Ocean Resources Question Answer Class 11 Geography Chapter 6 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Ocean Resources Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Std 11 Geography Chapter 6 Question Answer Ocean Resources Maharashtra Board

Class 11 Geography Chapter 6 Ocean Resources Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Geography Class 11 Chapter 6 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. Complete the chain.

Question 1.

(1) Continental Shelf (1) Deeper Part (1) Manganese Nodules
(2) Oceanic Microorganisms (2) Abyssal Plains (2) Whales
(3) Oceanic Trenches (3) Fishing (3) Sunda
(4) Vast Flat Area (4) Plankton (4) Dogger Bank


(1) Continental Shelf (1) Fishing (1) Dogger Bank
(2) Oceanic Microorganisms (2) Plankton (2) Whales
(3) Oceanic Trenches (3) Deeper Part (3) Sunda
(4) Vast Flat Area (4) Abyssal Plains (4) Manganese Nodules

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Ocean Resources

2. Identify the correct correlation.

A : Assertion
R : Reasoning
Question 1.
A – Continental shelf is a storehouse of mineral oil and natural gas.
R – Continental shelf receives large quantities of load from continental areas.
(a) Only A is correct.
(b) Only R is correct.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Question 2.
A – More deposition occurs in the continental slope.
R – The slope is steeper here.
(a) Only A is correct.
(b) Only R is correct.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(b) Only R is correct.

Question 3.
A – The islands are actually peaks of submerged mountains.
R – Some peaks of submerged mountains come above the sea level.
(a) Only A is correct.
(b) Only R is correct.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

Question 4.
A – The abyssal plains are the deepest parts of the ocean.
R – They lie at the bottom of the ocean.
(a) Only A is correct.
(b) Only R is correct.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(b) Only R is correct.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Ocean Resources

Question 5.
A – Sodium chloride and potassium are parts of inorganic oceanic resources.
R – Salt extraction is a major activity in coastal areas.
(a) Only A is correct.
(b) Only R is correct.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.

3. Give geographical reasons.

Question 1.
Fishing has developed in continental shelves.
Fishing has developed in continental shelves because-

  1. The portion of the continents that is submerged under water and borders the coastal areas is known as a continental shelf.
  2. They are broad, shallow and gently-sloping plains covered by water.
  3. As the sunlight reaches this part of the ocean bed, plankton grows.
  4. These millions of microscopic organisms found in sea water are an important and favourite food for fish.
  5. Also, the sediments washed from the continental areas add to the food for fish. Thus, millions of fish thrive in this region.

Question 2.
Our knowledge regarding the oceanic trenches is limited.
Our knowledge regarding the oceanic trenches is limited because-

  1. At places, deep, narrow and steeply sloping depressions are found on the ocean floor. These are called ocean deeps or ocean trenches.
  2. Generally, the shallow ones are called deeps whereas deeper ones are called ocean trenches. The oceanic trenches are the deepest parts of the oceans.
  3. These trenches can be thousands of meters deep. For example, The Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean is around 11 km deep while the Java Trench in the Indian Ocean is around 7.7 km deep.
  4. They generally occur along plate boundaries and are associated with active volcanoes and strong earthquakes.
  5. The knowledge of ocean trenches is limited because of their depth and their remoteness.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Ocean Resources

Question 3.
The ocean is a storehouse of minerals.
The ocean is a storehouse of minerals because-

  1. The continental shelves contain the world’s largest reservoirs of natural oil and gas.
  2. The other deposits like diamonds, chromite, ilmenite, magnetite, platinum, gold and phosphorite are also found.
  3. Sand, gravel aggregates and industrial silica sand are the most important of hard minerals now extracted in the near offshore zone.
  4. The abyssal plains are often littered with nodules of manganese containing varying amounts of iron, nickel, cobalt, and copper.
  5. The most common resources obtained from oceans are sodium chloride, i.e., common salt.
  6. A large number of metallic and non-metallic minerals are found on the ocean floor, e.g., potassium occurs in large quantities.
  7. Gypsum forms during evaporation of sea water. The gypsum deposits are mined and converted into Plaster of Paris and used for construction.
  8. The most important minerals extracted from the sea floor are petroleum and natural gas.

Question 4.
Like the land, there are landforms below the ocean too.
Like the land, there are landforms below the ocean too because-

  1. Continental shelf is mere continuation of coastal plain, sloping gently, they resemble gently sloping low-lying areas.
  2. As there are plains formed on the surface, similar feature in form of extensive flat land is found on the ocean floor, they are called abyssal plains.
  3. Mountains and ranges are found on the earth’s surface, as seamounts and ridges are found as part of ocean floor. For example, Mid-Indian Ridge.
  4. Some oceanic ridges have flat and extensive tops, they are called oceanic plateaus. For example, Chagos Plateau in the Indian Ocean.
  5. V shaped valleys on the surface of the earth are similar to the deep, narrow and steep sloping depressions, they are called deeps or sea trenches. For example, Kuril Trench in Pacific Ocean in Japan.
  6. Many canyons and gorges are also found on the earth’s surface and in the oceans too.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Ocean Resources

4. Write short notes on.

Question 1.

  1. Generally, a state’s exclusive economic zone is an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea, extending seaward to a distance of no more than 370 km out from its coastal baseline.
  2. The exception to this rule occurs when exclusive economic zones would overlap; that is, state coastal baselines are less than 740 km apart. When an overlap occurs, it is up to the states to delineate the actual maritime boundary.
  3. The exclusive economic zone stretches much further into sea than the territorial water, which ends at 22 km from the coastal baseline if following the rules set out in the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea). Thus, the exclusive economic zones include the contiguous zone.
  4. States also have rights to the seabed of what is called the continental shelf up to 650 km from the coastal baseline, beyond the exclusive economic zones, but such areas are not part of their exclusive economic zones.
  5. The legal definition of the continental shelf does not directly correspond to the geological meaning of the term, as it also includes the continental rise and slope, and the entire seabed within the exclusive economic zone.
  6. The idea of allotting nations with EEZs is to give them more control of maritime affairs outside territorial limits, gained acceptance in the late 20th Century.

Question 2.
Oceanic tourism

  1. Ocean tourism is developed along the coastal areas of seas and oceans.
  2. Ocean tourism comes in many forms like cruises, scuba-diving, fishing, beach tourism, etc. Such activities are increasingly becoming popular.
  3. Generally, water sports activities such as scuba diving, surfing, water skiing, etc., are developed along the coastline. For example, sport activities along the coast of Goa.
  4. There is beautiful scenery along the coastline due greenery of trees along the coast, huge waterbody of sea or ocean, clean air and coolness due to nearness to water, therefore many resorts, hotels, marina, etc., are developed and coastal areas have become popular for tourism.

For example, tourism along Konkan coastline. The cruise tourism is also increasing.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Ocean Resources

Question 3.
Abundance of minerals in oceans

  1. The continental shelves contain the world’s largest reservoirs of natural oil and gas.
  2. The other deposits like diamonds, chromite, ilmenite, magnetite, platinum, gold and phosphorite are also found.
  3. Sand, gravel aggregates and industrial silica sand are the most important of hard minerals now extracted in the near offshore zone.
  4. The abyssal plains are often littered with nodules of manganese containing varying amounts of iron, nickel, cobalt, and copper.
  5. The most common resources obtained from oceans are sodium chloride i.e. common salt.
  6. A large number of metallic and non-metallic minerals are found on the ocean floor, e.g., potassium occurs in large quantities.
  7. Gypsum forms during evaporation of sea water. The gypsum deposits are mined and converted into Plaster of Paris and used for construction.
  8. The most important minerals extracted from the sea floor are mineral oil and natural gas.

Question 4.
Deposition and Continental Slope

  1. After the extent of continental shelf is over, there is a sharp drop in the ocean floor.
  2. The gradient of slope in this region can be between 2° to 5°. This is called continental slope.
  3. The depth of this slope extends from 200 m up to 4000 m from sea level.
  4. Due to its steepness, the continental slope stretches over a limited area.
  5. The deposition of sediments is also limited in this part.
  6. The continental slopes are generally considered as boundaries of continents. Methane hydrate, a compound of water and methane, is present on the continental slopes.
  7. On the slope, we find many traces of submarine landslide activity, ocean canyons and huge avalanche fans. For example, Congo Canyon is a submarine canyon found near Africa.

5. Answer in detail.

Question 1.
The marine pollution is ultimately going to be harmful to the man himself. Discuss.

  1. Though the human activities are a major cause behind climate change, there are some natural causes for climate change. They are as follows:
  2. Importance of the ocean is increasing day by day in various ways, human dependence on oceans is likely to increase manifold in the days to come.
  3. Nowadays, the oceanic waters are getting polluted on a large scale.
  4. This causes deterioration of the natural quality of ocean water.
  5. The leakages of oil from oil transporting ships, oil extraction from coastal areas, disposal of solid waste containing radioactive matter, atomic tests etc., are causing large scale pollution of oceanic waters.
  6. The effluents brought by river discharges, the disposal of waste from coastal cities, the waste from industries and many other similar factors are polluting the oceanic waters.
  7. As a result, the very existence of marine life is threatened.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Ocean Resources

Question 2.
There is similarity in the relief on the land surface and the ocean bottom.
Ocean tourism is developed along the coastal areas of seas and oceans-
Ocean tourism comes in many forms like cruises, scuba-diving, fishing, beach tourism, etc. Such activities are increasingly becoming popular.

Generally, water sports activities such as scuba diving, surfing, water skiing, etc., are developed along the coastline. For example, sport activities along the coast of Goa.

There is beautiful scenery along the coastline due greenery of trees along the coast, huge waterbody of sea or ocean, clean air and coolness due to nearness to water, therefore many resorts, hotels, marina, etc., are developed and coastal areas have become popular for tourism. For example, tourism along Konkan coastline. The cruise tourism is also increasing.

Question 3.
Discuss how development of oceanic tourism should be carried out without disturbing marine life.
It is difficult to clean up mass pollution once it has occurred, so the best plan is prevention. Several changes can take place to help keep industry in check and encourage sustainable practices such as:

  1. Stricter government regulations on industry and manufacturing is one large scale solution. There are several laws to help protect beaches, reduce pollution from ships, reduce marine debris, and prohibit ocean dumping.
  2. Implement renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar power, to limit off-shore drilling.
  3. Limit agricultural pesticides and encourage organic farming and eco-friendly pesticide use.
  4. Proper sewage treatment and exploration of eco-friendly wastewater treatment options, such as recycling sewage sludge to carbon-phosphorous fertilizer, are other solutions.
  5. Cut down on industry and manufacturing waste and contain landfills so they do not spill into the ocean.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Ocean Resources

6. Show the following on the map of the World

1. Chagos Range
2. Mariana Trench
3. Dogger Bank
4. Mumbai High
5. Sunda Deep
6. Grand Banks
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Ocean Resources 1

11th Geography Digest Chapter 6 Ocean Resources Intext Questions and Answers

Use your brain power! (Textbook Page No. 68)

Collect information of the following and discuss in the class:

  1. Major journeys carried out by explorers in the last millennium
  2. Discovery of continents, countries and islands
  3. Spread of culture, trade and religions

Comment on how oceans have played a major role in all the three points mentioned above.
[Students will find out the journeys and expeditions and comment on it in their own words.]

Try this.

1. Look at figure 6.1 and answer the following question. (Textbook Page No. 68)

Question 1.
What does the figure show?
The figure shows various landforms of the ocean floor.

Question 2.
In which part of the figure is the ocean shallow? Which human activities can be carried out here?
The ocean is shallow at the continental shelf area. Fishing is carried out here as a major human activity.

Question 3.
In which part does deposition of sediments occur?
Deposition of sediments occur on the continental shelf area as well as on the abyssal plains.

Question 4.
Where in the figure do you find islands formed due to submerged mountains?
Islands formed due to submerged mountains are found in the oceanic ridges and plateau region.

Question 5.
Label the figure with correct names of landforms.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Ocean Resources 2

Question 6.
Compare these features with the landforms on the earth.
On the earth, different types of mountains and ranges are found, as they are found on the sea floor in the form of sea mounts and ridges, islands. Similarly, on the earth’s surface plains are formed as abyssal plains, which are found on the sea floor. Valleys and canyons on the earth’s surface represent oceanic deeps and trenches as a part of ocean floor.

2. Various institutes are presently working for exploration of ocean, its climate, resources and its impact on our lives. Prepare a list of such institutes which are in India. With the help of internet, complete the table below. (Textbook Page No. 72)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 6 Ocean Resources 3

3. Do you know that India has got the right to mine manganese nodules from the bed of the Indian Ocean from that area which lies beyond the exclusive economic zone. Identify some other resources which are international in nature. (Textbook Page No. 73)
India can mine Cobalt and Nickel from the Indian Ocean from the area which lies beyond the EEZ.

Find out! (Textbook Page No. 70)

Question 1.
Find out the name and locations of islands located in India and list them in the above given categories.

  1. Continental Islands: Minicoy, Seven Islands of Bombay (Bombay is the present-day Mumbai.), Sundarbans, Amindivi, etc.
  2. Volcanic Island: Barren island part of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  3. Coral Island: Andaman and Nicobar, Gulf of Kutch, Gulf of Mannar, Lakshadweep, Tarkarli in Malvan, etc.

Question 2.
India also produces water from desalination plants. Find out their locations with the help of the internet.
The Minjur Desalination Plant is the largest in India, located at Kattupalli village, a northern suburb of Chennai on the coast of the Bay of Bengal that supplies water to the city of Chennai.

11th Std Geography Questions And Answers:

Global Climate Change Question Answer Class 11 Geography Chapter 5 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Global Climate Change Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Std 11 Geography Chapter 5 Question Answer Global Climate Change Maharashtra Board

Class 11 Geography Chapter 5 Global Climate Change Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Geography Class 11 Chapter 5 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. Complete the chain.

Question 1.

(1) Melting of snow (1) Increase in sea level (1) Flooding
(2) Effects of insolation (2) Erratic rains (2) Increase in frequency of cyclones
(3) Greenhouse gases (3) Methane (3) Agriculture
(4) Climate change (4) Average temperature of the earth (4) Existence of life on Earth


(1) Melting of snow (1) Methane (1) Flooding
(2) Effects of insolation (2) Average temperature of the earth (2) Agriculture
(3) Greenhouse gases (3) Erratic rains (3) Existence of life on Earth
(4) Climate change (4) Increase in sea level (4) Increase in frequency on cyclones

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Global Climate Change

2. Identify the incorrect factor.

Question 1.
The causes of global warming-
(a) Emission of greenhouse gases
(b) Deforestation
(c) Apparent movement of the sun
(d) Industrialization
(c) Apparent movement of the sun

Question 2.
The indicators of climate change-
(a) Retreat of glaciers
(b) Increase in the frequency of floods
(c) Increase in frequency of cyclones
(d) Increase in the minimum and maximum temperature
(d) Increase in the minimum and maximum temperature

Question 3.
The tools for studying climate change
(a) Ice cores
(b) Coral reef
(c) Tree rings
(d) Ancient forts
(d) Ancient forts

Question 4.
Measures to combat climate change –
(a) Banning the use of pesticides and insecticides
(b) Promoting afforestation and banning deforestation
(c) Banning public transport
(d) Banning fossil fuels
(c) Banning public transport

3. Give geographical reasons.

Question 1.
It is important to study climate change.
It is important to study climate change because –

  1. The earth’s climate is changing faster primarily as a result of human activities.
  2. Number of flash floods are increasing, especially in urban areas.
  3. Due to warming of oceans the rate of evaporation is high, which is the root cause of both flooding and droughts.
  4. Due to increase in temperature, there is melting of snow on mountains and sea level is rising.
  5. Human activities, especially emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases from fossil fuel combustion, deforestation and land use changes are the primary drivers of the climate changes observed in the industrial era.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Global Climate Change

Question 2.
There is a great possibility that we may not see Maldives on the world map in the future.
There is a great possibility that we may not see Maldives on the world map in the future because-

  1. Sea level continues to rise at a rate of about 3 mm/ per year, leaving no ground surface higher than 3 m.
  2. Due to global warming the rising of sea level is likely to worsen.
  3. Higher sea levels may lead to severe cyclones and periodic flooding of coastal areas.
  4. Since, Maldives is a flat country there is possibility that it may be submerged under sea water if the rise in sea level continues.

Question 3.
The snowline is retreating.
The snowline is retreating because –

  1. A snowline is a boundary between a snow-covered and snow-free surface. Above the snowline there is permanent snow cover.
  2. When glaciers and icebergs melt at an alarming rate, it is a cause of concern. This is known as retreating glaciers.
  3. Due to changes in the climate there is less snowfall as compared to the previous years.
  4. This means that there is lesser ice formation each year than its rate of melting.
  5. Thus, due to melting of glaciers and icebergs as well as less snowfall the snowline is retreating.

Question 4.
There is an increase in the frequency of droughts and cyclones.
There is an increase in the frequency of droughts and cyclones because-

  1. In addition to triggering more rainfall, global warming could also increase the occurrence of drought.
  2. The roots of both flooding and drought lie in the physical process known as evaporation.
  3. As global warming heats the world’s oceans, the water molecules near the sea surface become more energetic and tend to evaporate into the atmosphere more readily. Thus, water vapour is formed.
  4. Similarly, due to global warming, the number of cyclones in a year and their intensities have also increased in the tropical regions.

4. Write short notes on.

Question 1.
Bleaching of coral reefs

  1. When temperature changes, corals throw out the algae living in their tissues.
  2. These algae are responsible for their colour.
  3. An increase of 1°C – 2°C in ocean temperatures for a long time can lead to bleaching, turning corals white.
  4. If corals are bleached for prolonged periods, they eventually die.
  5. Coral bleaching leads to death of large amounts of corals.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Global Climate Change

Question 2.
Flash floods

  1. A flash flood is a term that describes floods, which is usually observed in the low-lying areas.
  2. Floods are caused due to extremely heavy rainfall.
  3. Flash floods generally occur after the collapse of natural ice, debris dam or a man-made dam, etc.
  4. Flash foods also occur due to very high precipitation in one day (Mumbai in 2005, Kedarnath in 2013) or because of changed weather conditions like cyclones (Chennai, 2015).
  5. Flash foods are different from the regular floods by having a time scale of fewer than six hours between rainfall and the onset of flooding.

Question 3.
Tools to study Paleoclimatology
Paleoclimatology is the study of the weather and climate of the earth’s past. Scientists and meteorologists have been using instruments to measure climate and weather for the past 140 years. However, millions of years ago historical evidence called proxy data, which includes coral reefs, tree rings, ice cores, etc., were used to tell about the climate.

Coral reefs:

  1. Coral reefs are very sensitive to changes in climate. –
  2. Corals form skeletons by extracting calcium carbonate from the ocean waters.
  3. When the water temperature changes, densities of calcium carbonate in the skeletons also change.
  4. Coral formed in the summer has a different density than coral formed in the winter.
  5. This creates seasonal growth rings on the corals.
  6. Scientists can study these rings to determine the temperature of the water and the season in which the coral grew.

Tree rings:

  1. There are rings on the stem of the tree.
  2. Variation in these rings is due to variation in the environmental conditions when they were formed.
  3. Thus, studying this variation leads to improved understanding of past environmental conditions.

Ice cores:

  1. These are samples of ice taken from the inner sides of the ice sheets.
  2. Throughout each year, layers of snow fall over the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica.
  3. Each layer of snow is different.
  4. Summer snow differs from winter snow.
  5. Each layer gives scientists a lot of information about the climate each year.

Question 4.
Greenhouse gases

  1. Greenhouse gases are the primary gases, such as, water vapour carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane and ozone in the earth’s atmosphere that absorbs and traps energy from the sun.
  2. Of all greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide absorbs more heat.
  3. Without greenhouse gases, the average temperature of the earth’s surface would be about -18°C rather than the present average of 14°C.
  4. Carbon dioxide emissions comes from many human activities such as combustion of fossil fuels, oil and natural gas, with additional contributions coming from deforestation, changes in land use, soil erosion and agriculture (including live stock).

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Global Climate Change

5. Answer in detail.

Question 1.
Climate change has not always been anthropogenic in nature. Explain.
Though the human activities are a major cause behind climate change, there are some natural causes for climate change. They are as follows:
Amount of energy output by the sun:

  1. Low energy output by the sun can reduce amount of insolation received by the earth.
  2. This can lead to cooling of the earth.

Milankovitch Oscillation:

  1. The earth’s rotation around its own axis and revolution around the sun is responsible for the changes in climate.
  2. Their changes alter the amount of insolation received from the sun, which in turn might affect its climate.
  3. It can cause the earth to be closer to the sun (warmer) and farther from the sun (colder).
  4. The ice ages can occur when we are farther from the sun.


  1. Volcanic eruptions throw lots of particulates and aerosols into the atmosphere.
  2. These aerosols remain in the atmosphere for a considerable period of time.
  3. The winds spread it around the world, thus reducing the sun’s radiation reaching the earth’s surface.

Goldilocks Zone:

  1. The earth lies in the habitable zone called the Goldilocks Zone.
  2. Earth experiences cooler climate, when it was located in the outer reaches of this zone.
  3. As the size of the sun increases the zone moves outward over time.
  4. Such changes in the zone causes earth to warm or cool.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Global Climate Change

Question 2.
What measures will you suggest to combat climate change in your village/city.
Following measures can be taken to combat climate change in our village / city.

  1. Afforestation should be encouraged in and around play areas, hill sides, schools, etc.
  2. Deforestation should be avoided strictly.
  3. The use of public transport should be enabled to lessen the vehicular pollution. Thus, emission of harmful gases such as CO2, etc., can be prevented.
  4. Use of natural manure can be encouraged instead of using fertilizers.
  5. In villages, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) should be used instead of using coal or wood as fuel.

11th Geography Digest Chapter 5 Global Climate Change Intext Questions and Answers

Can you tell? (Textbook Page No. 58)

1. The graph in the figure shows the difference between the global average temperature of the twentieth century and global monthly temperatures from 1985 to 2015. Answer the questions given below.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Global Climate Change 1

Question 1.
In which year is the difference the least?
Difference in the temperature is least in the year 1985.

Question 2.
What is the difference between the mean temperatures of the twentieth century and temperature in 2015?
The difference between the mean temperature of twentieth century (1995-2000) and 2015 is 0.8°C.

Question 3.
Why do the temperatures differ in different months?
The temperature differs in different months because of the occurrence of different seasons.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Global Climate Change

2. Look at the graph and answer the questions. (Textbook Page No. 63)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Global Climate Change 2

Question 1.
What does this graph show?
The graph shows CO2 concentration (ppm) and its increased level over the period of time from 1900 to 2017.

Question 2.
What does ppm mean?
The abbreviation ppm means ‘parts per million’ of carbon concentration in the atmosphere.

Question 3.
Since which year has the increase been phenomenal?
After 1980, there has been a phenomenal increase observed.

Question 4.
Can you think of the reasons behind the increase in carbon dioxide?
The reasons behind the increase in carbon dioxide is due to combustion of fossil fuels and large- scale deforestation.

Try this. (Textbook Page No. 59)

1. Look at the following graph. Answer the following question.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Global Climate Change 3

Question 1.
Which of these gases has the highest contribution?
Water vapour, shows the highest contribution.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Global Climate Change

Question 2.
Which of these gases came from natural and man-made sources?
Water vapour, methane, NO2 and miscellaneous gases are naturally occurring gases while CO2 is man-made.

Question 3.
Which activities are responsible for their emission?
Burning of fossil fuels like coal, etc., and deforestation are responsible for emission of CO2.

Question 4.
Out of these, whose emission can be controlled by humans?
The emission of CO2 can be controlled by humans.

Question 2.
Make a list of things you need to change in your lifestyle. (Textbook Page No. 67)

  1. Use of public transport.
  2. Less use of wood but more use of alternatives to wood.
  3. Regular maintenance of vehicles.
  4. Avoid wastage of water.
  5. Use of energy efficient devices.
  6. Ban on plastic goods.
  7. Minimum use of paper in home and office.
  8. Purchase of only required goods.
  9. Use of Eco-friendly goods.
  10. Celebration of festivals without harming the environment.

Find out! (Textbook Page No. 62)

Question 1.
Use internet and reference books on climate change and make a list of species vulnerable to climate change.
Species vulnerable to climate change are: corals, polar bear and frogs.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Global Climate Change

Question 2.
Make a list of movies based on ice age and climate change. (Textbook Page No. 65)

  1. Interstellar
  2. Beasts of the Southern Wild
  3. Chasing Coral
  4. Snowpiercer
  5. An Inconvenient Truth
  6. Are you ready to fight? (Vattaram)

Question 3.
With the help of internet, find out the details of the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), 2008 and its missions. (Textbook Page No. 66)
NAPCC is a government document that includes eight ambitious goals set for the country to achieve.

  1. National Solar Mission
  2. National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency
  3. National Mission on Sustainable Habitat
  4. National Water Mission
  5. National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem
  6. National Mission for a “Green India”
  7. National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture
  8. National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change

1. Look at the graph and answer the following questions. (Textbook Page No. 60)

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Global Climate Change 4
Question 1.
What does the graph show?
The graph shows an increase in the global sea level from 1880 till date.

Question 2.
In which year is the change around 225 mm?
The change around 225 mm is observed is the year 2018.

Question 3.
What conclusions can you draw by seeing the graph?
With the continued global warming the sea levels are likely to rise.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Global Climate Change

Question 4.
What correlation can be seen in this graph and the graph of rising temperature?
With the rising temperature the sea level is rising. We can conclude this from both the graphs.

Question 2.
Compare both the satellite images in fig 5.3 (A) and (B). (Textbook Page No. 61)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Global Climate Change 5
Fig. 5.3 (A) shows the snow-covered Gangotri glacier area in Dec. 1984, whereas in Fig. 5.3 (B) the snow-covered region of the Gangotri glacier has retreated by 2018.

11th Std Geography Questions And Answers:

Climatic Regions Question Answer Class 11 Geography Chapter 4 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Std 11 Geography Chapter 4 Question Answer Climatic Regions Maharashtra Board

Class 11 Geography Chapter 4 Climatic Regions Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Geography Class 11 Chapter 4 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. Write the names of climatic regions according to the factors that dominate their characteristics.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions 1
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions 2

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions

2. Choose the correct alternative

Question 1.
Monsoon region
(a) annual average temperature around 27° C
>2500 mm annual precipitation
Hard-wood evergreen trees

(b) Average temperature in Summers around 35° C
< 2500 mm annual rainfall
South East Asia
Hard wood deciduous trees

(c) Temperatures in summer around 35° C
1000 mm annual rainfall
Continental part of Indian peninsula
Tall and thick grass

(d) Average temperatures in summer around 27° C
1000 mm rainfall in winter
South Africa
Hard–wooded, waxy, evergreen forests
(b) Average temperature in Summers around 35° C
< 2500 mm annual rainfall
South East Asia
Hard wood deciduous trees

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions

Question 2.
The region with high diurnal range of temperature
(a) Tropical rainforests
(b) Tropical grasslands
(c) Tropical desert regions
(d) Tropical Monsoon regions
(c) Tropical desert regions

Question 3.
Lumbering flourished as an occupation from Newfoundland to Alaska in North America because
(a) Tundra Climatic Region
(b) Taiga Climatic Region
(c) West European Climatic Region
(d) China-type climatic region
(b) Taiga Climatic Region

Question 4.
The main reason behind the months of precipitation in the graphs of Monsoon climatic regions being different is
(a) ITCZ
(b) orographic rainfall
(c) hemispheres are different
(d) apparent movement of the sun
(a) ITCZ

3. Give geographical reasons.

Question 1.
In monsoon climate region, rainfall occurs in specific season.
In monsoon climate region, rainfall occurs in specific season because-

  1. The differential heating and cooling of land and water creates low pressure on the land while the sea experiences high pressure.
  2. This is strongly related to shifting of the ITCZ. During the summer the ITCZ moves north to the latitudes of 20°-25°.
  3. Several months later, the moisture laden summer monsoon is replaced by dry north-east monsoon.
  4. By this time, the ITCZ has shifted to the southern hemisphere.
  5. In northern hemisphere, the winds move from sea to land bringing moisture along with them in summers and gives rainfall.
  6. In southern hemisphere same conditions prevail when there are winters in the northern hemisphere.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions

Question 2.
Taiga region is not found in Southern Hemisphere.
Taiga region is not found in Southern Hemisphere because-

  1. There is not much land at higher altitude in the southern hemisphere (until inside the Antarctic circle) where it is permanently ice covered.
  2. Most of the land is fairly close to oceans and thus tempered by marine warming.
  3. Whereas, Taiga is found throughout the high Northern latitudes between Tundra and the temperate forest, characterised by coniferous forests.
  4. The strong oceanic influence in the southern hemisphere reduces the severity of the winter, thus, affecting the temperature and precipitation.

Question 3.
The diurnal range of temperature is more in desert areas.
The diurnal range of temperature is more in desert areas because-

  1. Deserts get hot during the day, but cool down rapidly during night. The main reasons for the temperature fluctuation between day and night are the lack of humidity and cloud cover.
  2. Because of water’s relatively high specific heat, humid air takes longer to warm or cool, while air on land warms or cools more quickly.
  3. Because desert areas receive a large amount of sunlight, the temperatures can get very high, but during night the dry air cools quickly.
  4. The lack of cloud cover overhead allows the warmer air to rise into the atmosphere while cooler air settles in its place.
  5. Basically, desert temperature varies so much because there is less moisture and cloud to keep the heat there.

Question 4.
There is no concept of season in equatorial regions.
There is no concept of season in equatorial regions because-

  1. The equatorial region lies between 0° to 10° latitudes in both the hemispheres.
  2. The sun is exactly overhead in the equatorial regions throughout the year giving maximum insolation.
  3. Thus, constant high temperatures are experienced throughout the year, which gives rise to heavy convectional precipitation.
  4. Days and nights are almost of equal length and thus, the concept of summer and winter as being hot and cold seasons do not exist in these parts.

Question 5.
The Savannah region is prone to droughts.
The Savannah region is prone to droughts because-

  1. The region lies between 10° to 20° N and S latitudes, where the sun’s rays at noon are never far from overhead and thus the insolation is maximum and temperature is constantly high here.
  2. Distinct wet and dry seasons of relatively equal duration are found. Most of the regions annual rainfall is experienced during the wet season and very little precipitation falls during the dry season.
  3. A lengthy dry season and a relatively short wet season is the characteristic of Savannah region.
  4. Thus, in Savannah region the dry season becomes more severe and often drought conditions prevail during the course of the year.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions

Question 6.
Though Mussoorie and Dehradun are located on the same latitude, why is their climate different?
Though Mussoorie and Dehradun are located on the same latitude, their climate is different because-

  1. Dehradun lies in the humid sub-tropical climatic region where the summers are long, hot and humid. Whereas, Mussoorie is a hill station in Dehradun district of Uttarakhand which lies in sub-tropical climatic regions that are very wet.
  2. Dehradun lies at an elevation of average 450 m above mean sea level whereas Mussoorie is at an elevations of 1880 m above mean sea level.
  3. In Dehradun during monsoon season there is often heavy and protracted rainfall, whereas in Mussoorie an average of 660 mm orographic rainfall is experienced.
  4. The winter temperature is around 1°C and 20°C in Dehradun with fog commonly experienced. Mussoorie usually receives few spells of snowfall in December, January and February.

4. Differentiate between.

Question 1.
Equatorial Rainforests and Savannah Climatic Regions.

Equatorial Rainforests Savannah Climatic Regions
Latitudinal extent It lies between 0° to 10° latitudes in both the hemispheres. It lies between 10° to 20° latitudes N and S.
Temperature As it lies near the equators sun rays are perpendicular and hence temperature is constantly high with average temperature around 27°C. Distinct wet summers and dry winters with summer temperatures around 35°C and winter temperature around 24°C.
Rainfall Heavy convectional rainfall of 2500 mm to 3000 mm is evenly distributed over the year. In this region average rainfall of 250 mm to 1000 mm is expected.
Vegetation Evergreen trees with dense three layered vegetation are found in rainforests. Tall thick grass (Elephant grass) with scattered drought-resistant trees are found in this region.
Animals Climbing and jumping animals, reptiles, etc., are found in this region. Grazing of animals is common. Herbivorous, carnivorous and scavengers are found in this region.
Regions of the world This type of climate is found in the Amazon basin, Congo basin, east coast of Central America, Madagascar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Papua New Guinea. This type of climate is found in India in peninsular plateau and rain-shadow zone in Maharashtra, Telangana and Karnataka; parts of Mizoram. It is also found along borders of Congo, South Central Africa, llanos of Venezuela, Campos of Brazil, etc.

Question 2.
Taiga Region and Tundra Region.

Taiga Region Tundra Region
Latitudinal extent Taiga region is found between 55° to 65° North latitude. Tundra region is found between 65° to 90° North latitude.
Temperature (Summer) Brief cool summers with temperature around 15°C to 20° C. Summer temperature is aroundl0°C.
Temperature (Winter) Bitterly cold winters with temperature less than 0°C is found in this region. Winter temperature is around -20°C to -30°C.
Precipitation Year-round precipitation is around 300 to 500 mm in summers, snowfall in winters. Precipitation is in form of snow around 300 to 500 mm.

Atmospheric phenomenon

Heavy cloud cover, high humidity, drizzle, fog, frost, cold winter poleward are the characteristics of Taiga region. Low evaporation, coastal fog are the characteristics of Tundra region.
Location Continental location. Proximity to coasts.
Vegetation Coniferous forest with soft wood, vegetables and root crops are found. Tundra vegetation, swamps during melting is formed.
Animal life Animals with fur like moose, foxes, bear, etc., are found. Animals with fur like polar bear, seal, walrus are found.
Human occupation Hunting and lumbering is the major occupation. Hunting and fishing is the major occupation.
Regions of the world Northern part of North America from Newfoundland to Alaska, northern Eurasia from Scandinavia through most of Siberia to the Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk are the major regions where Taiga region is found. Arctic ocean borderlands of North America, Greenland and Eurasia, Antarctic, Peninsula, some polar islands are the major regions under Tundra vegetation.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions

Question 3.
Monsoon and Mediterranean Regions.

Monsoon Region Mediterranean Region
Latitudinal extent Within 10° to 30° North and South of equator. Western coastal region between 30° to 40° North and South.
Temperature Summer temperature is around 27°C to 32°C while winter temperature is 15°C to 24°C. High annual range of temperature. Summers are warm and dry and temperature is around 21°C to 27°C while winters are mild and moist and temperature is around 10°C to 14°C.
Rainfall Rainfall is between 250 to 2500 mm, excessively wet during rainy season. Rainfall is around 500 to 1000 mm in winter.
Vegetation Tropical rainforest, ranges from jungle to thorn forest in drier boundaries. Scrub, forests have leaves evergreen, hard, thick leathery and small. Coniferous vegetation on higher altitudes and grass in areas of low rainfall is found. Winter- sown grains, olives, grapes, vegetables, citrus fruits are found.
Human Life Agriculture is the main occupation of people of monsoon region. Development of tourism and cinema industry.
Regions of the world Coastal areas of South West India and South East Asia, South West Africa, North East and South East Brazil, Northern part of Australia and parts of Japan come under the monsoon winds. Central California, borders of Mediterranean Sea, Cape Town (South Africa), Southern and South West Australia, Central part of Chile are the major region under Mediterranean climate.

5. Answer in detail.

Question 1.
Explain, with examples, the effects of latitude on a place’s climate.
Latitudes affect the climate of a place in different ways-
Places close to the equator receive more sunlight:

  1. The equatorial region lying between 0° to 5° North and South latitudes receive maximum heat as the sunrays are directly falling on the equator.
  2. Due to which the region receives heavy rainfall throughout the year.
  3. As a result, evergreen forests are found is such regions.
  4. Example : Amazon basin.

Places close to the tropical region receives less sunlight:

  1. Temperature gradually decreases with increasing distance from the equator, as the angle of sun’s rays decreases from it.
  2. In tropical areas the sun rays become slanting and thus it gives less heat but covers more area.
  3. Example regions lying between Tropic of Cancer 231/2°N to Tropic of Capricorn 23/4°S. Similarly, in the temperate regions 66X/20N and S and the polar regions the climate become extremely cool as the intensity of heat decreases. These regions are thus covered by snow.

Question 2.
Explain with examples, how winds affect the climate of a place.

  1. The winds affect the climate because they create the hot and cold air which moves around.
  2. Prevailing winds affect the climate of an area. The direction of local winds is determined by the daily temperature of variations.
  3. When winds blow from warm areas, they carry higher temperatures while winds blowing from cold areas carry lower temperatures.
  4. Thus, winds bring in heat/ cold from the direction it has been blown from and thus changes the temperature of the place which affects the climate. For e.g., cold wind waves from the Himalayas carry coldness to the parts of the Deccan plateau.
  5. Winds that blow from the sea often carry moisture and give rain to the coast. For e.g.. south-west monsoon winds give heavy rainfall in the western coastline of India.
  6. Some winds are warm and dry, they increase the temperature during winter season. For example, winds that blow to Britain from warm areas such as Africa are warm and dry. Such warm and dry winds increase the summer temperature in some areas.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions

Question 3.
Russia is larger than Chile in area but does not experience climatic diversity as Chile. Explain.

  1. The latitude and longitude of Russia is 61.5240°N and 105.3188°E respectively. It is located in northern Asia, between Europe on one side and North Pacific Ocean on the other side.
  2. Chile is situated along western margin of South American continent. Its latitude and longitude are 35.6751°S and 71.5430°W respectively.
  3. Russia has continental location since it is surrounded to south and west by huge landmass, and to the north lies Arctic ocean which is frozen, so it is like snow covered land.
  4. Thus, due to continental location there are dry summer and very cold winters with temperatures of -30° and less and sometimes heavy snowfall.
  5. The winter is mostly dry, snow covers the ground from the end of October to mid-March.
  6. In Chile the coastal location and the east-west extent is very less.
  7. There is a lot of climatic diversity in Chile. There is Atacama Desert in the north, Mediterranean climate at the central part, extreme cold climate in the east.
  8. The most important factors that control the climate of Chile are Pacific anticyclone, cold Humboldt ocean current and mountain ranges along the coastline.
  9. Thus, though Russia is larger than Chile in area but does not experience climatic diversity as Chile.

Question 4.
Explain the factors affecting climate of a place giving examples.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions 3
Latitude : Latitude is the primary factor influencing distribution of atmospheric temperature. Generally, latitudes of high degrees are less warm than the low degrees of latitudes. Thus, sun’s rays making a high angle to the ground, experience high temperature throughout the year. Temperature gradually decreases with increasing distance from the equator as the angle of the sun’s rays decreases away from it. Hence, the polar region experiences very low temperature.

Altitude : The atmosphere is indirectly heated by terrestrial radiation from surface of the earth. Therefore, the place near the sea level experiences higher temperature than the places situated at higher altitude. In other words, the temperature generally decreases with increase in height. The rate of decrease of temperature with increase in height is known as Normal Lapse rate. It is 6.4°C per 1000 meters altitude.

Distance from the Sea : The location of place with respect to the sea also determines the temperature of that place. Though, the sun provides same amount of heat over land and water bodies, there is difference in their heating and cooling capacity. Compared to land, the sea (water) gets heated slowly and loses heat slowly. On the other hand, land heats up and cools down faster. Therefore, the variation in temperature over the water bodies is less as compared to land masses. The coastal areas come under the moderating influence of the sea and land breezes and experience moderate or equable climate while interior parts of the continents experience extreme climate.

Prevailing winds : Winds affect the temperature and rainfall of any area. Winds carry with them the temperature of their source regions. Hot winds increase the temperature while cold winds decrease the temperature, e.g., cold wind waves from Himalayas carry low temperature to parts of the Deccan Plateau. Thus, south west monsoon winds in India reduce the temperature after the onset of monsoon in June all over the country.

Some winds carry moisture and give rain to the area they visit. For example, South-west monsoon winds give rainfall to western coastline of India.

Ocean currents : Ocean currents considerably influence temperature of the adjacent land area. Warm currents raise the temperature of the coastal areas, whereas cold currents reduce the temperature near the coast where they flow.

Aspect of slope : In the northern hemisphere the south facing slopes and in the southern hemisphere the north facing slopes always face the sun. Hence, sun facing slopes are warmer and the opposite slopes are cooler.

6. On a world map, show the following areas

(1) Equatorial Rainforests and Savannah Climatic Regions.
(1) Savannah climatic region in Africa
(2) Highland climatic region in India
(3) Chile and Russia
(4) Ice cap climatic region
(5) Desert
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions 4

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions

11th Geography Digest Chapter 4 Climatic Regions Intext Questions and Answers

Use vour brain power!

Question 1.
(i) Have you ever thought why there is difference in the skin colour of various people in the world?
(ii) Why all the people in the world do not eat same food?
(iii) Why there is a variety in clothing pattern and types too? Even our houses are different.
(iv) How come flora and fauna are restricted to a particular region?
(v) Why different fruits are found in different places? (Textbook Page No. 44)
(i) There is variation in skin colour of people depending on the latitudes. For. e.g., people near the equator are dark since the sunrays are vertical and hence there is too much heat, while people in temperate or polar region are fair since sunrays in these regions are slanting due to increase in distance from sun. Hence, there is low temperature and colour of skin is fair.

(ii) There is variation in food because food depends on geographical factors like climate, soil, location etc. For example, in extreme cold climate areas soil is covered with snow, so agriculture is not possible, people eat fish and meat of fur bearing animals. The countries located along the coastline eat fish and rice because fishing is carried out at the coastal areas and rice is grown on fertile delta of the river along the coastline.

(iii) People prefer to use clothes according to climate. For example, Inuits in Polar region wear fur clothes due to extreme cold climate, Europeans wear woollen cloths in winter due to cold climate, Asians mostly wear cotton clothes except in winter.

The pattern of house depends upon the climate and availability of material in the surrounding area. For example, in heavy rainfall areas houses have sloping roofs, in hot climatic areas houses are made up of stones or thick walls to prevent the effect of outside hot air.

People use material available in the surrounding area for construction of houses. For example, Inuits in Polar region use snow to build houses, since it is available in plenty. These peculiar houses are called Igloos.

(iv) Particular temperature and rainfall are essential for the growth of flora. For example, coniferous forest grows in cool climate and snowfall. Flora provides food and shelter to fauna, therefore wherever there is thick flora, fauna is bound to be there. In grassland region grass eating animals like dear, antelope, rabbits are seen but the camel is seen only in the desert.

(v) Every fruit crop requires particular type of climate; therefore, different fruits grow in different areas depending upon the climate. For example, apples are grown in Jammu and Kashmir, mangoes, cashew nuts and jackfruits are grown in the Konkan region due to suitable climate.

Question 2.
(i) What would be the annual range of temperature in this region?
(ii) Where is this type of climate found in India? (Textbook Page No. 46)
(i) In equatorial region both diurnal and annual range of temperature will be low as it experiences high temperature all year round. The annual range of temperature may be as low as 3°C.

(ii) This type of tropical rainforest climate is found in north eastern states of India, western coast of West Bengal, and Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Question 3.
Comment upon the type of weathering which will occur in this region. (Textbook Page No. 47)
Mechanical and chemical weathering is predominant in this region.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions

Question 4.
(i) Which agricultural crops are produced here?
(ii) Why are longitudes not given in geographical distribution? (Textbook Page No. 48)
(i) Maize and rice are grown all over Savannah region. Sorghum and millets are grown in northern Savannah. Stray crops and vegetables are grown in all regions.

(ii) Temperature is the main element of climate. The temperature varies with latitude and not with longitudes. Geographical distribution is the natural arrangement of the various forms of plants and animals in different regions and localities of the earth. This distribution varies with the latitude as we go away from the equator towards the poles. Thus, longitudes are not given.

Question 5.
Comment upon the rate of weathering in this climate. (Textbook Page No. 49)
Mechanical or physical weathering is predominant in arid regions. The rate of weathering is very slow in this region.

Question 6.
Why do people in Europe use olive oil for cooking? (Textbook Page No. 50)
Most olives are grown in the southern part and is used for almost every application. It is a healthy type of oil which makes it great for cooking.

Question 7.
What factors make this region agriculturally productive? [Textbook Page No. 51]
Year-round precipitation and fertile soil along the rivers make the region agriculturally productive.

Question 8.
(i) Why does Chile recur frequently in examples of geographical distribution?
(ii) Why has fishing developed here? (Textbook Page No. 52)
(i) The geography of Chile is extremely diverse as the country extends from a latitude 17° South to Cape Horn at 56° and ocean on the west to Andes on the east. It borders Pacific Ocean towards south and small part of the south is towards the Atlantic Ocean.

(ii) Due to long indented coastlines and cool climate, fishing is done on a large scale. Presence of South Pacific Ocean and small part of South Atlantic Ocean are major fishing regions.

Question 9.
(i) What would be the annual range of temperature in this climate? What could be the occupational activities carried out by humans here?
(ii) What type of weathering will be prominent here? (Textbook Page No. 53)
(i) The annual range of temperature in Taiga is 60°, the summer temperature can be 10°C and average winter temperature is -60°C. Hunting and lumbering can be carried out in this region.

(ii) Since the region is covered by snow weathering is slow. Mechanical weathering is prominent here but is very slow. Alternate freezing and thawing takes place here.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions

Question 10.
What kinds of mass movement may happen here? [Textbook Page No. 54]
Slow mass movement takes place here in the form of slumping where snow particles moves short distance down the slope.

Question 11.
(i) What kind of activities will bring people from other regions to this climate?
(ii) What could be the occupations followed here? (Textbook Page No. 55)
(i) Since this region is severely covered by snow, scientific research and exploration can be done or fishing and hunting can be done but on a very smaller scale.

(ii) Hunting of aquatic life is the dominant occupation followed here.

Question 12.
(i) What type of human activities will develop in this region?
(ii) In what ways might high latitudes be different from high altitudes? (Textbook Page No. 56)
(i) Terrace farming, animal rearing and tourism are the types of human activities that might develop in this region.

(ii) High latitudes are the regions away from the equator. The intensity of sunlight goes on decreasing as we move away from the equator towards the poles. The equatorial and tropical regions will have precipitation in the form of rainfall.

High altitude regions are the regions at an elevation from the mean sea level. In high altitude regions temperature decreases with increase in height therefore they are covered by snow as precipitation is in the form of snowfall.

Can you tell?

Question 1.
Make a list of the human activities you think that are not influenced by climatic elements. (Textbook Page No. 44)
There are five major activities of man.
Primary: Agriculture, fishing, lumbering, hunting and gathering.
Secondary: Industries and manufacturing.
Tertiary: Services like transport and communication, teachers, doctors, etc.
Quaternary: Research and development etc.
Quinary: Highly intelligent activities.

2. Read the graphs and answer the following questions. (Textbook Page No. 46)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions 5

Question 1.
In which months there is no rainfall?
In both Belem and Singapore it rains throughout the year.

Question 2.
In which month is the temperature highest?
The temperatures is highest in the month of October in Belem and in the month of May in Singapore.

Question 3.
In which month is the temperature lowest?
The temperature is lowest in the months of January and February in Belem and in the month of December and January in Singapore.

Question 4.
What could be the factors which influence the climate of these places?
Both Belem and Singapore lie in the equatorial region, i.e., at 1° 27′ S to 48° 30′ W and 1° 17′ N and 103° 51′ E respectively. Thus, in both Belem and Singapore, the climate is characterised by uniform temperature and pressure, high humidity and abundant rainfall as the sunrays are perpendicular on the equator throughout the year.

Question 5.
Write a concluding statement about the climate of both the places based on the questions above.
Both cities experiences rainfall throughout the year. These is no dry season month. Average temperature varies little throughout. There is no distinct season, uniform temperature, high humidity and abundant rainfall. They have equatorial type of climate.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions

3. Read the graph and answer the following questions. (Textbook Page No. 47)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions 6

Question 1.
Name the months of highest and lowest rainfall. What is the difference between the values of rainfall?
In Mangaluru highest rainfall month is July with around 1143 mm rainfall and lowest rainfall was found in the month of January which is the driest month. Thus, the difference between the values of rainfall is 1143 mm.

In Cairns highest rainfall is 486 mm in the month of February and least amount of rainfall occurs in August around 37 mm. Thus, the difference between the values of rainfall is 449 mm.

Question 2.
Name the months of highest and lowest temperature.
Highest and Lowest temperature in Mangaluru is in April around 32.4°C and in January with 21.6°C respectively. Highest and lowest temperature in Cairns is in January at around 27.5° C and July being coldest month 16.4°C respectively.

Question 3.
Are the months of rainfall same in both the places? If not, why?
No, the months of rainfall are not same in both the places. It rains in Mangaluru from May to November whereas, in Cairns rainfall is observed in the months from November to May.

Question 4.
What could be the factors which influence the climate of these places?
The major factor which influences the climate of Mangaluru and Cairo is that Mangaluru lies in Northern hemispheres and Cairns in Southern hemispheres.

Question 5.
What difference do you find in the graphs in fig and these?
There is variation in rainfall and temperature graphs of Mangaluru and Cairo as these lies in different hemispheres while the graphs of Fig. represent same temperature and rainfall throughout the year at Belem and Singapore. Both lie in the equatorial region, so not much variation is observed.

Question 6.
Write a concluding statement about the climate of both the places.
The climate of Mangaluru and Cairo is tropical. There is significant rainfall in most of the months of the year with short dry season. In Mangaluru, January is the driest month with 00 mm. of precipitation. Most of the precipitation is in July. While, in Cairo, the least amount of rainfall occurs in August. In February, precipitation is the highest.

4. Read the graph and answer the following questions. (Textbook Page No. 48)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions 7

Question 1.
In which months is there no rainfall?
It rains throughout the year in both Lagos and Brasilia.

Question 2.
In which month is the temperature highest?
Temperature is highest in the month of March in Lagos and in the month of September in Brasilia.

Question 3.
In which month is the temperature lowest?
The temperature is lowest in Lagos in the month of August and that in the month of June in Brasilia.

Question 4.
Are the months of rainfall same in both the places? If not, why?
It is wettest in June in Lagos and January is the wettest month in Brasilia, Lagos is situated near the equator. Thus, there is significant precipitation difference between the rainy season and summer season.

Brasilia is located at the top of Brazilian highlands. It has milder climate due to elevation and with two distinct seasons, the rainy season and dry season.

Question 5.
What could be the factors influencing the climate of these places?
Lagos being near the equator and Brasilia located on the Brasilia highland, influences the climate of these places.

Question 6.
What difference do you find in the previous and these graphs?
The total monthly precipitation is light in Mangaluru in the month of June, July, August and that of Cairns in the month of January, February, March whereas in equatorial region precipitation is experienced throughout the year. From this the graph of monsoon climate, we find that maximum precipitation is during the months of June to September.

Question 7.
Write a concluding statement about the climate of both the places.
The rainfall is much more in summer than the winters in Lagos. The least amount of rainfall occurs in December while greater amount of precipitation occurs in June. The temperature is higher on an average in March, whereas lowest temperature occurs in August. With regards to Brasilia here too the rainfall is much more in summer than the winters. Precipitation is lowest in June and highest in January, September is the hottest month and lowest temperature is in June.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions

5. Read the graph and answer the following questions. (Textbook Page No. 48)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions 8

Question 1.
Name the months of highest and lowest rainfall. What is the difference between the values of rainfall?
In Alice Springs, September is the driest month with around just 10 mm rainfall. Whereas the most precipitation falls in the month of January around 38 mm. The difference between the value is around 28 mm.
Similarly, In Cairo, the driest month is May with no precipitation at all whereas it rains about 5 mm in the month of January. The difference between the values is just 5 mm.

Question 2.
Name the months of highest and lowest temperature.
Answer: The warmest month in Alice Springs is January with an average temperature of 38.7°C while July experiences lowest temperature of about 11.5°C.
In Cairo, July is the warmest month with 27.6°C and lowest temperatures is in January with around 13.1°C temperature.

Question 3.
Are the months of rainfall same in both the place? If not, why?
No, the months of rainfall are not same in both the places because Alice Springs lies in the Southern Hemisphere while Cairo lies in the Northern Hemisphere.

Question 4.
What could be the factors which influence the climate of these places?
Cairo in Egypt is located to the north of Tropic of Cancer, and Alice Springs is located just south of Tropic of Capricorn. Therefore, both the areas come under subtropical high-pressure belt. The air becomes dry here. The winds in this region blows out of the region, so there is very low rainfall. The region of Alice Springs is part of central Ranges scrub area of dry scrubby grasslands. Majority of the Egypt’s landscape is desert, hence extreme aridity is experienced.

Question 5.
What difference do you find in the previous and these graphs?
In the previous graphs rainfall is depicted for almost all the months. But in the graphs representing climate of Alice Springs and Cairo, rainfall is very low or almost negligible.
Temperature variation can also be depicted in the previous graphs and graphs of Alice Springs and Cairo.

Question 6.
Write a concluding statement about the climate of both the places.
Rainfall is very less in Alice Springs whereas almost negligible in Cairo. This is due to the latitudinal extent of both the places and subtropical high-pressure belt. Cairo is in or near the subtropical desert biome whereas Alice Springs is in or near subtropical desert scrub biome. The average annual temperature is 35°C warmer. Average monthly temperature varies by 3.7°C in Cairo.

6. Read the graph and answer the following questions. (Textbook Page No. 50)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions 9

Question 1.
Name the months of highest rainfall.
Perth experiences highest rainfall in the month of June whereas Rome experiences highest rainfall in November.

Question 2.
Name the months of lowest temperatures.
The temperature in Perth is the lowest in July and the temperature in Rome is the lowest in January.

Question 3.
Are the answers to 1 and 2 same?
No, the answers are not same.

Question 4.
Are the months of rainfall same in both the places If not, why?
No, it does not rain in the same months in Perth and Rome. Perth lies on 31°57′ S to 115°51′ E longitude and Rome lies on 41°53′ N to 12°30′ E longitude. It means Perth is located in the Southern | Hemisphere, whereas Rome is in the Northern Hemisphere. Perth is near the Subtropical dry forest biome, whereas Rome is near the warm temperate moist forest biome.

Question 5.
What could be the factors which influence the climate of a place?
The special feature of climate of this region is long dry summers and mild and wet winters. This because of subtropical high pressure in summer and westerly wind movement in winter.

Question 6.
What difference do you find in the previous graphs and these graphs?
In Mediterranean regions, summers are long and warm and dry whereas winters are mild and wet. They are different from low-latitudinal climates where the temperature is high throughout the year. Rainfall in winter is the characteristic of this region but previous graph shows very meagre rainfall.

Question 7.
Write a concluding statement about the climate of both the places.
Rainfall is highest in the month of June, around 175 mm in Perth, while its lowest in the month of January around just 7 mm. Whereas, November experiences highest rainfall of about 114 mm and lowest of about 17 mm in July in Rome. Temperature reaches its highest in February around 24.8°C and lowest in July around 13.6°C in Perth, while July experiences highest temperature of about 24.4° C and least about 7.7° in January in Rome.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions

7. Read the graph and answer the following questions. (Textbook Page No. 51)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions 10

Question 1.
Name the months of highest and lowest rainfall.
In Brisbane, highest rainfall occurs in the months of February, while lowest rainfall is in the month of September. In Shanghai, June experiences highest rainfall, while precipitation is lowest in December.

Question 2.
Name the months of highest and lowest temperatures. Relate them with rainfall months.
In Brisbane temperature is highest in January and lowest in July, while Shanghai experiences highest temperature in July and lowest in January.
In Brisbane, temperature is highest in January whereas rainfall is highest in February and high in January, whereas in Perth, July records highest temperature and June records highest rainfall. Similarly, temperature is least in January and rainfall is least in December.

Question 3.
Are the months of rainfall same in both the places? If not why?
No, both places have rainfall in different months. This is probably because Brisbane is located is Southern Hemisphere. Brisbane is in the south east corner of Queensland. The region is on the coastal plains, east of Great Dividing Range.
Shanghai is located in the Northern Hemisphere, located on Yangtze River Delta on China’s east coast and has proximity to the Pacific Ocean via East China Sea.

Question 4.
What could be the factors which influence the climate of these places?
Brisbane and Shanghai, both lie in the eastern parts of the southern and northern hemispheres respectively. Due to proximity to the coral sea of the Pacific Ocean and warm ocean current, Brisbane’s overall temperature variability is somewhat less.

Shanghai is located in the middle of China’s east coast near the mouth of river Yangtze to the North, the East china sea to the east, Hangzhou Bay to the south and Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to the west.

Question 5.
What difference do you find in the previous and these graphs?
The major difference between Mediterranean and China type is that, the Mediterranean is found on the western margins of the continents while china type is found is the eastern parts almost in same latitudes.
In Mediterranean type winter rainfall is the characteristics feature, while china type experiences rainfall throughout the year.

Question 6.
Write a concluding statement about the climate of both the places.
Both the places receive rainfall from convectional showers. Precipitation is year-round. In Brisbane variation in the precipitation between driest and wettest months is 133 mm. During the year, average temperatures vary by 10.3°C.

8. Read the graph and answer the following questions. (Textbook Page No. 52)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions 11

Question 1.
In which months do you find temperature the lowest?
Temperature is the lowest in the month of January in Portland and in Melbourne it’s in the month of July.

Question 2.
In which month is the precipitation lowest?
Precipitation is lowest in the month of July in Portland and lowest precipitation is found in the month of February in Melbourne.

Question 3.
What are the highest values of precipitation?
In Portland highest precipitation is in the month of December with an average of 162 mm. While, highest value of precipitation in Melbourne is in October with an average of 71 mm.

Question 4.
Name the months with no precipitation at all.
It rains throughout the year in both Portland and Melbourne.

Question 5.
Write a concluding paragraph about this climatic region.
Marine west European type of climate is located between 40° and 65° latitudes in both the hemispheres along the western coasts of the continents. This climatic region is surrounded by Mediterranean climate in the south continental dry climate in the east and semi-arctic climate in the north. The temperatures are affected by marine influences, warm ocean currents and prevailing winds. This climate is characterised by cool summer and wild winters. Average temperature during summer season ranges between 15°C and 21°C. It rains throughout the year.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions

9. Read the graph and answer the following questions. (Textbook Page No. 53)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions 12

Question 1.
Note the values of the axes, how different are these graphs from the earlies ones?
The values of Taiga or Sub-Arctic regions show the mean annual temperature below freezing point (0°C) that is from 0° to -35° C. These values are not observed in rest of the graphs.

Question 2.
Note the highest and the lowest temperature and their months.
In Whitehorse, the highest temperature recorded is around 20.0°C in the month of July, whereas January is the coldest month with average temperature of -23°C.
In Arkhangelsk, the highest temperature is in the month of July around 20°C and lowest in the month of January around -18°C.

Question 3.
Note the highest and lowest rainfall and their months.
Highest rainfall recorded is about 35 to 37 mm in the months of July, August in Whitehorse and lowest is in the month of April with just 9 mm.
In Arkhangelsk, the greatest amount of precipitation occurs in August with an average of 66 mm. The lowest amount of rainfall occurs in February. The average is this month in 27 mm.

Question 4.
Why does not a place from Southern Hemisphere appear here?
There isn’t much land at higher latitudes in hemisphere (until inside the Antarctic circle where it is permanently ice covered) and most of that land is fairly close to oceans and it has effect of marine warming.

Question 5.
What factors are responsible for this climate?
Located in large Continental landmass between 55° to 65° latitude, the Sub-Arctic climate is removed from any moderating influence of an ocean. It therefore, experiences a very large range in annual temperature. During the summer it is dominated by the westerlies and cyclonic activity the winter it is the polar hight and Easterlies. The Sub-Arctic climate has continental polar air

10. Read the graph and answer the following questions. (Textbook Page No. 54)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions 13

Question 1.
Why is it that both the graphs are from the northern Hemisphere?
Tundra is located at the top of the world, near the north pole. Tundra is a Finnish word which means barren land. Thus, Tundra region having least vegetation and polar or arctic climate is found in North America and Eurasia between the southern limit of the permanent ice caps in the north and the northern limit of temperate coniferous forest of taiga climate in the south.

Question 2.
Which are the warmest and the coolest months?
In Barrow, the warmest month is July while lowest temperature is in the month of February. Same temperature conditions are observed in Barentsburg.

Question 3.
What is the annual range of temperature?
The average annual range of temperature in Barrow is -12.2°C while in Barentsburg it is -5.9° C.

Question 4.
Why does not the duration of day (sometimes more than 24 hours) influence its temperatures or precipitation?
This is because the sun’s rays are oblique and little insolation is received being at higher latitude -65° to 90° North.

11. Read the graph and answer the following questions. (Textbook Page No. 55)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions 14

Question 1.
Which are the warmest and the coolest months?
The warmest month is July and the coolest month is February in Eismitte. While in Scott South Station warmest months are December and January and coolest month is August.

Question 2.
Name the months of highest and lowest rainfall.
The month with highest rainfall in Eismitte is December and lowest rainfall is in May. While in Scott South Station highest rainfall is in the month of February, while lowest rainfall is observed in July and August.

Question 3.
In what way do you find similarities of this climate with other climate types of high latitudes?
Precipitation is very low in high latitude regions and mostly it is in the form of snowfall. Temperature is below freezing point (CPC) in all the high latitude regions. This is because the sun’s rays are oblique and hence temperature is low. These regions are mostly under permanent snow cover.

Question 4.
What factors influence this type of climate?
Little or no insolation during most of the months in a year, oblique sunrays are the factors responsible for this type of climate.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions

12. Read the graph and answer the following questions. (Textbook Page No. 56)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions 15

Question 1.
Which are the warmest and the coolest months?
The warmest month is June while coolest month is January in Shimla. November is the hottest month and July is the coolest month in El Alto.

Question 2.
Name the months of highest and lowest precipitation.
Most of the precipitation is in the months of July, whereas driest month is November is in Shimla. Precipitation is highest in January and lowest in June in El Alto.

Question 3.
In what ways do you find similarities of this climate with other types of high latitudes?
In these regions, precipitation is in the form of snowfall. The regions are covered by snow.
Temperature is very low, as the sunrays are oblique and little insolation is received. Temperature decreases with increasing altitude.

Question 4.
Why are the axis showing temperature different in both the graphs?
Shimla is located at 31°6 N to 77°10 and its elevation is 2.276 m whereas El Alto is located on 16°31 S to 68°10 W with an elevation of 4.150 mts. Temperature decreases with increasing altitude. Thus, the axis is different temperature in both the graphs.

Question 5.
What factors influence this type of climate?
The higher reaches of mountain, altitude, location of leeward or windward side, precipitation are the factors affecting climates of mountain type of climate.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 4 Climatic Regions

Find out! (Textbook Page No. 44)

Use internet or reference books to find out about the attempts at classification of climates.
Classification of climate was given by Wladimir Peter Koppen, Charles Warren Thornthwaite and Glenn Thomas Trewartha.
[Student are required to research and attempt this question on their own]

11th Std Geography Questions And Answers:

Agents of Erosion Question Answer Class 11 Geography Chapter 3 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Std 11 Geography Chapter 3 Question Answer Agents of Erosion Maharashtra Board

Class 11 Geography Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Geography Class 11 Chapter 3 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. Compete the Chain.

Question 1.

Agent Erosional/Depositional features Places / Regions
(1) River (1) Caves (1) China
(2) Wind (2) Beach (2) Jog
(3) Sea waves (3) Waterfalls (3) Meghalaya
(4) Glaciers (4) Loess (4) Diveagar
(5) Ground water (5) Matterhorn (5) Swiss Alps


Agent Erosional/Depositional features Places / Regions
(1) River (1) Waterfalls (1) Jog
(2) Wind (2) Loess (2) China
(3) Sea waves (3) Beach (3) Diveagar
(4) Glaciers (4) Matterhorn (4) Swiss Alps
(5) Ground water (5) Caves (5) Meghalaya

2. Choose the correct option by identifying the correct correlation in the sentences.

Question 1.
Water or snow enters the cracks in the rocks and makes it weak. When the glacier passes on these rocks, it pulls the rocks at the bottom along with it. This process is called
(a) Plucking
(b) Abrasion
(c) Attrition
(d) Transportation
(d) Transportation

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion

Question 2.
Sometimes, the river starts erosion upstream. This happens when the head stream gets a lot of water in the early stages of river’s flow.
(a) Downcutting
(b) Headward erosion
(c) Lateral erosion
(d) Vertical erosion
(b) Headward erosion

Question 3.
Soft rock erodes beneath the hard rock due to sea waves. This results into landforms which further develop as sea arches. The landform is
(a) Sea cave
(b) Sea stack
(c) Sea cliff
(d) Wave cut platform
(a) Sea cave

Question 4.
This landform develops due to depositional work of wind. The windward slope of this landform is gentle.
(a) Loess plains
(b) Barchans
(c) Seif
(d) Sand hills
(b) Barchans

Question 5.
River, glacier, wind, sea waves and groundwater are the agents of erosion. Following work in the correct order is responsible to form various landforms.
(a) Disintegration, picking up, transportation, weathering
(b) Picking up, disintegration, deposition, weathering
(c) Deposition, transportation, picking up, disintegration
(d) Disintegration, picking up, transportation, deposition
(d) Disintegration, picking up, transportation, deposition

3. Give geographical reasons.

Question 1.
The Eastern coast of India have deltas formed by the rivers but the Western coast has estuaries.
The Eastern coast of India have deltas formed by the rivers but the Western coast has estuaries because-

  1. Deltas can form at the mouth of those rivers where the sediment supply is high. On the other hand, where the rivers do not have load of sediments, estuaries are formed. Deltas can also be formed where the sea is not very deep.
  2. The eastern coast borders the Bay of Bengal.
  3. Because of the gentle slope on the eastern coast, rivers flow with low velocities and deposit the sediments brought with them at the coast. As a result, deltas are formed at the mouth.
  4. The western coast borders with the Arabian Sea, which is by and large a rocky coast.
  5. Its width is also less.
  6. Moreover, rivers are short and swift. Hence, they flow with high velocities and thus, does not deposit the sediments brought by them at the mouth. They form estuaries.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion

Question 2.
There is direct relationship between the velocity of the agents and process of deposition.
There is direct relationship between the velocity of the agents and the process of deposition because-

  1. The velocity at which the agent is moving has a great impact on deposition.
  2. If the stream or wind slows down, the carrying capacity and the particle sizes carried and deposited will decrease.
  3. If a stream flows faster, say during flo’ods or when the river is in the mountains, then the carrying power of the stream and the sizes of particles deposited will increase.
  4. On the other hand, if there is a change in the slope of land or in the direction of flow, deposition may occur there.
  5. If the slope of a region is almost absent like in plain region, the rivers are unable to carry the sediments further and start depositing.

Question 3.
Compared to all the agents, sea waves work ceaselessly.
Compared to all the agents, sea waves work ceaselessly because-

  1. The movement of sea water carried out by waves is mainly responsible for marine erosion and deposition.
  2. The sea waves are dashing on the coastline ceaselessly. The erosion in some parts and deposition in the adjoining parts takes place simultaneously.
  3. The beaches and sand bars are formed due to deposition but they are also eroded.
  4. The erosive power of waves depends partly on velocity of winds, as waves derive their energy from them and partly on the distance of open ocean over which they are blown.
  5. Coastal erosion may be caused by hydraulic action, abrasion, impact and corrosion, which work continuously.
  6. Abrasion is the most effective form erosion by waves. The softer rock along the coastline gets eroded first.

Question 4.
One finds many sheep rocks, horns, Aretes and hanging valleys in the Himalayas.
One finds many sheep rocks, horns, Aretes and hanging valleys in the Himalayas because-
1. In Himalayas work of glacier is more predominant due to snow covered peaks and slopes. Sheep rock, horns, Aretes and hanging valleys are formed by glacier. Like other agents of erosion, glaciers too carry out erosion, transportation and deposition.

2. In the Himalayas, glaciers remove rock particles from the surface on which they flow by abrasion which leads to formation of sheep rocks.

3. Ice movement, accompanied by weathering and mass wasting has steepened the walls at the head of the glacier. This has deepened into armchair-shaped depression called cirque.

4. In Himalayas, two of more cirques have developed and the area between them is narrowed and formed arete and further the headward erosion of the glaciers has eroded the summit leading to the formation of typical peak called horn.

5. The Himalayan glaciers too have tributaries like rivers. The rate of erosion is different. The main valley gets eroded faster and becomes deeper than the tributary glacial valley. These appear to be hanging when seen from the main valley. Thus, hanging valleys are formed.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion

Question 5.
Karst landforms are seen concealed under the surface of the earth.
Karst landforms are seen concealed under the surface of the earth because-

  1. Warmer humid climate has greater amount of vegetation, which supplies CO2 to sub-surface water.
  2. CO2 is necessary for the acidity of water which makes dissolving easier.
  3. Water saturated with dissolved CO2 should have easy movement.
  4. The greater the permeability of the rock, the faster ground water will flow.
  5. The fractures and joints in the rocks allow passage of water.
  6. In the areas of water-soluble rocks, such as limestone and gypsum the acidic water dissolves the rock and various landform develop underground.
  7. Thus, landforms developed by underground water anywhere in the world are called karst landforms.

Question 6.
Snowline decides the limit of glacier work as an agent of erosion.
Snowline decides the limit of glacier work as an agent of erosion because-

  1. Snowline is the lower limit of permanent snow cover; below which snow does not accumulate.
  2. The glacier moves through pre-existing valley and forms erosive action.
  3. The glacier performs plucking and abrasion processes on the rocks on its way.
  4. Below the snowline is the snow frees surface, where the erosional features are not formed.

4. Write short notes on.

Question 1.

  1. Attrition is when rocks and pebbles bump into each other and break up into smaller fragments.
  2. During transit, materials reduce in size.
  3. Rock particles become more rounded.
  4. It relates to the material that moves.
  5. This process of erosion is observed in river, wind and sea waves.

Question 2.
The work of rivers in hilly areas and human activities :
Gorges: River from its source, when it starts flowing the process of erosion starts. In mountainous areas, rivers flow at a higher speed due to steep slope. As a result, bed gets eroded more than banks and gorges are formed with steep banks and narrow beds. Such gorges have also become famous tourist places. For example, Gorge of Narmada river at Jabalpur.

In ‘V’ shaped valleys of river, terraced farming is practiced on valley slopes.

In hilly areas, the river has speed, slope and hence downcutting is on a lower scale. Thus, agriculture, agroforestry, animal husbandry and forestry are the major human occupations in these regions.

Waterfalls: Water flowing over a hilly region comes down a cliff, forming alternate bands of eroded soft and hard rocks, such features are called waterfalls. These waterfalls become a site for tourist attraction. For example, Jog falls on Sharavati river, Chuliya falls on Chambal river and Venna falls in Mahabaleshwar. Hotel industries also developed along these features.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion

Question 3.
Conditions necessary for work of wind
Wind is a significant agent of erosion in the deserts. Following conditions are necessary for wind to become effective:

  1. Arid areas are essential. In such areas, the rate of evaporation is greater than rate of precipitation. Due to dryness the soil becomes loose and is carried by the wind.
  2. Sparse vegetation cover or absence of trees, so that there is no obstacle for wind.
  3. Presence of dry loose materials at the surface which carries out erosion.
  4. A wind velocity high enough to pick up and move sediments.

5. Differentiate between.

Question 1.
Attrition and Abrasion.

Attrition Abrasion
(i) Attrition is the process of erosion in which rocks and pebbles bump into each other. (i) Abrasion is the process of erosion which involves scratching and polishing of the surface of bedrock.
(ii) In attrition, the rocks and pebbles break up into smaller fragments. (ii) In abrasion, the rock particles rub against and wear away the surface.
(iii) The eroded bedrock on surface have a smooth side. (iii) The pebbles or rocks become smooth and rounded.
(iv) Attrition relates to the material that moves. (iv) Abrasion affects the surface along which the material moves.

Question 2.
U shaped valley and V shaped valley.

U shaped valley V shaped valley
(i) It is an erosional feature formed by glaciers as an agent of erosion. (i) It is an erosional feature formed by river as an agent of erosion.
(ii) The glacier moves through pre-existing valley to form U-shaped valleys. (ii) The river carves out its own valleys.
(iii) Due to lateral erosion the valley becomes broad at the bottom. (iii) Due to vertical downcutting, the valley deepens.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion

Question 3.
Stalactite and Stalagmite.

Stalactite Stalagmite
(i) Water saturated with calcium carbonate drips onto the floor from the ceiling. This dripping water dries and builds massive structures. These structures growing from the ceiling are called stalactites. (i) Water saturated with calcium carbonate drips onto the floor from the ceiling. This dripping water deposited on the floor dries forming structures are called stalagmite.

Question 4.
Tributaries and Distributaries.

Tributaries Distributaries
(i) When a number of small rivers join the main river, those are called tributaries. (i) When the main river breaks up into smaller streams, those the called distributaries.
(ii) It may originate from glaciers, lakes or springs. (ii) It is formed from the main river.
(iii) Generally, it does not change its course. (iii) It diverts from the main river in the delta region.
(iv) Tributaries add water to the main river. (iv) Distributaries (take away) divert water from the main river.
(v) River Yamuna is a tributary of river Ganga. (v) River Hooghly is the distributary of River Ganga.

6. Answer in detail.

Question 1.
Explain the landforms formed by different agents through the process of abrasion.
Abrasion involves the scratching and polishing of the surface or bedrock by the particles which are moving onto it. Let us study different landforms formed by different agents of erosion through the process of abrasion.
Work of Seas Waves:

  1. Sea cliffs : Sea cliffs are carved where waves strike directly against rocks. The softer rock along the coastline gets eroded first.
  2. Caves : Sometimes, waves can erode the softer part and make it hollow enough to be called a cave.
  3. A sea arch : A sea arch forms when waves erode a layer of soft rock underneath a layer of hard rock.
  4. Sea stack : If a sea arch collapses, it creates a sea stack, which looks like a large rock in the middle of water.
  5. Headland : The part of land projecting into the sea is called headland.
  6. Wave-cut platforms : Surfaces at the base of the cliffs are called wave-cut platforms. Extensive platforms are developed where the rocks are least resistant to wave erosion. They are visible at lower water levels, such as at low tide.

Work of Wind:
(i) Ventifacts:
Abrasion carves the windward side of rock into smooth sloping surface. These rocks are called ventifacts.

(ii) Mushroom rocks

  1. The high rising rocks in the path of the wind are attacked by the sand that moves with the wind.
  2. Winds and the particles they carry attack the base of an individual rock.
  3. The larger top part is not eroded as much as the basal part because the particles are not lifted at a height.
  4. The particles at medium height are smaller but their velocities are high. Hence, their impact is more.
  5. As a result, the portion of rock at medium height is eroded more and the rock as a whole gets the shape of a mushroom.

(iii) Yardang:

  1. In areas where hard and soft rocks are found, the softer rocks get more eroded faster.
  2. The eroded portion of softer rocks appear like elongated ridges and harder rocks appear as elevated portions.
  3. A yardang is the remaining part of a ridge where rocks have been eroded.

Work of Glaciers
(i) Roche moutonnee:
They are bedrock hills that are smoothly rounded on the upper side by abrasion and plucking on the lower side.

(ii) Cirque

  1. An armchair like feature is formed when ice movement accompanied by weathering and mass wasting steepens the wall at the head of the glacier.
  2. It deepens into armchair-shaped depression called cirque.

(iii) Arete

  1. Often two or more cirques develop side by side.
  2. This leaves the area between any two of them into a narrow wall. This is called arete.

(iv) Horn

  1. When three or more cirques are formed, the headward erosion of the glacier erodes the summit.
  2. This leads to formation of a characteristic peak which is called a horn. The Matterhorn in the Swiss Alps is an example.

(v) U-Shaped Valleys
When glaciers move ahead, they erode the sides as well as the bottom of the valleys they flow through. This makes the valley broad at the bottom, forming a ‘U’. This is called a U-shaped valley.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion

Question 2.
Explain how the depositional work done by River Ganga has been beneficial to human activities.
The River Ganga and its tributaries have deposited load of sediments in the northern Ganga region. Features formed are:
Alluvial Plain Region : The River Ganga and its tributaries bring loads of sediments – organic sediments like dead remains of plants and animals, skin, hide, bones etc., and inorganic sediments like sand, silt, clay, gravel, etc., and deposits at the foothills of the Himalayan family, Northern Ganga Plain region. It is a fertile land and agriculture is the major human occupation. Along with agriculture river transportation and fishing is also done on a large scale. Fertile plains are in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab and Haryana.

Delta: Ganga-Brahmaputra delta, world’s largest delta has been formed at the mouth of the River Ganga. This delta is known as Sundarbans and is located in West Bengal. It is one of the most fertile regions in the world. Most delta is composed of alluvial soil. Thus, agriculture is the occupation followed in this region too.

Question 3.
Which agents of erosion can you see on the cover page of the textbook? Which landforms can you see there? Write the process of formation of any one.

  1. On the cover page of the textbook. We observe the agents of erosion such as rivers, glaciers and sea waves.
  2. We see different landforms like – alluvial fans, meander, oxbow lakes, delta, sea and beach.
  3. The river in the middle stage, picks up more material by bank erosion and gets overloaded. The speed of erosion is reduced. The water moves sluggishly in a bed and turns at every minor change of slope and serpentine bends are formed.

Every bend is made more and more pronounced by dashing of water on outer bank which gets eroded while inner banks have deposition. In due course of time they develop into circular loops, they are called meanders.

7. Draw neat and labelled diagrams for

Question 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion 1

Question 2.
Wave-cut platform
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion 2

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion

Question 3.
Mushroom rocks
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion 3

11th Geography Digest Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion Intext Questions and Answers

Can you tell? (Textbook Page No. 27)

1. The names of many places may have some relation with the landforms located there. The names of few of them are given below as example. You are expected to find out the particular landforms to which they are associated. Find about them and try to locate them on a map using an atlas. Make a list of similar examples from India.

Name of the place  Landform associated with the name Location
Revdanda Sand bar Raigad, Maharashtra
Ganpati Pule Beach Ratnagiri, Maharashtra
Pravara Sangam Confluence of rivers Ahmednagar Maharashtra


Name of the place  Landform associated with the name Location
Sundarbans Delta West Bengal
Triveni Sangam Confluence of Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
Chilika lake Lagoon Orrisa
Calangute Beach Goa

2. Look at the figure below and answer the questions. (Textbook Page No. 32)

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion 4
Question 1.
What features are formed in the upper course of the river? What processes will play an important role?
Features formed in the upper course of the river are V-shaped valleys, gorges and canyons, potholes, waterfalls and rapids.
Processes responsible for the formation of these landforms are – downcutting, drilling.

Question 2.
Can you mark the location where waterfall may form?
Waterfall may form at location ‘A’

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion

Question 3.
Why is there a change in slope from A to B? How will it influence the flow of the river?
There will be a change in slope from A to B when river enters the plains at the foothills of a mountain. The flow of the river decreases, the velocity reduces abruptly.

Question 4.
Which human activities can be conducted in the region around A and B?
Around region A terraced farming can be practised. Around region B there is rich with alluvium brough down by the rivers, the plain is extensive and useful for agriculture. As the river widens around the source B, fishing and transportation is also found.

Question 5.
In which area will the process of deposition overtake erosion?
Deposition will be found at B and C.

Question 6.
Alluvial fans and deltas are both features formed due to deposition but at different locations. Identify their regions of formation and reason behind their different locations.
Alluvial fans will be formed at source ‘B’ at the foothills of the mountains, as there is change in slope and the velocity of the river reduces abruptly. Now the river is unable to carry heavy load. A delta will be formed at the mouth of the river. In this region, which is an extensively flat region, and where the sediments supply is high but velocity is low. So, the river deposits the sediments and branches out to meet ocean or sea.

3. Look at the figure and identify landforms at A, B, C, D, E, F, G. (Textbook Page No. 34)

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion 5
A – Headland
B – Lagoon
C – Beach
D – Sea Cave
E – Sea Cliff
F – Sea Arch
G – Sea Stack

Let’s recall. (Textbook Page No. 30)

You have already learnt about various landforms formed by the agents of erosion in Class IX. Identify the landforms given in class IX textbook from page no. 30 to 38. Identify the agent which is responsible for their formation. Also, state whether they are erosional or depositional landforms. Complete the table accordingly.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion 6
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion 7

Think about it. (Textbook Page No. 30)

Have you ever been to a river and seen its bed? Discuss in the class about your observation about the river, its banks, its bed and its velocity.
[Students will discuss their experiences with teachers.]

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion

Find out! (Textbook Page No. 31)

Find out famous examples of gorges and canyons.
Following are the famous examples of gorges and canyons of the world.

  1. Fish River Canyon, Namibia
  2. Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA
  3. Tiger Leaping Gorge, China
  4. Kali Gandaki Gorge, Nepal
  5. Blyden River Canyon, South Africa
  6. Gorges du Verdon, France
  7. Indus Gorge, Pakistan
  8. Antelope Canyon, USA

1. Study figure given below and answer the following questions. (Textbook Page No. 38)

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion 8
Question 1.
Which rocks are mainly found here?
Soluble rock like limestone, a sedimentary rock composed of Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) are found.

Question 2.
Identify the spot where stream disappears.
Steam will disappear below the sink hole.

Question 3.
Which major erosional process works in this area?
Solution is the major erosional process in this area.

Question 4.
Identify the landforms formed by deposition.
Stalactite, Stalagmite, columns or pillars are the landforms formed by deposition.

Question 5.
Why do depositional landforms not form on the surface in areas of Karst terrain?
In Karst terrain groundwater dissolves minerals like calcium carbonate present in the rocks. The dripping water leaves behind a deposit of calcium carbonate. The water saturated with calcium carbonate dripping on the floor of a cave deposits calcium carbonate on the floor. Thus, depositional landforms do not form on the surface in the areas of Karst terrain.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion

2. See the figure give below A, B, C. Answer the following questions. (Textbook Page No. 40)

Img 8
Question 1.
What difference do you find in the three figures?
Fig A shows the regions before glacier formed.
Fig B showed the regions covered by snow during glaciation.
Fig C shows different erosional and depositional features formed by glaciers after glaciation period.

Question 2.
Identify the landforms formed due to erosion by glaciers.
Cirques, horn, U-shaped valleys, hanging valleys are formed due to erosion by glaciers.

Question 3.
Where can U-Shaped valleys be formed?
U- Shaped valley is formed in the pre-existing valley.

Question 4.
In which region will deposition occur?
Deposition starts generally along the side and front of ice.

Question 5.
Identify the landforms formed by deposition by glaciers.
Drumlins, eskers, moraines are the depositional features formed by glaciers.

Use your brain power! (Textbook Page No. 41)

In which diagram of the three will you find end moraines? See fig. 3.5 A, B, C.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion 10 Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 3 Agents of Erosion 11
We will find end moraines in Fig. C

11th Std Geography Questions And Answers:

Weathering and Mass Wasting Question Answer Class 11 Geography Chapter 2 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Std 11 Geography Chapter 2 Question Answer Weathering and Mass Wasting Maharashtra Board

Class 11 Geography Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Geography Class 11 Chapter 2 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. Complete the Chain.

Question 1.

Rock type Name of the rock Dominant type of weathering
(1) Igneous (1) Dolomite (1) Physical Weathering
(2) Sedimentary (2) Slate (2) Chemical Weathering
(3) Metamorphic (3) Basalt
(4) Limestone
(5) Granite


Rock type Name of the rock Dominant type of weathering
(1) Igneous (1) Basalt Granite (1) Physical Weathering
Physical Weathering
(2) Sedimentary (2) Dolomite Limestone (2) Chemical Weathering
Chemical Weathering
(3) Metamorphic (3) Slate (3) Physical Weathering

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting

2. Identify the correct correlation.

A : Assertion
R : Reasoning
Question 1.
A – In areas of high rainfall, slides are very common.
R – Types of mass wasting movements are dependent on a region’s climate.
(a) Only A is correct.
(b) Only R is correct.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Question 2.
A – Gravity is a major factor in mass wasting.
R – Gravity pulls all things down to the earth’s surface.
(a) Only A is correct.
(b) Only R is correct.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

Question 3.
A – Freeze and thaw weathering is common in desert areas.
R – Water gets into cracks and breaks the rocks.
(a) Only A is correct.
(b) Only R is correct.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Question 4.
A – Surface water helps solifluction.
R – Water table is responsible for the same.
(a) Only A is correct.
(b) Only R is correct.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(a) Only A is correct.

3. Identify the correct group.

Question 1.

(1) Oxidation (1) Solution (1) Fall (1) Pressure
(2) Carbonation (2) Salt weathering (2) Creep (2) Temperature
(3) Freeze thaw weathering (3) Oxidation (3) Slide (3) Slope
(4) Shattering (4) Carbonation (4) Flow (4) Rainfall


Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting

4. Give geographical reasons.

Question 1.
Temperature is the main factor behind granular weathering.
Temperature is the main factor behind granular weathering because-

  1. In hot desert areas, diurnal range of temperature is high.
  2. As the temperature increases with the rising sun, the rock gets heated and cools down with the decrease in temperature.
  3. The minerals in the rock react differently to the temperature increase due to continuous heating and cooling.
  4. Consequently, it leads to development of stress within the rock and molecular or granular disintegration takes place.

Question 2.
Human is an agent of weathering.
Human is an agent of weathering because-

  1. Man is a biological agent of weathering. Due to economic and technological development, man has become the most powerful agent of weathering and erosion.
  2. Mining, blasting of hills and ridges for road and dam construction, quarrying for industrial and building materials, etc., results in a fast rate of disintegration of rocks.
  3. Man accelerates the rate of weathering on hill slopes through activities like deforestation.

Question 3.
Slope is a major factor in mass wasting.
Slope is a major factor in mass wasting because-

  1. Mass wasting is the down-slope movement of loose mixture of soil, land and rock particles by the force of gravity.
  2. In mass wasting the materials come down the slope without the aid of transporting medium like running water, ice or wind.
  3. Mass wasting occurs continuously on all slopes.
  4. Some act very slowly, others very suddenly, often with disastrous results.

Question 4.
Oxidation changes the size and colour of the rocks.
Oxidation changes the size and colour of the rocks because-

  1. Oxygen in the air and water reacts with certain elements in the minerals inside the rock
  2. In this process, the minerals in the rock react with the oxygen present in the air or water.
  3. Metals, particularly iron and aluminium, commonly oxidize forming iron or aluminium oxides. It is also called rusting.
  4. These oxides are larger in volume than in the original rocks.
  5. The iron oxides are red in colour and aluminium oxides are yellow.
  6. Thus, oxidation changes size and colour of the rock.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting

Question 5.
Effect of mass movement will be greater along the western slope of the Sahyadri’s than the eastern slope.
Effect of the mass movement will be greater along the western slope of the Sahyadri’s than the eastern slope because-

  1. The western slope of the Sahyadri’s are steeper than the eastern slopes.
  2. The western slopes receive more rainfall than the eastern slopes as a result mass movement is greater in western slopes than eastern slopes.
  3. Also, the rivers as an agent of erosion are short and swift on the western slope and thus rapid mass movement is found as compared to eastern coast.

5. Write short notes on.

Question 1.
Gravity and Solifluction

  1. It is the main force responsible for mass movements.
  2. It is a force that acts everywhere on the earth’s surface, pulling everything down.
  3. If the friction on the rock is stronger than gravity for a particular slope, the rock material is likely to stay.
  4. But if the gravity is stronger, movement will occur in the direction of the slope.


  1. Solifluction is the name for the slow downhill creep of soil, which occurs in a variety of climatic conditions.
  2. It occurs in periglacial or alpine regions.
  3. As permafrost is impermeable to water, soil overlying may become oversaturated and slide slopes down under the pull of gravity.

Question 2.
Role of water in mass wasting

  1. Although water is not always directly involved as a transporting medium but it plays an important role in mass wasting.
  2. Addition of water from rainfall or snowfall or melting of snow makes the material on the slope heavier.
  3. Water can reduce the friction along a sliding surface.

Question 3.

  1. Because of the overlying rocks, the rocks beneath the surface experience a lot of pressure.
  2. The exposed part of the rock heats more while the inner part is comparatively cooler.
  3. As a result, the outer layer of the rocks fall apart from the main rock just as we peel off onion.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting

Question 4.
Weathering and homogeneity in rocks

  1. Weathering is the physical or chemical breakdown of rocks into small pieces due to various reasons like weather conditions, temperature, and water, living organisms like humans, algae, fungi, etc.
  2. Weathering depend upon the texture of the rock. Those rocks which have joints on layers break easily than rocks which are homogeneous. Generally, sedimentary rocks break easily than igneous rocks as sedimentary rocks are formed by layering.
  3. Sediments brought down by the river are deposited in layers, thus sedimentary rocks are soft and porous, and can be broken easily.
  4. Igneous rocks are formed by cooling and solidification of molten magma. Hence, they are hard and non-porous and cannot be broken so easily.
  5. Thus, sedimentary rocks are more subjected to weathering than the igneous rocks.

Question 5.

  1. The decomposition of dead matter in the soil produces CO2
  2. This CO2 and the CO2 in the air reacts with minerals in the rocks.
  3. Minerals such as feldspar and carbonates decompose when this happens.
  4. In humid climate, water adds to the weathering process.
  5. In arid climates, the absence of water in the region leads to carbonate rocks to form cliffs that are resistant.
  6. Often, carbonation and solution occur simultaneously.
  7. During carbonation, the calcium and carbonate in limestone detach from each other, thereby decomposing the limestone.

6. Draw a neat and labelled diagram for

Question 1.
Freeze and thaw weathering
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting 1

Question 2.
Block disintegration
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting 2

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting

Question 3.
Biological Weathering
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting 3

7. Answer in detail.

Question 1.
Explain with examples the process of weathering happening in Konkan.

  1. Konkan, also known as the Konkan Coast is a rugged, section of the western coastline of India.
  2. The region is divided into North Konkan including Mumbai, Thane and Raigad districts whereas South Konkan include Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts.
  3. Laterite rocks-occur in the form of plateaus at Konkan strip. High altitude laterite plateaus
    are found is Sitara, Kolhapur, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg district.
  4. In the laterite rocks soft silica matter is present.
  5. Because of high rainfall exposed rocks become empty to wash out of soft silica matter.
  6. Laterite soil is formed by laterite rock in high elevation. The soil contains has high concentration of ferrous and aluminium. This soil is very stony because of the presence of weathering fragments of iron concentrations.
  7. Oxygen in the air and water reacts with certain elements in the minerals in the rock. The metals in the rock particularly iron and aluminium oxidise and form iron and aluminium oxides. Thus, chemical weathering takes place.
  8. Laterite soil is found in Mahabaleshwar, Southern parts of Mahabaleshwar, around Bhima Shankar and Matheran. Thus, chemical and mechanical weathering is found.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting

Question 2.
Explain the correlation between Himalayas and mass movements. Give examples wherever necessary.

  1. Mass movements occur in hilly, mountainous or plateau areas. The steeper the slope more the occurrences of mass movement.
  2. The Himalayas have greatest relief, high potential energy, high seismic activity, steep slopes, strong weathering, great snow fall etc.
  3. Due to slope, gradient, massive rockslides, debris flow takes place.
  4. Steep gradient of precipitation and temperature produce mass movement that loads glacier surface and chokes, rivers with sediments.
  5. For example, in Kosi river basin of Himalayas of central Nepal, because of deep weathering, high seismic activity, river undercutting, deforestation and heavy precipitation, especially during the summer months, mass movements are most frequent in highly jointed, sheared, intensely folded and fault rocks.
  6. Thus, in short, in the Himalayan region, due to steep slope, melting of glaciers, precipitation, seismic activity, mass movement takes place on a larger scale.

11th Geography Digest Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting Intext Questions and Answers

Let’s recall (Textbook Page No. 15)

1. Study the diagram in fig 2.1 and answer the following questions.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting 4
Question 1.
Identify the types of rocks shown in the diagram.
Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are shown in the diagram.

Question 2.
Arrange the rocks according to their chronology of origin.
Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.

Question 3.
Explain how sedimentary rocks are formed.
Sedimentary rocks are formed from layering upon layering of all the organic (dead remains of plants and animals) and in organic (sand, silt, clay, gravel, etc.) material in a depression or on low lying area. If there are cementing material like limestone, hardening and compaction takes place, then sedimentary rocks are formed.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting

Question 4.
Think of all the factors which may break the rocks into smaller pieces.
Heat, pressure, water, wind, animals, plants etc., can break rocks into smaller pieces.

Question 5.
Which type of rock will break easily as compared to others? Why?

  1. Sedimentary rocks will break easily as they are formed by layering of sediments and thus, they are soft and porous and are broken easily.
  2. Igneous rocks are formed from cooling and solidification of molten magma; hence they are hard and non- porous.
  3. The metamorphic rocks too cannot be broken easily as they are formed from heat and pressure.

Think about it.

Question 1.
In which regions will freeze-thaw weathering not be effective? (Textbook Page No. 17)
Freeze-thaw weathering will not be effective on the cold polar regions as the soil cover and rocks are very little on the polar areas and moreover, there is snow everywhere.

Question 2.
Besides climatic factors, rock type and structure, can you think of some more factors that affect weathering? (Textbook Page No. 19)
Plants, animals, micro-organisms, humans are some more factors that affect weathering.

Question 3.
Can tectonic forces be responsible for mass movement? (Textbook Page No. 25)

  1. Plate tectonics are responsible for uplift and mountain building that creates and maintains slopes.
  2. Mass wasting is common in tectonically active regions.
  3. Plate tectonics causes earthquakes that can trigger landslides and cause sediment to lose its strength through liquefaction.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting

Question 4.
There is a shift of materials in mass movement as well as in transportation from one place to the other. So, why can’t both not be treated as one and the same? (Textbook Page No. 25)
Mass movement is caused by abrupt movement and freefall of loosened rock particles because of gravity and friction falling towards the surface, whereas transportation is carrying of rock materials with the help of agents of erosion such as water, wind, air, ice, etc. Thus, they are not same.

Use your brain power!

Question 1.
Can animals and plants also influence weathering? Will that be physical or chemical weathering? Which type of weathering does stone quarrying cause? (Textbook Page No. 19)
Yes, burrowing animals widen the fissures in the rocks. Rocks become weak and disintegrate.

The roots of the trees and other plants penetrate in the soil, they grow in size, exert pressure on rocks, widen cracks in the rocks and rocks break. Many microscopic organisms such as algae, lichens, bacteria, moss etc produce chemicals and they break down the outer layer of the rock. These chemicals are responsible for physical and chemical weathering of rocks. The stone quarrying causes the anthropogenic weathering.

2. A region is having an annual mean temperature of 5° C and an annual rainfall of 1000 mm. Can you comment upon the weathering and the type with the help of following questions? (Textbook Page No. 20)

Question 1.
Which type of weathering will be dominant here?
Physical weathering will be dominant here.

Question 2.
Where will such a region be found?
Such a region will be found in permafrost conditions, alpine and periglacial region.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting

Question 1.
Complete the table by using the words: intense, moderate, slight and very slight or no weathering. (Textbook Page No. 20)
Rate of Physical Weathering:

High rainfall Moderate rainfall Low rainfall
High temperature Intense Moderate Intense
Moderate temperature Intense Moderate Slight
Low temperature Moderate Slight No weathering

Rate of Chemical Weathering:

High rainfall Moderate rainfall Low rainfall
High temperature Intense Moderate Moderate
Moderate temperature Intense Moderate Slight
Low temperature Moderate Slight Slight

Can you tell? (Textbook Page No. 21)

1. See the diagram given in fig 2.10 and answer the following questions.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting 5
Question 1.
Which rock layer has experienced the most weathering?
Rock layer C has experienced the most weathering.

Question 2.
Which rock layer has experienced the least weathering?
Rock layer B has experienced the least weathering.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting

Question 3.
What could be the reason behind difference in weathering?
Rock C has lot of fractures and joints so it got weathered easily.
Rock B might have been a hard rock, more resistant, so weathering process is slow.

2. The satellite images given in fig. 2.11 A and B belong to the same location but different timeline. Study the images and answer the following questions. (Textbook Page No. 21)

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting 6
Question 1.
Compare the images and tell what differences do you find in these images?
Image 2.11 (A) shows maximum area under vegetation. Image 2.11 (B) shows development in form of settlements and transportation routes.

Question 2.
In 2019, what does the patch of land going from north-west to south-east signify? Why was it not there in 2011 image?
The sweeping portion from north-west to south-east is visible in satellite image of 2019. This is because the village is located at the foothills. The rain and slope were responsible for the mudslide. Heavy rainfall and absence of vegetation aggravated the situation. In 2011, vegetation was thick but in 2019 deforestation has been done extensively for farming practices.

Question 3.
To what extent is the climate of a place responsible for this disaster?
Climate plays an important role for the disaster. Heavy rainfall makes soil to move from the surface of the mountain towards the foothills.

Question 4.
Which other factors are responsible for the disaster?
Deforestation and absence of vegetation are responsible for this.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting

Give it a try.

1. Study the following schematic diagram. It shows the relationship between speed of material and moisture content. Read the index, and answer the following questions. (Textbook Page No. 23)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting 7
(A) Fast (B) Slow (C) Dry (D) Wet
(1) Creep (2) Slide (3) Fall (4) Flow

Question i.
What will happen when the weather conditions are dry?
There will not be moisture content hence speed of material will be low.

Question ii.
When will a flow occur?
Flow will occur when the moisture content as well as speed of material will be high.

Question iii.
When will a creep occur?
Creep will occur when speed of material will be slow.

Question iv.
Now can you enumerate the factors which affect mass wasting?
Factors such as gravity, slope of land, climate of region, amount of water, material and structure of the rock affect mass wasting.

Question 2.
On the basis of given points, differentiate between weathering and erosion. (Textbook Page No. 25)

Think a little. (Textbook Page No. 24)

Think of the reason why landslides should be more frequent in foothill zone of the Himalayas and Western Ghats region. Why do landslides not occur in Marathwada in Maharashtra or Maidan area in Karnataka?
Himalayas are one of the youngest fold mountains of the world. They are formed due to convergent movement of the Indian plate and erosion plate. They are still rising in height. These tectonic movements cause frequent earthquakes in the region resulting into landslides whereas western Ghats lie in the stable Deccan shield less prone to landslides.

Himalayas are greater in height than the western Ghats. The slopes are comparatively steep and hence landslides are common in Himalayas whereas, the western Ghats are much lesser in height than the Himalayas hence less prone to landslides as compared to Himalayas.

The perennial rivers in Himalayas carry lots of sediments during rainfall and due to melting of glaciers in the summer thus leading to landslides, whereas, in Western Ghats many rivers are non-perennial and hence less amount of silt and debris in carried as compared to Himalayan rivers. Thus, there is reduction in the chances of landslides, only during the rainy season, landslides occur in Western Ghats region.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting

Try this. (Textbook Page No. 24)

Question 1.
Different types of materials flow down the slope. Types of mass wasting depend on their speed. Observe the pictures given in figure 2.12. Match the explanation given below with the diagrams. Identify them as slow or rapid movements.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting 8
A – Earth flow – Rapid or slow movement
B – Creep – Slowest movement
C – Land slide – Rapid movement
D – Solifluction – Slow movement
E – Rock fall – Rapid movement

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting

Question 2.
Complete the following flow chart. (Textbook Page No. 25)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting 9
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Weathering and Mass Wasting 10

11th Std Geography Questions And Answers:

Earth Movements Question Answer Class 11 Geography Chapter 1 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

Std 11 Geography Chapter 1 Question Answer Earth Movements Maharashtra Board

Class 11 Geography Chapter 1 Earth Movements Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Geography Class 11 Chapter 1 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. Complete the chain.

Question 1.

(1) Widespread volcanic eruption (1) Zone V (1) I to XII
(2) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (2) Fissure eruption (2) Block Mountain
(3) Mercalli scale (3) Intensity (3) Very high seismic vulnerability
(4) Slow movements (4) Faulting (4) Solid
(5) Philippines (5) Volcanic bombs (5) Deccan Trap
(6) Volcanic material (6) Circum Pacific belt (6) Mayon


(1) Widespread volcanic eruption (1) Fissure eruption (1) Deccan Trap
(2) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (2) Zone V (2) Very high seismic vulnerability
(3) Mercalli scale (3) Intensity (3) I to XII
(4) Slow movements (4) Faulting (4) Block Mountain
(5) Philippines (5) Circum Pacific belt (5) Mayon
(6) Volcanic material (6) Volcanic bombs (6) Solid

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

2. Identify the correct correlation.

A : Assertion R : Reasoning
Question 1.
A – Faulting leads to development of fold mountains.
R – Faulting occurs when tensional forces move away from each other.
(a) Only A is correct.
(b) Only R is correct.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(b) Only R is correct.

Question 2.
A – Intensity of an earthquake is a measurement of the energy released during an earthquake.
R – Mercallis scale is used to measure intensity of an earthquake.
(a) Only A is correct.
(b) Only R is correct.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

Question 3.
A – South-East Asia, Japan and islands in the Pacific Ocean are most vulnerable to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
R – They are located in ‘Ring of Fire’.
(a) Only A is correct.
(b) Only R is correct.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(d) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.

3. Identify the correct group.

Question 1.

(1) Symmetrical Fold (1) Black Forest (1) Narmada Valley (1) Caldera
(2) Isoclinal Fold (2) Vosges (2) African Valley (2) Crater Lake
(3) Overturned Fold (3) Himalayas (3) Tapi Valley (3) Cinder Cone
(4) Recumbent Fault (4) Satpuras (4) Rhine Valley (4) Lava Plateau


Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

4. Give geographical reasons.

Question 1.
Extinct conical volcanoes often form crater lakes.
Extinct conical volcanoes often form crater lakes because-

  1. An extinct volcano had no volcanic eruption for at least 10,000 years and is not expected to erupt again in future.
  2. After the eruption a large and deep depression remains in that area. Smaller depressions are called craters.
  3. This crater eventually gets filled with water and crater lakes are formed.
  4. The water may come from precipitation, ground water circulation or melted ice.

Question 2.
People living in the Himalayas are more vulnerable to earthquakes.
People living in the Himalayas are more vulnerable to earthquakes because-

  1. Himalayan mountain ranges are formed as a result of collision of Indo-Australian plate and Eurasian plate.
  2. According to plate tectonic theory, Indo-Australian plate (on which India lies) is moving towards north and is subducting under Eurasian plate.
  3. This movement obviously cause friction between two plates.
  4. Thus, these regions are more prone to earthquakes.

Question 3.
L-waves do not have a shadow zone.
L-waves do not have a shadow zone because-

  1. The shadow zone is the area of the earth from angular distance of 105° to 140° from a given earthquake for both P-waves as well as S-waves.
  2. Generally, seismographs located at any distance withinl05° from epicentre record the arrival of S-waves and beyond 140° from epicentre record the arrival of P-waves.
  3. L-waves are typically generated when the source of the earthquake is close to the earth’s surface.

Question 4.
Soft rocks form folds while hard rocks form faults.
Soft rocks form folds while hard rocks form faults because –

  1. Soft and elastic rocks are affected by compressional forces.
  2. Rocks that lie deep within the crust and are therefore under high pressure are generally ductile and particularly susceptible to folding without breaking.
  3. Whereas rock layers that are near the earth’s surface are too rigid to bend into folds.
  4. If the tectonic force is large enough, these rocks will break rather than bend and faulting on rupture occur.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Question 5.
Folds depend on the strength of rocks and intensity of forces.
Folds depend on the strength of rocks and intensity of forces because-

  1. The elasticity of rocks largely affects the nature and magnitude of folding process.
  2. The softer and more elastic rocks are subjected to intense folding while rigid and less elastic rocks are only moderately folded.
  3. The compressional forces push two portions of the crustal rocks together and tend to shorten and thicken the crust.
  4. Rocks that lie deep within the crust and are therefore under high pressure are generally ductile and particularly, susceptible to folding without breaking

5. Answer in detail.

Question 1.
Explain different types of faults.
A fault is a fracture in the crustal rock, formed when the crustal rocks are displaced due to tensional movement caused by endogenic forces. The displacement of rock can occur in upward, downward or horizontal direction.
The different types of faults determined by the direction of motion are:
Normal fault: It results when a portion of land slide down along the fault plane and when the exposed portion of the plane faces the sky
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements 1

Reverse fault: It results when a portion of the land is thrown upward relative to other side of the land. In such situation, the fault plane faces the ground.
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Tear fault: At times, the rock strata on either side of the fault plane do not have vertical displacement. Instead, movement occurs along the plane in horizontal direction.
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Thrust fault: When the portion of the land on one side of the fault plane gets detached and moves over the land on the other side. The angle of fault plane is generally less than 45°.
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Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Question 2.
Explain with examples, different types of landforms produced by volcanic eruption.
A number of landforms are formed due to cooling and solidification of magma. Some important landforms are:
Lava domes:

  1. Domes are developed when magma comes out and solidifies around its mouth.
  2. The shape of the dome depends upon the fluidity of lava.
  3. High dome with steep slopes is developed by acidic lava.
  4. Due to basic lava, broad – based low domes are developed.

Lava plateaus:

  1. Due to spread of lava in huge quantity from fissure volcano, it covers large areas and plateaus are formed.
  2. The Deccan Trap in India has developed from volcanic eruptions millions of years ago.


  1. At times, the eruption of volcano brings about large quantity of material and relieves lot of pressure.
  2. After the eruption, a large and deep depression remains in that area. This large depression is called caldera.
  3. These can be around 10 km wide and hundreds of metres deep.
  4. They may later turn into lakes. Smaller calderas are known as craters.

Crater lake:
When the funnel shaped crater of an extinct volcano gets filled with rain water, it forms a crater lake.

Volcanic plug:

  1. It is formed when the lava solidifies in the volcanic neck.
  2. The surrounding rock material is removed by different agents of erosion; the vent stands predominantly. It is called as volcanic plug.
  3. The diameter of a plug varies between 300 and 600 metres.
  4. The Devil’s Tower in Wyoming, United States of America is the best example.

Cinder cone:

  1. Solid material is ejected in large quantity.
  2. This material consists of ash, cinder and breccias.
  3. Cinders are half burnt pieces of solid material.
  4. The solid material is deposited around the mouth until a conical hill with steep slopes is formed.
  5. For example, cone of Mt. Nuovo in Italy.

Composite cone:

  1. Composite cones are built up of alternate layers of lave and cinder.
  2. This cone is composed of two materials and therefore it is called a composite cone.
  3. It is symmetrical in shape.
  4. For example, Mt. St. Helens, USA.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Question 3.
Explain the concept of shadow zone.

  1. The waves which are caused by earthquake are called seismic waves. There are three types of waves: P-waves, S-waves and longitudinal waves.
  2. P-waves can pass through all the mediums while S-wave can pass only through solid medium.
  3. Even though P-waves pass through all mediums, they experience refraction as they pass from one medium to the other.
  4. However, there exist some specific areas where the waves of that earthquake are not reported. Such zone is called ‘shadow zone’.
  5. Generally, seismographs located at any distance within 105° from the epicentre, record both P-waves and S-wave. However, beyond 140° P-wave are recorded but not S-waves.
  6. Thus, the zone between 105° and 140° is identified as the shadow zone for both types of waves.
  7. The entire zone beyond 105° does not receive S-waves. The shadow zone of S-waves is much larger than that of P-waves.
  8. The shadow zone of P-waves appears as a band round the earth between 105° and 140° away from the epicentre.

Question 4.
Write a note on volcanic materials.
There are three main types of material which come out in volcanic eruptions namely liquid, solid and gaseous form.
Liquid material:

  1. It is the molten rock material. When the molten rock material is below the earth’s surface, it is called ‘Magma’.
  2. When it appears on the surface it is called ‘lava’. On the basic of percentage of silica, it is classified as:
  3. Acidic lava : (a) It contains higher percentage of silica, (b) It has high melting point, (c) It is thick, fluid and moves slowly.
  4. Basic lava : (a) It contains less percentage of silica, (b) It has low melting point, (c) It’s thicker, fluid and can flow over longer distance.

Solid material:

  1. It consists of dust particles and rock fragments.
  2. When the material is very fine, it is called volcanic dust.
  3. The small sized solid particles are called ash.
  4. The solid angular fragments are known breccias.
  5. Sometimes, the lava material thrown into the air solidifies into small fragments before falling on the earth’s surface; it is called volcanic bombs.

Gaseous material:

  1. At the time of volcanic eruption, a dark cloud of smoke can be seen over the crater.
  2. On the basis of shape, cloud is called cauliflower cloud.
  3. Various inflammable gases are found in these clouds.
  4. These gases produce flames.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

6. Differentiate between.

Question 1.
Folding and Faulting.

Folding Faulting
(i) Folds are bends in the rocks that are due to compressional forces. (i) Faults are formed due to tensional forces along which displacement of rock takes place.
(ii) Folding occurs when compressional forces are applied to rocks that are ductile or flexible. (ii) Faults occurs when force operating in opposite direction lead to tension and as a result rocks develops cracks on fissure.
(iii) Rocks that lie deep within the crust and are therefore under high pressure are generally ductile and particularly susceptible to folding without breaking. (iii) Rock layers that are near the earth’s surface and not under high confining pressures are too rigid to bend into folds, but if tectonic forces are large, rocks break.
(iv) Folding leads to development of fold mountain. For e.g., the Himalayas, the Alps, etc. (iv) Faulting results in the formation of block mountains like black forest mountain etc., and right valleys like the Narmada, Tapi, etc.

Question 2.
Normal fault and Reverse fault.

Normal fault Reverse fault
(i) It results when a portion of landslides down along the fault plane. (i) It results when a portion of land is thrown upward relative to other side of the land.
(ii) The exposed portion of plane faces the sky. (ii) The fault plane faces the ground.

Question 3.
Syncline and Anticline.

Syncline Anticline
(i) As and when limbs slopes towards each other and the central part located at lower elevation forms synclines. (i) As and when limbs slopes downward with central position getting raised up, it is called anticline.
(ii) They form valleys. (ii) They form the top / peak of the mountain.
(iii) They have a greater depth. (iii) They are of a greater height.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Question 4.
Asymmetrical fold and Symmetrical fold.

Asymmetrical fold Symmetrical fold
(i) The axial plane is inclined. (i) The axial plane is vertical.
(ii) Limbs are inclined at different angles. (ii) Limbs are inclined at same angles.
(iii) The height and shape of limbs is not same. (iii) The height and shape of limbs is same.

Question 5.
Mercalli scale and Richter scale.

Mercalli scale Richter scale
(i) It measures the intensity of earthquake. (i) It measures the energy released during an earthquake.
(ii) The measurement is based on observed effects. (ii) The measurement is done with the help of seismograph.
(iii) Quantified from observation of the effects on earth’s surface, human beings, objects and man- made structures. (iii) Quantified from logarithmic scale obtained by calculating logarithm of the amplitude of waves.
(iv) Unit of measurement I (not felt) to XII (total destruction) (iv) Unit of measurement from <2.0 to 10.0 + (never recorded) 3.0 earthquake releases 32 times more energy than a 2.0 earthquake.

Question 6.
Slow movements and Sudden movements.

Slow movements Sudden movements
(i) Slow movement include both vertical and horizontal movement which are caused due to forces deep within the earth. (i) Sudden movements are caused by sudden endogenic forces coming from deep within the earth.
(ii) These movements are occurring continuously. (ii) These movement occurs in the form of events.
(iii) Slow movements include formation of mountains and continents. (iii) Sudden movements include event such as earthquakes and volcanoes.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

7. Draw a neat and labelled diagram.

Question 1.
Types of folds
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Question 2.
Types of Faults
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements 6

Question 3.
Shadow zone
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Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Question 4.
Volcanic landforms
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements 8

11th Geography Digest Chapter 1 Earth Movements Intext Questions and Answers

Let’s recall (Textbook Page No. 1)

1. Observe the following pictures in fig 1.1 and discuss the questions.
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements 9

Question 1.
What might be the reasons behind buildings collapsing in photo 1?
The major reason behind the buildings collapsing in photo 1 is the occurrence of earthquakes.

Question 2.
Which event in depicted in photo 2? What impact does it bring about in the surroundings?
The volcanic eruption and flowing of lava is depicted in photo 2. Heavy loss of life and property is experienced when the lava flows to the surrounding area.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Question 3.
In photo 3, what could be the reason behind the bend in the rock strata?
Due to compression of sediments within the earth’s interior and pressure from overlying layers the rock strata seems to be bended.

Question 4.
What could be the reason behind the difference in altitudes of the land and the steepness of the slope in photo 4?
The reason could be displacement of rock due to vertical movement. It may form plateau on block mountains.

Question 5.
Classify the events in the photos into sudden and slow movements.
Sudden movements are earthquake and volcanoes in photo 1 and 2. Slow movements are formation of folds and formation of plateaus or block mountains in photo 3 and 4.

Question 6.
Example of which of these movements is not likely to be found in the mainland of Indian sub- continent?
The volcanic eruptions are not found in mainland of India sub-continent.

2. On 19th August, 2018, around 300 people died in Indonesia. Many buildings collapsed. Many roads broke apart. A tsunami was generated. (Textbook Page No. 6)

Question 1.
What was the cause behind these events?
Collision of tectonic plates was the causes behind the events.

Question 2.
What actually happened during this natural event?
A very high intensity earthquake struck north eastern parts of Indonesian coastline, where subsequent landslides into sea triggered tsunamis.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Question 3.
Name the energy waves involved in this natural event.
Tsunamis were involved in this natural event where the tectonic plates moved horizontally.

Question 4.
Observe the diagram in fig. 1.9 and label the boxes.
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Think about it.

Question 1.
How will compressional forces affect brittle rocks? (Textbook Page No. 3)
The compressional forces will break the brittle rocks into pieces.

Question 2.
A mountain never remains a mountain’. Can you relate this idiom with the mountain building process? (Textbook Page No. 4)
This happens because of continuous erosional activities taking place on the mountain sides. Running water glaciers, wind, volcanic activities keep on changing the surface of a mountain.

Question 3.
When can faults form is fold mountains? (Textbook Page No. 6)
If compression takes place along the faults, folds can be formed.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Question 4.
Can folds form into block mountains? Find the reason and discuss. (Textbook Page No. 6)
No, folds cannot form into block mountains because folding takes place due to compression of elastic rocks and block mountains are formed due to displacement of rocks owing to tension.

Question 5.
Look at fig.1.10 and answer following questions. During an earthquake, do you think the seismic waves reach entire portion of the earth. Is there any region on the earth’s surface where a given earthquake will not be reported? (Textbook Page No. 6)
It’s the shadow zone of P-waves and S-waves where the seismic waves do not reach. No there is no region on the earth’s surface where a given earthquake is not reported.

Question 6.
Why has the shadow zone for L-waves not been shown in fig 1.10? (Textbook Page No. 7)
L-waves travel through the circumference of the earth. Thus, they do not been form shadow zone.

Try this.

Question 1.
Observe the diagrams in fig. 1.5. Try to understand the different types of fold shown in the diagram. Write the name of the fold. (Textbook Page No. 4)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements 12

  1. Symmetrical fold.
  2. Isoclinal fold
  3. Asymmetrical fold
  4. Recumbent fold
  5. Overturned fold

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Question 2.
Observe the diagram in fig. 1.6 and read the explanation regarding the characteristics of various faults given. Identify the faults and match each of them with their characteristics. (Textbook Page No. 5)
Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements 13
A – Normal fault B – Reverse fault C – Thrust fault D – Tear fault

Can you tell? (Textbook Page No. 7)

In fig 1.10 textbook page 6 A, B, C are three points on the earth’s surface. Analyse their location with respect to epicentre and shadow zones
A, B, C are the points on the surface of the earth.
(i) ‘A’ point is located with 105° from the epicentre, therefore P waves and S waves reach at ‘A’ point. The seismograph at !A’ point records both waves, therefore ‘A’ point is not in shadow zone.

(ii) ‘B’ point is in shadow zone because both the waves do not reach there. P waves pass through all mediums, they experience refraction as they pass on one medium to another. The seismograph records P waves, which is located away from ‘B’ point. But P waves are not recorded in an area between 105 and 140° from epicentre. The S waves also do not reach here. Therefore, it is called ‘Shadow zone’ of Earthquake waves.

(iii) ‘C’ point is in the area of the shadow zone of ‘S’ waves, that in within 140°. P waves reach beyond 140°. Since ‘S’ waves do not reach here, it is called ‘Shadow zone of S waves’.

Question 1.
On the basis of the intensity of damage risk, India is classified into five risk zone. Use the given weblink http://www.bmtpc.org/DataFiles/CMS/file/map%20of%20india/eq-india. pdf and complete the table given. (Textbook Page No. 9)

Zone Degree of Risk States / UTs
I Least
II Low
III Moderate
IV High Jammu & Kashmir. Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Parts of Indo Gangetic plains (North Punjab, Chandigarh, Western Uttar Pradesh) Delhi, Maharashtra, Bihar.
V Very High Region of Kashmir, Andaman and Nicobar island.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Read the following passage about Krakatoa volcanic eruption and answer the following questions. (Textbook Page No. 10)

There is an island known as Krakatoa between the islands of Java and Su matra in Indonesia. There were frequent volcanic eruptions here. From May 1883, massive explosions began. The eruption that took place at about 10 in the morning on 28 August 1883 was the largest ever recorded explosion. As a result of this explosion, the entire island disappeared. During this eruption, rock particles and dust thrown up in the atmosphere was about 25 km³. The column of this dust-ash rose as high as 80 km.

The discharge of Krakatoa threw into the air nearly 21 km3 of rock fragments, and large quantities of ash fell over an area of some 800,000 km². Near the volcano, masses of floating pumice, were so thick that ships had to halt. The surrounding region was plunged into darkness for two and a half days because of ash in the air. For some years after this, cloud kept moving round the earth. About 36,000 people died in these eruptions and the tsunami waves created by it.

In 1927, volcanic eruptions began at the same place and a new island rose in place of the Krakatoa island that had vanished. It was named Anak Krakatoa’ or ‘Child Krakatoa’. The volcano here constantly emits ash and steam. This new island has now become a laboratory for geologists and biologists.

Question 1.
Make a list of materials that came out during eruptions.
Rock, particles, dust, ash, floating pumice, steam were the materials that came out during eruption.

Question 2.
Classify them into liquid, solid and gaseous forms.

Liquid Solid Gaseous
Pumice Rock particles Steam

Find out! (Textbook Page No. 9)

Find out examples of active, dormant and extinct volcanoes.
Examples of active volcanoes are – Mt. Etna (Italy), Stromboli (Italy), Mt. Merapi (Indonesia), Erta Ale (Ethiopia), Mt. Erebus (Antarctica)
Examples of dormant volcanoes – Mt. Kilimanjaro (Africa), Mt. Katmai (Alaska)
Examples of extinct volcanoes – Mt. Egmont (New Zealand), Chimborazo (Ecuador), Mt. Kulal (Kenya)

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Give it a try (Textbook Page No. 8)

Take the given hypothetical data in the table. The data shows the time of arrival of P-waves and S-waves at 3 seismograph stations. Assume the scale of the map as 1 cm : 18 km. See fig. 1.11.

Recording Station P-wave arrival time (IST) S-wave arrival time
Jalana 11 : 06 : 06 11 : 06 : 19
Washim 11 : 06 : 46 11 : 07 : 03
Aurangabad 11 : 07 : 06 11 : 07 : 24

Speed of waves = 08 kms per second
Scale of the map = 1 cm
= 18 kms
First step : Find out the difference in time for waves at Jalana recording centre.
Difference in time of waves = Time of S-wave – Time of P-wave
11 : 06 : 19 (Time of S-wave)
11 : 06 : 06 (Time of P-wave)
= (Time of S-wave) – (Time of P-wave)
= 11 : 06 : 19 – 11 : 06 : 06
= 00 : 00 : 13
Therefore difference in time for waves at Jalana recording centre is 13 seconds.

Second Step : Find out distance on land between Jalana and Epicentre
Distance on land = Difference in time of waves × speed of waves per second
= 13 × 8
= 104
Therefore distance on land between Jalana and Epicentre is 104 km.

Third Step : Find out radius for Jalana Station.
Jalana – Radius of circle = \(\frac {Distance on land}{Scale of the map}\)
= \(\frac {104}{18}\)
= 5.7 cm.
Therefore radius of circle around Jalana station is 5.7 cm.
Now find out radium for remaing stations.
Jalana – 5.7 cm, Washim – 7.5 cm, Aurangabad – 8 cm.

Maharashtra Board Class 11 Geography Solutions Chapter 1 Earth Movements

Fouth step : Now draw circles around Jalana, Washim and Aurangad with the help of radius calculated.
All arcs of circle will intersect one another at a particular point. That point is the location of Epicentre.
In the map given below Epicentre is to the south of Mudgal.
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11th Std Geography Questions And Answers:

Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Question Answer Class 10 Geography Chapter 5 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 Geography Chapter 5 Question Answer Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Geography Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Geography Class 10 Chapter 5 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Question 1.
On the basis of the information given in the chapter, figures and maps, complete the table below:

S.No Type of forest Characteristics Regions in India Regions in Brazil
1 Tropical Forests Broad-leaved evergreen trees.
2 Semi arid thorny vegetation 1.
3 Savannah Scanty bushes and shrub like trees and rain resistant grass.
4 Tropical
Mixed type vegetation.
5 Grasslands Grassland region like the Pampas of Argentina.


S. No. Type of forest Characteristics Regions in India Regions in Brazil
(1) Tropical Forests Broad-leaved evergreen trees. Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the Western Ghats. Some parts of North East India. Amazon Basin, Guyana Highlands.
(2) Semi arid thorny vegetation (a)     Thorny and shrub type vegetation.
(b)   Leaves are small in size. Leaves are modified into thorns to minimise evaporation.
Gujarat, Rajasthan, Parts of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. North-Eastern part of Brazil.
(3) Savannah Scanty bushes and shrub like trees and rain resistant grass. Brazilian Highland.
(4) Tropical


Mixed type vegetation. Central India and South India. Parana Basin and South Eastern part of Brazil.
(5) Grasslands Grassland region like the Pampas of Argentina. Foothills of Shiwalik hills and Assam. Southern Brazil.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

2. Identify the odd man out:

Question a.
Forest type of Brazil ______.
(a) Thorny bush type vegetation
(b) Evergreen forests
(c) The Himalayan Forests
(d) Deciduous forests
(c) The Himalayan Forests

Question b.
With reference to India
(a) Mangrove forests
(b) Mediterranean forests
(c) Thorny bush-type vegetation
(d) Equatorial forests
(b) Mediterranean forests

Question c.
With reference to Fauna of Brazil.
(a) Anaconda
(b) Tamairin
(c) Red Panda
(d) Lion
(c) Red Panda

Question d.
With reference to flora in India.
(a Deodar
(b) Anjan
(c) Orchid
(d) Banyan
(c) Orchid

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

3. Match the Column:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
Evergreen Forests (a) Sundari trees
Deciduous forests (b) Pine
Coastal forests (c) Pau Brasil
Himalayan forests (d) Khejari
Thorny and bush type vegetation (e) Teak
(f) Orchid

1 – c
2 – e
3 – a
4 – b
5 – d

4. Answer in short:

Question a.
Differentiate between the forest types of Brazil and India.

Forest type of Brazil Forest type of India
1. The northern part of Brazil lies in the equatorial region. It receives ample sunshine and heavy rainfall. So dense evergreen forests are seen here. 1. The location of India is far away from the Equator. Heavy rainfall occurs only in the Western Ghats and North Eastern hilly areas. So evergreen forests are seen in these regions.
2. The Highland region of Brazil receives low rainfall. So tropical grasslands are seen in this region. 2. The Peninsula region of India receives rainfall between 1000 mm to 2000 mm, so they are covered by deciduous forests.
3. As there are no tall and long extending mountains in Brazil, Himalayan type forests are not found here. 3. Owing to presence of Himalayas, Himalayan type forests are found in North and North-East of India that are classified on the basis of altitude.
4. Thorny shrubs are found to the North Eastern part of Brazilian Highlands which is also considered to be a Drought Quadrilateral. 4. Thorny shrubs are found in India receiving less than 500 mm of rainfall. It is majorly found in Gujarat, Rajasthan and rain shadow regions of the Western Ghats.

Question b.
Correlate wildlife and natural vegetation in India and Brazil.
(i) Depending upon favourable geographical conditions, we find a variety of natural vegetation in India and Brazil. Also depending upon the vegetation we find a variety of wildlife in different regions.

(ii) Grasslands of Brazil like the Savannah and the deciduous forest of India have a large number of herbivores and carnivores.

(iii) The dense evergreen forests of India in the west, north east India and the Amazon Basin of Brazil are a home to a large variety of birds, insects, reptiles along with the herbivores and the carnivores.

(iv) Coastal forests and swampy areas of Pantanal and Sunderbans have mangroves, a variety of birds, fishes and reptiles like crocodiles, alligators and the anacondas in Brazil.

(v) Vegetation provides food and shelter to wildlife but if vegetation is limited like in the Thar desert or the Caatinga it will also limit the variety of animals species.

Question c.
What environmental issues are faced by Brazil and India?

  • Degradation of environment is happening in Brazil due to illegal smuggling of wild animals, slash and burn agriculture (roca), deforestation, pollution, etc.
  • Due to these problems, many endemic species are on the verge of extinction.
  • India too faces environmental issues such as poaching, pollution and the fast spreading deforestation.
  • Many species of wildlife are on the verge of extinction in India.

Question d.
What are the major causes of degradation of forest in Brazil and India?
(i) Forests are being cut down as more area is required to expand the cities. Hence rapid urbanisation is one of the reasons for degradation of forest.

(ii) To ensure continuous food supply to meet the needs of the ever increasing population, more and more area needs to be brought under agriculture. For the expansion of agricultural land, forest areas are being cut down.

(iii) In both India and Brazil, forests are being cut down for firewood and for other domestic needs.

(iv) Slash and Burn agriculture which is also known as Roca in Brazil and Jhum in India is responsible for deforestation.

(v) Apart from all the above reasons, forest fire, pollution, overgrazing, etc. are also responsible for the degradation of forests.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Question e.
Why does the deciduous type vegetation occupy most of India?

  • Vegetation in a region is affected by the climate and rainfall of the region.
  • In dia lies in the tropical zone and it has a monsoon type climate throughout the year.
  • Also, a major portion of India receives seasonal rainfall between 1000-2000 mm.
  • Deciduous forests thrive well in this condition and these forests shed their leaves during the hot and dry summer so that water is not lost due to evaporation.
  • Teak, bamboo, banyan, peepal, etc. are the trees found in deciduous forest of India.

5. Give geographical reasons:

Question a.
The northern part of Brazil is covered with dense forests.

  • The northern part of Brazil lies in the equatorial region.
  • It receives ample sunlight and about 2000 mm of rainfall throughout the year.
  • In this region, the growth of vegetation is very rapid.
  • So, the northern part of Brazil is covered with dense and evergreen forests.

Question b.
Vegetation is scarce in the high altitude of the Himalayas.

  • As the altitude increases, the temperature decreases.
  • The climate is very cold in the high altitudes. In Jammu and Kashmir and parts of Himalayas temperature drops to -40fiC.
  • Also this region is snow-covered for most part of the year.
  • Very few species of plants can survive in such extreme conditions. Only seasonally flowering trees are found at higher altitudes.
  • Hence, vegetation is scarce in the high altitude of the Himalayas.

Question c.
A wide variety of insect species is found in Brazil.

  • Insects are mostly found in forests, grasslands and swampy lands.
  • Many insects eat leaves, grass and nectar from the plant.
  • The evergreen rainforests are seen in the northern parts of Brazil. The grasslands are found in the central parts and Paraguay-Parana river basin. Similarly, swampy lands are found in Pantanal region in Brazil. .
  • Therefore, a wide variety of insect’s species is found in Brazil.

Question d.
Wild life in India is decreasing day by day.
(i) Wildlife in India is decreasing day by day because of rapidly occurring deforestation, poaching, pollution.

(ii) Expansion of cities to accommodate the growing population is leading to cutting down of the valuable forest which leads to the loss of the habitat of wildlife.

(iii) Also the problem of pollution has become severe due to urbanisation. Various types of pollution have threatened the lives of many of the species.

(iv) Poaching of wildlife species have also led to the loss of wildlife in India.

(v) Agricultural practices like shifting cultivation has also reduced the forest cover leading to loss of wildlife habitat.

Question e.
Like India, there is a need for conservation of forests in Brazil too.
(i) Like India, Brazil is facing the problem of degradation of environment due to deforestation, pollution, slash and burn agriculture, illegal smuggling of wild animals, etc.

(ii) Trees are being cut down to obtain wood, leading to large scale deforestation in both countries.

(iii) Also the problem of pollution has become severe due to urbanisation. Various types of pollution have threatened the lives of many of the species.

(iv) Agricultural practices like slash and burn agriculture (roca) has reduced the forest cover in Brazil.

(v) Like India, the problem of illegal smuggling of animals has affected Brazil too.

(vi) Hence there is a need for conservation of forests in both Brazil and India.

Class 10 Geography Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Intext Questions and Answers

Observe the images given below and discuss on the basis of the following points and answer the following questions:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife 20
Question 1.
Can you tell the names of the plants/trees shown in the image?
Coffee, cactus, rubber.

Question 2.
Where have you seen these plants before?

Question 3.
Name the fauna shown in the image.
Rufous bellied thrush, leopard, green anaconda.

Question 4.
Where have you seen them before?
On the internet and in movies.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Question 5.
In which country do you find a greater diversity of vegetation? What is the reason behind it?
Brazil has a greater diversity of vegetation because of the variation in climatic conditions.

Colours Of Both

Question 1.
In which country do equatorial forests occupy a greater area? What could be the reason behind it?
Equatorial forests occupy a greater area in Brazil. This is because the Equator passes through northern part of Brazil. Hence, the climate is generally hot throughout the year. Moreover, this region receives heavy rainfall throughout the year.

Question 2.
Which type of forests found in India are not found in Brazil?
Himalayan forests are found in India and not in Brazil.

Question 3.
Which type of forests found in Brazil are found in India too?
Evergreen forests, deciduous forests, and thorny shrub type vegetation are found in both Brazil and India.

Question 4.
In which country a greater diversity of vegetation is found? What is the reason behind it?
Brazil has a greater diversity of vegetation because of the equatorial climate, ample sunlight, heavy rainfall, and vast forest expanse.

Question 5.
Considering the climate and vegetation types, in which country will forest-based occupations flourish?
Forest-based occupations will flourish more in Brazil.


Question 1.
Correlate geographical conditions and the flora and fauna there? (India)
Depending upon favourable geographical conditions, we find a variety of flora and fauna in India.

(i) In the snow-capped regions of Himalayas where precipitation occurs in the form of snow, we find alpine vegetation. Animals like snow leopards and yaks are found who can sustain the extreme cold of the Himalayas.

(ii) The evergreen forest in the Western Ghats have hot and humid conditions with a temperature of 28°C and annual rainfall more than 2000mm. In such are as animals like lions, tigers, elephants, and a variety of birds are seen.

(iii) The coastal forest are home to many turtles, crocodiles, and gavials, etc. One-horned rhinoceroses are found in the swampy, marshy lands of Assam. Mangrove vegetation is found in the saline waters.

(iv) In areas where the climate is hot and dry and the rainfall is low, thorny scrub vegetation is found. Animals like wild ass and camels are common here.

(v) In the regions of medium rainfall. We find deciduous forest, wide variety of animals and birds.

Question 2.
Do you know some other animals too ?
Four-horned antelope, black buck, Tibetan yak, giant squirrel (shekaru).

Use your Brain:

Question 1.
Find out in which parts of India agricultural practices like the ‘Roca’ is found? By what names are they called?

Slash and Burn Farming in India
Name Regions
Jhumming Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland
Pamlou Manipur
Dipa Bastar (Chhattisgarh) and Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Bewar or Dahiya Madhya Pradesh
Podu or Penda Andhra Pradesh
Pama Dabi or Koman or Bringa Odisha
Kumara Western Ghats
Valre or Waltre South Eastern Rajasthan
Khi Himalayan belt
Kuruwa Jharkhand

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Answer the following questions on the basis of map given:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife 21
Question 1.
How many mm of rainfall does Tropical forests have?
Tropical forests receives rainfall of 1600 mm.

Question 2.
How much rainfall does equatorial forests receive?
Equatorial forests receive 2000 mm of rainfall.

Question 3.
Name the types of forests shown in figure.
Tropical forests, Equatorial forests, Deciduous forests and Temperate forests are shown in the above figure.

Question 4.
Where are tropical and equatorial forests found in Brazil?
Answer:Tropical and equatorial forests are found in Guyana Highlands and Amazon basin respectively.

Question 5.
Where are deciduous forests and temperate forests found in Brazil?
Deciduous forests and Temperate forests are found in Parana Basin and Brazilian Highlands respectively.

Question 6.
What kind of wildlife is seen in Brazilian Highlands?
Reptiles and grassland animals are seen in Brazilian Highlands.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife 6

Question 1.
Which forests are found in western snow¬capped regions?
Himalayan Forests are found in western snow-capped regions.

Question 2.
On which coast do you mainly find the coastal vegetation?
The coastal vegetation is mainly found along the Eastern Coast.

Question 3.
Which type of forests occupy maximum area in India ? Why?
Deciduous forests are found in the regions receiving rainfall between 1000 mm to 2000 mm Since most of India has rainfall in that range, deciduous forests dominate the Indian subcontinent.

Question 4.
Where do you find thorny and shrub vegetation in India and why?
Semi arid areas of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Haryana are the places where thorny and shrub vegetation are found. The thorny forests are found in these regions as the rainfall is less than 500 mm.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife 7

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Question 1.
Name the species shown on the map.
Some of the major species shown on the map are condor, golden lion tamarin, anaconda, crocodile, sword fish, flamingoes, macaw, parrots, rufous bellied thrush.

Question 2.
In which regions are these animals found? Why are their habitats found in these forests?

  • The dense equatorial forest region is home to golden lion tamarin, condor, anaconda, etc. This is because these forest lie near the Amazon River and receive rainfall throughout the year.
  • Swampy lands of Pantanal is home to anacondas and crocodiles because these conditions are favourable for their habitation.
  • Sword fish thrives near the South Atlantic Coast due to the extensive continental shelf.

Question 3.
Classify the forest regions in Brazil with reference to their extent.

  • Equatorial forests are found in the northern part of Brazil and it covers an extensive area.
  • Tropical Grasslands (Savanna) is the next major forest type occupying central part of Brazil.
  • Hot deciduous forests occupy the southern Brazil whereas swampy lands of Pantanal occupy a small part of Brazil in the south west.
  • Thorny shrubs occupy the north western part of Brazil owing to low rainfall whereas Temperate Grasslands (Pampas) occupy south Brazil.

Mark the following on the map of India with the given information:
Question 1.

  1. Bengal Tiger
  2. Lion
  3. Great Indian Bustard
  4. Gangetic Dolphin
  5. Olive Ridley turtles
  6. Swamp deers
  7. One-horned rhinos
  8. Nilgiri Tahr goat
  9. Gharials

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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife 5

Class 10 Geography Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Additional Important Questions and Answers

Choose the correct option and rewrite the statements:

Question 1.
In Brazil, _____ varies due to physiography.
(a) soil
(b) rainfall
(c) agriculture
(d) mineral availability
(b) rainfall

Question 2.
In most parts of the _____ region, it rains throughout the year.
(a) temperate
(b) tropical
(c) grasslands
(d) equatorial
(d) equatorial

Question 3.
As one moves away from the Equator, _______ decreases.
(a) altitude
(b) forest
(c) rainfall
(d) snowfall
(c) rainfall

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Question 4.
The _______ forests are found where there is rainfall throughout the year.
(a) tropical
(b) thorny
(c) evergreen
(d) temperate
(c) evergreen

Question 5.
Brazil has the/a ______ number of vegetation species in the world.
(a) moderate
(b) largest
(c) low
(d) smallest
(b) largest

Question 6.
The rainforests are rightly called the _______.
(a) lungs of the world’
(b) ’limbs of the world’
(c) ’heart of the world’
(d) ’veins of the world’
(a) lungs of the world’

Question 7.
Highest biodiversity is found in _____ forests.
(a) thorny
(b) deciduous
(c) evergreen
(d) coastal
(c) evergreen

Question 8.
In regions receiving rainfall between 1000 mm to 2000 mm in India, ______ forests are found.
(a) thorny
(b) evergreen
(c) deciduous
(d) tropical
(c) deciduous

Question 9.
In regions receiving less than 500 mm of rainfall that experience dry summers for a long time in India, ______ and shrub like vegetation are found.
(a) equatorial
(b) evergreen
(c) grasslands
(d) thorny
(d) thorny

Question 10.
In _____ areas, coastal type of vegetation is found.
(a) peninsular
(b) mountainous
(c) rocky
(d) swampy
(d) swampy

Question 11.
Coastal type of vegetation is called ____ in India.
(a) Bangar
(b) Sunderbans
(c) Pantanal
(d) Terai
(b) Sunderbans

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Question 12.
The wood found in Sunderbans is _____ light and durable.
(a) dry
(b) fragile
(c) oily
(d) soft
(c) oily

Question 13.
In areas located in the ____ altitude of Himalayas, seasonly flowering trees are found.
(a) highest
(b) lowest
(c) plains
(d) medium
(a) highest

Question 14.
In regions with medium altitude of Himalayas, ______ trees are found.
(a) rubber
(b) evergreen
(c) rose wood
(d) coniferous
(d) coniferous

Question 15.
At foothills of the Himalayas _____ forests are found.
(a) mixed
(b) teak –
(c) coniferous
(d) pine
(a) mixed

Question 16.
The proportion of ________ trees is higher at the foothills of the Himalayas.
(a) sal
(b) deodar
(c) rosewood
(d) pine
(a) sal

Question 17.
Teak is mainly found in the _______ type of forest.
(a) Coastal
(b) Thorny and bush
(c) Coniferous
(d) Deciduous
(d) Deciduous

Question 18.
A greater diversity of wildlife is found in ________ than any other country in the
(a) India
(b) Russia
(c) Australia
(d) Brazil
(d) Brazil

Question 19.
In the swampy areas of Pantanal, _______ are found.
(a) cobras
(b) vipers
(c) huge anacondas
(d) Indian pythons
(c) huge anacondas

Question 20.
Among fish varieties, ______ is found in seas of Brazil
(a) mackerel
(b) king fish
(c) sword fish
(d) pink dolphins
(c) sword fish

Question 21.
In Brazilian rivers, pink dolphins and ______ are found.
(a) gold fish
(b) piranhas
(c) king fish
(d) mackrels
(b) piranhas

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Question 22.
One of the major bird species found in Brazil includes _______.
(a) ostrich
(b) flamingoes
(c) kiwi
(d) duck
(b) flamingoes

Question 23.
Slash and bum agriculture is also called ______ in Brazil.
(a) kumri
(b) roka (roca)
(c) dry farming
(d) bewar
(b) roka (roca)

Question 24.
Hot and humid forests are a home for _______
(a) tiger
(b) elephants
(c) dogs
(d) leopard
(b) elephants

Question 25.
One horned rhinoceroses are found in swampy and marshy lands of ______.
(a) Assam
(b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Telangana
(d) Tamil Nadu
(a) Assam

Question 26.
Indian bisons, deers, monkeys are found in the _____ region.
(a) Himalayan
(b) Western Ghats
(c) Peninsular
(d) Deccan
(c) Peninsular

Question 27.
The only country where both lions and tigers are found is ______.
(a) Brazil
(b) India
(c) Australia
(d) America
(b) India

Question 28.
______ which are huge in size fly high in the Brazilian sky.
(a) Macaws
(b) Kingfishers
(c) Condors
(d) Pheasants
(c) Condors

Match the Column:

Question 1.

Column ’A’ Column ‘B’
1. Evergreen Forests (a) Major portion of Madhya Pradesh
2. Deciduous forests (b) Arunachal Pradesh
3. Thorny shrubs (c) Sundarbans
4. Himalayan forests (d) Western Ghats
5. Coastal forests (e) Gujarat
(f) Cold desert in Jammu and Kashmir
(g) Hot desert in Rajasthan

1 – d
2 – a
3 – e
4 – b
5 – c

Question 2.

Column ’A’ Column ‘B’
1. Equatorial forests (a) Caatinga
2. Grasslands (b) Pantanal
3. Swampy Lands (c) Pampas
4. Hot deciduous forests (d) Amazon river basin
5. Thorny shrubs (e) Escarpment
(f) Savanna
(g) Parana basin

1 – d
2 – c
3 – b
4 – e
5 – a

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Identify the odd man out:

Question 1.
With reference to Fauna in India.
(a) Anaconda
(b) Elephants
(c) Lion
(d) Tiger
(a) Anaconda

Question 2.
With reference to Flora of Brazil.
(a) Pau Brazil
(b) Rubber
(c) Mahogany
(d) Deodar
(d) Deodar

Question 3.
With reference to Himalayan Forests.
(a) Seasonal flowering plants
(b) Orchids
(c) Pine
(d) Mixed Forests
(b) Orchids

Question 4.
With reference to birds found in Brazil.
(a) Condors
(b) Flamingoes
(c) Macaws
(d) Peacocks
(d) Peacocks

Question 5.
With reference to birds found in India.
(a) Peacock
(b) Kingfisher
(c) Duck
(d) Condors.
(d) Condors.

Question 6.
With reference to protection of wildlife, Government of India has setup.
(a) Museums
(b) Biosphere reserves
(c) National Parks
(d) Wildlife sanctuaries
(a) Museums

Answer the following questions in one sentence:

Question 1.
Where does it rain throughout the year?
It rains throughout the year, in most parts of the equatorial region.

Question 2.
As one moves away from the Equator, does the rainfall increase?
No, the rainfall decreases as one moves away from the Equator.

Question 3.
Where are evergreen forests found?
Evergreen forests are found in the area where it rains throughout the year.

Question 4.
What effect does rainfall have on vegetation?
As the rainfall decreases, the density of the vegetation also decreases.

Question 5.
What kind of vegetation is found in places of less rainfall?
Various types of grass, short shrubs and thorny vegetation is found in places of less rainfall.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Question 6.
Where are the largest number of vegetation species found in the world?
Brazil has the largest number of vegetation species in the world.

Question 7.
What kind of trees are found in Brazil?
Trees like Pau Brasil, rubber, mahogany, rosewood and a variety of orchids are found in Brazil.

Question 8.
Why are the evergreen forests called the ‘lungs of the world’?
Evergreen forests are called the lungs of the world because they release large amount of oxygen in the environment which helps to reduce the carbon dioxide levels.

Question 9.
Describe the leaves of trees found in evergreen forests.
The leaves of trees found in evergreen forests are broad and green.

Question 10.
What quality of wood is found in evergreen forests?
The wood found in evergreen forests is hard, heavy and durable.

Question 11.
In which regions are deciduous forests found?
Deciduous forests are found in the regions receiving an average amount of rainfall ranging between 1000mm to 2000mm in India.

Question 12.
Which trees are found in deciduous forests?
Trees like teak, bamboo, banyan, peepal, etc. are found in deciduous forest.

Question 13.
Which regions experience dry summers for a long time in India?
Regions that receive less than 500 mm of rainfall experience dry summers for a long time in India.

Question 14.
Which kind of vegetation is found in regions receiving less than 500 mm of rainfall?
Thorny or shrub like vegetation is found in regions receiving less than 500 mm of rainfall.

Question 15.
How are the leaves of trees in the region where there is less than 500 mm of rainfall?
The leaves of trees are small in the region where there is less than 500 mm of rainfall.

Question 16.
Where is coastal vegetation found?
Coastal vegetation is found in swampy areas, estuaries and lagoons near coastal areas.

Question 17.
What is coastal vegetation called in India?
Coastal vegetation is called mangroves or Sunderbans in India.

Question 18.
How is the wood of trees found in coastal vegetation?
The wood of trees found in coastal vegetation is oily, light and durable.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Question 19.
How many types of forests are there in the Himalayas?
There are three types of forests in the Himalayas based on their altitude.

Question 20.
Which kind of trees are found in regions of high altitude in the Himalayas?
Seasonally flowering trees are found in regions of high altitude.

Question 21.
Which type of trees are found in regions with medium altitude in the Himalayas?
In regions with medium altitude, coniferous trees like pine, deodar and fir are found.

Question 22.
Where are mixed forests found in India?
Mixed forest are found at the foothills of the Himalayas.

Question 23.
Where is greater diversity in wildlife found in the world?
A greater diversity in wildlife is found in Brazil than any other country in the world.

Question 24.
Which animal is found in the swampy areas of the Pantanal?
Huge anacondas are found in the swampy areas of Pantanal.

Question 25.
Which are the other animals found in Brazil?
Animals like guinea pigs, crocodiles, alligators, monkeys, pumas, leopards, etc. are found in Brazil.

Question 26.
Which is the main variety of fish found in the Brazilian sea?
Sword fish is mainly found in the Brazilian sea.

Question 27.
Which varieties of fish are found in the rivers of Brazil?
Piranhas are found in the rivers of Brazil.

Question 28.
What kind of birds are seen in the Brazilian sky?
Condors, parrots, macaws, and flamingoes are found in the Brazilian skies.

Question 29.
Why is degradation of environment happening in Brazil?
Degradation of environment is happening in Brazil due to illegal smuggling of wild animals, slash and bum agriculture (roka), deforestation, and pollution.

Question 30.
Where are elephants found in India?
Elephants are found in hot and humid forests of India.

Question 31.
Where are one homed rhinoceroses found?
One homed rhinoceroses are found in the swampy and marshy lands of Assam.

Question 32.
Which animals are found in the arid lands of India?
Wild ass and camels are found in the arid lands of India.

Question 33.
Which animal is found in the snow capped regions of Himalayas?
Snow leopards are found in the snow capped regions of the Himalayas.

Question 34.
Which animals are found in the peninsular region of India?
Indian Bisons, deer, antelopes, and monkeys are found in the Peninsular region of India.

Question 35.
Which is the only country where both lions and tigers are found?
India is the only country where both lions and tigers are found.

Question 36.
Where are turtles, crocodiles and gharials found in India?
Turtles, crocodiles and gharials are found in rivers, estuaries, and coastal areas of India.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Question 37.
Which birds are found in the forests and wetlands of India?
Birds like peacocks, Indian bustard, kingfishers, peasants, ducks, parakeet, cranes, and pigeons are found in the forests and wetlands of India.

Question 38.
What measures are taken by the Government of India for the protection of wildlife and forests of India?
The Government of India has set up a number of national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, bird sanctuaries, and biosphere reserves for the protection of wildlife and forests in India.

Question 39.
Name some plants found in regions having less than 500 mm of rainfall in India.
Catechu, acacia, khejri and a variety of cactus like aloevera and agave are found in regions having less than 500 mm of rainfall in India.

Name the following:

Question 1.
The region where it rains throughout the year.
Equatorial region.

Question 2.
The forests which are found where it rains throughout the year.
Evergreen forests.

Question 3.
Kind of vegetation found in places of less rainfall.
Grass, short shrubs, thorny vegetation.

Question 4.
Country where the largest number of vegetation species in the world is located.

Question 5.
The types of trees found in Brazil.
Pau Brasil, rubber, mahogany, rosewood and variety of orchids.

Question 6.
Other name for rain forests.
‘The lungs of the world.’

Question 7.
Trees found in deciduous forests.
Teak, bamboo, banyan, peepal.

Question 8.
Type of vegetation found in regions having less than 500 mm of rainfall.
Thorny and shrub-like.

Question 9.
Plants found in regions having less than 500 mm of rainfall.
Catechu, acacia, khejri and varieties of cactus.

Question 10.
Kind of vegetation found in swampy areas.
Coastal type.

Question 11.
Another name of coastal type of vegetation in India.
Mangroves or sunderbans.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Question 12.
Kind of trees found in forests located on higher altitudes in the Himalayas.
Seasonally flowering trees.

Question 13.
Kind of trees which have grown in forests located on medium altitudes in Himalayas. Coniferous trees like Pine, Deodar and Fir.
Region where mixed forests are found in Himalayas.

Question 14.
Foothills of Himalayas.
Animal found in the swampy areas of Pantanal.

Question 15.
Huge anacondas.
Any two varieties of animals found in Brazil. Guinea pigs and crocodiles.

Question 16.
Kind of fishes found in seas of Brazil.
Sword fish.

Question 17.
Fish varieties found in the rivers of Brazil.
Pink dolphins and Piranhas.

Question 18.
Any two species of birds found in Brazil.
Condors and macaws.

Question 19.
Causes for degradation of environment.
Illegal smuggling of wild animals, roka, deforestation and pollution

Question 20.
Region where elephants are found in India.
Hot and humid forests.

Question 21.
Animal which is found in the swampy and marshy lands of Assam.
One horned rhinoceroses.

Question 22.
Animals which are found in arid lands of India.
Wild ass and camels.

Question 23.
Animals which are found in the snowcapped mountain of Himalayas.
Yaks and snow leopards.

Question 24.
Animals found in the Peninsular region of India.
Indian bisons, deer, antelopes and monkeys.

Question 25.
Country where both lion and tigers are found.

Question 26.
Animals found in rivers, estuaries and coastal areas of India.
Turtles, crocodiles and garials.

Question 27.
Measures taken by the Government of India to protect wildlife.
Setting up of National parks, bird sanctuaries, wildlife sanctuaries and biosphere reserves.

Question 28.
National animal of India.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Mark the following on the map of India with the given information:

  1. Evergreen forests
  2. Deciduous forest
  3. Thorny shrubs
  4. Himalayan Forests
  5. Coastal Forests

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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife 9

Mark the following on the map of Brazil with the given information:

  1. Equatorial forests
  2. Tropical grasslands
  3. Swampy lands
  4. Hot deciduous forest
  5. Caatinga
  6. Temperate grasslands


Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife 12
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife 11
Equatorial Forests Tropical Grasslands:Savanna Swampy Lands Hot Deciduous Forest Thorny Shrubs/Caatinga Temperate Grasslands:Pampas

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Question 1.
Show the habitats of tigers in India with their names on a map.
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife 15

Question 2.
Why is their habitat found in these regions?
Tiger’s habitats are found in these regions because here there are various types of forest areas with different types of herbivorous animals.

Answer the Questions Briefly:

Question 1.
Thorny and shrub-like vegetation is found in regions where there is less or no rainfall.

  • The regions where there is less or no rainfall have a hot and dry climate.
  • The soils in these regions are also rocky and dry.
  • Water evaporation in leaves is more since the surface area of exposure is more than that of thorns
  • Hence, thorny and shrub-like vegetation is found in regions where there is less or no rainfall to conserve water.

Question 2.
The evergreen rainforests in Brazil are rightly called the ‘Lungs of the world’.

  • The northern Part of Brazil has dense evergreen forests. .
  • These forests release a large amount of oxygen in the environment.
  • This helps to reduce carbon dioxide levels.
  • Therefore, these rainforests are rightly called the Tungs of the world’.

Question 3.
The largest variety of flora is found in Brazil.

  • The flora of any region depends upon the amount of rainfall and its physiography.
  • Brazil has equatorial forests in high rainfall areas, tropical grasslands and deciduous forests in moderate rainfall areas.
  • Western part of Brazil has swampy lands, whereas low rainfall regions have thorny shrubs.
  • Temperate grasslands are found in temperate regions.
  • Thus, the largest variety of flora is found in Brazil.

Question 4.
Suggest measures for the conservation of wildlife and forest in India?
Measures for the conservation of wildlife and forest in India are as follows:

  • Restricting wildlife trading and hunting.
  • Declaring more national parks and sanctuaries.
  • Giving more importance to the protection of endangered animals.
  • Controlling felling of trees.
  • Implementing afforestation and social forestry programmes.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Write short notes on:

Question 1.
Brazilian Vegetation:
(i) In Brazil, rainfall varies due to physiography. In most parts of the Equatorial region, it rains throughout the year.
(ii) As one moves away from the equator, the number of rainy days as well as amount of rainfall reduces.
(iii) This affects the life cycle of the vegetation too.
(iv) Evergreen forests are found in the areas where it rains throughout the year.
(v) In regions which receive rainfall only during certain seasons, the density of the vegetation reduces.
(vi) Instead of forests, various types of grass, short shrubs,,thorny vegetation, etc. are found.
(vii) Brazil has the largest number of vegetation species in the world.
(viii) This includes evergreen vegetation, semi-evergreen, arid, etc.
(ix) One finds trees like Pau Brasil, rubber, mahogany, rosewood and a variety of orchids.

Question 2.
wildlife of Brazil:
(i) A greater diversity in wildlife is found in Brazil compared to any other country in the world.
(ii) In the swampy areas of the Pantanal, huge anacondas are found.
Animals, such as guinea pigs, crocodiles,
alligators, monkeys, pumas, leopards, etc. are found.
(iv) Among the fish varieties, mainly swordfish are found in the seas, while pink dolphins and piranhas are found in the rivers .
(v) Condors which are huge in size and fly high in the sky, various types of parrots, macaws, and flamingoes are the major birds found here.
(vi) Millions of insect varieties are also found here.

Question 3.
The wildlife of India:
(i) India is also a mega-diverse country in terms of wildlife. There are many species of wildlife in Irdia.
(ii) Elephants are found in hot and humid forests. One-horned rhinoceroses are found in swampy and marshy lands of Assam.
(iii) Wild ass and camels are found in arid lands. Snow leopards and yaks are found in the snow-capped regions of the Himalayas.
(iv) Indian Bisons, deer, antelopes, and monkeys are found in the Peninsular region.
(v) India is the only country in the world where both tigers and lions are found.
(vi) Rivers, estuaries and coastal areas are homes to many turtles, crocodiles, and gavials (gharials).
(vii) The forests and wetlands are the shelters of variety of birds like peacocks, Indian bustard, kingfishers, pheasants, ducks, parakeets, cranes, and pigeons.

10th Std Geography Questions And Answers:

Human Settlements Question Answer Class 10 Geography Chapter 7 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 Geography Chapter 7 Question Answer Human Settlements Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Geography Chapter 7 Human Settlements Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Geography Class 10 Chapter 7 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. Tick (✓) the correct options:

Question a.
The concentration of settlements is related to following major factors
(a) Proximity to the Sea
(b) Plain region
(c) Availability of water
(d) Climate
(c) Availability of water

Question b.
In North-eastern part of Brazil, which types of settlements are found
(a) Nucleated
(b) Linear
(c) Dispersed
(d) Star-shaped
(c) Dispersed

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements

Question c.
Where do you find dispersed settlements in India?
(i) Near the rivers
(ii) Near the transport routes
(iii) Hilly areas
(iv) Industrial regions
(iii) Hilly areas

Question d.
Concentrated settlements are found in Narmada Valley
(i) Forested land
(ii) Cultivable land
(iii) Undulating topography
(iv) Industries
(ii) Cultivable land

Question e.
Which state has the least urbanisation in Brazil?
(i) Para
(ii) Amapa
(iii) Espirito Santo
(iv) Parana
(i) Para

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements

2. Give geographical reasons:

Question a.
Availability of water is a major factor affecting settlements.
(i) Water is a major factor affecting settlements because water is required for survival of living beings, for purposes like drinking, cooking, agriculture, industries, etc.
(ii) Due to availability of water, agriculture and industries flourish, generating employment opportunities and leading to development of settlements.
(iii) Shortage of water will hamper the growth of agriculture and industries which lead to less development of settlements.

Question b.
In Brazil, majority of population is found in the eastern coastal areas.
(i) Although the coastal climate is hot and humid, and flat land is limited due to rugged topography, the eastern coast of Brazil has a good water supply and a large range of natural resources.
(ii) The region has rich fertile soil which is most suitable for coffee cultivation..
(iii) The region is rich in minerals like iron ore and has a steady power supply.
(iv) An excellent transportation facility is also available here.
(v) Due to these factors, agriculture, industries and trade flourish and settlements increase.
So, majority of Brazil’s population is found in the eastern coastal areas.

Question c.
Urbanisation is increasing rapidly in India.
(i) In India, there has been growing industrialisation, leading to availability of jobs in urban areas.
(ii) Urban areas have better facilities and amenities like water supply, electricity, health, education, etc.
(iii) There is increasing migration of people from rural areas to urban areas.
(iv) The urban population is increasing due to the expansion of urban centres and emergence of new towns.
So, urbanisation is increasing rapidly in India.

Question d.
Settlements are sparse in north-eastern Brazil.
(i) The north east of Brazil is a Highland.
(ii) As this region lies in a rain shadow region it suffers from droughts.
(iii) Due to scanty rainfall and unavailability of resources, agriculture and industries are not well developed.
(iv) Transport facilities are also very poor here. Therefore, settlements are sparse in north – eastern Brazil.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements

Question e.
Except Delhi and Chandigarh, urbanisation is low in other parts of India.
(i) Delhi and Chandigarh are union territories lying in the flat Northern Plains of India.
(ii) Delhi is the capital of India and has an ancient history of urbanisation while Chandigarh is one of the most well-planned cities.
(iii) Both Delhi and Chandigarh have good water supply due to river Yamuna and the Bhakra Canal.
(iv) As compared to the other cities in North India, both the cities have well-developed infrastructure, good transport links and other amenities.
(v) Fast developing industries and commercial centres in these places, offer high employment opportunities leading to urbanisation.
Hence, except Delhi and Chandigarh, urbanisation is low in other parts of India.

3. Answer in short:

Question a.
Write a comparative note on urbanisation in Brazil and India.
(i) Rate of urbanisation in higher in Brazil than in India.
(ii) Growth of urbanisation in India has been slow.
E.g. From 18% in 1961 to 31.2% in 2011.
(iii) Growth of urbanisation in Brazil has been rapid.
E.g. From 47.1% in 1960 to 84.6% in 2010.
(iv) Urbanisation has been more in the southern part than in the Northern part of India.
(v) Urbanisation in Brazil has been more in the coastal states of south and southeast than the states in the interior of the west and north.
(vi) India’s rate of urbanisation has increased continously in a fluctuating rate.
(vii) Brazil’s is rate of urbanisation has increased but in a diminishing rate.

Question b.
Differentiate between the human settlements in the Ganga river basin and the Amazon river basin.

S.No Human settlements in the Ganga river basin Human settlements in the Amazon river basin
(i) Nucleated settlements are found in Ganga river basin. (i) Dispersed settlements are found in Amazon river basin.
(ii) Flat land, availibality of water, fertile soil,favourable climate is suitable for human settlement. (ii) Unfavourable        climate,      heavy      rainfall, inaccessibility makes the Amazon river basin unsuitable for human settlement.
(iii) The above conditions along with a good transport network has helped to flourish agriculture and other industries. (iii) Due to dense evergreen forests and poor transport facility there are restrictions on the use of natural resources, which have affected economic development.

Question c.
Why do human settlements grow in specific locations only?
Human settlements depend on various factors like climate, availability of water, slope of the land, level of development.
In India, nucleated human settlements are found in the Ganga River Basin because of flat fertile plains, abundance of water, favourable climate and growth of agriculture and industries. Dispersed settlements are found in Himalayan slopes, eastern and southern Rajasthan because of uneven topography, unfavourable climate and lack of development.

In Brazil, nucleated settlements are found in Sao Paulo and southern coast of Brazil, due to nearness to the ocean, fertile soil, availability of natural minerals like iron ore, steady power supply and good transportation system. Dispersed settlements are found in Northern Brazil due to the inaccessible forests in Amazon river basin, unhealthy climate, limitations on use of natural resources drought region and poor transport connectivity.

Class 10 Geography Chapter 7 Human Settlements Intext Questions and Answers

Geographical Explanation

Study the two types of settlement patterns in India given in figure (a) and (b) Answer the following questions :

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 1

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 2

Question 1.
Identify the type of settlements?
Fig a. Settlement Type is: Nucleated and in Fig. b. Settlement Type is: Linear and Dispersed settlement.

Question 2.
Which one is a nucleated settlement? Why?
Fig. a. Shows the image of a Nucleated settlement, because it is a cultivated land and has a centrally located water body.

Question 3.
Which one is a dispersed settlement? What could be the reason behind it?
In Fig. b. dispersed settlement is observed due to unsuitable topography.

Question 4.
Can you guess in which regions are these settlements located in India?
Settlement in Fig. a. is located in the north Indian plain, it might be the river Ganga Basin and settlement in the Fig. b. is located in hilly terrain covered with forest and also a road passing through leads to a dispersed settlement.

Think About It

Question 1.
Tell whether settlements shown in images (a) and (b) are urban or rural.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 11
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 12
The image shown in (a) is urban and The image shown in (b) is rural

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements

Lets Recall

Question 1.
Some amenities and facilities are given here. Tick (✓) in the relevant column and complete the table on the basis of their presence in urban and rural areas or both.

S.No Amentity Available in Villages Available in Cities
(1) Petrol Pump
(2) Theatre
(3) Weekly Market
(4) Primary Health Centre
(5) Police Outpost
(6) Art Gallery
(7) Gram Panchayat
(8) Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC)
(9) Primary School
(10) Senior School
(11) College
(12) Shop
(13) Multi-speciality Hospital
(14) Metro station
(15) Bus station
(16) University

Try This.

Question 1.
In the figure (a) and (b), you can see images of two settlements in Brazil. One is from the Amazon river basin in Brazil while the other belongs to the coastal area. Observe the settlement patterns carefully and name the types of settlement patterns. Write a comment on their density and types.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 9
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 10
(1) Fig. (a)
Type settlement pattern: Dispersed settlements as they are lying in the dense forested areas of the Amazon Basin.
Density of Population: Sparse.
(2) Fig. (b)
Type settlement pattern: Nucleated settlements as they are lying in the dense forested areas of the Amazon Basin.
Density of Population: Dense.

Can You Tell

Read the graph below and answer the following questions:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 3
Question 1.
What was the percentage of urbanisation in 1961?
The percentage of urbanisation in 1961 was 18%.

Question 2.
In which decade was urbanisation the highest?
Highest urbanisation took place in the decade 1971 -1981.

Question 3.
In which decade was the growth of urbanisation lowest?
The growth of urbanisation was lowest in the decade 1961-1971.

Question 4.
What was the growth in the percentage of urbanisation between 1961 and 1971?
The growth in the percentage of urbanisation between 1961 and 1971 was of 0.20%

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements

Question 5.
What was the growth in the percentage of urbanisation between 1991 and 2011?
The growth in the percentage of urbanisation between 1991 and 2011 was of 5.5%.

Question 6.
What inference can you draw regarding India’s urbanisation after reading the graph?
After reading the graph, we can say that urbanisation in India is slowly but continuously rising.

Try This

Look at the table. It shows the growth and share of urban population in total population of Brazil. Draw a line graph from this table. Examine the graph carefully and answer the following questions:
Brazil Percentage of urban population (1960 to 2010)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 4
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 5

Question 1.
What is the interval of the data?
The interval of the data is 10 years.

Question 2.
In which period did urbanisation occur rapidly?
Urbanisation occured rapidly in the period 1960 – 1970.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements

Question 3.
Write five sentences analysing the graph.
(i) The graph shows the percentage of urbanisation in Brazil from 1960 to 2010.
(ii) The interval of the data is 10 years.
(iii) Clearly there has been a rapid urbanisation in Brazil.
(iv) The highest urbanisation is seen between 1960 to 1970, when urbanisation grew from 47.1% to 56.8%, a growth of 9.7%.
(v) Urbanisation occurred slowly during the decade from 2000 to 2010, at a growth of 3.1%.

Give It a Try

Question 1.
Prepare a choropleth map showing urban population using the data given in the table below.

S.No. Urban population percentage category States /UTs falling in the category
(1) 0-20 Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Assam and Odisha
(2) 21-40 Meghalaya, Uttar Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tripura, Jammu and Kashmir, Nagaland, Manipur, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, A and N Islands, Punjab, Karnataka and M. P.
(3) 41-60 Gujarat, Maharashtra, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Mizoram
(4) 61-80 Goa, Puducherry, Daman and Diu, Lakshadweep
(5) 81 -100 Chandigarh, NCT of Delhi

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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 7

Colours Of Both

Question 1.
Compare the line graph shown in figure and the one drawn by you for Brazil. Write five lines on the changes that have occurred in urbanisation in both the countries, with time.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 3
(i) After comparing the graphs of India and Brazil, it is clear that urbanisation in Brazil has been much more rapid as compared to India.

(ii) Urbanisation in Brazil grew from 47.1% in 1960¬70 to 84.6% in 2000-2010. Whereas urbanisation in India grew from 18% in 1961-70 to 31.2% in 2001-2011.

(iii) But Brazil’s rate of urbanisation is showing signs of decline, whereas India’s rate of urbanisation is showing a slow and consistent growth.

(iv) For e.g. the rate of urbanisation in Brazil has decreased from 9.7% in 1960-1970 to 3.1% in 2000¬2010. Whereas the rate of urbanisation in India has increased from 0.2% in 1961-1971 to 3.4% in 2001-2011.

(v) Both Brazil and India are developing countries, but Brazil shows very high urbanisation as compared to India.

Question 2.
Make a short note on the comparison between the settlement patterns in India and Brazil on the basis of the following points:
(i) Location
(ii) Pattern
(iii) Types
(iv) Density
India settlement pattern
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 11

  • Location : Nucleated settlements are found throughout the plateau region of Narmada Valley, paddy lands in Bihar, U.P, Vindhyan Plateau and several other cultivated parts of India.
  • Pattern : Nucleated settlements
  • Types: Urban
  •  Density : High population density

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 12

  • Location : Dispersed settlements are found in tribal parts covering central part of India, eastern and southern Rajasthan, Himalayan slopes and land with dissected and uneven topography.
  • Pattern : Dispersed settlements
  • Types: Rural
  • Density : Low population density.

Brazilian settlement pattern
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 9

  • Location: The Southern and South Eastern parts of Brazil – Areas where there is good water supply, a large range of natural resources, rich soil, large supply of natural minerals, steady energy supply, a good transport system, etc.
  • Pattern : Nucleated settlement
  • Types: Urban
  • Density : High population density.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 10

  • Location : Brazilian Highlands, Central part, Amazon Basin region : regions with dense forests, unfavourable climate, poor transport limits, limitations on the use and exploitation of natural resources, etc.
  • Pattern : Dispersed settlements
  • Type : Rural
  • Density: Low population density

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements

Give It a Try

Question 1.
“Observe the two satellite images given below. Describe the settlements with respect to physiography, Considering the physiography, where could these settllements be located? Find out their settlement pattern and limitations with respect to their future growth.
(i) Location : Both satellite images show human settlements in a mountainous region. One settlement is along mountain slope, while the other is on top of a mountain.
(ii) Pattern : Dispersed settlements.
(iii) Future growth : Further growth for human settlements seems difficult. This is mainly because of the hilly terrain and forested land along the mountain slope.

Study the choropleth map of Brazil showing the Statewise urban population of Brazil and answer the following questions :
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 8
Question 1.
Which state (region) in Brazil is the most urbanised?
The states of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Goias, Espirito Santo in the southeastern part of Brazil and the port Manaus in the north are the most urbanised.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements

Question 2.
Which state (region) in the least urbanised?
The states of Para, Maranhao and Piaui in northern part of Brazil are the least urbanised states.

Use Your Brain Power

Question 1.
Which factors have affected urbanisation in Brazil?
(i) In Brazil, rapid urbanisation has taken place in South and South East Coastal regions.
(ii) Being in proximity to the Atlantic Ocean have benefitted these regions immensely in the form of mild climatic conditions.
(iii) Availability of water, fertile soil, natural minerals such as iron ore, good transport system and steady electric supply have positively impacted urbanisation in these parts.
(iv) To the north of the Brazilian Highlands is the rain shadow region of ‘Drought Quadrilateral’ with sparse settlements.

Colours Of Both

Question 1.
Write a paragraph on the settlement pattern, urban and rural settlement and urbanisation in India and Brazil.

India settlement pattern
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 11

  • Location : Nucleated settlements are found throughout the plateau region of Narmada Valley, paddy lands in Bihar, U.P, Vindhyan Plateau and several other cultivated parts of India.
  • Pattern : Nucleated settlements
  • Types: Urban
  •  Density : High population density

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 12

  • Location : Dispersed settlements are found in tribal parts covering central part of India, eastern and southern Rajasthan, Himalayan slopes and land with dissected and uneven topography.
  • Pattern : Dispersed settlements
  • Types: Rural
  • Density : Low population density.

Brazilian settlement pattern
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 9

  • Location: The Southern and South Eastern parts of Brazil – Areas where there is good water supply, a large range of natural resources, rich soil, large supply of natural minerals, steady energy supply, a good transport system, etc.
  • Pattern : Nucleated settlement
  • Types: Urban
  • Density : High population density.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements 10

  • Location : Brazilian Highlands, Central part, Amazon Basin region : regions with dense forests, unfavourable climate, poor transport limits, limitations on the use and exploitation of natural resources, etc.
  • Pattern : Dispersed settlements
  • Type : Rural
  • Density: Low population density

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements

Class 10 Geography Chapter 7 Human Settlements Additional Important Questions and Answers

Choose the correct option and rewrite the statements.

Question 1.
_______ settlements are found in tribal parts covering central part of India.
(a) Nucleated
(b) Linear
(c) Dispersed
(d) Circular
(c) Dispersed

Question 2.
The earlier settlements in Brazil were formed by settlers from _______ mainly in coastal areas.
(a) Africa
(b) Asia
(c) Europe
(d) Australia
(c) Europe

Question 3.
Sao paulo has _________ settlements.
(a) isolated
(b) nucleated
(c) scattered
(d) dispersed
(b) nucleated

Question 4.
Rural areas of Brazil such as the north east highlands suffer from _____ which make it difficult for practising agriculture.
(a) high rainfall
(b) extreme cold
(c) extreme droughts
(d) extreme heat
(c) extreme droughts

Question 5.
Settlements become _____ as we go to the central part of Brazil.
(a) sparse
(b) dense
(c) nucleated
(d) triangular
(a) sparse

Question 6.
The growth of urbanisation in India has been ________.
(a) quick
(b) moderate
(c) slow
(d) rapid
(c) slow

Question 7.
In India, urbanisation has been more in the _______ part.
(a) Western
(b) Eastern
(c) Northern
(d) Southern
(d) Southern

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements

Question 8.
Goa is the most urbanised state in India with _______ urban population.
(a) 92%
(b) 52%
(c) 62%
(d) 82%
(c) 62%

Question 9.
_____ is more than 80% urban.
(a) Goa
(b) Gujarat
(c) Delhi
(d) Puducherry
(c) Delhi

Question 10.
Today, about ______ of Brazil’s population lives in urban area.
(a) 96%
(b) 66%
(c) 86%
(d) 76%
(c) 86%

Question 11.
Looking at the growth in a few parts of the country, the government is promoting “Go _______ ” policy which reduces pressure on other densely populated areas.
(a) East
(b) North
(c) South
(d) West
(d) West

Question 12.
Urbanisation has occurred more in the _______ states, in Brazil.
(a) inland
(b) coastal
(c) central
(d) north-western
(b) coastal

Question 13.
_________ is a port on the confluence of the Negro and the Amazon rivers, where urbanisation has occurred.
(a) Alagoas
(b) Parana
(c) Manaus
(d) Ceara
(c) Manaus

Find out the correct group :

Question 1.
States of Brazil in having 91% to 100% urban population.
(a) Sao Paulo, Goias, Espirito Santo and Tocantins.
(b) Espirito Santo, Rio De Janeiro, Para and Goias.
(c) Espirito Santo, Goias, Sao Paulo, Rio De Janeiro.
(d) Sao Paulo, Amapa, Santa Catarina, and Rondonia.
(c) Espirito Santo, Goias, Sao Paulo and Rio De Janeiro.

Question 2.
States of India having less than 20% of Urbanization.
(a) Meghalaya, Uttar Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh and Rajasthan. .
(b) Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu, Puducherry and Nagaland.
(c) Tamil Nadu, Mizoram, Gujarat and Maharashtra.
(d) Odisha, Assam, Bihar and Himachal Pradesh.
(d) Odisha, Assam, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements

Question 3.
Nucleated settlements in India.
(a) Vindhyan plateau, Plateau region of Narmada valley, Paddy lands in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.
(b) Rajasthan, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, and Punjab.
(c) Himalayan slopes, East Rajasthan, Tribal part of Madhya Pradesh and Nagaland.
(d) Vindhyan plateau, Paddy lands in Uttar Pradesh, Land with dissected topography and Bihar.
(a) Vindhyan plateau, Plateau region of Narmada valley, Paddy lands in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.

Question 4.
Dispersed settlements in India.
(a) West coast, West Rajasthan, Paddy lands of Punjab and Mizoram.
(b) Land with dissected topography, South Rajasthan, Vindhya plateau and Uttar Pradesh.
(c) Tribal part of Madhya Pradesh, Himalayan slopes, West and South Rajasthan and Land with the uneven topography.
(d) Himalayan slopes, Narmada Valley, West Rajasthan and South India.
(c) Tribal part of Madhya Pradesh, Himalayan slopes, West and South Rajasthan and Land with the uneven topography.

Question 5.
States of India having urbanization between 41% to 60%.
(a) Chandigarh, Daman and Diu, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh.
(b) Maharashtra, Kerala, Gujarat and Mizoram.
(c) Jharkhand, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa.
(d) Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and Uttarakhand, Assam.
(b) Maharashtra, Kerala, Gujarat, Mizoram.

Question 1.
Match the columns:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(1) Most urbanised state in India (a) Sao Paulo
(2) Most urbanised state in Brazil (b) Goa
(3) Least urbanised state in India (c) Mato Grosso
(4) Least urbanised (d) Himachal Pradesh
state in Brazil (e) Delhi
(f) Para

1 – b
2 – a
3 – d
4 – f

Are the sentences right or wrong?

Question 1.
India does not have a great tradition of urbanisation.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Settlements

Question 2.
The earlier settlements in Brazil were formed by the settlers from America.

Question 3.
North-East Highlands of Brazil suffer from extreme drought.

Question 4.
The growth of urbanisation in India has been very fast, reaching 86% in 2011.

Question 5.
In underdeveloped countries, the rate of urbanisation is low.

Give geographical reasons:

Question 1.
Sao Paulo area has nucleated settlements.
(i) Sao Paulo is situated in South East coast of Brazil.
(ii) The region has a good water supply.
(iii) It an extensive area under rich fertile soil which is ideal for growing coffee.
(iv) It has a large supply of natural minerals, such as iron ore.
(v) It also has a steady energy supply.
(vi) This region has a good transport system too.
So, Sao Paulo area has nucleated settlements.

Question 2.
The Brazilian government is promoting ‘Go West’ policy.
(i) Brazil is one of the few developing countries which is highly urbanised.
(ii) But urbanisation in Brazil is confined to South and South East.
(iii) For e.g. States like Sao Paulo, Goias, Minas Gerais, Rio De Janeiro have very high urban population.
(iv) Western Brazil continues to remain least urbanised, which is creating regional imbalance.
(v) In order to reduce regional imbalance, the Brazil Government is promoting ‘Go-West Policy’.

10th Std Geography Questions And Answers:

Tourism, Transport and Communication Question Answer Class 10 Geography Chapter 9 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 Geography Chapter 9 Question Answer Tourism, Transport and Communication Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Geography Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Geography Class 10 Chapter 9 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. State whether right or wrong with reasons.

Question a.
The future of tourism is bright in India due to its natural diversity.

Question b.
Tourism is an invisible trade.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication

Question c.
The indicator of development in a country is the development of transport in that country.

Question d.
Brazil’s time is ahead of India’s time.

Question 5.
The development of tourism in India has begun recently.

2. Answer in short:

Question a.
Which factors attract more tourists in Brazil?
The factors which attract more tourists in Brazil are:

  • Clean, white sand beaches
  • Attractive seacoasts
  • Beautiful islands
  • Beautiful orchards
  • Deep dense forests of Amazon
  • Various birds and animals
  • Cities like the new capital city of Brasilia, Rio-de- Janeiro and Sao Paulo.
  • Eco-tourism

Question b.
What are the difficulties in the development of the railway system in Brazil’s internal areas?

  • The densely forested lands of Amazon River Basin and the swampy lands have limited the development of railways in Brazil.
  • Large pockets of Brazil are unpopulated. Roadways are the most common mode of transportation in the Eastern part of Brazil and waterways have developed on a commercial basis in the Amazon River.
  • The trains are used for long distance transportation of passengers only in a few cities and by tourists. These are the difficulties in the development of the railway system in Brazil’s internal areas.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication

Question 3.
A plane leaves Brasilia at 11 a.m. on 31st December. The plane crosses 0° Meridian and reaches Vladivostok via New Delhi. Tell the local time, date and day at New Delhi and Vladivostok when the plane leaves Brasilia.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 1
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 2
Time difference between Brasilia and GMT = 3 hours
Time at GMT = 11 a.m.+3 hours
= 2.00p.m.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 3
Time difference between GMT and New Delhi = 5 hours 30 min.
Time at New Delhi = 2 a.m. + 5 hours 30 min.
= 7 hours 30 min.
= 31st December,
Sunday, 7.30 p.m.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 4
Time difference between
New Delhi and Vladivostok = 4 hours 30 min.
Time at Vladivostok = 7.30 p.m. + 4 hours 30 min.
= 12.00 am

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 5
The local time, date and day at Delhi are 7 : 30p.m. , 31st December, Sunday
local time, date and day at Vladivostok are 12 am. , 1st January, Monday.

4. Match the following:

Column A’ Column ’B’
(1)  Trans-Amazonian
(2) Road Transport
(3)  Rio de Janeiro
(4) Manmad
(a)       Tourist  Place Highway
(b)      Railway Station in India
(c)       Golden Quadrilateral
(d)      Major Highway
(e)       40° W Meridian

1 – d
2 – c
3 – a
4 – b

5. Give geographical reasons:

Question a.
Eco-tourism is being developed more in Brazil.

  • Eco-tourism means responsible travel to natural areas without causing damage to the environment.
  • Brazil has the largest number of vegetation species in the world including Amazon, the largest rainforest of the world and a great diversity of wild life.
  • It has clean white sand beaches, attractive seacoasts, beautiful islands and orchards. Looking at the sensitivity of the natural resources in Brazil, ecotourism is being developed here.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication

Question b.
The internal waterways are not developed in Brazil.

  • Most of the rivers in Brazil flow with high speed.
  • The amount of discharge of many rivers is very huge.
  • In Brazil, rigid topography is found at many places near river basins. Many of the areas near rivers are inaccessible.
  • Therefore, internal waterways are not developed in Brazil.

Question c.
A dense network of railways has developed in the North Indian Plains.

  • The North Indian Plains are flat plain lands with a dense population.
  • Due to agricultural development, many agro- based industries have developed here.
  • Thus there is a high demand for transportation especially railways for movement of freight and passenger transport.

Question d.
Development of transport is important for the country’s progress.

  • Transport modes help is the movement of humans, animals and goods from one location to another.
  • Transport enables social, economic and cultural development of the country.
  • Road transport facilitates door-to-door service.
  • Rail transport is suitable for long distance and bulky goods.
  • Water transport plays an important role in international trade and suitable for bulky goods.
  • Air transport provides the fastest means of transportation.

Question e.
We rely on the sea routes for international trade.

  • Waterways is the cheapest modes of transportation for bulky and perishable goods over long distances.
  • International trade includes import and export of goods.
  • India is surrounded by Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and India Ocean, therefore we have a long coastline.
  • So we rely on the sea routes for international trade.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication

6. Differentiate between:

Question a.
Water transport in the Amazon and the Ganga river.

Water transport in the Amazon River Water Transport in the Ganga River
(i) River Amazon is navigable throughout its course due to its gentle slope.
(ii) Boats ply from Equitos in Peru to its mouth i.e., approximately 3700 km.
(iii) River Amazon is used for navigation between Brazil and neighbouring countries.
(i) River Ganga is navigable only in its middle and lower course which is gentler as compared to its upper course.
(ii) Boats ply from Allahabad to Haldia. i.e. approximately 1620 km.
(iii) River Ganga is used for inland transportation.

Question b.
Communication in Brazil and India

Communication in Brazil Communication in India
(i) Telecommunication services in Brazil are well developed and efficient.
(ii) Brazil is developing technology to send domestically-made satellites into space with its own rockets.
(i) With the explosion of electronic media, telecommunication industry has become one of the fast growing sectors.
(ii) With development of our own satellites, India has come a long way in this field.

Question c.

(i) 1ST is the Indian Standard Time. (i) BRT is the Brasilia Time/Brazil Time. (Standard Time)
(ii) India has only one standard time zone. (ii) Brazil has four time zones.
(iii) The official 1ST is based on 82.5° E longitude (iii) The official BRT is GMT – 03 which passes
which passes through Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. through Brasilia.
(iv) 1ST is 5hrs 30mins ahead of Greenwich Meridian (iv) BRT is 2,3,4, or 5 hrs behind Greenwich Meridian
(v) Time as India is in the eastern hemisphere. (v) Time as Brazil is in the western hemisphere.

7. Write short notes on:

Question a.
Modem means of communication:
(i) Modern means of communication includes landlines as well as mobile services, television broadcasting and computer/internet access.
(ii) In this era of information and communication technology, digitally enhanced communication devices like mobile phones, smart phones, internet and satellites are being used.

Question b.
Air transport in India:
(i) Air transport is more developed in India as compared to Brazil.
(ii) The use of international and internal airways is increasing.
(iii) Important airports from where domestic and foreign travel take place are Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, etc.

Question c.
Correlation between physiography and internal waterways:
(i) Internal (Inland) waterways comprises of rivers, canals, backwaters, creeks, etc. which are the cheap means of transportation.
(ii) Deep waters, gentle slopes, absence of rapids and waterfalls and the long course of rivers are favourable factors for development of internal waterways.
(iii) The longest waterways in the world is developed in the Amazon river in Brazil which is navigable for around 3700 kms.
(iv) Perennial river like Ganga in India is navigable in its lower course but the peninsular rivers are not used due to shallow waters, shorter course, seasonal nature, etc.

Question d.
Importance of Standard Time:
(i) Standard Time is the official time and is commonly accepted all over the country or region.
(ii) The importance of Standard Time is the most, if the country has a vast longitudinal extent, since there will be a great difference between the time of its places located in the eastern and the western parts.
(iii) It helps in making proper schedules of travel, business meeting, co-ordinating the functioning of various organisations, etc.
(iv) Thus Standard Time helps in avoiding confusion regarding day, date and time.

Class 10 Geography Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication Intext Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions on the basis of the map given.

Observe the map carefully and answer the following questions:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 9
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 10
Question 1.
Name the terminal points of the North-South Corridor of Golden quadrilateral Highway.
North – Srinagar, South – Kanyakumari.

Question 2.
Name the terminal points of East-West corridor Golden Quadrilateral highway.
East – Silchar ; West – Porbandar.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication

Question 3.
Name the three major ports on the western coast.
Porbandar, Mumbai and Cochin are the three major ports on the western coast.

Question 4.
Name the three major ports on the eastern coast.

  1. Chennai
  2. Vishakhapatnam and
  3. Haldia

Question 5.
(Kolkata) are the three major ports on the eastern coast. Which parts of India have a spare network of road transport route? Give reason.
The northernmost part of India in the state of Jammu and Kashmir does not have any national highway or other roadways, because it is a mountainous region.

Observe the given map carefully and answer the following questions:

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 11

Question 1.
What does the map indicate ?
The map indicates the important railway routes and airports of India.

Question 2.
Which part of India has many airports compared to the others?
The Southern part of India (i.e.) Peninsular India has many airports compared to the other parts of India.

Question 3.
Which part of India has a dense network of rail routes?
North Indian plains region has a dense network of rail routes.

Question 4.
Name the northernmost important railway station.
Baramulla is the northernmost important railway station.

Question 5.
Name the easternmost important railway station.
Tinsukia is the easternmost important railway station.

Question 6.
Name the two westernmost important railway stations.
Okha and Naliya are the two westernmost important railway stations.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication

Try this

Look at the graph and answer the following questions:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 6

Question 1.
Which country attracted more international tourists in the year 1995?
India attracted more international tourists in the year 1995.

Question 2.
In which country did more international tourists arrive in the year 2000?
More international tourists arrived in Brazil in the year 2000.

Question 3.
In which year can an increase be seen in the number of international tourists in India?
An increase in the number of international tourists in India can be seen from the year 2010.

Question 4.
What was the number of international tourists in the year 2015 in both the countries? What was the difference between them?
The number of international tourists in India in 2015 was approximately 130 lakhs. The number of international tourists in Brazil in 2015 was 60 lakhs. The difference between India and Brazil in the numbers of international tourists in 2015 was 70 lakh people. (130 lakhs – 60 lakhs).

Question 5.
What could be the reason of increase in tourists in India after the year 2010?
There is an increase in tourists coming to India after 2010 because :

  • Different types of tourism like eco-tourism, health tourism, business tourism, etc. have been promoted by the Indian Government.
  • The quality of travel and stay in India has also improved.

Question 6.
Name the kind of graph shown above.
Polyline graph.

Can you tell ?

Look at the graph and answer the following questions:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 7

Question 1.
What type of graph is shown here?
The type of graph shown here is a Joint Bar Graph.

Question 2.
What does the graph show?
The graph shows:

  • The percentage of population engaged in tourism in Brazil and India in 2016.
  • The contribution of tourism in GDP by both the countries in 2016.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication

Question 3.
Which country’s tourism has a larger share in the contribution towards GDP?
Brazil’s tourism has a larger share in the contribution towards GDP.

Question 4.
Which country has a larger population engaged in tourism sector but contributes lesser in GDP?
India has a larger population engaged in tourism sector but contributes lesser in GDP terms.

Question 5.
How much percentage of India’s population is engaged in tourism?
Nearly 9.5 percentage of Indian population is engaged in tourism.

Question 6.
How much is the contribution of tourism in India’s GDP in 2016? .
The contribution of tourism in India’s GDP in 2016 is nearly 8.5 per cent.

Make friends with maps

Study the transport map of Brazil and answer the following.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 8

Question 1.
Which means of transport are seen on the map?
All the means of transport like roadways, railways, airways, and waterways are seen on the map.

Question 2.
Which means of transport has a denser network?
The roadways have a denser network.

Question 3.
Which highway can be seen prominently? Which places does it join?
The Trans Amazonian Highway can be seen prominently. It connects Cruzeiro do sul, Porto Velho, Manaus and Brasilia.

Question 4.
What could be the reason for the development of railways in the South-East?
(i) South-east Brazil is the richest and the most populated region of the country.
(ii) Agriculture, mining, and tourism are well developed in this part of Brazil.

Question 5.
In which part of Brazil do you see a lesser development of transport network? What could be the reason?
(i) Amazon in the north and Pantanal in the west have lesser development of transport network.
(ii) Amazon in the north due to dense forest cover whereas Pantanal is a swampy land.

Think about it.

Question 1.
Considering the development of transport in a place, which factors do you think are responsible for the development of transport in Brazil? Also, think which means of transport could be used in Brazil given its topography and drainage?
Considering the development of transport in a place, the factors that are responsible for the development of transport in Brazil are:

  • The physiography, accessibility, population, climatic conditions, availability of power/fuel, funds, etc.
  • Roads and ports need to be upgraded.
  • Railways are few and competitive. They can be increased in the central part.
  • With its topography and drainage Brazil should develop more waterways.


Look at the transport maps of India and the make friends with maps.
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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 10

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 11

Question 1.
Which means of transport are visible on the map?
The means of transport used are roadways and waterways.
The means of transport used are railways and airways.

Question 2.
In which part of India is the density of railways more?
The density of railways is more in the Northern Plains region.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication

Question 3.
Name five important ports and airports of India.
Ports: Mumbai ,Vishakhapatanam, Haldia, Chennai and Kandla.
Airports: Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai, and Kolkata.

Question 4.
Which parts of India have a sparse network of transport? What could be the reason?
(i) The north and the north-east parts of India have a sparse network of transport.
(ii) Due to mountainous and snow covered areas in the north and the dense inaccesible forest areas of the north-east, the transportation network is sparse here.
(iii) Also these regions have low population and lack of economic opportunities.

Give it a try.

Question 1.
Arun called his mother from Digboi at 7 am. At what local time will his mother pick up his call at Jaisalmer?
Arun’s mother will pick his call at 5.00 am. local time at Jaisalmer.

Question 2.
Calculate the difference in time between the two points in minutes.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 12
Westernmost point: Nascente do Rio Moa (07° 32’33″S, 70° 59’W) Easternmost point: Ponta do Seixas, Paraiba (07° 09′ 28″S, 34° 47’W),
The difference in time between the Easternmost and the Westernmost part of Brazil is 168 minutes.


Read the map and answer the following questions:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 11

Question 1.
How many divisions can you see in the map?
We can see 4 divisions in the map.

Question 2.
What do these divisions signify?
These divisions signify the time zones in Brazil.

Question 3.
What does the term ’behind the GMT’ mean?
The Greenwich Meridian Time is a time set with reference to 0° longitude that passes through Greenwich. The countries lying to the west of 0° longitude are ’behind the GMT’.

Question 4.
Which part of Brazil is ahead of other?
The easternmost part of Brazil is ahead of the other parts.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication

Question 5.
By how many minutes is this part ahead of others?
60 to 180 minutes.

Question 6.
What does the red line in the map show?
The red line in the map is the official BRT which is in the GMT-03 time zone. It is 3 hours behind GMT.

Make friends with maps

Study the map given in figure and answer the following questions:
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 13

Question 1.
Calculate the difference between the two longitudinal extremes of mainland India. Is it more than Brazil?
The difference between the two longitudinal extremes of east and west mainland India is about 29°.

Question 2.
Which longitude in India is called the Indian Standard Time (IST)?
The 82° 30′ E longitude is called Indian Standard Time (IST)

Question 3.
What is the difference between IST and the GMT?
The IST time is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of the GMT.

Question 4.
How many local times are there in India?
There are 29 local times.

Question 5.
How much is the time difference between the western most and the eastern most points of India?
Two hours, 120 minutes.

Think about it.

Question 1.
It is 12 noon at Delhi. What would be the local time in Brasilia?
If it is 12 noon at Delhi, the local time in Brasilia would be 3.30 a.m. This is because Brasilia is 3 hours behind GMT and Delhi is 5 hours 30 minutes ahead of GMT. Therefore
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 14
Time difference between Brasilia and Delhi is of 8 hours 30 mins (3 hours + 5 hours 30 mins) Time at Delhi = 12 noon
Time at Brasilia = 12 noon – 8 hours 30 mins
= 3.30 a.m.

Use your brain power

Question 1.
Saurabh and Ashwini work for a MNC. Two of their regional head offices are located in Brazil in Rio De Janeiro and Manaus, respectively. Both of them have to contact either of the head offices constantly.
As they have to adjust timings according to their head offices, find out their corresponding timings in India, if they work according to office timings in Brazil, i.e 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(i) Let us assume Saurabh is coordinating with Rio De Janeiro’s head office and Ashwini is coordinating with the head office of Manaus.
(ii) Brazil has four time zones. It is behind the GMT by 2, 3, 4 or 5 hours.
(iii) Rio De Janeiro is in the 2nd time zone which is 3 hours behind GMT (GMT-03) and Manaus is the 3rd time zone which is 4 hours behind GMT (GMT-04).
(iv) Now, the time difference between GMT and 1ST is of 5 hours 30 mins.
They have to make following adjustments :

Rio De Janeiro GMT IST
10 a.m. 1 p.m. 6.30 p.m.
5 p.m. 8 p.m. 1.30 a.m.
Manaus GMT IST
10 a.m. 2 p.m. 7.30 p.m.
5 p.m. 9 p.m. 2.30 a.m.

Rio De Janeiro is in the 2nd time zone which is 3 hours behind GMT (GMT-03) and Manaus is the 3rd time zone which is 4 hours behind GMT (G
Corresponding timings in India Saurabh: 6.30 p.m. to 1.30 a.m. Ashwini: 7.30 p.m. to 2.30 a.m.

Give it a try

Question 1.
On what basis will you decide how many standard times should be there in a country?
The longitudinal extent of a country will help one decide how many standard times should be there in a country.

Class 10 Geography Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication Additional Important Questions and Answers

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication

Choose the correct option and rewrite the statements:

Question 1.
The new capital city of Brazil is ______.
(a) Rio de Janeiro
(b) Sao Paulo
(c) Manaus
(d) Brasilia
(d) Brasilia

Question 2.
A city that attracts a lot of tourists is _______.
(a) Rio de Janeiro
(b) Brasilia
(c) Manaus
(d) Ponta de Seixas
(a) Rio de Janeiro

Question 3.
The proportion of the Indian population engaged in tourism is proportionately _____ Brazil.
(a) lower than
(b) higher than
(c) equal to
(d) extremely lesser than
(b) higher than

Question 4.
The football stadium at ______ is quite well known
(a) Rio de Janeiro
(b) Manaus
(c) Sao Paulo
(d) Boa Vista
(b) Manaus

Question 5.
The most common method of transportation in Brazil is ____.
(a) railways
(b) waterways
(c) roadways
(d) airways
(c) roadways

Question 6.
The density of road network in Brazil is concentrated in the ____ part of the country.
(a) southern
(b) northern
(c) western
(d) eastern
(d) eastern

Question 7.
The forested lands of the Amazon River basin and the ______ lands have limited the development of roadways in this part of Brazil.
(a) drought-prone
(b) fertile
(c) swampy
(d) semi-arid
(c) swampy

Question 8.
Waterways have been developed on a commercial basis in the _____ river.
(a) Amazon
(b) Uruguay
(c) Purus
(d) Aragua
(a) Amazon

Question 9.
Boats ply from _____ in Peru to the mouth of the river Amazon.
(a) Lima
(b) Cusco
(c) Equitos
(d) Nazca
(c) Equitos

Question 10.
Apart from R. Amazon, another important river for waterways is the ____ Parana river.
(a) south-flowing
(b) north-flowing
(c) east-flowing
(d) west-flowing
(a) south-flowing

Question 11.
The contribution of ______ is less in the transportation system of Brazil.
(a) railways
(b) roadways
(c) waterways
(d) airways
(d) airways

Question 12.
Railway network is dense in the ______ of India.
(a) hilly states
(b) north-eastern states
(c) central parts of India
(d) north indian plains
(b) north-eastern states

Question 13.
Approximately, 95% of foreign trade moves through ______ routes, in India.
(a) road
(b) rail
(c) air
(d) ocean
(d) ocean

Question 14.
The westernmost extreme point on mainland Brazil is ______.
(a) Rio Grande
(b) Rio de Janeiro
(c) Nascente do Rio Moa
(d) Ponta do Seixas
(c) Nascente do Rio Moa

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication

Question 15.
The easternmost extreme point on mainland Brazil is ______
(a) Rio Grande
(b) Sao Paulo
(c) Ponta do Seixas
(d) Nascente do Rio Moa
(c) Ponta do Seixas

Question 16.
Brazil has ______ time zones.
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
(b) 4

Question 17.
(BRT) Brazil time is _____ hours behind GMT.
(a) three
(b) four
(c) five
(d) six
(a) three

Question 18.
Today, more than 45% of the Brazilian population has access to the ______.
(a) mobile services
(b) television broadcasting
(c) radio broadcasting
(d) internet
(d) internet

Question 19.
The telecommunication infrastructure is fairly modern, particularly in ____ Brazil.
(a) north
(b) north-west
(c) north-east
(d) central-south
(d) central-south

Question 20.
______ services in Brazil are well-developed and efficient.
(a) Air
(b) Railway
(c) Helicopter
(d) Telecommunication
(d) Telecommunication

Question 21.
With regard to telecommunication infrastructure, the north and ______ are drastically less developed.
(a) south
(b) south-west
(c) north-west
(d) central-south
(c) north-west

Question 22.
Over recent years, _______ have led to the rapid expansion of telecommunication services in Brazil.
(a) landline phones
(b) radio broadcasting
(c) television broadcasting
(d) mobile telephones
(d) mobile telephones

Question 23.
India has ______ standard time zone/s.
(a) one
(b) two
(c) three
(d) four
(a) one

Question 24.
The difference between the two extreme most points in India is about _____.
(a) 120 minutes
(b) 210 minutes
(c) 168 minutes
(d) 186 minutes
(a) 120 minutes

Question 25.
The difference between the two extreme most points of Brazil is _______.
(a) 186 minutes
(b) 168 minutes
(c) 120 minutes
(d) 200 minutes
(b) 168 minutes

Question 26.
The 82°30’E longitude is the Indian Standard Time longitude which passes though ________.
(a) Allahabad
(b) Ahmedabad
(c) Hyderabad
(d) Muzzaffarabad
(a) Allahabad

Question 27.
India is one of the largest users of _______ and internet.
(a) landlines phones
(b) television
(c) radio
(d) smartphones
(d) smartphones

Question 28.
About 85% of passenger and 70% of freight traffic are carried by every year in India.
(a) roadways
(b) railways
(c) waterways
(d) airways
(a) roadways

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication

Question 29.
______is the official time of Brazil.
(a) GMT-01
(b) GMT-04
(c) GMT-03
(d) GMT-02
(c) GMT-03

Question 30.
The prominent highway of Brazil is ________.
(a) Trans Belem Highway
(b) Trans Rio Grande Highway
(c) Trans Amazonian Highway
(d) Trans Brasilia Highway
(c) Trans Amazonian Highway

Match the following:

Question 1.

Column ’A’ Column ‘B’
(1) The new capital city (a) Rio de Janeiro
(2) The city attracting a lot of tourist (b) Manaus
(3) Football stadium (c) Peru
(4) Beach (d) Brasilia
(5) Equitos (e) Sao Paulo
(f) Boa Vista

1 – d
2 – e
3 – b
4 – a
5 – c

Answer the following questions in one sentence:

Question 1.
State the factors that attract foreign tourists towards India.
Foreign tourists visit India to see and understand its rich heritage and culture, for adventure, to avail the health services and for business purposes.

Question 2.
What is the kind of service provided by roadways in India?
About 85% of passenger traffic and 70% of freight traffic are carried by roadways every year in India.

Question 3.
How important are the inland waterways in India’s transportation?
Inland waterways comprising rivers, canals, backwaters, creeks, etc., which contribute about only 1% to India’s transportation.

Question 4.
In what way are the ocean routes useful for India?
Approximately 95% of India’s foreign trade moves through ocean routes.

Question 5.
What kind of advanced space technology is Brazil developing?
Brazil is developing technology to send domestically-made satellites into space with its own rockets.

Question 6.
Write a short note about the telecommunication infrastructure in different parts of Brazil.
The telecommunication infrastructure is fairly modern, particularly in central-south Brazil, but the north and north-west are drastically less developed.

Question 7.
Why have roadways not developed in the north and north-western part?
The forested lands of the Amazon River basin and the swampy lands have limited the development of roadways in the north and north-western region.

Question 8.
Which time zone is considered to be the official Brazilian time?
GMT-03 Time Zone is considered to be the official Brazilian time.

Distinguish between:

Question 1.
The use of railways in Brazil and India.

The use of railway in Brazil The use of railway in India
(i) Railways have not developed very well in Brazil. (i) Compared to Brazil, India has a denser network of railways.
(ii) The use of trains for long distance transportation is restricted to a few urban tourist routes though it is cheaper. (ii) Freight and passenger transport have been facilitated due to the development of the railways, which are considered very important for the growth of Indian economy.
(iii) Dense network of railways have developed in south and south-east Brazil as compared to other parts of Brazil. (iii) Dense network of railways have developed in the North-Indian Plains as compared to other parts of India.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication

Question 2.
The longitudinal extent of India and Brazil

The longitudinal extent of Brazil The longitudinal extent of India
(i) Extreme westernmost point: Nascente do Rio Moa. (70°59’W) (i) Extreme westernmost point : Ghuar Mota. (70°E)
(ii) Extreme easternmost point: Ponta do Seixas.(34047′ w) (ii) Extreme easternmost point: Kibithu. (97°E)
(iii) Time difference is 168 minutes approximately 2 hrs 48 minutes. (iii) Time difference is 120 minutes on mainland i.e., approximately 2 hrs.
(iv) There is a vast time difference between the extreme most points of Brazil due to vast longitudinal extent. (iv) There is comparatively less time difference between the extreme points of India.

Question 3.
The density of roadways in Brazil and India.

The density of roadways in Brazil The density of roadways in India
(i) Roadways account for more than half of the transportation system in the country. (i)    As compared to Brazil, India has a denser network of transport. About 85% of passenger and 70% of freight traffic are carried by road every year.
(ii) Density of road network is high in the eastern (ii) Density of road network is high in the North
part of the country. Indian Plains in the northern part of India.

Question 1.
Mark the following on an outline map of Brazil. Name the following:

  1. The new capital city of Brazil.
  2. Two cities that attract a lot of tourist.
  3. A south-flowing river important for waterways.
  4. The easternmost extreme point of mainland Brazil.
  5. The westernmost extreme point part of mainland Brazil.

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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 16

Question 2.
Show the following on a given outline map of Brazil.
Given index:

(A) Ports:

  • Vitoria
  • Manaus

(B) Airports:

  • Brasilia
  • Campo Grande

(C) Railway Junctions:

  • Sao Paulo
  • Rio de Janeiro

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication


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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 18

Question 3.
Show the following on a given outline map of India. Give index:
Given index:
(A) Ports:

  • Chennai
  • Porbandar
  • Kochin
  • Kandla
  • Kolkata

(B) Airports :

  • Bengaluru
  • Delhi
  • Pune
  • Thiruvananthapuram

(C) Railway Junctions :

  • Mumbai
  • Itarsi
  • Kota
  • Nagpur

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Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication 20

Give geographical reasons:

Question 1.
India’s contribution of tourism to its GDP appears lesser than Brazil and population engaged seems higher.
(i) The number of international tourists visiting India in 2015 was more than that of Brazil.
(ii) Even though this is true, the share of tourism sector in the GDP is less than that of Brazil.
(iii) Apart from this, the proportion of Indian population engaged in tourism is higher than that of Brazil.
(iv) This is primarily dependent on the size of the population of those countries and the size of the GDP.
(v) According to the data available, the population of India is more than Brazil and so is its GDP.
(vi) As the GDP of India is higher than Brazil’s GDP to GDP appears lesser than Brazil’s and population engaged seems higher.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 Tourism, Transport and Communication

Question 2.
Railways are important for the growth of the Indian economy.
(i) Railways are very important for a vast country like India where the distance between places is long.
(ii) Freight and passenger transport have been facilitated due to the development of the railways.
(iii) The more the facilities available for passenger transport and freight transport, the more growth in the economy.
Thus, the railways are very important for the Indian economy’s growth.

Question 3.
Brazil’s time is not ahead of India’s time.
(i) The GMT i.e, Greenwich Mean Time, divides the globe into eastern and western hemisphere.
(ii) India lies to the east of GMT and Brazil lies to the West of GMT.
(iii) Places lying to the east of GMT, are ahead of time and places lying to the west of GMT (like Brazil) are behind time.

Question 4.
The future of tourism is bright in India.
(i) India is rich in natural beauty that includes mountains, forests, plateaus, plains, islands, coastal areas, beaches, etc.
(ii) India also has a rich heritage and a huge variety of cultural and historical attractions.
(iii) In recent years new forms of tourism have been developed in India like Eco tourism, Agro tourism, Medical tourism, Film tourism, etc.
(iv) Also infrastructural facilities, branding and marketing initiatives have helped to promote Indian tourism.
So the future of tourism is bright in India.

Question 5.
Tourism is an invisible trade.
(i) Tourism belongs to the service sector as various services are provided to the tourists.
(ii) For e.g., hotels, lodges, transport, food, entertainment, etc.
(iii) Tourism increase the GDP of economy without exchange of goods.
Thus, tourism is an invisible trade.

Question 6.
he indicator of development in a country is the development of transport in that country.
(i) Transportation facilitates trade and creates employment opportunities.
(ii) With the development of transport there is socio-economic and cultural development of the country.
Hence it is an indicator of development in a country.

10th Std Geography Questions And Answers:

Location and Extent Question Answer Class 10 Geography Chapter 2 Maharashtra Board

Balbharti Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Std 10 Geography Chapter 2 Question Answer Location and Extent Maharashtra Board

Class 10 Geography Chapter 2 Location and Extent Question Answer Maharashtra Board

Geography Class 10 Chapter 2 Question Answer Maharashtra Board

1. Are the sentences right or wrong. ? Rewrite the wrong ones

Question a.
Brazil is mainly located in the Southern Hemisphere.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent

Question b.
Tropic of Capricorn passes through the middle of India.
Wrong. Tropic of Cancer passes through the middle of India.

Question c.
The longitudinal extent of Brazil is less than India.
Wrong. The longitudinal extent of Brazil is more than India.

Question d.
Equator passes through the northern part of Brazil.

Question e.
Brazil has a coastline along the Pacific Ocean.
Wrong. Brazil has a coastline along the Atlantic. Ocean.

Question f.
Pakistan is a neighbouring country to the south east of India.
Wrong. Pakistan is neighbouring a country to the north west of India.

Question g.
The southern part of India is called Peninsula.

2. Answer in brief:

Question a.
What problems did Brazil and India face after independence?
(i) India was under the British rule for almost one- and-a-half centuries and it got its independence in the year 1947.
(ii) It faced several problems like three wars, famine situations in various parts and similar issues after independence.
(iii) Brazil gained its independence in 1822 after more than three centuries of Portuguese rule.
(iv) From 1930 to 1985, for more than a half century, it was under a populist military government and it faced global financial difficulties in the late 20th century.
Thus, both India and Brazil faced many problems post-independence.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent

Question b.
How are Brazil and India different from each other in terms of location?
(i) India is located in the northern hemisphere of the earth whereas some part of Brazil lies in the northern hemisphere and most of it lies in the southern hemisphere.
(ii) India entirely lies in the eastern hemisphere whereas, Brazil lies in the western hemisphere.
(iii) India lies in the continent of Asia whereas Brazil lies in the continent of South America.
(iv) India lies in the southern part of the continent of Asia whereas Brazil lies in the northern part of South American continent.

Question c.
Describe the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of India and Brazil.
(i) The extent of the mainland India is 8°4’N to 37°6’N latitudes and between 68°7’E to 97°25’E longitudes.
(ii) Indira Point is the southernmost tip of India.
(iii) It is located on 6°45’N parallel.
(iv) The extent of the mainland Brazil is 5°15’N to 33°45′ S latitudes and between to 34°47’W to 73°48’W longitude.

Select the correct option

Question a.
India’s southernmost point is known as __________.
(a) Lakshadweep
(b) Kanyakumari
(c) Indira Point
(d) Port Blair
(c) Indira Point

Question b.
These two countries in South America do not share their border with Brazil?
(a) Chile – Ecuador
(b) Argentina – Bolivia
(c) Columbia – French Guiana
(d) Surinam – Uruguay
(a) Chile – Ecuador

Question c.
Both the countries have _________ type of government.
(b) Republic
(d) Presidential
(b) Republic

Question d.
Which of the following shapes show the coastal part of Brazil correctly?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent 1
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent 2

Question e.
Which of the following shapes show the coastal part of India Correctly?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent 3
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent 4

Question f.
Considering hemisphere, which shape correctly represents the hemisphere in which India lies?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent 5
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent 6

Question g.
Considering the hemisphere, which correctly represents the hemisphere in which Brazil mainly lies?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent 7
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent 8

Class 10 Geography Chapter 2 Location and Extent Intext Questions and Answers

Colours of both
Answer the following questions with respect to the countries that you have studied.

Question 1.
Out of the countries that you have coloured, which country is larger in size?
Brazil is larger in size.

Question 2.
Which country has a larger latitudinal extent?
Brazil has a larger latitudinal extent.

Question 3.
How do the locations of Brazil and India differ in terms of their positions in their respective continents?
Brazil lies in the northern part of the continent of South America, whereas India lies in the southern part of the continent of Asia.

Question 4.
How many states does each of the two countries have?
Brazil has 26 states and one federal district. India has 28 states and 8 union territories.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent

Question 5.
Obtain information regarding the emblems of both the countries, i.e. India and Brazil.
The national emblem of India is an adaptation of the Lion capital of Ashoka at Sarnath. The emblem has three lions visible, the fourth being hidden from the view. The four lions symbolise power, courage, confidence and pride. At the bottom is a horse and a bull, and its centre is a wheel (Dharma Chakra). Forming an integral part of the emblem is the motto inscribed in Devanagari Script: Satyameva Jayate (Truth Alone Triumphs)

The national emblem of Brazil is coat of arms shows the Southern cross in a blue circle. The ring of 27 stars around it represents Brazil’s 26 states and the Federal District. The whole is placed on a star and surrounded by coffee (at the left) and tobacco (at the right), which are the important crops in Brazil. The blue ribbon contains the official name of Brazil (Republica Federativa Do Brazil – Federative Republic of Brazil) in the first line. In the second, the date of the federative republic’s establishment (November 15, 1889) is written.

Give it a try.

Question 1.
The imperial power which ruled Brazil also ruled a part of India. Find out when that part of India achieved independence?
Answer: In India, Goa, Diu and Daman, Dadra and Nagar Haveli were under Portuguese rule. These regions got independence on 19th December 1961.

Match the column:

Question 1.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(1)      Dance form of Brazil

(2)      Capital of India

(3)      Capital of Brazil

(4)      Coffee pot of world

(a)     Brazil

(b)     Samba

(c)     New Delhi

(d)     Brasilia

(e)     Bangladesh

(f)     Myanmar

1 – b
2 – c
3 – d
4 – a

Question 2.

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
(1) Country to the south of Brazil (a) China
(2) Sea to the west of India (b) Uruguay
(3) Second largest populated country (c) Arabian sea
(4) Coffee pot of the world Imperial power ruled Brazil (d) India
(e) Portuguese
(f) Japan

1 – b
2 – c
3 – d
4 – e

Answer the following questions in one sentence:

Question 1.
Which is the second largest populated country in the world?
India is the second-largest populated country in the world.

Question 2.
Which country is called the ‘coffee pot’ of the world’?
Brazil is called the coffee pot of the world.

Question 3.
Which dance form is famous in Brazil?
Samba is the famous dance form of Brazil.

Question 4.
Name the capital of India?
The capital of India is New Delhi.

Question 5.
When did India gain Independence?
India got independence on 15th August 1947.

Question 6.
When did Brazil gain independence?
Brazil gained its independence on 7th September 1822.

Question 7.
Which countries are located to the north of Brazil?
Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana are situated to the north of Brazil

Question 8.
Which countries are located to the west of Brazil?
Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina are situated to the west of Brazil.

Question 9.
Which country is situated to the south of Brazil?
Uruguay is situated to the south of Brazil.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent

Question 10.
Which ocean lies to the east of Brazil?
The North and South Atlantic Ocean lies to the east of Brazil.

Question 11.
Which countries are situated to the east of India?
Myanmar and Bangladesh are situated to the east of India.

Question 12.
Which countries are situated to the north of India?
China, Bhutan and Nepal are situated to the north of India.

Question 13.
Which sea lies to the west of India?
Arabian sea lies to the west of India.

Question 14.
Which countries lie to the south of India?
Srilanka, Maldives and Indonesia lie to the south of India.

Question 15.
What is the location of the southernmost tip of India?
The location of the southernmost tip of India (Indira Point) is 6°45′ N parallel.

Question 16.
According to the equator, in which hemisphere is Brazil located?
Some part of Brazil lies in the northern hemisphere, while most of it lies in the southern hemisphere.

Question 17.
In which hemispheres is India located?
India is located in the northern and eastern hemispheres.

Question 18.
What type of government does Brazil have today?
Today, Brazil has Federal Presidential Republic type of government.

Question 19.
What type of government does India have today?
Today, India has Federal Parliamentary Republic type of government.

Question 20.
Where does the name Brazil come from?
The name Brazil comes from ‘Pau Brasil’, a local wooded tree.

Question 21.
Who established the early settlement in Brazil?
The Portuguese settlers established the early settlement in Brazil.

Question 22.
Distinguish between: Location of India and Brazil

India Brazil
(i) India is located at 8°4’N to 37°6’N latitude and between 68°7’E to 97°25’E longitudes. (i) Brazil is located at 5°15’N to 33°45’S latitudes and between 34°47’W to 73°48’W.
(ii) It is located in the northern and eastern hemispheres. (ii) Some part of Brazil lies in the northern hemisphere, while most of it lies in the southern hemisphere. Brazil also lies in the western hemisphere.
(iii) India is located in the southern part of the Asian continent. (iii) Brazil is located in the northern part of South American continent.

Question 23.
Find the difference between the post-independence characteristics of India and Brazil.

Brazil India
(i) Brazil gained its independence in 1822. From 1930 to 1985, for more than half a century, it was under a populist military government. Presently, Brazil has Federal Presidential Republic type of government (i) India got its independence in the year 1947. It has Federal Parliamentary Republic type of government.
(ii) The proportion of older people that is non – working population is high.


(ii) The proportion of youth, i.e. working population is high.


(iii )It has overcome global financial difficulties in the late 20th century (iii) It has faced several problems like three wars, famine situations in various parts and similar issues after independence.


(iv) Sex ratio and literacy rate is high in Brazil.


(iv) Sex ratio and literacy rate is low in India.


Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent

Observe the map and answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Identify the countries and water bodies around India and complete the following table.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent 9
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent 10
To the North
To the East
To the South
To the West

No. Directions Neighbouring Countries/ Oceans
(1) North China, Bhutan, Nepal
(2) South Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Indonesia
(3) East Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bay of Bengal
(4) West Arabian Sea, Pakistan, Afghanistan

Question 2.
Identify Brazil’s neighbouring countries and oceans. Complete the following table.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent 11
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent 12
(a) To the North
(b) To the South
(c) To the East
(d) To the West

No. Directions Neighbouring Countries Oceans
(1) North Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana North Atlantic Ocean
(2) South Uruguay South Atlantic Ocean
(3) East South Atlantic Ocean
(4) West Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Colombia, Argentina

Question 3.
Show the following on an outline of the world map.
(a) Name all the continents and oceans of the world.
(b) Colour Brazil and India using different colours and name them.
(c) Draw equator on the map and write its value in degrees.
(d) Show the symbol for direction.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent 13

Give geographical reasons:

Question 1.
Brazil is called the ‘coffee pot of the world’.
(i) Brazil ranks first in the world in the terms of production of coffee.
(ii) It produces nearly 40% of the total coffee production in the world.
(iii) It is the largest exporter of coffee.
Therefore, Brazil is called the ‘coffee pot of the world’.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent

Question 2.
Brazil is known as the country having third longest land border.
(i) Brazil has the world’s third longest land border, after China and Russia.
(ii) It shares its boundaries with all South American countries, except Chile and Ecuador, totalling 16,885 Kilometers.
(iii) Brazil has borders with 10 different countries, which are Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela.
(iv) Hence, Brazil is called the country having third longest land borders.

Question 3.
India is looked upon as a young country.
(i) The proportion of youth in India’s population is high.
(ii) This forms a major part of the working population.
(iii) According to 2011 census the percentage of working population is more than 50 %.
(iv) Hence, India is looked upon as a young country.

Question 4.
India’s economic development has paced up. OR India is considered as a major global market.
(i) Despite facing several problems after independence, today India is a major developing country of the world.
(ii) It is because of various reforms from time to time, that India’s economic development has paced up.
(iii) So, it is considered to be a global market.

Answer in brief:

Question 1.
What problems did Brazil and India face after independence?
(i) India was under the British rule for almost one-and-a-half centuries and it got its independence in the year 1947.
(ii) It faced several problems like three wars, famine situations in various parts and similar issues after independence.
(iii) Brazil gained its independence in 1822 after more than three centuries of Portuguese rule.
(iv) From 1930 to 1985, for more than a half century, it was under a populist military government and it faced global financial difficulties in the late 20th century.
Thus, both India and Brazil faced many problems post-independence.

Question 2.
How are Brazil and India different from each other in terms of location?
(i) India is located in the northern hemisphere of the earth whereas some part of Brazil lies in the northern hemisphere and most of it lies in the southern hemisphere.
(ii) India entirely lies in the eastern hemisphere whereas, Brazil lies in the western hemisphere.
(iii) India lies in the continent of Asia whereas Brazil lies in the continent of South America.
(iv) India lies in the southern part of the continent of Asia whereas Brazil lies in the northern part of South American continent.

Question 3.
Describe the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of India and Brazil.
(i) The extent of the mainland India is 8°4’N to 37°6’N latitudes and between 68°7’E to 97°25’E longitudes.
(ii) Indira Point is the southernmost tip of India.
(iii) It is located on 6°45’N parallel.
(iv) The extent of the mainland Brazil is 5°15’N to 33°45′ S latitudes and between to 34°47’W to 73°48’W longitude.

Class 10 Geography Chapter 2 Location and Extent Additional Important Questions and Answers

Name the following:
Question 1.
The second-largest populated country in the world.

Question 2.
The country is famous for its spices in the world.

Question 3.
The country is known as the ‘coffee pot’ of the world.

Question 4.
The famous dance form of Brazil.

Question 5.
Hemispheres in which India is located.
Northern and eastern hemispheres.

Question 6.
A continent in which India is located.

Question 7.
The latitudinal extent of India.
8°4’N to 37°6’N

Question 8.
The longitudinal extent of India.
68°7’E to 97°25’E

Question 8.
Foreign power which ruled Brazil for more than three centuries.

Question 9.
Independence day of Brazil.
7th September 1822.

Question 10.
Type of Government in Brazil from 1930 to 1985.
Populist Military Government.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Location and Extent

Question 11.
The latitudinal extent of Brazil.
5°15’N to 33°45’S.

Question 12.
The longitudinal extent of Brazil.
34°47’W to 73°48’W

Choose the correct option and rewrite the statements:

Question 1.
The second largest populated country in the world is _________.
(a) China
(b) Brazil
(c) India
(d) Russia
(c) India

Question 2.
Brazil is famous for ________ type of dance form.
(a) Salsa
(b) Samba
(c) Ballet
(d) Tango
(b) Samba

Question 3.
The country known as the ‘coffee pot’ of the world is _______.
(a) Brazil
(b) India
(c) China
(d) Pakistan
(a) Brazil

Question 4.
India is located in the ________ part of the Asian continent.
(a) southern
(b) northern
(c) northeastern
(d) western
(a) southern

Question 5.
Brazil gained independence in _______.
(a) 1890
(b) 1980
(c) 1822
(d) 1820
(c) 1822

Question 6.
Capital of Brazil is _______.
(a) Kabul
(b) Kaula Lumpur
(c) Brasilia
(d) Monaco
(c) Brasilia

Question 7.
Capital of India is _____.
(a) Patna
(b) New Delhi
(c) Dispur
(d) Chandigarh
(b) New Delhi

Question 8.
India was under ___ rule for almost one and a half-century.
(a) Portuguese
(b) African
(c) Russian
(d) British
(d) British

Question 9.
For more than a half-century, Brazil was under a _____ government.
(a) Populist military
(b) Monarchy
(c) Constitutional government
(d) Dictatorial
(a) Populist military

Question 10.
Most part of the of mainland Brazil lies in the ______ hemisphere.
(a) northern
(b) southern
(c) eastern
(d) northwestern
(b) southern

Question 11.
Brazil was ruled by ______ imperial power which also ruled a part of India.
(a) Portuguese
(b) British
(c) Indonesia
(d) Pakistan
(a) Portuguese

10th Std Geography Questions And Answers: