of ₹ 20,000 were issued during the month of January 2018, but cheques of ₹ 8,000 only were presented for payment in January 2018.
Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement as of 31st January 2018.
Bank Reconciliation Statement as of 31st March 2019
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q8

Working Notes:
Cash Book (With Bank Column)
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q8.1

Pass Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q8.2

Question 9.
Form the following details provided by Prasharit enterprises, prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement as of 31st March 2018.
1. Overdraft as per Cash Book ₹ 28,000
2. Cheque issued of ₹ 2,000 and presented to Bank returned dishonored but the effect of dishonored is not recorded in the Cash Book.
3. Bank debited Bank charges ₹ 150.
4. Bank transferred ₹ 2,500 to the savings account of the proprietor but not recorded in the Cash Book.
5. Cheque issued to the supplier but not presented to Bank before 21st March 2018, ₹ 1,600
6. Cheques of ₹ 3,000 and ₹ 2,000 were deposited into Bank but cheques of ₹ 3,000 were only credited by Bank before 31st March 2018.
7. Out customer directly deposited ₹ 1,500 in our Bank account but wrongly recorded it in the cash column of the Cash Book.
8. Bank debited interest on overdraft ₹ 750.
Bank Reconciliation Statement as of 31st March 2018.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q9
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q9.1

Working Notes:
Cash Book (Bank column)
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q9.2

Pass Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q9.3

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement

Question 10.
Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement as of 31st Dec. 2018
1. Debit balance as per pass book ₹ 16,000
2. Customer directly deposited in our Bank account by NEFT ₹ 8,000.
3. Cheques deposited into Bank but not credited by Bank ₹ 10,500.
4. Pass Book shows a debit entry for Bank commission ₹ 300, not recorded in Cash Book.
5. A Bill of Exchange of ₹ 3,500 was discounted with the Bank in December 2018, returned dishonored in January 2019.
6. As per standing instructions Bank paid the Telephone bill of ₹ 650, not recorded in the Cash Book.
7. Cheque of ₹ 975 deposited into the Bank but wrongly recorded on ₹ 795 in Cash Book.
Bank Reconciliation Statement as of 31st December 2018.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q10

Working Notes:
Cash Book (with Bank column)
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q10.1

Bank Pass Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 6 Bank Reconciliation Statement Practical Problems Q10.2

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Bookkeeping and Accountancy 11th Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Bookkeeping and Accountancy 11th Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Objective Type Questions & Answers

1. Answer the following questions in one sentence.

Question 1.
What are Subsidiary Books?
Subdivision of journals on the basis of nature of transactions is known as Subsidiary Books.

Question 2.
What is a Cash Book?
The subsidiary book in which details of cash are received in the form of cash, cheques, drafts, etc., and details of payment made in the form of cash, cheques, drafts, etc. is called a cash book.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Question 3.
State the meaning of ‘Contra entry’.
The accounting entries which appear on both the sides of cash book are called contra entries.

Question 4.
State the meaning of the imprest system of Petty Cash Book.
Imprest System of Petty cash book is a system in which head cashier gives fixed (imprest) amount to the petty cashier at the beginning of month/fortnight to meet the expenses of that period. Later on the shortfall after meeting the expenses is reimbursed by the head cashier.

Question 5.
Which transactions are recorded in Purchase Book?
Goods purchased on credit for resale are only recorded in the Purchase Book.

Question 6.
Which sales are recorded in Sales Book?
Credit sales of goods are recorded in Sales Book.

Question 7.
Which transactions are recorded in the Journal Proper?
Journal Proper is meant for recording opening entries, closing entries, adjustment entries, transfer entries, and rectification entries.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Question 8.
Who is a Petty Cashier?
A cashier in charge of recording transactions in a petty cash book is known as Petty Cashier.

2. Give a word/term or phrase for each of the following statements:

Question 1.
A person who maintains Petty Cash Book.
Petty Cashier

Question 2.
A bank account which the businessman prefers to open.
Current Account

Question 3.
Petty Cash Book in which the payment side is ruled in suitable columns.
Analytical Petty Cash Book

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Question 4.
Subsidiary book in which only credit purchases of goods are recorded.
Purchase Book

Question 5.
Subsidiary book in which return of goods sold on credit is recorded.
Sales Return Book

Question 6.
The entry is recorded on both sides of the cash book.
Contra Entry

Question 7.
Name the account which encourages personal savings.
Saving Account

Question 8.
A note was issued by the buyer to the seller giving full details of goods returned.
Debit Note

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Question 9.
A note was issued by the seller on receipt of defective goods from the customer.
Credit Note

Question 10.
Name the bank account on which overdraft facility is given to the Account holder.
Current Account

3. Select the most appropriate answers from the alternatives given below and rewrite the sentences.

Question 1.
Cash column of Cash Book can never have ____________ balance.
(a) credit
(b) debit
(c) zero
(d) none of the above
(a) credit

Question 2.
Any entry recorded on both sides of Cash Book is known as ____________ entry.
(a) opening
(b) rectifying
(c) transfer
(d) contra
(d) contra

Question 3.
The source document for recording in Sales book is ____________
(a) Inward Invoice
(b) Outward Invoice
(c) Voucher
(d) Cash Memo
(b) Outward Invoice

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Question 4.
Credit purchase of Machinery is recorded in the ____________
(a) Purchase Book
(b) Cash Book
(c) Journal Proper
(d) Returns Outward Book
(c) Journal Proper

Question 5.
Sub-division of journal is known as ____________ book.
(a) Subsidiary
(b) Purchase Return
(c) Purchase
(d) Journal Proper
(a) Subsidiary

Question 6.
Additional cash introduced in business is recorded in ____________
(a) Purchase Book
(b) Cash Book
(c) Journal Proper
(d) Returns Inwards Book
(b) Cash Book

Question 7.
Entry for bad debts is recorded in the ____________
(a) Sales Book
(b) Purchase Book
(c) Cash Book
(d) Journal Proper
(d) Journal Proper

Question 8.
Direct deposit made by the customer into our bank is recorded in the ____________ side of the Cash Book.
(a) payments
(b) credit
(c) receipts
(d) both
(c) receipts

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Question 9.
The person who draws the cheque and signs on it is the ____________
(a) drawer
(b) drawee
(c) payee
(d) all of the above
(a) drawer

Question 10.
A fixed amount is deposited for a fixed period in ____________ deposit account.
(a) Current
(b) Savings
(c) Fixed
(d) Recurring
(c) Fixed

4. State whether the following statements are True or False with reasons:

Question 1.
Journal is a book of secondary entry.
This statement is False.
Journal is a book of prime entry.

Question 2.
Assets sold on credit are entered in Sales Journal.
This statement is False.
Assets sold on credit are entered in Journal Proper.

Question 3.
Cash and credit purchases are entered in Purchase Book.
This statement is False.
Only credit purchases are entered in Purchase Book.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Question 4.
Cash sales are entered in Sales Journal.
This statement is False.
Cash sales are entered in the cash book.

Question 5.
Cash Book records transactions relating to receipts and payments of cash.
This statement is True.
Cashbook is prepared for cash transactions only. All incomes are receipts and they are recorded on the debit side of Cashbook. All expenses are payments recorded to the credit side.

5. Do you agree with the following statements.

Question 1.
Trade discount is recorded in Cash Book.

Question 2.
Petty Cash Book is a book with having a record of big payments.

Question 3.
Cash received is entered on the debit side of the Cash Book.

Question 4.
Transactions recorded on both debit and credit side of Cash Book is known as Contra Entry.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Question 5.
Credit purchase of machinery is entered in Purchase Journal.

6. Complete the following sentences:

Question 1.
Cash Book is a ____________ Journal.

Question 2.
In Journal Proper, only ____________ discount is recorded.

Question 3.
Return of goods purchased on credit to the suppliers will be entered in ____________ Journal.
Purchase return

Question 4.
Assets sold on credit are entered in ____________
Journal proper

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Question 5.
Double column Cash Book records transactions relating to cash and ____________

Question 6.
Credit purchases of goods are recorded in ____________
Purchase Book

Question 7.
Cash Book does not record the ____________ Transactions.

Question 8.
Credit balance shown by a bank column in Cash Book is ____________

Question 9.
Petty Cash Book is used for recording ____________ expenses.

Question 10.
In Purchase Book goods purchased on ____________ are recorded.

7. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them the same.

Question 1.
Cash purchases of goods are recorded in the Purchase book.
Cash purchases of goods are recorded in Cashbook.

Question 2.
Cash Book records cash transactions as well as credit transactions.
Cash Book records only cash transactions.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Question 3.
Small and large business records all transactions in subsidiary books.
Large business records all transactions in subsidiary books.

Question 4.
The person who maintains the Petty Cash Book is called Chief Cashier.
The person who maintains the Petty Cash Book is called Petty Cashier.

8. Calculate the following.

Question 1.
Cash purchases for ₹ 1,60,000 at 10% T.D. and 5% C.D. What is the amount of Net purchases?
Gross Price = ₹ 1,60,000
Less: 10% T.D. = ₹ 16,000
Net Price = ₹ 1,44,000
Less: 5% C.D. = ₹ 7,200
Net Purchases = ₹ 1,36,800

Question 2.
Purchased goods from Harish for ₹ 12,000 @ 7% T.D. What is the amount of Trade discount?
Trade Discount = Purchases Price × Percentage of T.D.
= 12,000 × \(\frac{7}{100}\)
= ₹ 840

Question 3.
Sold 50 Shirts at ₹ 300 per shirt and 40 Trousers at ₹ 600 each. What is the amount of sales?
(1) 50 Shirts × ₹ 300 = ₹ 15,000
(2) 40 Trousers × ₹ 600 = ₹ 24,000
Total Sales = ₹ 39,000

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Question 4.
Sold 30 Jackets at ₹ 500 per Jacket at 8% Trade discount, What is the amount of Trade discount?
Sales Value = 30 Jackets × ₹ 500 = ₹ 15,000
Trade Discount = 15,000 × \(\frac{8}{100}\) = ₹ 1,200

9. Complete the following Table.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books 9 Q1

Question 2.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books 9 Q2

Question 3.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books 9 Q3

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Question 4.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books 9 Q4

Question 5.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books 9 Q5

Question 6.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books 9 Q6

Question 7.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books 9 Q7

Question 8.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books 9 Q8

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Question 9.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books 9 Q9

Question 10.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books 9 Q10

Practical Problems

Question 1.
Prepare a two-column Cash Book with the help of the following information for January 2018.

January 2018 Amt (₹)
01 Started business with cash 1,20,000
03 Cash paid into Bank of Baroda 50,000
05 Purchased goods from Sakshi on credit 20,000
06 Sold goods to Divakar and received a bearer cheque 20,000
10 Paid to Sakshi cash 20,000
14 Cheque received on December 06, 2018, deposited into Bank
18 Sold goods to Shivaji on credit 12,000
20 Cartage paid in cash 500
22 Received cash from Shivaji 12,000
27 Commission received 5,000
30 Drew cash for personal use 2,000

In the books of ____________
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q1
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q1.1
Note: Transactions dated 5th and 18th are credit transactions, hence not to be recorded in the cash book.

Question 2.
Prepare a two-column Cash Book from the following transaction for the year July 2018.

July 2018 Amt (₹)
01 Cash in hand 17,500
01 Cash at Bank 5,000
03 Purchased goods for cash 3,000
05 Received cheque from Arun 10,000
08 Sold goods for cash 8,000
10 Arun’s cheque deposited into the bank
12 Purchased goods and paid by cheque 20,000
15 Paid establishment expenses through bank 1,000
18 Cash Sales 7,000
20 Deposited into bank 10,000
24 Paid General Expenses 500
27 Received commission by Cross cheque 6,000
29 Paid Rent 2,000
30 Withdrew cash for personal use 1,200
31 Wages paid 6,000

In the books of ____________
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q2
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q2.1

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Question 3.
Record the following transactions in the Cash Book of M/s Kamal Traders. Balance for the month of July 2018: Cash in hand ₹ 2,000 and balance in Bank Current account ₹ 8,000.

July 2018 Amt (₹)
03 Cash Sales 2,300
05 Purchased goods and amount paid by cheque 6,000
08 Cash Sales 10,000
12 Paid General Expenses 700
15 Sold goods and amount received by Cheque and deposited into Bank 20,000
18 Purchased Motor Car paid by Cheque 15,000
20 Cheque received from Mrunal deposited into Bank 10,000
22 Cash Sales 7,000
25 Mrunal’s cheque returned dishonoured
28 Paid Rent 2,000
29 Paid Telephone expenses by cheque 500
31 Cash is withdrawn from Bank for personal use 2,000

Prepare a two-column Cash Book.
In the books of M/s Kamal Traders
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q3

Question 4.
Prepare Analytical Petty Cash Book from the following transactions in the books of Swarali General Stores, Kolhapur. The imprest amount is ₹ 1,500 received from the main cashier.

2018 January Amt (₹)
01 Paid Cartage 50
02 Telephone Charges 40
02 Bus Fare 20
03 Postage 30
04 Refreshment to Employees 80
06 Courier Charges 30
08 Refreshment to Customers 50
10 Cartage 35
15 Taxi Fare to Manager 70
18 Purchased Stationery 65
20 Bus Fare 10
22 Xerox Charges 30
25 Internet Charges 35
27 Postage Stamps 200
29 Repair on Furniture 105
30 Cleaning Expenses 115
31 Miscellaneous Expenses 100

Analytical Petty Cash Book of Swarali General Stores
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q4

Question 5.
From the following information prepare Columnar Petty Cash Book kept on imprest system in the books of Manisha Books Stall, Beed.

2018 April Amt (₹)
01 Opening petty cash balance 200
02 Received a bearer cheque to make up the imprest amount 1,200
03 Gave a tip to peon 40
04 Purchased stationery 150
05 Paid Taxi Fare 35
06 Purchased Stamp pad 140
07 Paid Cartage 40
08 Paid Bus Fare 30
11 Paid to sweeper 50
13 Purchased a box of pencils 40
14 Paid Mobile charges 35
15 Gave it to Sohan on account 250
19 Paid for Refreshment to staff 150
20 Paid Railway Fare 30
21 Paid Carriage 65

Analytical Petty Cash Book of Manish a Books Stall, Beed
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q5

Question 6.
Prepare proper Subsidiary Books and post them to the ledger from the following transactions for the month of February 2018.

2018 February Amt (₹)
01 Goods sold to Virat 5,000
04 Purchased goods from Khushboo Traders 2,480
06 Sold goods to Shankar Traders 2,100
07 Virat returned goods 600
08 Returns goods to Khusboo Traders 280
10 Sold goods to Mahesh 3,300
14 Purchased from Kunti Traders 5,200
15 Furniture purchased from Arun 3,200
17 Bought goods from Kunti Traders 4,060
20 Return goods to Kunti Traders 200
22 Return goods from Mahesh 250
24 Purchased goods from Kirti less 10% T.D. 5,700
25 Sold goods to Shri Surya goods less 5% T.D. 6,600
26 Sold goods to Prakash Brothers 4,000
28 Return goods to Kirti less 10% T.D. 1,000
28 Prakash Brothers returned goods 500

In the books of ____________
Purchase Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q6

Sales Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q6.1

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Purchase Return Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q6.2

Sales Return Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q6.3

In the books of ____________
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q6.4
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q6.5
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q6.6
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q6.7
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q6.8

Question 7.
Enter the following transactions in the books of Vijay in Purchase Book, Sales Book, Purchase Returns Book and Sales Returns Book and Journal Proper for the month of August 2018.
2018 August
01 Purchased goods from Vikas Stores ₹ 18,000 at 5% Trade Discount
02 Sold goods of ₹ 9,000 to Prabhakar Traders
05 Veena sold goods of ₹ 16,000 to us at 5% Trade Discount as per our order dated 28th July, 2018.
08 Sent a Debit Note to Vikas Stores ₹ 1,600 (Gross) for goods returned.
10 Sold goods of ₹ 12,000 on credit to Shamal & Sons at 6% Trade Discount.
18 Received Credit Note from Veena ₹ 900 (Gross) for goods returned.
22 Sent Credit Note to Prabhakar Traders for ₹ 1,500 for goods returned. Received Dedit note from Shamal & Sons for ₹ 1,200 (Net) for goods returned.
23 Purchased goods of ₹ 16,600 from Priya Stores and paid for Carriage ₹ 150.
25 Purchased goods from Sadhana Stores ₹ 12,000 and sold the same to Aradhana Stores at a profit of 20% on cost.
28 Aradhana Stores returned goods of ₹ 2,400 as they were defective and the same were returned to Sadhana Stores.
31 Purchased Furniture for office use ₹ 30,000 from Art Furniture Works on credit.
In the books of Vijay
Purchase Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q7

Sales Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q7.1

Purchase Return Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q7.2

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Sales Return Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q7.3

Journal Proper
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q7.4

Question 8.
Mr. Akash gives you the following information and asks you to prepare Purchase Book, Sales Book, Purchase Returns Book and Sales Return Book for the month of January 2018.
2018 January
01 Purchased goods on credit from Dhanal Traders for ₹ 15,000 and sold the same to Kunal Traders at a profit of 25% on cost.
05 Placed an order with Sunetra for goods of ₹ 10,000 less 5% Trade discount.
08 Purchased goods of ₹ 20,000 at 10% Trade Discount from Saurabha Traders.
13 Sold goods to Vinayak Stores ₹ 8,000 at 5% Trade Discount.
15 Vinayak Stores returned goods to us ₹ 200.
18 Sunetra executed our order placed on 5th Jan. 2018.
20 Sold goods to Vishnu Traders ₹ 21,000 less 5% Trade Discount.
22 Returned goods to Sunetra ₹ 1,000 (Gross).
28 Kunal Traders returned goods to us ₹ 500
30 Returned goods to Sourabh Traders ₹ 1,500.
In the books of Mr. Akash
Purchase Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q8

Sales Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q8.1

Purchase Return Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q8.2

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Sales Return Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q8.3

Question 9.
Enter the following transactions in the Subsidiary Book of Kamal Traders.
2018 April
01 Bought from Suhas goods of ₹ 12,000 as per his Invoice No. 41.
04 Purchased from Virat goods of ₹ 11,870 less 10% Trade Discount vide Bill No. 12.
07 Bought from Kuldip goods of ₹ 11,000 less 25% Trade Discount vide Bill No. 12.
08 Bought from M/s. Art Furniture Works, Furniture for ₹ 13,000 vide Invoice No. 84.
12 Sold to Dhiraj goods of ₹ 11,500 vide Sales Invoice No. 27
13 Sold to Raja goods of ₹ 12,780 less 5% Trade Discount, vide invoice No. 88
21 Sold to Suresh goods of ₹ 8,000 less 20% Trade Discount
23 Dhiraj returned goods of ₹ 500 vide our Credit note No. 14
26 Suresh returned goods of ₹ 150 (gross) vide our Credit Note No. 115
28 Returned to Suhas goods ₹ 1,200 vide our Debit Note No. 09
30 Returned to Virat goods of ₹ 1,300 (Gross) vide our Debit Note No. 10.
30 Returned to Kuldip goods of ₹ 1,100 (Gross) vide our Debit Note No. 11.
In the books of Kamal Traders
Purchase Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q9

Sales Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q9.1

Purchase Return Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q9.2

Sales Return Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q9.3

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Journal Proper
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q9.4

Question 10.
Enter the following transactions in the Subsidiary Books of Navyug Traders:
2018 March
01 Sold to Bharat Patil goods ₹ 10,000 at 10% Trade discount.
04 Purchased from Naresh goods of ₹ 11,000 less 10% Trade discount.
06 Purchased Furniture from M/s. Sham Furniture Works, of ₹ 15,000 for office use.
07 Bharat Patil returned 20% of the goods bought by him on 1st March above and we gave him fresh goods in exchange.
08 Sold to Sundar goods of ₹ 13,000 less 15% Trade Discount.
10 Sold to Sumit Computer for ₹ 23,800 with a book value of ₹ 24,000.
12 Placed an order with Sajan for goods of ₹ 12,000.
17 Purchased from Naresh goods of ₹ 14,000 and sold them to Kamesh for ₹ 16,000.
19 Kamesh returned us goods of ₹ 1,600 and immediately returned the same to Naresh.
23 Sold to Rakesh for ₹ 4,500 old Furniture with a book value of ₹ 4,800.
26 Returned to M/s. Sham Furniture Works, office Furniture of ₹ 4,500.
28 Sajan executed our order dated 12th March, 2018.
In the books of Navyug Traders
Purchase Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q10

Sales Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q10.1

Purchase Return Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q10.2

Sales Return Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q10.3

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books

Journal Proper
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 5 Subsidiary Books Practical Problems Q10.4

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Bookkeeping and Accountancy 11th Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Bookkeeping and Accountancy 11th Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger

1. Answer in one sentence only.

Question 1.
What is Ledger?
Ledger is an important book of account in which individual records business transactions with respect to persons, properties, expenses, or losses are maintained.

Question 2.
What is ledger posting?
Transferring the entry passed in the journal to the ledger for the individual record is called ledger posting.

Question 3.
When does an account show a nil balance?
When the total credit side of an account equals the total of the debit side, such an account shows a nil balance.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger

Question 4.
What is Folio?
Page number of the account opened in the ledger is called Ledger folio.

Question 5.
Where is the statement form of ledger A/c is used in actual practice?
The statement form of ledger A/c is used in the banks and financial institutions to prepare the client’s account showing balances of accounts after each transaction is complete.

Question 6.
Why Proprietor’s Capital account is a liability for the business?
Capital invested in the business by the proprietor is an asset for the proprietor and liability for the business.

Question 7.
Why does a cash account never shows a credit balance?
Available cash with the business is an asset of the business and the account of every asset shows debit, cash account always shows debit balance.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger

Question 8.
What is ‘Trial Balance’?
Trial Balance is an abstract or list of all the ledger accounts as on a specified date showing debit total and the credit total of all the accounts or their net balance.

2. Write the word, term, phrase, which can substitute each of the statements.

Question 1.
Principal Book of accounts.

Question 2.
Transferring a journal entry to the appropriate accounts in the Ledger.

Question 3.
Page number of Ledger to which an entry is posted.
Ledger folio

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger

Question 4.
The process of extracting the balance and inserting it on the lesser side of an account.

Question 5.
A debit balance to Personal Accounts.

Question 6.
A credit balance to Bank Account.
Bank overdraft

Question 7.
An account to be debited for goods damaged by fire.
Loss by fire

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger

Question 8.
A Trial Balance in which only net balances of all ledger accounts are transferred.
Net Trial Balance

3. Select appropriate alternatives from those given below and rewrite the sentences.

Question 1.
In case of a credit transaction one of the account must be a ______________ account.
(a) Cash
(b) Credit
(c) Personal
(d) Debit
(c) Personal

Question 2.
‘c/d’ indicates ______________ balance.
(a) Opening
(b) Closing
(c) Positive
(d) Negative
(b) Closing

Question 3.
______________ Column of ledger is used for writing page number of Journal.
(a) J.F.
(b) L.F.
(c) Date
(d) Particulars
(a) J.F.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger

Question 4.
Debtors Account shows ______________ balance.
(a) Real
(b) Negative
(c) Credit
(d) Debit
(d) Debit

Question 5.
______________ is the process of deriving the difference between totals of the debit and credit side of each ledger a/c.
(a) Totalling
(b) Journalizing
(c) Balancing
(d) Posting
(c) Balancing

Question 6.
Total of Purchase book is ______________ to Purchase Account.
(a) posted
(b) moved
(c) given
(d) entered
(a) posted

Question 7.
Real account always shows ______________ balance.
(a) minimum
(b) maximum
(c) debit
(d) credit
(c) debit

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger

Question 8.
______________ is prepared to test arithmetical accuracy of Books of Accounts.
(a) Trial Balance
(b) Ledger
(c) Journal
(d) List
(a) Trial Balance

4. State whether the following statements are ‘True or False’ with reasons.

Question 1.
Ledger is a book of Original Entry.
This statement is False.
Ledger is a book of Secondary Entry.
Journal is a book of Original Entry: First, all transactions are recorded to journal or subsidiary books, and then they are pasted to the respective ledger accounts.

Question 2.
The process of recording a transaction in the Journal is called Posting.
This statement is False.
The process of recording a transaction in the Journal is called Journalising. Posting means transferring journal entries to respective ledger accounts.

Question 3.
A cash withdrawal from business by the trader should be credited to Drawings A/c.
This statement is False.
Cash withdrawn from the business by the trader should be debited to Drawing A/c. It is a personal account and as per the golden rules of a personal account Debit the receiver.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger

Question 4.
Balances of Nominal Accounts are carried forward to the next year.
This statement is False.
Balances of Nominal Accounts are transferral to Trading and Profit and loss accounts of the year to find Gross Profit and Net Profit.

Question 5.
When the debit side of an account is greater than the credit side, the account shows a debit balance.
This statement is True.
While balancing the ledger account the side which is greater is the balance of that account so when the debit side of an account is greater the account shows debit balances.

Question 6.
The name of an account written on top of each account is called ‘Head of Account’.
This statement is True.
There are many ledger accounts in the ledger book. To identity, the name of the account, every account on the Top Head of Account is written.

Question 7.
Agreement of Trial Balance always proves accounting accuracy.
This statement is False.
Even though the Trial balance is tally there may be some mistake like the complete omission of transaction or compensatory error so Agreement of Trial Balance does not always prove accounting accuracy.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger

Question 8.
The trial balance is based on the double-entry principle that for every debit there is an equal amount of corresponding credit.
This statement is True.
Trial balance is an extract of ledger balances. Ledger is prepared of journal book which follows the Double Entry System of book-keeping. When both the effects of debit and credit with equal amount is given. The trial balance will be tally.

5. Fill in the blanks.

Question 1.
______________ Balance on Nominal Account shows expenses or loss.

Question 2.
Cash account always shows ______________ balance.

Question 3.
The right hand side of an account is called ______________ side.

Question 4.
Creditors shows ______________ balance.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger

Question 5.
______________ accounts are closed by transferring its balances to Profit and Loss Account.

Question 6.
‘b/d’ means ______________
brought down

Question 7.
Rent paid for the residential quarter will be debited to ______________ account.

Question 8.
Sold goods of ₹ 24,000 at 20% Profit on cost, the purchase price of the goods is ______________
₹ 20,000

6. Complete the following table.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger 6 Q1

Question 2.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger 6 Q2
Return outward

Question 3.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger 6 Q3

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger

Question 4.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger 6 Q4
Credit balance

Question 5.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger 6 Q5
Nominal A/c

7. Put ‘4’ mark for the nature of balance for the following.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger 7 Q1
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger 7 Q1.1

Account Dr. Balance Cr. Balance
1. Capital A/c 4
2. Goodwill 4
3. Bank Overdraft 4
4. Bills Receivable 4
5. Creditors 4
6. Drawings 4
7. Advertisement 4
8. Prepaid Rent 4
9. Outstanding Salary 4
10. Bad debts 4

Practical Problems

Question 1.
Give Journal entries of the following posting from the ledger account.
In the books of Sopan
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q1
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q1.1
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q1.2
Journal of Sopan
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q1.3
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q1.4

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger

Question 2.
Prepare necessary Ledger Accounts from the following Subsidiary Books.
Purchase Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q2
Purchase Return Book
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q2.1
In the Ledger of ______________
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q2.2
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q2.3

Question 3.
From the following transactions prepare necessary Ledger Accounts in the Books of Vinay and balance the same.
2019 Jan.
1 Started business with Cash ₹ 10,000
6 Bought goods from Vikas ₹ 3,000
9 Sold goods to Bhushan ₹ 2,400
12 Paid to Vikas on account ₹ 1,600
19 Received on account from Bhushan ₹ 1,000
25 Cash Purchases ₹ 3,600
30 Cash Sales ₹ 5,000
31 Paid Wages ₹ 400
In the Ledger of Vinay
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q3
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q3.1
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q3.2
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q3.3
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q3.4

Question 4.
Journalise the following transactions and prepare Cash A/c only.
2019 July
1 Hardik started the business with Cash ₹ 15,000 and Machinery ₹ 20,000.
4 Purchased goods for ₹ 9,000 less 10% Cash Discount.
9 Sold goods to Amar ₹ 3,000.
12 Distributed goods worth ₹ 700 as free samples.
14 Bought Stationery for ₹ 550 for office use.
18 Received ₹ 950 from Dhanashree, a customer, whose account was earlier written off as a bad debt.
21 Abhiram invoiced us goods worth ₹ 3,000.
24 Settled Abhiram’s account, he allowed 5% cash discount.
27 Exchanged goods worth ₹ 2,500 against Furniture of the same amount.
29 Withdrawn cash from ATM ₹ 5,000 for office use and ₹ 3,000 for personal use.
Journal of Hardik ______________
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q4
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q4.1
Ledger of Hardik
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q4.2

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger

Question 5.
Prepare Aparna’s account in the books of Suparna.
2019 Jan.
1 Balance due from Aparna ₹ 60,000
4 Sold goods to Aparna ₹ 15,000 at 10% Trade Discount.
7 Goods returned by Aparna ₹ 1,500 (Gross)
11 Received crossed cheque from Aparna ₹ 50,000
17 Invoiced goods to Aparna ₹ 12,000
25 Sold goods to Aparna in cash ₹ 6,000
30 Received cash from Aparna ₹ 33,000 in full settlement of her account.
Ledger of Suparna
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q5

Working Notes:
Jan. 4:
Trade discount = 10% on ₹ 15,000
= \(\frac {10}{100}\) × ₹ 15,000
= ₹ 1,500
Net Selling Price = Catalogue price – Trade discount
= 15,000 – 1,500
= ₹ 13,500

Question 6.
Prepare Cash A/c, Bank A/c, Purchases A/c, Sales A/c, and Capital A/c and balance the same in the books of Madanlal.
2019 Aug.
1 Started business with a bank balance of ₹ 40,000.
2 Purchased goods from Aseem worth ₹ 15,000 less 10% Trade Discount.
3 Sold goods to Arun for ₹ 8,000 in cash.
4 Paid Rent ₹ 3,000 and Electricity bill ₹ 500.
5 Purchased 100 Shares of Perfect Technologies for ₹ 55 per share and paid Brokerage ₹ 250 by transfer through net banking.
6 Withdrawal of goods for personal use ₹ 500.
7 Sold goods for cash ₹ 5,000 less 10% Cash Discount.
8 Deposited cash into Bank ₹ 2,000.
9 Paid ₹ 3,000 for daughter’s tuition fees by Debit Card.
10 Purchased a Table for ₹ 2,000.
19 Received ₹ 1,500 by selling the scrap.
27 Paid cash into a bank in excess of ₹ 2,000
In the Ledger of Madanlal
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q6
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q6.1

Question 7.
Journalise the following transactions; post them into Ledger for February 2019
1 Sunil Started business with a stock of goods ₹ 20,000 and Cash ₹ 1,70,000 out of which ₹ 50,000 borrowed from his friend Kedar @ 10 p.a.
5 Placed an order for goods worth ₹ 7,000 with Mohan for which an advance of ₹ 5,500 was paid.
9 Purchased Stationery for office use ₹ 4,500
12 Goods distributed as free samples ₹ 2,000
17 Paid Freight ₹ 400 on behalf of Mr. Dev.
24 Received Goods from Mohan as per our order dated 5th Feb and settled his account.
27 Bought goods from Shekhar on two months credit for ₹ 7,000 at 20% Trade Discount with instructions to send them to Sagar.
28 Sent to Sagar Outward Invoice for goods supplied by Shekhar, at list price less 10% Trade Discount.
Journal of Sunil
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q7
Ledger of Sunil
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q7.1
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q7.2
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q7.3
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q7.4
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q7.5
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q7.6

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger

Question 8.
Journalise the following transactions and Prepare ledger accounts in the books of Sanjeev.
2019 June
1 Cash Received from Raju ₹ 10,000 for commission.
3 Intra-state sale to Rakesh ₹ 3,000 and SGST @ 2.5% and CGST @ 2.5% applicable.
5 Received full amount from Rakesh.
8 Intra-state purchases from Mangesh ₹ 2,000 and SGST @ 2.5% and CGST @ 2.5% applicable.
11 Paid the necessary amount to Mangesh.
18 Paid Rent ₹ 2,500
24 Paid mobile bill ₹ 1,000 out of which ₹ 700 for office use and for ₹ 300 for personal use.
Journal of Sanjeev
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q8
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q8.1
In the Ledger of Sanjeev
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q8.2
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q8.3
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q8.4
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q8.5
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q8.6

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger

Question 9.
The following ledger balances were extracted from the books of Pawan Pawar, Pune as of 1st July 2019.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q9
The following transactions took place during July 2019. Post them into Ledger and prepare Trial Balance as of 31st July 2019.
1 Introduced additional Capital ₹ 40,000
4 Bought goods from Rakesh ₹ 80,000 @ 10% Trade Discount
7 Sold goods to Rashmi ₹ 30,000
9 Returned goods to Rakesh ₹ 20,000 (Gross)
11 Rashmi returned goods to us ₹ 400
14 Paid to Rakesh ₹ 40,000 @ 2% Cash Discount
22 Made purchases ₹ 17,000 and amount paid by cheque
24 Cash Sales ₹ 8,000
27 Bought Stationery ₹ 3,000
28 Received from Rashmi ₹ 39,000 by RTGS and discount allowed ₹ 1000
29 Paid Salary ₹ 10,000
29 Sold goods to Rashmi ₹ 20,000
31 Bought goods from Rakesh ₹ 36,000 and paid by cheque.
Ledger of Pawan Pawar, Pune
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q9.1
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q9.2
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q9.3
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q9.4
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q9.5
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q9.6

Trial Balance as of 31st July 2019
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 4 Ledger Practical Problems Q9.7

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Bookkeeping and Accountancy 11th Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Bookkeeping and Accountancy 11th Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

1A. Answer in One Sentence:

Question 1.
What is Journal?
Journal is a book of account in which all types of day-to-day business transactions are recorded in chronological

Question 2.
What is Narration?
Explanation of transaction which is written just below the accounting entry in the particular column is called narration.

Question 3.
What is GST?
GST is an abbreviated form of Goods and Service Tax that is levied by the Government on specific goods and services in the place of different taxes levied earlier.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Question 4.
In which year GST was imposed by the Central Government of India?
In the year 2017 GST was imposed by the Central Government of India.

Question 5.
What is meant by simple entry?
An entry in which only two accounts are affected viz. one account is debited and the other account is credited is called simple entry.

Question 6.
What is the meaning of combined entry?
A journal entry that combines more than one debit or more than one credit or both is called a combined/compound entry.

Question 7.
Which account is debited, when rent is paid by Debit card?
The rent account is debited when rent is paid by debit card.

Question 8.
Which discount is not recorded in the books of account?
Trade discount is not recorded in the books of the account.

Question 9.
In which order monthly transactions are recorded in a Journal?
In chronological (date wise) order monthly transactions are recorded in the journal.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Question 10.
Which account is credited, when goods are sold on credit?
Sales account is credited, when goods are sold on credit.

2. Give one word/term or phrase for each of the following statements:

Question 1.
A book of prime entry.

Question 2.
The tax imposed by Central Government on Goods and Services.

Question 3.
A brief explanation of an entry.

Question 4.
The process of recording transactions in the Journal.

Question 5.
The French word from which the word Journal is derived.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Question 6.
Concession is given for immediate payment.
Cash discount

Question 7.
Entry in which more than one accounts are be debited or credited.
Combined Entry

Question 8.
Anything took by the proprietor from the business for his private use.

Question 9.
Tax payable to the Government on purchase of goods.
Input Tax

Question 10.
Page number of the ledger.
Ledger Folio

3. Select the most appropriate alternative from the alternatives given below and rewrite the statements.

Question 1.
___________ means explanation of the transactions recorded in the Journal.
(a) Narration
(b) Journalising
(c) Posting
(d) Casting
(a) Narration

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Question 2.
___________ discount is not recorded in the books of accounts.
(a) Trade
(b) Cash
(c) GST
(d) VAT
(a) Trade

Question 3.
Recording of transaction in Journal is called ___________
(a) posting
(b) journalising
(c) narration
(d) prime entry
(b) journalising

Question 4.
Every Journal entry require ___________
(a) casting
(b) posting
(c) narration
(d) journalising
(c) narration

Question 5.
The ___________ column of the Journal is not recorded at the time of journalising.
(a) date
(b) particulars
(c) ledger folio
(d) amount
(c) ledger folio

Question 6.
Goods sold on credit should be debited to ___________
(a) Purchase A/c
(b) Customer A/c
(c) Sales A/c
(d) Cash A/c
(b) Customer A/c

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Question 7.
Wages paid for installation of Machinery should be debited to ___________
(a) Wages A/c
(b) Machinery A/c
(c) Cash A/c
(d) Installation A/c
(b) Machinery A/c

Question 8.
The commission paid to the agent should be debited to ___________
(a) Drawing A/c
(b) Cash A/c
(c) Commission A/c
(d) Agent A/c
(c) Commission A/c

Question 9.
Loan taken from Dena Bank should be credited to ___________
(a) Capital A/c
(b) Dena Bank A/c
(c) Cash A/c
(d) Dena Bank Loan A/c
(d) Dena Bank Loan A/c

Question 10.
Purchase of animals for cash should be debited to ___________
(a) Livestock A/c
(b) Goods A/c
(c) Cash A/c
(d) Bank A/c
(a) Livestock A/c

4. State whether the following statements are True or False with reasons.

Question 1.
Narration is not required for each and every entry.
This statement is False.
Correct statement: Narration is required for each and every entry.
Reasons: Narration is a brief explanation of the Journal Entry. It is written in the bracket just below the accounting entry. By reading the narration, the reader understands the meaning and significance of accounting entry and the nature and type of business transactions. Narration should be as short as possible and it should be simple and easy to understand.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Question 2.
A journal voucher is a must for all transactions recorded in the Journal.
This statement is True.
Reasons: A voucher is a document that supports a payment made by the businessmen. It is legal evidence that a certain sum of money has been paid to a specific person or party. A Journal voucher is an original or basic voucher on the basis of which business transactions are journalized in the journal. Journal voucher provides legal proof for the business transactions. Therefore a journal voucher is necessary for all transactions recorded in the journal.

Question 3.
Cash discount allowed should be debited to discount A/c.
This statement is True.
Reasons: Any allowance or reduction in payment allowed by the seller to the buyer or creditor to the debtor on payment of cash is called cash discount. It is the concession given to encourage prompt payment. The gash discount allowed is an expense or a loss to the receiver. Expenses or Losses are always to be debited. Cash discount allowed is an expense or loss and therefore it is debited to Discount A/c.

Question 4.
Journal is a book of prime entry.
This statement is True.
Reasons: Journal is the most important book of accounts. It is a book of daily records. It is the main book of accounts in which transactions are recorded for the first time from source documents. Therefore this book is known as the book of original entry or first entry or prime entry. Business transactions are first entered in the journal and then they are recorded in other accounts book. For these reasons, the journal is called a book of prime entry.

Question 5.
Trade discount is recorded in the books of accounts.
This statement is False.
Correct statement: Trade discount is never recorded in the books of accounts.
Reasons: The discount which is allowed or given by the manufacturer to wholesalers and by wholesalers to retailers and retailers to customers on the bulk purchases is called trade discount. By custom or by law trade discount is calculated on the catalog or printed price of the goods. Trade discount is directly deducted from the printed price and net prices of the goods or services are recorded in the books of accounts. A trade discount is given to encourage the buyers to increase their purchases. It is given to traders to enable them to earn a sizeable profit on the printed prices.

Question 6.
Goods lost by theft are debited to the goods account.
This statement is False.
Correct statement: Goods lost by theft is credited to the goods account.
Reasons: Goods account is a real account because unsold goods are the property of the business. If goods are purchased or acquired, the Goods account is debited and if goods are sold or lost from the business, they are credited. As per the traditional approach, goods lost means go away from the business, and whatever goes out an account of it is credited. As per the modern approach if loss of business increases account of such loss is credited in the hooks of account.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Question 7.
If rent is paid to the landlord, the landlord’s A/c should be debited.
This statement is False.
Correct Statement: If rent is paid to the landlord, the Rent account should be debited.
Reasons: Rent paid is an expense and hence it is a nominal account. When rent is paid to the landlord, the rent account is affected and not the landlord’s account. Rent is an expense to a tenant who pays it and it is an income for the landlord. Such payment is not personally due to the landlord as there is no lending and borrowing of money between landlord and rent payer. As per the rule of nominal account, the rent account is debited because it is an expense. As cash goes out cash account is credited.

Question 8.
Book Keeping records monetary and non-monetary transactions.
This statement is False.
Correct Statement: Book Keeping records only monetary transactions.
Reasons: According to the money measurement concept, in the books of accounts accountant records only those business transactions which are monetary or financial in nature and capable to be expressed in monetary terms. It means the qualitative and quantitative aspects which cannot be measured in terms of money are not recorded in the books of account personal or non-monetary transactions are not recorded, in the books of accounts e.g. giving lift from car to neighbour, drinking tea along with friends in the restaurant, etc. are not recorded in the books of account as these transactions are not monetary in nature.

Question 9.
Drawings made by the proprietor increase his capital.
This statement is False.
Correct statement: Drawings made by the proprietor decreases his capital.
Reasons: Total amount of goods and services withdrawn by the proprietor from the business from time to time for personal use or family use is called drawings. Withdrawals made by a businessman for business purpose is not treated as drawings. Drawings are always adjusted or deducted from capital. Heavy withdrawals made by a businessman for self-use reduces capital in the business. If the businessman controls the drawings more funds are made available for the development of the business. Drawing made by the proprietor reduces his capital investment.

Question 10.
GST paid on the purchase of goods Input tax A/c should be debited.
This statement is True.
Reasons: GST is abbreviated from Goods and Service Tax. GST is levied by the government on the purchases of Goods and Services at a specified rate. Since it is imposed on purchases of goods and services, it increases its cost. GST is added to the purchase price. Purchases are always debited and hence GST i.e. Input tax account is also debited along with purchases. In the case of sales of goods and services, the output tax account is credited.

5. Fill in the blanks.

Question 1.
The first book of original entry is the ___________

Question 2.
The process of recording transaction into journal is called ___________

Question 3.
An explanation of the transaction recorded in the journal ___________

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Question 4.
___________ discount is not recorded in the books of accounts.

Question 5.
___________ is concession allowed for bulk purchase of goods or for immediate payment.

Question 6.
Every Journal Entry requires ___________

Question 7.
___________ discount is always recorded in the books of accounts.

Question 8.
___________ is the document on the basis of which the entry is recorded in the journal.

Question 9.
There are ___________ parties to a cheque.

Question 10.
The ___________ cheque is safer than other cheques as it cannot be encashed on the counter of the bank.

6. Specimen and Proforma.

Question 1.
Prepare specimen of Tax Invoice.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal 6 Q1

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Question 2.
Prepare specimen of Receipt.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal 6 Q2

Question 3.
Prepare specimen of the Crossed cheque.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal 6 Q3

Question 4.
Prepare specimen of Cash voucher.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal 6 Q4

7. Correct the following statements and rewrite the statements.

Question 1.
All business transactions are recorded in the Journal.
Only monetary transactions are recorded in the Journal.

Question 2.
A cash discount is not recorded in the books of accounts.
A cash discount is recorded in the books of accounts.

Question 3.
Journal is a book of Secondary entry.
Journal is a book of Prime entry.

Question 4.
GST is imposed by the Government of India from 1st July 2018.
GST is imposed by the Government of India from 1st July 2017.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Question 5.
The machinery purchased by the Proprietor decreases his capital.
Machinery purchased by the proprietor increases his Capital.

8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Question 1.
Narration is required for every entry.

Question 2.
GST stands for Goods and Sales Tax.

Question 3.
Trade discount is not recorded in the books of accounts.

Question 4.
Wages paid for the installation of Machinery is debited to Wages Account.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Question 5.
The process of entering or recording the transactions in a Journal is called Journalising.

9. Calculate the following:

Question 1.
Purchased Motor Car from Tata & Company worth ₹ 2,00,000 at 18% GST. Find out GST amount.
Cost of the Motor Car = ₹ 2,00,000
GST @ 18% = 2,00,000 × \(\frac{18}{100}\) = ₹ 36,000
Net value of the Motor Car = ₹ 2,00,000 + ₹ 36,000 = ₹ 2,36,000

Question 2.
Paid Transport charges ₹ 10,000 @ 5% GST. Calculate CGST & SGST.
Transport charges = ₹ 10,000 @ 5% GST.
CGST = Transport charges × 2.5%.
= 10,000 × \(\frac{2.5}{100}\)
= 10,000 × \(\frac{25}{1000}\)
= ₹ 250
SGST = Transport charges × 2.5%.
= 10,000 × \(\frac{2.5}{100}\)
= 10,000 × \(\frac{25}{1000}\)
= ₹ 250
Net value = 10,000 + 250 + 250 = ₹ 10,500.

Question 3.
Bought goods from Ranjan ₹ 10,000 @ 5% GST and 10% cash discount. Calculate cash discount.
Cost of the goods bought = ₹ 10,000 @ 5% GST and 10% cash discount.
GST on Goods Purchased = Cost of goods × 5%.
= 10,000 × \(\frac{5}{100}\)
= ₹ 500.
Net value of Goods Purchased = 10,000 + 500 = ₹ 10,500
Cash discount = Net value × 10%.
= 10,500 × \(\frac{10}{100}\)
= ₹ 1,050.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Question 4.
Received cheque of ₹ 90,000 from Kiran in full settlement of his account ₹ 1,00,000/-. Calculate discount rate.
Discount allowed to Kiran = Amount due – Amount received
= 1,00,000 – 90,000
= ₹ 10,000.
Rate of discount allowed to Kiran = \(\frac{100 \times \text { Total Discount allowed }}{\text { Amount on which discount allowed }}\)
= \(\frac{100 \times 10,000}{1,00,000}\)
= 10%

Question 5.
Sold goods of ₹ 1,00,000 at 10% Trade Discount and 10% cash discount to Ram and received 50% amount by cheque. Calculate the amount of cheque received.
Trade Discount = Catalogue price × Rate of trade discount
= 1,00,000 × \(\frac{10}{100}\)
= ₹ 10,000
Net amount receivable = Catalogue price – Trade Discount
= 1,00,000 – 10,000
= ₹ 90,000
50% of net amount received.
∴ Amount receivable = 50% of 90,000
= \(\frac{50}{100}\) × 90,000
= ₹ 45,000
Cash discount allowed = 10% on ₹ 45,000
= \(\frac{10}{100}\) × 45,000
= ₹ 4,500
Amount of cheque received = 50% of total amount – Cash discount
= 45,000 – 4,500
= ₹ 40, 500
Amount received by cheque = ₹ 40,500.

10. Complete the following table.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal 10 Q1
1. Drawings A/c
2. Sonali’s A/c
3. Bad debts A/c
4. Livestock A/c
5. Capital A/c

Practical Problems

Question 1.
Journalise the following transactions in the books of Anand General Merchants.
2019 April
1 Mr. Anand started the business with cash of ₹ 60,000.
5 Purchased goods for cash ₹ 30,000.
7 Sold goods of ₹ 10,000 to Suresh.
10 Purchased Furniture from Mr. Govind on credit ₹ 30,000.
15 Paid for Rent ₹ 3000 and paid by debit card.
21 Purchased goods from Urmila on credit ₹ 70,000.
27 Paid for Transport ₹ 1,000 to United Transport.
30 Paid to Urmila ₹ 20,000 on behalf of Sharmila.
In the Journal of Anand General Merchants
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Practical Problems Q1

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Question 2.
Journalise the following transactions in the books of Gajanan.
2019 May
3 Purchased goods for ₹ 90,000 and amounts paid by Bank directly.
7 Sold goods to Satish on credit ₹ 30,000.
9 Paid for Postage ₹ 10,000.
12 Paid for Wages ₹ 15,000.
15 Received cheque of ₹ 30,000 from Satish.
21 Received Dividend ₹ 5000.
25 Purchased Laptop of ₹ 40,000 and paid by cheque.
28 Deposited cash ₹ 10,000 into State Bank of India.
31 Purchased goods for ₹ 40,000 and paid by RTGS.
Journal of Gajanan
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Practical Problems Q2
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Practical Problems Q2.1

Question 3.
Journalise the following transactions in the books of Ashok General Stores.
2019 May
1 Received ₹ 5,000 from Ram on behalf of Bharat.
4 Purchased Goods for cash ₹ 55,000.
8 Paid for Salary ₹ 8,000.
12 Purchased goods from Ganesh ₹ 30,000 on credit.
17 Sold goods to Mrs. Neha ₹ 60,000 on credit.
20 Purchased Machinery of ₹ 80,000 @ 12% GST and amount paid by cheque.
25 Paid to SG & Sons by cheque ₹ 30,000.
28 Received Commission ₹ 10,000 from Ganesh.
30 Paid Rent ₹ 5000.
31 Purchased Shares of Atul Company Ltd. for ₹ 10,000 through Demat account.
Journal of Ashok General Stores
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Practical Problems Q3
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Practical Problems Q3.1
Working Note:
Dated 20th May 2019:
Calculation of CGST and SGST on Machinery
Catalogue price of ₹ 80,000 @ 12%.
CGST i.e. Central Goods and Services Tax = 12% × \(\frac{1}{2}\) = 6%.
CGST = Price of Machinery × 6%.
= 80,000 × \(\frac{6}{100}\)
= ₹ 4,800.
SGST i.e. State Goods and Service Tax = 12% × \(\frac{1}{2}\) = 6%.
SGST = 80,000 × \(\frac{6}{100}\) = ₹ 4,800.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Question 4.
Journalise the following transactions in the books of Sanjay General Stores.
2019 June
1 Started business with cash ₹ 50,000, Bank ₹ 1,00,000, Goods worth ₹ 50,000.
5 Purchased goods from Mohan on credit ₹ 80,000 at 10% Trade Discount.
9 Sold goods to Urmila ₹ 30,000 at 5% Trade Discount.
12 Paid into Dena Bank ₹ 40,000.
15 Goods worth ₹ 5000 were distributed as a free samples.
22 Paid for Commission ₹ 5,000 to Anand.
24 Received ₹ 28,000 from Urmila in full settlement of her account by Debit Card.
29 Paid for Advertisement ₹ 9,000.
30 Purchased Laptop for ₹ 20,000 @ 28% GST and amount paid by NEFT.
Journal of Sanjay General Stores
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Practical Problems Q4
Working Note:
5th June 2019:
Calculation of Trade discount
Purchased goods for ₹ 80,000 @ 10% Trade discount
Trade discount = 80,000 × \(\frac{10}{100}\) = ₹ 8,000
Net Purchase Price = 80,000 – 8,000 = ₹ 72,000

24th June 2019:
Discount allowed to Urmila = Amount due – Amount received
= 28,500 – 28,000
= ₹ 500

30th June 2019:
Calculation of CGST and SGST
Price of Laptop = ₹ 20,000 @ 28% GST.
CGST = (Price of Laptop) × Rate of CGST
= 20,000 × \(\frac{14}{100}\)
= ₹ 2,800
SGST = (Price of Laptop) × Rate of SGST
= 20,000 × \(\frac{14}{100}\)
= ₹ 2,800

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Question 5.
Journalise the following transactions in the books of Kunal Stores.
2018 August
1 Purchased goods of ₹ 90,000 at 10% Trade Discount and 10% Cash Discount from Rakesh and 1/3rd amount paid by cheque.
5 Opened current account in State Bank of India by depositing ₹ 60,000.
8 Cash purchases ₹ 85,000.
10 Goods sold on credit to Tushar ₹ 20,000 @ 10% Trade Discount.
12 Paid Salary ₹ 4,000.
16 Tushar returned goods of ₹ 250.
17 Goods taken by Kunal for his private use ₹ 2,000.
20 Purchased Laptop of ₹ 40,000 from Joshi Electronics @ 18% GST and paid by cheque.
22 Rent paid by cheque ₹ 15,000.
25 Purchased Motor car worth ₹ 2,00,000 for cash @ 18% GST and paid by Bank.
26 Goods distributed as free sample ₹ 4,000.
28 Purchased goods from Amit of ₹ 60,000 on credit.
30 Paid by ECS cash to Amit ₹ 58,500, who allowed us a discount of ₹ 1,500.
30 Sold goods ₹ 5,000 at a loss of ₹ 1,000
31 Sold goods for ₹ 20,000.
Journal of Kunal Stores
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Practical Problems Q5
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Practical Problems Q5.1
Working Notes:
1. 2018 Aug. 1st:
Trade discount = 10% on Purchase catalogue price
= \(\frac{10}{100}\) × 90,000
= ₹ 9,000
Net Purchase price = 90,000 – 90,00 = ₹ 81,000
Amount paid = \(\frac{1}{3}\) × 81,000 = ₹ 27,000
Cash discount = 10% on 27,000
= \(\frac{10}{100}\) × 27,000
= ₹ 2700
Amount paid by cheque = 27,000 – 2700 = ₹ 24,300

2. Aug. 10th:
Net price of Goods sold to Tushar = 20,000 – 10% Trade discount
= 20,000 – \(\frac{10}{100}\) × 20,000
= 20,000 – 2,000
= ₹ 18,000

3. 20th Aug. 2018:
Calculation of GST
CGST = 9% on ₹ 40,000
= \(\frac{9}{100}\) × 40,000
= ₹ 3,600
SGST = 9% on ₹ 40,000
= \(\frac{9}{100}\) × 40,000
= ₹ 3,600

4. 25th Aug. 2018:
Calculation of GST
CGST = 9% on ₹ 2,00,000
= \(\frac{9}{100}\) × 2,00,000
= ₹ 18,000
SGST = 9% on ₹ 2,00,000
= \(\frac{9}{100}\) × 2,00,000
= ₹ 18,000

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Question 6.
Journalise the following transactions in the books of Nina General Stores.
2018 Sept
1 Sold goods of ₹ 50,000 at 10% Trade Discount and 10% Cash Discount to Raj and received 50% by cheque and 20% by cash.
3 Bought goods worth ₹ 60,000 from Prashant at 7.5% Trade Discount and half amount paid by cash.
5 Returned goods worth ₹ 550 to Prashant.
7 Sold goods worth ₹ 90,000 to Ranvir on credit at 10% Trade Discount.
12 Received Commission ₹ 4,500.
15 Received cheque of ₹ 80,000 from Ranvir in full settlement of his account.
18 Purchased Computer worth ₹ 80,000 from Reliance Company by cheque at 28% GST.
22 Wages paid ₹ 13,000.
23 Paid for Life Insurance premium ₹ 17,000.
27 Sold goods worth ₹ 28,000 to Tushar who paid us ₹ 18,000 immediately
Journal of Nina General Stores
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Practical Problems Q6
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Practical Problems Q6.1
Working Notes:
1. 1st Sept. 2018:
Selling (invoice) price = ₹ 50,000
Trade Discount = 10% on ₹ 50,000
= \(\frac{10}{100}\) × 50,000
= ₹ 5,000
Net selling price = 50,000 – 5,000 = ₹ 45,000
50% of the Net selling price received by cheque
Amount of cheque received = 50% of Net selling price – Cash discount
= \(\frac{50}{100}\) × 45,000 – 10% on ₹ 22,500
= 22,500 – 2,250
= ₹ 20,250
20% of Net selling price received by cash.
Net amount of cash received = 20% of Net selling price – Cash discount
= \(\frac{20}{100}\) × 45,000 – Cash discount
= 9,000 – \(\frac{10}{100}\) × 9000
= 9,000 – 900
= ₹ 8,100
30% of Net Selling price is not received
∴ Amount not received = \(\frac{30}{100}\) × 45,000 = ₹ 13,500
Total of cash discount = 2,250 + 900 = ₹ 3,150

2. 3rd Sept. 18:
Trade discount = 7.5% on 60,000
= \(\frac{7.5}{100}\) × 60,000
= ₹ 4,500
Net Purchase price = 60,000 – 4,500 = ₹ 55,500

3. 18th Sept. 18:
Calculation of GST
CGST = (Purchase Price of Computer) × 14%
= 80,000 × \(\frac{14}{100}\)
= ₹ 11,200
SGST = 80,000 × \(\frac{14}{100}\) = ₹ 11,200
Net Purchase price of Computer = 80,000 + 11,200 + 11,200 = ₹ 1,02,400

Question 7.
Journalise the following transactions in the books of Varun
2018 Oct.
1 Purchased Machinery of ₹ 95,000 and paid ₹ 5,000 for freight.
3 Purchased goods for ₹ 1,50,000 and amount paid by Bank.
6 Purchased Laptop from Nagesh & Co. worth ₹ 1,80,000 @ 18% GST.
10 Paid into Bank of Baroda ₹ 70,000.
12 Paid for Rent ₹ 4,000 and Commission ₹ 3,000.
15 Bought goods from Tushar Company Ltd. ₹ 1,20,000 at 12% GST and paid 1/2 amount by RTGS.
16 Cash purchases ₹ 50,000 amount paid by cheque.
20 Invoiced goods to Satish ₹ 80,000 at 12% GST and the amount received by cheque.
25 Paid for Telephone charges ₹ 90,000
27 Mrs. Varsha bought goods from us ₹ 90,000 at a 12% Trade Discount.
28 Purchased goods from Abhijeet & Sons ₹ 1,50,000 at 18% GST.
30 Paid to Abhijeet & Sons and received 10% Cash Discount by cheque.
31 Paid for Advertisement ₹ 8,000 and Brokerage ₹ 12,000.
Journal of Varun
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Practical Problems Q7
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Practical Problems Q7.1

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Question 8.
Journalise the following transactions in the books of Dhoni Auto Car Centre
2018 Nov
1 Sold 1,000 shares for ₹ 100 each and paid brokerage @ 1% and the amount credited to our account.
4 Purchased goods from Ashish & Co. of ₹ 2,00,000.
6 Sold goods to Virat & Co. ₹ 1,50,000.
8 Paid for Advertisement ₹ 30,000 to Times of India.
10 Paid for Printing and Stationery ₹ 7,000.
12 Purchased goods from Prakash & Co. ₹ 1,50,000 @ 18% GST.
15 Paid for Transport charges ₹ 10,000 @12% GST.
20 Purchased goods from Vikram & Sons ₹ 1,20,000 @ 18% GST and paid half the amount immediately.
25 Paid to Prakash & Co. less 10% discount.
30 Invoiced Goods to Sanjay ₹ 60,000.
31 Sanjay returned goods of ₹ 10,000.
31 Sanjay became insolvent and recovered only 50 paise in a rupee as a final settlement from him.
Journal of Dhoni Auto Car Centre
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Practical Problems Q8
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Practical Problems Q8.1
Working Notes:
1. 2018, Nov. 1:
Amount credited to Bank A/c = Sales proceed – Brokerage @ 1%
= 1,000 × 100 – \(\frac{1}{100}\) × 1,000 × 100
= 1,00,00 – 1,000
= ₹ 99,000

2. Nov. 12:
Net Purchase price = Purchase price + 9% CGST + 9% SGST
= 1,50,000 + \(\frac{9}{100}\) × 1,50,000 + \(\frac{9}{100}\) × 1,50,000
= 1,50,000 + 13,500 + 13,500
= ₹ 1,77,000

3. Nov. 20:
Net Purchase price = Purchase price + 9% CGST + 9% SGST
= 1,20,000 + \(\frac{9}{100}\) × 1,20,000 + \(\frac{9}{100}\) × 1,20,000
= 1,20,000 + 10,800 + 10,800
= ₹ 1,41,600
Amount paid = \(\frac{1}{2}\) of 1,41,600 = ₹ 70,800 and credit purchased = ₹ 70,800.

4. Nov. 25:
Cash discount = Amount due to Prakash & Co × 10%
= 1,77,000 × \(\frac{10}{100}\)
= ₹ 17,700

5. Bad debts = Amount due from Sanjay – Amount recovered
= 50,000 – 50% of 50,000
= 50,000 – 25,000
= ₹ 25,000

Question 9.
Journalise the following transactions in the books of Hero Enterprises.
Balance on 1st April 2019
Cash at Bank ₹ 80,000, Sundry Debtors Ram ₹ 20,000, Rahim ₹ 30,000, Stock ₹ 55,000, Building ₹ 1,50,000.
Credit Balances on 1st April 2019
Sundry Creditors Swapna ₹ 20,000, Rohit ₹ 30,000, Bank Loan ₹ 50,000.
2019 April
1 Purchased goods worth ₹ 1,50,000 from Prashant & Co., less 10% Trade Discount.
4 Sold goods to Mr. Amit Sharma ₹ 70,000 at 10% Trade Discount on credit.
9 Purchased goods for cash ₹ 2,00,000 @ 28% GST amount paid by NEFT.
12 Sold Goods to Aditya Ray of ₹ 90,000 @ 28% GST.
15 Paid for Rent ₹ 5000 and Salary ₹ 18,000.
17 Paid for Proprietor’s house Rent ₹ 12,000.
20 Sold half of the goods purchased on 9th April at 20% Profit and 28% GST.
25 Paid for Wages ₹ 1,500.
25 Purchased Furniture ₹ 1,80,000 @ 12% GST and amount paid by RTGS.
28 Sold an old Furniture of ₹ 20,000 for ₹ 12,000.
30 Sold shares of ₹ 10,000 for ₹ 15,000 and the amount received by cheque.
Journal of Hero Enterprises
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Practical Problems Q9
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Practical Problems Q9.1
Working Notes:
1. 2019 April, 20:
Cost of Goods sold = \(\frac{1}{2}\) of purchases on 9th April, 2019
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 2,00,000
= ₹ 1,00,000
Selling price of Goods sold = \(\frac{120}{100}\) × ₹ 1,00,000 = ₹ 1,20,000

2. April, 28:
Loss on sale of furniture = Cost of furniture – Selling price
= 20,000 -12,000
= ₹ 8,000

3. April, 30:
Profit on sale of shares = Selling price – Cost of shares
= 15,000 – 10,000
= ₹ 5,000

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal

Question 10.
Journalise the following transactions in the books of Harbhajan & Co. for the month of 1st April 2019.
Balance on 1st April 2019
Cash in hand ₹ 35,000, Cash at Bank ₹ 25,000, Furniture ₹ 1,50,000, Laptop ₹ 1,00,000
Debtors: Sangita ₹ 40,000, Viru ₹ 30,000
Creditors: Ganesh ₹ 10,000, Garima ₹ 40,000, Bank loan ₹ 50,000.
2019 April
1 Purchased goods from Ajay Kumar worth ₹ 2,50,000 at 10% Trade discount @ 18% GST and paid 1/4 amount in Cash.
5 Purchased shares of Infosys Company ₹ 50,000 and ₹ 500 paid as a brokerage for Demat A/c.
8 Sold goods to Raj worth ₹ 90,000 at 10% Trade discount and 1/3 amount received by cash and 5% cash discount is allowed.
12 Paid house rent of proprietor ₹ 9,000 and office rent ₹ 5,000.
15 Purchased Laptop of ₹ 60,000 @ 18% GST and paid amount by cheque.
20 Paid transport charges on the above Laptop ₹ 1,000 @ 18% GST.
25 Paid Commission ₹ 20,000 to Ram.
26 Paid Telephone Charges ₹ 1,000.
28 Transferred from private Bank A/c of proprietor to business Bank A/c ₹ 40,000.
30 Bought goods for ₹ 1,50,000 @ 12% as GST by cheque.
30 Exchanged our Furniture of ₹ 30,000 against a Motor car of the same value for business.
Journal of Harbhajan & Co.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Practical Problems Q10
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 3 Journal Practical Problems Q10.1
Working Notes:
1. 8 April 2019:
Net selling price = Selling price – 10% Trade discount
= 90,000 – 10% on 90,000
= 90,000 – 9,000
= ₹ 81,000
Cash received = \(\frac{1}{3}\) of 81,000
= \(\frac{1}{3}\) × 81,000
= ₹ 27,000
Net cash received = 27,000 – Cash discount @ 5%
= 27,000 – \(\frac{5}{100}\) × 27,000
= 27,000 – 1,350
= ₹ 25, 650
Credit sale = \(\frac{2}{3}\) of 81,000
= \(\frac{2}{3}\) × 81,000
= ₹ 54,000

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Bookkeeping and Accountancy 11th Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Bookkeeping and Accountancy 11th Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

1. Answer in one sentence only.

Question 1.
What is a Double Entry System?
A system of accounting is which double or two-fold effects of every business transaction are recorded systematically in the books of accounts is called a double-entry book-keeping system.

Question 2.
What is an Account?
The summarised record of all transactions related to a person, an institution, an income, and expenditure, an asset, a liability, a profit, gain as per the accounting principles is called an account.

Question 3.
State the meaning of the Single Entry System.
A book-keeping system in which only one aspect of every business transaction is considered and systematically recorded in the books of accounts and other aspects are completely ignored is called Single Entry System.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 4.
What is Personal Account?
Account of person or account relating to a person with whom a business keeps dealings is called Personal Account.
e.g. Kishor’s A/c, Bank of India’s A/c.

Question 5.
State the rules of Nominal Account.
The rules of Nominal Account state that Debit all expenses or loses and Credit all incomes and gains.

Question 6.
Give two examples of intangible assets.
Goodwill and Patents or Trademark are two examples of intangible assets.

Question 7.
State the meaning of Real Account.
Account of tangible as well as intangible property or anything owned and possessed by the business is called real account, e.g. Cash A/c.

Question 8.
Give two examples of income and gains.
Interest received, Discount earned, sales, etc. are examples of income and gains.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 9.
State the rule for Personal Account.
The rule of personal account states that Debit the receiver and Credit the giver.

Question 10.
How many methods of recording accounting information are there?
The methods of recording accounting information are broadly classified as (i) Indian System and (ii) English System. It is sub-classified as (a) a Single Entry System and (b) a Double Entry System.

2. Write one word/term or phrase which can substitute each of the following statements.

Question 1.
Method of Accounting which records both aspects of the transaction.
Double Entry System

Question 2.
The right-hand side of an account.
Credit side

Question 3.
Name of the account which is debited when proprietor uses business money for personal use.
Drawings A/c

Question 4.
Accounts of Assets and Properties.
Real A/c

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 5.
Accounts of Expenses and Losses and Incomes and Gains.
Nominal A/c

Question 6.
The left-hand side of an account.
Debit side

Question 7.
The Assets which cannot be seen, touched or felt.
Intangible Asset

Question 8.
A person who invented the Double Entry System.
Luca D. Bargo Pacioli

Question 9.
Incomplete system of recording business transactions.
Single Entry System

Question 10.
A scientific system of recording business transactions.
Double Entry system

3. Select the most appropriate alternatives from those given below and rewrite the statements.

Question 1.
International Accounting day is observed on _______________
(a) 10th November
(b) 12th November
(c) 10th December
(d) 15th December
(a) 10th November

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 2.
Conventional system of accounting is _______________
(a) English entry system
(b) Double entry system
(c) Indian System
(d) None of these
(c) Indian System

Question 3.
Every debit has corresponding _______________
(a) Debit
(b) Credit
(c) Right hand side
(d) None of these
(b) Credit

Question 4.
Radha’s Account is a type of _______________ account.
(a) Nominal
(b) Personal
(c) Real
(d) Expenses
(b) Personal

Question 5.
Machinery Account is _______________ account.
(a) Nominal
(b) Income
(c) Personal
(d) Real
(d) Real

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 6.
Goodwill is _______________ asset.
(a) Tangible
(b) Current
(c) an intangible
(d) None of these
(c) an intangible

Question 7.
Prepaid expenses is _______________ account.
(a) Real
(b) Personal
(c) Nominal
(d) Income
(b) Personal

Question 8.
Debit the receiver, Credit the _______________
(a) Goes out
(b) Giver
(c) Income and gains
(d) Comes in
(b) Giver

Question 9.
Debit what comes in, Credit what _______________
(a) Giver
(b) Expenses and losses
(c) Goes out
(d) Income and gains
(c) Goes out

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 10.
Debit all _______________ and Credit all income and gains.
(a) Giver
(b) Expenses and losses
(c) Goes out
(d) None of these
(b) Expenses and Losses

4. State whether the following statements are True or False with reasons.

Question 1.
Outstanding expense is a nominal account.
This statement is False.
Outstanding expenses are personal accounts. It is a representative personal account. Expenses are payable to some person.

Question 2.
A capital account is a real account.
This statement is False.
Capital is a personal account. Amount invested in the business by the proprietor is capital. A proprietor is a natural person.

Question 3.
Every debit has equal and corresponding credit.
This statement is True.
Under the Double Entry System, the two-fold effects of each transaction are recorded. Under this system one account is to be debited and another is to be credited with an equal amount.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 4.
The discount received is a nominal account.
This statement is True.
Discount received in an income for the business. All expenses and income come under the Nominal account.

Question 5.
The drawings account is a nominal account.
This statement is False.
The drawing is a Personal account. Drawing means cash on goods withdrawn by the proprietor for personal use. As the proprietor is a Personal account his drawings are also a Personal account.

Question 6.
Outstanding salary is a nominal account.
This statement is False.
Outstanding salary is Personal account. Salary is the amount payable to staff. As he is a person, the amount payable to him is a personal account. It is a Representative Personal account.

Question 7.
A loan account is a personal account.
This statement is True.
The loan is taken from a person or bank and they are persons either natural or person or artificial persons.

Question 8.
A goodwill account is a real account.
This statement is True.
All properties/assets come under real accounts. Goodwill is an intangible asset so goodwill is a Real account.

Question 9.
A discount account is a nominal account.
This statement is False.
Trade discount is a noncash transaction it is not recorded in the books of account so it doesn’t fall under any account.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 10.
Personal transactions of proprietors are recorded in the books of account of business.
This statement is False.
Personal transactions of proprietors are not recorded in the books of account of business. Only business transactions are recorded in the books of account of business as businesses have a separate entity.

Question 11.
A motor car account is a Real Account.
This statement is True.
All properties and assets fall under real accounts. Motor car is property so it is a real account.

Question 12.
The rule of a Nominal Account is to Debit the receiver and Credit the giver.
This statement is False.
The rule of the Nominal account is to debit all expenses and losses Credit all incomes and gains.

Question 13.
A bank loan account is a Nominal account.
This statement is False.
The bank account is a Personal account. It is a representative person.

Question 14.
Assets = Capital + Liabilities
This statement is True.
Total assets are always equal to total liabilities. Total liabilities include capital also.
So Assets = Capital + Liabilities.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 15.
A Trademark account is a personal account.
This statement is False.
Trademark is a real account. All tangible and intangible assets are properties and they fall under real account.

5. Fill in the blanks.

Question 1.
Increase in asset is debited and decrease in asset is _______________

Question 2.
Assets = Liabilities + _______________

Question 3.
Increase in capital is credited and decrease in capital is _______________

Question 4.
Scientific and complete system of recording is known as _______________
Double Entry System

Question 5.
Debit all expenses and losses, Credit all _______________
Income and Gains

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 6.
Land and Building account is _______________ account.

Question 7.
Cash Book and Personal Accounts are only maintained under _______________ system.
Single Entry

Question 8.
Debit what comes in and credit what goes out is the rule of _______________ account.

Question 9.
Travelling expenses account is _______________ type of Account.

Question 10.
Every transaction has _______________ effect.
Two Fold

Question 11.
_______________ accounts are accounts of properties and assets.

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 12.
Laptop account is a _______________ account.

6. Classify the following accounts under the types of Personal, Real, and Nominal accounts.

Question 1.
Mr. Rohit’s capital A/c
Personal Account

Question 2.
Loose Tools A/c
Real Account

Question 3.
Drawing A/c
Personal Account

Question 4.
Cartage A/c
Nominal Account

Question 5.
Prepaid Rent A/c
Personal Account

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 6.
Copyright A/c
Real Account

Question 7.
Patent A/c
Real Account

Question 8.
Outstanding Income A/c
Personal Account

Question 9.
Prepaid Expenses A/c
Personal Account

Question 10.
Commission Received A/c
Nominal Account

Question 11.
Freight A/c
Nominal Account

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 12.
Plant and Machinery A/c
Real Account

Question 13.
Sundry Income A/c
Nominal Account

Question 14.
Live Stock A/c
Real Account

Question 15.
Goods distributed as free sample A/c
Nominal Account

Question 16.
Radhika’s A/c
Personal Account

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 17.
Outstanding Wages A/c
Personal Account

Question 18.
Loss on Sale of Furniture A/c
Nominal Account

Question 19.
Bank of Maharashtra A/c
Personal Account

Question 20.
Loan A/c
Personal Account

Question 21.
Computer A/c
Real Account

Question 22.
Legal Expenses A/c
Nominal Account

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 23.
Fixed Deposit A/c
Real Account

Question 24.
Income Receivable A/c
Personal Account

Question 25.
Audit Fees A/c
Nominal Account

Question 26.
Trademark A/c
Real Account

Question 27.
Loss by fire A/c
Nominal Account

Question 28.
Motor Car A/c
Real Account

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 29.
Income tax A/c
Personal Account

Question 30.
GST A/c (Goods and Service Tax)
Nominal Account

Question 31.
Siddhivinayak Trust A/c
Personal Account

Question 32.
Office Equipment A/c
Real Account

Question 33.
The stock of Stationery A/c
Real Account

Question 34.
Indian Railways A/c
Personal Account

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 35.
Income Received in Advance A/c
Personal Account

Question 36.
Dividend on Investment Advance A/c
Nominal Account

Question 37.
Discount A/c
Nominal Account

Question 38.
Raj & company A/c
Personal Account

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 39.
Repairs A/c
Nominal Account

Question 40.
Royalty A/c
Nominal Account

7. Complete the following Accounting equation table.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping 7 Q1

Transactions Assets (₹) = Liabilities (₹) + Capital (₹)
1. Started business with Cash ₹ 50,000 50,000 = 00 + 50,000
2. Purchased goods of ₹ 10,000 50,000
(+) 10,000
(-) 10,000
= 00 + 50,000
3. Goods stolen ₹ 1,000 50,000
(-) 1,000
= 00 + 50,000
(-) 1,000
4. Sold goods for Cash ₹ 5,000 49,000
(+) 5,000
(-) 5,000
= 00 + 49,000
5. Loan taken from Bank ₹ 7,000 49,000
(+) 7,000
= 00
+ 49,000
Total 56,000 = 7,000 + 49,000

8. Give necessary transactions for the following effect of increase and decrease in Assets, Capital, and Liabilities.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping 8 Q1

1. Sold goods for Cash ₹ 10,000 Increase in Assets
Decrease in Assets
2. Goods costing ₹ 12,000 Sold for ₹ 15,000 Increase in Capital
Decrease in Assets
3. Paid cash ₹ 8,500 to our creditor Mr. Kishor Decrease in Liabilities
Decrease in Assets
4. Goods worth ₹ 7,000 stolen from Godown Decrease in Assets
Decrease in Capital

Practical Problems

Question 1.
Prepare a chart showing Analysis of the following transactions in a Tabular form according to the Traditional Approach:
1. Rajasaheb started the business with cash of ₹ 85,000.
2. Goods Purchased for cash ₹ 5,000.
3. Sold goods on credit worth ₹ 6,000 to Ramesh.
4. Cash deposited into Bank of Maharashtra ₹ 12,000.
5. Interest received ₹ 700 from Radhika.
6. Paid Rent ₹ 2,000 to the landlord.
7. Bought goods on credit from Birajmohan ₹ 7,000.
8. Withdrew cash from bank ₹ 1,000 for office use.
9. Purchased computer ₹ 9,000 for cash.
10. Paid Mobile bill (office) ₹ 500.
11. Sold old Mobile ₹ 2,000.
12. Received Rent ₹ 1,000 from the tenant.
Table showing analysis of the transactions is given below (Traditional Approach)
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping Practical Problems Q1

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 2.
Prepare Chart showing Analysis of the following transaction in a Tabular form according to Modern Approach.
1. Mr. Meghraj started the business with cash of ₹ 30,000.
2. Deposited cash into Bank of India ₹ 2,000.
3. Withdrew cash ₹ 1,000 for personal use.
4. Purchased goods on credit from Nilesh ₹ 2,000.
5. Cash purchases ₹ 3,000.
6. Paid Wages ₹ 400.
7. Purchased a chair for office use ₹ 3,200.
8. Sold goods to Mohan worth ₹ 1,200.
9. Withdrew Cash for Office use ₹ 3,000.
10. Sold old furniture ₹ 9,000.
11. Received Dividend of ₹ 1,000.
12. Paid for Printing bill book ₹ 200.
Analysis of transactions by applying rules of Debit and Credit (Modern Approach)
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping Practical Problems Q2
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping Practical Problems Q2.1

Question 3.
Give the accounting equation for the following transactions:
1. Mr. Vaibhav started the business with Cash of ₹ 1,00,000.
2. Purchased goods on credit from Rita Stores ₹ 9,000.
3. Purchased Laptop for office use ₹ 10,000.
4. Sold goods to Rina on credit ₹ 12,000.
5. Received Interest ₹ 2,500.
6. Paid Telephone bill ₹ 1,300.
Table showing Accounting equations for the transactions.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping Practical Problems Q3

Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping

Question 4.
Give the accounting equation for the following transactions.
1. Mr. Swaraj commenced business with a Bank balance of ₹ 1,10,000.
2. Purchased Furniture on credit from S.M Furniture Mart ₹ 25,000.
3. Bought goods on credit from Yuvraj ₹ 15,000.
4. Purchased Machinery ₹ 10,000.
5. Paid Electricity bill ₹ 3,500.
6. Goods destroyed by fire ₹ 1,500.
Table showing equation for the transactions.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping Practical Problems Q4

Question 5.
Show accounting equation for the following transactions:
1. Rohit started the business with cash of ₹ 50,000.
2. Bought goods on credit from Manoj ₹ 6,000.
3. Cash purchases ₹ 5,000.
4. Paid wages ₹ 3,000 to Casual labour.
5. Sold goods to Santosh ₹ 7,000 on credit.
6. Received Commission ₹ 1,000 from Vaishali.
Maharashtra Board 11th BK Textbook Solutions Chapter 2 Meaning and Fundamentals of Double Entry Book-Keeping Practical Problems Q5