Life on Earth Class 5 Questions And Answers EVS Chapter 3 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 3 Life on Earth Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

5th Standard EVS 2 Lesson Number 3 Question Answer Life on Earth Maharashtra Board

Std 5 EVS 2 Chapter 3 Question Answer

1. Answer the following question in one sentence.

Question a.
What instrument do we need to see a unicellular organism?
We need a microscope to see a unicellular organism.

Question b.
Where did the protozoa appear first?
The protozoa appeared first in water.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 3 Life on Earth

2. Answer the following in brief.

Question a.
How were the sun and the planets in our solar system created?

  1. Around 4-5 million years ago, an enormous cloud of very hot gases and dust was spinning at a great speed in space.
  2. Its circular motion and great speed caused its division into several portions.
  3. This splitting created the sun and the planets in our solar system.

Question b.
Write any two characteristics of animals.

  1. Animals move to find food and for other purposes.
  2. Some species of animals lay eggs and their young ones are born out of the egg; whereas animals of some
  3. other species give birth to their young ones.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 3 Life on Earth

3. Find the names of the planets in the box below.

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 3 Life on Earth 1
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 3 Life on Earth 2

  1. Mercury
  2. Jupiter
  3. Venus
  4. Mars
  5. Saturn
  6. Neptune
  7. Earth
  8. Uranus

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 3 Life on Earth

4. Arrange the events given below in chronological order.

Question 1.
Arrange the events given below in chronological order.
(a) Water bodies appeared on the earth’s surface.
(b) The sun and the planets revolving around it were created.
(c) Protozoa appeared in water.
(d) An enormous cloud of hot gases and dust was formed in space.
(a) An enormous cloud of hot gases and dust formed in space.
(b) The sun and the planets were formed.
(c) Water bodies appeared on the earth’s surface.
(d) Protozoa appeared in water

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 3 Life on Earth

Activity :

Question 1.
Make a model of the solar system using balls of different sizes.

Project :

Question 1.
Visit a zoo or make a list of animals which are seen in your neighbourhood and note their characteristics.

Environmental Studies Part 2 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 3 Life on Earth Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks:

  1. An enormous’ cloud of very hot gases and dust spinning at a great speed was formed in ………… .
  2. The cloud’s circular motion and great speed caused it to divide into several portions, creating the …………………. and ……………..
  3. ………. and …………….. are planets.
  4. The ………. is the only planet where life is known to exist
  5. After the creation of the earth, it took about ………. years for its surface to cool down and for water bodies to be formed on it.
  6. It is believed that various kinds of unicellular? organisms or living things, first appeared in …………. .
  7. Unicellular organisms are known as ……….
  8. Gradually, ……………….. living things developed from these unicellular ones.
  9. Protozoa can only be seen through a ………..
  10. The living world on the Earth consists of ………. and ………
  11. Animals ………………… in order to get food or for other purpose.
  12. Animals of some species lay eggs. Their young ones are born out of …………………
  13. Some species, a mother gives ……………… to the young ones.
  14. The protozoa are so ………….. that they cannot be seen with the naked eye.
  15. Animals of some ………….. lay eggs.
  16. Various kinds of .. ………… organisms first appeared in water.


  1. space
  2. Sun, planets
  3. Mercury, Venus
  4. Earth
  5. 80 crore
  6. Water
  7. Protozoa
  8. Multi cellular
  9. Microscope
  10. Plants, animals
  11. Move
  12. Eggs
  13. Birth
  14. Tiny
  15. Species
  16. Unicellular

Answer each question in one sentence :

Question 1.
When did the formation of the earth begin?
On the basis of scientific research, it is believed that the formation of earth came into being around 4.5 billion years ago.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 3 Life on Earth

Question 2.
On the onset of creation, what was first formed?
An enormous cloud of very hot gases and dust spinning at a great speed was formed in space.

Question 3.
How were the sun and planets formed?
The circular motion of the great cloud caused it to divide into several portions thus creating the sun and planets.

Question 4.
Name the planets in our solar system.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the planets in our solar system.

Question 5.
What forms the solar system?
The sun and planets which revolve around the sun forms the solar system.

Question 6.
Which is the only planet where life is known to exist?
The Earth is the only planet where life is known to exist

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 3 Life on Earth

Question 7.
How many years did it take for the surface of the Earth to get cooled?
After the creation of the Earth, it took about 80 crore years for its surface to cool down and for water bodies to be formed on it.

Question 8.
What kind of living organisms appeared first? What are they known as?
Various kinds of unicellular organisms or living things first appeared in water, they are known as ‘Protozoa’.

Question 9.
When did the multicellular living organisms appear?
After the creation of unicellular organisms in water, gradually, multicellular living organisms developed from the unicellular ones.

Question 10.
State the main characteristics of animals in which young ones are born.
Animals of some species lay eggs and their young ones are bom out of an egg. While in some other species, a mother gives birth to their young ones.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 3 Life on Earth

Question 11.
Which planets revolve around the sun?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the planets that revolve around the sun.

Question 15.
How many years ago was the cloud formed in space?
The cloud was formed in space about 4-5 billion years ago

Answer the following questions in brief:

Question 1.
How did life develop on Earth? Or What was the origin of life on earth?

  1. After the creation of the Earth, it took about 80 crore years for its surface to cool down and for water bodies to be formed on it.
  2. Various kinds of unicellular organisms known as protozoa, first appeared in water.
  3. Gradually, multicellular living things developed from these unicellular ones.
  4. Thus, life developed on Earth.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 3 Life on Earth

Glossary :

  1. enormous : very large
  2. unicellular : consisting of one cell
  3. organism : an individual animal, plant or single-called life form

Class 5 Environmental Studies Questions and Answers:

History and the Concept of ‘Time’ Class 5 Questions And Answers EVS Chapter 2 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’ Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

5th Standard EVS 2 Lesson Number 2 Question Answer History and the Concept of ‘Time’ Maharashtra Board

Std 5 EVS 2 Chapter 2 Question Answer

1. Fill in the blank.

Question a.
The calendar we use today is based on the ______________.
The calendar that we use today is based on the Common Era/Christian Era..

Question b.
The period before the Common Era is known as the time ____________.
The period before Common Era or Christian Era is known as the Before Christ (BC).

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’

2. Answer the question in one sentence.

Question a.
which scientific methods are used to estimate the age of the layers of soil and the remains found in them?
Carbon-14 analysis and Tree-rings analysis are the scientific methods used to estima~e age of the layers of soil and the remains found in them

Question b.
How is the first century of the Common Era written?
The first century of the Common Era is written as 1-100 AD.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’

3. Answer the following question in brief.

Question a.
What is meant by the unilinear division of time?

  1. Seven days make a week; two weeks make a fortnight and four weeks make a month.
  2. Twelve months make a year, a hundred years make a century and ten centuries make a millennium.
  3. This method of dividing time is known as the unilinear division of time.

Question b.
What are the units of measuring time?

  1. A second is the smallest unit of measuring time. Sixty seconds make a minute and sixty minutes make an hour.
  2. Twenty-four hours make a day; seven days make a week and two weeks make a fortnight.
  3. Four weeks (two fortnights) make a month and twelve months make a year.
  4. One hundred years make a century and ten centuries make a millennium.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’

4. Complete the chart given below.

Question 1.
Complete the chart given below.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’ 1
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’ 2

Activity :

Question 1.
Prepare a monthly plan for yourself on the lines of the one given below.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’ 3

Environmental Studies Part 2 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’ Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks:

  1. There are different methods of …………. time.
  2. Time is ……………
  3. We divide time into …………. .
  4. We divide the day into two parts, and …………. .
  5. Our earth rotates around its ………….. with a certain speed
  6. Our Earth …………….. round the sun.
  7. The sun has its own ………….
  8. We receive ……….. from the sun.
  9. The earth takes ………………….. hours to complete one rotation around its own axis.
  10. A period of daytime and following night together make one …………. .
  11. Seven days from Monday to Sunday make one ………….
  12. Two weeks make a ……………….
  13. Four weeks make a ……….
  14. Twelve months make a …………..
  15. One year is followed by another and, when hundred years go by, a ………….. completed.
  16. When ten centuries, i.e. 1000 years are gone, a ………………… is completed.
  17. In history books also, a chain of events that follow one after the other is presented in a … and ……………. manner.
  18. ………. means in the year of Our Lord.
  19. The Christian or Common Era began in the memory of ………….
  20. The first century of this era is written as …….. CE or AD.
  21. The period of the first millennium of this era is written as ……………. CE or AD.
  22. The years of this period are counted and written in …………………. order.
  23. The first century before the Common Era is indicated as ……………. BCE.
  24. The first millennium before the Common Era is indicated as …………………. BCE.
  25. The life time of Vardhaman Mahavir is written as ………….
  26. The lifetime of Gautam Buddha is written as ………….
  27. Measuring time is to measure the …………… of time.
  28. Second, day, month, century, are some of the …………. of measuring time.
  29. ………………. is the smallest unit of time.
  30. It is an age-old custom to start a new to commemoratel a special event.
  31. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj started a new era known as ………………….. in 1674 to commemorate his coronation.
  32. ………………… and ……………. are two eras that are used in India.
  33. The founder of Islam ……………….. migrated from Mecca to Madina.
  34. The ………………….. era was started to commemorate prophet Muhammad’s migration.
  35. The past is the subject matter of ………….
  36. The period of history goes back to the time of the birth of our ……………….. system.
  37. Our solar system came into being about ………………… billion years ago.
  38. Our earth isa. ………. in the solar system.
  39. The earth was also formed …………. billion years ago
  40. History is divided into two main periods and ………….
  41. The …………………….. period is the period for which no written records are available.
  42. The period for which written records are available from which history can be written is known as the …………. period.
  43. There are various methods of …………. .
  44. There are many layers of ………….. deposited one above the other under the surface of the ground.
  45. A rough estimate of how many years ago they existed can certainly be made using ……………. methods.
  46. ………………. analysis and …….. analysis are known as dating techniques.
  47. …………. is a science that tells us about events that happened in the past.


  1. reckoning
  2. continuous
  3. period
  4. day, night
  5. axis
  6. revolves
  7. light
  8. light
  9. 24
  10. day
  11. week
  12. fortnight
  13. months
  14. year
  15. century
  16. millennium
  17. linear, serial
  18. Anno Domini
  19. Jesus Christ
  20. 1-100
  21. 1-1000
  22. reverse
  23. 100-1
  24. 1000-1
  25. 599 BC-527BC
  26. 563 BC – 483 BC
  27. length
  28. units
  29. second
  30. era
  31. Rajyabhishek Shaka
  32. Shalivahan Shaka, Vikram Samvat
  33. Prophet Muhammad
  34. Hijri
  35. history
  36. solar
  37. 4.5
  38. Planet
  39. 4.5
  40. Prehistoric, historic
  41. prehistoric
  42. historic
  43. measuring
  44. soil
  45. scientific
  46. Carbon14 analysis, tree-rings analysis
  47. History

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’

Match the columns:

Question 1.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Vardhaman Mahavir a. 563BC-483BC
2. Sunrise to sunset b. Smallest unit of time
3. Gautam Buddha c. Day
4. Sunset to sunrise d. One year
5. Second e. 599BC-527BC
6. 100 years f. Night
7. 12 months g. A year
8. 1000 years h. A week
9. Seven days i. A century
10. Two weeks j. A fortnight
11. Christian Era k. A millennium
12. Rajyabhishek Shaka l. Prophet Muhammad
13. Hijri Era m. Jesus Christ
14. Shahenshahi Era n. Parsi Community
15. Parsi Community o. Chhatrapati Shivaji
16. Indian’s Era p. Hijri Era
17. Muhammad migrate q. Shahenshahi Era
r. Rajyabhishek Shaka
s. Vikram Samvat


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Vardhaman Mahavir e. 599BC-527BC
2. Sunrise to sunset c. Day
3. Gautam Buddha a. 563BC-483BC
4. Sunset to sunrise f. Night
5. Second b. Smallest unit of time
6. 100 years i. A century
7. 12 months g. A year
8. 1000 years k. A millennium
9. Seven days h. A week
10. Two weeks j. A fortnight
11. Christian Era m. Jesus Christ
12. Rajyabhishek Shaka o. Chhatrapati Shivaji
13. Hijri Era l. Prophet Muhammad
14. Shahenshahi Era n. Parsi Community
15. Parsi Community q. Shahenshahi Era
16. Indian’s Era s. Vikram Samvat
17. Muhammad migrate p. Hijri Era

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’

Answer each question in one sentence:

Question 1.
How is the day divided?
The day is divided into two parts – day and night.

Question 2.
What are the two movements of the Earth?
The two movements of the earth are rotation and revolution.

Question 3.
What is rotation?
The movement of the earth around its own axis at a certain speed is called the rotation of the earth.

Question 4.
What is revolution?
The movement of the earth around the sun is called ‘revolution of the earth’.

Question 5.
What is one day?
The period of day time and the following night together makes one day.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’

Question 6.
What makes one week?
Seven days, Monday to Sunday make one week

Question 7.
What is a fortnight?
2 weeks or 14 days make a fortnight.

Question 8.
What makes a month?
Four weeks or 30/31 days make a month.

Question 9.
What makes a year?
Twelve months make a year.

Question 10.
How is a century completed?
One year followed by another year and when 100 years go by, a century is completed.

Question 11.
What is a millennium?
When ten centuries, i.e. 1000 years have gone by, a millennium is completed.

Question 12.
What is unilinear division of time?
The method of dividing time into day, week, month, year, century and millennium is known as unilinear division of time.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’

Question 13.
What is Christian Era?
This era began in memory of Jesus Christ and so this era is called as Christian Era.

Question 14.
What is common Era?
The calendar we use today is based on the Christian era. Since it is commonly followed all over the world, now it is called as ‘Common Era’.

Question 15.
How is the first century of Common Era written?
The first 100 years, i.e., the first century of this era is written as years 1 – 100 CE or 1 – 100 AD.

Question 16.
How is the first millennium written?
The period of the first millennium of this era is written as, 1 – 1000 CE or 1 – 1000 AD.

Question 17.
What is BCE or BC?
The period before the common era is known as the time “Before Common Era (BCE)” or
“Before Christ (BC)”.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’

Question 18.
How are the years recorded in the BCE or BC period?
The years of this period are counted and also written in reverse order.

Question 19.
How is the first century of ‘Before the Common Era period’ written?
The first century before the Common Era is indicated as 100 – 1 BC.

Question 20.
How is the first millennium of ‘Before the Common Era period’ written?
The first millennium Before the Common Era is indicated as 1000 – 1 BCE.

Question 21.
How is the life time of Vardhaman Mahavir written?
The life time of Vardhaman Mahavir is written as 599 BC – 527 BC.

Question 22.
How is the life time of Gautam Buddha written?
The life time of Gautam Buddha is written as 563 BC – 483 BC.

Question 23.
Name the units of measuring time.
Second, minute, hour, day, week, fortnight, month, year, century and millennium are units of measuring time.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’

Question 24.
Which is the smallest unit of measuring time?
The second is the smallest unit of measuring time.

Question 25.
Which is the most common method of measuring time in different parts of the world?
The Common Era or the Christian Era is the most common method of measuring time in different parts of the world.

Question 26.
How is a date written?
The date consists of the serial number of that day followed by the name or serial number of the current month and then serial number of the current year.

Question 27.
When does a new era generally commence?
It is an age-old custom to start a new era to commemorate a special event.

Question 28.
Which era was started by Shivaji Maharaj?
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj started a new era or shaka known as ‘Rajyabhishek Shaka’ in 1674 to commemorate his coronation

Question 29.
Which two eras are used in India?
Shalivahan Shaka’ and ‘Vikram Samvat’ are two eras that are used in India.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’

Question 30.
Who is Prophet Muhammad?
Prophet Muhammad is the founder of Islam.

Question 31.
When did Prophet Muhammad start an era?
Prophet Muhammad migrated from Mecca to Medina, so, the ‘Hijri Era’ was started to commemorate this event.

Question 32.
Which era is used by the Parsi community in India?
The Parsi community in India uses the “Shahenshahi Era”.

Question 33.
What makes up the subject matter of History?
The past makes up the subject matter of History

Question 34.
When did our solar system come into being?
Our solar system came into being about 4.5 billion years ago

Question 35.
How long ago was our earth formed?
Our Earth is a planet in the solar system, so it is presumed that the earth was also formed 4.5 billion years ago.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’

Question 36.
Which two main periods is the time in History divided?
The time in history is divided into two main periods: Pre-historic and Historic period.

Question 37.
What is Pre-historic period?
The Pre-historic period is the period for which no written records are available.

Question 38.
What is Historic period?
The period for which written records are available from which history is written is known as Historic period’.

Question 39.
What is years before the common era?
The events before the beginning of the common era are mentioned as having occurred a certain number of years before the common era.

Question 40.
What are evidences?
Evidence is usually in the form of man-made artifacts and fallen structures.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’

Question 41.
How can we determine the time of the events that took place thousands of years ago?
With the help of artifacts and also using scientific methods we can determine the time of the events that took place thousands of years ago.

Give reasons for the following :

Question 1.
Time is divided into periods.
i. There are different methods of reckoning time
ii. Time is continuous, but for our convenience we divide time into periods.

Question 2.
The Christian era is also known as the common era.

  1. The calendar we use today is based on the Christian era.
  2. This era is most widespread and commonly used all over the world.
  3. Therefore this era is now called the Common era.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’

Question 3.
Time in history is divided into two main periods.

  1. The span of 4.5 billion years, since the earth’s formation is a vast period of time.
  2. It is not easy to grasp this entire period all at оnсе.
  3. It is necessary to divide it into a number of stages in order to understand it better.
  4. Therefore, Time in history is divided into two main periods, i.e. Pre-historic and Historic period.

Question 4.
The earth receives continuous light from the sun, but then too we see light only in day time and nights are dark.

  1. Due to the earth’s rotation around its own axis, only a part of the earth’s surface faces the sun.
  2. It is only this part of the surface that becomes bright
  3. The part that is not facing the sun remains dark.
  4. Therefore we see light only in daytime even though the earth receives continuous light from the sun.

Question 5.
When we measure time, we actually measure its length.

  1. There are various methods of measuring time.
  2. These methods allow us to identify a particular day, month or year with respect to an earlier or later day, month or year.
  3. Thus, when we measure time, we actually measure its length.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’

Answer the following questions in brief :

Question 1.
How are days and nights formed?

  1. The earth receives light from the sun.
  2. As the earth rotates around its axis, that part of the surface which turns towards the sun becomes bright i.e. day.
  3. The part that moves away has darkness i.e. night thus days and nights are formed.

Question 2.
What is the unilinear division of time?

  1. Seven days from Monday to Sunday, make one week.
  2. Two weeks make a fortnight.
  3. Four weeks make a month.
  4. Twelve months make a year.
  5. One year is followed by another and, when 100 years go by, we have a century.
  6. When 10 centuries, ie. 1000 years are gone, a millennium is completed.
  7. Such a method of dividing time is known as a unilinear division of time.

Question 3.
Explain time before the common or Christian era.

  1. The period of time before the common era is known as the time before Common Era (BCE) or Before Christ (BC).
  2. The years of this period are counted and written in reverse order.
  3. The first century before the common era began at the year 100 BCE and ended with 1 BCE.
  4. It is written as 100-1 BCE.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’

Question 4.
How do we measure the length of time?

  1. There are various methods of measuring time.
  2. These methods allow us to identify a particular day, month, a year with respect to an earlier or later day, month or year.
  3. For example, if it is June, then we know that the earlier month was May and the next one will be July.
  4. If today is 10th of June, then we can tell that tomorrow will be 11th of June and yesterday was 9th of June.
  5. Thus, when we measure time we actually measure its length.

Question 5.
How are dating techniques used?

  1. By using dating techniques we learn how old the layers of soil and the remains found in them are.
  2. Then we can put approximate dates to their occurrence?
  3. For example, if an earthen pot is estimated to be five thousand years old with the help of dating techniques, we can say that the earthen pot dates back roughly to 3000 BC
  4. Then we can conclude that the period of the culture to which the pot belongs must be around 3000 BC.

Question 6.
What is meant by Prehistoric period?

  1. ‘Prehistory’ means ‘before history’.
  2. The prehistoric period is the period for which no written records are available.
  3. The history of this period has not been written down.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 2 History and the Concept of ‘Time’

Question 7.
What is meant by Historic period?

  1. Unlike the Prehistoric period, we can trace the events and progress of the historic period.
  2. The historic period is the period for which written records are available.
  3. We can use these written records to write history.

Glossary :

  1. commemorate : remember and show respect for.
  2. estimate : roughly calculate or judge the value.
  3. unilinear : developing in a steady way.
  4. coronation : the ceremony of crowning the ruler.
  5. reckoning : the action of calculating
  6. widespread : spread among a large o number or over a large area
  7. occurrence : an incident or an event

Class 5 Environmental Studies Questions and Answers:

Busy at Work – Our Internal Organs Class 5 Questions And Answers EVS Chapter 21 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 21 Busy at Work – Our Internal Organs Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

5th Standard EVS 1 Lesson Number 21 Question Answer Busy at Work – Our Internal Organs Maharashtra Board

Std 5 EVS 1 Chapter 21 Question Answer

1. what’s the solution?

Question 1.
A person has fainted and a crowd of people has surrounded him.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs

2. Use your brain power!

Question (a)
Why do we sometimes choke suddenly while eating?
The food that we chew in the mouth enters the oesophagus after swallowing. The upper ends of both the oesophagus and the windpipe open in the throat next to each other. When we swallow the food in a hurry while eating, sometimes the food suddenly enters the windpipe causing us to suddenly choke.

Question (b)
How is the air that we inhale purified in our body?
The inner lining of the respiratory tract secretes a sticky substance called mucus. It also has hair-like structures called cilia. The air that we inhale is purified with the help of this mucus and cilia. The cilia filter the dust, smoke, micro-organisms etc. and these substances get entangled in the sticky mucus and stick to the inner lining of the nose. Sometimes the cilia push out these substances towards the nostrils which is then blown out by sneezing. Thus this is how air that we inhale is purified.

3. Fill in the blanks.

Question (a)
………………… gas is continuously transported to all parts of the body.
(a) Oxygen
(b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Nitrogen
(a) Oxygen

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs

Question (b)
The stomach is like a …………………… .
(a) ball
(b) skin
(c) bag
(c) bag

4. Match the columns:

Question 1.
Match the columns:

Group ‘A’ Group ’B’
1. Lungs (a) Circulation
2. Stomach (b) Respiration
3. Heart (c) Co-ordination
4. Brain (d) Digestion


Group ‘A’ Group ’B’
1. Lungs (b) Respiration
2. Stomach (d) Digestion
3. Heart (a) Circulation
4. Brain (c) Co-ordination

5. Answer the following questions.

Question (a)
Name the systems that carry out the different functions of the body.
The systems that carry out the different functions of the body are Digestive system, Respiratory system, Circulatory system, Excretory system, Nervous system and Skeletal system.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs

Question (b)
Describe how the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide gases takes place in the lungs.
The air that we inhale contains oxygen. This outside air reaches the lungs with the help of the respiratory organs like nose, trachea and diaphragm. When the outside air reaches the alveoli present in the lungs it passes into the thin blood vessels around the alveoli.

With the blood, it flows to the various parts of the body. At the same time the carbon dioxide that is brought by the blood from all parts of the body leave the blood and enters the alveoli. When we exhale this carbon dioxide is given out. In this way the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide gases takes place in the lungs.

Question (c)
Why do we call saliva, a digestive juice?
The digestive juice are the juices secreted by the glands present outside the digestive system and they help in digesting the food. When food is taken in the mouth, saliva is secreted by the glands called salivary glands into the mouth.

The saliva then mixes with the food that is chewed and it converts the food into soft moist ball called bolus which is easy to swallow. The saliva also digests the starch present in the food. Since saliva helps in digestion of food it, is called a digestive juice.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs

6. Choose the appropriate word from the brackets:

Question (a)
Respiration takes place because of its up and down movement.

Question (b)
The process of keeping the blood flowing continuously throughout the body

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs

Question (c)
Air that enters through the nose and passes into this tube.

Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 21 Busy at Work – Our Internal Organs Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question 1.
The …………………. is present between the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity below the lung.
(a) stomach
(b) diaphragm
(c) heart
(b) diaphragm

Question 2.
The air sacs formed at the end of the last branches of the trachea are called ………………… .
(a) alveoli
(b) thoracic
(c) blood vessel
(a) alveoli

Question 3.
The inner lining of the respiratory organs has the fine hair-like structures called ……………….. .
(a) nose
(b) cilia
(c) alveoli
(b) cilia

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs

Question 4.
A layer of sticky substances present in the inner lining of the respiratory organ is known as …………… .
(a) mucus
(b) cilia
(c) skin
(a) mucus

Question 5.
Smoking causes life threatning diseases like ………………… .
(a) lung cancer
(b) asthma
(c) pneumonia
(a) lung cancer

Question 6.
The process of digestion begins in the …………….. .
(a) stomach
(b) oesophagus
(c) mouth
(c) mouth

Question 7.
Small intestine of an adult is …………………. long and the large intestine is ………………. long.
(a) 7 mtrs
(b) 1 1/2 mtr
(c) 2 mtrs
(a) 7 mtrs, (b) 1 1/2 mtr

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs

Question 8.
………………….. is the hardest substance in our body.
(a) Tooth enamel
(b) Nail
(c) Hair
(a) Tooth enamel

Question 9.
…………………… is secreted by the salivary glands.
(a) Mucus
(b) Saliva
(c) Cilia
(b) Saliva

Question 10.
It is necessary for the body to get a continuous supply of ………………… .
(a) oxygen
(b) nitrogen
(c) carbon dioxide
(a) oxygen

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs

Question 11.
When the diaphragm moves …………….. we breathe in.
(a) upward
(b) sideways
(c) downward
(c) downward

Question 12.
The food we eat is ………………….. in our body.
(a) mixed
(b) churned
(c) digested
(c) digested

Question 13.
The teeth, tongue and saliva all help to convert food into a soft moist ball called a …………………………. .
(a) bolus
(b) cilia
(c) saliva
(a) bolus

Question 14.
As a result of respiration, …………………. enters the blood in the body and spreads to all parts of the body.
(a) carbon
(b) sulphur
(c) oxygen
(c) oxygen

Question 15.
The process of keeping the blood flowing through all parts of the body is called ……………….. circulation.
(a) body
(b) blood
(c) oxygen
(b) blood

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs

Question 16.
As long as we are alive, the process of blood ………………… goes on continuously, day and night.
(a) respiration
(b) circulation
(c) co-ordination
(b) circulation

Question 17.
Maintaining the co-ordination of the different functions in the body is the function of the ……………… .
(a) lung
(b) nerves
(c) brain
(c) brain

Question 18.
A network of ………………… carry messages to and fro between the brain and the parts of the body.
(a) nerves
(b) blood vessels
(c) muscles
(a) nerves

Question 19.
The brain and the network of nerves are together called the ………………. system.
(a) circulatory
(b) nervous
(c) respiratory
(b) nervous

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs

Define the following or Explain the terms:

Question 1.
A group of organs that carry out similar functions in the body is called a system.

Question 2.
Blood circulation
The process of keeping the blood flowing through all parts of the body is called blood circulation.

Question 3.
The process of converting food to simpler substances which can get mixed into blood easily is called digestion.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs

Question 4.
The process of entering of oxygen into the blood, so that it can be used to burn the food and release energy is called respiration.

Question 3.
Choose the appropriate word from the brackets:
(constipation, trachea, diaphragm, circulation, breathing, brain, enamel)

  1. Maintaining co-ordination between various systems is its function.
  2. When there is a tooth decay this is corroded a.
  3. The process of inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide.
  4. Passing hard stool or not passing stool regularly.


  1. brain
  2. enamel
  3. breathing
  4. constipation


Question (A)
Match the columns:

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
1. Mouth (a) Excess water present is absorbed
2. Stomach (b) Faeces collected
3. Small intestine (c) Formation of bolus
4. Large intestine (d) Food absorbed into the blood
5. Rectum (e) Food changes to thin slurry


Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
1. Mouth (c) Formation of bolus
2. Stomach (e) Food changes to thin slurry
3. Small intestine (d) Food absorbed into the blood
4. Large intestine (a) Excess water present is absorbed
5. Rectum (b) Faeces collected

Question 5.
Name the following:

  1. An organ that pumps blood continuously.
  2. An organ that maintains and co-ordinates the functioning of all the organ systems.
  3. An organ that expels4faeces.
  4. Organs which are affected by drinking alcohol for a long period of time.
  5. A system that gives support and shape to the body.
  6. A system that expels the waste substances that are formed in the body.


  1. Heart
  2. Brain
  3. Anus
  4. Liver and Kidney
  5. Skeletal System
  6. Excretory System

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs

Answer in one or two sentences:

Question 1.
Which organ helps us to enjoy many different tastes and flavours while having our meals?
The tongue and the nose help us to sense the taste and flavours while having our meal.

Question 2.
Name the organs of the digestive system. (Use your brain power.)
The organs of the digestive system are mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus and all the other outside glands like salivary glands, liver and pancreas.

Question 3.
In which cavity of the body are the brain, lungs, heart and stomach situated and what is its function?
The brain is situated in the cranial cavity, the heart and the lung is present the thoracic cavity and the stomach is present in the abdominal cavity. The bones present in the cavity protect these delicate organs.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs

Question 4.
Which bones protect the brain, heart and lungs and the stomach?
The brain is protected by the skull, the heart and lungs are protected by rib cage as they are present inside it and the stomach is protected by strong muscles and by the rib cage.

Question 5.
How is faeces formed?
When the digested food and water gets absorbed into the blood, and then what remains behind forms the faeces.

Question 6.
How many times do humans breathe per minute when resting or sitting comfortably?
A healthy adult breathes 16-20 times per minute whereas a child of 6 months breathes 25-40 times per minutes and a child of 6-10 years breathes 18-25 times per minute.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs

Question 7.
How many times does one breathe after running a hundred metre race?
When a person runs a race the breath rate is more than 16-20 times per minute for an adult and more than 18-25 times per minute for a child of 6 -10 years.

Give reasons:

Question 1.
Harmful substances like dust, smoke and microorganisms present in the air cannot reach the lungs.
The inner lining of the nose has thin hair-like structures called cilia. This inner lining also secretes a sticky substance called mucus. The harmful substances like dust, smoke, micro-organisms etc. are filtered by the cilia and they get entangled in the mucus.

This then sticks to the inner lining of the nose. The cilia sometimes pushes these substances towards the nostril. This is then blown out by sneezing. Thus the harmful substances are prevented from entering the lungs.

Question 2.
Smoking for a long time reduces the efficiency of the lung.
When one keeps smoking over a long period of time, the toxic substances in the smoke collect in the respiratory tract. The solid particles in this tobacco smoke form a sticky layer inside the alveoli. As these toxic substances get collected more and more, the exchange of gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide does not take place properly. Therefore, the efficiency of the lung decreases.

Question 3.
It is important to drink adequate quantities of water after eating.
Water is absorbed through the alimentary canal and used for all processes. If one does not drink enough water digestion cannot take place properly, as food cannot keep moving properly. This will lead to constipation. Also water absorbed is used for the proper functioning of all other body processes. Therefore, it is important to drink adequate quantity of water.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs

Question 4.
We must not eat in a hurry and avoid speaking while eating.
The upper ends of both the oesophagus and the windpipe open in the throat next to each other. When food is swallowed the wind pipe remains closed. If we eat in a hurry or speak while eating, food may enter the windpipe and cause us to choke. To avoid this from happening, we must not eat in a hurry or speak while eating.

Question 5.
It is dangerous to drive after drinking alcohol.
Alcohol affects the nervous system. Hence when one drinks alcohol, one loses control over the movements of the body due to lack of co-ordination. Due to lack of co-ordination while driving when many accidents occur on the road, leading to loss of life. Therefore, it is dangerous to drive after drinking alcohol.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs

Use your brain power!

Question 1.
Describe which systems work together to provide the body with energy.
The oxygen present in the inhaled air enters the blood due to the respiratory system. The food is digested and it also enters the blood due to the digestive system. The blood then flows to every part of the body due to circulatory system and it supplies the digested food and oxygen.

The food acts as fuel and it bums slowly in presence of oxygen releasing energy. This energy is then used by various parts of the body to do work. Thus the respiratory system, digestive system and circulatory system work together to provide the body with energy.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Describe the process of digestion taking place in the stomach.
The soft bolus which is swallowed enters the stomach through the oesophagus. Here the food is then churned. The digestive juices mix with this food and bring about some digestive process. At the same time disease producing . germs present in the food are destroyed. The food then changes into a thin slurry’ and passes into the small intestine.

Question 2.
How is food absorbed into the blood?
The thin slurry formed in the stomach enters the small intestine. Many glands like liver, pancreas secrete their digestive juices into the small intestine. These secretions help in the digestive process. As a result of these processes, some substances which can easily mix with the blood are formed. These substances are then absorbed into the blood.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs

Question 3.
Give the functions of the following system, (a) Skeletal System (b) Nervous System (c) Excretory System.
(a) Skeletal System gives support and shape to our body. They also protect the important organs like brain, heart, lungs, etc. present in our body.
(b) Nervous System: It helps to co-ordinate the functions of various systems. Thus it maintains the smooth functioning of all the systems.
(c) Excretory System: It helps to expel the waste produced in our body and helps in keeping us

Question 4.
How do we inhale and exhale air?
When the diaphragm moves down, the air is sucked inside the lung. Thus air is inhaled when diaphragm moves up the air inside the lung is pushed out. Thus the air is exhaled. The up and down movement of the diaphragm causes us to exhale and inhale air.

Question 5.
Draw neat and labelled diagram of:
(1) Respiratory system (2) Digestive system.
1. Respiratory system
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs 1

2. Digestive system
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work Our Internal Organs 2

Can you tell?

Question 1.
Name the organs that bring about respiration.
The organs that help in respiration are, the nose, the trachea or wind pipe, the diaphragm and the lungs.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs

Question 2.
How do we know that we are hungry and that we should eat?
When the food absorbed in the blood gets exhausted, after release of energy, the message reaches the brain via the network of nerves. Due to this, the brain then gets the signal that the body needs food. We realise we are hungry and we need to eat food.

Question 3.
How do the salivary glands come to know that there is food in the mouth and it is time to secrete saliva?
When we eat food the nerve present in the nose and tongue send the message via the network of nerves to the brain. The brain then sends the message to the salivary gland to secrete the saliva. This is how the salivary glands comes to know that there is food in the mouth and it needs to secrete saliva.

Question 4.
What makes respiration and blood circulation go on all the time and the process of digestion happen at the right time?
Our body needs energy to do work. Due to this our body requires a supply of oxygen continuously. Thus to supply oxygen continuously respiration goes on continuously. To carry oxygen to all the parts of the body continuously blood needs to circulate. Therefore circulation also needs to go on continuously. When energy is released the food absorbed in the blood gets exhausted. Through the network of nerves the brain gets the message and it signals us that we are hungry and we need to eat food.

The moment we eat food the nervous system brings about co-ordination between the digestive organs and digestion takes place at the right time. Thus respiration and blood circulation go on all the time and the process of digestion happens at the right time.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 21 Busy at Work - Our Internal Organs


  1. moist – slightly wet
  2. churned – moved vigorously.
  3. adequate – acceptable in quantity.
  4. corroded – damaged
  5. expels – forces out from body.
  6. choke – difficulty in breathing
  7. secretes -produces and discharges (a substance).
  8. slurry – a semi-liquid mixture.

Class 5 Environmental Studies Questions and Answers:

Settled Life and Urban Civilization Class 5 Questions And Answers EVS Chapter 9 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

5th Standard EVS 2 Lesson Number 9 Question Answer Settled Life and Urban Civilization Maharashtra Board

Std 5 EVS 2 Chapter 9 Question Answer

1. From the chart below, find out the names of the three periods into which ancient objects are classified and use them to match the three classes given below.

Question 1.
From the chart below, find out the names of the three periods into which ancient objects are classified and use them to match the three classes given below.


a. Stone tools : ………. Age.
b. Copper tools and other copper objects : ………… Age.
c. Iron tools and other iron objects : …………. Age.
a. Stone tools : Stone Age.
b. Copper tools and other copper objects : Copper Age.
c. Iron tools and other iron objects : Iron Age.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

2. Arrange the following in chronological order.

Question a.
Arrange the following in chronological order.

  1. Copper
  2. Gold
  3. Iron


  1. Gold
  2. Copper
  3. Iron.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question b.
Arrange the following in chronological order.

  1. Copper Age
  2. Iron Age
  3. Stone Age


  1. Stone Age
  2. Copper Age
  3. Iron Age.

3. Write about the consequence of the following event.

Question a.
Discovery of copper …………
Copper was used for making tools and implements by humans.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question b.
Discovery of wheel ………..
The wheel was first used by the potters and later for running bullock carts and chariots.

Question c.
Use of script …………
The script is used for permanent record-keeping production and other events.

4. Write notes.

Question a.
Use of metal.

  1. Christian Thomsen studied the pre-historic artifacts and antique objects and introduced the ‘Three Age System’ for classifying these objects.
  2. The objects were classified into the following order :
    • Stone tools
    • Copper tools and articles
    • Iron tools and articles.
  3. Gold was the first metal used. It was a soft metal and could not be used to make tools and implements.
  4. Humans discovered copper to make tools and thereby the ‘Copper Age’ began.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question b.
Social organization in the ancient cities

  1. The roots of culture in cities were in the culture of village-settlements of the New Stone Age.
  2. The earlier faith system, social life, and festivals became more elaborate in cities.
  3. Grand temples were built in many cities. Chiefs of these temples became chief administrators of these cities. Later the positions of temple head and King were held by the same individual.

Environmental Studies Part 2 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.

  1. ……….. in Europe had large collections of pre-historic artefacts and antique objects.
  2. A scholar named .. ……….. introduced a method for classifying the pre-historic artefacts.
  3. The method put forth by Thomsen is called the Three ………… System.
  4. Thomsen established with the help of evidence that ……………. tools were the earliest.
  5. The period of ………………. tools and articles was next.
  6. It is a belief that ………………….. was the first metal to come into use.
  7. Actually, ……. Was the first metal to be used.
  8. ……………could not be used to make tools and implements.
  9. The invention of the …………….. is the most important invention.
  10. The ………… was first used by potters.
  11. Once the potters began to use a wheel, it became possible to make pots in …….. numbers.
  12. People started making …………… pots with beautiful designs painted on them.
  13. As the scale of production increased, ……….. too expanded with it.
  14. Wheeled vehicles like ……….. and ………. were first to come into use.
  15. It became necessary to keep permanent …… of the expanding trade and growing production.
  16. Rise in trade had been a major factor that contributed to the emergence and development of ………… .
  17. The social life and …………… based on agricultural faith systems became more elaborate in cities.
  18. Grand …………. were built in many cities.
  19. Chiefs of those temples became chief ………… of these cities.
  20. The positions of the temple head and that of the king went to the …………… individual
  21. Urban culture had its roots in the culture …………. of the New Stone Age.


  1. museums
  2. Christian Thomsen
  3. Age
  4. stone
  5. copper
  6. copper
  7. gold
  8. gold
  9. wheel
  10. wheel
  11. large
  12. symmetrical
  13. trade
  14. cart, chariots
  15. records
  16. cities
  17. festivals
  18. temples
  19. administrators
  20. same
  21. village-settlements.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Answer each of the following question in one sentence:

Question 1.
Where were the artefacts and antique objects placed?
Pre-historic artefacts and antique objects were placed in museums in Europe.

Question 2.
Who introduced the system of classifying the artefacts?
A scholar named Christian Thomsen introduced the method for classifying the artefacts.

Question 3.
What was the system introduced by Christian Thomsen called?
The classifying system by Thomsen was called the “Three Age System’.

Question 4.
Into which periods were the artefacts classified?
They were classified into three periods i.e. Stone Age, Copper Age and Iron Age respectively.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 5.
Which was the first metal to be used?
Gold was the first metal to be used.

Question 6.
Why could gold not be used to make tools and implements?
Gold is a soft metal so it could be used to make tools and implements.

Question 7.
Which other metal was discovered?
Copper was discovered.

Question 8.
Which was the most important invention in the Copper Age?
The invention of the wheel was the most important invention in the Copper Age.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 9.
By whom was the wheel first used by?
Wheel was first used by potters.

Question 10.
With the use of wheel, what was possible for the potters?
With the use of the wheel, the potters were able to make a large number of symmetrical and beautiful pots.

Question 11.
Why did potters and other craftsmen began to live close to each other in the settlements?
In the village settlements, the potters and craftsmen lived close to each other so as to manage their work more easily.

Question 12.
What led to the expansion of trade?
Increase in production led to the expansion of the trade.

Question 13.
Which wheeled vehicles came in to use?
Wheeled vehicles like carts and chariots came into use.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 14.
What happened when carts and chariots were introduced?
Long distance trade and rapid transport of goods became possible with the introduction of wheels into transport.

Question 15.
What became necessary due to the expanding trade?
It became necessary to keep permanent records of the expanding trade and growing population

Question 16.
What was used to keep permanent records of the expanding trade and growing production?
Script was developed for the purpose of keeping permanent records of expanding trade and growing production.

Question 17.
What did rise in trade contribute to?
Rise in trade contributed to the emergence and development of cities.

Question 18.
What was built in cities?
Grand temples were built in cities.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 19.
Who became the chief administrator of the cities?
The chiefs of the temple became the chief administrator of the cities.

Question 20.
What did the position of temple-head merge into?
The position of the temple-head merged into that of the king.

Answer each of the following questions in brief:

Question 1.
Explain in brief the ‘Three Age System’.

  1. A scholar named Christian Thomsen introduced this method of classifying pre historic artefacts.
  2. Thomsen classified the objects into three groups.
    • Stone Age – Stone tools
    • Copper Age – Copper tools and other copper articles.
    • Iron Age – Iron tools and other iron articles.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 2.
Which village settlements expanded rapidly?

  1. Potters and craftsmen began to live close to each other in the settlement so as to manage their work more easily.
  2. This became the industrial area of that village where skilled craftsmen had their settlements and centres of production
  3. This happened mainly in those village settlements where the raw material was easily available and in those which were conveniently situated for trade.
  4. Such village-settlements expanded rapidly.

Question 3.
Why was the need to maintain records felt?
i. Long distance trade, rapid transport of goods and centres of large scale production are factors that brought together people engaged in different types of work.
ii. Therefore, it became necessary to keep permanent records of the expanding trade and growing population.

Question 4.
How did each culture develop its own script?

  1. There was an increase in trade and production and also the growth in the volume of records to be kept
  2. This resulted in much modification and improvement in the signs and symbols used for these purposes.
  3. In this way, each culture developed its own script.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 5.
How did kingship develop in cities?

  1. Grand temples were built in many cities that had prospered due to the rise in trade.
  2. Chiefs of those temples became chief administrators of those cities.
  3. Later, the positions of the temple head and that of the king went to the same individual.
  4. This is how initially kingship developed in the ancient urban civilizations.

Question 6.
How did the people engaged in different
types of work come together?

  1. Expansion of village-settlements resulted in increase in production.
  2. Due to increase in production, trade too expanded and there was then a need to change the old systems of transport.
  3. Long distance trade, rapid transport of goods and centres of large scale production are factors that brought together people engaged in different types of work.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Question 7.
What is ‘pivot?
i. A pointed quartz pebble fixed at the bottom of a potter’s wheel is called a pivot.
ii. When the potter’s wheel is put in motion, it is balanced on this pivot and thus revolves with a great speed.

Question 8.
Into how many groups is the Three Age System’ classified?
The Three Age System’, is classified into.

  • Stone Age – Stone tools
  • Copper Age – Copper tools and other articles
  • Iron Age – Iron tools and other articles.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 9 Settled Life and Urban Civilization

Glossary :

  1. antique : ancient, hare
  2. classifying : separating
  3. Urban : of a town or city
  4. rapid : fast
  5. scripts : written text
  6. emergence : process of coming into existence
  7. durable : able to withstand pressure or damages

Class 5 Environmental Studies Questions and Answers:

Rules are for Everyone Class 5 Questions And Answers EVS Chapter 6 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Rules are for Everyone Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

5th Standard EVS 1 Lesson Number 6 Question Answer Rules are for Everyone Maharashtra Board

Std 5 EVS 1 Chapter 6 Question Answer

1. Fill in the blanks.

Question (a)
Our society works according to certain ………………… .
(a) lifestyle
(b) rules
(c) religion
(b) rules

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Rules Are for Everyone

Question (b)
The Constitution of Independent India abolished ……………………. .
(a) rules
(b) education
(c) untouchability
(c) untouchability

Question (c)
Wrong customs and traditions cause the …………………. of some sections of society.
(a) encouragement
(b) neglect
(c) loss
(b) neglect

2. Answer in one sentence:

Question (a)
Why are rules made?
Rules have to be made to ensure that no injustice is done to anyone and to combat inhuman and undesirable traditions and customs.

Question (b)
Which values have been a part of our social life since ancient times?
The values of non violence and peace have been a part of our social life since ancient times.

Question (c)
What are the big obstacles in our society?
Poverty and lack of education of women are the big obstacles in our society.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Rules Are for Everyone

3. Answer in short:

Question (a)
Which unjust customs have been banned by law?
The unjust customs that have been banned by law are:

  1. Untouchability
  2. Caste discrimination
  3. Sati
  4. Child marriage
  5. Cheating people by magic
  6. Receiving a dowry

Question (b)
Why do we need to make laws for the protection of the environment?
We need to make laws for protection of the environment because :
1. We are dependent on nature in many ways.
2. Most of our needs are fulfilled by nature.
3. Natural resources should be available in enough quantities for the needs of our future generations.

Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 6 Rules are for Everyone Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question 1.
Rules need to be made to specify each person’s …………………. and ………………….. .
(a) duties
(b) self-discipline
(c) responsibility
(a) duties & (c) responsibility

Question 2.
If we follow the rules, our day to day life becomes ………………. .
(a) disciplined
(b) disruptive
(c) easy
(a) disciplined

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Rules Are for Everyone

Question 3.
Disobeying the rules leads to
(a) enjoyment
(b) punishment
(c) fun
(b) punishment

Question 4.
……………………… occurrences follow laws of nature.
(a) Natural
(b) Artifical
(c) Chemical
(a) Natural

Question 5.
The laws that banned the use of magic for cheating people was first enacted in ……………….. .
(a) Delhi
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Maharashtra
(c) Maharashtra

Question 6.
Rules are meant for ………………. .
(a) nobody
(b) somebody
(c) everybody
(c) everybody

Question 7.
We follow ……………….. because they are meant for the common good.
(a) good lifestyle
(b) rules
(c) filmstars
(b) rules

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Rules Are for Everyone

Question 8.
There is a ……………………… between the rules of society and the laws of nature.
(a) difference
(b) similarity
(c) variation
(a) difference

Question 9.
We cannot the laws of nature.
(a) differ
(b) change
(c) defy
(b) change

Question 10.
Nature’s are constant10 and fixed.
(a) behaviour
(b) ways
(c) laws
(c) laws

Question 11.
Human laws need to be ………………. with changing conditions.
(a) constant
(b) changed
(c) fixed
(b) changed

Question 12.
It is ………………… to discriminate between boys and girls.
(a) incorrect
(b) correct
(c) normal
(a) incorrect

Question 13.
Rules have to be made to ensure that no ………………… is done.
(a) injustice
(b) harm
(c) evil
(a) injustice

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Rules Are for Everyone

Question 14
We follow many customs and …………………… in our lives.
(a) festivals
(b) traditions
(c) cuisine
(b) traditions

Question 15.
There are several ………………….. customs and traditions in our society.
(a) good
(b) bad
(c) ugly
(a) good

Question 16.
We express our ………………… and ………………. towards animals.
(a) love
(b) honesty
(c) gratitude
(a) love & (c) gratitude

Question 17.
The values of non-violence and peace have been a part of our social life since ………………… times.
(a) modern
(b) ancient
(c) medieval
(b) ancient

Question 18.
……………………. was an inhuman and unjust custom.
(a) equality
(b) democracy
(c) untouchability
(c) untouchability

Question 19.
Many times, laws have to be made to ………………….. unjust customs.
(a) maintain
(b) abolish
(c) encourage
(b) abolish

Question 20.
Customs like, sati and child marriage were by making laws that banned them.
(a) abolished
(b) extinguished
(c) drowned
(a) abolished

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Rules Are for Everyone

Question 21.
Receiving a dowry has been …………………. by law.
(a) encouraged
(b) awarded
(c) banned
(c) banned

Question 22.
……………… and lack of …………….. are two big obstacles in our society.
(a) Poverty
(b) Sati
(c) Education
(a) Poverty & (c) Education

Question 23.
We are ………………. on nature in many ways.
(a) independent
(b) dependent
(c) inter dependent
(b) dependent

Question 24.
Most of our ………………. are fulfilled by nature.
(a) needs
(b) clothes
(c) housing
(a) needs

Question 25.
Natural should be available in …………………. enough qualities for the needs of our future generations.
(a) raw material
(b) resources
(c) gas
(b) resources

Question 26.
Work of all social workers was instrumental in bringing about …………………… change in our society.
(а) positive
(b) negative
(c) peaceful
(а) positive

Name the following:

Question 1.
Social workers who tried to get rid of some big obstacles in our Indian society.
Mahatma Jotirao Phule, Rajashri Shahu Maharaj and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Rules Are for Everyone

Question 2.
The women who fought a great battle for women’s education.
Savitribai Phule.

Question 3.
Savitribai’s colleague who assisted her.
Fatima Sheikh.

Question 4.
Social reformer who worked to promote women’s education.
Maharashi Dhondo Keshav Karve.

Answer in one sentence:

Question 1.
What is the basis of rules?
Equality is the basis of rules.

Question 2.
What was the voting age after Independence?
After Independence, the voting age was 21 years.

Question 3.
What were some of the big obstacles in our society?
Caste discrimination, gender inequality and lack of education were some of the big obstacles in our society.

Question 4.
In what form were the rules in olden days?
Rules in the olden days took the form of religious traditions and social customs.

Question 5.
Why should we obey traffic rules?
We should obey traffic rules so that traffic moves smoothly and accidents can be avoided.

Question 6.
What do rules need to specify?
Rules need to specify each person’s duties and responsibilities.

Question 7.
What happens when we follow rules?
When we follow rules, our day-to day life becomes disciplined and we work more efficiently.

Question 8.
What happens when we disobey rules?
Disobeying rules leads to punishment.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Rules Are for Everyone

Question 9.
Why do we follow rules?
We follow rules because they are meant for the common good.

Question 10.
What discrimination is done to a girl child in an orthodox family?
In an orthodox family, girls are deprived of good food and also prevented from going to school.

Question 11.
What should rules ensure?
Rules should ensure that no injustice is done.

Question 12.
Which custom practised in our country was inhuman and unjust?
Untouchability was an inhuman and unjust custom practised in our country

Question 13.
What does the law do to unjust customs?
The laws abolish unjust customs.

Question 14.
Which social evil was practised against women in our society?
Sati and child marriage were the social evil practised against the women in our society.

Question 15.
Which state enacted the law against the use of magic?
The law that banned the use of magic for cheating people was first enacted in Maharashtra.

Answer in short:

Question 1.
How are natural laws different from society laws?
1. Natural laws do not change. They are constant and fixed, they do not even become out dated, e.g. the law of gravity.
2. White society laws are made by people, these laws need to be changed with changing conditions. E.g. After Independence the voting age was 21 years. After 1988, the voting age was lowered to 18 years.

Question 2.
‘Poverty is one big obstacle in our society.’ Explain.
1. Wrong customs and traditions cause the neglect18 of some sections of society.
2. Since they have no access to education, they do not get opportunities of development.
3. They have no means of livelihood.
4. So, they have to face poverty.

Question 5.
How can we say that ‘equality’ is the basis of rules?

  1. Rules are meant for everybody and are applied equally to all.
  2. No one is above the rules and disobeying them leads to punishment.
  3. There is no discrimination in punishment for breaking the rules.
  4. Thus we can conclude that equality is the basis of rules.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Rules Are for Everyone

Question 6.
Give two examples to prove that nature’s laws are fixed and constant.
1. We cannot change the laws of nature and they are fixed and constant.
2. The two examples to prove this are as follows:
(a) The rising and setting of the sun.
(b) The law of gravity.
(c) The phases of the moon are all fixed and constant and do not change.

Question 7.
Give one example to show the change in human laws.
1. Human laws need to be changed with changing conditions.
2. For example, after Independence, the voting age was 21 years. After 1988, the voting age was lowered to 18 years. fail to care for properly.

Question 8.
List some good traditions and customs practised in our society.
1. There are several good customs and traditions in our society.
2. We celebrate festivals together. We welcome guests who visit us and are hospitable” to them.
Many of our customs enable us to maintain the balance in nature.
3. The values of non-violence and peace have been a part of our social life since ancient times.

Question 9.
What happens when wrong customs and traditions are followed in society?
1. Wrong customs and traditions cause the neglect of some sections of society.
2. The neglected weaker section has no access20 to education, therefore, they do not get opportunities for development.
3. They have no means of livelihood. Therefore, they have to face poverty.
4. This again given rise to poverty and lack of education. This is a vicious circle which comes in the path of progress.

‘This is what I Think’:

Question 1.
Prohibition against loudspeakers in public places after 10 o’clock at night.
Everyone has a right to have a peaceful environment. After 10 o’clockusing loud-speakers in public places should be prohibited so that people may sleep peacefully.

Question 2
Free primary education for boys and girls.
Poverty leads to lack of education so there should be free primary education for all those who can’t afford basic education.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Rules Are for Everyone

Question 3.
Prohibition against dumping garbage in the river.
Dumping garbage pollutes the river water and also causes harm to aquatic life.

Question 4.
Protection against domestic violence for women.
Women are the weaker section of society who are not cared for at home.

Question 5.
Ban on child labour.
Children below 14 years have to attain education and not be exploited as a child labourer.

Question 6.
Ban on felling of trees, hunting and poaching.
Trees and animals are part of our natural environment which have to be conserved.

Can you tell?

Question 1.
Can you tell some traffic rules?
1. Always cross the road at the zebra crossing.
2. Stop driving when the signal is red. (You can add more to the list)

Question 2.
Give reasons why we should obey these rules.
We should obey these rules so that we can avoid accidents.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Rules Are for Everyone

Question 3.
Which one of these rules do you feel need to be changed?
(From the list you have made in Q.(l) above, choose one rule which need to be changed and give reason)

Question 4.
What other rules do you think are needed for better discipline in traffic?
(Personal response)

Question 5.
How will you answer the question: ‘Don’t girls need as nourishing a diet as is given to boys?’
Of cource, both girls and boys both need a nourishing diet during their growing age and both must be treated equally without any gender bias.

Question 6.
In what other ways do you feel there is discrimination between boys and girls?
Boys are allowed to receive higher education, they are given better facilities, they are allowed to be out of the house late at night without time restrictions and they are not forced to do household chores like girls.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 6 Rules Are for Everyone


  1. specify – state a fact
  2. disobeying – falling to obey
  3. occurences – incidents or events
  4. injustice – lack of fairness or justice
  5. abolished – formally put an end to
  6. banned – officially or legally prohibited
  7. enacted – put into practice
  8. obstacles – something that hinders progress
  9. colleague – a person with whom one works in a profession or business.
  10. constant – occuring continuously over a period of time
  11. discriminate – differentiate
  12. dowry – an amount of property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage.
  13. instrumental – serving as a means of persuing an aim
  14. gratitude quality of being thankful
  15. combat – to take action to reduce or prevent.
  16. orthodox – following traditional rules
  17. ensure – make certain
  18. neglect – fail to care for properly.
  19. hospitable – friendly and welcoming to guests
  20. access – means to enter a place
  21. prohibited – forbidden
  22. afford -have enough money to pay for
  23. exploited – make use in an unfair way
  24. conserved – protect
  25. nourishing – containing substances necessary for growth, health
  26. bias – prejudice against someone
  27. chores – routine tasks.

Class 5 Environmental Studies Questions and Answers:

Motions of the Earth Class 5 Questions And Answers EVS Chapter 2 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 2 Motions of the Earth Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

5th Standard EVS 1 Lesson Number 2 Question Answer Motions of the Earth System Maharashtra Board

Std 5 EVS 1 Chapter 2 Question Answer

1. What is the Solution?

Question 1.
What is the Solution?
Amit wants to take his granny to Australia which is in the southern hemisphere. But she cannot bear very cold weather. When should they make this trip?
They should take their trip between March and September because the southern hemisphere has its summer season then.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 2 Motions of the Earth

2. Use your brainpower!

Question (a)
How many rotations does the earth complete during one revolution around the sun?
Earth makes 365 complete rotations and one quarter rotation.

Question (b)
It is sunrise at Itanagar in Arunachal Pradesh. Write the names of the following cities in the order in which the sun will rise there : Mumbai (Maharashtra), Kolkata (West Bengal), Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), Nagpur (Maharashtra).
Kolkata (West Bengal), Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), Nagpur (Maharashtra), Mumbai (Maharashtra)

3. Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
The motion of the earth around itself is called …………………… .
(a) revolution
(b) rotation
(c) dual motion
(b) rotation

Question 2.
The motion of the earth around the sun is called ………………….. .
(a) revolution
(b) rotation
(c) dual motion
(a) revolution

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 2 Motions of the Earth

Question 3.
The rotation of the earth gives rise to …………………… .
(a) seasons
(b) day and night
(c) year
(b) day and night

4. What is meant by each of the following terms:

Question (a)
Full moon
At night, when we are able to see the entire illuminated part of the moon, it is called full moon.

Question (b)
New moon.
At night, when we are not able to see the entire moon as it does not receive the sun’s light, it is called new moon.

Question (c)
Lunar month
The period from one new moon to the next which is of 28 – 30 days is called a lunar month.

Question (d)
Each day of the lunar month is called a tithi.

5. Answer the following questions.

Question (a)
What is an equator?
1. The imaginary4 circle exactly in between the north and south pole is called the equator.
2. The equator divides the earth into two equal parts.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 2 Motions of the Earth

Question (b)
What are the two parts of the earth made by the equator?
The two equal parts of the earth made by the equator are called northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere respectively.

Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 2 Motions of the Earth Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question 1.
The imaginary line around which the earth rotates is called its …………………….. .
(a) axis of rotation
(b) sphere of rotation
(c) line of rotation
(a) axis of rotation

Question 2.
The earth rotates from …………………….. .
(a) east to north
(b) west to east
(c) west to south
(b) west to east

Question 3.
We divide the whole day into ………………….. parts.
(a) 365
(b) 7
(c) 24
(c) 24

Question 4.
The earth’s ………………….. is inclined.
(a) equator
(b) axis
(c) north pole
(b) axis

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 2 Motions of the Earth

Question 5.
The imaginary line that divides the earth into two equal parts is called the …………………… .
(a) axis
(b) rotation
(c) equator
(c) equator

Question 6.
The earth completes one ………………….., it makes one complete turn around itself.
(a) rotation
(b) revolution
(c) season
(a) rotation

Question 7.
The period of time that the earth takes to complete one rotation is called a …………………… .
(a) day
(b) night
(c) fortnight
(a) day

Question 8.
A day has two parts, day and ………….. .
(a) day
(b) night
(c) fortnight
(b) night

Question 9.
We divide the whole day into 24 parts, each of which is called an …………………… .
(a) day
(b) second
(c) hour
(c) hour

Question 10.
There are about ………………. days and 6 hours in a year.
(a) 365
(b) 563
(c) 356
(a) 365

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 2 Motions of the Earth

Question 11.
A leap year has ………………. days.
(a) 365
(b) 366
(c) 367
(b) 366

Question 12.
Many of our festivals are connected with the
(a) songs
(b) games
(c) seasons
(c) seasons

Question 13.
The ……………….. revolves around the earth and the earth revolves around the sun.
(a) earth
(b) moon
(c) sun
(b) moon

Question 14.
From the earth we see only ……………. side of the moon.
(a) three
(b) two
(c) one
(c) one

Question 15.
The moon has no ………………… of its own.
(a) light
(b) moonlight
(c) daylight
(a) light

Question 16.
We can see the moon because of the ………………. light which falls on it.
(a) space
(b) earth’s
(c) sun’s
(c) sun’s

Question 17.
On a full moon night, we see the entire …………………. of the moon that faces the earth.
(a) light
(b) side
(c) night
(b) side

Question 18.
It takes ………………. days from the new moon to the full moon.
(a) 10 or 12
(b) 14 or 15
(c) 8 or 9
(b) 14 or 15

Question 19.
The fortnight from new moon to full moon is called ………………….. of the moon.
(a) waning
(b) waxing
(c) lunar
(b) waxing

Question 20.
The fortnight from the full moon to the new moon is called the ………………. of the moon.
(a) waning
(b) waxing
(c) lunar
(a) waning

Question 21.
The period from one new moon to the next is called the ……………………… month.
(a) waning
(b) waxing
(c) lunar
(c) lunar

Question 22.
Every day of the lunar month is called a …………………….. .
(a) cycle
(b) tithi
(c) season
(b) tithi

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 2 Motions of the Earth

Question 23.
The revolution of the earth and the inclination of its axis give rise to the cycle of ………………….. .
(a) seasons
(b) festivals
(c) songs
(a) seasons

Name the following:

Question 1.
The period of time that the earth takes to complete one rotation.
A day

Question 2.
The period of time the earth takes to complete one revolution.
One year

Question 3.
Number of days in a leap year.

Question 4.
Three main seasons in India.
Summer, rainy and winter

Question 5.
The cycle of six seasons.

Question 6.
Every day of the lunar month.
A tithi

Question 7.
Two parts of a day.
Day time and night time

Question 3.
Match the following:

’A’ ‘B’
(1) The Waxing moon (a) Krishna Paksha
(2) The Waning moon (b) 22 March to 23 September
(3) Summer in northern hemisphere (c) Shukla Paksha
(4) Winter in northern hemisphere (d) 23 September to 22 March


’A’ ‘B’
(1) The Waxing moon (c) Shukla Paksha
(2) The Waning moon (a) Krishna Paksha
(3) Summer in northern hemisphere (b) 22 March to 23 September
(4) Winter in northern hemisphere (d) 23 September to 22 March

Answer the following in one sentence:

Question 1.
What is the name given to the changing shapes of the moon that we see?
The different shapes of the moon that we see are called the phases of the moon.

Question 2.
What are the names of the days on which we see a round moon and on which day we see no moon at all?
The day we see a round moon is called Full Moon Day and the day we see no moon is called New Moon Day.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 2 Motions of the Earth

Question 3.
What is a day?
The period of time that the earth takes to complete one rotation is called a day, that is 24 hours.

Question 4.
What is the duration of a year?
There are about 365 days and 6 hours in a year.

Question 5.
What causes the cycle of seasons?
The revolution of the earth and the inclination of its axis give rise to the cycle of seasons.

Question 6.
What is the rotation of the earth?
The movement of the earth around itself is called ‘rotation of the earth’.

Question 7.
What is ‘axis of rotation’?
The imaginary line around which the earth rotates is called its ‘axis of rotation’. It is an imaginery line between the north pole and south pole.

Question 8.
What is the ‘equator of the earth’?
The imaginary line that divides the earth into two equal parts i.e. the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere is called the equator of the earth.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 2 Motions of the Earth

Question 9.
In which direction does the earth rotate?
The earth rotates from west to east.

Question 10.
Into how many parts is the day divided?
The day is divided into two parts i.e. day and night.

Question 11.
Into how many hours is the ‘day’ divided?
The day is divided into 24 hours.

Question 12.
What is the revolution of the earth?
The movement of the earth around the sun in one year is called the revolution of the earth.

Question 13.
Around whom does the moon revolve?
The moon revolves around the earth.

Question 14.
What is waxing of the moon?
The moon takes a fortnight to move from new moon to full moon. This period of time is known as waxing of the moon.

Question 15.
What is ‘waning of the moon’?
The moon takes a fortnight to move from a full moon to new moon. This period of time is known as waning of the moon.

Question 16.
What is a lunar month?
The period from one new moon to the next is of 28 to 30 days. It is called the lunar month.

Question 17.
What is’tithi’?
Every day of the Lunar month is called a ‘tithi’.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 2 Motions of the Earth

Give geographical reasons:

Question 1.
The length of day and night is not always equal.
The length of day and night is not always equal because:
1. Of the earth’s inclined axis.
2. Its revolution around the sun.

Question 2.
From 22 March to 23 September, northern hemisphere, experiences summer and southern hemisphere experiences winter.
1. From 22 March to 23 September the days are longer than the night in the northern hemisphere.
2. It is warmer here.
3. So, it is summer.
4. However, at this time southern hemisphere nights are longer than the days.
5. So it receives less heat.
6. Therefore, Southern hemisphere experiences winter.

Question 3.
The sun, the moon and the earth are not always along a straight line.
1. The moon revolves around the earth.
2. The earth revolves around the sun.
3. These two orbits intersect.
4. Hence the sun, the moon and the earth are not always along a straight line.

Question 4.
We see phases of the moon.
1. From the full moon to the new moon the illuminated part of the moon seen from the earth becomes smaller and smaller.
2. From new moon to full moon it again grows bigger and bigger.
3. Therefore we see phases of the moon.

Question 5.
Waxing moon
The fortnight from new moon to full moon which is 14 to 15 days is called waxing moon. Here the moon seems to become bigger and bigger, i.e. it waxes.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 2 Motions of the Earth

Question 6.
Waning moon
The fortnight from full moon to new moon which takes 14 to 15 days is called the waning moon. Here the moon seems to become smaller and smaller, i.e. it wanes.

Answer briefly:

Question 1.
Explain ‘Phases of the moon’.
1. From the full moon to the new moon the illuminated5 part of the moon seen from the earth becomes smaller and smaller.
2. From new moon to full moon, the illuminated part of the moon grows bigger and bigger.
3. These different shapes of the moon that we see are called the ‘phases of the moon’.

Question 2.
What are the effects of the rotation and revolution of the earth?
1. The rotation of the earth gives rise to day and night.
2. The revolution of the earth and the inclination6 of its axis give rise to the cycle of seasons.

Write short notes on:

Question 1.
Leap year.

  1. In the Gregorian calendar, the year has 365 days.
  2. It counts 6 hours less every year.
  3. That makes 24 hours or one day in every four years.
  4. This extra day is added in the fourth year in the month of February.
  5. That year will have 366 days.
  6. That year is called a leap year.

Question 2.
Complete the following:
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 2 Motions of the Earth 1
3. The fortnight of the waxing moon + the fortnight of the waning moon – A lunar month

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 2 Motions of the Earth


  1. waning – decreasing
  2. waxing – increasing.
  3. orbits – regularly repeated elliptical course of a celestial object.
  4. imaginary – existing only in the imagination
  5. illuminated – lit up
  6. inclination – a degree of sloping.

Class 5 Environmental Studies Questions and Answers:

Water Class 5 Questions And Answers EVS Chapter 16 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 16 Water Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

5th Standard EVS 1 Lesson Number 16 Question Answer Water Maharashtra Board

Std 5 EVS 1 Chapter 16 Question Answer

1. What’s the solution?

Question 1.
Soil in the garden gets washed away with the water due to the slope of the land.
Enough trees must be planted in the garden so that the roots of the trees will make a mesh underground holding the soil firmly, not allowing the soil to get washed away.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 16 Water

2. Use your brain power!

Question 1.
How should roads and footpaths be built to make rainwater seep into the ground?
Use of paver stones to make roads or foot paths is a solution, as the rainwater will then be able to seep through the joints and percolate into the soil, instead of it flowing into the drains and getting wasted.

3. Answer the following questions in brief:

Question (a)
What conditions prevail during a famine?

  1. During a famine humans and animals suffer from scarcity of water.
  2. As there is no water for agriculture, grain and fodder become scarce in the famine-stricken areas.
  3. People living in these areas have to face a lot of hardship.
  4. Animals and plants in these parts also suffer.

Question (b)
What works are undertaken to make water available even after the rainy season?
Severals works are undertaken to make water available even after the rainy season like
1. Large dams are built.
2. Smaller reservoirs are built,
3. Contour bunding and constructing bunds on smaller streams.

Question (c)
Why is it necessary to stop rainwater?
1. We get rain for only four months in a year. If rainwater is not stored, we will not have water for our daily needs after the rains.
2. So in order to meet the whole year’s need for water, rainwater must be stopped.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 16 Water

Question (d)
What is meant by water management?
Taking steps to ensure that rainwater will be available even in the period after the rainy season is called water management.

4. True or False? Correct the wrong statements:

Question (a)
We get rainwater throughout the year.
False. We get rainwater for only four months in a year.

Question (b)
During a famine, the government moves people and animals temporarily to safe places.

Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 16 Water Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question 1.
When other substances get mixed with water, it becomes ……………… .
(a) impure
(b) pure
(c) drinkable
(a) impure

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 16 Water

Question 2.
Some impurities …………………. in water.
(a) drown
(b) float
(c) mix
(b) float

Question 3.
The substances that get mixed with the water are …………………. for living things.
(a) healthy
(b) pollutants
(c) harmful
(c) harmful

Question 4.
Rivers, lakes are our ………………….. of water.
(a) clouds
(b) tanks
(c) sources
(c) sources

Question 5.
The waste water of a city or town is collected and let into a water body at a ……………….. location.
(a) convenient
(b) busy
(c) inconvenient
(a) convenient

Question 6.
Sewage water can carry microorganisms that spread ………………… .
(a) impurities
(b) disease
(c) pollution
(b) disease

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 16 Water

Question 7.
Waste water from industries is more likely to contain ………………. substances.
(a) poisonous
(b) non-poisonous
(c) mineral
(a) poisonous

Question 8.
If all this waste water is let into water bodies as ………………. it is, the water bodies become
(a) impurities
(b) polluted
(c) convenient
(b) polluted

Question 9.
Polluted water cannot be used for ……………………. or for any other purpose.
(a) washing
(b) exercise
(c) drinking
(c) drinking

Question 10.
Sewage and other waste water of towns and cities is …………………… for purification before letting it into a water body.
(a) processed
(b) polluted
(c) progressed
(a) processed

Question 11.
Flowing water of rivers gets purified to some extent by …………………. processes also.
(a) artificial
(b) natural
(c) chemical
(b) natural

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 16 Water

Question 12.
Before water is supplied to a town or city, it is …………………… .
(a) polluted
(b) solidified
(c) purified
(c) purified

Question 13.
Places where it does not rain for a long time experience a …………………. .
(a) flood
(b) drought
(c) tsunami
(b) drought

Question 14.
Humans and animals ……………….. from scarcity of water.
(a) suffer
(b) enjoy
(c) relax
(a) suffer

Question 15.
Grain and fodder become ………………… during a famine.
(a) abundant
(b) scarce
(c) available
(b) scarce

Question 16.
People living in drought have to face a lot of …………………. .
(a) hardship
(b) friendship
(c) warship
(a) hardship

Question 17.
Fodder camps are set up in famine-stricken areas to take care of …………………. animals.
(a) wild
(b) milch
(c) domestic
(c) domestic

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 16 Water

Question 18.
…………………. brings us water again and again.
(a) wells
(b) rain
(c) taps
(b) rain

Question 19.
We get rain for only ……………… months in a year.
(a) six
(b) ten
(c) four
(c) four

Question 20.
If rainwater is not …………………. we will not have water for our daily needs after the rains.
(a) stored
(b) scare
(c) evaporated
(a) stored

Question 21.
When rainwater is stopped, it …………….. into the soil.
(a) percolates
(b) evaporates
(c) precipitates
(a) percolates

Question 22.
As the ground water storage increase, …………………. get water.
(a) animals
(b) trees
(c) rocks
(b) trees

Question 23.
Rainwater falling on roofs of houses in drained into large ………………. placed beside the building.
(a) boxes
(b) canals
(c) tanks
(c) tanks

Question 24.
Taking steps to ensure that rainwater will be available even in the period after the rainy season is called …………………. management.
(a) time
(b) health
(c) water
(c) water

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 16 Water

Answer in one sentence:

Question 1.
Where is the waste water of a city or town let out?
The waste water of a city or town is collected and let into a water body at a convenient location.

Question 2.
What does sewage water carry?
Sewage water carries microorganisms that spread diseases.

Question 3.
Which water contains poisonous substances?
Waste water from industries is more likely to contain poisonous substances.

Question 4.
Why is it compulsory for factory owners to treat the water before letting it out?
If this waste water is let into water bodies as it is then the water bodies become polluted and that is dangerous. That is why it is compulsory for factory owners to treat the water before letting it out.

Question 5.
What is a threat to aquatic living things?
If large quantities of impurities get mixed with river water, the proportion of oxygen dissolved in the water is reduced and this is a threat to aquatic living things.

Question 6.
Why is it important to read the information when we buy a bottle of drinking water?
The date of bottling and the period for which the water can be safely used is printed on the bottle. Therefore, it is important to read the information when we buy a bottle of drinking water.

Question 7.
Why should empty drinking water bottles be crushed and thrown into a garbage bin?
We must crush and throw the empty drinking water bottles into a bin, so that it cannot be reused.

Question 8.
What is a famine?
A famine is a natural disaster, where the affected area does not receive any rain, so land get dry and there is no water for humans, animals as well as agriculture.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 16 Water

Question 9.
How does the government help in increasing the groundwater storage level?
When it is not possible to build large dams then people and government come together to build smaller reservoirs, contour bunding, constructing bunds on smaller streams or dig wells in river beds to increase the groundwater storage level.

Question 10.
How is rainwater from roof tops saved?
Rainwater from roof tops is drained into large tanks placed besides the building thus saving rain water.

Answer the following questions in brief:

Question 1.
How does the government help famine-stricken areas?
1. The government temporarily moves people and animals from famine-stricken areas to safe places where they can be provided with water foodgrain and fodder.
2. Fodder camps are set up to take care of domestic animals.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 16 Water

Question 2.
What happens when rainwater percolates into the soil?
1. When the rain water percolates into the soil, the ground water storage level increases.
2. Trees get water.
3. Wells too get enough water and land can be cultivated.

Can you tell?

Question (A)
List the substances that are mixed in the waste water drained out of the kitchen and bathroom in your house.
Shampoo, soap, washing detergents, waste food particles, oil and grease from washed utensils, dirt and grime from soiled colthes.

Water Works:

Question 1.
What source of water is used for public water supply system?
Rainwater collected in reservoirs and lakes is used for public water supply system. Water from lakes like Tansa, Tulsi and Vihar supply water to Mumbai city.

Question 2.
What processes are used to make the water clean, transparent and germ-free?
Filtration, purification, chlorination

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 16 Water

Question 3.
In what order are these processes carried out?
Settling – Oxygenating – Filtration – Chlorination.

Question 4.
What is done to rid the water of bad smells?
Alum is used in water to get rid of the bad odour.

Question (B)
If at some place, it did not rain for a very long time, what would be its effect on the life of the people there?
Due to scarcity of water there will be drought – like condition.
The people and animals will die of thirst and hunger.
Plants and farms will wither and die therefore no food will be available. This will lead to famine.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 16 Water

Can you recall?

Question 1.
When happens when a spoonful of sugar, sawdust and soil are added to a glass of water?
1. When sugar is added it dissolves in water.
2. When sawdust is added it does not dissolve instead it floats in water.
3. When soil is added the stones simply sink to the bottom of the glass and the soil dissolves the water making it muddy.

Question 2.
Which are the three states of water.
1. Liquid state
2. Solid-state
3. Gaseous state.

Question 3.
What is done to make drinking water clean and safe?
At homes, the tap water is filtered and boiled to purify it for drinking.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 16 Water


  1. percolates – filter gradually through a porous surface.
  2. scarcity – being in short supply
  3. fodder – food for cattle
  4. scarce – insufficient
  5. sewage – wastewater.
  6. prevail – prove more powerful
  7. grime – dirt ingrained on the surface of something
  8. soiled – made dirty
  9. transparent – clear, see-through
  10. wither – become dry and shrivelled
  11. mesh – an interlaced structure
  12. seep – flow or leak slowly

Class 5 Environmental Studies Questions and Answers:

Methods of Preserving Food Class 5 Questions And Answers EVS Chapter 13 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

5th Standard EVS 1 Lesson Number 13 Question Answer Methods of Preserving Food Maharashtra Board

Std 5 EVS 1 Chapter 13 Question Answer

1. What’s the solution?

Question (a)
The papads have become soft and moist .
Papads which have been soft and moist should be kept in sun for drying. Drying method involves removal of water content (moisture) from the foodstuffs. Papads when kept in sun for drying for 2-3 days will become crisp again.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food

Question (b)
Fruits like mangoes, amlas, guavas and vegetables like peas, onions, tomatoes, fenugreek are needed all year round. They are available in plenty only in certain seasons.
Different methods of food preservation are used in order to preserve fruits and vegetables. Mangoes can be preserved by making their squash preparation. Peas can be peeled from pods and preserved by keeping them in refrigerator for long time. Onions can be dried or fried and kept for a longer period of time. Tomatoes can be preserved by making tomato puree, squash or sauce.

2. Use your brain power!

Question 1.
Semolina (Shevaya) do not get spoiled for a very long time. But kheer made from them spoils easily. Why is this so?
Semolina (Shevaya) are made by drying them in the sun. Since they are dried in sun, the water content in them is completely lost, hence they can be stored for longer time. On the other hand, kheer is made by using milk and milk is a highly perishable’’ product, hence kheer gets spoilt quickly.

3. Find and correct the wrong statements:

Question (a)
When something is boiled, the microorganisms in it are destroyed.
It is a correct statement.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food

Question (b)
Our food does not get spoiled when microorganism begin to grow in it.
It is an incorrect statement.
Correct statement: Our food gets spoiled when microorganisms begin to grow in it.

Question (c)
Foodstuffs dried in summer cannot be used for the rest of the year.
It is an incorrect statement.
Correct statement: Foodstuffs dried in summer can be used for the rest of the year.

Question (d)
Foodstuffs get warmth when put in a fridge.
It is an incorrect statement.
Correct statement: Foodstuffs get cool temperature when put in a fridge.

4. Answer the following questions:

Question (a)
What are the different methods of preserving food?
Boiling, drying, cooling and placing the foodstuffs in airtight cans are the different methods of preserving food.

Question (b)
Why do we avoid eating food that has got spoiled?
We should avoid eating spoiled food because it can cause stomach ache, diarrhoea/vomiting etc.

Question (c)
Why do we make jams from fruits?
Fruits cannot stay fresh for longer period of time. In order to preserve them, various food preservatives like sugar is added to it. By preserving the fruits by adding sugar, we can get jams even after the season of fruits is over. Hence, we make jams from fruits.

Question (d)
What are preservatives?
Certain substances that are added to the foodstuffs to preserve them for a long time are called preservatives.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food

Question (e)
Find out the names of the different spices. Also find out which part of their plant they are.
Cinnamon, cardamom, bill leaves, cloves etc. are different spices. Cinnamon is a part of the stem of a plant, cardamom is fruit of plant and clove is a flowerbud of a tree.

Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question 1.
………………. and ……………. are kept to dry in the open air in summer.
(a) Onions, potatoes
(b) Carrots and brinjals
(c) Milk, milk products
(a) Onions, potatoes

Question 2.
……………………, ………………….. and …………………….. are available where food is kept.
(a) Air, moisture, warmth
(b) Fungus, ants, insects
(c) Spores, mice, rats
(a) Air, moisture, warmth

Question 3.
Spoiled food has reduced ………………. value.
(a) nutrition
(b) additional
(c) reductional
(a) nutrition

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food

Question 4.
……………….. can be dried and stored for a long time.
(a) Spices
(b) Jams
(c) Mangoes
(a) Spices

Question 5.
…………………. are present all around us in air as well as in water.
(a) Microorganisms
(b) ants
(c) insects
(a) Microorganisms

Question 3.
State whether the following statements are True or False:

  1. Asafoetida (hing) is a preservative.
  2. Spices cannot be stored for a longer period of time.
  3. Mango pulp and milk products are not spoiled quickly.


  1. True
  2. False
  3. False

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What is the advantage of placing the foodstuffs in the airtight cans?
When the foodstuffs are preserved in airtight containers, the microorganisms are first destroyed and it is ensured that water or air does not enter the food stuff.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food

Question 2.
What are the conditions required for the growth of fungus?
Availability of food, water, air and warmth are the conditions required for the growth of fungus.

Question 3.
What is the special feature of drying method?
When the foodstuffs are dried by drying method, the water content in them is lost. This is the special feature of drying method.

Question 4.
What happens when the foodstuffs are boiled?
When the foodstuffs are boiled, the microorganisms present in them are destroyed.

Question 5.
What precaution should be taken while buying food in sealed bags or boxes?
While buying food in sealed bags or boxes, we should always check the expiry (use before) date printed on it.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food

Can you tell?

Talk to the elderly people in your family to find the answers to the following questions with reference to the foodstuffs mentioned below:
(milk, vegetables, grains, flours, sugar, jaggery)

Question 1.
When do we say that foodstuff is spoiled? What changes are seen in it?
The foodstuff smells foul and have unpleasant appearance. There is even growth of fungus on foodstuffs.
Changes that occur in spoilt food: (a) Taste changes (b) Colour of the food change (c) Presence of black, white patch (fungus) on food (d) Unpleasant smell (e) Nutritive value reduces.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food

Question 2.
Is the time in which foodstuffs get spoilt different in different seasons?
Yes, the time in which the foodstuffs gets spoilt is different in different seasons. Spoilage of any foodstuffs depends on the presence of temperature and humidity of the environment. Therefore in winter, foodstuffs are preserved for a long time than summer season.

Question 3.
Which foodstuffs get spoilt most quickly?
Milk and milk products, fruits, vegetables, etc. are the foodstuffs which get spoilt most quickly.

Question 4.
What measures are taken to keep the foodstuffs in the house in good conditions, for as long as possible?
We can keep the foodstuffs in the refrigerator, some foodstuffs can be dried, fried, etc. and stored for a long period.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 13 Methods of Preserving Food


  1. pulp – soft, wet and crushed mass
  2. fibrous – consisting of fibres.
  3. airtight – not allowing air to escape or pass through.
  4. moist – slightly wet
  5. crisp – firm, dry and brittle
  6. perishable – that which gets spoilt.

Class 5 Environmental Studies Questions and Answers:

Environmental Balance Class 5 Questions And Answers EVS Chapter 4 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 4 Environmental Balance Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

5th Standard EVS 1 Lesson Number 4 Question Answer Environmental Balance Maharashtra Board

Std 5 EVS 1 Chapter 4 Question Answer

1. What’s the solution?

Question 1.
We have to remove insects from the grains without using pesticides.
Some plants like neem or their extract repel insects. That is insects run away from these substances. Hence if we place dried leaves of neem. The grains will be freed from the insects as they will go away. Similarly it is by applying canola oil to the grains we can remove the insects as canola oil is also an insect repellent.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Environmental Balance

2. Use your brain power.

Question 1.
Use your brain power.
Make up a food chain:
Frog, Kite, Worm, Snake, Grass
Grass → Worm → Frog → Snake → Kite

3. Answer the following questions:

Question (a)
What is a food chain? Give an example of it.
In nature, Plants are food for one small animal. This smaller animal is the food for a larger animal which in turn is a food for another larger animal. Thus we see that one living thing is connected to another living thing for their food, and each component or living thing is the food for the next one. Therefore we can say the components form a chain. Such a biological chain is called a food chain. Example of a food chain.

Plants → Grasshopper → Frog → Snake → Kite

The plant is eaten by the grasshopper which is eaten by the frog. The frog is eaten by the snake which is eaten by the kite.

Question (b)
How is the balance in the environment maintained?
1. Plants use substances in the soil for their growth and when plants and animals die the micro-organisms decompose them and this added to the substances goes back to the soil once again.
2. Similarly the water cycle maintains a continuous supply of water for all the living things.
3. Living things take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide while breathing. The plants take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen while preparing their food. Thus oxygen gets added to the air.

There are several other such cycles which go on in nature due to interaction amongst living things. When such interactions and cycles go on uninterrupted continuously, they help in maintaining the food chain. Due to this, environmental balance is maintained.

4. What substances in the soil are useful for the growth of plants?

Question 1.
What substances in the soil are useful for the growth of plants?
The plants use substances like water, minerals and organic matter from the soil for their growth.
Note: Grasshopper does not feed on worms. It is not a flesh eating insect. It eats only various parts of plants like seeds & leaves. The first image shown in the textbook on page 20 is of an insect called cricket, which feeds on worms, and the bird feeds on this cricket.
Hence the correct food chain is
grass → worm → cricket (insect) → bird

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Environmental Balance

5. True or false?

Question 1.
True or false?

  1. Microorganisms form a part of the environment.
  2. It is necessary to maintain biodiversity.
  3. A grasshopper eats birds.


  1. True
  2. True
  3. False

Environmental Studies Part 1 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 4 Environmental Balance Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the options given below:

Question 1.
The variety we see in all living things that belong to a particular area is called ………………. of that place.
(a) biodiversity
(b) environment
(c) food chain
(a) biodiversity

Question 2.
While studying biodiversity of a given place scientists make large number of ………………….. in different conditions using special devices.
(a) observation
(b) specification
(c) direction
(a) observation

Question 3.
The science which studies interaction between living and non living things is known as ……………….. .
(a) environmental science
(b) food web
(c) water cycle
(a) environmental science

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Environmental Balance

Question 4.
The soil, air, water, plants, animals and microorganisms are known as the ……………… of the environment.
(a) dividents
(b) components
(c) substance
(b) components

Question 5.
A ………………. is formed by interlinking of several food chains.
(a) food store
(b) junk food
(c) food web
(c) food web

Question 6.
………………… make their own food using water and carbon dioxide in the presence of sunlight.
(a) Plants
(b) Animals
(c) Humans
(a) Plants

Question 7.
………………… decompose the dead remains of plants and animals present in the soil.
(a) plants
(b) micro-organism
(c) animals
(b) micro-organism

Question 8.
All the living organisms get a continuous supply of water in nature because of the water ……………… .
(a) fountain
(b) clouds
(c) cycle
(c) cycle

Question 9.
Plants give out ………………. gas while preparing their food.
(a) carbon dioxide
(b) oxygen
(c) sulphur dioxide
(b) oxygen

Question 10.
Plants take in ………………….. gas from the air while preparing food.
(a) carbon dioxide
(b) oxygen
(c) mitrogen
(a) carbon dioxide

Question 11.
When cycles go on uninterrupted in nature, ……………….. balance is maintained in nature.
(a) environmental
(b) botanical
(c) geographical
(a) environmental

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Environmental Balance

Question 12.
Living and non-living things are ………………….. on each other.
(a) independent
(b) interdependent
(c) dependent
(c) dependent

Question 13.
One living thing can be a part of a number of food …………………. .
(a) web
(b) chains
(c) link
(b) chains

Question 14.
Every living thing gets its food from the …………………… .
(a) environment
(b) nature
(c) kitchen
(a) environment

Question 15.
Many animals in the environment eat only
(a) animals
(b) plants
(c) grass
(b) plants

Question 16.
Animals eat other animals that live on …………………. .
(a) plants
(b) animals
(c) humans
(a) plants

Question 17.
……………………… are the main support of every food chain.
(a) Animals
(b) Plants
(c) Humans
(b) Plants

Question 18.
Due to the ………………… every living thing gets the food it needs and therefore continues to live.
(a) food chain
(b) water cycle
(c) oxygen
(a) food chain

Question 19.
………………. living in the soil helps the process of decomposition.
(a) Worms
(b) Microorganisms
(c) Insects
(b) Microorganisms

Question 20.
Living things use …………………. from the air for breathing.
(a) oxygen
(b) nitrogen
(c) carbon
(a) oxygen

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Environmental Balance

Question 21.
Plants use ………………. from the air for making their food.
(a) oxygen
(b) carbon dioxide
(c) nitrogen
(b) carbon dioxide

Question 2.
Find the odd man out and state its reasons:

  1. Snake, Cow, Grains, Mouses
  2. Sparrow, Grass, Elephant, Worm
  3. Water, Soil, Microorganisms, Sun


  1. Cow – (Snake, Mouse, Grains form a food chain.)
  2. Elephant – (Sparrow, worm, grass form a food chain.)
  3. Microorganism (water, soil, air are non-living components of the environment.)

Question 3.
State whether the following statements are true or false:

  1. Plants give out oxygen while breathing.
  2. If forests are destroyed environmental balance is disturbed.
  3. Tigers, Lions and Leopards harm the environment.
  4. When substances present in nature are used up by the living organisms they are returned back to the soil after decomposition of their dead bodies.
  5. In a given environment we always see only one type of food chain.
  6. A mouse can be a link of two different food chains.
  7. Pollution of air, water and soil can disturb the environmental balance.


  1. False
  2. True
  3. False
  4. True
  5. False
  6. True
  7. True

Question 4.
Give one word for the following processes:
1. Process of give and take between living things and non living things.
2. Process of breaking down of dead bodies into simpler substances so that the plants can use it.
1. Interaction
2. Decomposition

Question 5.
Use your brain power. Make up a food chain:

  1. Deer, Plants, Tiger, Microorganisms
  2. Sea lion, Algae, Small fish, Big fish
  3. Owl, Nuts, Squirrel, Fox
  4. Algae, Dragon fly, Mosquito larvae, Chameleon
  5. Grass, Fox, Bird, Snail
  6. Grasshopper, Cow, Turkey bird, Grass, Humans
  7. Elephant Calf, Lion, Plants, Deer
  8. Snakes, Caterpillars, Chicken, Eagles
  9. Flowers of plant, Falcon (Bird), Lizard, Honeybee

1. Plants → Deer → Tiger → Microorganisms
2. Algae → Small fish → Large fish → Sea lion → Shark
3. Nuts → Squirrel → Owl → Fox
4. Algae → Mosquito larvae → Dragonfly → Chameleon
5. Grass → Snail → Bird → Fox

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Environmental Balance 1

9. Caterpillars → Chicken → Snake → Eagle
10. Flowers of plants → Honeybee → Spider → Lizard → Falcon (Bird)

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Environmental Balance

Answer the following in one or two sentences:

Question 1.
Which living organism is the main support of every food chain?
The plants which prepare their own food are the main support of every food chain.

Question 2.
What is the food of the plants?
Plants prepare their own food using carbon dioxide from air and water from the soil in presence of sunlight.

Question 3.
What is an environment?
The surroundings and the conditions in those surroundings which affect the life of the organisms there, are together known as their environment.

Question 4.
What are the components of the environment?
Sunlight, air, water, soil, plants and animals etc. are the components of the environment.

Question 5.
What is a food web?
One living thing can be a part of a number of food chains. That gives rise to a food web in nature.

Question 6.
Name the following (Give any two examples):

  1. Animals which eat only plants.
  2. Animals which eat animals that live on plants.
  3. Birds which eat insects.
  4. Birds which eat fruits or seeds of plants.
  5. Birds which eat small animals or small birds.
  6. Birds and animals which eat dead animals.


  1. Goat, Cow, Elephant, Rhinoceros
  2. Tiger, Lion, Leopard, Cheetah
  3. Robin, Peacock, Chicken (Hen), Woodpecker
  4. Sparrow, Pigeon, Parrot, Toucans, Canary
  5. Kite, Eagle, Falcon, Hawk, Owl
  6. Vulture, Hyena, Crow, Raccoons

Give reasons:

Question 1.
Plants are the main support of every food chain.
Many animals in the environment eat only plants. Some animals eat smaller animals that live on plants. Plants make their own food using water from soil and carbon dioxide from air in the presence of sunlight. They are the only living organisms which do not depend for their food on other animals. All other animals directly or indirectly depend on plants for food. Hence, plants are the main support of every food chain.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Environmental Balance

Question 2.
It is important to maintain the environmental balance for existence of living things.
When various cycles present in nature go on uninterrupted, environmental balance is maintained in nature. This helps in maintaining the food chains in the environment. If environmental balance is not maintained the food chains get affected and some animals may die due to shortage of food. If this continues, it will destroy nature and all the living things. Therefore, to maintain the food chains and existence of living things environmental balance should be maintained.
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Environmental Balance 2

State how the following non-living things found in nature are useful to living things:

Question 1.
Hollow of a tree:
Many animals like squirrels, birds etc. take shelter in the hollow of the tree. Insects also are known to be found in this hollow.

Question 2.
Small rocks present in the soil help the roots of the plant to breathe and grow as they allow air and water to pass through the soil. Soil which helps plant to grow is formed by breaking down of these rocks. Many insects also take shelter under large rocks e.g. Scorpions live below the rocks.

Question 3.
The Sun is the source of energy. It provides sunlight. Plants cannot grow without sunlight. Hence no life would exist without the Sun.

Question 4.
Large forests are found on mountains. Rivers also originate in mountains. Hence, mountains are homes for many living things. They are homes for many birds, monkeys, wild animals etc.

Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
What do you mean by a link in a food chain? If one of the links in a chain is lost from the chain, can the food chain last? Explain.
In a food chain, one animal is the food for the next animal. Each one of the living things forming a food chain is called the link of the food chain. If one link of the food chain is lost it will affect the next link. It means if one animal is lost, the next animal for which it is the food will also get affected, as it will cause shortage of food.

This will lead to starvation8 and death of the animals in the next link. For Example: If deer disappear from the forest, the lions and tigers will starve for food and they will die. Thus we see that the food chain will not last if one link in the food chain is lost.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Environmental Balance

Question 2.
Who eats birds?
Birds are eaten by various animals depending on their size. Small birds like sparrow, robins, canary etc. are eaten by snakes. Pythons can eat large birds like herons, stork, etc. by coiling around them and crushing them. Dogs, cats also eat birds like chicken, hens etc. Some large birds eat the young ones of birds or smaller birds.

For example: kite, eagle, owls, falcons eat small birds or young ones of other birds. Foxes, racoons, coyotes are wild animals which eat small birds and other birds like owls. Lastly human beings also eat birds like, chicken, turkey, duck as food. Birds like eagles, kite and vultures are not eaten by any animals. Microorganisms decompose them after they die.

Question 3.
Explain how the balance in the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide present in the air is maintained in nature.
The animals take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide while breathing. However plants take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen while preparing food. Due to this process the balance in the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide present in the air is maintained.

Question 4.
Describe the water cycle present in nature.
Our earth is covered with water bodies. The heat of the sun evaporates the water from the water bodies like sea, lake, ponds stveanes of rivers and also the water which has percolated beneath the soil. This evaporated water vapour is light, so it moves up into the higher and cooler atmosphere to form fine drops of water which float.

These smaller drops form clouds. They later join together to form big and heavy drops; which fall down as rain. The rain water goes back to the water bodies, thus the process of condensation, evaporation and rainfall continue to form a water cycle.

Observe the picture given below and answer the following:

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Environmental Balance 3

Question (A)
Find the different food chains of whichthe worm and the mouse form a link:
There are two food chains as shown below :
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Environmental Balance 4

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Environmental Balance

Question (B)
Find the different food chains where the fox and lion form a link.
There are two food chains as shown below:
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Environmental Balance 5

Question 1.
Draw a diagram showing the water cycle occurring in Nature:
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Environmental Balance 6

Question 2.
Draw a diagram showing the oxygen cycle:
Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Environmental Balance 7

What’s the solution?

Question 1.
Mosquitoes cause malaria. To prevent malaria mosquitoes need to be stopped from growing.
Mosquitoes larvae grow in water. Hence to prevent them from growing we should not allow water to accumulate. We should keep our surroundings dry. Also fishes like guppies, gold fish and killifish eat up the mosquto larvae. Hence sometimes these fish are grown in ponds to prevent mosquitoes.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Environmental Balance

Question 2.
The soil is to be made fertile without adding chemical fertilizers.
Organic manure is added to the soil. Organic manure is prepared by mixing remains of plants, vegetables, fruits etc. with soil and is allowed to decompose by microorganisms. Microorganisms convert the above substances to organic manure which helps plants to grow.

Can you tell?

Question 1.
What is the deer’s food?
The deer feeds on various kinds of plants and grass. They eat leaves, twigs and stems of the plant.

Question 2.
What is food for the tiger?
The tiger feeds on plant eating animals like deer, cows, zebra, giraffe, goats, buffaloes, rhinoceros, calf etc.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 1 Chapter 4 Environmental Balance


  1. interaction – a particular way in which matter affects one another
  2. component – part of a larger whole
  3. residues – a small amount that remains behind.
  4. uninterrupted – without break.
  5. organic – derived from living matter
  6. presence – being present.
  7. hollow – having a hole or empty space inside.

Class 5 Environmental Studies Questions and Answers:

Stone Age: Stone Tools Class 5 Questions And Answers EVS Chapter 6 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 5 Environmental Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

5th Standard EVS 2 Lesson Number 6 Question Answer Stone Age: Stone Tools Maharashtra Board

Std 5 EVS 2 Chapter 6 Question Answer

1. Fill in the blank.

Question a.
That period, of which the tools that we find are mainly made from stone, is called the ………………….. .
(Copper Age, Iron Age, Stone Age)
That period, of which the tools that we find are mainly made from stone, is called the Stone Age.

Question b.
………………. near Nashik is a well-known Old Stone Age site in Maharashtra.
(Gangapur, Sinnar, Chandwad)
Gangapur near Nashik is a well-known Old Stone Age site in Maharashtra.

2. Find out the odd pair from the following.

Question 1.
Find out the odd pair from the following.
a. Rajasthan – Bagor
b. Madhya Pradesh – Bhimbetka
c. Gujarat – Langhnaj
d. Maharashtra – Bijapur
d. Maharashtra – Bijapur

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

3. Answer the following question in brief.

Question a.
How did man use the percussion technique?
1. The man in Old Stone Age used the percussion technique to make stone tools.
2. Percussion technique involves beating or striking one large pebble against another to obtain stone flakes.

Question b.
What revolution was brought about by Homo sapiens in the tool-making technique?

  1. The Homo sapiens devised a technique of obtaining long and narrow blades of stone.
  2. He made knife, scraper, borer and chisel from these long blades.
  3. He used ivory and rare stones of the quartz variety for making tools and other articles.

4. Compare the tools from all the three periods of the Stone Age.

Question 1.
Compare the tools from all the three periods of the Stone Age.

Old Stone Age Middle Stone Age New Stone Age
1. Tools were crude as these made by the percussion technique 1. The quality of tools improved. Homo sapiens brought about a revolution in technique of making tools. 1. The tools were polished and had smooth and shiny finish as new type of tool-making technique was developed.
2. Chopper, hand-axe and clearer were made. 2. Different tools were used for different kinds of work. 2. Tools were mainly made for agricultural work as hunting had become a secondary activitiy.
3. Large stones and their flakes were rather heavy and odd in size. 3. Tools were light weight, durable proportionate and symmetrical. 3. Tools were light weight, durable, proportionate, symmetrical and efficient.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

5. Which of the following modern machines has stone grinders?

Question 1.
Which of the following modern machines has stone grinders?
a. Mixer
b. Flour mill
c. Juicer
b. Flour mill

6. Show the following places on the map of India.

Question 1.
Show the following places on the map of India.
a. A site of the Old Stone Age in Maharashtra.
b. A river basin with New Stone Age sites.
c. A site of the Middle Stone Age in Madhya Pradesh.
a. A site of Old Stone Age in Maharashtra : Gangapur
b. A river basin with New Stone Age site : Basin of river Ganga.
c. A site of Middle Stone Age in Madhya Pradesh: Bhimbetka

Activity :

Question 1.
Visit various industries in your locality and collect information about the tools used there. Make a chart by classifying those tools.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age Stone Tools 1

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Environmental Studies Part 2 Standard 5th Solutions Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools Additional Important Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.

  1. Apes like the chimpanzee also used ………………. to break seeds and nuts.
  2. Apes like the chimpanzee used ……………. to stir the ants out from ant hills to catch them.
  3. Early humans too, used bones, stones, twigs and sticks as
  4. Humans learnt that they could ………… rods, bones sticks and stones into tools to carry out their tasks more efficiently.
  5. They also learnt they could give their tools any …………. they desired.
  6. Humans made tools thousands of years ago, but only the …………. tools can be found today.
  7. The Stone Age is divided into ……… periods.
  8. Palaeolithic Age meAnswer:……….. Stone Age.
  9. Mesolithic Age meAnswer:…………… Stone Age.
  10. Neolithic Age meAnswer:……….. Stone Age
  11. Homo habilis and Homo erectus belonged to the ……………… Stone Age.
  12. Old Stone Age man used ………….. techniques to make tools.
  13. The first tools made in the Old Stone Age were ……………..
  14. ………. were tools with only one side having a sharp edge.
  15. Choppers were used for ………………… nuts or bones
  16. Tools like the hand-axe and cleaver were made by ………
  17. Homo erectus could……………… visualize his tools even before he actually shaped them.
  18. The Neanderthal Man made further ……….. in tool – making techniques.
  19. Homo sapiens brought about a ….. in the technique of making tools.
  20. He devised a technique of obtaining long and narrow ……….. of stone.
  21. Groups of Homo sapiens began to build ………… and live in them.
  22. They also started celebrating …………… festivals.
  23. Homo sapiens started using ornaments to ……….. themselves.
  24. ……………. were made from shells, bones and the teeth of animal.
  25. Fossils of a human skull and the …………….. bone of an Old Stone Age woman were found on the bank of the Narmada.
  26. A fossilized skull of a ……………… from the Stone Age was found at a village near Puducherry.
  27. Gangapur is on the banks of the ……………… river.
  28. Middle Stone Age man domesticated the …………….
  29. ……………………. started to harvest food grains that grew in the wild and to domesticate animals.
  30. In the New Stone Age, the stone tools were ………….. to give a smooth and shiny finish.
  31. In the New Stone Age, ……………….. was no more a major means of obtaining food.
  32. A……………….. is large/broad bladed axe.
  33. Tools like the hand-axe and cleaver were made by ……………..
  34. Groups of …….. had begun to build huts and live in them.


  1. tones
  2. sticks
  3. tools
  4. sharpen
  5. shape
  6. stone
  7. three
  8. old
  9. middle
  10. new
  11. old
  12. percussion
  13. crude
  14. choppers
  15. breaking
  16. Homo erectus
  17. mentally
  18. progress
  19. revolution
  20. blades
  21. huts
  22. social
  23. adorn
  24. beads
  25. collar
  26. child
  27. Godavari
  28. dog
  29. Homo sapiens
  30. polished
  31. hunting
  32. clearer
  33. Homo erectus
  34. Homo sapiens

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Match the columns :

Question 1.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Fossil of a human skull a. Along the Ganga river in South India
2. Fossil of a child’s skull b. Afghanistan and Sri Lanka
3. New Stone Age site in India c. Hoshangabad in Madhya Pradesh
4. Remains of Old Stone Age d. Patane in Jalgaon district in Maharashtra
5. Site of Middle Stone Age e. A village near Puducherry
6. Knife and sickle f. Homo erectus
7. Antlers used as hammer g. Homo sapiens
8. Choppers and scrappers h. Mesolithic Age
9. Domesticated animals i. Old Stone Age man


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. Fossil of a human skull c. Hoshangabad in Madhya Pradesh
2. Fossil of a child’s skull e. A village near Puducherry
3. New Stone Age site in India a. Along the Ganga river in South India
4. Remains of Old Stone Age b. Afghanistan and Sri Lanka
5. Site of Middle Stone Age d. Patane in Jalgaon district in Maharashtra
6. Knife and sickle g. Homo sapiens
7. Antlers used as hammer f. Homo erectus
8. Choppers and scrappers i. Old Stone Age man
9. Domesticated animals h. Mesolithic Age

Answer the following questions in one sentence each:

Question 1.
What did apes like the chimpanzees use to break seeds and nuts?
Apes like the chimpanzees used stone to break seeds and nuts.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 2.
For what purpose did the apes like the chimpanzees use sticks?
Apes like the chimpanzees used sticks to stir ants out from ant-hills to catch them.

Question 3.
What were the tools of the early man made of?
The tools of the early man were made of bones, stones, dried twigs and sticks.

Question 4.
Why is the period of time called the ‘Stone Age’? ‘or’ What is meant by ‘Stone Age’?
The period of time mainly stone tools found is called the Stone Age.

Question 5.
On what basis is the Stone Age divided?
The Stone Age is divided on the basis of the shape and types of tools found.

Question 6.
Into how many periods is the Stone Age divided?
The Stone Age is divided into three periods – Old Stone Age, Middle Stone Age and New Stone Age

Question 7.
What is the Old Stone Age also called?
The Old Stone Age is also called the Palaeolithic Age.

Question 8.
What does Palaeolithic Age mean?
Palaeo means ‘old’ and lithos means ‘stone’. Hence, Palaeolithic Age means the Old Stone Age’.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 9.
What is the Middle Stone Age called?
The Middle Stone Age is called the Mesolithic Age.

Question 10.
What does Mesolithic mean?
Mesolithic means ‘middle’. Hence, the Middle Stone Age.

Question 11.
What is the New Stone Age called?
The New Stone Age is called the Neolithic Age.

Question 12.
What does Neolithic mean?
Neo means ‘New’. Hence, Neolithic means the “New Stone Age

Question 13.
Which species of human evolution belong to Old Stone Age?
The species Homo habilis and Homo erectus belong to Old Stone Age.

Question 14.
Who used the percussion technique of making tools?
Homo habilis and Homo erectus used the percussion technique of making tools.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 15.
How were the frist tools of the Old Stone Age?
The tools of the Old Stone Age were very crude

Question 16.
What were choppers?
Choppers were crude tools, where only one side of which had a sharp edge.

Question 17.
For what purpose were the choppers used?
Choppers were used to break nuts or bones.

Question 18.
Which tools made by Homo erectus were more proportionate and symmetrical than the tools made by Homo habilis?
The hand-axe and cleaver were more proportionate and symmetrical” than the tools made by Homo habilis.

Question 19.
What could Homo erectus do before he actually shaped the tools?
Homo erectus could mentally visualize his tools before he actually shaped them.

Question 20.
How did Homo erectus use antlers?
He used things like antlers as hammers to obtain stone flakes.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 21.
How did Homo erectus make scrapers?
He sharpened the edges of the flakes by scraping off smaller pieces to make scrapers with very sharp edges.

Question 22.
What benefits did Homo erectus acquire with his improved tools?
With his improved tools, Homo erectus could have a greater variety of food as he could hunt a variety of big and small animals.

Question 23.
Who brought about a revolution in the technique of making tools?
Homo sapiens brought about a revolution a in the technique of making tools.

Question 24.
What did the Homo sapiens build to live in?
Homo sapiens built huts to live in.

Question 25.
What did the Homo sapiens start celebrating?
Homo sapiens started celebrating social festivals.

Question 26.
What did the Homo sapiens create to enhance their festivals?
The Homo sapiens created artistic objects and cave paintings to enhance their festivals.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 27.
How did they adorn themselves?
They adorned themselves with ornaments and beads made from shells, bones and teeth of animals.

Question 28.
What fossils were found in Madhya Pradesh?
Fossils of a human skull and the collar bone of an Old Stone Age woman was found on the bank of Narmada in Madhya Pradesh.

Question 29.
Which fossil was found at a village in Puducherry?
A fossilized skull of a child from the Stone Age was found at a village in Puducherry.

Question 30.
Which are the well-known Old Stone Age sites in Maharashtra?
Gangapur near Nasik and Chirki-Nevasa near Nevasa are among the few well-known Old Stone Age sites in Maharashtra.

Question 31.
Which animal did man of the Middle Stone Age domesticate?
Man of the Middle Stone Age domesticated the dog.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 32.
Why did the life of humans begin to change?
The life of humans began to change due to changes in the climate and environment.

Question 33.
What did the Homo sapiens begin to harvest?
The Homo sapiens began to harvest food grains that grew in the wild.

Question 34.
How did the humans in the Middle Stone Age make their tools?
He used to make implements like the knife and sickle by firmly fixing a row of blades as small as fingernails into a groove in a bone or a piece of wood.

Question 35.
What quality of tools were found in the Neolithic Age?
In the Neolithic Age, the stone tools were polished to give a smooth, shiny finish.

Question 36.
What became the routine way of life for the humans in the New Stone Age?
In the New Stone Age, agriculture and domestication of animals or animal husbandry had become a routine way of life.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 37.
Where are the sites of the New Stone Age culture in India?
The sites of the New Stone Age culture in India are along the Ganga river and in South India.

Question 38.
What did Homo habilis use the flakes of stone for?
Homo habilis used the flakes of stone for scraping meat from hide, for chopping meat and other foodstuffs, for sharpening wooden sticks, etc.

Give reasons for the following :

Question 1.
Only stone tools can be found today among those made by humans thousands of years ago.
i. Rarely do we find tools made from bones.
ii. Since twigs and sticks decompose easily, we find only stone tools made by humans thousands of years ago.

Question 2.
The beginning of human culture goes back to the Old Stone Age.

  1. The Homo sapiens made significant progress in knowing the environment, making tools for obtaining food.
  2. This enabled man to lead a stable life and live in one place.
  3. They started celebrating festivals and adorning themselves.
  4. Thus, we conclude that the beginning of human culture goes back to Old Stone Age.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 3.
Homo sapiens or the Middle Stone Age man now needed several different types of tools
that were light in weight and durable
i. Besides hunting, the Homo sapiens began to undertake a variety of tasks like fishing, harvesting”, cutting of trees etc.
ii. Therefore, they now needed several different types of tools that were light in weight and durable.

Question 4.
Hunting was no more the major means of obtaining food.
i. By the time of the New Stone Age, agriculture and animal husbandry became a routine way of life.
ii. Therefore, hunting was no more a major means of obtaining food.

Answer the following questions in brief :

Question 1.
List out the factors that determine the choice of tools.
The four factors that determine the choice of tools is as follows:

  1. Availability of resources
  2. Minimal use of time and energy
  3. Maximum efficiency
  4. Skill of handling tools which is acquired through practice.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 2.
How did man learn to modify his tools?

  1. Man began to observe the environment & nature around him, continuously and minutely
  2. With his inborn creativity, he learnt that he could sharpen rods, bones, sticks and stones into tools to carry out their task more efficiently.
  3. He also learnt that he could shape these objects and use it to his advantage.

Question 3.
How can we conclude that the early man used tools made of twigs, bones and stones?

  1. The early man made tools using twigs, bones sticks and other materials available in nature.
  2. Since twigs and sticks decompose easily, we do not find any tools made from them.
  3. Only stone tools can be found today. Hence, we can conclude that the early man made tools not only out of stone but other materials also.

Question 4.
How is the Stone Age divided?
The Stone Age is divided into 3 periods on the basis of the shape and the types of tools found.

  1. Old Stone Age or Palaeolithic Age.
  2. Middle Stone Age or Mesolithic Age
  3. New Stone Age or Neolithic Age.

Question 5.
What lead the Homo sapiens to lead a more stable life?

  1. Homo sapiens made significant” progress in gaining knowledge of his environment and in the techniques of making tools and obtaining food.
  2. This enabled him to stay in one place so he build huts to live in
  3. They celebrated social festivals, made artistic objects and cave paintings.
  4. They started using ornaments to adorn themselves. All this meant that Homo sapiens lead a very stable life.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 6.
How did the life of humans change during the Mesolithic Age?

  1. Due to the changes in the climate and the environment, the way of life in the Mesolithic Age began to change.
  2. Besides hunting, man started to harvest food grains that grew in the wild and also domesticated animals.
  3. Their diet also included various plant foods.
  4. They settled in one place, made different types of tools that were light in weight and durable, for hunting, fishing, harvesting and cutting of trees.

Question 7.
Compare the tools of all the three periods of the Stone Age.
A comparative study of tools of all three periods of Stone Age is as follows:

Old Stone Age

  1. The tools made during the Palaeolithic Age were very crude.
  2. Tools were made from any material that was commonly available from nature eg. bones, sticks, twigs and stones.
  3. They used the percussion technique to make tools like choppers, hand – axe, cleavers and scrapers.

Middle Stone Age :

  1. The tool making devise had been revolutionized during this period.
  2. Man devised a technique of obtaining long and narrow blades of stone.
  3. He made various implements which were sharper, symmetrical and light-weighted than the earlier age.
  4. He made tools like knife, scraper, borer, chisel etc.
  5. He also recognized the quality of stones and began to use ivory and rare stones of quartz for making tools.
  6. He used ‘microliths’ to make arrows. He also made implements like knife and sickle.

New Stone Age :

  1. The tools made during this age were sharper and more polished.
  2. Man now made use of a tool-making technique where stone tools were polished to give a smooth and shiny finished look.
  3. Since hunting became a secondary occupation, man in this age concentrated on making implements for agricultural use.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Question 8.
Homo erectus could have a greater variety of food.

  1. Homo erectus had improved tools.
  2. He could now hunt a variety of big and small animals.
  3. He could thus have a greater variety of food.

Question 9.
Middle Stone Age man began to settle in one place for a part of the year.

  1. Due to changes in the climate and the environment in the Middle Stone Age, the way of life of humans had begun to change.
  2. The Middle Stone Age man had started to harvest food grains and domesticate animals.
  3. Thus, he began to settle in one place for a part of the year.

Question 10.
What is meant by a ‘Chopper’?

  1. The first tools in the Old Stone Age were made with the percussion technique and were
  2. Only one side of these tools had a sharp edge.
  3. These tools were called ‘Choppers’ and were used to break nuts or bones.

Question 10.
Where were the remains of Old Stone Age found in India?

  1. Remains of the Old Stone Age were found in India at various places from Kashmir to Tamil Nadu.
  2. Fossils of a human skull and the collar bone of an Old Stone Age woman were found near Hoshangabad in Madhya Pradesh.
  3. The fossilized skull of a child was found at a village near Puducherry.

Maharashtra Board Class 5 EVS Solutions Part 2 Chapter 6 Stone Age: Stone Tools

Glossary :

  1. domesticated : tame and keep as pet
  2. durable : not perishable
  3. Implements : piece le of equipments
  4. Antlers : branched horns on the head of an adult dear
  5. crude : in a natural or raw
  6. proportionate : corresponding in size or amount to something else
  7. symmetrical : exactly similar parts
  8. harvesting : gather crops
  9. acquired : buy or obtain
  10. minutely : with great attention to detail
  11. ivory : hard, creamy white elephant tusks
  12. quartz : a hard mineral, crystal
  13. significant : sufficiently great or important
  14. microliths : a small shaped flint
  15. grinder : machine used for grinding o something
  16. revolution: a forcible overthrow of a government
  17. enhance: intensify or o increase

Class 5 Environmental Studies Questions and Answers: